#they don't even have any restaurants around here and i can't eat it anyway
wheeboo · 1 month
this is such a random thought but i had this idea in my head of superman!mingyu who’s just a gentle giant in a big muscular body🥺🥺 an adorable coworker at a newspaper outlet that fights crime
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no cuz ik mingyu would be the type to apologize for his superhuman strength after punching the bad guy 😭😭 like my dude is just always underestimates his powers ITS SO CUTE AND ENDEARING NGL 😭😭
anyway here's a long ass headcanon cuz they gave me SO MUCH BRAINROT LMAOOA
superman!mingyu who looks so DASHING in his suit and he always likes to wave to the pedastrians when he's flying and watching over the city
superman!mingyu who besides using his powers to fight crime he's always called to help save some kitty who got stranded in a tree, his red cape flowing so elegantly behind him as he floats down to the ground, cradling the little one in his arms :((
superman!mingyu who while patrolling sees some thug snatch a person's purse, making him throw away the doughnut he was eating and flying off after the thug. he manages to retrieve the purse back and returns it to back to the owner... to you hehe. his heart may have done a lil leap once you gave him a thankful smile
superman!mingyu who struggles to keep his heroic identity at bay, thankful for the pair of glasses that he wears to blend into the normal commotion of society. he's almost been caught one too many times, and there's even a lil dent in the elevator from his hands at the daily planet
superman!mingyu who finds out you work as an A-list journalist at the daily planet. tries his best to be so friendly and charming around you--gives you coffee in the mornings, opens the doors for you, offers you a shoulder whenever you're stressed. just doesn't help that he's called into action at the worst times possible, but this doesn't seem to sever your little connection together :')
superman!mingyu who asks to treat you after a stressful day at work, and even offers to walk you home, lamely using the reason, "well what if someone comes up and snatches your purse? I'll be there to save you!" and lowkey regrets saying that afterwards thinking he gave himself away HAHAH
superman!mingyu who almost impulsively confesses his feelings for you at your doorstep, but just has to be interrupted and called into action. has to contemplate for a moment, before promising that he'll explain everything soon and rushes off
superman!mingyu who secretly hovers near you when you're walking home at night to make sure you're safe :(( and subtly guides you away from any potential danger
superman!mingyu who thinks he's just so good at hiding his identity, thinking that you don't notice the way he looks a bit disheveled when showing up to work or the way he even wore his glasses upside down one time... but you're very observant, more than he thinks
superman!mingyu who finally gathers the courage to ask you out on a real date, suggesting a quiet dinner at a restaurant he knows you like. he's determined to spend the evening with you as mingyu, but he feels the urge to just tell you everything because he trusts you that much, yet he can't get himself to
superman!mingyu who finds himself stuck in a bit of an argument with you one night at the daily planet as stress had been piling up on you on top of his odd behaviour recently, which you also bring up out of frustration
superman!mingyu who freezes when you claim him to be superman, your words hanging in the air as the two of you stand together at the balcony near the top of the building. even with his continuous denials, the determination in your features is hard to challenge
superman!mingyu who suddenly feels a jolt of panic as he watches you climb onto the railing, your hands gripping the cold metal as you look back at him with a mix of defiance and trust
superman!mingyu who watches in horror as you let go of the railing and lean backward, your body tipping over the edge in slow motion, his heart catching in his throat as he sees you disappear from view
superman!mingyu who wastes no time, his glasses falling to the ground as he rushes to the edge and leaps off after you. his arms wrap around your waist when he finally catches up to you, pulling you close as he slows his descent to the ground
superman!mingyu who can't help but stare at you in pure panic and worry once you reach down the ground, looking over your face for any signs of injury or discomfort. his face softens when he doesn't though
superman!mingyu who tells you please never scare him like that again, and kisses you in that moment, hands trembling as he cups your face gently, silently vowing to protect you for as long as he could <3
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yusume-the-writer · 8 months
If you wouldn’t mind, can we get a bf!Orter Mádl x F reader.
Where Orter is being jealous and over protective bf, that whenever men come near or talk with reader that he just scares them off in a way. And when confronted about his jealousy he denies (as expected).
Sweet and happy ending! (take your time!)
It's not jealousy if it's just to protect your loved one
Orter Máld x Fem Reader
Request made by Anon, thank you very much for this idea
I'm sorry for the delay. I was kind of having a problem creating a scenario, but I hope you like it
We have to agree that Orter seems to be really overprotective, as he is a Divine Visionary who follows the rules to an extreme and has probably made a lot of enemies.
Gender: Fluff
Summary: During a meeting between Orter and his girlfriend, someone appears to interrupt the couple's moment
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Today was a great morning
 Orter had missed a day off to spend with his lovely boyfriend (Name) as he was away because of work
So they spent half the morning in bed because of (Name)'s neediness (and also because Orter was hungry for her affection), and then they had breakfast and got ready to go out in the afternoon.
Now it was nighttime, and (Name) had mentioned a restaurant she wanted to try because of a friend's opinion.
And here they are both, in the restaurant while waiting for their orders to arrive
"A friend of mine said the sweets here are amazing! I can't wait to try them~" (Name) says in a childish tone similar to a child entering a candy store
"Okay, but be careful not to eat too much and get sick later" Orter says
"Okay dad, I'll be careful" She says while looking at him with a pout
"(Name) and you?!?" Suddenly an unknown male voice says
Then a guy appears that Orter has never seen in his entire life.
But it seems like (Name) does...
"Oh and you Kevin..." (Name) says while facing the stranger
 However... she didn't seem happy about this sudden encounter
"Yes! It seems like yesterday that we met" The man known as Kevin says, seeming ignorant about the presence of the Divine Visionary
 "Yes... because we work in the same office" (Name) says while looking at him as if he had asked a question that didn't even need to be asked because the answer was too obvious
Which was true, but Kevin thought he was a comedian
'There's the annoying colleague' Orter thinks as he remembers (Name) venting about how annoying and insufferable a colleague was and that he thought he was the guy for making uncle jokes
He wouldn't say it out loud, but he wants Kevin out of their sight now.
He just wouldn't say it out loud because (Name) would tease him about being jealous.
 "Yeah... anyway -" (Name) tries to tell Kevin to go away
"Me and the guys from work are gathered here, don't you want to come? It'll be fun." Kevin cuts (Name), and it seems like he doesn't want her to deny the invitation
"She's on a date at the moment," Suddenly Orter says, catching the attention of Kevin and (Name)
"... And who would you be, man?" Kevin says it in a confused and disgusted tone of voice.
And, of course, he would be disgusted. There is a man who seems to be a thousand times better than him in front of him
"Her boyfriend, now that you're on leave, could you get out of our sight" Orter says while facing Kevin
 Orter didn't look like it, but he was very angry
Kevin looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything
He wouldn't admit how threatening Orter looked or how he stared at Kevin like he was nothing more than prey, not an insect.
No, it didn't even seem like that Orter considered him, but rather just unbearable dirt on a clean floor
And like any dirt, it could disappear and no one would care
... An awkward silence filled the room around Kevin
Then he left without saying anything and went towards a table with people who saw the situation.
As soon as they saw that Orter was also looking at them, they quickly turned around.
 "Heh~" A laugh echoes in front of Orter
As he faced the source of the sound, he found (Name) staring at him with a knowing smile.
"It looks like someone is jealous~"(Name) says while still staring at Orter
"...The food has arrived" Orter says as he changes the subject and faces the waiter who brought the orders
"Hey!!! Don't change the subject!"
"If you don't mention that, I'll buy all the desserts you want"
 Orter was in bed reading a book while waiting for (Name) to finish her skin treatment.
"Don't you think it's better not to read so much?" (Name) says while lying down next to Orter
Confused, Orter stares and raises an eyebrow for her to continue
"If you keep reading so much, your vision will get worse" (Name) begins. "And if you continue, every time you take off your glasses, instead of your eyes looking like 3 they will turn into 4" (Name) ends
Suddenly a pillow is thrown in her face
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504py · 10 months
Its me again (i hope you don't mind i am in you ask again 😅)
So uh do you have headcanon for yandere russia and canada with their s/o?
Thx 🌻
holy SHIT i got carried away 😭😭😭 this was supposed to be a short post, but i got too deep into their characterization. and don't worry!! i appreciate your asks! anyways, here we go guys... please heed the warnings!
Yandere Russia and Yandere Canada Relationship Headcanons
Gender neutral, domestic violence, implied NSFW, self-harm, manipulation, forced feminization, dubious consent, stalking, long post ahead!
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How the relationship started
Your relationship with Ivan first started with you doing some mundane thing, but he was there at the right place and the right time, and something about you intrigued him. Be it at a restaurant eating a strange food combination, seeing you early in the morning with your hair wet and rushing to get somewhere, or even getting a glimpse of your mismatched socks when you walked past him and didn't even pay him any mind. That was enough to seal your fate as his property. His mind can't seem to stop running with thoughts of you, how are you, why are you, and he needs to scratch that itch.
Ivan sends out a private investigator to stalk you basically, and provide him with your daily schedule. Once Ivan has your schedule, he dismisses the investigator, and takes matters into his own hands by stalking you himself, and trying to insert himself into your daily life.
Then, it was just a matter of getting to know you, courting you with expensive gifts and dates, then fully dooming yourself when you accepted him as your boyfriend.
Ivan is very blunt with what he wants. Not very long into your relationship, around a month or so, he asks you to move in with him. Any sort of opposition or protest will be stonewalled by this; "We will be married and living together someday anyways. Why fight it? Don't you love me?"
So, whether you like it or not, you move in with him in his giant, lonely house.
There are no maids and none of the Baltic states to be seen, and this is because Ivan expects you to fulfill the role of a housewife, regardless of your gender. So he'd like for you to do chores yourself and to clean up around the house while he's gone. He doesn't expect perfection from your cleaning, in fact, he finds it a little charming when some areas aren't clean or spotless. His house was huge and you were only so small.
On the topic of fulfilling the role of his housewife, he expects you to do other things that make you fit the role even more, such as giving him affection, cooking for him, and keeping up a good front when guests are around. He wants the two of you to evoke the image of a traditional married couple so badly, and if you fail to meet those requirements...
Ivan can be cruel. He doesn't tolerate rebellion very well, and his punishments are always physical.
He is a very touchy man, and if you fail to reciprocate his touch, or actively shy away from it, he'll only get more aggressive. His hugs will feel more suffocating, his grip on your jaw while he kisses you will feel bruising, and you swear, it feels like he's trying to crush your hand while he holds it, despite the sweet smile on his face..
If you continue to refuse him, he'll be much less subtle with his harm. One day, when you try to shove him away from you, his grip on your arm tightens to the point it feels like he might just snap it, and he pulls you close to whisper a threat into your ear; "Will you continue to be like this?"
If you say no and apologize, which would be your best option, he'll let out a strained breath and try to relax his clenched jaw, before letting up his grip on your arm and muttering an apology under his breath himself.
If you say yes... His jaw will tense up, and the look he gives you is bone-chilling. "Alright." He says, and doesn't give you much time to think before he drags you to the front door, and throws you out into the harsh cold, with only the clothes on your back.
You can cry and scream apologies and bang on the door all you want, but he's already walked away and drinking a bit of vodka to soothe his own nerves.
He'll keep you outside till you are on the brink of getting mild hypothermia. He waits there, thinking of how long it'd take for the cold to get to someone of your size and shape. He knows everything about snow, and he knows everything about you.
Right before you start to ebb in and out of consciousness, he opens the door, and drags you back inside, wiping the snow off of you and taking your weak, shivering body in his arms.
You cling to him, wanting to live in his house, his coat, and in his arms forever after experiencing the unforgiving hellscape that is the Russian winter.
Ivan mutters sweet nothings, the alcohol in his breath and the powdery smell of his clothing enveloping all your senses. He says that he wouldn't have to do this if you would've just obeyed him, that this is all your fault, and that he didn't want to do this and that he just loves you too much.
If you had any sense of self-preservation, you'll listen to him from now on, and if not... He wouldn't be above breaking a few bones. But you won't disobey him again, right? It's for your own good.
"I'm sorry, моя любовь.."
Ivan is a very affectionate man, but he isn't the best at showing it vocally. He shows it in the lavish gifts and dates he goes on with you— Yes, he takes you out on dates. Only for special events or when he's feeling particularly affectionate, but he does it too because he feels he also has a role to fulfill as a doting, providing husband. He'd feel too bad if he just kept you locked up your whole life as his wife (and, also, he wants to test you.. He wants to see if you'll act up in public, and to see if he can trust you). Ivan feels it adds to the aesthetic of a married couple, too.
Besides that, he is INCREDIBLY physically affectionate. He has no sense of personal space at all, which may or may not be a bad thing to you, but regardless, what you think doesn't really matter, and he'll continue to invade it anyways.
He always calls you over to sit on his lap, he sleeps way too close to you, and he's always looming over your shoulder no matter where and what you're doing. As long as he's home, it's GUARANTEED he will be touching you in some way, shape or form.
Because of such things, Ivan is.. prone to getting intimate with you.
Unlike everything else, he actually sort of values your consent when it comes to the bedroom. Yes, he will make advances and be very touchy-feely, and maybe intimidate you a bit, but at the end of the day, if you keep refusing it, he'll let up, but his mood will noticeably be more tense.
Ivan is especially prone to this because clothing is one of his favorite things to gift you, he enjoys dressing you up in things he finds cute. And I mean literally. Whatever he buys for you, be it dresses, coats, or underwear, Ivan will want to be there to undress you and then dress you up in the things he bought himself. You're like his own cute little doll.
Regardless of your gender, Ivan will buy you feminine clothing and accessories. He may even be inclined to forcing you to grow out your hair.
He likes sniffing you. He rests his nose atop your scalp while hugging you, just to breathe in your scent. It calms him like nothing else in the world, and he feels alive again.
And during not-so-often times like these, he'll speak and voice his affections.
"I love you.. We are going to have a great life together."
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How the relationship started
Matthew would be completely enamored by you just.. noticing him on a regular basis. Nodding your head at him whenever you two walked by each other in the hallway, mumbling a hello whenever you two sat next to each other, and the mere act of your eyes meeting his. Fully looking at him, and not just straight through him. It always left him red and unable to calm his heart for the rest of the day, so it was only natural he'd fall head over heels for you.
His crush on you kept festering day by day, with him being too shy to continue the little interactions you have, and having such little experience with socializing that he wouldn't even know how to continue furthering this "relationship."
Matthew is rather delusional. He spends his days fantasizing about talking to you, hanging out with you, being with you romantically, and, more often than he'd like to admit, rather impure things... all while you're seated next to him, or while you're across from him, a heady stare through his foggy glasses.
Eventually, Matthew starts to believe that you two were already in a romantic relationship, despite being acquaintances at best, and he starts to get really insecure. What if you forget about him someday? What if you stop noticing him, and you just disappear from his life? He believes that other people you notice, any other person you notice, will jeopardize that oh so special relationship you and Matthew clearly have.
So, Matthew bites the bullet, and asks you out for lunch one day. You smiled and blushed at him so brightly as you accepted, and at that moment, he knew he'd dedicate everything he had in his life to worshipping you.
Matthew still puts in an effort to appear like a normal boyfriend, unlike Ivan, so your relationship with him would progress much more naturally.
That doesn't mean he hasn't been doing anything weird, though.
Matthew's already been envisioning what it'd be like to have a family and grow old with you the first moment he heard your voice. All you said was, "Good morning." So what more now that you two are in a real, established, romantic relationship?
He fantasizes constantly about clinging to you like a lifeline and crying about how much he loves you, and to hear you feel the same way he does. He wants to pin you beneath him, letting him do all the work, and showing you just how much he loves you, while whispering praises and prayers to you with a crazed, devoted look in his violet eyes.
You two have only been together for three weeks.
...If it wasn't apparent, all he wants is for you to always, always be by his side.
He doesn't care much for appearances or services like Ivan does. If anything, Matthew wants to be the one to do nice things for you, though he would like it too if you did nice stuff for him once in a while. Though, just kissing him on the cheek is enough to keep him overjoyed for like a week straight.
He spends a lot of time doting on you and trying to prolong the time you guys have together for as much as he can. Honestly, for the most part, Matthew would play the role of a normal boyfriend rather well, and your relationship wouldn't be really turbulent, except for, well...
Matthew hates it when you have to go. Usually, he very reluctantly drives you back home after a bit of a fight, but he's just so pitiful you could never find it in yourself to be mad at him. I think he'd be the type to cry whenever you two had any sort of disagreement.
When he's lucky, he can get you to stay the night, which absolutely sends him on cloud nine, but it's not often enough for his liking...
Things would boil over, though, when you had to leave earlier than usual because you had to go to do something, like hang out with a friend, visit your mother, anything of the sort, and Matthew gets really upset.
He starts this whole thing of begging you to stay, that "Aren't I more important than them? Please don't leave." and he's tearing up, his shaky fingers holding onto your sleeve.
"Matthew, please, just for tonight."
"I-I don't want you to go, though."
Then he's crying. Harder than he usually does, and he's looking at you like a kicked puppy.
How could you still go after seeing him like that?
Matthew then learns that he can win you over with his tears. If he just cries for you, you'll stay, won't you?
He'd never lay his hands on you, but he'd constantly guilt-trip you and manipulate you for things to go in his favor.
Violence is something he'd see as a last resort, but it's still something he'd use against everyone else and himself, but never you. He hates to hurt others, but if they get in the way of him and you, he'll do it. I feel like people forget that, while nowhere as strong as Alfred is, Matthew is still a pretty strong guy. He wouldn't ever kill anyone, but he'd severely hurt them, and he'd be hiding his face the whole time.
And yes, he'd hurt himself for you. Those crocodile tears are bound to stop working on you someday, and when that time comes, he'll harm himself and say that he'll just keep hurting himself if you aren't with him.
Then you'll just have to run back to him, tend to his wounds, and reassure him that you still love him and that you'll stay.
...But if you keep trying to run, he'll have to just lock you up so you won't look at anyone else ever again.
Matthew is affectionate in every sense, though he tends to show it through the way he wants to do anything and everything with you.
He's always holding onto your hands, massaging little circles into it, getting your favorite snacks when he does his groceries, drying your hair after showers, arranging dates and cooking and cleaning for you as much as he can. He's naturally very doting.
He does his best for you, he really does.
Besides acts of service, Matthew just likes to spend time with you. Lazing around with you on the couch, playing with your hair, and gazing right into your eyes like you were heaven-sent. He always has the most lovestruck expression on his face whenever he's with you.
"...You're the only one for me, you know that?" He mumbles, almost as if he doesn't know he's even talking.
And he says this next line with such devotion dripping from his voice that it makes your blood run a little cold.
"...I love you so much. Never leave me.."
(....guys was that decent. anyways! all art used is mine so if you're reading this, go give the original posts some love on my blog!)
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Heyy can u do something about gavi's ear because of the match ? like the reader takes care of him something like that please 💗
Quiet times together
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When you saw the video of Pablo's bleeding ear on the overhead TV, you really freaked out getting off the chair in the box and peeking through the window to see the doctor cleaning up hi wound.
"I can't believe that wasn't a red card!" your friend said but you could really care less about any of that praying that Pablo isn't seriously hurt.
When the game was over, you couldn't wait to see him very nervous to look at his new injury. When he finished his interviews, he came to the family room and you rushed to give him a quick hug.
"No..no..don't cry princesa! We won and I'm gonna be okay!" he said holding your face and drying your tears but your eyes were glued on his stapled ear and dried blood around it.
"I got really scared Pablo!" you say and he smiled pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head lovingly.
When you pulled away and he took you to grab his clothes together, team doctor called you to say about possible sensitivity Pablo might feel for a couple of days after the pain medication he took stops working.
"Avoid any loud places for at least a week. You might feel a little dizzy if you push against your sensitivity" man explained and you took in every word promising yourself that Pablo will take it easy no matter what he says.
"Thanks doc! Ready for our date princesa??" Pablo said after grabbing his bag and you remembered the restaurant date you planned before the game this morning.
"There will be live music there Pablo, and I don't think we should do it..we can have takeout at home instead?" you suggest which of course made him whine and say how he wanted to treat you.
"And you will treat me..we are going to get comfortable and order our favorite Chinese food and watch some goofy movie together?" you say placing your hand on his face careful not to touch his wound and he smiled nodding his head while kissing your lips lovingly.
"And cuddles???" he asks adorably which made his friends tease him as they passed us but he didn't care at all. I pointed kissing his lips once more time while nodding my head.
"All the cuddles you can take mi valiente ganador!" you say and he giggled nodding his head while taking your hand walking towards the cars where you left with your friend and he took the bus with his teammates.
"Please make sure he wears these on silent mode while at the bus if it gets loud?" you said to Balde who promised on his life to take care of your boy all the way back home to Barcelona.
"There is nothing to worry about princesita mia" Pablo kissed your lips one more time before you two went separate ways but no matter what you will always worry about his health.
When you arrived home, the pain medication definitely stopped working since even your little louder greeting made his face cringe in pain. You puled him closer whispering a soft apology while kissing the side of his temple.
"I ordered the food amor. And made sure TV is on the lowest volume for the move..you want to shower?" you say and he nods clearly in a lot of pain and your heart hurt to see him like that.
When he got comfortable sitting on the sofa with your, the loud ring-bell made you both jump and him cover both of his ears in pain.
"Mierda! I got it amor! I'm so sorry!" you say but he whispers that it's alright as you went and grabbed the food from the delivery guy.
"I'm sorry we didn't go on our date amor.." Pablo was whispering while eating some rice and chicken and you smiled moving closer and kissing his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it..I would much rather be here with you anyway and I love taking care of you" you say and he blushed a little yawning and even a slight pull on the stitches made his wound sour.
"Could I lay on your chest tonight?" he asks and you smile widely nodding your head before taking his hand and walking to the bedroom seeing that he was done with his food anyways.
You both laid down and he laid his head on your chest while you placed your hand on his face caressing it gently while kissing the side of his sour temple. He smiled closing his eyes feeling so good that he didn't care about the pain coming from his ear. He nuzzled his head into your neck and completely relaxed. (gif).
"It's buzzing amooor.." Pablo whined and you told him to focus on the sound of your heartbeat instead and to try to get some well deserved rest tonight.
"Talk to me...I like listening to your voice princesa" he says and you blush a little thinking of things to say to the sleepy boy.
"I was so proud of you today Pablito..you wouldn't give up no matter what..you went back into the game and you played till the end. You're the strongest man I've ever met..my strongest man" you whisper and he listened carefully blushing at the compliment and holding onto your tightly while slowly becoming more sleepy.
"And I love you..su much cariño. Whenever I see you get hurt my heart hurts..and I just want to hold you in my arms and protect you from everything..because..you..are..my..life" you say feeling yourself getting emotional and Pablo looked up kissing your lips softly before laying back down on your chest.
"I love you too preciosa..more than I've ever loved anybody..mi vida" he spoke sleepily before finally slipping into unconsciousness and you smiled kissing the top of his head continuing to play with his hair until you also grew tired and fell asleep holding him in your arms.
Barcelona, Spain
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I'm not letting anybody hurt you mi bebé ❤️ tagged: pablogavi
pablogavi: gracias por todo amore mio ❤️❤️
y.n.bebe: siempre amorcito❤️❤️
gaviraafanzz: omg! she's so cute! take good care of him girl!!
barcafanclubs: clown for not giving that guy a red card!
fcbarcelona: our warrior.❤️
pablogavi: ❤️
pedri: come back stronger hermanito mio!
pablogavi: si hermano!
mikkykiemeney: so cute! 🥰
y.n.bebe: 😊
aurorapaezg: ❤️
He is a true warrior! What STRENGHT, LOVE and DEDICATION for the club! That's our GAVI! ❤️❤️❤️
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chanswifey · 1 year
Seventeen as your boyfriend | Mingyu
The golden retriever boyfriend
Don't let the muscles mislead you, this man is the biggest baby girl to ever baby girl
Little spoon energy
Follows you around like a puppy everywhere
Big husband material, does all your chores for you just because
And if he knows there's one that you especially despise he will refuse to let you do it
Always tries to cook for you when he's home, and won't let you help because it's his job to make sure you are eating well
Never let you pay when you two are out
Not sure why but he gives off a bit of homebody vibes, he sure does like to go out but if all you want is to stay inside and cuddle you will not catch him complaining
He's a sucker for praises
Please tell him he's pretty, he loves it
Turns bright red when you do it and forgets how to speak *cuts to him shyly tucking his hair behind his ear*
Another member who gets very protective in public, and let's be honest it's not hard for him to look threatening
The members tease him about it (obviously) because the moment you guys get to a private setting he turns into this big teddy bear but you think it's really cute
Big fan of PDA and pet names, he never uses your name like ever
Uses every single one of them and sometimes comes up with new ones when he's trying to annoy you
Randomly walks up to you, cups your face with both hands and places kisses all over it
Back hugs you at any given time
Cooking? Great time for a back hug
Showering? He was planning on washing his hair anyway
Will 100% wash your hair for you if you ask, like it's part of his job what do you mean?
Wakes you up by laying on top of you and refusing to leave
"Gyu I can't breathe," you say struggling to finish the sentence
"If I leave you're gonna get up", he answers, still sleepy
"If you don't leave I die!"
Bickering is his love language, even if it's over the stupidest subject, but it's always a good laugh in the end
Treats you to a fancy dinner every chance he gets because he cannot pass the opportunity to put on a suit and tease the shit out of you
He also loves it when you dress up for him, and if you wear something he gifted you it's even better
His clumsy ass can't go one day without dropping something so it's always funny to go out and try not to laugh at him
You two sometimes ditch the fancy restaurant and end up eating ice cream at the park late at night looking like you just came out of a YSL runway
And those are low-key the best dates you guys have
Gushes about you to the members so much they have to tell him to shut up sometimes
Texting 24/7
Always sending you random pics of him while he's away
He is your very own personal trainer
It's his favorite thing in the world that the two of you can work out together
He also thinks you look really hot lifting weights
Couple pictures at the gym mirror
Takes care of your diet and gives you advice on workouts
He's literally the embodiment of acts of service
2023 © chanswifey — do not repost or translate
mlist | request here | what I write
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xurname · 1 year
Death's In Love With Us
Hwang Yang-jung x reader
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🔞 MDNI Warnings: physical abuse, domestic violence, mentions of alcohol, mentions of bdsm
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word count: 3166 🖋️ Authors note: I'm not a professional writer, nor a rookie one tbh, I have no idea what I'm doing. English is not my first language. Ignore the banner, it's a result of playing on my phone while daydreaming about our sweet ahjussi. 🖋️
POV: You broke up with your abusive boyfriend a year ago. Despite all attempts to get your life back together, you can't get rid of your ex, who still harasses you any chance he gets. One day, walking home from work, you spot him waiting in front of your apartment so you decide to walk into a sushi restaurant nearby (run by your friend Hwang Yang-jung) before he sees you.
"Good afternoon" - you greet politely, bowing your head slightly in front of the two men working behind the bar, and walk straight to the table. Surprisingly, there were no guests at all. Looking around the empty place you take a seat.
Yang-jung looks up from his cutting board as a smile spreads across his face.
"I didn't expect you here this early." - he’s just finished filleting, washing his hands.
"I know, I stopped by to see you and say hi." - you tried to hide your exhaustion and irritation behind a kind tone and a soft smile. After all, you promised yourself a better life, a normal life.
"Tea?" - he asked lovingly. Both Yang-jung and his sous chef Min-dong knew you well, you've been a regular ever since you've moved to the neighbourhood last year. 
"A beer would be better, but okay … " - you answer playfully.
"Slow down sailor, we still have evening to cover" - Yang-jung was somehow particularly in a good mood.
“Fine! After you guys finish-”, you made drinking gestures with your hands. Yang-jung smirked at your words.
“Actually, I’m skipping tonight” - Min-dong added, preparing the tea for you.
“Wow, ditching us already, it must be a girl, hmm?” - you started teasing.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm going on a blind date, no big deal.”  - he answered and his cheeks blushed, somewhat unusual for such a tall muscular young man.
“So it's just us? That's practically a date too!” - you turned to Yang-jung, winking at him.
He smirked again, shaking his head slightly, already used to your teasing comments. Yang-jung tried his best not to cross any lines when it came to you. You were young enough to be his daughter, and he reminded himself of that fact as many times as necessary since your flirtatious nature made the lines blur quite often.
"Dates don't usually end with one side carrying another home unconscious." - Min-dong spoke fluent sarcasm, where is this bravery coming from all of a sudden?
“A girl gets drunk once! Once!” - you insisted.
“Yeah, except you get drunk every time.” - Min-dong was speaking facts. But you never could drink a lot anyways. Two drinks were enough to lose your balance completely.
You scoffed. “Seriously, oppa, that's just mean...”
The guys laughed, amused by your annoyance.
“Light up, will you? I'd carry you to the end of the world if necessary.” - Yung-jung added casually, serving you a cup of hot tea. You didn't take his words too seriously, he didn't mean it like that after all, but your heart still fluttered to the thought of this charming man handling you in more than just a friendly way.
“Well, that's my cue. Cucumber rolls?” - Min-dong stood up and went behind the bar, feeling awfully uncomfortable by the sudden change of atmosphere.
“Please!” - you asked with a huge grin on your face.
“At least eat some fish. You'll turn into a cucumber roll one of these days if you keep this up.” - Yang-jung wasn't particularly fond of your food choices and he couldn't hide it.
“God, I hope so, maybe you'd take me more seriously then.” - you grinned.
Yung-jung just chuckled quietly at your silly remarks, not taking his eyes off you. It made you shy, the way he looked at you, and you hated the feeling of endless comfort when you were around this man. Or so you kept telling yourself. The truth was, you knew you were too young and didn't even stand a chance with him, no matter how much it tickled your thought.
“So, what's on your heart?” - Yang-jung asked as if seeing right thru you. He never seemed to beat around the bush anyways.
Hesitating, you answered, “I just escaped the king of assholes waiting in front of my apartment.”
Yang-jung raised his eyebrows. “Your ex again? What is it, third time this week?”
“God, sometimes I wish I could fuck up all of his limbs for good.” - you murmured. Memories of the night of your breakup triggered some insane bloodthirst in you, feelings you'd never known of before you got involved with your ex. You didn't feel like drinking the tea anymore, nor eating your rolls, your whole body trembled from the inside as your blood started to boil. Yang-jung knew the expression on your face very well, he silently inspected your reactions as you put all your strength into not letting your rage reach the surface.
“I feel you haven't told me the entire story at all.” - he stood up and walked to the window in the back. He saw a man in his 40s standing in front of the entrance of your building. He didn't look particularly dangerous, nor very muscular, but he wasn't a small guy either. Shaved head, 85 kg, 1.8 m, fairly strong arms and legs, broad shoulders, casual clothes. Something about the look in his eyes didn't feel right to Yang-jung. Finally he asked, "Is he into martial arts?"
"Taekwondo, black belt, first Dan."
Yang-jung smirked, still looking at him. "Knees and hips are his weak spot."
His cold remark went somewhat unnoticed by you.
He turned away from the window and smiled gently, "Care to tell me how you got yourself in this situation?"
Both chefs were now looking directly at you. Min-dong finished your cucumber rolls, served them and walked to the room in the back of the restaurant, leaving the two of you alone.
You sighed deeply. Awful tingles spread across your body almost momentarily, like hundreds of tiny bats swarming all over you, biting even into your palms. Your whole body was screaming on the inside.
Fuck! Here we go... Pity party time! So young and so ruined. All he's gonna see in me from now on are my past mistakes.
No, no, he doesn't need to know the full story, just tell him what you're dealing with.
Lump in your throat grew with each breath you took.
"Okay, take a seat, let's talk."
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Reader x ex boyfriend flashback
Your mind wandered, thinking about the countless times your ex prepared you the most horrible surprises. All those times he'd come home drunk and aggressive, slamming you into the wall as soon as he passed thru the door, squeezing your neck until you almost passed out, cursing at you, threatening, calling you names, using his strength to pin you down for god knows what reason. Every time he laid his hands on your body it hurt, taking caution not to leave bruises on any visible parts of your body. It got unbearable by the end. The more you feared him the more he enjoyed it, the more you cried, the more manic he was. Blaming yourself for ever telling him about your sexual fantasies along with feeling disgusted by yourself was a part of your everyday life until the very end of your relationship. He used it against you first chance he got. What started as a healthy exploration of consensual rough foreplay with a hint of rookie bondage, ended up as an abuser-victim hell of a situation you didn't know how to escape from. Your fight or flight response messed up your brain chemistry as each day passed and you no longer knew if that's even love or if you despised him with your entire being. He always found a way to make you stay, he even begged you on his knees not to leave him, swearing on his mom he never meant you no harm. It was a never ending circle of shit show. Even after you finally left his place for good, he kept finding ways to get in contact with you. Finding out where you live was an easy task for a twisted person like him. "I see everything, I know everything", those were the words he repeated so often while you were dating, as if giving verbal spankings, using any chance he got to feed you a dose of fear and insanity. Everything you did for him was always out of love and kindness, thinking if only you could be the best version of yourself, he'll be good to you. But he never was good to you, his actions never made sense and you never understood the reasons behind those words. He knew about every step you took, nevertheless, few of his paranoias followed him and echoed louder and louder in his mind, as his cycles of insanity were on the periodical rise and fall. He rambled about possibilities of you dumping him quite often, crying over himself, trying to make you feel sorry for him. He talked about his boss's employees constantly checking up on his location. He even tried convincing you how they spy on him during his lunch breaks. His delusions drove him to believe he's some sort of a public officer, or an intelligence agency employee with a task to be alert at all times, when in fact he was nothing more than a secretary working at a private real-estate agency. Soon, after the honey moon phase ended, you realized his whole persona was a big lie, that's also when the first troubles started, but it was all to late for you to leave, you were already in too deep. Your inexperience was exploited for the first time. Welcome to the real world, honey. Well, it took you long before you started getting up on your own feet, and you found a way to navigate thru his cycles of insanity. You took your time and learned all you could, only to find out he's been living multiple lives all along. The only thing he didn't lie about was in fact his black belt in taekwondo and that he was a divorcee. The last time he threatened you with physical force was the night you left him for good.
"I'm not as clueless as you think I am." - you hissed as he held you by the throat. His bloody eyes were filled with rage and his breath smelled like alcohol.
"One wrong move and you'll end up behind the bars. My family knows where I am, and don't think I won't walk straight to the police if you leave so much as a mark on me. I dare you." - your whole body trembled of adrenaline rush but your mind worked fast.
"Well, well, look at you all brave, who would've thought you'd turn into such a snake, finally showing your real face, huh-"
"I couldn't care less even if you snapped my neck this instant." you laughed, slowly losing every touch with sanity. 
"You lose either way. Or did you forget?" - your laughter grew louder as he stared at you in horror, not knowing how to react. He had you by the weakest spot yet the look in your eyes was telling a completely different story. He never saw you acting like this, his blood froze. 
"Your black belt", you spoke thru laughter on the verge of a mental breakdown, "your black belt is treated as a cold weapon in the eyes of the law."
Despite hating yourself as much as you hated him, the thought of this abusive bastard ending up behind the bars for cold blooded murder sent an unusual shot of satisfaction thru your entire body. You knew he never had it in him though. He was a coward on all levels and this round was yours. A solid threat works like a charm on scumbags like him who are usually scared of their own shadow. It was written all across his face that he's finally cornered. Any chance for him to plot a sadistic revenge on the only woman who was ever kind and loving to him was completely lost. You didn't know if he'd slam your head onto the kitchen counter or not, but you could feel his hand trembling. Your laughter echoed thru the kitchen as his grip became weaker and weaker, an expression of misery and regret spread across his face. He feared you. For the first time ever, he stood in front of you, completely falling apart. 
He got on his knees again, like so many times before, begging for forgiveness. Vomit of lies started coming out of him, how much he loves you and how this is just a minor misunderstanding. He'd never hurt you and there's nothing but love he feels for you. You're his everything. You stopped counting his strikes long ago and you knew if you don't walk out of there that same night, you may never see the light of day after this, for real. The change in his tone from all mighty to smaller than an ant sickened you. Of course, there's nothing but hatred left in his heart. Hatred and fear, jealousy and shame. Cowards like him hate it when they lose from someone weaker than them, and they would do anything in their power to win their victims back, just so they can hurt them again.
"Next time you decide to lay a hand on me, better make sure I have a well sharpened knife in mine. That's only fair."
Those were the last words he heard from you on the night of your breakup. Breakup from hell. And you thought the trash is out of your life for good, little did you know your fearless attitude and insane threats only awoke in him an obscure obsession towards you. 
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It didn't take long to finish the story of your rocky past relationship, considering you tried your best to avoid going into too much detail of how your ex abused you, physically and mentally. Yang-jung sat right across from you, staying completely silent. You looked down, not daring to look Yang-jung in the eyes any longer.
"A wife beater, huh? Who would have thought." - Yang-jung broke the uncomfortable silence.
"Brave." - he paused for a moment. "Was that him who kept calling all this time? Is that why you changed your number?" - Yung-jung's voice was extremely calm, a little too calm. You nodded silently.
"He kept calling from different numbers. And somehow he found out where I live soon after that."
"He probably tailed you, if he knows where you work, which I assume he does. It isn't that difficult. Why didn't you tell me any of this sooner?"
You closed your eyes, letting out another deep sigh. “Isn't it obvious?”
He didn't say a word. He looked at your face instead, trying to read your expression, but there was nothing. The facade on the outside hid a wild turmoil inside your head. Soft and gentle nature of your whole figure, along with your kind voice and elegant movements were completely the opposite of darkness you carried within you. It was hard to hold it in, especially now, but you didn't want to hide any parts of yourself in front of Yang-jung any longer.
“I wish I could fuck him up, you know? For all that he's done and for all that he's still doing.” - you said, looking him straight in the eye. “I'm not the only one with a dark past or present, but I hate these parts of me. I hate that I feel this way. I hate the desperation and helplessness. I hate the nightmares still haunting me. I hate that I let a lowly man take advantage of me for so long. And I hate that I have to tell you any of this. I hate that you won't look at me the same way you looked at me yesterday, and I hate that my ex keeps fucking up every part of my life, still, I hate it.”
Yang-jung's eyes were the softest and kindest eyes ever. The way he looked at you made you almost choke on your own words, those hateful words which made you feel like you're spewing poison in front of the one who never deserved to hear them in the first place. You could see tears in the corners of his eyes and the only thought that went thru your mind was I hate myself so. fucking. much.
You wanted to jump out of your own skin, or rewind the time and walk directly up to that bastard and face him all alone, instead of running to Yang-jung and hiding at his work place. That's not something one should do to their friends. It's not fair. He didn't deserve this.
Realising how much pain you've been carrying this entire time, Yang-jung spoke softly, "You should have told me… Out of all people, you should have come to me. I would have already made sure he never gets close to you again."
Was that a hint of anger in his voice? Or was it all just pity? It didn't matter. His words couldn't sober you back to your senses, they didn't even reach you. You were spiralling straight into a pitch black void. 
"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't. It is what it is." - you said in somewhat slow motion manner. "Just... don't look at me like I'm going to break into a thousand pieces, please, I can't take it."
"You've done well by telling me this."
You smiled softly, not feeling anything on the inside.
"Yang-jung, do you think I could turn his knees into a mush with a baseball bat?" - you scoffed. Dark humor was always your kind of thing, but saying something as dark as that now of all times didn't make it look like a joke anymore.
"There are far less demanding and easier techniques. But when the time comes I'll make sure you do whatever you need to do to him."
You wanted to burst into a hysterical laughter, but you held it in the best you could. A rush of adrenaline and relief washed over your entire body, leaving goosebumps on your skin. It took you a few moments to realise what the hell this man was telling you. But then it hit you like a cargo train. You opened your mouth trying to word out something. Yang-jung inspected the changes on your face, waiting for you to speak up. You couldn't tell if he's only comforting you, or are you seriously a meter away from a criminal who would move mountains for you, if only you asked. Moments passed and he was almost sure he got ahead of himself.
Seeing you all hesitant, he finally continued, "Unless-"
"Are you serious?" - you cut him off. "Are you...?"
You asked for reassurance, nothing else. Words stuck in your throat. Was Yang-jung really telling you what you think you heard? Is he really who you think he is?
"Don't make me regret my words." - he warned you, unsure of what's on your mind. He was dead serious.
"Ahjussi," - you whimpered, reaching for his hand across the table, "please, don't say that. You're the only real person I have. Do I need to spill my heart out even more?"
His face softened. He took your hand in his and kissed it.
"You're safe here."
Author's note 2: It took some time, but here it is finally. I know it's probably not what many of you expected, and I left the open (?) ending in hopes for part 2. Also, if I need to add any more warnings or notes on the classification or tags of any kind, please let me know, since I don't have much experience with these things. Thank you for reading 🫶🏻
tagging a few of sweethearts who interacted with my original posts (link 1, link 2) and expressed their enthusiasm for this fic, pushing me to write it (I hope it wasn't too underwhelming for you in the end): @quillinhand @slutforaemond @castleninja @posessedbytheinternet (I can't tag you for some reason :/)
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buckgasms · 1 year
hi I just wanted to say I love you and your writing so much! I was thinking about your question of how Daddy!Bucky and princess met but I couldn’t think of anything, I do however really like your idea though
thinking about that got me thinking about how would Daddy!Bucky tease his princess in public? what kind of looks or what kind of things would he say to her, and what would happen when they got home…. or would he touch her in public?
Hi my darling ❤️ thank you so much! I am still working as well on that idea but I appreciate your thots 😘
Another Nonnie also asked
How much do you think Daddy!Bucky likes to tease his Princess? What is a scenario where he would just want to watch her SQUIRM… and how much enjoyment would he get out of it??
So thank you lovely Nonnie also for having this excellent thought too 💕
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So Daddy!Bucky is the King of teasing 😅 let's break it down:
- He likes to touch you always anyway, but when he's trying to tease you, his touches linger for longer and go places he normally wouldn't.
- He'll put his hand right at the top of your thigh and tickle it, or squeeze gently. You can't help but clench them together, but he isn't having that, he'll push his hand down and keep them apart, so he can keep playing as he pleases.
- Or he'll hold your wrists to your sides as he's talking to you. It's not for any reason, only to remind you that he is bigger and stronger than his princess and if he wants to, he can take you right here and now.
- The things this man whispers in your ear when you are in public is obscene 😅. Maybe he has plans for the evening with you? Or he wants to reminisce about the night before? Or he just wants to tease you to the point of insanity? Either way he's got things to say...
"Took me so well last night princess..."
"Saw your pussy was still puffy and swollen from last night... Did you like Daddy filling you up and using you all night?"
"Bet I could get you to suck me off right here, so desperate for me huh?"
"You better be ready for me Princess, I'm gonna fuck you any moment and I want to feel that wet tight cunt as soon as I can."
- And he always whispers it, right in your ear, his growly deep voice sends shivers down your spine.
- And you nod at whatever he says, slipping further into a daze as he drags you around town or pours you a drink at dinner.
- Now let's not forget, Daddy likes giving you little tasks. And even when he's with you, these will still apply. Especially because he knows how embarrassed and turned on you get.
- So when you are eating in a fancy restaurant he'll tell you to go to the bathroom, take your panties off, film yourself playing and then come back. But you have to do it in 5 minutes or he'll come in there and spank you.
- OR
- Lets say he's got you wearing your vibrating underwear and obviously you are already on edge because who knows when he's going to turn it on 😲 but when he does, he makes you describe all the feelings, out loud. Where it's touching you, where you feel good, how close you are. Endless questions that if you don't answer result in the vibrating to stop.
- He likes giving you looks. Like the kind of looks that pin you in place. He might let his eyes flick from your face to your breasts, ass or anywhere else he wanted to look. Then he looks back at your face, with a possessive look that lets you know you belong to him.
- I also like the idea that you'll be walking along a small street and suddenly he'll drag you down an alleyway and push your skirt upwards and play with your pussy, snarling dirty things in your ear. Then before you are even aware he's dragging you back onto the main road and continuing on like nothing happened.
Phew!! I love him so much 💕
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kharmii · 2 months
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(Where Dabi takes Geten out of his Meta Liberation Army bubble so he can observe some normal people)
Geten: Is the Meta Liberation Army handbook short on stock?
Clerk: Sorry, that's all we have... *sigh*
Geten: Get a larger stock and they will sell!
Clerk: Thank you for your suggestion.
Geten: There's still time to be patient until that glorious day comes.
It can't be helped; I must refrain from using my meta ability in public. (To Dabi) What did you buy?
Dabi: It's a secret.
Geten: Stop following me!
Dabi: It's a babysitting job. Give me the pocket money the bald CEO gave you.
Geten: Don't call him bald!
Dabi: Let's get something to eat.
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Geten: We'll go to the restaurant run by PLA soldiers and frequented by government officials that offers free all-you-can-eat meals to senior officials.
Dabi: That's so shitty.
(Dabi takes Geten to a popular fast-food burger joint instead)
Geten: -Looks messy
(Sign says 'Wo's Burgers')
Dabi: How can we talk about the future of society without knowing what's popular with our current society?
Worker: Welcome to Wo's. Can I take your order!
Random Girl: Hello, mom? The closing ceremony is over. Big brother is here too.
Random Older Boy: Which one is good?
Random Voice on Phone: Yes, I went to pick you up. I'll be back after lunch.
Random Younger Boy: No way.
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Boy: The red one!
Older Brother: Seriously?!?!?! It's spicy!
Boy: Yeah! Ta-bo is an adult at school.
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Dabi: Hey.
Geten: Ah... Ah, leave it to me.
Dabi: If you don't like it, burn it.
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Geten: Don't just kill future soldiers without permission.
Don't hold me back with haphazard slaughter. If you get in his way, I'll put an end to your life right here.
(Geten gets more worked up)
Geten: When the time comes, as much as you want to, just kill them if they need killing. Right now, you're definitely the one holding me back.
(Where Geten reveals how he can't connect with regular people from being sheltered and isolated by MLA ideology.....hints at affection for Dabi maybe)
Geten: It's possible to become attached to a single ant,
When they gather together, they're no different from the buildings that grow everywhere.
It's an unrealistic view, like watching them from the other side of a television or a window.
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Geten: ReDestro is passionate about society, which includes the general public.
Even if I think so, maybe I-I need to have a real, tangible experience of it.
Even if a large number of people were killed in front of you, you probably wouldn't feel any particular sympathy.
I think it puts a river between us.
The reason I stopped earlier was simply because that's what Re-Destro still wants.
Blue Flame, who are you?
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Dabi: You're so talkative. Are you an adolescent?
Everyone has a river around them, right?
So, let's build a bridge for the same cause or dream... No matter how many weird arguments you make, no matter how disgusting the logic.
You're just gonna fly off like a brain dead idiot anyway, so don't ask me.
Geten: It's impossible..
Dabi: If you cross, I'll give you a kiss.
Geten: What are you talking about?
Dabi: The story of the ice man who drowned miserably in the Sanzu River.
Geten: Every single time since a while ago.....!
Dabi: It's fine, kids should just act like kids and have a happy meal.
Geten: Stop treating me like a child!
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Geten: I don't approve, I don't approve....
*cough* *munch, munch, munch* *cough* *munch*
(Manages with mouth full) This simple food is the diet of the masses.
*breaks into a paroxysm of choking and coughing from food getting caught in his throat. It was so good he ate it too fast)
Dabi: (amused spewing vinegar) I don't understand hamster language. You are eating your hair. Wow, you look sloppy. Sheez....
*slaps him*
Did it hit you strange?
Geten: !?
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Geten at a high point observing Dabi speaking to another person.
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Geten: (creeping on Dabi in a dark alley) If we understood each other, there would have been a way for us to live together.
Are you pretending to be a self-sacrificing hero?
"You said things like 'light and shadow', 'we live in different worlds', 'fly freely', even though you were the one who made it impossible for me to fly.
That is.....
Is this your kind of love, Blue Flame?
Dabi: He talks so much. He won't stop talking. What a brat.
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Geten: Should I get Trumpet to look into finding a good plastic surgeon?
If you can live without using fire, you don't need me. But you do need me, right?
The two of us could retreat to the countryside.
I wish I could live modestly and peacefully.
Dabi: Get wet
Geten: Dry it yourself.
Dabi: Impossible.
Geten: (thinking) Our relationship continues to develop. What a sad man.
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Geten: (whispers an unintelligible endearment)
Dabi: Don't call me that, I'll kill you.
Geten: Is this name reserved for Hawks? Sorry about that.
Dabi: What, you don't even know your name? (Meaning the endearment is for Geten).
You're living a truly wonderful life, poor thing.
Geten: ? (Too dense to get it)
Huh? You're kidding!! How the hell do you know that!!!
Dabi: Pfff.....Let's go.
Geten: (confused, maybe because he doesn't actually know his real name, and Dabi claimed the endearment was his actual name).
Hey! There's more like this!
(Dabi pretends not to listen while Geten rants)
Re-Destro's.......apparently it was discovered in the notes he left behind! And then...! Anyway, there are even more touching scenes!
This is the worst! I don't believe it! Hey!
Dabi: *sighs*
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Art credit: yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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holocene-sims · 29 days
character asks tag
thank you @changingplumbob & @feroshgirlsims for tagging me!!
this went around a hot minute ago, so i do not remember who has or has not done this, so feel free to ignore if you aren't interested or already did it, but i'll tag: @igglemouse @queeniecook @dandylion240 @nectar-cellar @vercosims & anyone who wants to!
✨ which OC is the first at a movie theater opening night for a movie they've been excited for?
henry! he spends a large chunk of his weekly screen time on letterboxd and running his movie review blog, so i think it's safe to call him a movie buff. and honestly, i think he'd be seated front row on opening night for any movie, not just the ones he's excited for. he has a stake in seeing terrible movies, too, if only because the internet loves a spicy review, right?
also, this means that soobin counts here, too. she'd prefer to go see rom-coms exclusively, but if henry is willing to watch reality TV with her, she is willing to go watch what he wants in theaters.
✨ which OC is the pickiest?
i think it depends on the type of picky!
aside from the very obvious answer (grant's parents)...
shannon is the queen of picky eating. she's famously physically repulsed by coffee, and she's the kind of person who orders the exact same meal every time at a restaurant, no deviations. also, she does not do spice, like, at all. mild salsa is the upper range of her tolerance.
in terms of perfectionist pickiness, i think i'd have to give this to henry. especially when it comes to his art hobbies or his job, he's straight up compulsive about getting everything exactly right. he'll retake a photo a billion times just to fix one minor light imperfection in the corner.
✨ which OC is the most stubborn?
aoife, followed by grant. i mean, it is kind of the defining trait of the family, but these two get it honest. for better or for worse, they don't give up on anything. god forbid if they do, that means they've really reached the end of their rope.
colm should be thrown in this category as well. he's...i mean, he's just colm. he's quite the guy, and i think stubborn on purpose. aoife and grant don't necessarily mean to be stubborn, they just are by nature/upbringing, but colm does it because it's funny or out of spite.
✨ which OC looks like a pushover, but could actually kick someone's butt?
this is also an aoife thing! she looks harmless (hello, she is tiny), and generally, she is harmless, but if you give her a reason to be pissed off, i think she would be your worst nightmare. she wouldn't even need a weapon, but a wooden spoon is in her implement. anyway, #farmgirltough
✨ which OC is most likely to excitedly talk about hobbies?
i'm going to be so for real, all of them except grant's parents 🤭 it might just be me, the author, just being autistic lmao but i can't really envision anyone not wanting to do that, so i let my characters do it all the time tbh.
but it does exist on a spectrum. on one end, you have someone like grant, who will only do it with people who like the same stuff as him or explicitly ask him to talk about his hobbies. on the other end, you have shannon and colm, who will talk anyone's damn ear off 24/7 about something that interested them for 5 seconds the other night at 3AM. and then you have characters like henry, who does talk about his hobbies often, but mostly online. etc., etc., etc.
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jamiebluewind · 10 months
I always have Thanksgiving at my best friend's parents' house. They make this frankly impressive sushi spread with all the bells and whistles. We're talking eel, homemade sushi rice, eggs, avocado, various fresh and cured meats, imitation crab, a variety of sauces,... just all that stuff (forgive me for not naming it all for reasons that will become clear in a minute). All restaurant quality. Each person just fills their plate with their favorite sushi ingredients and hand rolls their own.
Here's where the story takes a turn. You see, I can't stand sushi.
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I know, I know!
It's not for lack of trying mind you. I've tried it every way you can think of (even without meat of any kind) and my stomach screams NOPE! every time. Can't even sit at the table because of the smell (autistic super sniffer ftw!). It's THAT bad. But this is my family (the one I chose). I love them. So the second year I went in expecting not to eat. The company was worth it for me and I could always grab something on the way home. I was even planning on sitting by everyone and hiding my discomfort because that's what you do... right?
What I wasn't expecting was to be stopped by my best friend's mom. In the livingroom and away from the sushi, there was a small table set up with a few slices of ham (I've always favored it over turkey), homemade biscuits (made with rice milk because I have a dairy allergy) with honey to dip it in (another of my favorites), and sweet potatos with brown sugar and nondairy butter. For context, my birth family would have made me feel guilty for being "extra" and not bothered to cook around my food allergy (even pressured me to eat it anyway at times). I went in there EXPECTING to go hungry and hoping nobody got mad at me for it. What I wasn't expecting was for anybody to take the time out of their day to fix something just for me, just because they wanted to. No tricks. No manipulation. No strings. Just... food. For me.
That was five years ago. Mom (yes I call her that now) just messaged my best friend (now roommate) and I to make sure we'd be there for Thanksgiving. Wanted to know if there was room in our fridge for leftover sushi for Sarah and ham and biscuits for me. I don't think I'll ever get used to how they treat me, but I don't think I'll ever stop being grateful for it either.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Hi!!! I have been reading your fics and hc and I must say, I love your writing!! Anyway, I saw your requests are open so I wanted to request, maybe Ichiro and Kuko(separately) with a Fem! S/O who works at a Maid Cafe? And bonus they saving her from an inconvenient customer?
Ichiro and Kuko with a fem! s/o who works at a Maid Cafe
ommmg thank you!!! ahh you're such a sweetheart <3
femreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;; slight harassment?? (in bonus part)
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-He's in heaven now.
-Well.. Maybe your boyfriend will never admit it, but sometimes he loves to watch some moe wholesome anime about maids or witches, so..
-So he absolutely adores you and your cafe, as you look even better and cuter than any of his favorite characters!
-Ichiro always preferred to eat in his house, as cooking by himself was much cheaper than in cafes and restaurants.. But maybe he starts to visit your place too often now.
-It's just.. You just.. You just look so adorable in your cute dress..! Ichiro is very loyal so his eyes would be only on your cute figure, other maids will never interest him.
-So that's why he is always hoping that you would be the one who will be waiting on his table, he's your boyfriend after all..!
-"Oh, you switched to a summer uniform now?" - Ichiro smiles when you get closer to his table with a little smile. He noticed even the smallest detail about your appearance every day. - "That one is so cute..! Hm, can you then show me a little heart, hehe..?"
-Oh.. And of course.. Taking the photo when a client pays the check is the standard method practiced at many maid cafes, so if in your place clients have this benefit.. Then of course Ichiro would ask for this every time, dressing in his best clothes just to have the sweetest photo with you.
-"Ahh, it's so hard to not kiss you right here.." - he mumbled, posing with you in front of the camera with a wild smile. - "You're just too cute today.."
"Sh.. or you will break hearts of mine other fans.." - you whisper with a little chuckle.
"Huh?? Other fans? So you're popular now, don't you..?" - you can't help but giggle, noticing Ichiro's jealous gaze. Yet then he smirks too. - "Well, it's okay. They can admire you as much as they want, but you're still only my little girlfriend, hehe.. But if someone will try something, tell me immediately, okay..?"
-What a visionary..
Right after this you get to another client who also pays their check and waits for his turn. Your friend, another waitress, took the camera again and was ready to make another casual shoot, but you suddenly froze in place. Man was standing close enough so maybe no one saw this, but you definitely felt his hand on your waist and got absolutely confused.
Of course before starting working here you listen to some briefing about what a waitress should do in such a situation, but you get so scared, unsettled with this unexpected touch.
All you were able to do is look at your boyfriend, who still was not that far away. Ichiro just now noticed a new menu for next month, and was standing there, yet he kept glancing at you from time to time. And when he notices your scared shocked look he immediately gets closer.
"Oh, is everything alright here?" - he said loud enough so few other clients turned in your direction. Of course Ichiro's sharp suspicious gaze laid on a strange man near you and you immediately felt how he quickly let go of your waist.
Another maid, who was kinda confused now, just sheig her shoulders and took a picture. So all this jerk gets in the end is a photo of his scared and your happy faces as you both were looking at Ichiro.
.. should I say that he will get another, longer talk with your boyfriend after..?
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-He.. Oh, it's hard.
-Kuko doesn't understand this fanaticism around moe anime and 'kawaii' girls..
-Yet an uncontrollable urge to protect you rises in his chest every time he gets inside your cafe and sees you in this adorable uniform, walking around like a porcelain doll.
-Despite his hot airheaded behavior, your boyfriend has a caring side that relieves itself around you. There's some soft spot in his soul for any cute and innocent things that he doesn't want to admire. But you clearly can see his loving gaze, full of adoration, that is fixed on your figure.
-And who would have thought that Kuko can be so quiet and shy when you look at him with such cute eyes, asking what you can get for your Master.
-"S.. stop calling me like that, it's embarrassing.. Do all these people actually enjoy such nicknames?" - he scoffs, trying to hide his blushing face. - "Strawberry milkshake would be enough."
-Yes, he always criticizes your cafe yet keeps returning here just to talk with you and watch how cheerful you serve clients as he drinks his casual milkshake. Kuko still didn't remember anything more from the menu, acting like he was not interested.
-yet he really wants to order omurice one day here so you will draw him a little hearts with ketchup..
-Despite the fact that he loves you in this adorable uniform, he is kinda grumpy to see other men here, as though about you sharing your adorable smile with them too tickle his soul with jealousy.
-"Are you here for another milkshake, Kuko?" - you giggle, welcoming him once again. You got a really busy schedule this week so you didn't get that much time to go on any dates with your boyfriend. That's why Kuko started appearing here much more often, already visiting your cafe for the third time this week.
"Yeah, yeah.. You know my taste very well.." - he mumbled, sitting down at the table for one.
"It's not your taste, you just don't want to try something new.." - you can't help but chuckle and show him a menu. - "We have a new offer, maybe you would at least try these pancakes, pretty please?"
"Are you trying to win me over with your fan service?" - soft blush appears on his cheeks as he tries to cover his face with the collar of his jacket. - "Fine, I guess I will fall for you games this time, but-"
"Hey, don't you think you should serve my table too? Im waiting!"
Kuko gets silent, as you and him look with wider eyes at another client who was sitting not that far away.
"Did you not hear? Hurry up..!" - this arrogant jerk continues, looking at you. You smile awkwardly, trying to calm him down with a sweet voice and apologizing, but there's no way Kuko would tolerate this.
"Do you have a problem?! Try to learn basic manners and then returns here!" - he scoffs and then laughs. - "Or your stupid head is too small to learn something more than the alphabet?"
"Kuko, I think you violating some basic manners right now too.." - you whisper but he just shakes his head.
"If you're so bold then why don't go out for a minute?" - man gets up, showing his pretty large height.
..Well, maybe your boyfriend can't show off his great height, yet he has enough power to teach a lesson of etiquette for some stupid asshole.
Of course he returns, all alone, with a proud smirk on his face.
"Yes, I will take these pancakes. But make sure they add an extra one as a reward for my help here, hehe.."
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animedancer14 · 5 months
I saw a thing on YouTube and Tiktok about the orange peel theory. If you don't know what that is, basically the girl or guy will ask their S/O to peel them an orange. It's to test if the person you are with. A couple of the videos I saw reminded me of certain Hazbin or Helluva Boss characters, so here we go. Will link the original videos.
TW: Valentino because it's Val.
Laying in bed, you called for your boyfriend. From the other room, you heard him shout, "Yeah?" He comes in dressed in his suit, ready to go to work. "Can you go downstairs and bring me an orange?" You ask nicely. He looks at you for a moment. "I'm busy right now, but yeah, alright, one second." Vox leaves the room. You can hear him rustling around in the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returns with a plate in his hand. "Here you go," he says, handing you the plate and kissing the top of your head. "You cut them up for me?" He starts to walk away. "Yeah, like a sun. I am busy. I gotta go to work. I love you, and I'll be back later." He walks out of the room, and you call after him. "I love you too."
You were sitting on the couch watching television with Angel. "Hey, so what is the deal with you and Husk lately. You datin' or what?" You look over at Angel in confusion. "What do you mean? Sure, we drink together and talk, but that's what friends do." Angel rolls his eyes. "Yeah, and they also don't wait on your every need, neither." "He doesn't do that." "Seriously? I can't get one drink out of the man, and he gets you everything." You laugh, "That's because you always flirt with him, Angel." Angel opens his mouth to retort but then closes it again. "Touche. But okay, just ask him to peel you an orange for ya." Now you roll your eyes, "That's stupid. He will tell me to peel it myself." Angel whispers, "Look here he comes. Just say ya want an orange but don't wanna peel it." You see Husk walking by, so you do as Angel says. "I really want to eat an orange, but I don't wanna peel it." Husk stops and turns to look at you. "Where is it?" He asks. "Oh, I don't, don't have it. Do we have any?" "Let me go look." Husk leaves to go to the kitchen to look. Normally, he would have some on hand behind the bar for Angel's cocktails. But he knows he used the last of them yesterday. You get up off the couch to follow him into the kitchen. "Are their any in there?" You asked, leaning against the frame. "Where would they be?" "Just in the fruit drawer. If there is none, that's okay. I don't need an orange." He shuts the fridge door and looks at you. "I need to go to the store anyway." Husk walks past you and into the foyer. "I'll pick some up." You look at him and then to Angel and then back at him. "Really?!" You asked, shocked. He nods and turns around to leave out the door. "Since you are going out, can you grab me-" "No." Husk states and shuts the door behind him. "See! He even went to the store for you! He's obviously into you."
You and Lucifer were cuddling in bed after a very eventful day out. This man held your bags as you shopped around the other rings and then took you out to a nice restaurant afterward. You felt like the luckiest girl in all of hell. Though you were craving an orange. "I kind of want an orange, but I don't want to peel it myself, you know?" Lucifer looked down at you. This was normal for you. Sometimes, you would get weird cravings or random thoughts and spoke out loud. It's just one of the reasons he loves you so much. "I'll peel it for you." He lovingly says. Only a few seconds later follow it up with, "You like oranges?" That's makes you laugh. "When did you like oranges?" And that only solidifies that you are in love with your short king of hell.
You and Blitz have been dating for a few months. And you saw this trend going around that if you ask your partner if they would peel an orange for you, it makes or breaks your relationship. So you thought it would be funny to give it a try. You were sitting on his couch, ready to watch a movie when you brought out your phone to record. "Babe," you shout. "Yeah?" "Could you cut me up an orange?" You thought you were slick, but he saw your phone. And you knew he saw your phone but decided to still record. "Y/N, of course, anything for you," Blitz says dramatically like all the other videos he has seen of this trend. You are laughing as he walks by and says, "Eat shit." And then farts right next to you. Of course, you screech and move to the other end of the couch. But in the end, he does, in fact, cut up the fruit for you, and you are happily sharing it on the couch.
So, with this one, I made a trigger warning for Val because it's Val, but I thought this was hilarious. This is eventually will be going into my Vox x OC fanfic, and I wanted to put it here because, like I said, it was too funny to pass up.
After a long, hard days work, the Vee's like to relax a little before retiring for the night. Val was scrolling on his phone and possibly harassing Angel for the ten thousand time today as Calliope was sitting in Vox's lap on the couch, watching him scroll through sinstagram. Velvette walks in and sits on the other end of the couch. It was quiet for a few minutes when Velvette spoke. "Val?" "Yeah?" "Can you peel me an orange?" That got Calliope's attention. She's seen this trend before, and she knows Vox knows this trend. She looks to Velvette, and she has her phone recording the moth. "The fuck?" Calliope and Velvette both start chuckling and she composes her self. "I'm really wanting an orange." "Well I don't have an orange and I don't know how to peel." Vox silently laughs, as Calliope is wheezing from this interaction. "I don't. I don't get it?" Val asks. Velvette laughs, "If we had an orange, would you peel it for me?" "I wouldn't want to." "But you would?" Val stumbles on his words before he answers back, "I don't think I have a peeler." "A PEELER!" Calliope laughs so hard she crying into Vox's neck. Velvette is laughing just as hard. "For fuck sakes Val," Vox laughs too. Velvette, satisfied with her video, posts it and retires for the night. Valentino gets up and is still confused about why Velvette wanted an orange. That just left Calliope and Vox. Calliope's giggles subsided and laid her head on Vox's chest. After a few moments, she speaks up. "Would you peel an orange for me?" Vox puts his index finger under her chin and forces her to look up at him. "You know I would." Calliope smiles and gives Vox a kiss.
Will write it out better than this, but I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to make each one different in their own way. As you can probably guess, I really like Vox a lot. Just thought it was a funny idea.
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Hiii, I always love your fics, you always write my blorbo so well. Just— Hngh they're all such good bois. Anyways, please don't feel rushed about getting to this request, but I would love to see your take on a fic where the other sides try to matchmake (either subtly or not, dealer's choice!) Virgil with someone of your choice :D preferably with hurt/comf sprinkled in with all the shenanigans that they can get into when they try and push Virgil and Other Side together :'D thanks sm! – anon
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: none!
Pairings: prinxiety, perceived anxceit but not really
Word Count: 3349
Takes place in an AU where the Sides' roles are switched: Logan is Morality, Roman is Anxiety, Virgil and Patton are Creativity, Remus is Deceit, Janus is Logic.
Roman sees Janus kiss Virgil on the cheek. Oh, well, that means that they must be in love, right?
If only he knew that Janus isn't the side that Virgil's actually crushing on…
    Roman fiddles with his hands as the meeting goes on. This one's about what to do this weekend and he's not sure any of them sound like good ideas. Going to the new pop-up store by themselves seems like trouble; what if they get overwhelmed and then none of their friends know how to come yet them? And the new restaurant might be worse, what if they don't like their food and then they have to tell the waitstaff that? They're just doing their job, it's not their fault if Thomas doesn't like the food! And what if Thomas's car gets a flat on the way there? They don't know that area, they don't know how far the nearest place is going to be, what if they can't drive home and they have to be out there for hours and hours and hours?
It was better just to stay home.
Roman jumps as a hand comes to rest on his shoulder. He looks up to see Logan watching him, concerned.
"Are you quite alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."
"Bullshit!" Remus waggles his fingers in a wave when Roman glares at him. "You're freaking out, aren't you?"
"Don't be unkind," Janus scolds, giving Remus a gentle push to the shoulder. "I'm sure if Roman is upset about something, he would tell us."
"That's also bullshit."
Patton rolls his eyes, scoffing at the two of them beginning to squabble, looking back at Logan. "All I'm saying is I don't think we should be going out there! That place has no standards of health clearly available, they don't even have vegan options, and who knows what that horrid chicken logo is actually from? We're much better off going somewhere safe and reasonable, that's probably what Roman is so upset about, right?"
"Thomas isn't vegan," Janus says smoothly, "the restaurant wouldn't be open if it hadn't passed its health and safety inspections, and the logo is irrelevant."
"Excuse you?" Patton draws himself up. "The logo is a reflection of the restaurant's values! If they're going to blatantly display something so vulgar, I don't think that's a place that's very family friendly!"
"You say that as if it's a negative," Remus huffs, "I don't want to eat around a bunch of screaming kids. And what's with the whole 'vulgar' thing? It's a chicken holding a platter."
"Wearing nothing but underwear!"
"It's a bikini."
"There is nothing wrong with a cartoon depiction of an animal in a bathing suit," Logan says with infinite patience, his hand still on Roman's shoulder, "now, are there any other objections?"
Patton fumes and grumbles for a moment. Roman bites his lip. He doesn't actually want to make Patton upset anymore and it seems like everyone else has already agreed…
"Don't lie," Remus says, "I'll know."
Oh. Oh, god, everyone's looking at him, oh, no—
Roman turns to look at Virgil, who had previously been quiet. He leans forward, propping his weight on his elbows.
"What's bothering you, Princey?"
"I—um—it's just we've never been here before. We don't—we don't know the area, we don't know how to get there, we don't even know if we'll like the food."
Virgil nods. "Okay. Well, Joan is the one who recommended the place, and we know Joan knows our taste in food. It's close enough to the bus that if something really bad happens, we can still get home. And we'll have J—" he gestures to Janus who nods— "on directions, so we know we won't get lost."
"All true," Janus adds quietly, "thank you for speaking up, Roman, did that help?"
"Y-yeah." Well, now I feel like an idiot for being so upset.
"Then it's settled." Logan pats his shoulder once more. "I am excited to try this place."
"Me too!"
As the conversation winds to a close and the others start to sink out, Roman finds himself watching Janus and Virgil. The two of them have their heads together, speaking quietly. There's an intimacy to the way their shoulders keep brushing, the way they keep smiling, even the way they trade off the ends of their questions. Part of him thinks he shouldn't be watching this, this is clearly a private moment, but he can't stop.
His eyes widen when he sees Janus lean in to kiss Virgil's cheek.
With a squeak and a scramble, he sinks out too, appearing back in his room and curling up into a ball. Janus kissed Virgil. Janus kissed Virgil. Oh my god, Janus just kissed Virgil.
He definitely wasn't supposed to see that. Wait, did that mean they were—together? Maybe it was a secret? Or maybe they were just in the beginning stages of being together, or maybe one of them was waiting to ask the other out? Was that why they both wanted to go to the restaurant? Was it their date?
He puts his chin on his knees. It had felt really nice when Virgil asked him what was wrong. He should try and make Virgil feel nice too.
…yeah. Yeah, he can help Virgil with Janus.
Logan turns as Virgil jogs over to him, adjusting his glasses. "Yes?"
"Is Roman okay?"
"I've not seen much of him lately, which is a little worrying, but…yes, I would presume so." He frowns. "Why, do you think something's wrong?"
"He's avoiding me, I think."
"Avoiding you?"
"Yeah, he keeps saying no to things we planned a while ago, and he won't really look at me during the meetings anymore. I tried to ask him if he was alright and he just got really red and mumbled something before he left."
"Well, that is worrying. Is there anything else in common, or that you've noticed?"
"…he keeps suggesting I hang out with J."
"Janus? Perhaps he knows that you two have been wanting to work together for a while."
"Look," Logan says, resting his hand on Virgil's shoulder, "you know Roman thinks the world of you. I'm sure if you spoke to him about what's troubling you, he would understand."
Virgil sighs. "God, I hope so."
No, no, no, no, this is all wrong, this is very wrong, oh, no, I messed up—
Roman forces a smile to his face as Virgil finishes talking, looking at him in that way that makes him feel special. "So…yeah, Princey. Are we—are we good?"
"Yeah, we're good!" Virgil blinks at the force of his shout. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to yell, it's just—yeah. Yeah, we're good."
"Are you gonna…stop avoiding me?"
"I didn't mean to avoid you—okay, maybe," he concedes when Virgil raises an eyebrow, "but—I thought you'd—well, I mean—I just thought—"
"You can say it, it's okay."
"I thought you'd rather spend more time with Janus."
Virgil frowns. "Janus? Why?"
"W-well, you…you…um," Roman mumbles, twisting his fingers together, "I didn't…I know I've tried to hog a lot of your free time in the past and I'm not really good at the stuff you—that you enjoy doing with people and…Janus is?"
Understanding crosses Virgil's face and he chuckles. "Yeah, he's pretty great, huh?"
"Mhm." Don't let him see that, don't let him see that, just be happy for them, just be happy for them. "I just…I just want the two of you to be happy."
"That's really sweet of you, Princey," Virgil says, reaching out and lightly tapping the tip of his nose, "but I like hanging out with you too, okay?"
"Wanna sit next to me for movie night again?"
"Yes," Roman says way too quickly, "I mean, yeah, yeah, sure, if that's…something you want too."
Virgil chuckles. "Yeah, that sounds good. See you then?"
Virgil ruffles his hair and heads out of his room, leaving Roman to wait until the door is properly shut to fall on the bed, bury his face in a pillow, and groan.
It was hard enough when Virgil came and asked him softly if they could talk, it was hard enough to hear him be all concerned over Roman, but then he had to listen to Virgil say that Janus was great in that soft and fond voice and then ask him to sit next to him at movie night—
Oh, why is this so hard?
He just needs to stop freaking out about it. He can still be Virgil's friend and help Virgil get with Janus. He can do this. This is what he wants. This will make everyone happy.
It's one of those days, Virgil's in a playful mood, and yes, he is about to make that everyone's problem.
A few of them know better, rolling their eyes and making themselves scarce or proudly displaying the fact that it rolls right off of them. He caught Janus texting a group chat saying that he's in a mood, best steer clear if you don't want any part of it, and chuckled to himself as he made his way back upstairs.
As if that would do anything to deter him.
He's about to go and track down Remus when he walks past the den and pauses. A smile crawls across his face when he sees Roman there, curled up on the couch, writing in his notebook.
He approaches slowly, giving Roman more than enough time to look up and flee—or at least try—but he doesn't, buried in his notebook until Virgil reaches the corner of the couch. Then he startles, glancing up and curling a little tighter.
"Hello, sweetheart."
Bingo. Roman turns pink, ears flushing red as he blinks up at Virgil. He shuffles a little bit, glancing away before looking back up. "Did—did you need something?"
Virgil hums, tilting his head and just gazing at him. Then he smiles. "May I join you?"
"Um, yeah—yeah, sure, go ahead."
"Thanks, sweetheart."
Another muffled noise as Virgil walks over. Roman shifts, clearly expecting Virgil to sit next to him on the couch—tempting, but not quite what he's going for—and visibly startles like a little kitten when he takes a seat on the coffee table, right in front of him.
He makes himself comfortable, elbows on his legs, and tilts his head as if he's surprised by Roman's confusion.
"Hi, cutie."
He doesn't bother to hide his smirk as Roman looks away, fruitlessly flipping pages in his notebook until the flush subsides a tiny bit. He rests his chin on his hand and just stares, loving the way Roman keeps pointedly not looking at him and trying to sneak glances only to find out that Virgil's still just watching him.
"What," he blurts out eventually, ears back to blushing roses again, "do you want something?"
"Maybe I just want to spend time with you."
Roman looks up, disbelief written all over his features, only for it to dissolve right back into a downright adorable fluster when he winks.
"Aww, come on," he coos when Roman tries to hide his face in the notebook, "don't hide from me, sweetheart, you're too cute."
"I am not!"
Trap laid and baited, Roman steps neatly into it as Virgil leans forward. "Of course you are, Princey. That's why you're hiding your little red face. It's so I can't see how cute it is and tease you about it."
A truly wonderful smattering of flustered noises leaves him and Virgil chuckles.
"Don't worry, cutie, I won't hold it against you."
"Oh my god, what do you want?"
"Don't pout, cutie, I told you. I want to spend time with you." He laughs as Roman glares at him—or tries to, because it keeps going back to that pouty face and he covers it with his hands. "You hiding a smile under there?"
"No," he lies, pulling his leg up to hide it. Thankfully Remus doesn't catch it.
"This isn't proving me wrong, you know, about how cute you are."
Roman peeks one eye out to glare at him but he twiddles his fingers in a wave and oops, he's all flustered again.
"Aww, you're too easy, cutie."
"What do you want?"
"If you keep asking me that, sweetheart, you'll make me think you like hearing how much I want to spend time with you," he chuckles, "but I'll be nice."
"This is you being nice?"
"I did want you to do something for me," he continues, watching as Roman slowly looks up, face sobering as he calms down, sitting up on the couch, "hm?"
"What is it?"
Oh, you poor thing…He holds eye contact, shifting closer, until his face is right up next to Roman's. He lowers his voice to a rumble and smirks.
"Blush for me, Princey."
The poor dear does as bid, turning bright red in shock. He chuckles and tilts his head.
"Isn't that precious," he murmurs, "I wonder…if I ask you to squee for me, would you do that too?"
Roman splutters and Virgil's smile widens, leaning up to whisper in his ear.
"Squee, cutie," he whispers, "squee for me, Princey."
Roman covers his face, pulling himself up to curl into a little ball, letting out the most adorable little squeal he's ever heard.
"Maybe I should save that as your ringtone," he teases, before humming when Roman doesn't move at all, "don't get all shy on me now, cutie."
He doesn't react and Virgil frowns.
"Don't make me come and get you," he warns, before tugging on Roman's sleeve, "alright, you asked for it."
Sure enough, Roman yelps when one of Virgil's hands slides over his tummy and around to his side, hands flying down in an attempt to stop it. But by the time he realizes it's a trap, Virgil's settled on the couch next to him and pulled his legs into his lap, reaching out to cradle his face.
"There you are, cutie," he murmurs, "aren't you precious?"
Roman's eyes are wide and brimming with tears, sparkling in the light. Virgil hums and coos, bringing him closer and ruffling his hair.
"Hey, hey," he says softly as Roman tries to pull away and hide again, "don't run away from me. None of that, little dragon, you're adorable. No, no, shh-shh-shh, you are."
He brushes a thumb underneath Roman's eye to catch the tears that do manage to escape.
"Don't let all those mean voices tell you otherwise," he scolds gently, "do I need to shut them up for you?"
His hands twitch and clutch at Virgil's sleeve and he smiles, brushing a thumb over the other cheek.
"Aww, it's okay, little dragon," he coos, letting Roman wrap his arms around him, "it's okay. Was I being too mean and teasy?"
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I can't help it, you're so cute."
"Stop," Roman whines, lightly pushing at his chest, still pouting, "why aren't you doing this to Janus?"
Virgil frowns. "Okay, what's up with you thinking about me and Janus? This is the second time we've had to talk about this."
"You know!"
"I don't know, Roman, that's why I'm asking."
Roman lets out a frustrated noise, his hands flapping. "You know! You two—you're—you're—!"
"We're what?"
"I saw him kiss you!"
"You saw what?" When the fuck did Janus kiss me? Why don't I remember that?
"A-after the meeting about the restaurant, you two were talking and I didn't mean to eavesdrop, really, I didn't, I didn't know it was going to be such a private moment but I did and I saw—I saw him kiss you and I thought—I just thought—"
"Whoa, whoa, easy," Virgil says before Roman works himself up, rubbing his back, "you saw J kiss me on the cheek, yeah?"
"I'm sorry—"
"I'm not mad at you, Princey, look at me—" he cups Roman's little pouty face in his hands— "I'm not mad, okay? J kisses everybody on the cheek, he does it to Remus, he does it to Logan, he even does it to Patton when Patton lets him get close enough."
"He doesn't do it to me."
"Because he doesn't know if you're comfy with it, little dragon, that's all." Roman's face screws up into this frustrated little pout and goddamnit, it should be illegal to be this adorable. "Hey, you thought I had a crush on Janus, right? Or that Janus had a crush on me?"
His chest twinges when Roman looks up at him with those big sad eyes and he has to reach out and cuddle him.
"We're just friends," he murmurs, "I promise, little dragon, we're just friends. It's okay."
"…know that now."
"You just trying to help get us together, hm?" He feels Roman nod. "That's really sweet of you, little dragon."
"Don't be sorry, you were trying to look out for us, that's okay." Roman mumbles something. "What's that?"
"Was trying to look out for you."
"For me?"
Roman refuses to let him pull back, instead burying his chin into his shoulder. "You're always so nice to me. So I wanted…I thought…"
Oh. "You wanted to be nice to me too?"
Fuck. Fuck, he's too cute. He's too cute, this should be outlawed, how am I supposed to deal with him being so fucking cute?
Before he can think better of it, he kisses Roman's shoulder.
Roman goes still.
"Yeah, little dragon?"
"Did you just—did you just…kiss me?"
"Yeah, I did," Virgil says softly, "was that okay?"
"Are—are we still just friends?"
"Do you want to be?" When Roman goes quiet, he carefully shifts them so he can see Roman's face. "Do you want to be just friends, Roman, or do you want more?"
"M-more is an option?"
"Yeah, sweetheart, more's an option, but we don't have to talk about it right now," he says quickly when the poor thing looks like he's about to explode, "we can do this later when you've cried a bit of this out, okay?"
"C-can we still cuddle?"
"Of course we can, Princey, c'mere." Roman tucks himself right back into Virgil's arms and he hums, nuzzling the crook of Roman's neck. "It's all gonna be okay, sweetheart, I promise."
"Don't," Roman croaks out, "don't give me hope."
"But I'm Hopes and Dreams, baby, that's my job. Okay, okay, that was mean, I'm sorry, I'll stop, I'm done, I promise."
"I know, I know. I'm finished, I swear." He gives Roman a proper squeeze to make up for it. "Just—I'm not giving you false hope, little dragon. We can talk about this, I promise."
"You better stay right here until we do," Roman orders in his little pouty voice, "or else I'll never forgive you."
"I won't move," he vows, lying down so Roman's on top of him, "see? You got me, little dragon."
"You're my horde now. No moving."
"No moving," he agrees, letting Roman shift until he's more comfortable, "you got it."
It takes a little longer than he'd like, but eventually Roman sags into him, lying down and letting himself actually breathe. Virgil keeps running his hands up and down, up and down, trying to coax him to sleep if he needs it. He's worn the poor thing out, he knows, and he only feels a little bad about it.
Okay, that's not true; he feels bad about making poor Roman worry and fret, he doesn't really feel bad for flustering him that much.
He's too adorable.
After a moment, though, he feels Roman tense again and he's about to soothe it away, say it's alright, he's not going anywhere, when he feels a little kiss on the side of his shoulder. He grins.
Yeah, they're gonna be just fine.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 28 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Great end of chapter if I do say so myself -Danny Words: 2,167 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Trouble' -by Imagine Dragons
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II: No! Not My Irrepressible Thoughts of Death!
"She really named her place Hebe Jeebies?"
"Afraid so."
"And how did you know about this place?"
"They have great licorice ropes," Grover explains. "You can't pass by without smelling them!"
"It's a candy store, then?" Annabeth frowns.
"No, more like... Actually, it's easier to show you."
Ara groans, the first noise she's made since they got there. "Are we going to regret this?"
"Probably. But then again, you love your job," Percy grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her in. "C'mon, quest junkie..."
The place looks like the craziest family restaurant Ara's ever seen, though to be fair, she hasn't been to many. Her family prefers ordering a pizza and playing video games until their thumbs are sore, but she can sense the magic bouncing off the walls like an annoying buzzing in her ear.
"I get it now," Annabeth makes a face. "This place does give me the heebie-jeebies."
"You feel that too?" Ara mumbles.
"Feel what?" Percy asks.
"Like the Lotus casino," she responds. "Time feels wrong."
"I've been here a few times," Grover replies eerily. "I've never found the other end of the place."
"Okay," Percy steps back. "I agree with Birdy. I'm getting strong Lotus Casino vibes in here... like low-rent Lotus Casino, but still..."
"Nothing low-rent about this," Ara steps forward.
"It's not a trap," Grover tries to ease them. "At least, I've never had any trouble leaving. These families... they come and go. They don't seem to be stuck in time."
"Then... what's the catch?" Annabeth frowns. "There's always a catch."
"I don't know," Grover says awkwardly. "I usually just get licorice and leave. I keep a low profile."
"Hebe runs this place, right?" Ara shrugs. "Perhaps she eats little kids."
"Shut up," Percy groans. "Are we even sure she's here?"
"No, but..." Grover shrugs. "You know that feeling you get when there's a god around and you can't see them, but you kind of feel like there's a swarm of dung beetles on the back of your neck?"
"Not exactly..." Percy mumbles.
"I feel it almost every day," Ara's had enough encounters with gods to differentiate a normal state of anxiety from actual power breathing down her neck. "It itches."
"Dung beetles is oddly specific, though," Annabeth points out.
"I've got that feeling now," Grover insists. "We could ask the staff if Hebe's around. If we can find someone."
"Oh, my gods," Annabeth perks up. "Stackers. I haven't played that since..."
Ara points at another game. "It's the same we have in camp! Leo..." Her smile falters, losing her train of thought for a moment. "Uh... rigged it so we could mess with the characters—he called it idiot mode."
"It's a nostalgia trap," Percy says cleverly. "The place is selling people their own childhoods."
Annabeth hums. "That makes sense, but a lot of places sell nostalgia. It's not necessarily a bad thing..."
"Nostalgia's addictive," Ara responds promptly. "Maybe Hebe doesn't need magic to keep people here, miserable folk love wasting their lives in this sort of crap." She lets out a dry chuckle. "I know what I'll be doing after school..."
Percy places a hand on her shoulder. "Keep walking."
"Excuse me, miss?" Annabeth stops an employee.
"What?" The girl—can't be older than ten—pauses and calms down. "Sorry. The token machine is broken again, and I gotta get these tickets to... Anyway, how can I help?"
"We're looking for Hebe?" Percy says.
"If this is about a refund for a defective game—" 
"It's not."
"Or the pizza being moldy—"
"It's not. Also, yuck."
"Depends on the mold," Grover mumbles.
"We just need to speak to the goddess in charge," Annabeth explains. "It's kind of urgent."
The young girl eyes them with a frown but shrugs. "Past the diving cliff; left at the henhouse."
"Diving cliff?"
"She'll be in the karaoke bar," Sparky—that's the name in her tag—makes a face. "Don't worry. You'll hear it."
When the girl leaves, Percy turns to his friends. "Are we really going to search out a karaoke bar... like, on purpose?"
"I love karaoke," Ara frowns. "It's fun!"
"You can duet with me on 'Shallow,'" Annabeth teases the boy.
"You don't want that," he grins.
"Oh, I don't know." Annabeth gives him a playful pinch. "Might be romantic."
Their soul lights glow and Ara gawks playfully. Grover nudges her arm. "We're just going to keep walking," he says, pulling her along.
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"Hey, water," Ara points out. "If there's an emergency we can use that, Nemo."
"Gross, but yeah," he looks at the greenish water with repugnance. "Let's hope we don't have to."
"Aaand that's the henhouse," Ara scowls. "This can't be sanitary."
"Why?" Percy asks, but not in response to her comment, more like, Why would anyone put this here?
"Hebe's sacred animal," Annabeth explains to them. "Maybe we should move along."
"Those are not friendly pollos," Ara mutters, noticing the way the animals are ogling at them with dead stares. 
Hebe is easy to identify, she's the only person in there dressed like a 60's go-go girl. Everything that could go wrong goes wrong within the next thirty minutes of sitting there talking to her. She rambles about how Percy was stupid for rejecting immortality and eternal youth, scans Ara up and down, making the girl self-conscious, and when Ganymede gets mentioned, that only worsens things.
"Heroes accusing me of theft! The only thing I've ever stolen is time from the Fates so mortals could enjoy longer lives! I care nothing for that... that usurper's cup! Do you think I would want my old job back, waiting tables on Mount Olympus, when I have my own establishment right here with all the pizza, karaoke, and bumper cars I could ever desire?"
"You're right," Percy says promptly. "Of course that's silly. But maybe you know someone else who could've stolen it? Or if you'd let us look around so we can report back that it definitely isn't here—"
"ENOUGH!" Hebe starts glowing. "What did you say earlier, Percy Jackson? Getting older is part of life? Well, perhaps you should start that process over again. Maybe you'll do it right this time and learn some manners!"
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It can get chaotic real fast when a goddess decides to turn everyone in your friend group into eight-year-olds. 
There's lots of clumsiness and tons of emotional immaturity. Ara starts weeping the moment she's stripped of her power. She's an anxious, weak child—and impatient as well. She's tugging Percy's hand screaming about this being all his fault, demanding to be taken back to her mommy and daddy, and it only gets worse when Sparky releases the killer chickens. 
Fifteen-year-old Ara is hard to intimidate, but baby Ara? The moment those beasts show up, she lets out a high-pitched scream and tries to scramble out of there. Annabeth and Percy have to drag her through every obstacle, and at the back of her mind she knows she should help, but Hebe took her to a time when she had no training, no blessings, and no control over her ADHD.
Ara overhears her friends talking about kidnapping chicks, but the only time they pay any attention to her is when they lock themselves inside the karaoke and Percy shoves a mic into her small hand. He squeaks out in his little boy's voice. "You're the singer—Sing!"
Ara hiccups through the song, but she manages to stay calm now that Grover and Annabeth are keeping the cabin sealed shut. The music helps her ease her nerves and soon enough Percy and Annabeth join her. "You're terrible singers," she says in a stuffy voice.
Percy and Annabeth trap her in a hug as they sway and sing louder. Ara lets out a giggle that makes her friends smile more, they hadn't heard that girlish noise in ages. It's hard to notice when someone's voice changes if you spend every day listening to them, just like it's crazy how they're all the same height and age right now. 
Ara always wondered if their relationships would've been any different had she been the same age as them, if they would've trusted her, and perhaps even supported her wish to become a daughter of Olympus. Now that they are, she realizes that no, they would've still tried to stop her, because it was never about the age. Ara was simply too much of a coward.
"Stop it! Stop it, already!" Hebe shows up again, stomping her feet to silence them.
"Oh great and extremely young Hebe!" Percy starts. "We are so sorry—"
"Especially Percy," Annabeth adds.
"I am ninety percent of the sorry!" He concedes. "Please forgive us!"
"If that song was supposed to be an apology, you should direct it to John Lennon."
"He was a jerk," Ara blurts out, then Annabeth elbows her. "But you seem to like the 60s, and we want nothing more than to appeal to you!"
"Please, grant us sanctuary from your wrathful hens!" Grover presses.
"And please return us to our proper ages!" Annabeth adds.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hebe makes a time-out sign. "First you desecrate my karaoke machine, then you barrage me with requests? Why should I return you to your former ages?"
"Because... Because you are generous and good, and also super young," Percy tries clumsily.
"We are petitioners at your altar," Annabeth replies.
"Your holiest of holy karaoke stages! Most sacred of disco boogie venues!" Silence. "Too much?" Grover sighs. "All we want is to leave here in peace, at our normal ages—so we can spread the word about the wonders and terrors of Hebe Jeebies!"
"And with a little information about the chalice of the gods, please," Percy says sweetly.
Hebe scowls at him. "There it is again. That insolence. That slander. Perhaps I did not send you far enough back into your childhood."
"Forgive him!" Annabeth squeaks. "We would never try to run out the clock on you!"
"It's true!" Percy pipes in. "Clocks are bad!"
"I don't know how to read a clock," Ara pipes in.
"You are spouting nonsense," the goddess frowns.
"Exactly, they do that a lot!" Annabeth says. "That's why you must forgive them!"
"What did I do?" Ara pouts. "I didn't get us in this trouble!"
"You matured too fast," Hebe glares at her. "What is a youthful body to a soul that can't enjoy it?"
"That's true, you're growing too fast," Percy nods in agreement.
And whose fault is that? Ara scowls. She doesn't think she's a troublemaker nowadays, the only reason she's stuck as a child is precisely because she's doing exactly what the gods ask of her. "Shut up."
"You shut up!"
Hebe stomps her tiny feet to silence them, she seems to be getting younger. "You are all so—so yucky!" She's getting even smaller than Ara. "What is happening? I don't like it!"
Ara and Percy share a confused look, then he looks at the booth behind them. "Lil' Killer!" He says. 
"A chick?" Ara crawls under the booth.
"Don't look at me like that!" Hebe squeals at the way Annabeth stares at her as if waiting for something. "You're a big dummy!"
Ara holds the chick in her small hands, squirming a little because the animal keeps trying to bite her fingers. They wait until Hebe turns into a full newborn. "What just happened?" Grover mutters.
Annabeth picks up the baby and coos. "Li'l Killer pulled juniority on Hebe. But you are so adorable!" Hebe threatens to hit Annabeth, but it's not strong enough. "Now hold on, I know you're fussy, but I'm sure you're not making an age-based complaint, are you? The chickens wouldn't like that."
Baby Hebe shuts up instantly. Ara giggles and pats the chick she's holding with her index finger.
"Great," Annabeth hums. "Then here's what I suggest. We agree that some young ages are just too young. Then we remove Li'l Killer from the room so you can age yourself back up to at least elementary school. Then you accept our apology, put us back to our normal ages, tell us whatever you know about the chalice of the gods, and we all go our separate ways. Gurgle once for yes. Poop yourself for no."
Hebe gurgles.
"Grover," the girl turns to her friend, "would you ask Li'l Killer to return to her pen, please?" Grover talks to the chick in Ara's hands and the little animal squeaks in response. Ara kisses its tiny head and then pushes it gently through the door. 
Hebe wastes no time turning back into a teenager. "You four..." she growls.
"We apologize, Great Hebe," Annabeth repeats. "And ask for sanctuary."
"And information," Percy reminds her. Annabeth nudges his side. "Please."
"You're lucky I like John Lennon," Hebe snaps her fingers and turns them back to normal. "Sit, and I will tell you what I know. But you aren't going to like it."
Ara sits and stares at her hands: supple, slim, and slightly shaky. In comparison to a few seconds ago, she feels how different she truly is from who she used to be when she was a little girl. Everything in her body is stronger and well-tuned... but what is a perfect body to a polluted soul? At the very core, Ara is still small and insecure, nothing will ever satiate the void in her chest. Nothing will change.
"You okay?" Grover nudges her shoulder. "Did Lil's killer poop on you?"
Ara looks at him, trying to brush off her thoughts. "Just checking for wrinkles."
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Next Chapter –>
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Chapter 8
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"Y/N!" the voice made you turn to see Gojo coming out of the restaurant, one hand in the pocket the other waving at you.
"oh, Gojo, I almost forgot you were here" You smiled slightly, tilting your head.
"hmm... I think I have too much presence for someone to forget me, you know? I am too handsome to be forgotten" he shrugged with a smirk
you scoffed while playfully rolling your eyes "Sometimes I wonder, how much confidence you carry on with you"
"oh, gosh... you won't even believe how much" he replied in a mock-serious tone. "so? he's your boyfriend? it's quite quick for someone who has zero social skills"
"oh, gosh... you wouldn't know how my social skills go so high when I want something desperately" you replied in the same tone he did.
"you wanted a boyfriend desperately?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Did I?" you asked loudly, trying to change the fact that you almost told him you've never had a relationship.
"well, you said your social skills go high when you want something desperately, sounds like you wanted a boyfriend so bad... and that also sounds like you've never had a boyfriend in a long time" he looked at you intently, trying to catch you if you were trying to lie. "or maybe, never had one" he added.
curse yourself for letting that slip. curse yourself again that you can't lie smoothly. you cleared your throat while looking at the car park. "well, what I mean is... I do have social skills when I want something... I didn't specifically say what I wanted" You shrugged slightly.
his eyebrows furrowed 'Okay, I'll act like I believe it' he thought to himself. "you still didn't answer me though? Was that your boyfriend?" Gojo asked. he couldn't believe all this doll-up was for someone so normal, and not for someone special like himself.
"he's m-" you cut yourself, remembering how Gojo was your senpai, even though you liked it or not... you should always follow in their footsteps... you looked at him and smiled cheekily "No comment" 
his eyes were wide waiting for your answer, and when he heard your answer... he sighed while closing his eyes "Well, at least you are learning something from me" he smiled slightly.
you chuckled "I wanted to do that for some time now" his eyes softened as he saw you laughing, genuinely, it seemed so, so real.
"I can see that" he replied, acting all high and mighty "You are a good Kouhai, you should consider yourself lucky to have someone like me as your senpai, Y/N"  
you nodded eagerly, mockingly "True, true words" 
he laughed as he watched you nod "Fine, at least tell me that guy's name?" he smiled, acting like he wasn't thinking about paying the guy a small visit.
"Watanabe Akio, why do you even need his name?" 
"uh... he wasn't that handsome" he shrugged, not knowing what he should say.
"The what?" you looked at him, raising an eyebrow "He's handsome, the most handsome guy I've seen after coming to Japan"
"wow, you are such a liar" he replied after leaning in closer to your face with a smirk "I am the most handsome you saw after returning"
controlling your cursed energy, you placed a finger on his forehead while pushing him back gently. you noticed again... your heartbeat was normal. "I do not want to say 'yes' to that, but it's true, yeah, he was second handsome" You shook your head slightly with a small smile
he took a deep breath as he straightened his posture again. 'you don't know how good it felt to hear that from that pretty mouth of yours' he thought while looking at you with half-lidded eyes, a seductive gaze, which you returned, adding a small smile.
"good, you should agree, it's like so obvious" he shrugged, his gaze returning to normal.
"Anyway, why are you here alone here? I don't know why a handsome guy like you came to such a fancy restaurant alone" you asked, while crossing your arms as you looked around for any sign of Ijichi-san.
he sighed softly "You see, I have so much money to spend... so I just come to restaurants like these to eat when I have nothing better to do" he replied in a calm and serious tone, though it was laced with a hint of playfulness.
"ah, right" you mumbled, uninterested by his income.
"come on, don't be like that," he said with a fake pout "What are you looking at?" he asked, seeing your interest was not at him, but at the carpark
"Hm?" you looked at him, "Ijichi-san told me he'll be here by now, I wonder why he's this late"
"ah! That's what it is" he smiled, he had threatened Ijichi to be late, of course, knowing you only had contacts with Ijichi for an assistant supervisor. "I wonder" he added, "why don't try texting him?" 
you nodded and texted him asking how long it would take for him, and he replied saying the traffic was bad and it would take time... you sighed. "I feel bad for even asking him to do these personal stuff of mine" you mumbled
 "no, it's fine" Gojo replied 
"don't act like you are in his place," you said with a sour face. 
"hm? he agreed to do it because he was free today" Gojo shrugged
"tch," you looked away.
"How old was that, Watanabe?" he asked, making you look back at him 
"you sound so interested in him, I hope you don't pull off anything," you said with a small frown
"I won't," he said with a serious tone "At the moment" he added with a smile
"no, I don't know his age, but I think he is younger than me" you shrugged
"so he's not your boyfriend..." he muttered to himself, he knew it wasn't possible for you having contacts with someone from Japan while being in the US... specially someone who's a non-sorcerer. and even if it's someone from your middle school or someone from your childhood, you couldn't get someone's contact information that quickly, and that Watanabe and you looked so awkward at first...
"huh?" you looked at him with a small frown "I shouldn't have answered you"
he laughed softly "and... that means you and Nanami is not in a relationship either"
"and how did you deduct that, Sherlock?" 
"my dear Watson, if that Nanami and you are a thing, you wouldn't go out with the guy in the first place" he smiled 
"ah, yeah, right..." you were a little, a tiny bit impressed with his deduction "but what if I am cheating on Nanami?" you smirked
"you are not the type to do that" he replied simply with a shrug.
"what do you know about me?" you looked up at the sky, with a small sigh, a small smile playing on your lips
"and you wouldn't come out to eat with Watanabe if Nanami was your boyfriend"
you looked at him "that's true" you nodded.
"will you tell me who he is now then?" he smiled
"my mom forced me to go on a blind date with him, I didn't expect him to be good looking though, I didn't have any excuse to turn him down... 1 point to mom this time" you chuckled 
"didn't have any excuse?" he asked, tilting his head slightly "make one"
"huh?" you raised an eyebrow "what do you mean?"
"make an excuse" he said, looking down at you, his sunglasses sliding down to his nose.  "if you really don't want to date, you would make something up..." he added 
"I guess that's true" you nodded... "maybe I like the guy"
Gojo held you by your shoulders gently while looking deep into your eyes.
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hi there ! very random question, but do you have any recommendations for one visiting milan ?
Hello there! Absolutely! Now I don't know how long you'll be there so I cannot quantify how much time you have (feel free to drop by my chat if you want some extra tips!). You'll find lists of the main things to visit anywhere on the internet so I def recommend starting from there, but here's my two cents too:
the roof of the Cathedral is worth the visit. Get the ticket in advance. There's an elevator option and a stair option, pick what you are more comfortable with. I took the stairs, it's not a big effort if you're abled bodied and healthy.
do not eat in the very center of town (like via Dante etc), look up on the internet the kind of place you want to go and go there. I can give you some recs if you want! No pizza, Milan is not the place for pizza.
if you ask me, Chinese food in Milan is traditional, there's places in the town center (those are okay) or just go to the Chinatown, which is worth a visit too.
for bubble tea, pick the ones where the menu is written in Chinese (like Toccartè in the town center)
pay attention to the buildings!! walk with your eyes a little raised above the level you'd normally keep them lol. go around the streets of the town center and check out the buildings, a lot have decorations like statues, balconies etc.
both Citylife and Porta Garibaldi neighborhoods are worth a visit. The latter has a garden/park that is lovely, esp if you're visiting in spring!
starting from Piazza Duomo, take via Torino and then Corso di Porta Ticinese - it will bring you to the Navigli (area with little restaurants and bars and places for the Youth(TM) to meet up) passing through the spot where the Roman ruins are, which is also a lively area with restaurants, bars etc.
speaking of which, go to the Navigli by evening/night!
also starting from Piazza Duomo but in a different direction, head towards the Castle. From there visit the neighborhood of Brera, the artsy area. The art gallery of Brera is definitely worth a visit. (The restaurants will be overpriced though.) Inside the Brera academy there's a small cute botanical garden too if you want to take a break and chill.
In Piazza Cordusio (between Piazza Duomo and the Castle) there's a Starbucks that's prettier than all other Starbucks and also you won't find the same stuff as normal Starbucks. Get inside (pick a moment where there's no queue) to see the coffee machinery. Don't buy anything though, maybe just a regular coffee.
depending on the day and time you visit, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele might be crowded. Go there anyway. It's so beautiful. You'll see tourist doing the touristy thing on the mosaic bull on the floor (standing with a foot on the balls of the bull and twirling on the spot I think three times?). I won't stop you if you do it, but locals will think 'lol tourists'.
Church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. Just go.
I can't give you tips about fashion shopping lmao I don't have that kind of money. Probably you neither if you're on tumblr instead of shopping in Milan right now
mmm nothing else comes to my mind right now but please feel free to ask me anything!!!
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