#they cant wait to marry each other if u know what i mean
applesaucesims · 8 months
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Knowing there was no point in dragging along the process of telling Emma about his romantic and sexual preferences, Niall took a deep breath and just started letting it all out as fast as he could.
Although he stumbled over his words a bit, he did get it out there. While he did not necessarily expect a bad reaction from Emma, he was surprised to see her be as accepting and calm about the news as she was. After speaking to both his fiancée and his sister about this, Niall realised it was mostly his own insecurity that was wearing him down. Sure, he was not over it completely, but he was getting there, and he knew he was not alone in his path to self-acceptance.
Niall: "I suppose it's best to just go ahead and say it, no more hesitations." *deep sigh* "I love you, Emma. And I like... women, right? Just generally, I mean."
Emma: "Uh, right?"
Niall: "Uhm, hypothetically, I would be... also attracted to men, though. Well, not hypothetically. In fact, I have been with a man in the past."
Niall: "I feel incredibly guilty for not telling you earlier. I care so much about you, darling, and I understand if you're mad at me."
Emma: "Mad at you? Niall, do you really think that would bother me?"
Niall: "No, but... I don't know."
Niall: "I still have a lot of... stuff to figure out. About myself. It's difficult. And I struggle to accept this part of myself. But I'm working on it."
Emma: "That's okay, my love. I'm glad you told me about this. If you want to talk about it, I'm here. And if you don't want to... take your time, yes?"
Niall: "Thanks, Em. You have no idea how relieved I am you're not upset."
Emma: "Of course I wouldn't be upset. I love you, you know?"
Niall: "I know."
Niall: "I can't wait to marry you."
Emma: "Me neither."
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techniiciian · 8 months
sometimes, matt can be so oblivious to his heart that he wont realize the truth until he’s laying down next to the person he’s grown old with, shared a bed with, and lived through so many adventures with that maybe, just maybe, they’ve been more than friends this entire time.
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justallihere · 28 days
im just so without words .... u outdid yourself my god!! i have things to say:
Xaden thinks he's funny by being amused that Violet uses him as a pillow but the way he went "no I didn't mean that come here" when Violet tried to leave his arms LMAO. this is what happens when u bag a bad bitch
Violet being offended by not knowing Xaden's bday was coming up is sooo girlfriend coded (even if she's his wife !!) also I just know she was running to get him a present on time like omg I know she was stressed
her taking over his office ?? yeah exactly !! let everyone know who actually runs this place ty !! xaden is just there to make a bad face but violet is the one controlling everything
Xaden cannot physically go a day without kissing his wife like he's so whipped my god they're gonna be so disgusting when they start kissing each other openly (I cant wait)
Xaden was so gagged by Violet's dress as he should !!! wondering how he managed to marry a goddess good thing he worships the ground she walks on
Garrick stop being noisy challenge, in another life he starred in gossip girl
the dance ??!! oh miss violet just know you are soooooo loved
Xaden be like "my wife blaming herself?? for things out of her control?? absolutely not" and I love him for that
Violet basically calling herself Mrs. Riorson !! I have waited for times like these !!! she wants to make sure HE KNOWS she's his wife lest he forgets it
Violet saying she loves him in her own way bc shes not ready for the three words yet *cries* and also Xaden giving her the emotional space she deserves and not demanding anything from her is soo <3<3<3<3<3
the ring .... i know xaden almost cried
I looove god's lore pls give me more
they're so in love they didn't want to go to bed even if they'd still be holding each other in bed they're so pathetic and so in love i love them so much
Also the little detail that he exposes his neck to Violet willingly and doesn't care if she hurts him ??!! i know you were waiting for that moment !! Sgaeyl and Tairn parallels I see you
thank u so much for another beautiful chapter
Thank you!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻
All I have to say is: Xaden is down bad, Violet is finally owning the fact that she’s his wife and the queen of Tyrrendor, and they are soulmates. They’re so made for each other I cry
Also Violet/Xaden and Tairn/Sgaeyl parallels live in my head rent free at every hour of the day and I’ll never be normal about it
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stevie-petey · 5 months
hiiiiiiiii honey <3 could we get a blurb about bug telling steve about jonathan’s outburst towards her after he took the pictures of nancy and steve’s reaction to learning about it???? it would be so so appreciated by me <3 you’re the best ever <3 MWAH
(i am being held against my will to write this jonathan sweetie im so sorry) (i love u val) (u are evil)
i know this isnt necessarily what u MEANT but ,,, ive been dying to expand upon bugs kindness and how it may seem annoying and pathetic, but its hers ! its her kindness !!!
enjoy <3
"no way you guys havent wanted to strangle each other at least once." steve remarks one day as he watches you and jonathan work side by side at the cash register.
jonathan had been bored today and decided to join you and steve at work, something that you're very happy about, honestly.
"oh, ive definitely wanted to strangle jonathan," you say, writing down a new shipment receipt while the boy next to you doodles.
steve rolls his eyes. "old married couple squabbling doesnt count. im talking, like, full on betrayal and hurt here. you guys are always so... you, and it has to be an act."
jonathan snorts. "shouldve seen the fights we had last year. surprised y/n didnt kill me with her bare hands."
"i dont believe you."
"no, hes right." you look up at steve. "he threw a jacket at my face last year and then told me we werent family the night he took those pictures of nancy. then cried in my arms like a day later."
steve stares at you, shocked.
"i also then slept in nancys bed and lied about it. and tried leaving you behind a few times."
"that you did," you flick jonathans ear, causing him to wince in pain. "you deserved that."
"i did."
during this entire exchange, steve hasnt said a single word. hes still stunned, baffled by the fact that jonathan could be so cruel to someone so wonderful.
"wait a second," he looks between you and jonathan. "and youre still friends?"
"yeah." you both say at the same time.
steve cant fucking believe it. you do anything and everything for jonathan, that much is obvious, and sure. steve has seen jonathan do small acts of kindness towards you, devote the same back, but to throw a jacket at you and belittle you? and now here he is, joking about it alongside you. as if it was all okay in the end.
"youre too nice sometimes, y/n." the words leave steves lips before he can stop them. once he realizes what hes said, he looks up at jonathan and panics. "sorry, man. im sure you guys talked it out and... yeah."
jonathan shrugs. "no, youre right. she is and i was dick."
"im right here, you know."
steve winces. "sorry."
"its fine, honestly." you go back to scribbling shipment orders. "i am indeed too nice, but i dont ever really see the point in holding a grudge? i mean, jonathan apologized and i understood the stress he was under. sure, it didnt erase all the hurt he caused, but after almost dying immediately after being mad at him for not including me in something... i dont know. it felt silly to hold onto that anger after. childish, even."
jonathan and steve share a look, for once both seeming to think the same thing.
shes too good.
you hate that they do this. you hate that people view your kindness as a weakness. after the hell youve been through, long before monsters even came to hawkins, youve learned the hard way just how rare kindness is.
now you try to be kind to everything and everyone, no matter what it may cost you.
the kindness is yours, no one elses.
and if that makes you weak, then at least it made you better.
you tear two pieces paper from your notebook, scrunch them up into balls, and then throw them at steve and jonathan. "stop pitying me. im kind and i love that aspect of myself. i dont care if it makes me vulnerable or pathetic. its a piece of me, and i wouldnt change it. if you dont like it, then that belittles me even more than emotional outbursts ever could."
jonathan sighs. "youre right, bug. youre a very kind and lovely person and its what makes you a joy to be around, paper balls and all."
steve plays along. "definitely a better super power than spider-man, dare i say."
"okay, lets not get ahead of ourselves now," you giggle, appreciative of both the boys. they may not understand or like the way you view the world, but theyre at least trying.
its all you could ask for.
even if steve later on that day pulls you aside to whisper, "i think i can kick jonathans ass this time, if you ever need it."
and its enough.
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minjunz · 2 years
could you do the fluff alphabet with haechan pls?
(finally a post i’m so sorry for the wait aaah!!!)
i had to google this bc i didn’t know it was a thing 😭 cr to @/snk-warriors
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fluff alphabet with jaemin! (gn reader)
A ctivities - jaemin likes to spend most of his time with you indoors lazing around - watching movies, sleeping, playing games together etc just being soft and cozy.
B eauty - he thinks everything about you is perfect. literally everything.
C omfort - i think he would try his best to offer you words of comfort and gentle touches, probably trying not to overwhelm you
D reams - you’re his everything so he wants to grow old with you and a cat. he’s already got his pension planned out im sure he can picture you in his future
E qual - jaemin can be whatever you need in a relationship. if you’re more dominant he’ll be more passive, if you’re more passive he can be more dominant. (i don’t really know what this one means)
F ight - any and all fights with jaemin are resolved in the same day. he hates being mad at you and hates when you’re mad at him.
G ratitude - he’ll thank you for everything you do, no matter how small. he’ll make a big show of thanking you for something like making him a cup of coffee or brushing his hair. he appreciates you so much and needs you to know it.
H onesty - he’s completely honest and transparent with you but sometimes it’s hard for you to tell what’s the actual truth and what’s a joke.
I nspiration - you both made each other better people. that’s all
J ealousy - he doesn’t get jealous easily but when he does you’ll know it. he’ll be extra clingy and pouty unless you show him he’s your one and only
K iss - jaemin is a good kisser i just know it. he can be sweet and gentle or passionate and intimate, a versatile kisser if you will
L ove Confession - he never actually confessed to you, you both just started being lovey dovey and went with it
M arriage - he definitely wants to marry you someday, but he’ll wait a million years if you’re not ready yet
N icknames - i think he would call you things like “sweetheart” and “darling” ironically to make you cringe, but he actually mostly calls you “babe”
O n Cloud Nine - he’s clingy and touchy with everyone so it was a little hard for others to realise you two were dating at first, but the long gazes and smiles while your back was turned gave it away. he’s not especially romantic but he does a lot of little things that he wouldn’t do for his friends behind closed doors. he’s smitten with you even if you can’t tell.
P DA - he doesn’t really care too much to brag about you or show you off, but he likes to embarrass you by kissing your cheek or your neck in front of your friends. he also always has to have his hand somewhere on you just to make himself feel comfortable.
Q uirk - jaemin has some kind of sixth sense that always knows when you’re hungry. as soon as you even think about eating, he’s coming out of the kitchen with food or picking up his keys to take you out
R omance - i don’t think he’d do anything super cringey like spelling your name in rose petals (he’s not mark) but he definitely makes an effort to show you how much he loves you
S upport - he will literally always support you no matter what you choose to do with your life
T hrill - jaemin prefers the safety of familiarity, he’s not too keen on constantly spicing things up
U nderstanding - he probably knows you better than you know yourself, and he always hears you out when you have a defence
V alue - you’re the most important thing in his life. end of.
W ild Card - he impulsively buys every cute thing he sees that reminds him of you. he’s running out of space to put them all.
X OXO - jaemin LOVES kissing you and cuddling you. he can’t go a day without holding you and refuses to go to sleep if you’re not in his arms
Y earning - if he’s away for a while he’ll message you every day to make sure you’re eating, call you every night to tell you he loves you, and send you “i miss you” texts every morning. the poor man can’t cope without you.
Z eal - he would put his life and aspirations on hold for you if he needed to.
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iheartmalewives · 2 years
"Paper Rings"
You come from a royal family, always getting spoiled and pampered no matter the circumstances. When you met Ruggie Bucchi, you were rather confused on to why he was so materialistic and always appreciating the little things. Soon enough, you got to appreciate the little things too, and its all because of him.
"Omg zen is this inspired by Taylor s-" YES. SHE IS MY QUEEN. I WILL DIE FOR TAYLOR SWIFT AND I PRAISE HER. Ok that was cringe but you get what i mean...
I wanted to write this because i cant stop daydreaming ruggie bucchi with THIS very song. Credits to anyone who did it first btw ! (And credits to Xav for the plot ^^ )
short story bc ... Im running out of data.
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When you and Ruggie first interacted with each other, it was awkward and uncomfortable. A commoner like him shouldn't be around a royal like you, it was obvious.
The way you acted though was really starting to get on Ruggie's nerves, its as if you were sheltered away from the REAL world.
You always talk big for some reason, throwing away foods that werent even spoiled yet, you don't even know much about 'surviving' and you seem to unconsciously say things about how you're a royal and had never experienced those hardships.
He wanted to teach you a lesson, an important one perhaps. Thats why he would sometimes lecture you about how you shouldn't waste food and how theres some people out there who desperately need it, and it seems to be working as you were slowly starting to appreciate things even if they werent valuable.
You learned a thing or two everyday with him and you both enjoyed your time together, you realized how much u fell for a guy like him.
Ruggie thought it was a miracle for a Royal like you to like a commoner like him, but soon after all that non sense corny confessions, you dated.
Even if you dreamt about a man kneeling on one knee, proposing to you with an expensive ring on his hand, you didnt care anymore.
When you dated ruggie, every little thing he gave you were much more valuable than anything in the world. Words cant describe how grateful you are to meet a guy like him.
"You know how you like "shiny things"?" Ruggie looked at you as you read through a book that piqued your interest. You stopped for a bit, placing the book down.
"Yeah. And what about it?" You replied, placing your chin on top of the table, patiently waiting for his answer. "Would you still marry me if I gave you a paper ring thats colored with colored markers instead of a shiny jewelry?"
You laughed abruptly at his question, tears threatening to fall down your eyes as you laughed even harder than before. He looked at you and scoffed, "Im serious here! Would ya?", He asked again, eyebrows furrowed as he glared at you.
"Of course I would! Is that even a question?" You smiled, ever so lovingly, making Ruggie's heart beat race. "My my, it seems that I have taught my princess/prince well."
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AAACK RUGHIE BUCCH MY BELOVED RUHGGVIDIEISJABAKDVKQVSKQBAJABAKABAJ you know what im divorcing trey for this man/j kidding i love them both........so.... Ill just marry them both 🤷‍♂️🤷‍���️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Which is better? Hs harutaka or POST STR harutaka?
why is this written in a funny font. am i the only one seeing the font. i feel so intimidated. like damn bro ill answer put the gun down
anyways neither of them is better or worse i ❤️ both. One cannot exist without the other. both are good they're just a little different dynamics 🙏🙏🙏 like one is awkward cringe teenager crush and the other is married era. you know. how do u compare. like both are good?? its just in one theyre younger and in the other theyre older (= yet to be traumatized vs traumatized)
personally i do like seeing post str content a little more just because ITS THE HAPPY ENDING YKNOW..and its haruka&takane finding their way back to each other after everything and i i i i i *descent into madness* also i think there's generally a lot more fan content set in the hs days so i sigh longingly abt post str content everyday. but cringy hs harutaka has to exist to give place to cringy older harutaka you know!! they can be like oh my gooood our ocs. we were so cringe. anyways our wedding rings should say player 1 and player 2. that is so not cringe like we used to be :333 like theyre still very much cringe you know. but they think they arent. they're like we're GROWN now we aren't LIKE THAT anyway asterisks nuzzles&kisses asterisks... :3 xddddd!!! because they compare to how they used to be and the bar is low and also theyre so happy that theyre together that they kinda. cant see how fucking embarrassing they are. thats what live shintaro reaction is good for 🙏
like im sorry im all for blushing mess takane and stuff like yeahyeahyeah i get it but girl.... i hate when ppl make it like she totally reverts back to how she used to be. like u cannotttt miss the point so badly. takane never thought she'd see haruka again her ass IS NOT wasting her chance being that embarrassed now. that's a huge pet peeve i have with fan content like both in hs/str settings where takane can't behave like a normal person around haruka like that's SOOOO untrue. they're best friends she's totally normal to him even if she gets silly sometimes. like there are so many examples but my favorite is in the sixth novel when takane calls haruka on the phone and she's kinda like OMGGG IF U WERENT BUSY ID TOOOTALLY WOULD'VE TAKEN U SOMEWHERE YOU WOULD'VE LOOOOVED... and haruka's like UM HEHE next time ok!! and takanes like NOT GONNA HAPPENNNN❤️❤️❤️ stupid fucking cringe ass flirting sorry like. sorry. not only is she able to speak normally but she cringely flirts with him. and when ppl make it like she can't speak while around him or is just grumpy 1000% of the time it makes me sick. LIKE haruka describes her as easily excitable and like a gentle girl and i ugh *BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE* SHE'S SO INSANELY MISUNDERSTOOD BC PEOPLE WANNA PUT HER IN THE TSUNDERE BOX SO BAD
also COME ON what i love abt her is that as soon as she figures out she likes him she makes a run for it and despite she's terrified she wants to tell him?? and none of her thoughts are abt OHH BUT WHAT IF HE DOESNT LIKE ME BACK like TAKANE NEVER EVER wonders if haruka likes her back once she figures it out. only ayano's lesbian ass says anything abt haruka reciprocating or not. she's not worried abt being rejected... or she dies before she could worry LMAOOOO but she's just terrified she cannot tell him how much he means to her. and then she really CANT tell him, and she has to live with that regret for what she thinks is gonna be forever, but then she DOES see him again. she IS able to tell him. sorry. she would be so insanely cringely embarrassingly happy that she doesnt give a fuck abt being all blushing COME ON. ofc she would get embarrassed but no more or less than haruka lol. and haruka is like WHAA??? MEEEE??? NO WAY....MEEEE??? OMG...HEHE... WAIT MEEEE??? FOR REALLLL??? HEHEH....WAIT LIKE MEEEE!?!?!?!?! the sillies *goes crazy* theyre so cringe and gross kissing together but good for them
and i KNOW how in their chapter together in the eighth novel takane's kinda grumpy but listen. i will defend her here. they LOST. novel route is not a good ending. and takane HATES LOSING‼️‼️‼️ haruka literally comments it, like he says takane hates losing. like am i forever mad jin robbed us of seeing them actually reunite and we only get a short as hell little moment between them that compared to everyone else's moments feels slapped on last minute? yeah a little. is it still well written and a rly solid harutaka moment? yes🙏 like not only the bit abt haruka saying he loved takane's snippy attitude but also ene's high energy and etcetc but like. ausnfknxoenxkeix GOD i love at the end when takane smirks and then haruka thinks abt how easily influenced he's always been by her and also smirks and theyre just kinda smirking to each other like HEH HEH HEH.. YEAH NEXT TIME WE WILL WIN. fuckingidiots smiling like that ABOUT THE FACT THEIR REALITY IS ABOUT TO BE RESET AND ESSENTIALLY ARE ABOUT TO DIE ONLY TO MEET AGAIN NEXT TIME AND GO THROUGH EVERYTHING AGAIN. BUT THEIR ASSES ARE LIKE >:3!! LITERALLY SO SILLY. sorry. i love them. i excuse takane grumpiness for this reason like it was NOT an ideal happy ending so ofc she wasn't super into it 💔
i need to explode. or whatever. My dumbass thinking this was gonna be a short reply
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petz5 · 2 years
no one asked but real quick here r my opinions on ranma pairings that come to mind!! obv i’m not trying to say u Cant feel differently abt them, these r just my own thoughts
ranma/akane - if uve followed me for even half a day u already know this is my absolute fave one. yes it’s canon no that doesn’t make it boring, they understand each other on a level the other characters don’t even come close to
ranma/shampoo - die in a fire they r SO bad for each other (shampoo is significantly worse but ranma’s also not great to her)
ranma/ukyo - don’t love it but i suppose she’d be the next best choice after akane (at least as a pairing that could realistically happen in canon bc there’s no way something like ranryo would ever happen). i love ukyo but not with ranma, she doesn’t listen to his wants and honestly i think he’d hold her back, and i also don’t think she ever really was in love w him and just kinda felt obligated bc “oh shit if I cant kill him and I don’t marry him then I’ve wasted my life.” LOVE these two as besties tho
ranma/kodachi - literally dont feel like I need to say anything here, ive never seen anyone ship them
ranma/ryoga - not my cup of tea but I can see why ppl like it. genuinely it’s mostly bc i cant see ranma liking men lmao i mean he flirts w them for free food and whatever but he always gets grossed out when they try to respond. i personally see ranma as a lesbian
ranma/ryoga/akane - same as above except i understand it less. mmmmaybe if akane and ryoga both loved ranma but not each other?? ryoga and ranma had some actual chemistry, but akane and ryoga……… eeehh. speaking of!
akane/ryoga - don’t ship at all. ryoga is kinder to her than ranma if you’re judging on the surface, but he doesn’t fundamentally understand her the way ranma does and doubts her ability a lot more. (to the point ranma has to physically stop him in one episode to tell him “this is akane’s fight, she’s got this and will be mad if you meddle”) also the whole p-chan thing is creepy. i enjoy ryoga as character but i don’t think he fits w her at all
akane/shampoo - don’t like it. i mean i’ve read fics where shampoo admits to liking akane (or even just respecting her as a fellow female martial artist) but also like… that exists outside of canon shampoo to me lol. canon shampoo doesn’t care about other people, and she in particular is homophobic towards akane to her face
akane/ukyo - i like it to an extent! if it were in canon i wouldn’t want it to go beyond like akane blushing when ukyo saves her and maybe offhandedly saying something like “she’s so cool” and ukyo, after spending some time w akane, admitting to herself that she can understand why ranma likes her. i think it’s cute to think abt
akane/kodachi - i love this but only one-sidedly. in canon i’d want kodachi to be Like That with ranma purely to rile up akane bc she wants her attention. i mean literally already in canon kodachi seems to not know what to do once she actually gets ranma other than dangle him over her alligator and wait for akane to save his ass. it’d be a funny twist for her to be doing all this just bc she wants to see akane and doesn’t think to just talk to her like a normal person
shampoo/mousse - don’t like at all
shampoo/ukyo - no real thoughts but I don’t love it. maybe similar to how I feel abt ranryo but while my feelings for that as neutral/positive this is neutral/negative
ukyo/ryoga - i can see why ppl like it and I believe I did too back in 2011 or so when i first watched it, but i feel like most ppl who ship this have only watched the anime (valid! but their manga partners are both great characters imo). I didn’t rlly see it at all upon rewatch and reading the manga put the final nail in the coffin. they’d be fun as friends tho! i like that they have a silly friendship similar to akane and mousse’s friendship where they’re more Worsties than anything but will hang out with and help each other if they need to
ukyo/tsubasa - no. i have very mixed feelings abt tsubasa as is, but ukyo has no interest in him and sees him as an annoyance so i wouldn’t want her to be w someone she doesn’t like (side note: used he/him for tsubasa bc he’s very open abt being a crossdresser. i know that crossdresser is used as a transphobic insult in the series, but… eehhh… tsubasa isn’t really like ranma and konatsu who are both pretty blatantly not cis. he declares himself as a guy all the time, which yeah ranma does too, but ranma’s whole character development is how that breaks down for him)
ukyo/konatsu - yes, i think they’re sweet and konatsu is very supportive of ukyo’s goals. i think this pairing would need more development before i’d really want it declared Officially Canon. i mean it is, but obv ukyo still has some feelings to work out similarly to ryoga and his canon gf, and i think she’d need to more clearly let go of ranma before this could truly blossom in canon. i love konatsu and i love ukyo and i think they’d be good girlfriends after a little work
ryoga/akari - love it, it’s sweet and i LOVE akari. like I said i think ryoga needs to work thru some shit/let go of akane to truly appreciate akari, and it’s annoying he’s still attached to her when he has a gf but i understand it’s difficult to just Stop liking someone you’ve liked for prob a solid year or so just bc u got asked out by someone else
these are all the ones I can think of rn but ur more than welcome to ask if u want my thots on any other ones lol
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joshriku · 2 years
hi! I really enjoyed your last cherik fic list, you have great taste. do you have more recs about old cherik? maybe also some post dark phoenix (I mean, they were supposed to be old but they forgot lol). only when you have the time!
you're so lovely omg thank you! i do!! here u go
get out of town by firstlightofeos: i recently read this and it's so fucking good omg. i am not immune to tropes where a 3rd character has to be like 'can you guys get over yourselves and FUCK' and especially if it's old men cherik :sob: OF ALL PEOPLE. THEY NEED IT SO BADç
all you are made of by fengirl88: oghgojoOGH theres this bit:
“Two minutes to make you drop it,” Charles says, mock-outraged. “I must be losing my touch.”
“Menace,” Erik says lovingly, “stop distracting me.”
tempus fugit by franzbibliotek: the character writing on this one is so fucking insane. you have to work with me here bc this is comic cherik and comics just have things happen in them. . anyway charles comes back from the dead after stealing a body that's like in it's mid 30s, jsut, your casual stuff. anyway. holy shit. charles' inner monologue on this mmmmmwah im fucking obssessed
pillow talk by pearl_o: i might have recced this already BUT IT BEGS RECCING AGAIN this is literally my favorite kind of fics where they just. lie next to each other. talk for a while. they're old and in love :(
a day when we can finally rest by pocky_slash: i am no timmune to fics where they depict how long they both have waited and waited to be together because it makes me cry ok. wow. love can thrive and continue and they jsut lvoe each other so much :( FUCK!!!!!
pity the man by franzbibliothek: this is kinda angsty i will warn you since i usually just read happy stuff but it's GOOD ok. pre dark phoenix when charles is just like on his 90th mental breakdown,. my g od. the way op writes charles. you get it.
adventures in babysitting (worried grandpa remix) by sebastian2017: literally my favorite thing about erik is that he's a grandpa. okay. it might be bc tommy is my fave character but i am just,,,,,,,,SOBSBSBS... DO U KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
one night in westchester by brotherfromanothermother: this is literally the funniest fuckign fic in the world. just. old man magneto buying condoms. it makes me cry. i lvoe it
close enemies by andraste: i might have recced this? MAYBE? but this is animated series cherik. and if i have recced it..THEN ILL DO IT AGAIN. THOSE SAVAGE LAND EPISODES WERE INSANE
habitual by xtinethepirate: i love dark phoenix cherik. i love erik in this fic. i like when fic writers write erik caring for charles but not being overly indulging like he Is willing to call him out. ESPECIALLY post dp cherik. SO GOOD.
marks by unforgotten: i love. i love. love the idea of erik 'kidnapping' charles and him being too busy grading to pay attention to him. which offends him greatly. i think magneto should always be funny and dramatic.
necessary downtime by unforgotten: AND THEYRE MARRIED. OOOH MY GOD THEY WERE MARRIED. not related to me also being a teacher but i love when it's just fics like charles being really tired from school work. he's so me. that's also me. finally realistic mcs
everything about it is a love song: if i told you how many times i cried reading this id have to be taken out and immobilized. it's bad out here. it is really bad out here!!!!! (ITS A REALLY GOOD FIC!! I LOVE IT!!) it's probably one of my fave old men fic ever just like someplace that is green which was on my other post but its osjhfddohfdj ITS OSO OGHG OGGH OGH!!!!!!
sing me to sleep: i love dofp cherik. I do. i love them so fukcing bad i love seeing those old men reunited and helping each other and being deeply in love despite the world going to shit it is SO deeply personal to me this fi ci ss os much.
the o(l)dd couple: i love fics that involve the press and such reactions to Them. and outsider pov is always so enjoyable. i love this fic i think its one of the first few i read?? SO GOOD
into the open by clockworkrobots: i just. this fic is so good. it's like the first fic i bookmarked almost. the tag erik's gay socialist farm island cracks me up every time then ir ead this and i sob and cry again fr
hope u enjoy!!
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boypussydilf · 2 years
relatiobnships ask game tell me about umm ummm [trying to think of who you havent been asked for yet] SAM AND MAX.right now
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
wait the entire series is built on their dynamic bc 95% of the point of sam and max is just them talking to each other but how do u even. describe it. uhh. Absolutely Terminal Amounts Of Banter. also beating each other up. theyre so?? they just walk around Constantly making jokes just for the others entertainment and also often lightly insulting each other. & also theyve known each other their whole lives and theyre soul bonded. they literally cant be apart from each other for more than a few seconds. seperate them and they both immediately become deeply depressed. theyre codependent. and they show affection by being a little mean to each other and throwing each other through walls. (well sam throws max through walls. i dont think max could lift sam. he bites him tho)
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
aside from the fact that my brain probably remembers them slightly differently bc i havent seen them outside of short clips in a while. mostly im just. the same as 90% of sam and max fans where its. What if they were the same but they got married 90 times for fun. but arguably they have gotten married in canon so
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
THEYRE LITERALLY JUST FUNNY. they are just very funny as individual concepts and significantly more funny put together. their interactions are great for their interactions are the backbone of their franchise. also i love codependency
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
They literally dont know how to exist without each other <3 if sam does not have his little freak there to bounce witty lines off of everything else completely loses meaning. if max does not have his bestie there to hear his deranged comments then hes just being deranged on his own and thats no fun. they met when they were like 8 or something and now its been decades since they were in different rooms for more than a few minutes. they need each other there is something wrong with them and it works for them so its OK
favorite interaction they have in canon
UMM we dont. see it. but i think maybe the thing said in some article or interview or something abt them meeting bc max stole sams lunch back from kids who had stolen it from him. I Think It Was Something Like That. i love that. also i like the opening scene of the thhhird episode of the first telltale game i think? where sam is tossing max up in the air like a baby so he can reach the darts board & then the phone rings and sam stops for a second. thinks abt it. then throws max against the wall so he can go get the phone. (this isnt like a one time thing its a running gag thru thr whole series that whenever the phone rings they physically fight to get it (and sam always wins). but thats my favorite instance bc of the little *pause* *thinking* *tosses max over his shoulder slamming him into the wall like a sack of rice*)
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
oh man i dont know. 305 angst. sam n max fans will look at the 1 serious part of this immensely silly consequences might as well not exist franchise and go Is anyone going to get hung up on this forever and make emotional content about it? and not wait for an answer. and theyre right. hey telltale wh. how did you come up with the devils playhouse. why did. what the fuck is the city that dares not sleep who thought of that. steve purcell approved this. hello? hello?
okthats all thank you <3
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munsonology · 5 months
Not to be a hater but quite literally if given the chance I would absolutely lay into my ex friend. Like he called me a slew of names spaced out over time each one worse then the previous, shared my trauma with people and tried to use it against me, and even told the kids I babysat for years MY FUCKING KIDS (not mine but basically they were) (and their parents) that I was a bad influence and a bad person. Like I took the name calling, but then I distanced because of the wife situation, but then I find out the rest of this shit????
Like ONE CHANCE I'd take it. Let me fucking at him. ESPECIALLY if I was in a group! Like you trying to come for me???
You??? No degree barely graduated high school can't swing a hammer or change your own oil man??? Coming for a smart strong bachelor degree woman???
You lived with your parents for years, not because of a cultural thing, but because you were "scared" to live alone! Bending to your mother's every beck and call. I should call you Norman Bates with how far up your mother's ass you are.
I could get a man or woman or ANYBODY if I wanted. I have options. remember when you had a crush on me dumbass and asked me out remember when you simped for me and took me to the movies for free what about that concert that was over 300 dollars FOR FREE cause you wanted me so bad? I could have had you and DIDNT and no one wants your 30 year old ass thats why you chose an 18 year old you fucking creep THAT is why we aren't friends and then all your dirty little secrets and skeletons about what you told others about me came out. You think your shit don't smell because you are full of it
You think you are so good and kind and everything you do is golden well its fool's gold you clown. Karma gonna get you just you wait (and thats the only reason I haven't fought u yet like...im trying to be the better person but they say one more thing in my presence...)
(And yes it is fucked they went for the 18 year old and it is even more fucked that they are now married like it was so quick like who thought that was okay not me that poor girl I hope she gets out cause he is not good he is not the love of her life hes just a man!!! Let me run him over cause YOU ARE A CHILD AND) (no I was gonna be petty af and post a throwback photo and tag everyone cause I have a picture of me, him, and his wife when she was 4 and he was 16 like 💀💀)(also again no shame to her if she needs help i am getting her out but she is devoted to him and disillusioned rn he got her brainwashed and yes we all grew up together and yes its a fucked situation and I want to go all Carrie Underwood on his ass and dig a key into the side of his car and knock out his headlights but karma is coming for him and karma could do better then me) (sorry for spilling in your inbox I am a ball of hate found out today and I mean AN HOUR AGO he actually was the one to spread a rumor about me that haunts me to this day as well as telling people about secrets I had told him that were not ok to tell and he has the fucking nerve to have come into MY HOUSE under false pretenses just to record me out of context and share it as proof im terrible oh fuck him)(please note as soon as I found out he was with the 18 year old I cut him out of my life but we work together just in different departments so I see him pretty regularly still sadly and I cant quit because I signed a contract but thankfully I dont have to see his crusty ass every day cause if I did....call me Elsa with the stone cold attitude he is receiving)
oh my god bestie 😭😭 first thank you for sharing 💖 he’s a weirdo for real. the fact he married an 18 year old is just sick, and what’s worse is you know he didn’t just meet her at 18 because they never do 😒
and that’s commendable of you to wanna look after her. it might take a while for her to see who he truly is. i think it’s important to remember she might not accept help :/ it might be healthier for you to take a step back. sometimes we need to put ourselves first for our own wellbeing. hopefully her family is aware.
it always hurts when people you think are your friend are the ones who purposely and carelessly hurt you the most. and i know you wanna fuck him up and key his car but he’s not worth going to jail over. the universe has a way of always working out, what we put out into the world we receive and trust he’ll get his for all the clownery he’s doing. it might take a while but it will. and when it does you can sip your tea with a big slurp 💀
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inahallucination · 3 years
since everyone seems to be falling into the blackhole of anderperry teacher au’s with me (as they should) i humbly offer more 
this is actually something i thought of while talking to @aedan-mills on my first teachers au
but anderperry teaching au “rivals” to lovers except they weren’t rivals theyre married
everyone knows that mr. anderson, the english teacher and mr. perry, the drama teacher cant stand each other,,, it’s speculated it’s because of the overlap in their syllabus but none the less the two are rivals or something
like, for example, one time during a school assembly mr. perry had been decked up in a nice fitting suit and leading the ceremony, but mr. anderson had taken one look at him and left. He had come back but he had stuck to the back (”warn me, babe, the next time ur going to show up looking so fucking hot”)
it was a weirdly antagonistic behavior from the usually sweet teacher
and once, mr perry had seen mr anderson in a sweater and had snorted and said “nice sweater” in a mocking tone. (”todd please i’m running out of clothes” “didn’t u vow that what was yours was mine at our wedding? was it a lie?” “todd baby, please, i can’t go to school naked” “why not”)
and who could forget the time mr anderson had taken mr perry’s lunch straight from his hands and mr perry had to go get another one (”thanks for bringing me lunch, honey, i didn’t have time to get up with all this grading” “don’t worry about it, love, lemme just go grab mine too and then i can help”)
and of course the snaps at each other
like the vaguely threatening ones
“meet me in the parking lot after your meeting” (”sorry for rushing you, but i needed to get home to get some work done and i didn’t want you to have to ask someone for a ride”)
the vaguely weird ones
“i don’t know what id do if i wasn’t a teacher” “you could manage the worlds first flying desk set” no one knew what that meant but it sounded rude. what the hell was a flying desk set anyway 
and then the obvious ones like when mr perry was absent for a few days and mr. anderson was talking to a man around his age 
“mr. perry is such a fucking asshole, why can’t he just for once in his miserable life” the rest had been too quiet for anyone to hear (”i just don’t like it charlie, why can’t he just be happy for neil?” “i know todd”)
it’s a big situation so it feels like there would be a big conclusion, but no. 
one day before class had started but after the bell in mr. perry’s room, mr. anderson came in. everyone was at the edge of their seat wondering if they were finally just going to throw fists but no
“neil, i accidently grabbed your lesson plans” 
“oh my god im sorry and thank you so much !” mr perry gave him an almost identical folder in exchange for the one mr. anderson was holding. then mr anderson left
but not before mr. perry leaned over and gave him a soft kiss in gratitude
in the end mr. perry didn’t need the lesson plans cuz he spent the hour calming his class down
 “..we’re sorry mr. perry”
 “...mr perry...” 
 “... we should've minded our own business”)
this is getting long so imma end it here 
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ennoshawty · 3 years
i was bored and felt like doing a crackfic thing but i didn’t have any solid themes or good ideas
warnings: VERY LONG, slandering a crybaby oikawa (lovingly), mentions f!reader, shitposting, mentions of violence in kita's, (a bit) yandere!kita, cursing, unedited, me being an idiot
we are: vigilante/troublemaker
loving the enemies-to-lovers trope so much
nah bro you ain’t full criminal (bc my preppy ass could never) you just do the small vandalism things y’know like drawing peepees on government buildings and knocking over bins
u literally confessed to him by spraypainting the entire billboard by his workplace “I LIKE YOU” like way to go girl
He didn’t appreciate the creative graffiti but he rlly likes u so all u had to do was clean it and then next thing u know yall are out on a cute cafe date
but let’s talk about before yall got together
he’d CHASE u thru alleyways when he’d catch you writing “police sux” on the fuckin wall
bro is NOT AT ALL afraid to jump onto the roofs it’s FRIGHTENING to see this huge ass police officer storm after u
you’d almost always get away by a hair - he’s SO SO close
and it frustrates him but excites u oooooo arrest me shawty
and this would continue for a while
but yall have such fun fun banter - you’d tease him and he’d say something back and you’d bolt and he’d chase
some days he’d catch you. but in those times u slip away somehow
he’s having so much fun and doesn’t even know it
and then at one point he doesn’t even care about bringing u to justice anymore. he knows it’s bad for business and it’s unprofessional but he’s so attracted to u
he doesn’t even know it. HES IN DENIAL!!! his mind: “oh i’m just asking about her so that i know her motives” bruh no u just asked about our fav pastry this aint about crime anymore
and when he finally gets it,,,DINGDINGDINGDING SOUND THE ALARMS !!! MAN IS WHIPPED!! he’s more shy around u awww,,,doesn’t even want to chase u anymore but he will still engage in banter w u.
yall get a little peace treaty in the lil crush stage - you both are kinda aware of ur feelings towards each other but don't really wanna mess it up and jeopardize whatever's going on like bros PLEASE JUST KISS ITS INFURIATING
it’s more of a competition to see who will break the other first (and you lost he’s too hot)
he lets u joyride his cop car in an empty parking lot <3 he is the one <3 this is true love
u gotta marry him right now bro no excuses
u are no longer on the crime side of the law,,,u support him and only him fuck the rest of the cops (i’m jk of course...or am i)
u are his badass sidekick <3 unofficially of course until he marries u
u help him with the small things like helping lost children find their parents and helping old ladies cross the street
but you want to do the FUN stuff - chasing thieves and arresting drunkards.
unfortunately, he loves u too much to put u in danger so he keeps u from doing the dangerous things
after some protesting later, he trusts u to take care of urself. and now yall have a competition just like old times - whoever catches the most baddies at the end of the month wins (he WILL scold u if ur too reckless though)
but it’s much more complicated than that - it’s either ur the laidback one and he’s the strict one or ur the fiery one and he’s the person like “calm down”
PLEASE HE HATES BRINGING U TO INTERROGATIONS he’s trying to be serious but you keep making him laugh istg he has to kick u out each time
u still make him laugh when u pout-glare at him thru the glass
bro says he’s not the stereotypical cop but the moment u surprise him with donuts and coffee in the morning he will make out w u right then and there
even though yall dating he still won’t let u play with his equipment
but sometimes u grab his walkie talkie when he’s not looking and prank call the others
and his coworkers know by now they’re like “oh it’s daichis gf” and go along with it HAHAHAHA “this is alpha 1, daichi just contracted ligma, over.” “roger, but what’s ligma? over.” “*inhale* LIGMA-” *daichi takes the walkie talkie back*
his coworkers are chill lmaoooo they love u two as a couple THEY ARE VERY SUPPORTIVE they planned a surprise anniversary party of when u joined the force (unofficially)
the juniors tanaka and noya are jelly ooooo but they respect their captain <3
u loooooove hanging out w the starry-eyed new recruit hinata and he’s bouncing around asking u personal questions “how did you date the commander!!! what’s he like as a bf??” he also accidentally exposes how much daichi talks about u in the office before he drags him away and murders him off camera
he does get u a walkie talkie that’s just connected to his line, tho. for emergencies. it’s ur second phone basically that only has his number in it
daichi LOVES it when u massage him after he’s had a long day but his shoulders are stiff as a statue,,,he’s also super stronk and can carry u anywhere <333
IMAGINE HE HAS A POLICE DOG - he doesn’t, but he’ll get one of his buddies to bring u a k9 unit so u can pet it and when he sees how happy u are he considers getting one PLSSS IT WOULD FIT HIM HELPPP
bro is VERY strict on safety. bulletproof glass in yalls house. alarms + cameras everywhere. trackers on every device. underground bunker. (just kidding lol)
daichi teaches u self-defense and gets u a bejeweled taser for ur bday <333 MARRY THIS MAN RIGHT NOW OR I’LL-
in other words i love daichi and he is husband material WIFE ME UP BUDDY
we are: girlboss sugar mommy
somehow you tamed this bish to becoming your obedient malewife
and by obedient i mean whiny but compliant
sure, he’s pretty and gives affection sometimes but the only time he’s bein cute and snuggly w u is when a new fendi purse came out and he wants it
his specialty is cooking but he’s so lazy he’s all “just get the maid to do it”
please give ur workers a raise he’s so demanding
when you take him to ur business parties hes ALWAYS bragging about you and ur large house with this and that and his favorite: indoor hot tub. he always brings up the indoor hot tub.
only reason you bring him is cuz he’s pretty and he whines when you leave him alone for too long
yall cant even stay for too long - he’ll practically drag u out of the building and whining that it’s too hot and his suit is too stuffy and to call a limo
he’s not afraid to embarrass u if u dont give him what he wants and he will spit out food at a formal dinner if its not to his liking
probably in competition w househusbands! makki and mattsun about who gets the best house so he’s constantly begging u for an extension to the house “please babe!!! makki has-” “no.”
8/10 times throws tantrums in public and 1465/10 times throws tantrums in the house
he wants to cry for the sake of crying. one time he lost his shirt and he wouldn’t stop bawling for 15 min
please find him a hobby
crybaby . the moment u give him the glare of death it’s over. but he’s got a cute crying face which makes up for his annoying whimpering
like he made the mistake of throwing a temper tantrum in the mall only for you to glare at him with a look that said “we’re discussing this when we get home and you’re gonna get your ass beat” and walk away. immediately stopped what he was doing and he was running after u, sniffling and mumbling apologies
please humble him and have him sleep outside. the couch is too luxurious to banish him to. he made sure of it himself. it’s reclining and has charging ports. he will not learn his lesson that way
does NOT want you to get a pet or a kid or even another sugar baby/househusband - he wants to be the center of ur attention
speaking of which he HATES it when you work for too long or work overseas. when u come back he’ll pout at u and give u the petty silent treatment
don’t bother trying to comfort him he thrives off of it and he’ll keep going so u can keep paying attention to him. if u just ignore him back he’ll come crawling back to u. “WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME IGNORING YOU?? DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME ANYMORE???”
one time yall got into a fight and he was all like “since ur being a rude mommy i’ll just find someone else !!!” inside u were like “oh god finally” but instead u said “okay”
ohmygod he panicked. he was rlly expecting for u to fight for him,,, but he doesn’t want to admit defeat first so he tries to go thru with it but you literally dont care. even when he has his chanel luggage packed and he’s standing by the door ur just like “ok bye bitch”
So he’s trying to stand by the door and wait for u to say that ur joking. ur not.
“fine! I’m leaving now!” “okay.” “...*sniffles*” “tooru, go.” “WAAAAH NO IM SORRY I DONT WANT TO-”
u knew this was going to happen sadly. u even hid the keys to all of the sports cars u own just in case he was actually going to go thru with it
tries to get in the gossip circle with the neighborhood trophy wives but they don’t think he’s cool enough. they like u though. they think ur hot asf and oikawa doesn’t like them no more bc theyre hitting on his ATM. but thanks to that u know all the gossip and shit even though u don’t ask for it
Every time u pass by a store where he thinks he wants something he’ll just cling to u and give the puppy dog eyes. like it could be out of nowhere and u see it and you’re like “where. which store.”
bro once he went luxury he never went back. he wouldn’t EVER step foot into a grocery store ever again congrats he’s been bimbo-ified
beat him with ur gucci belt pls it’s so funny
also please please PLEASE discipline him. tell him it’s NOT okay to just randomly purchase the entire swarovski store or to throw a party at ur house just bc he’s feeling petty about u being at work for too long. ofc he’ll bitch about it but you need to be firm
but don’t worry,,,he’ll get the idea when u take away black card privileges and slap him around (lovingly)
now he has to ask permission like a good boy. he’ll kneel and hug u and give a lil pout and whine
you got a bigass man child i’m sorry maam u should’ve picked tobio or ushi
we are: secretary
bruh keeps it mostly professional during work hours
but that all gets shedded off like a snake when we on break
one minute he’s all “get these papers done by today or i swear on all that is holy i will destroy you” and then later he’s all “hey sweetheart wanna grab a cup of coffee”
but you’re less than impressed bc y’know when the time clocks out and its time to go back to work he’s ruthless once more
HUMBLE HIM FOOL only when you’re on break though
will NOT stand for anyone else in the workplace bullyin u - NO WAY. only HIM
he’s got TONS and TONS of dirt on everyone in the office - NO ONE is safe so they wouldn’t even dare
RIP janet from accounting
that dumb bitch made the mistake of insulting u to ur face and in front of him. never heard from her again
it’s not even limited to the other employees - he’s not afraid to go off on a potential business partner if they dared disrespect you
bruh tries to call u on ur off days for the most randomest shit and to get ur attention
*picks up phone* “sir?” “ah! my favorite secretary ever! listen, i need you to grab my pens from my desk at the office and bring them to my place.” “...with all due respect, it’s 2 am, sir.”
but u have to comply with his ridiculous demands cuz he’s the bank
and he depends on u completely. as much as he hates to admit it - u have his schedules, itinerary, provide coffee, performance rates, stock info, you name it.
once u were out sick and he had the worst management - he’s not used to working without you
def tries to get some of ur workload off of u bc he’s worried that the stress of working for him made u sick + he doesn’t want to go thru scheduling again
prolly gets bored in meeting rooms and sends u little smirks and wiggles his eyebrows and weird looks while he’s sitting and ur standing in the corner like bruh pay attention
maybe sometimes he’s secretly makin fun of the presenter and doodling on his spare sticky note something funny to make u crack a smile
he’ll tease u for it of course “oh, secretary! you should be paying more attention! what would you do if this was important?” bruh i can multitask now keep airdropping me ur selfies i’m saving all of them (news flash: u dont save his dumbass selfies otherwise his ego will inflate too much)
sometimes likes to pull u aside from work to hug u - you say it’s highly unprofessional but he says it’s his stress reliever
you ALMOST got caught by one of the newbies and he was kabedon-ing you
he tries to play it off (since u were embarrassed too) but u know better,,,DO NOT LET HIM FORGET ABOUT IT he turns red and embarrassed every single time USE THIS TO UR ADVANTAGE !!
never goes into an elevator without you bruh is so attached to u n holds the doors open for you
but you have to open normal doors for him if he doesn’t know how it works (hint: manual doors. “why isn’t it opening on its own?” “sir, there’s a handle.” “but?? what does it do??”)
bruh acts like a dumbass sometimes so you can baby him :/// wtf man just because you’re rich doesn’t mean i’ll- ...wait...how much did you say…? that many zeros? HAND ME THAT FORK YES I’LL FEED YOU COME HERE- HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE BITCH
brings u to overseas trips and he spoils u too
no matter how much you insist that you’re ok he gives u a lot of luxurious items. “think of it as a bonus from me.” NOW YOU JUST HAVE A COLLECTION OF NICE SHOES/BAGS/JEWELRY AND HE LOVES IT WHEN YOU WEAR THEM TO WORK IT MAKES HIM SO HAPPY UGHHHHH
BRUH just a sugar daddy at this point “you have to look presentable for the next focus group so here’s a nice rolex watch” “sir, i don’t need-” “ah ah ah - it’s my treat.”
it’s pointless to refuse him but he still teases u for it like what???? “if i didn’t know any better, secretary, i’d say you’re just doing it for my money and not my fabulous looks and personality.” “exactly.” “hey!”
yall go for drinking parties a lot. whether with the whole branch or just the two of u
KARAOKE W KUROO AFTER A LONG DAY OF WORK <333 becomes a ritual between the two of u
he’s so silly when he’s drunk lmfaoooo goofy ass mf
but that’s only when it’s the two of u. he controls his alcohol around others and his uncool side is only for u <3
also ur the only one he trusts to take him back to his place and handle him
it’s the other way around too - when u drink a lot he looks after you <333
you have a higher tolerance than him and sometimes u have competitions between the two of u on who can drink more but then yall always end up shitfaced
HES the one who has a crush on you
you know the drill - gaslight gatekeep girlboss
he’ll do anything for u but wouldn’t ever admit it he simp
offers u the keys to his estate and offers for you to LIVE with him
bruh just marry me already ok WAIT WE’RE NOT EVEN DATING YOU NEED TO WORK ON THAT SIR-
he’s so awkward tryna confess to u,,,he may be this big hotshot ceo but he’s acting like a schoolgirl in love
probably prints u a confession when he asks u to go to the fax machine lmfao what a nerd
in other words ceo!kuroo is a nerd and you need to top him immediately get that bank
dog hybrid!bokuto
we are: owner
Husky-malamute breed!!! BEEG DOGGIE VERY HAPPY N DROOLY <333
he’s well trained i swear but the moment he sees something of interest then i’m sorry you just lost him
please if a robber came in he wouldn’t even attack them he’d just tackle them w hugs
he loves loves loves snuggles <333 u busy? nope!!! hug time!!! cooking something?? oo lemme see!!! whoops look at all those tomatos on the ground. u got a deadline coming up and u really need to focus?? CUDDLE TIIIIIIME- w-wait - huh?? why are u shoving me off?? do you - do you not - huh?!?! WHY ARE YOU LOCKING ME OUT OF THE ROOM?? NO!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! IDK WHAT EXAMS ARE BUT I WANT CUDDLES!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME????!!!
the WORST things u could ever do to him is leave him and call him a bad boy
soso bummed when u go out of the house without him </333 waits by the door patiently waiting for u to come back </333 sob sob
the moment he hears the door unlock he LEAPS and his tail is wagging like CRAZY
he is SO STRONG. almost always knocks u over whenever he jumps on u
destroys EVERY toy u bring him. u leave him for 5 seconds and there’s stuffing all over the floor and whatever u brought him is nonexistent
tugs on the leash when u walk so much that it SNAPS
loves romping w the other dogs in the dog park but he needs to tone down on his friendliness he almost killed a lil orange chihuahua
gets distracted by EVERYTHING. ooh, squirrel! oo, butterfly! OOO HUMAN CHILD!! MUST EAT!!!
ok while he might be friendly, he still gets super super jealous. you both were outside and u were petting the neighborhood black cat and bruh almost swallowed his head
which u thought was weird bc the two are normally friends and are pretty nice around each other
so now he’s more feisty around him and any other cat that’d get ur attention
If it was a person, then that’s another thing. He’d be very friendly at first but then slowly realize that ur attention is more directed on them than him. then he’d go ballistic
but when u scold him for practically assaulting the poor dude and call him a bad boy,,,he’s lost it
u have to lock him in the other room and he’s crying and whimpering, scratching at the door. all he wanted to do was protect u from that bad bad man who took away his owner’s attention !!!
def snarls at the dude next time he comes into ur house/apartment...dude never came back
doggie bokuto rlly tries to be slick...it doesn’t work. like he tries to do that thing when he’s a total demon towards the guy but then act like an angel around u but it doesnt work bc he’s not smooth
doggie intelligence: 2 IQ. one time u got him a puzzle box and hid a treat in it but bruh couldnt figure it out just straight up monched the entire puzzle simply bc he smelled his fav bbq treat in it
speaking of intelligence - he only knows how to say a few words like ur name and incomplete sentences. speaks in barks and whines and sometimes a word
u had some delicious beef steak? oh dear, where did it go? there’s ur puppy kou with steak sauce all over his lips
big fan of hiking trips, sports, literally anything that involves going out
he LOVES getting dirty outside playing. boi cant control himself from rolling around in the mud
hates baths at first but then he likes how u spray the water on him and giggles awww he likes bath time now
we all know he’s not the brightest pup of the pack but,,,he’s somehow psychic. he knows when ur taking him to the vet
HE THROWS A BIG FUSS ALL THE TIME - sometimes he tries to hide but his huge tail under the couch gives it away
and he knows when ur thinking of taking him on a walk. he also begs u to take him outside by settling his head in ur lap and pouting until u give him what he wants
he likes the big ol doggie sweaters/pjs u buy him...but he always ruins them. no matter how much u buy him, they’re all ruined. he complains how scratchy it is and it feels weird on him
knows LOTS of tricks but if u teach him more than what he already knows he will forget one of them he’s like a damn pokemon
he feels ur emotions :((( if ur mood is down his tail droops :(( and he gives u cuddles and tries to make u feel better
he even likes to make a fool out of himself and be silly if it makes u laugh :((( he’s so precious
in other words i love doggy bokuto
we are: kidnapped
ah yes we’re are captives of the most fearsome pirates of the seas: shiratorizawa
just so you know, tendou was the instigator. he was all “let’s kidnap a noble’s kid and get the ransom money!” (whether you actually are a noble or not is up to you)
thing is, nobody’s willing to pay (if you aren’t a noble) or the pirates really pissed off the folks in charge and are now doing a manhunt
so yeah you aren’t going back anytime soon
but he’s a pretty good sport about it - very hospitable
he notices the little things u like and gets them for u <333 sighs <333
he saw you reading that book? wow look at that, there’s suddenly a stack of them and the same genre he saw you reading
but you definitely shouldn’t test him. he’s SUPER scary when it comes down to it
you saw how ruthless he was with the rogues that had dared to challenge him on sea
mf made them walk the plank
you help on the ship bc u wanna be useful and also shirabu keeps being mean
he asks u to teach the crew how to read cuz theyre dumb as shit and only know water and treasure
speaking of treasure - when he leaves u on the ship to explore a cave, he gets u really pretty jewelry <33 anything u ask for
“oh, welcome back captain. how was your mission?” “i brought back a few trinkets i thought you might like.” *reveals whole chest of priceless gems* “are they to your liking? if not, we can set sail for something else that might interest you.” “I-”
bruh got a pet eagle - u ask the crew and they dont even know how tf it happened
hell, even he doesn’t know how it happened wtf. “oh. one day it flew down to me and i fed it. that’s all.” wtf
equivalent to diluc’s bird - he didn’t even give it a name so he gives u the honors
U name him rigatoni (you got a great naming sense btw)
it was the first thing he did no cap - burst into ur room and scoops u up <33333
“what the-” “we need to get you to safety. we are under attack.” and holds u close to his chest AAAHSIDHFPSDHFN OH MY LORD YES
tendou tries to give u a sword but ushi says no “she could hurt herself.”
“but ushiwaka! we can teach her not to hurt herself” “...it’s my orders.” “c’mon, be more honest, ushiwaka! what’s the real reason?”
he goes quiet then looks at u “...i’ll always be there to help. she’ll have me.” AOISHSDHFSNDF
but the rest of the crew are like “then what’s the point”
but tendou sneaks u a dagger just to be safe
sorry ur apart of the crew now - but they’re like a family even if they did kidnap u
oh whatever your life before wasn’t as cool as this (no offense)
they are given orders to protect u at all costs
speaking of which - ushi isn’t all that great w guns
almost blew his own head off tryna figure out how it works before reon snatched it from him
he brings you with him to towns and cities and he likes taking u to the markets to get you stuff
ushijima tell me your love language is gift-giving without telling me your love language is gift-giving-
he finds out you’re pretty good at bargaining and brings you onshore a lot more
is mesmerized at how you absolutely BERATE the merchant who was tryna rip you off like sis where is this violence coming from??? he loves it??
he also likes to stop by some pretty islands and imagines just settling down in such a nice place w you <333 SIGHS <333 VERY <333 LOUDLY <333
no matter how much he likes you...he will NOT let you drive the boat under any circumstances </3 its his livelihood c’mon man
whenever you have to stay on the ship while he’s away he sends rigatoni to give messages and the two of u talk thru messages
speaking of which rigatoni is fierce and can definitely sink his talons and his sharp beak into any bastard that dares get near you while the captain is away
wakatoshi “swimming is for pussies” ushijima - he’s water resistant
bruh so powerful he walks on water
second coming of christ who
IM JUST KIDDING he does swim but we hardly ever see it
legends say (tendou says) he looks rlly awkward doing it and only knows how to doggie paddle
speaking of our homeboy tendou - he loooves spooking the team (and especially you) with scary stories . don’t worry tho - this is all a ploy to get the beeg pirate husband to comfort u at night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he is ur wingman u can count on him. but his suggestions are ridiculous
“Jump off the deck and see if he’ll catch you!” um excuse me- THOU SHALT NOT PUT BIG HUSBAND TO THE TEST
he’s got good intentions...i think…
but everyone literally knows he would dive after you
in other words pirate!ushijima is a softie at heart but goddamn he probably secretly has a pet shark so dont test him or u goin overboard
mafia leader!kita
we are: associate from different group/family
kita highly respects u and yall have been acquainted since u were young with the alliance of ur families
so in a way ur childhood friends but yall do have lil bit of friendly rivalry a bit
arranged marriage whuuuutttt...yeah thats what happened but u love him <3
nobody else knows about ur arranged marriage but you two
POLITE GENTLEMAN <333 !!! HNNNNNNNN his granny raised him right even tho he’s a mafia leader
he owns the majority of the underground casinos
and has lots of connections with others. countless, might i add.
you on the other hand specialize as an arms dealer so he cherishes your services the most
prob has the traditional tattoos allllll over his back and shoulders w like a dragon or sm and def a fox or kitsune
when u two were little he asked ur favorite flower and GOT THAT TATTOOED ON HIS BACK <3 probably secretly has your initials hidden in there somewhere
u both have a silent understanding of each other and he talks to u more than he does anyone
before he used to smoke but once he figured out that you didn’t like the smell of cigarettes he quit just like that
his underlings, the miya twins are so confused on how kita switches from totally brutal and ruthless to so soft around u
they can’t tease him for it, though, cuz he’d pulverize them
but they want to know more about u,,,you mysterious enigma,,,but kita would kill them if they dared asked about you
so they go to inarizaki’s most secretive informant/cyber mercenary, suna rintarou
and suna knows all about you. he saw you one time and he was curious about who you were and is now rlly scared of you because he dug too deep and you’ve got LOTS of history
he doesn’t dare tell the twins what he found no matter how much they bug him
until they bribe him at just the right price
and when aran finds out and tells kita?? ohhh boy it’s lights out for all three of them
oh my god ,,, would kill for u he loves u so much
one time you were kidnapped and held hostage
bro saw red
he got world record time
wiped out the entire conglomerate behind it - nothing and nobody left behind after that
and of course, made sure you were safe.
yandere? ofc not...i mean...just look at him...so innocent...he would never...sharpening that knife...with splattered blood all over him...
is now joined at the hip with u,,,no matter how much you tell him you’ll be fine now and that you have tons of reliable bodyguards he won’t let it go
“don’t you have to go back to your place?” “this is my duty as both a fellow associate and your future husband.” aww,,,ur so sweet...but BRUH PLEASE GO HOME ARAN IS DOING EVERYTHING OVER THERE
makes sure to build a headquarters DIRECTLY NEXT TO YOURS so that its faster
and it’s not long until he just signs a deal to merge ur factions together (since yall getting married anyways)
and oh my god...ur underground wedding is SO SO PRETTY
absolutely DOESN’T care if he’s smuggling jewels from different countries - he’s having your ring CUSTOM MADE and the way you want it. “the diamond is too small? sure thing, darling, i’ll have it 7 times that size.”
makes sure everything is perfect in ur wedding <333 its very extravagant and even though its not really his style he’ll do anything for you
he absolutely WOULD take your last name if you wanted. FIGHT ME ON THIS
takes you to his private island for ur honeymoon so that the two of you don’t have to worry about work
meanwhile aran is scrambling around the place trying to cover for the both of you
he’s a VERY romantic husband - NEVER takes off his ring even for security. he says its practically a part of him just like you are <3
the ring has a built in tracker connected to an app. possessive? noooo...
in other words this escalated pretty quickly but i aint complaining if it gets me married to kita
--EXTRA EXTRA!! other characters’ roles!!--
karasuno squadron consists of:
cops: daichi (duh), asahi (mostly patrol, he hates confrontation), tanaka & noya (mostly accompanied by ennoshita), hinata & kageyama
investigators/detectives: sugawara, ennoshita, yamaguchi, tsukishima, kiyoko, yachi
surveillance: narita, kinoshita, tsukishima too
makki and mattsun are also househusbands
iwaizumi is a malewife fhasodjkasdhf-
lev is the newbie that walked in on u two-
janet still a bitch
kenma is his fellow ceo buddy. he also owns a multimillion dollar company and kuroo’s and his have a sort-of contract so you see him a lot in meetings
yaku is like one of the top performing managers so whenever yall have branch meetings he’s there
dog hybrid!bokuto:
kuroo is the black neighborhood cat bokuto almost murdered cough cough i did that on purpose yes i did
kenma is also another neighborhood cat. you don’t see him around that often but now that bokuto got jealous he stays far away.
hinata is the orange chihuahua i briefly mentioned
i couldn’t decide whether akaashi would stay human and be his previous owner or also be a cat/dog/owl. so lets say he’s ur human friend that is your bestie and comes over a lot. bokuto likes him, though. still gets jealous a bit.
tendou is practically is right hand man
the rest of the team have something to give idk how to explain pirate team members okay-
BUT BUT BUT- they do have sea rivals which are the seijoh pirates. you ran into them one day and oikawa thought you were kidnapped (you were, but you liked it there) so he tried to do you justice and failed miserably. ushijima ragdolled him into the ocean when he flirted w you.
the twins are something akin to mercenaries basically. or just plain lackeys.
suna is an informant/cyber mercenary. he gathers information about ppl which is how he knew about you. and he’s a hacker lol.
aran is his second-in-command, omimi + ginjima are his bodyguards
a/n: im going to regret posting this
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meow-sic · 3 years
hi elliot! can you do a drabble or hcs of how kuroo, the miya twins, oikawa, and bokuto would propose to their s/o? if that's a lot of characters, then pls just take your pick but pls include kuroo! thank u so much!! btw i really like your "they accidentally hurt you" post. it provides realism and a middle ground to the usual extremes we see in reader-insert content - idyllic/saccharine vs dark content (•ˇ‿ˇ•)
how they propose to you 𓍢 ᭡
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includes : oikawa , kuroo , bokuto !
warnings : some misunderstandings in oikawa’s from a prank lolol , some cursing !
a/n : hi anon! ur my first anon message and you warmed my heart<333 also i lowk got inspiration from bokutos from a spanish music video i watched in spanish class today, sue me lololol
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oikawa tooru
he’s just dumb
he thought it would be funny to try to prank you
butttttt knowing his luck, it didn’t go as planned—
okay, well, it started off innocent— he planned to try to casually slide it in, maybe catch you off gaurd, then get down on his knee and ask you to marry him!
but, when you were on top of him tickling him, he wanted to get back at you.
and like tooru oikawa, he didn’t fully think it through.
“mei! stop!” he laughed, as a joke. it was supposed to be a joke.
you stopped your fingers that were wiggling by his sides. you slumped on his lap. “what?”
he peeked at you and smiled. “what do you mean what?”
“who’s mei?”
“i didn’t say mei,” he replied, your eyes watered and you got off of his lap. he sat up and stared at you. “y/n? are you okay?”
he got up but you already were in your room, slapping the door shut.
“stupid tooru! you made ‘em upset,” he scolded himself quietly.
when he walked up to your shared room, he heard the sniffles and sobs that came from the other side that broke his heart. he knocked on the door three times before entering.
“honey,” he walked over to you and hugged you. you sobbed into his chest.
“how long has it been going on tooru?” you asked through your sobs.
he pet your hair, “what do you mean baby?”
“don’t act dumb! it’s like—“ you paused. “it’s like you’re trying to ignore the fact you’ve been cheating!”
he thought you knew he was joking. “y/n—“
“if you’re not going to tell me then i’m leaving,” you turned around to start packing your bags.
his eyes widened in panic. “nonono! no, shit—“ he was embarrassed. “i didn’t mean it! it didn’t happen! mei isn’t real!”
you stopped packing, “what?”
“she—it was supposed to be a joke. a joke to make you stop tickling me. it’s dumb because i don’t think things through. but that’s why i need you— i need you to be there so you can stop me from doing the stupid shit that i do,” he looked at you to see if you were looking at him.
and you were, you looked pissed. he sighed and bent down on his knee, pulling out the ring he had gotten weeks ago.
“y/n, i know i’m dumb. but please, forgive me for this stupid prank, and please stay with me forever. don’t leave, please.”
“stand up.”
he did so, and he wasn’t sure what to expect, but a slap across the face wasn’t it.
“you’re a fucking idiot, tooru oikawa,” you laughed, kissing him. “but— i suppose that’s why i’m here. and i’m not leaving.”
he beamed at those words, he wasn’t sure if he smiled wider in his entire life. he kissed your cheek repeatedly, “i love you so much
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kuroo tetsuro
PLEASE- he would set you upppppp
giving you hints, to where he is
but not random hints, it would be like a mini time line of your relationship
he would through a lil chemistry is there to mess with you
lovingly, though<3
you woke up alone in bed, a little confused since your boyfriend would always be there— to kiss you good morning.
you rolled over to grab your phone from its charger, looking at the text message from kuroo.
boyfrie tetsu<3
good morning baby<3 sorry i’m not there this morning, let’s play a little— hide and seek game, the prize is a big one!
the first hint: we didn’t quite meet there, but it was where i became your “boyfriend” for the first time
good luck baby!<3
you were confused by his text, and honestly, you almost wanted to ignore it. it’s too damn early for this.
but, you can’t. you knew he was going to be waiting for you, and you can’t leave him all alone.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you groaned and started your day. you still got dressed none the less, and went to a café you always go to.
as the barista handed you your drink, you saw a note on it.
dear y/n,
you’re probably here for your morning coffee, but, none the less, this is where we first started to ‘date’! that one guy who wouldn’t stop hitting on you, and your prince charming (aka me aka the most handsome man ever) came to your rescue;)
where we promised each other is your new hint, good luck!<3
you knew where it was once you read the bolder letters. you thanked, and tipped the barista. you were more than happy to remember the memory.
“tetsu, it’s so late out, what if we get kidnapped!” you ranted your anxieties to him.
“kidnapped? you think anyone would dare to fight your prince charming?” he kissed your head as you two walked. “we’re almost there.”
he led you to the bridge that curved over the water like a C shape. you both leaned forward on the cement railing and looked at the moon.
“i’m so in love with you, y/n.” he admitted out of the blue, you looked at him.
“i’m in love with you too, tetsu.” you leaned your head on him, he wrapped an arm around you.
“i know we’re only in highschool. but i promise, i’ll marry you.”
“i’ll be waiting for that day, tetsu. even if it’s till we’re sixty, or if we’re only in our young twenties and being stupid. i’ll be waiting for you.”
you both melted at each other’s words, you shared a passionate kiss.
you ran up to where the bridge was. your pace slowed as your boyfriend came into view. he was holding flowers, and a lock.
you panted, “i hate running tetsu.” you breathed out, he laughed at you. “i know, sorry.”
you stood straight, looking at what he was wearing. it looked fancier than usual. “what’s the lock for?” you asked.
he looked at it and smiled, “i remember, it was our second year of college. you were so mad that they changed the bridge. that they changed the fencing, and couples started to put locks on it.”
“and i was thinking we could do one too?” he questioned. you smiled and grabbed the lock. you bent down and locked it, he wrote both of your initials on it.
you stood up, but your boyfriend stayed on his knee.
“tetsu what are you doing?”
he pulled a little box from his back pocket, a few pedestrians stopped and watched what was happening.
“when we were sixteen, we made a stupid promise to each other at midnight on this bridge. and i promised i would marry you. y/n, i told you ten years ago, when we were sixteen, that i love you.” he paused for a second to look up at your face, which was in shock. “and i still do, so please, keep the promise and marry me.”
“oh my god, oh my god! yes yes!” you got on your knees with him. he laughed at you for getting on your knees with him instead of waiting for him to stand up.
you tackled him in a hug while other people clapped for you two.
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bokuto kotarou
tbh this stressed him out
he wasn’t sure when, how, or what to say
you two had talked about marriage and how you two would gladly marry each other
but he wasn’t sure when!!!
he kept the ring on him at all times just incase:)
you and bokuto were just returning from a walk. the snow was heavier than expected by you two, so when you got home to a pile of snow, you were thrilled.
“kou let’s make a snowman! like we did with your old team, c’mon!” you dragged him by the hand to your front yard.
you and bokuto were always childlike in your relationship, you two getting excited at the tiniest things that makes you two act like children. so when you saw the snow, you felt more than joy.
you began by making a small snowball in your hand, and rolling it as you walked around your yard, to form a big snowball for the base. by the time you were done with the biggest snowball, bokuto was done with the medium sized one.
“okay, if we pick it up at the same time, it shouldn’t break,” you lifed the medium sized snowball with him. you set it on top of the biggest one.
“hey hey hey! y/n! let me make the tinniest one while you get the scarf, carrot, and eyes and smile,” he suggested. you nodded and kissed his cold cheek before heading inside to quickly grab the items.
you grabbed a pink scarf, a white hat that kou got you one year, and a carrot and some coal for the eyes and smile.
when you headed outside, you saw the snowman was all made. your insides felt bubbly as your childlike happiness was showing.
you ran out to him. “i got everything kou!”
“okay! you decorate, and don’t turn around until i say so. i have a surprise for you,” he replied. you were confused at what the surprise could be, but you agreed none the less.
you put the carrot in the middle of the snowman’s face. you then placed the eyes, and tried your best to make the smile symmetrical.
you wrapped the scarf around it’s neck, and put the hat on top. “okay kou, i’m done! can i turn around?”
there was a short pause, “okay now you can.”
you turned around to him on his knee, holding out a ring. your mouth dropped open to see writing in the snow.
will you marry me? ♥︎
“yes! yes yes!” you basically screamed, tackling him and kissing him repeatedly.
“the ring! wheres the ring?” he questioned. you both started to dig it up in the snow, laughing at how stupid you two were.
you found it, and slid it on your finger. “i cant wait to marry you, baby.” your hands slid up and down his chest before you kissed him.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Is there anything you've waiting for an excuse to rant/talk about but the opportunity hasnt presented itself?
so this is half a lie bc ive been talking this nonstop for 5 days or so- BUT not publicly.
the spk storyline.
yes- yes- i know- "but tamara youve been doing nothing but post drabbles and picrews and-" SHUSH. I HAVENT TALKED ABT THE FULL CONTEXT AND STORYLINE YET. SO NOW I WILL. SIT DOWN.
ok ok so the entire premise of the spk au i have w @whumpsday is that kane somehow gets taken from the hunters to seth. and meets pumpkin. and theyre both horribly horribly tortured right.
now. this au has a rescue arc. BECAUSE bellamy, that fine ass man swoops in and kills seth. that does not go over well w pumpkin who, while less and less by the second bc of kane's treatment, is madly in fucken love with that man. and of course seeing bellamy commit murder??? is scary??? so pumpkin is TERRIFIED.
now after the rescue pumpkin spends a while being skittish and hostile towards bel, while kane is trying to sort out his own trauma and also manage that, and bellamy is trying his best to be like... non-threatening- but how do u act non-threatening after killing someone yknow- AND on top of all that, pumpkin is going mad without their daily fix of dehumanization. enter anton de sang. whom pumpkin sees and thinks yes. that is the man.
SO BABY PUMPKIN RUNS THE FUCK OFF AFTER ANTON TO BE LIKE "sir? sir? can u step on me?" AND ANTON IS LIKE. GLADLY?? WHAT A FUCKEN WEIRDO. pumpkin gets WHUMPED. while kane and bellamy r freaking out bc they find pumpkin's note abt where they went and they Immediately go after them. theres some angst in here i dont wanna spoil but GOD its some good shit. pumpkin gets home safe tho :D
they all know this cant go on, this is very unhealthy, kane offers to act like pumpkin's new owner in exchange for them never running off again, and pumpkin turns it down bc they know it makes kane SO uncomfy. but bellamy has great acquantances..... and this is where ambrose comes into the picture. u guessed it, the man is a professional vamp dom. thats how he and el meet. oh yes, by the time that happens, pumpkin finally gets the courage to leave the petname behind and start using the name el! which is a shortened version of their birth name that sounds more gender neutral and they love the sound of!
am helps them work through their little traumas while the two of them also fall for each other like nobodys business. in the meantime kane also finally works up the courage w el's help to ask out bellamy, and those two gay little lovebirds also get together. but oh no! el is... el is human... so when they and am finally get married (bc of course they do) that "death do us part" bit is pretty sour. am knows he only has limited time w them.
BUT BC THIS IS AN AU AND WE ALL WANT THEM TO SPEND 3000 YEARS TOGETHER IN HAPPINESS WE DECIDED HEY, AM COULD FIND OUT ABT THE ORIGINAL RITUAL THAT CREATED VAMPIRES AND TURN EL!!!!! so he does :D and from there its all sunshine rainbows and fluff, they live happily ever after as a huge happy family. am's parents kind of adopt kane, which does mean that they rly are one big family since both el and bel marry into it. so they just all share the same last name. oh yes bc neither kane nor bellamy would want to keep their original last names anyway bc of their stupid shitty families. SO YES. thats what we've been discussing for days now and its so good and im so happy it sparks so much joy
and then we have the dark spk au where seth actually survives that night and later bel and am go over to his house when the four of them realize hes alive, and get revenge :) this is a tasty au
theres the bbe or bloodbag el au, where kane takes el instead of jim and anton takes seth. thats where anton's on again off again girlfriend ruby comes in and this au splits into two once more
in one version seth gets taken by ruby later! which is way better than anton but also fucken humiliating bc ruby treats him like a silly little puppy. anton takes graham after this, like in canon
in the other seth never gets out from anton :) poor him :) lucky lucky graham tho
honestly the bbe is the sweetest shit bc el loves being owned by kane. they eventually rly grow on kane.....
we briefly discussed a feisty kane au too, where kane gets taken by the hunters, but before hes properly broken he gets taken by seth. that au includes kane being rude as shit to pumpkin at first. but also seth gets to break him himself :)
anyway heres a demonstration of the difference between spk and bbe
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and heres ruby
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thank u for this ask it means a lot i rly hope i didnt share anything mill didnt want me to share-
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
happy birthday saeran choi!! my love!! him!! anyways i did a fluff alphabet for him <3 under the cut
also its technically the 12th here :( sorry
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- mod kichi who yes is a 707 kinnie too
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
your kindness, you respect towards him in trusting him and letting him make choices. in terms of physically he likes your lips, and your eyes.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
its canon he wants a baby, either biologically or via adoption :) i feel like he'd want to wait though, he has healing to do and he wants to experience life a bit, and then raise a child. he would be a very gentle father, and make sure they experience everything he didnt get to.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
he likes being face to face, getting to see you - sweethearts cradle if im not wrong? but honestly? he doesnt mind
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
he has a lot he wants to see, and he'll want to take you everywhere,, a lot of cloud gazing (gave me flashbacks to UP), nature dates,
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
"you are my life / soul / world / happiness"
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
God, he knew when you were both in that damn cult. and he hated it, he wanted to deny it, Unknown wanted to deny it, Ray didn't understand it. but his racing heart and pink cheeks said otherwise
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
so gentle! especially since he feels a lot of guilt over how suit saeran treated you. even if hes being playful, like tickling you or tough housing, theres always this softness to it
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
he loves it! he always has his hands brushing against yours, wrapping a little finger around yours. its like silent love
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
that you were pretty but a bit too trusting, or perhaps you didnt care much what happened to you... you interested him
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
he trusts you, however there will be moments he doubts himself and his worth. he may stay silent, or he may gently explain his feelings - not in a way to make you feel bad or cut ties with someone but just to communicate
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
canonly you did! hes not a very good kisser, youre his first, but they're sweet anyways :) and he gets better with time !! there's always this softness to them, like he sees you as something so precious you may wilt away if he's too rough
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
i feel like it was him canonically? it was a lot for him, it may just be words but it was new and it was terrifying
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
probably the first while after his after ending, just you him and saeyoung, finding his freedom for the first time. it was a rough time, but his first tastes of happiness
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
he's not exactly rich, despite saeyoung insisting they share the money he's saved up, but i feel like he would get you things! little things, flowers, jewellery youve had your eye on, small but meaningful gifts he hopes you'll enjoy
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
probably your favourite colour/s
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
darling, love, my love, sweetheart, flower, petal, different flower names, my hope
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
books, flowers, etc,, honestly he prefers most non modern things
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
honestly he likes the rain, he'd use his time to find something to do - read a book, watch something. he has so much he wants to experience he doesnt get bored in the rain.
i can see him going out at least once, getting his clothes soaked and having to have a bath afterwards, at risk of getting a cold the next day
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
he bottles up a lot, tries to seem happy,, he'll slip back into his irritable moods at rare times, and you'll find him hidden away in corners with tear stained cheeks. he has panic attacks a lot too
however, he does get therapy and help, ans he will try his best to explain his feelings to you as well. a few times he may want you or saeyoung with him, or even just waiting outside.
when you're upset he'll take tips you gave him back to you, if you dont want to talk then try distract you and etc
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
everything! seriously! his passions and hobbies, yours, everything and nothing, he loves it
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
his flowers, being with you, baths, cooking
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
his flowers!!
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
he'd want to discuss marriage, make sure you want to and you're both ready. he'd take you on a nice date, somewhere you like, buy you ice cream, and he'd ask you once you were alone, with a bouquet of hand chosen flowers, each with a special meaning.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Line Without A Hook
Mr Loverman
Meant To Be Yours (not healthy but)
Him (james marriott's one!! its one of my favourite songs!! especially reverbed and slowed)
And more i cant think of
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
yes!! especially since its something his parents never did (i dont even think they dated?), it feels like securing something, a reassurance you'll be together.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
,,bias again its a cat. cats are perfect for him, they need attention and care and play at times, but equally not a huge amount and constantly,, especially if its one that likes sleeping on his lap
they might dig up his plants though :(
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