#they fill me with joy he just loves his niece so much and is so proud and-
dancing-rowlets · 2 months
So... Do you guys think Murdock had his little Proud Uncle Moment™ when he saw Dot in a Naranja Academy uniform? Like his little moment of crying and being like “Kids grow so fast...” while another member of the crew pats him in the back or
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1d1195 · 2 months
Ding - Round 2
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Read Ding here | ~6.2 k words
WARNING/spoiler there's a scummy guy in this part that tries to be forceful with our MC to go with him back to his place when she doesn't want to. Nothing will happen and nothing will be described in detail but be kind to your mind and heart ♥, trauma, anxiety, pining, and fluff.
From me: I actually know VERY little about boxing and even less about throwing a punch. I do however feel I'm well-versed in sprinkles so do with that what you will. Some parts of this got a little away from me again. I hope you like it 💕
Summary: Harry and Cupcake are both really busy and haven't seen each other in two months. But when Cupcake gets into trouble, she has no choice but to run into Harry.
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Harry learned to fight when he was ten years old. He didn’t have his dad around much to teach him. Mum and Gemma may as well have been pacifists and as such, they weren’t much help when it came to defending himself. Harry watched his little girl friends get teased by boys. The same boys that told him he was weird for liking girls when they had cooties. Even if he didn’t (always) like them like that and was just merely defending them. Mum and Gemma may have been pacifists, but they taught Harry to be a respectful young boy. Especially toward girls.
One too many mouthfuls of sand at recess was enough to make him finally do something about it. He was angry. Angry because the girls didn’t like him because he was a boy (although they tolerated him since he was protecting them). Angry none of the boys in his class wanted to be friends with him because he was being nice to girls filled with cooties. Angry that he didn’t have a dad to teach him how to be a boy’s boy.
For a ten-year-old, he was really angry.
Mum took him to a gym—an introductory class to kickboxing. Just to get some of his anger out in an appropriate manner (and so he wouldn’t be sent to the principal’s office during recess again). Harry took a liking to the punching bag. He cried the first time he used it with the help of an older kid who was helping him learn to punch the right way. The poor teen watching him get so frustrated that his punches and kicks weren’t landing right—even though it was his very first time throwing a punch—saw something in him. Alerted his boss, encouraged Harry, worked with Harry every time he came in. He was a great mentor and even though he left only a couple years after meeting Harry to go to university and all that, Harry was forever grateful.
His first amateur match was at fifteen. Then there were only ten rounds at most, and he won by a landslide in five. By then he met Louis—someone who saw the same thing that teen kid saw in him and offered to be his manager. It wasn’t anything serious at the time. Harry was still in school and only using his time after school to get better at boxing. Louis was only a few years ahead but knew enough to help him be great.
By the time he turned eighteen, he had won three state-titles and people were watching him. At least in a way that those who cared about boxing did. Throughout university he trained and got better and won more and more.
Now Harry was twenty-five. He had to be nearing at least a hundred thousand punches since he was ten—eitherthrowing them at someone or at least in training against the punching bag he loved so much. Maybe more. He couldn’t even begin to think or count how he would figure out that number. Harry’s whole life was training, working, and fighting.
The only joys he had outside of boxing were his car and the sweet little niece that Gemma had kindly brought into his life—but that was only a recent change.
Only one other very recent change had left him a bit tongue-tied and flustered. Harry didn’t get flustered. Not since he was ten and knew he could beat the crap out of someone. There was no ringing bell to prepare him to make eye contact with a complete stranger and just feel like he had never ever felt before.
Was it love? Who could say, really. Harry had never loved anyone in his life that wasn’t his family or his friends. It made his stomach flutter like the first time he fought in a ring for something other than a trophy. A mere two hundred dollars on the line, all to get punched a whole bunch of times. Now he was still getting punched a few times over for a decent amount of money, but the thought of that pretty girl and her sprinkles made him unbelievably excited. Knowing she was there really made him feel different.
He knew next to nothing about her, but he was certain he was going to fall for her given half a chance. Even if she gave him a half a chance—a quarter!—he would do everything he could to have her in his life. If anyone else had damaged his car, he might have lost his shit, but there was something about her kind face, her doe-eyed expression in the rainy lamplight that made him rethink his entire life in the span of twenty seconds.
But whatever it was that he felt for her, he knew it started with her ringside. Beside his best friend waiting for the end of the fight that never seemed to end.
Normally, Harry’s matches finished in an average of nine rounds. But he was seated in the corner, sipping water like a hamster from the bottle, while Louis put Vaseline on his face where the cut on his eyebrow split between the tenth and the eleventh. “How you doing?”
“Is she impressed?” He asked.
“Cupcake. She’s sitting next t’Niall,” he was breathing heavy. Good as he was, it took a lot of energy to punch someone for a half hour as it was.
“Who?” Louis repeated, then thought better of it. He shook his head in frustration. “Can you focus on what you’re doing, Harold?!”
Louis didn’t get it. Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. To be fair, she was probably the reason it was taking longer than normal. Not that he minded. As long as she was impressed by the end, of course. Harry was on his feet, shadowboxing briefly with Louis, that boyish smile on his face. “What the fuck is your issue?” Louis hissed at him. “You’re acting like a lunatic!”
It seemed like a cliché to say he was in love, so he refrained from doing so. He felt it spared Louis further frustration as well. Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake. It was the only thing his brain could think. Fortunately, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next round and knocked a bit of the sense back in his head that had floated away from him on the thoughts of the pretty girl nearby.
His opponent was just as tired (although Harry believed his opponent was more so) as himself. He could see the exhaustion setting in as he held his gloves up near his face blocking a few jabs Harry threw to get the excitement of the new round going. He was waiting, searching, nearly taunting for a window of opportunity. Right as his opponent swung aiming for his face, Harry dodged his punch; smirking as he did. A blinding weak spot, his guard was down for only a fraction of a second but that was all Harry needed.
Poor guy didn’t stand a chance.
Harry looked like he was going to fall asleep sitting there in the bakery kitchen. He was a bit cut up; his eyebrow, the corner of his mouth, and his cheekbone had little cuts. Soothed with Vaseline, but it didn’t seem to bother him. His eyes were droopy. “Is Niall still around to drive you home?” She asked.
He shook his head. “I can drive,” he murmured.
He wasn’t really looking at her, but her look and tone screamed skeptical. “You look too tired to drive.”
“Mm,” he hummed. She was busy bustling back and forth through the kitchen. Cupcakes were in the oven. She only made a dozen, but Harry didn’t seem to notice it was a small amount. He was sitting at the big table in the middle of the kitchen. A seat dragged in from the office. She had her laptop open in her office running the report she needed while Harry held his head propped in one hand. She busied herself with prepping dough for scones and pastries while Harry tried not to loll off to sleep. She smirked at him.
“I could call you an Uber if you wanted,” she offered. “You don’t need to stay with me.”
His eyes were hardly open. “I’ll get a second wind in a minute,” he yawned. “S’jus’ the adrenaline wearing off,” he explained.
“Does that hurt?” She asked gesturing to the cuts on his (otherwise really perfect) face.
He shook his head. “Stings a little.”
“Will you be sore tomorrow?”
“A little. Stiff really... Why y’want t’give me a massage, kitten?” He smiled flirtatiously. Maybe she should have felt uncomfortable, alone with a man she only just met. But honestly, she thought Niall might be her new best friend and if Niall could vouch for Harry, then she wasn’t all that worried about him. Regardless of him knocking out his opponent with one punch. Truthfully, it was nice of her to walk her to the bakery. It was later than she expected and while the town they lived in was pretty safe, the college safety tips of never walking alone flooded her mind each time she did walk alone. She blushed at his forward assumption, but fortunately she was prepping something and stuffing it in the fridge, so he didn’t get to see. Plus, his exhaustion probably made him even flirtier.
“Thanks for being m’good luck charm, Cupcake,” he murmured sleepily.
“I didn’t know you didn’t need one.”
“Can never have too much luck.”
She smiled, continuing her prepping quietly. Harry watched her for a while. Eventually, his arm dropped to the table, and he rested his head on it. After another moment, a soft snore escaped his lips, and she smiled a little brighter. Only for herself, really, since Harry was asleep. She continued working. She was used to late nights. Maybe he really was going to get a second wind—honestly, she couldn’t imagine boxing and punching someone for almost forty-five minutes with only one-minute breaks in between rounds. Sometimes while she was baking, she would try to do other tasks while the timer counted down to take the treats out of the oven. It always surprised her how long and how short a minute could feel in the same breath.
But while she worked, she was mindful to not make too many loud noises. Harry needed sleep it seemed. She prepped for nearly an hour while waiting for the cupcakes to cool long enough to scoop out the middle and fed the sugary raspberry filling into the empty space. Frosting a dozen cupcakes took all but ten minutes then she packaged them in two half-dozen plastic containers with A Pinch of Sprinkles label taping it shut. Gently, she put her hand on his upper arm, and she really shouldn’t have been so surprised by how taut his bicep was beneath her hand, but she was. He was unbelievably strong, and she was in slight awe and shock of touching him—and he wasn’t even flexing. But rather than be creepy, she gave him a gentle shake. “Hey, Harry... Uh...it’s late. I’m gonna get going,” her voice was soft.
Harry startled almost jumping out of his seat and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Sorry, sorry. Wow,” he turned his neck to the left and then right. “M’sorry I dozed off there.”
She shrugged. “Probably needed it,” she assured him with a gentle smile. She pushed the dozen cupcakes forward, across the table. “For you.”
He blinked then looked up at her. “Did you make these for—”
“Well, yes, I made them. You were unbelievably kind to me even though I dented Clay. Plus, you won so it’s like a job well done, you know?”
“You made me cupcakes,” he repeated, his gaze unmoving from her face.
“We really need to work out this whole repeating what the other one says thing,” she felt her cheeks warm as he stared at her, but she smiled, only feeling slightly awkward.
He turned his attention to the two plastic boxes and tilted his head at them. They were identical. His fascination with her precision was immense. “What kind are they?”
“The raspberry filled ones. You said you liked them.”
His gaze went right back to her, and he felt hungry, but not for cupcakes.
Well, at least not the baked good kind of cupcake.
“Thank you, Cupcake. That was sweet of you. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”
Her smile seemed to transcend to a feeling of relief. “Not even a little...um... I just have to grab a couple things. Would you... mind walking me to my car? Unless you need to leave right now. I know it’s crazy late. I’ll be okay. I walk to my car on my own usually but it’s always a little creepy. But I feel bad I made you—”
“’Course m’gonna walk you t’your car,” he rolled his eyes. “Besides I don’t want you t’ding Clay again,” he winked to ensure she knew he was kidding. Because yes, he loved his car.
But rapidly, when it came to her, the car didn’t matter in the slightest.
She hadn’t seen Harry in two months.
It wasn’t like she was avoiding him. Part of her knew he was a mere social media friend request away. In fact, she was trying her hardest to not stare at the pictures of him on social media, the PR plug for his matches, and all the things that she saw Niall, Louis, and all his other friends shared. But she didn’t want to come off too forward. It seemed weird to be so into a man she only talked to for no longer than ten minutes total.
Besides...she had her routines. Work, family, and more work.
Also, if Harry was really infatuated with her the way Niall alluded to, he knew where her bakery was—he easily could come and find her here. But she did notice there was a tag to her shop on Instagram with raspberry filled cupcakes in the picture. (All it would take is for her to press the Follow button and wait.) While she didn’t know Harry all that well, she assumed he was probably just as busy. Her brief cyber-stalking showed that Harry was often at the gym—although she wasn’t sure which one. He was also an amazing uncle. That much was clear. It warmed her heart, and she would never want to tear Harry away from that kind of time. Family was extremely important to her. She wholeheartedly understood how much his free time was probably monopolized by the little baby.
But it was so strange that she didn’t know him yet there was some part of her that wanted to see him. It was bizarre. She never got all up and arms about a guy. There was work and there was her family. That was it. That was all she could afford to balance. She didn’t need a guy to mess with her routines or upset the balance of her life.
However, every time she walked alone to her car at night now, she wished that Harry was with her to assure her safety—even though she had done it hundreds of times before. The night they met, he walked her in silence, opened her door and made sure she was safely tucked inside. “Good night, Cupcake,” he smiled almost dreamily.
“Good night, Harry. Congratulations,” she responded with a smile too.
Harry’s smile grew and he looked away briefly before patted the top of her car and turned to Clay, put his cupcakes on the passenger seat and moved to the driver’s side. He gave her a wave and pulled out of his parking spot.
It was two months ago.
But after just one month, it was hard to deny she didn’t miss him.
That had to mean something. Just one brief night—not even a date. Most of that night was spent with Harry in the ring or asleep at her kitchen table. Hell, she got to know Niall more that night. But it was Harry’s smile that plagued her thought—crooked and perfect. The way his eyes glittered as he convinced her to follow him with a picture of his niece.
“Are you baking something in here or burning in here?” Maeve asked.
Maeve was her best employee—her right hand nearly every day. More importantly, her best friend. Shaking her head of the thoughts surrounding Harry, she sighed and turned to the oven where her fudge brownies were surely overdone. “Shit,” she whispered.
“I don’t think you’ve ever burned anything. Are you okay?” Maeve asked gently. It was a loaded question. It took a lot of time to dig the answer out of her friend, but Maeve did. She knew asking if she was okay was probably the wrong thing to say.
But if it was, she didn’t mind. Of course she didn’t. Her very best friend was sweeter than all the treats in the display case. “Just a little distracted,” she mumbled grabbing the tray and setting it in the sink to cool off (and hopefully so she didn’t have to scrape the bottom of the tray later).
“Harry on your brain?” Maeve giggled.
She rolled her eyes but felt the way her cheeks warmed at Maeve’s (correct) assumption. Maeve was shocked to learn that her strong-willed friend was convinced by a stranger to go see a boxing match. She couldn’t believe it. Granted, once she saw the picture of Harry, she couldn’t disagree. I think I would let him punch me in the face if he wanted to.
She decided keeping Maeve as far away from Harry as possible was probably necessary.
Rarely did she and Maeve work together. As her best employee and best friend, it was like asking her to hold her child when Maeve was on shift. There was no one she trusted more. So, when Maeve wasn’t there, she often was and vice versa. But every so often, usually at the shift change, Maeve got to see her best friend in her element. “Well, the good news is, you can go think of him at home,” she winked at her.
She didn’t even look at her. “You’re disgusting,” she deadpanned.
Maeve snorted. “That’s not even what I was insinuating. Your mind went directly to the gutter. Good for you. I bet he thinks about you while he’s doing it too.”
“Jesus Christ,” she was blushing brightly now. “I just want to fix the display case and then I’ll go.”
“Any fun plans for tonight?”
She hesitated briefly. “Uh yeah...actually. I have a date,” she mumbled.
“Oh!” It was silent for a long beat. Rarely did she go on dates. There were only a few since she moved into town three years ago. Mostly because the bakery took up so much of her free time. The remaining bit of time she had and didn’t go on dates was because of the guilt she felt. Maeve’s surprise was palpable. It made her cheeks turn pink and she bit the inside of her cheek. “Good,” Maeve smiled encouragingly. “Online?” She asked.
She nodded. “We’ve been messaging back and forth for like...” she shrugged. “Two weeks.”
“Are you excited?”
No. “Yes,” she sighed softly. “Been a while,” she smirked. There was a huge part of her brain that told her she didn’t want to go because it wasn’t Harry. It was like a neon sign had been posted in her frontal lobe reminding her that it was pointless to even consider this date. She should have just requested to follow Harry and be done with it—he would probably drop everything if she asked him on a date. “Just...nervous.”
“It’ll be good!” Maeve said reassuringly. “Share your location with me and text me when you get to where you’re sleeping,” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“I will be sleeping at home,” she promised snorting through her laugh at her best friend.
Maeve smiled heading to the front and leaving her to finish with her burned brownies.
The front of the bakery was dark in color; she was aiming for warmth. The floors and baseboards were dark walnut brown. It contrasted sharply with the wall she wall-papered by hand with a white and brown marble pattern behind the display cases. It made the black chalkboard menus with the same walnut brown frames stand out. The lights were always set to dim when they were on. Her goal was to recreate the feeling of her childhood home—particularly the den where her father set up the most beautiful Christmases. The bakery lacked a fireplace (she joked with Maeve that it was an oven or a fireplace, and the oven did a better job at cooking croissants evenly).
The front of the bakery wasn’t massive. There were five little tables to sit and enjoy their treats if people wanted but it was really a grab and go kind of place. The back had more treats stored so the main room didn’t look overwhelming. The front display cases still contained more treats than anyone could think of eating. I wish I could buy one of everything was heard frequently from the line. Eventually she wanted to invest in coffee but for the time being she liked just her treats and was happy to recommend the coffee place down the road. If she ever got a hold of more space, then she would consider buying all the machines for coffee.
The bakery was honestly warmest when it was rainy. Which was frequent. She was reorganizing the main cupcake display, a tower of three tiers with one of each type of cupcake she made. The raspberry filled cupcake was the one that had been on top for the last two months. Each time it was bought, she replaced it with another. While people raved about her brownies, cakes, and even the croissants, it was the cupcakes that people came for; and so, she took care of the display as much as possible.
“Which one do you recommend?” She turned to the voice and saw a mom and little girl waiting patiently. She smiled fondly.
“Raspberry filled,” she pulled it from the top tier and handed it over. “Try it,” she offered.
“Oh, we don’t want to get you in trouble,” the mom said quickly while her daughter grabbed for it almost immediately.
She laughed. “Don’t worry, I know the owner,” she promised. “Maeve! I’m leaving!” She called but was delighted by the little girl’s approval. Silence, cake and filling on her cheeks immediately, and a delightful look in her eye.
“Have fun!” She called back.
“Enjoy the cupcakes. I also like the lemon vanilla ones.”
“I think raspberry filled is the winner,” the mom smiled.
She nodded, unable to keep herself from grinning back. “A fan favorite.”
She should have stayed home. The bad weather should have been an omen. But maybe it wouldn’t have been because she met Harry in bad weather, and everything was fine that night. It soured her mood and made her feel infinitely worse to think about the comparison.
I’m home. Not a great date. I’ll tell you later. She wished she had gone to Maeve’s. Maybe she would have doted on her. But she didn’t want to fall apart the way she planned on in front of her.
:( sorry babe. Sleep tight. Talk to you tomorrow :(
She locked her apartment door and checked at least fifty times that it was truly locked before she moved to her bathroom. Her heart was still in her throat and her eyes felt raw with tears. Maybe she was overreacting.
The rational part of her brain reasoned against her handwaving casualness. She had good instincts. Obviously. If this same situation happened with Harry, then maybe she would have considered it her own poor judgment. It was more reason that someone as terrifying as Harry could have be sweet as her cupcakes that it was her good judgment that helped her get out of there tonight.
She hurried to get out of her clothes. Part of her considered throwing them away. She didn’t want them any longer. She wasn’t sure she would ever wear them again. She turned the shower on as hot as she could stand it and pushed it a little further.
He didn’t hurt her physically. He tried. It was obvious his intent was to force her into the car... or worse. Which was disgusting in its own right. Until that moment in the dark, rainy parking lot, it was almost identical to her moment with Harry. But it wasn’t. Harry didn’t make her feel unsafe. Harry didn’t make her feel threatened. Harry gave her an out even though he wanted to hang out with her. She knew she could leave at any moment and Harry wouldn’t have blamed her.
She rubbed her arm so hard with her loofa in the shower stream it burned for a new reason. Tears blurred her vision and she felt so stupid. So completely idiotic. How could she let it get that far? That was so dangerous. So close she could have been hurt in so many ways that she didn’t want to think about, ever again. She closed her eyes and let the water wash the night away, feeling completely alone and dreadful.
She never wanted to date again.
She finished her shower, sniffles plaguing her, and she got into her comfiest pajamas. Her heart was still beating too fast as she crawled under the covers. She felt so ashamed. It felt like her fault. All of it.
There was a tiny rattling in her brain that Harry could have prevented it all. She should have just requested Harry on social media when she met him. If she had, she would have had his number by then. He would have helped her for sure.
Without thinking, she scrolled on her apps, and clicked on the various follow buttons. Every platform she could think of to request his social media friendship—looking like a lunatic be damned. Almost everything had a phone call button now, she could use it as backup if she needed. For good measure she requested Niall too. It was nearing midnight, and she couldn’t bring herself to care. She was scared. Nervous. Heartbroken.
Yet, within moments, Harry returned the request along with a direct message in her inbox.
Thinking of me at midnight, hmm?  😉
She snorted despite her uneasiness. One sentence and she melted. But she couldn’t let him know that. 🙄 it was nice while it lasted. Just going to unfollow you...
Aw, c’mon Cupcake 🙁
Oh alright... No, not really... just can’t sleep. Popped up on my people you may know while scrolling. It wasn’t a complete lie, and she was glad she wasn’t having a phone call. He would have heard her sniffles and then she wasn’t sure she would have been able to stop herself from inviting a total stranger over. Right now, she didn’t trust her judgment fully.
Been dying to press that Follow button, Cupcake. Didn’t want to come on too strong after that first night.
She couldn’t help but smile. The contrast between the night she met Harry, and her present night made her sad but relieved at the same time. I see you enjoyed the cupcakes.
Louis made me run laps for two hours because of you. I ate all twelve in less than 72 hours. Do you put drugs in those? They’re addicting.
Lol, no drugs. Well... sugar. So, pick your poison I guess, right? 😇
Well, thank you, Cupcake. That was delicious. I hope you liked the match too. We didn’t get to talk much. I know I fell asleep 🤦‍♂️ I was really happy you were there.
Her heart felt so warm already. Despite how much she didn’t want it to. Thank you for inviting me. Because she was nothing if not polite. It was really exciting! I don’t know much about boxing. But it’s obvious you’re very good—not that you need me to tell you that. Were you really going to make me look like an idiot and not tell me you were undefeated?
You’ll make me blush, Cupcake. Didn’t think you’d come with me if you knew.
Sneaky... 👀
Just... wanted you there, kitten. I promise. Nothing more... I know I came off a little too strong and I know I was a little...pushy. I would have let you go to your store if you really wanted to... But...
The three dots on his message disappeared and reappeared a few times over.It was cute to imagine him holding his phone thinking about what to type, erasing it, typing it again.
I can’t explain it, Cupcake. I’ve been going CRAZY these last two months. Niall’s calling me a stalker and I haven’t even SEEN you. The sentiment doesn’t give her any bad feelings. Because despite how much she wanted to be guarded, especially after her evening, she couldn’t help but believe him. Trust him, implicitly.
I swear something in the universe pulled me to you... I woke up just in time to see you blowing up my phone tonight 😍😍
She snorted and felt her body warm with his kindness, his gentle adoration through her phone no less. You’re insane, Harry Styles.
About you 😍
Oh my God... Now she really was blushing, but she couldn’t help but notice she felt so much better chatting with him. Well... we can talk tomorrow if you want.
I’m assuming you’re tired and I’ve already hogged more than enough of your time at midnight, as you pointed out.
Oh, no.
No way, Cupcake. I’ll stay up all night to talk with you ❤
Her heart felt so heavy. It was unfair. How could she be so stupid? Her dad would have killed her for being so naïve. It was his worst fear while she was growing up. It was everything he always talked her through when she was going through puberty and telling her about boys teasing her. Her dad reminded her constantly that a man has no right to make her feel scared or fragile.
But she could feel his grip on her arm trying to coerce her back into his car. She shook her head of the thoughts, refusing to let him poison any more of her time than he had. She was talking to Harry. She was okay. It was alright. It didn’t happen. She got in an Uber, and she’ll never see him again.
Harry was talking to her. Harry made her feel safe. Harry didn’t make her stomach unsettled with a bad gut feeling. Here’s my phone number if you want it.
Within moments, she had a new text message alert. This is better than an undefeated record 😍
The following morning, she felt less terrible about herself and her stupidity, but she never wanted to feel that way again. She was also so tired from texting with Harry for hours. It was nearly three in the morning catching up on all the things he did in the past two months before she wished him a good night. There wasn’t much to report about their lives. They both seemed to be workaholics, but he did offer her some really cute baby pictures of his niece (and a pretty cute picture of Niall falling asleep on Harry’s couch after an intense workout).
While she sipped her coffee—staving off the sleepiness, she Googled self-defense classes. Her dad would have approved. He wanted her to do it back when she was in college, but she refused for whatever reason. She regretted that too.
It was telling that she debated whether she was overreacting for several minutes. If she was overreacting, she would have brushed off the idea of self-defense classes like she did in college. But this wasn’t something to overreact about, right? Before she could overthink it any longer, she paid for the class. Honestly, in that parking lot she was smart to do this. Worst case scenario, for one reason or another, it was the smart decision.
She cycled through the next stage of grief feeling angry and bitter that he made her feel this way. She was incredibly lucky it was raining and slippery and she managed to get away from him in the chilly spring air. He left her so rattled. She was defenseless, so a class was needed.
God, she missed her dad.
Fuck, she missed Harry.
She never wanted to feel that helpless again.
With the class paid for, she put an apron around her waist and headed to the front of A Pinch of Sprinkles and turned the closed sign to open.
The following Monday, after a full day of flour, sugar, and plenty of customers, she headed to the gym.
It felt awkward. She hadn’t been to a gym since her college days, and she was already frustrated from her horrific night out. She and Maeve told each other they would go together but they were terrible influences on one another and opted for shopping trips with the promise they would pretend their shopping bags were dumbbells.
When she arrived, she headed to the front desk and introduced herself. She even admitted she felt awkward and the woman behind the desk smiled encouragingly. “I’m Sarah. Let me show you around,” she came from behind the desk and headed toward the side room. “It’s safe here,” she assured her, like she knew. The assurance made her throat tight with emotion and she nodded stoically. “This is the locker room; you can change in here and you can leave your stuff locked up or in the front cubbies and I can watch it. Whatever makes you more comfortable,” she smiled kindly and glanced her up and down briefly. “Do you own that bakery downtown?”
She smiled and nodded, looking at the flour handprint on the thigh of her pants. “Thought I got all the flour off,” she brushed at it with a chuckle. “Yes, I do.”
“My husband is going to think I met a celebrity today,” she laughed. “We love your blueberry scones. They taste like heaven.”
“Aw, thank you so much, that’s so kind. I’ll bring some next time,” she promised.
“Oh stop, I’ll divorce him,” she laughed and headed back for the front desk.
She quickly changed, feeling safe and relieved once more. She brought her belongings to the front and sat in one of the seats across from Sarah’s desk. “Kickboxing is just wrapping up and your instructors will be right over,” there was a group of several other women milling about. Obviously, they at least knew how to be in a gym by themselves. A few came as a small group. Maybe she should have brought Maeve.
While waiting, she scrolled through emails from her landlord, her college alma mater group, and all the coupons she had ever subscribed to. “I have got to unsubscribe,” she murmured to herself. She scrolled through photos of the beautiful little area she lived in now, and as sad as it was to get here, it was nice. Her shop was nice. Despite how scared she was over the weekend, things were good.
The only thing that wasn’t nice was that stupid, awful man.
“Holy shit, he’s hot,” she heard someone whisper. It was peripheral. She didn’t even register it really because she was sending Maeve a picture of the sale that was happening at their favorite clothing store on Thursday. If she paid attention, she might have noticed sooner.
“Ladies, self-defense class, this way please!” The voice was familiar, but she couldn’t place it. Maeve sent about ten heart eyes to her, and she smiled, stuffed her phone in her bag, and waved to Sarah.
“Blueberry scones,” she repeated with a firm nod and followed the line of women. She sipped from her water taking in the banners around the gym and realized too late why Louis’ voice sounded so familiar.
He stood at the front of the room, along with another familiar face.
“Oh shit,” she whispered to herself and turned immediately back toward the desk.
She bumped into another woman who steadied her and kindly looked her over. “Sorry—are you alright?” she was nearly motherly in her demeanor and her head felt woozy. She couldn’t do this. Harry would know.
Why was Harry attending her self-defense class?
“Yes, yes, sorry,” she shook her head. “Wrong—”
“Hey,” Harry’s voice was right there. She stepped out of the room trying to get more air to her lungs and head.He wasn’t attending. He was teaching. This was his gym. The boxing rings in the main room should have been a clue. The sound of Louis’ voice. Oh, you stupid idiot, her brain scolded.
“Cupcake?” Her head responded to the nickname instinctively. Harry’s suspicious green eyes gazed back at her. “What are you doing here?”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter @kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @harryscherri @indierockgirrl @michellekstyles
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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andy-15-07 · 3 months
Babysitting and decisions
masterlist ! pairing Drew Starkey x reader
SUMMARY: Drew and Y/n are babysitting
Outer Banks Masterlist
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Y/n watched from the doorway with a smile as Drew knelt on the floor, playing with his niece, Lily. The little girl giggled with delight as Drew made funny faces and silly noises, her eyes shining with pure joy. It warmed Y/n's heart to see Drew interacting with Lily, his gentle demeanor and playful spirit shining through as he entertained her.
As Drew glanced up and caught sight of Y/n watching them, his face lit up with a bright smile. "Hey, come join us," he called, patting the space beside him on the floor.
Y/n walked over and sat down beside them, her heart swelling with love as she watched Drew and Lily play together. It was moments like these that made her realize just how much she wanted to start a family with Drew, to share the joys of parenthood and watch their children grow and thrive.
"Drew, you're so good with her," Y/n said softly, her voice filled with admiration.
Drew looked at her, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Thanks, babe. I love spending time with Lily. She's such a little bundle of energy."
Y/n nodded, a small smile playing at her lips. "You know, seeing you with her just reminds me of how much I want us to have kids of our own someday."
Drew's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze locking with hers. "Really? You mean that?"
Y/n nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. "Yes, Drew. I mean it. I want to start a family with you. I want us to have children and build a life together."
A look of pure joy spread across Drew's face as he reached out to take Y/n's hand in his. "That's all I've ever wanted, too, Y/n. I can't wait to start this journey with you."
They sat there together, hand in hand, as the realization of their shared dreams washed over them. In that moment, surrounded by the laughter of Lily and the warmth of each other's love, Y/n and Drew knew that their future was brighter than ever before. And as they looked ahead to the adventures that awaited them, they knew that they would face them together, as a family.
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readychilledwine · 1 month
Pieces of You pt 4
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Summary - After losing Feyre to childbirth, Rhysand finds himself leaning on one of her friends much more than he'd ever expected.
Warnings- Mourning, loss of a partner, loss of a friend, loss of parent, babies and the complications that come with raising them, slight neglect, slight angst to wrap it up before Fluff and smut begin, same editing warning (friend is arc reading, Liz will catch any other mistakes when she rereads this with fresh eyes)
A/n - I promised they wouldn't be a part long. What you're all waiting for will happen in the next part. 🫣
✨️ Series Masterlist ✨️ Rhysand Masterlist ✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
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This nanny was not you.
You had the left house, as promised, Monday morning. You hadn't taken a single dress Rhys had bought his Little Mor, a single one of her toys, you didn't even take the blanket he had paid for with her name stitched into soft buttery fabric.
He watched as Nyx fought the female he had hired. He would only latch to her for a few moments before wailing, piercing the now all too quiet home with his confusion and frustration. This nanny was not you, and Nyx clearly was not going to accept her.
He had hoped by the afternoon Nyx would have been hungry enough to just latch, to cave, but that was not the case. The young heir was crying again, frustrated and hungry as he slowly wore himself out into another unscheduled nap. Rhysand zoned out the noise, his mind now on you, on the second chance of love, devotion, happiness he allowed to walk out the door.
Nyx had taken to you. He was a momma’s boy the second he was about to show preference. But Morwenna, Morwenna was Rhysand's. His own breathing filled the void of silence that had fall over the house, and as he stared at his paperwork, tears began to fall, he just hoped your mind was on him, or at least Nyx, as well.
His mind went to his Little Mor, his sweet girl. Her eyes always lit up for him, shrieks of joy and excitement were common in Rhysand's office.
You sighed and sunk into the couch, Azriel beside you as you did. “Come home,” he had been begging for the past two hours for you to see reason, to forgive Rhysand. He had explained what happened at dinner, watching as you slowly fell apart all over again. “He didn't mean a single word. I can tell.”
Azriel swallowed before standing, “I will be back. Kiss my niece for me when she wakes up. I'll come back to sing her to sleep tonight.”
You shook your head, leaning back into the couch as you did. “It felt like he did, Azriel. It felt like he just-” you stopped yourself from crying, not willing to hurt over some male who so easily threw you away. “He said I needed to stop acting like Nyx's mom.” You watched Azriel's face fall. Watched as his sun-kissed tan skin paled. “Then tried to tell me I could not take Morwenna with me.”
Screaming. Screaming was all Azriel heard as he walked into the new Riverhouse. Rhys was pacing the floor, bouncing Nyx as the sun fell and Cassian stood there, eyes watering and wide in panic. He took a spot next to Cassian, sharing a look of concern with his brother. “He refuses to latch on to his nanny,” Cassian's voice cracked. “And Madja keeps trying to tell Rhysand it's just going to be an adjustment period, but Nyx is hungry.”
Azriel nodded, mind flashing back to the subtle looks of pain on your face as you so much as moved or held his Little Mor. “And he won't just suck up his pride and take him to y/n?”
Cassian sighed. “He said he can't do that after what he has done. That there is no fixing the hurt he caused.” Anger had leaked into Cassian's soft voice. “I do not get how she can do this to Nyx.”
“You would do it to if you mate ignored your bond.” The weight of those words hit Cassian's chest, screaming in his like an alarm. “What.”
“Y/n and Rhysand are mates,” Azriel went to Rhys, stroking Nyx's back. “Let me take him to her?”
Rhys shook his head, ignoring the tears falling at his son's frustration. “I just need him to adjust.”
“Starving is not adjusting, Rhysand. It is neglect.” The High Lord turned to Azriel, glaring hard. “I know what you said to her. Go there, apologize, and have her feed him at the very least. She loves him.”
As if it was a spell place to curse Rhysand, Nyx must have caught the faint scent of you lingering to Azriel's soft t shirt. The heir calmed significantly, reaching for the material. “Give me your shirt so I can lay him down and we can discuss this.”
Azriel obeyed, hoping just the scent of you would be enough to give him a small nap while Azriel convinced Rhysand to let him take Nyx to you. Just for the night.
Rhysand sighed, laying Nyx down with Azriel's shirt underneath him. He would have been lying if anyone asked him if he had savored that soft scent clinging to the shirt. He walked out of the room and hardly made it 5 steps before the wailing began again. Rhys pulled the bottle filled with the mixture Madja had made from his pocket world before going back in.
Nyx was inconsolable. He had spent the better portion of the morning crying, screaming, refusing to sleep.
Rhysand picked him up, praying to anyone who would listen and wishing on every star that Nyx would just take this bottle. As soon as he latched, Rhysand watched his flawless little face make a deeper scowl before pushing the bottle away. You were Nyx's sole thought. Your smell, your skin under his, your voice. The piercing wail had Azriel and Cassian running up the stairs as soon as they heard.
Rhysand knew Nyx didn't fully understand the noise about to come from his mouth. Nyx didn't know it expressed exactly what he wanted, nor what the sound would mean. He didn't know that it would make his father crawl back to you less than 12 hours after you had left. The heir released a strangled cry over and over again of one of the only sounds he knew to make, "Ma. Ma. Ma!”
"No," Rhysand choked down the tears that were getting ready to fall. "He's crying for y/n. He's crying for his mama.” Rhys didn't wait for them, he didn't even say goodbye, he winnowed into your living room. You were curled up on the couch, instantly awake by the sounds of Nyx's crying.
"Is he crying for Feyre?" Cassian went to take a tentative step forward, just for Rhysand to stand and move quickly out of the room.
Rhysand didn't even have to ask. He didn't have to beg. You took the heir instantly and pulled him to you, placing him in his favorite spot to eat.
His tears had triggered Morwenna, though, and soon her soft cries filled the air. Rhysand ran to her. He ran to his daughter and cradled her tight to his chest. Her bright eyes instantly looked up at him, a smile taking place of where a deep frown was. “Hi baby girl,” her giggle instantly changed his mood. He walked her to the living room, watching as she instantly because to smile and shriek at the sight of Nyx.
“Give him a little bit, baby,” you didn't even look up from the tiny illyrian, stroking his brow as he ate. “He is very hungry and mama needs him to eat.” Rhys sat across from you, holding Little Mor tight to him. “She's been making d noises all day. To me, to Azriel, to no one. Just “dah duh deh” all day.”
“She missed her daddy,” Rhys held her up, rocking her gently side to side, “didn't you Morwenna. You missed daddy? 13 hours apart is much too long, isn't it, my little darling.” You shook your head, fighting the smile as Wen giggled at Rhysand.
You felt your heart skip a best as he kissed her cheeks and then her tummy. Rhysand was a wonderful father, and watching him in this element, this area of self-doubt, he had made all feelings of anger melt away. He looked to you instantly, claws gently tapping on the fortress of your mind before you allowed him in. “Let me take us home?” Home, the word replayed in your mind before you nodded, holding a hand to him. Home sounded so good.
He winnowed you two back to the Riverhouse, making Wen giggle even more at the starlight that surrounded you four. You walked in and stopped dead in your tracks, eyes Azriel up and down. “Where are your clothes?”
Azriel looked shameless, muscled torso on display as he held Cassian in a headlock. “I'm choking out Cassian and your concern is my lack of a shirt?”
Cassian raised a hand to you, face slightly red. His eyes had a hint of guilt in them as he tapped Azriel's abs. “Y/n,” Cassian moved to guide you to the couch, smiling at a still latched Nyx and then moved Rhysand to be next you. “I want to apologize.” You knit your brows at him as he sat and Azriel glared.
“I made some unfair statements without consideration for you and Rhysand. I did not think about how my words would affect your relationship with each other, or how I cheapend the new mating bond you two share.”
Cassian looked raw. Like months of build up and emotion hit him. “We prepared you know? We knew she was going to die, we begged and prayed for a solution, and just when hope came it crashed like a tidal wave. Nesta and I won't even touch each other. The guilt-”
“You have nothing to be guilty for, Cass,” Rhys interrupted him. “I'm the one who had sex with her. I'm the one who-”
“It was an accident,” you spoke softly, pulling the focus to you. “Feyre's death was a tragic mistake and accident. You all did not know the extent of her shifting magic. You didn't know it temporarily changed her that deeply.”
Rhys seemed love drunk as he handed you Little Mor, kissing both babes before you walked away. He was silent until you left, eyes trailing your body. “Cassian, I love her.”
Rhys sobbed softly, hearing words from you many had whispered before felt so different. Like a soothing balm over a wound, slowly healing it. “Cassian, Nesta did not know that the outcome of her bargaining with a God would be a cruel trick. There's no guilt to be had. She gave everything back, made herself the Cauldron’s servant. She was too young to read those unspoken lines.” Nyx finally let go, deep asleep in your arms. “I'm going to go lay him down. There is nothing for me to forgive because you did not intentionally harm me, Cassian, but maybe you three should speak.”
“I know.”
“That doesn't mean I never loved Feyre. Nor that I've forgotten her.”
A second “I know” broke through Cassian's lips, his shoulders falling as it did. “I miss her.”
Rhys felt the tears welling, felt them falling before he could will them away. “I do too. Every fucking day I miss her. I miss her hair, her laugh, her voice. I miss her correcting me.” He watched Cassian fall more, mourning the sister he had lost openly for the first time.
“But when I'm with y/n, it hurts less. When I see y/n smile, I feel more whole again. When I hear her laugh, I feel like I'm alive again. When I see her with Nyx, when I see his smile when she's holding him or playing with them, I feel like Feyre is here, nudging me towards y/n.”
Azriel's voice came, soft and slow. “Feyre would want you to move on, Rhysand. She would have wanted you to find happiness. She would probably fight all of us for being this sad.”
The thought of that made Cassian genuinely smile. His eyes sparkling with fond memories of Feyre Cursebreaker stomping her feet when he'd beat her during a sparring match. “Her and Feyre both do this thing, maybe it's an artistic thing, where they look at things really close and back away slowly.”
Rhys started laughing immediately knowing what his brother meant. “Y/n did it with one of my outfits. She said I looked great as long as she stayed 5 feet away.”
Azriel put a hand on Cassian's shoulder. “This is a roundabout way of us telling you we support you, Rhysand. We support you and y/n.”
“Two mates,” Cassian said slowly. “Imagine having two mates, Az. Two females that you get to love unconditionally and annoy whenever you'd like.”
Rhys and Azriel shared a silent look, a soft, "Not yet” coming through to Rhysand's mind. “We will leave you and y/n alone to talk.”
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“There won't be much talking,” Rhysand stood slowly. “I've always been better at expressing my emotions physically.”
General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @chxosangxl @dreamlandreader
Pieces of You Taglist:
@dr4g0ngirl @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @blueeclipsepaperstudent @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @novalovi @rachelnicolee @sleepylunarwolf @sidthedollface2 @acourtofbatboydreams @bunnyredgirl @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @demonicbusiness @blushingfawnsposts @bookishbroadwaybish @littlestw01f @miadialila @golden-canyon @fxckmiup
@batii-skies @emma-andrea1 @buckystevelove @slut4acotar @cauldronboilmetakemetovelaris @awkardnerd @throneofshadows @sevikas-whore @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife @why4anne @brieflyclassymortal @aspenger @nayaniasworld @nyxbranwenn
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You do realise your gonna have to do an uncle Harry fic now x
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Uncle Harry.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here !!
authors note - gemmas a mum, i feel so emotional for a some reason 🥹🥹
word count - 1.1k
in which, after the birth of her baby, you and harry decided to stop by the hospital to see her, where tears fall and memories are created.
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“Can you please tell us what room Gemma Styles is in, please?”
In the early hours of the morning Harry’s phone rang, it was his sisters boyfriend announcing that Gemma had gone into labour and that the baby would be here any hours now.
The two of you were unable to sleep for the rest of the evening, harry was bouncing his foot on the floor in anticipation as he patiently waited for his phone to ring once more.
And when it did, you had never seen him cry so much, not even the day he proposed to you.
Harry gives you a reassuring smile before turning to the nurse behind the counter, waiting for her answer.
The nurse looks up from her computer screen and studies the two of you for a moment before asking, "And what's your relationship to her?"
Harry's grip on your hand tightens as he responds, "She's m’sister, and this is m’fiancée."
The nurse sighs softly and taps away at the keyboard in front of her before answering, "She's on the maternity ward, room 9. When you get to the ward, you'll need to press the intercoms and wait to be let in."
“Thank you.” You nod, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as you follow Harry down the hallway towards the maternity ward. The anticipation of meeting your future niece or nephew fills you with a sense of joy unlike any other.
As you and Harry make your way down the hallway towards the maternity ward, you feel his hand slightly sweaty in yours, a telltale sign of his nervousness. You give his hand a gentle squeeze, offering him a reassuring smile as you approach the entrance.
Standing in front of the door to the ward, Harry takes a deep breath, his eyes flickering with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
"I hope she's doing alright," he murmurs, his voice tinged with worry.
You nod in understanding, your own heart racing with anticipation.
"She'll be absolutely fine," you assure him, giving his hand another squeeze before reaching out to press the intercom button. “She’s a Styles after all.”
A moment later, a voice crackles through the speaker, "Can I help you?"
You glance at Harry, sharing a soft smile before leaning towards the intercom.
"Yes, we're here to see Gemma Styles," you say, your voice calm and steady despite the butterflies in your stomach.
The nurse on the intercom asks a few more questions and shortly after, the door to the ward clicks open. You and Harry exchange a glance before stepping inside, the sterile smell of the hospital filling your senses as you make your way down the corridor towards room 9.
As you reach the door, Harry hesitates for a moment, his hand tightening around yours.
"M’nervous," he admits quietly, his eyes darting towards the closed door.
You reach up, cupping his cheeks in your hands and meeting his gaze with reassurance.
"It's okay to be nervous, Harry," you say softly, your voice filled with warmth and understanding. "After all, your sister just had a baby."
Harry nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he leans into your touch.
"Thank you," he murmurs, his eyes reflecting his gratitude as he squeezes your hand.
With a deep breath, you knock on the door, hearing a soft murmur of an ‘come in’ before you softly push open the door to room 9, stepping inside with Harry by your side.
The sight that greets you warms your heart - Gemma resting in the hospital bed, a tiny bundle nestled in her arms, her face glowing with love and exhaustion.
You stand back, giving Harry space as he approaches Gemma's bedside. Anne smiles warmly at him, her eyes filled with pride as she watches her son greet his sister and the newest member of their family.
Michal stands by Gemma's side, a look of pure adoration on his face as he gazes at the tiny bundle in her arms.
"Hey Gem, how are you feeling?" Harry asks softly, his voice filled with concern as he takes in her tired but radiant appearance.
Gemma looks up at him, her eyes shining with emotion.
"I've never felt anything like it, H," she whispers, her voice filled with wonder. "She's perfect."
Harry's gaze shifts to the baby girl nestled on Gemma's chest, a soft smile spreading across his face.
"She's absolutely adorable," he says, his voice filled with awe. "I'm so proud of you, Gem."
Gemma looks up at Harry with a gentle smile, her eyes filled with affection.
"Would you like to hold her, H?" she asks, her voice soft but eager.
Harry's face lights up with excitement, nodding his head enthusiastically.
"Yes, absolutely," he replies, his voice filled with anticipation.
Gemma carefully passes the newborn to Michael, who holds her securely as he steps aside to give Harry room.
Harry takes a seat in a nearby chair, his hands trembling slightly with nerves and excitement.
As Michael slowly and carefully passes the newborn into Harry's awaiting arms,
Harry's heart swells with love and awe. He cradles her gently, his eyes fixed on her tiny face as he marvels at her delicate features.
"She's so tiny," Harry murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper as he gazes down at the precious bundle in his arms. "And so perfect."
Gemma watches with tears of joy in her eyes as Harry holds her daughter for the first time, her heart overflowing with love for her brother and her newborn baby. She reaches out, squeezing Harry's hand in silent gratitude for this special moment they are sharing together.
As Harry holds his newborn niece in his arms, silent tears stream down his cheeks, his emotions overwhelming him in the most beautiful way. He takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself before speaking.
"You are so precious," Harry whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "And I promise you, I will always love and protect you. You'll never have to doubt that."
Gemma and Anne exchange tearful smiles as they listen to Harry's heartfelt words, knowing that he means every single one of them.
"You're going to have the best uncle ever," Harry continues, his voice filled with determination. "I'll always be here for you, through every laugh and every tear. You can count on me."
He looks up at you, noticing that you also have tears in your eyes upon witnessing the sight in front of you, Harry’s a natural with children.
You smile at him softly, watching as love shines his eyes.
The baby stirs in Harry's arms, as if sensing the love and sincerity in his words. Harry smiles through his tears, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"I love you so much, little one," he whispers, his voice trembling with emotion. "Welcome to the world."
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eddiesxangel · 7 months
Fuck the Nice List| Santa!Eddie x Reader
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Smutty Part 2 of Hey, Mr. Claus
Cw smut, Eddie is dressed as Santa for your nieces and nephews and you can’t keep your hands to yourself. Minors DNI
The night was wrapping up as you and all your loved ones were gathered around the Christmas tree at your brothers' house. It was the first Christmas you were spending with your new boyfriend, Eddie, and he wanted to make a good impression on your family. So, he volunteered to dress as Santa for the younger ones. He already had experience from his Mall Santa job and thought it would be a way to get into your family's good books.
You heard a rustling of wrapping and tissue paper as the kids were getting squirmy and anxious to see who was coming around the corner.
“HO HO HO! Merry Christmas!” Eddie belted in his lower register voice when he played the character. As he entered the living room, a sack of presents filled with gifts your family had bought prior was slung around his shoulder.
Many high-pitched cheers of joy pierced your ears as the young ones screamed. They all ran up to Santa Eddie, not knowing it was the man they sat beside at dinner. He had put much effort into his appearance to make it more believable.
His hair was tucked away into his hat that had a long white curly wig underneath it. A long, white, silky beard was attached to his face, and some makeup made him look a bit older and rosie.
Eddie sat and listened to each child on what they wanted, and then he gave them a single gift. He was attentive and aware of how important it was to each child. This would live in their memories forever. The “real” Santa was here just for them on Christmas Eve! What else could they want?
The way Eddie was being so good with the kids of your family was making you feel things. Your heart fluttered in your chest, your palms sweaty, and your lower belly area felt much warmer than it should at a family function. You couldn't wait to get your hands on the man you were falling for.
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“When’s it my turn, Mr. Claus?” You bat your eyes at your boyfriend once you are alone.
Your siblings went to get their children ready for bed. Everyone was spending the night at your brothers' house so you could spend Christmas Day together as a family.
“Don’t tell me this is what you’re into, Sugar Plum?” He asked as you walk towards him
“So what if it is? You don’t wanna unwrap me like one of your presents?” You tug at his beard to bring his head down lower to kiss. “I think you’re going to like what’s inside,” you whisper seductively.
“You wanna ride on Santa’s sleigh?” Santa Eddie smirked as you ran your hands up his chest to his shoulders.
“More like his North Pole...”
Eddie groans as he lets his head fall back before grabbing your hand and guiding the both of you to your shared bedroom for the evening.
“I can’t believe you’re going to seduce me into fucking you at your family’s house.” He tugged you into the guest room and shut the door quietly, not to alert the others.
“Oh please, seducing you? All I have to do is breathe, and you want to fuck me,” you laugh before Eddie shuts you up with a searing kiss.
“Get undressed,” Eddie demanded before taking off his suit.
“Wait! Keep that on,” you smirk.
“Oh, so we are doing this?” He points between you and himself.
You bite your lip and nod, letting your dress fall.
Eddie’s eyes went wide as he examined your figure. You had on a matching lacy red set. The push-up bra hugged your breasts, and the panties sculpted your ass to look like the perfect little sugar plum.
Eddie backs up and plops on the edge of the bed without breaking his gaze. He was practically drooling at the sight of you.
“Come on, Snow Angel. Come sit on Santa’s lap and tell me what you want for Christmas.” Eddie bites his lip, beckoning you over.
You walk over and straddle Santa Eddie’s lap, draping both legs over his knees, landing your lacy cunt down on his already hardening cock. Eddie grips your ass, and you lean your weight into him.
“I want you to fill me with your cum this Christmas.” You whispered in his ear before nibbling on the lobe.
“Fuuuuuuuck baby you can’t just say things like that.”
“Why not? You asked me what I wanted. I’ve been a good girl this year I promise.” You pout.
“I don’t know about that Sugar Plum? I’ve heard from the elf’s that you’ve been naughty.” Eddie bit at your neck as your hips began to grind down in your boyfriend’s lap. “You you’re going to do everything I say to make sure you really are a good girl.”
“Yes, Santa. I’ll do anything to get on your nice list.” You drop your head to kiss Eddie’s plump lips. Well, you at least tried to because the fake beard got in the way.
“Ok, this has to go,” you laugh as Eddie removes the synthetic beard from his face.
“Oh, thank god,” he mumbles before peppering kisses all over your chest and breasts.
“Fucking perfect,” Eddie mumbles as he presses his face into your cleavage and takes in your sent. You smell of cinnamon, ginger and pine needles.
“Mmmmm baby,” you moan as you grip the back of his head, keeping his face in your chest.
“You wanna lick Santa’s special candy cane?” Eddie smirked.
You slinked down his body, and he unbuttoned his suit jacket. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and you couldn’t help but run your hands up and down his naked torso. Your eyes soaked him in as he undid his pants.
“Mmmm, I bet it’s the sweetest.” You ran your hand up and down the tented fabric of his boxers.
“No more teasing. You wanna get on Santa’s nice list, don’t ya? Open up a nice big present tomorrow morning?” Eddie bites his bottom lip.
“Yes, Santa,” you pull his big cock out and give the tip a lick.
“Good girl, good fuckn’ girl.” Eddie stroked your head as you took him entirely into your mouth.
You take as much of him as you can in your mouth before gagging. The weight of his velvety shaft was so soft on your tongue. You loved giving Eddie head; it made you so wet every time without fail.
“Fuck you’re way too good at this. I’m going to bust already,” he lets out a breathy laugh.
“Mmmmmmm,” you hum at the compliment and continue to bob and suck on his cock.
“Shit, shit, shit,” he pulls your head up so he doesn’t explode right then and there. He pulls you up into a deep, long kiss as he goes to lay back on the bed. You followed his lead and hovered over top of him. You graze your sopping clothed cunt over Eddie’s bare cock as you adjust your weight.
Eddie hissed as he felt the pool of wet heat graze his cock. “You wanna take that ride now, baby?” Eddie moaned.
“Yes,” you sigh, and you feel Eddie’s hand pull your panties to the side.
“You gotta work for it, Sugar Plum; show Santa how good you can be,” he cooed as he curled your clit with a gloved finger.
“Fuck” you sigh, and you grind your hips harder on Eddie's cock.
“What did I say about teasing? You naughty little elf,” Eddie gritted out.
“M’sorry Santa, maybe I wanna be your naughty girl.” You continue to grind your hips back and forth from his base to tip.
“That’s it!” Eddie couldn't take it anymore. He flips the two of you over so you’re flat on your back.
“No more playing around. Santa needs his milk and cookies” Eddie ripped your panties right off, and before you knew what was happening, his muscular tongue was entering your wet hole, and his bright red nose was nudging at your clit.
“Fuck baby,” you whispered, trying not to disturb the rest of the house. He sat up and replaced his tongue with two fingers. You’re not even sure when he removed the white gloves.
“Mmm, best cookie I’ve tasted all year,” he mused, and your pussy clenched.
“Oh, you like it when I compliment your cookie, don’t you?” He massaged his fingers inside you, making your hips jerk up.
“Baby, please,” you begged.
“Naughty girls have to wait, baby; only good girls on the nice list get what they want” His thumb curled your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
“Baby fuck, I’m close,” you wined, and Eddie pulled away.
“Oh, she’s learning.”
“Baby I was so close-”
“Naughty girls only get to come when it’s on my cock.” He aligns himself up to your entrance.
“Fuck your so hot.” Eddie leaned down to kiss you. He kissed you hard, and it made your head spin.
Eddie slipped his tongue into your mouth, and at the same time, he slipped in his cock. You never got tired of the way Eddie stretched you out every time. He never failed to make you feel full. He knew how to take over your body. The way he would numb your mind, how he could literally fuck you dumb. You hadn't been together that long with Eddie. Only a month, really, but the way he knows your body, it was like he was made for you.
"Oh, you like that Sugar Plum? Do you like Santa's fat cock splitting you open? I wish you could see it, baby, the way your pussy swallows my cock is perfection." You must have been making noises of pleasure because you were already lost in your own little world of euphoria, and he had just started.
"Answer me, Sugar Plum. Tell me how much you like this cock." his hips slowed down in pace but never stopped. He will wait for your answer.
"I- fuck- I love it-ohhhhhhh," you cried as his head grazed your g spot.
"There's my good girl." Eddie's pace quickened. His hand ran up to massage your breast, still confined by the lacy red bra.
Your pussy clamped down at his words; you loved when he called you his god girl. It never fails to make your body tingle.
As his cock continuously slides against your g spot, your body tenses up at the oncoming orgasm Eddie is about to give you.
"More, please, I'm so close," You beg. You were so close to the euphoria that you would do anything for Eddie now.
"Sucha good girl letting me know. and you know what good girls get?" Eddie continues to thrust into your cunt while reaching down to open your legs up wider for him so that he could rub your clit. The new angle was just what you needed.
You quickly nod to Eddie's question before your body is ripped with a rush of serotonin.
"That's right, baby, they get what they ask for. Come, baby, you're doing so good for me." He talked you through your orgasm.
He followed not too far after you, finishing inside like you had asked. You loved it when Eddie came in you. He'd hug you close as he trusted his hips deep into your body that you felt so connected. Like you were made for one another. It didn't matter if the sex was silly or serious; you knew your souls were meant to be intertwined.
"I didn't know I had that many dirty Christmas analogies in me," Eddie laughed, shucking off the fluffy white and red suit jacket that made him a sweat bucket.
"Any now I have one more in me." you laugh, and Eddie can't help but fall in love with you.
Part 3
tag list: @allthingsjoeq @bettyfrommars @battymunson @onegirlmanytales @slutty-thevampireslayer @leelei1980 @tlclick73 @reidsbtch
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nebulaafterdark · 1 year
More Than Anyone Pt. 4
Aegon x Velaryon(Strong)! Reader
Summary: Royal family dinner at the Red Keep is rather interesting.
Porn with heavy plot. MDNI, 18+ Only. Targcest, depictions of labor/childbirth, character death.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Family dinners at the Red Keep are somewhat of a farce. They do not enjoy breaking bread together, content to stick to their separate wings, their separate lives. Alicent and Rhaenyra especially.
Since Y/N and Aegon have wed, the Queen has stopped pushing for the Strong children to be declared illegitimate. Her son would be close enough to a King. He would be safe.
Y/N will make a fine queen. Alicent loves her like her own, but Y/N is stubborn. Aegon’s love has only proved to further spoil her. If she wishes her daughter to be heir, in spite of Alicent’s desires, she would do just that, and she has.
The Princess is seated between Jacaerys and Aegon. The Prince does not tolerate other men being so close to his sweet wife, even her beloved brothers. Or perhaps it was the fact that they are so dear to her that sets him on edge. If they had wed, in the true way of the Dragon, Y/N would’ve been married to Jace instead of Aegon. And the thought alone leaves a foul taste in his mouth.
Y/N keeps her husband’s hand in hers as she laughs, jesting away with her brother.
“Hello, little one. It’s your uncle, Jacaerys. Jace, if you prefer. Your sisters and brother enjoy my company, I hope you will too.” With that he leans away, happily and back to his meal.
My baby, Aegon seethes. The one I fucked into her. Not you.
Y/N brings Aegon’s hand to her belly then, watching with a tender grin as his face softens.
“Perhaps Jacaerys should focus on fathering a child of his own. Hmm, Baela?” Aegon says, directing his attention down the line of bodies. “You have been married a year now.”
“Aegon,” Y/N shakes her head as Jace’s hands ball in fists.
“It fills me with great joy to see you all getting along.” King Viserys tells the children.
“Indeed, Grandsire.” Jacaerys affords a tight lipped grin.
Aegon raises his cup to his father. They are not sure how much time the King has left, they all do their part to keep him happy.
Y/N pats her Grandsire’s hand across the table.
“My girl,” Viserys chokes out. “Mending our family whole.”
Y/N feels tears prickle at the back of her eyes, “I try.” She tries but never quite succeeds.
Luce is sat at the foot of the table, with Aemond at the head, near his wife Helaena. Lucerys chuckles to Rhaena at the way the pig jiggles when placed in front of his uncle.
This sets Aemond off, slamming a fist into the table as he stands. All eyes land on him.
“Aemond,” Alicent whispers.
“I should like to raise a toast, to my niece, Y/N and to my nephews; Jace, Luce and Joffrey. Each of them comely, wise….Strong.” Aemond meets their gaze pointedly. “Let us drain our cups to these Strong-”
“I dare you to say that again.” Jace rises to match him.
Daemon clears his throat, watching the chaos unfold. Rhaenyra shifting uncomfortably beside him, heavy with child.
“Why? ‘Twas only a compliment.” Aemond skirts round the table so they are face to face.
Y/N stands immediately, placing herself between them, facing her brother. “Ignore him.”
At this Rhaenyra, Daemon and Alicent spring to action. Lucerys and his wife not far behind.
Aegon takes his own brother aside, “bite your tongue.”
“Oh relax, brother. It’s all a bit of good fun.” Aemond purses his lips.
Even after they manage to get everyone back in their seats, Aegon cannot shake the image of Jacaerys’ hands upon her. Clasped in Y/N’s as she calms him.
When they are excused, Aegon follows his wife to the children’s rooms. Bidding them goodnight and sweet dreams, he feels a bit less on edge after that.
He helps Y/N out of her dress and into her nightgown once they are finally alone, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. Y/N reaches back, caressing his hair; soft and familiar beneath her fingertips.
“Thank you for what you did…standing up to Aemond couldn’t have been easy, but it moves me, deeply.”
“I will protect you, always.” Aegon tells her.
“You seem unnerved.” She nuzzles against his cheek.
“Jacaerys was quite…close to you this evening.”
“He is my brother.”
“The man you might have been betrothed to.”
“Aegon,” the Princess huffs a laugh. “You mustn’t do this to yourself. I love no one else the way I love you. It does not suit you to be jealous of my baby brother.”
He turns his wife to face him, tracing his thumb along the apple of her cheek. “You are the world to me. The thought of anyone taking you from me is one I cannot bear.”
“Aegon,” she cups his hand with her own, “I am not going anywhere. I’ve no desire to. I want to be with you, my love.”
Aegon nods, still not entirely convinced.
“Come here,” Y/N murmurs. Drawing him in until their lips meet. “I need you, Aegon.”
The Prince groans, the note of desperation rushing directly to his cock. He pulls her closer still, her belly pressed up between them, full of his babe. His child and hers made of love.
“Now, please?” Y/N purrs, stroking him through the fabric of his breeches.
He walks her back toward the bed, until it hits the back of her knee. “Lie down, sweetheart.”
“Here?” She breathes. Upon the short side of the mattress?
“Let your legs hang over the edge.” Aegon nods, removing his own clothes.
Y/N obeys, allowing her thighs to fall open for him.
Aegon runs his finger tips up her calf, to her knee, hitching her leg up past his waist, to his shoulder. “Is this too painful?”
“No.” The Princess quirks a brow.
“Good.” He removes her small clothes before resuming the position. His length poised at her entrance, pressing inside slowly so she feels every inch.
Y/N replies with a sharp intake of breath, accepting him eagerly. Her cunt is hot and tight, sucking greedily at his cock as he pulls out, only to force himself back in.
Aegon allows her a few moments at this pace, working her open as not to cause discomfort. She prefers to keep a bit of modesty about her as she swells with child. Her husband entertains this by allowing her nightgown to remain on during intimacies. Watching her little pebbled nipples strain against the thin fabric.
“Fuck,” Y/N whimpers as he begins moving faster.
“That’s right, sweetheart.” Aegon growls, kissing her inner calf, held up against his shoulder to drive himself deeper. “I love fucking you.”
Y/N reaches out between them, putting a hand to his hips. Her eyes wide as Aegon’s thrusts quicken.
“Use your words, pretty.” He continues battering the sweet spot inside her.
The Princess whines a bit more. “I-”
Aegon takes mercy on his love, finding the worlds for her. “You are so sensitive.”
“Please, Aegon.” Faster. Slower. Harder. Softer. She wanted all of these things at once.
“I know, my dearest love.” He tuts at her.
She fumbles around for his hand. “Need you.”
“You have me, sweet girl. Right in your perfect little cunt,” he cooes. “I’m going to take care of you.”
The Princess nods, rapidly. Face screwed up in unbearable pleasure, fighting for breath as Aegon pushes her higher; until she tumbles over the edge of bliss.
Trembling, sobbing and squeezing his hand. The force of her release threatening to shove him out as she coats his length and thighs in her slick. The poor thing jumps when his forefinger finds her pearl, still swollen and throbbing, coaxing more wetness from her.
“That’s my girl. Let me see you, Y/N. Give me your eyes.” Aegon murmurs.
Her lids peel open, blown pupils meeting his. “I want you to come for me. Please? I need it.”
“You need it?” He chuckles. He’s trained her well.
“Please,” she cries. “I love you, please.”
“I love you too, dearest.” He murmurs against the leg upon his shoulder. And oh how her love was a weapon to wield. Breaking past every obstacle in it’s path; reshaping him into something new. He circles her bundle of nerves faster. “You’re going to have to come again, all over my cock. Then I will give you every last drop. Can you do that for me?”
“Just for you.”
His erection twitches within her warmth. Her words alone threaten to pull him over the edge. Aegon allows her leg to fall back to his waist, her bump is nearing the point where he cannot reach her lips when leaning over. So he takes advantage while he still can.
She tangles her fingers in his hair, content to be full of him, loved by him. To please him and to satisfy his every desire. That is the depth of her love for Aegon…and it terrifies her.
Y/N comes apart again, milking his length for what feels like an eternity as Aegon pumps his release deep within her. Feeling tears come, hot and unbidden against the crook of his wife’s neck.
“What troubles you so, my love?” Y/N wonders, stroking his silver locks, patiently.
How can he explain it? For he does not understand himself.
Y/N’s lady in waiting startles her awake, Aegon’s arm still draped over her side, only the bed sheets covering them.
“I am sorry to wake you, but your presence is requested by the Princess Rhaenyra.”
“My mother?” Y/N springs from bed. “Help me dress, please.”
“At once, your grace.” The woman nods, moving dutifully toward the armoire and gathering the first dress her hands stumbling upon.
The closure seems to take longer than usual, perhaps due to nerves, or the fact that they both fumble around in the dim lit room. “Have you any idea what’s happened?”
“I could not say, Princess.”
“Of course,” Y/N takes a steadying breath.
“But…it may be her labors.”
“Her labors?” It is far too soon.
“I cannot say for certain.”
“Very well,” Y/N understands. “Thank you for telling me what you know. If Prince Aegon wakes while I am away, please let him know I will return soon.”
With that Y/N takes leave, down the corridor, fast as her legs will carry her. One hand held to her belly as a side stitch seats itself beneath her ribcage.
Rhaenyra is hunched forward, grasping the windowsill, groaning through her contraction.
“Mama?” Y/N breathes out.
The woman releases a low moan, gathering her strength before she speaks, reaching a hand toward her daughter. “My darling girl, this revelation is a heavy one and I do not wish to burden you with it, but I’m afraid I must.”
“It is alright,” Y/N shakes her head. Taking Rhaenyra’s hand for comfort.
“Your Grandsire Viserys has passed. Few are aware, but the news will soon spread. Ow- fuck.” Rhaenyra falters.
“What can be done?” Y/N squeezes her mother’s fingers.
“With my father dead, the Greens will demand the throne be swiftly claimed. You are my heir. If I do not survive this night, you shall be Queen.”
“I-” I cannot lose you.
“Go. Make your preparations.” Rhaenyra chokes out, “nothing is to be done while I’m abed. Daemon is seeing to that, you needn’t worry.”
“I worry for my mother.” Y/N blinks back tears.
Rhaenyra cups her daughter’s face in hand. “I will not go quietly.” Rhaenyra will fight.
Series Taglist: @sophiexoxosblog @alicentswife @f4ll-for-you @tempt-ress @percyjacksonspeen @zoleea-exultant @midnightrqin @buckystevelove
Part 5
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norizz-nation · 10 months
Hey! I‘d love to read something about George smut.. but sadly I‘m not very creative so maybe you can improvise and think of something.. ☺️💕
I was just thinking about writing a George smut! Hope you like it. 🤍
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Good girl 🤍
Summary: After seeing his baby niece and nephews, George wants a baby too.
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, breeding kink, slight choking, biting
George and you were dating for a good 3 years now. Having a great relationship, since he never argues with you, he somehow always gets your point and says “yes you’re right, im sorry”
You both were invited to his one cousin’s house. His cousin has a baby. Just after arriving George was so focused on his nephew, making baby voices, kissing him, making funny faces. You were looking at George from the kitchen counter as he noticed and came to you with a big smile and wrapped his hands around your waist. Snuggling his nose in your hair as he whispered “look at him, so cute” and you hummed.
“I wanna get you pregnant” he whispered in your ear and you looked behind with a confused face. “A baby? Really?” He nodded as your face lit up with joy, hugging him tightly and running your fingers through his hair.
You and George couldn’t wait that long, to go home then fuck. After having dinner George said that he’s having a headache so they should leave for home and somehow managed his cousin.
You and George were making out from the main door, practically ripping each others clothes, dropping every peace of clothing on the floor. As you both made it to the bedroom, George picked you up and threw you on ur shared bed, while you were just on your t-shirt and underwear as he crawled up to you kissing you hungrily. As his hands went to your tits, he then removed your t-shirt and bra and sucked on your tits. Making your head fall back in pleasure. Your hands instantly grabbed his hair as you started to moan a little. He then went lower and lower kissing your thighs. He then bit your inner things making you whine in pain “ahh George!” As he looked up at you and smirked.
He then placed a soft kiss on your clit and got up and positioned him infront of you. Jerking his dick while rubbing it in your clit as your moaned and ran your hands on his abs. He then went inside slowly, so slow that was painful for you as you wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled him closer, as his pace became fast.
His thrusts becoming harder and harder. As he puts your legs above his shoulder getting more access, grunting in your ear, as his one hand was choking you hard. “You want me to fill you up?” You nodded “yes yes! please, fill me up” his thrusts going deeper. “Oh sweetheart you’re gonna look so pretty pregnant with my baby” you bit on your lower lip as he came inside you, filling your pussy. “You’re such a good girl.” He stayed in that position for a while placing his forehead on yours. “I love you so much” you smiled and kissed him. “I love you more George” as you held each other so close.
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 8 months
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the newlywed series- first time using Mr. and Mrs. Park
newlywed!Jisung x f!wife!reader
summary: Hours into your first full day as newlyweds and you both just can’t get over the butterflies that flutter that come with being the new Mr. And Mrs. Park
word count: ~1.5k
the newlywed series
Jisung’s hand was gripped tightly in your own. He wishes he could say the nerves and sweaty palms had stopped right after the wedding ceremony but all his feelings were high today and there was no calming them down. It was a rush of intense happiness and nerves, not even close to calming down as the day went on- at least that’s what he thought. He was nervous getting ready that morning, nervous as he stood at the end of the aisle, and emotional as he saw you make your way towards him looking like the woman straight out of his dreams. Sitting in the back of the limo that took you both to the reception, it was a huge tidal wave of calmness that gently overtook him. He couldn’t even remember why he was nervous or really any emotion besides happy at any point in the day. You had both successfully gotten through your vows and not tripped down the aisle, the hard part of the day was over, you had gotten married. He was a married man. A happily married man.
Now, it was time to party. Well, as soon as you made your entrance to the party that is. He could tell you were nervous about the entrance too, despite the huge smile that hadn’t left your face all day. A smile that mirrored his own. While yes, it was the happiest day of both your lives, it was also nerve wracking to have this much attention on you for so long. It was a day that was solely about the two of you and your new, legally official union.
He gave your hand a comforting squeeze as the DJ began to play your entrance song before announcing, “Help me welcome- for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Park!”
Jisung swore his heart stopped for a moment. Mr. and Mrs. Park. You were Mrs. Park. His wife. He was still stuck in a daze when you tugged on his hand to make your entrance, welcoming the applause and cheers from all your loved ones that filled the room.
He was still stuck in the same lovesick daze as you both made your rounds greeting your guests and thanking them for coming. He really was useless just standing there, hand in hand, not contributing to any of the congratulatory conversations. He was unable to do anything but smile and thank the guests while you stood and made friendly conversation for the two of you. Then he watched you float around the dance floor as you danced with your nieces and friends. You looked like a vision, an angel, spinning around beaming with your arms thrown up in joy, truly the girl right of his dreams. He hadn’t even taken a second look around the room that had been completely transformed to reflect exactly what you had both described and shown to your wedding planner, or acknowledge that the DJ had only been playing songs that held special meaning in your relationship so far. He was stuck in a dream, a daze that fully revolved around you, his wife.
He was sitting beside his uncle when he heard it again, Mrs. Park, and he couldn’t stop the smile from taking over his face. It was as if he hadn’t ever thought that this was something that would happen. Which he of course knew would happen, the new pair of names had been stamped at the back of the save the date cards that had been sent out almost a year ago and was the header for your wedding website. It hadn’t felt real then, it was just a combination of letters that had changed meaning as soon as the wedding had happened. A new meaning that paired perfectly with the person that carried the name, you. 
He smiled at you when you crashed into the chair next to him, a smile on your face even though you were breathless from all your dancing. “Mr. Park, when are you going to join your wife for a dance?” You asked with an arched brow.
Jisung choked on the water he had just taken a sip from, a sip to distract him from your bright smile that rivaled the brilliance of the diamond on your left ring finger. He cleared his throat, “I thought we were supposed to wait for the first dance.”
You rolled your eyes, “That doesn’t mean you can’t dance in my general vicinity. Everytime I look at you I see you just sitting here in your own little world. Are you feeling alright?”
“Of course I am, today is the happiest day of my life,” he reassures you quickly, “I’ve just been thinking.”
“Oooh second thoughts?” You joke.
“Don’t say that! It’s a little embarrassing actually,” Jisung struggles, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smile once again, easing some of his nerves, “Come on Jisung, it’s me, Mrs. Park.” 
He blushes even more if possible, “That’s it. It’s kind of driving me crazy that you’re Mrs. Park- in a good way! Like I can’t believe it. Of course I knew it was going to happen, but it’s reality now, not just a thought or words or a combination of letters anymore. I’ve heard a few people refer to us as Mr. and Mrs. Park, and you calling yourself Mrs. Park, I love it. Marrying you was exactly what I wanted a little too soon after I met you, if I'm being honest. It’s like a dream come true. I don’t know when I’ll get used to it, or if I ever will.”
“I hope you do, it would be a little weird to see you freeze every time you hear it. People might start to get concerned,” you chuckle playfully before confessing, “It feels weird for me too, you know. The wedding has been a complete dream and everything has been absolutely perfect, but this new reality for us is even better.”
Jisung took your hand in his own, sighing contentedly. Today was amazing, a preview for the beginning of the rest of your lives together. He was happy to see you dazzle in your white dress, happy to see you dance, happy to see you mingle, but even happier to see how well life with you as his wife was going to turn out. 
He loved seeing how well you got along with his family, kissing the cheeks of his aunts he always found to be a little too chatty, wiping the sticky hands of his cousin’s kids, and inviting his grandparents to dance. It warmed his heart and made it race at the same time, seeing how well you meshed with his family. Well, now it was your family too. He had loved seeing the way you welcomed his family even before you were both engaged, it showed him how well you would fit for the future. Now, he was here. The day of his wedding- with you- right by his side like he always knew you would be. 
He remembered thinking early on, too early he thought, that he couldn’t wait to marry you. He would never tell you that he knew about a month in that you were the only person he would ever want to spend the rest of his life with. He begged his parents not to tell you after he confessed that he had never felt this way and asked them for advice. He remembers that conversation vividly, it was after a date and he had just gotten home. He asked his parents how they knew they were the one for each other and was it possible he was feeling that too early on? 
“She’s a great girl, when you know you know. You don’t have to try and fight it,” his dad simply shrugged. And Jisung was happy to say he never did try to fight his love. Even when he felt it was too early to confess he showed you in other ways. Remembering little things about you like your take out orders, bringing you flowers, cheering you up when you were sad, making an effort to spend time with you despite your busy schedules- showing you he loved you was always something he did. Jisung would never regret it, ever, because it led to him being here with you right now. In a horrible tuxedo, matching wedding bands, and the love of his life right by his side. He was so glad he never tried to fight the love he had for you.
“You’re getting lost again, my love,” he heard you, paired with a gentle squeeze of his hand.
He heard the DJ say something into the microphone that he didn’t quite catch and the crowd on the dance floor started to trickle back to their seats. 
He faintly heard a familiar song start, before he saw you stand, “Can I have this dance, Mr. Park?”
Jisung stood, guiding you to the now empty dance floor, the song filling the room was the song you had both chosen as the song for your first dance. He nodded, joining you in the center of the dance floor as he grasped your hands and pulled you close to his chest, “I’d do anything for you, Mrs. Park.”
taglist: @dinonuguaegi​
if you’d like to be added to any other members or all let me know :)
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darkestspring · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a Yandere Aemond and Yandere Aegon force their niece to marry them?
you were rhaenyra's eldest child, born from both laenor and rhaenyra's labors and efforts. You were their pride and joy, the only legitimate child to come from their union.
Everyone had viewed you as their true heir, the beloved princess velaryon but none adored you more than your uncles, aegon and aemond.
their adoration had gone from pure to twisted after that night at driftmark. Your aunt had died and then it was your father, nothing was the same for you as you had locked yourself away, unwilling to see your mother marry someone else.
You had carried on with your heir duties, learning philosophy and strategy once you had perfected your high valyrian. You wished to perfect yourself. You had even taken up sword training from your great-uncle, the only time you ever talked to him.
It had all went from fine to worse, the night you had returned to king's landing. Your uncle Vaemond had insisted that driftmark be passed to you, seeing as you were the only child that laenor sired. It had led to him losing his head, you had not yet recovered from such a sight when your uncles cornered you.
"Sweet niece." Aegon's purring voice greeted you as you stared at him, unimpressed.
"Uncles." You greeted the both of them impassively unlike the care you held for them years ago. "Move out of my way, Aegon." Your eyes narrowed at him when he refused to do so.
"We missed you after you so cruelly abandoned us." He pouted at you as he reached out to twirl a strand of white hair between his fingers. "It seems you have grown more beautiful in our absence, don't you agree brother?"
"Hmmm." Aemond stared at you like he wanted to make a home in between your ribs and it unnerved you. You had always known that your uncles were dangerous. You had gone against your mother and father as a child to see your uncles, to spend your time with them. Watching them train, reading with aemond, flying with aegon.
"It was the both of you who pushed us away, with your cruel words against my brothers." You hissed at them, smacking aegon's hand away. "I will not be your toy. We are no longer children."
"No, we're not." Aegon agreed, stepping closer to you as aemond did the same. "You're of pure valyrian descent, what I wouldn't do to have a taste."
"You will never have one!" You refused, smacking aemond's hand away as he reached to touch your sapphire pendant. "There is no one in this world I loath more than the both of you."
"Oh, I imagine you love us just as much." Aemond retorted, an amused smile on his lips as he peered down at you. "You never forget a love that's etched into you."
You stiffened as a phantom pain went through the scar on your ribs. The scar where Aemond had carved his name into you.
'So that even if I'm far away, you'll never forget me.' He had insisted as you sobbed through the pain.
"You and I both know that was not love."
Aegon groaned, tired of this cryptic conversation. "Enough!" He hissed, his hands clutching at your wrists with force. "I don't care about my whore sister, our crazy uncle or your bastard brothers. I have had enough of you slipping from our grasp. Before anyone else, we'll claim you as ours." He pulled you down the hallway, hand over your mouth
"A septon has agreed to marry the three of us. Before morning breaks, you will be our wife, bound to us for all eternity. Struggle against this and I'll slit all three of your bastard brother's throats, do not test my patience."
You stilled, fear filling you. You had never been more afraid of them than you were right then.
"We already have a gift for you." Aemond purred into your ear, following close behind you. "Lord Cregan Stark's heart, for daring to pursue you."
You would never escape them. No attempt would even get you close.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
A Visit P2
Media House Of The Dragon
Character Daemon Targaryen
Couple Daemon X Reader (Named Alyssa Targaryen. Sister of Rhaenyra and Daughter of Viserys)
Rating SMUT
Incest (Niece X Uncle)/ medieval marriage discussion/ Underage (Characters are over the age of concept but discuss times when underage)/ sexual discussion / Fingering/ nudity/ breast play/ eating out
Part One
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Daemon’s mind began to shut off as the only thoughts that remained were of their passion. He felt his body growing hotter, as his breathing began to grow heavy as they continued their sensual kiss. He fell under her spell, as any semblance of composure he had had now left it entirely. His heart was thumping in his chest like never before, as the way she kissed him now began to touch every nerve in his body. His mind became hazy, as the kiss went on and on. She moaned into the kiss now, the only sound in the cold dragon stone room was the fire cracking and their kisses clacking, she shuffled to wrap her legs around his waist still sitting in his lap with her chest against hers and slowly she began to move her hips grinding herself on him with wicked desire. Every new movement she made made him feel a new level of excitement. The heat now began to increase as they kept kissing each other. Like true dragons their passion burned with the heat of dragon flames.
Daemon's thoughts became lost to pure desire now, as the way she moved her hips on his lap filled him with even more pleasure. His hands gripped her hips harshly attempting to be the one to control her movements but all he did was guide her exactly as she had planned.
She pulled back and giggled "Oohh when Father finds out he's gonna be very upset with us,"
"Let my brother Stew in rage, We belong together. Just you and me."
She happily moaned with joy as she hugged his chest, she squeezed her body against him filled him with an intoxicating sense of love. Her touch also made his desires and passions grow greater and greater, as he couldn't get enough of her physical affection. Their bodies fit together in such a natural way as well. "I love you,”
He looked down at her with a sweet look filled with pure love, Her tender words were like music to his ears, he whispered quietly in her ear so not a soul other then her would hear such words from his lips, "I love you too Alyssa."
“Will you marry me? I like you always promised?”
"I was thinking of taking you into the Gods-wood. We can get married under a heart tree like many of the old kings and queens of the north did. We can be married in the presence of the old gods and the seven and they can bless our union. Then we'll have a massive feast One that everyone in the Seven Kingdoms will talk about for many years to come."
“Much to do and plan then,”
"I will have my servants plan such an event to be the greatest the realms has ever seen. You would not have to lift a finger. My men will take care of everything." He explained as he ran his fingers over her hair, “But for now I want nothing more than to spend every waking moment with you. I want to be with you all day long and I just want to love you. Do you wish to spend some time together now? If you'd like I can carry you to my bed chambers, spend some time showing you how much I love you."
She blushed bitting her lip and she nodded, He smirked and began rise to his feet, while making sure to pick up his new love and bride in the process. He then carried her in his arms to his bed-chamber, where he would make up for all the time they had lost by being apart from each other. As he carried her His lips kept pressing against hers, as their bodies were now starting to grow closer towards each other. She felt so natural in his arms now, as if this was truly where they belonged. They could stay in this embrace forever, letting the time just slip away.
Daemon placed Alyssa down on the bed, as their bodies lay inches apart from each other. His hands began to slowly wander around her body, caressing her skin in a delicate and slow manner. His soft kisses were now filled with a deeper level of passion, as the heat in the air was only growing greater.
"much cosier than my bed in the red keep.”
His fingers now began to gently caress her face, as his kisses began to grow more and more passionate as his lust for her began to overflow in a glorious manner. She giggled her hands stroked down his body until she held his hips and shifted their weight so she could sit on his lap so she could straddle him on the bed, his hands began to grip her waist and began to shift her hips back and forth in her spot. It was like her hips were in constant motion now, shifting against him in a way that seemed to never end. Moans fell from their lips as it only grew more intense silenced only by their kisses, his fingers now began to knead her back, his hands moving in circular motions as she moaned and made noises of satisfaction.
Daemon himself felt as if she was sending him into a new state of existence, as he was filled with such euphoria.
Alyssa briefly stopped only to tug off her dress ties and slip them off her body kicking her dress off and her corset leaving her sitting on him completely naked sat over him, he was still fully clothed but that didn't stop his desires. She was far far more than the little girl he fondled while she developed in King's landing this wasn't a girl. This was a woman. His woman.
He pulled her forehead to his own and gasped against her lips as his voice was thick with desire. "I want you like never before. I desire every inch of you, as everything about you is now perfect. I want to touch, kiss, and love you all over." He demanded forcing her down on her back. 
He now began to slide his hand down lower from her waist petting her mound, as his body was now pressing tightly against her own. His other hand wrapped her into his grasp, as he began to kiss her neck all over. She squirmed under him moaning for his attention, Her moans turned him on immensely. His other hand rested softly on her stomach just above her hips and mound keeping her still so her hips couldn’t squirm and he loose his pace, he began to softly moan as his hand slipped down and he mercilessly began to thrust three fingers inside her his thumb rubbed her mercilessly, Alyssa began to scream his name soaking his bed and fingers as she desperately arched her back,
He growled enjoying her like this, His fingers now rubbed in a circular motion against her at a faster pace she pulled him into a kiss making out heavily before she pulled down his neck and suddenly squealed his name at the top of her lungs arching off his bed, soaking it as she did, her body shaking as she reached her orgasm and collapsed against the bed gasping,
He watched her with a dark look in his eyes he slipped his hand away and licked it clean as he made eye contact,
"uhh... I remember the last time you did that, I don't remember it being as good as that was .." she blushed gasping hard,
“It has been a while,” he smirked, “I remember the first time… Humm you screamed like a dragon,” he growled, as he moved his hands to her breasts He began to squeeze them and fondle them,
She giggled, "do you remember sneaking into my room and doing this before? I was only a little thing then they were half the size they are now"
Daemon had to stifle a laugh "They might have been smaller back then but… I wasn’t complaining then, or now. I think it's more than fair to say you have some truly spectacular breasts, Alyssa.”
"I think it's your fault there so big"
"Is that so? So it's my fault your curves are so tempting and attractive? It's my fault your body now drives me crazy with desire? Do you really think I could stay away from those breasts now that they're so... mature?"
"Sneaking in my room every night and playing with them for an hour. I think it encouraged them to grow big for you"
"They grew well for me, as it seems they're a perfect size for me to enjoy."
"I wonder if they'll get even bigger one day, when I get pregnant," she teased,
He growled under his breath bit his lip hard at the thought about her being pregnant with his child, as her words now made him desire her even more. The thought of her breasts growing bigger while she carried his child was almost too much for him now, but he could not hold his desire back any longer. His lips suddenly came down to kiss her again. He kissed her lips before trailing off down her jaw and neck he kisses along her neck and continued to lower and lower, his lips now reaching around her breast where he began to gently kiss her there. He began to kiss her upper breast, using her moans and giggles as encouragement to continue. Her words and reactions filled him with so much satisfaction, as he began to kiss a little more vigorously and deeply. His tongue began to circle around her nipple hardening it and gently biting it, he suckled and licked flicking her nipple with his tounge before he moved to the other and did the same He would switch back and forth with that rhythm, taking his time to enjoy her. She arches her back and squeals his name for his kisses her hips bucking up off the bed in her desperation for attention,
Daemon began to kiss her even more vigorously and to rub more of her body grinding himself against her as he teased her breasts before he grabbed her thighs kissing down her stomach until his lips met her clit he kissed her, sucked on her clit, teased her labia and clit with his tounge all, while she continued to buck her hips up towards his lips, scream his name, squirm her body against his bed, He even teased her dripping cunt with his tounge.
Alyssa screamed and moaned desperately "Daemon! Please!"
Couldn't help but grin at the sound of her screams and cries, as he began to feel like he had already won. He continued as she screamed for him,
"noo! Please! No More No more No more!"
He held her thighs and hips down on the bed so she couldn’t resist him only becoming more intense teasing her to the very edge
Daemon Targaryen
Daemon chuckled at this request now. Her screams and cries of desperation were such a turn-on for him, as he was just eager to keep making her experience all this pleasure.
"Please Daemon! Enough!"
Daemon smiled at her plea, as this only made him desire her more, He began to kiss her again with renewed intensity, as he wrapped his arms around her and pushed her back hard against the bed so she was completely at his mercy, as he continued to kiss her clit all over with increased ferocity. His fingers moved to slip inside her thrusting with equal speed as he continued to passionately kiss and lick her clit.
She screamed his name loudly enough to echo through DragonStones halls, her body trembling and shaking, her head thrown back against the bed, she immediately soaked his bed completely and tears flooded down her face before she collapsed on the bed gasping for breath muttering his name over and over as she reached her second orgasm
Her screams of his name sent shivers down his spine, as her whole body shook. Daemon was now a bit overwhelmed with pleasure himself as he gradually slowed to keep her in her pleasure as long as he could, as she suddenly collapsed back onto the bed and her body went limp. He stopped, as he was left gasping and breathing heavily from watching her.
Daemon pulled back and sat over her with his cocky smile, "Tell me what you want Alyssa." He demanded,
She blushed her face red, her breasts bounced as she gasped desperately, all she did was grab him by the belt and pulled him short and fast so his hips met hers so his erection would rub against her dripping pussy.
"Right answer." He smirked pinning her arms on the bed and kissing her lips with a firey passion. 
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Dark Desire - Modern AU! | Chapter 9
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond doesn't know how he feels every time he sees you. Neither do you when you look at him. Your father Aegon has always been absent from your upbringing ever since he divorced your mother. That role has been filled by Aemond until last summer, when everything changed.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes manipulation, violence, death, and inc3st, at some points. Reader has purple eyes and her mother is from Dayne House, the rest is complete free :D
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know): @thedamewithabook @afro-hispwriter @chainsawsangel@thetrueblackheart @atherverybest @itsabby15 @boundlessfantasy @partypoison00 @glame @tempo-rary-fix @tssf-imagines @aaaaaamond @imaloserbby @youngcomputerpuppy @aemondsfavouritebastard @cloudroomblog @queenofshinigamis @bluevxnus @wooya1224 @serving-targaryen-realness @darkenchantress @padfooteyes@mariannnavao @moonlightfoxx @jennifer0305 @ammo23 @iloveallmyboys @tempt-ress @bellameshipper @okfashionista @shelbyteller @dahlias-and-marigolds
Author´s note: Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
I want to apologize with this chapter. This week has been a terrible nightmare and I didn't have the time that I normally have. Thanks for all the waiting, I really hope you will like it :D
Word Count: 8K
"Fuck," Cregan moaned through his teeth. All of his fingers had dug into your skin with force, almost cutting off circulation. He held your hips as if his life depended on it. Sweaty and panting, he was right below you. He had indeed reached his climax. He had cumed after a couple of hip movements that you had made a short time after having placed you on top. His eyes were still closed, but he finally opened them a little and gave you a smile. “Fuck… you're too tight for me…” he slurred again and you laughed flirtatiously as he continued to hold on to your hips. You looked at him with half-closed eyes, in a sensual look that promised him much more, and he swallowed to end up resting his head between the cushions of that hotel room. He laughed again. And you laughed with him, but the truth was... it was the third fuck you'd had that afternoon and you still... you hadn't cumed. You had asked for the afternoon at work exclusively for this and, although Aemond had denied it saying that you had many coffees to serve him, Aegon had finally said that you could go, that he would talk to his brother. And so you had packed all your things and headed for the hotel room where Cregan was waiting for you. Everything had flowed well until you found yourself unable to let yourself go. You could only think of Aemond. Would he also covet your hips like that? Would he also end up with a smile on his face, as if it had been the best shag of his life? “I love you…” Cregan whispered, waking you from your musings. He looked at you with sincere eyes and full of joy, waiting for your reaction, while you continued on him. At that moment, you landed on your reality. You were with Cregan and he was confessing in the worst possible way. It wasn't what you needed at the time. It wasn't what you needed at all. His huge hand traveled from your hips to your face and caressed you. That hand was so big that he could encompass it without difficulty. He brought your face closer to his so he could kiss him. And you couldn't anymore. You didn't want him to love you. You just wanted to disconnect from everything. You couldn't answer 'And I love you too', because it was a lie, and you couldn't lie about something like that. You started to feel bad. Right at that moment you separated from him and got up to pretend that you were looking at some message on your mobile phone, which you had left on the nightstand, and Cregan seemed to be turned off by your attitude. You saw him sit on the bed with difficulty while he took off the condom and tied it in silence, almost regretting having confessed like that.
“Would you like to go to dinner? I have the whole afternoon free” you told him going back to bed, pretending you hadn't heard that confession. And he just threw the condom in a bad way into the trash can that was next to one of the nightstands. “Then we could go back and continue…”
"What you want. I'm going to take a shower” you saw him leave angrily and awkwardly, as if he was tired from all the fucking you had that afternoon. You followed him, worried. You didn't want to lose him either. You were being selfish, but you couldn't lose Cregan. He seemed to be the only one who cared about you. You saw him turn on the shower. “(Y/N), I haven't said 'I love you' to you in a way that I don't mean or in response to a good fuck. Really, I…” he started telling you, but you quickly cut him off.
"I don't like being told. That's all" you replied approaching him. "People say ‘I love you’ in a very easy way, but in the end it's not true" you told him seriously, while your arms went around his neck. He kissed you with feeling, your lips came together slowly and were even slower to separate. Your father had ever told you ‘I love you’, few, very few, and fewer were the times that he had shown it to you. Aemond had told you ‘I love you’, on many more occasions, before last summer, but when push came to shove, he hid feeling like a cornered monster. You hated being told that "I love you" thing. It was almost like a way for them to laugh in your face, to try to show something they didn't feel. I love you. I love you. I love you. But in the end there was no one to demonstrate that feeling.
"Really, I do" Cregan replied caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. "And I don't know what kind of shit people you've met, but when I say it, it's because it's true" he replied and kissed you again. As you kissed him, you thought of Aemond. I wish that ‘I love you’ that he had said to you a couple of weeks ago, just before you left with Cregan, had been real. I wish it was. You had only said once in your life to someone ‘I love you’, and that had only been to Aemond.
“It's a pretty good proposition for lining the new models,” Daeron commented, as he looked at the plans on the table. Aegon was also in the same room, although he was only getting up to pour himself another whiskey. Aemond was at the head of the meeting table. However, he had paid little attention to this encounter with Cregan Stark. The northerner had made an appointment with them several weeks ago to sell them his new idea. The one-eyed man had put it off until it had been unavoidable. He had endured stoic absolutely the entire meeting. His head was not there. "What do you think, Aemond?" Daeron asked him, but he only took out a cigarette and put it to his lips. One could feel the tension in that room. He lit his cigarette and took a deep drag. He blew smoke, daring Cregan to go through with his proposal.
"I'm not interested" that was absolutely all he said. He hadn't been paying attention. He hadn't interested her in the least. He wasn't going to do business with that mangy wolf. That was all. He would not lose money. Aemond Targaryen never lost money.
"You haven't thought it through" Cregan stressed, trying to make his former boss think about his proposal. The Worg had left the company shortly after Aemond took over, but whenever he had made proposals as an outside consultant your uncle had accepted them with little reservation. That was before he touched his stuff…before he touched you. You hadn't spent that night in the Targaryen house. You'd just come back that Saturday morning smelling of the same cheap hotel gel Aemond could smell on Cregan's skin.
"Yes, I've thought about it all I had to," he replied, not looking at the incredulous faces on Aegon's and Daeron's. Cregan had always made them money and they didn't understand why he was saying something like that. Aemond took another silent drag, daring Cregan to speak further. He had already settled the matter, but he liked when they crawled in front of him. "I'm not interested"
"I guess we can think about it some more, huh?" suggested Aegon. He said it quite annoyed. The truth is that your father was comfortable in Cregan's presence. The old wolf seemed to make you happy. You spent a lot of time with him…it was the complete opposite of who he was. And he couldn't be more pleased. He didn't want you to end up with someone like himself, unable to take care of you.
"Is this all because I'm sleeping with (Y/N)?" asked Cregan bluntly. The northerner had your uncle as your true father figure. For the person who had cared for and protected you up to that moment. And he could understand why Aemond would worry that his little girl was now with someone so old, even that you were with someone. Cregan felt much the same way about his daughters, but that didn't cloud his judgment. As always, he misinterpreted the feelings that Aemond had towards you, because perhaps his way of interpreting them was the correct one, the natural one...
Aemond's jaw tightened for the first time in that encounter. At last a gesture other than indifference had appeared in that meeting with Cregan. Seeing him like this, a revelation appearance in Daeron´s mind. Indeed, it all had to do with you. The bathroom scene was beginning to make sense. Something had happened between you two, but he wasn't going to investigate it. He would never dare go against his brother. The only thing he was wondering was how it was possible that Aegon was so blind and that Aemond continued to have that attitude towards you.
“I don't know what bothers you about me being with her. I take care of her. I protect her…” he began reasoning “I love her. If her father isn't upset that she and I are together… “Did he love you? Who the hell did Cregan think he was? He didn't want you. He didn't love you half as much as Aemond did. And he did know how to take care of you and protect you. He had been doing it all your life. You were his everything, and now his everything spread her legs almost every night for Cregan…he had been an asshole…those words were stabbings into Aemond's heart…
“You are not together. I don't hear her address you as my boyfriend, or my partner,” Aemond shot back. Cregan was nobody to you in your uncle's way of seeing him.
"Because she doesn't want to, but for practical purposes…" Cregan tried to explain.
"...She sleeps with you because she's bored" Aemond completed the sentence as it suited him, because he knew it was true. Cregan was your nothing. He lifted one corner of his lip in a sneer as he watched Cregan look at him as if he was going to kill him with his stare. “That's all. She feels lonely and bored. She ends up in your bed because she has nothing better to do all day”he sentenced and took another puff, blowing smoke through his nose.
"You don't know her at all" For the first time, the Northerner had darkened his gaze, as if he was trying to glare at Aemond with his eyes. His sincere and cheerful look had become a reflection of the contempt he felt for the one-eyed man.
"The one who doesn't know her is you, Cregan" Aemond replied amused. He was willing to kill Cregan any way he could. “(Y/N) is a Targaryen. She's not going to end up with a Stark, or do you already imagine you taking her to the altar to end up divorced from her? I think your three ex-wives could prove me right…” he finished adding.
"Don't say another word, Targaryen," Cregan threatened, getting up from his chair, as if he had hit him where it hurt the most.
"Why?" Aemond faced. He didn't plan to lose that matchup.
"Aemond" Aegon tried to rebuke him, but his brother just looked at him as if he were a complete stranger, as if he was losing sight of him in this confrontation.
“Do you want your daughter to end up with someone who is the same age as you?” His brother answered with that excuse. Actually, the only thing that mattered to him is that the man you were with wasn't him.
“You don't need to humiliate me, Aemond. You are not interested in the project that I present to you. Good. I don't care about” Cregan replied “I'll sell it to the competition”
“With the simple gesture of making a phone call, I can end your career, Cregan. Don't tell me that you're going to sell it to the competition" Aemond scolded him, as if that wasn't with him, as if he hadn't said or done anything to piss off Cregan... he had threatened him, but Aemond could afford it. He could afford what he wanted.
"As your lawyer and adviser, I recommend that you think coldly" Daeron replied. 'And don't think with the tip of your dick' he wanted to add, but he kept quiet. He almost always remained silent. They saw Cregan storm out of there and Aegon approached his younger brother, hands in pockets and sorry he had to call his attention.
“I understand little, Aemond, but it is a good project. It's best if you say yes at (Y/N)'s birthday party,” Aegon told him, as if he was trying to convince him. And then Aemond looked at him as if he were trying to put him down. "I don't know what happened to you, but..."
"Is he coming to (Y/N)'s birthday party?" he asked annoyed and Aegon looked at him with an incredulous smile at his reaction.
"It's her partner, Aemond, even if you don't want to see it" his older brother replied "(Y / N) asked my permission to him come, and I think that if it makes him happy that's what we have to do.”
Aemond didn't answer, didn't even bother to look at his brother again. You, in his head, were just doing these things to make him jealous. Last year he had taken Alys to your birthday with the desire to distance himself from you. This year you were going to take Cregan to make him jealous. Aemond returned to manifest a feeling that he had not had in years: that of being screwed.
“For the seven. There are men who don't know how to be ashamed” in a scene very similar to the one she had experienced years before, Alicent was with her middle son, watching a happy couple, but she didn't like it. She had the same disapproving look when she looked at Cregan that she had when he looked at your mother at her birthday party twenty years ago.
Aemond, just behind her, sipped his wine in silence, just as he had done so many years ago. They both thought in silence how to solve that situation, but both for very different reasons: Alicent was doing it for your good, for decorum, you... you had to find a good boy your age... Aemond did it because he wanted you, because if someone deserved to be sitting next to you while one of his hands caressed your knee and his other arm wrapped around your shoulders, it was him, he was the one who deserved such a reward... not the mangy Cregan, as he was just now. He laughed like an asshole at some bad joke Jace made and you returned his caresses by intertwining his fingers with yours.
They were all around the garden table, where they had dined together to celebrate your birthday, but Alicent and Aemond had been the first to get up, while the others were still there, celebrating, drinking and laughing...
"This can't end well" Alicent said as she watched as Cregan kissed you on the neck and you laughed in front of everyone. “The faith of the seven teaches us…” Alicent continued to speak, but Aemond only watched her in silence. You were wearing the black dress he had bought you, your lips were painted his red lipstick, you almost looked like you were made for Aemond that day, and yet you were going to end up in the bed of Cregan's cheap hotel room… He had taken Alys the year before, you this one to Cregan. You were hitting him where it hurt the most and he didn't know what to do to get you back again...
You ended up opening presents, like every birthday. The gifts at your father's house had always been better than those at your mother's. They had always tried to make up for the absence of the year with lavish and enormous gifts, which had made you excited as a child, but which over time had only seemed ridiculous to you. Your Uncle Daeron had given you a new cell phone. Helaena and Jace some very expensive headphones that you were going to return along with your mobile phone and buy yourself a graphics tablet to draw... your grandmother had followed her line and bought you a discreet sweater so you wouldn't be cold in winter. You smiled at her and thanked her, it was almost the best gift of all… until Cregan arrived. He had given you a rather modest box of charcoals that he told you could use at Sunspear School of the Arts, and you thought you would burst into tears of happiness. You felt for a single moment that Cregan was the one…he was too sweet and chivalrous. However, all that happiness and stupid smile wiped from your face when you opened your father's gift.
“Come on, open it, open it. I think you'll love it.” Aegon smiled as he handed you a huge box. Coming from your father and knowing how little he knew you, you expected anything. You opened the wrapping paper and took the lid off the box. "And good? Do you like it?" Your father asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck almost anxious to please you, and you just looked away as you closed the box again, almost with tears in your eyes. Aemond raised an eyebrow, sitting across from you, and Cregan knew nothing of what was happening to you.
"Alright. Thank you, dad” was all you said, but seeing the same bandolier bag that Aemond had given you a couple of years ago with only the heraldry of your mother's house, it broke your heart. You always said that you would change your last name that year, but it was one thing to say it and... quite another to see how your father gave you something like that with only the coat of arms of your mother's house. It was almost like an invitation for him not to feel like one of his family. He had excluded you without realizing it. You closed the box and put it to the side of the lawn chair where you were sitting.
"It's that I saw that you had the other one, very old and destroyed and you had removed our shield... so I thought that with everything you liked and used it, you needed a newer and better one" your father tried to explain to you happily and you just looked towards other side. With that stupid gesture that Aegon thought he had made to make you happy, he had only made you sadder by emphasizing an obvious fact: you weren't a Targaryen, not even in his eyes, and you never would be. "(Y/N), are you alright?" he asked you and Aemond rolled his eye in annoyance before you could even speak.
"Why the hell haven't you put the heraldry of our family?" he asked his older brother rather peevishly.
"Aemond, don't start, please," Helaena tried to say, as she rocked one of her children in her arms. They all looked like they were going to accuse him of the same thing. His obsession with her last name and his house.
"I have asked you a question, Aegon," Aemond replied. He was dying to give you the little box of that expensive jewelry. Inside was his gift, a symbol of love from him to you. You heard them start arguing, but you couldn't stop thinking about how your father had excluded you with such a foolish gesture like that. The rebellion you had in mind was one thing, another for your father to reaffirm an idea that you tried to maintain as crazy. However, at that moment, Cregan's phone rang, and from that moment on, while everyone was arguing, your life changed forever.
“I'll take the first flight. I won't be long in coming. Tell him I'll be there as soon as possible” you heard Cregan speaking on the phone. He had gone into your room looking for privacy. You entered silently and closed the door behind you, not wanting to disturb him. He looked at you at that moment and you knew something wasn't right “Yes. I will be there as soon as possible. Goodbye” he repeated again and hung up. His phone quickly ended up in his pants pocket.
"All good?" you asked coming closer and Cregan just sighed before speaking and pinching the point of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. He seemed suddenly tired, as if he was overwhelmed by this situation. Actually, he would never have confessed to you, but he always felt that he had spent too much time in King's Landing, playing lovelorn children with you. He had a family and a responsibility, and that call had brought him back to his reality, in which you were barely a part.
"No. Not really” he sighed and moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your hips, pulling you in like that, as if he knew that this was going to be the last hug he gave you. "My eldest son, Rickon, fell off the stupid motorcycle that he insisted that we give him for his last birthday, so he broke his leg" he explained quite tired. At that moment, he saw a side of Cregan that you had never seen before, that of being a father, and you were more aware than ever of the age difference that separated you.
"I'm so sorry" you answered, while your hands began to caress his chest. You wanted to comfort him. It really was what you wanted seeing him really so tired.
"Thank you" he whispered defeated and exhausted. “I have… I have to go see him, (Y/N). I have to be with him."
“I understand and it's the best you can do” you told him, sounding sincere, and he really thanked you. He always would. He thought you were quite generous, but it was largely because you wished your father had done the same for you.
"I'm going to take the first flight to Winterfell... I´m sorry" he apologized, because he knew he was leaving you there alone, on the day of your birthday celebration with your paternal family. Alone and surrounded by dragons, each one more indifferent towards you.
"I could come with you" you told him automatically. You didn't want to stay there without Cregan's company, it could be that you weren't in love with him, but you needed him. He seemed to be the only one who cared about you. You could accompany him to his home, be with him and support him while his son recovered... you could go far away from everything that bound you to King's Landing. You were sure that if you walked away from Aemond, things with Cregan would flow even better. The prospect did not excite you, but it did give you hope that you would feel better.
“(Y/N)…” Cregan walked up to you and kissed your forehead, almost in a goodbye gesture. His hands grabbed your face and he gave you a sad but sincere smile. "I will be back. I promise you and things will go back to the way they are now... but... you're not ready to come with me" she tried to explain to you "Rickon is 19 years old... and I don't think he could accept me being with a girl his age" he swallowed, but finished smiling at you "I have to protect you from that" he tried to explain, while in his head he was trying to find a correct way to present his children as his... Well, Cregan didn't know how to define you. You had never put a label on what you had and he didn't think you were going to put it on now. You were nothing, and if you now proposed to accompany him, it was a good sign to Cregan that things were beginning to work out. However, for Cregan, unlike for your father, his children were his priority.
"I can protect myself from that, myself" you replied. It wouldn't take long for you to pack your suitcase, to follow him, to accompany him. You would help him with whatever was needed. However, Cregan knew that this was neither your place nor your responsibility, at least for the moment. He wasn't going to be so selfish as to drag you North with him and then keep you hidden from the rest of his family. It wasn't fair to you, and it wasn't fair to him.
"I promise you. I'll come back as soon as Rickon gets better” he told you, ending the conversation, kissing you sweetly on the lips. "I love you" he answered you at the end of the kiss, and you didn't answer. Because you weren't in love with him, because at that moment you were hurt, because at that moment… the only hope you had in King's Landing was running away from there.
You sat at the window of your room. All alone again and abandoned, you clutched your knees. Your head rested on them and, through the window, you watched in silence as Cregan got into the taxi that he had ordered a few minutes ago. You understood why he wanted to go alone, but... as always you were the one who suffered the consequences. You weren't in love with him, but you were trying. He was a good man, you have taken care of yourself and protected yourself all this time. He had offered you everything you had asked for. Perhaps, he didn't even want you to go with him as a measure to protect you from something you weren't prepared for... At least, he cared about his children... and that made you jealous when you compared him to your father. When had Aegon caught an emergency flight to see you? Whatever the situation? Never. That was all you could think of. Cregan had told you that everything would be the same when he returned, but even he didn't know when he would return, and you also understood that you were the last of his worries. You were nothing to anyone. You felt the tears come to your eyes and you buried your head between your legs in a terrible anxiety attack. You couldn't breathe and your throat ached from it. You thought that when you were there you only had a sore throat from crying. Never for laughing. You missed him. You missed that pain that caused you to laugh until you ran out of breath... you kept crying trying to silence your crying.
You felt how you grabbed your hair, how your hands were lost among the roots and you screamed in a devastating scream that must have been heard throughout the house. You didn't want to be there. You didn't want to continue carrying your father's last name... he had excluded you with that stupid gesture of the bandolier, but you couldn't take it anymore... you needed to escape from there... and yet, at that moment you couldn't think of anything else that you wanted to disappear from there… you were just alone… your heart raced, you felt palpitations, you thought you were going to die, and you felt another involuntary tug of your hands on your scalp… you were having an anxiety attack… you hit your back against the wall and all your body slipped, you fell to the ground and continued crying. There seemed to be no salvation for you anymore, what was it that you had done wrong to get to that situation?
You heard your father scream your name and then arms grabbed you as you continued to cry. You were no longer there. That anxiety crisis had left an empty shell... you heard voices... you heard how your father and Aemond argued... but you didn't understand a single word... you weren't there anymore... your chest and throat hurt. You couldn't breathe anymore...
"I just went up to her room and found her like this, I didn't want to..." Aegon followed Aemond as he carried you into his arms, ready to take you wherever you were need. He only cared about you. That was all that mattered to him. This was all his fault, or at least in part, but he would never accept it. Your grandmother followed close behind.
"I already knew that all this nonsense with that Stark was going to cause us problems" Alicent commented while Aemond ignored them all, carrying you easily towards his car. "I told you to control her, Aegon, that this was not going to end well..." his mother told him.
“I… this summer… I tried to do my best…” your father tried to explain, following his brother. At that moment, Aemond stopped. His shoulders tensed and he turned, still holding you, so he could look at his brother.
"Well, do us a favor and go back with your whores, or snort cocaine, or get drunk... we've done better in previous summers without you..." he snapped coldly, and Aegon froze, as if he didn't know what to answer. He felt his face turn pale. Aemond was right... you were better off without him... your father only knew how to be wrong...
Daeron and Helaena looked at Aemond as he walked out the door of the family home, ready to take you to the hospital, wherever it was needed to make you feel better. They knew the truth. Aemond had not only been cruel with those words towards your father, but he was also being selfish towards you. Now he wanted to seem like the hero of that whole story, when in reality he was just another of the culprits.
Aemond ended up driving in his car at top speed. He carried you in the passenger seat while you continued crying, almost out of breath, choking on your own tears. You were alone and he wanted to hug you. Whisper to you that everything would be fine, but he needed to take you to the hospital. You weren't okay. He was terrified that you would never be again. It reminded him of the anxiety attacks he had when he was young when he looked in the mirror after losing his eye... he only felt guilty, and his money paid the best specialists in those emergencies where he took you, in that very expensive hospital... his money was only used to pay for the attempts to mend all the damage he had done to you... he almost couldn't breathe now it was him... he felt a pressure in his chest. He couldn't think. The only thing that reigned in his mind was the fear of losing you... the fear of not having you... the doctors told him that you needed to rest and that they had given you some painkillers. Aemond almost felt cheated, was that all? Yes, he really was. For the doctors it was something that would have to be monitored, but it was nothing alarming... Aemond was destroying your life... your father was destroying your life... the Targaryens did it because they had impunity for it... and Aemond felt cheated, because nobody It seemed to slow down the monster inside him, almost seemed to encourage it... and he hated himself for all that he had made you suffer...
“I don't want to go home,” you whispered as Aemond drove in silence. He didn't even dare look at you. He just swallowed. He felt guilty. If you had reached that situation it was because of him.
"Where do you want to go?" he asked you frankly, honestly, with…concern. You had ended up in the psychiatric emergency room of the most expensive hospital in the city. The money that Aemond had worked so hard to get was now only serving to keep you in a sleepy but calm state. Aemond didn't know what the doctors had made you take, but they had made you calmer and more manageable. Tomorrow would be the hard day. He didn't want to face tomorrow. That anxiety attack you had suffered was proof that he did not want to lose you, that he could not lose you.
"I don't know, but don't take me home" you repeated, on the verge of tears. Your hands found hers as he kept her on the gear stick. That touch sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. Actually, Aemond didn't need to talk about anything right now. He couldn't stop thinking about you. He was really anxious. He frowned, the scar aching. That only happened when he was stressed or really worried. Pain throbbed in his eye socket. He needed to get home, remove the patch and put on ice, drink something, or just stop thinking for a moment. Nevertheless. The first thing at that moment was you. So he stopped driving in the direction of the family home. He knew where he was going to take you.
You two ran across the lawn so as not to get wet. The sprinklers were on that night, and Aemond was leading you through the dark. He tried to run so as not to get wet, but it was impossible. He heard you laugh and his heart sped up. Your laugh sounded every time a sprinkler hit you. He ended up taking you in his arms and your arms went around his neck, while your face was cradled in his chest. You heard his heartbeat accelerated by your closeness, by your proximity, and you laughed sweetly. That was the place where you should be. This was definitely the place where you belonged. You breathed hard, filling your lungs with his scent. You did not know what they had given you at the hospital but you began to feel better, with a warm feeling in which the rest seemed not to matter.
He left you once you reached a bank and there he took off his huge jacket and put it around your shoulders and you hugged yourself half drugged to the warm sensation it produced. You liked it because it just smelled like him, because it belonged to him. He smiled when he saw you smile under his coat and stroked your chin, only to end up sitting next to you and lighting a cigarette with that characteristic click that Zippos have when opened. He took a drag and blew the smoke rapidly out of his mouth, in a rather nervous state for his liking. “I'd need  smoke something much louder,” he commented with a half smile, and you resisted slightly, largely relieved that you weren't home. You looked around, quite disoriented, but finally recognized him. It was the park where he had taken you when you were his little dragon, when you were just a little girl who adored his uncle. All that adoration had now turned into an irrepressible desire that drove both of you upside down, that made you lose yourself on the fine line between moral and immoral, but then, in that park, you were just two lost people, but who they loved each other deeply. Each one in their own peculiar way, but love nonetheless.
“Do you remember that day I told you I wanted to break the world record for going high on that swing?” you told him pointing to one of the few swings that were in that park. You could tell that it was an elegant place, not very suitable for children, but that even so it had covered the needs that you had as a child in that regard. He looked at you with a half smile and then looked straight ahead, while you continued to stare at him, completely entranced.
"How could I forget it? I told you that we had fulfilled it when I went too far from pushing you and you fell. I remember telling you about it while he was tending your scraped knees. They had just called us to congratulate us" he laughed amused, remembering how happy he had been with you when you  were a child, and that made him feel worse, how had he gotten to a situation like the one you were in? How had that been possible?
“I miss that time. You loved me ”you sighed resting your head on his shoulder, and Aemond sighed tiredly. He took another drag on his cigarette. You knew that he only smoked when he was feeling anxious, which led you to wonder if there was any time in those days when he was relaxed. This wasn't doing him any good, but he needed to talk to you, he needed to.
“I've always loved you unconditionally, (Y/N)” he breathed heavily after saying it, closing her eyes “And I need you…” he confessed “I need you the way you want… because I really want it equally …” he swallowed and you turned your sleepy head so you could look into his eyes. Your eyes met. Yours was of disbelief, his of acceptance. He couldn't lose you. He could never do it. His hand moved slowly to cup your face. Once he reached your face he drew you in a quick movement towards him and his lips met yours in an eager kiss. You didn't close your eyes. You couldn't believe what was happening after such a long day. You only contemplated him while he gave you a silent kiss. So, you finally closed your eyes and let yourself be carried away by that endless kiss. That was for you to be home at last. Finally.
Aemond poured himself a whiskey in silence. He'd only had to make one phone call and the Hightowers' luxury hotel had the principal suite available for him and his date. No one had asked questions. No one had talked about how he would be billed for that night and that act. He had just arrived driving his Ferrari, he had left it at the door and you had gone up in the private elevator of the hotel. No one had seen you enter. No one knew who the Targaryen Industries CEO's girl was that night, but no one asked questions, it was better that way. The illuminated city greeted you that full moon night. The dim light of the moon entered through the window and illuminated the enormous room. Aemond stood with his glass in front of the bed.
You sat on the bed and looked at him. Your eyes were still sad. You must have looked terrible. That wrinkled short black dress, your disheveled hair, bare feet, and mascara smeared all over your cheeks… Yet to Aemond there was no more beautiful sight. You were completely broken, but so in need of him that he could die of happiness. That was how he liked you. He needed you to need him. He wanted you to love him. He loved that you loved him. However, his face didn't seem to harbor any emotion… he took a sip from his glass of whiskey while he watched you. His free hand in his pants pocket. He wasn't going to let you see the terrible erection that pressed against the fabric in an almost annoying way. You looked at him and tried to smile. You were sad, lost, upset... but, you had him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you uncrossed your legs, inviting him to come with you at once. You saw how his imperturbable face paled when he saw you slowly unfold your legs. You opened them laughing in a sweet but flirtatious way, almost like a whore who knew what Aemond wanted. All your pussy soaked just for him. Your uncle took another sip, though he only licked his lips. He had before him something that he wanted much more than that glass. You smiled biting his lower lip when you saw him moisten his lips without losing sight of what he really wanted...
He finished his drink in one gulp and set the glass down on the table where he had picked it up. "Take off your panties" he ordered, still not approaching you. He watched how you obeyed him with a feigned innocence, you slowly passed the wet cloth over your legs, letting them fall to the ground due to all the weight produced by the accumulated humidity that was now in it. You saw him smile pleased. "Good girl" he whispered to you as he moved closer to you. He caressed your lower lip and you looked at him with bright eyes as he continued to stand in front of you. Aemond grabbed your head, tugging at your hair with a smirk. You felt your whole body arouse with sheer anticipation, but you did nothing more than look at him with a smile on your lips. Your uncle pulled your hair again, as if he expected you to unbutton his pants, and you smiled at him proudly and pretty. You weren't going to kneel before him. You didn't mean to, not for a single moment. "I want you to suck me off" was all he whispered to you with a smile on his lips, and he pulled my hair once more, as if you hadn't known about his wishes from the beginning. Of course you knew what he wanted, you weren't stupid. You have never been stupid.
"What a pity! I don't feel like it today" you told him in a sensual and childish tone to which he only knew how to respond like a predator and squeeze your hair even more. You saw him clench his jaw in response as he breathed heavily. You saw how that lump rose before your refusal. It turned him on when you contradicted him, as if it were something to break or break. Aemond had to have everything under control. He had always been like that. "Get down on your knees" you told him daring and excited and he looked at you as if he didn't believe what he just heard... you saw him debate whether he should do it or not, but in the end he did it. His knees dropped with all his weight against the ground. Aemond was at your mercy... you laughed as you felt how his hands now coveted your hips. Without a word, one of your hands rested on your uncle's head while you slipped into bed, giving way to what now you wanted... his eye did not leave yours. Parted lips. Fascination on his face. You felt his hands moving up your dress to your hips. His breath against that soaked area made you emit a small moan... you removed the patch and the bluish prosthesis greeted you... you returned to caress his head with only your fingertips and he smiled delightedly...
Your uncle brought his face closer to your pussy and you smiled at him again. Aemond never ate anyone's cunt in those days. Perhaps when he was younger he had been quite good at it, but now he didn't do it to anyone. That would have been lowering himself, but with you he could do it, because you were special enough or he was crazy for you enough to do it. You were a Targaryen, just like him and that made him cross limits that he hadn't crossed for a long time. He kissed the inner side of your thighs, while his hands gripped your hips. His grip was strong, almost as if he thought you could escape at any moment, as if he really needed your body. Aemond didn't think he'd ever lost his head for anyone so much in his entire life. His lips kissed the soft skin of the inner face of your thighs again. He looked at you waiting for an answer and saw you with your back arched, a small moan escaped your lips, almost as if that brief contact of his lips with your skin was enough for you to reach the climax. He smiled to himself as he thought in wonder at the power he had over you. That was how he liked it. You might think you were the one in control, but you weren't. Aemond was always the one who held him like an iron leash, held tightly between his two hands. He kissed you again on the inside of your thighs and then again, and again... he played at making you want him, asking him to eat you. You had told him to kneel and he had but only to get to this moment. He kissed you again on Mount Venus, but his lips avoided contact with the area where you really wanted them. He saw you laugh. He liked the sound of your laughter, but he also saw how your eyes full of passion asked him to continue.
"Tell me what you want" he whispered to you, playing with you. His violet eye fixed on you. He stuck out his tongue ready to lick, but just as you brought your hips towards the target and he continued on the trajectory, he backed away with a mischievous grin.
"Aemond" you moaned at him, halfway between anger and excitement. Still smiling.
"You haven't told me what you want yet," he replied, rubbing his face on the inside of your thigh, his gaze still on you.
"Are you going to make me beg?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. Your index finger stroked his chin and he smiled, almost victorious.
"It wouldn't be bad" he answered you while you felt how one of his hands released the grip of your hips. He put one of your legs over one of his shoulders to get better access to your cunt. One of his fingers slowly caressed the crack of your pussy and a shiver of pleasure ran through his body. All your skin stood up.
"Aemond" you moaned again, closing your eyes. He turned to smile and then his entire tongue ran up and down your pussy, savoring all the slippery juices that had gathered from that foreplay. Your eyes narrowed and your lips parted, emitting moans that guided Aemond in what you like or not. His lips and his tongue seemed made to eat that part of your body. One of the times when he stopped while you writhed, you saw how his entire chin lit up from the moisture that had adhered there. All coming from your body. But he wouldn't let go, you writhed but he seemed extremely hungry, enough to not take a breath. His lips surrounded your clitoris and he sucked, at that moment you felt even more pleasurable pressure build up in your stomach. One of his fingers entered you while he kissed, licked and sucked on your clit. "More" you asked him in a moan and he put another finger inside you, pressing that indicated and spongy place inside you. You almost thought you were dying while he looked at you arrogantly, satisfied with all he could do. You writhed with pleasure thanks to him. There came a point where you couldn't and you cumed all over his face while he continued to lick it almost clean and you lay back trying to catch your breath. That was how it had to be, you were finally together as you should be. Aemond then simply dropped his pants while you were a drenched mess in that black dress where your aroused nipples could be seen through the fabric. You trembled with pleasure, but you needed more, you both needed more. Your uncle positioned himself between your legs and gave himself a couple of quick pumps with his hand. The red tip greeted you, pre-cum dripping, in agonizing anticipation. He moved over you, resting his hands on the mattress, and then he kissed you. You could taste your flavor on his tongue.
Aemond entered you. His cock surrounded by the warmth of your pussy. Tight and soaked. His eyes closed and his teeth clenched in a muffled moan. He believed that he would cum soon. Your legs encircled his hips. Your eyes met and you laughed as he started to ram you into the mattress. Slow but strong. This was for Aemond to be home at last. Finally.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Baby Fever - Part Two
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Five months had passed since Loki shared that 'Magic Moment' with his niece, Eisa. He really meant what he said... Loki wanted to have a small bundle of joy himself. A positive pregnancy test later, your mission is to tell Loki in the cutest, most perfect way possible...
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff! Pregnancy and a bit of suggestive smut and thirst, if you squint.
Word Count: almost 3,8k
a/n: A lot of you wanted a second part - and here I am to deliver! :) I hope you guys are loving this as much as I do. <3 Thank y'all again for 200 followers! <3
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @lokislittleprincess and everyone, who asked for a part two: @lokisninerealms @homesickasgardian @lucylaufeyson3 :D
If you haven't read the first part yet, you can find it here. Part Three is here! :)
Find my Masterlist here! :)
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Five months had passed since the day Loki had the infamous 'Magic-Moment' with his niece, causing him to catch the biggest baby fever possible. Admittedly, I needed a good three days to actually get over this... It was almost too good to be true, so I wanted to make sure that he really meant it. If the fever would last and was not just a whim of nature. Turned out, it wasn't. Loki told me that almost every day, that he could really imagine to have a family with me and that he wanted a baby to 100 per cent. He told me so often, that I lost count. That one precious moment really seemed to have changed him - in the best way possible. I loved that new side of him - and so, after a serious conversation we had a week later, the decision was final... We were going to try for a baby. My husband had showed me more than once, that he was being serious about this, so who was I to deny him his wish? We were talking about Loki after all...
"So... That's a 'yes', darling? Is it? A true, honest, certain 'yes'?" He held gently both my cheeks in his hands, blue eyes filled with love, adoration and hope staring into mine. I nodded, smiling. "Yes, babe. That's a true, honest, certain 'yes'." I quoted him, placing my hands on his. "I want to have a baby with you, Lokes." His eyes lit up, one of the biggest smiles I had ever seen stretched across his face. "Really?" My husband asked, voice full of giddiness and happiness. "Really." He leaned down to kiss me joyfully. "Let's have a baby then." I nodded once again. "Let's have a baby." He placed another soft kiss on my lips, before his smile shifted, turned into a wolfish grin; something mischievous sparkling in his eyes. "Well then... We should start trying right away, darling." Before I even had the chance to answer him, I felt his hands leaving my cheeks and wandering quickly to my bottom, lifting me up, so that I had no other choice than to wrap my legs around his waist. "Lokiii!" I squeaked up in surprise, but giggled uncontrollably, as he carried me straight to the bedroom.
Quite a bit time had passed since then, and after seemingly endless weeks and weeks of trying, I was now finally looking down at a positive pregnancy test. We had a lot of false alarms before, but not anymore. Not this one. My hands started to shake as a squeal left my lips. Pregnant. We had finally made it! A little Trickster was on the way! I squealed once again and literally jumped through the bathroom out of joy. This was going to be amazing! I quickly hid the positive test, somewhere Loki wouldn't find it. Now I only needed to think of a cute way to tell him... It wasn't easy to find a way, though. I wanted it to be perfect - and that was a high task to manage. And not just that... I was also so excited about this all, that I needed to internally fight myself every day to not just scream it right into his devastatingly handsome face. It literally took me everything I got.
After two days of thinking and scrolling secretly like some kind of detective through the internet, I had found the perfect way to tell him. My plan consisted of three phases. Phase One was quick and easy to prepare. A customized onesie. It was green - of course, with the golden lettering 'Little Trickster' in the centre. I also bought a pair of tiny black leather boots, which looked a lot like Loki's. After that was done, I made sure to leave no hints on our laptop and changed over to Phase Two. In Phase Two, I crafted Loki a little card, on which I wrote 'Hi daddy! I can't wait to meet you!', alongside a small version of Loki's horned helmet. That had been a difficult part. I lost a lot of nerves and spent almost three hours on it, but in the end, it was definitely worth it. The helmet looked amazing and utterly cute. Time for Phase Three, but Phase Three was to 100 per cent the most difficult part...
First off, I made sure that Loki wasn't at home - what he luckily wasn't. Tony had ordered him to a mission, which would last at least the whole day, giving me enough time to implement Phase Three. That was at least what he told me and I hoped he was right… Now I stood in the middle of our kitchen, vomit bag in hands and had absolutely no clue, if my plan was going to work out. I took a deep breath and looked to the ceiling. "Heimdall?" I asked cautiously. "I-I know that you can see me, but... I don't know if you can hear me?" I waited for some kind of a response and fiddled with the bag in my hands, was quite a bit nervous. I had never done this alone before... Travelling to Asgard with the Bifrost without Loki. He did all the work. I just listened, stood beside him and held onto my husband for dear life. Nothing. I didn't know what to do if this wasn't working. I certainly couldn't ask Loki and I also didn't want to ask Thor, because I wanted to tell Loki first - well... second. "But... if you can hear me," I just decided to continue to talk, maybe it worked. "I'd like to, uh, ask for an audience with the Queen of Asg-" I didn't come any further, was interrupted by the rainbow light, swallowing me whole and transporting me straight to Asgard. "Aaaaaa!" I landed luckily safely and not on my butt like the last time we were visiting his home (Loki had laughed his ass off, before helping me stand.). I only struggled a bit to stand secure, but mere seconds after my feet had touched the ground, I felt how nausea overcame me. I knew this was going to happen. It always did. So, before I could even say a single word to Heimdall, I firstly threw up in the bag I still held in my hands. Good thing I thought of bringing it with me... Unfortunately, I had the feeling that it was a lot worse than the times before. Maybe it was because I was pregnant? I didn't know. Anyways, was Heimdall immediately at my side, steadying me. "Are you alright, Lady Y/N?" I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Y-Yes, thank you." I straightened myself again, looked thankfully at the Æsir. "I guess I haven't gotten used to the Bifrost yet. Not even after travelling through it for the nth time." Heimdall just gave me a kind smile, before he let go of me again - but not without making sure that I was able to stand alone. "Thank you, Heimdall." "Of course, Lady Y/N." He stepped back on his podium, giving me a nod. "See you later." "The queen awaits you in the royal gardens." "S-She already awaits me?" Heimdall nodded, smiling at me. "Oh... Alright. Thanks." I smiled back at him and started to make my way towards the palace, but the Gatekeeper's words made me stop in my movements again. "And Lady Y/N?" I turned to face him. "Yes?" He smiled once again. "Congratulations." I frowned. Congratu- Oh... Heimdall knew? I was utterly confused, but a second later, I facepalmed myself internally. Of course he knew! He was the Gatekeeper and saw everything and everyone... I blushed a bit, "Thank you." and bowed my head. "I am truly happy for you and the Prince. Please convey my congratulations to him as well." "For sure, I'll tell him." Another smile played on my lips, before I bid my goodbye for real this time and left; quickly disposing the vomit bag.
Once I reached the palace, the guards let me inside, of course, with a friendly nod. "Alone on a visit today, Lady Y/N?" One of them asked, while opening the big golden doors. I nodded. "Today, yes. I have an important matter to tell the queen." "Please forgive me my bluntness, but I hope it's not a bad matter." I shook my head, smiling. "The best matter possible." Without saying anything further, I walked past them and made my way straight towards the royal gardens; greeting a lot of familiar faces on the way.
When I stepped through the blooming gardens, my eyes landed immediately on the queen. She was standing beside a rose bush, carefully trying to pick a rose. I couldn't help but smile, when I saw her standing there. It had been quite a while since I had lastly seen her.                                                                                    I just wanted to speak up and say hello, when her gaze landed on me, a smile spreading across her face as well. "Y/N, my dear!" She let go of the rose and made quick steps over to me, taking me in her arms immediately. "Your majesty." I bowed my head slightly after hugging her. She was still royalty, after all. "Please... Call me Frigga. How many times have I told you, dear? You belong to the family!" Yes... Frigga was, without a doubt one of the most wonderful people I knew. That woman owned a heart of gold. "Frigga." I corrected myself, still holding on to her forearms. "Let us walk a bit. Heimdall told me, you wanted to talk with me?" I nodded, walked beside her. "Yes, I do. There's something important I want to tell you." I wasn't nervous at all to tell Frigga. Quite the opposite... I was very excited. I knew that she always wished for her sons to have a great life, filled with love, the right women at their sides - and grandchildren. Thor gave her this gift already and now it was time for Loki and me to do the same. "Go ahead, my dear. You know that I always have a sympathetic ear for my daughters-in-law." "Thank you, Frigga. I really appreciate that." I paused for a moment, before I continued; wasn't able to hide the smile on my face. "It makes me very happy to tell you, that you are going to have another grandchild in about eight months." A rather loud gasp left Frigga's mouth and she stopped immediately in her movements. I stopped as well and turned to look at her, biting my lip, trying to hide my smile. She was visibly quite shocked and surprised, didn't expect that at all. But mere seconds later, a big smile began to form on her face. "Oh, my dear..." Frigga pulled me instantly in a tight hug. "You have no idea how happy you just made me." I giggled softly and hugged her of course tightly as well. When she backed up from the embrace, I saw a few tears shimmering in her blue eyes. "My littlest boy is going to be a father..." Frigga said, shaking her head in disbelief. I nodded quickly. "He is, yes." When she looked at me again, I saw a happy tear escaping the corner of her eye. Her hand flew up to cup my cheek gently. "Congratulations. From the bottom of my heart. I am truly, honestly so happy for you and Loki. The love you two are sharing is so very special and strong. And now you are topping this wonderful love with a child. Is there something more beautiful?" Her words almost made me cry as well... "Thank you so much." I wasn't able to form any more words, because I was too caught up in suppressing my own tears. She hugged me once again - what was exactly what I needed in that moment, before letting go of me again. "Does my son already know?" We leisurely continued our stroll through the gardens, smiling at each other. I shook my head. "No, not yet… But that's actually the reason why I'm here. I have a plan on how to tell Loki, but for that plan to work out, I need your help." Frigga smiled at me. "Whatever you wish for."
Three days later, I had everything what I needed... The onesie, the boots, the card, the helmet and the special object Frigga gave me. And as if on cue, Loki had been called for another mission this day, what meant that I could set up everything calmly and take my time to make it perfect. It took me quite a while, but it was worth it. Satisfied, I looked at my good work. Yes... This was perfect. I was the rest of the day literally on edge. Loki could walk every second through the door. I was also a bit nervous, but mostly excited. Of course, I tried to distract myself with doing unnecessary things like sorting my clothes. It was a little bit stupid, but helpful. I was just about to start another silly task, when I heard a key turning in the lock of the main door. My heart skipped a beat and picked up its speed on instant. It was thudding against my ribcage, adrenaline and excitement flooding my veins. "Darling?" Loki's voice called out. I took a deep breath and rushed down the hallway to greet him. "Hi, baby!" My arms found their way immediately around my husband's neck, just like his arms sneaked around my waist, pulling me closer. He was donning his full Asgardian armour - except the helmet; the leather cool against my skin. The smell of sweat and leather hit my airways, with a small trace of Loki's cologne. "Hello." "Successful mission?" He sighed. "Yes, but it was quite tiring and long." I pressed my lips against his for a loving kiss. "I'm sorry to hear that, Lokes." But I have a wonderful surprise for you, I thought. But instead, I said: "Go have a shower and after that, we are going to order pizza and flop on the sofa, watching Netflix or so." Loki began to smirk, a boyish glint in his eyes, as he squeezed my hips. "Netflix and Chill?" He asked, winking. I just rolled my eyes, but smiled. "You are insatiable, do you know that?" "Yes, I am more than aware of that. I could never have enough of you, my queen. My glorious purpose is to make love to you and worship you until the end of time." His words sped up my already fastly beating heart even more; butterflies running wild inside my stomach. The love I felt for this man was infinite. "Gods, I love you, Lokes. So much." Loki certainly didn't expect this reaction from me (Thanks to my hormones.), but he reciprocated the kiss I pulled him into nevertheless immediately. "I love you, too, my love." I could see the love flickering in his blue orbs. Our lips met again, before Loki gave me another mischievous grin. "And besides... We are on a mission, remember, darling?" I knew of course what he meant. "A mission that isn't successfully completed yet." If only you knew, I thought and bit my lip, playing along. "Well, that is quite right... Go shower nowand relax firstly a bit, babe. Then we can think about the 'Chill' part." Loki leaned down to capture my lips once again with his, "Whatever my queen desires." before he let go of me and passed me by, making his way to the bathroom. As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, a deep breath left my lips. The countdown was set... It was so thrilling to know, that Loki was going to find without a doubt the biggest surprise in his life in a few minutes. I passed the time by nervously pacing back and forth. I literally couldn't wait for the moment to come.
About fifteen minutes later, I heard how Loki turned off the shower; the water stopping to run. There it was… The moment. I quickly tiptoed to the bathroom and waited in front of the door, till he exited the now steamy room; preventing him from going to the bedroom. Loki's still wet raven hair was being held together by a manbun; the black t-shirt he wore clinging tightly to his still slightly damp skin. The grey sweatpants he wore were hanging low on his hips, revealing a glimpse of his perfect v-line. His eyes landed immediately on me, brows furrowing slightly in confusion, but I had been slightly too distracted to notice. "Darling, what...?" My husband's words brought me back to reality, pulling me away from my thirsting thoughts and reminding me, that there was a surprise waiting for him. I looked up into his eyes, biting my lip to hide the smile. "Sorry, Lokes, but... I want to show you something, okay?" He nodded, still a bit confused. "Of course. What is it, Y/N?" I gently took his hand in mine, dragged him slowly after me. "You'll see, my love." I smiled at my husband and led him towards the bedroom. The door was closed - on purpose, of course. I let go of his hand again and nodded towards the door. "Open the door." He frowned, had visibly no idea what I was insisting, but placed his hand on the handle. "Okay." He slowly, almost cautiously opened the door and peeked inside. Loki looked back at me; even more confusion written all over his gorgeous face. "Why is there a huge gift standing in our bedroom, darling? It's not my birthday today, as far as I can recall." He was, of course, referring to the big box, standing inside our living room. The package looked like a gift, had a bow on top and a few golden and green balloons were bound to it, hovering in the air. I shrugged my shoulders, played the innocent. "I don't know. I guess you'll have to find out."
He went inside the bedroom, approaching the gift carefully, but curiously. I followed him, stood by the side and watched. Loki stepped closer, inspected the box. I was excited how long it was going to take him to find the first hint. Turned out, it didn't take him that long... I had placed the small version of Loki's horned helmet on top of the box. "Why is there a miniature horned helmet?" He took it in his hands, taking a look, before he faced me again. "Maybe it's a hint for you to open the box..." Another frown contorted his face. Loki put the helmet aside, placed it on the bed. "You are being very mysterious at the moment, darling. What is going on in that beautiful head of yours? What have you planned?" Once again, I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a soft smile. "Fine..." He untied the balloons, then carefully the bow and lifted the lid, causing the four sides of the quadratic box to fall open, revealing a smaller box. I had placed the reason why I had been to Asgard on that said box. Loki squatted down, took the object in his hands, then getting up again. He turned towards me. "Love what... Where did you get that from? Why is this here?" Loki turned the wooden toy in his hands. It was a black painted wolf - his favourite toy when he had been a child, like Frigga told me. I smiled at him. "What do you think?" He shook his head. "I don't know what I should think right now. I am highly confused." "Then I guess you need to have a look inside the final box." Without saying another word, he knelt down, placed the wolf carefully beside himself and literally ripped open the box; too impatient now. I was biting my lip again, when I witnessed his eyes widen at what he saw. I had put the green onesie inside, alongside the tiny boots and the card. "What-" Loki's hand reached for the things, his eyes reading the words, written on the card. 'Hi daddy! I can't wait to meet you!' And then, it clicked. I could tell by his expression. "I thought we should have a little piece of your history for your child to grow up with..." His head snapped into my direction, hands trembling slightly, as he held the onesie in a death grip. "M-My child?" His voice was quivering; his eyes getting more and more glassy with every passing second. "Y-You are...?" He snivelled, gaze lowering to rest on my stomach. I nodded, felt how my own tears started to fall as well. "Yes, babe. I'm pregnant." A heart-wrenching sob left his lips, as the realisation sank fully in with my spoken words. Loki scooted over to me as quickly as somehow possible, arms wrapping around my middle, his face buried in the t-shirt I wore. My hands found his hair, running my fingers through his locks as the happy tears he shed wetted the white fabric. I had never seen my husband like that. So emotional, so deeply touched. It made my heart slosh over with love for this man.
It took Loki quite a few moments to calm a bit down again. The tears had stopped falling from his now puffy, reddened eyes, but he was still on his knees in front of me; my hands still in his hair. Without saying a word, he brought up his shaky hands and lifted gently, carefully my t-shirt, revealing the bare skin of my stomach. Loki pressed a soft, lingering kiss there, before his oceanic eyes met mine again. "I'm going to be a daddy..." He stated, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. "I can't believe this... What a wonderful surprise, darling." I smiled down at him, tracing his sharp cheekbones. "You're not just going to be a daddy, Lokes... You're going to be the best daddy. Hence, you're an awesome uncle already! And I am very happy and relieved that you loved my surprise." He breathed out a laugh. "How could I not be happy about this surprise? I am the happiest man alive, my love." Loki lowered my t-shirt again and stood up. "Thank you so much for gifting me with becoming a father." He smiled brightly; his hands returning to my still flat belly, before he captured my lips in a breath-taking kiss. "I love you, my darling. My queen, my goddess. And I already love our baby so much." I smiled. "We love you, too, babe."
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
When Fire Meets Fate
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Part 4
Request: Yes or No
The pacing in this series is killing me istg
The flames seemed to flicker at every movement, hot wax pooling at the bottom of the candles and mixing with the hardened wax spread across the table. The smell of smoke and incense filled his nostrils, an overwhelming smell that only brought memories he'd rather keep buried. (Y/N) reached out, fingers hovering over the flames. They licked at his skin, heating the metal of his rings and burning his flesh. He only pulled away to avoid marking himself. 
"It's been a while since I last saw you here, (Y/N)." Alicents' soft voice reached his ears, feeling her hand touch his shoulder. "Have you come to speak with Mother?" She asked, turning to look down at the candles, the orange of the flames making her olive skin glow. It was often Alicent who found herself at the Sept, whether praying for someone or silently speaking to their mother. But as her time as Queen grew longer, her visits grew shorter. Yet, like her love for their father, her faith never wavered.
"You should be resting, Alicent." (Y/N)s' gaze dropped to her belly, or rather lack of. As per the maesters' prediction, Alicent had entered her labors and successfully bore a daughter just two months prior. A little girl with silver curls named Helaena. She'd come without any fuss or hassle, apart from the typical pains of labor, and she'd proven to be easier to care for than Aegon, although she protested when held for long periods. Naturally, Alicents' body still needed rest to recover, especially since she'd no doubt be carrying another in months time. (Y/N) could only hope the ones that followed were as easy to manage as his newest niece.
"I only wished to see you," Alicent murmured, running her hand over her clothed belly and dropping her gaze to the floor. After spending so much time pregnant, (Y/N) could tell missed the feeling of a babe within her. "But perhaps, you can escort me back?" She asked and smiled when her brother offered his arm for her to take. She linked her arm with his, tilting her head to rest it against his arm. Clergies murmured their greetings and bowed their heads, blessing them with health and happiness as they walked past. The carriage awaited them and (Y/N) helped his sister climb inside, watching her plop down on the soft red cushion. She released a sigh of relief and leaned back into the pillows, legs slumping. Alicent smiled tiredly and tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. 
"You mustn't push yourself." (Y/N) reminded, sitting across from her as the carriage began to move, taking them back to the castle. "The maesters said-"
"Yes, I know. It's just..." Alicent trailed off, nails scraping against the back of her hand. "Lonesome." She finished quietly, rubbing her thumb between her fingers, nails threatening to pick at the skin around it. "You must feel the same with Rhaenyra away on her tour." She forced a smile for him, tearing her eyes away from her hands to look at him.
"I'm sure in due time, you'll find yourself surrounded by good company."
"Perhaps with some nieces and nephews." 
"You have some already, Alicent. If you wish to see them-"
"You know what I mean." Alicent pushed herself up to sit straighter, lifting her brows. "I know you prefer Helaena over Aegon but I can assure you that Aegon brings nothing but joy. Children are a blessing." (Y/N) hummed. He'd heard Aegons' last hissy fit had lasted more than an hour. The little Targaryen had been passed around from maid to wet nurse to Alicent without any sign of stopping his tantrum. (Y/N) had steered clear of the hallway leading to the room, for even just hearing the distant crying and screeching sent a wave of irritation through his body. But he remained silent. He knew better than speaking ill of a child in the face of their mother. "Once you pick a bride, you can have a brood of your own. In fact, I know some ladies-"
"I know I will have to eventually marry and have enough children to satisfy the families my bride and I were born into. But now, I wish to spend my time enjoying the peace before it's disrupted by a wife and screaming babes." (Y/N) interrupted her, speaking gently. His sister pursed her lips, sighing softly.
"You know I only wish the best for you." 
"I know." (Y/N) responded softly, feeling the carriage slow to a stop. A guard pulled the carriage door open and offered his hand which Alicent graciously took, carefully stepping down and smiling apologetically at the maids as they rushed to her side, fretting and lightly scolding her for leaving without a guard.
"We must get you prepared, Your Grace. It appears Prince Daemon has returned from the Stepstones!" One of the maids explained, ushering Alicent up the stairs. "King Viserys has called everyone to gather and witness the arrival of his brother."
"I should get going, then." (Y/N) spoke and his sister nodded, dismissing him with a wave of her hand. He ascended the stairs, heading down the hall and joining the crowd as they shuffled into the throne room, taking their places on either side of the room. (Y/N) weaved through the crowd, listening to the hushed whispering and muttering. Prince Daemon had been away for years with little support from his brother. One could only assume what he'd say or do. Fingers lightly grazed against his arm and before (Y/N) could turn his head to address the person, a chin rested upon his shoulder, and silver hair drooped over his shoulder. 
"You should've come with me," Rhaenyra whispered, smelling of sea salt and citrus. She fell back onto the heels of her feet and cheekily grinned at him, moving to stand by his side. She wore a long red dress with an equally long and thin black coat covering her. Appropriate clothing for a trip across the sea. She glanced in the direction of her father only to quickly look away, gnawing on her bottom lip.
"You're supposed to be on your tour, Rhaenyra. Or have you found a suitable husband?" Her brows raised and she gave him a knowing smirk. "One that isn't a Hightower, I mean."
"If you'd been there, you would've come back too." Rhaenyra raised her hand to toy with her necklace, the one her uncle had given before the passing of Queen Aemma. The red gemstone twinkled in the sunlight and drew his eyes to it. "One of the men spoke of my great-grandmother, (Y/N). He knew her. Why would I even dream of marrying a man older than my father?"
"Surely there were younger men."
"Ah, yes. There most certainly were! A child closer in age to Aegon than he was to me." Rhaenyra scoffed, finger rubbing over the gemstone. She opened her mouth to speak once more but fell silent along with the rest of the people gathered when Prince Daemon strutted into the room, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword and a makeshift crown placed on his head where his formally long hair had been cut short. Rhaenyras' fingers wrapped around (Y/N)s' wrist and she pulled him along, falling in step with her uncle as he walked further into the room. Prince Daemon never broke his stride until he reached the knights, lip curling when they drew their swords. He looked up at his brother and lifted the weapon he'd been carrying, lifting his brows slightly.
"Add it to the chair." The crowd erupted in low murmuring as the sword clattered against the smooth stone floor but King Viserys didn't take his eyes off his brother, and neither did Prince Daemon. 
"You wear a crown." King Viserys noted, a hint of amusement to his tone. "Do you also call yourself 'King'?" 
"Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me 'King of the Narrow Sea.'" Prince Daemon responded and more murmuring spread. "But I know there is only one true king, Your Grace." He added and bent the knee, bowing his head. His actions brought on a perplexed look to Otto's face and he shared a glance with King Viserys.
"My crown and the Stepstones," Taking his crown off, Prince Daemon lifted his head. "Are yours." King Viserys lips formed a smile, albeit a confused one.
"Well, where is Lord Corlys?"
"He sailed home to Driftmark." His brother responded and King Viserys' brows furrowed.
"Who holds the Stepstones?" 
"The tides, the crabs, and 2,000 Triarchy corsairs staked to the sands to warn those who might follow." Prince Daemon answered cooly. King Viserys walked forward, a clang echoing through the room as the tip of his sword made contact with stone with each step he took. (Y/N) looked away from the brothers, watching his fathers' figure follow King Viserys from a distance. Otto broke focus to look back at him, gaze shifting downward. (Y/N) slipped his wrist out of Rhaenyras' hold and ignored the glance she sent his way instead looking forward only to notice Daemon already looking in his direction. The prince eyed him for a moment before returning his attention to King Viserys, watching him hand the crown off to Ser Harrold. 
"Rise." King Viserys ordered softly, eyes following Daemon as he stood. A beat of silence passed before King Viserys smiled fondly, patting the side of his brother's arm before resting his hand on his shoulder. The tension in the room dissipated when Daemon stepped forward, affectionately dropping his head down onto King Viserys shoulder. Those in the room began to clap at the display, despite their previous distrust of the prince.
With the brothers officially united, the crowd waited for the two to depart to the courtyard before dispersing, some following them and others leaving to attend to personal business. Rhaenyra strayed behind, intertwining her fingers. She undoubtedly knew she'd be chastised by her father for cutting her tour short two months early, especially after he'd given her the privilege of choosing who she wished to marry. And while Rhaenyra had the perfect husband in mind, it appeared he felt differently for her. Her eyes lingered on (Y/N), his relaxed figure tensing in the presence of his father. Ottos' gaze flickered to her and he tilted his chin up.
"Princess, I believe your presence will be wanted in the courtyard." He called. A subtle way of telling her to leave them be and so she hesitantly did, leaving the throne room and heading toward her bedchambers to change into something more comfortable. The servants helped her dress, taking her coat from her and setting a new dress on the bed. They held her hands, keeping her balanced as she slipped into the dress, adjusting it and making sure she looked presentable. Her shoes were put on for her and she brushed her hair on her own, taking one last glance at herself in the mirror before leaving the room and joining everyone in the courtyard. She made brief eye contact with her father, fingers rolling her ring back and forth around her skin. King Viserys broke eye contact first, a frown settling on his features. 
"You'll push your father into an early grave at this rate, Rhaenyra." Goosebumps ran down her arms when his familiar voice cooed teasingly in her ear. She looked back at (Y/N), chuckling softly when Otto passed them with a disapproving glance. 
"I could say the same for you." She replied, approaching the table and looking over the snacks that had been provided on such short notice. 
"Yes, well," Rhaenyras' breath hitched when she felt a hand on her lower back, (Y/N)s chest brushing against her arm as he leaned over to pick up two grapes from the gold platter. "Only one of us hopes it'll happen to their father." He pulled away from her, popping the grapes into his mouth, either oblivious or straight up ignoring her reaction to his actions.
"Otto surely cannot be as bad as you make him seem." Rhaenyra breathed, feeling a wave of hot wash over her face. She prayed it wouldn't be noticeable, fingers picking at some bread.
"Have you greeted your uncle yet? I'm sure you're still his favorite." (Y/N) smirked at her and she grunted softly, looking back toward her father and uncle. Alicent stood with them, smiling and nodding along to the conversation. (Y/N) watched Rhaenyra sigh and step away from the table, approaching the trio and being pointedly ignored by her father until she spoke. Even then, all she received was a glare. The amusement bubbling in (Y/N) died down when he noticed his sister speak, followed by the older men laughing together. Rhaenyra and King Viserys went back and forth before Rhaenyra stepped away, annoyance written all over her face. (Y/N) looked back at his sister and nodded his head toward Rhaenyra. A slimmer of hope sparkled in Alicents eyes and she excused herself from the men, following Rhaenyra and sitting down with her. 
"If they were to rekindle their friendship, there'd be no reason for you to refuse a marriage proposal," Otto muttered as he drew closer to his son, looking over the food and picking up a slice of bread.
"Rhaenyra will choose for herself, Father."
"You and I know very well King Viserys will ultimately have to choose for her." Clasping his hands behind his back, Otto glanced back at the brothers, warily watching Prince Daemon. "She's as stubborn as you are."
"I'm sure he'll choose wisely. Unlike some, he truly has his daughter's best interest in mind." (Y/N) turned toward his father, holding his icy stare. "But it seems King Viserys' is one of few fathers who care for their children. Rhaenyra is lucky her father doesn't view her as a puppet he can control whenever he feels like it."
Exhaling through his nose, Ottos' gaze fell to the cobbled ground. "It appears I've made you feel unloved in recent years. You should know I care-"
"You love me enough to involve me in your plans, but not enough to care for my happiness. That is what you've shown in recent years. I loved Mother because she loved me, cared for me, and showed me what a parent is supposed to be. You've only shown me the worst parts of fathers. I didn't need you then, and I certainly don't need you now." (Y/N) sneered, turning away from his father and feeling his gaze burn into his back as he exited the courtyard.
                    ✶        ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶
Slipping through the halls of the castle, Rhaenyra kept her pace swift and her feet light. Her head still felt woozy, reeling from what she'd seen and what she'd heard in the city. She'd witnessed a side she'd never expected from the very place she thought she'd known her whole life. Daemon had given her advice, encouraging her and even taking her to the Street of Silk. Watch carefully, he'd smirked, for when you finally convince that Hightower boy. Rhaenyra felt her ears heat at the thought, and yet she found herself going down the hall leading to his room. Only to find him walking toward the door, his guard nowhere in sight. 
"(Y/N)?" His head turned in her direction, brows furrowing at the sight of her. Rhaenyra quickened her pace and (Y/N)s' eyes swept over her attire, brows only furrowing further. 
"The hour's late, Rhaenyra. What are you doing up?"
"What are you doing up?" She shot back, taking note of the state of his disheveled clothes, and then she spotted the book in his hand. Her hands reached out and she snatched the book from him, pushing her back against his door and turning the handle, slipping inside before he could protest or stop her.
"I saw Lady Byrch reading this the other day." Rhaenyra whirled around, eyes narrowing. A twinge of jealousy shot through her veins but she swallowed it down, a playful smirk appearing on her face.
"I asked if she had a copy." (Y/N) answered, slowly shutting the door behind him to avoid making noise. "She did not."
"So...." The princess squinted, urging him to continue.
Licking his lips, he shrugged. "So, I borrowed it." (Y/N) stepped toward the princess, pausing when she stepped back in return. 
"That's it?" Rhaenyra pressed the book to her chest, fingers tightening around the edges of it. "You just... asked?"
"She might've said she needed convincing... It's quite a lovely book, you see." 
Rhaenyra raised her brows, slowly nodding. "Ah, convincing? Is that what you call you lords call it these days?" 
"Yes, Rhaenyra. Now, what were you up to at this hour?" (Y/N) asked, walking toward her, picking up his pace when Rhaenyra giggled and ran from him. She rounded a table and stopped at the other side, grinning slyly at him and drumming her fingers against the book to taunt him. The adrenaline from the events of the night pumped through her veins, keeping her alert and giddy.
"Daemon took me down to the city and showed me what it is like during this time of night." She explained, watching (Y/N) press his palms flat against the table as he studied her movements. 
"What's it like?" He asked, slowly moving around the table, the tips of his knuckles dragging across the surface. The moonlight illuminated them, providing enough light for them to keep an eye on each other.
"Lively." She breathed, following his movements until she reached the other side, taking his previous spot. "Especially the pleasure houses."
"Pleasure houses? Rhaenyra-"
"Nothing happened between Daemon and I." She assured him, blowing hair out of her face. She swallowed, finding her mouth and throat abnormally dry. "Have you ever been to one?"
"Gwayne took me once a few months after Mother passed. He claimed I needed to lighten up." He answered, darting around the table and narrowly catching her but she evaded him, leaping out of reaching and slapping a hand over her mouth to silence her laughter. However, with the lack of something keeping them apart, (Y/N) easily caught her by the waist, wrapping an arm around her and pulling the book out of her hands. Rhaenyra wiggled out of his grasp and spun around, attempting to snatch the book back but he held it out of reach. Her shoes smacked against the stone as she jumped, but her smaller structure prevented her from even getting close to the book. Using his forearm, (Y/N) pushed it against her collarbone, backing the princess up until her back pressed against the doors.
"Rhaenyra, it's late. If you wish to play games, you'll have to wait." (Y/N) exhaled, lifting his hand higher when she made another leap for the book. Rhaenyra puffed out her cheeks and (Y/N) snickered, the sound bringing a small smile to her face.
Shoving down any nervousness she had, she tilted her head. "I might need some convincing." She grinned and her skin warmed, arms slipping behind her back to grab the doorknobs, blocking him from accessing them. (Y/N)s' lips parted and an amused chuckle slipped past them, head shaking. 
"Someone once told me you cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it. You fear the throne, I see that now. But I can assure you, you will not become your father. When I become queen, I will send him far away and you'll never see him again. I promise you that." His eyes found hers and she held her breath, waiting for something, anything. She'd already been rejected once, she could handle it again. But she wished for a slimmer of hesitance. A sign he wanted her the same way she wanted him. He stared at her for a moment longer, lips pressing together to form a line. Rhaenyra bit the inside of her cheek, racking her mind for something else to say. But then, his face grew closer and their foreheads pressed together. 
"You are the most irritating princess I know." He muttered.
"I'm the only princess you know." She couldn't help but giggle, fingers releasing the doorknobs to grasp at the collar of his shirt. "And I find myself to be quite charming." 
"Quite stubborn."
"That too." She tilted her head slightly, gently bumping their noses together. She stared into his (E/C) eyes, her stomach twisted and turning. She could feel his breath on her skin, on her lips. So close... 
"The hour is late, Nyra." Her heart fluttered at the nickname and she rubbed the cloth of his shirt between her fingers. 
"If we were caught..." She trailed off, hands leaving his collar and instead resting on his shoulder. His arm fell from its spot against her collarbone, fingers instead brushing against her arm. 
"Our fathers would be furious. They know we're better than that." 
"Another time, then?" She asked and the corner of his lips twitched upward, pulling into a smirk. He lifted his hand, touching her cheek and rubbing his thumb back and forth over her warm skin. She leaned into his welcoming touch, eyes never leaving his until they fluttered shut when his lips pressed against hers. A fleeting kiss. A promise for something more if she were patient, if she played her cards right.
"Go, Nyra." He muttered, turning the doorknob. The deer creaked open and Rhaenyra glanced back into the hallway. "Go before I ruin the wedding night for your husband." Heat spread through her body and she stepped out of his room, finger running back and forth across her lips. She looked back at him one last time before heading down the hallway, the adrenaline now mixed with a new feeling.
But, the cause of her feelings felt differently. (Y/N) closed the door, fingers digging into the leather of the book. "Fuck," He hissed, tossing it to the side and hearing it slide across the room. He ran a hand through his hair, sitting down on the edge of his bed and resting his arms against his knees. Sneaking out, a stroll through the Street of Silk, a visit to a brothel. Being in his room at an hour no lady should've been up at. Daemon had resented Rhaenyra the moment she'd been named heir over him, but to possibly coax her into giving her virtue while unmarried? Perhaps he had no ill intent and he merely wished to vex his brother by encouraging his niece to pursue her own adventures, even if it meant risking being spotted by one of Otto's many spies. 
Sighing heavily, he kicked off his shoes, letting them scatter across the floor before he leaned back into the pillows. He stared up at the ceiling, teeth digging into his bottom lip. Otto swore his loyalty to King Viserys, but those who knew him knew he would only ever be loyal to himself. He had no regard for Rhaenyra. Squeezing his eyes shut, he prayed for the first time in ages to the gods above. If only they cared.
On the morrow, the doors to his bedchambers swung open. The young man flinched, eyes squinting through the sunlight pouring in from his window. His fathers' familiar figure greeted him and he dropped his head back on the pillows, practically smelling the irritation rolling off him. The doors closed behind his father, courtesy of (Y/N)s' nervous guard, and Otto cleared his throat.
"It is far too early-"
"Rhaenyra was spotted in the bowels of a pleasure den late in the evening, though I am sure you are aware of this." His fathers' tone had been laced with ice, eyes narrowing as he watched his son. (Y/N) swallowed and propped himself up onto his elbows, meeting his gaze before forcing out a huff.
"I've just woken up, Father. How could I possibly know of her whereabouts when I haven't even seen her?" (Y/N) tossed the blankets off to the side, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and rising from his spot. His father approached him in long strides, hand roughly grabbing the jaw of his son and forcing him to look at him.
"A servant." He spat. "A servant spotted Rhaenyra leaving your bedchambers in the hour of the owl, (Y/N)! If Daemon hadn't been seen taking her to that brothel, King Viserys would be demanding your head! You're a Hightower. You know better than to be this careless." Otto released him with enough force to make (Y/N) fall back onto the bed. (Y/N) rubbed his reddening skin, eyes focusing on the cracks on the floor as his father shakily sighed.
"Look what you've brought me to, (Y/N). If only you were like Alicent or Gwayne, none of this would've happened." Otto muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"Nothing happened-"
"I don't wish to hear another word from your mouth unless it involves your compliance." Otto gritted his teeth. "You've missed your chance at being a king. You could've made this family proud for once in your life. King Viserys will be forced to wed his daughter to Ser Laenor of House Velaryon. You've disappointed me gravelly, (Y/N). It's time you begin acting like a Hightower."
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simply-eno · 8 days
Pa Is On His Last Leg
I got a text from my mother early on Friday morning saying that Pa is fading quick. Tears built and I cried in the car as my husband and I made our way through the Texas panhandle. I made the decision to bypass the grave of my father and drive through Colorado to make it in time to say goodbye to the only man left in my life to have raised me. I couldn’t waste the time saying emptiness to a man that’s already dead when I have so much to say to a man that is dying.
We arrived in my hometown around 0430, and walked in on my uncle sleeping on the couch. We talked for a moment, introducing my husband to family that felt estranged, but the hug hello and “It’s good to see you, sweetie,” made the empty hole in my heart fill with somber joy. It was good to be home.
I woke up at 0800 to the tv playing in the living room, Pa was awake and watching the tube. He barely moved his head as I rounded the corner of his lazy boy chair to hug him and kiss his cheek. He made some joke about my newly chopped off hair cut, and grimly smiled.
His bones were sticking out from under his shirt, his hair has thinned to bare wisps on his balding head, and every scar on his chin and cheek looked like they had more life than he, himself, did. He tells me that the weather’s been pleasant. He hasn’t been outside since the beginning of April.
The day passes with my husband chatting up a storm with my family that he finally got to meet after all this time, and I slip away to cry and grieve in peace. Mom finds me tells me that it’s getting close and how I have to be ready for that phone call. She says that he’s proud of me. She says that he loves me.
I dry the tears and rejoin the family as Mom tells my husband about how I got my nickname. I was the only grandchild that my grandfather ever held. My mom had plopped me down on his knee so that she could rush to the bathroom, and when she came back, he said that he was going to call me Emmy. For years, Pa joked that he named me after his favorite donkey.
Evening rolled around and my siblings and their kids came piling in for the big dinner that Mom planned. I ran around my niece and nephews in the yard, finally getting some quality time with all of them. And eventually, they all left and the night went quietly.
On Monday morning, Mom said they were going to call an ambulance to get Pa to the hospital for an end-of-life evaluation. They need a hospital bed inside the living room, and they can’t get him to the vehicle by themselves. So, ambulance.
I watch as the two young men loaded Pa up, and I told him we would meet him there. Ralph and I gathered up our stuff as my Mom, Ma, and uncle followed behind the ambulance. And I cried again.
We get to the hospital, and I’m taken back to his room. And he’s lying in the bed, hooked up to the machines, and I grabbed his hand. He wouldn’t let go of me. I just stood there with him, knowing this would be the last time I would get with him.
And as much as I wanted to stay, I had to hug him and kiss him goodbye so that my husband and I could make it to California for our apartment. Because, life has to continue even when it’s ending before you.
Mom texted me later that night and said that he was back home with a severe UTI, and he’s wheelchair bound.
The man I’ve known to never sit for more than an hour, always working out in his garden, always in his wood shop building another lamp, always kidding and joking, always praising the sky for rain and sun, always cursing the winter’s harsh cold, always strong minded, has been reduced to a frail, old man. He has withered in his agedness, when I always thought him ageless. He has become something I fear of becoming.
Pa always said… he was on his last leg.
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myersmaniac · 7 months
Bernard x Y/n ( Scott’s niece) pt.1
Falling like snow.
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It was a very snowy winter's day at the North Pole, Bernard went about his usual business, ensuring all toys were being made with love and care, he knew today Scott’s niece would be visiting for the very first time so he made sure that everything was in check and looked just as magical as possible, he really didn’t suspect much would happen today but little did he know that this particular day would forever change his life. Y/N found herself walking into Santa's workshop, it was more beautiful than she’d imagined. She was in awe of the Christmas wonderland surrounding her, she took a deep breath soaking all the Christmas magic surrounding her in, she was very quickly pulled out of her trance by a certain elf “ you must be Scott’s niece, I’m Bernard the head elf, I’d be happy to show you around.” Y/n was no longer enchanted by all of the lights, decorations, snow and other material things instead it was Bernard who now held her full attention. With mischievous eyes twinkling like stars, and a smile that could melt icicles, Y/N was a force to be reckoned with for Bernard. Though the air was freezing cold and followed by a winters blow the both of them felt a rush of warmth flow through their bodies just by looking at each other. “ uhh, yeah yeah that’d be great thanks, you can call me y/n by the way it’s nice to meet you Bernard.” Bernard had never seen anyone as beautiful as y/n to him she was like a snow Angel. As they began to walk around Bernard began to talk “ Scott’s told me a lot about you, he says you’re pretty mischievous. Do me a favor and keep that mischievousness out of the workshop we’re very busy here.” Bernard says. “ you have nothing to worry about Bernie, I’m not gonna mess up your precious head elf duties.” Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and giggled. “ and another things it’s Bernard not Bernie.” Bernard responded. “ yeah yeah whatever Bernie.” Y/n said as she trotted off to go visit her uncle. Y/N wasted no time in making her presence known as she stayed at the North Pole, always finding ways to engage Bernard in conversation. She possessed a quick wit and a flirtatious nature that seemed to make the usually confident elf blush and stumble over his words. Bernard walked into the room with a candy cane in his pocket prepared for a snack, “ you seem very excited to see me Bernie” y/n said with a wink as she looked down towards his pocket. Bernards cheeks turned 10 shades of red “ it’s a candy cane!” He said with wide eyes and his teeth pressed down together. Her playful banter had a strong effect on Bernard, of course he’d never admit it but she was slowly starting to tell, so of course she’d do everything in her power to get to him. Every day, Y/N would find new ways to push Bernard's boundaries, slipping in dirty jokes and slight touches during conversations about toy-making and reindeer training. The contrast of her innocent appearance and cheeky sense of humor left Bernard awestruck and captivated. He couldn't help but be drawn to her magnetic personality. He acted as if he could care less about being around her, as if it were his obligation to do so but she knew better. “ Hey Bernie when we gonna sneak off to your office and have a little fun.” Y/n playfully said. “ only in your dreams.” Bernard said with an annoyed expression. as the days turned into weeks, his love for her only intensified. It filled him with joy and warmth, yet also tugged at his heartstrings, knowing that their time together would eventually come to an end. “ hey y/n” Bernard said in a serious tone, y/n quickly turned her head, she could tell something was off. “ hmm” she responded quietly. “ when do you have to leave here?” He asked subtly. Her face lit up “ aweee Bernie you’re gonna miss me” she teased shaking his arm. “ no.. I’m just excited to see you go.” He said lying straight through his teeth. They went on about their business but Bernard was still worried, he didn’t really get a direct answer. Eventually Bernard got the call he was dreading from Santa. “ hey Bernard can you help y/n get her things together?” ..
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