#they’re both so gone for each other
munacy · 1 year
@wolfstarmicrofic “Guess what-mph-lads,” Peter starts conversationally, speaking around a mouthful of bacon. 
The passion that boy holds for breakfast meats borders on lunatic, but far be it from James to say anything.
“Wormy, it’s not on to speak with your mouth full, you’ll offend my delicate sensibilities,” interjects Sirius. Bless him; Sirius has no delicate sensibilities of which to speak, so James knows the intervention is on his behalf.
“Sorry!” Peter yelps, swallowing before he’s quite ready and hacking in a way that makes James even more queasy.
“Sorry, sorry. But guess what.”
“If I had to guess…” James wonders aloud. “Your clever little rodent ears have picked up another bit of gossip? I don’t know how you manage it, Petey. Terribly well-informed, you are.”
Peter looks inordinately pleased.
“Quite right you are, James. I’ve just heard that Will Diggory—you know, that Seventh Year Ravenclaw?—well, he’s just come out, and he’s gone public with Devlin Abbott!”
“HA! Wormy, I’m quite sure you owe me a Galleon for that one!” James crows.
Peter scowls. “Not a chance. You only got the first part correct, which I had already agreed with you on, if you remember. Doesn’t count, and you thought he was secretly dating—”
“Now hold on just a damned second,” Sirius frowns, interrupting what is sure to be a feisty debate. “I feel like I’m missing a few things. Come out? Come out of what? Public with what?”
Peter looks bemused, so James takes over, explaining patiently: “Come out of the closet. He and Abbott, who is also gay—” Sirius’ eyes become huge— “have gone public with their relationship. Damn it, you’re right, Wormtail, I did think it was secretly Gregor Klein.”
Sirius twitches. “Huh. I never would have guessed,” he says mildly. “Diggory seems so…”
“So what, Padfoot,” James prompts calmly.
It was an inevitable but fortunately rare byproduct of being raised in an ancient family steeped in ignorance and hatred: sometimes Sirius needed some help opening his eyes to a new perspective. There were assumptions he took for granted because he didn’t know any better, but being a generally kind and open-minded person, the work was not overly hard.
“Well, like such a man’s man. No, no, don’t get me wrong,” he rushes out, seeing the looks James and Peter are giving him. “I’m super happy for him. I say live and let live. But you have to admit that it’s a bit weird.”
“Which par’,” Peter inquires curiously, speaking while chewing his blasted bacon again.
“The part about being attracted to another man. Like, sexually.”
James and Peter go stock-still and make sudden eye contact with one another, mirroring astonished expressions. They’re absolutely trying their hardest not to burst into laughter.
How can it be? He has no idea?
“Oh, I dunno, Padfoot,” Peter says slyly, giving Sirius a side-eyed look. “You can’t think of any bloke you’d hop into bed with?”
The restraint James is using right now is nothing short of torturous.
Sirius laughs. “No, you big jessie! If you want to sleep with blokes, have at it, Wormtail, but I tell you, that’s not for me. Oi, where’s Moony? He ought to be here for this.”
Oh, but he’s almost pathetic.
James can’t resist, so he joins in too: “Hmm….what about William Diggory?”
Sirius sputters. “I mean, sure, Diggory’s fit, for a bloke, but, as implied by ‘bloke’, he’s not got a pair of tits.”
“That’s a good point, Padfoot did break up with Lola Edgecomb last year cos ‘she was too flat-chested’,” Peter informs James in a sardonic aside, making liberal use of air quotes. 
“No, no, Petey, maybe it’s just that Diggory’s not fit enough for our Pads,” James murmurs gravely.
Sirius giggles at their little show, then cries, “Cor! I wish Moony were here right now, and he’d tell you two how silly you are.”
Peter and James share a look again, but it’s lost on Sirius.
“Someone fitter, then, hmmm….” Peter taps a finger to his chin thoughtfully. “What about Professor Jero? All the girls thought he was gorgeous—do you reckon he’s hot enough to warm your bed?”
“Ha! As if! No, but keep going, though, these are funny. I bet Moony would come up with some hilarious ones.”
“Well Pete, maybe it’s not about physical beauty,” James muses theatrically.
“Oh no? The prompt was about sexual attraction, if you recall.”
“Yes, of course, and there’s no doubt that appearance plays a huge role in that, but…”
Sirius watches them volley back and forth, and James recognizes a growing exasperation in his expression. He’s always hated not being in on the joke. 
“But maybe it needs to be a gentleman he knows well.”
“’Knows well’? Just how well should he know them?” Peter inquires with mock wonder, blue eyes big and round. 
“Why, I think ‘extremely well’ would be ideal. In fact—” James turns to fully face Sirius— “I think he’d be most likely to fall for his best friend, no matter their gender.”
Sirius’ face goes blank with surprise, then he scowls and crosses his arms.
“Well I’m not about to bed either of you two idiots, sorry, but I have higher—MOONY!!”
And indeed, there appears Remus, tall and lanky, a gentle, eye-crinkling grin for Sirius that manifests as two dimples nestled in between the freckles scattered across his face. 
“Moony, you’ll never guess what these two wankers—”
“Pads, I’d love to hear all about it later, really, sorry, love—ah, fuck, I’ve made a portmanteau of ‘Pads’ and ‘lads’—I think—wait, no, that doesn’t—never mind that, sorry, I can’t stay, I’m just cutting through the Great Hall on my way to a Prefect meeting!”
“Moony, wait!” Sirius wails, haphazardly grabbing a piece of jammy toast and chasing after Remus’ rapidly retreating figure. “You haven’t had any breakfast, you dolt!”
Sirius catches up to him and shoves the toast in his mouth. Remus pauses to smile hugely and stupidly at him. Then he blinks suddenly and turns about with a wave. 
Peter smacks his forehead. James wonders vaguely if either of them took any notice of James and Peter sitting there throughout that whole interaction.
Sirius returns to his seat, cheeks pink and humming happily.
“Sorry lads, what were we talking about?”
Peter, slumped over in frustration, lets out a groan. “We were hypothesizing whether or not you could ever be sexually attracted to a man, and you kindly let us know that James and I are not up to snuff.”
“Ah. Too right.”
“Say…” James says wonderingly, as if this has just occurred to him. “You know Moony extremely well….Moony’s reasonably attractive, isn’t he?”
Peter sits up suddenly. “That’s right, he is! Tall. Nice curls. He’s alright.”
Sirius scoffs. “I’d say more than reasonably attractive or alright, wouldn’t you? I mean, he’s…he’s…he’s Moony…”
Sirius trails off and starts to blink rapidly, brow furrowed.
“Wow, Sirius,” James sighs unconvincingly, resisting an eye roll with all of his might. “Would you fuck Moony’s brains out, then? Suck his cock? Make him eat his breakfast every morning?”
Sirius has stopped blinking and his eyes appear to have glazed over. He’s gazing at a spot about 4 inches left of Peter’s left ear. James swears he can see on Sirius’ face the moment the realization dawns.
Sirius swallows hard.
Part 2: Duck  
Part 3: Anticipation 
Part 4: Thirst
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lavender-rroses · 8 months
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talk to us
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
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just blokey ways to react to blokey embraces
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flowercrowngods · 4 months
Saw the overwhelming majority voting for “who did this to you part 4”, so how about a snippet from the high yearning fic? ☺️
thank you my love 🥰🤍 i’m holding you endlessly 🫶
Turns out, ignoring Steve is both easier and harder than Eddie expected. The thing is, he’s good at diving into any conversation with just about anyone, making it larger than it needs to be until everyone in the room will give him funny looks but still roll with it, because Eddie Munson is just Like That, right?
But Steve doesn’t give him funny looks. Oh, they’re far from fun. There’s something in there that reminds Eddie of a kicked puppy in those fleeting moments that he lets his eyes meet Steve’s, never letting them linger, never letting them take him in and hold him and bask in the sunlight that is stored in those… Those beautiful, beautiful eyes. And that pretty, pretty face.
A face that shouldn’t look so sad.
He wants to ask what’s wrong, ask him if it’s a bad pain day, ask him if he didn’t sleep last night either, or if something happened. But how is he supposed to ask, to let any words come out of his mouth, when Steve just won’t look away. When he’s looking at Eddie like that again, when the little something that has shifted between them suddenly becomes massive enough to steal all the air away from his lungs and make his arms tingle in a way that he knows will only get better if he gets to wrap them around Steve.
He can’t. So he doesn’t. He doesn’t ask. But he doesn’t look away either, and he knows he’s already lost. He knows he broke this promise he made to himself.
But it’s fine, maybe, if the slight twitch in the corners of Steve’s lips is anything to go by. Like he, too, wants to say something but can’t. Like he knows Eddie is the same. Like his heart is racing, too, and he tried not to look but they’re so stupid and looked anyway and now they can’t—
“Guys?” Robin interrupts their little moment, the bubble bursting with a loud snap of her fingers that makes Eddie physically flinch.
He looks at her, spooked to shit and gasping because he does not do well with sudden loud noises or the impromptu bursting of bubbles — not after everything that happened.
“Shit, sorry, oh my God!” Robin’s there immediately, reaching for his hand, Nancy laying hers on his shoulder, Jonathan making himself known with a gentle little, “You’re fine, man.”
Eddie catches his breath and breathes away the panic, thinking that maybe getting high today wasn’t such a bad idea after all. He hands Robin the baggie and stuffs his hands into his pockets, making himself a little smaller by muscle memory alone.
Steve’s hand comes to rest between his shoulder blades — reassuring and warm. Like a flower, Eddie rises to follow it. He catches Steve’s smile out of the corner of his eyes and wants to rest his face against it. Wants to feel it against his skin.
God, he’s so hopeless.
Good thing that Robin’s got the blunt under control, because Eddie does not trust his hands right now.
want me to write more? make me 😌
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
just reread the tgcf extras. tldr hualian’s married life is just, chilling, hanging out, having great sex. they are so free and comfortable, they spend so much time laughing together. which is exactly what marriage should be tbh (silently wipes away tears)
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fridge-04 · 5 months
Ik resurrection has a mixed reputation to say the least…BUT it gave us Lloyd and Rakshata being drunk at a wedding and also implied that Lloyd stays friends with Milly
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firefly-fez · 1 year
in all honestly a resolution in ahsoka and obi wan’s relationship would be nothing but tragedy. meeting after order 66 wouldn’t go…well. there is immediate relief to see that the other is alive. just as quickly, there is guilt. obi wan’s guilt. he cannot bring himself to tell her that he is anakin’s killer. ahsoka sees obi wan’s depression. he looks hopeless and lost. the mentor she knew is gone forever. she sees the guilt in his eyes thinking it’s because he couldn’t save anakin. she tries to tell him it’s not his fault, he’s not alone, she loved him too, they can grieve him together— he won’t let her in. the obi wan she knew is gone; what can she do? she cannot help someone who does not want to be helped. he won’t talk to her about what happened and she doesn’t understand why. years later, she understands why. in horror, at last, she understands why. she’s questioning everything all over again. how can she trust herself? everything she was ever taught was taught to her by— him. obi wan, still nothing like his old self, but a little better, now, thanks to the purpose luke (and leia) have given him, runs into ahsoka again. he recognises her guilt, her grief, her doubt, immediately. her fear. her fear of herself. she knows. his belated attempt to be there for her isn’t the comfort he hoped it would be. it’s not that she’s angry. not at him. it’s just that she doesn’t believe him. not anymore. he tries to reassure her that she is not destined to fall into the dark side. all ahsoka hears are empty words. his belated belief in her is just empty now. you believed in him, too, she says, defeated. you always said we were so alike. give me a reason. any reason to believe in me that you haven’t once said about him.
and he can’t.
#obi wan#ahsoka tano#i actually think that the distance between obi wan and ahsoka in the rebellion era makes a LOT of sense#beyond ‘we can’t retcon the OT so… uh…they think that each other are dead’#ahsoka represents everything obi wan doesn’t want to confront after mustafar#and by the time he has healed enough to be ready#she is all grown up; grown away from him; and his voice is no longer the voice of counsel and reason she goes to for guidance#even after they both know the truth about vader#they’re not on the same page#obi wan leaves his confrontation convinced anakin is gone and vader is his killer#ahsoka leaves her confrontation with vader believing anakin remains. she tries to bring him out again and almost succeeds.#obi wan breaks the mask and sees anakin dead#ahsoka breaks the mask and sees anakin alive#they are not on the same page#i think obi wan can’t accept cader could be redeemable#because he can’t accept that HE can’t be the one to save him. he can’t accept that he’s not enough#but i think that ahsoka could. luke and leia could bring something out of anakin that she cannot just like they did for obi wan#no matter how hard he tries obi wan just can’t find the words to convery his faith and pride in ahsoka#putting his wholehearted faith into her means nothing after his wholehearted faith in anakin proved to be undeserved#how can he find the words?#he cannot#someone could#someone could remind her that she is able to let go; something anakin never could do; that she is more like qui gon now than her master#she embodies the true selflessness of the jedi; for she doesn’t prioritise lives based on how much she loves them but by their innate worth#you have mastered the very lesson that anakin could not; which led to his fall#someone could find the right words#but i don’t think that someone could be obi wan#because that would mean admitting that /anakin/ fell; it goes against the lie that vader killed him#OT era obi wan is still in denial#but i think ahsoka acknowledges anakin’s duality in a way obi wan can’t accept
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boldly going where no man has gone before (writing uncle wayne as a gay man)
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I know it’s bad bc he got a haircut and still want his stupidass :/
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
I don’t think Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji have actually stonily ignored each other for 16 straight years since Wei Wuxian died. I think their relationship has ebbed and flowed and changed shape several times, and that they’ve reluctantly worked together in situations where they’ve realized “ugh, That Fucking Guy is the only other person in this room with the Correct Opinion,” and most importantly I think they have a huge argument every few years to keep the loathing fresh and alive.
They’ve actually put a lot of work into their relationship, but the work they’ve put in is purely to maintain as much animosity between them as possible. And that is why they seem so very divorced.
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elprupneerg · 4 months
You know, you’d think tumblr staff would be too busy with the literal hundreds of spam bots I reported yesterday (and the other hundred a few days before that, and the other couple hundred last week, and the literal thousands I haven’t had the time/spoons to go through and report) to ban random trans people or censor screenshots of tweets about trans rights. And Yet guess which blogs are still up posting stolen pictures of random peoples breasts and genitals and which blogs are just straight up gone
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
The significance of Mike’s behavior after Rink-o-mania needs to be studied and analyzed and investigated in a lab because it is the most telling sequence of events 4, but no one talks about it!!!
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To me it just looks like they’re both grappling for each other. The way max is gripping onto Charles’ hand with both of his own 🥹 and the way charles’ hand is gripping Max’ arm 🤌🤌
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
Hi! Its the Anon re Mo and Zegras hanging out. So I got this from the interview of Mo on the spitting chiclets podcast (which...I really dont like spitting chiclets but I had to listen bc Mo). But if you want to listen to it, the interview (either podcast or youtube version) as a whole is like an hour and is incredibly interesting and the part re zegras is brief at 2 hours 1 min if you would like - Mo apparently chilled with the U18 USNDTP guys so it fits your story! Thanks again for your lovely thought spirals!
😪 literally just listened to the broadscast round table discussion on hockey media today lmao so my ire for sp*tting ch*clets is even more than normal! which is quite a lot! thank you for your service (✊😔 listening to That Podcast and sharing the important information so the rest of us may have content without suffering)
on a better note OH MY GOD i’m???? no words. how would they interact the dynamic this now gives the calder contention why did no one talk about this before 🤌🤏🫴🫰mo & z FRIENDS? frenemies?? is zegras mentioned by name?? which usntdp u18s were named or was it just mentioned as the entire (gestures towards amoeba in a FUCK OR DIE t-shirt) vague conglomerate Entity™️ that is the usntdp??
#me seeing you in my inbox again: HI BESTIE HOW ARE YOUUUUU#i’m not debating listening to it just for mo i’m not (mo reilly voice: willpower)#but i might google a transcript. or someone’s highlights post of the interview but i want the character information but i hate b*rstool 🤬#liv in the replies#i’m so. i’m so. ????????????????????????????? babe ur kids leave for one summer & you’re having empty nest syndrome#where did i put. hang on did i post it yet somewhere i had a moment about the couch poem i’ve got to find it i’m out here like i refuse#but also it just lives in my brain now the mold is in the tupperware folks & it’s not coming out hEY DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW JOE VELENO#IS CANADIAN AND SO IS JAMIE DRYSDALE HOLD ON LET ME GOOGLE SOMETHING#HAND OVER MY MOUTH SCREAMING FLAILING ALICE YOU’RE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YOUR HOCKEY TEAMMATES WEBSITE IS THE 👌🧑‍🍳💋✨ BELOVED BEAUTIFUL PERFECT#S H R I E K I N G i. i typed in joseph veleno because i was like ‘official prospect right like they’d full name him’ & it went ‘ha that#doesn’t exist’ & i’m like oh no have i found the man that this system doesn’t even know?? but we’re not that niche ! joe isn’t !! & tHEN I#TYPE IN JOE & IT POPS UP & JOE&JAMIE PLAYED CANADA U20 ‘22 TOGETHER I CAN SPIN A NARRATIVE HERE SOMEHOW but i just about fell out my chair#i’m not retyping that tag but i mean 2020 which is the year z won gold & jamie was PISSED at him about it & at this point mo & joe had#already been playing together on the griffins & somehow?? z & mo saying hi after the draft running into each other at worlds OH MY GOD THE#FULFILLMENT OF THE NARRATIVE THAT’S THE EPILOGUE THEY HAVE THAT COUCH MOMENT & THEN A YEAR LATER EPILOGUE THEY’RE BOTH IN LOVE WITH BOYS ON#TEAM CANADA STANDING DOWN BY THE GLASS AT THEIR PRACTICE IN THEIR DIFFERENT COLORS JUST LIKE THE DRAFT mo in wings red z in anaheim black#but now mo in germany black z in usa rw&b somehow there’s something there about them reversed colors but idk yet & maybe it’s nothing more#than a nod a hello the gentle knowing of each other in companionable silence z looking up after joe shoots a puck at mo on the glass & z#says ‘that’s yours? your island?’ & mo says yeah & of course trevor hasn’t quite found his yet but there’s a comfort in knowing that someone#else has gone before you someone else made it through & maybe it’s just that jamie catches his eye here & dramatic irony we the reader know#the future here but of course trevor doesn’t mo’s smiling stupid big & z’s watching them skate around gets caught on number 6 (trevor’s no.9#& somewhere in my brain there’s a thing about reversed tarot cards/flip sides of a mirror/mo & z parallels more like tangent lines but#jamie/z sine waves collapsing idk it’s just brring up there we’ve got mo/z NARRATIVE FOILS OKAY) & of course what z actually says to mo#what he calls joe is a poignant callback to the couch island discussion which i have not written & thus cannot properly state bc. no context#love to fully go off the rails about something unrelated to literally anything & also does not make sense unless you’ve read the post#i’m talking about which i will reblog in one moment see above and/or below i don’t know chronology it’s a poem bUT OH IF I KEEP BABY MO & Z#AS HOCKEY PLAYERS I CAN HAVE DYLAN HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH THEM as the au pair when they’re twelve & do you think everything would be#different if they could’ve known when they were twelve that it was okay for hockey not to be everything to have someone sit them down & tell#them they are loved & good enough & i’m not saying this like it’s bad right now but also i’m thinking about that one post that talked about#how we do not love men & now i am projecting onto au pair dylan who maybe burned out of hockey but takes care of these kids now can take
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rystiel · 9 months
ok wait i’ve seen a couple of interpretations of jack’s “you too huh” that he gives martha so…
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screampied · 3 months
needy choso w needy reader and they’re both so disgusting for each other… 🤭
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 needy choso with an even needier reader
warnings. fem! reader, unprotected, cowgirl, whiney choso, spit, praise, size kink, mdni.
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the moment you walk through the door, choso immediately greets you with a hug—handsy, he was so hot, feverish. his fingers softly traced down your skin before he murmurs out a sweet needy, “…baby,” and you giggle, returning the sweet embrace. you weren’t gone that long actually, he’d always get like this. but you did miss him, for a moment you think choso’s intaking your scent with his face buried into your neck before he sighs. “i- i’ve been so lonely. i missed you,” and then he huffs, awkwardly cheesing. “oh, i mean….how was work?”
“it was okay,” you say softly, lightly pressing your chin against his chest. with arms locked around his torso, you grin. “you sound out of breath. you okay?”
“no,” he replies honestly, and he doesn’t even hesitate. not once, your eyes glimmer a bit from the reflection of the chandelier just swaying above the two of you before he pouts. “didn’t wanna call you while you were working so i had to um…substitute.”
you hum. “what did you do?”
“i— i was listening to your voice memos you send to me. you know, the ones where we—,” and he pauses. you get what he’s saying and a tiny smile creeps into your face. choso was embarrassed, heavily embarrassed. the tips of his ears burn with a scorching hot before he scowls. “i tried touching myself to your voice. couldn’t get myself to finish ‘n you’re here now so…” and he cutely grumbles out of frustration. “can i just kiss you p-please?”
“go ahead, baby.”
“thank—thank you.”
you were barely through the door when choso places his lips onto yours.
silence broke out, you briefly close your eyes, parting your lips before moaning.
handsy, the perfect word to describe him at that particular moment. his heart raced and you slip out a slight gasp once his roughly gentle hands feel towards your ass. he can’t help but give it a light squeeze. “b-baby,” he whimpers out between kisses.
it was more sloppy than anything. your nerves, it ran all through your veins as you felt tiny shivers poke all over your body. “always got me so p-pent up.”
“let me take care of it then, baby.” you murmur, and he’s the one to moan this time, feeling your slender fingers gingerly slide near the inside of his shirt. underneath, you felt his washboard abs.
tracing your fingers alongside the very sharp edges. choso was nothing more than a perfect structured sculpture—his body, you never got tired of feeling it, feeling him.
your tongue ran against his, making him walk further and further back until eventually he gets pressed up against the door. panting, choso was nearly even more out of breath before he makes you rub against him. directly against his bulge, and you felt it, how significantly hard he was.
“i—i need you so baddd.” he whimpers, and after a while he departs his lips. a tangled string of glossy saliva tugs from his and your mouth before he laps it up, just to gift you with another wet kiss. choso leads you towards the bedroom, and by now his lips were already giving you gentle chaste kisses near your collarbone.
he doesn’t wanna waste time at all, that much was obviously apparent.
quickly, he already had you on the bed. he leans in for another kiss, this time it’s more sensual and passionate. you felt him grind against your body, hands softly parting your legs. it was cute, he was always gentle with you despite how needy he was, choso’s thumb skims near your thigh, the very inner crevices and you moan.
you tasted the faint mint on his tongue as his tongue collides against yours, incredibly sweet and oh so candied…
“t-touch me,” he whines, and you simper once you realize he’s propping you to sit right on his lap. once you’re straddling him he leans back, the cutest sheepish expression before gripping your waist. “i… i like when you touch me.”
“i know you do,” you whisper, tugging down his briefs for him. choso prepares a sharp breath, feeling the tips of your fingers lightly graze against his skin. you were slow, you made sure to be—you liked teasing him a bit after all. “you tried getting off to my voice earlier, choso? you could have just called me on my break, you know.”
he starts to pant out short heavy puffs of air. “i know,” he pouts cutely. “i was too embarrassed. even hearing your voice through an audio got me so h-hard.”
“don’t be embarrassed,” you coo, and he’s rambling so much that he doesn’t even realize you already had his black darkened briefs pulled down. you were aligning yourself, hovering over the tip of his sheeny pre-cum tip that was just as desirous as you. you were pretty soaked yourself not to mention, your arms wrap around his neck before leaning in to kiss underneath his chin. choso moans, and stops you before you could pull your panties off.
“keep…keep them on for me,” he grunts, and despite having such a low husky voice, he never refused to not sound so needy and dependent. you jerk a bit forward, complying before he gives your ass another cute squeeze, sliding your panties towards the side. “like this. just keep them over here, okay?”
you smile, kissing the tip of his nose. “okay baby.”
“hmph. s-stop calling me that,” he utters, and he lets off an angelic whine the moment you start to sink yourself further down.
after all the times you took choso, you always had to adjust to his size. he was a packer, there was no surprise there. so hefty, it took you a while to fully sink down on him, his rough hands guided your waist before he bites his lip and groans. “i didn’t mean it,” he murmurs, not fond of how you suddenly grew quiet. it was so cute. “you can keep calling me baby. i—i like it.”
you snicker, peppering a few kisses near the crook of his neck. “so indecisive,” and you playfully run a finger down the middle part of his chest. just your touch alone was enough to make him cum, you were just that good.
at least to choso—he could never control himself around you. whilst your sopping cunt glides just barely over his length, you’re nearly halfway in and choso’s a complete mess.
he looked so pretty though, up close like this. his hair, naturally darkened locks that was known for it being all tied up into two messy ponytails, now down. he looked really good with his hair down, a few strands run down near the front of his eyebrows, just about covering his droopy dark eyes before he makes eye contact with you.
“did….did you miss me too?” he breathes, hearing the brief sounds of squelching your own cunt made. so talkative—he always adored that part. going inside of you and suddenly the entire room grows quiet from the sounds of just your soft breaths and your pussy making all kinds of noise because of choso’s length.
“i missed you,” you purr as a response, bringing a kiss towards his twitching lips. his hands slither towards your hips, and he starts to rock you swiftly in place. your rhythm, it had his eyes already starting to roll into the depths of his head, all the way back before he whines. “i wish i could have came home sooner, cho.”
choso was far more vocal than you by a mile, it was heavenly to listen to—his pure sweet moans that were simply melodic.
“m-mhm,” he’d slip out, making a cute attempt to smack your ass but he quickly caresses it afterwards. he had quick a bit of thickness on him too, his girth stretches all through you that for a moment it had you speechless. “you always know how to make me feel so g-good.”
“you feel good, baby?” and your words were so enchanting, at least to him.
the sweetness that ran underneath your tone, it had him so hard. you’re grinding yourself against in such a slow yet tantalizing pace that he’s just about to lose it. your hips drove him crazy, you drove him crazy.
choso nods, a soft whimper leaving his lips the moment you find a comfortable rhythm. back and forth, the more you went forward—the more you started to feel yourself gradually quicken.
“fuck,” he pants, and his voice grows a tad bit deeper. his eyes were all dark and droopy, always having that forever drowsy timid expression. always with you. “baby, w-wait,” and your eyebrows raise a bit. you’re still riding him, keeping up a pace and that’s when he grabs your hand. you watch as he brings it towards his neck before pouting a whiney. “choke me.”
“choke you?” you titter, a near giggle sliding past your lips before he stares at you blankly, you then realized he was serious. “…oh,” you slyly say, planting a kiss near the under part of his chin. “you’re so kinky today, baby.”
“only for you.”
“yeah?” you moan yourself, feeling him bury himself balls deep—already bottoming out, you were nearly at your peek yourself. it’s probably been a few lengthy minutes before your thighs start to ache, that familiar rich sting of pleasure prickling through your skin. “mhm. i’ll choke you. only if you say pretty please.”
choso’s head goes back, and he whimpers. “you brat,” and you chortle, knowing you were getting the one up on him—he always let you anyway. at the bottom of each of choso’s sloppy thrusts, you shimmied your hips just briefly, and he swallows thickly. “ugh. f-fine,” and his spit-glossed lips part and curl up as he continues to speak. “please?”
“ooh. so close.” you tease.
he glares but it only lasts for about three seconds because he can never be mad at you. you watch as choso’s hands roam further down your waist before he whines, correcting himself, “pretty please. choke me so i can g-get off, princess.”
“good boy.” you tease, and your fingers swiftly wrap around his neck. choso stares at you, and a sweet whimper escapes from him the moment you praise him. you knew just as much as anyone how much he loved being by praised. especially by you. the stimulation, it made him groan—he’s just jerking back against you, the bed creaks and creaks it sounds like an instrument.
“harder.” he pants, and you lean up against him. the moment the head of cock finds and securely located your g-spot though, you’re the one letting off the sweetened moans.
you inch closer towards him, squeezing his throat with just a bit more pressure before kissing him deeply. you put a bit of pressure near his pubic area before arching. milliseconds afterward, he pulls away from your lips before gasping for air. “f-fuck, ‘m gonna cum if you keep doin’ that.”
you’re squeezing down on him, clamping and just taking him in wholeheartedly. everything felt so good, choso’s ears rang, you had him whipped. he could honestly die like this, his eyelids were fluttering and half-lidded. your stare, choking him like this while riding him until he came—he couldn’t have asked for a more better position.
“open your mouth,” you whisper, a thumb fleetly brushing against the middle part of his throat.
he quickly obeys, not even asking a question. always so obediently needy. you watch as he parts his lips for you, opening his mouth. you hum, leaning in before spitting right into his mouth. you’re still choking him softly, and he moans before registering what even happened. he felt so hot all of a sudden, even more hotter than he’s been feeling currently.
choso already swallows, and pulls you into an even more sloppy kiss directly afterwards. it wasn’t as passionate anymore.
just downright dirty, he was buried way down to the hilt with his cock stuffed into your cunt—you were draining his balls and he couldn’t help but moan. his tongue curls against yours and that’s when he grabs your hips to make your tempo quicken. “f-fuck me, fuck me. make me c-cum, i need it,” he’d whine before rephrasing in a cold sweat. “i need you.”
“lean back ‘n watch me then, baby.”
“okay, o-okay.”
he lets you do your thing, the alignment of your bodies together . . so hot.
he was always such a perfect fit for you, his dick was just driving in and out of you, you thwacked against his full base every so often. you’d even go as far as to massage near his balls to make him meek out a sweet candied moan. he’d beg for you to keep going that, he loved whenever you touched him.
a kiss, a touch, anything…
he savored it all. the smacking thump that continued to be created rang throughout your ears and his. bundles of nerves continue to rise up and up, and you gasp once he prods against your g-spot for probably the umpteenth time now.
choso’s breathing hitches, and once he cums it’s so much. his facial expression was the best part though. his eyebrows contort together and his maw just dangles open, desperately begging for a kiss. you kiss him as he’s pouring such thin ropes of cum into you. you slow down a bit, still riding him and he was so drunk off of you. you had him pussy drunk within a span of a few minutes. choso’s dick ferociously pulses inside of you, and it’s so warm and filthy.
while he’s still spurting into you, he’s heavily heaving—you softly lap your tongue near his bottom lip, pressing your body against his. forever snuggled up within his warmth.
“o-oh my goddd,” he’d drag out, feeling how much he spewed into your tight walls. his bulky arms wrap around you and he just holds you before feeling himself go limp. he’s flaccid, yet he didn’t wanna pull out just yet. he just wanted to stay here, like this with you. “you m-milked me baby.”
“do you feel better?” you purr, sneaking a kiss near the corner of his mouth.
choso’s so out of breath, it takes him a good twenty seconds to reply. “y-yesss,” and then he glances at you. you’re still on his lap, keeping his mess stuffed inside of you. your panties were probably all ruined, sticky and smeared with the remnants of his seed. “you didn’t finish, baby.”
“i’m okay.” you reassure him before gasping once he suddenly lifts you up softly, pulling out. you pout from not feeling so full, so plugged in.
choso makes you lie down on the bed, and he’s panting. heave after heave, dark eyebrows of his form together before he bends down, inching closer towards between your legs. “i want my girl to finish too,” and his voice was so soothing.
you moan, watching him lean closer towards your thighs, your legs still felt shaky and that’s when choso lolls out his tongue, slowly dragging his tongue up your thigh towards near the crevices of your cunt. he was so filthy, simply no shame in tasting his own mess just to ensure you get a sweet orgasm.
choso’s eyes flicker back up towards you before he spreads the lips of your cunt with two simple fingers. “you made me feel good s-so just let me,” and he continued to lap his tongue all over your legs. such lewd, he moans. warm breath fans against your skin before he licks near your panties that were all messy too. “let me clean you up now baby. pretty please?”
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