#they’re perfect for ray maggie
cicicolorao · 5 months
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Yummy yummy whimsical Rayman doodlessssss with headcanons and a bonus @lexintothenex sailor boy
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lendamico · 2 years
My favorite music of 2022
Lots of good stuff this year. Here’s a playlist:
My very favorites
Additionally, here are a few albums and singles I wanted to call special attention to. They’re presented alphabetically becasue I’ve choosen to ditch the “best of” framing I often go with; I’m not writing music criticism here, and I have no editor telling me what to do. I don’t even know how many things I called out, so this isn’t a top-ten list, either! It’s just What I Loved in 2023. Mostly captured for me, but if others get something out if it, all the better.
Album: Animal Collective: Time Skiffs ✅
Their best group of songs since MPP, for my money.
Album: Big Thief: Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You ✅
A rare double record that never overstays it’s welcome, but rather creates a world I want to live inside, not unlike the White Album or Wildflowers.
Album: Destroyer: Labyrinths ✅
After nearly two decades of dabbling, I have finally become fully Bejar-pilled.
Song: Gabriels: Remember Me
If you’re not moved when the full strings kick in at about 2:30, I don’t know what to tell you.
Song/Video: Ghost: Spillways
I have no commentary on this band or their schtick, but I do know a well-written sugary pop-metal jam when I hear it.
Song: Goose: Dripfield
The vapors of this song have seeped into my bones.
Song: Hammered Hulls: Abstract City
We all need a bit of classic Dischord sound in our lives, and this tune checks that box with authority.
Albums: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard’s entire 2022 output, specifically Omnium Gatherum and Changes
I am intimidated by this band. They are very Extra in the best sense of the word.
Song: Steve Lacy: Bad Habit
R&B from another planet. I dig. A lot.
Album: The Mountain Goats: Bleed Out
John Darnielle is a national treasure.
Album: Aofie O’Donovan: Age of Apathy ✅
I’ve really been enjoying Aofie’s work since I fell down a deep Live From Here well several years ago. She truly brings all of her unique talents as a songwriter, vocalist, arranger and guitarist together on this record. (Related: this Tiny Desk concert is delightful.)
Song: Angel Olsen: Go Home
Album: Beth Orton: Weather Alive
Haunting, but in a different way. So great to have new music from Beth Orton.
Album: Plains: I Walked With You A Ways
This recrod gave me a lot of reminders of my mom’s early-90s pop country radioe phase. (I mean this as a compliment, obviously.)
Song: Maggie Rogers: That’s Where I Am
Another single that grabbed me by the lapels and demanded my full attention from its first notes.
Album: Will Sheff: Nothing Special
I couldn’t describe this record better than Sheff himself did in this wonderful interview with Fluxblog’s Matthew Perpetua:
My experience of art is like the wind in the trees. You blink and you miss it. A little bit of it is like “Did you guys hear what I heard?” It’s a very quiet, subtle thing that gets under your skin.
Album: Sister Ray: Communion ✅
If I had to pick a “favorite” record of 2022, it would probably be this. Those that know me and my tastes will have no problem figuring out why.
Album: Soccer Mommy: Sometimes Forever✅
A nearly perfect distillation of my late-90s record collection. I mean this as a high, high compliment. Truly another one of my absolute faves on the year.
Album: Spoon: Lucifer On The Sofa
Their best since probably 2007’s Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. All killer, no filler.
Song: SRSQ: Winter, Slowly
The first time I heard that little whammy-bar vocal effect on the chorus (starts around 0:50), something in my brain slipped loose and my thoughts still aren’t thinking right.
Album: Bartees Strange: Farm to Table ✅
This is truly an Important Record, a call-to-arms, a statement of purpose.
Song: Tenci: Two Cups
Tenci came onto my radar after seeing them open for Hop Along in 2021, and I’m really glad they did.
Album: Sharon Van Etten: We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong ✅
Much like the Destroyer record, this was the one that converted me from “hey, SVE is pretty cool” to a full-fledged fan.
Album: Immanuel Wilkins: The 7th Hand ✅
A gifted arranger who can still layer sheets of sound with the best of them.
(✅ indicates that I’ve purchased the album on vinyl, for accountability’s sake. Support the musicians you love, folks!)
Playlist available on Apple Music, Spotify and Last.fm.
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motownfiction · 2 years
sammy slacker rides again
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At the Doyle house, Sam’s always the last one out of bed every morning. He knows the last possible minute he can afford to sleep to (6:38 AM), pops right out of bed, and manages to get dressed in about ten minutes. By the time he wanders out into the kitchen, his whole family is more than ready to go.
Wednesday morning is no different. Maggie’s drinking coffee with her back against the fridge; Mike’s sitting at the table pretending to read the paper. Sadie checks to see that she has everything in her backpack, and Charlie messes around at the piano. Today, he’s playing the intro to “I Don’t Like Mondays.” Sam walks over to him at the bench and taps him on the shoulder.
“Hey, you know that song’s about a woman who shot a bunch of people, right?” he asks.
“I know,” Charlie says, but by his tone, it’s clear he didn’t. “Can’t help that it’s got a great piano in it.”
“Guess not. Still. Cheer up, Charlie. Maybe play something else. Like ‘Cheer up, Charlie.’ From the Willy Wonka movie.”
Charlie rolls his eyes and puts his elbows to the keys.
“How’s that?” he asks.
Sam kisses the top of Charlie’s head before he walks into the kitchen for the burnt Eggo waffle he’s sure Sadie left for him.
“Perfect,” Sam says. “You’re a prodigy. Ray Charles is quaking with fear, and he doesn’t even know why.”
He moves into the kitchen and takes a bite of the waffle on the counter before Charlie can even think of having the last word.
As soon as Mike sees Sam standing there, he puts the paper down and smiles at him.
“Sam!” he says. “I don’t think I saw you last night.”
Sam shrugs.
“I was working the late shift with Will,” he says. “I had to ask him if he owned a suit.”
“What for?”
“Me and Sadie and Daniel are gonna crash a prom in Toledo tomorrow night so Lucy and Will can say they went to one before they’re thirty-five and chaperones. Couldn’t let him go if he didn’t have a suit.”
Sadie rushes over to him and smacks him in the arm.
“You just asked Will point blank if he had a suit?” she snaps.
“Well, yeah,” Sam says. “How else was I supposed to get an answer?”
“Did he ask why you were asking?”
“No, he didn’t.”
Sadie knits her brow, and it’s almost kind of funny.
“He didn’t?” she asks.
“No, of course not,” Sam says. “Will’s a guy. Doesn’t matter how many sisters he has. He doesn’t presume ulterior motives. He doesn’t have to.”
Sadie rolls her eyes.
“Right,” she says. “I should have known this would be easy for you. It’s always easy for you. You take one step, and the whole world opens up. I should have known.”
Sam chuckles, but Sadie isn’t amused. She grits her teeth and slings her backpack over one shoulder, grumbling something unintelligible as she makes her way out of the house. Sam’s eyes circle back to the kitchen table, where Mike still sits, holding a thin white envelope between two fingers.
“This came for you yesterday,” he says to Sam. “It’s from HFCC.”
Sam exhales, mostly to keep from passing out. His legs get heavy as he makes his way over to the kitchen chair. He knows his dad is going to want to talk about this one. He’s wanted to talk about this one for years.
“Right,” Sam says. “Community college.”
“Ain’t nothing wrong with community college, kid,” Mike says, now twirling the envelope in his hand. “It’s the road I took, and look around. I’m not doing so bad, am I?”
Sam shakes his head. He loves his father terribly, messily. Once, when Sam was about five, his dad had to go away on business, just for a night. He cried on and off until dinner the next evening – big, hot, ugly tears, like he was still a newborn baby – and he didn’t even really know why. All he knew was that as soon as Mike Doyle was there, it felt like home. As soon as Mike Doyle was there, he felt calm. It’s been thirteen years since that night, and nothing much has changed. It’s why it’s so hard to admit to him that he doesn’t give a damn about college, community or not.
“Sammy, you got into HFCC months ago,” Mike says. “This letter says you still need to register for your classes in the fall. Why haven’t you done it?”
Sam shrugs (because he doesn’t know what else to do).
“Guess I’m still a little busy with the classes I’m already taking,” he says. “You know, in high school. Where I’m supposed to be in less than an hour.”
Mike shakes his head.
“I already called you in,” he says. “I know you’ve got first-period study hall, anyway. You’re not missing much.”
Sam sighs and looks down at his hands. Yeah, he’s not missing much … except for the smell of Herbal Essence in Steph’s hair and the way Steph draws a scene to every song Sam plays on the radio.
His guts turn into brick, and he wonders if maybe it’s not such a bad idea to stay home.
“Sam, I know you’ve never been the biggest fan of school,” Mike says. “I think everybody knows that. It’s just not something you enjoy.”
“Maybe it would be if we weren’t supposed to take tests every two weeks like little robots,” Sam says. “We’re not even automatons.”
Mike makes a face like he’s going to ask what an automaton is. Sam cuts him off before he can make a sound.
“It’s a machine that behaves remarkably like a human, all on its own,” he says. “Lucy read about them in some book by a couple of French guys and told us about it. I’m not dumb, Dad. I just hate school.”
He leans back in his chair, oddly proud of his answer. Mike, however, leans forward and looks Sam dead in the eye. Sam swallows, and it hurts. His father hasn’t looked at him like this since the eighth grade, when he was in danger of being left back. All because his teachers kept knocking ten points from all his tests just for forgetting to put paper-bag covers on his books. He’s still not sure he deserved all that.
“I know you’re not dumb,” Mike says. “A kid doesn’t memorize the track listing of every album The Beatles ever put out because he’s dumb. And I even kinda dig the way you feel about high school. I’ve listened to ‘Kodachrome.’ I know what Paul Simon’s talking about.”
Sam can’t help but laugh.
“Good one, Dad,” he says. “You know, sometimes, I think there’s hope for you yet.”
Mike rolls his eyes, and Sam is reminded of how much he and Sadie really look like their old man. He’s just not sure what to do with it.
“College is different, kid,” Mike says. “It … it counts for something, you know? It matters. I know it means something different to you than it means to your sister, but you can still … you can still be part of it. You can still get something out of it.”
“Like what?” Sam asks, and he’s not even being sarcastic. All the college talk in the house has always been about Sadie and Charlie. Charlie and Sadie. Nobody ever asked Sam for his thoughts on college. Just figured he’d get into HFCC and waffle to-and-fro about going. Just like he’s doing now.
He wonders how much of it he wrote himself and how much of it was already written.
“Like teachers who really want to be there,” Mike says. “I went to St. Catherine’s, too, you know. I know what it’s like. You’ve got teachers who would rather be sleeping. But that’s not what it’s like in college, man. Almost never. They want you to give a shit, and most of the time, it kinda works. I took a philosophy class my first semester at HFCC, right? Had no idea what I was getting into. Three weeks later, I’m reading The Republic, all on my own, just to say I did. School doesn’t have to be shit. Just high school.”
Sam leans so far back in his chair it’s shocking when he doesn’t tip over.
“Yeah,” he says. “And why does high school have to be shit?”
Mike looks at him with a stymied expression. Sam groans.
“Yep,” he adds. “Just like I thought. No reason. Just the way it is. You know, Dad, if they wanted us to really get excited about going to college, you’d think they’d put a good taste in our mouths about school from the beginning.”
“I don’t know about that,” Maggie suddenly pipes up from the other end of the kitchen. “I had a bad taste in my mouth about high school, too. Made me want to go to college.”
“OK, well, Mom, consider this,” Sam says, turning his chair to face her. “I’m not you.”
Maggie snorts and walks out into the living room. She glances over toward the piano bench, and she looks disappointed that Charlie’s already left with Sadie for school.
“What is this, Sam?” she asks. “One of those Molly Ringwald movies?”
“What is this, Mom? You wishing you’d been Molly Ringwald?”
Maggie’s lips form a neat pink line. She grips her coffee mug tighter and sits down on the end of the couch, near the front door.
“I don’t know why I thought I’d get involved in this,” she says. “It’s always been between you and your father.”
Sam thinks he should ask her what she means by that, but her eyes are fixed on the living room window, like something good’s going to come in from it. Maybe it’ll be Charlie.
“I just don’t want you to go through life with nothing on your plate,” Mike says. “And I guess I mean that both ways. I know you have a lot of fun bagging groceries with Will and hanging around with Steph, but they’re both going to college. And if you’re just walking around here, being Sammy Slacker, then … then I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit.”
Sam nods but not in agreement.
“What should I be doing, then, Dad?” he asks. “What should I be studying? What should I ‘go into,’ as they say?”
“You’ve got such a great mind!” Mike says. “You’re one of the most creative kids I’ve ever known, and I swear, I’m not just saying it just because you’re my son. Remember what we talked about before? You could go for marketing and come work for me at Landscape Hero. You could make all the ads, all the commercials, maybe write a few jingles with your brother … you’d be damn good at it, Sam. You know you would!”
His eyes are big and bright and pleading. He gets so happy whenever he thinks about one or both of the boys joining him at the company – the one he started from the ground up, almost all by himself. Sam wonders if he loves him too much to crush him. He knows the answer is yes.
“Yeah,” Sam says, throat thick with fear. “Yeah, I guess I would be.”
Mike smiles like he did when Sam was five years old and cried all night long.
“So, whadda you say, kid?” he asks. “You gonna register?”
Sam shrugs. That’s the thing about life, he thinks. Whatever it is, you can usually back yourself out of it.
“Sure,” he says.
Another smile.
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mypersonmyg · 3 years
crash and learn | myg, kth, jjk
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pairing: yoongi x reader ft. maggie x taehyung, dani x jeongguk
genre: fluff, college au, the misery chick au
rating: pg15
wc: 2.3k
warnings: swearing, not really edited
summary: you and yoongi just want some time alone OR maybe jeongguk and taehyung will finally stop crashing your dates
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a/n: haha i bet you thought i forgot but i didn’t! its drabble week and i will be posting one every day this week (weekends debatable)...this one is a part of the misery chick universe but also you don’t have to read it to get it because...
this is for my FAVORITE CUTIE MAGGIE @kimtaehyunq​!!!! who asked me to write a cute tae and jeongguk request ft herself and yours truly <3 and i think its fun to have one universe with all the members being with one of my friends so,,,maybe more coming?,,,either way i might write another drabble or two to sort of bring this one full circle, maybe not this week but yeah
[drabble masterlist]
[the misery chick]
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One date turned to two and two to three, needless to say that months later and Min Yoongi still finds room to swoon for the girl who thought him puffing smoke before the start of the period. The misery chick isn’t gone, but the words are forbidden within a radius of the two of you, more likened to prolonged stares and the occasional glares of those wondering about the developing development of your arms locked and stares stopping on your respective pupils dilated in the glare of the midday sun. 
Though those passersby who let Yoongi pass by for too long without a positive step in the direction of his natural charms hold their tongues, the boys that fill the round of the courtyard picnic don’t hesitate to gag into half eaten sandwiches and dribble the purple fizz from the cans perched at their lips. 
“This is a little excessive, no?” Taehyung, the least bothered of the present, pipes up. He slurps from a straw that traces the length of his arm, wrapping the sleeve of his half buttoned button up. No one dared ask about his latest purchase, Jeongguk who was slurping from his juice box even eyeing with envy the can perfectly placed atop a tuft of grass, feeding into the straw at Taehyung’s lips. “When you invited us on a picnic I was hoping for a little more ‘we time’ and a little less ‘you time’.”
“To be clear, we didn’t invite you.”
“I like to think it was an open invitation,” Jeongguk shrugs, falling back against the blanket spread beneath you. 
Yoongi kisses his teeth, his own position resting against your chest, the perfect avenue for the pass of a grape from your fingers to his lips. He’s too content to bother with the bothersome nature of his uninvited roommates, both found minutes before his departure scavenging the lunch he’d spent the better part of the morning putting together. It was only the delighted pitch of your giggles that stopped him from scolding the two and sending them on their way when they followed you out of the door. He even caught you sneaking a few extra snacks into the basket for the fiends. 
“The point is, I will not hesitate to press my face to Yoongi’s because this is supposed to be a date.” 
“Press your face? That’s fuckin’ weird can’t you just say kiss?” Taehyung snatches the grape from your hand midair, sending Yoongi a smug smirk when he pops it past his geometric lips humming along with the satisfactory burst of the skin against his tongue. 
“No, because it makes you uncomfortable.” You tut, quickly replacing the grape to remedy the pout pulling at Yoongi’s cheeks. “This’ll teach you two to stop crashing our dates!” 
Dates is, in fact, plural because the tag along of your spritely comrades has been less and less few and far over the course of just a few weeks. You aren’t blind to the odd trend, not missing the attachment of Jeongguk specifically with each expected visit. Only recently had Taehyung begun to fill the void at Jeongguk’s side, previously partnered with any member of the house available at the time. 
What you’ve failed to account for with every impromptu double date is Jeongguk’s wise up with each stand in. He began to worm his way with Hoseok, clear that Yoongi would never turn down his best friend and you would never turn down Jeongguk. He would then try his hand with each member of the house, the worst of them being Jimin who had them sent away without even a morsel of the pizza you and Yoongi planned on sharing that day. 
It was that evening that Yoongi stood barefoot in his doorway, scratching at his brows toeing the reason behind Jeongguk’s sudden interest in you to which Jeongguk sputtered and blushed Yoongi out of the door with the assurance that his interest in you still remained platonic despite your commonalities and attraction. 
Jeongguk would never disclose the reason for his sudden interest in the almost daily escapades of Yoongi and yourself for fear that the blush painting his cheeks would be due to the teases and pressures of his friends, much the way he heard his hyungs pressuring Yoongi just months ago. He reasons that the position served Yoongi well, his eyes often traveling to the trace of your hand against Yoongi’s and frequent pecks to his forehead, his cheeks, he averts when you ‘press face’.
He wouldn’t dare admit the lift of his heart when you utter a defeated ‘I’ll just call Maggie and Dani, we can all catch a movie or something’ or when you plan ahead, which you’ve been doing more often, and the two meet you at your destination. The assumption of his appearance for the consumption that is often his source of a meal was accurate at the start. Your weekly dinners increasingly put on hold in place of a date with Yoongi, a point that Jeongguk used to his advantage the first night he beat Yoongi to the front seat of his own car while you snickered on the passenger side and Yoongi grumbled his way to the rear. 
His tactic had been to spend more time with his friend busied by love’s intoxicating hold, but his routine was struck by the catch of his own wrist in the hold of the bug. It was subtle before all at once, just an insignificant flutter passed off as a change in the weather, allergies. It was the not so subtle jab of Hoseok’s elbow into Jeongguk’s ribs after a particularly festive frolic through the spring festival that hipped him to his blind intentions. 
“Dude, you’ve been eying Dani for like three weeks and I’m tired of going on dates with you.” Suffice to say that was the last time Hoseok was glued to his side and Jeongguk only hoped the few feet between him and Dani just ahead provided a gap gaping enough to save her ears from Hoseok’s assail. 
It was a constant trial and error leading up to the night just a week ago that conjured Taehyung in stride, far too dressed up for casual with a confident glint in his eye. 
“You made the right call, I don’t know why it took you so long to make it, but I’m here now. The doctor is in.” Taehyung surveyed the small span of the restaurant's front entrance that day, confident in his abilities to  nudge Jeongguk ever closer to the girl he’s been crazy about for the past few weeks. He found it endearing that the youngest was having a hard time, especially when he was often the target of straying gazes and the not-so-subtle flirtations of all shades. 
It didn’t take long for all involved to realize that the doctor inconveniently called in sick from the moment Yoongi showed up with three ladies en route, one familiar from a photo Jeongguk scrounged and the second filled with a familiarity not quite familiar to Taehyung. You were quick to introduce her as Maggie, and Taehyung couldn’t form a sentence coherent enough for the rest of the night. 
If it weren’t for the quickened explanation on the drive home, Jeongguk would’ve been a lot less forgiving about his botched date, but here they are two weeks later, both lovestruck idiots jumping with each sound of crumpled grass while you and Yoongi are none the wiser to their intent. 
“So, what are we doing tomorrow? Aside from watching you two be all lovey dovey.” 
“I don’t know,” Yoongi’s head tilts, eyes squinting in the face of the sun’s rays. “What are you two doing tomorrow? I personally plan on spending the day with my girlfriend, preferably alone at some point.” 
“Huh, well there’s this horror marathon at the drive-in tomorrow and I was thinking we could all go!” Taehyung nudges Jeongguk’s leg, the younger immediately onboard with the suggestion. 
“Yeah! We could even invite Maggie and Dani so we have someone to talk to when you two inevitably claim the backseat for making out or whatever.”
You eye the two, eyes as wide as fresh puppies and smiles spanning the length of their cheeks. You aren’t completely blind to the trend of the past few weeks, but you haven’t been keen enough an observer to call them out on it until now. You’ve joked with Yoongi in private about your impromptu triple dates, most of the time brushed off with the shift of his lips to your own, too exhausted to think about anything but the moment he finally has you to himself. 
You nudge him with your knee, catching his eye with the minute dip of your head and the draw of your brow. 
“Ya know, you guys could always just go yourselves. I could give you their numbers,” You don’t miss the exchanged glances and tinted cheeks, Jeongguk’s eyes averting to the opposite end of the grass, one hand lifting to tug at the lobe of his ear. “I know Maggie is really into horror and Dani will def tag along if you ask nicely.” 
“Oh...they’re your friends though, I don’t think they’d wanna hang with us.” Taehyung sputters, nearly knocking the can at his side. Yoongi scoffs, head lolling from its place on your thigh. 
“You’re kidding right? The way those two act around you is not exactly subtle.” 
“What do you mean?” Jeongguk’s body leans forward, pupils doubled in hopeful curiosity. 
“I guess you’ll just have to see for yourself.” Yoongi shrugs. 
“And there’s no time like the present!” Your hands flag at something beyond the scope of their heads, Jeongguk freezing on the spot, but Taehyung’s neck craning to capture the bodies bounding over and moments later plopping in the convenient spaces between. Maggie squishes herself between you and Jeongguk while Dani takes the spot beside Taehyung. 
A panic flashes in both of their eyes when they note the unmatched arrangement of bodies. There was no specification as to who Maggie or Dani harbor unspoken feelings for, or what kind of feelings they are,  and the time to question has since vanished. 
The group falls to routine, broken conversations and voices piping in, Taehyung notes the lack of attention the girl that has a grip on his bursting appendage has paid in the past twenty minutes. A simple nod of the head or half smile is the only acknowledgement to his thoughtfully witty remarks. 
He doesn’t miss the drop of her hand to Jeongguk’s arm when he tells a funny joke, her head thrown back with exaggerated laughter and he fights to send a glare his way but thinks better as Jeongguk is too entranced by Dani who has barely said a word since sitting. 
“So, Tae was just telling us about this horror marathon they’re having at the drive-in tomorrow night. He and Guk wanna go.” You fill in once the six of you fall to comfortable silence. You catch Maggie sending a smirk Taehyung’s way, recovering at once when she peeks your gaze out of the corner of her eye. 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah, Yoon and I could use some alone time so I thought you guys might wanna go with them.”
“Horror?” Dani speaks up, gently shifting to shield herself from Jeongguk’s wandering eyes. “That’s cool, but I don’t know that’s not really my thing.” 
“That's okay!” Jeongguk startles himself with his words, lowering his voice with a nervous chuckle. “I mean, we don’t have to stay the whole time, I wouldn’t mind leaving early. We could get some food or something.” 
“Hey, not all of us are chicken. I wanna stay the whole time,” Maggie pokes her tongue in Dani’s direction, earning the same in return. 
“I’m not chicken. There’s just only so much nuclear family, last girl blah blah blah that I can handle.” Dani shrugs, turning her attention to Jeongguk for the first time that he’s aware of, since she arrived. “It’s okay, you guys should just go without me.” 
“No, I wanna hang with you. We could go to this new pizza place in town if you’re interested?” Jeongguk is pleased to note that you and Yoongi have gone back to your regularly scheduled program, pretending as if your date hasn’t been crashed for the millionth time. Taehyung and Maggie, on the flip, are watching you two as if they’re already tucked into the boot of a car with popcorn between their fingers. 
“Um...I mean, if you really don’t mind. I don’t wanna steal you or them away from the movies.” 
“I’ll stay...ya know, Maggie and I. We could stay and watch the movies and you two could go after the first one or two.” Taehyung glances at Maggie whose eyes are already taking him in, flashing away the moment pupils meet. 
“Yeah, that’s always an option.” She agrees, flashing you a thumbs up. 
“Great!” Four heads snap in your direction, Yoongi is finally sitting upright and you’re all smiles, neatly folding your blanket to pass off. “So it sounds like you guys have a lot of planning to do and we have a lot of kissing to do, so we’ll be seein’ ya!” 
“Wait, don’t you guys wanna finish your food?” Maggie gestures to the half eaten meal left resting in the basket.
“No no, you guys have it. I’m actually in the mood for pizza now so we’ll probably grab some on the way home.” 
“Okay...bye, I guess.” Dani watches with scrunched brows and Jeongguk and Taehyung send Yoongi the same look he’s been sending for weeks for a completely different reason. He sends them a smirk, arm slung around your shoulders as the two of you leave your date crashers in the dust with potential of their own. 
“Have fun!” 
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
They Will Certainly See More
  “What do you mean Seymour isn’t here?!”
The stage manager’s eyes were wide and bulging in their sockets from her smoldering gaze. The queens couldn’t help but shy away slightly- all the crew members had an aura that nobody wanted to cross when worked up. 
  “She was sick,” Aragon explained. 
  “You couldn’t think to tell me this BEFORE the show was about to start?!” The stage manager snapped. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Are any of the alts here? Tell them to throw on some makeup and do their hair, they’re going on.”
  “What?” The stage manager’s eyes snapped open to stare at Cathy.
  “None of them are here.”
The stage manager began to work herself up to a proper fit, barking and squawking at the queens and just about anyone who crossed her path like a jungle bird that just had its territory approached by a rivaling avian. She might have tore strips off the cast the entire time if it wasn’t for Anne suddenly piping up.
  “Wait!! What about Joan?”
That made the stage manager shut up. She snapped her mouth shut and blinked before all eyes turned over to the nearby music director, who, up until that point, was peacefully eating a yogurt cup.
  “What?” Joan said with the spoon still in her mouth.
  “That’s perfect!” The stage manager exclaimed. “Joan! Go get your makeup and hair done!”
  “My makeup and hair is already done?” Joan said. She was always ready an hour before the performance starts. “What’s going on?”
  “You’re performing as Jane,” The stage manager said. “Aragon, Parr, go help her into costume!”
  “Wait- What?!” Joan yelped, finally understanding. “I-I can’t- I-” But she was already being herded off into Jane’s dressing room.
The process of redoing her makeup and hair was hellish- there was a lot of tugging and pulling and painful brushing that scraped her scalp raw. She had to get an all new layer of makeup so she wouldn’t look washed out onstage and wouldn’t sweat it all off. Because she was sweating. A lot.
  “God, you’re soaked,” Cathy laughed slightly, combing back Joan’s hair.
  “Mm-hmm,” Joan merely replied. She was stiff in the chair, spine straightened in perfect posture for the first time in her life. Her hands clenched and unclenched anxiously in her lap. “G-guys, I--”
  “I got the costume,” Aragon cut her off, taking Jane’s dress off the rack. 
Joan actually gaped at it- were they really expecting her to wear that?!
  “Come on, stand up, Joan,” Aragon urged. “Let’s get this on you.”
  “Guys!” Joan finally spoke up. Her voice had raised a few pitches. “I-I don’t think I can do this…”
  “Of course you can!" Cathy said as she pulled her out of the chair. She and Aragon were being weirdly nice; usually they just ignored the music director unless they needed her for something. Joan guessed it was because they were in a rush and thought that being kind would get Joan to cooperate (which kinda worked).
  “You know the show by heart. There's no way you can screw it all up." Aragon smiled gently as she set the costume on the back of the chair. "We'll be outside whilst you change, call us when you're ready.”
And with that, Joan was alone in the dressing room.
Standing in Jane's dressing room with the woman was one thing, but when she was alone everything felt wrong. Joan felt like she was invading Jane's personal space. She knew it was stupid, Jane wasn't here. Jane was at home, sick.
Deciding to not dwell on it any longer, Joan quickly changed into the costume. The first thing she noticed about the dress was that it was heavy, much heavier than she had imagined. The second thing she noticed was that it didn't fit her at all. Instead of looking like it was tailored to her body, it simply hung from her shoulders, and she didn’t even want to THINK about how saggy it was around her smaller chest. She was practically drowning in the fabric, and Joan wondered if she could just wear her band costume and claim it as an emergency alternate costume, but then the five minute call blasted through the speaker.
Cathy and Aragon burst through the door, stumbling over each other as they tumbled into the room.
  “Come on Joan, the show is starting soon and we still need to have a mic check." Cathy said, giving Joan a quick glance. "You can't go on stage looking like that." Frantically, she and Aragon searched Jane's room for safety pins.
An announcement played over the speaker, saying the show was delayed for another ten minutes. Guilt started to consume Joan as she stood in the middle of Jane's dressing room. She must look rather pathetic, standing there in a dress too big and her face caked in makeup.
Suddenly, there’s hands cupping her cheeks and she flinches in surprise. Aragon is standing in front of her, holding her face while Cathy finished with the last of the pins. The golden queen tapped Joan’s cheek with a finger and Joan stopped trying to avoid her eyes like a dog that was caught drinking out of the toilet bowl, instead slowly meeting her patient gaze.
This was the first time Aragon had ever been affectionate or gentle with Joan. And Joan relished it.
  “You’re going to be okay.” Aragon told her. Her voice was smooth and warm, coiling up Joan’s neck and slithering right into her ears. It numbs her anxiety. 
  “B-but what if I--”
  “Shh...” Aragon stroked back a loose piece of hair that just didn’t want to stay down. She took a silver bobby-pin from her sleeve and pinned it back herself. “You’ll be just fine, darling. We know you can do this.”
  “B-but I-- OW!!”
  “Sorry!” Cathy called from behind Joan. “Yikes. That’s a lot of pins.” She laughed slightly. “But I’m sure it’s fine. The dress is silver, anyway! Matches the, uhh, color scheme!”
A chunk of ice drove itself into Joan’s stomach. She sets her trembling hands over her unsettled middle and Aragon quickly took them in her own. She squeezed them tightly. Oh how Joan wished she actually cared about her and wasn’t just doing this to get her to cooperate.
  “I can’t,” Joan whispered.
Despite always dreaming of getting to perform and dance and sing, actually having to do it sounded horrible. Perhaps because it was forced onto her and she didn’t have a say at all. It would probably be easier if she had volunteered herself.
  “You have to,” Aragon said. “I’m sorry. But I know you can do this.”
  “Come on,” Cathy said. 
The three of them walked down to the wings, where the other three queens and ladies in waiting were already in place onstage. Cathy and Aragon have to leave Joan, grabbing their mics and getting in their spots. Joan took Jane’s place a few moments after them. Right before the lights go out, she saw Maria, Bessie, Maggie, and even her dep giving her encouraging smiles and thumbs up. She shook her head nervously at them, pleading with her eyes for one of them to drop dead so she didn’t have to do this.
But alas.
A cacophony of anticipated murmurs swelled through the audience as the curtains part ever so slightly so the queens can walk out. They were just barely lit up by soft white lights bleeding dimly from backstage. Fog rolled out like great grey waves.
Then, pitch blackness once again.
She tripped. She knew she tripped or stumbled or something stupid while walking out of the curtains. She tripped or staggered or stepped wrong or something and now they all know she’s not Jane and they’re going to laugh at her and--
Joan couldn’t breathe. Her body was on autopilot as she followed along with the others, trying to walk the way Jane would normally walk (and yet she still messed that up with her slight stumble on her way out of the curtains). She hoped that she looked enough like the woman to fool the audience and keep them happy for at least half of the show before they got tired of seeing her as a fraud, but that was just wishful. They could take one look at her (or her chest) to know that she was not Jane Seymour.
And that scared her. 
She was scared of them booing or leaving just because she wasn’t the queen. Which was entirely stupid of her to worry over because the alts and swings went on all the time and everyone loved them. But her anxiety just wouldn’t register that as true facts. 
She was a fraud. And they were all going to laugh at her.
She really didn’t want to be laughed at...
A deep hum filled the auditorium- the beginning of Ex-Wives was starting. The sound seemed to rattle Joan to her very core as she listened to it. It honestly used to be serene and calming, but now it just filled her with icy cold dread. She wanted to throw up from the intense terror waving over her, but her stomach was in too tight of knots to eject anything at the moment.
A cone of purple light rained down on Aragon. There were the twin beats. 
This whole part revolved a lot on timing, and Joan knew if she didn’t say her line at just the right moment, then she would throw Maria off. And she really didn’t want to embarrass her bandmates, too, so she gathered up as much confidence as she could and prepared herself. 
The purple light comes down on Anne. The twin beat resounds loudly.
This was her moment. One of her many moments, but a moment no less. She couldn’t fuck it up, not after the way she tripped.
The purple light spills its rays of amethyst over Joan and she takes a deep breath.
The twin drum beat thumps heavily. Joan swore the thunderous pulse was enough to shatter her rapidly beating heart, which just picked up even more speed.
Her voice cracked. Her fucking voice cracked.
She wondered if it was possible to swallow her microphone whole and choke on it so she wouldn’t have to do this...
A cone of light encased Anna. Joan exhaled deeply, no one seemed to notice. Maybe she could pretend to be sick, people have gone on sick before. Joan prayed that they had an alternate ready before Heart of Stone; she didn't know what she would do if she had to sing that song.
Joan was ready to run, she didn't care about letting the audience down. But then the image of Jane popped into her head, she was frowning, like she was disappointed. Disappointed in Joan. That thought made her stay on stage, rooted in her spot.
  “And tonight, London. We are…”
I can do this, She kept telling herself, hoping it would calm her down.
The pause seemed to last much longer than a few seconds. Her nerves mounted as she waiting. Joan raised the mic to her lips a bit early.
Then suddenly she saw Anne take a breath, meaning it was coming.
  “Live!" Joan's voice was stronger than she thought, an excited grin adorned her face. I got it! She praised herself.
The show flew by in a whirl of flashing lights, humming harmonies, and barely-contained pride. The longer she performed, the more Joan got comfortable with the role of being the third queen. And the audience didn’t even seem to mind! They looked like they really liked her!
It was just amazing. Every inch of her body was tingling in joy, fueled by an adrenaline rush that seemed to be made of liquid gold. She hadn’t been this energetic about anything in a long time. Her limbs would ache the next day, but she didn’t care. She just continued to sing and dance and be genuinely happy.
The MegaSix soon rolled around, meaning the show would be over soon, and Joan found herself slightly sad while she danced along with the queens. She wished she could play this part forever, that she could always be in the spotlight like this. People would praise her name: Joan Meutas, the False Silver Queen. And they would love her, they would want her autograph and ask to take pictures with her and go to brag to their friends about meeting her.
It would be incredible.
Joan was so wrapped up in dancing and fantasizing her own popularity that she didn’t even realize something was wrong until a cold breeze hit her bare belly.
The audience gasped, yelped, shouted, laughed, whistled.
Cameras flashed.
The queens turned to her, frozen, eyes bulging out of their skull, mouths hanging open like their jaws had been unhinged.
Petrified, Joan slowly looked down at her naked body, shielded only by a bra and underwear, and the silver dress around her feet.
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 3, 2021: Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
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The year: 1986. A small new fictionation is founded as part of a disparate group of similar territories. Near to another civilization founded by Woody Allen (we’ll get to him later this month, whoof), a new settlement was founded by one Nora Ephron. It began with Heartburn, a rom-com starring Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson. While it was somewhat successful, it wasn’t exactly a dynamo by any means. And that is when Nora met the future Empress of her fictonation.
Her name was Meg Ryan, and the film...was When Harry Met Sally.
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Ephron only wrote this film, rather than direct it. But it didn’t matter, as this film was CRAZY successful (and I’ll be watching it later this month). Some years past, and both Ryan and Ephron rose in power. Ephron became a director, Ryan became a movie star, and the two pillars would reunite for greater things. And THAT is when the future Empress met her Emperor.
Enter Joe vs. the Volcano, where Meg Ryan...met Tom Hanks.
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Now, was this movie amazing? No, not from what I’ve heard. But the two new co-stars apparently made an impression on Hollywood at this point, as their respective stars would only grow brighter. And so, when 1993 came along, the three pillars finally met, and ascended to their true roles as the rulers of a now united Holy Romance Empire. And that film...was Sleepless in Seattle.
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Time to witness a nation RISE. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
We start where all romantic comedies should start: at a Chicago graveyard!
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Architect Sam Baldwin’s (Tom Hanks) wife, Maggie, has sadly passed away, leaving Sam and their son, Jonah (Ross Malinger). Sam’s clearly broken, understandably, and he decides to move from Chicago in order to leave behind the bittersweet memories of his wife. And where he’s headed? You know where.
Jimmy Durante’s rendition of “As Time Goes By”
Jimmy Durante sings us in (I love this song, for the record), and we head not to Seattle, but to Baltimore, 18 months afterwards. There, reporter Annie Reed (Meg Ryan) is going to a Christmas party with her new fiancée, Walter Jackson (Bill Pullman), which is announced to great aplomb at the party. Her brother Dennis is played by Niles from Frasier (David Hyde Pierce), and I nearly spit out my sandwich.
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That night, Annie’s mother gives her her old wedding dress, and have a VERY frank conversation about their sexual relationships. It is...awkward. Anyway, the dress tears, which Annie sees as a sign. In any case, she still seems happy...I think. On the way to Walter’s parents’ place, she tunes into a radio talk show, where a child is making a Christmas wish to the station.
This child is, of course, Jonah, calling on behalf of his father from Seattle. He tells the host, Dr. Marcia Fieldstone (Caroline Aaron), that his father is lonely after his wife’s death, and that he wishes he had a new wife. She convinces Jonah to put him on the phone, and while he’s reluctant to do so (understandably), he accepts. All the while, Annie’s listening, and seems to sympathize deeply with him and his sarcastic responses.
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However, Sam begins to open up, and Dr. Fieldstone christens him “Sleepless in Seattle,” after the fact that he doesn’t sleep much at all these days. His story resonates with a number of people, Annie included. A few people call in to respond to him, and at the end of the call, he describes how much and why he misses his wife. And I gotta be honest, I’m with Annie here. It is...very moving.
Damn you, Tom Hanks, it’s only 20 minutes in, why are you already making me FEEEEEEL?
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The next day, it’s a splash, and over 2,000 women call in in response to this. This is discounted by her co-worker and friend, Becky (Rosie O’Donnell). At the New Year’s party soon after, she and Walter make a date to meet in New York City, and register for their eventual wedding. Meanwhile, Sam tucks Jonah in to sleep, as Nat King Cole serenades us (I ALSO love Nat King Cole, real talk) and Sam stares at the fireworks off of his houseboat.
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And, mentally haunted by the ghost of his wife, he’s seemingly literally haunted by the ghost of his wife, Maggie (Carey Lowell). The next morning, he goes to help a client, Barbara (Dana Ivey), and his co-worker Jay Matthews (Rob Reiner) with a house, and finds out that everybody knows who he is at this point. Additionally, Jonah also give the radio station their address, and MANY women are now soliciting Sam, including...his third-grade teacher. Ew. EW.
Sam and Jonah next have a talk about whether or not a prospective new wife would have sex with Sam, and I wonder if sexual conversations with your parents are supposed to be this common, or if I’m just crazy. Because me and my Dad? Nuh-uh. And no worries if your relationship with your folks is like this, but mine DEFINITELY IS NOT, lemme tell you.
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Annie and Walter prepare for bed, and Ray Charles sings them to sleep, followed by Carly Simon talking about the wee small hours of the morning. During those hours, Annie gets up, also unable to sleep, and turns on the Dr. Marcia Fieldstone show. During the highlight reel for the show, Disappointed in Denver notes that:
Everytime I come close to orgasm, he goes and makes himself a sandwich.
...Wow. Um. Asshole? And then Marcia tells her to make a sandwich for him beforehand, WHICH IS NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM. Anyway, Sam is also featured in that highlight reel, and Annie cries again as he talks about his wife, and it’s a disproportionately long excerpt compared to the others, what the hell? Marooned in Miami is DISAPPOINTED now.
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Annie goes to meet her brother Niles (he’s basically Niles from Frasier, seriously) the next day, and explains that she’s fantasizing about Sam, a man she’s never even MET. She’s also feeling doubt about her upcoming marriage, which is...interesting. I’ll get to that later. In Seattle, meanwhile, Sam asks Jay what it’s like as a single man in Seattle, and they have a conversation about how cute Sam’s butt is. Nice.
Upon the realization that his 9-year old son is hanging out with more girls than he is (yeah, there’s a kid named Jessica hanging out with him when Sam gets home, it’s awkward), Sam’s back in the saddle again (as the song indicates; that said, goddamn is the music choice on the nose sometimes, seriously). He calls a woman named Victoria (Barbara Garrick), and asks her out on a date.
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Annie’s watching the movie An Affair to Remember (lateeeeeer) at Becky’s, as she’s lamenting her fixation on Sam, while also struggling to fully understand how she feels about Walter. Becky RIGHTFULLY accuses her of believing in Hollywood, movie love, which is demonstrated by Annie’s meaningless platitudes about her supposed love for Walter. This is while she’s writing a letter to Sam, then aborts it when she realizes what she’s doing. She sits on the couch with Becky, they mouth the words together in the movie, and they cry while I laugh, because that was funny.
Things aren’t as jovial for Sam and Jonah, as Jonah’s had a nightmare, and the two reminisce over missing their mother. Sam notes that Maggie could peel an apple in one long...curly...strip. You mean...like Annie was doing earlier? I see what you did there, movie. I see what you did there. As if to compound their invisible connection, both of them sit on a dock, staring into two separate oceans at night.
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Sam proceeds to write a story for the paper on “Sleepless in Seattle,” and through some...mildly creepy personal invasion, she finds his address in Seattle, and a hell of a lot more personal information. Like I said, it’s a little creepy. Sam, meanwhile, is going on a date with Victoria, when Jonah opens a letter...from Annie.
Annie. What’re you doin’?
Jonah appears to IMMEDIATELY ship the two, but Sam quotes the coast-to-coast distance as being a bit too much, and goes on the date with Victoria. While on the date, Jonah tries to hook Sam up with Annie by getting him to agree to take them to New York City on Valentine’s Day. Damn, Jonah, you lookin’ to escape a whale, because you are BUILDING A GODDAMN SHIP
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Victoria, a woman with an amazingly obnoxious laugh, does not rub off well on Jonah, or me, or my girlfriend. I’m really hoping that somehow, in SOME WAY, Victoria and Walter get together. He’s boring, she’s obnoxious, who knows? They might like each other. My ship...is being built.
Jonah, meanwhile, is TAKING THE FUCKING WHEEL of this ship. He calls the radio station once again, and Annie is alerted to this by Becky. She wakes up, punching Walter in the process (dude gets HURT), and goes downstairs to listen. Jonah’s telling the station that Victoria SUUUUUCKS, and straight up calls her “a ho.” He hangs up abruptly, and screams to stop his father from kissing Victoria. Annie, meanwhile, listens to this in the closet for some reason.
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The next day, Jonah’s friend, Jessica, tells Jonah to send a letter to Annie on his father’s behalf. Meanwhile, Annie flies to Seattle in the guise of doing a story, when she’s actually going to try and meet Sam. Victoria, meanwhile, is leaving from the airport, where Sam and Jonah are seeing her off. Victoria basically implies that she’d like to ditch the kid and go fuck someplace sometime, which might FINALLY rub Sam the wrong way.
Sam talks to Jonah about the fact that he’s dating Victoria, not marrying her, and that she might not be the one for him. He also says that there’s no such thing as soul- 
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Yeah, they actually did just do that. Sam loses Annie at the airport, after immediately chasing after her. They’re perfect for each other, as Annie goes RIGHT to Sam’s houseboat address. She hangs around the neighborhood, and sees them having fun on the beach together as Harry Connick Jr. plays in the background. That night, she confides in Becky about her guilt in lying to Walter.
And if I can just say this...yeah, THAT isn’t great. I get that there’s some cinematic paegentry to the whole thing, but, like...tell your FIANCEE about your FEELINGS. It’s hard, yeah, duh, but YOU GOTTA DO IT. You most certainly owe it to Walter. At least she appears to know it, though.
Annie at the hotel
The next day, Annie goes once again to weirdly spy on Jonah, and sees him hug a woman very happily, and of course believes that that’s Victoria. However, this is his friend, Suzy (Rita Wilson), who’s visiting with her husband, Greg (Victor Garber). In any case, this leads to Sam and Annie seeing each other for the first time. He says hello. She says hello. Then she almost gets hit by a taxi, and she IMMEDIATELY flies back home WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUH
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We find this out later, but the taxi and the fact that all she could say was “Hello” is actually all a reference to the film seen earlier, An Affair to Remember (again, later this month). This is also part of the repeating motif that this film has: signs. Y’know, the kind of “IT’S A SIGN” thing. However, the real twist here is that the signs are the ones that they can’t see. Like the apple and the hello thing. Not yet, anyway.
Also, dear lord, An Affair to Remember is just making EVERY woman in the film cry, even when they’re TALKING about it. And every time, the men just look at each other like “WOMEN, with their EMOTIONS and their VAGOOOOOOS.” Jesus, ‘90s movies. Even JESSICA (Gaby Hoffman), Jonah’s friend, the LITTLE GIRL, is crying at this movie. JESUS, I’m really interested in seeing this movie now.
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Jessica and Jonah start conspiring on how to get to New York to meet Annie, and do so by FAKING AIRLINE TICKETS OK THEN. Meanwhile, Annie’s given up on the whole “Sleepless in Seattle” thing, and goes to meet Walter for their Valentine’s date in NYC. Walter rightfully comments that Annie’s seemed distant, and here’s the thing: Walter deserves better than this. Yeah, he’s BORING AS SHIT, but the dude’s committed to her, and she’s amazingly flaky in comparison. I dunno, maybe it’s because it’s Bill Pullman, but I feel bad for him.
Anyway, in New York, the two begin to rekindle their relationship, and Walter gets a ring for her at FUCKING TIFFANY’S HOLY SHIT. Meanwhile, Sam’s THIRSTY AS FUUUUUUUCK, and is leaving to spend the weekend with Victoria, which Jonah is NOT a fan of. This ship is gonna SAIL if JONAH HAS TO FLY TO NEW YORK CITY HIMSELF
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So, Jonah flies to New York City himself, in order to...meet his new mother. This movie has some VERY interesting issues, Jesus. Jonah does, indeed go to the top of the Empire State Building to look for Annie, and he asks all the girls on the Observation Deck if they’re Annie. Which, of course, none of them are. Why?
Annie’s at dinner, that’s why, and at the FUCKING RAINBOW ROOM DEAR LORD HOW MUCH MONEY DOES WALTER MAKE? Sam also makes his way to New York, probably to DESTROY HIS CHILD
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And at dinner, Annie actually redeems herself by telling Walter the ENTIRE TRUTH about her feelings, and about “Sleepless in Seattle.” And Walter is a CLASSY-ASS GUY ABOUT THE ENTIRE THING, and the two break off their engagement amicably. Annie says that she doesn’t deserve Walter, and BY GOD SHE’S RIGHT. Walter’s a sweet dude. And as soon as they break up...a sign.
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Sam finds Jonah on the Observation Deck, and the two tearfully reunite. And as they two unite, and everybody else leaves the Observation Deck as it closes for the night, Annie rushes on her way there. An Affair to Remember is invoked one last time, as Annie convinces the guard to let her up there. But, OF GODDAMN COURSE...she goes up in one elevator, and Sam and Jonah head down in another.
But wait. Isn’t that Jonah’s backpack on the ground of the Observation Deck? 
Yup. THERE’S the happy ending we’re lookin’ for. They finally formally introduce each other, and Sam says that they’d better leave...ALL of them, together. Love at first sight. PLAY US OUT JIMMY DURANTE!!!! And yeah, I know that Celine Dion sings the end credits song, but NOPE! TAKE ME AWAY, JIMMY! MAKE ME HAPPY!
And that was Sleepless in Seattle! And again, I liked it! I’ll get more into it during the Review!
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clarasghosts · 4 years
finally finished s2 of charmed (2018) and I have thoughts. I was originally going to reblog a gifset of the four of them near the end of the season to be like 'yay, I finished!' but I couldn't find any??? (the tag is mainly hacy, which I'm only not happy about inasmuch as I don't like it when any ship becomes the primary focus of the main tags, or is expected to be the most important thing about a show.)
I still miss the tone and setting of s1. s1 was about a house of four academics, their university, and their town. it was a monster of the week style show, and it had a hopeful, lighter tone. it wasn't a perfect season, since it went from dealing with complex themes of traditional power structures to just killing off those power structures in the final third of the season (and also really wasting leah pipes and her character). but I still really loved it, and it was the show I signed up to watch.
s2 was considerably darker and more arc based, and I still resent the new writers for just cutting off everything from the previous season. it didn't particularly handle the demon/witch aspect as well as s1 did either. I don't like that macy has, for now at least, given up her demon powers because so much of what we had been learning in s1 was how fundamentally misunderstood demonic power and origin was. I can see abigael continuing this theme in the future, but I loved seeing it in macy, too.
one character specific to the s2 setting that i can say i for sure love is jordan. I like his backstory, characterization, and dynamic with the four vera-vaughn-greenwoods. I had just started to like kat when it turned out that the writers were just using her as a plot device. it's too early to say with ruby, since the last episode is the first time we learn anything of real consequence about her (and the episode also sets up an ultimately insurmountable obstacle for her and mel). swan (that's her name, right?) is funny and cute, but still rather inconsequential. I actually really do like julian as an antagonist - he isn't evil (though I'm betting there's still more to learn about his aunt), and is really more of a tragic anti-villain.
I didn't mention abigael or ray in the above because they aren't specific to the seattle setting (they're more like s1 tie-ins, since she's a cain and he was even mentioned multiple times). I like them both. I certainly have more to say on the matter, but that's the gist of it.
one part of the plot specific to s2 that I loved the most was the whitelighter/darklighter plot. it feels like an extension of challenging the elders in s1, and continuing the dive into seemingly simple binaries, only to discover that they aren't so simple or binary after all.
at the end of the day, my main love in this show is the relationship between the four main characters. like the ending of third time's the charm when harry demanded to be put in their joint nightmare so he could reach them and wake them up? fucking gold. that's actually one of the things that annoyed me about 2x19 - the idea that his relationship with macy is now going to compromise them all. do they really think he wouldn't have stepped outside that circle for mel or maggie? macy just happened to be closest. we've seen how attached he is to all of them, and while his love for macy is romantic, he has also carried clear familial love for mel and maggie this entire time. love is love, it doesn't matter what type, he's the honorary sister. he has always loved them all and it's always been a risk. but it's also always been a good thing, too. his love for them is why he could wake them up from their joint nightmare, and all the other things he's been able to instinctively understand with them. their love for him is why he's still alive, when all the rest have died. s1 made a point of transgressing boundaries laid by the traditional power structures, and the love in this little family was one of those transgressions, and it's why they outlived the power structure. s2 mostly did a good job of carrying that relationship forward, but that one point of 2x19 just kind of annoyed me. I know it's really one of the last remnants of that power structure challenging them, and 2x19 wasn't meant to be the finale. hopefully, when the show comes back, they'll move past that hurdle and prove that the love between him and macy isn't a liability - because it isn't drastically separate from his love for any of them, and that has always been an asset.
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One Shot: Sea of Love
@callmethehunter, here’s the other part of your birthday present! 😁🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I have fleshed out your excellent idea of Robert and Maggie alone on a yacht. Thank you as always for sharing these story ideas with me. They’re always fun to write, and I always get lost in the whole fantasy of the thing. This one is no exception. I hope you enjoy this NSFW story. ❤️❤️❤️
It was a perfect day, Maggie thought to herself. It was her birthday, and her wish was to spend it with Robert, and him alone. He'd hired a yacht, and they'd been enjoying the feeling of being lost at sea, not having seen the shoreline in hours.
The Pacific was on its best behavior for them, as calm as a mighty ocean could possibly be. The sun found a regular rhythm of spots to beam, mirror-like, off the water, before the rolling waves marred the illusion.
The captain remained in the wheelhouse, so it really felt like Robert and Maggie were the last two people in the world. Sex on the deck was transcendent, thanks to the feel of their world consisting of the cloudless blue sky and the slow-rolling ocean, nothing more.
That was a few times earlier. Presently, Maggie had been watching Robert swim, bobbing in and out of the waves, without a care to the seemingly infinite possibilities of creatures big and small that he might encounter. His skin had become more bronzed by the hour, and each flash of his arms and legs breaking the surface was in fine contrast with the hue of the ocean. She was a little shielded from the sun, under her straw panama hat, but the heat of the day had made her skin go darker, too, around her white bikini.
Robert had been teaching Maggie how to swim in his pool, and amid the flirty contact and lessons that dissolved into lovemaking, both were pleased with her progress. But as much as she enjoyed propelling herself through the pool, she was not ready to trust herself in the boundless sea--or trust its bounty of marine life. Instead, when she wasn't fantasizing about Robert's strong body in his tiny striped Speedo, she had been reading Interview With the Vampire, lost in a world of angst-filled antebellum immortals.
While reading and contemplating Robert's athleticism, she'd become inspired and turned to songwriting. The lyrics were very much tied to images of an overflowing ocean of romance. She realized it was tied to the fun of the day, but also inspired by Robert's delightful crooning of Sea of Love, a song that ranked high on his list of childhood favorites. It was one that he often sung at home, and one he'd seranaded her with today during lunch, unable to resist singing about the sea while at sea.
While lost in thought, with her pen dragging on the paper, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Robert was ascending the ladder to join her on the deck again.
She placed her pen in the inside groove of the spine and gave him her full attention.
She saw his dripping hair first, followed by his broad shoulders and wiry arms in motion. When the full swell of his chest came into view, her body pulsed, knowing what else was coming. Robert had regained composure from his gently labored breathing. He continued to climb, and he smiled his smug smile when he realized Maggie was watching as his waterlogged bulge went on display. By the time she was ready to contemplate his thighs he had hauled himself fully onto the deck.
"I've never felt so much like a Bond girl in all my life," he joked as he pantomimed shyly covering himself up with a nearby towel.
"I'm convinced that every second of your life is a performance in some way, Robert, but it really is, hands-down, the best show in town."
"I'm glad that you approve." Robert beamed as he stooped over the lounge to kiss her.
"Robert! My writing!" She quickly removed the pen and closed her book so the beads of water departing from his body wouldn't blur her words.
“Keeping a journal of all our escapades? Might make a nice book someday, when we’re all in our seventies,” he mused.
“Writing a song, actually, incorrigible man.”
“Can I read it?” He reached for the notebook on the table, which rested next to a near-empty tequila bottle that eventually would be discarded in favor of its unopened companion next to it.
“No!” Maggie squealed and grabbed the book. “It’s going to be a surprise.”
“Well you know I’m extra curious now, darlin’...” He climbed on top of Maggie on all fours and reached for her notebook, but she tossed it on the deck behind her before he could grab it.
She smiled a satisfied smile and moved his wet hair behind his shoulders.“Still curious now?”
“Always. He lifted her hat and set it on the table, putting a tequila bottle on the brim so it wouldn’t blow away.
“Have the best birthday ever,” he said before kissing her. The rhythm of their lips and tongues joining matched the gently rolling tempo of the ocean.
"I'm already on there," she said, staring into the depths of his stormy blue eyes.
Maggie slid her hands down Robert’s sides, enjoying the feel of the heat on his skin, mixed with the slowly warming feel of the last remaining salty droplets on his body. She kept her hands on the prowl until they reached his Speedo, which she tugged off of his hips.
“The lady knows what she wants, and I like it!” He stood and removed the wet scrap of material.
“Don’t you feel much better now?” She took off her sunglasses and sat up so she could view his growing hardness in living color.
“A little, but I know you can make me feel even better…” He sidled up next to her and edged his cock into her field of vision.
“I think I know what you want…” She scooted to sit in the middle of the length of the chaise and motioned for Robert to meet her in her new location. She placed a hand on the top of his thigh and the other around his hardness before she took him in.
His delicate skin was still a little cool and tasted of the sea. He growled softly as he slowly warmed up with her teasing.
A gentle moan caught in Maggie's throat. She enjoyed the work, as she always did. Robert stooped a bit to slide his hand down her back and untie her bikini top. She paused to remove it from her body.
“Oh, Maggie girl…” Robert let loose with a rugged gasp. “Fuck…”
Robert stood, legs apart, hands on his hips, pelvis forward. It was a stance that Maggie had seen him assume many times onstage, and in this moment, its magnetic pull was exalted, probably because Robert's enjoyment was so damn incendiary. With very little movement, save his back locking rigidly in place and his slow, shallow breaths, Robert was a sex god in a very pleased body.
Maybe it was the never-ending supply of heated sun rays, or the thrill of so much passionate intimacy on display outdoors, or just the splendor of such a delicious birthday celebration, but Maggie had never felt more alive.
"Always so good..." Robert sighed before withdrawing from Maggie's mouth. "I don't want this to end, darlin', but I can't be that greedy on your special day. Lie down?"
Maggie swung her legs back onto the lounge.
Robert peeled away Maggie's bikini bottom and resumed his place on all fours over her. His long, tender kiss set the tempo of their latest tryst to slow-boiling.
It felt like hours of Robert's playful, roving tongue in Maggie's mouth, slithering down her neck, bathing and awakening her nipples, trailing down her abdomen, and making a home in the pool of sweet nectar in her sex. Robert diligently painted love onto her aching bud and every fraction of an inch of her soft folds. There was little force in the forearm that held Maggie’s hips in place. It wasn't needed. She wasn't going anywhere while Robert expressed his admiration in such an incomparably passionate way.
Maggie enjoyed Robert's rapid, ravenous movements when neither of them could wait for release, but in this moment, her climax was a blooming of energy, or an unfolding, like a spring flower revealing its beauty in spite of itself, while nature took the lead in a chain reaction older than time.
Maggie’s body radiated with transcendent energy. With her eyes closed, it felt like the heat and light of the sun were byproducts of her ecstasy.
"Robert, that…" The words never made it out of her mouth, because Robert's was on top of hers.
Robert covered the full length of Maggie's body with his. He swirled the head of his sex between Maggie's lips below, with as much reverence as a master painter committing a tentative, but passionate, brush stroke to a blank canvas of endless, beautiful possibilities.
When Robert glided inside with smooth, steady motion, the combination of pleasure and savage fullness made her back arch involuntarily.
Robert lowered himself to be closer. This round of lovemaking was unhurried and exquisite, with each thrust of Robert's being a gentle blast of bellows that flamed Maggie's pleasure higher in the smallest of increments. Their rhythm, like the sway of the boat on the ocean, was hypnotic. Robert's loving strokes were a tender lullaby that was soothing and the sweetest torture at the same time.
"Ay, Robert, you're so good to me… Maggie was thoroughly intoxicated by Robert’s ministrations, and the words tumbled from her mouth like she was talking in her sleep.
Robert chuckled. "I've only just begun, darlin'..."
Robert's thrusts, while still slow, become more deliberate. His thickness and length become dozens of satisfying birthday presents, and over time, each became more extravagant than the last.
Maggie clutched Robert and thrusted faster.
Robert tisked and grinned apologetically. "Not this time, sweet girl…" He gasped while he delivered the bad news; the sensations of pleasure were building in an undeniable manner for him, too, but he refused to rush.
Their primal slow dance continued. The sun persisted at full strength. The boat rocked with a bit more animation, and a cool ocean mist gave a little relief to their sun-warmed, lust-inflamed bodies.
A tear formed in the corner of one of Maggie's eyes. Their lovemaking was so beautiful, so romantic, so intimate, so overwhelming. "Yes, baby, come on," she sighed.
Both of them could sense climax on the horizon, as their steady simmer of sensations began to boil over into extreme need.
"I don't think I've ever felt this high from you…" Robert murmured as he lifted himself to thrust with more passion. "Fuck, I'm going to come, baby !" He groaned loudly with desperation.
"Me, too, love… Oh my God!" Maggie wailed as she gasped for air.
Their amorous greed and, at last, impatience, made the last few minutes the hard-driving healing they both craved. Robert's cock felt larger than life as their blistering tempo of fucking took over.
There had been no sound of seagulls as far out as they were on the ocean, but their cries filled the air nicely. When their clamor abruptly faded in the face of their synchronized orgasms, the ocean provided all the zen-like sounds they needed while the racing of their hearts abated.
Still inside of Maggie, Robert relaxed and cradled her face with his hands before kissing her with lazy, love-sedated energy.
“Feliz cumpleanos, bonita…”
“Of course your Spanish consists of the most charming phrases.” Maggie teased as she drew large circles on Robert’s back with her hands.
“Somebody’s got to do it for you, innit?” He kissed her nose. “And I hope there are many more with you.”
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary
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igothedistance-blog · 4 years
And again 7 years later...
Facebook Notes… 4 and then 3 years later! So I did one of these facebook trend notes 4 years ago. I thought it would be funny to compare then and now!
Pretty much because I’m bored out of my mind right now.
March 1, 2009 at 9:31pm VS October 13, 2013 at 11:51pm VS
December 27, 2016 vs. July 2, 2020
A - Available: . ..  >  Yep > Yep > Yep > Yep
Age: 16  >  21 > 24 > 28
Annoyance: there are so many things.  >  Pessimism > Underestimation - Animal: my cat and my dog (Tiger and Tobi)  >  Lola the puppy > Lola (4) > Patrick the cat (12)
B - Beer: : /  > umm Mic. Ultra > Stella Artois - Mr. Blue Sky
Birthday: may 18 > same > same - 
Best friend: TM and AAH > TM, AAH, MOT, BR, AW, AB, JB > Same - AAH - Body Part on opposite sex: -  > Eyes > same - > DD, ZE, & the other usual suspects
Best feeling in the world: reaching the top of the mountain > feeling like I’m where I’m supposed to be > being myself with friends and no inhibitions - 
Blind or Deaf: umm… > blind > same - 
Best weather: 40/50 degrees. not too cold. not too hot. > 50s/60s > same - same 
Been in Love:still waiting on that one > been infatuated. (so no) > not yet - nope
Been on stage : frightening but memorable : ) > same > same - Improv Shows 
Believe in Magic: Not particularly > sadly, no > same - nope
Believe in Santa: I did… > for the kiddies! > Yeah looking back, I believed way too long > aww
C - Candy: twizzlers, sour patch watermelon, junior mints >Twizzlers & Sour patch watermelon > same + anything Cadbury and Maltesers - 
Color: purple > purple > powder blue - 
Chocolate/Vanilla: twist > twist > twist - 
Chinese/Mexican Food: quesadillas vs. sweet and sour chicken …? cant choose > STILL CAN’T CHOOSE > still can’t - 
Cake or pie: key lime all the way > yep > yep - 
Continent to visit: Australia > same > same - 
Cheese: feta > same > Parmesan
D - Day or Night: Night > Day > day - 
Dancing in the rain: one of many things i have yet to do > still need to do this! > still haven’t!
E - Eyes: I have the color is debatable. at first glance; brown > I have brown eyes. > they’re truly mostly green, but with brown rims - 
Everyone’s got: ipod > iPhone > iPhone > airpods
F - First thoughts waking up: what time is it? i’m probably late for something > … pretty much the same > how much is today gonna suck? (but not in a depressed way, in an preemptively annoyed kind of way) - 
Food: kiwi > watermelon! > grilled  cheese > same or oberweis oreo shake
G - Greatest Fear: fear > failure > inadequacy - 
Goals: good college > becoming a  wonderful teacher (among about 4 trillion other things) > landing a full time teaching job - Being a better teacher than I am.
Gum: usually something i have with me at all times > Orbit Sweet mint > spearmint whatever - 
Get along with your parents?: … do any teenagers? > Yes > medium > medium
H - Hair Color: red? > Auburn brown > same - w/ touch of blonde on the end
Height: 5'8" > same > same - 
Happy: could be happier > yes > could be happier - same
Holiday: Christmas > same > same > same
How do you want to die: not in any way to do with suffocation. > same > same > same
I - Ice Cream: mint chocolate Chip > B&J Greek Yogurt Raspberry/Chocolate AMAZEBALLS > Hagen Daaz chocolate peanut butter > same
- Instrument: piano > acoustic guitar > my guitar > same
J - Jewelry: rings > ALL THE RINGS > rings > rings
Job: previously Dairy Mat employee > just babysitting for now > Long term teacher substitute > 4th year teacher
K - Kids: most definitely > At least 3 > at least 3 - same 
Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing > same > same - same
Keep a journal?: only on trips > I TRY to > I try to > I haven’t been trying to. 
L - Love: if only > Not yet. still waitin on that one > still waiting - I may have been in love... but unrequired. 
Letter: G > J > I - what?
 Laughed so hard you cried: Good times : ) > I mean I laugh a Ton.> same > same
M - Milk flavor: Whole > same > 2% - same 
Movies: twilight, HP, He’s Just Not That Into You, The Holiday, Disturbia etc. > The Perks of Being a Wallflower, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Hook > Kings of Summer, super 8 and all the previous ones - same (there are probably ones I could add but I don’t feel like it. 
Motion sickness?: only on large boats… > not really, no > no > no
McD’s or BK: McD’s > McD’s > McD’s > same
N - Number: 12 > 12 OR 7 > same? same?
O - One wish: to be happy > to fall in love and have a great relationship > same > same
P - Perfect Pizza: square cheese and green peppers > BEST > same - same
Pepsi/Coke: Coke (zero) > DIET COKE ONLY > same > same
Q - Quality: high > same > same > same
R - Reason to cry: death, bad day, betrayal, separation > just get it out. let it happen > SAME - same
Reality T.V.: HATE IT! > DOUBLE HATE > LOATHE ENTIRELY - nope nope nope 
Radio Stations: 93.9, 95.5. 96.3 etc. > same > SAME  haven’t listened to radio in a LONG time
 Roll your tongue in a circle: no > no > no - nope
 Ring size: 9 > same > same
S - Song: LOST + Viva La Vida > Think Twice by Eve 6 > All we know by the chainsmokers - Midnight by coldplay 
Shoe size: 10 > same > same - same 
Salad Dressing: Ranch > same > same - greek dressing from greek isles
Sushi: not so much > I’ve learned to accept the california roll > same - I’ve delved into some other ones...
Skinny dipped?: … : P > yes. yes I have. > not since then, though - still haven’t since then
Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries > same > blueberries> tbd
T - Tattoos?: probably not > pretty soon, actually! > :) - :) :)
Time for bed: it varies > it varies: usually after 12a > I really need to go to bed earlier - same 
Thunderstorms: love them > LOVE THEM SO MUCH> love love love > same
U - Unpredictable: unfortunately - not really > I’m so predicable. > same > same
V - Vacation spot(s): ideally; Australia. > Australia, Ireland, London > same > I’ve done England, Ireland and Scotland but would totally go back 
W - Weakness: not being able to keep something in > if something is funny, even if its wrong, I cannot keep from laughing > same problems - IDEK
 Which one of your friends acts the most like you: hmmmm idk. we’re more opposite/ complimentary > perhaps Spallison? > I think that’s true but Adriane and I also have a lot in common > Him
- Who makes you laugh the most: TM > I think Adriane > My peeps > Him
- Worst feeling: anticipating the worst; it happens quite often > feeling like I’m alone somehow > being misunderstood and belittled by my family - 
Wanted to be a model: nnnooopppeee > new > no - Nope
Worst Weather?: heavy snow/rain to the point where you cannot see (the roads) > I second that > yes, I agree > good point, me. 
X - X-Rays: not fun. especially when you’re sitting there in pain. > Yeah don’t like those > no bueno > no gracias
Y - Year it is now: 2009 > 2013 > 2016 (but not for much longer) - 2020 and what a #$$&ing year it’s been. 
Yellow: depends on the shade > my current bedroom is actually yellow . but it’s an acceptable shade. > pale yellow I can handle.
Z - Zoo animal: sloth > *self five* same > go us! > agreed!
1. Slept in a bed beside you;TM > Allison Greene > I can’t remember... Liz 
2. You went to the mall with?; TM > IDR > myself > IDR
3. You went to dinner with? TM and Kail > j'Qwellin and Adriane > Allison Greene > Joe
4. You talked to on the phone? LIZ > Momma > Liz > ASWP customer
5. Made you laugh? Ginny + Lydia > Maggie > Liz > Dylan
6. Hugged you? mi madre > Maggie > Grandma Curcuru > Him
7. Said they loved you? AAH > Sammy > Heather > Mom
8. Held your hand? Sammy > Avery > Anna > Anna
10. You cried over? … : ( > Cory Monteith > Grandpa Curcuru > Me... 
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ireadyabooks · 5 years
Books to Buy with Holiday Gift Cards
‘Tis the season of giving - and, more often than not, the season of giving gift cards! Do you have a pile of gift cards you’re not sure what to do with? Don’t worry...we can help with that. 
Whether you prefer physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks, check out some of our picks for the perfect reads to end 2019!
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CALL DOWN THE HAWK by Maggie Stiefvater
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2019 might be ending, but the entire WORLD might be ending in CALL DOWN THE HAWK. This is the start to a new trilogy about dreamers, who can pull anything they desire out of their dreams and into reality. But the dreamers might bring about the apocalypse, and there are those who will kill any dreamer to ensure that doesn’t happen.
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Technology destroyed the Earth and is now illegal as humanity tries to rebuild a habitable world in TARNISHED ARE THE STARS. Anna has a secret: an illegal clockwork heart. She supplies illegal medical technology to those in need, but when her secret identity as “The Technician” is discovered and she uncovers an even greater plot against the world, she’ll need to forge unlikely allies to survive.
SHATTER CITY by Scott Westerfeld
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Secrets, hidden identities, and lies abound in SHATTER CITY, the sequel to IMPOSTORS! Frey is her sister’s body double: raised to take her sister’s place in danger, and to kill to protect Rafi if she must. Now Frey and Rafi have switched places, unbeknownst to anyone.  But as the city comes under catastrophic attack, Frey must leave the safety of shadows and enter the chaos of warfare to find her missing sister.
CASTER by Elsie Chapman
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Magic always comes at a price in the dangerous world of CASTER. Magic-users, known as casters, take immense physical tolls from using magic - and can destroy the world around them if they’re too powerful. In order to save her family from ruin and discover the truth behind her sister’s mysterious death, Aza Wu enters an illegal magic fighting tournament. But if the magic doesn’t kill her...the truth just might.
TAKE THE MIC edited by Bethany C. Morrow
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This incredible anthology features fictional stories of everyday resistance and standing up to injustice! TAKE THE MIC’s powerful collection of stories features work by literary luminaries and emerging talent alike, including Newbery-winner Jason Reynolds, New York Times bestseller Samira Ahmed, anthologist and contributor Bethany C. Morrow, Darcie Little Badger, Keah Brown, Laura Silverman, L.D. Lewis, Sofia Quintero, Ray Stoeve, Yamile Mendez, and Connie Sun, with cover and interior art by Richie Pope.
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88y53 · 4 years
Dream Superman game
Title: Superman: Metropolis
Pitch: PS4 Spider-Man meets God of War meets Batman: Arkham City/Origins meets Superman Returns: the Game.
Premise: Superman is about 5-7 years into his career and is well into his prime. He’s not a rookie anymore, and he has a firm grasp on his powers and his philosophies. Think Paragon Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.
He and Lois Lane have already moved in together and she knows his secret, and Lex Luthor is in jail.
Everything is perfect.
It’s another day at the offices of the Daily Planet (here modernized as a digital news company like Buzzfeed mixed with The New York Times), meeting all the classic co-workers - Jimmy Olsen (showing off his brand new camera, before blinding himself with the flash, “it was like looking into the sun!”), resident “alpha-male” Steve Lombard (working on a new Jim Halpert-esque prank for Clark Kent), Cat Grant (bugging Lois for help on her “Top Sexiest Billionaires in America” ... which is obviously just an excuse to put Bruce Wayne at the top, again), Perry White screaming at everybody to get back to work, and Ron Troupe, just sipping his coffee and watching the chaos - when suddenly there are explosion at three different places across Metropolis!
Superman flies to the three locations, helping the fire department put out the fires and rescue people trapped inside [allowing the player to get a feel for their powers], before learning that there’s been a massive break out at Stryker’s Island orchestrated by Luthor and now eight of Superman’s villains have escaped into the city.
Bosses: (in alphabetical order)
Bloodsport - an alt-right nutjob with advanced tech.
Encantadora - a woman who either uses a complex array of photonic entanglement machines to control light, or just straight magic, (it’s ambiguous) to cast illusions.
Lex Luthor - former head of LexCorp, Luthor - whose reputation is now ruined because of Lois and Clark’s journalism - no longer cares about how people see him and is in full supervillain mode. He still thinks his crusade against Superman is justified, but the only person he’s fooling is himself.
Livewire - a former internet podcaster who‘s absolutely addicted to attention. She absorbs and manipulates electricity in the gigiwatt range - powerful enough to stun Superman - using LexCorp developed nanoscopic electrical conductors derived from Kryptonian technology that’s been grafted to her skin. She has a new career goal of being the "Woman that Killed Superman."
Metallo - ex-mercenary turned cyborg with a kryptonite ore in his chest powering his nigh-invulnerable body. Lasers inside his chest and eyes fire into the ore and project concentrated beams at Superman that whittles away his Stamina bar. Luthor also installed a euphoric response system that stimulates the pleasure center of his brain whenever he hurts Superman, so he literally feels good whenever he attacks him.
Parasite - a selfish janitor that was exposed to a less-refined version of the krypto-conductors that empower Livewire, allowing him to absorb energy from basically anything; thermal, kinetic, electro-chemical, nuclear, etc. His only weaknesses are that the conductors start to eat him if he doesn't "feed" enough, and that they can max out if he feeds too much.
Prankster - Michael Moore meets Tyler Durden. A charismatic and destructive showman that organizes complex and elaborate pranks and takedowns on corporate America and authoritarian institutions. However, the problems he creates in trying to “wake people up,” are just as dangerous as the problems he’s trying to solve.
Toyman - a schizophrenic engineering genius who previously worked for Luthor (and designed Metallo’s body), and is scavenging equipment from industrial warehouses and construction areas to build more “toys.”
Superman must track them down, while dealing with other problems that have decided to rear their ugly head.
Working with Dan Turpin and Maggie Sawyer to deal with Intergang cases.
Working with Professor Hamilton and Leo Quintum on S.T.A.R. labs experiments.
Mr. Mxyzptlk puzzle challenges (like flying through golden rings).
Random citizen rescues.
Levels where you play as Clark Kent at the Daily Planet and interact with the staff, or go on investigative journalism missions.
Gameplay: The “maypole mechanic” (the mechanic that everything dances around) is that Superman doesn’t have a health bar. He’s invincible. The challenge comes from collateral damage, which is measured by civilian Life Clocks (that count down the longer you wait) and total into your Reputation Bar (which shows peoples’ trust in Superman). If they drop too low, all hope is lost and you lose.
Now, this isn’t like the Superman Returns game where it felt like one big escort mission, encounters are structured with invisible aggro walls, and if you leave the confines of the encounter area and don’t return quickly enough, you lose the fight and your Rep. takes a massive hit. In each encounter there are optional tasks for Superman to complete that boosts your overall Rep., such as saving people, fighting enemies, helping the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit, putting out fires, etc. You can beat the villain without completing the additional challenges (they are saved by SCU), but you miss out on Reputation.
The challenge comes from having to juggle multiple catastrophes at once.
Interface: The minimap and HUD is part of a S.T.A.R. Labs created a “krypto-frequency” that Hamilton and Quintum synced up to the Fortress of Solitude, and only Superman can see and hear it. Using monitors in his suit (which also a hotspot), it keeps track of his solar-saturation, and Superman can interact with it by finely tuning his heat vision.
Combat: The camera is in an over-the-shoulder third-person position, and "combat challenges" are what keep the fights interesting because you lose Mxyzptlk Points (Mxyzptlk Points allow Superman to upgrade his powers — basically magical XP) if you don’t focus on them; don’t get hit, creative use of power, watch the clock, etc. To get the “Flawless Protector” rank you need to complete missions with little-to-no collateral damage.
Reputation Points allow you to upgrade your costume material at S.T.A.R. Labs (friction proof coating that lets you fly faster, or lead weaving to block out XX% of kryptonite radiation, etc.)
Mxyzptlk Points allow you to upgrade your powers (shortening the time to build up your Stamina bar, for example)
Getting shot is dangerous, not for the player, but for other people because the bullets will ricochet off Superman and hit someone else, which will cost the player points. So Superman must activate his Super-Speed to catch the bullets.
You don’t lose health, but when you’re hit you lose Stamina, which keeps you from using other powers. When you’re completely depleted you can’t even fly and are susceptible to being knocked prone until it fills up again automatically. Blocking hits like in God of War is the best way to fight because it preserves your Stamina, and allows you to counter or switch between targets using super-speed.
When Superman faces off against regular humans his heat vision auto-targets their weapons or their shoes (enemies generally just jump out of the way of his heat vision unless Superman specifically targets the weapons). His Frost Breath freezes them in place (or you could freeze their weapons and then blast them with heat vision to cause them to explode in their hands, so mixing powers unlock new strategies). His Super Breath is the best offensive power against thugs because it’s completely non-lethal, but it requires time to build up because he needs to suck in the air. He doesn’t do one-hit knockouts (even though he eclipses them in weightclass) because he “pulls his punches” so as to not seriously hurt or kill them.
Special takedown moves are also available when a player’s XP bar fills up, and boss fight takedowns require certain Quick Time Events.
Metropolis is a completely open sand-box, with the player able to travel to any boroughs of the city; from the New Troy, Queensland Park, Hell’s Gate, Bakerline, etc. All with the flying mechanics of Anthem.
The boss fights are analogue to timed puzzles (like in Mario games), with Superman needing to understand their attacks and think creatively about his environment and powers. The enemies can’t beat him, but knocking him out wastes precious seconds and the drama is beating them before time runs out. Such as Parasite overloading a nuclear reactor or Superman having to prioritize fixing the Metropolis dam before dealing with Livewire. Better time builds up Rep points. Kryptonite-based enemies like Metallo and Lex Luthor are the most dangerous because they can kill Superman. It continuously cuts down his Stamina Bar until there’s nothing left and you fail the mission. You can get back Stamina by soaking up solar rays, but that takes time you don’t have.
Each boss has a different skill-set, requiring the player to adapt and think creatively about Superman’s many powers in order to win:
Bloodsport - He uses disorientating mechanics to fight Superman; high-frequency emitters, flashbangs, etc. and an evolving fighting mechanic like Mr. Freeze. Superman must utilize different variations of his Super-Senses in order to fight him.
Encantadora - She uses her powers to create complex illusions like Scarecrow, and Superman must navigate the maze to beat her.
Livewire & Parasite - They’re a double-boss fight -- Livewire uses the electricity she absorbs from the Metropolis dam to fly and shoot powerful lightning bolts at Superman, but she’s vulnerable to water and when she’s recharging. Parasite jumps around the arena, occasionally tackling Superman to absorb some of his Stamina. He can’t be hurt because he can just take in the energy from Superman’s heat vision or his punches. When Livewire is dealt with, Parasite turns on her and absorbs her power. However, in doing so he maxes out his absorption and can be hurt.
Metallo - Superman has to chip away the kryptonite core in his chest with his heat vision (because getting too close to him with the ore exposed will quickly deplete the Stamina bar until you lose), and rip off pieces of his chassis when his chest cavity closes up. He is finally beaten when Superman pours molten metal onto him and freezes him in place.
Prankster - He’s more like Victor Zsasz in Arkham City, in that his boss fights are more like scavenger hunts as Superman tracks down his hacking trail.
Toyman - He fights Superman using a giant mech and spawning waves of robot minions, like Clayface in Arkham City. However, the mech’s bipedal nature makes it top-heavy and easily tripped.
Lex Luthor - he is the Final Boss of the game and, using a kryptonite-powered battle suit, incorporates all the mechanics of the previous bosses.
Central Theme: The central theme of the story is a twist on the age-old “power corrupts” adage; power doesn’t corrupt, power magnifies. All of Superman’s enemies could’ve easily used their powers and skills in more productive ways that benefited society, they just didn’t want to. They’re content with being bad guys, while Superman’s attempts to reason with them fall on deaf ears. That’s what makes someone like Superman different from his villains — a good man with power becomes a great man, while a bad man with power becomes worse. That’s why it’s so important that power never be given to bad men.
Brainiac, who has tried to invade before but was pushed back. Now there’s a possibility for a rematch.
Zod, who was one of the first supervillains Superman faced in his career before being imprisoned again in the Phantom Zone. However, there’s still a chance he and his soldiers could escape.
Darkseid’s presence is felt in the Intergang side-quests, and a possible cameo from either Orion or the Forever People.
Lois and Clark are trying to get pregnant, but biology isn’t on their side, so Hamilton & Quintum offer to help.
Atomic Skull, Conduit, Kryptonite Man, Manchester Black, and Riot were all locked up in a different section of Stryker’s, but have since escaped while Superman was distracted.
Lobo abducts Superman and takes him to Mongul, where he’s forced to fight his current champion of WarWorld -- Bizarro, who’s so happy to show Superman is “Bizarro World.” Superman then has to escape, with help from either Lobo or Maxima.
Superman teams up with either Supergirl or Captain Marvel for another adventure.
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Come Into the Water (12/15)
The rest of Hanukkah passes much the same, save for Friday, when they all go to the dunes with a few other families- which fills Sarah with the stress of Ava being hurt- to eat and light the menorah and then some different candles she doesn’t understand. But come the final night of the holiday afterward, Ava was alright and said she understood and thought the lights were pretty, although she missed spending time with them.
As the snow still clings to things and falls in a crisp blanket, Sarah keeps going down to the ocean in spite of how cold it makes her every time. She shivers every day in the on and off snow, but comes down to the tidepools because Ava is there and always has a smile, often has a kiss. Winter blisters her cheeks as she arrives the day after Hanukkah ends, without Maggie or Olivia or Noah, and observes how rough the ocean has become with the weight of the storm. Ava is there, in the shallows with her coat. Sarah comes and joins her, although her bare feet feel frozen in the icy water made colder by a light dusting of snow, less oppressive than it’s been over the last week or so.
“Last night was the last night,” Ava says, not looking at Sarah directly. “I don’t want it to be.”
Sarah looks at her and she seems more lively than she had before. She’s always been a ray of light, something vibrant and real, but today her skin seems more golden and her eyes brighter and her cheeks pinker. She seems like she’s happier. And it could be because of her managing to reconnect to family instead of living in virtual isolation. She can’t talk to the pod, and she didn’t talk to other humans. Now it’s them, together, looking happier and with their hands laced together under the water.
“Well, yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep seeing them,” Sarah replies.
But Ava shakes her head and doesn’t answer her. They stay in the shallows, taste salty air. Sarah watches Ava’s tail slowly move around in the water, restless, swept by the currents and the muscles which must be more powerful than they seem at first glance, and Sarah wants to reach out and touch. But she doesn’t. She waits for something else to be said, or for Ava to reach out and carry her in her arms to deeper waters where the fish swim and the sharks let their fins break the surface. She’s missed the deep. It felt more like a home than anything else she’s ever experienced. And being in the water again reminds her of that.
“Does the pod hurt you often?” she asks tactlessly.
Ava glances at her. “Only when they’re angry.”
“How often are they angry?”
She doesn’t get an answer for that, but it’s alright, she thinks. They’re together with the memories of last night, of the flames flickering in the wind and Ava teaching Sarah how to properly spin her dreidel so it goes around more than a couple times. There’s an art to it, she discovers, which Maggie and Ava have perfected but herself, Olivia and Noah still often struggle through. Like cooking, like painting, like breathing. She’ll learn over time, she thinks, just like she learned how to make dough with Olivia.
Over time. Over time means she would be staying here, even after she regains her sanity. Her therapy sessions are once a week now instead of twice, and she rarely calls her old one. She is doing better, really and truly, but that could mean it’s time for her to try for school again, and Sarah doesn’t entirely want to. She kind of wants to stay here with Ava and Olivia and Maggie and Noah and the way the ocean hits her face and the freedom she feels every time she breathes unpolluted air. It would be nice. She gets her monthly allowance which is more than enough for everything she needs, but she could always get a job in town if that changes. She doesn’t want to go.
“Olivia said she’ll bring dinner down here on friday night,” she offers. “We can all eat together.”
“I don’t need you to fix this,” Ava bites out.
She suddenly turns around and with a large splash of freezing water, she disappears, leaving Sarah sitting there with her toenails tinted purple under the foaming wash of the sea. Abandonment. Slowly, she stands up properly and wades back to where the water turns to snow and she can go back home to bundle up in warm clothes. Alone. Ava is upset with her, and there will be no sunset on the beach with fried apples and chocolate coins and family brought together, and Sarah gets this feeling that she may not be welcome to dinner tonight with Olivia and Maggie, although on some level she knows that she’s always welcome.
Dejected, she returns to her home and it feels too empty. She’s spent a good amount of her time during Hanukkah with a family, and now it feels too strange to be in a mirrored floor pattern, without any voices in the kitchen or warm lights in the living room or the smell of fresh baked bread wafting through the air. It would be easy to get back, she thinks, but not the same as it was before. It had felt like truly being a part of something. Doing the same things, but without the intention behind it that the holiday gave, it wouldn’t be special anymore and would simply feel like an imitation.
So she stays alone, staring at the boxes left in her living room. She’s been pulling clothes out of the boxes to wear, washing them every few days, and then putting them back in the box for the next time she goes fishing for clothes. And of course, there’s the box of her personal items, covered in a thickening layer of dust that cakes the cellophane tape sealing it. For most people, they would have been able to unpack so little within a week, if not a day. But she’s been here since the turn of the season and remains unable. Although she’s made progress, she is still broken. Being with family, being with Ava, being with the ocean has helped tame the memories, but still they linger. 
She glances around this house that isn’t a home and recognizes that she leaves the curtains open more often now. Too open. In a flurry she rushes to draw every single one closed, fingers digging into the sleeve of her puffy jacket between windows, her lungs shrinking with every passing second. She’s let her guard down, and for it, she’s been hurt by someone who’s supposed to love her all over again. He had said he loved her. He loved her while she looked at the picture of his daughter and she cried and she wondered how bad it would be to just die then and there.
“No,” she whispers to herself. “No, Olivia and Maggie and Noah love me. And Ava’s my… my…” she chokes on the word and has to change it. “She’s my friend. They love me.”
Sarah wipes her cheeks of stray tears she doesn’t remember falling, and decides to go to her real home next door. In the fresh air she can easily smell something delicious cooking and sighs. Comfort food always helps.
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r6shippingdelivery · 5 years
Hey if you’re still doing them could you do the whole alphabet for either bandit or thatcher please.
I did a bunch of letters for Bandit already, which you can find here, so I’ll be doing Thatcher this time, okay?
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’ll usually will press a kiss on his partner’s forehead and another on their lips before laying next to each other in bed, catching their breath and indulging in a bit of pillow talk after they get cleaned up.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He knows he’s extremely fit for his age and enjoys it. Thatcher is proud of how strong his body is, particularly his arms, and will gladly flex them for his partner just for show or to pick them up. On his partner, he usually fixates on their lips (how perfect do they look wrapped around his cock, or reddened after kissing each other roughly) or on their thighs (like how amazing they are wrapped around his waist).
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He’s a highly practical man, and wearing a condom is both a safety measure and a way to have a faster and easier clean up later.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s no stranger to glory holes and the thrill of having his cock sucked anonymously. Of course, only during the times he had no partner, but still would never admit that secret to anyone.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has loads and loads of experince, can make his partners turn to a begging mess when he puts his mind on it, prolonging their pleasure until they can’t see straight.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary works well enough for him, it’s always easy to get into the position and he can watch his partner’s face and kiss them, no downside as far as he’s concerned. Standing sex is also good, maybe with the receiving partner bent over a sturdy surface, that one allows for rougher sessions if he’s in the mood for it.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He keeps rather serious and passionate, but will chuckle at any misshaps than may happen, cause he knows it’s nothing serious to worry about.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He strikes me as someone who’s rather hairy and proud of it, so at most he would trim down the hair a bit, nothing more.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Sex with Thatcher always feels intimate, he will focus on his partner as if they’re the center of his world and in those moment that feels like the absolute truth. He might not be very romantic in the traditional sense, but he knows how to make his partner feel wanted, that’s for sure.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He will either use it as a way to relieve stress, which makes the session focused on achieving his glorious orgasm and the rush of relaxed happiness that comes with it; or he will masturbate as a prelude to sex, before reuniting with his partner if one of them was away. In this latter case, he will draw it out for a while and not let himself cum, so he’ll be primed and ready to pick his partner and dash to the bedroom.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Thatcher is a controlling bastard, so he loves getting to control his partner too, having them ask for guidance and/or permission before doing something, or before orgasming. He also loves playing with his partner’s nipples.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bedroom or his privare office, that desk has seen its fair share of action.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
There’s a certain spot on his neck that when nibbled or kissed, will make his knees go weak and his cock get hard without fail, especially when accompanied by his partner sitting on his lap or as a follow up to some intense kissing.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Getting restricted in any way, be it bindings/ropes/handcuffs or blindfolds. He has no problem using those on his partner if that’s what they like, but not on him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s highly skilled at giving, but he prefers to receive. Doesn’t really care how experienced his partner is as long as they show enthusiasm for the task.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
No matter who is topping, he prefers to take it slow until both parties are comfortable with the current pace. Only then will he be amenable to going faster or rougher, all in small increments so the change isn’t painful for anyone.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies are not for him, Thatcher prefers the real deal as he calls it, slow and passionate sex, otherwise what’s the point of it? Youths are too impatient nowadays, waiting for a proper moment to have unhurried sex can actually be part of the game, and the anticipation makes the eventual act even better.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s not naturally inclined to take risks, mostly because he has the experience to know if something will work out for good or bad most of the time. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Usually just one round, but it will be an intesne and long one, that’s for sure. If he’s been away from his partner for long, he will try for a second round later that day.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He didn’t use toys, but his partner introduce them in their playtimes, and now he loves to use those to tease and edge his partner, which helps him last longer too.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I think I kinda answered that one just above 😄To sum up: usually a direct man, except in bed where he’s a teasing bastard who loves to make his partner ask/beg to make them cum.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not the loudest, but not quiet either. He’ll grunt low in his throat every so often, in time with the thrusts, groaning a bit louder when he’s close. Don’t expect much talk during the act itself, unless it’s to direct his partner on what to do.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Thatcher thinks that living on a boat makes him look hip and cool. Many agree until they realise the boat’s name is “Iron Maggie” 😂
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Look, the famous SAS bulge doesn’t lie, he’s hung above average for sure, and decently thick as well.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
As high as it was when he was a good fifteen years younger, which still surprises him cause he expected it would diminish the older he was.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He prefers to keep awake and indulge in some pillow talk, be it praise for his partner and saying each other sweet nothings while the endorphins are high, or telling each other more about their dreams and hopes. He feels he gets even closer to his partner during those moments, physical and emotional intimacy all in one package.
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torestoreamends · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Recap: Cast Four – 22/23 & 26 May (Part One)
On Wednesday and Thursday I saw Cast Four for the first time. I came out of those performances unsure how I felt about the cast and the changes to the show. There was a lot that I didn’t like, and I didn’t feel excited about the year ahead at all. Looking back now, I was exhausted when I was watching those shows. I didn’t take much in, and when I was trying to write my recap I knew I was missing a lot. I felt neither passionate about nor proud of what I was writing. 
So on Sunday I got another ticket and tried again. I ended up sitting further back than I have in a year and a half, but also in the second most central seat I’ve had in a year. And it helped. 
I’ve always found that sitting close to the stage you focus on the action close to the front a lot more. It’s difficult to get the depth of what’s going on. When you sit slightly further back it’s far easier to take in the choreography, and what I was unhappy with on Wednesday and Thursday was largely the choreographic changes. 
My Sunday seat gave me a view like I was looking at a model box of the show — it was the sort of view the show was designed to be seen from. All the shapes came out, the lighting, the details of the movement, plus it was an absolute gift of a show. I fell in love with portrayals and changes I hadn’t been certain of, and fell even more deeply in love with the things I’d already enjoyed. 
So, without further ado, here are some thoughts about the new portrayals we’ve got (including our first cover of the year — the wonderful Gordon Millar as Karl etc.), followed by a recap of Sunday’s show, combined with thoughts from Wednesday and Thursday. 
Because this got exceptionally long (my second longest recap ever), I’ve split it in half. Part One is below, and Part Two can be found here.
David Mara — Station Master
If I had to pick anyone to step into Martin’s shoes, it would have been David. He was great in every role I saw him cover last year, and he was great in this role too. I like the strange whistle he does at the start of the scene — it reminds me of someone else who used to do proper signalling style whistles — and it’s fun to watch him looking with confusion at the boys as they chat in their corner (although I am concerned by how much he must overhear). I can’t wait to see this scene develop over the year.
Lucy Mangan — Myrtle
I think Lucy’s going to be a really excellent Myrtle (and I can’t wait to see her cover Delphi too). There were some great over the top little touches to her portrayal. When she did ‘the weeping after he was taken’, she cried once then stopped, cried again then stopped, then one of the boys started trying to talk so she held a hand up to stop him while she cried a third time. It’s ridiculous little details like that, which make me most excited to see her again. 
Blythe Duff — Professor McGonagall
They honestly couldn’t have found a better person to take over from Sandy. Blythe is the first McGonagall not to have the Maggie Smith look, but that actually made me love her more. It was her warmth and charm and sparkle that made her feel like McGonagall, and I would probably fight to the death for her already.
Her Trolley Witch was also gorgeous. I’ve seen many Trolley Witch debuts over the years, and even ones I ultimately come to love have felt disappointing first time round, but not this one. She captured the right feeling of ancient, authoritative power so perfectly. I cannot wait to see her again.
Gordon Millar as Karl
Our first cover of the year, and what a good one. On Wednesday and Thursday he went straight onto my ‘must watch’ list, so a big part of me deciding to go for a ticket on Sunday was the desire to see him. 
His Karl is actually quite sweet (which I think stems from Gordon being a lovely, funny human being), but in the St Oswald’s scene Gordon’s character is an absolute — to put it bluntly — dick. He’s a bully, a nasty piece of work, and it really helps the scene (more on that later). I also loved Gordon’s Krum a lot. This one has great movement (like seemingly everyone in the cast), and I cannot wait to see more of him.
Luke Sumner and Emma-May Uden as Yann and Polly
I feel bad lumping these two together but in the show they really did come as a pair. They were perfect fake, popular, nasty individuals. I’ve never hated Yann and Polly more, and I mean that in the best possible way. They were just the sort of people who would bully Albus and Scorpius, and I loved it.
Ronnie Lee as Craig
My heart belongs to Ronnie. There was just something so likeable about him. Sometimes Craig feels like a little ray of sunshine, and that’s just how it should be. Also, I appreciate the boldness of someone who’ll full on lie on the death table, with both feet in the air, so it looks like they’ve been blasted off their feet and are falling to the ground in slow motion. That was an excellent death.
Another thing I noticed about Ronnie was his dance talent. There was a Mackley-esque fierceness to his Death Eater dance, and he was just generally brilliant at the movement. This whole cast is so noticeably strong on the movement — possibly the strongest so far.
Also, while I’m talking about Ronnie I have to mention the other two members of the most adorable trio of Slytherin boys ever — there’s Gordon, as mentioned above, and Duncan Shelton. They had some chants going on in the first task, some excitable stampy feet, and just lots of general sweetness. I can’t wait to get to know these three better. They’re going to be brilliant.
Kathryn Meisle as Umbridge
One of our very first Hogwarts foreign exchange students. I thought she did a really good job, and I particularly thought her Petunia was good. Also, she did a little skip when she was going off after telling Scorpius he was ruining Voldemort, which was just the perfect touch of sweet, girlish, disgusting Umbridge.
Madeleine Walker as Delphi
I had two first impressions of Madeleine as Delphi. First, I don’t know how many of you have seen Puffs, but in terms of attitude and eyeliner she looked just like Megan — like she’s trying to be edgy but is actually just a nerd. My other first impression, related to that, was that Delphi was exactly the sort of person that Albus and Scorpius would want to be friends with. 
She’s awkward and nerdy and has the same vibe as they do. It’s easy to see how well she’s playing them, especially in Part One. But at the same time, once she’s revealed her true self she doesn’t change much, and there’s something very creepy about that. This person who seems so harmless and nice has all this evil lurking literally right under the surface, and she holds very little of herself back. 
It should also be said that at some point this year, Madeleine is going to deliver the wildest Torture Scene we’ve ever had. Even on Sunday she absolutely blew me away, and it’s only going to get better. I’m so excited. 
Michelle Gayle as Hermione
I liked Michelle‘s Hermione. She had a bit of the know-it-all vibe, and her Hermione felt quite young. There was this obvious relation to book Hermione that worked well. I particularly liked her scene in Harry’s office right at the start of the play. She felt like Harry’s friend from the books. I also think that she’s got a lot of great thoughts about the character, and I can’t wait to see her engage with them throughout her performance and develop them over the year.
She made a great attempt to play Delphi Polyjuiced, which I really appreciated. That was a big highlight from her. It’s surprising how rare it is to see the adults actually try to replicate what the kids are doing (aside from Jamie B, who’s a master of the art).
Rayxia Ojo as Rose
Rayxia’s back, and it’s wonderful. Her Rose has always seemed so grown up and mature, and next to Dominic’s Albus she feels particularly so, just because she looks so tall beside him. It’s weird because in all the ensemble scenes she’s one of the shortest people around. Anyway, it’s great to have her back in the show, she works wonderfully with Michelle (there’s a similarity of character there that’s really nice), and I can’t wait to see more from her.
Ryan Mackay as James
I’ve seen Ryan as James a few times before, and always enjoyed him, but he seems to have come into his own with this cast. He particularly owned the Lily and James death scene, and it was uncanny how much he and Dom looked like brothers when they were standing near each in the opening scene. I also adored his Cedric, particularly on Sunday, and he has a very fine background moment in St Oswald’s that I truly think helps make the scene palatable. I’m so pleased he gets an expanded role with this cast and seems to be flourishing with it. 
Dominic Short as Albus
Sometimes when I watch someone play a character in this show for the first time I feel an instant comfort in their portrayal, and that was how I felt with Dom. It was a mixed blessing because I felt so comfortable and confident in him that I didn’t pay him as much attention as I should have done (there was lot to take in), but I really loved him. Thankfully, on Sunday I get to pay a lot closer attention to him, and he absolutely blew me away. Even from near the back of the stalls his expressiveness drew me in. 
His Albus has a certain happiness to him. He’s less broken than the last couple have been. There’s genuine jubilation in his portrayal at certain moments, like when he casts some of the spells successfully and when they figure out how to get a message to Harry.
There are many moments when he reminded me vividly of Sam’s Albus (which will never be a problem), and I loved the flashes of anger and emotion. On first viewing I felt that he was quite a young Albus, especially after Joe whose Albus was quite mature and surprisingly thoughtful. However, on second viewing he felt a lot more self-aware, and there was some real tenderness there. Some absolutely beautiful moments.
One of my favourite things about him was that in Part One he feels wrapped up in his own problems, and you can clearly see the spiral from an enthusiastic boy looking forward to going to Hogwarts to an angry, miserable, withdrawn young man by fourth year. The transition scene was perfectly played in that regard.
I really was very impressed by him. I think he’s the Albus they’ve been trying to cast since the show opened. He has Sam’s fierce anger and prickliness, with Theo’s emotion, Joe’s humour, and an ability to adapt and change to what’s going on around him. We’re only at the start and already he’s sparking my imagination and making me desperate to see more. This is going to be the most excellent year.
So, with those first impressions out of the way, let’s get into some changes and great character moments.
Opening and transition scene (Act One, Scenes One to Four)
The weird thing about a first show, especially one in which the person playing the Sorting Hat is staying the same, is that for the first few seconds nothing feels different. It could be any other show. But then the first member of the ensemble walks out and you realise that everything has changed.
There’s a new bit of choreography in the first scene that I was pre-warned of but of course completely forgot about until it happened, so it took me by surprise. The Sorting Hat (who now wears glasses as part of his costume – fun facts) stands in the middle of the stage and manipulates the people around him. There’s a whole group that he diverts with a flash of light, a man he turns round with a gesture, and he makes the woman at the front of the stage walk round her suitcase.
As someone who loves the Sorting Hat, his role in the play, and what it means, the whole interaction felt a bit random. It’s obviously a flashy opening to the show, with a bit of magic, but I’ve never seen the Sorting Hat as a manipulator. I’ve realised recently that he’s a protector and guardian of the boys (particularly of Scorpius) in the same way that Hagrid is a protector of Harry, and he’s also the bringer of magic to the show, but this doesn’t seem to add anything to that. If anything, there needed to be more of the manipulation – there were only three interactions, so it didn’t actually make that much of an impact on someone seeing it of the first time. To me it ought to be go big or go home.
On the second viewing I realised that technically bringing Harry onto Platform 9 3/4 could count as one of the manipulations (it’s got the same sound effect associated with it), and I also realised that he never seems to touch a group that has Delphi in. So maybe there is some meaning in there if you dig a bit.
The first big line change is Lily’s line in the opening scene, which is no longer ‘Are they here? Maybe they didn’t come’. It’s not her wondering whether the Granger-Weasleys are late, and lamenting that they’re always late. Thankfully this isn’t a line from the epilogue, so the change doesn’t really have that much impact. It’s another of the random changes that we now see throughout the show – ones that don’t really make much of a difference, and it’s unclear why they were made.
In this opening scene, seeing Dom and Ryan side by side showed how perfect their casting as brothers is. They look so similar, particularly in face shape. 
Watching this cast for a second time from a distance let me appreciate a really cool James moment properly for the first time. When Albus is being sorted, James and Scorpius are on complete opposite sides of the stage, perfectly symmetrical, and they’re the only two people in the crowd picked out by a spotlight, which illuminates both their faces. It’s like Albus’s Sorting is visibly tearing him between his family and his new best friend, and it lets you see both their reactions perfectly — James’s bewilderment and Scorpius’s disbelieving excitement. 
Going back to the opening scene, we got to see the first glimpse of Dom’s Albus before anything happens to him. There’s a youthful joy there. He laughs at Ron’s jokes and seems to be relaxed around his family. He’s genuinely excited to be going to Hogwarts. Until he gets there…
There are directions throughout the transition scene that with each passing year, Albus gets more withdrawn and miserable, and that’s just how Dom played it. You could see the process of Albus becoming increasingly demoralised with life at Hogwarts, and it was wonderful. Right from the start, Dom had such ownership over Albus, putting his stamp on the role, and even just the first scene made me excited to see him in Part Two – it was an excellent start.
In the first show everything was technically perfect, but in the show on Sunday, the fire didn’t work on the Incendio trick. However, Dom’s cover for it was perfect, and added something to the character. He just sighed very heavily and sort of threw his hands in the hair as he said he didn’t expect it to work anyway. I never realised before how that line is so open to all possibilities.
The next few obvious changes came in the transition scene: Scorpius now offers Rose a rose in London (is it a trick rose? It looked like it had a collapsible stem to me), also, when the boys’ potion explodes, the kids around Albus and Scorpius flop forwards instead of bending backwards. And then, of course, you get the wand dance.
Dominic was so bold in the wand dance, which I really enjoyed. Nothing was held back and everything was extended and gone for. There was actually lots I loved about the new choreography in this scene too (I think it was one of the biggest successes of all the changed elements). There are lots of circles and lines, and my favourite moment was when all the other kids circled round Albus, leaning in and looming over him. I also liked that he got a moment to fit in and help the others – just a brief flash of success, that must be all the more painful for being so fleeting.
The new wand dance begins with a big flashy trick – the current shot of fire now connects up to a sort of flaming rope on the ceiling, so that brief spark flies all the way from the bottom to the top of the stage. It ends with the usual red smoke, and one of the other kids taunting Albus: “Even his wand wants to be in Gryffindor”.
To briefly backtrack, I need to give a quick shoutout to Dom’s “I stayed for your sweets” from Sunday. He did a little dad dance as he said it, and I can only describe it as like he was milking a cow. A little up and down motion with his hands, fists clenched. I know it sounds weird (this show has made me write some very bizarre descriptive phrases) but he made it work, even if he did look like a ridiculous nerd doing it. 
Blanket Scene (Act One, Scenes Six and Seven)
I really liked the introduction to Delphi in the scene before the Blanket Scene. Her conversation with Albus is really sweet, and she curtised to him before she went off to talk to Amos (the first of two curtsies in the show — the second was to Scorpius when he called her The Augurey). 
One of her finest moments was when she shook hands with Harry and looked at the scars on his hand. You could feel her reading ‘I must not tell lies’ and mentally calling him out for lying right in front of her. After all, he does know about the Time-Turner, she knows he does, and she also knows that he’s lying to Amos. It was such a powerful, silent moment of judgement. A gorgeous little detail.
In the Blanket Scene itself, I adored how Dom’s Albus interacted with his siblings. Because I was so far away for the Sunday show I couldn’t actually see or hear Albus laughing at James’s antics, but I could see his shoulders bouncing from the laughter. And then when Lily comes in looking for her Potions book, Albus holds his hands up to say it’s not his fault. It’s only when Harry comes into the room that he finally sits down, perched on the edge of the bed, and from that moment he never really relaxed or seemed comfortable. His space had been invaded, and he tensed up almost immediately. 
Once they got into the scene itself, we found an angry Albus, who wasn’t afraid to raise his voice and fight back. At no point did he seem even close to accepting the blanket, and there was an expression on his face that said that he hated his dad’s reasoning for giving it to him. He knew the gift was all about Harry, and he detested it right from the word go.
One of the things I noticed about Dom’s Albus was how he always shrank back, never holding his ground. He ended up occupying parts of the stage that people don’t normally go to – only by a few centimetres sometimes, but it was still noticeable. In this scene he was pushed well back beyond the bed, and again in the final scene he hid among the graves, keeping a physical distance from Harry. In this particular scene it worked really well, the shrinking away, closing himself off, as Harry got more heated. I also loved that he said the final line of the scene the original way round: ‘No luck or love for me then’. 
Dom’s is one of the angriest Blanket Scenes we’ve had for a while. He really explodes, and it’s wonderful. He fully unfolds the blanket when he describes it as mouldy, and gives it a look of disgust that Harry is so upset by. 
St Oswald’s (Act One, Scene Thirteen)
I have now seen the new St Oswald’s three times (once on Broadway, twice in London), and I still can’t say that I’m convinced by it. 
At first I hated it. With a passion. It starts off alright, with a biscuit palace appearing onstage, then quickly descends into something quite distasteful. The stage direction in the script for this scene is about magic being done for fun. It’s supposed to be joyful, people who can do magic because they love it rather than having to do it for work or study. It should be colourful and vibrant, as well as chaotic.
What we get is certainly chaotic, but as the employees of St Oswald’s play various tricks on the residents, there’s an uncomfortable feeling to the scene. There’s not a nice spirit there. Previously the scene has been hilarious and delightful. Now it’s just mean, and borders on elder abuse, which just isn’t necessary. The scene could have been remade without going anywhere near that territory, and I do think it’s a serious misstep. Not to mention the fact that some of the tricks are so juvenile and fake (one lady gets stuck inside a sofa, with a pair of legs that are so clearly not her own sticking up in the air). 
On Sunday, my third viewing of it, however, I did start to see sort of what they were going for, and there were a couple of redeeming features. When you sit close to the front it’s difficult to see the choreography going on towards the back of the stage, so sitting further back allowed me to see Ryan’s role in the scene, and I loved what he brought to it. 
His staff member has a very brief role in proceedings, but I think it’s essential. While Gordon was bullying the residents (which he did with incredible viciousness), Ryan was looking utterly horrified. There was an expression on his face that just said ‘this is so far from okay, I’m not doing this’, and that was the point when he exited the scene. 
It was really good to see someone in character acknowledging how bad what was going on was, and showed a self-awareness that I hadn’t realised was there before. There was also the fact that at the end of the scene, when the nasty staff member gets his comeuppance (he ends up holding a teacup that’s spilling over with fire), the residents of St Oswald’s all started dancing and enjoying themselves. Those two things combined really helped me with it, and I think with further viewings I might come around to accepting it. 
It is still frustrating to have to work so hard on it though. I’ve always loved this show for its artistry and joyful magic, and this scene feels like an unnecessary step away from that. What was wrong with the original, very funny, perfectly good spirited version of the scene? 
Around the map (Act One, Scene Seventeen)
The scene where the adults talk around the map, trying to work out where Albus and Scorpius might be, is always a bit of a dark horse of a scene. It doesn’t feel that important, but there’s always so much fascinating character work going on there. And so it was in this show.
I caught Harry and Ginny having a silent conversation, in which Harry told Ginny not to mention what he said to Albus. I’m pretty sure that was because he didn’t want Draco to know, and if he had to tell Hermione he’d rather tell her in person. And yet of course Ginny brings up an opportunity for him to tell everyone. It made it feel almost as if she was betraying him, which did actually work.
There’s a lot of conflict during the show between Harry and Ginny. It’s hidden because their relationship is so strong and they do spend so much time interacting. They obviously love one another. But Ginny does find Harry’s actions difficult to swallow sometimes. She calls him out on them. And that tiny interaction in this scene really laid the groundwork for that.
Ginny’s priority throughout the play is Albus. Harry is a grown man who can look after himself, and while she loves him, she knows that Albus is by far the more vulnerable party here, and she’s going to fight every step of the way to find him and help him. In this scene, getting Harry to admit what he’s done is the best way of achieving that, so she makes it happen. She doesn’t actively tell everyone what Harry’s role in Albus’s disappearance was, but she puts him in a position that enables him to tell the truth.
To know that that came from a silent conversation between the two of them was so fascinating, and it added an extra dimension to the journey they take through the rest of the show. We could not be more lucky. Jamie and Susie are such fantastic actors, and the thought they bring to their characters is game changing.
Opening of Act Two (Act Two, Scene One)
Here were a couple of changes that I loved straight away. Before in the dream sequence, young Harry has been haunted by a single, ghostly hand, and that’s still the case. Except in the new version, by the end there are three hands reaching for him.
This might be a bit random, but I really liked the fact that there were three hands, not four. The odd number threw things off and added to the creepiness of it. There was something even more unnatural about the dream. And actually what I noticed throughout the show is that in the moments that are meant to be unnatural and wrong, tiny bits of choreography have been tweaked to make that vibe feel so tangible. 
The other great thing about this new version of the dream is that Harry finally does look like he’s wet himself. It’s a detail that should have been added years ago, but I’m glad it’s here now. Also, Harry’s clothes are now genuinely too big for him. They look like adult’s clothes, just the way they should. Those little things make all the difference.
The adults visit McGonagall’s Office (Act Two, Scene Three)
There were so many reasons to love Blythe as McGonagall, but one of my favourites came in this scene. As they were leaving the office to go and find the boys, she saw Ron with the napkin tucked into his top, and reached across to take it off him with a tut. It was so brusque and no nonsense, plus it hinted at her familiarity with him and the others. Although she holds power over them (even Hermione) by virtue of being one of the most wise and respected figures in the Wizarding World, this group are also colleagues in a sense — fellow soldiers who have fought through a war together — and the respect goes both ways. Respect and fondness. Almost a familial bond. It was such a sweet little touch. 
Expelliarmus Scene (Act Two, Scene Four)
This is one of the big trick scenes that can go wrong, but I’m pleased to report that it didn’t in either show. There was an air of confidence from both Madeleine and Dom, and the trick worked really smoothly. Being able to pull that one off with such panache must take guts, especially first time out, and they did a great job. In fact they were both very good with the magic throughout.
Another excellent Delphi moment came at the end of this scene (only in the first show — sadly it wasn’t repeated on Sunday). After she kissed Albus on the cheek, Scorpius did his normal flailing routine in front of her, and she was having none of it. She rolled her eyes and, from several metres away, did a fake little ‘mwah mwah’ in the air, roughly directed to either side of his face. It was sarcastic, impatient, and designed to let him know that he needed to get out of her way fast, which he did. It was a great way of handling his ridiculousness.
Bane and the search for the boys (Act Two, Scene Five)
One of the little details I noticed during the opening of this scene, when everyone was searching the forest, was that Harry wasn’t quite alone when he started calling for Albus and Scorpius. On Wednesday I assumed this was just because the ensemble were a little bit slow getting off the stage, but it was the same on Sunday too, and I was really pleased. I liked it as a sign of Harry’s desperation. Even amongst all these other people helping him, he starts shouting for his son. No waiting for a private moment. No embarrassment. Just his guilt and his need to get his son back safely.
First Task (Act Two, Scene Seven)
If anyone was afraid that the First Task might be a little quiet without the Mackley, Josh, and James Phoon show, you needn’t be. There was plenty of chaos going on, enough to make it difficult to watch the main action.
This was the scene that made me fall in love with the trio of Slytherin boys – Ronnie, Gordon, and Duncan. They were simply wonderful, and absolutely adorable. They had a little chant that I couldn’t quite catch (I think it might have been Cedric related), and then there was some excitable chanting of Krum’s name when he was announced. Also, Ronnie kept stamping his feet to emphasise his applause, and it looked like the three of them were having a whale of a time.
On Sunday, when Gordon was in Hufflepuff, Ronnie went on a Josh-style excursion to visit him, which was very sweet. When he got back to Slytherin there was a lot of hat stealing and Krum chanting and just general chaos. 
Hospital Wing (Act Two, Scenes Eight and Nine)
Albus had a little nightmare while Harry was talking to Dumbledore. He didn’t thrash around as much as Theo used to, it was quite contained, but he was definitely bothered by something going on in his head. There’s something nice about an Albus waking up with a shout of his dad’s name. Even after everything, he still subconsciously loves and needs his dad.
Another little detail from this scene was that this Albus actually ate some of the chocolate. It’s always fun to note who does and doesn’t (Joe very much did not).
One of my favourite Dominic moments came in the scene after this one, when Albus tells Scorpius that he can’t speak to him anymore. He was sharp with Scorpius, but it seemed to be driven by his desire to at least try and do what was necessary to make peace with his dad. However, he was certainly not happy about it. After he’d told Scorpius they’d be better off without each other, he turned to his dad to say ‘okay?’ It was spiteful, spat out, as if saying ‘are you happy now?’ As much as he wants his dad’s affection, he hates the things he has to do to try and get it.
Staircase Ballet (Act Two, Scene Twelve)
This was the first scene where I really noticed the difference in height between Jonathan and Dominic. I obviously knew that Jonathan is the tallest Scorpius we’ve ever had and Dominic the shortest Albus, but there’s something about seeing it in person that makes it all so much more real.
The two boys came together at the top of the stairs (the point when they’re standing side by side, and Albus is trying to avoid Scorpius’s eyes) and there they were. Tall and tiny.
The other thing I really loved about this staircase ballet came from something I’ve noticed before. While Scorpius moves through Hogwarts with ease, from staircase to staircase without a thought, Albus hits dead ends and has to wind his way through the school. It’s like the school accepts Scorpius, but is rejecting Albus. And in both these shows, when Albus walked out from the wings to climb the staircase and meet Scorpius in the middle, he was faced with the wrong end of the staircase. Instead of having steps leading up, there was an unattainable ledge high above him. It was just another sign of the school shutting him out. Another barrier. Sometimes he must feel that he can’t possibly get anywhere – even the building is against him, let alone the classes, his magic, and his fellow students.
Library Scene (Act Two, Scene Sixteen)
I don’t remember much from this scene on Wednesday, but Sunday was vivid, so let’s talk about that. In fact, let’s just talk about Dominic. 
In every scene, but in this one particularly, his body language alone carried right to the back of the theatre. While Scorpius was yelling at Albus, most of the time he was on the verge of stepping forward. He wanted to interrupt, to defend himself, to just say something, maybe even apologise. He was constantly on tiptoes, half stepping forward, half rooted to the spot, shoulders hunched, Time-Turner cradled in his hand. 
Then Scorpius started talking about his mum, and that was when Albus finally stopped trying to interject. He stepped back, bowing his head. He seemed to shrink, and all the fight went out of him until there was just despair. 
When I first saw Dom’s Albus I thought he might be selfish, but on Sunday I realised just how self-aware he is. Especially in the library scene he was so conscious of everything he’d done and said, and what Scorpius was directing at him. It was heartbreaking to see him crumble like that. And when he got onto his apology there was such softness to it, but also power, this drive to let Scorpius know the truth. It was such a beautiful apology, and I’m so pleased that by Sunday Dom had already found Albus’s softer side, because (probably down to nerves) that was the one thing I was lacking on Wednesday and Thursday. 
The other big thing to talk about in this scene has to be the hug. I don’t even know if it can be described as a hug, because there wasn’t much of the boys holding onto each other. While Dom did attempt to do some hugging, Jonathan just draped himself over Dom’s shoulders. He was hanging off him, arms dangling down his back. Only very briefly did Scorpius actually pat Albus’s back, before they parted. It was one of the most awkward disasters of a hug I’ve ever seen. I loved it.
Act Two ending
A couple of little things to finish off Part One:
McGonagall absolutely embraced ‘I solemnly swear that I am up to no good’. She did the most epic wand swish, and was really going for it. Rebellious McGonagall might be my absolute favourite thing to come from the show.
When the boys are under the lake, they now have wild static hair. I noticed it first because I spotted how wild Dom’s hair was. Then I noticed that Scorpius’s wig was sticking up. It took me a second to twig that it was because they were meant to be underwater. At first I thought it was a nice touch, but then I realised that, because the hair doesn’t move like they’re underwater, it kind of just looks like they’ve been attacked with balloons backstage. Also, I feel really sorry for Dom who has to brush that mess out before he can go and have lunch. A little puff of wind or something to make the hair move might make the whole thing more effective. It’s difficult to tell. But for now I guess I’ll just be entertained by how wild they look.
Umbridge did a very creepy skip as she went off after telling Scorpius about Voldemort Day. It was chillingly perfect; just the right amount of gross girlishness.
The Dementor on stage left is wild. Both on Wednesday and Sunday it kept pogoing up and down like mad. I kind of love it. It’s very excitable. 
So that’s Part One. Click here for Part Two and a little bit of summing up >
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sunflowersean · 5 years
A masked figure walked around in a cave. They’re scarf blowing in the night wind. They’ve been living here, watching the village from afar.
“The werman village...not exactly what I was looking for but this is the next best thing”
The scarf seemed to talk “will we be attacking now sir”
“No not yet....we must wait for the perfect moment...and besides this village has 3 other spirits holders...if only they were spread out...but that’s what happens when the tragedy happens in your village....”
“Speaking of the village how do you plan to deal with the royal family”
The masked figure thought. they knew that the leader was strong and his son in law was pretty good too. And the oldest daughter, They growled. She knew witchcraft and could easily stop him. “Don’t worry yourself...I have an idea.....I’ll hit them where it hurts...the one thing that’ll make them not even THINK to lay a finger on me” they laughed “soon...I’ll take over this world”
Maggy jumped from branch to branch. Now that he and werner were set to marry he had to shape up and graduate the academy. His father was teaching him about his powers and such and he thought the next exam would be his moment to graduate.
He sighed happily as he fantasized about that day. Werner in a dress and himself in a suit and their first kiss. He knew that was the first step in clearing his name in the village. Marrying werner would mean the village couldn’t say mean things or restrict him from shopping or eating out at restaurants. He could finally be normal. He smiled as landed on the grassy ground “things are looking up”
Clarence walked around his village. He picked up a flower and gave it to a little girl. Clarence was always a sucker for kids and ever since werner left he missed having a kid to care for. He sighed and walked past an orphanage. He smiled widely. He decided to spend his time there and take some kids to go play outside. He thought that would he the right thing to do.
The leader looked at the sky. There was something strange. The sun was out but a rainbow circled the sun as if the suns rays were the rainbow itself. Clarence thought for a moment. That sign meant the coming of trouble or the coming of dragons
But what dragon was there to worry about?
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daresplaining · 6 years
oh my god check out the ew article
    Yes! There’s a lot of really interesting (though slightly spoilery) material in there. Let’s take a look…
“‘When he wakes up in Daredevil season 3, his heightened senses are failing, Elektra’s gone, and he’s presumed dead. ‘Matt starts the season broken physically, broken emotionally, and broken spiritually,’ new showrunner Erik Oleson says. […] Despite being barely alive, Matt quickly ventures back into the streets — not to look for justice, but for an exit entirely. ‘Matt goes to pretty much the darkest place you can,’ Oleson says. ‘When he realizes that he’s incapable of being Daredevil, he would rather just end it than go forward in his life without abilities.’”
    That’s… intense. A while ago I wrote a post covering the topic of suicide in the comics (not a prominent theme, but something that has come up once or twice), and this seems to imply that next season will be venturing into that territory. That is really dark, even for Matt (again, it doesn’t come up that much in the comics) and kind of horrifying from a character standpoint. What adds fuel to this is the suggestion that he is losing his hypersenses, which is also very scary and something we’re really eager to see. He will be starting the season with literally nothing, and seeing him cope with that kind of a situation can be really, really powerful when handled well. The fact that the thought of a life without his hypersenses terrifies him is in-character (and is also discussed in that post, actually), but Matt is such a resilient, stubborn person that I’m eager (but also kind of scared) to see how this implied suicidal urge develops, and how he frees himself from it. 
“That also means isolating his inner circle. Neither best friend Foggy Nelson nor ex Karen Page know Matt’s alive, and when Matt finally reaches out to the former, Foggy doesn’t exactly welcome him back with open arms — even if they’re reuniting over drinks. ‘Foggy has been trying to move on from Matt’s memory, or at least move on with his life,” Oleson says. “If you thought one of your close friends was dead and he decided not to tell you he survived, you would probably have some issues with that.’”
    I’d assumed (knowing Matt) that it would take him a while to tell his loved ones that he was still alive. But since that plot point is being revealed here already, it might happen sooner than anticipated. This type of reunion is about as emotionally charged as you can get, and I can’t freaking wait to see how that plays out. I have to say that since Matt and Foggy have spent so much time in this show fighting, I really hope this is used as an opportunity for them to finally make some kind of peace. 
“As if those weren’t enough problems for a defeated blind vigilante to deal with, several new characters will enter Matt’s orbit soon, Oleson says. Sister Maggie joins as ‘a tough, Hell’s Kitchen-born-and-bred nun,’ FBI Agent Ray ‘carries the heart of the season,’ and ‘a psychologically tortured FBI sharpshooter’ played by Wilson Bethel ‘could teeter towards good or towards evil, depending on who is manipulating or inspiring him.’”
    Heck yeah! Maggie had better be hardcore beyond belief. I’m hoping they use the Waid version of her origin, and am both excited and nervous to see what they do with her. I’m a little picky about Maggie, because I love her so much. Agent Ray seems to be a new character, so that’s intriguing. And Bethel’s character is 99.9% probably Bullseye, who can be really cool when handled well, so my fingers are crossed! The concept of his morality being heavily influenced by those around him is a really intriguing approach, so I’m hopeful! It suggests that they might go with an extremely loose translation of the arc in Nocenti’s run where Matt and Bullseye switch costumes, which is a great story and a compelling way of digging into their relationship.  
“Most worrying of all, season 1 big bad Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio, back after a brief appearance in season 2) has begun carrying out a new master plan to retake his throne. ‘Fisk has gotten smarter, more calculated, and more manipulative,’ says Oleson, adding that Fisk is the perfect villain for the drama to feel timelier than ever. ‘I very much wanted to tell a story that’s relevant to the world around us. I looked at the show as a way to examine how tyrants manipulate in order to push their own agenda and cause fear and distrust.’”
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    This is all expected, but still very exciting, as we will finally get to see Fisk make his dramatic exit from prison after spending all this time setting the stage. Vanessa will also be back, which is possibly even more exciting, since we have no idea what she has been up to. All told, there’s a lot to look forward to here! 
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