#they both have a saviour complex
tardxsblues · 2 years
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Well, you know what, Doctor? This time, the human race is saving you.
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dykealloy · 9 months
supernova idiots supercut
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Carrying on from this post because I do actually think I was valid there for once, but also because I was thinking about Phoenix's poison line. You know, this one from Recipe for Turnabout:
Phoenix: (There are two things that I consider inexcusable. Poisoning, and betrayal! Only a coward would hurt people using either of these tactics.)
And I was thinking about it in conjunction with how he feels after BttT, and how it could have warped (or been warped to fit) his perception of events there.
Because, while it is Dahlia who sets the whole thing in motion by poisoning Diego, the only one who can be said to have "betrayed" Godot in any way is... Phoenix. It's not Mia who tells him who stabbed Misty, Iris refuses to cave even when it becomes clear that she was an accomplice, and Maya begs Phoenix to leave things alone the whole time she's on the witness stand. The one who actually pushes the revelation and finally brings the truth to light is Phoenix. As Mia and Godot both say, that final battle was all him.
And of course it's ridiculous. Of course it doesn't add up. Because there was no betrayal. Godot killed someone. It is objectively right that he be sentenced for it, and, if it wasn't for his own interjection, he wouldn't have been found out at all! But then I think about what Phoenix says at the end of the case -- how he talks about "his own hand sending Godot to prison" (not, notably, finding the truth, as Edgeworth might justify) and how he specifically questions whether "justice was served with that verdict" because he "wasn't able to save Mr Armando" -- and I wonder if he doesn't feel some sense of misguided responsibility and guilt for that. Like, yes, he may not have known, and, yes, he technically owed Godot nothing, but that was the man who risked his life to save Maya's. And that automatically means Phoenix owes him something close to his own life.
And Phoenix sent him to jail.
It's a self-imposed debt; it's a fictitious betrayal. But the guilt is real.
Originally, I hypothesised that Phoenix grew disillusioned with the courts, which led to him leaving without a fight.
Now I wonder if what he actually grew disillusioned with wasn't just himself.
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mavernick2 · 1 year
personally, savior complex by phoebe bridgers is my number #1 icemav song and i would get an A* if someone asked me to write an essay about it
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
foxes post-canon twitter bios 🫶🏽 (2/2)
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skinnystreakofsexy · 1 year
If I had a dollar for everytime I started watching a show on their 1st season (unusual for me) starring Josh Dallas, that began going downhill for me in the 3rd season and clowned me on a ship I had rooted for since season 1 I'd have 2 dollars, which is not much but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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orchres · 11 months
it's actually so surreal to me to see people like Shailja Patel and Aaron Bady having their little tweets circulating online when they're so fantastically antiblack and in the years I was active on Ke twitter they'd spend their time castigating us (the universe of queer young feminists I was part of) whenever we'd call them out for saying stupid and racist things
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box-dwelling · 1 year
For a person who bonded onto Miles Edgeworth like a baby duck, when I write I really do focus on Phoenix and his struggles way more than Edgeworths.
#honestly the reason is two fold in a way that stems from the same place#i deal with my issues in a very very similar way to phoenix. i just shut it out and try and insist on helping other people instead#to the point it becomes actively unhealthy for me to be helping them#i got that issue dodging saviour complex with the assumption that is i dont deal with my issues one day i will die and no longer need to#so obviously i want to explore that aspect i relate to so heavily#the other reason is that while i deal with my issues like Phoenix the issues themselves are way too similar to Edgeworth#so therefore i never want to write about Edgeworths issues and thus deal with my own#writing 1 von karma sibling fic would fix me but i would actually rather die than fully process the similarities in my own trauma to theirs#reading is different. actually like remembering what that felt like and processing that by writing it down? kill me kill me now#anyway the point of this was ment to be that Edgeworth is really really fun to write#like insanely fun. i love his dumb Victorian style of speaking#franziska also fun as fuck to write. also deeply neglected despite hiw much i love her because the trauma is too similar#also i want it to be said this isnt a like i cant write this because its too traumatic thing. it would actively help me. creating does that#but i just have a box in my head called “bad feelings do not touch” and i do not touch it until it starts biting and i have to shoot it#this is also why i keep avoiding a PMECD fic because ive been on both sides of that shit and both of them make me want to scream#honestly the thing that i most need to write to get the box to shut up but i literally could not want to do something less#i have ideas too. but then i have to touch the box. and i don't want to touch the box
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maipareshaan · 2 years
There are def huge writing problems, like it just does not make sense with how unconcerned Dean and Cas are about Sam's soul in the cage but i guess you could kind of go with they know its not possible to get him out so don't go there, the death deal idea maybe came to Dean later...though i mean him not taking it srsly was kinda weird.
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http-taru · 2 months
making out over the top of their hero mask while you grind against their lap <333 it's kinda gross and you're not really kissing them, not really, but you still go for it as if you were really making out with them, tongue swiping against the slightly rough material as you leave an embarrassing wet patch in your absence. the best part is just barely feeling them smirk under that mask too, hearing them letting out little scoffs at your neediness and how you're making a mess of their costume on both ends. hearing them make little jabs at how much of a pervert you are for defiling a hero's costume, getting off on grinding against them while they just sit there and let you, occasionally grabbing your hips and moving you against them just to hear you whine out their hero name. they definitely love it too btw. they're so into it they almost cum in their pants. probably get hard when you call them their hero name, definitely having a perverse little saviour complex. mmm yeah <3
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lovelybluebirdie · 9 months
Blood whispers
Astarion x gn!Reader 
Summary: On the night you almost killed him, Astarion promised to help you overcome your urges. When they suddenly threaten to overwhelm you again, he needs to take care of you.
Word Count: 2,8k
no warnings, hurt/comfort, fluff
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Travelling across the shadow-cursed lands had provided Astarion some valuable knowledge. Not only had he learned the meanings of the scars on his back, it was also revealed that the scheme behind the tadpole in his brain was far greater than he had initially anticipated.
These discoveries alone should have been enough to keep him adequately occupied, yet there had been another novelty: for the first time in his life he had developed genuine affection for someone. Namely for you, the softhearted adventurer with an undeniable saviour-complex. You had filled his chest with an unfamiliar warmth and therefore led him to great confusion - at least until his constant brooding had left the inevitable conclusion that you meant far more to him than a solely guarantee for his safety.
His plan with you had been calculated to serve his own needs. He needed protection, so he had aimed to lure you into a selfish alliance by gaining your trust and using his charm to get you on his side. 
As it turned out, this simple little plan of his had fallen apart rather quickly: not only had he come to truly care about you, he had also openly admitted these feelings to you. To his surprise, you had shared that you felt the same.
Even though Astarion wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing with you half the time or where all of this was leading - being with you was astonishingly nice. 
From the moment Astarion had told you about his failed plan, you had decided to be with each other without sleeping together. For the past centuries, sex had been merely a tool for him to collect victims for his former master, so it still brought up feelings of loath and disgust. 
With you, he experienced that there was more to intimacy than sex.
At first, the thought of forming a sincere connection had terrified him. What was he to do with you, and how could he be close to you in a real way - in a way that mattered?
But somehow, you made it easy for him. 
You had been considerate not to overwhelm him with your affection. It had been small steps: a single grasp for his hand, some soft kisses in the safety of your blanket or a heartfelt embrace in between all the fights and mischief that paved the way along your journey to free yourself from the tadpoles.
Sometimes you would read to him, his head resting comfortably in your lap, while your fingers formed circles through his curls. He adored the feeling of your body close against his back, leaving the sensation of your warm hands on his chest the last thing he would remember before he would fall into his nightly trance. 
You made him feel safe, and he found himself positively enjoying your time together.
Of course there had also been that other night. 
That night, when the fear over losing you to your darkness had scared Astarion more than any torture his former master could have ever inflicted on him.
You had woken him with a vigorous shake, eyes wide open and sheer panic in your voice. “We don’t have much time,” you would say, almost swallowing your tongue. “I’m going to kill the person I care about most – and it is you.”
Flattery aside, the threat of being murdered by his lover posed a fairly unpleasant way to be brought from his rest, so Astarion was forced to act fast. 
You had spent the night with your wrists tied up while he watched over you, ensuring that you faced no harm. On the next morning you were yourself again, but the whole ordeal had left its mark on both of you.
And that was another thing about you: despite being the kindest person Astarion had ever met, you were also the only one that was cursed to unwillingly bring a great deal of murder and despair into this world. 
Those violent urges would occasionally infest your mind with a strong yearn to kill and destroy. Gruesome thoughts, suddenly engulfing you with malicious intent - their origin unknown to you. When you resisted them, they would usually fade as quickly as they came, leaving you with a throbbing headache.
One might say that those were not exactly the best circumstances for a blossoming relationship, but Astarion was not particularly impressed by such assumptions. In fact, he had learnt that there was a certain comfort in sharing the burden of internal turmoil. Perhaps that was one of the reasons he had found himself drawn to you from the moment you had met.
Besides, Astarion was confident that you would find a way to rid yourself from these aggravating compulsions for good. After all, he had promised you on that fateful night - and even if he might exaggerate at times, he had meant every single word.
A light breeze rustled through the trees and brought him back from his thoughts. He sat next to his tent with a book in his hands and relished the last beams the sun would offer that day. The warmth was pleasant on his skin, especially after the long march that was behind him.
You and the rest of your companions had left the shadowlands a few days ago and were now heading towards Baldur’s Gate. After hiking through dense forests and small villages, you had decided it was time to make camp and continue your travels after dawn.
It was unusually quiet today. Perhaps the others were taking some time for themselves as well, he thought. You would probably gather around the fire later this evening, sharing some tales over a bottle of wine or discussing the next steps lying ahead of you. 
Astarion let his gaze wander, back from the other tents to a more secluded spot, where he found you. You were sitting in the grass, holding one arm out in front of you with a loaf of bread beside your feet. A small bird with bright orange feathers was fluttering excitedly around you. It seemed like you were about to toss it some crumbs, and it was impatiently waiting to get its beak full.
Astarion rolled his eyes. Typical. You would probably even share your food with some random animal if it meant starving yourself. 
Then again, it was also kind of adorable, he thought as his lips inevitably turned into a grin.
As he continued to watch you from afar, he realised that something was off about you. You weren't moving at all. 
That was odd. 
Your arm looked too stiff, slightly cramped even, and as he squinted his eyes to get a better look, he could see that your hand was clenched into a fist. It was as if you were forcing yourself to hold the position.
Astarion’s senses immediately sharpened.
He got up with haste, carelessly tossing his book aside and lunged towards you while calling out your name.
This was bad.
Uneasiness spread over his body like a rash, before he could even pinpoint what was going on with you. 
“My love, are you al-” The sentence stuck in his throat as he finally came to see you up close.
Your mouth was twitching, contorting your soft features into a grotesque grimace. You looked nothing like your usual self.
Astarion had seen this expression on you before.
His thoughts started to race, as he prepared himself to force you to the ground if necessary. He had no rope on him to restrain you, but in lack of a better solution his laces would have to do.
In any case, he would not let that thing take control over you.
He reached for your shoulder, bracing himself for the worst - but before he could grab you, your features already started to relax.
You must have snapped out of it. This was you again. 
You let your stiffened arm hang down and opened your fist, spilling the remaining crumbs on the floor. Instead of picking them up, the bird hastily flew away. Even the creature must have sensed that something was off.
Astarion let himself sink next to you in the grass and sighed. The danger had passed, it had not taken you.
“I wanted to feed it, I swear,” you explained between quivering lips. “But - my wretched brain almost made me kill this poor little thing.” Your hands were trembling, a deep misery resonating within your words.
A thick lump formed in Astarion’s throat as he noticed tears started to glisten in your eyes.
“I know, my love,” he said and rested his hand on your shoulder. “But remember, this isn’t you. And you brought the bird no harm.”
You swallowed hard and fixated him with your gaze. 
“Yes, this time. But what if I couldn’t have stopped myself? What if I would have killed it - just like that, without any other reason than my sick thoughts ordering me to?”
“Well, in that case…, “ Astarion replied and tapped his chin, “I assume Gale would have served you some poultry tonight. And I would’ve been glad to depend on blood for a chance, since you’d probably have to fight over that unfortunate little thing. I mean you have to admit, to fill the stomachs of our dear friends you should have aimed for something more substantial to mangle.” 
Astarion was no fool. This wasn’t just about you hypothetically killing that bird. Your urges evidently didn’t spare other living beings as well - including himself. This was serious, and yet he felt the need to cheer you up over some silly remark, as you would often find solace in your shared banter. While it was certainly not his best attempt to brighten the mood, it was an attempt nonetheless.
To his satisfaction, you huffed a quick chuckle that finally caused the tears in your eyes to spill over. 
“You’re pretty macabre, you know that?” you scolded and slightly shook your head.
“Am I now? Darling, I’m hurt,” he exclaimed in exaggerated dismay, before a genuine fondness took over his voice. “But honestly, I’m truly proud of you. I can only imagine the force that overwhelms you in those moments, and yet… You’ve proven more than once that you’re stronger than this.” He let his fingers gently brush over the wetness covering your cheeks. 
The gravity of the situation appeared to reclaim you with pressing weight, wiping off the faint smile at his clumsy attempt. You turned your head away from him.
“Astarion… I understand if you would hate me for this.” It was no more than a mumble coming from you, but enough to take Astarion aback. 
He gave his answer fast, almost instinctive.
“No, I could never hate you.” 
It was true. That he could never, not when there was so much about you to love. But somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to say this out loud to you, not yet at least. 
Instead, a tight knot formed in his chest, as he watched your eyes focusing the space between your feet while you let out a quiet sob.
“My love, look at me.” He spoke softly as he reached out for you. With the utmost tenderness, he cupped your face in his hands and made your eyes meet his. “The other night, when you almost drenched my curls in a veil of the beautiful red of my blood, I made you a promise. You remember, don’t you?”
You nodded with your face still resting between his slender hands, as another quiet sob spilled from your lips. 
“Good. And I mean it still. We will get you through whatever the hells this is. We are in this together.” 
His voice trembled despite the honesty that fueled his words. Astarion had no intention to abandon you, the same way you had sworn to help him with his own demons. But this was not about him, this was about you.
You shifted a little closer and wrapped your arms around him - tentatively, almost hesitant at first, until you drew him into a tight embrace.
Your body was warm and pleasant against his, and he would let you hold him - not only because you needed this, but because he wanted to.
“It's okay my sweet, I’ve got you,” he whispered while he cradled you in his arms and let his lips graze against your temple.
Your fingers clutched the collar of his shirt while he breathed words of comfort over the sobs that escaped your throat. 
For now, there was no need for anything else, only him holding you while you cried.
Had he not already sworn to rid you of this affliction, he would tell you over and over again like a broken record, until he made sure that every inch of your body was certain about it.
Eventually you would clear your throat and look up to him. Your face was still wet from your tears, but there was also a glimmer of hope to be found. 
“Thank you. For believing in the good in me, I mean. Despite all of this.” 
“Well, who else would I believe in if not my brave little fool over here?” Astarion said and put a quick kiss to your hair. “Besides, I have no intention of dying again, so ridding yourself from this murderous condition might align with that rather splendidly.”
Your lips curled to a smile, only to be immediately disrupted by a pained groan that left your mouth and made you wince in Astarion’s arms.
“How bad is it?” he asked with concern as he glanced at you.
Another wince. “Honestly? Like my skull was split open with an axe,” you replied with a sharp exhale. “But it’s not the worst I ever had. I’m sure it’ll pass any minute.”
You pushed your fingers to your eyes and stretched your neck upwards, causing Astarion to doubt your words.
He knew that those headaches came with your affliction. Sometimes they would dissolve rather quickly, other times they got so worse that you had to lie down and he would fetch you a cloth drenched in the coldest water he could gather. 
The urgent need to comfort you rose in him again, so he put his hands on your face and slowly pulled you towards him until he could feel your breath on his skin. Then he carefully rested his brow against yours.
That was the best he could think of for now. He closed his eyes and felt your familiar warmth spreading onto him, hoping that he would spend you some soothing coldness.
You remained like this for a moment, the only sound coming from your steady breath. 
Astarion eventually lifted his brow and placed the softest kiss on its former place, right where he assumed your pain was sitting. With his hands, he reached for the back of your neck, giving it a gentle massage.
Your eyes remained closed while you let out a silent moan. You seemed to relax from his touch, the dampness on your skin bathing your handsome features in a light shimmer.
There was this sensation again, something Astarion only had with you. A prickling flutter, spreading from his chest all over his body.
What had you done to him that made him so blissfully light and at the same time would completely sweep him off his feet? Had his heart still pumped blood, Astarion was sure it would beat up to his neck right now. 
“Gods, you’re beautiful.” His adoration made him almost stumble over his words, but he needed you to hear them. 
Then he kissed the tip of your nose, before his lips would finally find yours. You tasted soft and sweet, making him longing to have more of you. Heat rose to his ears as his tongue gently curled around yours, while your hand stroked through his hair, pulling him closer to you. He couldn’t stop his lips from forming a loving smile over your pleasant warmth, before they met yours again for another tender kiss. There was no tadpole, no Cazador, nor the darkness in you. This moment belonged to you and him alone - and every touch was right.
He finished your kiss with another quick peck to your forehead and cleared his throat. “I do rather like that, you know.” 
“That’s pretty convenient,” you whispered with fondness in your eyes, “because I think that actually helped. My head feels light again.” 
“I'm glad,” Astarion murmured with relief. “Is there anything else you need? Just tell me, and I’ll get it for you.”
“For now, all I need is your presence,” you replied before resting your hand on his cheek. “Knowing that you'll stay with me.” 
“Of course, my love,” Astarion assured as he graciously sunk against your palm. “You’re not alone in this, you have me. And I’m not going anywhere.”
And it was true. It was a promise, after all.
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erospandemos · 7 months
Some things never change
NewJeans Danielle x Reader
Where Danielle tries everything in her power to make you understand her feelings
Beta-reader: @leafostuff
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You had known Danielle Marsh all your life, from when she was just a little kid to now that she's a fully grown adult, although her height kind of stopped halfway. You met her in the first days of elementary school. She must have looked weak to the other kids with her two missing teeth, thin legs, and pale complex, so a group of rascals started messing with her.
They would call her all sorts of names with their limited word knowledge, mocking her with gestures and weird sounds. They'd also push her around or make her trip and fall. Even though their mind was still limited, they already had a knack for bullying.
You happened to be around her when you witnessed one of those scenes. All it took was a slap and a threat and the kids fled away. It was just a normal thing for you, as fights were very common at that age but for Danielle, you were her saviour.
"Are you okay?" you asked her worryingly.
Amidst her sniffling, Danielle managed to reply, "Those bullies were teasing me. But you made them go away, so thank you."
You felt a bit bad about her. Her eyes were so red from crying and she kept rubbing her eyelids to dry those endless tears. "Don't worry Danielle. They will never tease you again. I'll always be here for you," you reassured her, not knowing what kind of promise you were making.
What followed were days, weeks, and months of annoyance. Danielle followed you everywhere you went, pestering you from the morning to the afternoon—always talking, always joking, always asking.
"Thank you for helping me!" she told you. "Jinyoung hasn't been mean to me anymore! I love you!"
You were annoyed. You let her talk and kept walking, "He was just being an ass. It's nothing special."
She began to be your shadow, a silent companion seeking solace. A girl looking for a friend, or at least that is what you and she thought. There was already something present in her heart but you just didn't know it yet. But kids learned quickly.
It was a random day in April when she made her first move.
"My parents taught me that I should hug the ones I love. Can I hug you?" Danielle asked you, her eyes earnest and pleading.
You were caught off guard but still nodded hesitantly. You opened your arms and she stopped closer, embracing you tightly. She found comfort in your warmth and kept you there close to her. You didn't know why she did that but you liked it too.
Then a couple of months later, you were invited to her house. You and her parents got to know each other and figured it would be a good occasion for you two to bond together. At her house, there was a very nice illustrated book for children. The kind to have small but enormous sentences. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement when she brought it out from her desk to show it to you.
"It's a story about a prince who married the princess he saved. Don't you think that it's so... cool?" She said, her eyes wondering between dreams and fantasies.
"Yeah, I guess," you replied. You didn't fully grasp the implication of the tale. You just liked the drawings.
"You saved me from the bullies, just like the prince. Maybe... maybe we could get married someday?" Danielle confessed, blushing.
You chuckled nervously, still oblivious and clueless.
Things also got more complicated when she caught you talking with a girl from your class.
"Who's she?" Danielle asked, laced with jealousy.
"Oh, this is my friend from the class, Seo-yeon," you introduced her, unaware of her stern demeanor.
"Well, she better not try to steal you away from me!" she declared, pouting and crossing her arms.
You laughed nervously again, not understanding what she was trying to say, and apologized the poor Seo-yeon who was receiving the possessive gave from Danielle.
That was more than ten years ago. But now that you were both grown up, things didn't change at all.
You're reading the book you've been saving up for weeks, finally free from the exam season of college. It's been a relaxing day, as it's been the first full break you could take and you decided to just replenish your energy by doing nothing all day. The day was good outside but you didn't feel like going out at all.
But you did not know that the outside would visit you instead.
A too-familiar figure barged into your room, with a familiar voice and force. "Hey! Your mom said I could come in. Hope you don't mind," Danielle exclaims.
You look up, surprised. You have to bid goodbye to your book because there was no way she would've left the house now.
"Uh, hey. No, not at all," you say, recollecting yourself. Looking around, you could see the mess the room was left in but after all the times your friend had seen, it wasn't much of a problem. You just left it as it was.
Danielle approaches, her grin widening as she eyes the book in your hands. She lowers her head and reads your title, not because she is interested, but because it could be a potential reason to tease you.
"What fascinating world are you escaping to today?" Danielle asks you.
Before you can respond, Danielle snatches the book away, dramatically flipping through the pages, not a word passing through her eyes.
"It's a great book, you know," you say before she can judge you. But that wasn't her intention. Danielle tosses the book aside and, with a sly grin, moves closer to you.
"Boys, your age don't really stay in their house all day, shouldn't you go outside?"
You raise your eyebrow. "What are you trying to say?
She clears her throat, "Well, you know, all boys go around picking girls, shouldn't you be interested in girls too? Especially me..."
"Books are interesting enough," you say, annoyed.
Danielle sighs heavily and slaps your shoulder. "You really don't get it do you...? Whatever," she says, "But do you know what's even more interesting than books?"
Without waiting for an answer, Danielle wraps her arm around you, pulling him into an unexpected side hug. You, visibly annoyed and embarrassed, squirm from the surprise and try to claw out of her grasp. But it just gets tighter. "Danielle, seriously, what are you doing?" you stutter.
Danielle chuckles, enjoying your annoyed remarks, and lets her other arm get you too.
"Just playing with you."
You try to pull away, but Danielle persists.
"Can we not do this right now?" you say. Danielle rolls her eyes and sighs before releasing you.
"Oh, come on. Just having a bit of fun," she says, pouting.
She playfully pokes your cheek and laughs.
"This is ridiculous."
Danielle seizes the opportunity and leans closer, circling your thighs. "You know, a little embarrassment never hurt anyone," she says and eyes you up and down, locking her eyes with yours. "Besides, you're kinda cute when you're flustered."
You groan, covering your face with your hands. "Why are you doing this???"
She laughs, finally satisfied, and lets herself fall on the couch. "You know," she speaks truthfully, "there's something about you that's just too irresistible."
"Yeah, you aren't the only one."
Suddenly, you feel Danielle's intense gaze on you. "Who else is teasing you? Girls?"
"Oh, that's not good. They have to know you're taken."
You raise an eyebrow. You don't sense anything good coming. "What are you talking about now?"
"I was thinking, maybe I should leave my scent on you. You know, like marking my territory. That way, other girls will know you're taken."
You blink repeatedly, utterly bewildered.
"Leave your scent? Danielle, we're not animals."
Danielle chuckles.
"Just imagine it – you walk into a room, and everyone's like, –Oh, they smell like Danielle. They're off the market!–"
"You've been watching too many nature documentaries."
"Shut up and come here."
Danielle snuggles closer, her energy warming the room and your body. You feel her arms quickly wrapping around your body and her legs tangling into yours and before you knew it, she was already spooning you. After all these years of doing so, she has gotten quite good at it. "You know, you really should loosen up. It's just a cuddle between old friends."
You shift uncomfortably, a bit against her although her lively insistence was stronger than your will. "Danielle, seriously, we're not kids anymore. We can't just... cuddle like this."
She tilts her head, studying you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Come on! Don't be such a grown-up. We used to do this all the time when we were kids. It's nostalgic!"
You sigh, giving in a bit. "Yeah, but things are different now."
Danielle was a slim girl, petite. She felt small although you were the one under her grasp, and her limbs were delicate and fragile. She felt small but soft as well. She was an adult now, and her touch made your heart beat faster, in a way it never did.
Danielle grins, unphased. "Different doesn't have to mean worse."
"But seriously," Danielle says with curiosity, "you used to be the one initiating these cuddle sessions. What happened to that fearless little kid?"
You blush, a rare occurrence for the reserved you. "Well, things change. People change."
Danielle's eyes soften, and she nudges you gently. You can smell her perfume and it calms you. "Change isn't always bad, you know."
You can't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. Danielle, her head still nestled against your shoulder, can't resist the opportunity to tease you. "You know, I always thought you were the bravest little knight in our little adventures when we were young."
You raise an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "A knight, huh? I'm not sure I see the resemblance."
Danielle chuckles, tracing imaginary patterns on your arm. A soft red starts to appear on your cheek. "Oh, please! You were my protector, always ready to face imaginary dragons and monsters. What happened to that fearless warrior?"
"Well, maybe I outgrew the knight phase."
Danielle leans back, looking at you with a sly grin. "Outgrew, or maybe you're just afraid to admit that deep down, you still have a bit of that brave knight in you."
You roll your eyes, but a small smile lingers on your face.
"Did you remember when I told you I'd be your princess? I still mean it you know?" she says, as if it was nothing.
You realize the meaning of her words and can't fathom any response, and Danielle can't help but enjoy the gentle blush that colors your cheeks. She teases you further, "You're blushing, Mr. Grown-up. Who would've thought the mighty knight would be so easily flustered?"
You mumble something incoherent, avoiding her gaze.
That was typical of you and your friend: constant teasing and joking. But you knew you wanted something more from her and you were just running around, trying to avoid it. One day, however, it finally came to you, knocking at your door, and you had to face it head-on.
You hear a loud frantic knocking on your door. The sudden noise surprises you and you get slowly, weary of who might be on the other end. The knocking doesn't stop and you look into the peephole. To your surprise, it wasn't a killer coming for you but it was your friend, Danielle, and from the looks of it, with her disheveled hair and tired eyes, she wasn't looking so good. You open the door and she bursts inside your apartment, drenched from head to toe, dripping water everywhere.
"Whoa, Danielle! What happened to you?" you exclaim.
She shakes herself like a wet dog, sending droplets flying, and brushes her wet strands away from her forehead to look at you in the eyes. "Caught in a sudden downpour. I practically swam here!"
You chuckle and walk to the bathroom. "Don't move!" you tell her as you go grab some towels. You don't want her wetting the whole house as well. "Well, you certainly look like you went for a swim."
Danielle takes the towel, but instead of immediately drying off, she shoots you a mischievous grin. "You look quite excited about seeing me, don't you?"
You raise an eyebrow and look at her, confused. "What do you mean?"
Danielle pretends to inspect her soaked clothes with exaggerated concern, scanning her shirt, and her skirt. She opens her arms and invites you to look at her clothes. "Oh, no. I think these clothes might be see-through now. But I'm sure you already noticed. I can feel you glued on me."
You immediately understand what she's trying to say. You roll your eyes and grow. "Danielle, come on. Don't be ridiculous."
She smirks, wringing out her hair over the towel. "Ridiculous? Or am I just giving you a little peek? You know it's fine. I didn't tell you not to look."
You blush, trying to play it cool. "You're impossible. I'm lucky it's just the two of us. Otherwise, I might get in trouble." You hate to agree with Danielle, but it was impossible for you not to notice her figure, perfectly feminine, perfectly grown, and perfectly beautiful. You gulp loudly and stare at the wall.
Danielle giggles, sauntering over to me with a playful twirl of her wet hair. "Well, I can't let you miss out on the view, can I?" She laughs again as you shoot a quick sideeye at her. "Oh, did I catch you looking again?"
"Come on! No, I didn't."
Danielle comes closer, she's having fun, too much fun. She sways her hips, brushing your chest, leaving wet handprints on your shirt and looks at you with such a teasing smile that you couldn't do anything but blush and back intot he wall. "Oh, don't look away, baby."
"Danielle, cut it out," you stammer, my cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.
She leans in, her voice dropping to a sultrier tone. "What's the matter? Don't tell me you're not enjoying this."
You try to look away, but Danielle continues to playfully tease you. Then she laughs, finally satisfied.
"Okay, okay, I'm just messing with you!" she confesses, wiping away a tear of laughter. "I couldn't resist seeing you squirm."
You sigh in relief, but your embarrassment lingers. "You're unbelievable, Danielle."
She giggles while running away.
You go to your room to pick up some clothes for her, unfortunately you got nothing else to give her but your own clothes. You try the smallest size possible, so at least she wouldn't have to swim in them. You smell them first, to make sure, she won't be annoyed by an unwanted smell, then think if she'd feel cold or not—the house was quite warm on the inside. You knew she always liked to wear shorts, so you get a pair and a shirt and sweater to match.
You hand her the clothes, "Here, these should be more comfortable than wet clothes."
Danielle, takes them and smiles brightly. "Oh, I didn't know you were such a considerate boyfriend," she says. You start blushing but this time she's blushing too between her creased cheeks. You chuckle nervously, dismissing the comment.
"It's nothing," you say and then point the bathroom. "You've already been here before. Go change there or take a shower if you want."
"I'll just change, thank you. Don't peek at me though, okay?"
"What are you saying? Of course I won't," you reply.
She grins and runs into the bathroom to put on your outfit. It doesn't take her a while before she emerges wearing your oversized hoodie and shorts, her hair slightly toused. You have to admit, she looked adorable. The way the hoodie was way too big for her, and how the shorts let you peek at her legs, it was amazing.
It almost looked like she was your girlfriend, and she knew it too.
"Look at me, wearing your clothes," she says, raising her arms. "It's like we're in some romantic drama."
"It's just because your clothes are wet. Don't read too much into it."
Danielle continues, batting her eyelashes dramatically. She looks at you with wide eyes. "You've never offered me your clothes before. Are you sure you're not secretly seeing me as your girlfriend?"
"Don't be ridiculous. It's just clothes," you say, but her words can't leave your mind. You almost agreed.
"But these clothes smell like you," she says, taking a sniff at it. You blush brightly. "Am I stealing your scent now?"
The situation looks absurd and you're getting more and more flustered but still, you had to keep your cool. "Don't overthink it."
She bursts into laughing and jumps into the couch. "You're so cute when you deny things. Maybe I should keep wearing your clothes more often."
Trying to hide his embarrassment, you manage a weak smile. "Sure, Dani, make yourself at home."
You and Danielle keep joking around until something starts to bother your friend. She looks at the sky, more precisely at the rain, as it runs down the window, and her smile starts to fade.
Danielle turns to you and her face drops into a malinconic gaze, her eyes are half there, they're thinking about something else, but you feel the weight on you. "You know, I'm starting to feel like a fool," she says with a sigh.
You blink, taken aback by the sudden intensity in her tone. "What do you mean?"
Danielle paces the room, her agitation pouring out with every step. "You've known for ages how I feel about you. I've dropped hints, practically spelled it out, and yet you never do anything."
Bewildered, you look at her. You couldn't lie to her, you wish you could say you never realized it, but you did. You did know she was flirting with you and you did hear what she told you, clearly and explicitly. But you didn't want to accept it, you didn't want to believe it. "I... I don't realize you feel that way. I think we're just really good friends," you say and truly, you didn't think a girl like her would have any serious intentions behind her smile.
She halts, turning to face you, frustration etched on her features. "Really good friends? You and I spend hours together, we share our deepest thoughts, and I've been giving you every possible sign that I like you. How do you miss it?"
You stammer, attempting to find the right words. "I don't think... I mean, I think you're just being friendly. I never imagined you feel something more. I thought you were just messing with me."
Danielle sighs."That's the problem. You never imagine. You never consider the possibility that my feelings might extend beyond friendship. I've been dropping hints, practically shouting them, and you remain oblivious. Did it ever go through your mind?"
You run a hand through your hair, frustration mirrored in your eyes. "I never mean to hurt you, Danielle. I just... I didn't see it."
Her eyes narrow, the pent-up frustration reaching its peak. "That's precisely it. You don't see it. You never see me. It's like I've been invisible, and no matter how much I hint, you never make a move."
Danielle's words knock the air out of your lungs. You've never seen Danielle this riled up and it hurt you to know you were the cause. You take a moment to trace back your words. Have you ever imagined a life with her? Have you ever wanted to have her to yourself? Have you ever desired her?
The answer was yes. You think deeply if it was fair for you to say that only after she basically begged you to acknowledge her, but it was true, you did like her and you didn't know you were allowed to.
Danielle takes another deep breath, attempting to compose herself, but the frustration continues to spill out. "I've liked you for so long. I think you might feel the same way, but you never make a move. I've been stuck in this limbo, unsure if you even see me as more than a friend. It's driving me insane."
Your eyes soften, a mix of regret and realization settling in. "I didn't mean to make you feel invisible, Danielle. I've just been clueless, and I'm sorry if I hurt you."
She shakes her head, her frustration giving way to a sense of vulnerability. "It's not just about now. It's about all those moments before, the missed opportunities. I can't keep waiting for something that might never happen."
As Danielle's words linger in the air, a heavy silence envelops the room, punctuated only by the sound of rain tapping against the window.
"I never wanted to hurt you, Danielle," you begin. "I've been so focused on convincing myself that you couldn't possibly feel that way about me, that I never stopped to consider how you might be feeling. I'm sorry for not seeing what was right in front of me."
Danielle's gaze softens, a mix of frustration and hurt still lingering. "You're not off the hook that easily. You can't just apologize and expect me to believe you."
You nod. "You're right. I messed up, and I can't change that. But I can be honest with you now. The truth is, I've been afraid. Afraid of ruining our friendship, afraid of facing my own feelings. It's not an excuse, just an explanation."
Danielle raises an eyebrow and folds her arms. "Afraid? You?"
You chuckle wryly. "Fear doesn't always make sense. And I guess I've been scared of admitting that I like you too."
Her eyes widen, she's surprised "You do?"
You nod, your vulnerability laid bare. You hope you didn't make a mistake but you couldn't hold it in, it was now or never. "Yes, Danielle. I do. I've liked you for a while, but I never thought you could feel the same way. I convinced myself it was just a dream."
She tilts her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "So, Mr. Fearless finally admits he's not invincible."
You grin, the tension between you starting to dissipate.
Danielle steps closer, a playful glint in her eyes. As the rain outside continues its rhythmic dance, Danielle takes your hand. "No more hiding, okay? Let's figure this out together."
And for the first time, you hug her first. Your hand gently pulls her and she lets herself go, straight into your arms. You hug her softly, but with passion, with happiness. Danielle does the same, for the first time, not to tease you and not to try to make you fall in love because for once, she knows in her heart you truly love her.
Written, 16 February - 22 February 2024
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minminbunny · 2 months
Yandere Stalker AU - Caregiver! Lee Minho/Gender Neutral Little! Reader
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
"Why did you stop walking?" Minho asked, standing behind you with his hood up. Your breath hitched, "What?" you whispered, turning your head. Minho tilted his head, "You. Why did you stop walking?" he asked, looking at you as if he spoke the obvious. The goosebumps on your arms sent you warning flags at his behavior. Minho chuckled lowly, "Don't scream," he whispered, covering your mouth with a cloth. You thrashed beneath his hold, adrenaline pumping in your veins. Minho grunted, holding the cloth firm, "Shh, shh, darling. Just go to sleep," he whispered, smirking as your body grew limp within his hold. "I'll take good care of you, darling. No one can hurt you ever again," he said, carrying your body bridal style.
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You stirred awake, "Where am I?" you slurred, looking around. Minho chuckled, looking over your crib, "Good morning, darling. Are you hungry?" he asked, running his fingers through your hair. You flinched from his touch, your eyes widened with fear. Minho chuckled, "Aww, such a jumpy little one. Don't worry, darling. Soon you'll warm up to me," he said, holding a familiar plush toy. You wavered at the sight, confusion and anxiety running through your brain. Minho cooed, "You're wondering how I got your special toy aren't you, darling. Oh, I can read you like an open book," he said, gently placing the toy next to your pillow. You gulped, clutching the plushie to your chest. "Aren't you adorable," Minho said, adoring the way you hugged the plush like your lifeline.
Minho stood straight, he stared down at you, "I know you have many questions, darling. And I will answer them in due time. But for now, I just want you to know that I've been watching you. Your situation twinged a saviour complex so to speak and I had to protect you," he said with sincerity in his voice. You glared at him, not liking the situation you've been put in. Minho chuckled, "Feisty little thing," he said, wanting to pet your hair but he didn't want to scare you further. "Take a look around, darling. This will be your room for a while. Oh, and one more thing. Don't panic when you can't move your legs okay? The drug will wear off with time," Minho said, leaving the room. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to lift your legs after his words but to no avail. Soft tears spilt down your cheeks, fearing the worst. Minho chuckled, watching you through the baby monitor, "So predictable," he said, grazing the monitor with adoration.
"Momma?" you called out, kneeling in the crib, your head barely peeking over the rail. Minho cooed, holding your bottle, "What's wrong, sweetheart. Did you get hungry?" he asked, shaking the warm bottle. You nodded your head, making grabby hands towards him, "Nom nom," you babbled, staring at him with dilated eyes. "Ahm, nom nom just for you," Minho said, lifting your out of the crib and over his lap. You snuggled into his chest, holding the bottle with both of your hands. Minho chuckled, teasing you with the bottle nip, "Aww, that's not your mouth," he said, gently feeding you. Soft suckles echoed within the room as he rocked your body close, "I never regret saving you, darling. Never," he whispered, holding you firmly, a hint of possessiveness in his tone. You burrowed closer to him, never regretting the day you gave into him.
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monzamash · 1 year
I just read itch and have been thinking of this. I do not know if your request are open but a blurb of you and Charles after sex in bed and Charles is watching you call every gym related, workout shop in Monaco to find a bench after the one in his gym broke
loved this so much that it inspired a little blurb x
parlez-vous français? (sequel to itch) charles leclerc x you (femreader) | 960 words 18+, minors dni
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The workout afternoon delight that had you and Charles panting and sending echoed moans through an otherwise silent house had required a change in location after one too many “deadlifts”. Maybe the bench press wasn’t up to the challenge but you took the risk, knowing the consequences and it was an accident, of course, one waiting to happen according to the man brushing his warm fingertips down your spine; the unspoken promise you made hanging in the thick air.
“So,” He drawled, smug smile lacing every syllable.
“When will you replace my bench press, huh?”
A grumble fell from your lips at his leading question, head buried in a pillow and still coming down from the high that had sent your mind, body and spirit into orbit. Your tired eyes caught his glimmering with humour, tickled that you were now responsible for buying him a new bench, in Monte Carlo no less.
“But my French is so bad…”
Charles’ soft laugh sifted through your ears, his giggle showing his hand and now you knew that this was his plan all along. He was the reason it broke, not you. He was the one who insisted on fucking you faster, harder, deeper until your legs were shaking and he had the neighbours downstairs questioning whether there was an earthquake warning for the city. He had you on all fours, rocking back on his dick like your life depended on it, loosening you and apparently every screw on the frame below. Screaming out for mercy.
And now he has the audacity to look at you with those mischievous blue eyes that had gotten you both in trouble more times than you could count, thrilled that you would have to fumble your way through a phone call for him. Ah, the irony.
“I’ll help you do it. Here,” Charles held out his phone to you, number already there for your convenience and you sighed, relieved that wouldn't have to embarrass yourself.
“Merci,” You flirted, taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful he looked post-sex, eyes still hazy from the afterglow when he leaned down and pressed his swollen lips to your bare shoulder.
The line rang for a couple of nervous seconds, until a man with a thick French accent answered. “Oh, uh, hello! I mean – bonjour!”
Fuck, you already felt way out of your depth.
“Um, I am wondering if you have –“
“Pas d’anglais.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion – you’d heard that phrase before but you couldn’t quite remember why or where so you turned to Charles, who watching you intently, eyes already glowing with elation as you pressed the phone to your sheet covered chest. You could feel the blush slowly creeping up, all the way from your toes.
“What does pas d’anglais mean?” You asked, hushed voice and panicked.
Charles’ smile slipped into a smirk, “It means no English.”
“Oh, then you really need to take over,” You said so matter-of-factly that you didn’t even think twice before shoving the phone into his own naked chest.
But what you didn’t expect was a tutting from your usually sweet, saviour-complexed boyfriend and the phone to be pushed back towards you, head shaking and a smile the size of the moon looking back at you.
“Absolutely not. You promised, so try your best,” Charles encouraged, knowing full well that there was no way you could bluff your way through this one. Not a chance.
“I hate you.”
The growl in your voice made Charles laugh into his palm as you nervously brought the phone back up to your ear, heart racing and wishing the ground would swallow you whole.
“être désolé, um, do you – uh, vendez-vous… du materiel…”
You were genuinely trying and blindly casting your mind back to all of the French language-learning audiobooks you had listened to when you first started dating Charles; but time and life always seemed to get in the way of you actually learning or retaining any French at all and you weren't proud of that.
“How do you say gym equipment?” You quietly asked in Charles direction, completely frazzled before noticing that he had picked up a book and was pretending to be immersed in the worn out pages.
That was until you slapped his bicep and grappled at his face, “Help me!” You scolded above a whisper, grasping his cheeks and begging him to come to your rescue like he said he would.
When you angled his chin up to yours, he could see the fear in your eyes; cheeks flushed the same colour as they were merely moments ago, mind reliving how sweet you looked making him come.
How could he be so cruel?
Charles placed his book down and reached up for the phone, quickly rambling off a string of sentences before hanging up. You were dumbfounded and a little short of breath and he couldn't help but giggle when he looked back to you, fuming. He loved the way your forehead creased whenever you were mad, especially at him and the pout on your soft pink lips were tempting him to lean down and kiss them. But right now, as you stared him down, he knew he needed to do some damage control before trying to smooth it over with a kiss.
“Andrea has tried to give me his old one for months now so I was not worried about breaking it, really. I was just teasing,” He explained warily while brushing your hair back from your face.
And trying his hardest not to laugh at how adorable you looked.
“être désolé, mon chéri,” He added with a sweet smile, “You did try and what you did say sounded very good…”
You huffed out a defeated laugh, still feeling a little silly that you couldn't even get through a simple phone call. In truth, it was the wake up call you needed, even if it meant enduring his cruel prank.
“You really need to give me lessons if I’m going to stay here with you. Like, I need bootcamp style French lessons, baby…”
Charles chuckled and gave you a reassuring nod as he slowly leaned forward and sweetly captured your pouting lips, "We can start right now…”
The deep timbre in his voice sent a shivers dancing down your spine as you reached up and cupped his stubbled cheeks in your hands; his lips grazed the shell of your ear and whispered, “J’ai envie de toi.”
A pleasured hum tumbled out while you memorised the trail Charles was leaving down your already reddened neck, mouthing at the marks he had left earlier. It was pure bliss exchanged in soft moans as he guided you onto the soft sheet below, the promise of his words ringing in your ears as your hazy mind translated, I want you.
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d4rkpluto · 1 month
ɴᴇᴘᴛᴜɴᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ꜱʏɴᴀꜱᴛʀʏ
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♇ neptune person would look very beautiful to the house person, could embody what the first house person wants to be.
♇ neptune person might keep up with fake appearances. to make themselves appear better than who they actually are. indicator of white lies.
♇ neptune person will be able to see through house person.
♇ due to how the house person could idolise the neptune person, this could make the neptune person think that the house native is an easy target to manipulate.
♇ depending what else are in the synastry, neptune person might've not recognised or noticed house person at first.
♇ could live far from the house person.
♇ both of them might've met each other overseas.
♇ could be someone important for the first house person, could be a celebrity or soul-mate.
♇ however, neptune person might get addicted to the house person, could want to copy their lives.
♇ neptune person could do a lot for the house person, like a least extreme version of romeon and juliet. dying for the other person or making a lot of sacrifices.
♇ could have a saviour complex with the house person.
♇ could find the house native to be a form of escapism.
♇ the house person could think the neptune person is everything they want to be.
♇ if house person doesnt has a sense of self, they could be someone who worships and idolises everything the neptune person does.
♇ the house native could put the planet person on a pedestal, other people might wonder what they see in them.
♇ house person could get dreams of the neptune person, could even spy on them.
♇ like i said prior, if house person doesnt have a sense of self, they could start copying everything of the neptune person as neptune rules over glamour and beauty.
♇ however, this can also lean onto house native finding the planet person to be their muse.
♇ on one hand, this synastry overlay can bring insecurities, and if they're not a developed or healed person, they could project these insecurities onto neptune person.
♇ house person could see so much potential in neptune person, like who and what they can be.
♇ could be a fated/spiritual connection, either way a lesson is going to come out from this.
♇ could be a distant connection, house native could be confused by planet person, what's their intentions and motives. could make house person paranoid.
♇ and if the house person lacks discernment, they can be easily manipulated.
♇ as neptune rules far away trips from home, the two of them could travel with each other and even do drugs with each other.
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synastry masterlist
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hussyknee · 1 year
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(alt included in all images)
Another thread by Senator Ben Ray Luján here.
A book on the subject (haven't read it myself):
One of the sources in another one of Alisa's furiously impassioned twitter threads have been debunked, so I didn't include that. But she claims that her own family was caught in the fallout zone when her mother was a baby, which eventually led to her and large numbers of her community developing cancer. It's human for that kind of grief to be caught up in inaccuracies. People are already being ghastly and racist to Hispanos and Indigenous people criticizing the hype for the movie. They're not attacking Oppenheimer for being Jewish, they're criticising the erasure of the human cost of these bombs and the continued valorisation of the U.S military's actions in World War II as some kind of moral saviourism.
While Oppenheimer himself believed that the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were morally justified (they had planned to drop them on Germany except they surrendered before they could), he also felt had blood on his hands and regretted his role as the "Father of the Atomic Bomb". He spent the rest of his career vehemently opposing further development of thermonuclear weapons and the hydrogen bomb accurately predicting the concept of mutually assured destruction. This eventually made him a victim of Senator McCarthy's Red Scare and his clearance was revoked. I haven't seen the movie (Christopher Nolan is the kind of casual white racist I avoid on principle) but people who have seen it say that it doesn't glorify nuclear weapons and depicts the man himself with the complex moral nuance that seems to be accurately reflective of his real life.
The backlash to Indigenous and Hispanos people's criticisms and to people pointing out that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were genocides is also frustrating because...both world wars were a clash of genocidal empires. The reason they were world wars is because the countries colonized by Japan, China, the European powers and the US were all dragged into it, whether they wanted to or not. Jews were one of the many colonized peoples that suffered in that time, who were left to die by everyone until they could be used to frame the Allied powers as moral saviours, establishing a revisionist nostalgia for heroism that powers the US military industrial complex to this day.
As early as May 1942, and again in June, the BBC reported the mass murder of Polish Jews by the Nazis. Although both US President, Franklin Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, warned the Germans that they would be held to account after the war, privately they agreed to prioritise and to turn their attention and efforts to winning the war. Therefore, all pleas to the Allies to destroy the death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau were ignored. The Allies argued that not only would such an operation shift the focus away from winning the war, but it could provoke even worse treatment of the Jews. In June 1944 the Americans had aerial photographs of the Auschwitz complex. The Allies bombed a nearby factory in August, but the gas chambers, crematoria and train tracks used to transport Jewish civilians to their deaths were not targeted.
Uncritical consumption of World War II media is the reinforcement of imperialist propaganda, more so when one group of colonized people is used to silence other colonized peoples. Pitting white Jewry against BIPOC is to do the work of white supremacy for imperialist colonizers, and victimizes Jews of colour twice over.
Edit: friends, there's been some doubt cast on the veracity of Alisa's claims. The human cost to the Hispanos population caught downwind of the nuclear tests is very real, as was land seizure without adequate compensation. However, there's no record I can yet find about Los Alamos killing livestock and Hispanos being forced to work for Los Alamos without PPE. There is a separate issue about human testing in the development of said PPE that's not covered here. I'm turning off reblogs until I can find out more. Meanwhile, here's another more legitimate article you can boost instead:
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