#they don’t tell you how hard it is. being gay and having to wait two and a half hours on campus as a result. because i’m gay
nazumichi · 6 months
if someone could yell at me every wednesday to take the bus and NOT walk instead that would be so
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The Dork And The Nerd
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Hello there!
I didn't post anything with Leah since like for ever, so there it is!
Please enjoy :)
TW : None I think, or please let me know :)
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Looking around the room, you readjust the camera one last time before starting your stream. It’s your job, even if some people are still saying that it isn’t a real job and stupid things like that.
You were winning your life easily with it, living your dream. You always loved playing video games, you started alone because it wasn’t what your little sisters were loving to do. When you discovered online games it was a life changing for you. You started streaming when you were 18 years old, which was seven years ago now. It was hard at first to be honest, being a woman in this man world.
But you find some friends in popular streamers who took you under their wings and help you to be where you are now.
You have several thousand people who follow you to each of your live, four night each week. You still have some shit to deal with, like harassers, but you took a manager who is the one reading your mail. He takes on him to choose your different partnership and sometimes answer to the people sending you strange things.
You are openly gay, but that doesn’t make stop some of men to send you disturbing pictures. Thanks god it’s your agent who see them, but you are aware of it. Just like your girlfriend, though.
You start your stream like usual, saying hello to your followers and talking a little bit about actuality or what you did today. You have a white kitten, who you called Purrito, who is almost as famous as you are. He keeps coming when you are playing, sometimes lying on your hand, or trying to catch the mouse of your computer. You already have a lot of bloopers because of him, but you can’t be mad with him.
Lately, your passion for video games seems to have catch the attention of your girlfriend. She always was looking at you when you are streaming, when she can. You usually do it during the evening so she’s back from training or games.
When Leah asked you to learn to her how to play video games, at first you thought she was messing with you. But she was really serious and ask you one more time. And who are you to refuse something to your girlfriend?
At first it was just to have fun, but you soon have an idea, and you used your best puppy eyes to get your girlfriend agreed with it. You wanted to make her play with you, but without her showing her face in your screen.
You never talked about Leah being your girlfriend, even if you are together for two years now. The public know that you are in a relationship, you sometimes mention your girlfriend live. They just don’t know who she is.
You met Leah at a ceremony and Katie who is a fan of your job took Leah when she went to met you. You were happy to met Katie, but you find yourself thunderstruck by Leah. You don’t remember if you were really coherent that night, but Leah followed you back almost immediately when you did it on Instagram.
You waited the next Arsenal games to sent her a message, congratulating her for her performance. You even take a picture of you in the stand with your father (who really was surprised when you ask him to go with you to a women football game). Leah answered you that next time you come you have to tell her, so she could give you a better seat.
You didn’t know if she was serious or not, but she then asked you the next game in London if you are coming and she find you a seat in the friends and family area. After the game she offers you to go for a drink. You then had other dates, and the rest is history.
You got together one month before she did her ACL and even if it was a hard time, you both get stronger. You let Lia Wälti take the lead in Leah’s recovery, but you were always around to help too. When Lia return to her home, you were the one staying with Leah at night. And you kept taking her in her rehab and cooking for her.
The day Leah started to run again, you were at the training to watch her. This is the day where she officially asked you to move in with her now that she could do things alone again. Unless cooking maybe, but that’s another question.
You accepted of course and the blonde happily transformed one of her guest room in your studio of stream.
It’s where you are now, Leah peacefully setting on your living room, ready to go live with you.
“Oh, it looks like our guest is here” you smile when you see that Leah is connected too. “Hi Baby!”
You only said to your viewers that it was your girlfriend, without saying anything else. You are aware that maybe someone will recognize Leah’s voice, but it would be fun anyway.
“Hi Love” she answers.
You make a reminder of the game you were going to play, for her first live Leah chose a car games, Trackmania. It wasn’t your favorite game, but you were so happy that she said yes to you that you would have accept a Tetris game.
“How are you?” you ask her, while making the game ready.
“I’m fine. Happy to play with you tonight.”
“I am happy too” you smile before looking at the camera. “Let’s have her a good evening guys so she will accept to do it more often yeah?”
You hear Leah chuckle, and you can’t help but smile. You already are seeing comments saying that you look whipped, what makes you roll your eyes. It seems to you that Leah’s voice is a little different from what it is in reality, but maybe your mind is playing trick.
You play several runs with Leah, before switching to another game after talking with your chat who recommend to you to make Leah try an adventure RPG. When you look at the clock again, it’s past midnight.
“Oh wow I didn’t realize that it was already so late” you exclaimed yourself. “We are going to stop here guys, I’m sorry. Maybe next time we will try Minecraft or something else, I’ll let you know. I hope you had as fun as I had Babe.”
“It was really fun. Thank you for inviting me.”
You can hear Leah smile and you can’t wait to go to the living room for a cuddle and kiss session. When you played together until know, you were able to show each other or tease the other with kisses.
“You will be invited for more times” you smirk.
Leah left and you take the time to thanks your viewers a little more longer before logging off. You stretch, finishing your bottle of water before going to find Leah. You run on the stairs and Leah already knew you were coming before you jump on the couch next to her.
She laughs when you attack her with kisses all over her face, finishing on her lips.
“Did you really have fun?” you ask, looking at her with attention.
She nods, playing with your hair. She’s smiling and every time you look at her, you wonder how in the world you get so lucky. She’s perfect.
“I did” she smiles at you. “I’m not saying that I want to do that all the night every night, but it was great.”
“Mh I maybe have another idea for us to have fun all night” you smirk.
The tone of your voice is very obvious and if Leah had one doubt, she just has to look the way you are looking at her. Your fingers run on her tight and you kiss her one more time, before sucking slightly at her neck.
Leah gulp and just hums, tilting her head on the side for you to have a better access. You know what you are doing, after more than two years, you know Leah’s body and reactions like the back of your hand.
“Let’s go to bed” Leah decides several seconds after, taking your hand before dragging you in your bedroom on the first floor.
“It was a great session.”
You smile at Leah who came to your studio after you played together again. You were still sitting when she entered the room, and she passed her hand around your shoulder from behind to kiss your cheek.
“It was” you smile before turning your chair to face Leah.
She sits on your lap, and you pass your arms around her. It wasn’t the second time that you are playing together while you are streaming, today you chose Fifa and it was very fun. You made the pact not to play with Arsenal or England, but it was still very funny. Leah is a very bad looser, so you play several games in the same team too.
“People are starting to have some suspicion though” Leah says.
She was right, you saw on social media some things about your girlfriend being Leah. But it wasn’t the only name coming.
“Yeah, they said I will make a great couple with some of your teammates too” you shrug, before counting on your fingers “They are talking about Sabrina, Alessia, Kyra and Lia.”
Leah frown, not really liking the picture who comes in her mind.
“Nah. You’re mine.” she answers possessively.
“Do you want to tell people?”
Leah looks at you, thinking for several seconds before answering. This is lasting for some weeks now and you know that you can’t stay hidden forever. You attract the attention of the world by playing together.
“Not now. It’s fun like this, don’t you think?”
“It is” you confirm with a smile.
Leah has the habit to be coupled with every teammate and you are sometimes shipped with other streamers. You like to stream with other of them, certain being your friends too. There is nothing much, but that doesn’t stop people to imagine that you are dating one of them.
But you have to admit too that your stream with Leah attracts more people than usual, and you are a little scared that people will assume that you’re using your girlfriend for the views.
Your face being very close to Leah, she seems to realize very quickly that something is on your mind.
“What’s the matter?” she asks.
“Nothing” you say at first, before sighing. “Well, I mean… I already have some viewers saying that I’m using my girlfriend to gain more viewers, so I was wondering how they would react when they realize it’s you.”
You shrug to show her that it’s not really important, you don’t want to think you are worried about something so little.
“If someone say that you know what my answer will be?” Leah asks with a serious face.
“No” you mumble.
“I will tell them that we are together for two years, that you have been the best girlfriend in the world since. I will tell them how affectionate, caring, sweet, funny, clever and passionate you are.”
You can’t help but smile and feel your cheek being a little red at that statement. Leah smirks and kisses your cheek.
“And I’ll add that if you use me, it’s only in the bedroom and the way you do is actually very talented and also very private.”
You laugh this time, hitting her on the arm. Leah seems very happy about her joke, her eyes shinning with malice. She’s so beautiful. You bite her jaw before whispering.
“You’re such a dork.”
“The Nerd and the Dork, it would be a great book title” she smirks.
“You’re not totally wrong.”
“You’re cheating!”
You can’t help but laugh at Leah. You are playing once again against your girlfriend, during a live. You are playing at Mario Kart and you just won the race for the third time in a row. She’s fuming and even if you can’t see her, the noise coming from downstairs are letting you know that she’s actually kicking the ground right now.
“I’m not, Baby I swear. You can’t cheat in this game.”
“Yes, you are!”
You roll your eyes, not answering anything. You are of course very aware about of much your girlfriend hates to lose. You are at the first place while Leah is third, which is really good for someone who isn’t playing video games daily like you. But not for the great Leah Williamson.
“Someone in the comment is saying that I will sleep on the couch. I won’t Babe, right?”
“I’m not sure about it for now” Leah grumbles. “Or maybe I’ll go sleep to the trai…”
You cough suddenly and Leah stops talking, realizing what she was just about to say. You really hope that no one would understand what she was going to say. Or at least another end of sentence, not “training ground”.
“Alright, next game” you say right after.
“I’m gonna crush you.”
She doesn’t and when you join her in the kitchen after, she seems really embarrassed. You ignore the different messages asking what Leah wanted to say and the answer some of them gave. You saw that some people where right and you know that the research will start again.
“I’m so sorry” she says, coming for you while you’re entering the room. “I was fuming because I was losing, and I forgot for some seconds that it wasn’t only you and me.”
You smile, easily passing your arms around her to give her a hug. She cuddles against you when you kiss her temple.
“It’s ok, don’t worry. Plus, you are the most famous between the both of us, you will be the most annoyed by all that.”
“Why would I be annoyed?”
Leah back up her head a little bit, just to be able to have a better look at your face. You arch an eyebrow before answering.
“Because you always told me you want privacy.”
It was in the early hours of your relationship, and you never said anything against it. You understood Leah’s needs, at this time you weren’t as famous as you are right now. She wanted to be known for her skills, her job in football or her implications in different charities. And the point was very easy for you to be understood. Your friends are families know obviously about you two, it would be strange and difficult to hide a relationship when you live together. Plus because of her answer last time you talked about it, you were really sure that it was what she want.
“I told you that at first, but now I wouldn’t mind if people start to know about us.”
She shrugs like it’s nothing, but your mind just blown. You were used to the idea of people stay in the ignorance about your relationship and the love you have for this woman. As long as you have her, why would you complain?
“Do you… Really?” you frown.
“Yeah, I mean if you don’t want to be out…”
“No, I do. I just thought that you would like to stay private for like forever?”
“I love you. I want the world to know how happy you make me. But in several weeks. I want to play with your fans a little more.”
“Sounds good to me” you smirk. “And I love you too.”
For the next weeks, you chose one day of the week to play and stream with Leah. Between those days, you were careful to post some things on social media, giving little clues to your followers about the identity of your girlfriend. You never posted something with Leah or even with a part of her hand or hair. It was more subtle than that.
Until one day, where you were peacefully streaming while Leah went out with her friends. You usually go with her, but today it was more an unexpected drink, so you already have something planned on your channel. You have an entire trust in Leah, and you know that nothing would ever happen with anyone. If you go with her almost every time, it’s only to have a great time with her.
Plus, tonight she’s out with Katie, Caitlin, Steph, her boyfriend, and Kyra, so there are really no risks.
You usually wait for Leah to text you that she was coming home to cut your stream, so you have the time to finish what you are doing and say goodbye to your viewers. Tonight though, either you didn’t see her message, or she forgot to send it to you.
Still, there is suddenly a stunning blonde who enters your studio, showing herself in the camera at the same time. You are so surprised that you only can look at her on the screen of your camera.
“Hello Hot stuff! You won’t believe what I just learned about Kyra! Did you k- … Oh shit.”
That’s the moment she realizes. It was almost comical to be honest, the enthusiastic tone with which she began her sentence, the moment of silence and the last words spoken in a low voice.
You only have like two seconds to decide if you want to cut the stream and never talk about it again, or if it’s time to be honest with everyone. You chose a third way and turn to the camera.
“Well it’s time for me to say goodbye. See you tomorrow at eight. Thanks for being here!”
You wave and cut the stream and the camera before turning in Leah’s direction. She seems amused but she has at the same time the same look on the face of a teenager caught doing something wrong.
“Funny way to outing things, this clip will be viral” you comment with a small smile.
“I’m sorry?”
Leah can’t hide her smile and you can’t either. You can be mad at her for something like that. You let Leah comes to sit on your lap, kissing her softly when she’s settled. She taste like tequila.
“How was your night?”
“Great. But I missed you.”
She hides her face in your neck, and you feel the goosebumps forming when her breath stroke your skin.
“Did you have fun?”
She hums, start to kiss your neck and you know that the discussion you were supposed to have right now is delayed for now. You will have a lot of time to talk about it later. Your phones are way too busy receiving tons notifications to be able to do anything with it right now anyway.
YourInstagram and LeahWilliamson
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liked by liawalti, leahwilliamson, alessia, bethmead and 199,937 others
YourInstagram Two years and a half with this dork. I love you ❤️🤍
comments have been limited
leahwilliamson I love you more my Nerd ❤️🤍  
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lust4life01 · 2 months
Hello there! Could you please write a Gregory House smut with a fem reader? I'm good with anything, maybe with a little exhibitionism with Wilson? Anything really, would love a dark House. Thanks!
Hello!! Sorry I took so long to reply <3 I think this is pretty dark but I’m sorry if it’s not exactly what you wanted lmao. I havent really written anything dark yet.
Let me put on a show.
(Warnings)18+!! Exhibitionism,almost prositition,smut,older man x younger woman, praise, being watched, darkish smut.
Pairing: Greg House x f/reader x James Wilson
You and Greg had been seeing each other for a little while, not necessarily in secret but private would suit the situation better. This was purely under your conditions as you didn’t want people to assume you were just fucking him to do well within your job or to have some sort of advantage. The only advantage you cared about was the advantage of fucking him almost every night. House on the other hand, he had been itching to brag about his new little toy he could play with, but under your wishes he resisted. Well for a little while. His main focus was keeping you happy, if you were happy he was definitely going be happy.
Despite this, it was clear to everyone around House that he was seeing someone as he was less of a jackass than usual and just seemed even more smug than usual. Which nobody thouht was possible.
“House, come on, I’m your best friend.” Wilson badgered on as him and house sat in the canteen.
In response to this House childishly grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them into his mouth.
“sorwy, moufs kinda full.” He attempted to say, the fries smooshed, breaking his speech.
Wilson rolled his eyes, desperate to know who had been fucking his best friend.
“I don’t understand why you won’t tell me.” He threw his hands up in annoyance.
House continued to stare at him with a blank expression, clearly trying to wind Wilson up.
“I’ll buy you a drink after work if you tell me.”
House tapped his face with his finger mockily pretending to think before answering, “um no.”
Wilson who was almost defeated but also driven by curiosity let out a sigh. “$100.”
Houses face lit up as Wilson placed the note in the table.
“Sold. Thank you sir” House happily snatched the note from the table and shoved it into his pocket.
“Alright fess up. How’s been ya know…” Wilson asked eagerly
“Emptying my balls?”
Wilson scoffed in disgust but nodded his head.
“The babe with sexy eyes, ya know the one working down in the maternity ward.”
Wilson cocked his eyebrow, clearly needing more information.
House rolled his eyes. “The one with (your hair colour) and she’s about yay high. Nice legs”
Wilson thought for a minute before a puzzles looked crossed his face. “Wait. You don’t mean (y,n?)
House smirked “thats the one.”
Wilson let out a loud laugh. “Yeah okay House. And I’m fucking Jennifer Aniston. Seriously tell me. I just gave you $100.”
House looked Wilson up and down in offence. “What you don’t believe me?”
“No. Of course I don’t. You’re a handsome guy House but a girl like that gets fucked by men like Chase.”
“My mature and stern demeanour clearly turns her on. Plus I told her Chase was gay."
“If you seriously don’t believe come to mine at 8pm sharp. Trust me you’ll believe me then.”
Wilson looked at him skeptically but nodded. Wilson wasn’t all hearts and rainbows, despite him not believing House, the thought of seeing you with your mouth open contorted in pleasure was worth the risk of being scammed by House.
You were stood in Houses kitchen, trying to decide what the two of you should eat.
“Ugh, you can’t have soup again (y,n)” House moaned.
“Why not? It’s tasty, easy and quick.” You shrugged.
House moved in front of you, trapping you between him and the counter and looking down at you.
“That’s funny. I remember you liking it long and hard.”
You scoffed at him, not breaking eye contact.
“Screw the food, I’m hungry for something else.”
He bent down and attached your lips hungrily.
You made out as you slowly walked over to the couch, being mindful of his leg.
You pushed him, his back hitting the armrest of the couch and you gently straddled him.
“Is this okay?” You ask sweetly as you lightly bit his neck.
House grabbed your hair into a make shift pony tail and brought your lips to his.
As your lips were glued to one another’s House took the time to peer over at the clock which read 7:55pm.
He slowly undressed you, taking off your top and admiring the way your tits sat in your bra.
“Fuck so pretty.”
He unclip your bra with one hand and it wasn’t just his smile that grew bigger.
“Even prettier.” He smirked, looking at your exposed chest.
You giggled and started to take off Houses shirt as he slipped his fingers under your skirt and panties.
“Mhm nice and soaked for me baby, good girl.”
He circled your clit with his two large fingers and you practically cried out, desperate for more. You started to grin onto his hand and let out a pathetic whimper.
House looked back over to the clock- 7:59pm-
Show time.
He unbuttoned his jeans and waisted no time in entering you. It was sudden, he didn’t even take off your skirt or panties, just moved them to the side.
You let out a pornographic moan as he push up into you so suddenly and started to bounce up and down, your eyes screwed shut and your mouth hung open.
“Say my name baby.” House ordered you. Knowing he wanted Wilson to know exactly who was making you feel this good. He wanted Wilson to know he was in fact the one who could make you cum whenever he decided to.
It was exactly 8pm as Wilson stood outside House's apartment door. He was hesitant to enter. He could hear the sounds of two bodies slamming against one another and the chants of his best friends name over and over.
Fuck the idea of seeing you on the verge of cuming made his blood rush to his pants.
He open the door carefully, the sounds of you already becoming louder.
House heard the door and circled his fingers around your clit in hopes you would become louder.
Now Wilson could see you in all your glory. Your face contorted in pure pleasure.
“Fuck. House gonna cum. You fuck me so good.” you whined.
Wilson stared with his mouth agape completely in awe of the way your body moved and the sounds that graced your lips. He felt like such a creep, but he couldn’t stop watching.
“Cum for me baby” House grunted out whilst peering over at Wilson.
Your head jolted back, exposing the veins in your neck as you reached your peak. You let out a pathetic whimper as House continued to fuck your overstimulated cunt.
Wilson couldn’t bear it any longer. He swiftly made his way out of the apartment completely horny and with an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Little did he know, you knew all about this little arrangement.
House had told you before hand and showed you the crisp $100 dollar bill he’d received if you put on your best show. You were hesitant at first, but your were a broke trainee and $100 is $100. You could put on a show. Make the dirtiest moans you could.
Once House pulled out of you, you both stared at each other and began to laugh.
“Well how was I?” You asked, feeling pretty proud of the performance you just put on.
“Excellent. You could be a real porn star.” He smiled at you.
“How do you know I’m not” you cocked an eyebrow.
“ I would have seen it by now.” he mocked
You both laughed and sat for a while.
“Okay on a real note I am actually very hungry can we get food now please?” You whined as you began to dress again.
“After that show, how could I refuse” House grabbed the $100 and placed it into your bra.
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kkami-writes · 10 months
waiting for us ― chapter nine. avoidance cw: semi non-graphic domestic abuse, implied/referenced self-harm (although both are brief, please don't trigger yourself! I'll include a tl;dr at the end so you know what happened.) ↝ wc: 1.2k previous | masterlist | next waiting for us taglist. (29/50) @abbiestearsricochet @sanriiolino @boo-ven9eance @melleus @lenilla15 @adorawritesalot @inlovewithallmusic @soulphoenix1618 @alnex05 @borahae-reads @zonked-times @httphans @yoonrimin @sunoosult @slay-and-gay @itz-not-me-guys @jihanniee @berrybearbear @lovelixie @katsukis1wife @aksoace @realrintaro @0325tiny @adestayskz @minhwa @littleaprilcherryblossom @soobery @luvvvash @lillithathecat @ilychee08 @everglowdaisies @boi-bi-ahaha @yandere-stories
You hated that you enjoyed your time with Jeongin, that you had felt comfortable and safe in his presence. You had to remind yourself several times that you couldn’t get too close, too attached because it was gonna hurt when you inevitably had to leave. 
Yet here you were, letting him walk you towards the parking lot, trying not to get lost in his dimples that threaten to suck you in. You could tell that you were already so screwed. His voice breaks you out of your never ending cycle of thoughts. 
“Noona, have you found your soulmate?” You tense up at the question, an unpleasant shiver going down your spine.
“Oh. No, um. I’m a blank,” It’s the same lie you tell everyone, so why does your chest suddenly ache as the words leave your mouth? You know why but it’s something you refuse to admit. 
Jeongin frowns at your words. He doesn’t want to think you’re a liar of course, you must have your reasons for not telling the truth. But he knows it’s a lie. Even if you weren’t their soulmate (something he didn’t want to think about), you definitely had one. Fate would be too cruel to deny someone as beautiful as you, your other half. Jeongin wishes it was him. He so badly wants you to be his soulmate, their soulmate. More than anything. 
He goes to open his mouth to say something but a loud shout of your name stops him and both of you turn towards the sound. You flinch, your blood running cold as you watch your brother walk up to you. He looks calm but you can see the anger in his eyes. You had planned to ditch Jeongin closer to the parking lot so your brother didn’t see you with someone, it seems though you had been late, leaving the man impatient.
You wished he had just made good on his threat to just leave you there, to walk a half hour to get back home instead. 
“Mio, I’ve been waiting,”
“S-sorry. I was just um. Sorry, let’s go. See you later Jeongin,” You don’t even look back at Jeongin, walking straight forward and even leaving your brother behind, all too eager to get out of this uncomfortable situation.
He glances at Jeongin, nodding his head in acknowledgment before leaving without a word. Jeongin blinks, processing the confusing interaction for a second. He realizes that he didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to you, instead watching as you get smaller and smaller, ignoring the empty feeling he gets in his chest. 
The car ride home is deadly silent, your brother not having said a single word since he slipped into the driver's seat. It fills you with relief that he doesn’t ask, but you know that it’s not a good thing that he hasn’t said a word, knuckles turning almost white from how hard he’s gripping at the steering wheel. 
When you arrive home you hope that he’ll continue to ignore you but he grips onto your wrist before you can run away. His fingers bruising your skin easily as he holds you in place, glaring down at you. 
“who the fuck was that huh?”
“no one. he’s just my lab partner— we were going over homework,”
“doesn’t explain why he was with you still,”
“He was just being nice, walking me to the parking lot,” 
“You two looked awfully cozy. Is that why you were late? Too busy being a whore?”
You’re silent, gritting your teeth but your brother doesn’t take your silence well as he strikes you across the face. You barely make a sound, all too used to this. 
“Whatever. Stay away from him, got it? I better not catch you with any boys anymore,” 
With that, the conversation is over as he throws your hand down and stomps off to wherever it is he goes when he’s pissed at you. 
In silence you make your way to your room, throwing your bag down onto your bed in pure frustration, slamming the door behind you before sliding down it. You’re gripping at your hair, feeling your body go numb from the pain of trying to hold everything in, but from meeting three of your soulmates recently and now this— it’s all too overwhelming. The stinging pain from your cheek slowly dissipates but you know there’s gonna be a small bruise at least. 
You come up to dig through your bag until you find what you’re looking for, a small pocket knife you keep on you at all times. For now, you’d have to cope in the only way you know how to. 
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You’re glad to not have bio again until friday, being able to avoid Jeongin easily with how big campus was. But of course, fate loves to fuck with you which is why you’re somehow not surprised that you come face to face with him at the coffee cart for your daily fix of caffeine. He waves over at you with a smile but you duck and move to go the other way, coffee not worth having to talk to him right now.  
Jeongin frowns, a brief pang hitting his heart as you blatantly ignore him. He knows he shouldn’t run after you but he can’t help it, finding his feet chasing after you before he can stop them.
He’s calling out for you but you continue to pretend not to hear him, hating the fact that he’s making a scene. Of course, with his long legs he catches up to you in no time, reaching out for you as he grasps at your forearm.
You flinch, his hands wrapped around your new wounds and you all but yank your arm out of his grip, clutching it to your chest, face scrunched up in mild pain. He frowns at your reaction and before he knows it, he’s grabbing at your hand again, this time rolling up your sleeve.
Jeongin’s heart shatters as he sees the all too familiar scars littered on the inside of your wrists. A few of them are fresh, just barely scabbing over and red.
When he looks up at you with a sad look you’re still in a state of shock at what had just occurred. You snap out of it and pull your hand away again, though this time you’re furious and completely baffled by his audacity. 
You turn again to walk away and thankfully Jeongin doesn’t pull you back but he still follows after you. 
“Mio please, talk to me. What happened?”
You’re still feeling entirely too much, it’s all too overwhelming so it’s not really all that surprising to you that you snap.  “Just go away! Who do you think you are? You don’t know me and I don’t know you. We’re just fucking lab partners Jeongin. Don’t act like we’re all suddenly buddy-buddy, ok? Just leave me the hell alone,”
You yell, probably a lot louder than you should have but it gets the point across and this time Jeongin lets you leave. He watches you walk away for the second time in two days, his heart a jumbled mess and his eyes glossy with unshed tears.
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TL;DR !! YN's brother catches her with Jeongin. Once home, he slaps her across the face and warns her to stay away from him and boys in general. YN's feeling overwhelmed by everything and SH's as her only way to cope. She sees Jeongin the next day but she tries to avoid him only for him to grab onto her. She flinches, which he notices and pulls up her sleeves to see her recent SH scars. YN gets mad and yells at him before leaving.
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absolutebl · 30 days
This Week in BL - Thailand surprised me
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 eps - I love love love Sol! Pink-haired baby idol blast from the past nursing a crush = absolute catnip for me. This is def my favorite Thai BL currently airing. And it’s probably because it has a sort of odd queer authenticity to both its gayness and its rep of the film industry. I mean, of course it’s sanitized into BL fantasy-landia, but there’s an underpinning of something real, for lack of a better word. Normally I prefer the fantasy of my dumb BL worldview, but in this one I’m kind of liking a little chew and grit.
All of which is to say: this is very fucked up messy gay, which normally I’m not wild about, but for some reason I’m really enjoying this version.
On the other side of the BL coin we have:
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Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 1 of 12 - And I like it a lot. It’s fun and I’m enjoying it (possibly more than it deserves). I like how it’s a little absurdist. I like that it starts with a one night stand. I like all of the side characters. I love the asexual representation. Bonus LUBE! It’s a fun show. More FUN that GMMTV usually goes for.  
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Two Worlds (Thurs iQIYI) ep 8 of 10 - The sketching in the cave scene was v sexy. And I’m enjoying this BL, but not for any other reason than MaxNat being MaxNatty all over my screen. 
1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 12fin - I don’t know what I feel about this one. Mostly just indifferent. It was meant to be the paranormal Thai BL pulp about vampires that we were all waiting for, and it ended up just being boring. Frankly, I'd rather be pissed off than bored. 6/10
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 4 of 12 - I truly love the naked lust on our side couple's pining friend's face. Usually only Japan get this thirsty.
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Book is perfectly cast as Moo's older bro. They even look a bit alike but it might have been a mistake, because he’s so damn charismatic. Stole all the breath from the show for a bit. 
We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 16 - No report until next week. 
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
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Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 11 of 12 - What a fantastic ep. This show really is killing it. I’m so happy with Taiwan right now. 
Carry on.
Blue Boys (Korea YouTube) 3 of ? - It remains lovely and I remain enjoying it immensely. It’s very Strongberry feeling. That's always a welcome sensation.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - They are so cute and pretty much just boyfriends already regardless of what they each think. I'm scared that next week is the final episode, it doesn’t feel like it’s gone very far.
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - I liked it a little better this week. I guess I’m warming up to this one?
Boys Be Brave AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 3-4 of 8 - Ah poor lonely neglected child. They are all such weirdos. I don’t understand any of these characters or their motivations except they are strange kind of cartoons of... something.
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 9-10 of 12 - The guy who plays the vet should be playing a vampire. That's it. That's all I have to say. 
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It's airing but...
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - 6 eps, when it's done, tell me if I should bother?
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - supposed to have started on Friday but I couldn't find it, I also didn't try very hard.
In case you missed it
GMMTV announced the second half of their 2024 line up. I got excited and picked my favorites, details + trailers here.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
May Releases
5/10 A Balloon's Landing (Taiwan movie) trailer - A frustrated Hong Kong writer, Tian Yu, meets a Taipei street gangster, Xiang (Fandy Fan from HIStory2: Crossing the Line), and the two of them embark on a journey to find the Bay of Vanishing Whales. Along the way, they discover unexpected twists and turns and close bonds, which brings out the message that "there is always someone like you in this world who is waiting for you.
5/16 Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 6 - Strongberry doing classic BL! Weeee!
5/19 OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 1 of 10 - LeeFrank are back - not unlike the undead (as it were). But how do we feel about it? Unsure given their track record.
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5/25 The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer - HoTae & DongHee are back but unfortunately not in a cinema near me. Side couple from Unintentional Love Story, same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS.
5/28 My Biker 2 (Thai movie YT?) - trailer
5/31 The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) - May not be BL
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I love a shrimp peeling moment in my Thai BL. (Only Boo)
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Unquestionably the best moment in BL this year. FIGHT ME. (Unknown)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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brooooswriting · 4 months
Hey! Would be interested in R joining Essex after Leighton is already out and R is closeted. Would love to see how Leighton deals with it when she was just as closeted. Thanks<3
Oh I know
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Being gay wasn’t fun, not when you were scared to tell people and had to hide who you really are. You hated it in high school which was why you made a plan for college. Since you despised the thought of coming out you decided to just go to a frat party and make out with a girl. Boom! Everybody would know and it would be fine.
Well, turns out you were too shy to do that. You went there extremely confident with your roommates but you ended up only chatting with some new people before getting drunk with your friends. At the end of the night you met a nice girl that was one year above you, Whitney.
Somehow Whitney kinda adopted you. She took you everywhere, made you meet her roommates and willow. It was nice really, Bella was hilarious, Kimberly was so caring it was crazy and Leighton, well Leighton was unhinged but so damn hot.
Seems like Leighton had a great gaydar because after meeting you like three or four times she decided to get you alone at the next frat party. When you went outside to catch some fresh air you suddenly felt a hand on your waist making you jump. Just as you were about to start a fight with the person you noticed that it was Leighton. “Hey” you mumbled out with a small blush covering your face.
“Hey” she just stared at you for a moment making the blush even worse. “So, what do you think we get out of here?” You choked on the sip you just drank, avoiding eye contact.
“I- uhm. How’d -how do you know that I’m…you know?” You whispered, your eyes flicking around to make sure that nobody would hear you.
“I used to be like you, a little richer and a lot less shy but I can tell when you look at me” you were about to scream when she bit her lip while looking you up and down “so, wanna get outta here?” This time you nodded, quickly pulling Leighton away.
What was meant to be a one night stand turned into a lot more, it was hard to see you and Leighton apart. If it was in private you were always with her and if it was outside you were always with the her and her roommates. Every time you saw a gay couple walk down the street you wished it could be like this with you two but the thought of coming out makes you shiver in anxiety.
“Damn look, this is such a good TikTok for the sorority” Leighton said as she came back to you, her phone in hand. She turned it to you so you could watch it. “I am definitely going to post that. It’s the perfect mix between rich, hot, sexy and perfect” she explained further. While you hated to admit it, because she was, just like Bella pathological overconfident, it was true. She was wearing expensive shit, her hair was slightly messy from your activities and her lip sync and movements were nailed.
“Wait, did you already post that?” You suddenly panicked, staring at the phone trying to figure out if she did.
“Yeah why?” Her voice was so normal and unbothered which nearly made you snap. It would be stupid to snap at her as she didn’t see the problem but in that moment you were just too in your head. I mean we are talking about THE Leighton Murray, that video would have thousands of views before you could do anything.
“You HAVE to delete that!!” You quickly said, trying to figure out how to do that.
“No, why would I? It’s perfect” she argued taking the phone from you.
“Because my letterman jacket is in the back! With my name on it and some cloths beneath!” You explained pointing to the problem which made her sigh.
“We are always together, people won’t figure out that this means anything” she first said, but when she looked at your panicked state she stepped back. “I’m sorry, I’ll delete it” she quickly did that before setting the phone down.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I don’t care about your feelings because I do and I get how you’re feeling. When I was still in the closet my ex flipped every time it came to this. We broke up because I made her take down a picture where you could see an inch of my bag” she laughed slightly at the end to ease some of the tension.
“I really want to show people that I’m with you, you know that right? It’s not that I’m embarrassed about it, I just don’t want everybody to see me differently” you explained as you laid back into her arms, your teary eyes breaking her heart.
“I know, I get it. You do it on your timeline and if you want any help coming out just tell me” she stroked your back and pressed a kiss to your lips. Your lips chased hers as she pulled away.
“Are you sure that this isn’t too much for you?” Alicia asked, she didn’t know who Leigh was seeing but she knew that there was someone. They had decided to become friends again after a while as Leighton had to do charity work again. “I mean you’ve just come out of the closet and now it’s like you’re back in it again. She’s pulling you back in the closet and it’s not looking good on you” she added.
The blonde had to take a deep breath to calm down because otherwise she would have killed Alicia. There was no way she was going to talk bad about you and try to make her break up with you. “Look, in contrast to you I don’t break up with her over her being scared. I’ll give her the support and love she needs to show the world that she’s a badass bitch and if I ever see you talking to her or about her like that you’re gonna have a problem” with that Leighton stormed off to your dorm.
“Hey, is y/n there? I’m here for math tutoring” the blonde said, a disgusted look in her face to make it look like she was really coming for that. Your roommates didn’t know and if she came here happily instead of annoyed they would have known something was off. The youngest Murray wasn’t known for being happy and nice to everyone that walked her way.
“Yeah, she’s in her room. Just knock, she’s alone here. The rest of us got class. So bye” your roommate rushed out, clearly scared of the girl. Leighton bit her lip to hide her grin as she walked past the girl and to your room. After a quick knock she let herself in to a surprised you.
As soon as the door closed her hands grabbed your waist to pull you into her, her lips joining yours seconds later. The kiss was fast and heated as you could barely keep up, your arms wrapped around her neck while hers went under your shirt but they stayed on your naked waist. By now you realized that this wasn’t sexual, no it was Leighton trying to find reassurance.
Once you both ran out of breath you pulled away, a dreamy look on your face while there was a concerned one on hers. “What’s wrong?” You asked as your hand cupped her cheek, your thumb rubbing over her skin softly.
“Please tell me that you don’t feel pressured to come out by me. That I’ve been supportive and made you feel good about yourself” you were shocked, you had never seen her so insecure and desperate.
“Hey, where’s all this coming from? Of course you’ve been supportive, you never made me feel like I had to come out and I’m so thankful for that. What made you feel like you didn’t?” You asked as you pulled her to your bed, you rested again the headboard so Leighton could lay between your legs with her head on your chest.
“I had a talk with Alicia about us, she didn’t know that it’s you but that I’m with a girl who’s closeted and she started to talk shit about how it, about how hard it was to be a with someone who is closeted and shit. I got so mad because that’s what she left me for but now that I’m with you I don’t get it at all. I don’t think being in the closet with you is hard” she confessed and even though you tensed up at the name of her ex you couldn’t help but smile at her monologue.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry she made you feel like that. But you? Damn girl, you’re awesome and I’m happy that you’re my girl” you grinned as you said the corniest line you could think of.
“God, that was disgusting. Never say something like that again” she complained making both of you laugh as she snuggled closer.
“So, my roommates isn’t coming home tonight. Do you maybe wanna sleep over?” You asked as you rested your chin on top of her head.
“Yeah, why not”
Part 2 of reader coming out?
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
“It’s happening,” crows Dustin. “Eddie, it’s happening, it’s happening, she said yes!”
Eddie blinks up at him from the blankets. “Is…this about your little girlfriend, Henderson?” Is there a school dance coming up or something? Wait, it’s the summer, school’s not happening.
In a just world, Eddie Munson would never have to think about high school again; in a just world, Dustin Henderson would not have woken him up by breaking into his trailer at ass o’clock in the morning.
“No, man, Erica! Erica Sinclair! She’s gonna run a My Little Pony game for us!”
“Okay.” Eddie turns over to bury his face in his pillow. “Lock up when you leave,” he says, muffled.
He honest-to-god thinks it’s just a weird dream for the next few days. He’s almost completely forgotten about it when Mike corners him at work.
“You have to make her stop,” Mike says.
“Okay, Wheeler, two things. First: who am I making stop what? Second: I’m not making anyone stop anything. Really not my style, and also, I don’t wanna get involved in whatever this is.”
“You’re already involved! We’re all involved! We’re all, like, liable.”
“Right.” Eddie wipes his hands on a rag and ambles over. “Kid, you have got to start giving me some context here. What are we talking about?”
Mike gives him just the absolute bitchiest eyeroll any human being has ever mustered in the history of the world, and sighs noisily. “Erica wants to run a stupid game, and Dustin keeps encouraging her. Tell Erica and Dustin that we play Dungeons and Dragons with like, cool monsters and shit. Not some stupid game about ponies. It’s not even D&D, it’s a whole new stupid system that she’s making us learn.”
“Oh, shit.” There’s—a few things to unpack in that little speech, but Eddie can’t help the delighted grin spreading over his face. “That’s for real? The pony game? Shit, this is going to be the best thing ever. What system is she planning to run the campaign in?”
“Oh my god,” says Mike, and storms out of the garage.
“GURPS: Generic Universal Role-Playing System,” announces Erica, slamming the books down on Steve’s kitchen table. “A flexible, multi-purpose, setting-agnostic system that can accommodate any conceivable type of story or play style. This is the future of role-playing games, not your broke-ass fantasy bullcrap.”
Eddie wonders how complicated it is to file paperwork for adoption.
“Some of us like D&D,” says Will.
“Yeah, we don’t want your stupid generic whatever. We’re not playing,” Mike snaps.
“That’s not what I said.” Will looks annoyed with Mike, which has been happening a lot lately. Eddie’s glad the kid seems to be growing more of a spine; you can’t just let your tragic heterosexual crushes walk all over you, but that’s the kind of lesson every young gay needs to learn the hard way. “I’m fine with trying something new. I’m just saying, the next campaign after this should be D&D.”
“Sure, what-ever, nerds,” drawls Erica. “We’ll see how you feel after you experience the magic of Ponyland.”
Lucas puts his face in his hands when she says the magic of Ponyland and lets out a pitiful groan.
“Whoo!” cheers Dustin. “Let’s get started!”
It takes them a solid two hours to make their characters. Even Eddie, who’s been vaguely aware of GURPS since it was released a couple years ago, is struggling a little to adapt. It’s just been a while since he played anything but D&D, but he’s enjoying the change of pace. He likes this kind of challenge; it’s like figuring out how to play a familiar song in an unfamiliar genre.
Erica is not especially patient with them, but she’s clearly done her prep work, so Eddie thinks they all manage to get through the character creation process more or less the way it’s supposed to be done.
Steve gets back from work right when they’re putting the finishing touches on their characters. The way he blinks all sweetly confused makes Eddie think that Dustin was definitely lying about having permission to play here, and also that Dustin probably has a very troubling stash of keys to all their homes squirreled away somewhere.
“If I may, Lady Sinclair, I’d like to humbly suggest a ten-minute break?” Eddie says, before Steve can decide whether or not to be mad about this whole thing.
“Sure, go ahead and rest up while you still can,” says Erica. “Steve, I hope you got good snacks around here.” She makes a beeline for the kitchen, and the boys trip over themselves to follow her.
“I would die for that child,” says Eddie.
Steve laughs, low and a little tired. “Yeah. Um, me too.”
“So, I’m gonna go ahead and guess that Henderson didn’t actually clear this with you?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure.” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “He might’ve said something last week? Sometimes when he’s on a tear, I just kinda let him talk.”
“Y’know, we’re at a pretty good stopping point for today, if you want us to clear out so you can get some rest.” Eddie can see the smudgy shadows under Steve’s eyes from halfway across the room.
“No, it’s fine.” Steve peels off his vest. He’s wearing an entire perfectly normal shirt underneath, so there’s no reason for Eddie to hastily avert his eyes like Steve’s doing a damn striptease. “I might go take a nap, though. Gonna trust you not to let them burn down the place, got it?”
Eddie does a silly little salute. “Aye aye, cap’n. No hint of flame shall breach these walls.”
Steve laughs again, a gravelly chuckle, and musses Eddie’s hair on his way to the stairs.
“Why do you have that dumb look on your face,” says Erica suspiciously, standing in the kitchen doorway and clutching the biggest bowl of ice cream Eddie’s seen in his life.
“What look, there’s no look,” says Eddie. “Let’s play some GURPS.”
Edit: now a complete fic on AO3!
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 5 months
Can you do Seonghwa x reader x wooyoung?
Like they would go on a date and the waiter is flirting with Seonghwa and woo & reader is just looking at what is happening being like 😶:)
It's ok if you can't, if you do write it take your time!
Omgg i loved this idea so much and it was so fun writing it! I hope you liked it and it’s just how you imagined it!<33
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Flirt with someone else
Pairing: POLY!Seonghwa x Wooyoung x gn!reader
Disclaimer: the word stupid, the waitress is irritating…(tell me if i missed anything!)
771 words
You always thought poly couples were a bit weird and you couldn’t really understand how people can love more than one person romantically…Well until you met Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
You instantly felt a pull towards them. Had all these confusing feelings for both. After a while, you figured out that you might have a big fat crush on both beautiful boys.
Now, after a year of knowing them and a month of officially dating, three of you were on your way to one of your favourite restaurants for a lovely date!
You had a reservation so you quickly sat down to your table. You guys always have a hard time deciding how to sit but after some rock paper scissors - yes you guys are childish but that’s why it’s a perfect match - the solution was Woo and you on one side of the table and a sulky Hwa sitting opposite you.
Now you are looking at the menu and waiting for a waiter to take your drink orders. You had a light chat between the three of you, just the usual. A little time went by, then a waitress arrived at your table.
“Hey, are you ready to order your drinks?”
“Yeah, I would like a large raspberry lemonade, please!” Said Hwa ever so politely, then looked at you as to indicate that it was your turn.
You got ready to tell your order when the girl said- “Okay, so a large raspberry lemonade for the cutie, others?” To say you were shocked would be an understatement…You look at Hwa with wide eyes. You never thought you would experience someone hitting on your boyfriend right in front of you!
You snapped out of your stance and told her your order. Wooyoung ordered too, sounding slightly irritated.
“Okay, then an iced tea for you”-she said while pointing at you with her pen- ”then a coke for you”-now pointing at Wooyoung- ”and the lemonade for the cutie! I’ll be right back with your drinks!” She said with way too much joy and quickly went away.
You crossed your arms and scrunched up your eyebrows. Next to you, Wooyoung was busy sending the waitress death glares. It was evident that you two didn’t appreciate the way she does her work.
Seonghwa coughed to get your attentions back. You looked at him and immediately softened up. To be fair you’re already whipped for this man. Your angry thoughts immediately disappeared after you made eye contact with him.
Wooyoung was the first to speak up about the earlier incident. “I know that my boyfriend is looking very good, but she doesn’t have to do all that!!” You looked at him nodding.
“Love, I know it bothered you and it was weird, but let’s focus on ourselves, on our date yeah?” Hwa reached across the table to gently pat Woo’s hand.
You gave Wooyoung a small kiss on the cheek too and you all went back to talking and just being happy in your bubble, even forgetting about what happened earlier…until she disturbed you all once again.
She put down your drinks, but of course you caught her sending flirty looks and even a wink to Seonghwa. He looked very shocked and quietly thanked her.
Between you and Woo, he was the more confrontational. Before the waitress could walk away he spoke up.
“I think I can speak for the three of us when I say that I really don’t appreciate you obnoxiously flirting with my boyfriend right in front of me.” Said Wooyoung, emphasising the word boyfriend.
She looked him up and down and scoffed. “But he’s a cute guy! And do you really believe that he’s actually gay??” She laughed evilly.
“Okay this was enough!” Seonghwa snapped and looked at the waitress angrily. He dropped down 26000 won and looked at you and Woo. “We’re gonna leave because I don’t appreciate the way you talk to my partners and the way you’re flirting with me!”
She rolled her eyes, took the money and angrily stomped away.
“Loves I’m sorry you had to experience this.” Hwa said while pouting. “It’s not your fault babe! She was very much out of line with her behaviour.” Wooyoung replied and hugged him. “Can we go home and order sushi?” You asked shyly, slowly attaching yourself to Seonghwa’s side. He smiled down at you and nodded. “Of course baby we’ll do that and have a great date night at home!”
Seonghwa took your left hand and Wooyoung the other, walking down the street towards your apartment. Already forgetting about the stupid waitress, getting lost in your bubble again.
A/N: i hope it was good! Also guys do you prefer if i write like :you did this and this or i did this and this?
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
ANALYSIS ESSAY NUMBER 69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. Yes I have, in fact, written 69 ridiculously long pieces (and some surprisingly short) pieces on my silly little gay shows. This is, obviously, not the first time that I have done a scene breakdown, and it’s certainly not the first time I’ve done a sex scene breakdown, BUT I have been itching to write about this one since I watched I Feel You Linger in the Air Episode 8. There was no way in hell I was going to let essay #69 go unrelated to sex, so I had to wait until another essay (thank you Hypocrisy) could be written and posted. 
In a feat of truly perfect timing, @waitmyturtles sent me an ask about what other physicality (besides hands) I look at to try to understand a character’s psyche, I gave her my wayyyy to long explanation of what it is I look for, and not even 24 hours later the most perfect example of expertly executed physicality graced my screen with the opening scene of I Feel You Linger in the Air. So, I am dedicating this post to Turtles...
and I'm writing a sex scene break down!
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We open with Yai and Jom rushing in to the scene, Jom being pulled by Yai. Which, I mean any forearm, wrist, or hand holding that Yai and Jom are doing is not technically visible to us (it’s happening just off screen) but we know Jom is being pulled at first because of how Bright and Nonkul are moving, Yai enters the room first and Jom is practically tripping to catch up with his motion, but beyond that we know Jom’s being dragged by Yai because of the way Bright and Nonkul’s upper arms are pressed together. We’re off to a great start in Bright and Nonkul’s performance already because of how glued Yai and Jom seem to be. With just the way they are holding their bodies the tension is already palpable, but the magnetism between the two of them is heightened by the fact that the actors are ensuring Yai and Jom don’t break eye contact. Because of this, even though as the motion continues, and they turn to face each other having now placed physical distance between them, you can tell they are still drawn in. You aren’t losing any ounce of desire when they are parted. 
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The way Bright stands, the way Bright has set his face, angled his head, etc. makes Yai seem like he is looking at Jom as if hypnotized, transfixed, enamored. Both of them are just staring at each other, and Jom’s hand slowly slides up Yai’s arm and Yai takes that movement as a sign to come in close, and while Yai was initially shy about (presumably) getting aroused during the olive oil scene in Episode 7, he is horny and ready to fuck now at the beginning of Episode 8 and so he just fucking goes for it. 
You know when Yai is about to lean in for the kiss, because in a fraction of a second he breaks eye contact with Jom to look down towards his lips. But before Yai performs any additional progression towards kissing, Bright plays out the brief moment where Yai is gathering his courage. How do I know Yai is taking a second to psyche himself up? Because Yai pauses, he closes his mouth a little tighter, looks down at Jom’s lips, and he swallows hard. That’s him psyching himself up to just dive right in and go for the kiss. And he doesn’t have to hesitate long, and he doesn’t have to be chaste with this kiss cause Jom and Yai got over the initial tension point when they made out at the end of Episode 7. Without saying a word, we know Jom is In To This Kiss, because he immediately fixes his lips around Yai’s upper lip. Jom meanwhile is standing almost ramrod stiff and straight like he usually does
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@shortpplfedup says when she’s looking at kisses, she’s looking for sticky kisses. My own interpretation of sticky kisses includes moments like in The Eclipse where there is a little line of spit that keeps the kiss lingering for just a second more. In this case, what I would personally consider a sticky kiss is a result of Yai pulling at Jom’s lower lip when Jom pulls his head back slightly for some air and to change the angle of his head. There is no space between them, in fact Yai so thoroughly wants to fuck Jom, that Jom is almost tipping over with how much Yai is trying to press them together. Yai’s hand is roaming, moving up and down Jom’s arm, while Jom is standing there, his hands are still, one wrapped around Yai’s arm, one resting at his neck. Jom is meeting all of Yai’s energy and excitement by standing firm. Because if he did not, it’s possible he’d topple over.
And as characters this makes sense. Jom has been in at least one relationship before, there is no way he hasn’t been sexually active in the past. Jom is the more experienced one in this relationship, and so he is going to have to be the support Yai leans on for his first sexual encounter, even if we don’t see that far in to their evening. 
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gif by @alejunsu
And this works for Yai and Jom’s characterization as well. Jom was the one with more hesitations around beginning a relationship with Yai. Jom is much more tuned in to the potential consequences of being queer in this time period. And it’s not that Yai isn’t, it’s just that he’s much more caught up in his own little world, and his feelings for Jom that he isn’t as rigid about how he engages in intimacy. 
This kiss is tight, and solid, and you can hear the breathiness between them when they start the kiss. It’s believably impactful to them, as in the combination of eye contact, touch, posture, and even breath here makes me believe they are attracted to each other, and really fucking horny. And I swear I can almost feel Yai and Jom’s heart rates increase with how well Bright and Nonkul are selling this performance.
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Yai is ready to fuck like, yesterday, but Jom doesn’t want him completely rushing in to the sex, and I can tell this because Jom pulls back, breaks off the kiss, and starts talking to Yai about the rain, about the party, these little reminders that they have places to be, and people to see, and they can’t afford to get caught. Bright’s face here, in the moments right after Jom pulls away are so intense. The way he furrows his brow ever so slightly. The way his eyes are see in to Jom, the parting of his lips. Bright is, to me, selling extremely well the fact that despite the fact they have once again separated, Yai is still in that kiss. And there is this beautiful little moment from Nonkul too where he breathes out like his mouth is on fire or he’s trying to catch his breath. Nonkul has Jom pat Yai’s arm once, because he’s trying to lighten the mood a little bit, to put more emotional space between them. Jom is the one stopping the kiss, Nonkul is the one that has to sell the idea that Jom is both slowing down the encounter, and also still worrying about being caught. 
And you know where Yai’s response is going to go “Forget it, Jom. Now there’s only two of us in the house“ because of the intensity by which Yai looks at Jom. He’s transfixed, and during this conversation with Jom, Yai’s eyes constantly slip downwards towards Jom’s lips, like…practically every second. Yai goes in to continue that kiss, with an intensity that I do not think he’s ready for when it comes to actually having sex for the first time. In part because this kid does not know what he is doing, and Jom does. And Jom hasn’t had sex for quite some time because he was in a monogamous relationship with a partner who was overseas. So he puts his hand up to Yai’s face, and presses in gently, making a little hmm sound as he does it. 
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Again, Nonkul keeps Jom stiff, his fingers are all straight, there is not even a whisper of a relaxed curve to them. Which tracks for Jom, because everything we have ever seen in the way Jom exists, in the way Jom moves, is very rigid. And it stops Yai immediately. Jom is looking straight at Yai, and Yai is looking straight at Jom’s lips. But this entire action feels familiar and comfortable because they have developed a trust in one another, and because Yai cares enough about Jom to stop and listen at the slightest indication. Yai pulls back and that’s where Nonkul helps assert that Jom is in fact on the same page, is interested and enthusiastic about having sex with Yai, and he’s just trying to shift the energy and speed of their encounter, because the second Yai stops, and Jom is about to offer up a suggestion, Nonkul turns Jom’s gaze directly to Yai’s lips and he lets them linger there for far too long, his fingers too continue to rest gently on Yai’s lips long after they are needed.
Jom doesn’t look Yai in the eyes again until he says “You’re soaking wet, Khun Yai. Why don’t you let me undress you, so you don’t catch cold?” Jom leans in closer when he says this, he whispers in a way that is intended to seduce Yai. And we see some more physical changes in the way Nonkul is carrying Jom. Jom’s eyes are alight and happy, there is this soft and extremely fond smile turning up the edges of his lips. And we see him relaxing slightly in to this moment because his fingers finally relax and curl up in their resting place on Yai’s shoulder. 
Nonkul has Jom slightly shifting his head so Jom is looking up at Yai more through the top of his eyelashes to be more alluring. He has this soft, fond smile on his face. And it is in the motions and movements like this one where I see what Nonkul was saying about this being the most femme he has ever had to perform (even though, I think we can all agree Jom isn’t really femme). Bright has Yai pick up that small smile too, and he shows that Yai is indeed very interested in Jom helping remove his clothes, because Bright ensures that Yai cannot stop looking at Jom’s lips. 
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
You should watch this clip
And just like that Jom has changed the pace of the evening. With a little whisper, and with some very slow, intentional movements in the way he takes off Yai’s tux jacket. And because Yai and Jom have had so much physical space between them for the past thirty seconds, it is time to re-establish Yai and Jom’s needs for physical closeness. Bright and Nonkul establish a sense of familiarity and comfortability in how Yai and Jom interact with each other’s bodies. Nonkul does so in the way he has Jom pull Yai close to him to take off his bowtie. It is almost as if they are hugging one another, and in part they are, or at least they are providing each other a little space to rest. 
And we know their arousal, their desire to fuck isn’t stalled or stunted by any interruption. Jom pumps the brakes a bit, but their desire, their attraction, is palpable. And that vibe is assisted by Bright having Yai lean in deeper, by having Yai turn his head and move slowly toward Jom’s neck as if drawn by string or magnet while Jom is fiddling with his bowtie. And within the span of a few seconds, Yai goes from drinking in Jom’s scent to pressing a soft kiss or two to his neck. And Jom’s enjoyment of that action is shown in the way Nonkul has Jom close his eyes briefly in pleasure, and his head jerks a bit to the side as if allowing Yai better access to his neck while he’s fiddling with the clasp of Yai’s bowtie. 
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The seduction continues as Nonkul and Bright ensure their characters do not break eye contact one the bowtie comes off. I don’t even really know how they are doing it, but there is such a clear internal monologue of impure thoughts cycling through both their heads as Jom starts unbuttoning the collar of Yai’s shirt, while Jom’s still staring, eyes shining brightly, directly at Yai. And Bright plays Yai’s impatience very well, because he lets Yai still wait calmly, while also showing Yai cannot bare to be this far apart (like…two inches) from Jom, so he rests a hand on Jom’s neck creating a moment of skin to skin contact, but he has to take Jom in so he only lets his hand stay for a second, before he’s moving it in lines around Jom’s body.
Here again, is why I pay so much attention to their hands. Because Yai has been the far more relaxed character, and so when he puts his hand on Jom’s neck, his fingers curve, when he traces lines down Jom’s torso, his hand is curled almost into a fist. And there is just this beautiful moment of observation to me, where Jom begins to remove Yai’s pants, and is focused on the task, and Yai is just watching Jom, watching him focus. It is only when the pants have been unbuttoned that Yai joins Jom in looking downwards. 
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These characters cannot help but be drawn to each other, the tension between them is building and builidng and Bright and Nonkul show that by having Yai and Jom get, with Jom’s eyes closed, so close to one another they could have stolen a kiss. So close in fact that their torsos are touching, they are pressed up against each other while Jom works pulling Yai’s pants down. And even if they don’t bring their faces together, they don’t steal those kisses, they don’t break the tension, they are certainly breathing each other’s air. 
“Let me do the same for you,” Yai says and God these two are so good at making their need for each other palpable. As Yai begins to unbutton Jom’s shirt both Yai and Jom’s eyes are moving rapidly, up, down, up, down, lower, lowerrr, back together, glued to the other’s face. 
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Jom gives the shyest smile at having Yai care for him, concerned about Jom catching a fever, and being oh so careful with removing his shirt. And here we see Nonkul allow Jom to relinquish some control and let go of some tension in the evening, because Jom drops his hand from Yai’s chest and let’s Yai unbutton and pull off his shirt. A moment for Yai to stand on his own, rather than to have support from Jom like he has had during their kiss and during their foreplay as it were. Yai moves for Jom’s pants, removes them, and they are soaking each other in, reveling in the feeling of one another. But we can’t have Jom wait too long for physical contact, because we want these characters to touch each other, because these characters want to touch each other. So we get a beautiful moment of Jom’s hands coming to wrap around Yai’s wrist, once again relaxed, and we see the band Yai tied around Jom’s wrist in Episode 2, a tangible, visible, item that reminds us all of their connection. 
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I think we joke a lot about “exploring each other’s bodies” as a line. But that is objectively what they are doing here, in this gorgeous gorgeous moment of hands, of fingers sliding all over each other. They are gentle, light, and I can easily get the sense through the screen that their skin is on fire wherever they’re bodies have met. And Bright adds a piece of characterization to Yai, by having Yai hold Jom’s hand the same way that he did when he was drunkenly reciting poetry with the biggest heart eyes the world has ever seen. And he is doing the thing that, in my opinion, makes or breaks the believability of attraction, care, or romance between characters, which is that Bright has Yai move his thumb, drawing these tight little lines on the top of Jom’s hand while they are holding hands. It is truly not much of an understatement at all to say that if two characters are holding hands, I will be looking to see what their hands are doing. Are they staying stationary, or are there these little absentminded movements that sell the idea that these characters are thinking about each other, and enjoying the feeling of one another, rather than just performing the action of holding hands. 
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In case we ever wanted to underestimate the importance of microexpressions and micromovements, we can’t, those are the things that really make or break a performance. (And for those who may have difficulty reading facial expressions, I get you, trust me, I’ve said it before but it can be really really hard for me to read microexpressions in actors, which is why I will often rewatch scenes, or watch other shows the actors or in, or like I did for this write up I slowed that shit down to half speed so I could watch for every movement, and rewound in 5 second intervals like 20 times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.)
But they look like they are studying, committing to memory, Yai especially. Because while Nonkul has Jom spend most of this moment staring at one spot on Yai’s chest, Bright has Yai’s eyes follow the movement of his hands.Yai leans in and Nonkul has Jom swallow hard, and lean in slightly for a kiss. Bright has Yai keep moving, his lips locking on Jom’s shoulder, and moving up his neck, because the tension has almost reached its breaking point, and they both know what will happen the second their lips meet. So they delay, they let the tension build. They pull each other close, they hold each other tightly, you can see it in the way they move, the way their muscles tense. And as they face each other, with their desire finally starting to boil over, Yai works his way back to Jom’s lips slowly, he’s caught on to the pace Jom set. There is a light, soft, and quick kiss to Jom’s cheek, and then a second attempt by Yai to kiss Jom’s cheek or nose, that Nonkul interrupts by having Jom now be the impatient one, turning his head so Yai’s kiss slides to meet Jom’s upper lip. 
And then the tension finally breaks, the desire overwhelms them, and they are forceful with their kisses, and pulling each other close. Nonkul is showing how in to this Jom is in the way he lets Jom melt in to this kiss. How he has Jom pull himself so fully in to Yai’s arms, so they are chest to chest without any room between them. 
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And Jom is kind of a tense and awkward person in general, so it makes so much sense to me, as a character that Jom’s fingers would at this point stay stiff and straight, because we are still progressing in to a part of the evening Yai may need more support in. Jom is certainly far more relaxed as a person when he’s with Yai, but I don’t think he would be fully able to relax in to the sex. Hell, he can’t even relax in bed afterwards because he sees himself in the mirror. But just in the way Jom holds himself, in the way Jom smiles, in the way he pulls Yai in, we know that being around Yai is changing him. That he is generally more relaxed when they share space, that he is happier when Yai is near, and we know that Jom is very ready to fuck, he’s just also more aware of the potential consequences of getting caught. 
Yai leads them to bed, and if we hold Jom and Jom’s posture as acting almost as a support for Yai, then it is very critical and important in my eyes, that Yai uses the bedpost to steady himself as he lays Jom out on the bed. Yai is learning how to support himself. Jom lays underneath him, and as far as we know he’s keeping his hands firmly on the back of Yai’s neck. Grasping on to him like he doesn’t want to let go, while Yai traces random lines across Jom’s arms, torso, and neck. And when they pull away, we know that Jom is very in to everything that is going on, and that he’s starting to lose himself a bit in the feeling of this, because Nonkul has Jom wait a few seconds to open his eyes and look up at Yai after they break apart. Meanwhile, Bright maintains Yai’s absolute obsession with Jom, by having Yai staring directly at Jom while Jom’s eyes are still closed. Study him, observing his reactions, ensuring that Jom is feeling pleasure. And the sexual tension isn’t ruined by yet another physical separation, even as they are not actively kissing in that moment, their progression towards sex does not feel like it is coming to an end. And that has to do with the fact that Jom is still running his hand along Yai’s neck, lacing his fingers through Yai’s hair, with his fingers relaxed.  
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When they confess their love for one another, Nonkul has Jom swallow hard, hearing Yai tell him he loves him, fighting back a small smile. And Bright really commits to showing the intimacy that has developed between Jom and Yai in the way he has Yai press kisses to the inside of Jom’s palm, to his knuckles, up his arm, and back to his neck. And like I said above, Nonkul sells the effect of that electricity between Yai and Jom in these little micromovements, in the way Jom’s finger dig slightly in to Yai’s cheek, and the way his thumb twitches when Yai presses a kiss to his knuckles, and the way his fingers flex (a la Pride and Prejudice [2005] if you ask me). And he does the same as Yai kisses up his arm and to his neck, in the way Nonkul has Jom close his eyes, and press his lips together, and tilt his head slightly upwards.
And that’s it, that’s the entire nearly five minute scene. I promise I am trying to get better about my essay lengths, but I think the level of work that goes in to these moments are deserving of being discussed in detail. Nonkul in an interview said he views acting like a sport, and I think he’s fucking right. The level of knowledge and control you have over your body to sell scenes like this one, to make people believe in the romance, is super fucking hard. 
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gif by @pharawee (using this gif as an example of a bunch of small movements Bright and Nonkul do that sell Yai and Jom's love for one another) I for one believe Jom and Yai love each other, want each other, are drawn to one another, and that is 100% because of Nonkul and Bright’s performances. And they have a really fucking hard job in part because Tee Bundit is not really a romance guy. Yai and Jom’s love for one another is the emotional backbone of this show, but the story isn’t focused on the romance itself, it’s focused on Jom’s experiences as a servant, on the struggles of being queer, on the mystery of how to get home, of past Jom being haunted by his present and present Jom being haunted by his past. There are so many moving pieces in this story, but we have to feel for these characters when they are inevitably separated. The way Nonkul and Bright play this scene, has thoroughly convinced me of the care they have for one another
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Reader is in love with Miranda Priestly, and hasn't told her yet although the entirety of Runway has guessed. How would Miranda react if reader and her are stuck in an elevator together and reader ends up fainting in her arms?
I love it! I was inspired by the line Miranda says to Andy about smacking her little head on the pavement lol. Let’s get into it!
Your feelings for Miranda Priestly seem to be an open secret among the Runway staff. You… Don’t have a very good poker face. While Emily frantically scurrying behind Miranda as she rattles off daily tasks to the redhead has become a long-running joke in the office… You kind of just stare shamelessly at the Editor-in-Chief’s bottom whenever you follow her. People often quirk knowing eyebrows at their co-workers as they witness your apparent obsession with Miranda’s backside.
“Guess we know for sure that Y/N’s team ass,” An intern says to a group of her peers one morning, cracking them all up after you and Miranda walk by (And the editor is no longer within hearing distance).
It’s also not hard to pick up on the way you act like a total idiot around Miranda and trip over your words whenever she asks you a question. It’s a wonder she hasn’t gotten fed up with you and canned you yet.
Emily and Nigel just love to tease you too. “So, when are you planning to propose, Y/N? I’d like a heads up if you expect me to do a decent wedding spread for next month’s issue,” Nigel smirks as he leans against your desk.
You tilt your head in confusion at him as you try to work. “Uh… Propose?” You ask.
“Of course, Y/N. Don’t tell me you haven’t planned on asking Miranda to marry you,” He grins.
Your cheeks burn harshly at this. “Wh-what?!” You splutter.
Emily can’t help but join in. “Give them time, Nigel. They’ll have to fish out the ring from a box of cereal first,” She giggles.
The two laugh their asses off at this.
You huff and try to just get back to work. It’s not your fault that Miranda’s a literal goddess. How are you expected to not have a gay panic attack every second of the day when Miranda’s sitting no more than ten feet from your desk?
Today has been busy as hell. Well, more so than usual, at least. You’re currently on your way to pick up some crucial documents for Miranda when you suddenly find yourself tripping and colliding with the ground. Your face smashes harshly into the pavement and onlookers gasp at the severity of your fall. You black out for a second or two and feel yourself being pulled to your feet by a few people trying to help.
“You okay, kid? Hell of a fall…” One guy asks.
You shake your head to clear the stars from your vision before answering. “Honestly? Not really. That fucking… Sucked,” You manage to blurt out, making those around you chuckle sympathetically.
“I think you’d better get this checked out. Head injuries are no joke,” A woman standing beside you pipes up.
You feel a dull thud in your head, but the urgency of your tasks keeps you from agreeing. You turn and smile at her. “Wish I could, but I have to get back to work. Thanks for the help, though, everybody,” You tell the kind people who stopped to help you.
The little crowd that has gathered around you erupts in concerned murmurs, but they don’t know Miranda Priestly. Being late with Miranda’s paperwork is a much bigger threat to your health than a bump on the head.
As you navigate through the day, the dizziness and lightheadedness persist, making it challenging to concentrate. You also find yourself having to stay late with Miranda, assisting her with tasks long after everyone else has left the office. Just when you think for certain that your head is about to crack in two, Miranda miraculously decides that she is done for the night.
“That’s all, Y/N,” She says simply and waits for you to grab her coat and belongings for her.
You’re so distracted by your headache that you didn’t even hear her speak.
After you have made no attempt to move, Miranda’s head whips to you immediately. “Y/N. We’re leaving,” She snaps irritably. She hates repeating herself.
Your eyes widen and you hurriedly rush around to get her things and put her coat on her. You faithfully follow her to the elevator and she, surprisingly, allows you to get in with her instead of making you take another one.
The confined space of the elevator car amplifies the swirling sensations in your head. You bring a weary hand up to rub your eyes, trying to make yourself feel more alert.
Miranda looks over at you with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve seemed rather off today, Y/N. Is something bothering you?”
You attempt to brush off her question. “I’m fine… Just… A head… Ache,” You mumble. Your voice is slurred and your eyes seem so blank.
Miranda’s eyebrows shoot up at this. She’s never seen you look like this. It alarms her greatly. You don’t sound well at all. Her piercing eyes study you intently. “I think you need to get some rest, Y/N. Maybe consider taking tomorrow off?” She suggests, her fondness for you overtaking her need to put up a tough front. She likes you… A lot. More than she would like to admit.
“I’m good,” You try to to assure her quietly. You’re too out of it to even process the unbelievable offer Miranda just made you. A fucking day off? Unheard of.
Miranda sighs as she looks at the state you’re in. She feels really guilty that she worked you so hard today. She should have let you go home ages ago. She just… Likes having you around. Even if you two aren’t directly interacting. You bring her a great sense of peace and calm. Truthfully, she didn’t even need you here tonight. She was just being selfish and wanted to keep you all to herself without other people barging in and… Oh, wait. That… Kind of sounds like a… Crush, doesn’t it? Is that why she enjoys your company so much? Miranda’s cheeks flame at this.
But, before Miranda can even begin to freak out about her silent revelation, the elevator jolts suddenly and you stumble, feeling weaker than before.
Miranda tries to steady you by gripping your arm, worry etching her usually composed features. “Are you sure you’re alright, Y/N?”
But before you can respond, a wave of dizziness overtakes you and the world around you blurs. You feel yourself swaying, and the next thing you know, you’re enveloped in Miranda’s arms as unconsciousness claims you.
… Unfortunately, Miranda is a very petite woman and you… Kind of just end up flopping on top of her.
If only Emily and Nigel could see you now. Falling for the boss…
Note: This was so fun to write.
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funtheysaid · 14 days
IWTV 2x02 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- ooh the title card changed! I’ve been wanting to see the Eiffel Tower as a “fang” since season two was announced. WE IN PARIS BABY!
- ayooo three-way (interview) incoming
- Daniel’s “Paris sucks” aka “Paris is where my ex-bf is from and he sucks (dick), but not mine anymore, and no, I’m not bitter abt that, his city just fucking stinks (literally)”
- not two minutes in and Devil’s Minion is already flirting bickering
- ALICE MENTION alice!armand truthers are gon love that shit i just know
- “I’ll tell you what a woman is” That’s my sapphic-coded queen!!! 🕯️ pls S2 give me claudeleine 🕯️
- “Gauche” well, yes.
- Loumand: 🥰🥰 Daniel: 🙄 he‘s so second-hand embarrassed for them I can’t
- Louis would be that faux-intellectual hipster who has his own darkroom full of overexposed and blurry, unfocused photos that are his “art” bc he took them on film (affectionate)
- Not claudia calling him out on it in the next scene “let me think I’m deeper than I am” okay honey you do you
- “She’s miserable but she doesn’t want to fuck with your too delusional left bank dilettante vibes” ahh the narrative foils are foiling, I see
- The show: Alice was pregnant, My dumb ass: OMEGAVERSE DEVILS MINION !?!?
- “joyfully joyless” MOOD.
- Claudia looking at Madeleine like “I don’t know if I want to be her or be with her” Dw babe it’s a rite of passage for all of us you’ll figure it out
- “Your French is ugly” 🥹👉👈 weally?
- “the dress for my body” LOOK I know what she meant, but I can’t help it that my mind is perverted
- okay why Loumand playing with my heart “I will never harm you. And I never have” wtf wtf wtf
-Oh no the ole business card trick! we all know that’s Louis’ kryptonite he loves a man with credentials
- i like girls, but why is santiago kinda…
- Woah the Annika scene was really hard to watch which I think was the point but goddamn idk if I’ll be able to rewatch that part
- Estelle is my self-insert. I’m claiming her.
- “You both fucked Lestat!?!” HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WANTED HIM TO SAY THAT!?
- “He tasted of vermouth and annihilation” We both know you have no earthly idea what that man tastes like, Armand. Be so fucking fr right now.
- Did Armand just casually drop that he had a threesome with a father and son? I’m sorry, sir????
- “Now I know what two blood fat cocks slapping hands feel like” When I tell you my spirit left my body
- oh shit here we go. I’m a caged animal and it’s time for my weekly enrichment. give me my loustat.
- there’s a letter !?!? Wait wait I wasn’t ready for something like this wait stop stop please
- “all my love belongs to you. you are its keeper” just take me out back and shoot me at this point
- “it is a thin veil” fucking fuck why was that so romantic??
- the blood tears welling up in Lestat’s eyes I’m-
- “Rebound of my life” and in that moment, he spoke for the people
- WHAT IS HAPPENING???? Jesus Christ, they were talking about Alice and then it cuts to FUCKING ARMAND!?! This is not a drill. Everyone to your stations, this is not a drill.
- “You sold your Dad’s playboy magazines at recess” Hmmm? You’re telling me a “straight” teenage boy sold porno mags instead of keeping them for himself??? Yeah, I call gay on that one
- “she wanted to say yes” you motherfuckers.
- Oh shit Louis is pissy tonight rawr kitty got claws
- Devils minion girlies are thriving, skin glowing, hair silky, breath minty, pillow cold, stomach full, dreams sweet, and by Jove, we fucking deserve it !!!!
- daniel’s shaky “um- gulp” …….guys this is gonna sound crazy but i think there might actually be a god
- ooh the camera/photography being like a divide or barrier between Louis and his present situation. Like he wants to capture the moments, but only as if an onlooker and not a participant… interesting!
- “Who?” will never not be funny
- “Mon ami” in the same episode as “Mon Cher” FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW
- “Armand for you” nah nah nah i changed my mind, you can do like Leatherface and shove that chainsaw in rough and hard
- Close up on Louis’ conflicted face, fire blazing behind him…. That’s not foreboding in any way. I’m sure they’ll all live happily ever after from now on :D
What a ride! Until next week! 🧛‍♂️🩸
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prowlingz · 11 months
(yandere?)Kakashi Hatake x Fem!Reader
when you accidentally send a raunchy text to your sensei instead of your fling..
-SMUTTTTTTTTTTT- (so 18+ please!)
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After spending the whole day talking with Ino and Sakura about how much dick they get, you thought about the last time you got lucky.
By no means was it difficult to string a guy home from some random bar for you, but it wasn’t something you outright sought after.
“We’ll I’m saving myself for Sasuke!” Sakura says, sticking her tongue out at Ino.
“You’re still waiting on that loser? Give it up billboard brow, if he wants anyone - it’ll be me!” She smiles at Sakura.
“And besides, your names are too similar anyways. If it weren’t for his last name, you two could be siblings. Of course, you’d be the ugly one!” Ino says while holding her stomach laughing.
After some more banter, they look up at you. Curious about your “dickstory”, a play on the word “history”.
You smile and say “Well it’s not hard for me to find anyone, but it’s probably not as many people as you think”.
You knew you were attractive, guys told you almost everyday. You didn’t mind them though, as you aren’t a very lustful person, truly minding to yourself and taking pleasure when you want to.
Ino jumps into action “WHO, WHO? Do I know them!? Are they also ninja? How many? How old? How many at one time?!”.
The bombardment of questions makes you giggle. You never knew someone’s sex history could be such an appealing topic, as in your household you were taught that sex is taboo and only for people you truly love. You didn’t follow that rule for long, albeit.
“A few were from some random missions I went on. Not too ma-“ before you could finish your sentence, Sakura said
“Can we guess?”
“What do you mean, guess?” You were confused.
“She means, can we guess who you’ve slept with?” Ino asked with a huge grin.
You thought for a moment. The list isn’t that long, but the people on it are most definitely known to these two. Would it change how they saw them? You thought maybe it wouldn’t be right, as the people you did sleep with didn’t give their consent to their sexual history being stated.
“I’m not sure that’s the right thing to do” you say frowning a bit.
The two girls looked at each other, perplexed how that was a response anyone would give.
“Okay let us guess just THREE and you HAVE to tell us if you have!” They said almost synchronized.
You thought about it. You doubt they’d get all three wrong, but you weren’t going to be happy if they got all three right either. Fuck it. You’d been drinking a bit and the buzz was starting to hit you.
“Fine. Just three.” You said calmly and confidently.
They made the biggest shit faces grin ever and talked amongst themselves.
After about 3 minutes of whispers, giggles, “OMG”s and “no way!”s.. they finally had their three.
“Okay, our first one” Ino says.
You hold your breath. For some reason this is starting to just now hit you, but you don’t want to seem lame and back out now.
“Shikamaru!” They said in synchro.
You burst out in laughter.
“You-you had three minutes and came up with.. Shik-“ you cannot stop laughing.
“SHIKAMARU??” You said at the top of your lungs.
They looked at each other and smiled.
“We just needed a baseline of your standards. You know the guy has had it for you since that damn Genin exam!” Ino said in a fit of laughter.
“I always thought he was gay” you smiled while saying.
“Pshhh, probably is” Ino mocked.
You held your breath, yet again, knowing that their next guess was coming and would probably be correct.
“Okay our next guess is..”
You thought about it. Did it really count as sex? I mean, you both came. He was the first guy that did make you cum.. You thought a bit more. The silence only making Ino and Sakura want to know.
“I mean..” you say, still in thought.
The girls look at each other with mouth wide open and smiling. An eruption of “OMG” and “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT”s came flooding out.
“I guess. It wasn’t really sex though” you were still lost in thought.
“What happened?? Tell us!!” Sakura said.
There wasn’t much to tell them, honestly. You were talking with him one day, friendly, and he invited you over to see his new set up. You went over and it was beautiful, leather sofa with a stunning cherry tree coffee table.
He wanted to show you his bedroom and kept apologizing on how weird he made the comment seem. But you made a sly comment back, something like “I wouldn’t mind if you led me to your bedroom more often”.
And that was really it. You just start kissing and got to his bed, and started touching one another. You could swear that you heard him say “I love you” under his breath as he came, but you were too focused on your own orgasm to care.
After cleaning up, you left.
You tried to explain this to the girls but they wanted more details.
You told them they were wasting their time and better get on with their third person before you just get up and leave.
They pouted.
“Okay,okay. Our third person is…”
“KAKASHI!” Biting their lip as they said it.
Kakashi? You and Sakura’s old sensei? Oh goodness no. You can’t even remember a time that you even slightly hinted at a flirt with Kakashi. Your relationship was very student-teacher respectively.
Now that you’ve grown into a woman with.. curves and breasts, though.. You do think about the even slight possibility of him using you. How his words would sound in the heat of the moment.. how his skin would feel touching you, gliding himself all around you..
You notice yourself trailing off, and not given the girls an answer.
“Hello? Earth to y/n” they say, waving their hands in front of your face.
“Sorry. No. Me and Kakashi never did anything of the sort, or.. even implied so” you said, shutting the girls down immediately.
“I swear that guy is a virg!! I’ve never seen him take any girls around!” Ino says to the both of you.
“Oh, no way. Kakashi is super attractive under his mask, he’s gotta! Or maybe he’s celibate? Hmm..” the two girls thought on it for a moment.
Thoughtful silence fills the air.
“Hey, I’d say you have a pretty good chance, y/n.” Ino says, breaking the silence.
“Yeah! You’re super pretty and if I’m being honest, I’ve caught him staring at you a few times since you’ve become a Jōnin” Sakura states.
You blush. Staring at you? No. You always recognize when men stare at you, even not out of lust. You’re a great ninja, and you would recognize someone staring. Maybe he was using chakra to hide his gaze? Why would he do that? No. Sakura must be mistaken.
All these thoughts ran through your head and you excused yourself as it was well past 2 am.
Before you knew it, you were home.
You went into your bathroom, washed your face and brushed your teeth. Spitting out the toothpaste from your mouth, you look over at your phone. It buzzes, signaling someone messaged you.
You got excited for a moment, thinking it said “Hatake”. It’s become some sort of thing for you to put peoples contact as their last name. You remember the time you and Hayate shared together though.
The text he sent, though you could only see partial of it through the limited character amount given on the Home Screen, read:
“Hey, was just thinking of you and really think..”. That’s all you could unfortunately read before showing him that you’ve read the message.
After your conversation earlier with the girls, you realize you haven’t had sex in around 7 months.
You open the message, now seeing its entirety.
“Hey, was just thinking of you and really think we should see each other again. I know I was just a fling to you but I miss you. Not just your body, but you. Your laugh and face. Everything” the message would’ve been sweet if he didn’t send his dick right after.
It wasn’t a bad dick, but why don’t these men know their dick angles?
It was a photo of himself from his point of view pulling his pants forward to show off his hairy, uncircumcised, hard, veiny cock. He was wearing blue underwear and had black sweat pants on.
Honestly, you probably would’ve ignored the message if you weren’t so horny yourself. “Fuck it. Hayate isn’t a bad looking guy and his dick is pretty satisfying” is all you thought to yourself. You snapped a pic you knew he’d like, it was your hands covering your tits, but still showing most of them off. He loved a bratty tease.
You sent the photo and didn’t think much, waiting for his response.
He responded after about 6 minutes with a video of him.
He was now on his bed, ‘pleasing’ himself. The video was only 32 seconds long, but it was a huge turn on for you.
He started slow, but would buck his hips up for you. His tip was now fully exposed, but his foreskin would still slide up and down it as he went on. His breathing was loud and irregular. He would let out slight groans the faster he went. You could see his dick twitching, just before the video ended.
You took your camera and took a photo of you sitting at the edge of your bed with your thighs touching. Your left hand lay behind you, supporting you up. And your right hand taking the photo. It didn’t show your face in it, only your body. But that was fine. It showed off your tits and beautiful thighs and you knew those were the parts Hayate loved the most.
Before you pressed send, you added a text under it saying “You should come fill me up again”. You bit your lip as you pressed send. You decided to go take a quick shower in preparation for Hayate coming over. You knew he wouldn’t be able to resist the invite.
Only about two minutes into your shower, you hear your doorbell ring. Hayate lived 25 minutes away walking, you doubt he would’ve used all his energy to get to you that quickly. Although you can’t be too sure.
You finish your shower up before heading to the door in just a towel. Hair wet and all, you open the door.
You’re absolutely shocked to see your sensei standing in front of you.
He smiles, “I think you sent this to the wrong person”.
Your mouth agape, you already know what you sent him.
“I.. I um” the only words you can get out of your mouth.
You don’t even know what to say. You just sent an explicit photo to your sensei.
“I’m so sorry” your eyes still plastered to his phone in front of you. You make your way up his phone to his contact name for you, though. Before he pulled his phone away, you read “Future Hatake❤️” you blushed even harder.
You both stand there in silence. You’re mad at yourself for this foolish mistake.
“May I come in?” Kakashi says, breaking the silence.
You’re confused. Does he want to talk about it? Maybe he wants to know who it was for? All these thoughts flood your mind and he makes his way inside your apartment.
“E-excuse me. I should get dressed” you leave and run into your room. You go through your clothes and decide on a white tank top and sleep shorts. It’s your home after all, and it’s well past your regular sleep schedule.
You come back in and find him sitting at the edge of your couch, legs spread and forearms resting on them. As always, he’s unreadable.
You sit at a chair diagonal to him and keep your head down.
“I.. er.. haven’t seen you in a long time” you say, keeping your head down.
“Hmm” he replies.
You can’t tell if he’s lost in thought, upset, sad or whatever it be.
“Who was the message for?” He finally says.
“It.. it really doesn’t matter.. haha..” you say, trying to escort the tension in the room.
He lets out a sigh, stands up and faces you.
“Tell me” he says. His voice deeper than normal.
You’re confused. It’s been months since you and Kakashi have spoken. Why would he care to show up after a text sent to the wrong person? Why does he care??
A question runs your mind.
“How did you get here so fast?” You ask, blankly looking at him.
He looks at you, no emotion in his face.
“I’m always there for you” he stares at you and says. You’ve heard him say this to you many times in the past. You never really held anything to it though, taking it like a friend would say as support.
“Kakashi. What are you doing here?” You say, with a bit of concern in your voice. You know Kakashi is a lot stronger of a ninja compared to you, and could most definitely toss you around if he wanted.
“I’ve had an eye for you since you’ve become a Jōnin. You’ve grown so much” he says, making his way over towards you.
“Be a good girl and lead us to your bedroom, hmm?” he says in the most.. casual tone.
You can’t deny this was a major turn on. But was this right? He’s like, what? 13 years your senior? 14? 15?! Plus, he was your sensei. He raised you when your parents didn’t. You definitely didn’t see him as a father figure, more like an older brother looking out for you.
Were you really going to let this happen? No. No way. You have to tell him no.
“Kakashi, I ca-“ before you can finish your sentence he picks you up like you’re weightless.
He drags you to your bedroom. Did he guess? Has he been to my apartment before? No, never. How does he just..know?
You wiggle, attempting to break free from his grasp. You’re still not all sure if this is what you want, but your core is aching. It wants him to touch you so bad, especially after Hayate’s video got you pent up.
Your heart is racing. Still writhing in his arms, he brings you to your bedroom.
In your squirming from the previous moments, you had lost your loose fitting sleep shorts. Now just in a white tank top and black laced underwear.
You wonder if you’re dreaming. How is this happening? Why? Why to you?!
He places you on your back, and you sit up on your elbows staring at him. His face is a slight pink, and his breathing is a bit erratic.
He puts his knee between your thighs, separating your legs from touching. You make a small noise when he pushes further into you. Staring at his knee, anticipating his next move. He lets out a slight chuckle.
“You’re so adorable”.
“Huh?” You look back up at him. He takes his hands and removes his band, and then his mask. You’ve seen him once without the mask before, so it wasn’t a total shock seeing his face.
He stares at you, and you just stare blankly back.
He then looks down at your breasts, your nipples are hardened by the sexual tension.
You move your head a bit more down, staring at his manhood. Even when clothed, you can tell it’s big.
You both unclothe one another and before you know it, you’re both making out nude.
Whilst kissing you, Kakashi says “I’ve been needing you for so long. That message sent me over the edge”. He puts his hands all on you, seemingly not knowing where to put them.
While on top of you, he spreads your legs and pulls you closer.
His dick sits right on top of your pubic bone, and down to the bottom of your belly button. You’ve been with a fair share of people, none of them as big as him.
You wiggle, demanding his attention to your dripping core.
“Such a needy whore, does Hayate know you chose me over him tonight?” Kakashi breathes out with a smirk.
Your eyes widen. How did he know you were texting Hayate? Did Hayate tell Kakashi? No. They may know each other but most definitely aren’t friends. How long has he been watching you?!
“Well?” He says, finally moving his cock towards your core. His dripping with precum, which mixes with your juices.
Kakashi runs his cock across your clit causes you to wince.
“I know you haven’t been pleased in quite a bit, y/n. You’re so pathetic, I’ve only been here 20 minutes and I already have your clothes off and cock dripping on your needy hole”.
You have no answer to him. He’s right. You’re a needy, pathetic slut that needs him so badly, and he knows it.
You try and give him the most doe eyes you can and say “Kakashi-sensei.. please use me..” you see his shield of cockiness falter for a moment.
“Oh fuck..” he says looking at your eyes.
You open your mouth to say please.. but before you can, he’s shoved his entire length into you.
You moan so loud, and instinctively go to cover your mouth. He grabs your wrist before you’re successful, and puts both your wrists over you head with just one hand. His other one reaches over for your phone. He unlocks it with your passcode, no way he could’ve guessed it. It’s literally just random numbers “18849”. He’s been watching you like he said..
He begins to pump into you rapidly.
“Oh fuck..ah~” you moan freely.
“Which one of these boys should I call? Hmm? Who should I show you’re being such a naughty whore for?” He says between breaths.
“S-sensei ple..ahh.. please d-don’t!” You can even speak with how rough he’s treating your core.
“I’m calling Hayate”.
“N-nO.. pl-pleasee sensei. I’m-I’m yours and… mmmfffggh.. only yours.. ahh..” you plead with him.
He decides not to call him, instead taking multiple photos and videos of you getting pumped by him.
He cums inside your pussy, letting out multiple groans throughout. You’re a bit disappointed it ended so quickly.. or so you thought. He continues to pump into you even after cumming.
“K-kashi… did.. did you..mmgfff~”
“Y-yeah.. I’ll stop using you when I want. You’re mine” he says with complete lust in his eyes.
He starts going through your phone.
You’re scared. You have texts on there, pretty nasty, to other guys. How will he treat you seeing them?
He shames you by reading them aloud.
“‘I’ll be so good for you master’ you love calling people titles huh? You like calling me sensei, huh?”
“P-pleaseeee…~~” you don’t even know what you were saying please to.
All you can think about is how unfair this all is. Yeah you’ve slept around and sexted men, but you’re sure Kakashi has texted his fair share of women.
“Hmmm… these photos you send them. Never thought your sensei would want to see you like this? All weak and pathetic over his cock”
It didn’t matter what he said. You didn’t know if he was saying it to be mean or horny but it was the truth nonetheless.
“I..ah~.. I don’t know..” you told him.
You came around his length.
“Ah..heh~” he says as he finishes pumping the last of his seed into you.
With the last remaining strength you have, you sit up and watch the sperm drip out of you.
You and Kakashi take a shower together, and you immediately pass out in bed, totally satisfied with your dick appointment.
You wake up to no Kakashi and a barrage of messages from Hayate saying shit like “you totally blue balled me but that’s okay I went out with one of your girls”. You just laughed so hard, you knew Ino would have no interest in Hayate, her standards are way too high. And Sakura was telling the truth most definitely about saving herself for Sasuke.
You went through your camera roll and sent him a video of Kakashi fucking you til your brain was mush and sent it to him.
Kakashi is all you want.
Kakashi is all you need.
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winstonsns · 5 days
hi! i was wondering if you could do hcs of the gang (separately) finding out that reader is a lesbian on accident. ty! <3
the gang finding out reader is a lesbian (request)
authors note: this is my first request so i hope it’s good! in this preference the gang and reader have a platonic relationship :) sorry i took a while to respond!
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includes: ponyboy, johnny, darry, soda, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.3k
warnings: cussing, suspected cheating, homophobia, physical fights, threats
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you and pony were walking to school when you see some classmates on the other side of the street, whispering and looking at you
pony whispers to you “the fuck are they looking at us for?” and you truthfully say you don’t know why
when you get to school, the bell rings and you have to go to separate classes
when he gets into class, people are still talking about you and he still doesn’t know why
he asks one of his classmates why everyone is mentioning your name, and he answers “apparently y/n gave a girl flowers for valentines and asked her if she could be her date. she ended up saying no, and she told the whole school what y/n did. between us though, i don’t really see why people are talking shit about y/n now, i mean being gay isn’t bad right?”
pony was shocked that people made a huge deal out of it, he didn’t even know you were a lesbian, nor did he care, but he couldn’t believe how stupid people could be
he never understood why people cared about sexual orientation, and was confused when people said it was a problem you were a lesbian
he ended up sticking up for you when people would talk shit, which ended up with a large cut stretching from his knuckles to his wrist
when the bell rang after first period, he automatically ran to the class you were in to tell you what he had heard
he waited outside the classroom, and when you came out, you had tears streaming down your face
you begged him to still be your friend and you didn’t understand why people didn’t like you
he walked you to your next class, which the two of you had, and reassured you that there was nothing wrong with you and you’re still the same person
he was just walking around the block when he saw you in the lot
you were getting beat up by a few socs, and he could hear the word “freak” coming out of their mouths, that you’ll never fit in since you’re gay and not even a girl can love you
he started speed walking towards you, he watched you pull out a switchblade to one of the socs throats, and told him to shut up before you slice his throat
all the socs backed off and convinced you not to kill one of them
they all had cuts and bruises on their bodies, you did too
“we’ll come back for your punk-ass girlfriend later” one of the socs said, which caused you to punch him hard in the face
blood started dripping down his face, he touches his nose and says “bitch, you just broke my fucking nose! i’ll kill you!”
surprisingly enough, the other socs hold him back and tell him it’s not worth it, so they run off and get into their mustang
you don’t even realize johnnys next to you after they leave, you only focus on the fact your life might be ruined since people know you’re a lesbian
you turn around to see johnny, looking at you with a worried look
“are you okay? looks like they got you pretty good…” he asks, you ignore his question and ask him, “you didn’t hear any of that right..”
he tells you he heard but he doesn’t mind you being a lesbian, he still cares for you and you mean a lot to him
you really appreciate this and go back to your house so you could get cleaned up
he stays over at your house and the two of you talk about your past relationships
you drove to darry’s house so you could help out around the house, he was stressing and having a hard time
you brought groceries and some of his favorite pastries from a new bakery nearby
when you walk into the house, darry greets you and thanks you for the items
suddenly he gets a phone call
“just a second” he mumbles to you
he walks over to the phone and sits down on the recliner, picks up the phone and waits for the other line to talk
“is this darry curtis?” he wonders who it is since it’s a female voice, one he’s never heard before
he answers with a “yes, why? do i know you” and the other line asks “why the fuck is my girlfriend at your house and what’s your relation to her.”
he had no idea you had a girlfriend since you didn’t tell or hint at him anything
he responds with “she’s a friend. she just came over to my house to help around and cook food since i have to work later.”
she whispers an “oh… well um thank you… i’ll talk to her later… sorry…” and he says “it’s fine, don’t worry about it” and hangs up
he zones out wondering how he didn’t notice, how you’d always be on the phone calling ‘one of your friends’ but you’d be so giggly and smiley, telling her you love her and would never leave her
he comes back to reality when you walk over to him and ask who called him, then he tells you it was your girlfriend, but didn’t give a name
your face goes white, and you start apologizing for not telling him since you didn’t know if he’d support or not, tears forming in your eyes, making vision blurry
he reassures you and says he doesn’t care that you like girls, and it doesn’t change how he thinks about you
the two of you work at the DX together, so soda was at the cashier, waiting for someone to come in and buy something
a girl walks in and asks “is y/n here?” and soda responds with “no, she just went on her lunch break. do you need her?”
she looks nervous and starts looking around, she says “do you think you could give this to her…?” and it’s diy paper flowers, the paper was pages from your favorite book
the flowers came along with a note, which he saw was covered with a kiss
he looks at the flowers and note for a second and can sense her fidgeting, so he just says “yeah, i’ll leave it in the back for her” she thanks him and leaves the DX
he doesn’t even know her name, and guesses she’s one of your friends
soda can’t help but take a little peek at the letter, since it wasn’t in an envelope, he unfolds the paper and reads the letter
it goes along the lines of “thank you for always being with me” “…you’re so beautiful” “best girlfriend ever” “continue dating” and ends with an “i love you”
sodas jaw is on the FUCKING ground
he never knew you had a girlfriend, and suddenly felt bad for always asking you if you had a boyfriend yet
he folds back the paper to how it originally was, and goes back to the cashier
then he sees you walk back in with dairy queen, since you both wanted good food
you greet him, he greets you back and tells you a girl came by and was looking for you
he described her features and said there’s a note and paper flowers for you in the back, he could see the smile on your face
after letting you read the note, which you were blushing at, he couldn’t help but feel guilty for not telling you he knew you were gay
so he told you he just peeked at the letter and noticed all the lovey-dovey words, he said he has no problem with you being gay and asked if you are, just to check
you said yes, you thought you told him a while back but he doesn’t remember
what he does remember is you saying you had a crush on an actress, then he laughed and thought it was a joke, never thought about it again
the two of you were at the bar hanging out and talking
you’re having fun and in deep conversation when suddenly, a girl comes up to you and your face breaks into a smile
dally notices this and says “do you know her..?” and you don’t have time to say anything
the girl who came up to you two yelled, “you’re a fucking bitch y/n! i thought we were gonna last forever but then you cheat on me with a man of all people? you told me you loved me—“
dally was in shock since she was a girl, and he never thought you’d be gay, he didn’t have a problem with it but he just never gave it any thought
you told her dally was just a friend and there’s nothing going on, plus he liked a girl at the moment
“honey, im sorry i’ve been hanging out with him more than you. but you didn’t tell me it bothered you, and communications important!” you told her
“wait you’re gay AND you have a girlfriend!!!? why didn’t you tell me this man im your best friend” dally asked you
your girlfriend told him to shut up, which basically answered his question, but you told him you didn’t tell him you had a girlfriend since not a lot of people are fond of gay people
you and your girlfriend resolved the argument and you’d talk about it later
she walked away, not before giving you a kiss on the cheek, and dally told you he hates her
you ask him why and he says because of the way she talked to you, you ask him if he can give her a second chance and if the two of you are still friends
he asks “why wouldn’t we be?” and is genuinely confused
you say “well… i like girls, aren’t you uncomfortable with that..?” and he responds with “no? i like girls too” LIKE DALLY STOP
he doesn’t care about sexual orientation because it doesn’t make you a bad person
after that incident, it’s like nothings changed, your friendship hasn’t changed and that’s what you and dally are happy about
you two were at the drive in, watching another elvis movie
when the two of you got out of your car, you sat on the hood so you could have a good view
you looked to your right and told two-bit, “hold on, i gotta talk to someone real quick. i’ll be back in a few minutes.”
you walked over to a girl and waved, she was with a group of two guys and two girls who were all dressed nicely, two-bit guessed they were socs
he saw you wrap your arms around one of the girls shoulders and kiss her, when one of the other girls said “the hell are you looking at? you got a problem?” and he saw you talking to her, telling her he’s your friend
you and the girl you had kissed went to the concessions stand for snacks and drinks, leaving her group and two-bit with his own thoughts
he never knew you were gay since you didn’t tell him, but he’d support you no matter what
he heard his name and looked to the right once again, to see you and the girl holding hands
she left to go hang out with her friends and you walked back to two-bit
“sorry i took a while! have i told you about my girlfriend yet?” you said
“nah, you haven’t but it’s fine. you two were like making out though. you seem cute together man!! are you gonna get freaky?”
you told him to shut up and he just laughed it off, he basically forgot all about the conversation and you two continued watching the movie
you and steve were walking down the street when a blue mustang drove up next to you
you put your hand in your pocket, ready to grab your switchblade and fight the socs
one of the socs, bob, looked at you and said “hey aren’t you that gay greaser girl?” and steve gave you a certain look, he didn’t know what bob was talking about
you glared at bob and said “yeah, i guess so…” just to have him reply “cherrys interested.”
you stopped dead in your tracks and stared at him, told him you already have a girlfriend
bob said he heard rumors going around about you liking cherry, but he never knew you had a girlfriend
steve yelled at bob, telling him to knock it off and stop picking on you
then you had to correct steve, telling him you do like girls, and you do have a girlfriend
he looked at you and asked “really? cool” since he didn’t care much
what he was really thrown off with was the fact that bob was talking to you, considering he was the typical rude soc
you thanked bob for telling you, he and his friends drove off
you continued walking with steve and continued your conversation before bob and the other socs interrupted you two
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authors note: sorry if this was offensive! i like girls too, along with guys but please don’t cancel me 🙏 i appreciate every single one of you and thank you for being amazing 💗
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rbbrbikerthorp · 1 year
Graduating Law Student Transformed Into A Skinboi
It’s the culmination of several months hard work; yet I can chalk up another successful transformation. 
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As you look at him now, you don’t need me to tell you there’s no way back to the life he once imagined. I have taken away everything he used to be and I have remade him into what will be more appropriate life for him to lead. 
You can see the total adulation, respect and appreciation for what I have turned him into. He knows he’s a skinhead now, no questions, no dissent, no complaints, no regrets - just a proud skinhead.
Let me tell you just a little about who I am. I’m a gay skinhead in my late forties, living in a nondescript English town in the Midlands. I’ve been one since my early teens. As a young teen in the Eighties I’d hang out with skins in their late teens/early twenties who used to incentivise me to encourage my classmates to become new members of ‘their skinhead gang’. With any money they’d get from work, whether that was stacking shelves, apprenticeships, or learning a trade, they’d buy stuff like ciggies, lager and cider, on occasions, even tickets to the footy and offer these things around as ‘rewards’ to new lads.
And it worked. Word got around that you could do cool things when you became ‘one of us’. We looked out for one another, and if any of the members got into ‘trouble’ we’d be right there with them. There were what could be described of as ‘terms and conditions’ for members to comply with: DMs (black or oxblood) had to be worn in and out of school, 10 hole, preferably and with coloured laces. Outside it was boots plus black or red Harrington (Crombies were also allowed) over a Fred Perry top along with tight, shortened jeans and heads shaved as short as they could get away with. ‘Start ‘em young and keep them for life’ was our mantra.
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Enough of the past, so back to the present.
I had been planning my next project. I had three potential ‘candidates’ to choose from; two would be left to carry on blissfully unaware how close they came to being transformed. One ‘fortunate’ lad would be taken by me and given a completely new life.
Some weeks ago I was in a coffee shop when one of potential lads I’d been tracking entered looking rather flustered. It was a perfect opportunity to take a good look at him. “Around twenty, height five ten, maybe five eleven, footballer’s build, dressed in a sharp looking suit - must care about his appearance - hmmm that bodes well for his future life”. The great thing about making coffees to order is that I was able to more fully assess this candidate - and I liked what I had seen. Eventually he got what he came for - four coffees in one of those egg box-like cardboard trays - and left. I decided this lad would probably be my preferred choice.
To confirm this I followed him discreetly all the way to the five floor building, which happened to be the offices of a law firm. He was way too young looking to be a qualified lawyer, so I concluded he was possibly still in law school, combining his studies with some ‘on-the-job’ work. If I step in, I could save him from a life of tediousness: of clock watching, pen pushing, keyboard strokes and general stress. I’d give him a simpler life as a skinhead. He would be waving goodbye to the potential of a five bedroom house, Mercedes and Rolex, but he’d have a proper job. He’d have proper mates and would live a modest life. A skinhead life. Yes, I decided there and then - this lad was the one.
For the next few weeks I tracked all his moves. Where he went, who (if anyone) he met with, what modes of transport he used and most importantly the hours he put in studying and working.
Two days a week he was not in law school. On those days he would leave his digs around 7:40am, walk to the end of the road and wait for the number 17 bus, which would turn up about ten to eight. Traffic depending, the journey to the main bus station took 25 minutes. He would walk from there to the office, some days stopping at McDonalds to get breakfast, sometimes not. Regardless, he would always get to the office for 8:30.
The end of the day was different and seemed less structured. The lad must have been focussed on his future career because I would see an exodus from the building around 5:30pm, but he was never part of that ‘first wave’ in fact he never emerged before 6 and sometimes it was almost 7 before he’d walk out of the main entrance. When he did leave, like most of his generation, he’s be focussed on his phone, distracted from what was going on around him. At that time of the evening the area was pretty much deserted. As this lad was going to be my next project I needed to see what he did after work. So, like a shadow I followed his movements at night.
I discovered that he didn’t have that many friends. A couple of random nights he’d go to the Pure Gym which was just on the edge of the town centre. sometimes he’d be accompanied but mostly he went there on his own. At the weekend he didn’t seem to do much. Occasionally I’d note him board the bus into town, returning several hours later with one or two shopping bags from places like JD Sports, Hollister or Flannels. I didn’t see him go into a pub or bar, nor did I see him smoke but that would all change when I’d finished with his transformation.
I had all the knowledge about his movements but the next question on my mind was how to capture the lad and how to get him back here without causing too much commotion. I started mulling things over, a thought jumped into my head. My mate Mal has a 1997 Ford Transit van that he says I can use whenever I need to. Perhaps I could use the van as a distraction. I finished putting my plan together and decided on next Tuesday (one of the days he always attended the office) would be the day when the lad would become my boi.
I’d need to get him a few bits to wear. From previous projects I had become pretty good a sizing a lad. I wouldn’t know his shoe size but I’d take a guess. Back home I fired up my laptop to see how quickly I could get stuff. I logged into eBay first and found most of what I needed. I selected the ‘buy now’ option to make sure it could be delivered in time for my new guest to ‘arrive’.
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So I had his clobber on order - Tuesday couldn’t come around soon enough.
Tuesday night came along and I’d parked Mal’s van on the same street as the law firm about twenty or thirty yards along from the entrance so any security cameras or nosy security guards couldn’t see what was going to conspire.
I checked the time, 5:15pm. Good I was pretty confident I’d be ready for when he emerged from the building after all his colleagues had left.
It got to 5:30 - suddenly there was an exodus of dozens and dozens people. I watched out for him looking in my wing mirrors. Good, as predicted the lad wasn’t one of them. When the rush had died down I needed to time my next move carefully. It was 6:15 and no one had emerged from the building for over a quarter of an hour. I made my move. I pulled the lever, which opened the bonnet on Mal’s van. My pretext for getting into conversation with the lad would be that I was having trouble with the engine and I needed to stand in front of the van whilst someone turned the key. That was something anyone could do.
Sure enough just before half past, the lad emerged with a ruck sack on his back. I’d been standing by the wall looking like I was waiting for a breakdown service to attend to me, but I wasn’t.
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I called out to the lad, who as I had seen countless times was looking down at his phone, "Oi mate - I’m 'avin a bit of trouble, can you help?”
The lad looked up, “Erm me, you need a hand?"” he queried
“I’d appreciate it, my van’s playing up and I can’t get hold of the breakdown service. If you could spare me two minutes, I might be able to get it going.”
He looked around and then said “Sure, but I’m not sure I can do any good. I don’t know anything about van mechanics.”
He must have been surprised to see the way I was dressed - DM's. bleached jeans, olive green bomber jacket and beanie hat covering my shaved head.
He cautiously walked towards me, everything was going to plan.
“Don’t worry lad, I’ll take care of the engine. All I need you to do is jump behind the wheel and turn the key but not before I tell you to, okay?”
The lad simply nodded and climbed into the van.
I spent a few moments checking the engine, an engine that in truth was working perfectly. I had pulled the distributor wire, so I knew nothing would happen when the key was turned. Timing was of the essence, because you really can drain the battery if you continuously try to start a van disabled in this fashion.
I spoke to the lad, “nothing appears out of place - go on and turn the key. The engine kind of turned over, but stalled and died. “Shit”.
I kept the charade going for several minutes. Spending a minute or two between each key-turn pretending to fiddle with the engine and then telling the lad to turn the key, knowing it wouldn’t start.
With a frustrated look on my face I came round to the driver’s door and said, “I think I’m going try call the breakdown service again and hope they can get to me tonight” He just kind of nodded at me as I rubbed my hands briskly. “Before I do there’s one more thing I’m going to try that I need your help with,” and before he could reply I continued to speak, “It’s a bit parky this evening. D'you fancy a drink? I got a flask of coffee in the back.”
There was a risk that he would decline the offer, but I’d got him invested in my problem so he simply nodded.
“C'mon then"
The lad jumped out of the drivers seat and followed me round to the back of the van. I got the flask out and poured me some coffee onto two plastic cups. I lifted the cup to my mouth and held it there as I watched the naive lad take a sip  "That's it mate - drink it all down"
“It’s really nice,” he told me, so I poured some out another cup. He took a few gulps more, then the cup fell out of his hand.
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The lad knew nothing more until he came around later tied to a chair. At first he didn’t know what had happened only that he had a blinding headache. As he became more conscious he could see there was someone sitting across the room from him. He became lucid enough to realise it was me, the same skinhead with the broken down van that asked him for help. The same skinhead with a lit cigarette in my mouth. The lad then realised all his clothes with the exception of his underwear had been removed. He was also fully aware of the ropes that were restraining him. He started to struggle and started to hurl verbal abuse at me. I was mildly surprised; I thought a trainee lawyer might have had a better grasp of English.
I said nothing, I stood up walked over to the lad and stuffed a dirty football sock in his mouth. “That’ll stop you making too much noise. It’s late, I’m going to bed. You’re my ‘guest’ for as long as I want to keep you, g'night”
The next morning, the lad was woken by cold water being thrown in has face.
I left the room and came back with a pair of clippers. The lad’s eyes widened, I could see him begin to panic. A muffled "no" came from his sock-filled mouth. The cold teeth of the clippers slid across the middle of his head from forehead to crown, the first clump of hair slipped onto the floor. The lad started to struggle so I said “if you struggle you will get cut now that’s fine with me but you might not like it”. My grip changing aggressively as I worked around his head moving front to back, and all around the sides. I rubbed all over his head, happy with my work I turned the clippers off. The lad now had a zero crop. I walked into the bathroom and returned with a bowl and shaving kit.
I put down a bowl of warm water, can of shaving foam and an old fashioned razor. Again, he started to struggle against his bonds. He was saying something but I just ignored and started wetting his stubble, after-which I worked the shaving foam into his stubbly scalp. Then, more for effect than anything else, I picked up a cut-throat razor. Once again I explained that if the lad didn’t keep still he might lose a lot of blood before he was finished. This time the lad was motionless. I have to say for the duration of his head shave, he really didn’t move a muscle.
The last stroke of the razor was the longest and the best. I wrapped his head in a towel to remove the last bit of foam. Then drizzled some balm and messaged it into my freshly shaved scalp. I took the bowl and stuff back into the bathroom. Happy with my work I sat down on a chair across the room from him. “Now, let explain what is happening to you.  First, I’m only going to release you if you accept these rules. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not move unless I tell you to. You will do what I say without question. From now on until I tell you otherwise you call me Boss. Do you accept these rules boi?” He just nodded - I’m pretty sure he’d agree to anything just to get the stale sock out of his mouth. I carried on setting out the rules, “I’m warning you now, disobey me and you will again be restrained on that chair and you will also get a severe punishment is that clear?”
Forlorn looking he nodded again.
“Now listen to me. Your old life is over. You have been chosen by me to become a skinhead. I will turn you into a proud skinhead, eventually you will be inked and then pierced to my specification but in the meantime you are going wear skin gear.” Today you begin a new life with me. Now, the first thing I need is your signature on a few pieces of paper…you know just to make everything legal”. I handed the lad a pen but he didn’t take it straight away, “now I’ve told you there is an easy way with you accepting the new life I’m offering you or we can do it the hard way. It doesn’t bother me - now sign the documents or you’re going to take one hell of a beating.” Reluctantly the lad took the pen I was holding and signed his name on the papers and handed them back to me. [The signed papers would give notice on his rented flat, would inform his lecturers that he was quitting law school and he was resigning from his placement at the law firm].
I wheeled a mirror into the room so he could see his denuded head. “You look like a man now and I bet you feel better don’t you?” Not knowing what else to do, he simply nodded back. I reinforced my previous statement of intent, “so you’re my new project boi and when the time comes to leave me you will leave as a skinhead. A booted, inked and pierced skinhead, living by the skin code.” I finished my monologue and left the room to go make myself a drink and so that he could mull over what I’d just told him.
I came back into the room about half an hour later. “It’s time to begin boi.” Pointing over at five pairs of black boots with different coloured laces I told him the first lesson will be how to look after your boots.
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In my hand I had some black polish, what he realised was the work shirt he’d been wearing and a shoe brush. I dropped them by his feet and said “ok boi get over here and start shining the boots”. Understanding the previous warning I’d given him, there was no way out of this. He stood up from the chair walked over to where the boots were lined up. He timidly asked me “which ones Boss?” I was pleased he called me Boss without any prompting, ”all of them,” I responded. “Start with the ones in the middle, the ones with the white laces boi.”
He picked up the boots I’d instructed him. He opened the tin and dipped the rag into the black polish. He spent the next few hours shining all five pairs of boots. Every time he looked up to say he was finished, i would shake my head and give him a slap.
Now I know a thing about retraining lads, especially lads from good homes who tend to have a natural obedience because of their upbringing. I carefully balance the use of ‘fear of pain’ and ‘reward’. So long as the boi lives in fear of me and the pain I could inflict upon him, I can focus him on being rewarded for complying with my orders.
I looked at him, totally focussed on the boots. I thought about what might have been for the boi if I hadn’t decided to take him under my wing, I’m pretty sure that in his head he had his life mapped out ahead of him - someday becoming a partner in a law firm earning three-maybe four hundred thousand a year, marrying and having two or three kids. I step in and disrupt that to give him a new purpose, a more worthwhile purpose and a the opportunity to work in a proper job. Perhaps as a labourer, a refuse collector, joiner’s apprentice - who knows? What I do know is that he never, ever thought of being a skinhead; but soon he won’t be able to imagine life as anything else.
In all it took four hours of polishing the five pairs of boots before I said, “that’s enough for a first effort. You have one more pair to do later, they’re the ones you’ll be wearing!” I could see him shudder. “Now let’s get you dressed proper.”
I handed him a black Fred Perry shirt with yellow trim. “Put it on boi.”
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He took it without questioning me, “yes, Boss.” He slipped the black polo over his body, I’d guessed the right size because it fitted perfectly. Next I told him that skinheads didn’t wear ‘poncy’ underwear, they go commando or wear a jock. “You are going to wear a jock and in time you’ll find out why.” I grinned, he had no idea about that devious part of my plan. I passed it to him and he looked at it - clearly he’d never worn one to play sport. “Take yer pants off, throw ‘em over there and put that on.” I remember he turned a shade of crimson. “Look boi, you ain’t got anything different to me, just get to it.” He saw me ball my fist, so he dithered no more and put the jock on.
You’ll wear that day after day untilI tell you to take it off. Next I told him to get the white football socks and put them on. Now for your bleachers. They’re gonna feel tight but that’s the way they are meant to be. This was the part I was looking forward - seeing the boi in tight bleachers, which I’d had cut so they barely went over the knee. And him seeing himself shaved and wearing skin gear for the first time.
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I watch him stand up to pull them on. They were very tight and left nothing to the imagination. He told he felt they were too tight and felt weirdly short. I told him it’s how they are supposed to be. He was about to sit down when I told him to stay standing. I walked over to him and attached a pair of yellow braces to the waist of his bleachers at the back, over his shoulders and clipped them to the front.
“Nice - you’re looking the part boi,. but there’s something missing...”
“Are you going to make me wear a pair of those boots?”
“Haven’t you forgotten a word boi?” I clenched my fist again.
“Sorry....I mean BoSS, are you going to make me wear boots BoSS?”
“No, you have to earn  the right to wear your boots, boi”
Pointing over to the wall, I instructed him to look at himself in the mirror. I told him he was well into his journey to becoming a skinhead.
I was surprised to see a bulge growing in his bleachers. “Interesting”, I thought. I felt that things were progressing at the right pace. I turned and left the room, leaving the lad to his thoughts.
Breaking down a lad and rebuilding him as a boi in the desired image isn’t easy. If he was going to be a skinhead, he would have to behave like a skinhead and to believe there was no other way. To do this I ordered him to shave his head with foam and a razor every single morning. He would have to wait for me to inspect his work, only when I was satisfied would I allow him to get dressed. He would spend his day looking like a skin: wearing bleachers, Fred Perry, braces and football socks.
He still wasn’t allowed to wear boots. My goal was for him to learn the importance of boots to a skinhead: a highly visible sign that the wearer doesn’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks of them, they look menacing, and says ‘don’t mess with me’ because if you do, you’ll be the loser. I wanted him to beg me to wear the boots I’d got him, and I knew it would only be a matter of time until he was begging for permission to be booted. Until then on the occasions when we needed to go out, I made him out on some old workie overalls and on his feet he’d wear a pair of cheap and nasty black canvas plimsoles (remember the ones you might have worn in school?). 
I didn’t know what his orientation was. In doing my research I’d not seen any evidence of girlfriend, or a boyfriend for that matter. I guessed that he might be so focussed on career, that he had suppressed any sexual urges or thought he’d wait ‘till the right person came along; then marry and have kids. Well, I had other plans. I wanted a boi to have ‘fun’ with and when I decided the time would come to let him leave he’d have absolutely no interest in women and he’d be looking for a skinhead partner or follow in my footsteps, finding ‘a lost sheep’ to convert into a proud gay skinhead, swelling the skinhead ranks.
I returned to the room, “ok boi get over here.” He walked over towards me. “It’s time for you next lesson boi, you’re going to learn the art of bootlicking; you’re going to worship my boots. Boots are going to be the focus of your world and you don’t stop till I say. Get to it and I want to feel your tongue pressing hard.” Every so often I’d say “stop” and the boi would think he had done, but it was just to allow me to get a drink or go to the loo. I’d return and tell the lad to continue. I wanted him to get used to the position, being subservient (for the time being) and fully compliant with my instructions. Growing to love the taste of the leather, eventually becoming addicted to it. “Good boi”, I’d say every so often.
After a couple of hours of kneeling at my boots I told him, “that’s enough for a first effort now start on the other one”. The boi’s shoulders dropped but he did not say a word just started on the my other boot. After two more hours of bootlicking I allowed the lad to take a break. I got him some food but I made him eat it sitting on the floor by my boots.
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The routine created for my new skinboi was expedited day after day. I would wake him at 6am in order for him to shave his head. I’d check the shave was to my satisfaction. Then he’d dress: black Fred Perry shirt, white football socks, bleachers, white braces. Then it would be down to work polishing all the boots in the morning, worshiping my boots in the afternoon and sometimes going outside with me dressed in full skin-gear and him in workie overalls and plimsoles. The monotony and repetition was wiping away his old life, soon all he would know is being a skinhead.
I also introduced him to the ‘joys’ that only a man can give another man. "Boi, Get over here, and get down on your knees." I watched my boi nervously get down on his knees. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him forward so his face was in my crotch. I held him there so he can revel in the joys of his Boss’ scent. After a few minutes I told him to unbutton my bleachers. He was reluctant at first, but I was insistent. He knew I could meter a severe punishment, so using his fingers in he starts undoing the buttons, one by one. He looked up into his eyes knowing what was about to ensue. He opened his mouth to speak, but I said, "Ssh.. boi.. this is a necessary part of your training." He takes hold of my waistline and pulls down my bleachers, forcing my jock down too. He doesn’t break eye contact with me as my tumescent manhood strikes him on the chin. My balls are big and hang low. All he can do is stare. I’m pretty lucky, at least 8 inches long, and thick enough that his hand will be able to wrap around it, but only just.
With my hand still on the back of my head, I say to him “open up boi.” He hesitates, but seeing the expression on my face, he complies. I know he’s scared about what is going to happen. He was probably thinking about that ‘normal’ life of wife, kids and career. But looking at him, I can see there is some level of arousal. I now enter his now willing mouth. The underside of my manhood rubs against the top of his tongue as he lets it rest in his mouth for a few seconds. I pull his head forward so I can force myself deeper into his throat. It's half way in before he gags on its length. Laughing, I pull out, "Pretty big eh? Don't worry. We'll work on that.” I put it back in his mouth and he begins sucking again. It isn't long before I notice how turned on he is by all of this. Something must have clicked in his mind. Perhaps he wasn’t sure of his sexuality. Perhaps he was naturally submissive and was finally responding to the changes I was making to him. I’ll never really know. He is now sucking with vigour; even trying his hardest to take me in his throat and make his Boss happy.
"What a good boi. You like sucking your Boss’ dick don't you?"
He nodded. I could tell from looking into his eyes he was happy he was making his Boss happy. I smiled, “you’re going to be getting as lot of practice from now on boi. In fact when you finally leave, you’ll have no interest in women anymore - that’s if you had any in the first place. A skinhead like you is going to be into real blokes, who love aggro, sp[it, piss and hard sex. Now get up.”
I stand him up, turn him around, and walk him over to the sofa. “Strip,” I order. He hesitates for a moment, but seeing the expression on my face, he obediently takes off his Fred Perry, drops his bleachers, and pulls down his jock. What i assume to be his untouched hole is fully now exposed to me. I lean him into the sofa, putting his knees up on the cushions and face into the backrest. As I stand behind him I’m pretty sure he can feel something rubbing on his bum cheeks. I’m pretty sure he knows what it is. My hands are exploring his arse, rubbing and massaging all over. 
Then I do something he wouldn’t be expecting. I lean forward and bury my face in his arse. I’m ravishing his hole with my tongue, and I know he will have never had a feeling like this before. He’s now moaning into the cushions as my tongue explores my hole. Satisfied with my work I pull back. I hear a squeak of disappointment, but it doesn't last long. The next noise that emanates from the lad is a ‘yelp’ in response to me sliding a finger into his wet boi hole. His bum clenches as I slide my finger in and out.
“How does that feel boi?”
Breathlessly he responds, “it feels amazing. Don’t stop. Please.”
I reach around him and start jerking him off my, using the precum leaking out of the head I keep a steady pace in order to distract him from what I’m about to do. I insert another finger into his hole, then a third. I know he could have never dreamed about the pleasure he’s experiencing at this point. I kept this up for ten, twenty, maybe thirty minutes - I can’t remember. When I gauged that he was almost at the point of no return I asked him a question. 
"Are you ready for me to finally mark you as mine, boi? 
At this point I knew he didn’t want this ‘world of pleasure’ I was giving him to end, so he vigorously nodded .
“Do you want to screw your tight little virgin boi hole? Speak."
"Please. Yes. I need your cock. Please take my boi hole," he whimpers.
I rub the head of my cock against his hole. His hands reach behind him and with both hands he pulls his cheeks apart giving me full access. Slowly, I push forwards applying pressure on his hole. Then, the pop. I’m in.
He yelps, “ow, ow, it hurts, no! He tries to rise up. But then I place a hand on his back, forcing him down.
"Shh.. boi..give it time, The pain will go - you'll learn to love it"
I keep the head of my hard pole in his hole for a few seconds without moving it to get him accustomed to it. Very slowly I start to move back and forth. I’m very steadily stretching his hole more and more. But then I notice a change in the noises he’s making.
I spoke up, “see boi, that initial pain begins to get replaced. Replaced by this, full feeling and eventually that makes way for an unbelievable pleasure. A pleasure only a man can give you.” I rock back and forth, putting more of my cock into his tight arse, When I pull back he’s started to push back; he’s moaning each time more is pushed inside him, until finally I feel my sack up against his arse.
"You like that boi? All of your Boss is in your arse. And my what a tight one you have boi."
"Ohh.... It's so good," in his state of ecstasy is all he can summon up.
I begin pumping back and forth, pulling out to the point to where the tip of the head is all that is left in his arse and then pressing all the way back in. 
"Tell me you like it boi. Tell your skinhead Boss what you want me to do. Tell me now boi!"
"Boss yes!.. You feel so good inside me. Please don't stop. Please. Please fill me with your pure skinhead seed"
I pick up the pace to the point where I’m pounding his arse. I continue to penetrate him over and over again. I’m hoping to reach that special place every male has. I tell him to turn around because I want him to be looking at me when I deposit my seed. I start again, pumping in and out, over and over. His eyes roll back into his head as I go all the way down. I can tell he’s experiencing a new feeling. Soon he’ll be at the point of no return. The point where man sex is all he desires.
"You feel that boi? I’m massaging your prostate"
"Oh my god Boss. That feels so good. Please don't stop."
I’m thrusting into his arse, back and forth, slowly at first then picking up the pace. He grabs his cock and starts jerking it. 
"Yes!” he says, “please keep going. don’t stop!"
I keep pumping away, when I hear him say, “I’m going to cum.” I pull his hands away. “You have to ask permission to cum boi.” I say sternly.
“Please may I cum, please Boss?” he begs.
“I’ll let you cum when you tell me what you are boi.”
“What, what do you mean?” he queries.
“Tell me what you are boi, tell me you’re a skinhead! Tell me you’re going to live your life as a proud, gay skinhead. You’ll spread the word and convert others to the skinhead life.”
“Yes, I will,” he responds, eagerly.
“Not good enough boi, tell me what I have turned you into, now!”
Breathing heavily as I continue to plough in and out of his arse he responds, “oh, okay. I’m a skinhead, a gay skinhead. I proud, gay skinhead. I’ve been shown how to live as a skinhead, how to dress in skin gear, how to polish and lace my boots correctly. How to shave my head. How to live my life... from... now on as a skinhead.”
“Yes boi, you are a skinhead. For now you’re my skin boi. There are some final changes I have to make to ensure there’s no return to your old life. Now cum for me.” 
Streams of cum land on his chest. I feel his are clinches around my cock as I keeps pumping away, reaching the point of no return. Marking him, filling him with my essence. I look deeply into his eyes and can see complete bliss.
I slow down, then pull out. Our lips meet and lock together. 
To reinforce his new gay skinhead life, we repeat these sessions, day after day. Me on top and him on the bottom. Because I want him to convert others to the skinhead life, I need to allow him to top. So in some sessions we switch and he gets to experience what it’s like to penetrate another man. We always shag in skinhead gear and our sessions get more exciting as he gives himself to this new life I’ve created for him.
A couple of weeks later, I woke up to find my boi had got out of my bed early and was already in the bathroom. I opened the door to find him shaving his head. I smiled at him and he smiled back: success!
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I waited for him to come downstairs wondering how he would be dressed. Sure enough he walked into the room, with the exception of a pair of boots he was dressed in his skinhead gear.
I looked up, “hello boi, what are you?” was all I asked him.
“I am a skinhead Boss, living by the skinhead code” he replied
“Good boi.”
Quickly, I made a call to a friend to book a four-hour appointment.
I came back into the room, "boi, get the black boots with the white laces, and put them on. Lace them as I’ve shown you. 
“Yes Boss”, he replied excitedly.
We’re going into town to make some final changes to the way you look. We are going to make sure everyone knows what you are. Tell me again, what are you boi?”
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As he laced his boots he repeated his mantra. “I’m a skinhead, BoSS.”
“Yes boi, and after today there is going to be no way back. Now, get a move on and finish lacing those boots because we have an appointment booked.
I watch closely as he ladder laces his new black boots. I’m admiring the skin boi I’ve created. In the next hour he will begin the final part of his transformation. He will stay with me for some time so that I can fully reinforce his skinhead training. When I decide he’s the finished article, I will  tell him to go find himself a partner, perhaps a normal lad he can transform into his own skinboi perhaps someone who is already leading a skinhead life. 
As I look at my skinboi standing in the doorway, I start thinking about what my next project will be...
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571 notes · View notes
apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Part 4
Robin wouldn’t call the walk home pleasant, but it did give her time to think. Time to second guess everything she had done. Time to rehearse the conversation she was going to have with Steve over the phone. And then time to remember he’d be with Eddie tonight and with any luck, putting the moves on him.
When she got home, she dialed halfway and stopped about three times before calling anyway. When Steve picked up, he was breathing a little hard.
“Please tell me I just interrupted you and Eddie running a marathon”, Robin groaned as she fell back against her bed.
“You knew what might be happening when you called. By the way why are you calling? Your date with Nancy finished already?”
“Oh we’re finished alright.”
“That doesn’t sound good. What happened?”
“Are you sure it’s more important than Eddie’s blue balls right now?”
“Robin you’re way more important than Eddie’s balls.”
“Hey! I heard that Harrington!
“She’s more important than your dick too!”
Robin felt her bottom lip quiver a little. “Steve, you have no idea how much that means to me.”
“I mean it. If you wanna talk I can send Eddie home and you can come. Or I’ll go to you.”
“Your courting suitor won’t mind being booted?”
It took a moment for Steve to answer and Robin worried that she might actually be getting on Eddie’s bad side.
“No, I don’t think he’ll mind”, Steve said. “I’m like....85% sure he’s super into me and will let me get away with anything.”
Robin felt a bit of weight lift off her shoulders. Sounded like things had gone well for them tonight. “We can talk tomorrow. You know, when he’s not humping your leg.”
“First thing in the morning”, Steve promised. “Good night.”
“Night, Steve.”
That left Robin to wallow. Or rather to let her thoughts race one right after the other. And she didn’t want to forget when her brain made a particularly good point so she wrote them all down.
When Steve came over to her house the next morning, she had a handful of papers.
“These contain everything that can happen regarding my decision to either forgive her or not, date her or not, or move to Connecticut.”
“You’ve truly covered all the bases”, Steve said, settling in for a long morning.
Eddie’s first instinct that morning was to find Nancy. Actually, it was to kiss Steve all over his body (the inner elbow was an oft-ignored area) but since Steve was busy, he figured he’d seek out Nancy and figure out what happened.
Something went wrong and he felt partially to blame for it. He was the one who switched up the plan.
Not wanting to cross paths with Ted Wheeler or get held up by Mike, Eddie climbed his way to Nancy’s window and tapped. Her window thrust open and she let out a sigh.
“I thought you were Steve.”
“Good morning to you too, sunshine-whoa.” Eddie paused when he got two feet on the floor, seeing an array of papers on Nancy’s bed. 
Nancy turned her gaze to the mess on her bed. “I know how it looks-”
“It looks like you spent all night working on college essay when you should’ve been making out with Buckley.”
“They’re not ess-did you and Steve make out last night?”
“Mmm, and then some”, Eddie smiled dreamily at the memory.
“Unbelievable”, Nancy began to pace around. “So you just bypassed all the awkwardness, whether he’s gay or not, and any sort of history you two had and went right to jumping his bones?”
“You did say those would all be miniscule obstacles. And you were right!”, Eddie threw his hands up. “And you’re not celebrating with me. What happened last night?”
Nancy sat on her bed, right on top of the papers. “I mean how can I have baggage with someone I never even dated?”
Slowly, Eddie sat down next to her, waiting for her to continue.
“Last night, Robin asked why me and Steve broke up. And apparently, my answer painted me as an unfeeling, manipulative bitch and she walked out on our date.”
“Robin didn’t say that?”, Eddie’s brow furrowed.
“No, no of course she didn’t but I’m pretty good at reading between the lines.”
“Or projecting and putting words into people’s mouths.”
“It doesn’t matter. This was a stupid idea”, Nancy got up and started balling the paper up.
“Hey hey what’re all these anyway? If they’re not essays what were you doing last night?”
“They’re....”, Nancy took a breath. “They’re scenarios, okay? I decided to take a page out of your book and jot down what might happen. If I apologize to Steve, maybe we can fully mend our friendship, Robin will give me a second chance. Or I’ll apologize, Robin forgives me but still doesn’t want to date me. Or like a bunch of...other ideas...”
“This one just says ‘move to Paris’.”
“Oh like you’ve never thought of moving somewhere and changing your identity.”
“This seems like an....extreme reaction to one bad date.”
“It wasn’t just one bad date. This is...it’s something major.”
“You care about Robin that much, huh?”
“And Steve!”
Eddie’s eyes widened at that.
“I care about him. I know that might be hard to believe but I never meant to hurt him back then. And there was just never a good time to explain everything that I had been feeling, every choice that I made and-what are you doing?”, Nancy asked when Eddie stood up from the bed.
“Hold that thought.” He grabbed Nancy’s phone off the hook and dialed a number. “Hello Mrs. Buckley, is Robin there? Yes, and I’m sure Steve Harrington is with her? Of course. Thank you.”
Nancy went over to him, eyes wide. “What are you doing?!”, she asked again with more urgency.
“Don’t be rude, I’m on the phone”, Eddie said before giving said device his full attention. Steve must’ve answered because Eddie said “Hey baby” in a way that made Nancy feel like she shouldn’t be listening.
She stood there helplessly while Eddie spoke on the phone.
“What’re you two peapods up to? ....Really? What a coincidence me and Big Wheel are doin’ the same...Yeah?... Sounds perfect?... Say, in an hour?..Gotcha.” While Eddie talked, he ignored all of Nancy’s questioning facial expressions which were all incredibly emotive.
“Oh! I almost forgot. I remembered what I was trying to say last night. You and Robin are the otters, but you and and Nancy are the hermit crabs.”
“Eddie what the fuck?”, Nancy whispered in a hiss.
Eddie turned towards the wall as his voice got a little deeper. “Oh yeah?..Would you like that baby? OW! Okay Nancy!”, Eddie exclaimed when she hit him with an encyclopedia. “Bye, see you at the place. Mwahmwahmwah”, Eddie kissed the receiver of the phone both to fluster Steve and to annoy Nancy more.
“God you’re worse than Mike.”
“You mean better, right?”
“What the hell was that call about?”
“The four of us are gonna sit down and have a little parley.”
Nancy was regretting putting this plan into action every minute that passed.
Part 6
I’ve thought about who their fifth person should be that acts as a mediator and I think I’ve come up with the funniest solution but imma keep it to myself until I actually write the next part. And maybe if u guys are good I’ll post steve and eddie’s full night
Tag Team
@goodolefashionedloverboi @rainydays35 @desert-fern @alienace @homohomohoe @savory-babby @gothwifehotchner @gregre369 @estrellami-1 @l0st-strawberry @dreamlandforever 
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Little Runaway: Epilogue
And this is it, everyone! The final part of this great story. I hope you enjoy it.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
*Two Months Later
The party was at the trailer pestering Eddie about the upcoming campaign.
“I’m not telling you nuggets anything!” he said laughing.
“Come on,” Dustin pleaded. “Just a hint. A theme, even.”
Steve looked up from where he was working on Eddie’s van and shook his head. “Leave him alone, guys. You know how tight lipped he can be.”
All eyes turned to Steve like a pack of hungry wolves.
“You know, don’t you, Harrington?” Mike asked.
Steve laughed. “Even if I did, doesn’t mean I understand it enough to give you the information you want.”
They all looked at each other and grumbled. He had a point. They stopped badgering Eddie and started talking about their characters that they were building. Max rolled her eyes and walked over to Steve.
She put her elbows on the side of the van and batted her eyelashes at him. “You going to tell them that you and Eddie are dating?”
Steve blushed. “Eventually. I’ve never dated a boy before and Eddie is still wary about coming out to them. Him being gay was one of the reasons him and Wayne had to come to Hawkins in the first place. And as we found out Hellfire has loose lips. We just don’t know whose.”
Max nodded. “Makes sense. Find the leak, then open the valve.”
Steve grinned. “You got it.”
Eddie came up to them. “Hey, babe. You should shower while we cook up the burgers.”
Steve nodded.
“How is my other baby?” Eddie asked jutting his head toward the van.
“Running just fine, Munson,” Steve said with a smile. He waved Max off the van and slammed the hood down.
He went inside the new trailer and Eddie went to go heat up the grill.
Food was soon ready but Steve hadn’t come out yet.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “It’s all that hair care products. I’ll go see if I can’t move him along, shall I?”
Everyone agreed.
But after a few minutes they both hadn’t returned.
“I say we eat without them,” Mike said, his stomach growling.
“I’ll just go see what’s taking them,” Dustin said getting up.
Dustin was almost at the door when Max’s brain caught up. “No, Dustin! Wait!”
But it was too late. Dustin had reached the door and threw it open. And started screaming. Mike and Will immediately got up to see what was wrong. Lucas got up too, but Max sat him back down.
“You don’t want to see that,” she murmured into her hands. “Trust me.”
Then Mike and Will were screaming.
Erica and El shared concerned looks.
“It’s fine,” Max assured them. “Well mostly. The boys are going to be scarred for life. But it’s fine.”
“Why would they be scarred for life?” Lucas asked.
Just then Dustin came over to them screaming. “Eddie and Steve were kissing!”
Max looked up from her hands. “Is that all?”
Mike and Will were close behind.
“What do you mean, is that all?” Mike protested. “Isn’t that enough?”
“They could have been having sex,” Max suggested, raising her brows.
There was a chorus of gagging and retching noises.
Eddie and Steve came up from behind the boys. “Don’t knock it until you try it, meatheads.”
Will blushed and looked down at his feet. “You do realize we’re only fourteen in most cases, right?”
Eddie laughed. “I had sex when I twelve.”
And they gagging started up again.
“Does this make you a queer, Harrington?” Mike asked.
Will bumped his arm and glared at him.
“Why are you only asking me and not Eddie, too?” Steve replied.
“We’ve known for ages that Eddie was,” Will murmured.
Steve and Eddie turned to Will, eyes wide and jaws slack.
“Come again?” Eddie asked.
“Angie Burnett was flirting with you really hard the last time you took us to the arcade,” Max said. “But you kept eyeing her brother Kent instead.”
“Oh,” Eddie said.
Steve shoved him playfully. “This better have been before we started dating, sweetheart.”
Eddie blushed. “It was a couple months ago. Before...” he waved his hands around helplessly. “You couldn’t take them for some reason, so they asked me.”
Steve grinned. “Good.” He gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek. “I don’t share.”
They dug into the food and the kids watched as Steve and Eddie seemed to find each other’s orbit no matter what they were doing.
Max smiled. Yeah, Clint Harrington was an ass who had a lot to answer for, but he had also set off the chain of events that brought her two favorite people together.
Tag List: @tauntedperfume @marivictal @eddiemunsonswife @namelessssho @dbquills @goodolefashionedloverboi @steve-the-hairrington @sadcanadianwinter @yearningagain @books-are-my-life-since-1996 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @homohomohoe @knightofthieves @flusteredcas @moonage-daydreaming @goblin-eddie @marvelousforlife @silversnaffles @satan-is-obsessed @yikes-a-bee
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