#they r very young kids 14 & 4
gurorori · 1 year
watched graveyard of the fireflies...
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Anon wants sources? Here:
This is why many people have historically shipped them together. When you don’t have any representation at all in the media, when your existence is reviled and you can’t even legally live your life peacefully, you take what you can get.
I don’t think young people understand how gay life was back then. Adult adoptions between couples were not uncommon-and no, it wasn’t always a man preying on someone 20 years younger than him. Couples 3 years apart were adopting each other because that was the only way to let your partner inherit your estate, to visit you in the hospital, to legally be family. It wasn’t a kink, it was a safety net. Is it so hard to understand then, why people would look at Batman and Robin, and see parallels? Especially in a visual medium, where images can say or imply things that would not be written out in a book? Especially in comics, where everyone is so overly muscled that Robin often doesn’t look or act like a kid, or even a teenager?
It’s okay not to ship them. I don’t ship them. Shipping has ALWAYS been about grabbing crumbs of subtext and implied tension regardless of what the canon source says. Roddenberry didn’t intend for people to ship Kirk and Spock. Spirk fanworks were literally hidden under tables at conventions and people would sit under the tables to browse and exchange things. Nowadays it’s not illegal to produce gay media. But at the height of gay panic, when discrimination was not only tacitly legal, but done by the laws themselves, and the only gay people in media, though few, were either villains or played off as a joke, is it so hard to understand why people would look at some of those runs, and put two fictional people in a relationship?
(At the very least, just use the back button and the mute button and move on instead of playing purity police over something that’s not real. )
Thank you for your thoughts! We recommend checking out the linked article.
We've also found some more articles and book chapters on this subject that people might appreciate:
Chapter "Panic and Aftermath" from Glen Weldon's "The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture".
Chapter "1954: Censorship and Queer Readings" from Will Brooker's "Batman Unmasked: Analyzing a Cultural Icon".
Chapter "Batman, Deviance and Camp" by Andy Medhurts from the book "The Many Lives of the Batman. Critical Approaches to a Superhero and his Media".
Shyminsky, N. (2011). ‘‘Gay’’ Sidekicks: Queer Anxiety and the Narrative Straightening of the Superhero. Men and Masculinities, 14(3), 288-308.
Lang, R. (1990). Batman and Robin: A family romance. American imago, 47(3/4), 293-319.
York, C. (2000). All in the Family: Homophobia and Batman Comics in the 1950s. International Journal of Comic Art, 2(2), 100-110.
Best, M. (2005). Domesticity, homosociality, and male power in superhero comics of the 1950s. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(1).
This article from 2005: "Gallery told to drop 'gay' Batman. DC Comics has ordered a New York gallery to remove pictures which show Batman and Robin kissing and embracing." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4167032.stm
This article from 2012: "Batman can't come out as gay – his character relies on him being in denial" by Will Brooker. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/may/28/batman-gay-character-relies-denial
And this sketch:
59 notes · View notes
differentpostrebel · 19 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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The second gif gets me everytime LMFAOOO
Chapter 19: The Icy Clash 
A/N: We finally get the Monet VS. Y/N fight!!! And also some funny Sanji moments too. Some Law POV, as well. Some surprise guests too! Tomorrows chapter we will be getting out lovesick cooks sanji POV.. and more, maybe a few more surprise guests (hehehe) ! Thank you guys for joining!, thank you guys for following, liking, reblogging, commenting!. I cant wait for you guys to see whats instore for the next chapters! And without further a do, lets get to it! Also, Tomorrow I will also be going back to chapter 18 and 19 and adding the links to the previous chapters.
Word Count: 4.8K 
Sanji X Reader, One Piece X Reader, Sanji x Y/N
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19 (Here)
Laws POV… 
Finally making my way to the room I needed to be in, I was laser-focused on my mission. Destroying the manufacturing tanks for the SAD was my top priority. Once that was done, I’d head back to R-66 and regroup with Straw Hat—and Y/N. Thoughts of her needing my assistance filled my mind. Her extensive injuries and wounds meant she'd be in recovery mode, which meant she'd need me by her side.
"Y/N, the things you do to me," I whispered under my breath as I unsheathed my blade, preparing for the task ahead.
But before I could make my move, a voice behind me made it clear who I’d be facing.
"I can't help but feel like I've been bit by my very own dog, Law," Vergo’s voice dripped with malice, causing me to turn back and face him.
"I'm afraid you've crossed the line, kid. You're just too damn smart for your own good," he sneered, his armament Haki flaring up as he readied his bamboo stick. "You know what's sad about folks like you? They tend to die at a young age. I can't wait to wipe that smart-ass look off your face."
His eyes narrowed as a twisted smile crept across his lips. "And maybe then I can get back to that princess of yours you seem so fond of. Maybe I can even hand her over to Joker. I'm sure he'd love to have his fun with her."
I felt a surge of anger course through me, my grip tightening on my blade. "You won’t lay a finger on her, Vergo," I growled, my voice low and deadly.
In a flash, Vergo appeared in front of me, faster than I could react. His bamboo stick slammed into my chin with brutal force, knocking me off balance as blood spilled from my mouth. Before I could regain my footing, he appeared again, this time driving his weapon into my chest, slamming me into the ground with such force that it created a dent in the metal floor.
"Stand up, Law," Vergo taunted, towering over me with that same cold, menacing grin. "You can’t die this early. I want you to feel every bit of this."
Gritting my teeth, I struggled to push myself up, my body protesting in pain. "You think… this is enough to stop me?" I spat, wiping the blood from my mouth as I forced myself to stand, my legs shaky but resolute.
Vergo’s expression didn’t change, his eyes narrowing as he watched me. "You’ve always been stubborn. But that’s going to be your downfall."
I steadied myself, gripping my sword tightly. "The only one falling today… is you," I said, my voice filled with determination. "I’ve come too far to let you stop me now. And I’ll be damned if I let you get anywhere near her."
Vergo chuckled darkly, his bamboo stick coated in Haki as he readied his next move. "Big words for a man on the brink of death. Let’s see if you can back them up."
"What is that?" I asked, looking up ahead at the top of the stairs.
"It's the children!" Robin exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.
"Oh no, Chopper is in his Monster Point!" Nami gasped, her eyes widening in alarm.
"The kids must be going through withdrawals," I said, my heart sinking at the sight. Chopper’s Rumble Ball effect had worn off, and the children were frantically running towards the biscuit room, desperate to eat more candy. Chopper, tears welling in his eyes, begged them to stop, but they didn’t listen.
Just then, Nami grabbed Chopper, pulling him back as we all began to run toward the children. "Nami, thank you!" Chopper said, his voice filled with relief.
"Looks like we got here just in time! Yohooo!" Brook chimed in, his usual cheerfulness masking the severity of the situation.
But I suddenly stopped in my tracks, my body still too weak to keep up. The toll of my injuries was catching up to me, and I couldn’t push myself any further. "Y/N, come on!" Zoro called out, his voice urging me to keep moving.
I glanced at Chopper, struggling to catch my breath as I tried to steady myself. "Chopper," I began, my voice strained, "remember that medicine I handed you along with the ointment that can heal wounds fast?"
"Yeah, Y/N, I brought a few just in case," Chopper replied, still wounded from trying to keep the kids in place. He was breathing heavily, but he quickly reached into his bag, understanding the gravity of the situation.
I limped toward Chopper, determination in my eyes. "Good, I’m going to need that now!" I declared, knowing this was the only way I could help without being a burden.
Chopper stared at me, his eyes full of concern but also understanding. He knew this was a risk, but it was necessary. "Right!" he said, pulling out a small white medicine pill.
"Here goes nothing," I muttered, swallowing the pill whole. The taste was bitter, but I ignored it, focusing on the task at hand.
After a few minutes, I began to feel the effects of the medicine. My body, once sluggish and weak, now felt energized. The pain in my right leg subsided, and I could finally put weight on it again. "Yes!" I exclaimed, testing my strength as a smile spread across my face. "Thank you, Chopper!" I said, grateful for his quick thinking and the medicine that had given me a second wind.
"You gotta stop the kids before they consume more of it, guys!" Chopper cried, his voice trembling. "The biscuit room is down the hall to the left. There's a girl named Mocha who's been helping me—she's the only child with her right mind!"
"Don’t worry, Chopper, we can take care of it from here. You did good," I reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tears welled up in Chopper’s eyes once more, the weight of the situation heavy on his small frame.
We finally reached the biscuit room, and just as Chopper had said, the children were rushing toward Mocha, desperate for more candy. Robin quickly sprang into action. "Mil Fleur, Gigantesco Mano!" she commanded, her giant hands emerging from the floor, wrapping around the children, and halting them in their tracks.
"Good, this will buy us some time!" I said, feeling a brief moment of relief.
"Nami, Usopp, Chopper, go help Mocha and the kids!" I instructed, urgency lacing my voice.
"Right!" they responded in unison, rushing toward Mocha, who was trying her best to keep the candy away from the other children.
Robin’s face twisted in concentration as she struggled to hold the kids back. "I’m afraid I can’t hold them off much longer," she warned, gritting her teeth. One of the children bit down on her hand, causing her to wince in pain.
"You can’t have any candy!" Mocha shouted, desperately trying to keep the candy away from the other children as they clawed at her. In a panic, she turned and bolted, clutching the candy tightly to her chest.
Just then, a gust of cold wind swept through the room, carrying with it a flurry of snowflakes. "What is it now?" I groaned in frustration as the exit became blocked by a wall of snow.
"You don’t have to worry about a thing, Mocha dear," a chillingly familiar voice echoed through the room. My eyes widened in shock and anger. "It’s her!" I hissed, gripping my sword tightly. "The nerve of this bitch!" I added through gritted teeth.
"Ahhh, it’s her! It’s the crazy bird woman I told you about!" Usopp yelled, eyes wide with fear.
"Crazy is a nice way of putting it," I muttered darkly. "This woman is downright evil!"
"Monet, help me, please!" Mocha pleaded, her voice trembling.
Monet’s icy gaze fell on Mocha. "Mocha, you shouldn’t hog all the candy. Be a nice girl and share it with everyone," she cooed, a sinister smile on her lips as she sent another gust of snow our way.
"It seems this woman uses sorcery!" Kin’emon exclaimed, readying his sword.
"Oh, it’s more than sorcery, that’s for sure!" I snapped back, my eyes narrowing as I locked onto Monet.
"You know this woman?" Zoro asked, glancing at me with curiosity.
"Let’s just say she and I go way back," I replied coldly, my grip tightening on my sword.
Monet! But why?" Mocha cried out, her voice tinged with desperation and confusion.
Monet giggled, a chilling sound that seemed to freeze the very air around us.
Laws POV… 
"AHHH!" I yelled in agony, the pain nearly overwhelming me. "Damn it! Room! Have my heart come back to me!"
Just as I managed to summon my powers and pull my heart back, Vergo landed a crushing kick that sent me crashing into the nearby rails. I fell to the ground, the pain becoming almost unbearable. My vision started to blur, and I could barely make out Vergo’s menacing figure as he once again clutched my heart.
With his armament haki activated, Vergo landed a devastating punch to my face, sending my hat flying off and leaving me vulnerable.
"Here’s a counter shock!" I sneered, unleashing a brutal attack that made him gasp in pain. 
"I have a message from Joker," Vergo said, his voice cold and indifferent.
My counterattack hadn’t worked, and the realization dawned on me that Vergo was indeed a loyal lackey of Joker. "Well, Vergo," I said through gritted teeth, a smirk appearing on my face despite the pain. "That’s Mr. Vergo to you."
As Vergo continued to clutch my heart, I screamed in agony, my strength waning as I barely managed to stay conscious. Just then, as if by some miracle, the scene shifted, and Vergo came face to face with Vice Admiral Smoker.
Smoker’s imposing figure filled the doorway, and his presence was a welcome sight. "Smoker…" I muttered weakly, a flicker of hope igniting within me despite the intense pain. 
Y/N POV.. 
"Mocha, there’s no way you can eat all that candy alone," Monet said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "You might as well share it with the others."
"No! I can't do that, it's bad!" Mocha protested, clutching the candy tightly.
"My, you're a difficult one," Monet replied with a smirk. "Stop being greedy and share."
"Hey, lady, what are you doing to these kids?" Nami demanded, stepping forward with a fierce glare.
"Yeah, you don’t know who you’re messing with!" Usopp added, his tone defiant.
"Actually, I do," Monet said with a hint of malice. "I do my research, so I know exactly who you are. You’re the infamous Straw Hat Pirate Crew."
"We don’t have much time," Robin said, turning to us with urgency. "Luffy asked me to find Sea Prism Stone handcuffs. Usopp and Brook, go search for them."
Usopp and Brook nodded, quickly heading off to find the handcuffs. Kinemon also left to search for his son, leaving Robin, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, and me to deal with Monet.
I steeled myself, trying to push through the pain and fatigue. "Not yet, Y/N," I thought. "I’ve got to hold it off a little while longer."
Mocha, taking advantage of the chaos, ran away with the children following her. Nami and Chopper dashed after them, their urgency clear. "Perhaps I can slow them down!" Robin said, preparing to act.
But before Robin could make a move, Monet struck with deadly precision, stabbing Robin in the back. "Robin!" Nami cried out in horror as Robin staggered, the wound clearly painful.
Seeing Robin injured spurred me into action. "It’s time," I said to myself, determination filling me. I clenched my left hand, activating its power. I grabbed my sword, pressing the blue gem to summon the ice once more. The blade shimmered with a cold, icy aura.
With a surge of adrenaline, I lifted my left leg and dashed toward Nami and Robin. "I told you... DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!" I roared, my voice echoing with fury. I slammed my sword down, intercepting Monet’s attack with a loud clash.
The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, and Monet’s eyes widened in surprise.
. She was flung backward, her blades slicing through the air as she regained her balance.
“Nami, Robin, Chopper, are you guys okay?” I called out, not taking my glare away from Monet. I could see Nami trying to support Robin while Chopper tended to her wounds.
“We’re fine, but the kids—” Nami began, but Zoro cut her off.
“You three do something to stop those kids!” Zoro said, drawing his swords and preparing for action.
“Zoro, stay out of this fight!” I ordered, my voice firm and filled with authority. “This birdbrain’s mine.” I smirked, focusing my full attention on Monet.
“I’m not leaving you,” Zoro said, determination etched in his expression.
“Just make sure Nami, Robin, and Chopper make it out of this room!” I insisted. “Then come back and help.”
Monet, having regained her composure, sneered at me. “Ahh, we meet again, harlot!” she spat, venom dripping from her words.
“Monet, long time no see. Has it really been 30 minutes since you tied me to those chains?” I retorted, my voice dripping with cold satisfaction.
“I’ve been waiting to get you back for mocking me, princess,” Monet growled, her rage palpable. “The brokers will be thrilled to see this fight,” she added with a smirk.
“By the way, how’s your right leg? Vergo did a number on you. That’ll be an easy target for me to strike,” Monet taunted.
“Good,” I said, clenching my left hand. “I can’t wait for them to watch me kick your ass!” I lifted my right leg and clenched my left hand, focusing my energy.
With a burst of speed, I dashed through the air, twisting and spinning with precision. My right leg arced gracefully, the motion fluid and powerful as I executed my move. “Tremor Kick!” I shouted as my heel connected with Monet’s head, sending her crashing down to the ground with a resounding impact. The force created a series of cracks and holes in the ground where she landed.
I glanced to my right and spotted a camera, clearly positioned for the brokers to watch the fight. “Must be where the brokers are looking at,” I thought with a smirk.
“And as for you lovely brokers who are watching,” I called out with a confident grin, “get ready for the ride of your lives.”
I twirled my sword, and the air around me shimmered as the ice shards crystallized into razor-sharp, blade-like formations. The shards whirled around me, their edges gleaming with a deadly light. With a swift, fluid motion, I directed the shards toward Monet.
The shards sliced through the air with precision, their icy blades cutting through anything in their path. Monet, still reeling from my previous attack, barely had time to react as the shards closed in. The air crackled with the sound of ice meeting flesh, and Monet’s eyes widened in shock and pain. 
As she staggered back, I could hear Mocha’s desperate screams as she fled through another door, pursued by the others.
“We can’t let the kids get away!” Chopper shouted, his concern for the children evident in his voice. Robin, Chopper, Nami, and Zoro swiftly headed towards the children, leaving me to deal with Monet.
Monet’s voice cut through the chaos, dripping with malice. “My, that was quite the attack, harlot. But it’s still not enough to stop me.” Her determination was palpable as she started moving towards the escaping group.
“Oh no you don’t!” I shouted, dashing to intercept her. Nami’s eyes widened in alarm. “Y/N! Don’t hit me!” she cried out, but I had no intention of harming her. Instead, I aimed my strike at Monet, who had positioned herself behind Nami.
Our blades clashed with a sharp ring, the impact reverberating through the room. Monet gritted her teeth, her face a mask of rage and frustration.
“Guys, get out now!” I yelled to Nami, Robin, and Chopper as they hurriedly left. Zoro gave me one last, concerned look before turning back to ensure their safe retreat.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay, Y/N?” Zoro called out, determination in his voice. “Protect them and the children!” I shouted back, my voice laced with urgency. With a nod, Zoro sprinted off, leaving me to confront Monet. 
Monet’s eyes narrowed as she licked her lips, her expression a mix of disdain and amusement. “Such a shame,” she said, her voice dripping with condescension. “This fight is between you and me, not them.”
I met her gaze with a smirk. “Yes, it is, but picking at the weak ones is a winner’s strategy.”
Monet’s smile faltered slightly as I chuckled. “You honestly think they’re weak? Hmpph, Law was right about one thing: you really are full of it,” I said, letting out a laugh that I hoped would get under her skin.
Her face darkened, anger flickering in her eyes. “Harlot… I’d watch that mouth of yours,” she warned, her tone icy.
“Oh?” I replied, feigning curiosity. “You mean the same mouth that Law loves to kiss?”
The mention of Law’s name seemed to hit a nerve. Monet’s expression twisted in a mix of rage and frustration. Monet’s frustration was palpable, her strikes growing more erratic as I danced around her with deliberate ease. “You know, Monet,” I said with a smirk, “it’s almost sad watching you get so worked up. You’re clearly not used to someone getting under your skin.”
Her eyes narrowed with fury. “I’m going to enjoy watching you fall.”
I chuckled, dodging another of her wild swings. “Oh, I’m sure you will. But before you do, let’s talk about something a bit more... personal. Like how Law and I had a little moment together.”
Monet’s confusion and irritation flashed across her face. “What are you talking about?”
I sidestepped her attack with a graceful twist, my voice laced with taunting amusement. “You didn’t know? Law and I had a rather... intense encounter. He had me pinned down, tending to my wounds with such skill. But it wasn’t just about healing. There was a certain... intimacy to it. You could almost feel the tension crackling between us.”
Monet’s grip on her weapon tightened, her frustration bubbling over. “I don’t care about your games or your little romance.”
I laughed softly, my eyes glinting with mischief. “Oh, but you’re mistaken. It’s not just about romance. It’s about how he made me feel, the way his touch was both firm and gentle. And this coat I’m wearing? It’s not just any coat. It’s his coat. The warmth of it, the scent of his cologne—it all reminds me of how he took care of me, making sure I stayed warm and protected.” I gave her a teasing wink. “A charming young doctor just knows all the right ways to satisfy a woman, if you know what I mean.”
Monet’s face twisted in anger. “Enough! I’m done listening to your pathetic boasts.”
I leaned in closer, my tone dripping with mockery. “Pathetic? Maybe. But it’s also effective. You’re rattled because you know you’ll never have what I had with Law. The warmth, the care, the connection—it’s something you can never touch. And that eats away at you, doesn’t it?”
Putting away my sword, I pressed my left palm against my right fist, activating the electrical charge with a crackle of energy. “You are so dead, princess!” Monet snarled, lunging at me with fury. I dodged her attack, her movements wild and fueled by rage. But then, suddenly, I felt something cold and heavy stopping me in my tracks.
“What the hell!” I cursed, struggling to move as the snow around me hardened, trapping me in place. Monet’s eyes gleamed with triumph as she closed in, her claws flashing. She slashed at my coat, the fabric tearing apart, falling in tatters around me.
“Now, there’s no coat to protect you,” she sneered, her smirk widening as I strained against the snow’s grasp.
“Damn it, I’m still stuck in this!” I growled, struggling against the snow’s icy grip. But before I could break free, Monet seized my left arm, her claws digging painfully into my skin. I swung at her with my free hand, but she was too fast. With a sinister grin, she spun me around and hurled me against the wall. The impact sent a shockwave of pain through my body, blood spilling from my mouth as I crumpled to the ground. My left arm throbbed in agony—the injury was getting worse, and I could feel it.
Monet approached me with a taunting smirk, her voice dripping with mockery. “Hahaha! My, my, Princess, did I injure your left arm?”
I looked up at her, breathing heavily but refusing to show weakness. “Even if you did injure me, I can still kick your ass with one hand tied behind my back!” I snarled.
With my right hand, I grabbed her left leg in a sudden move. Her eyes widened in surprise. “What are you doing?!” Monet demanded.
“NOW SHOCK!” I yelled, channeling the electricity from my arm directly into her body. The energy surged through her, and Monet convulsed, gasping for air as the shock overwhelmed her.
As she collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe, I slowly let go of her leg and pushed myself up, clutching onto my injured left arm. The pain was intense, but I wasn’t about to back down. I stood over Monet, my eyes burning with defiance. “You’re not so tough when the tables are turned, are you?” I muttered, my voice low and fierce.
Just then, I heard the door creak open, and I turned to see Zoro stepping into the room. "Finally made it back," he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
Laughing, I made my way over to him, relief washing over me. "About time you got here!" I teased. "And you didn’t get lost! I’m impressed."
But before I could say more, I saw Zoro's expression change. His eyes widened as he looked past me, and I felt a cold dread settle in my stomach. “Y/N, watch out!” he shouted.
“Snow Sword Skin Technique!” Monet's voice rang out behind me, filled with malice. I barely had time to react before I felt a sharp, searing pain in my left arm. Monet’s blade had cut deep, leaving a giant gash that bled profusely.
“Damn it!” I seethed, clutching my arm as I staggered back, trying to maintain my balance. The pain was excruciating, but I wasn’t going to let her see me falter.
Monet seizing the opportunity, grabs me with her claws. Her claws dug deeper into my chest, and I could feel her nails piercing my skin as pressure mounted on my ribs. "Ahhh!" I screamed, the agony shooting through my body. I clutched my left arm, still trying to lift my right leg for an attack, but Monet locked it down with her own, squeezing me into submission.
“Damn it!” I gasped, each breath harder to take as her crushing hold forced the air out of me. My body throbbed as if every nerve was screaming in pain.
“Y/N!” Zoro’s voice cut through the haze, his sword ready as he sprinted toward me.
“Zoro! Don’t!” I shouted, trying to keep him from getting any closer. I knew Monet wanted him to charge in recklessly.
Monet grinned wickedly, her taunt aimed right at Zoro. “My, even in the face of death, she still wants to protect you. How touching!” Her wings began to rise, preparing to deliver the final blow. "One more slash should do it."
Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor. “There’s another room back here! Find those children and get them out of here!” shouted a familiar voice.
Monet froze, her attack halting as confusion washed over her face. “What the...?”
I took advantage of the distraction, clenching my left hand, summoning every bit of energy I had. Pain radiated through my body, but I forced it aside, connecting my right hand with my left. Power surged between them. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth as I realized I had the chance to fight back.
“Come on, let’s bust the door open!” The voice rang out, clear now. My eyes widened. "Wait, that's..."
“Raaahhh! Save those kids!” Sanji shouted as he burst into the room, G-5 marines following close behind.
Zoro threw an annoyed glance their way. “Why are all those marines after you?”
“The only person I can see is Pirate Hunter Zoro!” one of the G-5 marines shouted.
“Of course, that idiot is here,” Sanji said, exasperation in his voice.
"He really is something else," I muttered weakly through the pain.
“Alright, men! Everyone, make dumb faces at Mosshead!” Sanji commanded, and the G-5 soldiers instantly complied, pulling ridiculous expressions toward Zoro.
“I hope you all slip and crack your skulls,” Zoro grumbled. 
Monet’s grip on my leg loosened in the chaos, giving me the opportunity I needed. Summoning all the power in my right leg, I prepared to strike. 
Sanji, oblivious to the situation, suddenly locked eyes on Monet. “Never mind, we’ve got a hottie right here!” he swooned, hearts in his eyes.
“Yeah, shake those tail feathers!” one of the G-5 soldiers chimed in.
I rolled my eyes. “Of course, Sanji.”
“Pick your jaws up, morons!” Zoro barked at the G-5 marines, snapping them out of their daze. “And you, curly brows, do you not see she’s about to kill Y/N?”
But then, Sanji’s gaze shifted and finally locked onto me. His eyes went wide with sudden realization. “What the—? Y/N!” His voice, usually playful, was now filled with genuine concern. “You’ve got to be kidding me...”
That was all I needed to hear. Gathering the last bit of strength, I pushed back against Monet. With my right leg, I kicked her just enough to loosen her grip. “I’ve got one shot at this,” I muttered to myself, steeling my resolve.
With Monet momentarily thrown off, I activated the anklet around my leg, and connecting a touch with my left palm, letting the fire ignite. “Let’s see how you handle this, Monet!”
With a fierce stomp, I brought my foot down on her wing, flames erupting and sending tremors through her body. The fire spread across her arm, igniting her flesh. “Now, Blaze!” I shouted, watching as her arm was engulfed in flames.
Monet screeched, stumbling backward as she tried desperately to extinguish the fire. The tables had turned. The terror she had inflicted on me was now her own to face. I stood, clutching my injured arm but ready to finish what we started.
Monet, though weakened and scorched, wasn’t done yet. She bared her fangs, her icy wings spreading wide as she prepared for another assault. “You think this is over?” she hissed, her voice dripping with venom.
Just then, she was momentarily distracted by the G-5 marines, who were shouting and catcalling. “Sexiest bird I’ve ever seen!” one of them whistled, while another added, “woohooo! Baby yeah!
Zoro, incredulous, commented dryly, “Call me crazy, but I think she’s actually enjoying this!”
Seizing the opportunity, I made my way toward Sanji and swiftly undid his tie. Sanji’s face flushed a deep red, and I could feel his heart racing. “Y/N, what are you—” he started, but I didn’t give him a chance to finish.
With a quick motion, I removed his tie and began wrapping it around my injured left arm. “There, that’ll stop the bleeding for now,” I said, tying it securely.
Sanji, still looking dumbfounded, watched as I finished. I approached him, pecked him on the cheek, and said, “Did I ever tell you that you look absolutely sexy without a tie?” With a playful wink, I turned and made my way back to the battlefield.
Sanji’s face turned a deeper shade of red, but his attention quickly snapped back to the fight as he saw Monet preparing her next attack. 
Kidd POV…
"Kidd, I totally forgot we had a meeting to form an alliance with both Scratchman and Hawkins," Killer said, downing his fifth beer.
"Cancel the meeting, I don’t give a damn," I grumbled, chugging down my seventh beer. The room spun slightly as the alcohol took its toll. “The way Caesar’s showing the wrong people in this live recording, I don’t care about your poison gas!” I slammed my fist on the table, causing the remaining beer to slosh around.
Just then, the live transponder snail began broadcasting a room filled with children. “Little brats, what is this, a daycare live feed?” I sneered, irritation growing.
Killer chuckled, shaking his head. “At this rate, it looks like that meeting’s about to be more interesting than this.”
“I told you… DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!” came a voice through the broadcast.
Y/N. The voice cut through my drunken haze like a lightning bolt. My mind, fogged by the alcohol, began to spin into a wild fantasy, the lines between reality and imagination blurring.
In my steamy reverie, Y/N’s presence dominated every corner of my mind. I imagined her standing in front of me, her eyes blazing with defiance and raw intensity. The fantasy was visceral and unrestrained. I could almost feel her body pressed against mine, the heat of her skin melding with mine as if igniting a feverish storm. The thought of her lips against mine, of her breath mingling with my own, sent a surge of heat straight to my core.
I envisioned gripping Y/N tightly, her form writhing beneath me, every touch and gasp amplified by the raw, primal energy between us. Her voice, fierce and unyielding, was now a low, seductive growl in my ear, every word a promise of unrestrained passion. The scene played out with explosive intensity: our bodies tangled in a frenetic dance of need and desire, our movements wild and unrelenting.
The world outside ceased to exist, our connection consuming all rational thought. I imagined the intensity of her gaze as it pierced through me, her skin hot and slick against mine. Every touch was electric, every whisper a command that drove me further into a frenzy of lust. I saw us locked together, the heat of our bodies mingling, each touch igniting the other in a relentless surge of pleasure.
Sweat dripped down my brow as the fantasy reached its fever pitch. I could feel the imaginary press of Y/N’s body against mine, the way her hands gripped me, urging me closer, driving me deeper into the madness of our shared desire. Her moans begging me for more, begging for me to go faster. I can hear it now, her voice filled with pleasure, “Kidd… oh Kidd dont stop.”  It was raw, untamed, a brutal collision of passion and power.
As the feed continued, Y/N's voice cut through the clamor, taunting the bird woman with a mix of defiance and strategic wit. That is until she mentioned Trafalgar laws. How he tended to her wounds, how he gave her his coat, how he had her pinned down, Y/N’s voice dripped with a mixture of pride and irritation. “That should be me doing all that!” The words were sharp and deliberate, designed to get under the bird woman's skin. 
My grip tightened around the beer bottle, the fiery liquid warming my insides as I took another swig. I could feel the heat of my frustration mingling with the alcohol, fueling a storm of possessive anger. My mind raced, images of Law's smug face and Y/N's vulnerable position stirring a tempest of raw emotion within me.
Killer’s gaze was fixed on the screen, his expression reflecting the same volatile mix of fury and frustration I felt. His hands were clenched tightly, knuckles white as if they were straining against invisible chains. “I told you, Kidd, we should have gone,” he said, his voice laced with frustration and a touch of regret.
I smirked, watching Y/N’s tactical play unfold. “Damn right,” I muttered. “My fiancée sure knows how to rattle anybody she comes across.” My pride surged with every clever remark Y/N made, each taunt a testament to her strength and cunning.
Just then, my eyes widened as the scene took a brutal turn. The bird woman, furious and desperate, grabbed Y/N with a vicious grip and hurled them against the wall. My heart pounded, the raw intensity of the scene searing through my drunken haze. Y/N's body slammed into the wall with a sickening thud, and I could see the grimace of pain on their face even through the screen.
Killer let out a low growl, his frustration palpable. But then Y/N retaliated sending the bird woman a jolt of electricity.
The way Y/N retaliated, her body moving with an effortless grace that spoke of countless hours of training and determination, was captivating. Her fierce resolve, Her focus—it was intoxicating. The bird woman reeled from the electric assault, her earlier bravado dissipating as she struggled to regain her footing. 
Killer, noticing my distracted, almost transfixed expression, took another swig of his beer, his eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and something darker. “She’s become quite the force to be reckoned with,” he said, his voice low but laced with a hint of intrigue. “I didn’t expect any less from her.”
I grunted, my fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly as I watched Y/N fight. “Yeah, she’s something else,” I said, my voice rough with emotion. “Every time I see her like this, it drives me wild.”
Killer’s smirk widened as he observed Y/N’s defensive tactics. “Looks like she knows exactly how to push their buttons,” he said, his tone dripping with admiration. “And she’s doing it brilliantly.”
My lips curled into a savage grin. “Damn right. That’s my woman out there, showing everyone what she’s made of.” I raised my beer in a celebratory gesture, the pride and possessiveness clear in my voice. “She’s got the fire in her, and she’s not afraid to use it.”
As the bird woman was forced back, her composure shattered by Y/N’s relentless assault, I felt a surge of passion and fury. Seeing Y/N fight with such intensity, their movements a testament to their strength and will, only fueled my desire. I wanted to be there, fighting alongside them, sharing in their triumphs and struggles.
“Let’s keep watching,” I said, my voice filled with a rough intensity. “I need to see every moment of this. I want to see how she handles this.”
Killer nodded, his eyes reflecting the same fervor. “Yeah, let’s see it through. She’s incredible.”
As the battle unfolded before us, the room seemed to shrink away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered passion of the fight and my unwavering fascination with Y/N.
Unknown Viewer…
As the live feed continued to capture Y/N’s fierce struggle, the three of us sat together, our eyes fixed on the screen. Y/N’s determination was palpable, her every move a testament to her strength and resilience. I couldn’t help but admire her, even as a dark plan began to take shape in my mind.
“She really is quite the woman,” one of my brothers remarked, taking a swig of his beer. His gaze was unwavering as he observed the battle. “Look at her stand her ground. It’s impressive.”
My other brother snorted, a derisive laugh escaping him. “And our failure of a brother can’t get enough of her,” he said, pointing at the screen. “He wouldn’t even know how to handle all that woman.”
The laughter that followed was harsh, but I found it fitting. The image of Y/N, fierce and unapologetic, stirred something within me. “She’s feisty, I love that in a woman,” I said, my voice filled with a mixture of admiration and darker intent. “She’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
I stood, the weight of my decision settling heavily on my shoulders. “It’s settled, then,” I declared, my tone resolute. “I’ll have father set up the arrangements. Soon, she will be mine, and we’ll be wed.”
My brothers exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of amusement and approval. “And I’ll make sure she knows what true power feels like,” I continued, a cruel smile stretching across my face. “The failure will witness it all, and he’ll be powerless to stop it.”
The laughter that followed was cold, echoing through the room. “Soon, you will be mine,” I said, turning my attention back to the live feed. “And we’ll show everyone what true dominance really means.”
As the scene unfolded, the promise of what was to come hung heavily in the air. I watched with a mixture of anticipation and satisfaction, knowing that soon, everything would change.
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
Unknown Live Blogging
I loveeeeee a younger pursuer character, especially when they've known each other for a while and the older is just like I love you kid (platonic/familial) while the younger is losing their mind with their crush/love/lust. Also, the fact that the novel it's adapted from is literally called Da Ge 大哥 ah, I've gotten more into adoptive or step-brothers trope since I got into live-action BL but I've only just watched Addicted/Stay With Me and Kiseki: Dear to Me 2nd couple, so it's exciting to add another one to the list.
This is also a novel from China that's being adapted in Taiwan so that they don't have to censor it, right? There are several other BLs currently in the works like this.
Anyway, seems like people really like this show (not counting the sex scene in ep 11 or something because I heard so much complaining about that lol), so my hopes are high.
Ep 1 (June 13)
ahhh crazy start/glimpse into future
starts when they're young but have been living together a while already
ahhhh trying to take care of things/the family/his ge by paying the bills using his gift money + some part time job maybe. isn't quite a grownup yet but he wants to be so bad
2007 - when they first met
oh fuck the child being hit with the metal pipe was scary and unexpected
oh man, Qian getting embroiled with gangs and doing their dirty work for money
oof, gonna have to win 3 boxing matches to leave the gang
Ep 2 (June 13)
the teacher saying an older brother is like a father
not them ganging up on Xiao Bao!
dang, Qian's mother hated him because he did well, that's wild
Qian is so attractive like woah
we've reached current year - 2016
Ep 3 (June 13)
Yuan to the rescue
Bao and Yuan's dynamic is so cuteee
damn, Qian mad as hell at Xiao Bao's outfit and it has a bit of the "proprietary" thing that so many father-daughter older brother-younger sister dynamics have (in media at least) but also most importantly it reminds him of their mother who they are both very traumatized by
I'm so nervous, I hope nothing bad happens to Xiao Bao (esp because we know this world has like gangsters and stuff)
Is this guy part of the gangsters? Does he know who Xiao Bao is?
Yuan recognizes the gangster oh no
Sam Lin as doctor, though I must say I would not recognize him if I wasn't already aware of this
sharing a bed
studying abroad mentioned
I don't wanna read thoughts of r/boyslove or look for gifsets on tumblr, I just wanna get to the next episode.
It feels like since they both scold/get upset at Xiao Bao in an attempt to protect her, she's not gonna retain any of the reasons they're worried about her but rather maybe rebel and end up in troublesome situations. please no rape storyline though plsplspls
Ep 4 (June 14)
Yuan's 18th birthday? adult Yuan alright
pls Qian thinking that Xiao Bao's saying Yuan watches porn
it's romantic stuff but is it yaoi/BL? because the one Sweet Summer or whatever novel seemed to be two guys on the cover?
Qian kinda reminds me of Na Jaemin (my NCT bias when I was into them) from some angles
I will forever love helping something with feet, whether it be shoelace tying, giving a massage/a foot bath, or now taking care of an ankle/foot injury. it's not even a foot kink, it's just... idek like lowering oneself... in aid of the other... taking care of them...
Yuan definitely doesn't wanna hear about them seperating and liking other people
this kiss must be in Yuan's imagination
so I guess Qian doesn't suspect Yuan's feelings toward him at all + also doesn't return the feelings (yet + he might be unconsciously feeling something but it's not as intense as Yuan's feelings). However, I'm unclear on whether he thinks Yuan likes boys? Like he saw Yuan's romance novel with 2 boys + asking about the high school class monitor...
Ep 5 (June 14)
I knew this was a daydream because of the dreamy filter + I kinda remember some post on reddit about Yuan's daydream but if I was watching this in real time, I would've lost my shit
oh oh my god okay. "Ge, do you already know that I like guys?" extremely forward and sudden, I wasn't expecting it
ahhh, I can't watch this, it's so T.T. like ik it's very Uncle Jim to Liming, looking out for their young(er) nephew/brother because being gay openly isn't easy but like T.T still
What year is this? 2016 right? while gay marriage became legal in Taiwan in 2019
I love a "it's my business who i like, not yours" or whatever
ah, Qian's nice to Yuan again, he likes gives him a little lecture but isn't like actually homophobic
Xiao Bao turns 18 too
damn, what's up with Qian? head hurts?
pls the colleague (is that San Pang? yeah right?) running into Qian's room to see him and Yuan in bed sleeping and cuddling and being like... hm
pls Qian himself being like "it's not what it looks like" before the other guy even says what it looks like
omg San Pang now coming over to talk to Yuan
pls I know why he's asking but the way he's talking about where Xiao Bao sleeps and where he sleeps like hey ! stop
that's her literal brother and they have no parents, I think it's fine if Xiao Bao climbs into her Dage's bed to sleep occasionally lmfao
oh I guess he was talking about Xiao Bao sleeping in Yuan's bed. whelp he'd have a point in that case I guess becuase Yuan def can like these siblings lol he just happens to not like the sister
pls Xiao Bao wants San Pang to ask about her, so whenever he talks about Yuan and Qian the way her eyes roll so hard that her whole head rotates, so funny
not the office fujos Noticing and Observing lol
ahh, Yuan's inner turmoil seeing his "future sister-in-law"
ah, San Pang straight up asking if the one Yuan likes is Qian
I just wanna know when the confession is gonna happen, is it gonna be next ep? because Yuan also has to go abroad (though I don't think that time skip takes too much airtime from what I've read). I want some stuff to happen after confession + after getting together too.
Ep 6 (June 14)
I wonder what role San Pang will play like will he help them figure it out or hinder all the way through? they're kinda hinting him with Lili, so he can't possibly be a "bad guy." I get him dissuading them now or giving them reasons why they shouldn't but once they do, I assume he'll be okay with it at least
"Don't tell me that guy also has some?" oh Qian
Qian feeling pity for Yuan and being like why do you have to like him... oh Qian, oh Yuan
aklsdfjalksdf ahhh Yuan about to me a drunken mess at this important work function plssss I'm nervous. but also... does the confession happen when Yuan's drunk? Is it gonna happen this ep?
Feng Ning is so cool I love her. if Yuan does anything that upsets her I'll get mad at him im negl
oh omg I have an image in my mind of when Yuan confesses maybe and it was not in this outfit and they were also maybe sitting, so the i like you and attempted kiss was like oh!
It also stressed me out that they're still at work
woahhh it hurts so good the way Qian not only punched Yuan but also didn't stop to care for his wounded hand
ahhh Qian avoiding Yuan and the home entirely
studying abroad plan on
Aw, Xiao Bao who is like ? wtf is going on, why are my brothers fighting and also Yuan literally going to NY
is that Yuan sitting on the floor with his paper on his face and crying? yes, same sweater stripes
The angst is done well. The situation must happen (I was anticipating the fallout from the confession so much!), it's not overdramatized (Qian reacts badly but then just avoids Yuan for the rest and Yuan tries to apologize a bunch but doesn't force anything when Qian ignores him), the acting-writing-directing are all good. I'm also liking the consequence of him moving away to a different country (for a few years?) because he's known Qian all his life and practically only talks to Qian, Lili, and sometimes people like San Pang or a classmate but he'll broaden his horizons now and it'll be less "he loves Qian because he only knows him"
Ep 7 (June 14)
damn, Qian's apparently been so apathetic that San Pang's like maybe I shouldn't made Yuan stay so that at least you wouldn't be like this
Qian's alcohol problem + his chronic headache bruh
San Pang straight up asking if Qian has feelings for Yuan too and Qian does not deny it
also it's been 2 years right? since it's 2018 now and 2017-2018 were blank for Yuan's height
Qian is truly so attractive. his face but also his mannerisms and expressions and gestures. woah. and of course my forever weakness: nice smile and there's a dimple too
2017 - 2023?! omg 6 years? that's a lot, I was expected 2-3 fr
Qian continues reading Yuan's texts but not replying to them. then impulsively calling Yuan and immediately hanging up again
first reciprocal contact in 6 years, if I was Yuan that call would've made me lose my whole entire mind fr
Bro, it's actally Qian who's losing his mind because he's sitting on Yuan's bed in Yuan's room and texting Yuan to come home if he misses it
Xiao Bao has truly become grown up model Lili
San Pang is at the office gathering, so who did she see at the door? would Yuan already be at home lmfao
ah, indeed Yuan's here lol
Yuan and Lili antics begin again, how fun
From a few Tumblr posts, I thought Lil iand San Pang's relationship was gonna get exposed? next ep i guess.
also saw some gifs that Yuan's gonna be petty toward Qian next ep and I'm so excited, how did people wait weekly for this? I can barely wait for tomorrow.
Ep 8 (June 15)
starting this around 7:30pm because I had to watch Wandee Goodday episode today. Hope I like this episode than I liked Wandee's
ah, Yuan's so bold now "Have you seen enough?"
The fact that Yuan made eye contact with Qian before handing the drink over to Xiong-ge. Qian expectantly holding out his hand but having to retreat and check afterwards that nobody else saw lmfao
It's killing me that Yuan keeps looking at the other two ges during the conversation while Qian keeps glancing at Yuan and can't keep his eyes off of him even when he tries
Yuan even thanking San Pang for making him go to the states...
the hickeys?!
Qian's incredulous look at 8:00 is really so Na Jaemin, why does he remind me so much of him
I would say Qian's slow for not catching on that they're together somehow but ig San Pang and Lili are LDR since she doesn't even live here anymore? and so Qian's not aware of it? but it's also funny to think his brain was barely working while Yuan wasn't here but managed to deduce it by glimpsing the hickeys as soon as Yuan came and Qian's brain started working again lmao
damn, Lili's literally shaking her head no, how dare San Pang make the executive decision to confess to Qian?
Yuan literally sitting back and eating fruits on the couch as he observes is so funny
and his smiles lmfaooo
and only inserting himself when Xiong-ge brings up Qian dating somebody else lmfao he's a menace
Yuan calling Qian as Wei Qian instead of ge is so .
Qian's mad because the two of them are dating and there's an age difference and San Pang's known Lili since she was a child and he figured it out through hickeys and he's the last to know and all those reasons but also... he's probably also mad that why isn't he with Yuan then? If those two can do it, why not him too?
Yuan knowssssss he's getting to Qian
I've seen a glimpse of a gif of Yuan feeding Qian ahh
and now that Yuan's indeed giving him his full attention at the table, Qian can't look at him
Qian's losing his mind and I along with him
Yuan's so bold now, it makes me nervous like chilllllll, move back like the way he kept walking toward Qian and nearly kissed him alksdfjla;ksfj
Yuan is suchhh a menace, the way he starting speaking loud and clear when he heard Qian at the door
my mom dragged me away right then but I'm back
plss he's talking about how he also likes somebody and both Xiao Bao and Ge know that person. lmfao. menace.
Xiao Bao reading from a script lmfaooo
Yuan truly is such a menace, sliding the family vacation into Lili's script pls
cryingggg Xiao Bao ditched the family trip to go to Milan
Yuan kept poking until Qian finally says to not keep feelings for him anymore, only to hit him back with "what makes you think i still like you?"
Yuan saying Wei Qian really does me in. "Wei Qian, don't you like Wei Zhiyuan?" was woah
agh, A'Le and gangsters next ep. hmph
I've been curious to see which other age gap older male/younger female ships I like because they usually give me major ick but I'm such a fan of age gap ships in m/m-f/f-noona romances. I think History 3: Trapped side side ship with the sister and bulter man is the only one I can think of and they barely existed lol. So I want to like San Pang and Lili, especially when she said she's the one who pursued him (I'm into that trope a lot too; like Yuan's also the younger one pursing the older one) but I wish San Pang wasn't a hypocrite/homophobe because if he's into Lili and has no problems getting with her but so disapproved and dissuaded Yuan, like the reason is homophobia yes? I wanted him to come to The Realization that Yuan liking Qian is... fine-ish when he developed feelings for Lili, not have him separate the two situations.
Tumblr media
Ep 9 (June 15)
so many things to do but I'm watching this instead, goddammit. but been a little while since i've been so eager to binge and watch next ep (Kiseki and Triage last month I think)
Also, I saw a post that had a clip from the trailer that hasn't happened yet or something and I didn't watch it but there was text about how Qian looks Yuan in the eye when he confesses... omg now I'm so excited to see when that happens. I hadn't been thinking about how they'd actually come together but a confession must happen and I'd be very happy if Qian's the one who does it this time, even more so if he's very tortured about it
oh, abroad was 4 years ago? not 6
I like Yuan's whole spiel about I can't stop liking you but this is enough
Yuan calling Qian out on his bullshit, he can't kick Yuan out again
Qian can tell when Yuan's lying/hiding something
hmm they're calling Qian the snitch and the cops came back then... I feel like Qian didn't do it since he himself was involved
when's that napkin with the poem from?
what is the plan exactly? Lin's telling Yuan to remember that Qian cares about him...
damn, Yuan left for a trip with very short notice?
"You're acting like a wife trying to catch her cheating husband" read the room, San Pang. you can't tell this to Qian who is trying to not be in love with his didi
Dr. Lin so funny. also did We Best Love have eating raw noodles? I feel like it did...
Wei Zhiyuan means "belongs to Wei"
no but what was Yuan plan actually because mans just went to their lair, asked for Le-ge and now is just getting beat up lmfao
scary, Le-ge's got bullets
please why are we doing Russian Roulette rn T.T
Can't have a bullet in there if he's doing it on himself, right? I didn't see how many bullets he put in there. or is he just fucked up in the head enough to do it anyway lol
Qian hugging Yuan in desperation
omg that napkin was literally what Yuan wrote as he thought they were his last words stuck on a mountain during his study abroad. and Qian was avoiding speaking to him during that time godddd, what a tragedy it would have been
and it's a good time to reveal that since they just did the russian roulette for e/o
I don't wanna read ppls thoughts or look at gifsets, I wanna just watch the next episode omg but I won't look at anything after ep 10 until I finish the whole thing since ep 11-12 spoilers will also be there, so I should look at stuff now.
Ep 10 (June 16)
Qian remembering everything Yuan's said and done
nose bleed...
parallels w the hair drying and cuddling to sleep, it'd be funny if san pang woke them up again
does Qian think he'll die
lmaoooooo San Pangcame but unfortunaly Qian was aklready downstairs
i knew bout this blood clot
not the i wish i could tie you up with a rope
Idk how Qian thinks he could possibly hide this from Yuan lol I'm surprised he hadn't just listened in or bothered Lin about the info
the three of them just exchanging eye contact and the focus from San Pang -> Qian with a zoom! sound effect was very funny
Yuan is so funny to San Pang lmfao he keeps being like San Pang ge thank you <3 to the point of uncomfortableness
welp indeed Yuan figured it out on his own
ah, Yuan's mad that Qian hid it from him and keeps saying he'll deal with it on its own
Qian made all of Yuan's favourites to try to win him over askdf but Yuan's still mad
Yuan taking a brief break from ignoring Qian's existence to take away greasy food/beer and give him and San Pang salad instead
San Pang once again telling Qian to consider Yuan and getting with him seriously
Did he not that he wants Yuan to have a future without him?
I think I got a little lost about what exactly led to Yuan storming out but ahhh that convo, fuck. Qian's turmoil and inner conflict and Yuan being like it's mind to deal with, not yours but Qian not being able to let Yuan go.
Ep 11 (June 16/17)
I wanna binge these last 3 eps but it's Eid so I'm busy and gotta watch the rest later. I'm really excited for this ep since it's gonna have the confession and also the sex scene but I know it made everybody fucking mad because of the editing (they had flashbacks to them as kids?) + position top/bottom implications/confusions lmfaoo
The first time Qian took initiative to grab Yuan omg
wait, we're already going into the house okay
I need a pillow or stuffed animal to dig my nails into rn omg i keep grabbing air
what was the more correct translation of "I've been waiting all my life. This isn't fast at all." that made me lose my mind when I saw it and I hadn't even been watching the show back then
"You don't even know what I dream about you at night" hah. hahahah. haha. ok
hello why are we having flashbacks to a conversation from 5 minutes in between the sex scene instead of just... being linear??? I didn't know this happened bc it got drowned out w the other complaints ig lmao
yeah, interspliced scenes we haven't seen before + flashbacks of scenes we've seen during a sex scene are already annoying but then WHY ARE THERE CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS. this is not the time to have kids on my damn screen wtf
also I just kinda took top Yuan from that, is it top Qian in the novel or something because I feel like people mentioned that it seemed one way but it wasn't supposed to be that way? or is it because the scene where Yuan had his bare legs splayed that gave the illusion of bottom Yuan and people didn't like that? I'm so curious
domestic morning kissing, they've really come all the way here
Lili's home?!
a fight? girl lmao ig Lili's the normal sibling who's not guessing that her other siblings are fucking, biologically related or not
what is this Le/Lin scene lmao
fancy dinner date at the same gangster restaurant as always lol but apparently Qian's reserved the whole place and made it romantic
Enough angles for one kiss!
restaurant owner gang uncle just witnessing all this lmfao I think it'd be hilarious if he gossips with Le-ge about Qian and his brother kissing
fuck, this nerve and surgery stuff is so scary fr
Okay, finished the last 10 minutes while having lunch the next day because I had to leave yesterday. Good to see both Yuan and Lili care about Qian and want to take care of him and such. Qian took up smoking again in all this stress. I still don't fully get all the mom stuff beyond she thoroughly abused him.
The sex scene was like... what??? and I'm glad I was already aware of its issues because I would've gone beserk if I was watching this weekly for 10 weeks and got that in return wtf. The whole show relies on their emotions and inner conflicts but it felt like neither aspect was truly explored in the scene and made worsened with the horrific editing.
Also I can't fucking reblog but this is maybe the post I was talking about with the translation during the sex scene. Yuan's line implies he's masturbated thinking about Qian which is like the most unsurprising thing ever.
Ep 12 (June 17)
Final episode, hope it at least ends well
Lili figures it out. she's kinda upset that she's the last one to know about it, her lines remind me of when Qian found out about her and San Pang haha
but what does she wanna say, why am I nervous that she's pregnant
lol Qian liking that Yuan's trying to help him out at work
I'm suddenly embarrassed, I really can't do office romances
Xiong-ge showing support in his awkward ways is nice
hehhehe Yuan coming to pick Qian up from work dressed up so nice and Qian kissing him outside after checking nobody's around
I got stressed out by Yuan kissing Qian at work omg in broad daylight with people around
yeah the office fujo will certainly keep this a secret lol as if a bunch of them weren't already gossiping like 4 years ago or whatever
I can't handle office romances guys my body shrivels up and my toes and fingers curl, I'm so embarrassed. can the employees stop squealing about it in public. I'm so stressed out by office gossip even if it's like shippy/supportive. also the excited fujo character can sometimes work for me in high school/college shows because it's like young characters but this in an office is like. no. their family and friends can know but i don't need to see their coworkers finding out unless it's meant to be a point of conflict
how can you be discussing top-bottom dynamics of your boss with your colleagues!! and asking your other boss about it !!!! let's get serious I hate this, I should skip through
HOW CAN YOU ASK THIS TO YOUR FUCKING BOSS?!?!?!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE A POSSIBLE THING?!?!?! this show is generally so grounded, even in it's more out-there aspects, that this is like... what world are we in? so inappropriate and also like probably homophobic because you would not be asking this if Qian was dating a woman
are they insinuating Qian's the top/tiger? That does not go with what I want form this trope so I'm ignoring it lmfao I can do verse because I can almost always ship verse but with the younger-guy-deeply-in-love-with-and-madly-pursues-older-guy-who-is-resistant-and-conflicted trope, I like a younger top
but i think people were also annoyed about this suggestion of top Qian lmfao, I think I remember reading comments about it
ah, Lili is indeed pregnant
aw, hug before the questioning but it's like genuine, not from anger. Especially important for them because their mother was terrible and they don't want a child to go through that again obvs
pls San Pang's also here loll I think it's good the ways they were all in different rooms
the panic when Xiao Bao knelt and the 3 of them also scrambling to kneel, especially when Qian also knelt
aw, Qian really was their da-ge, father, and mother all in one
Qian's afraid Lili will follow in their mother's footsteps (pregnant then married young) and be unhappy
why is this so good T.T
I can't believe the messy sex scene from last ep and the utter bullshit that was the office scene in this ep made me forget for a bit how good this show can be
Damn, they're really saving the surgery thing for the very last few minutes. anyway ik he doesn't die because everything would've gone up in flames if that happened
omg how much timeskip, there's a whole baby now
The office discussion actually made me so uncomfortable, it was so inappropriate and unnecessary, why didn't we take that time to... just show at least a bit of the surgery and aftermath or whatever? Like that was such a huge thing in the past 2-3 eps but it just... disappears and we assume it was successful bc of the ending
I'm so glad I got over my pseudo-incest brother-lover aversion because I can now watch this stuff in delight. Though I must say, my favourite aspect of this show is the little family trio with Qian, Yuan, and Lili, with San Pang occasionally invited as well. I loved how they cared for each other and how though Lili was left out of the romantic duo inside their trio, it didn't feel like she was forgotten or sidelined. They each had specific relationships with each of the other people, their interactions had their own flavours and it was so good.
The romance itself hm I think the development was nice, especially from Yuan's side since we saw how he thought of Qian and how he supported him and such. We also saw a bit of how Qian was so lost when Yuan was gone that even San Pang was wondering whether Qian liked Yuan and it would've been better if they hadn't sent him away. It just feels like since there was so much angst and build-up for like 10 episodes, their actual coming together should have been grander. The sex feels a bit sudden, I don't think it should've happened right after that conversation because Qian was barely ready to admit whether he saw Yuan as more romantically than just a brother, and then the editing of it all was terrible.
The surgery stuff also kinda dwindled, if they'd brought it up, I wished they would've at least shown the direct aftermath or whatever. I despised how we had the office Yuan/Qian gossip for so long in episode 12, we could've used it for better things. At least we ended with the Lili pregnancy announcement and coming together over that, which reminded me just at the end why I liked the show.
Some other things I really loved: 1) Qian's face, holy shit. Qian is so beautiful, like incredibly attractive to me, woah. Reminds me of Na Jaemin who I was also taken by when I stanned NCT; is it the lower half of their faces/their mouths? 2) The 2 scenes where Qian finds out Lili and San Pang are dating in ep 8 + finds out Lili's pregnant in ep 12 and just going to kill San Pang lol (also loved how Yuan was enjoying it in ep 8 but was helping San Pang and Lili out in ep 12 lol). 3) The episodes, especially the earlier-middle ones, were so addictive, I didn't end up reading the on-air reddit threads because I was too into watching the next ep instead of reading about it.
In the end, I don't think I'll think about it often, especially not the Yuan/Qian ship unless just to remember the brother-lover trope and even then, Kiseki's Chen Yi/Ai Di gave me more intense brainworms for a similar trope I think. I'm disappointed that I didn't love the show, its flaws are at moments that are too important. So deeply conflicted about whether to give 6 or 6.5, I'll go with 6.5 for now.
Rating: 6.5/10
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shinyhappysims · 4 months
Hello and happy Harvest fest! All of my children and grandchildren came in. We had a pot luck so everyone bought a different dish! I also invited my parents to come over.
Lucy got a new camera and wanted to take some pictures of all the family. She got some great shots!
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(l to r) Aaliyah (24), Jamilah (14), Khalil (7), Isioma (49), Anwar (51), Rahim (19), Malik (22), Layla (19), Imani (26)
28 years of marriage, 7 children and 6 grandchildren—I’m so grateful to God for this beautiful life of mine!
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My oldest Imani and her husband Raphaël (27) just welcomed their first children, twin girls Manon and Mireille (0). Their home is in Windenburg but they tour all across Simerica with their music ministry. They’re already excited for the girls and other future children to learn violin so they can make a small family orchestra!
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Aaliyah and Colby (23) have been married for 4 years and have 3 kids: Aaron (3), Bethany (1), and Christian (0). Colby is still a youth pastor at my brother’s church in Brindleton Bay.
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Malik and his wife Lucy (22) are both enjoying life together in Willow Creek. The two of them are extremely business savvy. Malik left the plumbing company he used to work at and opened his own and also offers electrical services. Lucy has expanded her photography business from just weddings to artistic photo shoots as well. She recently got an opportunity to do a shoot for a home décor magazine!
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Layla is back home for the holidays with her new beau Asher (19). They haven’t been dating for very long but it’s obvious that they care deeply about each other. Asher is a fine young man; he’s studying education, a member of the debate team and the vice president of his fraternity! He’s just as much of a high achieving student as our girl! Speaking of which, Layla is one of the top students at Foxbury and has a perfect 4.0 GPA. I’m so proud of her!
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Layla’s twin Rahim (19) lives in Copperdale with his wife Rina (19) and their daughter Rose (2). Rahim attends veterinary school and Rina is studying to be a paralegal online. Having Rose derailed a lot of plans for Rina but I admire her for getting back on her feet and having a backup plan in place.
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Lucy also got this shot of my beautiful parents. Everyday they continue to be with us is such a blessing. They are 87 and 83 now, so I’m not taking this time with them for granted.
Harvestfest was a huge success! Little Khalil was a huge help after dinner! And I didn’t even have to ask him!
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Yours, Isioma <3
14 notes · View notes
{Sonic the Hedgehog/Juniper of Ebon} [J.O.E EXTENDED SCENE 1]: "Bath Night" (For © KatarinaTheCat) [R-15+]
[Panel 1]
Hailey Ranna: ...And here is the private bathing area that I've also mentioned about.
Juniper: How beautiful, Hailey. ^^
Hailey Ranna: It's the best way to just sit back and relax ^^
[Panel 2]
Juniper: Do you actually come to this place very often, or...?
Hailey: Yes, Sometimes.
Juniper: Looks like place hasn't been done much. This place sure brings back memories, doesn't it?
Hailey: Yes. ^^ Indeed.
[Panel 3]
Juniper: *Whew* Well, I don't know about you, but I sure could go for a nice soak. My muscles might have been aching up a sweat :)
Hailey: Same here.
Juniper: So, it's just the two of us tonight? Just as long as no one's watching us?
Hailey: thats right. ^^
[Panel 4]
Juniper: *blushes* oh, well... I'm not sure that's quite possible...
Hailey: Don't worry, Juniper. ^^ It'll be alright.
[Panel 5]
Juniper: Well, it's just... I've never undress in front of another girl before ^///^
Hailey: Really?
Juniper: Yeah, it's actually my first time...
[Panel 6]
Hailey: So, you've never been to spas or bath houses before?
Juniper: Well, not in places like this. It's quite possible, actually.
Hailey: I see. Places like this sure is quite expensive.
Juniper: Kinda like what we're in right now?
Hailey: Obviously.
[Panel 7]
Juniper: Well, since we're actually both girls here... I might as well give it a shot ^^
Hailey: That's the spirit, Juniper. ^^
[Panel 8]
(After a few moments of undressing)
Both: *Sighs of relief*
[Panel 9]
Hailey: That's more like it. ^^
Juniper: Mmph... Now, that is refreshing ^///^
Hailey: Indeed. ^^
[Panel 10]
Juniper: *Curiously stares at Hailey's chest*
Hailey: What's wrong, Juniper?
[Panel 11]
Juniper: Ah, err... Nothing, just... Couldn't help but notice that your chest caught my attention... *Blushes* Sorry :/
Hailey: Its okay, Juniper. ^^ Say, you inherited your mother's bust and curves.
[Panel 12]
Juniper: Oh, uh... Thanks, I get that a lot sometimes. So, yeah... I actually kinda take after my family. It's basically a girl thing.
Hailey: I understand.
[Panel 13]
Juniper: So, what about you? Which family do you take after?
Hailey: Mostly my late mother.
Juniper: I've heard you both actually shared the same similarities. What's that like?
Hailey: Well, it's kind of a genetic thing; one carries the genes after another and vice versa. So, basically that sums up pretty much of my family history. I could say the same about you though ^^
[Panel 14]
June: You think so?
Hailey: Well, yes. I mean, you have your father's hair and all, but you also got your mother's curves. So technically that make pretty much of everything, doesn't it?
[Panel 15]
Juniper: I guess that's true... *thinks to herself while looking at her own chest*
[Panel 16]
Hailey: From what I hear, you sure are growing into a fine young woman. I can see why you take after her.
June: Yeah. Not to mention that my chest went bigger.
[Panel 17]
Hailey: Well, that does seem kinda obvious. Speaking of which, would you mind passing the bucket?
Juniper: Sure.
[Panel 18]
(June passes the bucket to Hailey)
[Panel 19]
Juniper: You know. There is something weird before I returned to Ebon. There was a little girl about 2 years or so, I think she's called Melissa. You're not gonna believe this, but she snuggled and placed her face between my chest.
[Panel 20]
(Hailey rises out of the tub as she proceeds to rinse herself.)
Hailey: Really? How did you think you've managed to leave that part out?
June: I have no idea why she did that.
[Panel 21]
(Hailey proceeds to rinse herself the second time)
Hailey: Well, she must have a reason for doing that. I meant, she is a kid after all. Not to mention a toddler in her early years.
Juniper: Yeah. She's just a child. Some of them are kinda like that sometimes.
Hailey: Yeah, well.... Believe it or not. I used to be like that once. Full of energy not knowing what the outside world was like. All I did was remain at the palace all day while being looked after by maids.
June: Yeah. That happens to many kids that age.
[Panel 22]
(Hailey rinses herself the third time before re-entering the bath)
Hailey: I'm guessing you might've went through the same thing?
[Panel 23]
(Hailey reenters the bath)
Juniper: So, what's your secret?
Hailey: What? You mean my hair? Usually I just brush three times daily. I just happen to braid them on most occasions. At any rate, I'm sure this kid didn't really give you much trouble, though if I'm not mistaken.
[Panel 24]
Juniper: It's not like that. She's usually a good kid, really. Just... Not in the way you actually think ^^'
Hailey: Oh? Then, how would you describe her?
[Panel 25]
Juniper: Quite small, actually. I mean, she was kinda interested in my breasts. Honestly, I don't exactly know why. Force of habit, perhaps...?
Hailey: I guess that would explain how she managed to end up landing on your chest in the first place, even though she shouldn't be allowed to. But regardless, she is still a child after all.
Juniper: I know... I just find that a bit bizarre, even.
[Panel 26]
Hailey: Say, would you mind scrubbing my back for me? Even though, I can't reach from there?
Juniper: *Picks up sponge* Oh, yeah. Certainly.
[Panel 27]
(June starts scrubbing Hailey's back)
Hailey: Mmmmmm... Thats the stuff.. ^^
[Panel 28]
Juniper: I have to tell you, I think this bath is definitely what we need after a long day. Don't you think so?
Hailey: Yes, totally, Juniper. ^^
[Panel 29]
Juniper: *Blushes a bit* So, how are you and Andrew adjusting to this new life that you've planned out so far?
Hailey: Well, actually we've already started making some recommendations for this ceremony that's happening a few weeks by now. And what's best, is that everyone else on Ebon already received their invitations as well. I'm sure that Andrew recommends that you meet him there also. It's probably for the best if you give him a bit of closure even at this hour.
[Panel 30]
Juniper: Did they also say when the ceremony was due?
Hailey: No, but they mentioned the date that it was going to take place in. So, it shouldn't be much of a surprise overall.
[Panel 31]
Juniper: *Passed bucket around* Sounds like you and Andrew took a lot of consideration, the way I'd see it. *Rinses Hailey's lower back*
Hailey: Well, you know how Andrew is when it comes to celebrations like this. These things actually mean a lot to him.
[Panel 32]
Juniper: Remember how Viola used to tell me about the way you've handled Hiretsuna, even in Wolf form when you managed to leave a mark on him at that point? *rinses Hailey's back again*
Hailey: Boy, did I ever! Although, I can't say for certain that it was that easy to pull off.
Juniper: Out of a Song-and-Dance number, why else wouldn't it be?
[Panel 33]
Hailey: I guess it wouldn't matter much... So, how's the water, btw? Warm? Hot? Perhaps a bit in between?
Juniper: It feels FANTASTIC. Tbh, I was kinda a bit nervous at first when you asked to join you at a private bathing area, even if it involves... Getting undressed in front of another girl °///°
[Panel 34]
Hailey: You get used to it every now and then. Besides, I could use a bit of company ^^
Juniper: ^^
[Panel 35]
Hailey: Do you mind if I wash your hair for a while? It'll be a quick wash, I promise.
Juniper: Alright, sure.
[Panel 36]
*Hailey gently washes Juniper's hair for a while*
[Panel 37]
Juniper: *starts to giggle as Hailey keeps lathering her hair, which makes her squirm a bit*
Hailey: Hold still, Juniper. I can't keep washing there if you start moving.
Juniper: Sorry, Hailey, but that tickles a bit.
[Panel 38]
Hailey: Ok, ok. We're almost done, Now we'll just have to scrub around the rest of your entire body. Now hold still, this'll only take a minute.
Juniper: Okay. *trying to be still and calm as possible*
[Panel 39]
*Juniper starts giggling again as Hailey begins scrubbing away at her entire body, which kinda makes Juniper ticklish even more.*
Juniper: *Squirming* A-ah! No, wait-- Not that way! *Giggles* Please, stop! *Starts laughing* That's my special area! *Giggles even more*
[Panel 40]
Hailey: :3 *Stops scrubbing for a moment; then passes the bucket around for the 3rd time.* Alright, alright... Here. Now, we'll just have to rinse the suds right off you.
June: ^^
[Panel 41]
*Juniper shuts her eyes as Hailey proceeds to rinse all the suds off, starting with head, and then mostly her entire body as the water splashes all over her, which causes her to spit out some*
[Panel 42]
Juniper: Thanks, Hailey.
Hailey: ...There we go. All done. Now, doesn't that feel better?
June: Yeah. Totally. ^^
[Panel 43]
Hailey: Ok. Now, it's your turn to give this girl a good scrubbing ^///^
Juniper: Okay. Let's see what I can do.
[Panel 44]
(Juniper proceeds to do the same thing for Hailey, but only a bit more gently.)
[Panel 45]
(Juniper passes the bucket again then proceeds to rinse all the suds off the same way Hailey did.)
[Panel 46]
(Junes sneaks up on Haily and then drop some water on her afterwards.)
[Panel 47]
Hailey gets all soak as Juniper begins to snicker.)
[Panel 48]
(Hailey smirks as she shrugs if off, knowing that's it's all for fun.)
[Panel 49]
Juniper: ^^
Hailey: Well, it would seem that both of us are all SOAKED.
June: Yeah. *giggles*
[Panel 50]
Hailey: Not to mention naked at that. But, at least we're both girls here ^^
June: Good point. ^^
[Panel 51]
Hailey: *lies back a bit* Hah... Now, doesn't this feel like paradise?
June: Yeah. ^^
Hailey: I feel like I can just stay here a hours.
June: Me too. ^^
[Panel 52]
*Juniper proceeds to sit down as she lets a bit water trickle all over*
Juniper: ^^
[Panel 53]
Hailey: *Sees something on Juniper's left thigh, knowing to be a birthmark of some sort*
[Panel 54]
(Juniper starts whistling to herself as Hailey begins to notice looking at something on June's left thigh as she relaxes for a bit)
[Panel 55]
(June begins to blush a bit, but not much)
[Panel 56]
(June shrugs it off as she gently taps her feet into water gleefully while Hailey looks on curiously.)
Hailey: You seem to have a birthmark on your left side there... How long have you had that for?
[Panel 57]
Juniper: oh, this? *Shows birthmark* This is just something that I was actually born with, is all. I think it was something that Mrs. Grey herself mentioned earlier to me at the orphanage a while back.*
Hailey: I see.
[Panel 58]
Juniper: Yeah. I think this birthmark's supposed to represent something special, or someone in particular, I didn't really know what that means, at first. I thought it was just some plain birthmark that I was often born with.
Hailey: I must say, this birthmark seems extraordinary.
[Panel 59]
Juniper: Well, I just figured it might be something that I was born with genetically even at a very young age. So, I guess that explains how I got it in the first place.
Hailey: Have you ever figured out where you even got it from?
[Panel 60]
Juniper: No, not really. All I know is that I might've got it for a reason. It usually runs in the family.
Hailey: Good point
[Panel 61, 62, 63]
*Hailey rises from her bath, then proceeds to sits alongside a naked Juniper as both of them begin to chuckle*
[Panel 64]
Juniper: Y'know, I have to admit, this definitely feels way better than I've imagined it would ^///^
Hailey: See? I've told you :)
[Panel 65, 66, 67]
*Both Juniper and Hailey sit for a while, then they proceed to reenter the bath as Juniper looks on at Hailey's chest while she sits back and relaxes for a while*
[Panel 68]
Hailey: Y'know, you could stop staring. My chest isn't THAT big.
Juniper: *Blushing* Sorry. Force of Habit.
[Panel 69]
Hailey: So, have you considered about staying here? Ebon still needs a priestess to look after things, after all.*
[Panel 70]
*Juniper hesitated abit but she accepts it*
[Panel 71]
Hailey: Very good. So, we're both agreed then.
[Panel 72]
Juniper: Yeah, it's just... I wasn't sure first when you told me that I would have to fit in the position as a priestess, but it's good to know that I keep track of these things, even though if it is a huge responsibility.
Hailey: Well, I'm sure something might turn out eventually. I could say the same about Andrew, though.
Juniper: Yeah.
[Panel 73]
Hailey: You're still thinking about your old home, aren't you? Your old friends, and Probably also Mrs. Grey herself?
Juniper: *tearfully nodded* I know. I'm sorry, it's just... I'm actually more comfortable being on Earth there rather than just having to return here after learning about my true heritage and all that. But, after being away for so long, I just can't seem to decide on what my true place is; Either it be Earth or Ebon otherwise*
[Panel 74]
Hailey: I'm sure it must been hard, even for you.
Juniper: Well, I'm glad you understand that.
[Panel 75]
Hailey: I know that feeling... My father used to tell me the same thing as well.
Juniper: When was this?
[Panel 76]
Hailey: Oh, I think a couple of years back should do it. I would ask him the same question just to be sure if was on the right track of becoming the rightful ruler for Ebon. Needless to say, I was a bit anxious at first. But overtime, I've managed to overcome my obstacles as well as learning from them. Surprisedly, it wasn't that easy to begin with.
Juniper: that's relatable.
[Panel 77]
Hailey: I just feel like anything's possible here, y'know?
[Panel 78]
June: *nodded abit*
[Panel 79]
Hailey: It's a good thing you still have us around or else you would've been lost without us, for sure.
June: Not to mention very vulnerable without you guys
[Panel 80, 81]
Hailey: Well, you still got Andrew to thank for that, having to bring you back all the way to Ebon, even when things got a bit off a rocky start at first.
Juniper: It is nice... I could get being used to loving in this place, I guess.
[Panel 82, 83]
Hailey: Besides, by having you around these days, who knows what you might get to see besides Echidna Town.
Juniper: Maybe. but, I don't know... Lancelot and Hiretsuna might eventually show up after being imprisoned in crystal and maybe even try to get back at us.
[Panel 84, 85]
Hailey: He's just one lousy Echidna. Don't let the likes of him get your spirits down.
Juniper: Easy for you to say, You weren't sent to earth as a baby like I was. You're an actual princess yourself.
[Panel 86, 87]
Hailey: Actually, not necessarily... Some of the other felines took a disliking to me as a young girl back then...
Juniper: In what way?
[Panel 88, 89]
Hailey: Back when I was your age, they said I didn't belong with them because they think I was too "self-entitled" and "materialistic" to even fit in. But, you know what? I was kind, to each and every one of them. They may have written me off, but that won't stop me from giving them the benefit doubt.*
Juniper: I think I might as well sleep on that one...
[Panel 90]
Hailey: ...Still not convinced?
Juniper: *Quietly grumbling to herself*
[Panel 91, 92]
*Out of nowhere, Hailey playfully splashes a bit of water onto Juniper, which gets her all soaked up from before.*
[Panel 93, 94]
Juniper: *Sputters* What was THAT for??
Hailey: *innocently* To snap you out of it, silly ^^
Juniper: Yeah-- *Coff* but, not like that! *Sputters*
[Panel 95, 96, 97, 98]
*Hailey quietly chuckles to herself. Then, out of nowhere, Juniper quickly passes the bucket and then playfully splashes some water onto her, now even more soaked than ever, Hailey sputters, then smirks at Juniper*
[Panel 99, 100]
Juniper: There. Now we're EVEN ^^
Haily: *giggles*
[Panel 101, 102, 103, 104]
*Both Juniper and Hailey start splashing each other just to make things more fun. They do this for hours, until finally they eventually start to get tired, then they sit back and go back to another hour of relaxation time.*
[Panel 105]
Juniper: Well, THAT was fun ^^
Hailey: Yeah, tell me about it.
[Panel 106, 107]
Juniper: Y'know, I could get used to living here in a place like Ebon. I think I might like it here ^^
Hailey: *Chuckles* You still have a lot to learn about Ebonitians, my friend ;)
[Panel 108]
Juniper: :)
[Panel 109, 110,]
*Both Juniper and Hailey calm down for a moment, then they take a few minutes to think about what they're going to do next, still not saying a thing as they relax for now*
[Panel 111, 112]
Juniper: ...Wanna go get something to eat?
Hailey: ...Ok, sure :)
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Get to know my oc tag
Thank you @cabbojage for the tag! Check out their post here.
I'm going to leave this as an open tag so anyone can join in!
I'm doing this for Rai and doing it interview style because it seems fun!
1. Are you named after anyone?
R: Not that I know of. I think my parents just liked the name. Its kind of old fashioned though...
2. When was the last time you cried?
R: I can't really remember...
3. Do you have kids?
R: I'm a bit young for that don't you think? I don't want them anyway
4. Do you use sarcasm?
R: Eh not really. I don't see the point. It's better to just say what I mean.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
R: Usually their expression. I try and notice if people seem agitated or dangerous so I can avoid them. I don't like getting into confrontations and stuff like that.
6. What’s your eye colour?
R: Brown like my parents'.
7. Any special talents?
R: I can't think of anything special but I'm good at magic I guess?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
R: I like both of them! It depends what I'm in the mood for, you know? I usually watch films with happy endings though. Less depressing.
9. Where were you born?
R: Niruna. It's not great... My parents ran away together when my mum got pregnant so I got stuck here. I think they should have gone some place nicer.
10. What are your hobbies?
R: Uhh I'm not sure. I've tried a lot of things guitar, woodworking, drawing, robotics, a bunch of sports... but I can never stick with them. I mostly like just going out around the city. There's a lot of abandoned buildings to explore.
11. Do you have any pets?
R: Not not at home but sometimes I let stray cats into my room to hang out with them. But when I have my own place I'm going to have pet cats!
12. What sports do you play/have played?
R: I've done football (soccer), rugby, hockey and some others but I like running the most. I'm decent at long distance. Although recently, I haven't had much time for sports.
13. How tall are you?
R: Around 5'6 I think? I'm not very tall.
14. Favourite subject at school?
R: I hated most of them... Probably maths? You don't have to read much for that.
15. Dream job?
R: Being rich enough to not have a job? I'm not sure really... I used to want to be a mechanic but I don't think I'm smart enough. I failed a lot of my exams this year and they were pretty important.
Questions under the cut if you want them:
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
What’s your eye colour?
Any special talents?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Do you have any pets?
What sports do you play/have played?
How tall are you?
Favourite subject at school?
Dream job?
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cto10121 · 2 years
So are you telling me that forcing kids that might be as young as 14 to kiss onstage when they might not even be ready to have intimacy on their own terms is the way to go?
I’m telling you that this is exactly the type of manipulative moralism neo-Puritans love to utilize, riddled with too many logical fallacies and gross implications to count. But we’ll count them anyway.
1) Theater is not a requirement in American schools, it’s an elective. The students are there because they actively chose to be there. So no, no one is forcing them to be there. They literally signed up for the class.
2) ‘Young as fourteen’ Portraying a thirteen-year-old Juliet who not only kisses her lover at least three times and spends the majority of the play apart from him (R&J only have four key scenes together in which they interact). If high school students are too young to act the part of a character their own age or younger, then it’s the biggest hypocrisy to even perform the play with students at the high school level. The true answer would be not to do it at all. But of course, these people are not the sharpest tools in the shed.
3) We don’t know whether the high schoolers are freshmen or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were juniors or even seniors; the infantilization is very real. Also, it well may be that today’s freshmen are not up to performing Shakespeare. Or that today’s teachers would even deem them up to performing Shakespeare at that age.
4) Stage intimacy is not at all like real-life intimacy. And of course, there is always the Takarazuka fake-kissing. But thank you for outing yourself as unable to distinguish between real life and art. Or at least swallowing the neo-Puritan Kool-Aid uncritically. Don’t feed the clowns, anon. Or eat their feed yourself.
5) Even if the students were truly unable to handle this intimacy, the teacher is renouncing all responsibility in making sure they are all right and getting their consent at all levels. Instead, she assumes that they will not handle the material and removes that choice for them. That is a very bad message to give these kids. Anything even slightly discomforting is to be avoided and no, you don’t decide whether or not you can handle the material. It’s the opposite of liberal or enlightening or empowering. It’s reactionary.
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sungbeam · 2 years
ask me something >:]
literally was bored waiting in line so i concocted a list of random and oddly specific things to send to my inbox ^_^
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1. ur favorite word
2. ur on-loop song of the day
3. opinion on sleeping w socks or barefoot
4. roast or freeze weather?
5. does ur circadian clock work/r u an insomniac or r u weird and have an actual sleep schedule?
6. have u watched the sunrise before and was it bc u woke up early or bc u pulled an all nighter?
7. coffee or tea, and hot or iced?
8. bomber jackets or leather jackets or denim jackets?
9. what is a staple for building ur outfit every day?
10. describe ur outfit rn
11. go-to boba order
12. ur favorite plushie
13. have u written anything today?
14. have u opened any wips today?
15. what color is ur hair?
16. stem or humanities kid?
17. name the languages u can speak and the languages u would like to speak
18. have u read/seen anything cool today?
19. the highlight of ur commute?
20. describe ur vibe
21. ur spirit supernatural creature?
22. give us a boring fact abt u
23. rant.
24. r u the parent of ur friend group or the child
25. r u usually considered young or old amongst ur peers?
26. one adjective people always use to describe u, and as grateful as u r, there are other adjectives and synonyms that exist 💀
27. what did u have for lunch today
28. have u even eaten today??
29. writing w pen or pencil, ,, or r u an ipad kid™.
30. favorite fruit
31. something simple that u wish u took more advantage of in ur life
32. ever ridden on a train before?
33. do u like planes and plane rides; additionally, ur view on airports
34. favorite hour of the day/night
35. ur current idol muse
36. have u been to disneyland
37. do u like roller coasters
38. what r u a very avid fan of? like if someone heard u geek out abt this, they would be v intimidated by how alive you've suddenly become?
39. know any card games?
40. favorite board game
41. favorite childhood tv show (disney channel and nickelodeon kids unite!!; or maybe even cartoon network?)
42. favorite emoji w a face
43. an emoji that creeps u tf out
44. favorite color of the sky
45. how r u irl? like if we went on a walk together to just talk abt life, how'd it go down?
46. have u ever dreamed abt an idol
47. ever been confessed to before?
48. an awkward, awkward relationship
49. a beautiful quote/phrase
50. recommend a fic or author
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Anon Ask About JPN Media
Triggering topics underneath the cut
Anonymous asked:
It additionnally doesn't make sense to say that jpn media all have a pedo bait. The modern world may seems obsessed over them but honestly
1, pedophilia is a rather modern concept and back then, the religious weight of relationship outside of marriage + of punitions and the mores + the fact that it did existed but in a different form. Back then it was child prostitution, nothing with what those people are afraid of and that child prostitution was generally young teenagers, post puberty because back then, and even now, 15 and the likes of it is the age of consent / sexual majority in big part of the world.
2, pedophiles are only a small, very small amount of the mondial population, so who would think of appealing to them ?
3 , the great majority of pedophiles have been proven to not be especially attracted towards children, they were just assholes. Heck, there were even some case of people who have attractions towards children seeking helps and treatement in an hospital for people with mental disorders, seeking to be healed.
4, the content they fear so much and that they keep on denouncing are hightly under control since the governement ITSELF watches it and filters it so there ain't no way, would an anime have that, that the jpn authority, who are not guys that likes to jokes with those things, would have let that slide. And in general that kind of content involve ACTUAL children and are very hard to find. When anime has a loli/shota content that makes you go "NNNNNNOOOOOOPPPPE" it's often a R 18 rated kind and is less diffused, has less popularity and so on and so on. Hentai/ecchi means R18 so it's for a mature audience and it's only THERE that there might be the "shotacon" or "lolicon" they fear so much. It was the case for Boku no Pico (god why does this exist) and others, many others.
5, Last time I checked Japan did not have such a hight rate of pedocriminality as the Internet tries to make it seems. Heck, Western countries have a highter rate!! And even if the age of consent that was 13 was rised up to 16, the prefectures ALWAYS had a higher age consent then the 13 years thing. And I'd like to add that age of consent/sexual majority doesn't mean that 45 years old can sleep with little 15 years old, but that a 15 year old is considered mature enough to express consent or not in the case of... i don't know ? dating someone who is 17 and might be legally an adult next year without ending up in prison ? That and the fact that civilian majority is also considered not to be enough for the people who complain since for them a 19 year old is still to young to date a 25 years old because it's only at 25 that you are a fully brain developped adult... yeah sure, numbers reflects the maturity, as if there were not case of 26 year old being less mature than 18 year old.
Just to say, when we don't live in the country and only knew of Japan throught internet and stuff, best to not assume how things go. Different cultures doesn't mean they aren't aware of the same moral problem than in the West or the rest of the world, but simply that their culture offers them different way of handling it.
Now they can shit as much as they want on Japan for having naked png that have a kids' shape, but Westernian art did too, yet I don't see anyone shitting on Botticelli for paiting a naked baby.
It is a very fascinating conversation to be had, especially since I think people really misrepresent how Japan's consent laws work. They see the "13/14 aoc" and go into a frenzy or just claim that Japan is full of pervs and honestly it gets preeeetty damn racist/xenophobic. Like, it intersects into this position of "the Japanese are morally bankrupt and seek to titilate/make money over all else and that's why they try to appeal to the lowest common denominator" and that's really yikes. People are so quick to weaponize their disgust-which for topics like this it's understandable, but still eh. There's more nuance to these types of conversations, and to generalize an entire country as being disgusting shows that the nuance is lost on people.
Plus, as you say, loli/shota stuff itself is still extremely niche in Japan, so it's not as prevalent as people make it out to be. It's just... again, adults complain about horny moments in shows meant for high schoolers lmao.
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pterodactylterrace · 4 months
"I’d say this
1-Don’t have Laenor simply decide to abandon his grieving mother and father after the death of his sister while also murdering someone in the process. That turned a sympathetic character into someone I honest to god hope suffers forever. The face of Rhaenys when she thinks her son died is gut wrenching
2-Keep Aegon a rapist, but remove the fighting pits. The first is in line with his character. The second is absurd, the guy who supposedly drank and raged after the death of his sons would not watch his bastards murder each other for fun.
3-Entire Green council gets changed pretty much. Remove the Viserys nonsense. Let Criston Cole actually just murder beesbury instead of it being an accident. Let the greens present their actual arguments (Great council precedent, Bastards, Daemon, fear for their safety) and let Aegon and Helaena have their big moments. Allow Cole to crown Aegon and convince him to take the throne. Remove the getting to Aegon first plot line entirely.
4-Daemon should have had his caring moment of carrying Laena’s body. It makes a very evil character seem more human to me.
5-Give Rhaenyra some teeth. She’s just sulking around non stop and constantly asking for her father and Daemon to fix her problems. Either portray her as that (a petty vain noble girl who wants the throne while not willing to fight for it) or commit to her as the girl boss Dany 2.0 they want her to be. This nonsense of Rhaenyra being simultaneously Visenya reborn (unironically in the show instead of a hypocritical lie in the books) doesn’t work if she’s just asking the men around her for help
6-Alicent should have been an active schemer after Driftmark. During the death of Viserys we should have gotten an Alicent monologue where she talks about her life with him and the neglect of the kids. And how she will defy him and crown Aegon
7-No accident for Luke. Let these characters actually intend to do what they do. Aemond was already sympathetic with the changes of the bullying; they didn’t need to whitewash him while demonizing Aegon.
9-Have Rhaenyra murder Vaemond like she does in canon. Show that the greens have reasons to fear her.
10-Stop with the Larys Strong feet thing. I get it’s not a feet fetish, but all it does is victimize Alicent further instead of developing the characters.
11-Have Otto show some concern for his family more often. He’s not Tywin Lannister. Otto is a Grey character, he’s a schemer and uses his family members for it, but he does love them. Make that more clear for the audience.
12-Aegon and Sunfyre needed more scenes.
13-Remove the white hart. It’s pointless and just pandering to the Blacks for no reason. And it even fails at that since Criston was there too and he crowns Aegon.
14-I wanted Helaena to be portrayed as a happy young woman, a couple of scenes with Jaehaerys , Maelor and Jaehaera would have been a great way to contrast her character pre and post BC. While also humanizing the children.
15-Remove the Mysaria accent. Please
16-In general we needed a couple more episodes in the season"
Oh boy. A LIST!!!
Okie dokie, I’m just gonna go in blind and respond to each point as I go!
Not sure what character was made particularly sympathetic. I agree it was messed up and a pointless change only made to make Rhaenyra look better. It didn’t make Rhaenyra sympathetic imo. Laenor was trying to recommit himself to Rhaenyra, break up with Qarl and play his part. She took everything from him. He was sent away penniless without his dragon, his family or even his shoes. I mean, yeah, it’s great that Laenor escaped, but an innocent person still died.
Still not sure how “pinching and fondling” translates into “rapist”. I mean, I made a whole post about how the two are different, but hey, what do I know? Also, in the books, Gaemon (the kid in the pit) is actually from a sailor from Lys, according to his mother. Also, also, how did Erryk know about the pits if Aegon slips away and evades him? Seems convenient that Erryk just knows about his doings while also admitting to Otto that he doesn’t know what he gets up to. Pick a narrative, does Erryk know what Aegon gets up to or not?
I’m all for changing it to Alicent wanting Aegon to take the throne without the stupid misunderstanding. I would have loved to see him and Helaena flying around KL after being crowned. Instead, they had to take away the one shining moment the greens had and turn it into Rhaenys’s gIrLBoSs moment where she kills hundreds of innocent people, all for the sake of just looking cool. (But they aren’t biased AT ALL) (Like seriously, there was a back exit to the pit that the dragons use, why did she crash through the ceiling and kill a bunch of small folk rather than just going out the big open door???)
Umm… they changed her manner of death. This can’t happen with her canon death. Vhagar roasted her. There wouldn’t be much left to carry… Also, they were going with the angle of “Daemon didn’t care for his second wife, Rhaenyra 4eva!” So, there’s that.
Honestly, I just hate how whiny Rhaenyra is. Nothing is ever her fault, even when it is absolutely her fault and something she could have easily prevented.
All for Alicent wanting the throne for her son.
If it being an accident is what it takes to get some nakie Aemond time… I’m just a ho 🤷🏻‍♀️
All we wanted was a throw away line. They cut it but left in the Rhaenyra and Daemon fucking on the beach scenes. Couldn’t have cut those down to introduce a whole ass character? (But again, they aren’t biased!)
I mean, the same amount of fucks were given in the show and the book. Blows my mind that Daemon can behead a nobleman from a prominent house in open court and face no consequences. No wonder Rhaenyra turned out how she did. Viserys just apparently doesn’t believe in consequences for Targaryens.
It’s meant to show the creepy hold he has over her. She doesn’t want what is happening to happen, but feels she has no choice.
Seems he likes Helaena. That’s enough for me 🥰
Agree. Also, can the dragons just be COLORFUL? So sick of these murky ass color schemes because they wanted to make dragons look “realistic”.
Yeah, I’m not sure what they were trying to do with that whole thing. Was it meant to be a good omen to kill it or something? Usually good omens aren’t achieved through killing things.
We definitely needed more of Helaena and the children. Maybe even highlight how little Aegon seems to care for them.
Was I the only one not offended by it? Yeah, it was odd, but it wasn’t as bad as everyone seems to think, imo.
That is hard to debate because they definitely wanted it to end where it ended, so we need more specifics on where to put these episodes. There were a lot of time jumps to deal with as well, so it gets tricky to lay a blanket statement requesting more.
0 notes
shammah8 · 5 months
📅 SUN. 14TH APRIL 2024
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9).
Pastor Chris Says
One remarkable distinction between Jesus and the prophets of old is that Jesus had the fullness of the Godhead dwelling in Him. The Holy Spirit was within Him, but the prophets only had the Holy Spirit come upon them from time to time.
For example, we read the story in Judges 6 when Gideon was chosen by God to deliver Israel from the Midianites. The Bible says, "But the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and Abiezer was gathered after him" (Judges 6:34).
Also, in the 14th chapter, we find the story of Samson who encountered a young lion while on his way to Timnath. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, enabling him to tear the lion apart "as he would have torn a kid" (Judges 14:6).
In 1 Samuel 10:10, before Saul became king, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he prophesied among the prophets. Also, read the story of David in 1 Samuel 16:13. After Samuel anointed David as the future king of Israel, the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him.
But today, the dynamics have changed. We're in the generation of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit doesn't come on us like He did with those in the Old Testament. He lives in us now in His fullness. The Holy Spirit lives in you in His maximum capacity and entirety, just like Paul said about Jesus in Colossians 1:19, "For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell."
In the next chapter, Paul also reiterated, "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Colossians 2:9). Then in the very next verse, He was quick to add that we are complete in Him: "And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power" (Colossians 2:10).
So, today, just like Jesus, when you walk the streets, it's with the fullness of the Godhead. God Almighty, in His fullness, lives, walks and talks in you. Hallelujah! Can you see that you aren't an ordinary person? You're a God-carrying vessel, filled with His fulness, and doing extraordinary things. Glory to God!
            🙏 P R A Y E R
Dear Father, I thank you for the indwelling of your Holy Spirit within me. I'm a God-carrying vessel, replete with the maximum load of God. I am not an ordinary person; I am a vessel of divine power. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Amen.
1 John 4:4;  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 
Ephesians 3:14-20;  For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
[15] of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
[16] that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
[17] that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
[18] may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
[19] and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
[20] Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 
Colossians 1:26-27;  even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:
[27] to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
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automatismoateo · 6 months
Islam's indoctrination is crazy via /r/atheism
Islam's indoctrination is crazy i'm a an ex muslim and i dont belive most muslims are actually fundamentally bad people but the religion is crazy, for example me when i was just 4 years old my father began to make me memorize the quran and sent me to quran school to make me the best muslim he can, because you have responsibility over your wife and kid's and in the "day judgment". when i was 8-12 i began to be more westernized and even got a girlfriend and one day i questioned god in front of my dad and the next day we went on "vocation" which is really sending me to a reeducation camp in Somalia were you will be whippet and sometimes beaten until you break some bones, and it wasn't just me there the were all kind of somalis from Europa and USA some are sent there because of them being gay, not having strong enough faith or just them being troublesome and in the camp you will be thought the quran and be made to the ultimat muslim whether you like it or not. my point is islam indoctrinates muslims from a very young age and belive me when i tell you islam is one of the worst religions created. Submitted March 14, 2024 at 06:32PM by Ok-Number-4597 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/k3Bsb6U)
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skz-rin · 7 months
『📜』 ── Her family
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Mother -`♡´-
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╰ birth name — Bae Gyu-mi (최광민)
╰ other name — Grace Bae
╰ birthdate — February 22, 1964
╰ birthplace — Gangnam, south korea
╰ hometown — Gangnam, south korea
╰ race — Asian
╰ ethnicity — Korean
╰ nationality — Korean
╰ mbti — ENTJ
╰ occupation — Financial Advisor
╰ contact name — Boss lady 👑❤️ / chér ❤️❤️
⸝⸝ about ↴
Rin has always been very close to her mom ever since she was a child always wanting to match outfits with her and do the things that she did. Grace is the one how thought Rin how to sing and is the reason that Rin is so passionate about wanting to debut as an idol.
Grace as a parent is a bit stoic and considerably rigid about certain rules that she has set always wanting to make sure her kids are independent and can make work on their own. She has always had certain expectations from her kids but never implies them to the point of hurting the kids. Although she is definitely the stricter parent it's just because she wants to make sure her kids are able to stand on their own in the world without any support. She is overall a more calm and rational person.
Father -`♡´-
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╰ birth name — Bao Weizhong (鮑 伟忠)
╰ other name — Daniel Bao
╰ birthdate — August 4, 1970
╰ birthplace — Hefei, China
╰ hometown —Hefei, China
╰ race — Asian
╰ ethnicity — Chinese
╰ nationality — Chinese
╰ mbti — INFP
╰ occupation — owner of his own company
╰ contact name — 爸爸 🥺♥️ / 小鸣鸟
╰ about ↴
Rin's father is probably the most supportive man known to mankind. He has always supported whatever dreams she may have had always playing into her whims and fantasies regardless of however silly they may be. He was and still is her biggest hypeman.
As a parent Weizhong has always tried to introduce his kids to new adventures and make as many memories as possible. He loves to live in the moment often taking his kids on spontaneous trips. He does try to pass down his values through trips or stories. He hopes to make sure that his kids are aware that he will always be there to support them and that they shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes.He is in general a sweet and carefree sort of person.
Brother -`♡´-
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╰ birth name — Bao Longyu (鮑 隆雨)
╰ other name — Julien Bao
╰ birthdate — N/A
╰ birthday celebration - April 14, 1999
╰ birthplace — Shanghai, China (assumed)
╰ hometown — Shanghai, China / New york city, New york
╰ race — Asian
╰ ethnicity — Chinese (assumed)
╰ nationality — Ameican
╰ mbti — ISTJ
╰ occupation — Chief operations officer at their dad's company
╰ contact name — ogre 🧌🤢 / shrimp 🦐
╰ about ↴
Rin's brother has always been the biggest constant in her life, the first time that she was away from him was when she moved to Korea to be an idol. He is the calm to her chaos, her voice of reason ever since she was young always making sure she didn't take any rash decisions.
Rin's parents adopted him on a family trip to china when Rin was barely a year old after doing some medical tests and such it was found that Longyu was two years old which made him a year older to Rin. Longyu has always been a calm person preferring to stay quietly at home and read books and talk with his mom rather than go out but he'd often go and hangout with Rin's friends to 'chaperone' and make sure she stays safe. He is a very collected and level-headed person with Rin being the only one who can actually test his limits.
Pets -`♡´-
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From L -> R
name — XueXue
╰ about ↴
Her name is just the chinese word for snow repeated twice to make it sound very cutesy
Xuexue is a pure white persian cat
XueXue is one of the more recent adoptions to the family. Rin's dad bought her home from the shelter after she refused to even be looked at by someone else often hissing at people wanting to adopt her.
XueXue is a princess to put it simply she is very much spoilt and she adores it. She has her own closet and picks her own accesories of the day!!!
2. name — Spiky
╰ about ↴
His name is pretty self explanatory. He has spikes so he's named spiky
Spiky is an African Pygmy hedgehog.
Spiky was found on the roadside under heavy rain one time when Rin's dad was on his way home from work so he picked the little hedgehog up and decided to care for him.
Spiky is a solitary animal preferring to spend time in hos cage or walk alone in the garden although he loves bath time and has shown to get extremely excited during that time playing around in the water even accepting pets and cuddles
3. name — Xun
╰ about ↴
His name means 'dusk' in chinese referring to his mix of dark and light fur
Xun is a pekingese dog which is a breed native to china
Xun along with his mother and siblings was rescued by Rin's father from a breeder. Xun's mother sadly passed away from the extensive stress of the breeding corporation. Rin's father decided to adopt Xun after all of his siblings had been adopted by various people.
Xun has a constant case of the zoomies always running around and wanting to play and have fun, constantly barking to draw attention. running up and down the stairs even occasionally tripping people or breaking artifacts. But it's all okay cause he's a cutie.
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From L -> R
name — Ttang
╰ about ↴
His name is basically the ending of korean word 'seoltang' and 'satang' meaning sugar and candy respectively.
Ttang is a toy poodle
Ttang was the first pet that Rin got as a child, she got him as her 6th birthday present and was ecstatic
Ttang is a very quiet and low energy dog preferring to cuddle up with someone rather than play around
2. name — Coco & Cece
╰ about ↴
Rin tells people that they were named after coco chanel and celine dion but really coco was named after chocolate and cece was named after cece from shake it up...
coco and cece are two chinchillas. Rin adopted them in the year 2013 from a friend who was moving to Australia since they're illegal in Australia.
coco is the one with darker fur while cece has lighter fur
personality wise the two differ greatly coco is pretty playful and loves interacting with the other pets or people who come and go into the house where as cece has a specific list who are allowed to touch her.
3. name — Thirio
╰ about ↴
His name means 'beast' in greek. He was named by Rin's brother who was obssesed with dinosaurs and wanted to give him a dinosaur-ish name.
Thirio is a leopard gecko
Thirio was adopted from a pet shelter only sometime after coco and cece were adopted since he was the closest Longyu could get to a real life dinosaur.
very much unlike the meaning of his name Thirio is a very silly guy and loves to make funny faces. The only beastly thing he does is eat the way he eats.
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odin-energy · 2 years
A Guide to Carrollton TX
Located in Dallas, Denton and Collin counties, Carrollton is the 23rd-most populous city in Texas. Its population was 133,434 as of the 2020 census.
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The History of Carrollton TX
Carrollton has a rich history that includes a number of notable individuals. One of the most well-known was Wade H. Perry, who was instrumental in the growth of the area. He was a successful businessman who built homes, churches, schools, and even a railroad depot in Carrollton, which helped develop the city into an industrial hub.
Early settlers to Carrollton came from the state of Illinois and had to overcome a lot in order to settle in North Texas. They typically married young and had large families. Their cabins were often only 12 x 14 feet, so they had to be very sturdy and well constructed.
The arrival of a new railroad and post office in the late 1800s was a game changer for the town. The Cotton Belt, Katy, and Frisco railroads provided passenger and freight service through Carrollton, and the train station was an important hub of business activity.
This railroad and post office revolution was the start of a new era in the history of Carrollton, and the area became an important transportation hub for the entire region. The city is still well served by the three railroads that run through it, and they all offer access to major airports in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
A Visit to the Historic Trinity Mills
The first mill in the area was operated by A.W. Perry in the 1870s, and it is located in what is now known as Trinity Mills. The mill produced brick for many buildings, including the Belle Allen home, and several other structures in downtown Carrollton.
A visit to the historic mills can provide a great deal of insight into how life in Carrollton was different from what it is today. It is also a good place to enjoy some of the local culture and cuisine.
It’s a great way to spend the day with family or friends. There are also plenty of outdoor activities to keep everyone entertained.
Taking a stroll around this park is an excellent way to relax and unwind with your loved ones. The park spans 12.3 acres and features a large playground with rock climbing, slides, swings, and more. There are also restrooms and a rentable pavilion.
You can also take your kids here to enjoy a splash in the water. The park is a popular destination for those looking to cool down on a hot summer day.
The Rosemeade Recreation Center is a fun and affordable place to go with your family or friends. The facility has 2 gyms, 4 racquetball courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a game room, refreshment areas, and a dance floor.
There are plenty of things to do in Carrollton, and you can find many of them for free or very inexpensively. You can even visit the parks and museums for a cheap and fun experience!
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Advantages of Spray Foam Insulation
There are some major advantages to spray foam insulation. The biggest one is that it’s a great way to save money on energy bills.
It also improves indoor air quality and reduces allergens. This is especially important if you or your family members suffer from allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities.
The foam expands to cover even the smallest nooks and crevices, making it an effective air-sealing insulator. It also has a high R-value that means you won’t have to replace it as often as other types of insulation.
Having a well-insulated home can be essential in preventing fires from occurring in your home. This will help prevent any short circuits or domestic accidents from causing a fire to break out.
Another benefit is that it makes your home safer by keeping moisture out of the walls and reducing the chances of mold infestation. Moisture can easily seep through gaps and cracks around vents and pipes, putting your home at risk for mold growth.
It also increases the sturdiness of your wall. This is because it’s dense and hard, so it won’t deform in the presence of heavy winds or strong snow.
The foam also has a high R-value, meaning that it will keep your home warm and cozy even when the temperature is low. This helps to prevent your energy bill from skyrocketing and can make your house more attractive to prospective homebuyers.
Finally, the foam is environmentally friendly, as it doesn’t emit any harmful chemicals. However, it’s worth noting that some of the blowing agents used in spray foam can have very high GWPs, which means they’re more than twice as powerful at accelerating climate change than carbon dioxide.
Business name: Odin Energy TX 1313 Valwood Pkwy #320, Carrollton, TX 75006 (817) 904-8770 https://www.OdinNow.com
0 notes
evednagupta · 2 years
Technology has swept the world. Recent developments have increased the level of technology and related science. The computer and the internet are both one of the most powerful inventions of humans. Working together, they are a powerful source. Modern inventions can make almost any work done using a combination of these two. The whole world is online.
In simple words, coding is just a process of communication with the computer.Or in other words, Coding is a skill where you take instructions (the steps in a task) and translate it into a language the computer understands since computers do not communicate like humans. In today's era, technology has left everyone behind. Coding in this generation has become very prominent. It has stepped up their game in the field of technology. Coding is the core of technology.
There are different coding languages such as Java, visual block, Python and C. Programmers use these languages to instruct the computer. Technology is all around, and kids are starting earlier and earlier learning programming languages.
Below is a list of the most popular programming languages that will be in demand in 2023.
1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Go
4. Java
5. Kotlin
6. PHP
7. C#
8. Swift
9. R
10. Ruby
11. C and C++
12. Matlab
13. TypeScript
14. Scala
15. SQL
16. HTML
17. CSS
18. NoSQL
19. Rust
20. Perl
How is coding beneficial for the kids?
Firstly coding is in HIGH DEMAND. It is absolutely correct to say that, coding will reach much greater heights than it has as of now. It is very much popular among the youth as well as in the concerned fraternity.
Secondly, it offers BETTER CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. Different programming languages can help young kids understand essential concepts that will carry from school to their future careers. It is a promising career and moreover people are switching their profession for higher prospects and others are migrating here and there in their own profession to earn a higher pay through coding.
Coding develops a SENSE OF UNDERSTANDING of the world.
Kids use devices such as smartphones, laptops, and computers and learn how to function before their age. There are hundreds of websites and platforms working on introducing coding games for children like-
Coding for kids develops TEAMWORK "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." With coding, kids get the opportunity of building projects together. They get involved in project management, communicating in a team, and discussion with others which will improve their horizon.
Coding is FUN AS WELL INTELECTUAL. Not only is it knowledgeable, but now that programming languages like Scratch have been made, it comes fun as well to learn and not a burden. Coding is undoubtedly one of the most important skills for the present and future generations to learn.
They use their own mind and imagination to make a certain thing a certain way or to do any task.
It DEVELOPS PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS in the kids because they learn how to do and what to do. If they are stuck anywhere, they use their own brains to tackle that problem in a logical and intelligent way. Thus, programming helps to acquire problem-solving skills in kids. Coding also improves thinking ability and enables one to think more logically, strategically and analytically, thereby making him or her capable of taking more suitable solutions to a problem. But most importantly, coding is the future and therefore, it is a very useful skill to have. Students who learn to write codes at an early age will have many career opportunities available to them in the future.
Coding helps in the interaction of the parents with their kids. It creates a communication bridge between the parents and their children wherein they develop a better understanding.
It’s safe to say that coding for kids is one of the most constructive hobbies for your child to adopt, especially since it can help them develop persistence, communication, creativity, and higher-order thinking. There is the availability of certain free coding games online to facilitate coding skills which include Code Monkey, CodinGame, Flexbox Froggy, Ruby Warrior, and many more.
You can contact Code Karo Yaaro through the following details-
Website: http://www.codekaroyaaro.com/
YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GUyPIpdDVJQMugEtkH8Pw Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/codekaroyaaro
Email: http://[email protected]
Address: H NO. 1951, Near Water Tank Annamod, Khaparkheda, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 441102
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