#they never really had that bond between siblings that were raised together.
lowkeyrobin · 2 days
hiii! hope you’re having a good day/night/whatever :D i was wondering if you could do something where the reader was fives (almost ?) s/o and then after learning about him and lila theyre upset. and then reader and diego sort of bond over the feeling and find solace in their friendship with each other. i mean this in like a thing for diego sort of way, the five thing is just a backstory. sorry if this is hard to understand english is hard
oooo okay this is cool!! ; and don't worry it's not hard to understand at all! your English is very good 🫶 ; but we are gonna pretend five wasn't trapped in his teenage body for all the time reader would've known him or wtv 💀 cause the physical and mental gap between diego and five is diabolical and idk how else to make it not weird. I usually say and enforce that I won't recognize the five/lila thing as canon but this is relevant to the story and I need diego requests lol. ; but uh yeah!! thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!! ; also the ending part lowkey sucks I'm sorry
DIEGO HARGREEVES ; it's called moving on
summary ; after Five and Lila get trapped in the subway, they have a double affair on you and Diego. after saving the world, you both bond over it and move on (to each other)
warnings ; language, cheating, arguing / physical fighting, knives, alcohol
disclaimers ; five is in the physical body of a 30-ish year old to make this not creepy as hell on any parts. I have a distinct hatred for whatever tf happened w Lila and Five so don't expect to see anything nice about them... ; also reader is a sparrow, didn't wanna get incest-y in here...
word count ; 1.5k
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Klaus, Allison, and Luther sit on the couch, watching over the kids while you and Diego rush to the door. Five and Lila had been MIA for hours now, you were both growing worried. Luckily, it was them standing at the doorstep.
"Where've you been?" Diego asks, slightly worried. "It's been hours"
"Seven, at that" you raise an eyebrow at Five. "You've never just gone MIA for that long. Did you find anything out on how to stop all this shit? Cause we did"
Five is unable to look you in the eye. "Uh, not really. What'd you learn?"
"Well, for one, Dad's alive, so is our mother... I think?" you begin, pulling him inside. "She's not really our mom, but she's Dad's wife, or whatever. Our actual birth mother's are alive in this timeline. And your Ben died because your Reginald shot him in the head! We think fate is coming together cause my Ben and Jennifer are together and we have to stop them-"
Diego and Lila step in behind you, joining you all in the living room. Lila's family stand in the kitchen, coming together to make some Christmas dinner food for the upcoming days. You can't help but notice both Five and Lila can't look you in the eye, how they look tired and haven't spoken damn near a word.
You four stand in the middle of the living room, shoes off to Lila's family's rules, your socks digging into the carpet. Allison, Luther, and Klaus part their attention between the kids and you four.
Diego looks down at Lila's wrist, seeing a glare from the sunlight outside on something she was wearing. He quickly grabs her wrist, confused of what she could've been wearing, as she didn't like bracelets, at least not store bought ones. She wouldn't have gone on a run to get herself a bracelet, right? I mean, what?
Diego furrows his brows at her while you press a chaste kiss to Five's forehead.
"I thought you hated bracelets?" Diego mutters, grabbing the attention of the siblings who sit on the couch.
Lila looks at him with fake confusion, trying to brush it off. "No, I don't"
"Yeah, you do" Diego nods. "I got you one for Valentine's Day and you traded it in for a Dyson vacuum."
You and Five look to Diego and Lila, listening in.
Lila is silent. "I don't like store bought ones. I kept the bracelet you made for me in that mental institution"
She had him on that one.
"Who made it, then?" Diego asks firmly.
She's silent. Five looks away from Diego.
Diego looks to him, then back at Lila. He frees Lila's wrist from his grasp, staring Five down. You look between him, Diego, and Lila, connecting the dots.
"Five?" You question, eyebrows furrowed, your voice unsure.
Diego reaches for his back pocket.
Five stuffs his hands in his pockets, head held low.
"Is there something going on between you two?" Diego asks nervously, looking between Five and Lila.
"Diego-" Lila speaks
"Holy shit, wow" Diego scoffs, looking down at her.
Klaus' jaw drops, Luther and Allison beside him share shocked expressions. You look back at the three, unable to react as you're caught frozen in the moment.
"Holy shit"
"I didn't see that one coming"
"Holy shit, I was right" Diego looks between the two, "I knew you were cheating on me!"
You shove Five into the wall, far enough away from the TV and the kids to not effect them physically. Diego hurls a knife at him, just missing his skull by a few centimeters, a purposeful act. He merely did it to scare Five. The knife creates a hole in the wall and a loud thudding noise that catches the family's attention.
Diego turns his attention back to Lila, you looking over your shoulder to listen. "I knew you were cheating on me at that book club"
Lila sighs. "I wasn't cheating on you... not when you thought I was"
You turn back to Five, lips slightly parted, your expression soft yet heavy. He isn't able to speak a word to you. He steps away from the stabbed wall, walking toward you. He reaches for you and you push him away.
"No!" you shudder, then speak firmly. "Get away." you back away toward Diego, unable to look at him.
"Maybe we should go-" Luther speaks, seeing how the three were witnessing an awful thing right now.
"No, we're not going anywhere" Allison replies, an arm over him to prevent him from going anywhere.
Diego steps forward, looking at Five in the eye. "Five, did you s-k-r-e-w my wife?" he spells out 'screw' since a bunch of kids under thirteen sit no more than six feet away.
"Screw is spelled s-c-r-e-w" Grace chimes in with a smile, unaware of the situation because of her small little mind.
Klaus snorts, failing at holding back laughter. Allison bites her tongue while Luther deeply sighs, keeping his laughter at bay.
Five bites his lip before slowly nodding.
"What the fuck?!" you exclaim, slinging a quick punch to his face, causing his nose to bleed.
He groans, holding a hand to his nose. He doesn't rebute, knowing he deserved that and much more.
"Are you kidding me?" you question, looking between Five and Lila. "What the actual shit is wrong with you two?!"
Lila's family peers through the kitchen door, halfway understanding what you all were saying as they weren't perfectly fluent with English. You wished you could speak Punjabi to tell them how their daughter cheated and how your boyfriend was a fucking homewrecker.
"Y/n, please," Lila speaks, trying to calm you, holding a hand out to you.
You slap her hand away, and back up toward the siblings on the couch. Klaus holds a hand over his mouth, Luther watches in silence, Allison bites her tongue.
"You're fucking unbelievable."
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You cut contact with Five, Diego cut most contact with Lila and kept the kids 70% of the time. Lila paid child support, the extent of their conversations other than the kids.
It'd been a few years since your brother had to be killed. You'd been struggling a lot. In between Ben's death and the whole Five and Lila thing, you weren't okay, you didn't think you ever would be.
Most the family didn't talk to either one after the whole incident. They'd luckily sided with you and Diego. Allison still talked to Lila, but she'd created herself a whole new life, so the two didn't talk that much.
Life moves on, shit happens.
You lived near Diego, the two of you often going out with the kids to still create some sort of happy family dynamic for them. From lunch to movies, to road trips and rollercoasters, you'd do anything for those kids. You felt so bad knowing there was no way to repair Diego and Lila's relationship, wishing the kids got to have more time as a proper family.
Diego sat with you on the couch, no kids in trail this time. They were with Lila this weekend. Fruity concoctions rest in your hands, the television in front of you playing some dumbass action movie.
"People clearly don't like three children on the man they're going on a date with," Diego chuckles. "My kids come first, sorry."
You smile. "At least you're humbled and know what you're living for, what's important."
He raises an eyebrow, confused about what you're implying.
You see that look and clarify. "I dunno what I'm living for anymore. My brother's dead. My ex cheated on me and all I feel is fucking angry day in and day out. I don't know anymore"
Diego's face grows soft. "Moving on isn't easy."
You nod. "It's harder to do it alone"
He's silent for a moment before speaking up. "Maybe we don't have to do it alone?"
You raise an eyebrow. "What're you implying, Di?"
He shrugs, looking into your eyes. "Whatever you want to think I'm implying"
"...but the kids, that's gonna be so confusing-"
"You love the kids. I know you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been on all these adventures with us, you wouldn't have asked me yourself to make plans and come over. I know you feel the way I do."
You're both quiet, thinking over your own and the other's words.
"Maybe" you shrug.
"Maybe? I'm allowed to get my hopes up?"
"Calm down, pal" you chuckle. "Not so soon, let's like... ask the kids. I'd feel bad not asking how they felt. They're my priority, they come before us"
Diego nods. "Glad you feel that way. We should get married ASAP." he chuckles, nudging you with his shoulder.
You smile, taking a sip of your beverage. "Feels wrong to even think about this, y'know?"
"It's called moving on. It's normal, I promise"
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magicglobe · 2 years
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canon age differences between charlie & his siblings :
lucy miller : 9 years younger
buddy "cal" calvin-claus : 18 years younger
sandra calvin-claus : 21 years younger
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livebeforeyoulearn · 11 days
A Gift Like Love Is Never Free
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Warnings: Soft beach sex, 18+, fluff
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: It's your three-year anniversary and Alexia shows you just how much you mean to her.
The evening air is warm against your skin, the sun slowly sinking into the horizon, casting a kaleidoscope of orange and pink hues across the sky. The gentle crash of the waves fills the air, their rhythmic retreat soothing, like the earth’s own heartbeat. You sit cross-legged on the soft, woven blanket spread over the sand, its fibres warm from the sun, yet now cool in the fading light. Your guitar rests against your legs, the familiar weight of it grounding you as your fingers pluck mindlessly at the strings, each note a soft hum that drifts into the evening.
Behind you, Alexia is seated, her body turned to the side as she leans back on her hands, her eyes scanning the nearly empty beach. The last few stragglers are heading off, their voices quieted as the world around you shifts into twilight. The day is slipping into a peaceful stillness, the kind of stillness where every sound seems amplified, every whisper of wind or brush of sand heightened by the absence of distraction. There’s no one left but you and her, the two of you cocooned in your own little world, safe and quiet, isolated by the gentle shroud of dusk.
It’s your three-year anniversary today. You can scarcely believe it – three years. You never thought you’d get here, never imagined you could be loved for this long, this completely. Your fingers pause on the strings for a moment as the thought sinks in. 
Raised by a single mother, with siblings much older than you, who had already left home by the time you could grasp the meaning of love, you had only your imagination to define it. Love seemed like something from fairy tales, always out of reach, until Alexia came into your life. She’s been your definition of love ever since. She loves every part of you – the flaws, the imperfections, the parts you’ve always been afraid to show the world. She’s always there, encouraging, supportive, looking at you like you’re her entire universe. And for her, you are. She is willing to give everything to you, to merge with you, body and soul, until there’s nothing separating you, nothing but the endless depth of your shared love.
You've faced your struggles together, moments when you thought it might all be over. But as Alexia has taught you, a gift like love is never free. It's been a journey, filled with arguments, misunderstandings, and hard times. Yet, love always takes over, compelling you to fight for each other, to hold on to this precious bond you’ve built. 
Alexia shifts slightly, the subtle brush of her body against your back a comforting reminder of her presence. Her warmth, her steadiness, her constant encouragement. She’s always been like that, always been the one who looks at you as though you’re the only person in the world who matters. And to her, you are. You are her everything. Every flaw, every imperfection, every scar – she loves it all. She loves you completely, in a way that feels almost impossible, yet here you are, three years later, still wrapped in the intensity of it.
Your fingers begin to move across the strings again, finding a familiar rhythm as you play a soft, slow melody. It’s not something you’ve practised, not something you even really know, but it feels right in the moment. The notes spill from your guitar effortlessly, like they were always meant to be played here, in this space, with her listening.
Alexia leans forward slightly, her breath warm against the back of your neck as her head gently comes to rest between your shoulder blades. The feeling of her so close, her heartbeat in time with yours, makes your chest tighten with emotion. Her fingers begin to trace patterns in the sand beside you, absentminded swirls that match the laziness of the evening. The sun continues to dip lower, casting a rich orange glow over everything, the light softening her features, making her look even more breathtaking than usual – if that’s even possible.
You let the guitar’s melody guide you into a song. You’re singing softly, the words slipping from your lips with ease, a serenade meant for her and her alone. It’s a song of love, a song that speaks to the depth of what you feel for her, the connection that runs through your veins like lifeblood. Each note carries a piece of your heart, an unspoken truth that words alone could never fully capture. 
She listens intently, her breath evening out as the song envelops her, her fingers stilling in the sand as if afraid to disturb the moment. You can feel the way her chest presses slightly against your back, the way her body melts into yours as she absorbs every word, every strum of the guitar. She isn’t just hearing the song – she’s feeling it, taking in every emotion you’re pouring out. The connection between you is palpable, a thread of love and understanding that binds you together, stronger than anything else in the world.
As the last note fades into the gentle sound of the waves, Alexia lifts her head slightly, her breath soft against the back of your neck. “That was beautiful,” she murmurs, her voice low and filled with so much affection that it sends a warm rush through your chest. 
You smile, feeling your face heat up with a shy blush, the same blush that coloured your cheeks the first time you ever sang for her. It’s funny, the way she still makes you feel like that – like you’re just beginning to fall for her all over again. Every glance, every smile, every touch still carries the same thrill, the same flutter in your stomach. 
You can hear the soft rustle of sand as she moves, her weight shifting. Then her lips are on your shoulder, featherlight, pressing a sweet kiss to your bare skin. Her hands follow, sliding slowly up your back, her fingers tracing the line of your spine with a tenderness that sends a shiver coursing through you. Her hands glide over your shoulders, and then she’s wrapping her arms around your neck, her head resting against your shoulder.
You place the guitar aside, gently lowering it to the blanket. With her so close, her warmth seeping into you, there’s no need for anything else in this moment. Just the two of you, wrapped in the serenity of the evening, wrapped in each other. 
“I love you,” you whisper, turning your head just enough to catch her gaze. Your eyes meet, and the intensity of the connection between you swells, making your heart pound in your chest. The words are simple, but they carry the weight of everything you feel for her. Every moment, every hardship, every joy – it’s all encapsulated in those three words.
“I love you too,” she breathes, her voice a soft echo of yours, as if those words were meant to exist only between the two of you. 
Her lips find yours, there’s no urgency, just the sweet, tender press of her mouth against yours, a gentle exploration that makes your heart swell. Her kisses are soft, innocent, but they send waves of warmth rushing through you, filling every corner of your soul. She kisses the side of your neck next, her lips grazing the sensitive skin there, leaving behind a trail of warmth. Each kiss is a promise, a reassurance of everything you’ve built together, of everything you’ve been through, and everything you still have yet to experience.
Her hands drift down your chest, her touch light, barely there, but enough to send a shiver running through you. You glance around the beach, feeling a flicker of nervousness at the open space, but the beach is empty now, the horizon darkening as the last of the sun disappears behind the ocean. The waves, once gold-tipped by the sun, are now silver in the moonlight, casting a gentle shimmer over the sand. The world feels miles away, and in this little slice of solitude, it’s as if nothing exists but you and her.
Her fingers toy with the tie of your bikini top, and you breathe in sharply at the sensation. The tension is electric, your body humming with anticipation as she plays with the knot, drawing it out, building the anticipation until you can hardly stand it. 
“Alexia…” you murmur, your voice a soft warning as her fingers slip closer. “We’re on a beach.” 
Her response is low, barely a whisper, her lips brushing your ear as she speaks. “I don’t care. It’s been three years of loving you. Let me show you just how much you mean to me.”
Her words send a rush of heat through you, making your pulse quicken. You glance around once more, but there’s no one here, and even if someone did walk by, the trees nearby offer enough cover to keep you hidden. The world feels small now, as if the beach, the sand, the sea – it all exists only for the two of you.
Her fingers move with practised ease, untying the knot of your bikini top. The fabric slips down, falling into your lap, and you don’t stop her. You couldn’t, even if you wanted to. Her hands slide over your chest, and you gasp at the sensation, her touch sending ripples of pleasure through your body. She cups your breasts gently, her thumbs brushing over your nipples, teasing them into hardness with slow, deliberate movements. 
Your breath hitches as you lean back into her touch, your body responding instinctively to her. She presses her lips to the nape of your neck, her kisses soft and tender, but filled with the kind of passion that makes your heart race. Every kiss feels like a promise, every touch a reminder of how deeply she loves you, how completely yours she is.
Alexia shifts, moving so that she’s no longer behind you, but beside you. She eases you down onto the blanket, her body hovering over you as her hands continue their gentle exploration. You smile up at her, that sweet, cute, loving smile that you know drives her wild. It’s the kind of smile that starts small, blooming slowly as the warmth of her gaze fills you with affection so intense that it seems to burn from the inside out. Her eyes, dark and smouldering, seem to drink in every inch of your expression, as if she’s memorising it, as if this moment – right here, right now – could be her last chance to take you in. There’s something so intense, so consuming about the way Alexia looks at you, like you’re her universe, like nothing else exists or matters but this.
She leans down slowly, her face coming closer, and you can feel the heat of her breath ghosting over your lips before her mouth meets yours. It’s a kiss that feels like a question, a gentle inquiry into your soul, and you answer with the way you lean up into her, the way your lips part slightly under hers, inviting her in. There’s no rush, no urgency – just the two of you, savouring the closeness, the intimacy that has been built and nurtured over these years. Her hands are on either side of your head, fingers threading through your hair, holding you in place, but there’s no force in her touch – just an overwhelming need to keep you near, to feel you.
A shift in her energy makes the kiss deepen, her mouth pressing harder against yours as if she’s pouring every emotion she has ever felt into this moment. Her lips are soft yet demanding, moving with a rhythm that’s both tender and urgent. She kisses you like it’s the last time she will ever kiss you, as if she’s terrified that you might disappear if she doesn’t hold onto this connection. Each press of her lips against yours is infused with passion, love, and an unspoken plea that you can feel in the way she trembles slightly as she kisses you.
It’s everything at once: slow, tender, hurried, and rushed. There’s an intensity to it that leaves you breathless, a heady mix of emotions flooding your senses – love, desire, devotion, everything you’ve felt for each other in these past three years distilled into this single kiss. Your lips part instinctively, allowing her access, and her tongue sweeps into your mouth with practised ease. She explores you as if she’s never kissed you before, but it still feels as fresh and electrifying as that very first time. Every swipe of her tongue against yours sends sparks shooting through your body, igniting every nerve.
Her hands slide from your hair, tracing down your neck, brushing lightly over your skin in a way that sends shivers racing down your spine. Goosebumps rise across your arms, your skin reacting instantly to her touch, each stroke gentle yet purposeful. It’s as though she’s worshipping you, taking her time to appreciate every inch of you. Her fingers ghost over your collarbone before travelling lower, brushing the tops of your breasts. 
Your nipples harden instantly under her fingertips, the sensation of her touch sending another wave of shivers through your body. Her lips pull away from yours, but not before she leaves one last lingering kiss on your bottom lip, her breath warm as she exhales softly. Without missing a beat, her mouth begins its descent down your body, lips brushing over your jaw, your neck, trailing lower and lower until she reaches your chest.
Her breath is hot against your skin, and you can feel your heart pounding beneath her lips as she presses soft kisses across the swell of your breasts. The sensation is both intimate and loving, her lips moving slowly, with deliberate tenderness, as if she’s taking her time to savour every inch of your skin. When she finally takes one of your nipples into her mouth, a quiet gasp escapes your lips, your back arching slightly at the overwhelming sensation of warmth and wetness. 
Her mouth works slowly, expertly, her tongue swirling around the sensitive peak before she sucks gently, drawing a low moan from deep within you. Every touch, every kiss, feels like a confession, a silent vow of her love for you, for your body, for everything you are. Her other hand slides down your side, fingers lightly tracing the curve of your waist before she reaches the tie of your bikini bottoms. She tugs gently, teasingly, her eyes flicking up to meet yours with a glimmer of playful mischief, her lips still wrapped around your nipple.
The ties come undone with ease, the soft fabric slipping away from your skin as Alexia pulls your bikini bottoms down and tosses them aside. She pulls back just enough to take you in, her eyes roaming over your naked body with an expression that borders on reverence. She knows your body intimately, yet the way she looks at you now feels as though she’s seeing you for the first time, all over again. Her gaze is heavy with love, admiration, and pure desire.
You wait beneath her, your chest rising and falling with each breath, anticipation coiling in your stomach as you feel her eyes on you. There’s a vulnerability in the way you lay there, completely exposed, body and soul laid bare before her, but there’s no fear in it – only trust. She looks at you as though she’s falling in love with you all over again, her gaze sweeping across every curve, every line, every inch of your skin. The intensity of her gaze almost makes you squirm, the weight of her desire palpable in the air around you.
She moves lower, setting herself between your legs, her hands guiding your thighs apart with the softest pressure. Her hands are gentle on your hips, holding you steady as she kisses her way down your torso with deliberate slowness. Each kiss sends a spark of warmth through your body, her mouth worshipping every inch of you as she trails lower and lower. Her lips find your inner thighs, brushing over the delicate skin there, each touch feather-light, driving you mad with anticipation.
When her lips finally reach the apex of your thighs, your breath catches in your throat, a soft gasp escaping you as she presses a tender kiss to your centre. The sensation sends a shock wave of pleasure through your body, your hips shifting forward instinctively, seeking more of her touch. She smiles against you, her breath warm and teasing as she kisses you again, her lips soft, gentle, yet filled with so much love. A soft chuckle vibrates through her chest as she pulls back to look up at you, her lips still glistening from that brief, tantalising touch.
“I love you,” she whispers, her voice soft and filled with an emotion so deep that it makes your heart clench in your chest. 
Before you can respond, her mouth is on you again, her tongue flicking out to glide over your clit in one slow, languid motion. Your entire body jerks at the sensation, a moan slipping from your lips as your eyes flutter shut. Her tongue moves in slow, deliberate circles, each flick of her tongue sending waves of pleasure crashing through your body. She’s unhurried, savouring the taste of you, drawing out each sound, each gasp, each quiver that escapes you.
The pace quickens, her movements more precise, more focused as she builds you up, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Your body is trembling now, your muscles clenching as your breathing grows heavier, shallower. Her fingers spread you open, giving her better access as she plunges her tongue deep into you, savouring the way you taste, the way you feel around her. She moves her thumb to rub against your clit, the extra pressure sending your mind spiralling, your body teetering on the edge of bliss.
It’s the perfect combination, the perfect rhythm, and it doesn’t take long before your body begins to unravel. The world fades away as the pleasure overtakes you, every nerve alight with sensation, your muscles tensing, trembling as you finally come undone over her tongue. Your climax washes over you in waves, leaving you breathless, your heart pounding as you release everything to her.
Alexia doesn’t stop until she’s taken every last drop, her mouth never leaving you, her tongue still moving slowly, gently, until the aftershocks fade away. Finally, she pulls away, climbing up your body to lay on top of you, her chest rising and falling in time with yours as she presses a kiss to your lips. You taste yourself on her, the kiss slow and tender, a reflection of the love that has filled every moment of this day.
As you lie there, wrapped up in each other, you feel nothing but pure, unadulterated love. Every curve of her body pressed against yours, every whisper of her breath against your skin, every beat of your heart – it’s all for her. Alexia consumes you whole, filling every corner of your soul with her love, her devotion. You’re hers, and she is yours, completely and utterly.
And in this moment, under the dimming sky, with the sound of the waves crashing softly in the distance, you know that nothing could ever come close to this feeling. This is love, in its purest, most beautiful form.
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madame-fear · 22 days
Hey, hope you're doing well :) Wanted to request a Jacaerys x Alicent's daughter reader. Just a Drabble of like they're married life. Idk how to explain it, not entirely romantic yet, more like a newly wedded couple adjusting to marriage. Kinda like a daily life, something simple and sweet like that. Hope you get my drift. Have a wonderful day :) Can't wait to read what you have, and take your time
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ೀ amira speaks.ᐟ : okay so I was originally going to write different scenarios in a single drabble of how they would get used to being married,, but I preferred to leave that for another request you made! So I opted to write this and make it as fluffy as possible between them <3 hope you enjoy it and it was what you expected !! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) also, since I assumed you wanted reader to be a Targtower, I mentioned as well that she has a dragon, but that’s it. ♡ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : ∿ request above! ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 1.4k (not really a drabble SORRY AHSJS)
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : fluff, this is was supposed to be a drabble THOUGH I COULDN’T HELP BUT EXTEND IT A LITTLE BIT. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Jacaerys Velaryon x Targtower!Wife!Reader.
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You had known from a rather young age that you would eventually be married to the eldest son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon. A betrothal for the two of you had been arranged between Rhaenyra and your mother, Queen Alicent, to maintain their relationship — and everything in general — as peaceful as possible.
Unlike your siblings — except for Helaena, whom was the most tranquil one —, the relationship you had with the firstborn Velaryon had always been quite neutral. You even dared to say, both of you kept mutual respect for one another— and neither you could deny that his mother was raising a proper man, admiring silently to yourself how gentle and loving Jace often behaved around you.
But how couldn’t he be kind around you? If you were to be his wife, and you were terribly endearing. You were often willing to engage more with the Velaryon Prince, and you had grown to develop a close bond together. Having slight knowledge regarding on how betrothals and marriages between noble Houses worked, you had to thank the Seven for providing you with a genuinely caring betrothed, who would never dare to lay a single hand on you.
Years had passed, and the lighthearted nature you kept in your relationship at an early age only intensified— being close to one another, often seen together through the large halls, on the gardens, on the training yard rooting for him, or simply sitting next to one another during dinner, chatting and giggling together. A certain timidness did lurk around both of you, as you were betrothed to one another; but you constantly attempted to grow out of these feelings.
Though, how could you both not feel shy around each other? It was only a natural feeling— one that increased when the wedding ceremony had been hosted, officially becoming husband and wife. You had known almost all your life that the moment would, sooner or later, arrive; but you couldn’t help but slightly feel awkwardly shy about being married.
Your officialised matrimony was something that had taken it’s time to bloom in the relationship itself, adjusting yourselves to your new lifestyle. Slowly but surely, taking things step by step.
Walks together through the gardens, silent reading while sitting next to one another, and always be seen together, laughing and talking to one another— those were all the small, little things you did together as a newly-wed couple. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to being close to each other, but you both equally tried your best to leisurely get used to your marriage.
In the stillness of the night, sitting on a large lounge sofa placed in the chambers you shared with your husband, the tip of your fingers delicately passed the pages of the book you had been reading. Jacaerys had his own responsabilities as the eldest son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, to which, you preferred to patiently await for him to sleep, despite a faint drowsiness being spread all over your features.
With the sound of the wooden door gently opening, your gaze attentively shot itself towards the person entering the chambers— being none other than your husband. A grin had imemdiatly curved in the corner of you lips, swiftly placing the book aside, and standing up from the lounge sofa to greet him. “Busy day, I pressume?” you teased, having noticed his absence throughout the day, as you placed a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. You weren’t bold enough to properly kiss him on the lips just yet, but your small, sweet gesture had been enough to provoke a rosy tint to grow on his cheeks.
“You pressume correctly. I apologise for not having been able to see you during the entire day,” one of his arms was hidden behind his back, as his free hand was placed on your shoulder, caressing it with tenderness. As you were both growing used to being married, Jace constantly attempted to have a slight free moment to dedicate it to you, and to offer you his genuine affection. “But I supposed, I could make up for my abscence somehow.”
Revealing the arm that was hidden behind of him, his hand held a ravishing, brightly crimson coloured rose— one of the many flowers that commonly grew in the gardens you often walked around. It might have been a small gift for now, but the brunette-haired Prince thought it would be better than greeting you empty-handed after being all day long focused on his duties.
A heated fluster occupied your cheeks almost instantly in surprise at the sight of the flower, your lips quivering into a timid, flattered smile. In a delicate movement, you took the rose into your own hand, raising it to your nostrils to take in its fruity, slightly spicy scent. “Aren’t you a sweet one?” you remarked, allowing a gentle chuckle to spur from your lips, playfully fidgeting with the flower in between your digits. “You shouldn’t have even bothered. I’m terribly flattered, Jace, thank you.”
The previous rosy tint growing on his cheek had increased to become a crimson hue, helplessly admiring the way you so delicately thanked him for the small gesture he had towards you. The time that had passed ever since you had officially become a wedded couple was relatively short, with only a few moons having passed since the ceremony, and yet, it was undeniable how perfect you were molded for one another— with small gestures and moments spent together, the connection you had increased.
Jacaerys made sure to take things slowly for you, as you were both trying to get used to your marriage. It was all very new for the two of you, still young and now married— but his main priority was the comfort you could feel around him, with him as your husband. The thought of accidentally causing you to feel uncomfortable in any way made him recoil on the inside, causing him to leisurely pick on the things you fancing, and the things you didn’t.
One of the things had immediatly noticed, was how fascinated you were about dragons— gleefully riding your own whenever you had the opportunity, and studying everything that there was to them. While you had your own dragon, you had rarely interacted with Vermax, much less ride him with Jace.
And, the perfect idea to continue bonding together popped up.
“It’s the least I could do for you. I do not expect you to thank me for it.” he replied briefly, now maintaining both his arms right behind his back, and with a grin lingering on his rosy lips. The perfect opportunity was presented right there, for him to invite you to have some fun together— it took him some stength to ask you if you fancied going on a dragonride together, but he couldn’t waste the chance. Surely, no one would notice if you both were resting in your chambers or not.
“I couldn’t help but wonder as well, now that no one will be able to disturb us...” his words trailed off, allowing him to have your entire attention on him, feeling your own stare fixed on his coffee eyes. His words left some tension hanging in the air, only causing his grin to become wider at the mere thought of his proposal. A small, mischevious little moment between the two of you— but he would do anything to help you adjust on your marriage, and feel more comfortable.
“... If you fancied riding Vermax with me? We could fly all over the castle, and perhaps, get a better sighting of the stars together.” discreetly, the Prince nibbled on his lower lip nervously, awaiting for your reaction. “After all, it will be just the two of us, and no one else to bother us.”
The idea sounded tempting enough to cause your heart to strongly flutter against your chest. His nerves eased noticing the change in your features, going from being briefly surprised, to carrying a thrilled look— it would be just the two of you. How could you ever say no to anything he proposed? You appreciated each opportunity you had of spending your seconds, minutes, and hours with him.
But what you appreciated the most, was Jace himself. The day to day you experienced with him involved taking things slowly together, and yet, it was all so very sweetly. And you couldn’t be any more grateful of his presence— knowing that, the moment you would fully adjust to your life as a wedded couple, would being you nothing but rapture.
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oftenwantedafton · 9 months
Night Shift
Steve Raglan/William Afton and Mike Schmidt x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - dub/non con sexual content
Summary: Your new boyfriend Mike Schmidt invites you to spend the evening with him at his new security job. He promises you nothing exciting ever happens and you’ll be all alone together.
He’s very wrong.
Also available on AO3
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The idea of visiting your new boyfriend Mike Schmidt at his workplace sounds very appealing, at first.
He works third shift as a security guard in a long closed children’s party themed restaurant. You’ll have total privacy and plenty of time; he’s assured you nothing ever happens.
Now that you’re standing in front of the abandoned building, though, things feel very different.
The filaments in one of the lightbulbs in the marquis sign above the entrance struggle and the light extinguishes with a loud pop, causing you to jump. Mike glances back at you as he finishes unlocking the gate, smiling reassuringly when he walks back to you, wrapping his arms around your torso.
“Hey, it’s ok. I promise. Nothing exciting ever happens here. The place is just really old and run down.”
You nod, allowing him to guide you inside through the entryway and into the dining room.
“Hey guys,” he greets the animatronics onstage casually. You glance at the trio of figures, feeling another chill go through you. You’ve never liked the appearance of the animal mascots, finding the rows of teeth bared in a smile more threatening than friendly.
“The security office is back this way.” He takes your hand and you’re glad to follow, gratefully escaping the unnerving feeling the stares from the cold eyes give you.
“So this is where I spend my night.” He gestures for you to enter a room with a desk topped with monitors. It’s a cramped space, you note, with a narrow locker and filing cabinet completing the room’s decor.
“I don’t think I’d like being cooped up like this. How do you stand it?”
Mike sighs. “It’s a job. And I’ve kind of burned my bridges with the last one, so…”
“That wasn’t your fault. You were just trying to help that boy.” You lay a hand on his sleeve, looking at him sympathetically.
“I fucked up, plain and simple. At least it wasn’t all bad though. We wouldn’t have met otherwise,” he muses, resting a hand on one hip and stealing a kiss. It was true; you just happened to be shopping at the mall that day and were standing nearby when you witnessed the incident. “Besides, I need this job if I’m going to keep taking care of Abby. My aunt is really pushing this custody battle thing.”
“She doesn’t even want her. She’s just doing it to be a jerk.” You scowl. You’ve only met her once, briefly, while you were at Mike’s house. The woman was insufferable. Everything about her, from her pinched face to her snide comments to her horrible clothing made you instantly dislike her. You’ve already seen the bond between Mike and his sister, recognizing how close the two siblings were. He was doing such a good job raising her. His aunt had no right to try to interfere.
“You’re cute when you pout. Stop thinking about her. She’s not worth it. We’ve got better things to do.” He kisses you again, longer this time. His hands slide beneath your sweater, still cool from the early spring evening, and you shiver at the touch. He makes short work of the hooks of your bra, easing back to cup your breasts, thumbs dragging across nipples already erect from the cold climate outdoors.
You moan against his mouth and caress the soft waves of dark hair curling against the nape of his neck, encouraging him to continue. You’ve made out with him a few times already but you haven’t gone all the way yet. You wonder if tonight will be the night it finally happens.
Your eyes slide closed and Mike’s too busy working on the zipper of your jeans to notice the activity on one of the monitors that’s focused on the main entrance. A tall figure enters through the front door and vanishes from view, reappearing in one of the shots focused on the cash register and prize counter, then disappears yet again.
Mike’s just begun to peel the clinging denim down over the curves of your buttocks, mouth working on your throat when you hear the door open behind you.
“Holy shit—” Mike curses.
You gasp, turning to find a middle aged man standing in the opening of the doorway. His pale eyes are framed by gold aviators and his dark hair is touched with gray at the temples, a similar brush stroke running through his neatly trimmed beard.
“What’s going on here?” He looks more bemused than upset, his eyes openly roving over your half dressed form.
“Mr. Raglan. Um, listen, I can explain…”
“Really? I’d love to hear your excuse for this. Your explanations are always so…entertaining.” He smirks, arms folding over his dress shirt, rumpling the tie draped over his chest.
“We were just…” His voice trails off. There’s no way to describe any plausible reason for what the intruder has just witnessed. “I really need this job,” he says, his voice choked. “You’re not going to tell the owner, are you?”
“Well, that depends.”
“On what?”
“On how cooperative your girlfriend here is willing to be.” His arms drop and he takes a step forward. You can’t get over how much taller he is than the both of you. “I could be persuaded to keep silent.” He reaches for your face and you gasp, recoiling when his fingers graze your cheek.
“What the fuck man?” Mike slaps the other man’s hand away.
Steve shrugs. “It’s no skin off my nose. I’ll just be making a quick call to the owner, who I’m sure will be delighted to be woken up at this hour to find out he’s paying a security guard to fondle his girlfriend instead of watching the cameras.” He steps towards the desk but Mike stops him.
“Wait. Just…let’s talk about this for a minute.” The younger man pleads.
“I don’t see what else there is to discuss. Do you want to keep your job or not? You won’t get another opportunity from the agency, I can assure you. This was your last chance and it seems you’ve blown it.”
“What is it you want?” It’s your first time speaking and the career counselor’s eyes snap to your face.
“You seem to be having such a good time. I’d like to join in. Do you think Mike here would be willing to share?”
“Absolutely fucking not. You’re not laying a hand on her,” Mike growls, one hand tightening into a fist.
Steve chuckles softly. “That’s right, you’re fond of violence. Well, you’re welcome to try. We can add that to the list of charges against you. You’ll be facing jail time for certain.” He lifts the receiver off the hook and you reach out, your hands closing over his wrist.
“Wait. I’ll…I’ll do it,” you murmur reluctantly, feeling nausea twist your stomach.
The security guard stares at you in disbelief. “What? No. You’re not doing this. This wasn’t your fault. It was my idea. I’ll figure something else out. We’re leaving.”
“We have to. We don’t have a choice. We have to do it for Abby.” You release your grip on the older man who stares at you, cheeks dimpling as his grin widens.
“I like your girlfriend already, Mike. She’s caring, generous…and has a very fuckable body,” he concludes with a leer.
“You bastard.”
“I thought I was being kind by inviting you to be included in our activities. I can always just enjoy her alone.”
“Don’t leave me,” you plead, pressing your back against Mike.
“I won’t. I’m sorry,” he whispers against your ear. “I’ll try to get us out of this somehow…”
“Enough chatter. Let’s get down to business.” Steve steps closer, tipping your chin up so he can view your features. The light from the desk lamp glares across the lenses of his glasses, obscuring his eyes from your vision. He smooths a thumb over your bottom lip then bends to kiss you, his tongue intruding roughly into your mouth.
You struggle not to gag, trying not to think about what’s happening and who’s doing this to you, leaning your weight back against your boyfriend for some measure of comfort and reassurance. The older man’s beard is rough against your skin. You can smell cologne on him, something Mike has never worn, the clustered fragrances of bergamot and orange peel heavy in your nostrils.
The fact that your body is responding to the kiss makes it all much, much worse.
Steve clearly has had years of practice, and the experience shows. He lavs at your neck, catches your bottom lip with his teeth, sucks along your tongue and lets a thick trail of saliva descend from his mouth into yours. You feel a warmth blooming inside of you, your sex tingling and throbbing and you hate yourself for becoming aroused just from a kiss by this stranger.
Mike seems too shocked to do more than watch, cradling you against him, allowing the career counselor to take his time tasting his girlfriend’s cherry chapstick lined mouth before his hands begin exploring, snaking underneath your sweater to knead your breasts and roll and pinch your nipples. You can’t stifle a small moan, hear Mike’s breathing by your ear ratchet up. Initially you think it had been rapid from discovery and anger; now you wonder if it is from something else entirely.
“God you’re sweet,” Steve growls, shoving a hand into the waistband of your panties. His probing fingers stroke past your clit and dip between the folds, finding your body’s betrayal of slick arousal. He’s skilled at touching as well, adeptly alternating between stroking your bundle of nerve endings and fingering your entrance, dipping a little further inside each time, teasing you, eliciting another moan and a series of squelching sounds as his prodding disrupts more lubricating fluid from your body.
You can feel Mike’s erection pressing against you now; there’s no longer any doubt that he’s turned on by what’s happening, in spite of the circumstances.
You lean your head back, turning your face slightly. “Don’t think about him, think about me,” he whispers, his lips finding yours. He kisses you gently, wrapping his arms around your chest, trying to distract you from the other man’s presence.
The career counselor isn’t one to be ignored, however. He’s dropped to his knees, tugging down your panties and removing your sneakers before peeling off your jeans. “Why don’t you give me a hand here, Mike?” He tucks one of his own under your left knee, indicating he wants your boyfriend to hold it up so he has better access to your dripping pussy.
Your mouth goes slack and you moan when you feel the man’s tongue press against your clit, threading fingers through his salt and pepper hair as he buries his nose against your mound, his tongue thrusting between your lips and teasing your opening.
“Fuck…nnngh” You can’t help it. His mouth is too skilled, too fervent against your cunt. Mike’s breath is a harsh, unsteady rasp beside your cheek, his cock now being ground slightly against your ass cheeks.
“Fucking delicious.” Steve slurps your lips and sucks on your throbbing clit and the leg you’re standing on trembles violently. He redoubles his efforts and you know you’re going to cum, there’s no way to avoid it, it just feels too good having the older man eating you out so rapturously.
“Come on honey. Cum for me,” he urges, slipping a finger inside and curling it forward and that does it, you explode against his mouth and hand, the noise tearing from your throat one you don’t even recognize.
Mike relaxes his grip on your leg and you lower it shakily as the older man rises, gasping when Steve’s mouth covers yours again, offering you a taste of yourself. Your juices are all over his lips and beard and you find yourself lapping at them, all reason lost in the moment of the afterwaves of ultimate pleasure.
“I think Mike needs some assistance,” he suggests, stepping back and sliding the office chair beside you. “Maybe this will help. Sit down,” he instructs and you obey. He bends and grabs you by your ankles and tugs sharply, pulling you sideways so that your back is resting on the seat, your lower body splayed against his chest. There’s strength in that lean form; you think he could crush you with his bare hands. In this position, Mike’s crotch is now within easy reach of your mouth.
The dark haired young man hesitates, still hating what’s happening, glaring at the career counselor but unable to deny he wants relief as well. He combs his fingers through your hair, trying to bring some tenderness and intimacy back to the moments that have been stolen and invaded. He unzips his pants, withdrawing his erection, stroking it a few times before he presses it to your lips.
Your mouth engulfs the head of his cock, tasting precum as your tongue swipes across the opening.
“She can take more than that.” Steve watched raptly as you gag at the sudden intrusion when Mike follows the suggestion, perhaps hoping this will all end faster if you both just cooperate, or perhaps it’s his own desire; it’s hard to separate the two thoughts anymore, the line between what you’re being forced to endure and what you want to happen blurring.
The chair creaks as your head bobs, sliding over Mike’s cock. He groans at the sensation, the fingers once caressing your hair now knotting in it.
“Those lips were made for cocksucking. Fuck her mouth,” the older man encourages, his hands sliding over your legs and slipping between them stopping just shy of your center, teasing you. You can still feel your arousal leaking out of you as Mike thrusts harder into your mouth, straining your throat as he batters the muscle and bruises the cartilage.
“Better,” Steve says, abandoning his caresses to unzip his pants, stroking as he watches you perform for him. “But now I feel left out. Let’s get you over the desk, sweetheart.” Mike withdraws and the other man pulls you upright as easily as if you’re a rag doll, tugging you to your feet and then pushing you over the corner of the desk, so Mike can still reach your mouth and Steve now has access to your pussy. The thin padding of your sweater provides little cushioning for your breasts smashed against the steel surface. The older man slaps one ass cheek lightly, just enough to bring a little blossom of pink color, and then you feel a slight pressure as he lines himself up with your entrance.
You moan around Mike’s member in surprise, realizing the career counselor’s prick is larger than what you’re accustomed to. He stretches your canal and your abdominal muscles tense, your vaginal walls clenching on the intruding organ.
“Christ, Mike, she’s tight,” he exhales, pushing until he reaches the hilt, completely sheathed within you. “Relax, honey.” He rubs a circle against your lower spine, calloused fingers dragging across soft skin. He pulls back and slides in once more, still surprisingly gentle, letting your body learn to accommodate him.
It’s distracting, difficult to focus between the sensations of your boyfriend’s cock in your mouth and the career counselor’s cock nestled in your pussy. You’re still revolted but the feeling is stifled beneath your arousal. You’ve never been so turned on in your life, would never have dreamt of being shared by two men at the same time. The fact that one of them is a stranger only heightens the experience.
“Good girl,” Steve praises as you begin to relax, moving with the rhythm of his lenient thrusts. He accelerates the pace, bucking into you harder, and you welcome the intrusion, your pelvis grinding back against him. You feel another orgasm building again.
Mike’s own climax is approaching, his breathing unsteady, his thrusts between the tight ring of your lips sloppier, more urgent. You suck harder, moaning around his length, accompanying the slapping sound of Steve’s body colliding with yours. Both men are cursing, battering at your openings from opposite ends. Your entire body feels like it is on fire, aching and hot, you need to cum, you need to make them cum…
Mike lets go first, spilling his seed onto your tongue, the warm, sour liquid pooling in your mouth. Steve follows soon after, his fingers bruising your hips as he explodes, dragging you right along with him. You moan and shake as you feel his cum spilling deep inside of you, filling you up.
There’s a pause while all three of you recover, breathing slowing, pulses descending, the tingling feeling in your limbs ebbing. You’re becoming acutely aware of how uncomfortable your position is and struggle to stand, finding your legs shaky, surprised when it’s Steve this time that supports you from behind, his lips nuzzling your throat when he smiles.
Mike curses, fumbling with the opening of his pants. He glares daggers at the career counselor, bending to gather your discarded clothing and pressing it into your arms.
“Are you ok?” He asks, attempting to tuck back a stray strand of hair from your face. “That’s enough. Get your hands off of her.”
“If that’s what the lady wants, sure.” Steve says placidly, unperturbed. “Is that what you want?” He asks against your ear.
“Yes,” you murmur, not sure if that’s what you really want at all.
“Alright.” He shifts, his warmth and touch abandoning your body.
“This is it, then. We did what you wanted. I get to keep my job and you keep your mouth closed. Agreed?”
“Of course. I’m a man of my word.” Steve grins again, straightening his clothing, glancing at you and sighing wistfully. “Although I wouldn’t mind another round sometime. Just to, you know…ensure my silence, as it were.” His pale eyes meet yours and you shudder, looking away hurriedly.
“As if that’s going to fucking happen.” Mike shakes his head. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
“No need. I know the way. You can watch the cameras if you don’t trust I’m actually departing. You know, like you were supposed to be doing anyway.” His eyes meet yours a final time. “It was a real pleasure to meet you. If you change your mind about the offer, Mike knows where to find me,” the older man says over his shoulder as he walks away.
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svn-bangtan · 1 year
The Favor ®
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»pairing: Jungkook x Actress! reader
»genre: BTS | 18+ | M | Smut | Best friends to lovers | Fluff if you squint hard enough
»wc/date: 7.9k | July 2023
» warnings: cursing, Dirty Talk, Oral (M/F rec) Size kink, penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it up and practice safe sex), rough sex, fingering, breast play, denial, and I think that’s it?
»Summary: You’ve always had a thing for the maknae of BTS, but due to your close friendship, you let it go. Throughout the friendship, however, he’d always ask you for small favors here and there, and being as close as you are, you never objected. However, that was until he came over one day asking for another favor, but this time, it was something you never would have expected. 
» m.list | Taglist | Thoughts? Comments? Concerns
Y/n, a woman in her late twenties, heard her best friend's voice suddenly ring out through her house. She glanced at her manager, who stood in front of her while she was busy cooking. They were engrossed in a discussion about contracts for an upcoming drama that Y/n was set to star in after returning to Korea from filming a new movie in America. Raising an eyebrow, she responded, "Uh, yeah, Jungkook. I'm in the kitchen."
Within seconds, a visibly distressed Jungkook appeared and offered a slight bow to Y/n's manager. "Y/n, I need to talk to you."
Curious, she asked, with a piece of cucumber she was cutting in her mouth, "Okay, what about?"
"In private," Jungkook replied. Y/n glanced between her manager and Jungkook, noticing her manager's gaze, almost seeking permission to leave.
"Manager Chan, could you give us a moment alone?" Y/n requested. Nodding, her manager gathered her belongings and assured Y/n that she would return later to continue their conversation. After bowing towards Y/n and Jungkook, the manager left the premises. Y/n looked at Jungkook, perplexed, as he took a deep breath.
"What is so important that you needed her to leave? Did you get caught up in a scandal or something?" Y/n inquired, resuming her vegetable cutting as she heard the front door close, signaling her manager's departure.
"No," Jungkook replied.
"Did you break something in Yoongi's studio and now you need a place to hide?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow and continuing to focus on cutting her vegetables. She casually placed another piece of cucumber in her mouth.
"No, Y/n, I need your help with something really big!" Jungkook exclaimed.
Curiosity piqued, Y/n questioned, "And what might that be?"
"I need you to have sex with me," he stated bluntly, causing Y/n to choke on the cucumber in her mouth. Reacting swiftly, Jungkook handed her a water bottle, which she quickly drank from while taking deep breaths.
After a few moments, Y/n set the knife down and stared at Jungkook as if he had lost his mind. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I'm serious. I just need this one favor to help me out before we go to the Grammy's. Please, Y/n?" Jungkook pleaded. Y/n scoffed and set the water bottle down.
"Now is not the time for jokes, Jungkook," she retorted.
"But I'm not joking," he insisted, causing Y/n to freeze, wide-eyed.
Throughout all the years Y/n had known BTS, ever since they collaborated on the soundtrack for a drama she starred in and when she had the opportunity to appear in one of their music videos, nothing like this had ever happened before. While she had a strong bond with all seven members, if she had to choose the closest one, it would undoubtedly be Jungkook.
Jungkook and Y/n had a sibling-like relationship. They constantly teased each other, given their close age proximity, and often hung out together without the other members. However, Jungkook had frequently asked Y/n for favors over the years.
"Y/n, can you do me a favor and hide me? I can't let Jin-Hyung find me."
"I need a favor; can you text this girl pretending to be my girlfriend? She won't leave me alone."
"Y/n, I need a favor!"
Despite the numerous favors Jungkook had asked of her, Y/n always found herself helping him out in any way she could. Why she did so, she couldn't quite explain. However, she had to admit that most of the time, Jungkook's requests came with some sort of consequence.
In their years of friendship, Y/n had become accustomed to Jungkook's appeals for assistance. But this particular request was something entirely unexpected, even for him. She continued to gaze at him, trying to make sense of his words and the gravity behind them.
As her mind raced with a flurry of thoughts, Y/n contemplated their friendship. They had always been there for each other, offering support and lending a helping hand whenever needed. But this plea for a sexual encounter was uncharted territory, shattering the boundaries of their relationship.
Y/n couldn't deny the connection she shared with Jungkook. Their bond went beyond mere friendship, but she had never entertained the notion of taking it to a romantic or physical level. She couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this sudden and audacious proposition.
Taking a moment to compose herself, Y/n finally found her voice. "Jungkook, I... I don't even know where to begin. This is... unexpected, to say the least."
Jungkook's expression was a mixture of vulnerability and desperation. He seemed genuinely earnest in his plea, but Y/n couldn't ignore the consequences that could arise from indulging him. She had learned from past experiences that Jungkook's requests often led to unforeseen complications.
"Please, Y/n," he implored, his voice tinged with a blend of urgency and uncertainty. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I need your help. It's for the Grammy's, and it's crucial for... everything."
The weight of his words hung in the air, and Y/n couldn't help but feel torn. She cared deeply for Jungkook and wanted to support him, but she also valued their friendship and didn't want it jeopardized by impulsive decisions. She had always been his confidante, the one he turned to for aid, but this request pushed the boundaries further than ever before.
A million thoughts flooded Y/n's mind as she searched for the right response. She knew she had to be honest with herself and with Jungkook. Taking a deep breath, she met his gaze, her eyes filled with both compassion and determination.
"Jungkook, you know I care about you deeply," she began softly. "But this is not a decision to be made lightly. It could have lasting consequences, not just for us but for our friendship and the dynamics within our group. Have you considered the possible ramifications?"
Jungkook's face fell, a mix of disappointment and understanding sweeping over him. "I... I hadn't thought it through completely. I just... I thought you'd understand that you'd be willing to help me when no one else could."
Y/n's heart ached at his words, knowing that she had been a source of support for him countless times before. But this request was different. It went against the principles she held dear and the boundaries she had established for their relationship.
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Y/n and Min-Seo continued their intense sparring session, their bodies moving in a synchronized rhythm. The sound of their wooden swords colliding filled the air, creating a symphony of clashing echoes.
"Oh, come on Min-Seo," Y/n playfully teased, her voice brimming with confidence, as she observed her trainer fall to the ground once again. Adjusting her shirt, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, a smirk tugging at her lips. "I thought you were this badass, where is she at? You haven't been able to land a single hit."
Min-Seo, her competitive spirit aflame, wiped away a trickle of blood from her lip. Determination radiated from her as she pushed herself off the ground, a feral gleam in her eyes. “You want to see badass; I’ll show you badass.” With renewed vigor, she charged towards Y/n, her wooden sword poised for action.
Y/n swung her wooden sword at Min-Seo, aiming for her trainer's defenses. But Min-Seo was quick to block the strike, her movements fluid and precise. ““There she is,” Y/n murmured with a smirk. She retaliated with a rapid series of strikes, displaying her own prowess and skill. Y/n expertly deflected each blow, her body moving with a dancer's grace.
The sparring session intensified as their swords clashed with increasing speed and force. Their footwork was agile, their bodies weaving and dodging, each anticipating the other's next move. They circled each other, their eyes locked in an unwavering gaze, neither willing to yield an inch.
Y/n unleashed a flurry of strikes, testing Min-Seo's defenses. Their swords collided with a resounding impact, the force threatening to shake their grips. The exertion etched across their faces, they pushed each other to their limits, their determination fueling their every move.
Min-Seo countered Y/n's attacks with swift and calculated maneuvers. She weaved in and out of Y/n's reach, striking with precision and attempting to find an opening. But Y/n's agility and quick reflexes thwarted each attempt, her movements a seamless blend of defense and counterattack.
As the spar continued, both women grew increasingly breathless, their bodies drenched in sweat. Fatigue threatened to creep in, but they persevered, their focus unwavering. They were warriors engaged in a battle of skill, their dedication and passion for their craft evident in every strike and parry.
Y/n seized an opportunity as Min-Seo momentarily hesitated, her concentration wavering. With a swift feint, Y/n sidestepped and launched a surprise attack, catching Min-Seo off guard. Her wooden sword connected with Min-Seo's side, eliciting a gasp of surprise and a staggered step backward.
A triumphant smile graced Y/n's face as she pressed her advantage. She closed the distance between them, relentlessly driving Min-Seo backward with a barrage of strikes. Her sword whirled through the air, each swing calculated and precise. Min-Seo fought back, her determination undeterred, but Y/n's relentless assault was unyielding.
Finally, Y/n executed a sweeping low kick, knocking Min-Seo off balance. With a swift motion, she delivered a final strike, her wooden sword tapping against Min-Seo's chest, signifying victory. Min-Seo stumbled backward, conceding defeat with a nod of respect.
As they caught their breath, Y/n and Min-Seo locked eyes, their gazes filled with mutual admiration and camaraderie. The intensity of the spar had brought them even closer, their bond as trainer and trainee fortified by the shared dedication to their craft.
"You fought gracefully, Min-Seo," Y/n acknowledged, a note of admiration in her voice. "You always push me to be better."
Min-Seo, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction etched across her features, smiled warmly. "And you rise to the challenge every time, Y/n. Your growth as a fighter is truly remarkable. I trained you well."
The two women took a moment to recover, their chests rising and falling with each deep breath. The gym seemed to hold its breath, filled with the residual energy of their fierce sparring session.
It was during this momentary lull that Y/n became aware of a silent presence in the room. She turned her gaze towards the entrance, spotting Jungkook observing their bout with a mixture of awe and admiration. A fond smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she realized the extent of Jungkook's fascination.
Jungkook, captivated by the display of skill and determination before him, stood rooted to the spot, his eyes fixed on Y/n. His admiration for her talent shone in his gaze, fueling her own confidence and pride.
As Y/n approached the edge of the mat, sweat dripping from her brow, she caught Jungkook's eye. The connection between them was instant, unspoken words passing between them.
"There's my biggest fan," Y/n quipped, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "Enjoying the show?"
Jungkook's lips curved into a sheepish smile. "I can't help but be amazed by your abilities, Y/n. You never fail to impress me."
Basking in his praise, Y/n's confidence soared. She knew that she had earned Jungkook's respect through her relentless dedication to honing her skills.
As the training session drew to a close, Y/n and Min-Seo exchanged a final nod of mutual respect. They had pushed each other to new heights, embracing the challenges of their spar and emerging stronger as a result.
Y/n turned her attention back to Jungkook, her expression a mix of playfulness and curiosity. . "Impressed, Jungkook? I told you, this place is a gem."
Jungkook's gaze lingered on the state-of-the-art equipment, the pristine condition of the gym. He shook his head in awe, his voice tinged with disbelief. "This is amazing, Y/n. I had no idea your gym would be this... luxurious."
Y/n chuckled, wiping away the last traces of perspiration from her brow. "Well, I do like to train in style. Min-Seo has connections, you know." She gestured towards her trainer, who was catching her own breath a few feet away.
Y/n, amused by Jungkook's enthusiasm, chuckled lightly. "I know, right? It's a fitness paradise."
Intrigued, Jungkook approached one of the punching bags, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. He flexed his fingers, testing the resilience of the bag before delivering a powerful punch that resonated through the room.
"I wonder if we could get something like this at the house or the company," Jungkook mused aloud, a hint of excitement in his voice.
Y/n's laughter filled the air, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Jungkook, as much as I'd love to see you work out in a gym like this, let's be realistic. With your busy schedule and constant touring with BTS, I doubt you'd have the time to make use of it."
Jungkook grinned sheepishly, understanding the truth in Y/n's words. "You have a point there. Maybe I'll just have to settle for the hotel gyms while we're on the road."
As Y/n moved to the cooling down area, Jungkook followed, curiosity shining in his eyes. He looked at her with a mix of admiration and intrigue. "So, how did you find this place, Y/n? And what were you doing here?"
Y/n smirked, teasingly rolling her eyes. "Oh, come on, Jungkook. Are you stalking my every move now? I regret ever giving you my manager's number."
Jungkook laughed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "No, it's not like that. Your manager mentioned that you were training here, so I thought I'd drop by and see what all the fuss is about."
Y/n chuckled, appreciating the thoughtfulness behind Jungkook's visit. "Well, it seems like you've arrived just in time to witness some of my impressive moves."
Jungkook's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Impressive, huh? Are you training for your Marvel Studios contract?"
Y/n's playful expression shifted to one of surprise, her mind racing to comprehend how Jungkook had obtained such information. The news of her involvement in a Marvel project had been kept under wraps, known only to a select few.
“So, what bring you here. Typically, you call me before showing up.” Jungkook stands still as he has his back towards her and takes a deep breath. Turning around to face Y/n, he smiles sweetly at her before clasping his hands together.
“I need a favor.”
“Which is?”
He was about to answer when a voice echoed through the gym, interrupting their conversation. "Jungkook!" shouted Hoseok, his tone a mix of annoyance and urgency.
Jungkook's attention snapped towards the source of the voice, his eyes widening as he spotted Hoseok storming towards them, his grip tight on a wooden sword. The air crackled with a mix of tension and anticipation. 
Y/n exchanged a knowing glance with Jungkook, the corner of her lips curling into a wry smile. She had a feeling that this unexpected visit was about to take another surprising turn.
Hoseok reached them, his expression a mixture of frustration and concern. "Jungkook, how many times have I told you to stay out of my studio?"
Jungkook's face paled slightly, his eyes darting between Y/n and Hoseok. He swallowed hard, a sheepish grin forming. "Well, you see, Hobi-hyung..."
Before he could explain himself further, Hoseok's impatience got the better of him, and he interrupted, waving the wooden sword in his hand for emphasis.
"I don't want to hear any excuses, Jungkook!" Hoseok exclaimed; his voice tinged with exasperation. "I trusted you with my precious KAWS figurines, and now one of them is broken!"
Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Hoseok's dramatic display. She stepped forward, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, her voice laced with amusement. "Well, it seems like you've really done it this time, Jungkook. Breaking Hoseok's prized possessions."
Jungkook looked at Y/n, a mixture of guilt and embarrassment etched on his face. "I... I didn't mean to break it, Y/n. It was an accident, I swear!" 
Hoseok's frustration softened slightly as he regarded Y/n. "You know Jungkook, he's always getting into some sort of trouble. That's why I had to rush here. I need your help to mediate this situation."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, her playful smile transforming into a more serious expression. "And how exactly am I supposed to mediate a broken KAWS figurine, Hoseok?"
Hoseok's gaze shifted between Y/n and Jungkook, his voice pleading. "Well, you have great persuasive skills, Y/n. Maybe you can talk him into replacing it or finding a way to make amends."
Y/n sighed, realizing she had been inadvertently dragged into yet another one of Jungkook's escapades. She glanced at Jungkook, her tone teasing but with a hint of exasperation. "You owe me big time for this, Jungkook. I can't believe I'm getting involved in your broken figurine drama."
Jungkook nodded, grateful for Y/n's willingness to help. "I know, I know. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
Before they could proceed further, curiosity got the better of Y/n. She couldn't resist asking the burning question that had been lingering in her mind. "By the way, which one of Hobi’s KAWS broke?"
Jungkook's cheeks reddened, and he shifted uncomfortably under Y/n's gaze. "Well, it was... um... actually, it was my most expensive and rare one."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, her hand instinctively covering her mouth to stifle a gasp. "Your most expensive and rare one? Jungkook, you're in trouble."
Hoseok's expression transformed from relief to sheer horror. "What? Jungkook, you broke my most prized KAWS?"
Jungkook's eyes widened, and he took a step back, sensing the brewing storm. "I... I”
“YAH!” Hoseok yelled as he lunged toward Jungkook, wielding the wooden sword with determined resolve. "You need to learn your lesson, Jungkook!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with mock seriousness.
Jungkook pleaded for mercy, his laughter mixed with a tinge of desperation. Hoseok playfully delivered a few swipes to Jungkook's thighs, eliciting laughter and protests from both of them.
Getting up from the ground, Jungkook's eyes widened in fear as he turned on his heels, attempting to flee from J-Hope's wrath. The sound of J-Hope's furious footsteps filled the air as he chased after Jungkook, their commotion echoing through the gym.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh, her amusement bubbling up at the chaos unfolding before her eyes. She shook her head, a mixture of sympathy and amusement. "Good luck, Jungkook! Looks like you've really gotten yourself into a mess this time."
Y/n and her trainer exchanged amused glances, knowing all too well the dynamics within their group. Hoseok's exasperation, Jungkook's mischievous nature, and Y/n's ability to find herself caught in the middle of their antics had become a familiar sight over the years.
As the laughter subsided, Y/n turned to her trainer, a wry smile on her face. "I guess this is just another consequence of being friends with Jungkook."
Her trainer chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, but it's also what makes your friendship so special. The unexpected moments and shared adventures keep things interesting."
Y/n glanced back at Jungkook, who was now catching his breath, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
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Rubbing between her eyes in disbelief, Y/n took a deep breath, trying to process Jungkook's unusual request. "Jungkook..."
"Please, Y/n, I will never ask for a favor ever again. I'll give you whatever you want," Jungkook pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.
Y/n looked at him, her confusion evident on her face. She had grown out of her small crush on Jungkook as they became close friends, navigating their busy lives as an actress and an idol. Her feelings were a mess, but she cherished their friendship and didn't want to jeopardize it.
"Why do you need me to help you though?" Y/n asked, moving her hands away from her face and staring at him intently.
Jungkook sat down on one of the stools at the island in Y/n's kitchen, his hood pulled up. He gestured towards her, trying to explain his reasoning. "You've been to American award shows multiple times, especially big ones like the Oscars!” Nodding her head, Y/n takes off the apron was wearing and reveals the black soft longue slip dress from skims and of course, Jungkook couldn’t help but stare as well as she pulls it down a bit. Gaining some composure, Jungkook continues.  
“The guys and I were talking, and what if Megan Thee Stallion finally wants to give me a chance? Or if I were to run into any major celebrity, I want to make sure I'm at least good."
Y/n couldn't help but burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry," she said, still chuckling as she leaned back against the counter, studying Jungkook.
Once her laughter subsided, she tilted her head to the side, smirking. "First off, Megan would definitely go after Namjoon before you. Second of all, there are literally millions of girls who would love to help you out with this favor. Why ask me?"
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and adjusted his hood, clearly feeling a bit embarrassed. "Because you have experience with these things," he said, his words stumbling out.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, amused by his flustered state. "Are you saying I sleep around?" she asked with a smirk, watching panic flash in Jungkook's eyes. "No, oh my god no. I meant that you know what American girls are like at these after parties and how they—"
"Jungkook, I'm messing with you," Y/n interjected, causing him to place a hand over his heart. "Don't do that, Y/n. Jesus," he replied, visibly relieved.
Rolling her eyes, Y/n studied him for a moment before smirking. "What happened to that American girl you were seeing? I'm sure you can call her, either fly her out here or meet her out there and do it. There's no one better than her to do it, plus you guys had sex before, right?"
Jungkook's gaze dropped, and Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for an answer. "Jungkook?" she prodded when he mumbled under his breath, causing her to scoff. "Speak up, dude. It's an easy question."
"She said my... it was too big for her, so no. I can't call her. Matter of fact, almost everyone I tried to hook up with couldn't take it, so I can't really call anyone," Jungkook admitted, his tone serious.
Y/n burst into laughter, finding it hard to believe. "That's absurd, there's no way," she exclaimed, still chuckling. But her laughter died down when she saw the seriousness in Jungkook's eyes.
Shaking her head slightly, Y/n straightened her posture and cleared her throat. "Jesus, I never knew someone could be too big."
Jungkook leaned forward, resting his elbows on the kitchen island. "But seriously, why come to me for this? I really doubt that I can be of any help, especially if you're so big. What if I can't handle it?"
Taking a deep breath, Y/n considered the situation at hand. Her best friend, the International Playboy and Golden Maknae of the world's biggest boy group, was asking her to sleep with him for the sake of honesty and to avoid potential scandals. It was an unexpected request, but she trusted Jungkook and understood his reasoning.
Scoffing playfully, she pushed some of her hair back and leaned against the counter. "Who would have thought the International Playboy of BTS would need my help for something like this? Honestly, Jungkook, if you wanted to sleep with me, you could have just asked instead of making up this excuse."
Silence hung in the air as Jungkook and Y/n stared at each other, the weight of their unspoken attraction lingering between them. After a moment, Y/n took a deep breath and pushed herself off the counter, walking towards him.
Placing her hand on his shoulder, she gently turned him to face her and tugged on the drawstring of his hoodie. "If we're going to do this, it won't only apply to American girls, but how girls are in general. Understood?"
Jungkook nodded, his eyes fixed on her. Y/n let her gaze travel up and down his form, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity. "Okay, whatever you say," Jungkook replied in his Busan dialect, causing Y/n to cross her legs and hum softly.
"Follow me, then," she said, tugging on his drawstrings one last time before leading the way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom. The excitement within her grew as Jungkook followed, their footsteps echoing through the hallway.
Once inside, Y/n  instruct him to sit on the bench that is in front of her bed, and she stands there. “So, first things first, how far have you gone with a woman?”
“I’ve only ever done it twice, but that was around the time of my 20th birthday.” He says, causing Y/n to sigh in disbelief. “Jeez, you poor thing.”
Standing in front of him, she gently pull down her dress, exposing her breast a little and she watches as Jungkook’s eyes widen. Just like Y/n, he always realized how beautiful of a woman she was, but didn’t want to ruin the friendship, however with her in front of him like this, he knew that things wouldn’t be the same. 
At least, not on his end.
 “Well, get nice and comfortable on the bench for me. Then I’ll show you a few things girls like and then we can fuck, deal?” Y/n says as she watches him check her out. 
Nodding his head, Y/n smiles innocently at him and stand in-between his legs as he manspreads in front of her. “When you’re at a party, or event in America and there’s almost always alcohol involved, girls tend to get a little slutty. So, I’m going to show you what happens when a girl comes up to you when you’re at a party.”
“Okay…” Turning around, Y/n gently sit down on his lap and grind against him, causing him to jerk forward a bit. “Fuck Y/n,”
“It’s okay Kook, relax.” she whisper as she continues to grind against him. Placing her hands on his knees, Y/n leans forward a little as she continue and smile as she feel his erection get bigger by the second. 
Maybe he wasn’t lying, it feels huge. Y/n thinks to herself. 
“So, there are a couple of rules you’ll need to remember when a girl comes up to you, and rule number one…” Y/n says as she stops and turns her head to look at Jungkook, who sits there with his mouth slightly open, his eyes looking at her ass. After a couple of seconds, he looks up at her and cocks an eyebrow up causing his eyebrow piercing to sparkle a little from the light hitting it. “Make sure your dick gets hard.” 
“I think I got that covered,”
“I think so too, but make sure you keep it hard.” Y/n goes back to grinding against him, causing Jungkook to jerk forward several times causing her to smirk at her best friends reaction. “Does it feel good?”
“Fuck yes…” He whispers. “While she’s grinding on my dick, can I touch?”
“Yes, you’ll want to touch her.” Jungkook places his hands on Y/n’s hips, moving her against his lap causing Y/n to let out a small moan. “Keep a nice firm grip on her, that lets her know that you’re into it and rule number two is to not to cum. Though it may feel good, you don’t want to cum to quickly.” Jungkook simply squeezes in her thighs in response. 
I wonder how much longer he’s going to sit here and pretend like he doesn’t know what he’s doing before he snaps. Y/n thought to herself as she pushes herself a bit deeper into his lap.  To be quite frank, Y/n knew Jungkook like the back of her hand and knew that he has sex more times than he admitted, especially in the time they have been friends.
Hell, its Jeon Jungkook of BTS. No one in their right mind would think that he of all people hasn’t had sex. 
Feeling herself throb between her thighs, she turns quickly to look at Jungkook to see how he’s doing and notice his eyes darken, possibly because he felt it too. 
Gently biting her lip as Jungkook places a little pressure on her hips and Y/n bend over a little bit more, causing her dress to ride up to the top of her thigh. “Now if she is really slutty, she’s going to start taking off some of her clothes.” She says as she lifts her dress up and have it hug around her waist, causing Jungkook to hiss slightly as he places his hands back on her hips. “Will they also not have underwear on like you?”
“Maybe,” Y/n say as she turns her head, looking at him with a mischievous look. “Do you do that often, Y/n?”
Jokingly rolling her eyes, Y/n gently squeeze his knees in response as she can see that he wouldn’t be able to take much more of this, so to end his torment for the time being she stands up from his lap. “Now at some point she’ll want to take this upstairs to a bedroom, or somewhere private.”
“Okay,” Getting down on her knees in front of him, she looks up at him as she palms over his very prominent bulge through his sweats he’s wearing. Jungkook sits up a little as he watches her gently play with the waist band of his sweats and I tug of it. “This is where it’s very important for you to be hard.”
Jungkook nods his hard, and Y/n slowly pull down his sweats along with his underwear. It’s then she gasps as his thick cock spring into her view. Jungkook wasn’t kidding when he said his cock was big, I now understand. 
“I told you.” 
“Yeah-“ Y/n replies as she tries to keep her composure. Reaching up, Y/n gently wraps her hand around it as she looks up at him. She watches as Jungkook tilts his head to the side and stares down at her as she leans forward to lick the tip and lapping up his pre-cum. Jungkook lets out some noises that caused heat to build up in between her legs.
This boy, she thought to herself. Y/n was thoroughly convinced that Jungkook isn’t telling the truth, but she also can’t deny that she wondered what Jungkook would be like in bed.
Leaning back and running his fingers through his hair, Jungkook lets out a small moan as he stares down at her. Smiling a little as she places a small kiss on his tip, Y/n opens her mouth and begins moving her mouth down, taking him whole. Or as much as she could. 
Slowly bobbing her head up and down, Jungkook tilts his head back feeling him hit the back of her throat since she was fortunate enough to not have a gag reflex. “Fuck Y/n,”
Rolling her tongue around, she hallows out her cheeks, sucking and pulling him deeper into her mouth as his fingers find a way to the back of her head to push her down deeper, trying to feel more. Hearing him moan and whine, Y/n feels Jungkook move lower as start bucking his hips into her mouth. “Shit that mouth is fucking amazing,”
Humming in response, Y/n pushes the limit as she pushes herself deeper and feels her jaw aching as her saliva drops down her chin. Feeling satisfied, she moves up and turns her attention on the head of his length before sucking it harshly. Hearing him groan loudly, Y/n barely has time to react before she is being picked up off the ground and thrown on her bed, causing her to laugh. 
I knew sooner or later I’d beak him, “you’re such a fucking tease,” Jungkook says as he pulls her to the edge of the bed by her ankles. Before she can respond, Jungkook captures her lips and places his hands on her face. Slipping her tongue in his mouth, she can’t help but moan a little as she feels his erecting pressing into her. 
Releasing her lips, Jungkook quickly begins to attack her neck causing Y/n to tilt her head back instinctively. “Don’t mark me Jungkook, I have a shoot tomorrow and my manager is coming back.” Y/n moans as he begins to suck her neck. 
“I don’t care,” He mumbles. Feeling his hand go up the material of her dress and him grabbing her breast, Y/n’s eyes roll back without her realizing.  
There’s no way this is happening. She thought to herself as her hands move down Jungkook’s neck, to his torso, all the way down the hem of his sweatshirt. 
After he is done with his attack, Jungkook attaches his lips to her’s once again but rougher than before. This kiss was pact with all the tension that was always between the two but neither wanted to confront it.
Pulling away, she looks Jungkook up and down and smirks a little before looking him in his eyes. Jungkook takes this moment to take off his hoodie which causes her to prop herself onto her elbows. 
Admiring her naked best friend. What, you’d admire too if he was Infront of you.
“I see you got some new tattoos.” Y/n says as she shamelessly checks him out, earning a eye roll from him. “I see you still like being a brat.” He reaches down to tug at her dress, which she obliges to taking off. 
“I’m not being a brat, it’s just you have lie- oh shit” Y/n is interrupted when Jungkook quickly spreads her legs and was between her legs. All it took was for one lick from her hole to her slit to cause her to gasp for air. Has it been so long that I haven’t been touched?
Feeling her toes curl, Y/n tilts her head back which causing Jungkook to hum as he turns to kiss her thigh. He reaches up to tilt her head up and smirks. “No, you’re going to be a good girl and watch.” Wanting to reply with something snarky, Y/n stops as he wraps his arms around her thighs to hold her down, his thumb massaging her sensitive bus as he continues to flick his tongue in and out of her. 
“Fucking hell,” She moans as she readjusts herself on her elbows, watching him. Moving one of his hands from her thighs, Jungkook slowly pushes in a finger inside and his lips envelop her swollen clit, his lip piercing rubbing up against her. “Taste so sweet,” He mumbles as he maintains eye contact with her.  
For the next several moments as you both stare at each other, Jungkook watches as she moans and squirms around his finger, enjoying her reaction.  She’s so beautiful like this, he thought to himself as he adds another finger inside and foes faster.
“Oh my god,” All that fills the room was the sound of how wet she was around his fingers and her moans that were now uncontrollable at this point. Jungkook groans into the wet heat, as Y/n buck against his face, causing her to reach down and gently gran his hair. “Fuck kook… Please don’t stop, I’m so close.”
Quickening his pace, Y/n’s back arches off the bed, thighs tightening around his head once his other hand lets go of her thigh and reaches up to palm her breast, tugging and teasing her nipple. “Oh god,”
“Come on. Y/n, cum for me.” That was all she needed to send her over the edge as her orgasm shoots throughout her body. Jungkook chuckles as he continues to help her through her orgasm before she started to pull away from being overstimulated.
“As I was saying before, you are such a fucking liar.” Y/n says as she tries catching her breath, watching him lick her cum off his fingers before standing up and pulls her into a kiss. “I never said I didn’t know how to eat a girl out,” Jungkook says in between kisses before moving down to her chin. She feels his tip brush against her slick folds, and she takes this moment to move her hips to tease him. Jungkook rests his forehead against hers as his tongue plays with his piercing. “Since you want to play this game, lie down Jungkook. The lesson isn’t over yet.”
Scoffing, Jungkook lies down against the bed as Y/n gets up and crawls on top of him. “Now this is typically when you ask a girl about condoms, if their clean…” She says as she looks down at him. 
“Don’t you still have your IUD?” Jungkook asks as he looks up at her, causing her to raise an eyebrow. “How did you know about that?”
Jungkook shrugs, “I remember you telling me about how painful it was.”
Laughing a little, she leans down over him, her lips trailing over his collar bone. Once her lips meet his soft pale skin, she gently bites down, sucking at the area until she left a large dark bruise. Jungkook inhaled sharply through his nose, and she could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. Y/n moved her mouth over from the fresh mark she left and started to make a second one. “You’re complaining about me marking you, when you know I have stuff to do as well.”
“I still want to hear you ask Jungkook, you have to practice for the Grammy’s” She mumbles as she continues to leave yet another hickey.
“Are you clean and do you have a condom?” He asks as he tilts his head to the side, unamused. Smiling brightly, Y/n leans up from his chest, gently grabbing his length and slowly strokes him before she nods. “I’m clean and unfortunately, I am out of condoms. I would have thought you brought one with you.” She teases as she catches notice of Jungkook clenching his jaw. 
“And to answer, yes, I still have my IUD in. So, we are good to go forward.” Gently biting her lip, she slides his length into her, stretching her walls and filling her perfectly. Y/n jolts as she goes down slowly, bottoming out smoothly as Jungkook’s hands grip her hips. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight” Jungkook whispers as Y/n starts moving her hips in a circle, adjusting to his size. She can’t help but smile at the fact that all the dreams and fantasies she’s had about the maknae of BTS early on in their friendship are finally coming true. Jungkook gently squeezes her hips before they move to grip her ass and begins to rock her up and down. “Feels so much better than I imagined.”
“Oh yeah, you were imagining yourself fucking me, Y/n?” He asks, but instead of answering Y/n starts bouncing up and down slowly on him, grinding her hips in a circle each time he bottoms out. Placing both of her hands on his chest, Y/n moans out his name as Jungkook watches her. Clawing at her waist, he uses it to slam her down onto his length. “Fucking hell Jungkook,”
“Look so pretty on my dick,” he says as she racks her fingers down his muscled chest, guaranteed to leave marks. He moans at the feeling, speeding up the pace.
“Ah-“ Y/n says as she looks down at Jungkook and starts moving ever so slightly. “Now now, Jungkook. The lesson isn’t over,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, and he growls a little. “Y/n, stop fucking with the fucking teasing.” He takes his thumb, using it to rub firm circles on her swollen clit. Leaning down to kiss his neck, she giggles. “Until your honest, the lesson must continue.”
Without saying anything, Jungkook flips them over, so he is hovering over her. “Fuck the lesson,” he says before he thrust deep inside her, making Y/n’s eyes roll back. Jungkook watches her as his abdomen flexes as he begins moving fast, her body jolting all over the place. Y/n cries out as he leans down and locks his lips with hers again. “So, fucking beautiful,” He whispers against her lips as she reaches up and cups his cheeks. She feels as he pushes his tongue inside, licking into her mouth as she parts her lips to let out a breathy moan as he hits that spot inside of her. Never in her existence has she ever felt this good. 
His tongue moves sultrily in her mouth as he pounds in and out of her, making Y/n pull back from him to catch her breath. “Please don’t stop,” She begs as her hands move above her head, gripping the comforter underneath. Smiling, Jungkook uses one hand to push back his hair before gripping her waist and begins to slow down to a tantalizing pace. 
Whining, Y/n moves her hips the best she could before he uses his strength to hold her down. “Look who’s teasing now,” she says causing him to chuckle before speeding up again. Dropping his head to her side, burying his face into her neck. She tils her head back in pleasure as she feels a tight knot in her stomach, begging to be relived building up already.  
Y/n moves her hands to his back as she drags them along his back from the extreme amount of pleasure she’s feeling. She must admit from all of her excursions, no one has ever made her feel this way. 
But that doesn’t say much regarding the male population. 
“Harder, make me cum,” She slurs as she feels herself so close, but instead of giving her what he wants, he pulls out of her and watches as she squirms from being denied. “Please, I’m sorry for teasing you, please.” She whines as he smirks. 
Leaning down, he presses a small kiss on her lips as he reaches down to rub her clit. “Don’t worry, I will let you cum. Come here, get back on top of me.”
Nodding her head, Y/n watches as Jungkook lays down and once she is on his lap, he slides back into her. She looks down, trying to catch her breath as he bottoms out cmoothly causing her to gasp loudly as he moves against her walls. “Fuck Jungkook, I love your cock.”
Moving so she is on her knees with her back towards him, Y/n begins to move her hips, riding him to take him deeper. Puffing for breath as she speeds up, she ignores the ache in her limbs that had started to set in. moving forward, Y/n’s hands dig into her sheets between his legs. 
Jungkook smiles as he watches her, putting on of his hands behind his head as he places the other on her hip. Y/n was a moaning mess at this point, and already feels the knot in her stomach growing bigger by the second. Noticing this, Jungkook gently pushes her down, causing her to moan his name out louder from the new angle. 
 “Come on baby, I know you’re so close. Cum with me.”
Fucking hell!
Feeling himself getting closer, Jungkook sits up, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her up so her back hits his chest. He brings his other hand down to play with her clit and begins to kiss her shoulder. “Cum with me, Y/n”
A broken cry escapes from the back of Y/n’s throat, finally feeling the sense of release as well as him twitching inside of her. Her body was on fire, and she feels uncontrollable as her thighs quaked. Smiling from behind her, Jungkook kisses her shoulder once more. “Absolutely love the feeling of you coming around me.” He whispers as she lets out a hoarse whimper.
Turning so that she could see him fully, Y/n leans in to lock her lips with his before pulling away and shaking her head. She says as she gets off of him and lays besides him. 
Gently biting her lower lip, Y/n touched herself slightly, surveying the aftermath of their passionate encounter. Jungkook, panting slightly, leaned over to kiss her shoulder before rolling over to lie next to her, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "Fucking hell," he muttered.
Y/n laughed, tilting her head to look at him. "You're such a liar. Next time, just say you want to fuck instead of making up an excuse."
"It wasn't a lie, I promise," Jungkook replied, turning to face her, a big bunny smile on his face. Y/n grabbed one of her pillows and lightly hit him with it. "You are so full of shit, they way you just fucked me said otherwise."
Scoffing, Y/n shakes her head. “I haven’t had sex since I was 20, my ass” She mocked, making Jungkook laugh. 
Laughing at her playful gesture, Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned onto his side. "I do have another favor to ask you, though."
Raising an eyebrow, Y/n propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him expectantly. "Twice in one day? This must be a record. What is it this time? Round two? Keeping it a secret?"
Shaking his head, Jungkook took a deep breath and reached for her hand. "Would you please do me the biggest favor and go on a date with me before we go to Vegas?"
"A date? Are you planning on doing this with all the girls when you go to Vegas?" Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued.
"No, only you. I don't care about the other girls, only you," Jungkook confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "To be honest, I've had feelings for you for a while. Initially, I thought I could ask you for this favor without acting on my feelings but screw it. I realize now that I don't think I'd be able to find someone as perfect as you."
"It took you fucking me to confess your feelings," Y/n interrupted, raising an eyebrow. Jungkook's eyes widened, searching for a way to salvage the situation, but Y/n shook her head and continued. "No need to worry, Jungkook. The feeling is mutual."
Letting out a sigh of relief, Jungkook smiled before leaning over to gently kiss Y/n. "So, if Megan Thee Stallion were to come up to you at the Grammy's afterparty and give you a chance—"
"I would tell her I have an amazing girl back home in Korea that I like very much," Y/n replied, meeting Jungkook's gaze. They locked eyes for several seconds before Jungkook pulled Y/n closer, allowing her to rest on his chest. "Besides, she'd go for Namjoon before me."
Y/n chuckled at his words, planting a small kiss on his chest. "Yes, Jungkook, I'd be more than happy to help you out with this favor. But we can't stay like this for long. My manager will be here any minute."
"Let her catch us," Jungkook whispered, his voice filled with mischievousness.
As Y/n smiled at his words, she realized that Jungkook's favors almost always came with consequences, but not all of them were necessarily bad. With a playful glint in her eyes, she leaned in closer, her lips grazing against his ear. "Well, if we're going to be caught, we might as well make it worth the scandal, don't you think?"
Jungkook's eyes widened, his face flushing with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Are you suggesting we take things to the next level?"
Y/n nodded, a seductive smile playing on her lips. "Why not? We've already crossed that line, and I have a feeling it's going to be one hell of a ride."
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bonefall · 5 months
Anything planned for Whitetail? She’s bland in canon but I do love her
BB!Whitetail is so... I want to study her.
To begin with, she was an apprentice during the WindClan Massacre.
(Her mentor was not Onewhisker btw, he was too young)
She had two siblings, Graypaw and Blackpaw.
Graypaw was killed that night. Their mother, Sorrelcharm, probably also died.
Suddenly being thrust from her home and losing half of her family messed with her. Obviously. Who wouldn't feel this way
She has a perpetual sense of waiting for the "other shoe to drop." Like no home is truly safe, and it's a matter of time before the next big move.
Unfortunately... she's not totally wrong. Blackfur was either killed by TigerClan or a mine collapse. They were forced onto the Great Journey. Mudclaw's Civil War resulted in a raging inferno across the moor. Whitetail gets commended for how reliable and even-headed she is in the face of disaster, but it's because her mind is expecting the worst case scenario ALL the time.
Her personality is intense and orderly, only kept back by the fact she's a hopeless romantic.
PROFOUND sense of whimsy. She gives off a chilling air of seriousness, which stops people from discovering that she can be a real mush.
(Girlie galloping through the moor who whips off-course, as if she caught a glimpse of prey in her eye, only to have taken a short detour to crash through a puffy dandelion.)
When they all got to the lake, she had a brief fling with Onestar. She liked a lot about him-- his new status, yes, but also that when they were together they were just having fun. It was easy.
But... he didn't want it to continue romantically. He turned cold one day when the subject of kits came up.
They broke the unofficial relationship off unofficially, but a short while later he spoke to her again to arrange an honor siring.
He wanted to raise his kittens alone. Whitetail was willing to help him do that, as long as it could be known that she sired them. And that if the kittens wanted to know her-- they could do so.
But still, she didn't understand why he'd turned so suddenly. Not until much, much later.
But before then, she ended up developing an unlikely bond with Brushblaze.
Probably because they'd both been turned down by Onestar, funny enough. They were talking smack one day about failed relationships and it kinda clicked.
Whitetail: "Like idk, was it something I said? Am I the problem"
Brushblaze: "no, you're fine. He's the problem."
Voted WindClan's Most Intimidating Couple, between Whitetail's aura and Brushblaze's resting bitchface
They have two kittens together; Smokehaze and Galerunner. Around the time of their birth, Heathertail decided she wanted to take Whitetail up on the offer that had existed since she was born.
Brushblaze was a personal friend of hers for a long time, she wanted to know Whitetail, and she would like to experience what it's like to be a sister.
Sadly, Brushblaze didn't live to see his kittens become warriors, but Whitetail did.
Whitetail's BIGGEST personal failure interpersonally was, sadly, Breezepaw.
They were an awful match. Every wreckless action he took would badly set off her anxiety, which expressed as her snapping at him.
No matter how hard she tried to have patience with him, or how many times she scolded him to be more careful, it never ever worked.
On his end, the more visibly upset Whitetail became with him, the worse it made his fear of rejection. He was driven to do more and more dangerous acts to prove himself, which only served to make his mentor worse.
But ultimately, Whitetail was the mentor in this situation. She really tried, but she failed him as a teacher. They don't have the close bond that most apprentice/mentor relationships do, and Breezepelt only got lonelier.
For a while, Breeze felt like Brushblaze was "against him" for falling for his terrible mentor. It made it easy to reject his friend's advice when he said stuff like, "don't join the strange cult in the woods" and "this darktail bloke's a bit funny"
I think Whitetail has come a long way and is a much wiser person now than she was while she was Breezepelt's mentor... but.
She's cordial and accepting of Breezepelt now because it's what Brushblaze would have wanted. She doesn't trust him.
In fact she feels right about this. In her mind;
"Breezepelt needs to feel like part of the Clan, it's what Brushblaze would have wanted. Everyone deserves to feel safe, and more than that, this is the best way to neutralize him. When he's making soup and raising kittens, he's not hurting anyone... but he's had more chances than anyone here. Yeah I was harsh on him when he was a child, but he's made plenty of bad choices as an adult. I'm not being cruel or holding a grudge to keep him at a distance from Galepaw and Smokepaw... I'm being realistic. Brushblaze died to rescue him. I'm not going to lose more family to be nice."
This hurts Breezepelt... but it's fair. He tries not to think about it too much. He's learned the hard way that the people who will never like you anyway matter MUCH less than the people who love you.
I also don't really see a need to kill Whitetail off yet, because she makes a really good elder imo. She's practical but still likes to have fun, and is capable of giving really good analysis.
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cyclqnes · 2 months
these were originally just for fun between me and my friends, but I love them so so much (especially Kathleen, i might post about her more), so I had to post :3
- One sister. Rayna
- Never got along w Rayna since they're polar opposites but care about each other a lot
- Her canon parents obviously are very neglectful, so I feel like while Rayna and Ocean don't get along, it's just them against the world so yk.
- Even though her parents don't give a shit, Ocean has this internal need to make them proud in some way.
- Younger half-brother who's about 12. Eli Gruber?? (maybe)
- His mom ended up leaving his dad, having Eli with another guy. That guy left when Noel was 10 so since then, he's been raised with a single son
- His mom is kind of homophobic but doesn't want to hurt her son, so she tries her hardest to accept it but still kind of sees him as a disappointment
- She subconsciously favours Eli and doesn't see her children as equals sometimes for that reason
- Noel and Eli don't really have a relationship, they don't talk to each other even though they were raised together. Noel didn't like Eli's dad so they never bonded properly.
- Only child
- Before he came to Canada, he had a good childhood. His mom was loving towards him, and even though they weren't rich and Misha's mom wasn't the healthiest (due to the radiation), they got by.
- Within the last year before Misha was sent to Canada, he saw the worst of his mom's health issues. He became a sort of carer for her. It was a hard job but he balanced it well with school.
- Misha's mom sent him to Canada with the hopes he would have a better opportunity there + for safety.
- His adoptive parents aren't the best. They weren't expecting Misha to be 17, so they neglected him, doing less than the bare minimum for him.
- One older sister, Kathleen (Kath) Potts (around 26/27)
- Ricky's parents are on the older side, having Ricky at around 40 and Kathleen around their 30s. (Meaning they would be in their late 50s now)
- Originally they only wanted one child, but when they found out about Ricky they were overjoyed and wanted to do their best to raise him.
- Ricky and Kath had a very good relationship. Kath would constantly take care of him when his parents struggled, and overall they just grew up having the best relationship. (I LOVE KATHLEEN POTTS SO SO MUCH)
- Ricky's parents are the type to let his friends stay over whenever he wants - e.g. if they're struggling/have a rocky relationship with their own parents, they can just chill there for the night and his parents would welcome them with open arms
- if we're going based off of legoland, her family is pretty canon (i.e. She has one brother - Ezra, and her parents are in jail)
- was in and out of various foster homes/care homes
- close relationship with her brother, always insisted that she would stay in the same foster home as him
- In canon she has at least one little brother, I hc that she has 3 brothers total, all younger. Their names are Dylan, Henry and Thomas bc I said so
- Her parents have a good relationship with each other and Constance, but they're somewhat strict. In the sense that they're very protective of their children
- Even though she fights with her brothers a lot, she genuinely has a good relationship with them and cares for them, it's just sibling things
- Since she's the oldest and learnt how to do those first, she taught them life skills like cooking, cleaning, and other stuff
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bubybubsters · 10 days
Siblings (E.V. x reader)
a/n: Eris Week day 3- healing. so if it isn’t clear by the end this is eris and lucien healing their relationship
thank you @erisweekofficial
this is a part two to Falling For You but can be read alone.
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After the bond between you and Eris had snapped, the two of you had started going places together when your mate had even the smallest moment of free time from his high lord duties.
However, your bestest friend in the universe had started pulling away. He was hardly around in your shared home and when he was, he was locked up in his room, brooding. It hurt you to see Lucien pulling away and it also hurt you when Eris asked how his “baby brother” was doing. You always said he was great when, in truth, he was drowning.
The guilt was crushing you and you wanted to do something for the two brothers but what could you even do?
You sigh, frowning at the stove in your hand.
You okay?
A tug comes down the bond and you cringe, having completely forgotten Eris could feel everything you were feeling.
What if you asked him?
Why are you and Lucien so… not brotherly?
A long silence.
I feel that is something you better ask him about.
You sigh but send your thanks down the bond anyway.
Glancing at the door to Lucien’s bedroom, you hesitantly rise to your feet and, with a heavy sigh, you raise a fist to knock.
Before you can actually make contact with any wood, the door opens. Lucien stands in the doorway, brows raised.
You frown, “How did-“
“Sensed your magic.” He answers your question before you can finish. He steps aside, leaving the path to his room open. You quickly slip in
“Lucien… I wanted to ask something I’ve been wondering about for a while now.”
He smiles encouragingly although his eyes swirl with some emotion you can’t quite place.
“You and Eris don’t seem to have the best relationship,” Lucien grunts as if to say, obviously.
Your lips twitch in a half smile. “But why is your relationship so, if I may, horrible.”
Lucien bites his lip, his tell tale sign of anxiety. He sighs, sitting on his bed, long hair sweeping over his shoulder. “We didn’t have the greatest parents and they never really showed us how to love anyone, anything, except power. At first, Eris, along with all my other brothers were invested in the idea of becoming High Lord. But then… Jesminda, she was my lover. My will to live, to smile and talk, she was the only person I loved. She loved me for me, not for my power or status, but for me. But she was a lesser fae and my father quickly fount out about our relationship. He disapproved of her and she was,” Lucien grimaces, choking.
“She was tortured and killed because the love she held for me. That day, I defected to the spring court. Tamlin was at the border and killed two of my brothers who were hunting me. I always wondered why Tamlin was at the border that day. It was a pretty average day and Nobles aren’t usually on the border unless there’s a war or something. For the first 100 years or so I brushed it off as a lucky break. I continued hating my brothers for what they’d done. But one day I had just arrived back from an undercover emissary trip to the Summer Court and I was still cloaked in a glamour so I guess Tamlin’s wards didn’t sense me. I heard him and my brother talking. Eris was asking, grilling, Tamlin on how I was doing. If I was still heartbroken. If I was pulling my weight and still training. Tamlin answered every question in an exhausted way as if this had already been happening for a while. Then I heard Eris ask if Tamlin had told me anything about that day at the border. Soon after Eris left and I walked in as if nothing had happened but my mind was reeling. My world had been overturned. Y/n, you know the feeling. After that I wasn’t sure how to act around Eris. I wasn’t sure what to think about him. He seemed like the bad guy only rooting for power but sometimes his actions would tell me he was an okay guy trying to protect his little brother. It was always awkward and weird and now that he’s here and that he’s proved he’s a good guy, I just don’t know how to handle myself around him.”
Lucien sighs, leaning forward. You stepped up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He buried his face into your stomach, and the two of you held on to each other as if you’d never let go. (Your relationship was strictly platonic of course).
“You know…” you say after a few minutes. “You could start with not avoiding Eris every time he comes here?”
Lucien groans. “I was only half avoiding him! I wanted the two of you to have your alone time.”
“We hung out here so much because he wanted a chance to talk to you,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
Lucien pulls away from you, “Wait really?”
“You think I want to spend so much time in this house when I’m here practically 24/7 anyway???”
Lucien shrugs, “You are quite quirky.”
You smack him on the arm, laughing.
“Collecting the trash people give to me is not quirky!” You walk out the door, and while you’re shutting it you tell him, “By the way, Eris should be here any second.”
“Y/n!” Lucien curses you to the cualdren and you let out a good natured cackle just as the doorbell rings.
“Hey Eris!”
You smile a little too wide, causing Eris to immediately sense something’s wrong.
“What happened? What did you do?”
You groan, “why do you always think I’m the one who did something? It could have been Lucien!”
Eris rolls his eyes, “Lucien, would never! You on the other hand…”
“On the contrary, I probably would do something.” Lucien is standing by the coach, a soft, tentative smile on his face.
“Lucien.” Eris blinks, amber eyes widening before his hand comes up to rub his eyes as of not believing the sight in front of him.
Lucien’s smile widens, “Don’t worry Er, it’s not a dream.”
Eris scoffs, mouth opening as if to say something but instead he just opens his arms and smiles.
You watch as your best friend and your mate hug and deep down, you know they’ll be happy. They will definitely fight over the smallest things and insult each other as if there’s a prize for the best insult. They’ll probably do stupid things together that cause big problems for each of their lives. They’ll occasionally give each other the silent treatment for years, but… that’s what siblings are supposed to do.
The two males pull away and face you.
“Thanks, little flame.” Eris grabs your hand, pulling you into a kiss.
You hum, breaking the kiss.
“Wanna go get ice cream now?”
“Sure! Bye Luci.”
Lucien frowns at the two of you. “Wait, can I come?”
You and Eris share a look.
Eris smirks, “Sorry man, mates only. Go get your little flower from the night court and join us if you’re that desperate.”
Lucien rolls his eyes.
You wink in his direction as you leave. “Get cleaned up Lu, I told Elain you wanted to see her and she’s on her way!”
You close the door to the panicked shout of your best friends, “What!???”
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taglist: @mplittlebit@theduskyprincess@randomgurl2326@thelov3lybookworm@profound-imagination @stargirl1714 @hieragalbatorixdottir @rcarbo1
thank you @kodaswrld for the dividers
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
Dating Members of the Sully Family Hcs
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Pairings: Lo’ak, Neteyam, Kiri, Neytiri, and Jake, x reader (individual)
Warnings: none :) fluff and not proof read
Word Count: 2.1k
A/n: Just felt like getting something cute out about avatar <33 Please enjoy! <3
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you would have met Lo’ak when he and his family first arrived in the Metkayina clan
you two would have made eye contact and immediate attraction grew between the two of you
it wasn’t til you were told to teach the new kids with your best friend, though, that you actually got the chance to get close with Lo’ak
he was a surprisingly kind guy under his surface level teasing. it surprised you to him tease Tuk about not being able to swim then immediately begin to help her understand how to kick her legs right
after a few months of messing around with the sully family and teaching Lo’ak, he finally got the nerve to ask you out and was more than happy when you agreed
let’s just stay he was a great boyfriend, always near if you needed help
you two often would spend your free time in the water splashing around, and Lo’ak found those were some of his favourite moments
when you had to babysit Tuk, Lo’ak really did put care into make sure Tuk got to bed in time and that she was happy. Lo’ak was practically beaming when you interacted with his sister. Although sometimes it doesn’t seem it, Lo’ak really loves his family, and would do anything for them. That fact always made you smile
if you were feeling sick, he would act causal about it, but inside would be freaking out, asking his mother for help in healing you. This boy would do anything for you
when you two have a moment to cuddle, he has his arms around you instantly. He usually won’t let go if he can avoid it.
If his brother catches you cuddling, he will definitely pout but he will still have a firm grasp on you.
Swimming with you is one of his favourite things. Experiencing the beauty of the ocean only make sense to him if you are in the water. He tells you that you are the only reason the ocean is so beautiful and that the plants only glow for you. That makes you blush
when you get him blushing though, he is a mess. You could give him one complement, even as a joke and this boy will fall apart at the seams. Face red, tail flicking, ears pinned back, flushed by your statement. Some times out of pure instinct, he will give you a quick kiss, only making him more red
it’s safe to say he is enamoured with you
this boy you have known since you were young, you were practically raised together
your parents were good friends of the Sully family, and thus you were close to the Sully kids
In particular, Neteyam, the boy you have liked since you were young
the two of you had a strange bond, ever since you met you were practically inseparable
hand holding, playing games, hanging out, training, exploring, you name it. The two of you did everything together.
Even when you were older and you both started to pass the rites of passages as young warriors, you were close. More often than not completing them together
It was practically fated from your birth that you to would be together
So when, one day, Neteyam brought you deep in the forest to the glowing moss carpet, confessing his deep love for you, it was no surprise that you responded with the same devotion
if people thought you were inseparable before, they were badly mistaken
your relationship only gave the two of you reason to be together, not even his sibling could divide you too. Not that they wanted too.
You two were completely and utterly in love, and anyone could see it. That helped keep people away from the two of you, which was handy.
Neteyam was the best boyfriend. Not just a great one, the best.
He was protective but never over-whelming.
Clingy but never suffocating
Gentle, but never as to not get anything done
He would go on hunts and bring you back flowers, and when you went with him, he always had your back
if you ever got hurt he would be the first to help, knowing exactly what to do, never leaving your side.
If you were sick, he would go to his mother and ask for her help, making sure you were comfortable while she tended to you. He would lie next to you while you slept, to make sure you were safe
Making him flustered was hard, but only because he never seemed to get flustered when you would think. The rush of blood to his face only ever came when you weren’t meaning to. Your flirting? No, that boy has something smart or teasing to remark with. But when you are raving to his mother about how amazing he is while he stands next to you, that gets him completely flustered. He also will be flustered when you braid his hair, or even if you simply tuck his hair behind his ears. But a complement on his skill just leads to humble disagreeing remarks.
the boy will do anything for you and wants you to be in his life for the rest of his life
you meet Kiri in the waters of the Metkayina clan a day after her and her family arrived
you were often training with your mother to be the next tsahik if something went wrong with Ao’nung, so you didn’t know that they arrived until you were told of in the night after they arrived
you were instantly fascinated with her due to her fascination with the reef and the world in the water
while your siblings taught the other kids, you taught Kiri. Teaching her everything you knew, mostly about the plant and wild life. She was a quick learned, always wanting to learn more about the world around her
it was late one night with the two of you talking on the beach when you two started talking about the future. Kiri told you how she didn’t know what was going to happen in the future but she hoped that you would be a part of it. You couldn’t agree more
from that day on, you two were truly inseparable, a deep understand between you glueing you together
Kiri was a sweet girlfriend, always ready for anything
she liked to tease, keeping things light hearted as is usual in her family and you enjoyed every moment of it
she was sweet to you, always making sure that you were having fun, was a part of the group, and had a place where you felt relaxed and comforted
if you were ever hurt, she would be the first to hold you in her arms and inspect you, searching through her knowledge of healing in order to help you. When it was sure that you were safe, she was right next to you to tell you how you were an idiot for being in that situation in the first place
you to would run off for swims together, exploring the beautiful reefs, riding your Ilus until eclipse
if you were ever sick, she would stick with you the entire time, making jokes and laughing with you in order to keep your spirits up
she wasn’t as protective as others, but she was with you most of the time anyways, so she was almost always able to ensure your safety. If not, she had two brothers that were always eager for a fight
physical contact was a must with Kiri. She loved holding your hand at all times or wrapping you in a tight hug, or having her arm around your shoulder, as long as you two were connected, she was happy
Kiri is loving girlfriend with an incredible bond with Eywa
Neytiri was beyond skeptical when she met you, although she thought you were beautiful
it was only when she was tasked with teaching you about the Omaticaya clan and how to become one of the people, that she actually began to like you
It was slow at first, she didn’t really care for you all that much at first, but she was beyond interested in you. She was especially captivated by your fascination with the forest and the life in it.
As the months went by, she watched as you quickly became skilled in practices that took years to learn. You were entirely determined to become one of the people and she was entranced by your interest.
Only when you complete the final part of becoming one of the people did she finally realize her feelings. They had been brewing since the beginning, like an expensive tea.
She took you to see the tree of souls, where she asked you who you were going to choose to mate with. And of course you told her of your undying love for her, and she could only confess the same.
Neytiri is a wonderful girlfriend and mate, always supportive and kind
You and Neytiri like to run off into the forest and get lost in the beauty of Eywa. The forest had become your home and you were incredibly happy to spend time with your mate in the biggest home you will ever have.
She would tease you gently, always looking for a laugh from you. Eywa, she loved your laugh
She was always there for you, making sure you were alright, that you knew everything you needed to know, was protected and safe from harm
she is incredibly protective, always ready to come between you and anything that threatens your safety, you were always her number one priority
if you were hurt, she would always know what to do, and in the off chance she didn’t, she would run you back to her mother to heal you. Don’t think for a moment that she would leave you alone though, you better believe that she is not leaving your side till you make a full recovery. She will sit or lie by your side and whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you fall asleep
If you got sick, again, she is right there for you. She will baby you the entire time, no matter how capable you are. She is always there to make sure you stay healthy and happy.
Neytiri loves to cuddle up to you at the end of the day, whether your big spoon or she is doesn’t matter to her, as long as you are wrapped together, she is happy.
Neytiri has so much love in her heart and she intends to show you all of her love.
ever since he came tumbling into your clan, Jake has been the target of your attention
he was an outsider, of course, but he was determined to become a part of the people, and you were instructed to teach him
for weeks he struggled, only making you frustrated, but after a few months, he started to pick things up rapidly
his skill were progressing faster than most and he was almost ready for the rite of passage
when he came back from bonding with his Ikrans, he had the brightest smile on his face. You were equally as excited for him as you two came together in a tight hug. When you separated, he looked at you with a dazed look before closing the space between you. His lips meeting yours.
After that day, you were Jake’s and he was yours
He was a protective boyfriend, always looking out for you
Jake is always pulling you close, he wants constant contact. Hand holding, kisses, hugs, arms around shoulders, you name it. He is a gentlemen, always helping up and down from places if he can. And when cuddling, you better believe this man is the big spoon, but sometimes he wants to look into your eyes as he holds you close. Those moments are always the softest.
if you are sick, Jake is there with you the entire time, smiling and holding your hand while he watches your face, still beautiful to him even when sick
Jake would do anything to make you smile, most often would be messing around on your Ikrans as you fly high in the sky. He loved to fly close to you before moving away, challenging you to races, and exploring the floating mountains
when you were hurt, Jake would make quick work but would always internally blame himself. He knew what it was like to be severely injured and never wished that upon you. He would check the wound, clean it and stay with you until you were completely safe and managing on your own
The two of you often would run off in the trees, jumping from branch to branch like it was a game. The two of you would giggle and laugh until your stomachs hurt as you chased each other
Jake is a determined boyfriend with so much love for you
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A/n: Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think! <3333
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clovermarigold · 11 months
Smoke & Ice Head cannons and facts
Small facts and characteristics that are cannon to my fic, Smoke & Ice. Please note I do not claim any of these to be cannon to the MK franchise!
Don't worry I won't do any woobifying.
Also note after finishing this, I should have named this Angst angst and more angst
pt.2 pt.3
Calla has actually never been in a relationship because she always felt responsible for the Mangrove and like their parents/caretaker/sibling, even when they were around her age. (#oldest daughter vibes)
Bi han grew up with a different side of his father compared to his siblings. I head cannon that he probably learned his assholery from his father when he was younger. But he grew as a person as he had more kids.
Thats also why I think Bi han has both his evident hate and some internalized hate for Smoke. Because he's jealous of how soft and easy he went on him. (#oldest son vibes). This coldness and quiet resentment are also why he is TERRIBLE with children. He will seriously treat them like whole ass adults.
Calla: Go on. Talk to him
Bi han: ...Wanna beer?
Calla: NO!
Smoke on the other hand, is amazing with children. He didn't have a lot of interactions or experience with children, but that didn't stop him from being really good at it. Kids are really good at vibe checks, they can tell.
Smoke tends to hyper analyze and feel guilty after being around the children however, because he feels like he's projecting his memories of his sister onto them.
Smoke despite having MAJOR trauma has a habit of minimalizing it and brushing it off. Which infuriates Kuai Liang to no end.
Kuai Liang is the middle child that acts like the eldest. He got a glimpse to the kind of man their father was, since he's not that much younger than Bi han. But he was one of the first things to inspire their father to grow as a person.
Despite being the middle child, and the brother Bi han hates the least. It's usually Smoke who is the mediator between the two brothers.
The three brothers have vastly different relationships with their parents.
Bi han was an absolute mama's boy. He was always closer to his mom since she was the only person he would accept kindness, love, and even pity from. The day she died was when he truly became the Bi han we all know today. He had a terrible relationship with his father. Due to being put through grueling training when he was younger, as well and having the Lin Kuei's greatness instilled in his mind. Only to watch his father change and abandon this ideology as he aged. To him, any attack to his values is an attack on him.
Kuai Liang on the other hand unfortunately suffered from middle child syndrome. Often not being prioritized due to his mother's focus on Bi han, as well as his father's priority on training Bi han to lead, and later favoritism of Tomas. This neglect is what made him easily the most independent of bunch in their youth. Though this did change after the loss of their mother, which left Bi han to be the most independent and cold.
Smoke, however, is a more complicated matter. While he is undoubtably a daddy's boy. Due to his lack of a present birth father growing up and being taken in by him. His relationship with their mother is difficult. In no way does he dislike or have any problems with her. He just can't bring himself to truly see her as his mom. After watching the death of his true mother and sister, Tomas inherited a number of mental issues that the Lin Kuei never truly bothered to address. The loss of his twin sister made him incredibly clingy and reliant on his brothers, but the loss of his mother left him feeling guilty any time he tried to bond with his adoptive one.
Johhny cage has MAJOR daddy issues and minor mommy issues. Based on character interactions from both MK11 & MK1, we can deduce that he was an asshole. His dad switched between emotionally abusive and absent all together.
While he absolutely adores and loves his mom for being the parent who stayed and raised him, it didn't change the fact that she gave mostly tough love, being a cop and a single mother of two. (His brother who is said to be an asshole though we don't know the extent)
Movies were his main escape from his shitty home life and social life. I decided to keep his characteristics from Mortal Kombat Cage Match, being that he was bullied as a kid. Both by classmates and his brother. As a result, he absolutely loathes bullies, and is fully down to beat the shit out of any adult or minor that bullies any future kids of his, nephews, nieces, or just friend's.
When recreating the timeline, Liu Kang had to decide what to do with the children of Kronica and whether or not to include them in it.
I don't have a canon decision of Shinnok, since we won't be focusing on that in the story, and it'll probably be explained in future games. But Cetrion is a different story.
Cetrion was made to be a caretaker of the earth realm and its life. However, after falling in love with a mortal, was granted permission by Liu Kang to live among them as a mortal.
Their children would eventually become the dryad and subsequentially the Hamadryad, which is why they do not exist in any other previous timelines. It is also why Cetrion was able to become mortal without abandoning her duties. By creating a clan tasked with her previous role.
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed my "Head cannons". Have some tissues on your way out, I know I needed them.
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narcoticwriter · 2 months
Okay, but real talk about this dynamic:
How would it be if Wriothesley told Itto that he killed his own foster parents?
Their circumstances are quite similar, but contrast in many ways.
Itto still remembers his parents and Wriothesley has no idea who his parents are. Itto knows that his parents died of sickness, but Wriothesley can only guess at what happened to his own.
Itto was frequently beaten and pummeled in the streets for simply existing (although he picked a lot of them) while at the same age, Wriothesley was in a foster home with parents he genuinely loved and siblings he had companionship with.
Itto was eventually taken in by Granny Oni and got to experience a genuine bond with her as she raised him as her own, but Wriothesley found out that his parents were planning on selling him to the highest bidder and that they had done so to his older siblings, causing him to run away and live on the streets, in which the Melusines kept watch over him and helped him when he needed it.
Itto had to deal with the biases of him being perceived as something 'other' because of his oni blood and still does to this day. Wriothesley had to deal with not only what he had done, but the subsequent punishment that came with it.
While Itto was in a fairly bad place, angry at anyone and picking fights with everyone who said anything against the oni, he got out of it thanks to a helping hand. It is implied that Wriothesley attempted to take his own life soon after the premeditated murders but did not succeed. Both of these are pivotal moments in their philosophies as well as their development as people.
Itto has had run-ins with the law and has stayed in jail on a semi-frequent basis, but is mostly harmless in the ways that he genuinely means well. Wriothesley was found guilty of premeditated murder with an official body count of two and has served his sentence for it.
Both of them have experienced depths of despair and circumstances that would make lesser men crumble, but while one was able to regain the tentative faith in the good of people, the other has lost that entirely and has never quite gotten it back.
They also have entirely different ways of going about their lives and navigating their relationships.
Itto brings people together and takes those who are discriminated against and cast out into his inner fold. He's open and accepting of others and is quick to make friends in his own way (when they come around). He has a heart of gold, a bold personality, and a charisma that is undeniable and has people flocking to him.
Wriothesley will never allow himself to be that open with anyone (even Sigewinne) and generally keeps people at an arm's length. He will observe you and analyze you into one's core components and employ tactics based off of that. He is cold, calculating, and incredibly diplomatic, but is guarded enough to be enigmatic.
Itto has a host of people in his life that he can consider important. Wriothesley can count those people on one hand. You can read Itto like an open book. You'd be lucky to graze the surface of what's really going on in Wriothesley's head. One has an incredible and sometimes gullible trait of trusting people at their word. The other has not, is not, and will not trust people easily, if at all.
So begs the question again: How would Itto react if Wriothesley told him that he killed his foster parents?
Itto has demonstrated the remarkable ability to give people the benefit of the doubt multiple times throughout the scenes we've seen in-game. He also displays a great deal of emotional intelligence and empathy that lends itself to be relatable to others. But would he be able to relate to Wriothesley?
Somewhat. They were both tended to in the midst of their agonies to certain extents, but only one was taken in properly. Both have lost their parents, but there's a difference between someone's parents dying and finding out that the bond between you and your parents is a lie. However, both would understand the world crumbling to pieces as something you had always assumed would be there falls away.
The key component here before any trust between them could be established would have to be how they see themselves. Itto wants to be perceived as an equal, but also as the best out of equals. Wriothesley wants to be perceived as a man who has made his mistakes and is paying for them. These two things are similar enough to mesh.
I think that given how honest Wriothesley is with what he did and how he openly acknowledges that there were other things he could have done as well as Itto's newly developed ability to employ some self-introspection and the acceptance that he has for others would contribute significantly to this trust.
So ultimately, I think it would work out alright. It would take a bit for that to happen, as well as the circumstance to occur in the first place, but I think it would be okay. And perhaps, they would become closer as a result.
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wosowrites · 2 years
Canadian Wonders (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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Warnings: None
A/N: This is so cute my heart melts for jessie
Prompt: Reader is australian, and has never seen a lot of snow before. So Jessie takes her to her home town to meet her family and have a traditional Canadian winter.
When you’ve lived in the land down under for 20 years, and then move to play for a huge club like Chelsea at 21, a lot of things take adjusting. But somehow, it wasn’t the intense training, or the new people, that was the biggest adjustment. It was the weather. You never went to university, not being a big scholar and being raised in a broken home with little money. Instead, you opted to go pro right away. You went pro in 2020, and was relieved to know you would have another aussie at the club with you. You and Sam Kerr had been playing together since you were 15 and she was 18. Soon enough, you got known as a pretty dynamic duo, arriving to winter practices in huge puffy coats, and covered head to toe. You were both strikers, and Emma loved playing you both at the top. In a bit over two years, you both reached your 100th game for Chelsea, having collected between the both of you, 169 goals and 32 assists.
In the middle of 2020, you met Jessie Fleming.
You both started dating in 2021, and 2 years later, you were still going strong. Jessie finally decided she wanted you to meet her family in person, and see her home town. So, in january of 2023, you hoped on a plane to London, Ontario. And you thought London, England was cold…
You stepped out of the small London, Ontario airport, the freezing cold hitting you right away. "I told you to put a coat on baby," Jessie said, laughing at your shocked face. "I didn’t think it would be this cold!" You said, shivering. "I warned you!" Jessie said, opening her long winter coat. You quickly dropped your bag at your feet and abandoned your suitcase, putting your arms around her and feeling the comfort of her body. Jessie closed the big coat around the both of you, kissing the top of your head.
You were taller than her only by an inch, but in your cold state, you were hunched over to stay warm.
"How quickly is Eylsse gonna get here?" You whined. "Just texted her, she’ll be here in- oh there she is." Jessie said.
You reluctantly left the comfort of your girlfriends body, pulling away and seeing Elysse and Tristan driving up in the family subaru. You saw the pure joy in their eyes, the happiness of seeing their sister. You felt happy for Jessie, happy she had that bond with her siblings, but also sad that yours hadn’t reached out to you in years.
Tristan and Elysse stepped out of the car, Elysse running up to Jessie and jumping in her arms. Tristan seemed more reserved, more like Jessie, so you opted for a simple handshake. "It’s nice to meet you in person, you’re taller than you seem on family facetimes." Tristan says. "Don’t lie to me," you laughed, knowing very well you were not tall. "Hey, Elysse!" You said. She hugged you tightly, smiling at you wildly. "I love your nose piercing, oh my god it looks so good on you! I’ve always wanted one but I don’t know if it would suit me." You say to Elysse. "You should get one! I know a really good guy if you want!" Elysse said, smiling at you. "I’ll think about it. Let’s just please get out of the cold." You said, grabbing both yours and Jessie’s luggage and bringing it to the car.
"Did you not tell your aussie girlfriend to wear a coat in Canada?" Elysse laughed, addressing her sister. "I did! She didn’t listen!" Jessie answered, watching as her girlfriend and brother put the luggage in the trunk. "She’s a gentleman," Elysse said, smiling. "You haven’t seen anything yet."
Michaele and John Fleming met you with open arms. Literally. The Fleming’s were warm, and inviting, the house smelled like fresh food and slightly of paint. You had all finished eating supper, a meal cooked to perfection by both Jessie’s parents, and were now sitting in the living room.
"I’m so happy you all managed to get time off work and school." Michaele said, pouring you a cup of coffee. "Me too, it’s really nice here." You said, thanking her with a nod for the warm drink. "You haven’t even hiked yet." Jessie told you. "Hiking? It’s too cold to hike." You said, shocked people went outside willingly in this weather. "Is not. In fact, that’s our first activity."
It was known to everyone that Jessie loved order. So when she told you that she had specific activities planned, you weren’t at all suprised.
"Tomorrow morning, 5:00 am, sunrise hike. Then skating on the mountain, then I want to bring you to a really cute coffee shop and show you my elementary school." Jessie said. "5:00 am!" You said, but we’re ignored. "Don’t forget your appointment! You’re getting a nose ring at 5:00 pm tomorrow." Elysse said.
It was true, the youngest Fleming had convinced you to go for it. Worse case scenario, you didn’t like it and let the hole close.
"How could I forget? Just you and me for that one, Els?" You asked her. "Yeah, mum and I are making supper. We’re only here three days." Jessie said.
A few hours later, you went to bed in Jessie’s childhood bedroom. It was surreal being in that are, seeing the trophies, the blue walls, the medals and framed pictures. "What would 14 year old you say if she knew that 24 year old you was lying in this same bed with her girlfriend?" You asked her as she traced patterns on your stomach. "I think she would pass out."
As Jessie had said, the next morning she had woken you up at 5:00 am. The whole thing was a blur. You remembered her literally having to dress you, and her telling you to be quiet as you tip toed down the stairs. She had bundled you up in a warm hat, a big winter coat, gloves and a scarf. Your hood was up the second you were out the door. You had fallen asleep in the car, and by the time you were to the mountains, it was almost 6:30.
"You ready baby?" Jessie said, opening the door for you and laughing at your grunt of an answer. You didn’t stay mad for long though, as you saw the still starry winter night peeking through the pine trees. "Oh, Jess. This is beautiful." You told her.
The both of you started your hike. Jessie had her camera with her and was taking pictures of you, and the world surrounding you the whole time you walked up the mountain. The snow was mangeable, due to the trail having been plowed. By the time you arrived at the top of the mountain, the sun was rising. Jessie pulled out a cover from her bag and put it in the snow. You cuddled up next to her, sipping a mocha Jessie had made.
The sky was painted orange, pink, red, yellow and purple, it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Well, second most beautiful thing. Jessie would always be first. "I’m happy you brought me here." you told her, peering into her eyes. "I’m happy you like it here." She answered. "One day, when we retire from football, I wouldn’t mind having a family with you here." You told her, nervous of her answer.
You didn’t meet her eyes, that is until she used her gloved fingers to lift your chin up. "I want that more than anything." Jessie said, kissing you lovingly.
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ithaquakisser · 1 year
Do you make Robbie and ithaqua sibling headcannons if so please tell maybe like getting your date thirdwheeled by Robbie (im the best robbie main btw/j)
— Getting Your Date Thirdwheeled By Robbie...
Synopsis; You and Ithaqua go on a little date in the manor's garden, but it appears that the two of you aren't the only ones present.
CW; N/A!
WC; ≈708
Note; Aaah, I really love Robbie's and Ithaqua's dynamic! The idea that the two of them would be like siblings to one another really warms my heart. 🥹 I was unsure of whether you wanted just headcanons or a scenario at first, so I ended up writing it as a scenario! Enjoy! 🫶
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♡ Ithaqua views Robbie as a younger brother, one who never seems to leave him be. Robbie is a bit clingy, and it took Ithaqua some time to adjust to the young boy’s antics and his fondness for him. He doesn’t mind though, and instead finds it endearing whenever the child would come sprinting to him after a match. ”Can’t you believe it? I got all of them!" Robbie exclaimed, prancing around Ithaqua like a rabbit. The older hunter would congratulate the boy with a pat on the shoulder each time, offering him a piece of candy from his pockets. “Oh, really? Good job!”
♡ Practically everywhere the older hunter went, Robbie would often linger. Sometimes he’d hide behind the tall hunter, peeking behind his legs with a giggle. Ithaqua would humor the young boy from time to time, indulging in the games the boy would offer to play. And in turn, if the boy wins he is rewarded a piece of candy that he would often carry. It was certainly endearing for all the hunters to witness, a lovely sibling-like bond between the two.
♡ Albeit, it was all fun and games until one particular evening. The two of you were on a stroll in the manor’s garden, hand in hand. You both planned to meet at the garden a week prior, never actually having the time to spend time together due to matches, the two of you finally had time to relish in each other’s presence. There weren’t many places to go in the manor that would be a decent place to spend time with one another, the garden was the only place you two had in mind due to the outset of spring. Suddenly, the hunter was stopped in his tracks by a small pair of arms wrapped around his legs.
♡ A youthful voice called out his name with enthusiasm, taking the hunter aback. The two of you glanced down to face the boy who was ecstatic to behold the both of you together at once. “Robbie? What are you doing awake at this time?” “I can’t sleep!” You couldn’t help but chuckle at their interaction, how’d the young hunter would always find his way to Ithaqua never ceases to ignite a warm flame in your heart.
♡ Robbie spoke of his inability to rest and explained his desire to play, but Ithaqua couldn’t help but shake his head out of concern on behalf of the young boy. He’d pick up the child who held his hands up high after the two of you agreed to accompany him for the night as long as the boy eventually rests. Ithaqua carried Robbie on his shoulders, one hand supporting the child whilst his other hand held yours. The three of you admired the blooming rose bushes that were stained with droplets of fresh rain from the morning rainfall. The young hunter would chat away, speaking about his recent matches. He reminisced over a pack hunter match he shared with Ithaqua, how he got struck by a pallet but Ithaqua incapacitated the survivor on his behalf.
♡ Robbie spoke of the older hunter in such a brilliant light, waving his arms in the air characteristically. It was rather endearing, leaving a comforting feeling of warmth in your chest. Over time, the young boy silenced, eliciting a yawn. There was a shared moment of silence, the three of you standing underneath the faint rays of moonlight. When you raised your head to face Ithaqua, Robbie had his arms wrapped around the older hunter, resting atop his shoulders. “Seems like he tuckered himself out, did he?” Ithaqua lightly nodded his head, leisurely removing his mask. He raised a finger to his lips, hushing you.
♡ You both decided to head back inside to set the boy to rest. You carefully creaked the door open, there were no words exchanged between the two of you in consideration of the sleeping boy. Ithaqua gently settled Robbie upon his twin-sized bed, tenderly swaddling the child in bundles of woolen blankets. You stood at the doorstep with a smile, knowing the day had finally concluded has left you with a bittersweet taste on your lips when the blonde brushed his lips against yours after tucking the boy to rest. "Goodnight.”
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linked-history · 10 months
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Not really one of the Links nor were these two supposed to be next (It was supposed to be Captain) But I got hit with inspiration and wanted to work on them next so Ya'll get Fi and Ghirahim, as well as their sword forms.
You may noticed that their appearances are not what they are typically depicted but as I've mentioned before with my Ravio redesign, Fierce Diety, and first Hero, I really wanted to pull more from the Zonai since we haven't got a lot to go off of and I read that as having complete free reign to do as I please.
As always further information is below the cut.
Right away I knew I wanted the two to have a deeper connection to the first hero in general, though I'm still debating on how deep the connection is. They would've grown up together with Fi and Ghirahim being orphaned but is it more of a sibling bond or did Link basically raise them I'm still debating on that.
The two siblings would have the ability of a "Perfect Shell" turning their bodies into a type of metal never seen before on the surface, this metal is near indestructible, though using it does limit their mobility.
After Link falls to Ganon(Malice), Hylia begins planning for the far future when she and Link are reincarnated and realize that without any memories Link would be unable to truly succeed so Fi and Ghirahim step forward, offering themselves to be remade, should they cover themselves in their "Perfect Shells" they feel no pain so they would offered to be forged into the companions for Link and guide his reincarnation.
It is after Link had gone to the remaining Zonai for help that Fi and Ghirahim would join him on the surface during the Corruption War between those on the surface and the spreading Malice.
Fi is forged into the Goddess Blade while Ghirahim is forged into the Heroes Blade, sadly Malice once again intervened and Ghirahim was corrupted similar to Ganon. Before she loses what remains of her strength Hylia sends as many inhabitants of the surface above the clouds, to the sanctuary that Link always spoke fondly of.
The Zonai became guardian spirits and later guardian companions to the descendants of those sent above the clouds, while Fi remained sealed, waiting for the time that her reincarnated family would need her aid. Ghirahim was forced to lay in wait on the surface, until Hylia was reincarnated to awaken his master.
After the first hero succeeds she decides she will no longer show herself to the heroes, the pain of not being remembered while being forced to see pieces of a loved one hurt too deep. Though some heroes swear they had heard a voice deep in the night when nightmares plagued them singing a hauntingly familiar tune, or they'll wake up with injuries they were unable to care for when they collapsed suddenly bandaged. those with companions travelling with them will ask but their questions are typically left unanswered.
When Fi reawakens in her spirit form to aid the reincarnation of her family she is stricken by how familiar but also how completely different they are from the family she lost, during this first journey she grows close to the hero, her family's reincarnated soul though emotionally distances herself, hurt that while this is her Link they really aren't.
He realizes that the individual that wields him carries the fragments of Link, though its been fractured to the point that it is no longer familiar and any memories that it may have held were gone. Ghirahim remains a constant companion to this fragmented individual who becomes a type of guardian deity of this strange world where familar faces are locked away.
After the defeat of Demise, the corruption that had been removed from Ganon taking on a form of its own, Ghirahim is left in a void type of space, unaware of the passage of time and carrying scars left from his time under Malice's control. When he is awoken he realizes his blade has a new appearance and the one that holds his blade is achingly familiar though missing something.
He learns that it was once of prison, though now it open and those trapped within rebuild and make new lives for themselves. He watches a strange kingdom rise as the faces around him change and are altered by the strange world around him, he is once again sealed, though this time he is more aware of the world around him.
Ghirahim is then later wielded by someone new, someone who again feels so achingly familiar though completely different. He goes with this individual, who he learns is named Ravio, on four adventures (Even helping a small island return to the world of light). On the one later adventure he is brought with Ravio into the world of Light, meet the island girl they saved and Ghirahim is reunited with Fi for a short time as well, before he and Ravio return to their own realm.
I hope it wasn't too confusing though I'm going to try and flesh out my timeline and events a little more so everything is more cohesive, I'm realizing as I'm working on these and adding more that some of the details, (Mainly for events that interlap) seem to be getting a little muddy so sometime in the future I'll make a more cohesive timeline.
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behrads-world · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy x Reader
Agreeing to filming this reality TV show was one of the most ridiculous ideas you’ve ever been on board with.
“A bonding experience” Sloane had said when she brought it up. Backing it up with the notion that you were all family, despite what timeline you were from.
Viktor, bless his heart, was the first to fold. Always the sucker for keeping peace in the family. And after hours of persistent persuasion, got the tougher family members to go along with it.
You and Five both argued that nobody needs to be in your business anymore than they already are. You mostly because you were camera shy, rather than Five's reasoning.
In the end, ultimately everyone agrees, Allowing a camera crew into your shared home with a fair amount of enthusiasm.
Now, you all stand around a coffee machine, or what remains of the coffee machine. Various pieces of the item scattered along the counter top and the floor.
You could hear five grumbling behind you about finally getting a coffee machine only for it to be destroyed. You felt for the poor boy really. Coffee was more important to Five than, well Five was to Five.
Marcus, the sparrows number one, had called you all together, trying to solve the mystery as to who broke it and if you were being entirely honest, you were already over this self proclaimed “family meeting”.
“So who broke it, I’m not mad. I just want to know” True to his word, he didn’t seem angry, although he was more relaxed than a normal person would be if they discovered their coffee machine broken. If you paid money for something you’d be angry that it’s been destroyed.
Nobody answered, even Five had stopped his angry ranting to god knows who. Between the 14 of you, this was the quietest it’s ever been. Nobody wanted to step up, and you couldn’t blame them.
It’s three in the morning and a handful of people had already turned in for the night before being rudely interrupted, and even though some of the family were still awake you all stood in your pajamas.
You mentally snorted as your eyes flickered to Luther, who was wearing the owl onesie you gifted him for his birthday, a cheap present considering it was also yours and the other five siblings' birthday .It warmed your heart that he had kept it.
The ruckus also woke the camera crew, who you had so kindly let stay with y’all, prepped with cameras and lights, ready to capture the drama.
So, in order to save you all from this misery, you broke the silence. “I did, I broke it”, and you hoped the lie was convincing enough to let Marcus let go of it.
“No, No you didn’t, Jayme?” Well that didn’t work, you guess that Marcus caught onto the fact that you never drink coffee, or go nowhere near that machine. Either way, he looks to Jayme, questioning the droopy eyed girl.
“Don’t look at me, look at Alphonso”, She drew the attention away from her, giving her other brother a weak point of her index finger.
“What?I didn’t break it” He held his hands up in defense. Alphonso, unlike the others, looked more awake, probably from being accused.
Jayme, raised a suspicious eyebrow “Huh, that’s weird, how did you know that it was broken?” You facepalmed at the ridiculously obvious question.
“Because it’s right there in front of us and it’s broken” Viktor points out, confused as to why she would ask such a thing while you made a note to yourself to tease him about his bed head when this is all over.
“Very suspicious, if you ask me” Jayme says, to which Ben groans.
“This…” He gestures to everyone in the room, still including the camera crew. “Is ridiculous, can’t we just finish this in the morning?”
“No” You jump as Five exclaims from behind you. Out of everyone here you had thought Five would be the least interested.
Through your furious heartbeat, you looked at the boy in question, opening your mouth to speak to him.
“Why the hell do you care?” Allison spoke first, and your voice died in your throat. You closed your mouth, seeing no reason to continue looking like a fool.
The cube, Christopher, shook, its color changing indicates that he’s speaking. The only ones that can understand him are the sparrows so you're used to just ignoring him.
Fei agrees with what Christoper says, prompting Diego to lean toward you. “What the hell did he say?” Your only response being a shrug of your shoulders. He knows none of the umbrellas can understand the talking, floating cube but that doesn’t stop him from asking EVERY. SINGLE.TIME.
“If it matters, probably not, but Sloane was the last one to use it.” Fei says, no longer sporting her signature glasses, and the scars on her face are more apparent under the moonlight and lights from the cameras.
“Lair, I don’t even drink that crap.” You and her both, Maybe you both could advocate for a “coffee kills” fundraiser.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee machine earlier?” Fei retaliated, crossing her arms.
“I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that fei.”
“Goodie, another beauty guru, do you think you could help me? Cause my cuticles are jacked up” Klaus spoke up, his voice soft and filled with sleep.
Diego clamps a hand on Klaus’s shoulder, and you can’t tell if the action was meant to shut him up or comfort him. But it seemingly worked in doing both.
“Okay, let’s not fight please. I broke it. Let me pay for it Marcus” You try again, and you hear a chorus of “yeahs” and “let us sleep” from all around you.
Marcus wasn’t buying it. “No! Who broke it” He was so pressed about the situation while everybody else couldn’t care less.
“Marcus, Luther has been awfully quiet “ Fei accuses.
“I broke it, I burned my hand so I punched it.” Marcus was being interviewed separately by the camera crew, sitting confidently cross legged on the couch. Proud of himself.
In the background he could faintly hear the rest of the siblings arguing, adding to his joy “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick”
Marcus smiled. “Good, It was getting a little chummy around here.”
This was based on an incorrect quote I saw so I hope you enjoyed.
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