#they play really peacefully during free roam time
bitethedevil · 4 months
Living with The Devil You Know (Raphael x Tav): Chapter 5
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Chapter: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
Read this fic on AO3 (Link)
Fic Summary: Tav broke their agreement by handing the Crown of Karsus to Mystra instead of Raphael. Not only that, but she also robbed his house and killed his incubus. Raphael is patient and he is determined to get his revenge.
…Tav isn't too bothered. She will figure something out eventually. Until then she just has to find a way to live peacefully with a devil.
Chapter Summary: Raphael is in a good mood. He teaches Tav how to play the organ and sings The Song™ to her under very special circumstances. At the same time, Gale is worried and tries to make a rescue plan with Astarion and Shadowheart.
(AN: I know absolutely nothing about music so bear with me if I use the wrong terminology. I can warmly recommend to also listen to the song while reading *that part*. Enjoy a look into Raphael's questionable flirting techniques and some very very spicy organ lessons.)
Tav had decided not to glamour her face and keep her burn scars visible. She had looked in the mirror in the morning and found that she agreed with Raphael: they did suit her, in an odd way. She felt that she looked more like herself with them, albeit a version of herself that she had not seen for years.
Tav spent the day with Cassius watching her, much to her dismay. He was the only one in the House of Hope who still treated her as a prisoner. He had hated her guts since she cast that sleep spell on him to contact her friends and then convinced him not to say anything.
Cassius did not even try to hide his reaction to her scars. There was a look of slight disgust on his face as he looked at them. Then again, Tav thought. That could also just be his face. Cassius tended to look at her with that annoying sneer as if she was below him, which she had largely begun to ignore.
She started wondering whether there might be more to his clear dislike for her. It did not go past her that Cassius had visited Raphael privately in his boudoir one or two times during the first couple of days of her imprisonment.
Although, she had not noticed any visits between them after her and Raphael had sex that one time. Was it possible that the tiefling was jealous of her in some odd way? Cassius had probably been Raphael’s new favorite pet until she was forcibly dragged to the House of Hope to sleep in his master’s bed each night and take up a considerable amount of his attention.
It was hard for her to garner any sort of sympathy for Cassius though. He treated her like dirt and often tried to provoke her whenever he was tasked to watch her for the day. Whatever was up the warlock’s ass, Tav did not feel responsible for whatever ill feelings he might have towards her. He could take it up with Raphael if he so pleased.
She was waking up from a nap when she heard music playing somewhere in the house. She rolled out of bed and started walking out of the boudoir with Cassius at her heels.
“Where are you going?” Cassius asked.
“Does it matter when you’re tasked with following me anyways?” Tav asked tiredly at his comment.
“You disturb him all the time,” Cassius said, knowing she was on her way to find Raphael. “You don’t think it would be possible that he’d want a moment of peace?”
“If he wanted peace, he shouldn’t have given me free roam of the house,” Tav said. “Or have denied me my own little moment of peace, for that matter…”
“Suit yourself, but one day you will get on his nerves and then he might be inclined to teach you your place,” Cassius said with a sneer.
“It’s really cute that you worry so much about me,” Tav teased him, just to piss him off.
The music got louder as they got to the archive. Tav stuck her head in to greet Raphael with a smile. He was in his human form. Raphael stopped playing the organ and gave her a smile back. He seemed to be in a good mood for some reason.
“It sounds good,” Tav said. “You don’t mind if I sit and read while you’re playing, do you?”
“Please,” Raphael said and gestured to a nearby chair.
Tav widened her smile and threw a glance at Cassius who was awkwardly standing at the entrance, glaring daggers at her. Raphael did not even acknowledge his presence. She sat down with a book, and he started playing again.
“Do you play, mouse?” Raphael asked and looked at her. He was still playing perfectly on the organ despite not even looking at the keys.
The melody he was playing reminded her of a predator slowly sneaking up on its prey. It sounded beautiful but it was also quite dark. Just what she would expect from someone like him.
“I did a little bit once,” she answered and then gestured to his fingers that were elegantly dancing over the keys with ease. “Nothing as complicated as that though.”
“It really is not that complicated,” he said and then stopped playing to hold a hand out to her. “Let me show you.”
The smirk on his face told her that he was up to something, but she took his hand regardless. In one swift movement, he pulled her closer and seated her in his lap. Her eyes widened a bit at the gesture.
“You certainly seem to be in high spirits tonight,” she noted.
“I am,” he said and rested his chin on her shoulder to look at the keys. “I closed a deal that has been quite the headache for me and successfully retrieved something of mine.”
“Do I want to know the specifics?” Tav asked.
She did not particularly want to know which poor bastard Raphael had roped into giving him their soul, but she was worried that he might be talking about her companions.
“It has nothing to do with your dear little friends, if that is what you are asking,” Raphael said as if he had read her mind and grabbed her hands to move them to the keys in front of her. “Now concentrate.”
He showed her what she knew was a simplified version of the melody he had just been playing. She could not play as fast or as elegantly as Raphael did, but she gave it a try.
“Good,” he purred in her ear and snaked an arm around her waist, making it even more difficult for her to play. “Keep practicing.”
Raphael shifted his head away from her shoulder to look at Cassius for a moment.
“You can go home for the day,” Raphael said to him absentmindedly and then turned his attention back to Tav.  
Tav could see Cassius at the corner of her eye. He looked pissed. He gave Raphael a forced smile and a bow before leaving.
“I see that your health has improved after our little accident last night,” Raphael said. “I also could not help but notice that you decided to keep your scars present like I told you to.”
Tav smiled at the word choice of ‘our little accident’ as if she was to blame as well for him almost killing her. She decided to ignore it.
“I did,” Tav said. “But not because you told me to.”
Raphael chuckled. She would not give him the satisfaction of telling him that he was right, and he knew it.
“Stubborn as ever,” he said. “What did you do today?”
“Napped,” she answered, while still trying to get the hang of the melody.
“How productive,” Raphael said sarcastically and corrected the position of her fingers on the organ. “Am I wrong in assuming that you might be growing a tad bored?”
“It’s hard to do anything with someone watching you all the time…” she said. “Besides…I do miss some of my old books,”
“Hm,” he hummed. “Did you have a favorite?”
“I do but it’s embarrassing…and terribly cliché…” she said and stopped playing for a moment.
Tav’s favorite book was an old romantic tragedy that was well-known to be the favorite novel of just about every woman in Faerûn.
“Don’t be shy,” Raphael purred.
“’A Star in the Darkness’ by Bibella Aldath…” she answered and started playing again.
“Yes, that is rather cliché, dear,” Raphael said and chuckled. “Not a horrible read by any means, but I did expect something slightly more exciting from a former librarian…”
Tav was slowly getting the hang of the melody and her fingers moved over the organ’s keys a little easier now that she had played it a couple of times.
“Better,” he purred in her ear. “You know, this is a very special composition of mine…”
“Oh?” Tav said and kept playing.
“It would have been the very last thing you and your dear friends would ever hear had you decided to steal your contract that day when you robbed my house,” Raphael said. She could practically hear the smile on his face.
“Oh, you wrote music just for us?” Tav asked with amusement in her voice. “How thoughtful of you. It’s such a shame we didn’t get to hear it then.”
“Isn’t it just?” Raphael asked. “But there is time for it yet…when your friends finally decide to pay us a visit.”
Good luck with that, Tav thought.
Tav stopped playing for a moment when she felt Raphael’s hands slowly caress her sides.
“Don’t let me distract you,” he said. “Keep playing.”
She did, but it was getting increasingly difficult not to mess up when he was touching her like that. She felt her body heat up at his touches.
He nuzzled his nose into the back of her hair, taking in her smell. His hand gently moved one of the straps of her top, so that it slipped off her shoulder. He left a soft kiss where the strap had been and slowly trailed his kisses up towards her neck. It was hard to hide how her breathing got shallower.
It made her fingers fall over a few of the keys, which made him smile against her neck.
“How clumsy of you, my dear,” he whispered into her ear. “Try again.”
She took a slow breath and kept playing. The hand that had been caressing her side was snaking up her stomach towards one of her breasts. She took another slow deep breath to not lose focus.
He started fondling her breast through the silk of the top she was wearing. He continued slowly kissing his way up her neck as he touched her. She felt her nipples hardening and once again she played the wrong keys.
“Tut-tut…I really would have expected a wizard of your caliber to have much better grasp on their concentration,” Raphael said and bit firmly but not hard on her neck.
“It is also really rare that someone is touching me while I cast spells,” she said with what was supposed to be frustration, but the breathiness of her voice revealed how much she was into it.
He smirked against her neck.
“Keep playing…” he ordered again.
She did. His hand moved from her breasts to between her legs. She was already soaked when his hand slid under the waistband of her pants, and he started teasing her with his fingers. She did manage to keep her focus on playing…for about a minute. He stopped the movements of his fingers the second she stopped playing.
“Keep going, mouse,” he whispered in her ear. “And I might give you what you want.”
She bit her lip and put her full focus into playing that damned melody that would most likely be stuck in her head for days. Tav had gotten the impression of Raphael as a selfish lover the last time they fucked. She quickly learned that the man absolutely knew what he was doing when he put the effort in to please someone.
The way he was touching her quickly turned her into a moaning mess and he somehow knew that she was getting close. He stopped his movements for a moment, making her whine in frustration.
“From the top,” he ordered and placed another kiss on her neck.
Tav did as she was told and played the melody from its beginning.
That is when he started singing.
His hand started moving between her legs again, making her moan. There were a lot of feelings going through her. Her eyes widened in amusement and surprise as he started singing. He sang in a lowered voice, taking her close proximity into consideration. She felt that lovely voice of his rumble through his chest, which only somehow made her even more wet.
“Hell, hell, hell has it’s laws / Hell, hell, effect and the cause / Curtain falls, but hold your applause / Squirm, squirm, for now down here come the claws…”
She was unable to keep her moans quiet as he was driving her towards orgasm. It took all of her brainpower to keep focusing on playing.
“Fools, fools, how hard you have fought / Brave, brave but its all been for naught / True souls, that couldn’t be bought / Doomed, detected and caught…”
The way his voice growled in her ear on the last word, made her shiver and moan louder. She was so close. Close to both her orgasm and the end of the song. She could not fuck it up now.
“No more deals, it’s over / The final act, your doom / No more grace, it’s over…”
Her orgasm started washing over her, making her squirm in his lap. Her moans got louder and Raphael rubbed her clit faster.
“This House of Hope,” He growled into her ear. “Your tomb…”
The loud sounds she made of her finally reaching her orgasm matched almost perfectly with his prolonged note of the last line. It seemed a bit too intentional and made her think: he has done stuff like this before.  
She slumped back against his chest, her legs shaking and her chest heaving from the intensity of it. He removed his fingers and lifted them to her lips to make her clean them off. He pressed them between her lips. She sucked on them, earning her a groan from him. She had been too busy multi-tasking to notice just how hard his cock was under her.
“Beautiful, dear,” he purred and kissed her cheek. “Perhaps, we should perform it just like this when your friends drop by. Give them a show before they meet their end…”
How did he manage to say that in a way that made her aroused rather than angry? Something was deeply, deeply, fucking wrong with her.
Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion had met in a secluded corner of the Elfsong.
Gale had been lecturing them on devils, cambions, and the Hells for about an hour now. Shadowheart and Astarion exchanged tired glances.
“I’m just telling you that we can beat him,” Gale said. “It will not be easy, but we can.”
“She asked us not to go,” Shadowheart said. “Tav believes it’s a trap, so let’s not do anything stupid.”
“Also,” Astarion piped in. “It really is a novel concept for me to be the voice of reason here, but your little plan doesn’t seem to make sense. Lae’zel, Karlach, and Wyll are off doing whatever it is they do. Our little band consists of a wizard, two wizards if Tav is able to join the battle, a cleric, and little old me. Three spellcasters and a vampire who, by the way, can’t even be in Avernus since there is no night…”
“He’s right,” Shadowheart said as she looked at Gale.
“So, we will bring someone else as well…Halsin, Jaheira, or Minsc,” Gale said. “We can’t just leave her there!”
“Gale…” Shadowheart sighed.
“There were also that woman, Hope,” Gale continued. “If we could manage to sneak into her prison, we could free her as well. I’m sure she would be eager to help us fight Raphael.”
“Gale,” Shadowheart said again. “Let it go. Let’s wait until we hear more from her. We have no idea what we could possibly be walking into here.”
“She could be rotting in a dungeon, getting tortured right now. Who knows if she’s even still alive? I won’t leave her there! She—” Gale voice cracked, and he cleared his throat in an attempt to hide the emotions that were welling up inside him. “…Excuse me…She forfeited her soul so that we could give the Crown to Mystra. I have a difficult time not feeling responsible for this.”
Shadowheart’s, and even Astarion’s, expression softened slightly as they saw the toll it was taking on Gale.
“That woman has done so much for us,” Gale said. “We have to get her back somehow.”
“Alright,” Shadowheart said with a sigh. “Let’s not do anything hasty before we’ve learned more about what we are dealing with. She told us ‘not to listen to him’ in her message, but we haven’t heard from Raphael at all…He might try to offer us some sort of deal.”
“It really is unlike him,” Astarion said. “That bastard usually isn’t shy when it comes to popping up at the most inconvenient times.”
“He might want us to be desperate,” Gale said and rubbed his face as he tried to think. “Raphael doesn’t know that we know where Tav is…so he might be waiting for us to panic before he strikes.”
“My point is,” Shadowheart said. “If we knew a bit more about whatever it is he wants to offer us or what he wants from us, it might be easier to figure out what we can do. So…should we try to contact her again?”
“A wise suggestion,” Gale said. “If nothing else, it could grant us peace of mind that she is still alive.”
“Good,” Astarion said and clapped his hands together. “I will leave you two to do your spell stuff then. You know where to find me. Can I go now?”
Gale nodded and conjured a piece of parchment and a quill.
Shadowheart watched as Astarion left and then turned her attention to Gale.
“You are aware that this isn’t your fault, right?” she asked him, but she got no response from him as he was writing. “Right, Gale?”
Gale sighed and stopped writing for a moment.
“That does not make me feel less responsible,” he said. “She is very dear to me, and I don’t think I could forgive myself if I let something happened to her.”
“We will get her back somehow,” Shadowheart said. “I’m sure she’s fine. This is Tav we’re talking about. She is great at adapting to weird situations, and she would tell you not to worry so much if she was here, I’m sure of it.”
Gale smiled slightly and nodded. He returned his focus to writing the message for her.
Raphael was being odd. They had sex that evening while he was still in his human form. Again, a weird feeling for her because it felt so normal. It did not help that he was being a lot gentler with her than he had last time. He still teased her and kept her on edge, but there was no pain involved this time.
The kisses were something completely new as well. It was never on the mouth, though he planted kisses everywhere else. It felt so much more intimate than what she would ever have considered him to be capable of and it drove her insane.
He’s a devil, he’s a devil, he’s a devil. Those words became Tav’s mantra inside her head each time those little kisses and his weird gentleness made her heart flutter ever so slightly.
She slept till late noon. When she opened her eyes, Raphael was off to work as usual and she was met with Cassius’s intense gaze. She groaned and rolled over to her other side. She felt that something had been stuck under her pillow. She rubbed her eyes and sat up on the edge of the bed. She lifted the pillow and saw a book.
She read the cover: ’A Star in the Darkness’ by Bibella Aldath. Her all-time favorite book about the tragic and forbidden love between a drow and a moon elf. From the looks of it, it was an early edition too which was exceedingly hard to find considering how old the story was.
She could not help the faint smile that washed over her face and the way her heart fluttered again. She quickly tried to push that feeling away and returned to her mantra: he’s a devil, he’s a devil, he’s a devil…
That is when she heard Gale’s voice transmitted to her mind through a sending spell:
“Hope you are still alive and well. What is it that Raphael wants from us and what should we expect if he contacts us?”
Tav’s brow furrowed at the message, and she was glad that her back was turned to Cassius so he could not see the expression on her face at the message. Raphael hadn’t even talked to them yet?
She needed to get a message back to them somehow. What they were asking were fair questions, but it also sounded an awful lot like her companions might be planning to do something stupid and she needed to stop them.
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intriga-hounds · 6 years
replied to your
adventure gorls
are they all together rn now that beastie isn’t with Cam anymore?
they will be soon, given that their playdates always go really well
the only reason they weren’t all together already was because of beastie hating disco
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Handcuffed together
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Summary: Loki and you hate each other, but are both part of the Avengers. They are fed up with you two fighitng all the time and hancuff you together, so you can learn to tolerate each other.  Word count: 3.132 words Warnings: Smut, dubious consent (it is consentual, but not specificly said), angry Loki, degrading  A/N: Based on a idea from @the-best-phineas. Hope you like it! If anyone has an idea, or suggestion just let me know :)
Click here for chapter 2 Click here for chapter 3
With a loud click the handcuff around your wrist closed. You immediately tried to unlock the cuff, but it wouldn’t give. “Like that would work” Loki commented. You gave him a glare but turned your attention back to Tony. “Seriously, this is not necessary. Give us another chance” you begged him. “Look, we are all sick of the two of you constant fighting, it is effecting the team and the missions we’re on. And all that magic-crap makes everything worse. So, until the two of you can tolerate each other you’re cuffed together. And you’re both not allowed on missions before you finish this one” You sighed heavily but knew that arguing more was futile.
“I must say, you’re taking this better than I thought you would” Tony said to Loki. “Escaping handcuffs isn’t that difficult, Stark” Loki replied. Tony secured the cuff on Loki’s wrist. He then walked hastily to the door. “Oh, one more thing. These handcuffs are designed so you can’t use your powers” Tony said and quickly exit the room. Loki immediately tried to escape his cuff with magic, but nothing was happening. You tried as well, but got the same result, nothing. You met his eyes, which were full of anger. “I thought escaping from handcuffs wasn’t that difficult” you said sarcastically. Loki didn’t break eye contact. The anger was radiating off him, you swore you could physically feel it. He didn’t say anything but turned around and walked away. When you didn’t move he yanked at his side of the cuffs and you were forced to take a few steps in his direction. “What the… LOKI..” you started angrily, but he didn’t react. He kept walking while ignoring you. Right now, you had no other choice than to follow him, trying to keep up.
He pushed his bedroom door open with so much force, you thought it would break. He walked towards his bookcase and was taking out different books, flipping through them. You had enough and yanked at the handcuffs, making the book in his hand fall on the ground. “STOP. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING” you yelled at him. He gave you his angriest look, the one he said he reserved specially for you, because he never met anyone who was as stupid and annoying as you were. And that included his oaf of a brother. “I am finding a way to free myself from you” he spat. “So, just stand there and try not to get in the way” he turned his attention back to the bookcase. “You can’t just walk away and drag me along” you grumbled. “Apparently I can” he said with a sly small on his face. You yanked at the cuffs again, making Loki drop his book again. He turned to face you, grabbed your throat with the cuffed hand and pushed you hard against the wall behind you. Your scream was cut off by his other hand covering your mouth. He wasn’t chocking you, but the tightness off his grip wasn’t comfortable enough for you to relax. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, which was weird. It shouldn’t.
He pulled his hand away from your mouth after standing there for what felt like eternity. “Look, I’m much stronger than you are. So, I’m going to find a way to free myself. The only thing you have to do is staying out of my way” he growled. He let go of your throat, but still stood extremely close to you. “Yeah, this whole act doesn’t scare me” your voice hoarser than you would have liked. Loki chuckled “Look, when you had your powers you had some sort of defense, even tough it was weak. Without your powers.. you don’t stand a chance against me” You slapped him hard across his face. His face turned sideways, but his cheek didn’t show any red mark. He slowly turned his head to face you, giving you a wicked smile that sends chills trough your body. He didn’t say anything, just stared at you. But both of you knew, you had just proofed his point.
The rest of the morning you two sat on his bed. Loki was busy reading different books and he sometimes grumbled in annoyance. You were playing a game on your phone, trying to ignore him. Loki snaped his book shut and threw it across the room. You looked up from your phone “I assume the search is not going well then?” you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at his frustration. “Just shut up, it’s not like you are any useful” he replied. He sighed and laid down on his bed. His put his cuffed hand on his chest, which meant that your hand also touched his chest. When he felt your hand, he puts his hand down beside him, pretending it didn’t happen. “We could pretend to like each other for this afternoon, and we surely will be free before dinner” you said. Loki didn’t reply. He sighed heavily “Fine” he muttered. He got up from the bed, which mean that you had to crawl to his side to get up as well. When it took to long he grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet in front of him. Not anticipating this move, you stumbled and fell into his chest. His free hand immediately grabbed you by your hip to steady you. A weird feeling was spreading from your hip through your body, you couldn’t quite place it. When he dropped his hand you still felt his touch. “Shall we?” he said. You nodded and followed him towards the living room. But there was no one there. Loki walked towards the kitchen, with you close behind him. There was a note on the kitchen table.
Loki and (Y/N), The team had to leave for a mission. We will be back in two days. Don’t kill each other. - Natasha
Loki crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it through the kitchen. “Great, just great. Two day stuck with you” he said angrily. “Lucky me, two days in the presence of a god” you replied with as much sarcasm as you could. Loki gave you an angry glare, which you ignored. He stormed out of the kitchen, yet again dragging you along. After a few steps you yanked at the cuffs and halted in your track. “Look, we both want nothing more than the be free of each other. But we’re at least stuck with each other for two day, so how about some rules?” you started. Loki didn’t say anything but nodded.
“First, discussing where we are going, no more dragging me along and doing whatever you want” you started.
“No talking unless absolutely necessary” Loki replied.
“No more threats, or throat grabbing”
“No more punching”
“How about no touching of any form?” you said.
“Fine by me. Also, no more singing. You are really bad at it”
“No more insulting me!!” you half yelled
“Don’t make insulting you so easy then!”
There was a long silence. “We sleep in my room” Loki said. “IF you behave this day, I MIGHT consider letting you sleep in the bed” you rolled your eyes at that comment. “I accept that we sleep in your room, but only IF I sleep in the bed too. Otherwise, we sleep in my room” you said. He smirked “If you weren’t so insufferable I might even enjoy this little negotiation” You couldn’t help but smile at his comment “same for me” you replied.
The rest of the afternoon went by rather peacefully. Loki was reading books and you were watching a series on tv. There was one awkward moment when you had to use the toilet, but you had to admit that Loki did his best to give you all the privacy you needed. So, you did the same when he had to go. Your stomach started to rumble, you were getting hungry. “Shall we order food?” you asked Loki. After a very long discussion you both finally agreed on Chinese food. In hindsight it wasn’t the best idea to eat Chinese food when you only have one hand. During dinner, your hands sometimes touched each other, by accident. But every time you felt his hand against yours spark like electricity shot through your body. You suddenly forgot how to breathe and didn’t know where this was coming from. You were hoping Loki didn’t notice and try to ignore the feeling.
After dinner things basically stayed the same. You put on a movie and halfway through Loki decided to watch it too. But none of you said a word to each other. After the movie you were getting tired. “Can we go to bed?” you asked. Loki nodded and the two of you walked to his bedroom. That was when things got a little awkward. You both turned your back towards each other when the other undressed. Loki had pulled down his pants and his shirt, which was now hanging on the chain of the cuffs. You were currently undressing yourself, getting rid of your own pants and pulling your T-shirt over your head, hanging it next to Loki’s on the chain. You currently were in a bra and thong, mentally slapping yourself for not thinking this through this morning. Worst off all was that it was in dark green, which was a colour you wore often before Loki joined the team. When Loki turned around you saw his eyes roam your body, suddenly you felt extremely exposed. You noticed that Loki was more muscular than you thought, if he were any other man on the planet you would have thought his body was attractive. You cleared your throat, snapping Loki’s eyes to meet yours. If you didn’t know any better you thought you saw a slight blush on his cheeks.
He walked towards his doors and turned down the light. His room was completely dark, and you couldn’t see a thing anymore. You heard Loki walk and felt your hand pulled towards his direction. You were hesitant to move, not wanting to trip or bump into something. “Why are you not moving?” Loki asked annoyed. “I- I can’t see a thing” you replied. Loki walked closer to you, his free arm grabbed your shoulder, and he took your cuffed hand with his. You flinched from the sudden touch, not expecting it. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you” he said. “I know, you just startled me” you replied. He guided you towards his bed and let you get in first. “Thanks” you whispered. “Just go to sleep” he replied. But sleep did not come easily. It was difficult to find a comfortable position, because of the handcuffs. But somehow you managed.
The light shining through the curtains woke you up. Loki was still fast asleep, he looked peaceful. He was laying on his side, facing you with his free hand underneath his head. His cuffed hand was on top of yours. You slowly moved your hand from underneath his. His eyes snapped open, and he looked at you. You were both silent. He cleared his throat “Breakfast?” he asked, you nodded. You both decided it was a good idea to make pancakes. However, cooking with handcuffs on was more difficult than anticipated. Especially since Loki wasn’t much of a cook. You got frustrated and told him to just get out of your way. You finally had the batter how you wanted and picked up the bowl to bring it near the stove. Loki, wanting to get out of your way, choose the wrong direction making the two of you bump into each other. You lost your grip on the bowl and it fell on the ground.
“Seriously?!” you asked angrily. “It’s not my fault you don’t watch where you’re going” Loki replied equally angry. “Why are you incapable of just admitting you’re not perfect and say sorry?”
“Why do you always look to me when someone has to take blame for your actions?” he spat back.
“You are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met!”
“God” Loki corrected.
“I’m not a person, I’m a God!”
“Some God you are, you can’t free yourself, you can’t even make your own pancakes” you replied sarcastically.
“I suggest you chose your next words very carefully” he warned you.
You being you, decided to ignore the warning. “You might think yourself a God, but you are the only one who does” you said, knowing it would get some sort of reaction out of him. Loki used to cuffs to spin you around, your back against his chest. His cuffed arm was around your throat and his free hand around your stomach, holding you in place. “If you don’t shut up know, I make you” he whispered in your ear with a dangerous tone in his voice. Your whole body felt on fire, yet again. Before you knew that you did it, you pressed your ass against his groin. “Oh, you like this don’t you?” he purred in your ear. “Shut up and let me go” you said, trying to squirm out his grip. “No, you want this” he said.
“I don’t” you replied.
“That’s a lie”
“Like you would know. You may have the title God of Lies, but like we established... you’re no God” you laughed.
“I don’t need to be the God of Lies to know. You heart rate is up, your pupils yesterday dilated when you saw me shirtless, and your voice is higher. And the best thing is, your needy body betrays you” he laughed back.
You had enough. You kicked the back of your foot against his shin, but Loki didn’t even flinch. “Bad choice, kitten” he said. Without warning his teeth sunk into your neck. Instead of making your scream it made you moan louder than you would have liked. His hand on your stomach travelled downwards, going straight for your core. He cupped your heat with his hand and one of his fingers strokes between your folds. Revealing that you indeed were turned on, and already extremely wet. “Hmm.. such a needy slut you are” he hummed. You wanted to protest, you should protest, but alle words had escaped you. Your breathe was ragged and you knew you what was going to happen.
Loki spun you around, pushing your upper body on the kitchen counter. He held his cuffed hand in your hair, forcing your hand behind your back and your head down. You tried to squirm away, but Loki wouldn’t budge. “We both know you can’t escape and we both know you don’t want to. So now I’m going to fuck you, maybe you think twice next time you talk to me like that” he growled. His free hand hovered over the buttons of your pants and in one smooth motion he opened them. He pulled your pants down, caressing your butt. Goosebumps were starting to form, and you felt yourself grow wetter from his touch. Loki had freed his erection through his zipper, still wearing his pants. He stroked his shaft up and down your slid. Slightly dipping through your folds, coating himself in your wetness.
Without warning he thrusted inside of you, making you cry out in pleasure. He started thrusting in and almost out of you in a very quick pace. His cock filled you up completely, even reaching your g-spot when he was fully inside of you. You started to rock your hips, meeting his pace. “That’s it, good girl” he praised you. It made you blush and clench your walls around his cock. He left darkly at your reaction. You felt your orgasm starting to build up inside of you. Loki’s animalistic way of fucking you was becoming too much. Right before you reached your high you moaned out loud “Oh my God” Loki stilted deep inside of you. “What did you say, darling?” he mused. “I- .. just keep going” you replied, hoping he would let you come undone. He leaned his upper body over yours, his lips right by your ear. “Just repeat it, if you want to come of course” he purred. You didn’t respond and thought about giving up your climax. Loki slowly moved pulled out and back inside of you. He knew you were close and was using that against you at the moment. “What’s wrong, kitten? Usually you’re so talkative” he chuckled. He was keeping his slow pace, keeping you on the edge but not pushing you over it.
You groaned in frustration. “Fine, I said oh my God” you said annoyed. Loki picked his pace up slightly, but nowhere near how fast you needed him. “So, you do admit that I’m a God?” even tough you couldn’t see his face, you just knew he had his signature smirk on his face. “Yes” you said to gritted teeth. Loki just laughed “Now, was that so difficult?” before you could answer he was thrusting at a fast pace. To your surprise Loki himself was starting to moan slightly, muttering things under his breath about how tight you were and how good you feel around his cock. It didn’t take long before you reached your climax. When you reached your high you couldn’t help but cry out “Oh my God Loki” adding fuel to his thrusts. He came right after you.
He collapsed on top of you, leaving feather light kisses on your neck. He pulled out of you and handed you a kitchen towel to clean yourself up. You pulled up your underwear and pants, not being able to look Loki in his eyes. You grabbed another bowl and started on a new pancake batter. Loki stood right behind you, hands on either side of you. He was nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck. “If I knew this would shut you up, I would’ve done it much sooner” he mused. “That was a one-time thing, don’t get any ideas. I still hate you” you replied. “Oh no, new rule. Every time you anger me, I’m going to fuck you like the slut you are” You knew it shouldn’t, but you felt yourself get excited again. “It’s only for a day and a half, so I just won’t make you angry” you replied dryly. Loki laughed “Kitten, even if we’re free from these cuffs I am still going to fuck you. You laid with a God and now you’re mine” You scoffed “That’s not how it works” Loki pulled you closer against his chest and cupped your breast with his free hand. He chuckled when you gasped and closed your eyes. “It is. By the time, the team is back, you will worship me like you should”
Click here for chapter 2
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Hermit DSMP Swap AU: Part 9.1
[TW: Blood, violence, severe injury, bone related gore and zombie/undead related body horror. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. Warnings bracket the worst of the potentially triggering content and a summary is provided if you feel the need to skip that part. Some violence and minor injuries are outside the brackets. If there is a specific TW that you would like me to include in the future feel free to let me know and I will do my best to add it.]
Quackity, Purpled and Charlie, spent over an hour searching through the woods and the land around Las Nevadas, well mostly just Quackity and Purpled while Charlie hovered around asking annoying questions. Neither The Zombie nor Foolish were anywhere to be found. 
Quackity told Purpled and Charlie to Head back to Las Nevadas and look there while he did one more check around the perimeter for any clues as to what happened. Quackity took his time. Now that he was by himself he was able to think more clearly. He shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned.    
Quackity wasn’t exactly sure what he had witnessed. He’d never seen something exactly like it, one minute Foolish was standing in front of him and the next he was gone and this zombie lady was in his place. He might argue with the other Las Navadas recruits, and they might not have the best opinion of him, but one thing was certain, if anyone messed with them, especially on Las Navadas property, They were messing with him and he wasn’t about to let anyone push him around, not anymore, never again. 
Quackity looked up as he rounded a sand dune, the walls of Tubbo’s “cookie” outpost looming up on the edge of Las Nevadas land. Quackity Scowled. One problem after another. The whole conflict about the walls hadn’t really been resolved, Tubbo was being stubborn, unreasonable. But that wasn’t a priority at the moment, he would deal with that latter, right now, he had bigger problems. 
Quackity followed along the wall and stopped short on the road in front of the Las Nevadas toll tunnel. Ranboo and Tubbo stood on the road coming from the other direction.
They stared at each other, neither side moving. Then Quackity broke into a smile “Hey there, Fancy running into you two here. You seem to hang around here a lot, have either of you seen Foolish or a strange looking Zombie by chance?”
Ranboo fidgeted and looked away but he was always fidgeting and he was never one for eye contact so that wasn’t exactly a tell. 
Tubbo on the other hand, Quackity had been in the same cabinet with him during Schlatt’s presidency, and in the cabinet during Tubbo’s presidency, he knew what the kid looked like when he lied. 
“A Zombie you say? What makes you think we would have anything to do with that?” Tubbo shrugged. 
Quackity didn’t drop the smile. “Don’t play dumb with me. You know exactly what I am talking about.”
“Honest big man, there are no Zombies here, that's why we built the walls.” Tubbo insisted.
Ok so the kid was getting better at lying. Quackity frowned but the smile returned a moment later. “That's all good. Just be careful, she did something to Foolish, he’s gone missing, I’m worried that if she is allowed to roam free and do whatever she wants then she might do what she did to Foolish to someone else. You understand. I would hate to hear that one of you two went missing.”   
Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other.  They definitely knew something they weren’t telling him. 
“Thanks for the warning big man, we’ll let you know if we see anything,” Tubbo smiled tightly before grabbing Ranboo’s arm and pulled him aside to whisper in his ear.
Called it. Quackity smiled, his sharp gold tooth glinting in the sunlight. He turned on his heel and headed back down the tunnel towards Las Nevadas. 
Cleo looked down at the dark water lapping against the stone pier where she sat, her legs dangling over the edge. The air smelled of salt, cold stung her lungs. She wasn’t shivering despite the fact that a crop top and shorts was chronically under dressed for the weather. She didn’t really notice. 
Her heel bounced against the wall of the peer as she stared out to sea. Snowchester was secluded, nice and peaceful, but it also felt vacant. There were houses but no one lived in them. Not that that was anything all too strange, Hermits built empty houses all the time, but these felt different. The empty houses the Hermits built were intended just for show, or to conceal functional builds. These houses once housed people, and now were abandoned.  
Cleo looked up at the sound of footsteps crunching through the snow and the clunk of boots against the wood at the beginning of the peer. Tubbo and Ranboo stood looking back at her. Tubbo had his hands in the front pockets of his coat and Ranboo stared at her over Tubboo’s shoulder. He never seemed to blink, it was a bit unnerving. 
Cleo pursed her lips “Um, thanks for letting me stay here kids, but-”
“You can’t stay here anymore,” Tubbo blurted out. 
Cleo blinked.
Ranboo flinched “Sorry about all this, it’s just…”
“Don’t worry about it kid,” Cleo said, getting to her feet, “I was going to leave anyway,” She shrugged.   
“Oh really,” Ranboo sighed.
Tubbo frowned “Why? What changed?” 
Cleo chuckled hollowly, “I could ask you the same thing.” 
Tubbo pursed his lips but didn’t push the issue.
Cleo walked past the two of them and started up the path.
“Wait,” Ranboo called
Cleo stopped.  
“Where are you going to stay now?” Ranboo asked. Tubbo just glared at her.
Cleo shrugged and smiled a bit to cheerily “I’m sure I’ll find a nice cave somewhere, after all I am a Hermit,” 
“Um,” Ranboo looked off to the side, tapping his fingers together. “If you need it there’s a hotel in the Greater Dream SMP. It’s big and red, hard to miss.”  
Cleo chuckled, “I’ll be alright, don’t worry ‘bout it.” 
Tubbo was still glaring at her. She turned to leave again.
“Just know that if you try and mess with us we can and will defend ourselves,” Tubbo said.
Cleo didn’t turn around “Oh, I know,” She smirked as she walked away. This Tubbo kid had guts, she could respect that. 
Quackity taped his fingers against his arm impatiently as he waited in the ditch on the Greater DSMP side of the speed tunnel to Snowchester. After talking to Tubbo and Ranboo he had watched from a distance and followed them here. 
The splash of oars cutting through the water reached Quackity’s ears as a boat made its way towards his hiding spot. Quackity took a steadying breath, stealing himself as he listened carefully. The boat scraped against the shore and there was a crunch of sand as someone got out of the boat. Only one person. 
Quackity stood up and moved into view. The Zombie jumped, summoning her sword as she spun around to face him, teeth bared.
Quackity held up his empty hands and took several steps back. “Woe, woe woe. Hold on. I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
“You think?” She scoffed. She didn’t attack but she still had her guard up. 
“Just tell me what you did to my friend and maybe we can resolve this peacefully,” He smiled tightly. 
“I didn’t do anything! And even if I did, why would I tell you? You already tried to kill me once?” She said. Then her expression changed, as if just remembering something. She lowered her sword and straightened. “What do you know about perma-death?” She asked calmly.
Quackity sucked in his breath and took a step back. Was this a threat or a legitimate question? He looked at the determination in her eyes… It was both. 
He fought the urge to summon his axe. 
“Do you really think you can kill a Zombie? I’m already dead. The rules don’t apply to me!” She strode forward and pointed her sword at him. Quackity staggered back looking up at her standing over him on the edge of the pit framed by the crystal clear sky behind her.   
Was she bluffing? 
She spun on her heel and ran the other direction, across the field. 
The trance was broken. 
[TW: Blood, violence, body horror. Skip to the next bolded text to avoid the worst of it] 
“Shit, Get back here!” Quackity scrambled up the bank, summoning his crossbow and letting loose the bolt. It struck her in the leg, but she didn’t even seem to slow down. Had she even felt it? An ender pearl replaced the crossbow and a moment later he felt a sudden rush as he flew through the air, switching to his axe mid-flight. He crashed into her back, embedding his axe between her shoulder blades.
Quackity pulled his axe out of her back and staggered backwards. She wasn’t dead. She hadn’t despawned yet. Maybe she had been telling the truth about being unable to die. Oh wait, she was moving.
She pushed herself up onto her hands and knees coughing up dark sickened blood. She staggered to her feet and turned around to face him again, fire and determination in her eyes.
How was she still standing? That last hit had to have broken several ribs. Quackity glanced at the exposed ribs poking out from under her crop top, edged with decayed flesh. Those had been that way before. Maybe broken bones didn’t matter?  
[TW End: Summery: Quackity chases after Cleo, she tanks a bunch of damage but is able to keep fighting despite severe injuries]
Why were his knees shaking? She hadn’t even scratched him this time, and she wasn’t as good at combat as Dream or Techno. Yet she refused to die? 
He clenched his teeth and scowled, “I’ll give you one more chance. Tell me what you did with Foolish?” He demanded. Now he was bluffing. 
“I. Don’t. Know!” She yelled as she lunged at him, summoning her sword mid swing as she brought it down on him. 
He didn’t have time to block. Instead he moved back and swung the axe up. The blunt side of the head struck her in the chin as he felt her sword cut into his shoulder and graze his chest.
She staggered back and switched her sword out for a gapple. 
Oh no you don’t. Quackity raised his axe about to lung when he felt someone jump on him from behind. Arms wrapping around his neck in a choke hold. The axe returned to his inventory as he grabbed at the arms around his neck. They were invisible, his attacker was invisible.  
“Cleo, Run!” the invisible man shouted. 
She froze, the gapple halfway to her mouth “Etho?” 
“I said run!”
She turned on her heel and started running, only pausing for a moment to eat the gapple and keep going. 
Quackity clawed at the arm around his neck. This Etho guy was invisible. That ment he wasn’t wearing armor. Quackity summoned a sword in reverse grip and stabbed behind him. He heard Etho hiss as the sword grazed him. His grip loosened and Quackity was able to wrestle free. Summoning another pearl he threw it, getting away and landing near some trees. He staggered against one of the trees, coughing and rubbing his neck. He gritted his teeth, his face twisting into and ugly snarl. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She got away. And she had an accomplice.  
They made him look like an idiot. He quickly rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. He had promised never to let himself feel helpless again. Never to let other people control him. Yet he had let himself get pushed around by some random Zombie and one guy with an invis pot. Fuck this. He needed to do something about this. He couldn’t let this stand.
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beneathstarryskies · 4 years
hi! can you please do a nsfw alphabet with sasuke?? please and thank you :)
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Sasuke Uchiha NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Sasuke is a bit distant after sex. It just comes naturally for him to keep to himself, and that’s a pretty hard habit to break. As your relationship becomes deeper, he’ll begin to help you clean up afterward. Sometimes even suggesting you take a nice bath together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sasuke is confident in every part of himself. It would be easy to accuse him of being arrogant. Truthfully, he’s just never thought enough about it to care one way or the other about his appearance.
With you, he’s similarly satisfied with everything. He would not even bother fucking you if he didn’t find you to be absolutely perfect. Sasuke wouldn’t waste the time on someone he didn’t adore.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Sasuke tends to cum a lot, and he pumps every last drop deep inside of you. He loves listening to you beg him for it. Then, he pulls back to look at it spilling out of your tight pussy with a satisfied smirk on his face.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
If you work with Sasuke on missions, he will very often fantasize about fucking you in front of everyone else. Not only would making you cum all over his cock in front of an audience further prove his prowess extends to every skill he could acquire, but it would also show everyone who you belong to. It’s a very extreme way of doing these things, but he enjoys the fantasy nonetheless. The closest he would come to doing this (if it wasn’t something you’d be down to try) is making it a point to fuck you as loudly as possible.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not very experienced because until he met you, it just wasn’t something he even thought about much. His whole life had been so consumed by revenge, and sex just seemed like something frivolous. However, being a bit of a perfectionist leads him to gather as much information as he can so he can master sex.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes sitting up while you straddle him. It gives him pretty free rein to kiss you wherever he wants and his hands can roam over you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s very serious at the moment. Let’s be honest, he’s serious in pretty much all moments. Every time Sasuke fucks, he fucks as though it could very well be the last time. Making jokes would just ruin the moment.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s clean-shaven, but when it does grow out a bit it’s dark just like the rest of the hair on him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is the most intimate. During sex is when Sasuke lets all of his feelings for you come to the surface. His guard falls down, which is something that happens very rarely.
He’ll press soft kisses anywhere he can reach, whisper the sweetest (and naughtiest) words in your ear. Usually something along the lines of, “You’re so gorgeous. I can’t wait to fuck a baby into you.”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Sasuke doesn’t really jack off. Again, it just seems like a waste of time. If he’s horny he wants to fuck, and jacking off would really only make that urge even stronger and more unbearable.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Sasuke is super kinky. Breeding kink, praise, spanking, slight degradation, choking, electrostimulation, sub/dom (he is mostly dominant but likes to let you take charge sometimes too), overstimulation, and finally voyeurism (he likes to watch you masturbate.)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His own bed is his favorite place because he can take his time to make you cum over and over until your legs are shaking. However, Sasuke is also down to fuck you in semi-public places. He loves it when there’s a little risk of getting caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anytime the conversation of having kids gets brought up he feels that yearning in his stomach. Also, if you praise his performance in a fight or something like that he will be 100% down to pound.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Sasuke does like to play around with things that cause a little bit of pain, but he would never want to do anything where you could actually end up hurt. Also, Sasuke might like the idea of fucking you in front of people but he would not be down to share you. Nor would he want you sharing him with anyone else. Sasuke just prefers to be the only one pleasing you and vice versa.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is a complete mess when it comes to receiving. This is when Sasuke gives the best praise to you. He will hold your hair back to watch you work his dick. He likes it when you get a little messy as well, drooling over him and maybe even gagging a little bit.
Sasuke will absolutely bring that same energy to eating you out. He will stay between your thighs for hours if you let him, and you bet the whole time he is loving it. He might even have to grind against the bed to give himself some relief.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on what the mood is. He also tends to mix it up quite a bit. He might start out slow and sensual, but then by the end, he’s holding on to your throat while pounding into you from behind.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s super open to quickies, and pretty much will take any chance to have one that he sees. It doesn’t really even matter where it is. Broom closet? The bathroom at a restaurant or bar? An alleyway? Sasuke will fuck you in all those locations without a second thought.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Completely game to experiment, and the riskier the better. Sasuke has fantasized a lot of times about the two of you getting caught or just nearly getting caught.
(Honestly, he just wants to be able to show off how good he is at fucking you. It’s the one skill he has that can’t really be shown off.)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has a good amount of stamina. He literally can last as long as he wants to. That being said, if you have a super long round it can be a little difficult for him to go more than once and you’ll easily feel the same way. He tends to put everything he has into fucking you senseless.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Oh boy, does he ever love playing with toys? Handcuffs, vibrator, blindfolds, and a zapping wand (until he figures out how to just use lightning jutsu to zap you.) He’s also open to letting you use toys on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease. He will tease you until you’re begging, almost crying because you’re just so desperate for him. He will praise you for being able to take his teasing, and then absolutely make all the teasing worth it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Sasuke is pretty loud. He likes to dirty talk quite a lot, and when you’re pleasuring him he makes sure you (and anyone else) knows all about it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sasuke wants to keep you tied up to the bed all day while he goes on about his day (with your consent of course.) Knowing you’d be there waiting for him, aching for him to come back to ravage you is very exciting to him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sasuke is about average with length but is above average in girth. He can hit all the right spots inside of you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Sasuke has a pretty high sex drive, especially once having kids comes into the equation. He will fuck you every single chance he gets.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Sasuke in general doesn’t sleep very easily. He’d probably spend a long time laying beside you, watching as you sleep peacefully.
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devilyn · 4 years
wet pillows | kuroo tetsurou
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— alexa, play: pillows by eaJ & keshi.
Give me your loneliness and I'll give you mine Leave all your tears by your bedside, and let's live a night I know you feel a mess and your pillow won't dry Come lay on me instead and pay no mind To the voice in your head
— synopsis: months after a painful breakup, you find someone just as lonely as you. — genre: angst, lots of tears, lots of making out. — word count: 1.8k
What was it about 2AM that haunted you? It’s been months since your ex ended your long term relationship, though you’re sure the love between the two of you ended months before that. Yet you were still getting used to laying alone during the night, which is why you always forced yourself to leave your small apartment to venture into the always bustling college parties. 
Maybe tonight, you’d think to yourself every night as you sipped slowly from your red solo cup, I’ll go home and forget.
And every night, you’d end up disappointing yourself by going home alone drunk and staining your pillow with tears again.
It was your nightly routine. By the sixth party, you were used to standing by yourself against the wall and ignoring everyone that may have come your way to coerce you to dance with them. You were really only there to drink, and stop thinking so much. The loud music obstructed your thoughts, and mindlessly watching hordes of college kids laugh and drunkenly make out was enough distraction from what used to be happy memories of your past relationship.
Which is why you were here again tonight, back pressed up against the wall while swirling the free jungle juice around in your cup. You had probably been there for over two hours now, and you must’ve consumed over three full cups of this mysterious liquid. Your vision blurred--a tell-tale sign that it was time to go home. 
With a sigh, you tossed your half-empty cup into the nearest trash can and made your way outside, shuddering at the cold air that whipped against your heated cheeks. For a second, you just stood outside the front door while gazing up at the starry night sky.
Briefly, you glanced at your phone. 1:29AM. A bitter smile graced your lips. You’d make it home just before 2AM came around.
“Everyone’s favorite wallflower is here again.”
You turned your head to the side, eyes slowly scanning the man behind the voice that was clearly speaking to you--the only other person outside.
“What’s it to you?” you murmured under your breath, fully prepared to leave the stranger standing there by himself.
“Just wondering why you always come to these parties to drink without taking anyone home,” you felt something warm drape itself over your shoulders, and when you turned your head, you met his curious hazel eyes.
“Who I sleep with or don’t sleep with really isn’t any of your business, is it?”
He laughed as you hugged the jacket closer to your clearly shivering form. He was amused, that was obvious by the smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips.
“No, it isn’t. I just wanted to know,” his hand came up to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear, and strangely, you didn’t flinch away, “if I could be a lucky exception to your habit of going home alone.”
You were seconds away from slapping his hand away and throwing his jacket back at him, but stopped when the mischievousness in his eyes melted into something more vulnerable.
“I could use the company,” his voice was quiet and light, very unlike his previously overconfident tone, “of someone who may be just like me.”
Your gaze softened. You hated that you recognized the look in those cat-like eyes of his.
Your body acted before your brain could tell you not to. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him into a deep kiss. You could feel the shock in his tense muscles, but he was quick to react and melt into your embrace. His arms snaked around your waist to pull you closer, lips moving against yours almost with desperation.
Seconds later, you pulled away with a gasp. He rested his forehead against yours, soft eyes reflecting your own. Your heart squeezed painfully in your chest, and you were quick to close your eyes, masking the action as you bathing in the moment. Though, if you were correct in your assumption about him, he probably saw right through you.
“What’s your name?” you questioned in a quiet murmur.
“Kuroo Tetsurou,” he answered with a soft, breathy laugh.
“Kuroo,” you smiled, eyes still closed. “Wanna come home with me?”
A sob rippled past your quiet cries, and you clutched at the cloth over your heart. You thought you were over it--over the past. Some nights, you’d sleep peacefully and forget your ex even existed. Other nights, you laid awake with tears silently streaming down your cheeks, unable to control the sadness eating you from within.
On nights like this, you’d call him.
Your hand blindly reached for your phone, fumbling to call Kuroo as quickly as you could. When he picked up, the first thing you did was break out into uncontrollable sobbing. Yet, his panicked voice calling your name soothed your aching heart.
“I-I’m s-so-sorry--”
“Don’t apologize for something that’s not your fault,” he cut you off, voice soft as it always was when speaking with you. “I’m on my way, okay?”
All you could do was nod, focusing on his soothing voice telling you to breathe in, and out. In, and out. He’d be there soon, he said. In, and out. Slowly, yes, you’re doing good. In, and out.
Eventually, your cries calmed down, and he whispered a soft, “I’m here.”
You shot up, throwing the blankets off your body and tossing your phone to the side to bolt to your front door. You wrenched the front door open, and your sorrow-stricken eyes filled with relief at the sight of his familiar bed head.
You threw your arms around his shoulders, tears stinging as they ran down your cheeks. His arms now instinctively hugged you close, and he let you cry loudly into his shoulder while his hand ran slowly up and down your back. 
In and out. In, and out. You recognized the familiar sound of his voice, and it kept you grounded enough for you to breathe again. Soft hiccups left your lips as he pulled back just far enough to cup your face in his hands, smiling weakly.
“You’re a mess,” he teased softly, thumbs brushing the tears still slowly dripping from your eyes. Still, he tilted his head down to meet your lips halfway. His kiss tasted like salt and relief all at once. In an instant, your thoughts that had been filled with a person who had left you months ago were now empty. Instead, you focused on the way Kuroo’s tongue slid over your own and pushed past your lips to taste every inch of your mouth.
When he finally pulled back, your body instinctively leaned forward, wanting more. He smiled softly and pressed a light kiss to your forehead.
“Can you spend the night?” you asked softly, eyes finally fluttering open to meet his. Just like when you first met, they reflected that same emotion you recognized so well.
“Of course,” he brushed your hair gently, sliding his hand into yours and leading you back into your bedroom.
In minutes, he had flipped your tear-stained pillow over so you could sleep on a dry surface and tucked you into your warm sheets. He shuffled in beside you and pulled you into his arms. Your arm wrapped around his midsection and you tilted your head up instinctively, lips searching for his. He gave into your wishes, and dipped his head down to kiss you softly. Slowly, he peppered more kisses across your cheeks, your eyelids, and your nose. When he heard your quiet laugh, he finally smiled contently and kissed your lips again.
“I’ll be here in the morning,” he whispered. “So sleep.”
And sleep you did. Quite peacefully, you drifted off. That night, you didn’t dream.
Loneliness. That was what you recognized in Kuroo, and that was what you two shared that made your relationship so strange. 
Loneliness was why you had your arms wrapped around him when he showed up unannounced at your apartment just two minutes before 2AM.
“I’m sorry,” his voice cracked as he held back tears. “I couldn’t go to anyone else.”
“I know,” you murmured in a soft tone. You had done the same thing to him countless times before. He had as well, but the two of you apologized each time.
Kuroo finally broke, and let himself cry. He cried quietly, body wracking with constrained sobs as you pulled him to sit on the edge of your bed. You stood between his legs, letting him bury his face into your chest to hide his pain from your sight.
The two of you recognized the loneliness in each other that night. That’s why you let him close, and it’s why he approached you in the first place. You never asked him why he shared the same look in his eye that you did, and he never asked you why you sobbed your heart out every other night. There was a mutual understanding between the two of you that you’d spend the nights crying into each other’s chests and sharing teary kisses, but you’d never push too far.
“You can always come to me, you know that right?” your hand ran through his hair absentmindedly as his cries calmed down. He nodded against your chest, and as he looked up, you couldn’t help but smile at his red eyes. 
He pulled you back into the bed, and you stumbled slightly as you fell on top of him with a soft noise of surprise. His arms wrapped around your waist as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. The wetness of his cheeks brushed over your collarbones as he placed shaky kisses to your skin.
You let him make his way up from your neck to your chin until finally, he was pulling you down to press his lips to yours. You gave into him easily as his tongue pressed your lips apart. His hands never roamed below your waist, but his fingers slid under your shirt to gently brush over the bare skin of your lower back.
You knew his taste very well, and you knew this wouldn’t be the last night you kissed him like this. You pulled back just far enough for his lips to lean forward to search for yours again. You smiled softly, giving in and pressing lingering kisses to his lips until he finally let out a pleased sigh.
“See you in the morning,” you whispered to him, and he hummed sleepily as he curled into you.
There’d be more nights like this, sharing tearful kisses and depending on each other’s loneliness. Eventually, the two of you would need to come to terms with your relationship, whatever it was. But for now, you breathed in Kuroo’s scent and closed your eyes.
You could forget that you were lonely, for tonight, the night after that, and the night after that.
We'll live all night long And we can go home after This is all done and keep hoping for more
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1tarot1with1k1o · 3 years
🌾 Waltz of the snowflakes
🌾 Champagne Supernova - Oasis
🌾 Romance - My chemical Romance
🌾Summertime - My chemical Romance
Omg I don’t know why I didn’t see this 🥴 I’m so sorry!!!
waltz of the snowflakes:
It reminds me of Christmas day. Waking up and seeing snow falling, kids laughing while chasing each other, while engaging in snowball fights. Going out to a friend’s house to celebrate together with your families and loved ones. Going back home, and seeing people still eating and laughing together through the windows of the houses you pass by, on the ride home, after the long and tiring, but just as memorable, day you spent. Then going downstairs in your pjs, and playing board games with the family. Managing to win round after round and having lighthearted discussions with your siblings, because they accuse you of cheating; replying by saying you can’t help it if you’re better than them at games. Ending the day while watching a movie with them, while cozily settled on a very soft couch, and falling asleep peacefully, having beautiful dreams.
champagne supernova:
Living your life. Being free, and doing whatever you want. I see someone riding a convertible car in the desert, going full speed and enjoying every second of it; the hair getting messed up by the wind, hands in the air, and not a care in the world. Feeling that you’re going home, and you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. Being genuinely happy.
Italian m@fia movie vibes. A city in the countryside of south Italy, ruined by corruption, and eerie events constantly happening in it. People disappearing out of nowhere, and the other habitants keep pretending they have no idea about what could have happened to them; but actually knowing very well...Secretly mourning those they lost in such an unfair way.
Finally graduating, and getting out of school on the last day. The sun starting to settle down. Not realizing that the time is going by, because you’re too busy laughing with friends, reminiscing of all the hilarious memories you have made during the past years together. Deciding to go to arcades or fun fairs all together, one more time. Eating cotton candy and street food until your stomach hurts, but being too happy to care. Going to the beach, and sitting on the pier, winding down, looking at the ocean, and being lost in thought. Everyone is silent, their minds are likely roaming with questions about the future. What will happen to the friendship? Where will you all be in a few years? What will be your next step? But regardless, you can feel all the stress leaving your body right at that moment. All that matters is that you’re there in that exact moment. You don’t need anything else right now. You know that this day will forever be a core memory of yours.
It’s always so fun to do this! I feel like I’m allowed to get lost in the song, and try to understand how it’s truly making me feel. Sometimes I tend to overlook that aspect. So bless you for having this idea. I really love it. Thank you so much!!
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the-order-of-fools · 4 years
Stage Enemies interacting with the Knightfucker (AKA reader)
King Knight, of course, has his goldarmors. They were meant to serve King Pridemoor, but since a fool is now running the kingdom, they have to adapt. They're all tired and just doing their jobs in order to support themselves and their families, but the shit they have to put up with is incredible. The whiny little manchild king changes his mind over and over again when it comes to banquets, festivities and everything alike, and then has the royal audacity to criticize them instead. Due to the circumstances, some of them have resorted to becoming bootlickers, it's the only way they can survive. Though, bootlickers or not, they all agree on one thing: You're far better than their king.They were shocked when you complimented them for the first time. They thought King Knight could only get with someone as annoying and unpleasant as him, but luckily for them you're the loveliest person to have around. And you care about their feelings, damn. Finally, someone who has the sobriety of a responsible adult. Finally, someone who actually respects them and praises their efforts. They're pooling all their efforts into convincing King Knight to marry you. They don't want you to leave, please, stay with them. 
Polar Knight isn't known for being the warmest out of the Order. He lets the ice creatures do their thing, he welcomes the Spinwolves with gentle pats and watches them roam and play around the desolate, frozen lands that surround the Stranded Ship, when they're not busy fighting off nosy intruders. He doesn't do much else. He's caring towards them, but they always find themselves craving more - the harsh climate and lonely scenery must weigh on them as well. All of this, until you found your way into that forsaken place and, most importantly, into the heart of its lord. Now, the wolves keep running towards you for their daily dose of pats and belly rubs and someone to play with them in the snow. You're the perfect source of warmth for such a cold place like the Stranded Ship - and now that you're here, it seems like Polar has become a little bit warmer as well. A win-win for everyone.
Tinker Knight has three types of companions: Cogslotters, electrodents and you. His workers appreciate him quite a bit. He's truly a hardworker who puts a lot of effort and creativity into his gadgets, not to mention his giant robot. He's just and fair with them, praising those whose work he admires most. All of those who have worked for him have mostly pleasant occasions to recount. Even if he may be the shortest thing alive, he is still their number one dad. Your appearance startled them a little. Work is work, but you? How could they not raise a brow and whisper among themselves when they figured out that you and Tinker were more than friends. Debates took place, investigations were ran to see if you were truly who you pretended to be. As all the results came clear, they more or less stared at you aghast, suddenly realizing that their boss fucks. The electrodents cannot think or feel, they only move around, oblivious to the fact that their creator is fucking in the same room as them.
The Gulper Mages weren't so keen on accepting a stranger on the Iron Whale the first time they saw you. They're greedy things just like their captain, they don't want anyone to come and try steal their gold. The fish? They don't care, they simply swim around peacefully as long as they don't perceive any foul presence - and they seem to have a sixth sense for that. Still, the normally attentive Serprizes seemed not to be bothered by you, which caused great confusion among the Mages who largely relied on them to spot enemies. With time, even the most distrustful among Treasure Knight's ranks learned that you weren't someone to worry about - you were never interested in the Iron Whale's gold, but its captain. Soon, they came to know you better and realized how much of a pleasant presence you could be. Grapps came out of their dens just to look at you with their big round eyes and earn a good pat, Serprizes and Martars swam around you peacefully as you stretched out your hands to caress them as they crossed your path. Even Treasure Knight seemed more... peaceful around you, if not happy. The only thing that could make him happy was gold, and once the Mages saw that in him, they understood you valued just as much, they couldn't help but accept you with all the rightful honors - and no one had anything to object for.
The Flying machine is organized in the exact purpose of making the life of all intruders completely miserable. It's rather unsurprising that Hoverhafts are ready to slice and dice whoever comes through, minus the ladies and gentlemen Propeller Knight brings onto the ship. They're quite content with him as their captain. They all came here for adventure and they're sure as hell enjoying life to its fullest. With a such a suave and charismatic captain, their lives have reached higher than the sky. Thanks to this, they have managed to meet quite the interesting creatures in during their travels. Floatsomes are rather docile in nature unless an intruder is nearby. They can spend as much time as they want petting the harmless jelly blobs. Plantos are rather strange but adorable creatures that seem to be around the airship wherever they go. Their captain seems very fond of them, so very fond that he makes a point of showing you the dancing Plantos every night. It's quite a sight really, seeing them twirling in the skies above the lights of the Flying machine. The care their captain takes to invite you out every night makes them ponder: are you truly the one? You have been with him much longer than any other partner, is it truly more than a little romantic adventure of his? They're not here to judge, they only await their captain's commands.
Plague Knight doesn't seem to be very keen on taking care of his subordinates - some of the Plague Minions even seem to be scared by him, as he supposedly used to experiment on those who weren't efficient enough for his standards. However, they are slowly warming up to him again now that he has found someone to soothe his frustrations and convince him to turn a blind eye to their minor mistakes. You have become their angel and their best friend, and they couldn't be happier to welcome you in the Explodatorium and escort you to Plague Knight's lab every time you visit. At first, they weren't sure how to welcome a stranger - Plague Knight seldom lets people in, so it was only natural for the guardians to mistake you for an enemy. A Macawbe almost hit you in the head with a poisonous potion once, which taught you to always look up when you enter Plague Knight's not-so-humble abode. Ratsploders now run to you and then around you, waiting for you to lean down and pet them, Fairies (which normally are the most aggressive and unapproachable creatures in the kingdom) fly to you and swarm around you peacefully. If even Fairies accept you as part of the family, you have nothing to be scared of anymore.
The Leech Yard has, what the kids call, "spoopy vibes". Its inhabitants are usually undead monsters. That isn't to say that there aren't adorable little critters who you would absolutely die for. Tadvolts will zap you if you touch them, but gosh, look at them, they even have little crown-like crests. How can you not pet them? You're not quite sure what Invisishades are (as you have cleverly called them much to Specty's chagrin), but gosh, you love these things. You're at least partially sure that they're not actually the ghosts of late mortals (still, Specter Knight refuses to answer you thoroughly), so you try and fail to pet them every second of your trip. Man, you sure hope you aren't petting the ghost of a human or animal or else that would be weird, unless they're furies that is. Boneclangs act more like... servants. They're weird, and they stare at you through their eyeless sockets most if not all the time. Specter can turn their heads with a flick of his finger, but you like to keep them that way. You like to think they are appreciating you in their own weird, spooky way. Zambies are even weirder. They shuffle around awkwardly around the swamp. You have tried talking to one once but then he decided that your face would look better pressed against a gravestone. Thankfully, you happen to have the speend and energy of a living person. Sucks to be dead, Zambies. Of course, you have had more than one interaction with Super Skeletons. You're not quite sure why they call themselves that, but they might as well call themselves super if they're giants. You suppose they're Specter's right hand men, but they're also lovable doofuses that are dimmer than a candle in the rain. Still, you're quite fond of these giant babies.
The miners in the Lost City usually don't expect visits (unless it's another one of those annoying heroes), as Mole Knight is known for his dedication to his work and consequent lack of interpersonal relations. That seems to be a recurring topic among the members of the Order of No Quarter, although it's not commonly tackled. Mole Knight seems not to mind, he gets the most happiness out of an ancient artifact or peculiar stones anyway - until he met you, of course. Now, the most valuable of gems seem mere pebbles in comparison to you, and he is always happy to show you around the mines (that's how you discovered the wonders of Big Bohto rides) and share his knowledge with you. Molers pop out of the ground from time to time to greet you, others -the shyest- hide in the ground whenever you approach them to give free pats. There are even Molers that hide their face behind their claws whenever you kneel in front of them to pet them and compliment them for their hard work, and you can bet your knightfucker ass they're absolutely adorable. If Mole Knight had a face, he'd aww too. Blorbs are the most peculiar among all, and they all seem to have quite the jolly personality. Some of them jump right into your arms (unless they're Blazorbs, of course - they wouldn't want to set Mole Knight's beloved "friend" on fire, now would they?). Good thing that they're gummy and you can squeeze them as much as you want, they're the perfect anti-stress balls.
Terrorpin may seem intimidating at first glance... afterall, it's a spiky turtle mixed with a rhinoceros, it looks ready to impale everything that treads on its path. For that reason, you give it the best pats. You're already hanging around Black Knight, you're used to small intimidating things. Still, Terrorpin is huge, but like anything related to Black Knight, you find it absolutely adorable. You would die for it. It's huge and dumb and it likes salads and god you keep its shell shinier than Treasure Knight's gold. Black Knight may (not so gently) order you to stop spoiling it, but fuck him, this is wholesome turtle time and you refuse to stop  kissing and snuggling the giant spiky turtle. Don’t lie Black Knight, you want the kisses and the snuggles too. -Mod Tinker and ~Mod Propeller
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artiemoonqueen · 4 years
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By: Monica Lebron
I was part of a family that had very few pets. We had a turtle that was always there since I can remember but was never...never named. We had doves that my dad once built a coop next to our garage. We would have them in the house as they would sit on our shoulders and often lay unfertilized eggs everywhere. My brother and I were definitely too young to take care of doves. One perished from a night in said coop by a predator, the other was wounded and healed inside the house. We somehow...crushed this one during one of our rough housing. I know I know, we are heathens and should be sent to Peta jail but we were children. Being only three years apart from one another at ages 8-10, we were wrestling and playing on the couch with a comforter and one thing led to another. Our last friend from a pair seems to have gotten tangled up with us. We were very very mournful I swear to you all. After that, our parents had divorced(not because of the doves) and I was left to entertain myself without any responsibility to a pet. It was another story for my brother and mom but this isn;t about their many adventures with pets. This really isn't about the ‘previous’ pets we had in the past. This story is about Baby. In the year 2018, long before my 28th birthday I had to figure out a living situation.
1)find roommates that I knew
2)find roommates that I didn’t know
3)move back with my dad
4)live on my own
Since I had lived two years with roommates that I knew and some I knew too much. Before that I was living with my father that would sometimes ‘break my soul’. And I was a bit hesitant to move with people that were strangers at that time, I took the opportunity to live on my own for the first time. $650.00 for an apartment that has high ceilings, beautiful lighting that I will admit that I am currently kicking myself that I didn’t take enough selfies. Furniture and decorations of my own taste and pretty chill neighbors, the location was a little out of ways from anyone visiting and just down the hill was a large pharmaceutical company that was the ‘leading biotechnology company that invents life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases’ in other words, high possibility that they are working on zombie-endulced material that a friend of mine who once worked there, would swear that that wasn’t happening but promise to text me ‘code red’ as a warning to get my ass far away from that place in anything were to happen.
So I was alone finally and I had really fucking felt it. I went through a winter before looking through websites for adopting an adult feline. I had no preference other than friendly, pettable, I pick up and hug when I need it, but independent. Spoilers(with tears coming down my face I was able to find that. Sorry I thought this was going to be easier) Before our paths would tangle as the dove with my brother and I’s wrestling match, I first looked on the local humane society website to look for potential companions. While I knew I wanted an older cat because of less time training and the idea of giving an older cat a better life, I saw a green eye, black cat with the christen name ‘Monica’. Now if you want to take this moment to go back to the top of this tale and look at the author’s name, I too am named ‘Monica’. What kinda psycho names a cat with a human name like ‘Monica’? I’ve heard names like Sprinkles, Scooby, Donut, Ringo, Chucky, and just about any reference to a greek god/goddess or dessert. Who was the previous owner that watched too many episodes of ‘Friends’ that decided to name a kitten Monica? I quietly laughed in my lonely one bed-room and moved along the website until the next day, on May 21, 2018. A week before my 28th birthday, my little cousin and I drove our way to the adoption center to look at cats that I had no idea whether I would go through with it or not.
“There’s a cat there named Monica?” my cousin had asked after I told her the musing I did the night before.
“ Yeah, she was cute but I can’t take her! I’d look insane.”
“ You don’t know Monica, maybe she is the one.”
“ Hell fucking no.”
We got out of the car and walked in. The front desk had a box of kittens that needed to be processed in. Their mewls were delightful to hear but were too young to be adopted out. I had signed in and asked ‘what’s your most friendliest outgoing cat here right now?’ The person attending us was quick to say all the cats were great but in her time there she had gotten to like a cat named...Monica. I could feel my cousin's smirking gaze on me. I was not going to subject myself to ridicule for having a cat with my same namesake thank you very much. There were many potential companions to see anyway. Some very old and very young. One with just an eye that I was close to choosing and others with large ears that reminded me of season 1 of ‘Girls’ Adam Sackler. But in the room with both a ‘mr and mrs. Incredible’ was also the notable cat named Monica. Let me tell you a little about the cat that will soon be renamed ‘Baby’. She knew how to get ya’ to want her affection. She knew that being present, unafraid. In the open, fluffy with hints of grey and a rich reddish brown coat along the black, open wide green eyes and a meow that was certain. She was her own saleswoman. In a true cliche, I was ‘hook, line and sinker’.
After $90.00 in cash, in a cardboard ‘cat carrier’ and her meowing away, I took a female, domestic longhair, black, eye color that was the color green. Birth Date 10/2009, formerly named ‘Monica’ home. Our first week, I thought she wanted to get close to me at night so when I awoke to a bat that brushed across my face and not her, that was fun. Eleven shots and two weeks of follow up maintenance shots for rabies, we had gotten familiar to one another. I would feed her half a can of wet food at 5:30 am before my morning shift at my part time job at the dmv and feed her the rest at night after my shift from my salon job. She lay on her back sometimes when we were both in the living room while I enjoyed binging on tv. And meow when I say ‘what?’ when we would eye at each-other. She will follow me to a basement apartment that I shared with my close friend David. We call her ‘pizza’ baby because of the time she climbed alongside the back of the couch while we were eating pizza from Pizzaroni. I felt a tug on my left arm that was holding up my cheese slice. When I looked, she was leaning far to reach my pizza to eat it. Not a successful attempt that time but she will try again. She constantly wanted the attention of David to which he would gladly and promptly pet her while she purred and then quickly turned around to bit his hand away. He always gave her the attention though. For that I am grateful for David. You made sure she ate and loved. You affectionately talk about her to your parents on your long distance phone calls with them and tell your two ideal brunch buddies about your time with Baby. You were the best coparent for her when I would leave for a week long trip to Europe or weekends away to work conventions. She loved you. You had to know that, and you Mike. She loved you too. But she didn’t love the dogs that would shit all over the backyard on the walkway to the trash. Those assholes.
Her next adventure with a month long excursion to my dad’s house before the final move together. While I worked my last few weeks at the salon to save for the time that I would become a true ‘City’ woman. She would find ways to break into my dad's room to lay on the middle of his bed and sleep. His heater would be right in her direction, while we sat unknowing in his recliner in front of his tv. He didn't want to like her. I know this. But who could meet a cat like Baby and not love her. Who would not love seeing a black cat go on her hind legs to look out the window that you have looked through to see the ongoings of the gentleman club next door. Yes, from grades eighth to age 26 I had lived in an apartment that was a stone throw away from a gentleman’s club that late at night, my dad would wake me up to see out the window and watch as the patrons would take pictures of topless dancers on the sign of the establishment before a game of ‘catch me if you can’ through the usual busy main street formerly known as The Bowery before 1867 however that should be left for another drawn out tale. Baby will have a final destination and despite her short time here, my dream of her sleeping peacefully near me while I lay on my bed on a raining day did come to fruition. Super Bowl LIV, February 2, 2019. Both my birth mother and I are hungover from separate nights from each other. She picks up my stuff, Baby and I. And we head to my current apartment in Brooklyn, New York. A dream that I have had besides the many others that will be done and accomplished, I swear. Baby is free to roam the car but she opts to explore little and sleeps most of the way to hear and then to Long Beach for two nights of rest. She walks around like the fearless cat that she is in any space she is in. Never cowers. Never shows fear or intimidation. She is fucking awesome in all her glory and we live together here for another six months until she seems to not to be herself.
As I live in a time of fear for my health during a pandemic, I don’t realize that Baby could be going through a decrease of quality of life with some kind of kidney failure. It was all too quick the deterioration in her appearance and behavior. I was quick to get her to a vet but the results showed more than we had thought and I had to bring her to an emergency vet. They were so kind but when the doctor told me the treatment that would be done to her, I agreed to then going to reception to find out that I would even have enough money to keep her there for a day of treatment. I paid for blood work, exam fees and medicine just to try and figure a way and she seemed to perk up again and walk her way to her favorite rooms to look out the windows or spy on us watching another extructating episode of White Lines. But she wouldn’t eat. For almost three weeks she wouldn’t eat and I had to force feed her food but she didn't want it. I would just get frustrated and I’m sure she was frustrated with me but why wouldn’t she just eat and take the medicine and be like another girls cat that has had kidney failure for years but the cat was still going? Why?
I knew what was going to happen if I made another appointment. I knew and I didn’t want to know. I just had to make the appointment because what if? What if, despite the week before she was back to her ‘old self’ she got even worse the following week, and couldn’t even walk in a straight line. What if her constant sleeping was just her trying to heal herself? What if I bring her one more time and they have a better option that I can afford and I can bring her home and she could lay right beside me on the bed like she use to and look at me with her beautiful green giant eyes that a kid once said were evil eyes but your are dumb kid, really dumb. What if? That’s not how it goes though. We know in our souls when it’s time to say that horrible and final goodbye. So we push through, kiss them more and hold them close and bring them to the vet. We will wait and listen with tears already shed for the answer we didn’t want. The answer that didn’t fit with the what ifs. And you try to say your goodbye while uttering so many I’m so sorry. This isn’t a mom in hospice or a phone call from the police saying your sibling has passed. It’s nothing close to seeing the numbers of people dying from a virus or you dad getting in an accident and obtaining horrible injuries. Those pains are harsh, and grasping air. Those pains affect the heart, and brain for the rest of your life. Baby is like one in a million pets that people have lost. There will be millions of pets to come and go after my time here. However Baby was mine for a short time, but mine. I love her. I miss her. I feel her but I know she can never be here with me again. Feeling her not in the room with us but still having her body left was eerie. She made me happy, and loved like a familiar to its owner. Her snores by my head will be missed. Her purrs and weight on my chest. Her constant knots in her long hair. Her allowances of my kisses on her head. Goodbye Monica, Goodbye Baby.
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naferty · 5 years
Ironpanther birthday fic is back! Part 8 has finally arrived. Finally. 
Shuri and Peter were crouched under a bush and watched intently as T’Challa and Mr Stark quietly talked to each other. Both felines lied on their stomachs with their paws crossed in front of them. T’Challa, Shuri noticed, was constantly flicking his tail upwards in interest. A tell she knew meant her brother appeared invested in the relationship that was building between himself and the white tiger in the span of a month. It mattered not what that relationship ended as. Her brother already showed he considered his tie with the tiger important.
As for Mr Stark. There were no visible tells that showed he returned the sentiment or the interest. No flick of his tail, no paw shuffling, no ear twitch, no casually leaning closer, not even a subtle sniff. Mr Stark was as still as a stump. He was guarded, cautious, even more so than her own brother, who had gone through lessons after lessons in order to hide any body language that would show weakness to their enemies.
Mr Stark appeared careful, even amongst allies only wishing to help. Even as her brother showed obvious signs and clear intentions. The courage to open up was nonexistent in his form. Signs of embedded wounds buried deep within his being. Perhaps a case of too often bitten, permanently shy?
Days had gone by and the injuries Mr Stark had sustained had healed over. The white of his fur finally clear and the worry of infection long gone. Now, only the emotional scarring remained. Scarring he wished to keep hidden. Through what little they could see during moments he let himself go Shuri had come to find the man was stubborn and brash and perfect for her brother, who was equally hot-headed and knew no better. But how to let him see?
They needed a hand. A little push together.
“We need ideas. I feel the song will not be enough for them. The two are too stubborn,” she said to the wolf. “They need all the help we can offer.”
Peter sniffed, “You think a song about love is not enough? I thought it’s pretty straight forward.”
“They are too proud. Neither will take the leap. We need to give them a push.”
“Right. How about… falling leaves while the song plays?”
Shuri tilted her head. “Falling leaves? For an aesthetic touch to it? Yes, that’ll work. View each other under a different light. How about the scene of the water… does Mr Stark swim?”
“I don’t know. I never actually saw him swim, but he’s a tiger, I’m sure he knows how.”
“Let’s hope so. If not, my brother can rescue him. That will surely earn him points.”
“What do you have in mind for the water part?”
“Knock them in. A swim is perfect. We’ll have to time it.”
“Oh, they’re not going to like that.”
“It’s their own fault for needing the help.”
Shuri grinned when she heard Peter snort. They would require to plan ahead if they wished to make their list come true. To time everything as perfectly as they could. To let the two adults know whatever they feel, no matter how small, is mutual.
Maybe they’ll find something more together.
“I hope none of them freeze,” Shuri had little in that regard, “we need to go and prepare. If I know my brother he will continue to visit each day. If not to chat Mr Stark up, than to check both his and your progress.”
As if by reflex at the mention of their past treatment, Peter shook his head to ruffle the fur around his neck. Perhaps to remind himself of the freedom he now possessed without the collar? She felt a pang in her chest at the thought.
What they must have gone through…
At least now they are safe and free to roam, instead of being locked in a cage as if they were mere animals. The very idea, the audacity, it sent a shiver of disgust through her.
“We can plan these events to fit his visits, but we need more suggestions. They will need the courage to admit anything and that will not occur from one.”
Peter’s tail visibly wagged. “Let’s get to planning then. I’ve got plenty of ideas. Not all of them sane, but I’m sure they’ll be fine. Mr Stark is quick on his feet.”
“So is my brother. Perhaps we can use that.”
“Brainstorm then?”
“Brainstorm,” Shuri agreed before they ran off to plan every detail they could.
Over to where both tiger and panther rested Tony’s entire body shivered. His hairs all rose as if danger was in his near future. The sense so strong he visibly shuddered and T’Challa noticed.
“Did you sense that, too?” The prince inquired, letting him know he experienced the same thing.
“Something is going to happen. We’re not going to like it.”
“I fear we’ll have no choice in the matter. We will not be able to avoid whatever we will meet in our future.”
Tony huffed. “That doesn’t sound ominous at all. Thanks.”
T’Challa gave him a toothy smile. “Would you rather I lie?”
“I’d rather steer clear of it in general. Can you make that possible?”
“I can make a lot of things, but even I cannot predict future occurrences.”
“Guess we’ll just face our fates then. Can’t be that bad, right?”
Tony would have assumed he had jinxed himself by speaking too soon, but he honestly had not expected or had been prepared for this.
Two days since the foreboding and he had braced himself for the worst. His mind had run with dozens of possibilities of what their future held. From the metaphorical rug soon being yanked from under his and Peter's paws with the true colors of the prince being revealed, to something simple as one of them having the unfortunate luck of catching a cold.
Of all those possibilities it never occurred to him that Shuri and Peter were the ones to be responsible for the whole debacle and what, exactly, the duo had planned to do.
Boy, it had never crossed his mind this was what they had planned for both him and T'Challa.
He had been lying peacefully on the ground. His fur shining better than ever under the sun. The patches where his fur had once been missing were now covered and healthy. The white of his fur glowing, showing his progress in health. While some scars would forever remain, he counted his blessings for now. T’Challa had truly kept his word and aided them, but Tony still planned to keep his guard up.
He’d been burned plenty of times.
The prince himself was lying next to him. Moderate space between them to not intrude in their personal bubbles.
They weren't chatting, surprisingly comfortable with just each other’s company. Tony was enjoying the sun’s rays as he continued to heal and T’Challa was enjoying a small break from his princely duties.
The orange petal falling from the sky was first seen by Tony. The white tiger had been basking under the rays with his head up and eyes closed when something flicked his nose. His eyes open to the sight of a beautiful long petal balancing perfectly on the tip of his nose. Confused, he lowered his snout to allow the petal to continue its path down.
Odd. Tony didn’t even know their cage had orange flowers. He eyed it confusingly.
Then another petal floated down. Then another and another. All of them trickling down and landing all around them.
T’Challa was just as confused as him, if his twitching ears had anything to say of it.
“Is this normal?” He asked the prince. It appeared only their spot was being rained on by orange petals and nowhere else.
“It is not,” T’Challa stared at the petals as if their very presence was a threat. “These are not from the flowers of the palace, and we do not partake in showering in them in this manner.”
Well, even if they didn’t make it a habit to shower in flowers, Tony had to admit the contrast between the orange of the petals and the black of T’Challa’s coat was very beautiful. Almost worthy of a portrait to be displayed for those who appreciated the arts.  
Not that Tony would ever say it. The prince didn’t need his compliments nor would the prince want them from someone like Tony.
They both nearly jumped out of their fur when a voice echoed all around them.
“Can you feel the love tonight?...”
Up on their paws they stood to search for the source of the noise. When it was evident the noise was, in fact, a song and they listened closely to the words they were left staring at each other awkwardly.
Unable to hold the prince’s gaze, Tony turned away, grateful his fur hid the otherwise very obvious flush on his face. Needing a distraction, he searched for the source of the petals and the song combination and found them on top of a hill that overlooked their spot.
The grinning face of the princess stared down at him. Next to her, the orange petals were thrown over the edge and soon enough Peter’s own wolfish grin joined hers. They appeared very proud of themselves and were obviously the culprits.
“Really, Peter?” Tony said just as T’Challa gave a very defeated sigh and a “Shuri.”
“Hi, Mr Stark,” Peter’s tongue lolled out with his grin.
“Don’t mind us. Do continue your time together. We’re just setting the mood,” Shuri said, just as the song echoed “The world for once, in perfect harmony.”
Tony really did not like what that implied. “Thanks, but that’s really unnecessary.”
“You are welcome,” they said simultaneously before disappearing. The song did not stop.
T’Challa shuffled in place, anxious about their situation. “I apologize for her.”
“Yeah, sorry about my kid, too.”
A bouquet of flowers of different varieties and colors came crashing down before them.
“Brother, give him these!”
T’Challa groaned and lowered himself to the ground, covering his face with his paws. “Shuri.”
Tony couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part7) (Part 8)
@xissa-chanx @bornwithgasolineheart @societyslostone @aliceinawesomeland @seven-oomen @not-the-cavalry @gabriel-r3ap3r-reyes @sodoyoufondueme @damej @gentlemanspygalahad @meghatron12337 @the-ice-goddess @fullheartedlyprovocative @breyito @llaladonna @caped-ace  @larissaloki @ninacloverfield @wateriiterro @avengingphoenix @hurricanesass @arellaroth @inkblackfingers @hestia-sama @itsall-taken @olevereidna @im-an-indoor-person @0dannyphantom0 @zessagirl @drarrydarling @beautiful-rave
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synkiller82 · 5 years
Collapse Into Me Chapter 22 - Endure
Adrien was surprised to hear a knock on his door the next morning. He was in the middle of his piano practice, which was normally the one time he wasn’t disturbed. Before he could answer, the door opened and Nathalie stepped inside.
“You have a visitor,” she stated coldly as she stepped out of the way.
Marinette timidly walked into the room, the door closing behind her as Nathalie exited.  Marinette kept her eyes focused on the floor. “I’m sorry about last night.”
Adrien’s eyes shot wide in surprise. “Sorry? For what?”
“Last night was supposed to be our night , but I spent more time with Luka than with you.  Not that I wanted to. He cornered me when Alya left and I didn’t say anything when Kim let him cut in.”  Marinette felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “I shouldn’t have done either, but I needed to talk to him, to explain that you and I are officially together.” She walked over and collapsed onto the couch.
Adrien walked over and sat beside her. He could see the dark circles and puffiness in her eyes, like she had been crying all night.  When he had left her the night before, he had asked if she wanted him to stay longer, but she declined. Now, he wished he had insisted.  Adrien knew something was bothering her, but he also knew she needed time to process things. He tentatively placed a hand on her knee, giving her comfort if she needed, but the option to push him away if uncomfortable.
“I don’t understand. I told him, but it’s like... he didn’t listen. He just said he would be waiting, that it wasn’t right.” She looked at Adrien, tears beginning to fall. “Why would he say that?  What does he mean, Adrien?”
Adrien pulled her to his chest and ran his hand through her hair, pulling out her signature pigtails as he did. “I don’t know, Marinette.  Do you feel that this is right for you?” He felt her nod vigorously against his chest. “So do I, and I think that’s all that really matters.”  He laid a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Maybe it would be best if we stayed away from him for a bit.”
She shook her head. “Kitty Section has another jam session during the holiday. I would hate for you to miss playing with them. It will be fine. Maybe if he sees us together, it will be better.”
“My schedule is pretty full over the break, but if I do get the chance to go, we will discuss it then. Okay?” He felt her nod again. “And don’t think you have to do this to prove anything. If you don’t want to go, we won’t. If we do go and you feel you need to leave, we’ll leave. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.” She sat up and kissed him. “Nathalie said you were practicing your piano. Do you mind continuing?”
“Anything for you, Mari.” He kissed the top of her head again and made sure she was comfortable before going back over to the piano. “Do you have any requests today?”
“Something relaxing, but not depressing.”
“I know just the thing.” He winked before he placed his hands on the keys. After taking a moment to compose himself, he started into a jazz arrangement of various Disney songs.
“Is that Tangled ?”
“It is. I found a whole site dedicated to jazz versions of Disney songs. I know jazz relaxes me better than classical any day of the week.”
“It sounds fantastic.” Marinette acknowledged as she made herself more comfortable on the couch.
Adrien played for about 10 minutes, lost in music from Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid . When he looked over again, he saw Marinette had fallen asleep. Chuckling to himself, he stood back up, and retrieved a blanket to cover her with. He laid a chaste kiss on her forehead before turning off his lights, allowing her to rest peacefully as he read on the other end of the couch.  He glanced back over at her sleeping form, and decided he would make sure he could go to the jam session. Luka was going to learn not to mess with Adrien’s princess.
“Hey, Nathalie.  I need to ask a favor.”  Adrien turned toward her after they dropped Marinette off at her house.  “I know it’s a long shot, but can you make sure my schedule is clear next Saturday afternoon?”
“What is the occasion?”
“There is another jam session, but more importantly I need to talk to someone who will be there before everyone else gets there.”
“Let me look into it.  With everything else added, I’m not sure I can grant your request.”
“Thanks, Nathalie.  It would mean a lot to both Marinette and I.”
Nathalie pulled every string she had to move all of his appointments from Saturday to Sunday.  The only thing she hadn’t been able to move was a charity event the company way hosting.  
Adrien thanked Nathalie for her support and called Alya to see if she could make sure Marinette arrived late to the jam session.  He didn’t want to upset her anymore with this whole situation than she already was. Saturday, this whole thing with Luka was going to end.
Saturday arrived with a light snow storm, so Adrien wasn’t surprised when he didn’t see anyone on the deck of the houseboat.  Not sure what to do, he announced himself as he had the last time he came and was rewarded with Anarka Couffaine’s permission to board.
“Excuse me, but is Luka downstairs?”  Adrien asked as he snaked his way through the debris toward the stairs that lead below deck.
“Aye.  In his cabin, last I saw,” Anarka answered.  “Ye know where it be?”
“I do.  Thank you.”  Adrien gave her his best model smile and headed down.  He found Luka sitting on his bed, tuning his guitar. “Hey Luka.  We need to talk.”
“Adrien.  I didn’t know you were coming.”  Luka set his guitar down. “What’s on your mind?”
“You need to stop toying with Marinette.” Adrien looked Luka in the eye as he spoke.  “You are hurting her with all your talk about things not being right between her and I.  Who are you to decide what is best for her anyway?”
“I just want her to be happy.”  Luka shrugged as he picked his guitar back up and began to play.  The song was almost in tune, but a note here or there threw it out of sync.  “There is something that is holding you back from being completely happy.”
“That is for us to figure out.”  Adrien ran a hand through his hair and slid to the floor, his back against the wall next to the door.  “Look, you are a great person to talk to, and I know we both see you as a friend. However, you really confused and hurt Marinette last week.  You know she overreacts easily.”
“I do, and I’m sorry.”  Luka stopped playing and sighed.  “I just don’t know how to talk to people sometimes.”
Adrien nodded.  “I’m just glad this was all a big misunderstanding.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone thought you were hitting on Mari.”  Adrien tilted his head back and closed his eyes.  “Myself included. It didn’t help my perception when she told me what you said.”
“I can’t deny that I have feelings for her, but that wasn’t my intent.”  It was Luka’s turn to sigh and run his hands through his hair. “As I said, I just want her to be truly happy.”
Adrien nodded, his eyes still closed.  “I want the same thing, Luka.” He opened his eyes and fixed Luka with a serious expression.  “So let me be perfectly clear. Marinette is my girlfriend and I love her dearly. I will not allow you, or anyone else, to hurt her.”
“Understood.”  Luka stood, but turned back to Adrien.  “However, if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t lie to her.”  
Adrien watched Luka walk out of a different door toward the interior stage.  Luka was right, Adrien was harboring a huge secret, which caused him to lie to Marinette quite a bit.  What was he supposed to do, though? He couldn’t tell Marinette that he was Chat Noir. Ladybug was adamant no onecould know their identities.  He would be putting her and her family in danger from Hawkmoth.  It was one of the main reasons he never visited her as Chat after the Glaciator incident.
It would be easier if she knew.  She would understand why he had to run toward the danger.  Plagg wouldn’t have to hide all the time, only having Adrien’s room to roam free in.  He would finally have someone in his life he didn’t have to wear a mask around.
Adrien shook his head.  This wasn’t the time to dwell on this.  He would talk to Plagg later. Right now, he needed to get to Mari and the rest of his friends.  He had a keyboard to play.
“Hey, Marinette,” Luka called as he walked toward her and Alya. “Can we talk?”
Alya took a step in front of Marinette, partially blocking the shorter girl from view.  Her stance told Luka everything he needed to know about how she felt about him at that moment.  Alya tilted her head slightly to hear what Marinette was whispering, before glaring at Luka and moving aside.
“Lead the way.” Marinette spoke quietly, not looking at the teen in front of her.  She followed Luka back to the main deck and into the bridge, where it was slightly warmer.  “What did you need to talk about?”
“I just wanted to apologize.  I didn’t mean to hurt you at the dance.”  Luka watched as Marinette curled up on herself a bit.  “I just want you to be happy and I thought maybe, you might want to try us--”
You can stop right there.”  Marinette’s postured stiffened and she glared at Luka.  “Adrien and I are together Luka. We have been dating for almost six months now.  I’m not going to leave him for you.” She sighed. “You are a great friend, and I thought I liked you as more, but I don’t.  I have only ever loved Adrien. Please respect that.”
Luka heart cracked at her words, but part of him knew it was coming.  He saw the way those two looked at each other, the way their songs were almost a perfect harmony.  He was tempted to tell her about Adrien keeping things from her. That it wasn’t as clear and beautiful as it appeared to be.  He didn’t, though. He had told Adrien and now that was Adrien’s problem.
“I understand.  I hope he continues to make you happy, Marinette.”  Luka turned and walked back downstairs to the stage to warm up.
Marinette leaned on the windowsill and stared out over Paris.  She heard the door open again and turned to see Adrien standing in the doorway.
“Here you are.  Alya said Luka wanted to talk to you, but he came back and you didn’t.”  He walked over and wrapped himself around her from behind, knowing how much she hated the cold.  “What do you need? You want to go or stay?”
Marinette wasn’t sure which option was the better one.  “Let’s stay, at least for a little while.” She turned in his arms and hugged him back.  “I told you I love to hear you play.”
“Okay.”  Adrien leaned down and kissed her.  “But promise me you will let me know if you want to leave.”
“Promise.”  She gave him a peck and pulled out of his embrace.  She took his hand and they went back downstairs. She happily sat next to Alya and watched as the band worked on a few new numbers, as well as some of their favorites.
Adrien and Marinette were whisked away in Adrien’s car a few hours later.  Marinette curled against Adrien’s side as he hugged her to him. He laid his head on top of hers and enjoyed the quiet drive to the bakery, happy that the situation with Luka had been resolved.  He pulled her a bit closer and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head, smiling into her hair when he heard her sigh contentedly. He was still a little surprised this was his reality now, but he wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.  She was everything he needed, everything he wanted, and he was determined to never let her go.
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shame-on-nyall · 6 years
guess who’s back for hot milkies!
I haven’t quite finished the last chapter to Hot Milky, which frankly isn’t very good lol, but I wanted to let you know I have been working on it off and on the past 2 years. Here’s a preview under the cut. 1,679 words, enjoy!
Genji was torn between trying to convince Hanzo to stay, remain the selfish boy he used to be, and helping him leave, as he should if he were the honorable sibling he wished Hanzo could see. That one second of indecision somehow prompted the arrival of McCree at the doorway to Hana’s den, complete with triumphant grin and the accompaniment of his charges, Junkrat and Roadhog. Everyone turned to look at the trio in confusion and Hana said brightly, “Hey, Jesse, you just missed Genji getting his ass definitively kicked!”
“Ain’t that right? Well, there’s always another day.” McCree glanced over at Genji and Hanzo, his smile sunny and warm and ever so deadly.  “Always another chance to redeem yourself, eh?”
Genji straightened from his loser’s slump with an indignant sound.  Before he could say anything in his defense, he noticed out of the corner of his vision Hanzo stilling, then tilting his chin up and back slightly in a familiar gesture out of their childhood.  At once, Genji took on a defensive position that matched his brother’s. McCree shook his head exasperatedly and just like that the environment in the den filled with that sort of chaotic barely-contained energy found in the simulation room right before Winston pressed the start button to the AI and unleashed robot hell upon the members of Overwatch.
In a matter of nanoseconds, the brothers completed the mad scramble out the nearest window, made a touch difficult by the breadth of their brawny shoulders, followed by an exhilarating climb up the sheer side of the building.  “Just like when we were boys” came to Hanzo’s mind again, this time in a much more light-hearted situation.  Some distance below, Jesse and Hana had poked their heads out the window, hollering at the fleeing duo but unable to get Roadhog or Junkrat to their aid. Any further babble was cut off by an explosion of hard light and more screaming from everyone except Satya.  At that point, the brothers finally reached the summit of the cliff wall, their escape from the insanity achieved.  
They were not alone, as was usually the case within the borders of Watchpoint, for Zarya had just finished a brief perimeter rooftop check and was now going down to investigate the ruckus below.  Her sharp eyes caught Hanzo and Genji sliding over the wall and pooling onto the ground in giddy relief.
“What are you two doing up here?” she asked, paused and now regarding them suspiciously.  
“We’re just practicing… ninja sorts of things,” Genji answered, as innocently as he could manage. “You know?”
Zarya gave them a look that said in as many words, “I don’t know enough about ninjas to know if you’re telling the truth or not.”  Another explosion shook the foundations, more yelling, and deciding that questioning the two would be of less use than supporting whatever was going on within the base, Zarya hurried down the stairs.
“That was close!”
“Too close,” Hanzo muttered, the high of the climb hundreds of meters above the ocean with nary a handhold quickly wearing off.  “We will be caught, sooner or later, Genji.  This place is a trap filled with absolutely uncontrollable thugs and lunatics.”
“Hey, Satya helped us get away, so technically one of them is a lunatic on our side.”
Hanzo rolled his eyes, for he had clearly heard Satya state her intention to kill each and every one of her fellow teammates several times over perhaps almost as often as he had, but instead of saying anything, he scurried to the other trapdoor and the ladder there. “I have most of my things with me, but we will need to hurry. The bounties have become the bounty hunters, and I don’t intend to be captured for their nefarious purposes.”
“What nefarious purposes?” Genji asked, leading the way through the storage room by the light of his visor.  “Are you still nervous about a simple check-up, anija?”  He tittered at the thought of Mercy commanding McCree and Jamison and Mako about like some sort of warrior goddess directing her high priests.
“Yes!” Hanzo clutched at his jacket fretfully.  “This is not the time to be joking around!  Help me escape, Genji.”
“And what do I get in return?” Genji retorted, stopping in the hallway and folding his arms childishly.
“You!  I will throw you out the window and off the side of this cliff right now.”
“Fine.”  He could do so quite easily after all.  “We’ll rendezvous at the aircraft hanger, the security is weakest there.”  With no further comment, Genji led the way to a little-used corridor that could be their best bet to slip out of Watchpoint.
Although that did not address the fact that Athena may not allow them past the perimeter, nor the valid concern that Overwatch will not easily let a potential member roam free, knowing its secrets.  If anything, Overwatch would likely increase their efforts to (re-)capture Hanzo.  But for now, a breath of the outside air, a moment away from the weight of the world and expectations, a minute to just be free and safe and together before they must return to reality.  Genji would do anything to make that happen for his brother.  
Even if it meant blocking McCree with his drawn oodachi so Hanzo could slide past them.  Tossing shurikens at the two junkers and at the bystanders gawping at the clash to buy his brother more time to jump off a startled Reinhardt’s shoulders and up into the air duct which really shouldn’t have fit him at all.  Darting through maze-like hallways, throwing over his shoulder not the stereotypical ninja smoke bombs but a handful of glitter projection devices that gave off a burst of pink confetti and displayed Hana’s smiling face sparkling in mid-air (very cute) which he snatched from her gaming den after the tournament to distract Soldier76 from tracking them down.  Cyborg he may have become, but the rush of blood through Genji’s ears and into his chest seemed to thrum as if he were a boy again, and his face split into a grin beneath his mask.  Hanzo had dropped out of the air duct into the hall in front of him and together, they raced for the exit.
 They reached the hanger unimpeded, Hanzo following after Genji scanned ahead to make sure no one else from the team lay in wait amidst the tiny fleet of aircraft.
“So are you going to fly out of here?” Genji asked as they approached the jet Lena used to fly.
“These aircraft will be locked down, I wouldn’t have access to the controls as a temporary member,” Hanzo murmured.  “I will be leaving on foot.”
“On foot?  They can catch up to you, anija!”
“Perhaps.”  Hanzo did not sound too bothered by this.  “As long as it is not right away…  That is all I need.”
“I understand…”
Hanzo stepped toward to the far exit, a simple push door that led outside of the base proper.  He saw the flicker of red light just in time and dropped to the ground while Genji, ever swift, darted in front of him. It wasn’t a bullet, otherwise they would have been dead from the accuracy of the shot.  Genji grabbed the needle-tipped projectile out of the air, just as it was about to slide into Hanzo’s neck.
The sound of reloading and another shot thunked uselessly off Genji’s left shoulder.  Knowing it was a sniper, Hanzo pulled Genji close and frantically searched the aircraft, the scaffolding, any tall secluded point where one of his kind would lay in wait.
Overwatch did not have a sniper in their ranks, not for many years… but that style of shooting, that kind of ammunition…  As isolated as he was during his years of wandering, he of course recognized the sniper playing with them.  So did Genji, it seem.
“Anija, anija, it’s okay,” he said quietly.  “Just a warning shot.  She won’t hurt us that much.”
“The Shrike,” Hanzo muttered, still tense, still trying to cover Genji’s body with his own even though Genji had a lot less soft mushy parts to pierce with a syringe.  A big brother’s habit.  “You don’t know them, they are one of the most accomplished snipers in the world.”
“The Shrike?  But… surely that’s Captain Amari…” Genji stared at the needle and syringe in his hand, realizing what he said could not be true. Then again, he began to learn that whoever died did not always stay dead, not if they were needed.
Distracted momentarily, they did not notice a delicate shadow alight on the ground from a distant fire escape heading towards them with deliberate steps.  Hanzo began to back away once he finally tracked the sniper’s movement, keeping Genji behind him.
“What do you want?” Hanzo asked, his tone and stance indicating that if it was Genji they wanted, they would have to get through him first.
The figure paused, assessing them, then stepped forward into a circle of light.  An elderly woman, slight build but with a proud bearing, a patch over one eye, carrying a magnificent custom sniper rifle.
“You are the Shrike?” he asked tensely.
The woman nodded at him, smiling peacefully though not letting go of her rifle.  “Hello.  It is good to finally meet a rival, Hanzo.”
“A-are you not… Ana Amari?” Genji asked in a faltering tone, unable to believe his eyes.  Everything about this woman he had never seen before, and yet he knew her somehow, as closely as he knew McCree, as deeply as he knew Soldier76 who was obviously Jack Morrison, who did he think he was fooling anyway.  “Aren’t you dead?”
“That Captain Amari you knew… has indeed passed away.  But I still know you, Genji, and you know me, don’t you?”
“How?  All of this time?” His mind spun, trying to process this revelation.
“I will explain, Jack apparently did nothing of the sort.  But you two, where are you going?  Won’t you stay and help this old woman find some rest?”
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littlehobbits · 6 years
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I’m feeling sentimental tonight and I got to thinking about Bilbo again. I do pretty often, even though he passed away in January, but it’s just so hard to forget what an amazing little thing he was. I was scrolling through this blog and I realized that, although I posted about his death, I was too filled with grief to really put together a nice tribute to him. So I just wanted to write about my Bilbo today to commemorate him on here.
((If I can edit this on a laptop soon I will add a “read more”, because this is about to be long...))
On June 8th, 2017, I went from being a rat mom of 2 boys to a rat mom of 5. I drove an hour to a parking lot where I picked up Frodo, Sam, and Bilbo, the last three of the litter. During this exchange with the breeder, she mentioned that she noticed a few lumps on Bilbo’s belly; she told me that if I wanted to save myself the heartbreak as well as the vet expenses, she would gladly keep him and refund me instead. But i swear, the second I looked at him - the smallest, scraggliest boy of the bunch - I knew I would never leave him. So I took him home.
He took a long time to warm up to me. At first, I thought he never would. He was afraid of me, but if I ever went to pet him, he would let me...except he was rigid, shutting his eyes, accepting the affection but not enjoying it, to say the least. My goal was to win him over, because I knew that he had it in him. Eventually, he did, albeit gradually. But once he trusted me, he trusted me with everything in his little self.
Bilbo had his quirks. My sister described him as a “strange little dude”, but in a good way. Some of his antics include: jumping out of the very top story of my double critter nation onto HARD FLOOR and hiding under the couch (no injuries), climbing up and down my shirt on my bare skin (ouch) repeatedly for fun, and always finding a way to get under my bed (before I took it off the frame) and literally chewing his way inside of my mattress box frame, and I would have to coax him out with a multitude of treats (this happened way more than I’d like to admit).
He loved free roam like no other. He would do anything to leave the cage and run around my room, burrowing in a corner of pillows or under some blankets. His favorite food was always carrots. Once he trusted me, he adored his head scratches, and he would just close his eyes as I gave him a good pet. Unlike when I first got him, you could tell he was loving life - boggling, bruxing, and falling asleep as I petted him.
When the tumors finally started growing, I was in denial. I had known all along that they would be the reason that he passed away, but I wasn’t expecting it so soon. I took him to my vet at the time, who suggested surgery that would 99% kill him, with the reasoning that he “might as well try”. As much as I respected that vet, I went to my current vet for a second opinion, who I could tell truly valued the bond I have with my rats. Although there was still not much hope and I never went through with invasive surgery, I got a whole extra month to love him before he passed peacefully at home; warm, wrapped in my pj shirt, in my sisters arms, who agreed to watch him while I had to work. Although I wasn’t able to be there for him in his final moments, he loved her too, and I know that he went peacefully in her lap.
He’s buried in my backyard in the same shirt he was wrapped up in. I couldn’t bear to bury him without it. I still go out to his little “hobbit hole” to visit him every once in a while, and whenever I worry about my current boys getting older, I know that Bilbo will be right there to greet them once their time comes.
All of my boys I have deemed a special place in my heart. I consider Merry and Pippin my heart rats, but that doesn’t change the fact that they all have played a very important role in my life. Merry is my heart, Pippin my spirit. Sam is my guardian, Frodo is my love. And the best role I could describe for Bilbo is my soul, because although he was only with us for 9 months, he truly was the core of the mischief, and in some ways he always will be.
I know this is probably a bit much, but with any of my pets, it feels right to honor them. It’s the least I could do for my Bilbo. ❤️
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sad-af1121 · 7 years
Sleeping in (One-Shot)
Summary: Weekends were meant to sleep in, yet Sebastian had a hard time last night, not getting an ounce of rest since you’ve been teasing him. He should be used to it; you were his girlfriend who loved doing it because he got hard every time. But this time, you didn’t do anything about it and went to bed. Seb couldn’t just lay there and suffer, so he took the matter into own his hands.  Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader Word Count: 2075 Warnings: SMUT, mutual masturbation, language, some dirty talk, NSFW gifs A/N: This is my submission for Caro’s Wonderland Writing Challenge! I had fun plotting this fic out and I’m happy with how it turned out. Shout out to my bf for helping me and being an inspo. My sentence prompt was “Is that too much to ask?” Thank you @sanjariti 💕
Feedback is welcomed 💜
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Sebastian loved sleep.
If it was tampered with, he was the grumpiest dork of ‘em all.
Today, he laid in bed, wide awake with the covers off his body. He was clad in his usual night attire, shirtless with boxers. His piercing gray-blue orbs stared at the mute cream wall, knowing nothing was going to phase. It was just an act he’d do whenever he was lost in thought, last night’s events replaying in his mind. He couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning from the lack of rest and the abundance of tension. He awakened multiple times during the night, trying anything to get himself comfortable but it was no use.
Exhaustion coated his face as his mind ran a thousand miles.
And yes, he was grumpy.
What wasn’t helping most was the fact that his cock was hard as a rock, pressing firmly against his thigh, throbbing and straining. He thought about removing his boxers, to relieve some of the pressure. But then, he’d get the urge to stroke it and he didn’t want to. Not unless you did it. Only yearning for your touch.
A touch that always set his body on fire.
You teased him a lot before going to bed; arousal rolling into the next day. Your words, lasting stares, and touches lingered in his head. You wanted to have some fun, get him riled up and needy. You aimed for all his weak points, whispering dirty things while rubbing the bulge with tenderness. Being in one of your “moods” turned you into a little shit, behaving inappropriately while getting the fun out of it.
In Sebastian’s eyes, you were the cutest, most precious woman he ever came across yet, whenever you were lust-struck and playful, he would lose control and focus. Something about you being his was like a drug, turning him on without much effort. It was how his body reacted to you and he wasn’t complaining. He treasured the hunger and desperation you set out for him, longing for the precious intimacy with you.
Sebastian recalled that way your eyes peaked through your thick lashes, batting at him like a spell with the most honeysuckle tone that ever left your plump lips. Your delicate fingertips skimming across his heated skin only drove him closer. He restrained himself from pouncing on you, knowing you were the one in control.  He couldn’t touch you, and if he did, you’d stop altogether.
Unfortunately for him, that’s what happened last night, and Sebastian regretted the moment he leaned in to kiss your tender lips, humming to your taste of your tongue. He was sure you were going to relieve the ache in his length as you were getting needy too, your sweet scent flooding the room as you straddled his hips.
But he was met with nothing.
If only he listened.
Groaning with frustration, Sebastian turned his head, dark eyes roaming over your sleeping form and watching your chest rise and fall peacefully. The sight was stunning, never tearing his eyes away until you stirred in your sleep, muttering incoherent words before dozing off. A light chuckle fled from Sebastian’s mouth as he shifted his body to get a good look, propping his head on his hand.
He knew you wouldn’t be too happy if he woke you up, especially on a weekend. Sleeping in was a must in your household. It balanced from the lack of sleep you’d gain from the chaotic week of work and life. However, like any boyfriend who wanted payback for what you did, a devious light bulb went off as Sebastian’s lips curled into a gruesome smirk.
He was going to get what he craved, rather you liked it or not. Getting a taste of your own medicine would be good.
“God, I’m gonna get an earful after this.” He snickered quietly, biting his lip to hinder his cynical tone.
His free hand hovered over your bare shoulder before sliding down to your breasts.  Sebastian’s long slender fingers fanned over your taut nipples that poked through the flimsy fabric of your tank top. The pads of his fingertips circled around the sensitive bud, eliciting a shiver that coursed throughout your body. He watched as you inhaled deeply, sighing in bliss then returning to sleep.
Seb felt the heat in his cheeks grow immensely as his cock twitched, hearing a soft moan push pass your mouth, guessing your nipples must have been sensitive. They harden instantly, rising to his touch before he kneaded your breasts in the palm of his hand. The softness of your mound against his rough hand intoxicated his senses, reluctantly rolling his hips, never encountering your backside. He showed the same affection to the other, going back and forth then ran his calloused hand down your stomach and onto your thigh, groaning silently when you push your ass against his cock. It pulsated uncontrollably, blood rushing to his tip as it screams for release.
He wanted to moan out loud but was keen on being quiet. Trapping his lower lip under his teeth, his hand sustained to follow the curve of your ass, giving it a good squeeze as he let go a labored breath.
You moved again, humming tenderly, and rolling your body to lay on your back. When you feel something broad against you, you shift away from it, settling back down. Sebastian froze, waiting to see if you’re up or not. The fear of you waking up bubbled inside him, afraid you’d laugh and not give him satisfaction.
He anxiously licked his lips, eyeing your clothed cunt as his urge to touch there increases. It was crazy how nervous he was, as if he was a child again, putting his hand in the cookie jar. Cautious about being caught.
Well… this was a different type of cookie.
After a few seconds, a gentle snore erupted from your chest, alerting him you’re still knocked out.
He couldn’t help but bring his hand over your pussy, nudging your clit through the fabric of your panties. His lips mockingly curl at the corner, watching you whimper and sigh lightly, your chest rising and falling much quicker now. It was starting to build up the faster he rubbed your clit, fingertips pressing firmly against the little bud of pleasure.
Your legs spread further apart, kicking off the covers, and making you fully aware of your senses now. You know this is Sebastian’s doing and don’t bother to open your eyes. Deciding to play along, you rolled your hips, brows ceasing as the friction becomes satisfying for your liking, craving for more.
“What’s wrong, baby? Hm? A little too much for ya? Thought you can handle this since you did the same thing to me last night.” Sebastian growled, scooting his body closer to you to rub his beard against your delicate neck. It shot electrifying waves of ecstasy to every nerve.
You quivered, his tone dropping a few octaves, loving how his beard felt on your skin. So soft yet rough. Memories of him going down on you flooding your mind, leaving pleasurable burns behind and mind-blowing orgasms.
“Fuck Sebastian.” Your scratchy breathless voice slipped out of your mouth as you writhe under his touch.
“Bet that pussy’s nice and wet. Needy for my big cock, huh? Tell me, baby. You enjoying this? I’ve been a good boy for the past week and this is how I get awarded?” He desperately said, tone dipping low.
You don’t say anything back, mouth running dry as it became difficult to speak.
“Shit… c’mon baby. Please touch my cock. I’ll do anything you want; I’ll be your good boy and be still. Please, please, please... Don’t you want me to be a good boy?” Sebastian begged, rubbing your clit faster as his hips rolled against yours. He knew he shouldn’t be doing anything to his cock right now, but the ache was too much to bear.
Your slick began to seep through your panties, coating your cunt, thighs and Seb’s fingertips. He looked down, groaning to the sight of your ruined panties as he slowed down the pace and ran his fingers along the imprint of your folds.
“All you gotta do it touch it, sweetheart. C’mon, just stoke it…. Is that too much to ask?” He whispered innocently, looking back up at you, lips parted and swollen from the number of times he sucked on it, suppressing his impulse to snap.
“Oh my god.” You moaned at his needy manner before opening your eyes to look at his crotch, gasping at the sight of his length. It was protruding, perfectly outlined and desperate. Your flushed skin reached up your neck and up to your ears. Sweat began to form on your chest, thighs, and pits as the moment became overwhelming.
Without warning, you aimed to grab his cock, groaning to how firm and swell it was before pumping it. Sebastian let out a hoarse groan, resting on his back but never removing his hand from your swollen clit. You pushed your hand under his boxers and pulled out his angry red cock, whimpering to its purple shade.
“Jesus, Sebastian… You really need to cum huh?” You breathed, looking up into his nearly black eyes.
Sebastian doesn’t respond, writhing from your actions as you stroke his cock faster and faster. At this point, it was like a race to see who’d cum first. And you knew Sebastian would; he’s been craving for it since last night.
“O-oh fuck.” You exhaled with a squeak, nipping your lower lip to elicit pain. You were close and needed to steer your mind elsewhere because you weren’t ready to cum yet.
The room was filled with desperation, heated moans and whimpers bouncing off the walls as you two laid in bed, jerking each other off. Hearts thudded wildly, making you both light-headed, drained almost. Yet you two were racing to your orgasms, building stamina and friction. Your hands began to ache, the soreness adding a pleasurable sting.
Before you knew it, strings of hot semen shot up in the air, landing on your hand and some on Sebastian’s stomach, creating a pool. His orgasm triggered yours as you followed behind, moaning out his name as your back arched and legs closed in around his hand. The intensity of your releases coursed through every nerve, toes curling and stomachs filling with exciting warmth. Heavy breaths and whimpers broke out of your mouths, the dryness on your throat and the sweat on your brows added to the impact.
Sebastian’s tongue darted out to lick up the saltiness across his lips, humming in ecstasy. You lazy ran your hand up and down his torso, calming him as he turned his head to plant open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
Once both of your orgasms washed over and regained enough energy, Sebastian grinned heavenly, eyes languidly blinking as he nudges your side. 
“I needed that SO badly.” He chuckled, kissing your neck again until he reached your cheek.
You grunt, moving away from his affection. “Don’t touch me. You couldn’t wait till after I woke up?” You panted, opening one eye, and raising a brow.
“Well excuuuuse me, I’m not the one who left me with blue balls last night.” Sebastian playfully argued back.
“Aww, cry me a river.” You mocked, slowly falling back to sleep as you snuggle against the covers again.
“Yeah let’s see how that goes when I tease your pussy and not do anything about it.” He grumbled, leaning over to grab his wipes from the nightstand.
After he cleaned himself and discarded the wipes, he returned to bed with a fresh pair of panties.
“Baby, clean yourself up.” He threw the panties at you before plopping down on the bed.
When you don’t move or respond, Sebastian leaned over shoving you lightly and whispering, “Baby, wake up.”
“What!” You snapped with a grouchy attitude.
“Don’t hurt me! I’m a fragile boy!” Sebastian screeched back, falling back on the bed as he covered his face with his hands for protection.
Your eyes fluttered open, curiosity and amusement etched on your face to find your boyfriend pulling up the covers over his face.
“Wh-what? Sebastian.” You laughed out, rubbing your eyes.  
“Don’t judge me.” He murmured, pouting his bottom lip before you tugged on the covers, giggling and attacking him with kisses.
Mornings were always an adventure too.
PERM TAGS: @thatawkwardtinyperson  @jezzula @finallybreathee @plumfondler @atari-writes @angryschnauzer  @badassbaker @papi-chulo-bucky @amrita31199 @cumonbucky @soldatbarnes @random-fandom-girl2000 @lostinspace33 @feelthemusicfuckwhatheyresaying  @rda1989 @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt  @melconnor2007  @feelmyroarrrr @iamsooooohappy @elaacreditava   @broken-pieces  @ms-potts-to-you @hardcollectiontrashworld @i-kneel-for-king-loki @hufflevirgoclaw @charliexowrite @valkyeries  @saharzek
FIC TAG: @3brosangel @ruby-white-rabbit @chrisevanshh @retroasgardian (thought you’d guys would enjoy this <3) 
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syphineas-blog · 7 years
songbird + 3 and 7
AU: a more hateful xerxesplaying: i just hate people — pinocchio-p ft. hatsune miku             One for All, All for Woof Woof Woof! Let’s become dogs!             Let’s become cats! Let’s become yous! But…             I do not at all want to become peoples!!
“why do you hate people?” ephraim asked him as they were peacefully eating one of the snacks the chef had cooked. he paused for a moment, spoon a centimeter away from his lips. and there was silence for a few, brief seconds as he mulled over whether he wanted to answer or not.
“if you’re a man, you have to be strong, you have to wear pants, and you’re the fighter.” he began with his explanation, mock dripping from his like poison. “if you’re a woman, you’re going to be protected by the man, you must wear skirts, and you stay behind to do the chores.”
“if you’re a criminal, you’re bad and must be taken down. heck, if you’re a member of aves then you’re a rowdy bunch preaching about freedom. i could really go on with this.” he listed stereotypes with disdain, aggravation flickering in his eyes. a slight tug downwards to the corner of his lips, and eventually a tired sigh.
“i don’t necessarily hate you or someone like, i don’t know—bob, joe, jane, or emily—what i do hate is that we’re grouped into different categories, a certain ideal and stereotypes following each. it feels constricting.” he informed, a few gestures thrown in here and there to emphasize and really send the message across. 
“i’d rather use all be ‘yous’ than ‘peoples’, individuals without anything tying us to another—even if it’s more of a concept than anything else.” he added in the end. “but this is my belief, and in the end not everyone can agree with me.”
“after all, for my belief, we are all free to pick our own beliefs.” nonchalantly shrugging as he went back to his meal. he didn’t really think he’d go to a spiel about it, but he had felt like explaining himself in more detail. maybe one day, he’d try to convince others to share the same beliefs but that would simultaneously ruin their freedom. unlike aves, he strives for true individualism after all.
AU: non-aves, doctor xerxesplaying: setsuna drive — 9 parabellum bullet ft. ia            You understand, right?            In this moment, we felt eternal.            We are the truth.
i.to this day, he still had so much regrets over that one decision he didn’t take. sure, there were so much that could go wrong—but it was better than now. he had become his parent’s tool, a mere extension of their extension. working on everything with precision, perfection, and much like a robot. he was practically an android with a biology of that of a human. to be free, even if he’d roam around with a strange, new, group of people—should he have taken that risk?
ariel was never a place he could call home, despite having lived in the planet all this time. he could, however, see it as his cage. because as long as he’s tied with his parents, anything related to them would be envisioned to chain him down.
which was why he took walks like this, to ease his mind. walking with no destination in mind, away from the perpetrators behind his sufferings. he would breathe more easily, shoulders sagging slightly, just becoming less than perfect. 
what he did not know was that during this time, during this walk of his—he would come across another that’ll shift this life of his for the better. a boy that had just freed himself and now trying to survive in a new environment.
and then he’d reach his hand out, because even if he could not seek his own freedom and survive in there—perhaps he could save this boy. 
ii.ephraim was the boy’s name. and initially, it took a lot of coaxing and the sort to at least get the younger to trust him enough that he could help find a job for the other. for once he thanked his parent’s teachings, for if they had not hammered into head about knowing the people of ariel and the locations and the most minuscule of details—he wouldn’t find a place for ephraim so easily.
then afterwards, he found himself changing his routine. his free time would become visits to the restaurant to see how ephraim progressed, conversing to the boy and finding himself much more relaxed than he had ever been before. he wondered if this was what it was like to have a friend, someone he didn’t have to be poised for or to maintain the image of perfection. instead, he’s slowly figuring out the person he wished to be—the one he believed that was who he truly was.
and later, they’d form a tight bond and he’d end up releasing all the pent up frustrations when ranting to ephraim. and when he could, he’s be by the other’s side and give comfort in his own way ( and even if it comes off as awkward, he tried ).
it’s a connection forged in the span of a few months, but it was more than he ever had in his life. if anyone asked him before, he wouldn’t believe he’d be able to make a friend like this. 
but he was also aware of how ephraim looked rather awkward still. ariel did not suit the young boy who he had noted to be more fond of tight-knit, small communities than that of the large populace that bustled around constantly. he couldn’t help but agree—but then again, ariel was never one for him. that aside, he had a feeling that ephraim’s just waiting for a chance to go. and oh, he knew ephraim was better off away. the problem was, he had to let ephraim go.
and to let him go, was to let what made him feel like him go. but...he had already decided long ago that he would help ephraim gain his freedom. which was why, he readied himself for that day.
he glanced at the boy humming as he cook another meals, a sad smile adorning his face.
yes, he could let go for him.
iii.“'m goin'.” ephraim told him one day. “i found serenity and they needed a chef so 'm goin'.”
he expected the day to come, but he underestimated on how soon it’ll be. fortunately, he mastered the art of having masking his feelings thanks to his wretched family. he hid any signs that showed off the sinking feeling he had, the desperate ‘don’t leave yet’ which caused him to clamp his mouth shut,  just anything that would showcase anything other than the joy and pride and forced out ‘i’m glad’.
so instead, he stared at ephraim, and blinked slowly. all he could actually convey in words was “oh.”
but now that begged another question. if ephraim was going, then why was he here telling him that? he could have sent him a wave, because he’s sure it’s more ideal to hurry on with serenity then to bother coming back to him. it seemed that ephraim noticed the questions which floated around his mind and said “i wanted to ask you somethin’ before i leave...wanna come ‘board with me?”
his mind blanked out for a moment.
such an obvious option, one that wouldn’t require to let go of the other—yet, not once he thought it would have been possible. and he would have laughed at his own idiocy if it wasn’t for the fact that he was feeling other emotions along with it. instead, he settled for an answer—one which sounded so grateful and a bit choked up “i would love to.”
this time, he would take the chance of freedom. and the fear that once used to gnaw at him, disappeared knowing that at least in this case—he had ephraim. he had someone to go to if everything else goes wrong. someone to trust, unlike back then.
this time, he will get his freedom. and perhaps, rather than it being him helping ephraim to find his freedom—it had been the other way around this whole time.
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justwravel-blog · 5 years
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A plethora of memories from my recent road trip to Spiti with Justwravel.
Drizzling meadows, catching rainbows, taking halts at every corner that we found picturesque, I never could have imagined this trip would leave such a long-lasting and deep impact on my soul. From watching the sun and the clouds play hide and seek in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, every moment has made a home in my heart. What acted as a cherry on the top was an amazing company of enthusiasts who were full of life and positive vibes. So let me take you on a journey of a lifetime and share my personal experience on a recent road trip to the land of the higher Himachal.
Day 1 Shimla to Narkanda
After leaving from Delhi the night before we reached Shimla the very next day, we left for Narkanda, a small town around 100 km from Shimla famous for its apple and plum orchards. We were welcomed by heavy rains and cold winds as soon as we reached Narkanda, which got our trek to Hatu Peak cancelled due to the bad weather. But what came next was far beyond my expectations. Instead of cursing the weather for getting our mojos off on the very first day, I had a very nice time interacting with fellow travellers, who had come from the rest of the parts of the country. A nice introductory chit-chat followed by catching amazing views of the valleys with glistening apples which peeped out of the settled mist that had covered the complete landscape.
On the very first day, all of us got so friendly with each other that the night was spent in one room playing dumb charades and listening to some nice melodies in the background.
The best part about the local stays is the homely feeling they offer. My stay in Narkanda was no less than a home for me. I was served simple “Ghar ka Khana” topped up with warm buttery love. Our host and trip leads were so humble that they organised a delightful Maggi meal even in the bad weather. The best part about the homestay was its location which was secluded from all the noise of the city and vehicles.
The very next day when we had to leave for Chitkul, being an explorer myself I left early in the morning for a walk to find out the source of the voice of falling water which was coming from somewhere around. Only to my surprise, I discovered a small waterfall just a few km ahead from my homestay. This is the best part about staying at local locations. You never know what gem you are missing on.
I always make it a habit to wake up early in the morning to discover such gems. The fragrance of the morning sunshine and the earthly aroma you get in the environment is an experience that everyone should at least have for once in their lifetime.
Day 2 Narkanda to Chitkul
The next day we all left for Chitkul which was a 7-hour drive from Narkanda. I have never been to Chitkul before and the very first reaction that I had when I took my first step off the tempo traveller was beyond any comparison. I was awestruck by the beauty of this Himalayan village and I instantly fell in love with it. After having a small rest at our stay, I left for a small trek to Baspa river via exploring India’s last ‘Dhaba’ (restaurant) where I had my morning ‘chai’ the next morning. It was a small and easy trek where we all had a good time. Since it was a long journey I could not walk around the place much as it was getting dark too. Hence I decided to calm down the Dora inside me and to set her free the next morning.
Chitkul being the last Indian Village on the Indo-China Border is a small village in Kinnaur District of Himachal. It also houses the many local temples along with homestays and flowing Baspa River. One interesting fact about Chitkul is that it is also the last point in India where one can travel without a permit. The very next morning the usual me left for a walk which was accompanied by light drizzling. Walking along the bank of the Baspa with a clear view of the snow-capped peaks was an instant treat to my eyes. I sat there for an hour fondling the beauty of Chitkul with my eyes trying to feed all of it in my mind permanently.
Day 3 Chitkul to Kalpa
The best part about staying in Kalpa was being surrounded by Khumaanee trees which is a local fruit in Himachal that resembles plum. After having a short halt at Reckong Peo for Lunch and gathering our basics from the market, we reached Kalpa.
Luckily my room had an amazing view of Kinner Kailash which was a lovely sight which invited the fellow travellers to my room.
The evening at Kalpa was spent walking down the town and roaming around. We also saw a few local temples and monasteries which had some really good examples of handicrafts and wooden work on them.
As the night approached, I started to realize that it was getting cold. Luckily one person among us had bought Old Monk with him. So we had to take a few sips to survive the cold weather. Our stay in Kalpa had this one big chhajja on which we spent time till late in the night in hope of some stargazing. But instead, we all ended up shedding our outer facades and become more close. This is one of the best things about travelling. We get to meet so many new and unknown souls with so many hidden stories full of adventure. And one lifetime is just not enough to take a ride into these adventures at all.
I do not recommend having alcohol consumption but here I am saying out loud. Thankyou old monk for giving me an amazing night full of diverse stories and experiences with an amazing view of the Kalpa valley.
Day 4 Kalpa to Dhankar Village
After an amazing night gazing and a nice time with my fellow travellers, we left for Dhankar which is the capital of Spiti Valley. Our journey to Dhankar was the longest amongst all our days. Covering a distance of approximately 220 km in around 8 to 9 hours, we covered two stops on our way. But before telling you about these two stops I would like to take a moment of appreciation for this road journey which I found the most beautiful among all the days. After Kalpa, as one starts to approach towards the higher side of the cold desert mountains, the roads have many treats to offer to its admirers.
As one goes beyond Kalpa, towards Spiti valley, they can see the beautiful transition of the green Himalayas slowly turning into the brown desert with a much closer view of the snow-capped summits. Not only this, the roads have many interesting rock-cut formations which are always surrounded by bikers taking pictures. From low rise roads with rock-cut formations to much-heighted desert valley views, this road journey has got all those adventurous feel right. We took a halt at Nako Village which is another village located nearer to the Indo-China border and houses some of the oldest monasteries in the Kinnaur region. Places that can be visited here are Nako Lake and Nako Monasteries along with several local trails that can also be explored.
Our next stop was Tabo Village via Gue Monastery. Gue Monastery is situated in Gue Village which is 10499 feet above sea level and just a few kilometres away from the China border. This monastery is popular among the tourists because it has preserved mummy of a Llama which was found during an army excavation and is said to be 500 to 700 years old. The locals there believe that the mummy is of a holy man Sangha Tenzin who decided to sacrifice his life for the well being of his village. The tourists can glance on the mummy which is kept preserved in the monastery.
One interesting thing that I saw here was that the locals here in this village were very shy but extremely helpful. Not only this they happily told me about many local beliefs and stories of the area and guided me throughout the visit.
The next stop Tabo, had an old monastery which had a mud structure which is a prominent form of primitive architecture of that time. But unfortunately, it was closed by the time we reached there. So we decided to have a nice cup of evening tea and coffee while roaming around the small and clean town.
We reached Dhankar late in the evening and resumed with our nightly ritual. Talking about lives out there in our respective places, the people and the vibe there. And ended up sleeping late in the night in the hope of waking up early the very next day, as we all had to trek to the Dhankar lake.
DHANKAR LAKE: An experience that got my eyes wet.
The very next day our trip lead, Shadab took us all to trek to Dhankar Lake. Luckily we all got up at the right time and left early in the morning when it was dark. Dhankar lake was around 5 to 7 km from my stay location and we walked and trekked the complete way.
As soon as the morning light started to rise, all of us realized that it was not an easy task to trek as all of us were getting tired and started taking small stops for resting and drinking water. As an addition, the cold winds also accompanied us which felt crisp on the ears. There were many moments at which I almost gave up and decided not to trek anymore as it was getting exhausting, but there was still a strong urge to not stop and keep moving ahead until I reach my destination. All thanks to Shadab for motivating me throughout the trek.
As soon as I reached the lake I became numb. I could not move a single inch and looked around. While writing all of this, I am still in the same feeling that I had the very first moment I saw the lake. This experience is one of those moments in my life that I will cherish all my life.
Dhankar Lake which is situated above the village Dhankar at an elevation of approximately 4140 meters in the middle of the hill provides an extremely beautiful view of Kinner Kailash range. One can peacefully meditate there for hours provided that the area is not crowded. We were smart enough to leave early in the morning as there was no one there. By the time we were coming back, we could see people trekking upwards and the crowd was increasing in numbers as the sun started rising.
Dhankar has amazing rock-cut formations which are in the form of ant houses. One interesting fact about these rocks is that they have these shaped structures because of the strong winds that flow over the area. We all left for our next destination which was Kaza after coming back from our trek and resting for a while.
Day 5 Dhankar to Kaza
From Dhankar we reached Kaza via seeing Pin Valley. We took a small halt at a local monastery which I explored only from outside as I was more interested in seeing the local town around.
Pin Valley is a national park where a variety of rare migratory birds can be spotted. Apart from the diverse flora and fauna, one can admire the beautiful valley landscapes which seem right out of some scenery painting.
We reached Kaza early in the evening and explored the market and some amazing cafes. One of my personal favourite and which I would highly recommend to anyone visiting Kaza is Cafe Zomsa. This cafe provides a nice and hippie vibe that a traveller craves for. With amazing live music and a variety of delicious cuisines served in aesthetically pleasing presentation, this cafe has got it all right. We stayed at Kaza for two nights. The next day we went to visit Key Monastery, Kibber, Komic, Hikkim and Langza. This road journey was my second favourite. Our trip leads suggested us to have a ride while sitting on top of the tempo traveller. Since Langza has roads with shallow ends which are not dangerous at all, we all took a ride and saw this beautiful side of Himachal while sitting on top of our tempo traveller. Shadab if you are reading this, thank you for giving me an experience of a lifetime.
We covered Langza Gompa, Komic, Kibber, Hikkim which also has the world's highest post office and then back to Kaza. The night was spent at Cafe Zomsa again with a bunch of some really good travellers and a nice vibe of course.
Day 7 Kaza to Chandratal Lake
Our day 7 of the expedition was accompanied by an adventurous road journey to Chandratal lake via Kunzum Pass. We also took a small stop at a nice location somewhere in Losar for clicking pictures but had to pay the price as our traveller got stuck in the muddy road. Although we managed to get it out just at the right time. We saw many glaciers lying around us as we approached closer to the lake. Chilly winds and runny nose was easily visible on each faces around me. But one thing that stood intact was our urge to reach our final destination and like our usual ritual to have a warm bowl of Maggi there. After seeing Chicham Bridge, Kunzum Pass and Chandratal Lake, we reached our campsite in the evening where we spent the night after having tea and Maggi.
As this was our final night together not a single person slept and we all spend the night talking and discussing how badly everyone wants the trip to not end.
And it seemed as if the universe also wanted all of us to stay together. You all will find out soon why.
Day 8 Chandratal Lake to Manali
We left our campsite at Chandratal early in the morning, to cross Rohtang Pass as it was the rainy season and the roads get blocked. We even got stuck at points where it took us more time to resume our journey back to Manali.
We reached Manali in the evening at stayed at a hotel for a few hours after which we all boarded our Volvo back to Delhi.
Spoiler alert! We did not reach Delhi the next day.
Around 11 pm in the night, our bus driver told us that the roads in the Mandi district had got blocked due to heavy rains due to which we all had to stay back at a local hotel somewhere between Manali and Mandi in Aut. And the best part about this mishappening, no one was sad about it. As we all were very happy to spend one more day in the laps of Himachal and with each other.
Throughout the complete trip to where there were no networks in phones, there was not a single moment when we missed our homes. It was entirely an experience which I cannot put into words. I hereby express my huge gratitude to Justwravel for providing me with an adventure of a lifetime accompanied by an amazing bunch of travellers and our trip leads Shadab and Shivam.
Himachal never fails to mesmerize me but this time it has blessed me not only with an entirely new place that I explored but also a family that I would love to travel with again.
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