#they probably shouldn't have gone off trail though
mydearlybeloathed · 4 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: one too many times luffy has allowed himself to hit the sea, sinking beneath her waves, completely at ease with the trusted fact that you would save him. this time, though, you've had enough.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: luffy x mermaid!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 0.9k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: continuation of this fic, a liiiiitle bit of angst, fluff, feminine terms used, requested
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Your chest heaved as you glared through slitted eyes, targeting your limp and drenched captain who lay beside you. Your tail scraped uncomfortably against the wood of the deck, water dripping off your nose, cheeks, and shoulders.
"Why," you seethed, "On this wide blue sea did you even conceive that jumping after the bitch was a good plan?"
He sputtered up some water, laughing dopily as his eyes met yours. "I thought I could catch 'im. 'Sides, you saved me, didn't ya?"
Fists coiling on the ground, you gritted your teeth and thought to lash out your nails at him. "I am not your lifeguard, Luffy. Did you even consider that it hurts me when you put yourself in danger like that?" You thought back to the battle, growing blind to the awkward presence of the crew. "I was stuck fighting two of those pirates! What if I hadn't made it in time?"
"But... you did," he shrugged, not understanding one bit. He trusted you, and why shouldn't he? You're his mermaid, his favorite mermaid in the whole world ("You only know one mermaid, Luffy." "And I don't wanna know another!")
Ticking your teeth, you couldn’t stand to just lay there any longer. "Zoro, take me away."
After huffing to himself, Zoro lowered himself at your side, hooking your arms round his neck and scooping you up into his broad arms. Luffy's eyes narrowed, but he remained unable to lift his head more than a few inches, forced to watch his first mate carry you to your room.
He cast a look around, befuddled. "What did I do wrong?"
Nami sighed with a shake of her head. "Idiot."
All afternoon he replayed what had happened, muttering to himself all that could have gone wrong, anything to pinpoint why you were so worried. Did you not trust yourself? Or perhaps... no... it couldn't be that.
Luffy searched you out, brows met in a stiff crease. You sat perched atop the barrel dragged up against the window of the girl's cabin, soft melodies slipping from your lips, your legs wrapped up in your arms. Luffy could listen to you all day long and never tire of the beautiful tones of your voice.
You caught him leaning on the doorframe, snapping your mouth shut mid-song. Pressing your cheek to your knees, you turned away from him. "Go away."
Instead, Luffy came closer, taking a seat on your bed with crossed legs. "Why're you still mad at me?"
"Because," you hissed, trailing off less convicted, "you scared me today."
He blinked, shifting around. "I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me anymore. I wanted to talk to you all afternoon but you'd locked the door."
Finally lifting your head, eyes softening, you relented, "I'm not mad anymore. Just please don't do that again, not on purpose."
Soft smile splitting his face, he nodded firmly. "Promise." He scooted over to allow you room next to him, leaning back on his palms as you lay on your side and propped your head on his knee. "Can I ask you something?"
"Ask away."
"Will you ever go back?" His question had you rolling over to stare up at him. "To your home. The reef."
"Oh." Throat dry, you couldn't draw your gaze away from his, forced to face his curiously tilted head. "I suppose so. Someday. I am a princess after all. It'd be... wrong to abandon my kingdom."
"Right." Luffy nodded, eyes unfocused. "And... what if you didn't?"
It was a question you'd been wondering about a lot lately, particularly when you spent time with Luffy. "My parents would choose a new heir. One of the young warriors probably... But I couldn't ask that of them. Besides, being the queen of my reef is my destiny. What would I do instead?"
Luffy fought internally, words prying their way up, up, up, and out, until he snapped his head away and stared at the wall. "You could go back and be queen there... or you could stay, and be queen here, with me."
Internally, you were screaming. Eyes wide, you slowly rose to sit beside him, a hungry look on your face. Your lips parted in surprise, revealing the two shiny fangs Luffy often found himself mesmerized by, wondering what they would feel like if he...
"Your queen?" You asked breathlessly. "You'd want me to be Queen of the Pirates?"
He nodded, halfway into a soft reply when you flung yourself at him, nosing at his neck and clutching at his sides till he was giggling beneath you. "That--That tickles!"
Laughing along with him, you grazed a fang over his chin, looming over him with eyes alit by unfurling joy. "The reef can find a new queen."
Luffy beamed up at you, his hands finding your waist, laughter rolling off his tongue even as you swiftly narrowed your expression. "So long as you don't scare me like that again! I'll only save you if you need it!"
He hissed out one last giggle through his teeth before tugging you down into a tight embrace. "Okay, okay. I promised, all right?"
Curling around him, you nearly jittered from the mere happiness swirling inside you. "All right."
Your parents would fight this, for certain. Their princess, their heir running off with a pirate was one thing, but claiming to never return for her birthright was entirely different. Something entirely more scandalous.
And you really couldn't care less. Let them try to take you away, you thought, feeling Luffy's heartbeat beneath your palm. You were a daughter of the sea, and he felt strangely like sunlight incarnate.
A king and his queen, to be known 'round the seas.
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roosterr · 3 months
firewatch | day 04
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john price x gn!reader wc; 4.6k summary; maybe you shouldn't complain about having nothing to do, or some idiot tourists will change that
haha yeah it's been three months, whoopsie. started hating writing for a while there, but i'm better now lol. pls enjoy, this series is a labour of love 💕
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you severely underestimated how fucking tedious this would be.
honestly, you thought you could handle it. all you have to do is look out the window, take note of the weather every now and then, fuck around for the rest of the day, then rinse and repeat for a few months – and you're getting paid, to top it all off.
sounds easy enough.
you look outside, no smoke. you check the weather, it's sunny. two hours later, no smoke and not a cloud in the sky. six hours later, still no smoke, and, would you believe it, it's still clear blue skies and suddenly three days have gone by and somehow you're going stir crazy in the middle of a beautiful state park where most people would go to cure their cabin fever.
it's one thing to be left completely alone with your thoughts for months and months on end, but when you're so adamant about avoiding said thoughts, it turns out there really isn't much else to do.
john was right then, you suppose. people only ever take this job if there's something wrong with them.
well, you weren't completely alone. you take a sip of your tea, lukewarm by now, and turn your eyes to the radio next to you. john isn't bad company, truthfully he's probably the only reason you haven't gone completely insane yet. it makes you wonder how he possibly does this every year, with no other–
"fuckin' hell, is that fireworks?"
john's sudden exclamation startles you mid-sip of your tea, a fit of coughs wracking your body when you accidentally inhale some. you're about to scold him for scaring the shit out of you, but his voice comes through the radio again before you can start.
"out your west window, have a look." he grumbles, low and irritated.
you twist your neck to look, wiping the remnants of your tea from your face with one hand as the other puts the mug down on your desk. your eyes narrow at the sight of the colourful sparks and smoke in the air. "shit, i see them. that's super illegal, right?"
"illegal, and just flat out stupid." john replies, the frustration in his voice rumbling even deeper than usual. "you're gonna need to get down there and stop 'em."
"is…" you blink as another firework explodes above the treeline, "...is that really my job?"
you hear him huff on the other end. "your job is whatever i say it is, rookie. no rangers nearby to call, it's just you'n me out 'ere."
"great." you mumble dryly, casting a mournful glance at the half empty mug of tea sitting on your desk. "so, what do i do? kick their asses?"
"if ya like," john replies in a chuckle, "just make sure they won't come back, and confiscate the fireworks."
"aye aye, captain." you raise your hand in a mock salute entirely for your own amusement, and though he doesn't respond, you hear the click of his radio and an intake of breath as if he wanted to say something, but changed his mind. you shake off his odd reaction and turn away to look over your fire finder at the various trails and paths. "so… how do i get down to the lake?"
"the trail north of your tower should take you." he says, prompting you to pull out your own map and quickly make a note of the trail he mentioned. it looked straightforward enough, a slightly meandering path through the forest leading to the clearing around the lake. "there's a shale slide along the way, so grab some rope. should be in one of your boxes."
your gaze finds said boxes exactly where you'd left them on the floor beside your desk, partially unpacked but still mostly untouched. you sigh and get on your knees, cursing your previous laziness as you rummage through them one by one. it's a mess of random supplies; a few boxes of matches, a candle or three, an old lamp that looks like something a coal miner would use, even a few rat traps that you keep a mental note of for future reference.
"got it." you announce, only a minute or two of searching later, standing again as you hook one of the clips onto your belt loop and let the rope coil hang there. "so you know this park pretty well, huh?"
john hums in agreement, and in the background you hear something that sounds like the door opening and closing, and then the buzz of the wind under his words. "this area, yeah. been doin' this quite a few years now. plus, i'm the one who drops off supplies at your tower."
"oh, so that's your handwriting on the boxes?" you grin, looking back at the boxes that still lay strewn across your floor as you grab your light bag and head out of your own tower. "maybe you should work on that. shit's barely legible."
"i'll make a note." he chuckles, and the conversation between you paired with the lovely scenery as you descend the stairs almost lets you forget about the reason you're going out in the first place.
unfortunately, your reprieve is interrupted by the echo of another firework in the distance, louder now that you're outside. the colourful sparks are still half visible over the treetops against the late afternoon sky, and you frown at the display.
you find the trail to the lake fairly easily, and cast a glance over at john's tower before it's blocked by the trees, just as yet another bang scares the birds.
you scoff as you watch them fly away, narrowing your eyes at the faint traces of smoke still visible in the sky. "can you hear those from over there?"
"just about." john answers, an amused kind of suspicion is his voice. "why?"
"oh, no reason. but if you happen to hear any screaming, do me a favour and ignore it." you try to disguise the grin in your voice, but you can't help the laugh that slips out when your heart john's rumbling chuckle through the radio.
"i'll tell the police it must've been the foxes."
another airy laugh escapes you at his words. john does seem to have a way of improving your mood, even when it had been decidedly soured by the morons threatening to set the forest alight. and, honestly, it’s difficult to stay annoyed when you’re surrounded by shafts of golden afternoon sun breaking through the canopy of leaves, and the soft rustling of the breeze through the branches. 
the forest feels almost dream-like in this light.
you’d mostly stuck to the southern trails on the handful of walks you’ve taken over the last couple days, taking to avoiding the lake since john told you it was somewhat of a tourist hotspot. it’ll be nice to see a new area of the park, you think, even if you’re only going there to yell at some people.
a twig snaps ahead, just off the path in the underbrush to your right, and you pause.
a dear trots into the patch of sunlight that falls through the trees to the centre of the worn trail, and it pauses too. you stare at it, and it’s deep black eye stares right back. it’s beautiful, you can just about think to yourself, your awe keeping you frozen in place.
and then, just as quickly as it had appeared, it’s gone.
"woah." you murmur, still gazing at where it disappeared into the trees. a smile pulls at the corners of your lips as you click the button on your radio again. "a huge deer just crossed the path in front of me."
a moment passes before john answers, a hint of a teasing laugh on his breath. "they do live out here, love."
you click your tongue, rolling your eyes to yourself as you step over a branch to begin walking again. "alright smartass, some of us don't spend ninety percent of our lives in the middle of the woods."
"i'd say it's more like sixty." he chuckles in response, wiping the faux annoyance from your face with ease. "what did it's antlers look like?"
you quirk an eyebrow and cast a look back over your shoulder at the trees where the deer had gone, but the point of his question still flies over your head. "uh, normal?"
another rumbling chuckle comes through the static before john adds, "which way did they point?"
"oh…" you hum, sidestepping a leafy shrub growing over the path as you think. "to the sides? like, outwards, I guess?"
"probably an elk then, not a deer."
you smile, somewhat impressed, but you're not exactly surprised. for whatever reason, john does seem like the type to know that kind of thing. "that's actually pretty cool. how’d you know that?"
"the informative poster provided by the park, which i understand is in both of our towers." he replies, a sense of smug amusement lifting his voice, which earns another eye roll from you that he'll never see.
"right, right. i definitely read that…" you mutter, which earns you a lighthearted scoff from john.
"did you at least read the one about the poisonous plants ‘round here?" he adds, and you grimace stepping over a ditch in the trail because, well, you know you should've, but there's only your own laziness to blame for ignoring it.
you clear your throat, stifling your grin as you answer in a decidedly unconvincing tone, "...yes–"
"christ alive…"
"–but, just to be safe, i'm not gonna touch any plants, so i don't have to worry." you continue – and as if on cue, a tall nettle waves in the breeze into your path, and you're only narrowly able to dodge it before it can brush your skin. you tut at the plant, like it can understand you, and it almost feels as if the park itself wanted to prove you wrong.
you'll keep that close call to yourself, you decide. what john doesn't know can't hurt him, right?
"i'm gettin' grey hairs talkin' to you." john mutters, and you can so clearly picture the disappointed shake of his head that no doubt accompanied his reply.
"you don't already have grey hairs?" you tease, unable to stop the laugh that comes through your words.
"oi, i'm not that old!"
"i know, i know," you chuckle, "but you do sound like a guy who's smoked a pack a day for twenty years."
"more of a cigar man, myself." he pauses, and you can hear the wind pick up in the background when he doesn't take his finger off the button. "not a habit you can keep up out here though, unfortunately."
"you could if you wanted, then we'd both have a fire to watch." you reply, your smile easy now, like you're talking to an old friend rather than someone you met three days ago.
"you're full of good ideas, aren't ya?"
the conversation dies down again after that, a comfortable atmosphere replacing it. the sun has gotten slightly lower in the sky since you'd started walking, and while it wasn't getting dark yet, it would be soon. wandering around the forest at night was possibly the last thing you wanted to be doing, so you'd better hurry this up.
thankfully you're not walking for much longer before you come to a break in the trees. the trodden path you'd been following gives way to the rocky ground, and just ahead you can see the sudden drop off that you assume must be what you're looking for.
you come to a stop at the edge, and gaze down at the steep descent in front of you.
"hey, i found the slope." you announce, clicking the talk-lock button on your radio so your hands are free to start unfurling the rope. your eyes drift to the slope despite how hard you try to keep them on what your hands are doing, and a spark of anxiety shoots through you as you look over it. "am i really going down this?"
"unless you wanna take the long way."
"i don't… but that's gotta be, like, a fifteen foot drop." you grimace at the sharp stones making up the ground below, your hands twirling the rope nervously between them. suddenly you weren't feeling so confident about this.
"that steep?" he sounds surprised when he asks, maybe even slightly concerned. "s'been a while since i've gone that way, must've had a landslide at some point…"
you seriously would've preferred he kept that thought to himself, because now there's an undeniable feeling, right at the forefront of your mind, that this was not going to end well for you.
"landslide. right." you murmur flatly. "that doesn't fill me with optimism."
if john's at all worried about this like you are, he does a fantastic job of hiding it. his voice is unshakably confident when he responds, "you'll be fine, just make sure your clips are tightened."
you sigh, hesitant to continue, but proceed to tie one end of the rope and loop it into the clip on the anchor point just before the drop off – a sturdy looking rock that you sincerely hope isn't going anywhere – and internally you debate over just cutting your losses and turning back, but considering how high the fire risk is right now, there's no way your conscience will let you delay getting to the lake.
you sigh, giving the rope an experimental tug to make sure it really is secure, which it does appear to be, before throwing the rest of it down the slope.
you really don't want to do this, but unfortunately, you really have to.
"alright, i'm going down. if i die it's your fault." you grumble, hearing a muffled chuckle from john as you take the rope firmly in both hands and tread backwards over the edge of the slope.
you only get two steps from the top before you hear the rope creak. the sound brings the taste of bile to the back of your throat, but you do your best to swallow it down. it's probably an old rope, a weird noise doesn't mean anything – it's the same as the noises your tower makes, right? old things creak, that's just what they do. no need to panic.
it's not like you have much of a choice. you're already suspended by it, and there's no turning back now. your palms start to sweat.
"don't do that." you scold the twine under your breath, willing the inanimate object to hear you. "don't make weird noises."
one more step and the rope creaks again, much louder this time and significantly more worrying. it sends a cold bolt of panic up your spine that you don't get to react to before you hear the unmistakable sound of fibres snapping. "wait– no no no no–!"
you vaguely hear john call your name, but it's muffled by your cut off shout as the rope snaps in half and sends you free-falling down the slope.
time seems to slow as you watch the rest of your rope get further away, your wide eyes meeting the vast blue of the sky above with only one thought on your mind.
this is gonna hurt.
a heavy thud reverberates through your skull when you hit the ground. hard. the impact knocks the air from your lungs and forces a strained whine from your lips. jagged stones dig into your skin through your clothes, only adding to the pain already radiating from your upper back.
john calls your name again, his voice a little more frantic this time, you note through the pain fogging your mind. "sitrep– uh, talk to me, what's happened?"
"ugh, shit…" another groan leaves your chest as you push yourself up onto your elbows, attempting to blink away the dark spots that float in your vision. "my fucking rope snapped. fell down the slope…"
"shit." he hisses. "you broken?"
"what? no," you mutter through a deep intake of breath, finally gathering the strength to sit up fully with a hand attempting to soothe the ache between your shoulders, but it doesn't do much to help. "my back just really fuckin' hurts…"
"right…" he murmurs, letting the silence hang between you for a moment too long before continuing. "the rope snapped?"
"yeah… made some fucked up noises and then broke clean in two." you send a withering glare to the other end of your rope, still hanging tauntingly from the top of the slope with a distinct air of mockery you didn't know an inanimate object could be capable of giving off.
standing requires a lot more energy than you currently have in you, but the distant sound of a firework reminds you again why you're even out here – so with a laboured grunt, you push yourself upright through the sharp ache in your back and brace yourself on your knees as your vision spins.
you hear john sigh absently over the wind on his end. "i'm sorry, this is my fault. i should'a checked the supplies 'fore i dropped 'em off at ya tower, i would'a noticed–"
"john, hey, it's fine, okay?" you interrupt his rambling before he can get too far into his own head, and frown to yourself. "but i'm not getting back to my tower that way…"
"there's– there's another path back, from the lake." his voice is quieter than usual, and he stumbles over his words – something so incredibly unlike him, it has you on edge from such a small change.
you hum, looking back up at the other end of your rope with a disdainful sigh as you brush the rest of the gravel from your pants. "as long as there's no more abseiling, i think that'll work."
john doesn't say anything more, which has you concerned, but you decide not to push it. he's clearly cut up about what happened, even if you don't completely get why, and you get the impression that moving on from the subject would be best for both of you.
the way the small valley is shaped leads you easily to the continuation of the trail, and before long the rocky ground gives way again to softer forest floor. you find yourself in another larger clearing, open enough that you can see ahead where the path disappears between more rocks and overgrown shrubbery. the lake must be nearby now, you think, because the distant sound of voices reaches your ears periodically on the wind.
the radio silence from john lingers in the air, heavy and stifling despite the great distance between you. the solitude leaves you with your thoughts, wondering why he was acting so responsible for something so beyond both of your control, and though you've resolved to leave the topic alone, you really can't seem to stop thinking about it.
another bang of a firework echoes around the clearing and you regret complaining about the tedium of the last few days. this was not what you wanted.
you drag your aching body across the rest of the clearing and brush a low-hanging branch out of your way as you make your way through the overgrowth between you and the lake. a clunking sound catches your attention, and you turn your gaze downwards to an empty beer can, followed by another further down path, then a few more, and a few more.
"holy shit, what is wrong with these people…" you mutter through gritted teeth, crouching down to gather as many as you can into your bag as you go – with only a short grumble at the pain it causes your back.
with a deeply exasperated sigh, you sling your bag back over your shoulder just as you come to the end of the trail and the bushes give way to the clearing of the lake. there's a small, raised island in the centre, where you can see the group lounging by the water with their music turned all the way up.
god, could these people get any more obnoxious?
you take a second to steel yourself, because this was not going to be easy, before cupping your hands around your mouth and shouting, "hey!"
they ignore you. of course they do.
"hey!" you yell louder this time, and thankfully they acknowledge you by finally turning off their music and glaring at you from their perch. you're probably supposed to handle situations like this with decorum, but as a result of the last hour or so your patience has worn incredibly thin, and you really can't find it in you to care. "fireworks? really? are you guys completely fucking stupid?"
they scoff and look incredulously between each other, before who you assume to be the ringleader yells back, "what the hell is your problem?"
"yeah, it's a free country!" one of the others adds.
"that's not how that works…" you sigh to yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose and willing yourself to keep at least some modicum of composure. "you kids better get the fuck outta here! right now!"
they scoff again, and pointedly turn away from you. good god, the urge to throw rocks at them was getting harder and harder to fight.
"ignore them, it's just some random fucking loser creeping on teenagers…" the ringleaders comment is only just audible from where you're standing, but you do hear it, and it only serves to fuel your temper.
"what? no, i'm–" you falter for a split second, debating the consequences of the lie you're about to tell, but the side of you that just wants these idiots out of your life wins over fairly easily. "i'm a park ranger! and if you don't leave now, i can guarantee the cops are gonna be waiting for you when you do!"
a beat of silences passes, before they begin to mutter amongst themselves.
"oh shit… are they for real?"
"i don't care dude, i can't get arrested again, my parents would kill me!"
"let's just get outta here, this is freaking me out…"
you fold your arms tightly over your chest and watch them scuttle to gather their things with a scowl. they collectively send you one last withering look, which you readily mirror, before they wade back into the lake and swim across to the bank on your left.
"fucking finally…" your gaze follows them until they weave between the trees and you can no longer see them. with a tired sigh, you bring up your radio and move to check where they disappeared to as you update john. "hey, they're gone."
there's a moment before john replies, sounding not quite as downtrodden as he was earlier, which you take as a good sign. "yeah? how'd it go?"
"i hope they drown." you grumble in response.
he laughs, genuine and deep, and you feel your lingering annoyance melting away with the sound. "let's hope they won't come back."
"are you…" you clear your throat, weaving your way between trees and bushes. "are you okay? about earlier, i mean?"
"yeah, i'm– i'm fine." john answers quickly, and you get the strong feeling that he's deflecting when he continues, "let's just get you back to your tower, eh?".
"and far away from these fucking tourists…" you mutter, which earns you another light chuckle from him. just the memory of them has you cringing as you brush through a few bushes. "completely unrelated question, but would i get in trouble if i, hypothetically, lied about being a park ranger?"
"hypothetically, i reckon we could keep that between me and you."
a small grin finds its way onto your face, just as you reach where you assume those kids had been camping. there's more empty cans scattered by the worn dirt track, which you gather up with a string of curses under your breath.
following the trail of litter as you round the trees, the first thing that meets your eyes is the remains of their campfire, still smouldering and glowing orange in the evening shadows.
"idiots lit a campfire, too." you seethe, sharply kicking dirt over the embers until you're sure it's out. "the fire risk is colour-coded for assholes like them, and somehow it still went over their heads…"
john sighs. "don't think too much about it. knobheads like that wouldn't get it if it smacked 'em in the face."
"who knows? maybe one of these days i will." you're only half joking, but the smile must come across in your voice because john's rumbling chuckle follows again.
"right, and when they ask 'how on earth d'you get fired from a job where all you do is sit on your arse all day', what're you gonna tell 'em?"
"that i beat up some dumb kids and saved the park from being burnt to a crisp?" you grin, starting in the direction you vaguely remember another trail ending, but a glint of light catches your attention from the corner of your eye.
you crouch down, and forgotten behind the bush is a half empty bottle of cheap whiskey. nice.
you slip it into your bag and call it the service charge.
"i think the coppers'll be more concerned with the first bit." john quips. you laugh through the twinge of pain as you stand again, and hope he doesn't notice.
"that's their problem. i'll be the people's hero." you say, earning a other deep chuckle that grows a light feeling in your chest. you get a few more strides up the path before coming across a trail sign with a spoke for fire lookout seven, and tell john, "hey, i found the sign for my tower, so i'm heading that way."
"good. that way's a bit more of a hike, but it's shorter, so you should be home in time for dinner." 
"perfect. can't wait to get back to my room temperature tea." you reply, with a trace of sarcasm that you're sure is only just noticeable.
john breathes a short chuckle, before his voice turns slightly more serious. "how's your back, anyway?"
"fucking hurts, but i'll get over it." you answer, and the moment silence that follows has you wishing you'd just said fine. it had slipped your mind how odd john was being about your fall, and though you want to find out why, you get the impression that questioning him about it wouldn't get you anywhere.
he clears his throat uncomfortably. "...sorry, again. it was my fault you fell."
you frown in concern when he apologises, again, and do your best to ease his mind. "don't worry about it, alright? i didn't even fall that far, i was already, like, halfway down."
he doesn't have to know that was a lie.
"still, it shouldn't've happened in the first place." he replies, still sounding rather pitiful despite your efforts.
"i'm being dramatic. it's really fine, john." you try to keep your words light, to convey that you really don't blame him, and he shouldn't either, but he simply hums in response.
"if you say so."
"well, y'know how you can make it up to me?" you let another smile creep into your voice when another idea comes to you.
"how's that?" he takes the bait, some form of amusement present rather than the cynicism from before.
"you can tell me some of your war stories," you can sense his hesitation through the radio, but you press further with a more lighthearted tone, "the cool shit, like how mission impossible is based on your life or whatever."
"well, i'm no tom cruise, but i was at the piccadilly bombin', back in twenty-nineteen." john replies, a hint of smugness behind his words that you don't even register through the shock that stops you in your tracks.
"holy shit, what?"
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Compromise: cbf!soap x f!reader
Despite what you said you spent every moment of your free time waiting for Johnny.
It was subconscious at first. You constantly looked at your phone for any missing texts or phone calls, or a voicemail. Eventually you found yourself waiting for him to reach out.
The months went by and there was nothing.
You went to class and studied with your mind on Johnny. You had no clue how basic training worked, if he had any free time or if he decided to completely cut you off. You couldn't blame him but you never thought it that much because it made you feel awful.
Ever since he left you had felt incredibly numb. You weren't sure if that was worse than feeling miserable all the time, though you did know if you didn't keep yourself busy you'd probably either be crying too much or would just be frozen.
By the end of October you were used to it. This was going to be the way your life would be until the heartbreak wore off, until his absence was only mildly upsetting.
You sat on your bed in your dorm one evening and your phone rang.
You hesitated to pick it up for only a second before you saw that it was him, it was Johnny.
"Johnny?" You asked immediately, your vision blurring and your throat tightening.
"You picked up...!" He sounded surprised and relieved.
A few tears fell at the sound of his voice but you felt relief, happiness and sadness all at the same time.
"Yeah, um, how is it? How are you?" You asked him as you wiped away the tears.
"It's good, I'm good." He was vague but you didn't really care. "Better now that I'm talking to you."
"Me too."
You both went silent but it was comforting knowing that he was on the other end of the phone. You wondered what this meant, if maybe he was coming home.
"What's going on?" You wondered hopefully. "Are you finished...?"
"Yeah, basic training is over but I'll be going to advanced training tomorrow." He explained and you frowned.
You shouldn't have gotten so hopeful.
"Oh...how long is that going to be?" You asked and tried to hide your disappointment.
"Depends. It might be until the end of April." He said and you sighed.
That was seven months from now. And there was no telling that he'd even come home after that. He might have to go to another training he might start work.
You both we're already nineteen by now too (having missed each other's birthdays since he was gone). Would he be twenty before he came home? Would he come home at all?
"But I'll have a lot more time to call..." He trailed off and you perked up. "If that's something-"
"You had better call me when you can!" You exclaimed and he barked out a laugh.
"I will, I promise."
It was like the seeing the sun again after constant rain. You stayed on the phone with him for hours catching up with him the best either of you could. Just being able to hear him, to know that he was going to call you again was enough to have you feeling better than you had in months.
It was well into the night when you started falling asleep. You had classes in the morning and you didn’t care but the day was catching up to you.
“I should go.” Johnny said and you huffed.
“Don’t want you to.” You mumbled and he sighed.
“I’ll try to call you tomorrow.”
You hid your face in your pillow trying to your hardest to not get upset. You didn’t want to say goodbye, you didn’t want to possibly never hear him again.
You just wanted him with you again.
“I miss you.” You whispered.
“I miss you too.” He said back softly.
Neither of you were willing to end the call for a couple minutes. You knew both of you needed to go to bed but you just couldn’t.
“Goodnight, bonnie.” He said and you sniffled.
“Goodnight, Johnny. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Johnny ended the call and you stared into your dark room for a couple minutes.
You hoped he would call again tomorrow.
A/n: see alls great! *pushes upcoming angst away* promise
Tags: @elysian0612 @cassiecasluciluce @pepsicolacoochie @hayleybarnesx @tiredmetalenthusiast @misshoneypaper @sodavrr @ghostslittlegf
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smusherina · 6 months
yard work - chapter 3 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 4
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"So, have you heard of the new girl?" Regina asked, twirling a lock of hair on her finger.
You were still sitting on the couch several hours later. It was beginning to get dark.
"Caty Heron or something?"
"Cady, yes. What do you think of her?" Regina bit her bottom lip, sucking it and chewing at it in her mouth. Back when you were younger, her mom would've chastised her. Mrs George was lax about a lot of things, but she could not stand fidgeting. Nowadays, though, you doubted she had the heart to say anything negative to her daughter.
"I..." You tilted your head, thinking. "I don't really think of her. We're in the same calc class and she seems smart. Talks to Aaron a lot."
"Does she?" Regina narrowed her eyes and huffed. "I thought so."
"What? Don't tell me you're still hung up on Aaron Samuels. C'mon." You scoffed. "That dude, pretty as he is-" You knocked at your head. "All fluff, no substance. Hollow."
"Oh, because you would know so much about guys." Regina crossed her arms and stared at you petulantly.
"Yes, I would. I'm practically one of them." You shrugged nonchalantly. "By the way, shouldn't you get home?"
Regina didn't answer and just looked at you. You looked back, unsure of what she was thinking. You glanced around, wondering if you'd missed something.
"You're still- I mean, you're... A lesbian." She said slowly as if it were a curse word.
You laughed before answering. "Yes, Regina, I am still a lesbian. Just like I told you I was back then." You frowned. "Is there, like, a problem?"
"No." She said simply, but it didn't seem particularly truthful. "You don't know about what happened with Janis, then?"
"No, I just know she had to switch schools. Why, was it something you did?"
"No." Again, didn't seem too truthful. "I don't have a problem with you being a lesbian."
Clearly, she was uncomfortable talking about it. Still, something was off. You were almost certain Regina had had something to do with Janis leaving. She was probably lying to you.
"You're not going home for dinner then." Better to drop it for now. It wouldn't do either of you any good to push her. "Will your dad be mad?"
"As if he even notices I'm gone," She rolled her eyes, settling more comfortably on the couch. "He's always on the phone."
"I have frozen pizzas we could pop in the oven."
"I'm not eating that processed shit. We're ordering in."
"Reg, I can't order takeout 'til dad sends me more money."
"I'm paying, dummy, don't even worry about it." She pushed off the couch and walked to the kitchen. You trailed after her. "Where are the menus?"
"There should be some in the cabinet over there."
The evening turned to night with you two on the couch, chatting and eating pizza. The TV was turned on eventually. Adult Swim was playing some anime about cowboys in space, but neither of you was really watching.
You'd missed her so much. You didn't like thinking about it much, but that was the truth. You'd missed her for even longer than the two years you'd been officially cut off from her life. She'd started pulling away long before the silent treatment began. You didn't like thinking about how much it had hurt, how you'd felt your world go bleak when she rejected you. You'd never been one for confrontation, that was Regina's job, so talking to her about the why and how of it all had never felt like an option.
You'd eventually gotten the hint. And now, after all this time, after she had left you so easily, you were letting her back in just as easily. As if you were back in that time, sitting in the sandbox peacefully making castles when she came up behind you, pulled at one of your pigtails, and demanded you share your buckets and shovel. You were helpless against her force.
There was probably something deeply unhealthy about your friendship. She was probably only coming back because it was convenient for her. She wasn't interested in making amends- hell, she probably didn't even think there was anything to amend, in the first place.
This had been the way you two had been since forever. Her ploughing through anybody in her way, you clinging to her as she went, just as much of a victim and a perpetrator.
The Regina you missed was the impression of a girl, braces on her teeth, grass stains on her sundress, and laughter on her lips. The Regina that perhaps, maybe, probably was still hidden somewhere in her, but at the same time was just not her. Who she was now, who you were now, were so utterly different from back then.
Watching her face, illuminated blueish by the light from the TV, so much older but still soft and young, framed by naturally blonde hair but bleached a lighter shade, you made your peace. You were probably being way too dramatic about all this, but it felt like a big moment in your half-baked teenage brain. You would take her back every time. You would let her leave every time. You would stay in place while she explored the world, and if she deigned to come back, you'd be waiting.
"Hey, Reg," You said, quiet but not exactly a whisper.
"What?" She looked up at you, just bent over the coffee table grabbing another slice of pizza.
"I missed you." You said, so earnestly it sounded jarring to even your ears.
She scrunched up her nose. "'Cause I bought you pizza?"
"Yeah," You laughed. "That too."
If you hadn't been looking so closely, you might've missed the brief lapse in her armour. It was in the softening at the corners of her eyes, in the slackening of her face, the give in her spine. Something like affection, like she'd missed you too.
"You're a weirdo."
You only laughed more.
The moment passed and you continued eating and talking and watching TV. You must've fallen asleep at some point after Regina went to remove her makeup. Eventually, you couldn't tell when, you woke up to the sun shining through the blinds right into your eyes.
Shit. It was Monday. You pawed around yourself for your phone, flipped it open, and checked the time. Shit, indeed. You nudged Regina with your toe.
"Reg..." She didn't even stir. "Reg!" You pushed harder, causing her to groan and whine.
"What? Five... M're mins..." She mumbled into the cushion, curling up tighter.
"We're late for school, Reggie, c'mon we gotta go." You momentarily contemplated if it was worth even going in. Your dad would be busting a lung at the missed calc class anyway. But did you want to give him more reasons to yell at you? No, not really.
"I gotta go, c'mon." You moved towards her and really shook her.
"What?" She grumped at you. To be honest, it was really cute. She had dust around her eyes, sleep still lingering in her limbs. You'd touched her shoulder, covered by the knit blanket you'd given her last night, but you could feel how warm she was.
"School. It's Monday morning, sleepyhead."
It took no more than that for the reality to set in for her. Cursing up a storm and running around like a headless chicken, Regina tried gathering all her things that'd somehow ended up scattered around the night before. Her perfume was in the alcove by the front, her charger in the kitchen, hairbrush in the bathroom.
"Do you want a ride?" You asked before heading upstairs to change. Couldn't go to school in just Spiderman boxers.
"I have nothing to wear!" She screeched, glaring at you as if you'd caused this. She was the one who wanted to stay the night, jeez.
You held up your hands in surrender. "You can borrow some of my stuff."
"As if you have anything remotely fitting. You dress like a hobo." She said all that while climbing up the stairs past you, heading for your room. "A hobo with a liking to grunge music, nonetheless."
You walked after her, listening but not feeling the need to add anything. Once she got to your door and you went to follow, she whirled around.
"Uh, I'm gonna change." She sassed, though the intimidation was made less effective by the bareness of her face and the messiness of her hair. You smiled and gestured for her to go on.
"Be my guest." As if she needed the invitation.
To her credit, it didn't take long for her to pick something to wear, wash her face, and do her hair. In the meantime, you used the hallway bathroom to freshen up yourself. She stepped out wearing the same white tank top as the night before, over it a short-sleeve button-down in a glossy, satin black, and a black skirt she'd probably found at the very back of your closet. The button-down was neatly cinched around her waist and the skirt discreetly rolled up to be shorter than it really was.
The shirt was probably the nicest thing you owned. Something a relative had gotten you for your birthday. Versace or something like that.
"I'm going to have to go to school in sneakers, jorts." She pointed at you accusingly, leaning over threateningly where you sat on the floor. You looked up at her and just shrugged. What could you do?
She rolled her eyes and waved you away. You took the cue that it was your turn. You didn't bother closing the door behind you. Some wash jeans from the back of your desk seemed clean enough. You sniffed them just in case. Not too funky, but definitely not fresh. They'd have to do. You chucked the hoodie, sprayed on some deodorant, and replaced it with a short-sleeve flannel. You looked into the mirror and checked your hair was okay before grabbing your backpack.
"Okay, let's go." You turned to see Regina staring at you incredulously.
"That's it? That's your morning routine?" Leaning against the doorway, you couldn't help but notice she looked fantastic. It was a real talent of hers, looking so good all the time.
"Usually, I'd eat breakfast." You herded her out of the door. "Do you need to get your things?" She probably didn't have any of her school stuff.
"No, I didn't unpack my purse before coming here." She said, checking said bag as she did. "I'll do my makeup in the car, drive sensibly."
"Psh, as if you need to tell me. You're the speed demon, from what I've heard."
"There's nothing wrong with the way I drive, grandma."
"Until you get your license revoked, speedster."
Needless to say, Regina was not impressed by your 2001 Corolla. And though she complained the whole way to school, she still sat in the front seat, doing her makeup, there was no heat behind her words. You arrived in the middle of the third period. Nobody was out and about, much to Regina's relief. You parted ways with a wiggle of her fingers and a finger salute from you. You sat in the car for a moment, just breathing and thinking.
She didn't say thank you, didn't say she had a good time, didn't even bother pretending she'd enjoyed your company. It seemed like a relief she was finally getting away from you. Was that how she felt?
Now that your friendship had progressed beyond small talk while you worked and pleasantries over dinner, being ignored at school felt a lot more hurtful.
It was sobering, how she could goss and laugh with you on your couch and then act as if being seen with you in public was social suicide.
What made it feel even worse was that it was true. If Regina was seen hanging around you, god knows what the piranhas that were the student body would do. It would end with either or both of you ostracized or worse. Regina could bend minds and shift opinions like it was a superpower, but even she had her limits.
You got out of the car, locked it, and ambled towards Spanish class.
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Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie
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asnowdriftsomewhere · 3 months
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Daylight pt6
Cassian x f!reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
An: I've been busy, but here is the next part. I do hope you enjoy
Summary: Dinner with the IC doesn't go exactly to plan...
Warning: I am deliberately choosing not to put any. Proceed with caution.
Word count: 2239
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Cassian nearly choked on his tongue when he saw you. Doing a double take as you breezed through the doors onto the veranda where he had been waiting for you. He would never admit it to you, but he'd been anxiously awaiting your appearance for more than thirty minutes now. Running his fingers through his hair and gripping the railing so tight he was surprised there weren't hand prints left behind. But you were here now, and Cauldron, you were beautiful. Like dawn's first light given physical form. 
You suppressed a blush as you approached the general whose jaw had gone slack and whose eyes couldn't seem to stop taking you in. Hazel eyes roved over your body, drinking in every part of you like a male starved and were a proverbial buffet. You may have swished your hips as you approached. Just a bit. 
“You..” he trailed off, eyes finally reconnecting with yours as he swallowed hard. “You look… beautiful, Y/N”
“Thank you, Cassian,” you blushed in earnest now as you came to stand beside him along the railing. “You look rather dashing yourself.” 
“Ah, well,” he looked down at himself, and you took the opening to survey the Illyrian before you. He wasn't in his usual black leather armor but instead wore an elegant black jacket and matching slacks. Red and silver embroidery along the lapels and cuffs of his jacket looked like exploding stars and almost seemed to shift in the fading light of dusk. Though it was obvious he was not used to wearing such fine things, he pulled it off as if he never wore anything else. The jacket was tailored perfectly to his broad shoulders. The hem drew the eyes to his slim waist and long legs. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought him to be a powerful lord of this land with all the elegance and refinement that entailed. “The House laid this out for me, I don't even know where it got it.” 
You let out a laugh at that, “You too? It pulled this out for me.” 
He laughed with you at that, taking the invitation to look you over once more before holding his hand out to you. “Shall we?”
You hesitated a moment, glancing back towards the house, “Shouldn't we wait for Nesta?” 
“Feyre came and picked her up earlier,” he shrugged, keeping his hand steady in front of you. “She wanted to visit Nyx before dinner.”
Your breath caught in your throat, “Oh, okay…” 
Uncertainty crossed his features then, “Is… Is there a problem? Should I have Feyre come get you too?” His hand started to drop.
“No,” you said quickly, reaching out to take his hand in yours before he could step away. “Sorry, no. There is no problem.” His hand was large and warm. His calluses scraped against your own, sending a shock of electricity through you as you snapped your gaze up to meet his hazel eyes. 
Suddenly, you were not standing atop the House of Wind. You were not in Velaris or any part of the Night Court you were familiar with. Instead, you were walking around an obsidian obelisk. A baron mountain rumbled beneath your feet, and the wind rushed through your hair. You paused, your eyes shifting to one of the steep climbs below where three figures were making their way towards you- towards the stone behind you. The mountain shook again, and two sets of hazel eyes locked onto yours. 
You blinked, and you were back on the veranda. Cassian standing before you with a look of concern on his face. “Sorry. We should go. They're probably waiting for us.” You shook your head as if to clear the vision from your mind before stepping closer to him.
He stiffened for a moment as you pressed your body into him before bending to sweep your legs out from under you. You let out a small squeak as he jumped from the verandas's edge, and the two of you began a free fall towards the city below. But just before you took matters into your own hands and winnowed you both to safety, his wings snapped out, and with a powerful beat, you found yourself gliding through the air. 
The city glittered like stars below, and you couldn't stop the gasp from escaping your mouth as you took in the view. You'd seen Velaris at night. You'd watched the lights twinkling below as if to match the stars above and had marveled at the perfect beauty of it all. But this, flying through it, as if swimming in a sea of stars, you felt something in your chest shift and settle at the sight before you and the feeling of warm arms enveloping you. You wouldn't name the feeling. Not yet. 
But maybe soon. 
You arrived at the River House sooner than you would have liked, but Cassian set you down respectfully in the lawn just as the door flew open and two High Fae females rushed to greet you. 
“Y/N!” Feyre beamed, pulling you into a hug, “You look amazing! I've missed you.”
“We saw each other last week,” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around the female. 
“Yes but that was so long ago,” she sighed as Rhysand appeared in the threshold and wrapped an arm around the waist of his mate to gently pry her off of you. 
“You'll have to forgive, Feyre darling,” he smirked down at her and she giggled, “Mor convinced her to raid my collection of rare wine again and because she's not had a drink since before she got pregnant it seems to have hit her rather harder than normal.”
“He's full of it-I'm fine,” she protested despite how her words slurred slightly, and you laughed. 
“Oh course you are, my love,” he placated her with a wink towards you. “But we are glad you agreed to join us tonight, Y/N.”
“It wasn't exactly phrased like I had an option,” you raised an eyebrow as you cast a glance towards Cassian, who tried and failed to not look guilty. “But, still, I thank you for your hospitality, High Lord.”
“Please just call me Rhysand,” he smiled warmly at you, and you dipped your chin slightly. 
“Of course.” 
“I think this is the most I've heard you speak,” Nesta's voice was cold, her gaze like a knife opening you up to dissect what she found inside. “You're always so… quiet in the library.” The atmosphere shifted with her words. Everyone went still and alert as you faced the female across from you.  
“It was my understanding that the Priestesses preferred quiet in their library,” you spoke evenly as you met her gaze head on. “But if you're referring to how I refused their attempts at companionship, then yes, I have done that.”
“So you think you're better than them?” Her eyes narrowed on you. “You think they are not worth your time?”
You didn't back down from her, “I didn't say that.” 
“No, you just implied it-”
“Nesta,” Feyre warned, but her sister ignored her. 
“If that is how they felt by my actions, then I apologize.” You squared your shoulders, “but I am used to being dismissed and overlooked for my ideas and research. The other advisors didn't bother to speak or debate with me in the Day Court libraries because my interests were not theirs. I simply believed that that would be the case among the Priestesses.” 
“You didn't even give them a chance,” crossed her arms over her chest. 
“You're right, I didn't, and for that, I am sorry. Perhaps if Merrill can spare her, Gewn can assist me come Monday.” You offered the olive branch between you, “I have a great many tombs to look into and only so much time before I return to the Day Court.” 
Her shoulder seemed to relax at that as she tipped her head to the side, “You'll have to talk to Clotho about that, but I'm sure Merrill will be fine without her for a while.” 
You smiled softly at her, “Okay.” Everyone on the lawn seemed to take a collective breath as the tension between you dissolved and Cassian stepped to your side.
“Why don't we go in,” he suggested, placing one hand on the small of your back to guide you through the door. “I'm hungry and need the fuel if Nesta is gonna be starting fights all night. 
“Hmp,” Nesta's cold gaze looked over the General like he was little more than a nuisance in her vicinity, “Just because you showed up to a battle of wits unarmed does not mean I have to play nice.”
“Alright, ouch,” he shot her a weak glare, and you laughed before raising a hand to tap his cheek sweetly. 
“Don't worry,” you smiled as the male went still under your fingertips. “I brought wits to spare. I'll cover you.” 
“And what about the rest of us?” Feyre pouted as she and Rhysand led you through the house towards the dining room where Mor and Amren were waiting for you all. 
“You grew up with her,” you chuckled, taking the seat that Cassian pulled out for you. “If you haven't figured out how to handle her by now, there's no hope for you at this point.” 
“Who are we handling?” Mor asked as she bounced Nyx on her knee, the baby giggling happily. 
“Nesta is in rare form tonight,” Rhysand explained as he swept the child from her arms and raised him into the air as if he were flying. “She tried to start a fight with Y/N within minutes of her arrival.”
“I simply pointed out how rude she was to the Priestesses,” Nesta shrugged as she took her seat. 
“Fortunately, I am used to handling people who use their words to bite,” you smiled at the female, venom lacing your tone. 
Amren's grin was a thing of nightmares, “Gods it's been an age since someone interesting came to Court. Where has Helion been hiding you?” 
“Where he keeps all his most useful things,” you shrugged lightly, trying to ignore the flash of discomfort that bloomed in your chest. “The Grand Library.” 
“What's it like there?” Feyre asked dreamily as she took the seat next to Mor. “I've always been curious, but we never have time to leave the palace whenever we visit Helion.”
“It's beautiful,” you said simply as you let your memories of the Day Court cloud your vision. “Pillars of silver and gold intertwining amongst the many stacks of bookcase that hold knowledge as old and older than Prythian itself. The floors are made of clear quartz that capture and refract the light into an array of rainbows that illuminate the floor below of which there are seven. The top floor is open to the air so that the winds of Day can sweep through the mezzanine and remind us to get out of the library every now and again.” You looked to Cassian, who'd taken the seat next to you. “I think that was why time got away from me when I first arrived. There is no wind in the library below the house, not like back home.”
“And how does our collection compare to your own?” Mor asked, swirling the wine in her goblet as she crossed one golden leg over the other. “Are you finding everything you need?” 
“Just about,” you smiled softly at her, your eyes locking on to her brown ones. “There are a few tombs here that have proven quite insightful.”
She quirked an eyebrow at you, “Such as?” 
“A collection of death myths and a scholar's analysis of their similarities and differences.” You shrugged, not looking away. “And the journals of fae who experience near death. Though I think speaking with Azriel will provide the most valuable information to my research.” 
“And what are you researching?” She asked, taking a sip of her drink, “My dear cousin has been incredibly tight-lipped about the reason for your visit.” 
“Mor,” Rhysand spoke from somewhere far away. His voice sounded as if you were separated by glass. By a wall of water, an ocean around just Mor and you. She was all there is. All that mattered was answering her questions.
“I'm researching death,” you said simply, something in your chest tightening. “And if, when someone comes close, do they get to make the decision if they succumb or live. I wonder if it's true what healers say when treating death blows or grave illnesses. Do their patients actually have a say, or is the concept of ‘fighting for life’ just a comforting lie we tell them to give them hope.” 
“Mor!” Someone was shouting from an ocean away, and you felt something wet trickle down your face. 
“Why would you be looking into something as depressing as that?” She tipped her head to the side, those brown eyes seeming to swallow you whole. 
“Because I need to know if it's worth it,” you whispered now, your voice becoming irrevocably brittle, “If I have a chance to live or if I should just accept that I will die.” 
Everything went quiet then. As if the universe were bracing itself for your next admission.
Even Mor’s cat-like smile fell from her face as she asked, “What do you mean?”
“I'm sick,” you whispered, and the world cleaved apart. 
Part 7
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[7:50] Nakamoto Yuta (smut)
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♡ Pairing : Dilf! Nakamoto Yuta x F! Reader
♡ Warnings : Smut Ahead!! Father'sbestfriend! Yuta, aged up! Yuta, spoiled brat! Reader, single! Yuta (if anyone's wondering), corruption kink, nicknames (little one, babygirl, etc.), lots of making out, size kink, my fav sex position written (read to find out hehe), spanking, degradation, daddy kink, dacryphilia kink.
♡ Taglist : @azriel-owns-my-heart @spoorti09 @k-drizzle @kodzukein @namchan9794 (Join my Taglist here : ♧)
Warning : Smut Under Cut!!!
If you knew you were going to meet your father's best friend at this big business party, you would probably have worn a much sexier dress. But oh well you didn't. Your eyes followed Yuta as you stood next to your dad where he spoke to other high official people. You didn't give a shit about what they were talking about, and you paid zero attention to your surroundings as your mind drifted off to places looking at the older man.
He walked over to you after having caught your dirty look on him, Yuta would lie if he said he didn't want to bend you over and fuck his best friend's daughter mercilessly. Yuta would always catch you giving him those innocent looks, your eyes begging him to fuck you in front of everyone. It was safe to say that, Yuta's night always ended with a good hour in the shower jerking off at the thought of his best friend's daughter.
Your thighs rubbed together and your breath hitched when Yuta walked closer, standing just inches away from you as he spoke to your dad. Your eyes trailed down to his buff chest, and the way his black tuxedo was covering the beauty you wanted to reveal to your eyes. Your eyes travelled up to be met with his plump lips, and you gulped slowly when his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, his saliva getting chapped on his beautiful red lips.
You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts when your father turned in your direction,"Y/n I have to speak to other business officials, behave with Yuta while I'm gone." Your father walked away after receiving a firm nod from you, leaving you with Yuta and suddenly both of you were caught up in thick sexual tension.
Your eyes travelled back to his face only to find his dark eyes pinned on you. Your breath hitched when you felt his eyes scan your body or more like he was stripping you down from your clothes. Yuta had no regret while he eye-fucked you in front of everyone, he smirked when he noticed the way you sucked in a breath and clenched your thighs together.
You almost let out a scream when Yuta's hand pulls you across the room and to a dark corridor. Though you had questions about how he found the but you just brushed away your thoughts quickly. Yuta pushed you against the wall, his hand coming up to grip your chin, you shudder when you feel the way his fingertips graze over your skin.
"Now, little one, why don't we just get to the main topic." You inhaled sharply when his hands grasped your hips, pulling you against him, you could feel his bulge pressing against your abdomen making you gasp loudly. You quickly got over the shock and cupped his face with your hands, you smirked as you pulled him down for a rough kiss. Your lips pursed his, and his hands groped your ass through the velvet dress making you gasp into the kiss and giving him a chance to take the lead in the kiss.
Your lips moved in sync with each other as his tongue trapped yours, and soon his tongue explored every corner of your mouth. No one had ever kissed you so filthily making you crave for more. Your hands grasped his shoulders and your back leaned backwards, hitting the wall as he continued to devour your mouth.
You slowly broke apart after a few seconds to catch a breath, Yuta's fingers grazed over your jaw line, "We shouldn't be doing this, sweetheart." Hearing his sentence you whined loudly making his eyes narrowing at your pathetic state. "B-But you just started it. Now I'm all soaking wet for you." His eyes darken at your sentence as he smirks at you before pulling apart from your figure. "I never leave anything unfinished, princess." Saying that Yuta walked away with a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he left you there all hot and bothered.
You quickly fix your hair and dress before walking back to the room to find Yuta having his wine as he spoke to your father. You rolled your eyes as you took a seat on the nearest chair. Your eyes followed Yuta the whole time and Yuta could make out you were damn angry.
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You were currently pressed against the door of your dad's home office, your hands pinned above your head, your back arching into the door as Yuta buried his head in the crook of your neck. His lips left dark trails of hickeys as his tongue licked your bruised part, his hands slowly ripped every piece of clothing on your body. Who knew Yuta's day would turn out to be like this when he was asked to get some documents from his house by your father?
You squirmed in his hold and your thighs rubbed against each other for friction as your hands gripped onto his hair. You gasped loudly when you felt him rip away your panties harshly and his fingers dove into your heat, rubbing circles over your wet pussy. You moaned when you felt one of his fingers slip past your hole, quickly penetrating into you. Yuta smirked against your neck and trailed his kisses down to your abdomen.
You gasped when you felt his plumpy lips suck on your clit, his hand gripped your hips and his tongue licked over your clit. You moaned desperately, letting out a pathetic 'm-more'. Yuta instantly threw your right leg over his shoulder and two more of his fingers slipped into your wet hole. His tongue licked on your pussy feverishly causing him to look like he was starving for days.
His fingers started to thrust at a fast pace making you close your eyes shut as you cried out in pleasure. Tears filled your eyes when you felt his fingers brush over your G-spot causing you to let out a loud phonographic moan. Your hips shudder against his hold while your pussy bursts around his fingers, coating his long slender finger with your cum.
Pulling out his finger, Yuta's lips latched on to his fingers as he licked them clean. He gave you a smirk before rising to his feet, "Told you baby girl, I don't leave things unfinished." Your hair was a complete mess and your eyes had turned hazy when you pulled him down for a rough and passionate kiss. His hands pulled up your legs as you wrapped them around his waist as he took you towards your dad's desk.
Placing you on the desk, his hands tangle themselves with your hair while you slowly unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it away. Your hands made their way to his belt, unbuckling it in a clumsy way. Helping you, Yuta quickly got out of his pants and boxers and threw them on the pile of clothes in the corner, not yet breaking the kiss. Your tongues danced with each other, devouring each other's mouths. You moaned softly when you felt his tip tease at your entrance as you pulled away.
But to your utter shock, Yuta pulled away from your lips making you whine as you pray he's not leaving. You almost shriek when Yuta pulls you onto your feet and turns you around harshly. And before you knew it, you were forced to bend over, and your face was currently pressed against the wooden table as his hand held your neck firmly.
"I'm going to fucking ruin this pussy. Just like how I wanted to." Wetness seeped out of your cunt at his words as you whimpered pushing your ass back into his hips. Yuta's hand comes down to harshly strike against your ass causing you to moan loudly. "Such a slut. You like that don't you?" Hearing just a loud moan from your side, Yuta furrowed his eyebrows as his hands came down to strike at the flesh of your ass again.
"Fucking Answer me." "Y-Yes Daddy." Yuta's hands caressed your red asscheeks before his hand strikes your ass again causing you to moan out loudly. Tears welled up in your eyes and you let out a gasp when you felt him push his length inside you, stretching you completely. You cried out from the burning sensation, "D-Daddy, Too big." Yuta smirked at your words before pulling out a slamming his whole cock back into you causing you jerk forwards.
Tears streamed down your face as your hands held on to the edges of the table, "Well you fucking fit perfectly around my cock princess. Such a tight hole for me." Your moans got louder as he soon rammed his cock into you, his hands momentarily coming down to smack your ass. "Such a fucking filthy slut. Sprawled out for me like my fucking fuck toy."
His hand gripped your left thigh harshly before pulling your leg back a little, giving himself more access to your pussy. His cock hit deep corners in you, he angled his cock to penetrate harshly at your sweet spot. Your moans turned into screams as tears soaked the hard wood of the table. And before you knew it, you were cumming undone around his thick long cock.
Yuta cursed loudly as he fastened his pace, his dick ramming into your cock at an animalistic pace. Yuta suddenly pulled out, and his hand wrapped around his twitching cock as he jerked himself. You gasped when you felt ropes of cum sputtering onto your sweaty back. Your thighs rubbed at each other as you soon came untouched due to the heat of the situation. Your juices seeped out of your used cunt and flowed down your thighs as you raised yourself.
Yuta gave your ass one last spank before pulling you outside of the room. Well now who's going to explain to your dad why it took so long for Yuta to get the documents?
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This is like my personal fav now!! Damn I loved writing this man.
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daintyshu · 5 months
xv. calm (1.2k written)
note: italicised speeches are spoken in english! cw: kys jokes
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you shake your head at the text sunghoon just sent. always so chaotic hoon. you two were done with dinner and you had been waiting outside the restaurant as the boy needed the bathroom. you remembered seeing a record store on your way up and you still had some time to kill before the movie, so you decided to go take a look.
upon entering the shop, the clerk greets you cheerfully as you nodded politely at her. you slowly walk through the aisles, looking carefully for what you were looking for.
recently, your brother had gotten a vintage record player for fun when he didn't have any vinyl records so you decided to go get some today since you were already here.
"oh my god!" you exclaimed to yourself. realising how loud that probably was, you looked around the store, relieved to see it was practically empty except for the clerk who giggled at you. "they have them here!" you excitedly brisk-walk to corner of the store where a vinyl record had caught your eye.
a 5 seconds of summer vinyl record.
it was of one of your favourite album of them so you were quick to recognise it. you picked it up, eyes widening as you realised the whole section was filled with other 5sos vinyl records.
is this heaven? you thought to yourself.
after a while, you laid down two of your favourites; calm and youngblood, staring at them in a daze as you tried to decide which one to get. you would've taken all the 5sos records the store had, if only you weren't a fresh graduate who was only working part-time. why do vinyl records sell at such high prices anyway.
"you should take calm," a voice suggested and naturally you answered back. "right? but youngblood's so good too,"
it took you a few seconds to realise you had gone to the mall with sunghoon and not jay, so you shouldn't be having an english conversation with your friend right now.
you turned to the voice almost immediately, bowing slightly. "oh my god, i'm so sorry. i thought i was talking to my friend," you apologised, looking up at the owner of the voice. your head tilted in recognition upon seeing his face.
"oh? you're one of riki's friends right? jay?" also often referred to in your head as the cute vanilla latte boy. you also remembered his name being similar to that of your best friend's. "jake," he corrects you and you nod sheepishly. "ah right, jake, sorry."
"it's fine, you speak english?" he questions curiously. you were caught off guard at the seamless switch between korean and english, forgetting that he was the one who had suggested which record you should get. "oh yeah, i spent a few years in the states. you? you're korean?" you question back.
"yeah my family moved to australia when i was young but we moved back here after middle school," so he's australian. that explains the charming accent. "ahh, that's around the same time i did too. so, you listen to 5sos?"
"i do, yeah!" the boy answers excitedly and you chuckle at this. he resembled an excited puppy. "what's your favourite song?" you ask, looking back down at the two records in your hands, still deciding.
"easy, old me," he answers without skipping a beat. "oh that's a good one! it's one of my favourites too,“ you agree wholeheartedly with jake. "one of? so what's your favourite one then?"
"i have so many though.." you trail off thoughtfully, a little pout forming on your lips subconsciously.
"but if i had to pick one...maybe kill my time?" you tilt your head a little, unsure whether or not it really is your favourite song from them.
jake simply chuckles. you were just so adorable that he had to hold himself back from reacting in a way that would make you think he's weird.
"oh yeah, yeah, that's a good one too. you should get calm then, kill my time would sound so good through a record player," he suggests. "i know! but ghost of you would sound so good too," you tell him, still unable to decide which to get despite the boy giving his opinion.
"well in that case, why not just get both then?"
you purse your lips, giving him an expressionless stare. "i would if i could afford both, bro. wouldn't be standing here for the past five minutes trynna decide between either," you tell him honestly.
jake might be overreacting but he thinks he can hear his heart smashing into tiny pieces when you called him bro. he didn't know whether to feel honoured that you were comfortable enough to refer to him as so or be heartbroken that he just got bro-zoned.
"oh, yeah, didn't think of that. well, if yo—" he didn't manage to complete whatever he wanted to say when he got interrupted by an excited voice.
"noona!" the two of you turned to the source of the voice, you bracing yourself when you got tackled into a side hug by a much taller boy. "oh, riki! what are you doing here?"
"i'm here with jake hyung!" he points to the boy next to you. "we're gonna go see kung fu panda at 6," he explains, looking at his watch which prompts you to look at your own. it's 10 minutes to 6 and sunghoon still hasn't come up yet.
"hey, i'm watching that with my friend too! we should go up together!" you told the younger boy. and as if on cue, the door opens and said friend enters the store, you waving him over.
"hoonie! i don't think you've met riki. sunghoon, this is riki and jake," you point at your younger friend and his friend—who's also your new friend, considering how easy it was to have a conversation with him. "riki, jake, this is sunghoon,"
the three boys greet each other in a friendly manner before sunghoon turns to you. "ready to go?"
"oh, yeah i just...i'm gonna go pay for this first," you took one last look at the youngblood vinyl record in your left hand, putting it back where it was. you clutched the other vinyl to your chest, glancing over at the australian, smiling softly at him as you walked past the group and to the cashier.
jake bites his lip to prevent a smile from growing. you took his suggestion.
even though you bro-zoned him earlier, being at the receiving end of that cute smile from you could wipe away any disappointment he even felt in the first place. you just had that effect on him.
this was his first time interacting with you for as long as he did and seeing you up close. you were just so pretty he couldn't believe he even managed to talk to you without tripping over his words. conversation with you just flowed naturally despite how short it actually was.
he wonders what it would be to sit down and have a long talk with you. he wonders what it would be like to be in your circle of friends.
and as he absentmindedly nods to everything riki is yapping about to him, he watches your friend talk to you with the most loving gaze in his eyes. he wonders if that's what he would look like when he's finally in your life. maybe one day. maybe soon.
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synopsis. in which you work at odd atelier cafe and can only make hearts in your lattes, causing a certain boy to misunderstand your intentions..... then he brings his friends and chaos ensues.
taglist (open): @semisemirin1i82 @txtmetonight @ilyjxdz @miniature-tragedy @n1k1mura @t00miee @manooffline @aerivrs @saranghaohoshi @woninluv @moony-mari @nctsshoes2 @sunghoonnsupremacy @mnxnii @lisaswifey @enhy4me2 @en-chantedtomeetyou @enhypenlovre (strikethrough means unable to tag!)
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✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 3: TXT bias wrecker - Kai✨️
Special delivery
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AN: Honestly, my TXT bias list is a fucking mess right now but, I think Kai tentatively holds the position of bias wrecker (though Yeonjun has been yelling in my ear lately). Also, it's completely by accident that my two most recent TXT fics are porn genre/trope related lol. However, I had a lot of fun writing this and my Soobin fic so, maybe I'll explore more tropes, clichés etc with different idols in future fics.
Synopsis: Kai hates his job, but he needs to pay rent. However, when a ridiculously pretty woman can't pay him and offers up another form of payment, maybe it isn't all bad.
Heads up: Huening Kai x Fem! Reader, Pizza delivery man! Kai, strangers to strangers who fuck, the plot is virtually nonexistent, porn logic applies here, implied power dynamics (more dominant Reader and more submissive Kai), praise kink (m. receiving), hints of a size kink, oral sex (m. receiving), Reader touches herself while sucking Kai off, unprotected piv sex, nipple play (f. receiving) and creampie.
Word count: 3199
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Today sucks. It's been hot as hell the entire day, two customers gave him shit for their orders being wrong and he got a text from his roommate that their shower broke. Again. Kai is at his wit's end.
He slams the door of the delivery car harder than strictly necessary but, he can't bring himself to even pretend to care right now. To say his day has been terrible would be a gross understatement. Luckily, he only had an hour left of his shift, and then he would be a free man. That's the single thought that pushes him forward. He can do this. Just one more hour.
He's about to knock on the door of his current delivery address again before it swings open. His words die on his tongue when he takes in the very attractive woman mere centimetres away from him with a robe that leaves very little to his imagination.
"Hi! I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer. I just hopped out of the shower. Just give me a minute and I'll go get my purse," You're gone before he can utter anything in response. Images of what he thinks you look like in the shower flood his mind without much prompting. He needs to get it together. He's a grown man. He shouldn't be getting hard just from fantasising about a stranger taking a shower. Especially not when he's fucking working.
"Oh shoot, I don't have any cash on me. Do you accept card by any chance?" You ask once you return, your head titling in a way that Kai finds far too endearing.
"Um no, Miss. Sorry," he tries not to visibly cringe at the shakiness evident in his voice.
"Damn. I don't know how else I could pay you," you ponder loud, crossing your arms. Which makes him panic because the motion just causes your tits to be even more visible through your poor excuse for a robe.
He's not sure if he's just that obvious or, you have knack for these situations but, you notice him looking. He really doesn't mean to. He just can't help it. Who could really blame him? They were right there.
Before he can't comprehend what's happening, you're in his personal bubble. Eyes that were warm and welcoming moments ago now light up with knowing amusement. Kai swallows.
"Well, I could always pay you another way if you'd like," you trail off.
Now, Kai may not be the best at reading these kinds of situations, but it's clear as day what you're offering.
He knows this is probably incredibly unethical. He knows he shouldn't even be considering what you're so blatantly suggesting, but you are pretty. He'd be lying to himself if he thought otherwise. Plus, it's been longer than he cares to admit since he's gotten any action, and here you are, offering yourself up to him willingly.
He'd be an idiot to say no.
"Okay," he whispers, and he's caught completely off guard when you practically launch yourself at him. Eager hands winding into his hair and soft lips pressing against his. Blood rushes south so quickly that it leaves him completely disoriented. Trying his best to meet your enthusiastic kisses before he realises he's still holding your pizza like an absolute buffoon.
"Hey, s-sorry. Can I put this down somewhere?" He cringes at himself, hoping his awkward interruption hadn't completely obliterated the mood.
"Oh right, sorry. I got a little carried away there," you respond with sheepish laugh, "You can just put it on the table over there."
Once his hands are free and, to his relief, you still want to continue, he hesitantly rests them on your hips. Losing himself in your expert kisses once more and groaning against you when you experimentally tug on his hair. Blood rushing to his face when he feels you smile against his lips at that.
His brain stops functioning all together when you press yourself closer to him. Soft tits against his broad chest, your arms wrapped firmly around his neck, and your stomach flush against his quickly growing erection. He can feel so much of you all at once, and it's not helping his already delicate resolve.
"You can touch me, you know," you say once you two remember that you need to breathe. Your eyes already heavy with such blatant want that it's honestly doing fantastic things for Kai's ego.
"I did-didn't want to go too far or make you uncomfortable,"
Your giggle is like music to his ears, "Considering that I'm going to let you fuck me, I think you're fine. That's very cute, though. Thanks for thinking about my comfort."
He's not sure if his cock twitches because you so casually mentioned letting him fuck you or because you called him cute but, either way, he takes your go ahead. Large hands grabbing generous handfuls of your ass and tits, respectively. Mind already growing foggy from how soft you feel and the kisses and nips you press to his jaw.
"You're so broad," he hears you mutter softly against his neck, shudders running down his spine from the sensation. He's sure his face is flushed from your words. No one's ever called him broad in this kind of situation, and from the way his head spins, he may be learning some things about himself today.
"Th-thank you," he stutters out, not entirely sure what to say in response and still trying to make sense of this realisation as your hands greedily run along his shoulders.
"You're too fucking cute," you groan, weaving one of your hands back into his hair and tugging him down into a messy kiss. At this point, Kai is more than happy to let you do whatever you want with him. Though, he supposes, it should be the other way around given the...circumstance he finds himself in.
He gasps into your mouth, fingers biting into your skin, when you palm him over his jeans. He's already so hard, and every bit of friction you allow him makes his knees buckle.
His grip on you tightens without much thought from him when you lavish his throat with licks and open-mouthed kisses once more. Your smaller hands toying with the belt of his jeans. Not quite seriously trying to unbuckle it, but just the brushes of your fingers so close to where his aching for you makes him feel dazed.
"Please," he whines, desire and embarrassment coiling tightly in his gut.
"Please what?" You ask, a mischievous gleam in your previously warm eyes. Fingers pushing up his shirt to trace nonsensical patterns on his abdomen. Kai thinks he's either going to scream or cry.
"Plea-please touch me," he whispers, trying his utmost not to grind himself into your hand.
"Well, since you asked so nicely," before he can blink, you're on your knees in front of him. Skillfully unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans.
"He-Hey, you don't ha-have to do that," he says quickly, piecing together through the fog of his mind what you're planning.
"I thought you wanted me to touch you?" You ask coyly and, fuck if the sight of you staring up at him with faux confused innocence doesn't make his cock twitch.
"I- yes, I do but, I didn't- you don't have to y'know if you don't want to,"
"What makes you think I don't want to?"
Oh. You've got a point there, he concedes.
"You should relax, cutie. I'm not doing anything I don't want to," Kai hates the way his cock jumps at the wink you have the audacity to send him while tugging down his boxers and jeans.
Relief fills him when he's finally free from the increasingly restrictive confines of his bottoms, but it's fast replaced with anxiety when you just...stare at him.
God, do you think it's ugly? Is it too small? Is it curved weird? Fuck, what if you-
"So pretty," he hears you barely whisper, lidded eyes becoming glossy as you wrap, or rather attempt to wrap, your hand around him. Between the compliment that leaves him completely blindsided and the slight pressure your hand provides, he can't help the whine that bubbles out of him and the jolt of his hips into your soft hold.
Kai feels his vision blur for a second when you take your first tentative lick of him. Pretty pink tongue curiously dragging along the underside of the head of his cock. That mischievous gleam is still present in your eye, and before his brain can catch up to what's happening, he finds himself enveloped in your warm, wet mouth.
His hands weave themselves into your hair instinctively. A broken, bordering on embarrassing, moan falling from his lips when he feels your throat constrict around him. Your hand stroking everything you can't fit in that sinful mouth of yours. He thought the feeling alone would drive him to madness, but the sounds of you gagging on him sends shudders down his spine. Hips shallowly fucking you as not to overwhelm you.
However, given how eagerly your choking on his dick, he doubts he could overwhelm you even if he tried.
He cracks his eyes open with much effort and immediately regrets the decision. Your pretty face is streaked with stray tears, and the combination of your spit and his pre-cum dribbles down your chin. If that wasn't bad enough already, he notices your unoccupied hand disappear between your thighs. His muddled mind taking longer than he cared to admit to understand what you're doing.
Holy fuck, are you touching yourself right now? Is this even real? Based on the circular motions he notices your hand making and moans that are being muffled by his dick down your throat, that pretty much confirms his suspicions.
"Wait shit fuck, st-stop," he stutters out, large hands gently tugging you off of his length before he makes a fool of himself and cums in your mouth.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, looking up at him. Fuck. He can barely look at you right now. Face smeared with tears, spit and his pre-cum. Your eyes a combination of concern and still barely restrained desire. He just hopes you don't notice his cock twitch then.
"Yeah, I just- I was close,"
Warmth floods his face when a smug grin spreads across your face.
"Oh? Why stop then? I'd gladly swallow anything you're willing to give me,"
Kai closes his eyes in an attempt to collect himself momentarily. Which turns out to be a terrible idea because his mind unhelpfully supplies images of his cum streaked across your face and your tongue. God.
"I'd rather cum somewhere else,"
He tries not to feel too proud of himself at the stunned look that crosses your pretty face. It feels good to leave you a little off kilter for once.
You laugh a little breathlessly as you make your way onto unsteady feet, "So you do know how to talk." He resents the way he flushes at your teasing.
His response dies on his tongue when you gently shove him back. He lands on your couch with a soft thud, looking up at you in question only to feel his tongue turn to lead in his mouth and his cock jump against his abdomen.
You shrug off your robe. Exposing your completely nude form to Kai and, he drinks you in. Taking in your breasts and the way they jiggle with every minute bit of movement from you, the slopes of your waist and hips until eventually he zeros in on your slick upper thighs. His blood turns molten. He can't quite see your pussy as clearly as he'd like to but, the streaks of wetness he can see on your thighs makes his head spin.
"You're staring," you tease, strutting over to him. He's not sure if the sway in your hips is just for him or not, but he couldn't care less. He's mesmerised.
"I can't help it. You're beautiful,"
You stop between his legs, and for a moment, he's terrified he went too far. Was calling you beautiful too much? God, why can he never get his foot out of his fucking mout-
He's pulled out of his anxious spiral by your smaller hands cupping his face. You smile at him and proceed to kiss him softly. Your thumb caressing his jaw as he finds himself lost in you once again.
"Thank you, cutie. You're really sweet," you mutter against his mouth, making yourself comfortable in his lap. Any line of thinking Kai had going is swiftly drop kicked out of his mind when he feels your pussy glide over his cock. Based on the way your hands fly to his broad shoulders and the little gasp that leaves you, he's not the only one affected.
He thinks he might lose his mind if you don't sink down on him immediately.
"Please," he whimpers, his hands making themselves at home on your hips.
"Since you asked so n-nicely," you respond with a devious smile. His heart rate continues to tick up when your hand grasps him and lines him up with your entrance.
Kai knows he's in trouble as soon as you begin to sink down onto him. His vision blurring slightly, and his hold on you quickly becoming bruising just from his tip being enveloped by your scorching, slick walls. The little strained whimpers and moans that slip from your lips only making it all worse.
It takes everything in him not to just shove you down onto him or snap his hips up until he's fully inside of you. However, he's not so far gone in his lust that he can't see that hints of discomfort on your pretty face. He pulls you down into a kiss in the hopes of providing some form of distraction. Long fingers reaching between your soft thighs, and he can't help that small smile that finds its way onto his face when you gasp into his mouth and clench around him.
He experiments with various speeds and patterns until he finds the one that cause you to moan into him and, more of your wetness to gush down his cock. "You're taking me so well," he mutters, half-delirious from how otherworldly you feel, and he isn't even fully inside of you yet.
He isn't prepared for you to so suddenly take him all at once. Needy hands tugging on his hair and watery cries of pleasure pressed into his mouth. Kai, for his part, his just trying not to cum from all of the unexpected sensations assaulting him at once. His fingers biting into the skin of your thighs as he fights to regain his composure. Closing his eyes and kissing you back to the best of his abilities while his cock throbs inside of your velvety walls. He's so fucked.
If anyone asks, he definitely doesn't whimper when you start to move. He definitely doesn't leave indents of his fingers on your skin from how tightly he's holding onto you. He definitely doesn't keep his eyes shut just so he doesn't cum in an instant from watching how your face contorts in pleasure for him, how your tits bounce and how your unreal pussy splits open to take him. Definitely not.
His attempt at concentration is disrupted when his ears catch a strangled cry from you, and you clamp down harshly around him. He cracks his eyes open and immediately wishes he hadn't.
The light from the setting sun hits you beautifully. Forming a halo around you as you continue to ride him. Your nimble fingers toying with your nipples and, based on the whines that fall from your devious mouth, they're pretty sensitive. He can't help the way his hips jolt up into at the vision you provide. Yeonjun had always teased him for being a bit of a romantic.
Instinct guides him. His arms coming to wrap around your waist as he fucks up into you. He wouldn't be shocked to find out his eyes had crossed from the depth this angle allows him. Eager mouth latching onto one of your tempting nipples. Groaning into your skin with every lick and suck and tug of the sensitive bud. Unadulterated lust guiding him all the way.
The symphony of skin slapping against skin and your wanton cries fill the space of your living room. Your hands are restless. Not quite sure if you want to tug on his hair or steady yourself on his broad shoulders. "So good. So de-deep," he manages to catch you whine, bordering on pathetic and that just motivates him to fuck you harder. Keeping you in place with his firm grip so you have no choice but to take all of him.
Between the way you tighten and spasm around him and the increasing pitch of your moans, Kai isn't sure how much longer he can last. Teeth nearly sinking into the flesh of your tits with how wound up he is and large hands drifting downwards to grab generous handfuls of your ass.
"I-I think I'm go-gonna cum," he moans out, "Sh-should I pu-pull out?"
Your hands move to cup his face so quickly that his foggy brain takes a few moments too long to even register it. Nails biting into his cheeks and your eyes blazing as they bore into his, "Don't you dare."
Kai couldn't have stopped himself from unravelling even if he wanted to.
He's practically crushes you to his larger frame while he remains completely sheathed inside of you. Ropes and ropes of his cum painting your walls white as he moans loudly, his chest heaving and flushed with exertion.
His disoriented eyes find your frenzied ones once he's able to crack them open. Your mouth shaped in a silent O and, it only hits him when he feels you clench harshly around his softening cock and more of your wetness gushes out of you of that you're cumming. The sting in his scalp is worth it as he takes in the way you fall to pieces on top of him. Eyes fluttering shut and your body convulsing. He tries his best to soothe you through it. Pressing gentle kisses to your neck and shoulder. Large hands rubbing your thighs gently.
He rests against your couch when you eventually sag against him. Laboured breaths hitting the skin of his neck where you've made yourself comfortable. A combination of your releases beginning to trickle out of you and, down his spent cock and balls.
The silence is more comfortable than he anticipates. Neither of you feeling the need to fill it while you gain your bearings.
A thought hits Kai, and he panics. Feeling like the biggest piece of shit on the face of the Earth.
"What's wrong?" You mutter, fingers absentmindedly toying with the ends of his hair.
"I never asked you for your name,"
Your giggle could easily be mistaken for windchimes, "Oh, is that all? It's Y/n. What's yours?"
"It-it's Kai."
"It's nice to be properly introduced to you, Kai," you respond with a dizzying smile.
Yeah, maybe today isn't all bad after all.
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kiyomi23 · 4 months
The Chase
Wolf!Bakugou x Deer!Reader
Warnings: Chasing, Biting(not NSFW tho), some pervs.
*Some of the stuff written in this story may set off Triggers* *Viewer Discretion Advised*
Summary: Bakugou just wanted to go out for a walk, but while he's walking around, he finds something he thought he would never see in his life.
Bakugou, a lone wolf, but still had friends, was not what most wanted for a mate. And he liked it that way. Alone.
Bakugou drowned himself in the tranquility of nature around him. Silently sighing to himself as the birds chirped and chattered above him. For once he could take a walk without that shitty friend group he had to annoy him (
he actually really likes hanging out with them, but he'll never admit it to them though).
Bakugou walked for a while, then stopped and looked around. Taking in the earthy scent around him. He took a moment to find out where he was in the forest.
Then he heard it...
The sound of growling in the distance rippled through his ears.
"Probably just some shitty wolves fighting over a mate." He grumbled to himself. I mean, he's not wrong. It was that time of year where wolves found mates. And it wasn't unusual for wolves to fight over mates, that's just how it works.
But then he heard it again, but something or... someone yelped in pain.
You were on a peaceful walk through the woods just like any other deer would have. You were assigned a task, that task was to find the different herbs for healing properties.
You lived in a small, but large herd of deer. Your younger brothers and sisters were in the herd, along with your parents, and many others as well.
You took a moment to take in the scenery and nature around you. It was beautiful. The way the trees around you were all in different shapes and sizes, tall or short, big or small. The way the sun peeked through the the leaves to make little sunspots on the ground in front of you. You set your basket full of herbs and other plants down on the warm, long summer grass. Sitting in one of the sunspots, enjoying soaking up the sun.
You gasped as you hear growls come from the bushes in front of you.
"Well well, boys. Look what we've got here." The tall male wolf said. You silently curse yourself for not being more careful. "Looks like we've gotta deer to play with." The wolf smirks at you, as more hungry looking wolves come out of the bushes. As you look around you, the first male wolf bites your ankle, making you yelp in pain. He trailed a finger up and down your leg. You were extremely uncomfortable. "Come on, boys! It's dinner time." The male wolf yells. The wolves surrounded you.
You stare up at him in horror. "Awe. Isn't that just adorable. The little deer is scared." He says. "I-i'm not s-scared." You say, trying to sound intimidating, but you couldn't stop the tears from springing into the corners of your eyes. "Then this shouldn't hurt a bit." The wolf growled.
You knew you should've been more careful. You knew you shouldn't have gone so far deep in the forest. You knew you should've let Momo come with you. You were just so stupid. What would your Mother think? You were a role model for your brothers and sisters, they needed you. You had friends that loved you. This would've never happened if you were just careful. The pain sank in and you scream in pain and horror.
Bakugou heard the scream and ran towards it. "No one should ever treat a female wolf like that. Let alone attack it." Bakugou said in his mind. When he got through the mass of bushes, he saw something he thought he would never see. A pile of wolves fighting each other for whatever was at the center. He suspected the female wolf. Automatically, his feet moved on their own. He started attacking any wolf that was there, trying to get to the source of why and what they were attacking.
Thoughts rushed through your mind. It was so over whelming that you couldn't breathe. Slowly, your eyes were closing. Before your eyes fully shut, someone with ash blonde hair and the most beautiful crimson ruby eyes entered your mind.
This was your end. No way out. Your death. And no one would save you.
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demcnsinmymind · 6 months
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@kxllerblond gets a new thread, kinda fast forwarded from this one
It's been a couple of weeks now, alright. The move has worked, his mom's somewhere in fucking France. Doesn't exactly know where and has purposely chosen not to ask where. Because as great as it is to know that she's thousands of miles away from them, it's even better to know that they cannot get the answer to the where out of him, not even with torture.
He trusts that Clark has done a good enough job at moving her and covering all tracks, though even now he still knows he probably shouldn't. Then again, doesn't have the funds to pull something like this off, doesn't know the right people either, any people anymore if he's honest. A guy like Clark'll have to do.
Even with her gone though, even with her safe, he feels...restless. Reckless. One of the many reasons why he has chosen to stay behind in Washington while Clark has left to attend to other business. Plenty of that on his plate for sure. For a while now, he's been waiting. Baiting. Back in the old house, his childhood home. Empty now. Waiting for them to turn up even though he shouldn't. But hey, if it's getting the job of finding them done...
Pulling out his phone, he shoots the cambion a text message.
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Any luck with that greed demon and the dirty money trail?
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 13
"We should really get you to the hospital." "I can't...please."
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @thatsthewrongwallcraig @icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver @ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999
Jack hadn't planned to go so hard with Shanda this week. They had partied almost every night which was great for his sleep but also having a hangover every morning sucked. On her last night, the shots they took made his stomach turn.
"Are you gonna be okay when I leave? I don't want you dying on the couch." Shanda had called a cab to take her to the airport and Jack was giggling like a child.
"I'll be fine. I'm going to gently crawl up those stairs and probably sleep on the floor." His face was red from laughing and Shanda shook her head.
"I'll call you when I land you idiot. You better have gained some weight the next time I visit. I want all the healthy updates! Get you some pussy too!" The horn from the taxi sounded and she crawled onto the floor to hug Jack one last time before stumbling towards the front door. Jack couldn't remember the last time he got this drunk but he knew that he loved being able to fall asleep the way he had the last few nights.
He knew he wasn't supposed to drink with his meds but he was so tired of being exhausted all the time. Shanda helped him feel like he could check out without it being a big deal. She knew he shouldn't be drinking but she was with him and knew that she would stop him before he got too far gone.
She hadn't planned on getting a call from her girlfriend about coming home a day early though so she fire off a text to his neighbor from his phone about checking on him before she left.
Y/n wasn't sure what it meant to get a text that said:
Jack: Hey can you come by and make sure I haven't died later?
She tried to call but received no answer which made her worry. She decided to head over around 11, just to see if he would answer.
"Jack? Are you dead?" Y/n knocked a few times before opening the door slowly. She walked towards the living room and saw empty shot glasses and a bottle and a half of empty liquor. Had he been entertaining? Should she assume he had a woman over and leave before she embarrassed herself? She didn't know what to do but she was too nervous that something was wrong.
"Jack! If I find you naked in bed with someone, I'm going to be pissed." She paused seeing vomit trailing up the staircase. She walked around it and popped her head into the first room that was dark. Nothing.
The next room had a dim light on but he wasn't in there either.
"Jack?" She called out again before pushing the door open and seeing his body leaned against the bed, head craned all the way back and his chest lurching forward.
"JACK!" He was choking on his vomit. Y/n rushed over and turned him over on his side allowing the puke to hit the floor. He struggled against her, trying to crawl away but she slapped him on the back.
"Breathe Jack!" Y/n could see he was trying to crawl towards the door, face red from trying to allow a new breath but he couldn't. His eyes were panicked as he flipped his head towards her.
"Stay calm! Stay calm and don't bite me okay?" Y/n grabbed him by the head and he nodded quickly before she shoved two fingers down his throat purging the trapped vomit and allowing him to get the alcohol out of his system.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Jack mumbled now able to take in oxygen. Y/n rubbed his back and uses her clean hand to hold his hair out of his face.
"It's okay Jack. Just breathe okay?" Y/n tried to soothe him but now he was getting upset.
"We should really get you to the hospital." Y/n said but Jack sat up quickly.
"I can't." Jack pleaded.
"They'll want to check me in for a hold and I just...I can't go back. I'm not fucked up, I just overdid it." Jack was practically begging and Y/n felt torn. She literally had to stick her fingers down his throat to help him breathe.
"Well if you won't let me take you then I have to stay here and keep an eye on you Jack. I would never be able to forgive myself if you aspirated and I didn't do anything to get you help." Y/n sat on her knees in front of him and he nodded.
"Thank you...I promise this isn't...this isn't related to this." Jack pointed to his head letting her know that this wasn't some mental break or attempt on his life. He simply drank way too much with a friend.
"You know you aren't supposed to drink on anti psychotics right?" Y/n noticed the pill bottles on his nightstand and he swatted them on the ground as if he didn't want her to read them.
"I don't mean to invade your privacy, I just...Jack you have to know that alcohol is gonna make shit worse, right? You're too intelligent to not know that." Y/n scolded him like a child but he knew he deserved it.
"I know. My best friend came into town to surprise me. I just...it helped me get some really good sleep." Jack explained.
"They make vitamins for that. Hell they make weed pens for that but alcohol? I should be giving you a forehead smack for scaring me like this but I know the hangover will be harsh enough." Jack looked at her seeing how upset she truly was.
"How did you know I needed help?" Jack asked curiously.
"I got a text from you that was way too ominous and the front door was unlocked. I was more afraid you were up here fucking but instead-"
"I was choking on my vomit." Jack rested his elbow on his knee and his hand on his forehead.
"I guess Shanda sent a text after she left. I'm glad she did, you saved my life despite how pathetic I feel at the moment." Y/n gripped his chin from his palm almost too rough but it got his attention.
"Yeah I did save your life which means I don't think you're pathetic. Don't so stupid shit like this please. I've grown pretty fond of you and I honestly couldn't take the idea of losing anyone right now." Y/n released his chin and he frowned at her, reaching out with his gross hand to rest on top of hers.
"I'm sorry I scared you. Thank you for saving me." Jack had genuinely meant both his apology and his gratitude. He hadn't had this many honest feelings towards someone since he was checked into the hosptial. Y/n was changing his way of thinking every day.
"You're forgiven but we absolutely need to get you cleaned up because as much as I like you, I don't want to hang out in your vomit." Y/n gave him a weak smile and he returned it with a nod.
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What She Doesn't Know
as promised, the next piece of the maggie & trevor saga 🫶
anything past the line that is italic is in the form of a hockey announcement :)
The first thing Jack can here when he picks up the call is her sob, and that's already too much.
The last time he heard her cry like this- he can't even remember when.
"Mags, what's wrong?"
Her breathing is rapid, words hardly capable of making their ways out of her mouth.
"I think he's seeing someone else."
"We're on our way."
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"And welcome to tonight match up of the visiting Vancouver Canucks and your ANAHEIM DUCKS!"
It's the knocking on the door that wakes me up.
Or maybe it's the sound of my phone ringing.
Either way, they're the indications I need that my brothers are just a moment away, which is enough to prompt me from my bundle of blankets on the couch, where I've been most of my week off, the boys away.
It's as I open the door that I realize that maybe I shouldn't have called my brothers, because seeing the look on Jack and Luke's faces at the sight of me makes me want to curl back up and hide away.
"Oh, Mags," Jack mumbles, his entire tone disheartened as he pulls me into his arms and into the apartment, Lu closing the door behind us, the boys duffle bags in hand. Well, until they're on the dining table.
"Hey, you're hogging her," Lu grumbles, pulling me out of Jack's arms and into his own. "How're you doing?"
"You mean other than being sure that my boyfriend I've just moved in with is seeing someone else?" The question is sarcastic, and bitter, but I've earned myself some leeway here.
Jack's leading me to the couch now, sitting down beside me as Luke takes my other. "You said that on the phone, but why do you think Trev is seeing someone else?" He's pulling me into his side like when we were kids, Luke taking a pillow and placing it on my lap, laying himself across me like he's not a giant but simply still my little brother.
"He's been distant, and I know it's to be expected that we would need time to adjust to living together, but when i walk up at work he changes the conversation, if he even lets me get that close to him. And he's been coming home later and later even when he doesn't have practice, and I'll ask Jamie where he's disappeared to Jamie doesn't know. And he won't answer my calls or texts for ours at a time which yeah, I get it we're both busy but we work together for God's sake! I shouldn't be seeing the other boys more than my own boyfriend. I shouldn't be waking up and falling asleep with him gone," I'm rambling, it's word vomit, a month's worth of insecurities spilling out of my mouth and for my brother's to see.
But neither responds, both processing everything I've said.
It takes them what feels like forever, but is probably only five minutes before their's a response from my twin.
"I'm going to kick Trev's ass."
"OH! And look at that hit from Captain Quinn Hughes from the Canucks! Very abnormal to see a hit like that from him."
"Must be some trouble between the in-laws John, that hit was to Trevor Zegras who is very publicly dating Hughes younger sister and Ducks sports nurse, Margaret."
"Hughes happens to be miked for the night, let's see what was said."
"What the fuck Quinn!"
"That is for Mags, jackass."
"I would definitely say, that was personal, John."
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I wasn't expecting the next person through the apartment door to be Quinn, I had forgotten he was in town for a game at all with the other two showing up. But he's to me and pulling me into a hug before I can really fully process what's happening and who's barged their way in.
It had been quiet before the door had been slammed open, but I can feel my head quieting in the arms of my big brother.
Everything gets loud again, though, when Jamie walks in, a fuming Trevor hot on his trail.
"Dude, what the fuck was that!" Oh God.
"I was just playing defense, you know, my job," Quinn bites back sarcastically, tucking me behind him.
That's not the right thing to say, Trevor only seeming to get angrier. "Doing your job? You tossed me every chance got!"
"Well maybe that's what you get for sneaking around on our sister," Luke's the one to grumble, and you can tell he didn't intend it to be heard, but it is and it freezes everything in the room.
"What did you just say?" Trev's not angry anymore, his voice in quiet confusion before his eyes meet mine. "You think I'm cheating on you?"
"Why would you think that?!"
"Let her talk," Jack's standing now, moving between where Trev's dropping his bag and where Quinn stands with me.
"What are you even doing here?"
"I called them," I mumble in answer, "I needed my brothers."
"Because you think I'm cheating on you?" Trevor is getting more insecure by the moment, I can tell in his body language.
Why is he getting insecure?
"You- you've just been absent lately. And avoiding me. And -" He's taking steps towards me, and all I want is just to be pulled into his arms.
"And you don't have to continue," He's cutting me off, looking at my human-barrier. "You guys can move. I'll let quick throw me again if this doesn't turn out in a way you approve of." The boys hesitate, but a tap on their shoulders has them relenting and plopping down in age order on the couch, Jamie taking a seat in the arm chair.
And it's just Trev and I, standing in the middle of the room.
His eyes are honest, and as he pulls me closer by my hips I can smell his shampoo from his post-game shower.
"Baby, I'm not seeing anyone else, and I'm sorry that I gave you so many reasons to think I was."
"It's really not - "
"Shh," he's interrupting. "I'm sorry that I've been suspicious and distant, but I knew that if you were around I'd ruin the surprise of it all."
"Surprise of it all?" I have no idea what he's talking about.
"All my phone calls I've been taking in other rooms, not telling you anything about? Have been with Ava. My little sister," He tells, and from the corner of my eye I can see Jamie shift, anticipating something.
"Why would you be talking to Aves in secret? You know I love her?"
"Because she's been helping me plan my proposal."
Yeah, my brother's have pretty much summed up my internal thoughts.
"I- You're proposal?" I can't help but question with a disbelieving sigh, his fingers gripping tighter to my hips.
"My proposal, that I've been planning since before you moved in. It just got a lot harder to hide with you here, and I clearly didn't handle it the right way if you're thinking I'd ever even think about someone else."
The smile that comes to my face is nearly painful, and I think I'm physically buzzing with joy as I turn to my brothers who are still sitting in shock.
"Oh my God, you want to marry me?"
He's chuckling, no insecurity or rage in sight. "Have the ring and everything."
"Trevor, oh my God, I'm so sorry," He won't let me pull away, but now the guilt is eating me alive. "You want to marry me and I thought you were cheating."
"And had every reason to, especially with all the gossip pages lately," He's giving me an out I'm not sure how to accept.
"So, when are you going to ask me?" I can't help to ask, wiggling about.
"Not tonight, I've got plans, woman," There's my golden retriever boy. "And you didn't even give me enough time to ask these loser first. I've only gotten to ask Jim."
"Our DAD knows about this and you're still alive?" Luke's asking the right questions, although his eyes are wild and he looks like he might throw up.
Trev's nodding, smirking at my three brothers. "Jamie was surprised too."
"You knew!" I can't help but yell at our best friend, him chuckling brightly.
"Of course I knew, Ava lives too far away, I had to be to inside man around here."
"Hey," Trev's pulling my attention back, "We're ok?"
"We're more than okay," I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips as I lean forward to kiss his. "I'm going to be Mrs. Zegras one day."
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
Doctor duties
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part of the 'to the end and back' series (Daryl Dixon x reader)
Summary - reader doing her doctor duties while at the quarry
Warnings - none
era - quarry (season one)
All my medical equipment is set up on a table near Dale's parked RV. I've got a little fold-up table and two chairs set up. Glenn had brought the folding chairs and table on a run a while back because 'the doctor shouldn't have to do her duties on the ground.' no matter how often I tell Glenn that I'm not a doctor, he still calls me 'doc.'
I don't get many illnesses in the group, but there are a lot of cuts, bruises, and injuries. "Hey, doc, can you check this out for me?" Shane asks as he walks over and sits in the chair across from me. "sure," I say as he puts his arm up onto the table, revealing a nasty cut. It's deep, and he'll probably need stitches.
 "how'd this happen?" I ask as I take some alcohol on a cotton pad and dab it across the cut. "Out on a run for water, cut myself up on a fence post," he says with a hiss as the alcohol hits his wound. "Sorry, sorry," I mutter as I grab some gauze, a needle, and some thread. "you're probably gonna need stitches, though." I clean the needle with some alcohol before threading the needle. "Alright, this is probably gonna hurt. I'm sorry," I say before stabbing the needle through his skin.
Shane hisses as he grips the plastic table. "Ke-keep going," he mutters. I finish his stitches before wrapping it up with gauze and sending him on his way. "y/n! y/n! y/n!" Sophia runs up to my table with Carl trailing behind her. "What is it, soph?" she points to a band-aid barely sticking to her leg. "Can I have another?" she asks. I don't understand why kids are so obsessed with band-aids; the scratch on her shin is long gone and has been for a week. "sure," I say before reaching into the band-aid box and handing her one.
 Sophia and Carl run off again, leaving me to clean up the mess of blood left on the table after Shane's stitches. "Hey..." I look up to see Glenn standing there with a smile. I raise my eyebrow skeptically. "What do you want, dumbass?" I mutter as he sits in the chair across from me. "nothin' just wanted to say hi," I roll my eyes. "don't touch anything." Glenn raises his hands before laughing, "I won't, alright?" we sit there chit-chatting until we notice Daryl Dixon walking towards us.
Oh god, my heart speeds up. I'm scared of him and his brother everyone is. No one understands why either of them are staying with us; they are rarely at camp anyway. Merle is always out, raising havoc. Half the time, we don't know where the fuck he is. And Daryl is always out hunting; if he's not, he's telling nonsense stories about a chupacabra.
"Hey doc, need yer help." Daryl only asks for help if he really needs it. I gesture for Glenn to move while staring at him with pleading eyes, begging him not to leave me alone with him. "what's wrong?" I ask as Daryl takes a seat. "Just want ya to look at this scratch," he says, tapping a small, almost healed cut on his cheek. I nod and walk over to him, kneeling to look at it. It's small and still red, not any green color, so I quickly grab a cotton pad and some Neosporin. I squeeze some onto his cheek before dabbing it with the cotton pad. I sit there for a second with his chin in my hand. I can feel his breath against my face. He makes me so nervous, and I don't know why.
"We-well, it's not infected, so you're good," I whisper before pulling away from him. "Alright, that's good. I'll see ya later, I guess," he mutters before getting up and walking away. I look over to see Glenn sitting in my chair with his brows raised. "Move," I mutter as I swat at his shoulder. he laughs before getting up and taking his seat across from me. "What was that with Daryl?" he asks, my brows furrow. "I was doing my job," I whisper as I throw away the cotton pad and put the Neosporin back into my bag. "No, it looked like you were going to kiss him." my face scrunches up in disgust. "Gross why would I want to kiss Daryl Dixon?"
@rivversin @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl @maziejay08 @oi-itse @tati-21 @kimbunnysstuff @blipblopper @ramielll @ilyhannah @daryldixonnn @delicatebearpandaopera @crypticmushroom
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
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Worth It | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
{<-Previous} [All I Want Is You] {Next->}
Summary: Planning a wedding with two overbearing mothers. What could possibly go wrong? Words: 2k
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"Paris is clearly the superior choice!"
"Everyone honeymoons in Paris! They should take a steamer down The Nile!"
"They'll be robbed blind by river pirates!"
"River pirates?" she scoffs.
"French cuisine is unmatched!"
"There are more important things in life than being a glutton!"
After a several days of tense telephone calls and snippy messages sent through their children, the meeting of the mothers had finally commenced. They'd spent the entire morning fighting about the wedding venue, the guest list, the color scheme, the flowers, the food, the ceremony, and now, the honeymoon destination. For such a joyous occasion, there sure was a lot of hostility.
Ralph hadn't said a word in nearly an hour. It was a feminine affair, he understood, so his opinions weren't wanted. He wished they'd listen to his fiancée, though. You'd been silent nearly as long as he had. You sat next to each other, on a flowery white loveseat in your parents' house, the calm amid the chaos. Your mothers shouted at each other from opposite sides of the coffee table that was littered with fabric samples and travel brochures. The wedding planner had also given up, making herself appear busy with her notebook.
Ralph felt a nudge to his knee. He looks down and follows the trail to the hips, waist, bust, and finally the face of his fiancée, looking just as uninterested as he is. With a slight tilt of your head toward the door, he's suddenly more alert than he's been since his last attempt to speak. He'd given up after that, and become lost in his own head. He looked at the bickering women once more, and gave you a slight nod.
You don't even have to sneak out. You just get up and go. They old broads are so busy screaming at each other, they don't even notice their children making a hasty retreat. Ralph holds the door for you, and you silently swish past and wait for him to close it, the voices of your mothers suddenly muffled.
"Why did no one tell me that planning a wedding was so much fun?" you deadpanned.
Ralph barely has time to worry that you're having second thoughts before you circle your arms around his middle and rest your head on his shoulder. You wouldn't have done that if you were going to call it off. Right? His arms wrap around and pull you closer, and you hold him tighter. Right.
"Let's go for a walk," he suggests. You nod into his shoulder with a sigh of either exhaustion or relief. Perhaps both? You part, grab your coats, and seconds later, you're out the door and in the sunshine. You walk silently for a few minutes, hand in hand, soon realizing that you've both been drawn to the park. You look at up at him as you cross through the entrance and give him a smile that makes his heart melt. This is more like it.
You stroll slowly toward your secret spot, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the heavenly sounds of chirping birds and trees rustling in the breeze. Neither of you speaks a word until you're on your favorite bench, not another human - or a bossy mother - in sight.
"Think they've realized we're gone yet?"
Ralph chuckles. "Probably not."
You smile at him, but it slowly fades. He reaches for your hand. "What is it, love?"
"It's just… not how I thought it would be."
"How d'you mean?"
"I didn't realize our wedding would have so little to do with us," you say gloomily. "Did you have any idea it would be like this?"
"Sort of," Ralph admits. "It's like planning parties with Victoria. In the end, I don't really get a say. I'm used to it."
Ralph frowns. How many fabulous ideas of his had Victoria shot down over the years? At some point, he'd stopped bothering. What was there to do about it? It was just the way things were.
"It shouldn't be like this," you rant. "This whole thing is making me want to pull my hair out and go jump in the river. I hate that I feel this way. It's supposed to be a happy occasion. The best day of our lives, even." You heave a sigh. "I love you. But I hate this. I'm sorry." You put your head in your hands.
"Do you want to call it off?" Ralph asks softly.
Your head shoots up. "Of course not! I want to call our mothers off!" You reach for his hand. "Ralph, you're the only thing keeping me sane right now. Please don't think I'm complaining about you. You're perfect. I'd endure anything if it meant I got to be with you."
"You shouldn't have to endure your own wedding." Ralph had been growing increasingly frustrated with the whole situation as well, but hearing his bride-to-be talk of ripping her hair out and jumping in the river was the final straw. "What kind of wedding do you want?"
"Does it matter?" you ask cynically.
"Yes," Ralph says. "It's all that matters."
You look thoughtful for a moment, and then ask, "What kind of wedding do YOU want, Ralph?"
"I want whatever y--"
"No. If you were completely in charge, if you had total control over our wedding and everything that came with it, what would it be like?"
Ralph furrows his brow. Total control? What was that?
"I… I don't know?"
"Ralph, you proposed to three women before me, and you had no ideas about the kind of wedding you wanted?" you ask with a teasing twinkle in your eye.
Ralph feels a shock ripple through his body. He did. Ralph had once dreamed of a magnificent brass band, white lace, gold trim, the finest crystal, multiple champagne fountains, ice swans, a horse-drawn carriage ride, a luxurious cruise, a long honeymoon abroad, and oodles of pictures to bring home and proudly display to guests for generations to come.
But suddenly, that didn't feel quite right.
Ralph didn't care about any of that anymore.
"It doesn't matter," he says, surprising both of you.
"It doesn't matter?"
"As long it means you're mine forever, the rest doesn't matter."
Your eyes fill with tears. Before his panic can set in and force him into a long, stutter-filled explanation, and perhaps some groveling, you've launched yourself at him and buried your face in his neck.
"I'm already yours forever," you whisper, your breath on his neck making his bones feel like jelly. He's grateful to be sitting, because he's not sure if you could hold him if he collapsed in your arms.
After clinging to each other for a moment, you pull back and wipe your tears, smudging your makeup in a way that Ralph finds endearing.
"Ralph, I was only going along with all this because I thought it's what you wanted. I don't want 500 guests or a twelve-tiered cake or a month-long cruise to some far-off place where I won't understand anyone. All I want is you."
He tries to wipe your smudge away, but only makes it worse. With a smile, he leans in. You meet in the middle for a kiss that puts you both in a better mood.
"Do you think they'd kill us if we got married tonight, just the two of us?" Ralph asks.
"Yes, but if the papers are already filed, they might have to bury us together." You both giggled.
"We could elope," he suggests. You sigh, looking as if you're seriously considering it.
"My cousin Christine eloped about..." you chew your lip thoughtfully, "five years ago, I think?"
"And?" Ralph prods.
"And most of my family still refers to her husband as That Boy She Ran Off With. They've been married for five years. They have two children. At this point, I'm genuinely not sure if they're still calling him that out of spite, or because they're too embarrassed to admit they never learned his name."
"So that's a no on eloping, I suppose," Ralph jokes.
"What about doing the standard ceremony in the registry office?" you suggest. "Make an appointment, get the papers signed, rub their noses in it, then disappear for a month while they cool off."
"They'd probably plan a formal ceremony while we were gone and force us through it when we return, and all our efforts to thwart them would be for naught."
"What are we going to do, Ralph? This is our wedding. We only get one. And they're trying their hardest to ruin it for us." Ralph isn't sure whether you're closer to crying or screaming, but he'd do anything to prevent either.
"What if we plan it ourselves?"
"Like present them with a list of demands?" you half-joke.
Ralph reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small notepad and half a pencil. You raise an eyebrow. "Sometimes I think of things I want to tell you when you're not with me," he shrugs. It's true. Thoughts hit him at the most random of times. "Look," he says, flipping through the pages. "no veal" "red carnation = deep love" "send mothers to Timbuktu"
"I quite like this one." You point at the last page, and you both laugh.
"Alright," he says, flipping to a clean page. "Let's plan our wedding."
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Four hours later, you returned home with your list of demands. (It hadn't taken you that long to plan the details of your wedding, but you and Ralph had decided that you deserved to go out for a quiet lunch before returning to the chaos.)
You found your mothers right where you'd left them; minus the wedding planner, who had successfully escaped. Good for her. When they noticed you standing in the doorway, they stopped quarreling with each other and focused their rage on you.
"Where HAVE you been?"
"Do you not care about your own wedding?"
"Why is there dirt on you?!"
"If you're going to call it off, do it soon, so I never have to see this horrid woman again!"
"Weren't you two friends just a few years ago?" You asked with amusement they did not share.
"Ralph, darling, please tell this pig-headed wretch that you'd rather--"
"Enough!" Ralph shouts, startling all three of you. He pulls the pad from his pocket, flipping to the most recent pages and ripping them out. "This is what we've decided."
Ralph's mother steps forward to take the papers from him, then retreats back to yours so they can read them together. It doesn't take long for their objections to begin.
"THIS is your guest list?"
"You cannot be serious."
"That's not NEARLY enough."
"Absolutely unacceptable."
"That is not an appropriate flower for a wedding."
"Our children have lost their minds."
You and Ralph stand silently, watching them bond over how much they hated your wedding plans. It came with a strange sense of satisfaction. They really had been friends once, after all. (Until that sordid affair involving Mr. Penbury dying on top of his mistress, which rendered his wife a pariah among her former friends, and led to an obsession with "healing herself" at various "wellness centers" across the country.)
"This is the wedding we want," you begin,
"And if you won't support us, we can always elope," Ralph threatens. You squeeze his hand in support. You like him like this.
As one, your mothers purse their lips. Who would've thought, this is what it would take to unite them?
"Perhaps we can compromise."
"No," you and Ralph say together, then look at each other with a grin.
"How did we raise such stubborn children?"
"They're perfect for each other."
Yes, you are.
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
sewis + holding hands
Sebastian isn't expecting it when Lewis suddenly appears next to him. One second he's drumming his fingers against the bar, waiting for the bartender to finish their next round, and the next second Lewis is right there, a big but tense smile plastered on his face.
He doesn't even get the chance to ask him what's up before he's not just there but right there; right in Seb's space, close enough that their noses almost brush, close enough to feel Lewis' breath hit his skin.
"I'm so sorry about this," Lewis says, rushed and quiet, and Seb thinks he has no idea what he's talking about, but then Lewis leans in even further, and then Lewis is kissing him, and Seb doesn't think anything at all.
Lewis' lips are soft, and maybe that shouldn't be a surprise given the fact that Seb doesn't think he's ever known Lewis to not be carrying a chapstick around, but his senses are so overwhelmed with Lewis that everything would feel like a surprise. He's pretty sure he'd be surprised to learn his own mother's name right now.
Then there's a hand at his jaw, gentle and warm. And soft, too, just like the lips, and Seb feels himself melt into the touch, into the kiss. His hands find their way to Lewis' sides, starts pulling him closer.
And then it's over, just as quick as it had started.
Lewis pulls away, and Seb's eyes blink open. He hadn't even realized he'd closed them. Lewis' eyes are big, his mouth hanging open just slighlty. He looks almost as surprised as Seb feels, which- honestly, he's the one who ambushed Seb, why is he surprised?
But then someone clears their throat, and Lewis' face shifts quickly. He smiles, bright if not a little tense, almost forced, and then he turns away from Seb to greet-
"Clark!" Lewis says. "Hey man."
Sebastian, still kind of caught up on the whole Lewis-kissing-him-out-of-the-blue business, slowly tears his eyes away from Lewis to look at whoever this Clark guy is.
In front of them is a tall guy with slicked-back, blond hair, wearing a grey sweater over a white button-down and a massive watch around his wrist Seb's first thought is douchebag.
"Hey," he says, smiling at Lewis, before his eyes trail over towards Sebastian, and-
If looks could kill, Seb's not sure he'd still be breathing.
"Oh, Clark, this is Sebastian," Lewis says.
Seb is about to reach his hand out in greeting, mostly on instinct and not really because he wants to shake hands with this guy, but Lewis grabs it before he makes it that far. He interlocks their fingers, squeezes them tight.
"My boyfriend."
Somehow, Seb manages to keep his complete and utter shock off his face. Things have started to fall a bit into place; the kiss, this obnoxious guy appearing right after Lewis, looking at Seb like he wishes he'd evaporate right in front of him. Lewis calling him his-
Jesus. Seb's stomach does a funny little twisty thing at that, his heart hammering in his chest.
He gets with the programme quickly though. Squeezes Lewis hand right back, and smiles politely at Clark.
"Hi," he says. "Nice to meet you."
Clark smiles at him, tight, and nods. Then his eyes fall down to where Seb and Lewis' hands are clasped together between them. His mouth twitches a little, and then he's excusing himself, almost fleeing back through the crowd.
As soon as he's out of sight, Lewis lets out a big sigh, slumps into Seb's side. His head falls onto Seb's shoulder as he groans.
"Fuck," he mutters, before he raises his head again. "Sorry, I didn't- he wouldn't leave me alone, man. Thank you, man, seriously. I owe you big time."
Seb is barely listening, really. Now that Clark is gone, he's back to thinking about the kiss again. He hadn't even gotten the time to respond before it had been over. His eyes fall to Lewis' lips, that are still moving, probably telling Seb about everything that had led up to what had just happened.
Their fingers are still interlocked.
Between one word and the next, Seb makes a decision. He leans in, captures Lewis' lips in another kiss. It's a bit awkward at first, because Lewis is still talking, but then it's- oh, then it's good. Lewis responds much quicker than Seb had; kisses him back like there was never any question if he would or not. Their noses brush together, and all of Seb's senses are filled with Lewislewislewislewislewis.
They pull apart, eyes blinking open slowly. Seb's heart is fluttering.
"What was that?" Lewis asks, but he's smiling, soft and happy and real.
There are a hundred replies to that on the tip of Seb's tongue, ranging from I could ask you the same thing to a kiss, obviously.
"Just in case he's still looking," is what stumbles out, accompanied with a small smirk.
Lewis laughs at that, his eyes crinkling up at the sides. "Right," he says. "Just in case."
And then he kisses him again. This time they're both expecting it.
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crownedinmarigolds · 6 months
6, 23, 24, 27, 45 and 63 for Khloe? :3c
Oh my goodness! SO MANY! Thank you!! :0 I think for fun because the questions seemed posed like an interview, I may have Khloe "answer" these herself! (Ask Meme Post here!)
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Her hands are laced in her lap, and she can feel her heart pound in her chest as the interviewer gives her a quick smile over their notes to put her at ease. The questions shouldn't be too invasive, right? Khloe sits up when the other person appears ready. 6. Are you more mature than you seem? Less? Khloe laughs a little, though the question itself isn't amusing really, it's more like a valve release to get out the stage fright. "I get told I look younger than I actually am, so I guess I would technically be way more mature than I appear. I'm thirty but I get told I don't look like it. So that's nice!" 23. How did you earn a living? "I am still working for the company I was at before." She gets a bit more comfortable in her seat and smiles. "I'm just a data entry clerk, but it's work from home and I pretty much make whatever schedule I want, so it's pretty perfect for my, uh, current lifestyle." 24. Did you have any real friends? Khloe cringes a little, ouch. "I fell off accidentally with a lot of people. I just got busy, COVID hit and it was hard to meet up and then you forgot to meet up... Days just blurred together and before you knew it months passed. I would say though my Mom was probably my best friend..." Her voice trails off, and for a split second her eyes appear melancholy before she looks back to the interviewer. 27. What was your first brush with the supernatural? "Unfortunately, my first brush with the supernatural was my Embrace. I have lots of books and movies and games and whatever centered around the supernatural that I love, but I never thought it was real-real until I woke up a vampire. I wouldn't call me a complete non-believer, but I definitely didn't think every bump in the night was a ghost or a werewolf that's for sure." She shrugs, "I gotta say, wasn't impressed initially with the whole being a supernatural being either for a hot bit there. Thanks to being Thinblood, my heart still beats, I still feel things working, I don't even heal good - uhm, well I mean. So aside from feeling ravenously hungry, it wasn't very different than being human." 45. Why do you think they (your sire) chose you? Her nostrils flare a little, and though she tries to remain polite she can't help the slight disdain in her voice. "If everything she tells me is true, which sure I am inclined to believe her, then it was all an accident and my Embrace was out of the goodness of her heart. Or maybe even a weird motherly pull because she knew about her issues with Embracing. Either way, I don't think I was a real choice, just an opportunity that presented itself when she slammed her car head-on into mine and I went flying into the street." 63. Do you have a permanent home at all? The frown she had from the question about her sire remains, and she looks at her lap, "I have an apartment but I don't really stay there anymore. I stayed with my boyfriend in his trailer, but that's gone now too. I stay now with my coterie in our shared home - but who knows how long that will last. It's just the nature of the life I've chosen to dedicate myself to, right? You don't revolutionize without possibly getting hurt, and you can't always trust that your own bed is safe..." Her lips then quirk into a smile, "Though, I guess sorry to be so cheesy, I would say my coterie is my permanent home. That I can say for absolute certain."
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