#they are fine ass qts
nctsworld · 1 year
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Things you learn in this fandom
You know what? These past days taught me that, some Army aren’t really homophobic and those who are actually allies don’t really dislike “assuming” that JK or Jimin are in a relationship with a man.
Because they had no problem giggling at that fake dating rumor between JK and Felix, they also had no problem shipping JK with Mingyu from a less than 2 mins live, no problem shipping Jimin with Taemin after a dance challenge was posted. 
The problem here is specifically associating JK with Jimin, i’m saying specifically because they also have no problem calling JK or Jimin with another member a “couple”. 
So now touching, eye contact and dancing together is considered romantic, a sign and hint of undying love HM. 
Again you don’t have to see Jikook as duo who are into a romantic relationship really, if you want to call us delusional, do your thing you’re free to do that, you are entitled to your own opinion on someone else’s belief (Still doesn’t give you the right to attack people for their beliefs that you disagree with tho just to make things clear) but going out of your way to completely belittle the bond between Jimin and JK?
At this point it’s not that you just don’t want to “ship” them, you absolutely despise the idea of them being even slightly close to each other. Motherfuckers over here trying damn hard to stick that “brothers” label on them, i swear if these people were given two choices on their deathbed either get a second chance for life or have more arguments to label Jikook as brothers they’d go for the latter.
And after oh so proudly deleting content about Jimin and Jungkook or not even posting about it their whole argument is “I don’t want to bring shippers into my account” while also posting about other “ships” and bringing the vilest of them all under their comments and qts.. 
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So this 
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And that
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And that
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Are absolute and undeniable proof of years of romantic feelings, yearning to be with each other and seek for freedom to parade the love of their lives. But this
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Is shipping two brothers from another mother and being absolutely delusional, disgusting shipper, making up stories of things the boys NEVER (they did) share with us, making up dates (that they very clearly went to), you name it. 
Again, as i said above, if one doesn’t want to “assume” there’s something more going on between these two, FINE it’s not like they’re making it obvious or anything you know, just two bros biting and sucking on each other’s skin, no homo tho. 
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But in all seriousness, you really don’t have to support them in that way if you don’t see them that way, you also don’t have to go out of your way to belittle their bond just because you don’t want to look like a “shipper” or don’t want to rile up the “jokers”. One can still appreciate a bond without necessarily seeing the romance in it and still be detached from a particular group of people they don’t really like to associate with, although they have no problem associating with a whole ass cult just saying.
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All in all, you’re not really being that “very good person” you oh so want to make yourself be by “not assuming someone’s sexuality or their relationship to someone else” you just really feel uncomfortable acknowledging that Jimin and JK are in fact very close towards each other, you just really don’t like their closeness that you would rather jump off of a cliff falling after baseless rumors of them dating different people than admit that they “might” actually be dating each other. 
With that being said, Jikook love each other and you and your opinion can sit on a cactus, you have other “matters” to worry about than Jikook being a thing. As our dear Jeremy F. said “Suck my dick and choke on it i yield my time. FUCK YOU!”
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badsithnocookie · 6 months
people who get weirdly hung up about the jedi proscription on romance frequently approach it, i think, from the same perspective as they would approach, say, proscription on romance for disabled people on the basis that they are disabled. it's a human rights issue, how dare you forbid people from forming relationships, love is a human right, etc. and it's like
you have. missed the point entirely
infantilisation of disabled people (no matter the disability/condition we are talking about) is bad because it is stripping human beings of agency to live their lives. but the whole thing with becoming a jedi (or a priest, or a nun, or anything of that ilk) is that like. it's a choice.
it is inherently an expression of agency, it's just one that you either don't like or just plain don't understand. it's as much making a commitment to a lifestyle as getting married and having kids. it something being done entirely voluntarily, as an adult. and if you're not down with it? that's fine! you do not have to get married. you do not have to be jedi. you do not have to join the circus. and if you do get married? you can get divorced. the problem isn't ending the commitment, it's pretending to commit while breaking all the rules on the qt.
it's 2024 and i am still exhausted by this stupid ass fandom
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teeth-cable · 1 year
Helluva boss fandom is turn into a cult that is very true. Fandom can be turn into a cult so whenever someone bring up some of the problematic thing that has done by certain individual the fans get defensive instead of holding accountable they infantilized the individual
When somebody bring up about how vivziepop is antisemitic, racist, the fans will always bring she doesn't know. Really giving a bad look it show how they don't care about valid concern and criticism surrounding helluva boss & it's creator
When a fandom grows in popularity and size, there is alway a belief it's now a cult. I don't believe Helluva Boss has hit peak cult status but it's bordering. Out of all the fandoms I've been in, Helluva Boss takes the cake for toxicity because instead of dumb kids being toxic to each other, it's grown ass adults who think it is totally fine to harass each other and children because they had criticism about the show or are against Stotliz.
This is a true story, a popular artist in the fandom @NOT_THE_BEEEES QT a tweet expressing their disappointment at the show for making Stolas, the damsel in the distress for shipping purposes (Stolas being tied up by Striker, this was before the EP aired) and then they RT their tweet with their own version of an evil Stolas and the fandom flipped. Adult fans were angry, spamming harassment towards them, insulting them, and being happy that a 17 year old was getting dogpiled because they criticized the show. Also during this, fans started to believe they straight-washed Stolas because their AU design for evil Stolas wasn't stereotypically gay. Bee had been critiquing the show and Stotliz for a while before then so the majority of the fandom hated them and were waiting for them to slip up, but they never thought to block them.
Same grown ass adults are also very blinded to Vivzie's past and the current valid criticisms around her but you know, damn well if someone else who wasn't Viv had the same controversial past as her and they slipped up, the fans would criticize them.
But to be fair the critical side of the fandom isn't free from this either. Some "critics'" advice is to ignore the show's good traits and the impact it has on indie animation to just stomp and complain how terrible Viv and the show is. People who clearly hate the show get easily work up and can't even write a cohesive critique without exploding from rage and critics forget Viv isn't the only one working on Helluva. Yes, Viv has more power as the directer of the show but they are still other people responsible for the bad writing, Adam and Brandon. Also we should focus more on how Viv's friends are toxic too. We tend to forget Viv's close friends, Sam, Sam Haft, Morgana Ignis etc are all as toxic and insufferable as she is.
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
“ is… that my shirt you’re wearing? ” for the question meme please! if i could be so bold, do it in reverse, hook wearing danhausen's shirt???
Hotels are one of the less predictable parts of AEW. In some cities, everyone gets their own rooms spread across a number of nearby hotels, and that is quite nice, because then Danhausen gets space to work on vlogs for the fanhausens. But in other locations, they aren't so lucky, and people have to get doubled up. This is much less desirable; not all of the others on the roster are nice. In fact, some of them can be quite rude, even if they aren't placed together. Danhausen still remembers the time his room was next to the Ass Boys and they played loud music all night against the wall, just to annoy him. (If he could have reached them, he could have cursed them into stopping, but they refused to answer his knocks at the door. Sometimes this happens. Danhausen has learned it's best to try not to take it personally.)
He doesn't mind being placed with Orange Cassidy, and he doesn't think he would have issues with Chuck or Trent (but they are always together because, of course, they are best friends!), but he isn't consulted in the decisions. This feels like a significant oversight.
However, the hotel lobby he is standing inside now is even less organized than the previous ones. It appears that the staff wasn't aware of the room issues and needing to double-book their guests. Many of them are running around from computer to computer in various states of agitation. (One has already disappeared into the back room. Danhausen hears some sniffles through the door, and feels a bit bad, even though none of the accommodations are Danhausen’s fault.)
"We're very sorry," one of the clerks says. He has some very aesthetically-pleasing glasses. "We're trying to pair people as they come in, so if you wouldn't mind waiting..."
Oh, no. Danhausen doesn't like this plan. He's afraid that one of the Ass Boys will walk in next, or worse, a member of the Factory. Of course, he's strong enough to curse them if they try anything, but it's not very comfortable having to sit curled in the closet all night. (He really doesn't like to think about that time.)
He does not like to admit being nervous, because naturally, Danhausen is capable of handling any situation that comes his way, but his stomach has twisted into small knots, not much larger than molars, probably. The sensation gets worse when the door opens, but he is in luck, because it isn't QT Marshall, but Hook.
"Ah," Danhausen says, a quick exhale. "This will be fine! Danhausen can room with his good friend Hook."
The clerk's expression is dubious. He looks as though he is a little afraid to ask Hook to pair up with Danhausen. In fact, his face twists a lot like Danhausen’s stomach had been when he turns to Hook and asks, "Ah, sir, I'm very sorry to have to ask this..."
Hook doesn't wait for him to finish. He just nods and holds his hand out, palm up. Danhausen thinks the clerk might actually melt into a puddle of relief when he hands the keycards over. Perhaps he thought Danhausen was a much more evil demon, and was concerned about the safety of the other party. Silly, but understandable.
With both keys, Hook taps on Danhausen's shoulder, jerking his chin towards the elevator.
Danhausen hears a very audible sigh of relief behind him as they make their way out of the lobby. He hopes the unfortunate staff has a better night once everyone has arrived. Hook doesn't say anything when he hits the button, but Hook really doesn't say much most of the time anyway. Danhausen is fine with this. Hook communicates in a lot of different ways; humans are the ones obsessed with mouth words.
"Danhausen is very glad it was you," Danhausen admits, quietly, while they wait. Hook gives him half a smile. (In terms of Hook smiles, this is a very big smile, so Danhausen is happy.)
The room is normal, as far as hotels go, with one notable exception.
"Perhaps they have made a mistake," Danhausen says. "They are, after all, very stressed. There is only one bed here. Maybe Danhausen should call down."
Hook just shrugs. He doesn't seem very concerned. Then he snaps his fingers and points at the far side of the room. "Window side."
He sets about unpacking some of his duffel. If Hook is fine with things, then Danhausen does not wish to bother the staff with more problems. It's not a concern, since it's Hook. (The Ass Boys would be a different situation.)
Danhausen decides to order them room service, as it is already late, and flying in human airplanes makes him quite tired. He wishes they could figure out a faster method of transportation already. He asks Hook what he would like, and gets another shrug. He thinks this probably means chips. Those aren't on the menu, but they are in the vending machine, so he goes to get a few bags while they wait.
Hook seems pleased when he returns. Hook is a nice room partner. He doesn't care about Danhausen talking to his fanhausens through the camera, and he doesn't make a mess, save for the empty chip bags. He is even agreeable enough to wave at the camera from his slouched position on the bed, wearing his headphones, which Danhausen thinks the fanhausens will really like.
Danhausen's phone dings a few minutes after 10. "The cars are scheduled to pick us up at 8 tomorrow," he says, just in case Hook didn't get the same message. He probably did. Danhausen thinks he might get messages earlier because his father is a famous suplex machine.
Hook gives him a thumbs up.
Danhausen takes a shower, and then lets Hook do the same. It's pretty late by the time they end up shutting the lights off. Overall, the room assignment has been better than Danhausen could have hoped for. Maybe he could request that he and Hook always get put together. But then he gets worried. Maybe Hook does not wish to have to stay with Danhausen all the time. Human interactions can be very confusing, and Danhausen very much does not wish to mess things up with Hook, who is a very good friend. He never acts like Danhausen is a bother, or says rude things. In fact, he is probably one of Danhausen's very best friends.
(Here, Danhausen understands why Chuck and Trent always room together. It's very comfortable.)
He must go still for a long time, because Hook rolls over to look at him from the opposite pillow. "What's wrong?"
"Ah, well, Danhausen was just thinking it would be nice if this was always how the room assignments were. That maybe he could request it."
He thinks Hook will not like the idea. But Hook just nods, illuminated by the street light outside. "Okay."
"Okay?" Danhausen repeats. He is...surprised. Happy, but surprised.
Hook is smiling. It's almost a full smile, which in Hook smiles, is probably equivalent to a loud display of joy, maybe even with jumping up and down. "You're ridiculous," he says.
"Danhausen gets called many things, but not that, very often."
"Turn over." Hook pokes at his shoulder until Danhausen complies. Then he tugs his pillow closer, adjusting it with a complicated series of fluffs and pats, before slotting himself behind Danhausen’s body and slinging his arm across Danhausen’s stomach.
He settles in, mumbling a bit against Danhausen’s shoulder.
This...is much, much nicer than any of the other paired hotel stays have ever been. In fact, this is probably the most comfortable Danhausen has ever been. (Oh! Maybe this is why Chuck and Trent always stay together. Danhausen will have to ask them later.) He suspects he can fall asleep very quickly.
He's right, too. (Danhausen usually is.)
The next morning, he is a bit slow to get up and moving. Danhausen does not really enjoy mornings. Hook is better at getting ready at an appropriate pace. In fact, he is halfway out the door before Danhausen realizes he can't find his shirt.
"Has Hook seen..." Danhausen stops. Stares. "Is that...Danhausen's shirt? That you're wearing?"
It most certainly is. Hook just offers him the 3/4 smile, the very large one, and says, "See you tonight," before darting into the hallway and letting the door shut behind him.
It takes awhile for Danhausen to follow him out, only because he has a great, great many questions, all of which he is reasonably sure he knows the answer to.
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maximuswolf · 2 years
Coffee felt like a meth high?
Coffee felt like a meth high? So I've had my fair share of coffee drinking. Some days 3 cups.. some days 1 cup. I have been on a carnivore diet the past month and a half (besides coffee haha) and took a whole week off from drinking coffee. Then after that week without it, I went back to drinking about 1 cup a day maybe 1.5 cups at most with some butter and salt for about a week. Here's when it got weird. Yesterday morning at around 4:30am ( only slept 10p-230a that night) I decided to run down to my local QT to grab a Medium cup of their Dark Roast. Everything was fine.. got home around 4:50am.. played some video games as I was drinking my coffee I suddenly felt a panic/anxiety sensation set it. I'm 28yo and have experience anxiety/panic, since I was 7yr old. But I've NEVER had this feeling from coffee. I have had my fair share of drug abuse from 16-23 on and off and have used cocaine and meth quite a bit. As this coffee was "setting in" it literally felt like a meth high/come down, just minus the intense euphoria if that makes sense? I drank the Medium cup of dark roast at 5am and it lasted until 12pm noon the same day, until I decided to take two tylenol PM's to calm me down. Hot chest... anxiety out the ass. Typical for a meth come down for me in the past. Has ANYONE ever felt anything like that from coffee? I legit feel the coffee was laced with something lol or was extra extra strong (I've had the same coffee from QT before and was fine). I really would like some answers or explanations. It felt like the coffee buzz was never going to stop bro.. shit was weird and im hesitant to drink coffee now LOL sheeeesh. Submitted March 19, 2023 at 07:55AM by Natural-Night6677 https://ift.tt/JnXgBOI via /r/Coffee
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montanabohemian · 2 years
anyway some jack ass on twitter posted a shitty take about paris hilton writing a book. as in, "how dare that bimbo moron with the sex tape write a book and be invited to npr to promote it" (i'm only sort of paraphrasing).
anyway, fucking loser got rightly called out for his misogynist bullshit. and instead of just ... i don't know, deleting the tweet and saying, "sorry that was really insensitive" or something. he qts himself and ~aPoLoGiZes~ and then sidesteps and digs in further by saying "except actually i'm right because she's a terrible person anyway."
like she delivered some seriously heavy testimony to help get some legislation passed about youth groups or something IN MONTANA. (basically the work she's been advocating for for years because of the abuse she suffered.) and this fucknut is like, "yeah but she's rich and she did these things in the past and supported these people so any good she does now doesn't count."
someone advocating to stop abuse is a big deal. someone who survived and happens to have a MASSIVE platform and shit ton of money using those resources to do good? my god that's what you want these people to be doing. and for the record, i thought we wanted people to be able to change and be better people???? LIKE WHAT???? are they not allowed?????
anyway i launched into him and he got big mad about me continuing to call him a misogynist and tried to tell me that he's not and that his behaviour is just fine.
you know. typical bro behaviour.
i just. i don't really care about paris beyond the advocacy work she does. but men on the left are genuinely just as bad as those on the right. they are. and they try and justify their behaviour as some sort of holier than thou bullshit. no. fucking choke.
my last missive to him was to bitch about a memoir written by a white man with the same enthusiasm and he goes, "well why don't you send me some examples." and i had to stop myself from sending him to google to look for himself.
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Eleven to One: Punitive Punishment
Male Reader x Kim Minju and Ahn Yujin
Length: 3033 words
Tags: punishment, spanking, fingering, mind break, rough sex, degradation, insults, brat!Yujin, girls making out, doggystyle, cunnilingus, squirt, gag, shytoslut!Minju, hair pulling
TW: degradation, a little bit kinda dub-con
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for collabing with me. Ty, qt!
(A/N: another instalment of the Eleven to One Universe! Minju’s punishment had to happen one day, right? ;))
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"Wh-where are we going?" 
Minju's scared voice with its sweet, innocent tone makes you feel guilty and excited at the same time. You feel the sweat building up in the palm of her hand as you guide her to the elevator. Yujin walks behind her, bare body pressed onto Minju's back while her hand covers the older girl's eyes. 
"I think I know where Daddy will guide you," Yujin says with a horny smirk. Intentionally, you lose your cool. 
"Yujin, shut the fuck up!" 
You harshly slap Yujin's round ass. The echo bounces off the walls and through the cramped elevator. Minju shrieks and tenses in your hand, while Yujin can barely keep her moans hidden.
The elevator ride up is a tense one for Minju. Your hand grips her while you send death glares to Yujin who has a knowing smirk. You shoot up to the upper levels of the high rise and practically bolt down the hall to your room. At times like these you regret not buying a bigger apartment with rooms to spare just for all the sexual fantasies in your mind, but the timing of this is just too perfect, so the living room will have to surfice. 
Slowly, you guide Minju to your large leather couch. Her knees still tremble, even after she sits down. Yujin obediently continues to remove any light from falling into her Unnies orbs. 
"Now, Minju, you need to be punished," you say in a slow, almost threatening manner. Minju flinches and whines as you pinch her adorable chin to feel her soft skin.
Minju manages to whine out. 
"I'm-I'm sorry! I didn't know—I thought, I thought Yujin would appreciate that. I'm so sorry, p-please don't punish me, please don't kick me out of this place. I promise I'll never do something like this ever again, please!"
"It's too late to bargain now," you whisper. Suddenly, your hands rub over Minju's jeans-covered legs, up to her thighs. Gasps and mewls fill the room, most by Minju, but some from Yujin as well. She fidgets, creating friction to stimulate her slit. 
"We are going to play a game Minju. It's very simple. Yujin, you will also participate." 
Your girlfriend bites her lower lip and nods seductively. She is barely able to keep Minju's eyes shut, her arms shaky and sweaty. Tension rises between the three of you. You savor every second of fear and uncertainty running through Minju’ veins. Quickly, your fingers find the hem of her pants and harshly, you pull down. 
"N-no, s-stop. I'm so-sorry." 
"You want to move out tonight, Minmin?" you say in a strict tone. 
"N-no, please. Don't—" 
"Then we play the game, okay?" 
"Very well." 
A simple hand gesture, and Yujin backs off. Minju looks adorable with her messy hair, trembling lips and scared orbs. You can't help yourself: before explaining the rules, you peck her cheek. 
"Nothing to worry about. The game is about answering questions truthfully. So as long as you don't lie, everything is fine. For you at least." 
Point at Yujin, who looks equally horny and surprised. 
"Come over here, naughty baby girl! For every question Minju takes too long to answer, I'll use your body as I wish. Understood?" 
"Yes, Daddy." 
"Y-yes,” Minju adds when you look down at her small figure.
"Minju, tell me about your first kiss." 
"What? What does that have to do with anything, I—" 
The time has already run out. Minju took too long to answer and so you yank Yujin's hair aggressively.
"Not an answer, Minju. Focus, okay?" 
You force Yujin to kneel onto the couch. Her face is right next to her Unnies. Parts of her hair you still pull tightly, the rest a chaotic mess. Yujin smiles in needy ecstasy. 
"Uhm, my-my first kiss was, I—" 
"C'mon, tell me about it. Who was it?" 
"I... can't, I—" 
Your free hand sends a shock wave through both your girlfriend and her friend, although only one of them got hit. Yujin's cheek, already rosy from the heat in her body, turns fully red now. She sinks head first into Minju’s lap, making her scream:
"Ah, what are you—" 
"Minju," Yujin interrupts, drool rolling from her tongue and onto the elders thigh gap, "It's fine. Don't worry about me or the secret. J-just tell him."
"My first kiss was with… Yujin." 
You smirk liking where this was going. 
"Oh? Do you like my Yujin? Do you have a crush on any of your IZONE members?"
"Y-yes. I-I kissed Chaewon too." 
You release the make-shift ponytail of Yujin's hair and rub her soft chin with love and care. She purrs and you closely inspect Minju's reaction. The brunette beauty's eyes widen. She stares at Yujin's puckered lips. Taking her by surprise, you do the same to Minju's chin. It's equally soft, and so you put your plan into action.
"Minju, how do you feel about me? What do you think about Yujin and I? Do you like us together?"
"Uhm, I—hm!" 
With both your hands, you guide their lips together. Yujin is proactive, pushing her tongue through Minju's lips and going all in with her entire body. Minju's wide open eyes become smaller and smaller as the initial shock fades. Her lids fall down and she leans in as well. The punishment, the game, maybe even you, disappear from her mind for this intense moment. Saliva is sloppily exchanged, the sounds get lewder and lewder. 
"Uhm, Minju? Where is your answer?" 
It's impossible for her to respond. No words can come out of her occupied mouth, especially when the other girl climbs on her lap and pushes her deeper into the cushions. However, this is not an excuse to escape the punishment.
You yank Yujin's hair again and pull her slightly away from Minju's lips. 
"I asked you a question. Answer it, Minju! What do you think about Yujin and I? Do you like us together?" 
"I, I like you both. You look great together." 
"You're not fully honest. Tell the truth!" 
Spank Yujin's ass once. Its wobble is always worth a long glance, but when you can do it over and over again, why only stare? You hit it again with more force. Yujin shrieks and moans, while Minju scrambles to find a response. 
"F-fine. Fine! I love you both! I envy you for having Yujin and I—I envy Yujin because of your p-p-penis." 
Minju is red all over. If she could move her hand, she'd probably hide the plainly obvious flush of embarrassment, but Yujin securely pins them away. 
"Very good, Minmin, you are being honest I see," you chuckle, satisfied at the answer. If not for your hold on her brown strands, Yujin would've probably overwhelmed Minju and smothered her in sucks and kisses. Not that you wouldn't like to see that, but there are still sets of questions in your head. 
"So, how often do you masturbate Minju? How does it sound?"
Another smack on Yujin's ass. 
"How often do you masturbate Minju? How does it sound? More importantly, who do you masturbate to?"
"I don't... I don't masturbate that often." 
"Liar," you shout. With a sigh, you line up your ring and middle finger with Yujin's wet hole and insert them slowly. Yujin releases a wanton groan of bliss and succumbs to moans as you start to curl your digits. 
"How. Often." 
"E-everyday, all the time! I think about Ch-Chaewon a-and Yujin." 
Silence from Minju, mewls from Yujin who rests her head on her friend's shoulder and plays with her chestnut strands.
"Tsk tsk....You only think of those two? What about Hyewon unnie or Eunbi unnie? Or me? You don't ever think of me?" 
You pull your fingers out of Yujin for a second, inching closer to Minju, you get closer to her. 
"Want to know something Minju? I've fucked them both. Your Hyewon and Eunbi unnie. They are mine, just like Yujin." 
You raise those fingers that were just in Yujin's hole and bring them to Minju's face.
"Really?" Minju says, but her voice lacks surprise. She is too deep in trance. The rosy hue on her cheeks makes her look drunk, even more so her glassy eyes that cross-eye your slick fingers. 
"Eunbi-unnie... and Hyewon-unnie," Minju repeats in a low, barely understandable tone, her lips a centimeter away from your digits. 
"Answer me—" Your energetic, amused interrogation abruptly ends when Minju's lips part and her tongue attacks. Gently, yet swiftly, she pulls you into her mouth, licking every single drop of Yujin's nectar.
"Does Yujin taste good, Minju? I'll let you have her juices as a treat every once in a while, only if you behave, do you understand? You'll be a good girl for Daddy won't you?" 
Yujin smirked, knowing that mere question would start a wholly unholy relationship with Minju, but unlike herself, Minju would actually obey.
Minju is passionate. Her eyes are closed, your fingers enter deeper, until your knuckles disappear. She will certainly choke, yet there is no hesitation and so her first gag appears. It's violent, yet cute at the same time. Before she tears up, you retrieve your fingers with a quick pull. It trips up Minju, who's eyes open wide in disappointment. For a second she lingers, then her sense of reason returns—or at least a bit. 
"Oh, uhm, what? I-I..."
You smirk. 
"Let me ask again: you'll be a good girl for Daddy won't you?" 
You say almost like an enchantment, awaiting the hypnotic gaze of her eyes. 
"Do you want more Minju?"
"Yes. Give me more of Yujin's... ju-juice." 
"No, no," you say, jokingly sophisticated, "You have to say the magic word first." 
"Hm? Oh! Uhm, I, please, uhm... Daddy, please give me... more." 
"Very well then." 
Yujin giggles in enjoyment of the scene before her. She looks stunning, mesmerizingly beautiful, adorable with her smile and pink cheeks. That's exactly why you take her by the waist and slam her roughly to the side. The couch is easily large enough to spin and pin Yujin next to Minju. With one hand, you press down on Yujin's throat, with the other you pull down your pants. Your solid cock springs free. 
"Daddy, yes!" 
"Shut up, whore! You'll be a love-liquid-dispenser today. Squeeze it all out!" 
"Make me~"
You slam yourself into Yujin with rage. Her brattiness is something to be conquered and the way to do it is by breaking her perfect body, by shaping her insides to the form of your cock. With nothing else on your mind, your rampage begins once more. Multiple thrusts per second. Yujin screams continuously. Her mouth doesn't close, even as the sound dissipates. Her tongues still hangs out due to your rough fucking. She is feeling the taste of heaven at the tip of it. 
Making Yujin cum like this is an easy task for you, but it's not even necessary. In fact, this bratty bitch doesn't deserve an orgasm today. Your goal is to make Minju yours by giving her Yujin nectar—and then your cum, to mark her as your obedient baby girl. Pump into Yujin with groans, hands never leaving her throat. 
You look over at Minju, excited to see her reaction. It surely doesn't disappoint: the brunette beauty wants to look shocked, but she just drools from the corner of her mouth. Her gaze is stuck on Yujin's body until you pull out. Perfect timing. Yujin cries out her frustration of being edged. Good. She deserves this and a thousand spanks on her fat ass. 
"Here, Minju. Take Yujin's juice straight from my cock." 
"Oh, uhm..." 
Minju's brain seems to lag. Whatever it is of the many things that transpired in the last couple of minutes, it keeps her from reacting in the way you intended. Instead she looks with glassy, mindless eyes from your face to your cock to your face to Yujin's pussy—Yujin is rubbing her clit. 
"Bitch, no orgasm for you!" 
Harshly, you slap Yujin's hand away and hit her cunt at the same time. A genius plan by your girlfriend. It made her cum in the past and after this edging session an orgasm immediately takes over her body. 
"Fuck, yes! Daddy, make me squirt!" 
Angry at Minju for once again being the catalyst for Yujin’s disobedience, you grab her hair and yank her head down towards Yujin’s heat. Pull Minju’s jaw down to open her mouth. Clear spurts of Yujin's squirt shoot into Minju's mouth. She catches most of it with her tongue and moans like she was the one being fucked silly. 
Each second seems to pass slowly. Minju’s eyes roll into the back of her head. She drinks right from the source and makes Yujin’s white as well. Large, healthy thighs wrap around Minju’s head to hold her in place, but Minju does not make any advancements of wanting to get away. This might just end her punishment, and your plan still came to its ultimate goal.
"Drink it all up. It's the sign of our new contract." 
You lower yourself next to Minju, who is still diligently gulping down the juicy load. Give the messy looking, completely hazed, gorgeous woman a peck on the lips. 
"Do you want to be my good girl, Minju?" 
"Yes, Daddy." 
"Fantastic. I'll be merciful for you today and let you have as much of Yujin's pussy as you'd like, but no touching yourself, understood?" 
"Y-yes, Daddy, thank you." 
Minju looks genuinely happy and excited like someone who just won a grand prize. All she got, however, is a Daddy and an exquisite pussy to eat out to her heart's content. 
Yujin's gasps for air  are replaced by soft hums as Minju starts to lick slowly across her wet folds. The brunette being so enchanted by her vulva makes her almost forget that her Daddy walked to his special drawer. In this moment of smooth, uninterrupted pleasure, Yujin does not realize how you get behind. In a split second, you push a red ball into her mouth and secure it around her head. You speak in a devilish hiss to put the utmost emphasis on your words: "I swear to heaven and hell, if you remove this thing and I hear a single sound from you, I'll throw you out. Nude. With a plug in your ass. In the middle of the most crowded street in Korea. You'll only wear clothes in the house that I have approved of and remember: Minju is my girl too."
In a final tease, you rub your stiff length across Yujin's aroused and terrified face, just to withdraw it again. Yujin does not deserve anymore cum today. She might be your designated and tightes cumdumpster, but you know how much she likes it. This is to show her how serious you are today. 
"Minmin," you say sternly, "get on all fours. Lick as much as you want. Your pussy is mine though."
Usually shy and hesitant Minju wastes no time and adjusts her position accordingly. Occupied with her Dongsaeng’s sex, she only squeals twice, one time when you pull down her jeans and panties and a second time when you penetrate her slick, drenched pussy.
Sure, there is a lot to admire about your newly acquired baby girl, from the perfect shape of her body, beautiful back, cute moans, firm ass, exceptionally wet pussy, yet desperation gets the better of you. You just want to finish quickly and Minju has the perfect hole for this endeavor. You can’t wait to see Yujin’s disappointed eyes when Minju is pumped full instead of her. 
“Minju,” you say, hiding the inner smirk with a bland expression, “I have a great name for you: cumdump. You like it?”
Minju pulls out her tongue from Yujin.
“Thank you, Daddy. Yes, I do.”
As you pick up the pace to fuck Minju harder, Yujin becomes green with envy. This is her position, the perfect name for her, but right now, Minju takes the pounding. She does it like a champ and Yujin can’t be angry at her Unnie. Nearing her second orgasm, she throws her arms upwards. From your angle, you admire Yujin’s clean, smooth pits. Then your eyes wander to her breasts that jiggle lightly. Finally, you look at Yujin’s orgasmic face of jealousy.
Minju gets filled with hard, rapid thrusts. Your hands leave imprints on the pale of her skin with how tightly you squeeze it. The consumption of Yujin’s juice makes her tighter and in a final rush, you unload into Minju. This is to spite Yujin, so you groan excessively, like it’s the greatest orgasm you ever had.
The loud ring of your phone pulls you out of this performance. Nonchalantly, you pull out of Minju and look at the bright screen. Hyewon’s number. For her, you don’t have to leave the room. The girl’s in the back can moan however loud they want, Hyewon is not allowed to complain.
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“Master, I did everything you asked of me! Please, breed your bitch!”
The voice through the speaker is definitely Hyewon. Not CEO Hyewon. The new Hyewon you created. Still hard working, smart and tough in negotiations, but with new attributes: needy, submissive, breedable. A perfect slave that will make you billions of dollars.
“Did my slut get the contract through the board of leaders?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Did my slut send the contract to my company?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Did my slut do all the paper w—”
“Yes, Master!”
You scoff.
“Did you just interrupt me? Know your place, whore!”
“I’m sorry, Master.”
“What are you?”
“A worthless collection of holes.”
“And what do you deserve?”
“To be shamed in public and sold as the useless bitch slave I am.”
Her answers have gotten more and more interesting, self-deprecating and degrading to the point where you just want to fuck three loads of seed in her pussy day in day out. She probably sits at home and fondles herself, actually believing the things she says.
“Very well. I’ll be at my apartment in a couple of minutes. Be ready.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“I’ll give you a legacy tonight.”
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Hiii! I’d like to see both romantically and platonically matches if that’s okay? I’m 5’1 and a bit on the curvier side, she/her, I’m a Gemini, my personality type is isfp-t and my love language is physical touch and quality time if that helps. I love horror movies but slasher films have a special place in my heart since I grew up watching them. I can start off very quiet and reserved with people I don’t know but I can be a very affectionate and loud person if I feel comfortable enough. When I’m around friends I’m either the mom friend or the one without a brain cell, it usually depends on the person I’m with. If someone brings up a topic that I’m interested in that’s usually a quick way to get me talking but I’ll have a hard time shutting up afterwards lol. There are times when I tend to isolate myself from others whether because my social meter is full or I’m just having one of those down days. 🌸 can be my emoji
Heeeya bby. Unfortunately it was either or, so Im gonna go with romantically for this one.
So, romantically, I feel like you match pretty evenly with both, maybe a bit more towards Billy.
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- Mom friend or the one without a braincell, Stu can work with both those modes lol. Dote on him or make the dumbest of jokes and you've got him in your hand. Billy also loves your dumb jokes, but be careful of the mothering around him.
- Please rant about whatever topic you want to them. Stu enjoys a good ass conversation, and Billy enjoys people who can zero in on one topic and tell him about it (granted it's a topic they're interested in.)
- You and Stu would be one hell of a chaotic duo. Alternatively, you balance Billy out well. This is where I see it getting close to the middle of the scale. Stu's LL is mainly PT and Billy's is mainly QT and WoA., so your LL matches their well!
- Isolation is fine to Billy, he understand and actually works the exact same way. I may be a bit harder on Stu to understand why you have the need to hermit, since his social battery tends to always be set on ON. But he'll come around if you tell him that that means he can have you to himself more.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2022 - Initial Thoughts
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Back in the Meij era of New Japan, during the beginning of AEW, it was said it'd never happen: and nobody believed that for a second.
3 years later here we are, validated by that skepticism. AEW and New Japan Pro Wrestling's first (and hopefully one of many) supercard hit the airwaves last night/early morning because UK times, and after some radio silence I have finally gotten around to watching it and giving you some of my quickfire thoughts on the show.
Spoilers for the event of course
Before I start anything I will address that people saying this card was 'cursed' because so many injuries are happening around it are being silly. Yes, the injury list AEW has is large, but we know nothing about all the return dates, and honestly only 4 wrestlers on that injured list were needed to be replaced on the Forbidden Door card; Punk, Ishii, Hiromu and Danielson. The show isn't cursed it's just that injuries had poor timing.
A big plus for AEW going back to multiple matches because DoN disappointed me with having the one buy-in match. Granted we could've slotted another women's match but given NJPW's track record we're lucky we got even one.
Love that we also have a Japanese ring announcer...who's having his own mini feud with Justin Roberts XD
Interested that they started with the Factory, but I guess Yoshi and Goto are a crowd pleaser, Goto's music is a grandiose banger too
We can complain a lot about how irrelevant the Factory are, but you cannot deny that QT gets the crowd reaction needed
Surprise match of Comoroto vs Archer, it was a lot more even then it seemed on paper, wonder if that means something for Comoroto
Chicago time is whiskey time
Lee got the pop, and the fist bump
Yeah could I inject about 10 20 more of Swerve vs Despy please and thank you?
I loved that tag match ngl that was main card caliber, had technique and story (I only bet against Swerve and Keith getting undone because Despy looks to be eyeing up the Pure title)
And Ricky 'Thank you for getting the reference' Starks and Hobbs did show up in Forbidden Door at least
I love the Acclaimed & the Ass Boys, they're my idiots, the pop was nice to hear too, the rap was good too
Oh Danhausen XD With the Ass boys song
Man Knight's got leaps
4v2 and my idiots still win, that surprised me. Thought the Dojo boys would pull an upset, but this one still has story
Main Card
Clever to get the JAS shenanigans out of the way, while also pulling on the popularity of Judas, Kingston and Suzuki
Kingston with that world champion level pop, ON SIGHT
Say what you will about Jericho but he bumped for Yuta so much that the crowd went rabid
I loved this match, though I think you could've added Takeshita and Taichi (or DOUKI for the BOSJ connection) to make it better, maybe seeing Tay get friendly fire dead again because that's always a pop and she sells great. Of course Jericho won because of the lopsided veteran level and Blood & Guts setup but I ain't mad
Kinda wish RPGV came out with Statlander and Chuck, or at least any Chaos guys, or Sue!
Jeffery Corn is still one hell of an athlete, no offense to him and Great-O-Chad but tbf I would've had Aussie Open in this match instead
Man Dax got injured early, that sucked
But he came back! Are we worked or shot?
FTR: 7 OF THE BEST. Great match, Dax really making a point of being Wrestler of the Year
Juice, phrasing...
Ah, they aren't New Japan tables though
Connors was of course a downgrade from Ishii but damn did that scrappy lad get over
Great finish as well, beaming for PAC finally getting some gold. Black will need gold soon though
It kinda saddens me that former world champ Shingo is KOPW champion. Also no special gear from the Dudes with Attitude, I was hoping Darby would do the NJPW Lion half-face
This is Ye Olde Young Bucks here XD
Ah ELP, WCPW/Defiant boys represent! But the nipple cripple? Really?
Sting did forget his spot there but it's fine, it's all good fun, he is in his 60s after all. The match ended soon after anyway and it was a nice fan pleaser
JAS you don't attack Shooter! How darest!
Lord does Rosa serve with the gear
The match was shorter than expected but it was still a good match
A lot do criticize Rosa's reign but between this and Deeb I'm hoping a corner's been turned. We also have to be grateful that Tony got this match on the card, it may not have happened had both not had Stardom ties
Bringing JR for flippydoos? Strange choice
No new music or gear for OC, too lazy for either
This is Anime in wrestling form
Again, love him or hate him, Billy Bird Bridges is a heck of a wrestler, wish he still had Elevated as his theme though
That was a 2.999 as I ever saw one
LAWD that final third was incredible, I was expecting a great match but, LAWD
SHIBATA!? I was expecting Chuck for the save but SHIBATA!?
Even made a nod to the cameraman theory
Dude one-armed ZSJ from the outside, up the steps and threw him into the ring
I was 90% sure it'd be Claudio, because he's a perfect fit (it was not missed that my post with him and Regal started making waves too) for BCC and he can still fill in the 'beef with Kingston' part of Blood & Guts. But it did beget a question of the outcome, which is why I considered the Time Limit Draw
The story of Claudio having the strike power but ZSJ having the grappling was well told, it may've gone on a little too long in the middle portion - though to be honest I do have a limit with submission style wrestlers - but it was a good finish, welcome Claudio!
I got to the 4 Way and realised that it was just this and Mox/Tana left, this show has flown by
Still would've preferred the old IWGP World Title belt, also for Red Shoes to be reffing, Bryce and Aubrey are great but Red Shoes is like NJPW royalty of reffing
I did not expect Cole to be the one to make the first betrayal shot but it definitely makes sense, I expected Hangman to go for Okada though
Man, Okada's just so fucking Crisp. These are 4 of the best wrestlers in the world right now, and none of them 'look a particular way'
The match ended abruptly though, it was good, but it could've been more, didn't even get a Rainmaker. Seems like an audible was called with Cole getting injured, he walked on his own
To the dude who had the 'Pay MJF' sign, that's not the problem man, AEW have said multiple times that they're willing to pay him what he wanted
Should've expected the blood with a match like this, though I did wonder if Blood & Guts would've led to hesitation
Did...Did Tana just do the Kamigoye??
It was another good match, but it also felt cut short a little bit, I wonder if there was a timing problem
I don't think the big brawl was necessary to end things, especially since that shaved minutes off the match, but it is a matter of AEW having Blood & Guts 3 days later.
Overall, I freaking loved this PPV. Granted, there was some low spots with the abrupt endings of the World title matches (women's included) and a brawl ending, plus the looming presence of Blood & Guts and the unfortunate injury bug, but that low is still on the good bar. When your worst match is still good, you know you've done great.
Now that we've proven that Forbidden Door is a success, we should start planning next year to invest more into it. I'm talking all the stops; I want 2 days so we can give talent more time, I want more matches that use the talent pool, I want to see TJPW and Stardom involved so we can get more women's matches, and I want it to have its own specific slot that's not between another PPV and special episode.
If I were to pick my favourite match, it probably has to be Ospreay vs OC, just inching ahead of the All-Atlantic 4-Way because of that final third. But when it comes to whether I was entertained, surprised and invested throughout, the answer is Yes, Yes and God Yes.
Match Results and Predictions
Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) def The Factory (QT Marshall & Aaron Solo) [Pinfall by Goto on Solo via Reverse DDT/Spinebuster combo] Lance Archer def Nick Comoroto [Pinfall via Blackout] Swerve in their Glory def Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado) [Pinfall by Lee on Kanemaru via Jackhammer] Max Caster & Gunn Club [Billy, Austin & Colten] w/ Anthony Bowens def NJPW LA Dojo [The DKC, Kevin Knight, Alex Coughlin & Yuya Uemura] (Pinfall by Caster on DKC via Mic Drop) Minoru Suzuki and Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara w/ Tay Conti) def. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta & Shota Umino [Pinfall by Jericho on Umino via Judas Effect] FTR (c) def United Empire (Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan) (c) & Roppongi Vice (Trent? and Rocky Romero) [Pinfall on Romero by Dax via Big Rig] - NEW IWGP TAG CHAMPIONS!! PAC def Clark Connors, Malakai Black and Miro [Submission on Connors via Brutalizer] - INAUGURAL AEW ALL-ATLANTIC CHAMPION!! Dudes with Attitude (Sting, Darby Allin and Shingo Takagi) def Bullet Club (The Young Bucks & El Phantasmo w/Hikuleo) [Pinfall by Takagi on ELP via Last of the Dragon] Thunder Rosa (c) def Toni Storm [Pinfall via Final Reckoning] Will Ospreay (c) w/Aussie Open def Orange Cassidy [Pinfall via Hidden Blade] Claudio Castagnoli def Zack Sabre Jr. [Pinfall via Ricola Bomb] Jay White (c) w/ Gedo def Kazuchika Okada, 'Hangman' Adam Page & Adam Cole [Pinfall on Cole] Jon Moxley def Hiroshi Tanahashi [Pinfall via Death Rider] - NEW INTERIM AEW WORLD CHAMPION!!
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dal3ks · 4 years
all nighter
pairing: peter parker x female reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: angst, references to sex, cursing, teasing, oral(receiving), marking, smutttt, both characters are of age! 
a/n: this is the sequel to my fic “the project”! i will link the first part below if you would like to read it! i hope you guys enjoy! 
the project can be read here!
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“okay,” your chemistry teacher clasped his hands together, “i know you all are extremely stressed about the final, but it won’t be too bad, i promise. the projects earlier in the semester should help cushion your grade. i can promise you all that it will not be a tough final exam. it is cumulative, but i do have study guides. m.j., would you like to help me pass around the study guides?”
m.j. smiled wryly, “of course.”
biting your lip, your fingers trembled slightly as a study guide was placed on your table. currently, your grade in chemistry was sitting at a solid B. granted, it was an honors course, so the grade was weighted, but nonetheless, you loathed your grade. you felt miserable about it, no matter how much your parents reassured you that it was perfectly okay to have a B. 
you felt a slight flash of gratitude for your parents, as they were very understanding and supportive when it came to your academics. there were some kids in your class who would have gotten their ass chewed if they even had an A-.  
nova, your best friend, was one of those kids. she had an A, and was still reaching for an A+, taking as many extra credit opportunities as she could. she was skimming over the study guide, flipping through the packet and highlighting points. in your head, you knew she didn’t need to study that much. to her, chemistry came easy.
“how are you feeling about the final?” nova turned to you, her eyes displaying her emotion. she was curious, pondering your answer.
“stressed,” you mumbled, averting your eyes away from her gaze.
she frowned, “what are you stressed about?”
“the final,” you mumbled, a wave of embarrassment flooding through you. you felt stupid compared to her.
nova’s eyes softened, “it won’t be too bad, i promise. you have my help, along with peter and ned. m.j. can help you study too.”
at the sound of peter’s name, you glanced over in his direction. he was sitting next to ned, flipping through the study guide as well. you couldn’t help but think about the night the two of you worked on the last project. your mind wandered to how he fucked you, the way his lips felt against your skin. if only your class knew of all of the dirty things that innocent boy said to you.
the current status of the relationship between you and peter was unknown. the last time the both of you hung out was the night you worked on the project. however, the two of you talked constantly. over text, over facetime calls, and at school. one morning before school, peter invited you over for some cuddling, but you had to decline because you were running late.
your phone vibrated on the desk, and you picked it up. it was a text from peter, his name lighting up on the screen. eagerly, you swiped left, reading the message.
peter: study session tonight? it can be at my apartment this time. a little birdy informed me that you may need some help.
“you told peter i needed help, didn’t you?” you glared at nova.
“c’mon,” nova smirked, “who would turn down help from peter parker? maybe he can be your tutor in more ways than just one.”
“shut uppppp,” you whined a little too loudly.
peter turned around, giving you a questioning stare. you just shrugged in response, heat filling your cheeks. he rolled his eyes playfully, then said something to ned. 
you squirmed slightly in your seat, thinking about how good peter’s tongue felt against your pussy. god, you wanted him bad.
the thing was, no one knew about you and peter. not even nova. well, she knew you liked him, but she didn’t know all of the details. you loved that things were lowkey. if they weren’t, you’d get endless torturing from m.j., ned, and nova.
smiling, you typed a response, i’m down. since it’s a friday night, i could probably stay the night. i could just lie and say i was at nova’s. is your aunt in town? or does she have a date with that happy dude?
you set your phone down on your desk, awaiting the brunette’s response. a part of you was proud for being so bold. after all, you just wanted to spend some time with peter. you really liked him, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. another part of you wanted to ask him if there was the possibility of a relationship in the future. and if he wasn’t ready, you’d be patient.
from the sound of it, the boy had a lot on his plate. between school, his stark industry internship, and his aunt may, peter was stressed. a part of you was concerned about him as well. peter missed school in bouts of spontaneity. you’d see him one class, and then the next he would be gone. it was especially concerning when he was gone for days on end. you figured it was something to do with his internship, but you weren’t quite sure.
peter had a lot of secrets, and you wanted to know them all. the biggest secret you wanted to uncover was what his internship at stark industries entailed. why he disappeared so much, why he came back injured, etc. and also, why he never talked about his work. was it all really that confidential? you wondered why such a shy and sweet boy came back with black eyes and scratches all over his arms. it worried you. a lot more than you wanted to admit.
peter: may is out of town. i’m okay with you coming over. does right after school work or do you need some time to pack your stuff? actually.. how about around five? can’t wait to see you qt.
after reading his message, you couldn’t help but smile. he was so cute. so it was decided, you would see peter around five, where you would stay the night at his apartment. excitement rushed through your veins, giving you a slight adrenaline rush.
once school was over, you rushed home. although there was no real reason to rush, you were extremely excited to see peter later that evening. you gave a quick greeting to your parents, then ran upstairs to your room. closing the door, you reached into your closet for your overnight bag.
there were way too many outfit options. yet, you knew peter didn’t care too much about you appearance. he called you beautiful all the time, whether you were in sweats and no makeup, or jeans and just some mascara. peter liked your personality. he liked the traits that made up who you were.
you shoved a pair of sleep shorts into your bag, along with an oversized hoodie. the outfit you had on, leggings and a university of illinois crewneck, would have to do. the crewneck was actually peter’s. he reluctantly gave it to you one morning before class. the fabric no longer carried his scent, which made you sad.
however, you changed into a sexier bra and underwear. you slid into a red lace thong, matching it with a red bralette, which left nothing to the imagination. after getting dressed again, you sprayed on perfume, the same one you used the night peter came over. you brushed your hair, fixed your mascara, and made sure your legs weren’t too prickly. you knew peter didn’t care, though.
as you walked to peter’s apartment some blocks away, you put your earbuds in. since it was the beginning of december, the city was bustling. christmas lights, trees, and santa were plastered everywhere, yet it was beautiful. people passing by you had armloads of bags, which you knew were christmas presents. it started to snow as you walked, the flakes drifting to the pavement in slow motion.
soon, you approached peter’s apartment complex. you trudged up to the building, ringing the buzzer. the door opened automatically, and you messaged peter to let him know you were heading up. after climbing an endless amount of stairs, you were finally at his apartment.
your knock was soft, and the door swung open instantly. there stood peter, clad in a tight fitting black shirt, and grey joggers. your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes took in his fit body. you couldn’t help it, as he just looked so fucking good.
“like what you see?” peter’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
you blinked, registering he noticed your stare, “oh, fuck yeah. oh, i mean, um. yes.”
“i mean, i have no complaints about what i’m seeing either,” he flirted, shooting you a wink.
who was this boy, and where did he come from? how was he suddenly so confident? was this kid a werewolf? these were the questions running through your mind. yet, you liked this side of peter. it only made him a hundred times more attractive.
peter allowed you in, you biting your lip anxiously. it’s not like you were anxious to be with him, you just weren’t sure what to expect tonight. however, the apartment caught your eye.
it was a quaint, cozy space. it just gave off the vibe of coziness and happiness. there were framed pictures of peter covering the walls, along with a variety of awards and accomplishments. peter sat down on the couch in the den, turning on the t.v. you followed, setting your book bag down on the floor.
“i’m going to turn on the office for background noise,” peter stated, “if that’s okay with you.”
you nodded enthusiastically, “that’s okay with me! where do you wanna start? honestly, i have no preference. i need help with all of it.”
“wherever you wanna start,” he pulled out his laptop from his own book bag, setting it on the coffee table, “however, this is strictly studying, (y/n). no funny business.”
his tone was slightly commanding, and you couldn’t help but blush at his statement, “okay, that’s fine with me.”
peter grabbed your face gently, his thumb caressing your cheekbone, “there’s something i have been wanting to tell you for a while.”
“and that is?” you raised a brow.
“can i make you mine? i mean, not like in a property kind of way, but like, uh, i want you to be my girlfriend. i want you to be my girl. i want to start taking you out on dates, along with start showing you off. i know i have left you in the dark for a little while about my feelings, but i promise you that i really really like you,” his eyes met yours, warm with affection. his tone was hopeful, as if he was awaiting your response eagerly.
“i really really like you too,” you murmured, leaning in. peter kissed you, his lips soft. his other hand rested on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him.
“(y/n),” he pulled away, “we have some studying to do.”
“i know, i know,” you groaned, opening your chemistry textbook.
“i have an idea,” peter announced, “how about i set up a reward system for you?”
“reward system?” you snorted, “i’m not a dog, peter parker.”
“i know,” he huffed, rolling his eyes, “i meant more like i reward you if you get the correct answer.”
“how are you going to reward me?” you scoffed. yet, you could feel your anticipation building. you knew exactly how this was going to work. you just wanted to hear the words come out of peter’s mouth.
“get an answer right and you’ll find out,” he smirked, shooting you a wink.
“let’s get started,” you sucked in a breath, biting your lip.
part of you was also a little nervous to be studying with peter. hell, the kid was so smart, he could solve almost every equation. it intimidated you slightly, but you knew peter would be gentle with you. nova, on the other hand, would call you “dumb” or “stupid.” besides, spending time with him was a bonus as well.
“anything specific you want to start with, princess?” the last word of peter’s question caught your attention, “i am happy to help with you anything you’re confused on.”
“i think we should start with balancing equations,” you replied, pointing to the section in the study guide.
peter grabbed your hand, placing it on his thigh, “okay, what do you need help on?”
“what are you doing?” you asked, your voice faltering slightly. your hand was dangerously close to the imprint on his joggers.
“you’ll find out,” he murmured, his eyes focused on the study guide, “which part don’t you understand about it?”
you swore you could feel your cheeks burning. the sexual tension between the two of you was too much. you wanted nothing more than peter to just rip off your clothes and fuck you right there on the couch. but you wondered what this game was. why he was holding back. you figured he was just as turned on as you were. his jaw was clenched as your hand was still on his upper thigh.
“just the beginning,” you answered. “okay,” peter nodded, scrawling down some notes on your paper, “i am going to write out a problem for you to practice with. don’t worry, i am here to explain anything you don’t understand or grasp. get it right, and you can touch me.”
“what if i don’t get it right?” you bit your lip.
“you don’t get to touch me,” he responded, his eyes meeting yours.
“fair enough,” your replied coolly.
taking your hand off of peter’s thigh, you glanced at the problem he created for you. you started it, realizing how much easier it was with his notes. maybe studying with him wasn’t so bad after all. you got to spend time with him, and get free tutoring.
peter watched as you solved the problem, his eyes following your movements. you asked a few questions, and he gave you encouragement. once you were finished, you showed him your final answer. he took the paper, reading over it.
“well,” he gave you a small smile, “you got it correct.”
his lips crashed into yours, and his tongue licked your bottom lip, begging for entrance. you let him in, and he began to kiss you hungrily.
“fuck chemistry,” peter shook his head, “i need to study you.”
“why didn’t you say so in the first place?” you teased him, giving him soft kisses under his jawline. you continued down his neck, sucking on his skin slightly.
“baby,” he groaned, “if aunt may sees that, you’re never coming over again.” he scooped you into your arms, taking you by surprise.
he carried you into his room, laying you down on the bed, “let me take care of you properly, princess.”
“please,” you begged, yearning for him to touch you. you didn’t realize how badly you wanted it till now.
“take off the hoodie for me then,” peter instructed. in the dim light, his eyes were dark with lust, “i can’t believe you came over in my hoodie thinking i wouldn’t do anything about it.”
you obeyed, slipping the hoodie off your body. once peter saw your bralette, his jaw clenched, “goddamn.”
“what?” you laid back down, anticipating his next move.
“this looks so fucking good on you,” you could tell he was speechless, “that’s what.”
peter kissed you, then began to place wet kisses down your next, and onto your collarbone. his fingers reached towards your back, where he undid the hooks on your bralette. carefully, he took it off, throwing it to the floor. he placed his mouth on your breast, sucking on the skin. a hand dipped into the waistband of your thong, his thumb circling slowly on your clit. as he did so, your moan echoed through the room.
peter knew exactly how to pleasure you, and you loved that about him. even if he was not very experienced, he knew how to make you wet. he knew how to make your moans echo through the room. he knew how to make you cum.
“you’re such a good girl,” he paused, “i love it when you’re loud for me. it’s so hot. i want to taste you.”
“do it then,” the words tumbled out of your mouth.
“as you wish, princess,” peter murmured.
his fingers hooked the fabric on your leggings, and he pulled them down your legs. as he took them off, he placed soft kisses on your thighs. once your leggings were off, he took in your half-naked figure, enjoying the sight of your lace thong.
“do you want this off?” he referred to your thongs.
“yes,” you nodded, “please.”
peter took your thong off, casting it to the floor as well. he parted your thighs, and said no words as he dived into your pussy. his tongue slowly dragged up to your clit, and your fingers laced themselves in his hair. he watched as you moaned his name, enjoying every second of it. his mouth found your clit, sucking slightly.
you could feel how close you were coming to your orgasm, but peter stopped, wiping his chin. you realized how wet you were, as your thighs were slick. the sheets beneath you were soaked slightly as well.
“baby,” peter’s voice was low, “i need you.”
you sat up, your hands reaching for the waistband of his joggers. peter threw off his shirt, watching as you dragged the pants down his thighs. his cock was hard, and you licked the tip, your tongue dragging across it. he moaned, a hand grabbing a fistful of your hair. slowly, you  took his cock into your mouth, your hand at the base, as the other cupped his balls. you could tell that this was driving him crazy. you also needed him bad.
you paused, and without warning, peter flipped you onto your stomach, arching your back. he held your arms back, and took you from the back.
“holy fuck,” you groaned.
“you feel so good,” peter moaned as his cock slammed into you.
as he fucked you senseless, you could feel your orgasm coming. peter must have sensed it, as you felt his thumb on your clit, going in slow, circular motions, “are you going to cum all over my cock like a good girl?”
“i’m gonna-” you began, feeling the tension building up.
“come on princess,” peter instructed, “cum for me.”
you came, feeling pleasure overwhelm you. peter’s cock slid out of you, and you felt him cum on your back.
“stay here,” he instructed, “i’ll be right back baby.” he disappeared, coming back with a warm towel. he cleaned you up, helping you off his bed. once you were off, you changed into your pajamas as he changed the sheets. he changed himself, remaining shirtless as you climbed into the bed with you.
peter pulled you close to him, rubbing your back gently, “i hope you do know that i have full intentions of helping you study later.”
you giggled, “i figured.”
“i’m sorry i can’t help myself when the most beautiful woman in the world is in the same room with me,” he laid a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“i’m so glad i have you,” you smiled.
“me too,” peter sighed happily.
“i have one question though,” you began.
“and what’s that?” he inquired, rolling you over so that he could see you.
“what’s it like to be the friendly neighborhood spider-man?”
what peter forgot to hide was the bright red and blue suit out in the open, hanging next to his closet.
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kkoongiee · 4 years
txt scenarios — taking soobin on a date ‹𝟹
prompt, soobin x reader maybe? something soft that involves flowers and kisses
## fluff % gn!reader % wc: lazy brb [ kissing, soobin is a qt, no cursing omg?? ]
Tumblr media
so u were searching on tiktok, obviously .. but u came across like these cute ass videos with picnics,, u knew u just HAD to do this with soobin
u tell soobin all about it n u demand u GOTTA participate in the trend
ofc he agrees??
he already said he fine with being dragged along so i mean he was totally ready for u to want to do this
(weekly idol fueled my soobin with his s/o who is hyper af and he is dragged along everyday to do whatever they want ^_^)
yeth he will be ready whenever lololol bc hes like that despite having a busy schedule & ur like :(( well baby gimme some time to PREPARE 😡
so u make cute lil cakes, decorated so cuteee and u kinda dont wanna eat em 🥺 but ur like oh whaalee all in the name of love
hehe u research the perfect spot and it’s soo cute + u set up how ur gonna do this with like a lil basket n cute cups n plates 😭
even the blanket is cute af u wanna make this perfect for u n him :]]]]
u got his hand in urs and ur dragging him along, soobin half tripping behind u
he is kinda amazed u prepared all of this??? like he would never have half the brains to prepare this??
anyways u r like, glass now hand, now stick into cake
soobin is vv confused as to why he is using a wine glass to cut into a cake rather than a knife???? but oh well
u also bring plenty of other snacks because this is UR free day and on UR free day u demand soobin break his diet .. he is honestly glad u ask him to he misses bread and other snacks
also the place is so cute, it’s kinda chilly so binnie might just give u his sweater,, gentleman is trying to earn brownie points
ur like omg pretty flowers and a cute caterpillar LEMME GRAB THEM??? soobin is like that’s probably got so much germs and bacteria on them???
u grab the smallest daintiest flower & put it in his hair before he puts it in yours because blech germy flowers
oh whale worth a shot, soobin is definitely more focused on devouring this cake by himself 🧍so u let him and then let out a sigh LOUDLY to grab his attention
he stops mid forkful of cake, holding out the plate for u,
ur like .. 😐😐 i know u didn’t just hold out cake when u know exactly what i want
takes him a minute,, but he gets the gist of it and points at his lips, ur eyes lighting up and he gives u the most crumbiest kiss ever — literally he didn’t wipe off his lips 😭
anyways u pack up, the day turning into nighttime and ur enveloped right next to soobin in his coat 🥺
yeah u didn’t bring a jacket just so u could do this .. also just imagine soobin with like a 4’9 - 5’2 person
yes i threw in 4’9 because i am 4’9
hehe u r just happy to get to go out on a date with him!!
even if it’s just that, u still love them even though he did eat most of the cake 😐 anyways ur happy because u do not want bighit to make him into a tiny twig
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bisluthq · 3 years
the fact that Taylor and joe didn’t breakup during qt just goes to show they’re soulmates and I bet your ass will be married with several kids and one of those 10+ year old couples
I mean that’s also dramatic lol a lot of people didn’t break up - some had issues that brought them closer, some just loved the whole thing and took next steps, and some were like “whatever this is fine” - but I will say like if you got through 2020 the odds of a breakup anytime soon decrease substantially it’s true.
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zerosocialskillz · 4 years
About myself
You can call me Zero or Rainbow.
Nonbinary, any pronouns (particularly she/her)
AroAce (So what if I have no bitches?)
Lives in Japan so timezone is JST
Icon by me
Sona looks like this
If you are going to ask me to donate to something, please do not use the askbox for that purpose. I will assume it’s a scam and delete it, regardless if it’s for a good cause.
What I post
Reblogs of (or original)
Fanfiction (reblogs are rare, and I usually write them)
Fandom shit in general
Random shit
Interests and fandoms (hyperfixations in italics)
Story-driven games
Cat (cat)
Mild gore (...Should I create a side blog about this?)
Kirby (Zero my beloved…)
Ultrakill (GabV1el my beloved)
Kaiwai songs
Madness Combat (Hank my beloved…)
Friday Night Funkin’ (Comfort character: Boyfriend & Hex)
QT lore (sideblog for it is @isinhumanoutyet)
Ace Attorney (especially Godot, and maybe Phoenix)
Cocotama series (I draw cocotamas at @dailycocotama)
Famicom Detective Club (especially Emio)
Social media
Pixiv (I don’t use it much tho)
osu! (yes I play osu)
…that’s it, really. Unless you want to see my Twitter account, that is.
Tags and crap
Some of them are for your viewing pleasure, but others are usually recurring comments.
My art: #my art
My music: #music
Fanfiction: #fanfiction
Nsfw and suggestive shit: see here.
Some stuff I wanted to say for whatever reason: #attempts at socializing
Art of my OTP that are very gay (+ some gay-ass jokes): #gay gay homosexual gay
Basically @blorbotag, but it’s before it existed: #blorbo
Me talking about my blorbos: #blorbo talk
Other people’s OC that can be mistaken with actual canon ones (although they’re mostly about Banksy…): #others’ OCs
Dreams from my sleep (not the Minecraft YouTuber): #Dream
Stuff that I say at the dead of the night: #late night ramblings
Blazed posts and their notes: #blaze shenanigans
Sone funny shit: #*wheeze*
Some very funny shit: #*big wheeze*
Some seriously funny shit my stomach hurts: #*big-ass wheeze*
All things wholesome (in my opinion): variants of #(*´ω`*)
Userboxes that apply to me: #userbox
Misinformation that is corrected within a post: #net zero information
Cat: #cat
…And many more comment-type tags
...as you can see, my tags are usually straightforward.
Important links
Some hand exercises for Splatoon and shit
An informative post about the dreaded shadowban
I will reblog this when I lose the game. Also, you lost the game.
I will reblog this when I win the game! It’s different from the other one.
My asks are currently open! You can ask me about the currently defunct Love & Sorrow AU, the currently running Zero of the Skies series (Amaterasu’s reading ‘em) my two ULTRAKILL AUs that technically are the same universe until they aren’t because time travel, or some random-ass shit. Standing on New Grounds AU asks go to @standingonnewgrounds (even if you do ask here I’ll reblog it to there so feel free to ask here)
When drawing, I use MediBang paint for art, and ibis paint for making memes. Yes, I’m using a painting software to make memes. Don’t ask.
This blog is cool with LGBTQ+. Likebombing is fine.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Not The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ has a thing for you. Unfortunatley, it just isn't the right time.
Word count: 1,929 (give or take. did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mention of cheating, drinking, drug use (weed), swearing, not proofread so probably spelling mistakes, I think that's it.
Quick rundown because I have more of these than usual cause this one is slightly more descriptive of the reader (aka you): s/c = skin color, e/c = eye color, h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color, h/t = hair type (curly, straight, etc...)
Me somehow breaking out of my Rafe phase for a minute to write something JJ related? Yes, I am just as surprised as you are.
JJ lounged in the hammock in the backyard, drinking his third beer of the night with a book next to him. This was a routine for him at this point. While you were out with your boyfriend, he went into the backyard to drink away his sorrows and stayed up until you got home to make sure you actually got home.
The nights when you texted him that you wouldn't be coming home, opting to stay at your boyfriends instead, were the worst for him.
If you asked JJ, your boyfriend was an asshole. He never liked him and probably never would. However, you were his best friend and roommate since you both graduated from high school so whatever made you happy was fine by him.
It just sucked that he wasn't the one who made you happy the way your boyfriend did.
JJ often found himself mesmerized by your beauty. Your beautiful (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes often entranced him which usually caused you to nudge him.
"You good?" You'd ask.
"Absolutely peachy." He'd grin.
After all, How could he not be peachy with you around?
He noticed the way you'd play with your (h/l) (h/c) (h/t) hair mindlessly when you'd be focused on a movie or the way you picked at the skin around your nails when you got nervous.
JJ sighed as he crushed his now empty beer can and reached for another that sat in the cooler next to the hammock.
"Woe is me," he whispered, popping the tab of the new can.
He brought the can to his lips but pulled it away when he heard the front door open and close which caused a confused expression to cross his face.
He didn't hear a car pull up and drop you off like usual since your boyfriend often picked you up.
"Y/N!" He called, hoping that you'd hear him and that it was actually you and not an intruder.
He grew quiet as he heard faint footsteps from inside and the sliding glass door slide open.
"Yeah, it's me." You answered.
Your voice was barely above a whisper which caused JJ to turn his head to face you.
"Come join me for a drink." He waved you over, not being able to make out your face in the darkness.
You shuffled closer to JJ and the faint glow from the solar lights you guys had casted upon your face. JJs face dropped at the sight of yours.
"Oh my god. Y/N," JJ immediately dropped his can on the ground.
The contents spilled onto the grass as he took in your appearance.
You eyes were red from crying, black smudges of mascara on your face and your nose was slightly red, more than likely from the irritation of you constantly wiping it on your sleeve.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asked as he pulled you into the hammock.
"He's been cheating on me." You whispered, your voice hoarse as you laid on him.
He took in a sharp breath and his arms tightened around you. "How do you know?"
"He left his phone at the table when he went to the bathroom and I answered it. Before I could say anything a woman's voice came through and said hey baby. When I suggested she had the wrong number since this was my boyfriends phone, she said no this is Brett's number and that's when I knew."
JJ rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head.
"I am so sorry Y/N." He whispered.
You shrugged, feeling numb.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you noticed the book next to him. "Whatcha reading?"
JJ took an arm from around you and grabbed his book.
"A book of Edgar Allan Poe's works." He answered.
"Can you read to me?" 
JJ nodded as he opened the book. "Want me to start from the beginning?" 
"You can if you want." 
JJ flipped to the first page. "The Cask of Amontillado." He began as you made yourself comfortable.
After half an hour, JJ stopped and looked at you. Your eyes were closed and your mouth was slightly open. JJ smiled as he made himself comfortable in the hammock. You looked so peaceful and he wasn't about to risk waking you up just to try to get you in your bed. 
He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.
The next morning, you woke up with a small headache and placed your head in your hands.
"Hey, I made you scrambled eggs with cheese and those ham cubes you like along with some bacon." 
Your head turned towards the voice and you saw JJ walking over with two plates of food, setting them on the patio table that was placed a few feet away from the hammock. 
JJ walked back inside as you stood up and walked over to your breakfast. You stretched as JJ came back with a bottle of apple juice for you and a beer for himself, pulling out his chair before sitting down.
"I was thinking since neither of us work today, we could steal the HMS Pogue from John B and go out on the marsh. Just the two of us. smoke some weed, drink some beer. You know, the usual." The blonde suggested, popping a piece of bacon into his mouth as he did. "Hell, maybe even just stay out there the entire night. We'll pack plenty of food.“ 
You stayed quiet and forked some eggs into your mouth before reaching for your apple juice, attempting to open it. After a few unsuccessful attempts, JJ held out his hand and you gave the bottle to him. He opened it with ease and gave you the bottle back. You took a drink before returning to your food.
Technically, he wouldn't be taking the pogue without John B's permission. He had talked to John B about taking it after a call this morning, telling him what had happened. John B had said the boat was all his for the day and all JJ had to do was to let him know when JJ was planning on confronting Brett so he could get a few punches in.
"So…me, you, and the Pogue out on the marsh?" JJ asked again.
You sighed. " I don't know, J. "
"Okay, I know that last night was rough and I'm 100% sure Brett will get what's coming to him, but today is about making you feel better and I know theres nothing you like more than chilling in the middle of the marsh with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other, maybe some swimming beforehand." He saw you thinking about it and knew you were leaning towards yes so he drove it home. "Plus you like sleeping under the stars and you're always napping on the boat. Why not combine them?" 
You bit your lip, the idea tantalizing.
You nodded. "Okay but don't be all mad cause I'm all mopey." 
"I won't. I'll be fishing while getting high with my best friend." 
" I thought JB was your best friend?" You smirked.
JJ placed a finger to his lips and sent you a wink. "Shh. Our little secret." 
You sat on the blanket-covered floor of the HMS Pogue, a joint being passed between you and JJ as you sipped on a beer and ate the abundance of food JJ had brought with.
It was hours later, darkness had fallen and the stars had come out.  JJ had stopped at The Wreck to order a shit ton of food before you took the Pogue out and paid for it all despite you offering to pitch in for half.
"Oh no no no. Rule #1 of friends supporting a friend whos been broken up with: the one who has gone through the break-up doesnt pay for anything the day after."
"Oh yeah? Who made that dumbass rule Maybank?" You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised.
"Uh, I will have you know JJ Maybanks Rules To Help A Friend Through Heartbreak is a number one best seller." JJ shot qt you.
"Oh yeah. I bet that that fake ass book is raking in all the fake ass dough and your signing plenty of fake ass boobs at your fake ass book signing." You nodded.
"Actually, the fake ass bookstore that is holding my fake ass book signing doesn't allow boob autographs. Something about it being inappropriate apparently." He grinned.
You took a bite of your sandwich as you passed the joint to JJ. 
"You know what JJ?"
He hummed in response as he took a hit off the joint.
"This was really nice and I had a really great time today." You grinned.
JJ smiled, happy that the smile was back on your face. " I'm really glad Y/N/N. You know you deserve this, right?" 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer before taking the joint back from the blonde.
"I'm serious, Y/N. You deserve this and way more. You deserve someone who can give you everything you need and want." JJ scooted closer to you.
"If I deserve everything like you say I do, J, then why wasn't I good enough for Brett." you whispered.
JJ took the joint from your hand and placed it in the ashtray he had set on the floor before moving next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling your body into his side.
"It's not that you weren't good enough for Brett, Brett wasn't good enough for you. He's a damn fool for letting you go. I've heard Kooks like Topper talking about how bad they want to date you. If a Kook wants to date you, a pogue who hangs out with me who every Kook hates, that means you're a pretty remarkable person." JJ told you.
You felt yourself smile at his words. "You always know what to say, J. Sometimes, I wonder why you haven't used that intelligent brain of yours to woo yourself a girIfriend."
 JJ scoffed at your words.
"I'm serious JJ. You are so much smarter than you think you are. Both streetwise and bookwise. You read me Edgar Allan Poe last night as if it was your first language and didn't even stop to ask me what any words meant like you usually do around the others. You shouldn't hide your smarts, J. Smart you is way sexier than dumb you." JJ felt himself blush and you ruffled his hair as you turned your body to face his. "I wish you let everyone else see the JJ Maybank I see."
JJ sighed. "I don't woo any girls with my words cause it's either not the right time or not the right girl." 
"Come on JJ. You're 20 years old and you mean to tell you haven't met one girl you didn't want to be in a long term relationship with?" You asked through a mouthful of sandwich, hand covering your mouth.
"I never said that." 
your eyes widened as you swallowed your food and took a swig from your beer. "You like someone right now!" JJ rolled his eyes. " Oh my God. Maybank, spill! What's stopping you from going after her?"
JJ took the blunt from the ashtray and took a long slow drag before turning his blue eyes onto your e/c ones. "Like I said, not the right time. I have to wait until I think she's ready for a relationship."
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omegatheunknown · 3 years
AEW Double or Nothing 2021
In which the spirit of WCW is alive in confusing and delightful ways and we are left to parse whether overbooking and extracurriculars are offset by having actually very good wrestling happening at the same time.
- Lessons learned from Revolution on the production side? Maybe just cool it on pyro, though the rappelling adventure in the Stadium Stampede showed some of that now-characteristic 'trust us it'll look better on TV' flair. Hot crowd tends to paper over most woes, and the crowd was pretty hot. My one gripe is that the casino theme is hanging around like yesterday's takeout containers. Nothing wrong with clinging to a theme, I just think it's time for season 2. My suggestion? Under the Sea.
*Pre-Card Serena Deeb (C) v Riho for the NWA Women's Championship (***1/2) - Serena Deeb's star has finally risen. She's a remarkably consistent technician and she can get a match out of anyone at this point. She's working at the level of Mercedes Martinez or Madison Eagles at this point, it's amazing that she was overlooked or considered fit only to be a coach for so long. With the NWA belt she has this new swagger, she's basically everything Tessa Blanchard might bring to the table with none of the downsides (Serena has a lot of friends and seems like a lovely person, even!) - Riho's back and here to stay. Her time in Stardom didn't do much for my evaluation of her, which is that there are many better wrestlers that would be better representatives of the joshi style and she's merely pretty good. - The match was very good. Serena showcased a champion's aggression against a sympathetic Riho, they really work well against each other, Deeb's technical prowess against Riho's flexibility led to a very dynamic finish.
*Main Card Hangman Adam Page v Brian Cage (***1/2) - Here the shenanigans start. Brian Cage is on Team Taz, Team Taz has nothing else much to do tonight, so why wouldn't Team Taz flex their muscles, bait us with HOOK, etc? (Because it would be nice to have some variety in the card in terms of a match where one competitor stands across from another competitor?) - Hangman is (checking notes) yeah, still over as fuck, as befits the Anxious Millennial Cowboy. Cage terrifies me, he's a child's drawing of a body builder. He do be very agile for a man of his immense musculature tho. They match up well, Page is biggish for a flyer, Cage loves to play catch. Nothing much to write home about, other than Hangman's beautiful moonsault to the floor and what was overall a very good curtain jerker. - Okay fine, I am curious about Cage's reluctance to lean on the goons, Starks can't come back soon enough.
The Young Bucks v Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (***) - I will not be referring to Mox & Eddie as (The) Wild Things because it gives me 'he calls it the wacky line' flashbacks for some reason. - The Bucks have to cheat and abuse Rick Knox's attention span constantly to be on even footing with Mox & Eddie, which is a clever sort of thing that gets washed out by the appearance of LG and Karl Anderson, which again, is cool in a vacuum but was the story of the evening. - Pace was weird - repetitive in eliminating Eddie, then Mox fights back, failed hope spot, Bucks team up, Eddie saves x2/3 in a row. - Mox, unlike Cody (in so many ways,) will probably actually be taking some time off with Renee, which is the kind of thing I would prefer not to know in terms of booking, but they really uh, put him down on the canvas here, and it felt pretty finale-esque.
Casino Battle Royale (n/r, but on the balance pro) - Any changes to the theme of the PPV would likely include changing up the nonsense suit format of these largely joyless slogs. - Obviously anticipating a NJPW talent, or... I dunno, actually -- Lio Rush was a surprise. Got in a quick demonstration of his otherworldly quickness, and you know what, there's probably a fun place for him in AEW. He'll need some friends, of course, feel like Team Taz might fit his temperament. I wonder if he was aware of the Mark Henry news... - Christian does not need to win this kind of match to get a title shot, obviously, but that said it was super lovely to use him to give Jungle Boy the shine. Jungle Boy would be a license to print money if he was even as big as Hangman. - Could register some continued griping about how Penta is not getting his due in AEW but he also literally was dressed as the Joker so I'm low on sympathy on this one particular night.
Anthony Ogogo v Cody Rhodes (*) - I did not like this. It's hard for me to read jingoism as a face move to begin with, and Cody's was egregiously tone deaf and kinda silly yet delivered without a trace of irony because Cody doesn't do irony on purpose, ridiculous neck tattoo aside. - Great argument to be made that Ogogo just isn't experienced enough to be winning matches against Cody. But like, what are we doing here? Cody needs to take some time off, maybe. I thought that's what was happening when he had his mini feud with Penta that really just ended in quick decisive Cody win. I though maybe Cody was being turned when QT and The Factory snapped-- sure, they're a group of impotent player 2s, but Cody is an out of touch elitist with a callous and manipulative streak. Alas, also no. America #1. - Cody is approximately 8 times as tough as Billy Gunn based on his weathering of the one punch man. Match ran a bit long given how little there was to go on. Cody gigged? Quelle surprise. - Cody had the best match on the card like, 3 out of the first 4 AEW events or something, and that was all booking and storytelling. I do hope Cody follows Moxley's lead into a little sabbatical.
Miro (C) v Lance Archer for the TNT Championship (**1/2) - Card's hossiest hoss match, a quick burst reminiscent of a car wreck. Absolutely hit on what it should've hit on but a little slow moving considering it went all of 10 minutes. - I will not complain about Jake the Snake, who I love. And also the gimmick spot, with Miro very astutely yeeting what was definitely a snake in a bag (surely.) back down the tunnel.
Dr Britt Baker, DMD v Hikaru Shida (C) for the AEW Women's Championship (***) - Picked up a lot of steam toward the end but seemed a little toothless (heh) until the last five. - Shida 'deserved' some more time as champion in front of crowds but also it's time to let heel Britt reach her peak, I can't even imagine how obnoxious she can be as the champ, it's going to be great.
Sting & Darby Allin v Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky (***1/2) - Such is the power of STING that I feel like I might be underrating this match... I mean it was an okay match about very simply getting some revenge and the sixty year old man did a very subdued Code Red and a slightly less subdued dive. He's also Sting. They missed an opportunity in calling it the 'Scorpio' Death Drop, but the main takeaway here is you see something like this where it's The Icon and you start to understand why WWE trots out their legends to come out of incredibly still kick ass without bending their knees. - The difference, I guess, is that Sting is absolutely being used to build up Darby Allin, whereas it's not like the fed brought back Goldberg and his attendant aura to pump up... anyone but Goldberg?
Kenny Omega (C) v PAC v Orange Cassidy for the AEW World Championship (****) - Off the top I have to say I'm very sad that the rest of the Galaxy's Greatest Friends were seen only very briefly, nice of them to bring OC's backpack. - Also have to point out that PAC's promo featured one of my favourite jokes, that Kenny must be short for Kenneth as a sort of legal/birth name belonging to a professional wrestler. (See also: Samoa Joseph) - And Mr Cassidy certainly did try in this match, ragdoll sells and all. Kenneth and PAC are absurd talents who bring aerial, power and technical maneuvers in equal measure and OC is not doing any of those on the same level, but he picked his spots, showed his genre savvy and hung in there to the point that he wasn't just the fall guy. - The extracurriculars continue in a match that was already a little overboard for silliness due to asymmetry... I think if you're the Invisible Hand it would've made sense to save up all your tricks for this match, but who am I to question the golden goose? - Sure, Kenny and Don ran the classic heel manager interference spot and taking out the ref in desperation spot but having to take out the ref because PAC wouldn't break the hold is fun, as is the stupid/inspired sense in running the 'smash opponent with the belt' spot four times so as none of your heavy gold prizes feel left out. (I love that AAA Mega Championship, they weren't on TV so we get to see it?) - "Fuck You, Don," indeed.
The Inner Circle v The Pinnacle in 'Stadium Stampede II' (***1/2) - This one had to grow on me for two reasons, first that it's usually pretty unforgivable to co-opt the main event spot from the championship match, and second to law of diminishing returns on dumb gimmick matches. - But grow it did. There's a full on meat locker? Commentary will refer to a cardboard cut-out of Shahid Khan as Tony Khan's father (that's canon now,) and Jericho will lovingly pat it? Konnan happened to be the DJ at whatever night club there is a Jaguar Stadium? Spears surrounds himself dramatically with chairs and his hoisted by his own petard? - Ultimately it comes down to letting Sammy shine. His involvement with the Inner Circle has sometimes come at the cost of being able to showcase that prior to AEW he was an ascendant talent in PWG, on his way to Ricochet level feats of acrobatic excess. Still feel like Sammy could've/should've been the one tossed off the cage a few weeks ago, but even better is being the guy getting the pin in the ring.
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