#they’re weird your honor
hallwyeoo · 2 years
Something about Luo Binghe being starved, desperate, clawing for love and affection and Shen Qingqiu just being there, soft and calm and quiet, cradling his cheek and whispering reassurances despite seeing the raw hunger for more. Shen Qingqiu offering up everything he is to Luo Binghe like it’s easy, like it’s the natural way of things. Luo Binghe being terrified to accept it and terrified to lose it at the same time.
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
What was it like the first time Twig or Ark referred to each other as Mother/Dad when talking to Opal? Was it awkward or were they comfortable enough that it was natural?
It was completely comfortable, at least at first, because they initially only referred to each other that way when they were alone with Opal and the other was away. They both had a small heart attack after Opal started talking and finally connected the dots as to who Mother and Dad were akin to how she realized Dusknoir was Grandpa.
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Neither of them noticed that Opal had referred to them by a parental term because they were too panicked by Opal blabbing their secret in front of their crush.
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scribbiesan · 10 months
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Behold! My stuff!
Was in a Minecraft mood, so I went and did the Steve and Herobrine.
I sometimes see folks draw Brine as either the exact same as Steve, just with white eyes, or as much bigger and more buff looking. I’ve come across some who draw Brine as more slight, or less beefy than Steve (who canonically punches down trees), but it wasn’t enough for me. So MY dumbass made Steve built like a brick house, and Herobrine as some short twink of a gremlin.
They’re best friends, Your Honor.
They also fuck, but I can’t show that. Yet
Anyway, i hope y’all enjoy. I had fun making this one, and I’ve been able to get a portable drawing tablet, so I can do more doodles on the go, instead of having to wait until i get home.
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merakiui · 9 months
me trying to explain jade and reader’s dynamic in tmdg:
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Zack who absolutely loves wearing Cloud’s marks. Takes absolute pride in knowing he’s in a relationship with him and that he chose to be with him.
They’re SOLDIER’s so of course they’re gonna leave a few marks here and there through the relationship. Losing hold of their tightly controlled strength in the heat of the moment or digging in a touch too hard when something catches them off guard. They’re sturdy though, they can handle the little bite of pain.
But Zack goes out of his way to wear the baggiest shirts/singlets he can manage just so he can show off the marks on his neck and collarbone. Finds any excuse he logically can to take his shirt off to showcase the scratches along his back and the bruises along his chest or arms.
Their friends make fun of him for it but he just beams all the brighter, smiling with so much affection and love that it’s almost sickening to see. Cloud gets so wildly embarrassed but he can’t help the touch of pride and fondness of his own. Happy that Zack isn’t embarrassed about the marks and by extension him.
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spw-art · 1 year
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if “unnatural” why cute 🤨
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cheddertm · 1 year
Have you guys seen where Foolish and Vegetta trade pants?????
Now you have <3
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rainydaysie · 9 months
Steeplechase old man yaoi doodle dump
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bonus; what if we kissed under the ephemera dragon
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leoleolovesdc · 11 months
Ppl are always “oh, Harley is like a younger sister to Bruce” and I’m like, “have you ever considered the fact that she’s like his older sister?”
Fr, Harley being older than Batman is such a mood, I love that “crazy older sister and grumpy younger brother” dynamic for them.
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mothmanwarble · 2 years
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something really minor that i think about often is how in trap team, when kaos puts his hand on flynn’s shoulder, he immediately flinches in disgust before brushing kaos’ hand off because he just hates this guy So Much and just having this guy stand next to him is enough to make him uncomfortable. but then in superchargers, flynn just scoops kaos up and pulls him into the biggest most spine-crushing hug he’s ever experienced (and will likely ever experience). he hugs him and calls him buddy and he smiles so brightly and it’s such a far cry from that single minor interaction in trap team and it’s so silly and it’s so sweet and it makes me smile.
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thefanciestborrower · 2 years
Whoop here you go everyone, take this short unedited stream of conscious of Ben and James just being silly. It’s fluffy, it’s stupid, and I wrote it at 1:30am so have fun
“Come on James, please?” 
James groaned to himself, narrowing his eyes at the human flopped over the edge of his bed. Ben might have been his best friend and boyfriend, but right now he was really testing his patience. 
“Why, it’s not my fault you didn’t study.” He stretched his leg out to kick Ben off the bed, smirking a little at the resulting shriek and stream of swearing that stemmed from his boyfriend as he fell to the ground with a thump. A moment later a small hand gripped the corner of his sheets and Ben’s disgruntled face made an appearance. He huffed, hauling himself back up onto the bed with some effort and glaring at James the entire time. 
“But you still gotta help!” Ben all but whined. “I didn’t think I needed to study when I was literally dating a giant, but nooooo. You’d rather leave me to suffer and die.” 
Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s dumb antics James reached over and grabbed the back of Ben’s shirt, dragging him up towards the middle of his bed like a cat grabbing a kitten. “Alright alright, cut it with the theatrics. I’ll help. But on ONE condition.” He added, seeing the triumphant look in Ben’s eyes. “You actually have to study this time. No falling asleep and forgetting like you tend to do, alright?”
Ben’s rapid nodding earned another eye roll from James, but the mini giant grabbed him all the same. Positioning Ben’s hands in his own after making double sure Ben had grabbed his phone and turned the camera on, James opened his mouth and slid them inside, phone and all. As much as he hated having to do this because apparently Ben decided not to study, he couldn’t deny how good the human tasted. He was like roast chicken almost, with just a hint of spice. In any case it was a delicious flavor and James blushed as he felt drool beginning to run down his chin. And if the giggling coming from his current meal was anything to go on, his enjoyment was certainly not going unnoticed. 
Gulping strongly he pushed Ben’s head into his mouth and swallowed again, not willing to put up with any more teasing than he had to. No no, this was for educational purposes because SOMEONE conveniently forgot to study. He shouldn’t be enjoying himself, he should be teaching Ben a lesson. Still, that didn’t mean he could just ignore how good it felt to be eating someone either. And, well to be fair it was a known fact that giants enjoyed the taste of human, so maybe observing that could count for studying as well? In any case, he still was in a hurry to get Ben down and out of the way so he could get back to doing homework. 
One strong swallow later and more of the human slid into his mouth. His ribcage snapped and popped as it dislocated to allow his large meal passage, and while it sounded like it should be terribly painful, James simply shifted in place to get more comfortable. It didn’t hurt at all. Ben’s little hands were poking around inside his stomach now so he decided it was as about time he finished this. It didn’t take long to shove the rest of Ben’s lanky body down his throat and his stomach stretched easily around his living meal. Despite how easy it was to forget sometimes, giants really were made to eat humans. One last gulp and James reclined back in his bed, panting a little as his stomach swelled and wiggled under his hands. 
“Alright Ben,” James hiccuped, poking at his belly, “tell me you at least got a good video this time.” 
There was a sharp little movement from inside as Ben worked to do something with his phone, and a dark red flash appeared through James’s belly for a second before Ben called up. “Yep! All good here!” 
James rolled his eyes. “I swear if you just took a selfie-“
“What! It’s for educational purposes! And besides you know Prof loves it when I can get real internal pics for our presentations.” Ben argued, kicking the wall and throwing James off balance for a second. “Don’t worry though I really did get a good vid and I’ll label it in a second.” 
“Alright well, while you work on that how about it I break out the flash cards.”
Ben stiffened before letting out the most pitiful groan James had ever heard. “What? Already? Aw come on I just got here! We can wait a second before we start studying right? Just so I can get settled first you know?” 
James shook his head, leaning over to retrieve the cards from his bag slouched against the bed. “No! Last time I let you get settled you passed out and got absolutely nothing done at all. Now, first question.” 
Ben groaned dramatically as James began reading off the cards, but in the end he finally began to cooperate. Studying like this had been his idea after all, and besides, he really did need to pass this test. 
The more questions James read the more he realized Ben might have actually studied more than he let on and the whole pretense was just an excuse to get himself eaten, but that was alright. Excuses or no, he really did enjoy having his boyfriend inside. It was shaping up to be a long night, but it was okay. Long as they had each other, neither of them minded. 
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kakashi while glancing desperately towards team seven hiding behind a tree: hey gai i um noticed you’ve gotten really “swole” lately you look uhh “swag” as hell
gai while looking at his team hiding behind a rock: thank you kakashi! i’ve also noticed that you have great “emo vibes” and that you do a great job maintaining your “loner aesthetic”
gai: what does swole mean??
kakashi: what are emo vibes??
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jaguarthecat · 2 years
So, in the "Three Facts" tag game, you mentioned that Cat & her hubbs have a "singing soulbond". This is such a cool idea <3
Does it only work with singing? Or does it include emotions as well? Are they both very musically inclined generally? How did they get it - is it a divine gift or is their love just that strong?
Please ramble! I would love to hear all about it, plx&thx <3
OKAY SO EVERYONE’S GETTING THE ENTIRE STORY, but first to answer these specific questions!
Q. Does it only work with singing?
A. Yeah that’s it, and for some reason it can only be actual songs. Making up a song on the fly with personal info like “🎵 hey my name is Cat and I live on this specific world come find me 🎶” doesn’t work. The thing about this singing soulbond is once both members are 21, *then* you can hear each other.
Q. Does it include emotions?
A. Only after they’ve soul marked each other. They’ve got the singing bond AND a soul marking bond, how lucky are they?
Q. Are they both very musically inclined?
A. Cat? Heck yeah! T? He can barely carry a tune. His voice is just flat, when he sings it mostly sounds like he’s saying the lyrics instead of singing, but with Cat’s help he’s gotten a bit better at it!
Q. How did they get it?
A. In my story there’s a world called Cothamibar, and it’s a very magical place, people can travel between worlds, it’s very common to do. Everyone born on this continent has a specific soulbond for some reason, and it spans worlds. So your soulmate can live on another world and if you wanna find then you’ve gotta become a world hopper. And there are multiple other worlds that have soul bonds as well.
For instance, Jane is born on Cothamibar and has the name of her soulmate on her right wrist, and Josh on another world has her name on his wrist, and he might not even be aware of other worlds. Finding your soulmate is mostly a matter of luck, with over a million worlds out there and a lot of people inhabiting them. Some people dedicate their lives to trying to find their soulmate. Most fail.
So starting out, Cat adopted a dragon hybrid and is living in a big city, working at a club as a performer. She’s not on Cothamibar. Shes doing okay, stuck in the not so great part of town but it could be worse.
So one day T (I haven’t figured out a name for him yet) is going about his day with his family, doing his own thing, in another world that isn’t where Cat is or Cothamibar, when suddenly a woman’s voice pops up in his head. This isn’t a voice he’s used to! (Basically he’s got multiple soul bonds, for instance he can hear his brothers thoughts if they both focus hard enough) but she’s singing and he goes about his day listening to these songs and some of them are repeated, so he’s actually learning some of the lyrics, and then after a song the singing stops. Okay then. That’s odd.
Also I feel it’s important to note that the majority of his family has like the soulmark bonds, T and his brother are the only telepathic case (for right now hehe)
But anyways eventually at night he hears singing again, but it’s all lullabies, and T is an insomniac but somehow these songs are so good he manages to drift off to sleep and sleep through the entire night????
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But the days go by and it’s set to this schedule, for a few hours each day this voice sings pop songs, then it stops, then around 8 or so it’s all lullabies. He’s never been able to tell how long the lullabies last because somehow he’s asleep before then
(I feel the need to note that having a partner will not fix everything and that’s an unrealistic expectation but I myself have sleeping problems and I really want someone to sing me to sleep. But I digress)
Anyways fast forward a few weeks, T’s gotten used to it, but today there’s no singing?? This isn’t the norm and he’s confused. So he doesn’t really know what to do so when he’s by himself he starts to sing, one of the songs he’s learned to lyrics to and one of his favorites. And he’s not the best at singing, he’s pretty flat and can’t hit all the notes, but it’s enough to get the voice to start again. For a couple songs. Then that night there’s no lullaby so he can’t sleep and the next morning he’s grumpy
Everyone in the family has noticed his recent lifting mood, like he’s kind of humming around, he seems a little more well rested, so he comes down that day all grumpy and everybody’s like “hey man somethings wrong what’s upwhat’s up” and he goes “this voice in my head something is up” and everybody is like “hey Elaborate”
So this man has to explain that he’s been hearing a voice thing in his head and everybody’s like it might be a soul bond and he’s like it probably isn’t (but everyone here knows it is)
But that day things kind of return to what they were
T’s Dad likes to watch a TV station that Aires the performances in this club (because Cat is just That Good) and she’s singing, T’s hearing it but he’s outside so he’s coming into the living room and is suddenly like “hey why’s this voice louder” and he looks at the TV
It’s this lady with big ass wings and T kind of looks. And watches.
He goes outside to where he can’t hear the TV. He’s listening to her sing, he comes inside, and the sounds from the TV are blending in with the voice his head, and T is like One more test so he starts singing this song. And everyone looks absolutely gobsmacked because First of all T Doesn’t Sing, second of all how does he know the lyrics, but T’s not watching them he’s watching this lady and he notices her brighten a little bit and sing a little louder. And then he stops. and he notices her dim a little bit.
So he’s like “hey guys she’s the voice in my head” and half the family is like “oh so she probably is your soulmate!” and the other half is like “You’re Singing Something Is Wrong”
But anyways
Eventually they get their shit together, figure out which world this club is in, where it’s located, and they put together a landing party, including someone named Fiachra with the personality of that one girl from Komi Can’t Communicate who’s got a tendency to just wander off if she’s not watched.
So everyone gets there, Cat gets off her shift and takes Victoria (her dragon daughter) and they’re heading home through The mediocre part of the city, and back at the club, Faichra Gets lost and cat finds her
Cat: you okay hun?
F: i think I’m lost
C: do you know where you were headed?
F: [club name]
C: oh, what a coincidence, I work there! Would you like me to walk you there? This isn’t the best part of the city
F: uh yeah sure
So Cat, Fiachra, and Victoria go walking and have another convo like
C: so what brings you to the club?
F: oh my brother has a soulmate who works there and we’re trying to find her
C: oh that’s nice!
F: do you know your soulmate?
C: no, but I’m excited to find out who they are.
And they chat for a bit until they get to the club and the Fam’s like “OH GODS FIACHRA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN” and Fiachra’s like “I made some new friends! Meet Cat and Victoria!” And theyre standing there like “hey” and the entire family Flips and calls T over
And the entire conversation boiled down is T and Cat going “oh neat we are in fact soulmates” and Cat and Victoria being invited to live with T’s family and Cat, full of Mom Instinct (TM) goes “finally a chance to move my baby out the bad part of town” so they move in with them :)
There’s more to the story, like Cat and T’s soul marking each other, or what happens when something Drastic has happened to the other, or both of their backstories, or how Cat somehow single-handedly managed to reform the entire Cothambarian adoption system, or how Cat and T somehow ended up raising a god, but (for now) we’ll leave the two of them happily married and with Victoria
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vampstel · 2 years
I’m still kinda shy to post this RH edit I made so here’s close ups below the cut because -w-
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I love them, your honor <3
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anddreadful · 10 months
look. look. you have to honor what you want and what you feel you need, even if it’s cringey. you have to. if you don’t, if you ignore your weird animal desires and your petty hungers because you feel shame about them, or because they’re not practical, or they’re not what you “should” want, you starve your soul. and one day, you’ll meet people who don’t starve their souls, who give themselves the things you denied yourself and are happier than you for it, and it will hollow you out further with resentment and rage.
the good news is that it’s never too late to start. you can always ask yourself what you want, and maybe if what you want lives at the heart of your disdain. do you know what it feels like to have a well fed soul? would you like to?
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melrodrigo · 2 months
friends? - cairo sweet
Cairo Sweet x Reader
Summary: A new class leads to some heated feelings
Warnings: Finally wrote an enemies to lovers, they’re academic rivals ur honor, my writing, cairo being a meanie, quite an excessive use of italics
Word Count: 1k+
A/n: wanted to practice some, tell me what u think? do you want a part two?
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“Cairo Sweet.” You read aloud, scrolling down your class list for the next year. Winnie —your best friend since childhood—laughs quietly at the sound.
“Funny name.” She mumbles when you quirk an eyebrow at her.
There was no reason to think ‘Sweet’ was a weird surname; however, Winnie, at the moment, was high out of her mind, so you let it go.
“Jacob Weinstein, Sophie Bell, Anthony Smith—god I don’t know any of these people!” You whisper, the slightest bit of anxiety creeping in.
Your first day is tomorrow, and you’ve sworn to yourself not to check who is in your specific class, wanting to try to spontaneously make new friends.
The keyword was try, because god you were bad at small talk.
Even in her mellowed state, Winnie could tell the nerves were settling in. She reaches out and draws you towards her, sitting so you’re facing each other, only a finger away from completely pressing into one another.
She swirls the lollipop in her mouth around, angling your head to look her in the eyes.
“It’s gonna be fine. Don’t sweat it, please? It makes me sad to see your pretty face in distress.” She spoke evenly, making you feel like you had steady ground to walk on, helping you come back to earth. You let out a deep breath, one you didn’t know you were holding.
“You’ve got to stop flirting with anyone and anything that moves.” You tell her, lightheartedly. She had helped taken the edge off, for now.
Bless her heart, Winnie’s reassurance lasted about until she left for her own home, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the big lonely house you had to call home.
It takes a book, or maybe two, for your eyelids to flutter shut, comforted by the smell of old paper and the feeling of coarse parchment.
Walking to school is no different. You listen half-heartedly to whatever Winnie decides to babble about this specific morning, your mind elsewhere.
As you near the doors of your next class, Winnie gives you a quick wink.
“Good luck soldier.” She says, smiling an almost teasing smile.
The minute you push open the doors you’re taken by surprise. It was fairly early, and though you expected no one would be there yet, there was a girl sitting smack dab in the middle of the class. Her head rested on her hands, staring blankly at the chalkboard in front of her.
You walk up silently to the desk behind her, far enough so you weren’t in the first few rows, but close enough that you wouldn’t be sitting with all the slackers in the back.
You slip out a book, kick your feet up to rest on the wooden table, and relaxed slightly. She seemed to pay no mind to you, and didn’t seem to want to pay any mind to you.
After a few pages in, you realize you’ve been reading the same sentence over and over again, not quite comprehending the letters that now looked like a random jumble.
There was a sinking feeling starting in your stomach, as if something were twisting and screaming for your attention.
Table or chair, wind or sun—you couldn’t quite figure out what it was that was bothering you.
Your eyes wandered from the page to your surroundings, trying to pinpoint what it was.
You must’ve been making quite some noise, because the girl in front of you turns around, an obvious distaste on her face. The moment you lock eyes you feel it.
Ah, I know what it is now.
It seems almost silly to say, but you could swear, she was the root of your problems.
There was an almost inimical aura about her, the way she acts—the flick of her eyes, the slight clench in her jaw, her rigid robotic posture—was enough for you to cower.
Of course, you had never even talked to the girl, but you could tell all at once, you weren’t going to be good friends.
“Could you stop moving so much? It’s distracting me.” She tells you, in a manner too rude to be a real request.
Her eyes narrow when you don’t answer. You had elected instead to stare at her freckles, ones that littered her face. Not counting your current feelings for her, you couldn’t deny it, she was beautiful.
However, the way she was acting now was more than enough for you to be sure she was not someone friend-worthy, and you ignored her remark.
In a quiet retaliation, you wait till she titled her head back that you scratch the rug beneath you with the heels of your feet.
It creates a faint screeching sound. When the mysterious girl turns back once again, this time with fury in her eyes, you avert your eyes and look around the room, whistling.
You could tell you were pushing her buttons, but oh boy if it wasn’t just the most fun. If it weren’t for the sound of the door opening you’re positive she would’ve gotten up and confronted you.
In walked a short, scruffy, middle-aged white man whom you concluded must have been the teacher.
“I didn’t expect anyone to be in yet. Students aren’t usually thrilled to learn my class.” He said, sounding pleased with himself to have two new focused students.
“I’m quite excited to see how it’s going to go, I’ve never learned with a favorite author of mine.” The girl spoke, this time with no venom in her voice.
The professor let out a strangled sort of squeak, obviously caught off guard.
Great. She’s also a suck-up.
“Well, i’ll be damned. I’ve never met someone that’s read my book— other than my wife. Although I’m not sure if she even read the whole thing.” He said, failing to hide the excitement and disbelief he was surely feeling.
“I thought it was amazing commentary on modern marriages and love through difficult times.” She said, the light from outside lighting her hair up a lighter shade of brown.
Blah, blah, blah. Someone save me.
As if hearing your prayers, another student entered the room, effectively cutting off that godforsaken conversation. More pupils start filling up the class, and even though you can tell the professor wants to keep talking to the brunette, he steps up to the small platform.
“Good morning class, my name is Mr. Miller, and I’ll be teaching you english literature.” He announces, voice full. You can tell he’d practiced this beforehand.
Your plan to make friends, to both your joy and dismay, get crushed almost immediately. There are no group activities or opportunities to even speak to the other people in the class, all attention directed to the front while Mr. Miller scrabbles on the chalkboard.
The brunette’s name, you learn, is Cairo. She manages to be the first person to raise her hand, to challenge Mr.Miller, to question almost every single thing on the board.
And even though that nagging feeling you felt when you first saw her is gone, you let yourself dissociate and simply stare at the girl. If the class was going to be boring, it wouldn’t hurt to have some eye candy, would it?
“Now, who can tell me exactly why Orwell chose to use these sets of words? What do they give to the overall tone of the book, umm-y/n?” Mr.Miller called, looking from his list of students.
You stir in your chair uncomfortably; you have not been listening to him. The air had turned very cold; your heart picking up its pace.
“I don’t know.” You mumble after a while of every face turned your way, impatience in their gaze. You shrink into your seat.
You hear a little scoff from ahead of you, coming from none other than Cairo Sweet.
You bite back an insult, and try to ignore the disappointed murmur that comes out of Mr.Miller.
Before you know it the hour is gone, and the sound of books stacking against one another breaks you out your daze.
Winnie’s waiting for you outside the door, quite creepily, you tell her as you walk together to your next class; a subject that you both have.
“So, how was it?” She nudges you lightly, smiling expectedly.
You flash her a tight lipped smile, then let it drop when you know she’d be able to see right through you.
You grip her arm and lean in closer, checking around you.
“There was this one girl, she was horrible!” You whisper, a new spark of energy flowing through you at the prospect of telling Winnie about it.
“She was the BIGGEST teachers pet, and she said something so rude to me before class, so like we were sitting and…” You continue to recount the story, trying your hardest to recreate Cairo’s glare.
When you get done, you turn to Winnie, waiting for her to join in on your gossiping.
“So am I going to witness an enemies to lovers type of thing right in front of me?” She sighs, exasperated.
You’re so shocked you don’t follow her into the class, stood rooted to the spot at the door.
“Wait, what?”
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