#they do not gain any money from it tho. all they gain is their joy. and when you go into their comments or ask box or whatever
sorcerous-caress · 6 months
Wait I'm kinda obsessed with Liandalon being his handler bc that's hilarious and so accurate tbh
Also him making money off some desk job and funneling all of it straight to his human kink stuff is such a fun direction, like I can imagine he gets paid and immediately books it to the markets to find that one whittler who makes really pretty wooden nude figures of humans and stuff
I'm also planning for him to have some sort of backstory with a specific group of elves where he was supposed to be heading to the human city for a specific purpose but completely lost sight of that, and at one point the elves who sent him are gonna come knocking, cue everything the party knows coming crashing down, Lian angst moment, big reveal, and probably combat
I still need to iron out some of the details on why Lian was sent exactly, so if you have any suggestions lmk!! (also it is very late and I have exams tmr so I gotta turn in for the night, but hearing your feedback and talking with you has been a joy! 💜💜)
Good luck on your exams!
And hmm maybe the elves who sent him are from a secluded sanctuary? Maybe an elf supremacy cult or something.
They sent him here do he can work his way up the human society ladder and gain enough credit with the mayor so they become the elves puppet or get replaced by an elf eventually.
Their plan is to basically speedrun elf integration into the modern world, but this group didn't want to ask the humans for help or bring technology to their sacred sanctuary. So instead they planned to overtake one of the human cities to themselves and starting inside out.
After all, humans have so many cities already, why would they miss one?
Lian has been following the plan, on paper at least. From their perspective he is gaining respect amongst the important humans and credit, a bit slowly for their liking but whatever. They're unaware of his human obsession.
And this could also explain his obsession! He was a part of this elf cult too but he never felt like he fit in, yk? He did believe that elves were the superior race and everything tho (callback to the fantasy stories he read about elves saving and guiding humans as a child)
When this plan came to motion and he was suddenly thrust amidst the human city and technology, he was beyond stunned. All his previous views on humanity shattered and he grew to adore and respect them, after all look at all of their amazing inventions! An elf would've never came up with onlyfans or a smartphone.
The problem is that, he has been spending too much of the money he made on his human obsession when he was supposed to use it for bribes for the elf cult plan. They saw humanity as very greedy that they thought bribing most of the government out would work easily (which honestly is kinda true)
That's why they get on his trail, send another elf who spies on him and sees him with the human party. Then the spy goes back to the cult to report their findings and That's how the cult shows up ready for a battle.
Also it is lowkey ironic that the elves want to steal a modern city from the humans, because humans originally copied the dwarves city designs when they built their own in the forgotten realms.
But the dwarves were literally so chill they took it as a compliment that the humans copied them and just smiled and patted the humans on the head, even helping them build their cities back before technology.
So the elves are technically stealing from the dwarves which is the irony of the century.
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 1 year
Hi lovely! 💞
I hope by the time you answer this you're feeling better and you recovered from your sickness 👐 (btw, take your time to answer if you're not feeling completely well yet!)
This is my ask for your Valentine game and i'd like to choose option 1 (prediction for my love life based on my Solar return chart) 😊
(This is my 2022 solar return chart, my birthday is on August, and honestly i am so excited for the 2023 just by looking at my new sr chart lol, but for now, i'm gonna take this 2022 one haha)
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Thank you for your time,
Take care 💖 and
I wish you a great day!✨
Hi Lovely!!🥺🥰 I've recovered tysm. Of course I will do your Solar return💐💗
Your 7th house starts in Scorpio at a Sagittarius degree with Pluto in the 9th house conjunct your Midheaven. Automatically I see some travel romance or a big change in career this year. Pluto is retrograde tho so these changes will most likely be delayed including romance.
Your 5th house ooooohhh👀👀 this one's fun. It starts in Leo and contains a stellium of Moon in Leo, Sun in Virgo & Mercury in Libra. You also have moon conjunct sun! It looks like the main focus of your year will be on your passions, hobbies, what makes you feel happy, potential hookups & crushes. The ruler of this house is the Sun in Virgo at 3° so anything with writing or painting, using your hands basically to create art will bring you joy. You will be much more aligned with your hobbies this year and really focusing on them heavily. I'd say you'd actually perfect a lot of talents this year and would be willing to share your hobbies with others more freely with Mercury in Libra. You'd definitely take a lot of inspiration from art and aesthetics this year that's for sure.
You might attract some turbulent crushes but also fun ones with Mercury in Libra here. I'd also say if you do develop a relationship with any crushes it would be a very heartwarming and protective one where you both feel in tune with another. Kinda like a Sun & Moon person with that conjunction (someone who embody the sun, the other embodies the moon <3). That was so cheesy I almost died cuz that's my dream connection LMFAOO. BUT BASICALLY you'd gain a lot of inspiration from your romantic feelings this year and could channel it into art. You will be very self focused this year tho with that Sun & Moon conjunction in the 5th house. It's all about finding what makes you happy and feel joy this year.
Venus is in Leo 4th House at a significant 18° (Virgo degree). This degree can symbolize sickness sometimes or just a lot of problems and chaos to manage or organize. I'd say with Venus in Leo that speaks about learning how to let your style & love shine or let your sensual side run wild. In the 4th house this is our family, emotional roots & home. With Venus in Leo at 18° someone in your family might have heart problems or get sick this year but Leo is a nice sign for overcoming problems as it's the sign of courage and strength. You might spend more time loving your family this year and desires will come out of enriching your emotional experiences. There could be some nice things rewarded for your family this year? Like gaining money or more likely luxurious items. There also might be a spotlight on your love life within the family this year. Like your family may criticize who you're with and your decisions in love but out of an overprotective nature. I would say you're attracting potentially a childhood friend or someone from the past romantically this year.
If you were to get into a relationship it will probably be introduced through family and be quite a passionate and protective relationship. Look out for LEO'S A LOT. I SWEAR almost every planet and house having to do with love has major Leo themes. Also look for Scorpios & Sagittarius.
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tobias-fell · 2 years
"we should bully fanfic writers more when their work sucks" hi, I'm a person who doesn't even write fanfic here to say you're an asshole. fanfic is free, it's someone's hobby, they're doing it for fun, and if you don't like it you can just click the back button instead of being a little bitch
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ajaxwrites · 3 years
(previous: part i)
Seaglass by Aevas
There was more to the contract than a gnosis and test of Liyue. It seemed like a simple deal five hundred years ago: so long as Morax never had a soulmate, the Tsaritsa would never harm Liyue and she would not get his gnosis. But the moment he gained a soulmate, all that belonged to him was forfeit. He thought the deal left Liyue safe—he'd lived thousands of years without a soulmate. The Tsaritsa would be dead and gone by the time she'd have a chance to collect.
Five hundred years later, Childe appears in Liyue, Zhongli gains a soulmate mark, and everything falls apart.
(The obligatory soulmate AU, featuring a Zhongli with PTSD, an oblivious Childe, and demon-worshipping cultists.)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: I CANNOT BELIEVE I SLEPT ON THIS FIC FOR SO LONG. Read it and I mean it! I admitted initially steered clear of this fic because I wasn’t comforted with a soulmate tartali fic pre-Osial but this fic is actually post-Ostial *facepalm* The writing is phenomenal and Aevas does some beautiful worldbuilding that you typically don’t see in Genshin Impact fics. I love the dynamic between Childe and Zhongli here and the angst is real. The author writes the two as very human characters who makes mistakes, etc. and notably Zhongli struggles with the concept of Childe as his soulmate (who understandably is upset by the rejection when he realizes). They get better though. Also very plotty. A+ writing.
it's a hard rock life for us by reptilianraven
“Ah, no need to worry about that,” Azhdaha waves a dismissive hand. “There is no real Kun Jun. He’s dead.”
A leaf blows past and plaps onto Aether’s face.
“You killed him???” Paimon screeches.
“No,” Azhdaha scrunches his eyebrows. “He was dead when I found him.”
“And you just decided to wear his corpse?” Aether says, leaf still on his face.
He shrugs. “It was free real estate.”
“Azhdaha...” Morax says, sounding vaguely pained.
Or the one where Historia Antiqua Chapter II: No Mere Stone goes a little bit different and Azhdaha gets more time.
He ultimately uses that time to bully Morax into confronting his immortal neuroses, to make Aether and Paimon suffer, and to figure out how to get that ginger boy Morax has his eye on to make a move already.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe, Past Azhdaha/Zhongli
Notes: Very lighthearted, humor-filled fic. Love how Azhdaha is so flippant. Interactions with Zhongli and Childe are pure gold.
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes by moonlight_mist
Childe has a Weapon problem- specifically, that he can't keep one.
He's too reckless, too wild, and too keen on pushing his Weapon partners past their limits. He's just about ready to give up when he meets Zhongli, a Weapon who just might be the solution- so long as Childe can manage to keep his dick in his pants.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This is a Soul Eater AU with some college/university AU vibes (?) but you don’t really need to know much about the anime. It’s a cute AU and I love the premise. Light angst but otherwise, it’s a pretty semi-plotty fic. Easter egg Kaeya and Diluc though.
To Kill A God by IlluminanceinTales
In Snezhnaya, they call them sansis—lost souls that have no guidance but themselves. It’s an apt description, given that most of the time, wannabe-Archons have to go through dozens of tests with nothing as their reference, relying solely on their wit and strength and hoping it would be enough. At least, until they survive the end of the whole game—and they might not have to undergo a painful reincarnation which feels like a hundred bones being stitched together again.
On his seventh game, Childe Tartaglia reincarnates this time in the body of a young man.
Damn, he thinks, looking down at his thin body, his slightly calloused fingers. This won’t be good when facing the other Hydro Decisions.
In a world where an Archon's position is not chosen but fought for in games, Childe Tartaglia is a Hydro Decision who's poised to become the next Hydro Archon. Of course, that's only if he survives his seventh reincarnation. All would be so much easier if it weren't for a certain Geo Archon interfering with every possible chance he gets.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Think Hunger Games meet Political Intrigue meet Genshin Impact. Love the premise and world building that’s done. Features overprotective Zhongli and lots of Childe whump. Has one or two supplementary OCs that aren’t really important outside of plot device reasons. Warning for character death tho lmao.
Three's a Family by IlluminanceinTales
Childe finds a kid that looks just like him.
Of course Zhongli wants to keep him.
Or: How a harbinger and an archon accidentally become fathers. The kid is their wingman
Ships: Childe/Zhongli (?)
Notes: Your everyday cute AF kid fic. Fluffy as hell and super cute. Zhongli and Childe get domestic pretty quickly. Xiao gets dubbed a grandfather and begrudgingly plays along. Super wholesome.
in pitch dark i go walking in your landscape by snowbrigade
He glanced down at him, at the silvery scars peeking out from beneath his robe, and at his eyes, properly now. They were the bright blue of high quality noctilucous jade, but he could see it, an underlying darkness.
Zhongli wondered what his eyes betrayed about himself. --
Rex Lapis is dead. Zhongli, formerly known as triad leader Rex Lapis, is a detective investigating his own "death." Childe, also known as Tartaglia of the Fatui mafia, is undercover as an escort looking to kill Rex Lapis- until someone beats him to it, and he wants to know who. Goals intersecting, they form a partnership of ulterior motives.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: There’s like one scene that skews NSFW but otherwise surprisingly not explicit. Really fun AU. Like how the author addresses Childe’s reaction to being stuck with the undercover escort stuff and how the dynamic between the two develops. Pretty plotty so far.
Phantom Lines by iskendaris
“It’s a measure of one’s self, Mr Zhongli.” Childe says. “Maybe you don’t understand it since you work as a consultant, but as an ambassador from the Tsaritsa, as one who fights in her name— this is how I learn to know the measure of myself.” “I understand,” Zhongli says thoughtfully. “It is a warrior’s way, to test one’s strength against the incomparable. To find where one falls short. To find where one has risen to the challenge.”
In which Childe has insomnia, vandalizes public property and runs into a mysterious funeral consultant on his first night in Liyue.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: THE FEELS. I can only describe this as the fic where Zhongli pays Best Boyfriend Ever only to FUCK UP big time (via Gnosis deception). Poor, poor Childe. Look, he gave the boy feelings and then broke him. You can really feel Childe fall in love in this love. He also does mental swooning a lot lmao. 
adventitious by Anonymous
It's said the Ley Lines remember all things that happen in this world, from the surface down to the deepest depths... But in the hidden corners where the Gods' gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming.
There's a dormant bud where Kaeya's eye once was. One day, it will bloom. (Never forget: memory is untrustworthy.)
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: I don’t even know where to start. This is very headcanony and lore-focused. Very much concentrated on Khaenri'ah. The implications of this story is grotesque to say the least (according to this fic, Visions are the literal eyes of the people of Khaenri'ah). Warnings for eye and body horror.
Without Those Dark Memories by StrangeDiamond
Diluc awakens in Stormterror’s Lair with no memories of the past five years. Kaeya is on the trail of a rogue alchemist, with a habit of testing his chemicals on unwilling human subjects. Now, in addition to capturing the criminal, Kaeya has to shake him down for an antidote . . . and deal with an amnesiac Diluc who acts exactly like he did before their brotherhood fell apart. (Standalone Fic.)
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: This is sort of a classic amnesia fic. I particularly really liked the way that Kaeya was written in this. I feel like the author did a really good job nailing his character and they have a way of capturing the subtle things.
Through the warmth, through the cold by strikedawn
“It’s you!” Paimon shouted with a twirl in mid-air.
“…Excuse me?"
They were drunk. Were they drunk? Was he drunk? Because Kaeya had the feeling his guests had been talking to him for a while now, but none of their words had made any sense whatsoever.
That was, until Venti stepped firmly in front of Kaeya’s desk and set his hands on the top, the better to lean over towards Kaeya and say: “For the end of the Windblume festival, Sir Kaeya Alberich, we’re going to auction a date with you.”
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: Shortword, Kaeya gets auctioned off. Diluc makes impulsive (but good) decisions and scores himself a Date but displays an inability to do Date Planning. Venti deserves a pat on the back. Very sweet.
Hide and Seek by Kiri_Kaitou_Clover
Childe did not expect regaining his memories would bring him such frustration.
He makes the best of the situation by messing with one amber eyed consultant in anyway he can.
A reincarnated storm god wades through life in Liyue, all while screaming about one dragon god's incompetency at being human.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Features Childe as Osial’s very exasperated reincarnation, who gets the joy of discovering that his rival/enemy Morax is not only an idiot but also broke AF. He still falls in love anyway. Contains this golden line: 
"Did... did that complete blockhead really use my money in order to get me a gift that basically says that he is proposing to me?!"
(Osial was screaming. When had the other god become like this?! Had he always been like this?!)
Getting that Bread by tzitzimeme
Concubine AU where Zhongli is Emperor, Xiao is an assassin sent to kill him while disguised as a woman in his imperial harem, and the only reason he doesn't actually do it is because he pities Zhongli for being so catastrophically stupid (also Xiao falls in love).
Ships: Zhongli/Xiao
Notes: Like Xiao says, Zhongli is an idiot. Fluff and humor filled. Xiao spends a good 95% of this exasperated by Zhongli’s bullshit. 
prayers for a boy by Recluse
The only way to reconciliation is fierce combat!
Hm... Come to think of it, there will be a lot of interesting news to be heard the next time we gather for drinks. Filling in the blanks.
Ships: N/A
Notes: I...don’t really know where to begin with this? It’s exactly what the summary implies...but more? I was tempted to describe this as the fic where Zhongli puts his foot in his mouth but...that’s not exactly write? I feel like this was more of a character study. It explores the aftermath of the Osial Incident and how Zhongli and Childe reconnect. Platonically...though I guess it can be read romantically. 
one kind of longing, two places of sorrow by lady_peony
Zhongli's hands rest behind his back, both gloved hands clasping one another. His fingers tighten around one another for the merest moment, before he relaxes his grip.
"There is a tradition in Liyue," Zhongli says, his back still to Childe standing behind him, "of inviting out a companion to a last meal before a farewell."
A pause.
"A tradition?" Childe echoes.
"With a companion?"
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: The fic where neither of the two communicate about jackshit but go on a quiet, sad not-date before Childe leaves for Snezhnaya. Childe pulls (? on accident or on purpose, I can not tell) the equivalent of leaving the jacket in the car post-date to get date to call for the second date. Also, the author has a gift for like...writing angst...without writing angst? Like the whole fic is like brimming with everything that the characters aren’t saying but the thoughts aren’t necessarily written out BUT YOU KNOW THOSE DUMBFUCKS ARE JUST LIKE. BRIMMING WITH FEELS? 
The People of Liyue by queer_occurrences
But Zhongli whispers, his low voice rooted in the back of Childe’s mind. “Changsun, the merchant, who is never too Mora-enthralled to turn away a needy child. There’s Tiantian—she will allow anyone to join the Adventurer’s Guild—she knows what it is to be desperate.”
Childe ducks away from them and hurries out over the bridge. It’s a warm, sunny day, the kind he would have complained about, whining about his delicate Snezhnayan skin. “It’ll burn, or worse, freckle. Would you still like me if I was freckled?”
Then Zhongli would say, “The people of Liyue will remember your sacrifice.” And he would wrinkle his nose.
Or: after it all goes down, Childe takes a walk.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: The author has a way with perfectly balancing angst with humor in a way that makes you cackle. There’s a lot of feels in this one. Zhongli tries communicating--Childe runs away a lot. There’s a lot of love for Liyue in this one.
cold blooded, warm blooded, hearts all the same by reptilianraven
Teyvat Petting Zoo @tyvtpettingzoo
Well would you look at that! Zhongli, our resident spinytail iguana, has gotten quite cozy with Childe, our new (and very feisty) ginger ferret! Aren’t they adorable all cuddled together like this? 😍😍😍
[Attached image shows a brown spinytail iguana curled up against a ginger ferret. The iguana’s head is nuzzled under the snout of the ferret.]
At the Teyvat Petting Zoo, Zhongli and Childe fall in love.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: ...I promise I’m not weird. This is just super cute. Cross-species love affair? Childe the ferret is very besotted. The internet is confused and the zoo keepers are just done.
a geo archon's guide to the modern era by Erina
“Morax,” Xiao says after Zhongli finishes his retelling of the incident. “He thinks you’re a weirdo.”
“No, don’t say that,” Barbatos snickers. “You’ll give him hope that this is salvageable.” He lowers his voice. “Morax, he thinks you’re a boomer.”
(In which Zhongli hibernates for centuries and wakes up in the modern world)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This took me, I shit you not, FIVE SEPARATE ATTEMPTS to read. Not because it was bad but BECAUSE THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT WAS REAL. Like, omg, just reading about Zhongli’s introduction to modernity made me want to dig a hole and die. Super funny though. Do not read in public or you will look like a lunatic. Has a...parallel (?) fic in the same series called  buy two get one archon free where Zhongli gets reversed isekai’d into an anime convention.
time flies like an arrow by Erina
He’s tired, tired of the unbreakable loop of watching his loved ones pass on, tired of getting attached only for the connection to be violently ripped away from him. He wonders if the real victors during the Archon War were those who perished, who died long before their godhood turned into a curse that chained them to the land that they were fighting for.
But that is not a problem for Childe to worry about. That is Zhongli’s burden to bear, delivered to him in a pretty package years ago in the form of a gnosis.
His very first contract.
(Zhongli and Childe, across many lifetimes)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This is a quiet fic. It’s this kind of slice-of-life fic colored by this overpowering sense of love and loss as Zhongli remains immortal and Childe dies and lives and dies and lives for hundreds of lifetimes, but always finds his way back to his geo archon. It’s so lovely but also unbearably sad.
Tartaglia’s Favorite Professor by GreyLiliy
The famed hitman Tartaglia of the Fatui Syndicate spends his days as the charming college student Childe. The two lives remain as separate as possible in order to maintain a flawless cover to keep the authorities off his back and to better serve the Tsaritsa.
However, new intel about a rival syndicate intersects his two lives in a way he could never have predicted.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Mafia AU meet College AU. Childe is somehow both a horny AF college student and murderous hitman. Zhongli gives off major DILF vibes. GreyLily somehow makes this work while also avoiding cringe. Highly recommended!
like a handprint on my heart by fallingintodivinity
“Strictly off-the-record,” Jean says, with a small smile, “I’m really happy to see you and Captain Kaeya getting along again, Master Diluc.”
“We’re not – we’re not getting along,” Diluc tells her, indignant. “We’re working together. Unwillingly, I might add.”
“Yes – oh, yes, of course.”
Diluc stares at Jean suspiciously. “Are you laughing at me?”
Jean clears her throat primly. “I would never.”
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: Super, super cute! Sort of reads like a first date fic except genshin impact style? Writing style is very refreshing!
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storysofmyown · 4 years
can u do a hc on how the brothers n u would b in quarantine? ik there would b no quarantine in devildom but yk dhsjsjjs-
Of course! And as someone who has been in quarantine since almost February, this was a little too real XD
Oh? There's a quarantine? Time to be productive!
He goes full mother mode and starts cleaning the whole house while also making the brothers clean their rooms and help him up.
He doesn't use the "does this spark joy?" Methods, nah, he uses the "if it's on the ground it's getting thrown out"
That's how Levi almost lost one of figurines. Poor boy dove on the floor to save it a still has the scrap
Besides cleaning, Lucifer also spent most of his time doing the paperwork he would usually do at night.
This man went in strong and finished all the paperwork in 2 weeks and so...he was forced to spend time with his brothers.
Worst/best months of his life. He has never been so close with his brothers...and he absolutely hates it-
On the bright side, he has discovered new ways to punish his brothers in different, inventive ways. (RIP Mammon)
While some may think he would be from the ones that have the hardest time, he actually suffered from it the first few weeks and then he just...grew uses to it?
Tho, Lucifer did give him a hard time with his room. Was his floor always this color? Or did it change when you mopped it?
Also, how the hell was there loose change in his room?! How the hell did he not know about it!?
After that he offered to help clean the others room just so he could snatch any loose change they had.
Tho, the part that most bothered him of being quarantined was not being able to go out and go to casinos or get to his usual schemes
But then, he found a couple of online games that fueled his addiction to gamble
"I mean! It's a gambling game, with all the real life stuff...but get this! You don't actually have to spend or lose any money! Isn't that great?!"
"You do realize that also means you don't make any money...right?"
This boy didn't even know there was a quarantine the whole time.
He thought it was weird how everyone was always home all of a sudden but he had many events, games, animes and mangas to care for to ask his brothers why they were at the house all the time. 
This whole thing did make him grow closer to his brothers tho. Since, he is basically the king of isolation (Elsa who? Nah, Levi) all the others kept constantly bugging him and asking him for recommendations of games and even shows to watch.
He has like 70 new records on his games and didn't even bat an eye when Lucifer told him they would be taking online classes. His response was just “Nice, less people!”
Which got a whine out of Asmo who is so touch starved
The day Lucifer announced the quarantine was over everyone was happy except for Levi who just ???
“There was a quarantine going on?”
“You are a useless otaku, you know that-”
This man went into quarantine with a whole ass library worth of unread books and he came out being able to recite them like old poetry, learned 6 languages (without including morse code), is basically a chef at this point, has a whole ass youtube channel to debunking stupid theories he saw on the internet and knows how to play violin, piano, and the flute.
He wasted zero seconds being stuck in that house. He used them all to gain knowledge.
He even started to read some mangas from levi just because he had read ALL of his books at least twice and he wouldnt be getting any new because he couldn't leave to go to the library.
Tho, his and Lucifer’s relationship got better...and worse at the same time.
The two spent so much time stranded with one another they are physically sick of seeing the others face. Satan literally put a spell on Lucifer so that he wouldn't be able to see him for a whole day. He was grounded an entire month.
Being grounded from the stuff he liked to do ended up making him have to play along with his brothers ideas. Which only gave Lucifer more headache. Satan 1 - Lucifer 0.
“It hasn't even been 3 days-”
“AND YET I HAVE LOST SUBS, BEEL! This is all because the lightning in this house is LESS than ideal for my beautiful skin!”
This poor demon has never been as touch starved as he is during the whole process.
He is constantly whining about how he just wants to be hugged and held. It makes all the brothers sick of hi by the third day. Tho, he does manage to get some hugs a day from them! Even from Levi the reclusive.
Also, you KNOW this man made himself an only fans account.
He got so fucking popular on it even Diavolo heard of it...which obviously meant Lucifer found out and close the account.
“Eeeeeh?! But what about my fans?! They cant possibly survive this quarantine without my precious face!”
“I’m sure they will manage.”
“You are so mean! Where am i going to get from the attention and compliments I deserve?”
“You literally compliment yourself every 2 seconds in front of the mirror.”
“It’s not the same, Belphegor!”
Also, this boy did so many g=face masks and shit he basically came out shinning-
This poor boy gets in trouble so much. But he cant help himself! he gets hungry and being able to just...get up and go into the kitchen is a possibility he is not about to throw away!
Like! How is he supposed to resist?!
Besides! It was Lucifer’s fault for buying a month worth of groceries knowing Beel would be around. They didn't last an hour.
On the other hand, has actually been working out quite a lot.
And! Boy even managed to convince Levi to work out with him as well!
Granted, Leviathan didn't make it 10 minutes in, but it was fun for Beel to instruct his brother! : D
Beel actually would be one of the less that suffered during the whole time. Yes he missed going out and tasting new restaurants. But he loves his family and enjoys spending time with them quite a bit!
He literally slept trough the whole thing.
The day it started he looked at Lucifer and went “Welp, i’m going to hibernate. Wake me up when its over.”
Lucifer only rolled his eyes...but almost a week later he realized that Belphegor was being serious about not waking up at all-
So, Beel was instructed to wake him up.
He was in a bad mood for being woken up, and groggy the rest of the day. But after that, he started to spend a lot of time with both Asmodeus and Leviathan playing games.
He even managed to win against Levi once!
Also, Belphegor spent the whole time procrastinating on doing any chores Lucifer gave him. Clean his room? Good luck waking him up. Do the laundry? Awe, too bad Beel ate the detergent. Help Satan on the kitchen? He almost burned Mammon in the process because he feel asleep watching over boiling water. 
Bonus on one of my Mc’s just because I can
During this whole thing I can see my Mc, Amaria,driving Satan crazy! She wouldn't leave his side at all XD. She would also be constantly helping Mammon, Belphie, and Satan on their pranks on Lucifer
Hope y’all enjoyed those little headcanons! I dont know if this is exactly what you wanted but I had fun with it! Stay safe people!
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luv-leni · 3 years
T1419 as vampires
Authors note: Happy spooky season!!
Warnings: mentions of blood, darker themes, kinda sad in some parts but it’s not too bad
Power hungry
The years of being a vampire have dulled the effect of human activities and joys so now he strives to get that feeling back
So he’s a high ranking official
Maybe a politician or a CEO or smth
This boy wants money and the best things that money can buy
Because of all of his money he gets access to the blood he needs no questions asked
His assistants or whatever think it’s kinda weird but are way too scared to say anything
He also wants to change the world he just can’t decide if he wants it to be for better or worse
Has become a little entitled but not completely
He’s still impressionable and the right person could set him on the right track
Office worker
He works in a big corporation but is pretty low in the work hierarchy
He’s probably an accountant or some kind of finance worker
Maybe a finance worker at a big hospital
It’s a big and private place so nobody really notices him
Or that he’s been working there a very long time
He usually hides his face pretty well and doesn’t seem to have any friends
Anyone who has seen his face is stunned by how cool he looks
He is so cold and pretty it seems unnatural
Because it is 😛
Okay hear me out
Vampire athlete
Kevin is a young vamp in sports
Maybe he plays basketball or track
And he is super admired
He uses his vamp skills to excel at his sport
Yeah it's cheating but he’s cute so 😶
Nobody ever suspects anything is off because Kevin is very good at keeping his secret
Only a few designated people know about it
And he has no problem eating getting rid of anybody threatening to leak his secret
He probably mixes blood in with sports drinks so he can drink them during games
He is a phenomenal fighter
He uses his supernatural skills to advance like Kevin
However gunwoo isn’t as sneaky
So some people have started to suspect that he’s cheating
But nobody can figure out how
Boy is definitely strong tho
People who don’t think he’s cheating just think he’s a beast
His fights will make record books
Teachers assistant vampire
He works in a college and has for a while
He got turned after he had gotten the job and couldn’t find a reason to change careers
There is something very clearly strange about him
He doesn’t seem to have any friends and nobody knows where he came from
His appearance is pretty off putting too
He mainly works with night classes for obvious reasons
Any student who has worked one on one with him will say that, while he’s charming, he’s got a strange air to him
Nobody has ever gotten close enough to figure out what exactly he is(yet😉)
Model vampire
After he turned he just gained the most gorgeous physical attributes
He’s tall and has beautiful eyes u could get lost in
stop simping for on em
Anyway he’s so beautiful and alluring that modeling agencies scouted him out immediately
He makes bank from it too
Other than modeling he keeps a pretty low profile
He doesn’t go out much and his home is situated in a beautiful forest far off from the rest of the world
And he’s a vegan vamp so he only drinks animal blood
Probably hunts bears like in twilight 😭
He plans to spend eternity in his quaint little home
I think as a vampire zero would keep a pretty low profile
He doesn’t want to get caught and has no desire to do anything crazy with his newfound powers
So he works as a night shift guard or something similar
He works in a hospital so it gives him perfect access to blood and requires minimal effort on his part
He rarely comes around the hospital during the day
He prefers to hang out at home instead of going out
Some of the patients who are there overnight try to befriend him
It kinda works :/
He’s happy to not be alone all the time but he doesn’t want to be caught
So if he gets too close to somebody he’ll gradually stop visiting them
Very angst 😣
Sad :(((
Poor bby doesn’t want to be a vampire!! he wants to be normal :((((
Kairi wants to make connections with people and enjoy the sunlight
He wants to do human things :(
But now he can’t and it’s really damaged his morale
He goes through life pretty down for a few years after he’s turned only drinking enough blood to keep him alive
Then he finds his thing
The thing that clicks for him that brightens up his world again
Maybe it’s a good cause (or maybe it’s u 🤭)
Either way he has found his joy again!!
And he’s never, ever letting it go 😃
High school student vamp!
But he’s experienced and knows how to stay under the radar
He got turned freshman year and is now a senior
He volunteers in the school's infirmary and helps out whenever he can
He’s pretty charming so he’s probably convinced a couple of people to willingly give him blood in exchange for things like doing their homework
He is super smart and admired by many people
He uses makeup to make his complexion more human-like
Overall he blends in with society quite well
He’s got no idea what he’s gonna do when he graduates though
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My Loud House Sin kids AU
(Sin Kids meaning- a fandom term for fictional sibling x sibling ship kids or fictional adult/minor ship kids)
So I’ve been getting into the loud house fandom lately and i found out the “sin kids” concept/AU where Lincoln has kids with his sisters and stuff, so yeah you know how that is, anyway i decided to create my own sin kids but between Bobby x Lincoln. The ship was first inspired by @samsuchan​ and by then i hadn’t really thought of the idea of bobby x lincoln but when I actually thought about it it sounded cute so decided to draw their sin kids
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(yes i am aware that bobby looks different here, i just don’t really like his headshape plus this is easier to draw)
So this is how my AU goes, It all started normally till after the episode where Lincoln and Bobby hang out,Lincoln finds out that he unfortunately has a crush on Bobby and tries to surpress the feelings because of the age gap and cause he’s dating Lori so later on they find out they have feelings for each other and then start having their secret relationship, it’s all fine and good till one day Bobby drinks Lisa’s potion and then one day unknowingly has a kid, he had no idea about it cause his stomach didn’t even swell and he wasn’t even showing the usual pregnancy symptoms, he just went to take a dump one day and found a fucking baby that looked identical to him and Lincoln, Bobby asks to move out and tries to keep the birth of the kid a secret from everyone except Lincoln, they keep unknowingly having more kids, thinking the effects of the potion would’ve worn off but it didn’t till their seventh kid, when Lincoln turned eighteen he moved out to go live with bobby and the kids but it didn’t take long for everyone to find out what was going on and be surprised and furious, well furious mostly referring to Mr and Mrs Loud, Lori,Ronnie Anne and the Casagrandes of course. They currently have seven kids though i’m still struggling with whether or not this takes place in the original sin kids AU of the loud house especially since Bobby is supposed to be dead in that AU, Well anyways time to introduce the kids!
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LUISA   LOUD, 16 years old
She is sixteen years old but mature for her age. She has a studious, serious and formal personality. She dislikes her buck teeth because she thinks less people might take her seriously because of it. She does smile but it doesn’t happen much. She loves reading adventure/mystery novels and is neat and organized like her father Bobby. She is responsible so she gets easily annoyed with her other sisters’s irresponsibility and she always does her best to please people and abide by rules.
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  LILIANA LOUD, 15 years old
A total comic book enthusiast,she does play video games but spends most of her time drawing comics and manga and watching anime. She has anxiety and stutters with her words. She can be kind and sweet but likes saying humorous depressed and suicidal lines from time to time which can most times annoy or creep out her sisters and parents. She is an anti-social shut in with no friends and just like her dad Bobby she is very clingy to people she’s close to. She can’t even imagine a single day without her dads and is very clearly not independent on her own. Her favorite comic book series is Ace Savvy which she likes to read with her dad Lincoln plus she also has a hobby of drawing hentai which she tries to hide from everyone.
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   LUPE   LOUD, 14 years old
Lupe is extremely irresponsible, feared by almost all of her sisters and sometimes even her parents!, she is considered to be “that one sibling you just don’t want to fuck with” in the house of the Loud and sees herself as a badass and regularly makes snarky comments . She likes to be on her own with her own private space but is not as anti-social as Lilianna . She gets annoyed easily and regularly yells at her siblings (tho its mostly the younger ones). She is not as petty as to do random shit just to piss people off but she’ll do it if she hates you. She also finds it fun to regularly tease people(not in a sexual way) and also likes to play videogames. Her favorite band is also “SMOOCH” though she can’t play any musical instruments so she just listens to music.She can sometimes be close with her sisters Liliana and Luz.She also regularly swears in spanish.
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LUPITA  LOUD, 13 years old
She is as cool as a cucumber and is very level headed and chill like her father and doesn’t really care or get bothered by most things though unlike Bobby she is extremely lazy and mostly spends her time lazing around the house much to Bobby’s disappointment. She sees herself as cool and is also obsessed with being cool . She gets unhappy when she has to do work even if it’s for her own good. Her favorite past time is sleeping, she doesn’t really have any skills and even if she does it’s probably something stupid like being able to make a fart sound with your armpit or being able to get your toe to touch your nose, she also uses the word “dude” in almost every sentence. Her laziness can also annoy her siblings from time to time.
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    LUZ     LOUD, 12 years old
(yes she’s inspired from the owl house)
  Luz is the main character of my Lincoln x Bobby AU, she is a very happy go lucky girl and is always optimistic. She is trustworthy of everyone around her which can make her a victim of her sisters’s plans as she is gullible, despite being dimwitted she is very good at making plans to get out of sticky or difficult  situations. She also dreams to be an astronaut when she grows up and likes designing spaceship ideas. Her favorite past time is playing video games with her dad Lincoln though other times she considers Lupa as her gaming partner. Lupa and Luz constantly argue but they have their moments. Luz also reads comics from time to time though only if they have something to do with space.
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LORENA   LOUD, 11 years old
Lorena is a very mischeivious girl who is always looking for new ways to piss people off all in the name of getting a reaction, she does this to everybody though her favorite victim is Lupa. She likes to be an annoying asshole to almost everyone and rarely abides by the rules. Her favorite past time is pulling ghost pranks and making fun of people,she finds joy in laughing at others misfortunes,she also makes ghost jokes. She likes reading comics about ghosts and has a big interest for paranormal stuff. She is a big fan of ghostbusters and dreams of being an excorcist when she grows up.She also has a bit of a gothish personality. Just think of her entire personality as that annoying and buggy little sister,yeah thats her.
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LUCIANA    LOUD, 10 years old
  Despite her age, her street smarts is on a whole other level. She has a huge interest in business or commerce topics or subjects. She has a calm personality but is most times obnoxious, she also really likes money, especially gaining it. She is known to be a trickster both in the house of the louds and even out in the streets. She helps her dad Bobby to run his store and one day hopes to be a successful businesswoman in the future. Her partner in crime and the one she hangs out the most with is Lorena.
Hope you guys like my idea and the characters!
Content about the characters or my AU will always be appreciated!
The original sin kids AU was inspired by (or atleast i think it was) @liosdoodles , @trillhouse-lh , @patanu102​ , @sadistcshy​ 
This is hands down the most cursed thing i have ever drawn lol.
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lueurdelune · 4 years
I’m gonna vent anyway even tho nobody here gives a fuck I’ve had this blog for 5 years and I only have 200 followers and I have made no friends
If whoever created me on this planet was going to give me severe depression and anxiety with a big dash of undiagnosed adhd for 16 years of my life couldn’t they have ATLEAST born me into a financially stable home like honestly that would be so beneficial
I have no motivation to do anything ever for anybody including myself I literally failed my last semester of school. I’ve never done that before and I’m so scared I’m not gonna get into college and I’m never getting any scholarships and I don’t know if my parents can even afford college I’m basically poor but not really I just mean that everybody else around me has so much more money than I do and I feel so shitty all the time I can’t take care of myself I’ve gained so much weight since developing depression over the last 3 years and everybody makes me feel like shit about it but I’m too poor to do anything about either like how the fuck did I go from a size 00 to an 8 I fucking hate myself over it but especially because of how I’ve let others influence how I feel about myself I have literally starved myself for so long AND EVEN THAT DIDNT WORK WHAT THE FUCK??? Anyways like,,, THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A SIZE 8!!!!! But I’m severely short I’m literally 4’10 and all my life I was a naturally thin person like you know how there’s some people that just ARE thin yeah that was me AND NOW IM NOT BECAUSE IVE SPENT YEARS CRYING IN BED WATCHING TV SHOWS I have no motivation to get up out of bed and it’s been a problem for years but especially now with quarantine it’s so much worse. I have no joy in literally anything. AND I CANT EVEN DO ANYTHING ABOUT ALL OF MY WEIGHT GAIN BECAUSE IM SO DEPRESSED I DONT EVEN HAVE THE WILL TO LIVE ANYMORE I WISH EVERYTHING WOULD STOP AND PAUSE AND THAT THE NUMBERS ON THE SCALE WOULD STOP GOING UP AND MY TEACHERS WOULD STOP ASSIGNING ASSIGNMENTS AND THAT I WOULD STOP LOSING FRIENDS AND THAT I WOULDNT EVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY EVER AGAIN.
And I can’t even get myself out of my financial situation literally ever because I fucking hate school so much I used to be so good at it but the thought of writing one more essay could really be the thing that drives me off the edge and this screwed up system is rigged so the only way to confirm good and true success is through college degrees and I am just now getting treatment for adhd that I’ve had all my life but was too poor to get diagnosed with and that’s been a huge disadvantage to my academic life like insanely and since I’m now horrible in school I won’t go to college and since I won’t go to college I’ll live my life being dirt poor as always and whoever said money can’t buy happiness is a fucking ugly ass liar if I had money I would still be good at school because I would’ve gotten treatment for adhd way long ago which means my depression and anxiety wouldn’t have gotten as bad as they are which means I wouldn’t have gained as much weight as I have which means I wouldn’t be as insecure as I am to the point I literally want to die. Money could’ve made this all avoidable.
I’m having such a pity party for myself right now. Everything that could be wrong in my life currently is except I’m not homeless but I’ve been living in a tiny ass apartment my whole life. Also my family isn’t physically abusive but I’m their mental punching bag which is so hard to accept because I love them so much.
And I’m putting tags on this just because I at least want somebody in this universe somewhere to hear me, to see me, to let me know I’m not as invisible as I constantly feel.
Also if there’s any teens out there who want to be friends 🤪😎😏 slide in my chats I swear I’m funny and pretty (debateable) what other qualities would you want?
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whump-mania · 4 years
Characters and Background
TW FOR THE FOLLOWING: abuse, obsession, stalking, kidnapping, police, panic attacks, implied torture, gun use
Read with caution!
Ben Rosenbloom
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-Chloe’s twin brother
-short brown hair, curly
-green eyes
-very average body type
-not very strong
-gay (only Chloe knows, too afraid to tell parents)
-insecure of his strength and masculinity because of being constantly compared to his older brother Marcus (25)
-parents had an authoritarian style of parenting, clearly favoring Marcus over the twins
-did very well in school but never good enough to impress his parents since he and Chloe were always overlooked
-USED TO love to sing, grew to hate it for reasons*
Chloe Rosenbloom
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-Ben’s twin sister
-light brown wavy hair, slightly longer than shoulder length
-green eyes
-short but muscular, cares about being active/exercising and tries to encourage Ben to join her
-bi (got outed to parents by Marcus, parents were confused and not very accepting)
-more confident than Ben but more afraid of her parents than Ben
-less academically adept than Ben, got bs and cs in school but didn’t really care since she was so proud of Ben
Ben and Chloe are very close and look out for each other a lot. Chloe helps Ben out in physical situations, from helping lift things to fighting off Marcus. Ben helps Chloe out with academic and social situations, like doing homework and getting her girlfriend, Joy.
Aaron Walker
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-friend of Marcus
-rich white boy energy
-blonde wavy hair, almost shoulder length
-blue eyes
-gym guy, he’s ripped :/
-honestly a pretty bad person
Aaron was friends with Marcus in high school when Chloe and Ben were in middle school. He started going to the Rosenbloom’s house more and more to study the twins more, and eventually became obsessed with them, ESPECIALLY Ben. In a very creepy way. He had a weird desire to hurt him and…yknow corrupt him in gross ways. He would try to get close to Ben and Chloe while he was over at their house with Marcus, but the twins just thought he was creepy and didn’t pay him any attention.
Marcus Rosenbloom
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-Ben and Chloe’s older brother
-6 feet
-short dark brown hair, facial hair, glasses
-brown eyes
-kinda buff, not as strong as Aaron
-pretty much just as good in school as Ben, but got praised because he’s the oldest and he did it all first
-verbally (and sometimes physically) abusive to both twins, more so to Ben, which is ignored/overlooked by the parents due to favoritism
-only friends with Aaron for his money and lost touch with him after graduation. Didn’t stop Aaron tho
Ethan Jung
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-Ben’s boyfriend (met after escape)
-spiky black short hair
-brown eyes
-fairly skinny, relates to Ben abt being kinda physically weak
-gay (out to his family/most people around him, very confident)
-himbo but not the strong kind, literally everything else is accurate tho
-got mentally and physically abused by his previous boyfriend Cole and broke up with him shortly after meeting Ben. realized he could do better, and better was right in front of him
-finds out about ben’s past after accidentally touching one of his trigger spots (jawline), feels terrible about sending him into a panic attack. chloe is there and helps ben explain everything to him. 
Joy Foster
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-chloe’s girlfriend
-black curly hair, most commonly worn in buns
-brown eyes
-african american
-christian, raised very religious and is still fairly religious herself, but not as much as her family
-taller than chloe by 5 inches and pretty active, excercises with chloe a lot
-trans lesbian (parents not very accepting of her initially but learned to love her over time, began her transition at 11 years)
-very confident and outgoing, has a great fashion sense and tries to makeover chloe and ben all the time (to their dismay)
-family is very wealthy, which contributes to how she was able to get a private jet to help ben and chloe with their first escape
Background to the main story
After Ben and Chloe graduated high school (Chloe took a gap year and Ben went off to a local college), Aaron stalked the two of them and planned out a scheme to get Ben all to himself. He reconnected with Marcus and paid him a large sum of money to make sure Chloe didn’t interfere. Marcus ended up becoming a police officer, so he was also paid to keep quiet about any questions about them missing and halt any investigation. Kidnapping Ben was fairly easy for Aaron, and he locked him up in an isolated cabin he bought a few years back for his plan. Marcus blackmailed Chloe after Ben’s capture. He told her he’d have Ben killed if she answered her phone, called the police, or told anyone anything. Chloe was eventually forced to live with Marcus so he could keep track of her, and was not allowed to get a job or use her phone. She was also forced to completely cut contact with Joy. Chloe plans in secret to help Ben in any way she can.
After Ben’s capture, Chloe’s plan goes into motion. She knew where her phone was hidden, but she had to wait for Marcus to finally go back to work. This took a whole month of waiting, but it was also time to gain Marcus’s trust. The day he finally went back to work in person, she snuck into Marcus’s room and found her phone. With a quick find my iPhone search, she knew Ben’s location. Another day when Marcus was at work, Chloe finally snuck out and found her brother. She was inevitably captured by Aaron and was captive alongside Ben for a short while. She tried fighting back, but she wasn’t strong enough for him. Ben had gained Aaron’s trust at that point and obeyed every one of Aaron’s commands, but he would still worry about Chloe. He would ask Aaron to hurt him in place of her often. Chloe thought he was truly gone until he snapped and shot Aaron off guard. Though Aaron did not die, the twins took the time to run to a different state, hide, and recover.
*One day in Ben’s senior year of high school (he was 18 at the time), he was singing in his room alone with headphones on. Loudly and confidently, like no one could hear him. But little did he know, Aaron was watching him, leaning on the doorframe. “I didn’t know you could sing, Benny.” Aaron’s voice took Ben out of his trance and he was terrified to see Aaron standing there, lust in his eyes, and…a hand in his pants. Aaron winked. “Thanks for the show.” Ben never sang again after that.
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
I GOT SO MUCH TO SAYYY!! gosh pls dont find me weird okay, and these are just my personal opinions and im not hating any groups!! but my unpopular opinion is: i think kpop has become very toxic after bts and bp got famous in America. And tbh if you ask me, i wouldnt want any other kpop groups to be famous in America... i only stan exo but i think i speak for all groups when i say they are safe as they are now... of course if exo ever get even more famous i will be happy and proud for their success. But look how fame and America has changed bts and bp... not tryna hate but look theyve changed, idk if anyone else noticed but after fame hits bts, i realised how theyve start to become very...white?? like they are so westernised and like example, they start focusing on America only, they even curse (not a lot but i’d still point out) casually like for example, jungkook singing a curse word in his cover song for jason derulo savage love i think (speaking of cursing, after nct127 got famous in usa mark started getting influenced by them too and he casually cursed like “oh fuck” and everyones like 😃😆) even i curse and im not saying cursing is BADD but yeah i am, and how they sing a whole song in english, not to even mention how toxic america is but in grammys they have sold tons of albums yet they didnt win anything but when they release an english song, they won.
Some half of them americans are very toxic, racist, and just theyre basically acid, like bruh, its evident that once bts got famous there are soooo much hate thrown towards bts too cuz theyre asians, or how some would say theyre gay or look like girls...if my favs (exo) ever get these kinds of treatments (not that they dint but veryy little cuz thank god they ain exposed to the western culture) i will B R E A K, i could never handle that so i would never want that to happen to them. Also noticed how, after bts got famous, most armys are equally as toxic, whether they are just stanning bts just cuz theyre famous there, or like how their fans dont even know anything abt bts and coming after so many groups and their fans. Most of them are fake and i think its cuz of the fame for bts lmao. One thing i’d like to say too tho, is how they are so overrated and their songs are played all the damn time, people would randomly talk abt them, like everywhere you go THEY ARE JUST THERE, like in my opinion if i am an army, i would just feel like they are so common and theres nothing special about them anymore and theres no excitement, like what even is the point anymore. idk if anyone gets me but thats just how i feel about my favs being “wOrLdWiDe fAmOuS”, i will love them and their music but its just something i think about tbh🤷🏻‍♀️ like let me listen to them on my own and vibe and love them, dont play it 24/7 just cuz they are famous and ure tryna get people’s attention, like imagine ure in the subway and u hear ur favs song cuz its EVERYWHERE and ure there like 😐😐 not that u dont love their music but its cuz horrible people dont deserves to listen to their songs, and like people arent going to appreciate them anyway so yeah i feel uncomfortable listening to my favs as others dont even bother, like imagine if that subway is filled with people who are in ur fandom, yall would just hv the best time in the world and VIBE, if not what even is the point. Idk if im explaining it properly, but its badically like, u feeling UNCOMFORTABLE or should i even say SELFISH cuz u do not want to be sharing ur favs with people who dont even deserve to KNOW about them. Basically like seeing how someone you HATE or bullied you back then talking and being all friendly fake with ur BESTEST FRIEND or even boyfriend/girlfriend, cuz u just want to protect them from EVIL (im so dramatic)
And well lastly, no Bts did not paved the way, or “bts is the best and only group” like no, so many amazing artists were breaking records way before bts was even a thing (no hate to bts) but they really need to get slap for having that mindset, they really make a bad image for bts...tbh kpop before was so peaceful (a little toxic but still, compared to now...BYE) and everything was just about idols and fans love, listening and supporting and loving their music and just so comforting... urgh anyway thats all i wanna say and here are some texts i saved relating to kpop groups going famous worldwide uwu
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these are also examples, and honestly speaking here, i dont want to be specific as in “exo” cuz i think this happens for ALL the groups out there and the love and relationship between the idols and their fans (family) are just beautiful, but for bts and armys... tbh i feel bad because i just dont see or feel any love they hv for each other (sure we see bts saying i love you armys or armys supporting bts but with all the toxicity in their way, theres just no spark or chemistry or bond no more it’s basically like one direction and their fans and thats all they are, celebrity-fan, but for kpop its family), i can see other groups and their fans interacting or how idols would light up talking abt their fans, but for bts, theres just soooo much mess going on in their fandom its not special anymore, they lost the deep meaning of their group love and IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but YEAH DJSHSKSJ OH and to add somethign else, they got famous in America, look at all the collabs🤡🤡 blackpink with cardi b, bts with nicki etc... not that collabs arent fun... im just saying these american artists... they dont exactly have a good reputation (americans singing about sex (not the good kind), money, girls and drugs) 🥴🥴 dont influenced my faves and let them be exposed to the toxic culture YALL GET ME?? KPOP HAS THE LETTER K FOR A REASON😭😭😭 let them be their own shining star, not everything has to be involved or a part of aMeRiCa to be amazing.... PHEW IVE SAID IT NOW BEFORE ANYONE GETS MAD AT ME, I DONT MEAN TO SOUND RUDE TO YOU, if youre an american and youre no where near being toxic, I LOVE YOU but im just saying, the western culture is toxic and im just saying what ive been observing and noticing🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ ps: i still love exo till the max and everything about them is perfect and theyre just amazing people (everything i said that bts and armys dont really have anymore, i think thankfully, EXO (sorry im biased) most fandoms still have so much of the L O V E there and i find that extraordinary) and he fandom is so comforting and amazing and idk dkdjjdjss thats why i dont want them getting famous worldwide...sorry exols ANYWAY THATS ALL FOR MY RANT ITS 4AM AND I AM THINKING OF DELETING THIS💀💀💀 anywya sorry for taking up so much space but i just wanna say I FREKAING LOVE NO EXIT, NO LIMITS, basically all ur exo fics cuz why not🥺🥺 i think ur writing skills are amazing as well as the plots and all especially forsaken, and THANK YOU for two bbhxoc fics😭😭😭 i cant!!! also if u reached here idk i-🥲 i hope u didnt get mad or offended 👀
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Reply under the cut!!
Kpop has become extremely toxic with the growth of international fans and the rise of 3rd/4th gen. I wasn't around to experience the previous generations, but I know damn well they weren't a mess like these newer ones are.
Gaining fame in America does seem to change idols, and idk why. The group members change and the music changes also. While I do enjoy hearing idols swear (guilty pleasure) and I am an American so I get to enjoy their English songs, I can see how it makes all the other cultures/countries feel some type of way.
I will say this, though, the Grammys are shit and I dont get why people care so much about them. They've proven time and time again the awards don't go to the best artists. However, this doesn't mean that I think BTS deserved a Grammy imo.
Americans are a very toxic and hate filled bunch (again, I am one, so I get to see this shit every day). I 100% know that some of the hate directed towards Asians is because of racism (as seen by the insane uptick in crime against Asian Americans right now) and because some see kpop male idols as too feminine.
BTS is literally everywhere, which is one of the reasons I stopped listening to them tbh. They'd be in commercials, on talk shows, late night shows, in magazines, on the radio, just everywhere. It took the joy out of watching anything from them just because they were always in my face, so I can see what you mean.
I feel like the relationship between BTS and army has changed (from an outsiders perspective). Its no longer about loving and supporting your group and being happy for them. Now, its "so-so wants this? We MUST do everything in our power and spam every possible thing ever so they get what they want". Its almost frightening. They also no longer care about the quality of the music being put out. Doesn't matter what it is, they stream the ever loving shit out of it and make it break records when, honestly, it doesn't deserve to (again imo).
Lastly, I didnt get mad or offended haha. I understand a lot of these viewpoints, and thank you so much for liking my work!! I do wonder what would happen if I made a true BBH centric fic and not just spin offs or continuations of previous works where oc ends up with BBH 🤔🤔 I think that fic would have too much power haha.
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codeblve · 5 years
howdy y’all ! lilac’s the name, writing trashlord character’s the game. i hail from a lil island known as australia... so in essence, i am never gonna be online at the same time as anyone else dkjfghdkfjgd. but !! don’t let this deter you. like a lil ol’ boomerang i’ll eventually find my way into your dms and hopefully we can plot/write with all your incredible muses. <3 a lil info about me though, i’m a tea connoisseur, sims enthusiast, and i talk daily about how i consider the barbie films cinematic masterpieces. if i haven’t scared you off and you’d like to get to know my sweet and memey tough boi, please press that readmore to complete your transaction.
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⌠LUKE HEMMINGS, TWENTY ONE, CISMALE, HE/HIM⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, BLUE HAWTHORNE! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + COVERT OPERATIONS (CP); and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a smiley face traced into the precipitation on a mirror after a long and warm shower, a constellation of bruises strewn across your body, impatient foot tapping in the hallows of detention, chopsticks fashioned into walrus tusks over a meal, climbing higher and higher with no sign of stopping). when it’s the (aquarius)’s birthday on 2/13/1998, they always request their CHEESY NACHOS WITH EXTRA GUAC from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
( for more details about blue, check out his stats & hcs here ! )
he is playful, jocular, impulsive, and honestly? immature lmao. he is honestly a Soft Jock™
he’s always been looking for the childhood he never got to have, y’know? he does this in the way he’s always cracking jokes, a bit of a class clown, disruptive. a wholesome prank or two. 
he gets in trouble in school more than his fair share, simply for daydreaming or sneaking out. he doesn’t let the institution define him, but he can take orders when needed. he can be very loyal tho, and much like eggsy in kingsmen, if someone asked him to choose between his dog or orders ?? he’s always choosing the dog kdjgf
he is secretly very insecure and always has a need to please. if someone doesn’t like him, he’ll tear himself apart to figure out why.
he’s always telling jokes and always laughing. he’s known for his Memes and is always a good time to be around. social butterfly, gregarious. chances are if you don’t know him, you’ve heard him dkfgjdf
he’s also a bit Anti-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( sex lmao ) because ya boi has commitment issues so high they’re floating out there in space
he can also be very maternal when the need arises. he is not good at talking about emotions but he’ll give you a meme or a hug to Heal You
he very much reminds me of the human embodiment of a puppy. cannot be alone for very long, has a short attention span, and craves validation lmfao. give him a squeaky toy and he will be Contented
as a soon-to-be spy he can be Tough in the field when he needs to be but he’s also v sensitive. most see him as a macho, just genuinely happy kinda dude but, he truly feels a lot. he won’t let you know that, though.
he struggles academically as he has a short attention span most of the time and thinks too little of himself. however, he’s a lot brighter than most people give him credit for. he’s incredibly creative and a lateral thinker. maths makes him want to die, tho. he does shine in physical trials at least, which is something !
also what’s money? blue does not know. he grew up with hardly anything, and has been working since he could. for this reason he’s quite frugal and struggles to throw things away. 
blue’s troubled past ( explained below ) is something he doesn’t acknowledge, and not a lot of people know about. to many, he’s known as the local Meme Dealer. but to a lucky few, he’s known as a friend who would do anything for you.
most just know him as the moron named after a colour tho.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
( HISTORY ! ) - tw: illness/cancer, death, substance ( alcohol / drugs ) & depression.
blue hawthorne, who never goes by his birthname bc he hates it dfkjgdgdf, was born in the town of sparks, nevada ! 
it was always just blue and his mother, margarette. he never met his father and he was gone long before blue’s mother could even tell him about a pregnancy test. cut off from her family due to having a child out of wedlock, the pair started a life for themselves. all they had was a humble abode in a trailer park. material possessions were lacking, but blue never felt like he went without. 
blue’s mother was by very definition blue’s best friend. they both shared a love of music and ballet, and margarette worked as many jobs as she could to allow for her son to take lessons. starting quite young, at the age of four or five, blue was actually quite good. the usually mischievous and erratic child found structure in the discipline, and it was the thing that brought him the most happiness.
as a child blue was often teased for his interest, and the fact that he was so close with his mother. despite being incredibly short and frail at the time, he was also very outspoken and strong-willed, and never let his peers get the best of him. he danced, he laughed, he bruised his knees at any given opportunity. made a lot of mistakes. what he lacked in possessions he gained in the abundance of joy he felt in his heart growing up. his mother and a few of his close friends were his world.
when blue turned fifteen, everything changed.
( illness / cancer tw ) the jubilant, mischievous, but altogether kind-hearted boy was given the heart-breaking news that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. margarette hawthorne, much like her son, was a fighter - and didn’t let such a diagnosis keep her down. despite their dwindling lack of funds now going towards medical bills, and the fact blue began sacrificing his own childhood as he took to the role of a caretaker of sorts for his mother, he never took his time with her for granted.
things were okay for a while. there was a point where the doctors were convinced that she was going to make it. blue was a fool. blue believed them.
at the age of sixteen, blue lost everything. he lost his place to live, he lost his childhood and lust for life, and he lost the person he loved most in the world. he lost his best friend.
it wasn’t long before the overbearing sympathy from those around him soured blue. he was sick of being bullied, people not liking him, and altogether not being in control of his own life. most of all, he felt so hopeless as his best friend in the entire world was starting to fade. so what did this boy do ? he quit ballet (the thing he’d loved since he was able to stand), he started drinking, he got involved with a very bad crowd and became a frequenter of the local police station. blue became a certified Bad Boy™
blue was sent to live with the grandparents that despised him and never acknowledged his existence before that moment, having met them at his mother’s funeral. righteous and conservative in their views, they had cast aside their daughter when she had blue, and only reached out to her in her final months. for this reason, blue despised these people (he refused to call them family). he tried his best to be appreciative of a house and food ( which was much better than anything he had growing up ). but he was cold. always cold.
( substance tw ) in his latter adolescence, blue fell into a rapid succession of bad decisions. still small, still frail in stature, he found himself at a dissonance with his image and began growing insecure about his looks, the years of torment weighing on him. he found anesthetic in the party scene outside of school, taking to alcohol and drugs as a sedative from the life he felt forced to lead. he couldn’t decide if he hated himself or he hated the world more.
at the age of 17, his rap sheet seemed to grow with each rise and fall of the sun. he was hardly ever ‘home’ and couch surfed. at the age of 17 he’d gotten his own car and lived more out of that than the stuffy house on top of the hill where he was supposed to be. his grades were debris lost in his tumultuous storm, he was always looking for validation from the kids he hung around with and made some very poor decisions in the hopes he’d be liked. in the hopes he’d find a new family.
the partying, the stream of hook ups, his criminal record (mainly with petty theft, a few write ups for public intoxication and fighting), the instability of his living situation and his future all came to boil just before he turned 18. physically he’d started to fill out, and look more like the man people know today. he was no longer frail and no longer weak, and when asked, he used to his fists to forge that path he thought he wanted.
after a dark night, it became apparent to blue that his path of self destruction was hurting no one but himself. things had to change.
through nothing short than a McMiracle (sponsored by Ronald McDonald, bc no one else is rich enough to pull it off lmfao) blue managed to scrape by and complete high school. not well by any means. but he did it.
it was about now that blue had been informed of a small school called blackthorne academy. details were scarce, but what drew the blond’s attention was the tuition ( or lack thereof ). his acceptance cited his physical capabilities as seen through his many years of dance and explained why he was of particular interest to the school. he was suspicious, to say the least. but blue knew he wanted to become something, and to go to this school would not only take him away from a life he wanted to forget, but he would become self sufficient, and be able to leave his toxic family situation on his own terms. 
bidding farewell to the grandparents he was only beginning to know, his grandfather saw no reason to extend her kindnesses, and cut blue off. at the age of 18 he was homeless, with nothing but a car and a handful of pokemon cards he’d had as a kid. not worth anything or even particularly sentimental, he just likes pokemon kgfjfd.
living in his car for a while before eventually crashing with a close friend, blue managed to absorb his days in work before eventually starting his tenure at blackthorne. although blue’s wild days are behind him, there are some things locked in his past that still haunt him. there are doors he never hopes to open again. but he got his fresh start, and is determined to live the life a young blue would have wanted for him, and one his mother could be proud of. and who knows, maybe he could go on and save the world. 
all of these are absolute trash, and i much prefer plotting with specific characters in mind to cater it to our muses and make it unique to them. (~: but i do have a few wanted connections here as a starting off point !! if any of them really call to you though, please let me know as i would adore to have anything listed !! with that in mind, i wanted to include a sample of a few of the connects on the page here to make things a lil easier. 
— *. ; ( co-workers ) || this connection is a little up in the air as i understand that students aren’t allowed to leave campus without staff supervision, and tuition isn’t awfully high if you can’t afford it ! however, blue has no money, and if at all possible he would try and get some sort of job whilst at blackthorne/gallaghers. whether that be doing odd jobs as part of his covert ops classes, or even working for the campus doing things like lawn maintenance, working in the stables, or literally anything that was open ! ( his ‘job’ could even be bringing in dkfjgdf some sorts of contraband to sell to other students, lmfao. nothing illegal, just stuff you can’t get on campus ). this connection is meant for any muses that may also be employed, or want them to be, and these two could be co-workers ! with an admin blessing we can figure out what is logistically possible within the plot, and if your muse already has a job i’d be very interested to have blue be a coworker if you were at all interested !! <3
— *. ; ( protector ) || there are two things blue hates most in this world: liars, and bullies. as an older ( and arguably large ) student, he comes to find someone who is going through a rough time assimilating to life at the academy for whatever reason. on the surface neither of them have anything in common, but the pair form a sibling like bond, and blue is willing to do anything to protect their friend. 
— *. ; ( aggressor ) || blue is very mild mannered for the most part, save for any jokes he likes to make. however, there is someone on campus who absolutely makes his blood boil. whether this person dislikes blue for his lack of wealth and sophistication, his inherent need to never pick sides, or his immediate abandonment of respect for blackthorne once the truth came to light. or perhaps he made a joke in their early days that rubbed this person the wrong way, and a toxic environment has persisted since then. i imagine this relationship has escalated to violence, and for whoever picks this up i’d really love to delve into their hatred and flesh out their angst !
there are plenty more connects on the page and like i said, i am literally happy to plot anything under the sun. (~: 
thank you so much for reading ! if you made it all the way here ?? you’re a h*cking legend lmfao. if there’s anything here that stood out to you please hit me up either on tumblr dms or via discord ( my user is lilac 🍕#1835, or kjgdgdf the person with the crying squidward icon in the gc lmfao ). as there are quite a lot of members here, please like this here intro if you are interesting in plotting/writing with me so i know !! i’ll check out your beautiful intro and Throw (or rather, gently pass you) some ideas your way if you haven’t messaged me first. <3 but thank you so much again for making it to this point, here’s a proverbial cookie for your troubles. it’s double choc chip, enjoy it. (~: 
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ofphcenixes · 5 years
ok i won’t lie i stole this intro from veritas 2 kdJKDGF BUT ! if you want to get to know this guy definitely hit the readmore below *shaky eye emoji*. also hi i’m lilac i’m an admin and also a sims enthusiast anyways, back onto what’s important here, this lil bean called red blue !
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but if you have seen blue’s blog sidebar and title, i feel like you will gather a LOT about his personality lmfao
he is playful, jocular, and honestly? immature
always looking for the childhood he never got to have, y’know?
he is secretly very insecure and always has a need to please. if someone doesn’t like him, he’ll tear himself apart to figure out why.
he’s always telling jokes and always laughing. he’s known for his Memes and is always a good time to be around… if you know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but also Anti-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) because ya boi has commitment issues so high they’re past the inevitable spaghetti monster that’s probably floating out there in space
he can also be very maternal when the need arises. he is not good at talking about emotions but he’ll give you a meme or a plate of cookies to Heal You
honestly? the human embodiment of a puppy. cannot be alone for very long, has a short attention span, and craves validation lmfao. give him a squeaky toy and he will be Contented
as a footballer he can be Tough on field when he needs to be but he’s also v sensitive and talks to birds he passes on his morning runs like he’s a disney princess djkgfdk
he struggles academically as he has a short attention span most of the time and thinks too little of himself. however, he’s a lot brighter than most people give him credit for. he’s incredibly creative and a lateral thinker. maths makes him want to die, tho.
also what’s money? blue does not know
to many, blue’s known as the troubled kid who turned his life around. to others, he’s known as the local Meme Dealer. but to a lucky few, he’s known as a friend who would do anything for you.
most just know him as the moron named after a colour tho.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
history. (trigger warning: illness, death, drugs, depression)
blue hawthorne, who never goes by his birthname bc he hates it dfkjgdgdf ( what is his birthname ? he’ll never tell ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘ ) was born right here in ashmont.
despite not having a lot - he grew up with just him and his mum ( his father left before he was born, never knew a thing about him ), in a tiny trailer park on the outskirts of town. a far cry from the opulent manors peppered all throughout town, and the very lifestyle blue’s mother was accustomed to as a child. however, the pair were content as long as they were together.
despite not having much, blue loved every second of his childhood. he wore his mischief like a crown, smiling wherever he went. he’d always resonated with a love of music and dance, and like his mother before him, danced. ballet was his passion growing up, and started as young as 5.
as a child blue was often teased for this, and the fact that he was so close with his mother. he was also very outspoken and strong-willed, and never let his peers get the best of him. he danced, he laughed, he bruised his knees at any given opportunity. what he lacked in possessions he gained in the abundance of joy he felt in his heart growing up. his mother and a few of his close friends were his world.
when blue turned ten, everything changed.
the jubilant, mischievous, but altogether kind-hearted boy was given the heart-breaking news that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. margarette hawthorne, much like her son, was a fighter - and didn’t let such a diagnosis keep her down. despite their dwindling lack of funds now going towards medical bills, and the fact blue began sacrificing his own childhood as he took to the role of a caretaker of sorts for his mother, he never took his time with her for granted.
things were okay for a while. there was a point where the doctors were convinced that she was going to make it. blue was a fool. blue believed them.
at the age of thirteen, blue lost everything. he lost his place to live, he lost his childhood and lust for life, and he lost the person he loved most in the world. he lost his best friend.
it wasn’t long before the overbearing sympathy from those around him soured blue. he was sick of being bullied, people not liking him, and altogether not being in control. so what did this boy do ? he quit ballet (the thing he’d loved since he was able to stand), he started drinking, he got involved in a very bad crowd and became a frequenter of the local ashmont police station. blue became a certified Bad Boy™
blue was sent to live with the grandparents that despised him and never acknowledged his existence before that moment. righteous and conservative in their views, they had cast aside their daughter when she had blue out of wedlock, and only reached out to her in her final months. for this reason, blue despised these people (he refused to call them family). he tried his best to be appreciative of a house and food ( which was much better than anything he had growing up ). but he was cold. always cold.
as a teenager, blue fell into a rapid succession of bad decisions. still small, still frail in stature, he found himself at a dissonance with his image and began growing insecure about his looks, the years of torment weighing on him. he found anesthetic in the party scene outside of school, taking to alcohol and drugs as a sedative from the life he felt forced to lead. his grandparents were pigeon-holing him into a preppy, studious boy who’d go on to be a banker or a lawyer, when all blue had wanted to do was be himself. he couldn’t decide if he hated himself or he hated the world more.
at the age of 16, his rap sheet seemed to grow with each rising of the sun. he’d fallen in with a bad crowd, hardly ever heading ‘home’ and couch surfed. at the age of 16 he’d gotten his own car and lived more out of that than the stuffy house on top of the hill where he was supposed to stay. his grades were sinking towards the bottom of the barrel, he was always looking for validation from the bad kids he hung around with and made some very poor decisions in the hopes he’d be liked. in the hopes he’d find a new family.
the partying, the stream of hook ups, his criminal record (mainly with traffic offences, a few write ups for public intoxication and fighting), sobriety, the instability of his living situation and his future all came to boil just before he turned 17. physically he’d started to fill out, and look more like the man people know today. he was no longer frail and no longer weak, and when asked, he used to his fists to forge that path he thought he wanted.
after a dark night, it became apparent to blue that his path of self destruction was hurting no one but himself. whether by choice or by accident, he knew he wasn’t ready to see his mother again. so… he’d hit rock bottom with a spectacular thud. but blue knew the only way to go from there was up.
through nothing short than a McMiracle (sponsored by Ronald McDonald, bc no one else is rich enough to pull it off lmfao) blue managed to scrape by and complete high school.
blue had no doubt his family name (that of his grandparents) helped him secure an athletic scholarship to st etienne. in his year of transformation from 17 to 18 his grandmother had softened to the boy she’d always hated and was riddled with guilt for the years of mistreatment, and promised to pay for his education (that wasn’t covered by his scholarship) as long as he promised to make something of himself. his first year of college, things really started looking up for blue. he was finally back on track.
then woops, grim came a-knocking again
bidding farewell to the grandmother he was only beginning to know, his grandfather had no reason to extend her kindnesses, and cut blue off. at the age of 18 he was homeless, with nothing but a car and a handful of pokemon cards he’d had as a kid. not worth anything or even particularly sentimental, he just likes pokemond kgfjfd.
living in his car for a while before eventually crashing with a close friend, blue managed to absorb his days in study and in work. he quickly found his passion in helping kids, and giving them the childhoods that he never got. going into teaching seemed like a no-brainer.
although blue’s wild days are behind him, there are some things locked in his past that still haunt him. there are doors he never hopes to open again. but he got his fresh start, and is determined to live the life a young blue would have wanted for him, and one his mother could be proud of.
then the grim reaper came back a third time, his scythe begging for daisey rutherford.
the investigation.
blue’s connection to daisey is that they danced in ballet classes together… as you can imagine, daisey had to put on her Evil Training Wheels somewhere and unfortunately, blue was one of her earliest victims. teased constantly for his appearance, his love of ballet, his lack of wealth, and on awful days, his single parent household.
for the most part blue had grown resilient in ignoring these comments. but he never forgot how daisey mistreated him, and sparked a wave of similar comments from people in their year when they were only children.
hey now im not gonna rEVEAL (bc what if he is ??? :o ) anything relating to the crime if he was the murderer, but know he is Lorge and Strong and could probably push daisey over with his finger lmfao
it’s also worth noting that one of daisey’s parents, a beloved surgeon, treated blue’s mother whilst she was in hospital with cancer. the late detection of its return is what caused her death, and blue has been vocal in his blame in the rutherford family for the loss of the person closest to him ever since.
now i’m not saying blue did anything… but if he did, his ‘eye for an eye’ motive ? maybe not as crazy as you may think. especially when you consider your boi already has a criminal record. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
atm i am still working on blue’s blob and getting his stats/connections page up BUT !! here are a few fun lil plots beyond his skeleton connections that i’d absolutely love to explore. also here’s his current connections page for further ideas ! 
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS  - blue grew up in ashmont, and didn’t have a lot of friends kfgjfd. if your muse would have been down for a Young Memey Mess that’s fond of a pirouette, blue is your Man. on the flip side, if your muse is one of the Cool Kids and is looking for potential animosity, i’d love someone who tried to squash blue like a bug in their youth (~:
FLIRTATIONSHIP - blue is currently in a (hidden) relationship, and for the first time in his life, gasp, might have feelings. but he’s a fucking walnut and refuses to admit that, so a plot of someone with an unrequited crush, a fun flirtationship, or even someone that just wants to be his wingman would not only be fun, but also incredibly painful - which is what we deserve. 8) (also note, blue is bisexual so any muse would work. <3)
COWORKERS - blue works as a trainer at the ashmont fitness centre ( …. dont @ maaria for the page not being done fgjdgkdf  WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING THE PAGES NOW KDFJGDKFJ). but i’d always be down for plots in the workplace !!
UBER - sorry for the lame ass name lmao but dkjfgfkd blue is not about the party scene anymore ( lowkey bc he’s afraid to get addicted again and throw away everything he’s worked so hard for). but he does care a lot about people, and a pal of his is v much still hooked to that lifestyle and he very dkfgjdf determinedly drives them home every time to ensure they’re safe. could be former party friends, could be current friends in some capacity. maybe there was an incident in their past that blue feels guilt over ( a fight perhaps, trigger warning - maybe an overdose?) and so now he looks after them. or even just having a sibling-like bond, which (as blue is an only child) i’d also love something like that!
STUDY BUDDY - blue is a moron and needs someone to help him not fail kdfjgdf. he may not be naturally adept at getting good grades, but unlike many, he’s trying his absolute hardest. in return, he’s more than happy to be your Meme Dealer. bonus points if it’s unlikely friends, or if they didn’t exactly get along at first. :D
FELLOW FOOTBALLERS - 2 bros sitting in a hot tub five feet apart bc they’re not gay. dkjgdgdf but for REAL. exploring the team dynamic of the football team would be so fun, especially with blue’s reputation and the fact he only started taking up the sport when he was about 15-16, which may be a lot later than other guys in the team.
RIVALS - god they’re probably rivals about memes and i hate that but that’s just what it is :/
ok i have nothing else to say other than thank you for being a sweetheart and reading through this ??? i know it was a McMess but, if you’d like to plot with said mcmess definitely hit me up - or wait it out a lil bc i plan to do some starter stuff and plotting later today. (~: love you all, and viva la daisey ! 
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tumblunni · 5 years
All these monsters are just so soft and the music is great and there's so much craftsmanship put into the environments i keep finding new tiny lil secret animations for stuff?? Like when you go into houses you take off or put on your shoes, when you cross the street you press the button on the traffic lights, when you run and stop real fast you do a slide, YOU CAN RUN UP AND SLIDE DOWN ACTUAL SLIDES, you can sneak behind houses to find secret routes and crawl underneath stuff cos youre short, when yoy run too much ypu get winded for a few seconds, and ONLY JUST NOW i discovered you can use all the equipment in the school's outdoor gym field by walking up against it, and theres several shortcuts because of this! You can climb up the rope strengtg test thingie and then POLE VAULT OVER THE WALL holy shit this kid is hella reckless but i appeciate cutting a good two minutes off my commute across the town.
And can i say that the idea of an open world town game is really really fuckin good?? Its just like all those open world explorations except its in an urban area instead. Like this town is HUGE! And theres so many hidden areas in alleyways behind houses and roads under roads and stuff. Lots of places where they placed a treasure chest in just the right spot to say "hey this area is reachable!" and then yoy have such a great time figuring out how! And so much is already open just at the start of the game, ive got totally sucked into this!! I've already found a few places thatre clearly intended for later in the game but they open up JUST enough early on for you to get a taste and feel hyped to come back later!! There's a sewer dungeon and a mine tunnel dungeon that you can just get one floor into and see hints of where theres treasure chests or boss enemies you'll someday be able to reach! And aaaa ive had this delay in the lp's progress cos i got so sucked into finding all the yokai currently available. Thats the BEST part of the open world town stuff! You dont just find monsters as random encounters or in special supernatural areas, the whole damn slogan of the thing is Yokai Are Everywhere! You're encouraged to search under vending machines, cars, windowsills, plantpots, flowerbeds, trees, lakes, sewers, trash cans and goddamn everything!!! All the actual town stuff in the town is a monster spawning spot, and the randomized nature of it means theres always a reason to run around town even if youve already been somewhere. There's always only (for example) three or four trashcans around the town that have Dimmy, out of like 15. And you have a radar system to track them down so its super fun! And then theres some rare spots which are kinda frustrating, like hungramps only in the cardboard box in one alleyway and pupsicle only in one of tge many ponds which honestly doesnt make sense. That one took the longest to grind! Oh and there's the weirdness of Slush's recolour Droplet which is THE SAME COLOUR except slightly darker! Its only rare cos you dont notice when you got one, lol. Apparantly it has an even rarer version but that one's bright red, thankfully! Cant get that one yet tho, otherwise id keep grinding for even more hours lollll
Aaaa my heart just feels so full when i play this game! It really captures the fun of exploring new places as a kid! Sucks that im not allowed to run arpund collecting cute snails now i'm an adult, but this captures the feeling of it more than pokemon does. Its possibly the reason why pokemon go was so monumentally popular? But i think this captures the feeling of more interactively SEARCHING for your monsters while also having the actual substance to back it up and keep you playing. Also it has such loving replication of childhood! I already mentioned the cute animations giving personality to your kid, but there's also the little touch that currency is in kiddy bucks. I.e. you gain smaller amounts of pennies from all money sources, and working up to £5 feels like 4000g in other games. Tho ive actually been grinding so long that i have £400 now! Im spending it on food to give all my monster friends!!! THEY ALL HAVE FAVOURITE FOODS AAA IM FEEDING A SENTIENT WALL A POT NOODLE one of the monsters is a fake wall with legs yo these designs are SO cute! Bit of a missed opportunity tho that its just a random find in grassy areas when it could have been its own minigame maybe? Like, test how well youre memorizing this giant map by having one out of place wall appear somewhere and you need to find it. There's a hide and seek minigame in every game this company's ever made so i'll be sad if there's not one here!
Aaaanyway the wall is the last yokai i need to grind for and then FINALLY i will resume the goddamn tutorial and get past the first story event, lol. Really i feel like they shouldnt have opened up the world so much so early, ive got sooooo sidetracked by joy~!
The lil wall guy is named Noway aaa i love them...
Oh oh oh and ive accidentally got attatched tp some yokai i didnt really like the designs of, cos the way they play in battle is so creative and useful! Currently my big pal is Leadoni ("lead-on" + oni aka goblin). Theyre a weird kinda mehh design thats a neat concept but the execution is weird. Cos their supernatural power is making you get lost, they have one giant hand doing a beckoning gesture, and one tiny one waving a little flag. But what makes the design meh to me is that otherwise the design is just 100% a generic cutesy oni like in any other game. So it looks kinda extra gross to have a massive muscley hand on a tiny child thing. I feel like the more cutesy you make the body the more creepy that hand is, lol! But its really useful in battle cos it leads enemies astray too, it takes attacks that were originally targeting its teammates. Thats just so kind!!! So i feel bad that i named mine Doomfist and Foomdist XD i didnt expect id use them so much! But i like that the game is so good it made me go "aww kind babby" even for the one design that looked legit scary to me. BABBY PROTECTS THEY FAMBLY AAAAA
God i love this game...
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a-royal-obsession · 6 years
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The Prince of Wales to the Duke of York
Brighton, 25 Sept. 1791
Three days ago I received on the same day the two last letters you was so good as to write containing the account of yr. being to be married on Michaelmass day (of wh. I give you most sincerely joy,) as well as of the prospect of yr. return to this country the 15th of November, wh. delights me more than I can possibly express. As there is so little time to make preparations for yr. arrival, I in consequence set off for London the next morning to enter upon a negotiation respecting yr. house. Accordingly I went to Melbourne, & open’d the business to him & Lady Melbourne, who both express’d their readiness to do any thing yt. either you or I cd. wish, but said at ye. same time, yt. they were sure neither of us wd. desire that in accomodating us, they shd. themselves be any how loosers, tho’ they were not desirous of being gainers further than the satisfaction they shd. feel in doing what was pleasant or agreable to us, besides wh., tho’ the house was by no means intail’d still, they did not wish to part with it, without they had Pen Lambe’s entire consent. After having previously consulted with Holland & finding yt. you wd. loose much more than cd. be imagin’d by selling yr. house outright, sooner than by making a swap with either the Melbournes or anyone else, I propos’d to the Melbournes to go with me the next morning & walk all over York House, offices & ev’ry other part, in order yt. they might be perfectly acquainted with it & then judge for themselves. In short we visited every part of it & they then desired Holland & me to come & walk over Melbourne House, wh. we did, & wh. is more spacious, more convenient & better than I even thought, who have known it all my life, or rather thought yt. I knew it, but I confess yt. even I was surpriz’d, & Holland de plus fort, to say everything in a word he was delighted. We then convers’d  about terms, when Melbourne said that he was much pleas’d with York House & thought it quite big enough for him, but that there were some inconveniencies belonging to it wh., when remov’d, upon any fair valuation he shd. be ready to exchange. The principal objection is this, yt. the title of Melbourne House is a freehold to perpetuity, York House is upon a lease from the Crown for fifty years, wh. is the term yt. all leases from the Crown are granted upon, & yt. considering in the first place yt. a fine must always be paid at the expiration of yt. term by some of his family if the lease was to be renew’d, & yt. then one was in all probability very much if not entirely at the mercy of the then Minister or the then King, he cd. not for the sake of his family think of entering upon terms of exchange so disadvantageous to his family on the present instance, nor cd. he so advantageously to you as he wd. wish to do if you cd. make out a better title to yr. house. The next thing to consider was whether you cd. in any shape do yt, & there is a way wh. immediately occur’d to us, & I beleive the only way, wh. wd. effectuate the business at once, & that is by getting a grant from the Crown, (to wh. I assure you I shall give my hearty consent, wh. wd. absolutely be necessary, as the lawyers tell me,) of yr. house & the ground belonging to it to you & yr. heirs for ever. You then cd. exchange upon even terms in point of title, & I know yt. then they wd. be satisfied with very little money to boot; the negociation is going on in case anything else may be struck out wh. may do as well, but if there is nothing further to be done, but by way of grant from the Crown it must stop till you arrive & make a personal application to the King, or if you wish me to do it, I will speak myself to the King about it. However, be this as it may, you loose nothing by the delay, as neither Melbourne House, or your own, by any means whatever cd. be patch’d up for yours & the Duchess’s reception in November, as neither cd. be ready till very late in the spring or the middle of summer at the soonest, granting yt. all the hurry possible was made. As to Melbourne House, they if they keep it, must positively clean it up this year, as it is so dirty & nasty, & the furniture so worn yt. it wd. be ridiculous of you to pretend to buy it, as they think it totally unfit to produce it any longer, & as to yr. own house I fancy you forget yt. there is not even a ceiling or a floor in the principal floor, nor any part of the stucko ready or even begun, that before that cd. therefore be dry, it must be many months; this Holland has desir’d me litterally as I state it, to inform you of; what was then to be done, as you have been so good as to trust it entirely to me, Warwick Lake, Holland, & myself laid our heads together, & we have therefore determined to hire for a year, either Ld. Thanet’s or Lord Craven’s house for you, in order yt. you may, tho’ you will then be much confin’d for room, still have a hole to put yr. heads in, when you arrive, & then you will gain time & see what there is to be done & what arrangements are to be taken more to yr. own satisfaction, either respecting Melbourne House, or yr. own house or any other you may think of. Cd. impossibilities have been done I think I shd. have been able to have contriv’d this for you to yr. satisfaction, but all I can assure you of is yt. it has not been owing to want of assiduity or pains yt. I have miscarried in this undertaking. When I say miscarried I dont mean that the business cannot, or will not be done, tho’ I am sure it can only be perfected in the manner I have told you, & then it certainly can be done.
With regard to a hair dresser & Groom of the Chambers to the Duchess, I had found before I receiv’d yr. letter I beleive the completest fellow for the purpose yt. can be, a perfectly well behaved man with good connections & acquaintances, an incomparable woman’s hair dresser, having dress’d the Dss. of Devonshire & several other women of fashion for many years, a very good, creditable looking little man, who talks English & French perfectly, & I believe German. He married a few years back & his wife keeps a pension for young ladies at Chaillot. I sent for him from Paris where he was gone, in order to talk over with him how he shd. like the Dss.’s service. I have made no terms with him, now knowing what you might like to give him. He said he shd. be very happy to attend upon the Dss. & to take such wages as you might think him worthy of. His name I believe is Jean François; I know his sirname is François, as I have been acquainted with him for many years & known him not only from myself but from numberless other quarters to be an exceeding steady well-behaved man, besides possessing his art in perfection. If you shd. disapprove of him, wh. I think & hope you will not, for I am certain you will not get such another anywhere, you have nothing to do but to pay his journey back again either to France or England, & make him some little trifling present besides, but I hope the Dss. & you will not think of sending him back without first trying him. As La Coste is going by my orders to take care of yr. carriages, I send François with him as the least extravagant way of travelling. As to yr. horses I have given the best orders I possibly can respecting them, & I hope everything else yt. you have entrusted to my care, you will find on yr. arrival arrang’d to yr. satisfaction. I will now, my dearest brother, conclude, as in the first place I am certain you must long ago before you arrive at this part of my letter, have been tired with reading this shocking scrawl, wh. I can only apologize for on the score of hurry, & in the next place as I myself am tired of writing, therefore Adieu, dearest Frederick, with every compliment & expression of regard to ma chére belle soeur, beleive me [etc.].
P.S. I will write in a post or two & let you know what house I have taken. Pray remember all my commissions—best comts. to Jack.
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maginpui · 7 years
For squiddy ( @meeb0) sake i am uploading this.
Based on a discussion with @rieeemagne. Basically tales of zestiria members go on a trip to the amusement park.
This is kinda based on rl events i encountered- oc some exaggerated.
All the zesty crew get a free trip to this amusement park and hotel rooms. Like perfect isnt it? Lailah organizes the event to ensure that not a single moment is missed and everyone is prepared. Im talking lailah is full mom mode ask her what she didnt pack for the event.  For the rest they are more excited tbh than really caring of prep. 
They arrive and lailah shares the plan with them but getting them to actually listen- yeah forget about that. They all dragged her to places and she cant do much.
 In the amusement park- Edna always ends up dragging mikleo to scary rides- edna isnt too scared but she loves to see mikleo’s expressions. Tho I assume she is stopped on some rides for being too short and mikleo is so happy for that. 
Sorey- tends to go after mascots idk why but he loves every mascot in the park and waits in queues to take photos. He isnt too interested in rides- hes more interested in collecting and scavenger hunts. And adventuring the park. Sorey will find each weird place in the park u didnt even know it existed. Mikleo joins him sometimes- mostly to escape edna. 
Zaveid hits on every shopkeeper. Idc who it is but he is hitting on her. they manage to convince him to buy stuff and so they gain profit. And zaveid cant really say no to a charming lady so he tends to waste most money amongst the group when lailah scolds him. Of course lailah scolding does nothing.
Rose loves rollercoasters and would go on any but dezel took her to a horror house- yeah that didnt go too well.  Dezel hates rollercoasters tho but he joins cuz of rose going on them. He doesnt mind heights but he doesnt get the joy in them in general.
Lailah is in a constant disaster. Alisha joins them but doesnt go on most rides- alisha loves merry go rounds and simple stuff like that- where they all as a group can go on. She feels bad for lailah and tries to help her because of the group being in utter chaos.
Going back to the hotel requires a golf car. On the way back they all picked up zaveids bags full of items he kinda bought. In the backrow sits sorey, edna and rose. Sorey yawns- the day was long- of course none went as planned but they had fun and they were gonna go get a good night sleep. Accidentally the bag slips from his hand and falls on the road- on instinct he jumps out. Edna laughs so much enjoying the vehicle moving and sorey running after it. Rose asks the car to stop and they finally meet up a running sorey. Mikleo decides to keep an eye on him and no bags for sorey ever. THO ITS GENERALLY ZAVEIDS FAULY.
And poor lailah needs to do something about this group which cant go with their plans. But alisha reassures her and keeps her going. Not like anyone listens to alisha. Sorey and mikleo tend to take her on their adventures tho she tends up to be a third wheel in this exploring the park thing. 
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thecreativeseries · 5 years
Interview with Illiaria Ronchi Architect and Photographer
Firstly, can you start with a little bit about yourself?
I was born in Italy, close by Milano, 30 years ago. I grew up in a small village surrounded by nature, and I was so lucky to have parents who loved travelling: I was a bit more than 1 year old when my parents brought me by car to the UK. I remember my dad always around with a film camera and an old enormous video camera.
Because of my childhood, I believe I have always felt my hometown too small for me and dreamed of exploring the world. This is why as soon as I started university I enrolled in Architecture programs in Madrid, Macao, Paris, ending up, after graduation in the Netherlands, where I have been living for 4 years now. Currently, I am working for a large architecture firm in Amsterdam.
You are an Architect who also takes beautiful images, can you tell me about your job and how photography became a part of your life?
Photography has been part of my life way before than architecture. I remember I got my first film camera from my dad when I was 10, while all my friends were getting video games. I liked the idea that I could frame my memories forever, of course, back in the day's cellphone were not a thing yet.
I did my first real photography course at 15 and assisted my ex-boyfriend at 21 during professional fashion shootings. Even tho I never liked it that much, I owe a lot to that since I learnt the big part of my post-production skills.
Weirdly enough, I was never interested in architecture photography, but I have always loved to picture landscapes, wilderness and animals. Photography was clearly a way for me to escape from my reality and adventuring in the unknown.
In this way, my job and my interest for photography look very disconnected, but I must recognize that my love for minimal and straightforward architecture influenced so much my image taste in the past couple of years. Gaining confidence in my work creative drive helped me a lot to define my photography style.
What drew you to study architecture as a career, and what do you enjoy most about it?
Can you believe me when I say that before enrolling in university I wanted to pursue probably 10 different careers? I decided to study architectural engineering because I felt it was an excellent profession to keep creativity in my life, to build something useful for people, flexible enough to adapt to the changes of our society (environment problems included) and to allow me to travel and live everywhere without having to reinvent my career. And I must admit, after 5 years of practising, that I made the right choice: just recently I have seen my very first two projects completed. I can't even explain the feeling of seeing something that you have worked on for months coming back to life: seeing all your effort in front of you and being enjoyed by people is the best part of our profession and makes you forget about the overtime work and the fights over the -always too low- budget.
What inspires your creative vision?
In my vision, the common denominator of photography and architecture is celebrating the beauty of nature. I would like the products of my creativity to be something so pure and simple that anyone can understand independently from their social and cultural background. Therefore, there is nothing better than getting inspired by the natural shapes, the geometrical patterns, the elegant lines, the materiality, the sounds that our planet can offer to us.
Which photographers have inspired you, and how?
In my first years into photography, I was deeply in love with the images of Steve McCurry and Frans Lanting. I used to dream of being an explorer and a NatGeo reporter, discovering the unknown and spreading awareness about our beautiful planet. With the years, I started to believe that we must convey something of ourselves in a picture and not just report a reality, this is why I particularly love the work of @helloemilie and @bejamin. They can really celebrate the beauties of our planet and hook you in their images in perfect contemplation.
What genre of photography brings you the most joy?
I have experimented with different kinds of photography, so now I can admit that nature and landscape can fill my soul with joy more than anything. Primarily I feel successful when I look at an image, and the combination of colours and light makes me remember exactly what I thought in the moment of capturing it. Of course, I can still appreciate different genres, and you will find them in my Instagram account, but when I look at a picture of the ocean or a deserted landscape, I almost feel like the image is talking with my soul.
How do you maintain your creative drive?
I believe creativity must not be forced. It is ok not to feel creative sometimes, and the best thing to do in those cases is just doing something else. It happened a lot that I didn't take my camera for months, or I asked at work to do practice stuff; those times the best to do was focusing on myself or outdoor activities or even another form of arts. Travelling, diving in new cultures, talking and learning from people from all over the world and especially having a "me time" while surfing, always fills me up with an energy that I mostly channel in photography and design.
Finally, do you have any advice for aspiring Architects?
After working in different countries, I noticed that architecture is never as you have imagined while you are studying it. During university, I had this vision of architecture as a science that would help people to build a fair and sustainable society. Unfortunately, the real -money wise- the deal is entirely different. My best advice is, for who shares my same point of view, don't give up! Don't be discouraged by low salaries or companies that work like construction machine. Don't be afraid to refuse a position in a company that doesn't fit with your creative drive: if you love and believe in what you are doing, your creativity will flourish, and your design will benefit from it and appreciate by people.
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