#seeing how she tried to turn this around on us?
azzibuckets · 13 hours
want you for myself [paige bueckers]
paige bueckers x fem!reader
summary: some cute fluff where paige gets jealous of all the attention her brother is getting from you
a/n: i kinda rushed this so😭 it didn’t turn out the way i wanted
word count: 1.3k
Normally, Paige loved how good you were with Drew. How whenever he started talking about school or basketball, you always raptly paid attention, asking questions and making jokes. She loved how gentle you were with him, how when he was being too loud you always managed to bring his energy down to a more appropriate level without yelling at him.
But right now, she couldn’t help but feel annoyed at how focused you were on Drew when you were supposed to be focused on her.
“And Dad bought me three new skins for my birthday! Here, let me show you all of them.” Drew scrambled to find his iPad, and for what seemed like the millionth time, Paige leaned into you, tugging your shirt sleeve at the elbow.
“Can we go now?” she whined. “You said we would watch the wolves game together.”
“Just give me a few more minutes,” you whispered back, not even bothering to look at her. “Let me see Drew’s skins.”
Paige loudly huffed. She was bored out of her mind. “The game’s starting in five minutes, you know,” she urged, widening her eyes to show her eagerness.
“I know, you just said that two minutes ago. You go on up first, I’ll be there in a few,” you said dismissively before enthusiastically throwing yourself into yet another conversation with Drew about Fortnite.
Grumbling under her breath, Paige went up the stairs, making sure to aggressively stomp to get her impatience across. When she reached the top, she turned around, but you didn’t seem to have noticed her attitude at all, eyes totally glued to Drew’s screen.
The Timberwolves vs Mavericks game started, but Paige couldn’t enjoy it without you. Her annoyance grew as she heard you and her little brother’s raucous laughs echoing from the basement. She clenched her jaw, wondering how you were more interested childish things like Fortnite (as if she hadn’t played that game for hours every night the past month) than a basketball game with your very sexy girlfriend.
Paige was able to ignore her frustrations momentarily and get lost in the game, but when Anthony Edwards scored a buzzer-beater three to end the first quarter and she jumped up and down, instinctively going to grab you out of excitement, she realized again that you still hadn’t come up. With a groan, she headed back downstairs.
This time, you and Drew were playing on the Nintendo, both of you fully zoned in on building your Minecraft world. “Hey.” You felt a flick on your head and turned around to see a grumpy Paige. “You just missed Ant’s best moment of the season,” she declared, hoping you’d feel disappointed at having missed the highlight.
But you only said, “Oh, damn,” before turning back to the screen.
Paige sighed and decided to try again. “He shot from full court to put the wolves up at the end of first,” she prodded, hoping you’d get excited. But you merely nodded before turning to Drew and asking if he wanted to switch to creative mode.
Paige switched tactics. “Drew,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I think your screen time is up.”
Drew wrinkled his eyebrow, not tearing his gaze from the TV. “I don’t have a screen time.”
Paige stepped in front of the TV, forcing both of you to finally look at her. “Do either of you want ice cream?” she tried, smiling hopefully. “I’ll drive us to Baskin Robbin’s.”
“I’m still pretty full from lunch,” you said, “but thanks babe.”
“Yeah, me too,” Drew agreed. “Can you move now?”
Paige begrudgingly moved aside, jaw tightened as she grinded her teeth. Returning back upstairs, she watched the rest of the NBA game in a brooding silence. She felt slightly immature for being jealous of the attention her brother was receiving from you, but she’d had a long day and all she wanted was to be in your arms, watching her favorite team play.
During dinner, Paige stayed quiet as you and Drew continued your conversation about whatever new game you’d moved onto playing. You were totally oblivious to her irritation of being neglected, thinking she was just sleepy. Paige perked up after dinner, thinking Drew would fall into a food coma and escape to his room, but instead he insisted on showing you two the clothes he’d bought recently.
“I saved the best for last,” Drew announced after twenty minutes of giving you two a detailed and intricate fashion show. He ran to the bathroom, then quickly reappeared in a neat black tuxedo, with a navy pin stripe tie finished with shiny leather oxfords.
“Oh my god!” you squealed, bending down to squeeze his cheeks. “You look so adorable.”
Drew blushed at the attention as you continued to shower him with praises. Paige’s mouth dropped as she glared at the two of you. “Are you serious?” she complained. “You never react like this when I show you my shopping hauls.”
You raised an eyebrow at your girlfriend. “Maybe that’s because you buy the same grey sweatpants each time.” Drew snickered and gave you a fist bump as Paige fought back a smile, trying to mask it under feigned annoyance.
“You two are unbelievable,” she declared. “I regret letting you guys meet.”
“You’re just mad your girlfriend likes me more than she likes you,” Drew shot back, earning another high five and round of giggles between the two of you.
Paige made a show of getting up from her seat. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone since you guys hate me so bad,” she said dramatically.
It was almost 1 AM when you silently crept up to Paige’s childhood bedroom. You and Drew had stayed up gaming for hours, long after Paige had gone up to finish some homework and study. You expected the blonde to already be fast asleep, but when you opened the door, she was using her phone in bed.
“P?” You whispered, startling her.
“Dude.” Paige fixed you with an unforgiving look after recovering from her shock. “It’s literally one. What were you guys doing that took so long?”
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, letting the door quietly shut behind you. “We were really getting into it.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Paige said, rolling her eyes. She plugged a charger into her phone and set it on the bedside table, clearly ready to go to sleep. You shrugged and headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. But when you climbed into bed and leaned over to give the blonde a kiss, she dodged it. Ignoring your confused stare, she rolled over, turning her back on you.
“Woah.” You tapped her shoulder. “What’s up with you?”
“What’s up with me?” Paige suddenly shot up straight in bed. “You spent the entire day ignoring me. I’m starting to think you’re only dating me to become friends with my little brother,” she complained.
A small smile slowly worked its way onto your face as realization dawned on you. Paige hadn’t been tired all day. “Aw, Paige,” you teased. “Are you jealous of your 10 year old brother right now?”
Realizing how ridiculous the situation sounded, Paige avoided eye contact with you, instead concentrating on pulling the comforter around her. “No,” she said unconvincingly, her voice tiny.
“I know you’re lying, baby,” you chuckled. You reached over to cup the blonde’s face in your hands, giving her an adoring look. “You’re so cute.”
“Stop it,” Paige blushed, swatting you away. “I’m still mad at you.”
“Hey, I never see your brother!” you defended. “You can’t get mad that I’m excited to see him.”
“I know,” Paige whined. “But you don’t have to totally ignore me.”
You felt a slight pang of guilt as you thought back to how you’d completely forgotten about the Timberwolves game that Paige had been so excited to watch with you. Granted, she was excited about every wolves game, but still. “Paige Madison Bueckers,” you intonated slowly, clasping your hands together. “I am immensely sorry for the pain I have caused you today.” You planted a big and sloppy kiss smack in the middle of her forehead, causing her to groan and wipe away the slobber. “You are the light of my life,” you said solemnly. “The apple of my eye. My favorite person on earth.”
Paige pursed her mouth, trying to prevent the corners of her lips from curving upwards. “And?”
“Never again will I ignore you or miss a wolves game.” You hesitated. “Wait, can I take back that last part? You watch so many of their games it’s hard to keep up-”
Paige’s eyes narrowed and you decided to cut yourself off before you dug a deeper hole. “Nevermind!” you said brightly. “I will never again forget to watch a wolves game with my beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, incredible girlfriend.”
The blonde beamed up at you. “That’s more like it.”
You toyed at the collar of her shirt, letting your fingers brush gently across the soft skin on her neck. Looking up at her through your lashes, you said as seductively as you could, “Now can I kiss you?”
“Fuck yeah,” she muttered, grabbing your hips and pulling you in.
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theglamorousferal · 3 days
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au Part 2
AO3 Prompt Part 1
(Things get a bit angsty here for a bit, but don't worry, it gets back to some of the cracky-goodness!)
After allowing himself to relax for a bit and actually letting his muscles loosen for once, Jason rose from the bath and rinsed himself off under a piping hot and strong shower. He finished the rinse off with a flash of cold water to focus back up and made his way to the vanity where there was basic hotel amenities. He attempted to style his hair and after at least drying it, pulled on the fluffiest robe he has felt since he first moved into the manor all those years ago.
Fuck. The family. The Outlaws...
Jason put his face in both his hands and took a deep breath, then allowed his shoulders to slump as he dragged his hands from his face to his sides. He marched in a lazy manor over to the end of the large bed where he flopped face down. Surprisingly, it wasn't as fluffy as he was expecting and he silently thanked whatever force there was that he wouldn't have to resort to sleeping on the floor or a chair for the familiarity. Though, he turned his head to face the windows, that little reading nook looks like I could easily fall asleep there.
No, stop it. Do I remember the Dimensional Code for home?
Jason contemplated. On one hand, it could be useful, on the other, they could have an entirely different category system here. He spent the next however long trying to remember the dimensional code for his Earth and tracing the swirls of purples and greens out the large windows. A knock startled him.
"Jason? Are you decent?" He stood quickly and pulled the robe tighter together, not quite ready to show his autopsy scars to his soul-owner? A literal goddess? He wasn't quite sure what she was yet.
"Uh, yes, come in, I'm covered." He tried to stand casually next to the bed when he had just been sitting, his hands now in his pockets.
"Hi, so one of my aides figured one thing out about the ritual that is somewhat concerning and also something I probably also should have brought up. Mind if we sit at the window?" She strode in and settled herself with a pillow against the window and waited for him to do the same. Once he was settled, she hesitated for a moment before sighing and looking out the window to the haunting site outside.
"The Infinite Realms has another name, one coined from my Earth." She licked her lips before she spoke again. "It's also known as the Ghost Zone. As the dimension between dimensions, it is also where beings known as ghosts, the Restless Dead, Neverborn, Gods, and all sorts of other beings that thrive off a substance known as ectoplasm reside. As such, I am current Queen Regent of Ghosts." She let him think for a moment before turning to him. "That means I can tell when someone is death-touched." Jason froze. "I didn't mention it before because I know it's super personal, but then my aide figured out that the ritual only worked because of the fact you are and especially since you had spent time here-" She cut herself off as his eyes just bugged out larger with every word that spilled from her lips. "Sorry, I just, I'm death-touched too. I haven't died yet, but I have been around death magic, or radiation, or whatever it is, since before conception. I don't know exactly what you went through, but I know it was deeply traumatic. I can have my healers take a look at your soul and see if it's alright because it kinda radiates a bit how traumatic it was." She bit her lip with one hand raised near her chin.
Jason closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and clenching his jaw tight and blowing the air harshly out his nose. He fell back against the window, allowing his head to knock against the glass. It was warm, as though the sunlight was gently shining upon it. "Yeah." He croaked. "Yeah, I died." He said softer. "I was dead for roughly six months." He dipped his head forward to block his face with his bangs. "Crawled outta my own grave." He laughed bitterly. "Spent a while wandering, a while more in a coma." He swallowed tickly. "Got picked up by my dad's vindictive ex and trained for a while to be an assassin." He looked up at her, making eye contact. "She dunked me in this pit of magic shit, we call it a Lazarus pit in my dimension. It cures those near death and kills the healthy. Fixed me up the rest of the way, or at least the scars and issues I had pre-death. I got to keep these." He allowed the top of the robe to fall away, showing the tops of the large y-shaped scar that ran the length of his torso. She gasped, both hands coming to cover her mouth, tears began to form in her eyes. She reached out as if to touch them and stopped herself, her face turning determined.
"I, Jazmine Nightingale, High Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms, the Mediator, the Caretaker, and all those other titles." She waved her wrist. "Declare that I will help you however you deem necessary. Whether that be helping your soul, returning you to your dimension, breaking this binding, or whatever. You are currently bound to you, and as such that makes you my responsibilities." She paused in her speech for a moment, thinking. "I mean, you're already technically one of my subjects because I think you qualify as one of the Restless Dead, but we'll figure out your classification when we take you to a healer. For now, it has been a long day. I will have one of my aides come to get your measurements for some clothes, I'm sure we have some around here somewhere that should fit you at least for dinner. The aides can get any style you like and it can be made quickly by the seamstresses we have on staff." At his hesitation she added with a smile, "They work in supernatural means, they will not overwork themselves by making an entire wardrobe in a few hours."
She patted the cushion in front of her and stood. "I will meet you at dinner, it's not formal at all, don't worry about dressing fancy, I'm just still in this getup from 'official queen stuff'" she said with air quotes looking tired. "I'll see you in a bit Jason!"
"Yes, um, your majesty." He stood to bow, the robe making it a bit difficult."
"Just Jazz please, for the love of the Ancients." She said with a pained look on her face.
"Right, sorry," he stammered, straightening, "See you later, Jazz." She smiled softly before leaving him to himself. He smacked his hand to his face groaning at himself before flopping face-first into the bed again. "She's the ruler of the dead and she's so determined and nice, what the actual hell? She's so earnest, it's so cute!" he sat up leaning his elbow on his knee. "Okay, operation Romance Plot is go. She isn't put off by the fact you died, this is good, I can work with this. Okay, so castle, let's go with that aesthetic. I'm thinking let's go with a poet shirt and some black slacks for dinner tonight." He claps his hands in front of him, decision made.
As if summoned by his words, there was another knock at the door. A man with bright sky blue skin and a deep plum butler's uniform opened the door, a measuring tape casually thrown over his shoulders.
"Yes, hello good sir. What aesthetic are we thinking for this evening?" he said in a posh accent.
Jason clasped his hands together. "What should I call you? Would you possibly have a poet's shirt and a pair of black formal slacks for this evening?"
"You may call me Jeeves. Yes that Jeeves. I am the personification of the trope of the helpful butler, and as such my power set includes anything and everything that could help me complete the duties of head butler of the High Family's home. We absolutely do have that attire on hand, it would be but a moment for someone to fetch it for us. Now did you have any ideas about future attire?" Jeeves snapped his fingers and a skeleton manifested in a swirl of dust to obey his silent command to gather the requested clothing.
Jason paused for a moment, considering. "How does the Queen usually dress casually around the castle? I know she said she was from an Earth. I don't know where in the timeline her Earth is from and she mentioned that what she was wearing earlier was mostly for special occasions, so I don't want to look like an idiot." He explained.
"Very good sir, she typically dresses in either a less formal toga if she's to be seen anywhere near the public areas of the castle, her armor whilst sparring with her knights, the High Princes and Princess, and if she is only going between her room and study then her far less formal Earth clothing which is a long sleeved blouse and lightwash jeans, typical of the late 1990's and early 2000's."
Jason thought for a moment. He didn't know how long he would be stuck here, but decided that clothes enough to last a fortnight should work. For all he knew, time flowed differently between here and his home dimension. Decision made, he told the butler what he wanted. Measurements were taken, the skeleton arrived with the requested clothes and Jason was left to change into his clothes for the evening. He still is wearing his combat boots because he forgot to ask for a pair of shoes.
Once changed, he realized that he still probably had a bit before dinner and he walked over to one of the bookshelves browsing the titles. There were several classics that he recognized, his favorite, Pride and Prejudice, was there. There were a few as well with Jane Austen's name, but not titles he recognized. He decided to come back to those later and pulled what looked like a collection of fairy tales from the shelf then settled himself lounging in the window nook to read for the next few hours.
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freyadragonlord · 24 hours
Stolas and Blitz’s relationship is a really well written misunderstanding plot, and here’s why 
I didn’t exactly have bad expectations about the Full Moon episode, yet I find myself pleasantly surprised by just how well the show handled the final confrontation between Stolas and Blitz. It was perfectly tragic and, most importantly, it perfectly fits how their relationship was built up to this point.
But how did Stolas get to this point?
Stolas has been starved for love since he was a child. His father only knew how to buy Stolas’ stuff to distract him from his distress (whenever Paimon bothered to even be around). Stolas’ wife – whom he did not choose – disdained him and did not miss a chance to humiliate him. He used to have a good relationship with his daughter, even though things got more complicated as she grew up and started to realize that her parents hate each other; but having your own child love you isn’t the same as having someone love you because you are you.
And then, out of nowhere, This Guy whom he considers his first friend - someone who was at the center of one of the best memories from his childhood - sneaks into his house and tries to seduce him!! Needless to say, Stolas is taken by surprise!
He even tries to talk to Blitz at first, and asks him about his life. He wants a connection, but Blitz just kinda pushes Stolas on his bed and starts doing sexy things to him, while dodging his questions. And, well, Stolas has never had good sex before that moment! His only experience is with a woman who does not like him and whom he doesn’t like. He gets swept away! Turns out, kinky sex really does it for him, and Blitz just Keeps Going all night!
Now, we don’t get to see how Stolas reacted when he figured out that Blitz was there to steal his book. The next thing we know (which is actually the first time the audience is introduced to Stolas) is that he is determined not to let that night with Blitz be the last. And who knows, even if Blitz had an ulterior motive for that first night, Stolas could still have a chance to seduce him! But how to do that? Well, the only thing Stolas knows about Blitz is that he really seemed to be into kinky sex and dirty talk…. So, Stolas goes for that!
After a while, though, he realizes it isn’t working. Plus, as much as the sex is good, what he really wants from Blitz is romance! So, he tries changing his approach, he introduces the idea of dates, of staying at home without fucking… But every time Stolas tries to change things, Blitz is resistant.
Stolas has many flaws. He is unaware of his privilege, he can be entitled, too self-centered… but one thing he is not, at least, is clueless about his own feelings. Stolas knows he loves Blitz, he knows he wants them to be together, and so he spends a long time trying to figure out how to confess, how to convince Blitz that his feelings are sincere…
In a way, it’s all that planning that dooms him. He spends so much time thinking things over, finding the perfect words, the perfect selfless act to confess to Blitz and set him free, that he does not realize that his confession will come out of nowhere for Blitz. And that Blitz will not have had hours and hours to rehearse his own reaction!
To be fair to him, Blitz truly is spectacularly clueless – to the level that it’s difficult to understand, without knowing his history - when it comes to his own feelings…
Right, how did Blitz get to this point?
The first time Blitz met Stolas, as a child, Blitz’s father had literally sold him as entertainment, and then ordered Blitz to steal from Stolas' house. “Go make yourself useful for once.” “It’s what those rich privileged fuckers deserve.”
Blitz grows up in an environment where his own father prefers another child to him. His only worth to his dad is to be a trading card, and to be an instrument to get rich.
Blitz doesn’t grow completely without love, tho! He knows what it is like to be loved. He has a best friend, his twin sister, his mother… And then he manages to lose all three of them in one single, spectacular accident. And it was an accident! But it was also his fault. And that’s the night Blitz learns that nobody can love him for long, because he does not deserve it. Even if someone did care for him, eventually they will realize he is worthless and dangerous.
Blitz hates himself.
Still, he does what he has to do to survive, and he goes on.
Years pass, and Blitz is trying to achieve his oldest dream, the dream to be his own boss, to lead a successful business, to prove that he can do something right. He needs Stolas’ book to achieve his dream, so what? It’s what those rich privileged fuckers deserve. He can make himself useful for once.
Does Blitz understand that it’s not Stolas himself who bought him all those years ago, but rather his father? It doesn’t really matter in the end, the only thing that’s important is that he knows that if he distracts Stolas enough, it’s not that hard to steal from him. If he sells himself, he can get anything out of Stolas.
The sex an accident, in the end. Stolas suggests Blitz is there to seduce him (Stolas is joking, but Blitz doesn't realize that), so Blitz goes for that. He bites Stolas’ neck to distract him from the theft, and Stolas reacts to that! Blitz can use this! He just happens to encourage Stolas when Stolas talks dirty to him, he doesn’t know he’s the one planting the idea in Stolas’ brain.
And Blitz could leave Stolas tied up and flee with the book, but at the end he feels bad. He decides to fuck Stolas after all, and well… That wasn’t so bad. He was supposed to do it “real fast”, but ends up spending the whole night!
Still, what if the sex was good? Stolas is still an entitled and powerful prince. And Stolas’ behavior in the following months only confirms that the other demon is just using him! And when Stolas’ actions start to change, well, surely that’s just some new kink, some new game…
Blitz constantly confirms his own biases, and he is incapable of seeing beyond them. He expects to be used because he has been used so many times, ever since he was a child. He doesn’t expect to be loved, because he doesn’t believe anyone can love him.
And if he starts to enjoy the time he spends with Stolas, at least sometimes, well….. That’s just the good sex. Plus, he feels powerful, when he’s fucking Stolas. Not only because Blitz dominates him in bed, but also because this is an arrangement he entered of his own free will, and he’s the one directly benefiting from it.
And! Isn’t it easier this way??? Relationships are messy! This arrangement, tho, no feelings involved, at all! He can push Stolas around as much as he wants, and Stolas will let him.
(Stolas cannot get hurt, after all.)
(He can get hurt??)
Blitz has many flaws. Being clueless about his feelings, and other people’s feelings, is maybe his biggest flaw. Stolas’ confession comes out of nowhere from him. He is confused. Nobody can love him, so it is a game, right?
It’s not a game. Where did this “confession” come from? He’s mad now. Stolas broke the rules, Stolas is using him again, somehow, Stolas… Stolas is crying.
It’s not a trick.
Their whole relationship has been a huge misunderstanding since day 1, and Blitz only just realized.
And Stolas sent Blitz away before he had time to realize, as well.
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sapphiressmoke · 19 hours
Outlander I
Summary: She doesn’t know how it happened but they were calling to her to come closer. Touching it was never suppose to uproot her life and transport her somewhere she never thought she could see and witness. She has to try her best to survive if she wants to get back, right?
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen X Modern!Reader.
Warnings: Nothing as of now but angst, romance, smut
Word Count: 2.6K
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2024 AC Kings Landing
So this was the magical Kings Landing? Once the vast and lively city was now a place of desolation, solitude and history. It had been like this ever since the burning in 305 A.C between two Queens. You read about how it was a horrible event, many innocent people lost their lives… Even the two Queens. Since that moment, no more Targaryens roamed Westeros. It was now a place of history and learning. Most teachers brought their students here to see what they were being taught. Some parents dragged their kids here to learn of their heritage.
You were here for the first reason.
Being in your second year of Vale University, you were studying History and Literature. What were you going to with that degree? You have no idea but at least you were enjoying yourself… For the most part. “The Red Keep took many years to complete. Three reigns to be exact. What started on Aegon’s High Hill names Aegonfort. King Aegon the First used this fort as his seat during the conquest, housing the impeccable Iron Throne. Though it was destroyed in the battle of Kings Landing, paintings portrayed this throne as huge and intimidating.” Your group followed your professor as she guided everyone at the base of what the humongous Keep used to be. You looked around, red brick scattered over the floor. You mind raced as you thought of how these bricks were over 2000 years old, millions of people have touched them and now they were scattered all over the dirt floor. “It isn’t said when but at some point after the Conquest, the King ordered the destruction of the Fort and the construction of the Red Keep began. It was said that Aegon requested the castle be built with red rock to remind people of the fire he roasted and the blood he shed of his enemies, so whenever King’s Landing looked up they’d see the price of defiance.”
Your professor continued to talk but the sound of nature around you drowned it out. The sound of buzzing getting louder in your ear, getting louder and louder. “Ugh! You don’t hear that?” You brought your finger to your ears and tried wiggling it around to see if there was anything there.
“Hear what?” Your friend, Talia, said as she leaned in.
“That stupid buzzing sound. It won’t stop.” You groaned as you continued with your ear.
Your friend gave you a weird look. “I just think you’re going crazy. There is nothing.”
The buzzing softened and turned into a soft whisper, softer than wind. “Y/N… Darling… Y/N.”
You whipped your head back, trying to find the source of the noise. “Please told me heard that!” Before Talia could respond, your professor spoke faster. “Is there something you would like to add, Miss Y/N?”
Your face went beat red from embarrassment. “No ma’am… Sorry.” You said sheepishly.
“Thank you. Now where was I? Ah yes. The start of the fall of the Targaryens, it started when…” You started to zone out and looked back behind you, trying to figure out where the whisper came from. From the bottom of the hill, you spotted a man sporting an eyepatch, long silver hair and cladded in leather. He had his arm extended out towards you, as if he was waiting for you to come and grab it, calling you to run away with him but just as fast as you spotted him, he disappeared.
You felt your arm being grabbed and a hand stroke your upper arm. You turned towards Talia, who wore a worried look. “Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You shook your head and ran a hand through your hair. “Yea… Yes. I’m good.” You grasped her hand that was on your upper arm. “Let’s just get this tour over with. It’s giving me the heebie jeebies.”
“You got that right.” She agreed. “But I heard that the Kingswood, which is just behind the hotel, is just as creepy. Maybe even haunted!”
128 AC Kings Landing
“Mother, please tell me I do not need to go to this hunt. There are better things I can do with my time.” The One-Eyed Prince has been trying for days to stay at the Keep, not wanting to waste a morning travelling to the Kingswood just for a hunt that he did not want to participate in.
The Queen sighed at her son, pushing a silver strand away from his stoic face. “Aemond… ‘Tis for Jaehaerys and Jaehaeras name day. Your brother wants to do a grand celebration for them. Especially for Jaehaerys.”
He rolled his one eye. “We all know that it’s an excuse for him to drink away… With reason this time.” He looked up at his mother. “Will father be coming?”
“The Maesters will assess The Kings health before letting us know but I do doubt that he will be able to join with the amount of pain he has been in.” The Queen replied. It has been no secret that The Kings has been declining the past couple of years. Decaying flesh, rotting teeth and constant pain. Drunk day in and out on milk of the poppy.
“If he does not go…” He tried to think of a reason to stay but was stump. “If he does not go then I shall stay here and watch over him.” Lies.
Alice by let out a chuckle. “You are quite the convincing liar, Aemond, but the Maesters will be here to aid your father in anything.” She walked away from her son and looked at the window, looking upon the people of Kings Landing. “I know you would much rather be here, reading in the library and training outside but it will do you some good to be away for a bit. Breath the good air of Kingswood.” She turned around to face her third child. “Plus, Ser Criston Cole shall be joining us if you ever do need to scratch the intense to train.”
Aemond rubbed his face and groaned. “I guess you are right, mother. But I will not ride with Aegon in the carriage. He’s an imbecile and will most likely throw up from all of the wine he has drank.”
“Thank you.” Alicent smiled. “You may ride with with me and Ser Criston. Halaena will be with the children and nurse while Aegon rides with Ser Arryk and Erryk as it seems they are the only ones that can deal with his shenanigans.”
“As I mentioned before… Imbecile.”
The night passed swiftly and once the sun started to rise and was on the horizon line, the Royal Family begun their travels to the Kingswood. Even though Aemond was never a talkative person, worsening after the incident with his eye, he seemed even more lost in his thoughts than usual. He stared out the window, sitting across from his mother who watched him intensely. “What is on your mind, sweet son?”
Aemond continued to look outside the window but sighed. “I had this weird dream. Was just flashes of images. Nothing clear. There was this woman… She seemed lost, searching for help. It sounded like she was calling out to me but the way she dressed did not seem normal.”
The Queen stayed silent for a moment before speaking. “Are you a Dragon Dreamer now?” She joked, causing a small smile to break on the princes face. “Dreams have many meanings. Perhaps it’s just a bad dream from the stress you put on yourself. Free your mind for the next couple of days. Perhaps even participate in the hunt.”
The hunt that went on in the Kingswoods happened every couple of years, usually to celebrate a names day for a royal child. The White Hart was usually the main goal of the hunt but any animal was game. “And if I were to meet the White Hart, would that not be a sign that I should be the King over my buffoon of a brother?” It was quite well known that Aegon did not desire to be King, fought against everything Even fighting with his Grand Father and Mother saying that it was his Half Sisters birthright but all of his complaints were going to a deaf ear. Aemond wished to rule. He was fit to rule and it was simple: he rode the largest dragon in all of Westeros, he excelled in combat and studied on the history and politics of his family and of Westeros but it would not go to him unless everyone in front of him died.
This was a conversation he had with his mother too often but his question was answered with silence. That was how the rest of the carriage ride went. Silence. The dream kept replaying over and over in his mind. Who was this girl? What was she doing? Who was she to him?
Within the next couple of hours, Lords and Ladies and the Royals arrived in Kingswood. The air still cold with the mornings breath. Everything was set up for them to place clothing, tables… Everything. The children were running about, screaming playfully with each other. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera came running towards Aemond, crashing into his legs. “Hi Uncle Aemond!” They squealed.
He looked down at his niece and nephew, rubbing the back of their heads before pushing them back on their way. “Hello you two.”
“Time travels back and is protected by the White King.” Helaena whispered into the cold air of the morning, staring at Aemond from across the way.
Aemond looked up to make eye contact with Halaena, seeing her lips move but not making out what she had said. He cocked his head to the side, deciding to walk towards his sister to see what she had said. She didn’t seem to realize that Aemond was by her side before he squeezed her hand. “What was that, good sister?” Helaena looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “Only Time can tell you… Only Time.”
The rest of day went on eventfully. The men prepared for the hunt while the women gossiped as they ate cake. Of course Alicent chose not to participate in the gossip. She could not bother to hear anymore about Rhaenyra, her bastard sons and how great they are. She decided to watch her grand-children run about. Aegon was nowhere to be found, most likely already drunk in his tent, Helaena chose to rest in her tent as the carriage ride took a lot out of her and Aemond sat with Criston Cole as they sharpened their swords, getting ready for the hunt. She stared around her and for a slight moment, she would think her life was perfect. She had her children and her grand-children around her but then she remembers that she is practically ruling the Seven Kingdoms, her husband was dying and she was alone in the world.
2024 AC Kingswood
You slipped on your black slip dress, continuing to argue with your friend in the hotel room. “You don’t get it, Talia! There is something calling to me out there. I’m not insane. I’m not crazy. It’s been going on ever since we entered Kings Landing.” The buzzing was constant, the whispering was constant and the flashes of that man were at every corner.
Talia sat on the bed, her eyes following you as you continued to pace around the room. “I’m not saying you’re crazy but you sound crazy, Y/N. A silver haired man with only one eye? Listen to yourself!”
You groaned and you pulled yourself into a ball. “I know what I sound like!” You stood back up and waved your arms around. “But this… This place is weird. There has been so many deaths and apparently fucking magic. There is something going on.” You grabbed your black shawl from your luggage and pulled in over your shoulders. “And I am going to figure it out.” You pointed to the woods. “I’m going to go in those stupid woods and try to find something. I don’t what I will try to find but I will know what it is when I see it.”
Your friend gave you a shocked look, standing up quickly and grabbed your arm. “Okay now I’m saying that you are crazy! There’s boars… Bears in those woods! You could die! What would your mom do if you die?”
You ripped your arm from her grasp. “Well she always knew I would die in a stupid way. Tell her I love her. And before you ask, no you can’t come. You’ll be the person to let the teacher know that I’m gone. If I’m not back before the next tour tomorrow morning, you can go all out and tell everyone I’m missing. Okay?”
You saw the perplexed look she wore in her face before answering. “Fine. Fine! If you die… Ugh!”
You put on your pair of shoes, grabbed your flashlight and placed it your bag before heading out. You stood in front of the forest and sighed, were you really this stupid? Yes, yes you were. You took one last look at the hotel before you made your way into the dark, insect infected forest… Gods you were dumb.
It had already been a few hours at this point, you were tired, you were hungry and you still had no idea what you were looking for. You kept hearing animal noises surrounding you and you were terrified. What if a wild boar chased you or a bear mauled you to death? What if you died of dehydration. How many days does it take to die or dehydration or hunger?
Suddenly the aura around you sifted and the whispering begun again. ‘You’re so close, Y/N. Continue.’ It was a man’s voice. It was so clear. ‘Continue straight, My Love, we’ll be together soon.’ The buzzing began and it only got louder as you continued walking straight. The further you walked, the higher the grass got. It was tickling your calves. It was as if a flash of light opened your eyes when all of the sudden a bunch of tall stones stood tall in front of you, being illuminated by the direct moonlight. The aura surrounding it was calling to you to come closer. “This is what I’ve been looking for.” You beamed with excitement.
The buzzing only got louder as you approached the Stones. The high grass tickled your calves, leaving tiny water droplets on your skin. The buzzing sounded as if it was whispering your name, soft as wind. “Y/N… Y/N…”. It only drew you closer.
The Stones had this silver and golden aura surrounding it. Were you the only one that could sense it? Were you the only one that could hear it? See it? Your thoughts were racing as you stood in front of the tall Stone. You raised your right hand to touch it, as if that was what it was telling you to do. The only thing you could do. For a moment you hesitated, wondering what you were doing, why were you here but it just kept calling out. “Y/N… Y/N…”
You let out a long breath and pressed your palm flat against the rough texture. Within the moment, all sound seized to exist around her, life was dark and as soon as it disappeared, everything reappeared.
128 AC Kingswood
You blinked your eyes fast, letting out a shaky breath. You stumbled backwards and the world wasn’t as you just saw. There were more trees surrounding you. The woods seemed to be more lively than before. “Oh Gods, what did I do.”
From back at the camp, Helaena felt the shift in the air. “Welcome home, Time.” Helaena smiled.
SOOO what do we think? It’s only getting started and I’m so excited to see where this goes.
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chaosandmarigolds · 3 days
Before we begin. I would like to remind you all that Caleb is a fictional character, he cannot be hurt- but so is Simon Riley so do with that information what you will :)
Johnny clears his throat before speaking, the commotion of the station loud through the phone, “Ya n the missus still in th’ country?”
To that Kyle frowned, moving carry on bag to sit down on the chair, “We’re just gettin back from Las Vegas, Becca got-“
“Ollie is gone.”
well. That sent a shock through his system, with a quick straighten of the posture Kyle speaks again, “An’ Simon doesn’t-“
“Some bullshit happenin’ makin it look like he helped his girl with kidnappin em from da dad, dad’s takin em …”a breath, “Si doesn’t know Ollie is gone yet. He’s been in questionin for five hours kno.”
Kyle looks down at his boots for a moment, meanwhile his wife gives him a confused stare, “Jesus- fuck, you need me?”
“I dunnae ye. Probably, ya got a ETA?”
Kyle shrugged and then looks at Rebecca, who had her luggage stolen so they were waiting on the security to do their work. “Si’s kid is missin.”
She stares up at him in disbelief for a moment, “How?”
“Bio-dad bullshit.” Kyle puts the phone to his ear again, “Hows Cap holding up?”
“Pissed off. But we all are.”
“Ya seen LT yet?”
“Nah, got her’ two hours go.”
If he were being honest, he wanted to simply take the gun and shoot the detective- it would finally make that man shut his mouth. However, Simon was showing self restraint, yet that task grew harder with each moment. So as he sat in the empty room, he was mainly focusing on keeping his breathing even, and temper in check.
About ten minutes went by before someone came to let him go, and to no one surprise Price was behind the door with the officer.
“I need you to be-“
“Where’s Ollie? Where is she?”
Price tried to keep his expression neutral, “Caleb had temporary rights-“
“The fuck does that mean? Where is MY SON?” Okay, so temper wasn’t in check but he was doing his best.
“He’s going to Las Vegas.”
Rebecca sipped her coffee as she sat in the airport lounge, after talking the security and as Kyle gave out the description of the small boy. She was currently going through Caleb’s social media, as someone had gone through a lot of trouble to edit photos where Simon had been in and replace them with himself, somehow editing the timestamps as well. Which was funny, because normally she was the phone taking the family photos.
With a frown she turns her phone over and looks around the bustling airport.
That’s when she spots Caleb. Hoodie pulled up to cover his face and quickly walking through the terminals.
Some part of her knew she needed to tell Kyle, and to not rush after him. And she knew he probably could’ve over powered her/ but it was so easy to just use that book she had grabbed as she went after him to take him down.
He probably could’ve thrown her off but instead he let her pin him down, panicked eyes and heaved breathing. “I swear! I didn’t- it wasn’t my idea! They-I owed the em money! I had to!”
“Where is Oliver?”
“They had me hand him off-off to some lady! I don’t know! Russian, tall, I don’t know!”
Rebecca looks down at him, her heart beginning to race as the security began to come over and to grab them, and she slowly turned as Kyle pulls her away. “I don’t…I don’t think is about Ollie. I don’t think this is about him at all.”
Ollie stares at the ground of the small plane, having a cup of water and a little baggie of goldfish in front of him. His eyes red with tears.
“Oh, come now little man, eat up. Get strong.” The woman coax’s, her voice muffled by the accent but her smile sweet, “Your father does not want to see you hurt.”
“I wanna go home.”
“I know. But you cannot go right now, your father- he owes us a debt.”
Tee…tee hee 🤍🤍
(Am I getting carried away? Yes obviously. But I am having too much fun to stop)
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akxmee · 2 days
He loved her since childhood, yet she married another man.
Words: 11.3k
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Suguru Geto was never seen like a man interested in relationships. Not flings, not one-night stands, real relationships. Unlike his best friend satoru who used to have tons of girlfriends week after week, Suguru wasn't fond of it. Don't get him wrong, he did like to have his fun too, but once he had it and was satisfied he never once was seen again.
It's not like he didn't want a relationship either. He wished for the warmth of a relationship, he craved the proximity and he needed that closeness with someone, but not with anyone. Because he only wanted you.
He always did.
Everytime he felt some random woman's hand run through his hair, every moment he felt someone admiring his beauty, everytime he was sent gifts from some "secret admirer" on valentines, everyday he woke up next to some lady he met on a party..he wished it was you. No matter how many hands he held, they never fit his like yours do. No matter how many people he met, none of their personalities was made for his like yours is. Maybe that's why he never really even tried to establish a serious romantic relationship with someone, because he knows no one will fit him like you do.
"It's no use. If she doesn't like you by now, give up. Want something to smoke the pain away?"
Yeah, shoko said that to him more than once and he remembers it too well. He always ignored the last part, because Suguru knew you didn't like the smell of cigarettes from the way your beautiful face turns into an expression of disgust when you smell it. He has always been able to admire your beauty, even when he first met you as a child and decided to play with this pretty kid from the other class.
Oh, how he cursed the day that he met you.
He remembers it as clear as a day, it was a snowy day in primary school. He was in class, waiting while sitting on a chair while he waited for his patents to pick him up since they were late because of work. All the kids were already gone, and he was just staring at the floor while patiently following his teacher's orders.
He looked around for the owner of that sound. The door wasn't opened, and nobody was inside of the class too.
—Over here!
Suguru looked to his right, seeing another child standing on a chair to get part of their face visible through the tall window. The kid waved, and he found himself waving too.
—You look bored, want to play?
He looked around the classroom for a second. He was more than happy to have someone to play, but it was a classroom. What game could he play here, if it wasn't doing basic mathematical exercises?
—Bur there are no games here..
To his surprise, the child nodded.
—I know! But look.—The kid proceeded to signal to the opposite window, the one that had looks to the exterior of the school.—There's snow. We can make a snowman, like the movies!
He sounded interested in her offer. However, he was still not fully trusting you.
—Won't we get sick? I'll say it's your fault if i catch a cold!
He said, pointing at you with his finger along with a sly smile. Even if there was a dirty window between the two of you, he could still feel the warmth of the smile you just gave him then.
—No worries! I'll make sure you stay warm.
—You promise?
He looked at the child's innocent eyes that grew excited as he seemed to have agreed to play with her now. His lips curved into a smile due to this.
—I promise!
And he trusted her word. His mom once said that promises couldn't be broken once you make them, so that kid was responsible of him now in case he grew cold. He got off of his chair, opened the door and finally saw her whole, not just half of their face looking at him through a window. The child he has been talking to smiled as they got off a chair to get to his level, and he helped her get the chair back to the classroom it was borrowed from before going outside.
The kid was called Y/N, he learned.
And you were so fun to be with. He played with you, made a few snowmen, threw snowballs at eachother, and laughed the hardest for a long time when he hit you and you fell to a huge pile of snow. He thought you were going to be boring at first, that you were just one of those stupid kids who laughed at him because he claimed to see "spirits" or "curses" as he liked to call them, but you weren't. You didn't even understand what he meant when he talked to you about them, however you were sweet about it. You even said it was alright and that everyone has imaginary friends, he just has tons of them! That's cool, isn't it? Having so many friends must be cool.
For a moment, he thought it was cool too.
Not a curse, not a gift, but something cool only he could do.
And that single feeling of being someone "cool", someone interesting and not some crazy child, made him feel free for the hour he kept playing with you until his parents picked him up. He was scolded for being outside and catched a huge cold that had him in bed for two whole days, but it was okay. He liked the way you kept him entertained that day, so he forgave you for breaking the promise.
Yeah, he liked you.
Suguru sighed, those memories he thought he would eventually forget coming back to him. He was a shy kid, and you made him get out of his comfort zone. That little you tore down his walls and stepped all over his beloved silence until he began to hate it as much as you did. Now, there was no place for it when you were together and he got used to you yapping everytime just like Satoru. Only difference was he actually enjoyed your voice, he found the tone you spoke to him with quite relaxing.
He noticed how you always had a different tone for each person.
It was endearing, to say the least. Suguru loved the way you called for him, the way his name sounded so sweet from your lips. When you talked to him, he noticed your voice was soft. Softer than usual, soft as if you knew you didn't have to raise your voice for him to understand you better. Sometimes there wasn't even a need to say something for him to understand you, but he still pretended he didn't hear you just to listen to your voice once again.
He adored your voice.
And maybe, just maybe, that was the reason he was calling you to tell you this instead of texting you right now.
He thought about it once again, how brave he was being right now when as a teen he couldn't be able to even look at your face despite being your childhood friend. It was all because he had just discovered he had this silly crush on you, wasn't it?
Oh, how he cursed the day he fell in love with you.
It was when he recently joined the jujutsu tech, as far as he remembers. You two were then at his home, with a bottle and a half of alcohol empty, doing both a celebration and goodbye party. He got into the college, but that only meant he was leaving you behind to go and live in Tokyo while you stayed at his childhood town. That explains why you were completely drunk, drunk enough to look at him and not think about how he was going to leave next week.
—Going to fall asleep already?
You looked at Suguru with sleepy eyes. Right, you two were on the sofá with some of those random pathetic TV shows at 3am as background noise as you leaned on his shoulder and he talked about the people he was going to have class with. None of the ones he described to you seemed interesting since, for you, your Suguru was always going to be the strongest. However, you listened to him carefully anyways like you always do.
—No, I won't.
He chuckled.
—Right. I'll be guessing you're spending the night here?
He felt a slight nod against his shoulder.
—You even dare to think i won't?
—Not at all, m'am.—You rolled your eyes at the formal nickname, getting your head off his shoulder as a punishment. You also intended to get up to be more dramatic, but a hand on your waist stopped you.—You're drunk, i wouldn't recommend standing up just yet.
You looked to the side, meeting his half lidded eyes and cocky smile as he talked to you. A slight blush crept its way on his cheeks due to the alcohol, but didn't sound drunk at all despite all of that.
—So what? It's time to go to bed anyways, Suguru.
—You actually intend to go to bed knowing how tipsy we are right now?
—No, but i do want a blanket from your bedroom.
He looked at you and wondered if you were serious. Alcohol warms people up, so how could you be cold? It was winter, but his house was surely warm enough to stay hot and comfy.
—Hell, are you sick?
The hand on your waist pulled you closer to him and as a result you ended up with your head on his chest. Next thing you knew, a pair of soft lips were pressed on your temple for a few seconds until the feeling of them disappeared.
—You don't seem to have a fever.
You looked up, not caring about what he just did and how your actions could be misunderstanded if someone walked in right then. You were always this close to Suguru. You didn't mind being this close to his chest, neither did you care if he pulled you by the waist, and the feeling of his lips on your forehead to check your temperature was just another of the things you've grown used to. Not only that, but you were too drunk to even give it a second thought. Hell, he could have kissed you on the lips with the excuse of checking if you're sick and you wouldn't have thought anything bad about it because of how sleepy you were getting.
And he knew that.
He just didn't know why he wanted to do it so bad.
That time when he was leaning in to kiss your forehead his tired gaze lingered on your lips for a bit, nothing too weird. You were wearing that lipstick shade he helped you pick, and it suited you really good! It was okay, so why did he feel the urge to ruin it until his lips were of that shade too? Why did he feel like he was doing something wrong by pulling you into his chest, thinking of this as something that wouldn't be quite considered friendship?
—Hey, Suguru.
Your voice interrumpted his thoughts. You were still on his chest, now in a comfy position and playing with a strand of his loose dark hair. The man simply looked at you, mumbling a soft "mm?" waiting for you to keep going even if he knew you were just going to tell the most carefree thing ever since you were drunk.
—I've been thinking, and i'm really glad you're the one I get to call my best friend.
Best friend.
Yeah, he needed to get that carved into his brain urgently since that was what you two were, are, and will be. There was no space to even think about something as complex as some kind of attraction to his kind of cute childhood friend, and he was once again reminded of it. All the times he got butterflies just because you held his hand like you always do, he needs to get rid of all of them. All of the times his heart raced because of a silly kiss on his cheek, the long hugs, the late night talks about life..it needs to stop. It was dirty to think of you in a way beyond friendship when you saw a brother in him, and he knew that. You didn't see it the way he wanted you to, so he had to start forcing himself to think the way you do.
It should be easy, that's what he thought when he first felt this strange around you.
Yet, it was anything but easy.
So with a sigh, he placed a hand on top of your head while the other one rested on your lower back. He positioned the two of you so you completely lay on the couch and turned off the TV, admiring how you didn't even question his actions as you waited for an answer to what you said a few seconds ago.
—Yes, i'm grateful you're my friend too.
"Liar", he thought.
But what could he do? He doesn't like you anymore.
It's clear now,
He entirely loves you.
The phone made a sound, and it once again stopped him from daydreaming.
He heard you talk from the other line. The man smiled just by hearing you call his name.
Suguru called your name back, his voice was deep and sweet, and had this endearing sweet touch that made it sound like he was purring your name.
—It's late, why did you call me?
You didn't even sound worried despite the fact that he was calling you so out of nowhere, this was a normal thing. He kept quiet for a bit, he could hear some utensils being moved around.
Perhaps you were at home, cooking?
That's good, he loved your cooking. You made food for him several times, so many that he lost count. Seeing you cook while he waited leaning on the kitchen's counter made him dream of a universe where you cooked for him everyday. Oh, how he imagined you cooking something for him as he got from work. You and him, at home, married and not friends. That's the perfect life, the life he desired next to you.
However, it was not possible.
He exhaled.
—I'm not going to attend your wedding.
He didn't even get to keep talking, and the sound of a metal object —some cutlery, he guessed— hitting the floor was already interrupting him.
—What do you mean?!
You asked him desperately, getting worried. What did he mean by not coming to your wedding? Was he crazy? He was one of the only people you specifically wanted to see at your ceremony. You wanted to spend your special day with him, who you considered part of your family at this point. You wanted to recieve an speech from him congratulating you as he promised, you wanted him to joke about how your husband's family was so dry, you wanted him to see you in your wedding dress.
And he did, too.
He just wasn't able to.
You called for him, waiting for an explanation. He stayed quiet for a second, the only thing you could hear from his line was the sound of heavy steps and wind. He was walking through an alley, leaning on the wall once he was there.
—Listen, i can't.
He wondered about what excuse would suit best right now to give it to you. "I love you" he wished to say, but was it really relevant when you were soon to marry another man? How could he even dare to be as selfish as that, letting you know of all of the times he took advantage of your friendship to have an excuse to hold you? How could he, as a man, ever think of saying such a thing? However, you did deserve to know the truth. Was he really going to tell you?
He shook his head, a bittersweet smile in his face.
—I can't, Y/N. Something just came up, and I-
—Something more important than your best friend's wedding day? Really, Suguru?
He hated the way your breath hitched at that, the way he could feel the pain in your voice. Because the pain you felt, he felt it even worse. Everytime the smallest of the corners of your heart broke, his whole soul shattered.
—And you can't even give me an explanation?
Your voice cracked. He just stayed quiet, and you got your answer.
Your tone changed this time.
—I hope you're glad of what you've just done. Don't you dare to call me again, Geto.
You hung up, and he knew he fucked you up.
His last name was spat with what felt like venom through his ears, the feeling of not hearing you calling out his name with a cheery tone had him at the verge of tears. It was his decision, so why was it so hard to do this to you? You were supposed to be the only woman he could ever love, and he just hurt you.
His shaky hands threw his phone across the street, frustration getting over him.
Fuck it.
He crawled along the alley still leaning against the wall for support, sitting on the ground once he reached the edge of it. His breathing was accelerated, he didn't know if it was due to stress or the stinging pain coming from his shoulder.His head leaned back as he hissed in pain, clutching on his arm.
Or what was left of it, anyways.
Blood stained his hands, which he didn't even realize were paler than usual. He left out a shaky breath, recalling all of the things that happened faster than he could ever imagine. He was beat up by this kid called Yuta, ruined his relationship with you and was about to die, all in a span of time of a few hours.
It was for the best.
A voice called his name. For a second he thought he would see you, but the voice was too masculine to be yours. His mind must be playing games on him.
He opened his eyes, seeing a white haired man he knew a little too well.
—Ah, Satoru.
Satoru looked at him with those eyes, those eyes that used to be filled with emotion now looking empty. His friend kept quiet, so Suguru kept talking.
—You know, just had a chat with your wife. We might have fought a little.
Yes, Satoru's wife. That was no one but you, the only woman he could have ever desired, taken from him by his best friend. He was mad at first, hearing that you and satoru were offcially dating.
Satoru knew he liked you, so why?
He was crazy, refused to talk to Satoru in private or when you were not looking. He placed his trust on Satoru when he said he would respect his crush, and he betrayed it. He didn't even understand why would he do such thing when Satoru was known for having like.. four, five? girlfriends in one month. He didn't want his best friend to break your heart.
But then he saw it.
He saw the way Satoru looked at you and noticed how you looked at him back.
Fuck, you loved eachother.
Because he knew that gaze of yours, he dreamed of it more than he could ever count. He wished of the day you would look at him like that, but Satoru got that dream come true before him. He cried until the next morning that day, cursing fate for giving him a heart that wasn't his, but yours. He cried because no matter what he did for a decade, Satoru got you in just two years.
Was it Satoru's eyes? Was it his pale hair? Perhaps you thought he was unattractive. He knew he was always going to be less than his best friend, but he thought that maybe you would choose him and not the strongest.
But you didn't.
And with time, he learned how to live with it. He helped Satoru pick anniversary gifts for you, supported your relationship with him, calmed you down when you and Satoru fought, helped satoru pick a ring and propose to you... Hell, he was going to be Satoru's man of honor at your wedding too. How could he not? You looked so happy when you gave him that handwritten invitation letter inviting him you to your wedding with another man while his heart crushed in silence.
But everytime, he smiled at you.
Because you were happy, and Suguru wouldn't want anything but that.
And that's why he, even though he took the thing he wanted the most, smiled at satoru who was looking at him in this pathetic situation where he didn't even have an arm and was covered in blood. Yes, he had no bad things to say about his best friend if he was the one making you happy.
—Told her i wouldn't attend the wedding. You must understand why, huh?
Satoru tried his best not to let his serious and professional expression fall at Suguru's words. He seemed as if he was so calm, but he knew what he was thinking. The white haired man simply kneeled down in front of him.
—She used to like you too.— He spoke in a low voice.—A year before we started dating. Remember when she started to wear ponytails? Asked me what your type was and i said that because i didn't actually know.
Suguru's eyes darted towards his friend's, looking for the slightest clue that would indicate that he was lying. He wasn't, he knew that gaze.
—Why are you telling me that?
—Thought you would want to die with a happy thought. I know you still..
"You still love her" he wanted to say, but suguru's chuckle didn't let him continue. Satoru saw the widest smile he could have seen in his best friend's face since years and years ago. He laughed and laughed, forgetting about the pain he was feeling at that moment. More than feeling like he lost a chance, he felt glad; not because he didn't even realize it, but because of the fact that if you liked him once, that would only mean you had looked at him. It was okay, because you laid your eyes on him and he was chosen by you. He was worthy enough to be liked by you, and he felt his younger self scream of joy inside of him.
That made him even happier, because It means that maybe, in another universe, he gets to make his dream come true and finally date you withouth having to worry about ruining your friendship. In another universe, maybe he gets to be the reason of your happiness. A universe with no curses, where you two live separated from the world and live a married life with children.
Yeah, nothing could make him happier than that.
So he closed his eyes and rested his head on the wall, relaxed and ready to accept the fate his friend was going to give him. His smile didn't ever fade, grateful for what Satoru told him.
—At least curse me a little at the very end..
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—AUTHOR'S NOTE: honestly not really happy with how i've written this fic, i was kind of rushed. However, hope you liked it!
It's not edited, so let me know if there are any mistakes.
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hazbinshusk · 2 days
husk x reader. husk is stuck tending bar, desperately wishing that he could take you to bed. you decide to have some fun with the old cat in the meantime. how? by hiding under the bar and blowing him while he tries to hold a conversation, of course. blowjobs, face fucking, degradation (lovingly), reader is fem (mention of breasts, minor use of she/her pronouns. written for jx3-xd. 1.6k words.
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You drum your fingers against the polished wood of the bar in a staccato show of impatience. Your chin rests in your hand, and Husk glances over at you at the sound. He’s running a rag around the inside of a glass in a well-practiced motion, and you just know that the tired, exasperated expression he’s wearing is mirrored on your own face. He offers you a brief, apologetic smile before turning his attention dutifully back to his only other patron.
Sir Pentious was regaling the two of you with a long-winded, half-strung together story about one of his previous ‘glorious battles’. You weren’t entirely sure for quite a long while how this exactly pertained to the ‘advice of crucial importance’ the snake had requested at the beginning of the conversation, but when a certain anarchistic cyclops had entered the story, you’d formed a suspicion pretty quickly.
Which was only confirmed when Husk asked why in all of Hell Pentious was asking him for advice, and Pentious had somewhat awkwardly gestured between the two of you.
“You sure you don’t wanna head upstairs, doll?” Husk murmurs to you as he refills your glass from the bottle he’s been nursing. Pentious has reached a particularly dramatic part of his tale, and doesn’t even realize the interruption. “You don’t need to sit here outta some kinda kindness. Go to bed.”
You give him a grateful, sympathetic pout, your hand sliding subtly across the bar to brush your fingers against the back of his hand. His eyes close in a brief second of contentment at the touch. “And leave you to fend for yourself? Never.”
His lips twitch in a grateful but exasperated smile. The two of you turn your attention back to Pentious just as he sweeps an arm grandly, and you rescue his abandoned glass before he can knock it over.
You try to listen to Pentious, you do, but you can find your mind wandering up to Husk’s room to linger between the sheets. On the way he’d wrapped his arms and his wings around you the night before as you straddled his lap, the way his heated breath has teased against the side of your throat as he’d cum inside you, kept you riding him until he was so overstimulated he’d bitten his own lip until it bled. On how his fur had tickled at your breasts and stomach, your sweat and slick soaking his thighs as he’d made you ride him at an agonizingly slow pace, fucking himself up to you in short, soft thrusts for hours. By the end you’d been shaking, shuddering with every touch of his body against yours, and you’d fallen asleep cradled against his chest.
You feel Husk’s eyes on you and you blink as you return to reality. He’s watching you with an amused look on his face, one eyebrow arched knowingly. You feel yourself warm as you realize he knows exactly where your mind has trailed to. His eyes flicker down over you appraisingly, sending heat shooting right through you. You smile at him, winking and pressing your tongue against the inside of your cheek twice just as Husk takes a sip from his bottle.
He bursts into a coughing fit as he chokes on burning whiskey. It’s enough to cut Pentious off mid-sentence, and you take the opportunity to stand, patting Pentious on the shoulder.
“Sorry, Pen, but I’m gonna let you two talk in private. I’ll see you in the morning for group activity, alright?” you say, and he blushes bright pink as you lean over to press a kiss to his cheek before he can comment on your abrupt change of plans. “Night, boys.”
Husk clears his throat as he finally stops coughing, equally surprised. “’Night, doll.”
“Good night.” Pentious tips his hat to you gallantly, earning him a smile from you. He returns it happily.
You shoot Husk a wink before clicking your fingers and disappearing into thin air – by far one of the better perks you had being stuck in Hell.
“It’sss ssso unnerving when she doesss that,” Pentious comments almost admiringly, jerking back in fright as Husk suddenly curses aloud.
Instead of appearing up in your room you’re suddenly on your knees behind the bar, and Husk jumps back as he notices you inches from his legs. You grin up at him as his fur stands on end, tail lashing behind him once, holding a finger to your lips before reaching up to unfasten his pants. Husk visibly swallows, eyes shooting back up to Pentious apprehensively. Still, when you press an open-mouthed kiss to the clothed bulge in his trousers, he shudders.
“What?!” Pentious exclaims, alarmed.
“Sorry!” Husk spits out hurriedly, eyes closing for a second as he feels you rub your hands up his thighs and your cheek nuzzling against his steadily hardening cock. He forces them open again, meeting Pentious’ eye again. “Sorry… broken glass. Must’ve missed some when I dropped it earlier… keep talkin’.”
Pentious hesitates a moment before returning to his monologue, and Husk braces his hands on the bar in front of him as you wrap your hand around the base of him and touch your tongue to the head of his cock.
There’s a tension in his thighs that makes you smirk as you take him into your mouth, savoring the taste of him against your tongue. The small barbs tickle along it as you withdraw again, suckling around the tip and squeezing the base until you hear him draw in a sharp breath.
You take him back in deeply again, the girth of his cock setting a light ache into your jaw as you fuck your mouth onto him slowly. Your fingers curl in the fabric of his pants, feel the firm muscle of his thigh twitch under your touch. When you pull away to breathe his hips move forward instinctively, chasing the feeling of your warm, wet mouth around him.
You’re dimly aware of Pentious still talking, of Husk making short, gruff responses and you have to hold back a snicker. You feel him thrust forward into your mouth just once in revenge, gagging as the head of him brushes the back of your throat. You pinch his thigh in retaliation and he jerks away from your touch.
The move does not go unnoticed by Pentious, and Husk curses, fumbling for an explanation.
“…Leg cramp,” he grunts, his claws digging into the wood as you take him back into your mouth and suck him in earnest. Under his breath he utters, “Fuck.”
You curl your tongue around the underside of him each time you withdraw. His thighs are quivering under your hands and he clears his throat again in the hopes of covering a groan. One hand slips into your hair for a moment, curling strands around his claws and guiding you into a quicker pace.
“Pen,” Husk practically growls the word, hand returning the bar above you in a fist. “You’re… overthinkin’ it.”
“I am?”
You look up as you deep-throat his cock, watching Husk’s jaw tense and his eyes close, brow furrowing, He exhales, nodding tightly.
“Jus’… talk to her.” Husk is struggling to maintain his composure; his wings are quivering so much that a few feathers join you on the floor.
“Really?” Pentious says almost incredulously. “You think she would be… receptive?”
“Fuck…” Husk replies, head dipping for a second. “Sure.”
“You really—”
“Yes!” Husk barks, a cattish yowl sounding in the back of his throat. “Now… jus’ fuck off, would ya?”
You choke around him as you fail to hold back a laugh at that, and when the snake demon finally makes his exit – hissing about the audacity of rude bartenders – Husk groans aloud, the sound filling the empty bar.
“Fuck, baby, you’re an evil little bitch…”
You hum, amused, around him and his eyes roll back. “Thank you, daddy.”
He chuckles brokenly, leaning heavily on the bar as his legs all but give out from under him. He thrusts into your mouth, curling one hand in your hair again so he can fuck your face. You wrap your arms around his thighs, helping to take his weight against you, saliva and pre-cum trailing down your chin and dripping onto your chest each time he meets the back of your throat.
“Fuuuuck…” Husk moans, his wings flapping “Christ, sugar, I’m…”
You flex your throat around him and Husk lets out a loud, throaty groan, head falling back as he buries himself deep in your throat and cums, flooding your mouth with the taste of him.
You swallow every drop of him, continuing to milk his cock with your lips until he’s shuddering and he pushes you gently away. He sighs heavily as you settle back against your calves, smirking proudly up at him, cheeks flushed and your lips stained with his cum.
Husk smiles affectionately down at you, running his claws gently across your cheek. “I swear, if Al didn’t already have my soul, you woulda just sucked it right outta me, doll.”
You giggle quietly. “Aren’t you sweet?”
His expression widens to a grin, and he bends down to bring his lips to yours. He hums against your lips as he tastes himself there. “Never claimed to be a poet, baby.”
You let him pull you to your feet, wrapping your arms around his neck. You feel the small of your back meet the edge of the bar as he kisses you again, his hands on your waist. He presses himself against you, his semi-stiff cock against your stomach.
“That’s okay,” you tell him between kisses. “There are so many other things you can do with your mouth.”
Husk laughs, voice deliciously warm, his forehead pressing against yours.
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rubyclover · 3 days
I said I can’t write but if felt nice getting that other idea out of my head. So I wrote this and will post. Technically I started trying to write this like a month ago… Please ignore the constant switching between past and present tense. It’s something I never seem to notice until someone else points out where it is.
Prompt: Professionals hate him but he was right! [Adam] Heaven and Hell come to the realization that The First Man played a larger part in the three realms’ political/social ecosystem than they thought. His absence leaves a vacuum that Lute is unable to fill but she may not need to because Hell is solving the problem themselves… The Morningstar Family can’t run from this.
No ABetaO we expire like Adam~
Imagine that Adam dies, the hotel has never looked better, the residents have healed up and Charlie gets another TV appearance. Lucifer is even more depressed than before but hides it. Adam is gone She’s going to reveal Sir Pentious’ redemption with evidence that is NOT childishly scribbled on key cards. Instead of the interview taking place in the 666News studio it’s held outside the hotel. She will take questions, live, right after the interview. Katie Killjoy wants to give the public a chance to cause chaos for ratings, so she puts Charlie in a vulnerable position.
Things go great… for the first 20 minutes. The interview isn’t even half way done when someone from the crowd interjects after Charlie says ‘The Sinners have a better life now that the Exterminations are permanently canceled.’
That person’s voice is calm but still pissed as Hell. They fire back that no, Sinners don’t have an easier life now that the Exterminations are over. It’s worse! Charlie and the crowd perk up.
The voice moves to the front. They’re short with plain street clothes, hood up. It’s obvious they’re poor and at the bottom of Hell’s pecking order. A couple of Imps are with them equally disheveled and tired looking. The man goes on to point out some rather hard truths.
Thanks to the last Extermination, angelic steel has become a hot commodity. While uncommon right now, there’s a pipeline to obtain an angelic weapon. All you need is enough money. Carmilla Carmine doesn’t care about how her product is used after purchase.
‘Permanent Murder’ is a new trend on HellTube netting ridiculous profits. The main targets are vulnerable Sinners, usually the scared and alone new arrivals, Imps and Hellhounds. All killed by beautifully glowing angelic weapons.
Overlords are more formidable with these weapons so the chance of contractees escaping, like Angeldust, has become damn near impossible even if they destroyed their contract. Some desperate souls were happy with their messed up immortality. It gave them some hope, ‘at least I have a chance to turn things around eventually,’ but that pathetic security is gone.
The Exterminations kept said Overlords in check to a degree. They were more inclined to take care of their underlings because that guaranteed their safety. Now? Just get an angelic gun for all your troubles. Valentino is having a fucking field day.
The ‘permadeath’ toll for one year will be ten times the amount of one Extermination Day considering how much Hell’s citizens like to kill Sinners…
Not to mention, whole industries in Hell, from top to bottom, are starting to crash. Their purpose or sales revolved around the Exterminations. Some workers cannot afford to lose their job and have to sell their soul against their will.
As the man speaks Charlie is surprised to see heads nodding in agreement! Someone comments that they hadn’t seen their Sinner friend in a few days and tries not to panic while another face falls in the crowd and wrings their hands together. An Imp with curved horns standing beside a young Hellhound sweats profusely and starts to leave. Tension moves through the public. Not just the ones in front of the stage but also those watching TV.
Despite her best efforts Charlie cannot lift the crowd’s mood. She realizes prematurely revealing Sir Pentious’ redemption is the only way to salvage this growing disaster. Unfortunately the man’s timing is perfect because the second she opens her mouth he turns his anger on the Morningstars.
He calls out how much her family misrepresents themselves as rulers. They don’t do anything for Hell anymore. They spend most of their time fucking around while the Sinners suffer. The other Sins manage their rings and hellborn, not Lucifer or Lilith. All three of the Morningstars can’t truly understand human suffering yet they profess to know how to best handle it. With no idea what it means to be human yet they pass judgement on them.
The crowd becomes agitated and the Imps beside the man move closer to him. They aren’t trying to draw safety from the Sinner but are taking defensive positions. Charlie realizes this isn’t someone speaking up in the heat of the moment. This is a planned speech. He’s highjacking her broadcast!
She sees the Sinner clench his fists and feels herself start to sweat. Why was he saying any of that? Yes, life will be a bit hard at first but now everyone can come together and rebuild! There are so many possibilities available to The Pride Ring. It would improve lives. Change was always good they just had to be careful. Yet the stranger goes on.
He claims that Lucifer is a washed up angel that can’t comprehend mortality because of his maladaptive dreaming and pride, Lilith is apathetic to Sinners and wishes to aggravate Heaven no matter how much Hell will suffer and Charlie is so sheltered that she thinks PTSD can be solved by clapping and saying positive affirmations.
Little is known about the royal family but the stranger’s comments sway the crowd. The hotel’s original commercials got the time of day because of Charlie’s status, not because the facility had managed to accomplish anything. Lucifer barely appears at all even when large fights break out leveling half of Pentagram City. And Lilith? Missing for 7 years after riling up all of Hell multiple times, causing Heaven to start the Exterminations.
The stranger calls the hotel a disgusting joke. Calls out how Charlie is trying to ‘pass the buck’ over to Heaven. The Pride Ring’s actual rulers are Overlords and they make sure Sinners suffer and continue to act depraved whether they like it or not. Her family has the power to take control and lessen the city’s suffering but they don’t. Instead they play with their little pet project .
Why are they focusing on shipping problems elsewhere? There’s a better way to solve the pain and suffering at the source than waiting! Fix Pentagram City! Show Heaven that the current number of Sinners isn’t a threat!
‘For all the crying and sniveling you do Princess Charlotte, you sure don’t actually help where it counts! I’m sure you care about Sinners but only on the same level as someone cares about cute public park ducks.’
Vaggie, who had been standing to the side of the stage leaps forward, places herself in between the stranger and her girlfriend. Everyone’s raised emotions have put her on edge. She ignores the harsh gasps when her angelic spear slides free and into her hands. ‘Back up! Now!’
Charlie’s heart sank at the escalation. She understood her girlfriend was still tense from the extermination but all their hard work was starting to fray around the edges! She just hoped her dad didn’t-
The King of Hell himself appears through a portal shortly after gathering himself together. The opening looked angrier in color, matching his mood. Sickly green lines run throughout the glow, radiating blistering heat. Parts of the stage began to melt and the forgotten camera crew swivel to their ruler. Lucifer’s face is set in stone but his bright flickering eyes give him away.
‘Who the fuck are you?’ He snarls, apple topped cane slamming onto the stage causing some of it to splatter. ‘How dare you speak to my daughter that way.’ Lucifer’s face morphs into a more demonic grimace. Katie Killjoy scrambles from her chair and off the stage at the same time as Charlie vaulting up to place a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder whispering ‘dad no!’ She doesn’t want the hotel’s improved reputation to evaporate. A confrontation with someone on live TV would scare people away!
Lucifer growls in the back of his throat, looking at where he assumes the bastard’s eyes are under his hood. Smoke and embers sizzle out from the corner of his mouth and inbetween teeth. He hated acting this way but he had an image to uphold. ‘Answer your King you wretch. Don’t confuse my inaction with benevolence. You’re testing my patience!’
After a beat or two of staring each other down the stranger has the gall to ‘tsk’ off to the side as if spitting. ‘As you with your majesty. It’s all fine by me.’ A small, scared hand reaches up and whips off the dirty hood exposing his face to all of Hell.
People instantly whip out their phones. His face is shockingly similar to Lucifer’s, in fact a basic carbon copy sans a few attributes.
Cameras catch alabaster skin and soft, blond, curly hair, short, wiry build, vivid green eyes, pale coral cheek markings, pointed ears and four demon wings the same color as his skin.
Leaf green eyes stair directly into Charlie’s while electing to ignore both fallen angels. He stands ramrod straight. Cutting a regal silhouette despite the filth on his body and clothes.
‘My name is Cain Adamson, The Wandering Star.’ He bows in a fashion Charlie hadn’t seen in all her galas. ‘Lucifer Morningstar’s first born and bastard son. It’s nice to finally meet you sister mine… I’ll be taking your family’s crown for my father.’
[So in this AU Cain rescued Adam’s body and resuscitated it. They had a familial bond even when Cain got banished for murdering Able and found out his bio dad was Lucifer. Eve didn’t pay much attention to her first born out of guilt so Adam stepped up. No one shamed her. Adam never felt like Cain was separate from his other kids even though he looked nothing like him. Now Cain wants to provide for his father who’s trapped in hell and in really bad condition by booting the Morningstars out of power in the Pride Ring.] Dunno about pairing but Adamsapple or Guitarhero would be a safe bet. Either way Lucifer will suffer lol
[wtf do I call this? Family Feud AU? Chessboard AU? Secret Brother AU? Idk h e l p ]
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sethsclearwater · 3 days
OKAY I RAN TO REQUEST THIS - I just saw a TikTok where a guy set up a game of uno on the bed next to his sleeping wife and put a few cards in her hand and then woke her up and told her it was her turn and she had to draw 4 so she wakes up all confused but starts playing and the husband keeps putting down +2 and +4 cards until she gets angry and goes back to sleep and you cannot tell me that it’s not poly!paul and Jared canon that they would go to GREAT LENGTHS to pull this prank with their chests and convince you that you’d all been playing uno for hours before you fell asleep and also you were losing (despite knowing you’re a grumpy loser)
Idk if the link is gonna work here but here it is anyway https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4tFr8H/
i don't think anything in this world could possible be more poly!paulxreaderxjared coded than this
"babe," jared's warm, calloused hand was gently running over your bicep, squeezing the muscle there to wake you up.
you hummed, groaning as you reached your hands up to blearily knuckle at your eyes only to realized you had something in your hand. once you'd gotten your eyes opened, you saw 6 bright yellow uno cards staring you in the face.
confused, you looked over to jared and then paul, both of whom also had uno cards in their hands (suspiciously, both jared and paul only had 3). "it's your turn princess," paul encouraged after a moment, both boys eagerly waiting to see what you were going to do next.
you frowned, furrowing your eyebrows together as you tried to figure out when the hell you were playing uno with them. from the best of your memory, you'd fallen asleep waiting for the two of them to come home from patrol and weren't up when they actually did arrive.
much to jared and paul's delight, your paranoia about looking like you couldn't remember anything got the better of you just nodded, yawning before you laid down a yellow 1 card.
while you tried to figure out how you were going to get rid of any cards when all you had were yellow ones, paul and jared were quick to both lay down cards: paul with a yellow 5 and jared with a red 5.
with a huff, you pulled a card from the stack in the middle, and it was (unfortunately for you) a blue 3 - nothing of any use for you. so you continued to pull cards, needing to pull over 10 cards to finally get a red or a 5 thanks to paul and jared fucking around with the card stack prior to waking you up.
"what the fuck," you mumbled, still not entirely sure if you were in some kind of weird fever dream or something as you laid down the red 5 that you'd managed to pull.
you now sported a stack of 15 cards while jared and paul were down to only 2 each, "sheesh babe," jared laughed, "must be bad luck or something," he added, both him and paul barely containing their laughter over your disgruntled expression.
while paul laid down a blue 5, jared went and smacked down a green 3. you looked back down at your stack of a whopping 15 cards, quickly realizing that something was definitely up seeing as your entire stack was yellow and none of them were a 3.
"okay you know what this is just stupid-" you started, rolling your eyes as you tossed your cards down so you could get up. both paul and jared burst into laughter then as you got up and stormed off into the bathroom so you could splash some water on your face.
of course, both boys were quick to follow you into the bathroom, already prepared to deal with your wrath once you pieced together that they not only woke you up in the middle of the night, but woke you up in the middle of the night just to fuck with your head.
"oh poor babe," jared drolled when he saw the pout on your face as you splashed some water on you. he came to step behind you, sliding his hands over your hips so he could pull your back against his.
"jared cameron!" you snapped when you felt the way he ground his hips into yours. you sat up, spinning around to smack his bicep before prying his hands off of your hips so you could go grab a hand towel to wipe your face off.
jared was cracking himself up, wrapping his beefy arm around your shoulders so he could pull you close and press a rather sloppy kiss to your temple before he was releasing you so your other imprinter could have a turn.
"careful, she's real feisty," jared teased as he passed paul so he could head back into the bedroom to presumably clean up the gaslighting uno game they'd played with you.
you were glaring holes into the back of jared's (beyond well sculpted) shoulders, quickly giving up when paul stepped into your line of sight, "princess," he chuckled, sliding his hands over your waist so he could pull you into his chest for a tight hug despite the fact that you had now crossed your arms over your chest, "'m sorry," he mumbled into your hair, his lips curling into a smile, "you're just so easy to mess with," he added, laughing when you rolled your eyes, squirming out of his death grip so you could storm back into the bedroom where jared was now laying down, one arm flexed behind his head as he held some uno cards in the other, already knowing how absolutely crazy you went over seeing his muscles like that.
"round 2?" jared proposed, smirking when you huffed, stomping over to him so you could snatch the pile of cards out of his hands.
"only if you two fuckers play fair-" you grumbled as you got back onto the bed, cracking a smile when paul came and sat down behind you, pulling you inbetween his legs.
"of course we'll play fair," paul reassured, that same teasing tone in his voice that had you knowing they would definitely be tag-teaming you again shortly.
"nice try lahote," you rolled your eyes as you looked over your shoulder at him, "you're gonna see all my cards like this," you added and he dramatically covered his eyes with one hand.
"promise i won't peak," he mused, laughing when you rolled your eyes but obliged nonetheless, seeming to enjoy the heat that being in his lap provided you.
you quickly shuffled the cards before passing them around so all three of you could get back to playing.
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cobaltperun · 1 day
Genius (9) - Haven't Had Enough
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Cairo Sweet x female (G!P) Reader
Summary: It was such a cliché, a reunion she didn’t expect to ever happen, let alone six years after she last saw you. It was supposed to mean nothing, a bit of nostalgia, maybe a brief catching up while waiting for class, it was supposed to be a small wave of nostalgia, not a tsunami that disrupted her entire life. You were her opposite, and as hard as she tried she couldn’t resist your pull.
Story masterlist / First part / Previous Part
Word count: 3.1k
-Testing, testing, I'm just suggesting, you and I might just be the best thing-
The sound of some bird pecking at the tree near her window made Cairo groan as she turned in her bed and covered her head with the pillow. She thought she’d be used to different sounds wild animals made near her house, but no, she still occasionally woke up. Once upon a time she thought it had something to do with the fact that she lived alone, so sudden noises woke her up due to survival instinct or something. It was still annoying,
Well, she probably wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep again, so she pushed the pillow off her head and turned to lie on her back. She blinked and glanced to the side, to an empty side of the bed. She was yet to figure out if you were a morning person or not, but you definitely handled mornings better than she did, and though she was still sleepy, she smiled rolling over to your side of the bed and just took a deep breath. The two of you gave up your weekend getaway, but yesterday was still wonderful, and Cairo loved having you around. She grabbed her phone and quickly typed: ‘I’m awake, come and read?’ she sent to you, not yet ready to leave the comfort of her bed.
What she didn’t expect was for you to come in, acoustic guitar in hand. “Can I?” you asked, lifting the guitar up a bit as Cairo sat up, curious.
“Sure,” she told you, smiling a bit.
You sat at the foot of the bed, facing her with the guitar on your lap and though you were using a different guitar she recognized the melody of the song you played on your first date. Could she call it a date? Hanging out? The first time you were all alone in years and catching up.
She still didn’t know what the song was, even though she pestered you about it yesterday as well. You just smiled and refused to tell her.
“I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,” you actually began singing and her eyes widened, she didn’t realize you could sing. You kept singing the song she has never heard before, though it did sound vaguely familiar. “I could stay lost in this moment forever, where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure,” you looked at her so softly she nearly got up and kissed you right then and there.
She didn’t want to interrupt the song though.
“Don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall asleep, 'cause I'd miss you, baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing,” she saw it in your eyes, the song was meant for her that day as much as it was meant for her right now and she just wished she realized it back then. “'Cause even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream would never do, I'd still miss you, baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing,”
You kept singing and the words, the emotion you were putting into the song, the way you were looking at her, like she was the only one for you. Cairo tossed the blanket aside and crawled over to you, not interrupting you, just caressing your cheek slowly, hoping you could see just how much she loved you in her eyes.
“I don't wanna miss one smile, I don't wanna miss one kiss, well, I just wanna be with you, right here with you, just like this,” you leaned to the side, kissing her open palm. “I just wanna hold you close, I feel your heart so close to mine, and just stay here in this moment, for all the rest of time,” you weren’t done, but she just had to kiss you.
Her lips met yours and she heard you putting the guitar next to you before she felt your hands on her sides, pulling her closer. She sat on your lap, her kiss deep, desperate, filled with longing for you once more despite kissing you just last night and she felt a shiver run down her spine as your thumb brushed against her cheek.
“Not a bad way to wake up?” you teased her lightly, still holding her close.
“The perfect way to wake up,” she sighed, kissing you once more.
You never thought anyone could have this kind of an effect on you, that anyone could make you this reliant on their presence in your life. Yet, here you were, parking your motorcycle in front of Cairo’s house first thing in the morning. You managed to somehow spend the last night apart, and you woke up to your phone ringing as if the world was ending.
Not that you minded, Cairo being possessive was probably something you should have expected. You took your helmet off and entered the house. “Cairo! I’m here!” you shouted at the top of your lungs, because damn this place was huge.
“Upstairs!” she yelled back, causing you to make your way to her room. You knocked, because why not and you could swear you heard her rolling her eyes.
“Come in,” she sounded amused as you opened the doors and stepped inside her room. “Hey,” she was still in her pajamas as she closed the distance between you and gave you a quick, soft kiss, the pure contrast with the hungry kiss from last night when you were leaving.
“Hi,” you smiled, still not used to being like this with her.
“Should I wear a skirt or shorts?” she whispered as her fingers crawled up from your waist to the back of your head. There it was, Cairo’s insatiability, her need to be loved, desired, yearned for.
“Tempting, but option C, jeans, tracksuit pants, whatever, you’re not getting on my motorcycle unless you’re dressed properly,” you pulled her closer to you as she jokingly pouted and then leaned her head on your shoulder.
“So cruel to your girlfriend,” she sighed, lamenting and cursing your cruelty toward her wardrobe.
“Mhm, so very cruel,” you agreed, pulling away from her and heading outside.
“How about you stay and watch me change?” Cairo called out.
“Tempting,” you laughed. “Did you eat anything?” you asked, already at the doors.
Cairo shook her head. “No, I dozed off after I called you,” she said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice, and that explained why she still wasn’t ready.
“I’ll go make you something,” you promised, and that was perhaps the best decision, as her stomach complained at that exact moment.
Cairo blushed and went to the bathroom while your laughter resounded through the house.
The two of you, and Winnie, came to the class, a few minutes earlier than necessary, but still later than Cairo and Winnie usually arrived. And it showed, as the damn man waiting in the classroom looked like he was abandoned until he saw Cairo walking in hand in hand with you. You noticed his back straightening when he saw your and Cairo’s hands still interlocked.
“Hello!” Winnie greeted him enthusiastically and dropped her things on her table.
“Good morning,” Cairo greeted him, though not as enthusiastically as Winnie and you just sort of nodded in his direction until Cairo nudged you with her elbow.
“Morning,” you grumbled, for you were whipped.
“Good morning,” he replied, his eyes still on Cairo’s hand.
“Oh, lovebirds got together, I think their hands might be stuck together,” Winnie laughed when she noticed Miller’s reaction. “They only share your class, so you’ll have to forgive them.”
“Right, of course, it’s not a problem,” it definitely was a problem, you could see it in his eyes, and you thought back to him being at Cairo’s place, at his reaction to you coming, as if he was caught doing something he shouldn’t.
And you weren’t sure how you managed not to wrap your hand around Cairo’s waist and glare until the message not to try anything with her got across.
You still smiled when Cairo leaned in closer and got on her toes to kiss your cheek before you sat down at the table.
It’s intoxicating.
The sensations, the sounds, the smell, the taste, the view.
She was told to write what she knows, and now she knew all of those. The touch of your hand on her skin, the feel of your jacket, or your shirt underneath her palms. The sound of your voice, or the music you played for her. The smell of your perfume, the taste of your lips, of you, and the view, you in her room, playing a guitar as she wrote, that smile, that damn smile, innocent or not, that damn, intoxicating smile.
So, she wrote what she knew, inspired, consumed by passion and the need to write. Devoured by her thoughts replaying everything that happened. She tried to make it innocent, to replicate Henry Miller’s style without being explicit, yet in the end she couldn’t restrain the passion, she just, reigned it in, depicting the passion, but not the intimate act itself.
“Y/N,” she called out to you, momentarily stopping the sweet melody you were playing for her. “Could you read this?” she offered you her laptop as you raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, of course,” you were more than willing to read, you were just used to Cairo reading to you. Nonetheless, you sat down next to her and scrolled to the top of the essay, and she just watched you.
She watched the admiration in your eyes, the ease with which the words flowed into you from the page, and she knew she did a great job, just from that alone. She watched as you realized who the characters were, and she knew the exact moment you realized it. You read about the letter, and your eyes widened ever so slightly, but you didn’t stop reading, not even to look at her to check if you were correct in your assumption.
Cairo took notice of every small reaction you had, the way your fists and jaw clenched, your eyes narrowing in anger, and she knew which part caused those feelings as well. She watched you struggle to swallow as your free hand grasped the sheets of the bed the two of you were sitting on, you reached that part. “Damn,” you hissed, breathing in sharply and just for a moment you glanced at her, at the mischievous, yet proud grin on her face.
“Keep going, my madness,” she whispered, tilting your head to the side so you would keep reading. And then she just lied down, still watching your expression as you returned your attention to her essay. When you were done you set the laptop aside and sighed.
“Did you feel like this? Before I came on Friday?” you asked her and she adored you, out of all the parts, you chose to ask about that first.
“Mr. Murphy looked at Alice, loomed over her, making her feel as if she lost all control over the situation. It wasn’t meant for him, but he couldn’t know that, and Alice knew how alluring she looked, and she saw in his eyes the temptation he was about to give into. She dreaded it, now knowing she should have stopped his touches, innocent, supportive at the first glance, but she didn’t,” she recited, repeating the words she wrote in her essay and watching you as your face twisted into the image of fury, the anger directed at Miller threatening to consume you. And Cairo wondered if she should have read it to you. You memorized it now, entirely and without a single mistake, knowing exactly what she felt in the brief moments before you arrived, while she was all alone with Miller.
“I should have punched him,” you moved as if you were about to get up, to either pace the room, or go straight to Miller’s house and attack him. Or anything between those two options, and Cairo wanted none of that.
“Y/N,” she grabbed your hand and pulled you back, and though you didn’t immediately, or entirely comply with her demands, she still managed to pull you on top of her. “Focus on the good things. You came when I needed you,” she assured you, her forehead pressed against your own, your weight on top of her felt comforting, it felt close, it felt right.
“This is your assignment?” you asked, the anger in your voice fading as her hands roamed your back, and Cairo just nodded. “He won’t like this, Cairo,” you told her. “And it’s got nothing to do with how well you write, because you write amazingly well, it’s the implications.”
It wasn’t like she didn’t recognize that potential issue, but this was everything she promised to write. Written in the style of Henry Miller, unapologetic, something that would no doubt be censored, controversial, he agreed to it, knowing exactly what kind of writing Cairo was going to emulate. He knew, and he allowed it.
And if she, merely eighteen, just barely an adult, understood that she sent him signals she shouldn’t have, then he, old enough to be her father, should have understood the implications of her chosen writer.
The email she got the night she sent the essay caused her heart to skip a beat. It was short, simple, ‘meet me tomorrow after classes’ and she glanced at you, sleeping peacefully next to her. She wondered if she should tell you, if she should bring you along. That would mean waiting for her, since you finished earlier than her and tomorrow was Friday, so she really didn’t want to make you spend more time at school than you needed to. So, she stayed silent, hiding her anxiety at the brevity of the mail and what it could mean.
She was barely able to fall asleep, and only did so after you, while still asleep, moved to hold her closer. It wasn’t until she was fully wrapped up in your warmth that her own heart calmed down and she could fall asleep.
Tomorrow morning, she woke up the moment you moved away from her, before you even had the chance to get up. “Y/N,” she mumbled sleepily.
“Hey, sorry I woke you up,” you whispered apologetically, but she just grabbed your waist and pulled you back until she could tuck her head underneath your chin. “Cairo? Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Bad dream,” she lied, not yet ready to be without your warmth.
“It’ll be fine, it was just a dream,” you whispered, your fingers soothingly running through her hair.
She nodded, though she couldn’t shake off the bad feeling.
When she finished her final class and was about to head to Miller’s classroom, she was a nervous, anxious wreck even though both you and Winnie tried to get her to relax and calm down. She didn’t tell either of you what was going on, she just made-up different excuses she knew neither of you were buying.
She packed her things, made sure everything was there and got up from her seat. She nodded goodbye to the teacher and went outside, last, with no one waiting for her. And then she saw you and Winnie standing there.
“What are you-“ she just stood there, shocked.
“I figured it out,” you sighed, pushing away from the wall and taking her hand while Winnie went to her other side and put her arm around Cairo’s shoulder.
“Mr. Miller didn’t like your essay?” Winnie guessed.
“I don’t know. He asked me to meet him after classes today,” Cairo finally told you and Winnie, and despite the dread she felt, she felt calmed now that she no longer had to hide it.
“We’re going with you,” you left no room for argument.
“What the biker girl said, I’m sure it’ll be fine, but we’ll be there for you,” Winnie agreed.
And Cairo, she felt better. “Just stay in the hall,” just the fact that she had you and Winnie in the hall would be more than enough, and while you sighed, not liking that she would be alone in the classroom, you reluctantly agreed.
The doors of Miller’s classroom felt daunting, it felt like going into the lair of a wounded beast, and she wasn’t sure if she could do it if she didn’t know she wasn’t alone here. She knocked and came in, her eyes meeting his own, filled with fury.
“You asked me to come and see you,” she said as she closed the doors behind her.
“I did,” she watched as his jaw clenched and he tossed the papers, she guessed her essay to her desk, only for them to slide off to the floor. “What were you thinking?”
She crouched down to pick the essay up and when she looked up, he was already standing and was closing the distance between them until all that stood between them was the table and two chairs.
“I did your assignment, in the style of Henry Miller, as you agreed,” she didn’t allow her voice to show any signs of her feelings, she forced herself to sound confident, to defiantly look him in the eyes.
“You weren’t meant to write porn. Alice felt her innocence being stripped away from her by her lover, as aroused as she was, she felt no pain, only the deep desire and need radiating from both of them as she was taken, her body adjusting to the sensations of being full,” he repeated a section of her writing.
“I think it’s rather tame compared to Miller,” she defended her writing. “It’s erotic, pornography would have been much more explicit,” she said.
“Enough!” he slammed his palm on the table, and she flinched at the resounding force of the impact. “Not only is the writing inappropriate, you depicted me as a predator, as if I was about to fuck you whether you agreed to it or not!” he yelled. “And don’t even try to pretend it isn’t me, you and L/N, you wrote everything that happened, you-“
The doors slammed open, and Cairo turned around as you came in, quickly followed by Winnie.
“And you brought them here,” Miller turned away, shaking his head in disbelief. “Unbelievable,” he then turned around, pointed his finger at Cairo and with fury in his eyes said the words that made her feel nauseous. “I won’t even let you rewrite it, I’m failing you.”
A/N: Thoughts?
Taglist: @deimaisgail @bee-keeping @marvelous-disaster @jmwetterlund @tekanparadiae
@alexkolax @ioveyouyouloveme @aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh @autorasexy @lifeforsimp13
@puta1 @minnyyminny
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tsukimara · 2 days
𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛?𔓘
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➸ "Forever together" Masterlist (Important)
➸ A silent voice / Koe no katachi AU
➸ Warning: Bullying, death wish, overthinking (?), anxiety.
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➸ Chapter 3
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Scaramouche immediately pulled his hand away from her, a small blush on his face. She didn't know why he reacted like that, she just wanted to be friends with him.
"What's your problem?!" — Heizou noticed the small blush on Scaramouche's cheeks and started to laugh quietly at him but got a sharp look from Scaramouche to shut up. He looked at her again and then she saw him take her notebook and throw it into the water nearby.
"Scara, was it really necessary-" — Scaramouche interrupted Kazuha — "Let's just go." — But as they were about to go, they heard the splash of water, and as they turned around, they saw her trying to find her notebook. Scaramouche started laughing at her but she still tried to find her notebook without giving up.
Scaramouche saw nothing wrong with bullying her. After all, it was her fault for ruining the entire atmosphere in the classroom, if it weren't for her, everything would be the same as before. This gave him satisfaction.
"Class, we would like to discuss something with you that is very important, that's why the principal is here." — Said Mr. Ragnvindr who had his arms crossed which showed he was not in a mood. The principal cleared his throat and began to speak — "This is about [ Name ] [ Last Name ] who, as you can see, is not with us here today. Yesterday we received a call from [ Name ]'s father. [ Name ]'s hearing aids have been broken or gone missing. Hearing aids are very expensive. Her father believes [ Name ] is being bullied." — There was silence in the class — "If any of you have seen [ Name ] being harassed or abused at school, I need you to tell me who is doing it. If no one says anything, unfortunately I will have to call your parents."
Scaramouche moved his leg nervously, he didn't even know why he was reacting like that. He noticed his hand shaking on the desk, he knew he had to tell the truth but was he sure? If he counted all the hearing aids he had destroyed, he knew his mother might even be short of money.
"This is a really serious matter and the school does not accept bullying-" "Raiden!" — The shout of his name brought him back to earth as he quickly stood up. Mr. Ragnvindr frowned at him, he tried to look less nervous but failed miserably.
"Now Megistus, you're sitting right next to him, what have you seen?" — Mona was a bit surprised when the teacher involved her in this, she didn't want to get in trouble, so she cleared her throat nervously — "Well, it's kind of true, he does tease her a little uhh like he makes fun of her." — Scara looked at her in disbelief. It's true what she said, but he didn't think she would say it and she didn't say it either, that she was talking behind her back.
"And Kaedehara?"
Kazuha was Scaramouche's best friend, he didn't want him to get in trouble but he also couldn't lie, what he did to [ Name ] was truly cruel. He felt guilty for not doing anything, so he looked away so as not to meet Scaramouche's gaze, who probably thought he would support him in this matter.
"It's... True."
Scaramouche couldn't believe what he heard — "What? It's not fair! You all made fun of her too! Everyone did it! I swear it's true! Especially Mona and Sucrose!" — When he finished, Sucrose suddenly started crying. She took off her glasses to wipe away the tears that were falling.
"That's mean... I would never do anything like that. How... How could you say something like that...?" — The entire class started whispering and some even looked at Scaramouche with furious expressions for making Sucrose cry. Why was everyone looking at him like that? It wasn't just his fault! Why did everyone blame only him and not the rest?! Why?!
From that day on, his 'friends' turned away from him. Most of them looked at him in disgust for what he had done. That's why he's sitting in dirty water now, because he was pushed in, a soaked school bag with books is lying next to him, some of them even fell completely into the water, and one was on his head. He saw his 'friends' walk away, not wanting to have anything to do with him today. Reluctantly, he started to take his books out of the water when suddenly he saw a notebook, but it wasn't his, and when he opened it, he saw a signature.
6-2 [ Name ] [ Last Name ]
So this was her notebook, huh? He thought she took it out. He started looking through her notebook, the first few pages had many nice words written on them, such as 'good luck' , 'you look nice' and others. Turning to the next pages, he saw that people were no longer writing nice things, on the contrary. They were also annoyed that they had to keep helping her and she only replied 'I'm sorry'. He shook his head, not believing that he had read it, like it or not, he took the notebook and headed towards his house. He was soaked and especially today he wanted to avoid his mother, so he discreetly entered the house, when he thought he had succeeded, he suddenly heard her.
"Kunikuzushi!" — But he completely ignored her as he climbed the stairs — "Come back here! I'm talking to you!" — She followed him, not wanting to leave him alone when the school called her and informed her about everything
"Kunikuzushi. They called from school...wait a minute, why are you so wet?" — Scaramouche had his back to her, but she could see water dripping from him and his school bag.
"Leave me alone. I jumped in the river like always." — He wanted to go to his room and never come out again, but his mother wouldn't leave him alone, continuing the conversation — "Have you been causing trouble at school?"
"Then why did I get a call from your teacher this afternoon?"
"Okay fine! It's true!" — Scaramouche couldn't stand it anymore and yelled, looking into her eyes. He saw in her eyes that she was disappointed. He no longer had the strength to explain himself to her.
"Get cleaned up, We're going to [ Last Name ]." — With that, she left and he just tightened his grip on [ Name ] notebook.
Scaramouche sat in the back of the car watching out the window as his mother took the bank's money, he frowned when he noticed how much his mother had taken. Then they arrived at the place where [ Name ]'s father was waiting for them, he didn't look angry but he didn't look calm either. He had long white hair that reached down to his waist, pale skin and dark blue eyes that could kill with just one look, or at least that's what he felt. Leaning against the car, he saw his mother handing money to [ Name ]'s father. Scaramouche couldn't read his expression as to what he was thinking now, it was still the same. His mother waved at him and left with [ Name ]'s father, who frowned as he looked at Scara, making him shiver a little.
He knew it would take some time so he decided to walk around the area. While walking, he noticed a staircase going down so he went down but suddenly stopped when he saw [ Name ]. She was sitting on a bench feeding pigeons with bread, she didn't even realize he was standing there. What was she doing here?! Not wanting to be noticed, he quickly hid behind a column. He wanted to walk behind her, but he accidentally tripped over the uneven sidewalk, causing the pigeons to get scared and fly away.
"What are you looking at?!" — Scaramouche quickly ran towards the steps to the bridge. He didn't expect her here, he thought her father came here without her. Panting, he placed his hands on his knees as he reached the bridge. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her again, but she wasn't alone, but with her father this time. He wanted to say he was sorry but his ego wouldn't let him and why should he be the only one apologizing? Her father looked him up and down.
"What a vulgar face... Just like your mother's." — Her father started to lead her to the car when he said this. She didn't know what he said so she just smiled and Scaramouche clenched his fist when he heard it. They are comparing him to his mother again.
"Let's go home, Kuni." — He scoffed when he heard how she called him but didn't add anything else. This day was hard and exhausting for him, he preferred not to have another argument with his mother. He thought everything would be back to normal tomorrow, but he was wrong.
The next day at school, when he was about to change his shoes, he saw that they had pins in them, just like he did to [ Name ]...
After she came.
His friends changed.
He changed.
They used to get along so well.
He got hit in the head with the ball from his 'friends', just like he did to [ Name ] ...
It's all her fault.
His shoes were thrown into the garbage, just like he did to [ Name ]...
[ Name ] [ Last Name ].
They took his school bag and threw all his stuff on the ground, just like he did to [ Name ]...
He hates her.
He was doused with a garden hose, just like he did to [ Name ]...
He was interrupted from his thoughts by [ Name ] who crouched down next to him and started picking up his things that were scattered around. When she noticed that he was looking at her, she smiled, which irritated him and he sharply grabbed his things from her.
"Get your hands off my stuff! Go away!" — He didn't want HER to help him. He didn't want any of HER help. He didn't want HER to feel sorry for him. He wasn't like HER. She didn't know what to do, so she decided to leave when she saw him herding her with his hand. She just wanted to help him.
"Gone?!" — Scaramouche whispered to himself when he noticed his shoes were missing. He was furious but chose to ignore it. After all, he wanted this life, right? It's not boring anymore...
Every day something had to happen. He couldn't sit in the classroom because his chair disappeared several times, and while cleaning, others dropped dirt on him, saying it was an accident and his shoes often disappeared.
"You lost your shoes again?" — Ei asked him as they were eating dinner and his sister was sitting across from him — "Yeah, I lost them in the river."
He noticed his mother frowning, not really believing him, but he didn't want to show that he was weak — "Do you want me to talk to your teacher?" — What did she care anyway? — "About what?"
"About your shoes..." — Scaramouche rolled his eyes and scoffs — " I told you I lost them in the river!" — Ei just sighed and went back to eating. She hoped he really lost his shoes in the river and not because of something else.
While going to school, he started thinking about the words his teacher once told him. 'Your responsibility...' It kept going through his mind over and over again, and he started to notice that he was walking with his head in the clouds. which hadn't happened to him before. What's happening to him?
After putting on a new pair of shoes, he walked towards his classroom with his hands in his pockets. As he was about to enter the room, he noticed [ Name ] soaking a cloth and wiping the words off her desk? She's still being bullied? Sucks to be her... Wait, no. That was his desk...
Unexpectedly, he moved her away from his desk, which had many things written on it, but what stood out the most was the large "DIE" written in the middle... So they wanted his dead...? He stared blankly at the sign and then his attention was caught by the fresh flowers on the windowsill, which [ Name ] probably brought. Did that mean she came here every morning and erased the writing on his desk?
Stupid girl.
He felt her put a hand on his shoulder but he moved away from her. She's stupid. Why did she do it? Why did she remove them? He treated her badly!
"Get out!" — He exclaimed in her face as she held the cloth she was wiping his desk close to her, he knew she couldn't hear me so he showed her the door with his finger, she just nodded slowly and left the classroom. He was alone now, the silence squeaking uncomfortably in his ears as he rested his hands on his desk. She really pisses him off! He felt his tears wanting to fall so he quickly wiped them away with his sleeve, his stomach turning around from the stress.
[ Name ] [ Last Name ]
He hated her...
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➸ Sorry it's short, but I'm often busy right now. I think that after June 18, I'll be able to write more often :D
➸ And in the next chapter they will be older.
➸ Umm I don't know why I can't tag two people- (I will try later again)
➸ Have a good night or day! 🫶
(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ TAGLIST — @leafyaa , @luvkvni , @sayakaskokofish , @sketcheeee , @featuredtofu , @fallenisded , @skyvella , @mimiemie , @enjisthings , @xxrexx , @ylapsha45 , @shonoko-en , @blacky-rose , @0kauy , @vernith , @riinstar , @sl-vega ,
Red = I can't tag you
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buckysgrace · 3 days
Gator x fem!reader
She has an interesting way to get out of a speeding ticket;)
and maybe Gator's dashcam is still on:)
Love E
Love you, E hope you enjoy this 🥹
CW: Blowjobs, unprotected sex, degradation, handcuff usage
You promise Gator you'll stop speeding in a unique way.
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"Get out."
"Aw," You whined as you looked up at him, wincing at the way he shined his bright flashlight into your eyes, "Do I have to? It's cold out." You tried to reason, glancing at how dark it was already.
"You were speeding." He responded with a bored tone, looking as if he couldn't be swayed. You knew that he could. He just needed to be pushed in the right direction.
"Not that much," You pouted as you rested your hands on your lap, "I just got off of my shift, Gator. C'mon." You told him as you glanced towards the clock on your dash, figuring that his shift must've just started.
"I didn't ask, did I?" He replied with a cocky grin on his lips, "So step out of the vehicle before I make you." He blinked slowly, taking in the way you sighed deeply thought your nose before you pushed the door open with more force than usual.
"Why do I have to get out for a ticket? Gator-, okay this isn't funny." You replied as he slammed the door shut, just to push you up against your vehicle.
"Never said it was." He hummed as he pressed your legs far apart, then began to bring his hands up against your shoulders.
"You can't arrest me!" You protested, "I haven't done anything!" You told him seriously, sure that he was doing this just to be a dick.
"Reckless driving," He said as he patted his hands roughly against your hips, "I have every right to take you down to the station." He added, making you panic just a little bit. You wouldn't be the talk of the town by being arrested for such a silly thing.
"Wait, wait," You said quickly, wiggling as he pressed your hands behind your back, "Can't you give me a warning?" You pleaded as you flipped your head towards him, batting your eyelashes in the sweetest way you could muster.
"Why would I do that?" He snorted as he watched you. His tone suggested otherwise, but you could see the interest in his brown eyes. He wanted to know what you had to say.
"I'll make it worth your while," You pleaded with him, "Please. I promise I won't do it again." You grinned in a soft manner, chewing on your bottom lip at the way his touch became softer against you.
He watched you for the longest time, brown eyes swimming with curiosity as he drifted them across your features. You pouted your bottom lip out and fluttered your eyelashes, knowing just how easy it was to sway his mind.
“You better make it good.” He grumbled as he stepped back, glancing around like he wasn't sure if it would be safe. You knew it would be. You and him were the only ones on this long stretch of dirt road.
“C’mere,” You teased him as you gripped his hands, shuffling him into your backseat, “Turn that off.” You instructed as you clambered in next to him, careful not to get too close to his exposed gun.
“What?” He looked down at his chest, staring at the bodycam for a second before he turned his attention towards you once again.
“Camera,” You responded as you tapped your fingers against it, “I don’t need your buddies seeing this.” You said seriously, quite sure that he would proudly show it off.
“They’re already gonna know,” He said smugly as he raised his eyebrows, “Best go ahead and put that pretty mouth to good use.”
You shook your head as you tugged at his pants, struggling for a moment before you got his belt unhooked and the buttons on his pants undone.
You tentatively moved your hand over his thighs, pausing across the bulge that was forming in his boxers. He hissed out, shifting back in the chair as you felt a bright smirk forming on your lips. He was so easy to get a reaction out of.
You lowered yourself to his lap, resting your tits against his thigh as he quickly shot his eyes down towards you. He always liked to watch, like he was afraid he was going to miss something.
You slipped your hand through his boxers, giving his long cock a soft squeeze before you pulled him out. His tip was pinky and leaking, precum drizzling down the curve of him as you felt your stomach twisting in pleasure.
"Don't stop," He mumbled, his brown eyes wide and filled with lust as he stared at the way his tip rested near your lips, "C'mon." He pleaded a little more desperate, his eyebrows wrinkling together as you slid your fist up towards his tip.
He jolted, moving his hips forward as you resisted a giggle. You pressed your lips against his tip, messily sliding your tongue out against the taste of him.
The smell of him was just as intoxicating as his heavy cock against your tongue as you slid him inside of your mouth. You bobbed your head slowly, building a steady rhythm as his groans spurred you on.
You moaned as you felt your eyes closing as your senses became full of him. The bastard left an ache between your legs, making you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside as you gripped his thighs for support.
His cock twitched inside of your mouth as he pushed down on your neck, pressing his cock further inside of you. You gagged as his tip hit the back of your throat, spit falling freely as he began to jerk his hips forward with the motions of your mouth.
He reached his hand underneath your top, rubbing slowly against the band of your bra as you swallowed around his thick girth. Your moans were muffled as his groans filled the car, his thighs quaking underneath your touch.
You gasped as he gripped your neck with your free hand, tugging you away from his cock as saliva pooled from your lips. His eyes were darker than usual, filled with want as he messily pushed your spit back into your mouth.
“What are you doing?" You asked breathlessly, cautious not to bite down on his thumb before you licked at his skin. You certainly hoped that the video would only be for his eyes.
“I can’t concentrate on your mouth if you’re dressed.” He replied with a smirk, looking proud of himself as he began to tug your shirt up over your shoulders.
“You’re ridiculous.” You told him seriously as you pressed a finger against his shoulder, grinning at the way his eyes widened as he stared at your chest. His cheeks burned a shade of pink before he moved to unsnap your bra, cursing as he struggled with it.
“We can go down to the station if you’d rather.” He grumbled as he brought his nimble fingers down the curve of your arms. You felt goosebumps forming on your skin, a gasp leaving your lips as he brought his calloused hands up to your tits.
“Fine,” You mumbled as you leaned against his touch, “But nobody better see this.” You warned him, not quite reassured by the way he laughed. You shifted a bit, tugging your pants and panties down next.
“Just me, myself and I,” He promised, all smug as he settled back, “Don’t leave me hanging now, darling." He mumbled as he brought his hand back to his throbbing cock, giving himself a few strokes as he brought his free hand down against your thigh.
You yelped at the contact, enjoying the feeling of your skin burning from where he'd smacked your skin. You could feel your clit aching from the contact, desperately needing something. You could feel how wet you were; it was pathetic.
"Look at her," Gator cooed as he brought his fingers against your clit, a whine leaving your mouth at the way he playfully touched you, "Your pretty little tang is soaked. Need me that bad, baby?"
"No," You whimpered, denying your own want despite the proof in front of you, "S'fine." You spit out, your mind feeling fuzzy as you gripped a hold of his knees. You leaned back, moaning softly as you began to grind yourself against his fingers. It felt good, far too good. The bastard.
He leaned forward, his lips ghosting against your collarbone as he took a languid lick of your skin. You moaned at the sensation, closing your eyes as he moved two fingers down to your wet hole.
He teasingly moved them in circles, collecting your slick on his long fingers as he moved his other hand to your hip. He squeezed your soft flesh as he nipped at your neck, finding the perfect way to distract you.
You gasped at the feeling of your wrists being pinched behind your back as he slid two of his fingers inside of you with ease. You moaned loudly, unable to focus on the fact that you were handcuffed. You focused on the way you stretched around his fingers, at the way he slowly dragged them in and out of your slick walls.
"She sounds pretty desperate to me," He mumbled as he settled back, wearing a cocky grin at the way you began to move yourself onto his fingers, "Look at you. Fucking whore. You want my cock?" He mumbled, sending more jolts of pleasure though your body.
"Uh huh," You nodded along, gasping at the way he curled his fingers deep inside of you to reach that spongy spot that you craved for, "Want you so bad, Gator."
"What do you want?" He teased as he slowed down his motions, clearly pleased with seeing you sweat and beg over his cock. Him. You needed all of him.
"Your cock," You whined, legs trembling as he flicked your clit with his thumb while you continued to squirm over him. You sighed at the feeling of him removing his fingers, disappointed with how empty you suddenly felt, "Gator." You whimpered out, eyes feeling heavy as he pulled his fingers into his mouth. He licked them slowly, cleaning the taste of you off of his digits.
He dragged you towards him, pulling you up against his chest for just a moment. You yelped as the top of your head hit your roof, earning a laugh from him as he slowly cupped your face.
“You alright?” He asked, sounding worried as he held onto your face. He moved his thumbs across your cheeks, leaving you laughing as a dull ache settled over your head.
“Mhm,” You nodded, all smiles now as he kissed the corner of your lips, “S’better.” You promised, chest heaving at the feeling of his heavy cock against your wet cunt.
He slid his cock between your wet folds, rubbing his tip against your clit teasingly as a moan left your lips. You rolled your hips to meet him, moaning as he slid his tip inside of you.
He pushed in slowly, giving you plenty of time to adjust to his thick girth and long length. You could feel your walls stretching, clamping down around him as he stole the air from your lungs.
You moaned, desperate to feel more of him as you began to grind your hips down slowly. You tugged at your restraints, whining as his hands moved to your hips to help steady.
"Easy," He instructed, his voice coming out tense and raspy as he licked at his bottom lip, "Jesus. You take me so well. Such a good cock slut." He grunted, sighing at the way your pussy inhaled him. He watched with interest, his eyebrows furrowing together as you began to move again.
It felt like he slid deeper inside of you with every inhale, like your bodies were slowly becoming one as he dragged you along the curve of his cock. The sensation made your thighs shake, your lips tremble as you dripped along his fat girth.
"Oh my God," You whined, making a mental note to pray over all of this later. Surely God would understand. Gator was just like the devil; beautiful and cunning. He really was your downfall, "Feels so good. Fuck." You gasped, your boobs moving with the motions of his rough thrusts.
He tugged you forward by your neck, grunting as he pressed his lips messily against yours. You moaned as you fought to keep up with his movements, the kiss messy and sloppy as your clit ached from the way his cock curved inside of you.
He groaned as he lazily rested his head back against the headrest, the car a little cramped for the both of you. The air was hot, humid as the sound of your flesh meeting filled the windows. His whines matched yours, just as needy and desperate. It told you that he wanted you just as badly.
"Jesus Christ," He huffed in pleasure as he began to roll his hips up into you deeper, hitting that spot inside of you that made you see stars. Your lips parted as more moans rolled off of your tongue, your high crashing over you as you clenched down around him, "Fuck!" He cursed, gripping your hips tightly as he pressed into you with the same rough pace.
You cried out, your wrists digging into the handcuffs as your orgasm crashed over you. You came, your body shaking as the burning pleasure spread through your body. You were incoherent, the pleasure filling all of your senses as he continued to drag your limp hips down against his cock.
"Gator," You whimpered, your forehead falling against his in bliss as he rolled his cock deeper inside of you. His thrusts were becoming shallow, slower as his moans grew higher in pitch, "Cum for me, baby. Wanna feel you." You whispered as your lips fell to his ear, his body shivering underneath your touch.
His grunts fell against your chest, his pace stalling until he pressed deep inside of you. It was enough to make you whimper all over again, the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you before he filled you with his cum.
You rolled your hips lazily, inviting the feeling of his warm spunk painting your walls. You licked at the side of his face, tasting hints of his cologne as he shook underneath you. His cock twitched inside of you again, the mixture of you two leaking from your hole as he pushed you back a bit to get a good look at you.
You did the same, breathing in the way his hair was no longer stiff and slicked back. It had slightly fell around his face, framing his forehead as his brown eyes stared at you in interest. He drank in the image of you as you stared at his flushed cheeks, at the moles on his skin. He really was charming.
You gasped, almost afraid that you would topple backwards before he steading you again. He gripped your hips with one hand as he pulled himself free, making you whine at the loss of contact once again. You wanted more of him.
He hissed as he wiped the mixture of you two from his cock, breathing in deeply before he gathered what was at your hole and slid it all back in. You felt your thighs twitch as he slowly stroked his finger inside of you, making you feel full in a whole other way.
“Smile for the camera,” He grinned cockily, quite proud of himself as he moved his fingers up towards your lips. You sucked on them slowly, holding eye contact with him as you savored the combination from the both of you, “Show them whose whore you are."
"Too bad you have to work," You teased playfully once his fingers were clean and lifted from your lips, "I could really use your company. The house gets so lonely at night." You pouted, making him chuckle as he leaned forward to remove your restraints.
"I'm just one call away," He reminded as he squeezed at your ass, sighing once his radio began to obnoxiously sing from beside him, "See you in the morning." He replied sweetly, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. It wasn't the ideal way to meet, but it worked.
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itskattkm · 1 day
I would go high for you
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Lorraine Day x fem Reader
Based on request: R helps Lorraine overcome their fear of heights. Sorry for the numerous requests! <333
Warnings: fluff, fear of heights and spiders
A/N: there you go my dear 😊 and thank you for the numerous requests!
“Lorraine! Stop your literally ripping my top off!” I said laughing as she started clinging onto me. Her hands in fists as she held the fabric of my white top, making her knuckles turning white.
“This isn’t funny y/n” she said dead serious. Her eyes were fixed on the ground that was about four meters away from us. I thought it would be easy, climbing with Lorraine out of my window to sit down on the rooftop so she could get used to the height difference. But no. It wasn’t easy.
“But let’s be real Lorraine, calm down. My top is all crunched…” I giggled slight and tried to fix it with my other hand. Half of my bra was looking out. “I know…” I chuckled and began slowly to calm down. I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tight. Giving her the safety she needed while she inspected the height, watching over the edge of the roof.
“Oh sorry” she said and blushed. She laughed it off and let her fists relax. One arm still around my shoulders as she fixed my top.
“Thank you. Now. Let’s sit down. Get used to the height”. Loraine sighed and looked back to the edge. Her face was speaking more then thousands words. She was so sick of this. “Hey you asked me to help you…” I added.
“Yeah I know” she scoffed and her hand around my shoulder moved slowly down my back before it wrapped itself around my wrist. This was the sign that she trusted me. Her dark eyes showing slight fear, her lips in a light pout. Making her look like the cute little girl she was back then before puppetry hit us both and we were faced with the non innocent blur in our world. “Okay” I whispered soft and turned around so I was in front of her. I held my hands slightly up so she could use myself as some sort of support while slowly sitting down.
As she did, she wiped some dust from her jeans before looking up to me. Lorraine held her hand up so she could see me properly due the sunlight hitting my back. A happy smile overtook my lips “see it positive. You get to see the sunset from up here. You can see the ray of lights so good from here. They will be shooting right through the fields”
My smile grew wider, showed the excitement I was feeling and as soon as I was sitting down beside Lorraine, she wrapped her arm around mine and leaned her head in my shoulder “why are we doing this again?” She asked.
A chuckle left my throat and I nudged her gently “cause you wanted… we talked about fears and how some of them hold people potentials back”
Lorraine grinned wide and shook her head “oh right cause my potential will be so much more useful when I start climbing on top of roofs or need to walk over a bridge”
I laughed “you will need it someday. Trust me. I don’t know when or in what kinda scenario but you will be happy that you faced that fear”
Our gazes met while the sun began to set. Lorraine’s eyes turned so soft it gave me immediately goosebumps. The light of the setting sun was reflecting slight in them and i wanted to drown in there. Lorraine leaned it wich made my body react by closing my eyes. I felt her nose brushing mine as her forehead rested on mine “okay so this means we are taking care of your fear towards spiders then”
I pulled my head away looking at you with wide eyes while chuckling. “No… nuh, forget get that. Get that out of your cute little head. Nothing will force me to get near a spider by free will or touch one or hold one. Not god, not a higher power not y-“
Lorraine’s lips were lying in a gentle way on my lips. She tilted her head as she kissed me slowly. My brain had decided to shut down before I could perceive what was happening. Before I could kiss Lorraine back, her lips left mine in a slow and warming way. She pulled me closer, looked at me with that knees weakening smile.
A deep sigh left me “fine…”
Loraine’s smile grew wider and she pulled me towards her by my neck. Her lips crashed into my left cheek as she left there a wet tingling spot “I know you love me…”
“I do!” I said almost with a pout but then i couldn’t help and let a chuckle out “i will do it just in case I need to remove a dangerous spider or something like that from you someday…”
“Yeah. And I’m up here in case you fall, so I can get you back up” she said. Our eyes met again “we’re a good team”. Loraine’s dimples were visible as she leaned slowly in and gave me a soft kiss “we are”.
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mintsbubbletea · 2 days
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐨 - 𝐄𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
Word Count: 2,500
Contains: She/her pronouns, digesting weed, sex, fingering, cursing, crying, p-in-v, unprotected sex, dunno if I miss anything
Proof read and Edited
A/N: also these are some of the experience I have when I was high so please enjoy lmao
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Denki glanced at you with a curious expression as you both stood at the entrance of his dorm. "Y/n, are you really sure about giving this a shot?" he asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips. Your nervousness was evident as you anxiously bit your lip. "I've never seen you do something like this before, so I just want to make sure," he teased with a smirk
You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt and replied softly, "Yes, I'm sure." The uncertainty in your voice was palpable.
"Alright then," Denki said, using his head to gesture towards the inside of his dorm. He closed the door behind you as you stepped in. You found yourself sitting on his bed while he rummaged through his drawer. He turned back to face you and said, "Instead of smoking, I'll give you edibles. Since you've never tried it before, I don't want you to cough or anything. Also if we smoke Mr. Aizawa will find out cause of the smell” He chuckled and pulled out a pink candy bag.
You eyed the bag with curiosity and asked, "Are edibles better than smoking?" Denki made his way towards you and replied, "It really depends on the person. Sero prefers smoking, but I enjoy both methods.”
You nodded, attentively listening to Denki's explanation. He took out a gummy and handed it to you, saying, "Try this one. It's the mildest I have, only 10mg." The gummy was pink and shaped like a peach. You held it in your hand, examining it closely. Denki sat down next to you and popped one in his mouth.
After a moment of hesitation, you followed suit and put the gummy in your mouth. You chewed it and swallowed, cringing slightly at the aftertaste. "Yeah, the weed flavor kind of overpowers everything, sorry about that," Denki chuckled.
Curiosity got the better of Denki as he asked, "Does Sero know that you came to me?" You hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yeah, he does." It was a lie, though. Sero had promised to try it with you, but he always seemed to brush off the idea whenever you brought it up. You just wanted to give it a try, so you turned to Denki instead.
You and Denki were chatting in his room for an hour before Mina and Eijiro unexpectedly walked in to find you both laughing. "What's so funny?" Mina inquired, closing the door and removing her shoes. "Y/n wanted to try weed," Denki shared, stifling his laughter.
"Is this her first time?" Eijiro questioned, settling on the floor in front of you. Denki confirmed, and you blushed slightly from the earlier laughter. "I don't feel anything," you shrugged. Denki chuckled, shaking his head. "No, it's already hitting her. I'm not feeling it yet," he remarked as you gazed at the floor. Mina couldn't help but giggle at how you transitioned from talking to staring off. "Oh, I can see that."
"We brought snacks, perfect timing, right?" Eijiro mentioned, taking out some chips from his bag and tossing them around. You turned to Denki, who had white cheddar popcorn. "I want some," you reached out. He grinned, opening the bag and offering you some popcorn. "Do you want some?" he asked, and you nodded. He chuckled, handing you the bag, and you started munching, giggling softly.
One moment you were laughing and giggling, and the next, you were in tears. "Why would you say that?" you questioned Denki, while Mina hugged you as you cried. "I didn't say anything wrong," Denki defended himself, unsure of why you were crying. "I just mentioned that Gojo isn't that hot," he explained, causing you to cry even harder into Mina's embrace. Mina scolded Denki to be quiet before comforting you. "Don't cry, Y/n, Gojo is very attractive," she reassured, trying to cheer you up.
You lifted your head and glanced at Mina. "Right?" you sniffled, wiping away your tears with your hoodie sleeve. "Just look at him," you said, pulling out your phone and showing everyone your Gojo wallpaper. "But don't tell Sero he's my lockscreen," you added, putting a finger to your lips. "I change it when I'm with him." You let out a soft giggle. "Oh, don't worry, babes. He won't find out."
"Ugh, Mina, you're the best. I don't deserve you as a friend," you said, grabbing her face and giving her a gentle peck on the lips, causing her to blush. "Thank you?" she replied nervously.
"Oh, Sero's on his way with Bakubro," Eijiro announced as his phone beeped. You snapped your head towards him and shook it. "No, Sero can't find out I'm high," you said. "Huh? But you said he knew you came to me," Denki chimed in. You shook your head. "I'm terrible! I lied," you pouted. "He kept dismissing me whenever I mentioned it. He said I couldn't handle it, and I wanted to prove him wrong," you explained.
"He's going to kill us, Y/n! Mostly me," Denki groaned softly as you teared up, the effects of the weed making you even more emotional. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," you sniffled as tears streamed down your face. "No, no, don't cry, Y/n. He's almost here," Denki tried to comfort you, attempting to wipe away your tears, but they kept flowing as you cried harder. "Damn it."
"You're only making it worse, Denki," Eijiro scolded as he watched Denki's futile attempts to stop your tears. But everything fell silent when the door opened and Sero and Bakugo walked in. You turned your head away, making sure Sero couldn't see your face. "Why the hell is everyone so quiet?" Bakugo demanded as he took a seat nearby. Sero looked around, noticing your turned-away face and the nervous expression on Denki's face.
You let out a soft sniffle, and immediately Sero rushed over to you. "Hey, what's wrong, mi cielo?" he asked gently, cupping your face and noticing your puffy eyes. You tried to stay quiet, trembling lips and all. He looked into your eyes and saw how red they were, not just from crying. "Is she fucking high?" he asked, his jaw clenching. Everyone fell silent.
Bakugo scoffed. "Probably Denki gave her something. Mostly you and him smoke out of all of us," he said with a smirk, clearly hoping to provoke Sero into yelling at Denki. "Shut up, man!" Denki snapped at Bakugo, before feeling someone's intense gaze on him. "Denki," Sero warned. Denki was about to speak, but you cut him off. "I asked him to. I wanted to try it out," you sniffled again, and Sero sighed as he looked at you. "I'm sorry, Hanta," you said softly. "Don't apologize, Y/n," he reassured you, releasing your face.
"Let's just go, okay?" Sero gently took your hand and helped you up, leading you towards the door. "It's not her fault, man," Denki spoke up. "We'll talk tomorrow," Sero said, guiding you out. "Bye bye," you pouted, waving to your friends.
Sero led you to his room and closed the door behind you. You looked at him, wondering if he was mad. "Are you mad?" you asked hesitantly. He shook his head and looked at you. "No, mi cielo, I'm not," he said softly, taking off his shoes and lying down on his bed. "Come here," he patted the space next to him. Rubbing your eyes, you climbed onto the bed and snuggled up to his side. "Are you sure? You're acting different," you sniffled, resting your head on his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair. "I'm just upset in general, not at you, okay?" he reassured you, but his voice hinted at something more than just general upset.
You glanced up at him, questioning, "Was it because I went to Denki and not you?" observing his reaction. "Yeah," he murmured, causing your flushed face to pale. "Hanta-" Sitting up, tears welling in your eyes, you found yourself overwhelmed with emotion once more. "I'm so sorry," you apologized, tears streaming down your face. Sero couldn't help but chuckle at your tears. "Oh Y/n, please don't cry," he comforted, drawing you close and planting gentle kisses on your tear-stained face. "The only reason I brushed off your high talk was because I knew you'd react like this. You're such a lightweight, mi cielo. Just like the last time you got drunk, two cups and you were tipsy," he chuckled, as you listened, wiping your tears.
"Just come to me next time, and definitely don't go to Denki, okay?" he chuckled. "Okay," you sniffled, tears dampening his shirt. "I'm sorry," you mumbled once more. "Ya no mas," he said, cupping your face and silencing you with a kiss. After a few more minutes of cuddling, you found yourself pressing soft kisses to his neck, moving up for better access. Sero let out a soft hum, closing his eyes as his hand trailed down to the small of your back.
Feeling you slowly climb on top of him, your hips straddling his, your lips still on his neck, he placed his hands on your hips before asking, "What are you up to?"
"Making it up to you," you murmured, tracing your lips along his jaw. "Plus, I'm kinda horny," you giggled, barely touching his lips with a playful peck.
He looked up at you, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Really, huh?"he asked, a playful smirk curling his lips. "I can help with that," he chuckled, capturing your lips in a kiss. His hand reached up, gently cupping your face, pulling you closer, if that was even possible.
He flipped you over with ease, your body landing softly on his bed. He settled between your legs, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling gently as his free hand effortlessly slid your shorts down, leaving your lower half exposed. His hand found its way to your aching pussy his fingers pressing softly against your clit before pulling away from the kiss.
"We barely started, and you're soaking wet," he chuckled, his fingers circling your clit, earning a soft whine from you. "I'm telling you, its the weed," you giggled, your legs opening wider, craving to be filled. "Guess we should take some more often, huh?" he smiled down at you, reconnecting his lips with yours.
He continued to lavish attention on your aching pussy, his fingers deftly exploring your pleasure points with expertise, sliding two of his long fingers into your soaking cunt. He began to pump them in and out at a steady rhythm, creating lewd sounds of wetness that filled the room. In response, you gripped his forearm tightly, your back arching off the bed as you moaned and cursed, trying to reach for his lips even as your overwhelmed senses forced you to break the kiss. Your head fell into the pillow beneath you, and seeing this as a sign of your impending climax, he curled his fingers upwards, easily finding and stimulating the spot that could swiftly bring you to ecstasy. "Hanta" You squeaked out softly from the new sensation, a low chuckle left his lips feeling your reaction.
"That's a new sound, mi cielo",he murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss to your jawline and sprinkling soft kisses along your ear. The rhythm of his fingers continues, finding your sweet spot over and over, causing you to moan once again as your hips rock, seeking more with each passing moment. You are so close to reaching your climax with his fingers.
"Do you want more?" he asks, already familiar with the intricacies of your body and your needs.
He withdraws from your ear and gazes down at you. You eagerly. "Yes" Your brows are furrowed, your lips slightly parted, allowing soft whimpers to escape. His eyes take in the sight, and he swears that your expression only amplifies his affection for you. He is the one who reduces you to a moaning, whimpering mess, and he is the one who brings tears to your eyes from the sheer pleasure. He smiles before pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
"Okay,"he replies, his voice husky with desire.
He withdraws his fingers from your cunt, and they glisten with your juices. A small whine escapes your lips at the loss of contact. He undoes his pants, pulling them down enough for his hardened cock to spring free. With a firm grip on his shaft, he positions himself and pushes inside your wet pussy, feeling the tip slide in through the slickness before pressing deeper and deeper. You tighten around him, eliciting a soft grunt from him as he fully seats himself inside you.
The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a quiet gasp escaping your lips as you felt him enter you. A wave of warmth flooded your body, a sensation that was both exhilarating and comforting. You reached up, pulling him closer for another kiss, your lips meeting in a passionate embrace. " love you," you whispered against his lips, your voice a soft murmur against his skin. He responded with an equally tender kiss, deepening the connection between you. 
His movements were slow and deliberate at first, savoring the shared pleasure. His hand rested gently on your waist, his elbow propped against the headboard, creating a barrier of intimacy around you. "I love you most," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. 
As his movements quickened, your breathing grew ragged, your body responding to his rhythm. A deep, primal moan escaped your lips, echoing the passion that filled the room. You dug your fingers into his hair, the intensity of the moment pushing you towards a peak. 
The air grew thick with anticipation, the sound of skin meeting skin creating a symphony of pleasure. His hand moved to your leg, gently opening it, allowing him deeper access. His rhythm intensified a primal rhythm that echoed through your core, leaving both of you breathless. 
"Hanta" you moaned out, Your body arching off the bed, muscles clenching as you reached your climax. The feeling was overwhelming, a wave of pleasure that washed over you, leaving you trembling in his arms. You moaned into his mouth, the sound raspy and desperate, mirroring the intensity of your emotions. 
Sero, mirroring your intensity, reached his peak moments later, a guttural moan leaving his lips. "Fuck, Y/n," he cried out, pulling out as he released his cum on your stomach.
The room fell silent, the air filled with the lingering scent of sex. Both of you were spent, panting softly, your foreheads pressed together as you caught your breath. He stole a kiss, a tender gesture that conveyed the depth of his affection. 
Reaching over to his nightstand, he grabbed a tissue, gently wiping the cum from your stomach. "You doing okay, mi cielo?" he asked, his voice soft and concerned. 
You snuggled closer, resting your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "More than okay," you whispered.
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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robilover · 1 day
you've seen robin with her hair up.
But have you seen it tied up?
She ties it up in a high ponytail that looks so sleek and beautiful at the same time, also exposing her tiny wings.
(it's not elegant or beautiful, it's straight up hot and spicy :0)
She only does it when she cooking or she does her choreography, all sweaty and hot...
-🐣 anon
oh. my. god...
pairing(s): robin x fem!reader
cw: a bit suggestive and somewhat cringe, read at your own risk! men and homophobes dni.
I’d imagine her cooking breakfast after ravaging you the night before (cliché, I know) and you’d somewhat be limping on your way to the kitchen once you smell that delicious aroma.
then, you’d find yourself wide-eyed at the sight of your girlfriend, robin, with her hair tied up in a high ponytail, her wings behind her ears were more exposed as she wore a plain white shirt. her lower wings were out, swaying at every movement she did. you could feel yourself blushing as you gasped, your hand slapping onto your mouth as you blushed madly at the sight.
she happened to hear you as she perked up and turned herself slightly. upon seeing your blushing form with your hand on your mouth, she giggled at how adorable you looked.
“oh, you’re awake. good morning, beautiful. did you sleep well?” she smiled, but her smile turned into a smirk as soon as she saw you limping towards her.
“yeah, I slept well.. how about you?” you asked as you hugged her from behind, resting your head on her shoulder as you watched her cook. she giggled as she leaned into your embrace, her upper wing wrapping behind your head.
“I slept like a baby, especially with you all tired in my arms.” she whispered into your ear and pressed a kiss onto your cheek. you couldn’t help but squeal into her shoulder.
you were about to go to her studio to see her while bringing her lunch. as you walked in, you saw her all sweaty, with her hair tied up into a high ponytail, too! and, drenched in sweat while wearing a plain white shirt and jogging pants. you blushed at the sight of her wiping the sweat off of her neck and face using her face towel. she looked so charismatic, so beautiful, and so hot!
she noticed you as she saw you in the reflection of her practice room. she smiled, seeing you blush while bringing your little bag that had her lunch in it. she turned her body and walked towards you, her wings behind her ears swaying slightly.
“y/n! you’re here; with my lunch, too? even wearing my hoodie,” she chuckled, kissing you on the cheek as you nodded slowly. cute, she thought.
“y-yeah, I brought you lunch,” you said. she giggled as she pressed another kiss, but on your forehead.
“thank you, my love. why don’t you stay here for a while and watch me practice?” she suggested while wiping the sweat off of her face. you just stared at her, thinking: aeons, I still can’t believe that I’m dating her.
robin looked at you with a little confused expression. however, realizing why you were staring at her so much, she smirked. she decided to tease you.
“you’re drooling, baby.” she whispered into your ear, which made you snap back to reality.
“w-what?!” you panicked as you tried to wipe the said drool off. you then glared at her when you felt nothing, as she just giggled.
“you’re so cute.” robin whispered before wrapping her arms around your waist. she leaned in and whispered once more, against your lips. “how about I’ll give you a kiss as an apology, hm?” she purred, feeling your hands grip her shoulders.
“I’ll accept that. you’re lucky that I love you,” you pecked her lips, emitting a soft chuckle from the singer. “now give me that kiss; you’re making it difficult to focus because of how hot you look all sweaty with your hair tied up.” you demanded, your voice had a hint of neediness in it.
“aww, hehe, I guess I should tie my hair up more often to see you all.. flushed and needy for me.” robin teased before lifting you up in her arms, your legs wrapped around her waist as she crashed her lips against yours in a passionate kiss. <3
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goth-mami-writer · 2 days
Hi there! So here's my idea. The reader (medic officer) and leon just come out as a new couple and they're happy until one day they get draft for a mission and there meet the one and only Ada Wong that they have to cooperate for the mission. Leon is paying way more attention and all over Ada that he almost disregard the reader. She tries to be understanding and softly communicate with Leon but it turns into an argument. The reader gets upset and misunderstand Leon that he is very not much over with his "the one that got away". Leon regrets the things he said and tries to talk to her but she proceeds to avoid Leon at all costs. Que the enemies attack their base and the reader sees that the enemy is aiming to shoot Ada and at the last minute takes the critical hit for her while thinking that Leon would be heartbroken if Ada dies. Reader flatline a couple of times. I would like to know how Leon would react to this. Let's end it with a happy note ^^
▪︎~ Wildflower ~▪︎
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader angst/jealousy work @bat-yo-us ♡
《 You stood there beside him outside of the artillery bunker that afternoon and felt your lip quivering with heartbreak. You stiffened up your trembling mouth, knowing any second you'd be blurting out the words you once thought you'd never say to his face even with a gun to your head.
But you were ready.
“Listen-” Leon began knowing just by the look on your face that you were making decisions that he couldn't change your mind on no matter what he had to say about it,
“I know I've been saying and doing things here lately that…have made you think-”
“Made me think?” You asked him, laughing with tears in your eyes at the audacity he had.
“No, not made me think. More like: made me know- made me fucking realize-”
You put your head in your hands, laughing more at the thought of your once pure, dumb hope that this would ever work after the turmoil of the past few weeks.
“And I'm done.” You said finitely until suddenly the base's sirens rang with their whirring, metallic urgency that filled the air overhead all at once. You looked in the distance to see enemy vehicles piling into the dirt lot after surging through the gated barricade by force.
“Get inside.” Leon said, watching the dirt spin away from their tires with a charging speed, and together, you both ran towards the closest underground bunker that was already flooded with the officers and personnel directing the others inside.
You heard your chief director calling for all on the unit to line in for roll call and your heart was racing trying to prepare yourself for the many casualties and injuries that might result from an enemy raid right now. The medical staff was short handed to begin with and you knew your work wouldn't be done for well into the morning with this.
“How many on unit?” One of the deputies called that oversaw the emergency protocol.
“Sixty.” One of the lesser privates answered and then called out the count that made your bones chill.
“Fifty nine present.”
Leon looked around with the others, trying to find who was missing and you did the same. You thought of your other medics and the doctors onboard the base too. All were here, you reached out to touch their hands to somehow guarantee your racing mind that they were in fact safe. But you stopped.
Ada. It was Ada.
“Wong!!” The chief director said, making the emergency officer call out the same to try and find where in the lineup Ada was. But only you and Leon knew.
He turned to you, asking if Ada ever came out of the artillery bunker and you shook your head in terror. You knew exactly why she didn't hear the raid sirens and you said to Leon gravely with fear in your voice,
“She's down in the stronghold. It's concrete. She can't hear a thing down there.”
Leon’s eyes went wide knowing that the downstairs of the artillery bunker would be one of the first things to be potentially raided due to its vast supply of weaponry and ammunition. He turned, not knowing who to tell first that Ada was still out there and someone would have to go out amid this enemy storm to get her back to safety.
You watched Leon's chest rise and fall with the thought of Ada being in danger and you felt that was the only image to prompt what needed to happen next. She was special and there just wasn't a way for you to argue it anymore. You swallowed the hot, heavy lump in your throat and your feet took flight against the ground to get you back upstairs.
Leon had already turned, preparing to tell the emergency staff of Ada's whereabouts but seeing you flee frantically to escape back to the surface was enough to make him charge forward. He screamed your name as you raced upstairs, now tapping your badge to the entry scanner to allow you outside and your feet pounded to the dirt.
This was insane. Here you were racing to save your boyfriend's ex from trouble. But it was more than that wasn't it?, you thought as you heard gunfire and enemy commands to detain anyone onsight. Ada made Leon happy. As much as you hated it. She was different from you and it was that simple.
You didn't want to be a hero that brought her back to safety. You just Leon to be happy knowing someone he cared about was free from danger.
~2 weeks prior.
~3 miles north, southbound enclave.
“Kennedy- tell your girl that we got a few wounded up here that we'll need looked at when we make camp.” Your chief directorate radioed in over the comms placed inside the military jeep taking you both south to the neighboring base located outside of Racoon City.
You had met in the months prior, doing recon in the city and around the outskirts. In the few times Leon himself had been wounded, you were always his favorite on the med staff and he knew right away that he liked you. After trying his luck, you two had decided to commit and come out as official even amid the ongoing chaos of a fallen city.
“10-4.” Leon said into the comms and looked at you smiling in the passenger seat.
You weren't used to being called his girl yet and it was still an instant feeling of giddiness that always made your lips turn up in a grin.
Leon looked over to see you basking in your little moment of bliss and he questioned with a chuckle although it was something he already knew the answer,
“What are you smirking at over there?”
“I'm not…smirking.” You said with a shake to your head as he drove, watching his gloved hands wrap around the steering wheel.
“Sorry-” He said shifting gears without even a glance downwards,
“Guess a shit-eating grin is better to call it, huh?”
You slapped his arm, watching as he clearly enjoyed the playful banter as well as you did. He teased you more with comments that you could never admit to enjoying and finally you said flirtatiously across the seat, watching as the neighboring base appeared on the horizon.
“You know, I've got a little syringe in my bag that could fix that mouth of yours?”
“You wouldn't-” He said looking over with a grin.
“You think I wouldn't?” You said slyly, “Why's that?”
“Cause I'm the one driving.” He joked cockily, slowing down as the guards from the front gates held up their hands for the car to stop for inspection before being given clearance. You laughed loudly as he showed your IDs and then sighed in love that this was your new normal.
When you both received clearance and met after the hours of menial work patching wounds and giving injections, you found him again inside one of the supply tents, well into a conversation with someone you couldn't make out from their obscured view behind others passing through. But when you got close enough, your heart dropped to see Ada Wong.
Leon in the past had mentioned her and their falling out when escaping the now ruins of Racoon City. You quickly became confused as to why and how you were seeing them together this way and you approached cautiously.
When you became close enough, Leon turned and introduced you to the woman who warmed you with a smile. Immediately, from what you'd heard, her warm, kindred way of smiling seemed venomous to you but here infront of Leon, you swallowed the distrust you had.
“I'm Ada. Very nice to meet you. She is pretty, Leon. You were right.”
You brushed away that compliment just for now and watched the way that Leon smiled when he graced her with a moment more of conversation. Ada stated that she was working with some of the higher-ups into getting more federal help with providing aid and medicine and that she'd be around often.
“Well, I certainly won't talk your ear off, Leon. We'll catch up later.” She mentioned with another half smile that just felt artificial to you somehow and prowled away as she began reading from notes gathered in her hands.
You looked to Leon whose gaze seemed to linger as she made her exit and you watched too for another moment. There was a voice in your head telling you that now that you'd met Ada, you understood why Leon almost never brought her up. It was more than likely to protect your feelings.
She walked like the earth was made for her perfect feet. She was slender with hardly an ounce of curve in the wrong spot. It was an exterior that money couldn't buy and God could only make once. There just wasn't a flaw even if you were only looking for them.
You looked up to Leon, hoping to snap him back to the present and you mentioned with a false tone of curiosity,
“So, I guess you two…are made up? After she pointed a gun at you?”
Leon picked up quickly that you weren't pleased by the sight of him chatting with Ada so casually after the events that had befallen them previously and he mentioned, trying nicely to ease your concern,
“She wasn't going to shoot me.”
“Hm-” You said full of doubt to that assumption you thought was a rather poor one,
“I think it's the intention that counts.”
Leon paused, telling you with words that he knew he needed to choose wisely given the delicate situation,
“You don't need to worry about Ada. That…that part of our story is done. It's..completely different now.”
You nodded, wanting with all of yourself to believe it. Leon had given you no reason not to trust him in the past so you gave him the benefit of the doubt, deciding that the past was indeed past. Feelings change and people certainly do as well. You shared kinder, more soft words before parting for the night and decided to rest the issue.
In that next week, it was normal for you to find Leon grouped up with Ada somehow, either coming back from recons or loading supplies out onto the GPW's for runs to the other bases. It was hard to find even yourself talking to Leon with how much you had on your plate. This was one of the more populated bases near the city so you always had something to finish or begin yourself.
One day, you were crouched down preparing a suture on an officer that was sleeping peacefully with a sedative and your hair kept falling into your face messily as you worked with sterile gloves. Your back ached from having to lean over in this process and you felt as two small hands brushed back your choppy bangs in a gentle comb of their fingers.
You flinched to the first touch but felt even more on edge realizing that it was Ada that stood over you now. She whispered, not knowing how strong the man's anesthesia was exactly and mentioned in her soft tone,
“Let me pull your hair out of your eyes, girlfriend. Don't mind me.”
You felt as her fingers brushed back your tangles to comb them gently into place and she fastened your top bun back into the elastic you were using. After making sure the officer's sutures were secure on his leg wound, you unsurely thanked her. Not exactly certain why she would perform an act so kind when she hardly knew you.
“I wanted to tell you that we are phoning in for more staff upstate and we should be doubling our medical help by the end of the month. You work too hard and I'm tired of seeing you run so ragged to help these people.” Ada mentioned, crouching down beside you as you made a dressing for the man's completed stitches.
You could only look at her peripherally as you worked but you mentioned quietly amid the wrapping and unrolling of the white gauze,
“I- I appreciate that, I guess. I mean, the help would be nice. For sure.”
Ada nodded, knowing that's not all of what she wanted to say when she found you and then said more discreetly with her voice lowering due to the nature of her next words,
“I..also hope that it doesn't bother you that Leon and I are friends. Well..friends trying to work out our differences.”
You looked away for the first time since she'd appeared beside you and finally you said a little more brave, trying to shake away the nerves of what you thought to be insecurity,
“I'm not….bothered. I just don't…”
You lost your words and Ada nodded, knowing somehow exactly how you felt in case you were finding trouble in explaining it. She assured you that herself and Leon were platonic and that you needed to worry about absolutely nothing fishy between them.
Goddammit, you thought to yourself.
This is exactly what you didn't need. She could at least be a bitch- Or act like you didn't exist or hell just sleep with Leon and boast about it behind your back to justify your sense of distrust. But she was kind. And compassionate to your feelings. And here you were, jealous of nothing more than an assumption.
Who was the bitch now? You thought.
After a joke and a smile, you parted ways with a gentle wave before you moved to the next tent.
Maybe you were overthinking everything.
It had been a slow day for you the day that Ada walked up to you in the medical tent. She wanted help gathering a list of inventory for the medical surplus for her list being sent upstate and you obliged with a smile.
“Most of your unused stock is in the stronghold right?” She asked for clarification as you finished preparing an injection. You nodded saying that anything unused would always be down in the concrete stronghold below ground.
“Good deal.” She said checking her watch,
“You wanna meet me over there in thirty? We'll grab a bite after, you and me, if you want?”
Why was she being so nice? You wondered, making your guard come up once again but you agreed, trying your hardest to remember that you had put her past grievances behind you.
You hadn't seen Leon in atleast three days but weirdly after all that you'd thought about, the absence wasn't as critical as you thought. He was busy doing recon of course but it felt like you were teaching him a lesson in a subconscious way. You wanted to see how long it'd take for him to approach to ask you to see him.
When you arrived at the artillery bunker, you noticed some of the GPWs parked outside, meaning that Leon's unit had actually returned early which was surprising. You thought of trying to find him after nipping this task with Ada but you opened the door to realize he'd already been found.
Leon stood there, smiling mid conversation with her as she held her mouth with that alluring laugh that made your skin crawl. He'd forget everything in the years you'd spend with him but how would he ever forget the way her eyes lit up during that laugh that could change a room.
You wanted to make your presence known so you kicked over an empty box to let the clatter interrupt them quietly.
“There you are.” Leon said with his gaze shooting over and you could only glare when he approached, leaving Ada behind.
“I'll be down in the stronghold whenever you're ready, girlfriend.”
You only stared into him coldly, pursing your lips together to avoid saying something confrontational to Ada who was in fact above you in rank and Leon then asked seeing the heated look in your eye,
“Honey, what's wrong? We were just joking-”
“I'm so fucking sick of finding you with her, Leon. I've not seen you in days but conveniently you find Ada before me? You’re still in fucking love with her!” You said fearless, feeling as your hands shook from the adrenaline of finally addressing what had been on your mind for days. Leon scoffed before looking away, telling you somewhat guilt-less as he denied your accusation,
“Look, we were just talking. It's not like you just found us….fucking around or something?”
Your eyes widened and you nodded before turning to leave with a heavy footfalls that stomped your way outside,
“How about this? You can go fuck yourself.”
You felt invalidated completely now. As if you were blowing this whole thing out of proportion once again. You hadn't seen him in days, not only due to the tension but also due to his schedule and the first person he seems to reunite with is Ada. It felt insulting.
Leon chased behind you now, telling you stop so you could both work this out and you faced him outside the front doors. Unbeknownst to you both, Ada had only pretended to go downstairs. She watched as you two stopped outside the glass doors to the bunker, arguing about what undoubtedly had to be her influence on Leon. When she heard the raid sirens begin in the moments after, she was calm and calculated as she made her way to the reinforced stronghold.
Waiting to meet her armed associates when they arrived.
~During the Raid
“Ada!” You shouted from the top of the stairs after somehow slipping through the enemy fire. She turned around wide-eyed as she loaded her gun and found you in the shambles you sounded to be as you raced down the stairs.
“What are you doing?” She called out in disbelief as she saw your shadow moving through the pallets of supplies and ammunition towards her.
All you wanted was for Leon to be happy and tears streamed down your face as you told her that you were here to take her back to the main bunker and she shook her head, never thinking that anyone would actually risk their life to come down here and save her. She knew the people conducting this raid and knew you'd be killed on sight if they found you.
“You need to go, sweetie. I'm-”
“Ada, please. We can make it.” You begged before hearing thuds on the steel door at the top of the stairs. Ada told you again, more hushed and with emphasis that you needed to get out of there and fast but you refused.
Getting her out was all that you wanted. If it's what Leon wanted, it was your main priority. Even if you just weren't his.
You heard the footsteps coming down the stairs but you only saw the tactical flashlight burning into your eyes.
Ada can't die, you thought as you saw them pointing their weapons, bracing their trigger fingers to fire, Leon will never be the same.
You saw the muzzle flash of the bullet when they fired. But only Ada heard the shot.
You saw the ground next as your torso felt warm, then wet when you became still. Ada screamed to retrieve you but your body was numb to stop her from crying. Only your shaking hand rose as she knelt down next to you, pulling at you to get up, demanding that you hold on. But you held her instead.
In the minutes later, amid the booming of battering rams and defense teams making their lines of fire, you laid on a medical gurney with the doctors you worked beside rushing to keep you stable. Somehow. Leon was called inside the tent but told to stay out of the way of those maneuvering to save your life.
“We're losing pupillary!” One of the working medics called as they shined a small light into your retinas to gauge the failing response of your eyes in the light.
“Pulse is dropping!” One of the others cried as they watched your life slip away by the second on their wrist watch.
Leon's eyes watered and his hands met his head and defeat when he heard them scream for a defibrillator. He watched the paddles being pressed into your chest, your body surging in an upwards jump from the charge with no response. He held his mouth with the back of his hand, not knowing if he could watch any longer but he tried to get closer.
He stepped further into the tent, yelling between the chaos for you to come back and one of the med team pushed him back, begging him to clear the walkway but he was violent with his shove in pushing them away, telling you again to live with gravel in his shaking voice.
In that moment between your life being reduced to a flat, stagnant line on a screen, he wasn't sure if regretting the last few days would even suffice. He wanted to regret ever existing instead as his face was washed in tears.
Ada walked by the tent at that moment during the evacuation of the higher up staff. She looked into the tent, seeing you staring out with a glaze over your lifeless eyes but she kept walking after realizing that there wasn't hope. This was another stop on her way to finding her truth of Racoon City. Saying goodbye to Leon would be a mistake so silently she made her way forward, moving through the crowd that still surged in the presets of active turmoil. Of course a life lost was never the price she thought she'd pay but people change.
Even you knew that.
You fell into a coma when finally you were revived by some miracle that surprised them all. And Leon stayed by your side as you rested in the quiet ward set aside at one of the remaining medical centers closer to the heart of the city's defense. His nights were long and restless as he waited for you to be with him again. In his heart he knew that it was the very, very least he could do since you'd waited for him to wake up too in these last few days.
It was his turn now for patience, and his wait to see you once again had begun. 》
Loved writing this!! Send me more asks and I'd love to work with your ideas. ✌️🫶
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