#they're setting him up to be a star out here I see you cody
jaepuppy · 1 year
not them thinking people don't see they're doing this to get people to ask stuff like "is this what you came back for cody?" lol. And I know they're not buying time for roman to hit 1000 days by way of brock lesnar. Now WWE........Well, here's that "adversity" some people wanted cody to experience.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON TBB 2×15 "The Summit" and 2×16 "Plan 99"
To say that I'm devastated is an understatement. As I write this during my second viewing of the episodes, I keep tearing up even before you know what happens. This is NOT how I imagine this finale would go. I guess I can say that objectively, removing all emotional perspective, it was a great finale, one where the setting up along the season pays off.
But emotionally, it's awful. Absolutely and undeniably impossible to believe. It'll take me a long time to process this. And I'm not sure if I'm capable of sharing with you all my thoughts because of that. I'll try, but probably I'll skim over some things that seem irrelevant at the moment or simply too painful to talk about.
In hindsight, the batch should've collected every favor they're owed from people they've helped the last 2 season to pull this off with everyone alive! just sayin'!!
Nope. I'm not talking about Phee and Tech saying goodbye. Watching it for a second time threw me into another sobbing fit 😭😭😭
The summit, ugh! I hate everyone in there. And especially Hemlock with his awful ideas to experiment on clones, and also Tarkin, how does he dare to disrespect clones that way? Clones that he fought alongside, and even they gave up their lives to save him?!!
I can't deal with all the foreshadowing here. It's too painful 😭😭😭 I can't stop crying.
Half kudos to that imperial complimenting the clones. A little naive of his part to think the Empire cares about that. He should've known better, but at least he has a little bit more of a conscience than the rest. I don't know who he is because there's no credit for the voice actor.
For a moment, I thought the other group infiltrating was with Cody in command. I thought he might've not gotten to Rex yet and this was the way to connect them, of course, after he helped to save Crosshair. But I was wrong! I never liked Saw Gerrera, and now he jumped to be part of the characters I hate! If he had helped, no one would've died!! Part of the fault belongs to him!!
The escape on the railcar went fine! Yep! Everyone is fine!! Everyone lives!! Plan 99 who? I don't know her.
But leaving extreme denial aside, I must admit that the part where Tech and Hunter are escaping after being made by the stormtroopers and Saw left them to their luck is very well done. There's a particular moment that it's both of them almost going in and out of the focus of the camera as they go kicking stormtroopers' asses, that's absolutely awesome. And after I took a nap (being sleepy and emotional is a bad combination), the pain of Tech's sacrifice is a tad less raw, and I guess I can see why it was necessary. I hate it but yes, absolutely, it was in Tech to sacrifice himself for his siblings, like any of them would. That's why Plan 99 exists.
And some part of me knew that Plan 99 was about sacrifices, honoring how 99 died. I just thought that they'd subverted it and everything would be fine. But no.
As if it wasn't devastating enough to see Tech falling, they had to do a parallel, carrying injured Omega to the Marauder as they did injured Hunter in season 1. So rude of them!!
I can't blame Hunter for wanting to hide in a cave (or a remote island) and never leave again. This is why he's been so cautious since the beginning. They already lost one of their own, he didn't want to lose another. And yet, he was helpless to stop it from happening.
And we all knew Cid would betray them. No surprise there. At least, she doesn't look too happy about it. I hope the regret gnaw at her for the rest of her life. That she can't sleep thinking about it.
And of course, Hemlock had to appear and Omega wasn't going to obey Hunter. He should've known she wouldn't go.
And I really, really, reeaaaallllyy want to cling to the idea that Tech is not dead, that Hemlock found him injured and took him in, hence why he has Tech's glasses. I mean, this is Star Wars, and we know that death can be temporary. And you know what? It'd be great (not really, but you know what I mean) if Tech is alive and Hemlock uses him in one of his experiments. We could get Imperial Tech, which is a terrifying thing to think about. Because that intelligence used for evil, damn!!
Omega trying to save Hunter and Wrecker, my poor angel. You should've listened to your dad!
I loved how Echo was a menace with the stolen walker. Also, Hunter and Wrecker taking out the commandos even as injured as they are, nice, but I knew they weren't going to stop Hemlock from taking Omega.
And like I saw a post earlier, Hunter just entered in his Joel Miller phase for Season 3. Anyone who gets in his way to find Omega is dead already. I agree 100%!
And clown of me to think that we'd get a fair share of Crosshair screen time during these 2 episodes, and all we got is 30 sec of unconscious Cross!! Ugh!! and still a prisoner!!
The theory that Emerie is a female clone too turned out to be true, altho I don't care much about it. I guess they want to show how Omega would be if she had stayed with the Kaminoans/Empire. I guess I have to wait and see what this is going.
I have more thoughts, but I'm too distressed to keep going. The season overall was way above my expectations, but the jury is still out about the finale. I have too many conflicting emotions about it. *SIGHS* Now, it starts the long waiting for season 3.
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But in the meantime, and bringing a happier note, let me remind you that there's ONLY 2 DAYS before the phase 1 of prompt voting for the bad batch appreciation week 2023 is over!!
Check the link below, and remember that you can vote as many times you want!
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lazinesswrites · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @auburnlaughter a little while ago; thank you! ❤
I'm doing the latest 10 fics I've posted to Ao3, oldest first, and I'll include links because... every excuse to self-promote? Everything here is Star Wars, most of it Bad Batch (from before s3, save the last two), and most of that is more or less Crosshair-centric.
Sunrise Caf (TCW post-war AU, pre-CodyWan, 1k, G)
“Do you still prefer your caf black, now that you have access to more options?” Obi-Wan asks as Cody sits down at the small kitchen table in Obi-Wan’s new apartment.
Labor of love is ours to endure (TBB s1 finale AU-CD, 4.6k, T)
Wrecker watches as Hunter talks to Crosshair about chances; watches as Omega says her piece too.
To feel your heart as it's keeping time (TBB, Batch twins, 3.3k, G)
Since Crosshair’s recent and long-awaited return to their squad, Tech has found that treating him like one would a feral tooka has been relatively successful in getting the sniper to relax around him.
Don't You Doubt (TBB, Cross & Hunter, 2.5k, T, part of a series)
Pabu is very quiet at night.
And please be there; I can barely hang on (But oh I wait 'til I break) (TBB, h/c, 3.8k, T) (this one's in Russian too!)
Crosshair didn't know they'd be here.
Mirjahaal (TBB, pre-show, 2.1k, G)
Echo doesn’t know what Crosshair’s problem is.
Breakthrough on Bracca (TBB, AU-CD, 4.6k, T)
Crosshair wakes to a face on fire and a clear mind.
Change of Heart, Change of Plans (TBB, AU-CD, 5.6k, G)
A flash of white armor in his periphery, accompanied by the sound of familiar voices – or rather, one familiar voice from multiple people – has Hunter diverting from their route, leading his siblings into a dark and dank alley, waiting for the troopers to pass.
We're Still What's Left (TBB s3e4 cont., grief, 1.7k, T)
“But… how did you escape?” Hunter asks the kid, and Crosshair figures that’s his cue, even if he’s not sure he’s quite ready for whatever awaits him out there.
Homecoming Heroes (TBB, sequel to above, 2.8k, T)
Pabu is… nice.
Thoughts and tags below the cut:
So... Patterns? I was gonna say something about fairly long sentences, but then half of them turned out to be pretty short, actually 😅
I guess I try to set the scene: Who's there, what are they doing, what's the Problem (if the characters know, yet) etc. Try to make clear what canon scene we've jumped into, when relevant (I.e. in Labor of love, which picks up towards the end of Kamino Lost, when Hunter has just said something like 'you gave us a chance Crosshair; this is yours' and Omega has said 'they're still your brothers, Crosshair. You're my brother too.', which is what Wrecker's thoughts are referring to.)
I also tend to start right in the middle of Something, especially in the more action-filled ones. This is both because I then avoid losing people to "boring" exposition or world-building or descriptions right out of the gate, and also because beginnings are Hard, so the way I typically start writing a fic (or anything, really) is to start with whatever scene I've got in mind that sparked the idea for the rest of the fic, regardless of when it actually takes place, and then build the rest around it. Or by writing notes/something like an outline if I don't have a specific scene in mind but more just a sort of general feeling or plot or theme or something I want to write about, and then expand those into text-text. This approach means I often end up explaining the things that need explaining throughout the fic, so there's no need to put it all at the beginning. And also - it's fanfic. By far most of my readers will already be familiar with the characters and general setting; I just need to make clear where and how we might deviate from that.
That's all, I think. But hey! if you got this far and you noticed something I didn't, why don't you tell me? (please be nice, though, I'm not looking for critique; just curious)
NPTs: @whimsicalmeerkat @hxad-ovxr-hxart @spacemagicandlaserswords @battlekilt
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
other minor things
if amazon loses in jamaica there's no way cody is going before sierra and if team chris loses i don't think alejandro has a particular reason to boot off noah here yet? so it's more likely to be owen.
after that and greece we have area 51, australia, and sweden to work with. i think sierra goes at the earliest opportunity (maybe in area 51 so that we can have that alien cody all-stars scene two seasons early /j). heather could also see gwen/lindsay + cody's crush on gwen as a threat to get him booted.
if owen isn't eliminated already i can see sweden being the elimination instead of australia and noah going there leaving owen somewhat emotionally vulnerable at merge
niagara falls couples. lindsay and tyler is established already, and i think alejandro winning immunity (and therefore being in a somewhat more precarious position than canon?) is the best excuse for the girls not voting him off. idk if gwen and duncan being paired would make the kiss happening better or worse. idk if courtney and duncan being paired would make the kiss happening better or worse.
...so anyway what if it was heather.
heather/duncan, courtney/alejandro, gwen/owen (finalist friendship is underrated) / courtney/duncan, heather/alejandro, gwen/owen (least likely i think? really i just don't like the idea of an aleheather pair here) / gwen/duncan, courtney/alejandro, heather/owen
I answered the last anon before reading this one, so apologies for suggesting that Cody be the first elimination if you're dead set on having Sierra be the first to go from Team Amazon. From a plot standpoint, the two of them are pretty interchangeable anyway; Cody without Sierra is a (comparative) deadweight to the team, so he'd be the next boot, and Sierra without Cody would be too unstable to function so she'd be the next boot.
Keeping Noah around for longer is always a fun time, though without his own subplot to follow he's mostly just elimination fodder and comedic relief. Though, the same could be said for Owen this season- all he's really got going for him is his aerophobia, and that's less of a subplot and more of a running gag (unlike DJ's animal curse, which should've been a running gag but was used as a subplot).
In Niagara Falls, I think having Heather/Duncan, Courtney/Alejandro and Gwen/Owen is the ideal partnerships. If you want Alejandro to win, giving him a partner who's also driven to win and who isn't going to incentivise Alejandro to throw the challenge out of spite is ideal, and Courtney checks all of those boxes. An Aleheather partnership would end up like canon, and then Alejandro wouldn't have the blessing of immunity to keep him safe. Plus, you could have Heather try to convince Duncan to join her and Lindsay's 'alliance' here, making Duncan aware of just how untrustworthy Alejandro is (if he isn't already aware).
Though I do like the idea of having Gwen/Duncan and Heather/Owen instead, since that'd add some build up to The Kiss, and Heather&Owen already have a fairly cordial relationship in canon anyway (their whole dynamic in S1E21 attests to this).
And, of course, Lindsay and Tyler have their trouble in paradise moment when they're paired together.
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My Fics !
I realized I have very little connection between this account and my Ao3 account, so I figured I'd share a list of my fics on here in case anyone is ever interested :) WIPs are at the top, complete stories at the bottom
My WIPs:
In Darkness a Hope
An AU where Anakin wasn't found on Tatooine, Naboo fell, the jedi were blamed and scattered, war broke out, and the Empire began three years later. Anakin meets Ahsoka after she crashes on Tatooine, they run into Rex, and things snowball. Cody is also one of the two true main characters, but you wouldn't know it from his screen time at the beginning.
All That We Intend is Scrawled in Sand
An AU where Kix notices that something is up with Anakin, and that leads him to realize it may be connected to whatever's going on with the Guard. A few illegal choices later, he's in place to investigate. Basically, a Kix-saves-the-galaxy (with help from his friends) AU.
Also a work in my series about the Command Batch + Rex, featuring all of the commanders and the ways they're marked by the war. So far, Wolffe losing his eye and Rex getting his jaig eyes are written, with Gree, Bly, Fox, Ponds, and Cody still to come.
My Complete Works:
What Walks in the Shadows
Coruscant is haunted and Fox meets one of the ghosts, and proceeds to unravel a conspiracy as result. It's kind of sad but there's as happy of an ending as there can be in a fic where one of the main characters is already dead. It is a fix-it (because I am predictable) but it's set after Season 6 of TCW, so some people are already dead (rip Fives and Thorn specifically).
The Sins of the Father
My first Star Wars fic! AU where Fox manages to stop Order 66 before it's sent out to Cody, but not before Anakin takes the 501st to the temple. Mostly, it follows Luke and Leia coming to terms with who and what their Father is and what that means for them, via grand quests. Featuring: Jedi Healer Luke, Jedi Shadow Leia, Ezra Bridger being a good friend, Luke continually lacking self-preservation, and an ancient Force entity.
A Dance Among the Stars
A series following the Command Batch & Rex through the war. They're mostly short (like 2000-4000 words). Current works are:
The Tidings of War (When each member of the batch says the war began)
Many Meetings (They meet their generals and begin to trust them)
To See Again the Stars (Rex adopting Fives and Echo, and kind of Ahsoka, too)
Sleep No More (Ponds coming to terms with the deaths of his men)
Interlude (Conversations on leave between Rex & Anakin and Cody & Obi-Wan)
What Dreams May Come (Fox and the Guard being not okay)
What Was I Made For (Gree meeting Barriss and trying to help her through her feelings about war)
The Stars Their Ancient Courses Keep (Ponds having a conversation with Boba the night he's taken hostage)
A Buried and a Burning Flame (Five significant sunrises in Cody's life, and also maybe my pride and joy)
Something is Rotten in the State of Coruscant
An AU literally born from me going "What if Anakin was Hamlet?" Obi-Wan dies in the Rako Hardeen arc, and Anakin has to figure out how, exactly, that happened. One of the only times I've actually managed to let a character die, because it literally had to happen for the plot. The nerdiest thing I've ever done, and I stand by it.
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just-my-type-x · 3 years
Misunderstood Smiles - Dylan O'brien imagine
In which y/n is an actress and stars in a movie with Dylan's friend and fellow colleague, Cody Christian
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"Stop whining, babe", i laugh and i push Dylan off my body so i can get up and get ready to go on set. I get up and take a moment to analyse his perfect naked body and smirk before going to the bathroom
"Since you like this view so much, you can stay here and take advantage of this beautiful morning." he says while pressing soft kisses on my shoulder, letting my bra strap fall loosely on my arm. I moan softly when i feel his bottom lip trace a long line on my neck, going over my sensitive spots and i gasp when his teeth bite small portions, sucking hard on some spots.
"Love, you're leaving hickeys. I can't show up on set with them.", i say disappointed and i turn around to kiss Dylan's lips. He kisses me back desperately, hand on my neck, while his tongue entangles with mine in sweet, passionate motions.
"I hate this day, baby", he says and places a kiss on my forehead, pulling me into a big hug. Today I'm supposed to film a naked scene with Cody. We've starred in other movies together, but our characters were never that much of love interests. In this one... Well, let's say things get way too heated. Before Dylan i was more than ok with this type of scenes because they're fun and you can build very beautiful friendships after that, as hard as it is to believe.
"You'll be there with me, tho, you'll see nothing else happens. And it's Cody, you've known him for such a long time, he has a beautiful girlfriend-"
"Yeah, but he's still touching you. He's gonna touch your legs, your breasts, your ass. He's gonna see you naked and that makes go crazy.", Dylan exhales and exists the bathroom. I follow him and try as much as i can to calm him down.
30 minutes later, we're on our way to the set and i become nervous because of Dylan's presence. I have acted with him watching me before, but it was so hard to concentrate, this time will be even worse.
As we got there, Cody and another costar greeted us.
"Hey, man, what's up!", Cody hugs Dylan and I'm happy to see that he is actually smiling and enjoying seeing Cody after such a long time. "I missed you so much, how have you been?", he asks Dylan while hugging me
"I've been great, i have a new movie coming soon, how are you?", Dylan answers and i grab his hand, being now in the middle of the two boys.
"I'm great, 2 movies on the way, another season of All American, things are awesome.", Cody says excited and he smiles at me, blushing. I feel Dylan tense in the embrace of our hands, and i look up at him to see him looking directly in front of us.
I get changed for the scene and i kiss Dyl before getting on set. Cody smiles when he sees me and i feel a bit insecure because I'm only wearing black laced underwear and a t shirt that barely covers my ass. His eyes travel from me to his friend and shakes his head, smirking. I blush, feeling the tension build in the room between the three of us.
The director announces us to start and i get in the skin of the character right away.
"What are you doing here, Sam? Like, seriously, you're in my bedroom", i ask Cody, while walking slower towards him, using one of my best sensual voices, since i have to make him fall in love with me
"I'm here to talk to you. Your parents let me in before they left. I guess they don't know how you spend your evenings dressed like", he laughs lightly and i try my best not to break into laughter
"Well, you're here, talk", i sit on the bed, slowly leand backwards, checking him out from head to toe. I cross my legs and i know he can see half of my ass, which makes his eyes grow wide. He takes off his jacket and i try not to look surprised, because that wasn't in the script. "Getting hot already?", i try to save the scene before the director could say cut and Cody looked at me with raised eyebrows, getting the idea of what I'm doing.
"The way you present yourself right now is hard not to get hot", he says and comes closer to me, uncrossing my legs and moving his hands slowly until he reaches my waist. He lifts me towards him and turns us around, so he is now sitting on the bed and I'm on his lap. I look deep into his eyes and i can see the lust in his eyes. It is a pretty moment, I'm not gonna lie.
"Let's get hotter and sweaty then", i kiss him hard and he bites my lip before kissing my neck and uncovering my ass. He places his hands on both cheeks and starts moving me front and back, creating a nice friction between our bodies. I take off his shirt and he quickly follows my action, leaving me half naked. He's taken aback by my breasts and stutters for a second, before kissing them and returning to my lips. Cody turns us again, and i unbuckle his pants, taking them down, chuckling when i see him hard in his boxers. He rolls his eyes unnoticeably, not to break character, throws his pants away from the bed and starts grinding his member on mine. I moan when he begins to make me sensitive and the director shouts to get to the next part and get actually naked.
We do and the scene cuts a few moments later, after Cody and i fake having sex.
I put a robe on, Cody doing the same and we smile at each other before going different ways. I go to Dylan and he is a boiling mess.
"What was that?", he asks angry and i get serious immediately
"The scene i was telling you about", i say and grab a water bottle from the table of goodies we have there
"No, not that. Why were you smiling at each other like that? Did you enjoy it that much?", he arranges his hair nervously and i can't help but hold a smile back
"The smile? Baby, we were smiling because we don't need a take 2. We were happy we got it from the first try", i say and i hug him, looking at him. "It feels so much better with you"
"Well, obviously.", Dylan smiles and hugs me back, kissing my lips softly. "You guys did a great job, love. But if he touches you again like that, I'm gonna have him become a Nogitsune", we laugh harder and head towards Cody who was also coming towards us
"I'm sorry for that, dude. I know how long it took you guys to finally get together and I'm the one filming something like this with her", he apologises and i look up at dylan, who was smiling
"Don't worry man. It's all good. Unless you actually touched her when you shouldn't have, we're good"
"No, definitely not.", Cody assures and soon after we finish the whole day of filming.
"I'm exhausted.", i say as i jump on the bed and lay there, rising my head to look at Dylan
"Too bad, I'm actually going to need you", he says with a deep voice and hovers over me, kissing my neck, feeling his hands wonder on my body. He takes off my pants, quickly removing my t-shirt and cupping my breasts, kissing them.
"Someone's needy", i smile and i moan when i feel him kiss down my stomach, reaching my panties, kissing lightly on my area, before kissing my thighs
"After what i witnessed today, i have to make sure you're going to think of me all the time", he says as he puts my panties on the side and inserts his middle finger in me. I gasp and i try to concentrate on an answer
"I always think of you baby"
He inserts another finger and i moan, making him add his tongue to the mixture.
"Dylan, oh Gosh", i say, and i motion his head towards my area, so he would use his Tongue more
"Say it again", Dylan almost growls and his voice turns me on even more, so i obey immediately
"Dylan..", i moan and i feel getting wetter and wetter
"Baby, I'm breaking you tonight", he says as he gets undressed in seconds and wastes no time in entering me
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Gifs not mine
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
Do you have any star wars fic recommendations? You and your fics started my spiral into star wars hyperfixation hell and I C R A V E substance
I've been reading Star Wars fanfic literally for the past ten years, I think the Prequel section just all around contains the best fanfic on AO3 as a whole, and I almost basically do not. Every one of my favorites is still on ffn, and they would be such a pain to find. Check out the TvTropes SW fanfic rec page, they have The Real Old Timer Favorites.
I will say that the reason that the lead of the recent story is Fox is because of Our Guard and pretty much Our Guard exclusively. I need to finish it but it's deeply funny.
Similarly, a big part of the reason for The Cody Love is False Dichotomy , which influenced a lot of the way I see him. Another super good Cody (& Obi-Wan & Luke post O66) is the No Choir Series, first I Gathered You Here. My favorite Dad!Cody would definitely have to be Edges, which is just super good plotty casefic in general.
My Leia characterization can be slightly blamed on the best Original Trilogy fic on AO3 is "no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa". The best fanfic summary of all time belongs to Ad Utrumque Paratus which is also great and has a good Leia and whatever but, more importantly, "black-cloaked psychic cyborg sorcerer dad with a severe breathing problem throwing an old man down the Death Star reactor shaft." Literally I've never read another synopsis that ever compared, I think about it every damn day of my life.
For some reason I used to read a lot of fics set around the Jedi Apprentice era (and boy oh boy is it hard to find somebody who writes a good Qui-Gon these days why are people so bad at it, just make him a good person who is so fucking annoying), which is likely the reason behind all my teen Obi-Wan fascinations. Guy's life is just HILARIOUSLY fucked. I read so much Melida/Daan stuff it's just so funny. The best and most influential fic for me right now in that aspect is also Edges, so go read it. Despite how many I read I can't think of too many, sorry! Most Teen!Obi-Wan stuff these days have takes I disliked so much that I ran off and wrote reel to reel about it. I feel like such an old man grumbling about how Jedi Apprentice era stuff used to be good but now it's all woobie Mandalorian blah blah blah.
More generally and mainstream, Vod'e An is really really fun and intricate timeline nonsense that goes into backstories. Obviously anything esama does, but we know that.
There's a ton of others I can think of but they tend to fall into the "Luke and Leia roleswap???" and "time travelling Obi-Wan??" category and I couldn't possibly dig them up right now jalksdf. It's pretty telling that usually when people ask me for fanfic recs of whatever I'm currently writing for my answer is "I don't read any of it because I hate all of it", but I can think of so much for SW I can't even name it. But those fics have been floating at the top of my mind because they were big inspo for the fic.
There would be fics that are #mandalorianinspo if it wasn't for the fact that 90% of fics about Mandalorians had so much random Mando vocab in them that they're almost undecipherable grumble grumble. And nobody recognizing how interesting Satine can be as a character for favor of #hotdunks grumble grumble more nuances on Jango outside of shipping context please grumble.
But thanks for reading, this isn't a lot but I recommend them all highly! And also ignore my old man grumbling, anybody who's been reading fic in a fandom for 10 years has a 'good old days'. The old days were not always good. So much Obikin.
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tennessoui · 3 years
You know what other pseudo fairytale obikin would work well with? I mean all of them, literally, but specifically Anastasia! Order 66 happens when Anakin is still young (either Palpatine got organised quicker, didn't realise he had the Chosen One as a potential apprentice, or thought he was a threat if left alive) and Obi-Wan and Anakin get separated when fleeing. Potentially Anakin falls out the aircraft as they're taking off and someone holds Obi-Wan back from jumping out after him.
He grows up with no memory of who he is but the idea that someone is waiting for him, and meanwhile Obi-Wan is trying to find his lost padawan and slowly giving up hope. Idk if he got rich and is offering a reward, or if he's part of the rebellion and the people who find Anakin and think they can make him pass as, well, Anakin, want a favour from Obi-Wan/the rebellion.
Fun options for who tries to pass Anakin off as Anakin could be Padme who is desperately trying to get the remaining jedi to join the rebellion, Rex and Cody, or even Ahsoka! Could even be an Obi-Wan who doesn't recognise Anakin and for some reason needs to claim he still has a padawan, maybe to trick Palpatine before he realises that shit that's the real deal! Also Palpatine as Rasputin...
Many cool options, but love me an Obi-Wan who has basically given up hope that Anakin survived, amnesiac Anakin who hasn't committed atrocities, and a tearful reunion between them. Plus falling in love as adults who no longer belong to a jedi order.
oh!! this is amazing!!!
(side note i literally cannot think of an obi-wan who loses anakin young and spends forever searching for him without thinking about @green-queen-of-clubs 's Hunting the Homeward Light because that just does something so amazing to the concept i absolutely adore it)
half of me is like :( jedi order :( my babies :( my loves :( they can be together in the jedi order as adults :( 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 but i understand the need here if the rebellion is going to be a huge thing.
obi-wan as one of the leaders of the rebellion is one of my favorite tropes that there's just not enough of tbh so!!! love the idea of rex and cody finding anakin to take him to obi-wan/the rebellion
i can also see a non canon story but set in the star wars universe where the jedi are decimated by order 66 but the agricorps are still untouched and obi-wan, who left the order at age 25 after he lost his master and his new padawan, creates this off-shoot of the rebellion for Force sensitives to go and grow but they need money from people in power to stay alive and padmé amidala has gotten it in her head that she remembers qui-gon calling anakin the chosen one, the one to beat the dark, so has sent out messages to try and find him with a credit reward....and obi-wan needs that money for the shambles of the underground jedi he's in charge of, so he finds a guy who glows in the Force and decides to pass him off as anakin, his dead padawan. it's unfair and awful, but he needs the credits. anakin goes along with it because when a hot rugged looking guy with an undercut asks you to come with him to a planet and get lots of credits, you roll with it.
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Commander Cody x Jedi!Reader
Protective Sentence Starters : “Don’t ever leave my sight again.”
A/N: So this ended up taking longer than i thought it would...
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         Warnings : None
         Word Count : 1902
         Blaster fire exploded all around you as you ran through the streets of Christophsis, almost slipping when you took a turn to sharp. You spared a quick glance over your shoulder and caught a glimpse of  the  battle droids rolling hot on your heels.
          "Kriffing hell." You cursed under your breath. You quickly opened up the link on your com. "Cody! Cody, come in!"
          "Yes General?" The strained voice of the Clone Commander sounded from your wrist. You could hear the sound of the war going on a couple blocks away. Your heart jumped in your throat at the thought of him being hurt in the battle. You pushed the feeling aside turning another corner.
          "Please tell me that you have the droid poppers in place. I'm closing in and I have Destroyers, B2-HA's and tankers on my tail! They're closing in fast and I can't take them out by my self."
          "Sorry General. These clankers are coming in to heavy." There was a thud and a grunt before he continued. "We might need to lose ground if were goin' to win this battle."
          "Cody is right, (Y/N)." Obi-Wan Kenobi's voice patched in on the com. You huffed as you turned another corner.
          And into a dead end.
          "Oh no...." You gasped. "Kriff!" You yelled as a blaster bullet nearly missed your temple.
          "(Y/N)- General, are you okay?" The Commanders worried voice carried over the loud sounds of blasters. Quickly as you could, you pulled your lightsaber out and deflected as many shots as you could.
          "No!" You gritted your teeth. Sweat starting to bead on your forehead. "I must have taken a wrong turn! I'm stuck... In a dead end." You grunted falling back until the wall hit your back. The way to get back was closed off by 4 Destroyers and 3 B2-Ha's. The tanker was just starting to come into view.
          "You need to get back over here and regroup with the rest of the battalion." Obi-Wan commanded.
          "No." You hissed as you ricocheted a bullet back and shot down one of the B2 units.
          "No?! What the kriff do you mean no?" Cody snapped and the grunted and you heard more blaster shots ring out.
          "You guys are swarmed. If I regroup, I'll just end up bringing all these droids to you. You'll be over run!" You threw your last droid popper and set it off. The electrical shock gave you enough time to jump along the walls and behind the the tank. It slowly started to turn as you dashed down the street again, leading the opposing army away from the rendezvous point.
          "I'm going to lead them in the other direction." A realization hit you and your voice turned somber as you turned and saw two more tanks join the chase behind you. "I'll hold them off as long as I can."
          "(Y/N), no! You must regroup!" Cody urged frantically.
          "I'm sorry, Cody." You sighed, tears forming in your eyes and you turned the com off, running away from what you were sure was your only hope at survival.
          Commander Cody ducked behind a broken wall as more shots barely missed him. He furiously jammed on him com device, trying to connect to you again.
          "(Y/N)! Dammit!" He exclaimed in frustration and pulled himself from behind the wreckage and focused his anger on taking out as many droids as he could before needing to duck down again.
          "Calm yourself Cody!" Obi-Wan called from behind a downed walker. "We need you focused! (Y/N) will have to take care of herself." His heart jumped into his throat at the thought of you facing at least half of a droid battalion all by yourself.
          Cody knew it was wrong and against every regulation, but he cared for you more deeply than he should of. He wasn't even sure himself when the respect he had for you being a General and a friend turned into longing of wanting you beside him every day. He spent most days at your side and most nights being not to far from you. It was only thing about this god forsaken war that he enjoyed. He knew with every fiber of his being that he was in love you. When he was alone at night, he spent his time trying to remember when those feeling changed.
          Had it been when he took you 79's after a long drawn out battle to relax and you out drank more than half men there in a drinking game? The repercussions of which cause Cody to have you carry you back to your room at the Jedi temple while you drunkenly explained to him why purple wasn't a color but a lifestyle.
          Was it every time the two of you would sit atop one of the gunships while everyone else was sleeping? You always had yourself wrapped in a soft blanket and he would always bring the caf. The two of you would spend hours talking or just sitting in the quiet watching the stars.
          Maybe it was the way you jumped into battle to protect those who couldn't  protect themselves and even always made sure to cover his brothers if you could.
          Cody could contemplate all the ways he had fallen for you but he knew the answer to his internal conflict.
          He knew he loved you from the moment he met you. Your easy smile and the way your eyes lit up every time you talked to him, how couldn't you melt his heart? And he knew he could never live with himself if he didn't help you now, against orders or not.
          "I'm going to help General (Y/N)!" Cody yelled, looking to were your last com coordinates came from. "She won't make it on her own!"
          "No Cody! I'm ordering you stay here!"
          "I'm sorry General but I can't do that." Cody looked at Obi-Wan, and even though Cody was wearing his helmet, Obi-Wan could feel the determined gaze.
Sighing Obi-Wan nodded and pointed off past the right of the droid army.
          "She's over that way." Cody swung his head in the direction his General pointed and sure enough every few seconds a red bullet could be seen flying towards the sky. Without looking back, Cody pushed himself out from behind the debris and towards you.
          You slammed yourself against the wall after rounding the corner, trying to catch your breath.
          'I can't keep this up much longer.' You thought.
          You peeked around the bend and nearly got your nose taken off by a blaster shot. You tore yourself off the wall and started down the street again. You didn't get far before there was a series of explosions behind you. You held out your lightsaber in front of you, ready for whatever was coming around the bend.
          "(Y/N)!?" An all to familiar voice called through the smoke and dust. Relief flooded you and you almost collapsed.
          "Cody?" You called out tentatively. A figure skidded to a halt in the middle of the intersection and looked around wildly. They did a double take when they saw you. You could have cried when the recognizable orange visor came into view. "Oh.. Cody!" Deactivating your lightsaber, you ran forward and threw your arms around Cody's neck. Without hesitation, he wrapped you in his arms and pulled you tight against him.
          "I thought I was a goner..." You mumbled into his armor. Your heart hammered in your chest as you let the man you had fallen in love with hold you. Jedi rules and Clone regulations be damned. If he would ask it of you, you knew you would leave the Jedi Order for him.
          "I would never let that happen." Cody stated fiercely and pulled you tighter to him. You felt your face heat up and buried you face into his neck, sighing deeply. You pulled back to say something when a fast scrapping noise rang out in between the buildings. Cody's head swung around and he swore.
          "We got rollies coming! And I don't have any droid poppers, only grenades."
          "Then drop them!" You insisted and you pulled yourself away from him.
          "We won't have enough time to get out of the blast zone." Cody warned as he dropped the grenades and grasped your hand to pull you with him as he started to run down the street. "Hold on!" He yelled and a small group of destroyer droids rolled around the corner. Cody hit the detonator and the next thing you felt was Cody pulling you to his chest and the explosion knock you both off your feet. The air was knock out of your lungs and Cody landed on top of you before both of you rolled to a stop, you on top of him.
          Your forehead rested on his bare cheek and you looked up to that the blast has forced his helmet off. You both took deep breaths as you looked into each other eyes. His amber eyes looked deeply into yours and you couldn't help but run your thumb over the scar on his temple. Cody leaned into your touch and sighed. The words were right on the tip his tongue, it was difficult for him not to say them and kiss you. Kiss you and never stop. Unbeknownst to him, you were fighting the same internal battle. And lost.
          "I love you." You blurted out and held your breath, waiting to see his reaction. His eyes widen, caught off guard. "I have since I met you." You admitted.
          Cody smiled softly as he brushed his fingers along your cheek to tuck hair behind your ear. Cinders from the fire started to fall around the both of you but they were paid no mind.
          "Don't ever leave my sight again." He joked and you couldn't help but smile. "I love you." He finally admitted, feeling a weight being lifted from him.
          You responded by slowly leaning forward and softy placing your lips over his. It felt like your whole body came alive as his cupped the back of you neck, moving his lips against your at a slow place. You reached up and cupped his face, sighing when he ran his tongue you bottom lip. Without hesitation, you opened your mouth and allowed him to explore. The war, the world, and everything but Cody disappeared. He only pulled away when you both needed air.
          "I wish we could stay like this." He confessed and kissed you jaw briefly.
          "Hm...." You hummed and pecked his lips one more time. "Maybe when this battle is over, we could find a quiet place to talk?" Cody smiled and pulled you in for another kiss before his com started to beep.
          "Cody, did you find General (Y/N)?" Obi-Wan's voice rang out.
          "Yes sir, we are on our way back now."
          "Good, the enemy forces seem to have been defeated. Make your way to the gunship so we can go."
          "Yes, sir." Cody switched the com off and shifted to help you stand up.
          "I don't know about you," You started, brushing the dirt off yourself. "But I am starving." Cody chuckled and kissed you deeply once more before retrieving his helmet.
          "Same. How 'bout we grab dinner when we get back to the Resolute?"
          "I think I could do that." You smiled coyly and for what felt like the first time in your life, you felt complete.
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penny-nichols · 2 years
You want a character to befriend Penny Nichols, right?
Well guess what?? i ACTUALLY have a list of characters for you (this is not the entire list, this is just who i thought would be the best choices to befriend Penny imo)
- Trucy, i just think they’d get along
- Maggey Byrde
- Maybe one of your other blorbos that isn’t from Global Studios, like Clay or Daryan i guess?? Idk up to you
Have fun imagining lol, also sorry to hear about your potential blorbo loss
- Feychols swap anon
OK BLORBO IDEAS -Trucy: She still needs her show filmed, right? Phoenix has of course had... bad experiences with Global (specifically with Matt) but he figures that 1. there hasn't been another incident in like 10 years compared to an incident like every year. 2. He figures that it'll just be crew there, not actors, and as long as people don't have weird rivalries they SHOULD be fine. It's literally just like Penny and Cody (camera operator) and like 2 other guys there to help and it goes FINE and Trucy went to school with Cody so she's just like "wait you two know Daddy?" and Penny's just like... Cody did you not tell her this? and that's when Cody realizes that that lawyer who badgered him until he cried in front of everyone and the weirdgirl he wasn't on bad terms with/was kinda friends with are related. Cody is just like "Yeah Penny probably knows more. I was 7 and also that was kinda traumatizing ngl. It's cool though I can joke about it" so Penny explains the case and Trucy is like woah :) and they keep talking and they're friends now. Phoenix has completely forgotten Penny btw so when trucy is like "it was cool that I got to see some people you worked with on a case once!" and Phoenix is just like. "Who?"
-Maggey Byrde: Easy! Global still needs a security guard, right? she was security guarding in AAI but got fired, and Oldbag was definitely working other jobs, so she goes looking for a job (and maybe Phoenix or Gumshoe helps out) and she eventually winds up at Global (because they're just like "be accused as much as you want, as long as you didn't ACTUALLY commit murder we're cool with anyone") and she's there on her first day and someone comments on her new glasses and she's confused because her glasses ARE new (she keeps breaking them) she didn't think anyone she just met would notice. Anyway then she meets Penny and it's like. "we are each other from alternate universes" and they are weirdgirls and they are friends. Goddess of Misfortune and uh. Lucky Penny (she's not even lucky she just gets the new nickname because she hangs out with Maggey so much and nothing seems to go TOO wrong so they just balance each other out)
-Clay: Global Hat-1 miracle. They're at the space center to film and Clay is like "Woah a movie" and just wanders in (to be fair he IS wearing a space center jacket so people kinda just assume he works there) and Penny is used to kids on set so she's just like "hey bud I'm sorry you can't be here. Cool jacket though!" and then Clay starts talking about how he got it from Starbuck and how he's so cool and Penny's just like "oh shit he's autistic AND kinda friends/a fan of a guy he really respects." and they start talking and Clay gets to ramble about space and Penny listens very intently. -Daryan: I mean. Rock stars are in movies all the time, right? like, they're celebrities, and celebrities get cast in things for star appeal! so he's on set. and Penny doesn't like, fawn over him or anything but she's nice. and she's got like. a bi pride pin on one day or something, or like a pin on her bag and since Daryan's whole JOB is to notice things he immediately zooms in on it and is like "Woah. Bisexual in the wild" (internally of course he would NOT say that out loud) and basically she is the second person he comes out to(as bi) (first one is Klavier) because she really doesn't CARE about the Gavinners and she's nice and she just hugs him and tells him she's proud of him and then she gives him the pride pin. IDK. It just feels like something she'd do she's very supportive and should be immediately trusted by literally everyone she is friend shaped. ALSO the potential blorbo was this guy
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Who is kinda cody hackins core ngl but he literally could've just been 18. he SHOULD have just been 18. I think their names are literally connected because his name is Ota and cody's japanese name is Kyuuta Ootaki (and cody's is derived from Otaku and so is this guy's probably) I literally want to like him so bad I saw him and was immediately like "Cody!!!!!!!" BUT NO. I want to make him better :( I could fix him. Spike Chunsoft could make him worse
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