#they’re such a softie :0
vulgarvisionary · 2 years
love that genre of posts that’s just oh your boyfriend? yeah he was so tender we put him in with the potatoes for flavor. boiled him mashed him and stuck him in a stew, you wanna try?
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
Moonlight Love and Witchcraft
urban fantasy slice of life
romance between a vampire musician, their werewolf bartender girlfriend, and a young witch who shows up in town with her sister while on the run from their witch community
very little plot, she/they nonbinary MC, ace MC, bi MC
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sunnyswide · 5 months
Konig HC!
(My personal opinion 0-0)
Heavily using his severe social anxiety and his war experience which seems to be an outlet or place where he can be himself?
Konig- kid/teen/and young adult would totally be wary of you. Even if you seem nice he’d be careful not interacting with you too often from past trauma
Konig- Once warming up to you he’d go out with you more, hang in low social areas, and always stick to your side instead of wandering off in case of talking to anyone
Konig- extremely observant, he probably can sniff out shitty people from a mile away.
Konig- takes your things just to make fun of your height compared to his.
“Want it back Maus?”
“If you don’t I’m going to scream >:( and everyone’s gonna look!”
“You’re such a little girl”
Konig- scoffs at your petty attempts, as you giggle to yourself, proud as hell to know his one weakness. Not knowing by now you’d turn into his weakness
Konig- isn’t a pushover but for you? He’d buy anything- your eyes glitter at a cute plushie?- it’s already in a present wrap in his hands. You want a cute necklace at Tiffanys but you know it’s way too expensive? He’s already putting it around your neck, fumbling at the tiny ass hook.
Konig- starts realizing he stares.. a little too much when it’s just you and him. If you’re just chilling in his massive bed, he just watches your cute expressions change. Your body language and the way you talk, all on the back of his palms. He’s that kind of person who’d be happy with one civilian friend (besides his military buds)
Konig- schedules things around yours, either unconsciously or knowingly, he’s there when you need him.
Konig- when you get too close in the elevator or on the a line he starts overthinkingggg, not knowing what to do with his hands, stuffing them either in his pocket or awkwardly putting them anywhere away from you. Stutters like crazy as you meet him at the front door with your make-up done, outfit on.
Konig-is such a softie to you <3 but to others he just glares them down when they get to rowdy near you. Holds your waist near his when someone tries anything, realizing he’s probably suffocating you when he holds you to his chest. When you look up at him to ask if they’re gone he MELTS. Your adorable, teary eyed expression makes him fall to his knees (mentally)
Konig- dies internally when you finally confess your feelings towards him
“I know.. this might be too soon.. but!.. I really like you. And if you don’t-”
Konig.exe- has stopped working
Konig- snaps back to reality and doesn’t know how to say he’s liked you too so he just picks you up in a bridal carry and takes you to his bedroom to cuddle cause he thinks you should take that as a yes even though you’re still a bit confused cause he does not speak a word the whole cuddle sessions- (and breath out)
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laiiaaa · 11 months
in need of more dad!carmy cause oml
him walkin in on the girls doing something they're not supposed to be doin :0 but ofc he can't manage to stay upset at them for long
He’s got the biggest soft spot in the world for his girls and he really can’t help it, especially when they’re young. They’re always up to something, usually because Rory’s a little shit (she takes after you) and Jack’s just trying to copy after her big sister.
You’re fast asleep one night when he’s wide awake. Just nerves, kinks in the road with The Bear, thoughts of Mikey’s birthday approaching, anxiety bubbling up that he doesn’t want to worry you with. So he heads downstairs to sit outside and clear his head with some fresh air—
Only to find Rory and Jack in the living room, on the floor, your sneaky bag of candy—the one reserved for you, that you pick at once the girls are off to bed and you’re cozied up on the couch with Carmen, chatting about your days between sweets—dispersed on the floor.
They don’t even notice his presence till he speaks up:
“What’s goin’ on here?”
They both look up, entirely spooked at their dad standing feet away.
“You two should be in bed.”
“But Dad,” Rory whines, “We don’t even have school tomorrow.” She puts on that pout she knows will have him cooing at her, and Jack follows right behind. “We were just looking, I promise.”
“Just lookin’, huh?”
“You know that’s your mother’s, right? That’s her candy you’re stealin’?”
Jack frowns, puts her big brown doe eyes to work. “Mommy lets us have some all the time.”
“Don’t lie t’me, Jacqueline.” One hand of his rests at his hip, the other swiping at his mouth as he fidgets. “You lyin’ t’me?”
He looks back and forth between his girls—his babies, really, because even though they’ve grown out of diapers and go to school on the weekdays, he still can’t fathom them as anything but his baby girls. So small, and so adorable, with tiny pouts and tiny hands and tiny giggles. They’re just so sweet.
“Not lyin’, Daddy.”
“She’s not,” Rory agrees. “Promise.”
He must be going soft. If Richie knew, he’d never hear the end of it, what with his heart going to mush at his girls, how he sees you in them both, how just a simple and meek little promise has his irritation going smooth and his lungs letting out a sigh before he cleans them up and carries them to bed—after they get one more piece of candy, of course, because who is he to deny them a little joy?
Carmen tells you the short of it by morning, limbs tangled together.
“You’re too easy on ‘em,” you giggle, “Such a softie. And they know it.”
“I’m not, y’know, soft, I’m just—”
“Bear, you let them get away with everything—”
“No I don’t—”
“If you say so,” you tease, letting the matter settle with your lips pressed sweetly against his, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you just a little closer. “It’s gonna come back ‘n bite you, though.”
“I’ll be alright, baby.” Another gentle trail of kisses, along your jaw, down to your neck, fading away at your collarbone. He’d kiss you all day if you’d let him.
“Hm.” Your nails scratch gently along his back, and you press your fingertips into the tender muscles of his back as he buries himself into your neck. “Are you making waffles today?”
A muffled groan escapes him, and he peeks up at you. “Thought you said you were doin’ breakfast today?”
You pout, and it looks awfully familiar to him. “Next weekend?”
“Next weekend, huh?”
And oh, how the irony dawns on him, and oh, how little he cares. But why would he? How could he say no to you, or the girls you’ve brought into his life, when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him—when you love him like you do?
With a brief stretch and a deepened kiss with your hands in his hair, he lifts himself out of bed as you trail close behind, your touch a comfort unlike anything else. And when you shimmy into your seat at the counter, laughing with him over your cup of coffee, watching sweetly as he prepares breakfast before the girls scurry into the kitchen, he knows:
He wouldn’t change a thing.
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punksocks · 1 year
My Opinions on the Moon Signs
(Btw I’m going to reply soon, sorry life and work has been very busy this June ;0)
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Aries moon- The definition of passionate. They can be outgoing and a lot of fun. Definitely super charismatic people. Determinators (more than Aries sun sometimes imo), they’re going to get what they want done. They also really hate not being listened to or treated as the leaders in the room. When they’re mad they get passive aggressive asf and so pissy. Every Aries moon I’ve known has basically refused to be personable while they’re upset. No matter if they were older or younger than me (my grandfather was an Aries moon). They’re loud when they’re happy and loud then distressingly quiet when they’re upset. They stay mad until they decide not to be mad anymore. Then they’ll never talk about it again and be so jovial you could never guess they were upset 2 minutes ago. Good time friends and great at entertaining a crowd though.
Taurus moon- I’m biased bc my partner has this and I love them :0. Softies. They’re grounded and caring, like no one will help soothe you more than a Taurus moon. They’re really giving but it depends what they feel resource rich in. Like if they have a lot of control over their time they’ll spend days on you. But if they grew up during constant instability and financial stress they have a hard time being flexible with giving money or moving house or things like that. They’ll come around if you can show them that they can keep their physical safety. In fact, I think it’s easiest to change a Taurus moon’s mind out of all the fixed moons (in my experience).Also, They really like it when you call them on their shit and shoot straight with them. Also food, they love good food. Any tactile good time really. They’ll make you feel special if you give them affection.
Gemini moon- I don’t have a ton of experience here. Chatty but keep more to themselves than Gemini suns. Only shows you certain parts of themselves, they always have a lot on their minds. The poster child overthinkers of the zodiac (and virgo moons too ofc). Funny tho, always a sense of humor and philosophy about just about every situation.
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Cancer moon- Sweethearts. Exalted placement for a reason. Really good at sensing problems/insecurities and putting words to them. They can catch crushes easily. They need to get as much validation as they give. Like a lot. That’s one of their emotional love languages. Can be comforting or very manipulative it depends on how developed they are. One of the most creative people I ever met was a cancer moon, they were super talented and recieved a lot of praise for their great work. A sweetheart that had a lot of creative hobbies and was close to their family. Daydreamed quite a bit, but no more than any other water sign placement.
Leo moon- They don’t need to be the center of attention as often as people think, but they do need to be listened to. It means a lot to them. Can be really aggressive as kids for a period of time then they grow into themselves and can be pretty chill. Maybe a bit too chill about things they aren’t passionate about. They light up when they’re excited though. Also, they can be super competitive, like they can get in their feelings about losing at something they’re trying to show off in. (Like a video game or team sport or what have you)
Virgo moon- Very thoughtful and insightful people. They’re able to pick through and see little imperfections in people that others can not. Whether they use those powers for good or evil is truly up to them. (I have had many friends use this power for good and a relative or two use this power for evil). Everyone I’ve met with this placement has been so seriously beautiful and so aesthetically put together, idk how they do it. Doesn’t love to be called on their shit lol, you must be gentle with criticism unless you know them very very well. But they have a lot that’s on their mind and a bit they’re insecure about so you may accidentally start beef by saying something. But super perceptive people, a delight to gossip with (mercurial moons love to bond over gossip) and they have great ideas. If you have a problem to solve or analyze they’ll often have a set of solutions.
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Libra moon- don’t know a ton of them. Not super well anyway. They can be very intelligent and understand a lot about the things they like. And they bluff/charm their way through everything else. Most likely to act differently around different people to try to be the person they think whoever they’re talking to will like.
Scorpio moon- usually very goth/dark style, or they’re drawn to it. Usually just radiate intensity. But also more detached from more situations than I expect every time? They have had a lot of emotional hardships growing up and so they kind of expect to get hurt again by those they’re close to. It’s like a callous for them. If they let you in you’re very special. The developed ones are such sweethearts. Knew a manipulative one that was underdeveloped and crazy tho ngl. Like that person seemed violent and like they wanted to burn the world to feel warm. So either very sweet and stand-offish or just destructive asl.
Sagittarius moon- not my cleanest set of experiences ngl. If you’re like having a good time with one then they’re funny and can be the life of the party. Can also not know how to be emotionally supportive, but will attempt it. But my mom was my bad experience and there was a lot of explosive anger at little things mixed with being immature about others emotions. Throwing a book across the room because she didn’t understand what her (post grad) homework was or coming home angry and yelling after a bad day of work without so much as saying hi. And a lot of being mad at me and other kids for not being instantly emotionally soothed yknow? Like if I needed to sit in silence and process that would tick her off and set off a chain reaction. Explosive anger. Also forcing themselves to laugh loudly after an argument to feel better (Aries moon grandfather did this too I don’t get it). This is mainly underdeveloped energy though. I had a friend with this moon placement and they had a hard time processing their emotions and would usually breakdown for a moment then get back up again. Also people with this placement tend to get most romantically interested in unavailable people imo.
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Capricorn moon- me! And a lot of people I connected with briefly and deeply. Having terrible mothers and bonding over it lol. High standards for others even higher standards for themselves. Seems emotionally distant but will break down and cry when they feel safe and are probably alone. And they have a playlist for feeling sad I bet. You either are someone that they tell when they cry or you never know. Has to work out of seeing emotions they were shamed for as a sign of weakness. Gifts are their love language and if they can’t find the words to tell you how they feel about you they will often buy you something you mentioned you always wanted or something you needed off hand. Sentimental types, trouble right expressing it. Will talk to you about everything if they like you and nothing if they don’t. Capricorn placement most likely to go into isolation mode to really consider their relationships and place in life. Might grow suddenly distant if they feel neglected or betrayed. Underdeveloped ones are removed from their emotions in a dangerous way and in denial about all the healing they need to do.
Aquarius moon- also another set of messy personal experiences. Can come up with really out of the box solutions. Seem to either be revolutionary or very very conservative. Like most of the Aquarius moons I’ve known have been men so grain of salt but they would be the ones to most constantly say “a good woman does x” or “if you have that attitude you won’t get married” or throw shade on “girly” hobbies. You can’t change their mind. Even if you present evidence or a sound argument, hardest to get through to of all the fixed signs imo. Sometimes they’ll come back having changed their own mind. Maybe they googled whatever you said and started to believe you. But they’re not going to say you changed their mind. It’s something that they have to believe they made themselves come around on. They often have an independent sense of right and wrong. Sometimes very intelligent, sometimes just bluffing their way through it. Always will respond to opinions though. Can be really funny people, sometimes on accident. Allergic to routine and desk jobs. Usually… detached. Like if they care about you, they’re going to express it in an abstract or private way. Can be hard to tell if they care at all in my personal experiences ngl. My dad is an underdeveloped Aquarius moon and he’d often tell me to swallow my emotions and repress them and go with the way things were. (I don’t talk to my parents anymore lol, they’re narcissistic people)
Pisces moon- I’ve only known a few personally. Sometimes really surprisingly basic. Sometimes they’re just made of magic and they see the world in a whole different way. Emotionally in-tuned with people around them. If their environment is misanthropic then they’re more likely to be. If their environment is upbeat then they’re more likely to be. Most likely to grow up to be like their family/peers but assume they’re not imo. Sentimental with the folks they’re close to.
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coffeewithcocoa · 6 months
Can I request male reader x Alastor were they are enemies by day and lovers by night? If you can thank you💕
Playing Pretend
Alastor x Male Reader
Warnings: Fluff//Romantic Relationship//Female DNI
Sorry if it’s not perfect or too short😅
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You and Alastor hated each other. No, Correction. You guys pretended to hate each other. It’s not for the reason you think but it’s just because he wants to keep his, ‘big, bad, scary, overlord’ self. He’s actually a big fat softy when and behind closed doors.
He’s been like this since you’ve joined the hotel, as bad as that may seem when it’s clearly not. Like said before, behind closed doors this man’s a big fat softy. Giving you, hugs, kisses, cuddles and much more. The only time you guys fought was in the morning. Why?
It’s so that he wouldn’t show weakness to the blind sinners eyes. Alastor thinks they’re clueless and don’t deserve to see an overlords soft side. Plus he still has Vox to worry about. Showing a soft side around him would cause everyone In pentagram city to see him as a damn joke. So when you guys got into an established relationship he made you swear to only show him love at night, in private, when everyone’s asleep.
It worked for you perfectly though since you weren’t the one for touching anyone who doesn’t have a good bond with you. That’s kind of why Alastor fell for you in the first place. The moment he laid a finger on you when you were knew you almost blew his head off, almost.
You’ve changed, sure, but you still would do that if you didn’t crave or want touch in that moment. A subtle noise made you snap from your thoughts. The jazz noises that filled the room now being mixed in with your boyfriend’s return from working that night.
Charlie has been making him up and down with more and more ideas for the hotel, hoping that it would get more patrons. “Good evening, Cher.” He showed his true voice towards you. It was tired and craving a break.
“Evening.” You replied. Knowing he wants a break but he wouldn’t get one till he allows himself for one. You went back to what you were doing before he arrived in your room, reading. Silence came between you as the room was still filled with the jazz you’d left on. Your voice breaking the short silence, “Charlie I’m assuming?”
“As much as I care for the doll she’s just a little too talkative Cher.” Alastor answered with a small hum. His lovely grin, that covers his face everyday, faded as he moved further into the room. Your head turned, placing the book down to stand up. “Is there anything you’d like me to do?” You asked going over to the radio that played the genre that your lover enjoyed when he was alive.
“Hm. Just your presence is fine.” The smile he had finally gained confidence again. Going back to its original bright self that everyone is familiar with. Alastor’s hand was focused on his dress coat. He may need it for when he was working or when it was morning but wearing such a thing around you felt weird. Yes he likes being neat and tiddy but he just wants a break.
Your foot steps being further away from him when he started and you being right in front of him when he finished made his gaze turn to you. A small smile placed into your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I hate waking up.” Alastor knew the answer to that and he on the same boat as you. “I know Cher. We do it because it’s to protect an innocent, handsome, sinner such as yourself.”
He has a way with words. And you hated it. Thats the only thing you really hated value him though. Everything else was something someone wanted really bad but he happened to fill up the categories perfectly! “I understand but why in front of all the others?” It was pretty obvious as to why the others didn’t know about the relationship going on between you too, but wouldn’t they be the first to know?
“Ha! They would be the last ones to know about such a thing Cher.” The speed that he can change moods scares you quite a bit. Even with it being as simple as him being tired to him enjoying the presence he brought to the room.
Sorry that it’s quite short. I’ve been tired and busy and nothing exactly came into mind once I got to this point, hope you like it though!<333
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wonwoosthetic · 1 year
could you do joel and younger gf/wife (like in her early/mid twenties) and some young guy hits on her while they’re together in like one of sarah’s soccer games or soemthing and joel gets all jealous and insecure
Only You, Only Me
a/n – <3 thank you for the request, I hope you and everyone else enjoys this ˙ᵕ˙ also: having to call football soccer in this fic hurt my European heart haha😭 pre-outbreak!joel was a softy, you cannot convince me otherwise
pairing – pre-outbreak!joel miller x female!reader
warnings – slight jealousy and insecurities, but besides that A LOT of fluff ˙ᵕ˙, a quick mention of sex
word count – 7.1k
series masterlist
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You had sprinted half the way from the bus stop to the soccer field, running the other half, only coming to a stop when you finally reached the entrance. The dress you had chosen to wear had started turning into a slight regret as you had to hold it down from flashing everyone behind you, but the weather didn't let you wear anything below knee height.
With a few more steps forward, greeting the people by the footstalls and other parents with smiles, you finally found yourself right in front of the field, your eyes immediately raking over the space, trying to find the set of bouncy chocolate curls you knew all too well. Sarah was quick to find, making the smile on your face widen instantly as you watched her sprint towards the ball rolling over the grass. You could watch her in her element every free minute of your life. Even though she wasn't right next to you, you could hear her giggles as they had engraved themselves into your brain.
For a second, you directed your attention toward the far back on the right, where your partner's usual seat was, only to find him another second later. A handsome face like his just stands out from the crowd. You grinned to yourself once you noticed he hadn't caught onto your arrival yet, getting to see his perfectly shaped side profile as he watched his daughter and her team hopefully win on another sunny day.
With a grin decorating your face, you almost skipped over to your boyfriend who was sitting on one of the benches at the lowest height, while the other parents had occupied the higher seats on the platform. Passing one grandstand and walking along the length of the entire field before you'd reach the one Joel was sitting on. Too focused on what was going on right in front of his eyes, he didn't even notice your figure coming closer and closer. It was only when you had almost sat down, and your perfume reached his nose that he turned his head to the side.
"Well, look who's finally here," he greeted you with a smile, opening his left arm to welcome you into the space right next to him. 
"Finally? You know damn well I rushed out of my class to be here on time." With a roll of your eyes and a slight chuckle, you joined him on the bench, sliding into his arm swiftly. Sadly, as the new college year had just started, your work as a TA was more asked than ever. Multiple students had enrolled in your tutoring sessions - many more than you expected, explaining why you had to create an extra class for this Saturday, not finding any other available spots during the week. That's why you had been slightly late to the usual Saturday game that you would usually always attend hand-in-hand with Joel.
With a quick peck on the lips after a mumble of, "I know, I know," by your partner, the welcome wagon was finished, and your focus was back on the field. Joel's hand had quickly found its comfort spot on your thigh.
"What's the score?" You asked him, setting down the bag you had carried on your left shoulder.
A proud grin made his lips curl up. "1 to 0. Sarah assisted the first goal."
With a nod, you copied his facial expression. "Well done," you spoke quietly, eyes trained on the girl ahead of you. 
"How were the kids?" To anybody else, his question would let one believe that you worked in a kindergarten or primary school, not at a college where the students were barely a few years younger than you. But you knew what he meant. It still made you chuckle.
Your hands found his, running your softer fingers over his dry knuckles. You always told him to start using hand cream since his work forced him to use his hands so much, and yet he never did.
"Surprisingly motivated, not gonna lie. For a Saturday. I expected like no motivation, no raised hands, no answers or questions, or anything really. But they were really up on everything and seemed genuinely interested," you explained to him.
Joel couldn't help but chuckle, taking your hand into his much bigger one, and turning his head slightly towards you. "Well, if I had a hot TA that turned up in summer dresses to class, I'd also be motivated to go on a Saturday." His comment caught your attention as you grinned shyly at him, pressing your lips together.
"Wow," you nodded along. "Thanks for telling me they only want to be there because of my looks and not because I'm a good TA, and they can actually understand the material better thanks to me." Adding a joking scoff at the end, getting a chuckle from him in return.
His hand came up to brush over your hair, "I would never doubt your ability as a TA. I know you're the smartest person I've ever come across.", He pulled you in so he could place a kiss on your temple, whispering into your ear, "But I just wanted to make sure you know how beautiful you look."
A chuckle escaped your lips as you straightened the hem of your dress. "I think you showed me that today already in the bathroom, huh?" Grinning teasingly at him as you reminded him of his inability of holding himself back when it came to certain outfits you'd wear - one of them being dresses, specifically summer dresses. The inability, that had made you almost late for class today as he just had to take you in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, bent over the sink, interrupting you as you tried to get ready and look presentable for the day. You weren't complaining though. You'd never complain.
A smug smile made its way onto his lips as his fingers dug back into the flesh of your thighs, the grip almost surprising you.
"And I'd gladly show you again later, darlin'." His remark earned him a slap on the upper arm as you told him to focus back on his daughter's competition, the smiles not leaving either one of your faces.
Thanks to all the running, you noticed your throat had started to run dry, and you were in a very sudden but desperate urge to find something to drink. Glancing around the seat, you tried to find out if Joel had gotten himself something, only to your dismay to find absolutely nothing.
You got his attention with a quick slap to his upper leg, "I'm gonna go get something to drink, do you want anything?"
Without hesitation, your partner reached with his right hand into the back pocket of his jeans. "Should I go?" 
But you declined his offer, "No, no, it's fine, I'll be quick. Do you want something?"
He handed you over his wallet as he shook his head. "No, I'm good, thank you." Squeezing your thigh one last time before letting you stand up. Once your frame left the seating area, he noticed your bag laying on the bench and pulled it in closer, setting it down on his right side to keep an eye on it.
While you were making your way a little further back to where you had come from, the echoes of shouting and clapping became quieter and quieter with each step, making you turn around every now and then to make sure you wouldn't miss anything important.
You waltzed up to the woman in the snack truck and ordered two water bottles, knowing Joel would eventually want something to drink as well and Sarah still had hers in her backpack. As you waited for her to get them, the sound of a whistle ringing over the field reached your ear, indicating that the first half of the match was finished and they'd have a break now. Perfect timing.
You paid, thanked her one more time, and left to go back to your seat, getting a glimpse of the group of girls by the side of the field getting a speech of motivation before breaching out to find each of their parents to spend the break with. As you had your head down, remembering the slightly uneven side of the field where you were walking, you didn't catch the figure taking a few steps back. Not until you walked right into them. You immediately started to apologize and looked up, only to find Sarah's coach looking down at you, his hand on your upper arms as if he was afraid you'd trip.
"Oh, I- sorry, sorry I didn't look where I was going," you stumbled over your words, slightly embarrassed by what had happened.
The blonde man shook his head, a million-dollar smile wide on his face. "No, don't worry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have walked backwards, I don't know what I was thinking." His hands were still very evidently on your skin.
You chuckled, "What? Why were you walking backwards?"
He just shrugged, "I don't even know anymore." Laughing along with his comment. "Ben, by the way. Ben Miller." He dropped his hands, only to reach out with his right one for you to accept. Of course, you knew who he was. Sarah had been going to the training sessions of this team for a good year now, and the day she came home, beaming from ear to ear, talking all about how much fun her coach was, you knew they had found the perfect team for the little girl. You remembered her telling you all about the coincidence of meeting someone else with the same last name as her. Neither Joel nor you had the heart to tell her how common their last name had been in the US.
"Oh, yeah, I know," you let your palms touch, shaking his hand as you introduced yourself, holding on to the water bottles with your left arm, already feeling the condensation wetting the material of your dress.
"So," Ben cleared his throat. "You're Sarah's sister, right?"
His question almost made you choke on air. You knew you weren't the same age as most of the parents here, and the age gap between you and Joel had been a big subject to literally everyone but the two of you, but you had never gotten mistaken for that.
"Sister?! No, no, no," you quickly stopped him, trying to play off the continuous embarrassment with more laughter.
While you continued your conversation with the coach, hoping to leave a good impression as the woman taking care of Sarah and loving her father, the duo was in their own little world.
The youngest Miller skipped over to where Joel was now standing up, her backpack tucked underneath his seat as he held out her water bottle.
"Daddy, daddy, did you see? Did you see me?" The excitement was radiating off her, making the father smile brightly as his daughter ran into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"Yes, baby girl, I saw you," he petted the top of her hair, noticing the few strands that had fallen out of her ponytail. "You wanna redo your hair?"
Sarah jumped back, "No!" Touching her head.
"No?" Joel repeated.
"My hair is okay," she assured him with a hand sign she cutely formed, making him chuckle and nod as he sat back down, finally handing her over the bottle so she could down the cold water.
"Did you see Y/N arrive?" He asked her, wanting to make sure she was aware of the fact that you didn't dare to miss out on her match.
Sarah smiled brightly and started nodding her head up and down quickly. "And she's talking to coach Ben."
"No, she went to go get some water. It's hot, you know? You need to stay hydrated," he made sure to add a little anecdote as he straightened out the small jersey she was wearing.
But the little girl shook her head as she pointed straight forward to the right. "No, she's talking to Coach Ben right now." Joel's ears perked up. His head snapped towards the direction, his eyes immediately finding your figure, only half covered by the frame of the man in front of you. He couldn't read lips, so God knows what the two of you were talking about, but he didn't need to know. Your bright smile and clear giggles didn't need a translation.
Joel wasn't a stranger to jealousy. I mean, how could he. You were beautiful, inside and out, incredibly smart - he knew he was the luckiest man alive to be able to call you his. He never missed the glances you'd get from each man passing you on the street or the ogling eyes from one of Tommy's friends. Even back when the two of you met, he had wondered what a young and pretty girl was doing sitting there with him, only talking to him, glancing directly into his eyes when you could have had the attention of at least four other men at the table. He had considered himself the luckiest guy in the world back then and still did. But he also knew what you were worth. And he was very well aware that, partially, he couldn't give you that. Even though, the reassuring sound of your voice, sweet like honey words falling from your lips were still marked on him, letting him know just how much you adored him, every part of his body, face, and personality, he still couldn't get, who in his past life he must've saved to deserve an angel like you now by his side.
Joel tried to keep his cool as best as he could. Tried to look past your crossed legs as you looked up at the other man, slightly hunching over, covering your mouth as you laughed at something he said. He couldn't have been that funny...
Ben was a good-looking man. Young, fit, and definitely a feast for the eyes. Every man would get jealous watching him talk to their other half. Right?... What could be oh-so-interesting coming from some blonde-frat-boy-looking guy that you'd grin at him like that?
He reminded himself once again... You were his. But then... Ben was exactly that type of guy strangers would expect you to be with. Not some older dude like him. Tommy loved reminding him of that. He could recall every double take people had to do when glancing at the two of you. Every eye up-down he got from women - the judgement just screaming from the look on their faces. It never seemed to bother you though. If anything, it would only make you hold on tighter to his arm or give his cheek an extra kiss. Almost as if you were jealous at every look he'd get from another woman that was a second too long for your liking. He could almost laugh at that thought. You had absolutely no reason to be jealous. There would be nobody ever to compare to you. Joel, on the other hand, had every reason to envy other guys staring at you. Because while you were all of that, he was just Joel.
The voice of his daughter got him back into the present.
"Dad!" She pushed her water bottle into his chest, catching him off guard. "Why don't you say hi to Coach Ben?"
"I already said hi to him when I came here, babygirl," he explained monotone, tucking the bottle back into the backpack before storing it under the bench again. Sarah didn't need to know the bad feeling he had gotten from the blonde man right from the start. Something was just... not right. The moment Tommy mentioned liking him and thinking about inviting him for drinks after he had picked up his niece from training one day, Joel knew he wasn't to trust. If Tommy liked someone, he immediately knew they'd be bad news. God, if Tommy wasn't his brother, he wouldn't even trust him.
"Hi, Y/N!" The youngest Miller suddenly jolted up and ran over to where you were now coming closer to the both of them.
You were quick to kneel down, opening your arms wide to welcome the little girl as she wrapped her small arms around your neck, pulling you in tightly, so your cheeks were squished together - something she had been doing to you for quite a while now.
You greeted her just as ecstatically, letting go so the two of you could continue your journey back to her father together while you kept asking her about the match.
"You're not tired yet, sweetie?" You wondered, settling back down next to Joel.
Sarah shook her head with a giggle, "No, that's why we practice, Y/N." She reminded you, making you chuckle.
"Right, right." You smiled before wanting to hand Joel one of the water bottles, but he pushed it back.
"I don't need it."
You rolled your eyes, "Just take it, I know you'll want it later." With a huff he accepted. You decided to ignore the slight sudden change in demeanour, brushing it off as your mind playing tricks on you.
Before the three of you could get into a full conversation again, the sound of the whistle hit your ear, letting you know the break was over. Sarah jumped up, kissing both you and her father on the cheek before running back onto the field, into the group of girls that were surrounding the coach again.
Joel knew better than to start a fight right now. He didn't want to know about what had gotten you so giddily while talking to Ben only a few feet away from him. But he couldn't fully push down the anger that had started to rumble up his body, making him turn quiet.
If only you didn't have to bring it up.
"You know," you started after having taken a sip from your water bottle. "Ben kinda reminds me of Tommy. Are you sure you guys aren't related?" Even though he knew it was supposed to be a joke, the scoff just tumbled from his lips as he sighed,
"God, fuck, I hope not."
You chuckled, not realising how much truth was in his comment. "Yeah, you already got your hands full with one troubled Miller." Placing a hand on his back, only then noticing the slight tension his body held. "He said Sarah's been doing really well, and she might even be able to go up a league next year. That would be cool, huh?" You glanced over at him, but Joel kept his eye on the field, watching his daughter race from one end to the other, the ball right by her feet.
"Mm," he grunted. "What else did he say that got you to giggle like a schoolgirl?"
You scoffed with a chuckle, "What? I didn't giggle like a schoolgirl." Noticing he wasn't grinning like you expected him to, meaning he wasn't teasing you. You scrunched your eyebrows. "What's gotten you so grumpy, old man?"
Every other day, this would've gotten you a snort from him return before he'd start tickling the soul out of you or would attack your neck in kisses, continuously teasing you for calling him that, knowing that the age gap between the two of you was something you'd like to play with every now and then, giving you a slight kick. Why, was still a mystery to Joel because he found himself anything but attractive with each passing year. Whatever you saw in him was now even more confusing to him than ever before.
His eyes fell down to where your hand had found its way to his thigh, covering it with his warm palm, petting it once before he took it, only to drop it back into your lap, mumbling a quick,
"Nothin', don't worry 'bout it." Before his attention was back on the game ahead of you.
Alright... you thought, weird, but... alright. You realised, there was definitely something going on in that head of his, but also knew that the Saturday match of his daughter was not the place to discuss it. You'd wait until you were back home.
The two of you spent the rest of the game in silence, proudly shouting and clapping for Sarah when she missed the goal by just an inch, hyping her up, hoping to motivate her to keep going. The car ride was filled with the youngest Miller's rambling about the match and the team they played against as well as the homework she'd need help with once they got home.
Before you left the field, Joel definitely didn't miss the smug nod Ben sent you before he disappeared as well, making him roll his eyes as you just waved, telling Sarah to do the same as he pushed you forward with a gentle hand on your lower back, making sure that it was low enough to send a quick non-verbal message to the young Coach.
At home, Joel decided to get started with the dishes while you helped Sarah with her Math homework, knowing you'd be much more of a help, thanks to your education and line of work than he'd ever be. Time passed thankfully quite quickly, and after making sure the little one got a good dinner, you sent her up to shower off the dirt and sweat from the hot day.
All while the older Miller was in the kitchen, scrubbing every single dish in fury, knowing how ridiculous others would find him if they could take a look inside his brain. He was so done with it. 
The disgustingly smug face of that coach kept showing up in front of his eyes, reminding him of just how pathetic he felt. He wasn't even mad at you. Or was he? God, not even he himself knew, what was making him react like this. Just the mere thought of any other man by your side made his blood boil. It had happened in the past. His primal instincts would just take over - he wasn't necessarily proud of it, but it was just the person he was.
Joel just couldn't get it out of his head. It wasn't the first time you had talked to a younger good-looking man, and it most definitely wouldn't be the last. He wasn't 12 anymore, he knew people, no matter the gender, would want to get along with each other. You even had to deal with people around your age every single day at work. Suddenly, that thought got him even more unweary. He tried to shake it off quickly.
Each day you'd come home to him, exhausted and complaining about some of your students. Never about the professor you worked for. It was always the students, specifically male students. Guys your age. The way you'd whine about their lack of motivation and focus would make you fall onto the couch, right into Joel's comforting embrace as he tried to calm you down, talking down on those exact guys, reminding you of the fact that college stuff was the last thing on a guys' mind during that age. It always made you groan. Each time. It would make him proud, now to think of it. Proud that rather than expressing your admiration for someone your age, you'd complain about their childishness, reminding him how grateful you were to have found him - a man, not a guy. But you talking to Ben seemed like anything but burdensome to you. It looked too natural for Joel's liking. But he knew to trust you, having had multiple conversations with you about the future. But even then...
He caught himself drifting off, snapping back into the presence quickly. Joel was already starting to dart way too low, reaching a level of dark thoughts he'd much rather not have. The two of you were a melodic couple. A couple that spoke to each other freely, he reminded himself. You always assured each other that nothing should be left unsaid and getting everything out is better than keeping everything in, no matter how embarrassing or pathetic it might be because there are no such things in a relationship. He remembered a conversation you had once dropped during a cuddle session on the couch. For some reason, it stuck with him:
"You know, Barbs broke up with her boyfriend." You suddenly threw in the room.
Joel raised an eyebrow, quickly having to remind himself that Barbs was one of your girlfriends that you had met up with for a Brunch date with the rest of your friend group.
"Why?" You knew he could probably care less about it, but he still wondered. If only you knew how much he actually just enjoyed listening to you talk.
You sat up from your half-lying position where your head had rested on his shoulder. Waiting until he had turned his head from the TV, he found your serious glance on him.
"Because she hasn't come even once during sex in the four months they've been together."
Joel took a deep breath, his eyebrows scrunched together. "Shit... poor guy."
"Poor guy?!" You exclaimed, hitting his chest, and making him flinch slightly. "Poor her! She's always had to finish herself off in the bathroom."
"Honey," he sighed, "I don't think you should tell me all that much about your friends." Joel would never complain about you sharing your life with him, but some information about your girlfriends should possibly stay between girls.
"No, you should know about this," you complained back, making him look at you with raised eyebrows.
"Oh? You tryna tell me something here, darlin'?"
His question made you giggle as you shoved him slightly, giving him the opportunity to hold onto your arm to pull you back into him.
"Please," you rolled your eyes, "You'd know if I was faking it."
"Yeah, I know," he mumbled into your hair as he placed multiple kisses all along your hairline. He laid your head onto his lap, your gaze up at him as he looked down at you, the palm of his running up down the side of your torso.
"But like... I asked her why she didn't just, you know, talk to him about it. They were so perfect for each other in every other way, and I'm pretty sure that could've gotten fixed too. I mean, there's hardly anything that can't get fixed, and I know I wasn't present for like every second of their relationship, but I don't know. Anyways-" Joel chuckled at your rambling. "I asked her, and all of my friends turned to me and looked at me like I... just told them, I don't know- the only reason I have five toes on my left foot was because I ate the sixth one when I was a kid."
"Darlin'," Joel laughed at your comment. Your way with words would never bore him.
"What?" You chuckled back at him. "I'm serious. They looked at me so weirdly." He let you continue, his hand now comfortable on your stomach as your fingers found his to play with. "But they all understood her. They said that instead of talking to their partners about that, they'd much rather just end it."
The oldest Miller shrugged, "Yeah, but I mean if it's uncomfortable for them."
"But it shouldn't be," you argued. "Right?" You waited for him to lower his gaze. "I thought in a relationship you shouldn't feel awkward to talk about anything. I wouldn't want you to hold back on talking to me about something just because you think it's ridiculous or whatever."
"You'd want me to tell you that I haven't come in the time we've been together?" You nodded along to his question. "You don't think that would make you feel weird?" You shook your head.
"I mean," a quick thought shut you up for a second before continuing. "The thing is, I'd question why you wouldn't have talked to me about it earlier, but... I'd still want to solve that problem together, you know?" You waited for a nod coming from him, but he only tilted his head slightly. "I don't think there should be anything you'd keep from your partner. If you're in a relationship, you're already sharing so much with each other, like, you're literally giving over your body to trust another person with it, but then you don't want to talk about stuff like that? I don't know, seems weird to me."
His knuckles came up to brush over your cheek. "You get shy when I talk about what I want to do with you as soon as I get my hands on you too though." 
You couldn't help but to grin. "Because you tease!" Getting a hold of his hand, you tried to push it away from you with a giggle. "That's different," you argued. "But if you have something that's bothering you or something and you think it's ridiculous or whatever, and that's the reason why you don't want to talk to me about it... I don't like that," you shrugged, making your point.
Joel nodded, a slight smirk still on his lips. "Alright, I promise, I'll let you know once you stop making me come, okay?" 
You jumped up with a laugh, slapping him once again. "Can you be serious for once?! You idiot!" Giggling as he tried to dodge your hits only to pull you in closer again, not wanting to be apart from your body for even a second. You groaned jokingly, "Ugh, I hate you sometimes."
"I know," he looked at your lovingly, throwing you back onto the couch, hovering above you as he pinned down your arms, "I love you too." Leaning down to kiss you.
With a huff, he dropped the now wet washcloth onto the counter, ready to make his way upstairs, knowing you were most likely already getting ready for bed as well.
Even though your conversation back then was filled with laughter and banter, he understood the seriousness of it. You wanted this relationship to work, just as much as he did. And the only way to make that happen was through talking. As much as Joel hated it, hated using his words, never knowing what the right thing to say would be, he knew he had to jump over his ego this time. With grunts, he moved up the stairs, hearing the shower in the master bathroom being turned off right when he entered your shared bedroom. He pulled up his shirt, throwing it into the basket in the corner, a purchase you had made once you moved in.
You opened the bathroom door, letting the steam escape as you turned to the mirror, wiping it down before you got ready for your skincare routine. Joel knew, if he shied away from the conversation any longer, he'd never get to it. So, it was now or never.
Taking step after step until he reached the door frame to lean on, he could feel his heart almost up to his neck, swallowing hard. You saw his figure coming closer from the corner of your eye as you applied your serum, turning your head once he came to a stop.
"You okay?" You wondered once again, hoping to maybe get an answer in return this time around.
He didn't even dare to look into your eyes, finding the floor much more interesting. Joel took a deep breath. He crossed his arms and lifted his head to look straight ahead into the wall, past you.
"You ever think about dating someone younger?" He rushed over his words, hoping to get this over as quickly as possible. You stopped mid-movement at the sudden question being thrown into the room. With confusion written all over your face, you turned to the right, his body still resting against the doorframe.
"What?" Was all you could let out. You understood the question acoustically, yet hoped to have misheard it still.
With a sigh, he started again, "Do- ugh, you know what? Forget it." He blurred it out just as quickly, his back facing you right away as he moved back into the bedroom, walking towards the drawer to get boxers for the night.
"Joel," you were quick to rush after him, "What did you just ask me?"
"Nothing, forget about it," he shrugged it off, looking around the drawer. Before he could even put his hand inside it, you closed it, positioning yourself between the piece of furniture and him.
"Why did you just ask me that?" Your concerned voice tugged at his heart. You were too good for him. 
You understood that Joel could possibly be insecure, just as much as anyone else was allowed to be, just like you were too sometimes. But you never expected such a question to come from him.
Joel placed both of his hands on top of your head to push it down slightly, placing a loving kiss on top of your hair.
"Nothin'. It doesn't matter, it's stupid." With a sigh, he walked over to the bed, sitting down on his side, his back once again turned towards you.
"Joel," you were definitely just going to let this slide, "You know exactly what I think of that 'it's stupid' shit."
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as his hands brushed over his face, a soft groan tumbling from his lips. "Yeah," he groaned, "I know, trust me. You have no idea how long I've been debating over asking you that shit."
That's when the switch in your head flicked. "Is that why you've been so quiet?" He only nodded.
With a sad sigh, you rounded the corner, coming to a halt in front of his hunched-over figure.
"What's got you thinking about something like that all of a sudden?" With another step forward, you were right in between his legs as he almost automatically let his hands drop to let you come closer, your fingers brushing through his hair. 
"It's a stupid question-"
You immediately shushed him by placing your hand over his mouth. "There are no stupid questions. You know that."
A slight grin crept up on his face as you lowered your hand again. "You really are a teacher, huh?" You tilted your head with a smirk you tried to hold back, not wanting to let go of the seriousness of the conversation.
"Come on," you petted his cheek, "Tell me." His hands found their way to your hips, riding up underneath his shirt you had decided to put on for the evening, pulling you in just a little bit closer.
With another deep breath in, Joel glanced to the side, trying to think about the right words, but his head was too occupied to think about that right now. "That stupid Ben fucker, I swear to God..." he cursed as he mumbled, making you almost unable to hear him clearly. But you still caught it, thanks to the silence in the room.
"Ben? Ben Miller? Sarah's coach?" You pushed his face to make him look up at you. "What did he say to you?"
He shook his head, taking your hands off his cheeks to hold onto them, kissing your knuckles. "No, no he didn't say anything."
"Then wh-"
"I saw you two talking together. Well, Sarah saw you first, but then I looked over too," he started explaining, still avoiding your eyes while you kept your gaze on him. "And, I don't know, something in me just snapped, I guess... watching him talk to you... just... yeah..."
"You don't like him?" You carefully asked, unsure if he was finished with his statement.
Joel shook his head, "Not really."
You nodded along, "Good. That makes two of us." His head snapped up at your comments.
"What?" You just nodded again.
"He's pathetic, it's... like, I know we shouldn't judge people, but God..."
Joel's eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "Then why were you laughing so much with him?"
"Because I wanted him to like me."
"Why's that so important to you?"
"Because of Sarah!" You explained, "She really likes him, and I want to leave a good impression on him because I don't want him to maybe treat her differently or whatever just because I wasn't nice to him. I- what, did you think I was flirting with him?"
The oldest Miller stayed quiet. Sometimes no answer is also an answer. And this time it was answer enough for you.
"Joel!" You whined out.
"What?" He looked up at you as you took a step back. "Look at you. You tryna tell me he wouldn't be tryin' something on a beautiful woman like you. You deserve someone like him!"
"Someone like him?"
"Someone young. And good-looking. And Jesus, I don't even wanna know what else," he threw his right hand up in frustration.
"Look," he stopped you. "I understand it, okay? I don't believe you'd do something like that," he assured you before pointing to his head, "But the guys up here don't get it."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, slightly concerned, "What?"
He shook his head with a groan, "I don't know..." Joel just couldn't find the right words. He would never accuse you of cheating or leaving him just like that, he got that. But... there was just something...
For a second, the two of you decided to stay silent. But you couldn't bear watching your boyfriend, your life partner, on the bed, sitting in frustration.
"Joel," you started again, taking that one step closer to be in between his legs again, making him look up. "Why would I want a dude in his early twenties that works at a gym just so he can use their stuff for free and brags about having a lonely huge ass apartment, and the only reason he's the coach of a girl's soccer team is because his dad forces him to, otherwise he'd stop paying his rent."
Joel glanced at you bedazzled. Gazing up at you as you returned to raking your fingers through his hair while his hands held onto your outer thighs.
You nodded, your lips pressed into a tight line. "That's Ben Miller."
Another wave of silence washed over the two of you before you decided to go one step further.
"Why would I want someone like that when I have a trustful man that is mature, incredibly handsome, one of the funniest people I've ever met, who makes me feel like I might truly be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen." You lowered yourself, placing a knee on each side of him to take a seat in his lap, your fingers never leaving his dark curls. "Who is the most amazing father to a wonderful little girl, has a good job, a house, a well-planned future, who knows how to treat women with respect, who I know would never hurt me in any way," you had started to lock eye with him, "who loves me for me and who makes me the happiest I've ever been." Joel's fingers were digging into the flesh of your ass, making you lean forward just a slight bit more. "Why would I ever want to have someone else?" You let your right pointer finger slowly run over the side of his face. "I couldn't care less about Ben or any other guy like that. They're all the same," you rolled your eyes, making him chuckle. "I love you. And only you. And they can look at me all they want, I only care about one man." You finished your speech before leaning in to place a kiss on his lips that have already been screaming for you. The plan for it to only be a quick peck was quickly thrown out the window when Joel's grip on you tightened, pulling you in as close as he possibly could.
You separated with heavy breaths from both of you.
Joel let go of your ass, his right hand sliding up your back, just a bit. "So," he smirked, "You only wanted me for my house?" The sudden question made you giggle out loud, holding onto his shoulders as you stared into his dark brown eyes.
"Exactly," you nodded.
The oldest Miller let himself enjoy the moment just a bit more as he took in your appearance. No make-up, hair ready for bed, in one of his t-shirts with underwear covering you. Perfect. And all his.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I didn't doubt you, I really didn't. Just...," A heavy sigh fell from his lips. "There are so many young men that you could-"
"Boys," you interrupted him.
"Boys?" He chuckled.
"If they're around my age, they don't deserve the title of a man yet. And I don't need that," you made clear, following him with a smile as well.
Joel dared to look down for a second. "I just..." glancing up, to find your eyes never leaving him, your kind eyes still brightly shining right at him. "I thought about what Tommy used to say about you and his friends fitting together way better than us two-"
"And Tommy better shut his damn mouth if he knows what's good for him," your comment got a chuckle from him in return.
"And your dad wasn't all too happy about us either."
You nodded. "And my dad also cheated on my mom. Twice. You really think I'm gonna take dating advice from him?" He knew your relationship with him was... wobbly.
"I know, I know," he mumbled, his hands now rubbing up and down your body as you snaked your arms around his neck, making sure you had him close to your body.
"I only want you, Joel," you whispered, your eyes passionately interlocked with his as you leaned in for another peck. Your action made him smile, tightening his arms around you too. "And your house," you giggled against his lips. Joel couldn't hold back the chuckle as he let himself fall back into the mattress, pulling you along with him.
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joel taglist: @corvusmorte @aniia-x3
pedro taglist: @leslieelainetrask
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hunniemawa · 4 months
🐼 Panda as a Big Brother Caregiver! 🐼
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🖤 A bit worrisome, but also a big softie. He makes sure you’re comfortable and not getting into trouble!
🤍 If you have any allergies, medical issues, or if you’re vegan or vegetarian, he’ll always be aware! It’s always important to know these things
🖤 You’ve hit the jackpot if you love plushies! He has a whole plushie collection that he’ll gladly show you
🤍 Additionally, if you ever pass by plushies in the store, he knows he’s gotta get one for you...and another for himself. They’re just so cute 💛
🖤 Follows any agere-themed accounts you have and likes all your posts ;3
🤍 Knows exactly where to watch all your favorite shows and movies!
🖤 Has photos on his phone of the two of you during playdates, often edited with stickers and overlays. He’ll put stickers over your face for any pictures you’re self-conscious of :0
🤍 Very artistic! Coloring and drawing would be a great way to spend the time!
🖤 Due to his anxiety, he quite enjoys parallel play. He can play phone games on the couch while you can do a puzzle on the floor, and it won’t feel uncomfortable uwu
🤍 “What I do is immediately tell the waiter that I have a peanut allergy, and they’ll tell me if anything on the menu has peanuts in it. Er...I can teach you how! It’ll be kinda scary, but...your health is important, y’know?”
🖤 “Oh! Nonono- that’s definitely too much candy for you...um...well...maybe just one more. But this is the last one, alright?”
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lovelywritersgarden · 2 years
hiii, i hope you are doing well! Can you do a little headcanon thing or a little drabble with Damian Wayne (robin) with a little sibling reader? Thank you!
PAIRING: GN!Reader x Platonic!OlderBro!Damian
SYNOPSIS: Damian gets a younger sibling, chaos ensues
When Damian heard he wasn’t the only accidental child he was not thrilled.
Kinda pissed u exist tbh. He’s a territorial dude.
and then you toddled into the batcave and all that went out the window.
the minute Bruce said “big brother” you wrapped your arms around his legs.
he is stoic at first kinda frozen in place
ur so small he doesn’t want to hurt you on accident
but you look up at him with a small “hi”
then he loses it, goodbye ‘tough guy’ act
naturally he thinks you need to be immediately trained, so he gives you one of his old katanas
you are literally five so you don’t know wtf to do with it and probably drop it
he still tries, but fails and ultimately watches a disney movie w you
and whenever you cry? alarms go off in his head and he freaks out
he starts frantically looking for danger and then when you’re just tired or hungry or something he is quick to gather his wits and find a solution
but if you scraped your knee or got hurt he gets freakishly protective and patches you up giving a lecture on danger and how safety is important
fights his brothers on who the favorite is
even though he literally gave u a katana like 30 seconds ago
you’re SOOO spoiled when ur with him you get everything you want so fast
u literally just have to give him puppy dog eyes and he is on the floor
“they can’t have another cookie Damian” “but they said please”
people are freaked out when they see how sweet he is with you
like when jason saw you and damian holding hands or him helping you up and being gentle jason was so confused “??? wtf demon spawn”
damian will glare at him and if looks could kill, yeesh
naps with you>>>>>
catch damian always calling dick or alfred when he’s unsure ab something
and whenever you start going to school??? blasphemy
definitely wants to meet all of your teachers
“why is that necessary i can teach them” “no you can’t”
definition of side eye
he pouts when you go to school- and more so when you have a good time
jealousy jealousy
he doesn’t like not seeing you as often
tells you if you were to ever get bullied he wouldn’t hesitate to beat up a child
you’re like :0
patrolling extra to keep gotham as safe as possible for you
if you ever were to be in actual danger, he would get dangerous
like if you got kidnapped or something he would be completely irrational and violent
when he finds out it was some thugs that just want ransom money he beats the ever loving crap out of them
once you get back he is so soft w you
doesn’t want you going back to school again
“they’re fine, damian, school is important” “liar”
eventually gives in but he’s pissed ab it
as you grow up he still thinks of you as a kid
it’s kinda annoying tbh
your first date???
damian is PISSED, and he’s not exactly good at verbally expressing his feelings so instead he GLARES at the person who asked you out or who you asked out
he does not want you dating anyone
“no” “damian, i’m 15” “i know how old you are that means nothing, this is a betrayal”
A/N: i love Damian sm. he’s such a secret softie. he holds my heart. also first hc post!! thanks for the request, i hope you liked it <3
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dadrielle · 2 years
Was rewatching bits and bobs of the last episode (again) and thinking about Ashton in that conversation with Laudna and how I think it shows that more than just being afraid of caring,  they're afraid of being understood.
There’s this thing that happens sometimes when you’re lonely and in pain and closed off where you start to come up for reasons why your pain is unique. It’s not like, a morally bad thing, but it is a trick you can play on yourself, thinking that since no one has all your exact same experiences, there’s no way anyone can get you. It’s a way of giving more meaning to your loneliness, you know? It’s special. And it’s another layer of crunchy shell to protect yourself - if you think it’s not possible for people to understand you, it hurts less to not be understood. Ostensibly. Which means accepting that your trauma, and what you know as a result of it, isn’t wholly inscrutable to others, means letting another layer of your guard down. Of acknowledging that hey, that loneliness and jealousy and hurt don’t have to be the way you live. You can be understood if you let people in. You just have to be vulnerable. Isn’t that terrifying?
Their speech here is riddled with caveats. They’re the only one who knows what it's like to not have a past - well, except for one (FCG). They know the truth of people none of the others do - well, except for one (and I think this means Imogen, since she hears the worst of peoples’ thoughts). They know loneliness none of them know - except you know things Laudna, too, don’t think they don’t know that. I’m not surprised he was having arguments with people who weren’t there at the end of the episode - even as he made his speech, he was letting a bit of argument with himself seep in.
What’s worse, each of those people have dealt with that shared understanding in a different way than Ashton.  FCG doesn’t know their past, but that drives them to look for purpose, rather than a low impact life. Imogen has seen into peoples’ heads and knows the worst of them, but she still thinks “good people” exist, enough to be fretting over it constantly (don’t think I didn’t notice that that’s the first things that sets Ashton off, her asking if the gods are good “There’s no such thing, everyone is fuckign selfish-”). And Laudna has known a kind of loneliness that is truly unfathomable - but she’s secure now in the comfort and knowledge that she has her people. Which means that Ashton could start looking at their own shit in different ways. They could make a choice to let people in or see the good in ways they haven’t, and that’s some scary ass shit. I think there’s been a bit of a panicky, manic edge to the kindnesses Ashton has been displaying since they got Laudna back. I think they’re white knuckling their way through caring about the Hells and they are freaked the fuck OUT.
So I think Ashton was being an asshole by telling Laudna she didn’t know loneliness. I think even as he half-believed it as a holdover from that “I am wholly unique and uniquely alone” coping mechanism, he knew it was an absurd thing to say. But I think they did it on purpose. I think they are so terrified by how much they care about the Hells, and what’s more how much they understand and can be understood by them, that they wanted to push her into not caring by writing them off as a jerk. But Laudna’s more emotionally savvy than that. She won’t let him get away with it, even as she gets rightly angry at his downplaying her own experience in the moment. She knows they care, and she’s not going to let them push that away. They’re just going to have to deal with the fact that they’re a softy underneath it all. They’ve been given possibly the last push they need.
I would be 0% surprised if they finish arguing with themself about this by the next episode and their lil project Tal mentioned ends up being like. Fucking. Matching team patches for the Hells. Because they are all in now.
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flygonee · 8 months
umm.. hello! my name is honey, i am a bug/dragon type trainer (but i do have other types of pokemon) and my goal is to catch all bug and dragon type pokemon!!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง
i am nonbinary, a minor (not saying age for privacy reasons), and i go by they/them!
i travel alllll around the world.. i love to see all the beautiful pokemon!! as of right now i’m exploring paldea :D
my bestie is fay, he’s actually the one who convinced me to make this account hehe…. whenever i remember his @ i’ll link it here ^_^
this account will just be for me talking about my journeys.. pokemon i catch…. yada yada all of that stuff
if you wanna talk to me pls shoot the dm first.. i get a bit nervous when speaking to people i don’t know (●´⌓`●)
i use way too many emoticons, and i say hehe and lol a lot.. sorry if that annoys you :(
my favourite animal of all time is cats!!! aghhh just sooo cuteeeeee :333 (so i have lots and lots of cat pokemon :p)
tbh it’s easier for me to act more energetic while typing than irl.. so that’s why if you meet me irl i’m a bit nervous, but on here i’m way different :0
now it’s time for my team! >:3
FLYGON ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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they are my first ever pokemon, they just wandered into kanto and i caught them after choosing my starter! my best friend!! they are really close to me and protect me like their life depends on it lolol
such a sweetheart.. very clingy too! and they are kind of tired all the time hehe!! they have a good sense of humour and feel like the one out of all my pokemon who really gets me
not to say the rest don’t,, flygon has just known me for way longer!! i even use my z-ring on them.. and besides they’re my main pokemon for a reason
MEOWSCARADA ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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he’s a sweetheart! so nice to everyone else and he LOVES attention, he begs for it all the time (he reminds me of my old ragdoll cat hehe)
he is the pokemon i tried to get the most (and got the easiest) when traveling over to paldea, cause i love cats! and grass types are like my 3rd fave type (bug and dragon 🔛🔝 though ofc ofc)
he’s really strong for a meowscarada idk why.. i did train him a lot though lol!! he loves to fight, very active kitty
ESPEON ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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she’s a bit more independent than my other pokemon, and only really is affectionate towards me.. but when she wants attention she’s really clingy!! she just sits on my lap while i do work or something
overall she isn’t that hard to manage compared to my other pokemon (especially my pidgey i caught back in kanto.. he’s so hard to deal with ಥ‿ಥ)
she’s also a shiny?? forgot to mention earlier but it’s pretty cool imo.. :0
RAICHU ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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now it’s time for her!! little buddy,, i love her so much, she’s so sweet!!
for some reason she always wants me to make her waffles, maybe she just has an addiction to them cause of how often i eat them hehe…. (and maybe i slip her a bit too many waffles a bit too often..)
she was actually the starter i picked in kanto, then she evolved into a raichu.. we traveled to alola….. you get the rest
she’s insanely clingy just like flygon.. probably cuz i’ve had her for so long? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SCIZOR ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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MY SCIZOR!!! really tough gal, although.. truthfully? not on the inside, physically very tough though!! she’s a really strong pokemon
she doesn’t often show it, but she’s quite the softie! she only really shows that side to me though, remaining tough to the others.. because of this she seems to be an idol for my younger pokemon, so not too bad
MILOTIC ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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such a beautiful pokemon, i always loved him even during his pre-evolution. i don’t get the hate,, feebas isn’t ugly guys!! >:(
my house is right next to a huge lake, so i just keep him there and he seems happy with it
he always manages to calm me down,, something about sending energy? well whatever it is he’s a great listener! he always encourages me to vent to him hehe
NOW FOR THE BONUS POKEMON!! cuz why not,, the pokemon below are just the ones not on my team! just some of the pokemon i’ve caught (not all of them cuz i’m lazy)
PIDGEY ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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he is such a hyper bird!! i don’t get how so much energy is stored in such a little guy (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
raichu was the first pokemon i had ever, and pidgey was the second!
out of all my pokemon he’s the hardest to take care of.. he’s a handful for sure :p
he’s very small for a pidgey actually! he’s the size of my hand, and kind of just likes to sit on my shoulder, or fly with me on my morning walk!! he doesn’t eat much cuz of that
he usually sleeps in my collection of plushies,, it’s really cute! ˶ᵔᗜᵔ˶
GOODRA ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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she is so silly, very good cuddle buddy tbh.. she gives the best hugs
she’s so motherly and friendly towards everyone, especially my other pokemon
love her <3
if i had to describe her in one word, it’d be motherly
not much to say she’s just really kind (but oh my arceus is she so cool when fighting.. fay agrees!)
CUTIEFLY ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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a wild cutiefly i found on one of the paths in paldea, make sure to contact me if they’re yours!! for now i’ll keep them safe ^^
DRAGONITE ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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silly guy! forgot to add him to this post actually.. he’s very close to me much like flygon, but he acts a bit more overprotective over me o_o
he’s very clingy,, literally too! he clings onto me a lot
not much to say he’s just very friendly
MIMIKYU ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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one day i was having my morning walk, and felt as if i was being watched.. only to see this little fella following me all the way home!
ever since then they’ve been apart of my team, and i have been happier cuz of it! :3
they’re more independent than the rest much like espeon, except a little less affectionate. i don’t mind though! everyone expresses their love differently, and i don’t need a cuddle session from either of them to know they love me
sometimes mimikyu makes me little gifts like gloves or just any clothes and i always think it’s so cute
DEWPIDER ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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a dewpider given to me through a pelipper mail, the very same one with that.. strange beast ball o.o
umm for now i don’t know where to put this little guy on my team. soooo…. kept at home for now! ^_^"
ok uhh.. that’s all, i hope you like me!!
now it’s time for the ooc info
hai! my name is stitch, i go by she/her and this blog is kind of just for me to pretend i’m in the pokemon world cause.. why wouldn’t i want to LMAO
my main blog is @stitchthelilo so my main content is there
i have a bad sense of humour so beware and i do use a lot of emoticons which is why honey does
ooc mark will be // and the hashtag #ooc
pelipper/musharna/any kind of mail, sapient pokemon, and magic anons are on!
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a-drama-addict · 1 day
okayyyyy finished nastja's main game in dao. Haven't yapped about her so have this before i start awakening:
She always squints at the sun, even after a year of being on the surface. Never fully gets used to it
Her total forever besties are Alistair, Sten and Morrigan (Alistair and her having a warrior’s bond or whatever. Same with Sten. She likes Morri’s humour a lot)
Has slept with Morrigan, obviously, I got the chance for bisexuality and took it
They’re, semi-together in the end? At least they never broke up. Still have to do Witch Hunt! SO who knows!
Also had a thing with Leli and Zev. because of woke
Leliana gives Nastja a haircut and a trim halfway through because she kind of looked like she was more hair than person
Visual representation:
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"CaN I gEt yOu a LaDdeR sO yoU CaN gET OfF mY bAcK?"
Nastja is tough, uncompromising, and blunt
Mostly because of the way she was raised which was very much with the mentality of the “I'm the possible heir, should anything happen to Trian”
doesnt believe rainbows are real homophobic bc she's never seen one. when it becomes spring and she sees one she feels like she's going insane
Ironically she very much starts with 0 tolerance for crime and then has to face the fact that she actually is a criminal now. Well fuck
She was always used to apprehending anyone who breaks the law, regardless of position or intent
Nastja is also a little bit of a softie. because of course. sad gruff dad trope but a woman
Nastja is incredibly loyal and selfless to her friends and allies
and always is willing to sacrifice herself
Is also really petty. did make Bhelen king bc she was like 'fineEEeeE you have better ideas than harrowmont. whatever'
killed the werewolves for the dalish without compromise. hooray!
killed the templars and stopped the circle from getting annulled. Hooray!
loghain executed and anora sits on the throne alone. hooray!
bhelen king yippeeee. didnt defile ashes because she couldnt be assed to do it
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m1ckeyb3rry · 13 days
OMG ITS LITERALLY WHAT WEVE TALKED ABOUT LMFAOOOO the “nikos only 15” and ofc aiku being aiku and Barou being like “can u stfu” also I lowk forgot that the special exhibition art (the colorings you reblogged recently) had niko and aiku tgt LMAO truly destiny
Wait I almost forgot about that moment bc YEAH FR I remember thinking in that moment like “is bro a kdrama watcher????” Nagi truly is an enigma
I’m ngl I was (am..??? I just forgot abt the concern until just now ig) worried that they’d make the entire first episode the wildcard thing but surely not..!!!! Surely not….lowk I don’t think there’s even enough content there to fill whole episode (I hope) only because I really couldn’t gaf about Shidou or igaguri
NO FR IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET PEOPLE ON THE CHIGIRI MAN AGENDA FOR AGES (I say that having not interacted with like any of the fandom) because his hair is the only thing that really sticks out as not typical dude (bro does NOT use 3 in 1 shampoo) but lowk I think that’s also just because of his meticulous/picky nature for things? We see him taking a lot of time for his knee too ofc but other than that he’s such a dude HSHSHS like are we forgetting all the dude bro muscle screaming moments he has to get hyped up with Barou and zantetsu after the 3v3 and leading up to the 4v4 and also he’s had his moments on field too like…fanon characterizations really are the epitome of wrong (oops)
Bro I’m just imagining the two otoyas meeting like you’re typical like multiverse crossover episode hollyhocks like “yeah bro I’m an assassin” and bllk otoyas “like sick dudeee I get hella girls” and hollyhock otoya replies with “ayo that’s my boy, would’ve been me if I weren’t busy killing ppl smh” LMAOOOO
No matter the au Yukimiyas always dying surrounded by idiots LMAOOO he just never wins…the “unfortunately there’s ness” has me howling AHAHAHA real there are no ness enjoyers here
Karasu being a softie and picking up random animals so real and yuki is so done with his shit but POKEMON AU I also forgot we had a section in our convo abt that (not specifically your au but pokemon in general) omg…can you drop some hints from the outline….im Lowk curious what kinda story you’d write i don’t think I’ve ever seen a pokemon au fic (no pressure ofc!! Only if u wanna show it LOL)
LMFAOAOAOAOA YOURE NOT AKAZA IS BRUTAL YOU JUST KILLED THE MAN stop im crying that would’ve been such a funny response (although kinda mean shdgshshs) what is your strat for rejecting these people because i can only imagine you’d have a shit ton of opps if they took your words the wrong way omg
NOOO OUR STREAK it’s ok we can erase this outlier….also lowk I think it’s maybe just the game art style if you showed me a pic of yuki making this face in the manga or in fanart I’d think he looked hot but something about the eye sizing and like his mouth isn’t consistent and throws it off for me…like if they exaggerated his smirk a bit more and adjust the left eye shape to kinda follow the sharper “angry” look as opposed to just leaving it completely normal maybe it’d be better….atp it sounds like im just saying “make a Karasu face” oops
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO RIGHT IT WAS SO PERFECT aiku trying to be the big bro of the ubers but mommy barou is NOTT letting his bs slide 😭 i also love the headcanon of aiku trying to be bffs w barou meanwhile barou has 0 interest and thinks aiku is an idiot (deep down he actually thinks he’s chill but he would NEVER admit that) also poor niko the mdni sign killed me 😩
when he said that i was like 😮 because it was so random??? but honestly he’s so real for that…average nagimira activities are just us rewatching crash landing on you and relating the characters to people we know irl KFNDKSKSK
OKAY if i have to make a prediction they’re going to start the episode with the flashback almost like a prologue?? reo will be the narrator introducing what the scenario is, we see the confrontation + game + outcome, and then we cut back to ego announcing top six and explaining the premise of the third selection ☝🏻 that way the hype for shidou is built up but the rest of the top six are also introduced and we can get right into the third selection from there since there’s also the entire u20 arc that’s supposed to fit into this season so they can’t delay too much
OKAY PLUS CHIGIRI HAS AN OLDER SISTER WHO HE’S REALLY CLOSE WITH as someone who gets along rlly well with my own little brother you KNOW that man has a meticulous skin and haircare routine because i’d literally make fun of him if he didn’t…tbh those are the vibes chigiri gives me 😩 but agreed i mean he’s honestly manlier than isagi (he also has a pretty deep voice) and despite having a “pretty” appearance he doesn’t necessarily act as such ☝🏻 except in official arts but lbr official arts are lowkey the fanon versions of characters half of the time anyways
PLSSS can you imagine the hollyhock characters meeting their current time counterparts 😭 like the two otoyas are just dapping each other up because their living each other’s dreams meanwhile bllk karasu’s just like “wtf i’m the general of the army and eventually become shogun and my best friend is a baddie ⁉️” and hollyhock karasu is like “eh ig so” and bllk karasu’s like “why are you depressed then dawg that’s fire” and hollyhock karasu is like “i miss otoya and y/n ☹️” FJDJDJSJSJ omg poor yukimiya though he’d definitely be like “why tf am i a villain 😭😭😭” meanwhile hollyhock yuki is like “🤷🏻 it was coachella 2016 that was the vibe at the time”
bro save yukimiya he’s actually a victim he needs to become friends w aiku and barou (new diva trio) because idt he can actually take being a trio w karasu and otoya longer…OKAY HEAR ME OUT instead of tabieitaken it’s tabieitaryu (karasu + otoya + SHIDOU i think that would be such a peak dynamic) and then yuki seeks refuge w the ubers or mancity groups because he could easily be close w reo or barou i can rlly see either…ALTERNATIVELY in actual canon let’s see a yukimiya and kunigami team up ☝🏻 GET YUKI OFF THE BENCH, GET US A WILDCARD FLASHBACK, AND LET THE BOYS W THE FUCKED UP BODIES AND DESTRUCTIVE THEMES LINK UP AND SCORE THE FINAL GOAL 🙏🏻 it would be a good way to utilize kunigami i think (since he’s not rlly done much post wildcard) and also to reinforce why yuki was literally number five in the third selection
OFCCC I CAN TALK ABT THE POKÉMON AU i actually wrote it in my notes app so i’ll just type instead of giving screenshots since that’ll end up as a lot 😭
so basically the gist of it is the mc is barou’s younger cousin or sister or smth (rip barou male lead but the familial bond is the main theme of the story so he’s still important) and he disappears to go on a journey when he’s of age and he’s never heard from again!! originally mc doesn’t want to go on a journey but eventually she’s decides she has to in order to find barou ☝🏻 they don’t live close enough to a professor for her to get an actual starter so she takes the sibling of barou’s first pokemon, which is a houndour, so that’s her starter!! she goes through the region in search of barou, collecting badges and meeting the crew (who i will elaborate on in the next paragraph hehe) and catching pokémon/having various misadventures etc etc but eventually they realize an evil team (because is it a pokémon au if there’s no evil team) is after them after originally thinking mc is one of them because of her houndour as they believe the crew is a threat to the team’s goals 😨 it’s eventually revealed when mc breaks into the base that the leader is barou HOWEVER barou is very clearly acting strange and it turns out he actually died right before challenging the champion of the region and the evil team used a ghost pokémon to puppeteer his body so that they could use his team since he basically had the strongest team in the region and would’ve been champion if he didn’t die 😓 the evil team wants to get rid of pokémon training as a system because they believe it takes advantage of the unfortunate (such as nagi) which the mc does agree with but she can’t agree with their methods and especially possessing barou’s corpse 😭 so she and her houndoom kill barou for good which leads barou’s own houndoom to basically kill itself (the rest of his pokémon are inherited by mc and mostly like her because they realize how much she loved barou and how she never stopped looking for him) and this proves aiku’s theory that pokémon do form familial bonds as mc’s houndoom mourns for its brother (also ik i just mentioned nagi and aiku without context but i’ll explain who they are now + their teams and hopefully it’ll make more sense then!!)
so the main group that reader travels with is herself, tullia, otoya, and karasu!! otoya is the descendant of an exiled clan and he’s trying to regain their honor by being a legitimate trainer instead of all sneaky the way his family members were, karasu is the younger brother of the region’s flying-type gym leader (yayoi 🥹) and he ran away from home to prove himself as a trainer in his own right, and tullia is an aspiring pokémon breeder who’s basically training up her own pokémon so people want their offspring?? if that makes sense lol
mc’s team: houndoom [starter], gyarados, aegislash, donphan, galvantula, dragalge
barou’s team: houndoom [starter], pangoro, zoroark, krookodile, sharpedo, weavile
otoya’s team: greninja [starter], ampharos, blissey, sylveon, ninetales, altaria
tullia’s team: infernape, lilligant, vivillon, lanturn, granbull, hitmonchan (all pokémon mentioned to be somehow helpful to people, particularly attractive/used as companions, or, in hitmonchan’s case, having offspring with multiple evolutions [without being basic and just giving her an eevee])
karasu’s team: honchkrow [starter], pidgeot, staraptor, talonflame, garchomp, lucario (he mostly has flying type pokémon because yayoi kept giving him rejected gym pokémon to keep for himself; lucario and garchomp are the only ones he catches himself)
then we have a lot of recurring characters, some who appear more than others (ex nagi has a lot of appearances because he’s my goat whereas hiori and isagi don’t have as many)
yukimiya wants to be a battler like the rest but because of his frail health and eyes he’s forced to be a coordinator and model however he’s actually quite talented at battling so he helps mc in training and move efficiency and whatnot whenever he sees her
team: breloom [starter] , steelix, alakazam, noivern, manectric, azumarill
nagi had like 0 interest in going on a journey or doing anything difficult but a fire burns his house down and leaves him an orphan and the only way he can get any governmental assistance/literally SURVIVE is by becoming a trainer so that’s what he does
team: arcanine [starter], goodra, reuniclus, clefable, whimsicott, snorlax
reo is the son of the current champion and he’s training to be a gym leader and eventually possibly replace his father as the champion
team: gallade [starter], mawile, persian, flygon, cinccino, florges
chigiri used to be a very famous rapidash racer but he has a very bad accident and injures his leg to the point that he can’t race anymore so he also has to become a trainer in order to earn money
team: off-the-track rapidash [starter], zebstrika, dragonite, gorebyss, liepard, pyroar
hiori literally just becomes a trainer so his parents leave him alone and he can have some peace and quiet; i’m thinking he appears in some kind of fossil-related side quest hence why he gets a fossil pokémon
team: kingdra [starter], metagross, nidoqueen, luxray, aurorus, swanna
isagi is completing the trials to become an elite four member so he kinda runs into mc and co every now and then?? he seems to have known barou in the past so mc tries to talk to him about it but isagi doesn’t know what happened to barou; or, if he does, he’s elusive about it and refuses to answer mc’s questions
team: charizard, lapras, stoutland, machamp, leafeon, raichu
aiku is in training to be a pokémon professor and is currently doing research for his thesis about whether pokémon are capable of forming familial bonds on the level that humans do or if it’s more instinctive pack-bonding for them
team: aiku doesn’t really have a team per se since he mostly does catch and release for research purposes but he does have an arbok that stays with him permanently and is his partner in crime and rizz
um…anyways…that was a lot as you can see…LMAOAOA idk who the endgame would be in terms of a love interest (probably nagi if we’re being real) because the main focus is honestly mc and barou’s sibling relationship ☝🏻 i also don’t know who tullia would end up if anyone i just wanted another female main-ish character so it’s not just mc with a bunch of boys 😭
HELP I LITERALLY HAVE A FORMULA FOR REJECTING GUYS tried true and perfected so feel free to steal!! i just say “hey i’m flattered you thought to ask me and i really admire you for speaking up but i’m not interested in you like that. i hope we can still be friends!” (i ghost immediately afterwards though ngl) that only works if they’re straight up abt it otherwise if they’re being sneaky i just ignore/ghost or make up a boyfriend/parental excuse 😭 i have made some opps sadly but for the most part it’s worked out well!!
EEK tbh i’m used to watching some very crunchy animes and gaslighting myself into finding characters attractive so i think my mind just automatically yassified him…like i see the vision and the vision is hot enough that i’m like ok yeah he’s hot LDFHJSJS
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little!kiyotaka with cg!mondo and older sibling!leon plz
Headshot por favor. For a bit of context kiyotaka is really small like 0-3 years old and leon is regressed to about 10-14
Yep yep
🌱 Leon is the type of little one to pretend he wants nothing to do with Kiyotaka but actually loves him
🌱 Kiyotaka is very touchy, clinging onto Mondo while he’s cooking, sitting next to Leon while he plays games, he’s never alone
🌱 Mondo is an okay cook, he can make some other stuff with Leon’s help but he’s pretty limited
🌱 If they bake something Kiyotaka gets to lick the bowl and Leon gets to lick the spoon
🌱 They’re a bit of an ‘unlikely’ group but their little family makes do
🌱 Leon’s still a softie at heart even though he’s a lot older
🌱 If Mondo ever yelled at either of them he’d probably lock himself in his room for a bit to keep them safe
🌱 Kiyotaka is more strict about his routines than Mondo or Leon
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diovstheworld · 1 year
Yuya Fungami Headcanons
i love this silly guy so much and i don’t have enough headcanons to do a whole post for part 4 characters so here’s my headcanons for this guy ✨ also i think this is my first not part 5 related post omg (sorry if this post is awful, i have 0 confidence in my writing rn help)
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
i absolutely have to put this one first but this guy definitely loves motley crue
actually they’re his favourite band (i might add a list of songs at the end bc i did make an actual playlist for him…)
i imagine he would have a couple more face tattoos aside from the one on his chin to be honest. i can imagine him having like a tattoo just below his eye or something
also has a LOT of hand tattoos
speaking of his hands, i think he likes to wear a lot of rings too. too many to keep track of
also loves wearing chains, whether it be on his trousers or as a necklace
also loves making mixtapes for his friends! if you’re his friend, he’s definitely making you a mixtape for your birthday, and every other occasion that he feels needs it lmao
also always brings mixtapes to parties (or i guess if this was more modern headcanons, he would have a playlist ready for every party he goes too lmao)
also has a cd for every occasion to be honest
plays guitar in his free time and he’s really good at it!
i can also picture him being in a band with some friends and he would play bass guitar (and Reiko, Akemi and Yoshie are at all the band practices cheering Yuya on for sure!)
big softie at heart if you’re his friend and is very protective too! if anyone offends you, he’s defending you for sure
i think that’s pretty clear though with the way he acts with Reiko, Akemi and Yoshie for sure! i think he treats all his friends like that though. he defends his friends with his life <3
though he definitely tries to act tough for sure, especially when he’s in fights
i think he would prefer to avoid physically fights, but if he has to, he will engage in them. though he doesn’t always win lmao
but again, he would rather not get involved in a physical fight, plus he doesn’t want to ruin that pretty face of his!
talking about his face, he wears a bit of eyeliner from time to time and he’s quite the expert at it now!
Reiko, Akemi and Yoshie taught him how to do it for sure
also probably has some type of job at the local car garage fixing up cars and bikes. he’s in his element doing this to be honest <3
going to add the playlist i made for him just for fun <3 (i actually am always adding to this playlist so this is just a selection of some songs i think he would enjoy lmao):
highway star - deep purple
speed king - deep purple (i can’t not have these 2 songs included in this plus they’re both good songs lmao)
#1 bad boy - poison
i was made for lovin you - kiss
pour some sugar on me - def leppard
she goes down - motley crue (mostly including this motley crue song because it’s my favourite but i think he would like it too lmao)
girls girls girls - motley crue
looks that kill - motley crue (okay i think you all get the point i think he would like motley crue, i could literally add any song in here at this point so this is enough lmao)
rock you like a hurricane - scorpions
paradise city - guns n roses
it’s so easy - guns n roses
feel your love tonight - van halen
look what the cat dragged in - poison
you give love a bad name - bon jovi (yes i did come back to this post just and edit it just to add this in)
okay i’ve done enough songs this could literally go on forever but anyway if you made it this far thank you for reading 💕
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🐟 anon back again!! and yes, i love easter because i always get spoiled with big chocolate eggs and warm, colorful easter bread <3333 i’ve never done the egg hunting because i guess in my country is not that big?? maybe just once when i was in kindergarten?? but i remember cooking the easter bread with my mother :,,,) lol i think this is the main giveaway that i’m from southern/mediterranean europe 🫂
to answer your question yes i do love skk!! but my favorites are kouyou, ranpo and lucy!! ofc chuuya too! also yosano but i like everyone from the ada because they’re just so silly together :((((((
ooooo suguru TT…………….. i believe cult!leader suguru is so soft in his ways to show affection??? maybe even more so than student!geto because he would consider you as family and he would be so tender…….. he also raised the twins (and i’ve read in the fanbook that he also took in another kid?? the same way as the twins, but i don’t know if it is canon atp) so he would make this small gestures of affection like preparing a soup or changing the wet towel on your forehead to make the fever go away 😭😭😭😭😭 i really love the idea of soft cult leader geto suguru sm…….…
aaaaaa sending you lots of hugs!!!!! have a nice day! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 sending you lots of water and a goofy bouquet of corals!! <333333
aaaa 🐟 anon!!! welcome back!!!! i’m cradling the pretty coral bouquet in my arms :33 here’s a normal one for you hehe 💐
oooooh that makes sense!!! i’m from northern europe so the customs are probably different, i’d never heard of easter bread before !! :0 that sounds so good…. BUT i’m glad we at least share a custom of devouring chocolate eggs 🙏🙏 do you also eat chocolate rabbits….. bc i love those sm /drools
AND ANDDD your favs!!! i knewww i could trust you to have great taste…. i love ranpo and lucy so much (and kouyou is sooo pretty 🥺)!!! overall my favorites r kuni and oda, but. there are a lot of silly guys from bsd that i like…. they rlly are so charming <33333
AND !!!!! WE’RE HOLDING HANDS SO HARD RN i completely agree……. i’m a soft!sugu believer until the day i DIE and that goes especially for cult leader geto!!! our family man 🥺🥺 but no you’re so right, he absolutely does see his s/o as family….. and yep, he did take in another guy, not just nanamimi!! i don’t think he exactly fathered him the same way, but it’s implied that he saved toshihisa from a similarly terrible situation as the twins…. hhh i love geto’s family so much. it’s so telling that he loves them the way he does… that he cares for them and misses them and doesn’t force his beliefs onto them :cc sniffle… he’s the papa Ever .
but yeah when it comes to geto his devotion is just so. abundant. there’s so much of it. and i think the main difference is that teen suguru is good at hiding that devotion, making sure it doesn’t spill out too suddenly…. maybe even a little ashamed of it? of how much he feels? but geto doesn’t hide it at all. his love for you is almost overwhelming because he’s just so intense about it. promises you the world and is willing to give it to you….. that’s the kinda guy he is. at his core he’s always always always fought on the side of those he loves, so sincerely that he breaks completely when he realizes that being a sorcerer means watching those loved ones die for the sake of people he doesn’t even know. geto would devour the world for you.
but !!! i do also think that he’s suchhh a softie :c which might seem a bit out of place after i just said his devotion is overwhelming LMAO but. he just has that contrast!! it’s easy to think that romances w him would be angsty, but imo that’s only true if his s/o isn’t on his side... if you are then he turns into the softest man on the planet. he wants so badly to be a good partner. even if he doesn’t think he could ever be a good man… and even though his devotion is overwhelming i think the fact that he’s open w it kinda makes him… mellow out? that depends on how much you feed into it though….
but yeah i truly do think cult leader geto takes on the caretaker role more than any other sugu :3 he’s the Mother ever. absolutely feeds you soup and tends to you!!! he wants you to depend on him so bad :((( he wants to be yours… wants you to be his… wants to be the most important person in your life. but it comes from a place of love that’s so dangerously soft it would give most people whiplash lmao (cue his followers watching him lull you to sleep on his lap during an important meeting only to be met with a warning glance when they stare at you for a little too long <33 yeah…)
………. i got carried away PSHFKDJJD 😭😭😭 as you can see i’m Normal abt cult leader geto he’s my mommy meowmeow ever. in conclusion!!! i agree w you wholeheartedly 🐟 anon !!!!
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