#they’re the same age here
smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 14- water inhalation
I don’t like this one. Like, I like some parts of it but overall how it was written I don’t like. Oh well. It’s not meant to be perfect lol. It is obvious that I’m getting burnt out with all this writing?
Anyways, warning for water inhalation, nearly drowning, a frickin water monster, and yeah.
The water was dark and cold as Sky swam through it, clenching his teeth around the water dragon’s scale for dear life. The lake he, Warriors, and Twilight were near needed to be investigated in order to find a kidnapped zora, and Twilight was the only one with zora armor. Sky had his dragon scale, but Warriors didn’t trust how it ran out of air until he broke the surface or ran into a bubble. Since they had to go into deeper waters, where bubbles were not promised, Sky supposed it made some sense. But he hated having Twilight go on his own. It wasn’t that he doubted Twilight’s ability, his zora armor seemed very dependable in water, but the way Twilight eyed the water nervously made Sky nervous for him.
“I’ll be back with the missing zora in no time,” Twilight reassured, mostly to himself. “It shouldn’t take that long.”
“Are you sure you’re good to go on your own?” Sky asked. “I know that it’s not armor but my scale has worked before…”
“Sky you were in shallower water, this is deep water. Anything could happen,” Warriors said, and Sky frowned.
“Shallow water isn’t that safe compared to deep water,” he mumbled.
“Well I’ll be fine,” Twilight said. “It’s not the first time I’ve been in deep water. I’ll be back soon, hopefully.”
Sky sighed and watched as he put up his mask and disappeared into the water. Sky and Warriors waited, and waited, and waited until Sky couldn’t wait any longer. It had been hours since Twilight dove into the water, and fear for his friend overwhelmed him. If Twilight was in danger, how would they know? If he drowned, how would they know? Being in water was dangerous, and despite Warrior’s protests, Sky took off his clothes and jumped into the water, with his trusty dragon scale hanging in his mouth.
Sky didn’t know how long he had been swimming. There weren’t a lot of obstacles, and it was overall an easy swim, but it was dark enough and deep enough to make Sky uncomfortable. Thankfully, there were plenty of air bubbles for Sky to use to fill up the air in his scale, so he didn’t worry about running out like he thought he would. So he hoped that finding Twi would be a simple task for him.
Sky stopped by a big rock and gave his arms a moment to rest. He’s been swimming for a while, the pressure of being so deep was hurting his ears, and he could feel his hands begin to get all pruny. But there was no sign of Twilight, so he knew he needed to keep going. Sky eventually found himself in a strange underwater cave, or at least, he thought it was a cave. Nothing about it looked natural, in fact, it looked like a castle that was underwater, rotting away from years of neglect. Sky knew that this was where the zora was being held, and that this was where Twilight was.
When he entered the weird cave-palace, he was relieved at the different glowing algae lighting up the place. He didn’t know how any of it worked, but it helped him see where he was going, so he decided not to think about it. When he entered a more slim hallway however, he noticed that it wasn’t as lit up as the rest of the palace, and it seemed to have been a lot cleaner. That was odd…
“Excuse me.”
Sky flinched and swam away until his back hit a wall. He groaned in pain and looked around. Did he imagine that voice? Is he losing his mind?
“I’m sorry to scare you, turn around.”
Sky spun around and saw— what he assumed was — a zora. He looked at her in surprise, he was expecting the zora to look more like the parella, but seeing this one, they were nothing alike. The zora was in a cage of some sorts, only able to peak out of a small opening on the top.
“Are you a friend of that Hylian?” She asked, and Sky nodded, assuming that she was talking about Twilight. “I thought so. He was here, trying to help me. But when he found a key to open this cage, a monster with tentacles grabbed him! I don’t know where he is, I’m so worried about him.”
Sky felt his heart drop. So Twilight was in danger, and was attacked by some monster that Sky knew nothing about. Just great. Sky had fought Tentalus before, so a tentacled monster didn’t frighten him, but he fought the monster above water, not in water. The idea of fighting something as big as Tentalus in the water scared him.
“I think I may know where the creature took him,” the zora started, “I think the key he had before he was grabbed is around here somewhere. If you get me out, I can help you save him.”
Sky nodded and immediately looked at the ground below him. Lo and behold, he found a big key in the corner. He grabbed it and unlocked the cage, allowing the zora to leave her prison.
“Follow me!” She said before swimming out of the hallway. Sky struggled to follow her, she was definitely built for water, and many times she had to stop and wait for Sky to catch up. His arms and legs were burning, and his throat was painfully dry. Sky just had to make sure that he didn’t cough, or else he’d inhale a bunch of water. He already did that before, and the pneumonia he got from it was not fun. Finally, he and the zora reached an open area, and Sky couldn’t hold back the gasp when he saw a big creature with tentacles jutting out all over its body. Sky narrowed his burning eyes and saw that one of the tentacles was wrapped around something.
Sky felt fear burst through his chest, not knowing if Twilight was conscious, unconscious, or worse. He turned to the zora and gestured for her to stay.
“You want me to stay?” She asked.
Sky nodded.
“Alright, be very careful.”
Sky nodded again and swam as fast as he could to Twilight, but also as quietly as he could. The monster wasn’t moving, so he assumed that it was asleep, and he did not want to wake it up. Sky carefully went up the tentacle that held Twilight, and he felt relief when he saw the mask on his face, meaning (he hoped) that he was still getting air. But his relief quickly melted away when he noticed that Twilight was unconscious. He went up to his and cupped his face in his hands.
Twilight, please open your eyes, he thought to himself, wishing he could say it. Twilight made a strained face, and his eyes began to open. Sky’s fear quickly disappeared when he saw Twilight’s pale blue eyes looking back at him in shock. Sky smiled, then began to observe the situation. Twilight was unable to move in the tentacle he was trapped in. His legs were free, but his arms were trapped, pinning them to his sides. Sky watched Twi try to struggle, but the monster’s tentacles were too strong. Sky dove down deeper, observing the tentacles. He didn’t want to wake up the monster, but he had to get the tentacles to let him go. Sky gently stroked the tentacle, and it squirmed a bit. Sky panicked, but he saw that Twilight was able to get an arm free, and the monster stayed dormant. Sky and Twi made eye contact and they both nodded. Sky continued to pet the tentacles, feeling nauseous at how slimy they were. They squirmed, and Twi was able to get his other free. Sky smiled at Twilight, until an ear piercing screech rang out, shaking the whole building. Sky looked behind him and saw the zora he rescued swimming out in the middle, smiling maliciously at Sky. The zora suddenly melted into strange goop, the stuff floating in the water, and realization hit Sky. Was this a trap set by the puppeteer? Anger boiled in Sky’s chest, but the situation returned to him when there was quick movement besides him. The monster holding Twi stirred, and Sky watched the rancher struggle as the tentacles tightened around his waist. Twilight yelped as he was then dragged through the water, along with the rest of the monster that began to circle around Sky.
Panic surged through Sky when he saw the round mouth full of pointy teeth snarl at him. This thing was not Tentalus. Sky didn’t even know where to begin on fighting it. A tentacle almost hit Sky in the head, and he dove down to get lower, feeling the air beginning to thin out. He looked around for different air bubbles, then at Twilight, who was struggling against the tentacle that continued to squeeze.
Fighting was out of the question. He needed to get this thing to let go of Twilight, then they could escape. Saving a zora was out of the question since the zora was a fake, so all he had to focus on was Twi. An air bubble appeared in front of Sky, and he quickly grabbed it, filling the scale with air again. He eyed the tentacle holding Twi, and tore through the water, dashing as hard as he could into the tentacle. The creature shrieked, tentacles whipping around sporadically. Sky dodged them and rammed into the tentacle again, and again, and again. Sky looked up and saw that Twi was slipping free. Determination flew through Sky and he rammed into the tentacle again, ignoring how the air was beginning to run out. Twi miraculously slipped free from the tentacles, and Sky felt relieved. Now they could finally get out of here. But before Sky could try to swim away, a tentacle slammed into him, and he crashed into the wall. The dragon scale popped out of his mouth, and he involuntarily swallowed water. Sky felt his heart spike as he realized that he had no air, and no way to get air unless he broke the surface. Twilight dove for Sky, grabbing and dragging him through the water. The tentacles made a hole in the wall, and Twilight kicked his legs as hard as he could, dragging Sky through the hole. The monster roared as the two heroes fled, debris from the sunken castle threatening to crush them, but Twi dodged it all, swimming surprisingly fast for dragging Sky.
The hero of skies tried to avoid unnecessary movement, knowing that if he stayed still, then he would be able to preserve oxygen. But he couldn’t help but try to ease the strain that Twi was going through. Sky looked up at the surface, desperation for air clawing at his burning lungs, and he kicked his legs a little more frantically. Twi looked down at him in worry, trying to go faster, but darkness was already entering Sky’s vision. Bubbles escaped his mouth as it became unbearable, but all Sky could do was to kick helplessly. Finally, unconsciousness overcame him, and for a moment, all Sky could feel was peace.
When Sky opened his eyes, all he could see was darkness.
Where am I? He thought to himself, trying to move his hand to his aching head, but he felt impossibly heavy. It felt as if all energy was sapped right out of him, and he almost wanted to go back to sleep, but something kept him from doing so.
Am I dead? Was his first thought. He didn’t know why it came to mind, but he tried to remember all that happened before. He had to save Twi, there was a monster, they were in water… did he drown? Sky groaned as he tried to sit up, but he had no strength, and a sudden cough assaulted him.
Sky opened his eyes and was surprised to see Warriors sitting over him. Panic surged through Sky. Did he dream the whole thing? No, no that’s ridiculous he couldn’t have.
“Sky? Are you ok?”
“Wh—where’s Twi?” He croaked, his voice sounding like it hadn’t been used in weeks.
Warriors looked to his side, and Sky noticed Twi curled up and asleep. Relief swept through Sky and he laid back down. So it definitely wasn’t a dream.
“I was worried when Twi came up with you unconscious. Luckily you turned out fine.”
Sky gave a small smile.
“Twi was worried too. He would’ve stayed up with me but… well he’s hurt pretty badly, he needed the rest.”
Sky’s smile melted into a frown.
“How badly?” He asked.
“I think he may have a cracked rib, and his arms are badly bruised,” Warriors explained.
From the tentacles I presume, Sky thought to himself. “Is he ok?”
“Much better than you. How are you feeling?”
“Bleh,” was all Sky was able to say, and Warriors chuckled. “The stupid puppeteer faked the zora kidnapping story.”
“So I’ve heard. He’s done nothing but cause trouble for us, he almost killed you and Twi. But you’re awake now, so we should be fine.
The hero of skies stared ahead. He was awake now, but he learned from experience that almost drowning can do a lot to you. When he had to find the tadpoles for Faron’s challenge to prove that he was the hero, he ended up drowning. If not for Groose who launched himself to the flooded woods, he would’ve probably been dead. And if not for his knowledge of pneumonia, he would’ve died a lot later. Sky groaned. Having to lay in bed while dealing with pneumonia was awful, he didn’t want to experience that again. But unfortunately, the feeling in his lungs and body said otherwise.
“Wait, Warriors,” Sky called out, almost coughing right then and there. Warriors looked at him earnestly. “Do you… do you know anything about pneumonia?”
Warriors frowned, but realization hit his face. “Oh, yes I do, are you ok?”
“I don’t know but, I might have that….”
Warriors rested his hand on Sky’s shoulder. “It’s ok, you boys did the hard work, now let me take care of you.”
Sky smiled and put his hand on top of Warriors with a nod.
“Thanks commander,” he said, before drifting off again.
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carnalhaus · 6 months
stat and sledge dynamic at all times is kinda like when ur dad is yelling at you at the kitchen table while trying to help you with math and you’re crying
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shima-draws · 2 years
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peachcitt · 1 year
every eye exam ive ever been to has been the most embarrassing moment of my life. i have this thing where i believe everything im doing is wrong the moment i walk in despite going to eye appointments consistently since 8 years old. what do you mean you changed the slide to just one letter whose gargantuan width fills the whole screen after i hesitantly read a single letter from a list of three huge letters on the screen. <- he means i can’t see. (i still couldn’t read the gargantuan letter)
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sappy-detective · 8 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
btw funniest option for reverseverse archangel siblings is that lucifer & michael are the twowith the dead mom killed by a demon, and gabriel and raphael are accidents that happened along the way that chuck kidnapped
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cosmo-clown · 2 years
UTMV hogwarts au because i said so
credit to @reisgeis for the coolest fucking dnd/au experience ever this was so fun to think abt!!
everyone i drew is a student except error who is the face of ravenclaw
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blueprint actually wrote hogwarts btw jk rowling stole his idea
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goldensunset · 2 years
at this point i’m thinking brain will be in kh4
•maybe it’s just additional promotion for missing link since other ml tidbits have been coming out around this time but it seems strange that nomura would choose him to represent the kh series in that new little drawing. out of every other main character? the point of the drawing seems to be celebrating anniversaries. and guess who was there in kh’s 20th anniversary showcase video earlier this year. my boy brain. and guess what else was in that video. kh4. i mean kh4 was like the highlight of it all y’know? idk it’s just an interesting character choice in the art to me
•with the narrator for both the missing link and kh4 reveal trailers being the same mysterious guy, sigurd, it seems there’s a significant connection between the two games. if sigurd can travel from scala in that era to quadratum so can brain. (side note: iirc nomura said something about how even though those voices are the same guy he was given different voice direction for those two scenarios) and they know each other obviously. neat stuff
•eraqus in dark road said he doesnt exactly know what happened to his grandfather. so think brain never actually died i think he got sent to quadratum. (side note: if this is the case brain must be a grown adult when this happens, cuz otherwise how could he have had kids there in scala already. so if brain was in a later game like kh4 unless more time/aging shenanigans happen then we might get to see a genuine and good adult original character in kh)
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tea-cat-arts · 2 years
What do you mean “if I have an AU I want to make comics for, I actually have to make the designs and draw the comics???” Why can’t I just magically manifest them into existence??? Anyways, here’s some KevinSu fam and MobiKlein fam designs and concepts for a “Flame Chasers + whoever else is convenient for me get reborn into Genshin and slowly regain their memories from Honkai” AU
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Mobius and Klein were Tanit scholars/doctors
(OG Klein is the one on the far left btw. I know I changed a lot of her design elements and I’m not sure how clear that is, so I’m just specifying here. Also, it’s on the side of her belt so idk how well y’all can see it, but she has a hydro vision)
They left the tribe pretty early on (if you’ve played that quest™️, you know why. If you don’t, I’m not gonna spoil it here)
They also left so Mobi could investigate the withering and see if it might have any connections to the Honkai/ see if there was any chance of the Honkai leaking into Teyvat
Klein never got her Honkai memories back, but she still fell in love with Mobi anyways and they’re still lab partners. Mobi got her memories back fairly early on
Klein got Eleazar, so they decided to move from the desert to Sumeru city to seek better medical treatment
She’s fine now and made it through the end of the arcon quest, so she got cured 👍
Mobi is a professor at the academia
Her students are terrified of her
So usual Mobius shenanigans
Being a professor also put her in a position where she’s closer to Irminsul, so she’s content with the situation
The matra know damn well she’s continuing her artificial life experiments, but they can’t prove shit so she’s in the clear
Alhaitham was the first successful clone baby she made, Klein jr was the second
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The thing Elysia did to Su’s arm stuck through the reincarnation, so Su got his memories back very early on
He grew up on the same block as Fu Hua over in Liyue harbor, but she didn’t get her memories back until her late teens
Su grew up hearing a lot of stories about the chasm, and he was worried that it might have something to do with the Honkai
But he didn’t actually have the clearance to investigate that, so had to go to Sumeru Academia to get the research clearance only to find out about Eleazar and the Withering and get significantly more anxious
Imagine his face after being told he has to go through med school again lmao (at least there’s legitimately different illnesses and treatments in Teyvat, so he does have something new to learn)
Anyways, he ran into Mobi and Kevin at the Academia
Kevin grew up in Mondstad and got his memories back in his early 20s. He moved to Sumeru city because he thought it’d be the place with highest chance of him running into someone he knows so that they can explain wtf is going on
Kevin and Su got married somewhere along the way I guess, but that’s not important right now
Anyways, Mobius basically stole their genes off their clothes or something so she wouldn’t have to use any of Klein’s in the prototypes for her experiments
Alhaitham was the first successful artificial life she made and she just sorta handed him off to Kevin and Su and they both sorta just “aight, guess we have a kid now”
Mobius still got to be his grandma though and watched him a lot while Kevin and Su (well, Su mostly. Kevin was there more as a bodyguard) were off doing research in the chasm (which is why Alhaitham is the way he is)
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Figuring out timelines and such and realizing that the way I have things planned right now Blue is- at the oldest- about 20 in Over My Head. Youngest they’re 17.
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I dont want to eat your art, i want to take a big bite out of its shoulders. 11/10
Ajdhdgdjsahhsdudrfdf thank you!!!!
Still don’t know how to respond to these things so here’s a sketch of an older touka from an aged-up hospital trio thing I’ve been thinking about!
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sexlapis · 4 months
what if it was professor reader x student nanami….english literature at that…nanami decides to give up his crappy corporate job and do an english lit degree and becomes infatuated with reader…
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dreamertrilogys · 1 year
trying (and failing) to convince my parents to let me take the train into the city on my own
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it’s been awhile since I’ve posted much(I blame you wacky internet) but I got so much in store but I’m starting with my hcs (which are technically canon in my sudrianverse au) gender-fluid Atlas (alternate design baby!) and Bi-gender Duke (his design being mainly be inspired by Glowynviator on Twitter and that’s it’s never to late to go on a journey of self-discovery and figuring out who you are 👋🏿✨👏🏿👍🏳️‍🌈Happy PRIDE YALL !!❤️🧡💛💚💙
#ttte#ttte atlas#duke the lost engine#ttte duke#ttte humanized#humanized#ttte humanisation#humanisation#humanization#they’re in a queerplatonic relationship the duke hc came from the awdry notes I’ve seen on here and I loved it and atlas is talking to rust#cause I can’t really see or read them as being in a romantic relationship I kinda saw them as being on the aro ace spectrum#but they totally have a close relationship from every series I watched them interacted cause in my au atlas was the second one to join#the msr so they’re around the same age as duke maybe a few years younger but like duke followed atlas grudge against Duncan and immediately#was the second to realize their behavior after atlas’s realization which I know fits theirpersonality but the fact they simultaneously#agreed cause my heart kinda eehhh and they’re been pranked so much and both seeone another in a good light#old peepaws(term neutral) who loved each other very much(platonically) I know this doesn’t seem very Duke but it was just too good to pass#atlas being gender-fluid kinda e came from the mine engine being different in every au and I thought that was cool and atlas is a gn name#my art#my art lol#my art sketch#my art <3#my art stuff#my art hehe#Duke is surrounded by atlas’s gifts cause atlas gifts his friends precious rocks and gems Duke keeps them safe#Also I keep thinking of a kyle duke scenario where duke goes to him cause of Kyle’s relationship with stanley and running gag of folks#forgetting that kyle died near the end of ww1 he ain’t an 1000 year old god
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
What is going onnnn
#logged onto fb today as you do when you enjoy wasting your time#and uh. my brother changed his profile picture. and my other brother LIKED IT#THESE MEN DO NOT KNOW EACH OTHER. the first brother; i have known he existed my entire life#he is my dad’s son from his second marriage. i am from his fourth. which is fine#the second brother; i found out he existed in july#dna website told me he was my uncle but i was like ‘that literally cannot physically be possible’#my dad’s parents were well into their fifties in 1966 and my mom’s parents would not have had a son in 1966 and adopted him out#like what would have been the point. my uncle was already born then and my mom was born a year later#if they’d had a child between those two they simply would’ve kept him#also i looked up this man and was like ‘he looks exactly like my dad in the face’ so that was when i was like. i think i know what happened#here. i think my dad aged 23 cheated on his second wife and did not know that this fling produced a child#so yeah i’ve communicated with my second brother. but i guess he decided to go looking for further answers and added my first brother#which i completely understand because i am a useless person tbh. i’m bad at communicating and i don’t have a lot of information for anybody#like my first brother had our dad for 39 years. i had him for 11. i also don’t have the easiest time talking about him because it was a#traumatic loss for me. so.#like i said i don’t know what they’re talking about if anything. i don’t know if my first brother even knows who this man is. he accepted#the friend request? but that doesn’t mean a lot. maybe they found each other on a different dna site#that would be really funny actually#i hope they’re getting along. i mean they probably are. they’re the same age and actually have some similar interests weirdly#i mean one is into heavy metal and the other is into historical reenactments but they both like dogs and fantasy novels#my dad’s dna must have so much fucking information in it. it was literally like ‘okay all of this man’s descendants are going to be 6’+#even the women; with dark hair; dark eyes; round faces; and they are going to spend all their downtime reading books and drinking tea#and have an inexplicable knack for training dogs’#it’s WEIRD. it’s so fucking weird that he had four kids and the two he didn’t even raise STILL fit into this mould#personal
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flowersandbess · 1 year
Thinking of writing a fic between Tom and Greg to raise awareness of what’s happening with Reddit and their absolutely absurd treatment of third party apps
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