#they should get a Hugo for this. Jack I mean
humanmorph · 1 year
I cannot get over clem waking up from a nightmare with her eyes scratchy/burning & being relieved that it's just the sage she tucked behind her ear growing over them
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maxwell-grant · 7 months
Are the any superhero type characters from Brazil you wish got more attention internationally?
The ones I create, hopefully I don't really want specific characters to get more attention internationally, so much as I want more interesting characters to be developed, because most Brazilian superheroes (and that goes for a lot of other international superheroes) tend to be stuck on creative dead ends. I can elaborate more on that and the history of Brazilian superheroes if asked but if you want a specific answer, I'll give three, first one being, Tales of the Orishas by Hugo Canuto.
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Tales of the Orishas fuses the pantheon of the African diasporic religion of Candomblé with the Silver Age comic aesthetics of Jack Kirby into a riveting tale of high adventure. The story centers around a celestial battle between the gods of Brazil, who are worshipped by the Bahia people, and a fearsome conquering force led by a dark and malevolent overlord. Only Shango, the god of fire and thunder, can lead his people into victory while the fate of creation hangs in the balance.
It is considerably popular already and even used for didactic purposes in classrooms overseas. but I can say very comfortably can say that this is a thing that should reach as large an audience as possible by any means. I mean, fucking look at it.
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I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I've seen enough pages of it that I can very comfortably call it the best Jack Kirby tribute I've ever seen, even though it's ambitions are way higher than just doing that, and It's been heavily recommended by everyone I follow within the Brazilian comics scene for very self-evident reasons. Gets my strongest recommendation out of all these as proof of concept for what can and should be done with Brazilian superheroes.
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Danilo Beyruth is one of the biggest names amongs the local comics scene, and has done several works with superhero-esque characters like The Necronaut, which is about a Spectre-esque "lifeguard of the dead" who wanders the world helping spirits carry over and resolve their unfinished business, and Days of Horror, which is a showcase piece for 50 major names in Brazilian comics, in a story about a Dr Doom analogue named Doc Horror standing trial for his role in an alien invasion that murdered his world's Trinity as well as thousands of civilians. He's done five books on the Astronaut series, which are a space-opera superhero-esque revamp of Monica's Gang character Astronaut, more in line with their more adult-themed Graphic MSP line-up.
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The power to change the world lies in his hands...but he only wants to play king.
Rei de Lata is set in a world ravaged by war that faced it's worst disaster: a biological weapon that practically drove an entire country extinct. Unexpectedly, however, all children born after the attack developed some kind of abnormality, some kind of power generated by a survival instinct, trauma or extreme situation. Due to their immunity to the toxic air, the surviving adults detest and fear them, and wish to hunt and study them, and so the super-kids must battle for their survival in a post-war country.
And I'm also gonna be including Rei de Lata (I think you can loosely translate it as The Can King but that is way too clunky and isn't quite right for what the name is supposed to mean and sound like), which is available on Webtoon. It's more along the lines of a shonen battle manga, but it is about distinct, superpowered characters, it's invited enough comparisons to MHA and the main character is a supervillain so I feel comfortable putting it here. It's been ongoing since 2017 and I think it got a physical release, it rules and rises above a lot of it's inspirations, the protagonist and side characters are all great opposite perfectly detestable villains. Very strongly recommend it, really excited to see where it's going.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 months
Recs with "we can't be together, I'm bad for you" vibes?
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas is Theee Example. Derek is so self-loathing. He wants Sara, Sara wants him, but he just can't accept the fact that he is what she wants most of all. He's basically convinced that he'll ruin her life.
Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas. Obviously, Kev doesn't think that he and Win should be together. Because he knows he won't be able to resist touching her, and he DEEPLY believes she'll get pregnant and die, lmao.
A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart. The hero is truly a piece of shit (and I mean that in a good way) but he's also deeply racked with guilt because of a way that he let the heroine and her family down (majorly) in the past, and there is a whole scene where he basically sobs about not deserving her.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. I think the hero in this one just doesn't believe in his ability to give the heroine the degree of emotional intimacy she needs, and he has some self-loathing, some past trauma from a bad relationship. I really like how it was dealt with here.
Alll of Sierra Simone's Bell Brothers books (released thus far)--Priest, Sinner, and Saint.
Hugo and the Maiden by S.M. LaViolette has this to a degree later in the book, in a way that's honestly kinda sad? Like, Hugo is very arrogant and does want to be with the heroine, but as his past starts to catch up with him, he starts to doubt a lot.
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham. This is less "we can't be together", because the leads do enter into a marriage of convenience, and more "we can't be together on an emotionally intimate level"--the hero is sexually submissive and keeps that side of himself hidden from the heroine.
Firelight by Kristen Callihan. Again, the hero and heroine jump into a kind of arranged marriage (she marries him to settle her father's debt) but he doesn't consummate the marriage and holds himself at arm's length because, though he wants her, he also doesn't feel good for her. Paranormal historical.
Elisa Braden does this a good bit--especially in The Taming of a Highlander.
For My Lady's Heart by Laura Kinsale has a variation in that Melanthe, towards the end, clearly doesn't feel like she's good for Ruck due to the sins she's committed in the past. So good.
A lot of Grace Callaway books have that vibe--Olivia and The Masked Duke, Pippa and The Prince of Secrets, Glory and The Master of Shadows, The Duke Who Knew Too Much, etc all come to mind.
You'll definitely get this sense from In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint by Alexandra Vasti--the hero doesn't love the idea of introducing the heroine to his kinks, lol.
My Darling Duke by Stacy Reid--the hero has a lot of self-loathing and believes he can't possibly make the heroine happy for the long term.
Fall by Kristen Callihan. This one is so interesting, because a) the hero attempted suicide months ago and while he's doing better, that's obviously an issue and b) he'd diagnosed with an STI (I wanna say chlamydia?) at the beginning of the book. So even though it gets cleared up quickly, he is suuuuper ashamed about it, and it impedes his relationship with the heroine because he feels dirty.
The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham. Another one where the jaded, traumatized heroine doesn't feel good for the hero.
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid, but more so in the direct sequel The Long Game. Ilya suffers from depression and thinks he's just bringing Shane down.
You get this a lot in Lorraine Heath's Between the Devil and Desire--Jack struggles with his self esteem and self loathing a lot.
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May please ask how did ocs react to Valerie?
Their first meeting was all with Valerie being a lovely host for dinner and were amazed
She's so pretty and strong and takes care of seven kids mainly by herself so they were impressed
Though sadly there was a slight issue. . .
When Valeria is welcoming everyone, a little force habit of being very welcoming since they seem like her actual children, Charles flinched around her. He tries to smile and laugh it off as he walked it but it was obvious. He was abused by his mother and only knew that and the gentle touch of the nurses when he was being treated for his injuries. He wasn't really allowed to touch his new guardian due to her own injuries so most times he hugs his friends or his pillows
Aya was the most eager to meet her, there was just something about these two meeting was strong
Sia, though she had fun, was a bit thick walled at first. She found it hard to trust her as a mom at first until she started seeing it first hand in not just her own kids but her treating them, her guests, as if they were her kids as well and often praising each of them so much
Joseph was kind of a mix of Sia and Charles with him not having a real mom vibe for a real long time and was distance with her at first, that fixed fast
Maria was flustered cause Valerie was actually treating her like how parental people should
I'll put what I put in their dinner reblog here:
"Oh, I have some baby pictures of my kids, wanna see them?" "MOM!" "YES!"
Heads turn and look at Janice who's eyes shimmer with herself nearly out the table. She LOVES kids and baby pictures are a must to see
Between pictures being passed and conversations being made, pretty much everyone began to feel comfortable around Valerie in her home, especially the ones who lack a mother in their lives
At one point in the night Joseph's phone goes off hinting someone's trying to call in which he asked Valerie if it's okay to answer on speaker, she agrees and hit's answer to hear his step-mother instantly bickering in the phone which he kept calm and silent as he let her go off about how the place isn't cleaned and how she was out shopping all day and his dad is mad and blah blah blah
After she was done he hung up and stated "And this is why I get high."
He stops and looks at Valerie before stammering, "In high I mean, high in my grades. Like, wow, my grades are through the roof..heh... Wow..wow.. this uh...this chicken taste amazing Mrs Kemonohito.." While Jac tries to not laugh
Suddenly Sha thought of something
"Oh yeah, Nadia, your brothers mentioned a boyfriend you had. What he do?"
The table thought long in hard how to explain Mozenrath without informing the whole he's an immortal demisexual sorcerer who has a floating talking eel as his only friend
"...He does trades. Travels a lot."
Later in the night when desert was about to be present Marie looked at her phone and began to gather her things, "Sorry everyone. I have to go help father at the church tonight."
Janice sighs, "You help every night, I'm sure Mr Stick-Up-The-Butt can let you have fun just this once."
Maria chews her lip and shuffled on her feet, "Yeah.. But me and Hugo got this awesome new booking cleaning set. Like it cleans faster than my old feather duster and plus the statues aren't going to wash themselves." She said with a semi forced smile
Janice playfully pouts before standing and going to Maria, "Want me to want you home princess?" Maria blushes, "Oh no no no, I..I can walk just fine Jan, thanks for the offer."
Janice looks behind Maria to the table who just watches them in silence with Jac silently going to kissing motion with Jack staring at him confused and Wilhelm mouthing "Tell her, tell her"
Janice breaths in, "We'll see you tomorrow then."
Maria nods and walks out after thanking for the stay and Janice sits back in her chair where all her friends voice an array of disappointment
Wilhelm puts his head in his hands "I've known you both for years and that was hard to watch..." He mumbled
"Come on guys, it wasn't the right time-"
"You two could easily be in Paris fucking France, dancing in the moon light with roses everywhere while the Lady and the Tramp Italian dudes are singing that song where the spaghetti kiss happened and you'd STILL say it wasn't the right time!" Whined Aya as she slumped in her chair
"She could be straight-" She stopped when Sia stared at her like "don't even joke that idea"
Wilhelm finds her very fun
Janice is being her overly charming self as always
Ivan kept looking at his place not of embarrassment but cause Valerie kept filling it
Sha giggles as Valerie praises her
Jac was. . . really trying not to be his usual self
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chrisabraham · 1 month
Listening to Rising from The Hill and they're talking about NPR's All Things Considered and they said, "they shouldn't take into consideration flat earthers of nazis, should they?" Well, my response to that is "how do you define flat earthers or nazis?" Does NPR get to define what flat earthers and nazis are? Are flat earthers and nazis a Big Tent that includes people who are not actual flat earthers or actual nazis or is it a small tent where they only don't consider actual Hitler-loving, jack-booted, Aryan Nations, Nazis in Hugo Boss? I mean, NPR is happy to consider the Actual Nazis known as the Azov Brigade, so it's really all relative. Flat earthers and nazis are just a big bucket of anyone they consider to be politically or philosophically antithetical to their mission and ministry vis-à-vis CEO Katherine Maher, maybe?
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johnconstantinejld · 5 months
Gotham Tales-The Bat
The Joker was a master manipulator and had the GCPD and myself looking in the wrong direction one last time. Arthur ‘Dodger’ Dreggs, one of his lackeys had been tasked to distract us by sending them to the Axis Chemical Plant. We found him with Wally Gillespie and Hugh Paine. All minor criminals before meeting the joker, charges of theft, breaking and entering and common assault for each of them. Gillespie also had charges of dangerous driving occasioning death and fleeing the scene of an accident. We found the chemical plant secure, no sign that the Joker had fallen in the chemicals as Harley Quinn had said.
Both men had been infected with joker poison, but we heard the common name ‘Gwynplaine’.
Total time to identify source of name, 4.59 minutes. Must upgrade speed of wrist computer.
The names should have tipped me off. G-P-W plus Hugh means Gwnplaine from Hugo’s 
The Man Who Laughs. Injected Dreggs with a temporary cure. Was unable to save other two. Current joker cure only lowers stress, thus preventing venom from spreading; I am unable to stop someone already stressing. Location was Gotham Cathedral. A man had requested a wedding tonight. His name was Jack Napier, and wife was Gwen Plaine. 
Arrived on the scene on time. Minister Black, defrocked for seven years, was the celebrant. Harley was in white. She had purchased it during her last release. That should have told me. Minister Black was wearing a Joker grin. Trust the Joker to tell another fake story on his final night. We check briefly on Arkham through Nightwing-Punchline secured and taking therapy.
‘I didn’t invite any guests! Nevertheless, you’re just in time for the cake cutting. And then you can see the couple have their first dance.’
‘I thought something funny!’ She said, ‘Something with bounce.’
‘No, boo, we agreed for something subtle. Well, I agreed. Plenty of bounce later on.’
‘Not a good sign-arguing on the wedding.’ Batgirl.
‘Shut up, Red! Don’t be broken again!’ He screams.
‘Another bad sign. Yelling on the wedding day.’
‘He’s right, puddin’.’ 
‘Shut up and cut the cake. Red cherry velvet. It’s official, Bats. Just a man and his sweet, always fresh out of college boo.’
‘But I’m twenty-six, Mistah J.’
‘And you’ll always be my sweet little sixteen.’
‘And he likes underage girls.’ Batgirl again. Slight wretch.
They each hold the butcher knife and lean forward. And he does it. He pushes her face into the cake. Then she acts. Something triggered. She turns and slashes his throat. 
All the nights I’ve had that desire to do that.
All the criminals who have nearly done that and I have prevented them from doing it.
All the people he has manipulated and broken. All the lives ruined.
For once, this was a punchline he did not see coming. The joke was on him.
Joker did not laugh.
Harley finishes it by stabbing him through the heart before we can hold her. Batgirl said she was crying.
She’s still there, in Arkham. Without any Joker to influence her, even Punchline was slowly coming round, but Harley isn’t moving. She’s in her wedding dress, a rotting bouquet of flowers like Miss Havisham. Harley is silent, only letting go of the flowers for basic bodily needs (eat, drink, sleep etc). Others leave her alone. Penguin sends literature, never read. Poison Ivy is incapable of getting through to her and is thus unable to help. She sits there in her cell, or in chapel, her face that of one who has been a victim of abuse, a real monster in our world. 
Another Gotham Tale, don't own rights
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tiny-tigers · 6 months
✨ Oh god that does make it more awkward yeh 😂🙈
I feel like the Ford's are kind of a boy family no? 😆 But I just think he would make the BEST girl dad 🥹🩷
I won't lie I understand the teeth thing as I remember how insecure I was before I got mine done! But yeh if it's the girl I think you're on about - not his cousin btw (just family friends) - yeh she's defo had a boob job. It's a weird one for me because I understand using make-up/clothes/hair styles to feel better about your self but personally, I could never go as far as using needles/surgery/fillers - it's just too extreme for me. [Having foreign objects put in your body & being put under anaesthesia for anything other than life saving surgery just makes me feel ill] but each to their own! 😅
I think that's a great observation of giraffe boy! What I also like is that he clearly wants to be the best, but he does so through purely focusing on himself? Twitter loves to say how much better Keenan is than Fred - does Fred hate on Hugo? no. Keenan himself said how lovely Fred was to him after the whole red card debacle.
I love people who are driven and ambitious but don't trip other people up to get to the top. He's willing to put in all that extra work and study to get to the top rather than cutting corners and cheating others to get there. I genuinely can't imagine just how immensely proud of him his parents must be. What a guy. All whilst getting a bloody degree in economics on the side. Jesus.
I also get what you mean about Jacky though 🥺 I'm not even a scrum half, let alone a rugby player, and I would love to study Antoine Dupont - just because of how truly brilliant he is. What a time to be alive to watch the likes of him play. So whether it's 'laziness' or just plain insecurity that's stopping Jack from doing that I don't know. But he's missing a trick for sure. Sad.
Awww bless you!! The most important thing is your health though - there will always be other games & other trips but your wellbeing is the most important thing 💖xxxx
Please tell me about one moment that haven't been awkward around that man for me...
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I have been his faithful dobby for less than a decade and I Feel exhausted... I know all I can know about him and Yet I am still surprised.
I think fordy gonna have a girlie princess but there is potential for twins in the family so... hopeful ! Addie account has been hacked btw...
Idk why I see her as cousin... yeah I know it is difficult for teeth as it is easily mocked and all but I like some flaws... (say the woman who horribly threw words at J appearance lately ) ... I am about To watch documentary about fillers actually...
As someone who recently had anesthesia and hospital stay I think you must hate yourself and your image a lot to take this path.
U know I cannot unsee the fact his best friend has a giant giraffe in his salon...
Yeah I see what you implies about only pointing on his own flaws and focusing on his strenght. I think he isn't a fool, he knows he is good. I think Jack is terrified to be average and be replaced by someone better like his father was and has faced A LOT More difficulties than Fred could ever think of or will ever face. The size he had to put on the barriers he had to climb because he wasn't supposed to do career he didn't played for premiership title he didnt played for rwc.... The injury well let's face it maybe he will never be the same player he was and Will always have a mental barrier to push into extreme now that he has been injured in such a stupid way.
All in all I think he never watched bigger competition than england pool not because he is a fool but because he thinks it is not even worth his time as he will never reach them? I could be wrong. I also think it is lucid because he will never....It is already too late. I know I might sound hard , he has qualities but he will never be more than average good I can assure you that now. He should have already learn quicker and he didn't step up when everyone was expecting him to so I think it isn't gonna happen. Unfortunately.
I have hope on captaincy later on tho because he has leadership.
I think I am very impatient to see the climb of Freddie because for now they still move him too much from fullback ... Now that he is free of his degree I want to see his new challenges and I think.... unfortunately he will need to move on from Leicester at one point because it is too cosy ? Idk if you see what I mean... I think he needs risk and challenges to be at his best.
For u :
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princelymlm · 5 years
Gotta Be LGBT+
This is a list of just some of the LGBT+ content out there. Anything on this list was contains LGBT+ characters or was made by LGBT+ creators. All entries on this list were sent in by followers and have not been confirmed by the mod. (Entries with ‘rep not given’ next to them mean that the suggestion did not include what kind of representation is in the content)
Put everything under the cut since this list started getting really long
They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera (mlm)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire-Saénz (mlm)
Symptoms of Being Human (genderfluid)
Lily and Dunkin - Donna Gephart (trans/trans woman)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (wlw/bi)
The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice and Virtue - Mackenzie Lee (mlm/gay/bi)
Been Here All Along - Sandy Hall (gay/bi)
History Is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera (mlm/gay)
Blue Is The Warmest Color - Julie Maroh (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller (bi/genderfluid)
Once and Future - Cori McCarthy (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/nonbinary)
Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Beck Albertalli (mlm/gay)
Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli (wlw/bi)
Grasshopper Jungle - Andrew Smith (questioning/mlm)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here - Patrick Ness (mlm/gay)
Flying Tips For Flightless Birds - Kelly McCaughrain (mlm/gay)
I’ll Give You The Sun - Jandy Nelson (mlm)
Point Pleasant - Jen Archer Wood (mlm) 
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - Gerard Way (mlm/wlw)
The Wayfarers Series - Becky Chambers (wlw/aro/trans man/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Vesuvius Club - Mark Gatiss (bi)
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller (mlm)
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman (bi/mlm/demi/gay/pan/wlw/lesbian)
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst (wlw/lesbian)
Magnus Chase Series - Rick Riordan (genderfluid)
Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (gay)
This Is Kind of An Epic Love Story - Kheyrn Callender (mlm/wlw)
Gracefully Grayson - Ami Polonsky (trans woman)
If I Was Your Girl - Meredith Russon (trans woman)
Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman (mlm)
Red, White, and Royal Blue - Casey McQuinston (mlm)
I Wish You All The Best - Mason Deaver (nonbinary)
Dreadnaught + Sovereign - April Daniels (wlw/trans woman)
The Art of Being Normal - Lisa Williamson (trans)
The Gone Series - Michael Grant (mlm/wlw)
One Of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus (mlm)
Six Of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (mlm)
Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo (rep not given)
The Last Sun - Author Not Provided (rep not given)
Romeo and/or Juliet - Ryan North (rep not given)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (mlm/gay/bi) 
The Mage Wars Series - Mercedes Lackey (gay)
Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Bryan Lee O’Malley (mlm/gay/wlw)
Boyfriends With Girlfriends - Alex Sánchez (mlm/wlw/bi/gay)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson - David Levithan & John Green (mlm)
This Is Where It Ends -Marieke Nijkamp (lesbian/wlw)
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell (mlm)
Stranger Than Fanfiction - Chris Colfer (mlm/trans man/gay)
The Reader Trilogy (The Reader, The Speaker, The Storyteller) - Traci Chee (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman (trans)
Heartstopper - Alice Oseman (mlm)
The Broken Earth Trilogy - MK Jemisin (trans woman/poly/pan/mlm
A Boy Worth Knowing - Jennifer Cosgrove (mlm/bi/gay)
The Rifter - Author Not Provided (mlm)
Snapdragon - Author Not Provided (wlw/ trans woman)
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon (wlw/lesbian/mlm/gay)
Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
The Paying Guests - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
I Am J - Cris Beam (trans man)
Little And Lion - Brandy Colbert (bi)
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren (bi)
Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender (trans)
Birthday - Meredith Russo (trans)
Stay Gold - Tobly McSmith (trans)
You Should See Me In A Crown - Leah Johnson (lesbian)
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan (lesbian)
The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar (lesbian)
Let's Talk About Love - Claire Kann (ace)
The Lady's Guide To Petticoats and Piracy - Mackenzi Lee (ace/aro)
The Vanishers' Place - Aliette De Bodard (wlw)
Ash - Malinda Lo (wlw/bi)
The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist - S. L. Huang (wlw)
Everfair - Nisi Shawl (wlw)
Dread Nation: Risse Up - Justina Ireland (wlw/bi/ace)
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez (wlw/lesbian)
The True Queen - Zen Cho (wlw)
The Devourers - Indra Das (genderfluid/bi)
We Set The Dark On Fire - Tehlor Kay Mejia (wlw)
Smoketown - Tenea D. Johnson (wlw/lesbian)
Falling In Love With Hominids - Nalo Hopkinson (wlw)
The Fox’s Tower and Other Tales - Yoon Ha Lee (nonbinary)
Her Body and Other Parties - Carmen Maria Machado (wlw)
Beneath the Citadel - Destiny Soria (mlm/gay/bi/ace)
Witchmark - C.L Polk (mlm/gay)
The Prey of Gods - Nicky Drayden (trans/bi)
An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon (wlw/trans/nonbinary/intersex)
The Root - Na’amen Gobert Tilahun (mlm/gay)
Gods & Monsters: Snake Eyes - Hillary Monohan (wlw)
Labyrinth Lost - Zoraida Cordova (wlw/bi)
The Winged Histories - Sofia Samatar (wlw)
The Weight of Stars - K. Ancrum (wlw)
Huntress - Malinda Lo (wlw)
Will Do Magic For Small Change - Andrea Hairston (bi/pan/nonbinary)
The Last Chronomancer - Reilyn J Hardy (aro/ace/genderfluid/lesbian)
A Taste of Honey - Kai Ashante Wilson (mlm/bi)
Deadline - Stephanie Ahn (wlw/lesbian)
The Read Threads of Fortune - JY Yang (wlw/bi)
Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee (wlw/bi)
Timekeeper - Tara Sim (mlm)
Ascension - Jacqueline Koyangi (wlw)
When The Moon Was Ours - Anna-Marie McLemore (trans)
Amberlough - Lara Elena Donnelly (mlm/gay)
The Perfect Assassin - K.A Doore (gay/ace/mlm)
Afterparty - Daryl Gregory (wlw/lesbian)
Borderline - Mishell Baker (wlw/bi)
The Cloud Roads - Martha Wells (bi)
An Accident of Stars - Foz Meadows (wlw/bi/aro/trans)
The Last 8 - Laura Pohl (aro/bi)
Failure to Communicate - Kaia Sonderby (wlw/bi)
The Luminous Dead - Caitlin Starling (wlw)
The Wrong Stars - Tim Pratt (wlw)
Full Fathom Five - Max Gladstone (trans)
A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine (wlw)
Silver In the Wood - Emily Tesh (mlm)
The Raven Tower - Ann Leckie (mlm/bi/trans)
Ariah - B.R. Sanders (mlm/bi/nonbinary)
The Raven and the Reindeer - T. Kingfisher (wlw)
Planetfall - Emma Newman (bi)
Black Wings Beating - Alex London (ace/gay/mlm)
The Scorpion Rule - Erin Bow (bi)
Inkmistress - Audrey Coulthurst (bi)
Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Vengeful - V.E Schwab (ace)
Blackfish City - Sam J Miller (nonbinary)
Daughter of Mystery - Heather Rose Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Stranger Grace - Tessa Gratton (bi/pan)
The Brilliant Death - Amy Rose Capetta (nonbinary)
Chameleon Moon - RoAnna Sylver (wlw/trans/ace)
19 Love Stories - David Levithan (trans/queer)
It’s Not Like It’s A Secret - Author Not Given (wlw)
Picture Us In The Light - Author Not Given (mlm)
Two Can Keep A Secret - Author Not Given (mlm/bi)
Death Sets Sail - Author Not Given (wlw)
Becoming Dinah - Author Not Given (rep not provided)
Witch Wolf series - Winter Pennington (wlw, lesbian, bisexual)
Underrealm series - Garrett Robinson (wlw, mlm, nonbinary, trans man trans woman, trans, pansexual, bisexual)
A Cloak of Red - Brenna Gawain (wlw, lesbian)
 Blood Canticles - Naomi Clark (wlw)
Welcome to Night Vale (mlm/gay/wlw/nonbinary)
Dreamboy (mlm/gay)
Alice Isn’t Dead (wlw/lesbian)
The Penumbra Podcast (mlm/bi/genderfluid/nonbinary)
My Favorite Podcast (trans men)
Within the Wires (wlw)
The Adventure Zone (mlm/wlw/trans/gnc/nonbinary)
Limetown (wlw/lesbian)
Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness (nblm/nonbinary)
Friends at the Table (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
LezHangOut (wlw)
Bright Sessions (mlm/demi/ace)
Queer As Fact (historical lgbt)
History Is Gay (historical lgbt)
Always Here (historical lgbt)
And That’s Why We Drink (nonbinary)
Magnus Archives (mlm/ace)
The Two Princes (mlm/gay/bi)
Girl-ish (trans women)
The Bright Sessions (gay/ace)
TV Shows/Movies/ETC
One Day At A Time (Remake) (wlw/lesbian/nonbinary)
Love, Simon (mlm/gay)
A Single Man (mlm/gay)
Brokeback Mountain (mlm/gay)
In The Flesh (mlm/gay)
Weekend (mlm)
RWBY (wlw/trans)
Jessica Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Critical Role (mlm/gay/bi/wlw/lesbian/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Pose (trans women/gay)
Schitt’s Creek (pan/mlm)
White Collar (wlw)
Lucifer (bi)
Umbrella Academy (mlm/wlw)
Call Me By Your Name (mlm)
Brooklyn Nine Nine (mlm/gay/bi)
Steven Universe (nonbinary)
Sailor Moon (wlw)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (wlw)
Sense8 (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian/trans woman)
Doom Patrol (?/rep not given)
Good Omens (nonbinary)
Gentleman Jack (wlw)
American Gods (mlm/gay/bi/two-spirit)
Orange Is The New Black (wlw/trans)
Blue Is The Warmest Color (wlw)
Shameless (mlm/trans)
Euphoria (wlw/trans woman)
Modern Family (mlm/gay)
Daisy Brown ARG (wlw/lesbian)
Deadpool (pan)
Deadpool 2 (pan/wlw)
Alex Strangelove (mlm/gay)
Wynonna Earp (lesbian/gay/wlw)
She-Ra (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/lesbian/nonbinary/trans man)
SKAM (rep not provided)
Gotham (bi)
The Haunting of Hill House (wlw)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (wlw)
Kipo and the Wonderbeasts (mlm/gay/nonbinary)
Billie and Emma (wlw)
Carmen & Lola (wlw)
Carol (wlw)
Disobedience (wlw)
Elisa & Marcela (wlw)
Good Manners (wlw)
The Handmaiden (wlw)
Heart Beat Loud (wlw)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (wlw)
Rafiki (wlw)
Stranger Things (wlw)
Handsome Devil (mlm)
Pride (wlw/mlm)
The Prom (wlw/lesbian)
Be More Chill (mlm/bi)
Fun Home (wlw)
Spring Awakening (mlm)
A New Brain (mlm)
Falsettos (mlm/wlw)
Rent (mlm/wlw)
Firebringer (wlw/bi)
A Very Potter Musical (mlm/gay)
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals (wlw)
Bare: A Pop Opera (mlm)
Everybody’s Talking About Jaime (mlm/gay)
Yank! The Musical (mlm)
Octet (wlw)
Ghost Quartet (wlw)
Spies Are Forever (mlm/gay)
Willow: A New Musical (wlw)
Over And Out: A New Musical (nblw/nonbinary)
Video Games
Fallout: New Vegas (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
When The Night Comes (mlm/nonbinary)
The Arcana (nonbinary)
Dream Daddy (mlm/gay/bi/pan/trans)
Dragon Age (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans/pan/bi)
Smile For Me (wlw)
Undertale (trans/nonbinary/wlw/mlm)
Monster Prom (nonbinary)
Cookie Run (nonbinary/mlm/wlw/bi/pan)
The Missing (wlw/trans woman)
Fable 2 & 3 (wlw/mlm)
Borderlands 2 (mlm/wlw/bi/gay/lesbian)
Gone Home (wlw)
Prey (wlw)
Dishonored 2 (nonbinary/wlw)
Deus Ex Mankind Divided System Rift (rep not given)
Assassins Creed Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans)
The Last of Us (wlw/lesbian) 
Mass Effect Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/bi)
Life Is Strange (wlw)
Overwatch (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
Animal Crossing (pan)
Night In The Woods (pan/mlm/trans woman)
The Elder Scrolls (trans/wlw/lesbian)
Dreamfall Chapters (mlm/gay)
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (wlw)
In the Outer Worlds (wlw/ace)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (mlm/wlw)
Fallout 4 (wlw/mlm)
Hades (mlm/bi)
Obviously this list is far from complete so feel free to add to it or let me know of anything else and I’ll edit the post to add it as long as you include the category it belongs to! Be sure to include what representation it has though otherwise I can’t add it!
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
OK IM COMING OFF ANON BC IM LIKE 👀👀 FIRE EMBLEM BUT OK.... bc my brain is circulating around fe and twst, what dorms do you think the three houses cast would be in? (and the girls can go into the girl school you created :))
Now! I normally don’t do headcanons, but honestly this is the type of headcanon fun that I’ll do so I’ll... probably edit my rules so I can do more stuff like this since it’s fun! I’ll do you one better and do the girls twice! I went really ham. 
For Night Raven College:
Edelgard von Hresvelg - Edelgard is in Heartslabyul because her response to being pissed off is a lot like the Queen of Hearts--she decides to topple the monarchy and recreate Fodlan. On that note, I can see her fitting Scarabia too, but closer to Heartslabyul. She’s probably Riddle’s favourite junior. Trey likes her, Cater has tried to flirt with her (Cater: “never again”). Ace and Deuce are probably intimidated by her, and she doesn’t try to get along with them.  
Hubert von Vestra - I was pretty close to putting Hubert in Diasomnia, but he’s a pretty stubborn guy and will push himself into Heartslabyul. Plus, he’s a pretty strict guy so Heartslabyul isn’t so bad for him... What’s that? You want to know who Hubert gets along with? *chuckles* oh how naive, he only sees Edelgard. I can see him getting along with Riddle and Trey. Trey more than Riddle because Trey makes great coffee. He thinks Cater, Ace and Deuce are frivolous and a waste of time lmao. 
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - Dimitri is in Heartslabyul because his response (”KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM”) to getting completely pissed off mirrors the Queen (“OFF WITH YOUR HEAD”). IRONICALLY, he and Edelgard are very alike in that aspect--but while Dimitri is hot anger--Edelgard is cold anger. They both have pretty terrifying rage. Pre-war, the two really did get along so hence I don’t think Heartslabyul will implode. Other than that, he’s actually a pretty peaceful guy unless completely set off. He’d be respectful of his seniors (especially Riddle and Trey), a little miffed at Cater because he’s like Sylvain. He’s okay with Ace and Deuce, but likely gets along better with Deuce. They vibe pretty well. 
Dedue Molinaro - Honestly, I could see Dedue in Scarabia too, but I figured he’d find some way to make sure he was with Dimitri. He gets along well with everyone, with their only note that he’s a pretty silent, careful guy. He gets along best with Trey because they like to exchange recipes, and Cater appreciates how Dedue is always willing to help out with the gardens. 
Ingrid Brandl Galatea - Actually might compete with Edelgard as Riddle’s favourite junior. Riddle probably likes that Ingrid is strict on herself. She is, however, definitely Trey’s favourite junior because of how enthusiastic she is with his cooking. He think that’s adorable. Cater is scared of her because she treats him like Sylvain LMAO. Ingrid probably also sees Ace in the same way. I think she actually likes Deuce and would help him where she could. 
Caspar von Bergliez - Savannaclaw has the most because I put the “punch first, ask later” characters into this lmao. Caspar being the most telling. Ironically, the Savannaclaw characters who are named are anything but that lmao. Leona is either dismissive or annoyed by Caspar’s energy. Ruggie thinks Caspar is hilarious. Jack and Caspar would probably get along really well, with Jack probably becoming more noisy/enthusiastic with a friend like Caspar. 
Felix Hugo Fraldarius - Leona and Felix might get along well, especially with how Felix dislikes chivalry. Leona, however, will be irritated if Felix kept trying to fight him--as Felix does. Felix probably doesn’t think much of Ruggie, and probably likes Jack a lot because of his strength. Jack and Felix will likely agree to disagree on underhanded techniques. Though I think Felix thinks it’s situational. Underhanded techniques in matches are a no-go, but underhanded techniques in a life-or-death sort of thing is a yay. 
Raphael Kirsten - Again, “punch first, ask later” character. He also has that hardworking trait, because he wants to help his family. Probably gets along well with Jack the most tbh. Ruggie probably doesn’t care much about Raphael, until Raphael comes up to him asking for saving tips and stuff. Then Ruggie would see him in a different light. Leona just thinks “great another one.”
Leonie Pinelli - Leonie is primarily here because of her tenacity. She definitely gets along well with Ruggie, and they share tips on how to save money/reuse items. Leonie’s likely to hang out with Ruggie the most, when he’s not with Leona. I think Leonie is pretty 50/50 with him. Like she can respect him, but she might not agree with everything he thinks. Definitely gets along pretty well with Jack though. 
Balthus von Albrecht - Leona probably thinks “why did I get a third one?” He probably doesn’t do to well with Leona because Balthus is a very loud guy. Ruggie definitely thinks he’s amusing, and is shook when Balthus admits about his debts and his need to pay back. Another one for the “Ruggie-senpai how do you save money” (I’m also a part of this club). Also gets along well with Jack. (Jack can try to deny it but he’s actually a person who is easy to get along with.)
Mercedes von Martritz - The most terrifying Octavinelle member. The Donna of Octavinelle. Look, Lorenz is terrified of her. She can still see the Death Knight as Emile, her little brother. She mothers the whole of Octavinelle, and Azul probably pretends he doesn’t like it but actually enjoys it. She can out squeeze Floyd, and now Floyd is probably also a little terrified of her. Jade finds it all funny. 
Ashe Ubert - Honestly considered Ignihyde and Diasomnia from this boy before I ultimately chose Octavinelle. He fits in with the Octavinelle trio with his skill sets, but unlike them--Ashe is only mean to the people who he thinks are deserving of it. He uses his skills for good, and he’s a very Robin Hood character if you think about it. Also Ashe in a tux is sending me, help. Floyd probably enjoys threatening him with squeezes. Azul and Jade appreciate Ashe’s honest hard work, and probably enjoy it even more when he’s willing to use his skills to get back at others. He’s definitely one of the lead workers at Mostro Lounge--when people know he’s on schedule to cook, Mostro Lounge is flooded and Azul is happy. 
Yuri Leclerc - Yuri, Azul and Jade on the same side is terrifying. Like can you imagine the amount of double crossing they’d do? But here’s the thing, Yuri is also incredibly generous to those he thinks are deserving--which I think is what makes him suit Octavinelle. Yuri especially gets along well with Jade. He probably flirts with the Octavinelle trio. Azul and Jade would probably be impressed because I imagine Yuri can say what Floyd wants to hear so that Floyd would listen to him. 
Petra Macneary - I wasn’t too sure where to put Petra. I almost put her in Heartslabyul because she’s pretty strict onto herself, and I almost also put her in Pomefiore because she’s a huntress... but it’s essentially because she’s a huntress that I decided to put her in Scarabia. I figured as a huntress, she probably has that ‘deliberation’ aspect of Scarabia. Jamil respects Petra a lot for her craft, Kalim thinks she’s slightly scary but pretty okay all around. 
Annette Fantine Dominic - Annette probably wanted to be in Diasomnia, but she won’t complain and will instead work really hard in Scarabia. She’s probably Jamil’s favourite junior because he can relate to her strive to work hard and prove herself. In turn, she admires Jamil the most from the way he handles himself and Kalim. Annette enjoys her time with Kalim though, they often have small food appreciation sessions though. She also tries to help tutor Kalim, but Kalim is one tough nut to crack. 
Claude von Riegen - Jamil hates Claude HAHAHA. Primarily because Claude figured out that Jamil is definitely hiding something, and he’ll spend the rest of his high school(?) life figuring it out--much to Jamil’s despair. Jamil can at least appreciate that Claude helps bring up Scarabia’s average (with Annette). Claude and Kalim definitely get along well because they probably both enjoy parties. 
Dorothea Arnault - Um hell yeah! She’s probably a popular MagiCam cover artist, with a couple of her own original songs. She’s pretty and classy. She and Vil would definitely also get along--they’d probably exchange beauty tips and stuff. She probably would have a soft spot for Epel, because they have similar roots, but she’d probably take him aside to tell him he should take advantage of his looks to win. She probably thinks Rook is weird. 
Ferdinand von Aegir - His appreciation for beauty is Ferdi’s primary reason for being in Pomefiore. Vil probably appreciates Ferdinand a lot more than what anyone thinks because he has a fresh and sweet admiration for beauty. Ferdi and Rook are pretty okay because Ferdi would probably not? call him out. Ferdi and Epel is a bit of a 50/50, wherein Ferdi probably unknowingly insults Epel, Epel fights back, and now they get along. 
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester - Lorenz and Rook probably get along well because they both have a similar appreciation for beauty. Lorenz will be a bit confused as to why Rook likes to stalk people? But other than that, Lorenz’s position in Pomefiore is because he appreciates beauty and considers himself beautiful. Vil probably thinks Lorenz could stand to try harder at it, but as long as Lorenz is trying then Vil has no issue with him. Epel doesn’t like him, “grrr eat the nobility” (Doro is proud of her son).
Hilda Valentine Goneril - I’m going at this because Hilda is really talented in the arts. ALSO CAN YOU IMAGINE THE POWER OF VIL SCHOENHEIT AND HILDA GONERIL? TOGETHER? Oh my god, Hilda’s my favourite FE3H girl, and seeing her side by side with Vil is sending me! They’ll be so popular, like can you imagine Hilda making Vil’s accessories? Them, featuring on each other’s accounts? Match made in beauty influencer heaven. Epel would start out disliking her, but then when he sees how strong Hilda is, he’d start to like her more. Hilda just think he’s cute. She also finds Rook strange. 
Ignatz Victor - His position in Pomefiore is also primarily because of his artistic sensibilities. He’s probably flirted with most of Pomefiore just because he keeps bringing up how beautiful they are. Vil probably commissioned him once to do a painting, and Ignatz became an overnight celebrity on MagiCam. He can get along with Rook, and a little with Epel. 
Bernadetta von Varley - I MEAN. Where else would I put Bernie? She probably is shut off in Ignihyde, and is terrified of Idia because she think he’s out to get her--because whenever she leaves her room he’s also there. (In Idia’s defense, he think SHE’S out to get him because she’s always there when he leaves his room... it’s a never ending cycle with these two).
Linhardt von Hevring - I almost put him in Diasomnia, and honestly I could still put him there... but the reason I chose Ignihyde, is because I think his love for research outweighs his interest in the actual magical feats of Diasomnia. Also, if I remember from... Chapter 1? We didn’t see any Ignihyde students in the cafeteria, so I’ll believe that they all prefer to just stay in unless it’s an important event (which suits Lin very well). I can definitely see Linhardt being interested in Diasomnia though. He’s probably sleeping buddies with Silver. 
Constance von Nuvelle - I almost put her in Heartslabyul BUT THEN I REALIZED! Constance is basically Ignihyde personified. She’s more Ignihyde than Idia himself LMAO. Like she’s all quiet, and shy during class, but when she retreats to Ignihyde’s dark dorms--she’s loud, bossy and generally unlike them all. Idia gets a whiplash whenever he sees the 180. Ortho thinks she’s fun. 
Sylvain Jose Gautier - Okay honestly, I almost put him in Pomefiore, but then I realized how much Diasomnia suited him more. LISTEN, everyone would be convinced that Sylvain is definitely Pomefiore material, only for everyone to be surprised when he’s put in Diasomnia because of how smart he actually is. Though he acts a little bit like the black sheep of Diasomnia because of how unlike them he is--he’s definitely going to stun a lot when he comes out with really high grades. Malleus would be impressed. Lilia would just know. Silver is asleep. Sylvain and Sebek... I can see Sylvain having no issue with him but not the other way around.
Lysithea von Ordelia - OF COURSE I’m going to put Lysithea in this house. She’s the little spitfire and darling of Diasomnia. I can see Malleus being really fond of her. In Lysithea’s pursuit of knowledge, I can imagine Lysithea would bug Malleus a lot for help--and Malleus would genuinely be pleased that this tiny little human bothers him so much. He’d love to teach her. Lilia would probably tease Lys often, but would always help her when she needs it. Lys would fight Sebek, and is pretty neutral to Silver.
Marianne von Edmund - Marianne thinks she deserves to be in this house because of her bloodline, and it probably makes her very sad. Lilia probably realizes what she feels and does go out of his way to cheer her up. Lilia probably pushes her towards Silver a lot though, because Silver is a pretty low maintenance friend. Marianne and Silver would also get along really well because they both get along well with animals, and spend a lot of time just sitting in the middle of a forest somewhere--just doing that. Marianne is probably scared of Malleus (and knowing her situation, Mal probably won’t push). On the other hand, Marianne is the one person Sebek can’t fight.  
Hapi - If she can summon magical beings with her sighs, then I can see her in Diasomnia just so that Malleus and Lilia could watch out for her. I can definitely see her bantering with Lilia, and just chilling with Silver. She probably... gets irritated with Sebek actually. They fight each other a lot with the use of petty insults lmao. Sebek does not appreciate it, but Lilia finds it funny so he sometimes eggs on their fights haha. 
Special Thought: Byleth/s are probably Diasomnia graduates. 
For The Garden Academy:
House Cosmos
Mercedes von Martritz - Mercie’s ability to remain positive in the face of all the things she was faced with is the primary reason I chose this house~
House Zinnia
Dorothea Arnault - Because Dorothea is kind to those she knows deserves it. I think I see her very similar to Cinderella, except a tad bit more jaded. 
House Eglantine
Constance von Nuvelle - it’s the House of Sophistication! Need I say more? I do believe that Eglantine suits Constance the most, especially for the sake of her noble house. 
House Anemone
Petra Macneary - Her interest, and general curiosity--plus willingness to learn more about the world is why I thought she suited Anemone the most. 
House Rose
Bernadetta von Varley - I chose this because she shares a love for books with Belle. I think, like Belle, she uses books as a form of escapism. 
House Jasmine
Lysithea von Ordelia - her desire to be independent and seen as an adult capable of making her own choices was the primary motivation for this placing!
House Sage
Marianne von Edmund - Marianne’s preference of interacting with animals, and her love for religion is the primary reason why I chose House Sage~! 
House Peach Blossom
Ingrid Brandl Galatea - because she understands the importance and weight of honor. And also because I think in Peach Blossom, she could learn that she could gain honor by remaining as she is. 
House Water Lily
Annette Fantine Dominic - Annette is honestly a lot like Tiana--determined to prove herself through honest hard work! 
House Chrysanthemum
Hilda Valentine Goneril - As the House of Artistry, I think Hilda would love it here because she’ll be allowed to pursue the one thing she enjoys--creating accessories~! 
House Thistle
Edelgard von Hresvelg - placed her here because she’s a lot like Merida, wherein she wants to choose and create her own path. 
Hapi - Honestly, I put her here because of her distaste for authority. She’s very, openly critical about what she thinks is wrong. 
House Hibiscus 
Leonie Pinelli - Ironically, House Hisbiscus shares the same belief as Savannaclaw which is tenacity. Since I chose that house based on Leonie’s tenacity, I decided to keep with it. 
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romioneficfest · 4 years
Title: Afterglow
Prompt/Day: Bringing baby Hugo home from St. Mungo’s (with mentions of the day’s other two themes, Arthur’s shed and trainers)
Tumblr name:
Rating: K, K+
Brief summary: After Romione brings home their second child, they take a day off with all three of them in bed— and take a moment to rediscover how beautiful they think the other is.
Possible warning tags: breastfeeding (non-sexual context)
“Is Rose still at your parents’?” Hermione asked, pressing her brand new blanketed bundle to her chest as she and Ron made their way to their little house in St. John’s Wood.
“Yeah, why?” Ron said. “Want me to tell them to bring her back?”
“No, actually— that’s exactly it. I’ve just had a baby, Ron, I could use a day off… Unless Molly would mind, of course?”
“Are you kidding? It’s impossible for her, going from a house of seven kids to an empty nest in the space of a few years, I’ll be surprised if she ever gives Rose back,” he said, waving his wand to send a silvery Jack Russell Terrier to the Burrow to inform Molly of Rose’s extended stay. “Besides, it’s not like Rose will mind, you know how much she loves going into my dad’s shed with him to see all the crazy stuff he’s been charming lately. You know, he’s just managed to Lumos some trainers into glowing, says he got the idea from those light-up sneakers he saw in a Muggle storefront when we took him to London…” he trailed off, noticing Hermione’s unusual quiet. “Tired?” he said, more tenderly.
“Yeah, you could say so,” she smiled faintly, pressing the baby closer to her chest. “I should hardly think I’d need to remind you, Ronald, I’ve just had a baby.”
“Pointing out the obvious, as ever,” said Ron as he opened the door to their house and ushered Hermione in, the baby asleep in her arms. They headed straight to the bedroom: Hermione needed a rest, and their big, fluffy bed was just the place to be right then.
They had hardly settled down in bed when baby Hugo, emerging from his bundle like a sleepy Mandrake from a plant pot, began to cry. Ron’s face fell: despite having lived through a baby already (and Rose had been no small feat), he felt a twinge of fear emerging again— after all, this was a new one, and how were they to know they hadn’t done something wrong already? In her usual fashion, however, Hermione remained calm where Ron hadn’t, even happy at the baby’s crying: “Oh, he must be hungry,” she cooed.
“Alright, where’s the bottle? I’m sure I can—” Ron started to say, already stumbling out of bed when Hermione’s hand reached out to pull him back.
“Don’t worry, Ron!” she said, a hint of a laugh in her voice. “Babies don’t need to eat from a bottle all the time.”
“Oh, brilliant, so you’re just gonna accio it here— blimey, Hermione, what are you doing?” he said as she started taking off her shirt.
“Feeding the baby,” Hermione panned, and Ron couldn’t help but smile at the hint of the old know-it-all he’d first known his wife as.
She held Hugo to her chest, allowing him to nestle in her arms as he suckled, and the crying dissolved into a bout of contented gurgling. As he looked at her, Ron couldn’t help but wonder why exactly he couldn’t look away: ten years with his wife, and he still kept getting caught off guard at how gorgeous she was. But there was something more this time— she was glowing. Basked in the afterglow of the joy of new motherhood, Hermione positively shone, irradiated with happiness as her son melted into her arms. Our son, Ron thought, and his heart skipped a small beat.
They stayed in silence while Hugo ate, Hermione gazing adoringly at their baby (and Ron at his wife). Finally, Hugo drew away with a small coo, and immediately fell back asleep in his mother’s arms.
“Isn’t he lo-oh-ovely?” Hermione yawned, and, even through the glow still coming from her, Ron could see how tired she was. “Look, he’s got your hair…”
“A Weasley with red hair, who’s ever heard of that?” joked Ron, as Hermione muttered ’Granger-Weasley’, more fixated on how Hugo’s button nose was exactly like Hermione’s, which he had pressed so many, too many to count, kisses to… “Do you need some sleep? You seem exhausted…”
“I do, actually…” said Hermione, and —to his surprise— handed him the baby. “I’m going to nap for a bit, is that okay?”
“Well, yes— of course— but I—” sputtered Ron, fumbling with Hugo and terrified he would wake him up, drop, him, hurt him—
Hermione seemed to recognize his fear. “Ron, you’ve had Rose before.”
“Well— yes— but this one's— I dunno, this one’s different—”
He was surprised to hear a laugh from his wife: “Don’t be silly, Ron, you’re his father.” And with that, she promptly rolled over in bed and dozed off for a well-deserved nap, leaving Ron staring wide-opened at the little baby, sputtering contentedly in his sleep, in his father’s arms —outside of St. Mungo’s staffers’ supervision— for the very first time.
The nap lasted well through the afternoon: as Hermione began stirring from her deep slumber (no doubt brought by how hard it was to sleep properly in a crowded, chock-full of misplaced magic place like St. Mungo’s), their West-facing bedroom was now coated with an orange sheen that could only mean sunset. And there, through half-closed eyes, still struggling to flutter fully free of the bindings of sleep, she saw Ron. Bathed in the same golden light sifted through the curtains, his long red eyelashes danced with sun sparks as he blinked, and in his arms, cooing happily as his father sang him a little lullaby under his breath (careful not to rouse Hermione, unbeknownst that she was watching him), was his son.
‘Our son,’ Hermione thought, and —just as Ron’s had done frequently since he’d realized Hugo was theirs, Hugo was wonderfully theirs— her heart skipped a small beat.
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
Your Days Are Gone, The Grocery List Goes On
Hi All! So, this is based off the song Milk - Jack Stauber BUT mostly Doctor Chalk’s absolutely beautiful animatic of it, which you should totally check out. 
He felt like he was falling - endless black clouded his vision and his hair blew wildly around him. Where even was he anymore? All he remembered was his mom grabbing his wrists and everything burning all over his body. He remembered Hugo, his first love, who’d intended to betray him from the very beginning, prompting him to lock himself in the library with his mom. Body hit floor, skin meeting harsh wood as he finally stopped his descent, and hastily scurried to his feet in the, at first unfamiliar environment.
He tried to look at where he was. A small room with bookshelves lining the walls, a bed in the middle. A guitar sat discarded, propped against the desk against the wall. Pieces of paper with scribbled writing on them were stuck to and littered all over the walls - on closer inspection, they were notes from experiments. His experiments. He knew where he was. His room back in Old Corona. 
  Screams - Hugo’s screams - were echoing outside the room. He had to get out. This wasn’t his home. He couldn’t be home. He reached his hand out and tried twisting the doorknob and opening the door, but that didn’t work. Movements became frantic as he kept on trying. His hands shook as he tried and tried to turn the doorknob, until he gave up on that strategy. He pounded and slammed himself against the door, desperately trying to break out but to no avail. The door remained firm. He tried to scream as his own body was used against his will, his mother using it to abuse and harm the man he once loved. But nothing happened. He tried to cry, but no noise came out. He tried again to open the door. Again and again and again, until he sank to the floor shaking. A louder, more clear scream shook the foundations of the room. 
“VARIAN!” He heard faintly in the background, sound filtering in and out as he slowly fought for control against his mother. “Varian! Goggles! You’ve gotta fight this! Please! We all need you- I need you!” 
Hugo. Traitor. Why was he still here? How was he here? Varian could’ve sworn he locked him out of the library and Donella revealed he was working for her the whole time. His face hardened, but he couldn’t help the small stream of tears that ran cooly down his cheeks as he listened to the blonde’s desperate cries. “Varian-please you’ve gotta listen to me! I know I fucked up - really bad. But you need to fight back!” 
He tried to cover his ears and block the sounds and noises out, but Hugo still persisted, his screams still causing the room to quake. “GOGGLES PLEASE! Varian! Come back to me! I love you!”
And with that, Varian paused. Hugo felt the same. The man who’d taken so much from him..had loved him the same. He thought back on his memories with the blonde - talking by the campfire in the moonlight, walking together in the snow, teaching Yong alchemy...was he ready to let that all go?
A newfound determination rushed through his body, as he started to fight back more and more against Ulla. He couldn’t let her do this. He needed to fight. He kept on slamming himself against the door. He wasn’t ready to lose everyone. He wasn’t ready to lose Hugo. 
For Nuru. 
For Yong. 
For Hugo. 
He let out a loud scream of pain, the door opening and falling to the floor. He stumbled forward and felt himself falling once more, his vision fading to black.
Varian awoke with his head in Hugo’s lap, the older twirling his hair around his fingers and staring down at him with tearful eyes along with the widest smile he’d ever seen. “Varian” he whispered, his voice coarse and weak from the screaming. 
  “Hey.” The younger replied and barely had change to say more before Hugo embraced him, sobbing into his shoulder and murmuring countless apologies to the younger teen, who just smiled and held onto him tight. He rested his hand on the back of Hugo’s head and pet his hair, Ulla watching the scene with a saddened smile.
“I remember when you were a baby.”
  Varian paused to look up at Ulla from his embrace with Hugo. He tilted his head and stood, moving over and sitting beside her on the cold library floor. Glistening tears rolled down her cheeks, but her eyes focused on the floor in front of them, and ginger hair sat awkwardly trailing down her back. It was strange to think this woman, who looked so innocent and vulnerable, had been trying to take over her son’s body a few moments prior. His hand reached out to rest on her back, Ulla flinching away from the touch and pressing forward.
  “You were my pride and joy, y'know. I’d look at you and go..wow. This is my son. MY son! I always knew you’d do great things the minute I laid eyes on you. I suppose every mother thinks that about their child, but you...somehow I knew you were destined to be great.” she monologued, a smile on her face as she turned to look at her son. Icy hands rested on his pale, tear-stained cheeks as she examined his face, gently brushing the old tracks that ran down them, then tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear.
  “I shouldn’t have left your father or you to seek out this place. I know now it’s selfish..but I just wanted to complete this mission..and Donella was so convincing..so I left. I wanted more from this place when we found it, so me and Donella argued. We both had the same idea - she aimed to keep me in..I aimed to keep her out. And it worked. Nothing broke my heart more than not being able to see you or your father again. But..it's all my fault. If I hadn’t left, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Nonetheless, I’m so..proud of you, son. You’ve accomplished so so much..I just don’t know how you’ll ever forgive me.” her voice cracked, moving her hands back to her face to hide her pain. 
  Hugo gave Varian’s shoulder a light squeeze, a reassuring smile on his face as he encouraged him to talk. Varian took a deep breath. In. Hold. Out.
  “Mom..I forgive you.” he silenced Ulla as she attempted to protest with a wave of his hand, “I’ve done some terrible things too…” he let out a pained sigh. “When I was 14, black rocks started growing all around Old Corona. Dad warned me to stay away, but I was so determined to find what was wrong and show I’m not just a screw up that I kept on experimenting. One day...I trapped dad in an amber-like solution. It was an accident, but I ran to the castle and begged the princess for help. Instead, my pleads fell on deaf ears and I was cast out. Hell, they even criminalised me and claimed I tried to attack the princess.”
  “Anyway..I was so angry that I stole the sundrop to try and free dad but..I found the power of the sundrop had been transferred to the princess. I was so scared and angry that I decided...if a villain was what they wanted, then fine, they’d get a villain. I kidnapped the queen and attacked the kingdom. They stopped me and put me in jail for a year. That’s where I met Andrew.” He rolled his eyes at the name and let out another sigh.
  “He convinced me that no one would ever forgive me for anything that I did. So I made a formula that I used on the kingdom - Quirinium. It was designed to wipe the memories of the whole of Corona so they’d forget what I did and we could go back to normal again...but the Saporians had other plans. During testing, we found that when heated, it didn’t convert to a gaseous state, but it exploded. They wanted to use that for harm - to destroy the kingdom of Corona. Luckily, the princess came back and helped me to fight them off but…” he bit his lip and hesitated before continuing.
  “Rapunzel forgave me. Even after I tormented her family and kingdom, she still forgave me. And slowly, the other citizens of Corona started to forgive me too. So..I forgive you, mom. I forgive you.”
  Ulla’s eyes brimmed with tears as she lunged forward and hugged her son tight, sobbing with her frail form shaking as they wracked her body. Apologies escaped from her lips, not relenting even as Varian returned the hug. She didn’t wanna go. She really didn’t want to leave all of this behind - not after she’s just met her son again after years and years trapped in this hellhole. What if he wouldn’t be okay without her? One glance at her son’s companion, Hugo, let her know. He looked at Varian the same amount of love and devotion Quirin had looked at her before all of this. He was in safe hands, not that he couldn’t handle himself of course just...he wasn’t going to be alone. A small smile crept its way onto her face as she moved away. “Well, that’s my cue to leave.”
  “What do you mean? Mom?” Varian asked, anxiety building at his mom’s statement. “Mom, I don’t-I don’t understand-” he whispered, her eyes locked with hers as she brushed his fringe out of his face and kissed his forehead tenderly, moving back to cup his face in her hands. 
  “I love you, Varian.” She said, her voice barely a whisper as her body started to dematerialise in front of her son and his friend. Finally, she could be at peace instead of trapped in this library. She sighed a satisfied sigh, a smile creeping onto her face. Now, it was only a matter of time until she saw Quirin again...god, she couldn’t wait to see him again..
  “Mom? MOM!” Varian cried and lunged forward to hug her. He was too late. Where her body once stood, there was only empty space and air. Tears welled in his eyes and immediately, he spun round to pull Hugo into a crushing embrace, the older pulling him closer and holding him just as tight. He sobbed and he sobbed and he sobbed till he couldn’t anymore, with Hugo holding him as they sat on the dark oak library floor together in a comforting grasp.
  “Did you mean it?” he said in a hoarse voice, his throat scratchy and sore from all the crying he’d done, “Did you mean it when you said you loved me?” 
  Shakily, Hugo replied with a single nod, emerald eyes meeting azure as their fingers interlocked and the other gave a fleeting smile. Varian couldn’t stop himself, reaching out to grasp the collar of Hugo’s jacket, pulling him in and smashing their lips together in one of the most toothy, awkward kisses of his life that just seemed so..them. 
  Hugo was the first to break it, a smirk on his face. “Damn, goggles. That's one way to tell a guy you’re head over heels in love with him.” he let out a laugh, wincing at a sudden pain in his rips at the action. “On second thought, maybe I should hold back on the laughter.” he muttered, Varian bursting out into a fit of laughter on the floor with stray tears still making their way down his cheeks.
  “We should go back soon.” Varian commented, making no effort to stand as he lay on the cold floor, reaching his hand up to trail through Hugo’s blonde locks that had long since fallen out of his ponytail. He still looked stunning, well...despite the blood and bruises that covered every inch of his, in his words, ‘flawless’ face. “Heh, it’s weird. Even with all that blood on you, I still think you look as handsome as ever.” 
  “How about you show me how handsome you think I am?” Hugo snidely remarked, leaning over the boy on the floor and claiming his lips once again. Varian’s arms snaked around Hugo’s neck and pulled him in closer, desperate to keep him and to never lose this boy. He broke the kiss after a few minutes, Hugo peppering kisses all over his lips, forehead, cheeks..all over his face. He giggled at the comforting gestures before pushing away his boyfriend and standing.
  “You coming?” he asked, holding out his hand for the other to take, which Hugo graciously accepted. Their fingers intertwined as they approached the entrance to the Eternal Library, casting each other a loving glance and soft smile. Hugo raised Varian’s hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it.
  “Ready when you are, Goggles.” He said, a smile on his face. Varian took another deep breath and, hand in hand with his boyfriend, they exited the library together, ready to face whatever came next.
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immortal soul:black survival characters as dankpods
Adela:You’ve had a kitkat, right? But you haven’t lived until you’ve had a WW.
Adriana:Well, I guess we should plug it in and put Scarlet Fire on it.
Aiden:Oh, they’ve got Ninja- oh, sorry. Ninj a up.
Alex: (throws a batman mp3 player at a vaccum) Oh no! It broke on the first one! Wasn’t even a good throw, mate!
Arda:(touching the eye button repeatedly, text on the screen reading “MY EXISTENCE IS SUFFERING”)
Aya:(plugging a spongebob eye mp3 player into a speaker) Don’t you hurt her. Don’t you do it.
Barbara:(jiggles cheap headphones like castanets on a wire)
Bernice:It’s like.... Dad’s footy shorts... Cut into a case.
Camilo:My IPod’s trapped in the disco!
Cathy:”Do not overuse this earphone or put it under heavy pressure.” (holding a big rock) Hmmm.... I wonder what heavy pressure means?
Celine:Come on pukcells, you’re needed! Eh? I don’t just keep you around because of the name that I find funny for some reason.
Chiara:Is it any wonder no one bought you?
Chloe:This says “sound by AKG”! Why does it sound like it was made by OkayG?
Daniel:What an unusual perspective of this thing you have right now.
Echion:Chord, hit me up mate, I wanna try Hugo. Mainly because it’s called a Hugo.
Eleven: Oh, New Potato Technologies! How I love that you’re called New Potato Technologies!
Eva:I need instructions on how to take it apart, but it’s just like USE ANTI-GRAVITY AND JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN ON ITS OWN!
Emma:Warning:you’ve just wasted your money.
Fiora:I remember when Ipods had a quartered pizza for controls.
Hart:And we all know his theme song! Duhhh dabaruba di di daaa.... batmannn
Hyejin:(voice cracking) Oh, isn’t it- isn’t it lovely....
Hyunwoo:(stabbing plastic box) Give me my dog!
Isol(handling earphones through the Mojo) Ahahaha! It’s happened, everyone. Notice that awful buzzing stopped? The left one died. It’s gone.
Jackie: ‘Please keep away from children’? Keep away from everyone.
Jan:Has he morphed with his pants?
Jenny:(putting the earphones away) Yeah, okay. All right. All right. Yep. Now they work. Oh yeah. Oh yeah they work. Oh boy do they. So.
Johann: Look, it stands up for... reasons unknown to me, to be honest.
JP:(putting a headphone jack that was described as being for IPods into a Samsung Yepp) Haha, no one tell the police! Ooooooo!
Laura:(turns on a tablet with a shrek background, enters a photos app, and scrolls through superman, wonder woman, a bad wolverine cosplay, fat spiderman smoking sitting on the curb, and mike wazowski) Superheroes.
Lenox:Yeah, direct me there. How do I get from Adelaide to the middle of the ocean? Whaaat, I can’t cycle from there?!
Leon: “I appreciate those headphones you bought me, especially since it’s the only thing you’ve ever bought me” “That is true, I even made you buy your own clothes after birth”
Li Dailin:I mean, I really like it. It’s a piece of junk.
Luke: Oh no, it requires two AAAAAs!
Magnus:Racing attack? That’s just called traffic.
Mai:You can still buy... flip phones!!
Nadine: I don’t remember ducks having docks in their bellies!
Nathapon: ⁿᵃ ⁿᵒ
Nicky:(holding an MP3 player) It got karate-chopped at some point, i don’t remember that, I’m so sorry theo.
Rio:I bought a Dell MP3 dingus. [...] And only upon getting it did I realize the previous owner scribbled “iPod” on it. It’s like always being in the shadow of your older cousin or something.
Rosalio:Well, there’s only one way to know if it’s a real Nokia, mate. (uses the corner of one phone to hit the other’s screen, shattering it) The answer is no, mate.
Rozzi: (pointing at packaging) It includes everything you need! There’s no oxygen or food written there, so you know.
Shoichi: So you’re meant to “look after” it, and touch it and interact with it, otherwise it “gets mad” and does a bad job at your atxes or something. I don’t know, I’m just- I’m an adult now, so all I can think of is adult scenarios.
Silvia:(sniffs) Smells like the early 2000s.
Sissela: Ughh, this is hard to do while crippled.
Sua:(using Youtube on a flip phone) How do I search??
William:Silly box is wrong, mate. Americans don’t talk in metric, it should say “over 500 feet of music”.
Xiukai:Tutorial? Pfft. Like I need to learn how to play Crazy Eggs.
Yuki:It looks like a witch’s curse! Like they turned your best friend into a talisman that you have to wear all the time! You still hear him screaming in there!
Zahir:(uses a photo translator app to understand the text on a box) Oh good! Oh good- oh, there it is! So it’s tac 16, optopannahéhu, E! Cuhtepeodohyeckue.
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
"steam rising from a bowl of soup" + dealer's choice!
Dealer’s choice said....
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“I don’t care that it’s an inconvenience for you,” Stasia rolled her eyes, arm crossing over her chest, “You’re there to keep things under control.” Fifteen minutes, that’s how long she had spent talking to Jack, well arguing was probably the better term. She rubbed her temple listening to the flimsy excuses of her underling, calculating the time it would take to fly down there herself and fix the situation. “Jack I need you to fix this, that’s all I’m asking of you. If you think it’s an inconvenience for yourself imagine how much of one it’ll be for me if I have to go down there.”
His excuses continued as Stasia looked up at Carly, with her pale skin and blood red eyes, giving a small smile. Carly returned it making her way to the stove in the three bedroom house lifting the lid to inspect the contents inside. Stasia paced the kitchen lips tightening into a thin line, “Look I’m going to give you ten hours to fix this whole situation or to at least be in the process of doing so, got it?” She paused her eyes narrowing as she lowered her voice, “Jack if I have to go down there, you will regret it.” Stasia hung up the phone tossing it onto the table as Carly set the fresh bowl of soup in front of it. “You know I miss when you could slam a phone closed.”
“Or slam them against the cradle,” Carly laughed lightly, her smile widening showing off her elongated canines, “Can’t tell you how many of both I broke.” The two women laughed as they took a seat, Stasia leaning down to the bowl, steam brushing along her cheekbones. “Should I start making arrangements for the jet, Stasia?”
“Hm,” she waved her hand, “Not yet, no. They’re all incompetent but Jack is the least out of them all.”
“Which Jack is it?” Carly asked resting her chin on her hand, “Hit the Road Jack or Jack Hammer?”
“The one in New York,” Stasia smiled with a small eye roll, “You just love giving all of them code names?”
The pale woman shrugged leaning back in the chair, “Makes it easier to keep track of the region and we have like five different Jacks in leader positions.” Carly bit her lower lip focusing on the space behind Stasia, “New York is Jack DiCaprio, I don’t think that’s saying much.” Carly’s eyes focused back on Stasia as she brought the spoon to her mouth, “I can make some calls, have Hugo on the ready.”
Stasia gave a nod, a smile coming onto her face as she took the first bite, “My god Carly, you managing to keep your cooking prowess after all these years seems unnatural.” Carly smiled, head tilting down pushing a strand of hair back behind her ear, some human habits never left, her embarrassed mannerisms being the most prominent. “I am forever grateful that I get to be the one to reap that fact,” Stasia praised taking another bite, the phone vibrating once more. 
She rolled her eyes, “I’ll go and make the call,” Carly said softly making her way to the basement of the house.
Stasia answered, putting the phone on speaker, “This better be life or death Jaqueline,” Maybe we do have too many Jacks.
“Kind of,” the woman on the other end replied, “We lost hold of Bexley ma’am.”
Her spoon clattered into the bowl, “You WHAT!”
“We lost-.”
“I heard you the first time,” she growled, rubbing her forehead, “What I want to know is how you managed to lose hold of it?”
“Uh,” Jaqueline’s voice wavered, “Well there’s a new Strigoi, he was some MMA fighter or something, and well he’s wanting to have a region to call his own.”
“And that’s it?”
“Well he’s very charismatic,” the woman added quickly, “Some of the uh women and men helped him.”
“Some of our people helped him.”
“That’s correct ma’am.”
Stasia took a deep breath, “So what do you plan on doing to get Bexley back?”
“Uhm,” Stasia could hear the movement of the woman shifting, “Well I was hoping to get your input on that.”
Stasia stayed silent, the woman doing the same for the next ten seconds, “Well tell me your plan.” 
“Right, uh, yeah. My plan.”
“You don’t even have a plan,” she slammed her hand on the table, standing, “So what you just thought you could call me and I’d have one magically ready for you?” The woman on the phone stuttered, “That’s not how this works Jaqueline. I put you in charge so you could put out fires like this, so that I can focus on the bigger picture. I can’t keep coming over and doing your job for you otherwise what’s the point of having you around, hm.” 
“I-I- Well you’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll- I’ll get. I’ll take care of this.”
Stasia crossed her arm, resting it in the crook of her elbow, “You better, because as your predecessor would tell you,” she lowered her voice, “there are no second chances.”
“But didn’t you uh,” the woman started to ask, swallowing hard, “You know uh that doesn’t matter. I’m gonna go and get right on remedying the situation.”
The woman hung up, Stasia gripping the phone, knuckles white, teeth grinding, “INGRATES!” 
Her free hand shot out slapping the ceramic bowl off the table, its destination the wall to her right. The pieces fell ringing in Stasia’s ears, her hands resting on the table, nails digging into the dark wood. Carly approached her quietly, hand reaching out to her shoulder, “How hard is it to keep an eye on territory, Carly? Tell me, because you seemed to handle it just fine all those years ago.”
“Well back in my day,” Carly’s voice taking on a crotchety lilt, “I made sure there was loyalty among my faction, all I needed was a good punch.” The corners of Stasia’s lips quirked briefly in a smile, “You know how these kids are, they think the way to win is through mind games only.”
Stasia let out a sigh, “It makes it irritating,” her eyes met Carly’s, “Did you get Hugo on standby?”
She nodded, “Just needs to know where we’re going.”
“I hope you’re craving British,” Carly groaned, “We lost Bexley.”
Carly’s mouth fell open, “How-. We lost Bexley.” Stasia gave a short nod, “That should have been the easiest to keep an eye on.”
“Well Jaqueline had some traitors in her midst.”
Carly rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up, “Of course it’s Jaque the Ripper.” She shook her head, “I’ll call him and let him know we’ll be leaving after your-.”
The sharp ring of the doorbell had both women looking to the front of the house, Stasia glancing at the clock on the wall. Still too early for her apprentices to be showing up for their lessons. Carly gave a nod, making her way back down to the basement, Stasia glancing through the peephole once she made it to the door. She cocked a brow seeing the multi-colored hair of her newest addition. “Tia,” she greeted, opening the door, smile easily coming to her face, “I didn’t expect you to come by until later.”
The young woman looked down, pushing some hair behind her ear, “I know, I’m sorry. I just-,” Tia inhaled deeply, “I need to talk  to you Stella.”
Stasia opened the door farther, “Of course, sweetie, come in.” Tia nodded, shoulders hunching over as she made her way over the threshold, “Can I get you anything to drink? Tea or water perhaps?”
Tia swallowed, shaking her head, Stasia catching a glimpse of the tears in the twenty year old’s eyes, “No thank you.”
Stasia put her arms around Tia’s shoulders, guiding her to the living room sofa, “Honey what happened?” The tears started to fall as the two women sat down on the sofa, “Oh Tia,” Stasia whispered, pulling her closer, smoothing her hair, “You can tell me anything.”
She nodded, sniffling, “I know. I know, but I-I have to drop out of my lessons with you.” She pulled away wiping at her face, “I have to go back home for a- Well I don’t know how long actually.”
Stasia’s brows knitted together, “What happened at home, sweetie?”
“My mom’s sick,” Tia whispered, eyes cast down, “I have to go and take care of her.” 
“Your mom’s sick,” Stasia repeated, as the young woman nodded, “Well that’s terrible. I’m so sorry.” She smoothed the dyed hair, “Don’t worry about the lessons,” Tia’s eyes went wide, “You have enough skill to be able to practice on your own.”
“But I might not have the time to learn what you want to be teaching me. She might need around the clock care.”
“I was actually thinking that we change your curriculum,” Stasia grabbed her hands, giving her a sympathetic smile, “Magic is mostly about practice. So matter what kind of spell you do it will strengthen your power. I have some books downstairs that contain healing spells and rituals.”
“I-. Are you saying I could get rid of whatever is wrong with her?” Tia sat straighter, her lips quirked in a hopeful smile.
“Well,” Stasia looked down, letting out a slow breath, “no, not really. These are spells meant for minor illnesses and injuries.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t use them to help your mom still,” Stasia brushed some of Tia’s hair back, “I assume it’s cancer?” 
Tia nodded, “Currently Stage three.”
“Well you can use these to help in providing comfort and relieving some of the pain that comes with it.”
“Maybe stop it from getting worse?”
Stasia smiled, “Possibly. I can’t guarantee that though.” She patted Tia’s knee, “Here let me grab them for you. You just stay right here.” She stood making her way to the basement, smile spreading across her face. 
Carly smirked watching as Stasia skimmed the library, “What’s got you all happy all of a sudden?”
“Tia’s mother is sick,” she glanced over her shoulder, “Stage three cancer.”
Carly blinked, her smile falling away, “Oh, that’s terrible,” Stasia nodded, mumbling to herself, “So why do you seem so happy about that?”
“A-ha,” Stasia pulled a black leather bound book, eyes scanning for another, “Well I told her that there wasn’t anything that could fully heal away her mother’s cancer.” She pulled a brown leather bound book along with a thinner journal, both with matching Nordic runes, “There is though.”
“So why not tell her that?”
“Because Carly,” she answered, setting the books down getting some supplies together for travel, “Tia could prove to be more useful than just a power source. I could make her a full time apprentice.” 
Carly nodded along slowly, “Be nice to have someone like you on the other side of the world.” Stasia beamed at Carly, “But she seems so….nice.”
“Not until she gets a little taste of the power she could have,” she held up a vial to the light, “and ailing parents are such great motivators to try something a little more unethical in her eyes at the current moment.”
Carly’s red eyes flicked to the black book, “There’s a spell in there that can do that.” Stasia hummed, “And what if she doesn’t take the bait?”
Stasia looked at her slowly, “Don’t tell me the Jacks have gotten to you, Carly.” The undead woman put her hands up, “She’s still of use just less than if she does the spell I want her to do.” She closed up the box, bringing it to the stairs, “Trust me though, a girl like her always takes the bait. She’s just going to be the first to live through it.” Carly looked her up and down, frowning with her brows knitted together until Stasia was out of the door. 
Tia stood hearing Stasia make her way back to the living room, “Here let me help you with that, Stella,” she rushed over grabbing the box from the bottom. “This is a lot of stuff. I don’t think I can accept all of this.”
Stasia waved a hand, “I insist. It’s just something to get you started anyway.”
Tears brimmed her eyes once more, “Thank you. Thank you so much,” Tia reached out with one arm, Stasia following in the embrace, “This means so much to me.”
“Oh of course honey,” she pulled away, hands on Tia’s shoulders, “Now you just call if you need anything in those spells that you can’t find at home okay? I can send some out to you no problem.” The young woman nodded enthusiastically, Stasia smoothing her hair once more, “Now you get going to your mother. She needs you right now.” 
Stasia leaned in the doorway watching as the mint green VW bus drove off in the midday sun, hearing the basement door start to creak open. She closed the door coming face to face with Carly, “What did you mean she would be the first to live through that spell?”
“The one that’s needed takes a lot from a witch, some girls didn’t have the power needed. Shame for a few of them actually.”
Carly crossed her arms, Stasia gliding past into the kitchen, “What makes you so sure though?”
Stasia paused, looking over her shoulder, “Because I know exactly what Tia is and the power that comes with someone like her.” She gave a chuckle, grabbing the broom, “Well if it's at the same level of a Moroi.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Sat 31 Aug
Lots of press following Liam's pap pics last night, in which he was seen out in London holding hands with Maya Henry. Henry, an aspiring model, is the nineteen year old daughter of a Texas millionaire. Liam, an established model, is scheduled to appear at Bloomingdale's in NYC on Sept 19 for a Hugo collection meet and greet.
The first big publicity engagement of KMM promo has been announced- Louis will be on the Indie House Party show with Jack Saunders on BBC1 Sept 5 at 11 pm. Many have been hoping for this announcement ever since Saunders publicly raised the idea via tweet during TOU promo, but some dislike the late time slot and feel he should be on an earlier show to cater to a more general audience. Thing is, first of all the BBC1 morning show specifically doesn't even do new single promo currently, but also yes, this show caters to a different audience; to be exact, an audience Louis has explicitly and repeatedly stated that he wants, and who, from what we know of it, are likely to be receptive to the new track. And the format of this show is an exciting one- it will mean a longer and more in-depth slot for him, he will probably get to play some songs he likes and will definitely have space to talk about music. As a fan I'm super excited to hear this and I'm glad Louis is doing something that has the potential to be so interesting and fun for him. Besides, judging by what we saw during TOU promo he's going to be running all over the country doing general audience morning shows soon enough!
KMM video filming continued today; Louis was seen in Southend where he greeted people and posed for some pics. Blurry lousquatch pics were taken through the pier of them filming, there was a Louis stunt double (as if you could fool us with a fake Louis!), there was a rumour of him riding a motorcycle though people weren't quite sure that was actually him (...aaand I stand corrected. Back to ye olde clown nose for me...), and my new favorite pic ever was taken, of Louis and Joni strolling off into the sunset looking like a romantic Christian greeting card: props to OP who added the crowning touch of circling them with a little heart. Tonight Louis is rumored to be out publicly with usual crew for Oli's birthday, presumably by people who are totally guessing, but given the stage of promo we're at it's an excellent guess: tune in tomorrow to see how they did! If not tonight I'm sure we'll get some pap pics any day now...
Meanwhile Louis manager Matt Vines posted a pic of himself playing a whack a clown arcade game, how rude. We're just doing our best out here there's no need to attack us like this!
Harry was seen in Italy! There was a little video taken near some boats; according to the OP on those (who has met him on previous trips to Italy) he "politely asked" that his location not be revealed since he is "on vacation"; many fans politely chose to believe that this was nonsense and he was in fact working in Italy. Well whichever: either way he was photographed later on at dinner looking almost unlike himself! His hair is flattened in a long fringe and he's wearing a blue striped polo shirt that looks to have genuinely been lifted from Louis' closet, it's downright startling. Somewhere in the UK Helen is having a fit that she can't ever put Louis in that shirt for an event now, but there's nothing to be done about the hair they'll just have to kind of share that. He also liked a picture of CHASM drummer Sarah holding a truly massive tabby cat. Like yes allowance for the fact that she's tiny but still: this cat is a legend and is the true star of the day.
And Niall has his own excellent brand of promo going, getting sassy on twitter. Is he excited about his new music? "I'm shitting it," lovely thanks. (Appalled Harry why would you want that? .gif) He also says that the writing he was doing after the album was completed was "just for fun," was confused by people's obsession with seeing him and Tom Holland together and was like but we already have played golf together before? What? and asked what he could tell us about NH2 and NTMY he says, "they will both be released."
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luuuna-rambles · 4 years
Lost Rewatch: 3x17 Catch 22
If this episode can teach us anything, it is this: Scottish people rule
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Okay, Charlie argues that Superman is faster than The Flash by saying ‘Superman can fly around the entire planet in the blink of an eye’, but The Flash could do that too, so that’s a null point
Charlie, come on. You’ve seen some weird stuff on this Island. Why, when stepping on a mysterious wire, would you take your foot off without checking?
Hell, you’ve even stepped on some weird stuff before. Remember the beehive?
So, within the context of Desmond’s visions, he sees other stuff happen among Charlie dying. And yes, yes, Charlie has to die, la la la, but that very much implys that after Charlie dies he should continue to have visions, right?
Hell, he had a vision not involving Charlie before he was supposed to die!
So why do his visions stop after Charlie dies?!?!?
Desmond asks Hurley ‘Where's the wire?’, and Hurley immediately assumes that Desmond has been taking drugs
Also, what he says specifically is ‘D'you eat those mushrooms Jack warned us about?’, which is odd, ‘cause I thought Jack was supposed to be acting all shifty right about now
Why does Desmond see of a flash of the picture of him and Penny, and just assume that Penny is the one coming to the Island? He doesn’t know at the point that she’s looking for him, he doesn’t even know that she knows about the Island
Hell, he has that very same picture! It could have just been him looking at his picture!
So the show seems to imply that Desmond picked up his call-everyone-‘brother’ thing from his time as a monk. But the flashbacks in these episodes don’t seem to take place over that long a time. Given that he spent most of his residency silent, he really wouldn’t have enough time calling people ‘brother’ to pick it up, would he?
Hur, hur, Sawyer walked in on Kate getting changed, hur hur 🙄
Seriously though Sawyer, what did you think was happening when she didn’t come out of her tent?
Oh ffs, stop staring at her boobs
I’m sorry, the Others are the perverts? You’re the one ogling her!
Oh come on, guys, stop marring my Dezzy episodes with your love quartet bullshit
Desmond is the only one having these visions, he really should have understood the logic. But why does he believe changing one thing changes everything? Even something tiny like Jin, who doesn’t actually do much, coming. You’ve seen that ‘Penny’ comes from off the Island. Jin not being there isn’t going to change anything!
Desmond, Jin and Hurley, all my favourite male Losties in one place. What’s not to like? Oh, and Charlie’s here too, I guess...
Desmond gets punch, and then asks for forgiveness for... something. Was it for bleeding on the wine?
Oh, god, now we have to suffer through possibly the worst scene of the entire season
First, we have Kate and Jack talking/ flirting. Everything they say on paper is fine. But I’m not sure if it’s the actor’s on-screen chemistry, or the delivery, but it all seems really awkward to me
And what’s with Kate licking the spoon before giving it to Jack? Just wipe it on your sleeve
Annnd then it gets worse
First off, Jack flirting with Kate and then going off with Juliet makes him just as bad as Kate, so that is two annoying people out of four
Second, why did you think Kate going off to have sex with Sawyer seconds after seeing Jack and Juliet was a good idea? Especially as you have already clunkily inserted the scene earlier where Kate refused sex from Sawyer. It’s just... icky
Hey, for a comparison, why don’t we talk about a scene from Killing Eve?
In 2x07 (I think), Eve hears Villanelle masturbating, and Villanelle essentially offers sex at a later date. Eve then turns around and goes to  have sex with her then-roommate Hugo, who’s been flirting with her all season
On paper, what happens is fairly similar. But in Killing Eve, there’s no musical fanfare, they don’t linger on it. And it’s treated as Eve using Hugo explicitly
On Lost, it’s almost the complete opposite, and I hate it
Even worse, there is no reason for the scene to be there. It doesn’t further the plot, it doesn’t give us new understanding of the characters - we already knew that Kate and Jack are being fickle as hell. It’s just there to make the viewer feel gross
Ah, it’s gone. Thank god. Let us instead enjoy the Boys telling spooky stories
So Naomi clearly arrives on a separate helicopter to the rest of the Science Crew, which crashes into the ocean
First off, Naomi isn’t a pilot - how did she think trying to fly one herself was going to end?
Second, this means that the freighter people have two helicopters - keep that in mind for when we see flashbacks
You know, Desmond seems pretty lucky with the women he dates. Ruth seems really cool too
Jack and Sawyer playing ping pong is pretty cute... but then of course you have to ruin it by discussing Kate
Sawyer is on 18-0, Jack wins a point and says ‘Nineteenth point’. What? No, now it’s 18-1
So why exactly does Naomi have a picture of Desmond and Penny and not, I dunno, Ben? Y’know, the person she was hired to find?
Okay, repeating the flash of Charlie dying once is fine. Twice is iffy. Three times is seriously questioning the intelligence of your audience
So even the Scottish monk is cool! Like I said, Scotland is where it’s at
Okay, the Flash/ Superman argument from the start is really clunkily inserted into the dialogue. No one brought up Superman, Charlie!
Why does Desmond think Charlie living will lead to ‘Penny’ dying? It slowed them down about five seconds, most
You know, Charles Widmore doesn’t seem like the sort of person to make large donations to a monastery. Ah well, I guess we just needed a reason for Penny to be here
That being said, Desmond and Penny’s meet-cute is very, well, cute
Overall Review:
This is one of the weaker Desmond episodes, in my opinion. Maybe it’s because there isn’t much time fuckery, or maybe it’s because there’s just as much focus on Charlie, and the Love Triangle from Hell, as there is on Desmond. And I like Desmond, and it’s a Desmond episode, so that’s sad
Overall Rating: 6.9/10
And that’s ignoring that scene, because it’s an outlier, and would have dragged this episode down considerably
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onelittlebookgeek · 4 years
Book Challenge 2020 (100 books!!) (I did it!!)
After forgetting to track my reading for three years, I started recording my reading on Tumblr last year again, and I’m committed to continuing that this year!
This year is my final year of my Bachelor’s Degrees (I’m finishing English in June) and I’m planning to do a gap year from September on, so now more university after June (at least as far as 2020 is concerned).
I do not really foresee any issues or obstacles to reading this year, except of course finishing my thesis which will probably take quite some time, so I do expect a decline around April until early June. Although I do have a lot more time off in my gap year, I used to read a lot of mandatory books for my studies, so I don’t know whether having a gap year will mean reading more books. Since I’m not doing any university studying, I am interested in reading academic books by myself, studying by myself. Those books are often longer, denser and just take more time to get through; consequently, I might read fewer books in the same amount of energy and time spent reading.
To make a (somewhat) long story short: my expectations are in line with the amount of books I’ve read in the last years, so I’m expecting to read 75 books this year!
Update: it’s mid-October and I’ve already read 99 books this year, so I’ve finished my original goal of 75 books! Now I’m going for 100 books (which should be easy to do, and after that we’ll just see how it goes!).
The crossed book is the one I’m currently reading, I’ve written reviews for books that have a (x) behind them, with the (x) being a link to my Goodreads review!
Update: Today (November 23) I’ve read 114 books so I’ve finished my challenge of 100 books! Right now, I’m still 25 books ahead schedule! Let’s see if I can keep that energy up!
The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin (5/5) (x)
Serpent and Dove (Serpent and Dove #1) - Shelby Mahurin (4/5) (x)
Lethal White (Cormoran Strike #4) - Robert Galbraith (4/5)
Weirdos from Another Planet (Calvin and Hobbes #4) - Bill Watterson) (5/5)
Selected Poems - E.E. Cummings (5/5) (x)
Niets zal ons redden maar een beetje liefde is oké - Henk van Straten (Dutch) (4/5) (x)
, said the shotgun to the head. - Saul Williams (4/5)
Loud and Yellow Laughter - Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese (3/5)
Fireborn (The Aurelian Cycle #1) - Rosaria Munda (4/5)
Sylvia Plath Poems Chosen by Carol Ann Duffy - Sylvia Plath (4/5) (x)
The Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare (3/5) (x)
Nieuwe Herinneringen - Remco Campert (Dutch) (2/5)
Dido, Queen of Carthage - Christopher Marlowe (3/5)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (4/5)
Alles wat er was - Stine Jensen (Dutch) (3/5)
Zij in de geschiedenis - Alies Pegtel (Dutch) (4/5) (x)
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett (reread) (5/5)
Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus (3/5)
The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus #1) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo (4/5)
The Mark of Athena (The Heroes of Olympus #3) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
Educated - Tara Westover (3/5)
Prometheus on Caucasus - Lucian of Samosata (3/5)
Reading Old English: A Primer and First Reader - Robert Hasenfratz (4/5) (x)
Still Foolin’ ‘Em: Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys? - Billy Crystal (3/5)
The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus #4) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
Quick Question: New Poems - John Ashberry (1/5) (x)
Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose - Michael H. Short (3/5) (x)
The Call of the Wild - Jack London (2/5) (x)
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot (reread) (5/5)
And Still I Rise - Maya Angelou (4/5)
Poëzie in Utrechtse Muren - Ingmar Heytze (Dutch) (5/5) (x)
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf (4/5)
Mijn dood en ik - Remco Campert (4/5)
Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster - Mike Davis (3/5)
Native Son - Richard Wright (2/5)
Dido, Queen of Carthage - Christopher Marlowe (reread) (4/5)
The Plague - Albert Camus (4/5)
Absalom! Absalom! - William Faulkner (4/5)
Modernism’s Mythic Pose: Gender, Genre, Solo Performance - Carrie J. Preston (2/5)
James Joyce and Sexuality - Richard Brown (3/5)
Daisy Jones & the Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid (4/5) (x)
Modernism, Sex and Gender - Alison Pease and Celia Marshik (3/5)
The Burial at Thebes: Sophocles’ Antigone - Seamus Heaney (4/5)
The Host - Stephanie Meyer (reread) (4/5)
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) - Suzanne Collins (reread) (4/5)
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) - Suzanne Collins (reread) (4/5) (x)
A Terrible Beauty is Born - W.B. Yeats (4/5)
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3) - Suzanne Collins (reread) (4/5)
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin DiAngelo (4/5)
Are Prisons Obsolete? - Angela Y. Davis (4/5)
The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) - Brandon Sanderson (4/5)
Everything Leads to You - Nina LaCour (2/5) (x)
The Tempest - William Shakespeare (reread) (3/5)
Hag-Seed - Margaret Atwood (4/5) (x)
American Slavery (A Very Short Introduction) - Andrea Heather William (reread) (3/5)
Angels & Demons (Robert Langdom #1) - Dan Brown (4/5) (x)
Mythos: A Retelling of Myths of Ancient Greece - Stephen Fry (4/5) (x)
Mean Time - Carol Ann Duffy (3/5)
Lijfrente - Vrouwkje Tuinman (Dutch) (4/5)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games #0) - Suzanne Collins (3/5) (x)
Sonnets from the Portuguese - Elizabeth Barrett Browning (3/5)
A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf (reread) (5/5)
The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold (4/5)
Onbreekbaar - Hans Hagen (Dutch) (1/5) (x)
The Penelopiad - Margaret Atwoord (reread) (4/5)
The Importance of Being Ernest - Oscar Wilde (5/5)
Het goede leven: een briefwisseling - Piet Gerbrandy & Andreas Kinneging (Dutch) (2/5) (x)
Constructions of the Classical Body - James Porter (3/5)
The Complete Poems - Anne Sexton (4/5)
The Kissing Booth (The Kissing Booth #1) - Beth Reekles (2/5) (x)
The Daily Show: The Book - Chris Smith (4/5) (x)
The Duchess Deal (Girl meets Duke #1) - Tessa Dare (3/5)
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehesi Coates (4/5)
Fragments - Heraclitus (transl. by Brooks Haxton) (2/5) (x)
Animal Farm - George Orwell (reread) (5/5)
The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (Montague Siblings #1) - Mackenzi Lee (reread) (4/5)
Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto (4/5)
Catilina’s Riddle (Roma sub Rosa #3) - Steven Saylor (2/5) (x)
When Dimple met Rishi (Dimple and Rishi #1) - Sandhya Memon (1/5) (x)
Adulthood is a Myth (Sarah’s Scribbles #1) - Sarah Andersen (4/5)
Normal People - Sally Rooney (3/5) (x)
Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age - Donna Zuckerberg (4/5)
Sadie: A Novel - Courtney Summers (4/5)
The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus (4/5)
Vloedlijnen - Piet Gerbrandy (Dutch) (4/5)
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston (reread) (4/5)
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor - Adam Kay (4/5)
Envelope Poems - Emily Dickinson (4/5) (x)
A Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot #10) - Agatha Christie (3/5) (x)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce (4/5)
Titus Andronicus - William Shakespeare (4/5) (x)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) - Agatha Christie (4/5) (x)
Het verhaal van Aeneas - Vergilius (trans. to Dutch) (reread) (4/5)
If Beale Street Could Talk - James Baldwin (2/5)
Lesbia, Verzen van Liefde en Spot - Catullus (Dutch) (transl. by Paul Claes) (4/5) (x)
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah (4/5) (x)
The Cat Inside - William S. Burroughs (reread) (5/5)
The Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot #2) - Agatha Christie (3/5)
Such a Fun Age - Kiley Reid (3/5) (x)
Narratology and Classics: a Practical Guide - Irene de Jong (3/5) (x)
The Murder of Roger Akroyd (Hercule Poirot #4) - Agatha Christie (4/5) (x)
The ABC Murders (Hercule Poirot #11) - Agatha Christie (4/5)
The Great Cat (Poetry Collection) - ed. by Emily Fragos (3/5) (x)
Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O’Neil (4/5)
The Northern Lights (His Dark Materials #1) - Philip Pullman (4/5)
Vincent van Gogh en zijn brieven - Leo Jansen (Dutch) (3/5)
My Dark Vanessa - Kate Elizabeth Russell (4/5)
The Fill-In Boyfriend - Kasie West (reread) (4/5)
Poirot Investigates (Hercule Poirot #3) - Agatha Christie (1/5)
My 2019 challenge
My 2016 challenge
My 2015 challenge
My 2014 challenge
My 2013 challenge
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