#they are really giving me a bright spot to get through this bs
seer-plants · 1 year
So the ex moved out and left me a nice empty apartment and I had to gather almost half my plants so the movers could take his furniture.
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How I know I will be just fine after this breakup: all I can think about is discovering how much more room I have for plants now.
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gallavichthings · 3 years
Artist’s Spotlight - Steorie
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Drum roll, please!! It is my great pleasure to introduce as our first artist interviewed in this new series, the one, the only, Steph aka @steorie! Do you want to know more about one of the most prolific artists in the fandom, the one behind several fandom-famous fanart (including our lovely icon)? Then wait no more! Enjoy her interview (and go follow her, in the odd chance you don’t already).
S: Ok, uhm, where to start? 😆 I’m a tattoo artist from Germany and try everything to get my studio going right now. Other than that I’m either reading or drawing in my free time. I’m boring like that.
GT: How did you become a tattoo artist?
S: Oh my, I kinda stumbled into this. I was very unhappy with my job back at the time and a friend of mine (who is heavily tattooed) said that if I can draw I could tattoo it too. (which isn’t all that easy in the end 😅) But yea, I went and started an apprenticeship in a studio for a few months, then quit my job and started working as a tattoo artist full time. And I’ve been doing that for a good 3 1/2 years now.
GT: Has it paid off?
S: Oh most definitely. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. :)
GT: I gather you've always been artistic. Did you take any art classes or just practiced by yourself?
S: I never went to an art school. I just have always been drawing since I can remember. :) I love watching livestreams of other ppl drawing/creating things, though. I learnt a lot that way.
GT: Do you remember when you started doing fanart? Or at least doing it consciously?
S: Hmm, I think proper fanart that wasn’t some horrible doodles where no one could see what it was supposed to be, might be fanart for sailor moon and dragon ball. 😌 Think I was around 11/12? But I’m not really sure though. 😅
GT: Hahaha I'm sure your doodles were still great. But omg, two of my favorite animes! Who are your favourite characters on them?
S: Usagi and Rei. <3 their friendship was everything to me. I also love Vegeta! I have a soft spot for mean looking ppl with a big heart. ❤️
GT: Love Rei! I'm an Aries like her, so I had something to relate to her. And I love love love Vegeta, though my favorite is Trunks. But Vegebul remains one of my favorite ships.
Do you remember your first ships ever on any show?
S: Vegeta and Bulma are one of my all time fav OTPs. Also Seiya and Usagi are I think, my first ever ship, back when I didn’t even know what shipping was. 😆
GT: Nice to know we have two OTPs in common! What are some of your other ships? Do you still make fanart for them as well?
S: I dont have a lot of shows that im invested in THAT much that i have the urge to draw fanart for it. But im still madly in love with Agron and Nasir from the Starz Show Spartacus. (Everyone needs to watch this tbh!)
Another one of my first otps in a show are Michael and Maria from the original Roswell Show back in the 2000. They had the best chemistry too. :)
GT: How would you describe your fanart style?
S: Uh…oh my, let me think. 😆🤔I’m a big ol romantic deep down in my heart. lol I guess that shows in my style? Also I love bright colors. I want people to start smiling when they see my art. 🙈❤️
GT: I would say the colors definitely are your most easily recognizable attribute!
Walk us through your process, please.
S: I have to admit that I never do any sketches tbh. I just start directly with the lineart once I got inspired with an idea and go for it. I mostly do digital art. I work on an iPad Pro and use the procreate app. I have a lot of back and forth going on when I start to color. I use lots of different layers and settings and fool around with the colors and filters until I like what I see. Oh my gosh, I’m so bad at explaining. In the end I just BS my way through art and hope for the best. 
GT: And what does inspire you? Where do you get your idea from?
S: I mostly get inspired by the show itself. But there are so many mindblowing fanfictions out there as well that constantly give me ideas. Also music and the lyrics of songs I love. :)
GT: How often do you start a new piece? And, on average, how long does it take you to complete it?
S: I usually don’t work on more than one piece at a time. I need to focus on one and don’t want to work on anything else before I finish the current drawing. I usually need a week, maybe two? Depends on how detailed the drawing is going to be, if I’m going to color it, if I will add a background and so on. :) My submission for the Gallavich zine (which you guys will hopefully hold in your hands soonish!) took me about 28 hours for example.
GT: Wow! That's dedication! And it shows.
Do you take prompts? What about commissions?
S: I don’t have enough time for requests. :( but I do take commissions from time to time if I can manage it next to my main job. :)
GT: What are some of your own favorite Gallavich fanarts?
S: Definitely the one you are using as an icon right now. And maybe one I did back in 2014 when I first started watching the show. It’s of them from season one, sharing a smoke in their winter coats. :)
GT: They're both great! And once more, thank you for letting me use your art as an icon.
What are some of the other people in the fandom you admire?
Anyone goes, not only here either, and not just artists.
S: You are very welcome. :))
Oh, there are so many talented people out who make the fandom such a special place. Let me think for a second.
Art wise I’m in love with Lulu‘s (@luluxa​) painting. The way she colors her pieces is absolute art goals. So very impressive. Also she adds so many details and makes it such an experience to look at her art. Phenomenal!c❤️ I also adore Mitchell’s (@psychicskulldamage​) art! His chibi comics are sooooo freaking adorable and funny! The style is also so unique and it brings me so much joy whenever he shares something new. ☺️💓
Another huge inspiration and talent I admire is Gray (@gallavichy​). Her stories just go straight to my heart and I have taken a lot of inspiration for drawings from her stories. The emotions she inflicted in me with her writing is unbelievable.
There are so many more ppl who needs to be mentioned but these three immediately come to mind. :)
GT: When did you first start watching Shameless?
S: I started back in 2014, when season 4 aired.
GT: And what attracted you to Ian and Mickey's relationship?
S: Well, first of all, the chemistry between Noel and Cam is just sooo good and they are both so amazing together. It’s so much fun to see them together on screen. I fell in love with Ian and Mickey’s teasing, bickering and how they fought so hard at such a young age to be together, in whatever way they could be at certain times. The connection they shared, even if they were apart and couldn’t be with each other, it was always obvious to them that they were each other’s person though. And that fascinated me and I was in deep. :’)
GT: Did you join the fandom right away? How was the fandom back then different from now?
S: Omg it’s been so long. 😂 I was still very much into Spartacus at the time and only sloooooowly stepped into shameless. But the fandom was immediately so very welcoming and supportive, I was in deep quickly. lol I would say the fandom hasn’t changed much? At least from what I experienced. Still lots of amazing art, stories, discussions and memes going around, next to ppl fighting tooth and nail about certain topics. 😅 We are a lot of very passionate people, so it never gets boring. 😆❤️
GT: Truly.
You mentioned the fandom being welcoming and supportive. Have the comments on your art always been positive?
S: Surprisingly, yes! The art I made during s4-5 for shameless is still my most popular shameless related stuff, if we take a look at the notes at least. It really blew my mind.
GT: Let's go back to Shameless. What's your favorite season of the show?
S: I would have to say season 4. It was just phenomenal. From the acting, to the story telling, to the whole mood of the season. I was just so invested in everyone's storyline. Frank and his failing liver, Fiona in jail and how she endangered Liam, Debs slowly becoming a young woman, SHEILA, even Sammi was fun to watch and her storyline with Frank really got to me, how she showered him and was there to bring his drinking buddies from the alibi to Sheila’s house when he was too weak to make it there on his own. Of course I don’t have to mention how brilliant yet gut wrenching Ian and Mickey’s journey throughout the season was. Just chefs kiss on all fronts.
GT: I just love Sheila.
Do you have a favorite episode and/or scene?
S: I mean my fav episode has to be 10.12. :)
GT: I think we all collectively died when we watched that!
What did you think of the ending? 
S: Tbh, yes. As far as it concerns only Mickey and Ian. (I didn’t like all the endless open endings for everyone else though) Their future looks so bright right now. I couldn’t ask for more. I’m sure they will have a good, sweet life together. <3
GT: Do you have any headcanons for their future?
S: I’m sure, they will expand their business as they mentioned in 11.10. Hire some guys, buy more cars and so on. I could imagine them each doing something different later on though and only function as the bosses of the transport business. I hope Ian can work in the EMT, nurse field again somehow? And as for Mickey, I could see him do more with his passion for art. Maybe he will work as a tattoo artist himself one day. 😆❤️
GT: I agree, I'd also love for Ian to go back to being an EMT, he was actually good at it. And hell yes to tattoo artist Mickey!
S: Other than that I think they will eventually move back to the South Side again, maybe buy a house? And I hope they are gonna travel together once their probation is over. See the world and everything it has to offer. :’) Maybe visit Mandy, wherever she is and then Fiona in Florida.
GT: I so wish they'd at least mentioned Mandy again!
If you could go back and change one thing in canon, what would it be?
S: I think I wouldn’t change anything? Well, obviously I wish I could undo any harm ever done to them, but that’s not how it works. Yea, I think I wouldn’t change a thing storytelling wise. I would have wanted to see them on THE date. No matter which season but it would have been some nice fanservice if they had shown them at sizzlers or something else on a date. ☺️
Okay wait.
Ian sleeping with that woman in season 7. Cause I think he was always sure about his sexuality and it was kind of unnecessary? (You could maybe link it back to his bipolar and him being kinda already a bit unbalanced after the fight with Caleb and maybe his meds didn’t work properly anymore, but even then I’m not that sure he would have done it?)
GT: What's the most challenging thing about creating fanart about them?
S: It’s the coloring for me. I can do lineart for hours and hours but once it’s time for color I’m like …lmao
GT: And what's the most fun part?
S: Oh definitely the hair.❤ I loooooove drawing hair. And Ian's and Mickey's are kinda unique, which makes it even more fun. 😊
GT: What are your favorite themes of tropes to draw?
S: Uh, I don’t have any? 😳
GT: Hahah, that's ok. Great, actually. But are there any themes or tropes you won't do?
S: Uh, I dunno…do you have examples of what kind of tropes are out there?😅
GT: Well, for instance, I know you didn't use to make smut art until very recently. What made you decide to go for it? (not that we're complaining)
S: Ah, i get it now. Well, I’m still very picky about nsfw stuff. I usually prefer to leave some things to the imagination, you know. But i kinda got bored a bit, drawing always the same kinda stuff and you can learn so much about anatomy if you draw ppl being intimate with each other! 😆 So yea,i learnt once again to never say never.
GT: Hahah
About about future works. Do you have any WIPs or ideas for future art?
S: I have a few things I wanna draw (but so little time.) I also work on a fun commission right now. If ppl are interested in WIPS or something like that, I sometimes post WIP stuff on my twitter. :)
GT: Nice to know!
Same as here right, @steorie?
S: Yes. :)
GT: Speaking of, I meant to ask you, why steorie? Is it a combination of your name and something else?
S: Haha yes, actually. 😅 it’s so lame. I always made a typo when writing my name on the keyboard when I was younger and Steph most often became Steo. The rie got added cause I liked the sound of it. 😂😂😂
GT: Well, it's definitely unique!
That's about it, love! Thank you so much for being the first in this series!
Leave a message to your numerous fans.
(I'm not joking btw)
S: Thank u so very much for reaching out and having this fun chat with me. :)
Just thanks to everyone for the constant support over the years. I read each and every tag and comment you guys leave on my stuff! Thank you, thank you! ♡
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babytortie · 4 years
baby birds
baby birds. ❘ stanley uris x reader.
summary: in which stanley finally breaks and distances himself from the loser’s group. the reader finds him alone and helps him cope to feel better.
warning: lots of fluff. <3
contains: slight mentioning of insecurities.
* all characters ( including reader ) of the loser's club are 15 years old in this one-shot.
~ 2.4k words.
it's been a couple of days since stanley showed up at the loser's clubhouse and the group was getting anxious. the curly haired teen always showed up after school when the group wanted to hang out. recently, he's made excuses for the past three times they've all hung out though.
"where's stan the man at?" mike broke the silence, uncrossing his legs and getting up from the couch to sit by bill instead. previously, he had been sitting with y/n and beverly. somehow but not before banging it around a few times and ben having to fix the walls, they managed to get the couch inside one weekend.
it was a hand-me down from the denbrough's garage. only deemed safe and clean after eddie tore it apart. the cushions and pillows were shampooed, as well as, a finishing touch of spray downs with two cans of lysol.
"maybe ed's mom is cheating on me and he's with her right now?" richie snickered, glancing up at the others from the hammock to see all of them unamused and letting out groans.
in his hand was the newest comic and for the past couple of minutes he'd been browsing through it. although, the tozier teen was not completely paying attention since he was mesmerized with eddie's face. the sunlight peeked through the wooden cracks and all of the asthmatic boy's freckles dusted perfectly along his skin.
the shorter boy was talking with bill who sat a few feet away from them and overheard the lanky boy's comment through mid-conversation. in return, he leaned over from the other side of the hammock and smacked richie's arm. "don't call me eds! how many times do i have to tell you that? also, i already have a nick name and it's eddie."
he swatted eddie's arm away and of course dramatically rubbed his arm a few times. with another occasional adjustment made to his coke-bottle glasses, richie pouted and put his arms up in exaggeration. "oh right sorry about that eddie spaghetti. but i don't know then. y/n?" he asked, automatically assuming you had answers about the curly haired teenager’s whereabouts.
beverly was in the middle of braiding y/n's hair and rolled her eyes. she let go of your strands and quickly smoothed them out. this was making you able to turn face-forward instead of the current side-ways position on the couch that you now only shared with her.
before reacting to the richie's remark, you gave beverly a sympathetic smile. an awfully long minute went by before you finally acknowledged tozier. he was still cackling though and everyone, including you, could tell it was full of nervousness.
"seriously, richie? i've talked to stanley just as much as the rest of you the last couple of days." you stated with a glare then shrugged before leaning back against the couch cushions.
"y-yeah, just bec-cause y/n and stan a-are love b-birds doesn't m-mean they keep tab-bs on each other all t-the time. ri-ight guys?" bill smirked.
beverly immediately put a hand over her mouth to contain the giggles threatening to spill out. she risked her luck and turned to gaze in your direction but you were already taking note of this with an eyebrow raised.
"are you alright there, beverly?" ben asked out of concern. because of her skin complexion, her face was easily able to turn bright red. he hasn't been paying much attention to the conversation with being zoned out into another good story. hanscom's face had been happily stuffed into an interesting book from the library.
"i'm sorry! sorry, it's just stanley and birds. good one bill!" she stumbled over her words from laughter. after a moment of hearing beverly and richie snickering together, like they were high, the others couldn't help but start hollering and whistling too.
"yep, laugh it up. glad to be of service for the jokes of today." shouting playfully which only caused a channeling of an inner-richie. you grabbed the couch arm for balance and stood up. they watched as you bowed twice then sat back down like the tozier teen would have been doing if he were the one in this situation.
the group would always tease you and stan. this causing the both of you to always blush in result and look anywhere in the room but each other while full of embarrassment.
the crazy thing was that what they said was true. neither of you wanted to admit first though and it was just another daily topic for the group. the other six members wished one of you would just open up and discuss the feelings you two bottled inside. no use still and after months of teasing, you nor stanley backed down yet.
"does anybody know where he'd be at right now?" mike paused to take a glimpse at his watch then added, "at four-thirty? he wouldn't go home so soon yet with his dad being off today."
the group was silent, none knew and the fact you and stan had a secret spot was not common shared information either. you contemplated for a moment before thinking what the hell? and just spoke up with a reply before you could take it back. "yeah, in fact i do. i'll see you guys later."
to avoid their stares, you didn't dare catching their reactions. instead taking that time to lean over the side of the couch and grab your backpack from school, lazily putting the straps around your shoulders.
"see, what'd i tell you?" richie smirked, leaning over in the hammock towards bill for a high five who did not return it but had a grin of his own. ben placed a bookmark into the open pages to mark the spot he left off on. after this, he gave beverly a look. this expression was one similar eddie was giving to mike.
"see you later guys!" you bid farewell once more and climbed the clubhouse stairs to venture off. you stifled a chuckle as you started to walk away, hearing them all burst out mixed comments of confusion and excitement.
about thirty minutes of walking later, you reached the woods surrounding the quarry. there was a ridge in the rocks off to the side which lead to a path. one wouldn't notice it from afar without really inspecting the vicinity.
it was about half a mile and stan was usually there with a towel laid out and his back against one of the trees. a perfect crease-free bird book splayed out on top of his lap and a pair of binoculars in the teen's hands.
recently if stanley were home he'd be in his room. with a lock on his door, he laid while reading books front to back and cover to cover. which was probably what he did last night except, the perfectionist took his sweet ol' time. this was to memorize every picture of the birds and the facts about them that was printed across the crisp pages.
before doing anything, you adjusted the long sleeves of the black and white flannel tied around your waist. your chucks nervously toed in the dirt gravel and you let out a deep breath you hadn't realized you were holding. curiously studying stan after that and noticing your prediction wasn’t far off. it was actually almost spot on except the book was nowhere to be found.
"this seat taken?" you asked, pointing towards the empty spot on the towel next to him. the uris teen jumped a bit, probably zoned out on a bird that was perched on the branch a few trees away from where you and stan were.
he looked over to you, a smile gracing his face. "it is now." uris was never bothered by the fact you often crashed the private bird-watching hobby of his. you knew he enjoyed quiet time in complete silence besides the occasional birds chirping. this was how it was found out that you had taken a liking to often just sitting and relaxing with your favorite person.
you started to move quickly by placing your backpack down before either of you could change his mind. with your hands placed on the back of your tied flannel, you crouched down before finding a comfortable position to sit in. then reaching into the bag, you retrieved the water bottle to take a sip.
after putting it back away, you sneaked a peek at him and saw that he was already watching you. your face flushed and you quickly faced away. not wanting to make a big deal of it, you started a conversation instead.
"you ready to talk yet?" you questioned, not wanting to push him but had already gave him a few minutes to gather his thoughts. he was an over-thinker. you knew him so well that almost all of the time, you could practically see the wheels turning in his head.
he watched the bird in the binoculars once more. admiring the red and orange colorful feathers before setting it down on the other side of him. letting out a loud sigh, he pondered. "i don't know y/n. am i a disappointment to you?"
stan? stanley uris? you opened your mouth and closed it again quite speechless with disbelief. disappointment? why would the person who you think is the definition of perfect think that he is a disappointment?"
“no way bubs! never." you stated in the most serious tone you've ever used to reassure him. looking into his brown eyes you noticed a few golden flecks that always caught in the sunlight. stan was a beautiful person inside and out but y/n hoped that he knew that.
"are you sure?" he asked, sheepishly and glanced down at his hands. if stanley couldn’t look you directly into the eyes, there was definitely something wrong. you took this as a chance to open up some feelings of your own and grabbed his left hand with your right, interlocking the fingers.
his breath hitched at the sight and he observed your hands together. a pair that fit perfectly and he felt his heart skip a beat at the thought. being as you were still confused, he took this as an appropriate moment to peer up at your face but he caught your eye again instead.
stan felt tears forming in the back of his eyes. figuring he should just tell you sooner or later, he let you know. "uh, so ever since the bar mitzvah, my dad and i have been distant. i just feel like i’m his disgraced son and a failure all the time."
he half-whispered the whole thing. inside he was feeling so ashamed that he told you this with such a sad tone full of dejection. this was shocking, making you completely quiet for a few moments to process the explanation. the tears had won, prickling and slowly starting to glaze over his eyes. your heart was breaking into pieces at the sight.
"it's been like almost two years though? maybe he doesn't know how to go about the situation. you should just get to the bottom of it and confront him tomorrow stanny." suggesting with a soft smile on your lips.
“i don’t know about that y/n, but thanks.” he chuckled, subtly glancing at your lips before clearing his throat and looking away again. while he watched the area, you rested into the crook of his neck. on the towel between the two of you was your right hand still intertwined with his. your eyes flickered up to scan the tree trunks. you gasped loudly at the sight above and patted stanley’s arm to grab his attention.
the two of you watched the branches above closely, your fingers squeezing his tightly while watching in awe. a bird’s nest was leaned up against the trunk of tree. you and stanley sat in silence to witness it. being as it was so quiet now, the only sounds that could be heard were little chirps coming from it.
“is that baby birds?” you whispered excitedly. rubbing over his thumb with yours. he watched how your face softened in awe. truly appreciating that you enjoyed when he shared this specific hobby with you.
his eyes widened when he finally realized the feeling in his stomach. butterflies. probably a whole zoo full of them. that was how much he liked, no, loved you. he shook his head and snickered at the fact you had the decency to talk quietly. “no need to whisper, y/n/n. we’ve been talking out loud this whole time. so, they won’t leave.”
you giggled; a sound that made him feel all mushy inside. stan loved your laugh and knew that if you asked him to do anything right now that he would in fact do it. smoothly letting go of your hand, he moved it rub your shoulder in comfort.
this was until you felt him slowly replacing the position of his fingers and they were repositioned underneath your chin. tilting your head upwards gently, he whispered softly now. it was almost as if he was scared that if he raised his voice to much, it would ruin the moment. “is this okay?”
the curly haired boy looked into your eyes for reassurance and you stumbled over a response by his sudden rush of confidence. lost in shock by his brown and golden flecked eyes, all you could get out was chopped, raspy response. “of course, bubs.”
stanley leaned in slowly, still a bit afraid you would change your mind. proving him wrong you quickly followed to meet him halfway. his lips finally brushed against yours and you felt his hand rub along your cheek with such delicacy. you scooted closer so you could easily put your hand in stan’s hair and massage his curls. he let out a small moan and smiled into the kiss.
before he pulled away slightly to let the two of you breathe, he rubbed your cheek once more. you kissed both corners of his lips and then his nose. a sweet laugh falling from his lips at the gestures.
you grabbed his hand again, playfully sizing them together and he watched. casually asking, “so do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“of course, i’d love to stanny!” grinning you leaned in to peck his lips once more but it turned into a small passionate kiss instead. after you both pulled away again, he questioned with a smirk. “should we tell the others, babylove?”
you let out a small hum, as if you were thinking of an answer. though, you broke the act with a smirk. one that he caught and snickered already knowing how this was going to go.
it wasn’t a hard decision, seeing as you felt like returning a little pay back of your own from all of the teasing. so, your response was simple. “nope. let’s see how long it takes for them to figure it out.”
© babytortie on tumblr + wattpad.
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piraticalwit · 3 years
sends all the love to lucas and killian <3
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i think we literally just sent each other an ask at the same time. i'm yelling about it. same wave length. I was just trying to figure out yesterday where you were spending the majority of your time right now because I wanted to send you love and now I get to do it this way and I'm fine with that. you, issac, are truly a one of a kind guy. It's always so easy to talk to you and there's never any pressure to reply immediately because we're both the kind of people who get distracted and show up a week later like 'hi here's a drink of your choice, sorry for disappearing' and we both just roll with it. That's so hard sometimes to find because people are quick to jump to conclusions about you not wanting to talk to them at all and from day one I've just never worried about giving you that impression. It was this immediate thing of "he gets it".
To this day you are still one of like three people who write a muse that killian is friends with (I think he actually gets along with all of yours pretty much ?? astounding!! hell is freezing over!!) and the Killian and James antagonistic friendship just really makes my day. I've always had a soft spot for the 'hey! no one can ruin his day but me!' types of friendships lmao. You're always up for whatever random bs I throw into your ask and your replies are always just as perfect as I hoped they would be and I laugh every time. You are a wonderful friend and truly amazing writing partner and I know we have all been going through it but I wanna say how proud I am of you kicking uni's ass like you are. You're powering through and that's such a cool thing - I hope you never let anyone (yourself included) convince you otherwise of that. You're a bright ray of light in a sometimes dark world and I can't imagine not knowing you. I still have the message you sent a few weeks ago in my inbox because it was just so nice to read it when things seemed so rough. I'm sorry I never replied, but it was just something so valuable and I couldn't part with it yet.
I hope you're staying safe in the storm!! ilu a ton and I'm so glad you're still here now that I'm back. i hope you always remember how special of a person you are, and how strong you are. a strength that is inspiring <3
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ey8508 · 4 years
Hidden Weapon [暗器迷局]
Rumors and Secrets: Li Zeyan (李泽言)| Victor
Li Zeyan SSR: A Great Secret
【 Everyone wanted to know how he sat on the highest chair with confidence.】
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R&S for this card (CG above)
Chapter SPOILERS up to Season 2: Chapter 6-9 (read at your own risk)
Contains 5 chapters
Translation isn’t 100% accurate (or include grammar errors)
Every part for LZ’s dialogue would be in “this setting”
Do not repost to any other site (reblog is fine)
Chapter 1 Page 1 BLACK SWAN Investigation Log. Permission level: normal Name: Small syringe experiment Experiment recorder: Senior Experiment Researcher Jagger Experiment contents: [Day1] Investigated the illegal drug "small syringe" that is popular in the underground market and secretly went undercover. Page 2 .... [Day4] Send a preliminary investigation report to the BOSS, and receive a reply instruction. Nox will take the lead in handling this task, and everything will be under her command. [Day5] Seized samples of suspected small syringes from special channels. [Day6] The sensory organs can’t distinguish the components of the sample, and decided to make the injection. The experiment risk: high.  This application was rejected by Nox on the spot. [Day7] The experiment sample is missing. [Day8] Received BOSS order, this experiment was terminated and abolished. Page 3 This is the first time Jagger has been frustrated in an experiment since joining BLACK SWAN. Fortunately, before he became a BS member, his life has not been smooth, so he can bear it. Since he was young, he discovered that his Evol distinguishes chemical components through his body, he has been struggling to become a scientific researcher.  It's just that he behaves badly and has a violent personality, getting narrower and narrower in his career.  Finally, after conducting an experiment that violated the bottom line of ethics and morality, he was jointly expelled from academia and was not allowed to step into the laboratory for life. Page 4 The night when the people from BS found him, he was living alone in a warehouse somewhere in the suburbs.  So he picked up the beer can beside him and slammed "What BS! Don't bother me!" Looking at Jagger on the ground like a puddle of mud, the member had to take out his mobile phone and made a brief report to his superiors. "....Okay, understood, I'll start preparing now ." He hung up the phone, took out a delicately designed holographic projection metal box from his arms, and placed it in the open space in the middle of the warehouse.  A few minutes later, I only heard the box "drop" shooting a blue light from the dot in the center. After the light shot up and down in the air for a circle, a slender shape figure slowly emerged. Page 5 Jagger narrowed his eyes and looked at the holographic projection in front of him, and saw a man sitting on a leather chair, his entire face hidden in the shadows, only his bright leather shoes and neat suit trousers could be seen. Jagger couldn't help but spit into the air. "What is this shameful sight!" As soon as the voice fell, the BS member beside him looked up at him almost immediately and even took two steps closer.  Jagger shrinks his neck subconsciously. "Look- " Page 6 The man in the projection knocked on the armrest of the chair twice, and the member immediately retracted his gaze and stood back to where he was before. "As far as I know, you were jointly expelled from academia three years ago and you are forbidden to participate in any experiment for life." The man spoke slowly, his voice low, but he revealed an unstoppable momentum. "So what?" "BLACK SWAN can give you the opportunity to re-enter the laboratory" Page 7 "Heh, BLACK SWAN is so famous, so many eyes are staring at it in the society, once my name appears in the laboratory, someone will immediately take notice and you'll be in trouble." "Who said that your name will appear in the laboratory?" "How do you contradict yourself? You said that BS gave me a chance to re-enter the laboratory, and you said that my name would not appear in the laboratory. Could it be you," said Jagger. His eyes suddenly widened. "Giving you a new identity is not difficult for BS." Chapter 2 Page 1 The turbidity in Jagger's eyes lit up instantly.  He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. "Since you have some knowledge of BS, it is not difficult to know that BS's social resources are top-notch. BS's power is more than enough to support you to do experiments and..." Although he couldn't see the man's face clearly, Jagger felt the man's direct gaze. "Join BS, the worst situation is better than you are now." Page 2 Jagger realized that this holographic projection is a bidirectionally visible BS technology that has already reached this level of advancement. He lowered his head and glanced at himself, his face suddenly hot.  After the man behind the barrier said these words he slightly cleared his throat as he raised his hands signaling to cut off the phone. Blood instantly rushed to the top of Jagger's head, and he unwillingly picked fresh from the opponent. "Since BS is so powerful, why should the superior BS leader had to invite a little man with a poor clothes?" In such a big pomp, he had guessed the identity of the opponent just now, and he broke this point, it was just a momentary quick guess. The other party's movements seemed to give a chuckle. Page 3 "For talents, I will do my best." The tone was steady, without a trace of irritation. Jagger suddenly felt that he had lost in the game. But it is precisely because of this sentence that he willingly joined BS. It takes seven inches to strike a snake. This is the first thing Jagger learned from the BOSS. But that was the only time Jagger had direct contact with the BOSS. After joining BS, he never saw the BOSS again. Not only him, but almost all the members around him.  Perhaps it was the first meeting with the BOSS that left a deep impression on Jagger, and when he has nothing to do, he put this sentence on his lips- Page 4 "Have you seen the BOSS? I mean, the BOSS himself." The member who was asked was stunned for a moment: "How is it possible? Seeing BOSS is like seeing an ancient dragon. I heard that even during the board meeting he's behind the barrier and no one can see him at all. In our organization, I heard that there is only one person who have actually seen him. Jagger nodded, indicating that he knew this person: "You mean Nox?" The other party sneered: "Don't call them just by their code names, we are below them, but we call them with the honorable 'Miss' " Jagger was puzzled, and the man came immediately interested. Page 5 "Don't tell it to others. I have something else to tell you..." The member looked around again, then lowered his voice, "They all said that the relationship between BOSS and her is unusual. Although the they remain anonymous from the outside world, BOSS is often doing things from behind the scenes to maintain Nox. Some time ago, have you heard about the leak of the Evolver identity of artists under Nox? It is said that after this incident, many board members asked to punish Nox at the meeting, but they were all blocked by BOSS. Jagger snorted, but didn't answer.  Although he is very curious about the identity of BOSS, he has never been interested in this kind of gossip. Chapter 3 Page 1 Soon after this conversation, Jagger was appointed to join the investigation and experiment of the illegal drug "Small Syringe", and the leader of this mission was Nox. He was in trouble for a while, not because he discriminated against women, but since joining BS, BOSS closed one eye to his "pioneer" experimental methods. At least, his experiments have been carried out very freely. However, Nox's acting style is notoriously conservative. If she is told that he is doing bold experiments, she should be taken earlier notice. In addition, if the relationship between Nox and BOSS is really unusual according to what the member said last time, then Nox's opinion will be adopted by the BOSS, she is 'a hot potato'. He has to seek the consent of the BOSS before Nox can stop him. So he pretended not to know, and after obtaining the preliminary investigation results, he sent the investigation report to the BOSS as usual, but he did not expect to receive an immediate reply: Page 2 "Nox will take the lead in handling this task, and everything will be under her direction." The next day, the informant sent a sample that was suspected to be a small syringe. He flexed his hands and went to his head for a while. First, he experimented with the sample by smell and taste, but he could not distinguish its components. So he made a decision to inject the samples to himself.  After deliberation, he asked Nox for instructions. Sure enough, he was directly rejected by Nox on the spot. Out of desire for the results of this experiment, he decided to lie about the loss of the sample and intend to conduct the experiment secretly.  Unexpectedly, he was caught by the BS inspection team that night, and even reported the situation to the BOSS himself the next day. Jagger didn’t expect to see BOSS again, this is actually the case. Page 3 "Since the application has been rejected, why did you still do it?" 
A familiar voice came from behind the barrier, mixed with a trace of fatigue. "It stands to reason that I can perform general drug component analysis from sight, taste, touch or smell alone, but the composition of this sample is complicated, hence these are not enough. If I allow injection, once the sample enters my blood,  I can feel the state of its movement in my body. Through my body's reaction, it should be possible to analyze it." "Do you know why Nox rejected your proposal to do the self injection for the samples?" Page 4 "This is because there is only one sample. If there is no experimental progress after the injection, all the efforts will be ruined." "She checked your information. Every time your body is injected with a drug, it will cause irreparable damage. It will not take long for you to die in this type of experiment." Jagger was stunned. "Although BS is in a critical position, it never needs to use the lives of any members as a stepping stone." "This experiment stops here." Page 5 "Also, Nox's orders, should not be disobeyed anymore." .... After the meeting with the boss, Jagger's heart was mixed, and he sat in place and meditated for a long time. It's just that the brain, which has been in contact with the most direct chemical elements all his life, will not know this inexplicable emotion. However, he knew very well that this BS 'Miss' was indeed a bit capable. Chapter 4 Page 1 BLACK SWAN meeting minutes Permission level: advanced Recorder of the meeting: Member of the board of directors, Assistant Mr. W. Content of meeting: Page 2 【Previously, the "small syringe" incident set off a huge wave in society. This meeting mainly focused on "whether BS should develop a drug similar to the small syringe O-tube". During the meeting, some members expressed support for this approach, believing that BS, as an organization centered around Evolver and human evolution, should take the lead in researching such drugs to screen ordinary people and accelerate human evolution. Another part of the members believes that it is too early to invest in development projects before investigating the main cause of the small syringe incident and the role of the drug, and even BS should crack down on the market value of small needles from all aspects to restrain such cases. Drugs are being re-developed to fundamentally eliminate such drugs. Page 3 The two voices stayed at each other during the meeting. In the end, the BOSS decided to investigate the small syringe incident first and postponed the development of such drugs indefinitely. 】 From the beginning of this meeting, Mr. W's heart has been hanging. Since the introduction of the small syringe, the internal voice of BS has become noisy, and those desires that have been hidden have begun to move around. Many people want to get a share of the small syringe. However, what worries him is not these noisy sounds, but the thoughts of the person behind the barrier.  If that person also thinks that the power of BS is enough to develop EVOL!  Evolution potion, then the road behind BS may be even more difficult. Page 4 Mr. W looked at the faint figure behind the barrier, and seemed to be sitting upright and calmly at the moment.  Even though there was a verbal battle in the conference room, the man always looked like he was out of the picture. Until a member spoke: "I don't know about this, what is the BOSS's opinion?" Everyone finally calmed down and looked at the barrier at the end of the round table. Mr. W leaned forward unconsciously, and had to admit that he was looking forward to know what the BOSS would answer. .... When the young BOSS first took over the office, Mr. W also had a questioning attitude. Page 5 After all, BS had just experienced a mighty internal turmoil at that time. Whether the BOSS was a hero created by the time or whether it was really capable of this position, no one knew. In addition, BOSS has never announced his identity since he took the office. Except for Nox, no one has seen him in the entire BS. Whether it is the core mysterious high-level Twelve or the board of directors, they can only communicate with him through a barrier, which has caused dissatisfaction among many members. These people formed a small group in a very short period of time, trying to pull him into the abyss before the BOSS sits firmly on the throne of the BS leader. Before they did it, even in the early days of their small group, they had already been taken up by the BOSS.  He quickly uprooted the group and carried out a cleanup inside BS. Overnight, these people disappeared from BS without a shadow. Page 6 Mr. W has inquired about the whereabouts of these people through various channels, but has never found any clues. These people seem to have never existed in this world. Mr. W still remembers that in the earliest meeting after the small group was eliminated, the BOSS was silent for a long while. After sometime, many people who had been eager to move in their hearts and had not had time to put it into practice almost lost their breath. The person behind the barrier spoke: "The remaining few people who plan to instigate rebellion, the reason why you are left is because you are still helpful to BS." "Take care of the extra hands and feet within three days, don't let me do it myself." Page 7 As soon as the voice fell, many of the people present changed their faces slightly. Fortunately, he was used to looked calm under such situations. After re-adjusting the rigid posture, he realized that there was actually cold sweat behind his back. Since then, the noisy sounds inside BS have finally quieted down. Mr. W began to appreciate the decisive decisions made by the BOSS and is actually celebrating with the new change. Page 8 But that was the only time Mr. W heard such obvious emotions in the mouth of the BOSS.  Later, many meetings were held in BS. He observed that no matter what level of personnel the questioning voice was, whether they agreed with the other party’s point of view, BOSS always respected the other’s point of views and stood at a higher level. Neither makes people too ugly, nor does it show one's position too much. This allowed the members of the organization that had always been fighting to put down the war for a while, and the internal balance of BS reached an unprecedented balance. Mr. W believes that at the age of BOSS, few people can do this. Put aside the identity of a member of the BS organization, Mr. W has never seen such a method in business for so many years. If you have to name someone who can be compared with him, Li Zeyan, the president of Huarui, has a style similar to that of BOSS. It was not that he had never suspected that it was the same person, but no matter how he investigated and inquired, the information he got was very few. Chapter 5 Page 1 Maybe he stayed in a high position for too long, and there was nothing new to pass the time, so Mr. W gradually regarded the inquiring of the boss as his personal task. In addition to trying his best to investigate the identity that matches it in society, he will deliberately talk against the BOSS during meetings in an attempt to find clues.  However, no matter how he made a fuss, the people behind the barrier will always stay calm and undisturbed. As the leader of BS, BOSS can handle everything without any leakage. Page 2 At first Mr. W just felt dull. But over time, as an older member, he found that this was a serious problem. He realized that there seems to be a certain trait missing from the BOSS, which is a human commonality that any ordinary person should have. If you have to be clear, you can call this trait a human touch. For a while, this is indeed not a great thing, but it is precisely because this thing is so common, so precious enough. Mr. W is worried that people who lack this trait will not sit in the position of leader for too long, or that such person will once again lead BS to an extreme. Page 3 "What is my opinion, it is up to you to convince me." The deep voice pulled his thoughts back to the meeting room, and seeing the other members in deep thoughts, he realized that the BOSS had just answered the question of the member just now. He lowered his head and modified the voice in his heart a bit, then raised his hand signaling to speak. "What we should do now is to figure out the ins and outs of the main incident, who developed the small syringe and for what purpose the opponent is an enemy or a friend. These key information are very important." Page 4 After hearing this, many members tried to refute, but they were preempted by the BOSS. "All the resources of BS have always revolved around Evolver's evolutionary issues. At this time, instead of developing evolutionary drugs, they are investigating small syringes. Is it not upside-down?" Members supporting the research and development of drugs echoed. Mr. W's heart sank. Does the BOSS support the development of such drugs? He tried to swallow the suspicion that was surging up, and couldn't help but tried to make an excuse. Page 5 "On the contrary. At this stage, ordinary people already have a lot of opposition to Evolver. In addition, after the main incident, many ordinary people and Evolver's body have suffered varying degrees of damage. The development of small syringes is very powerful. It may come with a hostile attitude. In the long run, Evolver evolution is a major event for all human beings. If we do not investigate clearly and blindly follow the trend to develop evolutionary drugs, then we are likely to fall into each other’s trap. It'll makes things difficult for BS to move forward with evolution in the future." Page 6 Perhaps he said too much. Once again, there was silence in the conference room, only the sound of regular fingers tapping on the tabletop came from behind the barrier, which sounded a certain kind of calmness. Mr. W has a foreboding that perhaps BS's development of evolutionary drugs is already a certainty, and perhaps his painstaking persuasion is just futile. Just when he was frustrated, the sound of the man's fingers tapping on the tabletop stopped. "The reason is good enough to convince me." "The development date for the evolution drugs will be postponed indefinitely." The meeting room became noisy again, and many members were angry. Page 7 "I said, my decision is determined by your rhetoric." "Of course I respect different opinions. As long as your reasons are valid." Those members who had been crying out to support the development of the drug were hesitating at this moment, and could not give a reason strong enough to bring the situation back, and had to accept their orders and took their seats. "Since there isn't, that's it for today." The BOSS issued an eviction order and the meeting room was cleared within a minute.
Page 8 Only Mr. W is still sitting on the spot, he has an important question that he wants to confirm to the BOSS. "BOSS, what is your side of position in this matter?" The BOSS seemed to stand up, walked behind the chair, and finally stood by the window behind the barrier. "My position has been made very clear." Mr. W walked out of the conference room with this answer, which was not an answer. Page 9 The moment he stepped out of the door, he suddenly remembered that before he had a long discussion in the meeting, the BOSS raised a sharp question uncharacteristically.  This question seems to be on the side of the members who support the drug, but it was after answering this question that the BOSS was quickly ‘convinced’ by his own reasons. Mr. W stood there thinking for a moment, then he stretched his brows and frowned all day. It turned out that today, I was ‘utilized’ by the BOSS. Everything he said today was just that the BOSS used his own mouth to silence other members. But this kind of use is very useful. Page 10 After thinking about this, Mr. W let out a long breath. The problem he had been worried about had been settled.
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wholesomemendes · 4 years
Your Teddy Bear
Mendes Triplet Au (Peter Mendes)
Summary: No one could’ve guessed you would have ended up with Peter, but the two of you give each other a love neither of you ever thought you’d be lucky enough to experience. 
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing with the Mendes Triplet concept by @thotmendes and I’m honestly so excited about it. Also, shout out to @fallinallincurls for talking concepts with me the other night that inspired me to write this and @princecharmingmendes for telling me too write it along with a ton of other people that got me to finish this (such as @itrocksmysocks​ who sent me a bunch of Peter pictures that were absolutely adorable). So I hope you guys enjoy this! It’s literally 4.6k of just pure fluff and more fluff after that. As always please tell me what you think!
Warnings: Mild Swearing (like literally only one or two words)
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No one knew how Peter Mendes ended up with you. Hell, Peter didn’t even know how he ended up with someone like you, but somehow almost every night he fell asleep with his head on your chest, your hands brushing through his mess of fluffy curls. You commanded the room any time you walked in it, confidence radiating off you in every aspect as you strode past everyone with your shoulders pushed back and chin held high. Known to be the life of the party, you were the one people could rely on to flirt your way past the guy at the liquor store to bring the best booze to all of the frat parties, and your name was well ingrained into the minds of almost every student at your wide campus. 
Peter, on the other hand, was only known by a handful of students and for a completely different set of reasons. Typically when one thought of Peter they first thought of Raul, the oldest of the Mendes triplets that was known for partying and hooking up with girls, or Shawn, the captain of the hockey team that could easily get any girl he wanted just by looking them in the eyes and serenading them with his singing and guitar. If by some miracle they knew Peter for another reason, it’d probably be because he happened to be one of the smartest students in every single one of his classes and often was asked for tutoring or help with homework. When you thought of Peter Mendes you thought of the smart Mendes, which was exactly why it just didn’t seem right that the two of you were together.
It wasn’t like you were unintelligent by any means, you got As and Bs in all of your classes, but you weren’t even close to the level of Peter’s smarts. Most students would say Raul would be your type, you both had dominating, cocky almost personalities on the outside and loved to party, a seemingly perfect fit. Or even Shawn, who had a smooth, laid back persona would be a great match for you if he didn’t already have a girlfriend to love. 
But you knew how you ended up with Peter. It was just 6 months ago when that curly headed boy walked into your life, flipping it completely upside down in the best way possible. You remember it clear as day; you had just gone into the kitchen of the frat house to get another drink when you spotted a cuddly giant leaning against the counter looking completely out of place, swirling his drink inside of his solo cup. You excused yourself, reaching behind him to grab some pop causing him to look at you with wide eyes, apologizing profusely for being in your way. Giggling at his reaction you reassured the startled boy that there was nothing to worry about, before properly introducing yourself.
“I’m Y/n by the way.”
“I know,” he responded, cheeks heating up after realizing what he had said. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t completely infatuated by you, how could he not be? You were absolutely gorgeous and the definition of perfection in his eyes, and something about your mysterious aura left him wanting to know everything about you. Yet here he was, completely embarrassing himself in front of the girl he was secretly crushing on. “I’m sorry that was so weird, um, I’m Peter,” he stuck his hand out for you to shake it, a laugh escaping your lips as you took it firmly in your own. His heart was beating out of his chest at the fact that not only were you engaging in a conversation with him, but you had just shaken his hand, which he was now realizing was not a common thing for teenagers to do and was probably screwing up any chance he had of getting to know you.
“So what’s in the cup?” you asked, motioning to the drink that was pretty much still filled to the brim, a clear sign that its contents were not appealing to him.
“Oh, um, it’s beer, but I’m not really that much of a drinker, especially in large crowds.” His cheeks burned bright red under your stare and he wondered how much deeper of a hole he was going to dig himself into with all of this information he was giving out. Surely someone like you would find him boring soon, it was only a matter of time before you left him to talk to someone hotter and much more interesting. 
But to his surprise you moved closer, leaning against the counter next to him as you brought your cup to your lips. “Want to know a secret?” you whispered, Peter nodding frantically like a little boy about to get a new toy, “I’m not that into drinking either. I only really do it at parties and even then I usually keep it to a minimum. I’ve been here for three hours and all I’ve had is half a white claws I ended up giving to my friend. This is Pepsi.” You took another sip from your cup, watching as his jaw dropped at the information causing a smirk to form on your face, “You know I’ve never actually told anyone that, but I have a feeling you’re not gonna go around telling everyone what I tell you.”
“No, no, I won't, I promise.”
“Good, now what do you say we find somewhere quieter to get away from all of this. I’ve had a long day and I have a feeling you love parties just as much as you love drinking.” Peter thought he had never smiled so wide as you took his hand and pulled him into an empty room, one you just happened to know wouldn’t be used tonight. The two of you talked for hours, about how he was dragged there and then abandoned by his two identical brothers, to the research he was doing for astronomy class. You listened intently to everything he said, even adding some of your own input about topics he never thought you would be interested in, and he truly thought in that moment that he had never felt more seen, more appreciated and thought of as someone other than the unknown Mendes brother. You parted ways when it got too late for the both of you, exchanging numbers with a promise to see the other again soon, Peter’s heart racing at the thought of seeing you once more. You never told him, but he had your heart that first night you met him, finally having someone who wanted to know more about you than how to get in your pants. 
So even though it shocked the entire school to see Peter’s arm wrapped around your shoulders two weeks later, the two of you felt perfectly content and at peace with one another, your personalities balancing each other out, fitting in like the missing pieces to your own individual puzzles. If you ever had a bad day, you knew that the moment you saw your cuddly giant of a boyfriend looking as comfy as ever in his softest sweatshirts, glasses adorning his beautiful face, your mood would instantly be lightened and everything would be alright. And that’s exactly what you needed right now, a cuddly Peter to turn your day around. 
So there you were, headed to the triplets apartment off campus to see your man. Raul, Peter, and Shawn had all bought a four-bedroom apartment only a couple minutes off campus after their sophomore year, and you were around so much that they trusted you with the code and your very own key. You fit right in with the boys easily; you had seen Raul and Shawn at a couple parties before you met Peter, but you never spoke more than a few words to one another. Now that you were dating Peter though, you were practically treated as their sister, blending right into the dynamics of their tight knit family. If there was one thing the Mendes brothers were, it was close and you never quite understood how deep their connections were with one another until you were around them so much. Peter was never known to be a player, always wanting to just be in a serious relationship, so it had been years since he had brought a girl home around his brothers. For that very reason, Shawn and Raul were extremely protective over him, but you easily passed the test they gave you right off the bat. They loved you, not to mention they could tell that Peter was head over heels for you long before he told you 3 months into your relationship. He had been laying on your chest, breathing starting to become heavy as you lured him to sleep with your head massages. 
“I love you,” he mumbled into your shirt almost incoherently, an innocent slip of the tongue in his sleepy state. You froze, hand pausing in his hair for a second as he whined from the lack of your touch, not even processing what he just said. You hadn’t ever told one of your boyfriends that you loved them, the thought always seeming too permanent and constricting. But Peter was different and you knew that from the start. He made you feel things that you worried in the dead of night you might never experience and even though it was early in your relationship, Peter felt emotions so deeply and openly that your heart was completely owned by him.
“I love you too, Pete.” He hummed in confusion at your words, suddenly a lot more awake as he sat up to look you in the eyes.
“You told me you loved me and I said I love you too.”
“You do?” he asked, eyes wide, happy tears prickling in the corners of them.
“I don’t know how I couldn’t bubs,” and with that he surged forward, connecting your lips to his with as much passion as he could possibly muster. 
After he woke up, Peter immediately told his brothers about the night’s events, the two of them filled with joy that someone could make their brother as happy as he was. A month later he gave his virginity to you and the praise (and teasing) he got from his brothers was never ending. You weren’t forgotten either for later that day when you showed up, Shawn immediately began wiggling his eyebrows at you as Raul started cracking sexual jokes, Peter looking sheepish in the background. You had rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance, though you could never be truly mad at Peter for sharing your relationship with his brothers. You learned very quickly that there was little to no privacy with the three of them and anything you did was fair game in their conversations. You didn’t mind, you loved how close they were, not to mention how supportive they were of one another, and you definitely didn’t complain when you had two extremely buff guys protecting you from drunk creeps at parties that didn’t seem to grasp the concept that you were in a relationship.
But being close to the brothers also meant they were used to your random appearances when you typically showed up unannounced even to Peter, who never complained about getting to spend more time with you. Which happened to be the case today, when you stormed in, muttering a quick hello to Raul who was spread out on the couch as you headed towards Peter’s room.
“Peter?” you asked, knocking twice before entering at his request, not even greeting him and instead landing face down on his mattress with a huff. 
Your boyfriend closed his laptop, saving his work and sitting up to give you his full attention, running his fingers over your back, “What’s wrong, angel?”
“She’s such a bitch!” you complained, rolling over onto your back to stare at the ceiling.
“Who?” This is how it usually went if you were having a bad day, he’d ask you generic questions, allowing you to let out all of your pent up frustration until you were ready to be cuddled for the rest of the night.
“Marissa! You won’t believe this. This guy comes up to me after class today and tries to give me his number and I’m obviously like no, sorry, I’ve already got the greatest man in the world, I don’t have any interest or need for anyone else. But guess what?!”
It didn’t even phase Peter at this point that a guy tried to get your number, it happened so often that he was partially immune to the doubts and jealousy that came with it. In the beginning it was hard for him, constantly feeling like he wasn’t enough and didn’t deserve you, but you proved to him time after time again that you were completely gone for him and that he was more than you could ever dream of. And he would never, ever question your loyalty to him, if there was one thing you weren’t it was a cheater. “What?”
“Turns out this dude had a girlfriend, Marissa, and so of course she was pissed that he was trying to get my number, which is understandable. But guess who she blames it on?”
“Me! Like are you KIDDING me?! I’m not the one with loyalty issues here, sweetie, yet here you are accusing me of trying to get with your man. Why would I even want his number? Even if I was a cheater, which ugh I want to throw up just thinking about it, you’re a hundred times hotter and better than him in every way so it doesn’t make sense. So no, it wasn’t me, sorry your boyfriend’s a manwhore, Marissa.”  A chuckle escaped Peter’s lips, head tilting back against the headboard as he laughed. You turned your head at the beautiful sound, meeting his eyes a few seconds later for the first time that night. And just like that. Mood completely better. The sight of him, hair a fluffy mess basically asking to be played with, adorable glasses being pushed up by the scrunch in his nose, and comfy pink sweatshirt on his frame making him look as soft as ever. 
“Hi bubs.”
 Peter smiled his loving smile he reserved for you, laughing to himself at how quick your mood could change around him, “Hi angel. Feeling better?”
You nodded, crawling up the bed into his open arms, sliding underneath the covers next to him as you rested your head on his chest, “I love you.”
“I love you so much.” He adjusted in the bed to better lay down with you laying on top of him, stroking your hair before placing gentle kisses on the top of your head, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, bubs,” you snuggled further into his chest, cheek squishing against the fabric of his sweatshirt, “Just wanna cuddle you all night long.”
“I can do that,” Peter whispered, voice soft against your ear, “You doing anything for the rest of the night? I heard Raul saying there’s a huge frat party he’s going to later.”
“Yeah I heard about that,” you admitted, “But I don’t think I’m gonna go. Rather just lay here with you. If you want to, that is.”
Peter’s heart swelled three sizes at your words, nodding his head as he traced I love you onto your back like he always did when he was given the chance. It was true that ever since you started dating Peter you weren’t found at parties as often as you used to be. You still enjoyed going to them, you even managed to bring Peter to a couple of them and he found them much more enjoyable with you by his side, but more often you found yourself just wanting to stay in with your man rather than being surrounded by a bunch of people you hardly knew. “I’d love that,” he spoke against your ear, still leaving butterfly kisses in your hair, “Why don’t we have a movie night? I bought your favorite cookie dough, I could go pop them in the oven if you wanted.”
Your head perked up at his words, a smile gracing your face, “Mrs. Field’s Chocolate Chip?”
“Mhm,” he hummed in response, a squeal leaving your mouth as you jumped off the bed pulling him with you.
“Come on, come on, cookies, Pete!” He laughed, grabbing your hand in his and letting you drag him to the kitchen. He loved how different you were with him, how you were so carefree and loving compared to the confident, I don’t care vibe you gave off to everyone. It was like a secret only he got to see and as long as you kept showing it to him, he was gonna soak in every second of it. 
Upon arriving in the kitchen, you jumped to sit onto the counter while Peter rummaged through the fridge in search of the mouth-watering cookie dough. You leaned over to wash your hands in the sink next to him before rolling the dough into large balls to get the biggest cookies possible. The first time you made cookies with Peter he was shocked at how much dough you were rolling for one cookie, claiming that they weren’t going to turn out well if they weren’t perfectly symmetrical to the suggested sizing on the side of the packaging. But once he tasted the big cookies he had no complaints, and neither did the rest of the triplets. Once the package was finished and you had two sheets of cookies in the oven, you watched as Peter set the timer on the oven, little tongue sticking out in concentration.
“Come here, big guy,” you motioned him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist once he stood in the middle of them, hands on your thighs. You placed your hands on his shoulders, one hand making its way to play with the curls on the back of his neck. He stared up at you with doe like eyes, hands frozen on your thighs no matter how much he wanted to move them. Even if you had been dating for over half a year now, Peter was still shy and nervous about touching you, so even having him put his hands there in the first place without you telling him it was ok was a big deal. “You can move your hands if you want,” you whispered, eyes holding his soft gaze, feeling his thumbs start to slowly rub circles against the fabric of your jeans, “You’re so handsome, did you know that?”
He blushed at your words, head ducking down to look at the ground, “‘M not handsome, you just have to say that cause I’m your boyfriend.” You knew Peter always had trouble with having self confidence, years of believing that his brothers were better than him really took a toll on his heart. But even if he was a part of three identical triplets, every time you looked at him all you saw was the cutest, most handsome man alive. Maybe he didn’t have endless tattoos like Raul, or piercings like Shawn, but he was Peter, your Peter, and you would do anything to convince him that he was more than enough for anyone, especially himself. 
“Pete, look at me.” You lifted his chin up with your finger, other hand smoothing along his shoulder, “I would never tell you something that wasn’t true. I don’t tell you you’re handsome because I feel I have some weird requirement as your girlfriend to do so, I do it because every time I look at you I get butterflies in my stomach over how gorgeous you are. No one has ever made me feel like you do, bubs, and I just wish you could see what I see when I look at you.” With that you brought his lips to yours, tasting the sweet vanilla of his chapstick as he moved in sync with you. You squeezed your legs tighter around him, one hand deep in his unruly curls as you pulled him closer to you, his hands moving up to find purchase on your hips. He squeezed your hips lightly three times, a silent I love you as you kissed, causing a smile to form on your face at the soft boy in your arms. 
“You better not be fucking over there!” Raul’s voice tore through the moment, the two of you breaking away from each other in order to turn around towards the couch where he was staring back at you with eyebrows raised. You rolled your eyes at his antics, turning around to find Peter with red stained cheeks and bashful eyes before calling back to the older triplet, “Don’t worry, Raul, we’re not stealing your job!”
A sincere laugh escaped Raul’s lips as you lightly pushed your boyfriend away so you could hop off the counter, earning a small whine from him in response, “Come on, bubs, let’s check on these cookies.” A couple minutes later you had a fresh batch of cookies sitting on top of the oven, the smell filling the entire apartment quick enough to have Raul next to the two of you in minutes with an already burnt tongue because he refused to wait for them to cool down. Just as you and Peter had bit into your first cookie, Shawn had come stumbling into the house with his hockey gear, a wide smile on his face, “Do I smell cookies?”
“Only the best. Want one?” you asked, handing him the plate, while Raul complained from next to you that he was just about to grab another.
“Is that even a question?” he asked, practically moaning when the taste hit his mouth, “And this is why I love having you around.”
“You say that like I’m the one that buys and makes the cookies. Peter’s the one that does all the work.”
“Yeah, but Peter only makes them for you. We only had oven baked cookies once or twice a year before you came.”
“Hey! I make dinner for you guys almost every night,” Peter countered, a slight furrow to his brows, “Not my fault the both of you can’t make your way around the kitchen without burning it.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Raul said, snatching one last cookie before heading off to his room. 
“Come on, bubs,” you ushered your boyfriend forward, grabbing his hand as he picked up the plate of cookies, “Let’s go watch Netflix.”
“But I only got one cookie!” Shawn whined from behind the two of you.
“You can get them once we’re done,” you called out before shutting Peter’s door, “if there’s any left.” Peter laughed from behind you, loving the relationship you had with his brothers. Honestly, he didn’t know what he would do if you didn’t get along with them, his brothers were his world and their opinion mattered to him more than anyone else’s. But now that you were so prominently in his life, he could easily say that your opinion was on that same level, if not higher than that of his brothers. 
“Hey angel?” he asked nervously, playing with the strings on the hood of his sweatshirt.
“Yeah, bubs?”
“Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?”
“I don’t think so, why?”
“Do you maybe want to stay the night?” You had stayed the night a handful of times, probably more than you should for the length of your relationship, and everytime the two of you woke up with the most content smiles on your faces, wanting nothing more than to just stay that way for the rest of the day.
“Of course, Pete, as long as I get to steal one of your sweatshirts to sleep in,” you told him, walking over to him and replacing his hands with yours on his hoodie strings. His hands found their way to your hips, rubbing in gentle circles to calm the racing heart he always had around you. 
“I’ll give you all of my sweatshirts, you look better in them anyways.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, giving him a soft kiss, “I’ve never met a man that looks more cuddly in a sweatshirt than you do. You’re my teddy bear, bubs.” A wide smile formed on Peter’s face and he leaned in to kiss your lips one more time before he was opening the drawer to his sweatshirts. He handed you the one he knew was always your favorite, grabbing his own set of flannel pants and a shirt to sleep in. He turned around to let you change in privacy while he did the same, even though the two of you had seen each other in much more intimate situations prior to this. No matter how many times you told him he didn’t have to turn around, he always claimed he just wanted to respect you and didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. 
“All done, bubs, come cuddle.” You opened your arms to him from where you were laying in his bed and a large smile found its way to his face as he launched himself into your arms. Giggling at your adorable boyfriend, you adjusted so he could lay under the covers with his arms wrapped around your body. You turned the tv on, scrolling through random romcoms on Netflix while Peter munched on a cookie beside you. One of the things you loved about Peter was how much he loved romcoms, always falling in love with the romantic content as much as you. 
Halfway through the movie and you swore the two of you had eaten enough cookies to keep you full for a week, while saving one for Shawn of course. Somewhere in the midst of things, Peter’s head found its way to its beloved spot on your chest and your fingers immediately began massaging through the curls on his head. “You smell different, Pete. Did you change shampoo or cologne or something?” You couldn’t put your finger on it, but the more kisses you left on his curls, the more you felt something was different. He dug his head into your (his) sweatshirt, mumbling something incoherent while trying to hide his rosy red cheeks. “What are you trying to say? I can’t hear you while you’re eating my sweatshirt,” you teased, watching as his red face lifted up to meet yours.
“It’s yours,” he mumbled again, shoving his face back into your chest. You leaned down again, taking a sniff of his hair and finding it to resemble your typical scent right away.
“Why are you using my shampoo, bubs?”
He sighed, turning his head so you could hear him better, “Cause you left one of your bottles here last time you used it and I don’t know, just missed you a lot and you always smell so good.”
“Oh yeah, what do I smell like?”
“Home.” He answered with such sincerity that you knew this was something he had thought about for a long time. Your heart burst, love pouring out of you in such ways that you almost felt like crying happy tears right there on the spot.
“I, um, I have a candle that I keep next to my bed because I think it smells like your cologne. And it calms me down when I’ve had a bad day and I can’t come see you,” you confessed, hands coming back to his hair. 
“You can always come see me, angel. Love having you around.”
You smiled to yourself when you heard his speech becoming more slurred, sleep overcoming him, “I love you, Pete.”
“I love you too, angel. My beautiful, beautiful angel.” He left feather-like kisses over your sweatshirt-clad chest, snuggling deeper into your warmth as his breathing began to even out. You reached over to turn off the tv, feeling safer than you’ve ever felt with your big, cuddly teddy bear in your arms.
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Chapter Three: If We Have Each Other.
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~When the world's not perfect When the world's not kind If we have each other then we'll both be fine. I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand. You should know I'll be there for you. I will always be there for you~
"Dude, we are in some serious jelly," I proclaimed as I paced around the small perimeter of the tree house.
"And that jam!" Isaac added from where he remained sitting at the table.
"Tight spot."
"Up a tree!" I supplied.
"Lost in the grass!" He offered. I swung around, shaking my finger at him.
"I'll tell ya what's grass, our- AAH FRACKLES!"  I had stepped on a stray nail in one of the floorboards. Hobbling my way back into my chair, I thunked my head against the table.
"But look at the bright side." Isaac leaned back in his chair. "Seeing as how our grand-theft-hairbrush is going viral and all, there is still a chance that me flipping the camera off could become a meme!" He pointed out. Slowly, I raised my head to stare at him.
"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"Consider it, Marty! All it took was five years being dead and now I'm finally fulfilling my life-long dream! If I'd known it was this easy, I would have killed myself a long time ago and spared me all that drama and emotional damage," Isaac smirked. I shook my head, my gaze drifted back to the Vader figure and snow globe sitting side-by-side on the shelf.
"Please don't talk like that Isaac," I sighed. Isaac's face fell.
"Sorry, I-I wasn't thinking," He apologized. I nodded.
"It's okay." It wasn't, but what more could be said when you didn't want to speak?
"Hey," Isaac spoke softly, ducking his head to get me to look at him, "Even if things go sour, I'm gonna be here for you. Just like I promised. Through thick and thin, remember?"
"Through thick and thin."
Smiling weakly, I repeated our life long mantra. I took a deep breath and focused back in on the problem.
"Alright, man. We gotta figure out a game plan. That video is gonna bring every hunter and their mom up here to ice our, or my, gluteus maximus. And if they know about the minimart then they know about the hospital. So, what's our play?"
"Well, I say you use your Sweet-Talkin' thing and talk any o'those alcoholic weirdos out of it," Isaac suggested. I shook my head.
"Isaac, you know how much I hate doing that."
Although it was a tempting idea, that wasn't something I wanted to mess with. If you start playing with the dark things, the dark things start playing with you. That wasn't a concept I liked, but Isaac would never understand that.
"I'm just saying it’s an option! And an easy one at that," Isaac pushed. I glared at him.
"I'm not doing that."
"It might come to it, Marty. I'm just saying as a plan C it-"
"The answer is no! Moving on." My tone killed and buried the subject. Isaac raised his hands in surrender.
"Fine. But misinformation is still our strongest tool. We should use it. Tell anybody who asks that it was all done on a computer," He conceded.
"Alright, that's plan A. What's plan B?"  Isaac's face twisted in thought. I let him do any and all planning when it came to telling a lie because he was so much better at making it convincing than I was. Isaac was the king of spouting believable bull crap. In fact, he would have made and excellent demon. That guy could probably get an angel to sell its soul for a box of holy doughnuts. When the idea hit Isaac's brain, I could almost see a light bulb light up above his head. He leaned forward, exited.
"Okay, I got it. We make up some BS story about a gay black dude who got chopped up by the ferry or something and the hospital wouldn't help him because all the doctors were racist homophobes, and it was the 50's." He nodded at me very seriously. Like I said, Isaac was king.
"That's is the worst, most ridiculous and stupid story I have ever heard," I told him. Isaac's nodding grew more excited. "It's perfect. They'll buy every word. Just one thing though, what about the mini-mart?" I pointed out.
Isaac opened his mouth before closing it again. Then he opened it. Then he closed it. Open. Closed. Open. Closed. This happened several more times before he finally came up with something good.
"So, our gay black guy was also a nice hobo dude and after he died he started stealing crap to give to his hobo buddies." Isaac gave me a thumbs up. I nodded.
"Okay, sounds good, sounds good. How do we explain me?" I splayed my hands. Isaac huffed and rolled his eyes, leaning back again and tucking his hands behind his head.
"Well, that’s easy. The camera never even caught a glimpse of your face, so you're his anonymous theft buddy slash item distributer!" He explained. I grinned at my fantastic phantasmal co-conspirator.
"Excellent, and of course nobody knows who the thief is. Especially not, innocent little me!" I chuckled at his brilliance.
"Exactly!" Isaac smirked.
"It's perfect! Except one last thing. We're gonna need some eyes and ears in on this. Someone to alert us when someone fishy comes lurking about," I said. Isaac nodded seriously.
"You're right. But who can we trust around here?" He asked. I could feel the smile split across my face.
"I can think of only one man for this job. A man as trustworthy as he is slimy. A man scrubbed clean by his own filth. A man so wonderful, words do him no justice!" I declared dramatically. Isaac was confused for a moment before realization dawned. His face fell.
"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."
"I think I am." I grinned. Isaac just sighed.
"Marty, no."
"Marty, yes!"
- 45 minutes later-
"Yo! Danny, my man! How's life?" I called out. Dan-the-Dope-Man looked up from...whatever it was he was doing outside Copper Harbor's one and only pharmacy. The pharmacy which he, in fact, owned. Honestly, I didn't want to know exactly what he had been doing behind the pile of cardboard boxes that were stacked up against the moldy brick. I figured it was better if I didn't. Dan smiled a grin that was missing two teeth.
"Marty! My worst customer and only friend! Life's good!" He greeted me, kicking a few of the boxes over to hide whatever suspicious activity it was that he had been up to. He winked and walked over to me, pushing his absolutely disgusting blond hair out of his face. "But, you know, business is betta'," He concluded.
I could never tell how tall Dan was, in this form especially. See, Dan-the-Dope-Man was a shapeshifter, though of course, no one else in the town knew that. That's how he was the owner of the pharmacy as well as a drug dealer. His other form, Jonathan De’ Santos, was the tall, 40-year-old, honest-looking Hawaiian man that ran the pharmacy. In this form, however, Dan was a somewhere-in-the-upper-five-foot-range Caucasian guy from Brooklyn with a thing against bathing. He said that the grungy, sewer-rat look was better for his side business. I wasn't sure how much of that I bought, but then again, who's gonna buy drugs from the guy who's supposed to make sure you don't destroy yourself with them.
"I bet it is!" I said, taking a step back when he reached me because, like I said, the guy had a thing against hygiene.
"This is a terrible, terrible idea," Isaac muttered, leaning on the wall to my left. I couldn't reply to him because although Dan knew what I was he didn't know about Isaac. So all I could do was give him a rude gesture behind my back. He saw it and stuck his tongue out at me.
"What can I do fo' ya, Marty?" Dan always pronounced my name as 'Mawty' at least in this form as it had a Brooklyn accent.
"Well, o' Danny boy, I have some rather bad news to deliver," I continued, "There might be some hunters coming to town soon."
Dan frowned; his eyes narrowed at me as he folded his arms over his chest.
"Well, that ain't good. Whatt'id ya do, Marty?" He asked. Sometimes Dan could be like my older brother, even if he didn't realize it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Who said I did anything?!" I defended. Dan just raised an eyebrow.
"You're always showin' off and ya know it," He said simply.
"He's right, you know," Isaac interjected. I wished I could tell him to shut his eidolic cake hole. It wouldn't have made much of a difference if I could, as he would still have continued talking, but the principle remained the same. Isaac was annoying. He needed to shut his mouth now and again. But I couldn't say that right now because he was a flipping ghost and ghosts are invisible. Mostly.
Ignoring Isaac, I opened my mouth to try to argue with Dan but quickly closed it again when found that I couldn't, because he was absolutely right. Now, I couldn’t admit that to him because Isaac was right here and that would be saying that he was right about something, and that was a thing I would never hear the end of.
"In regards," I started again.
"You'd just say 'regardless'," Isaac chimed in. I had to physically bite my tongue to keep from screaming at him to shut up.
"Regardless," I corrected. Isaac chuckled. I really needed to get myself some iron gauntlets or something so I could give his apparitional arse an involuntary appendectomy. Or just an iron ring so I could punch him in the face.
"Regardless, it wasn't me. This time. It was some attention seeking moron with a computer. That combined with my little hospital trips and you get something fishy looking." I finally managed to finish my sentence without Isaac chiming in.
"Well then ya betta' keep ya head down, Marty. I don' wan' ya gettin hurt." A dark look crossed over Dan's usually upbeat face. "Or worse," He finished.
"I know Danny, which is why I need you to do something for me," I said. Isaac sighed and face palmed but I ignored it.
"What?" Dan asked.
"I need you to watch out for any newcomers asking weird questions. I've got a plan if any hunters get too close to us, I just need to know who and where they are," I told him.
See, the pharmacy, the mini-mart, the bar, and the barber shop all sat across from each other at a four way intersection. Thus, Dan would have an excellent view of any hunter's first two targets. The origin of the supernatural activity, in this case the mini-mart, and the bar. He would be the perfect spy. Dan looked at me strangely.
"Say, Marty, you ain't plannin' on gankin' any a' dose' suckas' now are ya?" He asked, caution evident in his voice. I sighed, shaking my head internally. This was just another downside of being what I was. Everybody thinks you're a murderer. Though I knew I was far from innocent, I had never killed anyone. At least, anyone who didn't deserve it.
"Come on, Danny. In all the time you've known me, have I ever, er, ganked anyone?" I asked him, spreading my hands as if to catch the obvious answer.
"Well, no. But people can change," Dan pointed out. I rolled my eyes.
"Dan, I'm not gonna kill anyone. There, ya happy?" I said, only mildly aggravated. Isaac decided it was time to speak up again.
"You may not. But I will. If it comes to that. I won't let anybody hurt you, Marty. Not again. Not when I can do something about it."
I knew he was saying this now so I wouldn't be able to argue with him. Then I would forget and if he did kill someone Isaac would say he'd said he would. I ground my teeth together and reminded myself that it wasn't going to come to that. I wouldn't let it.
Meanwhile, Dan thought about what I'd spoken aloud.
"Yeah okay, but if anybody comes sniffin' I'm skippin', kay?" He agreed. I nodded.
"Okay, take care of yourself, Danny."
"You too, Marty." I smiled at him and began to walk away. Isaac pushed himself off the wall and trudged behind me, complaining loudly.
"Make sure you take care of yourself too, Issac! I'd hate myself if anything happened to you, Isaac! I wouldn't be able to survive without you, Isaac! Thanks Marty, your friendship means everything to me!" He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Ugh! Why do I even bother?"
I smirked giving him the sign for 'I love you' behind my back.
"Aw shut up!"
But I knew he was smiling.
~So, I'm thankful for my sister even though sometimes we fight When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived. I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry. I just wanna tell her that I'm always by her side. I just wanna tell her that...
The worlds not perfect, but it’s not that bad. If we've got each other and that’s all we have I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for you When the world's not perfect When the world's not kind If we have each other then we'll both be fine I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for you.
I will always be there for you.~
Lyrics from: If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
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bubblesam06 · 4 years
JJ Maybank x reader
Requested: no
Warnings: Light smut (barely), Fluff, swearing
A/N: This is my first Fan fiction, I’m sorry if it’s bad, I tried :/ anyway please request some ideas because I really want to start doing little blurbs of OBX... hopefully enough for a master list! THANK YOU!!! enjoy! ❤️
Description: The government created a system to better relationships. They thought soulmates were overrated so they created the Twin Flame where two people with the same personality connect with one tattoo.
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Being John B’s sister is already hard enough, but dating JJ Maybank is like a crowd of underage high hormonal teenagers in one body. I have to say although that may seem tough he’s like my other half or as some would call it “twin flame” even if it’s not yet confirmed I can feel it.
After my dads disappearance JJ has helped me a lot, coming over at 2am just to comfort me, bringing all the snacks you could imagine, and even getting high and running through the neighborhood together. John B has taken it the hardest and believes he’s still out there but me, I have just came to my senses and accepted his death.
“Y/N, baby let’s go!”
“J give me a minute ok, I’m trying to find my favorite shorts!” JJ always thought you didnt need to dress up for anything he say things like / “you’re already beautiful” “Baby you need to stop worrying about clothing” “you look amazing with or without makeup babe, I still don’t think you need it” \ which you love very much about him but you’re just too insecure thinking you look like an oompa loompa.
“love, come on I put them on the dresser after last night- oh hey Kie” he obviously didn’t realize she was here, “do you think I can talk to Y/N for a minute... alone”
Kie hesitated for a minute before giving in, “yeah I guess, I’ll meet you guys on the boat”
JJ watched as Kiara slowly left the room and right when she closed the door he spun his head around wrapping his arms around your waist picking you up, quickly you wrap your legs around him so you won’t fall. He presses your lips together moving in sync fitting perfectly like a puzzle peice.
“you have no idea how much I needed that” you smile cheekily up at him, his ocean eyes meeting your (Y/E/C) ones, “you know I am almost positive that you’re my twin flame” you smile at his words looking down as your cheeks flushed a light red.
“me too”
that’s all it took for JJ to push you down on the bed his lips attacking your neck, you lean your head back as a low moan escaped your lips
he pulls your shirt over your head “J, babe... I wish we can but they’re waiting on us outside-“ your breath hitched as he sucks on a spot that made you crazy.. “never mind... continue- oh god please keep going baby”
you rip his shirt off without breaking the kiss “don’t worry love, we’ll be quick-“
“you guys good? we’ve been waiting- Oh shit guys come on!” John B says as he opens your bedroom door quick to cover his eyes
“JB what the fuck? ever knock?!” you quickly reach for your shirt putting it on, “ok you can look now”
“are you sure?” John B asks
“yes we’re fucking sure” you and JJ say in innusion, “jinx”
“let’s go... hurry up”
you follow JJ out of the room when stops grabbing John Bs shoulder, “you’re a cockblock”
you giggle at JJs remark
“I am not”
you decide you add your own remark “JB as much as I love you, JJ is right this is the sixth time”
he looks down and walks out the door while smiling, “shut up”
You and JJ both laugh at John Bs sudden words “don’t worry love we’ll finish tonight, I promise”
your cheeks turn bright red “oh I know we will” you say as you kiss his cheek
“finally what took so long” kie and pope asked annoyance written on they’re faces “well I found this two on top of each other almost naked” John Bs voice getting louder as his head turns looking at you two
JJ nudges your arm noticing you were dozed off, him not knowing you were thinking about the twin flame hoping you and JJ’s tattoos match.
“it’s not my fault my baby wanted some kithes, plus I told him you guys were waiting” you say grabbing JJ’s cheeks while making kissy faces. JJ repeats your actions, “oh yeah what happened to ‘oh please JJ keep going uhhh don’t stop’ ”
your face turns red as the other pogues fake gag, “oh but you weren’t afraid to moan-“ he places his hand over your mouth stopping you from continuing to talk.
“anyway are you guys excited to see your twin flame tattoo?” Pope asks
you nod in return, “very... but I already know my twin flame” you say as you wrap your arm around JJ he quickly grabs you and places you on his lap “yup dis’ my babygirl” he says kissing your head
“in just four hours we’ll found out how our lives will be forever” Kie says euphorically
you look down at your hands fidgeting them nervously. “Love are you nervous?” JJ whispers tone full of concern, “a little, I just really want it to be you” you whisper “me too bubba, but don’t worry everything will be ok”
He read me like a book
“sarah JJ wanted me to be with him when we get our tattoo”
“yeah yeah I bet he did now hurry up!” She retorted
You always knew JJ was your splinterbean, but ever since John B and Sarah matched tattoos you got scared because they seemed like complete stranger opposites
“Sarah I swear to god did you take my $50 I was supposed to use for barry- I mean uh my new gold club!” you hear Rafes voice echo throughout the Cameron household. Rafe Cameron. he always had a crush on you even though you were a pogue he still called you cute and sexy which you hated, but JJ it was different when he called you cute and sexy you knew he meant it and you loved that about him.
“oh hey Y/N!”
you roll your eyes “hi” you say trying to walk passed him, you felt a strong hand slap across your butt causing a yelp to leave your lips
“what the fuck Rafe!” you yell bringing your hand across his face creating a loud slap
“aren’t you feisty” he retorts, “wonder what you’re like in bed” That’s it he pushed your buttons. you grab his arm twisting it clockwise then you take your foot kicking him directly in the dick.
he groans making you satisfied that is until he reaches for your leg pulling you down on the ground, he proceeds to punch your face until he saw blood or until Sarah ripped him off you.
“You’re psyco Rafe!” you scream spitting blood from your mouth “go to hell! you know what Sarah i’m gonna go, I don’t know why I came I should be with JJ right now-“
“no please I just wanted to talk to you about something” she says helplessly
“I only want JJ right now”
after walking for what felt like hours you made it home seeing John B sitting on the porch with Kie and Pope they were taking about something. but you couldn’t see JJ.
“Y/N you’re back- woah what the hell happened?!” John B asked
“that don’t look nothing” Kie added
“I said it’s nothing ok!!” you yell leaving them shocked, “where’s JJ?”
“he’s uh inside” Pope said
you quickly walk inside checking the time, 11:08, shit
“Bubba? Bub where are you?”
“i’m in your room baby!” he answers you
“thank god I thought I was gonna miss the tattoo- Y/N what happened to you?!” Concern and anger flooded his tanned face
his toned body twinkled with sweat from the scorching heat of outer banks, you were mesmerized and couldn’t believe you were his, and he was yours.
“love?” he asked again
“can we just find out our tattoo please?” you ask, “everyone’s outside waiting”
“guys it’s almost 11:11pm we have your tattoos from the mail” The tattoos are etched into your skin like a real tattoo would by a machine that you place on your wrist
“ready baby?” you ask JJ, he nods
“no matter what i’ll always love you” he says before placing the machine on his arm, you doing the same
“and I’ll always love you more!” you say
“Babe what the fuck we’ve been through this I love you more-“
“enough with the fighting!” John B yells
“JB did it hurt this much for you?” you ask between gritted teeth
“it wasn’t bad” he reply’s
after five minutes you take the machine off after hearing it beep and so does JJ, you got excited knowing they were similar tattoos because of the time it took.
“ready Love?” he asks, your heart melted at his nickname for you
you look down at you wrist seeing a simple line of a wave flowing across your wrist, “it’s beautiful” you say
“on the count of three... one, two, three!”
“a wave!” you both yell in innusion
you scream and shove your lips onto his, squeezing him making sure he doesn’t go anywhere. A simple tear slipped from your eye
“get a room!” John B boos causing the others two shove him
“peace out guys imma go have fun with my twin flame!” JJ yells carrying you in the chateau
“JJ!” you shout playfully slapping his shoulder
“wear protection! and don’t be loud we’d like to sleep tonight!” John B shouts
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nite-shay · 5 years
His Hero Part 1 -Kirishima Eijiro x Reader
A/N: Angst? Maybe lol. Still learning the whole what falls where. Maybe just some feels, I hope? 
Anyways, I hope you like it!
Links: Part 1 , Part 2
All you wanted was to get your son a new toy.
That's it. 
It was simple. Walk to the store, walk-in, buy it, and see the unadulterated joy on your 5 years olds face as he got a new toy of his favorite hero. 
Simple right?
Wrong… so… so wrong…
"Where are we going, mommy?" A soft whine came from your young son, walking next to you. It was a beautiful day out as the two of you made your way down the surprising, non-crowded sidewalk. 
"If I tell you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it?" You teased.
"No... "
"So, how was school today?"
"Ok, I guess…." He shrugged his shoulder as his eyes wandered over to the passing buildings. School wasn't something he was particularly interested in, but hey, what five-year-olds are? 
Good thing you knew one subject that always seemed to get him to open up about his day. 
"Did you get to play heroes and villains today?" His eyes lit up before you could finish your question. Now that was a topic he was interested in. His voice was full of enthusiasm as he told you about every detail of his day, well of his adventure on the playground anyways. 
"It was really, really REALLY fun! I got to rush in and save everyone!" Oh, if you could only get him to love school as much as he did heroes.
"Really?" You played along like you haven't heard this near exact story every day since school started. "Hmm.. that sounds familiar. Oh yeah! It's there a hero you like that does that?" You gave your son a smirk as you tried to 'remember' the hero's name. "Hmm... now, what was his name again? Burgundy… Crimson... No, that's not right… Oh, I got it! It's Rose Revolt! 
"No, mommy!" He grabbed your hand roughly, making the two of you stop. "It's Red Riot!" He pointed to the bright red 'R' on his shirt and gave you a dazzling grin with his shark-like teeth. He had the brightest smile you'd ever seen that always seemed to light up any room he was in. 
"Oh, of course! Silly me! He's the blonde, right?" You couldn't help it. You loved to tease him. 
"Noooo! He has spiky red hair, and a quirk like mine, remember?!?!" He puffed out his cheeks as tears of frustration welled in the corner of his eyes. 
"Ok, Ok. Yes, I remember, sweetie. I was just teasing you." You squatted down to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. "He really is your favorite hero, isn't he?"
"Yeah! He's so cool!" Those crocodile tears dried up instantly as he boasted about his idol. "He rushes in and saves everyone! He's not scared of anything! I wanna be just like him when I grow up!"
"You want to be a hero?" You forced your smile in place as a wave of nausea hit you full force. It scared you to death to think of your sweet little boy in danger. But it also made you proud to see him want to help others. You just weren't sure you could handle him being a hero, you know second hand what that road is like from your cousin Melissa. Her husband was a hero and a well known one at that, so it wasn't uncommon for him to come home injured or admitted to the hospital. 
"Yeah!" One day I'll be a hero! Just like Red Riot!" What was a mother to do?
"Yeah, you will!" No matter how much it scared you, you couldn't crush his dreams. If this is what he wanted, then you'll support him. No matter what. "But! You need to be good and get good grades to be a hero!" You ran your fingers through his soft hair that was the same shade as yours.
"Aww! But I have been good! Plus, got two Bs AND an A this time!" He reminded you. 
"Yes, you did. And that earns you your surprise!"
"What is it? What is it?" He had enough of your teasing as he started jumping up and down for emphasis. 
"Why don't you turn around and have a look?" You pointed out your destination to your energetic jumping bean. There was that brilliant smile again as he looked over at the toy store behind him. In the large window display hung a post for a new action figure being released today. An action figure of your son's hero, Red Riot. Something he didn't yet have reminded you every day since the announcement of what he wanted for his birthday. But thanks to the bonus you got, you decided to spoil him some and get it for him early. Plus, he's earned it. 
You were practically dragged inside by the boy who couldn't have been ⅓ of your size. After giving a small wave to the storekeeper, who was chuckling at the over-excited boy, you made your way down the tight-fitting aisle. His red eyes were wide with excitement as he looked through the rows of toys in search of his prize. 
You loved seeing this look on his face and did everything you could to keep him smiling and happy. But being a single mom made that difficult some days. You weren't hurting for money, and he wasn't going without. You just wish you could do for him and let him have more moments like this. 
But you would take the moments you can get.
Too bad your little family moment was about to be cut short. 
"I asked you a question, old man." The larger of the two villains who had entered the store shortly after you asked the shopkeeper. "Why the hell are you selling so much of his merch?"
"Please… I don't want any trouble... Just take the money.."
"Still not answering us." The smaller one demands.
"H-he's a popular hero in this area…."
"So you just took it upon yourself to start selling that red bastard shit in our territory? Not a smart move. We run this part of town." He chuckled and looked over to his partner. "What do you say? I think an example needs to be made."
"Fuck yeah!" The larger man grabbed the row behind him and toppling it with a single hard push. The falling displaying pushed into the others, causing a domino effect throughout the store. The sounds of the items and rack hitting the ground, and each other was deafening. 
You managed to grab your son just as the first rack fell but wasn't fast enough to dodge the second one that was currently crushing you. The sobbing boy in your arms was ok but terrified. He instinctively activated his newly found quirk, which protected him from any damage. His hard, jagged rock-like skin cut into you some, but you were just relieved it protected him. You, on the other hand, weren't as lucky. Searing pain echoed through your leg, particularly in your right leg, ribs, and back. Though the pain in your body was excruciating, your son came first. He seemed unharmed by the fall, and thankfully your body was keeping the weight of the heavy rack from crushing his small body. 
"(Y/S/N).... (Y/S/N)" you coughed. "Sweetie, are you ok?"
"M-mommy…" He shook as a sob racked his tiny body, causing him to shake against you. 
"Shh… it's ok sweetie... Everything will be ok… but…" you gasped a little trying to catch your breath. "But… you need to keep your quirk activated …" 
"I-I don't know if I c-can….I'm scared." You tried your best to smile for him and keep him calm, but the pain was making this difficult. 
Heavy footsteps echo through the store, along with the crunching of countless toys under those steps. Thank goodness someone was on their way to help. 
"I know you're scared. But… don't worry… mommy's right… Everything will be alright… someone... Will come help… us… heroes… you'll see..." Black spots danced in your vision as you started to get light-headed. 
"What did you say, you little bitch?" A large man appeared in front of you. This wasn't someone who had come to help you.No, this was a villain. You instinctively pulled your son closer to you. Though there wasn't much you could do to protect him. You were a quirkless civilian, not a hero. 
The man scowled at you, putting his large foot on the rack above you. "I'd watch my mouth if I was you." Shifting his weight, he slowly applied more pressure to the shelf above you. You scream in pain from the added weight. 
"That's enough! Keep them quiet otherwise, a hero really might show up!" The other man snapped. "Hurry up and help me with this."
"Fine." The larger villain grunted before lifting his foot from the rack, giving you time to gulp in some air. The last thing you saw was the man looking down at you with an evil grin before that heavy foot came in contact with your face. The kick was fast and hard, knocking you out cold. "There. Now you have something to cry about kid." The larger man walked back to the front, leaving your son with your unconscious form.  
"Mommy?" Your son whimpered. "Wake up...Please…" 
He started to wiggle and managed to crawl out from under the massive display. 
 "Mommy…" Releasing his quirk, he shook you carefully but realized he wouldn't be able to wake you. He then tried pulling you by your arm from under the wreckage, but he was too weak, and you didn't budge.  
What was going to do? 
He was too weak to help you.  
You were hurt. 
You needed help. 
Where are the heroes? Please, someone. Help us!
"Damn, this thing is tough." The larger man grunted as he tried to break open the safe. They had made the mistake of knocking out the shop keeper before getting the combination.  
"Need a hand?" Came a deep voice from the entrance to the shop.
"FUCK!" The villains jumped back to see not only the sturdy hero Red Riot but the larger BMI hero Fat Gum. Both of them were here. 
While the villains seemed imposing to the civilians they attacked; they were no match against the heroes. They didn't even have to use their quirks. 
"Attacking a toy store? Really guys? Not manly at all." Kirishima chided the two villains who were currently being bear-hugged by his long time mentor turned friend. "Let's get the-" 
"R-red Riot?" The storekeeper was finally coming around.
"Don't worry, we're here now everything is ok." He grinned and pointed toward the villains. "Guys didn't stand a chance." 
"P-Please heroes! In the back! There was a woman with a small child!" The storekeeper stammered pointed towards the wreck on his store. 
How could someone be in that mess? The redhead through before taking off towards the back. 
If someone was in there, they had to be hurt… bad…
"Hey! Can you hear me? Anyone back here?" He vaulted over some of the racks as he called out, hoping to hear a response. 
"H-Help!" Came a child's voice to his right. Following the cries, he rounded what's left of the corner to see a kid, who couldn't be no more than five with (Y/H/C) hair. Tears spilled from his eyes, and he tried to push up on one of the racks. "Please help my mommy!" 
"I got her kid. Stand back." Doing what he was told, your son moved to the side, watching his idol lift the rack with one arm while pulling you out from the wreckage. One look and the hero knew you were in bad shape. Your face was covered in blood from a nasty gash on your head, and one of your legs just... didn't look right. 
He should have checked the area first before bragging to the shop owner. 
He's a pro, not a rookie... 
"Mommy!" The child cried out to his mother running over to her shaking her lightly." Wake up… please mommy... The heroes are here just like you said.." After he set down the display, he rushed to your side and started checking for vitals. 
Bump Bump…..Bump Bump….
He sighed as he felt your faint beats against his fingertips. You were alive, but you need medical attention. He quickly radioed for EMS and started some minor first aid. Medical treatment wasn't his specialty by any means, but he learned over the years how to do a decent quick patch job on cuts. One he got the bleeding to stop, he glanced over to the child who still had tears dripping from his cheeks. He looked unharmed, which was amazing, considering the damages you sustained. 
"Shh... it's ok. I got help on the idea for her...." He tried to console the child, but his words weren't getting through to him; he was too shaken up. Those tears didn't stop, not until Kirishima put a hand on the boy's shoulder. Two pairs of crimson eyes met for the first time. "She's ok. I promise." Seeing those bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks reminded Kirishima of himself when he was that again. Granted, he didn't see his mom almost get crushed to death by a villain, but he used to cry. A lot at that age. Seeing the kid just... pulled at something inside the hero.
Maybe he was just empathizing with him… 
The hero's word seemed to work. His tears stopped as the kid froze and just stared at the hero.  
For about 10 seconds…
Then the faucet got turned on full blast.
The boy then rammed his small body into the hero, almost knocking him off balance. The redhead was stunned by the kid's actions as he wrapped his arm as far as he could around the hero. The boy cried his fresh warm tears seeping through his costume, breaking the unbreakable hero's heart. All that hero training and sometimes he forgot the basics. This was a kid, not an adult. He didn't just need reassurance from words, he needed physical comfort. You'd think he'd know this by now. Tentatively, the hero wrapped his arms around the boy and started rubbing the boys back. Something his mom used to do to him whenever he was scared. "Shh... your ok... everything's fine now..." 
It took about 3 minutes and 38 seconds, not that Kirishima was counting, to get the boy to calm down to the point where he wasn't hyperventilating any more. Now it was just sniffles and hiccups.
He continued comforting him until police and EMS arrived on the scene to assist the heroes. As Fat Gum talked to the police, Kirishima stayed with the woman and kid. The paramedic gave the kid once over before giving him a clean bill of health. He had a few bumps and bruises, but he would be alright. But as Kirishima suspected, you were in worse shape. They did what they could on the spot but quickly got you ready for transport to the local hospital. 
He started to shake again on hearing you had to go to the hospital. "Shhh... It's ok... These guys are pros and will take real good care of your mom" Kirishima hated this, but right now, all he could do was comfort the kid. He was lucky he even knew how to hold a kid. He didn't have any children of his own, but he had helped out Bakugo's with his little girl a few times. Though she was still a toddler and wasn't capable of talking or understanding a whole lot right now. 
"B-but…" He looked like he was about to cry again. 
"I swear it's just to get her checked out. Your mom is fine." He hoped.
"M-mommy said swearing is bad…"
"Oh.. "He chuckled at his childish logic. "She's a smart lady then. Yeah, swearing is pretty bad, but this is more like a promise, so it's a good thing." He patted your son on the head, which seemed to cheer him up some. "So, what's your name?" 
"Gotta say that's a real manly name (Y/S/N)." 
"T-Thank you, s-sir." He shyly murmured, "Will.. you stay with me… please...."
"Yeah, sure, kid." Looking up to his mentor and friend, the man gave him a grin as cuffed the villains. "You good over there, Fat?" 
"Oh yeah, these guys ain't nothin. Take care of them, would ya?" 
The ride to the hospital was short, and you were quickly rushed back to the ER while your son and Kirishima were left in a small private waiting room, typically used by heroes or their families. Kirishima sat beside (Y/L/N) in silence while waiting for news about you.
"I'm sorry to ask this but, do you have anyone we can call? Your dad, maybe?"
"It's just me and mommy…" Tears started to swell in the corners of his eyes.
Damn it! This was clearly a touchy subject for the kid. His mom just got hurt in a villain attack, and now the person who saves him is making him cry. Reaching out, he pulled the kid over the railing and into his lap, hugging him tightly.
"Shh… I'm sorry… It's ok... I won't leave you. I'll stay with you until your mom wakes up. How about that?"
"Thank you. M-Mr. Red Riot, s-sir."
"You don't have to sir me." He sighed. 
"Sorry, sir!" The kid's head popped right up, making the redheaded hero laugh. He liked this kid. 
"But... I do need to call someone for you..." He scratched the back of his head while he pondered what to do. "Your mom seems like a pretty smart lady. Did she tell you what to do if there was an emergency? Like someone to call?"
"M-Mommy said if I was ever in t-trouble or could get to her to call my Aunt Missy..."
"Do you know her phone number?" 
"I'm s-sorry..." The kid shook his head sadly.
"Shh... it's ok. Don't worry about it. We'll just have to ask your mom when she wakes up, then. Now, won't we?." He was careful to keep his expression as cheerful as he could, but inside he was panicking.
Please please please let her wake up. 
It's not like he had a problem staying here with him. He was prepared to stay the rest of the day and night if that's what it came to. 
It's just... 
Kirishima was just worried about him. If something happened to you, what would happen to him? From the sounds of it, his father wasn't in the picture, and the 'Aunt Missy' wasn't much to go on. He facing this all alone. He couldn't leave him like this. That wouldn't be manly.
Kirishima shook his head a bit, trying to clear his thoughts. He really shouldn't be getting attached to the kid, but there was just... something about him... 
Distractions. Distractions were good. He needs to distract himself and the child in his lap. 
"So, you two came to the toy store today?"
"M-mommy said t-that I had been really g-good, so she was going to get me a surprise." He stuttered.
"Really? That's awesome! What did you wanna get?" Kirishima grinned at him before the boy buried his face into the hero's chest, muttering his response. "Huh?"  
Crap, did he make him sad again?
"A n-new action figure came out t-today of my favorite h-hero." (Y/S/N) seemed more nervous than before, which confused the hero. 
"Really?" A light bulb went off in the hero's head. "Which one? I may be able to go and get it for you. I'm pretty good friends with the shopkeeper." He really wanted to see the kid smile, but he knows that'll only happen when he was in his mother's arms again. But he had to do something for the kid. Hell, at this point, Kirishima was ready to give him one of his Crimson Riot collectibles if it would help. "So, which one were you going to get?" He smiled down at the boy who was still hiding his face from him.  
Was he doing the right thing?
Was he saying the right thing?
Kirishima wished he would look up at him at least. It made it easier to hear him and would let him know if he was upset or not. 
(Y/S/N) mumbled something into the redhead's chest.
"Sorry, didn't catch that. What did you say?"
"I'm your hero? Really?" This shocked the hero. Yeah, he had fans, but most adults plus he was still considered a newbie in the pro world. While kids his age tend to go towards the flashier heroes. 
"Y-yeah!" His little head popped right up and the locked eye again. "You're like the best! You run in and help all the people! Just like me and mommy!" Those crimson eyes shone with excitement, awe, and some tears. "Mommy said, i-if I study hard, I-I can be a hero just like you!" Even though his stutters, the redhead, was moved by his words. He had run into fans before, but this kid was making him feel like he was twenty feet tall.
"She's right! You can be a hero, and I have a feeling you're going to be a manly one at that!" (Y/S/N) gave him the brightest smile he had ever seen, and it made Kirishima wanna cry.  
So manly...
A soft knock at the door spared him from his moment of weakness, followed by a nurse poking her head in. 
"Red Riot, Miss (Y/L/N) is awake now." She informed them.  
"Ready to see your mom?"
"Yeah!" The boy all but jumped out of his lap, but quickly turned around to grab the hero's hand. Pulling him along as they followed the nurse who giggled quietly at the sight of the two. 
Meanwhile, in the room, you were being treated in.
"Please, Miss (Y/L/N), we need for you to calm down." The doctor pleaded with you as he pressed your shoulders back to be. You woke up about 10 mins ago, and after clearing your head for 5 of those minutes, you looked around the room. It was a nice hospital room. It was clean; the bed wasn't that bad, and it seemed well equipped. However, it was missing something.
Your son...
Where was your child...
What happened to him? Was he safe? 
The last thing you remembered was getting kicked by the villain.
You need to find your son. Now. 
"For the last time, I am calm!" You gritted out. Your mind still felt groggy as you struggled against the doctor and nurse (when did she get her?) who were trying to keep you from getting out of bed. Your motherly instincts and pure panic were quickly overpowering your head injury and the sluggish effects of medication. "Now, where the hell is my son!?"
"Mommy! You said a bad word!" (Y/S/N) gasped as he, of course, chose this very moment to appear in the doorway. 
Every bit of the fight you had, left you as the rush relief hit your body like a titlewave. 
He was ok. 
He was smiling, happy, and seeming unharmed as he walked in, holding the hand of a hero dressed in red. 
"Sweetie…" You whispered as tears came to both your eyes and his. You didn't get to another word out before he dropped the hero's hand and made a beeline for you. You immediately threw off the sheet and moved to get out of bed. The nurse tried to stop you, but you pulled out of her grip. You were going to your son, nurses, broken leg, bruised ribs, and mild concussion be damned. Though you didn't make it far, about 6 inches from the bed before your body collapsed. But that didn't stop the little boy from tacking into your ribs. "(Y/S/N)." You whispered a silent prayer as you checked over him to make sure he was ok. "Are you hurt?"
"Nope. I'm ok. Red Riot saved us!" He beamed at you before pointing to the hero behind him. "See! He came just like you said! You said a hero would save us, and he did! He even stayed with me!" The words came out as a jumbled mess as he tried to tell you everything at once. His excitement and relief were too much for his mouth to handle.  
You tore your eyes away from your son to look up at the man who had to save both you and him. The red hero looked over at you with what you could only describe as shock... 
He looked… familiar… 
His red hair was spiked, and his faceguard hid some of his features... But… those eyes… You knew those crimson eyes...
You froze.
You hadn't seen him in over five years…
"(Y/F/N)?" "Eijiro?"
Links: Part 1 , Part 2
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
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lnarizakis · 4 years
critical thinking | a. keiji
masterlist | cards against humanity x haikyuu!!
pairing: akaashi keiji x gen!reader
foreword: this is around 2k words and honestly I’m kinda proud of myself like i think this is the longest fic I’ve written on here!! I hope you guys enjoy hehe
look out for: no warnings!
PREFACE. The setting: Akaashi Keiji and (L/N) (Y/N), with a painfully obvious crush on the former, are studying in the library. It’s one of the only days where the setter’s not practicing hard for nationals after school. They’re not really aware of the time, but it’s probably around 4:30. The sun’s shining brightly through the window, hitting all the right spots on Keiji’s face perfectly. He’s such a gentleman for choosing to sit facing the sun. It’s awfully quiet in the surrounding air, but between the two of them hushed whispers fill the atmosphere. From afar, it could be assumed that they’re having a heated discussion about the literature homework in front of them, debating the true meaning behind the significance of the light in the character’s eyes, but they’re discussing something a little unrelated. Well, perhaps the concept of “true love” could have been branched out from how (Y/N) suggested that the light in the character’s eyes could have been lit up because of the love he had for the deuteragonist, so in a way they’re still discussing the literature homework. But, no. Not really. I mean:
“Wait, so you don’t believe in true love? Like, the kind where you look into someone’s eyes for the first time and think— ‘Wow. I’m in love with them,” blurted out (Y/N) in a hushed whisper, absolutely exasperated with the fact that Keiji outrightedly stated that he does not believe in true love. Well, as far as (Y/N) interpreted the words “I really don’t think there’s such thing as love at first sight” goes, Keiji does not believe in true love.
“No, you’re getting the two mixed up. The kind you’re thinking of is love at first sight, as I’ve previously mentioned. True love is something else. True love is…” Keiji thought for a minute. He stayed silent, wondering what true love really is. He tapped his fingers on one hand, and played with his pen with the other. The notebook underneath both remained blank.
“True love is critical thinking.”
(Y/N) sputtered out, “You thought for a good one minute, and all you could think of what true love is is critical thinking?! You weren’t critically thinking there, Akaashi-san.” Keiji chuckled. That was funny. He smirked, as he let his eyes bring themselves down towards his still-blank notebook.
“We should get back to work, (L/N)-san. We’re here in the library for a reason,” Keiji stated, as a matter-of-fact. Dejectedly, (Y/N) muttered out that he’s right, and they get back to work. They agreed to disagree with their previous argument, about the significance of the light behind the main character’s eyes, and decide to write their own answer in their notebook.
After a good fifteen minutes, (Y/N) let out a sigh as they dropped their pen onto the table. They stretched out their arms, cramped from being used to write several paragraphs of pure BS-ing. Impulsively, they suggested, “You think true love is critical thinking, huh? Is there any way I can show you that it’s not all that?”
Keiji thought for a couple seconds, then pointed his pen towards (Y/N).
“See? I had to think for a minute if you were asking me out on a date. Critical thinking at its finest.” Oh, how he loved to tease (Y/N). They playfully rolled their eyes. “But alright. I’m game. Convince me, with everything you can, that true love isn’t all critical thinking.”
ONE. The setting: Akaashi was in his room, staring at his closet. It’s a neatly done closet, with all of his clothes sorted by color. He had just come out of his shower, and he had just finished drying off. His hair was still a little wet, but since it’s several hours before his first date with (Y/N), it’ll dry beforehand. He just needed to find an outfit. He had planned on doing so last night, but extended volleyball practice called and asked for all his energy to be spent. Bokuto just had to get those cross spikes in before nationals. He couldn’t forget, like last time. That was… a little embarrassing, to say the least.
He pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans along with a gray sweater that he hadn’t worn since his first year in high school, but it seemed to him that his shoulders have gotten a little too broad to fit loosely into that sweater. Looks like it won’t do; he might feel a little uncomfortable with the snug fit, and (Y/N) might feel a little odd with his constant shuffling, attempting to stay comfortable throughout the date. Back to the closet those two went.
Oh my. Black joggers and a hooded sweatshirt. Absolutely not. It was too casual. Keiji imagined himself wearing that while (Y/N) was wearing the nicest thing in their closet (well, perhaps not the nicest thing, but something still pretty first-date nice).
Keiji found a pair of looser jeans— but what to pair them with? He found a collared shirt and a lighter-colored sweater to go on top. In the depths of his closet he also found an overcoat, as well as an expensive belt the third-years of his volleyball team bought him for his birthday. He would definitely look nice with this. But wait— what were they going to do again? Just a simple outing at the cafe, right? This outfit was definitely too fancy for something like this. He couldn’t simply wear something like this at a cafe like that. Nope. Definitely not. Back to the closet the whole outfit went.
He gave up. He decided to go with the first outfit, the skinny jeans and the sweater. He was going to have a collared button-down underneath. He thought this would be best. Definitely. No doubt about it.
Walking towards the cafe, Keiji felt more uncomfortable by the minute. He felt his pants were too tight, or his collar kept unfolding itself every time he moved his shoulders. He felt like a clown in a circus; with everyone staring at him as he walked by different people on the sidewalk.
When he opened the door, he found (Y/N) sitting at a table by themself. They hadn’t ordered anything yet, but they were on their phone. Oh gosh, they’ve been waiting for him. It was all because he spent too long finding an outfit to wear. He really shouldn’t have put so much thought into that outfit. It was so unnecessary to think that much!
“Hey, you.” It was (Y/N). They stood up from where they were sitting, and beckoned Keiji to come closer, as he was currently blocking the entrance. He followed the little hand wave, and profusely apologized for being late, to which (Y/N) replied that it was completely fine; they actually had just arrived.
“You look nice.” (Y/N) broke the silence once more. They scanned Keiji up and down, smiling softly.
TWO. The setting: The sun’s setting and the sky’s a really pretty purple and pink. They’re walking home after what seemed like their fourth or fifth date. They weren’t really sure themselves, since (Y/N) keeps spontaneously asking them out on several dates. So maybe it was even the sixth. But who was he to judge, because right at this moment he stood underneath a street lamp that shone a bright yellow light with the love of his life. He was so proud to call them his. What he wasn’t so proud of, however, is how they haven’t had one, single kiss yet. That’s a little embarrassing. However, right here, seemed like the best opportunity to share his first kiss with (Y/N).
Uh-oh. How was he supposed to kiss them? Does he… place a hand on their shoulder? Or does it go on their waist, as he leans in and softly kisses them? No, that didn’t seem right. Maybe he places that hand behind the neck and brings them closer to him? No, that didn’t sound right either. Where does his other hand go? Does he keep it hidden in the pocket of his coat, or does he hold their hand? You know, for support? Or maybe he uses both hands to hold them by the waist. That seemed like the best option.
But wait— how does he… lean in and kiss them? Does he do it slowly? Just quickly give them a little peck on the lips and look away like a tsundere? Oh gosh, his lips were chapped; maybe he shouldn’t kiss them after all—
He’s given no time to think any more before (Y/N) leans towards him and places their lips against his. The kiss was a little forceful, and he felt their teeth, but it was still nonetheless wonderful. Once they pulled away, Keiji softly placed the tips of his fingers over his lips, ghosting the touch of what he had just felt.
“You just… kissed me,” he stated.
They smiled a toothy grin. “I did. You were taking too long; you were staring at me like a dead fish. Critical thinking, aren’tcha? It doesn’t get you anywhere,” (Y/N) taunted.
THREE. The setting: (Y/N) and Keiji stood outside the door to the gym, hand in hand. It was some time after practice had ended. The former felt Keiji’s hand getting clammy and sweaty, a result of keeping their relationship hidden for so long. Currently, they were about to announce to Bokuto Koutarou, proud captain and ace of their volleyball team, also being Keiji's best friend and closest confidant, that they were dating.
What was he to say? Akaashi was to word it in the most precise way, or else (Y/N) would get the wrong idea about what they meant to him, and their relationship might be extremely damaged. Or Bokuto might think that Akaashi’s setting volleyball secondary on his list of priorities, which is extremely worrying as part of the starting line-up for nationals.
Right on cue, the doors to the gym swung open. It was Bokuto. His skin glistened with sweat, a product of his hard work. He gave a long sigh, exclaiming his thanks for the cold air outside. His eyes were closed. Bokuto opened his eyes to see his junior and someone else that he had never seen before holding hands. Akaashi looked worried, to which Bokuto expressed his concern with an “Oya? Akaashi, what’s the matter?”
“Hi, Bokuto-san. My name is (L/N) (Y/N), and Akaashi and I are dating. We just wanted to tell you that.” (Y/N) blurted out, and Akaashi felt his cheeks grow slightly warm because of the sudden outburst of their confession. To Akaashi’s surprise, Bokuto laughed heartily. The ace clasped a sweaty hand on the setter’s shoulder.
“Oh! I’m proud of you, Akaashi. You managed to get ‘em! You’ve been crushing on them since forever.”
FOUR. The setting: It’s late at night. Akaashi’s older now; he’s a little more experienced with all of this “dating stuff.” He’s getting the hang of it— well, he should be, since there’s a little black velvet box sitting in the drawer of his nightstand in his bedroom. Akaashi has his own little apartment now, and (Y/N) has their own. They haven’t moved in together yet. Akaashi’s ready to propose to them. He’s got the best plan ever. He knows exactly what to do. There’s nothing that can disrupt the plan. First, he’s going to walk over to (Y/N)’s apartment, and they’re going to spend the whole day together, out and about. He’s then going to treat them to a nice dinner, which once they’re done, he’s going to present to them the ring. It’s going to be beautiful and meaningful. Memorable, even. Or, well, it was going to be beautiful and meaningful.
“You can’t sleep?”
“No… I had a nightmare that you left me.”
“Okay, come over and we can sleep together.”
Akaashi hung up the phone. Around ten minutes later, he heard a knock at his apartment door, and there he saw (Y/N), cold and out of breath. He let them in, and he led them into his bedroom.
And so we have it: Akaashi and (Y/N) were lying side-by-side on his bed, neither of them being able to go to sleep. The former setter turned to (Y/N) and they replicated his actions. He stared into their eyes.
“You know I love you, right? I could never leave you,” Ever the stoic boyfriend. (Y/N) still smiled softly, though, knowing he meant every word he said. Despite his cold exterior, his eyes radiate warmth.
“I know. I love you too,” they whispered.
“I want to marry you,” Akaashi accidentally blurted out. His eyes widened, and so did (Y/N)’s. Oh God, did he really just say that? Did he really mean it? Of course he meant it, what was he thinking?
Still in shock, (Y/N) asked, “Wait, do you really mean it?”
“I just… said that, right?” Akaashi let their question slip in and out of his ear.
“Yes. To both questions.”
Getting out of bed, Akaashi lowered his voice as he asked himself as well as (Y/N), “You’re serious, right? This is super spontaneous…” He reached for the closed drawer of his nightstand, and opened it up. He grabbed the black velvet box and opened it. Behind him, (Y/N) was sitting up in bed, wondering what he was doing.
And there he was, inching his way closer to (Y/N), holding out their engagement ring, to which they held out their ring finger. He slowly eased the ring onto their finger, face flushed with warmth and love while doing so. He looked up into their eyes.
“Looks like I wasn’t critically thinking there. Thank you for teaching me what it means to love from not just the mind, but also from the heart.” (Y/N) playfully slapped him on the arm.
“Keiji, you’re supposed to say that at our marriage, not right now!”
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terrm9 · 4 years
CHAPTER 5 - Touch
The sky over Boston was already dark, bustle of the hospital slowing down, doctors checking their patients one more time before going home. Dr. Ethan Ramsey haven't changed his position much in the past few hours, sitting on the chair next to Chiara, holding her hand. It surprised her, when he reached for her hand, but she didn't show it and didn't try to protest, silently enjoying his touch. Little did she know that for the past 7 weeks, Ethan's held her hand every day, praying that she could feel him, trying to wake her up by gently squeezing it. Holding her hand became so natural to him that he didn't even think about doing it anymore.
The room was silent most of the time - Chiara's voice was still weak and it hurt her to talk and Ethan didn't want to overwhelm her with too much information or too much noise he would make by talking and so they just kept holding their hands and swam through their own thoughts.
"Don't your patients need you?" Chiara broke the silence when she realized that it's dark outside and therefore it must be pretty late.
"You are my patient too," Ethan grinned.
She smiled at the remark, but her natural curiosity didn't allow her to stop asking.
"I mean your other patients. Pretty sure I am not the only one."
"My shift ended two and half hours ago, the moment I walked through the door to see you."
Chiara raised her eyebrows in yet another surprise and looked him straight into the eyes.
"What are you doing here then? Go home. Sleep. Drink whiskey. I am not exactly good companion at the moment."
"I waited seven weeks for you to wake up, I am not leaving the moment it happens. Your condition seems to be surprisingly good, but the first hours after waking up can show many complications and I want to be here in case something goes wrong."
 I also missed your eyes. And your voice. And this smile.
He never said any of that out loud.
"What about Jenner?"
"Jenner has been staying at my dad's place for the past few days," he shrugged.
 53 days, to be exact.
Chiara closed her eyes and didn't say anything else for a long moment. Her head hurt terribly and she hated the fact that she couldn't really move, besides her hands. She wanted to lay on her side so that she could see Ethan better. She wanted to ask about her friends, about Kyra, about new patients, about Ethan's dad but she felt so weak, so wounded that she couldn't bring herself to actually talk. Realizing that she should be thankful to be alive made her feel even worse for feeling sorry for herself, but damn, she did feel sorry for herself. She has always been the one helping others, not the one needing help. She was a doctor, not a patient. Suddenly, she felt hot tears streaming down her face as the toughts about her own uselessness ate her up.
"Hey, what is it, Chiara? Are you in pain? Why are you crying?"
Ethan's brows furrowed and his voice sounded alarmed.
"I hate being like this. To depend on others so much. I am not even able to take a shower on my own."
"Oh Chiara," he whispered, his voice softest she's ever heard it. "You literally just woke up from coma. You survived crash that should've been deadly. Stop putting so much pressure at yourself. You are doing great and soon you'll be walking through this hospital and saving others, being the great doctor you are."
"Please, Ethan, leave me alone," she couldn't stop crying. "Go home and get some sleep. I'm not your responsibilty and I cannot be your burden."
He squeezed the hand he was holding and with the other one cupped her cheek, looking at her with those ocean blue eyes as if he could see her soul with them.
"I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that you are alone feeling like this. I care about you, Chiara. Not because you are my patient now, but because you are Chiara Ray. You are tired. Close your eyes and try to sleep, okay? I'll go to sleep once you are sleeping."
"I am sorry for not being stronger," she whispered.
"You are incredibly strong and I am proud of you, Rookie."
With that, he ran his thumb along her cheekbone, causing the spots he touched flush brightly. He watched her as she closed her eyes and smiled at his words and his touch, the warm feeling filling his chest at the sight. Soon, her breath became more even, signalizing that she was sound asleep and he could leave now. But he just couldn't. Right at the moment, she looked exactly the same as those past weeks, almost lifeless. But knowing that in matter of few hours, she will surely wake up, she will speak and maybe even smile, it filled him with so much energy that he knew he'd be able to watch her all night.
The next morning, only seconds after the nurse came to check on Chiara, the door to her room opened again and in walked Dr. Banerji, his smile so bright it could light up the whole room.
"Chief Banerji! Such pleasure to see you," Chiara smiled, her throat finally allowing her to talk without a burning feeling.
"Let's stick with Naveen, shall we, dear?"
Chiara nodded and observed the older man, as he made himself comfortable on the chair next to her head.
"I am beyond happy to see you alive and well, Chiara. I was sincerely scared when I heard what happened to you. We all were."
"Sorry for the scare," Chiara smiled. "So what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Oh, I just wanted to see you and tell you that, in the name of the whole hospital, I am relieved to see you in this condition. Also, Ethan asked me to check on you. He's taken a half day off, running some errands."
"I hope one of the errands is getting a haircut," Chiara muttered under her breath, causing Naveen to laugh whole-heartedly.
"So you've noticed his new image!
"It's impossible not to," Chiara grinned. "Seriously now. What is going on with him, Naveen? He told me that he's been super busy with work since I can't help the team at the moment, but that's BS."
"Oh, so that's what he told you?"
"What is he keeping from me?"
"It's not my place to tell you all the events happening in his life. He'll told you when he feels like doing so. What I can tell you is what I observed. Ever since your accident, Ethan spent exactly one night in his apartment and even then he made sure that the Aveiro boy would keep you company. All the other nights, well, he either slept in his office or he just sat here next to you through the whole night. He wanted to be close by in case something changes with you. And when he found out about the crash, I had to literally hold him to stop him from running straight into the O.R. He was so scared, so worried and mostly so, so hopeless."
Chiara kept looking at the ceiling, motionless, absorbing every word she's just heard.
 He did all of that for me? He's destroying himself because he was scared about... me?
As if Naveen could read her mind, he continued: "I am not telling you all of this to make you feel bad, Chiara. I just think it's fair for you to know and knowing Ethan, he would never mention it. But I know him and even though the beard and the awful hair, making him look like some kind of Robinson Crusoe, since you woke up, I finally see the sparks in his eyes. The eyes are finally his eyes again and I know it's because it's you who brings the sparks."
"I don't know Naveen... I know he cares about me and damn, I care about him just as much, but it never seems to be enough."
Naveen smiled softly at the young doctor in front of him, mix of anger and sadness showing on her face at the mention of Ethan's behavior.
"Young love is complicated, but you kids will find your way. I have to go, Dr. Hirata is waiting for me - I'm helping with the team from time to time now. And surely your friends can't wait to see you. But I'll come again, okay? Be well, Chiara."
"Thank you, Naveen. For the visit. For the talk. I appreciate that."
Dr. Banerji simply nodded, squeezed Chiara's hand and left the room, leaving her with her even more confused thoughts.
It didn't last long, though. Just as she called Ethan 'handsome idiot' in her head, the door opened again and soon the room was almost full. Sienna kneeled next to Chiara's bed with tears already in her eyes, Elijah's smile reminded her the one Naveen's had when he came in, Jackie was smiling at the end of Chiara's bed and even Aurora, her civil clothes on, came to sit on the chair next to Sienna.
"Hey guys," Chiara smiled thankfully at each one of them. "It's good to see you. No one wanted to give me any information and I was so worried about you."
"We were worried about you!" Sienna sniffed. "Oh Chiara we are so happy that you woke up."
"I am sorry for the crash. For not handling the situation well," she whispered. "Sorry for your car, Sienna."
"Please, stop with this. It was not your fault at all. And we are all totally fine!"
"What about the other driver? Ramsey didn't want to tell me anything. Did he...?"
"No, he's alive," Jackie responded before Chiara could vocalize the word 'die'. "The bastard was drunk as fuck and I hope he's having a hard time in jail."
Chiara's eyes went wide and she got pale at the mention of drunken driver almost killing her. All of the memories of her father's and brother's dead bodies she had to identify because her mother couldn't do it on her own, of the funeral where she felt so empty that she didn't shed a single tear and the breakdown that came 9 days after the funeral, when the truth finally downed at her and she knew, she finally felt that they weren't coming back, that she would never annoy her brother and that her dad would never call her just to tell her how proud he was of her. And all of that just because someone didn't want to spend his money on taxi.
"I am sorry if that was insensitive," Jackie added, noticing Chiara's expression.
"Nope, it's okay," she smiled faintly and quickly asked about their injuries, needing to change the topic. None of them knew about her family history and she wanted to keep it that way as long as she could. Just a moment before she could ask about Keiki and why Bryce wasn't with them, the door opened again, revealing Bryce Lahela with the brightest smile, pushing wheelchair with Kyra sitting on it.
"I see the party started without us? Shame on you all!" He smiled even wider, if that was even possible.
Kyra grinned at his remark and from what she could see, Chiara had to say that she looked actually good. The only thing that was different than what she remembered, was a nose tube now decorating her face.
"Look at you, doctor. You look awful."
"Well thank you very much Kyra," Chiara grinned back. "You, on the other hand, look pretty good."
"What can I say. Being officialy cancer free feels freaking wonderful."
"What?!" Chiara felt like she screamed, altough her voice was still too weak for such sound.
"I've had the surgery a month ago. Thanks to this handsome man," she looked up at Bryce, her smile changing a little from grin to actual smile, "the surgery worked and I am recovering. I bet I'll be out of the hospital before you."
"I honestly wish you were right. My physical therapy starts this afternoon and it all depends on how soon my legs are going to work again. And my spine. I don't really expect any more complications but who knows, they are running so many test on me... However I really want to see you out of this hospital gown, Kyra."
The atmosphere in the room was light, laughter bouncing off the walls, something neither of then felt for such a long time. They finally knew that everything would be okay. Chiara asked about interesting patients she missed, about Phoebe and Danny, how's Jackie's babysitting going and somehow, in the middle of the chat, Sienna admitted that Ethan Ramsey paid for Chiara's rent.
"He did what?" Chiara asked shocked and touched at the same time.
"He heard us talking about it once, when Farley kept pushing us to pay and we didn't know how exactly we should do that, because well we aren't rich and then Dr. Ramsey approached Jackie and offered to pay for your part and at first we really, really didn't want to accept that but all the other options were much worse. So we agreed and so yeah... he paid."
"Holy crap," Chiara whispered, not knowing what else to say. So he's been staying with her while she was in coma, he'd been worried about her and he's been paying for the apartment. What else should she expect? And why didn't he tell her any of that?
The first physical therapy session was a disaster. After two hours of exercise of all kinds, all she could so was to lift her right leg a little bit. For two seconds at best. She didn't expect to be able to walk right away, but she hoped to feel stronger. At least the doctor confirmed that her spine was healed properly and allowed her to try to sit or lay on her side for a few minutes a day, as long as it wasn't too painful.
And so that was what she was doing. Sitting on her bed, playing with the hem of her sheets, tears of frustration slowly streaming down her face. The soft knock on the door disturbed her thoughts and when she noticed who came in, she murmured: "Go away."
"Umm, I am sorry but it doesn't work that way."
"Ethan, please. Leave me alone."
"I am a doctor checking on my patient, you can't just send me away."
Chiara rolled her eyes and tried to wipe the tears before Ethan could notice them.
"Did you come to ask how's the therapy going? It's awful. I am weak as fuck, my legs don't feel like mine, everything hurts and I am spending at least two weeks here. And then maybe I will be able to walk with a cane. So I am going to be absolutely useless consumer of air for at least another month."
"Come on, Chiara," Ethan caressed her cheek, his brows furrowed with worry. "You are so hard on yourself, expecting to be back to your old self immediately. But you have to take it one step at a time, quite literally now. You are doing amazing. Look at yourself, sitting!"
"Yeah, great. I am able to sit for, like, 10 minutes. Such accomplishment."
"It is. Look Chiara, I get that you feel like you are wasting the time of others and yours too, but considering everything, this situation couldn't be better."
"Whatever," she shrugged, returning her attention to the sheets.
"I actually came to tell you that your mom and Alicia are coming to see you tomorrow morning."
She turned her head to him, her mouth open and eyes wide from surprise.
"You called my mother?"
"Well yes, we had to let her know that you woke up."
"How do you know my sister's name?"
"Your mum mentioned it and it stuck with me. I have uncommonly good memory," he shrugged.
"When did you even talk about my sister?" Chiara was confused and shocked and angry for not knowing a single thing about these past weeks.
"She came to see you the day after your surgery. Naveen called her to let her know what happened and she came as soon as she could. She talked to Harper about the surgery and then we talked a little bit about your chances of recovery. She only came for few hours back then."
Chiara imagined her crying mother leaning against Ethan's broad chest, imagined how the talk went and with all those pictures in her head, suddenly it clicked.
"She told you, right? About my dad and Liam? About their accident. That's why you didn't tell me that the drunken driver caused my accident as well."
He sighed and looked away from her, but nodded.
"You need to put all of your energy into your recovery and mental health is enormous part of your well-being. I didn't want to put a distress on your mind, knowing that it could cause huge setback on your journey. I am sorry for keeping that from you, but your health comes first."
"I can handle it," she replied, anger visible in her eyes. Ethan simply nodded, not knowing what else to say. After a while of heavy silence, he couldn't stop himself from whispering.
"I wish you told me."
"About what?"
"About your past. Your family. About such tragedy in your life."
"I couldn't. I hate the idea of people pitying me. I want people to respect me for what I do, not for what happened to me. I want them to see me as I am, not to have their judgment blinded by the story of the girl with dead father and brother. It was not personal, not telling you. I never told anyone, my roommates, my friends, no one. The only person who knows about that is Bryce Lahela. The others only know that I've been through some shit and that I don't talk about it."
 She told Lahela but she never told me.
 Not that I can blame her. I bet Lahela never pushes her away.
 But still, she knows I am there for her, no matter what.
His self-destructive thoughts were stopped by her remark.
"Anyway, I see you didn't get the role. Sorry for that."
She noticed the moment he came in that he finally shaved and had his haircut done and it made her heart flutter, seeing him like that again, but instead of showing him how much she liked it, she decided that teasing him would be safer territory.
"Just so that you know, I googled this Sirius Black guy up and I admit that I might have looked a bit... scruffy, but I definitely didn't look as bad as him."
Chiara chuckled at the defensive tone of his voice.
"Yeah, that was probably too much. Aragorn would fit better, it just didn't occur to me at the moment."
He just closed his eyes, amused smile playing on his face, shaking his head.
"Don't tell me you don't know Lord of the Ring."
"I've heard about that one. Never read or seen it though."
"Jesus Christ you are hopeless. Marvel?"
Ethan shook his head.
"Star Wars?"
"There must be something! How did you survive your youth? I know, I know! Sherlock!"
"Of course I know Sherlock Holmes," he rolled his eyes.
"Okay, so you still have a chance to make yourself look like an actual human being. Which episode was your favourite? Mine was probably The Sign of Three."
"Episode? What are you talking about? I meant the book written by sir Doyle. I read it as a kid."
Chiara threw her had into the pillow and gave him the look that showed her evident dissapointment.
"Oh no. Oh no. You totally screwed it up, Ramsey. I was talking about the BBC series. With Benedict Cumberbatch? No? It's my all time favourite series."
"Sorry. I just don't watch TV."
She rolled her eyes on him and he laughed at her expression, reminding him a child embrassed by his own parents.
Another six days passed and Chiara could finally try to stand on her feet with the help of others. It hurt like an actuall hell, but it was a huge progress and she tried to cling on that. Her mom and sister left two days ago, leaving her in "good hands with the handsome doctor Ramsey". Their visit was a nice distraction, although it left her with another question about Ethan - her mother admitted that they called each other every single day, him letting her know how and if is Chiara progressing.
He never told her that, he just said that they talked a bit. Why did he just keep hiding things from her? Was he ashamed of caring for her?
This night Ethat wasn't by her side, dealing with some kind of emergency. She told him not to worry about it, that she could take care of herself and that she would go to sleep soon anyway.
The sleep really came to her very soon, but it didn't last long. Same as every other night, she woke up all sweaty with scream on her lips, the nightmare still raw in her head. This time, it was simply two lights of the opposite car too close to her, not giving her a chance to save herself. Other nights it was her dead father. Or her dead brother. Or Jackie and Sienna and Keiki that could've died while she was driving. For the rest of the night, the sleep haven't come.
Ethan was walking towards Chiara's room the next morning but stopped abruptly when he noticed Dr. Lahela walking in, calling: "How is my all time favourite diagnostician?"
He didn't want to eavesdrop, feeling embarassed in front of his own self, yet he walked to the door just so that he could see them. Chiara was laughing at something Bryce just said and he put some of her stray hair behind her ears. The connection the two young doctors shared was visible even through the door and Ethan was ashamed to admit that he felt jelaous. So, so jelaous. He wanted to touch Chiara with such easiness, he wanted to make her laugh, to kiss her cheek just like Bryce did at the moment. Chiara grinned at him and said something Ethan couldn't hear, but this time it was Bryce who started to laugh loudly.
He left before the emotions bubbling inside of him would make him do something stupid and for the rest of the day tried to work on other cases, just so that he wouldn't have to face Chiara. She would see right through him.
In the evening, after his shift ended, the urge to see her was stronger than anything else and so after making sure that everything and everyone is taken care of, he went to see her.
She was sitting on her bed, reading a book her mum brought her, not noticing him as he walked in.
"Hey Chiara. I just wanted to see how you are doing but I see you're busy..."
She closed the book and looked at him, her expression neutral but he could see that something was bothering her.
"No, stay. I wanted to talk to you."
With heavy feeling that it's not going to be a nice talk full of jokes and laughs, he sat down on the chair and propped his elbows on his knees.
"I talked with many people since I woke up," she started without looking at him. "Naveen, my friends, my mum. And with every single one of them, somehow we've gotten to talk about you. And I need to say that I was rather surprised to hear some of the things that they said. Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"What do you mean?"
"You never told me about the fact that you called my mum everyday to let her know how I am doing and to make sure she was okay. You never told me about paying my checks. You never told me about you staying with me while I was in coma or sleeping in your office to be close. Why?"
He shrugged. What was he supposed to say to that?
"I don't know, it wasn't important. Right now we need to focus on the things that make you heal and recover and all of the things you just mentioned aren't important."
"They are important to me. They show that you actually care about me, Ethan."
"Of course I care about you!" he snapped, anger filling his voice. "Of course I stayed close to you. I had to make sure you were as well as you could be."
His voice was cracking. He could still see her body in the I.C.U., looking so very much dead. He could still remember the feeling when they told him that she was probably dead. He remembered the fear he felt.
Chiara looked at him, alarmed when she noticed that his hands were shaking, his lower lip trembling.
"Ethan," she whispered, reaching to take his shaking hands into hers. Her voice was not neutral anymore, it was full of sympathy and caring and affection.
He lost it. Her touch, her voice and those horrible memories that he couldn't get out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. The first sob escaped his mouth and after that, he couldn't stop them.
"Come here," Chiara whispered, moving on the bed to make some space for him. He took his shoes off and laid on the bed, his head in Chiara's lap, his long legs hanging over the edge of the bed. His whole body was moving with sobs, tears soaking sheets of Chiara's blanket.
"I was so scared, Chiara. I was so fucking scared," he mumbled, his words unintelligible because of crying.
"Shhh, Ethan, I am here. I am right here. I am not going anywhere. Everything is fine," she kept whispering while gently massaging his scalp.
He couldn't stop the crying and he didn't even try. This wasn't the 37 years old Dr. Ramsey crying. This was 11 years old boy whose most important woman in his life just left him. This was a child that had to grow up too soon.
He hasn't cried this hard ever since his mother left them, but the fear of losing Chiara, the fear of losing the most important woman in his life again... It was obvious that this breakdown would come, sooner or later.
After a while, Ethan's sobs went quieter, his breathing calming down. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to leave the safety of Chiara's body, his head still in her lap, his hands hugging her waist tightly.
"I thought I would lose you, Chiara," he whispered. "I believed I'd never see your eyes open again. That I'd never have to pretend to be angry with you when you tease me. And I might appear as a heartless asshole to people, but I'm not heartless. I am an asshole, though," he added, chuckling.
"I care about you, Chiara, I really do. And I like spending my time with you. And I really respect you as a doctor. Losing you... I wouldn't get past that."
She didn't say anything. He cared about her. She destroyed the walls around his heart. They became so very close.
 Yet, he won't give up on his morals. All we're ever going to be is friends who care about each other deeply.
The realization made her heart sink, but she couldn't bring it up now. So instead, she bent down and kissed his head softly.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" he asked.
"Of course. If you don't mind anyone seeing us like this."
"The nurses know that I am here and so that they don't have to come and check on you. But I wouldn't mind anyway. Come on, let's switch our positions."
He moved up to lay on his back and Chiara laid her head on his chest, hugging his torso with her left hand. He played with her hair gently and for a long time, they were both simply enjoying the situation they found themselves in.
"The nurses told me about your nightmares, Chiara," Ethan broke the comfortable silence after all.
"They told me that you scream from your sleep. And that you keep waking up through the night. I can prescribe you some pills to help you sleep, if it would help you."
"No," she shook her head rapidly. "I have been taking pills after what happened to my dad and Liam and they turned me into someone I was not. It got to the point when I couldn't remeber what they looked like and I had to stop taking them after that. I got through it on my own. I'll get through this too. I am fine when you are here."
"As you wish. I'll keep you company on your nights here, then."
"Absolutely not. You need to sleep."
"I can manage."
She closed her eyes and tried to find the right words for the next thing she wanted to ask him. She knew very well that he won't be happy about her idea.
"So I was thinking that maybe, if you'd like to distract me, you could bring me some file and let me diagnose? I miss my work."
"Not a chance. You are supposed to take things easy. You'll work when you are fine."
She let out a disappointed sigh, lifting her head so that she could see him.
"Okay," she grinned. "In that case, you can tell me about your relationships."
"Why would I do that?"
"To distract me! Work or your love life. You decide."
He frowned at her, the idea of telling her any of that clearly not pleasing him, but eventually he gave up and spoke.
"My very first relationship began in high school - it didn't last that long, but we were teenagers that had something to talk about and so it happened. She was a good girl. I left Providence after high school and the breakup came naturally. The second one was in med school. I already told you about the woman that both me and Tobias fell for-"
"So you won?" She grinned.
"Yes and no. I dated her first. She was the first woman I've gotten so close with, but even then I knew that it was not meant to last. We talked about medicine, attended classes together, discovered each other... physically, but that was all it was for me. She, on the other hand, started to feel the need to move our relationship to next level, to see some future together and when she realized that I am not the right one for her, we broke up. She strated to date Tobias then."
He became quiet after that, letting the thoughts settle in, before moving on to another relationship.
"The next relationship I found myself in was the one with Harper. Both young doctors, both loving their job, liking each other. It was easy to get into that relationship and even though there were several breaks, it lasted for six years. She knew that I wasn't interested in marriage or having kids and she accepted that. We understood each other, we found each other attractive, we talked a lot. It was nice, but it lacked the romantic feelings. There was no magic pull between the two of us."
 Nothing like what I feel when I am with you.
"We'd have dinner or go to the opera, then we'd... ehm, connect physically-"
"You can use the word sex, Ethan. I am not eleven."
"Well, we would have sex and then she would go home. Or me, depending on whose apartment we were in. Never in those six years we spent the whole night together. It wasn't like that. And then she became the Chief and we broke things off for good."
"But she is not a Chief anymore. You could be together."
Ethan laughed, but shook his head.
"We couldn't. First, I wouldn't want that anymore and second, she is happily engaged to another man now."
"What?" Chiara raised on her elbows and looked at him, surprised.
"Actually, she said 'yes' maybe three minutes before Lahela called her to come here to the hospital for your surgery. You kind of destroyed her engagement dinner," Ethan grinned.
"Ooh crap, why didn't anyone tell me? And who is that man? Fellow surgeon?"
"No, he is a high school teacher. But they met here, in the hospital. She had to deal with his burst appendix and while he recovered, they fell for each other."
Chiara laughed at the story and with amused smile still on her face, she asked: "And after Harper?"
"Then I've only been with you," he answered quietly.
"We've never been in relationship."
"No, but we've been together," he answered, emphasising the last word.
"Wait, so you are telling me that in your thirty-seven years of life, you, the handsome doctor Ramsey, had only had sex with four women?"
"That's right. Look, I might not believe in love or marriage or soul mates, but I am actually really old fashioned. I don't understand one night stands. I believe that even if you don't intend to spend the rest of your life with the person you have sex with, you should at least know them. Spend some time with them outside the bed."
"Whoa... I would say that you must be pretty boring in bed if I didn't know better," she grinned.
His cheeks flushed at her words, but before he could embarass himself, he cleared his throat and asked: "So what about you?"
"Me? Oh, getting laid sounds really lovely, but I am afraid that there are no volunteers to get me rid of this sexy hospital gown."
Ethan's eyes darkened and his expression changed, showing very clearly that he would happily volunteer to take her right then and there. But again, he had to act composed.
"I meant your relationships."
"Technically I've only been in relationship once. It was in high school. I was just having my artistic stage of life and he was a photographer. We would drink cheap wine and then talk about music and paintings and artists and philosophy. We were kids but we were so in love. It lasted for two years but then I decided to go to med school after all and he wasn't really supportive of the decision. So I broke up with him. And before I could heal my broken heart with someone new in med school, my dad a brother died and I closed myself off. No more relationships for me for the rest of uni."
"And after you came here, to Boston? To Edenbrook? What about Aveiro or Lahela? You seem to be close with them."
Ethan tried to keep his voice cool, tried to sound like he was simply curious, but Chiara noticed the tense in his voice as he said 'Lahela' and she had to grin.
"There was never anything besides friendship between me and Rafael. He is such a pure soul. And he could always make my day better. I love talking to him and we had a lot of fun, but romantic feelings? Not at all," she shook her head.
"You didn't say a word about Bryce Lahela."
"Yeah, well with Bryce... that's something different. Anyway, there's nothing going on between the two of us... anymore."
"Anymore?" Ethan raised his eyebrow at her.
"I don't know how to put this. Bryce and I became friends on the very first day here. And you know how he is. Open, smiling all the time. He made it easy to laugh even on a shitty day. And the physical attraction between us, well, we didn't even try to deny it. The first time we hooked up was after our housewarming party. And after that, it became our thing. We would go for a drink, dance in the club and then have sex at his place. But from the beginning we both knew that it wouldn't lead to relationship, thay we were simply friends with benefits. We shared secrets and laughed together and spent many, many nights on some kind of adventures and we grew so close, but the sex has always only been sex. Just to blow some steam off. And then Miami happened. And suddenly, it felt wrong to hook up with him, it felt like using him. So I told him the truth, that I fell for someone else - don't worry, I didn't say who - and that we should end things there. He accepted that and that night we got drunk, sang karaoke and then went home. The last time we hooked up was the day when Naveen left the hospital and you followed him. I felt so betrayed, so lost, so alone and Bryce offered to make me feel better and I agreed because I needed to feel something else for a moment. After that, the most physical contact we have is him kissing my cheek from time to time. He is like the brother I lost to me."
She smiled to herself, probably at some kind of memory of Bryce and herself. Then, she ended her storytelling by saying: "Then, as you said, the two of us were together. And that's it. Nothing else."
Ethan looked at her for a long time. He was so jelaous of Bryce, even though he knew that it wasn't fair, because Chiara wasn't jelaous of Harper and the two relationships were very simmilar. Not like Ethan had any right to be jelaous - Chiara wasn't his, not after he made it very clear that they could only be collegues. But still, something in his chest hurt knowing that the young surgeon touched her and could touch her again, if she'd want that.
"It was a nice talk," she grinned. "We should try to get some sleep, huh?"
"Yes, you should," Ethan nodded and allowed himself to crack his barriers by kissing her forehead softly. "I'll be here, keeping the nigtmares away."
The next evening, Ethan came to keep her company again, laptop under his left arm.
"Hey there!" Chiara smiled when he walked in. "Are you going to work from here? Oh no, I know! You are finally letting me see some cases and work on them!"
"No. I said no working until you are absolutely fine."
"I am fine! My head is totally good, it's my legs that suck!"
"I don't want to hear any of that. You need to rest."
"So what is it with the laptop?"
Ethan sat on the chair, opening the device, his reading glasses on.
"We are going to watch Sherlock."
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Catfish (2/3)
Welcome back to another chapter of this BS! Enjoy!! Our poor reader goes on a date and gets to know this mysterious “James” a little better. Anyway sorry for having no self control!
Warnings: fluff, major catfish, they kiss ew, suggestive language
“Good morning, Captain!”
“Ughhh good morning.” Yami yawned, wishing he was back in bed, before sitting down at the head of the table. His gaze swept across his squad, who were already chowing down on breakfast. Charmy was always on top of every meal, churning out good food for everyone to enjoy. “Hey, you, why are you awake? Today’s your day off.”
“Oh! I just wanted to get an early start,” you piped up in response to his questions.
Vanessa giggled as she sipped from her first wine of the day, not quite drunk yet. “I’m surprised you can get up so early when you stay up so late writing those letters~”
Yami frowned as everyone but you started to snicker at the comment. “Letters? Who’re you writing to?”
Today, you were the one with the bright red ears as you glared around at everyone. “N-No one!”
“It’s that guy from the mixer, right?” Finral asked. “Tell us more!!” 
You shook your head. “I don’t know what you guys are talking about-”
Right as you said that, a small portal opened up and a letter dropped down onto the table, right in front of Yami. He picked it up, and couldn’t help but snort with laughter. “It’s for you, Casanova.”
Everyone at the table burst into gales of laughter as you turned a shade more befitting a tomato than a magic knight. “Yami! Give me that!” 
Yami examined the letter momentarily, noticing that there was no return address. That’s a bit strange... His eyes narrowed as he spotted something curious. This symbol on the seal... it seems really familiar...
“Here.” He tossed the letter to you, and you quickly put it in your pocket before anyone else could snatch it away. “Who is this guy, anyway? He’s not the type to break your heart, is he?”
“No, no, he’s sweet,” you assured him, finally feeling your face start to cool down. “Finral’s right... we’ve been corresponding ever since the mixer. I was going to go see him today, actually.”
“Well, have fun.” Yami picked up the newspaper and flipped it open with a flourish. “Just make sure he uses a condom.”
Ever since the mixer, you and James had been writing letters back and forth. His were always filled with questions and demands for interesting stories, as if he didn’t have enough of those in the library where he worked. You spent a lot of time detailing everything for him because you knew he wanted all the details, no matter how dull. He always responded enthusiastically, but failed to give much information about himself, claiming that he would tell you plenty in person. 
Well, today was that day. You hitched a ride with Magna to the Capitol before making your way to the Royal Library. It was located on the outskirts of the castle, a gigantic, intimidating building that towered above the rest of the city. The King was in there, and so was the Wizard King. You’d never meet the King, but you met the Wizard King a few times when you tagged along with Yami. This was the first time you came here alone, and to say you were nervous was an understatement. 
“You’re here!” A familiar, cheery voice greeted you as soon as you entered the musty building. The library was kept dark and cozy, only lit by a few hanging fixtures. But here was James... he looked exactly like he did last time, but now he was wearing a royal staff cloak over his regular clothes. One side of this glasses had a smudge on it, but you could still make out his lavender eyes. “I’m so glad to see you again.”
“Me too, James,” you replied happily, giving him a bright smile. You couldn’t help but blush as he automatically took your hand and kissed it, just like he did at the end of the mixer. It was a simple, almost chaste gesture, but somehow it sent you reeling.
Jesus... I never expected to get a crush on a guy like this! You didn’t really consider yourself as having a “type.” You liked each person differently. However, James wasn’t the usual guy you would fall for. He was geeky, scrawny, bubbly, and almost erratic. But there was something about the way he moved, the way his eyes saw the world, that made you want to stick around. “So, what are we doing today?”
“I have a whole plan, don’t worry!” he told you happily, letting his hand stay in yours. “Ready to go?”
“Oh, we aren’t staying here?”
“Nope! Don’t worry, it’s still going to be nice.” With that, he lead you out into the hall and towards the exit of the castle. His brown curls bounced with each step. Cute... he seems to be really excited, you thought, averting your eyes. I’m looking forward to learning more about him-
Suddenly, there was a sound of stomping feet from somewhere behind you. Both you and James turned to the sound, seeing that it was approaching from around the corner. Soon, a voice suddenly rang through the corridor.
“I swear!!! If you’re running off again to cause problems, I’ll have your hide! The King will, too!”
James’s grip on your hand tightened. “Uh oh... um, follow me!” You yelped a bit as he suddenly started running, right towards the window. He reached up and pushed it open, then spared no time in climbing up onto the windowsill. Before you had a chance to ask what the Hell he was doing, he help out his hand, a gentle smile on his face.
“Do you trust me?”
You hesitated only for a moment before reaching out and taking his hand once more.
With one sharp tug, James pulled you out, pushing off the window. You screamed as you realized that he had probably just doomed you both, since you were a few stories above the ground. “James!! What the-”
You didn’t have time to finish your sentence, because in the next moment you were flying, faster than you thought was possible. You screamed again, almost slipping out of his hands. James pulled you up and wrapped an arm around your waist securely. “Hold on!”
“It’s not like I have a choice!”
A couple seconds later, you slowed down and skidded to a stop. You immediately pushed him away and staggered back. “What the Hell!? Are you trying to kill me?”
“No! Why would I do that?” He looked genuinely hurt for a moment. “I’m sorry, but that guy back there is... uh... pretty strict.”
You narrowed your eyes. “I thought you said you had the day off?”
“Ah! I do! I do!” James’s insistence was suspicious. “But if he saw me hanging out with a girl on my day off, he would probably make me go back to work anyway. You know? ANYWAY-” He grabbed your hand again before you could question him further. “There’s a good spot nearby, follow me!”
You looked around for the first time and realized that you were standing by the side of a dirt road out in the countryside. In the distance, you could see the capitol, but you had to be miles away by now! “James, was that flight magic?” you asked as you followed alongside him, glancing back at the landscape frequently. “It was incredible...”
“Yes, yes, flight magic. That’s my magic,” James answered awkwardly. “And I’m glad you think so...” He laughed a little for some reason. “Thank you for coming out here with me, by the way.”
“My pleasure! I think it’ll be fun,” you told him, causing his smile to widen.
“Good! To tell you the truth... it’s been a while since I’ve been on a date. A real date, you know? In fact, I wasn’t really planning on it at the mixer, either. But hey, the best things in life are unexpected, right? So I hope you can forgive me if it seems like I’m improvising this!”
To be fair, he seems to be improvising every word he says, you thought to yourself, but you nodded happily anyway. “Of course! I love the unexpected.”
Eventually the two of you reached a small hill by the side of the road, with a few trees adorning the top. James told me that he likes the spot because you can frequently see travelers moving along the road to the capitol. “Especially on Exam day, it’s fun to see what types of people are coming to try out for the Magic Knights,” he explains as we reach the top. 
“Did you ever try out to be a magic knight? Your magic seems pretty powerful,” you asked, sinking down to sit in the cool grass.
James shrugged. “Not... really. No. It’s not for me.”
“Oh? Why not?”
He stared down at you for a moment curiously before breaking into a little smirk. “Well, why do you like it?”
You shrugged, but the answer came to you surprisingly easily. “Well, I guess I like feeling like I’m doing something important. Captain Yami trusted me with a spot on his squad, and I’m more than happy to prove that he made the right choice.” James cocked his head slightly, intrigued as you kept talking. “And if I can make even a little difference in the world... then it’ll be worth it.”
“... that’s admirable.” You looked up at James as he sat down heavily next to you, that smile still on his face. “People like you should be magic knights. I’ve seen plenty of people that should probably find other avenues of employment. But, I don’t want to wait anymore, let’s eat!” He produced a picnic basket out of nowhere and set in in front of you. “I hope you’ll like what I picked out for lunch!”
“J-James, you brought all this?” Your eyes widen as he opens it up and starts pulling out a startlingly large amount of food. “You didn’t have to-”
“Oh, I did, though. What kind of man would I be if I didn’t treat my date right?” He punctuated his phrase with a wink, obviously proud of himself as you went red for what had to be the hundredth time that day. You didn’t say another word, and started to eat. Some of this stuff is pretty fancy... I hope he didn’t spend too much money. Is he a noble? You were curious, and kept glancing over at him as you ate. “You know, I would have never expected you were like this,” you told him. “Like, uh...” He blinked slowly as you tried to express your sentiment. “You’re pretty good at making a girl blush, that’s for sure.”
“Am I? Oops!” He laughed it off. “But, you know what they say about librarians~”
“... huh?”
“... never mind.”
You changed the subject before the awkwardness set in again. “So, what kind of family are you from? You seem like nobility.”
James swallowed his food before answering. “Yeah, my parents are from a long line of nobles. Lot’s of expectations, and everything! Sometimes I’m afraid I’ve disappointed them. Even now that I’m...” His voice trails off before he finishes his sentence. “But yeah. I assume you’re not?”
“No, not at all. My parents weren’t really important at all. We lived on a farm, actually.” You smiled a little sadly at the memory. “It wasn’t easy, but we were comfortable... until...”
James’s hand suddenly came up to rest on your shoulder, and you looked up to see him gazing at you. “It’s okay, you don’t have to go on.”
“...thank you.”
After the food is gone, you did the promised magic demonstration. James’s eyes sparkled as bright as the gems you conjured up for his. “And then...” You flicked your hand, sending a volley of the green emeralds shooting into the ground, cutting right through the grass. “I call that spell Emerald Splash!” 
“Such quick and flashy magic!!” James exclaimed, jumping up to go examine the damage. “How much control do you have over them?”
Without warning, four more gems appear and shoot right at him. However, before they hit him, each one deflects around him. It caught James off-guard and he flinched heavily. For a moment, you thought you felt a sudden surge of mana come off of him, as if he were about to deflect it. However, he relaxes once he realizes that he wasn’t in any real danger. “You can control each individual one?”
“Only a couple at a time, but yeah.” You smiled proudly as James came bounding back to you like a golden retriever. “Amazing! Maybe gem magic really is my favorite.”
“...” For some reason, his words struck some chord in you that made you start to feel sad. “James, you don’t have to say things that aren’t true, just to-”
“But, they are.” Before you knew it, he had grabbed your hand again, gazing right into your eyes. You were a bit taken aback, especially when you realized how... close your faces were together. “You... you are amazing.”
“I’m... ordinary.”
“That’s what makes you amazing.”
Oh boy. It takes everything you have to keep your jaw from dropping. Your heart quickened as you noticed his eyes drift down to look at your lips, then slowly moved back to meet your gaze once again.
Your words are instantly swallowed by his lips as he leaned in all at once to give you a shallow kiss. The gesture shocked you to your core, and you couldn’t even react. James realized this and quickly pulled back. “AH! I-I didn’t mean to do that so suddenly, I-” 
This time, you were the one to cut him off, closing your eyes and leaning in blindly. Somehow, your lips connected again, and this time James didn’t pull back. You felt his arms wrap around you, pulling you into a tight hug against his chest. 
You remembered reading about first kisses in books. “Sparks flew, “the stars aligned,” “the chemistry was explosive,” and other corny phrases were all used, but this was the first kiss where every single one of them was true.
Neither of you wanted to pull back, so you didn’t. James moved for air just once before diving back in. Wow, James... maybe your ‘fun fact’ at the mixer should have been that you’re a good kisser, you thought to yourself as you felt his hand stroke through your hair, causing you to shiver from head to toe. Maybe I should stop ignoring nerdy guys! 
The two of you laid in the grass for a long time, tongues, teeth, and lips battling it out. But eventually, things cooled off, and you finally opened your eyes to look at the boy who held you in his arms.
His glasses had slid off during the session, and you sucked in a breath at the sight of his eyes. That deep purple color was almost hypnotizing, something about it so intoxicating and beautiful, yet...
James’s eyes were tired, stretched thin over a longer time than should have been possible. They were heavy with some emotion you couldn’t quite place, as well, but an emotion that was familiar to you somehow. But above all...
These eyes... they don’t belong in this face.
“Are you okay?” You were a bit startled when you realized that he was talking to you. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, it-”
“NO! No,- I mean,” You couldn’t help but giggled as he looked relieved. “It was good... I liked that. A lot.”
“Ah... good. Me too.” James smiled and rolled off of you to lay down, his hand still entwined with yours. You rolled onto your side to rest your head on his chest, still wondering what it all meant. Everything seemed to add up about him, yet... nothing did. You were sure there was something he wasn’t telling you, but the desire to dig it up was quickly fading.
I like James just like this... I don’t need to know anything else.
“Maybe this is a selfish thing to think...” James’s voice was deeper than usual and he mumbled to you. “But you might be just what I need...”
Warmth blossomed in your chest at the admission.
“Well... then I’ll be more than happy to stick around.”
“Thank you.”
He kissed your forehead before the two of you drifted off for a short nap.
“So, how was the date?”
You looked over at Yami as you arrived back at the base. He was still reading a newspaper, but this time in the living room. Old habits die hard. “It was great, actually.”
“Good for you.” Yami turned the page. “What’s this guy’s name, again?”
“James! He works in the Royal Library.”
Yami let out a chuckle. “A librarian, huh? You know what they say about librarians~”
Huh?! That’s the second time I’ve heard that today! “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, you know,” Yami said with difficulty as he started laughing harder. “Librarians are so straight-laced and all... but then you get to know them, and find out they’re secretly kinky in bed!”
You felt the blood drain from your face as Yami kept laughing at you. “AH! I-I didn’t need to know that!”
“You asked, though.”
“... whatever.”
However, nothing Yami could say could ruin today. You grinned to yourself as you headed up to your room, knowing for sure that you would be dreaming of James, and maybe he would be dreaming of you.
Is it just me or is this chapter so much more better written than the last one? IDK. Anyway send me a comment if you enjoyed it!! The next chapter will be... interesting. I’m still trying to decide if I want to include some ~spicy~ elements so let me know what I should do 0.0
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spartanguard · 5 years
two doors down
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Summary: Emma's just had her heart broken—again. But she's going to distract herself by finally going to her friends' party, two doors down from her apartment. The party—and the dashing gentleman she meets at it—prove to be just what she needed.
3.2k words | rated light M | AO3
A/N: Here I go again...back on my Dolly Parton bs. But I make no apologies because Dolly in an inspirational queen. I’ve wanted to write a one-shot based on Two Doors Down pretty much ever since I heard the song, and the @csconcertseries​ seemed like the right opportunity to scratch that itch. (and then Dumb Blonde demanded to be included as well because it’s a bop.) so...have fun!
“Really, Emma?” Walsh sneered when she confronted him. “You thought I was serious about you? I guess you really are a dumb blonde.”
In case anyone was wondering why Emma was crying, it was that. She shouldn’t be—it was dumb, he was dumb, not her—but that didn’t seem to matter, apparently. The asshole had somehow managed to find a crack in the walls around her beat-up, bargain store heart and, once inside, found an old bruise and punched it. Or something like that. She wasn’t great with words.
Or emotions, apparently, or men—though she was already aware of that one (thus: the walls). (Well, okay, and being abandoned by her parents and growing up in the shittier parts of the foster system. But that’s besides the point.) Anyways. She had thought that maybe, finally, she’d found one guy who wouldn’t hurt her—who was safe enough to consider giving her heart to. 
And then she’d caught him sleeping with a coworker. On a mattress in his furniture store. On their anniversary. 
And he apparently had the gall to call her dumb. What a dick.
After giving him the rightful slap he was due, she stormed out and ran home. Then she grabbed the wine she’d been saving for tonight, popped the cork, and drank right out of the bottle.
What a fucking loser.
(She wasn’t sure if that applied more to her, or to him.
Because, at the end of the night, she was the one drinking alone while he was probably still having too much fun on his own merchandise.) 
With about half the bottle gone, she finally hit the point where all her tears were gone and she was probably some level of dehydrated. Her apartment was eerily quiet without the sound of her sobs, it seemed, but she could hear loud music coming from down the hall. 
Oh yeah—Dave and Snow’s party.
They were her neighbors—well, they lived two doors down, but she definitely talked to them more than the grumpy dude who lived between them. They were easily the nicest, most outgoing people on the planet, and had been trying for as long as Emma had lived there to come over to one of their parties. 
Usually, Emma was able to use work as an excuse, or a date (like she was supposed to have had tonight), to explain why she couldn’t go. But it was really fear—fear of rejection, of not measuring up, of plain old awkwardness—that kept her away.
It always sounded like a good time, though, and she could hear the music pumping and people laughing whenever they hosted these get-togethers. Apparently, they were at the drunk-enough-to-sing-loudly part of the night, because she heard the lyrics perfectly as the crowd shouted them:
Just because I’m blonde, don’t think I’m dumb ‘Cause this dumb blonde ain’t nobody’s fool
She laughed, albeit watery, at that, considering Dave was the blond of the two of them. But then she thought about it again, and what her ass of a now-ex had said: there was nothing dumb or foolish about Emma. Maybe she should have listened to that voice that had told her she was out of his league when he’d first asked her out, but right now, she just needed to tune out his grating words and focus on Dolly’s—about kicking trash to the curb and moving on.
And, you know what? She was gonna go to that party.
She blew her nose (rather noisily), then quickly washed her face and changed into something a little more presentable than her pajamas. She probably should be bringing something over, but her wine was gone and Walsh had drank the last of her beer the other night. She briefly considered the half-empty box of Pop-Tarts in her cupboard, but that was breakfast.
So, empty-handed as she was, she headed out the door, locked it, and wandered down the bit of hallway to the Nolan’s place. She could hear the sounds of revelry and pounding bass on the other side of the door, and was nervous—would they think she was intruding? Her knock was equally timid, and probably not even heard by the crowd inside. 
To her shock, though, the door was thrown open a few seconds later. “Emma! You came!” Snow shouted, then launched herself at Emma in an inebriated hug. “Oh, I’m so glad you finally made it! Where’s Walsh?”
Emma cringed, and not just from Snow’s alcohol-elevated volume. “He’s fucking his floor manager. So he’s busy. But I’m not now!” she added, trying to make it sound not terrible.
But Snow gasped anyways, covering her mouth in shock. She ushered Emma in, closing the door behind her, and then dragged her to the living room. “You need wine.”
“I had, like, half a bottle already.”
“Okay, well, you need more.”
“I won’t disagree.”
Snow left her in the middle of a throng of people that thankfully included David, who wrapped her into a bear hug (that only slightly smelled like beer—beer hug?) and made some introductions. Snow returned shortly with a pint glass full of pinot, and the next hour became a blur of booze and dancing. 
She quickly made friends with girls named Ruby and Belle who, once they heard about what had happened to Emma that day, got some shots involved. The music was a solid mix of girl power anthems (there may have been more screaming to “Since U Been Gone” and “Wannabe” from partygoers of all genders) and Emma found herself seriously wondering just what the hell she’d been doing the past few months—both with Walsh and in her avoidance of these parties; she was having way more fun here than she ever had with that douche.
Eventually, she did have to take a respite to visit the restroom and get some water—she wasn’t about to blackout over a breakup—but when she left the bathroom, she wasn’t watching where she was going and slammed into someone else.
“Woah—you alright, love?” the lilting voice attached to the firm body asked. She could feel his hand squeezing her shoulder, but given her very recent track record, was scared to look this guy in the eyes. The last thing she needed was a face as pretty as that accent, or as enticing as the bit of chest hair peeking out through his button-up, or as alluring as the scent of his cologne (which she got a good whiff of when her face collided with his chest).
“Seriously—are you okay?” He sounded so concerned—her head was moving before she could think otherwise.
And that was either the best thing she’d ever done, or the worst.
Dark, messy hair hung over his forehead, where thick brows were furrowed with worry. A strong nose pointed to full lips, surrounded by gingery scruff that led her mind other places. But his eyes—holy crap; even in the dimness of the hallway, they were a bright blue, and she’d had just enough to drink that she thought she just might be swaying along with the waves in their oceanic depths.
(She got poetic when she got drunk; this was a well-established fact.)
“Lass?” Oh god--she’d been staring, hadn’t she? 
“Fine! I’m fine. Sorry. Are you?”
“‘Fine’ is definitely something I’ve been called,” he quipped back, concern melting into cockiness with a wink.
Ugh, she didn’t need any more of that in her life. She rolled her eyes and stepped back, putting enough distance between them to not feel the warmth coming off of him (she was producing enough of that herself--or, at least, the shots of vodka were). “Good to know. I’m just gonna get back out there, then.” Avoiding his gaze, she did her best to slip around him in the narrow hallway.
“Wait,” he called out, and grabbed her wrist as she slipped by. “Sorry; that wasn’t very gentleman-like.” He was definitely being sincere, she could tell. “I, uh, I’m rusty at all this. Let me back up: I’m Killian; I’m a friend of Dave’s from college.”
Of course his name was sexy, too. He’d stuck his hand out amiably; she’d be the asshole not to take it. So she did. “Emma; I live a couple doors down.”
“Ahh, yes--I’ve heard of you: the mysterious neighbor,” he said, running his thumb over her knuckles. “Delighted to finally make your acquaintance.”
Who was this guy? And why did he talk like he had stepped out of a Jane Austen novel? “I bet you tell all the girls that.”
He shrugged. “There haven’t been any of those lately.”
“Guys, then?”
He laughed—a deep chuckle that she wouldn’t complain about hearing again. “No, none of those, either.”
“Good. They suck.”
“What, all of them?”
“Most of them.”
“Well, hopefully I find myself in the minority.” He was still holding her hand, and brought it to his lips to place a kiss on the back of it. Were it not for the slight shiver that went through her at that, she’d be running for the hills (or at least her own apartment); but she was usually good at spotting a lie, Walsh notwithstanding, and she could tell he meant it. 
“Wanna get a drink?” she asked, a bit breathless.
They grabbed another round of wine and took a seat on the couch, which was somehow unoccupied—everyone was still busy dancing and drinking and socializing. Honestly, Emma was a little surprised that so many people fit in a two-bedroom apartment (but it wasn’t like she’d ever tried to have more than a couple people in hers). 
“So, what’s your story?” Killian leaned in close to ask. They were practically nose-to-nose in order to be heard over the music, but she didn’t mind it. And, for some reason, she found her entire life story spilling out to him; not even Walsh had learned everything: about growing up in the foster system, her first heartbreak and the baby she gave up, the reason she’d gone into bailbonds work (so people like Neal couldn’t continue to break hearts). Even the sordid tale of her very-recent breakup.
“He’s a right arse,” Killian said, clinking his glass with hers. “But I’m glad his absence has brought you into my presence.”
“Me too,” she said.
His past was equally tragic: mom died, dad left, then brother died; lost his hand, his girlfriend, and his naval career in the same accident; but he still got to work as an engineer, and still got to go sailing on the weekends.
“God, Killian...you poor thing,” was all she could say.
He averted his gaze—and was either blushing, or flushed from the alcohol and heat of the room—and just said, “It’s in the past, where it belongs. And, honestly, the future is looking pretty good right now.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well, I hope so.”
She wasn’t bold enough to say it—or confident, given that she was just coming out of a relationship—but she was thinking that, too.
The music switched from girl pop to Disney tunes—it was only a matter of time, considering that Snow was only a few steps away from being an IRL Disney princess—which prompted a conversation about their favorite Disney films, then movies in general, then books and music and all sorts of things. It was casual and easy and, honestly, she didn’t think she’d ever connected with someone so quickly; not since she was a kid and still had some innocence about her.
A slow song came on, and Killian set down his empty glass. “Would you care to dance?”
She gaped a bit; no one had ever asked her that. “What—for real? To this?”
“You just told me you’d seen Enchanted, and I believe that’s what they did to this song. So yes: will you, Emma Swan, dance with me?”
Somewhere, lonely teenage Emma was yelling at her to say yes and fulfill all her wildest prom dreams. Oh, who was she kidding—grown-up Emma still had those dreams. “Yeah, I will.”
He stood and offered her his prosthetic hand; she set her empty glass aside and took it, then followed him up. Gently, he guided her to an empty spot in the room—about 2 feet away—and then put his hand on her waist; she was probably supposed to put hers on his shoulder or something, but she did the same (and definitely noticed the firmness of his core).
They didn’t have much room to move—Dave and Snow were making out a few feet away, as were Ruby and Belle, and another couple—but Killian somehow managed to perform some actual dance steps. 
“What the heck is that, and how do you know it?” she wondered aloud, trying to keep up.
“It’s called a waltz, and there’s only one rule,” he explained, then leaned in to whisper in her ear: “Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.”
She’d definitely had a bit too much to actually memorize the steps, but she managed to keep up for a bit, until she lost her balance a bit after hitting the edge of the coffee table. Once again, she fell into his chest, but this time, he wrapped his arms tight around her to stabilize her—and she did the same.
“Is this a habit of yours?” he joked, but the twinkle in his eye told her that he wasn’t complaining.
“Just with you,” she tossed back.
“And what makes me so special?”
“You get it.”
He gave her a shy smirk that cut an adorable dimple into his scruff. 
And she couldn’t help it: she kissed it.
The wide-eyed stare he wore when she pulled back told her that it was as much a shock to him as it was to her; she never made the first move. But there was just something about him that made her want to throw caution to the wind—or maybe she just knew it was okay to do that with him. 
Feeling even bolder, she grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips down to hers. He didn’t hesitate to respond in kind and god, he was good: the right amount of pressure, the scratch of his beard, the feel of his hand on her back...oh man.
She normally wouldn’t have done what she did next—not when there were feelings involved, at least—but hey, it was a night for doing new things, right?
“Do you want to take this somewhere else?” she murmured when they eventually broke apart for air.
“Where did you have in mind?”
“My place.”
“Lead the way, love.”
It didn’t seem like anyone noticed as they slipped out, and she’d never managed to get her door open faster. It had just clicked shut before she was on him, pressing him back against it, her hands wandering over his upper body while her tongue picked up where their earlier dance had left off.
Her fingers found themselves near his belt, and before they went too far, his warm hand gently stilled hers. “Are you sure, love?” he asked, panting. “I...I don’t just want to be a rebound,” he confessed.
God, she hadn’t even thought of that. Walsh was already a distant memory. “I don’t want that, either.”
“Alright, then. Proceed.”
“God, you’re a dork.”
“Good thing I like it.”
Her lips found his again as her fingers danced over him, and his over her; a trail of clothing marked their path to her bedroom (with only a brief stop against the back of her couch), and they landed naked on her unmade bed.
His large hand and deft fingers found their way to her entrance and were lightly teasing it--the gentlest of brushes that nearly had her seeing stars, and definitely distracted her from fishing the condoms out of her bedside table.
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“Of course not; might need an extra hand, though.”
She almost came back down to earth just to glare at him, but the cheesy grin he wore just made her laugh. It wasn't like she minded, anyway.
She used the opportunity to do a bit of foreplay herself, stroking his considerable length before, during, and after gliding the sheath on. The guttural groan he let out went straight through her.
Enough foreplay—she needed him. She grabbed his shoulders and pressed her chest against his; the brush of his chest hair against her nipples had her arching into him, and his hard cock was pressing right where she wanted him. “You ready?”
“Gods, yes,” he breathed.
And when they came together, she couldn’t remember anyone she’d ever been with before. She was completely aware of the hyperbole but honestly, he just felt so good inside her.
Then he moved, and she forgot her own name, and his, and anyone else’s.
She’d had the kind of sex before where time seemed to stop, but with Killian, it seemed to stop even longer, if that was possible; once they found their rhythm, every press of their hips brought her nearer and nearer to the edge of oblivion, but not so fast that she couldn’t enjoy it.
When she finally fell off, she hadn’t even realized she’d been that close—and let the waves of pleasure wash over her with abandon.
Killian wasn’t far behind her; she felt him still within her as he came with a shout. Normally, she’d be worried about how much noise they made, but she could still hear music coming from the Nolan’s; they were safe.
He collapsed beside her just long enough to catch his breath, then excused himself to clean up. God, he really was a gentleman; a lot of the guys she’d been with hadn’t been so polite about that. He came back a couple minutes later with a washcloth for her to use--seriously, no guy had ever done that. Then he flopped back on her creaky mattress and wrapped his left arm around her.
“You’re bloody incredible, love...and bloody gorgeous,” he said softly, then pressed a kiss on her bare shoulder.
“You’re no slouch, either,” she replied, and hoped the light was dim enough that he couldn’t see how furiously she was blushing. 
“You know...I almost didn’t go to the party tonight,” he said. “It was a long day and I wasn’t sure I felt up to people.”
“Yeah?” Logically, she knew other people had had shitty days, but it was easy to forget about in the face of her own. 
“I’m very glad I did, though,” he continued.
“So am I.”
He pressed a gentle kiss against her lips then, and pulled her a bit closer with his prosthesis. “Think we should head back?” he proposed.
“Mm, nah,” she answered. “They’ll have more parties.”
“Aye, they probably will.”
“And I like the one we’re having right now.”
“Mm, as do I.”
The other party continued into the wee hours of the morning, but Emma and Killian’s went even longer: all through the night, through part of the next day, and for a very, very long time thereafter.
Some time later, she heard that Dolly song again, and another set of lyrics stood out to her:
And you know if there's one thing this blonde has learned Blondes have more fun
She looked over at Killian and smiled; damn right they do.
thanks for reading! tagging some friends: @kat2609​ @thesschesthair​ @optomisticgirl​ @xpumpkindumplingx​ @shipsxahoy​ @amortentia-on-the-rocks​ @mryddinwilt​ @cocohook38​ @annytecture​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @distant-rose​ @wellhellotragic​ @welllpthisishappening​ @let-it-raines​ @pirateherokillian​ @bleebug​ @its-imperator-furiosa​ @fergus80​ @killianmesmalls​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @effulgentcolors​ @laschatzi​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​ @nfbagelperson​ @stubble-sandwich​​ @killian-whump​ @lenfaz​ @phiralovesloki​ @athenascarlet​ @kmomof4​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @scientificapricot​ @searchingwardrobes​
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palaugranetes · 4 years
22 OCTOBER 2020
Riqui: Well I guess there is no other choice than doing this..
Pedri: Do what?
Riqui Added Arnau
Riqui: Well we have another one here. At this rate, we might as well just include the whole squad. BUT Welcome to this adult free mess bro!
Iñaki: 💙❤💙❤💙❤
Carlitos: Benvingut nanu!
Ronald: MANITO!!!!
Ronald: Look at you using those braincells @Riqui
Riqui: Nothing new
Ansu: BRO!!!! @Arnau 💙❤
Arnau: What even is this?
Frenkie: Adult Free Space.
Frenkie: WELCOME!! ❤💙
Arnau: Why is this even?
Francisco: Well I really am not quite sure of that yet.. But welcome!!!
Carlitos: This exists because we are sick and tired of the grown-ups.
Arnau: Who are the grown-ups? Aren't we all technically grown-ups?
Arnau: Well beside Ansu and Pedri.
JC: 😂😂😂😂😂
Dembz: 😂😂😂😂😂
Ansu: 😒😒😒
JC:"Dembz: 😂😂😂😂😂"
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Dembz: 🤜🏿
Ansu: I hate both of you so much.
Frenkie: It's only a week.. Just hang in there🤭🤭
Ansu: 😒😒
Pedri: 🙄🙄🙄
23 OCTOBER 2020
Carlitos: Anyways.. What I meant is that we are sick and tired of the ones in charge, their incompetence and their stupidity.
Riqui: Here here 🍻
Ronald: Thought popcorn was your TM
Riqui: 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Riqui: Happy Now?
Ronald: Elated!
Arnau: Ahhh I get it now. I see your point.
Arnau: So how long has this been going on?
Pedri: Like a month or so
Francisco: We still don't know what is happening here most of the times
Sergiño: Hey dude!! Another newbie here!! Welcome @Arnau
Arnau: 🤗🤗🤗
Ansu: What we do know is that El Clasico is tomorrow and I am about to jump out of my skin!
Riqui: I mean...
Carlitos: What do you guys think?
JC: Well what version of FCB is going to show up.. It depends on that.
Arnau: I really cannot sit through another Getafe type match... there aren't enough hugs in the world.
Iñaki: I feel ya bro.. pure torture.
Ronald: Look we tried..
Riqui: No Ronald.. You did.
Carlitos: And now that Jordi is back .. Y'all need to try harder.
Carlitos: I mean I love the guy but he needs to remember how to football.
Riqui: You say y'all as if any of us not named Frenkie Ansu and Sergiño is going to start.. Don't drag all of us into that mess..
Ansu: 🙄🙄
Carlitos: Oh no no Nanu I am happy for you.
Riqui: We'd be dead were it not for you kiddo.
Sergiño: I am just glad I'll be back to the right flank tbh
Sergiño: Like I'll play wherever I'm asked but...
Pedri: Exactly.. Imagine me playing on the left.. I'll do it sure of course, I'll try my best but it is not my favorite.
Francisco: Well I think it's natural.
Riqui: Ever since Antoine spoke he has been benched 🤭
Carlitos: Are we sure that is the only reason?
Riqui: Jeez
Dembz: 😐😐😐😐
Carlitos: Sorry.. But I only say this because I know what he can do..
Dembz: I guess we are all rusty...
Riqui: I wouldn't know.. I've played all of 10 minutes..
Carlitos: 🙄
JC: Well y'all better not make me watch for nothing.
Riqui: Again.. Can't help you there bro.
Riqui: Sometimes I wish Puyi is here just to like make them focus.
Carlitos: Remember when he yelled at Geri? 😂😂
Riqui: Which time 😂😂
Carlitos: All of them 😂
Ansu: OMG GUYS!!
Ansu: We should ask for his help.
Francisco: To come and make 'us' focus??
Pedri: It doesn't work that way dude.
Ansu: NO! With Geri
JC: I'm listening
Dembz: Are we really going to go ask for help from Carles Puyol?! Ansumane are you nuts!?
Dembz: No..
Dembz: And stop yelling @Iñaki is probably asleep.
Frenkie: We all should be ...
Ansu: BUT my Puyi idea.
Ronald: Can wait till after El Clasico.
Ronald: Go to sleep now
Ansu: 😒
24 OCTOBER 2020
JC: 4 OUT OF 11!!!
JC: Oh for fuck sake😒
JC: What the fuck was that shit....
JC: But it wasn't...
JC: I give up.. Screw this..
Arnau: This blows.
Iñaki: Once again.. pure torture.
Arnau: No but we were doing actually okay..
Iñaki: I mean.. relatively so-so.. we could have had it...
Arnau: What even was that 2nd ..
Iñaki: Bro.. Let it go..
Arnau: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
Iñaki: 😐
Ansu: I hate us so much.
Pedri: I should not have said anything the other day..
Pedri: I jinxed myself.
Francisco: That was horrible
Sergiño: Truly awful
Riqui: I am going to keep my comments to myself.
Riqui: Because if I speak, I will get in trouble.
Carlitos: Okay José.
Carlitos: It was a José move.
Dembz: A Mess.
Frenkie: So we are just going to get a penalty every time we breathe next to a player!?
JC: BS. Just that.. BS.
Ansu: Siempre igual.
Frenkie: I hate this.
Riqui: We all do.
25 OCTOBER 2020
Ronald: On the bright side..
Riqui: There is not one bright side in this
Ronald: There is.
Ronald: The fact that it's over.
Riqui: Okay one bright side to this. And now we have Juventus next.
Riqui: Without Gerard
Riqui: Which means he will have time...
Riqui: Which means we are screwed.
Carlitos: I would like to go back to the match please.
Riqui: So I was right.. There is no bright side.
Dembz: Dammit.
Riqui: Good night.
Pedri: Night!
JC: See ya later
Carlitos: Nanit!
Sergiño: ✌🏽
26 OCTOBER 2020
Frenkie: They did not just say that.. 🤦🏼‍♂️
Frenkie: As if we needed more backlash...
Riqui: Just leave already for the love of everything good...
Riqui: We are a meme Club I swear...
Riqui: When has complaining ever benefited us ever?!
Carlitos: As if they don't know
Ansu: Did he really say that or did I hallucinate it!?
Riqui: They did kiddo
Carlitos: They did kiddo.
JC: Yikes
Francisco: What is the point?
Arnau: What is the point of their existence really
Iñaki: They have so many problems coming their way, the guys say they are taking action against them
Arnau: Well they should have let them finish the season and not just send them off like that.. They deserved to play the play-offs.
Iñaki: Don't remind me.
Arnau: Can the president just issue an arrest warrant against them already?!
Riqui: I wish
Riqui: I hope they end up in Jail. Or like exiled.. whichever can happen quicker..
Ansu: We cannot have one day of peace in this place.
Riqui: How else will the time pass..
Ansu: I rather not have it pass in stress.
Carlitos: Well.. tough.
Riqui: And another one tomorrow.
Sergiño: I am having such a dèjà-vu..
Riqui: About?
Sergiño: Tr*mp..
Riqui: Well.. Kinda.. sorta..
Riqui: Like.. take away the mania and psychopathic behavior and total lack of human empathy and decency... yeah it could be him
Sergiño: I meant the desperate need for him to just leave.
Riqui: Oh well yes that... spot on.
Carlitos: we have to wait more I guess.... But now Juve.
Frenkie: Exactly. Juve.
Ansu: Ronald's big moment. Hope he doesn't screw it up.
Ronald: Appreciate the vote of confidence.. really. So sweet.
Ansu: Anytime broski Anytime.
Pedri: Did you really just say broski?
Ansu: And what about it?
Pedri: Nothing..
Ansu: Mhm...
27 OCTOBER 2020
JC: Another meeting today?
Riqui: Yep
JC: Evening?
Riqui: Yep
JC: You think he will?
Riqui: Who the hell knows.. He might be coming out to announce a new sponsor for all I know
Carlitos: I hear he will
Ansu: Will he though?
Carlitos: Well I'm not his babysitter but I hope so.
Ansu: We shall see.
Frenkie: Ready to take off to Torino?
Pedri: YES!!
Francisco: Cannot wait tbh
Francisco: I saw Gerard today and he was being very suspicious.
Riqui: I do not need this now
Sergiño: I hung out with him during training this morning.. He seemed normal
Dembz: So what is the truth...
Ronald: All I know is he has time now.
Ronald: And I feel sorry for you guys..
Ronald: Not you @Riqui 💙 and Sergi would agree
Riqui: 😒 I hate you 💙
Arnau: WE ARE FREE!!!!!!
Carlitos: I cannot believe it. Someone slap me.
Ronald: You asked.
Riqui: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ansu: Like I said.. We cannot have not 1 moment of peace.
Riqui: Is he really playing a victim?!
Carlitos: Great... more games for us not to play😒
Ansu: But things are changing.. so
Frenkie: Oh wow.. oh wow.. OH WOW
Francisco: What even is the point of a Super league?!
Francisco: It's like the Nations' League.. What is the point of that
Pedri: Money.
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Francisco: Fair point.
Iñaki: Isn't everything?
Francisco: Yep.
Dembz: So now what guys?...
Riqui: Now we are free. We wait for the new President.
Riqui: And maybe a new coach 🙄
Dembz: I dig that.
Pedri: How do you guys think Leo is feeling??
Ansu: I wonder what the adults gc is like right now.
Ansu: Dammit Carles when are you going to be useful!
Carlitos: RUDE MUCH
Ansu: We need to know
Riqui: 😂
Frenkie: So now that he is gone.. What are we going to complain about in this Club.
Riqui: It's us.. We always have something. But enjoy this Win bro
Frenkie: I am.
Sergiño: I hope we can enjoy more wins
Francisco: Leo must be very happy.
Riqui: I wanna post something.. but I don't know if I should.
Dembz: Do it subtly.
Arnau: Have you met him? He doesn't know subtlety.
Riqui: I brought you here to back me up dude not join them😒
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup!  (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Hi :3 Can I request an Ikesen matchup??♥️🍡
I’m ~164cm,straight, slightly chubby and have long straight brown hair and I have darn brown eyes c:. I’m also a Scorpio, ENTJ or ENFJ and I’m like kinda Slytherin or Ravenclaw.
I’m hardworking, competitive, and ambitious. I’m also quite observant, independent and mature. I would consider myself an ambivert? Cause sometimes I would be really sociable and talkative but sometimes I just want to stay in bed and read a book c:. I’m always cheerful and optimistic and I already look at things positively (like a half full kind of thing). I also can’t hide my emotions well and I’ve been told that how I feel is always written on my face. I also hate people beating around the bush or sugar coating something, I prefer the truth hence me always being blunt. But when I get serious I tend to be scary? Like I wouldn’t tolerate anymore bs and I would be extremely blunt and set things straight. People tell me the difference is like night and day. Idk but I know I’m just weird :p
I also have a really weird taste in food, like I can eat a lot of spice and I tend to try weird food combinations even if there is a risk it won’t be nice. And I cook a lot! I also have a sweet tooth so I would always bake different kinds of pastries and sweets.
I really enjoy music, especially singing and playing the guitar! I also like reading (especially fantasy and mythology), drawing in an anime style or creating rotoscope animation and taking notes. I also really like kpop but I’ve been into Japanese music recently. I think I do quite well in school where I always get a 3.5 GPA and above in my subjects (I’m a science stream student so I take bio, chem, math). I really like romance and comedy and I really really REALLY HATE horror movies.
In terms of my emotions I tend to express it when I need to but there are cases where I conceal it and try to smile so that I wouldn’t bother them but at a certain point I’ll just suddenly burst into tears, this usually happens when I’m stressed. But when someone needs help, I would always be there and give a solution first then comforting them later.
So yeah, that’s all :3 I’m sorry it’s kinda messy and long but there’s no rush ‼️ Take care ♥️🍉‼️ And THANK YOU 💖🌸🍥
Hi hi, love! ❤🌻Thank you so much for the request! Sorry for taking soooo freaken long with this!😱❤🌻 Hehehe hope you are keeping safe and well and I hope you enjoy this dear! @aashleymayyy​ 🌻❤🌼
So I match you with………….. Ieyasu
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When you arrived in Azuchi, it was as if a hurricane arrived with you. You were cheery and upbeat, quickly making friends with everyone, well all but Ieyasu. You reminded him waaaay too much of Mitsunari, and for that reason, he stayed far away from you. He didn’t need another beam of sunshine shining down on him with their endless optimism and positivity, or so he thought.
The day started out like any other and you were working hard around the castle as per usual. The maid loved working with you as you seemed to introduce them to new improved was of cleaning plus, your hard work motivated them to work even harder, so that work would get done pretty quickly every day. 
You made your way to the castle Archive as you have hundreds of times before. You low key was hoping to see Mitsunari there, to discuss the new book you had been reading. You were so lost in thought as you walked through the hallway that you bumped straight into Ieyasu. The pair of you went tumbling down onto the floor, with him having broken your fall, as you were now on top of the prickly porcupine. This was the first time you had ever seen his eyes, big vibrant green eyes widened when he realized that the two of you were nose to nose. You couldn’t hide the blush spreading over your face. Even though Ieyasu avoided you like the plague, you couldn’t help but be attracted to him, there was just something about him that had you captivated. 
None of you made an attempt to move, both of you blushing furiously, when all of a sudden Masamune appeared out of nowhere and started teasing the two of you, “Wow Ieyasu if I knew you would move this quick to win the lass’ affections, I would have pounced long ago, oooh well I guess I will just have to steal her away from you then,” he said with a wink. You didn’t think it was possible to go any redder. You looked back at Ieyasu apologetically, and as you moved to get up, you lost your balance spraining your ankle. 
Ieyasu simply let out a long sigh, “geeez first you pushing me down on the ground and now you go around hurting yourself, just how clumsy can one person be.” Before you could quip back, he picked you up and carried you to his manor. He couldn’t help but give a slither of a smile, as one look at your face gave away your every thought. He gently placed you down on his futon and started gathering up herbs to make you a salve for your ankle, to soothe the pain and swelling. As he was treating your injury, your eyes drifted out to his garden, and you couldn’t help but break out into a big smile at the sight of a baby fawn nibbling on the grass outside. You then stuck up a conversation with the porcupine, asking him all about the deer prancing around outside. 
After he patched you up, he put on some tea, and the two of you continued to chat over tea. At first talking to Yasu was like talking to a brick wall, but soon he started opening up a little, which made you beam in delight.
The next day you decided to cook something for Yasu as a thank you for patching you up and as an apology for falling on him. Your ankle was feeling good as new when you woke up that morning, so you decided to do your chores and then get cooking. You found Masamune finishing up in the kitchen and decided to ask his advice on the best dish would be to make the resident hedgehog. 
You basically skipped your way over to Ieyasu’s manor carrying an array of spicy foods. When Masamune revealed that Ieyasu liked spicy foods you were over the moon, it was not common to find a fellow spice lover. Ieyasu’s maids let you in and led you to his room, you gave a small knock and then entered in. At the sight of you, he rolled his eyes, “don’t tell me you hurt yourself again, also didn’t I tell you to rest your ankle today,” he said in a cold tone although, the look of concern in his eyes definitely didn’t escape your observations. Ignoring the blunt tone you sat down in front of him and presented him with the thank you/apology gift. His eyes widened slightly in shock; he didn’t expect you to come all this way to give him a gift. 
He grumbled a thank you and put on some tea. The two of you sat and sipped on tea, enjoying the spicy food together. As you sat and ate, you spotted an array of mythological fantasy books on Ieyasu;s bookcase. You were buzzing in excitement. Ieyasu simply blushed and looked away, reading fantasy books was a bit of a guilty pleasure for him, “you can come over and borrow them sometime if you like them that much, but you better not tell the others or else.” 
In the weeks to follow you spent more and more time at Ieyasu’s manor, it was just so quiet and peaceful there, and his room always radiated a warm, comforting aura. Often you would sit quietly in his room and read his collection of books. This had become such a regular occurrence that you have even claimed a spot in his room as your own, it was the spot on a comfy yellow chair in front of a big window overlooking the garden. 
When Ieyasu needed a break, he would make the two of you some tea or the two of you would go out to a teahouse for some sweets and tea. Through all this time spent together, you got to know Yasu a bit better.
You loved his blunt, truthful personality. He would say things as they are, without sugar-coating it. Yes, he was contrary, but you had soon come to find out that it was just his defence mechanism, and thanks to your observational skills, you could easily decipher what he was thinking. 
Ieyasu loved that that expressive face of yours. He loved the way your thoughts and emotions flickered across your face like lighting. What did Ieyasu also find incredibly amusing during your time together, well that would be your weird food combinations. 
Often after spending the day reading at his manor, it would get too late to go back to the castle, so Ieyasu set up a room just for you. Which meant the two of you would have dinner together. You loved to cook so even when you would have your meals at the castle you would always insist on cooking your own foods. Ieyasu, after writing his last report, would find you in his kitchen cooking up some weird creation. He usually can’t help the small smile forming on his lips as he watched you. Most days he would sit on the counter top or simply pull up a chair and watch you cook keeping you company. He would always laugh when a weird combination would fail, and you would pull the funniest of faces at the vile taste. 
Ieyasu loved your cooking and would always eat up everything with that faint smile on his face. If it truly was a flop, he would laugh and let you know his honest opinion, causing both of you to laugh and then cook up a different dish together. Speaking of cooking Ieyasu always has something sweet on hand when he knows you are coming over for a visit or to read. He has come to realize you have a sweet tooth and will be sure to present you with different sweets or pastries during each your visits. Even though he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, he will always indulge in the delicious pastries you make for him.
Truth is, the more this boy spent with you the more he fell utterly and entirely in love with you. He loved that you could relate to him with regards to being ambitious and competitive. 
Your optimism and warm, cheerful personality actually helped him to heal and grow from his past traumas. You had quickly become the bright light in his dark word, your endless amounts of optimism pulling him out of the pit of despair and back into the sunshine. You had shown him that there was strength in love and positivity, and lately, he had found himself smiling like a fool whenever you were around him.
He also loved that you, like him, was rather blunt, although it seemed that you were slightly blunter then him when it came to matters of the heart. Like one day, when you found out that the Oda forces were going off to war, you decided it was time to confess your feelings. Ieyasu came to your room the night before their departure. Honestly, things were getting awkward, so you spoke up, “Ieyasu can we please cut through the bs, I’m just gonna come right out and say it, I freaken love you and well if you don’t feel the same way that okay, but I just…” you didn’t even have time to finisher your sentence when you were suddenly pulled into his strong warm embrace, lips covering your own in a sweet kiss. “Geez with that scary, intimidating face from earlier I thought you were going to tell me you hate me or something,” he joked before pulling you back for another kiss. It was true whenever you would get serious your face would turn scary, not that Ieyasu minded all he cared about at that moment was having the love of his life in his arms.
Whenever Yasu would go off to war you would always sneak in a few small anime style doodles for him to find, to remind you just how much you loved and missed him. You would always be surprised when you would get clumsily drawn doodles back whenever a scout would deliver war reports and updates to the castle.
As the two of you continued into your relationship Yasu couldn’t help but fall more and more in love with you. He loved that you were mature and independent, always there to offer him real and proper solutions to problems before comforting. Even though Ieyasu was slightly shy when it came to his emotions, he instantly knew whenever you were faking a smile or upset. That fake smile could never fool him as he would gently pull you into his arms and in the sweetest of voices, ask you what was wrong. Of course, you would always burst out into tears, as you low key had a tendency to bottle things up. Yasu would simply be there, an ear to listen to your every problem, tenderly stroking your back as you spoke and giving you small sweet kisses as you would tell him you every burden.
With Yasu you can expect loads of sweet cute kisses on the nose and forehead. 
Often the two of you cuties are simply sitting together nestled in each other arms, each reading their own book. If the two of you aren’t enjoying a quiet evening in, you are laughing and cooking your new spicing creations together for dinner. 
Ieyasu can’t help but thank his lucky stars every night for having met you. Every night without fail as you gently drift to sleep in his arms, he will pull you close to his body and trail small kisses from your head, forehead, nose, eyelids, cheeks and finally lips while whispering in the most tender of voices how much he loves and adores you.
Other potential matches…………….. Shingen 
I hope you have the best day! Sending you lots of hugs! ❤🌻🦊
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rahorak · 4 years
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@anonymous:  what’s something you love about each of your ship partners? the muns and muses :)
Yoo  this  is  such  a  nice  little  ask!  I  love  to  gush  about  my  writing  partners  because  to  be  honest?  They  all  deserve  it,  if  anything  for  putting  up  with  my  kicking  in  their  door  with  headcanons  at  random  times  &  other  bs.  I’m  gonna  talk  about  them  all  in  order  of  exclusives  >  mains  >  other.  In  this  essay  I  will
DIANA  /  @moonaspect​​​.
Moon  is  such  a  darling.  We  talk  every  day  over  Discord  &  she’s  become  such  a  big  part  of  my  routine  at  this  point.  I  am  also  a  lonely  fucker  &  am  going  through  some  stuff  at  the  minute  &  she’s  a  great  help!  She’s  so  talented  as  well,  I  cannot  comprehend  how  she  does  what  she  does  with  a  canvas  but  here  we  are.  Thank  you  so  much  for  putting  up  with  my  bs.  I  could  go  on  &  on  but  just  know  that  Moon  has  a  very  special  place  in  my  heart.  She’s  such  a  valuable  friend  &  she  gives  me  a  reason  to  get  up  in  the  morning. . .  Or  afternoon,  depending.
As  for  Diana  she  does  a  wonderful  job  with  her.  She’s  written  her  for  as  long  as  I’ve  known  her  &  it  shows  ——  her  love  &  dedication  to  this  character  is  so  inspiring.  Her  Diana  is  exactly  what  you  would  expect  her  to  be,  &  especially  since  I’ve  seen  her  RP  her  for  so  long,  she  just  feels  canon  to  me.  You  can’t  have  Diana  without  angst  &  Moon  has  taken  this  to  the  next  level  at  times  but  as  a  fellow  angst  lover,  I  love  to  see  it.
✦   Favorite  things:  Moon’s  voice  &  Diana’s  resilience.
SORAKA  /  @starthieve​​.
Nix!  Oh  gosh  I  could  talk  about  Nix  for  hours  but  I’ll  try  to  keep  it  short  &  sweet.  We  also  go  way  back,  you  see.  Words  cannot  describe  how  much  I  love  this  woman,  as  we’ve  been  through  hell  &  back  together  &  even  to  this  day  she  continues  to  be  one  of  my  best  friends  who  always  has  my  back.  We  don’t  plot  as  much  as  we  used  to  but  I  honestly  miss  that  ——  I  miss  coming  up  with  stupid  scenarios  &  screenshotting  them  to  pester  the  rest  of  our  friends  with  for  eternity  afterwards.  We  need  to  make  more  doodles  together  too.  I  love  you  Nix,  let  there  never  be  a  doubt  in  your  mind  about  that.
Her  Soraka  is  honestly  a  big  mood.  She  is  so  loving  &  giving  &  I  always  just  imagine  Nix  &  Soraka  to  go  hand  in  hand  cause  they’re  both  such  empathetic  sweethearts.  I  will  never  shut  up  about  Nix’s  writing  &  how  beautiful  &  graceful  it  is  to  read.  Even  her  headcanon  posts  are  so  well  put  together  &  even  though  she  isn’t  posting  much  at  the  minute  I  love  to  see  her  pop  in  every  once  in  a  while  with  a  meta!
✦   Favorite  things:  Nix’s  &  Soraka’s  big  hearts.
ASHE  /  @arrowdeft​​.
Kirin  is  so  talented  my  heart  skips  a  beat  at  times  when  I  read  their  writing!  I  don’t  know  much  about  them  on  a  personal  level  other  than  they’ve  been  going  through  some  rough  times  lately  &  I  really  hope  that  my  small  contributions  to  the  ship  helps,  even  if  just  a  tiny  bit  at  times.  I’ve  been  enjoying  reading  their  content  for  Kai’sa  as  well,  though!  They  seem  to  have  a  very  interesting  &  realistic  take  on  her  so  far  &  I  love  me  some  of  that.  Also  pretty  graphics  10  /  10.  My  door  is  always  open  if  you  need  anything,  Kirin!
Kirin’s  Ashe  is  just  perfection.  She’s  the  right  amount  of  stern  &  soft.  She’s  so  stubborn  &  I  love  her  for  it.  I  can’t  help  but  root  for  her  honestly.  &  when  they  write  for  her  it  just. . .  Everything  makes  sense  ——  why  they  chose  Ashe  as  a  muse  &  it’s  so  lovely  seeing  her  come  to  life  the  way  she  does  in  Kirin's  hands.  You  just  can’t  help  but  admire  Ashe  for  her  achievements  &  her  overall  character.  When  Kirin  writes  for  her  she  feels  so  regal  &  composed,  but  also  down  to  earth  at  the  same  time  which  is  a  wonderful  combination.
✦   Favorite  things:  Kirin’s  ideas  &  Ashe’s  devotion.
LUX  /  @lightweaved​​.
Liv  aaa  (  Or  Star,  which  is  a  super  cute  pen  name  by  the  way.  )  is  first  of  all  GORGEOUS.  Second  of  all,  is  someone  I  wish  I  spoke  more  to!  But  to  be  honest  that’s  on  me,  mostly.  Thinking  about  it  I’d  actually  love  to  get  to  know  her  more!  She  just  seems  like  such  a  nice  &  warm  person  to  be  around,  idk.  Oh  &  she  has  a  knack  for  making  pretty  graphics!  I like the style  a  lot,  it’s  so  clean  &  readable,  as  is  her  blog.
This  Lux  though.  Is  so  good  &  so  interesting.  It’s  so  interesting  to  see  what  can  be  done  with  Elementalist  Lux  &  I  love  the  inclusion  of  Spellthief  as  well.  It’s  nice  to  see  Lux  being  taken  in  a  direction  that  isn’t  necessarily  what  you’d  expect  for  her  ——  that  she  can  fend  for  herself  so  well  &  that  she  is  willing  to  do  work  as  a  spellthief.  She  also  has  a  super  cute  design.  I  have  a  weakness  for  when  people  personalize  their  canon  muses  to  fit  their  portrayal  better  &  this  is  no  exception  ——  Star’s  Lux  is  simply  too  pretty.
✦   Favorite  things:  Star’s  brightness  &  Lux’s  cheekiness.
KAYLE  /  @unholyshe​​.
Aqua  hits  an  aesthetic  that  hits  my  heartstrings  IRL  &  here  on  Tumblr.  I’m  always  on  the  edge  of  my  seat  when  I  speak  to  her  because  in  all  honesty  she’s  hilarious  as  fuck  &  I  really  enjoy  plotting  with  her.  There’s  just  something  about  the  way  she  talks  that’s  a  perfect  balance  between  dishing  out  actual  plots  &  joking  around  with  it  that  I  love.  God  I  love  Aqua  so  much,  she’s  just  so  funny  &  nice  to  be  around  &  I’m  always  excited  to  talk  to  her!  I  hope  you  feel  better  soon,  though,  cause  depression  sucks  &  I’m  here  if  you  need  anything.  I  hope  you  know  that!
Literally  any  character  that  Aqua  touches  I’m  in  love  with.  I’m  excited  to  RP  with  any  of  them  to  be  honest,  but  to  stick  to  Kayle?  I  love  that  Aqua  isn’t  afraid  to  show  off  her  bad  sides.  That  she’s  given  her  dimensions  &  that  she  feels  exactly  like  Kayle  should  feel.  Even  though  she  puts  Leona  through  hell  I  can’t  help  but  love  them  together.  What  can  I  say,  I  have  a  weakness  for  characters  helping  each  other  grow  as  individuals!
✦   Favorite  things:  Aqua’s  humor  &  Kayle’s  bitchiness.
TIANNA  /  @ofironloyalty​​.
Good  Grace  we’re  here.  Insert  more  name  jokes  here.  She’s  snuck  her  way  into  my  heart  &  I  do  consider  her  a  good  friend!  I  love  waking  up  to  messages  from  her,  whether  it  be  OOC  or  plotting  related.  It  also  always  excites  me  to  read  her  posts  on  my  dash  &  I  strive  to  maintain  a  spot  as  her  #1  fan.  Grace  doesn’t  take  herself  too  seriously  &  I  love  that  about  her,  it’s  so  nice  to  be  around  people  like  that.  She’d  rather  laugh  about  her  own  shortcomings  or  joke  about  which  is  so,  so  refreshing.
I’ve  said  it  before  but  Grace’s  Tianna  is  everything  you  need  Tianna  to  be.  She  is  strong  physically  &  mentally,  steadfast,  a  little  stuck  up  &  of  course,  has  the  willpower  of  a  true  Demacian  High  Marshal.  I  feel  very  lucky  that  I  get  to  ship  with  such  a  lovely  muse  &  mun,  honestly.  Tianna  is  strict  when  she  has  to  be  but  she  is  also  a  big  softie  at  times  when  she’s  allowed  to  be  &  it’s  so  sweet.  It’s  been  great  getting  to  know  both  mun  &  muse,  &  I  hope  to  get  to  interact  much  more  in  the  future!
✦   Favorite  things:  plotting  with  Grace  &  Tianna’s  soft  side.
&  last  but  not  least,  some  honorable  mentions  are  @defyances​​​,  @foxcharmed​​​  &  @blessercoeur​​​  (  Hi  again  Moon!  )  whom  I  have  just  begun  plotting  /  exploring  ship  dynamics  with.  I’m  coming  to  love  the  dynamic  that  each  of  these  pairings  have  &  I’m  so  excited  to  explore  them!  Irelia  &  Leona  is  just  great  content  all  around,  with  a  side  of  angst  in  the  whole  long  distance  thing.  Ahri  &  Leona  is  such  a  wholesome  mess  of  Leona  teaching  Ahri  how  to  Empathy™  &  them  finding  love  in  that  somewhere.  A’ni  &  Leona  are  just  two  hearts  who  beat  to  the  same  rhythm  in  multiple  ways  &  I’m  so  pumped  to  see  them  interact  more  &  getting  along.
Unprompted  asks    /  /    Always  accepting.
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