#they’re both just snakes hissing at eachother and i love that
self-spaghettification · 11 months
average viren
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gobblewanker · 3 years
Well. Guess who had some late night Emotions™ and wrote another drabble on that "Sherman adopts Stan and Ford when they're eight because Filbrick is the worst" story?
The room at Sherman's apartment was smaller than the one at their parents place had been. It was cramped, the singular window was poorly insulated, and the wallpaper was flaking. Almost everything in it was second hand - deeply cherished childhood toys picked up from garage sales piled in a corner, a banged up desk Sherman's college was going to throw out anyways nestled under the drafty window, an old space heater Ford had to repair nearly every winter puttering away snugly next to the drawer with it's missing handle. Everything was old and worn, but in a good, reassuring, way. Like a pair of well used shoes, slowly adjusted to it's wearer's feet and fitting far more comfortably than a new pair ever could. As far as Ford was concerned, it was infinitely more a home than the pawnshop had ever been.
Maybe that made sense though. He'd soon spent half his life there. The latter part. The better one. The one spent living in a shoddy apartment which's walls nonetheless practically oozed with love and family. The one without dad looming large like some invisible but always precent danger. The one with memories permeated by safety and stability.
Ford knew much of that stability was a carefully crafted façade, propped up on his big brother's shoulders. He'd caught on to it long before Stan, but in retrospect it was obvious. The way Sherman would skip meals so they never had to, the way he always seemed to be working overtime, all of it. It wasn't a stable situation at all. But he'd made it feel that was. Always made it seem like there was nothing to worry about. Ford and Stan had tried to help out wherever they could, doing chores when there were any and otherwise just being good and staying out of the way. It had taken a long time for the permanence of the situation to sink in. For the realization to hit that they wouldn't get sent back. That no matter what they did, Shermie wouldn't get fed up with them and cart them back to Pa.
But what if it wouldn't be up to him?
"Hey, Stan?" Ford whispered into the quiet of the dark. From the bunk under him, he heard a low grunt of affirmation.
"Yeah?" There was no trace of drowsiness in Stan's voice.
"I can't sleep."
"Tell me about it."
Ford dropped his arm over the side of the bed, letting it dangle. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Stan's hand to find it. Five fingers intertwining with six. An old gesture of reassurance. Quiet and secret, Pa wasn't big on sentimentality. That stuff was for women and crybabies. The secrecy wasn't a necessity anymore, Sherman didn't mind, but the gesture had carried them through long enough to become ingrained.
"I'm scared." Ford said. The confession came with ease. Just one of the millions that had been dispersed into the darkened bedroom over the years. Half a childhood spent.
"Me too." Stan's voice answered, drifting up from below. "Ya thinking about the war?"
Ford nodded into his pillow, before remembering Stan couldn't see him. "Yeah."
Silence descended on the room like a blanket again. Soft, but very palpable and almost suffocating.
It had been a perfectly normal day at first. When they woke up that morning, everything had been just fine. Perfectly average. You never really appreciate 'avrage' until it's threatened.
There'd been recruiters at their school, talking to the older students about war and enlistment and other things Ford wanted nothing to do with. It was something he was going to ignore. It didn't concern him. He and Stan were both too young. He'd felt a strange sense of almost invulnerability at that. So he'd just kept walking. He'd gotten caught up in an interesting discussion with his physics teacher at the end of the lesson, and was far more concerned with the fact that he was running late to meet up with Stan for lunch. But then it'd hit him with the same speed and ferocity as an oncoming freight train that while he and Stan might be in the clear, that same certainty was in no way extended to Sherman.
The closest thing to a parent they had, and an uncaring universe had just added his name to some nebulous lottery where being picked would spell tragedy.
Sherman was security, and now he might be ripped away.
Suffice to say, they hadn't gone to get food after that. Instead, the entire lunch period had been spent locked up in a bathroom stall, Stan trying his best to talk Ford down from the ensuing panic attack without becoming overwrought himself.
"What do we do, Stan?" Ford's voice was low and miserable. He'd managed to pull himself together for the entire evening, not wanting to worry Sherman. But problems always seemed much bigger in the dark, and this one was insurmountable enough in daylight.
"I donno." Stan said. "Do ya wanna go talk with 'im?"
"I don't know."
Ford went quiet again, just listening to the rumbling heater and the odd car passing by outside. If there was one thing he missed about their old room, it was the sound of the ocean. A busy road was no substitute for calming waves.
Did he want to go talk to Sherman? Yes. The sense of comfort he usually got - both of them usually got - from doing that was so deep rooted it was only surpassed by the comfort they could find in eachother. But this was about Sherman, so venting their fears with him might help. He never got upset at them for doing so, not for being 'sissies' or for keeping him up when he had work in the morning or for bothering him. The fact that they could go wake him up if they needed it was another one of those truths that had taken a long time to sink in. But after a bad bout of the flu had almost escalated to hospitalisation for both of them because they wouldn't tell Sherman they weren't feeling well they'd sat down and had a very long chat about the importance of communication. It still felt like night and day compared to Pa.
"I guess I want to go talk to him. But it feels stupid."
"You know he wouldn't see it like that." Stan's hand squeezed Ford's comfortingly.
"I know. But..."
But what? Ford wasn't sure how to articulate the issue. Not even to himself really. He wanted to go and ask for reassurance, he wanted that familiar comfort. The one that made him think of sitting up late at night being hugged and reassured through childhood stomach aches and emotional breakdowns over bullies. That strange paradoxical feeling of a miserable situation made almost... Cozy? None of those situations were ever good. The things that facilitated them hurt. But that hurt facilitated closeness and safety, and those emotions were always the ones that remained. They were good memories tinged with something bad. Or maybe bad memories overwhelmed by something good?
So yes. He wanted that. He wanted to make a good memory out of this hurt.
But that felt selfish.
The situation was horrible. Horrible to the point where trying to make something good, however miniscule, come out of it almost felt like it'd be disrespectful. Making light of something that should stay dark. That should hurt, and only hurt.
"Ford? Ya still awake?"
Ford breathed shakily through his nose. Trying to stop his voice from wavering the way he just knew it would.
"I want to go talk to him. But it feels wrong."
"I don't know how to- I don't-" Ford paused, focusing on breathing again. Intellectually, he knew he didn't have the keep the emotions tapped down. Another lesson Sherman had worked hard to drill into them. It was okay to cry and dad was an asshole for demanding they don't. But he still didn't want to. It still felt somehow weak. Shameful. "I want to go, I want to make it feel better, but I also don't want to make it feel better because it hurts and it should. It should hurt. It's awful."
Stan remained quiet for another few seconds. Usually he had no qualms about blurting out whatever came to his mind, but maybe this situation required more thought.
"Let me get this straight... The reason you don't want to go and talk to Shermie is because ya want to be upset?"
Ford didn't know if that was it or not. He couldn't make heads or tails of his own emotions. They felt huge and overwhelming, too big to fit inside him but also too big to unravel and understand. Like a nest of gigantic snakes all tangled up in eachother, chaotic and confused, hissing and biting itself.
"It's bad. It's so bad that trying to make it good feels wrong." He didn't know if that was it either.
Stan let go of his hand, and Ford instantly mourned the loss of contact. Comfort? Wasn't comfort what he didn't want? He was so confused, he just wanted everything to make sense. He lifted the corner of his t-shirt to wipe at his stinging eyes as Stan's face appeared over the side of the bed.
"Ford... Look, it's okay to let things hurt, but it's also okay to make them hurt less." Stan looked at him intensely. Ford felt himself becoming even more choked up at the scrutiny. "No, seriously. It's like... Like breaking a leg, right? Remember that time in fourth grade when you did that?"
Ford nodded, slightly unsure what this had to do with anything.
"It hurt, and it's okay that it hurt. It made sense that it hurt, and you don't pretend like it doesn't. But just because it makes sense that it hurts doesn't mean it was bad that you got painkillers and a cast. Without that junk it wouldn't have healed right."
That... He supposed that might be a valid analogy. Maybe Stan had a point.
"So... You think we should go?"
"Are you going to feel any better if we don't?"
Ford considered for a moment, still warring with the conflicting emotions twisting his stomach all up in knots. But he thought maybe it was slightly less. Shaking his head, he excavated himself from the nest of blankets and clambered down the ladder. Moving through the darkened apartment and arriving to knock at their brother's door as they'd done so many times before.
In the end, it did help. Sitting huddled together on the bed in the dark until the sun began to rise and the fear crept away with the shadows. Until it felt safe enough to fall asleep, secure in the knowledge that everyone would still be there come morning. The situation was large and looming and firmly out of their control. That much didn't change. They couldn't decide how things would end, but they could decide how they would cope. And they would cope.
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sombreboy · 4 years
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⤍18+ ⤍pairing: snakehybrid!pjm x female reader ⤍genre: pwp smut, hybrid, fluff ⤍word count: 3.9k ⤍warnings: profanity, jimin has a cute hiss/lisp, neither is sub or dom in this but jimin is pretty whiny and soft but so is y/n haha ig they’re just whiny for eachother, blowjob, pussy eating with that dextrous split tongue, light breathplay, Jimin has two BIG cocks im not even sorry for this one, double penetration (yes it anatomically works in this world we’re all monsterfuckers here), double creampie? is it even called creampie in the ass too...Just, a lot of cum, biting, mentions of blood, fluffy ending. A/N: Enjoy this surprise. I know many of you wanted this. I worked really hard on it, so please praise me with your love. As always, thank you for reading my filth. xoxo
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“Jimin? What are you doing--”
You were unable to finish your sentence before his pillowy lips found purchase on yours, hungrily devouring your mouth with a newfound aggression that contrasted his normally sweet, gentle behavior. A whimper escaped your throat that the snake hybrid gladly swallowed, a rumbling groan erupting in the core of his chest in response to his favorite sound.
He pulled back momentarily, his hot breath fanning your face as it lingered close. Those intense eyes were staring straight through you like scorching razorblades, pupils shrunk into thin slits of focus. He only had eyes for you, you, you in this very moment-- and there was only one thing he desired. And you knew exactly what it was, and just the thought of what he seemed to have in mind had your body immediately reacting accordingly, heating up several degrees until your skin felt flushed hot.
Jimin was sensitive to changes in temperature, and loved how he was able to trigger your flesh to heat up for him like his own personal source of warmth. But nothing compared to the comforting, maddening heat beneath your skin.
“Baby… You know exactly what I’m doing.” He murmurs against the skin of your jawline, smoothing the button of his nose down your neck until he inhales deeply to take in your scent. You smelled so divine, mixed with his own since he’d claimed you as his mate for the first time. “Wanna play with you.”
“Yes.” You didn’t hesitate, your body was already more than ready, responding to his every graceful movement against your body. His hands gently smoothed down your curves, snaking beneath your shirt to caress your stomach while he took advantage of the towering force of his body to guide your steps backwards towards the bed. You complied, naturally submissive to his ministrations as you allowed him to place you on the bed, sitting on the edge with your palms flat on the soft duvet. He stood in front of you, between your spread legs while gazing down at you. He tugs your shirt up and off your torso, tossing it to the floor without even blinking to avoid missing a single second of seeing you.
“You’re so pretty.” You look up at him with admirations swirling in your eyes. Without thinking, your hands settle on his clothed thighs, running them up his firm muscles until you reach the waistline of his pants, curling your fingers around it to gently tug downwards-- signaling that you want to free the hardening bulge from the cage of fabric. “Wanna play with you too.”
Jimin’s forked tongue slipped out his slightly parted lips, swiping them across the delicate, pillowy skin until a layer of his spit served as a natural gloss, only adding to his unfair beauty. His pupils dilated significantly the second you gasp when you visibly see his cocks twitch through the clothing-- always amazed by his hybrid-like assets.
“Yeah, okay... A little-- You know I get impatient…” Jimin wasn’t blessed with patience, often greedy to get straight to the point of what he desired. But the look in your eyes made him want to give you the world. He couldn’t do that, though, but what he could do was to give you himself.
“I know, Jimin. You can’t help it.” He really couldn’t. When he gets excited, he loses control, the predatory part of his hybrid self taking over almost completely. However, that was exactly what you wanted..
You slowly pulled his pants down together with his underwear, flinching when his cocks sprung free in front of your face. You’re practically foaming at the mouth already, seeing how the swollen tips are glistening with beads of precum, waiting for you to indulge in his sinful flesh. So you did, grasping both in your hands, slowly stroking them from the get go with little to no patience yourself.
He was already hard in your hands, the velvety skin radiating heat. Jimin whined quietly in annoyance, rutting his hips forward to press his girths closer to your mouth-- you got the hint. You parted your lips, taking one of his cocks into your mouth, tongue swirling around the head before diving forward to take it all. You’ve done it countless times before, but every single time the tip of his turgid length prodded the back of your throat, he moans out loud. It’s one of his favorite things, how you’re able to take him so deep until there’s no more space for him to keep pushing.
“Fuck, that feels good, baby... “ Jimin’s tongue lisps lightly around the ‘S’, hissing out his cursed praises. His free hand grasps his untouched cock beneath the one currently buried down your throat, stroking himself simultaneously to the rhythm you quickly found as you sucked him off. His other hand strokes your hair, his delicate, ring-clad fingers brushing your curls behind your ears to see your face better. His hips begin to rut forward to meet your mouths as it comes down on him, watching your lips stretch around his girth with every drag back and forth, back and forth, the skin of his length wetter with each repeated action.
The praise has your cheeks rosy, beaming with pride at how easily he was falling apart just because of your mouth. However, his faux submission didn’t last long until he decided it was your turn to crumble beneath him. He gently grasped your hair into his fist, pulling you back until his length is stripped from the warmth of your wet mouth, a thick string of saliva dripping down your chin.
You look up at him once more, this time feeling your cunt throb when you make eye contact with the predatory stare that came from above, tunnel visioned on you, and you only. He never lied to you when he said his patience was practically nonexistent.
“That’s enough, baby. Take your clothess off…” he lisps endearingly, biting down on his lower lip when you don’t waste time to obey his commands. Your shirt was already off with his assistance, and you threw the bra to join the fabrics on the floor. Laying down on your back, you wiggle your hips while pulling down your pants, eyes never wavering from his. Your snake-like movements mesmerized even him. The prey taunted the predator.
“Moving like that, you drive me crazy… sshit..” Jimin groans, his hand stroking both cocks to the view below him of you stripping down to just your panties. You lift your legs up, taking off the pants completely to toss them away into any direction-- it didn’t matter anyway. All that mattered was how riled up Jimin was while watching you, his wet cocks gliding against one another as he kept them in his firm grasp, slick sounds striking the room. His hissing got louder between grunts, and eventually he whines when he stops touching himself, instead coaxing you to move up towards the headboard of the bed to give him space to crawl between your spread legs, still hidden by the thin, soaked panties that you intentionally left on, knowing he loved to see the cotton stick to your cunt like a second layer of skin.
“J-Jimin…” You whine when he leans in between your legs, his hot breath fanning your clothed pussy as his darkened gaze flickers up to meet yours. His lips tug into a teasing smirk, showcasing his pointed fangs that you were so fond of-- for various reasons. His split tongue snakes out from his parted lips, giving your wet panties a long, slow drag from the bottom up to your clit. His moan vibrates in his chest at how he could taste and smell you through his taste buds, the sweet and tangy essence he couldn’t wait to soak his tongue in.
“Lovely.” Jimin praised yet again, smoothing the pads of his finger down your slit, feeling the heated skin beneath the panties. He slowly stroked his fingers up and down a few times before tugging at the thin fabrics, catching it between his fangs to rip it off with one smooth motion of his razor sharp teeth. You exhale audibly at the sight, hands curling up against the sheets to grab a fistful in anticipation-- you know exactly what you’re in for, and just knowing had your body shuddering from the thrill. Only one man could make you feel this riled up with so little, he hadn’t even begun to properly play with you.. yet. 
“P-please, it’s torture…” You whine, knowing all too well which ones of his buttons to push. Begging, whining-- he’d be a puddle that obliged to your wishes within a heartbeat, playing it off as his own greed. He’s domineering, and thrives through the power he possesses over you, sure-- but that didn’t mean he was immune to your pleading, sweet voice. It drove him mad, and if patience could go minus on a scale, his was dropping with every shaky breath that escaped your lips.
“Now who’s impatient..” Jimin teased, giving in to your pleas nonetheless. He understood the feeling better than anybody, and he saw no reason in dragging out the torture any longer than necessary, for the sake of you both. He gets comfortable between your legs, properly situated to finally allow his pillowy lips to kiss your clit softly, drawing another breathy whimper from your pretty throat, watching your chest shudder. He lets his split tongue slip past his parted lips, licking up the wet arousal that had seeped from your cunt, his hot breath hitting your skin as he exhales in rapture. He loved eating you out, and it was of no surprise that you loved it just as much-- his tongue was skilled, and perfectly shaped to give it a unique feeling compared to what a normal, human tongue could do.
Jimin said nothing from then on, but simply allowed his ministrations to speak for him. His dexterous tongue lapped at your dripping entrance, slowly, but not too slow to make it unbearable. He licked upwards stripes, his own drool mixing with the continuous essence that leaked out with every sweet constriction he coaxed from you when his moans vibrated against your pussy.
“You taste sso good, baby.” He sighs blissfully, inching even closer. The wet sounds his mouth made was sinful, alternating between licking and sucking lightly with his plushy, glossy lips. You were squirming above him, arching your back as your hands searched for his golden locks, tangling your fingers into his roots before tugging, pushing him closer to your core for more friction.
“H-harder-- make me cum, Jimin, ah…” You whimper, gritting your teeth in frustration-- you wanted more, more, more, greedy for him to please you further. He whines when you tug at his hair, but allowed you either way to control him. His lips found your clit, sucking at it tastefully, swirling his forked tongue around it to properly give you the attention you craved. His hands were tightly grabbing at your thighs, keeping your moving body in place as he picked up the pace when you kept tugging at his roots, spurring the aggression in him. The pain you caused him made him go harder-- so you closed your fist, pulling harder, and as you anticipated, his mouth treated you rougher.
“G-god, yes-- just like that, so good, I’ll c-cum.. Fuc-k!” Your throaty moans were like music to his ears, but he could only hear the muffled version of it as your fleshy thighs were pinning him in place, pushing against his ears. He could practically hear your heartbeat in your thighs, the warmth comforting and maddening to his senses, your throbbing, swollen clit impossibly hard in his mouth as he kept abusing it with his tongue. He rutted against the bed, his cocks leaking profusely with precum from how desperate you were to cum-- and it made him feel the desperation right on his tongue, both tasting and smelling your impending orgasm.
Your harsh grasp in his blonde curls didn’t cease, but increased the second his wet, skilled tongue flicked over your clit harder, coaxing your orgasm more and more until finally, it hits you like a tidal wave, drowning you in blinding rapture. Your back arched, your insides pulsating in a rhythmical pattern, every throb causing your body to twitch, and your silent cries only came out as gasps. Jimin pulled through, unable to breathe for a mere few seconds, still keeping his split tongue wrapped around your clit, feeling the way it pulsated against his lips. His muffled moan was more than enough for you to know he loved this just as much, but the moment he tapped your thigh you quickly let go of him so he could pull back and gasp for air.
“Ah, I’m s-sorry…” You half laugh, half whine, your dewy skin glistening with sweat, chest moving up and down with every shaky, heavy breath. You look down at his black stare, admiring you as if you were his entire universe. And to him, you are, no doubt.
“Don’t be. I loved it-- sso pretty... Sso hot…” Jimin huffed, giving your soaked entrance one last lick, gathering your essence on his tongue before slipping his tongue back into his mouth, savoring the taste. “Mmm...  You’re sso delicious, baby.”
“Gah.. D-don’t say that, it’s embarrassing.” You hid your face in your palms, face flushed with embarrassment and the lingering arousal in your body. You felt him get up from his position, crawling on top of your body to kiss your hands that covered your face. Slowly, you removed them to peek at him, only to see his pearly, sharp smile, eyes squinted into the most beautiful crescent moons.
“You’re too cute. How can you act so innocent after using my mouth like that?” Jimin cooed, leaning back in to kiss your lips. It tasted like you, but you didn’t mind-- because it was living proof that he’d just indulged in his favorite treat.
Well, one of his favorite treats.
Jimin sat back up on his knees, his cocks standing tall and needy for any attention whatsoever at this point. He’d been so patient after all, putting effort into making you feel so good. Now that you’re soaked, both his mouth and swollen heads of his lengths were dripping with desperation to finally fuck you.
“Baby?” Jimin’s soothing voice was like a siren’s song, impossible to ignore-- absolutely impossible to say no to.
“Ride me, please?” His eyelashes fluttered, flirting his way through your heart to get what he desired. And it worked--- obviously. He wouldn’t even have to ask this nicely. He treated you well, so you wanted to give it right back.
You nod, moving to the side to let him take your previous place, laying on his back. He propped himself up a little with a few pillows, reaching for your body with a pout when he felt cold without the warmth that is you.
“You’re still the more impatient one.” You giggle as you straddle him, lifting your hips up above his cock. He watched with wide eyes, nodding in agreement to whatever you said at this point-- all he could think about was to fill you up.
“Yeah, yeah.” He murmured, guiding your hips down slowly to sink down on one of his cocks, the other left untouched, sandwiched between the fleshy cheeks of your ass. His cocks were wet, easily providing a pleasant glide against your skin.
“I really want to be able to fill you with both this time…” Jimin confessed while he swallowed tightly, fangs clamping down on his lower lip as he pushed you down further to take his entire length in your warm insides. His cocks throbbed, one in you and one against your ass, a heavy exhale slipped past his lips in bliss. “So fuckin’ goood to me, shit… Rock your hipss, baby, use me.”
“God, you’re so pretty Jimin…” You praised him right back, feeling his cock pulsate with every sweet word coming from you. He loved it when you called him pretty in various ways. Rocking your hips back and forth, his cock grinds deeply inside of you, causing yourself to moan from using him to please yourself. “And s-so big, fuck..”
“I know.” Jimin crooked a playful eyebrow at you, but just as quickly his shit eating grin was wiped off when you spit in your palm, hand snaked behind your back to stroke the cock that wasn’t already wrapped in your heat. “Ahh, yes.. Touch it-- touch it more…” He whined, his hands grabbing your thighs to coax you to rock your hips harder. You did so, all while teasing the wet head of his free length.
“Want to fill both my holes with your pretty cocks, Jimin?” You said sweetly, already knowing the answer. His hips bucked upwards in response, his hissed curses spurring your growing confidence. You slowed your movements, guiding the drenched tip to prod at your ass. Slowly, you teased your tight rim until you could comfortably slip it inside, carefully allowing him to fill you up to the brim with both of his blessed, turgid lengths. You gasped again, overwhelmed by how full you felt, so complete.. “O-oh my god....”
“Yes, yeah, fuck yess..” Jimin screwed his eyes shut for a moment, stilling his movements for your sake, wanting you to decide when it’s time to move. He knew it’d be a lot, and he’s so proud of you for taking both his cocks at once-- such a fucking good girl for him. “Tight, isn’t it? Take it easy..”
“Yeah, you’re big, Jimin…Unf..” You place your palms flat down on his toned abdomen, breathing steadily to relax your muscles. The two of you truly felt each other then, his flesh filling you up in such a completing way that he’d never done before. Your warm insides hugging him snugly, comforting him in every sense of the word-- he felt at ease, like this is where he belonged all along. 
You began to move when you felt ready, grinding your hips against him, feeling the twitching of his needy cocks inside of you with every movement-- not a single moment went unnoticed by him, every breath and whine that slipped past your lips was pure bliss. You picked up the pace a bit, rocking faster on him, growing greedier with every low curse, hiss and moan that pushed past his bit swollen lips, his blunt nails digging into your thighs.
“D-don’t go too fast, I’ll cum…” He whined, licking his sharp fangs as he stared at the way your body jiggled on top of him. His hips rutted upwards, changing the rocking motion into an up and down bounce, causing you to moan out in pleasure when his cocks abused the thin wall of flesh separating his lengths, grinding against one another.
“M-maybe I want you to..” You breathe out, your voice nowhere as coy as you had imagined it to be-- it was impossible to tease when he brushed against every inch of your sensitive insides, the sweet stretch driving you mad. But on the other hand, you could tell he’s the one who was falling apart underneath you, the common tick of his where he continuously swiped his tongue over his sharp fangs, a known quirk of his when he’s desperately trying to control his impending orgasm by feeling the sting of his teeth. “Want you to fill me up so well. Help me, fuck me harder. I c-can’t by myself.”
“Mhm.” Jimin’s nails had dragged down your thighs countless times at this point, coaxing red welts to form in his rake. He smoothed his palms up your body, digging his digits into your hips to get a proper hold of you, aiding in your bouncing motion, allowing you to plunge down on his cocks harder to meet his bucking hips, forcing the slapping sound of skin to skin to grow more prominent in the room. “Oh, baby, I swear… I’ll cum, ah…”
Those few, sweet words spoken in his lustful, canary voice was all you needed to feel a rush of energy pump through your veins, adamant to make him cum just as good as he made you. Your fingers curled on the skin of his stomach, light scratches forming on his milky tone as you bounced on his cocks harder, faster, deeper-- the shameless wet smacking sounds driving you both towards lustful madness. His split tongue continuously swiped over his teeth, lips, biting down hard on his pillowy, delicate skin. His teeth itched to bite down on something, the scorching heat pooling in his abdomen creeping up on him faster than ever before.
“B-baby-- Wanna bite.” Jimin pleaded, but it wasn’t a command. The biting wasn’t your favorite, he knew this, but he felt desperate. It was his way of marking you, claiming you-- to show you he loved you and you only during a time like this. “I promise I’ll be g-gentle, please.. I’m cumming, fuc-k!”
You didn’t hesitate, wordlessly leaning forward to offer him your neck, all while his tight grasp moved to your ass, forcing you down over and over on his lengths. His lips immediately kiss down your neck, searching for his favorite spot in the slope where your neck meets your shoulder. His lips curl up as his fangs came into view, not wasting a second of this given opportunity to let them sink into your soft skin. Your body tensed up, holes constricting around his lengths, just the way he anticipated--and had hoped for. He kept fucking up into you, hissing as his razor-like fangs chomp down your neck, savoring the throaty cries that pushed past your lips.
“O-oh, ow, shit-- fuck! Jimin, ahh… F-feels good.” You reassured him, knowing that although his primal instincts took over the second his fangs bit into you, one of his hands soothingly ran up and down your waist as the other remained tight, fucking you down on him. However, it only took a few more punishing thrusts before he pushed you down once more, but this time keeping you still, emptying himself into both of your holes. His body tensed up, hips stuttering as he hissed out, lips curled up as he bit down harder. This is where he’s the most lost in his hybrid part of himself, mating you like it’s the first time, although it’s far from it.
“D-doing so well, Jimin…” You praised as you felt his body relax slowly, cocks pulsating as hot cum gushed out into the tight space, already seeping out from the lack of anywhere else to go. His hands is the first indication that he’d come back down to reality, smoothing down your back and pulling you close to his body. Lastly, he unhinged his jaw and let go, licking his bloody fangs clean before holding you close, still lodged deep inside of you with no intention of removing you from this position just yet.
“Thank you, baby.” Jimin stroked your back, nuzzling his nose into your hair to coax you to look up at him. When you did, he smiled. The familiar, pearly smile that caused his eyes to form into this lovely squint that had your heart fluttering. “I love you.”
This man was really made out of sugar, spice and everything nice.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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leroyzboots · 3 years
you and i are trying, together.
part two.
The amount of unease that can fit into Tommy's more-than-human-less-than-god body is honestly surprising.
Tommy paces back and forth on the floor of the Lambda lab, his Beyblade whirring between his fingers and his precious immortal dog following behind him with love.
They'd arrived at around half past midnight, but it's now early morning and there's been no sign of the other two members of the science team.
Bubby leans back in their chair, crossing his knee-high laced boots over their knee, and bounces the other one out of anxiety.
"Tommy," he barks; "you're scaring the other scientists."
Tommy glances down and realizes that the Beyblade is whizzing madly in the air around his hands, suspended from nothing.
"D-dammit," He mutters, snatching his toy back and returns it to his pocket.
"They sho-should have been back by now."
Tommy stops pacing for a second and stares down the Coomers with his father's intensity.
"Surely, Benrey could have used teleportation?" Harold chimes in, his knuckles bruised slightly from his repeated stims.
"I think that's what he meant, dear," Bubby replies, patting their husband's shoulder affectionately.
"Yes, exactly!"
Tommy throws his hands into his pockets, huffing out his frustration.
"The f-fact that they're not...back yet! Means something has gone-"
A enormous thud echoes from the the floor, a piece of tile juts out slightly and scatters the scientists nearby.
"Wrong," Tommy finishes miserably, drawing his gun and preparing for Xen's creatures.
Beside him, Sunkist snarls, her hackles raised in warning.
The tile cracks and shoots into the air, with accompanying gunfire from below, and a hatch busts open from the hole.
Tommy aims to shoot, but immediately lowers his gun upon seeing Mr. Freeman's tired but happy face, followed closely by Benrey, the bags under his eyes looking darker than usual.
Tommy rushes forward, embracing them both, and the knots of tension unravel in his stomach.
Benrey snuggles just a little closer into Tommy's coat, and Tommy releases Gordon to pull Benrey into a full hug.
Tommy planned on never admitting it to himself, but these two were the people he loved the most.
Benrey..he'd known Benrey for years.
It started when Benrey was just out of training, and Tommy had completed his certification to become a top scientist.
Benrey was 19, maybe 20 at the oldest, his hair pulled into a ponytail that ran down his back.
They weren't close, then, Benrey had been assigned to guard the G-Man's adopted son.
Benrey couldn't die, and Tommy's line of work was dangerous enough to need protection.
So it all worked out.
They barely exchanged more than a few words to eachother until that one night, that one fucking night and Benrey is tripping over himself in tears, blood pouring from the wound on his back and he's clutching Tommy, pawing at his shoulders.
Benrey trembled like he's made from glass and will break if he falls, and Tommy gripped the back of the others security vest so tightly the kevlar nearly rips in half.
And that's saying something.
That night they sat together and they're closer in distance than they've ever been, Tommy's warm and gentle hands bandaged the wound above the numbers tattooed onto Benrey's tailbone and Benrey spilled everything.
Between sniffles and the occasional sob, Benrey confessed, about the tools that somehow hurt him beyond regeneration, leaving a scar, about the men and their evil sticks of lightning that would seep into his bones and fill him with pain so intense he felt like he would break in half.
Tommy nearly broke in half himself.
He felt helpless, and so he went to the only person he knew would make the ones who hurt his first and only friend pay dearly-
His father.
Oh, Tommy had never seen the G-man so angry.
Black Mesa was a research facility, for god's sake, dedicated to the study of alien life and the progression of the human body.
So when Tommy's dad realized that the prototype imprisonment he had resolved several years ago had resurfaced with an even uglier face, he sent scientists who had never experienced fear in their lives tripping for the door in yelps of terror.
And that had been the end of it.
Benrey continued his job as a security guard, people who had previously been made in the facility were hired back on as scientists in new departments such as mixology and cybernetics, and Black Mesa cut its ties with the military.
Black Mesa, Benrey explained later in his own broken way to Tommy in the quiet breakroom during lunch hour, had been trying to create the perfect human being.
There were thousands upon thousands of prototypes that had been created, and Benrey had been the last.
But there had always been something wrong with the ones they created, whether it was serious physical or mental deformities, or simply a sense of fucked up little creature that ended up resulting in the insane amount of scientists with the ability to grow in size, and the security guards that always had a few too many rows of teeth or glowing eyes and severe anger issues.
They weren't always grown in tubes, Tommy learned, but they were always branded with their serial number on the base of the spine.
The one before him, Benrey quipped with a mouthful of sandwich, had been born to a prototype and a normal human employee, before they stripped them out with a memory wipe and sent them into normal society.
The anxious feeling that haunted Tommy in the years that followed had something to do with that piece of information in particular.
Something told him that the military and the alien planet they were studying wouldn't let go of Black Mesa kindly.
Mr. Freeman confirmed that.
He's in the hallway, on his way to get a soda, when he's met with a newer employee, only worked here about 4 or so years.
He seemed kind enough, if a little loud and stubborn. And alright, maybe it hurt Tommy's feelings when Gordon called him a freak, but that was pushed aside with the Resonance Cascade.
Tommy knew that this was it, this was the boot boys' revenge for cutting them out of the picture, but there was something else, distinctly and unsettlingly alien about the Cascade.
The whole of Black Mesa fell into shambles, with creatures of Xen integrating into their carefully built walls and lives, and Tommy kinda freaked, okay?
He'd seen Dr. Coomer around, always greeting him with a wonderful "Hello!!", and was met with a thrill in his stomach when he introduced another prototype as his husband.
Those two had been with him, in the observation room when the project exploded around Gordon and Benrey-
he wasn't supposed to be in the test chamber, what if it seriously hurt him?-
And maybe that was when Tommy realized he was in love with Benrey.
Over time, he felt a sense of conflict slowly building as he made friends with Mr. Freeman.
He seemed to hate Benrey, they hated eachother, but Tommy liked one and loved the other so he became their middle ground.
He was convinced to himself that Benrey liked him as well, until that room, that dark, dark room, and suddenly Benrey is kneeling in a puddle of Gordon's blood and Bubby is screaming, sobbing, blubbering his apologies to anyone who is listening as the soldiers drag them away and Benrey-
He says it, he says those words and it breaks Tommy's heart into a billion pieces-
"Because I love him, okay?! I'm fucking- whoop-de-doo, in love with Gordon god. G-goddamn Freeman, okay?..."
And then Benrey teleports, and he's gone, and Bubby is gone and Dr. Coomer leaves him in the cold dark sewer by himself.
Tommy cried.
Burying his head in his coat, he cried hard and long, alone on the rocky floor.
And then Mr. Freeman crawls out of the pipe, and Tommy can't help it, he holds him.
Gordon reeks of sewage and his bloody hand smells of copper but Tommy doesn't care, and alright, maybe that's when Tommy realized he's in love with Gordon too.
Alright, Tommy can deal with that.
Something Tommy can't deal with is the fact that his instincts are going fucking haywire.
Tommy's always been very perceptive when it comes to time, maybe he can't stop time like his father can, but he's definitely got a certain sense of time and reality as it surrounds him.
Being able to reach out and touch and feel certain areas, but not control them, and all of time is wrapped around him like a blanket.
So when the floor crumbles away below them and Benrey and Gordon fall deep into the recesses of Black Mesa's hellscape, Tommy freaks the fuck out.
A deep, inherent concern lays nested in the pit of his mind like a pile of cottonmouth snakes, hissing madly and snarling that something, something, is absolutely wrong with how this is supposed to go.
Tommy has a sinking feeling that something terrible is going to happen.
Man, Benrey really hates this place.
The scientists of the Lambda lab asked a simple request of the Science Team- go through the portal to Xen, get rid of the Nihilanth, bring back some weird space shit.
Easy as pie.
Benrey feels sick, feverish on this planet.
As he follows behind the group, his legs feel leaden and heavy, and he tugs at the collar of his uniform, which feels uncomfortably tight around his neck.
He's sweating, unusually warm beneath his helmet, but shivering as though chilled to his bones.
There's a tug, deep in his torso, pulling him along, but it's a nasty, oppressive feeling that makes his limbs feel like noodles.
He swallows nervously, eyes darting across the fetid, blood colored planet of Xen.
The sour smell clogs his senses, and as they trudge deeper and deeper through the portals, away from the floating rocks with little gravity and past strange barrels of highly toxic looking liquid, the heavy pull in Benrey's chest only grows stronger and more sickly.
They push through a final, puke-green portal, and the feeling inside of Benrey swells to near explosion.
A cave, with jagged and dark stone running up the walls in wicked cracks, a deep red flush to the area.
Water is flooding Benrey's boots, a putrid and decaying smell to the liquid, and it only adds to Benrey's fatigue.
The creature before them could only be the Nihilanth itself, and the very sight sends such a fucking shudder down Benrey's spine.
It's disgusting, twisted and pulsating flesh running down what must be its face, beady eyes in a cadaverous socket.
It looks like a fetus, a failed attempt of termination long after the allotted time.
It speaks, and the chorus of voices that accompanies it gives away the fact that Xen isn't just the planet-
It's the entire race.
"So. The humans have finally decided to be rid of us."
Gordon looks tired, beaten, but pulls himself upward and grunts through the pain of his broken shin.
"Get your video game dialogue out of the way," he says, with a dismissive wave of his gun-hand.
"I'm about done with this alien shit."
The Nihilanth laughs, a hideous and painful sound, and tilts its head in curiosity towards the little group of vagabonds.
"But you have brought us the very thing we need, Mr. Freeman."
Gordon groans in frustration, turning back to his friends with his teeth grinding against eachother.
"Why does it know my name?"
Xens' audience shrieks with delight, and the Nihilanth's barely feasible mouth twists into what can only be guessed as a grin.
"Xen knows everything about you, Mr. Freeman."
Benrey sways on the spot, his boots splashing the strange water, and the scene before him blurs.
"Whadda....what the hell are you..talking about, man?"
Xen's creatures seem to roar with laughter, and beside Benrey, Dr. Coomer throws up his fists protestingly.
"Xen has been all knowing, all seeing since time begun. As we grow, so do our minds, until we are forced to repopulate. Regrow."
Beneath their feet, headcrabs scuttle ominously, causing Tommy to jump backward with surprise.
"But human beings became a problem for Xen. Their flimsy bodies failed, burst open upon integration."
Benrey is only just awake enough to process this.
"The scientists of Black Mesa were so eager to learn of a new planet. So Xen took influence, and under the guise of building a perfect human being, created what Xen needed."
Gordon scoffs, his shoulders shaking as he laughs scornfully.
Xen reacts strongly, a collective hiss rising around them.
"Do not laugh at us, human."
The headcrabs stay at a distance, but raise their pincers and click them menacingly as the Nihilanth's speech continues.
"Xen required a human being who could withstand radiation, a being who could lose blood en mass and not perish."
A sense of dread washes over the Science Team, and Tommy instinctively puts himself in front of Gordon.
Bubby ignites his arms protectively.
"Let me guess," Gordon growls, revving up his minigun limb; "you needed me?"
Xen's creatures wail in joy, and Benrey takes that as a yes, and reaches for his gun, when something big and poisonous and slimy wraps around his ankle.
"Xen requires Benrey."
Benrey yelps as the Nihilanth drags him underneath the water, bubbles of Sweet Voice trailing from his mouth as his back bounces on the cragged floor beneath the surface.
The Nihilanth swings him into the air, and Benrey splutters, ears waterlogged under his helmet, which slips from his head and falls to the ground with a splash, Benrey's short black hair now dripping wet.
"Look at you, our once perfect vessel- a mewling, pathetic dog."
Hung upside down by his ankle, Benrey gasps in pain as Xen shakes him repeatedly, and for a brief, sickening moment, Benrey is forcibly reminded of the Finding Nemo movie Tommy showed him-
He feels like a fish in Darla's little bag.
"Bark, bark, bark but no bite. You were made with Xen's own blood and yet you cannot even protect those you are infatuated with."
With that, the Nihilanth throws him to the far wall, and his skull cracks on the rock.
It doesn't heal, and Benrey slumps down, struggling to stand, his eyesight swimming with tears.
"You think the Freeman human loves you? You cost him a limb. You would be perfect save for your one flaw- you kneel before a man you could kill with no effort, and you beg him to love you as you love him."
Benrey shakes, kneeling, and whimpers as he chokes out a sob, not trying to disguise his tears.
"You truly are nothing."
The word is tiny, barely audible.
Then again, louder, with a crack of his voice but more than enough power-
"No. You're wrong."
Gordon pulls himself to full height, scowling so deeply the age shows on his face.
"Benrey is everything to us. To all of us, but especially me."
"Y-yeah! We're not afraid of you!" Tommy chimes, and Sunkist howls with approval.
"If you or your alien bitches thought we'd just leave him here, you're just as stupid as you look."
Bubby grins wildly, cracking their neck from side to side, his bright and eager eyes flashing beneath their glasses.
"Don't fuck with the Science Team!" Coomer bellows, and Bubby cheers beside him.
"Now I'm only gonna tell you once," Gordon beams, turning away from his family to draw his gun-hand and point it at Xen's Nihilanth.
"Piss off."
Gordon fires, and the accompanying screams of headcrabs and peeper puppies echo across the cave, and Benrey is overtaken with an aching, sweet feeling he usually associates with Gordon.
It's love.
Benrey smiles fondly as his knees buckle and he falls to the ground and submerges in the murky waters.
Benrey wakes up and immediately is struck with a massive goddamn headache.
He closes his eyes and pulls the pillow over his ears, but the pain is there and clearly is not going anywhere, so he's going to have to ask for an aspirin or some shit.
Sitting up makes him so nauseous it's not even funny, so he decides it's not worth it to stand.
A loud snore startles Benrey enough to yelp, and he glances around for the source of the noise.
Sitting hand in hand on the floor, against the wall opposite his bed, are Gordon and Tommy, both bearing signs of wear and both dead asleep.
Gordon is clutching Benrey's helmet so tightly to his shirt it looks uncomfortable, and Tommy is curled protectively around Gordon's shoulders.
They're half dressed, like Black Mesa decided that the HEV suit and a bloody lab coat was not appropriate clothing but also did not have a whole lot of options for back up wear.
Benrey guesses this based on the fact that Gordon's not really wearing pants and Tommy's wearing a t-shirt that says "Birthday Girl".
Something about the fact that they're holding hands hurts Benrey, just a little.
His heart aches for a moment as he remembers the warmth of Gordon's hand and the feeling of a hug from the Beyblade enthusiast who was his best and only friend for a very long time.
Benrey shakes his head, decides he's going to repress it, and yawns.
God, his head hurts.
Benrey figures that if he stands, he's going to trip and probably break something, and since he doesn't trust his regeneration ability right now, he's not risking it.
Instead, he picks up his pillow and heaves it at the two scientists as hard as he can.
Tommy jolts awake, blinking, then smiles widely upon sighting the guard.
Tommy shoots upward, and makes the distance between the wall and the hospital bed in one step, leaving Gordon to slump over and yell in surprise as he hits the floor.
Benrey's pulled into a crushing hug, and he wheezes for Tommy to be gentle.
"S-sorry!" Tommy cries happily, pulling back to take in Benrey's face.
"It's..it's g-good to see you awake."
Gordon stands, still holding the helmet, and wanders over to where Tommy is perched on the edge of the bed.
"You've been out for hours," Gordon adds, gently reaching out with his left hand to ruffle Benrey's hair.
"We were starting to get worried."
Benrey swallows his funny retort for once, instead choosing to spit out some clear blue song in response.
Tommy reads it almost immediately, and excuses himself to get medicine.
Gordon takes his spot on the bed, and just looks over Benrey.
Benrey feels like he's being scrutinized, with Gordon's soft green eyes just roaming over his face.
"Alright. Fucking. Get the questions outta the way," Benrey mumbles irritably, sticking out his tongue.
"I know you're fuckin. Curious about the shit Xen said."
Gordon laughs sweetly, setting the helmet down on the bed next to him and runs his fingers over it fondly.
Benrey takes a note of his new right hand, a grey-black prosthetic that clicks when Gordon moves his knuckles.
"I don't really have any questions," Gordon grins, adjusting his shirt.
"Other than, are you okay?"
Benrey's taken back by this one.
Not only did he cost Gordon his hand and almost his life about thirty billion times, but everyone (including him!) also just found out that Benrey was made with Xen DNA.
He's essentially Gordon's enemy in every sense of the word, and Gordon is asking if he's okay?
"....did the Nihilanth hit your head or somethin', man?? What the hell kinda. Question is that one??"
Gordon's smile softens massively, and it makes Benrey's heart melt into a little puddle in his stomach.
"Benrey, you saved my life a whole shit ton of times back there."
"Yeah, I also almost got you killed," Benrey interrupts, but Gordon doesn't pause.
"I've been thinking about a lot of things while you've been asleep, and I've been talking with Tommy a lot too."
Benrey's happy puddle evaporates into a heavy leaden ball inside of his chest.
"I don't need to hear this, dude."
Gordon looks a little confused, so Benrey keeps going.
"You're. I know you heard the shit Xen said about...."
Benrey pauses, unsure if he wants to say it out loud.
That'll finalize it, forever.
He takes a breath, then with a great effort, says it out loud.
"I love you. Have since we were kids, have since I first met you. Xen was...right. They were fucking right, you're happier with Tommy because he's never hurt you or..fuck. Fuck, man, you don't feel the same and I'm done pushin' it on you. We uhh, clear?"
Gordon covers his mouth with his hand, and for a split second Benrey thinks he's made him cry, but Gordon bursts out laughing, clutching his stomach and snorting in between giggles.
"B-Benny, you idiot, I am in love with you."
Maybe it's the sudden affectionate nickname, or the fact that Gordon said he loves him.
But Benrey blushes, hard, and pink-to-blue sweet voice bubbles out of his mouth in surprise.
Tommy walks back into the room, bottle in hand, and pauses at the sight in front of him.
"Oh, are w-we doing conf-confessions now?!"
Before Benrey can even speak, Tommy drops down beside him and kisses him on the cheek, putting him and Gordon's hands in his own.
Tommy doesn't say it, but Benrey gets the point.
"Fucking- FINALLY!!"
Benrey just might die for real.
Bubby leans in the doorway, a smug grin on his face, elbow resting on Dr. Coomer's shoulder.
"Ah, young love is beautiful!"
Tommy and Gordon laugh cheerfully at Dr. Coomer, and Benrey buries his face sheepishly in the blankets.
It takes a few days, but Benrey recovers pretty well from the Nihilanth.
He's thought a lot about what Xen said.
And he's decided that they were very wrong about him.
His love for other people isn't a flaw, it's his best quality.
He can and will protect the people he loves with his life, no matter what.
And he knows that the people he loves will do the same for him.
With time, Gordon learns not to flinch at the sight of his right hand, or gag when he drinks a soda.
Benrey learns to accept hugs and snuggles from Tommy, and figures out the jokes that Gordon likes and doesn't like.
Tommy is always there to patch up Benrey's injuries, and learns better responses that don't involve soda when Gordon needs to vent.
So Benrey feels safe, and knows that he's not the only one who's trying to be better.
Benrey and them are trying, together.
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1-800-hellraiser · 3 years
Requested by: no one
Word Count:
Aged up?: Nope
Song: Jealous - Eyedress
"You could have anyone you want. Why would you want to be with me? I'm nothing special." 
      Pikeman sits silently on his cot, his shitty day finally coming to an end. It was very hot out today, so hot that a couple Woodscouts had a heatstroke and had to be sent to their tents for the day. On top of that, he keeps thinking about you. Usually that would be a good thing, but Pikeman is very insecure. He acts like hot shit to hide that. He doesn't know how he leanded someone like you. You're stunning, kind, funny, everything he feels that he dosen't deserve. 
       He sighs, running his hand through his auburn red hair, he really doesn't deserve you. He's a stupid, ugly, pizza - faced freak. You deserve to be with someone like David, one of the counselors you work with. He'd be a way better boyfriend than Pikeman, wouldn't he? His eyes begin to water, he wishes he could turn off his brain completely. Pikeman decides to go to sleep, maybe that will destract him from his destructive thoughts. 
      After a night of restless sleep, Pikeman awakes at eight in the morning. He was about to panic before realizing Snake and Petrol are taking over for him today because you and him are going to meet up in the woods next to Camp Cambell. Getting up, he walks over to his dresser and picks out some casual clothes. He picks out a pair of denim jeans and a grey hoodie. After that, he makes his way to the showers to get ready.
      Once he's done showering, Pikeman styles his hair as usual, having two little tufts of auburn hair stick up from his head. After that, he seeks out Patrol and Snake, to make sure they both know what they're doing. After walking around the camp for a bit, he finds them near the mess hall, discussing today's plans. "Snake, Petrol." Pikeman adresses the men, they both salute him. "Yes sir." Snake says. 
      "You both discussed todays plans, correct?" Pikeman inquires, shifting his gaze frkm Snake, to Petrol. "Yes sir." Snake repeats as Patrol nods. "Good. Now, don't let me down men. You know what will happen if you let me down, right?" Pikeman reminds. Petrol and Snake nod, Snake shivers a bit, recalling the punishment in question. "Alright men, and remember," Pikeman says walking away "Don't fuck this up." He says, sending a glare back to Snake and Petrol.
      Pikeman makes his way onto the shore of Camp Cambell. He makes sure to stay a safe distance away from the camp, so he doesn't get caught. He walks through the dense forest and up to the edge of a cliff that you both like to go to hang out. Pikeman smiles sadly, this is the place he asked you out at. He remembers like it was only yesterday. 
      It was the day of the Lake Lilac social. You both danced for hours on end. You never took your eyes off of eachother. After a couple hours of dancing, you took Pikemans hand and lead him out of the Camp Cambell mess hall, through the forest, and up to the edge of a cliff. The cliff had a gorgeous view over Lake Lilac, and a beautiful view of that night's full moon.
      You both sat down and talked about nothing in particular. Pikeman has been hyping himself up all day for this very moment. "Y/n? Can I ask you something?" You turn to face him, your stunning e/c eyes looking into his golden ones. "Yeah, what's up Eddie?" Pikeman's heart skips a beat at the nickname. "Um, I was wondering if you'd like to be my significant other?" He finishes, glancing at your face for a reaction.
     Your face lights up. "Oh Eddie, I'd love too!" You exclaim. Pikeman can feel a smile form on his face. You grab his face and bring it closer to yours, bringing you into a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Pikeman had to go back to the Woodscouts camp, but he made sure to give you love before he left. 
      Pikeman sighs, sitting at the edge of the cliff. The Lake Lilac social was three weeks ago. How has his attitude changed so drastically within the span of a couple weeks? "They should just break it off with me, I'm not good enough for them," Pikeman thinks to himself. God, he wishes he could get rid of these wretched thoughts that plauge his mind. Pikeman is pulled out of his thoughts by a familiar voice. 
      "Hey babe." You say, sitting down next to him on the cliff. "Sorry I was late, David and I had to round up the kiddos. Never teach fire safty camp and political history camp unless you want it to turn into riot control camp." You explain with a giggle. Pikeman giggles back and replies with a soft "yeah." You can immediately tell something was wrong, Pikeman is never really shy around you. He never has been, I guess he got a bit shy confessing to you the day of the Lake Lilac social. But other than that, he's never been remotely shy/not talkative around you.
       "Hey, is something bothering you?" You ask in a concerned tone. Pikeman turns to you with a soft smile. "Everythings okay." He says, his eyes say otherwise. They say eyes are windows to the soul and you can tell his soul hurts. Something is up with him, is he scared to tell you? "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" You say with an endearing tone. Pikemans heart begins to hurt, he knows he can tell you anything, but he's not ready to tell you he's not good enough. 
        "So...how have you been?" You ask, trying to break the awkward silence. "I've been okay, what about you?" Pikeman responds, you can tell he doesn't want to talk about himself. "I've been pretty good actually, camp's kind of a pain in the ass, but whats new?" You answer, he chuckles. "What's going on at your camp?" "Y'know, the usual training and occasional raid on other camps, what about yours?" Pikeman responds, you let out a tired sigh. "Oh my god literally everything. It's very unpredictable, but it's pretty fun to be honest. Keeps me on my toes too." You respond, rubbing your temples.
     "I'm so glad I have David and Gwen to help me, especially David. He just, has a way with some of the campers y'know? He can manage kids well. Sure he can sometimes be a spineless pushover, but that's where Gwen and I come in. We're the perfect trio to run a camp. And that's what makes my job so much fun." You explain chuckling to yourself. Pikeman gives a half hearted chuckle and looks away. Maybe you pushed him to far? But how? You don't think you did anything wrong.
     "Are you okay? Be truthful with me please." You sigh out. Pikeman sighs and looks down, not answering your question. "Baby, I wanna know what's wrong so I can fix it and apologize. You know I love you, and would never want to hurt you, right?" You say, puting a comforting hand on his back. That's what broke him. "No you dont." He hisses. "What? Of course I do." You say back, trying to reason with him. "Stop lying, I know you want to be with David." Pikeman says with watery eyes. 
     You shake your head in disbelief. "What? Where did this come from?" You ask. "It's the way you talk about him. You always put him on a pedestal and talk about how good of a counselor he is. I feel so insignificant when you talk about him like that, like you would just be better off with him..." Pikeman trails off, a tear rolls down his pale face. You didn't know that this was a problem. You hadn't known Pikeman was so insecure, he hides it so well. 
      Wrapping your arms around his lanky frame, you pull your boyfriend into a tight hug. "Sweetheart, I don't have a thing for David. I see him as a brother figure, I look up to him. I want to learn from him and become better. I love you more than you could ever imagine, and I don't plan on leaving you for anyone. Ever." You say softly, rubbing comforting circles into his back and running your hand through his hair. Poor boy is in tears now, sobbing into your shoulder. Ridding himself of all of his negative emotions about you and David.
      "You're so attractive, kind, and funny. You could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me? I'm a nobody compared to you..." Pikeman says through tears. He holds you close, practically squeezing you. He's afraid that you will leave if he lets go, he doesn't want to ever let go. "Eddie don't say that, you're so fucking handsome, and funny, and just...inspiring. The way you're able to overcome and adapt so quickly amazes me. That makes you somebody. You're somebody to your troop, you're somebody to me."
      You gently caress Pikeman's face in your hands and wipe his tears away with your thumbs. He looks at you with awe. You love him. You actually love him. This isn't a daydream, it's real. You managed to pull him out of his haze of disbelief and insecurity. He feels more like himself again, not like an insecure boy. He's still insecure, but not as much. You both sit there for a while, just hilding each other and being in eachother's presence.
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Sorry for bothering you, but I couldn't help but wonder, what do you think of Janus' playlist? After several days of analysing it, I'm so overwhelmed with all the emotions towards the snake boy! The character potential, possible development, ideas for fics are just bashing me on the head and heart! I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Lots of love and have a good day! P.S. Expect some requests for songfics for sure!
It's not a bother, thank you for asking! Oh I have many feelings, as I usually do for all the playlists but this one...man. Hope you like long answers XD
First just the overall impression is great. I love the sort of contradicting roaring 1920s nihilistic aesthetic. Makes me think of a tired anti-hero, their cape swirling behind them as they turn away from the chaos, knowing they'll have a mess to clean up later but for right now they would very much enjoy a glass of wine. Its smooth. Its jazzy. It's dark. Its nostalgic in a different way from Patton, where instead of tugging softly at your heartstrings it settles a weight on your shoulders. Not in a bad way, just like someone added an extra five pounds of awareness to what you were already carrying, if that makes sense?
He boils down to an emo with class for me and I love it.
I'm not gonna go song by song but heres a few thoughts.
I absolutely love Black Hole Sun being on it as a vintage cover. Soundgarden is such a good band and this song in particular is one of my favorites, right up there with Tighter and Tighter and Spoonman. It's a dark song that has contrasting themes and means different things to different people, which is perfect for Janus' outlook on life and Thomas. And of course the reference to the snake fits right in.
It Seemed The Better Way is one of my favorites on the list. The style of the song and Leonard Cohen's voice reminds of Mark Lanegan's style and is so soothing.
Talking at the same time just made me think of all the Sides talking through a dilemma but really just arguing and talking over one another, contradicting each other and themselves in the process. It makes me want to bang all their heads together and yell "COMMUNICATION BITCH" which I really hope season 3 addresses the important of good and healthy communication and it takes the last side to do it but I digress. It's a song that points out unfairness and frustrating contradictions and I love that the angsty snake likes this song.
Scarlett Johansens Trust On Me is one I'm posting a fanart of soon, it put such a clear image in my head of Janus smoothly talking to Thomas about listening to him and taking care of himself while below surface level hes desperately trying to hold this vision together of everything being fine while the world crumbles. It's just Tbomas walking along with his sides as they smile as the sunshine while Janus is stumbling behind with an old umbrella, batting away dead branches with his staff while everyone else is oblivious.
Mandy Goes To Med School. Janus canonically listens to the Dredston Dolls and no one else I've ever met listens to them or knows who they are and it fills me with unreasonable happiness that someone on the team got this song on the playlist. Many have interpreted this song as back alley abortions and illegal sex changes, both elective surgeries that have consequences if done improperly. I honestly think the bare bones of this song apply to Janus. Percieved "selfishness over selflessness" and the consequences being up in the air for both. A sort of damned if you do, damned if you dont situation, which definitely paints Janus, at least for me, as a world weary tired ex-optimist who's experiences have shaped his perception of the world in a way that can be hard for others to understand. I think this song fits him to a T.
Evil Night Together makes me think of him, Remus and Virgil just having a ball of a night causing chaos together and laughing all the way through. It fills me with a lot of happiness thinking of the idiocy those three got up to when they were on better terms with each other.
Dont Tell Mama...makes me way too excited fr the last dark side. I get this strong feeling from the song the Janus very much works in the shadows, to the point where hes even a bit secluded from the other 'dark sides' to an extent. Maybe the last one is someone who really tries to run the show and wouldnt be pleased with what Janus is trying to do. Not saying Mystery Orange is evil, none of them are.
I feel like You're A Cad is a comment on him and Virgils relationship. The way that they are now, secretive and closed off, a friendship cant really work between them but they keep coming back no matter how many times they broke eachothers trust. I don't think Janus and Virgil hate each other, I just think they need to communicate better like everyone else does but they kept trying without knowing how and hurting each other in the process.
As Far As I Can See feels like a self deprecating view point that all the "dark sides" have and it makes me want to hug not only him but Remus, Virgil and even Orange until they feel even a little bit better. In this house we love and appreciate our good bad boys.
Change. Okay first: the first line of this song is "theres something in the wind" and in Sally's Song on Virgils playlist the first line is "I sense theres something in the wind." Coincidence maybe and probably but I'm holding out for Remus' for the third. 'Lately, I've been thinkin' it's just someone else's job to care Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn?' is such an OOF I just cant. I strongly feel like this is Janus rethinking what his purpose could possibly be if no one is willing to listen. Could apply to Logan too but he has Erase Me already so.....
Come Little Children by Erutan. That's it, Janus also canonically also listens to the Willow Maid and cries the first time he heard no you cant change my mind. He also watches Hocus Pocus every year and loves it. Remus joins him. Virgil did when they were on better terms. You also cant change my mind on this. I think this song is just commenting on how Janus hides the truth for Thomas so he can see the world from a better perspective than what it actually is. Self preservation and lying to ourselves and all that.
Into The Unknown from Over the Garden Wall I think is telling us everything is changing and revealing itself the farther we go with Thomas' dilemmas. They're all stemming from somewhere so where will we end up? Who can say, but in the meantime aren't the lies we're telling ourselves pretty? Janus is observing everything falling apart and hoping he isn't lying when he tells himself everything will work itself out. Only time will tell. It's a sad, longing note to end the playlist on, but it's very fitting.
Overall this playlist cements the fact the the Angst Train really just said "Choo choo mothfucker" and steamrolled on regardless of the fact that were stuck on the tracks. And I love it.
Janus is a sad, angsty boy tired of everyone's bullshit and honestly just wants everyone to get along so he can finally sit back and play his game cube without his gloves on in the common room of the mindscape without being hissed or glared at, and is that really too much to ask? Also, he's crying in the art on spotify, with such a resigned look on his face and I just...my heart.
Sorry this is so long, like I said I have a lot of feelings. Add your own thoughts if you like, you and anyone else who wants to. This is my interpretation of only some of the songs so of course there are more and different things worth mentioning. This is a judgement free blog where all opinions are welcome.
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damn-stark · 5 years
Lost dragon ch.13
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Episode- 7x01, 7x02
warning- none
Pairing- Podrick Payne
The boat came to complete stop as it hit the sand. The wind here was chillier and picked up faster. I looked up at big castle. It looked haunting and strange but familiar all at the same time. It felt like home. Daenerys got off first and we followed after. She went ahead of of us and bent down to touch the sand. I walked forward closing my eyes and took a deep breath taking it all in. We all continued walking ahead and got to the main gate. Two dragon heads adorning the entrance. Once the gates were opened my face was in awe. It all looked beautiful from here. Watching the dragons fly overhead of the castle. Seeing the waves crash below.
I let my hand lightly graze other the walls. It still feels unreal that once a long time ago my family was here. My brother and I were born here. The gates to the throne are opened and Daenerys walks ahead walking toward the throne. I walk to the side and see the Stannis Bartheons Sigil. I pull it down letting hit the floor. The throne room was dark but beautiful. We all followed Daenerys into a room. It had a long table that had a map built in it. I turn my head and see the dragon head on the wall. I let my hand fall on it and let it trail the design of the dragon head. I stand next to the Daenerys as she looks at the table. She looks over at me with a determined look and then looks forward.
“Shall we begin?”
The moment I see them I feel a smile on my face. Tyene sees me first a smile on her face grows as she sees me approaching then the rest follow her gaze. I couldn’t hold it any longer the calm and collected pace soon became a fast one. I practically jumped on her from the joy I felt. Her embrace tightened before letting me go. They all seemed to look different since the last time I saw them. First of all Tyene had more hair.
“I’ve missed you all so much.” I say to them as I go hug Nymeria next and then go to Obara. And finally landing onto Ellaria. She hugs me and gives me a kiss on my forehead.
“Sorry I didn’t have the chance to write sooner.” I apologize to Ellaria. She simply waves it off.
“Looks like you’ve been busy.” Obara says to me while looking at my Black and red dress.
“Of course she’s been busy she’s a princess now. No more hiding.” Nymeria says a smirk on her face.
“She probably forgot how to fight too.” Tyene said while trying to swing at me with her dagger. I grab her hand before she manages to hit me with it.
“Never.” I say with a smirk on my face. She pulls her hand away and puts her dagger back.
“On the other hand I’ve heard you four have been busy. Killing innocent little girls and what not.” Ellaria turns her head to look at me.
“It was Justice for Oberyns death.” She snaps narrowing her look at me. “How about you. He loved you like one of his daughters and what have you done nothing. That Imp is still alive.” I walk to get closer to her my eyebrows knotting in anger.
“It wasn’t his fault and you know that! Yes I loved Oberyn like a father because he’s the only father I knew but he died because he was careless......he wanted revenge yes but he wouldn’t hurt little girls to get it.” I snap the anger in my voice clear. She looks stunned her mouth opened slightly like if she wanted to say something but she didn’t instead with a huff she sat down and took a drink of her wine. “If you all want revenge against the Lannister’s it won’t be with Tyrion. You know how to get it and that’s why you’re here now.” I tell them calming myself. She knew I was right that’s why she stayed quiet. It was going to take long for her to accept because she’s stubborn but she knows.
“Come we have to give you something.” Tyene says as she takes me inside the ships cabin. We all four walk and she grabs a golf box. She opens and gives it to me. “This is for you.” She says. I look inside the box that contains daggers in them.
“I already have one and a sword. I don’t need this. But thank you.”
“No Look at them again.” Obara says from behind me. I take a closer look and pick one them up. I trail my finger across the blade and realize it’s Valeryian steel. The three girls step up to be in front of me. I look up at them confused and shocked.
“Why me?” I mumble.
“They were Doran’s and they were supposed to be Trystanes but they both have no need for them anymore. So we wanted you to have them.” I close the box and set it down on the table. And then pull of all of them into a tight hug.
“Thank you. I’ll use them wisely.” They laugh as they pull away.
I try to spend as much time as I can with them before I have to go back. We catch up eachother on all the stuff that happened I missed in their lives while I was gone. And I tell them my story after leaving the Capital. Ellaria eventually joins us after her anger left. We laugh and fight with one another something that’s completely normal between us. The fighting is never going to stop but we get over it. If he was here with us he would love this. All of us talking and laughing with one another. Because I know I do. Even If it’s going to last a couple minutes before we go to war. I have to enjoy this time I have with them. Even if it is just for a short amount of time before I have to leave again.
“If you want the iron throne take it. We have an army a fleet and three dragons! We should hit Kingslanding now hard with everything we have. The city will fall within a day.” Yara Greyjoy says.
“We turn the dragons loose tens of thousands will die in the firestorm.” Tyrion answers.
“It’s called war. You don’t have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding.” Ellaria snaps at Tyrion. Tyrion looks at her with a flash of anger.
“I know how you wage war we don’t poison little girls here. Marcella was innocent.” He tells her.
“She was a Lannister there are no innocent Lannister’s. My greatest regret is that oberyn died fighting for you.” She hisses. I finally had enough of their arguing so I stand up and push my chair back.
“That’s enough!” I yell catching both of their attentions. Giving Ellaria a warning glare.
“I am not here to be queen of the ashes.” Daenerys says turning to face us.
“That’s very nice to hear of course I can’t remember a queen who was better loved then my granddaughter. The common people loved her the nobles loved her. What is left of her now. Ashes. Commoners,nobels they’re all just children really. They won’t obey you unless they fear you.” Lady Olenna says from where’s she’s sitting. I heard what happened to her family. It was tragic. Her whole house just gone because of one person.
“I’m grateful lady Olenna for your council and grateful to all of you but you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack Kings Landing . We will not attack Kings landing.” Daenerys says making herself clear to all of them.
“Then how do you mean to take the iron throne by asking nicely.” Lady Olenna tells her. Even if she is old and still probably mourning she still finds a way to be snarky. It’s rather funny and entertaining that she is.
“We will lay siege to the capital surrounding the city on all sides. Cersei will have the iron throne but no food for her armys or the people.” Daenerys explains.
“But we won’t use Dothraki or unsullied. Cersei will try to rally the lords of Westeros by appealing to their loyalty their love for their country. If we beseech the city with foreigners we prove her point. Our armies should be Westerosi.” Tyrion explains while walking alongside the table.
“I suppose we are providing the Westerosi?” Ellaria asks.
“Yes you are. Lady Greyjoy will escort you back to Sunspear and her iron fleet will ferry the dornish army back to Kings landing. The dornish will lay siege to the capital alongside the tyrell army. Two great kingdoms united against Cersei.” I clarify them as I place the sigils where they’re going. I’m a bit nervous as I say out the plan because anything could go wrong.anything. And I don’t want to lose them.
“So your master plan is to use our armies. Forgive me for asking why did you bother to bring your own?” Lady Olenna asks directing her question to Daenerys.
“The unsullied will have another objective. For decades house Lannister has been the true power of Westeros and the seat of that power is Castly rock. Greyworm and the unsullied will sail for the rock and take it.” Tyrion says as he takes down the Lannister’s lion with a dragon head. Their eyes all turn to Daenerys and to the table.
“Do I have your support?” Daenerys asks them.
“You have mine.” Lady Greyjoy says as she straightens her position.
“Dorne is with Visenya.... and with you your grace.” Ellaria says as she looks at me. I look at her and nod. Lady Olenna simply nods in response.
“Thank you all. Lady Olenna May I speak with you alone.” I walk after Ellaria leaving Daenerys and Lady Olenna alone.
“This is goodbye then. I’ll miss all you guys. I do wish you guys could stay.” The tears in my eyes are threatening to come out as I come and see the sand snakes off.
“We’ll see eachother again Visenya.” Ellaria tells me while giving me a hug.
“Why dont you join us. We’ll need another fighter after all you are a sand snake like us.” Nymeria tells me while punching my shoulder lightly.
“I’ve got things to do here. Otherwise I would get on that ship with you all.” I give her a hug and then go to give Obara a hug.
“We’ll see eachother again.” Obara tells me before heading to the boat.
“Until next time Tyene. We still have that game to play.” I tell her she smiles and gives me a tight hug.
“I beat you all the time theirs no point.” She teases and then heads off to the boat.
“You wish.” Nymeria tells her while pushing her which then starts to both other pushing eachother.
“Until next time and please try not kill eachother.” I wave goodbye at them and watch as they get smaller and smaller. I’ll see them again.
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sirensongster · 5 years
consider: aziraphale putting a flower crown on crowley and like- arranging his hair so it falls perfectly that night he spent hours reading flower books so that he could choose the prettiest flowers to put on his demon boyfriend's head
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god. oh my god. i love this. fuck yes. flower crown crowley. upgrade to this: its the night of their wedding. so instead of a veil crowley gets a FLOWER CROWN.yes he is the bride. anathema helped him pick out the dress and its just lovely. its got long sleeves and it’s white like a traditional wedding dress. aziraphales in black. they wanted to wear eachothers colours for this and their wings are out the whole ceremony. crowleys in heels. this is off the rails quite a lot but FUCK IT THAT DOESNT MATTER. its wedding time bitches. oh yeah no one really “officiates” the wedding, the papers are done before hand. they just wanted a party but are they going to bring in a priest? no. fuck that. anathema is where the priest normally is because they dont actually know more than four humans! like who the fuck else was going to do it, shadwell???? no! oh yeah and the them (excluding pepper) are the flower boys and pepper gets to be the ring bearer, because who trusts an 11 year old boy with two blessed/cursed rings? oh yeah ring time bitch. aziraphales ring is a black snake with yellow eyes thats cursed to tighten every time crowleys scared/hurt/in trouble, and crowleys is a set of wings, blessed to tighten whenever aziraphale is scared/hurt/in trouble. and the fact that theyre blessed/cursed just makes it better because theyre immune to blessings/curses/holy water/hell fire respectively, while those who are actually a threat to them arent. its like a tiny reminder of “hey. come closer and you’re probably going to die. fuck off gabriel.” when they kiss at the whatever the fuck its called (altar?? podium??? stand???????? help.) they put their wings in the way. aziraphale ends up with a feather in his hair but thats ok. the reception is fucking incredible, they end up just all going to crowleys flat bc its sure as hell big enough and what would they even rent out?? theres nothing *in* tadfield. and its not like they want to miracle everyone somewhere, they dont want to attract the attention of heaven OR hell. especially not during their wedding, while crowleys in a long fuck off dress that he probably wont be able to run in very well. ANYWAYS. when they get to crowleys flat theres just. so much liquor. and punch for the kiddos. the thems parents dont exactly approve of the fact that theres literally a barrels worth of vodka while theres children but ok i guess. its not like the kids are going to drink any or the adults are going to do more than a shot or two before the kids leave. the kids do end up leaving at like 7, and most of the party time was just old stories that humans dont have anymore, odd stories of shenanigans they got up to in rome (not anything dirty, hell most of the stories theyre not even together in. theres about 30 minutes of aziraphale just talking about what he did while crowley was hibernating for a century.) after the them are gone everyone just goes fuckin BONKERS. everyone who was at armageddon was invited because they all definitely kept in touch, but thats it. again, these two are the top hermits in all of history. they just fucked around most of history not bothering much with befriending humans. crowley did pay more attention in the human relations part of things but does he ever talk to them again after a temptation? no. no he does not. so theres only like 6 adults. and god are they all hammered. all but madame tracy are light weights. the humans anyways, these two have been heavy drinkers for millennia. aziraphale and crowley drank at least 10x what a human could possibly drink before getting alcohol poisoning and dying. that does not mean they have a tolerance at all. they just get really funny between the 3rd drink and whenever they decide to stop. and cuddly. crowley doesnt stop touching aziraphale the whole time. not even in a sexual way at all hes just like. sitting in his lap. or being carried. or playing with ziras wing bc GOD ARE HIS FEATHERS SOFT. zira doesnt take care of them well though so crowley ends up just silently sitting behind zira and putting all the feathers where they should be an all that while zira goes off about cake or something. anathema finds this adorable. probably because she cant stop laughing her ass off at everything. [newt brought weed brownies. anathema ate like 4. the new husbands arent gonna let her die or end up in the hospital though. shell bee fine.] I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT THE CAKE. its really cheesy. it does have white icing like a traditional wedding cake, but the inside is pink. like its just pink from food colouring. its just a vanilla cake dyed pink. now you may be thinking, whos idea was it to make the cake PINK? crowleys. crowley wanted a pink cake. no one but aziraphale knows this. aziraphale finds it really really cute. everyone else thinks it was aziraphales doing but NOPE. its also got lil angel and demon cake toppers but its not of them, no. theyre store bought. crowley thought it would be funny and aziraphale went with it. (he secretly also found it funny, but also found it inappropriate to laugh at it.) theres no professional photographer, aziraphale didnt really want to involve more humans in this than their friends, and its not like most of their memories together have been documented at all. photos have only been around like 200ish years, thats nothing in the face of 6 millennia. this does not however, stop anathema and newt from taking a million pictures on their phones. at least they have the sense to not take pictures when crowley starts crying. though its not like thye could get a good picture of that anyways, wings are really easy to hide behind when theyre that big. oh shit i really went off the rails on this one but thats ok. ive a feeling no one really minds. oh yeah the actual fuckin wedding is in crowleys greenhouse. its impossibly big. and logically should not fit in the flat at all. that one was somewhat hard to explain to beelzebub, but its not like they really care that much. they were just curious as to what the FUCK one demon could do with a greenhouse of all things. they did not get an answer. just a flower pot to the face and a run away demon. beelz wasnt even all that mad just suprised like the audacity of that mother fucker. anyways. the (altar?? podium?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING CALLED I STILL HAVENT FIGURED IT OUT AND ITS BEEN 5 MINUTES) was literally grown. its like a flower bush (more like two) that were grown in an arc. crowley did not clear much space for this at all, just the isle and enough chairs for everyone. not that he moved plants for those. just put chairs on top of short plants. the thems parents were really really fuckin confused as to “what the hell?? how did they do this. what.” but stayed because no one else seemed to be bothered much by it, the kids were like ‘same shit as always’ and the grooms seemed happy about this. it was a hassle to actually get to the chairs without stepping on the plants though. and didrie (is that how its spelled??? adams mom.) swears she saw some of the plants trembling when the petals were thrown. she also swears that the bride has snake eyes?? crowley doesnt wear his sunglasses the whole time so all the lights are a bit dimmed, not quite to the point that the humans cant see but if they were any lower it might have been a bit of a problem. especially with all of the mother fucking VINES. why are there vines all over the place crowley?? he does not have an answer. he may have gone over board a few years ago and just. leaves them there. theyre not hurting anybody. SPEAKING OF CROWLEYS SNAKE FEATURES! crowley ends up stammering and hissing through his vows. aziraphale finds this adorable. look at my hissy idiot. i love him. thats all that goes through ziras head. eventually he just lifts his wing so no one can see and kisses him because they both know crowley isnt goign to be able to say it in the next ten minutes. oh yeah their vows are done in latin. because what else would they do it in? also they bless/curse one another in their vows. because it cant hurt them, and its like the rings from earlier. no one with intent to harm them can touch them now without being burned by the blessing/curse. anyone. it can bee beelzebub or gabriel or some human, theyre getting burned. zira lets crowley finish the curse before kissing him obviously. all humans but anathema are confused by this, anathema learned latin as a teenager to better be able to understand occult books. she regrets the fact that she can understand them because theyre being very very lovey dovey and she thinks they did it in latin so no one would be able to understand them. so she just stands there and ends up with her face red as a tomato by the time they’re done. newt is kinda concerned and very confused because “what just happened??? i know that was vows. i think.”
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cmyknoise · 6 years
Sanders Sides Enchanted AU
I was watching this with my boyfriend ( @proddcb97  ) and, well, I can’t help it! They are just so damn perfect ! Please, if you write/make art for this AU, tag/credit me! Enchanted of course belongs to Disney. The Sides belong to Thomas Sanders ( @thatsthat24 )
First off, character parallels.
Prince Edward - Roman
Giselle - Patton
Robert Phillip - Logan
Nancy Tremaine - Virgil
Queen Narissa - Deceit
Why? Well, here..
Prince Edward - Roman
Duh, the Prince is Princey himself. Edward is dramatic, will do anything. He’s from the fantasy world. True love kiss, creative, will do anything for love. He was going to marry Giselle. He doesn’t really think before he does things, but his heart is always in whatever he does. Because he’s from the fantasy world, he has no idea about what anything is in the real world, but he traverses it to save his ‘true love’.  Doesn’t know what a date is since, love at first sight.
This all matches up with Roman (plus his colors and over dramatic ways really  help line it up
Giselle - Patton
Oh come on! I mean, look at them! Giselle is such a sweetheart! She comes from the fantasy world, lives with animals, She believes in true love, love at first sight (she only knew Edward for a day!). She sings and talks with animals. She’s very bubbly and extroverted, dreams of true love, believes in good endings. She makes her clothes herself, and learns a lot from Robert.
She doesn’t understand much about the real world, but always looks on the bright side of things! She finds running water magical, food just wonderful. She feels horrible when others feel bad, and she tries so much to make everything happy.
Besides, can you just imagine Patton with flowers in his hair?? Talking to animals?? Extravagant clothing?? Come on !
Robert Phillip - Logan
Robert is grounded, he’s the one who finds Giselle and saves her from falling off a billboard. He has a fiance (who he isn’t quite sure about), and a daughter. He tries his hardest for his daughter, works hard. Ironically, works with settling divorces. He doesn’t believe in true love’s kiss, he’s logical. He doesn’t understand Giselle’s constant hope, he’s the first one to ever make her feel anger.
He takes her in, lets her sleep. He gets pretty creeped out and worried for her mental health. He tries to help her, teach her that the real world isn’t magical, it’s real. She teaches him about love and they become friends. He ends up falling in love with Giselle during a party/ball, and saves her life.
Logan, like Robert is grounded. He tries his hardest, and means well, no matter how that turns out. He doesn’t understand feelings as emotions, but rather as something not so, glorious.
Nancy Tremaine - Virgil
Nancy isn’t a very focused on character, but that just leaves more open to interpretation in this AU.
She’s level headed, but also seems to have a few trust issues. She jumps to conclusions a lot. She’s Robert’s girlfriend (who he plans to propose to but isn’t so sure). She wants true love, someone to sweep her off her feet. She’s mysterious, seems to love her phone.
She ends up falling in love with Edward while dancing at a party, a ball of sorts.
Virgil? Well he’s anxious, jumps to conclusions. He secretly loves Disney (maybe even good endings?) and his phone.
Queen Narissa - Deceit
Queen Narissa is Prince Edward’s stepmother. She doesn’t want to give up the throne for Edward when he marries, so what does she do? Push Giselle into the real world. She’s full of lies, deceptions. She lies and deceives her ‘side kick’ into trying to get him to kill Giselle even after she’s the the real world.
Did I mention she hisses and turns into a dragon? She turns into a dragon. She’s a sassy and sarcastic gal, very dramatic.
Deceit? He’s sassy, sarcastic, dramatic, full of lies. Also, snake, dragon.
So, now that we’ve got the character parallels out of the way, what about the story? Well, the fun thing is that...
1) This is just an AU, and could branch of in many directions (keeping in mind that it’s fantasy and full of magic).
2) Can either go along with the story, and on.
Giselle is a common maiden who sings and dreams about falling in love with a prince. While hunting trolls, a certain Prince overhears her singing, and it’s love at first sight. They plan to get married right away, and Queen Narissa finds out, leads Giselle away, and pushes her into a magic well into the real world.
Robert is a man in a big city. He had a daughter, and works to provide her with a good life. He gives her what he can. He has a girlfriend, and has known her for 5 years, and plans on proposing, but just...isn’t sure, especially when he meets a certain maiden.
Robert saves Giselle from falling, offers her a place to sleep. He seems rather...cold to her, but he’s just grounded, a realist. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight, working with divorces.
They both teach eachother a lot, feelings, love, things they wouldn’t before.
Long story short, Giselle falls for Robert. Robert’s girlfriend, Nancy, falls for the Prince, and they switch worlds.
Now, imagine this with Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil.
Patton lands in a world completely foreign, but he takes it as it is, happy to go around and explore, making the best of it. Logan can’t believe that this man is so....so out there. He tries to tell him that they’re not in some...fantasy place, but running water and electricity doesn’t help sell that.
Roman soon falls in the same world, desperate to save his love, and ignores the strange world, only wanting to save his love.
Patton and Logan spend several days together. Logan is the first one to show Patton sadness and anger, and he’s excited about it. Logan shows him the city, food, everything. Patton teaches Logan hope, and that maybe true love exists.
Patton and Logan dance at a ball, and realize that they’ve both fallen.
Roman is starting to realize that maybe his love isn’t his true love, then he meets the emo guy, left alone. They dance, talk. Roman is the prince that this emo had been looking for.
So, this AU?
Well, what happens afterward to these two couples? Do they last? Do they ever intertwine again?
That’s up to you (and If I happen to write for this)
Some cute Ideas me and my BF Had:
-Patton never having allergies before. Logan has a cat. Patton goes to hug it and sneezes and has bad allergies, and doesn’t understand he’s around animals all the time, but allergies don’t exist in the fantasy realm. He doesn’t care about his new allergies because its a cat and this thing is so cute.
-Logan asking who Patton’s family is. Patton responds with the animals, and Logan is like no Patton who birthed you. Birth?? Oh boy.
-Patton with a poofy outfit and flowers in his hair. This boy is perfect, literally, he’s from a fantasy.
-Patton had perfect eyesight in the fantasy realm, but in the real world, he doesn’t. Logan’s glasses seem to work, so Logan gives him his spare. Oh look, Logan, we have the same glasses !
-Roman really really likes the real world’s cartoons. What are these? They’re amazing! That prince looks like he could be my brother!
-Roman showing Virgil around the fantasy world. Oh my what could happen? Monsters? Magic? Oh boy anxiety. But wait, that looks fun, that’s so nice !
-Virgil is all about the fact that he can just have whatever outfit he wants and some peace and quiet. Also Prince affection, loves that so much.
-Does anxiety exist in a fantasy world? Does his worries melt away?
-Virgil probably really likes the animals and the sky and how everything is so...peaceful.
-Patton finding out that there’s broadway and music
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