#clarence hunter
elennemigo · 1 year
First teaser for "The End We Start From". Starred by Jodie Comer and produced (among others) by Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter.
Also we got a first look at Benedict in the film!
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Premiere at Toronto Film Festival, September 10.
Release in US theaters, December 8.
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nando161mando · 1 year
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Many Americans will risk death rather than go bankrupt calling an ambulance.
Let that sink in. Take all the time you need.
#Healthcare #HealthCareIsAHumanRight #SinglePayerNow #USPol #USPolitics #PeopleOverProfit #GetProfitOutOfHealthcare
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By Lucian K. Truscott IV
Judge Aileen Cannon ran her courtroom in Fort Pierce, Florida, like a massage parlor for one of Jeffrey Epstein’s best friends, and on Monday she wrapped up her special service when she dismissed all charges against Donald Trump in his trial for stealing and mishandling classified documents and obstructing the government’s attempts to recover them. Trump initially faced 31 felony counts of violating the Espionage Act, five counts of conspiracy to obstruct justice, and one count of making false statements. Cannon dismissed the case on procedural grounds, without ever considering the mountain of incriminating evidence against Trump:
• More than 100 top-secret documents, including one containing nuclear secrets, were seized by the FBI in a search of Trump’s hotel/club/residence, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida in August of 2022.
• Another tranche of more than 30 classified documents Trump had turned over to the Department of Justice in response to a subpoena.
• Surveillance video shows Mar-a-Lago employees moving boxes containing classified documents from room to room in Mar-a-Lago a day before DOJ officials showed up to serve the subpoena.
• Testimony from Mar-a-Lago employees that the boxes of classified documents were moved at the behest of the former president.
The list goes on, but you get the picture. Days before he left office in 2021, Donald Trump illegally removed from his White House residence hundreds of boxes of government property. He then spent more than a year and a half resisting attempts by the government to recover the material, in violation of laws against obstructing justice. And he induced others to help him in the scheme.
In November of 2022, Jack Smith was appointed special counsel to investigate and potentially prosecute Donald Trump in the classified documents case. The case landed in the court of a Florida judge Trump appointed to the bench, Aileen Cannon. Almost immediately, Judge Cannon began a four-on-the-floor, pedal-to-the-metal campaign of stalling and obstructing the attempts of Special Counsel Jack Smith to investigate Trump. She granted a motion to appoint a “special master” to go through not only the classified material seized by the FBI but all the material he took from the White House. The ostensible reason for the special master was to examine the material to see if any of it was subject to either executive or attorney-client privilege. While the order was in effect, neither the FBI nor the special counsel was allowed to even look at the evidence in the investigation. Smith appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, and in late December, Cannon’s order was overturned.
Trump was charged in June of 2023, and another flurry of delaying motions was unleashed by Trump’s defense, allowing Judge Cannon to take weeks and then months to consider individual motions, one by one, and to schedule individual hearings on each motion. She would take weeks to consider Trump’s motions and the special counsel’s replies, and then weeks to schedule the hearings, and she would take more weeks before issuing her rulings on each delaying motion.
It was during this process that Trump’s defense team made a motion to dismiss the charges based on its theory that the special counsel was improperly and unconstitutionally appointed, thus the prosecution he brought was unconstitutional as well.
It was no surprise to legal experts today when Judge “I’m Delaying Just As Fast As I Can” Cannon dismissed the charges, especially since Justice Clarence Thomas, in a footnote to the court’s decision finding that Trump is immune from prosecution for official acts he took as president, put forth his theory that the special counsel was unconstitutionally appointed. Justice Thomas’ theory had nothing to do with the presidential immunity case, but it was inevitable that it would be noticed by Judge Cannon and used as a rationale to dismiss the charges against Trump in the classified documents case which she did Monday in a 93-page ruling that Smith’s appointment “violates the appointments clause of the United States Constitution.” Cannon even went along with the motion made by Trump that the funding of the special counsel’s office was unconstitutional because it violated the “role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law.”
As the New York Times reported on Monday afternoon, Cannon’s ruling “flew in the face of previous court decisions reaching back to the Watergate era that upheld the legality of the ways in which independent prosecutors have been named.” That wouldn’t bother Cannon, however, because most of what she has done over the last two years in the classified documents case has been not only unusual but unprecedented, including hearing oral arguments from third parties who filed outside briefs supporting Trump motions that included the one she ruled on today.
One massive irony in Cannon’s ruling is that it throws into question the appointment of other special counsels, including that of Robert Hur, who is prosecuting the son of the president, Hunter Biden, meaning that the charges against him may be dismissed as well.
The Department of Justice has already authorized Smith to appeal Cannon’s ruling to the 11th Circuit, which would make its third appeal to that court since November of 2022. The 11th Circuit, as it has before, will probably slap down Cannon’s ruling and order the case to be reinstated. The special counsel is bound to include in its appeal an argument that Judge Cannon be dismissed from the case. If the 11th Circuit approves that motion, a new judge will be appointed to the case. He or she will no doubt take a month or two to get up to speed on the case. Previous delaying motions filed by Trump are still pending, so the judge will have to rule on those before a trial date can be set.
But, if the 11th Circuit overturns Cannon’s ruling, Trump will doubtlessly appeal to the Supreme Court, and we already know what they think about his standing before the law.
And then, of course, there is the election, which will determine who will be the next President of the United States. If Trump wins, he will without a doubt dismiss the special counsel and have his new Attorney General – he might appoint Aileen Cannon; stranger things have happened – dismiss the classified documents charges against him…yet again.
Round and round Aileen Cannon has gone down there in Florida, and round and round we go as the clock ticks toward Election Day in November, and where it stops, nobody knows.
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cyarskj1899 · 9 months
The boebert family more specifically Lauren is better suited for something like the jerry springer show than a government job.
Colorado, I love you but you gotta pick better politicians because she’s most definitely ain’t it
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* * * *
 In 2018 and 2019, Hunter Biden failed to report and pay taxes for income earned in the prior two years, respectively. Hunter paid the delinquent taxes ($100,000 for each year) in 2021. As a result of his late reporting of income and payment of taxes, Hunter Biden was subjected to a five-year federal investigation that continues to this day. Hunter attempted to plead guilty to a federal misdemeanor for failing to timely pay his taxes, but that plea deal fell apart. In short, when private citizen Hunter Biden wrongly delayed in reporting and paying taxes for three years, Republicans demanded—and got—a federal investigation that threatens Hunter Biden with a prison sentence.
          On Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas released his overdue annual disclosure report for 2022. That disclosure form included footnotes that reported—for the first time—the existence of bank accounts omitted in reports from 2017 through 2021 and a 2014 real estate transaction in which a billionaire purchased the home of Thomas’s mother (who continues to live in the home rent-free). Thomas included a footnote that claimed he was not required to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel provided by billionaire Harlan Crow over the last two decades.
          Rather than exhibit any sense of contrition or remorse that he omitted hundreds of thousands of dollars in benefits and assets from his disclosure forms over the last twenty years, Thomas authorized his lawyer, Elliot S. Berke, to issue an “in-your-face” statement that blamed the American people concerned about the integrity of the Court. Berke wrote:
For several months now, left wing “watchdog” groups have been attacking Justice Thomas for alleged ethical violations largely stemming from his relationships with personal friends who happen to be wealthy. Willful violations require intentional disregard or indifference. The attacks on Justice Thomas are nothing less than ridiculous and dangerous, and they set a terrible precedent for political blood sport through federal ethics filings. No Justice, Justice Thomas included, should be subjected to such political blood sport. It is painfully obvious that these attacks are motivated by hatred for his judicial philosophy, not by any real belief in any ethical lapses.
          On the one hand, Elliot Berke deserves credit for recognizing that hundreds of millions of Americans do, in fact, “hate” Justice Thomas’s judicial philosophy. That should be grounds for sober reflection by Justice Thomas rather than chest-thumping by his lawyer.
          On the other hand, Berke’s statement highlights why the American people have lost confidence in the Supreme Court. Thomas’s ethical lapses are self-evident and egregious, but his lawyer attacks those who raise serious questions that deserve serious answers. See Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern in Slate, The Most Galling Part of Clarence Thomas’ Latest Ethics Disclosure. What we got was a transparently false rationalization that insults the intelligence of the American people.
          Thomas should resign. Instead, his lawyer plays the “victim” card to defend the indefensible and blames those who seek to uphold the integrity of the Court and the federal judiciary.
          Justice Thomas will be remembered as the most corrupt justice to sit on the Court (so far)—although he has stiff competition from other members of the reactionary majority. But with a few more “attack-dog” letters from Mr. Berke, Thomas’s place in infamy will be secure.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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I would be open to suggestions on who to spotlight next If i knew the character
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msclaritea · 2 months
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HEY! You want to read the latest? Go ahead. It has all of you scumbags in it. You too, Disney. You left Benedict without protection. You did NOT make sure that he got extensive therapy. You allowed him to walk into dangerous situations, over and over. You knew what would happen.
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UTC Clarence T. Jones Observatory, 10 N. Tuxedo Avenue, #ChattanoogaTN
Sunday February 11, 2024
• Tonight’s Topic- Our Friend Orion
• Featured Constellations-Orion
• Gates open at 5:30. Lecture and Planetarium show begin at 6:00. Telescope viewing until 8:00.
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fujoshiwarrior · 3 months
"Joe Biden is going to die before the elec--" You wake up. Robert Hunter Biden is president. The Supreme Court has been outlawed and Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts have been summarily executed. Elon Musk has killed himself. Doing 95 on the freeway while smoking crack is extremely legal and encouraged. You step outside onto your porch where your dog is smoking a joint and offers you a hit. Your heart is full, and life has never been better.
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gilverrwrites · 8 months
Takeout Tuesday
Pairing: Human!Castiel/Fem!Reader (Season 9)
Reader has AFAB body parts, hair long enough for pulling, & feminine pronouns’ are used.
A follow-up/sequel too If you will have me, I am yours. But can 100% be read as a stand alone.
Plot: The reader fulfills Castiel's fantasy of reenacting a porno he once watched. (AKA Clarence the pizza-man & the babysitter)
Rating: M/18+
Words: 3138 (all smut)
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Content: Porn without plot, roleplaying, Dominate Cas, cheesy porno dialogue, kitchen sex, dirty talk, degradation, name-calling, rough sex, hair pulling, spanking, clothed man/naked woman, teasing, doggy-style, denial/edging, oral (female receiving), bodily fluids, size difference (slightly), begging, choking, vaginal fingering, p in v sex, swearing.
Excerpt: You force yourself not to cringe at the cheesy dialogue as you make your offer; “Maybe I could pay you with my body?” “That would be acceptable.” He responds curtly, taking a decisive step forward, into the doorframe of your shared apartment. 
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You checked the time on your phone; 19:45. It was Takeout Tuesday, and Cas should be home any minute. Normally he’d be home by 2, and it was your job to pick up dinner after your own shift finished at 6. But someone had no call, no showed, and ever the Samaritan; Cas had stayed late to help out. He’d called you on his break to let you know he would be home late, and that he would grab food on the way back.  
The sound of knocking on your front door made you jump. Careful to remain quiet, you made your way over, stopping to grab your gun on the way. Carefully you pressed the firearm to the door and leaned up to look through your peephole. Hunter instincts never really die.
Relieved and confused, you lower the gun and unlock the door, finding Cas on the other side. Your confusion only increased as you realised he was not dressed in his normal button-up and blue vest. Instead, he was dressed in a red and black polo and cap, and holding two large pizza boxes, all bearing the logo of your local pizza shop. 
“Cas, I… I don’t know what to ask first.” You wondered aloud. “Where are your keys? Why are you dressed like that?”
“I do not understand.” Cas stated, tilting his head, and narrowing his eyes. You would almost believe him, were it not for the quiver in the corner of his lip. He was holding back a smile. “My name is Clarence. I am here to deliver your pizzas.” 
“Ooooh, right!” You nod hesitantly, a smile sneaking onto your face. You recall a conversation about sexual fantasies, in which Cas had expressed wanting to reenact a porno he’d once seen in which a babysitter had paid for pizza with sexual favours. You stepped back into your hall, simultaneously returning your gun to its designated spot, and pretending to search for your purse. Purposefully arching your back and sticking your out your ass as you acted out searching through drawers and countertops. 
“I’m really sorry, Clarence.” You say, trying to make your voice sound airy and sexy; rejecting the urge to laugh at yourself. You return to the door where you begin to trail your hand up your body slowly, directing Cas’s eyes over your curves as you move upward until you loop a finger in your hair and begin twirling it. “I don’t have any money to pay you.” 
“That is unfortunate.” Cas responds. His tone is serious and deliberate, but the pink in his cheeks, the way he sucked in his lips, and the growing bulge in his pants told you he was enjoying himself.
“Maybe I could pay you another way?” You ask, batting your lashes at him as you continue to play with your hair. You internally pray no neighbours are passing through to overhear you. 
“What would that be?” He asks, unable to prevent himself from nodding, urging you to continue in your little roleplay. 
You grin at him, leaning forward and fiddling with the top of your shirt, pulling it down to try and expose some of your cleavage. You force yourself not to cringe at the cheesy dialogue as you make your offer; “Maybe I could pay you with my body?”
“That would be acceptable.” He responds curtly, taking a decisive step forward, into the doorframe of your shared apartment. 
You briefly contemplate teasing him, telling him to leave the pizza and come back later, once you’d put the imaginary children you were supposed to be babysitting to bed. But the thought passed quickly, he might actually play along, and you were horny, and hungry, but mostly horny. You did not want to wait.  
“Please, come in.” You tell him, stepping back to allow him full access. He quickly passes you. The apartment is small, the front door leads directly into a joined kitchen and living room. The only other rooms are your bedroom and the bathroom. In a few strides, Cas is already standing in the kitchen area where he deposits the pizza boxes on the counter and turns to watch you. You stare right back, taking him in. His shirt is just slightly too tight, drawing attention to the shape of his chest. His arms look thick and strong protruding out of the too-small sleeves. Heat tingles through your body as you watch him cup himself over his jeans, readjusting his growing erection. 
“Do you like what you see?” He asks you, his lips stretching into a mischievous smirk. 
You nod, locking the door and following him into the kitchen. As you approach, he reaches for you, his hands firmly wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. A hand snakes under your shirt, and you enjoy his warm, gentle touch as he slides it up your spine, guiding your upper body in close so he can plant his lips on yours. 
It starts slow and tentative. The brim of his cap rubs against your head as he delicately ghosts his mouth against yours. The kiss quickly grows heated, his lips pressing ever harder against yours. Knees growing weak, you grab onto his shoulders as you open your mouth up for him to explore, and in return his other hand cups the back of your head, locking you in place as he delves his tongue into you. 
You trail one hand down his chest until you reach his belt and begin to unbuckle him. He groans into your mouth, savouring the moments before clamping a hand around yours and pulling you away. Pouting, you break away from the kiss to look up at him. He returns your questioning gaze with a stern one. He places one last kiss on your lips before locking his fist in your hair and pulling you away from him. 
“If you behave, I might give you what you want, but right now you have a job to do.” He taunts, and you can’t help the whimper that escapes your lips. You’re about to ask him what he wants, but he beats you to the punch, releasing your hair as he instructs you. “Take off your clothes.” 
“Yes sir!” You respond before correcting yourself. “Yes Clarence.” 
Castiel hums appreciatively as he watches you undress. Unable to keep his hands off you, he begins assisting. Making quick work of your bra and kicking your jeans across the floor once you get them off. Your face grows hot as he holds you in place, his eyes unabashedly raking across your body, taking in every inch of you. 
“How would you like to use my body?” You question. 
“I want to kiss every inch of it.” He answers matter-of-factly before doing just that. Pushing your back against the kitchen counter he starts pressing passionate, open-mouthed kisses against your jawline, his tongue traces over your skin as he works his way down your neckline, over your collar, your chest. He holts momentarily over your breasts, giving them extra attention. He catches a nipple between his lips and rolls his tongue against it. Your body jerks at the sensation, and his muffled laugh serves to fuel the sensation. Strong fingers replace his lips, both hands roaming your body before attaching to your breasts as he lowers his head further. 
“Hmmm, you like that?" He asks as he drops to his knees and you let out a breathy pant in response. You’re rapidly losing composure as he peppers more kisses over your stomach, and hips. The rough texture of his hat brushes your thighs as he situates himself between your legs. His breath is warm against your core, and you thrust yourself closer to him. He places one last chase kiss on your folds before leaning back to look up at your flushed face. 
His hands release your chest and gesture to the small dining table in the centre of the kitchen area. “Bend over.” 
You’re barely able to open your mouth to complain before he interrupts. “Don’t whine. Do as you’re told.” 
You remain silent as you follow his order. Unable to refrain from frowning at him while you cross the small space and angle your body against the table. Cas is on you before you’re able to finish adjusting yourself. He slips his feet between yours to nudge your legs apart. Firm hands settle in on the curve of your back, directing you to arch your rear out. 
“You have been a very naughty babysitter.” He growls. 
You wiggle your ass at him as you respond. “Are you going to punish me?”
You hear the slap of his hand coming down on your ass cheek before you feel the sting.
“Yes.” His voice is solemn, and you barely have time to think of a response before his hand comes down on you again. You moan out in pain and unconsciously clench your hands around the edge of the table as you brace yourself for the next hit. Cas hesitates slightly, taking a moment to caress your reddening skin before reeling back to deliver another smack. You moan out again and again with each blow. Your head growing fuzzy, unable to think of anything but the heat pooling between your legs, and the stinging of your butt.
When Cas pokes two fingers between your folds you flinch, not expecting the sensation. He runs his fingers up and down, collecting the wetness before retreating. Lazily you stretch your neck back to watch as he brings them close to his face for inspection. You expect him to taste it, he’s never been shy about his affinity for your wetness or cum before, so you’re surprised when he looks over at you with a devious glint. 
“I think you’re enjoying this too much.” He says as he leans over your slumped frame and presses his fingers to your lips. Following his lead, you open up, allowing him to push his fingers into your mouth, to rub your wetness against your tongue. It's sharp and bitter, but you close your mouth around him and suck until his fingers leave your mouth without wet pop. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
That felt like a trick question. Any semblance of an answer is immediately lost when you feel him grind his crotch against your backside. When you don’t respond, he continues. “Do you like this? Being bent over, and spanked like a filthy whore?”
The words sound so outlandish, coming out of Cas’s mouth. Castiel, (former) angel of the lord, calling you a whore. Outlandish, but so fucking hot. 
Unsure if he’s warning, or chastising you, he pulls his body back and lands another strike on your cheek. 
“Fuck. Yes!” You cry, jolting back, pushing your ass against his crotch again. 
“Yes what?”
“Yes, I like it!” You stare forward, unsure if you could look at him without breaking again. “I like being spanked like a filthy whore.” 
Castiel rewards you by placing a gentle kiss between your shoulder blades. His voice is hoarse as he leans up and whispers. “Then we shall have to find another way to discipline you.” 
You might regret asking, but that doesn’t stop you. “What did you have in mind?”  
Strong arms lift you; Cas turns you to face him and paces you back onto the table in a seated position before dropping to his knees and maneuvering your legs over his shoulders. 
“Keep your hands behind your back.” He instructs, and the moment your arms are locked behind you he delves in, dislodging his cap along the way. He presses his tongue flat against your clit and licks at it mercilessly. A finger inches up your thigh, and circles your entrance before plunging in. 
You want nothing more than to grip his hair, to use it for purchase as you rub your cunt against him, but you can’t. The added challenge of remaining positioned only adds to your growing frustration. The synchronised feel of his finger fucking into you, and his tongue lapping at your sweet-spot has you panting. 
“Holy fuck. Don’t stop, please.” You muster, trying and failing to buck in rhythm with him. “That feels so good Cas, Cas, Ca- Clarence.”
He murmurs something incomprehensible between your lips and the vibration has you coming undone. Your muscles seize, your legs shoot out, and your head rolls back as you approach your climax. No sooner has it started when Cas pulls back, releasing you completely. 
Your mouth falls open, ready to ask him why he stopped, ready to beg him to come back, to finish you off but all that escapes your lips is a frustrated groan. 
“Don’t worry.” Cas assures you, re-adjusting his hat as he stands up. His arousal is evident from his blown-out pupils and the playful smile on his lips. He cups your face between his hands and pulls you in to rest a kiss on your hairline. You don’t miss the chuckle he tries to suppress. “I’m nowhere near done with you.” 
“Are you going to fuck me, Mr Pizza-man?” Your voice is barely a whisper. “Please?”
“You would enjoy that, wouldn’t you?” It’s not really a question. “You’d like me to bend you over again and stretch you out like a needy slut. You’d liked like me to fuck you right here, wouldn’t you?”
You shiver at his words and reach up for him, wrapping your arms around his neck to draw him closer.
“Yes.” You speak between languid kisses to his jaw, and neck. “Please, please Clarence. I would do anything to feel your cock inside me.” 
“I thought you might. You naughty girl.” He states, grasping your wrists and pulling you away from him. “Turn around.”
It’s an order, but you needn’t act. Using your arms and hips for purchase Cas flips you back over. Fresh waves of excitement shoot through your body as you hear his belt and zipper opening. Your breath hitches when you feel the head of his cock at your entrance. He doesn’t make you wait for it, pushing through your lips and bottoming out in seconds. A low moan escapes him as he does so. 
“You don’t cum until I say so.” He commands as you both adjust. The feel of his dick stretching your walls out makes you feel lightheaded. You whimper your response and begin rocking your hips, urging him to start fucking you. Your motion is halted when you feel his hand in your hair. With little warning, your head is whipped back. “Your body is mine. I will decide when and how to use it. You’ll be fortunate if I let you cum at all. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” You answer hastily, you suspect you look like a deer in the headlights. 
“Since you seem to want this so badly, beg for it.” You’re not sure which is more telling to your enjoyment of his dominance. The way your pussy twitches around him, or the involuntary cry you let out. 
“Please… Please Mr Pizza-man, use my pussy.” You begin, through shaky breaths. The excruciatingly slow pump of his body pushing against yours encourages you to keep going. “Use me however you please, I want you, I want to make you cum.” 
“Since you asked so nicely.” Cas pulls back and slams back into you harshly, hand still firmly latched in your hair, keeping you in place as he begins pounding into you, riding you from behind. 
Still on edge from his previous assault, it isn’t long before you felt an orgasm approaching again.
Knowing you won’t be able to fend it off for long you speak up. The jolt of Castiel’s thrusts causes your words to be punctuated by involuntary moans. “Cas, I’m. so. close. Please, I’m. gonna- “ 
“Not yet.” He barks. A moment later he tightens his grip on your hair, forcing you further back until you're close enough for him to lock a hand around your neck. 
Fingers squeeze either side of your throat and you fear you’ll lose your resolve any second. 
For stability, and to try to distract yourself from the growing tension in your cunt, you hold onto his arm. As if determined to make you suffer, Cas slows his speed, focusing on deliberate, torturous thrusts that fill you up and hit all the right places. 
Gurgled cries fall from your lips, attempts to beg for your release, but nothing is intelligible. Unable to move, to breathe, or to think straight, all you can think of is the orgasm you’re barely holding at bay. The pressure of your fingers around the arm holding you by your neck is sure to leave bruises. And then it happens. 
“Now.” He releases his grip on your hair and slides his hand to your folds, erratically pawing until he finds your clit. 
You didn’t really need the extra assistance. You fall apart in an instant, your walls convulsing around his cock, as your body rides the high. Your already tingling, pulsing cunt tightens when you feel the warmth of Castiel’s cum spilling inside you. Low, lethargic hums leave his chest as his thrusts grow sluggish and strained. 
Spent and panting, Cas lets his hands relax, electing to rest them on your waist as he pulls you in, back to his chest for an embrace. His softening cock dislodges as you move together, and you feel his cum trickle out. You elect to ignore it for now, enjoying the hug, and the delicate kisses he places to the back of your head. 
“Do you understand why the pizza-man spanked the babysitter now?” You asked.
The rumble in Cas’s chest as he laughs tickles your skin. “Yes. That was exceedingly enjoyable. How was it for you?”
“That was, amazing.” You concede, turning in his arms until you’re able to rest your face against his chest. He’s smiling down at you, blue eyes filled with admiration. “I should order pizza from Clarence more often.” 
“If that is what you want.” Now that he has a clear view of it, you can see him examining your neck. You’ve no doubt it’s still red, but you doubt it’ll be bruised, at least, not half as much as your ass. “We should get you cleaned up.” 
“Good idea.” You reach up onto your toes and kiss him on the lips. On impulse, you also decide to steal the godforsaken cap from his head and place it on your own before backing towards the bathroom. “Put those pizzas in the oven to reheat, then meet me in the bedroom?”
Cas nods, seemingly unbothered by your thievery as he watches you go. You’ll have to ask him where he got the costume from later. You ask him one last question as you reach the bathroom door. “So, was there ever a sequel to this porno?” 
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rederiswrites · 5 months
Why are we afraid of a Trump presidency? Well, here's the beginning of political historian Heather Cox Richardson's daily writeup:
April 30, 2024 (Tuesday) This morning, Time magazine published a cover story by Eric Cortellessa about what Trump is planning for a second term. Based on two interviews with Trump and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisors, the story lays out Trump’s conviction that he was “too nice” in his first term and that he would not make such a mistake again. Cortellessa writes that Trump intends to establish “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.” He plans to use the military to round up, put in camps, and deport more than 11 million people. He is willing to permit Republican-dominated states to monitor pregnancies and prosecute people who violate abortion bans. He will shape the laws by refusing to release funds appropriated by Congress (as he did in 2019 to try to get Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to smear Hunter Biden). He would like to bring the Department of Justice under his own control, pardoning those convicted of attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and ending the U.S. system of an independent judiciary. In a second Trump presidency, the U.S. might not come to the aid of a European or Asian ally that Trump thinks isn’t paying enough for its own defense. Trump would, Cortelessa wrote, “gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.” To that list, former political director of the AFL-CIO Michael Podhorzer added on social media that if Trump wins, “he could replace [Supreme Court justices Clarence] Thomas, [Samuel] Alito, and 40+ federal judges over 75 with young zealots.” “I ask him, Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?” Cortellessa wrote. No, Trump said. “‘I think a lot of people like it.”
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passionpeachy · 6 months
Animated characters I would date (no particular order):
1. Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
2. Raine Whispers (Owl House)
3. Camila Noceda (Owl House)
4. Bismuth (Steven Universe)
5. Granmamare (Ponyo)
6. Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
7. Hunter Wizard if they’re a butch (Fionna and Cake)
8. Azi Narine (Scavengers Reign)
9. Princess Peach (Mario)
10. Turkey (Dorohedoro)
11. Marie Majolnir (Soul Eater)
12. Too-Ticky (Moomin)
13. Nikaido (Dorohedoro)
14. Levi (Scavengers Reign) (don't fucking judge me)
15. Nico Robin (One Piece)
16. Huntress Wizard (Adventure Time)
17. Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
18. Namari (Dungeon Meshi)
19. Miss Bellum (PPG)
20. Miss Langtree (OTGW)
21. Clarence’s mom (Clarence)
22. Ruby (Steven Universe)
23. Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Ok like half of the aliens and girls from SU tbh…they gave me so many options
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nando161mando · 1 year
It never gets anything but uglier and more corrupt with each new revelation about Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas. And, yet, in so many ways, this corruption has gone on right out in the open, brazenly, with a contemptuous challenge to the public to try and do anything about calling an untouchable Supreme Court justice to accountability.
#SupremeCourt #ClarenceThomas #corruption #ethics
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wetsocksinbed · 3 months
AU where Jack didn’t fuck off and abandon his family at the end of everything, and instead brought back Amara and gave her the power to be God, and stayed a hunter.
Amara pulls Castiel out of the Empty, and at special request of the Queen of Hell, a very confused Crowley is plonked back onto earth too. Sam marries Eleanor and has Dean Jr, and because Castiel is still around, Dean doesn’t die to a stupid metal rod in an old barn because his (fully reinstated) angel heals him. Crowley goes back to hell and finally gets to spent time with a mother that actually loves him. Amara, being god, figures out a way to let Dean and Sam come and go from heaven without dying, so they get to see Bobby, Charlie, Mary and John whenever they want. Dean and Sam finally form a relationship with Adam, and he moves into the bunker with them. Adam is surprisingly good at hunting. Kevin is finally freed from the Veil and actually goes to heaven. Claire officially starts dating Kaia, and Jody actually legally adopts the girls. Cas raises bees in his spare time when he’s not helping the boys on a hunt, and at some point he definitely adopts a cat for the bunker.
It’s called Clarence.
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alligatorpie1945 · 11 months
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First in a series Ill be tackling. Supernatural in different art styles! Kicking it off with Craig of the Creek.
Dean, Sam, and Cas (Clarence) are known as the monster hunters of the creek. They take their play very seriously and typically keep to themselves. But if they do make an appearance its always with their trusty cardboard impala.
Also nobody better not mess with Sam or Cas, Dean WILL hunt any bullies down and destroy them.
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sleraly · 26 days
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°•The Grimwalkers•° (6/6)
And finally, we’ve finished the updated designs for these guys! It was a lot of fun to make them, and I hope you all enjoyed the designs too. ✨🌙💜
(The age is only the age at which they died. Except for Hunter—he’s still alive.)
20th Grimwalker: Norman. He was once a little optimist, now he’s just a scared and tired kid. 10 years old.
21st Grimwalker: Clarence. The genocidal one; his actions wiped out an entire species, and he deeply regrets it. 26 years old.
22nd Grimwalker: Hunter. The current Golden Guard and personal vessel for the rest of the Grimwalkers. They won’t hesitate to possess his body to fulfill their goals. 16 years old.
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