#they're insane and i think they should get even more insane around each other
elitehoe · 1 year
Don't let anything distract you from the fact Kenny's got stretch marks from ancient dick stretching techniques which Hangman has seen
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pastel-peach-writes · 4 months
Hello! I adore your writing. Can I request a fic with female arcane characters when they have a touch starved gf? (Definitely asking for a friend ahah 😅)
RAHHH. ARCANE LADIES LETS GOOO. tbh, im not that in tune with Mel and Sevika as characters so they may be OOC. Thanks for requesting!
Arcane Ladies w/A Touch-Starved Reader | Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, and Sevika with a touch-starved lover and/or discovering said trait.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Lower Case Intended (Kinda?), Suggestive Themes (Mel/Sevika), Not Proofread, Short
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
JINX ᝰ๋࣭𝜗᭡
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- In a romantic setting (or really any setting), Jinx is touch-starved herself.
- when taking hostages or messing with those in her way, she will often touch them such as stroking her nail along their jawline or grabbing their chin when they're hurt and on their last limb.
- now she does this not because she's a bit insane and wants to add salt to their wounds but because she's curious. "What would this feel like?" "What would happen if I do this?"
- Much like most things in her life, curiosity is the main thing that gets her into trouble
- in terms of touching, you're not exempt from her touching curiosity.
- she'll drag her nails along your spine. cup your cheek and chin, and squeeze you like the baby you are to her.
- it's not until you linger after a hug that she notices your touch-starved like her
– since that moment, she made a mental note to cuddle you, kiss you, or poke at you more
– even if you tell her to stop annoying you or that she should focus on her work and not mess with you, she'll continue to poke and hold you.
– why? well because you're smiling through your complaints and she can't get over that smile you try to hide when you let yourself melt in her touch
VI メ
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– much like her sister, Vi is touch-starved herself.
– y'all saw how she acted with Caitlyn and when she reunited with Jinx. She was all OVER them. With you, she's the exact same
– With her, you're more reluctant with touch. You want to hug her, cuddle with her, cling onto her like the clingy thing you are but you're scared to.
– you didn't grow up in an environment where that was normalized so it was out of your comfort zone to go out and cling to someone.
– in the beginning of your relationship, Vi was touchy until she noticed you weren't super comfortable with it.
– when she noticed, she had a discussion with you. – "Hey, are you comfortable with me hugging you 'n stuff? I noticed you get kinda tense when I first hug you." She'll ask you on a random night in the living room. You were hesitant at first, wanting to immediately ease her insecurities and tell her everything was fine.
– But if you lied, even if the lie was more a half-truth, your initial reaction to her touch would be the same. Tense at first then ease seconds into the touch.
– So, because you couldn't do anything but bite the bud, you told her
– Since telling, Vi said she'll help you work on getting more comfortable with touch.
– She'll even tease you when she notices you're more hesitant than normal.
– "Oh, come on," she'll tease you with her arms squeezing around your torso and your cheeks smushing to another. "You know you love it! Ease up, Mufifn."
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- With Caitlyn, you literally CANNOT get off of her. Can't blame you though.
- 6' foot something to cling onto? YUM.
- Caitlyn didn't mind your touchiness. She assumed you were that way so she didn't think anything of it.
- It wasn't until she met your family that she saw that your touchy side is something you keep hidden from your family, if not the world.
- You were so stiff around them, uncomfortable dare she say. You kept to yourself, restricted that pretty smile of yours, and you wouldn't let yourself ease into her touch.
- At home, she brought this up to you and you told her that being affectionate wasn't something your family did. To them, holding each other, hugging, expressing hellos and goodbyes with kisses was weird. Unfortunately for you, you're a naturally touchy person so you had to keep that part of you concealed.
- Caitlyn didn't like the thought of you hiding yourself from your blood kin. You didn't deserve that treatment so at home, after the event, Caitlyn went out of her way to be more touchy with you.
- she cradled your head when cuddling on the couch, gave you kisses on the cheek, and when she complimented you on something or congratulated you, she kissed the top of your head while giving you a polite squeeze.
– being super-duper-mushy-gushy-affectionate wasn't something she wasn't used to but she'll do anything for you. Plus, a couple extra kisses and squeezes haven't killed her yet.
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- You didn't care about touch all that much before your relationship with Mel. At the start of your relationship, you and Mel were younger so you had fewer responsibilities. All your free time, literally all of it, you guys spent with each other
- walking arm-in-arm while shopping, resting on each other on hot Summer days with your feet in a body of water, and mindlessly playing with each other's clothes or hair during late-night talks.
- but as she got busier, you saw her less, and seeing her less meant fewer touches.
- Mel wouldn't call herself touch-starved but starved for your touch.
– She'll miss your lingering touches on her fingers while you lay in bed, your lips on her back as you held each other, and your face in the crook of her neck.
– In a way, you both were touch-starved for each other. Maybe even a different word but this is a PG-13 space LMAO.
– at night, you would wrap your limbs around her tight and in the morning, you'd cling even tighter. What do you mean it's time for her to go already? She just got in bed!! (it's been 7 hours.)
– with Mel, your touch-starving-ness doesn't go unnoticed. In fact, whenever there's a time she notices you're more touchy than normal, she'll make it up to you
– And you never once complained about her way of making it up to you.
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- oh lord, where do i start with this one, hm?
– One, Sevika loves the crap out of your touch-starved-ness. She won't admit this out loud but she thinks its the cutest thing in the world.
- She'll see you go in for a hug or maybe a wrap around her arm but then decide against it because of your own insecurities.
- Sometimes she'll take matters into her own hands and wrap her arm around you, pull you into her lap, or sneak a kiss on your cheek but other times she likes to make you suffer.
– "Mm, what was that?" she'll tease with a smirk on her lips. "Oh, did you want to hug me? Kiss me? Cling onto me or something?"
- Tbh, if you're with Sevika, you gotta be a little bit of a brat, right? right. So, you'll refuse the allegations she put on your name.
- That is until she pushes and pushes and boom. Like a perfectly boiled egg, your shell has been cracked and peeled, and the softness of your personality has been brought to light.
– with embarrassment plastered along your body and face, you'll do what you were too shy to before. (Cling, hug, kiss, etc).
- Sevika plays a big game but she loves it when you cling to her because just like you, she's a bit touch-starved too. The only touches she gets on a day-to-day basis are punches, kicks, etc.
- When you swallow your pride at home, you'll pull her down to your chest and hold her tight. She'll ask what's up but you'll just ignore her and she'll melt into your body like you intended.
WC: 1,229
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steddiehyperfixation · 10 months
don't you forget about me (part two)
(part one)
Steve doesn’t know how long they sit there in silence, waiting. It’s making him insane. The seconds pass too slow; the seconds pass too fast. His mind is a storm; his mind is empty. He’s feeling too much; he’s not feeling at all. He paces the room; he sits catatonically against a wall. He needs to get out of here; he needs to stay. 
He’s been here before, just barely over a week ago, tense and anxious and despairing and waiting for news. But waiting to hear if Eddie will ever remember him again really should not feel this much worse than waiting to hear if Eddie will ever fucking breathe again. Steve thinks there must be something wrong with him. He’s being selfish and stupid. His pathological fucking need to be loved is not what’s important right now. Eddie is alive and awake and okay and that’s the only thing that really matters. That’s the only thing he should really care about.
Steve’s pacing again now, yanking his hands through his hair as he does laps around the room until Eddie finally appears in the doorway. 
Eddie must’ve just cracked a joke or something because the nurse is laughing as she pushes his bed into the room and he’s got this adorable grin on his face. Steve’s heart twists in his chest and he nearly bursts into tears all over again because god does he want nothing more than to press a kiss to those dimpled cheeks. 
“Good news, boys,” Eddie announces. “My brain is fully intact.”
“There’s no physical permanent damage to his brain,” the nurse elaborates. “His amnesia is likely a result of psychological trauma and the temporary disruption of brain function from blood loss and lack of oxygen that occurred at the time of his injury. But there is no obvious reason why he shouldn’t regain his full memory, given time.” 
So there’s hope. Steve breathes a sigh of relief. 
“That is good news,” Wayne agrees. 
Steve asks, “How much time?” 
The nurse gives an unhelpful shrug. “Impossible to say. It could be anywhere from days to months, or even years. I’m sorry, there’s no way for us to know.” 
Years. “Okay.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He can keep it together. He can. “Thanks,” he tells the nurse. “I, uh-” He makes the mistake of looking at Eddie who looks right through him, and Steve can’t keep it together anymore actually. “I gotta update the kids,” he mutters, backing his way towards the door. Wayne nods in acknowledgment; no protests this time at Steve’s excuse to leave.
“See ya, Harrington,” Eddie calls after him, casual, impersonal, like they're nothing more than acquaintances passing by each other in a high school hallway.  
Steve can’t get out of that hospital fast enough. 
He makes it to his car in record time, slamming the door shut and sinking heavily into the driver’s seat. A ragged sob tries to claw its way up his throat now that he’s finally alone, but he forces it back, staving off his breakdown for just a little bit longer. As much as it was an excuse, he really does have to update the kids. 
Steve fishes his walkie out of the glove box. “Code - whatever, I don’t know. Code Eddie,” he says. He doesn’t remember the kids’ system of codes, nor would he be sure which one this news falls under even if he did. 
“Is he okay? Is he awake?” comes an immediate, eager response from Dustin. “Over.” 
“Yeah, he’s awake, and he’s fine, except he’s got pretty bad amnesia. The doctors say it should be temporary, but right now he doesn’t remember anything since May of ‘85,” Steve explains, trying his best to keep his voice even.
“Steve, come pick me up and take me to see him,” Dustin demands, “right now. Over.” 
“Me too. Over,” Mike chimes in before Steve can respond. 
“And us,” Erica adds as well. 
Steve pauses for a second, both to steady his own breath and to make sure no one else wants to jump in on this too, before he reminds them, “He won’t know you, any of you.” 
“I don’t care,” Dustin says, bossy as ever. “Just come get me. Over.” 
“Jesus Christ, kid,” Steve mutters to himself. He sucks in another breath; it wobbles dangerously. He’s just about reached his limit on how long he can keep himself from falling apart. “I- I need a minute, alright?” he manages through the walkie. “Can you just give me, like, an hour? And then I’ll take you guys to visit Eddie.” 
Steve doesn’t wait for a response before he slams the antenna closed, tosses the walkie aside, and finally, finally lets himself shatter. That sob rips free from his throat, followed by another and another and another. Tears flood from his eyes; his nose runs. It’s an ugly, gross, visceral cry that leaves him exhausted and raw and aching to be held by the time the last sob shudders out of him. Drained and hollow, he craves the embrace of someone who knows him, someone who loves him. 
He sweeps up his broken pieces, wipes the mess of tears and snot off his face, and drives to Robin’s house.
“Steve, oh my god.” Robin pulls him into a hug the second she opens the door and sees the look on his face. Steve clings to her. “What happened?” 
“Eddie’s awake,” he mutters dismally. 
“Oh! Not the tone I’d expect you to deliver that news in, but okay.” Robin pulls back, looking at him with narrow-eyed concern and confusion as she analyzes his puffy eyes and red nose and swollen lips. “And you look like you’ve just been crying because…?”
“Because he doesn’t remember me, Rob,” Steve sighs. “He doesn’t remember anything from the past 11 months.” 
Robin’s eyes go wide now. “Shit,” she says, so plainly it startles a short laugh out of Steve. 
“Yeah,” he agrees. “Shit.” 
She asks him more questions as she walks down the hallway so they can talk in her room. Steve once again reiterates what was said at the hospital. 
“So you didn’t tell him you two were a thing?” Robin asks, closing her door behind them. 
“Of course I didn’t.” Steve flops back onto her bed. “I didn’t want to spook him.” 
She sits beside him. “You didn’t want to spook him,” she repeats, looking down at him with raised eyebrows, “but you told him about Vecna.” 
“Well, yeah. I just-” He lifts his arms to gesture vaguely into the air as he tries to explain himself. “I mean, imagine how you would feel if you woke up in a hospital and some random guy you’ve spoken to maybe twice was by your bedside telling you you’ve been in a relationship with him for the past 9 months.” 
“Uh, I don’t know, dingus, probably about the same as I’d feel if said guy told me I’d nearly died fighting some evil twisted creature from a hell dimension,” Robin retorts.
Steve drops his hands onto his chest with a huff, shaking his head. “No, trust me. He seemed far less surprised by that than he did to hear that we were even just friends,” he says, a bit bitterly. Tears are pricking at his eyes again as he looks up at his best friend. “You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Robin. All he saw was King Steve.”
Robin softens, snark replaced with sympathy. “That sucks, Steve. I’m so sorry.” 
Steve sighs in agreement that yes this really fucking sucks. He sits up and scoots back so that he’s slumped against the wall, hitting the back of his head against it. “I think I’m a horrible person,” he admits, just venting now, “because of course I’m glad Eddie’s alive and all I really want is for him to be okay, and I know the nurse said he should remember eventually, but there’s still some sick part of me that thinks maybe it would’ve hurt less if he had just died.”
“I don’t think that makes you a horrible person,” Robin assures him as she settles next to him, shoulder to shoulder. “I think you’re just grieving, and grief is weird sometimes.”
“It was one of the worst things I’ve ever felt,” he mutters, “when he looked at me without recognition. To see it on his face, just the- the absence of everything that we’d built. I’ve never felt so- so- I don’t know, it was like I couldn’t breathe. He just- he doesn’t know that I love him. He…he doesn’t know that he loved me...” 
Because that’s what it is, isn’t it? It’s not that he’s lost someone that he loves, it’s that he’s lost someone who loves him. Because Eddie’s not gone, just his love for Steve is, and that’s what’s tearing him apart. It’s the fact that there’s one less person in the world who loves him. It’s the fact that Steve’s got this big gaping hole inside of him that’s always made him so desperate to be loved, liked, wanted, needed; and his biggest fucking fear is becoming obsolete. He could probably trace it back to his parents, the first to forget him, the first to stop loving him, but the fact remains that now Eddie has fulfilled that fear too. Now Eddie has carved that pit a little deeper, a little darker, validating the voice that whispers within it and tells Steve that he is forgettable, unlovable, so easy to abandon and erase. 
“Well, I love you,” Robin tells him, like she can read his mind (which, at this point, she probably can). She slides an arm around his shoulders, hugs him close. “And I’m not going anywhere.” 
Fragile as he is right now, Steve falls apart again in her arms, and she holds him together. Because she knows him, because she loves him.
It’s a quieter cry this time, soft and sniffly. Whereas the last one wracked through his body and left him fatigued, this one flows from him almost gently, and when his tears finally subside and he lifts his head from where it had been buried in his friend’s shoulder, Steve actually feels a little bit better, a little bit stronger. Which is good, because he’s gonna have to face Eddie again soon. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly as he pulls away from Robin, wiping at his eyes and glancing at the clock on her nightstand. It’s definitely been an hour by now, probably more. He stands. “I have to go, I promised the kids I’d take them to see Eddie.” 
“Then I’m coming too.” Robin stands with him. “For moral support.” 
Steve gives her a grateful smile. “I love you so fucking much, you know that?” 
“Yeah.” She grins at him. “I know.” 
The nurses have changed his bandages and upped his morphine, so Eddie’s considerably hazy now but at least he can raise his headrest and prop himself up a bit without nearly blacking out from pain. He’s boredly flicking through channels on the shitty TV in front of him, alone since Wayne had to leave for work, when Harrington returns followed by a very unexpected group consisting of Robin Buckley and four strange children. 
“Sorry,” Harrington announces their presence with an apologetic shrug, “I know you don’t know them anymore, but they insisted.” 
“Eddie!” a pudgy, curly-haired kid shouts before Eddie can even react, coming barrelling towards him and trying to hug him. 
“Ow!” Eddie yelps, pain flaring even through the extra morphine. “Fucking Christ, kid! Be careful!” 
The kid jumps back immediately, eyes wide. “Shit. Sorry.” 
“S’fine,” Eddie grumbles.
The kid looks at him expectantly for a moment before seeming to realize, “Oh, right, you don’t remember me. I’m Dustin.” 
“Ah, so you’re the guy I sacrificed myself for,” Eddie mutters, and Dustin looks a little sheepish. That means these must be ‘the kids’ Harrington had been talking about earlier. He surveys the group for a second. “Actually, I think we have met before,” he tells Dustin. “And you too.” He glances at a pale, dark-haired kid. The other two - a Black boy with a flat-top and a younger Black girl - look less familiar, though. “There was this, uh, open day thing at the high school for next year’s incoming freshmen; I talked to you about Hellfire.”
“Yeah!” Dustin’s whole face lights up, so bright and infectious it makes Eddie grin too. “Yeah, you did!” 
“So you guys joined the club, then?” 
This sparks a very animated conversation about D&D, the rest of the kids (Mike, Lucas, and Erica, as they soon reintroduce themselves) gathering around his bed now too to join in. It makes him feel a bit more like himself again, familiar, normal. Except, of course, for the fact that they’re not only talking about how they defeated Vecna in Eddie’s “totally epic” and “sadistic” campaign (adjectives courtesy of Dustin and Mike respectively), but also filling in more pieces of the story of how they defeated him in real life too. Still, it’s nice, fun. He totally understands how he could’ve gotten attached to these kids.
At some point, Eddie glances over to find Harrington hanging back and just watching them talk, fondly, wistfully. Robin whispers something to him and he sort of smiles, just a trace, and whispers something back. They seem close, intimate. Eddie wonders if they’re dating, and then he wonders why that thought makes him feel a bit sick. He waves them over. Harrington looks like he’s about to protest, but Robin gives him a Look and he allows her to grab his hand and drag him to join the crowd around Eddie’s bed. 
“So, what’s your deal, Buckley?” Eddie asks her. He doesn’t know her very well, they’ve only crossed paths a few times in the bandroom, but right now that makes her the most familiar person in the room to him. “Are you and Harrington a thing now? Is that how you’re involved in all this?” 
Robin wrinkles her nose and drops Harrington’s hand. “Ew, no. Definitely not.” 
“She’s my best friend,” Harrington says. 
Eddie snorts, doesn’t know why he finds that so comical. (He’s starting to get tired and it’s making him loopy. Or maybe it’s just the morphine.) “You've got a funny choice of friends nowadays, don’t you? Me and band geek Buckley and a bunch of nerdy freshmen.” He looks at Harrington with incredulous amusement. “Who would've thought, huh? Steve Harrington, collector of geeks and freaks.” 
Harrington doesn’t seem to find it as funny. He shrugs. “Yeah, well, it’s better than King Steve, collector of asshole bullies and shallow one-night stands.” 
“Yeah, ‘course it is,” Eddie agrees through another huff of laughter that breaks off into a yawn. “Didn’t mean it as a bad thing, Stevie. Was a compliment.” 
“Alright.” The barest hint of a smile flickers across Harrington’s face now, but then he’s looking away and corralling the kids and saying, “We should head out, let you get some rest.” 
And Eddie kind of wishes he’d stay.
(part three!)
taglist: @romanticdestruction @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @paintsplatteredandimperfect @hallucinatedjosten @mugloversonly @estrellami-1 @alongcomesaspider @thatonebadideapanda @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @dragonmama76 @wxrmland @nuggies4life @sirsnacksalot @myguiltyartpleasure @marklee-blackmore @vinteraltus @sebastiansstanswhore @0happyeverafter0 @scarlet-malfoy (only tagged people who explicitly asked to be tagged; if you would like to be added or removed from this list please lmk!)
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fwb Art who's absolutely in love with you and obsessed with you and who asked to be your boyfriend many times and taking you on many dates but you kept rejecting until one day he gets to know that you're going on a date with someone else so he tries to stop thay date from happening and showing you who you belong to by having the most passionate sex and finally convincing you to accept you as your boyfriend
you can say you don't want this to be Stanford Art but it is.
You've turned him down so many times. But you can't stay away from him. The way he kisses you, the way he touches you. You're needy for him but you know that you can't be in a relationship with him. He's not good for you, not good for you to be distracted. You're not exactly the dating type and Art is almost ready to be a husband. All your friends think you're insane, you know that they're ready to settle down but we're too young and you want to be carefree for just a while. Art is also so very nice, and sweet and kind and you don't want to hurt him when you inevitable self destruct. You rationalise it to protect yourself, it would be like torturing a puppy. You don't want to waste his time and effort. You're doing this for him.
But you can't keep yourself away from Art. You always end up at his door at the end of the night, and he's so obsessed with you, he'll never tell you no. He just makes you cups of tea and cuddles you and keeps you warm. Giving you everything that you want, whenever you want it. "We're just friends with benefits." You tell him and repeat to yourself and Art nods his head as if to say "i know." He invites you to the bar with him, says Patrick and his new girlfriend will be there but they always seem to mysteriously cancel. Patrick was either the worst friend or just didn't exist. "This is not a date Art." He gets you both drinks. He gives you the "i know" nod, slightly hurt, given you a face, slightly like you've stood on a puppys paw. Art asks to be your boyfriend a lot. And you know that you should cut him off and let him go but you can't help yourself. It's like you and Art are magnets or somehow cosmetically intertwined.
Art walks up to you and your friends standing talking. It kills him because he wants to wrap his hands around you like he did in his bed last night. But because you're just fuck buddies, he can't kiss you. He's not even sure if your friends know that you've been seeing each other for the last while. You try to ignore him as you're continuing the conversation as one of your friends starts speaking to him. "Do you know where youre going? and more importantly, what are you wearing?"
Art's ears perk up at the conversation and you try and ignore him again. "I think we're just going for drinks, nothing special." You say softly. "and then back to his? I'm so jealous, he's so fucking hot. I can't believe he just asked you out." You tried to hold back a wince when she said it. You didn't mean for Art to find out about it, at all. Definitely didn't want him to find out like this. He didn't say anything. You didn't want to look at him and you didn't know when he was looking at you. "You should wear that black dress you wore a few weeks ago... and those boots, you'd look so hot!" Your friend continued but you had already withdrawn from the conversation. You knew that outfit worked because Art wanted to take you to the nearest empty room when he saw you wearing it. "I'll text you later, let you know how it goes." You left the conversation. Art stood, making small talk with your friends.
It was around half past 8 when you were getting ready. You were stupidly nervous. You didn't really go on dates, especially with people you didn't know. And you hadn't heard from Art all day long which made you nervous. You didn't want to hurt Art, you didn't know if Art was hurt. He was sensitive so you could only assume that he was sulking in his room. There was a knock at your door as finished fixing your make up. You looked at yourself in the mirror before answering the door. "Hi Art, what are you doing here?" He looked at your face for a moment before letting your eyes gaze over your body. Your curvy hips and cleavage was on show, dress hitting just above your thighs. Art thought you looked perfect. "Are you not going to invite me in?" Art smiled at you. "uhh... actually I'm just getting ready to go out." You were confused. Had he not heard the conversation earlier? You watched him as he followed you into your room. "Yeah, I know... I just thought I could convince you to stay here." He was being very confident, somewhat dominant which he normally isn't it. "Art, cmon." He sat on the bed as he watched you putting your earring in. "Cmon what?" You stood in front of him as he ran his hands on the outside of your thigh. "tell me, you don't want to cancel on him and stay here with me." You were biting your lip as he touched your thighs. "Art..." His hands rubbed up your body to your hips as he pulled you closer, separating his legs, allowing you to stand in between them.
He starts by kissing your stomach. He looks up at you as he pulls your dress up your thighs slowly, his kiss moving slowly down your body. "You know he can't make you feel as good as I can..." he continued to kiss down your body before placing his kiss on your underwear. Your hands were in his hair, rubbing his head, encouragingly. He started to pull you down your underwear as he guided you to the bed. "Art, he's going to be here soon." He just smiled as he started kissing your neck and his hands started rubbing your clit, dipping his fingers into you as you moan against him. "Good, he can hear how good I make you feel." He started to bite at your collar bone, trying to leave a mark. "Artttt..." you almost moaned. "Thats it, say my name, say who you belong to." He moved his fingers faster until you were begging for him to fuck you. Art was really playing a very good game, making you moan, making you a mess underneath him. "You're so good." He swiftly moved his boxers down and allowed his cock to bounce free as he rubbed it against your wetness. He started to push himself inside of you, inch by inch as you moaned. He kissed your mouth, passionately before moving his kiss back to your neck, down to your chest where he pulled your dress down so your breasts were exposed. He started sucking, licking and biting on your nipples as he slammed into you. "Art, fuck I'm gonna cum." You moaned as he quickened his pace. "That's it, good girl, cum on my cock, cum for me, you're all mines." He moaned as he switched between kissing you and playing with your nipples. "you're so good, fuck, you feel so good." He couldn't stop as he started to fill you the second you let your orgasm go. He continued to kiss you and move the hair out of your face. "You're literally so gorgeous." He whispered in your ear as he held his cock inside of you. "when are you finally going to admit that you were made for me?" he kissed your neck. You sighed. "Art, you know..." Art kissed you again. "Don't do this, whatever your worries are about me, we can do it, together. I want you. All of you and you want me, very clearly." He kept your gaze as he held you. "It's all of me or none of me, I'm not playing seconds." The words hurt you and you got a brief moment to think about this being the last time, that the other option was no Art in your life. "I'm happy to wait." He pulled himself away and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
You were alone for just a moment. You didn't want you and Art to be over. But you thought you knew how you felt, what you wanted but everything Art said and did, just made your heart hurt. You wanted him. You needed him. When you thought he was mad at you, you felt weak and now he's here. Saying it's him or nothing. You thought you had the power, always telling him no to a relationship but being faced without Art, you didn't want to do it. The thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Shit. Your date. This was your sink of swim moment.
Art popped his head out of the bathroom. "should i hide in the bathroom or tell him to go away?" Art was topless looking down at you with just his boxer shorts on. "Tell him to go away, then take your shorts back off?" His face almost lit up. "So you're finally gonna be my girl?" You smirked at him and rolled your eyes. "I'm all yours Donaldson."
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"marn i missed sgdq 2024 what should i watch"
hi i decided i'm doing another one of these. it's been a minute. this past week was summer games done quick, an annual speedrunning marathon raising money for doctors without borders and also a great way to get into watching speedrunning. a lot of their content is tailored towards being both clearly explained and fun to watch for an audience outside the speedrun community, so you can jump in with basically no knowledge besides “this person is gonna play a game really fast”.
gdq has the full week's worth of vods up as a playlist on their channel, but here are some runs that i personally think you should check out:
ken griffy jr presents mlb by peanut butter the dog: look it's a dog playing baseball. i don't know what else to tell you.
the entire silly block: speedrunners get up way too early in the morning/late at night to play games that feel like a fever dream. some of the commentators are going on 24 hours of no sleep. it's brilliant. my personal highlights of what i've seen so far are stuart little 2, mad panic coaster, city bus simulator race, and the golf it wrong hole only race that the players dressed up as golfers for
alan wake 2 alan%: alan wake clips through walls and generally has a bad time while a bunch of gamers call him a sopping wet catboy. the runner for this one is really charismatic and it's very funny to see staff rushing to open up the pit as soon as we sing starts (yes they do the dance of course they do the dance). i just love joyful runs of horror games man
super mario 64 blindfolded randomizer: what if you played mario 64 blindfolded and also the stars were in completely random locations. and also you had to do it very very fast.
kingdom hearts 2 critical any%: every kh2 speedrun i've ever seen is a work of art and this one is no different. some of the boss fights go down so fast you will literally miss them if you look away for a minute. and also two of my favorite runners are on couch commentary!
balatro showcase: genuinely made me rethink how i'm playing some of the balatro decks. also great commentary and just fun all around despite (or perhaps partially because of) the absolute struggle session going on with plasma deck in the beginning
super mario world kaizo relay: kaizo is a shorthand term for a game hacked to its absolute limits of difficulty that often requires strict precision of movement and can punish the player for thinking they're smarter than it. in this segment, two teams of 4 very very good mario runners race to complete 8 kaizo levels they've never seen before in their lives
mario maker 2 troll level race: i always like the mario maker races for the same reason i like the kaizo relays. i love watching two speedrunners thrown blindly into the shit have to make up strategies on the fly via trial and error (and error, and error, and error, and...)
kirby air ride race: two high level kirby air ride speedrunners race for an actual physical title belt. the trash talk game happening here is of the insane variety that only two very skilled people who truly respect each others' talents at their game of choice can provide
kaizo mario galaxy: what if mario galaxy hated you even more than usual and would stop at nothing to kill you. also most of the commentators are only familiar with the vanilla game and their reactions to the added-in bullshit are hysterical
tony hawk pro skater 1, 2, 3, and 4: i fell asleep watching this and woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of a bunch of people singing superman by goldfinger. good run
super mario rpg remake: this was the finale block and it's just great to see a bunch of people who really really love the original mario rpg get to hang out and talk about how good it is and also watch a world record level player absolutely stunt on the game
halo 3 four-player co-op legendary: dudes rock
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13uswntimagines · 27 days
Eras of Us- Era 3: Ugh Oh, I'm Falling in Love (Taylor Swift X Morgan!Reader)
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Eras of Us master list
This is the Era where they're falling in love, learning more about each other, and how to navigate their relationships with their friends and families.
warning- Sexual content in this chapter.
Author's note: Hey everyone, i'm so sorry this took so long. theres just a lot of stuff in this chapter that i really wanted to get right. I hope you enjoy it! let me know what you think. comments are literally my favorite thing.
February 2017 'Cause you could be the one that I love I could be the one that you dream of
As it turned out, being Taylor’s girlfriend was far easier than you imagined it would be. It wasn’t all that much different than when the two of you were just friends, actually. 
You two still texted continuously, now each message was dotted with a heart or a little kiss. You two still talked on the phone all of the time, though you had developed a bad habit of falling asleep on late-night calls with her. 
The only thing that had really changed was that now the photos you sent her were slightly more… suggestive on purpose. 
And now you actually got to kiss her, which was fun, except you had barely seen her since you two started dating. 
Between the holidays and dealing with your shitty agent about yet another fucked up trade, you hadn’t had time to fly to her, and she had been tied up with her family and recording her new album to fly to you. But the two of you made due (ie falling asleep on the phone with her nearly every night). 
It still sucked you wouldn’t get to see her until after January camp. At least you only had 1 more game to play in. 
“Hurry up you two,” Rose called over her shoulder, idly swinging Emily’s hand next to her. 
You groaned, adjusting your grip on Mal’s legs as her arms squeezed more tightly around your neck. “It’s not my fault this koala demanded a piggyback ride,” 
Mal had been insanely clingy since the start of camp, draping herself all over you at every opportunity. It wasn’t something you noticed at first, but it had become so constant, that it was beginning to grate on your patience. 
Especially after she interrupted you every time you tried to talk to Taylor. The only moment you had gotten alone was at 3 am, and you had been too drowsy to do more than stare at her. 
“I’m not that heavy ducky,” Mal hugged, pinching your ear. 
“No, but it’s been like 2 miles,” You huffed, tilting your head away from her, and picking up your pace so you were even with Rose and Emily. 
Emily rolled her eyes at you. “And whose fault is that?” 
You shrugged as much as you could with Mal on your back. “Cheney said they have the best mochas,”
“And it’ll make it very hard for Alex to beat you this week,” Rose snorted, gesturing towards the shiny watch on your wrist. “If you’re gonna make us take a hike to a coffee shop, you should at least be honest with why we’re taking it,” 
“She should be more active in her rest time,” You said, earning another eye roll as the four of you finally made it to the cafe Cheney had mentioned when you talked to her over the holidays. 
It was just a bonus that Alex would need to find 4 extra exercise miles to match you in her stupid little app. It’s what she had done to you with Kelley’s family’s stupid 10 mile Christmas morning hike after all. You had to go on a beach run to make up for it. 
“Or maybe you should be less competitive,” Emily grumbled, holding the door open for you and Mal to walk through. Her gaze stayed glued out the door even after you stepped through. 
You rolled your eyes. “And what fun would that be?” 
You dropped Mal’s legs as you got in line next to Rose, and she landed on her feet, but she didn’t let go of your neck like you had hoped she would.
“We would be behind in the practice scrimmages against the vets too,” You added as you turned your attention to the menu above the cashier. 
There weren’t any… normal drinks. They all had fancy names, so you had to read the description to figure out what the fuck it was. You sighed internally, deciding that you absolutely shouldn’t have listened to Cheney, because long complicated descriptions like delectable dark roast, mixed with Dutch hand-made chocolate ganache, and essence of citrus aurantium topped with creamy dreamy whipped cream and powdered orange blossoms: written out in small, tight together cursive was going to take you forever to decipher. 
Especially with the way all the L’s and E’s kept flipping places, and how Mal kept shifting your entire body each time she moved. 
You were going to have a headache by the time you actually made it through the menu. 
“Ok, those guys are totally following us,” 
You blinked in the direction of Emily’s voice, and away from the migraine-inducing menu. You followed her hand to where she was pointing at two men wearing aviators sitting at a stable near the back of the café. 
The one facing you was older, with dark salt and pepper hair, wearing a leather jacket, while the other was younger and blonde with his back to you. 
It made you roll your eyes again. 
Tony and Zach had been your shadows since you and Taylor started dating. You saw them outside your apartment building in Chicago, and ran into them everywhere you went, even when you attended a Bears game against the Chiefs. 
You could tell that they were trying to be discrete since you had brought up the issue with Taylor the first week you noticed them, but it was still annoying that she wouldn’t budge on her stance. 
“I’ll take care of it,” You grumbled, carefully untangling yourself from Mal’s grasp, ignoring the high-pitched whine she let out at being displaced. “Just order me the closest thing to a mocha please,” 
At least now you didn’t have to read the menu. 
You ignored the feeling of their eyes on your back as you walked up to the table your two bodyguards were sitting at, knocking on the wood when you were close enough. “I thought I made it clear that I don’t need a babysitter,”
“I prefer the term watchman,” Tony hummed, barely even looking at you. 
Zach nodded. “Watchmen is a much better term,” 
You glared at the blonde man, before turning back to Tony. “I prefer that you don’t follow me around and creep out my friends,” 
Tony paused, lifting a finger to shift his aviators down to the end of his nose so he could peer at you over the rim of them. “We’ll try to be more discreet,” 
You shook your head. “No. You will stop following me,” 
“Can’t. Bosses orders,” Tony shrugged, readjusting his aviators back over his eyes. “And frankly, the team doesn’t have enough security,” 
Your glare deepened. “Because no one knows who the fuck we are,” 
“Still, I shouldn’t have been able to get your room number from the front desk receptionist,” He countered. “or have Zach get into the changing room at the practice field,”
“Normal people don’t do that shit,” You grit back.
His point proved nothing. 
No fan was trying to sneak into your locker room to leave notes in your cubby and no other people had interest in your room number. 
Sure, the note and the peanut butter cookies Taylor had delivered to your room were cool, but two men staking out every place you went certainly was not. Not when Emily wouldn’t shut up about your mysterious friend being in the mob because now you had people following you. 
She couldn’t give up on the angle, going so far that even Mal was annoyed with her. 
You had been annoyed 5 weeks ago when she brought the idea up for the first time during New Year's when she spotted them after you came out of a fried chicken place in Atlanta. 
Tony sighed, fixing his leather jacket.“If you're really insistent about this, you know who you need to take it up with. Otherwise, I think Ms. Sonnett, Ms. Pugh, and Ms. Lavelle have finished ordering,” 
It irritated you that he always referred to your friends so formally, even if he had never met them. 
“I will,” You grit out, already pulling your phone out of your pocket. “Because you two are ridiculous,” 
Tony made a face, dipping his aviators to peer at you again. “And Taylor is ridiculous for caring about your safety?”
You opened and closed your mouth several times. That wasn’t fair. 
Tony slid his glasses back into place as a waitress brought them 2 coffees. 
Your jaw clenched and you didn’t your best not to glare at the smug way he sipped the steaming glass. You hadn’t even seen them order. 
“Your friends have chosen a table,” He hummed, tilting his head to where Emily, Mal, and Rose were all staring at you with wide eyes. 
“This isn’t the end of this conversation,” You muttered, grabbing one of the 3 chocolate chip cookies that had been delivered with their coffee. 
“We will try to be more discreet,” Zach said, passing you a napkin. 
You took a bite of your cookie. “You better,” 
“We’ll do our best,” Tony chuckled, gesturing towards your friends with his chin again. “Go enjoy your overly fancy coffee,”
You made a low noise, turning on your heel and heading back over to your friends, who were overtly staring at the men now. 
“You’re in the mob right?” Emily asked before you were even fully seated in the chair next to Mal. 
You didn’t reply, instead breaking the cookie into 3 and passing the larger part to Rose for her and Emily to share and the other to Mal, who was already wrapping herself around you again. 
“Emily stop,” The forward whined loudly in your ear as she took the cookie. 
“Oh come on, just answer the question,” Emily said, her lips pulling into a teasing grin. “it’s totally obvious,”
“I’m not in the mob,” You grumbled, taking a sip of your coffee and frowning. 
You liked mochas, they were your go-to order, but this one had caramel in it, and was far too sweet. You would drink it anyway though, because one of your friends had paid for it. 
Rose leaned forward in her chair, resting crossed arms on the table in front of her conspiratorially. “Then why was our coffee already paid for?”
You frowned, your cup hitting the table with a low thud. “What?”
“I gave them my name and she said someone had already paid for us,” Rose said, her voice low. 
Your eyebrows pulled more tightly together. “Who?”
“Someone named Athena,” Rose wiggled her eyebrows at you, and you rolled your eyes. 
It had been Taylor. Of course, it was her, she had even sent the goons she had following you coffees and an extra cookie. 
Of course that was the name Taylor used. 
She had been making fun of her nickname since she found out that it was her contact name in her phone, and you blushed through your explanation that she was a goddess and the smartest person you knew. 
“See, totally a mob boss name,” Emily said accusingly, gesturing wildly with her hands. “who else would call themselves Athena,”
You were afraid that if you rolled your eyes again they would fall out of your head, so you refrained. 
No matter how good it would have felt. 
You pulled away from Mal and wrestled your phone out of your pocket. You flipped to your messages, ignoring the one aptly named Athena for now, opening the thread you shared with Alex to get it to stop buzzing. 
Alexandria🐬: Did you have to walk to a coffee shop across the city? Haven’t you ever heard of an Uber?
MiniMorgs: Wanted to get some fresh air, and Cheney recommended it
Alexandria🐬: More like you wanted to win this week’s challenge. Was it worth the walk?
MiniMorgs: I didn’t have to read the overly complicated menu, so yes. #dyslexic problems
Alexandria🐬: LoL. Maybe we should get you yellow-tinted glasses to help with that
MiniMorgs: Whatever. Good luck catching up on miles
Another coffee cup landed in front of you with a clink, and you blinked up from your phone at the waitress. 
You frowned up at her. “Ugh, thanks?” 
You hadn’t ordered another coffee. 
“The person who paid for your order also asked us to make an extra mocha, no caramel, no whipped cream, and no sweetening syrup,” The young girl explained quickly, her hands fidgeting in front of her. “it also comes with a heart and a little winky face,” 
“Oh, thanks,” You sent her a genuine smile, the dimple on your left cheek poking out just a bit. 
She blushed.
“No problem,” she said, turning away from you and your friends very quickly before practically running back to the counter. 
You didn’t watch her as she left, instead sipping your new coffee and sighing in content. 
It was exactly what you wanted. The perfect cup of coffee if you did say so yourself. 
You glanced back down at your phone, flipping through your messages to the one labeled Athena👸🏼
Thanks for the coffee. It’s much better than the sugary shit Emily ordered.
“Do you have to flirt with every woman you see?” Mal scoffed, placing more of her weight on you as she draped her arms over your shoulders. 
You grunted, slipping your phone in your pocket and adjusting in your seat so she didn’t knock you over. “I wasn’t flirting, I was just being nice,” 
You practically felt her roll her eyes as Emily snorted across from you. 
“What? I was!” You bit out, your voice dripping in incredulity. 
“You used the smile you use when you’re trying to get into someone’s pants,” Mal hummed, her lips caressing the shell of your ear as her hand dipped its way under the hem of your Alexia Putellas Barça jersey.  “I would know,” 
You jerked away from her, nearly spilling your coffee. Your chair squeaked as you pushed away, creating space between the two of you. 
You didn’t want her touching you. 
Not like you had in the past. 
There was a time when you craved her touch. Where you twisted yourself into knots to be worthy of her affection. 
You allowed yourself to get closer to her than you had to anyone else, and in the end she had decided that you still weren’t good enough. 
She decided that you would never be good enough for her. Not like Dansby was. But even after that you had pined after every little scrap of care she sent you, and you allowed yourself to believe that it was all you deserved. 
That it was real.
Even in your short time with Taylor, you knew that real was something very different.  She didn’t make you feel like you were always making up for something. Like you had to earn her care. 
She made you feel worthy and had butterflies flapping in your chest. She made you feel seen, even before you were together, and you wouldn’t do anything to put that in jeopardy. 
“Whoa, easy there,” Emily chuckled. “Didn't think you were so sensitive to the mention of your history,” 
You shifted uncomfortably, fixing the edge of your jersey. 
“Just tickled me,” You muttered, taking another sip of your coffee as Mal didn’t even hesitate to wrapped herself around you again. 
You ignored the knowing look Rose sent you, and cleared your throat. “We should probably head back though. Think you can walk on your own this time?” 
You gently elbowed Mal, sending Emily a cheeky grin when she wiggled her eyebrows. 
Mal sighed heavily, her lips returning to near your ear. “I don’t think so. I think I still need a piggyback,”
You huffed at her pouted words, shoving your extra coffee cup into her hands as you stood. “You have to carry the cups though,” 
“Deal!” She cheered, already trying to climb on your back. 
You didn’t have the heart (or the stomach) to tell her that you didn’t want to carry her back. You couldn’t when it made her light up so much. 
“You’re such a pushover,” Rose muttered as she held the café door open for you. 
You shrugged as much as you could with Mal on your back.
You were a people pleaser to your core, and you couldn’t help that. Mal was your friend and you liked to make her happy. 
Taylor would understand. 
You were sweating your ass off by the time you made it back to the team hotel, and your legs felt like you had just played 90 minutes. 
You supposed walking 4 miles with a fully grown forward on your back would do that to you, and the detours Emily kept taking because of the “Mob Guys” following you made the journey more like 6. Dawn was not going to be pleased, and you felt like you needed a recovery day to recover from your recovery day. 
You dropped Mal’s legs as you stepped into the welcome AC of the lobby, ignoring her yelp at the move. 
“I’m done being your pack Mule,” You muttered, breathing hard. “Use your own damn legs,”
“Not a mule. A graceful stallion,” Mal hummed, leaning in and placing a kiss on your cheek before she skipped off. “Thanks for the ride,” 
She missed your eye roll.  But Kelley didn’t. “Coming on a bit strong, isn't she?” 
You blinked at Kelley, pulling your sunglasses up to rest in your wavy curls, taking in the way she was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. “Don’t they always?” 
“You didn't have a friends-with-benefits relationship with most of the people who hit on you,” Kelley shrugged. 
You made a sound low in your throat, scratching the back of your neck. “I’m not interested in continuing that,” 
You didn’t know she knew about that.
“I know,” Kelley nodded, her hand landing warm and grounding on your shoulder. “You’re interested in burrito girl,” 
You hummed. 
You were more than just interested in Taylor, and Kelley knew that. She had been getting regular updates after she talked you off the ledge the morning after, and it was kinda nice to get to share with someone. 
Kelley shifted again, and you scratched harder at the back of your neck as a very uncomfortable silence settled over you. 
“I didn’t bring you coffee,” You said, finally looking at her. 
Your eyebrows pulled tightly together. She was spinning the ring on her forefinger more rapidly than you had ever seen, and shifting like she was… nervous. 
“I know,” She said, her eyes flicking up to meet your blue before rapidly looking away. “Can we chat though?” 
You frowned. “What’s up?” 
Kelley bit her lip and led you over to an isolated meeting room, closing the door behind you. 
She took a steadying breath like she was stealing herself as she turned to look at you. “I’m going to ask your sister to marry me,” 
You stared at her, your mouth dropping open at her words. 
She was going to ask your sister to marry her. 
Her and Alex were going to get married. 
But weren’t they practically married already? They had been together since you were 10. They lived together, had 2 dogs and were actively looking for a team to transfer to together. 
You shouldn’t have been surprised, but you were.  So you did what you always did when you were caught off guard. 
You painted a playful smirk on your face, wiggling your eyebrows. “Alex right? Because I don’t think Jen or Jerry will react well,” 
Kelley sighed. “I’m being serious. We’ve been together for almost 7 years. I love her,” 
You raised an eyebrow at her, your smirk melting a little. “Ok, and?” 
She spun her ring a little faster. “I’m not asking your permission, but-“
“You want my blessing or some shit?” You cut her off, your eyebrows furrowing impossibly deeper. “Jesus Kell, her and I haven’t had a proper conversation since I was like 12. My opinion doesn’t matter,”
You actively avoided conversations with your sister. She barely knew anything about the adult version of yourself. 
There was no way she could care what you thought about her marrying Kelley. 
Kelley shook her head, closing the distance between you and catching your hand. “I think your opinion is one of the only ones she cares about,” 
Her voice went very soft, and you swallowed hard. You weren’t at a place to consider what she meant. You couldn't deal with all of the baggage that came with the implications. 
Yes, you were fairly content to interact with her through the stupid app the two of you competed on, but that was nothing deeper than just that. A competition. 
It didn’t mean anything. Not like Kelley was assuming it meant. 
You shook your head, swallowing down your feelings and locking them into a little box in the center of your chest. 
“She might be my sister, but I’ll kick her ass if she hurts you. Or says no, even though she’s not going to say no. She loves you. I guess I’ll kick your ass too if you hurt her so don’t,” You said softly, drawing up the courage to meet Kelley’s eyes again. 
A brilliant smile broke across her face, and her eyes lit up like the two of you had just won the World Cup. “I promise I won’t kid,” 
“Good,” You ran a hand through your hair, sucking in a long breath through your nose. “Is there anything else?”
“Don’t you want to know how I’m going to do it?” Kelley asked, her eyebrows furrowing. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell. 
Maybe a part of you cared about whatever romantic thing Kelley had planned for her, but the larger part just… wasn’t interested.  It wasn’t like you were involved in Alex’s life. You didn’t get to see the ins and outs of her relationship with Kelley, and that was your own choice. If you got too close, you knew you would get hurt. 
You had before anyway. 
“As long as it’s not during or directly after sex, I think it’ll be fine,” You huffed out, covering your wavering curiosity. 
Kelley rolled her eyes. “I’m going to do it when we go to New York. I have a reservation for the top of the Empire State Building,”
“That’ll be pretty,” You hummed, your voice going soft. 
You knew how much your older sister loved city lights. It was nearly as much as she loved to look at the stars. 
When the two of you were young, you would sit on the roof outside of her window for hours staring at the sky, naming the constellations. It was what got you so into Greek mythology after all. You wondered if she still remembered all of the stories. 
“She loves the lights,” Kelley agreed, watching you carefully. “We’re going to have dinner after. Jen and Jerrie will be there,” 
You nodded. “I’ll be there too,” 
“Excellent,” Kelley’s smile just got wider. 
“Yeah,” You said, trailing off and looking towards the door. “I told Alyssa I’d watch film with her before the game tomorrow, so are we done?” 
Kelley chuckled, not at all surprised that you wanted to escape this conversation. “Wouldn’t want to keep the head of the Department of Defense waiting,” 
You always pulled away when your family was mentioned, and that habit was only magnified when emotions were also involved. 
“Nope,” You muttered, practically running towards the door. 
She wished things were different.
Alex was making the steps to bridge the gap in your relationship, and for the first time in a long time, you seemed willing to meet her halfway.  Neither of them were sure exactly what had caused the rift, or why you had always been so… reluctant to let her fix it. Or to talk about it in general.
She hoped that the little steps would actually lead to something this time.  She hoped that you would let your walls down. She hoped that you would actually let yourself be happy. 
Rain pounded down around you as you tracked the ball across midfield. 
Games like this were your favorite. 
The USWNT was up by 4 and there was only 30 seconds of stoppage time left. You had a goal and 2 assists and you had played incredibly well. It was 75 degrees so the rain was like the mist from a shower, warm and comfortable. 
It let you take your mind off of the stupid phone call that had come just before you loaded up the bus to head to the stadium. It drowned out Roary Dame’s voice explaining that you were a great play, just not what they needed. 
Explaining that he had put your name in the trading block for the highest draft pick they could get. So they could finally have their star striker because you were the wrong Morgan for that. 
This game made you feel… good. It made you feel powerful. 
You smiled at Sam as she came to a stop beside you. 
Alex and Mal were getting ready to take a time-wasting corner to end the game, and you and Sam were just there in case Jamaica got a counter opportunity. 
“Emily says you’re in the mob now,” She said conversationally. “And that you have two huge dudes following you around,” 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not in the mob,” 
“But you do have 2 dudes following you,” She asked, tilting her head to the mouth of the tunnel where Zach and Tony were huddled under an umbrella. 
They were right, it was kinda scary how far they could get without any real security clearance. They shouldn’t have been able to get into the stadium, much less on the field, but here they were. 
“I have a very overprotective friend,” You muttered as the ref blew the signature three whistles to signal the end of the game. You paused before you ran off.
Taylor wasn’t your friend, she was something much much more. You didn’t feel right calling her a friend. 
You turned back to Sam, scratching the wet hairs off the back of your neck. “Well, a very protective more than a friend,” 
A smile broke across her features, and you couldn’t help but match it.  “Don’t mention that to anyone though,” You added, suddenly nervous that she would tell the team, and then the rumor mill would start.
You weren’t ready to answer questions about Taylor yet. Or to listen to your teammates tease you. You also didn’t want to share her yet. 
Sam winked at you. “Your secret is safe with me,” 
“Thanks,” You said, heading towards the tunnel, pausing at a young girl waving a soaked-through Morgan sign a few feet away from the tunnel. 
You could see a big 13 painted on the sign, so you knew it wasn’t meant for you, but still it was your name too. 
“Hey, I like your sign,” You hummed, flashing the girl a million-dollar smile, ignoring the phones pointed in your direction. “Even if it has the wrong number on it,” 
The girl blushed deeply. “I like you too. I just wasn’t sure what number you would be wearing,” 
It was a good excuse, you thought. Or it would have been over a year ago before you made the switch to number 12. 
You hated when they pretended to give a shit about you just because you were the one standing in front of them. You knew the only Morgan they really cared about was your sister, and you wished they would just own it. 
“Well thank ya,” You winked, ignoring her little lie. “I know it’s just because she’s a striker. Everyone loves a good goal scorer,” 
The red in the girl's cheeks got even more pronounced, and your grin turned slightly wolfish. She didn’t hear the bitter note in your voice. 
Everyone wanted the star striker, something you would never be. 
“Do you have something you want me to sign?” 
The girl shook her head, looking at her friend who also shook her head. The girl looked back at you, biting her lip. 
“Can I get your jersey?” She asked hesitantly, and your smirk only got wider. 
“I think I can do one better,” You said, turning back towards the field. Your eyes roved over the players until you found the one you were looking for. 
“Hey Al,” You called out, cupping your hands over your face to amplify the sound. 
Her head snapped in your direction, and you waved her over. You tried not to let it bother you that the girl's squeals got so much louder as she jogged over, a questioning smile on her face. 
“What’s up?” She asked as soon as she was close enough, and you could hear the slight surprise in her voice. It was one of the first times you had actually spoken to her since last camp.
You tilted your head towards the fans beside you. “You’ve got a fan and you owe me because I beat you 5 weeks in a row,” 
“And?” She raised an eyebrow at you. 
“I’m cashing in,” You said, again tilting your head towards the fans. “She would like your jersey,” 
Alex never took her eyes off of you as she stripped off her soaked-through jersey, and passed it to the girl. It was like she was trying to figure out what you were thinking.  But she had lost the ability to read your mind years ago. 
“Thanks,” You said, flashing her a grin and turning back towards the girl. “Now you’ve got the jersey you actually want,” 
Alex’s lips pulled downward at the sarcasm in your tone, hidden by false cheeriness. It was the same tone you used when something was annoying you, but you didn’t know how (or have the courage) to vocalize it. 
“Oh my god, thank you!” The girl cheered, looking at Alex instead of at you. 
“Both of you,” She added quickly when Alex raised an eyebrow at her. 
You waved her off, throwing a “No worries,” over your shoulder as you headed towards the tunnel to get out of the rain. 
Alex waved at the girls too, sending them a smile before jogging off after you. There was something so… off about that interaction, and she wasn’t willing to let it go anymore. 
Her and Kelley had discussed it, and while she understood the defender's advice to not push you. To let you come to her, she was tired of waiting. 
The texting was nice, but it didn’t carry over to your real-life interactions and that was… frustrating. It wasn’t getting her anywhere. 
She caught your arm as you rounded the corner to the locker room, spinning you on the spot and stepping into your space so you were pinned against the cold concrete wall of the tunnel, unable to run away this time. 
“What the fuck was that all about?” She asked, keeping her voice level, even though the two of you were nose to nose. 
Your eyes flashed up to meet hers, identical blue boring into yours. It made you feel like she could see into your soul. Like you were naked in front of her.  You so badly wanted to look away but you couldn’t.
“She had a Morgan sign with a huge 13 on it, so I went to say hello,” You shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant, but Alex saw through it. “And they asked for a jersey, but I knew it wasn’t mine they wanted,”
There was something in your voice, in your posture that she couldn’t place. 
“But they asked you for it?” She pressed, and your eyes flicked away from her as you gave her a barely perceptible nod. 
“It would have been a consolation prize. They wanted yours,” You said, twisting your arm free and finally squeezing out from where you were trapped. “Everyone always wants yours,”
You muttered the last part under your breath as you tried to make your way down the hallway, but Alex heard you anyway. 
She again caught your arm before you could walk away, again spinning you around to face her. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing Alex,” You grumbled, shaking your head and again breaking her hold on you. “Just drop it,”
“No. I will not drop it,” She bit back, not letting you walk away from her. “I’ve been dropping it since you were 10 and look where it’s gotten us. I can’t fix something if I don’t understand what’s wrong,” 
It was as if she let you leave. If she let you go before she understood you would be gone for good. You would lose the progress you had made. 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Fix it?” 
What did Alex mean that she wanted to fix it? She didn’t have a Time Machine. 
“Yes. Fix it,” She said, fighting to keep her volume low and her tone even. You didn’t respond well to exasperation. “We were so close and now it’s like we can’t even stand each other. I don’t want us to be this tense for the rest of our lives,” 
You stared at her like she had 3 heads. There was nothing that she could do. No magic wand she could wave to change it. 
The world preferred her over you, and they probably always would. You had learned from the time you were small that you weren’t worth as much as Alex was. You were invisible when she was there. You accepted it. The only person who didn’t make you feel that way was Taylor.
You shook your head. “There is nothing to fix Alex. You can’t do anything. Now let me go,” 
Her face fell, and something broke in her eyes. It made your heart hurt, but it was the truth. 
You twisted your arm out of her grasp and turned on your heel heading into the locker room. Alex stared after you, something you said gnawing in her brain. 
Everyone always wants yours
It was nearly as bad as the “Now that everyone is watching you care. Now when it’s convenient” you gave her on the practice field in November. 
She wasn’t sure what had happened between the two of you, or why you were so… frustratingly stubborn about allowing her to build a bridge over the mile-wide gap between you. 
Your attitude shifting was also giving her whiplash. You seemed so… open over text. So willing to interact.  She didn’t know how to navigate it all, and it seemed that you weren’t at all willing to help her. 
“You good?” 
Alex jumped at Kelley’s voice in her ear and gentle hands on her shoulders. 
“No,” she shook her head, relaxing back into the defender's grasp. 
Kelley hummed, and placed a kiss just below her ear, soothing her. “What happened?”
“Y/n called me over to give a girl my jersey, and then told her that she had the one she actually wanted,” Alex explained, frustration evident in her voice. “and when I asked, she told me that everyone always wants mine,” 
“Al, we talked about this,” Kelley sighed, as your sister pulled away from her. 
“I know,” Alex grumbled running a frustrated hand through her soaked hair. 
They had many conversations about it. They both agreed that the best move was to take it slow. To let you dictate the pace, but neither of them expected you to be so… passive-aggressive. 
Not when you let people push you too far because you didn’t know how to set limits, or you just pretended like they didn’t exist. 
She didn’t know how to act when you went out of your way to interact with her and then tried to run away. 
“But we never accounted for this,” She gestured wildly towards the locker room door. “She called me over,” 
“And then you chased after her,” Kelley countered. “Because she told you a snippet of what’s bothering her that is supposed to make sense, but it doesn’t because you don’t have context. And you need to understand. I know,” 
“She said I can’t fix it, Kell,” Alex’s voice finally broke, and Kelley was quick to pull the striker into her chest as her shoulders shook. “What am I supposed to do?” 
Kelley closed her eyes, resting her cheek on the top of Alex’s head, holding her tightly. 
She could see it from your side. 
Alex had spent years unsure of how to bridge the ever-widening gap between you. You had spent years being compared to her, being crucified by the media for not being her, so it made sense for you to be wary. For you to try and protect yourself.  What didn’t make sense was the hot and cold way you were going about it. 
“I’ll talk to her,” Kelley said, holding your sister together as she crumbled. “But we need to take this at her pace. And that means one step at a time,”
Slipping out of the locker room undetected was far easier than you expected it to be, but then again you had retreated to the showers long before most of the team was even off of the field. You hadn’t been planning to escape, but when the text came through on your phone, it was a no-brainer. 
You smiled widely as you made the final turn down the tunnel, revealing Taylor leaning up against the large Visitors sign texting. “Fancy meeting you here, I thought you had album stuff,” 
“Heard you didn’t like my henchmen,” She smirked, pushing herself off the wall and meeting you halfway. “So I thought I’d come to check on you myself,”
You nearly fell with the force of the hug, burying your face in her neck and squeezing her tightly to you. “I don’t like the henchmen. I don’t need babysitters,”
She hummed, leaning back just enough to look you in the eyes and brushing your wet curls out of your eyes. “You don’t need babysitters, but you do need protection. Let me be a little overprotective of you,” 
You could feel her breath on your lips, and you couldn’t help but lean in and connect your mouths. Your hands slipped into the back pocket of her jeans and you squeezed lightly. 
It was slightly scary how addicted to her you were. How you craved her touch. 
She made a low sound in the back of her throat. One of her hands hooked into the hem of your sweats, and the other wove into the short curls at the back of your neck, pulling you tighter to her. 
You stumbled forward molding yourself to her, as the kiss changed. Her tongue slipped into your mouth, running against yours, and you could feel her desire. 
It didn’t surprise you. You knew what she wanted. What she expected. It was the same thing that every girl expected from you, so you just let it happen. 
You let her pull you into the closet (unsure of how it appeared out of thin air, or where her shirt had suddenly disappeared to), pushing her against the only wall not covered in athletic equipment, and pinning her there with your hips. 
Your lips dragged across her neck, and you longed to pull the velvety skin into your mouth. To place a mark, a claim out in the open where everyone could see. But you didn’t. 
You trailed down to her collarbone, skimming your teeth along it as your hand slid into her pants, past her underwear, and through her warm wetness. 
You couldn’t help the smirk that graced your features. “Is this all for me?” 
“You’re hot when you play,” She keened as you teased at her entrance, gathering her slick on your middle finger. “And even hotter when you’re drenched and you kept pulling your shirt off to wipe the rain out of your eyes,” 
You hummed, tracing her lower lips and brushing your middle finger across her clit. Her hips jolted, knocking into your thigh and it reminded you of how players always fought you for ball possession. 
How they would press back into you while you tried to tap it through their legs. How they always bucked back to keep you from picking their pocket. 
Taylor’s head hit the wall, and you worked your lips back up her neck, lingering on the underside of her jaw. “Please y/n,”
You hummed, dragging your teeth along her chin, and slipping your finger inside. She was warm and tight, squeezing your fingers as you dragged them against her walls. 
Her hand tightened in the short curls at the base of your neck, while the other clawed at the bare skin of your shoulders. 
She tasted like sweat and rain, and something just so Taylor. 
It was like the sun on your face during the perfect practice, using your arm to wipe the sweat off your upper lip after you sank a ball past one of the keepers.  It was like your teammates pulling you into tight hugs, running their fingers through your hair after you scored on a scorching summer day, their hands slipping through yours as they headed back to their starting positions. 
She shuddered against you as you curled your fingers, finding the spongy patch inside of her, and you carefully ran your teeth across the special spot right below her ear. 
It made you feel… powerful to have her so on edge already.  Nearly as powerful as when you were 5 goals up on a team, or when a player couldn’t make it past you in midfield. 
It was like playing with Mal, and how you knew where she was going to be before she moved, so you could pull the opposing players and set her up for a goal. 
Except it was better. It was what you imagined scoring in the World Cup would feel like. Or assisting in a goal. 
“Y/n,” Taylor panted, using the hand in your hair to tug you away from her neck. 
“What baby?” you asked, glassy eyes blinking blearily up at her as you again curled your fingers. 
Her head fell back and hit the wall with a thump.  “Oh my god,” She moaned low in her throat, fighting to get out whatever she was saying. She swallowed hard, her hands keeping you from continuing your ministrations. “The door,” 
As if on cue, three loud rasps sounded from the door just to your left. “I know you’re in there Y/n. We need to talk. Now,”
Your head fell forward and landed heavily on Taylor’s shoulder as you let out a groan at Kelley’s voice. “One second,”
Why did she always have to pick the wrong moment? 
You pulled back, meeting Taylor’s eyes. “Just stay here,” 
She nodded, sucking in a deep breath as you removed yourself from her, and ran your hand through your hair, trying to straighten your ever-messy curls. Your other hand fixed your rumpled shirt, and she frowned.  She could have sworn you took yours off when you devested her of hers. 
You opened the door just a crack, pushing your head out and glaring at Kelley. “What? I’m busy,”
Her eyebrows were pulled tightly together, a frown firmly set in her features. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
You felt Taylor’s hand on the top of your back, warm and heavy, comforting in a way you weren’t sure you would ever really deserve. 
“A lot of things,” You grumbled, shifting so Kelley couldn’t get a good look inside the closet.  “I’ll need more information to give you a more defined answer,” 
Her eyes narrowed. “You told Alex that she couldn’t fix it between you,” 
“She can’t,” You shrugged. “Are we done?” 
“No,” Kelley bit back, her hand finding the door to prevent you from slamming it closed. “Not until you talk to your sister and fix this shit,” 
You were already shaking your head. “Talking is not something that Alex and I do,”
Kelley snorted. “But you’ll text,” 
You shrank a little at her tone. 
The texting was different. It was safer, more controlled. She wasn’t close enough to hurt you. You needed that distance. 
You felt a hand on your back, rubbing gentle circles at the point that always grew so tense when you were stressed. 
You let out a breath. “That’s different. We only text when one of us is winning,” 
“Is it?” Kelley pressed, unwilling to let it go.  “Because from the outside, it looks like you share more than just your exercise routine,” 
The hand grew more insistent, and you closed your eyes. “I don’t want to argue with you,”
You could understand why Kelley was upset. She was protective over the people she loved, and while you knew she cared for you, it was nothing compared to how much she loved your sister. She would always choose Alex over you. 
And that was ok. It would be weird if it wasn’t that way. 
“No, you just want to get back to your quick fuck,”
Kelley's mouth twisted around the words, and it felt like a knife slipping into your chest. 
You flushed red, and a hand caught the back of your collar as you jerked forward. “Don’t call her that,” 
You knew what your reputation was, but you never expected Kelley to try and use it against you. Taylor was far more than a quick fuck. You cared about her more than you cared about nearly anyone. 
his was why you hadn’t told Kelley yet. 
Kelley took a step back, sucking in a calming breath through her nose. “Look, all I’m saying is that you need to cut Alex some slack. It’s not fair for her with your hot and cold routine. You at least have to meet her halfway,” 
“I’m trying,” You sighed, running a hand through your wild curls. “What else do you want from me when my own team is fucking trading me because I’ll never be the striker that she is,”
Kelley frowned. “What?”
“Those kids said they didn’t know my number because it was new. I changed it over a year ago. They didn’t have anything for me to sign, because they didn’t want my signature. They wanted Alex. Everyone always wants Alex, and that’s not something she can fix,” You explained, your voice going soft and… honest. “I wasn’t being cruel. I was being honest,”
“Oh,” Kelley’s frown deepened, as your comment to Alex suddenly made sense. 
The fans had lied to you when you were already hurt from the trade. They made you feel more unwanted. 
“Yeah oh,” You said, running another hand through your hair. “We text when one of us is winning. That’s our relationship, so just leave it. Is there anything else?” 
Kelley shook her head and cleared her throat. “Bus leaves in 30,”
You painted a smirk across your features.
“Cool, I’ll see you in 29 then,” You said, as you slammed the door, and turned to lean against it. You slid down until you were seated, drawing your knees to your chest and letting your head fall against it with a low thump. “Fuck me,”
Why did Kelley always have to make things difficult?
Sure she was kinda right, but why did she have to remind you of that and get you to admit why you were upset? It was so infuriating that she wouldn’t let you keep her at arm's length. 
“I would but I don’t think that’ll help,” Taylor chuckled, settling down beside you, resting a hand on your knee. 
You groaned, blinking at her. You had nearly forgotten she was there. And that she was shirtless…“You’d be surprised. There’s something very… freeing about losing yourself in someone else,” 
There was something freeing in having all of a woman’s attention. Of you just being enough for them even if it was only for a moment. Of having something Alex never had, and of being in the only situation where you couldn’t be compared to her (though a few girls had mused about it afterward, it’s why you started skipping the after-cuddling). 
Taylor made a low noise, shaking her head. “I think talking will help you more in the long run,” 
You shrugged. You didn’t want to argue with her. 
“I’m sorry Kelley interrupted before you could…you know…” You blushed deeply, rubbing harder at the back of your neck. You couldn’t say the word orgasm. 
Taylor frowned, her thumb pausing on the inside of your knee. “Y/n,” 
You didn’t stop though. You didn’t let her ask you the hard question. 
“I’m surprised the goon squad didn’t stop them, especially since your goons are here too,”  You said, scratching your neck, and tugging off your sweatshirt by the hood. “Here,” 
You passed her the item, watching with rapt attention as she pulled it on, and her abs flexed.
“Jason is getting the car, and Tony is at the end of the hall,” She hummed, doing the button on her pants once your hoodie was on. “I don’t really like having an audience,”
You wiggled your eyebrows, painting a charming smile back on your face, even though it took too much effort. “And you assumed I’d jump you?”
It was slightly alarming how easily you locked your emotions away. How you could pretend like there wasn’t something bothering you when it had been so obvious just seconds before? 
It set off red flags in her brain because a talent like that wasn’t inherent. It was learned. 
“No,” She shook her head, deciding not to comment on how easily you flipped that switch. “I just knew how much I missed you,” 
Your mask fell slightly. “I missed you too,” 
You meant it. Being away from Taylor was harder than your pride would let you admit. 
You had never been so… taken with someone. So addicted to them. But she made you feel seen and safe. It made you want to spend every second with her, wrapped around her. 
“Can I take you to dinner?” She asked, squeezing your knee. 
You shrugged. “I have to go back to the team hotel first to do cool down and check-in,” 
“I can pick you up afterward,” Taylor suggested. 
“That sounds agreeable,” You nodded, your lips twisting into a devilish smirk. “But what are we going to do in the,” You looked at the time on your phone. “25 minutes we have before the bus leaves?”
Taylor matched your smirk, catching the front of your shirt and pulling you closer. “I can think of a few things,” 
March 2017
I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us So, baby, can we dance  Oh, through an avalanche?
You didn’t particularly enjoy fancy restaurants. You didn’t particularly like most restaurants to begin with, but ones with a dress code always made you uncomfortable. Their menus always had a small font, and the white tablecloths never stayed white. 
The stuffy atmosphere usually lent itself to stuffy conversations, and it reminded you too much of business lunches or dinners with your parents to ever really enjoy yourself. 
You had learned over the years that your opinion didn’t really matter. That everything wasn’t about you. So you were fairly adept at painting a charming smile on and acting normal. 
It has worked for most of the night with your sisters and Kelley anyway. 
It was easy when Jen and Jerri were gushing over the new diamond ring on Alex’s finger. When they kept asking for every little detail of how Kelley proposed on top of the Empire State Building. 
And you played along, never speaking directly to Alex, but not being weird enough that anyone would notice.  You wouldn’t ruin this for her, or for Kelley. 
“You alright over there space cadet?” Jerri asked, nudging your shoulder and pulling your brain from where you were trying to decipher the tiny writing on the menu. 
You blinked up at the four women, realizing that they (and the waiter) were staring expectantly at you. “What?”
“Kell asked if you were ready to order,” Jen supplied patiently. 
You were just grateful that no one giggled, but you blushed anyway. 
You tried to cover it by snapping your menu closed. “Oh, yeah,”
Kelley blinked at you, gesturing towards the waitress. “What are you going to order?”
You felt the heat in your cheeks travel up to your ears, but still, you tried to play it off. “Oh, you guys can go first,”
Jerri shook her head, placing her hand gently on your arm. “We already have sweetheart,”
You frowned, squinting down at your closed menu. You had missed them ordering, and now you didn’t have time to try and decipher the hieroglyphic font the restaurant had chosen. Not that you would have been able to. 
The letters tended to go more haywire when you were stressed, and you would be damned before you asked someone to help you. Your jaw worked as you thought of what to say.  What could you say?
“You love chicken parm, and I heard it’s good here,” Alex said casually like it was normal to suggest food items after everyone else had already ordered. “or they have a very good salmon in pink sauce if you’re feeling something lighter,” 
Your eyes darted to her for the first time since you had sat down at the stable, and your jaw hung open. 
Alex intervening so seamlessly when you were struggling wasn’t something that had happened since she moved to Berkeley (you couldn’t help how you sneered the word in your head). 
Jerri nudged you again, and you cleared your throat, your eyes still glued to Alex. 
 “The salmon sounds good actually,” You mumbled, finally getting your voice to work. 
The waitress hummed, and you heard her little ticket book close. “I’ll go put that in,” 
You were sure that Kelley or Jen responded to the girl, but you didn’t look away from Alex. 
It was just so…not Alex of her. For her to have options ready and waiting meant that she had to have thought that you might have trouble. She had to have consciously decided to look for options that you would like too, and to have more than one so you actually got to choose. 
It meant that she cared. 
You swallowed very hard. That thought was too overwhelming. 
Now, at the dinner, after she just got engaged was not the time to contemplate if Alex even had the capability to care about you. It would again make the evening about you when it most certainly was not. 
You could feel the eyes of Kelley and your sisters, despite the way they restarted their conversation. It was like they were watching a car crash or a roller coaster derail. 
You felt like a spectacle. Like you were drawing attention when you absolutely should not be. It had alarm bells ringing in your ears. 
What would your parents say when they heard you had ruined your sister’s engagement dinner? 
It was like the walls were closing in, as the conversation at the table blended with the noise from the restaurant around you. It was suffocating. 
You didn’t think before you pushed yourself to your feet, nearly knocking over the chair behind you. 
“I’m gonna take a bathroom break,” You said, turning on your heel without waiting for a response, not that you would have registered it through the pounding in your ears. 
You needed to get away. 
To leave. 
To put space between you and this version of Alex that somehow gave a fuck about you. 
You bypassed the hallway that led to the restroom, knowing that someone would eventually find you there. You turned right, brushing past the hostess and out the glass doors into the city. 
The chilly air hit you like a gasping breath after being underwater for too long. Like water after a practice in Houston in July. 
You paused just outside the crystal doors, filling your lungs like you had been drowning. 
You knew you couldn’t stand there forever, blocking the entrance to Osteria Carlina, so you headed left, in the direction of your favorite hole-in-the-wall pizza place between Canal and Broadway. 
You didn't plan to eat there, but you thought that maybe the walk would help you clear your head, and you could be back in time to eat your overpriced salmon. Something about the smell of fresh sauce and baked cheese always made your thoughts clearer. 
It reminded you of when you were tiny and Alex would take you for pizza after your u6 games. It reminded you of riding on her shoulders on top of the world, even if none of the goals actually mattered. 
Even if you lost. 
You just needed a minute to not think, so you could go back and pretend like everything was fine. Like you didn’t feel entirely out of place with your sisters and Kelley. And you knew that the sounds of the city and the familiar comfort would do that. 
You could already feel your airway opening, but you reached up and undid the top two buttons of your shirt anyway as though it would help. It was all in your head anyway. 
It was always all in your head. 
You ran a hand through your hair, your nose scrunching involuntarily at the sticky gel you had used to keep your curls in place. You had forgotten your normal wax in Chicago, and the CVS near your hotel wanted 15$ for it. 
You wanted to look nice for Alex and Kelley, but 15$ wax was not in your budget. Still, you couldn’t not do anything with your hair. Wild curls would draw attention to you, and you couldn’t do that. 
You couldn’t make this night about you and ruin it for them. 
God, you probably already had. 
“If you’re going to ditch us can you please slow down? It’s the least you could do,”
Your heart stopped at Alex’s voice, and your feet paused before you consciously decided to listen. You had to swallow down a groan. 
Of course, she had come after you. 
It was such an Alex thing to do. 
You ran another hand through your hair and turned to face her. “What are you doing?”
Her eyebrows pulled together as she finally caught up with you. “I’m making sure you’re okay,”
She said it like it was obvious. Like it was normal. Like she wasn’t sure why you would ask. 
“I’m fine,” You mumbled, your hand dragging through your curls to the back of your neck. “Go back to dinner and I’ll rejoin you in a bit,”
Her eyebrow arched. “I think running out of the restaurant constitutes just about anything other than fine,”
You couldn’t help how your nose scrunched.
This was the part of your relationship that you had forgotten about. The one that had been masked by annoying persistence since she moved out for college. 
The one where she actually cared enough to force you to admit when something was wrong. 
She was pushing you, but it didn’t feel like it was for her benefit. It was for you. 
Your hand fell. “I just needed some air,” Your voice came out horse, strained. 
Alex hummed, stepping closer to you. “You got overwhelmed.”
It was a statement, not a question, and it struck you how well she knew you, even though the two of you hadn’t had a real conversation in nearly a decade. 
You stared at her, trying to understand her game. Trying to figure out why she was pretending to care. Trying to dissect how this would benefit her and her perfect image. 
“What do you want from me?” You were thrown off by how small you sounded. How young and… terrified the words that left your lips were. 
Alex caught your arm pulling you into her, closing the little space left between you. “I want you to talk to me,” 
“No,” You instantly pulled away from her, tangling your fingers in your messy curls yet again. “I will not be a distraction,”
“What?” Her eyebrows pulled more tightly together. 
Your fingers caught in a curl at the back of your head, the one that always seemed to tangle no matter what you did. You harshly tugged at it, the little pinpricks of pain helping you stay grounded. 
Except this time it didn't help. 
It didn’t give you enough to focus on to crack some smart-ass remark or shove your feelings into a tiny box. 
It was too much. 
“It’s all I’ve ever been,” The words spilled from your lips before you could stop them, like blood gushing from an open wound that you had tried and failed to stitch together too many times before. 
Alex softened, and she took a step towards you, gently catching your arm and pulling it towards her, effectively stopping your from ripping your hair out. 
“Monkey,” She said softly. 
You jerked away, like a wounded animal. You would not let her pretend that she didn’t think that. That she didn’t hate how you followed after her when you were young, that she didn’t despise how you distracted from her.  
“No! I heard you. I’m just the spare Morgan chasing after you, taking people’s attention off of you, and joining in uninvited on your opportunities. This will not be like that. I won’t fuck this up for you. You need to go back, and I’ll be there in a few minutes,” 
The words forced themselves out of your lips like they had been waiting to leave for forever. They broke you apart as you choked trying to hold in your emotions. As you fought to close the lid back on Pandora’s box. 
Alex caught you again, pulling you into her, and you quaked against her chest, sucking in strangled breaths. Her arms wrapped around you, squeezing you tightly, just like she did when you were little after a busy trip to the mall when the crowds had made your tummy flutter. 
You didn’t fight her, instead burying your face in her neck, curling into her like you hadn’t since she left for college. 
She held you like the two of you had all the time in the world. Like you weren't on a random sidewalk with random people walking around you. 
She didn’t pull back until your trembling had slowed and your breathing had evened out, and she very gently ran her thumb under your eyes. 
You hadn’t even realized you were crying. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” She asked when your eyes met her identical blue. 
“You said it,” You mumbled, sniffing lightly. 
Alex’s eyes scrunched and a crinkle appeared between them. “When?” 
 “I was trying to surprise you at Berkley. Mom thought I had practice, and I took the bus. I heard you,” You said, your eyes closing as that day played back through your head. 
It had taken some serious convincing from Jen that Alex missed you, and that she was desperate to see you since you had gone radio silent on her. You had been so excited as you waited near the Berkeley bleachers for their practice to finish. 
She had been walking with one of her teammates, and they were talking about someone Coach McGuire was going to invite to practice. 
“It just makes no sense, why would he extend that kind of an offer to a kid?”  The girl you didn’t recognize said, nudging your sister as they stepped off the field. “Like fuck, it has to suck to always have your younger sister getting opportunities off of your hard work,” 
Alex hummed, shifting her bag over her shoulder, and you moved to be more hidden under the bleachers. 
The little sound was like a knife in your chest, deflating the balloon of excitement that had been there since you snuck out this morning. 
Alex didn’t want to see you. She thought you were getting things off of her hard work.
“Don’t they understand that you want something that’s yours?” The girl continued, and you bit down hard on your lip to stop the tears from leaking down your cheeks. “You should have to deal with her being a distraction from your greatness,” 
You would never cry for Alex again. 
You shook your head and refocused on Alex in front of you, shoving away the cracking feeling in your stomach. 
“Go back to your dinner. I’ll be there in a bit,” You said, forcing your voice steady. Emotionless. In control. “I promise Alex. I just needed some air,” 
“No,” Alex said sternly, her arm tightening around you so you couldn’t pull away.  “Don’t do that. Don’t shut down on me. I'm not going anywhere,”
You blinked at her, fighting to swallow the warmth that spread through you. It couldn’t be real. She couldn’t be honest about this. 
You had already resolved that she didn’t actually care about you. That she loathed the responsibility of you from when you were younger. You couldn’t wrap your head around anything else. 
And before you could stop it the strangled “Why?” Fell from your lips. 
She chuckled, running her thumb under your eyes again and wiping away the tears that would not stop. “Because I fucking love you, and I can’t read your fucking mind, no matter how many times I told you I could when you were little,” 
You knew the comment was meant to draw a chuckle or a smile, but it didn’t. 
Alex ducked her head when you tried to look away, not letting you break eye contact. Not letting you bury your emotions and draw back into yourself. Making sure you heard her. “I want to fix our relationship. I’ve wanted to fix it since you stopped talking to me when I moved out. I don’t understand what happened, even though I probably should, and I can’t if you don’t tell me,” 
You sniffled, unable to stop yourself from leaning into her touch as her thumb ran circles under your eyes, clearing away the tears as they continued to fall. It warmed your cheeks, and traveled down to your tummy. It made you feel… safe. Something you hadn’t really felt that way (aside from when you were with Taylor) since you were 12. 
The two of you stood like that for a long minute, stuck in your own bubble, uncaring of the crowds rushing around you. 
It took you another moment to realize Alex’s eyebrow was raised, and that she was looking at you like she always had when she expected a response. 
You swallowed hard. “Ok,” 
The word was simple but held a weight not lost on either of you. What you were agreeing to wasn’t lost, and neither was the vulnerability it took to let it out. 
Alex’s head tilted, a smile tugging at her lips. “Ok.” 
You nodded, finally pulling yourself out of her grasp and wiping your face with your arm. “I’ll try. Old habits die hard,”
“I know,” Alex hummed, and you knew she was saying more.
She was saying that she knew how hard it was for you to voice your feelings sometimes. How difficult it was for you to be open. 
She was saying that she knew you. 
And it had a warm feeling filtering deep in your tummy. 
You looked away, clearing your throat. “We should go back. It’s your night and you should get to enjoy it,”
Alex sighed.“ This doesn’t change my ability to enjoy my night. If you need more time, we have plenty,”
Your shoulders rolled, and your back straightened.  Your fingers tangled in the baby hairs at the back of your neck. 
It was something Alex had seen a million times. The way you pieced yourself back together, even when you didn’t necessarily have to. Even when you weren’t ready to. 
It was unsettling, how little this part of you had changed. 
“The only bad thing about the city lights is that you can’t see the stars,” She said, watching how the abrupt change in subject took an immediate effect. 
You blinked at her, your eyes instinctively glancing upward towards the sky, and your shoulders relaxing. 
Bingo she thought. 
You might not have had a conversation with her in years, but she still knew you. And your obsession with astronomy… well more like your obsession with Greek mythology and stars… hadn’t changed. 
You hadn’t changed all that much. Well, most of you, no matter how much you wanted to pretend otherwise. 
“Canis Minor is there,” You mumbled, pointing up at the sky barely visible surrounded by the neon lights of the city. “And Vela and Volans are there. It’s hard, but you can make them out,”
She hummed, not at all surprised that you could pick out the constellations even when you could only see a small part of them. But that wasn’t the point.
The point was how you relaxed. 
You looked back towards her, your hand dropping as you let out a shaky breath.  
“Let’s go back,” You said. “I don’t want your food to get cold,” 
Alex nodded. “As long as you’re ready,” 
You made a low sound in the back of your throat and turned back towards the restaurant. “Let’s go,” 
She signed, reminding herself that everything wouldn’t be fixed in a day. You wouldn’t be fixed in a day. It would take baby steps, and you had given her more today than you had in years. 
“Ok,” She agreed, letting you lead her back towards the restaurant, and your family. 
“You sure you don’t want a ride kid?” Kelley asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. 
You nodded, forcing a smile across your lips. “Oh yeah, I’m good,” 
The end of dinner had actually been nice. 
No one had said a thing when you and Alex returned to the table, just before your food arrived. The conversation had been light, focused on the proposal, and no one had tried to force you to join in. 
They hadn’t even batted an eyelash when you pulled out your phone to text your girlfriend about where you would be sleeping, and made eye contact with the two men who had taken up a table in the back corner of the restaurant.
Desert had been… almost pain-free, which set you on edge. 
Nothing in your family came without a cost, and you wondered what it would be. Especially since Alex had come after you. 
But everyone said their goodbyes and headed to their cars with very little fanfare. 
All except for Kelley who was worried when you lingered near the entrance of the restaurant. 
“You don’t have to stand here with me,” you said, glancing down the street, looking for the familiar black Escalade you assumed Taylor would be sending to retrieve you. You figured Tony was driving, since he had disappeared, leaving Zach to linger a few feet away from you. “I'm just waiting for my Uber,”
Kelley made a low noise. “And while I’m sure your new mob friends could take care of you, Alex would kill me if I left you here without knowing your plan,” 
You blew out a breath, a strange warmth in your stomach at the thought that Alex would care. “My ride should be just around the corner. You can go, and I’ll be fine,” 
It didn’t even bug you that Emily had apparently convinced her you were in the mob too. 
“Burrito girl?” She asked, her features softening. 
You nodded, glancing sideways toward where Alex was standing. “Satisfied now?”
You weren’t ready for your older sister to know yet. You weren’t ready to hear about how you weren’t mature enough. Or how your reputation would impact your relationship. 
You didn’t want to be lectured about how much older Taylor was. 
Kelley wiggled her eyebrows as a black Escalade pulled around the corner. “Very,”
“You’re far too smug about this,” You huffed, again glancing towards your sister, who still seemed oblivious to your conversation. 
Kelley followed your eyes, and her smirk softened. “You know she wouldn’t be upset that you’re seeing someone right? She just wants you to be happy,” 
“I know,” You mumbled, feeling the kid you had forced over your emotions rattle in your chest. You had already been too vulnerable tonight. “I just… I’m still figuring it all out, and I don’t want the pressure yet,” 
Kelley made a low noise of agreement in the back of her throat. Like she wanted to argue with you, but knew you weren’t in a place to listen.
You wondered how much she knew about your earlier moment with Alex. How she knew so well not to push. 
The black Escalade came to a smooth stop in front of you, and Zach stepped up from behind you to stand near the rear passenger door. 
You appreciated that he didn’t say anything. 
“Tell your burrito mob boss hello,” Kelley said, patting your back. “And I’ll take care of your sister,” 
You rolled your eyes goodnaturedly at her before Zach opened the door for you and you slid into the backseat of the car. 
Zach closed the door behind you and was in the passenger seat before you could think too hard about what Kelley had said. 
“To Taylor’s apartment?” Tony asked you, glancing at you in the rearview mirror. “Or did you want to make a pitstop first?”
You blinked at him, not expecting to have a choice in where he was taking you. You figured Taylor had given him instructions already. That he would do whatever she told him to because she was the one paying his (probably incomprehensibly expensive) salary. 
You cleared your throat, meeting his eyes in the mirror. “Taylor’s apartment is fine, thanks,”
“No problem kid,” He winked, his eyes returning to the street ahead of him. 
Zach reached forward and flicked the radio, letting quiet pop fill the car, and you relaxed back into the leather seats. 
It was weird. This was weird. You felt so… off balance after your moment with Alex. It made you feel so vulnerable. 
You needed to get rid of the raw feeling in your chest. You needed control. 
You swallowed hard and looked out the window as the lights of the city passed. 
One thing you absolutely loved about Taylor’s apartment was that it was always stocked with sweets. And since you had started dating, your favorites seemed to appear alongside the treats that she enjoyed. 
“How was dinner?” She asked you, passing you the container of chocolate frosting as you sat on her kitchen counter. 
She was dressed in short shorts and an old Philadelphia Eagles shirt, her feet bare. She was relaxed and comfortable. Which felt like a stark contrast to needles prickling in your stomach. The pins tingling the back of your neck. 
She had been waiting for you near the elevator when the SUV pulled into her private garage, and she welcomed you with a hug that was so… warm that it almost made you forget how raw you felt. 
She held you as you ascended to her apartment, and all the way into her kitchen, asking if you were up for a bit of dessert. 
You were surprised she hadn’t immediately tried to get you to talk about dinner with your sisters and Kelley. That she didn’t pry into it the second she had the chance like Mal would have. 
Now you found that you didn’t mind the question. 
“Fine,” You shrugged, sticking a spoon in the frosting and twisting it around, lifting it to examine the scoop you had made. “They mostly gushed over the ring Kelley picked, and how romantic it was to propose on the Empire State Building,”
You licked your spoon, pulling it into your mouth, and your eyes closed at the taste. 
It was silky and smooth, much better than the cheap frosting you always brought. 
“You don’t think it’s gush-worthy?” Taylor asked when your eyes fluttered back open. 
You paused, thinking about it for a long second as you got another scoop of frosting. 
You actually thought Kelley’s proposal was sweet. It combined some of your sister’s favorite things and one of her favorite places. It made sense. 
But it was so cliché.
 “For Alex it is,” You shrugged, sticking the spoon in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the ridges to get all of the delicious chocolate. 
Taylor hummed, stepping up between your legs, her hands running gently over the dark denim of our jeans. “But it’s not what you would want?”
You shook your head, scooping a bit more frosting on your spoon. 
“I think I’d want something more creative,” You said, your lips quirked up, as you held the spoon out for her. “You know, like under the Eiffel Tower,”
“So original,” She rolled her eyes, letting you slip the spoon past her lips.
Sharing food with her was a habit you had picked up. Something that settled the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that she was too skinny. That there was something… wrong with her relationship to food. 
Her fingers tightened around your thighs and you tilted the spoon up and her chin tilted to follow, exposing the long lines of her neck. You traced them with your eyes, swallowing hard. 
It had want bubbling in your stomach alongside the needles. It had you leaning into where you knew this evening was heading. Into the coping mechanism that hadn’t failed you yet, even though you so desperately wanted things with Taylor to be different. 
But maybe tonight they didn’t have to be. 
You hummed, pulling the spoon away. 
She let her tongue trail along it, her eyes fluttering open to make eye contact with you. “That’s good,”
“You bought it, so I would hope you like it,”
You dipped the spoon back into the container, pulling up a glob of frosting and bringing it to your lips. 
She watched you intently, waiting for the spoon to leave your mouth with a little pop before very slowly leaning in. It gave you enough time to pull away if you wanted to, but you didn’t want to. 
You needed this. To feel in control. 
You leaned forward, connecting your lips in a languid kiss. Her tongue gently pressed against your lips, and you opened your mouth to grant her access. 
It carefully explored around your mouth, dancing with your tongue in a slow waltz, licking the residual frosting from every surface it touched. 
She let out a low noise in the back of her throat as she pulled away. “That one tasted better,” 
You wiggled your eyebrows, dropping the spoon back into the container. “Did it now?” 
“It did,” She nodded, her thumbs running up and down your thighs. 
You leaned forward, connecting your lips again and slowly sliding off the counter. Your hands landed heavily on her hips and her arms draped across your shoulders, pulling you closer, her fingers playing with the baby hairs at the back of your neck. 
It was easy for you to snatch control of the kiss, Taylor gave it to you willingly. 
It should have smoothed over the frayed edges of your nerves. It should have quieted your thoughts and made you more present. 
Instead, you slipped farther into your head. 
You replayed the feelings of Alex’s hand in your hair, the weight of her arm around you. How you had made a promise you weren’t sure you really wanted to keep. 
Your lips never left her as she took a step back towards the hallway that led to her room, and you slipped your fingers under the hem of her shirt, skating along the waistband of her shorts.
You loved the smooth skin there, and the goosebumps that trailed after your light touch. They distracted you so much that you didn’t notice her turning down the hallway until you were stumbling over your feet to keep up. 
Her lips tilted into a smirk as she used her newfound leverage to switch your position. 
Your back hit the wall with a low thump. Her lips reattached to yours, one hand tangling in the hair at the base of your skull, and the other cupped your chin as she pressed you into the wall, her thigh landing heavily between your legs. 
It was more demanding, more needy, more in control. 
It jarred you out of your head. Out of the rabbit hole of how being honest with Alex would help you link the back line to the front line better. Of how it would allow more line breaking balls through towards the edge where your sister always danced to stay onside. 
“You didn’t think I was a pillow princess did you?” She asked, winking at your surprised eyes. 
You let out a sigh at the pressure against your core, doing everything in your power to prevent your hips from pulling back when she rocked against you. 
This you weren’t used to. This you had never done with anyone besides Mal. 
You sucked in a breath through your nose, deciding to focus on the things that you enjoyed. You leaned into the kiss. 
You liked the way her tongue explored your mouth. You liked how her fingers twitched against your jaw before they made their way to your collar. 
Your head tilted to give her more room as she began trailing warm, wet kisses down your neck.
A shiver ran down your spine when she hit the spot just below your right ear, and you let out another low sigh. She echoed the sound, her fingers deft as they undid the first button of your shirt. 
She let the blunt nail of her pointer finger graze your collarbone, trailing after her as she moved to the next button, leaving flames in its wake. 
Goosebumps erupted on the newly exposed skin, and you felt her smirk against your neck. 
Her long fingers splayed across your abs, tapping out a rhythm you couldn’t define. 
“Do you know how amazing these are?” She asked, her warm breath hitting the damp skin of your neck and sending a shiver down your spine as her fingers tapped you a bit harder. “I think about them all the time. It’s not fair that I’ve only gotten glimpses of them, especially with how much you show them off,”
“You were a bit distracted,” You smirked, projecting confidence that you didn’t feel, your fingers closing around her hips, trying to maintain a sliver of control. 
She flexed her thigh again to prevent you from flipping your positions though. 
“Hmm,” She hummed, a devilish smile cracking across her lips as she dropped to her knees. Your breath caught in your throat, and you splayed your hands on the wall behind you, trying to hide how much they were shaking. 
You didn’t know how to handle this. How to do this. 
“Well I’m not distracted now, and I’m going to give them the attention they deserve,” She said, her hands moving the edges of your shirt out of the way. 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you now?” 
Your voice barely wobbled as you spoke, and you took it as a win. 
“I am,” she nodded, determination glinting in her eyes. She leaned forward, placing an open mouth kiss on the abb right above your left hip. Her tongue followed the ridge of the muscle to the other side. 
you bit your bottom lip and allowed your head to fall back against the wall with a low thump. 
You liked this touch. More than any touch you had ever had before. You had never let anyone get this far before, not even Mal really. 
Things had been quick with her, like touching you was an unpleasant chore. One neither of you had ever been fond of. 
This. This was different. 
Taylor took her time, lavishing each individual muscle as her warm mouth traveled around your stomach. A chill trailed after her lips, the air landing on your wet skin sending goosebumps across your flesh, stoking a foreign fire in your belly that was almost enough to quiet the growing dread. 
She made her way up your stomach, placing a line of kisses up your chest and collarbone before she again landed on the special spot on your neck. 
“Let’s get you out of these pants,” 
You sucked in a harsh breath through your nose, forcing yourself to remain relaxed. You tried to enjoy the feeling of her hands tracing the residue left on your stomach. Tried to focus on the softness of her lips on your neck and the scent of her perfume. 
Tried to let it drive away ghosts of calloused fingers and gruff voices. 
It almost worked. 
Then her thumb flicked open the button of your jeans, and you couldn’t temper your reaction. You couldn’t quell the growing anxiety in your chest. You froze, every muscle in your body going rigid for a split second before you could force them to relax again. 
You hoped that Taylor wouldn’t notice, but she did. 
“Y/n?” She said softly as she pulled back, her hands retreating from their position at your waist to cup your cheek, and her leg falling from between yours. 
Your eyes slowly fluttered open and met very worried blue. You could see the questions forming. The concern dripped from her form. 
But you knew you couldn’t answer.  You weren’t ready to unlock Pandora's box yet. Not when you knew you would never be able to shut it again. You only knew one way to stop her from asking. One way to regain control. 
You surged forward, your hands on her hips giving you the leverage to push her back against the wall opposite of you. Your mouth landed hot against her neck, lavishing the soft skin with open-mouthed kisses, and your thigh slotted between her legs pressing into her core with the perfect amount of pressure to distract her. 
“I’m ok,” You muttered hotly into her ear, pressing more firmly into her center. “Let me make you feel good,” 
She sucked in a breath, her hips stuttering like they wanted to grind against you, but she wouldn’t let them. 
You dragged your tongue down her neck, letting your teeth just barely graze her sensitive skin, and rocked your hips. Your thumbs scared along the sliver of skin just above her shorts trying to convince her to just go with it. 
To let her let you distract her. 
You thought for a second that it had worked, as a low groan left her lips. You thought that maybe you had… derailed her enough to forget about your momentary lapse in the hold you had on your emotions.  But just as you went to slip your hand into her pants she stopped you. 
Her palm pressed firmly into your chest, insistent until you pulled away enough to make eye contact with her. 
“I want us to both feel good,” she said sternly. 
You swallowed at the comment, fighting to keep your face neutral. 
“Making you feel good will make me feel good,”  You said, trying to lean back in, but the hand on your chest stopped you. 
“Y/n you tensed,” She said, her blue eyes burning into yours, looking for answers, the charge between you melting away. 
You sighed as you pulled away from her until your back hit the wall opposite of her. You ran a hand through your messy curls and glared up at her ceiling, unable to look at her. 
You were afraid that if you did, she would be able to read your mind. She would see the… brokenness you fought so hard to hide.  But you had never been able to hide from Taylor. 
Even before you were dating, you had let her closer to you than anyone had ever gotten before. She was scarily perceptive and had been able to read you from the beginning of your friendship even better than Mal could (and that was saying something). Her abilities only seemed to get more acute as you got closer. 
This was the only area she hadn’t seemed to pick up on. 
You let yourself slide down the wall, your eyes closing as you sucked in another breath.  You still felt so raw from your talk with Alex. Too… vulnerable. Like opening up again would finally crack your chest in half. 
“I’m,” You started and stopped, unsure of what you were actually going to say. “I’m not good at receiving,”
You settled on the phrase, drawing up the courage to finally open your eyes, pulling your knees close to your chest and resting your chin on them. 
You were surprised that Taylor had slid down her own wall so she was sitting across from you and mirroring your posture. 
She made a low sound in the back of her throat, and her eyebrows furrowed. “You’re not good at it?” 
There was no judgment in her voice. None of the disgust you expected. 
“I can’t ever get out of my head enough to… enjoy it I guess,” You cleared your throat and looked away from her, ignoring the heat in your cheeks. “No one’s ever noticed before”
It was a semi-truth. In your slew of hookups, no one had ever cared. No one had pushed back when you stopped them. No one had ever not let you distract them. 
But then again, Taylor was nothing like your hookups. 
You actually had feelings for her that stretched beyond self-loathing and the need to be in control of something. To be good enough. There was nothing quite like the rush that came from making a beautiful woman fall apart under you. It was irrefutable evidence that you were capable. 
Taylor’s eyes tightened. It physically hurt her that none of your past partners (if she could call them that) had cared enough beyond their own needs to see the obvious. And that you were willing to bypass your own comfort so someone else could feel good. 
She wanted to kick herself for not noticing that something was wrong sooner. 
“You’ve never talked through limits or likes and dislikes with any of the people you’ve slept with?”
You ran another hand through your hair (making it impossibly more messy) and let out a very long breath. 
You shrugged. “We were never doing anything beyond vanilla and it never progressed past a few one-sided orgasms,”
You had never let any of them touch you. Hell, you hadn’t even gotten undressed for most of them. The thought of doing anything… kinky sent a shiver down your spine so you hadn’t. It was just easier to keep distance from the people you slept with. It was safer that way. 
Taylor shifted, very slowly scooting towards you, reaching out to place a gentle hand on your foot like she thought you would freak out if she moved too fast. 
“Well, I think there’s a need now,” Taylor said, watching your every movement. 
Your eyes were scarily hollow, accented by the red that rimmed them from the time you had made it to her apartment. She had wanted to ask about it. Pushed just a little to find out if you had been crying, and why. But you didn’t seem to want to talk about it. 
You had pivoted to sex almost as soon as she tried to bring it up. It sent red flags up in her mind. Red flags that only got brighter. 
She couldn’t help but replay every interaction the two of you had had in her mind. There would be time to agonize over every little detail later, but even now, your… reluctance to undress, or allow her to touch you was glaringly obvious. How the moment she flipped your typical script, you couldn’t hide it anymore. 
She was slightly ashamed she hadn’t noticed it before. That she had ignored the signs of your discomfort, even if they were well masked. 
Have you ever wanted to have sex? Had she put you in a position where you didn’t feel like you could refuse? 
She never wanted you to feel forced, whether that was about talking about how you were feeling or having sex. She wanted you to feel comfortable enough to tell her when you weren’t ok with something. 
Your nose dipped behind your thighs, your forehead pressed into your knees, and you squeezed your arms more tightly around them like you were literally trying to hold yourself together. 
Her heart broke a little more at the barely audible “ok” that left your lips. 
She scooted closer to you, her hand carefully drawing up your shin and weaving in your curls. Her nails scratched gently on your scalp, and you practically melted. 
Your shoulders relaxed and you let out a long breath before you shifted to look up at her, your chin balanced on your knees. 
She brushed a curl from in front of your eyes. “When did you start to feel uncomfortable?”
You scrunched your nose. It was a hard question. 
 You weren’t sure how you were supposed to explain that your mind went to soccer as soon as anything remotely intimate started. How were you supposed to explain that you were just defective? 
But maybe you didn’t have to. 
She didn’t ask you that. All she asked was when you started to feel uncomfortable, and that answer was easy.
It was the moment your back hit the wall. The moment you were jarred out of the safe space in your head.
The moment she forced you to be present, unlike every other girl you had ever been with.  
But you weren’t entirely uncomfortable. Maybe at the start, but you had enjoyed parts of being with her. You wanted to enjoy being with her.  But you were just… incapable. Defectives 
You settled for a shrug, curling tighter into yourself. You didn’t want her to see how… fucked up you were. It would only push her away.
That’s what pushed Mal away.  And Alex. And your parents. 
You would never be good enough, and you had just wanted to pretend as long as you could. You weren’t ready to lose Taylor yet. 
“Ok. It’s ok,” Taylor’s voice was gentle, and her hand trailed to tangle in the baby curls at the back of your neck. “Let’s try something else. Can you tell me what you liked?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “This time?” 
“Any of the times,” She said soothingly, her fingers never stopping their gentle scratches at the back of your neck. 
You closed your eyes, leaning back into her hand. “I like it when you do this,” 
She hummed, and you could hear a smile in it. “Anything else?”
“I like kissing you,” You mumbled, feeling the red flair in your cheeks. 
Her lips always tasted like coffee, and something so… Taylor. They were addictive in the best way. 
“And I like holding you,” You added. There was something comforting about having her in your arms. Something that made you feel safe. “And I like it when you hold me,” 
“But the rest?”  She asked you gently. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell. You did what was expected of you. What you knew worked. 
You went with the flow just like Emily told you too, and then had been too caught in your head to savor the moment. To take in all of the little details that you wanted to remember. No matter how hard you fought, you just… couldn’t. 
You quite liked touching her too, but you knew there was something wrong with your inability to remain in the moment when you did. You knew that she deserved for you to be present. 
“I’m just not good at receiving,” You repeated, misery leaking into your tone. 
It was the only response you could come up with. The only explanation that remotely made sense. This was when she would realize you were… defective. This was when she would leave. But she didn’t. 
She gently squeezed the back of your neck. A silent request for you to look at her and a comforting touch that told you that it was ok. It took you a second to gain the courage to look up, but when you did, you didn’t see the disgust you expected. 
Her eyes were soft, sad, and they held another emotion you couldn’t quite put your finger on. “I like holding and kissing you too,”
She shifted a little closer to you, so her knee was touching yours. “And I’ll hold and kiss you for as long as you’ll let me, at whatever pace makes you feel comfortable,” 
You made a low noise. 
It was strange. Conceptually, you could understand what she was saying, but you had never been with someone who didn’t judge you based on your ability to give them an orgasm. You wondered how long her patience would last. How long would she stay when she realized how deeply you were fucked up. 
“How about we go cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?” She asked, squeezing the back of your neck gently. 
Your nose scrunched as she pulled away, pushing herself to her feet and holding her hand out to you. “You know I don’t like movies,” 
You didn’t have the attention span for them, and you would inevitably get bored halfway through. 
She hummed, wiggling her fingers so you would take her hand. “How about survivor then?” 
Your tension melted at the mention of your favorite show, and your easy smile returned to your features.
“Yes! We have to watch Heroes vs Villains so you can see Russel at his finest,” You said, allowing her to pull you into her side.
“Whatever you want sunshine,” She kissed your forehead and guided you back towards her living room. 
It felt like going to her bedroom was too much, too fast. She didn’t want you to think she had some… expectations despite the clear signs that you were not ready to progress past cuddling. Not while you would so easily compromise your limits. 
Not while your limits still felt so unclear. 
She knew that it would take time to work through that, and she was willing to wait and help you for as long as it took. 
Soft morning light filtered into your consciousness, waking you gently. You breathed in deeply, shifting on a bed that you knew wasn’t yours. 
It smelled like lilacs and Taylor’s perfume, sweet and inviting and safe. You could hear soft music from somewhere else in the apartment and felt cool sheets next to you. 
You frowned, pushing yourself to a sitting position with a yawn. It was rare you woke up after Taylor. That you slept in in general. 
But it shouldn’t have surprised you with what had happened last night. Sure, the two of you had fallen asleep together just after Pavarti and Russel had schemed to take down the Hero’s tribe during the merge. Taylor held you just like she promised, but you should have known it wouldn’t last. 
A good nights sleep had opened her eyes. She had reflected and decided you were too… broken to be worth it. 
“Fuck,” You mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes with the palms of your hands. 
You should have stopped her before she got to your pants. You should have been more subtle and slipped your position instead of tensing. 
You should have been prepared to lose hold on the iron box that held your emotions. You should have had more control. 
But you didn’t, and now you were most likely going to lose your girlfriend. 
She would break up with you in the sweetest way possible. She would say that it was her. That she was the problem, and you would accept that. 
You would nod along, and make it easy for her.  Just like you had with Mal when she told you that Dansby was her soulmate. That he was so good and perfect. 
You dragged your hands up your face, and into your hair, ruffling your messy curls as you pushed yourself out of bed.  There was no point in drawing this out longer than it needed to be.  
You stretched, pulling your shirt down over your boxers as you padded out of Taylor’s room towards the sound of the music. You could also make out soft voices as you got closer. Your eyebrows furrowed. Who was Taylor talking to? 
You peeked your head around the corner, your frown deepening when you saw a redhead sitting at the island across from Taylor, a large stack of papers sitting to the right of her, drinking a cup of coffee and humming to a song you had never heard before. 
Why was she here? 
Taylor turned from the stove, catching sight of you before you could hide back behind the wall. “Hey babe, good morning,” She said brightly, smiling widely at you. 
“Morning,” You said slowly, stepping out from behind the hallway wall. 
She gestured to the woman across from her. “This is Tree,”
“Hello,” You waved awkwardly at the redhead. 
“She just swang by to hear a bit of the new album,” Taylor explained easily, turning back towards the cabinets. “Do you want some coffee?”
Tree smiled brilliantly at you, showing off perfectly white teeth in a way that surprisingly didn’t feel forced. 
But you could sense the lie in Taylor’s explanation of why her publicist was there. Of why the woman who handled all of Taylor’s outward appearances appeared with a massive contract right after you had shown her how defective you were? 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” She said, pushing out the stool next to her, a clear invitation to sit. 
You shifted awkwardly from foot to foot and dragged a hand through your hair. 
Neither of them seemed… angry. Or like they were plotting the fastest way to get you out of the apartment. But you didn’t trust it. All of your instincts told you not to. 
“Nice to meet you too,” You said slowly, stepping towards the stool and gesturing to the stack of papers. “Listen, I’ll sign whatever you want me to sign. Can I just take a shower before you kick me out?”
“What?” Taylor and Tree said in unison, Taylor nearly dropping the mug she was holding and Tree’s eyes tightening. 
“I just hate to put on clean clothes without showering,” You scratched more insistently at the back of your neck, your fingers tangling in the tight curls at the base of your skull. “And Alex and Kelley would think it’s weird if I show up to their house in what I wore last night, and I won’t be able to accurately answer their questions,”
Taylor’s eyebrows pulled tightly together and she set the mug down, stepping closer to the island. “Y/n, slow down,” 
You ignored her. You knew you were rambling at this point but you couldn’t stop yourself. “I promise I’ll be in and out in like 5 minutes. I won’t even do my hair,” 
“Y/n stop,” Taylor moved around the island, catching your hand as it began to tug at the roots of your curls.
“What are you talking about?” She asked you softly, ducking to catch your eye. 
“You’re going to break up with me because of what happened,” You rushed out, catching her frown and immediately backtracking. “Which is totally fine. I understand that you want someone… with less baggage. I just want to take a shower before you make me leave,”
“I’m not breaking up with you,” 
You blinked at her.  What was that supposed to mean? 
Was she going to make you do it so she could be the good guy? Was her publicist there to witness it so they could write a story about it? 
“Do you want me to break up with you then?” You asked, softly. You hated the fragility in your voice. 
Taylor’s head cocked to the side and she raised an eyebrow at you. “No,” 
It was your turn to frown. “I don’t understand what’s happening,”
“I’m not breaking up with you. You’re not breaking up with me,” She said like it was simple, tugging you towards the stools. “You’re going to sit down and drink your coffee while I make breakfast. You can talk to Tree if you like, or just listen to some of the tracks from my new album. But no one is getting kicked out or leaving,”
“Oh,” You breathed out, your shoulders dropping. “I don’t like eggs,”
“I know,” Taylor rolled her eyes, an amused smirk on her lips as she turned back towards the counter. “I’m making pancakes,”
“With chocolate chips?” You asked, watching her warily as you took the seat next to Tree slowly. 
You felt like you were in a stupid rom-com that Alex would like. Like you were the idiot boyfriend who was lost. 
“Of course,” Taylor hummed, sliding you a mug. “Drink your coffee,” 
“So I heard you’re going to be playing for Washington this season,” Tree said, and you really looked at her for the first time. 
Her eyes were kind, and she actually seemed… interested. 
“If they ever get me a place to live,” You shrugged, clearing your throat. “Their manager keeps giving me the runaround and preseason starts in like 2 weeks,”
Her eyebrows pulled tightly together and she tapped her perfectly manicured nail on the edge of her mug, just beside the tea bag string. “They haven’t figured that out yet?”
“No. The only option they sent me doesn’t allow pets, which is a serious problem for my 3 huskies,” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
To be honest, your move to DC was nearly as painful as the one from North Carolina to Chicago. You just hoped that this time there wouldn’t be a dismembered toe in whatever apartment they put you up in. And hopefully, you had working AC…
The redhead's frown deepened. “Don’t you have a manager that takes care of that?” 
Your nose scrunched. “He’s not helpful,”
Your manager, Travis, had never been… involved. You were one of his 70 clients, and he preferred to do nothing besides collect his paycheck while teams fucked you this way and that. He rarely ever answered your calls, and when he did, he acted like a total slimeball. One more than one occasion he had insisted that he could turn you straight. 
Taylor turned away from the stove, meeting Tree’s frown. You could tell there was a question on the tip of her tongue, one you probably didn’t want to answer just as much as you didn’t want to talk about what had happened last night. 
Tree shook her head slightly, a movement just barely perceptible, making a low sound in the back of her throat and pulling out her phone. “I’ll take care of it,”
You blanched as Taylor turned back to the stove, flipping a pancake. 
You reached for Tree’s arm before she could fully stand from her stool. “No, that's ok. I can figure it out,” 
You didn’t need anyone else to get involved. You didn’t need to make a big deal out of this. You were sure it would only make it worse for you when you arrived. 
You’d heard that the Washington coach Richie was no better than Paul or Rory, and you knew the only way to deal with it was by not making waves. By gritting your teeth and keeping your head down. 
Tree smiled, squeezing your arm and grabbing her phone as she stepped towards the back balcony. “I’ll be right back,” 
You sighed when she disappeared through the glass doors, sinking into the stool, looping your hand through the mug handle, and taking a long drag of your coffee. 
It was perfect. Sweet and light exactly how you liked it, and the soft music playing in the background only made it better. You had never heard this song before. It was just a guitar track, with Taylor’s voice and you found yourself entranced by it. 
I know that it’s delicate, delicate.
You pressed your fingers into the side of your mug as you took another long sip, your eyes following Taylor as she hummed along to the song while flipping the pancakes onto a plate. 
She turned back towards you, sliding the plate across the marble island, and leaning against it. She waited for you to take a bite of your favorite breakfast, smiling when your eyes practically rolled back into your head at the taste. 
Her new music wasn’t the only reason Tree had visited. But she knew she had to explain that very… carefully. She didn't want to set you off, especially when you still seemed so frazzled from the night before. When you thought she would kick you out for tensing. 
She had her suspicions about why your reaction had been so strong, suspicions she had briefly discussed with Tree, but she knew she had to tread carefully. She had the feeling that if you felt too vulnerable, you would shut down entirely. 
But considering the pictures the news media had tried to splash across the headlines, she wasn’t surprised that you had tried to use sex as a distraction (or something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on). It seemed like it was your go-to method, and explained why you had been so content to leave a trail of bodies in the wake of your reputation. 
She also wasn’t surprised that it had ended… the way it did. You had already been emotionally vulnerable. Too vulnerable to have the kind of sex that was deeper than just movements and orgasms. 
She sighed. She would have to tell you why Tree was there, preferably before Tree herself told you. 
“Paparazzi got pictures of you and Alex last night,” She said, trying to stay casual. Trying to make it seem like no big deal. 
You paused, fork full of pancake freezing midair in its trajectory to your mouth for a brief second before you dropped it with a clatter back onto the plate. 
“Fuck me,” You groaned, dragging your palms over your face and through your hair. “Fuck me hard,”
It was another problem. Another thing for you to deal with. When honestly, you just wanted to pretend like last night had never happened. 
All you needed was for the fans to get ahold of a photo of you crying. 
She suppressed a chuckle. “It’s ok, Tree already took care of it,” 
You paused, your fingers scrunching in your hair before you dragged them back down your face and picked up your fork. 
Your eyes stayed closed for a long second before they opened slowly and you resumed eating like nothing had ever happened. 
It was like watching an actor pull on a mask, how you folded all of your emotions up neatly and pushed them inside. It was… incredible and sent alarm bells blazing in Taylor’s mind. 
“Oh. Um. Thanks,” 
You could feel her eyes appraising you. 
“It’s no problem,” She said with a little shrug, bringing her own mug to her lips. 
You went back to your pancakes, the only sound between you the scraping of your fork on her plate and the song playing again in the background. Your mind wandered through the chorus, enjoying the way the beat drop tickled the little spot in the back of your head. Your eyes swept across the kitchen landing on the giant stack of papers in front of Tree’s empty stool. 
“What are the papers?” You asked after a moment, pointing to it with your fork when the music died down and the song restarted. 
Taylor reached for it, placing it between you and spinning it so you could read it. You didn’t. The print was small and close together, and you didn’t want to give yourself a headache. 
“You said that no one has ever discussed limits and boundaries with you, so I thought it might be nice to do that,” Taylor explained carefully. 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “So you printed a packet?”
“Well, no,” She shook her head. “I know you said that you had never done anything beyond vanilla, but I have, and I think it’s important to thoroughly know my partners limits,”
You let a teasing smirk play across your lips, sinking into the teasing to cover how… off kilter you felt. 
You had never discussed limits. With anyone. And it scared you what she could discover. What if something you said turned her off? What if she didn’t want you after you filled out her packet? 
“I didn’t know you were kinky Miss Swift,” You said, wiggling your eyebrows. “Or is there some other title you prefer?” 
A bright red blush spread across her cheeks, traveling down her neck, and she looked away from you. 
Before you could follow up, to make the gorgeous red color travel further, the sound of the glass door opening echoed through the kitchen, and Tree stepped back inside. 
“Ok. I’ve got your housing settled, and I ordered a moving crew to help you,” Tree said as she sat back down beside you, seemingly oblivious to the tension between you and Taylor. 
Or maybe she was just better at ignoring Taylor’s reactions.,
You blinked owlishly at her. “I’m sorry, what?”
“All you have to do is text this number with the date you want to move and they’ll help you get all of your belongings down to DC,” She said, handing you a sticky note with a number on it. 
You had no idea where she had gotten it, but you were thankful for it. 
“Oh, uh, thanks,”
She nodded. “If you have any more issues, call me and I’ll take care of it until we can get you a good manager,”
You swallowed your surprise. You weren’t even sure how to go about finding a new manager, and you doubted you could afford one. You weren’t entirely sure how the whole thing worked actually. But Tree seemed to know exactly what to do. 
You turned back to your plate, taking another bite of your pancakes.  They were like heaven, second only to the Pancakes Kelley made. But something nagged at the back of your mind. Taylor didn’t have a plate in front of her, and there wasn’t one in the sink. You supposed she could have placed it in the dishwasher. 
“Aren’t you going to eat?” You asked, your fork pausing midair. 
She shook her head. “I’m not hungry,” 
A frown pulled at your lips.  Now that you thought about it, Taylor was not hungry a lot. She rarely ate snacks when you did, and you were pretty sure she had never finished a meal with you. 
“Then I'm not hungry,” You responded, already pushing the half-finished plate away from you, despite the way your mouth watered for more. “Unless you want to share these?”
She sighed heavily, but took your fork nonetheless, stabbing a tiny piece of pancake not drowned in syrup and bringing it to her lips. 
“Happy?” She asked you, and your smirk turned real. 
“I’m always happy when I’m with you,” 
“I don’t understand what that means,” You muttered, reading number 372 of Taylor’s limit questionnaire. 
Touching while under sense deprivation
Most of the list had been easy. Things you knew you liked (like kissing), and things you knew you would never want (impact play with a cane). The rating system had also been easy to understand: things you liked and had done, things you wanted to try, things you would only try with lengthy discussion, and things you never wanted to try. 
Taylor highlighted her preference in green Sharpie and you did yours in orange as the two of you worked through her packet cuddled on her couch. She had been insistent that the two of you fill out the packet after lunch, and Tree left to give the two of you some privacy. 
“It means the use of a blindfold or headphones that cut off one of your senses,” She explained, already highlighting a would like to try in her green highlighter. “It can be fun. When one sense is taken away, others tend to heighten,”
You swallowed hard, biting your lip as the red in your cheeks got impossibly darker. 
“I,” you swallowed hard and looked away from her. “I don’t want to do anything where I can’t see you,” 
You had enough problems remaining in the moment with her. The idea that you wouldn’t be able to see her terrified you. 
It scared you to think about where your brain might take you. 
“Ok,” She agreed easily, placing a perfect orange swipe over never try, already moving on to the next one. 
It made your head spin how… comfortable with this she was. 
It was like she had done this before. She said she liked to know her partner's limits, so maybe she had. You had never asked about past relationships before. 
“This isn’t your first time going through this list, is it?” you asked, but the question was more of a statement than an actual question. 
She paused, halfway through reading hands restrained while partner touches- giving and looked at you. 
“No, it’s not,” She admitted gently. “I… I would rather be over prepared than cross a line that I didn’t know was there,”
Your head tilted, and you raised an eyebrow at her. “And you were doing kinky shit like touching your partner while their hands were restrained?”
“Sometimes,” She shrugged, her eyes narrowing. “But I feel like that wasn’t the question you actually wanted to ask me,”
It was slightly scary how well she could read you sometimes. 
You bit your lip. Your questions weren’t polite, but then again you were discussing allowing her to restrain you while you had sex. It was more… intimate than anything you had done with any of your partners, but Taylor seemed… comfortable. 
She had done this before, and you wondered… how many others had been in your position. 
“You’ve had relationships before?” You asked slowly, picking your cuticle and looking away from her. 
“Yes?” She asked back, using a finger under your chin to gently get you to meet her eyes again, as she raised her eyebrow. 
“I was wondering if you would tell me a little bit more about them,” 
“I’ve had a few, some vanilla, some not so vanilla. A few with men, but the serious ones have only been with women,” She said, her voice soft, like she knew you were insecure about asking. “Is there anything specific you would like to know?”
Your fingers picked more instantly at your thumb. “Were you-… did they-…”
Her thumb ran over your elbow. “Relax and take a deep breath,”
You did, except it didn’t help you. You felt like a fish gaping out of water. You forced your mouth to close, dragging in a deep breath through your nose. 
“You said you weren’t a pillow princess,” You mumbled, and a rye smile crossed her lips. 
“You want to know if I was tying people up or if they were tying me up?” 
You gulped but nodded. That had indeed been your question. 
“Well. The dynamic I had with my partners changed with each partner,” She explained thoughtfully. “I found early on that I preferred to give rather than receive, but sometimes it’s nice to just let go and let someone else take care of you,” 
You made a low sound as you took in the information. Really, it should have been obvious with the way she already took care of you.  She waited for you to ask a follow-up, as the silence stretched between you. When it became clear that you weren’t going to ask, she asked a question of her own. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Her head tilted, and she waited for you to nod. “The situationship?”
Your nose involuntarily scrunched. “What about it?”
“I was wondering if you would tell me a little bit more about it,” she mimicked your phrasing gently. 
You pulled your chin from her hand and looked away from her again.  It was… hard for you to talk about what happened with Mal. It still stung in a way you didn’t expect, even though you didn’t… want her anymore. Not like you had. 
“It was a teammate. We were under a lot of pressure, and it just kinda… happened,” You mumbled.  “I got hooked and she didn’t, so she chose someone else,”
Taylor made a low noise of understanding in the back of her throat. “But not before stringing you along,”
Your lips pressed into a thin line and you shook your head. “No,” 
You didn’t want to give her more details, to let yourself remember the agony of how it all devolved. How it felt like she was running you over broken glass every time you interacted. Giving you hope just to swipe it away at the last second. 
“For how long?” Taylor asked softly, drawing your eyes back to her. 
“Almost 4 years,” You sighed, running your hand through your hair and massaging the back of your neck. “The last time we hooked up was like 3 months after you and I became friends,” 
Her eyes tightened as she did the math in her head. That would make you 13 or 14 when it started. A shiver went down her spine. “So young,” 
You shrugged, your fingers digging more deeply into the skin on your neck. “Weird things happen at youth camp,” 
“Apparently,” She muttered. 
Your reaction to her trying to touch you was starting to make sense. If you had started young, and had a… bad experience… 
You cleared your throat. “How long was your last relationship?”
She blinked at you, pulling out of her thoughts. “5 years and some change,”
“Do you talk to any of your exes?” You asked.  “Like the serious ones?”
“No, those bridges went down in flames, but I keep up with a few of the less serious ones,” She shook her head. “I’m assuming you still talk to your ex situationship?”
“She’s one of my best friends,” Your shoulders lifted and fell, and your lips formed a very thin line at calling Mal a friend. You disliked how she UNC all over you, and things were… weird when you interacted, but you couldn’t exactly do anything about it. She was an integral part of your friend group and of the team. “Does it bother you?”
“No,” She said thoughtfully, reaching over to catch your hand as it again ran through your hair. “Because I trust you,” 
“I trust you too,” You said back, and you meant it with everything in you. You trusted Taylor more than you trusted nearly anyone. 
She smiled gently at you. “Do you want to continue this list?” 
You nodded slowly. “Let’s do this,” 
You glanced back down at the stack of papers between you. Yes, it was uncomfortable, but you trusted Taylor. 
OoOoOoO May 2017 You come around and the armor falls Pierce the room like a cannonball Now all we know is don't let go
“You are too fast for your own good,” Ali Krieger sighed, settling down on the bench beside you as you squirted more water into your mouth. 
You shrugged. “You and Dydasco keep leaving a gap for me to split, and Mal is good at finding space,”
The Washington Spirit captain hummed, sipping her own bottle. 
The defender had taken you under her wing as soon as you stepped foot in DC. She had shown up at your apartment ready to help you unpack, only to find it immaculately set up. She had taken you to lunch instead and introduced you to the rest of the team. 
They were wary at first given your reputation, but they were slowly finding out that you weren’t what everyone claimed you were. 
“Dude, that little through ball is sick!” Mal said before Ali could respond, throwing her arm around you and sitting on the bench practically in your lap. “We can totally use that against Sky Blue,”
You shuffled away from her as far as you could without being obvious, taking another long sip of your drink. “Kelley will be looking for it. She’s seen us do it too much,”
Ali had noticed that there was something… odd about the way you interacted with Mal. 
The two of you were inseparable, and your chemistry on the field was entirely unmatched. But there was just something she couldn’t quite put her finger on that bothered her about how Mal was with you. 
How you tried to squirm away from her without drawing attention to it, and how Mal would only move closer. How there was a depth to your relationship with the forward, a history, that Ali hadn’t been aware of before. 
Mal grabbed your water and squirted some into her own mouth while squeezing your shoulder. “Maybe we can discuss a new game plan over drinks?” 
Ali raised her eyebrow. “You’re both underage,”
“Hasn’t stopped Y/n before,” Mal shrugged, nudging you with a giggle. “She can take down a case of beer all on her own,”
You scrunched your nose, and brought your free hand to the back of your neck, pressing deeply into the skin. 
“Um, no thanks,” You said. “I have plans,” 
Mal froze, dropping the water bottle into your lap, and inadvertently getting your pants wet. 
“Plans?”  Mal’s eyes narrowed at you, and the edge in her voice made you shiver. “Which one of our teammates are you fucking tonight?”
A grimace crossed your features, but you smothered it under a mask of indifference, as you brought your shoulders up to touch your ears. “None of them,” 
Mal relaxed, ever so slightly. “Ah, so you finally got the app Lindsey suggested?” 
“No. I don’t use straight dating apps,” You huffed, righting the water bottle. “I don’t need the internet to pick up interested parties, but I’m not seeing some rando either. Not that it’s any of your business,” 
“Who was in your pants used to be entirely my business,” Mal mumbled, pressing a finger into the spot right below your ear, dragging it down the curve of your chin, and using it to tilt your head to make eye contact with her. “You liked it being my business,”
You stared her down, something passing between you that Ali didn’t understand. 
“And you made sure that it wasn’t anymore,” You said, your voice cold as ice as you pushed her hand away, and squirted more water into your mouth. 
“Ok,” Ali said, breaking the tension between you and the forward. “So Kelley will be wise to the through ball, what do you suggest?”
She had never seen you be so… direct. 
You put more space between you and Mal, your lip caught between your teeth for a long moment before you shrugged. “I’m sure Richie has a plan. He’s the master strategist isn’t he?” 
“You’ve had enough film sessions with him, so you tell me,” Ali countered. 
A dark look crossed your features, there for a split second before it was gone. Replaced by an easy smirk that Ali was learning wasn’t so easy. It was the face you made every time something made you uncomfortable and you didn’t want to talk about it. 
You took another sip from your water before you squirted it at Mal. “I’m sure he’s got a plan for his superstar,” 
You pushed yourself off the bench and ran off towards the midfield coach before either of them could stop you, and Mal went tearing off after you. 
Ali shook her head.  If only she had as much energy as you two. But still, there was something… nagging in the back of her mind. Red flags she couldn’t quite place. 
You hummed quietly to yourself as you lit the final candle on your dining room table. 
The table was set. The dinner was in the oven set to the exact temperature Kelley recommended (after she walked you through how to turn it on), removed from its take-out containers and placed in glass dishes, and the trash had been removed taking with it any evidence that your meal hadn’t been created in your kitchen well before Taylor arrived at your apartment (and you had sworn Tony and Zach to secrecy). 
You had cleared off the counter in your kitchen, save for a thick off-white envelope, and a bottle of the red wine you knew Taylor preferred.  It would be the perfect date night. 
Taylor had flown in from Nashville to spend the midweek break with you, and you were fucking stoked. The two of you had seen each other in passing, but getting really quality time together during the season was rough. Nothing would stop you this weekend. 
“This is gorgeous,” Taylor hummed as she stepped into the kitchen area. “And it smells amazing,”
You smiled widely at her, pulling out a chair. “Thanks. I was just about to pull it out of the oven if you wanna sit?”
“Such a gentlewoman,” She said, as she sat, and you felt a bit of red color your cheeks. 
You had been called many things, but a gentleman (woman- whatever) was never one of them. People tended to believe your reputation and take you at face value. 
You were pretty sure Taylor was the only person to ever look past it. 
You turned away from her, moving towards the oven. “Only for you,”
She hummed, and you felt her eyes as you got the food out of the oven, and turned off the device before you brought it over to her. 
“It looks amazing,” She said as you placed the cookware on the table, and more red bloomed across your cheeks. 
“Thanks,” You mumbled, joining her at the table. “It’s coconut curry with chicken, broccoli and rice. It’s got a lot of good fats and protein,”
It was a habit you had started in March, listing out the good parts of your meal. You noticed that she never saw food as fuel or something to be enjoyed. It always seemed like a chore she dreaded or a part of her day she just omitted entirely. You worried and you hoped that your little talks might change her view. So far you had been (mildly) successful. 
Taylor hummed and spooned herself a good portion. “I like coconut curry. I have it a lot after shows,” 
“Good,” You smiled as the red bled up your cheeks towards your ears. “It’s one of my favorites during the season because it meets all of my macros and is filling,” 
Taylor hummed again. “What’s the envelope on your counter?”
You rolled your eyes at the thought of the off-white envelope, with your address written in perfect cursive. “A wedding invitation,”
Taylor’s eyebrows pulled tightly together. “I thought they got engaged in March? They’re already setting a date?”
“We have to plan around tournaments, so they picked the only time everyone will be available,” You mumbled, chewing your too-large mouthful. “Spring of 2018”
“Still seems like a fast turnaround,” Taylor said thoughtfully. 
You shrugged. “They’ve been together for like 10 years. Alex has probably been planning this for years. She can read minds, and she’s a control freak so she probably knew Kelley was going to propose as soon as Kelley started looking at rings,” 
“Ah, I see,” 
You fidgeted in your chair, your fork aimlessly scraping your plate. “Do you want to be my date?” 
It nigged in the back of your mind that the two of you might not even be together in a year and a half, and that you were probably asking her to be your date way too far in advance. 
“Unless you hate me by then,” You added, forcing a playful smirk across your lips. 
She rolled her eyes at you, swallowing her bite. “I won’t hate you by then, and I would love to be your date,”
You nodded. “I’ll talk to Alex and Kelley about getting a plus one,” 
Taylor hummed and took another bite, chewing slowly. “I also wanted to talk to you about maybe trying something new,”
You raised your eyebrow at her. “What did you have in mind?” 
“Well,” She started. “When we filled out the limits sheet you mentioned that you didn’t like all touches, so I thought we could maybe walk through those boundaries, and I’ve never seen you naked, which is kinda criminal,”
“So? You want to what?” You asked, watching her carefully. 
“Shower together,” She said, meeting your eyes. “This way it’s something we’ve done, just-“
 “I’ll actually take my clothes off this time?” You asked, meeting her eyes. 
“And you can show me where you’re comfortable being touched and where you’re not,” Taylor continued gently. “I think it might be a good exercise in intimacy without expectations,” 
You nodded, taking a shaky breath. “Ok,”
Water cascaded down your body in ripples, rolling over the goosebumps that littered your skin. Your fingers tapped against your hips, as you tried to force yourself to relax. 
“We don’t have to do this Y/n,” Taylor said from behind the shower curtain. 
You thought that this would be… easier if you get into the water first. That it would ease the bubbling anxiety in your chest. 
It didn’t. But you weren’t ready to give up yet. You wanted to trust her. 
“No,” You said, your voice more shaky than you would have liked it to be. “It’s ok. You can get in,” 
You turned towards the water, letting the spray hit your face, as you heard the distinct crinkle of the shower curtain. 
You felt her warm presence behind you, though she didn’t reach out to touch you. 
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself before you turned back to face her. 
“I want to do this,” You mumbled, meeting her eyes, trying not to scan down her body. You appreciated that her blue orbs remained steadfastly locked with yours. 
“As long as you’re sure,” Taylor said softly. “You can tell me to stop at any point, and we will. Red, yellow and green still apply,” 
Your lip disappeared between your teeth and you nodded. 
You understood the stoplight system that the two of you had discussed. Red for stop, yellow for slow down or discuss first and green for good. You swore you would try for her, so you would. 
“Remember that I need a verbal?” Taylor asked you. 
“Yes. I’m ok. Green,” You said, your voice shaking more than you wanted it to. “Just…”
You looked away from her, finding a spot on the wall above her head. “Just go slow,”
“Of course,” Taylor promised you. “We’ll go at your pace. Even if today we just stand there, that’s ok,”
You nodded again. 
You didn’t like how… vulnerable you felt without your top on. 
It was too close. Too intimate and that’s part of the reason you had never done this with anyone before. 
But Taylor wasn’t just anyone.
You wanted to give Taylor this. 
You closed your eyes and let out a long breath. It shook as it left your lungs, disappearing into the steam building between you. 
You reached out slowly, catching her hands. “Let me show you where my boundaries are,” 
You went to tug her hands forward, but she resisted. 
“Can you look at me while we do this?” She asked, her voice gentle. “I want you to be present, here with me,”
It took you a very long second for you to open your eyes, and another for them to drag down her forehead and meet her blue. 
She smiled softly at you. “Thank you,”
Your head bobbed briefly, and you squeezed her hands. It shouldn’t be this hard for you to let someone touch you. 
The two of you stood there for several minutes before you gained the courage to pull her forward again. She went with you this time, letting you bring her hands to the hard lines of your stomach just below your belly button. 
“Here is ok,” You said, trailing her fingers up the center of your abs to your diaphragm before you moved them out to your sides and back down to the original level. 
“My whole back is ok too,” You murmured, feeling her nails dragging across your lower back, meeting at your spine. 
Your eyes slipped closed at the feeling. At how you could feel the body heat rolling off of her because of how close she was to you.
“Color?” She asked, and you could feel the words on your lips. 
Your eyes blinked open, meeting the fire burning in hers. “Green,”
“Good,” She said. “Stay with me, ok?”
“Ok,” You breathed back, as her fingers moved up your spine like she was counting each of them. 
You did your best to remind yourself that it was her hands on you as they finally reached your shoulders. They outlined your collarbone, and her thumbs brushed against your neck. 
It felt like a warm flame traveling from the point of her touch up to your cheeks, and down in your chest. 
“Will you let me wash your hair?” She asked, and her thumb swiped around your cheek. 
“Yeah,” You breathed out, making no move to grab your shampoo. You were afraid that if you’d turned, you would forget it was her. 
Her head tilted to the side. “Color?”
“Green, right now,” You murmured, more red flooding into your cheeks. “I just… I need to be able to see you when your hands are on me. When we’re… like this,”
“Ok,” Taylor agreed easily like it wasn’t a big ask at all. “I’ll stay where you can see me,”
You nodded, swallowing hard again. “Maybe we just do this today,” 
“That’s ok too,” Taylor hummed, her thumb running over your cheek to the sensitive skin behind your ear. “We’re doing this all at your pace,”
You swallowed hard again. “Thank you,”
Her lips tilted upwards. “Anything for you. I want you to enjoy our time together too. We’ll work up to the rest. My main concern is your comfort, and maintaining your boundaries. We’ll take it one step at a time,”
You could do that. You could do this. One step at a time. 
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spideyhexx · 9 months
the first time coryo & sej's cocks touched was when reader said she wanted to suck both of them off at the same time or neither of them were gonna cum so they both just sucked it up and when she told them to kiss in order to let them cum they did that too 🤭🤭🤭🤭
anon, i've been thinking about this since you sent it and i'm very happy to answer it <3 i hope y'all like this one i feel insane
You'd probably offer it after both of them have had a hard day and you know Sej is too tired to just fuck his frustrations out. And since you have Coryo with you guys now, you figure, why can't I just pleasure you guys at the same time? No harm, no foul, right?
Honestly, Sej thinks it’s a great idea and Coryo is the one to protest even though deep down, his heart is jumping at the idea of it.
“Coryo, I’m not gonna let either of you cum if I can’t do this,” and you pout at him, but realize that maybe he's just too embarrassed to admit he wants it.
So you lean up on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “I know you want it. I’ll make it extra good, I promise,” and you kiss right below his ear, a weak spot for him and he folds immediately.
So now you got both of the boys slouching against the pillows on your bed. They're next to each other, shoulder brushing against shoulder as you lay between them.
You're swirling your tongue around Coryo first, given that you knew Sej could last longer since he's more used to your mouth.
Coryo's hand caresses the side of your head as he watches you and he dares to avert his gaze to Sej's cock which is being held by your hand, your thumb rubbing up and down against the vein that runs along the side of his length.
He lets out a moan at the sight and you smirk, letting some spit dribble onto him before your other hand wraps around him, jerking his cock slowly as your mouth finds Sej's tip.
While Coryo's moans sound light and airy, Sej's feel lower and you know he's holding them back.
Your eyes focus on Sej's lips, parted just a little as he sucks in a harsh breath. Then to Coryo's lips, his bottom one bitten underneath his teeth.
You take Sej out of your mouth, tapping his cock against your cheek as you say to them, "you guys should kiss."
Neither of them look at each other as they stare wide eyed at you and you rolls your eyes.
"Oh, c'mon, you've already tasted each other's cum one way or the other, what's the harm in kissing? Plus, I wanna see," you add in the last part in a quick whisper and Sej chuckles and turns his head to Coryo.
Your hands continue rubbing each of them and you watch them with curious eyes. Coryo's cheeks redden even more as he looks at Sej.
"Are you okay with this?" Sej leans closer first, his nose ever so slightly bumping against Coryo's.
He nods, speaking just above a whisper, "yes."
Sej presses forward to connect his lips to Coryo's and it's soft at first. Sej's hand remains on your head while Coryo's stay awkwardly at his sides, fiddling with the sheet below him.
You watch them pull apart, gazing into each other's eyes for a small second before they're kissing again, their lips slotting together almost perfectly in your eyes.
You see Sej press harder into it and you swirl your thumb in a circle on top head of Coryo's cock, causing the man to moan into Sej's mouth. It felt evil, but the sight that you get to see makes it worth it as Sej prods his tongue into Coryo's mouth.
You pick up the pace, stroking Coryo's cock with a tighter grip, leaning over to take Sej back in your mouth.
Your cheeks hollow as you suck on him, slowly taking each inch of his length into your mouth until you're hearing Sej moan back against Coryo's lips. You take him out of your mouth, smiling and kissing down your lover's length.
You feel Coryo shift as Sej's hand moves to cup the man's cheek.
Coryo has no thoughts in his head, just the feeling of Sej's mouth and tour hand consuming every fiber of his being. And with these blank, desire filled thoughts, he turns on his side to kiss Sej deeper, but the movement angles his cock just enough that his tip brushes up against Sej's.
That small amount of friction makes Coryo's abdomen tighten and he's spilling himself onto your lips and Sej's cock.
Sejanus breaks away from the kiss with Coryo and meets your eyes. When he sees the mess Coryo's made on you and on himself, it triggers his own release and you stuff the tip of his cock into your mouth so you can take every drop he has.
When he's done and you've rested your head on his thigh, replaying everything that happened, you notice Coryo's head pushed into one of your pillows and you sit up, cupping his cheeks and turning his head to look at you.
"don't be embarrassed, that was the hottest fucking thing i've ever seen, okay?" And Coryo can't even look you in the eye cause you've still got his cum on your lips and chin, but he nods in your hold.
Sej leans over you to wrap his arm around you and Coryo, finding Coryo's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
let's chat about sejanus, coryo, or both, here :)
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dontbesoweirdkira · 10 days
Yandere! Revenant harem w/ "queen" darling
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A/N: ya'll won't leave me alone about this damn harem lol. ! jkjk I love ya'll but idek what to really add onto the harem stuff like please...I'm dying here. please eat this while I finish my requests.
requests: always open for my baby girls
Warnings: Ya'll should be famillair with the type of time I'm on
hypothetically...let's say the original harem failed at protecting you and the revenants won and took you captive *tbh that's the only reason they came*
The revenant harem is all about teamwork, that's why they won. None of them mind sharing you and serving you is their sole purpose of living..well being undead?
You were their prize before they died and now in their afterlife, you are the only thing they can think about. They must protect their living darling from suffering their same fate. You are their queen now, they'll stop at nothing to prove that to you. Before they were playing fair, letting you choose who you wanted but they are done waiting. They are all yours to love.
Once captured by the harem, you will no longer have any life outside of them. You are not going anywhere. They hate the thought of you interacting with the outside world. Seriously, you are on lockdown. They even hate the idea of you visiting your family. They are your family.
were you a champion? Oh, well you're no longer allowed to ever fight or train again. They forbid you because they were all skilled and dedicated their lives to it but now look at them..you cannot get hurt.
Actually anything remotely dangerous is a no go.
There's never a second when you're alone, they're enamored by you. They've most likely built an entire castle for you, fit with a throne only you may be allowed to sit on. bouquets of flowers and jewels gifted at your feet. They bow in your presence and cannot wait to throw themselves at any opportunity to do something for you.
Anything..please anything you want. They'll gladly go to war for you and take over the entirety of the outworld for your ruling. Just say the words and they'd do it. You deserve to be Kahn with your ever so graciousness.
say jump and they'll say how high. If you never felt like walking again your feet won't ever have to touch that filthy ground ever again.
Don't let this fool you though, they are absolutely insane. They are still dangerous yanderes who will collectively punish you for any signs of disobedience. Don't run away, don't fight back or reject them..
Actually...do fight back. come on..they dare you. They love it when their queen plays rough. Who wouldn't want to be punched by you? They'll taunt and mock you while your weak self tries to fight them ...you're hilarious. If you are super powerful and is actually causing trouble, you will be punished by the more intense characters. Do you think you're getting past Raiden?
"A shame I had to use such intense force to subdue you. Although you are very dear to us, do not think for a second are exempt from proper discipline. Your fate will be shortly decided."
punishments range from you having some luxuries revoked to being dropped off in the living forest and left there to fend for yourself for a couple of hours.
You got the absolute worst version of every-single character...like a harem that consists of REVENANT Dark Raiden and Noob Saibot is a harem you def don't wanna mess around and find out with.
I know in the previous harem it seemed like every girl's dream..yeah no. Not this one.
Oh and they also like to control what you wear. Elaborate regal clothing is their favorite, especially with a huge headpiece. Your schedule is also controlled throughout the day. They have everything perfectly balanced to fairly share you and to take shifts protecting your castle. Occasionally though, some will get into fights with each other when one is a bit more needy and tries to hog up your time. The most sought-after time though is when you're either getting ready in the morning or settling down in the evening. To be the one to brush your hair or to help you out of your ridiculous garments is an honor.
I like to imagine that when you sleep, they all gather around your bed, admiring your beauty. none of them are allowed to sleep on your bed, They'll just huddle on the floor around it. reminds me of the quote "sleeping on your floor is better than sleeping in my bed." They all have their own rooms but rather be near you.
they're so far gone, you have to remind them every time you need to use the restroom that no. they cannot follow you in.
"Johnny, no. I need some privacy please."
*on his knees* "But my sweetheart...I just want to offer you some assistance."
"johnny- i have to pee..."
This way of life is completely normal...that's what they keep telling you at least..That their actions are innocent. Oh they just can't bear a second without you, bullcrap. So manipulative. They are still the same grimy men as before lol
Especially Kano and Erron..somehow death just made them have less of a filter.
Do you think Lui Kang, Kung Lao, Hanzo, and Kuai forced the monks and both clans into being your personal army? They're so damn corrupt.
They'll instantly kill anyone who dares to even look at you. It's only their special privilege. Their head will be gifted to you on a silver platter to show their undying devotion. Are you crying? did you not like their gift? They're sorry. Would you have preferred something more?
Speaking of you being upset, if someone in the harem causes you distress they'll be exiled after punishment...that is if they survived it.
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hauntingsofhouses · 8 months
"why would you ship mizu and taigen together they're sooooo toxic ugh taigen is AWFUL and mizu should be with ME instead!!!"
of course they're toxic they're both deranged and terrible and that's why they're perfect for each other.
cuz like omg you think mizu would treat you well? mizu would abandon you. look at how she left ringo multiple times. ringo who treats her so well and is nothing but patient and caring and loyal. if you are insecure she will laugh at you because she has no social tact. look at how mikio said "it's a stupid dream" talking about his ambitions of regaining his honour and mizu straight up chuckles and tells him he's right because it IS a stupid dream. and at this point their relationship was cordial and she was even warming up to him!
like. arguably, taigen would be a better romantic partner (per the ideals of his time and culture of course), or at least he would be on paper. cuz i mean as a husband, as he is now, i think he'd be awful. but i'm talking about if you and him were dating or courting or just seeing each other romantically, he would be good to you. like we saw how he behaved with akemi and he was nothing but sweet and gentle. the very reason akemi wanted to marry him so bad was because she KNOWS without a doubt that he respects women and would treat her well. "oh but he cheated on her with the prostitutes while celebrating his engagement!" yeah but per the norms of the time and place, it was not considered cheating and akemi (as well as any wife or romantic partner of that period) would not have minded or even cared.
and yes taigen IS an asshole and he IS obnoxious but come on. so is mizu, if she is allowed to act like herself around you. mizu will tease you and mock you and challenge you and even poke at your insecurities (see:her goading mikio on even though he clearly did not view her teasing as light-hearted banter and took it all very personally). she would tell you to your face if she thinks you're being annoying (see:mizu rolling her eyes and telling akemi to straight up just "shut up" when she'd believed mizu had killed taigen).
mizu is not merely a hot and talented badass with a sword and the insane hyperfocus on her desire for revenge which literally drives her to withstand like, extreme amounts of damage and survive it. mizu is also flawed and the show does a good job at showcasing this, and showing us that she's not merely a victim but also a multilayered person. we see throughout that mizu is blunt and sarcastic and prideful.
oh what's that? oh right, very similar to taigen, who is also hot and talented with a sword and with insane hyperfocus on his desire to duel mizu and regain his honour. taigen who is also flawed (though, arguably, more so) as he is blunt and sarcastic and prideful.
the only thing that sets mizu and taigen apart is the fact that taigen is a man and is not mixed race, which thus affects their positions in society and how people perceive them. these are external factors. taigen being a boy who is not blue-eyed allowed him to easily mingle with the other kids in the village, all of whom were similarly fed the same prejudiced values which led them to gang up against mizu and bully her.
but take all that away. strip them down to the bare essentials. suddenly it's like they are the same person copy and pasted.
and that's what makes them even more interesting. yes absolutely they would be toxic. whatever souls are made of, mizu's and taigen's are the same (derogatory). and we literally see them fight all the time!!!! but the thing is they are both deranged when it comes to this.
do you get me. they both literally get turned on by sparring. mizu's whole spar with mikio was her way of flirting. just look at how she smirked at him and said "unsheathe it" like it's clear that this is an innuendo of not just unsheathing his weapon but also what's in his pants. then during the chopsticks fight with taigen in the snow, despite mizu literally being injured and taigen trying to attack her, mizu gets attracted to him. meanwhile taigen got a boner after wrestling with her in the forge.
taigen goes around saying he wants to kill mizu to regain his honour but he still literally risks life and limb for her constantly. mizu gives ringo stomach ulcers by going around flinging herself into near-death situations 24/7. she ups and leaves her beloved swordfather with barely a goodbye twice to pursue her batshit far-fetched quest for revenge (against people she doesn't even KNOW btw because she literally starts off with practically No Leads and not even knowing the NAMES of the white men who are her maybe-fathers).
these bitches are crazy and you know what good for them. that shit needs to be contained and quarantined though and that's why in that sense they would be good together.
i want to put them both in a jar and shake it very hard and see what happens. personally i think they will argue and insult each other while working perfectly in sync with each other to break out of the jar and then proceed to kill me and make out sloppy style over my dead body while they're both covered in blood.
like that's it that's the dynamic. send post.
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koqabear · 1 year
2KKKKK!!!! Congrats! I have a song equation!
Tinnitus BUT (demo ver) + enemy!Tae + angst + smut + slight fluff well since they do fuck- but they're still enemies on end.
♫: TXT, Tinnitus (Demo Ver.) // join the 2k event and request something!
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"You always tried to tell your friends you don’t get along with Kang Taehyun. Did it work? Absolutely not. Now you’re stuck with him again, and there’s no telling what insanity will take over you tonight."
taehyun x fem! reader // wc: 2.6k (everyone cheer i’m getting the hang of it) // enemies to enemies, hinted fwb (the term friends used loosely), smut, MDNI.
warnings: tyun is an asshole sorry guys. slight hard dom!tyun, a bit of switch!mc, semi-public sex(?), unprotected sex, hair pulling, marking, biting, handjob, slight strength kink, hand restraining, degrading, creampie, slight cockwarming
notes: i’m so close to finally following my own rules abt the word count limit…! (i can’t keep getting away with this 😔)
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Kang Taehyun was the bane of your existence— that much was obvious to anyone that spent any time around you.
He was arrogant, cocky, and overall an eye-sore; the first time you met, you actually gave him the benefit of the doubt, getting introduced through mutual friends and eventually forming a group that (unfortunately) included him. 
It was bad from the start. He was a complete smart-ass and had a knack for making casual, blunt comments that would immediately put you down; you’re not even sure what the fuck you did to him, but you do know that you never let a single one of those snide remarks slide— jabbing back just as hard, showing that you weren’t all bark and that your bite hurt more than one would expect— it got to the point where your friends knew that they should hold you back on a leash when you were around each other. 
Sometimes, you couldn’t even look at him; which is why you preferred to go to group events if you were explicitly told that Kang Taehyun would not be there, knowing that you would only ruin the night if you tagged along, more likely to start a fight than to try to actually enjoy yourself.
So to say that you were currently angry as you sat at a random table of a club, gritting your teeth and tapping your fingers against the table as you stared out at the dance floor, unable to look straight in fear of catching a glimpse of Kang Taehyun, was a severe understatement— you were fucking fuming. Your jaw aches from how hard you’re gritting your teeth together.
“Are you gonna dance, or are you so up-tight that you can’t even do that?”
“Leave me the fuck alone. I don’t wanna hear it.”
You’ve been dealing with his witty remarks all night. He’s just come back from the dance floor, hot and sweaty as the sight of a random girl getting all up on him practically made you gag; if you hadn’t been chosen as the designated driver tonight, you would’ve left long ago.
What’re friends for… you think bitterly, staring down at the water you only got to keep yourself occupied— you can feel Taehyun’s stare burning into the side of your face, and it only serves to make you more irritated as time goes on, hoping that he’ll stop being such a creep and look away.
“What is your problem?” you hiss, finally having enough after approximately one and a half songs of him doing this. Like expected, your eyes meet his, and a slow smile creeps its way onto his face as he leans his head back, resting against the booth as he looks at you with low-lidded, hazy eyes— he’s having fun getting under your skin, that much you can tell. You resist the urge to reach over and slap the stupid look off his face.
“Am I doing something wrong?” he asks, and you’re forced to lean toward him slightly from how quietly he talks, barely hearing him over the loud music that blasts all around you— you scoff at his words. 
“Don’t act stupid, you’ve been giving me problems all night— even now, don’t think I didn’t feel the way you were looking at me all weird.”
“I feel bad,” he confesses, ignoring the way you give him a scathing look as he continues, head lolling to the side lazily to watch the packed dance floor, “You looked so pathetic over here by yourself— someone would think your friends ditched you.”
“I’m the designated driver,” you point out through gritted teeth.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.” he glances back at you, and you jolt slightly at the way his gaze rakes over you slowly, “‘Cause this…? It's just sad.”
“And what exactly would fun be to you? Practically fucking some other girl on the dance floor to the rhythm of some shitty pop song?” Fuck, he’s done it again. He’s got you riled up and it’s only making you even angrier that he’s able to get you to this point— it doesn’t help that he’s laughing condescendingly at your sudden outburst, shaking his head and muttering something that you’re unable to hear from the obscene volume of the music. 
“Why are you here then?” he asks, tilting his head slightly and raising that stupid brow of his, a habit you’ve quickly come to hate, “To have intellectual conversations with other patrons?”
You don’t know what takes over you. Maybe you’ve finally been pushed to your limit, pent up and frustrated with the fact that your friends continue to brush off the fact that you and Taehyun simply do not get along— your fingers might just break your glass from how tightly you’re gripping onto it, standing up so suddenly that your chair slides away from you— but you do know that this was long overdue and well-deserved, throwing the rest of your water straight at him; a smile twitches at the corner of your lips as you take in the way his eyes screw shut and his brows knit together, left frozen as you take this moment to walk away, before you decide to say fuck it and really show him your bite. 
You walk mindlessly— the dance floor is too packed, and you feel as though your body is way too lit up and restless to try and join in— so you’re making your way to the bathrooms, the hall lonely and poorly lit as you open the women’s restroom, slipping inside and ready to lock the door so you can finally take a moment to compose yourself—
“Are you fucking insane?” you don’t think you’ve ever seen Taehyun like this, eyes alight and livid as he stops you from closing the door, slipping inside and slamming it behind him, taking in the way you only take a step back and yell at him to get out, “You need to start controlling that little temper of yours, cause you’ve really been getting on my nerves recently.”
“Oh really?” you laugh out, incredulous as you take a step toward him, pushing his chest roughly and forcing him to stumble back against the door, “Because you’ve been a total fucking angel, haven’t you? All pretty and proper, such a good boy, right?”
“Not my fault you’re such a wound-up bitch that doesn’t know how to take a joke and have fun,” he spits out, unfazed by the way you corner him and send him a nasty glare, refusing to back down even though you seem like you’ll get physical any second now.
“Take a joke? Have fun?” you seethe, poking his chest as you speak, “Everything that comes out of your mouth is a pathetic attempt at low blow disguised as a joke. So forgive me if I don’t find you funny.”
For once, Taehyun doesn’t know what to say— all he’s able to think of is the way you’ve practically pressed him against the door with your own body, the way his chest dully aches from the way you’ve been poking at him, and the way your own is heaving slightly from how angry you are, lips parted and eyes blown out with rage as they flicker up to take in his expression. 
A moment passes; then, your lips are on his, and his hands are on your waist, jerking you forward and forcing you to close any space left.
What possessed you to do this? You’d rather not think about it, choosing instead to get lost in the feeling of Taehyun and push past the fact that it’s him, the man who likes to degrade others for fun— actually, you think you will think about it, digging your nails into his shoulders and taking in the way he groans slightly against your mouth— and you quickly take this opportunity to take the kiss further, tongue eager to taste him as his hold on you tightens slightly.
“Fuck,” he mumbles against your lips, feeling the way you refuse to part for longer than a second; he frowns, a hand going up to grab at your hair before he’s tugging at it— using it as leverage to pull you away from him, watching the way your head slowly tilts back before your eyes are fluttering open, looking at him with such anger he can’t hold back his breathy laugh. 
“I can’t believe you, you…” he mutters out, and you can already tell he’s about to say something that will morbidly sober your clouded mind. 
“Shut up and put those lips to use,” you sigh, fingers tangling in the nape of his hair before you’re tugging him back toward you— you’re holding back a smile at the way your hands smooth over his shirt, the material slightly damp under your skin and his hair pushed back from how much he ran his hands through it.
Besides the fact that your hand is currently undoing Taehyun’s zipper and his lips have begun to suck and bite at your neck, nothing has really changed; you can still hear him cursing you under his breath, feeling the way he lets out a shaky sigh the moment your hand wraps around his length— teasingly stroking him, making sure to lead him on but not give him enough.   
It’s all a game of cat and mouse, judging by the way he’s just as eager to try and pull sounds out of you. Though, when he sees his current efforts aren’t working, he decides to take a different approach.
One thing you’ll never be able to deny about Taehyun is that he’s strong; he’s proving himself now, pushing you back and making you sit on the sink counter with ease— his hands are rough as he pulls up your dress, sloppy kisses still being laid out across your neck as he huffs slightly at your wandering hands; pulling away before he’s stepping back, slipping his belt off with ease and restraining your wrists with them— quietly, you muse about him being oddly skilled at it, but you’re quickly quieted by the way he tugs at the belt again, tightening the item around your wrists and listening to the way you whine at the feeling.
“Such a smart mouth,” he mumbles, pulling his cock out as he takes a look at you, eyes drinking in your dazed eyes and fucked out appearance with delight, “Too bad you’re too dumb to know when to shut up.”
He’s grabbing your waist before he’s tugging you forward— you slide slightly across the counter, legs spread open as Taehyun stands in between, feeling the way one of them hooks around his waist before you’re tugging him in closer, eyes challenging as you raise a brow impatiently. 
“Don’t give me that look,” he scoffs, allowing his tip to run teasingly along your slit, feeling the way your walls flutter around him in response, “Or I’ll leave you here and make you wish you begged for me while you had the chance.”
“Oh really?” you tilt your head, tugging him closer and feeling the way his tip breaches your entrance for a moment— your breath hitches, and though Taehyun pretends to remain unaffected, you can feel his cock twitch with anticipation. “I’m sure you’re all talk.”
This, Taehyun decides, is about as far as allow you to continue to provoke him; he’s pushing into you with one swift motion, watching the way your voice breaks and your mouth falls open at the feeling of him inside you, thick and warm and full as you clench around him, your pussy already wet from the way he simply couldn’t take his hands off you earlier; you hope he doesn’t notice it, but the way his lips quirk to form his usual arrogant smile definitely isn’t a good thing. 
Taehyun doesn’t give you a chance to adjust. He doesn’t take it slow, doesn’t ask you what feels good or what you like— he simply gauges your reaction and begins to fuck you, grinning at the way you whimper and whine that it feels good, throwing your head back and giving him access to mark your neck and collarbones, making sure to leave enough that you’ll remember this for a long time— after a moment, you realize what he’s doing, cursing under your breath and pulling at your restraints as he simply responds by sinking his teeth into the delicate flesh.
“Gonna make sure you remember this. Make people ask who you got these from,” he whispers, laughing mockingly at the way you whisper out a fuck you, retaliating by sucking harshly right at your jaw, just under your ear, “Feels good? Like knowing it’s me making you feel like this?”
You can barely process what he’s telling you; not when he’s grinding into you so good, his breaths heavy against your skin as he leans back up to kiss you once more— it’s a mess of tongue and teeth as you both fight to remain on top, the only thing you can still have control over as you sink your teeth into his lip meanly; he only reciprocates by fucking you harder, a hand reaching down to rub at your clit as he smiles against your lips, trying to keep control with the way you clench around him.
You’ve realized reluctantly that Taehyun is not all talk— he’s found the spot that has your body tensing and your sounds becoming louder, undoubtedly beginning to filter out the bathroom as Taehyun slaps a hand over your mouth; sending you a harsh glare, his brows furrowing at the way you tighten around him and your mouth falls slack against his palm.
“Be fucking quiet,” he hisses, letting out a hitched breath at the way you only buck your hips in response, your leg locking around his waist and bringing him impossibly close as you look up at him, your eyes dazed and glossy as you feel the way his cock twitches inside you at the sight— his pace picks up, and Taehyun can feel his high approaching, swollen lip bitten at and stuck between his teeth as he takes in the way you squirm under him, tears swelling at your waterline as you whine and moan against the palm of your hand.
Taehyun is the first to unravel; filling you to the brim, the feeling of his warm cum and thick cock that continues to rut into you enough to have you following soon after, chest arching toward him from the way he leans down in a sudden attempt to muffle his sounds, cruel mouth biting at the junction between your neck and shoulder as you merely curse at him in your mind. 
He doesn’t pull out— if anything, he’s still fucking you slowly long after, a slow pace as he mumbles something about keeping you filled; you don’t even have the energy to roll your eyes, resting your head against his own that is still buried in the crook of your neck, attempting poorly to catch your breath. After a moment, the reality of everything seems to set in, and your wrists ache.
“If you tell anyone about this, you’re dead.”
He huffs in amusement. 
“This is embarrassing for me too, you know,” he mumbles, turning his head so you can feel the way he noses along the column of your neck, sighing slowly before he says, “But I wouldn’t be against it happening again. You know, just to put you in your place.”
The moment Taehyun takes this stupid belt off you, you’ll show him what it means to be put in place. 
But for now, you’ll settle with the feeling of his cock still inside you and his arms wrapped around your waist. (For another thirty seconds, it’s been long enough and you’re sure there are others waiting outside by now.)
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lalacliffthorne · 8 months
okay, so, I kinda hadn't planned on doing this; I hadn't even thought about it - whoops 🙈 there was literally just a before and after Azriel and Reader started dating in my head lol
but since so many of you asked and since it would be criminal not to - let's think about it ;)
the one where they stop being idiots 💞
okay, so I see a few ways of how this could go
let's look at two
as hinted in all the before-drabbles --
there have been moments
like when either of you stares at the other for too long
or lingers in a hug
or the two of you are somehow always near each other
you get the gist
so we got all those lil moments
piling up, until technically, even an idiot should see that you really like Azriel
and that Azriel -
well, is down very, very bad
which, of course, means you have no clue
okay, so you kinda do
it's hard to ignore the tingling feeling in your belly
and that rising feeling in your chest whenever Azriel just looks at you
but you're very good at pushing that away
bc -
it's not that serious, right?
and even if you catch Azriel staring at you and he never looks away, just gets that twinkle in his eyes
and he always seems to linger a little too long when he's close, helping you with your jacket or brushing away a lash stuck on your cheek
and his gaze flickers down to what you swear is your lips -
there's really no way he actually likes you like that.
let alone feels his breath hitch every time you're close or gets that plummeting feeling in his chest when you as much as brush him
and even if there's some kind of attraction
there's no way that he has fallen for you just the same way you have quietly, creepingly and incredibly hard - fallen for him
since you are friends and living with a bunch of busy bodies
it doesn't take too long until at least one of them gets tired of watching the two of you be, frankly, idiots
maybe it's Rhys
over his not-so-subtle-hints and mischievous smirks, just turning towards you one evening in the kitchen
"alright, love - please tell me you're actually clueless and simply don't see that Az is down ridiculously bad for you?"
or maybe it's Mor
accidentally, literally blurting it out at brunch
something along the lines of "oh, yeah; of course he remembered, he remembers everything, plus he's completely in love with you, so -"
before growing still and becoming more wide-eyed than you have ever seen her
or maybe it's Cassian
after one drink too many, throwing an arm over your shoulder and raising his brows as he rumbles: "look, sweets, I love you. but if I have to watch Az stare longingly at you for another day, I'll lock the two of you in the pantry until you confess that you're completely in love with each other and make out. so, please, put the man out of his misery."
let's face it
it's probably all of them
bc they're just so over seeing Az pine after you and you pine after Az
and if you two would just talk about this -
you could've waved off one of them with a weak giggle and a "you're seeing things"
but three of your best friends -
who all know Azriel better than anyone else does -
two actually around both of you on a daily basis -
yeah, that's kinda hard to ignore
so suddenly, you start to notice everything
like everything
which makes your heart go into absolute overdrive whenever Azriel just looks at you
suddenly, you can't help but notice every little detail of him
and how he's acting around you
and how he's just insanely, annoyingly beautiful
and it does very strange things to your sanity
because suddenly, there's this tiny little voice in the back of your head that's whispering what if
and bc you can't be around Azriel without feeling heat wash into your cheeks and your breath becoming shaky and heart tumbling -
it's a bit of a mess.
and you really should say something
because it's getting increasingly, ridiculously difficult to keep yourself from leaning up and kissing him whenever he stares at you for too long, that half-crease in his cheek -
but you chicken out every time
and you kinda have a reason for that!
bc you love these boys
and what if something goes wrong and the others are wrong after all and you are wrong and he doesn't actually like you
bc then you would mess things up and you can't risk that and -
it really is a bit of a mess
well, until
that fateful almost-kiss
(pls don't kill me for the edging)
you're pretty sure it was an almost-kiss
like, 80 %
you turn it over enough in your head to be mostly sure Azriel wasn't just - about to wipe cake of your cheek or smth
just like you turn over the rest of the night you spent in your room with him
curled up on your bed, watching movies
ending with you falling asleep with your head on his chest
bc again
you're about 80 % sure you caught him staring at your lips at least twice
which means -
you are really screwed.
bc damn that thing messes with your head
I mean sure
the whole does he feel that tingling attraction too or am I seeing things-problem sorta went out of the window
but still
what if it was just a moment-thing?
or if maybe he doesn't like like you and it's all just physical attraction?
what if it isn't but it still doesn't work out bc at some point Azriel realises that you are actually not chill like he is and instead a lil ball of nerves and quirks??
you're basically quietly stewing in your own thoughts that are slowly getting out of control
and you just get more and more panicked, spinning in circles
until -
you lose it
it's probably a moment when the two of you are alone
maybe you're in the kitchen, responsible for making dinner for a change
and the silence is, at least for you, for once not calm like it always is with Azriel
instead, it feels like the air is buzzing and your heart does weird maneuvers and everytime you just get into close vicinity to Az, you feel like you're about to burst
and somewhere between chopping vegetables and putting cuttlery onto the table
you suddenly end up crowded against the counter
with Azriel towering over you, impossibly close
and he stills when he realises, in the middle of taking plates out of the cabinet, his eyes piercing yours
and your heart is racing because you can feel him
and because it feels like his gaze is pinning you to the spot
and because he's so close
and maybe Az sees something in the way you're staring up at him, wide-eyed and panicked
maybe he even feels the way your breath suddenly flutters
or how your heart is pounding painfully against your ribs
but Azriel slowly, carefully puts down the plate in his hand, placing it on the counter behind you
not once looking away
and then his lips curve a little and you're pretty sure the world lurches at the sight
it always feels like just looking at him causes a knife to twist under your ribs because he's just so damn beautiful
but right now, he looks fucking heavenly
the warm kitchen lights throwing shadows under his jaw, making his cheekbones look even sharper
that barely there crease in his cheek as his gaze slowly drag over your face
and he's tall and all broad shoulders and piercing eyes
and he looks at you the way he did before the almost-kiss
and suddenly
you just cannot keep it in any longer
"So, Mor said you're in love with me?"
The second you blurt out the words, you feel your eyes widen.
Well shit.
Azriel blinks, his lips parting; like maybe, for once, he has not forseen this turn of events.
You wouldn't blame him. You're currently wondering whether looking at him for too long has made your brain short-circuit.
"I mean -" You stare up at him, heat rising into your cheeks while your heart is pounding against your ribs. "I - okay, I didn't mean to say that, I, uhm, I just - thought about that thing that happened the other day; well, almost happened, and uh -" Your voice is actually shaking a bit now and sounds a little like you're about to faint, and that's not that far off, because shit -
"l mean, uhm -" Your throat finally gives up like it has decided to shut you up before you can make things worse.
And that's when you realise Azriel is still staring at you.
Only suddenly his iris looks like molten gold, and his gaze is a little feverish as it darts over your face, deep and heated and like he's trying to drink you in as his lips slowly curve upwards.
"Remind me to get her back for this."
His deep voice sends tingles down your spine, because you have never heard it this low and hoarse before, and it takes you a moment until the meaning of the mumbled words reaches you.
Your lips part, and suddenly, your heart feels like it's trying to escape your chest.
"Get her back for what?" Your whisper is so breathless, you almost swallow it.
There are creases in Azriel's cheek that make your knees feel like jello as he stares down at you, something feverish and heated in his eyes when he mumbles hoarsely: "For telling you before I could."
Your breath catches in your throat, and your heart does one huge jump. Then it stills.
"What?" Your voice sounds so breathy, you're not sure Azriel even heard it, at least until scarred fingers slip under your chin, a thumb softly brushing over your cheek as his eyes narrow a little, the crease in his cheek deepening.
"You think I was this close to kissing your just for shits and giggles?" Azriel would sound dry if there wasn't that slight edge to his hoarse voice, if his eyes weren't flickering over your face feverishly and carefully, almost anxiously. You think you can feel his breath hitch and stutter when your nose almost brushes his, and suddenly you realise he's gotten really close, close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips and his scent making your head swim.
"No?", you somehow manage to whisper, your voice almost breaking.
Azriel makes a noise at the back of his throat, deep and a little desperate; his nose nudges yours, and as a shiver runs up your spine and your breath stills in your throat, he mumbles "No." and dips his head to kiss you.
And you're pretty sure the world just stops.
Becomes so quiet you can hear your heart rising in a wild flutter, the way your breath shudders as you exhale in slow motion, and the quiet sound Azriel makes deep in his chest as his hands slide to the back of your neck.
And then he's kissing you. And his lips are warm and soft and pressing onto yours more feverishly with the second, and your hands rise to slide up his waist, hold onto him, and suddenly, you're not even close to being close enough.
Your legs are shaking when you move, push closer, until your chest is pressing into Azriel's, and he makes another soft noise before slipping his fingers into your hair; his body moving yours backwards until he's crowding you against the counter and you feel the cabinets press against your legs. Then Azriel deepens the kiss, his lips parting yours, and suddenly, you feel like starlight.
and with that
pretty much every question just vanishes.
erased by the way Azriel is kissing you, deep and feverish and desperate, like you're oxygen and he's been underwater for years
dinner's completely forgotten as you move through the kitchen, hips bumping against the counters and the table until you end up on the couch
Azriel's hands gripping your waist as you straddle him, your fingers buried in his hair as your bodies mold into each other and Az begins to figure out the 100 different ways to kiss you
and somewhere in the back of your brain
the part that isn't completely consumed by the way his chest is pressing into yours and scent is filling your lungs and body melts into yours
you wonder how a)
you ever made it without kissing him
without feeling his warm skin beneath your fingers and the taste of his lips and the way his hands slip under your shirt and press you closer
without hearing the tiny sounds he makes, deep and a little breathless as he's kissing you and you're kissing him back
and b)
how you're supposed to stop
bc now that you know what kissing Azriel feels like
you're really not sure how long you'll be able to go for without it.
(he does actually tell you the thing he's gonna give Mor shit for spilling for for the next decade
mumbled against your lips
and you're not sure how your heart doesn't give out with how far it leaps
but somehow, you manage to whisper those three words back
and Azriel makes a noise that causes your breath to tumble, bc it sounds like he doesn't quite believe it
and so you mumble it a few more times, until he kisses the words from your lips and you kiss them back onto his and neither of you can breathe)
of course there's the other option as well
the one where Azriel just can't help himself anymore
the one where you're sitting next to him in a quiet corner of the library or on the couch or in the passenger's seat of Rhys' car
and you're focused on something; your laptop, a book, your phone
and you have that slightly distant look on your face, your brows crunching
and even tho you're wearing a hoodie he's pretty sure belongs to Cassian, because it's massive on you, and your hair looks a lil wild
he feels like he's about to burst
because you're just too fucking beautiful
and he already missed his first shot bc of that fucking honking car
and it's getting hard to breathe and he really just can't take it anymore
and bc of that
he reaches over and slides his hand under your jaw, gently pulling it up and towards him
and for a moment, you're really confused, because does he want to show you something or -
and then he leans over
and suddenly
your head's empty
bc he's so close that you can see the flecks of gold in his eyes and the shadows of a few freckles scattered over his nose and how long his lashes are and -
his scent washes over you, and your breath gets violently caught in your throat the same moment Azriel stills, barely an inch away
you can feel his breath on your skin and the warmth of him and how your heart is suddenly pounding against your ribs
and Azriel swears he will remember that moment until the day he dies
because you look like you've forgotten how to breathe
and you're staring at him in a way that makes every sense of doubt he had ever had about himself trickle away until there's nothing left but that harsh pulsing feeling in his chest
and he swears to himself he's gonna tell you he's hopelessly, utterly in love with you like a complete idiot
that he has been falling since the day you waltzed into the lives of him and his best friends
and how instead of crashing, the way you beam at him has given him wings
and a bunch of other stuff that won't even come close to describing how you make his heart beat out of his chest and breath hitch and whole being settle
but right now, he needs to kiss you
because he's been an absolute idiot for waiting this long
and he feels like if he waits just a second longer, he's gonna explode into a million pieces
and so
his heart pounding against his ribs and his breath getting stuck in his throat
he dips his head and kisses you
and then, just for a while, he forgets about anything and everything that's not you
@ailyr92 @azrielshadows1nger @waytoomanyteenagefeels @secretlyhers @knmendiola @luvmoo @azriels-mate2 @bookishbroadwaybish @maybe-a-winchester @stayinglow-exploringworlds @harrystylesfan2686 @icey--stars @ssmay123
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iamumbra195 · 3 months
The dynamics between the kids and how comfortable they've gotten around each other, especially with how Ashlyn was totally okay with Taylor and Aiden messing with her hair-- which is something I absolutely adore in this chapter she looks amazing and badass. The fact that Logan felt comfortable enough being snarky like that is also everything. Like this kid has been bullied relentlessly and the fact that he knows he can be snarky and mess with Tyler like that without getting hurt because of it shows so much growth. And the little moment of childish delight between Taylor and Aiden at the idea of racing around and the fact that Ashlyn doesn't tell them to focus or be serious but instead tells them they can do it later?? Early Ashlyn would get so annoyed and now she's just chill with it because she knows they all have their own ways to cope and deal with the stress and that's honestly so sweet.
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Also, Ben using sign language and being understood and the others trying to find solutions so he can warn them of danger or something he is about to do is so sweet. They're so accommodating and caring to one another without even having to think twice, it's honestly so sweet.
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Alex helping them with the card without question is really sweet but I have bad feeling it's gonna backfire on him and I don't like it.
And the rules of the phantom dimension are literally so weird. So technically they don't need to sleep or eat but they should because it helps them feel better when they're awake? I knew I was onto something when I made that post about how the fact they're technically living 31 hours a day should effect them more physically.
Also, The fact that the facility has a fucking armory is insane but also works so perfectly for the Mike-centric AU I've been trying to cook up and speaking of Mike, OH MY GOD HE'S IN THE PHANTOM DIMENSION, I REPEAT, HE'S IN THE PHANTOM DIMENSION!!
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Does that mean the other parents are there too? Is it just him? Is Emma with him?
Also, both dad and daughter being certified badasses and having the same instincts??
We also got Mike with facial hair again lol but I'm kinda worried about what the means. Like they probably gave them stuff for basic hygiene right? Did something happen? Is he spiralling? Who was the one that screamed in this moment?
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Oh my god, idk if we're gonna have another hug moment where he's comforting her again or if we're gonna have all the kids hugging their parents but either imma start crying.
Also, if she's crying but she thinks she's the one who dragged her dad into the phantom realm and feels horribly guilty about it again I'm gonna fucking cry.
My thought process is all over the place but if you stayed thanks and here are some of my other favourite panels in this chapter.
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the second one and aiden shooting the guns has some good pfp potential lol
Anyway, the new outfits and Ash's new hair is everything (she looks adorable I wanna squish her cheeks she looks like a chipmunk oml) and I can't wait until next week holy shit.
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imaginespazzi · 7 months
It's very late, I'm a tiny bit tipsy but I definitely won't have time tomorrow, and if my inbox is anything to go by, y'all really want your pazzi crumbs so here y'all go (I might do a proper recap about the game later but we'll see)
Also I know I said I lowkey wanted Paige to leave but you guys seeing the way gampel loves her (like IT WAS LOUD and lowkey didn't even hear her say the "I'm coming back" part because everyone was screaming already) and seeing the way she loves them back, ugh I'm just so happy she gets that again for one more year and I just hope it's everything she wants.
Anyways onto what you're here for:
The scream I screamed when Azzi came out in the #5 jersey like I think I scared some people (read: the girl next to me even though she should be used to my bullshit by now). But when I tell y'all it was a MOMENT, for me and for Paige. I'm sure she knew it was happening but I have no idea if she'd seen Azzi in that jersey before the moment. But girlie's eyes were glued for a good minute. Like they were doing their warmups and stuff they do, and Azzi was walking around the court saying hi to people and Paige was distracted as hell. Then Azzi finally got to her and bruh the smirk on this bitch's face like WE GET IT. That's your girl, in your jersey. She definitely made some smartass comment cause Azzi rolled her eyes. Like you guys I wish I had videoed this interaction, even if it would have come out blurry as fuck, because I swear it's better than anything I can ever write, literally straight out of a fic vibes.
KK also definitely made some smartass comment cause Azzi full just shoved her at some point. Princess was getting teased by everyone today I think because she was blushing and rolling her eyes a lot and whoever was around her was laughing with teasing eyes.
They gravitate to each other so much, like so much it's kinda insane. Especially before the game, like as soon as Azzi was out of the tunnel (injured players come out a couple of minutes after the other players), even when they're not really even interacting each other, they're in each other's orbiit. Y'all like it's kinda ridiculous. And I was at the Texas game last year (was not as invested back then so maybe that's why) but I swear they weren't this attached yet.
Also seeing Azzi so happy and carefree pregame, I already knew Paige was definitely staying.
Small moment during the foul with Amari that was being reviewed, the non-injured players were huddled and the injured players were still on the bench. And Paige just kept looking back at Azzi and at some point Aaliyah like elbowed her and gave her a knowing look before also turning back and looking at Azzi.
Also I swear when they're slapping hands, both of them tend to linger just a second longer than they do with other people.
Speaking of people teasing Azzi, Paige's mom gave her the biggest smirk when she saw her after the game. Like she looked at the jersey and then like titled her head a little bit and then they hugged and it was so sweet. Before that she was messing around with all of Paige's siblings. You can just tell the comfort level is different because at this point, everyone's close to everyone's families to an extent, but it's just different with Azzi and Paige's family.
Back to gravitating, as soon as Paige was done with the SNY interview and interacting with fans, she was back in Azzi's orbit. Like they don't really touch and stuff because they're clearly aware there's so many people, but you can see they kinda want to? But they were just talking after. They're so tethered, like I know and y'all know, but when you see it in person it's kinda insane to observe.
Alright that's all I can remember right now but I'll see if I can remember more. But man it was just such an emotional night and ugh I love this senior class so much and seeing them get the love they deserve made me so happy. They deserve everything.
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thisapplepielife · 9 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Crumb Together
Prompt Day 27: Coffee Shop AU | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Platonic Stobin, Coffee Shop/Bakery AU, Fluff, Steve POV
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Steve is carefully filling the bakery case. He's been here since three a.m., and it's still a half-hour until opening, but at least he's on time and not behind schedule for once. 
"Hey dingus, do we need more muffins?" Robin hollers, banging through the double-doors from the back to the front. 
"No, I have enough, thanks so much," he snaps. He's snippy this morning, pretty mad she ever talked him into this whole coffee shop scheme. Sure, they're retail pros, but small business owners? He should have said no fucking way. But she was excited, and he wanted her to be happy. That’s always his downfall.
He's definitely re-thinking that now that they’ve completely lost their social lives by keeping these insane working and sleeping schedules. They only see each other, which isn't the worst thing in the world, other than the fact that he doesn't know the last time he's touched boobies. Or dick. He's not picky. 
He needs to get laid, and he can’t do that stuck inside this coffee shop slash bakery hell with his best friend.
He's about to turn and sass her, when someone taps on the front door and he jumps, throwing a chocolate muffin up into the air, fumbling it around, before finally regaining control. 
He didn't drop it, but it looks a little worse for wear. He can't sell it like this. 
Well, fuck.
If he was a hired hand, he'd ignore the annoying tapper until the official opening time. Which is twenty-nine minutes from now. But as the owner, he puts down his tray and walks towards the door. They could use the paying customer, even if they’ve shown up way too early, like a rude asshole.
He looks, but he can't see anyone out there in the dark. Maybe he should ignore it.
He doesn't, instead he unlocks the door, and there's a guy standing there. 
"Hey, nice catch," the guy says, smiling. 
Steve forces a smile in return, "How can I help you?" 
"I know you're not open yet, but I saw you in there juggling the muffins, and I'm on my way out of town and really need a cup of coffee. My coffee maker decided this was the morning to croak," he says, slashing his whole hand across his neck, making a throat-slitting motion. 
He's rambling, like Robin.
Steve finds it a little cuter on him, than he does when Robin does it at this ungodly hour. 
Steve sighs, and opens the door wider to let him inside, "You just want black coffee?" 
"Please," the guy says. 
"I'll have to brew it. It'll just take a minute." 
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver," he says, and Steve can see that he's looking at Steve's chest, looking for a name tag. But Steve's not wearing one. Because as the owner, he finally doesn't have to. 
Robin is booting up the point-of-sale system, "Black coffee?" she repeats. 
The guy nods. 
"Eddie," the guy answers. 
"Good thing you asked him, I'd never know who to hand it to," Steve snarks at Robin, starting the coffee machine.
Eddie laughs.
Robin doesn't.
When it's done, Steve places the cup on the counter, and Robin immediately picks it up and writes Eddie's name on it. 
Which, that's stupid. They all know it's Eddie's coffee. Then, Robin sacks up the slightly banged up muffin and hands it to Eddie.
"You scared him and caused him to squish it. So, it's yours. On the house!" she says, far too chipper for this time of morning. 
"Thanks, I'll try to drop by and scare him more often," Eddie says, reading his name on his cup, grinning. Then Eddie slides a ten dollar bill across the counter, waving off his change. 
As soon as the bell on the door jangles, signaling Eddie's departure, Robin turns and slaps Steve on the arm. 
"What the hell? That cute boy wanted to flirt, and you totally dropped the ball, dingus!" 
Steve scrunches up his forehead, "Huh?"
Robin just shakes her head, annoyed, and heads back towards the kitchen.
Is Steve so rusty that he missed flirting? Goddamnit. 
Steve has just turned the front door lock, and flipped the sign to closed, when he hears his cell phone ringing somewhere in the distance. He follows the sound, and when he picks it up, it's a number he doesn't recognize. Great. More telemarketer bullshit. 
He goes to swipe the decline button, when Robin shouts, "You better get that!"
He looks back at his phone and cautiously accepts the call, not knowing what the hell she's done now.
"Is this Steve? From the coffee shop?"
"Yeah, this is Steve," Steve says, suspicious. He has no idea who he's talking to.
"Good, good. This is Eddie. From this morning. The coffee jerk that made you open early."
"Oh, uh, okay. Um…"
"How did I get this number?" Eddie asks, laughing.
"Yeah, that was what I was thinking," Steve admits.
"Well, somehow it ended up written on my coffee cup this morning, with your name and a time to call."
Steve shakes his head, Robin is such an asshole, but Steve smiles.
"Well, I'm not sure how that happened," Steve says, teasing back. Flirting. 
"Big mystery," Eddie teases, "but since I've got you on the phone, would you like to grab dinner or drinks. Coffee?"
"No coffee," Steve laughs, "but yes. To the other two, for sure. But be forewarned, I eat really early. Like an old person. Early bird specials are my jam. And I go to bed by nine. Eight-thirty if I can get away with it. I gotta be here by three to get ready to open this place."
He's learned to get that info out of the way, early. 
"Well, that sounds perfect. I get up at four to get to my jobsite. I'm in construction," Eddie says.
Steve smiles, it's been a while since anyone has understood his schedule.
"So, dinner? Four-thirty or five?" Eddie asks, and Steve laughs.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun! ☕
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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Noncanonicals Tournament FINAL
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This final is between Han Ying from Word of Honor (shizun/mentor: Zhou Zishu) and Fang Duobing from Mysterious Lotus Casebook (shizun/mentor: Li Xiangyi / Li Lianhua)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
Han Ying:
He idolized and was mentored by Zhou Zishu to the point of recruiting other young martial artists to revive ZZS’s dying sect and willing to die live happily ever after for it.
#han ying wants to fuck zhou zishu SO BAD#han ying#shizunfucker tournament
#my sweet ying'er wants to fuck zzs so bad he's gagging for it
#HAN YING HANDS DOWN#would have licked his boots if he asked
#han ying wanted nothing more than to officially become zzs's student/part of his sect#it was literally his dying wish that his brothers in arms may get to do that#he says several times in the show to zzs's very face that he's 100% down for dying for him#he swears allegiance EXCLUSIVELY to zzs and not the prince they're all serving#he comes up with bangers like 'if there is anything you need I will lay down my life with no regret'#'if you were gone one day how could I live alone'#'a loyal servant wouldn't have two masters in his life'#he sneaks into zzs's abandoned residence and homoerotically-#-strokes the painting of a flower that symbolizes a) zzs himself b) zzs's grief for being the lone survivor of his sect#and he wanted to join siji so so badly#it was his life's dream and he died IN siji but before getting to have that 😭#listen he makes me insane#anyway they should have fucked sloppy style and zzs would have had an out of body experience if hy called him shizun#my final thesis goodbye
#it's HAN YING#you could power entire nations with the power of that yearning
#han ying saw zhou zishu and IMMEDIATELY dropped to his knees are you joking#wen kexing immediately clocked him
#ying'er my sweet prince#he wants the dick so badly
Fang Duobing:
Fang Duobing has most definitely had several fantasies of being dommed by his shifu Li Xiangyi! He is also equally invested in marrying Li Lianhua - travelling the jianghu, going on rooftop moonlit dates, incorporating looking after him forever and ever into his general future plans. This is even before he knows that Li Lianhua and Li Xiangyi are the same person. Oh there are Layers to the shizunfucking. Where's that post about being so devoted to someone that it breaks the pedestal they're put on and comes full circle to loving them for the person they are? (its here: https://www.tumblr.com/difeisheng/733133489565745152/the-core-of-fanghua-is-built-around-fang-duobings) When they finally do get to know each other 10 years later, after Li Xiangyi's identity is found out, Fang Duobing insists on being equals rather than master-and-disciple! Li lianhua is Fang Duobing’s guide in the Jianghu! He leaves his house, dog and the only records of his unique martial arts to Fang Duobing before running away!! Fang Duobing’s most important agenda is to save Li Lianhua from slow death by poison!!! He doesn't care if Li Lianhua keeps leaving him behind and lying to him and is 'at peace' with dying!! They live together. They'll never be equals. They've been equals all along. They're zhiji. They're master and disciple. they're married. They're everything.
#this man wanted to fuck his shizun under two whole ass different identities#this man was given one million choices between his shizun and his entire cushy rich boi life and did not sweat the decision even once#this man was engaged to a princess - who was COOL - and went “no thanks i’d rather follow shizun around in a fantasy china airstream’
#this cannot not be fang duobing let's be serious#polls#he's been drawing hearts around his shizun's name since age 8
#Fang Duobing going through it for what he thinks is two different people but is just one guy#so he gets my vote easy
#pls he is head employee at shizunfucker.co
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toxinoire · 4 months
More Mean Girls Headcanons
• Regina definitely got bangs (The Reneé Rapp bangs💖) post canon
• She has a faint scar under it from the bus, because while her back is her main thing, she did gash her face.
• Karen can quite literally guess your entire personality with the sweetest and kindest smile in existence
• She'll just end up giving you an existential crisis while being all :D
• Janis has a stash of candy everywhere she goes
• She's a fucking sweet tooth
• Damian has to make sure she brushes her teeth
• Gretchen actually has the best immune system out of all of them
• And then when she does get sick, she cannot get out of bed
• Cady is feral as hell
• Don't be fooled by the height and the charm
• Seriously if you even think of being a dick to her friends she will punch you, no hesitation
• Damian and Gretchen became besties immediately
• After everyone made up, Cady's first initial reaction "AW YISS A REAL FRIEND GROUP"
• And then Janis painted everyone
• Gretchen cried
• And then Cady cried
• And then everyone cried
• "What's so great about literature-" And then Regina emerges from the shadows like "Sit your ass down and listen to me go off"
• Janis and Regina once got into a debate with five people about the nuances of the Iliad and The Odyssey
• Damian is sure someone pissed their pants
• Karen's just happy and generally just excited about fluffy blankets
• Sometimes, Regina and Cady take turns calling Gretchen at around 8 at night to gently remind her to sleep
• Gretchen forgets to sleep because she overthinks what she should do the next day
• "Gretch, I know you're anxious, but we're here and we'll help you. Now go to sleep so you have energy tomorrow."
• "Please go to sleep. Nothing is predictable. Things will go off the rails. On the bright side, we're stuck with you and we are now automatically going with you when it does."
• Both of those actually help
• Janis and Damian once made everyone mini pride shoelaces with their respective flags
• So every pride month, you see six teens in white shoes with shoelaces have whole ass gradients of different pride flags
• It's iconic really.
• Regina's vocabulary is either "Fuck off" or "Your presence is like a fucking housefly circling all the food on the table, leave me be" depending on her mood
• The first time they ever saw Karen be so utterly terrifying at someone was when someone catcalled them.
• The boy cried
• Cady likes to literally poke people for fun
• She also has a collection of dinosour figures
• "What if I-" "No."
• Janis collects FNAF plushies like they're pokemon
• She has multiple plushies of the same animatronics
• Her favorite is Lolbit
• She has six animatronic plushies in particular standing on her highest shelf sitting next to each other with handmade nametags of her and her friends on each one on who she thinks could be who
• She's Lolbit, Damian's Bonnie, Cady's Funtime Freddy, Gretchen's Glamrock Freddy, Karen's Chica, and Regina's Roxy
• Gretchen and Karen are everyone's hypewomen
• They'll be screaming like soccer moms whenever someone in the group has an achievement
• Cady normally sucks at history but she loves medieval history
• She got so into it so much that she got into weaponry
• This child can very much use a bow and arrow
• And a sword
• She got Regina into swordsmanship
• They duel. A lot.
• It scares the others sometimes
• Gretchen's way of threatening Janis is "I'll use your favorite paint to make the worst color gradient in existence."
• It works
• Damian has a love/hate relationship with the insanity in this friend group
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