#they were really married......
eyestrain-addict · 15 days
IWTV s2 ep2 spoilers
Lestat left his will to Louis just in case Louis became his widower in all but name....
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bowenoke · 10 months
big problem with the perimeter covering videos is that they restart my "dig a big hole" disease. like i had plans. i have builds i wanna make. i also should be asleep. instead im selecting the perfect chunks to build a hole straight to bedrock. in my hardcore world. i am sure this will have 0 consequences.
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d4ydream-girl · 2 months
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comments from smosh cast + crew on shourtney's wedding post!!
ft. mythical, thomas sanders, and www.chess.com?? lol
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mildarka · 3 months
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Headcanon that these two are incredibly divorced but will immediately team up to start roasting everyone else in the vicinity the second they see each other
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morganbritton132 · 10 months
Eddie using the TikTok sound “girl dinner” but instead of showing actual food, it’s Steve.
It’s a compilation of videos of Eddie zooming in and out on Steve while he’s unknowingly being stupid hot spliced in with the occasional video of him being an absolute dork.
Girl Dinner: Steve lifting weights during his workout. His hair is a little messy and he’s a little sweaty, but he’s got a determined look on his face and his biceps are bulging as he curls the weight in. He looks almost directly at the camera when he realizes Eddie is watching him and winks.
Girl Dinner: Steve effortlessly and efficiently replacing the tire on Diane’s daughter’s car after she popped hers hitting the curb a little too hard.
Girl Dinner: Steve – hairy chest out, old scars on display, damp – walking into the bedroom after taking a shower in nothing but the towel around his waist. The actual video is muted so you can’t hear what Steve is saying but you can see him shoot Eddie fingerguns.
Girl Dinner: Steve taking a hit off Eddie’s vape and making a smoke circle when he exhales. He looks so proud of it after.
Girl Dinner: Steve carrying Ozzy across the parking lot at the pharmacy because it’s one hundred degrees and the asphalt is hot.
Girl Dinner: Steve running down the sidewalk on his way back home after his nightly run. It’s slowed down so you can see the exact moment Steve sees Eddie at the end of the driveway because his eyes light up and he smiles. You can also see the exactly moment that his foot goes out from under him right before he crashes into Eddie and the Tiktok loops back to the start of the video.
Later, Eddie posts a TikTok where he was clearly in the middle of explain what his last video meant because Steve has a perplexed look on his face when he says, “You’re not a girl though so how am I considered a  ‘girl dinner?’”
“Because you fill me.”
Steve’s face twists up, “Eddie, that’s disgusting.”
“Fill my heart!” Eddie replies. “With love and happiness when I see you, you pervert.”
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dazzelmethat · 5 months
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Here are three Inuyashas that I drew mainly for lineart and posing practice. I colored them in the early manga's pink pallet. I think a pink Inu makes him look somewhat ghostly.
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
Ngl I'm a big fan of those episodes where Rose, Nine, and Jack were in a low-key poly relationship
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Vox is the homophobic despite being bi gamer bf to Velvette's trans goth furry gf
Val is the domestic abuser car salesman husband to Vox's 1950s housewife who's on so much fucking cocaine while trying to keep this household together
and Alastor and Vox is just is Fleetwood Mac
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redrobin-detective · 9 months
Something I wonder about Simon and Betty's relationship is how long they were together before the whole crown ordeal. But they were engaged, you say. My aunt (in)famously met my uncle and had a ring on her finger in 8 weeks. We've seen that both Betty and Simon were both weird outcasts, crazy determined and a pinch insane. I would not be surprised if they decided they'd met their one true love and got engaged super quick.
My point being, Betty's shifting to revolve around Simon and Simon's rose colored glasses of their relationship feels very much like New Love. They're people who love each other and love being a couple but still haven't quite figured out how to coexist together, as two people in a partnership. I feel like if they'd known each other longer, lived together longer, some of the issues we're seeing would have probably self resolved.
I don't think their relationship is toxic nor is it totally perfect. It's two lonely, most likely neurodivergent people in a relatively early relationship still figuring out how it works. Everything that happened afterwards: the crown, the seperation, the time travel, the magic/madness/sadness just exemplified issues they had both as individuals and as a couple.
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Favorite Buddie Moments Per Episode: 3x1 Kids Today
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tariah23 · 2 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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what do you mean princezam asked what polyamorous is, bacon relied saying "you know, like eclipse federation", and zam said "thats a polygamy. [...] are they the same thing?" this explained things to him??? he didnt know what polyamory was and bacon comparing it to eclipse federation explained to him?? also. "thats a polygamy" implying eclipse federation was married??????? because thats How that works. polyamory is about approach to relationships and polygamy is Marriage Specifically. they were definitely divorced, but divorce is a state of mind and does not necessitate marriage. they were married?? wow awesome. thanks for the info princezam !
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little-pondhead · 4 months
While learning to control his powers under the guidance of Clockwork, Danny accidentally curses his own bloodline with the Curse of Sentient Food several centuries in the past. Originally, a witch was supposed to curse his family. Oops. Well, the Fentons were always adapting, and technically, either way, he'd end up battling dino nuggets at three am in his underwear, no matter who the curse came from. So he shrugged and continued on.
Unfortunately, this also means that out of nowhere, the timeline shifted, and some of his very distant relatives are now battling their food into submission at every meal because Danny is ultimately way more powerful than some mortal witch from the 1600s. His version of the curse reached literally everyone he could ever be related to for the last few centuries. Even if they were adopted into the family!
So, returning to the present time after training, Danny is a little startled to see some news clips of people's dinners coming to life and beginning revolutions. Wow, John Fentonightingale really got around, didn't he? He felt a little uncomfortable that now all these random people had to deal with their share of Fenton luck, but from some of the interviews, everyone seemed to be handling it pretty well!
Especially his so-distant-they're-on-another-tree cousins, the Kents, who contacted his family directly, asking how best to prepare a zombie turkey. Their son was coming for Thanksgiving with his new wife and some coworkers, and they just refused to make the guests fight for their lives on a holiday!
They invited the Fentons to join them, of course.
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linya333 · 4 months
Thinking something on the importance of overcoming self hate in svsss and how hating yourself hurts the people around you.
Sqq hated himself so much for pushing Binghe into the abyss he couldn't even bring himself to apologize. Because if he can't forgive himself? Why would Binghe ever believe a genuine apology?
And Binghe hates himself for being a demon and assumes that sqq must also hate that part of him.
So here they both are hating themselves and assuming others hate them too.
And I think this is the core misunderstanding of their relationship and the book.
Because sqq was sure that if he just died everything would be better. Because he hated himself so much he wanted to be someone else. But dying didn't change who he was. He still wanted to help others and protect his sect and cared about Luo Binghe and wanted the best for them all.
All sqq dying accomplished was hurting a lot of people in a lot of ways. Because all the people who cared about him hated to see that. And so many people care.
And Luo Binghe hating himself didn't help at all because he was just making himself more unstable and therefore violent. Pinning all his hopes and dreams on one man.
So both of these men needed to learn to let the other person love them. And I think that is something that probably took a long time to do *well*.
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alumirp · 4 months
Luffy and Law live togheter.
They started living together after Luffy's older brother, Ace, decided to go on a trip around the world with his friends. Luffy was left alone and besides being terrible at taking care of himself, he hates loneliness.but none of his friends had space for him, already having their own roommates or living with their parents. So, Law proposes that they live together, he lives in a huge house and has a huge crush on Luffy, it doesn't hurt to help the guy he likes, even if it can cause a lot of headaches. and hes right, in less than a week everything is already a mess, Luffy's friends come to visit, everything is noisy and so chaotic in the house that used to always be quiet and peaceful.
Still, he persists, determined not to go back on his decision and simply kick Luffy out of the house. That's when everything gets confusing; Luffy was always clingy and honest with how he felt, but since he moved in with Law, this has become more frequent and more intense.He hugs Law in the morning when he wakes up, kisses him on the forehead to thank him for the food, he carries Law when he decides that Law has to sleep no matter what, he sits on Law's lap when they are watching TV, he goes to the hospital to remember Law of eating and worst of all: he often, all the time, at any time, in any place, on any occasion, tells Law that he loves him. And it just drives Law crazy. He knows it's not a lie, Luffy doesn't lie. Luffy loves him, it's just not the love Law wants it to be
All of their domesticity, all of their intimacy, all of it drives Law crazy. He wants all of it, but he also wants more. He is in love with Luffy and has no idea what to do, after all he doesn't want to just ruin their friendship and lose it all because of his greed. So, after months of freaking out about all this, he decides that what's best for everyone is if he puts some boundaries between them, draws a firm line between them, friendship, something less intimate and less...suggestive. something that allows him to sleep properly at night.
Meanwhile, Luffy is confused, Torao has been acting strangely, moving away from him, not letting him touch him or kiss him, almost like in the beginning, when he moved in and Law was still shy. Could this be what people call problems in paradise? WILL TORAO FILE FOR DIVORCE? And suddenly Law has Luffy's friends calling desperately wanting to know what happened? Why are they getting divorced so soon? Why is Luffy depressed about the end of their marriage? Why is the marriage ending in the first place???
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findafight · 2 years
QPR stobin in their forties, married since, like, '87, finding out about qpr language. They see someone mention it or just stuble upon it on the internet and go oh!! That's us! That's what we have! :) Because they're still involved with lgbtq activism, and are like oh!! These young people have words for what we are isn't that amazing!
I think Robin would find out that sometimes people call their queerplatonic partner "zucchinis" absolutely hilarious and never refer to Steve as anything else. He's her zucchini. Her sweet yam. Her pumpkin pie. Steve giggles at it and says "because we're fruity!"
They don't get divorced to get married to their romantic partners because that's a hassle and also they don't want to. What would happen to the children. To the cats. To the fish the cats long to eat that they are expressly forbidden from eating because their mother and father are cruel and deserve jail for a thousand years. They are each other's PERSON, no romantic relationship will change that. This causes some stir when it's revealed Steve is Eddie's partner and also Steve has a wife. Eddie Munson, beloved queer metalhead/rocker is a homewrecker?? They try to explain! They do!
Steve is like 'okay well we were best friends and soulmates and very queer in the 80's it was just easier to get married especially seeing as I wanted my parents to have nothing to do with anything incase I died, so no brainer. We already lived together, it didn't really change anything except we were able to adopt!" "But don't you want to marry someone you actually love?" "I love Robin more than anything else besides our children??" "Not...what about Eddie?" "Yeah I love him he's my partner. But I don't want to marry him I'm already married to Robin." "But you aren't in love with her" "not romantically no. We're what the kids call 'zucchinis'" "I'm sorry what" "zucchinis! It's what some people call a queerplatonic partner! Like, a life partner that isn't romantic but is still the most important person! Rob thinks it's a very funny name and I gotta say, with the unconventional nature of this type of relationship I agree it fits."
Steve gets on twitter and is like "sorry to everyone who doesn't understand platonically spending your whole life with someone but I'm different" and then logs tf off and lets people freak the hell out in the replies.
And Eddie is like yes my partner is married. No he's not cheating. Yes we were together when he got married. No I'm not jealous. Yes I knew he was getting married I know you know this I was the best man. No he's not getting a divorce to marry me now same sex marriage is legal. Yes I'm fine with it. No it's not a problem. Yes I understand ya'll don't get it. No I don't actually care you don't get it. Yes Robin and Steve are the most important person in each other's lives. No I'm not hurt by that they were like that when I met them. Yes I love him. No I'm not worried they're actually in a secret heterosexual relationship that's ridiculous and stupid this interview is over.
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