#they share one braincell and they left it in their apartment
lenoraah · 1 year
𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘥𝘦
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pairing - ollie bearman x fashion student!reader
summary - reader and ollie basically hate each other. but when their best friends start dating and they have to third and fourth wheel, their friends will do absolutely everything for them to admit their feelings for each other
a/n - this came out the last living brain cell in my head, reader’s nickname is lemon for the title reason. y’know olives and lemons. also the best friends are made up and have names. like I said this is coming out of my last braincell
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“How much more worse could this possibly be?”
“Uh, if they start making out.”
At the sound of Ollie and Y/n’s question and assumption, the happy couple grabs each other’s faces in their hands and starts to smile, obnoxiously pretend to make out.
“Oh Lord no! Please! For God’s sake, stop.”
“There are children here like us!”
“Let it go Ollie, the two of you are eighteen.” Phoebe teases as Jackson places a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Y/n and Ollie share a disgusted yet longing look. Of course neither of them realize and their best friends also share a look, a disappointed one.
Ollie and Y/n both sit there bored and entertaining themselves with their glasses of untouched wine.
While the brunette curly haired Brit came straight from practice and is wearing a jeans and a, what Y/n argues is a sweater, jumper. The y/h/c girl also came from her designer job at the plaza, wearing her work uniform which consists of a long jean skirt, white long shirt with bell sleeves and a tight olive green vest.
The two of them mop around and occasionally make faces at Phoebe and Jackson.
“Can the two of you please stop it?” Y/n tosses her dinner napkin at the two and Ollie does the same.
The blonde boy and the red headed girl on the opposite side of Ollie and Y/n both sheepishly smile before returning to their kiss.
“Disgusting,” The y/h/c girl sighs and downs the rest of her glass before setting it on the table and getting up.
“Where are you going?” Phoebe asks, pulling away from the kiss making Jackson pout.
“Leaving the two of you alone to your dinner date and make-out session.” Y/n holds out her hand to Ollie. “You coming Bearman?”
Jackson and Phoebe share a look and then both then both glance at the Ollie and Y/n.
Phoebe wiggles her eyebrows at the girl and Y/n rolls her eyes in response.
Jackson’s eyes widen at the boy across from high and Ollie shrugs and gives him a, ‘I don’t know’, look.
Either way, Ollie take Y/no’s hand follows her out of their booth.
“We are going to leave now. Uh, don’t get back to the apartment too late. It going to sound like a burglar got into our place, so, yeah.” Phoebe and Jackson wave off Y/n’s concerns and urges them leave.
“Got it, yep. Stop worrying about us. Just go and have fun.”
“Yeah, we’re leaving.”
Ollie and Y/n wave the to one more time before leaving the restaurant as fast as they can, trying to escape Phoebe and Jackson’s lovey dovey-ness.
“Two lemonades please,”
“One with olives. And spiked,”
The bartender, Lilly, raises her eyebrow and looks between the two.
“For me, not him.” Y/n punches Ollie in the arm. “He’s a lightweight,”
Ollie scowls and shakes his head. Lilly snort laughs and rips their orders from the notepad.
“Cute couple, you too.” She says before she leaves.
“Oh no-“
“We’re not-“
“Um hm,” Lilly nods before raising and eyebrow and leaving.
Ollie and Y/n are then left alone, sitting at the bar while everyone else was in the pub was dancing.
Y/n nervously taps her keys and keychain against the table while Ollie looks around, drops of sweats dripping down his forehead.
His eyes wander until he notices the keychain that Y/n has holding her keys.
“You still have that?” Ollie motions the tiny stuffed bear that is swinging against Y/n’s apartment keys.
“Of course I do,” She smiles as she looks at the keychain and then Ollie. “You don’t just just throw away something that you’ve been keeping since you were thirteen.”
Ollie hums and nods. He still remembers when he gave her the little gift.
It was Y/n thirteen’s birthday and Ollie had to rush to get her a gift from after his race. He had past this small store and his eyes had immediately fallen on the adorable keychain and thought about Y/n.
He could remember the expression on her face when she opened the box. The smile on her face was showing everything she was feeling and he could just tell how happy she was.
And then that was the last happy moment the Y/n and Ollie shared before he went back to racing and she left for design school.
After that it was just competition after competition between two until Jackson and Phoebe just couldn’t handle it and started getting the group back together.
“Hey Lemons. Why do we hate each other?”
“What? We don’t hate each other, bear-boy.” Y/n makes a face and gently caressing the tiny face of the bear keychain.
“Sure doesn’t seem like you love each other either.” Lilly raises an eyebrow as she sets the two drinks on the table.
“I- what- we do not-,” Y/n shakes her head rapidly and Ollie helps her out by asking Lilly a question.
“Hey Lilly? What are all these etchings?” Ollie runs his fingers over the carved-in markings on the table and
Lilly glances over the table and lets out a laugh. Her eyes don’t leave one of them the markings.
L.A + A.M
“It’s just all of the people that fell in love here. They engrave their names here and, well, the rest is history.”
“Whose is this?” Y/n asks before taking a sip of her lemonade. She points to the engraving that Lilly has been staring at and then looks at the bartender.
“Oh, that’s just me and my husband.” The two notice the ring hanging around Lilly’s neck. “Lilian Andrews and Alex McCulway.”
“It this where you first met?” Ollie looks around the bar and then back at Lilly.
“Yes it is, and we use to come here every anniversary under he past away.” Lilly smiles fondly as she wipes the other side of the table.
“Oh,” Ollie and Y/n share a look before looking back at Lilly.
“I’m sorry,” The two both say at the same time.
“It happened a long time ago, don’t says sorry. It wasn’t your fault,”
Ollie and Y/n both hum and nod along before awkwardly sipping their drinks.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to it.”
Ollie and Y/n nod and smile. They leave it like that for moment. The two of them losing themselves in each other’s eyes. They sneak one more glance before pulling away and blushing, hard.
“Also, you’re one weird girl.” Lilly motions toward Y/n’s drink. She snort laughs and Ollie smiles too, his cheeks brighting by the moment again, knowing who was the person that created that drink with her, him.
“Honey! Shut up!”
“Baby I know, sorry.” Jackson winces as Phoebe steps on his foot.
The two had finally got home from dinner and Phoebe had a gut feeling that Ollie and Y/n had already got back to the apartment. That and the fact that their shoes were already there when the got home.
“Where are they?” Phoebe looks around the house as Jackson follows her around like a scared toddler.
Just as Jackson is about to open his mouth that he sees Ollie and Y/n on the balcony, Phoebe pulls him by the neck behind the large plant where they can listen without being seen.
Ollie and Y/n stand outside, the two in their pajamas, nervously staring at the stars.
“Do you hate me or-“
“I think I’m in love with you and-“
“Wait what?”
“Ollie you’re what?”
“You don’t hate me?”
“Why- what?- why would I?” Y/n stutters over her words and uses her hands in exasperation.
“I don’t know it’s just that we’re always competing and I’m so confused because we went from barely seeing each other to living together and now some a night at some bar fixed us? And I know it’s really late for this now but I’ve had a crush on you since we were thirteen and I don’t know if you do, and you probably don’t, but-“
Y/n cuts him off by grabbing his right cheek and pulls him in for a kiss. His cheeks flush a bright color and he looks like he’s in a trance when they pull away.
“Are you okay?”
“What- what was that for?” Ollie stumbles over his words and Y/n can’t help but laugh.
“You weren’t going to shut up and I needed to tell you something, so.”
“What is it?”
“I like you too, stop worrying.” Y/n smiles shyly and Ollie’s face relaxes and he half grins.
“That’s really, really great.” Ollie smiles pulls her in for another kiss.
The two stare into each others eyes again before smiling holding each other in their arms. Ollie’s hands wrapped around her waist and her arms around his upper body.
They’re both smiling like idiots as they hold each other. A thousand thoughts running through their minds at once. Happy and nervousness. One thing they were sure of was that matter how chaotic their schedules were, they were going to make this work.
And you know what?
A couple years later, the two walked through the doors of the very same bar and they both grinned as they carved their initials into the table, their wedding rings shimmering under the bar lighting.
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Hi there! I saw your post about a Kishibe request. I have one...How about a OS with Kishibe x Younger! Fem! Reader (like 25 maybe). Where Kishibe is training with Denji and Power. Reader is a beautiful and kind woman, Denji finds it so hard to believe that Kishibe is dating a beautiful woman. She decides to bring a lunch for his students and for him on their break. Being a flirt with him, being completely in love with each other but the students are kind of gross out for all the mushy love.
Lunch Break {Kishibe}
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A/n: my first Kishibe request!!! Thank you so much for requesting and hopefully you will like this!! Though I had no idea whether the reader is supposed to be a civilian or not so I wrote it so she is a devil hunter.
Pairing: Kishibe x younger!fem!reader
Trigger Warnings: age gap relationship (reader is early 20s and Kishibe is his canon age which means probably early 50s), mentions of blood
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Kishibe was never a man who cared enough to get lunch with him. Most of the time he barely even has time to take a piss break, let alone eat. Though, if he were to be completely honest, the fridge at his apartment is almost always empty.
So eventually, especially after getting in a relationship with him, you took it upon yourself to prepare food for him because there would be times when he would come home to his apartment and he would immediately fall asleep.
"Time for lunch." The sound of your voice made both Denji and Power turn their heads, mid air, completely ruining their attack on Kishibe. Whether you had interrupted them or not, of course they wouldn't have landed the attack. Kishibe had most probably seen through them already.
The two teenagers fell on the ground, wincing at their asses bumping on the cold ground. Yet their eyes never left your form. They had heard about you, one of the top devil hunters in the organisation. If their shared braincell wasn't deceiving them, they had seen you before, passing by them whenever their training finished.
And your image was so deceiving. Your black suit hugging your curves perfectly, and that somewhat blank expression on your face? Yet you were holding two bags filled to the brink with food. And you were so pretty. A blessing to Denji's tired eyes. He would have eagerly dated you if you weren't with Kishibe. Whether he actually had a chance with you or not, is another story.
"Food." Denji growled, reaching out a hand towards you as you walked towards them. A threatening glare from Kishibe was enough to have both Denji and Power on their knees in front of you, their backs straightened and the warmest smiles on their faces.
Setting both bags down in front of them, you returned their smiles with one of yours and hugged Kishibe. The older man loosely wrapped his arms around your waist, his much bigger frame almost hiding yours. He wasn't one to show much affection in public, and especially in front of his students, so the small and loose hug didn't bother you at all.
"You can eat." Your soft words were like music to Power and Denji's ears, a vocal reward for doing their best during today's training. The two kids immediately dived in.
And for the most part, their attention was focused on the food in front of them until Power caught something from the corner of her eyes. "Ew." She muttered under her breath, partially afraid that Kishibe would hear it and make her train more.
Upon hearing her mumble, Denji turned his head in question and there you were, sitting on Kishibe's lap. His arms were wrapped around your waist, holding you in place so you could feed him your homemade sushi. And Kishibe was eagerly eating it, not a single complain leaving his mouth or even entering his brain.
"Keep your eyes to your food." Kishibe said, the tone of his voice more than threatening. Maybe it was on purpose so he could hear the melodic giggle coming out of your lips.
Power and Denji quickly averted their gaze and Kishibe turned his attention back on you, a small and almost barely visible smile on his aged face, the wrinkles being the only sign that he was actually smiling. You snuggled closer to him, offering him another roll which he gladly ate, thankful that he at least had you in this corrputed organisation and in this ruined world.
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amalythea · 6 months
「 stars 」
⤷ info: kazuha, traveler, venti x gn!reader (separate) || angst-ish || wc: 1180
⤷ warnings: mentions of death (not reader), v sad thoughts, i tried to keep traveler themselves as gn as possible too but please do tell me if i missed something, writing for traveler actually killed my braincells
⤷ extra: i used the prompt xiv. “she’s talking to angels, counting the stars.” from @thexianzhoujade 's personal memoires (of the dearly beloved) event!!
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In the tranquil solitude of the night, beneath the vast expanse of stars, you sat on the ground, your silhouette outlined by the gentle glow of moonlight as you gazed up at the stars above. Your heart ached with the weight of loss, your thoughts consumed by memories of your one love Kazuha.
Once, he had been the light of your life, his laughter like music to your ears, his gentle touch a source of comfort in times of need. But now, he was gone, taken from you by a cruel twist of fate, leaving behind only the echo of his presence and a void that seemed impossible to fill.
Every night, you would come to this secluded spot, the one you used to visit together, where the stars seemed to shine just a little brighter. It was here that you had shared your dreams, your hopes, and your love. And it was here that you felt closest to him, as if his spirit lingered among the celestial canvas above.
With a heavy heart, you whispered Kazuha's name into the stillness of the night, your voice barely louder than a breath. "Kazuha," you murmured, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Do you see the stars, my love? Are you watching over me from beyond the veil of the heavens?"
You closed your eyes, letting the memories wash over you like a gentle tide. You remembered the way Kazuha would hold your hand as you sat together beneath the night sky, his words a soothing balm to your troubled soul. And you remembered the promise you had made, to always be together, even when the world conspired to tear you apart.
But now, that promise lay shattered, scattered by the winds of fate. Kazuha was gone, his laughter silenced, his touch but a distant memory. And yet, you could not bring yourself to believe that he was truly lost forever.
For in the depths of your grief, there was a glimmer of hope, a belief that somehow, someway, Kazuha had found peace in the afterlife. You imagined him reunited with his dear friend, the two of them laughing and reminiscing beneath the eternal light of the stars.
And so, each night, you would come to this sacred place, your heart heavy with sorrow yet warm with the belief that Kazuha was watching over you, his love a guiding beacon in the darkness. And as you gazed up at the heavens above, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that wherever Kazuha was, he was not truly gone.
For as long as the stars continued to shine, so too would the memory of your love burn bright, illuminating the darkest corners of your soul and reminding you that even in death, your bond would never be broken.
In Teyvat, where the winds whisper secrets and the stars tell tales of heroes, there once was a traveler from a distant world. This traveler had been searching for their sibling, and in the midst of their search had found someone else they cared for: you.
Your love knew no boundaries, spanning across the nations and beyond the reach of time itself. But fate, like a capricious deity, had other plans. Your lover, in their quest to protect the fragile balance of Teyvat, met their end in a valiant battle against a formidable foe. And as their spirit ascended, leaving behind a world engulfed in sorrow, you were left to wander Teyvat alone.
Every night, as the sky painted itself with the luminescence of countless stars, you would go up to the highest peak you could find. There, beneath the blanket of twinkling lights, you would sit, your heart heavy with longing, your eyes searching the heavens for a glimpse of your lover.
"They're among them," you would whisper to the ethereal void, your voice carrying both sorrow and hope. "My love, shining bright among the stars."
In those moments, you would feel a familiar warmth wrap around you, a fleeting sensation that whispered of your lover's enduring presence. You imagined them traversing the celestial expanse, a celestial wanderer among the constellations, watching over you with tender affection.
As time unfurled its tapestry, you found solace in your nightly ritual. The stars became your confidants, the silent witnesses to your whispered prayers and tearful confessions. And though your lover's physical form had departed, their essence lingered in the gentle caress of the night breeze and the shimmering radiance of the cosmos.
And as you gazed upon the heavens each night, your faith unshaken, you found solace in the belief that your lover had returned to their celestial home among the stars, finishing their search at last.
In Mondstadt, where the winds sing their eternal melodies and the stars dance in the night sky,
Venti, the mischievous bard of Mondstadt, was known for his jovial spirit and melodious songs that enchanted the hearts of all who listened. But amidst his carefree nature, there was one whose heart he held dearer than any other – his lover, a gentle soul whose love for Venti burned like the brightest star in the night sky.
Your love was as boundless as the vast expanse of the heavens, and together, you would spend countless nights beneath the vast expanse of the sky, nestled in each other's arms as you gazed up at the twinkling stars. Venti would weave tales of ancient myths and celestial wonders, his voice carrying across the night like a gentle breeze.
But fate, like the ever-changing winds, can be unpredictable.
One fateful day, Venti's song was silenced, his laughter stilled. News of his passing spread like wildfire, leaving behind a trail of sorrow that even the wind could not carry away. Your heart shattered into a million pieces, each shard a painful reminder of the void left by your beloved bard.
In the wake of Venti's passing, you found solace in the memories you had shared under the starlit sky. You would sit by the edge of the cliff overlooking Mondstadt, watching as the stars sparkled like fragments of Venti's soul scattered across the heavens.
In the quiet solitude of those nights, you would recall his words, spoken with a whimsical smile and a twinkle in his eyes. "If ever I should depart from this world," he had said, "fear not, for I shall join the stars themselves, and from there, I shall watch over you always."
And so, as you gazed up at the luminous tapestry above, you couldn't help but smile through your tears, for you believed with all your heart that Venti was among those celestial beings, guiding you with his eternal light.
Though the ache of loss never truly faded, you found comfort in the belief that Venti's spirit lived on in the stars, a constant reminder that your love was as infinite as the universe itself. And so, you continued to watch the stars every night, knowing that somewhere up there, Venti was watching over you, his laughter echoing in the celestial chorus that danced across the night sky.
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@amalythea 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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lazystar · 1 year
The Long Way Home
Choi San x Fem!Reader
WC: ~ 6.5K
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Warnings/Content Notes: 18+ !!! MDNI!!! SMUT, BDSM Dynamics, Dom!San, Sub!Reader, BFFS -> FWB -> Lovers. ANGST! Cursing, Alcohol Consumption, Jungkook at the scene of the crime, Jokes about divorce. Smut warnings after the cut.
A/N if you enjoy reading this please consider reblogging and leaving a comment ty it genuinely means a lot to me to see y’all’s reactions to my work :)
SMUT Warnings: BDSM Dynamic, Dacryphilia, Impact Play, Bondage, Choking, PIV Sex (no mention of protection remember to wrap it up y’all), Fingering (F Rec), Degradation.
The Long Way Home
Tequila was the worst invention known to man. Your pounding head and naked body declared this thought as you gazed over to the man in the bed beside you. Some jock you couldn’t even recall the name of. He was some fucking guy, maybe his name was something basic like Matthew? If he asked you his name you would’ve blanked and probably said some random name like John. His snores made your head sting with a headache as you tried to recall how you ended up nude and having to do yet another walk of shame.
The memory hit you as you shrugged on one of your one night stand’s hoodies and your jeans. The walk of shame uniform, some random guy’s clothes paired with your own you sighed to yourself.
The bright lights, booming bass, jungle juice, and losing your best friend in the crowd as you both flirted with the many attractive people at the party. It was just a local affair. Crawling with the washed up twenty somethings that all resided in rather small city you called home. All of them regularly relived the glory days of raucous partying and drinking away the stressors of everyday life, you and your best friend and roommate wee no exception to this.
It was cheaper than a bar and honestly more fun. Mr. Anonymous was one of the hosts and putting on his best Flynn Rider-esque smolder as you batted your false lashes and giggled like a fool. You were about to “oh my god you’re so funny” your way into some good sex. Or so you thought, except you recalled on your walk to your apartment that the guy didn’t even last five minutes and you didn’t even cum. It wasn’t even hook up yelp review worthy.
You barged into you and your best friend San’s shared apartment with a loud huff slamming your keys onto the entryway table. Not even looking up from his phone San let out a laugh, “Who the fuck pissed in your cheerios bun?” Bun had been your long time nickname from San due to your shorter stature and constant habit of twitching your nose when annoyed.
“Well Mr. Mountain Flynn Rider guy didn’t even last ten minutes and I was left disappointed AGAIN!!!” You wailed as you flopped beside him onto your lumpy couch. “Like I get it, I take a while to finish but he couldn’t at least help me?! Where is the fucking decorum in hookups these days.” He lets out a loud laugh at your rant and then suddenly stopped, he looked over at you like he just discovered the secret to time travel. Eyes wide and brows raised, his mouth was agape with a smile.
“I just got the best idea! Why don’t we just start hooking up. We talk enough about our sex lives since we’re so close, we know what the other likes. Why not just fuck?” He says his grin now a smirk, he waggled his brows and nudged you with his elbow.
“Did you smoke something? Are you high? Are you unwell? That’s a fucking terrible idea! Like holy shit that’s an insanely bad idea! One of us could catch feelings, someone could get hurt, it would be a mess. Have you seen any movies where that works out?” You exclaim. Your hands were thrown in the air and you began to consider smacking San upside the head in hopes you could help him create some new braincells for some cognizant thoughts. He just shrugged your way and continued on with his master plan.
“Bun, honey. Think about how much easier and safer it would be. No walks of shame, we’d get tested first obviously, I wouldn’t fuck anyone else so we both stay safe, and come on. I know how you like it.” His voice grew almost husky as he looked deep into your eyes. The change in his energy made you squirm and you couldn’t help but think how hot he looked. You had eyes, you knew your best friend of over ten years was hot with his dark eyes and muscles that practically bulged out of his tight shirts.
“Fuck it. Show me what you got.” And with that his lips crashed onto yours, his hand laced into your hair tugging on the roots just hard enough to make you whine into the kiss.
“Oh Bunny I’m gonna ruin you.”
“I’d like to see you try Sannie.” He quickly knocked the smirk off your face with his hand wrapping around your neck, he squeezed a bit and gave you a glare.
“You shouldn’t have said that.” Your underwear was soaked as you gazed at him with wide eyes and a moan fell from your lips as he chuckled darkly. He quickly tugged the hoodie off of you and smirked down at you, noticing your lack of a bra. “Fuck your tits are so gorgeous, look at you. You look pathetic all needy for me.”
“ ‘M not pathetic.” You whined. His hand that was around your throat previously gripped your jaw squeezing your cheeks.
“Yes you are, I bet you’re all soaked and your little pussy is begging for me to fuck you. But sweetheart, you didn’t earn it did you? Back talking, sassing me, telling me that fucking me was a horrible idea. Such a dumb little bunny under me. I should just leave you right here all worked up.” You felt out of control as you shook your head no, ten minutes ago you would have never thought of yourself having any sexual relationship with San. But here you were silently pleading for him to fuck you stupid. He watched with glee as your eyes began to water and you began to beg for him to touch you, for him to play with you like a doll. He had you where he wanted you, needy, lust filled, and wanting only him.
“Sannie please! I want you! I need you! I’m gonna fucking lose it if you don’t do something.” Your voice was whiny and you sounded on the verge of tears as your roommate simply smirked at you.
“You have ten seconds to strip and get on my bed, You know how I’ll wanna see you waiting for me.” You bolted, shoving your jeans down and kicking them off, then your panties as you scurried to his room. You practically leapt onto his bed and got right into his favorite position; kneeling on his bed, hands on your knees, head held high, not moving a muscle.
San during your rendezvous rundowns had divulged his preference for BDSM encounters rather than vanilla ones. His stories had you internally squirming when you two discussed your sexual encounters. You hadn’t really had experience with kinky sex like San did. He’d visit BDSM clubs, done his online research, met up with some subs once or twice as he learned more about his dominant side. He told you about how he loved when some of his submissive partners would cry as he would play with them, using impact toys, vibrators, ball gags, collars. He was a rigger, he explained one time, loving using intricate knots and ties with rope to create, as he put it, “the perfect present for myself”. He loved seeing how his other partners would plead to touch him as he fucked them into delirium.
Now here you were, about to get fucked into that same delirious state. San strolled into the room and leaned against the doorway as you kept your pose. He loved seeing you following his unspoken orders. But he knew as a good dominant he had to make sure you were comfortable with him. “Y/N before I do anything I want to know your limits, what are you comfortable with? I know you like choking and hair pulling, some spanking, some spit play. But is there anything you don’t want me to do to you?” You blushed at his consideration, you knew he was going to do this but seeing his concerned eyes and soft smile your way had you feeling butterflies in your stomach.
“Ummm, no face slapping, just hands being tied or bound is okay, I wanna be able to see you, and um, just don’t go too crazy. Oh and don’t call me a bitch I’ll kick you.” You nodded, your last sentence elicited a chuckle from San as he shook his head walking over to you.
“So you’re okay if I for example say, hmmmm. Y/N you’re being such a good little whore for me. Getting right how I wanted you and answering my questions like an obedient little slut.” His brow quirked and he tilted his head. He didn’t show it but he was reeling watching the shy flush on your cheeks and how you tried to rub your thighs together to feel some friction.
“Yes Sir, that's okay with me.” You nodded, quietly appraising his reaction to the title. A growl erupted from him as he manhandled you onto your back and spread your legs wide.
“Oh Bunny, Sir’s gonna make you fucking scream.” With that promise he pulled you into a searing kiss as he began to push his fingers inside you and quickly locate the spot that made you cry out in pleasure. He watched as you threw your head back and moaned, his fingers grew faster as you began to squirm. He wasn’t even fingering you for that long, maybe a few minutes but he had you on the brink of your first orgasm. “Aww is Bunny gonna cum already? Uh uh, not yet baby, you gotta beg for it.” You cried out in frustration as he pulled his fingers out and slowly began to circle your sensitive clit.
“Please sir, please let me cum. I fucking need it. I’ll be so good, I’ll do anything. Please let me cum and make a mess for you.” Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you begged for him to let you cum. You felt like you were going to squirt all over the sheets as he toyed with you. He smirked and roughly shoved two of his fingers back in you and jackhammered them right at your g-spot. The slick sounds of how wet you were along with your moans and panting breaths were all San heard. He bent down and kissed at your neck has he slowed his fingers down for a moment and made a come hither motion with them, the attention on your g-spot had you falling into a state of euphoric delirium, you couldn’t even think a coherent thought as you moaned out his title over and over again.
“Fucking cum for me Bunny. I wanna see what a messy little slut you are for me.” He whispered into your ear, the kiss on your lips that followed sent you over the edge, his fingers quickened as he leaned back up to watch your orgasm splash against his palm and your body thrash about, he watches as your eyes rolled back into your head and your back arched as he continued the onslaught on your overly sensitive pussy. Your cries of relief and his name had him on cloud nine, this is what he had wished for. He had wanted you in his bed more than anything when he would hear your hookup stories. He wanted to make you cum over and over again, to hear you moan his name has he pounded into your wet cunt. Now here you were coming undone all over his sheets and whining as he overstimulated you.
“Sannie I cant take any more too sensitive.” You whined and he stopped immediately. He laid beside you and pulled you into his arms, rubbing yours and whispering praises into your sweat soaked hairline. Your head lulled onto his shoulder and you snuggled into his body heat feeling safe and relaxed as you synced your breathing with his.
“You were so good for me Bunny, you did so good. How do you feel? Do you need me to clean you up and get you some water?” You nodded and he went into the bathroom and grabbed a damp washcloth and gently cleaned up the mess between your legs. After, he grabbed you a glass of water and helped you drink as he kept on praising how well you took your first time with him. “So what do you say? Want to keep doing this?” You nodded aggressively and he let out a light laugh as he kissed your forehead. “Only time we’ll have rules is in the bedroom okay, no need for those dumb ass contracts or whatever shit they do in those girly movies you like. It’s still us being us except I eat you out and boss you around in bed.” You let out your own laugh and statement of agreement. He made it all so casual and comfortable. Any worries you had fell to the wayside as you found yourself under him once again, his hands in your hair and yours cupping his cheeks as giggles made their home in between each kiss.
You fell into an easy routine that was just you two being Mountain and Bun, except now you often are sleeping beside one another sticky from sweat and he’s made you cum several times. It felt right, like you two had been destined for something more than friends.
Soon enough the kisses and physical affection transferred from the walls of your apartment to out in public. Your friends noticed the possessive hand around your waist and glares San would give at any man who would look for a tad too long at you on nights out at the bars and clubs in the city. But when asked if something was going on between you two, San would lead the way with denying anything more than friendship. This lead to a routine of you both denying anything serious was going on, much to everyone’s disbelief as it was clear as day you two were more than friends.
It was an unspoken rule to deny a connection between you two when asked, but a spoken one to only sleep with one another. You two were just friends, friends who kissed, cuddled, and slept together. Friends with benefits, nothing beyond that. Right?
But, something beyond San tying you up and regularly making you cum up to ten times a scene was going on. Stolen kisses, cuddles under the glow of the tv, and nights ending in romantic passionate sex were growing more and more common. Mornings where you would find yourself wrapped around him as he cooked you breakfast, lazy days spent in his favorite hoodies, nights where you laid by his side and played with his fingers as you compared the size of his hands to yours. It was more than just lust.
You knew you were down bad, but you had no one to explain it to. There was no rule against being open about sleeping together but you both seemed to agree silently on keeping it just between you two. The pair of you seemed to just keep it under wraps to avoid your friend’s questions or comments. But avoiding it all was becoming too much, it was driving you insane. It was making you feel used and discarded even if he was treating you so well, you just wanted him to say something so you knew he wasn’t just using you.
Fall came, leaves crashed against the sidewalks and your feelings began to chill like the air outside. It was another night out for you, San, and your seven other friends, this time in a crowded club with booming bass, sultry air, and many other drunk people looking for a good time. You and San were dancing on one another with him subtly peppering kisses on your neck as your hips swayed against his. After a while you pulled away shouting you were grabbing another drink.
At the bar a tall, tattooed man saddled up beside you. His eyes danced along your figure admiring the short dress adorning your frame. His lip rings emphasized his sultry smirk as he offered to buy you a drink. “The name’s Jungkook. I’ll buy you a drink, but in exchange grant me once dance.” You were charmed by his attitude and agreed. Your hands soon found their way around his neck as his grip met your waist. The heavy beat of the R&B of the club and the lust filled air around you two pushed San from your mind as the tall man had stolen your attention.
“Gorgeous I don’t think your boyfriend is too happy you’re dancing on me like this.” The raven haired male said into your ear as you both swayed to the beat. His strong grip on your waist was anchoring you to the moment. The liquor swirled your brain as all of your inhibitions began to throw themselves aside. Your attention was brought back to San, you could feel his angry laser like stare on your back as you danced with Jungkook. Why was he mad? It’s not like he would openly say anything about you being off limits anyways.
“He’s not my boyfriend, just my roommate. We hook up but it’s nothing serious.” You reply back loud enough to be heard over the music.
“So he won’t keep staring at me like he wants to murder me if I kiss you?”
“He can be mad he doesn’t get a say in who I kiss.” You snark back and Jungkook pulls you into a kiss, his hands snaking down to grab your ass over your short skirt and your hands reaching into his flowing locks. Before things could get too heated you felt a hand grabbing your arm and pulling you away. “WHAT THE FUCK LET ME GO!” Your disagreement went unanswered as San dragged into a hallway away from prying eyes.
“Y/N what the actual fuck was that? Were you trying to make me jealous?! Well congratulations it fucking worked. You’re mine, nobody else’s. I thought you knew that.” His voice was filled with anger and his tone was almost like a snarl. You shivered and felt the familiar feeling of your head beginning to float at his authoritative behavior.
“Sannie, you never said we were anything more than friends with benefits. How was I supposed to know I wasn’t supposed to kiss other boys, I wouldn’t fuck them but I can’t kiss em?” Your tone was playful but also clearly annoyed at his power play when he wasn’t your boyfriend. He was the guy you lived with and fucked, not the guy telling you he loves you and wants to spend his life with you.
He had no power over you when it came to expanding your horizons while being single.
“No Y/N you’re mine.” San’s glare began to anger you. He can’t say shit like that then not say you two were a couple.
“No San. I’m not fucking yours, matter of fact I’m never going to be ‘yours’. You can have someone else in your bed, sharing a place with you, and being your plaything. I’m done with the games and the back and forth on what I am to you. I’m so done with you. If you have any once of respect for me you’ll do me a favor leave me the fuck alone.” You stormed away before he could even make a move to try and save the shreds of your relationship. You walked as fast as you could to find your friend group. With your head hung low and as quiet of a voice as you could muster in the loud club you told your friends, Hongjoong, Yunho, Minho, Seonghwa, Jongho, Yeosang, and Wooyong that you were not going to be able to go participate in your regular hang out nights anymore, your only explanation being you and San weren’t on good terms and you didn’t know if your friendship would be good again.
The guys didn’t see or hear the exchange but they saw the angry tears running down your cheeks that you had been trying to hide and knew that the situation was not good in the slightest. They watched you angrily wipe at your mascara stained cheeks and march off. They were worried for you. They saw San off in the hallway he had pulled you to, his head was pressed to the wall as sobs wracked his body. His fist was hammering the wall as he appeared to be cursing himself for what went down. The boys felt like children caught in the middle of their parents fighting and it had them all feeling a major sense of unease.
You spilled the beans a few days later to Yeosang, Wooyong, and Seonghwa when they came to check on you while you were staying on your friend Winter’s couch. She was helping you navigate moving out and moving on from the boy you had been hurt by. She knew the whole story and comforted you as you told the three boys about everything, well not all the sexual things after you got into a little bit about it and they looked ready to send you off to a convent. The boys were angry for you they understood that you felt played and that your feelings seemed to be disregarded, but they also understood that San was not the best when it came to emotional vulnerability or communication. They wanted you to open the door to him to try and repair things. But you were insistent on never speaking to San again due to how hurt you were. You couldn’t bear looking him in the eyes knowing you had been a toy to him. That he wanted to have all the aspects of dating you, but wouldn’t even admit he was sleeping with you. Was he embarrassed with you? Were you not enough? Your mind would spiral every night as you laid on Winter’s couch questioning your value to San, your friendship as a whole, your own sense of self. You picked yourself apart to the atom, finding more and more reasons to wonder what it was that made San begin the denial of your relationship when asked about you.
They helped you pack your things when San was at work and within the hours of his shift any trace of you was gone. Your new apartment was only a few blocks away with San none the wiser. When he came home to see every trace of the years you’d shared by his side gone, his heart was crushed like a hammer was hitting him square in the chest. The end of September was now San’s least favorite time of year, because it’ll forever mark when he lost to you due to his own stupidity.
Days without either of you speaking turned into weeks, then months. The cold gray winter had come in to chill your bones and steal your breath. It turned your cold heart to ice as you began to move on from the beautiful boy you had fallen for. It was as if the past few years never existed. Like the way you slept for months in his bed was an illusion. It was a fog, always a fog. Until those cold nights called for another body to join you in bed. Nobody else was good enough, it had to be him. The man who had you Pavloved into orgasming to the sound of his voice, the man who made your mind melt. San, Choi San was the only one for you.
San was no better off, cold nights yearning for your touch. Your voice haunting every time he had to rub one out. “Please Sir, please let Bunny cum! I-I’ve been so fucking good for you please!” one of his favorite memories. He could always remember every aspect of that night. He had been practicing some new Shibari tie methods and had you bound into the perfect present, intricate knots holding your breasts in place, your pussy exposed with your hands bound to your legs so you were immobile. You looked delectable with those pleading yet wild eyes, drool leaking from your mouth, and makeup running down your face. You looked practically angelic to him as he watched your eyes roll back into your head as he bullied his cock into you over and over, he recalled how with a whispered “such a good girl for me, yes you can cum.” the scream that flew from your lips as your eyes rolled back, the gush of your orgasm around him and how your pussy milked him dry. He remembered how you looked at him with such loving eyes as he took care of you and how you would let him lay on your bust as you kissed his forehead and assured him he wasn’t too rough with you. He remembered that while you slept he uttered “I love you” while he looked at you.
But he couldn’t get to make memories like that again, not until you’d let him speak to you, not until he could fucking find you that is. And most definitely, not if you have a new boyfriend or someone he can’t compete with for your heart.
While the two of you were pining for the other like a high school production of Romeo and Juliet the rest of the friends you and San shared were extremely annoyed by the way you two were acting like a divorced couple.
“I’m team Mom aka Y/N here but I don’t wanna deal with who has custody of us at Christmas being an issue. They need to kiss and make up” Yeosang declared while sitting with the others at lunch. They had planned a lunch to plan the intervention because as much as they didn’t want to admit it they would rather be annoyed by you two being romantic or possibly walk in on you two, than have to deal with the split custody issue. Thus the “Stop the Divorce” squad was put into action. They wanted you both happy and most importantly back together.
Soon enough their plan to get you two to hash shit out was put into action, Hongjoong the unofficial leader of the group sent San and you separate texts asking to meet up at his recording studio space to hang out. You arrived first, you had made yourself at home on the sofa and then about five minutes later San was walking into the room. “Oh fuck no, I’m not doing this.” You exclaim, grab your things, and make your way to the door to leave. It’s San who surprisingly makes the move to block your way out. Hongjoong and the others maneuvered to exit and lock the door as you and San stared down one another with laser like focus.
“Sit. The. Fuck. Down. Y/N.” He hisses through his teeth, using the tone of voice he reserved for those occasions you would have tested his patience when your dynamic was in place.
“You’re not the fucking boss of me anymore Choi San. Just fucking UGH!! Let me go!” You bark back.
“I’m not going to lose you now when I finally have you back in my life, I won’t make that same mistake again.” His voice sounded as if he was about to cry, it was broken. San’s voice carried his emotions after not seeing you for months,he sounded lost, hurt, terrified, and so, so sad.
“You won’t lose me Sannie, you never did. I went overboard leaving like I did, I was just so… so fucking scared. I was with you every day. I slept in your bed, woke up to you, brushed my teeth while you showered, held you when you cooked. It was becoming so real, so domestic, it felt too coupley when you wouldn’t even claim me as someone you had even been fucking! I couldn’t take it anymore, it was too painful.” Your voice broke as you crumpled to pieces before your former lover. His own eyes filled with unshed tears as he looked at you. Your hair hung in your eyes as you stared at your shoes. Your arms were wrapped around your body like a protective shield as you rocked back and forth avoiding him as your confession hung in the air like a thick fog.
“Oh bun. Shit, baby. I— fuck it. I love you Y/N I have loved you for years. I think it was sophomore year of college when I realized how I’d fallen for you. It was when you were there for me when Mina broke up with me, you didn’t even do anything but sit and listen as I cried. You told me something that day, do you remember?” You shook your head as you looked up at him with wide eyes at his confession. Your heart was thumping, head reeling at the words he’d just blurted out. “You held me and said ‘San, any chance to love you is a chance worth having. You love so greatly, so wonderfully, so wholeheartedly. Love from you in any capacity is love worth lifetimes of happiness that anyone would be blessed to have.’” You began to cry as you realized he was telling you the truth, he remembered verbatim the words you told him that day. He remembered the veiled confession you made.
“San, I love you too.” You whispered, almost incomprehensibly.
“Say it again, please”
“Choi San, I Y/N Y/L/N am undeniably in love with you.” You said louder, now smiling at him with tears cascading down your cheeks. His own tears falling from his eyes as your lips crashed onto his. The kiss tasted like salt from your mingling tears. He smelled like his cologne mixed with his own natural scent that was something so addictive. He felt like home. The warmth of his hands felt like forever.
You moved back in shortly after San confessed, loving him felt like walking on air; light, freeing, and gentle. The domestic routine was something you loved, a good morning kiss, another kiss as you both left for work, a welcome home kiss from him as he cooked dinner to reward you as you came back from a longer day at the office, so many kisses just because. He spoiled you in affection and words of his adoration for you, he made you feel so at home.
It was game night at your home with San, your friends all lounged on your couches as you curled into the worn leather loveseat nestled into the crook of San’s arm. Your head was resting on his chest as your sock covered toes poked at the arm of the small sofa, his laughter lightly shook you as a fond smile crept to your face as Seonghwa was forced into telling another embarrassing tale of his college dating woes. “So she walks into my dorm, I’m thinking ‘hell yeah I’m about to lose my v-card and BAM! The lego collection scared her away like DAMN can’t a man get laid and like legos?” He laments and the snort that left you at his story has the whole group laughing. “Okay just for that miss piggy, your turn, truth or drink?”
“For the sake of my liver, truth.”
“What’s the wildest thing San and you have done while fucking?” The sip of your single glass of wine for the night nearly launches from your nose as the boldness of Seongwha’s question sets in.
“What defines wild to you?”
“Nah sister, just answer the question.”
“Well there was this one time he had me collared with a leash but also tied up in this crazy position, like my ankles and wrists bound together so I was practically immobile. He fucked me so hard I blacked out, we’re okay with like him still going even when I’m not all there in the head. We’ve talked boundaries about that stuff so don’t keep looking at him like he’s a psycho. And yeah, or would you rather hear about how he had to punish me for being such a brat, he went so hard on me that day I had to call off work for three days so the bruises on my ass could heal and I could sit down properly?” You smirked and looked up at San, his eyes were burning onto you as his own smirk settled onto his face. He bent his head down and uttered one small phrase that had you shifting in anticipation.
“Strike one bun, you know I don’t like the idea of them imagining you all exposed and slutty for me.” His voice practically sounded like a purring lion. The shiver that went down your spine was visible to anyone looking your way.
“Well damn. Don’t go having war flashbacks over there Mr. and Mrs. Pornhub.” Yunho prompted as he cleared his throat. You shrugged and the game kept going. The questions only seemed to grow bolder as time passed and soon enough you all grew progressively drunker.
“Y/N truth or drink but if you drink it’s 3 shots this time!” Wooyoung drunkenly declares.
“That’s so foul, okay lay it on me.”
“Who in this room would you tell San you’d be cool to have a threesome with?” San’s grip on your thigh grew harsh in a warning. You promptly took the shots and groans of disappointment rang out as your friends still asked you to answer.
“Fuck it, ummmm Joong I guess.” You say not thinking as the alcohol muffled your mind of any proper filter.
“Strike two.” San’s voice rings in your ear. Like baseball, one more and you’re out of luck. So, you turn on the brat mode.
“I mean come on we all have eyes, Joong is cute and I’m not saying I would do it but hey who knows.” You shrug and you feel San’s eyes burning into your skull as Hongjoong blushes wildly and murmurs a question filled “thank you?”.
The third strike warning never comes as San finds an excuse for the party to end and within the hour you find yourself bent over his lap. The loud thwack! of the shiny leather paddle reserved for only the harshest of your punishments against your ass rings out as he orders you to count. “One! Thank you sir.” THWACK! “T-two! Thank you sir.” and so on until you hit fifteen. Your ass is ringing with pain as he manhandles you silently onto your back with your head hanging over the edge of the bed. You didn’t even have a moment to process before your ankles are on his shoulders and his cock is being pounded into your sopping cunt, tears leaked from your eyes and were hitting your hairline as cries of pained pleasure were ripped from your throat.
“Shut the fuck up and take it like the greedy whore you are.” His warm palm encased your throat as he squeezed it, choked gasp filled moans fell from your lips as the familiar feeling of floating euphoria filled your mind. The blood rushing to your head combined with the sensation of his hand around your throat squeezing your airway made each thrust hit that much more intensely. Your mind was going blank and you dropped into the headspace that made you lose all sense of thought and control. Your mind was solely consumed by San, only San.
“Sir, gonna cum!” You cried as that knot in your stomach grew tighter and tighter. He shook his head and pulled out, he pulled his hand away and maneuvered so he stood at the side of the bed near your face.
“Only good girls get to cum, you know that. Or are you too stupid to remember Bunny?”
“‘m a dumb bunny and forgot sorry sir! Please let me cum!” The tears fell harder toward your hairline as you gazed at him with pleading eyes.
“Suck Sir off and I’ll maybe let you cum.” He asserted and he began to thrust his cock down your throat as soon as your mouth opened. His cock bullied the back of your throat, spit trailed from your lips to your cheeks and hair as you gagged and moaned around his throbbing hard length. You could barely take half of him, but you wanted to please him so badly you relaxed you gag reflex and watched his face screw up in pleasure as he watched his length create a bulge in your throat as you worked to deep throat the entirety of his pulsating cock. It felt like hours of him thrusting in and out of your mouth, your mind was numb and you were still yearning for orgasm. After a few choked “Good girl bunny.”’s you felt his cum shoot down your throat. He pulled out and let the last few ropes of cum shoot over your face moaning as you tried to swallow more of his load.
“Oh Bunny you did so well for me, let Sir make you cum all over for him okay? Want me to eat that pretty little pussy and make you squirt for Sir?” A dumb nod in response was all it took for him to begin lapping at your sopping hole, moans and growls rumbled against your aching clit as he suckled on it like he was having his last meal. His tongue was expertly thrusting in and out of your pussy and his nose brushed your clit as he moved his head to lick you from your asshole to your clit a few times. Your head was reeling as silent screams left your lips, your eyes rolled back into your head as he gently nibbled at your clit. You couldn’t even give San a warning as with one last thrust of his tongue the wire in your core snapped and you felt that jolt of pleasure spread from your head to your extremities. Your legs shook as your fingers dug into his scalp and you held his head to your pussy. Gush after gush of your orgasm flooded from you as he continued to lick and suck at your core. You couldn’t even declare it being too much before another white hot orgasm hit you. You continued to whine and squeal as you soaked the sheets. He pulled away and watched as the lady sprays of your orgasm fled your body. “That’a girl, you there for me baby?” You nodded tiredly as he maneuvered you so your head was resting on a pillow. He had prepared prior to starting the scene having some water, baby wipes, and some pain cream for your ass for aftercare. He whispered soft praises as he moved you once again to massage your aching ass cheeks with the cream and to clean the sticky mess between your thighs with the baby wipes. His gentle touch was so comforting as he made sure you were comfortable after the intense scene was done. Once he was done cleaning you up and making sure you were alright he began to help you sip some water and he whispered more praises to you as you came down to earth from your headspace. Your heart was so full of love and warmth as you took in his gentle hands rubbing your arms and his honeyed voice cooing how proud he was of you, how good you were, and how in love with you he was. He held you close, his chest pressed firmly against your back as you began to be lulled to sleep by his steady heartbeat and the encompassing warmth radiating from his body.
“Sannie?” You whispered hoarsely, looking over your shoulder at him with shining eyes full of happy tears. He smiled and moved to rub them away with his free hand, he peppered kisses on your forehead as he did so.
“Yes my love?”
“I’m so glad the guys made us talk, I can’t imagine not having you in my life. I love you so much.” His own eyes began to fill with tears as he moved so he could kiss you deeply. He didn’t need to respond, his kiss conveyed his feelings. His kiss was warm, filled with the years of adoration he held for you. His arms were safe, protecting you from ever being harmed by the world outside your bedroom. His heartbeat was the metronome by which the melody of your happiness kept time. San was home, he was your forever.
To San, your soft skin was his oasis in a desert. The warmth of your skin on his was his security. Your hands held his heart. Your voice was what he imagined Heaven to sound like. You were his forever. You were his home. You were his peace when the world was too great to bear.
Mr. Mountain and his Bun, could anything be more wonderful? In your eyes, nothing could be better than that. Nothing could be better than loving Choi San. And to him, nothing could be more perfect than loving you with every fiber of his being.
Taglist: @stolasisyourparent
1 October 2023:
Thank you for reading this far! If you like it please consider reblogging it helps a LOT! Please remember that this is a work of fiction and all of the idols mentioned are used as face claims for characters I’ve come up with. None of their actions or behaviors are indicative of who they maybe be IRL :)
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lynn-tged-posting · 1 month
tged webtoon ep 156 spoilers and thoughts below the cut yeah yeah yeah
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also if the panels are slightly blurry uuuuuh no they're not dont worry abt it
ok back to the top bc holy shit this chapter made me crazy again
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and ohhh god the restoration of fate kicking in alongside all of this is insane ,, , god it might even happen sooner depending on how quickly they kick their plans into gear ,,, also this guy (forgot his name LMFAO) looks downright terrifying
i wonder how they'll go about it actually,,, especially since alicia has already had a dose of that like, dark magic paranoia poison back when she raided targa's castle. will she be able to combat what their planning,,, do they know she had been poisoned before? probably not, right? ooohhh im so curious to know,,,,,,,
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he's finally so close . he's so close to being able to permanently protect this place that he loves so dearly . ooohhhghhh hhhhh . he's gotta pursue and continue to the end god im shaking him
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im so sorry i dont have a lot of brilliant things to say im just. KICKING MY FEET ROLLING ON THE FLOOR IM. AAAHHHH my singular Analysis braincell hasn't kicked in yet sorry
sorry okay if i just post panels and scream i wont actually get anywhere but i REALLY liked the oneliners/jokes in this episode specifically got me giggling my ass off
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i remember seeing a post on twt about the episode preview and it was this left frame of lloyd crying and i was like "WTF FULLY EMOTIONAL MOMENT WITH LLOYD??" BUT NO ITS JUST HIM BEING CONNIVING AS USUAL LMAO
and javier's reaction HAHAHAHAHAHAA
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shaking crying at the way they look at each other oh my god . javier fully understanding lloyd . that the outcome lloyd wants isnt just one that benefits himself or the estate, but one that satisfies everyone,,, theyre on the same page they want the same thing a good ending for everyone they love im gonna lose my fucking MARBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PROTAGONISTS EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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lloyd saying this n that about being pragmatic and yet there's this blatant fucking evidence that he's been working so hard and so long for the most idealistic, best results for the people he cares about and the people he comes across no matter what . "pragmatic" and he's going about things in a long, constructive and taxing process all so that he can fight fate while also saving people instead of realistically accepting the permanence of it . this is so poorly worded but i hope u understand HOW INSANE THIS MAKES MEEE and javier catches this for sure the fucker im shaking him
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THIS MADE ME SO FUCKING EMOTIONAL FOR SOME REASON I. GHGHGHHGHGHGHGHH the first high five they share im gonna fall apart into ten billion pieces
i said this on twt but like. if anyone suggests a high five irl i think i'm actually gonna just bawl in front of them i'm so serious llovier is a fucking plague
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and their second one about the hellgate was really cute/funny LMFAOOO
this ep had me giggling and wiggling around like a fucking millipede i loved this so much HEHEHEHE
i think this is just abt the beginning of the end of the truth jewel arcs,,, god i wonder what the jewel will say!!! PRAYING that it says fate can be fought bc if it says "lol nah u cant" the devastation and anguish that would follow would be INSANE i wouldnt be able to take it. id stop reading right then and there /j
anyway that's all for now ,,,, i will see u next week, ,,,, or whenever i make my next shitpost,,,,!!!! end post!!!!!!!!!!
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Fireleaf (Part Twenty-Three)
Oh, @greeneyedivy and I are SO not ready for this 😭😭😭. The LAST PART. It has been such a pleasure having you readers come along this journey with us. Right from the very first conversations Ivy and I had, when Fireleaf was just a little idea, we knew it was going to be something special. We've enjoyed every second of working on this story, and we thank you all so, so much for the comments, the likes, the reblogs, the asks. We appreciate you and love you all, and we hope you enjoy this final chapter!
And Ivy, my love, my soulmate, my moon and stars, my braincells, I thank you for writing this with me, for sharing your brilliant brain and ideas and coming together with me to write the Lucien fic we so badly wanted in our lives. I love you wildly 💋.
Warnings: None.
✧: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚
Dion and Willow were officially, finally, mated.
Their bond, your sister had told you in an excited letter sent to Dayview Cottage, had snapped into place when they, too, had decided to take a vacation. 
And though you and Lucien had taken an entire, much-needed month to just be together, you were looking forward to seeing everyone. To celebrating. To see what the new era of the Autumn Court was like.
“Hold still.” You murmured to Lucien, your faces inches apart. He’d watched your reflection in the mirror applying gold shimmer to your face, and had decided that he wanted to match.
“I couldn’t get any more still if I tried.” Your mate snorted back.
“You’re a fidget.” You dabbed at his cheeks, the gold absolutely resplendent against the tone of his skin. You leaned in to plant a quick kiss to his lips. “But a very pretty one.”
You couldn’t be more excited for Dion and Willow’s mating ceremony. A night of eating and drinking and dancing and just enjoying that the worst was behind you all. And after that, you were ready — ready to throw yourself into whatever the future held.
With both you and Lucien dressed up to the nines, the two of you stepped back to survey yourselves, side-by-side in the mirror. Your dress was of the same burgundy shade as the tailored jacket he wore. You’d both left your hair flowing down around your shoulders, little flowers pinned within — which Lucien had also insisted on joining in with. And with the shimmering gold on your faces, the sunlight streaming through the window, the love that radiated off of you both…
“We look…” you blinked, lost for words.
“Like a king and queen.” Lucien finished with a smile. “Or a High Lord and High Lady. Perhaps we should start our own court.”
You snorted. “A court of chaos.”
“A court of flowers and gold.”
You reached out, touching that gold that lined his cheeks, his outer eyes. “A court of poems and sonnets.”
And those russet eyes…emotion filled them. Love. Happiness.
“A court of always and forever.” He grabbed your hand. “Come, my queen. We have a ceremony to attend.”
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They’d opted for an evening ceremony, when the colours of the court were at their greatest. It was as though the day’s sunlight had lent its vibrancy to the various shades of autumn, painting a landscape that was simply breathtaking.
Almost as breathtaking as Willow in her gown. 
Ivory and jewelled, every drop of light seemed coaxed towards her. And she — she was glowing. As was Dion.
They made an utterly stunning couple, and that feeling of rightness that radiated from them, their love…you knew that you and Lucien must give off the same feeling. And proudly so. 
The ceremony felt intimate, despite the many people who had gathered to attend. The temple in which it was held was bathed in the buttery evening light, shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows and seeming to cast a spotlight on Dion and Willow, and the priestess who had been selected to swear them officially mated. And gathered on the seats to watch the ceremony — your family.
Not the one you’d been born into. There was no sign of your mother or your other sisters, and it didn’t bother you one bit. Everyone you cared for was there, in that room. Eris and Linden. Catrin and Helion. Members of the Vanserra household’s staff that you were all equally fond of. And to tie it all up — you finally had the pleasure of meeting the other two Vanserra brothers, Lux and Hale.
It said a lot that they hadn’t rushed back upon Beron’s death, but were here for the ceremony, wives and children in tow. It was a relief that your introductions hadn’t given off any negative feelings, not made any alarm bells ring. It seemed that Lux and Hale were another two decent Vanserras. And had absolutely no qualms about the fact that Beron had been killed, and by Eris, no less.
And so, Dion and Willow swore their eternal love and loyalty to each other, their hands joined as the priestess announced them Cauldron-blessed. And with a chorus of applause and well-wishes echoing through the temple as they sealed their vows with a kiss, you weren’t surprised to find your eyes tearing up.
Such a journey you’d all been on. So much you’d all had to withstand. And yet here you were — you with your love, and your sister with hers.
Beron Vanserra had tried to break you. Had tried to destroy what you’d dared to dream of having. And now you had it — the happy ending. You all did. And he would never again be around to ruin it. 
You caught both Dion and Willow in a tight embrace, barely able to congratulate them around the lump in your throat. But when Lucien wrapped his arms around the three of you…when the four of you squeezed each other and truly stepped back to look at what you’d lived to experience—
You’d never felt happiness like it.
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The true celebration began when the sun had set, and everyone had sat down for the feast. 
The air held nothing but a sting of pure elation as you ate and drank and talked, the various voices of your loved ones all mingling together to create the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard. There was nobody in that room that didn’t deserve to be there — that didn’t belong. And as you sat at a table with your mate and his brothers, getting to know Lux and Hale and their wives, their children running around excitedly whilst you talked, your sense of family only strengthened. 
This was home. This was love. 
Soon, the food was gone, making way for the best part of the evening — the music and the dancing. A live band of minstrels played fast, excited music amongst the beauty of the gardens, and it wasn’t long before most were gathered on the grass, their clothes a flurried flash of colour as they spun and danced and cheered, the flames of lit pyres casting such brilliant, intimate light. Every song was better than the last, every dance more freeing.
It was in the gardens that you found Linden — leaning against a wall, a wine glass in his hand as he watched the dancing. 
Or rather — you realised, as you followed his line of sight — as he watched Eris dancing.
You sidled up to your friend, easing his chalice from his hand and finishing the drink off in one huge gulp. He gaped at you in comical outrage, reaching out to gently pinch your arm.
“Asshole.” He admonished playfully. “I was drinking that.”
Your eyebrows flicked up. “Were you? It seems to be that the wine went warm while you were busy ogling the High Lord.”
Linden scowled. “I wasn’t ogling, I was just…”
The two of you stared at each other, a beat passing—
And then threw your heads back in laughter at the same. Linden pulled you into his side, draping his arm around your shoulder.
“Okay. Perhaps I was ogling a little. He’s a very pretty High Lord.” A smirk played on his lips. “Where is your lover boy?”
“Right now?” Your eyes flicked around the huge gardens, looking for any sign of where Lucien had got to. “I believe he’s happily being chased by a group of children. I don’t have the heart to break it up.”
You felt the chuckle that rumbled through Linden as he continued to hold you against him. And you contentedly sunk into the embrace, savouring his warmth, his scent.
You’d lost so much time with him when he’d been sent away. Never again would you lose that contact.
It was as though he’d read your thoughts as he pulled back, angling himself to study you. And despite the comfort and ease you’d always felt with him, in that moment, you felt strangely…self-conscious, under the intensity of his gaze.
“…What?” You asked, running a hand over the tight, hugging fabric of your dress.
“You’ve been through so much.” Linden murmured, rare emotion sparking in his eyes that instantly replaced the humour. “So much in that time I was away. All those years I spent training you…strengthening you…I never could have imagined what you’d have to eventually face. What you’d have to use that strength for.”
Pink dusted your cheeks as you dipped your head. “You taught me well. It was the strength that you gave me…thoughts of you…that got me through it. I never forgot what you said when you gave me that braid.”
He smiled — though it soon dropped. “I’m just—sorry, Y/N. That I didn’t come sooner. That I—”
“Enough of that.” Your hand flew up to cup over his mouth, halting his words in their tracks. “We were both victims of circumstance. Of my father’s schemes. But looking back on it now, I think…I think I needed to face it on my own. To learn what strength I truly had.”
Your dear, closest friend stared at you, the regret in his eyes eddying and shifting into warmth. Softness. Pride.
“I firmly believe,” you said, removing your hand from his mouth, “that everything happened exactly the way it needed to. Even the painful, lonely parts. The parts when I wasn’t sure I could get through it. I think…I think I had to face those things to get where I am now, Linden. And I couldn’t be happier—”
Your words cut off with a whoosh of air escaping you as he yanked you closer to him, wrapping his broad, muscled arms around you and squeezing you tight. His hand came up to cradle the back of your head, and he pressed your face against his chest. Pressed a kiss to your hair.
“I am so fucking proud of you.” He said quietly — just loud enough for only you to hear over the music. “So proud. You are brave, Y/N, and you are strong. And I cannot think of anyone more worthy of this happy ending.”
Tears warmed your eyes, and you pulled back to look at him, your arms still wrapped around him. “And what of you? What’s your happy ending?”
You didn’t think he was even aware that his gaze immediately made its way over to Eris, still dancing and showing no signs of stopping. Linden seemed to consider your words for a moment, his head cocked slightly.
“I’m not at all sure.” He admitted softly. “The future is always uncertain, no? But…but for now, I have a reason to stay here. And I feel excited to explore that.”
You could already see it — Eris, High Lord of the Autumn Court, and Linden at his side. The two made a stunning pair. And perhaps Eris was the home that Linden had spent over two centuries searching for.
At the mere thought of it, you almost succumbed to your emotions again — until a burst of excited giggles sounded nearby, and both you and Linden looked up to watch Lucien happily zipping through the hedges, his nephews and nieces hot on his trail.
Linden chuckled, loosening his hold on you slightly. “What’s next for the two of you, then? Children?”
You blinked. “Cauldron, no. I’d like…I’d like to live first. To just…be with my mate. And to see what the world is like when I’m not watching it through the bars of a golden cage.”
His smile was so utterly brilliant as he placed a kiss on your forehead. “I can’t wait to see what you do with the world.”
Before you could think of a reply, Eris was suddenly flouncing over to you, his cheeks flushed and his hair tousled. He met Linden’s eyes briefly, sharing a heated smile that was too intimate for your eyes, before he turned to you. 
“Care to dance with me, sister?” He held out a hand.
Your heart immediately warmed — not just at that word, but…but at the memory. All that time ago, now, at the Harvest Festival, when Eris had asked you the same then, too. 
Neither of you had known, at that time, the bond that would be built between you. 
One that you knew you would never, ever let go of.
It was with a great, unguarded smile that you placed your hand in his and squeezed.
“It would be my pleasure.” 
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You didn’t know how long you and Eris spent dancing, your feet eventually beginning to ache and the heat of the nearby pyres causing sweat to roll down your neck and back. But eventually, the fast-paced music slowed into something gentler, and you smiled as the two of you followed its lead, falling into a more languid dance that offered you the space to talk as you moved around the other dancing bodies.
“You look beautiful.” Eris told you earnestly, fond eyes flicking over you. “I hope my brother told you that.”
You laughed softly. “He tells me multiple times a day.”
“Ah — you’ve trained him well.”
The two of you shared a grin, yours shifting into a softer smile as you stared back at him. “You look beautiful, too.”
Indeed, he looked every bit the honourable High Lord he’d always been. A tailored suit of the deepest red and gold brocade, a crown of twining autumn leaves atop his head, and the strength and pride that shone in his amber eyes—
Magnificent. Eris Vanserra — your High Lord, your friend, your brother — was truly magnificent.
“And how is it?” You squeezed his hand. “Being the most important person in the entire court, and all.”
He snorted. “It’s a fucking chore. I’ve never drowned in so much paperwork. I’ve almost lost my voice multiple times, from the sheer amount of people I have to talk to. Sometimes, I’m so tired that I fall asleep sitting up — eating dinner.” He paused, his eyes glancing over your head…to Linden. “But I find that I’m actually enjoying it. Perhaps because of who I get to do it with.”
Something squeezed tightly in your heart. The realisation, perhaps, that things couldn’t have turned out more perfectly for your close unit than it had.
There had been pain. Tragedies. A senseless loss of three innocent lives.
But together, you would all live for them. Together, you would make your court into something everyone could be proud of.
Eris suddenly pinched your side, and you raised an eyebrow. “And what of you?” He asked.
“What of me?” You shot back.
“How is it being a wife?”
Your feet stuttered in their movements, causing you to stumble so clumsily that Eris had to right your stance. You blinked up at him to find him smirking at you, mischief shining in his eyes.
“You little shit, how did you know?” You asked.
You’d deliberately kept the news a secret and surprise, not wanting to steal the thunder of Dion and Willow’s ceremony. 
But it had been that same night that you’d officially accepted your mating bond that Lucien had gazed at you, his fingers rubbing soothing circles into your skin — and asked you to marry him.
And you, of course, had accepted. 
You didn’t want a big ceremony. Not after all the planning you’d had to sit through for your wedding with Dion. The thought of months of planning a big event, just for the satisfaction of those you’d have to invite, made you recoil.
You just…wanted to be Lucien’s mate. And his wife. And so it was that very next morning that the two of you had gone to a temple alone, dressed in nothing but casual, everyday clothes, and had a priestess swear you not only mated, but wed. 
Lucien Vanserra — your mate and husband. You still couldn’t get your head around how lucky you were.
But the two of you had hidden your rings for the duration of Dion and Willow’s ceremony. You gaped at Eris—
“How did you know?” You asked again.
“One of the first tasks I wanted to face as High Lord,” Eris answered, “was to visit the various temples across the courts and begin discussions of repairs and renovations that my father neglected for years to arrange. He held no regard for the priestesses and their beliefs — and he allowed a lot of their temples to waste away over the centuries. It was during one of these visits that a priestess enthusiastically offered me congratulations on yours and Lucien’s nuptials — not realising, of course, that the two of you had kept it to yourselves.”
You snorted, hiding your face against his shoulder as your cheeks flushed. “I’m sorry. We didn’t want a big ceremony…after everything.”
“What could you possibly have to be sorry for?” He paused, pulling back to stare at you. “After all the two of you have been through, it seemed only right that you had something just for yourselves. Weddings are a chore, anyway. I’m happy for you.”
You swallowed hard, sure your eyes were glistening again. “Thank you.”
“And I’m absolutely honoured to officially welcome you to the family.” He grinned. “Mrs.Vanserra.”
You blinked, still not entirely used to the title. You’d not found yourself in a situation, yet, where you’d needed to be referred to by your new surname. 
It sounded…strange. Wonderfully so. And right.
“You know,” you cleared the lump from your throat, “there was a time when I dreaded the day I would be called that. Now…now I couldn’t be more proud.”
“Because you married the right Vanserra.” He squeezed your hand. “And you’re going to have a sickeningly happy life together, just as you deserve to.”
Never, under the heat of a thousand fucking suns, could you have predicted such an outcome. On that first night that you’d been at the estate, when you’d stumbled upon Lucien reading in the forest…never would you have thought that he would be the one to become your husband. Or your mate.
Perhaps you should have had an inkling — with how drawn you’d been to him, right from that first encounter. 
Be it fate or the Cauldron or the Mother…the path you’d journeyed, even at its toughest, deepest cracks in the road, had been the one you’d needed to traverse to get where you were now.
You had no regrets. Not a single one.
“And you and Linden…” You smiled up at him — your brother-in-law. “Perhaps one day, we’ll be revisiting this conversation, and you’ll be calling yourself Eris—”
Upon the interruption, the two of you glanced up…just in time to see Lucien hurrying over to you, hands firmly steadying the little girl who was perched on his shoulders…and who was sprinkling daisies in his hair.
“Look.” Your mate beamed at you, entirely in his element. “Hana and I made daisy chains.”
You stared at your mate. 
And then turned to meet Eris’s gaze.
And you knew — you damn well knew, as the two of you threw your heads back and laughed loud enough to drown out the music, that you were both thinking the same thing.
Thinking back to that conversation you’d had with Eris all that time ago, not long after you and Lucien had first slept together.
To what Eris had said to you: we don’t have the luxury or freedom to go gallivanting around fields and making daisy chains, or whatever it is that Lucien does in his spare time—
The two of you laughed. And laughed and laughed and laughed until your stomachs hurt, until tears were escaping your eyes.
And Lucien just blinked at you. “What did I say?”
Eris snorted, shaking his head. His laughter was still choking him slightly as he let go of you, pushing you towards your mate.
“Dance with your wife, brother.” He said. “And stop hogging our niece. I want to dance with Hana.”
Poor Lucien still looked bewildered as Eris reached up, plucking his niece from his brother’s shoulders and setting her gently on the ground. And the sight of him tenderly leading her into a dance, holding onto her little hands and guiding her feet whilst she spun around in her dress — your heart damn near burst out of your chest at the sight.
But then Lucien was spinning you around to face him, planting his hands on your waist. You grinned up at him, holding back another laugh at the smattering of daisies in his hair.
He pushed his lips into a playful pout. “Why are you laughing at me, mate?”
Because you were happy. Elated. Because you could finally breathe and imagine a future. One that you’d chosen for yourself. 
But you merely pushed up onto the tips of your toes, a smile still on your lips as you kissed the love of your life.
“I’m not.” You said softly. “I just love you.”
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Hours upon hours passed, with no signs of the celebrations slowing. 
You enjoyed every second of it. Dancing with Lucien, and then Dion, and then Willow. Sitting down on the blanket that Catrin and Helion occupied and enthusiastically speaking to them, drinking down their stories. Getting to know even more about your other brothers-in-law and their lives, their histories. And you and Linden chasing the children through the wildflowers and joining their hands to dance in a circle whilst the sweet sound of childlike laughter mingled with the ongoing music.
It was easily one of the happiest nights of your life.
And when the sky began to lighten…when things finally began to wind down, and the children had curled up around Catrin and Helion and fallen asleep, and guests had begun to return home, and Linden and Eris and Dion and Willow each broke away from the group to go off in their couples…you grabbed Lucien by the hand and tugged him away with you. 
The two of you settled atop a knoll covered in vibrant wildflowers, and it was there that Lucien slotted you between his legs and you happily, quietly, watched the sun rise over the court, painting the sky in peachy hues. 
A new day for all of you. A new era. The rising of the sun felt beautifully symbolic, and for a long, long while, you and Lucien didn’t need to speak a word. You were content to just lie in the grass and flowers together, his fingers rubbing soothing circles into your skin. 
Day had truly broken by the time he angled you to look at him. And his russet eyes were brilliant and unguarded as he gazed at you.
“The book,” he said — the first words he’d spoken since you’d nestled down on that knoll, “the book of poems and sonnets.”
You reached out, idly playing with the braid he now wore every day. “What of it?”
For a moment, he seemed to ponder his words. And then he smiled…somewhat coyly. “I don’t know…it sounds a little silly, but…I began to wonder if that book was a prophecy, somehow. Of our story. Each of my favourite poems from that book — that I knew by heart before I even met you — seem strangely…accurate…to us.”
Your head fell into a tilt. “How so?”
He laid back, pulling you down with him. And his fingers slid into the strands of your hair as he stared up at the morning sky.
“The tempered glow of moonlit skies, sketched waltzes in his lover’s eyes, and no immortal heart did dance, the way his did so thoroughly.” He recited, the words smooth like silk. “That one reminds me of the masquerade ball — when we first kissed.”
You smiled, perching your chin on his chest. Gazing up at him. “And what else?”
“And in the storm, however brief, he bared himself for soil and leaf, and skin-to-skin he branded her deep, with all his flames that burned beneath — that one reminds me of the hunting trip. When we bedded down in that cave for the night and…kept each other warm.” He squeezed you. “And it goes on…a mossy cave that swallowed light, was where they bedded down that night, and as she slept, her face to his, he knew he’d never win their fight. And it’s strange…because I remember watching you sleep that night…looking so soft and gentle…and thinking that there was no way I was going to be able to fight off my feelings.”
Slowly, your fingers inched up to his face, dancing over his jaw, his lips. The words sent a shiver down your spine…such beautifully accurate words. 
It was almost as though that ancient, beaten-up copy of Poems and Sonnets Volume II had, indeed, prophesied the journey that you and Lucien would be taken on.
“I love that book.” You hummed softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “It makes me think of that first time I saw you…reading it against that tree, and looking effortlessly beautiful while doing so. I found you breathtaking.”
His lips twitched beneath yours. “Even though I was terribly rude to you?”
“I think it intrigued me even more.”
The two of you laughed, your eyes meeting and just…staring. Drinking each other in, bathed in that early morning light. Your happiness glowed even brighter than the sun.
“There was one more poem…” Lucien murmured, his breath fanning your face. “One more that always stuck in my mind.”
You brushed your thumb over his cheek. “Tell me.”
He paused, eyes scanning your face. And then he sucked in a slow breath, as though he was…nervous. “…For she was love, and lust, and hate. The lightning storm that souls create. And what chased him nightly from his sleep — the truth. She was, in fact, his mate.”
You stared at him, a lump rising in your throat.
And Lucien stared back at you.
And you only became aware of your tears as your vision blurred, and Lucien was reaching out to wipe the teardrops from your cheeks. Reaching out to kiss them away with his lips.
It was your story. Poems and Sonnets Volume II was, somehow, your story. 
It had all been there, perched in Lucien’s hands, from the first moment you’d laid eyes on him. A beautiful telling of what was to come.
And you were thankful for it all — even the bad parts, the hard parts. The parts that had seen you curling yourself up to cry yourself to sleep at night.
Because every bit of it had lent itself to this outcome — you and Lucien here, now. In love. Mates. Husband and wife.
Lucien Vanserra. He was yours, and you were his.
It was a purely happy sob that choked you as you told him, “I love you so much.”
And those beautiful russet eyes shone brighter than any sun possibly could.
He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips. A promise of forever.
“I love you, too, my fireling.”
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lucien tag list: @brekkershadowsinger @sillycrownlady @ruler-of-hades @lectoradefics @lucyysthings @littlemoonash @janzquu @carmelalikestoread @cathyac @tasha2627 @elkessecretplace @inkyvelvet @acourtofthought @zazite95 @antisocialcookie16 @sehalpha25 @fuckthatfeeling @adamgetawaydriver @livelaughlovenestaarcheron @lostpirateinwonderland @scrunklybunny @owllover123 @vangoghsbaby @goodbyemilkyway @babyimagangsta2 @cynicalpotato95 @draguta @pee-stachio @rem-ie @mateobneun-rattattui
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aggro-my-beloved · 1 year
"Move Over..." {David Shaw x Angel}
note: i've been diving deep into the redacted universe lately and figured i'd do my civic duty as a pro stan (and amateur writer) and give back to the fandom. here is the first installment which is a product of my few remaining braincells and far too much caffeine. enjoy :) summary: in which angel's new addition to the home sends her wolf boi into a fury warnings: a swear or two, angel and asher being lil shits, the usual word count: 723
"...the dog sits here." David's tone walks the line of question as he reads out the bold, black lettering printed on the throw pillow. It's sat on the left side of the couch, the top of it karate chopped to perfection by Angel's hand, and the shifter can visualize the smug look painting their lips as they did so. He crosses his arms with an exasperated huff and cranes his neck towards the sound of his mate's footsteps pattering to the room he now commands. His stance, while appearing intimidating, will affect them in no way but positively. Getting beneath his skin seems to be a hobby they favor above all else, and damn he hates how much they excel at times. 
"Hey, I thought I heard y-" Their perky tone settles to silence at the Alpha with his lips downturned. They try to keep their growing smile at bay, but it will be no easy feat with how they've outdone themselves this time. 
"I take it you've seen our new decor." Angel bites their lip. No smiling, they repeat internally over and over. Play it cool.
"Is that what you call this? Seems more like a ridicule from where I'm standing." He takes a few steps closer to Angel, who's situated themselves against the frame of the open doorway. The cold trim against their back is forgotten in the wake of David's piercing stare. "I am not a dog." He insists. Angel's eyes flicker down to his mouth and swears his bottom lip juts out further for the dim lamp to illuminate his pout. They don't acknowledge it, and rather, console the man in front of them. 
"I'm sorry, you're right. What was I thinking?" Angel's palm lightly smacks their forehead as it tilts back in forth in an ashamed shake. "You're my little puppy, after all." 
A scoff of disbelief passes through the air. But really, shouldn't he predict all of the cheeky comebacks by now? They impede every moment between them, intimate or playful. He's marrying them this autumn and he dreads all the jokes which won't be shared in the vow exchange. Like every moment similar to this, though, he will stand his ground until his mate grinds him into it. 
"That wasn't implying I'm a puppy, either, you menace. And I'm certainly not yours." 
"Those marks I left on you last night say otherwise, puppy." Angel can no longer keep their composure, and allow a few giggles to slip into the tension-filled room. David knows he can't win in this situation, no matter how many threats he delivers. Fighting the one in front of him would only make the bite marks on his hips burn hotter--same with the scarlet overtaking his cheeks. When his eyes leave his mate's in exchange for the pillow, still silently taunting him, he grinds his teeth at how nicely the color of it complements their sofa. They chose well...in a way, David thinks to himself.
"Whatever." He leaves it at that and makes a mental note to flip it around later. 
But it didn't get him far. Alas, deep cleaning the apartment before Asher and his mate came over for dinner one night commended Angel to face the pillow to its proper orientation. Asher, oblivious as he is, relied on Babe to point it out to him with a nudge to his side and a subtle nod of her head. The sudden, overlapping laughter drew David and Angel's attention away from the casserole resting on their stove and encouraged their retreat to the living room.
Asher would be near collapse to the floor from hysterics, if not for Babe's hand clutching his forearm for dear life as they used their free one to wipe at the tears leaking from their eyes. 
"No way! Davey's got his own little spot, how cute!" Asher gushes through the occasional wheeze. 
"Call me Davey again, and you can have your own spot, too. Six feet underground in an undisclosed location, where the department can't even find you." The threatening grumble does little to tide the cackling pair. Asher didn't skip a beat.
"I'll leave my will to your mate, so she can buy more shit like this to get on your nerves." The beta snorts, before turning to Babe. "We should totally get one for our place." 
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laismoura-art · 19 days
I have been unwell but let's just say. I have fully have thought out my headcanons
Hatsune and kenshi had gotten into the university using their mothers money that had been left behind. Hatsune works a part time job as a tutor to earn money for expenses and kenshi works at a coffee shop.
Sareena, jatakaa, Kia and Ashrah were foyr orphaned girls who had by chance gotten adopted into the same family. The father was Shinnok.
At first everything was going nice and well for the girls but after seeing their father's true intentions into using them the four girls had ran away from home when they were eighteen.
Hatsune first meeting was with Ashrah during their first day of classes. The classes teacher was biased more towards the boys and had told them that mostly boys get the best privileges. Ashrah had found hatsune ranting about it angrily to herself and had asked her what was wrong. Hatsune had told her it was unfair to all the girls in this college that the boys get these privileges.
Ashrah even though exactly the same thing that both girls abd boys should get equal privileges in this college. The two hit it off and hatsune gets introduce to the others
Hatsune and jatakaa had become quick friends out of the others because they both share the one single braincell in the group.
Kia was pretty much the gossiper of the group. If there was even one single rumour Kia would be the first one to hear it. Hatsune was pretty intruiged and mentally noted to be careful around Kia.
Hatsune didn't get along that we'll at first with sareena because they were both polar opposite sareena was pretty sunshine while hatsune was closed off but they shared one thing in common if anyone hurts their group they hurt them back.
The five were pretty inseparable and were pretty chaotic
Hatsune even gets the opportunity to use her farhers credit card on the girls and spoil them most of the time. They see something they want she buys it for them. But Hatsune uses her money wisely.
The order of light meeting kenshi and syzoth:
Kenshi was really happy when he found out his little sister had made friends in the university
He was friends with Liu Kang, kung Lao, syzoth, Johnny and Hanzo so he couldn't spend more time with his little sister.
He always gets worried thinking that she won't have any friends.
The sisters met kenshi when he had invited them for dinner in his apartment. The dinner went really well as they talked, ranted and gossiped about people in the university
Syzoth was roommates with hatsune and kenshi. He was also included during dinner and had met ashrah. He fell for her immediately not because of her looks but because of her personality.
Hatsune was the first one to notice and she had started shipping them. She even third wheeled sometimes because syzoth asked her to.
Jatakaa was always the protective one of the bunch but syzoth had already proved his love abd devotion to ashrah that he got her approval.
Sareena and Kia were really happy for their sister but they did threaten syzoth that if he hurt ashrah the two will stab him.
Hatsune introducing sareena to bi-han:
Hatsune and bi-han were always at each other's throats
They would compete for everything in class If bi-han wanted a challenge hatsune would definitely give that guy a challenge
In the classroom they were rivals in the court but outside they were pretty hood friends.
Hatsune usually sees bi-han eating alone during lunch so she usually sat down beside him. They would exchange recipes and cooking styles from their culture. Hatsune would bring cold mochi while bi-han would bring her spicy wonton soup.
One day hatsune and sareena both had been free for lunch so hatsune introduce bi-han to sareena as the three sat by the lunch table.
When bi-han saw sareena he felt pretty warm in his chest he could listen for hours hearing her talk.
Sareena even managed to slightly warm up bi-han heart. Hatsune was glad to bi-han being friends with sareena.
The three would usually sat together at their lunch table and best part of all bi-han finally gave his wonton soup recipe and hatsune finally gave her cold and sweet kochi recipe.
More headcanons coming soon!!
I hope you're feeling better now, Dragon!💕💕💕
I wonder if Kuai and Hatsune bonded over their tutoring jobs!
Oh! Imagine if that's how Hanzo and Kuai met! Kenshi recommends Hatsune for tutor but because their schedules don't match she recommends Kuai!
I bet Kenshi invited Suchin to visit the coffee shop so she could help him fact-checking! Imagine something like, "You help me, and I make you the best coffee you'll ever taste." "Free coffee? Deal!"
Hatsune and Suchin could've met through one of these fact-checking coffee dates!
Keep Shinnok’s old ass away from the Sisterhood!!!😤😤
Where are they living now?? Do they also have jobs so they can afford an apartment? (I can picture Ashrah working at the College's library)
Ashrah and Hatsune fighting for gender equality feels so right!
YES! Jataaka, being the beholder of the braincell, is the only correct answer!
I didn't know I needed gossip queen Kia in my life, but now I can't live without her!
I ADORE Sunshine Sareena!! Her style being "💣🕷☠️⚔️🪦" while her personality is "💕🥰💫🌈🎀" is just absolute perfection!
I can even imagine Hatsune being caught by surprise by Sareena's personality!
Suchin would look at Sareena and be like "Oh, so you're Harumi in goth skin, huh?"
Aww, Hatsune spending money on them in so precious! I love cool, rich kids who spoil their friends🥹
Jade is the cool, rich kid from her group!
Fun fact, she usually spoils Tanya the most (cause she's the one who struggles the most with money).
Mileena used to think because of the constant gifting the two of them were dating and was very confused when Tanya told her about her feelings, lol!
I love to see Syzoth being head over heels in love with Ashrah (as he should😌💅🏾)!!
Lol, imagine Jataaka just staring at Syzoth, frowning with her arms crossed, straight up pressing him against the wall while he just stares back, utterly confused but not daring to blink! And then she just goes, "Fine, I'll let Ashrah keep you."
Lmao, Sareena threatening him! "You're so cute!😊 hurt my sister and they will never find your body🙂"
I loved Hatsune and Bi-Han’s dynamic! In class: "Ugh, my one true rival!😤😒" outside: "BESTIEEE🥰" (not literally like this, but their gothic equivalent🤭)
I'll never get tired of Bi-Han being mesmerised by Sareena by first glance!!
It would be funny if Bi-Han had this one recipe that he would NEVER share with anyone, but then Sareena says she loved it and asks him the recipe, Hatsune tries to tell her there's no way Bi-Han would share it but before she can even finish the sentence Bi-Han goes "sure, no problem" and Hatsune is just "BETRAYAL >:O"
These were so good! I'm looking forward for more!!👀💕
@mikka-minns @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld
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wraith-caller · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
@tallmatcha kindly tagged me. @no-braincells-inc @nullcanary @fenharael @scrawnytreedemon and anyone else on here who may have a WIP they wanna share :)
here is something from my singular attempt at a more light hearted fic.
“Would you like to tell me why you felt the need to break Head Preceptor Callium’s nose just outside my class where all of my students could see it?” Rogier was truly at a loss. D had been many things, but rash wasn’t typically one of them. Perhaps he could stand to be a bit more thoughtful or nuanced sometimes, but he’d never been prone to such violent outbursts before.
Maybe things had changed in the years they’d been apart. Well, of course they’d changed. Change was the only constant, after all. Evidence of that was glowering at him from behind a featureless golden mask made to appear as if it were peering out from the gaping maw of a lion. Silver and gold replaced by the red and gold of the New Order. “I found him disagreeable,” D answered.
Rogier waited for elaboration. None came. He pressed his lips together and kept his face passive enough, even if he wanted to shout at this idiot for the scene he’d caused. Half a lecture wasted quelling the wounded pride (and face) of one ex-lover, wrangling the stoic fury of the other. He almost wished Radahn had never given up his stranglehold on the stars so that fate would stop fucking with him. Of all the preceptors for D to run into in the hour or two he was here!
Maybe it was a tad self-involved to assume that he had been the reason for D punching the other man in the face, but with so little data, Rogier could hardly begin to extrapolate. The only point of commonality between the two was himself, but how likely was it that they’d spoken of him in such a brief space of time?
He changed tactics, hoping to put D at ease and draw something approaching an explanation out. He’d have to give it to the provost before long anyway. Callium would surely twist this into being his fault somehow, after all, and he would need to be prepared with a defense.
With his most condescending smile, he eyed the red feathery thing on D’s helm. “Nice plume, by the by.”
D was still rigid, and had not taken more than two steps into the room. “So I have been told.”
Rogier let the smile soften up, something more friendly. “The students have been tracking your company’s progress since you left Leyndell. They’re thrilled to see Knights of the Order in person. You could be very popular here, you know.”
Nothing for a moment. Then, “We don’t need to speak.”
Why be precise when you can just obliterate everything at once? Such was D, Hunter of Tact, quarry ever out of reach. Rogier kept the smile but what had he been expecting? That D would see him and change his mind about everything? Sit down for a friendly chat over tea? Maybe even sweep him in close and touch his cheek tenderly like he used to? By every star in the sky, he was delusional. It’d been five years! Why couldn’t he let this damned thing die? “That makes for a very boring wait, and you’re the one who disrupted my class and caused me to have to endure it. So, you will have to deal with some discomfort of your own.” Rogier dropped into his chair and sank low, legs splayed like a child having a minor fit. The toes of his boots were peeking out the other side of the desk.
D said nothing still, and stood at attention like a soldier waiting for an order from his superior. He looked imbalanced and strange without the bust at his chest. Rogier tilted his head and let his eyes wander around his office. This was becoming painful. Had been painful for years, really. He drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair, and tried again. “How do you find Leyndell?” he asked, eyes on the ceiling.
Had he ever had a single conversation with this man? Ever?
But that was just it, he supposed. He’d had far too many. The well was dry but he kept stubbornly sending a bucket down expecting to get anything back but bones and dust. Knowing this, he threw the bucket again anyway, because he had never been good at knowing when to quit. “How is Devin?”
“Why do you continue to speak?” D asked before Rogier even finished the question.
“It is entirely normal to make conversation-”
“I don’t want to talk with you,” D reiterated.
“You punched. The Head Preceptor. Of my house. In the face,” Rogier said like he was speaking to an idiot. Because he was! What’d D think would happen if he did something like that in Raya Lucaria? That he’d just continue on his merry way without having a little talk about it first? Rogier shoved himself to his feet and closed most of the distance between them, leaving D at arms’ length. From here he could see the pale eyes behind the mask and they were as angry as they had always looked. He could imaginethe scowl that was permanently carved on D’s mouth, as if everything he beheld was an affront to him, personally. “Do you have so little to say for yourself, Knight of the New Order, for surely this conduct does not reflect highly on your station?”
“Do you so enjoy lecturing you do it in your leisure time, too?” D muttered.
“Oh, leisure, you say? You think I enjoy this?”
“The way cats enjoy mice.”
“I had no intention of making this any more difficult than it needed to be-”
“Stop bloody lying for half a second of your miserable life,” D snapped.
Rogier clenched his teeth. “I am not lying. You aren’t worth the effort it takes.”
D’s eyes were furious. But he spat, “He’s sullying your name to strangers.”
The dizzying pace of their conversation suddenly ground to a halt. Rogier’s mind was reeling from the whiplash and he squinted at D in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“The man I punched,” D said. “He implied-” D stopped and shifted his weight but kept his shoulders squared and his head high. “Unsavory behavior. On your part. To get where you are.”
Rogier stared at him, and was it suddenly quite warm in here? Was the world on fire, actually? Why was his face so hot? And oh but he was a wretch, truly pathetic, that someone defending him set his heart aflutter like a dying autumn leaf tossed to the uncaring breeze. It wasn’t that he was so incapable and helpless. He was born to nobility, of course he was used to politicking. And of course an academic life must be drenched in those politics he so despised. And of course he managed to tangle himself in them in the most foolhardy manner possible by spurning the head of his department. The idea of the faculty knowing anything about his personal life had mortified him to begin with, but he should have considered that before sleeping with and then violently severing all ties with his bloody boss.
But impulse control was something D had always had an iron grip on and Rogier could never grasp. So when he surged forward and shoved up that golden mask to capture the mouth behind it with his own, D was likely too startled to know what to do. And it was terribly immature, and brash, and stupid, and everything that Rogier did wrong on a regular basis yet somehow never learned from. D’s mouth was soft and warm and responsive, even if the rest of him was less so, still too stunned to react. This was senseless, a dog chasing its tail, a child babbling incoherently, moths chasing flames instead of moonlight, it was-
A knock at the door and the provost announced his arrival. Rogier drew away sharply and D was staring at him in shock, expression not unlike those of his students who panicked when called upon precisely because Rogier knew they had not been listening. It didn’t matter in the end. D would leave on his assignment, and Rogier would remain here at the Academy, and they could go back to studiously forgetting that the other one even existed. With that in mind, he allowed himself to admit, “I did lie.” He pulled D’s mask back down over his stunned face and held it by the chin. “I hate your plume.”
He turned to the door and set his features back to something pleasant and agreeable, but also adequately chastened and humbled, since the provost was bound to be terribly irritated that he even needed to have this meeting. Rogier greeted him with utmost professionalism as he opened the door to allow the venerable old man inside. His expression was distinctly displeased and he nodded a curt greeting as he swept in.
“I’ll make this brief,” the provost said, not even deigning to take a seat. D stood rigid and tense. “Your conduct with Head Preceptor Callium was most unbecoming, and it is only the seal of the Elden Lord upon your missive which has kept me from having you thrown from the Academy gates by a pair of knights.”
D bit out a quick apology, perfunctory and meaningless.
The old man sighed dismissively. “Fortunately, Callium’s nose will mend, but I am afraid lost trust takes a bit more time, which is not anything you have the luxury of since he was to set out for Leyndell with the others in a week’s time. I am sure your superiors will be thrilled to learn that, and so I’ll leave the reprimands to their capable hands, as my time is too precious for that. Our arrangement called for ten spellblades, and you have, whether knowingly or not, eliminated one of them from service by your own hand and so I have had to call for another.”
Oh. That certainly complicated this situation. D was going to have this unlucky sod as a living reminder of his brash and uncharacteristic behavior, which was likely to result in a black mark on his record upon his return to the Capital. Rogier pitied whatever fool they’d send in Callium’s place.
“Preceptor Rogier, I’m sending you in Callium’s place. Your courses will be divided among the faculty, so don’t worry over that.” Oh yes. That’s what he was worried about, wasn’t it? The lectures and poorly written essays he’d miss out on grading, not the dragon-sized elephant in the room that his miraculously stupid mouth kissed back into being. “You may wish to consult with each other about what preparations you ought to be making for this assignment. But do remember you are a representative of an esteemed Academy...not some ruffian out for a game of fisticuffs.” The last was aimed at D, who was undoubtedly as blindsided as Rogier and so totally oblivious.
Rogier smiled and graciously accepted the provost’s decision, all the while screaming internally and damning the stars for drawing the path of greatest resistance through the heavens the day he was born.
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koorinokujira · 10 months
Yakuza 0 is a SPECTACULAR game and I'll shove my love for it in everyone's faces now - Chapter 2: Screenshot Extravaganza
Alright, now that I have emotionally recovered, I thought I'd share some funny screenshots I took in my first playthrough. I'll write the in-depth rambles about my favorite characters a lot later, as I got pretty sick today and I don't have any braincells left for it.
Spoilers inbound, look at your own risk! Anyway, here goes! The text above a picture is the one describing it (´。• ᵕ •。`)
I was wondering what would happen if I took a picture of the heat move with the nails. All I can say about it is HLBPHPHM?!
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Truly the best manager we've ever had. I've seen this in a gameplay video before playing, but it still made me cackle.
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I think it's just fine, Majima.
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The worst best spies in the world!
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This man was such a mood. Look, I know most of us probably like to think that we would be able to deck people like Kiryu or Majima if we were in the RGG universe, but most of us would most likely just be Youda-chan. But it's okay. He is best girl.
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Guys I think there's something wrong with Kiryu's bro
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Justice for my girl! Let her laugh like a cartoon villain!
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Apart from this sub-story being ridiculous on its own, it just kills me that he was literally called "Formerly Fallen Guy" once he got up. Peak comedy
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This was a great, epic moment, but I somehow managed to take a pic when Nishiki had the exact face I make when I am a guest at someone's house and they give me food that I don't like, and I have to eat it now to not insult anyone
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Every single time I thought this game couldn't get funnier, it did. Big boy never got to space (。╯︵╰。)
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Speaking of Mr.Shakedowns, I love how they just- took naps in the middle of the street. Goodnight, sweet prince
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Majima? More like MOODjima.
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Look, I know this isn't a funny screenshot, but I just had to flex with how I absolutely destroyed Ms. Isobe. For my Cabaret Club, of course. I absolutely wasn't pissed off because she kept beating me and I wanted revenge, no sir.
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And last but not least, I tried to take an epic screenshot of Shibusawa getting decked (haha, get it, because they are on a boa- *gets shot*) but I forgot to press the button in time and it just ended up looking absolutely stupid, enjoy
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That's all the funny pictures I have! I also took a lot of cool/serious ones too, but I'll use those in other posts. And like always...
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Have a great day!
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(ah, thinking of the prototype is so difficult, because we have barely anything on the thing, so in the case of your AU, you'd have to write it up to the best of your interpretations
I have so many questions about the thing, it's not even funny for the amount of info we have of it.
Like, if it's called "the Prototype" then it's not the final version yet, right? How long has the whole project 1006 been going for anyway?
From the latest tape it sounds like an amalgamation of different entities (kids? Adults? People?) but It also sounds.. artificial? As if it wasn't really something that could be considered an person, or people
On the latest tape, when toy Frankenstein says "I learn from you everyday" (that was really scary, by the way) it really leaves to the imagination, because if this thing, that has far too much intelligence than considered safe, has no aversion to violence, and is still unfinished and overall an danger to everything in it's viccinity says "I learn from you (an cold-hearted scientist, trying to learn some secret only thing has, who is probably very manipulative and cruel) everyday" I can only wonder what that giant overly smart newborn (?) was learning. It wasn't anything theoretical, that part was already covered, so it could only be behaviour. How it perceived humans to act. And it had the damn scientists as an example.
I'm not saying the Prototype isn't a villain, i'm saying that that thing, is a man-made villain. It might've been a hero to the toys at some point, but that facade went down real soon (to most of them, at least)
Obviously, that thing wasn't happy with the way it and it's fellow toys were treated. But I think that that thing differentiated itself from the toys, who were once people, often kids, and although they were suffering, certainly, they didn't share the same experiences the protobitch™ did
It wasn't that hard, really, to put what it had learnt to use, and hone some kids into doing it's biding. Kids are so naive, after all
Then the hour of joy happens, and the suffering ends (does It really?)
Except it doesn't. I doubt it was lack of planning, but after everyone was dead, the toys just stayed there and kept living in that (now unmaintained, falling apart) hellhole, with limited food, and lots of room for inner conflict. But maybe that was part of the plan all along
I mean, why didn't the toys leave the factory after the HoJ? Probably because the Prototype didn't let that happen. What would they do if they left anyway? Gone back to human civilization? (Nah, they'd be shot dead on sight) Stay in the woods? (And survive like animals? Quite dehumanizing to the little humanization they have left) no option seems to be ideal, or benefictial to big bad blob of different body parts
What if their plan was to have the toys slowly take eachother out all along? So it'd just.. easily collect what it found interesting from the strongest toys. Mommy does say "he'll make me part of him" when she was getting turned into minced meat, and true to her word, the ugly-ass hand™ came to collect her remains right in front of us. Same with purple cat, except that one offered himself with no second thoughts (ugh, fanatics)
The thing is only a hand and It keeps making people's heads spin, smh
Boo. Prototype rambling. I blame the braincells)
(I was cleaning out the inbox but I had to put this here because omg)
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maddytheweird · 1 year
Jealous siren kent x reader
just a lil imagine/one shot from my wattpad
It's last period on a Friday afternoon in Thornhills' class and everyone was put into groups of  4 to do some research. Thornhill chose the groups yet everyone was with their friends so there weren't many complaints being made, apart from a few people who have petty rivalries or those who wanted to be with their crush or significant other. Kent was put into a group with Divina, Yoko and Rowan set up at the back left hand side of the classroom while you placed at the back right of the room with Ajax, Xavier and Enid. Most of the class were just messing around or catching up on gossip rather than doing any actual research on the origins of the Cobra Lily and the Pitcher Plant, but since it was a Friday afternoon Thornhill wasn't bothered, she actually really enjoys seeing her students getting along and talking, being able to do "normal" teen stuff.
"So yeah and then apparently Bianca absaloughtly went off, I mean I get that some people don't like her but to bring up her mum and the whole 'morning song crap was just crazy!" Divina says slightly frustrated at the thought of her friend being harassed  because of family. "I know D, yet she can eat garlic bread without shitting herself to another death!" Yoko responds back with fake jealousy before bursting out into a fit of laughter along with Divina, Rowan and some other student sat nearby who heard the  vampires antics. Yet Kent didn't let out a chuckle or even a smirk, his focus was on you. His (gf/bf/so) laughing with your face in your elbow while your other arm is hitting Xaviers'. "DUDE WHY, HOW DO STONE YOURSELF" you pause to try and get some air into your giggling system, "Even I'M not that dumb to do that" " I don't know (Y/N) Ajax is a different breed, he's built different, lacking a few braincells" Xavier adds in while Enid is trying her best to not pass out from the excessive laughter caused by the two boys. "Xavier pa-,lease you can't talk, your talent is just being a rip-off Picasso, you draw people like one of your French girls!" You practically wheeze out and slump into his shoulders your body is slowly giving out.
Kent's eyes narrow as he glares daggers at Xavier who is very visibly flustered by your touch. " Oi Kent you good, EARTH TO KENT!" Yoko calls to her Siren friend while slamming her hand onto the desk in front of him. Divina shoots her twin a concerned look "I don't know what's gotten him all-oohhh I think I know what the issue is" Divina cuts herself off as Rowan follows her gaze over to where your group is sat, with You, Ajax and Enid in a laughing fit as Xavier is redder than Weems lipstick sat the result of your touch. Many people know that you and Kent are together as most Sirens tend to be pretty popular and well liked or some cases feared. But Kent still doesn't acknowledge his surroundings, only focussing on you and one if his best mates as if he had a severe case of tunnel vision.
Class flew past for everyone else though, making jokes playing games on the chalk boards with Thornhill. Yet it had been so painfully slow for Kent. Wondering if he's truly good enough for, whether he's too loud or out there for you. His thoughts are interrupted by a pair of familiar arms around his shoulders from behind followed by an all too comforting scent of a specific perfume. "Hey there scaley boy" you exclaim from behind leaving a small kiss across his scales above his cheek. "Hi weird (girl/boy)" he sighs flatly with a forced smile as you two continue to head up to your dorm (that's shared with Divina) hand in hand. You can sense the difference in his  demeanour but brush it off as tiredness since it was a pretty hectic class to finish the week. Once you two get inside your dorm he flops onto your bed and hold your pillow which he usually only ever does if he's sick, really pissed of or just feeling a bit blue. You quickly dump your bag down at your desk and lay down next to him lifting up his hair to reveal a pained siren, the siren that had your heart in the palm of his hand. 
"keeeeeeeennntt" you say dragging out the e, "speeeaaak too meeeeeee, because youve never been this quiet and its unsettling" you coo into his ear while gently rubbing his back. "I was watching you in class before" he finally croaks out breaking the short silence as he looks up at you, you respond with a nod urging him to continue. "the way you all were laughing and messing around, how happy you looked, the way Xavier," he paused to take a deep breathe trying to calm himself down "Seeing Xavier getting all hot and flustered anytime you looked at him or he made you laugh. When you fell into his side and he practically stopped breathing on the spot. I couldn't help but get jealous, i mean he is THE Xavier Thorpe, he's rich, he's funny, he's nice and he has half the school at his feet I just, I just felt like he had gotten to you, that you had realised that you like him instead of me." Your heart broke at the sight of your beautiful siren boyfriend with tears brimming his eyes as he ranted about the fear of losing you to Xavier, one of, if not his Best Friend. 
"C'mon Kent" his anxiousness soaring through the roof as he waits for you to feel betrayed and untrusted. "you really think I would date THAT, the ripoff Picasso, Nevermores local Slenderman?" You say while holding back a giggle. He sighs and wraps you into one of his famous bear hugs and pulls you to straddle his lap as he hides his face into the crook of your neck. Letting out another sigh, yet this time not saddens, angered or anxious, but a content and relieved sigh as he gives your torso a slight squeeze. "I'm sorry my (girl/boy/so), I didn't mean to depress you, I just couldn't shake the thought. Even it us is pretty stupid" you send him a quizzical look "Kent," you say staring into his breathtakingly crystal like eyes while holding his face in your hands "that thought wasn't stupid. It was bat-shit crazy! I mean, Xavier!" You call out letting another laughing fit take over. He rolls his eyes and pushes you off of him and onto your bed causing another giggling fit to erupt from you. He settles himself over you and gives you a kiss full of passion which you gladly return, he slowly depend the kiss and lowers himself down a tad more to get more comfortable. This time putting YOU into a flustered state. Before anything could go anywhere else Yoko bursts into the dorm followed by Bianca Divina. "Ew Kent could get off of my friend please, feral fish" His twin says while throwing a pillow at him as Bianca takes a picture and yoko makes mocking kissing noises. "Alright alright behave yourselves ladies, and Divina" he says throwing the pillow back at her only 10 times the force. He quickly gives you another peck and sprints out of the room leafing his bag as his twin sets after him with murder on her mind. You and the other two girls just ignore the crazy twins anticts and catch up and share the new found gossip discovered during the lesson.
i might start taking requests to write on here but idk
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found-wings · 11 months
omg omg omg you don't know how much I love fics and writings like this of aus with sbi being kinda sus of etoiles to protect phil vs phil being like 'hey guys check out my new friend !!' 'helloooo!!' and hes the sweetest mf everrrrr 😭😭😭 aaaaaa this writing is so cute !!!! and aaaaaa connecting etoiles to the death lore is everything yesyesyes this man apart of the death family whether he likes it or not (he loves it).
also little thing but with phil first commenting on the volume of that place reminds me of how often he comments on qsmp events noise and deafens for some moments to himself Very often- so being annoyed by how loud everything is is very much in character 😭😭 somehow I feel like etoiles is having the same thoughts about the volume in there as they both have the deafening habit or going into corners of event areas for a second to themselves aaaaaa themmm.
andddd AAAAAA absolutely love wilbur and techno talking about etoiles hunter history and techno immediately looking to protect phil as phil is Already starting a chat with etoiles 😭😭😭 the unbothered sillies these two will literally jump into lava and catch fire and etoiles will just take it like a champ vs phil, who does not gaf and his clothes are on fire while he looks in his backpack for fire rez potions (they will stand there for a solid couple seconds before phil finds the splash potion to douse the both of em with)
anywayyyy HOLY SHIT im so interested in this !!!! and the cliffhanger you left it on omgggggg this can go so many ways I love this so much :)))))))) - 💿
I have so many thoughts actually on this concept???? It’s unbelievable but I really adore it. The urge to make this a side story I work on besides the Federation Logs is. MAN!!
Phil trusting his sense of being guided by Deaths hand means immediately getting invested and curious by who Etoiles is, entirely unaware yet of even the whole Hunter thing. Phil wants to know who he is, his ambitions and goals, the way he thinks and acts and anything he can get.
Meanwhile Techno, who goes from "I trust Phil with this" to instantly "I trust Phil with this, however I am not risking losing my best friend over this either" because he is protective over his Phil and wants Etoiles preferably in another dimension once finding out about his history as not just a hunter, but a top ranking hunter within a specific area.
Also I have so many thoughts on Phil and Techno needing to talk about it, because obviously Phil wants to see Etoiles fight now and Techno wants Etoiles gone in more than just away from the arena.
You are also so true for commenting on the volume. I imagine Phil with a bit of a sensitive hearing, or just that he‘s easily overwhelmed and startled with loud noises, especially unexpected ones are his biggest enemy because of how much it startles him into his instincts sometimes.
With the arena it‘s a bit more bearable because he expects it, and it’s of course not the first time he‘s either participated or held a tournament like this.
It’s also part of the reason why Etoiles kinda isolates himself from the rest of the people because he doesn’t want to have even more noises he can avoid for a little while before the tournament. Mans should‘ve brought a pair of headphones or something probably AJJAA
You aren‘t wrong but the image is so funny of these two just. In the lava chilling and probably making typical silly conversation while Phil looks for the fire res potion. They are both so stupid and silly & I absolutely adore them for it, they share one (1) singular braincell sometimes
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
LOL so I got a decent response to yesterdays submas polls, and tought I'd make a post summarizing some of their final results. In bullet point form.
NOTE: All of the results listed are based on the response to polls. These are not definitive reflections of the views of submas or pokemon fans as a whole and should not be taken as such.
When it comes to whether or not Emmet and Ingo share a braincell, results were faily mixed with at least a fifth of people replying that Elesa had the braincell, 17% said they had no braincell, 16% that the braincell is frequently dropped, and 10% agreeing that they share a braincell with another 10% adding that Ingo has it the vast majority of the time.
The question of the nature of Ingo and Akari's relationship had little contest with 47% of responders agreeing they have an uncle-niece style relationship. Which is impressive considering 22% of the vote was vanilla extract.
90% of fans agree that Ingo and Emmet embarrass each other as siblings are wont to do.
62% of fans think Emmet edges Ingo out as the stronger battler. This is likely due to his double battling format and what a challenge he can be in the original BW post games rather than lore reasons. ((although its insanely fun to think about in that context))
When it comes to who has more, uh, experience in relationships Emmet was voted to have the most game with 68% of the vote. Proving that being a tumblr sexyman and getting some are two distinctly different things.
A whopping three quarters of respondents agree that Emmet and Ingo likely live in an apartment with only 18% thinking they have a house.
88% of fans agree that, of the two, Emmet is the most likely to start an argument.
Over 70% of submas fans who responded think Ingo is the shyest of the two.
Altho not too shy because 66% of fans who responded also think Ingo is the better liar.
Do you agree with these results? Disagree? Discuss in reblogs and the replies!
And if you're sad you missed out on responding to the polls above, know that there are still some polls that have not yet finished! You can find and respond to any of the following
(time remaining roughly based on when post was put out)
Best at Video Games? (over)
Most protective brother? (10 minutes)
Who does the fandom mosts enjoy watching suffer? (1 hour left)
Who has changed the most since they were children? (3 hours left)
If given the chance Ingo would choose to... (3 hours left)
Who was the biggest crybaby as a kid? (3 hours)
Who can kick the most butt? (like fighting. Not battling with pokemon) (3 hours)
Who got the farthest in their gym challenge? (3 hours)
Who's the bravest? (3 hours)
Ingo and Emmets parents are; (3 hours)
Who is secretly Drayden's favorite? (3 hours)
Is Drayden the submas twins uncle or Dad? (still have 5 days remain as of posting)
Who does the cooking? (5 days remain as of posting)
Ingo may be a Tumblr sexyman but which twin is most likely to actually get married? (5 days remain)
Are Ingo and Emmet related to the original heroes/princes? (6 days)
When playing an RPG, Emmet is most likely to use a character that falls under which of the following archetypes? (Emmets responses) (Ingos responses) (Elesa's responses) ((One day remains))
I am almost guranteed to make more polls beyond this. Just thought I"d make a quick guide to a bunch of the ones I've posted up so far.
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Not 2 be sappy but
“Embrace me, son. I am all you have left.”
“No,” he croaked. He glanced at Annabeth and Piper. “My loyalties haven’t changed. My family has just expanded. I’m a child of Greece and Rome.” He looked back at his mother for the last time. “I’m no child of yours.”
Perfectly encapsulates how Jason's struggle between CHB and Rome stems from trauma of his mother's abandonment of him.
"I am all that you have left" implying that Jason fears that he will have no other home, that the only link he has to a real family is his neglectful unstable mother who gave him up to save her own skin. The way Jason yearns to establish a found family of sorts in either camp, yearning for someone from the very first book TLH to look for him and to care about him. The way he's constantly tying his self worth to how powerful of leader he is and if the pjo fandom had at least 1 braincell to share between them they'd see how his rivalry with Percy wasnt "oooOoOoOO he thinks he's better then Percy 😤" but Jason feeling threatened by the fact that if he can't be the leader then he can't prove himself and therefore he can't be loved.
In fact Percy has a lot of what Jason feels like he doesn't have. Again from the first book, he comments that he wishes he had someone who was looking for him like Annabeth was looking for Percy.
When Jason's memories were wiped he didn't become a blank slate. He still had those feelings that was pent up inside of him all his life, but what he didn't have were the memories to back up why he had those feelings. When he thought that people didn't care for him and only cared for his parentage, that was an expression of what Jason already thought before- brought out of Jason in TLH.
When Jason realizes he can be both a child of Rome and Greece, it's him realizing that he doesn't have to be this perfect leader (like he had to be in Rome) in order to be loved. He could also be laid back and himself at CHB and still be wanted there. He didn't have to struggle between the two because if he chose one over the other he'd have neither (Jason is a roman by heritage and a greek by choice)- and if he had neither he'd be left with nothing but the woman who abandoned him to die so long ago.
So really if anything, Jason's story is about a story of self love and understanding that he doesn't have to tear himself apart to make others happy. That he can be unconditionally loved and he doesn't have to be left with the scars of a woman who couldn't and wouldn't sacrifice for him.
When Jason insists on being the leader it's not because he's overconfident (in fact he's constantly second guessing himself in his POV), it's because it's the only avenue he's ever achieved anything close to familial love.
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theomnicode · 2 years
That scene when they say there' no such things as absolutes, but only "if you're talking about "people" and they show Saitama... That must mean anything man
Hah I was just gonna get into that because we all share the same braincell here on tumblr when it comes to OPM it seems.
New arc, New struggles; Dealing with dehumanization and emotions
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Dehumanization starts when you see people as lesser beings. Not capable of feeling pain and hurt, not having empathy for them, even if they are simply worn down by everyday struggles.
Worn down to the point of exhaustion from being too empathetic and too compassionate. From feeling too much compassion fatigue.
So what would happen if...for instance, Saitama started to get too fed up with how the world is going around him and really, REALLY started to struggle as empathetic person?
There are apparently people going without housing because rich elites are buying them since HA need funds. Sickening corporate greed.
Random robots looked like they tried to attack him and then he almost got into 9 billion yen debt EACH (60million usd, which is frankly so insane it has to be exaggerated). That would be enough to financially cripple him for the rest of his life if word got out.
Other heroes probably coming around his house and having preconceptions about him, that he's rude, lazy and other kinds of awful persona when he's not. Someone or something gave him access to A-class while he didn't do much anything, shooting past slew of other heroes and breeding discontent and envy towards Saitama. A PR disaster in general, one that may get something even more added to it if what he did on the moon gets out. Then heroes being taken advantage of is abuse of power on itself.
The environment outside still being a wreck. Saitama's house is probably very sparsely furnished and little items in it because he can't afford anything. Dark, urban, enclosed and packed environment with no sunlight I may add is not very good for someone who frequently walks outside in the sun and who's chosen apartment was an empty ghost town higher up so he has a decent view from his balcony.
Just lack of sunlight alone is enough to de-vitalize a person and cause depression. People living in the northern parts of the world perpetually suffer from seasonal depression just from lack of sunlight.
Not being in touch with nature is generally bad for empathic person, because they need the serenity nature offers to them.
They need the escape from the world around them and decompress in the safety of their own home. Home which won't really even feel like homely and welcoming anymore, it will feel unfamiliar, cold and foreign and impossible to relax in.
Sparsely itemized, he only managed to scourge a frying pan and couple hangers and a broken Game boy. And even that left Saitama feeling like he personally wronged King for not taking good care of his possessions and then not feeling like inviting him over for playing, because the negative emotions would just accumulate. So he declined and pushed King away and distanced himself emotionally.
But having less people around him is even worse for him if he remains in such an environment in solitude. Social connections and especially emotional connections are really important for empathic person to be able to decompress and not get overwhelmed.
All this creates A TON of emotional stress. Empathic people will feel this even more keenly than the rest.
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So, what will happen if Saitama is too fed up, because apparently, he's being more attuned to his emotions lately and more impulsive and holding himself back less? Less inhibition. And become more depressed from all the shit things going around him and the shit environment he's thrust into, with no fault from his own?
He'll start to make mistakes, react in anger and resentment at the perceived slights against him and even tiny things become more and more irritating. Moody, irritable, impulsive, what have you. If he has no way to decompress and emotionally vent, all those feelings will just start to pile up. He has learned that he can vent by hitting stuff.
Coincidentally, the chapter name is "The Cruel Staircase"
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Someone will notice if he will go around trying to defend himself and acting up because he's going to be feeling like shit, because everything is going to shit, everyone else feels like shit and even the place he lives in is shit.
He himself will also notice and will also start to think of himself as monster. Because feeling pissed and reacting in anger and everything only gets him into trouble and into deep shit. If he accidentally hurts other people, especially those he cares about, he'll truly feel like he's a horrible person and feel like it's unsafe to be around him.
Someone will also notice he's housing monsters. At some point.
Dehumanization, aka the cognitive dissonance of monsterization. What it truly means to be a monster? Are Saitama's emotions monstrous? Is divine power monstrous then?
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Integrated AI has massive capacity to learn, but machines are not humans and so do not have a shred of empathy. They just do what their AI tells them to do and what they learn to do.
That special sensor is probably capable of learning of Saitama's divine power. It is the same power that monsters use. That Saitama just used to defend himself and other monsters who happened to be with him.
Once the AI learns to correlate divine power = monster = human form...
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Damn straight Black S.
Saitama and his monkey paws.
(Which is even funnier because Black S is pretending to be a monkey and he's the one who said he has a bad feeling ahaha I love this writer)
Future plot point unfolding in front of our very eyes.
But also, the dehumanization will be on point. If Saitama defends himself against an aggressor or simply expressing his emotions or even empathy for other people, he will be made to feel like he's the villain, he's the monster and the bad guy and will be deemed danger to society. He will have to fight against cognitive bias of fading compassion when there are more and more people he needs to help. It will breed cynicism and at worst, misantrophy.
Caped Baldy is in for a rough time when the depths of his emotional intelligence and his empathy will be tested. In the harshest environment possible.
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It is time for the Hellish Training arc.
(The shitter's clogged yo or maybe someone's toilet is leaking because they had enough of humanity's shit. Someone who talks through people like they're in a bathroom or something...)
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