#they were the picture of the day on halloween and I'm just a little obsessed
talimarzzzz · 1 year
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I just... I just love them so much
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farfromstrange · 7 months
Lizzi's Kinktober 2023
Day 16: Blood play
October 31st, 2023
Main Masterlist | Kinktober Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x afab!Reader
Summary: You and Matt are not friends, you simply fuck to get it out of your systems. When you get hurt after getting yourself in trouble, one thing leads to another, and you both realize that blood isn't always a bad thing.
Warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT (18+ MINORS DNI), blood play, graphic description of blood, enemies that are lovers, hate fuck, unprotected p in v, rough sex, hair pulling, choking, dirty talk, Dom!Matt, brat!Reader, cum play, this is nasty as fuck (read at your own risk), not proof read
Word Count: ~1.9k
A/n: And with this, Kinktober has officially come to a close. Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoyed these past two weeks. I'm so happy I got it done, even with some delays. Thank you all for your support! I love you guys. Good night!
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The crimson trail down your arm has a copper tang to it. It paints a distinctive red picture, a piece of art that you will never find in a gallery. 
His tongue darts through the thick line of blood. The area where the blade nicked you is red, maybe a little swollen, but it surely was a clean cut. Why he is so obsessed with the essence that keeps you alive, you’re not sure.
Maybe it’s because your heart is the very thing responsible for the red elixir running through your veins, and he can hear every beat it makes. He has memorized the rhythm. He could pick your heartbeat out of a million other people. That’s why running is futile.
He knows you better than you know yourself. And no matter where you go, you are sure he will follow. He would follow you to the end of the earth and beyond. That is how obsessed he is. 
You can’t deny it gives you a thrill that he needs you so badly, he would do anything to keep you by his side. To make sure you are his. He would go to extraordinary lengths to say, “You are mine!” And to have you believe it, too. 
You’re supposed to hate him, despise him, curse him to hell, but all you feel when you look at his face is a desperate need to be near him. He hasn’t manipulated into feeling like this, not at all. If anything, you forced yourself into his life because you couldn’t stay away anymore. You saw him, and that was when you knew you had to have him. 
He didn’t cut you. Matt would never. The devil, maybe, but not your Matthew. Even though you went head-to-head many times, he would never physically harm you.
No, the cut on your arm that matches the one on your abdomen happened because you were foolish enough to think you didn’t need his help when you went out tonight. It was Daredevil who saved your ass, and it was he who berated you for being so stupid. You argued, but in the end, you were stupid tonight. You got yourself hurt. 
It is a mystery to you how you went from there to here, to him licking the blood off your salty skin. The motion alone is sensual enough to make your desperate thighs lock around his hips. You invite him in. You always have. 
His tongue travels the distance from your bicep to your collarbone, leaving a red trail in its wake. His unfocused eyes come to level with yours. You stare into those hazel orbs that display the softest speckles of green. His pupils are dilated. You can see yourself reflected in the windows to his soul, and it makes you swallow. 
The wetness that has gathered between the folds of your core starts trickling down your thigh. Before you met him, you thought it was just something some authors used to exaggerate the state of arousal, but now you know that it is possible. He gets you riled up like no other man has before because he knows your body in a way no man has ever cared to try, and that binds you to him. To him, his fingers, his sinfully skilled mouth, and most importantly, his cock. 
You have always been selfish. You have always wanted everything all the damn time. Now that you’ve got what you wanted, letting him go is off the table, even when you hate each other most of the time. When you’re together like this though, you can pretend that life isn’t the shit show that it is and that you actually work. That you deserve each other. That there isn’t some mythical force forcing you apart at any given moment—it always brings you back together in the end, so how wrong can it be? 
Loving the enemy has never seemed more lucrative than it does in the worst of moments. When you’re bleeding and naked underneath him in bed, his cock poking at your needy entrance; it is the wrong moment, and it still is so right. 
His lips meet yours in a bruising kiss. You kiss him back, a soft moan slipping from your lips to his, and he swallows it like it’s water. 
“You were so stupid,” he tells you again. 
You should be offended, but you can’t be. Not when he is this close to you, his scent and the taste of his lips consuming you whole like a toxic wave of smoke. It engulfs you, keeping you locked in an airtight room where all you can feel is him, and only him. 
He is the man of your dreams. A man you can’t have. 
Right now though, you have him. Right now, you can have him.
You suck his bottom lip into your mouth. He tastes like bittersweet heaven. 
“Not my fault you’re slower than me,” you retort, but your voice is breathy. 
He huffs. “Shut up.”
“Make me.”
You push him a little too far. 
Matt grabs your sides, dragging his fingers through the cut on your stomach. You hiss. The pain turns into a cloud of pleasure instead, nestling right above your cunt. A monster waiting to be unleashed. An animal waiting to have its hunger satisfied. 
He drags his scarlet-stained fingers up your stomach, creating even more art to be marveled at. You are the masterpiece, and he is putting the finishing touches where they need to be. He stops right above your heart, only for a second though, then moves on to your neck. You want him to wrap his fingers around it, to give you stability, to give you security, but he doesn’t. Instead, his bloodstained fingers move to your jaw, force it down, and he buries them down your throat. 
You have blood in and around your mouth. Your blood. It tastes like dirt and copper. It shouldn’t turn you on this much. The red gives a stark contrast to your skin, yet blends perfectly. 
You choke on his fingers. They are so thick, you can only imagine what his cock would feel like right now, resting heavily on your tongue. Your lips close, and you suck his digits further into your mouth. You taste your blood, your sweat, and the dirt on his fingers. It’s disgusting, but it’s not. You moan. You can’t help it. Your walls clench around thin air. 
Blood. Blood isn’t supposed to be arousing. It’s blood. 
But God, you are sick. You don’t want to be healed because you and Matt… you can be sick together. Right now, nothing else matters. There are no limits other than the hard ones you’ve set, and he takes his job very seriously. 
“I would fuck your throat until all you can taste is your blood and my cum,” he purrs, “but I am way too impatient.”
Fortunately, so are you. 
“Turn around. On all fours.”
You do as you’re told. You push your ass back into him, and he growls. 
“Behave,” he says. He stills your hips by grabbing your cheeks, squeezing them roughly. 
You moan just a little bit more than necessary. “Please,” you beg.
Your back arches when he pulls you back by the hair, and he buries his cock deep inside you. Without warning, without foreplay. But you’re so wet, it doesn’t matter. 
Matt doesn’t waste time. He doesn’t allow you time to adjust to his size and girth. He rams into you, filling you to the brim. He pulls out and thrusts back into you, and he does so hard. 
You cry out. You’re so tight around him, your walls screaming at the intrusion, but you can’t fight him. Not when he’s got his arms around you, one around your shoulders, the other around your torso. He keeps you trapped against him as he thrusts so deep, you can feel him in your stomach. 
When Matt fucks you, he fucks you hard, but he never fails to please you. That is one thing that is always consistent. He reaches the sweetest spots, making your eyes roll back and toes curl, and he makes you come every time. Your pleasure is his ultimate goal. 
Your blood paints your stomach red. He’s obsessed with dragging his hand through it, you notice. Even cross-eyed and moaning, you notice. 
“God, you’re going to be the death of me,” he grunts into your ear. 
In a moment of confidence, you grab his hand and force it around your throat, leaving a crimson imprint. “Fuck me like you mean it,” you say. 
He chuckles. “Fucking greedy.”
Within seconds, your face meets the mattress again. He forces you down while he pounds into you even harder than before, and your scream tells him that this is exactly what you asked for. 
The pain of your cuts mixed with whatever magic he’s using to drill his cock so deeply drives you to the precipice within seconds. Matt reaches around you to touch your clit. He only has to rub the abused bundle of nerves two more times before you cry his name into the pillow, bite down on the silk sheets, and come hard. Harder than ever before. 
Your cunt spasms around him, clenching so hard, he can barely move, and the sound of his full name on your lips in such sinful ecstasy cause his balls to tighten with his own impending orgasm. 
But he doesn’t give you the pleasure of coming inside of you this time. The one thing you love most, the feeling of his cum buried deep inside of you as you make your way home from his place, he doesn’t grant you. Instead, he pulls out, flips you back onto your back, and he pumps his cock with his hand a few more times before his face contorts and he releases all over your bloody stomach. 
You don’t register at first. The warmth of his cum on your wounds brings you back to reality. 
It’s so messy. When you come back to yourself, Matt is heaving above you. You look down on yourself. Your skin is covered in the white of his cum and the red of your blood. It is the lewdest painting you have ever seen, but it is still a masterpiece in itself. 
Your intrusive thoughts win. You drag your finger through the sinful cocktail. It’s sticky. You feel it for a moment before bringing it to your lips. 
The taste is foreign. Copper, a bit salty, maybe a bit sour, but it is you and him and you are so happy to be tasting it, you let out another lustful moan. 
This is perfection. Perverted, disgusting perfection, but perfection nonetheless. 
Matt bites his lip. “You’re naughty,” he says. 
“And you made me bleed worse than before,” you reply. 
He chuckles. “Touché.”
He plops down next to you, but you know it won’t last long. Even when he pulls you into his arms, you know it won’t last. You have to leave soon. 
Soon, he is going to ask you to leave and to never speak of this to anyone, and you will do as you’re told all over again because you’re not a couple. You’re not friends. You’re never going to be. 
You’re enemies, and no sex in the world is going to change that. 
Well, it was fun while it lasted. For just five more minutes, you can pretend that your relationship isn’t as complicated. Even though you can’t.
And you never will. 
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Matt Murdock Smut Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @mcugeekposts @itwasthereaminuteago @ravenclaw617 @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @etanordoesbullsh1t @thychuvaluswife @harleycao @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch
Also tagging: @blackshadowswriter @1988-fiend & @sunaspotato (please don't be weirded out by me)
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dallonwrites · 4 months
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lover boy - wip (re)intro
How do you navigate love after losing the person you loved the most?
I realised I don't like writing WIP intros where I just list everything super neatly + have a nice official summary so I am just going to infodump!! Lover Boy is an Adult Literary/Historical novel set in the late 1980s that follows a gay man's navigation of love, sexuality, community and grief after losing his best friend to AIDS. It's inspired by my own experiences of grief + caretaking and the dissertation I did on grief in queer AIDS narratives. It follows Beau, my beautiful special boy, and is like patchwork quilt of all of his avenues of love -- romantic, sexual, platonic, familial, communal, self -- that is stitched together with the grief from this one major loss. This is paralleled with chronological flashbacks telling the story of Bobby's illness, and how Beau took care of him.
Beau and Bobby are best friends who were platonically in love with each other, who had to adapt their relationship as Bobby got sicker and Beau became his caretaker, and in the midst of this adversity became closer than ever. Beau is a lover of love in all ways, who thinks the best holidays Halloween and Valentines Day, who loves sex but is bad at not falling in love afterwards, who has a soft heart, who also has a massive crush on George Michael. Bobby loved his life, his friends and going to the club with them, scenic hikes and swimming, his pet snake named Judas, leather and heavy metal and activism and also the Muppets (his fave was Gonzo btw). He was obsessed with volcanoes and wanted to be a volcanologist. And Beau misses him so much!!! He is trying to understand what his life is now after losing such a big part of it. He is trying to understand what kind of love he wants. He also is trying really hard not to fall back in love with his ex boyfriend who is back in the picture. And he is not really doing any of this well!!
Other features of this novel:
Gay + Autistic protagonist who doesn't know he is autistic but his special interest is horror movies and it shows (favourites are anything monstrous + full of bloodsoaked practical effects. Favourite of all time is The Lost Boys). Beau literally looks towards horror movies to try and understand grief and loss
Protagonist is a guy who actively wants to be haunted and is looking for any signs of ghosts
Lesbian + Gay + Bi + Trans + everything solidarity. An honouring of that history. Exploration on how the AIDS crisis shaped and reshaped community and identity because well, I did an entire dissertation on it and I am not putting that to waste!!! It is interesting and important!!
A narrative that is brutally honest about grief and death, and all the ways it is messy and complicated. A narrative that also doesn't always take itself seriously because sadness and joy are always holding hands
Narrative that plays around with form (video transcripts, letters, journal entries, descriptions of art) and POV (past + present tense blended together, third person present that often dips into second)
Exploration of caretaking on a community level and an intimate, one to one level. Look into how love is often all the little ways we help each other hold on.
Exploration of disability and sickness and how it shapes your identity, your relationship with yourself and others, especially when you're young (I also have a novella planned actually exploring this from Bobby's POV, but you didn't hear that from me!!!!)
The idea that grief never gets smaller, just your life grows around it
The idea that you can love your friends!!! You can be in love with them!! And that love is no "lesser" than romantic love, and it is just as beautiful and big and bright. Even when Beau navigates romantic relationships, these aren't put on a pedestal above any other type of love
A golden retriever named Atlas (Beau's own beautiful, special boy)
This is a personal project that I'm not publishing, but it means a lot to me so I will talk about it a lot!!! I've been playing around with it in its current form for about a year now and am finally making a dent in an actual first draft. My want is to share long, in depth pieces about how I navigate writing a story like this somewhere like Substack, and also all the fun of drafting it along the way. Expect infodumps and excerpts!!!
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iamthecomet · 2 months
@purlty23 tagged me in This game and I'm super excited about it! (I tried to reblog the original post and just tack on but tumblr hates me)
Thanks Blue, this was so fun!
I'm tagging: @amara-among-the-stars, @mac-and-thefox, @littlemoon-beam, @divine-misfortune and whoever else also wants to expose their sins to the internet. Under the cut, because LONG.
Xena Warrior Princess - Passive Enjoyer Only passive because I was too young to be anything else. Barely counts, except that this show was my first real obsession so I have to include it. I dressed up as Xena for halloween when I was like…5. The pictures are incredible.
Good Charlotte - Mostly passive As is a trend with a lot of these, I wrote a little fan fic, and daydreamed a thousand scenarios, but never shared any of it. I was mildy obsessed with Benji Martin, but I didn't really get involved beyond that.
LOTR - Creative Enjoyer The first fan-fic I ever posted on the internet (I was twelve, people were mean). I didn't make any friends within the fandom. But I was so determined to write for it that I had an entire novel planned out--that eventually became an original book idea instead.
Harry Potter- Mostly Passive I read a lot of HP fanfic, but not as much as others. I didn't get involved in online conversations. I did dabble in writing some fics that I hid from the world and never finished.
The Boston Red Sox - Creative Enjoyer Ok. Now you know why I said I was exposing myself. Look I was like 12-14. My best friend and I filled entire notebooks with our MANY chaptered fic that spanned the entire 2004 Red Sox Season, that we started the day they won the world series that year. We hand wrote it all, I transcribed it into my computer where it still exists somewhere. It was our EVERYTHING. And it has never (and will never) see the light of day. I may have posted some Red Sox fic on the internet in my Live Journal days, and I made a bunch of online friends within that community, but they never saw THE fic.
Rammstein - Creative Enjoyer Again, my best friend and I had a notebook with a long form rammstein fic in. We didn't go as far with this one. And I didn't get involved in any online communities. Though, our love for Rammstein lived a lot longer than our fic writing did.
Twilight - Creative Enjoyer In that I wrote and posted a single fic about Alice.
Lost - Passive Enjoyer. I read a billion Skate fics. Probably thought about writing my own, but I don't think I ever actually did. Was obsessed with this show until the last season. I still have never seen the last episode.
Vampire Academy (THE BOOKS) - Passive Enjoyer. Not a lot online. Read some fic. Was so obsessed with this book that I started to write a fanfic where we got to see some of the story from Dimitri's persepective and accidentally created and entire new plot and new characters and accidentally created my own CHILD of an original novel because of it.
Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows/Rule of Wolves) - Passive Enjoyer Loved these books. Loved every single character. Read as much fanfic as I could find. Accidentally spoiled a death in one of the books with fanfiction.
Avenged Sevenfold - Creative Enjoyer Short lived. Read some INCREDIBLE fics on the basically defunct site Mibba and thought "I can do that" and was fighting for my life in college. Wrote a few chapters of a fic. Got decent feedback. Got bored immediately.
Supernatural - passive enjoyer Read some fic. Took me like 15 tries to actually get through the whole show. Adored it, never went very far with it.
Marvel (Specifically The Winter Soldier) - Passive Enjoyer. I should have been a creative enjoyer, but was too afraid to write anything or put myself out there. (I spent all of my time after high school/college thinking that fanfic was a waste of time and I should never write it because I needed to be serious. What a waste). Still mildly obsessed with BuckyNat. I adore Bucky and Black Widow. If they put out another good movie I could see myself falling down that rabbit hole and actually letting myself land. The trailer for The Winter Soldier changed my brain chemistry (nevermind the whole move).
Fallout 4 - Passive Enjoyer I could read Sole Survivor/Paladin Danse fics every day forever. I know that's insane. Stop looking at me like that.
Ghost - Creative Enjoyer. Finally allowed myself to write whatever the fuck I want and have fun with it and it has changed my entire fucking life. Wish I'd done it sooner. So glad I got to do it now and with all of you. ♥
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poppedrocksoda · 8 months
Color Theory
Chapter One- Mild Headache
Summary: Three children hang out together in the early hours of the morning. y/n and Jerome planned on destroying the jack-o'-lanterns as it was tradition for them to do so after Halloween.
Halloween was Jerome's favorite holiday. It was the time for horrors that hid in the dark to be looked in the eye. The costumes were always fun. They weren't like the circus costumes that he'd always see. The familiarity of the circus uniforms made them boring.
Though he was always sad when the night would come to an end, the next day he would take all the jack-o'-lanterns that were sitting around the circus. They were all starting to rot away with mold being more visible on the inside. He's never asked, but no one ever complained about the pumpkins that go missing. He might be doing them a favor by getting rid of them himself.
It had become somewhat of a tradition for Jerome and y/n. Try to wake up early to start throwing or smashing the carved pumpkins with objects nearby. Jerome always beat y/n in terms of waking up early because he never went to sleep. The only reason why he was able to pull an all-nighter was because of the sugar rush he'd get from binging almost all of his candy. He'd also steal from his twin's stash, but will vehemently deny the accusation.
Speaking of his twin, he never understood why Jeremiah tagged along. It's not like he threw or stomped out any of the pumpkins. He always stood back while he buried his nose into a book. Maybe he bothered being there in the first place because he knew that y/n was going to be there. Once all the pumpkins were no more, he'd shove a book into her hands and get her invested in it.
Books. Jerome never understood why his twin was so invested in them. The fact that y/n was slightly interested in them too only made it worse. Thankfully she wasn't obsessed with them to the point where she always carried a book around. Still, he always felt a pit in his stomach when Jeremiah and y/n sat close to read together.
It just wasn't something he could get invested in. Fiction or not, didn't mean a thing to him. Frankly, the only books that he has read were picture books. Which made their bond over dumb pages that much more—
y/n walked in between the trailers to where Jerome said he was going to smash the pumpkins. She didn't think he'd start early, but that might be expected since he wasn't patient. What wasn't expected was a spongy yet firm pumpkin to hit the side of her head.
Her glasses flew off her face and pumpkin guts got all over her. Jerome could see tears build up as she put a hand on where she was hit. He almost wanted to roll his eyes and tell her that it probably didn't hurt that bad. His mom's hand probably hurt away more than some pumpkin.
And he probably would have said that if Jeremiah hadn't jumped onto his feet and skedaddled over to her. Comforting her while shooting a stern look at Jerome's way. Almost like he was telling him to apologize which made Jerome huff. It's not like he wasn't going to apologize, but the fact that Jeremiah felt the need to guide him was slightly irritating.
"I'm sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to hit you or anything." The little girl moved her face away from Jeremiah's hand that was wiping off the pumpkin mush. She claimed that she was alright and it didn't hurt too much with a small forced smile. Her reaction slightly eased Jerome to an extent.
It was good to know that she was okay. At least that's what she claims. Yet the forced smile only made him feel worse. 'She said she was okay, but she said nothing about not being angry.'
Just as y/n put back her glasses on Jerome called her name. y/n and Jeremiah turned their attention back to him. He held a carved pumpkin sideways above his head. y/n looked on with curiosity while Jeremiah looked on with panic.
He tried to tell Jerome to not do it, but it was too late. Jerome pushed the soft part of the pumpkin atop his head. Chunks and juice from pumpkin fell off his shoulders as he spoke with a proud grin, "We're even now."
A giggle slipped from y/n's mouth before it quickly turned into laughter. The tears that she had tried to hold back freely slipped out. As she laughed she said, "You didn't have to do that."
He shrugged as his grin turned into a wide smile after hearing her laugh. "I know, but I feel like I was missing out on the fun," He turned his attention to Jeremiah, "Do you want to join us?" The boy quickly backed away from them. He watched his brother scope pumpkin mush off the ground before flashing an impish smile.
"No, don't you dare!"
The girl hid her amused smile behind her hand and bit down on her lip to hold back a laugh. There was always something amusing seeing Jeremiah get riled up over anything. He's reserved for his age, maybe too reserved, but she always thought it was a good trait. It was admirable because she believed she was too open. Too emotional.
Jerome didn't feel like terrorizing his brother by chasing him around. It did sound fun, but he wasn't in the mood at the moment. So he put one foot forward and the other one back before throwing the pumpkin guts. A loud 'ack' came from Jeremiah as the mush covered his face. His teeth held down his tongue, preventing him from yelling at his brother.
Hearing a giggle erupt from y/n lessened his irritation. Not by much, but he didn't feel the need to berate Jerome. y/n wasn't upset anymore so he supposed that this wasn't too bad.
"You look great, Miah," Jerome spoke as Jeremiah cleaned his glasses with the lower half of his shirt, "Did you do something with your hair? What do you think, y/n?" He rolled his eyes at Jerome's words and felt his irritation rise once more.
As soon as the irrigation started bubbling like hot water, y/n's response cooled everything down. "I think he looks great with and without it." Her bashful response made Jerome roll his eyes in annoyance that she wasn't following his skit like she normally does. Feeling his disappointment she quickly added, "But I would say the moldy pumpkin is a great wardrobe improvement."
Her hastily stabled response was too late for Jerome's liking. Leaving Jeremiah to be the only one who was remotely satisfied by the outcome.
"That was funny, but I need to clean this off and maybe get an ice pack." y/n explained as she felt the throbbing pain come back. As she began walking back to her trailer Jerome ran after her to walk beside her. Jeremiah trailed behind them. "Come on, it can't hurt that much. Laughter is the best medicine and it looked like it was helping just a minute ago."
The boy behind them furrowed his eyebrows. Not appreciating how his brother dismisses how she's feeling. There could be some serious head damage, but he held back his response and let y/n playfully brush it off.
When they entered the trailer, y/n called out for her mom to get no response. The woman did tell y/n that she was going shopping during breakfast and asked if she wanted to come along. Even though she often clung to her mom, she rejected the offer and ran out of the trailer.
Jerome sat at the small dining table, not caring if he got pumpkin anywhere. He folded his arms on the table and rested his chin on it. Waiting for y/n and Jeremiah to clean up so that they could get back to destroying pumpkins. The chair he sat in was tall enough for him to swing his legs back and forth to pass the time.
Jeremiah followed y/n to the bathroom where she handed him a towel. She turned on the sink so that they get rid of any stickiness left behind. They both took off their glasses before throwing the lukewarm water on their faces. He'd stop when he noticed y/n staring at his reflection.
"What?" He asked, feeling his face reddening at her intense stare. Within a second her blank stare was gone and replaced with its usual sparkle. She cracked a bright smile, "You look weird without your glasses." He blinked before slightly smiling. "You look weird without yours."
After that short exchange, they went back to cleaning their faces. y/n couldn't help, but realize how similar Jerome and Jeremiah looked. Of course, she knew that they were twins, she just never paid attention to it or cared. She always differentiated them by how they spoke and some minor physical features.
Jerome was always louder and typically enthusiastic. He reminded her of a rabbit jumping around in the sun without a care in the world. Carefree, yet hard to get a hold of and keep up with. Hopping from one thing to another.
Jeremiah came off as meek and never spoke up unless he wanted to. She'd always listen to what he had to say since it was no secret that he was the smart one in their little group. Yet there wasn't the same infectious excitement like with Jerome.
Their eyes reflected their personality, y/n thought. Jerome's was a warm, cozy dark hazel. While Jeremiah's deep blue eyes have a sharpness to them. The way they acted and spoke complemented each other. It made her wonder if she'd prefer one over the other.
She didn't dare dwell on that thought. How could she pick between the people that she's been with since they were in diapers? She felt ashamed for even thinking that. Even if it was a simple question of who she likes being around more, it felt wrong. She wasn't even sure what brought up that question in the first place.
y/n entered the kitchen while Jeremiah went looking for something. She wasn't sure what he was looking for, but she didn't care too much. Her trailer was a second home for them since they spent so much time there. Her mom didn't seem to mind them sleeping over just as long as they went to sleep on time.
"Aren't you going to clean up?" y/n asked, but Jerome rolled his eyes. "No, let's go back outside." Her head tilted to the side with a pleasing look. He hated it when she did that. It was like she knew that was the magical key to get him to do anything. It wasn't fair and he planned to stand his ground.
"Come on, let's go." He pouted.
"Just wipe some of it off or do you want to be Pumpkin Head for the rest of the day?" Her words only made him smile. "I like the sound of that. Pumpkin Head."
The little girl wasn't sure how to respond to that or how to convince him to clean up. Before she could think of something, Jeremiah came into the room with a flashlight. Jerome asked what y/n was thinking, "What's that's for?"
He didn't acknowledge the question and asked y/n to come over to him. She glanced at Jerome who shrugged. Once she stood in front of him, he suddenly put the flashlight in her face before turning it on. "Ah! Miah, what was that for!?" y/n cried out and protected her eyes with her hands. All while Jerome laughed at them.
Jeremiah didn't react to their response. He spoke with a matter-of-fact tone, "I'm trying to check your pupil dilation." The girl made a face before whining about giving a warning first. He seemed undeterred by her response but was insistent on checking her eyes.
"I feel fine and it's not like my skull was broken."
The boy sighed before explaining the reason behind his persistence. "Head damage is a serious thing, y/n. It can have long-term effects like memory loss, headaches, could lead to depression, and more." With his grave tone and expression, y/n started to worry. She hadn't thought of that or even knew that. Though a word popped out to her. It sounded familiar and she might have heard it before. Yet she had no clue what it was or meant.
"What's," She asked, wondering if it was better not to know, "What's depression?" Jeremiah was taken aback by the question. His heart picked up as he didn't know what it was either.
Slightly inhaling, he said, "I don't know, but it's probably nothing you want." Even if they didn't know the meaning of it, it intensified their fear.
The two played doctor and patient while Jerome passed out. Getting no sleep had caught up to him. Waiting on them was such a bore. With each second that passed, his eyes started getting heavier and their voices lulled him into a dreamless slumber. By the time the two children estimated that she was probably going to be okay, Jerome was in a deep sleep.
Nothing was going to wake him. y/n didn't admire the rare moment of calmness that came from the wild child. As she heard the pop of a marker come from behind. "What did he do this time?" She asked as Jeremiah walked past her and toward Jerome. He didn't look at her when he explained that Jerome had taken his Halloween candy. How he caught the boy with his hand in the bag and took most of the "good candy". Leaving behind candy corn, licorice, and sour candy.
Even though Jerome would eat just about any candy, even the ones that the two considered the "bad candy". He'd leave behind the candy he knew Jeremiah didn't like because he'd often hand them off to him. While Jerome would eat just about anything with sugar, sour candy wasn't his favorite. He couldn't understand how Jeremiah could eat bitter or sour candy. It wasn't the worst, but not his favorite.
"I guess that's a good enough reason." y/n said, her voice trailing off. She wasn't on board with drawing on Jerome's face but thought it would be kind of funny. "I'll share my candy with you, so don't use the permanent markers. I'll get my coloring ones." Jeremiah scoffed, "Coloring markers? He'll be able to wash it off too easily and how is that going to be good payback?"
The girl didn't know how to counter that, so she didn't. She sat back and watched him draw on the sleeping boy's face. Drawing a unibrow, round glasses, and a curled mustache that looked reminiscent of a cartoon villain. Once he was done she commented, "He's going to be angry when he wakes up."
Putting the top back on the marker he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care." A small satisfied smile graced his face. All while y/n wondered what Jerome was going to do to get back at Jeremiah. Maybe he'll hide his glasses until he says sorry or something. Either way, she was going to have front-row seats of their bickering, but that wasn't any different from how they normally are.
Even if they squabble almost every day, she wouldn't trade that for anything. She doesn't know how she'd be able to live in the circus without them.
I kind of rushed the ending, but I hope someone enjoyed it. Masterlist
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diggingupgrave · 11 months
Magnificently Cursed... the blog post ✨
My writing log says it’s been exactly a year since I started writing Magnificently Cursed, my Dark Academia Inuokko Magic School AU! I find summer to be insufferable (my apologies to the sun) so I took an escape hatch to an early fall last year and immediately fell down this massive rabbit hole. Not only did I write the whole fic and make overly-intricate graphics for each chapter… I also made a ton of other content that I simply didn’t have enough time to post! (Fall is but one season… unless you’re me, and it’s two, because fuck summer) So as a little anniversary gift to me, I’m going back through the archives and finally putting everything in one place. 
Let’s start with the character mood boards, shall we? 
Toge Inumaki: 
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I wanted Toge to have an earthy/natural, vintage-y feel, while Yuuta was all sleek and new. I’m still completely obsessed with this library-lizard aesthetic for Toge.
I low-key wound up buying a brown sweater after searching online for literal hours just like the one in the upper left so we could twin. That duffle coat still has my whole heart. Lavender mug inspired by Neara 🥺
Yuuta Okkotsu:
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The lil ghostie patch 😭 I still think Yuuta would look hot as hell in all these clothes- especially the speckle-y fisherman sweater. Coat game is strong here as well. 
... so is it obvious that I spend too much time on Canva yet? 😅
The Timeline: 
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My outline wasn’t outlining and I resorted to making an in-world calendar to make sure the dates were realistic. Each chapter is a different color, and the lines represent what days the chapters covered in-world. The corresponding stars represented each chapter’s posting dates… except the real life dates didn’t line up with the fictional dates (rude), so those thursdays were actually saturdays? I think? I'm actually not 100% sure what past me was up to here, to be totally honest 😅
(also, politely ignore that bit that says “epilogue - december” 💀i’ll get to it when i get to it. I don’t really like the idea of it being *over* so maybe i'll just gatekeep that bit forever)
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⬆️ Example of aforementioned “outlining,” which, yes, is unfortunately littered with as many potential tweets as actual organization 💀
Not pictured: the outline for the first three chapters… when i thought this fic… would only *be* three chapters. 🪦
Writing Log:
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I wrote all 92k between July 13th and September 13th (including 60k in August, nanowrimo style)!
Honestly would love to know what her regimen was because i immediately went back to being slow and undisciplined. I don’t foresee this coming august looking anything like this, lol.
Also, sidenote, hilarious that I took a break to work on it would make a whole in the middle of this? Because I literally just finished that piece this week and posted it today 😅
The Playlist:
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Spotify proving that July 13th commitment! If you start a wip without procrastinating and making a playlist for two hours first... did you really start a new wip?
The playlist was three and a half hours and i would listen to it nearly every day, sometimes multiple times in a day 💀. Listen during a rainstorm for peak vibes.
(other favs not pictured: The Butterflly Effect’s cover of “Lay All Your Love on Me,” Sabrina Carpenter’s “Decode,” Liz Longley’s “Rescue My Heart,” and "Nothing's Gonna Happen" by The Staves) 
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(fall baking... toge's fav pumpkin muffins of course)
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(my toge sweater knockoff)
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(editing buddy... clearly working very hard)
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(cider donut cider... for the ✨vibes✨)
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(obsessively drinking massive pots of harney and son’s victorian london fog tea as i tried to interpret my own bullshit)
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(me celebrating actual halloween like i didn't start in july)
.... ANYWAY (if you made it this far 😅) many thanks to anyone who read/kudos/commented/supported this fic, because (if you can't tell already) i had so much fun writing it.
Currently, working on another longfic rn that's also promising to destroy my life... but you never forget your first 😘
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broomsticks · 1 year
Some wonderful June recs:
recs under readmore for:
we're already in the aftermath by @slashmarks // 16k, T // Sirius/Remus/Lily
Like Break of Day by @cntrl15 // 3.6k, T // Bellatrix/Narcissa
Flying Lessons by @phantomato // 2k, T // Andromeda/Rolanda
The Velveteen Rabbit by @saintsenara // 3k, G // Mrs Cole, Tom Riddle
crossposted on dreamwidth! come say hi @ our little hp recs community!
we're already in the aftermath by @slashmarks // 16k, T // Sirius/Remus/Lily
Summary: Lily's plan to defeat Voldemort forever and leave her and Harry safe succeeds - and leaves her struggling with guilt over James's death even as she has no one left but James's best friends. In the meantime, the Ministry carries on as usual. The war is dead, long live the war: they're losing the peace instead. A thank you gift for a beta.
Hi it's me I am said beta. I could rec so much of slashmarks' fic, don't get me started. If it's the ship that caught your eye, please note the rating too: this is a very worldbuilding-heavy James-dies-on-Halloween-'81 AU. love a messy Lily who's not a paragon of moral purity trying to navigate the magical world—with its antiquated systems and pureblood prejudice and hardline views towards Dark magic—as a young adult, a young mother, with a life before her she hadn't imagined she would have. Sirius, Remus, and Bellatrix are superb side characters in this too; they're really used efficiently and effectively to add so much to the story.
Like Break of Day by @cntrl15 // 3.6k, T // Bellatrix/Narcissa
Summary: Obsession is a kind of romance, and there's no line at all between self-sacrifice and self-destruction.
The author did a really cool thing here with the wordcount: it's a drabble anthology series with the first day's being 100 words, the second 100 more than that, and so on, with eight consecutive @sapphicmicrofics prompts from the month of June. Given all of that, I'm even more in awe of the fact that they've managed to tell such a luscious, well-paced, smartly plotted story. It's so compelling, the descriptions so rich, ughhh the author's talent for painting a picture with their words leaves me speechless. Chapter 5, Petting Zoo, is one of my favorites (ah why yes I do like my angst).
Flying Lessons by @phantomato // 2k, T // Andromeda/Rolanda
Summary: Andromeda takes Teddy to flying lessons so Harry doesn’t get that, too.
Another fic tagged Grief/Mourning, another first person POV fic, and such a good one. Loved the themes and motifs here, how Andromeda’s relationships to her hair and her body reflect where she’s at on the topics of family and grief and love. She’s a particular favorite of mine as she’s got such an interesting story—she’s seen it all, really, from pre-Marauders gen to post-canon, love to grief, birth and death. She’s got so many sides to her, which makes her such a fascinating character through which to explore grief—and this fic has so neatly selected some of these threads to tell an incredible tale of healing and recovery. All the love for flawed people just trying to get by.
The Velveteen Rabbit by @saintsenara // 3k, G // Mrs Cole, Tom Riddle
Summary: A boy has scarlet fever and wants his mother. He gets Mrs Cole instead.
Have a canon-compliant look at Tom Riddle’s Wool’s childhood through Mrs Cole’s eyes. Feel bad for the underresourced and overstretched matron, who’s mother to none and yet has too many children to raise, feed and clothe and supervise; feel even worse for the poor child, for all he’s lacking and all he’s lost. The voice, the worldbuilding, the details of the time period were wonderful—truly such an immersive reading experience; this felt much longer than it was (or maybe it was the number of times I reread it!)—but most of all I loved the bits of Tom characterization the author’s cleverly managed to sneak in through unsuspecting Mrs Cole’s POV. Always love an unreliable narrator!
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deans-baby-momma · 1 year
Law & Love Chapter 7
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"Believe me, I would love nothing better than to make love to you and claim you but……just not tonight, okay?"
The sincerity and honesty is not only his words but his eyes and that fills me with warmth and desire. 
To say the next morning is irrefutably awkward is the understatement of the century! Not only had I had an erotic dream that caused me to moan in my sleep; but I woke up the star of said dream beside me in bed; rubbing one out. 
I am humiliated. Even after we caught one another in the throes of orgasm, Beau had turned down my seduction- actually flat out refused it.
Words are not spoken as we wake next to one another. Beau silently climbs out of bed and I watch him disappear into the bathroom. 
Am I just so hideous, the need to get away so strong that he rushed to lock himself away? Is he embarrassed that I caught him jerking off? 
Ok, on second thought, he did say he was interested but that now wasn't a good time to get physical so he is attracted to me, I'm not appalling. So was he mortified that I'd caught him pleasuring himself?
I don't have an answer for that and to be honest,  I have no idea how to even ask that so I decide to drop it. Whatever is bothering the Sheriff this morning was his to deal with.
I get out of bed and walk out of the bedroom into the kitchen/dinette/living quarters of  the camper and smile when I spot the full coffee pot on the counter. It must have been programmed to brew automatically.  Thank you God!
I savor the dark roast as I scan the interior of the home Beau has made for himself. The utilities are scarce; the stove is just a range top settled on the counter, the refrigerator is a miniature version,  and the sink has only one bowl. At least there was a drying rack to the side. 
I spot a myriad of photos pinned to the wall and step closer to examine them. Most of the pictures were of a little girl throughout different stages of life;sleeping in a crib with a cute little pink bow on her dark hair, sitting in a high chair with a birthday cake on the tray, dressed up as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, crying on Santa's lap. 
My gaze  goes back to the Halloween picture and my eyes widen. Standing beside her is the Tinman and Scarecrow but what caught my attention was Beau in the silver can costume. Is this his daughter, Emily?
Once I decide that that could be the only answer, I take notice of the scarecrow. Of course I can't make out much of her features due to the makeup on her face, but her eyes seem friendly and the smile on her face is contagious.
"That was Em's 4th Halloween," Beau says as he steps up beside me. "She was obsessed with Wizard of Oz and nothing'd do for her but to be Dorothy for Halloween. 
"She cried because we didn't have a Toto for her but Carla, her mother, soothed her and explained we couldn't just get a dog for one day."
I look up at him as he stares at the photograph in reverence. I can see in his face that he loves his daughter immensely. But what about her mother? What happened there?
I look back at the picture and study it; they seemed happy. They look like they were a loving family. So what happened?
"Where are they now?" I cautiously ask, afraid he's going to tell me a heart-wrenching story of their demise.
“Just south of here actually,” Beau says as he turns to pour his own coffee into a mug. “My ex married some rich tech-savvy guy, Avery, who owns a ranch just outside of town and moved my daughter up here so I followed-” he takes a sip of the hot brew. “-she’s my baby. I love her and couldn’t stand the thought of being miles away from her.”
The way he spoke I wasn’t sure if he was speaking of his daughter or his ex. 
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“I don’t like it,” Beau repeats as we pull up outside of the diner. “Your stalker could very well be one of the regular customers, Y/N. I can’t sit in there and watch all day. Why don’t you just let me take you back to my place and hide out there?”
I can feel the anger bubbling inside, ready to explode. “Oh so now I’m supposed to run away and hide like a weak ass bitch?”
Beau sighs, exasperated. “I didn’t mean it like that Y/N. I just….I don’t like knowing that there is someone in my town that is capable of doing this right under my nose. Hell, he broke into your car in broad daylight and left those messages for you at your home. Evidently, he has a vendetta against you and you’re just going to go on into work like it’s a normal day?”
“Beau, I refuse to be a baby. I put up with Anthony for longer than I should have. I can handle myself. I promise.”
I can see the conflict on his face as the Sheriff stares out the windshield. I know this is dangerous territory; I’ve never had a stalker before and if he can break into my car and paint messages on my door with no fear of repercussions, what else is he willing to do to get my attention? I can understand Beau’s reluctance, but I also don’t want to put my life on hold. 
“What if-” I suggest timidly but assuredly, “-I call you if anything out of the ordinary happens? If anyone is giving me a weird or strange vibe, you will be the first one I call.”
After a few minutes, Beau agrees. “Okay, but I’m walking you in. Hopefully, if he’s in there already and sees you on the arm of the Sheriff, it will deter whatever plans he might have.”
“How chivalrous.” I mock exclaim. “My knight in shining…..um well, denim.”
Beau and I both laugh as we step out of the truck and he meets me at the hood. 
“Mi’lady,” he dramatizes as he offers his arm; I take it and smile.
“Thank you, kind sir.”
All eyes are on us when we walk in; thankfully the breakfast crowd hasn’t filled up the restaurant yet.  Deb’s eyes widen but she quickly catches herself and smiles. 
“Hello Sheriff. Y/N. I didn’t know you two knew each other,” she says and I give her a look telling her I knew she was full of shit. She knew he left that note for me the other day. She also knew I thought he was the one sending me all the gifts. 
Beau leans down to whisper in my ear. “Wonder what she'd think if we told her we shared a bed last night?” I could hear the laughter in his voice but I just shook my head, a smile -and possibly a small blush- on my face. 
Now, I’m going to be thinking about what he was doing in that shared bed last night. Well, there went the prospect of me having an easy shift. Not with that memory refreshed! 
“Deb,” I say instead. “The Sheriff and I are dating; it’s a long story,  I’ll tell you during the lull between rushes. But for now, Beau must go spend a day solving crimes and I must serve food.”
I turn and kiss Beau on the mouth and join Deb behind the counter. We both watch as his bow legs take him back to his truck and out of the parking lot. 
“Girl, don’t leave a single detail out,” Deb says and I laugh as I grab the order Pops, the cook put out. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @deans-spinster-witchs-favorites @yvonneeeeeeee
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astriiformes · 1 year
Have you ever cosplayed or thought about cosplaying anything from Doctor Who? I've been thinking about a classic Cyberman costume for a hot minute now.
Oh this question amused me because I actually got my start cosplaying with Doctor Who (evidence of which can be found far, far back in the archives of my blog and in the memory of my oldest followers/mutuals)
For Halloween my junior year of high school, I dressed up as the Tenth Doctor (which was somewhat ironic, considering by the time I actually wore the costume my opinion had already begun to shift on not liking Ten all that much, but I'd started putting the costume together from thrift store finds over the summer when I had just gotten into the show and didn't realize there were other eras I liked a lot more!)
The year after that, my sisters and I all dressed up as different Doctors for Denver Comic Con, which I consider my first real "cosplay" seeing as it was the first time I wore a costume to a convention. I dressed up as Eight (who was I was a tiny bit obsessed with at the time) and I also put together my youngest sister's Fifth Doctor costume -- which was especially fun, because people were delighted to see someone her age dressed up as a Classic Doctor, and she got to show it off to Peter Davison himself who clearly thought she was adorable.
Here's some photos from deep in the Nate Archives:
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And for an extra fun set here's pictures of both my little sister and I with Sylvester McCoy at the convention:
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Not the best photo quality because these were both nabbed on my very old iPod touch, I'm pretty sure. The second one is one of my favorite pictures ever though, not just because it's cute (although it super is) but because it's why I always tell people Sylvester McCoy is an incredibly lovely human in person.
This was back in 2014, before DCC was quite as big and polished, so instead of expensive celebrity photo ops these were like $20 "selfies" the con still offered (hence being taken on my iPod). My middle sister and I both decided to go for pictures with him, but my littlest sister -- who was only 9 at the time -- had already spent the money she'd saved up for the convention getting an autograph from Peter Davison. So the two of us did our pictures, and then he took one look at her, a tiny child dressed as one of the Classic Doctors and clearly looking at him in awe from afar (Five was her favorite doctor at the time, but she also really loved Ace, so she knew Seven when she saw him!) and told her to come on over for her picture, too.
I immediately went to explain she didn't have the money for a photo and he just as immediately put a hand up, looked meaningfully at his handler, and proclaimed "No, no, I'll be taking this one with my friend."
It was thoughtful and adorable and you can bet when we got home that day my sister was gushing about it to our parents, saying "Seven says I'm his friend!" (Which again, she loved Ace, so that was high praise!). Still one of the kindest celebrity encounters I've ever had, and I have such fond memories of all those costumes as a result. I think it's really neat that one of the first cosplays I ever made ended up being a part of something so special.
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Watching you dancing in your platform shoes You look so pretty in these reds and blues Baby, please, I know we're diving deep And you can barely breathe I'm scared completely that you'll up and leave me Is it worth this feeling?
Who are we kidding? That night in Milwaukee Was already starting
Your hair in my mouth Pull me down to the couch Oh, I want you right now And everyone tells me My heart beats for nothing But something is changing
I've still got that ring that you let me wear In that haunted swimming pool, I know you felt me there You'll win this hide, don't try to change my mind I feel so sure this time
Standing in just your t-shirt I know that this will hurt If you let go of me first
Who was I kidding? That night in Milwaukee You already had me
Your hair in my mouth Pull me down to the couch Oh, I want you right now I want you right now And everyone tells me My heart beats for nothing But something is changing
Standing in just your t-shirt Something is changing If you let go of me first Something is changing
@karatecaulfield back to making the lesbians little graphics and such!!!
Actually posting it is my birthday present to myself XD I just turned 26!!! This just in: Getting old isn't actually that scary. It might be when my health starts failing and whatnot, but for now I am vibing. Might finally get a job soon, too, so I can now shitpost without worrying about money constantly!!!
Truly what has obsessing over a couple of rich lesbians done to me akanhdusygduyis Do you know how much I would've cared about finding the perfect picture of a ruby ring 3 years ago??? 0%. YasMoon has forever altered me. There's no going back to who I once was.
I still debated myself for a long-ass time because like. I was like is that TOO much red nail polish??? Should I crop it out in the middle left pic??? Is it more symbolically poetic or whatever if only YASMINE has flashy red nail polish??? Is she the only one between them who gets to act like a showy tropical bird doing a mating dance??? But then I was like nah...wearing matching nail polish is 4000% one of those coupley-things-we're-gonna-pass-off-as-best-friend-things Yasmine and Moon would definitely do. And they both look damn good in it, so. Fuck it!!! They went matchy matchy to their secret hotel date!!!
So I got kind of obsessed with the idea of a YasMoon songfic based on Wisconsin Ave by Kailee Morgue, where basically Yasmine secretly books a nice hotel room the night after her 15th birthday (so pre-show!) so she and Moon can have a night to themselves and finally be free to do whatever they want! I've mentioned it in previous posts, but I am like. VERY certain these two were messing around backstage during (and before) Season 1, and the idea is so JUICY that I sadly am coming up with plot bunnies about it faster than I can write them D:
For whatever reason, Wisconsin Ave is the one that keeps chewing on me like a brain worm, and may in fact become a full-length songfic one of these days ^^; So naturally, to tide me over until then, I sated this desire the only way I know how...
This moodboard goes with this, this, this, and this! (Might make Daze Inn its own moodboard too, if I REALLY can't Find My Chill with these things ^^;) Tangentially related, but Yasmine's blue dress at the beginning of the Halloween episode in S1 was SUCH an underrated look. Like I don't care if it was supposed to be slutty or whatever!!! It served!!! I miss her skimpy little outfits tbh, the girl can have a redemption arc without having to dress "modest" like the good girls ;_____; Let her dress like a slut!!! This is her holy divine right as a woman!!!
Also they definitely underwater kissed in that hotel pool. I know, I was there, they told me themselves--
In any case, Moon would absolutely see Yas spinning around in that dress in a pair of stylish platform heels and just be so fucking gone for her. I love imagining it as this sweet, blissful moment of butterflies in her stomach and the unique euphoria of young love...and then reality comes crashing down seconds later and Moon is like "oh, I am fucked." Because all they get is this one perfect night--one night to be themselves and love each other the way they want to and let loose and do whatever they want...and then they have to go home. They have to go back under the watchful eyes of parents and classmates and snotty neighbors and everyone else who they have to hide from.
And Moon has to wonder. What if this this little arrangement between--this affection limited only to where no one can see--gets to be too much for Yasmine? What if she starts wanting someone she can show off? Love in the open? Take home to her parents?
...a boy?
And she lives in that fear. She lives in the fear that Yasmine could snatch away everything they have on a moment's notice and leave her behind to pursue something a little less...complicated.
She feels it all night--watching Yasmine dance, kissing her on the suite couch, wearing the ring Yasmine got as a birthday gift with their feet dangling in the Universal Studios Hilton pool that some kid supposedly drowned in. Waking up in Yasmine's shirt the next morning.
Knowing that she's Yasmine's, whether she wants to be or not. Moon is in too deep to pull herself away now.
The other girls in their group sneer at her. They see how she looks at Yasmine. They know the admiration in her eyes go beyond platonic.
And they hate her, because she's the only one that Yasmine gives any of that back to. She's The Favorite. The right-hand Beta Bitch. Unquestionably second in their lunch table's pecking order. She calls the shots far more than any of the other girls are allowed.
Not that Moon feels the need to call shots. But it's still a privilege not afforded to the girls who throw snide, passive-aggressive comments her way.
It'd bother Moon more if Yasmine actually gave a shit. But their "friends" are irrelevant to the queen bee beyond how good they can make the table look to the rest of the school.
Harper Moreno confronts her one time. Corners Moon on the way to history class--a class she notably doesn't share with Yasmine.
"I know you want Yasmine." Harper doesn't mince words. "I see you over there, leering at her all lunch. You're wasting your time."
"I don't--"
"No use lying about it." Harper's eyes flash coldly. "You really think you're the only one of us who's ever wanted to fuck her? You're not special, Moon."
Moon sways on her feet, caught off-guard.
"Did you ever...?"
"Not me, no. But I know others who have."
Yasmine would tell her Harper's trying to get the better of her. Work her up until she loses her composure and gives Harper the kind of undignified reaction she wants. Something she can get Aubrey or Jenna--probably hiding somewhere in a nearby crowd--to stealthily record and put on her Instagram story.
Something to bring her down so Harper can fill the now-vacant spot of Yasmine's second-in-command.
Moon isn't going to have it.
"You don't know me," she says coldly. "You don't know her. I matter to her in a way you don't."
It's a cruel thing to say. Yasmine would approve.
So much of what Moon does hinges on that these days.
Moon doesn't like the conniving smile Harper gives her. The way the other girl steps forward, putting only a few inches between them before leaning forward and hissing in her ear.
"It's all for nothing, you know. Your little crush. Yasmine will throw you away once she's done with you, just like she does with everyone."
As Harper saunters off, she throws one last sneer over her shoulder.
"I've known her since middle school, by the way. I've learned by now you don't get attached. Maybe you should wise up, too."
Most everyone else she talked to told her something similar. Her mom warned her away even more strongly.
"I went to high school with that type of girl too, Moonchild. They'll break your heart. Plain and simple."
But on the morning after Yasmine's 15th, looking at herself in a hotel mirror clad in Yasmine's clothes...
Moon has her doubts.
After all, it's not just any girl Yasmine invites for a private getaway in a luxury room. And if the loose Paris t-shirt hanging off her, the ruby ring still on her bedside table, and the bright red nail polish Yasmine picked solely to match Moon's are any indication...
Yasmine seems to have gotten pretty tangled up herself.
And something is shifting. The way Yasmine's sprawled out on the bed with her hair a rumpled mess on the pillows, drool trailing from her mouth...
It's imperfection she's never dared show before. Every past time she and Moon screwed around, one always fled before the morning came.
Now here Yasmine is, messy and flawed and laying it all bare for Moon to see. Trusting Moon with it.
It feels like the beginning of something.
Not the beginning of a "real" relationship. Moon isn't that naive.
But the beginning of Yasmine considering what they have is deeper than she planned?
That Moon can hope for.
(This is Harper btw)
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I gave her a personality and a backstory!!! She fucking sucks and I'm very excited to write more of her being a menace <3
I do fr wonder about the other girls at Yasmine and Moon's S1 table. Like who are they??? Did they really all just ditch tf out of Yasmine after the wedgie incident??? Why did Yasmine deem them in particular worthy of the Rich Girl Clique, but only sometimes (since it's different extras at the lunch table in different scenes)???? Anyways, I imagine they prolly were passive-aggressive terrors to Moon because of all the blatant favoritism and special treatment she got from the Alpha Bitch. There was so totally inner bullying going on in that clique, and someday!!! I will write about it more than anyone ever asked for!!!
Anyways!!! More posts about Best Lesbians coming soon :3 As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request!
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demona-andariel · 9 months
Object of Obsession - 37 / 46
Fandom: Halloween
Pairing: Michael Myers x OFC
Summary: In Haddonfield everyone knows the legend that was Michael Myers. Content and at ease, they’d forgotten what it was to feel fear in the month of October. But now, he finds himself back and ready for blood but then a bond forms between him and one of his victims. A bond he can’t seem to break. And it starts to make him do things he never thought of doing before.
Warnings: (Encompassing the whole story in no particular order) kidnapping, noncon, explicit sexual content, smut, loss of virginity, rough sex, blood and violence, knifeplay, canon-typical violence
Author Note: Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3,639
Chapter 37 - "Did I..."
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"Daddy! I'm late for school!" Gretchen screamed as she ran down the stairs in full panic mode. She'd dreamt about him again, causing her to oversleep. He'd become a consistent recurring character in her dreams as of late, ever since she started to get healthier, stronger. Her future lover. The man she was certain she'd spend her life with. However long that was.
Her heartbeat picked up at the thought of a short life. She didn't want to die, but maybe it was for the best. He was a dangerous man. A killer. She'd seen him on the TV a couple days ago, a brief news report about a serial killer with a picture of him in his mask. The anniversary of his murder spree was coming up. And they issued a warning that he was still at large. The horror and terrified reaction from her father a week prior of her having drawn the killer then became clear. He should have told her. Should have explained who she was drawing. Instead, he'd banned her from drawing and took all of her sketchbooks.
Gretchen had tried to forget the killer. Tried to use the rational part of her mind to make her hate him. He spilled blood for no other reason than just because. And she was destined to be with him? Could she really just stand by his side and watch the world bleed?
Let the world bleed. We were meant to be.
She shook her head at her own selfish thoughts.
The smell of pancakes caught her attention and she ran into the kitchen.
Her father stood by the sink, looking out the window at the backyard. He blinked a couple of times before turning to face her.
"Eat breakfast," he commanded.
"We don't have time! We need to go. I slept in. Why didn't you wake me up?" she asked as she pointed at the microwave clock.
"Oh," he replied. "Sorry, princess. I was distracted."
"Okay, but we gotta go! I'm late," she said as she grabbed his arm and started to pull him out of the kitchen. He didn't budge. "Daddy!" she exclaimed in frustration. "Please?"
"Breakfast first," he said.
She stamped her foot on the kitchen tile, but his face told her she wasn't going to win this time. Going into the dining room, she plopped down on the chair and quickly filled her plate up with food.
He stopped by her chair and handed her a glass of orange juice as well as a couple pills. Without a second thought, she took them. She ate at quickly as possible, hardly chewing on her food if she could get away with it. Probably a mistake, but she didn't care.
Her health had allowed her to not miss a day in school just yet, giving her time to actually make some friends. She didn't want to skip a single day if she could help it.
"Okay. Happy?" she questioned again as she got up. Her world spun as the blood rushed to her head from getting up too quickly.
Her father grabbed her, steadying her. He looked down at her with concern and sadness then kissed her forehead.
"I love you, Gretchen," he said.
She rolled her eyes at him. "Okay, dad. Can we go now?" She stifled a yawn as her limbs grew heavy. Clearly her over excitement wore her out. Her body was still getting used to having more energy.
"I'm sorry," her father's voice whispered softly.
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Michael let out a frustrated sigh as Gretchen got up for the umpteenth time from the couch, but she ignored him. It would have amused her. His little protests and sounds of annoyance with her walking on her injured foot. But, he wouldn't… he couldn't understand her feelings. Although, exactly what she was feeling she wasn't entirely sure anymore.
She walked to the phone that sat on the kitchen counter. All she had to do was pick it up and dial her uncle's phone number. Her fingers itched as she reached out and her heart thumped wildly in her chest.
You should have locked me up and thrown away the key.
She shook her head and turned her back to the phone again. Maybe it was better that she didn't know. The truth, the knowledge that her uncle promised to pass on to her suddenly didn't feel worth knowing. Because- Gretchen pushed her thoughts away to focus on the unimportant matter before her. Making sure she had all of her belongings.
They were in her apartment. He didn't have to say anything, didn't have to explain his plan. Gretchen had put on the clothes that he got for her and followed him to the SUV that was parked outside. There was a part of her that was grateful they were getting rid of the bodies. She didn't want them in her house, stinking up the place.
She ran on autopilot, following behind him. Next thing she knew, she was opening her apartment door with Michael behind her. The apartment felt as if someone had been in there already. She wasn't wrong. She knew Michael had entered at least once. He wasn't a magician. He didn't conjure her belongings. And the men her uncle sent to get her also would entered to look for clues. Neither made a mess of her place, thankfully.
Instead of doing the one thing she had so strongly wanted to do, she found herself packing. She searched her apartment for whatever else she owned that she wanted to keep. Not that she owned a lot. Most of what was left was clothing.
The phone on the kitchen counter taunted her each time she was even remotely near it. Her eyes found themselves staring at it for an extended period of time before she forced herself to walk away.
She wasn't ready.
Gretchen swallowed back some saliva. She'd lost count of how many times she'd entered her empty bedroom to look around for something she may have missed. With a sigh of her own, she returned to the living room and sat on the couch. Her eyes landed on the phone again.
She felt him instead of seeing him, not that he was hiding. Michael was probably standing against a wall. She could feel his eyes on her. She wasn't sure if she was happy he hadn't joined her on the couch or not. He was never going to be the kind of boyfriend who would be able to console her.
But, he could have left her. Could have left her home alone while he got rid of the bodies. He didn't have to bring her with him. But he took her with him, risking the possibility of her escaping. Or maybe he hoped she'd try so he could chase after her. He didn't know. He really did fuck her up. She was never going to leave him.
Gretchen opened her mouth and took in a loud breath, contemplating on saying just a single word. She hadn't said anything to him since they left their home. But, what could she say? She didn't want to confront the truth. Didn't even want to voice the possibility.
She picked up his mask that was on the coffee table and played with it for a moment. He killed because he wanted to. Because he enjoyed it. She had killed in self-defense. He didn't regret the lives he'd taken, and neither did she, with those men. That should have been fucking with her. The fact that it didn't bother her that she killed those men.
They came to take me away. I warned them.
Gretchen clapped her hands on her knees again and stood up with a heavy sigh. Turning she almost shrieked, nearly running into Michael's body.
"Michael, sorry," she said as she looked up at him.
His face was unreadable, but his eyes moved as he examined her expression. His fingers gently stroked her neck as if he were examining her bruises again. She half closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. She caught a glimpse of them in the bathroom mirror when she entered. It would be some time before they disappeared.
All too soon, Michael's fingers left and he moved a little bit back. He had a question in his eyes.
"I…" she paused then sighed. "I don't know yet." She moved past him and went to the extra bedroom that she had turned into her little art studio. She'd left a stack of her unfinished paintings. She wasn't sure if she wanted to bring them back with her or not. The unfinished projects didn't appeal to her. They felt as if they were a part of a life that she had put behind her at some point in the last two or so weeks.
Walking back into the living room, Gretchen froze. Michael stood by the counter and held the phone receiver in his hand. His blue eyes locked onto her as he extended his hand out.
It's time. This is what you have been waiting for.
Her heartbeat picked up its pace. Is it? She opened her mouth, clicking her tongue in the process. "Michael. I don't-" Coward.
He cocked his head to one side. He wasn't judging her. He seemed to be trying to understand her hesitance. His eyes narrowed slightly as his mouth set into a firm expression. He had decided it was time. He wasn't going to let her walk out again.
She nodded her head. She was only delaying the inevitable. Her eyes stung and her throat hurt from the sudden dryness. Yet, her body moved automatically. Her fingers wrapped around the receiver and she brought it to her chest.
"I don't know if I want to know," she said softly, looking up at him. The firm expression on his face didn't change, although his eyes seemed to soften slightly. He leaned down and planted a light kiss on her lips. It was as if he understood why she was worried. He didn't.
She stared at the phone for a moment then back at him. "I-" I'm a monster, I think. I don't know if I want to confirm that. She bit back the words. Ironic. Keeping herself from saying that she was a monster. He, of all people, wouldn't care.
Her fingers moved automatically, pressing in the right numbers to dial her uncle. Bringing it up to her ear, she gulped, tightening her grip on the phone.
It rang once.
"Hello?" Her uncle's familiar voice brought both relief and fear in her. He sounded anxious, slightly out of breath as if he'd been waiting for a call.
"Hi." Her voice came out soft and firm. It didn't sound as if someone had choked her.
"Gretchen? Oh, gods. Where are you? Are you safe?" the relief in his voice was clear. She couldn't blame him. How long had he known she was missing? A week? "Put-"
"Your men are dead."
Michael tensed next to her. She hadn't told him that her uncle sent the men. She hadn't said much because she was still processing the whole event. Processing and denying. She was good at that part.
Always in denial. Because the truth means-
"Shit. Are you alright? Where are you? I'll send-"
"I killed them." There it was. Her voice sounded flat, finally in line with how she felt. Numb. She ran her fingers along the edge of the kitchen counter.
There was an expected silent pause from his end. "It's okay, Gretchen," he said, surprising her. Okay? "It'll be okay. Where are you? I will personally pick you up."
She gulped and her vision blurred as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. He should have been terrified, or questioning or some other negative emotion. But then again, he knew didn't he? He knew what she could do because she did it before.
"Did I-" she gulped, cursing her throat for being so dry as her voice cracked. "Did I kill my parents?"
Michael's hand brushed against her neck. She grabbed his hand with her free on. For once, she was grateful he wasn't a talker. That he wasn't suddenly asking her a bunch of questions. His silent presence was what she needed.
She let him go to rub her eyes, but the tears didn't stop spilling. How could they?
There was a brief pause. It wasn't very long, but just long enough to confirm what she'd been dreading. "Gretchen."
"Oh fuck," she whispered. Her voice pitched just a little bit higher for a short moment. She leaned against the kitchen counter for support and rested her elbows on the cool surface.
"Where are you? I promise to explain everything."
"Why?" she croaked. Her childhood memories had always been a scattered mess. Some events that really happened seemed like a dream, while dreams seemed real.
"You lied to me. You said it was an car accident," she said, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. He gave her an easy lie to lean into, to embrace and turn it into a vague memory. A lie that made sense because the reality was a horrible nightmare.
There was another pause. "I… Gretchen." He let out a frustrated sigh. "Let me tell you in person. I promise you, I'll explain everything. This is not a conversation we should be having on the phone. Where are you?"
"Why?" she asked. "Why wait to tell me that I can… that I…"
"You were a kid, Gretchen," he interrupted. "You-" He let out a deep breath. "You were drugged and scared. Your father was a fool. He was terrified and that made him stupid. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how or when. I'm not going to tell a fourteen-year-old girl she accidentally killed her parents."
"Is that what you were going to tell me on my birthday? That I killed my parents? Happy birthday, Gretchen. Oh, by the way, you killed your parents," she spat out bitterly.
"That was part of it," he admitted.
"What else?" she asked.
He didn't answer. The silence from his end turned her bitterness into anger.
"Are you seriously going to wait until I'm twenty-three? It's what, tomorrow? I know it's soon."
"The day after tomorrow," he answered.
"Might as well be today," she said. "So, why wait?"
There was some more silence, as if he was thinking on how to respond.
"I don't want to tell you over the phone," he finally said. "Gretchen-"
"Well, I don't know if I even want to see you anymore," she interrupted. "How can I trust you? Trust myself around you?"
"You've only killed defending yourself, Gretchen," he said. "I'm not going to try to hurt or kill you."
She believed him. That he wouldn't try to hurt or kill her. But, that didn't mean he wouldn't try and take her away. The thought alone caused a little bit of panic to flow through her.
"No, just, just tell me now. I need to have all the information to make up my mind. I need time to think, to understand. I-"
"You can't stay with him."
She frowned. "Who?"
"Michael, Gretchen," he said. "You know better. You're not a person who can sit back and watch the world bleed. You can't redeem him. You can't change him. He'll always be a killer. He was born that way. He'll never change. You can't make him change."
Gretchen watched Michael as her uncle's words entered her mind. The thing was, she never sought to change him. Never entertained the thought because she knew she couldn't.
"This path will only lead to your heartbreak," Jethro continued.
She didn't take her eyes off Michael, although her free hand automatically went down her left cheek. The scar that wasn't there yet.
"Why?" she asked. "Did I see it? Did I tell you that?" Was that it? Her vision warning her of Michael's eventual turn? Of the moment he finally grew tired of his sexual exploration with her? Or something else? Darker maybe? He liked cutting her. Maybe he would eventually decide to take things further with the pain. But…
Michael's right hand rubbed her left cheek as he watched her. No. He was going through an awful lot of unnecessary trouble on his end if that were true. Doing things he didn't need to do. He could have ignored her request to speak to her uncle. Could have done a lot of things his way.
"You're not thinking straight. Look, Gretchen. I promise, I'll explain everything when I see you."
When. Gretchen shook her head, cringing as her neck reminded her of her bruises.
"No. He's the only one who hasn't lied to me. Hasn't led me to believe something false."
"No. You'll try to take me away and he won't allow it," she said. "I won't go. Maybe it's for the best that I don't know whatever else you want to tell me. Best for all of us this way."
"I love you, uncle. Tell Nathan I love him too. Don't come looking for me. It won't end well for you." She didn't wait for a response and hung up the phone.
Gretchen set the receiver down and stared straight ahead for a moment. She'd killed them.
She closed her eyes taking in a couple of deep breaths. The memory had hit her, down in that basement, as the final man tried to choke her to death. His face had shifted and was replaced with her father's.
Her fingers went under her shirt to automatically brush against her stomach scars.
"Shut up, Gretchen. Shut up!"
Turning, she wrapped her arms around Michael and placed her head on his chest for a moment. She took in deep, steady breaths as his fingers brushed through her hair. Her tears were all gone. She felt tired and sad. Leaning back, she looked up at Michael.
"Let's go home," she said.
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Jethro stared at the phone.
"Fuck," he said softly and shook his head.
He told his men to be careful around her. Not to scare her because all she needed to do was say some words. Without the pills keeping her mind fuzzy he was sure she'd be able to recall the words she needed. And, he wasn't wrong.
Don't let her see you're going to gag her. Knock her out after she's gagged.
Jethro mentally kicked himself. He would have personally gone to see her if she hadn't warned him years ago that Michael would kill him.
He paced in his study then paused and looked at the little calendar on his desk. Three more days till he could see her. Two days until her birthday. He'd done his best, suppressing the ancient knowledge that came naturally to her. It came naturally to all the women born into the family. They were descendants from druids, after all. And yet, it was only the women who seemed to be able to access that long forgotten power. Not that it helped them in the end. None of them lived very long. Nearly all of them were driven mad by their abilities, with only a couple who were murdered.
But then again, the entire family adopted a stance long ago of not interfering. It was just easier. Letting their abilities kill them so that the family wouldn't have to deal with the current events Jethro had allowed to happen. There was only one in the last couple hundred years who managed to live just a little bit longer. That was until the family tried to rescue her from her predicament. With their actions, she was revealed to have powers. Considering the era, the mob, that had been formed, quickly accepted the lie that she was a witch. Witch, druid, didn't matter. She had powers and that scared people. She was burned for it.
"What if we're dooming the world by letting her live? You know who will come for her." Sam's words of fear came to his mind the day Jethro told him they were going to do what they could to let her live. Jasmina refused to sit around and watch her daughter slowly die. And Jethro would do anything for her.
He didn't blame Gretchen for her parents' deaths.
Sam had panicked when he saw the drawing of Michael Myers. And in his panic, he came up with a ridiculous irrational plan. A plan he didn't tell Jethro about until it was too late. He was just trying to make sure she couldn't get pregnant. What a fool. They had money and connections. They could have lied to her and sterilized her without her knowledge.
It cost him his life as well as Jasmina's.
Jethro clenched his fists. He didn't blame Gretchen for Jasmina's death. He blamed Sam.
He'd found the three of them in the dining room. Jasmina desperately trying to keep her daughter from bleeding out, while she herself was slowly dying. Gretchen was unconscious by then.
Don't let her die, Jethro.
What was he supposed to do? Tell a fourteen-year-old girl that her father attacked her and she caused his insides to bleed with just the right set of words. And then in her pain-filled delirious state turned against her mother who was trying to help her? When she woke up in the hospital he had told her it was an accident. And she had latched onto the word "accident" and automatically assumed he meant car accident. He never bothered correcting her.
Jethro stared at the calendar again. He knew about Michael before Sam did. She had shown him her drawing a couple days before. Told him that Michael was her soulmate. It scared him. How could it not? His niece, a girl able to use druid abilities long forgotten, in love with a seemingly unkillable serial killer. He had started to understand why the family didn't interfere and let the girls die. That kind of power, willing to protect the wrong person. It was dangerous. But then she had a vision that made him feel better. Gave him a date, a time frame. Hope.
No. He hadn't doomed the world. In fact, he'd saved it. At the cost of some lives and his niece's heart. But, the world would soon be at peace. Because she saw, on her twenty-third birthday, Michael Myers die.
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Chapter 38 - Intimate
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cosettepontmercys · 7 months
Hi! How are you? I have a Chihuahua and his name is Tony but mostly I just call him toey without the n. I hate finding bruises later..it freaks me out more even if it doesn't even hurt. When and why are you going to Boston? It seems fun!
Haha I don't blame you. I liked them but wasn't obsessed anymore by the time I went to see them. Like I never loved them the way I love Taylor really..but I think cuz I wasn't as obsessed during 1989 either was maybe why my mom thought I would prefer to see them. That was actually I think my first big concert in a stadium show besides Kelly Clarkson. I don't really listen to their music anymore really but I still like them individually I guess but I wasn't like a crazy fan girl or anything. I was also obsessed with showtunes at the time and twenty one pilots and some heavier bands lol. That was the kind of concerts we went to actually. My music taste is all over the place.
Well I honestly can't remember most of the songs from Jekyll or Bloody Bloody anyway but it is mostly just like campy. I would love to see Little Shop or Rocky live..they were doing a showing in early October but I missed it. I thought it would be closer to Halloween. Something Rotten is so fun..I vividly remember watching the Tonys performance and laughing like..what the heck is that? I was intrigued..I also think Shakespeare is so funny. Then Fun Home was a really good one too..it left a strong impression and showed me the serious side of musicals. Finding Neverland is not fun haha..I remember crying at the end of the show. Gentleman's Guide is a fun show and I remember the Tony performance too. I guess I do kinda like silly musicals too if they're done well but I think I'm more into the serious ones or maybe something in between. Sondheim is a great example of that but he does have humor in his shows too. Sweeney is my favorite Sondheim show and then probably Sunday or into the Woods I guess. I do like Company too but I'm not as familiar with the full show and it's more about loving the songs for me. I also feel that way about Sunday but Company and Sunday both have a stronger message in the shows..with the ending songs Being Alive and Moving On. I'm hoping to see it too and I'm very interested to see how I feel about the gender swap.
Oh cool! Beautiful World is also on my list..im pretty sure I read some of it before but that was a year or two ago lol. I enjoyed Normal People but didn't really care for Conversations with Friends as much. I also never even finished the show of Normal People either, but I want to..I know a lot of people really like it. I struggled with some of her writing and no quotations too. I actually read some of the Night Circus the other day and was surprised by how engaging it was. I thought I would have a problem and it would be hard to read 3rd person or cuz it was old fashioned but it wasn't at all! I think it was set up really well and hooked me in right away. I hope I can keep up with the timeline and it doesn't become confusing with more characters. Sometimes I make guesses or predictions on things when I read but then I end up flipping thru it instead. This happened cuz I was trying to figure out how many parts there were or how long chapters are and why the book is split up like that but I guess I will see. I did a similar thing with Tomorrow x3 and ended up seeing a spoiler..lol. so I hope that doesn't happen with this. I read all of the backstory so far or when they were children. Ooh that fancast could be interesting I think but sometimes it doesn't work in your head as much as you want, and can be pretty hard to come up with too. It's just that sometimes when I'm reading a book and I know what the author looks like, I end up picturing the author as the character instead lol. This has happened with Emily Henry for example but most times I don't even know what they look like anyway..but since this is less modern, I thought it might help. A fun thing was that I had the book next to a cover of the Blurryface album by twenty one pilots and it was the same exact colors..black, white and red, and looked extremely similar, next to each other which made me smile.
That's also why I thought reading TBOSS might help now with the movie coming out cuz there is already a cast. I figured out that if I read 2 chapters a day, I could be done in like 15 days just in time for the movie so I might be focused on that for now. I actually think the movie might be better than the book anyway though but I think it's okay so far. I understand wanting to finish the Hunger Games first though. I loved the Olivia song. It was pretty different for her or at least pretty different from Guts, so I was surprised in a good way. Her voice is pretty powerful and it totally fits the tone of the movie. It made me wonder if it was easier or harder for her to write lyrics based on something or not..or if she has a personal connection to the lyrics as well, since there is always a part of songwriters in their lyrics like authors having parts of themselves in their characters in books. Omg wait..how do you have mutual friends with her? That's so cool..I'd love to hang out with her! The first time I heard her voice was singing Shallow but it's cool she loves Broadway and also Taylor too. Maybe that's why I think we would get along. I would recommend the West Side movie and I appreciate it being updated but I just preferred the original a lot more. That's just me though and I have watched the original so many times. I think a lot of people actually do prefer the new one more which is interesting but I guess it also makes sense. I think its pretty funny her and her bf were in West Side and now this movie..she is truly living the dream haha.
Pick whichever url makes you happy I'll still be able to find you :) or you can ask my opinion if you want. I've never changed my url but I changed blogs before..or made new ones and I've been here since 2010 lol. I think the vault does sound like Midnights a little but I think.its just a similar sound that probably inspired the sound of the album in the first place. Like people think Suburban Legends sounds exactly like Mastermind but I don't actually hear that. That specific lyric made me think of Midnights but my point was she has always had songs or a similar idea like it since her first album..so I don't get when people say she didn't write it in that era or whatever. I still think some of the vault still had an 80s sound to it though and someone pointed out Say Don't Go kinda sounds like her can't stop loving you cover and I sort of agree with that. I love that theme too and a fun fact about me is I've never seen the movie sliding doors but I actually think I will watch it soon. Oh that sucks! I hope you can get tickets closer to you..and everything works out.
I've never heard of these before but thanks for telling me! I will check them out and I hope I'm pretty good at them. I am familiar with a lot of stuff even if it's a movie or show I haven't seen so I'll tell you if it's easy or hard.
What did your mom think of the show? Oh that's such a bummer that the show had technical problems. Your seats looked pretty good though and I'm glad you were able to enjoy it anyway. I think I prefer the act one so it was maybe less noticeable for me but I see what you mean. I mostly agree with you about Wait For Me as the closer and Why We Build the Wall isn't as dramatic for the act one finale. Wait For Me was definitely one of the best parts of the show for me but what about you? Is there different things you noticed since you have seen it before?
My weekend was good! I actually went to a casino which was kinda fun. I played a Little Shop and Wonka machine and was able actually to win some money on them but not for long or as much as I hoped. Thank you for the hug and well wishes! I will probably need it as I will feel stressed and busy for the next month though so I might not be able to reply as often. I hope you feel relaxed and rested this week before your trip!
hi friend!
that's so so cute — i call toto a bunch of things too; totoroto, bobo, totes, among others, and he's learned to respond to all of them 🥺 i'm definitely soaking all the toto cuddles i can before my trip (he's sleeping on my lap as i reply to you); it's a very short trip, but :( i leave for boston sooooooon! i'm just visiting a friend for the long weekend, and we have some fun things planned!!
i've never liked an artist the way i like taylor and i don't think i ever will find someone else like that — growing up alongside her music is something very very special that i will never get to replicate, because her music has really soundtracked so much of my life! before this year i didn't really go to concerts (i'd go to like the occasional theatre one if there happened to be one near me but not like a concert concert), and so i feel like i'm making up for lost time haha. i think by the end of this year i'll have gone to like ten concerts and two music festivals? which is kind of crazy when i think about it that way! what's your favorite concert you've ever been to?
something rotten is very fun! have you also listened to & juliet? some of my friends are obsessed with it! i'm hoping that they'll do a national tour and come to seattle at some point so i can see it; i don't foresee myself going to new york anytime soon :( but things could always change! have you ever listened to eleri ward's indie folk sondheim covers? her voice is beautiful!
my rooney ranking is normal people > beautiful world > convo with friends! but i might actually change my mind and bring CWF with me, i haven't quite decided yet. i loveeeed the normal people show, it's one of the few adaptations that i think does the source material justice! and i think paul and daisy have not just wonderful chemistry, but also an amazing understanding of the characters.
i'm really glad you've been liking night circus! i have not been reading it much; i've just been very busy but hopefully will get on it once i'm back from boston! i did start reading cleopatra and frankenstein while i was at the doctor's office this week, and i found the first two chapters to be really funny. i'm not sure if it's actually funny or if it's a "i'm not supposed to laugh here so i'm trying to be quiet and so everything is funnier and i cannot stop laughing" situation, but i'm hoping to finish it tonight (very unlikely; i have a ton of stuff i need to do before boston) because otherwise i will probably never pick it up again. i always do this; i get super into a book a few days before i have to leave and i don't finish it and by the time i'm back from my trip i'm no longer interested (did the same thing in may, and again in january). if you have an idea for a night circus cast, let me know! i'm definitely interested to hear what your choices are :) i hope you continue liking it!
i really, really loved olivia's song — i keep thinking about how hauntingly beautiful it is! i thought about getting the 7" of it, but i rarely spin 7" vinyls, and i think i should save my money for other vinyls ... but i'm still thinking about it haha. i do! i have some friends in the theatre scene :)
i change my url so often! i'm always worried you won't be able to find me but i do try to do a redirect etc so people can always find me 🤍 i probably won't do anything until i'm back from boston, and then maybe by then i'll want to do something else anyways! what are your thoughts on the vault tracks now that it's been a few weeks? i think my rankings have shifted — i definitely like now that we don't talk, slut and is it over now? more than i did before! speaking of, eras tour is back today!!!! one of my dear friends is going to eras tonight and i'm so so excited for her 🥺
let me know how those games go for you! i didn't do murdle yesterday because i got busy and forgot and now i'm like "i'll just start it up again once i'm back from boston" because my streak will be broken anyways. would not recommend doing murdle on your phone!! it's much much easier (better user interface) on a computer.
my mom had fun! she said it reminded her of come from away and jasper in deadland — i understand the jasper connection, because it's also based off of the orpheus eurydice myth but i'm not sure how she got come from away from that haha. wait for me is probably in my top 3 hadestown moments! i remember my friend gripping my hand out of shock and excitement when we first saw hadestown (first preview on broadway!). i think of that moment + her every time i listen to wait for me!
i hope next month is okay! sending you lots of love! remember to take care of yourself <3333
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ask-hannah-blog · 7 months
Hello darling, Sonya's roommate here. Or the "Foot Anon" as you might know her. I'm just here to inform you that while you were right to be concerned for her... you were also a bit off the mark. You see, I have no need for a slave. I wanted an equal. A fellow pack member.
Have you ever heard of foot fiends? I hadn't been up until recently. They're a bit like werewolves if you replaced the full moon with a lust for feet. I was infected by one this month, and after going on a few solo hunts of my own, I figured it would be much more fun with a partner. Indeed, simply licking a person's foot with fiend saliva, I'd enough to turn them, but getting a human to lick a fiend's foot will turn them into a partner for life. A couple days of laying dirty socks on Sonya while she slept, and soon enough, she wouldn't resist the real thing! She's one of us now and is busy cleaning out my shoe closet (not that I intend to wear them anymore, us fiends much prefer going barefoot!)
I suppose this is an advice blog, so just keep this in mind : any large footed barefoot temptress may very well be a fellow foot fiend looking to add you to her pack!
And Darling? You were right about one other thing : subliminals are serious business, and they can be anywhere! Even silly little tumblr asks! I should know, I've been studying them for years!
After all, a budding clown girl like you must have the loveliest feet. It's such a shame you refuse to share them... [MAKE A POST DESCRIBING YOUR FEET IN DETAIL, AND ATTACH A PICTURE OF THEM IN YOUR BEST CLOWN THEMED PEDICURE]
Oh well, I'm sure you'll come around eventually! After all, I've been dying to see if the rumors about Clown Fiends are true. You would make for an incredibly sexy addition to our pack.
Until then... ta-ta! Sonya and I will be paying very close attention to your little blog! Best of luck with your condition, my dear!
Meant to post this gem on Halloween because it was so spooky, but I was otherwise indisposed.
Guys sometimes with this blog I’m like “why do I bother?” Half the people I help end up messaging me a few days later as completely different people. It’s so depressing to see so many people looking for help and getting victimized by monsters like this.
I hope this is just more encouragement that if you notice something weird, ACT! Before you’re too mind freaked to escape.
And as always shout out to SubWoofer, the only subliminal detection app I trust my subconscious with.
But don’t worry guys, this isn’t the first villian I’ve dealt with. I’ll be okay, but this certainly does explain the amount of Anons obsessed with my feet.
And no my little adventure last night, doesn’t prove anything. A bimbo will find a plank of wood sexy if enough people lead her to that conclusion. Perverts were just taking advantage of me while I was vulnerable, but whatever.
There you have it, another win for the bad guys, woooooooo!
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a-bishvare · 8 months
✧ Loner Page ✧ pt.1
Hey, hey - welcome! Here, I'm back with the series I promised to post.
And well, I've got none better idea for the title so... 👾 It is what it is ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭.
Me when the when the.
Just to remind, it's going to be a series of something like sketchbook tour, but hell yeah I do have over 7 sketchbooks so~ (I mean. None of them is totally finished, there some pages in each that just aren't fully filled and in the latest ones there are the empty ones. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠/⁠¯)
Anyway, it's gonna be
Okay let's start form the beginning, read it - the first official sketchbook, I started it in early October 2021. It's called "1/6"
Yeah my ✨creativity✨
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And that's how the cover looks like. This one isn't a brand sketchbook idk just a simple notebook with white pages.
(I think the rose - on the cover - was for my Maths teacher for the Teacher's Day, it was definitely drawn at school. I adore her so much, she made this subject my freaking passion when I was in the primary school. I still like Math so much but.. in high school... well I have different teacher and the subject itself is harder here. It kinda sucks. It was the only thing I enjoyed in school and now, now nothing is fun about this hell.)
Let's see~ what's inside~~
(I'm not gonna show some pages cuz. I simply don't waNT TO.)
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Sooo~ that was drawn at my Polish classes (and yes I'm from Poland uwu). Since we finished all exercises the teacher told us to draw the iconic manor from our school lecture called "Pan Tadeusz" by A. Mickiewicz (it may sound strange for some of my fellows but I actually DO like this writer's work. Idk I always understood his poetry etc. wth is wrong with people). And well, my Polish teacher knew about my hobby and appreciated my TaLeNt so she liked it as always. Also, on some auction (it was for charity) she bought my another painting (inspired by this lecture too) and I made it a month later than this above. You can see it here.
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Right up here (as you can see cause it's written) an outfit (Seulgi's) from the Music Video "Monster" by Irene and Seulgi from Red Velvet. I used to have a little obsession with Red Velvet' music back in October 2021 (I still love them 💗) like "Psycho", "Peek-a-boo" and ofc "Monster". Such a Halloween vibe. 🎃
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This one is a sketch of an outfit that I used for my mom's portrait (she has birthday in October also). Please ignore the title on the picture ʕ⁠ノ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠ノ⁠ ⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻. I was never good at English but as I had written some days ago that thanks to my 10 h per week of this language now I'm a master compared to me in the past 💥. This dress was inspired by Pinterest ofc.
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So, the last one are a.. fanarts?? that I've made while thinking of some movie idea and the characters above were inspired by Red Velvet members. These girls are sth like ghosts idk, they were supposed to be main (hidden) antagonists in my "imaginary" scenario. It was meant to be an horror movie inspired by "Peek-a-boo" Music Video and the cannibals motive. Could've be good actually..
Well, we're enough for today. (I had no idea that there's a limit of pictures in one post here to be honest 👾) That's it for this part, I think I wrote all about those pictures and that I didn't forGOT ABOUT ANYTHIN-
Thanks for those who even liked this and even more for those who actually READ EVERYTHING.
Hope somebody will even see this 🦇
Y'all, have a g'day, I'll be back with the next parts soon 💗 Adios 💥
(artwork from October 2021) ☕👽✌🏻
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purplesurveys · 9 months
1. Is there currently any snow on the ground where you live? Where I live has never seen snow ever.
2. Do you have any nieces or nephews? I don't. I don't think any of my siblings want to be parents either, so I feel like the most I'll have are godchildren from my friends.
3. Have you ever sold anything online? I've sold a few photocards, but that's it. I'd love to try my hand more in selling but I'm just so busy as it is and have little to no time to even respond if inquiries come in. Then there's the effort in making some sort of microsite like Carrd so you look legit, the time and resources needed to pack the orders, then booking the shipping service...I'm just way too busy to become a full-time seller.
4. Have you ever been to an extremely dirty house before? Whose house was it? I don't think I've ever been in a dirty house per se but I've visited families or classmates whose houses are just loaded/packed with so many things in one place. Filipinos like to hoard stuff, so a typical Filipino living room would have things like graduation portraits and diplomas lining up the wall, every single medal their kids have won, religious statues, a bunch of miniature art sculptures that don't necessarily complement, a china collection...the list goes on. Like it's not messy, but it's filled to the brim with so many things that it ends up being an eyesore.
This applies to most households I know of but I'm glad my mom didn't pick up that tendency. She likes to keep the house looking clear and I've ultimately picked up that preference too.
5. Would you ever or do you hunt? It doesn't sound interesting to me in the least and I wouldn't do it.
6. Have you ever blown smoke into a bubble (kids bubbles) before? No. Is something supposed to happen when you do that? Hahaha now you have me curious.
7. What bothers you most about the customers you serve at work? If you don’t directly serve customers at work, what bothers you most about your job in general? It makes work-life balance a myth. Even things like people getting to turn off their notifications in the evening make me jealous because I can't do that – I have to be on call literally, like, 24/7.
8. Do you like to play games on your phone? What games do you play most often? Sure. These days I've been pretty obsessed with Rhythm Hive, which is a (surprise!) rhythm game for Hybe groups. I used to be addicted to In the Seom but I haven't played that in a while. :( I should reinstall that soon...
9. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets? Of course. I'll whip out my phone every chance I get.
10. Do you screen shot a lot of things on your phone? Way more than I think I do. It's just second nature for me to do so at this point, especially if I feel like I'll need to backtrack on that screenshot sometime in the future.
11. What is the most recent video you took of? Cooper barking threateningly at a nonexistent stranger/noise.
12. Do you have any future tattoos planned out? Will you actually go through with them or is there something stopping you from doing so? I have design ideas but they will always remain as ideas because I'm terrified of needles lol.
13. Who was the last person to break your trust? How did they do so and how did you deal with it? The supplier we got for our event last Thursday. They've been our go-to since last year, never disappointed us, the team's always been a joy to work with; but idk they've had quite a bit of booboos over the last few months and last Thursday was simply mine and my team's last straw. They were extremely unreliable on the day of and for some reason their manpower kept disappearing at crucial points? - like where tf were they hanging out??? - that I had no choice but to manage the entire event myself until the end.
14. What did you dress up as for Halloween? Or if you didn’t dress up, was there a specific reason or do you just not care about that sort of thing? I went to one Halloween party last year, which was Disney-themed, so I DIY'd some clothes to be Winnie the Pooh.
15. Has wind ever done any extreme damage to your home or anything that you own? No. That happened to our neighborhood once though. There had been a typhoon that started off with extremely strong winds, and you could hear windows smashing and glass shattering every minute or so. Fortunately for us we had all of our windows closed that morning so our house was left unscathed.
16. Is your pet very snuggly or are they more independent? Agi lives on being snuggled, and he isn't opposed to whining and barking if he feels like he's not getting enough of it. Cooper is very independent; he'll actively wrestle out of your grasp if you try to cuddle with him haha. Kimi had independent as well.
17. What shirt were you wearing the last time you took a picture of yourself? A white oversized polo with handpainted doodles.
18. Do you enjoy Smile Cookies from Tim Hortons or any of their other charities and/or seasonal promotions? If you don’t go to Tim Hortons, do you dislike the coffee, live too far away from one, or is there another reason? I don't think I've ever eaten anything from Tim Hortons beyond their wraps.
19. Are the photos on your lock screen and on your homepage of your phone the same or different? If you don’t have that option on your phone, what is your background on your phone? They are different, yes. I feel like it'd so boring if they were the same.
20. Do you enjoy taking photos with your significant other or are you just not that type of couple? If you don’t have a significant other, do you enjoy taking photos of yourself more or of your friends and/or family? I definitely take more photos of other people than I do myself.
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mellaithwen · 3 years
I didn't want to hijack @extasiswings 's post but I also started thinking about Eddie not being around when that man's being dug out, aaand I couldn't stop... [ edit: on ao3 ]
Eddie looks down at his phone in surprise.
Buck’s calling him. His caller ID is grinning up at him from the screen; the picture of carefree moment in the park on a sunny day from a few weeks ago, with Christopher draped over Buck’s shoulders mid-piggy-back, frozen, mid-reach as they tried to drag Eddie towards them. They’d been laughing so loudly that Eddie can practically hear the sound of his kid’s laughter through the photograph.
But Eddie frowns. He might not be working this Halloween, but Buck’s certainly supposed to be, and if he was just bored in the station house he'd normally FaceTime, or send Eddie a litany of texts about his latest internet deep-dive (the great Canadian maple syrup heist was his current obsession; “3,000 tonnes, Eddie, they stole 3,000 tonnes of Maple syrup!”) —but a phone call?
“Hey man, what's up?”
Buck doesn't immediately respond to the greeting, but Eddie hears the shuddering inhale down the line all the same, and now he's really concerned.
“Buck?” Eddie calls out, just as he notices his son looking over to him from across the room. He gives Christopher a reassuring smile while he waits for an answer from Buck, and he nods to his aunt that he's stepping out for a moment—gesturing over to the front door when he still doesn't get a reply.
“Buck?” he tries again, closing the door behind him with a soft click, and trying not to shiver at the change in temperature now that he’s outside. “Buck, come on, I'm here, okay? What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“I just…” Buck starts, and stops, his voice faltering for a moment. He clears his throat. Takes another second. “I just needed to hear your voice.”
Buck sounds... shattered, honestly. Haunted by something so much deeper than just exhaustion, and the hairs on the back of Eddie's neck stand on end.
“Talk to me. Did something happen on a call? Are you hurt?” He wonders if he should text one of the others; ask Bobby or Hen if everything’s alright because his nerves can’t handle the aching chasm that stretches out between Buck’s quiet admissions.
“No—we're fine,” Buck says finally. “I'm fine,” he insists, but his voice is still barely above a whisper and Eddie's not convinced.
Eddie waits.
Buck sighs.
“There was... we got a call that this man was.... Eddie, he was buried alive—”
This time when Eddie shivers it’s got nothing to do with the weather.
“—and dispatch tracked his phone but they couldn't get a precise location, and we were searching and calling out his name, and then by the time we started to dig things weren't looking good—”
Buck's voice is shaking, but now that he's started speaking he can't seem to stop, and his words are like an avalanche, gaining fervour as he goes on. Eddie can feel his own grip on his phone getting tighter and tighter until finally he has to sit himself down on the steps of the front porch just to try and catch his breath. He knows where Buck's head is at—he can't help but go there too.
“—a-a-and I just...I couldn't stop thinking about the well collapse, and dispatch said the guy wasn't answering and I started thinking about how we were trying to get a hold of you on the radio but all we got was static, and suddenly I wasn't looking for the vic anymore, I was looking for you. I was back there in the rain and I was clawing at the ground, and it felt like there was this vice around my chest and—”
—there’s a rumbling like thunder overhead. The ground shakes and Eddie tries to grab a hold of the rocky wall at his side but he can’t. He can’t get a good hold as the tunnel collapses all around him. The shaft’s filling up with wet earth and debris, and every breath he takes feels like it’s coated with dirt and mud as he suffocates under the onslaught—
“Breathe, Buck,” Eddie interrupts a little desperately at the memories echoing around in his own mind in response to the fear in Buck's voice.
“Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth,” he says as he tries to follow his own advice. “Take a deep breath, come on, do it with me; in for four, hold it—and breathe out for eight, and again…”
For a little while there's nothing but a stream of huffed breaths down the phone from the two of them, until finally a long steady exhale is followed by a stuttered apology; “I‘m sorry, I shouldn't have—”
“No, don’t be stupid, you can always—”
The siren rings out loud and shrill down the other end of the phone as it interrupts their conversation, and Eddie jumps to his feet out of habit before he remembers that he's not actually on shift.
“I've gotta go,” Buck mumbles, a little reluctantly to Eddie’s ears, and he can hear the rustling movements as the other firefighter hurries over to the trucks. He still hasn’t ended the call, seemingly unwilling to break the connection just yet.
“Yeah of course,” Eddie says, though he makes no move to end the call either—feeling a similar urge to stay present, to remain tethered to Buck for as long as possible. He starts talking again before his brain has a chance to second guess himself. “Come over after your shift in the morning, we can go out for breakfast with Chris.”
There's another exhale down the phone, but this one sounds lighter, happier, like it's being chased by a smile, and Eddie feels his own tight chest loosen considerably at the image he's just conjured in his mind.
“Yeah, that'd be great.” Buck says, “I'll see you then.”
“Perfect. It's a date.” Eddie replies, before hanging up.
(His own words don't register for another thirty minutes, but by then Buck's already sent a smiley-face emoji over text, and Eddie can't find it within himself to regret anything.)
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