#they've got magic but they're not very strong
dravidious · 11 months
Been in an imp mood lately, so I kinda made a villain character who's an imp. May or may not do anything with them.
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sunderwight · 11 days
SV fic where Luo Bingge discovers that Shen Jiu had a long-lost half-brother or something, and subsequently decides that he's going to infiltrate the minor sect which this "Shen Yuan" belongs to in order to get close to him and then indulge in revenge fantasy 2.0 when it inevitably turns out that Shen Yuan is like Shen Jiu (i.e. a horrible abusive scum teacher).
So Bingge uses some magical object or technique or other, makes himself look like a scrawny 12-14 year old, then puts himself in Shen Yuan's path in hopes of convincing the man to take him on as a disciple. The idea being that after Shen Yuan abuses him, Bingge will be justified in reenacting his Shen Qingqiu Revenge Arc again and maybe finally feeling some closure about the whole thing.
Yes, this is a very deranged plan. No, no one is going to tell the emperor of the three realms that. Bingge also wants it to be clear that this has nothing whatsoever to do with his recent escapade in an alternate universe, except that he was inspired to find Shen Jiu's relative as a consequence of that. But he's absolutely sure that this guy is going to turn out just as rotten as his brother, given the opportunity. That is definitely the only reason he is doing this!
Flash forward about four years. Bingge's retainers are begging on their knees for him to actually come back and do some administrative work. The harem is running itself at this point and they're all very terrified of the situation with Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing (i.e. ruling with lesbian iron fists) and whatever the heck Ning Yingying is up to (no one is certain but it's something). The outer provinces are rebelling. Mobei Jun's somehow found another weird human surnamed Shang to cavort with, except this one is basically running admin for the entire northern kingdom now and no one's even sure if they're fucking or if it's some kind of mind control situation or what.
Bingge is annoyed. He doesn't have a good explanation for why a bunch of demon lords would be showing up on the doorstep of Tiny Cultivation Sect to beg him for anything. They're going to spoil his cover! And they're interrupting his schedule! It's already four o'clock and he hasn't started on Shizun's dinner yet! Shoo! Get lost!
Anyway, eventually some of his demon followers get desperate and dramatically kidnap him. Shen Yuan is horrified and grieved when it seems that his precious disciple, so like white lotus Luo Binghe from the novel, has been captured by demons. He tries to track the assailants down, but they've covered their tracks too well. In the end, there's only one path left to him to pursue: taking this matter to the protagonist!
Yes, the protagonist! Because the thing is, Shen Yuan noticed the similarities between his disciple and the book character he so admired. Not only that, but he did manage to glimpse Bingge one time from afar. It wasn't anywhere near to a real interaction, but it was enough for him to notice the strong resemblance between the protagonist and the mistreated little lamb who showed up at his doorstep. A resemblance for which there can only be one explanation:
Shen Yuan's disciple is one of Binghe's kids!
Yes, he had it figured out since fairly early on. Not only was there a resemblance, and not only were their dispositions quite similar, but also the boy showed a lot of signs of some demonic heritage. Shen Yuan was just working up to broaching the subject, partly because he had been trying to avoid any direct or even indirect interactions with the emperor, and partly because he... became somewhat reluctant to part ways with his student. Sue him! He got attached! And anyway, he knew how missing child plots usually went. There was probably someone in the harem who was out for his disciple's blood, and it wouldn't be safe to send him back into that mess until he was strong enough to look after himself.
But as is inevitable, the plot seems to have reclaimed Shen Yuan's student all on its own.
He just... needs to make sure that it isn't a tragic outcome. It seems it falls on him to make the emperor aware of his son's survival, and subsequent peril, and help launch a rescue!
Which also means approaching Luo Binghe in person, which he knows is very risky indeed, due to his connection to the infamous Shen Qingqiu! He'd been avoiding the protagonist at all costs for that exact reason.
But if it's his only hope of rescuing his disciple, he will simply have to take the risk, and hope that enough time has passed that Luo Binghe doesn't read too much into a shared surname and a passing resemblance. Or that restoring the emperor's long-lost son to him will be worth seem lenience for the crime of being connected to Shen Qingqiu. Maybe if he's lucky, he will even be allowed to continue visiting his disciple! (Ha, yeah right! More likely, Luo Binghe's going to take his head for hiding his own kid from him for so long!)
Anyway, cue Luo Bingge running around swapping between his Emperor and Disciple forms, dramatically trying to orchestrate a situation where he can fake the emperor's death and go back to the sect with Shizun as his disciple, or something, only for it all to blow up in his face because Shen Yuan keeps flinging himself between Bingge and potentially fatal threats that could plausibly kill him???
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amourdivine · 4 months
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Hello, angels! I hope you're well. I'm bringing in another nosy type of reading. We'll look into who this person really is and if any advice comes up. If you liked this reading, please consider tipping me at @ [email protected] via paypal! xo ♡
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HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PILE.  take a few deep breaths and look at each picture separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later!
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amourdivine 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content!
who is this person, deep down? two of cups ✧ the hermit ✧ judgement
This is someone who values meaningful, deep, soulful relationships. They do not crave the buzz of parties or endless chatting with strangers. They don't like small talk. Others may describe this person as an old soul, someone introspective and wise. Their friends turn to them for honest and sensible advice; they may be an older sibling, or someone who's seen as a role model in some type of way.
Unfortunately, this wisdom came at a cost. They have endured a thousand inner deaths in life. This person had to start over many, many times, but they always got back up. As strong as they are also loyal, they're mature and still believe in the magic of being surrounded by good people. Strong Virgo and Scorpio energy, given the cards you got.
It's likely they came from poverty or are enduring a financial loss at this moment in time. Since this person is hardworking and independent, I don't think you have anything to worry about - sadly or not, they're more than used to the weight of their shoulders.
Although they're not expressive with their emotions or thoughts, you can count on this person to be sincere. They seem heavily protected by something greater, something bigger. For most of you, this person is spiritual, but not religious. They're very private and you may have a hard time understanding them or figuring them out.
channeled words & songs: black and white, heavy as led, test of time, a drop of water, night of the soul, life path 7, seek solitude, "i'm always okay", read my mind by the killers, runaway horses, small towns.
quotes that remind me of this person
Tell me, Atlas. What is heavier: The world or its people's hearts? — Darshana Suresh.
I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses. — Friedrich Nietzsche.
Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me. — Sigmund Freud.
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who is this person, deep down? five of swords ✧ the world ✧ the moon
Accomplished, but lonely. It's how this person feels as I shuffled. They have seen and known so much, but it came at the cost of their morals. This person holds many secrets - even from themselves. Nothing dark, but they do regret their ways at times. With how competitive and aggressive they can be, it's difficult for them to hold onto anything but their success.
They may be famous or well-known in some way. Renowned. A lawyer, a judge. Someone with a fair share of experience and authority in a certain field. But my God, how their words can hurt. Have you ever heard that the pen is mightier than the sword? Yeah, that's this person.
Even when they bask in the glory of being so accomplished, no one really knows this person. Not even themselves, as I said. They're scared of vulnerability, emotions and intimacy. They're scared of the things the Moon tries to show them: their deepest fears, the nightmares and past traumas they've tried to bury deep down.
Interestingly, despite the cards, I get heavy Aries energy. This person may be an Aries Moon, quite a complex placement to have. They're good at being logical and practical, good at the doing, at the speaking, but they don't have the time for people, for emotions... for friendship or family. Given their history, it's likely they shut themselves off from connections out of fear.
I don't think they're happy. They look happy, they look so beautiful, so otherworldly, but inside of them there's this urge for something else. Something more meaningful.
channeled words & songs: ambitchous, aries, sagittarius, "i want it i got it", "let my money talk", chest pains, life path 8 or 9, neon pink, overprotective, oh no! by marina, terrible love by the national, bank account.
quotes that remind me of this person
I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else. — Marilyn Monroe.
My worst fear - that's anyone's worst fear - is to lose myself and become an empty person. And that happens a lot when you're very ambitious. — Marina Diamandis.
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who is this person, deep down? two of pentacles ✧ the sun ✧ four of pentacles
What an interesting contradiction, it seems. The person on your mind is generous, extroverted and.. quite the busy bee. Their outer persona remind me of J-Hope from BTS, very caring and extroverted - someone who's got an infectious laugh, but despite his bubbly appearance, he's actually very caring and protective.
Although they may seen foolish, this person is anything but. They're quite careful and at times, intense. However, I don't think many people get to see this more serious and protective side of them. They seem guarded for the right reasons, because they know their heart is quite precious and too much of a good thing to be given away so easily.
It's possible they come off as brain-scattered or high maintenance to you, but they're genuine and one of their main purposes in life - whether they know it or not - is to bring joy to others. They're so good at it. It's not a party without this person, with or without alcohol, they know how to lighten up the mood and are an amazing team player.
It feels cheeky too. I think they like the dad jokes, the lighthearted atmosphere, but they know when to be serious. If I am to be honest, this person is an amazing partner (in case you're asking about a romantic interest) and an even more amazing friend. Someone who'll cheer you up and stick by your side through thick and thin. A very dear friend.
channeled words & songs: heart-shaped, light up a joint, weed, recreational drugs, easy breezy, life of the party by shawn mendes, 9 to 5, bisexual, lgbt+, rainbow, friend-shaped, dogs, cats, energetic, rap.
quotes that remind me of this person
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.— Bob Marley.
You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. — Robin Williams.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always. — Unknown.
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who is this person, deep down? ace of cups ✧ ten of swords ✧ seven of cups ✧ the lovers
I feel like whoever you're asking about is in a brand new mode. They seem to be someone who was previously overburdened by their past. This person is in a major transformative phase, both physically and internally. They have endured so much, it's heartbreaking just thinking about it. I don't think they're very open about it though, at least, they weren't before.
Honestly, this person may have suffered from addiction, major losses or betrayal. They're getting back up after a period of darkness. Spirit's referencing their current phase more so than they actually are, because I believe they haven't yet fully come to really be who they are. They're shedding the person they had become, in order to be who they were meant to be.
They seek a new beginning, new friendships, good, better choices. It seems this path they're on has just begun, so they're a bit.. amazed at the options being offered. Still, this person wants to choose well for themselves and the people they love. They've regained a great love for the world. I feel filled with wonder, with enthusiasm for what's to come. Like anything and everything is possible.
Although they may seem immature, they've seen a lot. They've had to fight to survive through their worst and now, they're learning to let joy and love in. They've come to realize their power, the magic in who they are and learning to accept that this too shall pass. However, this person feels peaceful yet determined, broken yet healing, quite balanced in their aspects. A thinker and a feeler.
channeled words & songs: ego, healing, therapy, six of cups, innocence, yet to come by bts, mbti types, dancing in the dark by bruce springsteen, "a do-over", "maybe", shufflemancy, spiritual, 777, 333, psychedelics, hippie, hologram, offline, nature.
quotes that remind me of this person
I go to seek a Great Perhaps. That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps. — John Green.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. — Steve Jobs.
I’ll rewrite this whole life and this time there’ll be so much love, you won’t be able to see beyond it. — Warsan Shire.
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who is this person, deep down? two of wands ✧ six of wands ✧ page of cups
A courageous, successful individual. This person has a lot of wanderlust. They are in love with life, in love with themselves, in love with the world. They like to be on the move, to party and be around other people they also admire.
However, they have an impulsive, non-committal side to them that is expressed mainly in the way they approach relationships, especially romantic wise. They have a fear of settling, so they're always on the go, on the search for the next best thing in every way. They may move a lot or have a different crush everyday. Although it isn't inherently bad, I think this person may come off as hard to pin down.
In reality, they're enthusiastic and ready to take on the world. They like the spotlight, they have big dreams too. It gives me Leo energy, in the way they love to be praised, to be adored. Depending on who you're asking, this may be polyamorous or they just enjoy being single and free. Many people describe this person as free-spirited and bold.
At times, their words and behaviors get the best of them. They're not good at keeping secrets and may have quite a temper when angered. They mean well, but there's a diva-like side to this person that can be egocentric or immature, since they've got a bit of a one track mind when it comes to their dreams. They're also very beautiful and they know it. It's also quite the ego boost to be around them - they love to give out compliments and flirt.
channeled words & songs: bisexual, "himbo", bucketlist, pinterest, clean girl era, "i want everything", poetry, interlude: shadow by bts, parallel universe, edm, party girl, wild, erratic, center of attention, instagram, social media influencer, blogger, barbie movie, hungry heart by bruce springsteen, rumors by ross lynch (this song started playing after i finished the section above! very relevant).
quotes that remind me of this person
If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days. — Sylvia Plath.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. — Audrey Hepburn.
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amourdivine 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content!
DISCLAIMER. tarot is a divination tool, it’s not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i don’t take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings. be mindful ♡
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11cupid-tarot11 · 2 months
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Pile 1 -> 3 🩷
Short random messages regarding love for you! 💓
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Pile 1- the chariot, the star and seven of coins
For starters the star card is making me think you might already have a crush on this person or might know of them, take what resonates for you.
For others, I'm getting this person might just really admire you. I'm hearing they like you so much they're willing to basically cross seas for you.
This person is strong willed meaning when it comes to you nothing else matters in the world, I think they have their eyes on a prize and are very determined when they want something which would appear to be you lol
I think this person is already planning y'all future in their head, like they've really got everything figured out even how they want to approach you 😭 (that's cute lol)
I feel like this person just really wants to say you're all in their space and they're accepting it. Like they can't wait for the day you two come together (and get married I'm hearing for some 😉😜) but they're definitely planning on making their move soon!
Other messages- 1111 might be significant, you're hot, lots of dates in nature, can't wait to kiss you, I miss you already.
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Okay, for this pile I'm picking up on a dynamic that's like light and day, one person in this connection is a bit colder, closed off and I feel like someone in this connection just refuses to give up.
I'm hearing 'let your doors down' and this person might feel very hurt that the other isn't open to the same emotion intimacy the other is into.
I'm seeing it might be best to take a break, maybe the relationship has gotten to a point neither of you had meant it to or you're just really disappointed by the outcome and they're clearly not up to your standards and it's not good to settle for less.
I'm seeing maybe some of us are trying a little too hard to hang onto this connection but we can't change nor fix something that's not broken.
I am seeing for some of you that removing your energy might actually make this person miss you, and if they love you enough they'll come around and compromise so the both of you can feel fulfilled and happy in the relationship and if they don't clearly they weren't the ones for you and that's okay, because you never know when the universe is going to throw someone new your way! This could be a blessing in disguise 🥸.
Other messages- 444 could be significant, the color red, maybe a red car? I have no idea what song this is but it's got something to do with driving?idk ur person is singing it 🤣 Maybe that's significant for someone out there?
Pile 3-
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So for this pile I actually heard 'its time!" I think this pile is being called to awaken to something or for some of you a special someone? 🥹
Okay this message was a little harder to read but I think both ends have been stressing out over this? And it's kind of ridiculous because you're both literally good people according to spirit that would have a very beautiful relationship and would grow like a freaking fruit tree! I think spirit is saying since neither of you will make a move they'll be forced to push both of you using the universe- like magic almost I'm hearing.
This pile was shorter, and I'm also randomly hearing someone in this connection could be short lol? I think someone here might smile a lot too, I'm seeing smiley faces!
Other messages- the song 'Magic by txt', 12, 111, the color yellow and maybe the month of May- June might be significant for some of y'all?
Have a fantastic day! 🌹 See you all again soon! Hope you enjoyed 😊
Dm for personal readings!
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barbwritesstuff · 3 months
I tried playing Thicker Than this weekend and got stuck on the first choice. Which origin story is the best? It's so hard to choose!
I'm bias, but I love all my children.
Divorcee, Gambler, Schmuck, Criminal, and Doctor are all beloved in this household.
That said, they've each got their own quirks and perks.
Divorcee gets a boost in shadow magic and the opportunity to rekindle the flame of romance with their former spouse (though in a very limited way).
Gambler is somehow simultaneously both the smartest and the dumbest vampire out of the five. They can do quick maths and will occasionally calculate and figure things out faster than the other origins, but (as recently pointed out to me) they're also the only vampire that flags down their murderer. Gambler has the worst luck. But, on the plus side, they start the game with money.
Schmuck is the dirty, plucky, fierce underdog. They've got mud on their face and will spit in your eye. They're also the strongest mentally (because they've endured minimum wage customer service jobs and survived) and thus get extra mind control powers.
Criminal is already a creature of the night in some ways and has probably the easiest transition into being a vampire. That said, they also come in strong. Literally. They can rip down doors from night one. Occasionally they'll just know things that someone who's been on the wrong side of the law will know.
Doctor knows about the human body and that effects some dialogue throughout the game. Plus they get a doctor friend that they can occasionally run into. But the big perk is that, unlike the other vampires, they were chosen to become a vampire, and that status means that they get a leg up politically.
The game doesn't change a huge amount depending on which of these you choose. But it does change a bit in small ways here or there.
But, like I said, I love them all. When I'm trying to figure out a scene that has something to do with origins I'll talk about them all like they're cats I'm trying to herd. Eg. "Okay... so if I do this then Doctor and Schmuck will get a moment... but what if Criminal wants to do this? And perhaps I should include something for Gambler. They haven't had anything special in a while... And of course Divorcee is pining over Chris. Situation normal."
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My You-niverse: Poe Dameron
Fandom: Oscar Isaac
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader, throughout the series: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader
Summary: You and America get stuck portal jumping until you reach your universe again. In the meantime, you meet various versions of your husband.
A/N: one more chapter after this! eek!
Series Masterlist
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You gasp as your eyes shoot open. You sit up and you're in the medbay.
"Hey, honey, it's okay. It's okay, relax." you turn to the voice and see...
He smiles, "Yeah, that's me, baby. You okay?" he sits at the edge of the bed you're in, "You scared me."
"What happened?" you ask him, brows furrowed in confusion.
"I'm not sure. I brought you your afternoon caf like usual. We were just chatting and then you fainted. You hit your head on the console on the way down. Scared the fodder outta me."
You hiss in pain as your head begins to throb. Suddenly, you're getting flashes. Different versions of Poe-no. Not Poe. Someone...someone else. You see a necklace and a wedding ring.
The medbay opens and in walks Leia.
You straighten up, "General Organa."
She makes her way to you with a soft smile, "Glad to see you're awake. How are you?"
"My head still hurts. I'm-I'm getting these weird visions. I don't know what's going on," confusion and fear is laced in your tone.
The older woman sighs, "Well, oddly enough, when you fainted, some unexpected visitors appeared on base. They've been asking for you and one of them looks like your flyboy," she points to Poe.
You look at Poe and he nods, "Yeah, it-it's weird. He's me, but not me. Said he's from some other universe and they've been looking for you for some time now. They want to bring you back with them."
The throbbing sensation continues. You wince and close your eyes for a moment. Flashes again. You see a certificate...a wedding certificate. There's your name and another...
"Sweetheart?" Poe takes hold of your hand, the other on your shoulder to steady you.
Poe is taken back, "Huh?"
"His name is Marc, right? Marc Spector?"
"Yeah. I-Wait. Is this real? Are you actually from wherever or whatever universe he's from?"
"Yes. No. I think? I don't know," you pull your hand away from Poe's and cradle your head, "It hurts so bad. I don't know what to do." You look up at Leia with tears in your eyes, "Please, help me."
She nods, "I'll bring them here."
Poe didn't like that one bit, "What?! No! You're not bringing them here!"
"They seem to be the only people who knows what's going on, Poe," she tries to reason with him.
He shakes his head, "They're going to take her away! I just got her back!"
Leia puts a reassuring hand on Poe's shoulder, "We'll make sure that doesn't happen. But look at her, Poe. She's in pain. That Doctor Weird guy could help her. We need to take this chance."
Poe looks back at you and you're still cradling your head and you've begun mumbling things he couldn't quite hear. He sighs, "Fine."
America watches Marc pace back and forth. She and Stephen has both decided to sit down and wait for someone to come back to get them. Stephen is...meditating? She doesn't really know, but all she knows is that Marc's pacing is starting to irritate her.
"Dude, just sit down, alright? I'm sure Y/N's fine."
"We were so close. She was right there and then she ouched the necklace," he stops the pacing to face Stephen, "Why did that happen anyway?"
Stephens eyes open and he responds, "I'm not sure."
Marc rolled his eyes, "For being this almighty sorcerer, you sure don't know a lot about all this, do ya?"
"The multiverse is very complicated. There's a lot that we don't understand, masters of the mystics arts included," he floats up onto his feet, "At least we're in the same universe as Y/N."
"I hope she's okay," America says with worry, "That blast was strong, like, stronger than the one's I've done."
"Strange, can't you magic your way out of here?"
"Yes, but that could put Y/N at risk. We don't know what these people are capable of so it's best we remain here until someone comes to see us again."
Suddenly, the doors slide open and Leia walks in, eyes staring directly at Stephen, "Y/N needs your help."
Marc is suddenly chest to chest to Leia, "Where is she? Huh?! What did you do to her?!" America pulls him back with a sorry expression on her face.
Leia chuckles, "You look like Poe, you sound like Poe, you even have his temper. Interesting."
Stephen walks forward, "What's wrong with Y/N?"
Poe is laying on the bed, holding your curled up form. His cheek is resting on your head. You're still mumbling but he's catching a few things, "Marc", "Nathan", "Leto", "Bud". Names, he thinks. You name off more and then you repeat them, along with other things he can't really hear.
The doors to the medbay open again and Leia enters with Stephen, America, and Marc.
Marc frowns at the sight before him, "Get your hands off my wife."
Stephen shoots him a glare and Marc huffs, moving close to your bed, but still a distance away.
"Y/N?" Stephen says your name cautiously.
You slowly raise your head and you look at him, "Stephen?"
"Yes. That's me, do you know who they are?" He points to Marc and America.
"America and Marc. Marc's my husband. I'm-I'm from your world?"
"Our universe," Stephen corrects you.
"I don't understand," you shake your head.
Stephen sighs, "It's complicated, but we need to take you back with us."
"Like hell you are!" Poe retorts, wrapping his arm around you tighter.
Stephen rolls his eyes, "Listen, she can't stay here. This isn't her universe. The longer she's away, the worse she'll feel. She needs to get back and we're taking her."
"Listen, here, I've spent a long time without Y/N by my side. I just got her back. There's no way I'm letting you-" Stephen threw a blast of magic at Poe and he fell back onto the bed. He was completely knocked out.
"Poe!" you cried out.
"He'll be fine. Just made him sleep for a bit." Stephen says, making Marc snort.
"Serves him right," Marc mutters, arms crossed over his chest.
Stephen turns to Leia, "You must understand, for Y/N's sake, we need to take her back home with us."
"And when you do, what happens here?"
"Best case scenario, this all gets back to how everything was. You don't remember a thing or us. Worst case scenario, this Y/N never comes back."
Leia sighs and nods, "Y/N, I care about her a lot. She's like a daughter to me and all a mother ever wants is her child to be safe and happy."
"So you'll let us take her with no problem?" Marc asks hopefully.
"I will."
Marc immediately rushes to you, helping you out of the bed, "Let's go home, baby."
"Wait," you turn back to the unconscious Poe and place a kiss to his lips, "Good bye. I-I know your bond with this Y/N is strong. Continue to love her and keep her safe," you whisper, hoping he'll hear you in his slumber.
Stephen gives a nod of thanks to Leia and then looks at America, "Go ahead."
She widens her stance, holds up her fists, and closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath and when she opens them, they're a bright white. She punches forward and a bright white star shaped portal appears.
Marc, your hand in his, gives you a little tug, "Come on, baby." You let him pull you towards the portal, your other hand shielding your eyes from the bright light. When you walk through, you land in the Sanctum Sanctorum. You turn to see America and then Stephen walk through. The portal immediately closes behind them.
Your head is suddenly pounding and you stagger into Marc.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
Your eyes flutter shut and you feel yourself falling, the last thing you hear is Marc calling your name.
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gachagon · 1 month
I love it when characters who were previously incredibly pompous and egotistical realize that the pedestal they've placed themselves on is actually worthless given the current situation they're now in.
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Kaiser is realizing now that his idea of what it takes to be on top, to be the best striker is wrong and that it's probably been wrong for a while. And that's really got to suck, because while Kaiser has accomplished a lot of great things, ultimately his goal pales in comparison to the people he now has to go up against. Isagi and the other Blue Locker's aren't just there to rise up the ranks slowly, this is a last man standing program and Kaiser isn't strong enough to stand on his own.
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He had become a great player, but he's not the best player. And he needs to be better in order to even have that position of acclaim in the first place. I am reminded of what Isagi taunted him with earlier, calling him a "Naked Emperor/King" which is an obvious reference to the "Emperor's New Clothes".
In that short story, a king orders himself new clothing that outshines everyone else and so the court creates "Invisible Clothing that only he can see" for the King. The king accepts the clothes and "wears" them, and so to him he is wearing the finest cloak imaginable, but to everyone else he is just a naked man making a fool of himself.
In a way, Kaiser ended up being the naked emperor in that he only came to the realization that his past achievements weren't good enough to stay in the team until this very game with Isagi.
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I really think that fear of losing everything he worked for was always holding him back from really going above and beyond as well, because while he does have the support of a partner to do passes for him and he's able to read the field accurately, he doesn't take chances that tougher opponents hand him.
His backstory as a thief really puts this into perspective too because thieves wait for the right moment to strike instead of going out into the open to steal. And just like a thief, everything they get is "unearned" because they just take it from other people. In a way, you could almost say Kaiser's position as the best and the king was unearned because he hadn't actually done what needed to be done in order to get to that level.
And that's why I think this makes him so upset when Ness rattles off all of the thing's he's done, because ultimately none of those things will really amount to anything if he can't keep control of this team and be the best among them. It won't matter if he's scored a goal in every match, or if he's gotten offers from top teams, his goal is to be better than everyone and right now some dude from a no name prefecture in Japan is wiping the floor with him, and easily.
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You really gotta feel sorry for Ness too, because he thinks of himself as one of Kaiser's "accomplishments" in a way, but Kaiser literally doesn't care about him enough. He just see's Ness as a tool to use, someone who's easily replaceable and loyal like a dog.
My moot (@miyamiwu) made a really good observation about how Ness might just leave Kaiser soon if he doesn't keep playing in that magical way that captured Ness in the first place, and I think that's true now especially since Kaiser himself seems to also realize it. When he's thinking about all of the achievements he could potentially lose if he doesn't win this, Ness is one of them.
"I thought I was becoming human." Is so sad too because I think deep down he really did think that by being close to Ness that he was truly becoming a normal player, that he was on the fast track to achieving his goals. But because he doesn't really know what that goal is anymore, the rug has been pulled from under him now and he has to literally reevaluate what is probably years worth of self reflection.
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I also think this chapter is Kaiser ditching the rose as a symbol of his ego because he's truly looking back on things and realizing that the object that really gave him solace wasn't that symbol of the impossible, but the soccer ball itself. He is coming to terms with the fact that without soccer, he doesn't have anything at all, and that it is the only reason he was even able to get this far or have the courage to fight back against his abusive shitty dad.
Instead of the rose tattoo being here, we see there's a new tattoo that's prominent now and it's in the shape of a crown. And rather than being in a place where he's most vulnerable (his neck), the tattoo is on his hand, which I think symbolizes how he is able to take his own freedom and by extension his own place as a king with his own two hands.
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Kaiser's solitude is something he really needs to become the best, because if he can't do it alone, than he can't do it at all. He is clinging desperately to the things he has managed to gather throughout these years, including Ness' loyalty and he's so afraid of losing even one of those things that it's making him a worse player.
However, whether or not being totally alone is what he needs to heal as a person is another thing entirely, which is ultimately why I don't think Kaiser will ever beat Isagi and that if he does it'd actually be the worst ending for him. Throughout this entire manga, Kaiser comes off as a really calculated person who's always thinking ten steps ahead, but inside he is just a damaged kid who is using soccer as his one means of coping with the trauma he faced as child.
And that phrasing "I thought I was becoming human" really just makes me feel so sad for Kaiser, because to him if he doesn't have soccer he is less than human and has nothing to give back to the world. He has never allowed himself any time to just be a normal teenager and just make friends in a healthy way, and the one friend he does have might just up and leave if he's not playing in a groundbreaking way. He thinks so lowly of himself that he hinges his entire identity around how other people perceive his abilities in the game, and if he's not the best at the game, he surely can't matter that much as a player, no matter how much Ness tries to placate him with words about how he's "already done enough".
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Ego Jinpachi said it as well after Nagi made his really good goal, that some people are content with just being average and "good" instead of being great. And that it's because they're content with where they are in life, that they never advance at all. The idea that they are totally fine in their current position makes them lose the drive they normally would have if they weren't still thinking about trying to get better.
And Blue Lock's philosophy hinges on the player wanting to always get better and better and beat the other players on the field. Being "good" is never enough, hell being "Great" isn't enough at times, you need to be the best forever. You need to make it so that dethroning you is an uphill battle.
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divinatorydoll · 10 months
the eighth house and dreams: 🛌
earlier in february, i quoted @liberationastro's tweet about the 8H and how it relates to dreaming — going over its connection to dream spellwork, prophetic dreams, etc.
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i got several responses from my followers who are also 8H placements:
“8H cancer mercury, i literally get info shared through dreams”
“8h Gemini mercury and oo boy. Sometimes I still remember dreams I had at five years old”
“okay but not me having an 8h jupiter and all of these being me at one point or another.”
the twelfth house has a strong reputation for dreams and our unconscious state, but i feel like the qualities found in this house are a bit different !! i elaborated on those differences in the set of tweets below
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the sun: dreams are always vivid and illuminating to these placements. even if the details are blurry, their dreams are still very emotionally impactful. the events that occur in their dreams can strongly affect how they navigate their waking life
the moon: they have an incredible sense of intuition and are keen at detecting danger through their dreams (like 8H suns and marses). dreams tend to gravitate around their family, their domestic life, bathing, pregnancy, etc.
mercury: these placements communicate through their dreams and regularly receive important information while dreaming. they often dream about work, their daily routine, their school life, conversations they've had, etc.
venus: dreams usually pertain to their relationships or hold literal visuals of their loved ones. they're also prone to dreaming about money, work; they also birth new creative or artistic projects through imagery they see in their dreams
mars: these placements particularly carry grudges, stress, and unresolved conflict into their dream world; they can be prone to violent or argumentative dreams. 8H marses usually expend quite a bit of energy while dreaming
jupiter: these placements put a lot of spiritual emphasis on their dreams and are incredibly talented with dream magic. they also have great skill in communicating with deceased loved ones in their dreams (like 8H moons and saturns).
saturn: they have a remarkable memory when it comes to their dreams, but not a lot 8H saturns dream on a regular basis. their dreams tend to revolve around hardship, control, or past feelings of shame
uranus: their dreams hold insight on their friendships and the people they socialize with. since uranus is connected to discovery and the future, they also have a gift for gaining important foresight from their dreams
neptune: dreams can often seem prophetic (like 8H jupiters), but these placements usually feel like they have to filter through a lot of confusing symbolism to reach the core meaning of their dreams. water is an important symbol for them
pluto: these placements have a very high tendency towards recurring dreams (like 8H mercuries). their dreams can be quite disturbing or frightening, so they usually stay private about them. some of the most likely to keep a dream journal
to my fellow 8H placements, how do you resonate with my interpretations ? let me know in the replies !!
book a reading !!
my linktree
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thetomorrowshow · 27 days
when to hold 'em
ur honor i love the flower husbands
The crown of antlers is in his hands.
He holds it, turns it, examines every angle.
Then places it on his head.
Scott looks up, across the silent plateau, to the darkness that gathers on the other side.
Sìín kuvi ndakuatura nu Ndíoxī.
"You've got this!" a little boy shouts, pumping one fist in the air.
Scott rolls his eyes over to Jimmy. "I thought you said this would be private?" he comments archly.
Jimmy shrugs, looking a little sheepish. "Word gets out. Especially to kids."
"Right. And since you and I were the only ones who knew about this, the children found out through. . . ?"
"I have no idea."
There are six or seven children sitting or standing in the long grass of the field, some tens of meters away. Jimmy waves to them. All but one wave back.
Scott pinches the bridge of his nose. "I don't want anyone getting hurt, Jimmy," he bites out.
"You won't hurt anyone," Jimmy insists. "They're far enough away that they aren't even an issue. They just want to see some magic!"
That's the problem.
Scott's curse isn't a party trick. It isn't something to be gawked at and applauded by children. It's a curse, barely controlled, and a very dangerous one at that.
And it isn't just that he doesn't want them getting hurt. That's most of it, of course, but. . . . 
Scott really doesn't want an audience. He doesn't want people to see him fail.
(Last time he failed, he was surrounded—by elves and enemies alike.)
Something of his thoughts must show on his face, because Jimmy just makes a sound kind of like a sigh and squeezes his hand.
"You're all right," he says quietly. "I'm not leaving. You can control it when I'm here, right?"
"Control is a strong word," mutters Scott. It implies that he can do a lot more than keep an imaginary door shut.
Not to mention, he hasn't been able to let go of Jimmy. They've learned over the past couple of days that when they separate, Scott loses whatever hold he has. It had been unpleasant that first morning, when Scott woke late to find that Jimmy had already gotten back to work, leaving him coated in frost and ice weighing down the tent.
He really has no control if the magic is untamed without the tamer's touch. In all fairness, Jimmy has more control over the magic than Scott does.
But Jimmy just smiles (so brightly that Scott can't help but reluctantly smile back) and points to a patch of wildflowers a good fifty feet away from them.
"Shoot ice at that," he instructs, and Scott, with another glance at the children and more than a bit of trepidation, raises his hand toward the flowers.
He pushes, releasing a little bit of his hold on the magic, letting it conduct out through his arm, pulsing and freezing and—
Frost and ice shoot from his fingertips in a barrage (and the force has him stumbling back a step), about half of it hitting the flowers and the other half falling around them, with some icicles stabbing into the ground a good several feet away.
Scott quickly reasserts his hold on the magic and pulls his arm close to himself, pressing his side into Jimmy.
It's terrifying, using this magic. This magic that, just a few days past, had been using him.
There's no way of knowing just how much damage he's capable of. Based on what he did at the town, Scott thinks he could practically level a village.
It isn't nice, having that much power.
"Whoa!" a young boy screams, and all the other children join in the excitement, chattering about the magic.
"Nice one!" Jimmy says, dragging Scott over to look, sword bouncing on his back.
The flowers are shredded, heads torn from stems and petals torn from heads. A bit of grass is pulled up in a streak, dirt stark against the yellow stalks of grass. Frost coats the area, shards of ice stabbing into the ground.
Scott feels a little sick, looking at it.
That could have hit a person.
If he hadn't figured out that touching Jimmy gave him a measure of control, he could have killed anyone in the camp.
Jimmy's already tugging him back, probably wanting to practice again. He wants Scott to get good at his aim, and Scott isn't sure if it's so he feels more safe with himself, or so he can be more useful in attacks.
"I'm just a weapon," he says offhandedly. Bit of a fall from king of the elves.
"Come on, now," Jimmy says consolingly. "You're a beautiful weapon."
Scott snorts. "Try that one again."
"My favorite weapon?"
"If I could let go of your hand, I would."
Jimmy grins. "What I'm hearing is I can be as obnoxious as I want, and you can't do anything."
"Oh, you—"
Their flirting is cut off as a child crosses the invisible boundary, skipping up toward them.
"Stay back there," Jimmy commands, voice ringing with sudden authority, stepping forward with an arm out.
Scott glances at him, more to make sure that it's still his Jimmy there than anything else. He forgets, sometimes, that Jimmy actually has power. Not just the power of a ruler, either—some sort of unknown, hidden power had to have played a part in his survival, and his ability to heal others. Scott's seen him heal so many of the survivors that they just rescued, just by pressing a hand to their wounds. Jimmy, somehow, is a living, walking, healing miracle.
As much as they're teasing each other today, Scott can't help but feel a little hollow inside. It's still so hard to be here, to hold the hand of his once-dead betrothed.
Not that he has any other option.
Not that he doesn't want to.
The child halts immediately, waits for Jimmy and Scott to come toward her.
She's a little older than the other children, and one that Scott recognizes—from when, he doesn't know—, her scales like freckles spattered across her cheeks and nose.
"Codfather!" she says, standing at attention. "We've found something."
"I'm honestly just surprised it made it all the way down here," Scott muses, turning the satchel over in his hands. Below it, on the table in Jimmy's planning tent, lies the crown of antlers and a thin grey book, instantly recognizable as the one he had forgotten to give Lizzie.
"That would be the enchantments," Jimmy says, leaning on Scott's shoulder. When Scott turns his head to raise an eyebrow at him, he elaborates.
"Well, look, see the way the stag kind of shimmers? That's a protection kind of enchantment, to keep the bag from tearing. And the cod is a homebound enchantment—wherever you are, it'll find you."
Scott blinks.
How on earth would he be able to tell that just by looking at it?
"Are you making things up?" he asks dubiously.
Jimmy frowns. "What? No. My people showed me every step of the process when they were making this. We had a promising young Cod—Everarda—she was going to Gem's Academy, and she enchanted the thread. And Theo attached the strap—I think Jesse did part of the bag itself, and—"
"And the crown," Scott murmurs, picking it up with more reverence than he's shown it in some time.
It still shines, despite traveling down river for weeks and ending up buried in the mud. Its glow, perhaps, is more due to its divinity than any amount of polish.
How had it found him here?
Aeor, no doubt.
Scott's been kind of ignoring his god, as of late. Sure, he's said a couple of prayers here and there—some of them sobbing, silent prayers in his frozen world, others rote repetition and dull words—but he hasn't exactly been the most faithful of chosen ones.
It isn't that he doesn't respect Aeor. He still worships his god. It's just . . . easier, he supposes, to pretend as if this is all there is. His story ends here, and he dwindles away.
Yet every night, he tosses and turns, struck by recurring dreams. Dreams that have an oddly golden quality, dreams in which he has the crown of antlers and is alone against Xornoth.
Dreams in which he thinks in a tongue that is unrecognizable to him.
He's been ignoring the dreams, hoping them to be nothing—and in so doing, he's been ignoring hints from his god.
The fact that the crown is here again, one of the artifacts necessary to defeat Xornoth—and he doesn't think he really needs the boots anymore—feels like a bit more than a hint.
His stomach swoops unpleasantly. If Aeor's sending him messages of this magnitude, he clearly wants Scott to get going.
It's not like Scott can take on Xornoth with nothing changing. Xornoth almost killed him last time. He still has no idea what he's doing. Not to mention, Xornoth is surely even more powerful by this point, surrounded by soldiers and Rivendell's magic and who knows what else. There's no chance of survival.
Yet Aeor is pushing him. Aeor is telling him to go up against his brother another time and fail. Aeor is sending him to his doom.
And Scott's going to do it.
He doesn't want to. He wants to stay here, with Jimmy, in this little temporary civilization forever. He wants to forget about the world outside, forget that everything will likely collapse in a matter of months.
He doesn't want to die.
He doesn't want to fail again.
But he has been feeling like he's living on borrowed time.
And he can rub his thumb along the light scars on Jimmy's knuckles and wonder if he feels the same.
"What's this?" Jimmy asks, drawing Scott from his morbid spiraling by picking up the grey book.
"I—I don't know," Scott says, still reeling from his moment of revelation. "Something Oceanic, I think. I meant to give it to Lizzie."
He's going to die. He's being sent to his death like a lamb to the slaughter.
The long hours spent in Gem's secret library seem like a lifetime ago—a time when devastation was fresh, when Jimmy was dead yet the world seemed more hopeful than it does now. He barely recalls how they found the book in the first place.
"And it stayed in your bag the whole time," Jimmy muses, turning it this way and that. "What's it about?"
"I don't know, I couldn't read it."
"Hm." Jimmy flips the book open to the first page, while Scott gently sets the crown back down and turns to the young teen who had found the items.
"And there was nothing else there?" he questions.
She shakes her head. "Nothing that I saw, Lord Smajor. I can show you the place, if you like."
It's unlikely that the boots would have made it there. It's not like they had some sort of tracking spell, after all. It's more likely Lizzie found them, washed up on one of her islands.
"That won't be necessary," he tells the girl. "If anyone finds magical boots that burn to the touch, however, find me."
She nods, takes a few cautious steps back. Scott waits expectantly for Jimmy to dismiss her, but when he doesn't, she just shrugs and bounds off.
Scott looks back to Jimmy, who has stepped uncomfortably far away, the fingers of his right hand just brushing Scott's waist. Scott steps more into reach, peeks over at the book that Jimmy is so intently studying.
It looks much the same as he remembers, if a bit more wet. Strange, faded blue letters, made large with thick strokes. Not much of a conceivable pattern to split up the words (unless it's a character based language?), or even a way to tell if it's written from right to left or not.
But Jimmy is scrutinizing this old little book, mouth moving slightly as his eyes slowly travel across the page.
"Can you read it?" Scott asks incredulously. Jimmy can barely read Common, how on Aeor's great earth is he reading whatever this is?
"I—I think so?" Jimmy says, looking up from the book. "I've never seen this language before. At least, not that I can remember."
Right. Amnesia.
"I think I used to be able to write in this," continues Jimmy, voice hushed as his eyes return to the book. "That's crazy. How old is this?"
"Very," Scott says. Then, still confused, "Can amnesia make it so that you forget an entire language?"
Jimmy doesn't answer. Instead, he points a shaking finger at a point on the page, letting go of Scott (who presses his arm to Jimmy's, maintaining their vital contact) to do so.
What's so exciting about that part? Jimmy's suddenly gone white as mountain's snow, eyes watering as if he's about to cry. What could possibly bring him to tears so quickly? Is this a book of prophecies? Is Jimmy reading about the doubtless end that awaits them?
But Jimmy, voice weak, doesn't say anything like that. Instead, he says, looking over at Scott, "This . . . this is about me."
"It's a journal, of some kind," Jimmy explains, later, sitting on the grass in his tent, a plate (which was really more of a carefully sanded piece of wood) of berries and two bowls of thin soup between them. "I think Lizzie wrote it."
Scott frowns. "Lizzie? Are you sure?"
That just can't be possible. Gem's library had been sealed for likely hundreds of years. Jimmy's only—well, he only showed up ten years ago, and Lizzie—Lizzie's been around for a while, but fish hybrids don't live for longer than the average human lifespan.
Right? Lizzie's been. . . . 
"Lizzie joined the House Blossom Alliance over twenty years ago," Scott says aloud. He was there when she showed up to her first meeting, he remembers that. She'd seemed young, small, hair falling into her face, clearly dressed in her nicest of clothing—which was almost meager compared to the glory of some of the other empires.
Still, she had commanded the respect of all of them, speaking boldly and making firm promises. Scott remembers being begrudgingly impressed, though not quite as much as the boy Mezelean Prince, who repeatedly urged his father (in a voice a bit too loud to be a whisper) to arrange an alliance.
If Lizzie had only inherited her kingdom at that age, then there was no way she had been able to write whatever that book was. Neither she nor Jimmy would even be born for centuries.
"Lizzie joined then . . . and none of us really knew much about the Ocean Kingdom, but we'd seen their buildings begin to rise above the water and she seemed legitimate. . . . And then you showed up about a decade later and started reaching out to empires, didn't you?"
"Why are you reciting history to me?"
Scott snorts. "This is barely history, more of a contemporary review," he tells Jimmy, adjusting so that Jimmy's heel isn't digging into his thigh. They've contorted themselves a bit oddly, perhaps, one of Jimmy's legs reaching around their dinner to keep physical contact with Scott, but there's only so long that they can hold hands in a day.
"I just don't understand how the books came to be in Gem's hidden library."
"Maybe it wasn't all that hidden?" Jimmy suggests. "Maybe Lizzie found it and put these books in."
"Are you sure Lizzie wrote it?"
"Yeah, it's her handwriting."
"That is definitely not her handwriting," Scott says, pointing to the open book beside Jimmy. "That isn't anyone's handwriting. That's an ancient Oceanic script that nobody remembers."
"I remember it," Jimmy says, popping a berry into his mouth.
"Yes, but you don't really, right? You can read it, and write it, but you don't know how you know it or where you learned it. How do you know it even talks about you?"
"Lizzie's writing to me in parts of it."
"How do you know it's you? And not someone else named Jimmy?"
Jimmy frowns. "It's not exactly my name, you know. It's a word that means me. Nobody else would have that."
It does not make sense.
None of this makes any sense.
"Sounds inefficient for a language," Scott murmurs absently, ignoring the pang in his chest as he remembers that Jimmy died and now is back so what does sense even matter?
"Right, it changed to use names as the Ocean Kingdom grew. Barely anybody even knew this form of it by the time. . . ."
Jimmy trails off, eyes unfocusing with a concerning suddenness. His lips move ever so slightly, forming unsaid words.
"Jimmy?" tries Scott, reaching over to tap on his knee. Jimmy blinks, eyes refocusing on Scott.
"Sorry, what was I saying?" he asks, brows furrowed.
And if that isn't strange, Scott doesn't know what is.
"Something about the language developing over time?" Scott prompts.
Jimmy bites his lip, looks askance. "I don't . . . I don't know. I don't remember. I don't. . . ."
He doesn't look like he's going to cry, exactly, but he certainly looks troubled, and his eyes catch on the book.
"None of it makes sense," he says quietly, and Scott could not agree more. "Lizzie wrote that. I know she wrote that. I don't know how. And it's . . . I need to talk to her."
"It's from before you lost your memory, isn't it?" Scott asks after a moment. He isn't sure how far he can push this, but he feels a sense of idle curiosity. What does the book say? Why does it worry Jimmy? How did it get in the Crystal Cliffs secret library, unrecorded and forgotten?
Jimmy nods. "It's gonna eat at me, Scott," he says, already sounding tired. "Lizzie's writing about all sorts of things that I don't remember. They just don't make sense. I need to talk to her, figure out if she remembers any of this."
"You're saying we need to go to the Ocean Kingdom."
Again, Jimmy nods. "Yep. At some point." He looks away, sighs, briefly looking far too old yet much too young to be leading a camp of refugees, let alone a kingdom.
Jimmy's always had moments like that, when his bearing makes it obvious to Scott that Jimmy stumbled into this role ten years ago and gave it his all, despite his lack of experience.
He doesn't deserve this—war, death, pain.
Jimmy doesn't deserve any of this.
But Jimmy doesn't dwell, even if Scott does. Instead, he looks back up to meet Scott's eyes, lips quirked in a smile. "What about you? What's with the crown?"
Right. The crown.
Scott swallows.
He and Jimmy have talked a little. Just enough to air out any pressing concerns, for Scott to realize that his conflicting feelings were not unwarranted but unneeded, and for Jimmy to accept that Scott is struggling and help him feel assured of his love as often as he can.
But they haven't talked much, despite literally never leaving one another's side. They've been so busy keeping the camp running and planning attacks and defenses and experimenting with Scott's curse that they haven't been able to sit down and talk, like they're doing now.
Does Scott tell him what it means?
Does Scott tell him that by sending the crown, Aeor intends for Scott to go up against Xornoth again, just to fail as he already has? Does he tell Jimmy that this little respite was nice, but it can't last forever?
Maybe he can put it off. Maybe he can stay with Jimmy just a little bit longer, in the relative peace of the camp.
It's selfish. Scott ought to at least try to fight Xornoth right now, if only for the elves in captivity.
But Scott's kind of tired of trying to save the world. Let someone else do it, for a change.
He forces a smile, fiddles with a berry between his fingers. "It's just a Rivendell treasure. You needn't worry about it."
He'll stay, Scott decides, as Jimmy gives him a soft, loving smile. He'll stay as long as he can.
Which isn't very long.
As it turns out, their little frozen-town trick from the week before didn't go over well with Mythland, and it's only the next morning that a woman comes running to the planning tent, declaring that she'd seen three unfamiliar men searching for the camp while she was on patrol. That means that Mythland knows roundabouts where the first camp is (the newly-formed second is off to the northeast, and as far as they know, hasn't been discovered), and the probability of attack is high.
It's time to move, then. Scott spends all morning running from place to place with Jimmy, helping children and disabled and those unwilling to fight pack up and prepare to move to the second camp, from whence a proper plan will be formed.
It isn't terribly easy to mobilize a camp of hundreds of people in only one day. Many of them, in the short month or so that they've been here, have settled in as if it were their home. Some of the families have collected possessions, strangely enough—Scott watches an elderly man argue with Jimmy for almost ten minutes in some strange Oceanic dialect over not wanting to part with his chair. Jimmy responds patiently, but Scott can feel his body tense more and more as he responds in the dolphin-like clicks and whistles of the dialect.
Finally, Jimmy pats the man on the shoulder and says something in a low voice to him, then moves on.
"What'd you say?" asks Scott, hanging on to Jimmy's arm as they walk away, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of hurried packing.
"I told him he can leave the chair or die in it, I don't care," Jimmy says breezily, and Scott almost laughs.
"One of these days you need to learn diplomacy."
"I said I'd go find his husband, he can be diplomatic."
It takes an hour to find him, however, because at every turn, Jimmy is pulled aside and asked a question, called over for help, or stopped to listen to some sort of plan or explanation. The camp is quickly emptying, guides hurrying back and forth between the camps to lead more people to the safer location.
"I hope we aren't being watched," Scott says offhandedly, watching a group of a dozen or so Cod head out, laden with makeshift packs. "Then they'd find the location of the other camp, too."
Jimmy doesn't reply, just points beyond the treeline, out toward the outskirts of their massive camp. There, past the chaos of destroying shelters and striking tents, Scott sees several people in light armor, each carrying a weapon, making circles around the camp.
"Patrol is doubled," Jimmy says shortly. "All the way down to Camp Two."
"How many people are in Camp Two?"
"We have . . . what, two hundred joining them?" Jimmy guesses, readjusting the sword strapped to his back. "So they'll be up to around five hundred. It'll drop, though, as they send us fighters tomorrow."
They're leaving tomorrow, too. Everyone who is left in the camp tomorrow at noon (the able fighters, that is) will be marching out. The plan is to head out toward the Ocean Kingdom, add their little force of four hundred to Lizzie's armies, and from there plan with Lizzie a way to try and defeat Xornoth.
Scott should feel better about it. He'd felt for so long that Jimmy's small goals were pointless, after all.
But he knows now that it's hopeless to try and sway this war. Scott feels like there's a rain cloud looming over their heads, ready to strike down with lightning and set the camp ablaze. Death surely lurks just beyond their line of sight.
There's no way to defeat Xornoth. His power will only grow, the God of Darkness fed by the fear and torture he brings to the land.
Maybe Aeor wants Scott to take a shot at it just so that he can go to the afterlife with full honor. Elvish history and religious lore is fairly vague on anything other than the separation of the afterlife, but it's always had a sense of peace and happiness. Maybe Aeor knows that Scott is bound to die, and wants to hurry it along so that he can get some peace for once.
For a god that sends him frustrating hints all the time, he's really outdone himself with this one.
He's going to die. Aeor is sending him to his death.
Jimmy notices something's wrong, somehow. Jimmy, who never notices anything, even when he's not busy with mobilizing an entire camp over the space of a day and a half, notices that something is wrong, which means that Scott isn't hiding his thoughts very well.
He used to be so much better at this. Back before he met Jimmy.
But Jimmy frowns at some point during the day, rubs his thumb over Scott's knuckles, and asks how he's doing.
And when Scott asks why Jimmy would even be concerned, Jimmy points out his wings and how stiff they are, and the way his fingers are repeatedly tapping against his side, and the anxious frown on his lips, and asks if he's having sensory overload.
No, he's just thinking about his own imminent death. Nothing to worry about there.
He wants Jimmy to live. He wants Jimmy to gather his little force and leave the land of the Empires, go somewhere without demons and death, somewhere his people can rebuild.
He doesn't want Jimmy to be captured and subjected to torture, or killed, or whatever evil is in mind for him.
He wants Jimmy to be happy.
If it comes to it, Scott decides right then and there, he'll split off from the group. He'll leave a note, telling Jimmy to get out when it all goes wrong, and fly to Rivendell alone, ready to confront his demon brother once and for all.
And then he'll die.
He's going to die.
They set out at noon the next day, Scott's satchel uncomfortably heavy with the weight of both the crown and general travel supplies—some food, first aid, and a bowl and spoon. Jimmy hikes beside him at the front of the pack, the mysterious runes carved into the old leather of the hilt of his sword sparkling in the sun.
If Scott had been in charge of this expedition to the Ocean Kingdom, he would have set out at dusk rather than noon, the hot sun beating down on their backs. He barely gets half an hour into the march before shrugging off his coat and draping it over his head, sweat dripping into his eyes.
Elves aren't made for heat, not noonday, marching-through-tall-prairie-grass, not-a-cloud-in-the-sky kind of heat. It's hot, but worse than that it's humid, so Scott has to deal with not only the burning sun but also the thick air that threatens to choke him. He stops frequently to take a sip from the waterskin bumping against his hip, to wipe the sweat from his brow, to pray for clouds, and he can only hope that his skin isn't burning beyond recognition.
At least last time he trekked through the plains, he was covered in ice. Now he's overheating, out of breath, and just generally exhausted.
And they haven't even been walking for a full day.
His wings itch to take flight, glide through the air and feel the wind on his face, make it to the Ocean Kingdom in under an hour instead of the several day journey that the force has embarked on.
They're walking the whole way, despite the fact that the nearby river would be a much faster way to travel for Cod. Jimmy says that the river is being watched intently, and that four hundred rebels is a little conspicuous. They'll be expected to take the river route, not go around.
And Scott also suspects that Jimmy doesn't want to leave anyone behind. Not all of the rebels are native Cod, and not all are capable of breathing underwater—like him, for example.
Not that Jimmy would change the plans and safety of his entire camp for just Scott.
They walk all afternoon in even warmer weather (and it can't really be that warm, because all of the Cod are doing fine, but Scott is really just not suited for this), and they're about to press onward after a blessed break for supper when one of the scouts sent on ahead comes running back, a little dot on the rolling yellow-green plains ahead that gradually becomes larger.
When they arrive, huffing and puffing, green in the face, they salute Jimmy and bow a little to Scott, accepting a drink of water.
"There's a small Mythland camp up ahead," they manage after a moment to catch their breath, sweeping their sweaty brown bangs out of their eyes. "An expedition or scouting group, probably. Fifty soldiers at most."
"We stop here to rest," Jimmy decides immediately, without waiting to consult the two Cod that he's chosen to be his seconds-in-command. "We'll continue in a couple of hours. Can you lead me to the camp?"
The young Cod nods, and before Scott knows it, they're guiding him and Jimmy away, a group of five of the stealthiest Cod accompanying them.
Scott doesn't really think it's a good idea to go spying—not when both he and Jimmy are rather high-profile, and letting go of Jimmy could have disastrous consequences making it impossible to split up—but who is he to make the rules around here?
And maybe he just doesn't want to go because his legs and back ache from the journey thus far, and his excessive clothing is all stuck to him with his own sweat.
Or maybe he doesn't want to go because he's going to die in a matter of days and he wants to spend as much time talking to Jimmy as possible instead of silent surveillance.
But as dusk falls and the world darkens, Scott finds himself lying on his belly at the peak of a small, ridge-like hill, peering down at a small camp of Mythland soldiers.
There's probably fifty men or so, most of whom are preparing or eating an evening meal between the six rows of tents. None of them are in armor, milling around the two campfires on either end of the camp, over each of which is a pot of something cooking (probably a stew).
"Fire is good," Jimmy murmurs. "It'll throw off their vision. We can probably get pretty close."
He points to a tent on the edge of the second row away from them, a bit bigger than the others, which two men are currently exiting. “I bet the man in charge is there. I want to know what his plans are.”
"Can we risk it?" Scott whispers back, tearing his eyes away from the camp to focus on Jimmy's shadowed face, two bright streaks across his vision from the light of the fires. "If we get caught, the whole operation is done for."
Jimmy clicks his tongue, reaffirms his grip on Scott's hand. "If we get caught, you fly us out of there, okay?"
"What? Jimmy, I haven't flown in weeks—my wings were broken, I don't even know if they'll support my weight, let alone—"
"Then we won't get caught," Jimmy says simply.
Right. Because that's the way that works.
Still, Scott only sighs and nods, and after a few long moments of silent communication with the other five rebels, Jimmy and Scott crawl back down the hill, sliding back on hands and knees until they're far enough back that they can stand fully.
They wait there, silent, until dark has fully fallen and the air cools, various nighttime critters hopping out of their hiding places to make their voices heard. Scott leaps back in surprise when a field mouse crawls across his foot, briefly losing contact with Jimmy and sending an icicle straight through the mouse, skewering it to the ground.
Jimmy sucks his breath in between his teeth. Scott cringes, gripping Jimmy's bicep and feeling his control acclimate again.
He hates this. He hates not being in control. He hates being cursed.
"Just . . . try not to do that again?" Jimmy says after a moment.
Scott nods wordlessly.
They don't say anything after that, and soon enough they can't really see anything beyond a foot ahead of them, and Jimmy begins to lead the way around the curve of the hill.
It isn't too difficult to move through the tall grass quietly, crouched over to hide in it, but Scott finds himself gritting his teeth every time Jimmy stumbles over a stalk or tramples some grass. Can't he just be silent? Scott has massive wings behind him and he isn't getting caught on anything, it can't be that hard.
He has to remind himself every couple of steps that different people have different skills. Elves have light feet and are better at sneaking than most, after all. It isn't Jimmy's fault that he's a flat-footed Cod.
"Left," Jimmy breathes in his ear, and Scott freezes. "There's someone on watch."
Scott looks around, trying to get his eyes to acclimate to the darkness. The firelight is throwing off his heightened vision (just as Jimmy had predicted it would for the enemy) , but he can maybe see a figure standing out in the grass to their right.
Now that he knows the man is there, if he pays attention he can hear him. He can hear the slight wheeze that accompanies each breath, the almost-silent rustle of clothing.
They shift left, Scott keeping an eye on the shadowy figure, making sure he doesn't head this way.
But as they move, Scott's still-alert ears pick up another sound, distant and almost indistinct.
Ba-thump. . . . Ba-thump. . . . Ba-thump. . . .
It might be his imagination, but it seems to be growing louder.
"Do you hear something?" Scott ventures to whisper, glancing around to make sure the guard doesn't hear him. Jimmy shrugs.
"No. What is it?"
He doesn't see anything. But he can still hear the rhythmic thudding, ever so slightly louder. Maybe it's his heartbeat?
Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump.
Jimmy continues moving, bent over almost double, masked by the tall grass. Scott follows, their fingers linked and connecting them, swallowing back his bad feeling.
It sounds like a drum. A beating drum coming closer and closer.
Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump—
"Are you—" Scott starts, before something clicks in his memory and he knows exactly what the sound is.
Ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump—
Scott drags Jimmy back by his tunic, pulling him down on his back in the grass, the sword in its scabbard jostling against Scott's arm (flattened under Jimmy as they both lie supine on the ground). Scott presses his free hand to Jimmy's mouth, silencing the question about to burst from his lips.
Just in time, as a horse and rider come barreling through, barely two meters away from them, hooves thudding against the grass and saddlebags clanking. The horse gallops across the field to the camp, which is still far enough away that they can't hear anything more than the general bustle of a camp getting ready for bed.
Scott carefully sits back up once he's sure the danger has passed (and Jimmy does too, with considerably more noise), watches as the rider dismounts, tying the horse's reins to the post that's been set up at the edge of camp, next to the pack ponies that are lazily munching on the grass.
"He looks important," Jimmy whispers.
He does. The rider is wearing the official white surcoat of Mythland, a polished leather satchel strapped across his chest. He doesn't even unsaddle his horse, just continues on into the camp, stride slightly bowlegged.
Neither of them even have to say anything. Both Jimmy and Scott just move forward in sync, zigzagging from left to right, slower and slower the closer they get to the camp as the grass grows shorter, until they find themselves right behind the tent that the rider entered, the larger one that is luckily off to the side rather than in the center.
It's dangerous. There's a tent behind them a little ways, and others in their line of sight—made especially risky by the firelight emanating from one of the campfires, only a row away from them.
Still, nobody seems to be wandering about over here, and Scott trusts that either he'll hear them coming or Aeor will protect them.
Now, though, he needs to focus.
"Can you hear anything?" whispers Jimmy. Scott shushes him near silently, presses his ear up against the canvas. Jimmy does the same, his bad ear out toward the camp.
A couple of indistinguishable murmurings—pleasantries, if Scott had to guess—then the most obnoxious slurping Scott has ever heard—
"I don't believe I understand," a man's voice says, gruff and low, muffled through the tent wall. "The king wants us to abandon our course?"
"For the time being," a younger voice—the rider, Scott guesses—says.
"But we just sent our report. We've found the rebel camp. We need to attack before they move. I was expecting two thousand soldiers, not a messenger telling me to head to the coast."
"Everyone is being sent to the coast," the rider responds. "The rebel camp will still be here later."
"Or they'll all go hide in their little badger-holes. We could lose the Codlands if they get bold."
A chuckle. "It wouldn't take much to re-conquer them, I assure you. Especially without their ruler."
Scott squeezes Jimmy's hand. Jimmy squeezes back.
"I don't know," the first man says. "Something strange is going on with those rebels. Did you hear about Medokrill?"
"I don't bother myself with the names of their primitive villages."
"Froze. Overnight. Three men got frostbite."
"The weather of this place does not—"
"And in the morning, most of the Cod had vanished." The squeaking of a chair, another horrid slurp. "Now, I don't like that sort of coincidence. The town freezes—in August, mind—and that same night, the rebels strike and sneak everyone out of there. And only Medokrill froze. Even the prairie around it was untouched."
"What do you want me to do about it?" the rider asks after a moment. The other man chuckles.
"Keep it quiet, ideally. I don't know who or what has that kind of power, but I'm thinking the blame lies with those fairies. They might not be so neutral, after all.”
“I'm sure His Majesty would find that quite informative.”
“Remember that we don't want to scare our men, or give the Cod hope. Keep it quiet. But otherwise, you could get me my men so I can quash this rebellion."
The rider clicks his tongue. "The command is coming straight from His Majesty. Everyone is going to the coast for an attack."
"What could be so important—"
"The Ocean Queen is gone," the rider says.
Jimmy stiffens beside Scott. 
"She'll be arriving in Rivendell early tomorrow morning. The King intends to . . . delay her return, if you take my meaning. We attack while she's gone. By the time the day ends, we should have the upper hand and the fish will surrender within the week."
"Hm." The other man goes silent for a long moment. "I don't know how I feel about that. Tomorrow?"
"You're the last group to know, unfortunately. You should make it to the river in under an hour, and from there it will be several days' march to the coast itself. With any luck, the fighting will be done before you even arrive."
A long, drawn-out sigh. "And I don't suppose my little espionage group was small enough to escape the King's attention?"
"Every man, General. This could be the end of the war."
"Right. Well, it'll be morning before I can get my men moving. That wouldn't be too much of an issue, would it?"
"I suppose I might have stopped for the night before reaching your camp. Officially, I arrived tomorrow morning."
"Sure. And none of that stuff about the freeze leaves this tent, all right?"
"And you never heard a thing about the Ocean Queen's permanent little trip."
Another slurp that sets Scott's teeth on edge.
"Agreed. Have you been to the Capital lately?"
"Not in several weeks. Why?"
"Just wondering how the new market law is going."
"Ah. Well, I can tell you. . . ."
Jimmy tugs, lightly, on Scott's sleeve, and after a moment longer of listening to make sure they don't return to the earlier topic, Scott allows himself to be pulled.
They sneak back through the grass, not stopped by the sight of any sentry, off toward their vantage hill, around the side of it and to the back, where they find the other five rebels that they'd brought with them sitting cross-legged, conversing in whispers and pulling apart stalks of grass.
"Back to camp," Jimmy says shortly when they look up, and walks straight past them, pulling Scott with him.
Without a word, they follow him, stealing off in the direction of their resting soldiers, several hills away.
"What are we—" Scott whispers, but Jimmy shakes his head.
How much later?
This is kind of important news, in Scott's opinion!
If Sausage is concentrating all his forces on the Ocean Kingdom because Lizzie's going to be in Rivendell for some reason, their whole mission is for nothing. They won't be able to strengthen her armies if they can't reach the ocean, but they can't go back—soon they'll be closed in, Mythland having conquered the Ocean Kingdom, so maybe they can flee to the Overgrown—but the general already suspects that the Overgrown is aiding them, and joining their ranks would only lead to an invasion—
"Who's there?" a guard calls, peering out into the darkness.
"It's us, Lanale," Jimmy says, and Scott stops to survey their rebel force.
It's too small. It's absolutely tiny. There's approximately four hundred of them, some as young as fourteen, ready to fight to try and free their country.
And that captain had just casually ordered two thousand soldiers to entirely wipe out their little force.
There's nothing they can do to help Lizzie against all of Mythland's armies. They won't even make a difference. They surely can't join the Overgrown, as it would lead to an attack. They can't stay here, not with Mythlanders combing the prairies for them.
He has no idea what Jimmy intends to do. He can't see any way out.
Yet Jimmy moves with purpose, and Scotr walks with him, picking through sleeping rebels, until Jimmy finds the woman he wants and shakes her awake.
She stretches, stands slowly, pushes her hair back. "Codfather," she yawns, clearly not-quite awake. "What do you need?"
"You're a good leader, Millie," Jimmy says, skipping pleasantries. "I need you to be in charge while I'm gone."
Millie blinks. "Gone? Gone where? What's happening?"
"I'm putting you and Emilio in charge," Jimmy explains, rather impatiently. "There's been a change in plans. You need to split up. You take most of the fighters over the river to the Overgrown, all right? Volunteer to join Katherine's army. Emilio needs to take fifty men and go back to Camp Two. Emilio will gather everyone who is able, and lead them to the Overgrown. Got it? Everyone is going to House Blossom."
"Jimmy—" Scott starts—what is he talking about? That will only make things worse, and where will Jimmy be?—but Jimmy doesn't stop.
"Scott and I are leaving right now to Rivendell," he says firmly. "Can I trust you to lead these people to the Overgrown?"
Millie nods, all traces of sleepiness gone. "Of course, Codfather. And Emilio as well. They're a good fish."
Jimmy claps her on the shoulder once before turning away, pulling Scott back in the direction they came from.
"Wait!" Millie whisper-shouts, and Jimmy pauses, looks over his shoulder.
Millie gives him a grim nod. "Codspeed."
Jimmy nods back, once, then continues on.
"I'm sorry, what?" demands Scott, once they've retraced their path through the dozing force. "I—what are we—Rivendell, Jimmy? What—"
"We have to warn her," Jimmy says, and that may be true, but they can't just abandon the people here to go on a rescue mission miles and lifetimes away!
"Right, but it's logistically impossible—we ought to be headed to the Ocean Kingdom, warn her military commander, bef—"
"He literally told us where she was gonna be, we have to go out there—"
"He told us Rivendell! We don't know where in Rivendell, and more importantly—we can't get to Rivendell! How are we—"
"It's my sister, Scott," Jimmy says, and Scott falls silent at the desperate look on his face. He thinks he can see, by the moonlight, the sparkle of a tear on his cheek, somehow distinguishable from the shine of scales pushing through the scars on his face.
He got those scars, Scott remembers, when he fell through the Void and the nothing tore away pieces his skin, dissolving everything that was Jimmy.
Scott promised himself then, as his wings beat desperately and tears streamed down his face and he carried the unmoving body of his fiancé in his arms, that he would do anything for Jimmy, as long as he survived.
"It's my sister," Jimmy says again now, and Scott's eyes flick up from his scars to his beautiful, serious, brown eyes. "I'm not gonna leave her. I'm not gonna let Sausage murder her."
Scott glances away.
If they reveal themselves, Scott will have to face Xornoth.
If they save Lizzie, Scott will die.
And maybe that's dramatizing it a little bit, but it's true. If they go out into the public, if everyone knows that they're alive, then Xornoth will come after them.
Instead of, maybe, several more weeks with Jimmy, Scott's timeline has dropped down to a matter of days—hours, even.
He can't leave Jimmy so soon. He just found him again.
But one more look at Jimmy's pleading, teary eyes, and Scott knows that he can't leave Lizzie to die. She doesn't have a chance against the demon.
No one does, but he can at least hold Xornoth off while the others get to safety.
He'll never see Jimmy again.
"All right," he says, even as it breaks his heart. "We'll do it. But how do you intend on getting to Rivendell?"
Jimmy's eyes slowly slide up, up to the half moon, to the stars surrounding it. "Well, remember my escape plan from earlier?"
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mr-laveau · 3 months
Ayo it's your boy, uhh, skinny penis- bitch you know who tf it is hi munchkin <3 xoxo
What's your listener's name and nickname? Sweetheart, name pending,,,,
What's their backstory? As you may or may not remember - My SH is Afro-Latinx, from an empowered family. The previous generation (their parents) called out DUMP on mistreatment of human born and unempowered humans (being detained, lack of jobs and representation) which started a whole commotion for the treatment of everyone but empowered humans (feeders, humanborn, and unempowered humans) and led to restructuring of DUMP. Think if there was a magical civil rights act and equal employment act. Anyway, my SH comes into play when DUMP catches them in the wrong place/wrong time and some higher ups think this is the perfect moment for revenge - either SH goes to jail and destroys their family's upright reputation and a family member's run for office OR they work for DUMP as a way to keep an eye on the family. They hate every second of it and face a lot of pressure to conform (gender presentation wise, accepting smart comments about being a stealth and some other microaggressions) but they want to protect their family.
What's the desired aesthetic of your listener character (punk, greaser, bimbo, scene kid, schoolgirl)? I'm feeling make noir sexy again. Like if you made a 1940s mafia boss in modern day and VERY sexy but also stylish. Gotta keep up with fresh to death did you see my ice Milo Greer. Pinstripes, suspenders, harnesses/holsters, etc. But like also in a bring your own gender I don't trust your gender with raisins in it kind of way.
What's your listener's gender presentation like? Yeah so gender as in mind your business. Androgynous as in I do what I want. It's masc, it's femme, it's ambiguous, it's all of the above. Really the point is constantly serving hot girl (gn) shit and looking super sexy next to Milo. They're that super hot stylish couple everyone wishes at least a little bit they dressed like because it looks effortless. My SH uses they/them pronouns and identifies as queer as in what's it to you (or genderfluid!)
What's your listener's ethnicity? Afro-Latinx! I wanted a listener who could dance bachata, okay? They're Dominican.
What's your listener's age? Ummmmmm. I think about the same age as Milo, maybe a year older? So 31 this year.
What's your listener's body type/build? Taller than Milo for SURE, I think they're like tall-tall. Like at least 5'10. Also they're a dancer and a runner (investigator things) (perhaps they were even a track star) so they've got a tall, muscular kind of body type - but don't be afraid to give them some body fat! They're strong!
What's your listener's star sign? Taurus!
What are your listener's most important relationships and who are they connected to? Their most important relationships are for SURE with their family. Since dating Milo, they finally told their family why they started working for DUMP (lots of anxiety but they were met with a lot of support and love). They are super close to their family (which is a big extended family, lots of aunt and uncles and cousins and nieces and nephews and so on) and so they spend lots of time at family dinners/parties/celebrations and love to bring Milo with them. Because their family (unintentionally at first) became so politically active in Dahlia for the rights of human-born, unempowered humans, and feeders, they have a lot of political connections through their own work and through their family members - definitely in a well connected family!
What's your listener's hobbies/interests? They love to dance - big inspiration for them. They like partner dances and particularly love Bachata (something something fond memories watching their parents and family dance together and learning as they grew up) but they just like to dance in general. You will be catching them at Zumba classes at the local gym with the aunties and grandmas. They're also really connected to community events - there was a lot of distrust created by them joining DUMP and so they are really invested in their community service and improving their community. They loooove to cook, but they're a "let's cook together" not "I'm cooking get out of the kitchen" kind of person. Definitely a food experimenter and sometimes it can go badly. Also makes a mean cocktail - always invited to dinner parties or wanting to host them with Milo.
If your listener was a deity from a known mythology, what deity would they be? Why would you ask me this. I don't know! Maybe Terpsichore, one of the nine Greek muses associated with dancing? You don't understand how central dance is to this character. They are always dancing.
What Audio RP series are they from? RedactedASMR - Sweetheart
What kind of lover are they to their partner/what kind of friend are they? In a few words - silly-goofy, observant, and a whore (said with love). As for a friend, still silly-goofy and observant, but I think they're affectionate as hell. Think of a really sociable cat.
What is something/are some things that your listener values? They really value family and community - firm believer in it takes a village and we are all our brother's keeper (except of course when it comes to them because they should be able to help everyone and not need any help themselves. sweetheart things.) There is no understanding how invested they are in protecting and standing up for their community and that's why they put in 4x more work (and overtime) than others at DUMP - they believe in helping people and not going with the easy solution. So family, community, doing something you're passionate about every day, and fairness/justice.
Pick a song that you think represents your listener. https://open.spotify.com/track/3qQbCzHBycnDpGskqOWY0E?si=e8cb80d8d36a45b3 This song started making me think about songs for listeners to dance to and kind of kick-started this whole idea. I just have an image of Milo and SH dancing to this song together in the kitchen while something is simmering on the stove ok?
What's the inspiration behind your listener's design? I wanted a listener who could dance really well, and decided a speaker who DEFINITELY can dance is Milo. And then I had to figure out the whole cop thing, so here we are.
Could you give me a vague concept of what your listener's visual vibe is? Modernized sexy noir film - but if you could be the femme fatale and the detective and the criminal at any given point. Truly, they do it all.
What are some extra tidbits you wanna tell me about your listener? Neither Milo nor Sweetheart are good with scary stuff (despite them being a stealth) and neither of them are killing bugs. They call David or Asher to handle them (I think David kills them but Asher puts them outside). Sweetheart and Aggro? Best friends. Milo complains that they're closer than him and Aggro - something about a stealth having cat energy and Aggro just gets it. "The girls that get it, get it, Milo."
Laveau's Listener Design Lab - design #001 - Sweetheart - Lexi Moon
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Heyyyy Lexi! Good to see you in my inbox and congrats on getting your listener as the first design for the labs! It was wonderful getting to work on a SH and your concept really stood out to me when I first saw it so I had to draw it up!
Design Notes!
For this design, your initial concepts made me think of a few people I could implement for inspirations to your SH's design. Those people being Catwoman from DC and Gomez Addams from the Addams Family!
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From Gomez, I wanted to make Sweetheart's suit similar to the patterning of Gomez's while adding Catwoman's femme fatale flair to the design. You made a note where you wanted SH to look like a detective, a femme fatale and a criminal all in one go so I chose to aim for darker blues to show professionalism whilst implying a sense of mystery to the character–and of course we can't forget every femme fatale's signature bold lipstick colour. You can also see some of Catwoman's influence in the nails as I figured it'd be fun for them to make witty remarks while snapping back at Milo with hand gestures. Additionally, I decided to add a few embellishments to show SH's lack of total compliance to the dress code of D.U.M.P by giving them piercings and tattoos; The moon earrings here is my favourite because every SH should have a moon motif but also given the symbolisms associated with the moon and the energy you wanted your SH to capture, I felt it was the perfect choice; the blue rose tattoos are also fun imo because the thorns can be interpreted as restrictive shackles or as "a rose with thorns", the choice to also incorporate blue roses was also informed by my knowledge of what they mean symbolically (that being mystery, admiration, uniqueness and aspiration) . Finally, I also tailored SH's clothes to be more ready for action whilst being fashionable and danceable (including the oxford shoes I added) so they can always move unrestrained whilst also being the hottest thing that Milo ever laid eyes on.
Overall, this was a really fun concept for me to work on and I really enjoyed being able to design your listener, hope you enjoy!
wanna have your listener designed by me? Check out my rules to the Listener Design Lab and send an ask my way!
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icedragonlizard · 3 months
Imagine: Marx and Taranza biting each other in a fight. A biting match.
They've both got fangs, and I interpret that the both of them are not afraid to use their fangs in a fight. Of course, they don't necessarily need to as they've got strong magical powers they can use instead, but I like to interpret both of these characters being unhinged enough to resort to biting in a really up-close-and-personal type of fight.
I'd pay to watch these two biting each other in a fight and being really vicious, feral and unhinged while at it. And snarl like aggressive dogs.
Magolor and Susie watch and record Marx's and Taranza's biting match on their phones. They're very curious to see how it goes down.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 9 months
i am not allowed to watch the newest ep before posting this
ghouls forgive me for over analyzing- but i LOVED how Frankie's place on the leader board doesn't change! The i m p l i c a t i o n s
so the point of the growing ghoulia ep is both Ghoulia and Draculaura are feeling a lot of pressure to do really well at their school stuff:
Ghoulia because zombies in general have a hard time squeezing all the extra stuff that would earn points, and she wants to be first to top the chart. Draculaura, fresh from the ep where her dad was worried her witchcraft would make her life harder, wants to 100% prove she can be a witch AND do well in her other stuff.
(ohhh the DElicious irony of that urge pushing her to accidentally do the thing she NEVER wanted to do- hurt monsters with her magic- i AdORE every time she draws the line of I Will Not Hurt People With This. i LOVE the look at how she realizes Ghoulia shouldn't have to compete against MAGIC along with everything else- AND AND AND how they both decide to be little less frantic about leader boards. we don't even see what the final redone results are! Because that's the point- they aren't THAT important! without the time spell there's a good chance ghoulia stayed in 1st this time, but the episode doesn't care, and the meta of that is vrvrvrvvrrbrrbrbrbrbr)
where was i. Oh yeah, Frankie!
they are second to last before the new points are tallied up- just above Ghoulia- and they're STILL second to last after the new calculation is done, this time just ahead of Heath!
First tally: 1 Drac, 2 Spec, 3 Heth, 4 Lag, 5 Claw, 6 Man, 7 Frank, 8 Ghoul
Second Tally, before drac jumped ahead suddenly: 1 Ghoul, 2 Man, 3 Claw
Second tally after drac did her thing: 1 Drac, 2 Ghoul, 3 Man, - - - 7 Frank, 8 Heth
(forgive, i cannot take scream caps right now)
WHY IS THAT EXCITING??? BECAUSE>>>>>> everyone else that we see DID move on the board. but not THEM!!!
and the only extra curricular thing we see them part of in the ep? the only thing they do that could get them points? It's something they already do and like.
It's a queer club- Frankie, the only openly non-binary monster we've seen, who introduced themselves with their preferred pronouns- there is no way they're doing a queer club for points. they're there because they want to be, it's fun, it's something they enjoy-
so MANY of the kids at monster high are trying to live up to something! or prove something!
Cleo needing to earn a sliver of the respect her big sister gets
Duce trying not to let down the new Gorgon tradition of school excellence
Draculaura desperately wanting to make her dad proud AND be a witch AND earn enough positive interaction so's not to start decaying
Toralei and HER mom who is..... yeah....
heck even Spectra mentions bad grades could get privileges revoked by her family
Clawdeen doesn't have pressure from her dad (or mom, obviously) but she does struggle with wanting to fit in and belong in the monster culture she's still really new to- she's solidly in the middle range for spirit points, showing how active she is in school unlife- and several of her eps are about learning NOT to focus too much on fitting in or going with the monster flow. Instincts. The push to ignore them sometimes for her new home and peers is sTRONG.
but Frankie?
Frankie's got brilliant brain bits. They're smart, perceptive, sometimes VERY intuitive without noticing it-
yeah they have a permanent case of the stumbly clumsies and their brain sparks make them zone out sometimes- and they've literally only been alive for a few months so there's a LOT of normal everyday stuff they don't know about, and...
...... that rarely seems to bother them?
They're made from famous and talented monsters, they know it and are HAPPY to show off all their cool brain bits
and so far they haven't ever worried about living up to those monsters' reputations or legacies. their parents made a teen stuffed FULL with smarts, but getting amazing grades isn't something Frankie frets about?
the implication, the unspoken thing about all that is-
Frankie was made to have fun.
They're here at monster high, also to have Fun. To experience stuff. Make friends. Learn things, sure- but learn things they like, at their own pace
this could change if we ever see their parents but- but for NOW, the way things have been shown-
Frankie at least doesn't seem to be feeling any pressure to be anything more than what they already are. And that's really. Very. Wonderful to see
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13eyond13 · 6 months
🍓Some Nana² / Nanahachi Headcanons🍓
-Nana O is secretly the more lovesick of the two Nanas. She's just more afraid of wrecking the friendship or exploring her feelings and confronting that possibility in her mind (not sure if this is a controversial take? But from what I saw in the Nana subreddit quite a few people were saying the opposite, that they didn't think Nana O was into Nana K / Hachi)
- Nana K / Hachi was hurt by Nana O not really being there for her as much as she wanted her to be whenever she first found out she was pregnant (though she also didn't handle things with Nana O perfectly herself). She's not the type to ever hold a grudge or show her anger and her serious emotional pain to others, so it's not something they've ever outright discussed, but it adds to the emotional distance and awkwardness that grew between them in that arc for a while, and pushed her into leaning more on Takumi when he was the only one to explicitly offer her support
- Nana K / Hachi is bi and Nana O is the one having more struggles with comphet pressures and confusions of the two. I think it's more confusing for her because she's pretty rarely attracted to anybody sexually, and it really takes a strong emotional tie for her to feel that kind of physical desire for somebody else. I base this off how she said she finds it weird how easily others fall in love, and how she was extremely attached to and possessive of Ren, but admitted she also would kinda be relieved if he sought sex with other women if she wasn't there for him enough (so she finds the sex even with Ren kind of a chore sometimes, but still craves the intimacy and emotional bond). I suspect some of her ambivalence about sex could be because she'd find sleeping with women more enjoyable and satisfying than sleeping with men - but she's also got some internalized homophobia going on, so is a bit afraid to ever give that a serious try
-Nana K / Hachi realized her crush way before Nana O because she's way more in touch with her emotions and less worried about making a fool of herself. However, since Hachi / Nana K thought that Nana O was soulmates with Ren and was always kept by Nana O somewhat at an emotional distance, she never really saw it as a genuine possibility to be with Nana O (and then things got way more complicated for her with Takumi and everything...)
- it could work very well romantically between the 2 Nanas! I don't agree with some of the takes I've seen around that it would automatically be super toxic. I feel they have the most healing magical energy together of the series on the page. Yes obviously they're both very imperfect and would have to work on lots of things, but I feel they truly have each other's best interests at heart much of the time, and that their personalities naturally combine in a way that neither of them can overpower the other completely with their more immature qualities or selfish whims
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 6 months
Fluff ABC for Taleena
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This was fun to do. Remember, I'm not a writer, and this is the first time I've ever written something like this. Enjoy❤️
Due to their duties, they don't always have free time, so they cherish every moment they get. Mileena enjoys hunting. Tanya goes with her to make sure nothing happens to her. Along the way, Mileena goes into detail about different hunting techniques for different animals. Tanya watches/ listens to her with a smile on her face.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
In Tanya's free time, she likes to read and brush up on her light magic and Pyromancy. She'll tell Mileena about new techniques she wants to learn or is learning. Mileena sits back and encourages Tanya. Mileena is very proud of her when she perfects her technique.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
They love everything about each other.
Mileena admires Tanya's strong-willed, take shit from nobody, stoic attitude. She likes that Tanya takes down that facade when they're alone.
Tanya loves Mileena's confidence. She knows how strong Mileena is and defends her when people say otherwise. She sees strengths where people see weakness.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Mileena deals with arguments from her mother and people doubting her. All that weight on her shoulders becomes overwhelming. Tanya knows Mileena well enough to know when she's upset. Tanya sits with her and embraces her. Letting Mileena cry and talk about what made her upset (if she wants to talk about it). Tanya just listens and rubs her back.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Both hope their future together is secure and whatever obstacle comes their way, they will overcome it together. Mileena pictures ruling Outworld together with Tanya. Eventually, start a family.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Despite their different ranks, they see each other as equals. When they're together, titles don't matter.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Every good relationship has a few disagreements here and there. When they fight, Tanya usually apologizes first. Mileena can be stubborn sometimes. Depending on how big the fight was, they both realize their wrongs and forgive each other. They don't like being upset with each other for a long time. Especially if it's something small.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Both are grateful. Mileena acknowledges everything Tanya does for her. Protecting her, helping her with tarkat, and just overall being there for her when she needs her. She is forever happy that Tanya stayed by her side after she got tarkat. Tanya is grateful for Mileena's protectiveness as well. It's a mutual thing. They both fight for and protect each other.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Over the years, they've built a strong, deep connection. They tell each everything.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Mileena is very insecure about her tarkat. It's unpredictable. She feels isolated from her family sometimes. Tanya stuck with Mileena after she got sick. She didn't/ doesn't care if Mileena has tarkat. Tanya helps Mileena see beauty in her imperfections.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Mileena has a jealous side. Mileena likes to down play her jealousy but eventually talks about it. I think most of her jealousy comes from people thinking Kitana deserves the throne more than her. She'll vent to Tanya about it.
I don't think Tanya gets jealous.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Mileena, for sure, is 10,000 years old, I'm sure Tanya is around the same age. They have had years to perfect kissing. So when it comes to kissing, they're both good. Their first kiss was probably a quick peck on the lips after confessing their feelings. A short, quick kiss just because they were worried they'd get caught. They were both a little flustered and made a plan to secretly meet later.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Their love Confession was a spur of the moment. Mileena can be impulsive, and sometimes, she doesn't know how to express her emotions. Tanya had feelings for Mileena for a while and felt guilty about them. Due to her umgadi vows, she felt like she was betraying her sisters and the gods. Mileena confesses first while they're alone. Tanya smiles and thinks for a moment. Thinking about the risks, the scandal, her vows, how all of that could bite her in the ass if they get caught. She decides to follow her heart and confess her feelings, too.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes. They have a small proposal first in secret. They would wear the rings as necklaces, so people won't question it (the ring). Once Mileena becomes empress, she changes the umgadi rules so her and Tanya can be together freely. With rules changed, they have a bigger wedding.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Mileena's nicknames for Tanya: Dearest, dear, my love
Tanya's nicknames for Mileena: beloved, my love, princess/ empress
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When they first got together, they were both giddy on the inside. Due to the circumstances, they hid their relationship well. As time went on, they got a little loose with their flirting. Kitana, Sindel, and li Mei picked up on it first (in reality, everyone and their mother know). They both express their love through quality time and acts of service. Behind closed doors, they express their love through physical touch and words of affirmation.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
No. Their relationship is secret.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Both have the ability to change their schedule to see each other. Since Tanya is an umgadi leader, she has Khameleon fill in for her while she goes to see Mileena. Mileena can easily come up with a reason to have Tanya come to her. Any excuse, and no one questions it because Mileena is the princess/ heir. Although Kitana suspects there's something going on, because why has Mileena called for Tanya 6 times this week, and it's only Tuesday😒.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Mileena is a romantic. She loves buying little gifts for Tanya. She thinks Tanya deserves everything for what she does every day for the royal house. Tanya loves leaving little letters or notes with a flower in Mileena's room. Mileena saves each letter and sometimes writes her own. They take turns choosing the location of their dates. They go to hidden locations around Outworld and have a little picnic.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
They support each other 100%. On top of keeping their relationship secret, Tanya also keeps Mileena's tarkat secret to ensure Mileena can claim the throne. Tanya believes in Mileena and continues to support her as she becomes empress.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
They don't feel like they have to change or try anything new. Their comfortable with the current routine of their relationship.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
As I said before, their relationship is built on a deep and strong connection. They've been together for thousands of years. They know each other inside out. They notice a change in each other's body language, eye contact, voice, and/or actions. They both notice small changes in each other's behavior.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Very important. Both knew before their relationship that it was risky. They love each other so much. Their bond is so strong that they risk banishment or punishment to be together.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
They like going for walks and sparring together. When they go for walks, they get as far away from the palace as they can. Mileena makes up an excuse to her mother before she leaves. "I just want to test my skills against one of the strongest umgadis, mother." This will give Mileena and Tanya a couple of hours together. They'll actually spar for a bit, then take a break. Leaning against a tree or lying on the ground, talking about everything and nothing.
They love to hang out around the palace gardens at night
Tanya knows how to cook. She'll cook for her umgadi sisters and save some for Mileena. Mileena can't cook for shit. When she can, she'll watch Tanya cook or help her cut things.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Mileena is very affectionate. She loves lying in bed with Tanya and cuddling. Mileena is small spoon. She loves leaving kisses on Tanya's face and neck. Tanya loves holding Mileena in her arms after a long day. She caresses Mileena's side and kisses her shoulder and neck.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
They're used to not always being with each other. Even when they are together, they can't be like a couple. Tanya tends to her umgadi duties, and Mileena tends to imperial business. When they miss each other, they occupy themselves with their duties.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Both are willing to go to great lengths. Tanya has made it clear plenty of times that she would give her life for Mileena. She would fight for her no matter the opponent. Tanya betrayed her vows to be with Mileena. That is a huge thing considering how important the umgadi is to Tanya. Mileena wants to change the umgadi rules once she's empress so that her and Tanya could have a normal relationship.
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starrspice · 1 year
So, if Y/N is a siren and by nature they are very strong, did they lose all that strength with the mistreatment? once they fully recovers, would they be able to lift Sun and Moon at the same time? I don't know, the image went through my head and it's funny.xAlso, how big can Y/n grow? Why did Sun and Moon attack the ship where Y/n was prisioner?More importantly, why did they stay with Y/n? Was it something like finding an injured dog on the street and you decided to adopt it?
Bringing in all these excellent questions
So YES Y/N was consideravly weakned after being held captive but it wouldn't take them long to get back to full strength. Recover from their injuries and give em a good meal they'll be just fine!
They'd probably be able to carry Sun and Moon no problem!
Y/N won't grow for a loooooong time! They're kind of at an inbetween phase, where they've got more growing to do but they arent tiny either. In human form they wouldn't be any taller than a human would, but in siren form their tails can grow up to about 8-10ft long
But Y/N is a bit of a runt as far as Siren sizes go, so they'll likely end up a bit shorter than most (but the smaller ones tend to be far more powerful magic wise)
So Sun and Moon attacked the ship specifically in search of Y/N. Despite being pirates the two are honestly pretty compassionate, and were specifically asked for help by a dear friend. They were told the ship contained a mythical creature that was being mistreated and was set to be sold in a black market auction (which they were).
Sun and Moon weren't aware of what kind of creature it was, but intended to rescue it, nurse it to health and either return it to its homeland or take it to a sanctuary of some kind. They were incredibly shocked to find what looked like a very injured, possibly starved, and sickly looking human instead.
Since they thought Y/N was human the whole plan for a sanctuary was off the table, and with them refusing to talk to Sun and Moon they had no way of finding out if Y/N had family or a home to return to
After a few stops ashore with Y/N kind of sticking by their side and returning to the ship the two judt assumed they wanted to continue traveling with them all (and really How could they say no to such a thing?)
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raayllum · 11 months
So we are sure as anything that is going to be Callum that releases Aaravos at the end of the day (being terrified of being possessed again? Now the gang literally HAVE THE PRISON? Yeah he’s gonna be possessed and forced to open it for SURE! Poor boy what will that do to him..?)
But one thing that hasn’t happened yet is Rayla losing Callum. Callum has lost Rayla once and nearly lost her twice now, but we are yet to see Rayla do something to get Callum back (maybe we can include the ship scene but I don’t feel like it’s quite to the same extent that Callum has nearly lost her, if you get what I mean)… how do you think this is going to happen?! If at all? I LOVED season 5 and can’t wait for what happens next!!
I forget if I thought Callum would free Aaravos post-S3 or S2 (maybe, ever since the Key was introduced)? But definitely post TTM I thought he'd have a role to play there. I've always leaned towards it either 1) not being under possession, but coercion, or 2) if it is under possession, it's because Callum took a risk (and knew what he was risking being possessed by doing it). The writers always like force characters into being aware of the choices they're making / retaining agency even in the terrible choices they're making (i.e. Harrow being aware of and agreeing to Viren's plan to kill Zym in 3x06's flashbacks, rather than being ignorant and therefore blameless in it, which they easily could've done). I don't think Callum can just have a "whoopsie daisie I'm suddenly possessed again through no reaffirmed fault of my own decision making" since that kinda feels like it's letting him off the hook too much for whatever he does, but if they just want to go full throttle on the "no agency" angle, that would be a valid route of its own kind of horrific (even if it may not be the one from a theorizing standpoint I currently prefer but hey, canon could change my mind).
For Rayla and Callum, I think their arcs (intersecting and circling each other as always) are going to be opened and book ended, most likely, by Massive acts of love for each other for arc 2 (up till S6, most likely). Currently for both of them, they've done their initial, unhealthy "going to dark places is an act of love" for one another:
1) Rayla leaving during the timeskip / through the moon
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and Callum doing dark magic about a season later to save her life
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The fact the choice is something they both cover up and know the other person wouldn't like, the shouldering it alone, the "I have to. I love you too much not to," etc. I don't think it's a coincidence that a few episodes after Rayla reflects on what inspired her to leave — "I left without him because I couldn't bear to put him in danger. I knew I had to be strong alone" — and trying to be what she didn't want to be (a lone assassin) that we see Callum making a similar decision after he was forced back into a path he also didn't want to take (a dark mage), that Finnegrin got his head enough to warp him: "All that talk about how love makes you stronger" and Rayla making him 'weaker.' And, like Rayla, he keeps a secret to try and shoulder it alone, at least at first.
Which is in line of how he and Rayla were already starting to switch in S4, with Rayla acting more like him upon her return and Callum acting more like her because of her absence, and nicely leads up to them both reaffirming that they are each's strength and each other's weakness, eventually. (Good and bad, light and dark, pain and love. Two cakes!)
I always figured Callum would do something ultimately self destructive in order to save her, just because they tend to be very reciprocal (and he tends to hit her plot beats a season after she does, anyway) so it seems, due to the symbolism and framing and patterns, that Callum doing dark magic for her is his Narrative counterbalance for her leaving him in Through the Moon. (This is very in line with their S2 and S3 patterns as well, where Rayla saves him and Ez in a way from Soren and Claudia in S2, and then Callum saves her from Soren and Claudia over the dragon fiasco; as well as in S3, with Rayla risking her life to keep Sol Regem away from him, and then Callum jumping off the Pinnacle to save her, etc).
So what, you ask, is Rayla's big gesture moment - and what could Callum's reciprocal moment be? Well...
2) Rayla breaks Callum free of the brainwashing + identity reconciliation arc
This has been foreshadowed and set up for a variety of reasons — Rayla showing up in a halo of light and always reaffirming Callum's agency in S4; Callum asking her to be the one to kill him in 4x07, and this according quote exchange from the Book One Novelization ('"Wow. So they look identical, but they might kill you or they might save you,” Callum said. "Exactly," Rayla smiled. "Just like me"); Rayla's role being highlighted in the actual possession scene in 4x04 and Aaravos mocking her for being unable to kill; Rayla's epiphany in S5 about being "stronger together" at all. If you want more details on all of this I would heartily recommend this meta I wrote regarding Rayla's duality as Callum's salvation and destruction, written pre-s4, and then updated post-S5. Now moving on...
Book 6 is gonna be stars, and stars are associated with Destiny. So is dark magic with control. Thus, Callum confronting the destiny Aaravos has given him (and being possessed again by proxy) seems the most likely for this season. We also know we're going to learn about Rayla and Stella's history eventually (and given that Stella means star, and is connected to the Star primal) and it would make sense to get that backstory in S6 as well. We know we're learning more about the Key of Aaravos (rune cube) and most likely Leola (and her last wish) next season as well. Last but not least, S5 reveals that Rayla's parents can presumably be saved by using star magic / quasar diamonds, and that Callum is even more dedicated to freeing them to some degree than Rayla is, at least in terms of Prioritizing it.
Okay, but what does this all have to do with anything? Well...
It seems pretty certain that Rayla's Big Moment, as you've indicated, has to happen, and will be her refusing to kill Callum and instead breaking him free of the brainwashing. The strongest evidence is actually things I haven't touched on yet, which is that this dilemma and plot beat would resolve both of their character arcs that S4 set heavily into motion.
For Rayla, she's been struggling for seasons feeling like a failed assassin / that she can't kill someone, and that this is a weakness. The fact that it's Callum's life on the line vs the world ("my heart for Xadia") is just the icing on the cake and is a trolley problem she's faced before ("You let him live, but you killed us all!" / "No, you have two choices: you all die, or just the wretched, evil human dies"). So her not killing Callum, and instead saving him, would resolve her arc in a variety of ways:
Prove that her good soft heart is a strength and not a weakness
Reaffirm her love, devotion, commitment to Callum and promising to Not leave again
Prove to her that she can save people (4x05's "we can't save everyone") and that she won't always inevitably mess things up
Rayla refusing to sacrifice something, for once, for the good of the world
Her path in this is so straightforward there is little doubt in my mind, like, come on. It's not subtle and I love it
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This isn't even touching on Rayla's parallels / thematic opposition to the other person vying for control over Callum, Aaravos, which if you're interested in you can read more about here. <3
Alternatively, Callum's side of things is far more complicated / less clear. This is for a few reasons:
There will be a choice, presumably, that leads to him getting brainwashed. The most obvious of these is him doing (dark? Star?) magic to free the Moon fam and Kpp'Ar from the coins, but it could be something else. Being willing to take a chosen risk opens up the door for him to feel responsible if/when he plays his role in Aaravos' plans (bc he presumably Has to, since S6 can't end well under any circumstances).
If he is randomly brainwashed, he will have to make a conscious choice to play into Aaravos' hands after breaking free from the brainwashing. This will probably be under coercion or due to a loved one (either Ezran or Rayla) being in danger or threatened. I've always leaned towards Rayla because they've had primary conflict for longer and her weird associations with the cube and its foreshadowing, and for a few other reasons I'll discuss here briefly below.
What's not in doubt, to me, is Callum - willingly or unwillingly - continuing on his dark path within Aaravos' clutches. Whether this would include breaking him free under coercion (but not brainwashing) is debatable, but we'll see when we get there I suppose (if we get there). What does need to be answered, here, is what Callum's Reciprocal Act of Love would be. It seems that he'll have to save Rayla back in turn from something, after all.
Likewise, there's a few options in no particular order:
He saves Rayla from having to make a terrible choice regarding her parents, either to have a life without them or for her to do dark magic to free them by taking that on himself.
A lot of Callum's identity changes have been because of her absence and subsequent shut down. Rayla reaffirming her identity by saving him is also the process by which Callum reaffirms his own identity by choosing her / being able to be saved. A mutual identity reconciliation happening simultaneously, if you will. And throwing off Aaravos' control certainly would be an act of love!
He frees Aaravos to save her life after she breaks him free of the brainwashing, since choosing Rayla and defying Aaravos could be choices that cannot be reconciled.
I lean towards something beyond the mutual Identity Reconciliation because I think 1) Callum being able to express his feelings for her is also very important to his growth for this arc and they've teased him saying "I love you" again quite a bit thus far and 2) I think Rayla, as a character and her core of sacrifice (what does it matter to her, after all, if she gets majorly injured saving Callum) would really benefit from being literally, reciprocally saved, but these are the various avenues I think are the most likely. But I do think their S6 (or whenever the possession plot line is resolved, maybe it is only in S7, who knows) arc is resolved, it'll be with a Big Act of Love from Callum as well, with Rayla's being saving him from said brainwashing.
Anyway, I hope this answered your question and that said answer wasn't too long! Thanks for asking & for reading <3
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