#they were in the army together. they fought side by side. they deserted together
skelelephant · 7 months
john lynch in armour save me…
john lynch in armour…
save me john lynch in armour…
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theantonian · 2 months
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This battle was fought between the forces of Marcus Antonius and legions loyal to the Roman senate under the overall command of the consuls Vibius Pansa aided by his fellow consul Aulus Hirtius while Octavian remained behind at senate's camp.
After leaving a part of his forces under the command of his brother Lucius Antonius to hold Decimus Brutus in siege and engage Hirtius and Octavian with a feigned attack on their camp, Antony secretly marched off from his camp with the Second Gallica (Legio II Gallica) and Thirty-Fifth Legions (Legio XXXV) and his praetorian cohorts, and those of Marcus Junius Silanus along the Via Aemilia over the marshy ground to halt Pansa’s progress. Antony’s ambush attack in a forest and marsh near Forum Gallorum was masterly. Antony himself led the center. But his move was discovered and the Martian legion led by Carsuleius and Servius Sulpicius Galba (one of Caesar's killers) and Octavian’s praetorian cohorts were dispatched to meet and reinforce Pansa, with the result that when Antony made his attack, he found himself fighting not only the newly recruited legions but also this legion of veteran soldiers who were thirsting for revenge upon him for the executions at Brundisium.
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According to Appian, “there was a suspicious agitation of the bushes, then a gleaming of shields and helmets, and Antony's praetorian cohort suddenly showed itself directly in their front. The other troops divided themselves in two parts and advanced into the marsh on either side, the one commanded by Pansa and the other by Decimus Carsuleius. While the praetorians of Octavius confronted the praetorians of Antony. Thus, there were two battles in two marshes, and neither division could see the other by reason of the elevated road, while along the road itself the praetorian cohorts fought another battle of their own. The Antonians were determined to punish the Martians for desertion as being traitors to themselves and allying with the senate. The Martians were equally determined to punish the Antonians for condoning the slaughter of their comrades at Brundisium. Recognizing in each other the flower of either army they hoped to decide the whole war by this single engagement. Being veterans, they raised no battle-cry, since they could not expect to terrify each other, nor in the engagement did they utter a sound, either as victors or vanquished. As there could be neither flanking nor charging in marshes and ditches, they stood together in close order, and since neither could dislodge the other, they locked together with their swords as in a wrestling match. No blow missed its mark. There were wounds and slaughter but no cries, only groans; and when one fell, he was instantly borne away, and another took his place. They needed neither admonition nor encouragement, since experience had made each one his own general. When they were overcome by fatigue, they drew apart from each other for a brief space to take breath, as in gymnastic games, and then rushed again to the encounter.”
In this fierce and bloody battle, Carsuleius had fallen mortally wounded and the Martians began to fall back while still repulsing Antony’s cavalry assaults.
Finally, the Martian legion were routed with Antony’s praetorian cohorts completely destroying Octavian praetorian cohorts to the last man. In the marshes to the left of the Via Aemilia, Pansa suffered a serious injury; his wound said to have come from an enemy javelin. This shook the morals of cohorts of the Martians. While the injured consul was transferred to Bononia, the Antonian veterans of Second Gallica put the cohorts to flight. When the new recruits of Pansa saw this, they fled in terror, disorder and with loud cries towards their camp. Antony fell upon these veterans and new recruits, making a great slaughter.
While Antony’s troops celebrated, collected booty of victory and singing hymns of victory, Antony soon realized that Hirtius’ fresh troops were approaching towards them from the north. Antony could waste no time on pursuing Pansa's broken army and began marching his disorderly troops back towards Mutina.
Antony hurriedly got his troops in line and bravely faced the enemy forces. Despite their tough resistance and instances of great valour, greater part of them were slain in this encounter, although Hirtius could not pursue them. As darkness was coming, he allowed them to escape in fear of being lured into a trap. A wide stretch of the marsh was filled with arms, corpses of men and horses, wounded men, and half-dead men. Some were unhurt but were overcome by fatigue. Antony and his cavalry, as many as he had with him, went to their assistance and collected them throughout the entire night. Some they put on horse-back in their own places, others they urged to take hold of the horses' tails and run along with them and so secure their safety. Antony then encamped without entrenchments in a village nearby, called Forum Gallorum (Castel Franco).
Thus, the long and bloody battle of Forum Gallorum came to an end.
Sources: Plutarch’s Life of Antony
Cicero, Philippics
Appian, The Civil Wars III. 66-70
Eleanor Goltz Huzar, Mark Antony – A Biography
Ronald Syme, The Roman Revolution
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
Alright since no one even knows what they look like here’s MY Hound Wolf Squad headcanons including images of how they look in the fucking game so y’all can stop being dumbasses now <3
Rolando Elba aka Umber Eyes
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I like the hc that he was one of the original Elite Eleven that first founded the BSAA. He’s old enough, he’s Chris’ right-hand man in 8 and they seem to go back. Also I never see people bring up the Elite Eleven or even speculate as to who those people were, so I’m claiming Rolando as one of them
I like dad characters so he’s a dad to me
I also like him and Emily being friends. They have one dialogue interaction in 8 that I like. Also just a big fan of friendships between older mentor figures and newbies
He’s a sniper (duh) since that’s his main weapon in the game
John Perlman aka Lobo
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He’s the one with the line about “been a while since we fought together, captain. When was it last? The desert?” so he was on the Mojave mission during Heavenly Island good for him
Again that line also suggests a history with Chris
He’s the large weapons expert (that’s just canon lol he operates that explosive thing in Chris’ part of the game)
I like to believe that he didn’t get that scar from field work, it was something in his personal life like a motorcycle accident
Charlie Graham aka Night Howl
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If you’ve been following me for a while you know my extensive headcanons about Charlie for my Graham Siblings AU, but since that’s so fucking long I’m gonna say other hcs
He’s both the comms expert on the team and a scientist (he was with Chris at the outpost in Moreau’s lair and he says all of the scientific observations of the mutamycete during Chris’ campaign)
He’s former Navy
He’s friends with Dion and Emily since they’re the three on the younger side in this team. Also Charlie and Emily have cute winky face stickers on their battery packs in game and that just makes me smile
Dion Wilson aka Canine
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Side note I don’t know who on the wiki switched up Canine and Night Howl’s code names but you are my enemy. It’s IN THE GAME who is who. Anyway
Dion is the youngest on the team but not by much, he’s also more fresh-faces and fun but he’s definitely not a rookie
He’s former Air Force since he’s the pilot of the Osprey at the very end
He’s also really good at stealth, considering he killed the B.O.W. soldier at the end without blowing up its head or chest and thus I’m assuming it was a stealth maneuver that took it out
Besties with Charlie, again based on in-game dialogue
Emily Berkhoff aka Tundra
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She’s not a designated recon agent, but she is the best at recon so she’s the one who does it
Lesbian. Obviously. If you know @jewishevelinebaker ‘s “Shame Though What They Made” series that I love where Emily and Zoe are a couple you should know that I like that hc
I don’t like the “former DEA” thing on her concept sheet and like there’s nothing in game to suggest that so I believe it isn’t canon
My hc for her past is that she’s former U.S. Army Special Forces
Like I said, good friends with Rolando in a kind of mentor/mentee sort of relationship
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anosrepasi · 2 years
Hob Gadling and Sebastien Le Livre become drinking budies part 2/?
Part one is here
This will eventually be edited and seriously submitted to Ao3, until then though, enjoy:
“You’re asking me that? Your body is literally knitting itself back together right now, mate.” Hob retorts, affronted once the words hit.
“And you’re not running away screaming,” Book snaps back, shaking out his hands as they finish forming back into the image of… well, hands. Normal fucking hands. Not mangled lumps of shrapnel mincemeat. “Furthermore, you were standing right next to Karlson-“
Poor sod was in two pieces, one of which was outside the trench.
“-And your clothes look like you should be in the same state as him.”
Hob opens his mouth to say something snide and stops, considering for the first time the state he must be in, not-able-to-die-notwithstanding. The answer is “not great!” he concludes upon glancing down at himself.
What clothing that remains looks like it was used as a pin cushion, and he’s disappointed to find that the sleeve and trouser leg on his left side are simply not there anymore. In fact at this point it might be more accurate to say he’s clothed more in mud and ash and probably the remains of his comrades than fabric at this point.
Fuck, Book might have a point.
“You’re taking this extremely well.” He eventually settles on, having no other equal response to the situation.
The other man merely groans and throws his head back, “Fucking insane, every single one of us.”
“Right. That wasn’t a loaded statement, whatsoever.” Hob concludes, and sways to his feet, offering a hand to his present company. “Mind if we unpack that somewhere else? We’re pushing our luck on keeping this between us the longer we stay here.”
Samuel Book takes his hand and staggers to his feet. The two warily eye each other over, both only carrying the proof of their experience in the remains of their thoroughly destroyed uniforms. Book’s eyes flicker over to the east, out past burnt out fields and land that had been fought over and generally now forgotten, since the cost of flanking outweighed the tactical advantage as both sides had learned.
Book frowns and makes a face of distaste after a moment, “There’s a spot, a little east of here. It’ll be abandoned.”
Not ominous at all, but it’s a plan and more than what Hob could offer which would be “stumble into the nearest trench and pretend to be the luckiest sons of bitches in the British Army.”
He nods and the two start their perilous but mostly inconvenient trek to Book’s supposed foxhole. It’s a shelled out farmhouse, in the end. Book is quiet, checking around corners and meticulously scratching in a small symbol next to a date at the foundation stones near the door. Its only after he does that that the man pushes his way into the main space of the house and beckons for Hob to follow.
Inside he methodically removes a small pile of rubble and dislodged bricks from a corner of the room to reveal an in-ground root cellar. Its not very deep, but when Book pulls out a small chest from the hole and opens it to reveal a multitude of clean and nondescript clothing, it might as well be the Queen’s Treasury.
Book tosses a set of clothes to Hob along with a small bar of soap, motioning to the back of the house, “There’s a pump in the back, it worked last time I was here.”
Hob nods and takes the moment to get himself cleaned up in the dark. If he looks west there’s a constant glow from the fight they had just left. So much for being in the right place.
He swaps places with Book and takes vigil over the house while Book is out. It’s deserted, but now that he’s adjusted to the dim lighting, it’s noticeable how the details of the place’s abandonment and disuse are a little too… orderly. The stones and bricks that had been covering the cellar are all within a certain size of each other, small enough to move but big enough to be a hassle. There’s no underlaying gravel or dust to suggest the stones had crumbled to that location naturally. The sight lines of the house too, if this area had been more active, would be perfect for a sniper’s nest.
It can’t help but lead Hob to wonder what kind of man Samuel Book must be, to have this place squirreled away while spending his time in the trenches.
The man in question reappears and Hob can���t help but test the waters, “Nice place.”
“It’s not mine, it’s my sister’s.” The man replies automatically, using a discarded shirt to towel his hair.
Well that cleared up jack all, didn’t it.
Best start at the beginning then.
He holds out a hand once again, “Robert Gadling. My friends call me Hob.”
Samuel Book stares as the offered hand for a second before returning the handshake, his voice slipping in a previously unvoiced accent around his name. “Sebastien Le Livre. Booker or Book. For short.”
Hob nods and they stand their awkwardly for a moment, neither quite sure where to go from here. Eventually Hob decides on which question he’ll pose first, “So why is an immortal Frenchman posing as a infantryman in the British Army?”
Booker scowls at him, “You want to play twenty questions, now?”
“Don’t you?” Hob retorts easily, “God knows you must find this as intriguing as I do. I didn’t expect to meet another immortal, especially not here.”
Booker crosses his arms, looking more and more twitchy by the moment, “No, I wasn’t given a protocol for what to do when meeting a new immortal.”
Interest piqued once again, “New? That implies there are some old immortals you know. And ‘protocol’ makes this sound so impersonal.”
Booker runs a hand over his face, “Alright, enough. Just stop talking and give me a second.”
He seems to have an internal debate with himself, finishing with a scowl as Hob waits for him to direct the conversation. Finally, Booker returns his focus to Hob, “If you’re so interested in twenty questions, let’s start here. How did you come back so fast? You took more of that shell than I did, and we don’t come back from injuries like that so quickly.”
Hob settles onto the ground and settles in for the conversation, pleased to see that Booker hesitantly also ends up sitting on the floor across from him. “Mind on elaborating on what you mean by ‘come back’?’”
“From the dead.” Booker says bluntly, like it’s obvious.
“Well that’s the first misconception,” Hob replies candidly, “I don’t die. I never have.”
“That’s impossible.” Booker says flatly and Hob can’t help but once again feel that flash of irritation at the man.
“Really? Impossible? From the man who’s body just fixed itself after being shredded to bits by shrapnel.” Hob snipes back and Booker rolls his eyes and starts gesturing as he speaks.
“Yeah, but that’s how this thing works.” There is an emphasis on this thing that leads Hob to believe there’s a pedagogy on immortality that he’s been left in the dark about. “We get hurt, we die, we come back again. Until one day the dying sticks. That’s how it’s worked with every single one of us I’ve met so far. So yeah, I find it impossible that you say you just have never died.”
“You’re speaking literally, then? You actually die and then somehow get revived? And there is a whole group of you who experience it like this?”
Booker looks at him like he’s incomprehensible. “What other way is there?”
Hob feels his stomach drop.
“I’m sorry to say this, mate, but I think we’re playing by different rulebooks.”
Across from him, Booker seems to slump into himself as the words register. Hob continues, gently, “I really don’t die. I can get the lights knocked out on occasion, and I’ve had a rough time here and there, but I heal. And I heal fast. But I’ve never died, and I never will, if I understand it correctly.”
Booker is silent, staring down at his hands rather than looking at Hob at all anymore.
Hob still has his own questions, though.
“You said that ‘we’ die and get revived, how many other immortals do you know?”
Booker doesn’t look up from his hands, “Four. I’ve met three of them though.”
“Is the sister you spoke of one of them?” Hob prods gently.
“Yeah, Andrea. Andromache. She’s the oldest.”
Andromache, how old exactly she was Hob could only wonder with a name like that. “And the others?”
“I’ve never met Quynh. Just seen her. Joe and Nicky are the other ones. They’re in Italy right now. Andrea thought that’s where they could do the most good.”
Interesting turn of phrase. “Is that what you’re doing here? Trying to do the most good.”
Book looks up from his hands, “When has war ever led to something good?”
Hob had no answer for that. Hadn’t found one yet in his lifetime at least.
“Why are you here?” Booker asks as the silence stretches, “Why risk getting discovered?”
Hob shrugs, “There might be one less kid getting sent back home in a box if I’m taking his spot in the trenches.”
“Really? That simple?”
“Yeah. What’s a handful of years and some pain to the rest of forever? If I get shot in the head I’ll get back up again, some bloke from Compton who signed up fresh out of school with his lads wouldn’t get that deal.” He reasons and pauses, thinking back to the first few months of the war and the barely concealed grief, and how it looked far too familiar. “You know people are terrified of telegrams these days? In my head I keep saying ‘sent home in boxes’ but there’s not even a body for most people. The boys are just, gone, and the living don’t even have someone to bury to help them process it. I couldn’t just watch that and know that I could maybe save at least one family the fate of getting a telegram that their boy is dead before his time.”
There’s a recognition in Booker’s eyes, and Hob feels exposed for the first time since they started talking. Booker nods, “That simple. Alright.”
Booker rises back to his feet then, walking towards the door and looking out to the horizon. Hob follows after him until both are standing in the partially destroyed doorway of the farmhouse.
Outside, the world is turning into an impressionist painting of pinks and blues. Dawn’s rosy fingers stretching out across the land to paint it In blazing sweeps of pinks and reds that turn to gold as the sun continues to rise- Homer’s description rings true today, despite the unfathomable gap of years.
Hob hadn’t merely stood and watched the sun rise in a while, a simple pleasure that he’s forgotten about in recent years.
It’s a beautiful sunrise.
Booker’s voice is muted, not willing to disturb the still morning air, “So what do you plan to do now?”
“Not sure. Might wander through the trees and figure out a story to explain my miraculous survival so I can stay near Ypres. Might head south, take some leave and enjoy the countryside and join back up when I find a squad that needs reinforcements. I’ll figure it out as I go. You?”
“I’ve got my orders. Keep an eye on the winds and send word if the fighting changes direction in an unexpected way.” Book replies, “Damage control.”
“This group of yours is rather dedicated.” Hob observes, and Booker shrugs in response.
“That’s one way you could describe it.” Booker replies.
“Reckon we’ll be crossing paths again?” Hob can feel the conversation drawing to a close, and it seems practical to clear up this now rather than be caught by surprise later.
“No offense, but I’m going to be making sure we don’t meet up again.” Booker replies evenly, “Andrea’s already going to be livid about having to burn this foxhole. Further complications are best avoided.”
“Only a few days of knowing me and you’ve already called me a complication, I’m flattered.” On last chance to annoy the man, might as well take it.
“I think I’m better off knowing as little about you as possible.” Book replies flatly. “The experience has been rather mediocre so far.”
Hob frowns at Booker and Booker breaks into a satisfied grin. “Well fuck you too, mate.”
This time Booker is the one to offer his hand, Hob shakes it without a moment’s hesitation. “To mediocre new acquaintances-“
“-Who never meet again.” Booker finishes and Hob snorts at the conclusion.
“Only fate knows that much.” Hob replies and ends up clapping Book on the shoulder before he walks out of the house, “Good luck, mate.”
Booker gives a half-handed wave in response and that’s that.
Hob heads south, in the end. The walk gives him time to digest his thoughts, and truly stretch the idea that he’s not the only immortal running around. It does open up a lot of questions though, especially if these other immortals are having a fundamentally different experience of immortality than Hob is. He’s got time to figure it out though, maybe he’ll be able to meet some of the other named immortals and get their opinion on the matter.
He has a feeling though, just a suggestion of a idea at this point, that this is not the last he’s seen of Sebastien Le Livre. The universe loves to defy expectations, and it’ll probably take some time, but their paths will cross again.
He runs into Booker three months later.
The look of panicked recognition on the Frenchman’s face was almost worth getting shot in the head for.
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pretending-ican-write · 10 months
This was written in literally half an hour and it has not been edited at all, nor does it really have an ending but I wrote part of the conversation months ago when I finished the books and for some reason wrote it tonight.
Words: 504
The reader is a summoner, of both water and fire, who deserted the little palace as a teenager when they discovered so. They wound up on Sturmhond's ship and fought by his side. This takes place after the war is over. I don't know how canon it is as it's been a while since I read the books.
Summoner! reader x Nikolai Lantsov
- - - - -
The war was over.  The general was dead, Nikolai was king and the Grisha were, well, alive.  It had been a long battle but here they were, stood in the empty ballroom of the Grand Palace.  Hardened by the war, older than their years but they were here, together.
“I thought the first time we danced here would be a bit more extravagant but I’ll take what I can get,” Nikolai whispered as he twirled you through the rubble.
You laughed, “I can’t believe you imagined dancing with me in a ballroom.  I’ve still got sea legs Nik.”
“And yet you still look wonderful, my dear,” he complimented, “but this isn’t just about dancing y/n.”
“Everyone else has a role serving you,” you mused, “I figured it was only a matter of time before you came to me.”
Nikolai nodded sagely, “now that, as far as the country is aware, the most powerful grisha are dead, the soldiers are going to need someone to look to.  Who better than the one they call the Dual Summoner?”
“I knew Tamar was never going to let me live that down.  But I cannot lead that army, Nik.  I am not who they deserve.”
He pulled a face, “who else do they deserve then?  Because the way I see it you deserve this.”
“Because I cannot lead the army that I deserted, you have people far more qualified for that than me.  Zoya perhaps, she would make a fine military leader.  But the twins tell me there may be space in the king’s guard, if you’ll have me of course,” you explained.
Nikolai sighed, “why would the Dual Summoner turn away power to stand in a corridor all day?  You are destined for so much more than that.”
“Because all my heart wants is to be by your side but you and I, and all the saints, know that will never be possible.  So I will protect you with everything I have and, in time, do the same for whoever has the misfortune of marrying you,” you answered, trying desperately to control your voice.
Nikolai took your hands in his, “Why isn’t that possible y/n?  Why can’t you stand by my side?”
“Because I’m Grisha!  A Grisha of 2 elements no less.  Because I’m a deserter.  Because I don’t know how to tell these people how to fight for a country that I did not fight for, a country that I did not believe in to keep me safe!” You pulled away from, voice rising slowly.
His voice dropped dangerously low when he responded to you, “If you didn’t fight for Ravka then what did you fight for?”
You took a step towards him hesitantly, “You, Nik.  I may not believe in Ravka, and I may never.  But I believe in you.  I do not wish to fight for this country but, saints, I will fight for you until my dying breath.  And that is enough for me so it should be enough for you.”
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officialleehadan · 11 months
Battle Scars
Myth and Magic
“Are you sure you’re alright to spar?”
Seften had spent most of the day being chased around the salle by Emar, and now Mithale was teaching him how best to channel magic through the spell array on his new shield. He hadn’t expected her to know so much about pairing magic and steel. Her smile was sad when she admitted that her husband, Aelsrik, used a sword and shield. He also carried a monstrous double-handed sword, and traded between them depending on the fight.
As a result, he and Mithale spent long hours tinkering with the enchantments on his weapons, and on hers as well, before she got her blue diamond staff. Together, she and Aelsrik built out the charms on their gear, until they were nearly unstoppable, even without their own skill and magic to back up their skills with their weapons.
That wasn’t the part that had Seften worried, though. He knew that Mithale was good for hours of spellcasting, and wouldn’t even begin to sweat where any other mage would have collapsed hours before. Now, though, she was just a little pale under her tan.
“I’m fine,” she said and waved him off in favor of a mug of water from one of the squires. She smiled at the boy, who looked somewhat awestruck by her, and took a long drink. “I always forget how hot it is here is all. Just wait until we go south, to the edge of the desert.”
She was dodging the question, but he wasn’t really ready to press the issue. Not when he probably didn’t look any better after a long day of training. He had learned so much from both her and Emar, but he was also exhausted. He couldn’t exactly blame Mithale for being a little pale after casting enough magic to level a small army, all so he could see how it worked.
“I’ve never been to the desert,” he accepted the change of topic without protest, and slung his shield up over his shoulder, onto his back. He was starting to get used to the weight of it on his arm. It was actually lighter than the one he had before. So was his new sword, in fact. He wasn’t sorry to have replaced either, although he had both for a long time. They were nothing special. It was better to have weapons that would hold up to what they were soon to face. “This is about as far south as I’ve ever been, in fact.”
“I thought you had traveled a fair bit.”
“I have, but I’m a mercenary… or I suppose I was,” Seften pointed out reasonably and smiled at the serving girl who offered him the next mug of water. Emar had bowed out more than an hour earlier, claiming royal business, which was reasonable. He was the high king, after all. Seften felt entirely honored that Emar insisted on training him himself as it was. “I followed caravans and wars for the most part.”
Mithale went quiet all at once and her unnerving, featureless blue eyes landed on him. She seemed to reach for words that wouldn’t quite come before she figured herself out.
“I wonder how often we were on opposite sides,” she said softly, with a strange sort of expression, like the memory of the emotion, not of fear itself, on her face. She had been in half a dozen wars, he remembered suddenly. Wars that she barely survived. Wars she sometimes won with nobody but her husband at her side. She was the hero that came to turn the tide of wars that were almost lost. “Seften, how close did I come to killing you without ever knowing it? Without ever finding you?”
The horror written across her face was enough for him to set his water aside and pull his sister, his little sister, five years younger than him and so powerful, into his arms.
“You didn’t,” he swore to her as he frantically cast his mind over the legends of her deeds and compared them to his own scant victories. “I wasn’t here for the Green Glass invasion, I was serving King Seult during the Night Storm Wars, and I was with Queen Moonsong’s forces during The Reign of Fire. Those are the only wars you’ve been in near anywhere I was. We’ve never fought against each other. I swear.”
She took a long, shuddering breath and held tight to him. She wasn’t crying, he didn’t think, but he understood why she was so shaken. It would have been easy, so easy, for him to have been on the other side of her. To have been one of twenty thousand soldiers who died under her spells as she held back an invasion, or when she and her husband summoned up the ghost of an ancient dragon and burned an entire battlefield to hard glass.
“You weren’t there,” she whispered, almost to herself. “You weren’t there. I didn’t hurt you. Did you… did you even see us during the Night Storm Wars?”
“Once,” Seften told her, and pulled her out of the salle towards the gardens. The salle wasn’t the right place for this conversation and Mithale had admitted that she loved the water gardens. “I was with a mercenary company at the time. We were backed into a castle. Surrounded. Under siege. Most of us, we pretty much figured we were done-for when the elves covered the castle in darkness.”
“Which castle?”
“Lion’s Mane. We were getting ready to make our last stand when there was this… this blinding light, and suddenly it was like a star had landed at the front gates,” Seften told the story of the one time he saw a hero up close. The time when he was saved by a miracle carried by the sister he didn’t knew he had. “You and Aelsrik hit the army like a thunderbolt, and suddenly the darkness was gone. We didn’t even know what had happened, but we knew something was different, so we charged. You know how it ended.”
Out of five thousand, six hundred soldiers made the charge, led by a pair of heroes who wielded magic and weapons unlike any he had ever seen. He felt the rush of healing as it swept over their forces and kept men alive who might have died. He saw the flares of magic as the two heroes made it through the enemy army and went for the general’s tent.
He remembered the cheer that rose from them when they saw the banners go up in flames. He had screamed himself hoarse, stunned and shaken and alive.
“You saved me,” he told Mithale, who was entranced by the story of her own deeds. “I took an arrow in the lung during that battle. Pulled it out so I could keep fighting. The wound was whistling, so I figured that was the end, you know? Then you cast your healing spell over everyone and healed it.”
“I wondered, when we met, why you had a hint of my magic on you,” she said softly, and leaned over to press her hand to his chest suddenly. He yelped as healing magic rippled through him, washing away his bruises, and even the papercut he got writing a letter that morning. She ignored his surprise and her brow furrowed. The old scar from that battle warmed slightly, and suddenly the persistent ache of it, his reminder of that terrible war, was gone. “I couldn’t figure it out, but… there. It won’t bother you anymore at least. I’m sorry I couldn’t do better of you back then. I was still new to healing.”
“You saved my life, Little Sister,” he said and nudged her side with his elbow until she smiled wanly. She was still a little pale and he was still worried, but that was a problem for later. “Thank you for fixing my lungs, but don’t forget that you saved me. You saved a lot of us that day. I figured the scar was just a part of war. It’s not my only one.”
“I’ll fix the rest-“
“That’s not the point, Mithale,” he said, surprising himself, and her, with his firm tone. She looked up at him, strange eyes wide. “I was a soldier for a long time. I have scars. So do you.” To prove his point, he poked her in the forehead and she went cross-eyed trying to see his finger. “You’re a hero. You probably have more scars than I do. I’m not the one who fought a god.”
“It was one time,” Mithale muttered defensively, but she smiled a little too. “I take your point. Come on. Full moon is tonight, and once we have Emar’s blood, we’ll be traveling onward. Might as well take advantage of the castle’s luxuries before we get back on the road.”
Myth and Magic:
A Found Connection (Subscriber Only!)
Train to Spell (Subscriber Only!)
While We Walk
Night Burn
Storming Hell
Blood of a King
Terrace Legends
Fire in the Ring
Battle Scars (New!)
10 notes · View notes
infernal-general · 1 year
Song which started the whole story
Seal referencing to @thenextchapterbegins Lucifer sealing the gate, along with mentions of the aftermath of a civil war dash event with @avispatr
Striker - @strikers-saloon
Velvet & Vaggie - @winters-club
Charlie, mention of Gabriel - @infernal-feminae
Don - @wrxthfulguard
Blitzø - @rodeoblitz
James Norrington - @ashortdropandasuddenstop
Flora, mention of their story Technological Terror - @nebula-gaster
Zephos - @zephosthefaedemon
Tumblr media
"Szerinted kibírja?" (Do you think it will hold?) Márta asked, glancing at the seal and the divine shine on the other side of it
“Biztos hogy nem. Mindenki legyen készenlétben.” (Of course not. Everyone be ready.) Rozália replied without thinking. It might have had a chance to work and not have the King's efforts in vain, if not for the Goetian king's civil war. He shattered reality and to properly retaliate, the General had to unleash both divine and hellish energy to stop it escalating even further. Yet her success was overshadowed by grief, the loss of the best marksman, youngest soldier in the army took an emotional toll on everyone.
"Csak…még soha nem voltunk háborúban nélküle." (Just…we never had been in war without him.) Aranka's voice was small, she hated to bring up such tremendous loss, especially upon witnessing the still raw grief flashing through the General's face
“Bízzatok Strikerben. Ha én bízok, akkor ti is.” (Trust Striker. If I trust him, then you should too.) It sounded almost like an order but an unnecessary one. They would've let her know if any had second thoughts regarding his capabilities.
Jancsi was the leader of the marksman division, despite his age he did his job brilliantly. Therefore Rozália asked the only person who came close to his talent in marksmanship and had experience with leading even though it wasn't this direct. And Striker accepted, not to replace Jancsi as he couldn't be replaced -he made it clear-, but to protect the legion, his people and after learning how the young soldier followed Rozy like a shadow to protect her blind spots; to shield her as well. And he definitely lived up to Rozy's unsaid expectations: thoughtful, great strategist, maximum potential with minimal risk, cover from every direction possible. She barely needed to chime into the conversation as he was explaining the plans, the backups to the division. The soldiers listened as if he was one of them, as if he had fought by their side for 174 years, his undeniable skills, mindset and personality won both their trust and love. 
The only major change was that Rozália moved their positions deeper into the town for better protection, the numbers unfortunately had dwindled throughout centuries and she couldn't spare enough men to completely cover the snipers, they also needed to rely on the maze of a soon to be ruined town. The best case scenario would be the frontline division able to handle the swarms and slowly falling back little by little with each hour to not be completely overwhelmed. A breach could happen, she was well aware, that's why most snipers were placed deep into the town. Bright yellowish green eyes locked together with burning crimson, a wordless nod from Rozália reciprocated by Striker after a quick check of the current rifle he was testing.
“Safehouses and hospitals are all set.” she said finally, fixing one of her spiked dragon wing shoulder plates
"Mah Saloon?"
“Protected by a separate unit.” she replied to his concerns, the previous year still fresh in her mind “Promise you will be careful Desert Rose.” her stance stoic but unable to stop the desperation creeping into her voice
And the hybrid serpent only smiled while holstering a hellfire infused revolver. "Will ya?" He shot back gently
"They trust me. I am their dad in a sense, Ah believe that comes with responsibility I'm willing to take. For them and for ya. Ah know they are your family." Striker walked over his fiance, only to be pulled into a tight hug, his face resting against cold metal of her armor
“So are you.” and he didn't need to look up to know how magma tears clouded her vision
She didn't have time to rebuild the barren land where life was supposed to exist, the amount of labor work would've tired everyone out and she was convinced it definitely wasn't the last time they had heard from the Exterminators. So she built the first line of defense at the edge of the ruins, heavy shields dug into the ground with swords ready and her standing in front of them. No matter what, she was always the unofficial first the angelic butchers met and perished against. The empty land gave Rozália the perfect opportunity to use her fire more explosively without endangering anyone and even if it made the advancing more easy, they were out in the open. Easy targets.
Midnight. The light above the sealed crack grew brighter. She was doing her last check on the frontline, a few whispered words of encouragement, a squeeze of a shoulder. The light has reached Hell's ground. As now Striker was a vital member of the army, they agreed to ditch Hungarian, the language was extremely hard to learn, to speak, to understand especially in the chaos and they needed to sign each other lightning fast. She wasn't sure how well the Exterminators could understand their language, either way, the abrupt change would definitely throw them off at first. And even the most brief confusion, hesitation led to death.
A chill before battle slithered up her spine. The protective seal shattered in the next moment.
By now it was almost a routine. They won an hour thanks to Lucifer's sacrifice despite how weakened the ancient magic could've been; as if nothing happened the Phoenix army stood their ground unmoving against the pouring angelic horde. Talons screeched on concrete upon the first impact, roars of battle deafening compared to the previous tense silence, flashes of hellfire swords bright against the sea of gray and dull silver.
“Meatgrinder: open!” shields parted, allowing those at the front to slip through
“Close!” and they were separated from the rest, killed by the waiting warriors behind the front line.
No matter the strength of the assault, the soldiers couldn't be moved from their spot, forming a chain which couldn't be torn apart. The so simple yet effective strategy was working quite smoothly, the first hour passed as it was only minutes. Gunshots could be heard from the core of the town; the winged division not getting near their targets either. As discussed, the army began to descend to their next spot, allowing Miklós' traps, grenades to ensure a safe retreat.
Rozália noticed the angels had split, a large group wasn't chasing the insufferable soldiers but creeping away, towards Princess Charlotte's Hotel full of refugees. They realized questioning whenever she's mad or not is useless, the General probably is. 
She took off after the horde alone, fire dancing not only within her blade but with her as well, culling the numbers enough to be noticed and surrounded. The bastards had hidden a mine in the barren land, she didn't even had to step on it, as it activated as soon as she was close enough, reacting to her increased cursed heat instead of pressure.
Reflexes quick enough to use the shield to protect her body from the white blast, but not from the shockwave throwing her off her desired path. Even with ears ringing from the fall, Rozália was already on her feet, fencing like a whirlwind, accompanied by occasional blasts of fire. Her shield lost and cracked, the direction she was forced at definitely wasn't calculated into the plan.
She didn't know much about the type of magic of protective barrier cast around the Hotel, furious crimson eyes darted wildly looking for an opening, a way out as the golden barrier was getting closer to her back. Rozália worried her Hellfire would erode or damage it, leaving the building and the refugees vulnerable to assault, charging into the silver sea with only a sword would certainly result in death. The angels took a few steps back, the action confusing her first until the guns drawn straight at her.
"Love, no! You can't!" Vaggie caught Charlie's arm as soon as she realized what she planned to do as they watched the events anxiously from the window
"Yes I can! They will kill her! And right in front of the steps of what should be a dream! A salvation." The princess declared fiercely, ready to lift the barrier for a moment to let the General slip through. She couldn't…she couldn't let anyone be executed in front of her when she had the power to save them.
"Cariño… I know." Vaggie sighed but refused to let go of her "She is more experienced in combat than you. There's a reason why she didn't cause an explosion or signaled for you to open the gates." She tried to explain carefully with a heavy heart, the protective barrier sat perfectly between infernal and holy, the balance couldn't be disrupted not by her nor by Rozália.
"B-but Vaggie, I still can…just a second." Charlie loathed feeling so powerless, desperation and anger steadily rising, she was Princess Charlotte Morningstar the Antichrist, how did Heaven dare to murder that woman in front of her, in front of the terrified demons inside?!
"Cariño look at me." The fallen angel pierced through her rage, a brief look at her shadow confirmed her horns had burst through at some point. With a heavy sigh and shame for losing her temper and almost snapping at her girlfriend, Charlie did as she said.
"That woman wants to die." Vaggie announced the unsaid suspicion "And wants to do so while protecting people. If she wanted to, I'm sure she could've burned alive those cabrones." But it would result in a weakened barrier. The moth pulled the shaking princess into her arms to soothe her.
"...I've failed." Charlie whispered into her shoulder, clutching her girlfriend tighter in her sorrow
"No darling, you didn't and never will. They failed." Vaggie leaned away enough to wipe her tears and attempt a gentle smile
"What do you mean?" The princess' lips were still trembling but the statement has caught her off guard
"She wants to die while shielding people. As a martyr yet again, only this time she won't be forgotten. Grant her freedom at last." The fallen angel was extremely grateful she could maintain her composure, to not give away how much the events sickened, devastated her. One life or hundreds of others plus the safety of her love? "Come here Carinõ. Don't look." Charlie allowed herself to be pulled close, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. Part of her despite everything, agreed with Vaggie but it did not erase the pain and grief of losing a close friend at all.
How ironic that she brought a sword into a gunfight and it took her 172 years to lose at last. Rozália felt eerily calm, eternal peace was within reach; no possibility she could survive the amount of holy metal. They took their sweet time drawing out the last minute, no one knew she was here and she was in danger. She looked at each executioner individually with a small grin hiding triumph despite the outcome, Rozália will die how she wanted to and her name will be immortal.
The Hotel gates slammed open making her heart skip a beat, she whirled around and the angels held their fire in hope of getting inside the Hotel as well as finally getting rid of the General. Don rushed to the edge of the barrier, quickly calculating the situation. Disbelief at first. There was…no possible way the General didn't have a backup plan or an emergency plan or a group hiding nearby waiting to ambush. Raw shock when the demonic woman smiled at him so gently, as if it was goodbye. Don immediately turned in hope to sign for Princess Charlotte to lift the barrier, stopping in mid motion as her ashen hand slammed against the transparent golden wall. He cannot lose her, she was his mentor, his ally and protector of this ring. It was…impossible. He took a step closer, searching her face for any clues of what and how he should do, but she only shook her head no. Smoke steadily rising from the humanlike Sinner, it should be him out there, he should've fought alongside her the moment it was clear where and what the woman from the past stood for. And just like most, she's about to be executed. He was losing his battle with his complex, only when he looked into the stare of unblinking crimson eyes was when a whisper breezed past his tortured mind. Rozália wouldn't want this. This isn't why she trained, pushed him so hard for. People needed him. Her face softened at his realization, opening the gates even for a moment would be too risky, her fire could potentially destroy the whole barrier, endangering everyone inside. Don never thought that time when yet again he can't do anything to protect could come. But he will use everything she taught him to protect his allies during the next cleanse. The fire of determination earned him one last smile and the General bowed as a final goodbye, turning without fear.
Rozália stood facing the firing squad, chin up, shoulders to their full width. Don will carry on her teachings, her legacy. Striker, oh Striker…the thought of never seeing her love again ruined the glorious goodbye to this world, but she didn't falter. Even the lights of the streets dimmed as the angels took aim.
Don noticed first that besides her dying, something was also seriously off. The sudden darkness didn't come with the explosion of a generator like normally in every year, only the lights dimmed and died one by one. Out of nowhere an enormous bolt of lightning slammed into the center of the angels, disrupting their order and making the executioners hesitate in confusion. A cyan blur darted out of the shadows wielding twin sabers seemingly made out of electricity itself; the creature fenced her way through the remaining like the lightning she summoned. Rozália finally snapped out of her own trance and closed the distance between her and her almost killers, her own hellfire hussar sword flashing dangerously as it penetrated armor, passed through flesh with a dreadful sizzle.
The savior was taller and more lean than her, almost nothing alike yet they fell into an almost immediate synchron. An electric blue slash, a ducked crimson stab; a fiery whirl, a short distance teleport. A beautiful and brutal dance of swords with an unsaid relation running much more deep than a simple rescue from someone. And once the two women were standing in the pile of charred corpses, the cyan eyed one grinned, toothy and wild.
“Testvérem.” (Sister.)
“Döglöttem volna meg inkább.” (I would've rather died.) Rozália groaned once the momentary peace set in, much to Raia's amusement
The General casted a glance towards the confused Hotel Guard, shrugging lightly to convey she hadn't seen it coming either.
Back in the city, the sisters parted ways, Raia had seen someone from her past and Rozália needed to check on her army. Thankfully everything was going according to plan -so far at least-, she quickly fell back to the routine of war, not at all shaken after her brush with death. Bullets whizzed around her, precisely hitting their targets, protecting her current blind spot, a bittersweet feeling in her heart; Jancsi was the Guardian angel saving her from many literal stabs in the back. A half smirk as one of the angels managed to grab the furiously squirming Béla and threatened to drop weapons, trying to use their brotherhood against them.
“Strangely, it's not me who you should be afraid of. But their father.” Rozália smirked, two fingers slightly bent thrust towards the sky, then straightening to signal the serpent to shoot.
"Wha-" her head cocked to the side to allow perfect vision to the target, the Exterminator falling dead mid question
“Exactly what I was saying.” she chuckled and dove deeper into the town
Blitzø was having an absolute BLAST this year. He finally could utilize his agility, his shooting skills and dead motherfuckers everywhere!
“Blitz!!!” oh that voice was familiar, and probably the only one you want to hear during this day
"Oh hi Rozy look at all the limp dicked dead fuckfaces!" He posed proudly with a still smoking barrel
“Blitz!!” her roar was louder this time, making his expression falter, his brows furrow; seriously what was her problem? 
A string of curses as she picked up a piece of broken sidewalk and threw it right towards the confused imp. His eyes widened and immediately ducked under the projectile, only starting to yell once she was within hearing distance. "What the everliving fuck is wrong with you?? Why was this fucked Captain America stunt necessary?! I shot them!" Blitzø whipped his tail in irritation of being almost decapitated, not noticing the now corpse behind him
“But they are NOT FUCKING DEAD!” Rozália yelled back pointing at the slowly standing up Exterminator Blitzø swore he shot a moment ago. And his thoughts were confirmed by the obvious hole in the armor.
"...what in the tittyfucking Christ-" before he could say anything more, the woman snatched even his gun, but before he could protest she handed it back but…it was different. Warmer and glowing.
“Don't just look, fucking shoot!” Rozy shouted, snapping him out of the momentary surprise 
"Alright alright, you're really fucking insufferable on this day." He rolled his eyes and did what he would've done regardless: shot the approaching Exterminator in the head
"Care to explain what just happened?"
“Hellfire infused weapons. One of the very few sure ways to permanently kill an Exterminator. Go to the sniper division and ask for Striker, he will assign you to a position-”
"Wait wait Striker is in your army?? And he has a division? Why oooh because you two, you know" Blitzø smirked as he repeatedly did the suggestive vulgar hand gesture, despite the throbbing vein on her forehead.
“Not because of that. Because he is a bloody great marksman and can coordinate people. Which I know you also can do but not on such a large scale. We're in a fucking war. So for everyone's sake put aside your dick measuring contest with him.” the General snapped, sure Blitzø could retort, if what she said wouldn't have made sense. Somewhat.
"Mine is bigger anyways." He shrugged nonchalantly "But hey, how did you know I will duck the rock you chucked at me?" He asked the leaving woman who only turned with a slight grin as an answer.
"Remind me to get life insurance when I'm near you." Blitzø groaned after the vanished warrior
James Norrington was the unluckiest soul of the 18th century. Previously he was too humble to fully embrace this view but as time went on and the form he had taken after his death all pointed towards the fact. Now here he was, in the middle of the yearly cleanse without shelter or bottle of rum, the usual safehouse for this day was full, according to the demons guarding the door; of course he was only told after paying for the space.
During these times he was grateful he still kept his sword and practiced somewhat daily. At least one thing stayed with him from his life which he was great at and enjoyed. Keen instincts helped him to stay away from trouble but also sensed someone, something, was following him. The feeling was also accompanied by a sudden blast of nostalgia and he didn't pay attention once before he turned. The street was swarming with holy butchers waiting for prey; the other group pouring from an another street forced him deeper into the trap. Of course he was afraid, but it never had stopped him from pulling his sword out in one fluid motion with teeth bared. 
Thankfully he was still as great as he was in his prime, despite the amount of rum he dumped into his body. But James also knew a lost fight when he saw or participated in one. He will not be an easy kill, if he's to be murdered the second time, he will make them fight for it. Graceful, swift, with perfect footwork, angels fell to his feet before they could bury their sword or spear into him. James felt alive. As if he was back on the deck of the Endeavour, fighting off the terrors of the seas; until that light of so thought heroism was also snuffed out, just like his hope when the horde seemingly replaced itself with each of them cut down. The streetlamp lost its light above him, leaving him in darkness in an alley full of murderers. With his back turned he felt his second death rapidly approaching, he whirled around to stall it, only that a thin, cyan blue blade was already sticking out of it from behind.
The body had fallen, revealing the creature who…felt too familiar but surely it couldn't be. There wasn't much time to think though. The newcomer unleashed a torrent of electricity, a second sword materializing in her grip as she began fencing as well. For a few moments he only could watch in shock, two steps per second, fencing style akin to a whirlwind, graceful precision and he only had seen one person -besides himself after years of practice after witnessing it- capable of tossing one blade up and being fast enough to deliver a full slash instead of a stab.
He couldn't stay on the sidelines, especially after the possibility and matched her brutal pace. They twirled, parried elegantly, professionalism on James' part, lethal grace accompanying the electricity demoness. When swords weren't enough, she summoned bolts of lightning, as precise as her stabs; the last angel in the alley fell after a flawless riposte performed by both of them at the same moment. 
Her height had decreased since the fight had started, her glowing eyes darkening from bright blue to impossibly vibrant green. Her swords dissolved after she was done, walking out of the alley filled with corpses, leaving a familiar feeling behind. At the entrance she stopped and glanced back at the hound. A smile growing more and more wicked in every second passing, lightning materialized around her, the lines taking outlines of a pirate captain coat and a tricorn hat with one single feather. She tipped the hat with a toothy grin, sharp fangs lining her mouth before the shapes disappeared and he was left alone with the sure confirmation. The Hungarian Devil was alive and -obviously- in Hell with him. Yes, James Norrington definitely and desperately needed a bottle of rum.
The heart of the war was now within the city, never ceasing gunfire protected the ones fighting on the ground, the routes to the hidden hospital, occasionally giving civilians caught in the disaster enough time to slip away. The front line was still heroically holding out, but no one could predict Marcell out of everyone leaving his post.
"Flower please this is dangerous!" He pleaded with the gleefully cackling Velvet running through the battlefield, trying, testing her magic
"Come on Marcy! It's more fun that way." She giggled, always so serious soldier. She would've bet he wouldn't know what true fun is even if she explained to him
"I will get you any doll you want, please go inside!" He tried again after chopping off an approaching angel's head with one swing of a longsword
"You ruined it!!! I wanted to make it into one! Why can't you understand?!" Velvet whipped around angrily, sometimes having a father figure wasn't fun at all. Yeah she can get injured but she doesn't feel it! And she was almost certain she can control even holy blood, but he would just not leave her alone at peace to figure out! 
Marcell was torn inside, he needed to return, his unit needed him but…he never thought he would have the chance of calling an another young girl his daughter. He couldn't lose her, she was family no matter what she said. A faint, unmistakable click of a grenade reached his ears in the chaos. Right at his daughter's feet. He didn't think, he acted on impulse shoving her as far as he could; blinding white light filled his vision, the explosion was deafening from the minimal distance. She was safe, was his last thought as his unconscious battered body hit the ground meters away. 
The earth shattering roar of agony tore through the whole battlefield; Rozália was late to contain the explosion or to take it herself instead of Marcell. She couldn't speak as she fell at his side, his blood  rapidly running through her fingers from a possibly nicked artery. She howled again, deafening and hopeless; Jancsi died barely a month ago, she was not ready to lose an another pillar of her life. He was still alive as he hasn't turned to ashes, the General desperately trying to stop the bleeding: cauterizing the wound doesn't work because he carries a flame from the Hellfire. Her makeshift bandage had little to no effect in slowing the blood flow.
Time stopped for a few moments as Velvet watched the only man that ever truly cared for her flew away like a limp toy. Her rage was more silent than Rozália's, she was done playing around: Exterminators started to bleed from every orifice as the witch sinner unleashed her powers for daring to hurt her adoptive father. The confusion mixed panic helped the sharpshooters and front line soldiers alike, able to reinforce their ground. They couldn't think about Marcell. No; that would've been too devastating and their focus was still demanded.
She was cautious when approaching the kneeling General and her dying father…there was a way, for her there should be. Marcell's blood was also a special case, she couldn't just use blood magic but energy as well to press against the most severe wounds she deemed life threatening.
"Holy shit this place is a mess, Rozy- Rozy!" The naga woman quickly slithered through the debris to make her way to the woman and- oh she could recognize the man
"He's not dead right??" Flora asked and immediately regretted as raw Hellfire eyes snapped up to her "Sorry I didn't think before talking, you know sometimes I do that anyway Zephos, yes ZEPHOS!! She's here too, he will be alright okay?" she tried to calm the unstable General as Zephos hurried through the crowd, gasping at the scene.
The Fae had decided to assist the doctors in the makeshift hospitals, with her magic she saved lots of lives and limbs but this…seemed a lost cause.
"I created a temporary block around the wounds, he's not bleeding anymore." Velvet spoke, spooking the newly arrived women with how serious she was
"Rozy, see he's not bleeding. Look at him." Flora leaned down despite her instincts screaming her not to. Eventually Rozália did as told, still in shock but it was true. He wasn't bleeding but his glow has dimmed significantly.
"Judging by the state of his armor, it was a grenade and the shrapnels had caused most of the outer wounds. But I don't know whenever he has internal bleeding or not. We need to get him to the hospital." Zephos spoke, quiet but elegant and sure in her words
“He needs blood. My blood.” The General finally snarled, still clutching Marcell protectively. That was a problem. Her blood was liquid Hellfire, no way they could store it in anything, they didn't have the right or any equipment with them to do it here and the unsaid: she couldn't exit the battlefield that long.
"Well…I can try to create a container strong enough to hold but I'm afraid it will be destroyed during the transfusion." Zephos spoke "I can manipulate it so it wouldn't touch the container. Won't be easy." Velvet interjected
"You can do that?" Flora looked up in awe mixed surprise. The Sugar Demon didn't reply only harnessed focus when she saw the blade in Rozy's hand and her splitting her vein vertically with one desperate slash. The liquid fire instead of flowing to the ground started floating in a graceful arch, into the half open container Zephos had created and levitated in the air. The burning liquid didn't touch the glowing container at all as it was rapidly filled by it. 
"Rozy it's enough." Flora gently grasped her hand worriedly as her wound hasn't closed yet. The words were enough for her to burn close her own slash, only noticing the amout she gave when tried to stand up and the world was spinning. 
"You need rest." Zephos concluded in vain, but the effort was there
"Yeah you do. Sit the remaining of the E-day out, we got Marcell." Flora reinforced the thought her tail wrapping around Marcell's uninjured shoulder. She gave a testing pull, damn the dude was heavy! She really could've used Sage's help now.
"I will go with them. He's not gonna die. I promise." Velvet said at last, still holding her blood under control in the container. Rozália watched as the three beings slowly disappeared from view with Marcell's seemingly lifeless body; she couldn't stop. She was still needed. Steadying herself on her feet, the sounds of war crept back to her ear and mind. She had to continue.
“Ez nem volt valami elegáns.” (This wasn't too elegant.) Raia commented at a missed stab corrected by a blast of fire.
“Túl sok vért adtam.” (I gave too much blood.) Rozália spat at her sister's mocking, last thing she needed was her instead of a Hellfire bath.
“Elintézted, amit akartál?” (Did you get what you wanted?) The General asked, only receiving a nod and a faint smile as an answer. She didn't say it out loud but wondered why she was still around then. What happened to make her stick around longer than expected?
This Extermination wasn't as coordinated as the previous where the waves could be distinguished from each other. This was a revenge, a constant push of a button never letting the resistance catch a breath or restock on ammunition. Primitive but somewhat effective.
“Le kell állítanod idő előtt. Megint.” (You need to stop it before it's due. Again.) Raia spoke what she already suspected
“ 'Megint'?” ('Again'?) Rozália echoed with a small grin of pride, causing her sister to roll her eyes. No, she's not going to give the satisfaction of praise. They traveled in relative silence until they quite literally ran into a swarm again divided from the main army.
“Nos, Égszakadás és Földindulás?” (Well, Thunder and Earthquake?) Rozália raised an eyebrow at Raia to stall the time, she needed to call upon the Hellfire underneath to be in a good enough condition, but Raia constantly needed electricity and she wasn't sure if she could take on an entire army alone.
The enemy was rapidly, gleefully approaching but along with them the darkness also grew. The sisters looked at each other in confusion, Raia shook her head no at the silent question. This wasn't her doing. Thick shadows stretched from every direction, drowning out the noise, snuffing out every source of light.
“Alastor?” Raia questioned
“Nem. Felismerem a mágiáját. Ez nem ő.” (No. I can recognize his magic. This is not him.) Rozy took a cautious step back as the phenomenon reached house heights.
It was barely noticeable at first, but something was inside the darkness among the angels. The entity was tall, a blur of shadow and smoke and it was moving. Moving was an understatement. An acid green blur darted through the space, the sound of gunshots following the movements a second late, indicating it was attacking faster than sound. The entity swirled, spun and slithered; sometimes engulfed panicked Exterminators. As quickly as it started, the shadows started to recede, a single angel staggering out of the pitch darkness. His skull exploded a moment later.
“Awww senki nem szólt nekem a családi összejövetelről.” (Aww I wasn't notified about the familial reunion.) Came the mocking chuckle as Karma stepped out of the shadows, her body solidifying itself, tipping her cowboy hat upwards with her still smoking revolver to reveal the viciously glowing acid green crosshair scar around her eye.
The sisters glanced at the dead, decayed army behind her, then at each other; apparently none of them had any idea what Rozy's cousin was actually capable of. Their silence was broken by a giant green bolt of laser slamming into one of the largest aerial units.
“...Mi a faszom volt ez?” (What in my dick was that?) Rozy finally found her voice
“Rám ne nézzetek, én mesterlövész és árnyjátékos vagyok.” (Don't look at me, I'm a sniper and shadow manipulator.) Karma raised her hands (and revolvers) in defense
“Akármi is volt, túl sok áramot vett el.” (Whatever it was, it has taken too much electricity.) Raia concluded at the loss of feeling the buzzing around her.
Well, the circumstances could be brighter. Rozália needed a dose of Hellfire to be a reckoning, recharging for Raia got much more difficult and from what she understood, her teleports consumed a lot of energy. At least Karma had arrived with guns blazing but she was still hardly enough for the never ending swarm spat by the crack especially after that thing was fired. It will overrun the army without a doubt. Many are already wounded, ammunition usually gets scarce during this hour. She needed to close that damned portal again as soon as possible. Its shine was becoming more and more bright and for the first time in war, genuine fear flashed through the General's face.
“Hozzák a Csillaghullás ágyút?” (Are they bringing the Starfall canon?) Raia questioned, not missing her look
“Nem…” (No…) Rozália replied after a few seconds when she noticed the brief blue tint in the white “Ez túl szent, hogy a Csillaghullás legyen.” (This is too holy to be the Starfall.) She almost whispered in borderline disbelief
“És ilyen lehetséges?” (And such a thing is possible?) Karma asked, debating whenever she was just looking at the shining portal for too long and now seeing things. Because it was not, it should not be possible.
The three of them reached the edge of the town where the artificial clearing was along with the source of the never ending influx of enemies who appeared to be…fleeing. But why would they try to escape from Heaven? The answer blasted itself into the battlefield a second later, exploding through Heaven's gate. Cindy's wings blazed brilliant white with bright blue flames at the tips of the feathers of fire, her powers ravaged through ranks just like Hellfire would've and indeed she was…more than holy. Nothing could escape from her impossibly bright blaze no matter how they tried to run, no shelter stood against her raw power never seen before. The jade green color has long disappeared from her eyes, leaving scorching golden in its wake. The destruction was only a portion of what a Starfall canon could do and she didn't even seem to be winded by such a feat. The winged terror landed with a small tremor of the whole ring of something like her even touching the ground and continued her assault of blinding, pure white flames spewing everywhere until the unit sent was reduced to nothing. 
The three Véghvárys only could stare silently at the youngest of the bloodline in disbelief mixed awe; what even was she? 
“Amúgy tudom, hogy ott bújkáltok. Érzem a testhőtöket. De aranyos, hogy próbáltok sunnyogni.” (Actually I know you're hiding there. I can feel your body heat. But it's kinda cute that you try to sneak around) Cindy chuckled flippantly, confirming it was indeed her, not some random cosmic horror deciding to drop by. 
“Oh és lehet, hogy felgyújtottam Gábrielt amikor próbáltam eljutni a portálhoz. De nem hiszem, hogy ezt bánja bárki is.” (Oh and I might have set Gabriel on fire when I was trying to get to the portal. But I don't think anyone has bad feelings about it.) She chuckled as her distant relatives slowly made their way out of their hiding spots, still not being able to mask the shock too well
“És mi a fasz tartott eddig?!” (And what the fuck were you doing before?!) Rozália found her voice first
“Időeltolódás. Faszom tudja mi mikor történik. Kozmikus lény vagyok, nem egy szaros könyvelő aki az óráját lesi.” (Timezones. Like my dick knows when what happens. I'm a cosmic being, not a shitty accountant always peeking at their clock.) Cindy shrugged defensively, so much for a thank you.
“Na mi a terv?” (Well, what's the plan?) She asked instead
“Bezárni a kurva lyukat minél előbb.” (Closing that fucking hole as soon as possible.) Karma replied, cocking her revolvers at lightning speed when they were surrounded by the remaining Exterminators pouring from the city.
“Meg tudom olvasztani. De akkor nem hogy egyfolytában jönnek át rajta.” (I can melt it. But not if they keep coming through it.) Cindy suggested
“Meg tudod olvasztani a Mennyországot??” (You can melt Heaven??) Raia couldn't control the raw surprise in her voice 
“Biztos. Ő meg felgyújtotta. Csak nem féltékeny vagy?” (I'm sure of it. And she set it on fire. Are you jealous?) The cosmic horror motioned at Rozy with a chuckle that left Raia sputtering instead of a smooth reply
“Két gondot meg kéne oldani. Gyengék vagytok mint az őszilegyek.” (We should solve two problems. You're as weak as flies in autumn.) Karma pointed out
“Mondom a tervet. Amíg mi visszaszerezzük az erőnket, addig ti elintézték a leselkedő faszokat. Amikor mindenki elég erős akkor bezárjuk azt a lyukat örökre. Egyszerű, de brutális.” (Here's the plan. Until we get out powers back you finish the peeping fuckers. When everyone is strong enough, we will close that hole for eternity. Simple, but brutal.) Rozália announced and she only met with agreement, behind the silver of the angels she also could see the faint glow of her army sneaking upon the distracted beings.
“Csináljuk.” (Let's do it.) Karma agreed and took off as a seafoam, acid green shadow towards the enemy, followed by powerful wings spreading with a small blast.
Her army and her sisters clashed viciously with the remaining, Heaven was finally silent after Cindy's rampage. Rozália walked directly under the crack and began to coax the Hellfire to her. It came siphoned from the ground, rushing from the Morningstar mansion itself, the flames lifting her up to the point where her feet barely touched the ground, the fire instead swirling around, entered her, the curse filling her body to the brim until she was fully transformed despite wearing the pendant. Power raced through her veins, her ruined soul, the crimson flow feeding into her never stopping. She was the Wielder of the Hellfire, that was finally for certain.
Raia found a few cables lying on the ground, still sparkling with electricity; the demoness immediately latched onto the opportunity, mercilessly siphoning the power until the whole ring was dark, devoid of any electric power. Her appearance shifted accordingly, approximately 14 feet in height, emerald green eyes turned glowing white, her hair light cyan from the amount she currently held within her body.
The remaining angels in Hell had been slaughtered all, at least those who rushed to protect the portal. Karma began to feed on the darkness caused by Raia, her body distorting, dissolving, rearranging, her left eye milky white, her crosshair scar blazing acid green, the rest of her face clouded by shadows. She was also around the same height as Raia, although it was a little difficult to determine. Death and decay oozed from the demon as she glided to her sisters waiting for the youngest. Stars outside the pocket dimension of Hell burned brighter and through the dimension's own sky as Cindy called upon their power. Her skin became stars themselves, her wings no longer blue from the extreme heat but holding galaxies themselves. Her limbs elongated, her wings larger, almost able to cover all three of them.
Rozália saw an outline of a six winged archangel with swords, Michael most likely. The Commander behind all of her losses. Clawed feet touched the ground, a quick glance around all four of them standing in a loose circle and a nod as confirmation as the seal was ripped off.
Hellfire, decay and lightning shot into the shatter between the realms, the three pillars of destruction continued without any sign of stopping; crimson red fire, black essence with acid green, vicious purplish cyan lightning tore into Heaven, preventing it sending anything or anyone through without the risk of being incinerated upon contacting the deadly powers combined into a lethal vortex. As if everyone stopped even breathing to stare at the phenomenon, Rozália was the Infernal General but the other two were previously thought to be simple sinners. Yet their destruction could rival hers. Raia was the first one to stop before she completely exhausted herself, gradually sinking back to around 8 feet. Karma followed with one last push of her shadows and morphing back to her usual appearance. Rozália remained standing, her power supply proving to be the most stable; and when she was finished she still could feel the fire ravaging the holy land so she decided to take it back. With a bestial howl, she ripped the fire out of Heaven surging it back under Pride for It to heal.
Cindy took her spot, Heavenly light paled against the pure glow of Creation, of The Fire itself. The borderline divine being closed then spread its wings and energy burst through her very core, into Heaven, the unmeasurable heat slowly threading the gap close by melting the realm's gate close. She floated frozen in space as pure energy coursed through her body, strengthening the closed barrier each second until the stars began to fade, her wings returned to their original matter, only white flames kept erupting from her hands.
Eventually it also came to a halt, the gate was forever woven close. All four of them were breathing heavier, they were spent, exhausted but fulfilled what their shared last name carried.
The four sisters stood in a circle half bathed in Heaven's dim light, half illuminated by the cursed flames below. They stood facing each other
The Véghváry bloodline by me:
Rozália - @infernal-general
Raia - @lightningdamned
Karma - @deathshadowed
Cindy - @phoenixborn
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @softlytowardthesun @giuliettaluce @faintingheroine @the-blue-fairie @storytellergirl @darasuum
Once upon a time, in Mughal Ruled India, there lived a rich and powerfull Prince Shah-Jehan.
He was rich in land, gold, armies, and wives.
And the wive he most treasured, was the princess Mumtaz Mahal.
Mumtaz Mahal made her Prince even more rich when she gaved him 14 children.
But her life on Earth ended soon after giving birth to the 14th child.
In tribute to her memory, making their love eternal, Prince Shah-Jehan ordered the building of one of the most beautiful palace where the body of Mumtaz-Mahal would be buried.
And that is how the wonder of Taj Mahal camed to be.
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Once upon a time, in the mountains of Argentina, lived a young lady named Camila O'Gorman
One day, Camila met the young jesuit priest Ladislao Gutierrez
Ladislao fell in love with Camila, and she corresponded to his affections
The two decided to run away together, and cross the frontier to Brazil
But before they could rich the frontier, the couple was found and arrested by the soldiers of the dictator Juan Manuel Rosas
Days later, incited by figures like Camila's father, who demanded a severe punishment to their crimes against morality, the couple, showing no regrets whatsoever, was executed in a firing squad by orders of Rosas
One century later, their love inspired uruguyan writer Eduardo Galeano to write:
"They are two by mistake, the night corrects it"
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Once upon a time, there was a war.
In the South of Brazil, a revolt in favour of a Republic and against the Empire was happening.
To help the republicans, an adventurous italian was called.
His name was Giuseppe Garibaldi.
When he arrived, a young lady, called Manuela, fell in love with the adventurous warrior.
He asked for her hand to the lady's uncle, the republican leader Bento Gonçalves.
But was rejected, because Manuela 's uncle hoped to marry her with his own son.
Them, Garibaldi departed, and in his journeys to fight, another woman fell in love with him: Anita, who was already married, but was not afrayed in taking the chance to run away with Garibaldi.
The two lived and fought together in several battlefields, in Brazil, Uruguai and Italy, raised three children, and lost a baby daughter.
By Garibaldi's side, ill and six months pregnant, Anita died fighting for the Italian Unification.
While in the South of Brazil, Manuela died without ever marrying, forever loving and waiting for her Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Wich made her known as the Bride of Garibaldi in her home town of Pelotas.
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Once upon a time, in the Backlands of Northeast of Brazil, there lived a young woman named Maria
She was married at a young age to a shoemaker
But her hearth would soon be taken by a warrior
A man turned travelling bandit, who was the Captain of a bandit band
Called at birth Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, but more known by the nickname Lampião
With the help of her mother, Maria runned away with Lampião, becoming the first woman to be accepted in his band, and she became known as Maria Bonita
Leading the band, Lampião and Maria Bonita rided to several deserts, fighting the sun, the lack of water, and the police that hunted them
Under a tree, Lampião assisted Maria Bonita when she gaved birth to their only child to come into adulthood: a daughter named Expedita, whom they gaved to be raised in safety by a couple of farmers
In 1938, as they reached the state of Sergipe and took rest in the woods of Angicos, they were killed by the morning, in a surprised atack of the police, who would travel from town to town exibiting their decapitated heads as trophees
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Once upon a time, in a mexican town by the sea named San Blas, there was a young woman, named Rebeca Méndez Jiménez, who fell in love with a sailor.
The sailor corresponded to her affections, and they promissed to marry one another.
He sailed away, and promissed to return to fulfill his promisse.
A tempest in the sea tooked the ship, and the sailor's life.
While his wife, back at the port, waited, and waited, and waited.
People kept telling he wouldn't come back. That he was either dead, or had abandoned her for another love.
The bride didn't heard, and kept her wait.
She was called mad, and trapped in an asylum. Several times.
And several times she escaped, and returned to wait at the port.
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She waited until death, when she was more than 60 years old
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
I think in the book says something like "all acounts agree that what befell on Lucerys was without premeditation or something" i haven't read F&B, only the wiki pages of the characters and i only came to know this because someone here showed a screenshot. Isn't it better this way? Like Aemond isn't just a crazy man who wants to kill Lucerys without giving him a chance, no, he is a traumatized man who wanted this distorted justice of "an eye for an eye" (literaly yikes).
He seems more human with true greyness in him (not like pedo daemon). Don't get me wrong that was beyond idiotic but he's more 3d this way.
What do you think? They should have change it or not?
What was said was: “The tragedy that befell Lucerys Velaryon at Storm’s End was never planned, on this all of our sources agree. The first battles in the Dance of the Dragons were fought with quills and ravens, with threats and promises, decrees and blandishments….many still hoped that that the question of succession might be resolved peaceably. The Stranger had other plans. For surely it was his dread hand behind the ill chance that brought the two princelings together at Storm’s End.” Basically, Aemond didn’t know that Luke was coming and thus wasn’t lying in wait to kill him.
However, as Luke was leaving, protesting he didn’t want to fight him since he was an envoy, Aemond said, “You came here as a craven and a traitor. I will have your life, Strong.” —TPATQ Borros says he can’t have them fight in his hall because Luke was an envoy, Aemond asks for his permission to leave, Borros says yes because it’s not his business, Aemond follows Luke on Vhagar, “Watchers on the castle walls saw distant blasts of flame, and heard a shriek cut the thunder. Then the two beasts were locked together, lightning crackling around them. Vhagar was five times the size of her foe, the hardened survivor of a hundred battles. If there was a fight, it could not have lasted long.” So Aemond pretty much says he wants to kill Luke, gets leave to pursue him by Borros, there was either a brief fight or Vhagar just snapped Arrax in half. No, the murder wasn’t planned in advance, but Aemond did announce he wanted to do Luke harm and really, what other motive did he have for pursuing him in a storm? Maybe if Borros had sided with Rhaenyrà it’d make some sense (needed to delay the message of aid reaching her) but Luke was going to return empty handed.
Is it better this way? Well, I’m not an HBO writer for a show with a nearly $200 million budget/$20 million per episode, so you’re welcome to discount my opinion. But imagine if Aerys accidentally lit Rickard Stark on fire or Ilyn Payne tripped and accidentally cut Eddard Stark’s head off with Ice or Da3ron II accidentally ordered Daemon Blackfyre’s arrest due to rumors from Lord Shady…we’d all feel this was pretty cheap, right? That a flagrant act of tyranny—mockery of due process—was all just a misunderstanding, thus making the side to which it happened wrong in wanting their revenge (though obviously Dæmon was wrong to murder a 6 year old by proxy, Ned Stark+Robb Stark+Daemon Blackfyre were fighting for their lives). Plus, it sends the wrong message in my opinion. The Blacks and Greens hated each other for years and were going to look for any reason to hurt each other. They didn’t care who might’ve gotten hurt in the crossfire (“civilian casualties don’t count”…oops why are all of our dragons dead and armies deserting us?), certainly not any non-Targaryens. Starting a war based on a misunderstanding is narratively pointless because there’s no broader sense of tragedy, as basically none of these characters bar Alicent a little (“the queen counts the cost to her people”) care about the harm they’re going to wreak on the smallfolk. Not that we’re supposed to care about the smallfolk who already did die in this war thanks to the Rhaescape, according to Sara Hess.
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
Is this the end?
Chapter 5
Three years later..
I made the choice to move half way around the world. The Duskwood group became another family after everything and they understood why I refused to get into a relationship. Even though Dan didnt agree, he accepted where my heart still was. We get together weekly even Jessy as she moved in with me in Colville. Everyone is married with kids or engaged expect Jessy and I. She has been in a relationship and while hes proposed, she turned him down so I wasn't alone. I also fought with her on that. 
Noone has heard from Jake. Hannah had invited him to the wedding but he never showed up which broke her heart. His mom has kept in touch with me as she knows her son is stubborn but means well. She has asked me to come over monthly for a dinner and I always accept.
This month was so no different. I pull up to her house and I see an extra car in the driveway were I normally park so I just pull in front of the house. I don't think of anything different until I walk in the house as I know she's getting the food ready and I hear a man's voice. It's one that sounds so familiar to me but I don't think it's possible as I've been coming over the same Friday every month for 3 years for dinner. I walk into the kitchen and I see her cooking and this man next to her helping. I walk up to her with the desert I brought over.
"Whats for dinner tonight?" I ask. 
"Oh honey I meant to call and tell you that you didn't have to come over" she says.
I look up from putting the desert down and see Jake standing next to her. My heart flashes back to three years ago looking into his eyes and I walk back outside.
"Mom you okay? I'm going to check on her" I hear him say as I get to the door.
"Go ahead sweetie" she says. 
I'm outside at my car leaning over like I've seen a ghost. I hear the door open "MC, dont leave please" I hear his voice.
"No you dont have the right…. This has been my 2nd friday of the month every month for last three damn years. Dinner with her…. Just her and I,'' I say as the tears start streaming.
"She's always invited me but never told me you were here too. I had some things happen and I just needed to see my mom. Why after all these years you still having dinner with her anyway?" He asks.
"Because she understands your stubbornness. When you left the Aurora that day I was broken. I ended up reaching out to her to let her know because I didn't know if you would. I moved out to Colville after everything. I needed a fresh start but with people that understood me." I say with tears in my eyes seeing him looking at me.
"If you want you can join us. Not like there isn't enough to feed an army." He says with that smile.
"I don't know, Jake. Im going to be honest with you. I'm still not over you fully" as I look down at my feet "also if Dan and Phil find out they might hurt you" I say.
"Phil still trying to get with you?" He asks.
"No," I say with a laugh. "Him and Cleo are actually married with a little one. Dan and Lilly are engaged. Thomas and Hannah are married but you knew that and have a little boy with a little girl on the way" I say.
"What about Jessica?" He says.
I laugh "shes in a relationship and he's proposed a few times but she turns him down not wanting me to be alone in the apartment and he understands that."
"So noone in your life?" He says with a side eye.
"No theres been a few guys but as soon as I bring them around the whole group and they see how protective the guys are with me they end it. I don't blame them for running either. After with you Dan and Phil both treat me like a little sister. Specially because I tried to chase you that day"
"Jake, Morgan…. Dinner is in the over" his mom calls.
"Morgan?" He says looking at me with a weird expression. 
"She refuses to call me MC. So I told her my name." I say blushing as I walk towards the house.
Jake grabs my hand "where does the C come from?" He asks, looking down at me.
"No you don't get to find out" I say, trying to pull away.
He walks inside still holding my hand "Mom, do you know her middle name too?" He asks, as he pulls me into the kitchen.
"Yes, I do because I asked her" she says not paying attention as im shaking my head.
"What is it? Since i just found out her first name" he asks
"Caroline" she says getting things ready in the kitchen.
He turns to me and pulls me close. "I like that. Morgan Caroline Miller" he says with a smile.
"Woah! Your getting way ahead of yourself" I say surpised he just said that as I pull away from him. "Wheres the wineiI need a glass?" I say grabbing a wine glass as I go to grab the wine and pour a large glass.
"I like the sound of that" his mom says with a smile.
"Did you plan this happening?" I look at her pouting.
"Well I mean I knew you would be over and I always invited him for dinner but he never showed up until today" she says with a smile.
"I need some fresh air again" I say as I walk into the backyard and sit down on the desk steps.
I hear Jake come out "I'm sorry. I'm not going to lie. I've missed you."
"No, we're not doing this Jake…. This isnt fate like you mentioned at the bar. This is the work of your mom" I say taking a big gulp of wine.
"Well I mean it kind of is fate because it's 3 years and here you are in my mom's house half way around the world from where you used to be," he says with that sly smile as he sits next to me.
I look at him and I see the Jake I used to love and it's everything in my power not to give in to him. "Has been anyone for you in the last 3 years?" I ask biting my lip.
"Why you want to know?" He says nudging my shoulder.
"I mean I told you" I say with a little laugh.
"There was some girls but nothing close to you. Noone I trusted like you for certain" he says holding my hand.
I swear my heart skips a beat. "You should go help your mom. I need to make a phone call real fast" I say looking at the time.
"Okay" he says with a pout.
I wait for him to be inside and I pull my phone out. I call Jessy and thankfully she answers.
"Whats wrong MC? You never call me when your having dinner with Jakes mom until you leave." She says concerned.
"Yeah theres a problem" I say hushed.
"What is the problem… is she okay?" She asks.
"Oh she's perfectly fine… but you'll never guess who was here when I showed up" I say.
I pull up my camera and take a picture as I see him in the window and send it to her.
"Who is it?" She asks then looks at the picture. "No way 3 years later and he shows up!?" She yells.
"Yeah, he's being the guy I fell in love with which makes this really hard" I say while taking a drink of wine.
"Then leave" she says.
"Haha too late his mom won't let me and I'm drinking wine and she knows my name" I say.
"Wait, she knows your name!" Exclaims jessy.
"Yeah and she told him…. And guess what he said?" I say so flustered.
"Oh I like the sound of that… Morgan Caroline Miller" I say in my best Jake voice and I just hear Jessy laugh.
"I guess this is fate, see where it goes. But I have to go, Andy is here for our date night" she says.
"Have fun" I say , hanging up.
 I sit there and watch him a bit more helping his mom and I can't help but smile. I realize maybe this is fate and to see where it goes again.
Jakes POV
Having MC here has been amazing. I honestly forgot what her smiled looked like I ask told myself these last three years I wasn’t going to check on her. I hadn’t even known she moved to Colville. She told me to go help my mom and I did while she makes a phone call. I’m in the kitchen helping my mom get everything ready and I see her out the bay window my mom has on the phone.
“Mom, do you believe what her and I have is fate?” I ask.
“Sweetie, what you guys have is real. I’m going to tell you something I told her three years ago when her and I started these dinners. You will have moments of uncertainty in true love. You will argue and fight and maybe even walk away from eachother. However, when that person comes back into your life even if its years later how you feel will determine if its true love. The way I saw you two look at each other when she looked up and you looked at her is exactly that. You never stopped loving her did you, Jake?” she says running her hand through my hair.
“No mom, I never stopped loving her. I just thought she deserved better than me.” I say. I look up and I see MC  holding her phone looking like she’s taking a picture.“Any of the guys she’s been with have you met?”
“No I haven't. She told me about them but it always ended the same way. She was glad they were gone because it didn’t feel like it did with you.’
‘Mom, remember that ring I told you to always hold onto until I had asked you to give it to me?”
“Yeah, want me to grab it for you?” she asks.
“Yes please, I need to make a promise to MC.” I say looking down.
“When you do sweetie, use her full name not MC okay? I saw the look in her eyes when you said her full name with our last name. She liked the sound of it.” 
“Mom, she’s right though it's too soon after everything that happened.” I say as i follow her into the bedroom and she hands me the ring.
“Hey where did you guys go!?” we hear MC yell in the house.
“My mom had something of mine I had wanted” I say as we come out of her bedroom.
“Can I see it?” she asks all chipper.
“Nope” I say with a sly smile as the oven goes off and MC goes and helps get it all out.
Watching her help my mom get all the food out of the oven and fridge. I can’t help but think about what my mom said. I really never did stop loving her and seeing her like this again makes me realize how much I want to give her that ring that's now in my pocket. We all go to sit down and I realize MC finished her wine.
“MC do you want more wine or something else to drink?” I ask.
“I’ll get more wine” she says as she goes to stand up.
"I'll get it, I'm going to get myself a drink as well’ I say as I grab her glass from her hand. She looks confused but accepts it and sits down. I’m in the kitchen and I’m pouring her a small glass because I know she has to drive back home and I get myself a drink as well. The glass she has has a small lip on the bottom of the glass. I think about putting the ring on it but decide against it as I have a better idea for later. I give her back her glass and my mom looks at me wondering what is going on. I just play it off as being the good guy they both know I am.
We all enjoy dinner and the desert MC brought over. Her and I decided to do the dishes for my mom to help her out since she cooked. MC is washing the dishes and I’m drying and putting it all away.
We finally get it all done and I look at her as she grabs the container my mom made for her to bring back to Jessy. “MC can we go on the back porch for a moment to talk?” I am nervous.
“Sure, Jake” she says with that smile that melts my heart. 
I open the door for her and let her out first. We lean against the railing and she looks at me. “What do you want to talk about?” she asks, looking at me.
“Morgan…'' I say and she looks at me confused as I’ve never called her that before. “I know when we were last together it didn’t end well. I can’t stop thinking about what could have gone differently seeing you here tonight with my mom. I know you're still the woman I fell in love with and trusted all my secrets with. I hope I can live up to that version of me that you held on for. Will you wear this ring as I promise to never let me mind get in the way of us being happy, because after three of not seeing you every day, I can’t image another day without you in my life?” I say showing her a silver ring with an emerald stone in it.
She just stands there looking at the ring and looking at me and looking back at the ring. "Jake are you asking me to give you another chance and be yours?” she asks and I see fear in her eyes.
“Shit I shouldn’t have done this” I say going to walk away but she grabs my arm.
“Answer my question and I’ll answer yours.” she says looking into my eyes.
“Yes I am, I can't imagine life with you any longer.’ I am scared of what she is going to say. Next thing I know she’s leaning up to kiss me. This kiss is gentle but passionate and I slide the ring I'm still holding onto her right hand.
“Yes, I'll give you another chance,'' she says as she pulls away. I lean my head against her and we just smile at each other. “Shit Phil and Dan are going to kill me, '' she says with a laugh.
“No they are going to kill me” I say, realizing we have to make it through them.
“Lets just keep it a secret right now. Well minus Jessy cause I have to show her this ring. And we will figure out how to tell the rest.” she says with a smile.
I hold her tight and walk her to her car. "Let me know when you get home okay?" I said to her.
"Will do" she says as she kisses my cheek.
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cwarscars · 2 years
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Important Things About My Heid
(( you guys know im a lil slaaaag for posting stuff like this. i like to make these 'need-to-know' posts so i can abbreviate things for people to know when interacting. you guys are wonderful & the amount of comments on like how i play heid i've had / get always warms my heart (like, people alluding to his past and stuff it makes me UFJKFDFDF AHHHH). so, here's a lil 'need-to-know' selection. c: ))
contains themes of // tw - sadomasochism / war-glorification / prejudice / violence & gore / child abuse mention / mental health & trauma / general n.s.f.w / unfaithfulness
Notable Scars // my heid has the prominent scar down his eye - he got this from a battle with a behemoth when he was twenty-one and an upcoming soldier. this is considered a defining moment for him as a young man.
Notable Scars // he has a prominent scar across the centre of chest, curved slightly between his pecs - this was given to him when godo stabbed him through the chest when he was in his early forties.
Notable Scars // various bullet wounds / sword strikes / small scars scattered across his body. a closer look at his hands & knuckles show tonnes of marks from punching walls / people / monsters.
Notable Tattoos // verse-dependent, heid has a large irezumi across his back of a dog / something shinra-dependent.
Notable Piercings // as a young man, heid had his ear lobe and helix pierced on one side - he wore a ring in each place. this was in rebellion to his father & the man's more traditional views. these were removed when he was twenty-eight.
Notable Past Events // heid has several medals from his time serving in the junon army - notably, for felling a behemoth during a battle amidst midgar. surviving the gaea cave incident. his services generally within the junon military.
Notable Past Events // heid lost several members of his platoon during an expedition to the gaea caves in the northern crater. the only survivors were him, a friend (who lost an arm) & a videographer who later deserted the army and was executed. this event left him heavily traumatised.
Notable Past Events // he began working closely at shinra's side in his late twenties & the two became friends despite, at first, not liking each other very much.
Notable Events // he has two daughters. edlyn (the older) and dwayna (the younger). he is divorced from their mother in most verses & actively cheats on her in the verses where they are together.
Notable Events // sixteen years before the start of the game, during the wutai war - heid was on the frontline as a commanding officer. during this time, he fought (and lost) to godo. the loss took him permanently from action ( due to the severity of his injuries ). he has never gotten over this & this partially encourages his 'warmongering' personality.
Mental Health // heid has severe anger issues (duh) as a result of his upbringing / general life events & toxic masculinity. when faced with women / children, he'll take his anger out on objects. when faced with men - he'll take his anger out on /them/.
Mental Health // he does suffer with ptsd which manifests primarily through nightmares & sleep paralysis. as a result, he rarely sleeps. heid sometimes experiences flashbacks - these manifest through a distant stare and stop to general conversations. it will generally look like he's zoning out.
Sexuality // i consider heid outwardly heterosexual with heavy bisexual undertones / closeted bisexual. he enjoys sex with both women and men, with a preference for women. he doesn't outwardly talk about his attraction to men (due to toxic masculinity).
Sexuality // he is sadomasochistic both sexually and non-sexually. this doesn't always manifest itself but he enjoys both giving and taking pain.
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starlight-matrix · 4 months
I've been reading your werewolf thingy on AO3 and I love it
Do you have plans for other characters like the crastle or desert duo?
I love Impulse's so chill "you're like me" in the first fic, like it's a normal thing that just happens sometimes (which it is to them!)
Is Impulse a runt too, or was he just born without a ton of magic but perfectly healthy otherwise?
First time in probably 5 years that I've gotten an ask that wasn't just. A porn bot. So thank you!
To answer your questions- starting with the first, no, I don't really plan to write anything special for the other factions from 3rd Life. All of the 3rd Life groups are werewolves in this AU though! Scar and Grian have their own territory in the desert, and the Crastle gang have territory that borders the opposite side of the Red Army's territory from where Joel and Lizzie are.
I have some plans to write the other Red Army's backstories into the series, but they might get cut since they aren't vital to the story, so I'll just drop them here for you!
Etho and Tango used to be packmates. Their pack was very small and most of their pack was elderly, and an illness swept through and took everyone out except for Etho and Tango. They decided to go their separate ways and ended up finding new packs- Etho with Ren, Tango with Cleo and Bdubs. Later, the Red Army and the Crastle fought for Etho and Tango's old territory (it was a for-fun fight, they're actually allies, unlike in canon lmao) and the Red Army won.
Not gonna lie, I haven't put ANY thought into Grian and Scar for this AU- ironically, though I've followed them both for a while, I don't really write about them much! And by much I mean. At all.
To answer your second question, no, Impulse was not a runt in the way that Jimmy was. Impulse and Skizz's old pack was extremely diverse. They weren't so much a werewolf pack as they were a Fae community- lots of different species living together! I haven't decided yet if crossbreeding is a thing that exists (I'm leaning towards no) but Impulse and Skizz both grew up around a wide variety of magical creatures, and as such, it wasn't as much of a shock to have Impulse born with very little magic.
Scott and Jimmy's pack was far more rigid and traditional- to them, transformation magic was essential to a member's identity, so Jimmy being unable to transform easily set him apart from the rest of their pack. Whereas for Impulse, where EVERYONE in his pack was already so different, he stood out far less.
I have vague plans to write a short ficlet about Impulse and Skizz's younger years but I have no clue if it'll ever get done to be honest.
Hope that covers your questions, and then some maybe lmao
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Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith was a companion and first cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. His given name was Al-Mughira. (Abu Sufyan Ibn Al Harith RA was not the same as Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, the powerful Quraish chieftain.) Rarely can one find a closer bond between two persons such as existed between Rasulullah SAW and Abu Sufyan Ibn al-Harith.  Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith was born about the same time as the blessed Rasulullah. They resembled each other a great deal. They grew up together and for a time lived in the same household. Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith was a cousin of Rasulullah SAW. His father, al-Harith, was the brother of Abdullah; both were sons of Abd al-Muttalib. Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith was also a foster-brother of Rasulullah SAW. Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith was for a short time nursed by the lady Halimah who looked after the young Muhammad in the tough and bracing atmosphere of the desert. In their childhood and youth, Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith and Rasulullah SAW were close and intimate friends. So close were they, which one might naturally have expected Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith to have been among the first to respond to the call of Rasulullah SAW and follow wholeheartedly the religion of truth. But this was not to be, at least not for many, many years. From the time Rasulullah SAW made public his call to Islam and first issued the warning to members of his clan about the dangers of continuing in their existing state of unbelief, injustice and immorality, the fire of envy and hatred erupted in the breast of Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith. The bonds of kinship snapped. Where once there was love and friendship, there was now revulsion and hate. Where once there were a brotherhood, there was now resistance and opposition.“He showed hatred toward Rasulullah SAW for twenty years, never remaining behind when the Quraish set out to fight Rasulullah SAW. Abu Sufyan Ibn Al Harith fought at the Battle of Badr on the side of the polytheists. He was one of the first to arrive back in Makkah with the news of their defeat. As he told his uncle, Abu Lahab:“As soon as we met the party we turned our backs and they were killing and capturing us just as they pleased, and by God, I don’t blame the people for that. We met men in white on piebald horses between heaven and earth, and, by God, they spared nothing, and none could withstand them.He also wrote satirical poems against Rasulullah SAW and the Muslim and insulted Hassan ibn Thabit RA:“Who will deliver a message to Hassan from me?,I think you are one of the evilest of destitute men.Your father is the father of evil, and your uncle is the same.You are not better than your father and your uncle.” Hassan Ibn Thabit RA asked Rasulullah’s permission to compose counter-insults, promising to withdraw Rasulullah’s own name from the hostile sentiments, and permission was given. In January 626 Rasulullah SAW led the final expedition to Badr, an appointment for a pitched battle between the Quraish and the Muslims. The battle did not take place because the Makkan army never arrived.Hassan ibn Thabit RA composed a poem about the situation:“We stayed by the shallow well eight nightsTake Abu Sufyan [ibn Harb] a message from me,For you are the best of a bad lot.”Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith composed an answer:O Hassan, son of a moldy date-eating woman, You stayed by the shallow well wanting usAnd you left us in the palm-groves hard by.Our horses and camels walked on the cropsAnd what they trod on they drove into the soft sandDon’t describe your fine horses,But speak of them as one who holds them firmly back.You rejoice in them, but that is the right of others,The horsemen of the sons of Fihr [Quraish]. After the slaying of the Qurayzah tribe in 627, Hassan ibn Thabit RA composed a poem to the effect that they had gone to Hell. Abu Sufyan responded with a counter-poem:May Allah make that deed immortal?May fire burn in its quarters!You shall know which of us is far [from Hellfire]And which of our lands will be harmed.Had the palms therein been horsemen,They would have said, "You have no place here, be off!"  
readmore: http://sohabih.blogspot.com/2016/01/abu-sufyan-ibn-al-harith-ra.html
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mh073099 · 1 year
Book idea??
4 kingdoms. United by a war all these young queens and kings partook in when they were princesses and princes.
One in the west. Kindness and honor here. A beautiful bountiful culture. A kind but firm queen. Rocky hills with vineyards and luscious valleys, and a desert before the lush valleys. They created a path over time, that was the only lush area in the 1000 mile desert. It’s along a river. Which leads to the celestial city. Colors are yellow and purple, accents of white.
One in the north. This king knows survival. Honor. Justice. They respect the land they are on, and they respect those around them. A strong army commonly referred to as “the wall” shield formations unmatched
The land of Forrest and ice. Trees are everywhere. Rolling hills filled with little valleys and streams. Two big rivers and a massive lake/sea in the far north. Not many cities in the far north but the few there are strongholds. Northerners have made travel efficient in the north. Most cities are along the river, with two of the largest cities are where the two rivers meet the sea. Common trade by sea and river, bc the Forrests can be so dangerous. Western side river flows into the celestial city, the eastern side river flows into the east Kingdoms capital city. Flag: Red and white, with hints/ accents of gold.
One in the east. An intellectual queen. Strategies unmatched. Whale oil rich country bc the east meets and ocean. Before that it is plains. Lots of farming done in this kingdom along with world trade with other continents. Has a caption city on the coast, known for its medical and technological advancements, especially in their secret warfare experiments. Has a road from the capitol city into farmland/ plains and on to the celestial city. Blue and silver, accents of deep purple.
One in the south. Surrounded by the most ancient mountains. Dark things swell in these mountains. Which eventually gives onto swamp lands and Forrests before eventually meeting an ocean that leads to many island nations, if not thousands. The king is a cunning, ruthless warrior, but he loves his people and culture. He is working on uniting the islands with treaties and respect. Story telling is huge there. The law is loser on something’s but grip tight on other. Always fair and just. Fair trials happen there. Dark and light skins blend into the food and music there. The people often tell stories of the hero’s who fight the darkness in the mountains. They’ve gotten so good at it that they’ve built a road through and into the celestial city, that goes back and forth over a river. Cities along the way tucked into the valleys of these mountains.
The south is the land of magic in all forms. Legends and stories come from this place. The west has their own beautiful stories about the travel out there and the magic in the valleys of these Rocky Mountains ie fairies. The north has one legend that they tell. The story of the old magik. (Idk what that is yet.) the east tell stories of the sea, and the sea magic.
The celestial city is the center of these four kingdoms, where these queens and kings rule from traveling back and fourth from their perspective caption city’s. Magic and might flow here. Creatures of all kinds live here.
2 kings and 2 queens who all fought young together in a war before the were crowned respectively. North, east and west accuse the south of protecting dark magic and the killings a dark entity that is harming the land and people. All four go searching for their own answers. The south understands that dark does not mean evil.
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dailyaudiobible · 2 years
07/27/2022 DAB Transcript
2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37, Romans 10:14-11:12, Psalms 21:1-13, Proverbs 20:4-6
Today is the 27th day of the month of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together as we navigate and continue to move forward in the Scriptures. We are navigating the book of second Chronicles in the Old Testament and the letter to the Romans in the New. And that's what we will obviously continue to do until we finish one of them and then we’ll move forward. But for now, this is kind of where we’re camped out. So, let's take that next step forward. We’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Second Chronicles chapters 19 and 20.
Okay. So, in the book of second Chronicles we have an interesting story about King Jehoshaphat. And certainly, Jehoshaphat is chronicled in the books of Kings. And, so, we've heard of him before, and even some of the stories like this one with the prophet Micaiah and all of the other prophets prophesying that King Ahab will be successful. And Micaiah has the bad news that he’s gonna die in battle. So, we have crossed that territory before but we have this other story with Jehoshaphat today that doesn't show up in the book of Kings, and it's an interesting one, because three nations, the Moabites, the Ammonites and Meunites from on the other side of the Jordan River, so the east side of the Jordan River. They have gathered together at the lowest point on the earth which is the Dead Sea and they've crossed over, and they’re at En-Gedi, which is a place and I've been there many times. There’s just a beautiful little tiny waterfall there but it's such a barren desert we really are like so close to the lowest point on earth that the Dead Sea, it’s very very barren there. So, freshwater coming down from the hills from Jerusalem is not only beautiful, but certainly life-sustaining and lifesaving, especially at the time that we’re talking about before, you know, water could be pumped anywhere or anything like that. So, they’re gathering where they can have access to fresh water with the intentions then of following the Kedron Valley up to Jerusalem to attack. And that's when Jehoshaphat finds out about it. Like they are already in his land. They are already on their way. They are a massive army, and the Israelites and King Jehoshaphat are not prepared. And, so, in some ways it's kind of interesting to think about a figure like Israel's first king, King Saul, because we spent so much time getting to know King Saul to think about like how he would respond to this because typically any kind of crisis that came against him or anything that was going to make him look bad he hind of freaked out in all kinds of directions. We even have to think kinda like, how would we be? Hard to put ourselves in the position of royalty with three allied nations coming against us, but we can put us ourselves in a position where unexpectedly we have opposition coming against us that we didn't see coming. And, so, where does our heart turn in that moment. Like Jehoshaphat could've just tried to figure out what sort of defenses they had, tried to bring the Army is close to Jerusalem as possible so that they could at least defend the city. They could’ve sent ambassadors down to the other armies to ask, you know, what the problem is, what is going on. Or as we've seen in other stories, and in other cases, maybe they could of got all the gold that was in the Lord's temple and sent it down to the Dead Sea and said just go home. This is what you were to have fought for. Here you go. Go home. Just none of that happens and Jehoshaphat was afraid, like terrified. The Bible says Jehoshaphat was afraid. That's kind of an important point, especially as we consider our own lives because when we are in terror or we are afraid we’re not always thinking the most clear, we’re not making the wisest decisions all of the time, maybe none of the time. So, Jehoshaphat has gotten some pretty bad news that his country is being invaded. And that's kind of a life or death piece of information. He's been told the size of the forces that are coming against him, and he is afraid. Typically, a bad time to make wise decisions. And what Jehoshaphat does is not hide it from anybody, not try to spin it in some sort of way, not try to figure out how against all odds, they might be able to save themselves. He invites everybody to fast. And they fast before the Lord and then the king and the people come together at the Lord's temple and the king has humbled himself, and he prays. You, Lord, are the God our ancestors worshiped and from heaven you rule every nation in the world. You are so powerful that no one could defeat you. And he continues praying and pours out before the Lord. These armies that are coming against us are people that we've encountered before, and we were not allowed to attack. We were not allowed to fight. They were spared and now, now that we’re in the land that you promised us they're coming against us to take it away. Not only from us but to take it away from you, Lord. And he confesses that they're outnumbered and then he says we won't stand a chance when this army attacks. We don't know what to do. We’re begging you for your help. So, here's a king who has an invading army and he's not blustering, he's not posturing, he’s not spinning. He is humbling himself before God and his people confessing the truth. We don't have any hope outside of you, which is really the ultimate lesson, right? Remember when we were learning the lesson of the wilderness. We are utterly dependent upon God, ultimately. And with all of the other judges and kings that we have met this is a rare occurrence. And how this works out is that people are praying, they have fasted, they are worshiping and the Lord speaks to someone named Jahaziel who was a Levite and he speaks up the prophetic utterance that essentially says, I hear you, you don't have to be afraid, you don't need to be discouraged. I will fight for you. Here are your instructions for the battle. And they’re told to march down from Jerusalem to a town called Ziz and the enemy army will be coming up from the Dead Sea in that direction. And the Lord said he would be there for them. And, so, Jehoshaphat doesn't go like, whew…great, awesome, let's feast, let's dance, let's just party now. He stays humble. He bows down with his head to the ground and everyone worships. And the ultimate outcome of the story is that the children of Israel obey the utterance from the Lord. They go to the place that they're supposed to go. But what they find is that it's really a good place to be a spectator. And what king Jehoshaphat ultimately does is have worshipers in front of the army leading the army. And, so, they are marching into battle while worshiping the Lord. The three enemy nations become confused. The Ammonite and Moabite armies band together and completely destroy the Edomite Army. And once that's done then they turn on each other until everyone is wiped out. It's an amazing story. But as we consider our own responses to bad news and the terror that arises because of the bad news we need to remember this story, a posture of humility confessing what is a reality, no matter we’re feeling. The reality is we are utterly dependent upon God. Everything that we try to do in our own strength ultimately fails. We can fake it all we want but we eventually crash. We are utterly dependent on God, which is the way we are made, which is the most healthy and safe place to be. What king Jehoshaphat and the Israelites learned was, although they had a tremendous amount of fear and terror about what was going to happen, what they feared wasn't actually about to happen. And, so, when we find ourselves in that kind of a circumstance a lot of times we turn to anxiety. A lot of times we let our mind race. A lot of times we can't get the sleep that we need, which just compounds the problem. What we see king Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel doing is moving to worship and utter humility, humbling themselves and not only crying out to God for him to come save them but worshiping the Lord, which is truly good advice to us the next time we face the unexpected fears that come our way.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this story that we were able to read today about King Jehoshaphat and his posture. And we ask Holy Spirit that You let what we've read, and what was discussed here to become our posture. We begin to think about what directions we get pulled into when we become afraid or intimidated. And give us the insight into how that's worked out for us and help us follow this example, to humble ourselves and worship You, knowing that we are utterly dependent upon You. We pray this in the beautiful name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to whoever may encounter it wherever they may be on this planet whatever time of day or night it may be whatever season we may be going through, if that is life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. We would not be here if we were not in this together. And, so, thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That's the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family this is Rob Still worship dude and Nashville TN. I haven't called in a while but I listen every day and pray along with you guys and I'm so very very grateful for all of you intercessors who are praying for those who call in. Thank you guys for calling in it's an encouragement and to hear from you. Hey, I want to lift up the sister who called herself Broken. She's a concert organist and played piano for church worship services. I have been in that role of working with church organists. And you said you had a car accident a couple years ago and had many broken bones and problems with your wrist. And the same thing has happened to me. I’ve broken both my wrists and my arm at different times and had not such great prognosis sometimes. So, I just want to pray God healing for you and we just come against fear and the name of Jesus. And I pray for healing for the loss and the grief. And you also mentioned you have an estranged relationship with your daughter. And right now, Lord we just pray for the God of hope just to fill her and fill all who are dealing with loss of relationships, loss of health. And God you are almighty, and your essence is love. And Lord we know that you want each one of us to do well. So, we call upon the Lord and we ask for divine healing and supernatural participation in our regular everyday lives Lord. I pray that she would be blessed my brothers and sisters and especially for Broken in the name of Jesus. Be encouraged. He is the God of hope.
Hi DAB family this prayer is for Jonathan from Denver. He called in on July 23rd and there was a woman who called and just said that how important it is to listen to the prayers and that sometimes they speak directly to you. And he called in and it just spoke directly to me. So, I don't call it often, but I wanted to call in and pray for him. So, Lord I lift up Jonathan to You right now. He said he's feeling down and he's not serving You Lord and I just want…just want him to feel Your love, Your grace, Your peace, Your mercy right now God. Just lift him up, strengthen him. Strengthen him so that he could do what You called him to do. Not because he has to but because he loves You so much that he wants to and he's doing it and Your strength and not his own. And don't let him stay in that shame or condemnation. There's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. So, help him to not stay in that place Lord and just lift him out of that and give him opportunities to love others and to serve You. And also, just thank You for his faithfulness in listening to the DAB and help him just to continue to do so Lord and just soak in Your word and spend time with You and grow closer to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family it's Travis from Alberta Canada. Last summer for my internship for Bible school I was given the opportunity to pastor a church in a little town in Alberta called Nordic and it was a life changing experience. And I love that place so much and I love the church family there. And right now, they just really need your prayers. They are on a town evacuation right now because of forest fires and a lot of…a lot of…of the families that were in my church at Nordic are having to flee their homes and don't know if they're gonna come back to a home or not. And, so, just be praying. Be praying for them. Be praying for Nordic Alberta. And, yeah, thank you all so much. God bless you. Bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Hopeful from Ohio. I'm actually calling to share both a praise and a prayer request. Praise is I've just been so encouraged. I've only been listening for a few weeks after my coworker shared with me this ministry and I just feel so encouraged. It's been a part of my morning routine and I just really love the community. I love getting the word spoken over me as I get ready for the morning. So, I just want to thank you for all your faithful prayer and just wanted to let you guys know that I've been praying with you in all these things and hurting with you. And yeah…so thank you for this ministry. I also wanted to submit a prayer request both for myself and for my husband. I just felt the Lord's prompting and calling me to get uncomfortable. I'm very fearful by nature and have felt He wants me to take steps of bravery but haven't done that and I don't want to sit in fear I want to be faithful. So, I pray for that. I also pray just for my marriage. My husband has been struggling with addiction to pornography and just this past week I had to kick him out for a night and set some boundaries due to the repetitive nature of it. And I just feel very worried for my marriage. Worried for him, sad for him, sad for me. And I know there are lots of other couples probably struggling with this or even singles. And, so, I just ask that you lift him up in prayer, lift us up in prayer. We need your help. We need the Lord’s help and just a miracle to happen to help here. Thank you…
Good evening Daily Audio Bible family my name is Betty I'm calling from Hamburg NY offering a praise report I have to share. I just heard Standing on the Promises praying for my son and others. My son is Nathan and I have to share that earlier this evening I got a call from the hospital and Nathan woke up. He's been asleep for two weeks or in a state of catatonia…whatever…for two weeks and today he woke up. And isn't it just like God because I heard the prayer today for him. So, thank you Lord for answered prayers. It's a step in his journey of healing period. And, so, sometimes we forget to share the praise. So, that's what I wanted to do today. Thank you all for your prayers for my son Nathan. His journey continues. Praise the Lord.
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lunarblazes · 3 years
third life analysis post!! the morality of the red desert vs the red army, why it’s incredibly clean cut, and why the morality isn’t the main factor of appeal in third life! (please read, this took me like half an hour to type, my brainrot is chronic)
finale spoilers under the cut! read at your own risk!!!
i think the reason i absolutely adore third life is because it’s like. the main conflict, between the red desert and the red army? it is SO black and white. the desert is SO clearly wrong. the red army was born out of a need to defend themselves in a world that was actively getting more dangerous; before that, renchanting was a legitimate business with fair prices and a kind staff, like they offered bdubs free service because he had died and they didn’t want him to die again!
meanwhile, scar has stolen items from every other person on the server, claimed a monopoly he does not own, and has done this all for imaginary points. nobody got anything in return. and grian? we’ll get to him in a second.
the red army was born out of a fear of the desert, and it’s JUSTIFIED. grian had just committed a mass murder of three people (on his GREEN LIFE, mind you) and he had nearly an UNLIMITED supply of tnt with his gunpowder farm and location in the desert. the desert nearly exclusively used tnt. and ren’s people were at the top of their kill list. the desert’s raw charisma earns them a trusted ally in the man they just used to commit murder, jimmy, and of course the army is scared! that’s terrifying! and even AFTER that killing, martyn was so willing to give grian a chance out of his green life, he was so sure that once grian had the chance, he’d defect over to the red army.
now, we have a side that originated as a legitimate business, a fair trading service that people used frequently, up against a side that has literally been scamming and killing people left and right since the beginning of the series. also one of those people is the server organizer/admin. who made the rules. so.
and of course, the red army did not stay squeaky clean! they threatened many people, including the valley hobbits and joel, in order to keep them in line, partially leading to scott, jimmy, and joel’s villainization of the army. but it’s important to remember they only did this to protect themselves from the desert, who are absolutely ruthless and powerful, and that it is insane how much power the desert held for being a two person faction surrounded by enemies in the rest of the server.
“but luna!” you may be saying right now, “aren’t you a huge desert alliance fan? isn’t that like your whole deal? what gives? all you’ve done in this post is criticize them and their admittedly very immoral and careless actions, why do you like them?”
and to that i say: that is the beauty of the third life smp. the red desert murdered a combined total of thirteen people, i think, four of which were final deaths (ren, martyn, bdubs, and big b, not including their own), and almost every piece of good gear they owned was stolen. they never had a good alliance with anyone— except. they did. it is absolutely insane that this completely unplanned minecraft server with SMALL amounts of rp has me rooting for the villains SO MUCH. the thing that saves the desert, for me, is that grian and scar are so incredibly charismatic and loyal.
“loyal?” you scoff, “luna, you just spent like ten minutes typing this out telling us why the desert is cutthroat and dishonest, what do you mean they’re loyal?”
grian named his sword the avenger after scott died in the desert. grian couldn’t kill scar in the pond. scar stuck with jimmy in the bunker as they fought. scar was ready to let grian win, not even wanting to take his share of the glory. scar nearly died killing the red king and his hand, and grian, who had sworn that he would run as soon as his debt was full, who had left every other “ally” he had to die, came running in immediately to save scar’s life as soon as he realized he was close to death.
it is so interesting to me that the desert’s actions in this series are so morally wrong, straight up, but moments like grian and scar and scott listening to music up in the sky to the sound of death, like grian swearing his allegiance to scar was final, the axe naming, the betrayals just so they’d get to stand on top of monopoly mountain and shake hands and say that they’ve won together... their loyalty rivals that of the red army, and in the end, they died a loyal death, didn’t they?
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