#they grow to love each other as is and don’t really care about their pasts
smol-stardust · 6 months
It’s so silly because Damian always had hunches (albeit jokingly) that Anya could read minds, and now that he actually asked Anya and she confessed that she can he just went O-O, and even though I’ve jokingly said he’d be the first to find out, the fact he went and asked was still surprising. Anya being raw and admitting to someone must have taken so much bravery and it shows how much she’s grown in terms of trusting the people around her and finding her safe place and people.
But, while it would be cool for it to be dwelled upon between Damian and Anya, I’m glad that it was treated as a joke because at the end of the day, I think Anya’s journey is about finding a family she can feel safe in and so having her reveal to her mama and papa first would seem more impactful. Like yes, they should get back to Anya one day telling her school peers l, but for now, I think letting her family find out first and the whole family having a heart to heart is the way to go
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13atoms · 6 months
Working Late (Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader)
Summary: After a busy few weeks, you spend a friday night in the office catching up on the never-ending pile of paperwork which appears whenever the team are whisked away on a case. To your surprise, a colleague decides to join you.
Contains: Fluff, very gentle friends-to-lovers, early seasons spencer, food | 2k words.
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If you listened for long enough, you could hear the distant hum of the vending machine.
The office was empty. It was long past the time where other departments turned their lights off, and it became acceptable to sling your shoes off and pad around in socks. The BAU was in high demand lately, and it felt as though the last three cases had been back-to-back-to-back. You could hardly remember what your bed looked like, your apartment floor was covered in clothes from hastily repacking suitcases, and the thought of cleaning it up was enough to keep you in the office.
At 7:30pm, even the most dedicated of your colleagues had rightfully headed home to partners, or sports clubs, or kids. That only left you, and the team’s mountain of paperwork which only grew each time you headed out on a case.
I’ll work late tonight, catch up on everything, then crash for the whole weekend, you’d promised Garcia at lunch. In one breath, she’d claimed that was impressive, that everyone would love you forever for getting it done, and warned you to take care of yourself.
Sometimes it was hard to know how to. You felt dreadful being here, you'd feel worse if you went home, thinking about the work hanging over you. For a moment you lay with your head on your forearm, idly massaging out the headache that had started to form.
Dinner, you realised. You hadn’t eaten dinner. Maybe that was why you felt dreadful.
The temptation to just go home would be too strong if you went out to get it, so you headed for the drawer in the kitchen full of takeout menus.
While you were flicking through the pile for the least sticky menus, the elevator doors opened.
It was almost certainly security checking to see who was still up here, or a cleaner making their rounds. Nonetheless, with half the building dark, it was hard not to suddenly be on high alert. In socked feet, you tiptoed back along the corridor until you could see the doors, already sliding closed with the carriage empty.
You crept further forward, until you could see a man, hair slightly damp around his face and a satchel looped over his body. Reid. He was stood behind your desk, peering at the computer you had left on, as though he was confused.
“Evening,” you offered, pushing against the warm fondness you felt as he jolted away from your chair in surprise.
“The computer screens turn themselves off after five minutes of inactivity, and you never leave yours unlocked. I figured something must have happened.”
He was silent for a moment, his gaze drifting to your socked feet, then back to your face.
“I just went to get menus,” you held them up limply, and Reid smiled.
“Have you not been home yet?”
“No, I can’t believe you’ve been home!”
“I actually went home early,” he admitted the fact as though he was embarrassed. You were fairly sure Hotch had shoved him out of the elevator doors.
“You’ve snuck back in, them?”
Finally you crossed the bullpen, sinking back into your office chair. Reid perched on the next desk over.
“Couldn’t settle – I figured I could get through everything quickly, save everyone the job…”
“Especially after we’re inevitably called in over the weekend, and all these cases feel like a lifetime ago.”
He smiled grimly.
For a moment it was silent, and you felt a little caught at Reid finding you in the office alone like this. Your headphones lay out on the desk, music blaring tinnily from them, and you felt your face grow warm as you reached across to turn the music off.
“So you’re getting food?” he hadn’t moved, gesturing at the menus.
“Yeah. Have you had dinner?”
“Not really. If you don’t mind me joining you…”
“Not at all,” you insisted, “please.”
He glanced over the options you’d laid out, over the three piles on your desk. You wondered how long ago he’d showered, his hair was straighter than usual with the weight of being damp. He was wearing one of his usual jumpers, but he must have put a t-shirt on underneath it. There was something odd about seeing him without a shirt collar. Some insight into what Spencer wore when he wanted to be comfortable, when he thought he wouldn’t be seen.
“I– Thank you. I don’t mind going out to get it?”
“I usually just order it in, and then get security call me down and accept it.”
Reid frowned, no doubt prepared to reel off dozens of stats about security risks.
“Is that allowed?”
“No one’s ever stopped me,” you shrugged, only to delight in Reid’s wide, nervous smile.
 He’d never had the chance to be a naughty schoolboy, you’d often reflected, it was why he often seemed to look like he was being called into the principal’s office.
“So long as you make the call…”
“Don’t want to get in trouble?” you teased, and Spencer laughed.
“Absolutely not! That’s the last thing I need.”
“Well then, in that case I’m choosing Chinese. Pick something.”
You tossed him a menu, and he glanced it over before looking up to think. You’d never quite get over the way his mind worked.
Once the order was placed and Spencer had laughed over your stomach grumbling, reality sunk back in. Sat at your desk, on a Friday night, under fluorescent lights.
“Isn’t it funny to have your dream job, and it’s still so boring most of the time,” you mused, and Spencer just chuckled.
He still hadn’t moved to start his work.
“I know what you mean.”
He paused for a moment.
“Was this your dream job?”
Oh, no.
“Is that lame? I assumed this was everyone here’s dream job,” you admitted.
Spencer shrugged, and you found yourself watching him desperately for any kind of redemption from the ache of embarrassment you were feeling in your chest. It shouldn’t matter, whether Spencer thought you were lame. Somehow, it seemed like the only thing that did matter.
“I suppose I never knew where I’d end up, but I’m glad it was here.”
You nodded, waiting for him to speak more. Spencer spoke a lot, defended himself with constant talking. It was something different, rare, when he was talking about his own past.
“What am I talking about? Yeah,” he was smiling, and that meant you were smiling right back at him, all toothy and lame, “this is my dream job.”
“If it was really a dream job, they’d pay for our dinners,” you teased, and Spencer laughed.
“That’s true enough. Oh!”
He rifled through his wallet, pulling out a twenty and hunting for more.
“My half,” he offered, “thank you for letting me crash your dinner.”
“Not at all, it’s nice the you’re here! And I wasn’t angling for you to pay me back, Spencer. Don’t be daft.”
“No, you just reminded me, is all.”
He put the cash down beside your hand with an eyebrow raise, and you laughed.
“Thank you.”
You wondered how someone sourced bills so clean, it wasn’t as ratty as the cash you grabbed from your wallet.
“I’ll take it as danger money, in case security squeal on us for ordering takeout.”
“I’m not sure the late night paperwork should the riskiest part of the job.”
He laughed, and finally made a move to stand up. Suddenly you were overcome by the need to stop him from going anywhere.
“What have you got left to do?” you asked.
“Case reports, a few bits of random paperwork, I think there’s a security review and some statements to type up…”
As you talked over the workload, you realised you’d done some of the work Spencer had intended to. He offered to take over on some things, and you knew he’d complete the work perfectly, until finally the workload split between the two of you felt manageable. He pulled a chair over to share your desk, and by the time the food had arrived, you felt far better about your odds of getting home before midnight.
“Do you want to try some of this?” you offered Spencer, catching him watching you.
“Oh, um, yeah actually.”
You hadn’t really meant it. Spencer didn’t share, you’d already double-dipped and your chopsticks had been in your mouth and…
“Do you want a spring roll? These are amazing.”
You let him use his chopsticks to drop a spring roll into your container, and you smiled your thanks as he did. His face was suddenly far closer to you than you’d realised, knees inches apart as  you struggled to share one desk.
“Hm,” you mumbled, “that is good!”
For a while you ate in silence, and if you forgot about the fluorescent lights and stale scent of office, it was like you were sharing dinner together by choice. Spencer in his casuals, you still shoe-less, perched casually on your chair, it was nice.
“So, do you have weekend plans?”
He’d be silent for so long, you hardly heard him.
“Weekend plans,” his voice dropped quieter, less stable. “What are you up to?”
Spencer was asking what your weekend plans were. Spencer.
“I just thought… asking about… asking about your weekend shows that I care for your wellbeing and builds social rapport between colleagues, or… I mean, I think we’re friends at this point? Too? So I just wanted to know what your weekend plans were.”
He was bright red and staring down at his noodles, you could see the rise and fall of his chest, the panic growing in him.
“No, Spencer, I appreciate you asking. I’m, uh, just planning on crashing to be honest. I have to clean my apartment, do all my laundry. Nothing too exciting. And my building’s laundry room is flooded – again – so I guess it’s a long wait at the laundromat.”
Desperate to say anything, to make Spencer feel better – and make sure he didn’t regret talking to you – you found yourself rambling on and on, until he was smiling nervously. Still avoiding your eye, he interrupted you gently.
“Public laundromats have all kinds of risks. My biggest concern is always bed bugs – even commercial machines in laundromats often can’t kill bed bug eggs, leading them to be transferred between customers…”
“Oh, god Spencer, that’s really not making me feel better!”
“No! I just mean… I have in-unit, for that reason. Disinfected regularly.”
You looked at him, bemused, the warm food in your lap forgotten. He paused, and met your eyes, a lock of hair falling over his face. He brushed it back.
“Oh! I meant, I wasn’t bragging about my washer being clean. Uh, you’re welcome to use mine, if you’d rather.”
It was the strangest thing that had ever made your heart clench with fondness. He was still blushing, clearly afraid he’d said the wrong thing, done something weird again. It was your first instinct not to bother him, but at the innocent look in his wide, brown eyes, you found yourself accepting.
“That would be amazing, if you wouldn’t mind, Spencer. Be warned, I’ve got a lot of laundry to do, you can kick me out anytime you get sick of me,” you teased.
“I know, from all the travelling. You’re wearing clothes you never normally wear, presumably because all your favourites need washing.”
You stared at him, processing for a moment. You could see his finger tapping against the side of his thigh, the smile he was trying to hide.
“You can stay as long as you like,” he clarified.
“Maybe we can watch a boxset or something, if you like?”
The raise of his eyebrows was enough to make you laugh, and he quickly looked away, taking another mouthful of rice.
“Doctor Who?”
There was nothing you wouldn’t have watched with Spencer, as you woke up the next morning blessedly free of work calls and lazily made your way to his apartment with two suitcases full of washing and a huge bags of Skittles for Reid. He’d surprised you with a made lunch, and with a freshly cleaned washer and dryer. Despite the way he made himself scarce when you pulled out underwear and bundled it into his washing machine, two hours later, he was brave enough to sneak an arm around your shoulder.
You sank your face to his chest, and listened to the pounding of his heart. By the time Christopher Eccleston had met his first Dalek, you knew a lot of your future  would be spent on this couch.
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cupcakeinat0r · 8 months
Don’t mind me, just thinkin abt self-conscious Dad Bod! Miguel :,,(
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Since y’all been together, he’s gained some weight which he isn’t too happy about. It’s not really him it bothers. He couldn’t care less if his stomach was pudgy or if his love handles were coming in, he was more worried about you losing your physical attraction towards him.
Miguel couldn’t be more wrong though. Especially since his ass got fatter, yum.
You could never stop yourself from smacking it every time you walked past him. He’d get embarrassed, then he’d try to get back you back, which he always did. Then it’d lead to a silly game of tag.
One day though, he was on the couch watching tv, wearing a tank top and some basketball shorts. You had just woken up and went to grab something to eat, but you stopped at the door of your shared bedroom, beholding the sight. He didn’t see you yet, but you quietly took a moment for yourself to just… admire him.
The way his bulging biceps and pecs were just sitting there, resting across the back of the couch. His man spread that gave you the perfect view of his massive thighs and what was in between, the shorts fitting just right, borderline too tight. And then the lack of abs that used to be there… but you weren’t complaining. In fact,
You loved that.
In his peripheral, Miguel notices you at the bedroom door. “Morning, sleeping beauty.”
“Good morning, handsome.” You say, smiling at the love of your life, stuck at the doorway and admiring him.
“Ven aqui conmigo, beba.” He motions for his lap, and naturally, you follow his request.
While the two of you hold a longing gaze, you straddle him, your hands resting on his chest. You share a tender kiss, the smacks of your lips turning the both of you on. Miguel moans into your mouth as he feels your hips lazily grind against him, his manhood twitching at the sensation. Your hands begin to trail down his belly, tugging upward at the hem of his tank top, but then he stops you, “Mmmwait… let’s- let’s keep that on, okay?”
You raise your eyebrow, confused at this. “Why? What’s wrong?” You murmur, genuinely concerned.
“No, I’m fine, it’s just… look, I know I’ve put on some weight, so you don’t have to do this if you don’t feel like it-“
“Miguel O’Hara,” You look at him sternly, “I absolutely do not care if you gain weight. I love you no matter what. Besides,” your face softens into a more seductive expression, “Ever heard of relationship weight? It just means I’m takin’ good care of my mans… aren’t I taking good care of you, baby?” You coo at him, your hands snaking their way to the hem of his top again.
He slowly nods, his self doubt and insecurities melting away at your words. “Now let me take this off, please? I wanna see all of my man.” He lets you pull off the tank top, revealing the mouth- watering dad bod he’s acquired since dating you.
Your eyes drink him up, your hands following pursuit. Miguel’s huge, calloused hands tighten on your hips, squeezing the flesh there, trying to gauge your reaction.
“God, just looking at you does things to me.” You mewl against his ear, peppering kisses along his thick neck. Your hips start again, the bulge just underneath your heat growing larger.
“Mmfuck, you mean it, baby?” he moans, voice strained, his face in complete euphoria.
“Every word.” You mutter, smothering his face in kisses as your hips go deeper and harder against his hardened cock.
“And I don’t wanna hear anymore of this nonsense, you hear me?” You continue speaking in between kisses, showering him with them on his cheeks, forehead, jaw, temple, anywhere, “you’re the most cutest,” smack, “most handsome,” smack, “most sexy,” smack, “most fine lookin’ man I’ve ever laid eyes on.” You finally plant a desperate, much more needy kiss on his lips, your tongues dancing with each other.
“Mmm, yes ma’am.”
Long story short, you get him all riled up enough that he pushes you down into the couch and completely wrecks you while your wear a t shirt of his <3 Isn’t he just so dreamy??? <3333333
Want more DadBod!Miguel ? Here’s my master list, bae!!
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
hey! Love your writing! Could you do a fic where Tom finds reader beaten and bruised and he raises hell trying to figure out who did it? Also can the reader be a hufflepuff? Have an amazing day!!!!
I didn't specify the house, but I hope this works!
Tom Riddle x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of attack, broken bones, blood
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You were in one of the bathrooms at the sink, trying to wash away all the blood on your skin and clean the cuts. It was a typically abandoned bathroom, no one really used it. So you were surprised when the door opened and none other than Tom Riddle came in.
You and Tom had a weird relationship, but he was weird in general. You were nice and friendly with him, and he gave you short responses in return. He didn't exactly seem to hate you, he wasn't rude and he didn't insult you. He just didn't really seem to care about you.
But now that he saw you all bloodied and bruised, you saw anger in his eyes. He was livid. “Who did it?” Was all he asked.
“It's fine, Tom. Don't worry about it.” You said, turning back to the sink to finish cleaning up.
“You're hurt, (Y/N). It's not fine. Who did it?” Tom walked over to you.
“No one.” You just wanted him to drop it. It'd only get worse if he got involved.
“They hurt you, why are you protecting them?” His tone was harsher than normal.
“I don't want you involved.” You said, still not meeting his eyes.
“So instead, you protect the people who hurt you. You're being stupid.” It was the first time he actually insulted you in some way.
“Leave it alone, Tom.” You said before turning off the sink and leaving the bathroom.
The next day, you didn't see any of your attackers in classes. There were a few people close to your attackers that were injured, a broken arm, broken nose, cuts, bruises. They wouldn't say a word about what happened. 
You wanted to question Tom since he was the only one you knew of that knew what happened to you. But he was missing from classes too. No one had seen him and none of the injured students would talk to you.
You waited outside of the Slytherin common room, hoping to catch him coming in or out. It took a long time actually. He didn’t show up until just minutes before everyone was supposed to be in their common rooms. He came down the hallway, looking right past you.
“Where have you been?” You asked, trying to get his attention.
“Urgent matter to attend to.” He said as he was walking closer.
“You mean those students who attacked me?” You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“They’re dealt with.” He said as he stopped in front of you.
“I told you to leave it alone!”
“So you can keep getting hurt?” 
You both stared at each other for a moment.
“Why do you care? You never care.”
“It’s not about you. I think it’s pathetic to attack someone like that. So I gave those cowards a lesson.” He crossed his arms as well.
“You’ve never done that for anyone before.” You shook your head. “Why? Why me?”
“I don’t know.” He said harshly. “I don’t get it. I saw you hurt and…I couldn’t bear it. I got angry and wanted nothing more than to hurt those people who dared to touch you.”
You were shocked, staring at him in disbelief.
“I don’t understand why I did it. I just wanted to.” His voice was softer now. “I felt…like I had to protect you.”
“Tom…” You spoke softly.
“I thought I hated you. I couldn’t get you out of my head. You’re annoying and talkative and bubbly and I should hate that. I should hate that I can’t stop thinking of you and how you make me feel. Your voice, your laugh, your perfume, your smile. I want to hate it all. But I don’t. I can’t.” He said, staring in your eyes.
“What are you saying, Tom?” You asked after a moment to let his words sink in.
“I’m saying that I don’t hate you. Quite the opposite.” He said, his eyes trailing down.
“You like me?” You asked, a small smile growing on your face.
“I’m not saying that.” He scoffed, looking back up at you.
“But that’s what you mean.” You tease.
“I’ll never say those words.” He shook his head.
“It’s alright. I know what you were trying to say.” You said before turning to walk down the hallway back to your dorm.
“I didn’t-” He yelled after you before groaning, heading into the Slytherin common room, knowing there’s no point in arguing with you.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @ireallyneed-somesleep @soaked4abby @hpnsfwaddict
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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actiniumwrites · 2 years
synopsis: the defining moment that changed the course of your relationship with them from being enemies to that of lovers
characters: kaeya, yelan, scaramouche, ayato, cyno, dottore, and alhaitham x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, injuries, blood, fighting, harassment (not from any of them), not proofread
notes: idk man i just wanted to write some enemies to lovers scenarios. each of these get longer as they go, so uh, sorry if you wanted some of the first ones to be longer cause i don’t really know what happened 😭 enjoy <3
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Kaeya watched how you laughed so loudly, so confidently at him as you fought somewhere behind him. It was as loud and recognizable as usual. He felt his heart beat faster — flushed, annoyed, and fed up with your constant need to one up him, laugh at him for no reason, and point out each and every small mistake he makes. As the Cavalry Captain racked his brain for a comeback, anything to take you off your high horse, his ears began to hurt as your laughter faded into that of dreadful screams. Blue eyes caught yours in an instant, turned so fast that his body almost gave him whiplash. No. He couldn’t lose you. Not like this. Not when he hadn’t realized his hatred for you was nothing more than a guise for his buried love.
Yelan’s faint laughs scared the people on the harbor. Such an intimidating women, softly — yet arrogantly — laughing to herself was certainly an odd sight to see. She had bested you once again, and you hadn’t even known it yet. And Archons she couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you realized it. Her laughter quickly subsided at the faint sounds of desperation and begging, coming from somewhere within a nearby alleyway. Nearly walking past it out of the need to be in other places, Yelan stopped in her trail when the whimpering cries turned into your voice. Fury festered throughout her body in an instant. Nobody was allowed to mess with you, not unless it was her. Maybe she hadn’t realized it yet, but she would do anything to protect you — even if it meant giving her life.
When Scaramouche fell limp out of the robot, falling from great heights as he plummeted to the ground, he held no beliefs he would be caught — no less by the hands of you, his sworn enemy. Yet, there you were, arms wrapped tightly around him as the traveler and Paimon stared at you in shock. Something about the way your heart felt the moment you saw him fall was deeply painful, like weeds growing around your heart. Though, the strong heat from your love was enough to burn those weeds, enough to propel yourself forward without thought and save the man you had unknowingly come to love. And as Nahida watched the scene play out in front of her, a knowing smile crossed her face.
Ayato loved nothing more than to argue and debate with you. It came as a package deal alongside the fact that you were from the Tenryou Commission and he was from the Yashiro commission. Because god you were so smart and always had the perfect comebacks, even though it was infuriating when you would win. What he didn’t like, however, was when he would watch you argue with someone else. Especially when you lost to them. Ironic, right? He hated watching his enemy lose? So when his eyes spotted you around the corner of Ritou, backed up against a wall as a rude man berated you, his eyes filled with fury and his heart was racing. No one was allowed to treat you like that. So he took care of them for you, even though he knew you were fully capable. And as you stormed away from him, he was left with a single question: if you were supposed to be his enemy, then why the hell did he care so much about you?
The moment Cyno saw you fall backwards, he scoffed. Honestly, when were you actually going to beat him while sparring? But then you didn’t get up. Cyno swore he felt his heart fall out of his chest. And oh archons, the moment he saw blood, the weapon fell out of his hand and his feet propelled him forward. His knees scraped against the rugged bricks of the floor as his arms wrapped themselves around your torso and hoisted it against him. But then your eyes opened and the laugh he always thought was so beautiful fell from your lips. Stopping when your eyes met his serious expression, you joked, “What? Don’t tell me you were actually worried about me?” Cyno’s eyes pierced through yours, a serious, yet genuine, expression painted across his face, “Don’t scare me like that, it’s not funny…I thought I lost you for a second.”
Dottore felt annoyed the moment he heard you knock on the door. So he ignored it, knowing only you would be stupid enough to get hurt and go to him at such late hours of the night. You could’ve seen another doctor, but he knew you loved to annoy him more than anything else. But then the knocks came again, weaker and more fragile this time. Sighing, he opened his door, only to find you. Your eyes were kept on the floor, but he could see the tears that pooled in them. Blood adorned most of your body, and your clothes were all tattered and torn. The arm that was holding you up against the door gave out and you collapsed, but not before Dottore caught you in his arms. You were mumbling, shaking, and absolutely terrified as you leaned against him. And yet, for some reason, Dottore couldn’t help but feel a small feeling of warmth spreading in his cold heart at the thought of you coming to him when you were most vulnerable. Though, it wasn’t enough to stop the anger he felt for the person that hurt you.
Alhaitham sighed for what felt like the thousandth time that day as he spotted you in the library late at night. Shouldn’t you have already gone home? Or were you just trying to get ahead him again? Perhaps aiming to steal his position at the Akademiya this time? He never knew with you, but at least the competition kept things a little more entertaining each day. So, he made another sarcastic comment toward you on his way out. He couldn’t see your face from the way you were sitting, but your silence stopped him in his tracks. No rebuttal? No comeback? Not even an annoyed sigh? And then your shoulders started to shake, and small whimpers fell from your lips. Shit. Alhaitham didn’t know what to do in situations like this. But even so, he stopped and walked toward you. Sat down next to you and stayed quiet, only offering a few tissues and some water he had on him — which you hesitantly, but gratefully took. Maybe you were his “enemy” and maybe he didn’t know how to deal with people crying, but for some reason it felt natural with you and he sure as hell wasn’t going to leave you alone.
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pascals-doll · 1 month
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⋆ ˚ . * ·analysis— In which you were bound to a man you don’t desire or love by your parents. An entire relationship built on resentment and treaty-like. Abby Anderson, you’re neighbor whom lived happily with her girlfriend next door. Unruly cravings and wreckful thoughts take over between the both of you, assuring a succulent dalliance. Guess you Both Aint Shit.
abby anderson x reader
˚ପ i cant believe ive had this lil plot thought out written somewhat since march and i never had time to finish it and im happy i finally did!
₊˚ପ description: MODERN AU! READER IS FEMININE PRESENTING (only desc of reader), MUTUAL CHEATING!, reader is kinda in the closet because of prejudice parents, mentions of heavy religious parents, reader is in arranged marriage with a man!, mutal jealousy, homewrecking, SMUT NAAASTYSMUT, dom!abby, sub!reader, oral sex (r receiving), reader is unexpirenced!, brief size kink, praise kink, heavy making out, fingering (r receiving), lots of pussyeating, no use of y/n,( ___) is blank for partners names, use of pet names (doll, beautiful, baby)
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A lavish life was the experience of finding love on your own, letting it grow on you, and completing whelm your entire being. It was the process of getting to know each other to first kiss, to the ask out, to the relationship, and if your lucky; you build life together.
The stage of growth and love; where you plan as you’re just overfilled with emotion. That trigger to jump with joy at the fact that you’re building a whole life path with your special someone.
Years spent learning about each other, sharing parts of yourselves, and taking that time to progress hand in hand; harmoniously. Something, everyone should have the unlawful pleasure of doing.
It something you’ve always dreamed off, feeling it so close as you watch through your curtains. A secret craven in peeking into the silhouettes of the house next door.
You had seen them together for the past year since they moved in. Their happiness almost tangible as they enjoyed each other's company in the pool or on the patio, sipping cocktails and laughing.
You were hardly ever envious in the years you’ve been on earth—but it’s almost taunting like, the way they have so much to give. Truly in paradise with their passion for each other. Although, something didn’t always seem quite right.
Your life never stopped being stifling. You were bound to a man you could never love. An unfair business arrangement orchestrated by your parents alongside constant trips-pointless trips; taken by your close to nonexistent husband.
Abby's girlfriend was also often away on business, and you suspected that she was lonely. Going throughout your day and then coming home to see her in all alone, all day, in that big house.
The entire marriage was a sham, a rule-set of convenience. You couldn’t help yourself any longer once Abby moved in.
Often finding your eyes drifting to her, imagining what it would be like to kiss her peached lips, engulfed within those muscular arms. Such thoughts made you blush, and ignite a feeling in your stomach.
You couldn’t do anything except push your own crawling agenda away, only to have them return with greater intensity.
Abby Anderson was a phenomenal women. She was lead cordinator at a business with the pleasure to provide and work from home. She deserves someone who can take care of all that hard work.
Her girlfriend clearly couldn’t.
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‘If you live a life you don’t love, make best of what you want.’
You had never been with a women before. Only close you’ve ever gotten to exploring was dabbling in lesbian porn when your husband wasn’t around. It didn’t take long to dawn on you—that you had never orgasmed, especially not in the way these women in adult videos do and definitely not with your husband.
It was pitiful, really. The fact you couldn’t enjoy such a liberty. Your own sexuality.
A faraway dream of self-discovery and not the norms fed to you by religious beliefs that you couldn’t claim as yours. Dragged on by your parents whom taught you, it was ‘all in good faith’ and ‘Lord knows whats best’.
The only explaination for your abomination of life. Merely neglectful to your candied desires. Wrong, yet right in every way. You were loosing sleep as nights pass, tossing, and turning restless.
Rolling out of your silk sheets groggily. You stepped into your house slippers before walking down your stairs to your living room where your pack of cigarettes are. You grabbed the pack of your dining table, heading out to your front porch.
It was midnight, blurred gray clouds into the black-violet sky as you lit your cigarette and dazing away. You could feel the stagnant air surround your exposed skin, your lacy satin nightgown—a slip of fabric only covering you.
Unbothered and insomatic, taking drags from your malboro as you sat next to your ashtray that displayed on your side table. If you were to turn your head; facing towards and into all your temptations.
From just the corner of your eye, you could see the lights were still on at such an hour. Impulsively giving into your curiosity, turning your chair; peering into her window across the street.
Puffing till your ash thins into the orange-tip. Your attention drowned out until you heard rustling coming from the bushes at the corner of the street and your home. You whip your head around, blunting your cigarette out onto your ashtray and walking towards the barricade of your porch.
Abby was taking out the trash. She dressed in a loose tank top and shorts. She looked relaxed, her long golden hair falling casually around her face. Eventually catching you, offering a friendly wave and came closer to the fence of your porch.
"Hey there!" Abby greets, cool-toned and intrigued. "Can't sleep either, huh?"
Your heart hammered in your chest. "Sure is, just came out for a smoke…uh-hm! How have you been?" You stammered your question, unsure of what to say.
Abby couldn’t help her gaze drop to your nightgown, her eyes glinting under the streetlights. "Just been cooped up alone, taking care of Bear and ____ is away on another business trip.” She exudes, smiling at the mention of her precious furry friend.
You listened intently, a small smile tugged on your lips “____ been gone since the week before. Preoccupying myself by enjoying my magazines alongside my tea,” You let out a small giggle which was returned.
Abby’s presence tensed you, goosebumping your skin as if you were cold all of a sudden.
A small moment of silence was a momentum of chance.
“Would you like to come in for a glass of wine or water? I’d be a horrible neighbor if i left you hangin’” You offer, stepping aside with a soft smile.
She took you in once more, head to toe and an adrenaline pumped throughout her body before spreaking, “It’d be my pleasure”.
4 words 1 sentence. A saying so simple is all it took, to have you clawing at your sanity.
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Two cups of Wine turned into more and lighthearted conversations transformed sentimentally with each cup.
You bonded over the fact your partners often left for work, leaving you both lonely in such a big house. Eventually divulging your marital fraud, your desolation worn on your sleeve like an accessory.
“That’s truly not necessary—” you were cut off.
“Accept nothing but the truth, he doesn’t recognize how lucky he’s got it.” You picked up on how her voice turned stern, straightening up as she reassured you. You just stood there frozen.
You gulped, wrapping your arms around yourself as you suddenly felt exposed. You scrambled to think of something to say, your delusions wanting to take this in every way it wasn’t.
Abby suddenly closes the gap between the both of you, leaning onto your counter and into you. You could smell her perfume, the scent of fresh orcid and essential oils tickling your nostrils.
Maybe It was.
“Do you love him?” A very solidifying question.
“I dont know what love is and I definitely don’t love him, more like my parents did.” You grimaced, sarcastic and plainly disinterested in such a discussion. You truly have nothing to compare your marriage too.
“I hate fucking him too. Don’t feel a thing.”
Abby’s eyes widened, her hand reaching over to grasp yours. “Have you—do you like women?” She quirked, a soft giggle falling from her lips.
“Again. Wouldn’t know, sweetheart.” The nickname seemed so naturally. Like, you had been calling her that forever. Your eyes met with Abby’s; face to face with only so much space.
Then suddenly, she settles her strong hands upon both of your arms “And If i showed you?” She was so gentle with your demeanor, treading lightly.
She wanted it just as bad, just like you.
Her breath fanning your lips causing you to hitch. A trembling hand reached out, your hand brushing Abby's cheek, her hands pulling you from your waist. A passionate kiss spun.
It was electric, your lips molding together, tongues dancing in a frantic exploration. Abby moaned into your mouth, your hands roaming loosely down to grip your neighbor's slender hips. You responded by pressing yourself against Abby, feeling the firmness of her breasts through both your clothes.
Kissing desperately, hungrily, as if starved for each other's touch. Breaking the kiss, Abby nibbled on your ear, a weak whisper falls from your lips, “I need you….” Muttering in between kisses.
“Bedroom’s upstairs.” You finish. Abby taps on the cheek of your ass, signaling you to jump into her embrace.
Stumbles and giggles to make your way upstairs and down the hall to your master bedroom. Abby pulled away from you, looking around the room, seeing the mixture of objects from your husband and your own.
In some way, the infidelity. It made it rapturous.
"Lie down," she ordered you, her voice suddenly husky and full of authority.
you obliged to her command happily, body thrumming with excitement. You watch her climb onto the bed, hovering above you and eyes pouring into your own; a mixture of lust and tenderness.
"You're so beautiful," Abby’s voice was low as her eyes ran up and down, running her hands down your body. Each streak feathered on from her fingers tickled your skin, squirming as you legs lock together.
You felt a fluttering in you stomach at the compliment. "So are you," You meeked shyly, a pink hue on your flustered in face. You were breathless as Abby began to kiss at your neck, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive skin.
Abby continued her slow exploration, trailing kisses down your body, pausing to nuzzle your breasts through your top. "I want to see all of you," she whispered, her hot breath fanning over your tempered skin.
Heart was pounding in your chest as you nodded. The feeling of her gentle but eager hands as she threw off your clothes, baring you inch by delicious inch.
She paused to appreciate each reveal. The swell of your perked breasts, the curves that dipped your body, and to the drag of your soaked panty down your legs.
Completely naked and to her taking, Abby took a moment to admire you. Her eyes ran down over every inch of your exposed-self, salivating at your glistening arousal. "Better than my dreams," she murmured, voice full of wonder.
Insatiably on the same side of a coin. You reached for Abby's top, eager to return the favor. You peeled the fabric away, revealing her lush breasts, nipples eager with the cool breeze with excitement. She metled into your touch as she kicked off her shorts.
It was your turn to admire everything you’ve awaited. Her body glistened under the dim lighting of your room. The way eyes smoldered with desire tranced you as she positioned herself between your thighs. Your needy slick center coarsed Abby’s head; hovering above and planting pecks on your thighs.
Abby leaned into you. The feeling of her mouth searing kisses on your delicate pussy and her thumb teasing the taut peak of your tits. Your back arched arched into her touch, moaning softly as you reveled in the sensation of finally being touched by another woman. By her.
You notice the way she took her time with you. She was observant with each twig and jolt that came from your body, savoring you. She sweetly elicited a series of delighted gasps and whimpers from you as she continued her descent, twirling her tongue around your clit and teasing you down to your folds.
You choked out a cry of shock, “Fuck-ah!" you seethed, your hands gripping your bed sheets. You could feel Abby chuckle softly as she relishing sucked on your puffy clit. You felt like you were on a cloud, feeling completely elevated.
“Gaah! Ab—Abby!” Your thighs tremble in her grasp, feet kicking into her back slightly at the new found pleasure. The jolt that coursed through you felt ferious with the feeling of her moist tongue. She made her way inside your folds, teasing your whet entrance.
Suddenly, you feel the tip of her tongue plunge inside you, “Abby! fuckk Abby!” You let out a throat-curling shriek. Each lick inside you was a push of boundaries.
Legs trembling, mouth fully-agape, back arched, tits begging to be touched, nails clawing into your sheets, and grinding into her face completely high off ecstasy. Everything was new to you. The sex, passion, and connection. A seventh heaven.
Just as quick as the erotic came; it left. She pulled away from your eager pussy and anticipated body causing your back to drop and pant breathlessly.
"Patience," she murmured, her breath tickling your sensitive folds.
She continued her slow exploration, indulging her tongue as her fingers dance along the skin of your blimped thighs. Your breath hitched as you were dying of anticipation for her touch, her tongue.
Finally, fucking two fingers into you as she paid attention to your clit. Your deplore was sensuous, another train of cries and whines falling from your drooled lips.
Everything Abby did made you feel absolutely desired. Another thing, your husband could never do.
"You're so wet," Abby praises through her slurps and swallows of your leaking lithe. Abby’s fingers thrust forward, pushing in every inch of herself.
Her eyes darken as they watch themselves get squeezed in by your soppy fuzzed beneath. "So beautiful," she marvels, not getting enough of you.
"Don’t stop! please!”
Her thick fingers curl upward, she stroked your walls with her tips. She enjoys every moment of your writhing. Abby could live in this moment forever.
She smiled as your hips bucked up, chasing after every sensation. "So responsive," she purred, before adding a third thick finger inside you. she stretched you out completely, feeling every bit as your hands tugged onto her blonde hair.
She pulled her fingers out alight from so deep, dragging her tongue down once more your slick folds and lapping up your essence.
"Oh god!" Your moan gutteral and body thrashing against her and your bed. The tip of her fingers swirled inside softly, pressing onto your soft sex-gush.
An electrifying chilled jostled down to cramped hips as your stomach twisted blissfully. "Cum for me," she praises, working through your overwhelming orgasm.
Lewd spewls and ravenous chill flowed out and through you. Completely mind-fucked as you cream all over the tip of her fingers and tongue. Your body tightened like a coil, coating her with your sticky release with a final cry, "Oh, Abby!" As she cupped your leaking cum around her three fingers.
She brought them up to her lips, sucking them clean, releasing with a pop, and groan in delight. “You’re so fucking heavenly, taste it too.” She coos, crawling her way to meet your glowed and fucked out-self.
“Don’t tap out now, doll, I’m only getting started.”
Both of your integrity’s thrown out the door.
“This isn’t….” A pointless mumble left your lips, somewhat dawning the fact; You just cheated on your husband.
“They aren’t even here, right baby?”
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a/n: ugh my slut ass probably gonna make another part 🤞🏼🐇
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adelheidvonschicksal · 5 months
Hello! I’d love to read your vision of the LoD boys x MC in high school. (High school to adults, just high school, childhood. Anything!) Alllll the cliches appreciated, haha.
Coming-of-Age HC's with the LADS Guys
pairing: fem!reader x Zayne, fem!reader x Xavier, fem!reader x Rafayel
content: fluff, alternate universe (kinda)
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Childhood with Zayne is filled with increasingly hot summers and snowy winters. It’s memories of an extroverted young girl dragging along her much more introverted best friend (well, Caleb’s friend first) to make popsicles under the blaze of the June sun and snowmen in the cold of January. In the same way snow melts with the coming of spring, you chip his shell away, making a friendship that’s stronger than any of your lifetimes.
Those years with Zayne are like a pleasant dream, soft and gentle, like his hand when he wipes away the tears from your cheeks whenever you fall or when he places a band-aid on one of the many injuries prone to an adventurous spirit.
Middle School with Zayne is when you first feel fragility in your friendship. You’re realizing you might be growing in different directions.
Zayne is intelligent, often getting attention for his grades and participating in scholars tournaments while you’re busy with your own hobbies and friends that come with them.
There’s hope your friendship will persevere each time you walk home together, each time he lets you share his umbrella on heavy rainy days, and each day he saves to spend with you.
High school with Zayne is confusing. Growing into adulthood is an exciting and nervous situation for anyone but even more-so when everyone but you seem to realize that you have feelings for your childhood friend.
Your grandma is constantly reminding you how smart and handsome Zayne has become. He’s going to study to be a doctor, you know! Maybe you should ask him to prom?
Caleb complains about how Zayne usually takes your side in arguments and does what you want all the time. He frequently teases you every time you sigh over the older boy. Isn’t getting a crush on your older brother’s friend too obvious?
They’re right though, and it’s awkward. What’s more awkward is the stolen kiss with Zayne in the new car his parents got him when he first got his license. You don’t talk about it even after he goes to college.
Meeting Zayne as an adult is nostalgic yet new as you learn about each other again. The trust you had in each other never truly left.
With each trinket, you realize he’s still the same Zayne, quiet and stern on the outside but with a patient and gentle center. However, his smart mouth still rears its head as frequently as it did back in high school.
You watch out for him more as an adult, because you see that he isn’t actually good at caring for himself despite all his intelligence. You make it so he can rely on you to get through the past days and future ones.
You try new things together. You adapt to how your views of the world differ so you can mold those differences together, creating one shared experience in the life you build with one another.
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Childhood with Xavier is innocent. Being born on Philos is like being born in a fantasy book. Your world is sword training and ceremony rehearsals, your feet always chasing after the decorated knights and lightseekers before they board their spaceships. In your mind, the world is as limitless as the starry sky promised just beyond its surface.
Xavier is the same way. He says he likes sword training because it’s the only thing he’s good at. Truthfully, he loves that sword, carries it around with him everywhere like a third arm, and you love training with your new fellow student.
As you get older, things start to change for reasons you don’t really understand. The loss of innocence is slow, dragging out like the death of a star. It starts when silly days sword practicing becomes military drills. Then, Xavier’s ceremony rehearsals become real with each trial he has to overcome. It culminates when you find out that he will probably be betrothed one day against his will, which manifests into doubt that you would ever be on the list for a prince to marry.
Military Academy with Xavier offers a surprising amount of freedom as you discover yourself away from the watchful eyes of the royal family. It’s reintroducing him to your favorite snacks and music and sneaking out of the barracks to watch the stars and anything else he couldn’t do under the iron grip of his family.
There’s also many nights helping him study and focus so he can become the best version of himself because he still has rebellious tendencies after all these years.
These tendencies lead you to covering for him and also him talking you into one too many bad ideas. Ideas that leave you carrying one another home on stumbling legs after too many rounds with random wanderers or rounds with liquor way stronger than you know how to deal with.
It’s okay. You have each other to keep the other safe, so attached at the hip that Jeremiah always wonders where the other one is whenever he catches the two of you apart.
His light shines only for you. If you asked, he would give anything to make sure you’re happy: his time, his freedom, his life.
The jealousy and longing to be with you grates against the cage his title keeps around him whenever he sees someone else who has seen your light and fallen in love with you too. It’s written love letters, never signed, but left in your locker, the ones that smell like forget-me-nots and written in a prose that Xavier hopes you won’t recognize as his when he sees you fawning over the little notes.
Your looming graduation reignites the worries about your relationship. You have to come to terms with your respective role as a knight and Xavier as King. Xavier feels the same way.
Yet this part of your life quickly becomes filled with sweet nothings – promises to run away together, carried on his wishes to be with you for the rest of immortality, all wrapped in the little star charm carried on his sword. It makes you realize your feelings were requited all along.
Adulthood with Xavier fills like achieved dreams and nights you never want to end. It’s basking in the company of one another, adorned with kisses and released longing that couldn’t be given years prior.
It’s becoming more than just his guiding starlight but his entire galaxy, and he shows it with each kiss he gives you.
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Childhood with Rafayel feels like you’re dreaming. Mermaids aren’t supposed to exist but there’s one right in front of you.
You learn so many things from him. He loves talking about almost anything from his culture to your culture. He loves art, the sunset, and music.
You bring him lots of things from land that you think he would like, spending long days at the beach trading items with him and showing him human toys. It becomes normal to strike out early every weekend to meet the Lemurian boy again and again.
He braids Lemurian ribbons and clips seashell accessories into your hair. He teaches you Lemurian lullabies and sayings. He often gets in trouble for accidentally gifting you family heirlooms without realizing the weight of said items. He just thought it was pretty. Even if he got in trouble, it was worth it to see you smile.
Your time together eventually develops into trying to think of ideas to explore further from the beach. You train to hold your breath a little longer with hopes of making it further into the sea than last time.
Your first kiss is because of the legend that Lemurian kisses can let one breathe underwater. It wasn’t really a big deal back then. However, the memory of it makes your face hot many years later when you think back on it.
The end of summer marks the slowdown of your free time together. It always ends with a pinky promise to spend your next free day with him.
Your 8th grade year with Rafayel is a collage of photos and videos filled with cawing seagulls, the serenade of his harmonica, and the first time your feet were able to touch the surface of the water. Rafayel always seems to want to show off his new powers as the next God of the Sea.
He’s still a child though, which means he is still insistent to sneak to school with you to see what human classes are like. He still talks too smartly to the other students, and you still have to talk him out of a fight with one of the other boys.
It’s an exhausting day but he seemed to have fun running around town with you, saving the day in the strip of pictures printed out from the photo booth and the memory of his first surface world sunset.
Your later teenage years offer even less time together but each time you visit him feels more meaningful than the last even though you can’t go further than the crackle of a bonfire at the edge of the beach. You’re happy with these late nights though because you love the boy from another world.
No matter how many years pass, he’ll always be the boy who gets shy and makes excuse after excuse to avoid singing for you despite being born a siren. He’s the boy who constantly complains about his classmates being idiots for saying you’re going to steal his blood and make him into oil and how they tease him for being friends with a human. He refuses to tell you that it’s more because of his crush on a human. Despite all that, he has no issue dropping hint after hint about how Lemurians can bond with others by giving one of their scales.
Years later, it still makes a lovely necklace to wear when he finally makes his choice to be on land, with you, his beloved bride.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [23] - Curiosity
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Relatives tend to pry.
Word Count: 2400
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex, mentions of period, mentions of pregnancy. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“Charm, I have a question.”
You applied your lipstick, completely focused on your reflection in the mirror. “Hm?”
“Why do we keep having dinners with people we hate?”
You scoffed a laugh, then put the cap back on the lipstick before turning to Bucky.
“I wouldn’t say I hate my aunt,” you said. “I hate her son, not her. She’s just…”
“I’ll rephrase my question, why do we keep having dinners with annoying people?”
You leaned back to the vanity. “Because we have complicated families, Bucky. I know it’s news for you.”
His phone vibrated and he read the text before typing in his reply.
“I have this thing—”
“Don’t even fucking try it!” you cut him off. “We’re married dickhead, you’re going to suffer with me. It’s on the prenup.”
“Tomorrow,” Bucky finished his sentence as if you didn’t interrupt him. “I have this thing tomorrow so I’ll have no time for lunch after the therapist—did you seriously put I’d suffer with you on the prenup?”
He shot you a grin. “We’re the best married couple I know.”
You tried to hide your smile by pursing your lips together and turned around, then leaned in to check yourself in the mirror again, pretending to fix your lipstick. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Bucky eyeing you up and down, his intense gaze sending a shiver down your spine and you arched a brow.
“Whatever you’re thinking, you’d better not say it,” you warned him and he chuckled.
“Am I that obvious?”
“Just a little.”
“It’s just that…”
“You look beautiful.”
“Something tells me beautiful wasn’t the word in your mind.”
“Sweetheart,” he said. “You’re basically bent over in front of a mirror in that dress, there are so many things in my mind.”
You straightened your back to shoot him a look and he held up his hands, gesturing surrender.
“You asked.”
“Can you perhaps be less horny when we’re about to have dinner with my family?”
“I’ll try.”
“Much appreciated,” you deadpanned as you walked past him, with him following you behind out of the apartment. You pressed the button on the elevator, then took a deep breath.
“We’re not shooting or threatening anyone tonight,” you said and Bucky tilted his head.
“Are you telling me or yourself that?”
You clicked your tongue. “Both.”
��                                           *
You had never really liked spending time with your aunt even before your father started pitting you and Ian against each other for the heir position. At least she was never really around when you were growing up, even after Ian moved in with you, but she liked dropping by in the town from time to time.
And commenting on literally anything about you, from your relationships to how you looked.
Your aunt wasn’t even the only reason why this dinner was probably going to be tense as hell. Bucky was still furious at your father for the shit he pulled back at that dinner with the other families, so now you had to make sure no one started any fights while adamantly ignoring whatever your aunt would say to you.
“You must tell me all about the wedding!” your aunt said. “Starting with before it, actually. How did this—” she motioned between you and Bucky. “happen?”
Bucky gave her a charming smile.
“Well I suppose I managed to convince her,” he said. “Or after a while she got bored of rejecting me?”
“Reject you?” your aunt asked with a laugh. “Oh I can’t be the only one who remembers how she used to follow you around like a puppy, Y/N you were so adorable with that little schoolgirl crush!”
You stared at her for a moment, then heaved a sigh.
“Yeah, then I grew up and grew out of it.”
“Obviously not, sweetheart,” your father said, making Ian bite down a smirk and you gritted your teeth, the memory of Bucky turning you down that night flashing before your eyes.
What was it, he had called you?
Daddy’s spoiled whiny princess.
“I’m glad you didn’t,” Bucky said with a boyish grin and you reached out to grab your glass to take a sip of your wine.
Despite everything, despite you and Bucky getting along well nowadays, you still couldn’t shake off the resentment of that night. The anger, how pathetic he made you feel, it was still there even after years, but you frowned slightly, trying to focus.
“I suppose I should have seen this coming, there was this one time,” your aunt said with a laugh. “Back when you were in high school, I found your diary, do you remember?”
Your heart skipped a beat. “I remember you reading it, yeah.”
“I just wanted to make sure you were safe!” your aunt said. “What with you sneaking out of the house at night, I was almost positive you had a bad influence boyfriend. That’s what your mother would have wanted, God rest her soul, for someone to keep an eye on you.”
Your father heaved a sigh, taking a sip of his wine at the mention of your mother and you raised your brows.
“Anyways, I didn’t have anything to worry about—”
“Auntie,” you said warningly and she waved a hand in the air.
“Oh it was years ago Y/N, get over it—pages and pages about you,” she told him as the pins and needles of embarrassment sunk into your cheeks while a cocky smile curled Bucky’s lips.
“I swear,” your aunt said and Ian hummed.
“I remember that fight.”
“Yeah that’s what happens when someone invades someone’s privacy,” you said, forcing yourself not to look at Bucky who looked very pleased with himself for some reason. Your aunt let out a small laugh.
“We’re family,” she said. “These things happen.”
“Did you read Ian’s diary as well?”
“I didn’t keep a diary.”
“And it was years ago,” your father said. “Let’s not have the same fight again, hm? Because the last I remember, you threw multiple vases at the wall during that fight sweetheart.”
You bit at your tongue and cleared your throat.
“How was Monaco?” you tried to change the subject and your aunt shrugged her shoulders.
“That’s a long story,” she said. “But there’s no place like home, that’s all I’ll tell you.”
“Another break up?” you asked her and she narrowed her eyes, but unsurprisingly, the men around the table missed the curt glare you two threw at each other.
“Can’t I be back because I miss you all?” your aunt asked after a beat. “I would’ve been here for the wedding as well if you two hadn’t rushed it.”
“It was a beautiful ceremony,” your father said and she nodded.
“Honestly, with how rushed it was I told your father perhaps it was because there was something to rush about. There isn’t though, is there? I mean you’re drinking.”
You forced yourself to smile, then shook your head. “No.”
Bucky frowned, looking between you two before a look of realization dawned on his face.
“Ah no,” he said. “That’s not why. To be fair, rushing was kind of my fault. I’ve been in love with her forever, so I didn’t want to wait any longer. Thankfully she agreed.”
“And when can we expect that?” your aunt asked with a smile and Bucky choked on his wine before clearing his throat.
“Not for a very long time,” you said and your father nodded with an uncomfortable expression on his face.
“I’m too young to be a grandfather, Nora.”
“Oh nonsense,” she told him. “You know what this business is like, and they’re in love! Obviously they want babies if they rushed the wedding. Have you two talked about how many yet?”
“I’m sorry, how many?” you repeated and she nodded.
“It’s good to be clear about the future, no? And Y/N once said she wanted two so Bucky, how many?”
Bucky blinked a couple of times and cleared his throat again.
“No, guns,” your aunt said with a laugh. “Of course babies!”
Bucky shot you a look as if begging you for help and you sat up straighter.
“That’s not in our plans right now.”
“But in the future?” your aunt insisted. “I mean surely you must have a number in mind.”
Bucky swallowed thickly, stealing a look at you. “Like um, like four maybe?”
You gawked at him. “I’m sorry, did you just say four?”
Bucky nodded his head.
“Yeah because you know, big family would be nice.”
“You—you do realize that for someone to have four kids, they’d have to spend three years as pregnant in total?” you asked him. “It’s basic math.”
“You want two, he wants four, three seems to be the perfect number,” your aunt joked and your father ran a hand over his face.
“They’ve just gotten married,” he reminded her. “It’s too early to talk about all that. More wine?”
You knew you and Bucky’s marriage was a sham and that you’d get a divorce as soon as you took over, but what you didn’t know was why exactly imagining Bucky having babies with someone else in his second marriage bothered you this much. The mere image was enough to churn your stomach, anger shooting through your system for some reason and you pursed your lips together, then held out your wine glass as well.
“Yes please.”
Alright, this was getting ridiculous.
Even you knew that you were throwing a fit out of nowhere, but that did nothing to calm you down. Ever since last night, your head was full of the image of Bucky having the picture-perfect family after your divorce, so you had been in a particularly cranky mood since then. You had barely said two words to him when you came home, going straight to bed and when you woke up, you were still sulking.
Bucky had asked you what was going on multiple times, you had no idea how to explain the fact that you didn’t want him to have perfect babies and be perfectly happy with a perfect woman in a perfect marriage without sounding selfish.
Which, in all honesty was incredibly selfish.
So when the psychiatrist sat down in front of you two, it took her a couple of seconds of complete silence to motion between you two.
“I’m sensing a bit of tension?”
“You and me both,” Bucky said. “I have zero idea why. Charm?”
You narrowed your eyes, then crossed your arms.
“He has a housewife kink.”
“Whoa!” Bucky exclaimed, his eyes going wide. “What?!”
“I’m guessing you haven’t talked about kinks before then?”
“Well, it was news to me.”
“It’s also news to me!” Bucky told you. “Charm, what the fuck?”
“Sex is a huge part of—”
“Sex is fine,” Bucky told Dr. Raynor before turning to you. “What’s going on?”
“If you want someone who’s gonna—who’s gonna—” you couldn’t help but stammer. “Like, stay in a cottage and bake pies, it's fine if she wants to, everyone has their own goals but I'm not that person and—”
“What are you even talking about?!”
“Alright, let’s take a breather,” Dr. Raynor said. “How would you describe your sex life, Bucky?”
“I would not.”
“It has nothing to do with sex, it has everything to do with the fact that he wants four babies.”
“What does it even matter?” Bucky asked you and you let out a scoff.
“It just does,” you told him. “First you pushed me out of the picture with Anna, and now I find out—”
“Jesus Christ, we talked about this!”
“Who’s Anna?”
“I’m glad you asked,” you told Dr. Raynor with a forced smile. “His new employee that he decided to hire even if I was told I would be involved in every single business decision and if you ask Bucky, it’s totally coincidental. Even if she’s hot as fuck.”
“Are you on your period or something?” Bucky asked you and your jaw dropped, fury shooting through you.
“Excuse you?”
He rolled his eyes. “That’s the only explanation I can think of for this nonsense.”
“Don’t ever ask me if I’m on my period again or I—”
“Let’s calm down,” Dr. Raynor said. “May I ask what brought this on?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Bucky deadpanned, glaring at you and you took a deep breath.
“We had a deal before we got married,” you told her. “About me being involved in the business decisions.”
“It’s not even a big business decision for God’s sake,” Bucky said. “I told you before, it’s a trial period with Anna, that’s all.”
“And this…housewife kink?” Dr. Raynor said and Bucky rolled his eyes again.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer,” he said. “What does it matter, Charm? Hm? Considering the deal?”
You gritted your teeth and stole a look at Dr. Raynor before scoffing.
“I just don’t want to be pushed out of the picture when you find the person whom you want to have four babies with, alright?”
“Do you think you’ll get a divorce?” Dr. Raynor asked and you shifted your weight.
“Well, that’s always a possibility.”
Dr. Raynor frowned and Bucky gritted his teeth, an annoyed grin curling his lips before he clicked his tongue.
“No one is pushing you out of the picture, Charm.”
“I think we should talk about this insecurity though,” Dr. Raynor said and you let out a small laugh.
“I’m not insecure,” you said, your voice going a pitch higher. “I’m just saying like…I don’t want four babies.”
“And is this a deal breaker for you, Bucky?”
“I honestly don’t give a fuck,” Bucky said. “I was just speaking hypothetically, and before you ask again, she was the one who came up with that whole housewife kink thing—you have an actual kink for medieval knights, I’m not saying anything about that.”
“I don’t have a kink for medieval knights!”
“Do you mind if I give you both homework?” Dr. Raynor cut off your bickering. “How many times a week do you have sex?”
You and Bucky stared at each other before turning to her.
“Uh—” Bucky cleared his throat. “Charm?”
“Couple times?” you said like a question and Dr. Raynor hummed.
“I want you both to keep an intimacy journal.”
Bucky gawked at her. “Sorry, what?”
“An intimacy journal,” she said. “I want you both to write down how sex affects your communication and dynamic, how it feels before, during and after, and before the week is over, you will try one fantasy you’re both comfortable with, and write about how it made you feel.”
Bucky threw his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose and you nodded slowly, shifting your weight on the couch.
“Sex journal,” you muttered. “Wonderful.”
Chapter 24
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year
Why hate me
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You, a young fae has been promised to marry malleus since a young age. But how is everything going to work out between the two of you if he hates you? And what if he says something that would completely ruin the last bit of hope you have for him.
You sat quietly by the window as you took a sip of your tea. Humming a small tune that your caretaker used to hum to you. As you sat by the window, you could feel your heart ache at the thought of your fiance.
Malleus draconia
The two of you have been promised to marry each other since you were young. You always loved malleus ever since you were a little girl.
But malleus on the other hand didn't like you very much. You never knew why he didn't like you. You never did anything bad to him or anything so you were always confused as to why he hated you.
But even if he didn't like you, that definitely didn't stop you from being nice to him. You would always ask him to come play with you or take a stroll around the palace garden but he would always decline.
But that didn't stop little old you. You made a promise to yourself to make malleus like you, even if it wasn't romantically you still wouldn't care as long as he feels comfortable around you.
But as you both grew older, the more you started to believe that he might never like you. He would grow annoyed with you when you would check up on him or try to convince him to go walk in the palace garden with you.
He would ignore your every attempt to make him like you.
And the thing he hated the most was when you first visited NRC.
You decided to pay a visit to NRC and to see how malleus was doing, but the moment you step foot in diasomnia malleus was quick to escort you out the dorm.
Of course you felt sad but you didn’t want to make him hate you even more so you decided to respect his wish.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock at the door.
“Come in”
You put your tea cup down and turn to see no other than lilia.
“Good evening lilia”
“Good evening y/n”
“What brings you here?” You ask as you motion him to sit down across from you.
“Well I haven’t seen my daughter in law in a while, so I just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing”
You smiled and poured him a cup of tea.
“Well I have been doing great general lilia” you tease as he just laughs.
“Well that great lady y/n”
“Oh? So we are getting formal now general lilia?”
“Well we most definitely are lady y/n”
You both were quiet for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“Ah, I haven't laughed like that in ages!”
“Well I’m glad you had your fun” he said as he took a sip of his tea.
“So how is everything going in NRC? How silver?”
“Everything is going great! Ah and silver, my sweet boy is doing great!”
“That great!…and um… how mal doing?”
“Malleus is doing just fine. Actually, he been pretty happy the past few weeks”
“Is that so?”
“Mhm. I think it has to do with that new student”
“New student?” You put your cup down and paid your full attention to him.
“Ah I forgot to mention, you know that a few weeks ago we had orientation, right?”
“Well during that, the mirror summoned something- someone”
“And she isn’t from twisted wonderland”
“Oh? She is not from this world?” You say in shock.
“So how is she? Is she alright?” Even though you didn’t know the girl, you still felt sorry for her since she most likely found everything strange.
“Ah you and your sweet heart! But she fine, crowley is doing his best to get her back to her original world…well that what I heard”
“Ah! But she's been hanging out with malleus for the past few weeks! And she made a few new friends during those weeks including malleus!”
“Well that good to hear”
“Say y/n, why don’t you ever visit NRC? Silver been asking about you including sebek”
You stay silent for a moment. You never told him about the incident with you and malleus when you first visited diasomnia.
“Well, I would like to but…you know how I’m busy all the time lilia”
“Well you don’t have to worry about that!”
“What do you mean?” You asked curiously
“Because I cleared up your schedule!”
You looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.
“Yep, everyone in diasomnia is already informed about your arrival, so it would be a shame if you don’t come”
Your heart dropped knowing malleus would most likely be angry.
“Well let’s get going now!”
“W-wait lilia!”
“No waits!”
At night raven college
“Ahh did you guys hear! The great lady y/n will be visiting today!”
“Ehh?! Really!?”
“I heard she's gonna stay here for the week!”
“We need to make sure we meet lady y/n expectations!”
If no one knew that you were coming to visit NRC, well they definitely know now by how the rumors are spreading around everywhere.
“Ahh did you hear that silver! The great lady y/n will be visiting today!”
“Yes yes I heard sebek”
By now, everyone knows that you were visiting and everyone was really excited, even people that weren’t from diasomnia.
And of course, since everyone on campus is talking about your arrival, it certainly reached the ears of a certain someone.
“She visiting…”
“Who? Oh wait, are you talking about the lady y/n? I don’t really know anything about her but from what everyone is saying she seems sweet and very popular”
He just scoffed
“Come on, she might be here by now”
“Wait, we're going to meet her?!”
Ignoring her question, malleus just pulls her towards diasomnia direction.
Stepping foot into diasomnia, you felt a wave of anxiety starting to creep up as your eyes looked everywhere for a certain dragon.
“You seem nervous”
“Me? Hah that funny”
“Are you-“
But before he could continue, the doors flew open and you started preparing yourself for what to come.
“Y/n!” You quickly turn around to see silver and sebek. You felt a wave of relief go through you and you offered them a small smile.
“Ah if it isn’t silver and sebek! It’s great to see the two of you”
“It’s great to see you again!”
“Why haven’t you come visit us sooner?”
“Ah well I have been busy with some stuff back at the castle”
“Well it’s good to see that you took a break!”
“Yeah…it is”
Before the two could talk any further, the door was slammed open and you turn to see malleus and a girl at the door.
“Y/n…what is she doing here?”
“She came to visit us of course! C’mon be more happy about seeing your fiancée malleus!” You saw him stiffen up and you lowered your head down so as to not make any eye contact with him.
“Oh fiancée? Malleus, you never told me that!”
You look up to see a girl standing next to him.
That must be the new student
As she looked your way you gave her a small smile and quietly chuckled when she turned red and looked away.
“Yes..um well if you excuse me I have to go do something”
“Dinner will be ready in a few hours!” Lilia tells him as malleus walks away.
You felt like breaking down right then and there. You just wanted to know why malleus hates you so much.
“Boys go help her unpack”
“Oh no! It’s fine-“
“Don’t worry, lady y/n! I’ll help you!”
“That sweet of you sebek, really but I’ll-“
“We don’t mind y/n, plus I would love if we can catch up with each other while we help you unpack”
You looked at them for a second before nodding your head.
“That would be great”
They smile and lift up your bags as they escorted you to your room.
“Akane, you should come help me prepare dinner!”
“D-dinner?” You three quickly turn around to akane as the poor girl didn’t know what to do.
“Wait father! After we’re done helping lady y/n unpack we can help you!”
“Y-yeah! Or maybe one of our chefs will!”
“You should take a break Lilia!”
“Oh but I’m not tired-“
“It’s okay we got it from here sir lilia!” You three sighed in relief when one of the chefs came running in.
“Oh well thank you!”
“So how are things with malleus?"
You froze when Silver asked you that. You didn't know how to answer without revealing too much of what's going on between you and malleus.
"Things are great.."
"Where do you want me to put this lady y/n!"
"You can put it down there, thank you sebek"
"Are you sure everything is good between you two?"
"Mhm" He decided not to say anything else after that, but you knew that he didn't completely believe it.
"Well thank you two for helping me unpack, I really appreciate it"
"It's no problem!"
"dinner would be serve in a few, let's go"
You three then made your way out the room and downstairs. You were a little nervous to see malleus but you calmed yourself the moment you noticed that you were getting closer to the dining area.
"Oh you three made it just on time! Come! Dinner is ready” you stared in awe as you saw all the amazing and wonderful food that was on the table. Especially when you saw your favorite.
“Where malleus?” Akane asks, you looked around and you saw that he was nowhere in sight.
“Oh I don’t know. Y/n dear”
You stiffen as you heard Lilia call for you.
“Could you go get malleus? Tell him that dinner is ready” Anxiety and nausea is all you could feel. You slowly nodded your head before getting up and excusing yourself out.
As you walked down the hallway of diasomnia, you could feel your heart beat out of your chest.
You were extremely nervous.
The closer you got to malleus room, the more you could feel your heart almost bursting out.
Finally making it to his room. You softly knocked on the door.
“Mal? Dinner is-“ but before you could even finish your sentence, the door flew open and you were pulled into the room.
“What are you doing here” he asks sternly.
“Lilia asked me to come get you-“
“Huh?” His hold on you tightened as you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Why. Are. You. Here”
“I-I..” but as you expected, no words came out of your mouth.
You were beyond scared and you didn’t know what to do to not make him more mad than he already is.
“ I came to visit. Lilia made me come here”
“Are you here to kill us?! Huh?!”
You looked at him confused as he just went off on you.
“W-what? Mal what do you-“
“You know exactly what I mean! And don’t call me mal”
“I- I’m sorry but I don’t know what you are talking about!”
“Stop lying! I saw it! I saw it that day!”
“What? What did you see?!” At this point you were confused. You didn’t know what he was talking about and why he was acting like this.
“Your gonna kill me aren’t you? That why you are acting all nice and sweet. You want me dead don’t you! You are going to do the same thing your parents did to mine huh?!”
You just stared at him. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. You didn’t even know what he was saying!
“Malleus! Please just stop!”
“No! I won’t let you hurt me or anyone!”
“You should’ve died in that fire along with your parents”
Your heart stopped when those words left his lips. You stared at him in disbelief and hurt as tears started to flow down your face.
He just looks at you with hatred. Not regretting the words that just have left his mouth.
You two just looked at each other before you finally looked away.
“Alright. I’ll just leave”
Was the last thing you said before walking out the room.
That was the last time malleus and anyone else saw you.
You never came back to NRC, you never made it back to briar valley, you never made it back to the castle.
It’s like you disappeared
And…maybe you did.
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justauthoring · 10 months
naturally [4a]
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you fit into their little family perfectly - naturally. -> in which yuji wants his mom (a two part snippet)
a/n: this prompt (along with the next part) was sent in by a wonderful anon! so thank you :)) <3
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader, itadory yuji x f!reader (platonic)
Yuji had been kicking up a fuss all night.
What had started as a peaceful night amongst the three of you, with the intention of you watching a movie Yuji’s been asking about for a while, quickly turned into a situation you weren’t sure it was appropriate for you to insert yourself in.
It had all escalated quite quickly and now, alone while Nanami spoke with Yuji in his room, you were still shaking. You felt silly letting such a little thing get to you so much, but you couldn’t help the way you felt, let alone your emotions. 
When you had started dating Nanami, you weren’t sure where the relationship would lead. You knew you liked him a lot and every time you spent time with him, those feelings would grow. He was chivalrous and kind and doting and everything you’ve ever wanted from a man. He was the perfect boyfriend.
Yet, when you’d told your girlfriends about him, their first questions had been; “isn’t it weird for you that he has a son?” 
“You’re still so young. You don’t want to get tied down to a man with a child, do you?”
“Is the mother still in the picture? Those situations never work out.”
To put it plainly, they’d been rude and crude. You’d learned a lot about some of the people you’d thought were your friends that day and had made it clear that you had no problem with Nanami having a son or ever having to take care of his son for that matter. You loved Yuji just as much as you loved Nanami, just in different ways. They both meant the entire world to you and they’d become the family you thought you’d never have.
It has never bothered you.
Just like, on the opposite side of things, you’ve never once thought of yourself as Yuji’s mother. Nanami never spoke about her, had never explained anything about her other than the simple explanation that she wasn’t and would never be part of his or Yuji’s life. You hadn’t asked for any further clarification strictly because Nanami had looked deeply upset and uncomfortable when even just explaining the bare minimum and you hadn’t wanted to upset him further.
Your relationship with Nanami progressed and eventually you moved in–before you knew it, you were a part of each other’s lives completely. You’d moved your things over. His bedroom had turned into our bedroom… The kitchen had touches of your personality, the couch had a pillow or two you’d bought to decorate, his closet had your clothes in it now too. There were touches of you and your presence everywhere in the house.
You’d been worried at first–not wanting to impose but Nanami had assured you you weren’t.
Now though? Now you were sure you had.
That... that you were.
You’d tried to ask Yuji if he could try to sit still on the couch since he’d been fidgeting uncomfortably since you’d picked him up from daycare. He’d seemed upset when you first saw him but he hadn’t wanted to tell you, constantly brushing off your concern and you didn’t want to force yourself on the boy so you’d let it slide, figuring he’d at the very least tell his father 
Except he hadn’t and hadn’t even really greeted Nanami when he got home. It was clear something was wrong but you weren’t sure what to do or if either of them even wanted you to do something so you’d left it alone and let Nanami take the lead.
It seemed asking Yuji to sit still, however, had been the last straw.
He’d instantly thrown a fuss, screaming out in frustration as he kicked out at you in response. You’d pulled back in disbelief, especially given that even when Yuji had thrown tantrums or been upset in the past (as it was normal for every child) he’s never quite reacted towards you like that before. 
Nanami is up in a second, rushing over to Yuji to pull him away all whilst firmly telling Yuji he can’t react like that just cause he’s frustrated by something. It wasn’t that that upset you necessarily–besides the initial shock of it, you could tell Yuji was just overstimulated and frustrated and he was still such a small boy that you understood he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings properly.
It’s his words next that hurt you.
“She’s not my mom!” He’d bellowed, voice screeching in distress, “I want my mom! I don’t want you, I want mama!”
Nanami had glanced at you but you’d just stared back at Yuji in disbelief, eyes wide and lips left parted as Nanami quickly pulled him away and down the hall into his bedroom. You could faintly hear Nanami reprimanding Yuji but couldn’t make out what either of them were saying.
And you’d been sitting on the couch in silence since. It’s been twenty minutes since Nanami pulled Yuji into his bedroom, and they’d gone quite five minutes ago as opposed to the muffled conversation you’d heard earlier from the both of them.
You feel like you want to cry, but the tears won’t fall and if you’re being honest you’re not even sure why. Has Yuji felt this way the entire time? Had you been pushing yourself into his life too much? You thought you were doing things at an appropriate pace, or at least, that had been your intention. Clearly, regardless of that, you’d failed–this entire time Yuji’s thought that you and Nanami were trying to replace his mother with you…
The thought makes you feel sick.
“I managed to put him to sleep.”
You freeze, wide eyes falling on Nanami’s who’s moved to stand in front of you. You hadn’t even heard him come in…
Swallowing thickly, you nod; “that’s good.” You offer quietly, shifting slightly as Nanami moves to take a seat next to you. His eyes are on you, you can feel them even though you refuse to move your gaze away from your lap. You’re sure he wants to talk about what happened but you’re not sure what to say–there’s panic welling deep inside your chest that is making it hard to breathe.
It isn’t until Nanami sets his hand over your own, threading his fingers through yours, that you finally turn to look at him.
“Apparently some kids at school made fun of him for not having a ‘real’ mom,” he explains with a frown. Your lips part at his words, registering the deep hurt in Nanami’s eyes–the guilt thickens. Here you were worrying about yourself not even considering how this all must have been for Nanami, especially now that you both know he’d been teased at school and that’s why he’d been upset and fidgety all night…
“I’ve explained to him before why his mother’s not around,” Nanami continues, squeezing your hand. “I think he was just upset. It caused him to burst out. I’ve told him he has to apologize to you once he’s calmed down–”
You shake your head, shifting to face Nanami properly; “no.” You cut him off, “he has nothing to apologize for. Kento… I never intended for him to think I was replacing his mom and I… if you’ve felt the same, I am so sorry. I thought I was moving slow enough but clearly I was pushing things too much and–”
You’re cut off as Nanami gently sets his free hand over your lips, leaning close enough to rest his forehead against your own. You freeze at the action, shoulders tensing as you stare back at him, lips left parted behind his hand.
“You’re not moving too fast.” Nanami says, his voice soft as he smiles gently at you. “We’re not moving too fast. I told you that Yuji’s mother would never be a part of his life but I never told you why.”
He slowly pulls his hand away, but keeps his forehead pressed against yours, eyes falling shut. “The truth is his mother ran away shortly after giving birth to Yuji. We weren’t together before she got pregnant, it was just the one night but we tried to make things work since she was pregnant. Maybe I was too pushy,” he sighs, shoulders falling, “I’m not sure. I wanted things to work out so badly but one day she just… left. When I tried to call her, she blocked my number and I’ve never seen or heard from her since. She’s quite literally disappeared.”
“She’s not tried to reach out or ask about Yuji once. I’ve explained this to him in the best way he can because I wanted him to know, no matter how young, why his life was different from other kids. We settled, got comfortable and I learned how to care for Yuji on my own because in my opinion, his mother is all but dead.”
Lips parting, you squeeze Nanami’s hand as his face twists into an expression of pain.
“I was happy with things and assumed they’d always stay this way. But then we met you.” You watch as his expression softens and the discomfort fades away as that same, soft smile curls onto his lips. “You changed everything. I’ve always worried that Yuji should have a female presence in his life, a mother figure… a child needs one. I don’t want to force you into anything you’re not comfortable with but you’re so good with him. You know what to say and how to make him laugh, laugh in ways I’ve never been able to. You never complain about him, even when he interrupts date nights or when we never have time alone.
“I tried dating women before, once in a blue moon and they all couldn’t stand having Yuji around constantly. He’s my priority, always, but you changed everything. You’ve changed both of our lives in ways I never would have imagined and I know, despite what he said tonight, Yuji loves you, Y/N. He absolutely adores you. I think he’s just confused because he doesn't really understand what you are supposed to be to him.”
You… you never thought of it that way.
You’ve been so careful, never crossing any boundaries because you weren’t sure either of them wanted you to. You didn’t want to confuse Yuji and you didn’t want to make Nanami uncomfortable so you’d always just stayed behind the line between family and less than that.
“I… I love both of you,” you whisper, eyes downcast as you try to sort out the words you want to say. “So much. I love you so much, Kento. You’ve given me what I never thought I could have and… I love Yuji like my own son. I… if it’s okay, want to be a mother to him.”
Squeezing your hand, Nanami leans back, his smile widening as he brushes his fingers across your cheek. “It’s more than okay, Y/N. You’re a part of our family.”
And it means more than Nanami probably knows.
To be a part of a family…
744 notes · View notes
hamiltonaf · 8 months
Can you do one with Kylian being very jealous of yn all the time and every time she talks to a guy friend he gets mad and makes a big fuss about it and yn gets tired of him and wants to leave him but then he gets upset and begs for forgiveness but she is so tired of his bullshit and want to take a break from the relationship but after 1-2 months they get back together and he got jealous again so she wants to know why he is like that and it turned out that his ex girlfriend cheated on him multiple times so he had trust issues and she assured him that she wasn’t going to do the same thing
Trust Issues | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: Minor angst
A/N: Hii loves ! I’m finally back. Apologies for being MIA, I had a lot going on, plus I had writers block. I’m sorry in advance if the end is disappointing - I honestly feel like I forgot how to write lol. If you’ve sent a request before, please note that I’m working on it. Anywho, enjoy .xoxo
Never thought I’d come to a point in life where I had to cut off all my guy friends for Kylian’s sake. I’ve told myself in the past that if I had to face that in a relationship then I’m walking out. Mentally I’m playing hangman with Kylian’s name.
I love Kylian, I really do, it’s also cute at times to see him get jealous but when it comes to a point when he tells me that I need to stop talking to my guy friend then I don’t vibe with that. He’s basically saying that he doesn’t trust me.
We’ve fought, he apologised, I looked past it for us to move on, but he just crossed the line.
I went out for a friend’s birthday dinner, Kylian decided to stay back and chill at home, though he promised he would pick me up after. The birthday dinner felt like a reunion as some of us were seeing each other after years, it was great catching up with everyone, especially Daniel. Him and I were really close growing up as our parents were good friends, but since I moved and was with Kylian I rarely attended gatherings.
It was getting quite late and Kylian was delayed, I didn’t bother rushing him since Daniel was accompanying me and we were just catching up on lost time. We were stood outside the restaurant, dinner had just ended, some had left and others were in their own conversations. “So how are things going? What have you been up to ?” Daniel eagerly asked. “Well, I’m in my final year of studying so it’s been a bit much but I’m coping. How are things going for you ?” I replied. “Life is great. Can’t complain” he smiled proudly. “Still running your parent’s empire I suppose” I smiled. “Nothing has changed” he grinned.
“Good for you Dan. You’re living the dream” I half laughed. “I’m living the dream ?” He scoffed. “Yeah of course ! You’re travelling literally every other month, flying first class and living the good life” I said. “Yeah but you’re the one dating the football player !” He stated. “Speaking of him, let me just check how far he is” I paused to check my phone if perhaps Kylian called or messaged. Nothing.
Just as I locked my phone, my head turned when I heard a car rev in the distance, he’s here. “Oh look. There he is” I said as both of our heads snapped to Kylian pulling up beside us. Daniel leaned towards the car as Kylian rolled down the window, “Hey man, I’m Daniel” he introduced himself. “Nice to meet you. I’m Kylian” Kylian shook his hand. “Heard a lot about you. We should meet up soon, I’ll message (Y/N)” Daniel suggested. “Yeah sure” Kylian said lastly. “Take care bro” Daniel said before pulling me in for a hug. “Bye Dan. Until next time” I murmured. “Until then. Ciao” he said as his hand rubbed my back before breaking away from our hug.
I got into the car and immediately I could feel the tension in the air. “Hi baby” I smiled as I leaned in to kiss his cheek. He didn’t say anything or react, he just remained stiff. I knew what was coming and I wasn’t ready to face the drama for the umpteenth time. Choosing not to say anything in the car until we got home was the best decision. The second the door shut, he didn’t surprised me by being the one to bring it up. “What was that ?” He raised his voice. “What was what ?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Who even was that Daniel guy ? I was there for only a minute and I could see the way he was looking at you. You both seemed to enjoy that hug a little too much” he said. I scoffed, “Are you being serious right now ?”
“Do I look like I’m joking ?” He yelled annoyed. “You have honestly lost it !” I yelled as I turned my back on him and stormed towards our room. “(Y/N) I’m talking to you !” He yelled for me as he followed me to the room. “How the hell can you say we enjoyed that hug a little too much. Are you trying to call me a cheater ?” I raised my voice as I turned around to face him. “You’re just putting words into my mouth. My point is that if another person had seen you both together, they would think you’re a couple. I don’t want you seeing him again” he said.
“You know what Kylian ? I’m done” I huffed. “What do you mean done ?” He asked baffled. “I mean that I can’t do this anymore. I can’t continue being in a relationship where my own boyfriend doesn’t even trust me or allows me to talk to other guy friends of mine without assuming I’m cheating. I’m living a lie by staying in this relationship. Go find yourself a girlfriend that you can control because I’m not that girl” I said before getting a bag and packing it with my belongings.
“Babe please don’t do this. I swear I’m not trying to control you. I’ll admit that I got jealous, okay ? But please don’t go. I love you so much, what will I do without you ?” he pleaded and tried to stop me from packing but I continued.
“No Kylian ! Today you literally crossed the line, I couldn’t care so much for the other guys you said I need to stop talking to, but the fact that Daniel and I go way back and now you want me to cut off our friendship ? He’s basically apart of my family because his parents and my parents are friends. Kylian…I’m so tired honestly of us going back and forth. It just bothers me that Daniel attempted to be your friend in that minute you met but instead you ignore all of that and insinuate that I cheated ? Get some help because I need a break from your shit…this has gone past jealousy” I said in anger, I didn’t have it in me to cry.
“(Y/N) please. I’ll change okay ? I’ll do better. But please don’t go. Please give me another chance” he begged. “Kylian I gave you way too many chances. I can’t believe how long I’ve dealt with this and didn’t leave sooner” I said as I zipped up my bag. “So that’s it ? You’re just going to throw away a 2 year relationship ?” He asked. “All I know right now is that we need space away from each other. I love you Kylian, I do, but I think it’s best for the both of us” I pressed my lips together as I threw my bag over my shoulder. “So we’re over ?” He asked teary eyed. “I- please don’t make this harder than it already is” my voice cracked as I looked up in hopes that my tears would disappear.
“Babe you can’t give up on us. We’re meant for each other” he said as he grabbed my hands and rubbed small circles at the back of them. “Kylian, consider this a break rather than a break up. We can both wisely use this time to focus on ourselves…if we’re meant to be, we’ll find our way back to each other.”
Those were the last words I’ve said to him face-to-face. I left that night and ended up staying at my parent’s house. They were surprised to see me and were quick to ask where Kylian was, I just lied that he’s travelling for an away game. 2 weeks of staying with my parents raised suspicion and they figured out that something was wrong, my mom especially. I told my mom exactly what happened and luckily she took the hint to not talk about it.
Not a day passed that I didn’t receive a message from Kylian. Countless ‘I love you’ and ‘I miss you’ flooded my phone daily, it wasn’t easy taking this time to focus on myself when he was on my mind all day. Whilst making his message clear, he indirectly would ask for us to talk it out and as much as it hurts, I refused. No point in us getting back together if he’s going to go back to square one.
After about a week, I caved in and started replying back to his messages. Eventually easing in to phone calls and FaceTimes. It’s been 3 weeks since that day I called on a break, today I decided it’s time to meet and talk things out.
He seemed sincere and genuine when we met, of course I couldn’t help but give him another chance. We were meeting for one week as if we were in love all over again and after that one week, we’re back together.
Daniel was in town and he wanted to meet up, I happily accepted his lunch invite and was looking forward to rekindling our friendship. Kylian was at training so I thought I’d get ready in the meantime until he was back.
“Ma chérie !” He called as he entered. “In the room, Ky !” I yelled. He came into the room and whistled behind me. “You look beautiful” he said as he placed a kiss on my neck. “Thank you babe” I blushed. “Where are you going ?” He asked as he walked over to sit at the edge of the bed. “I’m going out for lunch with Daniel” I said casually. “Wait, what !” He asked as he stood up. “Why ? I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t see him ?” He said as he changed his tone. I dropped my mascara on the counter and stood up, “Are you back to this nonsense where I can’t have guy friends ?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Do you not know how the story goes about childhood guy friends falling for their girl friends ?” He stood up to stand arms length away from me. “No, Kylian ! That’s not how the story goes. Do you not know it takes two people to be in love which hello ? I’m obviously not.” I said as I started to grow angry. “(Y/N), you don’t know how a guys mind works” he said as he shut his eyes for a second. “Before I walk out of this relationship one more time, could you care to explain your reasoning behind why I can’t have guy friends ?” I raised a brow. His face softened when he heard me mention walking out.
“Babe please no . I’m sorry” he rushed over to me to hold my hands in his. I pulled my hands away from his grip, “Explain Kylian…I can’t continue entertaining this.” He sighed and dropped his head before mustering up the courage. “I have trust issues because of my ex” he admitted. I was shocked. “Well, what happened ?” I asked curiously.
“I trusted her and was never one to question anything she did until I found out she cheated on me with those guys she called her friends. Soo…I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst, I was heartbroken and felt betrayed. It’s been hard for me to accept having trust. It’s not you babe, I promise I trust you, I just fear that your guy friends will convince you to leave me and walk away from our relationship. I can’t bare losing you, not again after the break” he said as he got emo. “Aww Ky” I pouted as I pulled him in for a hug. We never left each others embrace for a few minutes until Kylian broke away to kiss my forehead.
“I’m glad I got that off my chest. You deserved to know. I love you so much and I’m sorry for my behaviour. I’m trying to be a better boyfriend for you after our break so please be patient with me” he pouted. “I get it now. Thank you for being honest babe” I gave him a quick peck on his lips. “You can go out with Daniel, I won’t stop you any longer” he sighed. “Look, as your girlfriend, I want to help you through this. Remember Daniel suggested you guys going out ? Well why don’t you join us, I’ll send him a message and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. That way you have an idea of what Daniel is like and you have a peace of mind. Also, it’s not just about trusting Daniel, I would like if you and Daniel could be friends. I mean the man is practically family” I half laughed before sending a message to Daniel. “Shame I feel bad now for hating on the guy” he sighed. “Well what he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him” I winked then sent the message.
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i-luvsang · 4 months
sienna — jeong yunho
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pairing : yunho x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : fluff, little bit of angst ➖⟢ cw : not proofread/edited, kissing, mentions of exhaustion and stress ➖⟢ wc : 1K ➖⟢ rating : pg-13 .. listen to sienna by the marías ! for you @megumisthv tysm for sending all the atz reqs i'll do my best to get to as many as i can!! <33
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yunho has trouble opening up. he’s a sweet, sunshiney guy and he’s not one to get very emotional around others. he thinks he’s supposed to be smiling all the time, and that he’s the one who should be comforting others. and it’s not that big of a deal, he tells himself. he’s just so, so exhausted, and it’s starting to get to him. on top of that, he really, really misses you.
when you hug him, you feel it, the way he melts into your arms and can’t seem to peel himself away from your embrace.
it’s been weeks since you’ve seen each other, both of you so busy, him even more so with his hectic style of life.
“hey, love,” you mumble into the fabric of his jacket. “miss me, huh?” all he does is nod. “i missed you, too, yun.” you feel the smile on your face turn a little sad, full of affection for him, because you can feel all of the tension in his body as he keeps you close. it’s a little awkward, because you’re standing in the doorway of his apartment, but you happily let him take what he needs.
when he finally pulls away, your heart breaks to see the subtle mist of tears in his pretty, pretty eyes.
“hey,” you say all soft, “grab me an extra sweatshirt and let’s go sit on the roof, yeah? we should be able to catch the sunset.”
“okay,” he agrees with a half smile. there’s a few sweatshirts hung up by the door, so he grabs the nearest one that's his and his smile grows a little more as he refuses to give it to you. instead, he bunches the fabric up in his hands and holds it up like he’s going to put it on for you. you laugh a little, but don’t protest. 
already, you know you’ll let him do whatever he wants tonight. with that, his hands are over your head and he’s tugging the garment down until he can see your face again. when you feel the fabric fall down past your chin, you open your eyes to see yunho leaning in close, his nose mere centimeters away from your own. you giggle, and the gentle sound knocks whole tons of pressure off yunho’s shoulders. he smiles, all genuine this time, then presses a sweet kiss to your lips. you feel the soft exhale from his nose as he parts from you and tugs the bottom of the sweatshirt down for you to put your arms through the sleeves.
yunho’s about to turn to close the door and walk out with you, but you grab his hand to stop him.
“get yourself a jacket, too. it’s cold out.”
“right,” he smiles sheepishly as he lets his hand slip from yours for just a moment to grab another layer for himself. then, his hand is back in yours and the door clicks shut.
once on the roof, yunho’s hand shifts to your waist to pull you closer. you grab his hand and tuck it into your sweatshirt pocket, and now you’re so close to each other that your walking is more like a waddle. but neither of you could care about that, all you can think about is having the other near and keeping warm from the bitter bite of the chilly rooftop wind. 
you sit on the bench that faces the sunset, and yunho’s head immediately finds its way to your shoulder. your eyes drift closed for a soft moment as you relish the feeling of him so close and comfortable, the brush of his hair against your jaw and his arm wrapped around you tight.
he sighs heavy and you open your eyes again, grabbing his other hand and placing it on your knee, keeping your own hand over his to rub your thumb over his knuckles.
you bite the inside of your cheek in contemplation, wondering whether you should ask what’s bothering him or wait for him to speak up about it on his own. in the meantime, you figure that watching the sky turn different colors is enough. a few minutes later, and it would have been too late to see the sun set, but now it’s hovering over the horizon, reaching for the tops of buildings in the distance and highlighting the bright orange of fall trees.
you let the time pass slowly, let yunho stay silent and burrow into your side as the sun sinks every so softly into the darkening line of the horizon. if you were to crane your neck and look up, you’d see the darkness of autumn night creeping up on you, but you instead take in the orange, pink, purple, and baby blue of the fading daylight.
only when it’s dark, colder than ever, and the automatic night lights of the roof reveal the puffs of your breathing that come out foggy, does yunho speak.
“i’m so tired,” he whispers, finally letting the words tumble out into the open night air. with a sigh of your own, you squeeze his hand in yours.
“i know,” you sympathize with your brows pulled tight in worry. “let me do everything for you tonight, will you?”
this time, his sigh is one of relief. you don’t let any pity slip into your voice, just love and genuine care. you understand him and you present him with the little things that you can do for him, and he couldn’t be more grateful for that.
“thank you,” he breathes out. “let’s go inside, it’s cold.” you hum in agreement, but let him keep sitting there when he doesn’t get up right away. when he wants, he’ll stand, and you’re more than happy to bear through the cold for a minute longer if it means doing things at his pace.
when he stands, you stay right with him, stuck to his side as you make your way to warmer air.
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fatkish · 3 months
Aisles and Class 1A x Fem Quirkless reader platonic hcs who’s cold, reserved, but still polite and nice to others. She’s a strict badass who’s also street smart and masters a bunch of weapons like throwing knives, guns, pole arms, etc, to replace her lack of a Quirk. One of the top students as well as the scariest girl in class as she gives it her all in class, sending anyone who challenges her to the infirmary anytime they fought her. Unlike Izuku, who at least grew up with a parent’s love, she had nobody and had to survive on the streets and illegal underground rings, earning many nasty scars that she hides behind her bandages and clothing which she always covers up with stuff like scarfs, gloves, even if it’s super hot out. She craves any love but backs down due to heavy discrimination, bullying, etc. hcs?
(So I’m gonna assume that Aisles is Aizawa because I don’t recall a character with that name. Also I’m gonna make the reader similar to Illumi Zoldyck from HxH)
Aizawa & Class 1A x Quirkless Reader
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Growing up in the underground was harsh and brutal. In order to survive you had to be willing to do whatever it took
Whether it was stealing food, or fighting, you did anything that could increase the chances of your survival
Living on the streets, you grew up facing villains and thugs in the alleys, they would see you as an easy target so you had to learn to protect yourself
After years of fighting and being subjected to multiple quirks, you’ve built up a high resistance to physical pain. Not that you can’t feel pain, you just tolerate more of it better than others
You’ve learned various techniques and skills when it comes to fighting but you’re not just skilled with combat
Having no parents, you had to learn to cook for yourself and became somewhat skilled in the culinary arts
In order to make up for not having a quirk, you learned to wield every possible weapon and mastered the use of each
And in order to have money, you fought in illegal and legal underground fighting rings. These fights landed you plenty of scars to the point that you’re covered in them
You wear bandages and long clothing to hide the scars, however your choice of style can make you look suspicious
Due to growing up the way you did, you developed a rather cold and reserved personality but you maintained your manners and are very polite
You don’t really show a lot of emotion which can make people uncomfortable being around you, but you don’t really care
Originally, you weren’t going to go to highschool but you came across Aizawa one night when you were cornered by some thugs. He was about to step in when you seemingly appeared behind the thugs, then they all fell down unconscious. Aizawa thought you used a teleportation quirk. He understood that you were essentially homeless and had no family so he offered for you to stay with him for the night
As he began to understand your predicament, he was amazed at how quickly you picked up on things. You were incredibly smart and observant but that’s probably due to having lived on the streets
When Aizawa learned that you didn’t have a quirk he originally didn’t believe you. But after testing his quirk on you, he realized you were telling the truth
Aizawa actually gave you a recommendation to UA since he deeply believes that you would make a good hero
When you took the recommendation exam, you met Inasa who surprisingly quickly managed to worm his way past your walls and became your friend during the exam
After having passed the exam with flying colors you were given Inasa’s phone number since he learned you didn’t have a phone
Aizawa had later that day, bought you a phone for you to connect with the friends you would hopefully make
When school came around, Inasa had been coaching you on how to make friends, despite your cold personality you managed to befriend Izuku on the first day (more like he just didn’t have the balls to tell you you were scary)
You saw how Bakugou treated Izuku and you didn’t like how scared Izuku was so you decided to make an example out of Bakugou
During All Mights hero class, you were paired with Izuku and Uraraka. You followed Izuku and protected him from Bakugou. When Bakugou ignored All Might and used his stored up sweat, you decided that you had enough. You quickly went behind Bakugou and started to let loose on him, in the end, you accidentally sent him to recovery girl’s office since you didn’t know how to hold back
When Izuku saw this, he realized you weren’t that scary and you’re just not that good with social situations, he then took it upon himself to make you apart of the Dekusquad and you decided to keep hanging around him
Shoto and Momo have become some of your closer friends. Momo takes you shopping and loves to dress you up
Mineta, Koda and Aoyama are terrified of you. The girls all love that Mineta is too afraid to perv on you, so they use you as a shield to ward off Mineta
Kirishima and Ojiro are constantly asking you to spar with them as well as Bakugou. They don’t care that you can’t hold back most of your strength, the don’t care that sparring with you is a one way ticket to Recovery Girl, they admire your strength and they want to get stronger
When you’re relaxing, Shoto likes to hang around you since you both have the same cluelessness in the sense of social interactions
Although you have a hard time initiating affection, Aizawa makes sure you receive plenty of it whether it’s just a simple head pat or a small hug. Aizawa and Midoriya help you with learning how to express yourself since you’ve closed yourself off as a means to protect yourself
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marwolaeth-76 · 10 months
Hi (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡, Can you make a one shot of Veneer with a female reader, where the reader is also a singer (solo) but Veneer tries to get closer to her, in every possible way until at one point the attraction between the two of them is so noticeable that in interviews they begin to ask them about it, and in the end they start a relationship.
Hi!! thank you for your request and thank you for waiting, I hope you like it🩷 and I want to apologize for waiting request other people, I’m sick right now so I don’t have the strength to write😢
Veneer x !FemReader stars fell in love with each other
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You take a deep breath as you walk down the halls of build preparing for your interview. Ever since your debut single dropped, your life has been a whirlwind. Fans, photoshoots, awards shows - it's all so exciting but also overwhelming at times. As you near the stage, you spot a familiar face in the crowd. Veneer gives you a small grin. Your heart skips a beat, you've been growing closer to the star singer over the past few months. Between running into each other at events and bonding over the pressures of fame, you've found yourself developing feelings for him. The interview goes well until the host notices your lingering glances at Veneer. "Soo tell me - are you two there is something between you?" Kid Ritz ask slyly, crossing one leg over the other, raising an eyebrow questioningly. You it’s hard to hide your nervousness, a chill of embarrassment runs down your spine, you should have guessed that such embarrassing questions cannot be avoided, people love drama, especially between stars. Before you can stammer a response, Veneer speaks up. "We just care for each other", -he says with a warm smile in your direction. "But for now, we're just enjoying each other's company and support as we both navigate this new chapter in our lives and careers." - His tone is calm, he must have planned this answer, it’s not just that he’s sitting among the audience? although maybe it's just a coincidence. His words are reassuring yet leave the door open for something more. After the show, you share a private moment backstage. "Before you think I'm a heartless ladies' man", - Veneer began to speak in his usual mannered voice. "I..I meant what I said earlier" - Veneer says softly, taking your hand in his. "You know? I really like you, It was already difficult for me to keep it to myself. Everything is happening so fast, I can’t say that I’m unhappy with it" To say that you are in shock is not enough to say, no, of course you dreamed of this, but to really have Veneer feel the same feelings for you as you do? You stand there like a real fool, staring at the guy with wide eyes for almost a full minute before coming to your senses, catching the slightly embarrassed expression on the singer's face. You beam up at him. "Um!..I like you too? this is so awkward, I'm sorry, Don’t get me wrong, I’ve really kind of... fallen in love with you for a long time.." Leaning in, your lips stretched out in an embarrassed smile, Your heart conquers the normal rate of beats per second, you pull the guy in to kiss him on the cheek. "Ohh only on the cheek?" - Veneer asks with a note of mischief, the slight nervousness left his face, although you could swear that his hand you were holding was shaking slightly, he looking at you with his sparkling blue eyes. Looking away slightly to the side, you shake your head, raising your eyebrows and answer excited: "everything has its time)" While love brings challenges, you're glad to face them with Veneer by your side.
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uhhh i really wrote little, srr, bad health does not allow me to think of something normally 😤
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
In Your Mind
Pairing: Carlos x Reader
Summary: The next couple years with the love of your life
requests open masterlist first part
The Spanish sun kisses your skin as you lay out by the pool at the home Carlos rented in Majorca, his favorite holiday spot. His family is a short drive away, also vacationing here. Carlos wanted to have you all to himself for the week.
You look incredible, mi amor
Care to join me, Carlitos, instead of ogling me?
Hm, I think I prefer watching you
Despite his statement, he lies on the lounge chair beside you. You watch his toned muscles flex. The past couple of days have allowed the both of you to grow incredibly close and know each other very well.
"Hypocrite," he laughs, noticing your focus on him.
"I was simply admiring, you looked like you wanted to devour me," you get up and walk to the pool, feeling warm in the sun. You dive in and when you surface, pushing your hair back, Carlos swears he hasn't seen anything more sexy.
"Cariño, you need to stop doing that, you are driving me mad," he says a little breathlessly. You swim to the edge of the pool.
"You better take care of that, before we have dinner with your parents," your smirk causes Carlos to look down and groan. He stands up and pulls you out of the pull, carrying you to the daybed by the pool. You've never been happier about the privacy the villa offered than at that moment.
After a quick shower, you and Carlos join his family at the villa the rest of his family is staying at. You get along well with everyone, thankfully for you. While Carlos talks with his parents, you talk with his sisters, Blanca and Ana, and his cousin, Carlos.
“He really likes you, when he called us, he told us all about you, then he mentioned that he met football legend David Beckham,” Ana tells you, the both of you giggling.
“That’s how he met me, he came over to speak to my dad. He also made me promise to invite some of my uncles to the wedding, whenever that is,” you share.
“That sounds like him, are you sure you want to stay with him?” Blanca asks teasingly.
“Perhaps not. I do suppose he’s better than other fans, especially the ones who are even bigger fans of my mom, those guys tend to be weird. He understands what it’s like to have a famous parent, so I guess I can put up with him asking to meet someone my dad played with once a week,” you look at your soulmate fondly.
“You really love him, don’t you?” Carlos, the cousin, asks and you give him a weird look.
“Of course I do, he’s my soulmate. I’ve loved him for years, even if I didn’t know who he was,” you say as if it’s the most obvious thing ever.
“Not all soulmates like each other, but it is clear you two love one another,” Ana grabs your hand and squeezes it as you are called to the table. You sit beside Carlos, his hand resting on your thigh as you all enjoy the meal.
“I think it’s time we get going, someone is tired after all the sun today,” you tell his family a few hours later as you run your fingers through Carlos’s fluffy hair. He is visibly tired.
“Get back safely, I hope we see you again soon,” his mom hugs you, knowing Carlos will likely keep you to himself the rest of the week despite loving to be around his family.
“Thank you, especially for trusting me with your son,” you hug her back.
“Thank you for being a wonderful partner to him, I don’t think we could’ve asked for someone better,” she smiles as Carlos Sr walks over.
“Especially the daughter of a Los Blancos, especially one of the Galácticos,” Carlos Sr smiles.
“You and my dad will have to meet one day soon, I am sure he will love to talk football with you,” you smile politely, feeling the exhaustion settling in.
“Let’s get back to the villa, mi amor,” Carlos presses a kiss to the side of your head, bidding his family a goodnight.
The rest of the week is spent relaxing, cuddling, and learning each other. You decide that you want to travel with him when you aren’t working, and that includes the race he is going to straight from Spain.
Carlos is in a meeting at the track when you decide to send him a mental image of you in a bathtub. He takes a sip of water to hide his blush, trying to focus on the meeting and not the growing desire in his mind.
Ay! Cariño, I am in a meeting.
My bad, Carlitos, I didn’t realize. Well, now you have something to look forward to when you get back to the hotel.
You are just lucky I’m not driving right now. The meeting just ended, I’ll be there in 15.
“Lunch?” Charles asks Carlos, who is doing his best to hurry out of the room.
“Not today, I am going back to the hotel for lunch with Y/n,” Carlos says, his pace a little faster than normal. He regrets driving Charles to the meeting, knowing Charles needs a ride back to the hotel. Carlos wasn’t lying about having lunch, he may not be eating food, but he will be eating.
“She has you wrapped around her finger, smart woman. Alright, but you two are getting lunch with me and Alex tomorrow,” Charles brushes off the rejection. Carlos just nods, speeding a little more than usual to get back to the hotel. Charles chooses to attribute the odd behavior to Carlos getting used to the soulmate bond.
The few weeks that you’ve been together feels like years. Both of your fans find your relationship adorable, calling you the next David and Victoria. They aren’t wrong, like your Dad, Carlos would travel long distances just to spend a few minutes with you.
“You know what’s crazy? I would marry you right now,” you say softly as you lay in his arms one night. It’s not unusual for soulmates to marry after a month, after all, the bond is there for a reason, although some never marry because the bond is enough to them.
“I would say let’s do it, but I would have to ask your father first,” he agrees.
“Would I take your last name? How does that work in Spain?” You turn so you look at him.
“Well, no, usually you don’t take your husband’s name. I guess you could be Y/n Beckham de Sainz, but it would also likely come down to where we are married,” Carlos says, thinking over the logistics.
“I like the sound of that,” you test your potential married name out in your mind. “So what would our kids be then, if Spain has weird customs regarding taking your husband’s last name?” you ask, his heart beats a little faster when your hypothetically refer to him as your husband.
“Traditionally, it would be my last name then your last name, so they would be Sainz Beckham, but now it can be any order,” he says, already picturing a mini you running around.
“Sounds lovely,” you yawn. Carlos rubs you back soothingly, your cheek pressed against his bare chest.
“Go to sleep, mi amor, we can talk about it all you want tomorrow morning,” Carlos whispers, feeling your warm breath on his skin.
You never knew it, but he asked for David’s permission before leaving England. Carlos is incredibly grateful for the soulmate bond, he would choose you a million times over. He waits until the last race of the season to propose. You were with him for most of the races, only two conflicted with shoots you were booked for. You watch as he finds you right after the podium, sticky with champagne and sweat, and pulls you into a hug before getting on one knee.
“Y/n, you are my soulmate, my best friend, my favorite travel companion. These past eight months have been nothing short of incredible, and I want to formally make you mine. Will you marry me, Cariño?” Carlos asks, you stare at him in adoration.
“Of course I will,” you say, happy tears streaming down your face as he slides the perfect ring onto your finger.
I love you, Carlitos
I love you more
You don’t rush the wedding, planning it for after the next season. Your mom offers to design your wedding dress and Carlos’s suit, an offer you both happily accept.
“Let’s get married at Bernabéu,” Carlos suggests, partially to see your reaction, one night in his London pad. The two of you make an effort to not only talk mentally.
“No way, Carlitos, if we are getting married on a pitch, it will be Old Trafford,” you shift away from him, horrified at your fiancé.
“Mi amor, I was joking,” Carlos laughs, pulling you back. “I did get us tickets for the Champions League knockout match at Old Trafford,” Carlos says and your eyes widen. The game is only a few weeks away.
“You what?”
“Well, technically it was your dad who got the tickets, I just paid for them,” Carlos smiles, loving your excitement. He didn’t buy tickets, but he can’t tell you about the surprise.
“I haven’t been to a game in so long, you are the best, Carlitos,” you wrap your arms around him, tightly hugging him.
You end up in a box with your family and your dad’s former teammates. Except for your mom and Harper, they aren’t huge football fans. You are wearing one of your dad’s old jerseys while Carlos wears his white Real Madrid jersey.
Your dad wanted to surprise you, think of it like a pre-wedding gift
You look between Carlos and your dad with a huge smile on your face.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you hug him.
“Of course,” He squeezes you before letting you go so you can talk to your uncles. David takes the opportunity to catch up with Carlos.
“Uncle Gary!” You hug your father’s best friend.
“Hey kid, congrats on the engagement and finding your soulmate. Too bad he’s a Real Madrid fan,” Gary says, patting your shoulder.
“Yes, but look at him having the time of his life,” you chuckle, watching Carlos’s starstruck face as your dad introduces him to Figo, Zidane, Ronaldo, and Roberto Carlos.
“Is that Baby Beckham?” You turn around and notice Paul Scholes and Roy Keane approaching you.
“Who else would be wearing my Dad’s jersey?” you smile, giving them hugs. It has been a while since you were able to go to a game with your dad and his old teammates.
“Maybe your fiancé,” David Gardner shrugs. You did offer Carlos a replica of your Dad’s jersey from when he played for Real Madrid, but Carlos insisted that he had a lucky jersey.
“Yes, well, no one is perfect. He’s damn close though,” you chuckle.
“Language! Who taught you that?” Roy asks with a gasp.
“I believe we did,” Paul says, nudging his former teammate.
“Mi amor, I might marry your father instead,” Carlos tells you, only a little starstruck. Your uncles burst out into laughter.
“Carlos, these are my Uncles, Paul, Roy, David, and Gary,” you point them out individually.
“I’m her favorite,” David and Gary say at the same time.
“It’s Uncle Gary, he bought her her first beer and babysat her the most,” Brooklyn says, sliding up beside you.
Let’s go sit down, Carlitos. The match is starting
Good idea
You take a seat beside your brothers, which doesn’t bode well for Carlos when Real Madrid loses. The four of you celebrate as Carlos replays the mistake that allowed for a last minute goal. To make up for the loss, David convinces his former Madrid teammates to sign Carlos’s jersey.
“Have a safe flight to Maranello,” your dad hugs you goodbye after the game. Carlos is still a bit in shock.
That season, Carlos wins the WDC, and there is no better way to celebrate than getting married.
The ceremony is beautiful. You rented a large villa in Spain for the ceremony and reception. You didn’t intent for it to be a large star studded affair, but that was just the nature of the two of you getting married. Your mom hit it out of the park with her designs. The satin wedding dress fit perfectly, and wasn’t too simple and wasn’t too busy. Carlos’s suit was perfect, red and white subtle accents are a nice touch. You both cry a little when you see each for the first time.
“Carlos, you are my everything. There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for you. I never thought that finding my soulmate would be as great as this, I’d happily hear you sing Smooth Operator in my head in every lifetime if it meant being with you,” you tell him in your vows.
“I never thought I would meet my best friend and soulmate while playing a charity soccer match, but there is no other way I’d want to meet you. You take my breath away, make me a better person, and love Football as much as I do. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” Carlos squeezes your hands.
You are my everything, Carlos
You are the air I breathe, mi vida
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myluvrrhea · 4 months
Wrapped in your arms | D.Priest
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Request — Can you write an imagine about reader and damian priest being friends to lovers where they are forced to share an hotel room and she ask him shyly to cuddle and he agrees and he plays with her hair and caress her cheek
Pairings — Damian priest x Fem!Wrestler!Reader
Warnings — None just fluff
Song for this fic — Light Shower — Melanie Martinez
I felt the exhaustion hit me as I entered my dressing room. I sat down on a the couch , steadying myself and gulping damn near my whole bottle of water. I soon heard a knock at the door thinking it might have been liv, or Iyo . So I responded.
“Come in!” 
But what I didnt expect was one of The Judgment Days members to come walking in. The archer of Infamy, Damian priest. He wore his classic Senor Money in the bank T-Shirt , with black leather pants and a black belt to match. I felt confused as Damian never really cane into my dressing room. Sure we were close, but he knew his boundaries and I knew his. We cared about each other’s privacy. That was That.
“Oh, Damian what are you doing in here?” I asked. The confusion evident in my voice.
“I know I never go into your locker room , but this is important. We have to room together. I mean we haven’t in the past but Hunter said something about “getting to know each other” or whatever . So why not just share right? Plus who knows maybe you’ll join the judgment day,”Damian replied a smile forming on his face after the last sentence.
I giggled a bit , trying to hide the blush that creeped onto my face. My nervousness was now clear as day as I began to fidget with my fingers. But nonetheless, I replied back.
“Hey if you want I could drive you there,” Damian spoke. 
“Oh yeah..sure,” I felt my hands sweat up as I spoke.
Damian gave me a smile and nod as he left my
Dressing room, phone in hand. I sighed as I thought aboit the interaction. What did he mean when he said we fit together? Discarding the thought, I changed into more comfortable clothes ,and began to pack my stuff and head to Damians rental.
Location - At the hotel
As me and Damian had arrived at the hotel , I found his presence to be comforting and soft. So unlike his onscreen character. It was safe to say we had gotten to know each other way better than we had before. Sure we had been friends for a little over a month , but that didnt mean we knew each other like we thought we did.
Our laughs got quieter as Damian parked into the hotel driveway. That was also the point where I got into deep thought. What did he mean when Triple H said we had to get to know each other? were already friends so why? And what did Damian mean when he said I might join TJF. I cleared my thoughts as I hopped out the car, leaving Damian in a confused expression.
When we arrived to the lobby , I found one of my good friends Rhea to be sitting on one of the couches. Once she spotted me a smile formed on her face.
Me, Damian , and Rhea talked for a while but me and Damian found ourselves giggling and laughing while talking to each other. I felt my face grow hot as he mentioned how well I was at wrestling. Telling me how he loved my gear and it made my beauty stand out. 
“Alright you two stop flirting with each other,” Rhea said with a smile.
“What I-” 
“No we weren’t-“ 
Me and Damian spoke over each other. 
Rhea giggled and began to get her stuff together.
“Whatever just check in. I’ll talk to you both later” Rhea spoke as she grabbed her keycard and headed to her room.
Next up was me and Damian. I was about to put my bags down when they slipped out of my hands. Into Damians. I looked at him for a quick second seeing a sly smile on his face, before checking in for our room and grabbing our keycard.
— In the hotel Room 
It had only been about 15 minutes since we checked in and unpacked our stuff, picking our beds and chatting a bit. Although it hadn’t been long, I had felt safe and comfortable with him. Telling him more about my past and things I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone. I felt safe.
I felt safe with him
“Hey Im gonna take a shower we can talk after, yeah?” Damian spoke. In which I nodded in response.
After he finished up in the shower, gotten dressed and ready for bed, we found ourselves i found myself zoning out as i looked at his features.
“Hey Y/N you there?” Damian asked. Small giggles leaving his lips.
“Oh yeah I’m fine.” I responded.
Damian tried believing me, but it was the way I looked at him which made him think differently.
“Whats on your mind chica?” He asked. 
“I was wondering if we could sleep in the same bed, I know it might seem weird but-“ I was cut off.
“So you wanna cuddle?” Damian asked with a sly smile.
“Yeah if thats fine…” I trailed off scared of him rejecting me.
Instead of answering, he stood up and laid facing my front. His arms wrapping around me. I felt my heartbeat pound faster as he got comfortable.
“Relax mariposa,” he spoke in a whisper.
For the rest of the night, I felt calm and safe as we laid with each other. One of his hands playing in my hair as he started falling asleep. Me softly snoring after him.
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