#they keep rehashing the same drama over and over again
bluesymoon · 6 months
why is 911 is badly written and directed. how did we get this far
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galedekarios · 2 months
so, let me get this straight...
laiostoudenn aka wizardblood/lathanderr/spellbooking/the james somerton of the bg3 fandom instead of actually apologising and taking accountability for his repeated actions, now:
block evades, keeping his old blog up as an "archive" and making a new one, while, of course, not deleting any of the other sets he blatantly stole from others, including myself
lies and tries to change the narrative of what actually happened once again, while also conveniently not going into any details at all of what little he does admit, lest those who still believe him for some unfathomable reason look deeper
calls his stealing and constant plagiarism that has been going on for months "fandom drama" that is being "rehashed" constantly due to no fault of his own
still lies about not knowing these gifsets (or "a" gifset as he puts it) that he stole existed, while also saying at the same time yet again how it's just "gifing the same scenes" and that there would be "nothing" left to do if that isn't allowed, despite this still not being the issue and us showing ample evidence of what he is actually doing, i.e. him taking word for word captions, frame by frame sets, entire concepts down to a t, and him literally contacting us to "remake" these sets and not taking no for an answer, no matter in which way it was said to him, privately or publicly
feels he is being "villainised".......................... for plagiarising
claims we never gave him a chance to "right his wrongs"... as if he isn't 100% free still to do just that by say, deleting everything that was stolen and actually apologising, acknowledging what he did was wrong instead of lying about it, instead of whatever the fuck this manipulative collection of lies sprinkled with a pity party is...
and let me be clear: he claims he took accountability, but he doesn't like what taking accountability actually would look like in his case because he's been in this for internet clout and notefarming since day 1 & that's the only reason why he doesn't "right his wrongs"
claims he is being isolated and made to feel unwelcome in the fandom space, which i can't help but wonder.... might that perhaps be because he is plagiarising ppl, has taken back his initial damage control apology from march, while continuing to vague about the creators for months (ranging from accusation of transphobia, bullying, clique behaviour, etc) and now feels backed into a corner after it has come to light that he is still doing this and has now been blocked by various people who have been affected over a long time? might that be it?
is now further trying to victimise himself by saying he received homophobic messages, which... even IF true (and it's a big if solely based on just how much he lies and that he accused the initial person who spoke out against him of being transphobic), it still doesn't make it right that he stole despite being told to stop it multiple times. two things can be very, very wrong at the same time.
claims he did actually take accountability... which again, i can't help but wonder: was that by gleefully delighting in the fact he sees himself as the "top hated bg3 blog baybee"? that he is now in his "reputation era"? is that what taking accountability looks like for him?
still pretends he is a small blog bullied by bigger creators when his stolen sets made as many, or at times, even more notes than the ones he stole did, and as if his blog didn't grow big on the backs of actual original creators
and, finally: "And fair warning: If you do not stick to the status quo in this fandom, you will be eaten alive." like,,,, be so for fucking real right now, this is legitimately embarrassing
i thought this was finally finally over and done with, but no.
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The Ultimate Compilation Callout
Hey Guys! AR OOC once again to say I am 100% done.
I'm done with this. I thought it was finally dying down and the drama was finally getting to be over with but then she came back and is now trying to say that we are the ones in the wrong. And she is STILL trying to blame Leona's mod when, as both @/castaway-achlys and I have stated numerous times at this point, they were asleep during the entire event. They did not ask for us to defend them. We were both just tired of hearing our friend be exhausted and stressed out by her.
And the fact that so many people have come out to give their own experiences of her being rude and cruel to them just proves this is not a singular event.
I'm putting all this under a cut because it's gonna get long guys. In fact, I’m probably going to end up needing to create a couple reblog chains to get it all out.
But I'm done playing nice. I have all the receipts. Like I went allllll the way back to when the discord was first created. I caught her in her first lie.
Which, coincidentally, her very first lie in the Discord server happened on the very first day it was formed. What a way to start.
I call her the Malleus mod as an identifier in these screenshots, because unlike her, I am not petty enough to reveal peoples’ personal information on the internet just because I don’t like them.
HOWEVER. I will remind everyone that she is not JUST the owner of the Malleus account. Even if you don’t want to look under the read more because there are a LOT of receipts, know that these are all her known blogs.
I do not condone harassment. Harassment is basically what started all this. Just block and go.
Malleus Draconia @/therealmalleusdraconia
Falena Kingscholar @/the-falena-kingscholar
Aijuka (A Leona gf OC) @/the-one-aijuka
Jack Howl @/frosh-jack-howl
Fellow Honest @/fellow-honest
Meleanor Draconia @/meleanor-draconia
Baul Zigvolt @/baul-zigvolt
Sebek’s Mother @/thethickestone
Marja Felmier @/marja-felmier
And her latest: Eric Venue @/ericvenue
(Bonus non-rp blog @/thetwistedminds)
Before we get too far into it I will say there is a slight color code! But only a tiny one!
Gross light green color - look at that lie! 👀
Gross darker green color - a lie is revealed! 🤭
Orange - note the date/time! 🗓️⏰
Let me show you what I mean in the lie I’ve already mentioned - her very first one. :)
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There we have the orange, telling you to note the date. That’s because I was wanting to make sure it was known that the pet posts were made on the same date that the discord was created.
And then we have the gross light green around Malleus mod claiming that this bunny is her bunny and that it was her bunny’s birthday recently.
Now here is the follow up with the gross darker green of a lie revealed. 😌
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And there we have it! The color coding system and her very first lie told the very first day the Discord channel was active and easily disproven with an image search.
Now let’s get into the FUN STUFF! /sarc
We’re going to be doing some rehashing here but I’m also going to probably be including some new things so stay with me folks! This’ll be a ride! Buckle up!
So, originally I was thinking I'd start with the current drama. But considering that a lot of that has already been covered and what hasn't been covered needs more context, I'm just going to keep going in chronological order, I guess.
I've been up for over 24 hours compiling receipts, editing them to protect IDs, and then getting them all sorted so let's finally do this so I can pass out!
First up is something that actually has been covered a bit but I'm going to expand on it slightly - her blatant lie to @/elysia-nsimp (I'm not tagging anyone because I'm not forcing anyone to get notifications on this lmao).
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Here's what everyone has already seen. But to expand on the event, we didn't call her out on her bad behavior, even though we probably should have as she had just lied straight to another mod's face about her blog ownership. I simply DM'd the mod in question privately to make sure they were okay and then tried to keep the peace in the main chat.
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Because, believe it or not with this major callout post, I don't generally like confrontation. But I stepped in there for Elysia and I stepped up during this for Leona's mod.
Now, later that night, she posts this as if nothing had happened and she hadn't just been told that she needed to work on her roleplaying skills:
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Uh huh. Sure. That's your last account. Because you have shown so much self-control when it comes to filling character voids within the twst rp community already. I'll be generous and give you a month before you break.
Now these next ones need a tiny bit of background information and a note: the Malleus mod is German and, as far as we know, lives in Germany. These next pictures are little indicators that she has not experienced the United States at all. These indicators may not seem important now, but they will be in just a little time. So keep them in mind for after the pause.
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You cannot tell me anyone who has spent any length of time in the United States has not at least heard of Walmart.
Quick pitstop to say wow! You didn't even make it a month! Congratulations!
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Also, note the question from the admin and the pretty obvious passive aggressiveness from me. We were sending plenty of hints that they needed to stop - sometimes coming outright and saying it, sometimes simply implying. Either way, we were all ignored.
She says she's not a mind reader. Well, apparently she's just not a reader period.
Now... a bit of an oddball here. And I want to say I do not necessarily think this is a lie. I am including it for a lie that is coming. The one that I included all those America comments for.
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I'm sure you will note that I said that I don't "necessarily think" it's a lie - indicating that I do think it could be a possibility. That would be correct.
She has been lying since day one and, after this doozy of a story I'm about to share with you, I honestly don't know what to believe when it comes to her.
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So.. to sum this up...
We went from a cringe ask from an OC account that she didn't want to answer -> the asker wasn't supposed to be on tumblr because they were underage (???) and was trying to date her irl and somehow had all of her information (oh but don't worry guys she deleted the ask!) -> he found her social media accounts and sent her NSFW pictures and started spam liking, demanding pictures of her kids, sent pictures of her at-the-time boyfriend, sent pictures of his family and his kids -> so she blocked him on everything and then started spam creating the rp accounts to see if he did it with other people or if it was just her (...mmmhmmm...) but nope he was only interested in Malleus -> she then apparently moved to America for a bit to crash with her boyfriend because this underage person went to Germany to find he.
Oh, by the way, why was this guy obsessed with her? Oh, he was obsessed with German women. He decided that all German women were pretty. And she's German-Russian! And Russians have intense standards for women you know! After this guy found out she was German AND Russian, I mean... it was only a matter of time before he upped his game to try to find her!
Guys, she's not saying she's too beautiful for her own good - the underage stalker speaks for itself!
Now, since this stalker found her through her Malleus account and was obviously very determined, you would think the first course of action would be to, ya know, delete the Malleus blog. Right?
No, no, no! Then she would have to start all over and, of course, if she switched accounts she would be forced to make a post on her current blog saying what her new blog is and he would just find her there. That's why she's trying to make her other accounts more active than her Malleus account (her Malleus account was still, by far, before all this happened, the most popular of all her rp blogs)!
Can I also mention that in that post announcing her pregnancy ON HER MALLEUS ACCOUNT WHERE SHE SUPPOSEDLY HAS A STALKER, she had tagged ALL OF HER BLOGS AT THE TIME?
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But yes, Malleus mod. I definitely believe your story. :)
Please. Please tell me you all can understand why I just cannot find it in me to trust a single word coming out of this woman's mouth.
Especially now that during this whole drama, she has been lying through her teeth and trying to pin the entire blame on Leona's mod.
Now this part is nearly over (thank whatever gods anyone believes in) but let's just post the last few of the "before drama happened" pictures, shall we?
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...I'm realizing I didn't underline the part where I called her out for having that many blogs in the gross dark green of a lie caught... oops. This is what happens when you have far too little sleep.
But either way, here is another time when she was called out on a lie of hers. And her little comment at the end means she read it and she acknowledged us.
She just didn't care because it didn't suit her.
Yeah. This is going to come out in PARTS. I can't cover it all in one post because there is a picture limit.
So, I'm going to end up making a reblog chain...
Real talk? I need to sleep. Desperately. It's nearly two in the afternoon where I am and I have not slept yet.
Do not underestimate the power of spite and my loyalty to my friends. Both are very strong motivators.
But my body's needs are finally winning.
When I wake up, I'll have the Ultimate Drama Arc to post and expand upon and then the Return of the Drama Arc.
Yay. (said in the most unenthused voice ever lmao)
Anyway. Enjoy all this. I'm gonna go die. /j
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that-left-turn · 2 months
I saw ep 1 of TBOC. It’s not gonna be the show we want for Caryl. Reedus is trying to hang on to us to pump up his cash cow dreams of being Daryl forever. I’m no fool and he doesn’t have me anymore. He keeps telling us this is his show but MMB was always a part of it? If that’s true why isn’t it called Cherokee Rose or something that nods to both of them. If no one else smells the lie yet I pity you. Best hour of anything twd ever is bait.
I think if someone genuinely enjoyed the storytelling of S1, they might like TBOC. Realistically, viewers have to expect writing that Zabel is capable of delivering and I don't think it represents what most Carylers are looking for in the show. He has a set of tropes and certain imagery that he'll hit again and again, regardless of what the show is. If you're fine with that, maybe you'll like it, but Nicotero was in charge for a good chunk of time and Gimple was free during post to stick his grubby fingers into the pie. It's never a sign of good quality when executive power shifts hands between people with very different visions for the show.
Norman needs Daryl and this spinoff. Listen to what he says: in many interviews, he mentions being tired of playing the same character story beats over and over. That's bound to happen when you stick with a project this long; actors get creative fatigue and that's why many of them leave long-running shows. He also says that he hopes the spinoff will go on for years and years. That's an indication that he either needs the project financially or other offers (that he likes or is willing to entertain) aren't coming in. Norman wants the audience to love him, so he tries to retcon all the bts drama. He should stick to hyping the coming season instead of rehashing things that will make the target demographic less likely to watch. No matter how he tries to spin it, this is his show and no, Melissa wasn't always part of it.
Being "a part of" something is still less than being the costar. That was the core of the original Caryl spinoff. They would both feature equally because the concept centered on their dynamic and chemistry. If you're left out of the title (a 1-season awkward subtitle isn't the equivalent of being a title character), you're second on the call sheet and the title cards credit you after your colleague, then there's nothing equal about how the two of you are perceived on set and in meetings, or the respect you're given. Whether you're listened to and how serious you'll be taken.
The title is really all you need as evidence that Melissa wasn't always part of the reimagined show and that she's considered 'less than.' Even if S3 were to be titled "The Book of Caryl," Carol and Melissa are still just a footnote, but if the show goes back to just being Daryl Dixon? That definitely and definitively says, this isn't your show. The billing in the title cards is the other 'smoking gun.' Fade in/fade out billing might look pretty to the regular viewer, but to anyone who works in the industry or in an industry-adjacent field, (title) credits detail the production power hierarchy. If her name isn't on the same title card at the same time as his, there's a power differential between them. His say weighs heavier.
"Best hour of anything TWD ever" is definitely bait. AMC (and Norman) need Carylers to watch. Everything that's been said and done to placate and draw back Carylers indicate that TPTB are concerned about viewership and that they know they need the Caryl fans. Despite that, they're emphasizing the 'friends' narrative and that should make Carylers more cautious. It's an indication that the payoff to their character arcs isn't there. Like I've said before, I don't know how the emotional climax of 206 will look onscreen, but the conceit of the script—you can't change the structure of the plot in post—is problematic and very poor storytelling.
My advice to anyone who's watching is to manage your expectations. Take what we know from previous exposure to Zabel's writing, and Nicotero and Gimple's preferences into account.
Melissa has input on Carol's character arc, but how that will actually look onscreen is determined by Zabel's writing abilities and studio/EP interference. Unless Melissa's contract terms state that she has complete creative control of her character arc (and it won't unless she also happens to be the showrunner), her vision for Carol will have filtered through many other people. Don't mistake what you see on the show for "what Melissa wants." Nobody will say, "We'll do as Melissa says because she knows her character the best," during a production meeting. TV production is a collaborative process, but it isn't democratic or "fair."
Realistic viewer expectations for TBOC would include:
a focus on the external plot and the visuals
a trite "message"
action sequences (The one thing which may have improved by having Nicotero in charge instead of Zabel)
Gimple-era 'action Carol'
Don't expect talks about emotions unless it's shipbait and please, don't expect canon. Especially not explicit, unambiguous canon. If that happens, you'll be positively surprised and if it doesn't, you won't be gutted. Nicotero likes to shipbait blondes and he doesn't care for the connective tissue that binds a story together. Zabel comes from network TV where keeping the leads apart, in an indefinite 'will they, won't they' by any artificial means, is how they hooked viewers to tune in week after week.
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muqingapologist · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
this is such a hard question because i’ve gone through so many phases of obsessing over pieces of media in my life, and sometimes it’s really hard for me to parse which characters are lasting favorites and which are just part of that phase. but i’ll try! keep in mind, lots of sentimentality ahead…
and this is in no particular order.
1. wei wuxian (the untamed)
ok so this kind of goes along with a previous post i made discussing my feelings of the mdzs book vs. the untamed. when i first watched the untamed at the recommendation of a friend, it was so unlike anything i’d ever seen before. and wei wuxian was so unlike any protagonist i’d ever encountered before. his determination to do what’s right no matter what others do, but also not being above experiencing doubt and uncertainty about his decisions, really touched me. also of course his carefree attitude toward life is something i repeatedly try and fail to achieve myself. it might also have to do with xiao zhan’s acting choices, but he really touched me as a character. it’s hard for me to say if the wwx of the book did the same organically because i read it over a long period of time after watching the show, so im just going to count the untamed version.
2. shizuku tsukishima (whisper of the heart)
this one is probably pretty niche but allow me to give my most heartfelt recommendation of whisper of the heart, my favorite ghibli movie and one of my favorite films of all time. shizuku is the protagonist of the film. she’s a young girl, probably about 14, and so far, her life has been defined by satisfying her imagination by always reading fiction, immersing herself in stories. inspired by the love interest of the film seiji, she decides she wants to try to be a writer. the film is kind of like a slice of life over a few months of this time, and we see shizuku struggle with perfectionism and wanting to follow her dreams and inability to take criticism, etc. i rarely cry over movies but i cried at this one because i had just never felt so seen by a character. everyone please watch whisper of the heart!🙏
3. prince zuko (avatar: the last airbender)
i think 50% of the reason he’s on here is sentimentality since avatar was a show i watched so much throughout my childhood and of course again more recently with its resurgence in popularity, but also what can i say? his character arc is unmatched. i won’t rehash the details. i will say uncle iroh would probably be here instead if we knew any more about his past because he’s off-screen journey is just so fascinating to me.
4. percy jackson (percy jackson & the 12 olympians)
PURE sentimentality but ya know….also im only considering this character how he exists in the original series. he kind of lost me in heroes of olympus. but yeah percy jackson was the first character that really impacted me back when i was 9, and i think i still carry that impact to this day. i also think the original series still holds up reading it as an adult.
5. kim wexler (better call saul)
kim nation!!! reveal yourselves!! i watched better call saul a little over a year ago and damn, it’s so rare to find such interesting, well-developed, flawed within reason female characters in a tv drama like this. her intelligence and her tendency to get carried away with jimmy don’t contradict each other but work together. her emotional journey….UGH!! kim x post-prison jimmy, who else hopes?
6. xie lian (tgcf/heaven official’s blessing)
so this one is new and i’m not completely sure the deep impression will last yet, but i’ll explain. when i first read tgcf about two years ago, i kind of skimmed because it was so long, and the feelings i had toward xie lian were…not super favorable. i was kind of bored by him and….i saw him as a lesser wei wuxian. AND I WAS WRONG!!! because i reread tgcf finally a couple of months ago, no skimming, really thinking about what i was reading and now i love him. his journey from optimistic prince who had never before suffered to carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders to nearly collapsing under that weight but despite all odds, pulling through and once again finding that optimism, or at least hope. it touched me so much this time around!!! also i don’t know why i thought he was boring first time around. this guy is funny as hell! anyway, lots of lessons to apply to my own life and whatnot.
7. ninth doctor (doctor who)
guys….hear me out. notice im not saying “the doctor” because i think most of doctor who is just nonsense. but that one season with the ninth doctor (and okay i like the tenth doctor’s seasons well enough, or i did really love them. less so these days…). so much potential. so when i say he’s one of my favorite characters ever, i accept that it’s mostly the version of the doctor that lives in my head and isn’t subject to the bad writing decisions made later in the show. it’s a lot of sentimentality, but i am really fascinated by this traumatized alien guy who just lost his entire people, finding himself devolving into more violent, unforgiving tendencies, but meeting rose, jack, whoever else along the way is able to remind him of not who he was but who he could be. of course doctor who is forever ongoing though so character development can only go too far lol.
8. nozue (old-fashioned cupcake)
this is also brand new so not sure if lasting because i only just read and watched ofc, but man. this guy’s journey from being defeatist about getting older and turning 40, being afraid of trying anything new, to allowing himself to experience new things, one of those things being falling in love! his whole concept of using regret as fuel for happiness, transmitting that idea to togawa who transmits it back to nozue later!! ahhh!! so like my love for this character might actually just be love for the entire story but i can’t not mention it every five seconds rn so….
9. isabel archer (portrait of a lady)
so this is the protagonist of henry james’s portrait of a lady, which i finally finished reading last month. and gosh! well the book itself was amazing, but i was especially touched by isabel’s character, mainly because she just felt so realistic. her motivations, her goals, her shift, her sorrows, they all feel earned, creating an incredibly vivid character that i think most people can find something in there to relate to, especially other women who have always been told they are clever and imaginative and yet find themselves struggling internally to live up to those expectations.
10. natasha rostova (war and peace)
it’s been years since i read war and peace in my university freshman seminar, so it’s hard for me to speak on the details of why exactly this character is here. but also it’s no surprise because this is a character that continues to be the star of russian literature. what i can say, she’s another bright, carefree character (clearly symbolizing aspects of russian culture but even beyond that) who it’s impossible not to feel deeply connected to. she goes through some pretty life-altering stuff in war and peace (everyone listen to the musical called natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812 for those details!!) and as the reader, you just really feel for her. idk man she still stands out in my mind, but also this is also much thanks to the musical i just mentioned above.
i kind of came up with these on the spot so like…who knows how accurate this is, but i like to talk about the things i like so sue me. thank you for the question though!!
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littlelesbianintern · 3 months
I’m sorry to the book purists but Bridgeton was going to need to change it up eventually. I love regency period drama just as much as the next girlie - it’s a safe format; you know what you’re going to get, we know the basic tropes and probable outcome, and there’s some comfort in that safety. But Bridgeton was already reusing tropes from the previous season. So much of the personal conflict Colin was facing in S3 Part I was a recycled version of what Antony was experiencing in S2, and it felt very forced. Exploring other themes and identities (i.e. queerness with Michaela/Francesca and class with Elouise/Theo) is needed to keep the show fresh and engaging. If we’re being honest the books themselves rehash a lot of the same conflicts, personalities and tropes as well - and after a while it becomes very dull. Seven seasons of the similar plots and characters over and over again in slightly different fonts is not going to be watchable for the general public. If Bridgeton has done anything well, it’s taken these characters and breathed a new life into them. The books still stand though and nothing a the tv series does can take away from that; they’re just telling the story from a different angle, and you can love both.
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straycalamities · 1 year
no for real the onceler fandom when i was a huge part of it (2015/2016) was so fuckin toxic half the people left bc everyone was praising one or two blogs and acting like everyone else was dirt. it was super discouraging and i ran about 3 blogs and the only interactions i ever got was from people starting drama :(
im not sure what the askblog scene looks like today but im HOPING and PRAYING its better
eughh im sorry that sounds like absolute hell...i barely dipped my toes in because i was recovering from Stuff (stuff that took me to this year to get over enough to even make another personal blog) so i wasnt Too up-to-date with what was going on in the fandom from 2015 tooo 2019?ish? even if i popped in on entre's blog time to time, but i've heard stuff from others and friends
i think the askblog scene is A LOT more chill these days. a lot more lax and there's sooo much just...Less of everything that it makes things easier to like take in stride at least to me compared to 2012-2014 days where everything was so intense, extreme, and constant
there's still the like ghosts of the same issues that've been present since day one but its like...on a MUCH lesser scale. i honestly think it's pretty good all things considered :) the only thing that makes it rly hard for me compared to past eras is how split the fandom is uhhh app/site-wise (like its very much spread across tiktok, tumblr, twitter, discord, maybe more...idk) and so it feels like im missing out if i dont keep up everywhere LMAO and each location comes with its own issues either population-wise or site/app-wise
i miss how centralized it used to be to tumblr u_u and obviously having more content to look at back in the day, i got very spoiled on it so when i peruse the fandom content its like a lot less to look at but thats honestly GOOD FOR ME BC I HAVE NO TIME NOW LMAOOOO but its just like strange bc im like woah i dont have to scroll for an hour on entres dash anymore to catch up
well i do, but that's bc i have no time to check it on work days and so it piles up for when i do sit and take the time. cant imagine the hell i'd be in if it was 2012-era activity
ppl who had full-time jobs in the fandom in 2012 damn...i salute you.
unfortunately with a fandom as niche as this, it kinda cooks up the same issues over and over again and it makes me wish there was some sort of disclaimer that popped up as soon as you wanted to join the fandom to give you a rundown on how the culture is, who the people are, what the past drama was (so dont bring it up again), and all that LMFAO like a onceler fandom 101 that was just beamed into your device when you were like hmm what if i joined the onceler fandom LMAO
i kinda wanna do something like that specifically for askblogs? like a dos and donts. or "things i wish i knew when i started an askblog" type of thing but alas..no time. bc i see other mods go through the same obstacles/difficulties i went through and learned to either change my thinking on, or something else to either help me get past it/over it or at least cope better and id wanna pass that on if the fandoms gonna keep getting revived every two or so years and then cave in on itself from the same rehashed drama/problems it always has :sob emoji:
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newx-menfan · 1 year
It’s still weird so MANY people love the Krakoa era…
While I agree fully X-books haven’t been stellar since 2011… (“Age of X-Man”/Rosenberg/Bendis was PARTICULARLY AWFUL!), I just don’t see how the quality has really improved THAT MUCH?
Hickmans stuff was genuinely GOOD and creative…. So was Marauders when Duggan wrote it…
But most of the titles have been pretty disappointing and more or less the same quality of the past- there was so much potential there and so many things that COULD have been done…that just wasn’t. 😐
The same problems that plagued the line then are still plaguing the line NOW- using only the A-list X-Men over and over again, rehashing more or less the same old tired nostalgic drama, instead of developing new characters and ideas…
It’s more or less the same lack of consistency in canon and lower quality writing, all while the cost of floppies go up…
“Excalibur” was disappointing…ditto for “Fallen Angels”…
Honestly watching Beast devolve into a total psychopath with cringe-worthy “EVVVVVVIL” plans has just been sad when you remember what his character USED to be. Same with Moira.
The one plus side of Krakoa- no more Scott/Jean/Wolverine love triangle overused DRAMA- is possibly being done away with for upcoming Brood drama…
We’re still getting dumb creations like “Hulkverines”…
What was the POINT of bringing back X-men from the dead, if they’re not EVEN going to use them??
“Rogue and Gambit”- one of the only pluses to come out of the dismal Kitty/Colossus drama- is currently being made toxic and horrible…
Going at Scarlet Witch AGAIN for the whole M-Day thing seemed utterly pointless…
Laura’s characterization is completely gone; this time without even Taylor to make her SOMEWHAT palatable….
IDK- I just don’t know if I am gonna stick with the X-books anymore. The one character that was kind of holding me in- Laura- I just don’t even really like anymore. She’s so far removed from KYOST version, that just…don’t even really find her interesting anymore.
Other than Storm not being “Asleep” and Synch coming back…I just can’t think of a lot of things Krakoa GAVE readers. I just keep thinking- what was the point of all of this?
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willel · 1 year
The moment the plot demanded Joyce to go to Russia in order to save Hopper, I was like... yeah, her character will not have any real moments with her family. And it was so obvious from the get-go. But it affects the characters negatively, Joyce not realizing what Will, Jonathan and El were going through was bad writing. ''But she was occupied by Hopper's death'' yeah that is great, and I get that the loss of another love interest/friend hit Joyce hard. But do we really have to center her character just around that. It's like there is nothing there in terms of their family dynamic. And while I am grateful that we got Willel crumbs, it was not enough. It still seemed like El only really cared about Mike in Cali, and her relationship with Will and Jonathan were really under-addressed. The series doesn't only have to focus on romance. The important aspect of the show is also familial/friendship dynamics and relationships, yet it seems like the romance drama and plots are prioritized and taking over the story and arcs at this point.
I don't think Joyce was 100% oblivious to their struggles. She wasn't like Max's mother drinking just so she could sleep at night (no hate against Max's mom but oof).
Like, Joyce clearly helped Jonathan apply for school at least. Certainly help El set up Mike's visit to California. Pretty sure she bought those new art supplies for Will. She's involved. She's not completely oblivious.
But I think all three of her kids have decided independently to hide everything from each other. Jonathan has decided to hide his school situation from everyone but Argyle because he doesn't want to abandon his family like his dad and doesn't want to drag Nancy down. Will is hiding his sexuality and abandonment issues (in this case, friendship abandonment). El is hiding how badly she's adapting to the California education system. Will and El are hiding the fact she's being bullied.
The onus can't all be placed on Joyce if her kids are deliberately keeping things from her and she hasn't figured it out yet. I think if she weren't so busy hiding the fact that Hopper was alive from the kids, she probably would've caught onto Jonathan and El's shenanigans at the dinner table but alas. The plot called.
A great example of this is the end of season 1 and some of season 2. Like, at first, Joyce didn't realize what Will had been going through the moment he got back from the Upside Down. We're to assume in the space between season 1 and season 2, she managed to figure it out though. Even still, Will continues hiding everything from her unlike he literally physically cannot anymore.
Either way, it is still slopping writing, but I digress. I don't blame Joyce for not noticing her kids secret issues just yet.
The situation with El and Will/Jonathan could've been done way better. I think most reasonable people agree on that for sure. I enjoy what we got but as always, I crave MORE. If they aren't going to put these moments in the show, I hope they will expand on it in a novel or maybe a comic? I dunno I prefer a novel because we get more content that way.
Before the season even dropped, I was dreading Mike visiting California because
A. I wanted to see Mike and Nancy properly in a group together
B. I knew right away it would devolve into a sloppy romantic subplot and be a repeat of season 3
And my worst fear came true. It as just a repeat of season 3 but even worse. I can barely even accept that half of it happened because none of it makes sense to me. But whatever.
They'd have to do a lot to make up for this in season 5 and I don't know if they can. I just don't understand why they refuse to write it...but maybe I should understand. What does everyone in the fandom right now talk about and argue over? The ships. It makes sense for them to keep revisiting this stuff over and over again rehashing the same plot on repeat because other fans will gobble it up and keep the fandom alive on pure spite and hope for their ships until the next season drops.
But maybe since it's the final season, they'll be like "Ok, we've sustained the show long enough. Let's write the actual plot this time. "
Anyway, sorry for the mini rant. I just get a bit sad thinking about all the potential of each season that's been lost for the sake of ships. Not just for Stranger Things. So much media falls into this.
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So imagine if Teruko doubles down in her cynicism attitude at the end of this chapter. Would you be disappointed?
//Yes, severely.
//As I've talked about before, there's a common misconception in writing that, in order to keep an audience engaged, you have to keep raising the stakes and the scale of the drama. A story about heroes stopping crimes needs to end with them saving the world, etc.
//This is simply wrong, as Red from OSP demonstrated in one of her Trope Talks:
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//You can raise the stakes as a means to keep the audience engaged, but the key detail to keep a story interesting is to not repeat itself too often. To not go through the same sort of plot beats over and over with very little comparative change
//This is a big part of why sequels often end up feeling not as good as the original, because a lot of them are basically rehashing the same story again, and so it has far less impact
//That's why I don't want her to double down
//Teruko doubling down on her cynicism would, in my mind, ultimately make this entire chapter feel like a waste for her arc. She'd basically be ending all this in the exact same place as when she started, and I'd then have to ask what the purpose was.
//Teruko started Chapter 1 in more of an open-minded attitude, and she recoiled into cynicism and distrust because Xander betrayed her and everyone else was willing to execute her before she could prove herself. She actually started off asking Xander if they could really trust anyone they'd met and apologized for asking that out of nowhere.
//She starts off Chapter 2 far more detached, bitter, cynical and adamant that everyone else will die, so she keeps distrusting and separating herself from the others. But despite that, Teruko clearly doesn't like being alone.
//She really didn't endear herself to a lot of people, in story and in the fandom, with her declaration that Xander and Min were fake friends who were only out to betray her. That's given people the false idea that Teruko is a heartless jerk, when no, she's quite the opposite
//Teruko has had a difficult, miserable life where she's had to basically live on the run the entire time. She's been constantly betrayed and back-stabbed by people she cared about, and she wasn't even able to go to school like a normal kid.
//She's so used to pain and tragedy that it barely phases her anymore, but she also clearly wants human connections and doesn't want everyone to die. She misses Xander and wishes he was still around, if Cacti Of Our Lives was anything to go by
//But the interesting thing to me is the fact that, when she dismissed Eden as naively optimistic, and Eden shut her down and said she's kind because she chooses to be kind, we got this moment:
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//Eden reached her, even if Teruko won't admit it
//That's why I want my switch theory to be true, because that could then lead to the one thing Teruko's probably wanted more than anything: someone who she puts her trust into, probably in a position a lot like hers from the first chapter, who doesn't turn their back on her or let her down
//The most meaningful way for this chapter to end is Teruko getting called out for her selfish and very cowardly attitude toward the others, but also being given a victory in being willing to give trust and kindness a chance
//Eden approached it from the emotional standpoint of supporting others, Charles approached it from the rational standpoint of needing cooperation to survive, and there's a chance for Teruko to say "Okay, I'm going to trust you, please don't make me regret," and they don't
//And no, this wouldn't be her completely accepting the idea, but it would be her now being willing to consider that maybe a little trust is healthier than all skepticism all the time, especially when her own life is going to depend on it, no matter the outcome
//Chapter 2 has already been telling us that cynicism is not an intelligent or healthy way to live, which is a message I can always get behind. It's very unique for a DR story, where the protagonist is the one who needs to learn all this, and it's what I'd like to see from this
//Teruko deserves a victory in this chapter, not to recoil back into her old ways
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Comics this week?
Steelworks #1 - Solid first issue. Dorn makes some rookie mistakes as expected from a first time comic writer. Lot of talking, not much action, the scenes with Irons and Nat debating the impact of superheroics would have been better served if it had been the two of them verbally sparring with each other while physically beating up some bad guys. Good handle on the voices for Steel, Natasha, and Lana nonetheless, happy to see Pak's establishment of the Steel/Lana romance is finally acknowledged again. Ghost of Amertek coming back to haunt Irons is a good idea, as is Dorn establishing that Irons has his own ideas on what's best for Metropolis that aren't the same as Clark's. Didn't expect Dorn to be the first DC writer to use data pages post-Hickman, but I loved to see them! I can't find much info on if Dorn was a sci-fi fan before he was cast as Worf in Star Trek, but if so his use of data pages would make a lot of sense.
Batman #136 - Least the Multiverse bullshit is over, but now we've gone from rehashing Morrison to rehashing Snyder's Death of the Family. If that scene between Bruce and Selina is any indication, this Gotham War event will be the final nail in the coffin for the romance, at least for a good while. Bummed but unsurprised by that. At this point I'm only reading for the Zur plotline, the Batfamily and Catwoman plots aren't interesting me.
Shazam #2 - Didn't think that when Waid said we'd see the extended family relatively soon that he meant the second issue, but it was nice to see them all the same.
Flash #800 - Picked this up and overall I enjoyed it. Adams and Waid were the best, fun stories that celebrated Wally and Bart. Williamson was pretty good too, Barry finally gets to best the deadbeat dad accusations when it comes to the Tornado Twins. Johns' story was pretty basic, mostly just a recap of who Hunter is, but I liked how he took Williamson's retcon and used it to get Zoom back to being a villain in a way that makes sense. With Zoom back in play I wonder if there are plans to use him in Spurrier's run. Speaking of which, Spurrier's story was the weakest. I don't mind the drama with Linda - Adams made everything drama free and the sales were soft, so by all means introduce some tension there - and I liked the premise of Wally fighting Lovecraftian monsters. But this feels like it would be a better fit for Barry. I'll check out the first issue all the same.
Joker #9 - Hilarious that this book finally starts moving on the Jokers plot, just in time for a two month break for Knight Terrors. I don't know if I'll bother to pick it up again in two months, Rosenberg's decompression has become too much for me. Genuinely funny back-ups and one or two good jokes in the main book can't justify the price tag, or the snail's pace storytelling.
Immortal X-Men #12 - More is done with Colossus' mole status in one issue here than the entire X-Force run.
X-Men #23 - I regret giving Duggan a stay of execution. Why does Stasis keep coming across as a loser? Gets taken out with ease in Sins of Sinister, gets humiliated by Righteous here. Since Hickman left, Orchis has come across as a joke that the X-Men inexplicably can't crush instead of a legit threat. Not a great approach as we're right on the cusp of Orchis making their big move.
Loki #1 - Picked this up solely because Watters was writing, and he did not disappoint. Great story, reminiscent of Gillen and Ewing Loki of course, but also of Watters own Lucifer series.
Fantastic Four #8 - Continues to be great, glad the first two parter stars Sue and Alice.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Grey's Anatomy: Everything Has Changed (19x01)
And we're back!
Nick is so boring! I still don't care, I wish they'd phased him out between seasons, it would have been so easy to do. You know how Meredith is gonna be less of a prominent focus this season, what with all these new interns? Apparently she's only going to appear in about a third of the season's episodes. If that's the new normal, or if she's leaving for good after this season and the show continues on, they should have just given her a new off-screen boyfriend who we never got to meet, or something. I miss Andrew DeLuca. Heavy heavy sigh. The point being, this episode shows Meredith and Nick rehashing the drama from the season finale months ago, where Nick walked away and went back to Minnesota, and Meredith stayed in Seattle. The degree to which I do not care about this cannot be overstated. I hope we don't spend too much time with Nick.
Teddy and Owen are back and already bickering with each other, so that's... fun, apparently. Turns out Owen conveniently got all criminal charges dropped and he's back, he just has to be supervised for six months? Look, you know I'm not a fan of Owen, and I'd just as soon brush past all his drama and bullshit, but that's so much buildup for so little payoff! Is that really the end of the whole saga of Owen performing unauthorized death with dignity on people? Yeesh, what a waste of time.
This show is good at renewing itself again and again; there have been so many characters over the years who got folded in as new leads that I grew to love as much as the original gang, and that's a super rare thing on TV! Bringing in a whole new crop of interns is something we've done before, but never with so much emphasis, I don't think.
And to be honest? I'm on board! Obviously one episode isn't enough to fully get into the nuances of these five new characters, but I was impressed by how much they're already sticking with me. There's the one that Link slept with, there's Griffith whose mother died at this hospital when she was born, there's Harry Shum Jr. as the cocky kid "Blue" who is bound to get his ego knocked down a peg, there's Derek's nephew, quintessential screw-up who Meredith says reminds her of Amelia, another black sheep in the family with a spark of genius...
There's a lot of promise here! We're seeing the beginnings of friendships, of rivalries, dynamics with the attendings. I could see myself getting really attached to these newbies, the same way I found myself really attached to Jo, or any number of other characters who were folded into the show after it had been on the air for a long time. We'll have to see!
But turning to the characters I already know and love... Schmitt! Getting to be chief resident! I'm so proud of this guy, I can't even stand it. The comedy bits about him hating his residency with Jo were great, as was Jo's vindictive anger at him stepping away. Jo was in fine form as comic relief this week in general, honestly, laughing with infectious delight at Link's sleeping-with-an-intern situation.
And Meredith, while I am not a fan of the romance stuff with Nick, I do like seeing her in charge, seeing her do a good job. For years now, they've been tamping down on the super high octane personal drama with Meredith: yes, she still nearly died of COVID and all that, but her internal emotional life has mellowed down quite a lot. I really like that as a way to keep this character around after so many years of the show, and seeing her in a mentorship role, making the speech to the new baby interns, was really neat!
The actual medical issue at hand here is dealing with several brain dead patients who are potential organ donors. One of the interns (Derek's nephew) makes a terrible mistake and communicates with the wrong family, nearly depriving a mother of the chance to say goodbye to her son before he is cut open in order to save another person's life in a triple transplant surgery. This causes no end of strife, but in the end the transplant goes forward and is successful. I liked the intern, Blue, who gave the heartfelt speech about his dead sibling who donated their organs when they died in a crash, and got the mother to agree, before turning around and saying "yeah, I made that all up." Good stuff. I think if I had to pick, he'd be an early favorite for me, among the new intern crowd.
And that's where I'll leave off for now. Much to consider in how our various characters will be developed: the new faces, old faces, Grey Sloan Memorial's second chance as a teaching hospital... chaos awaits, and I'm along for the ride as always!
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omensthoughts · 4 months
Is this a spin-off of the gossip blog that went out of control a month ago? Your premise is the same and that one backfired chaotically by triggering fans and making the fandom the opposite of a safe space. How do you intend to keep the peace and safety in the community so it doesn’t happen again when it’s a rehash of inviting and encouraging negativity?
hi anon, thanks for the ask!
don't look for any hidden, evil meaning behind this blog, cause there really ain't any! it was honestly just a random idea i had today.
i'm definitely not any "spin-off" blog of whatever blog you're referring to, and honestly i haven't got a teeny tiny idea what other blogs have written in their bios. which is seriously true.
it's hard to affect what people will send to my inbox, but i wouldn't share any harmful, shaming, disrespectful, drama starting asks! we are all human beings after all! and if somebody will send something i won't feel safe posting and will potentially get mad for not posting, my dms are always open!
i created this blog to have some fun, cause it gets kinda boring and tiring talking about certain stuff over and over again, so why not share some funny & cheeky thoughts you people have! im all here for it! ♡
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thealexchen · 2 years
If I have to be honest, Life is Strange True Colors fandom is the least toxic fandom of them all. Everyday, I keep seeing the same arguments from the LisSubreddit and Listwt, usually by the same group of people (whom I won't name - chances are, they might be on tumblr too and could be reading this too). Such as ship wars, which are the best endings, and let alone same insults everyday like "max flopfield" or listwt starting shit and being triggered over petty reasons or over nothing. But this is what happens when you're in the small fandom dedicating to Life is Strange, I know we're all desperate for new contents. So am I, but why use the same takes that'll cause unintentional or unnecessary drama for the sake of something new? I miss the old days when we're only writing fanfictions, drawing fanarts, or coming up with ADORKABLE headcanons :(
I get what you mean, and you’re right. The lack of new content means that old discussion (more like argument topics) get rehashed over and over. Social media like Twitter and Reddit tend to create their own echo chamber as the loudest voices drown out more nuanced takes and those people become too discouraged to continue (I unsubscribed from the LiS subreddit ages ago and I never go on Twitter). But nostalgia can be deceiving; the fanbase was more active in 2015 so there was more fanfiction and fanart, but on the flip side the ship wars were at their worst and LiS1 was the subject of awful online vitriol just because the protagonist was a teen girl. I still remember the downright nasty Pricefield vs. Amberprice ship wars in 2017 and the relentless hate (and racist reactions, but I won’t go there rn) that LiS2 got in 2018. Nowadays it’s like LiS2 never existed and it bums me out, even if my feelings on the game have soured since 2018.
But I’m gonna change the subject, because I was so interested in your wording “the true colors fandom,” because I think that’s a larger issue within LiS: the internal divisions within the series and the separate “mini fandoms” for each game. It’s sadly true that fans of LiS1 are rarely also fans of 2 because there’s so little overlap. This series has has a weird trajectory from the beginning, because it’s clear that LiS1 was always meant to be a small standalone story that achieved runaway success and spawned a prequel by another studio, and then DN suddenly had to figure out how to turn LiS into an anthology series. But the very specific, unique, and unprecedented (for its time) style and cultural impact that LiS1 had simply cannot be replicated twice. As it stands, the dead parents, queer characters, supernatural elements, and indie soundtrack simply aren’t enough to keep these games feeling cohesive and like they are set in the same universe. And as such, they never attract the same fans back to the next game. Not to mention the spin-off content has been kind of lukewarm: I stopped reading the comics and it seems like everyone does not want the TV adaptation to happen.
Adding onto this, discussions about TC fizzled out disappointingly fast because it’s a shorter game with a safer, more conventional plot. The characters and main ships are the least problematic than they’ve ever been, the game is almost squeaky clean with its political correctness, and the choices are never controversial. The thing is, that leaves almost no room for discussion. I think Alex’s parents had a lot of potential for their choices and how they affected their children, for example, but they’re barely in the game. TC kind of reminds me of Tell Me Why, actually: a very safe, careful, small game that was meaningful in the moment but one that people move on from quickly.
Anyway, thanks for sending this message, it’s nice to have a LiS-related ask again.
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luxekook · 4 years
when fire meets frost | kth
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as part of the christmas with bangtan: secret santa collab
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❅ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❅ genre: second chance romance, exes to lovers, angst, smut, fluff
❅ summary: just like a bad holiday song, you gave taehyung your heart last christmas. only in this scenario, he broke it eight months later. now you’re both back at that same damn holiday party where you first met one year ago and you’re just praying for you and your heart to leave in one piece.
❅ word count: 5.8k
❅ warnings: 18+, cursing, suggestive comments, drinking, DIY mistletoe, light violence, random ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ references, drunk tae (TM), break-up flashbacks, weird humor, hella tension, hella groveling, making out, smut [oral (m to f)], the fluffiest of fluff (borderline cheese...actually...full-on cheese)
❅ banner by: the almighty and powerful maggie @kimtaehyunq​ - who also is the collab host!
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Present Day: The Christmas Party, 8:00PM
Taehyung is staring at you. Again. Though you're facing slightly away from him, you know that if you give even the slightest glance over, your suspicions will all but be confirmed. The heated gaze you feel skimming over your body continues as you take a much needed sip of your mulled wine and pray that you get out of his line of vision soon with your dignity still intact.
Seokjin, your best friend and current partner in conversation, notices your predicament and scoffs, “You really should just put that boy out of his misery, (y/n). Scrooge himself would be down to have a foursome with the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future if he was around all this pent-up sexual tension.”
Your red-painted lips curl in a surely unattractive manner that resembles something between a grimace and a grin. You’ve heard variations of this argument about a dozen times from just as many sources, but Seokjin’s might just be the most absurd.
“I don’t know how or why your brain went right to a ghost-fucking analogy, but I’ve long since given up trying to understand your thought processes.”
Seokjin’s chest puffs up at your words like they incite something he should feel proud of. You sigh and shake your head at him, feeling a mix of exasperation and endearment - a constant haze of comfort you feel around your best friend.
“I’m just saying,” Seokjin continues, completely undeterred by your attempts to divert the conversation onto him, “He’s hot. You’re hot. He’s still into you. You’re still into him. I don’t see the problem.”
“I never said–!” You cut yourself off. He’s baiting you. “You son of a nutcracker. You know full well what the problem is. I’ve told you more times than Yoongi has yelled at someone for getting too close to his precious sound system.
At your words, you both look over to your left where Yoongi is currently chewing out a sheepish Namjoon with a death-grip on his expensive ass speakers.
“And I’ve told you that your reasons are shaky at best, (y/n),” Seokjin sighs, placing his chin in his palm and leaning over to you. He continues with a conspiring whisper, “Just because you’re scared you’ll get hurt again doesn’t mean you should never put yourself back out there.”
“Oh yeah,” You scowl, “That’s easy for you to say. You’ve never been dumped by the boy you love because he ‘wants to explore other options’. And then have to keep being around said-boy because you’re in the same friend group. And then fast forward a few months to when that same boy shows up drunk at your doorstep asking for you to take him back because you’re ‘the only one for him’. Spoiler alert: that’s fucking bullshit. And then–”
Seokjin slaps a palm over your mouth, effectively cutting you off mid-rant. “Babe, you have to stop rehashing this. Taehyung clearly is still in love with you. He looks at you like he wants to fucking eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Besides, Tae hasn’t even hooked up with anyone since he asked for another chance.”
“That we know of,” You mumble darkly behind Seokjin’s palm - your words only a barely audible jumble of syllables.
“Are you accosting my date, Jin?” The voice of your co-worker and close friend Felix meets your ears as you shove Seokjin’s hand off of you. When you invited Felix to come to Jimin’s annual holiday party, you briefed him on the situation - like any good friend would. You needed him there as an extra buffer. While you love Seokjin, he definitely can get swept up into petty drama - namely baseless arguments with Jungkook.
As your closest work friend, Felix knows all about you and Taehyung, and therefore he agreed to be your “date” in exchange for your help in getting him a date with Alicia, the new accountant in your office. You’ve spent countless hours sitting next to each other as desk neighbors and coworkers. Felix is quiet, cute and respectful - not to mention his voice is to die for.
Felix’s hand settles on the middle of your back in completely friendly territory, but you can’t help but feel the eyes on you have ramped up in intensity. You wonder if Felix can feel his hand burning from the heat and almost think he does when Felix drops his hand a second later.
It’s one thing to make you uncomfortable. You’ve learned to stomach that. But it’s another thing to make your friends uncomfortable. And for that you turn and level a glare at that beautiful asshole, sitting at a nearby table with Jimin and still looking at you with those goddamn eyes.
Taehyung shamelessly stares back at you as Jimin prattles on about something in his ear before noticing Tae’s mind is elsewhere. Following his gaze to you, Jimin groans and shoves Taehyung’s shoulder before strutting away towards the kitchen. You watch as Jimin saunters by and roll your eyes when he winks at you when your eyes meet. That one has always been trouble.
When you turn back around, Taehyung is still staring at you. No, this time he’s staring at your body - namely, your ass. You ignore the burst of heat that runs through you and make a face somewhere between a scowl and a glare. He looks up at you without the least bit of remorse.
Your eyes narrow. Your ass isn’t even out! Your green ugly Christmas sweater adorned with real ornaments basically falls to your knees. But then again, Taehyung has always had a vivid imagination - and an even better memory. His mind is like a goddamn vault.
You tug your attention away from your ex and back to the current conversation. But your thoughts wander. You still feel that pull towards Taehyung - that same damn pull that’s been there since you first met him. And that scares the shit out of you.
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Flashback: The First Meeting, Last Christmas
You’re perched on the arm of Namjoon’s black pleather sofa (“It doesn’t stain! Can you believe that?” “Namjoon, it’s ripped in seven places.”). Surveying the flurry of friends scattered throughout the cozy apartment, you only see a few people that you don’t know. But something feels different tonight, and you just can’t figure out why.
Did Namjoon rearrange his plants? Did Jimin part his hair differently? Did Hoseok change his outfit - again?  
“A-yo, (y/n)!” Seokjin yells over to you from clear across the room. You’re always baffled at how clueless that boy is to social cues. “Come meet Taehyung!” Your friend continues to yell, practically pinwheeling his arms to beckon you over to his side of the room. You can vaguely make out an unknown figure standing with their back to you, facing Seokjin in conversation.
You sigh. Might as well get this over with before Seokjin decides to start pretending to lasso you over to his side of the room. Or worse - get his actual lasso that he has for some unknown reason. A natural performer that boy is. Getting to your feet, you cross the room. Your heartbeat thuds in your chest and you rub a hand over your heart absentmindedly.
What is wrong with you? Meeting new people always brings nerves, but you never usually feel this out of sorts. You step into Seokjin’s outstretched arm and into the embrace of your best friend. And then you look up at the newcomer.
Hooded dark eyes. Curly black hair. Perfect pink lips. Jawline chiseled by the gods.
Your breath catches in your throat. Words buzz in the air around you but you can't distinguish one from the next. You’re pretty sure Seokjin is making some sort of joke because his sides start to shake and the beautiful stranger looks exasperatedly amused. Yet, his eyes never stray from yours.
His lips part like his breath is caught in his throat.
“Taehyung-ie, don’t be rude! Say hi!” Seokjin shoves Taehyung, jolting you both out of your little staring contest.
“Hi,” Taehyung repeats. Your stomach flips at the depth of his voice. “I’m Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. You can call me Tae. Or V. Or just Taehyung.”
Your smile widens at his ramblings and the rising color of his cheeks. “Hi, Tae,” You can't help but grin up at the adorable, beautiful boy. He really looks angelic under the kitchen lights. His halo of curls frames his face in such a way that makes you want to curl your finger around one and tug.
Vaguely, you can tell that Seokjin is shooting rapid looks between you and Taehyung, looking like some sort of bobblehead in 100mph winds. Suddenly, a Grinch-like grin takes over his face. “Why don’t you crazy kids get some more wine? I need to talk to Yoongi...” Seokjin slips away.
In hindsight, you should have immediately been tipped off that Seokjin was up to no good. Seokjin seeking out Yoongi? Nothing good ever comes from that.
And you were right. Not twenty minutes later, you and Taehyung are both stuttering messes underneath a hastily tapped up branch of mistletoe - at least that’s what Seokjin’s calling it. You think it looks like a clump of grass with a grape thrown in there.
Just as you start to tell Taehyung that he doesn’t have to feel pressured by your lame friends, he cups your face in his hands and lowers his lips to yours.
Fucking magic.
There aren’t fireworks or sparks. There’s a whole blazing inferno between the two of you.
Your hands slide up his back, tangling in the curls at the nape of his neck. Taehyung lets out a small gasp as your fingers tug on his locks, and you slowly slide your tongue across his lower lip.
“Uh, okay… Hello? Hey, guys!”
Finally, Yoongi slams together two pans from the kitchen, jolting you both away from each other in fright.
“Break that shit up,” Yoongi shoots a glare at a grinning Seokjin. “I did not sign up for that level of PDA, Jin.”
“I can’t predict love, Yoongi-ah. I can only bring lovers together,” Jin sighs, clasping his hands over his heart dramatically. Yoongi pinches Seokjin in the side, immediately instigating a fight.
Taehyung reclaims your attention, shyly intertwining his pinky with yours. In the midst of all the chaos around you, he just looks at you like you are the only thing that matters.
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Present Day: The Christmas Party, 9:02PM
“I don’t know how you survive when he looks at you like that. I’m practically melting just being in proximity of the two of you.”
Your friend Ciana’s comment pulls your attention away from your demon of an ex as he strides by, leveling you with a calculated smolder.
It’s a look that says he’s going to fuck you up in the best way - the way that used to leave you weak in the knees and covered in hickies. Taehyung’s fuck me eyes are your kryptonite. He knows it. You know it. The whole party knows it. Hence, it makes sense how he’s shamelessly using them any fucking chance he can just to mess with you.
It’s practically a fulltime job pretending it doesn't affect you. And it's a job you are failing at miserably.
You sigh and take a big sip of your drink. “Oh, I'm not surviving,” You confess, “This is just a hologram image of me. I’m practically clear across the country by now.”
Ciana laughs, “Girl, I don't blame you, but I have to say… He looks like he would follow you anywhere.”
You scoff. There was a time where you would wholeheartedly agree. Since your first meeting, Tae made you feel like you were the center of his universe.
After talking all night at Seokjin’s party, you exchanged numbers and within a few days Tae asked you out.
Your first date was to an art gallery. The two of you spent hours there, studying art and exchanging soft murmured interpretations. You would often catch Taehyung staring at you instead of at the paintings decorating the walls, and it made you feel all warm and fuzzy.
The dates continued until Taehyung managed to gather up the courage to ask you to be exclusive - his words, not yours. You hadn’t believed that he could ever have doubted your answer. But in hindsight, you probably should have doubted him.
Things were great for a while. No - they were better than great. They were the best eight months of your fucking life. Until they weren’t.
“Why did y’all break up again?” Ciana asks, pulling your attention to her once more.
You let a bitter laugh escape. “You’ll have to ask him that.”
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Flashback: The Break-Up, August
“I want to see other people.”
The words strike you like a serrated blade. The plate you’re washing falls into the sink with a clatter. Your heart stills in your chest.
“What?” For a second you believe that you must have misheard him. Only he crushes that hope into dust within seconds.
“I said I want to see other people.” Taehyung repeats, a bit louder.
“You mean like taking a break?” You refuse to turn around and face him. You refuse to believe that your relationship is crumbling down. Your mind tries to grasp at straws. “Or trying ethical non-monogamy?”
“No, (y/n),” Taehyung sighs, “I mean that I want to break up.”
“But why? I don’t understand.” The tears begin to sting your eyes as you blink rapidly, trying to make sense of the blindside that Taehyung just threw at you. “What did I do? How can I fix this?”
“You can’t, okay?” The exasperation in his voice is palpable. “I’m bored here. I feel tied down. We’re both so young... How can we know we’re right for each other when there’s so many other people out there?”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” You seethe, finally whirling to face him. Taehyung flinches when he sees your tearstained face but you persevere and continue, “I bore you? That’s sure not what it seemed like two days ago when you were fucking me against the wall of that club bathroom.”
“Things change,” Taehyung scowls, “I need to explore other options, (y/n), and I think you should, too.”
Your heart is breaking, a fissure splitting it right down the middle. “You want to explore other options,” You repeat, in a deadpan voice. “Do you already have someone in mind?”
The split second pause Taehyung takes is all you need to know the answer to that.
“Get out.”
“(Y/n), it wasn’t the only reason!” Taehyung scrambles to explain. “We haven’t even done anything yet!”
“Oh, you’re a ‘we’ already? Fuck you, Kim Taehyung.”
“No! That’s not what I meant!”
“Well, I hope you’re happy with them. I hope they don’t bore you or tie you down. I hope you’re right for each other. I hope youre fucking happy with yourself and your decision.”
“Can’t we still be friends?”
You don’t deem that question worthy enough of an answer and slam your front door in the face of the person who ten minutes ago had been the love of your life.
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Present Day: The Christmas Party, 10:21PM
The amount of love in the room is making your stomach turn. You watch as your coupled up friends exchange presents and kisses. You’re so happy for each and every one of them, don’t get you wrong. You just can’t help but feel increasingly alone with each passing minute.
Felix notices the dip in your mood and nudges you, “Hey. You okay?”
“Yeah,” You snuggle deeper into his side. Thank god for Felix. “Thanks for coming with me to this shindig. It would have been hard to be alone this year.”
“No worries, babe. Besides, how else am I gonna get Alicia to go out with me?”
You laugh at Felix’s words. The boy was oblivious to the fact that Alicia had already approached you to ask if he was single. Sometimes you enjoy your diabolical mind. “Oh, she’ll definitely go out with you,” You reply, pinching his cheek, “Who could resist this face?”
“You did. Three years ago,” Felix whines, shoving your hand away from him playfully.
“Sadly you’re not my type, pretty boy,” You sigh. It truly was sad. Felix is the nicest human you know - besides Seokjin. The fact that you're not interested just reinforces the idea that you have terrible taste in men.
“You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know who you could possibly be referring to,” You sniff, turning away.
“Oh, I don’t know… Maybe the guy that hasn’t stopped circling you like a fucking shark in water since we got here?”
“He has not,” You retort, rolling your eyes.
“A-ha! So you do know exactly who I’m referring to, you little liar!”
“Goddamnit,” You laugh. “I need another drink to put up with you. You want a refill?” You gesture towards his cup.
“Nah, I’m good,” Felix shakes his head. You nod and head over to the kitchen, thankfully seeing no sign of ‘Shark Boy’.
But you spoke too soon, because just as you’re reaching up for a new mug you feel him.
“Is that little boy out there your boyfriend? I didn’t think you were dating anyone,” A rough voice growls from entirely too close to your ear.
You turn your head and shoot your best side-eye at the asshole who’s heated stare is aimed straight down at you. You internally curse at the unfortunate fact that Kim Taehyung somehow still can manage to look gorgeous in a bright red sweater with a whole-ass Santa beard stitched to its collar. You have never hated him more given that you look like a hot mess of a Christmas tree that no one wants to climb.
“I don’t see how that is any of your business, Kim,” You retort, turning around again and grabbing a glass from the cabinet. You can feel his warmth surrounding you as he grabs the mug for you instead, his body pushed up against yours.
“Move,” You order, your voice shaking slightly. But instead of listening, Tae grabs your hips and turns you around, caging you in between his arms.
“See, you’re wrong, (y/n),” His eyes dart from your own to your lips, “Everything that concerns you is my business. It has since the moment I met you, and it hasn’t stopped since.”
The incredulous snort escapes you before you can attempt to rein it in, “Taehyung, you broke up with me! I’m pretty sure that means you consider me old news and - above all - none of your fucking business.”
“And I told you I made a mistake!” Taehyung leans closer, his jaw ticking.
“You were drunk!” You stab a finger into his admittedly toned chest that you can feel even through that abominable Santa beard, “And it took you two fucking months to say that, only to never bring it up again. So excuse me if I find your argument lacking.”
“Fuck,” Taehyung curses softly, running a hand through his mess of curls, “I miss that smart mouth.”
“Yeah?” Your response flies out too fast for your brain to check your words, “Well I miss being enough for you.”
Taehyung looks stricken. “Baby…” He reaches for you but you duck past him and beeline straight for Jimin’s bathroom. Locking yourself inside, you slide to the floor and contemplate your chances of sneaking out the tiny bathroom window just like you did that night some months ago.
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Flashback: A Streetcar Named WTF, October
A harsh banging sound jolts you awake. “What the fuck,” You mumble, fumbling around blindly trying to find your phone amidst the blankets and pillows surrounding you.
Finally, your hand locates the small metal device and you switch your screen on. Your eyes immediately shut at the brightness and you muster up the will to peek at the time.
Who the hell dares to pound on your door at this hour? What is this - A Streetcar Named Desire? Well, slap your ass and call you Blanche because this asshole is about to feel your wrath.
Stomping over to your door, you swing it open and say, “There’s no Stella here, Stanley. Fuck off.”
While you don’t find a drunk Marlon Brando on your doorstep, you do find a drunk Taehyung.
“Who the fuck’s Stanley?” Tae glares, trying to cross his arms but failing somehow.
“Good lord, Taehyung,” You groan, grabbing his arm and dragging him inside your apartment, “You smell like a whole goddamn brewery. How did you even end up here?”
“Walked,” He says proudly while smiling down at your hand on his arm like an idiot. “Who’s Stamplee? I mean, Stangfree.”
You pinch your nose with your free hand. This boy… Ignoring his idiocy completely, you question, “You walked?” You push him down onto your couch and head into your kitchen to grab him some water.
“Yup! All by myself! Are you proud of me? Sandflea could never!”
You jump. Somehow Tae still managed to sneak up behind you while drunk out of his mind.
“Kim Taehyung, sit your drunk ass down.” You jab a finger in the direction of the couch he just vacated.
“But you’re so far away when I sit all the way over there, baby,” He pouts, giving you puppy dog eyes. “And I’m not drunk!”
You don’t dignify his words with a response. Handing the glass of water to the problem currently sprawled out on your couch, you sigh. What are you going to do with him? He can’t stay here… But he’s in no shape to walk back to wherever the fuck he came from.
“Tell me, Kim, why did you think that walking to my apartment of all places was a good idea? I could have moved!” Disdain drips from every syllable, “Is anything going on in that brain of yours? If so, it’s clearly not making any sense.”
“I beg to differ,” Taehyung has the audacity to grin up at you as he continues, “My brain makes perfect sense, baby. You plus me equals three.” His eyebrows wiggle up and down as he swings his hands out, showering you with the glass of water you just handed him.
“Maybe I’ll call you a math tutor along with your Uber,” You mumble as you fight the urge to laugh at the mess of a boy staring up at you from your couch. Grabbing a kitchen towel, you dab the water off of you as best you can. Glancing back down at Tae, you notice his attention has fallen to your chest, where the water he practically threw at you has plastered your tanktop to your skin.
“Hey, eyes up here,” You slap his arm with the damp towel, but he doesn’t even flinch.
“One more minute,” He says, absentmindedly rubbing his arm.
His attention gives you butterflies for a split second before you lock that shit down. You aren’t a fool; you’re fully aware that Taehyung’s the farthest thing from available, but he’s still hot as hell with his muscular stature, his wicked brown eyes, and his full pink lips. And that deep voice… it has shamefully been the fuel of your fantasies for the past few weeks. But that is neither here nor there.
So while his undivided attention always did make you feel fucking incredible, now he’s just a drunk boy who’s acting like he’s never seen nipples before.
“I’m calling you an Uber, okay?” You finally say, grabbing your phone and pulling up the app.
“Can’t I stay here?” Taehyung pouts, “Or will Surley get mad?”
“His name is Stanley,” You automatically reply and then curse as Taehyung lurches to his feet.
“I knew it! Where is he? Where is my replacement? I challenge him to a duel!”
“A duel?” You can’t help but laugh, “On what grounds?”
“For your hand, of course!” Taehyung rapidly glances around your apartment before his eyes land on the broom tucked in the corner of your kitchen. “There’s my sword!”
Before he can take a step towards his ‘sword’, you grab his arm and push him back down onto your couch.
“Wow, you’re strong!” Tae stares up at you adoringly, “And so-o cute. Wanna date?”
“You’re drunk, Tae. Don’t say things like that.” God, he’s going to give you a complex. You had just started getting over him and now he does this? Why is life deadset on fucking you over?
“But I do wanna date you!” Taehyung insists, “Don’t you miss me? Miss us? I still love you. I never stopped.”
“Tae, please stop.”
“I made a mistake, baby, and I wanna fix it. Can you give me a chance? Please?” His brown eyes blink up at you slowly. His lids practically fight to stay open as his words slur together.
The boy is falling asleep. Sighing, you close the Uber app. Looks like you’re housing your ex for the evening.
“I wanna marry you,” He mumbles, “Bought the ring last week. If you can just love me again I’ll be the luckiest…” His words get more and more inaudible. Mumbles about Stanley and revenge and kisses and altars filter through as you place a blanket over his form.
“Goodnight, Tae.” You can’t resist brushing your fingers through his hair. Your heart stutters as he practically leans into your touch like a cat, smiling contentedly.
“We’ll see if you remember this in the morning,” You mutter, setting another glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen on the coffee table for him when he wakes up.
After making sure Taehyung’s on his side with a bucket for potential incidents, you head back to bed.
When you wake up, he’s nowhere to be found.
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Present Day: The Christmas Party, 10:23PM
“(y/n)... baby, please let me in.”
The underlying meaning of those six words is not lost on you. Could you let him in again? Taehyung once held your heart and then he basically smashed it on concrete and backed over it with his car - twice.
“Go away.” Your words sound weak even to your own ears.
“No, I need to talk to you… Please.” His voice breaks on the last word and you cave. Standing you unlock the door and back up. You could have a logical and reasonable discussion with Tae and get some closure, leaving all feelings out of it. Maybe...
“Two minutes,” You declare, “Nothing more.”
You cut him off, “1:55…” You tap your foot and smile as Taehyung shoots you a look.
“Fine,” He rubs the back of his neck, peeking up at you under his lashes. “I got scared, okay?”
Your disbelief must show all over your face because he continues.
“Yeah, I was scared - fucking terrified of how much I feel for you. How in love with you I am. How can it be that easy to find your soulmate? It didn’t make any sense to me. And then Pia began to show an interest in me and I convinced myself it was a good idea to distance myself from you. To see other people. To try to make sense of my feelings.”
You hold up a hand. “So, you’re saying that you broke up with me because you were ‘too in love with me?’ What the fuck kind of selfish bullshit is that, Taehyung? You broke my fucking heart for someone you didn’t even like because you were scared I was your soulmate? Don’t you see how that just makes me feel like shit?”
Taehyung sinks to his knees. “(Y/n), baby, please. I am so sorry. I fucked up in the worst, most selfish way possible. It kills me that I broke your heart.”
“Ugh, get up, you drama king.” You pull him to his feet, continuing, “Why did you leave after that night? You said all those things when you were drunk and then just left.”
“Yeah, I kind of don’t remember what I said or how I even ended up at your place.” A blush takes over his face, “It’s so embarrassing you had to see me like that and I kind of just wanted to forget it happened. And I really hoped that you forgot it did, too. I didn’t expect you to just keep acting like you forgot my existence altogether.”
“What does that mean? I see you all the time, Tae! We’re in the same friend group for god’s sakes. We’re around each other all the time… Maybe even too much.” You mumble the last few words, but he catches them.
“Too much? You avoid me at all costs! You don’t smile at me anymore. You don’t even look at me most times! It kills me that all I get from you now is ice, when I know you have so much fire.”
His words confuse you. So he does want you back? Your friends weren’t exaggerating? A small burst of hope swells inside you, but the memory of the break-up outweighs it. “You don’t even know me though, Taehyung. Not anymore.”
“No. You’re wrong,” Taehyung leans closer to you, and you take a step back. Your back bumps up against the sink, your plastic ornaments adorning your sweater clinking awkwardly.
Tae brushes a stray hair behind your ear, his eyes begging you to listen, “I do know you. I know that you still take your coffee black with caramel. I know that you started doing yoga but are too proud to admit you hate it. I know that you came to my art show last month but left before I could talk to you alone. I know that you–”
“Stop,” Your voice trembles, “Please, I can’t. Taehyung, you hurt me so fucking much. Don’t you get that? I just started feeling whole again. So if I let you back in and you hurt me, I might shatter completely.”
His hands cup your face gently, wiping away a tear you hadn’t even realized had fallen. “I won’t ever hurt you again, baby. Please give me one more chance. That’s all I need. I want to keep you forever, (y/n)... I bought you a ring, did I tell you that when I was drunk? I think I did. I still have it. It’s yours - just like my heart.”
“God, you’re still so fucking cheesy,” You can’t hold back your smile even though more tears are falling down your cheeks.
And then his lips are on yours.
Taehyung kisses you like you're the most precious thing in the universe. Like you might break in the palm of his hand if he’s not careful enough. And maybe you will. But for right now, you melt into him.
He tastes like home.
Taehyung’s touch is tentative at first. His hands slide into your hair, tugging you even closer. You feel like you might burst, feeling so many emotions. Love. Fear. Confusion. Hope. You hook your leg around him, wanting him pressed against you everywhere.
Taehyung groans and one of his hands drops down to grab your thigh, wrapping it more securely around his waist. “Jump, baby,” He mumbles into your lips, and you listen automatically.
He perches you on the edge of the sink, kisses you deeply, and then sinks back down to his knees.
“Tae–” You protest, as he runs his hands slowly up your calves.
“I haven’t tasted you in so long, baby,” His dark eyes burn into yours, “Please don’t let me go another minute without you on my tongue.”
Fuck. Well, you can’t argue with that. When Tae sees you open your legs a bit more, he grins up at you and places a quick kiss on the inside of your knee.
His touch becomes more frantic as he moves up, his mouth placing hot kisses higher and higher.
When he sees the lacy red panties you have on, he snaps, lunging forward and hitching your thigh over his shoulder. Pushing your underwear to the side, his hot mouth is on you, closing over your clit without warning. You gasp as he sucks your bud into his mouth, lapping at it with his tongue.
Your hand winds its way into his curls, pushing him harder against you. He moans into your pussy. “So fucking wet for me, baby. God, I love you.”
Taehyung places a soft kiss on your inner thigh before his tongue returns to lick at your pussy, up and down. His tongue sinks into you, making your hips buck against his face. His hand shoots up to steady you as his tongue continues to flick in and out of you.
The sight of the boy you never stopped loving tongue deep in your pussy almost pushes you over the edge already. “Ta-ae,” You moan, hand tugging at his hair, “Harder, baby, please.”
Your words have their desired effect as he replaces his tongue with two of his fingers and places his mouth back on your clit. You moan as his fingers curl inside you, brushing your walls.
The first few strokes of his fingers are slow. Too slow for your liking, “Taehyung, fuck me with your fingers.”
A rumble moves up his chest as he obeys, pushing another finger deep inside of you. “Fuck, baby,” He curses and begins to thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy, “You feel even better than I remember, so goddamn wet.”
His mouth finally returns to your clit, his tongue flicking over it every so often. You’re hurtling towards your orgasm as his long fingers continue to pound into you and his mouth continues to lick at your pussy.
You feel the heat building up and you come with a gasp. Taehyung continues to fuck you with his fingers and his mouth, carrying you through your orgasm until you slump back against the mirror above the sink.
Taehyung grins up at you, licking up everything you gave him. Finally, you gently push him off you. Still licking his fingers clean, Taehyung’s eyes sparkle up at you, “Well? Wanna get married?”
“Oh my god,” You burst out laughing, hopping off the sink onto shaky legs. “Why don’t you start by wooing me? We’ll go from there.”
“Challenge accepted.”
You blink.
Taehyung smiles. His wild dark curls are sticking up in random places - courtesy of your hands. His eyes are full of their usual sinful promises, but this time they also hold excitement and a tiny spark of hope. “Prepare to be wooed, wifey.”
“Fuck off,” You laugh, quickly fixing your hair in the mirror before smoothing down your sweater dress.
Nodding at your semi-acceptable reflection, you swing the door open to reveal just about every person from the party collectively gathered just outside.
“I knew it!” Seokjin shrieks. “Where’s my mistletoe?”
“My poor bathroom!” Jimin cries, “Defiled! Desecrated!”
“Why am I friends with you all?” Yoongi asks no one in particular.
“Well,” Tae whispers in your ear, “At least we won’t have to tell them, right?”
You smile despite the embarrassing situation and nod. This Christmas might just be your best yet.
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a/n: sorry that this is late and severely unedited LOL plz be kind, this is my first fic back and YA GIRL IS RUSTY
© luxekook do not repost, edit or translate as protected under this license
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takenyoomies · 3 years
Bonten Abbey: (mis)Aventures to the Arcade
Sanzu Haruchiyo was known for many things...pill-popping, being late, and most importantly, wrecking the flow of the weekly Wednesday board meeting. What would this week hold? None of the other members of Bonten wanted to find out when he was once again late to the meeting which only spelled one thing for them. Disaster. Word Count: 8.7k Read on AO3
It was a Wednesday, and a Wednesday meant one thing for the Bonten gang. The weekly board meeting that nearly every single member in the top brass gang seemed to dread, loathe, and despise. It was often typical for each member to discuss their part for the designated five minutes. However,  going over time would cause extreme tension in the sardine-can-sized conference room that would rival being trapped in a room with a rabid badger. In addition, there were times when other off-topic conversations occurred that in Akashi Takeomi’s quoted words were “an absolute fucking mess.” All in all, the meetings tended to go through without a hitch. However, today was not one of those days as Sanzu Haruchiyo strolled into the conference room with a shit-eating grin that rivaled no one else,  fashionably late, of course.
“Hey, Sanzu!” An annoyed Mochi shouted at the man who entered, whipping his head around at the sound of the door closing, teeth barred and fists clenched in anger.
“Yo, Mochi.” Sanzu waved, trouncing over and sliding down into the uncomfortable and hard leather seat.
“We have a set meeting time, jackass.” Kokonoi hissed.
“Like he’d  ever  listen to that Koko….” Ran laughed, shaking his head.
“Important business called me.” The pink-haired man sighed blissfully, shrugging almost sarcastically to the platinum blond accountant’s dismay.
“I doubt that highly.” Rindou breathed.
“Oh, and what would that be?” Takeomi chimed in, a brow raised as he put out his cigarette.
“I’m  so  glad you asked!”
Reaching into his pocket with excited fingers, the pink-haired mullet sporting man pulled out a folded piece of paper. One would think this was some grandiose plan, some information regarding their competition, something important. But, no, Haruchiyo Sanzu unfolded the piece of colorful paper and slammed it onto the mahogany conference table, looking up at the group of men with a smirk.
“...Please tell me it’s actually important this time.” One of them said with a sigh. It didn’t matter which one.
“Oh, trust me, it’s of the utmost importance.” Sanzu assured, holding up his right hand, “Swear on Mucho’s grave.”
“The last time you used that, we ended up deserted at some movie theater that was showing a crappy porno...so that’s out the window, and you’re about to be too if this is something-” Mochi ranted, taking a glance at the piece of paper, “Are you fucking serious?” He asked in disbelief.
“What is it this time?” Kakucho finally spoke with an exasperated sigh, standing up from his seat and walking over to take a look at the piece of paper, “An arcade?” He asked with a raised brow as he looked over to the pink-haired man.
“Yeah, they’re running a deal where if eight people come as a group, you get 50% off.” He leaned back in the chair, putting his feet onto the table with a thud, “Therefore, I think we should take advantage of it and get off our depressed asses for a change.” Sanzu concluded with a nod.
There was a click in the background as Takeomi lit another cigarette. “I’m fine without having to babysit for the day.” Takeomi stated, then taking a heavy hit off of the cigarette, exhaling upward, “Interrupting a meeting for this is rather pointless, Haruchiyo Sanzu….”
“I think it sounds like a good time. Reminds me of when we were back in Tenjiku, right Rindou?” Ran turned to his brother, who sighed and shook his head.
“Yeah, I guess there’s some nostalgia there.” The younger Haitani agreed.
“2-1.” Sanzu stated, pointing to the others in the room, “Mochi, Kakucho, Koko….” He said to each as he pointed to each of them with his index finger, pausing as he hovered over the sleeping Mikey, not daring to wake him up.
“It’s a waste of our funds, and judging from the fact we recently recovered from the great  Bonten Has To Eat Instant Noodles For Two Months issue...It’s a no from me as well.” Kokonoi explained as he slid his hands together, “I’m sadly not in the mood for instant noodles again.”
Sanzu rolled his eyes, “Stop being a drama queen, and it wasn’t  that  bad.”
“It was fucking awful. What the fuck are you talking about?” Mochi argued, “Just for that, it’s a no from me too.”
“Bullshit, you’re voting based on emotions.” Sanzu cried out, swinging his feet off the table and slamming his fists onto it with a loud thud.
“What if I am?!” Mochi screamed, holding his fists up, dropping the flyer onto the floor for Kakucho to pick up.
“Oh god, here we go again…” The younger Haitani laughed, laying onto the surface in front of him as he watched the fight unfold.
“Zero days without incident at a Bonten Board Meeting….” Takeomi sighed, shaking his head in dismay.
“Did we ever have a positive count…” Kokonoi asked in confusion.
“Nope.” Ran snorted as he shook his head.
“I think it’d be interesting.” The normally quiet Kakucho spoke up, placing the flyer onto the table near the sleeping blond.
“See? I knew Kakucho was my favorite for a reason.” Sanzu pointed towards Kakucho, who blinked and pointed towards himself to ask ‘who, me?’.
“Didn’t you say Rindou was your favorite last week?” Ran questioned, an index finger on his cheek in sarcastic thought, “Oh right, it was for  ‘agreeing with you about how strawberry shortcake is better than strawberry cheesecake’  …” Pointing at Sanzu.
Rindou jabbed his brother in the stomach with an elbow, causing the taller of the two to emit a dull ‘ ow,’  “Don’t bring me into this.”
“That was an important conversation. Mochi was trying to say cheesecake was better than real cake,” Sanzu clarified, “I’m not going to rehash old beef, though.” He held up two hands as if to say he didn’t care. However, it only seemed to anger Mochi more as he drew back a fist. Kakucho began to get ready to hold the brawny man back for the umpteenth time.
However, a small yawn from the front of the table, causing every person to freeze. Mochi and Kakucho returned to their seats quickly as the blond who had once been asleep opened his dark, inky eyes.
“...All of you are unnaturally quiet,” He finally spoke, looking around at each of the men seated at the table. He then glanced down at the sheet of paper that was settled in front of him, “What’s this?”
Sanzu gulped. This was officially a make-or-break moment for his plan, “Ah, Mikey...it’s for an arcade that’s running a deal….” He trailed off nervously.
The blond’s obsidian eyes glanced over the information listed on the paper before pausing at the section relating to food and looking back up at the group of men, “We’re going.”
Sanzu smirked and looked directly at Takeomi, who looked as though he wanted to crawl into a ditch and die, “Sanzu - 1 Takeomi - 0.” He jousted.
“If we were keeping track history-wise, you’d be so far in the red you’d be begging for someone to come save you,” Takeomi shot back, shrugging his shoulders and standing from his seat. He walked towards the door of the conference room, turning his head to Sanzu, “but you do that enough already, huh?” Finishing with a dry laugh as he exited the conference room.
“What the fuck? I’m not Koko.”
“I’m right here…?” Kokonoi shook his head in disbelief, standing from his seat at the table with a huff and kicking the chair back into place, “If I have to eat instant noodles for two months again, I will  never  forgive any of you assholes….” Pointing a finger around the room, stopping before Mikey, turning on his designer heels, and walking out of the room. You could hear the faint echo of his heels trailing down the concrete hallway.
“And then there were….” Sanzu counted himself and the heads in the room, holding up one hand to count only to realize he didn’t have enough fingers, “Anyways, when are we going?”
“The flyer said the deal is only good until Sunday; therefore, we need to go before then.” Kakucho informed the group, “Since it’s Wednesday, and we each have jobs to do until early Saturday morning...I’d suggest Saturday afternoon.”
“Overall, that sounds like it would work with our current plans, Kakucho.” Mikey agreed, his obsidian gaze staring holes into the heterochromatic man’s soul.
Kakucho nodded his head, “I’ll be taking my leave now. I have some things I need to tie up.” Then, standing up from his chair, pushing the chair in, and silently walking out the door to the conference room.
“We’ll get going as well, then.” Ran suddenly spoke as he stood up lazily, a scuffling noise coming from the chair.
“You act as though we’re going to the same place….” The younger Haitani breathed, shaking his head and rolling his lavender eyes at his brother’s statement.
“I thought you said we’re going out for lunch?” Ran pouted, hands on his hips.
“I said I was going to get lunch, and you invited yourself again.”
“I don’t see what the problem is with that?”
“Everything, everything is the problem with that.” Rindou turned to his brother as he finally stood from his place at the table with a huff.
“Can I come wi-” Mochi started to ask, only to be interrupted.
“NO!” Both Ran and Rindou yelled simultaneously to Mochi.
“Tough crowd…” Sanzu snorted to Mochi.
“Listen-” Mochi started, cracking his knuckles, only to be shot a look by Mikey.
“I’d be careful Sanzu, Kakucho already left, and that makes the chances of your face getting smashed in about 8-2.” Ran pointed with some underlying amusement, almost hoping that there would be another fight.
“Wow! Is everyone Koko today?!” He asked incredulously, putting his head in his palm and looking at the older Haitani, “If I didn’t know better...you did our taxes, Ran!”
“...But, I do help with those?” He questioned in a confused tone, blinking.
“Leave him. He’s hopeless.” Rindou sighed, “Mochi, come with us to lunch before you get put on punishment duty by Mikey.”
“I wasn’t gonna do shit.” Mochi huffed, glaring at the pink-haired man, “What are you lookin’ at?”
“Nothing, nothing...it’s just-” Sanzu paused, leaning forward in his seat to get a closer look at Mochi.
“It’s just what?” Mochi spat.
“Your beard...you shaved it crooked this morning, and it’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve  ever  seen.”
Yes, it was at this moment that Mikey indeed questioned if he formed the deadliest gang in all of Tokyo...or if he formed the most immature band of toddlers in all the land of Japan.
“So, who's driving?” Sanzu asked lazily on that faithful Saturday afternoon.
“The last time Rindou drove, he floored it past an old lady because she was driving the speed limit and nearly crashed us into a gasoline tanker, so...I vote not Rind-OW what was that for?!” Kokonoi yelped, getting elbowed in the side by Rindou.
“She was going eight under the speed limit, number one, and number two. I drive fine compared to somebody!” The long-haired man glaring over to Mochi.
“Eat shit.” Mochi replied, flipping Rindou the bird, “Let Kakucho drive; he’s safe.”
Sanzu groaned loudly, “But Kakucho drives like a grandma.”
“And how is that a bad thing?” Kakucho sighed, shaking his head.
“We’re gonna get there at sundown if you drive.” Sanzu pointed out.
“Oh, true.” Ran chimed in with a thoughtful nod.
“I don’t drive  that  slow.”
“Yes, you do,” Sanzu breathed, “Next.” Kakucho held out his hand, only to put it down in defeat.
“Alright, since Sanzu is an absolute fuckwit about this, I’ll drive. One catch, though,” Takeomi spoke up as he threw his cigarette onto the pavement, crushing it under his shoe.
“Ooooh, Takeomi enters the chat.” Sanzu mooned.
“Shut up,” He shook his head, “I get full control of the radio.”
Everyone went silent, staring at one another in horror.
“Sanzu, let someone else drive,” Kokonoi spoke up finally.
“Yeah, please, let someone else drive.” Rindou shook.
“I don’t want to deal with this for 45 minutes.” Mochi looked over at Takeomi, lighting another cigarette, who had a sinister look in his eyes.
Mikey finally strolled down into the parking garage, noticing no one was in the bus, “Who’s driving.”
“Takeomi is,” Sanzu replied, a collective sigh from the group as Takeomi chuckled to himself.
As everyone began boarding the bus, Mikey clung behind with Kakucho, only to ask a singular question, “Does this mean he has control of the radio again?”
“We’re sadly going to be listening to Russian death metal for 45 minutes….”
Mikey stared ahead before reaching into his pocket and fishing out two pairs of earplugs and handing Kakucho a couple, “Tell no one.”
The dark-haired man blinked as the other walked onto the bus, Sanzu slamming on the horn while screaming at Kakucho to “get his ass on the bus,” much to Takeomi’s annoyance as he tried to shove the pink-haired idiot away. Inwardly, he wondered about the kindness as he embarked on the self-proclaimed Bonten prison bus, holding the earplugs in his fist.
The route navigation guidance will start…
“Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up.” Mochi chided the navigation system.
“Don’t insult her. You’d get lost getting out of a paper bag.” Rindou snorted.
Takeomi turned his head around and glared, “I hear any more arguing, and all of you will wake up in a walk-in freezer.” He said with a sweet smile, putting the bus into gear and starting to drive out of their base.
“You’ll never take me alive!” Sanzu retorted after a moment, snickering to himself as Takeomi visibly winced in anger.
“Yeah, that’s the point, dumbass,” Kokonoi replied, slapping the back of Sanzu’s head with an open palm.
“Takeomiiii Koko hit meeee-”
Takeomi gripped the steering wheel with one hand, his knuckles on that hand turning white as his other hand skillfully reached for the pack of cigarettes and a lighter that laid on the center console. He plucked a stick out with his lips, throwing the pack back down and flicking the lighter to light the cigarette. He inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in for a long while as if to contemplate his current life choices, such as why in the world he ever agreed to play babysitter to a group of overgrown idiots and be their chauffeur for the day. Finally, his eyes looked into the rear-view mirror, meeting Sanzu’s mischievous cerulean ones, “Good, you deserved it.”
“Fuck off, Takeomi.” Sanzu puffed, Takeomi only turning up the music louder in a petty act of revenge.
“Look what you made him do!” The blond man shrieked in horror, everyone else on the bus, minus Kakucho and Mikey, glaring at the pink-haired offender.
“I didn’t do anything! He turned it up himself!” Sanzu defended.
“I’m rating Takeomi 1 star on Uber,” The older of the Haitani brothers joked, “Worst music choices, worst attitude, smokes in the car-”
“You can walk if you want,” Takeomi called out, “But remember, I had to carry you home after that mission because you twisted your ankle because you decided to wear those new Gucci shoes...I think you’d be too far up shit creek to stand on your own.”
Ran blushed furiously, “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!”
Rindou snorting and holding his sides, “Bro, that’s why you were limping that week? You said you slipped on the ice...It was your shoes?!” He wheezed.
“Oh my god, you’re absolutely hopeless, Ran….” Kokonoi facepalmed, chuckling.
“I am not. I’m reporting you to HR!” The short-haired man pouted, crossing his arms.
Sanzu snorted, “Did you mean Kakucho?” Looking over to the dark-haired man who was staring out the window, “Oh shit, he’s brooding.”
Mochi sighed, “Someone get the tissues ready.”
“Earth to Kakucho, come in to Kakucho...Return to planet earth!!” Sanzu yelled, causing Takeomi to glare at him in the rear-view mirror.
“Sanzu, that walk-in freezer has your name on it...I know a place relatively close by.” Takeomi threatened.
Turn left at the next intersection, then turn right.
“Bullshit, that’s the long way.” Takeomi hissed, throwing his cigarette out the window angrily, “Who designed this.”
“Please do not take us on another scenic route again…” Sanzu whined painfully, “It’s on the GPS for a reason. We do not need to relive the Black Dragons glory days.”
Takeomi rolled his eyes, “For your information, my glory days have nothing to do with getting us there faster.”
“Mhm...keep telling yourself that.” Sanzu replied snarkily, “Are we there yet?”
“Mikey, do you still have the duct tape in the bus?” Kokonoi perked up suddenly, clapping his hands together, “I suddenly thought of a great project for us!”
“I don’t like the sound of this project.” Sanzu objected.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll just  love  it.” The light-haired man reassured Sanzu, brushing his hand against his arm gently, the other retreating with disgust. Kokonoi snorted with laughter, “What, scared?”
“No, I don’t want to catch your reverse sister complex.”
Kokonoi stared at the other with his mouth wide open, Sanzu rolling his eyes in return, “I was at the Kanto Incident, don’t act like people don’t have ears when you and what’s his face were out there screaming about it….”
“Yeah, you were screaming about it, Koko.” Mochi agreed, Sanzu blinking that the man had agreed with him.
“Oh yeah, I remember that!” Ran exclaimed.
“Survey says Tenjiku remembers it Koko.” Sanzu shrugged.
“Go to hell, and stay there.” Kokonoi huffed, blowing his bangs off his face.
Sanzu crossed his arms, smirking smugly, “You’re just mad because I won.”
“Oh god, he’s crying.” Mochi whispered, nodding his head toward Kakucho, “Sanzu, you just fucking  had  to bring up Tenjiku, didn’t you?”
“Nice going Sanzu, that’s the 3rd time this month you did it, too.” Rindou pointed out, “I don’t think we have tissues in the fucking bus anymore.”
“Why the fuck not?!” Mochi hissed, “Oh wait….” His eyes trailing over to the elder Haitani, who was looking to the side inconspicuously.
Rindou’s eyes narrowed as he looked at his brother, “Yeah, hm, perhaps because someone decided to hop in with a fresh bullet wound….”
“Listen, it was a bad night...week...month….” He attempted in defense, each increment of time making Rindou raise his brow higher and higher, “ Year?” Finally, causing the younger brother to nod in agreement.
“Wow, Ran...it’s almost as though you’re more useless than Sanzu,” Takeomi muttered sarcastically, offended gasps resonating from both Sanzu and Ran.
“At least I know how to cook without setting the fire alarms off,” Ran spoke incredulously.
“You forgot the sprinklers too.” Rindou chimed in.
“Hey,” Sanzu spoke, turning his head to them.
“Please, let us all not forget about the time he came to a meeting to discuss the fine intricacies of how orange juice makes you taste weird after you brush your teeth,” Mochi added, shaking his head in disproval.
“I’m right here!” Sanzu yelled in a huff.
You have arrived at your destination.
“Thank fucking god,” Takeomi sighed, putting the bus in park, “Someone wake Mikey up.”
Surprisingly, the arcade was located in a relatively remote part of town compared to where Bonten typically walked their regular routes. However, this did not stop several people from staring as the rag-tag crew disembarked the converted prison bus.
“Hey, hey...who are those people…”
“They look kinda scary.….”
“Alright, so game plan time.” Sanzu began as they walked towards the doors of the arcade.
“I’ll go in, so you get the deal. However, I’ll be standing outside to smoke otherwise.” Takeomi concluded.
“What?!” Sanzu shrieked in disbelief, “No, you have to participate.”
“No, I don’t.” The scar-faced man replied coldly.
“Let it go Sanzu, Takeomi can keep watch.” Kakuchou offered, “And he needs a break too. He just drove for almost an hour.”
Takeomi nodded his head in agreement, “Couldn’t have said it better.”
Sanzu clicked his tongue in annoyance, looking over to the blond for help, “Mikey….” He pleaded in a petulant manner.
“Let him rest.” Mikey stated, “He’s been pulling overnights, too.”
Takeomi smirked towards Sanzu, who only seemed to get more aggravated as he aggressively pulled open the doors to the arcade with a loud, “Fine!”
The arcade was anything you would expect, loud, smelled a bit musty, and was vibrant beyond compare. However, there was a slight scent of cheese for some strange reason. Heading towards the counter, the eight members of Bonten cashed in for several game cards that were quickly handed to none of than Hajime Kokonoi himself.
“Wait, why me?” He asked incredulously.
“Weren’t you the one who said,  oh, I don’t wanna eat instant noodles for a month ?” Sanzu mocked, shaking his head.
“Yeah, but we’re all adults here and can manage fine….” The platinum blond trailed off, looking around in a confused manner.
“Yeah, Koko, don’t be a hypocrite.”The older Haitani agreed, hands on his hips.
“Are you seriously agreeing with him?!” Koko cried in astonishment.
“Well, I think that settles it,” Sanzu said with a smirk, “You can go play like, one game or something like that.”
“Sanzu, is the word ‘nice’ in your dictionary, or did that get removed when you started your drug usage?” Kakucho asked, blinking.
Sanzu turned and looked at the other man, “I could say something right now, but it would amount to the fourth time this month.”
“Alright, let’s just get on with this shit.” Mochi finally said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, Yeah...I’m going….” Sanzu waved his hand as he walked in the other direction, likely off to find something that piqued his interest.
Ran turned to Rindou, “I wonder if they have DDR here….” He wondered aloud, his lavender eyes glancing around the area only to light up in amusement, “I see it!”
“Oh, it’s on.” Rindou smirked, “Ready for a revenge match, bro?”
“Like I’d ever miss it for the world.” Ran laughed as they both made a bee-line for the machine.
“What are you gonna, do Kakucho?” Mochi asked, turning to the jet-black-haired man.
“I’m not sure; I haven’t been to an arcade since….” He trailed off and looked to the floor.
“Get out of your head for once.” Mochi punched the other lightly in the shoulder with a grin, “Can’t stay in there forever, huh?”
Kakucho looked towards the other man and nodded, “You’re right.”
The two began walking around, attempting to find something to do in the vast array of games and activities, stopping now and then for Mochi to try something and only failing at it miserably, only to have Kakucho show Mochi how to do it properly. Eventually, both came upon a motorcycle racing game, their eyes lighting up as they used to long ago.
“Mochi?” Kakucho asked quietly, though loud enough to hear over the several kids screaming in the background.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“We’re playing this.” He declared.
“I mean, I figured when you stopped right there and were staring at it like it was some sexy chick at the strip club.” Mochi snorted, Kakucho staring at him as though he had two heads.
“Your disrespect for women is unimaginable.” He huffed as he hopped onto the motorcycle.
Mochi let out a hearty chuckle as he climbed onto the adjacent motorcycle, “Preaching respect women while in a gang that deals with prostitution,” He slid the card into the reader twice, “That’s some funny shit.”
“Oh screw, you.” Kakucho pouted as he swerved the motorcycles to select the rider, pausing over a white-haired rider and selecting them.
Mochi stared a moment, blinking at the fact Kakucho had chosen a character that looked like Izana. He shook his head and chose a random character, not exactly caring.
“Oh fuck me, this ain’t nothin’ like the real shit.” Mochi cursed as he attempted to steer, crashing out several times with a string of curses.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about; this is pretty easy?” Kakucho replied, already in 1st place.
“How the fuck!” Mochi swore in anger, attempting to climb back into a semi-reputable position, only to realize he was in 9th place, closing in on 10th.
Kakucho tilted his body through a turn and smiled; he was having fun with this. He truly missed being able to go to the arcade with friends, with Izana. He wondered if they could do this more often...if Bonten could. He was drawn from his thoughts as Mochi swore loudly again, making him laugh, “Mochi, do you need help?”
“How the fuck are you gonna help me from there?!” The bulky man swore, now in 12th place—dead last.
“I...don’t know,” Kakucho admitted, crossing the finish line and setting a course record for the game.
“This is some ungodly level bullshit right here,” Mochi complained, trying to back himself out of an in-game ditch.
Kakucho continued watching for several minutes until Mochi finally crossed the finish line, “Well done.” He congratulated.
“Oh fuck off, enter your damn name.” The bearded man hissed in envy.
Kakucho entered his initials into the game, listed under 2nd place. He wondered who had set the 1st place record for the machine, though it was likely impossible to figure out.
His head turned when he heard a cry of frustration nearby, one that he knew...Koko?
When the group had split up earlier, Haruchiyo Sanzu had given him one rule. That was he was only allowed to play one game. Several ideas ran through his head, virtual poker, which allowed him to recoup the money they were blowing here, the weird slot machine game that looked rather promising, and then, of course, the game where you had a coin and slid it down a slot to push more coins off a ledge… All of those were lovely ideas, Kokonoi thought, that was until he landed upon a red stool in front of a screen that read Deal or No Deal. He’d heard of this reality television series before, and he knew the premise.
The blond pursed his lips as he sat down, assessing the machine. There were 16 buttons on the front labeled 1 through 16 in the shape of what looked to be briefcases. Kokonoi assumed they were to represent the motifs from the show. He sighed, figuring that, if anything, this was going to be the game for him. He slid the game card through the reader, slumping onto the stool.
Get ready to play: Deal or No Deal.
“Fuck me…” Kokonoi sighed in annoyance, watching as the said sixteen cases appeared on the screen with various ticket amounts ranging from one to five hundred. Large letters appearing stating to ‘follow the cases,’ which essentially signified you were supposed to pick the largest amount.
“Oh lovely, some RNG?” He muttered sarcastically, “It’s not like we don’t get enough of that in those gacha games kids play these days….” The cases shuffled around the screen, stopping and showing designated numbers that corresponded to the buttoned below. He thought a moment before pressing the nine button.
Choose your case...this will be your personal case.
“Yeah, I already did that-” Kokonoi hissed in annoyance, spamming one of the buttons to no avail.
You chose case number nine.
Now pick five cases.
“I feel like I’m playing some fucked up lottery.” He sighed, noticing the clock and swearing under his breath as he scrambled to choose a number, “Let’s continue with the ongoing theme of my name.” He pressed the 1 button.
One of the virtual women on the screen opened the case to reveal a low ticket amount, Kokonoi nodding his head in approval. He pressed the 13 button, the game echoing his choice once again to show yet another low ticket amount.
“And I thought poker was a rush.” He mused to himself, pressing the 8 button. This time, a larger amount was revealed.
“And all good things come to an end.” The light-haired man sighed as he then pressed the 15, another low.
“Back in black,” He joked, leaning back as he assessed the board for the final number, “Alright, let’s try 6.” It was a high number.
There was a ring from a telephone, causing Kokonoi to look around in confusion, only to realize it was the game, “This is such a weird game….”
That’s the bank.
“Oh good, am I getting paid?”
Here is the offer...Deal or No Deal...
A ticket amount appeared on the screen, Kokonoi’s inky eyes narrowing, “That’s it?!” He cried in frustration, hitting the NO DEAL button quickly, “I think that one gang we took out last week had a better offer for us than that.” He huffed.
Now open four cases.
“Again?” He asked incredulously, shaking his head, “Fine.” He pressed the 2 button, revealing a large amount, “Goddammit.” He thought a moment as the clock ticked down.
Hurry up.
“Oh, this game did  not  just tell me to hurry up.” The fair-haired man stated saltily, pressing the 16 button, low. He smirked, “See, can’t rush perfection.” He pushed the 10 button, low again.
“One more until the bank comes crawling back to me….” Kokonoi thought aloud to himself, hovering over the 14 button and then pressing it gently. Another low amount. The phone began ringing again in the game, music to Kokonoi’s ears, in all honesty.
There’s the bank again.
“Who else would it be?” Kokonoi mocked as he waited for the offer to appear on the screen.
Here’s the offer...Deal or No Deal…
Kokonoi thought a moment as the in-game clock ticked down. While this was a remarkably better offer than the last, he knew that there was still a significant chance he would be able to win big, and after all, it was an arcade. And not to mention, the bragging rights over Sanzu would give him mental clarity for the next month. With that thought, he pressed the NO DEAL button.
Now pick three cases.
Kokonoi sucked in a breath, his heart pumping, and he rubbed his hands together, “This is starting to feel like poker.” He pressed the 3 key. High. Swearing under his breath as he then pushed the 12 key high again. He stared up at the ceiling, his grand plan starting to fall apart as he looked down and pressed the 7 key, hoping for some luck. Low. Kokonoi sighed to himself as the phone rang, knowing the offer would look like garbage compared to the last, and laughing hysterically when it was less than half of what it originally was, quickly pressing the NO DEAL button as if he had never seen it.
Now open two cases.
“I don’t know if it’s good or bad, that the highest amount is still there, or that the offer they just made was so bad I wanted to leave here and never return..” Kokonoi chuckled to himself, questioning his life choices up until this point, pressing the 5 key. High. He then pressed the 4 key, also high.
“Wait...doesn’t that mean…” He stared and blinked, “I have either the 1 ticket or 500…”
The phone ringing again to make another offer, Kokonoi spamming the NO DEAL button as he came to the realization.
Now, let’s open your case.
As the in-game woman opened the case, Kokonoi leaned forward, only for the case to reveal...One ticket. Hajime Kokonoi had won, one ticket. He screamed, slamming his hands onto the machine before holding his head in his hands, staring at the floor in anguish. By now, Kakucho and Mochi had made their way over to him.
“Koko, what happened?” Kakucho asked, leaning down to attempt to make eye contact.
“I took a calculated risk...and for what.” The blond sobbed, his hand nearly tearing his hair out in frustration.
“Uh...Koko, it’s just a game.” Mochi laughed, amused by the entire situation.
“Do you think we can put a hit on Howie?” Kokonoi asked after a moment, looking up at the two of them.
“Who the fuck is Howie?” Mochi asked.
“Isn’t that the Deal or No Deal guy?” Kakucho asked, and then noticing where they were standing, “The answer is no, we are not killing someone for your petty revenge.”
Kokonoi huffed and crossed his arms, “Fine.” He looked around, “Where’s Ran and Rindou?”
“Oh, they’re with their fan club.” Mochi snorted, “Go see for yourself.”
“They really do have it, bro!” Rindou said with a huge grin, pointing towards the bright and colorful Dance Dance Revolution machine in front of them.
“Why wouldn’t they? They had it when we were growing up in Roppongi?”
“Okay, but who the fuck knows about a weird arcade Sanzu chose.”
“You speak only the truth…” Ran laughed, stepping onto the pad and sliding the card through the reader, “Oh nice, we get three songs?”
“Remember before we’d have to keep a cup of quarters on the floor, and we’d always spill it?” Rindou asked, tying his hair into a bun and joining his brother on the game’s vibrant pad.
“Yeah, and you’d always blame me for it even though you were always the one who did it!” Ran pouted, flipping through the songs and pausing on one, the music filtering through speakers as he turned to Rindou with a sinister smirk, “What was that about a revenge match?”
Rindou grinned, crossing his arms triumphantly, “I’ll gladly bust your ass at Kimagure Mercy any day.”
“Do you still remember how we do it?” Ran questioned as he selected it, sliding off his suit jacket and slinging it over the back of the railing.
“How couldn’t I.” The bun-sporting man rolled his lavender eyes, “Aren’t you the older one, gRANdpa?”
Ran’s eyebrow twitched, “I’m not above sibling punishment Rindou.”
“Oh, I’m shaking.”
The was applause from the game, signifying the song was about to start. The two brothers faced forwards, the intro starting and patterns beginning to fall down the screen. The two started to move in unison, swaying back and forth to the beat. It wasn’t until the first verse hit that what Ran mentioned began.
The Haitani brothers had begun to dance while playing Dance Dance Revolution.
Rindou glanced over to his brother, “Oh my god can you stop being such a show-off for once?” He huffed through a laugh, clapping hands with his brother to the beat.
“Please, it’s on my wiki article!” Ran cried out, “Just like you’re a big brute.” He bopped his head.
“I am not!” The younger retorted, squinting at the screen.
“Don’t mess up, Rindou!” Ran teased and purposefully pushed the other a bit in one of their claps.
“Fuck off!”
A crowd began to grow, mainly teenage girls enamored by these two men playing the game in such a spectacular way. All of them were excitedly watching as the two played, starting to ask each other questions such as “Does anyone know their names?” “Who are they?” “Do they have an Instagram?”... Eventually, when Rindou’s name was mentioned, people began to cheer for him. Naturally, this caused a significant issue for Ran Haitani.
“Hi ladies, I’m Ran~” He sang, causing them to squeal, a smirk plastered on his face, and an annoyed groan from Rindou echoing in response.
“In another life, I wonder if you were destined to be a host.” He sighed, accidentally missing the tile on the floor, “Shit!” he swore loudly.
“You see what you get, Rindou; respect your elders.” Ran snorted, the other man glaring at him from the corner of his eyes.
“When this song is over, you better run…” He whispered, “It’s over in 23...22...21…”
“I’m so old, my hearing…” He joked, Rindou nearly grabbing his hand during one of the claps and breaking it.
The song wrapped up, Ran turning around and waving to the group of girls and Rindou slouching forwards, primarily due to rage, though also due to an insatiable desire to beat his brother to a pulp in Dance Dance Revolution.
“Oh, you want more?” Ran asked with a lazy smirk as he waved to the “fans”.
“We have 2 more songs.” Rindou huffed, rolling his eyes, “It’s a waste of money.”
“True,” Ran nodded his head, “Let’s pick an easier song then!” He reached for the buttons only to have his hand slapped away by the younger, a dull ‘ow’ leaving his lips.
“No, we’re playing this song until I beat you. It’s that simple.” Rindou explained, hands on his hips.
“Fine, fine.” The older relented, “Don’t blame me if you can’t beat me.”
By the time Kakucho, Mochi, and Kokonoi made it over to the Haitani brothers. The crowd was sizeable. The arcade staff attempted to get the crowd to disperse, as it was becoming a fire hazard to the facility.
“Hey Ran, Rindou, what happened here?” Mochi asked as he finally made it to the front.
The two stepped off the machine and walked over to the group, Rindou grinning as the elder brother shook his head, “I reminded him who the rightful heir to the DDR throne is.”
“Please, you only beat me once.” Ran sighed in exasperation and exhaustion.
“And that still means I beat you.” The long-haired man spoke smugly.
“Wait, so that crowd...was all for you two playing a rhythm game?” Kokonoi questioned, “That’s insane.”
“I hope they don’t follow us home, or Mikey is going to have our heads,” Kakucho pondering the probability, “Then again, they might see Takeomi and get a bit scared.”
“Is he still out smoking?” Kokonoi pondered, tilting his head to see if he could see him, “I can’t see him.”
“I thought I saw him come in with Sanzu earlier?” Ran spoke up, the entire group staring at him.
“That can’t be right. Takeomi would never go with Sanzu…” The blond-haired man stated, slightly bewildered by the information.
“Oh, there he is.” The younger Haitani pointed, Takeomi wearing a shit-eating grin as he walked back outside, the entire group then spotting a pissed-off Sanzu.
Sanzu was officially bored. He thought that coming to the arcade would be an excellent way to spend some time away from things, though it only seemed to create more issues. What was worse was everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, so there was no one left to mess with or bother. After an hour of wandering around and playing several games that held his attention for a few minutes or less, he set his sights on a bigger and better prize: Akashi Takeomi.
Yes, in actuality Akashi Takeomi was dangerous. He likely could kidnap Sanzu as he slept, lock him in a freezer, and then feed him to the fish...Though where was the fun in not messing with someone like that? He smirked to himself as he walked outside to see the scar-faced man unsurprisingly smoking.
“Ew, how many have you smoked today?” Sanzu spoke, holding his nose in mock disgust.
Takeomi didn’t even look at him, “Half a pack, give or take.”
“Smoking’s bad for you, y’know.”
“Drugs are too, but you don’t see me trying to give you a 12-step lecture.” Takeomi retorted dryly, Sanzu cackling in response.
“I gotta hand it to ya. That one was funny.” The pink-haired man pointing to the other.
“What exactly do you want?”
Sanzu clasped his hands together, “Dearest Takeomi, you’ve been out here for over an hour...I think it’s about time you came inside and actually enjoyed what we came here for.”
“No.” He replied with a laugh, “Nice try though, really love the theatrics...maybe we can get you a job with the prostitutes.”
Sanzu groaned, “Can you stop being a stick in the mud for once and be fun?”
Takeomi felt something inside him snap. Honestly, he just wanted to sit outside and smoke. He wanted not to have to deal with a specific pink-haired buffoon who continued to ruin his Saturdays over and over each week. Instead, however, he turned to the other man with a sickly sweet smile, throwing his cigarette onto the ground and crushing it under his shoe, “Sure, Sanzu, I’ll play one game...let’s go.”
“Really!” Sanzu’s face lit up with excitement, “Okay, let’s go!”
As they entered the arcade, Sanzu and Takeomi walked around a moment, regret beginning to wash over the older as his head began to pound from the noise and light.
“So, what do you want to play.” The pink-haired man asked, tipping his head to meet the other’s gaze.
“I don’t know, and I haven’t been to an arcade in fuck all knows.” Takeomi hissed, rubbing his temples, “Can you make it quick?”
“Jeez, I didn’t know they made you when the dinosaurs still walked the planet.” Sanzu grumbled, “Let’s go for a shooter then.” The two of them walking towards a Western-style shooting game that had plastic guns.
“Why am I not surprised.” The dark-haired man breathed, shaking his head.
“What? Sorry, I’m good at what I’m good at?” Sanzu mocked, shrugging his shoulders, “Anyways, it’s pretty self-explanatory...aim, pull the trigger, boom.”
Takeomi smirked. What Sanzu didn’t know was, he knew how to play this game. He knew far too well how to play this game because, during his days as a Brahma captain, Senju and himself would often sit in arcades and play. Sanzu Haruchiyo had sentenced himself to an early grave with this one, no matter how good a shot he was.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” The pink-haired man nodding his head towards the machine.
“I’m broke; you pay for it.”
“How the fuck are you broke if you- Nevermind.” Sanzu started, shaking his head and sliding his game card through the reader, “Let’s settle this.”
The older stepped up to the gallery, picking up the model gun and testing the weight in his hands before settling on a position.
Enemies started popping onto the screen, Sanzu quickly shooting the targets that were his color. He thought to himself it would be easy to best the older man until he realized he was keeping pace, and his score was already twice his based on the accuracy bonus.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Sanzu started, beginning to get ruffled by the sudden turn of events.
“What is it Sanzu, maybe you should aim a bit better, or is that too difficult?” Takeomi replied cooly as he blasted the head off of a zombie, “Oh, that was a good one.”
“Are you  shitting  me?” He cried out in response, “You actually know how to play this?” Sanzu was aiming for one of the enemy bonuses. However, he missed miserably. He swore under his breath, much to Takeomi’s delight.
“It’s been a good oh, what did you call it...era.” He mused as they made it to the boss level, “But for someone as young as you, this must be easy, right?” His voice dripping with poison.
“There’s still the boss level. I can-” He looked at the scores, feeling the color drain out of his face.
“What was that, Sanzu? My old deaf ears can’t hear you over the sound of your absolute thrashing.” He chuckled, “But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll recover in time to hear you cry.”
“Do we just need to get you a nicotine drip? I don’t think the patch is gonna cut it with you.” Sanzu groaned, “Or, do you want one of my pills? Those might take your edge off too.”
“Take the joke, Sanzu,” He sighed, the game finishing out and Takeomi writing his initials in the records list, “Have a good time trying to beat that, though.” The older smirking, patting the other on the back as he walked towards the entrance, shit-eating grin plastered across his face as he pulled out another cigarette from his ever-dwindling pack.
Sanzu stared at the score in disbelief. He couldn’t beat that score today. He would have to come back another day to beat it, but he would beat it, no matter what. He stomped his foot in frustration, only to notice the entire Bonten group was looking, sans Mikey. He blinked and did what any person with an IQ between 85 and 115 would do...make a break for the food court before he could be harassed.
Was this the main reason Mikey agreed to this excursion? He didn’t want to admit to it. However, when the flyer said they had six different types of taiyaki in the featured food court, Mikey was sold instantly on the idea, as embarrassing as it was. He quietly walked towards the counter, scanning the menu with his pitch-black eyes only to discover there were, in fact, now eight taiyaki options. He smiled softly to himself as the person operating the counter looked on in confusion at the strange man in front of them, “Can I help you?” The food court employee asked him, tilting their head to the side slightly.
“Taiyaki, all of them,” Mikey said, sliding a large bill onto the counter.
“Do you mean all of the kinds or...all of them, all of them.” The employee clarified, thinking to themselves.
His eyes lit up, “I can have all of them?” He asked.
“As long as you pay for them, I don’t see why not...It might take a bit, though, because we warm them in an oven, so they get kinda crispy.” The employee explained, noticing the glimmer in his eyes.
“All of them, then.” Mikey clarified, adding another bill on the counter.
“Do I know you from somewhere, though?” They asked as they handed him his change, causing Mikey to pause for a brief moment.
“I haven’t ever met you before.” He replied, walking to one of the tables and sitting in the uncomfortably hard seating. It was nearly impossible to take a nap here due to how loud and bright it was, as well as how unbearable some of the smells were...Who honestly authorized it to smell like nacho cheese? Though, he also realized he was in a food court. Slouching down into the chair, he wondered what the rest of his gang had decided to put their minds to that day. He assumed Sanzu had found something involving guns and roped Takeomi into it as well, smirking because he knew that Takeomi had played before. Kokonoi had likely found something involving money, and The Haitani brothers honestly were talking up a storm about Dance Dance Revolution before they even arrived. Mochi and Kakucho were the two members of the group he wasn’t quite too sure about. He made a mental note to ask Kakucho when they boarded the bus again later that day.
“Alright, here are the first few, careful though, because they’re extremely hot.” The employee warned, setting a tray in front of the light-haired man, “I’ll keep them coming.”
Mikey reached forward and grabbed one of them, mentally noting that his hand was burning, though not exactly caring as the gratification of the taiyaki was going to be worth it in half a second. He bit in and leaned back in bliss. He was elated as he continued to eat through the pile of confections, completely losing track of time. He inwardly began to feel that the Russian death metal car ride from hell was worth it, and so was having to deal with Sanzu complaining about everything. And so was-
“Mikey, are you okay?”
He wanted to snap his neck.
Sanzu stared at the fair-haired man, who looked as though he had passed out in his chair, only for him to lean back up with a menacing stare slowly, “I’m fine.” He said coldly, taking another angry bite of the taiyaki.
“O...Oh…” The pink-haired man replied, nodding his head nervously as he backed away, “That’s a lot of taiyaki there.” He pointed towards the ever-growing pile of confections.
“I know. They’re mine.” Mikey responded as he finished the first, licking his lips and picking up another, “Where is everyone else?” He questioned as he bit into the sweet and bitter flavor of matcha.
“I saw them a couple of minutes ago; they’ll probably be here in a minute...Takeomi is smoking.” He informed the other, omitting the absolute ass-kicking he had received.
As if on cue, the group walked into the food court; however, the mood quickly changed as Kokonoi held up his phone, “We need to go, one of Ran’s fangirls posted them on their Instagram; and we need to get out of here,  now .” His eyes narrowing.
“Why are we blaming my fangirl for this? They’re just as much of Rindou’s as mi-OW” Ran once again getting elbowed in the side by his brother.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if you didn’t name drop both me and yourself, so now you’re  really  more useless than Sanzu!” Rindou scolded him, “And you’re supposed to be older than me!”
“I’m RIGHT here!” Sanzu replied, raising his hands in exasperation.
“Cry me a river Sanzu, oh wait-” Mochi snorted, laughing at his own joke.
Kakucho grinned, “Mochi, that was surprisingly good coming from you.”
“I know, right. I surprise even myself sometimes.” The brawny man beamed.
“I hate all of you.” Sanzu huffed, crossing his arms.
“We hate you too; now let’s get going before we have to shoot our way out of a fucking arcade?” The long-haired blond replied in a haughty tone, motioning for the exit.
“Mikey, get a to-go box,” Kakucho suggested to the blond sitting at the table, eyeing the remaining taiyaki sadly.
“I’ll leave them.”
“Shotgun!” Sanzu yelled as they exited the arcade, Takeomi making eye contact with him and shaking his head.
“There isn’t even a passenger seat. What are the drugs hitting you that hard?” Kokonoi questioned him with a laugh.
“I’m assuming the cops are coming then?” Takeomi asked as he fished the keys to the bus out of his pocket, starting to walk with the group.
“ Oh yeah, Ran and Rindou are Instagram famous; Koko show him.” Mochi snorted, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Why is it always...fine.” He attempted to argue as he pulled up the post on his phone, revealing a video with nearly 500 likes and 130 comments.
“Wait, I didn’t see it yet!” Ran yelled as he ran over to Kokonoi, smushing his head in to see, “Wow, I look good… Rindou does, too, of course.”
“Shut the fuck up, you cretaceous period cretin.” Rindou hissed, flipping him off from afar only to have Ran run after him.
“Stop running in the parking lot!” Kakucho yelled, shaking his head, “I swear to god…”
“You have to admit, though, it was a good time.” Mochi stated with a smile, “We should do this again.”
“Alright, everyone, get on the fucking bus, or I’m leaving without you,” Takeomi yelled, hopping into the driver’s seat.
“And who died and made you king?!” Sanzu yelled only to smack his head on the roof while boarding the bus, causing Mikey to snort from a laugh uncharacteristically.
“Wait, did Mikey just laugh?” Kokonoi asked, genuinely amazed.
“I made Mikey laugh!” Sanzu cheered, patting himself on the back.
“Wow, if only we could hurt you more...then maybe we could restore all of his emotions…” Takeomi whispered to himself.
“What was that?” Sanzu questioned, leaning forward.
“No, nope, nothing.” Takeomi lied badly.
“That’s what I thought,” Sanzu replied with a smile, sitting back in his seat, Takeomi groaning and reaching for his pack of cigarettes only to realize there weren’t any left. He sighed heavily, leaning back into the cushion of the driver’s seat and staring up at the tattered ceiling. It was going to be a long drive home, huh.
In Toyko, the conflict with a group named “Bonten” intensifies...However, they seem to have a soft side too…
It was once again a Wednesday, except this week Sanzu Haruchiyo was on time, and there were no off-topic discussions. Instead, all that was discussed was saving Bonten from the PR nightmare the Haitani brothers had created for the gang. And, of course, the now planned hit on Howie Mandel. However, the damage was done, and the gang’s reputation seemed to go from “dangerous and deadly” to “upcoming idol group.” However, Mikey didn’t seem too troubled by it, though it wasn’t exactly possible to tell what he thought until it was too late.
Takeomi sighed as he once again lit a cigarette, staring off into the distance, “Here’s to another fucking Wednesday.”
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