#they really need to do a dinosaur episode next season
tinderbox210 · 1 year
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Anson Mount, Christina Chong, Celia Rose Gooding and Ethan Peck + the most important question of the Dragon Con weekend (x)
"What is your favorite dinosaur?'
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Wish list for CBS ghosts season 4
Make Patience a recurring antagonist for at least 2-3 episodes before that story gets resolved and she gets regulated to a background character.
Patience character to be 50% good religious farm girl, 50% crazy witch. She also needs to have a wicked(ly cool) ghost power
More of Isaac loving dinosaurs
More solo development for Isaac
More of Isaac and Hetty's awesome friendship
No Nigel for a while. I do not like him. He did a lot of things in his and Isaac's relationship that are textbook abusive partner behavior.
I think it is about time for Jay's restaurant to start up, and I would like that to actually become pretty successful/profitable. Mostly because I would like Sam and Jay to have a bit more disposable income to do things around the manor, and I know the B&B is unlikely to become super busy next season (unless the show is ending , which I really do not want).
The difference in treatment between the above ground ghosts and basement ghosts to be addressed. I know after season 3 that they aren't going to move them all up stairs. But it would be nice if Sam and Jay could like furbish the basement , and then more Basement ghosts than just Nancy got invited to come upstairs for games or discussion.
Just to be clear I still want Nancy to keep making her frequent visits up stairs and hang out with the man 8. I just also would not mind seeing Stuart or another nameless basement ghost standing or walking by in the background on the occasion.
Explore Pete's power more. He does not need to hop on a plane and go across the country or anything, but let him keep going out into town and having adventures. Also let him keep going on dates with other random ghosts outside of the house.
I know that Pete&Alberta will probably happen at some point in season 4. The thing is though while that ship was cute in season 1, the way the ship was handled in season 2 soured it like milk to me. Both characters need a lot of development, and separate explorations of what they want out of a relationship, before I can ship them again.
H-Money is still a couple I kinda like. I do not expect them to get back together in season 4 (Please not another season that is fully devoted to coupling up all the character), but I would like them to start scheming together again. Let them figure out how to interact together as friends, and build a stronger foundation to eventually, in season 5 maybe, try again.
I have heard people suggest that Pete's power could maybe be extend to getting the other ghosts through the barrier if they are like holding onto Pete's hand. I want this. Now I know Sass will want to visit a Pizza Hut, and Issac a dinosaur museum, but I would say the most important thing to do with that would be to take Thor and Flower over to the Farnsby manor to visit Bjorn and his girlfriend Judy. It would also be cool if there was a lesbian ghost living there they could set up Nancy with. Since Nisaac is on a "respite" and queer representation (preferably healthy queer representation) is important.
Everyone remember in season 2 when we learned about Flower's super protective, formally MIA, army vet brother : Rob. You remember how the show's staff said they would love to have Rob come to the B&B for a visit, and were already considering actors who could play him? I want this episode. Also if you cannot directly tell Rob his sister is a ghost on the property, then can Trevor or Alberta use their powers to help Flower send a message to Rob. To say that she still loves him. I cannot deal that both siblings spent like 50 years thinking the other hated them when neither did. It is to sad.
It would be cool if we could also have Ira visit once too. I know Flower did not love him like she did Michael or does Thor, but he was still someone who was a big part of her life for a while, and knowing her cannonly had a large impact on his. Maybe we find that while he has done charities in her memory, trauma over watching her be killed by a bear has also lead him to sponsor bear hunts or poaching. Flower is horrified. Then Sam and Jay have to spend his visit looking for a way to convince him that is not what Flower would have wanted.
Four standard episodes for each season are a Halloween episode, an episode where Bela visits, one where Stephanie wakes up, and one where Crash appears and is slightly relevant. I have no idea what to do for an episode with Crash, but for the others
-Ghost animals on Halloween
-Home theater night for ghosts and guests on the night Stephanie wakes up, complete with all the drama of set up and shenanigans that going to the movies encores.
- Bela is broken up with Eric, she does not even like him. This time her and Jay's parents come with her for the visit. Bela wants all the latest gossip surrounding the ghosts, but they have to tip toe around the parents. Jay's dad does not fully support the B&B even without the knowledge that it is haunted, and Sam does not want to give her mother in law another reason to suspect that she might be crazy.
Owning back to the "Can Pete take the other ghosts off the property" theory, can Thomas Woodstone be a ghost who died visiting a neighbors property. We have no reason to see Elias again since he has decided to stay put in Hell. But Thomas reappearing could be interesting for both Hetty and Alberta. If he does show up though I want the twist to be that he is actually severally cognitively impaired (think Lenny from oMaM)... I mean the man was from an inbred family, played with lead based toys as a baby, had a cocaine addict mom, and a father who was a lot of things. He could not have been all there. Also address more on if Earl ever actually cared for any of the people he was two timing (again development that needs to happen to make Alberta want to go from dating an Earl to a Pete).
A Sasappis based episode that is not his death story. I feel like he needs at least one more episode exploring what his life alive was like, to be appropriately gutted when we learn about his secret death.
Actually maybe we can hold off on Sass's death and Hetty's ghost power until season 5. let's keep the element of mystery in the show for a little longer.
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maxineprimal · 1 year
So I was watching the funny Lego pajama men show with a friend the other day. I get to the season 2 episode "Child's Play", and I couldn't help but notice something interesting.
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They gave the goofy looking fictional dinosaur a full scientific name, and two of those words are real scientific words. They didn't need to do that! But they did anyway!
Ninjago has set foot into my domain! And it shall not be spared from my judgment!
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So let's break this sucker down.
Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalychus
"Grundalychus" is of course the species name, which there's nothing to really dig into there. People can and will name dinosaurs whatever they want. So in this moment the species name doesn't really matter.
"Theropod" and "Dromaeosarid" are both very real terms though, which gives me something to work with.
I don't really understand why Garmadon would list the family and then the class, but hey he probably just isn't that well read on paleontological taxonomy.
Let's start off with the easy one. "Therapod" is a rather broad class of dinosaur. Covering everything from tyranosaurus and spinosaurus, down to even the little guys like velociraptors and microraptors. They are defined by possessing "sharp, curved teeth, three-toed feet, digits with sharp claws, and long, hollow bones". So lets see how the grundle stacks up.
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Sharp curved teeth? Check.
Three toed feet? Check.
Digits with sharp claws? Check.
Long hollow bones? Well there's no way to see if they're hollow, but they sure are long.
The grundle also shares the basic horizontal, bipedal body plan of most if not all theropods, so it absolutely checks out. Grundalychus is a certified theropod. Way to go champ.
Now for the next term. The family "Dromaeosarid". Research tells me that dromaeosars can be easily identified by small to medium size, a raised hooked claw on each inner digit of their feet, and an abundance of feathers. For comparison, here are a few examples of other dromaeosaurs.
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And yeah, our boy grundle doesn't match a single one of the qualifications. No hooked toe claw, he's fricken massive, and unless you want to count his weird head protrusions as feathers, he is absolutely nude. Grundalychus is absolutely not a dromaeosaur.
But not all is lost! After some light digging around, I think I found a group that grundalychus might feel a little more at home in. Behold, mapusaurus. Member of the family carcharodontosauridae.
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The general head shape and size line up fairly well, and looking at other members of carcharodontosauridae like acrocanthosaurus and giganotosaurus, I feel like grundalychus could slide in pretty easily.
Then again, grundalychus' hands seem to be a lot more developed than most other members of the family, so it might not be a perfect fit. But it's the best one I could find.
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swan2swan · 2 months
Yasammy Week Recap:
Day 1: "Hurt/Comfort"
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This one was basic and simple; me just starting out. I probably could have done better, but, hey, Yaz literally comforting Sammy to calm her down from a full-blown panic attack works. As a sidenote, it's incredible that the writers had Panic Attacks be a Yaz Thing, and then brought her back to show that she's currently the Best Qualified on the team to deal with them (and fixed up her relationship issues with Sammy in the same blow, it's SO CARTOONY but perfect, I feel like we don't get these one-episode resolutions that often anymore).
Day 2: "Firsts"
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This was a fun one, and probably the only one that I actually had some mental tryouts for. First kiss? First meeting? First teamup? There were so many choices...but this one felt right. Yasmina admitting that this is her first time having feelings for someone of the same sex (and the word "crushes" clearly means that Sammy's her first partner, too!).
Day 3: "Prom"
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This is where things started falling apart, obviously. If we'd been given a proper five seasons with all sorts of Lost-style flashbacks and fantasies, I might have been able to pull something legitimate out. But also...Sammy said the word "prom", and also let it slip that she either loves fancy dresses or loves girls in dresses...and you know what? I count the latter as a point toward Yasammy.
Day 4: "Proposal/Engagement"
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I don't remember how my brain wandered over to this, but I do know that I was lying down in bed at that time, because I literally sat bolt upright. My eyes snapped open, and I leaned up to secure all of that brain juice, as I realized the famous "Alan Grant uses two female buckles to tie himself in, foreshadowing the female dinosaurs finding a way to breed" could also have some WLW implications. It was a good joke, and you know what? As Sammy Gutierrez said: "It's beautiful, and we should be proud."
Hopefully, if the same prompt comes up next year, I can use a gif that actually includes the literal characters, and not metaphorical versions...Chaos Crew, please.....
Day 5: "Track Meet"
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I think I was walking home when this one clicked in my mind, and I think I did a little hopskip and a dance. I was initially considering something like the two of them running for their lives together, or Sammy telling Yaz that she needed to rest to win gold medals in the future...but then, I thought about wordplay. I wondered if they were ever standing in dinosaur footprints, or tracking something. Then I thought about train tracks, and realized...yes. YES. This was perfect.
Had this not been available, I think I might have played with Yaz's scene where she uses running to realize her love for Sammy. Which is just a beautiful metaphor and a wonderful scene. Gifset's coming soon, by the way, I have the whole thing captioned.
Day 6: "Baking"
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For every peak, there's a valley. Sometimes, you win. Sometimes, you lose. This was kind of a loss, because the girls sadly don't do any baking together. I considered the part where they're throwing the chips into the fire (TOXIC FUMES, GIRLS, DON'T DO THIS AT HOME, KIDS), but that's not really "baking". Furthermore, the Powers That Be chose to deny us any cooking escapades on the island, and while Sammy certainly bakes pies, Yaz is never present during those scenes...and, yes, I checked, and she never mentions her girlfriend while doing so, either. She only talks about her while fetching lemonade, which is different. Thus, I found myself in a sticky situation...which was kind of like the weather this month! So, it felt appropriate to use the concept of "baking in the sunlight on a hot day" here. I do like Sammy's silly little wave, and Yaz looking pityingly over at her.
Day 7: "Free Day"
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This one, well...it ended on a bit of a sad note, but I was looking for something I had already set up. The caption is "Free Day", so I didn't want to put any work or effort into this. And while browsing my files, I saw that this one had the word "date", which is close to "day", and "expiration", which is the end of something, so...it felt apropos for the finishing touch on this beautiful week.
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unnecessary-dinosaurs · 4 months
Ok! I watched Chaos Theory! I have a lot of thoughts! There were things I liked a lot and things I wasn’t a fan of. I generally liked it but came away slightly underwhelmed. If you haven’t watched it yet please go do so!!! Support the show and the wonderful crew that put it together!!!
-MATEO!!! I literally loved him so much. A fantastic, simple character that doesn’t overstay his welcome or detract from our main characters. Great motivations and realistic backstory. Yeah. I really liked him. Yeah.
-Yasammy! Obviously they were amazing. They got to be cute and bubbly and gay but also their argument was so real and believable. Neither one of them is completely in the wrong. They are just two flawed people who’ve been through more than they can handle on their own. They need each other but not always in the way they might think. They were such a highlight this season. Can’t wait for more of them.
-This whole show just feels like a dramatic step up in visual storytelling from CC. The sets are beautiful and intricate, the lighting and textures are fantastic, and the directing is just really great. There are some really creative shots and transitions, and overall it just feels like more confident directing and storyboarding all around. (I specifically remember episode 7 being really great visually. Super fun stuff.)
-All the dinosaur action was great. Like next level shit. The way they keep finding creative ways to use these animals for action and suspense is very impressive. The raptors are genuinely scary. The Allosaurus and Pachyrhinosaurus were personal favs.
-Unlike Dominion, they actually showed what living in a world with dinosaurs is like- how people are adjusting to this new way of life, adapting to the presence of these animals, and keeping themselves safe. Totally what I wanted to see from Dominion, and Chaos Theory did it better within a single episode.
-There was some very well crafted suspense throughout this season. The mystery does a great job of constantly keeping you pulled in. Every time a question is answered, five more are asked.
-The darker tone is definitely welcome. The characters are older and they’ve experienced a terrible loss. The weight of the new world weighs on them and the audience in a very tangible way.
-This one isn’t really constructive but like. I just love Darius so much. He’s so perfect.
-Unfortunately I thought the character writing was significantly weaker than any season of CC. It was genuinely impressive how they were able to make me not care much about these versions of Ben and Kenji, my absolute favorite characters in CC. Before the characters felt like real, living people. Now, they just feel like fictional characters to me. Really good characters, yes, but still just characters. Maybe I’ll go into further detail about this in a future post. But yeah, overall it felt like the characters took a backseat this time around.
-I’m so sorry but I absolutely could not stand the new VA for Kenji. I’m sure he’s trying his best but he sounded uninterested and half-assed most of the time. Brooklynn’s new actor was… fine? Didn’t care for her either but she didn’t bug me the way Kenji did. Let’s start a GoFundMe to pay for Ryan to come back.
-Ok. Yeah. Not a fan of Darius being in love with B. Like, ok. It makes sense and it fits the plot well. But it just seems unnecessary. Darius can be devastated by her loss without it. Ehhh maybe they’ll handle it well in future seasons but. No. Not for me.
-Also didn’t like Daniel Kon’s death. I liked that they brought him back, but killing him felt undeserved. Like, he was the main antagonist for the first show, but you just kill him off in a random episode six years later? I think he deserved a little more reverence rather than reintroducing him for one episode and then quickly killing him for shock value once he’s served his purpose.
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Thoughts I had while watching episodes 6-8 of Bridgerton Season 3. Yes, I finally watched all of Bridgerton. Yes, I have many thoughts about episode 5, but I need more time to compose them. Don't read more if you don't want spoilers.
Episode 6
-Yay Francesca & Lord Kilmartin. I adore this couple almost as much as Polin.
-Eloise & Pen's first real talk in Pen's bedroom. Maybe they'll get their friendship healed.
-Violet & Lord Anderson 😍
-Why does Lady Danbury despise her brother?
-That little dance in the church 😍😍😍
-I get why Cressida did what she did. I would've done anything to avoid marrying an old creepy dinosaur as well. But she just makes everything worse and worse.
-That talk between Portia & Pen. I suspect it is supposed to be sweet, but I hate it, especially after seeing how things have been in the past. I don't trust or like Portia.
-Violet unable to show Francesca & John the same level of excitement & love as she gives Polin is hard to watch.
-Pen's sisters suck.
-I really, really, REALLY wish Colin had known the truth before he proposed & they had sex. That is something they changed from the book, and not for the better.
-Oh lord, Cressida is a horrid writer & both she & her mom know it 😬
-Benedict is not handling Anthony buying his place at the art school well. I hate that Benedict is denying his creative abilities. The man has talent and he's so hurt and doesn't believe in himself anymore, and it hurts to watch.
-I think what I hate most about Portia treating Pen decently is the fact that I can't believe it will last, nor do I think that Portia is being genuine. I think this is all cause she's trying to keep Colin's favor. And it frustrates me. Because Pen deserves better.
-The unfolding flower thing was cool.
-Oh boy, I feel so bad for Francesca. She just wants to be with John & be happy. Definitely bringing up some feels from my own engagement.
-Lady Danbury & her brother 😔
-i hate aimless Benedict.
-Colin twirling Pen is everything. I love happy twirling.
-I really appreciate the deaf representation this season.
-Cressida's red dress would be stunning if not for that horrendous giant bow.
-Colin is going to be writing so much smut for Pen. I guarantee it.
-Pen not wanting Cressida to take credit for all her hard work, boy do I feel that.
-I get that the queen is supposed to stand out from everyone else, but her dresses seem to be from a completely different time period. Like, I know that the costumes aren't necessarily period accurate, but wouldn't everyone be trying to match the queen's style of dress?
-Peneloise ❤️❤️❤️
-Ok, writing with a quill & ink in a carriage seems next to impossible to write something legible.
-Colin's face on discovering the truth 😔
Episode 7
-This fight. Oh god, Colin's crying. Pen's crying. I'm crying. This is brutal.
-Pen's issue of LW calling out Cressida 10/10.
-I've said it before and I'll say it again. I would watch the Lady Danbury & Violet show.
-Colin & Eloise's talk ❤️
-Really, Colin? You are the one who was alone with Pen countless times, constantly sought her out at events, ruined Debling's proposal, left her without prospects, & she "entrapped" you? I think not.
-I can't decide what I feel about the Tilley & Benedict & Paul storyline. Was it necessary?
-Flustered Violet getting called on by Lord Anderson is adorable.
-At least Cressida seems to feel so e remorse, though if they go the book route she will be all blackmaily by the end of this episode or the beginning of next.
-"Our mother adores you!". Benedict I love you.
-I really like the Mondrich family. Will loves his wife so much.
-I love Genevieve & Pen & wish we had more interactions between them.
-"No such thing as true love without first embracing your true self.". I think I need that on a shirt.
-As a very short girl, I love that they show Pen standing on raised areas to be more eye level with Colin.
-I'm glad Pen called him out.
-Welp he really was going to try to finger her on the street. Poor boy is so in love & horny even when he's mad 😅
-Kate & Anthony sitting Colin down 🥹
-Kate. I just. I love her.
-The little wave Anthony gives Kate as she leaves him alone with Colin 😍
-I am glad Lady Danbury & her brother are clearing the air.
-Lord Greer with the mansplaining of a nom de plume.
-Colin when he sees Pen in her wedding dress 🥹🥹🥹
-OMSquee that veil 😍😍😍
-I know people go on about the carriage scene, but the wedding vows are so beautifully done. I will be rewatching that many, many times.
-Holding hands. I love it!
-Pen's sisters being nice is just as weird to watch as it is for Pen to experience.
-"A lot of dust in here too" 🥺😅
-So they're shipping Kate & Anthony off to India?
-Oh, Pen, I too know those feelings of new husband off talking to others and ignoring you during the reception. It sucks.
-I love the shot of them dancing with no one else around.
-Anthony, do not ruin your mom's chance at happiness. I will be very cross with you if you do.
-The queen interrupting what should've been a Polin kiss 🤬
-I get that she's the queen, but this is shitty behavior.
-Eloise is proving to have learned to be a better friend, and I'm proud of her. That hug ❤️
-This is the season of Polin and on Polin's wedding night we have Benedict's threesome? Really? I don't mind the threesome, I applaud Benedict embracing his bi-ness, but couldn't they have done that in another episode?
-Great, Cressida is up to no good again.
Episode 8
-Colin, Colin, Colin. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
-Rae with the promotion to housekeeper. She deserves it.
-Yup, they're going with the blackmail plot. They kept that from the book, but didn't have Colin learn the truth of LW before the carriage make-out & proposal? I am definitely salty about some of the choices this season.
-Cressida, I get that you are at the end of your rope and are making poor life choices, but I really hoped that you'd grown as a person.
-The love I have for Lady Danbury is more than I can express.
-Also, that is a gorgeous chess set.
-Phillipa & Prudence's husbands. These poor guys.
-Francesca, I too long for the quiet.
-These threesome scenes seem almost as unnecessary as Colin's brothel scenes in part 1.
-Ok, Colin, your speech is beautiful, but you don't know how shitty Cressida's dad is. But also, that defense speech ❤️❤️❤️
-Peneloise is back and I love it.
-I am done with this fucking threesome. I am here for Polin content. They couldn't have waited for Benedict's season to do this???
-Lady Danbury & Violet ❤️❤️❤️
-And more of the threesome. I am beyond done with it.
-Oh, Polin the separate sleeping arrangements 😔
-Oh hey, they're not going to leave the solicitor as a dangling plot thread. Wondered if we'd get more from him.
-Francesca & Violet ❤️❤️❤️
-Violet & Lord Anderson. They are absolutely precious.
-The piano duet ❤️
-"The house is far too warm.". 😳🙄😳🙄
-Ok, but I am so happy for more Benedict & Eloise on the swings. I've missed that this season.
-Pen's family does not deserve her.
-Oh, Pen, you have me in tears.
-Colin is so proud and in love 😍
-I really enjoy Finch.
-Well, with the blessing of Lady Danbury all is much better.
-"That was bloody brilliant." 🥹🥹🥹
-Violet dancing 🥹🥹🥹
-Did Francesca just fall for her husband's cousin???
-What was that??? 6 seconds of Polin smut? So much Benedict threesome and we get barely any Polin? Boo, I say. Boo.
-These babies are all giant.
Season 3 Part 1: Very Rewarchable
Season 3 Part 2: Oof.
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honeyedheartss · 2 years
oakland pre-show recap
- Dan said he felt like he was sullying the room with his presence (really ornate theatre)
- favorite kpop group is Shinee
-his bias is Taemin (most talented person in the entire universe)
- someone worked at a dog rescue center and needed name ideasand he said "Susan 3" and told them to keep the numbers going after
- favorite and least favorite parts of his old branding he said the Llama hats were a miss, not his favorite animal anymore but he still likes them
-went on a raccoon tangent because they ARE his favoriteanimal and he was so excited to see one in person and he thinks they're relatable
- his favorite part of his old branding was the tshirt with the eclipse on it!
-he needs to go back to YWGTTN a lot for help and has annotated his own book to help him out with contextand assistance when he is working through something
- current fave anime is Jujutsu Kaisen
>he said Demon Slayer was also very good
- he was asked where he was on 9/11 and he said "really?" in the MOST disappointed voiceand said he was 11 in primary school
- "what do you do to your hair to shape your curls" he laughed reading the question and said he wakes up like this
- Steve is his favorite stranger things character and S3 is his favorite season
-favorite piece of merch he's ever released is the WAD leather jacket and he said he doesn't feel worthy to be wearing it or to have made such a piece of art
- he thinks gay sex is disgusting, horrible, and no one should do it, an affront to the eyes of the Lord
@/vulturethera [on twitter] drew this and wrote "peepee" and he ripped up the card
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- can you rawr for us? he tore that card up too
- most awkward experience on the tour so far was when someone asked him where he was on 9/11
- someone asked how he felt knowing he wouldn't be forgotten for a long time and he asked if we thought he was going to eventually be forgotten
-favorite holiday song is "what's this" from nightmare before Christmas
- favorite star wars episode is Revenge of the Sith and everyone booed him
- favorite part of the tour was when someone asked him where he was 9/11
-when asked 'what is next for Dan' he just made jokes about dying on tour from falling down the stairs, the Australian heat, and the freezing cold
- laughed at the question "what are you hopeful for for the future" and told us to watch the show
-favorite movie he's watched on the road is Shrek and he did a show of hands for favorite Shrek movies and Shrek 2 won and Shrek 4 got a single clap in the silence
- British people DO declare emergency when they see a rainbow but only bc they're really homophobic
- was asked about the queen dying and he discussed starting the show and getting a push notification that she was being lowered into the ground in Cardiff
- zero advice for people feeling lost in their twenties. fastest Nope of the show.
>he did say that your 20s are for figuring out how to adult and as a "recently in their 20s person" you'll be lucky to be alive by the end of them
- Got Milk? he has oat milk, he's disappointed that you can only get large containers of it in the US bc in the UK u can buy tiny serving size containers. AND HE DRANK OAT MILK THAT HAD BEEN IN THE FRIDGE FOR MORE THAN 2 MONTHS
someone wrote "when the function got Hennessey" and Dan referenced This Photo
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- he simply Doesn't get over imposter syndrome when it comes to being capable of success
- someone drew him a dinosaur saying "no". he said it looked grumpy and "same"
-favorite kpop girl group is 2NE1 but right now it's LUNA
- talked about Phil killing the houseplants and dragged him for his houseplant care sponsored video
- spotify wrapped top 5:
- Polyphia
-Vince Staples
-FKA Twigs
-Ludovico Einaudi
- he is ashamed of his top genre being lo-fi hip-hop but he puts it on when he's working or doing house chores
- least favorite part of tour is WHEN PEOPLE ASK HIM STUPID FUCKING QUESTIONS (he did yell this in response to the question)
- if he had to eat dicks on pizza would he rather they were sliced like pepperoni or ground like sausage? he said that was horrible horrible question. pepperoni
-why are you British? "I'm sorry"
- someone folded him an origami heart and a crane and he ripped them up because they didn't have questions inside them
- black and orange is because they did black and red for II, black and yellow for TATINOF, and black and green is weird and the other colors are too happy, so now he's stuck having grindr themed merch
-rabbits won in rabbits vs cockatiels and he proudly told us about Phil's childhood rabbit that pooped "perfectly spherical poops"
- someone had been watching him since 4th grade and he told us thats why we're all mentally ill queers
- VPMO is the next video on his schedule and will be out "this weekend" [although we were all unsure if he knew it was Friday today]
- he is an INFJ which is the Jesus and Hitler personality type
- he watched one episode of OFMD and he and Phil agreed to not watch anymore until they can watch it together
- most cringe thing on his spotify was lo-fi beats
- he asked what hashtags he should use for the doomed pre show photo and i said 9/11 and he yelled at me <3
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Season 3 Episode 1
Live thoughts of the new episode tonight below the cut! Even though I've also used the tag.
8 minutes. So nervous. Why am I so attached to these ghosts??
It's just like - I haven't thought about ghosts and actively avoided spoilers so...
but now, it's here and I'm nervous.
Here's hoping that it's not my favorite!
Alright, here we go....
OMG the previously on....
LMAO Jay running to check the kitchen. Damn, Jay.
I do like this scene.
"Just a basement ghost" - LMAO. Nancy.
OMG OMG is it is it - it's not Nigel. Sad.
Thor and Flower?
FUCK is it FLOWER????
Sass is taking this well.
Alberta & Thor such different reactions.
Nigel & Isaac only caring about their engagement party???
Everyone is hating Pete right now. Poor Pete.
I like seeing the guys from the first few episodes of the show. LMAO A TOUR OF THE HOUSE??? They've lived there for a while.
Trevor and Sass are not great for this.
OMG Thor's so going to get attached to the owl.
So no one actually saw Flower get sucked off? So is this a misdirect?
I feel like it just like... can't be real.
LMAO at Thor being sure that Flower is an OWL.
Damn it, Thor has to have the power to burn it down.
I'm still mad Jay counted Trevor not being sucked off as a loss.
LMAO this scene with the upstairs ghosts/cholera ghosts.
They should be nicer to them!
Isaac!!! DAMN YA'LL really need to be more considerate of Flower's potential loss.
LMAO Nancy being unhappy about the Cholera ghosts being upstairs.
LMAO the owl being relocated in the house.
I really love Pete's growing a spine storyline so far - Nancy is the biggest push for that, I love it. He needs it.
Still ten minutes to go.
I'm kind of sad that they *didn't* all see it. Because I feel like they should've all known.
Tiny dinosaur??
LMAO at Sam trying not to have the guest blame the owl but it's obvious.
Aw Sam. I wish more of the ghosts showed sadness.
Hetty! OMG!
aww the cholera ghosts being all friends to flower.
Growth for Hetty - until the "not sucked off".
LOVE JAY trying to be there for Thor. This whole convo.
LOL Jay slapping his ass.
a mug shot!
LMAO the only shot. Like Trevor's shot from his obit.
Love the memorial.
Thank you Alberta!
Aww these are so cute! I love the moments being shown here.
Aw Jay and the owl attack!
I'm still on edge.
And we'll find out it was Steph's boyfriend.
Just the tail end left.
One minute - they'll turn it around.
Although that would be SUCH a copout.
LMAO Jay is like whispering bad things to the basement ghosts.
LMAO Nancy making them return to the basement!!!!
I mean, good for her, she was definitely the happiest ghosts and deserves it but like - WE DIDN"T GET TO SEE WHAT MADE HER GET SUCKED OFF???
Also, the 30 seconds for next episode - Sass' ghost power??? So curious.
Alright. Decent episode. Could've done with less Jay hate on Trevor, but I did like Jay's putting his foot down and trying to help them out.
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lostuntothisworld · 9 months
Anne-Jeanne Theoxanne du Bocquale is a time traveling adopted daughter of Lukadrien Adrienette
This is the first of my crack theories I've decided to tackle, is very much a major crack theory.
I have no actual proof of anything, except that:
According to this now deleted interview that can be read via Internet Archive, Wilfried Pain tells a fan that there would be a new character from the future.
The Fandom Wiki seems to think this interview is discussing season 5, but after some back and forth with a mutual, we've come to the conclusion that it's actually discussing season 4, which just so happens to be the season that Anne-Jeanne is introduced.
I've seen multiple posts of people noticing that she has quite a bit more detail than you'd expect for a small side character. She doesn't look out of place at all next to our main girl Maribug, which you can't say for a lot of the designs of minor characters.
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She was slotted to be a teacher to the kids in season 5, but apparently that was scrapped. Perhaps she'll be a teacher in the new school for season 6?
As for being Lukadrien's Adrienette's daughter...
The fandom wiki claims that the vision of a T-Rex Ladybug sees in the Burrow during Chat Blanc is foreshadowing of Anne-Jeanne's existence. I'm a bit skeptical on this, but Anne-Jeanne would have needed to somehow get DNA in order to bring the T-Rexes back to life, and in Time Tagger adult Bunnyx has a pet T-Rex named Denver.
Anne-Jeane is officially introduced in season 4's Hack-San, an episode that irrevocably fractures the LadyNoir partnership.
She shows up again in Rocketear, another episode that kicks LadyNoir while it's down. (After wrangling her T-Rexes, she says she's not really sure what to do with them, and wonders if it was really a good idea to bring them back to life... Kind of an ominous statement for a show where the deuteragonist is a boy born of magic, and whose creation caused the events of literally everything in the show.)
She has a short mention in Jubilation, where her T-Rex pigeon hybrids escape and go on a rampage. Nadja Chamack asks if she has gone too far with her science creations? Another ominous statement.
It's important to note, that Ladybug accidentally wears her friend's Alliance ring while capturing the hybrid dinosaurs, and thus, gets her friend who has been pretending to be Ladybug in hot water for possibly actually being Ladybug. It's interesting that Monarque doesn't even know Socqueline was impersonating a hero, he just sees her name in the Alliance alerts and goes after her. Of course Maribug thinks it's because she's been cosplaying being a hero and Monarque found out!
Anyway, I want to make a point that the dream sequence in Jubilation is very odd. It doesn't read to me as anything other than a child's idea of what love and marriage is. For one, both French citizens and foreigners need an entire forest of identification documentation, and they need to be married at a town hall in order to be legally binding. Only then can a religious ceremony take place. Obviously Ladybug and Chat Noir cannot do that, so they are only symbolically married at a church. The babies the couple are, for lack of better words, in possession of are inanimate dolls. There's a strange haze around the entirety of the dream sequence, just like the strange haze of the season 5 finale.
One of these days I'll do a line by line rundown of the Jubilation dream sequence, but that isn't the point I'm trying to make here. The point is this: the juxtaposition of Anne-Jeanne, the actual future daughter being the catalyst for whatever the hell Jubilation was, would be *chefs kiss* excellent storytelling.
FINALLY we have the final episode of season 5: Re-Creation. Anne-Jeanne makes a cameo in an interview where she gives an ominous message:
"We all remember the worldwide nightmare epidemic followed by the victory of Ladybug over Monarch...and how the swarm of magic ladybugs swarmed the planet to repair everything and free us. This even raised global awareness. We humans have accomplished incredible things throughout history. But still, we often fall victim to our emotions, because no one teaches us how to understand or deal with them... If we don't listen to what our fears, sadness or anger are trying to tell us—
Alya turns off the monitor, and the audience doesn't hear the lesson Anne-Jeanne is trying to convey. Gabemoth had taken advantage of negative emotions in order to akumatize his victims. Presumably, future Lilamoth will do the same.
The Paris special made it very clear that our universe Adrien is just distracting himself from his grief. Bottling up and ignoring doesn't do any good. He can avoid his hurt all he wants, but it's not getting to the core issue. He needs to address his emotions in order to heal.
More propaganda!
Anne-Jeanne's dress has moonflowers on it! Guess who loves flowers and has a lot of baggage concerning the moon! Yes, that's right, our boy Adrichat! Once again, Adrien being represented by the moon is a post for another day, BUT I DIGRESS.
Plagg is the reason the dinosaurs are extinct, and has a very particular grudge against T-Rexes in particular. Well, AnneJeanne brought the T-Rexes back to life!
More of a "Lukadrien's daughter headcanon", but I think Anne-Jeanne would be using a fake name if she's actually time traveling. I like the name Aurora because Luka's hero name Viperion is based off of Hyperion, the father of the dawn who was named Eos. Eos' Roman name is Aurora. Funnily enough, I checked the Luka Couffaine tag tonight and someone else thought his daughter would be named Aurora. I promise it was just a coincidence we both came up with this name! It also sticks to the Couffaine naming tradition of ending in "A", so it's still a pun on the French acouphène :D
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heatherra · 1 year
Why YOU should vote for Heatherra in the yuri bracket (Part 2)
With every win I get stronger. No screenshots this time because I didn't hrt the time SORRY </3
Right off the bat, EPISODE 1 of World Tour, Heather says her best strategy is to become friends with the new girl.
"I do not heart the new girl."
You know what that means to me? Heather right away say Sierra's strength as a competitor, and she wanted to have Sierra have an alley until whatever! If Total Drama had good writing, IMAGINE the Heather/Sierra alliance! Good they would've been so fucking powerful that's literally the reason why they didn't go anyway where with this storyline.
Episode 1 of World Tour we were introduced to this great plot like where we could've had Total Drama Yuri Tour real but noOoOoO they just had to make Sierra like that.
The next major interaction is in Broadway, Baby! Besides getting my Alesierra on, I'm also getting my Heatherra on! Heather does not want Sierra to fall for Alejandro's tricks. Sierra in return knows she being played by the both of then. Heather wants Sierra to stay on her side. Literally looking out for Sierra to make sure she doesn't lose Chris' trust.
God if the writers were yuri enough we could've had Heather release Sierra and Sierra ONLY in the Am-AH-Zon race.
Can't Help Falling in Louvre. I know the plot is C*dy related but the fact that Heather needed Sjerra to get better is enough for me. Heather knows Sierra's strength, and Heather needs Sierra to be on her a-game for Team Amazon to win.
If you guys do not see the potential that Jamaica Me Sweet has, I'm sorry. Crash landing in Jamaica has potential written all over it, for all the characters.
Sorry this is like where the interactions fall out bc the writers suck. Anyway Sweden Sour had toxic yuri written all over it. The Amazon fight scene? That's literally toxic yuri. Screw you I'm getting my Heathneyerra on or something.
If Niagara Brawls was written today they would've made Heather and Sierra partners.
I'm not talking about Chinese Fake Out.
Anyway African Lying Safari ^_^ The Heather and Sierra team up FINALLY. God I hate this season so much that it gave us Heatherra only for them to barely interact in the middle of the season. But they team up this epsiode, and jwidisufjsjjf. And you know what? This is where Alejandro took Cody to first class. That's right. I'm talking about the Heatherra economy class for 48 hours. WHAT DID THEY DO!!!!
I already talked about Rapa Phooey so here's a short summary: Girlfriends are forever.
Awwwww, Drumheller. I love the first half of the epsiode where Sierra is just always gonna attack Heather. More toxic yuri. Also Heather liking Sierra's dinosaur? And didn't Sierra like Heather's dinosaur too. Anyway, "I really like glitter glue." God. You know that scene when Sierra gets the digging thing and she automatically goes to attack Heather? That was so fucking funny. In my rewatch, I laughed so fucking hard when that happened. And then you know what?
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This is the only picture you're getting for this one bc this is the one that I have.
Anyway can you believe that Sierra got Heather to vote for Alejandro? What a strategist. Come on td give me the conversation.
Anyway. Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles. The beginning of the episode </3. Heather helping Sierra bc Sierra is bald now. That scene was cute.
God I didn't know I just went through Heatherra moments from my memory. I have an issue with tdwt. @totaldramabrackets hi again
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glapplebloom · 10 months
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Let's make Moon Girl's inclusion to the show of the year list legit.
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First, let's make this official. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is a must watch series. It is so fun, the characters are likable, the Glow Up of the Beyonder, the music is great, and that last episode setting up next season is a real nail-biter. I hope it gets that second season and does well to continue from there. It was not originally planned to be in One Shot because I was planning to watch and love the series as soon as I saw the preview for the opening theme. But then Superman showed up and made it seem like the #1 spot in the end of the year review will be a no brainer. So I’m putting in Moon Girl so there could be competition. And maybe I jumped the gun thanks to this...
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For those who don't know, Tiny Toons Adventures is a series about a young set of toons going to Acme Looniversity to learn to become toons. Thing is, you don't really see that story. The first episode focused on the creation of the series. Episodes have them going to school being a plot of a short or the surrounding segments. But ultimately it is a bunch of shorts with Looney Tunes expies. Fifi does Pepe's bit but with boys instead of girls. Plucky does stuff Daffy would do. And for some reason Elmyra got the most screen time despite being an antagonist. She also got a pilot episode for a spinoff series, a full crossover with the Warner Siblings, and said spinoff series with Pinky and the Brain.
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Tiny Toons Looniversity is a complete reboot. While they share similar traits, it is its own thing. For starters, there are five main characters to the originals' "it depends on the shorts": Buster and Babs Bunny (yes relation), Sweetie T. Bird, Hamton J. Pig and Plucky Duck. Plucky is the most similar to his original, as he's still an egotistical duck who thinks mostly of himself and at times wanting to make money. But it's a modern egotistical trait. Hamton is the second closest, just remove the cleaning obsession and crank up the anxiety. The other three, they're drastically different.
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In the original, Buster and Babs Bunny were not related. So their interactions range from "hummina hummina hummina" to "they're basically siblings". Buster is a Modern Bugs Bunny, which makes him now a Bugs Bunny with 90s mentality for the cool kids. Babs were the best of the two since she got a great gimmick of being an impressionist. And Fields of Honey is my favorite episode. So how does the Reboot treat these two as siblings? Honestly, I really love their interactions. They really do sell a brother/sister vibe and that first episode really sold me on them being siblings but willing to be separate to try new things. Buster is also a great improvement because he gets to be more emotional. Babs doesn't do the impressionist bit, but between her relationship with Buster and her relationship with Sweetie, and even that one time with Plucky really shows she's great as part of any duo.
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And Sweetie T. Bird is a HUGE improvement of the original. The original is basically Tweety Bird but louder. Sweetie is a rocker who is ready to cause chaos when needed. She bounces off Babs really well and seeing how fast they became friends really sold me on this series. She's like the perfect foil for the more professional Babs Bunny. She's messy when Babs is clean. She's physical when Babs is more methodical. She enjoys Plucky's Gossip Magazine when Babs saw it as a rival to her newspaper. But they're still friends because there are plenty of things they have in common. Sweetie is also very supportive. She helped Babs try to get a room with her brother even if it means no longer being her roomy. She joins Babs' newspaper. They even enjoy Vintage Clothing after Fifi Showed them off.
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As for the rest of the characters, some are basically the same (Dizzy and Max), others have some differences (Fifi no longer being boy crazy), and some very different (Furball talks more in this series than his one voice role in the original). This show also has more appearances from the Looney Tunes cast. Bugs interact more in this than I can recall in the original. Daffy teaches the hardest class, we even got appearances from the Dark Age originals like Merlin and Cool Cat. And while they used Space Jam's version of Lola, they made her Looney in her own way. And with Death Battle having Tom Vs Wile E. on the Tournament of Champions Poll, it gives Wile a new dangerous weapon against his other toons.
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Regardless if you like the original or never heard of it, I recommend Tiny Toons Looniversity. I can already tell you it's at the top of the list since I saw all the episodes. And I still need to see the rest of Superman and Fionna and Cake.
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Quick Thoughts on the Series Premier of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
I frickin’ love this series.
I’m not even gonna dance around that fact this time. I frickin’ LOVE this series already, and we only have one episode! Well, one forty-five minute special for a premier...but that’s enough for me to know it’s going to be great.
If you know me, you know my two favorite things in the world are superheroes and animation. So a new animated series featuring superheroes is already something that’s on the top of my favorites list. Adding to the fact that it’s based on a Marvel property, AND that your boy is a big Marvel fan? Well, let’s just say that I was already looking forward to this one. And I can already say it’s worth all the hype!
Good thing too, because Marvel animation hasn’t been doing too hot since cancelling Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (the GOAT of Marvel animation, right next to Spectacular Spider-Man). Most of their shows felt like over-glorified commercials for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to the point where they designed the characters to look nearly identical to the actors and their costumes. I’m sure everyone tried to make them decent, but you can tell that with each show, Disney told them to trade passion for commercialism.
With Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, within the firs MINUTE of the show, you can feel the passion that everyone involved felt with making it. Through the animation, art-style, music, humor, and the characters, I had this non-stop grin on my face. It’s hard to put into words just what makes everything about this show so spectacular on every sense it appeals to, so trust me when I say that it’s worth seeing to believe!
However, Tumblr...this is a Marvel property. It might not look or feel like it, but these characters are based on ones from Marvel Comics. I just feel like it’s worth pointing that out because this site REALLY hates Marvel for some reason. BUT don’t worry. This series is very much in its own thing. You don’t have to watch over a dozen movies or shows to get into it. You can just...watch this show on its own. Sure, they reference the Avengers, but it’s in a way to say, “Yeah, those super popular heroes that everyone knows at this point? They’re in this world. But not in THIS show.” And I like that. I like that despite being based on Marvel heroes, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur remains in its own little circle, not even connected to the MCU in any way. It’s just...a TV show that anyone can watch.
And I do mean anyone. You don’t need to be a super-mega fan to love this show. As far as I can tell, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur are new and/or niche characters in the Marvel line-up, and that freedom allows the writers to just...do whatever they want. I’m all for that because I know NOTHING about these characters, so I’m cool with not having to worry about comic accuracy. There’s probably some mega nerds who get as pissed off as Spider-Man fans do over the MCU’s Peter Parker, but...screw them. This show’s fun.
BUT it’s not for everyone. Yeah, I know. I said ANYONE could get into it, but that just means that ANY person has the potential to like this. EVERY person? Well, as much as I enjoy the hell out of this series, I will admit that it’s energy might be obnoxious to some people. They use this whoosh sound effect...A LOT, and it almost got as annoying as Johnny Test’s WHIP sound effect. It never reached there, but it was a gimmick that overstayed its welcome. As for how fast-paced everything acts, I didn’t mind it, but some definitely will.
Also, with this premier, I feel like the writers played a few cards too soon. I don’t want to give away how, but there are some emotional beats that should have been saved for, at least, the season finale.
But, other than that, I still frickin’ love this series. It’s a ton of fun and will be a show I’ll try to keep up with for the foreseeable future. If you haven’t checked it out yet, well, here’s the series premier free on YouTube. If you can’t watch it...get a VPN.
If you’re a fan of superheroes and animation like I am, this show will be a fun time for you as well.
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Welcome to Night Vale ep 4
Okay, time for a longer lunch break since I have plans to study tonight instead of right now. (shout out to my friend suggesting one more lab walkthrough before they close it) Fun times for this one since I remember Cecil's job/life was in danger at the end of last episode. Here we go!
PTA meeting ends in bloodshed? seems normal to me. the dinosaurs, not so much. The description here is amazing tbh. Did he say roach-spiders? god help me. Call out NYT Cecil. Is it really free when included in cost?
election season sounds fun for the kidnapped family members. Who doesn't love an abandoned mine shaft vacation? Wait, they get HBO, this is a high-end kidnapping.
Front-page ads sounds like a good idea. wow, daily writers were let go, so they are crowd-sourcing news lol. Is there anything that hasn't been blown up in this town? seems like insurance companies have fun here.
PTA update: the swingset was left open. and there is one dinosaur left to capture, FREE PET! Aging several thousand years is the best cheat for getting a senior discount. And really who isn't insane at this point?
How do you put adults in detention?
Humming and green light? sounds like a Disney villain. Oh wait, plutonium. Actually that probably tracks, the plutonium I mean.
Carlos is beautiful depsite his shorn locks. That sounds like he had a bad phone call. Lavender chewing gum? you do you Cecil.
Dino update: secret police updated the type of dinosaurs they were reporting. Gotta be accurate on the news. 38 deaths? wtf Cecil
ah high school football and small-town rivalry, good memories. I remembered next year is my 10-year anniversary. overdue library books lead to court ordered hand removal.
apartment etiquette is important people. Let it go, let it gooo. Oozing is bad, lights are acceptable. good to know.
mysterious hooded stranger sounds like a great guest, Cecil. thank you for the gender description too for the radio. Honestly, the static is soothing for me.
Weather break!
The missing pterodactyl going to an AU night vale sounds intriguing, can I go? glad they can reschedule the meeting for backpacks causing autism. :/
all species and geological eras can't enter the dog park.
Can i learn about morse code for trumpet quintets? please and thank you.
I feel like I need to keep a counter for just the hardest lines. Maybe another day.
Again, I just love this so much. A great idea for this spooky season.
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discotenny · 1 year
Right like I feel so petty for being so mad abt it but the amount of people who get into hypmic strictly through the anime. and don't enjoy manga/want to listen to the drama tracks drive me insane because so many of them are ramuda stans who don't know half of who he IS AND LIKE WHY HE EXISTSSSS GRRRRRRRRR WOOF IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN WRONG TO KNOW THIXSSSSSS
no hate btw to anyone who does just enjoy hpmi through the anime!!! I see you and it's all good!!! but the concept had me seething sometimes LOL
I think this is so much beyyer if they really can't make rhyme anima a retelling os canon, do something else fun haha
um. there are also like a huge group of people that think the events of arb are canon like the meeting dinosaurs and the bodyswap events and that is different than the anime situation but also funny
hope you have a good day and drink water and gets lots of rest! 💗 don't stress too hard on requests because you are very kind to do them and owe nothing to nobody 💗
People who r Rhyme Anima only and actually stuck around for the next season sometimes confuse me (no offense to those who do enjoy it) just because looking at the anime away from the source material- it really doesn’t make sense ?? Or at least it’s not properly structured, paced, etc etc.
It still has enjoyable moments but I just didn’t like how they butchered the plot w the drb by trying to fit so much. It’s like they didn’t know whether to leave it open ended or conclude the whole chuoke rebellion stuff so they just… tried to do both. Like it was in question whether they would get a season 2 or not &-&
Like the manga is legit SO GOOD !!! And it’s kind of sucky we won’t ever see those really amazing heartfelt moments, silly interactions, angst, and plot animated in a proper way.
The entire Dawn of Divisions manga is my favorite piece of hypmic material ever. And sure some of it can fit inside some spin off episodes maybe or whatever but that can’t be said for most of the manga content :((
I am disappointed Rhyme Anima doesn’t follow the main plot just cause Hypmic is so inaccessible to a wider audience. But, I much prefer the way they’re handling the second season as opposedthe way they handled the first. Like, instead of a silly mess mushing og content with canon compliance I muuuuch prefer them doing a strong og story. Ynno ynno?
I enjoyed some parts of s1 and I’m glad anime onlys enjoyed it enough to stick around to s2 tbh tbh. Hypmic needs more eyes on it esp from outside jp so as long as they’re staying lolol.
Also I think it’s hilarious how they’re seeming to pretend the events of s1 never happened LOL. Like where is Tom Whisper Weathercock and his epic return smh smh smh
ALSO THATS SO FUNNY TO ME KDBDKEHEKDBKEHEJDJ. People legit thinking the arb events canon omg XDDD
My personal interpretation is that ARB as a whole is a fanfic written by Gentaro and I will not take questions on that lolol
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hoagmaster · 1 year
Halfway There Day
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July 2 marks the halfway point of the year as @ProgressBar202_ on Twitter will tell you, as does Kiff from earlier this year. So I want to take this halftime post and share some of my favorite things from the year so far.
Note that I am only putting new(ish) games from this year that I played to the end here.
Metroid Prime: Remastered - One of my absolute favorites from the GameCube/Wii was shadowdropped on us back in February and I had a ball going back to it.
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe - Another one I liked back in the day and had a good time revisiting. Still have yet to do some of the bonus stuff, but it packs a good amount of said stuff in the package.
Fire Emblem Engage - Maybe my top alternate pick for my favorite game of the year so far. I got into the characters and story and found the changes to the gameplay to be, er, engaging. I'm even contemplating a second run in the near future, which has to say something.
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line - The other top alternate pick for my favorite game of the year. It's a sheer love letter to game music that left me beyond thrilled the series returned.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Now my top contender for my favorite game of the year. It takes everything I liked in the previous game and builds upon it in so many ways. I've still just barely scratched the surface of the game even after playing to the end of the story and I'm sure I'm going to go back at some point.
Dead Space - I never played the original game but I now have to imagine this is the way to play it. The setting and story were both engaging as was the gameplay that did keep me playing longer than was probably wise on some occasions.
Resident Evil 4 - My other -other- pick for my favorite game of the year, maybe? I had some grumblings after I finished it once but going back to it again with some upgraded stuff and shifted expectations helped me to really appreciate what it does.
Lot of good stuff played this year, but now I think I'm shifting to catchup mode for the next two months while we enter a slower period. Stuff like Mario, Sonic, and so much more dropping in the fall makes that season even more exciting now!
Bit of a shorter list here, admittedly.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Maybe the most biased I've ever been toward a movie because this franchise may be the single most important entertainment media to me, but I can accept that and still have a blast watching this.
Fast X - I watched it shortly after it opened and mildly guffawed my way through the whole thing. This franchise just gets more ridiculous and I'll be there for the "end."
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse - Yup, pretty good like everyone's saying. Animation is quite superb in a lot of it too. I'm skeptical we'll get the next one anytime soon but I'll be fine with waiting, especially if they can get things done better on the production end too.
...And that's it. Well, least this month has some stuff like Mission: Impossible and your pick of Barbie/Oppenheimer. Still a lot of ones I can catch up with too!
And an even shorter list here!
Kiff - My favorite new show of the year so far. Lot of charm with a fun artstyle that keeps me coming back.
Hailey's On It! - I need to catch up, but the premise has led to some wacky fun so far.
Then I won't list them because they're existing shows, but stuff like Big City Greens and The Ghost and Molly McGee continued bringing the goods.
Lot of catchup to do here with Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and the next Zerocalcore Netflix show along with a bunch of new episodes of other stuff. Getting increasingly antsy as to when the last season of Hilda will drop too...
Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to say on stuff in the future. Felt good to get back to a longer writing post like this!
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novelconcepts · 2 years
you may have already answered something like this but, as a fan of the comics from before the show, I’m curious what your thoughts on the changes were. personally i really enjoyed it as an adaptation and my only real issues were aesthetic (it needed more bright color)
idk if I mentioned I was talking about paper girls in the previous ask or not whoops 😅
I really don't mind most of the changes! Paper Girls is such an expansive, explosive story on paper; the comic versions of these children are ping-pong balls firing off from one insane, splashy situation to the next in a heartbeat. A world made of ink and paper can afford to have crazy dinosaurs and hockey sticks sticking out of thin air and bombastic scene-scapes in past, super-past, super-future, etc. The show...in order to be feasible, kind of can't? If they'd done a one-to-one execution, 1) it would have cost a truly insane amount (or looked absolutely awful with VFX teams being run ragged lately) and 2) I don't think it would be accessible for non-comic readers. I think they did an excellent job of toning the whole thing down without losing the heart of what's happening, grounding the world so the viewer doesn't feel as though their face is being blown off with every shot.
I also think this really benefits the girls in terms of character building. KJ in the comics figures out she's gay because she gets some flash-bang images dumped into her head, and one of them is kissing Mac. That's great for that medium--but you get SO much more out of that journey onscreen by actively seeing her adult self be relaxed and happy with a girlfriend. Getting to watch KJ have that quiet mental breakdown (which, in 1988, she absolutely would do; finding out at 12 that you're destined to be queer, especially coming from a family that "cares what everyone else thinks" like hers does, would be incredibly jarring) and then slowly come to terms with what it all means is much more effective on a grounded level. Same with Mac finding out she dies, not from some random lady telling her the family moved afterward, but from the older brother she's revered her whole life--and then building on that relationship to help her on this journey of understanding she's always had value. Erin getting time to discover her adult self is way cooler than she gave her credit for gives adult!Erin's final scene so much more punch than if it they'd gone the clone!Erin route, and gives her room to learn that maybe there's more to life than just being the caretaker.
None of these story beats are better or worse, per se; they just exist more cleanly in the tone of this world. The comic beats are perfect for a comic world, and the television ones are easier to digest as viewers who watch these actors make choices to flesh out the characters scene-to-scene.
Even the colors, I understand. Like. The comics have some of my favorite art, hands down. Paper Girls and Wicked and the Divine are probably my top-tier comics for just how gorgeous they are--but, as with the languages of the future teens and the Old Timers, I wonder if having the palette that extreme would have been alienating to the eyeballs. The whole final episode is kind of rough to watch simply because they've cast that magenta filter over it all; imagine a whole show with such vibrancy. It's possible to do, but I don't think it would have fit the tone as well. I think they found a middle ground that works really well for a first season, and if they get a second, I would think that is where they might start to play with expanding the imagery.
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