#theyre gonna have two separate ones this time instead of being only one post
crystallizsch · 5 months
*kicks down door* ehehehe it's luxe couture yuusha and rabbitwear yuuna :3
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aidlyncanon · 29 days
Lets Talk: Tyler Hernandez
a.k.a. sai explains sbg cs fuck fanon
When I think of mischaracterized sbg characters I almost immediately go to Tyler Hernandez. Why? because he's so mischaracterized due to people focusing on ships too much.
This isnt a post for me to say "fuck you ik these characters better and im right" since people to perceive things differently this is just more me sharing my full Tyler analysis which I find most people (ive talked to) agree with me.
This is gonna be separated into four categories: personality, full death analysis, relationships, my opinion on fanon tyler takes.
I didnt realize how long this is gonna be until I actually started typing it so warning it's a long one :)
Were going to go from start to current on this.
Not much is known about how Tyler acted before his father's passing, other than he used to be your average loving kid. He enjoyed playing baseball with his father and his dad taught him and Taylor a few songs on the guitar one of them being Happy Birthday (which he later taught ben). Once his dad died his entire life practically got uprooted.
I find it odd that theres a chapter explaining his development and character yet he's still so mischaracterized. He slowly lost interest in everything, never doing anything fun. Instead focusing on taking care of his family like he watched his father do.
Despite how some portray it, Tyler doesn't find joy in playing baseball anymore. It became just a way to get into college. He doesn't see the point in indulging in things that he deems distractions or stupid. For example at the Sorrel Weed House he (rightfully so) found the phantom "prank" stupid, dragging Taylor out of the building. Like Ashlyn he too saw no point in friends. He didn't have time for 'such distractions'.
He's not one for sugar coating or beating around the bush, he'll be blunt. Such as him telling Logan he's pathetic for being scared of Barron while they deal with phantoms every night. While even Ashlyn acknowledges he was harsh she stated he did have a point, that Logan needed to learn how to defend himself.
Despite being easily annoyed and irritated at the beginning he cared for them in some form early on. Like when Logan got hurt in the bus he went to check on him, or when he heard Aiden yell Ashlyn's name when she got taken onto the roof Tyler almost immediately went to go check what happened.
Whether he realized it or not the others were beginning to be of concern to him. He slowly began warming up to them. This is first majorly seen after they get the jeep from Ashlyn's house. This being the first time we properly see him smile. He also shut Logan down when he tried to dodge Aiden's compliment. Telling Logan he should be proud of himself.
Tyler also is relatively observant, noticing and acknowledging the fact that Logan wants to do something to help Barron's new victim (Noah). He assures Logan that they'll all be there if he needs help. Not only showing how he's grown to care for them but that he'll help them when needed.
At Lily's birthday Ashlyn acknowledges that Tyler's become less of a jerk, quite literally stating in the comic that he's grown and become more comfortable around them. Allowing himself to make friends despite growing up thinking it was a waste of time.
I would talk about his death itself but the section below is gonna go into depth about it.
He has no will to keep himself guarded in front of them. His only concern being getting to Taylor. That's a pattern with how he operates. He WILL put those he holds closest above himself. He quite literally was about to die but the only thing on his mind was the fact that he'd be leaving them alone. That something might've happened to Taylor. That he needed to get to them.
Taylor states in the season two premiere that he began having fun with them, possibly beginning to see the group as his family. (Theyre family its canon shush). When Ashlyn goes to apologize to him he appears shocked but he doesnt accept her apology. Why? because he doesn't blame her, he knows it wasn't her fault. He cares for her, we can see how much he has grown. He even gave her a nickname that wasn't a form of insult. By which I mean he calls Aiden idiot and other things but not a genuine nickname.
After finding out that Aiden also died but woke up before him Tyler went to text Aiden. Whether that was to check on him or just to have someone to talk to who knows.
He's let down his walls for the group significantly, like when Logan, Ashlyn, and Ben found him in the facility. He in his own way asked for comfort, thanking Ben when he comforted him.
Overall Tyler's grown to care for all of them, seeing them as family. He's allowed himself to be open and vulnerable. Relying on the others at times (throughout his injury) as well as letting them rely on him (like when telling Logan the group will be there when he talks to Barron)
Death & Aftermath
His death was a pivotal point which is why I made a whole section dedicated to it. Not only is it a turning point for Tyler but for the story and everyone else.
NOTE: so I was going to do a full analysis here on this HOWEVER i'm just going to make it a separate post since this is long enough as it is and I want to keep this focused on Tyler whereas his death and aftermath discussion will be about everyone.
Ethan Hernandez
Not much is known about his dad other than the fact he played a huge role in Tyler's life. He taught the twins a few songs on guitar, Happy birthday being one of them. This allowing Tyler to teach Ben for Lily's birthday.
Mariana Hernandez
After losing his dad, Mariana essentially wasn't mentally there. She's still dealing with her grief causing her to at times be unable to remember her husband isn't alive. This was shown when she wondered why her husband wasn't off work for Lily's party.
Tyler had to take care of both her and Taylor. When she came back to reality after Tyler died she stepped up to take care of him and be there for her children. He cares for him mom a lot.
Taylor Hernandez
Most of this goes without saying, hes protective of his sister, after all he needs to be. I assume this comes from the fact the twins canonically have separation anxiety (stated by Red on insta). This likely stems from losing their dad at an early age.
His sister is always his priority, when he woke up his first instinct when he heard a scream was to get to Taylor.
Ashlyn Banner
They don't hate each other despite what some fans believe. They actually never hated each other.
At the beginning they had conflicting ideals, Ashlyn thinking it'd be smarter to wait while Tyler wanted to go back to the Sorrel Weed House. This caused them to bump heads at times.
During the first night when Tyler cause Ashlyn to snap at him telling him to "be useful" he, despite being irritated prior to this, did make himself useful by helping with the chair legs. Ashlyn noticing his silence and wondering if she was too harsh. Showing that even then she had nothing against Tyler.
Tyler grew to care for others this includes Ashlyn when he hears Aiden yell her name, he also ended up carrying her to the car when she got concussed. The feeling of care is mutual first shown when the fight at the arcade happened. When background guy punched Tyler, Ashlyn immediately kicked the guy square in the head.
Ashlyn commented on how he was less of a jerk and how it was nice of him to teach Ben Happy Birthday for Lily's birthday since he can no longer sing it.
When Tyler died Ashlyn felt guilty, blaming herself for the incident. She was so upset that she couldn't protect him and the others. Tyler on the other hand didn't blame her at all. Brushing her apology off as if it was nothing. Because it WAS nothing, from his perspective she had no reason to apologize.
She was the first to find him in the phantom dimension. She was the one to administer the sedatives. Telling him "we're going to get you down... okay?" to which he responded with "okay..". She waited until he was sedated and she was off the ladder to fully react. Putting himself and his wellbeing first. She checked on him when they parked the car in the school that night.
When looking for the others in the facility she made note that she was worried for him (and aiden), remembering the way she last saw them both. Once finding Tyler and his bloody room she was shocked and concerned. Unable to react at the sight.
When Ashlyn revealed that she was the one to bring their parents into the phantom dimension Tyler shut her down real quick. Saying she was being melodramatic and that she would be the one who could get them out. Adding the "and anyone else who you decide to drag in" to which she replied saying she didn't decide to bring anyone in. With him ending the discussion with "then stop acting like it".
"they hate each other" they never have
Aiden Clark
Aiden and Tyler mutually made digs at each other. Aiden getting on Tyler's nerves easily. Overtime their arguing turned into playful banter. They grew to care for the other.
Aiden was worried when Tyler had died, while still managing to partially keep up his facade it is easy to tell he was worried for his friend.
Aiden not typically dropping his smile except in moments where someone he cares for is harmed. Tyler's no exception to this, as when he sees Tyler on the Tree he is visibly scared and in shock. Literally shaking from the sight.
Over the course of the comic Tyler grows accustomed to Aiden being around. His jokes and just presence. Eventually allowing Aiden to rest against him while they shared a wheelchair.
Ben Clark
Tyler offered to teach Ben guitar for Lily's birthday. The two have grown close. When Tyler died and woke up at the hospital Ben was seen with a "r u ok?" message on his phone. Tyler trusts Ben. We can see this when after they get Tyler off the tree Ben carrys him on his back. In the back of the car Ben keeps his eyes on Tyler.
Ben goes back to carrying him while they walk through the school. Once they get to the room he sets Tyler down and begins to re-bandage him due to Tyler bleeding through the bandages. When the roof begins to collapse Ben can be seen protecting Tyler's head and body under the desk.
When they find Tyler's room in the facility Ben too is shocked. Once Tyler says "...you know it doesn't really... make me feel... any better if you... react like that..." Ben immediately kneels next to him, ruffling his hand and giving him a smal thumbs up. As his way of trying to be there for him. This getting a small thanks from Tyler. Ben then sends Logan and Ashlyn to find the others and get a wheelchair while he stays with Tyler.
Ben can be seen redoing Tyler's bandages multiple times. He also was the one to push Tyler's wheelchair while they were walking around the facility.
Logan Fields
At the start Tyler thought Logan was pathetic for beinf scared of Barron. Eventually, like the others, he grew to care for Logan. When Logan got hurt he went to check on him.
At the arcade he noticed Logan wanting to do something about Barron so he encouraged it, telling Logan that him and the others will be there just incase.
When Tyler reunited with everyone in the hospital Logan can be seen crying, relieved his friend was okay. Like Ben and Ashlyn, Logan was shocked at Tyler's state in the facility.
During the walk through the facility Tyler mentions that "we should probably be a bit faster" where we got logans iconic "youre the one in a wheelchair" retort (love him).
My Takes
These are just my own personal opinions.
"Ashlyn and Tyler hate each other" you dont need to like the ship but to blatantly ignore their development is crazy. I wouldn't even put it up to development since they never hated each other. Theyre both just the type to believe and stick with their opinion and positions. They had conflicting ideas which lead them to debating but to say they hate each other couldn't be farther from the truth.
I honestly can't stand the way SOME fans make it seem like tyler hates everyone except Logan for some reason. He wouldn't be close to anyone except the GROUP. Why? because like ashlyn he didnt see the point in friends, not cause they hated everyone but because it was a waste of time in their minds.
Also he wouldn't use cringy ass nicknames or petnames, the only real nickname hes given is "carrot top" which yeah is funny but it's not like babyish does that make sense? Other than that the only thing person he really calls names is Aiden who he uses like insults PLAYFULLY. Again he doesn't hate any of them.
I don't understand how people can manage to mischaracterize him so bad when there's an entire chapter that explains about half of his character. Quick focusing on just early S1 sbg cause he had plenty of development in the first season alone.
If you've actually read this im fucking shocked, this shit took me like two hours to write omg.
Who next? (minus Logan until the little bit of backstory we now have is public not fast pass)
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cios-correct-opinions · 3 months
big ol tl;dr for anyone looking:
if ppl "not appreciating" female characters by creating content for them bc they don't want to bothers you that much? there's only one thing you can and should do:
but if you don't wanna do that and you don't wanna pay someone to, then stop complaining.
(note re: the discourse thing/me wanting to "start discourse": i only reblogged onto my "discourse" sideblog bc i didn't want this on my main blog. not bc i think it's automatically discourse. political stuff just goes over here now so i can keep the things more separated for my own sake)
op of the post blocked me but im genuinely baffled at this response
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because how in the fuck did you gather ANY of that from me saying this
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brother all i did was define what the word means. like i am so baffled as to how you decided that i was implying op was transphobic or some shit bc i absolutely was not!
nor was i trying to start discourse. i was literally just saying that, in my experience in the circles i'm in and the people i've seen, doing both is possible and they often do both. i'm not a huge fan of cis genderbends myself in any direction because if i'm gonna genderbend they're gonna be trans given that i am also trans
and then theres this that i said
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which everyone seems to have completely ignored. bc that's the crux of this. it's not that they dislike the canon women it's that they want to take their blorbos they love the most and girl them because that's how fandom works. it's about self indulgence. fandom is supposed to be you doing what you love the most, and engaging with the characters you love the most, bc it's about fun
why are yall trying to force people to post abt characters they may not care for for a number of reasons? bc thats what this feels like. it feels like you want ppl to talk abt, post abt, write abt, draw abt, etc, characters they are not super passionate for, simply bc you believe they should, bc you think what they do in fandom is some kind of formula for their like, actual real world beliefs
i genuinely cannot stress enough to you guys that most peoples actions in fandom are almost entirely divorced from any political meaning. or at least, they were, until people started acting like that was a sin actually and that if you liked this character or if you liked too many male characters and not enough female ones that means youre secretly a misogynist who just hates women so much because you don't post about them all the time
most of my fandom blorboposting ends up being about a handful of any random assortment of characters because that's who my brain latches on to, but that doesn't say shit about my feelings about any other character. specifically in bsd, i mostly post and talk about literally two of the characters WAY more than the others bc they are my favorites. this includes ALL the other characters, just about. most of my fanworks are for them and will continue to be for them because they are my OTP and my top two in this series.
why is this important?
because someone genderbending a male character or multiple of them in order to see a CHARACTER THEY ALREADY THINK ABOUT 24/7 AND LIKE A LOT AND HAVE A DEEP ATTACHMENT TO, as a woman, does not mean they don't love and appreciate the canon women. holy shit. that's what i was criticizing in the original post.
also like. most of the ppl doing the genderbending i see are either women or like, somehow woman-aligned, or wlw/attracted to women in some way, etc. and most of them are making these genderbends bc theyre attracted to the canon character. it's self-indulgence it's ALMOST ALWAYS self-indulgence guys it's FANDOM that's what it's FOR you CANNOT FORCE SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT A CHARACTER FOR ANY REASON AND STILL MAKE AN ETHICAL ARGUMENT OUT OF IT JFC
it wasn't meant to be discourse on my end either. i was trying to offer an alternate reason or perspective of approaching what op seemed to think was an issue given the wording of the post, by offering my personal experience. i also never said op was wrong, by the way, my expression of disbelief was also put alongside me going "maybe it's just the people i follow" because i tend to follow people who, when they do genderbends, are also avid fans of the canon women too, they just like the men they're genderbending more. hence why they're doing that.
this expectation within fandom that people must create content of female characters - or ANY characters - lest they be accused of despising them or not appreciating them is going to be the death of fandom and i'm so fucking serious. you CANNOT insist people spend their time making shit for FREE that they aren't 100% jazzed and excited about in FANDOM SPACES and then get mad when they don't do that and expect fandom to be something that continues for generations as it has in the past
and for the record seeing as how op reblogged with this which. where do i even start lmao. ik they've written me off as a woman-hating misogynist so i'm not expecting good faith arguments in response from them but, c'est la vie
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roseworth · 1 year
As one of the most Rose Wilson blogs (excellent taste) what r ur thoughts on the first issue of her Knight Terrors ?
my biggest thoughts on it are just that its not very interesting </3 there are a few things i dont like about it (the lack of lili 😔 but ill circle back to that in a sec) but overall ?? it just didnt really do a lot. theres not a lot to dislike but theres also not a lot to like
but i can excuse the fact that theres not a lot in it given that this is the first time rose is getting the spotlight in like 15 years so not a lot of people are gonna know anything about her backstory so they had to make it accessible to people that dont know her. and i get that
like batman's knight terrors tie-in could delve a lot deeper into his backstory and feelings bc. its batman. everyone knows batman. he has arguably the most famous backstory in western media. but not everyone knows ravager so they had to make it very new reader friendly and i understand that, especially since her biggest trauma (getting drugged by slade) isnt even canon right now (😔) and her other big trauma (her mom dying) is a little more complicated than the story they wanted to tell (mostly because. wade.)
but i wish they had gone a little deeper into like. her feelings. being trapped in a nightmare that you have to escape from is one of my favorite tropes ever so i was soooooooo excited when this book was announced, but it just,, didnt really do anything. there was so much that could've been done with rose protecting and subsequently being betrayed by her younger self, not to mention the whole idea of slade hunting her down. but they didnt really use it? i was hoping for more like,,,, character exploration. but it didnt really deliver
on the other hand though. this one was def trying to do more of a plot than some of the others. like for example the jason & tim one has the basic plot of "theyre in a nightmare" but other than that its really just being used as a way to make them go through their fears n give them some character exploration (side note i wish they had been given two separate ones but thats a whole other post) whereas the ravager one is talking about murder man using rose as a conduit and trying to get into the waking world and making it like. a story instead of just introspection. so it definitely felt like the first issue was setting a lot up for more that will (hopefully) happen in issue two.
anyways back to her mom. again part of the reason that it would be so hard to incorporate lili into the story is that the circumstances surrounding her death would mean reintroducing the story from 30 years ago where she died, which slade wasnt there for so they couldnt wring out her daddy issues, and the fact that its only brought up like. 3 times ever again after that make it hard to reference her. not to mention deathstroke 2016 sort of retconned it that slade murdered her ????? then that was also never brought up again. so once again i understand that it would be very complicated to bring her into the story, not to mention if she showed up she would show up just to die 3 seconds later so i cant be.. too mad.
HOWEVER. they taunted me by mentioning her one (1) time then bringing up the foster parents instead. it seems like it's sort of working toward bringing her pre-52 origin back. but the foster parents were the worst part of her pre 52 origin. and also as my roommate (who hasnt read a lot of rose) pointed out, the foster parents are a deep cut. they showed up for like 3 pages 20 years ago then died and were literally never brought up again (not even a passing mention) until now. and while the story doesnt hinge on knowing who they are, i feel like theres definitely a feeling that youre missing something when you dont know the parents. so the fact that they were there at all seems really weird to me given the fact that im trying to excuse the fact that lili wasnt there. idk. its just hard to understand why brisson chose to put them there instead of lili, who had a major impact on rose's life and her death is the whole reason rose even joined slade at all. at least to me, the fact that lili wasnt there was extremely noticeable and felt wrong (not to mention the "i grew up in a brothel not a foster home" line is kinda iffy to me but maybe im reading too much into it). im still hoping she'll show up in the second issue, especially since they did specifically mention her in the first issue so maybe thats setting her up to show up in nightmare form later (<-delusional)
ok i think thats all my thoughts for now. tldr: its fine, it doesnt have a lot necessarily with it given the fact that rose isnt a well known character so they couldnt dive too deep into her character, but i felt like it wasnt really trying to do anything and it wasnt interesting. the only real problem was the fact that her mom wasnt there. but mostly im willing to wait until the second half before im too harsh on the book
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ziankenvirus · 1 year
Twst oc stuff
Wanted to lore drop some stuff about my twst ocs, I took a weirdly different approach with them than the Fandom does, rather than having those based on tales and be residents of the twisted wonderland. All my twst ocs minus my Narnia ones are from one of my long existing worlds. And are often while based off of these stories, usually share only a few elements (minus some characters, particularly those involved with the fae.)
Ngl, nervous about posting them lmao. I get really nervous when talking about my OCS and their lore because I always worry people will think their weird or op or smth lmao.
Gonna drop the first part, this was inspired by his dark devices and the characters the same, alongside from Kinder- und Hausmärchen.
In the world, most people get a companion called Redgins. Creatures connected to them in every way to guide them through life, however can end up turning the person into something called a 'chain' if there's deep, deep emotional stress and emotions that have been bubbled up. Or even as simple as one singular incident in the past bubbling up again.
However there are other causes too, it's case by case. There are those however who are without one. Rather instead could be considered a Redgin themself, theyre able to purify those who turn into a chain; saving them from that fight. By ultimately consuming the miasma and separating the person from their Redgin. Albeit severing the connection permanently, and each time the miasma is consumed; apart of their life is removed and they're bodies forever and slowly show signs of the miasma.
Within the world fae human relationships are similarly strained, with fae being antagonistic and more accurate to the actual mythology. Humans and other creatures being at the mercy of their tricks and attitudes, changelings, etc etc. Because of this for those villages and residences close to where fae activity has been most reported; there is often suspicion between neighbors-and oftentimes people will refuse to interact with anyone with children. The only thought being 'Is that a changeling child, or truly human.'
If a human and fae form a friendship, familial relationship, or more. It's kept under lock and key; particularly if it's a situation of mutual attraction and pining. Usually, if any children come from these relationships, the human parent is forever separated from their child and lover.
Fae aren't the only creatures humans must fear, it was as if the world was created to cull humanity as there's many other creatures out for human blood. Most are what'd one would expect, a hungry or cornered animal, bacteria, mother nature; though in recent years odd creatures have been appearing with truly malicious intent towards the sons and daughters of Adam and eve.
They look like us, they act like us. Everything about them is so similar to humanity, but in the end-they aren't. Those soulless eyes, stretched out faces and smiles as if they aren't quite able to perfectly mimic what humans look like, people started to call them 'wiedergänger.' I'll put more about them and the world in another post, moving onto my fan dorm now lol.
Pulled from the ancient beasts and apexes of old, massive beasts capable of destruction in the old days. Survival was their only wish, their only goal; they'd snap their jaws tightly around scraps of prey no matter how small. Their home was gone, reduced to ashes and dust; a massive crater left behind forcing them to abandon their old ways.
Two carnotaurs, close siblings forced to start all over after the fall of the sky. Only to meet the one thing they feared, their death. Unable to speak the language of the herbivores; they were treated as monsters who's only goal was the destruction of the herd. A far cry from the truth, the two only desired whatever scraps of food they could find; one was crushed in pursuit of a meal that would've fed them both for days. The other; pushed off a cliff. Their deaths celebrated while the herbs lived on.
Fang and Claw. Twin carnotaurs, and the patrons of the Prehistoria dorm. A place filled with students connected those old beasts, ancestors, the creatures themselves, and other beast-men.
The dorm leader a blue scaled Zuchengtyrannus called Zucheng, the vice dorm leader a Calico velociraptor named Callie. The dorm prides itself on their rich history and being one of the first creatures to feel the rich soil between their claws. In their hearts they are survivors, living past the falling sky which wrecked their homes and families. Morality in this dorm follows the very core of nature and survival and sacrifice, exceeding their pride. Prehistoria is the very core of a survivor, Prehistoria is a family. They take care of each other to ensure the others survival, if that survival is threatened. They'll fight with tooth and claw to their very deaths; they've already survived this long, they aren't going down without a fight. Because of this, oftentimes members of the dorm are seen as the more feral type, letting their animalistic nature peak during struggles.
Zucheng himself is noted as one of the few who are a true embodiment of the dorms values. Despite the odds against him he crawled on his belly through the darkness until he peeked through the light, as a **carnivore**, those in his home of Pangea often avoided him and either ran; or picked a fight if they felt threatened. But who could blame them, they were herbivores in the presence of a starving apex. He lived most of his life as a nomadic loner, only occasionally working with others of his breed for food.
Pangea is a feral land, residents of it whilst still keeping up with the times; are still connected to their animalistic nature. Herbs avoid carnivores, carnivores hunt herbs. Rather than having a singular government residents are either nomadic packs, loners, pack hunters, and cooperative groups only together for the sake of food. The law of the jungle is the only laws every group follows, in times of crisis herbivores and carnivores are not allowed to fight at watering holes. Water is the ichor of life, a shared resource that should not be fought over.
Pangea has schools, it is one of the only other places where hunting and violence against one another is not allowed under any circumstances. Like outside of school, species and diets hang out with one another and do not mix-pack unless they are creatures known for it. It is actively encouraged and enforced in younger children who have a tendacy to make friends with everyone, being done as both a way to ensure a healthy fear of carnivores. And the fact that one day in the future, you might be fighting the other for survival.
Compys, albeit tiny and easily snapped. Are the enforcers of the jungle laws, for in large groups; even the largest apex can be taken down by the nips of these creatures. It is suspected their is another reason however, for these tiny creatures being in such high positions in a country that has no government.
That's all for now lol, will add more info about the world my characters outside the ones who were originally from the twisted wonderland and Narnia are from.
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gaysonlyocean · 2 years
What are the villains so far in it? What're your takes on the classic villains of Spider-Man?
apologies for the delay i went apeshit over recieving a ask at last jhgfghj
im still working out whos in it and whos left on the cutting room floor cause kjhgfgh theres so many different villains yknow but i currently have seven villains, and all but two of them are solid and have actual stuff i can share
those 7 are doctor octopus, kraven the hunter, venom, green goblin, norman osborn whos separate to gobby in this cause i saw that idea and was inspired, the rhino and sandman
gonna put my details on them under the cut cause i have Things To Say
ok so doc ock in this universe is as per usual otto octavius and hes a man in his late 40s who wears hawaiian shirts all the time
i love raimiverse so rosie is here too and married to him and shes trying her best
so his backstory is he made the arms to make a safer and more direct form of manipulating control rods in nuclear reactors, but he didnt believe 1. it would fail or 2. anyone but him would be up for doing the test run, instead he opted for a "if you want something done right do it yourself" approach
and taking a moment to say the plant he picked out for the demostration is where pearl foggers, our spiderperson here, dad and stepmum work
thats a surprise tool that will help no one later
so the demostration happens and everything seems to work as planned but during the whole immediate celebration the power started rising uncontrollably and caused a explosion, of the people in the room with him otto was the only survivor due to the fact he wasnt able to move from where he was standing and had the arms to shield him
he ends up really fucked up from this cause of both shrapnel and burns but also radiation exposure cause while the rest of the plant were able to shut down the reactor so there was only about a minute or so of it being open thats still a lot of radiation and also of course the bog standard getting fused to the arms
and furthermore it takes a good few hours for rescuers to get to him so he was just stuck pinned down and surrounded by dead bodies for a bit which isnt very good for your mental health yknow
anyway he finally gets rescued and then has to spend three months in a isolation ward to recover which is incredibly painful considering the amount of damage and is made worse cause everything he was wearing that could be removed had to be destroyed including his wedding ring
only to find once hes given the clear that he can go home that hes being painted as villain for the accident even through he tried everything he could to stop the power rise and has no idea what caused it
and his reaction to this is "if theyre going to call me a villain, a villain i shall be"
moving on to kraven who is in the art ive posted, we have miss evpratsiya olesya kravinoff, whos built like rhea ripley
shes this 6'7 woman who is just as insane as any other kraven out there and its great, like she will start mauling you and also due to the fact ill have to remake her ref she is going around tits out while doing all of this too
she hasnt even got like a fuckign kjhgfghj reason to be this way shes just insane and went to serbia to get mutated to be even more insane and THEN she shows up in the plot she didnt have to do that she just did
and then THEN she arrives in new york and sees spider-fire and is just "that is a child" and openly says "hey im not going to fight a child leave now or else"
and pearl, being 1. a spiderperson and 2. a 13 year old says no!! im goign to stop you from doing crime!! and evpratsiya just shrugs and starts throwing blades at spider-fire WHO SHE INSTANTLY CLOCKS AS BEING A 13 YEAR OLD MAAM CALM DOWN
and like,,, she also stalks pearl for a bit to find out the perfect time to strike and the one redeeming part of this behaviour is she refuses to go after flick if flickers not doing spidey stuff cause thats not honourable while actively stalking this CHILD
she wont stop being this way, shes jsut insane and running around with her titties just out to try to violently kill a child
oh also shes engaged to calypso, we stan a insane lesbian
that whole,,, thing aside we are moving onto venom!! instead of a human disaster we have another 13 year old!!
so pearls best friend is this kid called daisy peachley and theyve both been friends for years bonding over being nonbinary and not neurotypical cause pearls autistic and daisy has adhd
but the problem is daisy has a MASSIVE crush on pearl but pearl doesnt feel the same way cause ones aroace but hasnt jhgfgh had that realisation yet
and cause theyre close daisy knows pearl hasnt ever had a crush on anyone and rationalises how pens feelings wont be returned so instead shes just agonising over it and pining aggressively
some infomation about daisy is pen is fostered but isnt exactly in the best situation aka the apartment is full of other foster kids who are all being basically neglected so daisy spends pens time out of the house
this all leads to one day at like 4am daisys out and about as per usual but instead of just messing around shes having a bad time and is doign some arson cause as kids pen and pearl used to spend a lot of time in this lil tiny shack they made for funsies and daisy has been maintaining it ever since while pining over the feelings and pens had enough and burns it to the ground
as this is happening pen sees something fall from the sky and as a 13 year old who is going through it she decides to check it out
and if youve seen the blob then we have the scene were dan the can man picks up the blob with a stick and it falls onto his hand but its daisy seeing the symbiote
obviously this is very scary to a child but whats more scary? the sound of people approaching!! so daisy makes a break for it
and then doesnt show up to school for a week to get used to this situation
now kjhgfghj the problem comes with a angry traumatised 13 year old being combined with venom so pens foster parents get cronched and then the two of them are just doing the worst way to cope with all these feelings by taking it out on everyone
in lighter news we have my green goblin!!! its fucking terrifying
so pov: you are norman osborn, you make the serum and your trying to find out the uses for it all, you sign papers allowing all kinds of experimentation not really caring for what your funding
and you get more than you bargained for
gobby here is a 9 foot tall embodiment of destruction and chaos and that knows who is responsible for its being here
it was "born" in january of 2017, and it escaped in october and oh how it had a plan
but in more kjhgfghj light news the first thing that experienced was the joy of trick or treaters thinking its cool and all thats clothes came from a halloween store and a weird lil girl who gave it her witch hat
after that it wasnt seen for several more months aside from some glances such as being seen on cctv and so on until that found where norman osborn lives and made itself at home
now norman canonly dies in this universe and thats important to gobbys arc cause that doesnt let the world know its out there until norman is no more as that was spending all its time terrorising him for fun and well, that enrichment is gone now, and that wants to play
speaking of norman in this universe is a fuck! :)
pearl already didnt like him prior to the bite cause he owns the building flick lives in and keeps bringing the rent up so everyones struggling and when you see how that effects your family yoru gonna form some strong opinions
i will admit i dont have a lot for him but i do have he has his whole terrorism thing going on by calling himself the green terror and doign that shit after work which leads to his death and thats kjhgfghj all i have but its more than what i have for flint
moving on!! rhino is very heavily inspired by tssm cause i love it so much
his full name is aleksei o'hirn-sytsevich but everyone whos not his mothers side of the family call him alex and hes a trans man!! his mums a first generation russian immigrant and his dads a third generation irish immigrant but he doesnt feel like he belongs to either culture
hes got giganticism! hes pretty good at not causing problems for himself or others by being big but when he was younger he was like a bull in a china shop
his backstory here is he was just a petty thief but then he ended up seeing somethings he shouldnt have and even though he wasnt gonna tell he was still grabbed for it to be safe and then just sorta gaslit and manipulated to getting the suit on so he couldnt tell people
as fucked up as that is hes jsut going along with it jhfdghj like it could be worse hes not dead yknow
and lastly sandman!! i really dont have a lot im afraid
i do have hes a amab enby and is in a relationship with alex cause once again i love tssm and hes got a death hawk that he never properly styles cause he cant be bothered to kjhgfghj
what little i have of a origin for him is just oscorp is involved and its all started cause of alexs disappearence cause he Knows he wouldnt just skip town without telling like 12 people first
so welcome to this essay im so normal
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kittytual · 3 years
-crashes thru the wall 6 hours late- 📖 kurapika
lucky for u i actually have at least two aus abt them??? but i’ll just post abt the one i’m thinking abt rn. it involves another charatcer too so uhh yea
just gonna copy past jt here lol
OKAY so basically its a pairo survives au??? but with a twist???? like it Does change a lotta things abt the story, specifically kurapikas arc. pairo survives the massacre (or he joins kurapika and gets separated along the way) and dedicates himself to finding kurapika and reclaiming the eyes after finding out abt the massacre. kurapika on the other hand chases down the pt, no strings attached, with nobody to stop them besides melody which doesnt work very well bc Obviously. theyre a lot more ruthless without a support system but not to the point where they condone murder, just to the point they dont give themself a break which still aligns w/ canon.
wait this isnt abt kurapika uhh older pairo wears glasses bc he can still kinda see?? but not enough since,, hes still disabled. he uses a cane to move around and hey!! he can function while still being disabled what a surprise !!! /s (listen i dont rlly like the idea that he HAD to be cured of his disabilities like its some kinda hindrance if that makes sense?? bc disabled ppl ARE able to be respected and function despite their disablity so wouldnt it make sense if pairo could too. and disabled rep is swag even if the only rep we have in hxh r two characters who end up dying in the end
anyway pairo enters the hunter exam, meets the other three (and he esp gets along w/ leorio like,,, hes like a brother to him), everything is the same basically except for when we get to yorknew. him + killugon and leorio hear abt the chain user killing a pt member and killugon gets kidnapped and questioned on whether they know the chain user and ofc they dont know bc they havent met kurapika. pairo gets questioned as well??? i think during the second time they get themselves kidnapped in canon???? and ofc nothing bc pairo doesnt know current pika :pensive: idk i kinda need to revise this bc A LOT goes on in yorknew and theres so much i hafta change for things to make sense
fast forward to election + succession arc. pairo does the thing kurapika DOESNT do :rage: and visits gon and yanno all the shit in election happens. he gets the rest of the eyes yadda yadda yadda. OH WAIT did i forget to say that hes in the mafia??? and hes a boss like kurapika???? yea he wears a suit but its white instead of black bc GET IT THEYRE OPPOSITES HE WEARS READ WHILE THEY WEAR BLUE !!!! anyway during a mission he ends up finding kurapika bleeding on the floor and takes them in. i think there Would be scenes where they bump into each other in the streets but pairo is in denial bc theres no fucking way he found his best friend in the middle of a sidewalk after seven years right. anyway kurapika wakes up in pairos apt and is like "whoaaa wtf where am i" and starts freaking out and pairo explains to them and theyre like "oh right i almost died lol!" he doesnt recognize pairo until like. a While later bc i hc kurapika to have trouble recognizing faces esp those he hasnt seen in a while. they end up catching up and pairos goal is basically acheived besides finding the last of the eyes. kurapika eventually tells him what theyve been up to and reveals themself as the chain user from yorknew. pairo doesnt approve that kurapiaks been murdering ppl in the name of revenge even if theyve only killed one (pakus still alive i think??? idk) person and havent since bc the pt is liek. EVERYWHERE and its a wild goose chase. detective vs thief kinda thing. kurapika offers pairo to join them in killing the troupe. brains and brawn yadda yadda yadda. ofc pairo refuses and asks kurapika to open up and find some way to heal bc they havent had a proper support system in so long???? ofc kurapika refuses and OH. guys this is where we get to pairos nen. so its basicallly like. hes either a manipulator or specialist idk. i dont think hed benefit from having an ability used to fight since hes a clever kid so basically he coerces statements from ppl. think jonathan sims from the magnus archives. he asks a question and the person ends up being forced to answer no matter what. this helps him retrieve the eyes and help kurapika open up. nen basically says a lot abt personality bc like i said!! pairos a clever person. its his own form of justice just like how kurapikas form of jsutice is killing the spiders, esp in this au bc they feel its all they have (theyre wrong <3). maybe they end up finding the last of the eyes together idk
thats all i rlly have but there IS a good ending!! both pairo and krpk gain closure + krpk gets therapy at his besties suggestion and they end up meeting the other three + alluka and kalluto. bc killua saves kalluto too in this au. maybe succession happens idk??? i cant rlly imagine it since that arcs all abt kurapika finding connections and seeing themself as human again and that can happen in so many ways i think. but yea theres a happy ending for everyone, krpk and pairo reunite and learn to move on from their past while healthily grieving their fallen brethren. kurapika and leorio get together and marry in another few years bc i cant imagine kurapika doing Any kinda relationship stuff at 19 lmao
so ur prolly wondering “why dont u make an au where the massacre never happens and pairo survives and takes the exam w/ kurapika” and while i ADORE those kinda aus bc they deserve to be happy, those aus r like everywhere??? like everyone and their grandma has done it and i wanna make an au nobody has rlly done so,,, plus everyones happy in the end as it should be <3 except for chrollo/hisoka/illumi/palm/tserriednich. they die or smth
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
I Watched TWS for the Millionth Time So Let’s Over-Analyze This Shit
-TFA theme at the beginning 🥰 (that theme is so fuckin good)
-Sam’s lil jogging route around the Tidal Basin/Mall
-Steve being sassy , just as a general
-Steve’s sadness errands
-Sam relating to Steve on the soldier front and making him feel seen
-Just. Sam Wilson
-The way that Steve’s to-do list in the movie varies from country to country (For instance, the UK list has Sherlock instead of I Love Lucy and The Beatles)
-Also I wanna know Steve’s thai order
-The fact that this whole exchange is happening at 6:39 am
-Natasha drives with all the recklessness of a 16 year old that just got their license
-Stealth Suit Stealth Suit
-Steve deflecting Nat’s date suggestions
-Steve’s aversion for parachutes...reckless endangerment ✨
-Steve speaking/understanding at least a little french
-Tony having designed the Helicarriers to have arc reactor power instead of turbines because “he got a close up look at the turbines” in The Avengers 2012 when he got caught in them
-“This isnt freedom, this is fear” aka the embodiment of Steve’s character
-Steve’s exhibit being in the Air and Space museum even tho he flew a plane once and crashed it
-Bucky’s display having two different birth years (1916 and 1917. the correct one is 1917)
-In the little video of Steve and Bucky, Sebastian Stan was saying “We *are* friends” after the director told them to “act like friends” for that shot
-Steve acknowledging Peggy’s family and therefore acknowledging that their relationship with each other, while still close and special, is not romantic anymore and Peggy telling Steve to move on and start over wtf endgame
-The parallel of Peggy losing her memory as Bucky regains his
-Sam Wilson willing to show vulnerability and not being ashamed of his PTSD and treating Steve like any other attendee and hoping Steve will open up too if he sees that it’s okay to
-Steve’s face after “it was like I was up there just to watch” cuz he gets it and both sam and him had to watch their other half fall
-“What makes you happy?” “I don’t know”
-The Winter Soldier theme is just Bucky’s scream pitched different and made to sound mechanical because Henry Jackman wanted it to sound like a man trapped in a machine
-Why is Steve a lucky bastard that has his own laundry machine
-STEVE’s APARTMENT I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS (i might make a separate post on that)
-The fact that “A Long, Long Time” is playing when he sees Bucky for the first time in the future and the song is about lovers reuniting after the war i’m not saying it’s gay but i am
-He calls Fury “Nick” which really indicates theyre not close in the slightest
-Steve is excellent in adapting under pressure (him immediately catching on and using Fury’s code story: “who else knows about your wife?”)
-Steve is Awful at lying but hes also Excellent at lying
-How tf did Steve get the flash drive in the vending machine without the vending machine dude noticing i-
-“Captain Rogers” “Neighbor >:(“ petty little shit
-Steve’s observation skills are A+++++ as we can see in the elevator scene
-More reckless endangerment like imagine just going through your work day and captain america falls through the ceiling
-Steve stole someones gym clothes after escaping SHIELD. let that sink in
-Natasha has about a billion masks on at all times (“I only act like i know everything, rogers” “the person that programmed this was slightly smarter than me. slightly” “the truth isn’t all things to all people all of the time”) also she’s quite insecure, especially when it comes to being perceived as a good, trustable person
-Meanwhile, Steve’s consistently himself even if it costs him
-Bucky trained Natasha in the Red Room (at least in the comics) so theres a good chance she made the connection between him and Steve and withheld that information
-The honeymoon in New Jersey😭😭
-Steve and Nat both have very different, but entirely valid approaches to situations: Steve’s is that of a tactiction, Nat’s is that of a spy’s. We see this in the scene at Pentagon City Mall
-Steve’s looking for someone with shared life experience and bucky has that
-Bucky killed JFK
-When Zola tells him that his death and life both amount to that of a zero sum, he punches the screen with his bare fist, not his shield, indicating just how much that upset him
-Pierce offers Bucky milk cuz he knows “the asset” can’t refuse or accept offers. He’s taunting him
-Sam drinks orange juice straight from the bottle and also doesnt refrigerate his mustard. There’s also a baseball trophy in his apartment so,,,,, baseball player sam anyone?
-Sam is also a gem who immediately helps out Steve and Nat with no judgement in his tone so they don’t feel ashamed
-Nat straightened her hair somewhere in Sam’s house
-“Cuz thats really not your style, Rogers” “you’re right, it’s not” *rubs sitwell’s arm* “it’s hers”
-Steve and Nat banter Steve and Nat banter
-Sam is just *clenches fist* so cool
-Nat immediately knows where Bucky’s gonna shoot when he lands on the Sam’s car and later she knows how to affectively fight him best because he trained her so she knows his fighting style
-Steve alone saying “Bucky?” was enough to break Bucky’s conditioning the slightest bit
-Sam met Steve like 36 hours ago and he’s already being arrested and made into a government fugitive with him and it won’t be the last time
-Steve is the only one entirely restrained
-“Even when I had nothing I had Bucky”
-Everyone meets Sam and is just like “aight let’s trust him with the highest clearance security information”
-Steve looks super nauseous all through the scene where Rumlow is handcuffing him and later when he says, “he looked right at me, like he didn’t even know me” he sounds sick and choked up
-Steve carries a lot of weight on his shoulders
-Steve’s “Bucky?” after the highway battle and Steve’s “Bucky?” in Bucky’s memory in the Vault Scene being different (in Bucky’s memory, he looks more heartbroken)
-Sebastian’s acting. Just all of it. And the way Bucky just opens his mouth for the mouth guard before he gets wiped....heartbreaking
-Steve realizes an organization that was meant to protect the people has become its own antithesis so hes like “aight. get rid of it” damn that’s the right mindset right there
-In the memory scene after Sarah’s funeral, Steve is so out of it and distressed, that he can’t find his key but Bucky immediately knows exactly where it is and what he’s lookin for
-Bucky was vain as shit and also had money: tailored suit, hair w shit ton of brylcreem in it
-The big breakfast Steve had was at Sam’s house
-The whole scene on the helicarrier between Steve and Bucky is incredible here are some highlights: Steve never backing down from a fight until it’s Bucky he’s fighting, Steve dropping the shield for him, Steve being ready to die if living means he’s living in a world where Bucky’s alive and doesnt remember him
-Their acting in that scene is so genuine and heartbreaking i can’t- i can’t-
-Steve’s got a comm i’m so chances are Nat, Sam and Maria can hear a portion of what’s going down on the helicarriers
-“I’m with ya to the end of the line” is basically “til death do us part” so the equivalent of wedding vows between Bucky and Steve is what ultimately broke Bucky’s conditioning
-When bucky fell, steve didn’t jump after him but when Steve fell, bucky went after him even tho he’s brainwashed. don’t think about steve’s guilt surrounding that. youll only get sad
-Bucky waited until Steve took a breath to leave him
-Sam waited by Steve’s side in the hospital
-In the end credit scene, Bucky and Steve originally were supposed to make eye contact, but the writers didn’t want it established that Bucky remembered Steve until CW
Every time I watch it from here on out, I’m gonna add a lil more as I notice hehehe
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kevinwastaken · 3 years
okay so idk if anyones done this yet, but this has been in my mind ever since i got into omori lmao
so uhHhHhhh heres my idea for an identity v omori crossover! just because i think it would be neat
this is going to be a super long post (probably), so if you want to read it, just hit read more or whatever
i also want to say that some character choices are gonna be taken from my friend, @/kami.rikki on instagram. but she didnt think as hard on these as i did so like idk
there Will be spoilers for omori, so just be warned of that lmao
so as i said before, this has been on my mind for a HOT minute. and i think it would be a cool collab
for starters, this crossover will be split up (as is every other crossover) in two parts, with one hunter two survivors. i know essence usually have one hunter three survivors, but theres not enough characters for that, and six can be split up evenly sooo
i was thinking that the skins could be like the ones from the persona 5 crossover. like, they can be “awakened” in a sense. the base costumes will be the dream world versions of everyone, while the awakened costumes will be the real world versions. i wasnt here for the persona 5 crossover, so idk how many of those spirit things you had to collect, but i Do know that omoris spirit things could be. uh
well actually i dont know. initially i was thinking lightbulbs, like the one in white space, but the lightbulb isnt too important in the game i dont think? and im not sure about clams either. i know theyre dream world currency, but??
oh actually, maybe you can collect Something to awaken the costumes. because something is a representation of the truth in sunnys mind, and by awakening the costumes, you get to see the characters as their real selves. yeah lets go with that, you collect something from the essence
i swear ive been thinking this out shut up
the hunter costumes wont be awakened though, and i have a reason for this
part one
the characters that will be present in part one are sunny, basil, and aubrey. i chose them first because. ofc, sunnys the protag, basils his best friend and helped cover up maris death hes important to the story but anyway, and aubrey is <<33 yuh
so heres whos going to be who:
sunny/omori as wu chang
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so let me preface this by saying that im not a hunter main. never have been, never will be. and ive never played wu chang. but i swear thisll make sense, im doing research
wu chang is actually composed of two characters, with two different stats: xie, the white guard, and fan, the black guard. i cant tell the difference while im playing, considering the fact that my ass is either running away or decoding. but theres a difference i looked it up
sunny would be the white guard. xie is a fast chaser, but has slow attack speed. ie, slow hits, slow pallet breaking, that stuff. this reflects how sunny is in the real world. he can run, yes, but hes still physically weak due to being locked in his house for four years and spending all his time sleeping. he would be better for chasing than attacking
omori would be the black guard. fan is the opposite of xie, having slow chasing speed but faster attack speed. this reflects in omori. omori is Very apathetic, and really, i dont think he would care to chase anybody unless it was for a quest. though, i guess killing survivors Is a quest for hunters, but. anyway
in battle, omori is a good fighter. his attacks are strong, (although not as strong as say. aubrey or kel. but who am i to say, the playthrough i watched had omori constantly sad) out of him and sunny, omori would be the attacker. so theres my choice for them
the umbrella can probably be switched for a knife. maybe an elongated knife. im not entirely sure, but i know the umbrella wont stay as an umbrella
basil as kurt frank
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so i know what youre thinking. why is basil “the explorer??” hear me out this is actually a really good idea
the true best choice would be emma, since shes the gardener, but idv doesnt like giving characters skins of the opposite gender if you know what i mean. anyway
basil isnt a fighter. hes an assist, yes, but that was only for a crime four years ago. not my point, he wouldnt want to be in the action
i think he’d be a really good decoder. especially a good kurt
i originally wanted him to be prisoner, out of no bias whatsoever (/j) but kurt is a good fit for him
basil hides. he hides from things. he hides from the truth just like sunny, and he hides from others. albeit he still goes outside
i will not lie, i have a very personal grudge against kurt players. i dont want them to have anything because every kurt main ive come across was toxic to me specifically. but anyway
so one of kurts abilities is that he can go smaller to run around undetected and/or hide. i find this perfect for basil, because. yknow. hiding
his other ability is to find password pages and use them to decode ciphers faster. i think this would be funny because basils existence in headspace leads sunny to remembering the truth about maris death. i mean, if he werent in headspace, omori and the gang would continue going on adventures like nothing is wrong, so basil sort of speeds up the acknowledging process
this sounds dumb actually. but it makes sense in my head
anyway, the book would be turned into basils photo album, and he wouldnt have a backpack like kurt does. theres my answer
and finally,
aubrey as margaretha zelle
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aubrey was actually really hard to pick out. none of the female survivors really fit her, aside from maybe coord, but i dont know what her gun would turn into. i will admit that her section wont be as detailed as basil or sunnys. but anyway my choice is with margie
aubrey imo would be a good kiter. she has strong stats all around, so i feel as if she’d be a great fit for margie. not to mention her speed boost when falling from large heights, which would make her a faster runner and harder to chase if used right. aubrey would be more physically fit since shes a fighter and seems to do a lot of stuff with the hooligans, which also helps prove that she should be a kiter. ANYWAY
so margie has these music boxes that can mess with the hunter, right? some of aubreys attacks can mess with enemies iirc. soooo theyre kind of similar in a way, arent they?
im not exactly sure what the music box can be turned into. maybe a small piano? aubrey cares about mari a lot, and the reason shes so pissed at everyone and rebellious is because she felt like everyone had forgotten about mari and moved on with their lives. so the music box could be a tribute to mari
i dont know how many changes they made with ann tamakis costume in the persona crossover, other than cosmetics for the skin only, so im not sure if the music box was changed at all. i can dream though
in the case that its changed, the blue box could be the song from the playground in headspace (yknow the one) while the red box could be the final duet song. but just with the piano, not the violin
because yes, i thought about the essence too
of course, aside from the skins, there will be other stuff in the essence too. so itll be as follows:
for portraits, theyre going to be the neutral battle portraits from headspace. aside from basil and mari, who do not have battle portraits. theirs will just be of their neutral expressions with the neutral emotion backround behind them. i would add pictures, but the character pictures add up to six, so i’d run out of room before reaching part two
for graffiti, im not really sure. maybe everyones overworld sprites in headspace? along with maybe one of Something
for accessories, i actually have an idea of what thesell be. theyre going to be character exclusive accessories, just like how tpn did theirs
for aubrey, she’ll have mr plantegg. i was thinking of maybe having her bat as an accessory, but
OH ACTUALLY her bat could be a shop accessory that changes the music boxes!! probably an a tier tbh
anyway, the essence accessory for her is mr plantegg, and its there strictly for cosmetic purposes. for basil, he’d get either a pair of garden shears, or a basil plant, since yknow. his names basil. this is also for cosmetic purposes
they all are. i should say that now, the accessories are all cosmetic except aubreys a tier shop bat
finally, for sunny, im not entirely sure what to give him. i could give him a knife, sure, but then he’d have two knives because of the umbrella. maybe a steak? or a pair of red hands? im torn on this
and that concludes part one
part two
part two consists of mari, hero, and kel. do not separate them </3
here are my character choices:
mari as yidhra
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so i know yidhra may seem like a weird choice. i originally thought of maybe mary, but this makes sense to me
yidhra herself will be mari. im not sure which version, but even though i have real world mari in the photo, maybe headspace mari would be better. nobody can see her anyway lmao
yidhras servants will be, again, mari, but she looks as she did when basil and sunny hung her on the tree. her hairs covering her face, with her right eye being visible. kind of like the girl from the ring, but anyway yeah
yidhra is the dream witch. she haunts your dreams and she haunts mine when i go against her. maris death haunts everyone, especially sunny and basil (whom know the truth of what happened,) so this just seems like a perfect fit
her death is “leeched” onto everyones minds (pun entirely intended), so attaching herself to survivors with only her death appearance visible is mmmm
instead of an axe, maybe her weapon can be the jump rope she was hung from? and it can be used as a whip? that makes the most sense to me idk
im not good at explaining things, but if you were to see dream witch in a match, youd know how good this would work
also brings a new meaning to “my thoughts will follow you into your dreams” HELLO
hero as norton campbell
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so hero was kind of hard for me to pick too. i wanted him to be a support character, but looking around, there are. barely any that would work. my closest choice was victor, but?? the letters???? they dont correlate
hero doesnt give me kiter vibes, but nortons good at rescues too, as long as youre in an area with obstacles. and usually, when someone dies in battle, hero can make life jam to revive the fallen party member
nortons magnets are used to either bring the hunter closer to him, or push the hunter away. both can be used to stun with obstacles. while hero doesnt have any stun attacks that i can remember, he does have charming abilities that can be used to take damage for the other party members. so similar stuff? idk
i guess his magnets can be turned into chocolate chip cookies, since thats what he uses to heal everyone. if not cookies, then i dont know
oh actually one of nortons abilities is called “attract.” thats so funny if you put hero as him lmao
heros section is kind of short, my bad
kel as william ellis
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come on. who else were you expecting me to use? its the basketball man as the football man
while kel is a fighter in battle, he can also be used as a backup healer. aubrey is the main fighter of the group, and hero is the main healer. so hes kind of a catch-all in a sense
kels an athlete. he plays basketball. williams an athlete. he plays football. need i say more
im not gonna lie, this is kind of a don tpn situation where it just Makes Sense that kel would be william
the football will probably be replaced with either a rubber ball or a basketball, depending on which skin youre using. the former is for headspace kel, the latter for real world kel
the buffs and debuffs for william makes sense on kel too. kel would probably have trouble with something as (probably) complex as the cipher machines, and the struggle and vaulting buffs show off his athleticisim
same with the football, using rush to rescue is such a kel thing to do
for part two, there will be about the same things as part one
the portraits will be the neutral battle portraits, this time with the real world counterparts of everyone. basil and maris will be their neutral expressions on the neutral battle background. though, since mari doesnt have Real real world portraits, i guess they could use the one from the one i used on the mari yidhra picture
for graffiti, it can be the real world overworld sprites
in terms of accessories, theyre still cosmetic and character exclusive. maris can be the white egret orchid, since thats the flower that represents her. heros can be a spatula, as thats his weapon of choice in headspace. for kel, im not sure. hes using the ball as a weapon so???
maybe he can get a cactus, because thats his assigned plant
in terms of shop items, i think i know the perfect thing
mewo as a pet
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mewo my beloved. nobody could ever forget you
mewo would be a hunter pet. she would be cool for survs too i guess, but considering both her owners are hunters.....
mewo would probably follow the hunter around, not really doing much. i think it would be Extremely funny though if every time a survivor was chaired, she just chilled next to them in the pose shes always in in white space
thats pretty much it. if you got this far, thank you!! i spent like two hours writing this whole thing out LMAO damn
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irkenheretic · 4 years
okay i promised id do it and im doing it: Explaining The Plot Of That AU I’m Vague About: The Post
(as i was preparing to write this i actually got my 250th follower, which slapped)
so i’m just gonna start with the simple version, which is this: it’s a rebel AU which primarily centers around the tallest, who are both defective. they give up on trying to make any meaningful changes as figureheads, and instead direct their attention to being involved with the “neo defect revolution,” or NDR. they do manage to make one change as tallest- there is a garbage dump planet turned into a sanctuary for defectives (who in this au are executed once discovered,) and eventually enough of the populace finds out about it that the tallest have to deal with it. they finesse their way into kicking it out of the empire, so now it’s its own planet with its own rules, governments, and most importantly, immigration policies and protections
a lot of stuff happens and it’s gonna be structured using arcs, and each arc has a separate protagonist/deuteragonist/tritagonist lineup (but that doesnt mean the same lineup won’t be used multiple times!) and yes the insane list of OCs are for this au alone: some arcs are very OC-centric, some have OCs as supporting characters, and a couple are all-OC or mostly-OC. 
its going to be very longform and it’ll span from the tallest’s elite training days to twenty years after zim arrives on earth. (the 20 year gap btwn zim arriving on earth and the story proper isnt as tightly plotted as later tho.) the point is to see how a revolution on the scale of the NDR works, who was fucked over by defact laws, who was fucked over by other laws, etc. theres a lot of lore and a lot of headcanons i made for this AU and even a conlang. i am a being of hubris. itll be a series of fics, some multichapter and some oneshots. 
the series as a whole is gonna be called Invader Zim: Annexed or just Annexed for short. its a pun on an irken word that sounds similar but means the exact opposite. i am not explaining more bc itll be explained in the fic itself. but thats why the tag for it is #anx lmao
i didnt mean for this to be as long as it got but under the cut im gonna breakdown some of the early arcs:
so it all starts with a fanfic called Love Is The H-Word (no the “h-word” isn’t “hell.) it centers around red and purple as elites-in-training, who do a little whoopsie and have an egg. purple doesnt wanna smuggle it into a smeetery, bc then he’ll never see it again, so they go to the defect sanctuary (still a part of the empire at this point.) purple knows he’s defective while red has a hard time accepting that he is as well, due to events from his past. but being around all these other defects are starting to wear down his denial, and the fic is all about that. it also sets up some plot stuff, like how defects adopted a self-identifier in the word “heretic,” hence the sanctuary being named, “heretirk.” (hey look my url!) (no, the “h-word” is not heretic, either.) 
i dont wanna say what happens in that fic bc spoilers, but stuff Happens. its also when we meet some ocs that end up being important, and the existence of others are foreshadowed. this is also where we meet the tallests’ future advisor, rarl kove, for the first time, as a local who decides to keep them company. purple bonds with kove due to their shared interest in politics, while red reluctantly bonds with titch, a young irken (a smeet in heretirken standards, an adult in imperial standards- did i mention he and red are roughly the same age? lol) who is interested in military stuff and thrill-seeking and general destruction. titch is pissed because he claims his father is stealthing on devastis as a military commander, but won’t let titch sneak in as a soldier, as titch is deaf. 
(fun facts: in the au, “titch” is regional slang for “a little bit.” ironically, titch the character is above-average in height.)
due to titch’s deafness, he developed “gesturespeak,” irken sign language, so he can communicate. this existing becomes important later
a oneshot called invade the system is right after h-word in publishing order. it details zim’s exploits in leaving foodcourtia, where he was assigned and infiltrating the invading academy he eventually graduates from (in this au, zim is too short to be an invader, which sucks because the hight minimums for the military are really short to begin with lmao)
the fic chronoligically after H-Word focuses on red and purple being back in their platoon on devastis, specifically red navigating his training and his relationships with two defective platoonmates, pon and zi (who are in h-word a little,) after the realization that he too is defective. it also focuses on how the irken military works, and how they train their soldiers. 
the first arc overall focuses on red and purple going thru training and such, and ends after they graduate and are on the field, working to get commander rank. (they planned to gain commander rank then leave and go back to heretirk to train an army there, as heretirk has.... no army.) in the middle of this, they’re pulled out and told they are to become the next tallest. they debate over staying and taking the job or just running to heretirk, and they ultimately decide to stay.
the next arc i call the “bridge,” tbh. its less tightly plotted than the other arcs; fics are spread apart from each other chronologically and all that. it spans the time after the tallest being appointed to a little after zim arrives on earth. it also has a couple of anthologies focusing on imperial defects- each chapter is a new character. these guys are all important and the easiest way for me to introduce their backstories without cluttering everything up is anthology style, lmao. other things that happen are a look into how the tallest work, eventually culminating with the resolution of the tallest having to Deal With Heretirk, tenn’s rescue from meekrob, and zim on earth obtaining a half-irken smeet named pip due to stealing an Unethical Science Experiment from dib (which is pip.) the bridge is basically just. “heres some stuff that happens between point A and point B so when we get to point B you’re not confused as all hell.” 
the next arc focuses on zim. in the first fic, pip is sick and zim is trying to get into his neighbor’s pants, to cope. this basically sets up that zim in this au has no idea how to find personal fulfillment in living- he’s only OK if he focuses on pleasing someone else, be it taking care of pip or doting on the neighbor, some rando human named piqu (pronounced, “peek.”) this is mainly a cute romance story with the underlying veneer of “a child is slowly and painfully dying” in the background. fun! 
without spoiling the circumstances, zim and pip end up on heretirk, which at this point is its own independent planet. pip is in the hospital for most of it so zim has to do his own thing. computer fans rejoice bc hes basically zims dad at this point, who tells him to go outside and get some fresh air and talk to the locals instead of schmooping or screaming in anxiety. im sneakily introducing more characters like ini, the “next-gen zim;” a short bio-engineer (she works on PAKs) who was constantly passed over by everyone because they dont trust someone that short or they dont trust someone that spazzy, even though shes actually brilliant. also her brother mo, who’s a pilot that NOBODY will teach military-class ships to (at this point, HTK has a population of ex-military that had their old ships, but still no formal army) because he doesnt talk and they think hes “slow” as a result. for the curious, he is physically able to talk most times, he just doesnt like it. zim ends up teaching him how to fly military-class which ends up being important laterrr
(haha ini and mo. wheres meenie and minie? ILL GET TO THEM)
no really, theyre quadruplets. named ini, myni, minie, and mo. these are real characters. 
minie isnt introduced till later. shes too cool to be the side character in someone elses arc. she is feel uncomfortable when we are not about her.
myni is busy palling around with pip and pip’s friend “elly” (real name elevenn, with two N’s.) elly is a half-meekrob War Crime Baby and tenn’s smeet. he has vision problems (he can “see” energy signatures of things, as opposed to conventional sight. everything is monochrome and he has to really focus to see like, words on a paper. also fuck tablets) but the trade-up is telekinetic powers (that he cant use too much or his brain will melt. fun!) this isnt relevant until the arc AFTER zim’s, where they end up poking around a historical site due to myni’s interest in that kind of thing, and they find logs of an old revolution (that was actually pretty successful in their goal, before they were caught and executed,) that lead them to a man named lefy. he helps with revolutions and helped these guys, and the trio go to seek him out; myni because he wants to impress his parents with helping them, pip because after they’ve recovered enough to walk around and do stuff, feel like they need to justify the choice to save their life and make their dad proud and all that, elly because he doesnt want pip to get hurt and die. And thats where the stuff REALLY starts happening and i cant tell u more sorry
this seemed kind of disjointed but thats bc i cant really be too detailed otherwise id like.... spoil it lmfao. but thats the summary of the first few arcs.
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gunkyengines · 4 years
4, 7, and 9, for the s/i questions if you're still taking them!
Ohhhh my gods @jetsetspy I’m so sorry for answering this question so late ;-; My answers are under the cut!
4. Does your insert have a backstory? Tell us about it! How does their backstory, if any, define who they are? How does it reflect their relationships now? Their hopes and dreams?
Bellamy Amplexus – Final Fantasy XV SI
Bellamy doesn’t have much of a backstory just yet, but I do know this:
·         Their family isn’t a huge part of their life, aside from a younger sibling, who, to this day, I have not yet named.
·         They want a sense of belonging somewhere, and have a number of self-image complications (it’s not really a set of “issues” to them, because they’ve found comfort in their body and self over time, but they still have wishes about what they could be seen as—androgyny is a tough line to straddle).
·         They hate the nickname “Bella”.
·         Bells, as far as I’m concerned right now, finds their sense of belonging amongst the ‘Bros ever since they just sorta started… tagging along, I guess? It was just an act of good will from the prince and his guards and a bit of hitchhiking on Bells’ end that got them where they are now.
·         They were originally a bit of a vagabond prior to meeting up with the guys. Hitchhiking, walking absurdly long distances, camping out often, all that jazz.
Junko Hisayo – Persona 5 SI
Junko is a character who I largely based off of my late-high school self for both self insertion and coping reasons, but a few things do set her apart from me. As in, she’s a pretty close approximation, but by no means is she a direct, direct copy of me.
She’s a student at Kosei Academy, simply due to the fact that I read on the wiki that it’s speculated to be a catholic school (I was brought up in the catholic education system, so, I could find some accuracy and likeness in that), and attended meetings at both the drama and art club there. She has bitter memories of the two clubs, as she was betrayed by the one major figure in both: her childhood friend Hideo Sunjaya. Since then, she’s taken to expressing her creative outlets in circles outside of her student life, and finds her passion in writing. At the time of Persona 5 canon, she’s set on becoming an editor. In the future canon, she does in fact achieve this goal. In this way Junko’s less of a model of who I was, and instead she’s what I hope to be.
She comes from a somewhat broken home, but has a strong relationship with her mother. Despite her current disconnect, Junko feels that she owes it to her parents that she has such a good understanding of her own identity, as they were supportive when she first came out as sapphic, and continued their support when she decided to be GNC and soon after came into her identity as a demigirl.
Elizabeth Beaufort – Red Dead Redemption 2 SI
Lizzie is a pretty lighthearted simulacrum of a more feminine version of me, translated loosely into the scope of the year 1899. I’m by no means a historian, but here’s Lizzie’s life.
Elizabeth Beaufort is a born and raised resident of the town of Valentine. Her mother is whatever the RDR2 universe’s equivalent of Quebecois French is, having moved to Saint Denis due to a family matter down there, and subsequently met her father. A Valentine resident himself, he beguiled her mother and convinced her to move to Valentine and live as the wife of a livestock owner (he comes from some blue blood ‘round those parts—as mentioned by the VDL in Chapter 2, the town is a goldmine of trade).
As a lady of relative privilege, life was… well, it was what a privileged life is. Sheltered, simple, and for the most part pretty damned easy. However, her naivete wasn’t something that her mother would stand to see Elizabeth keep, as she wanted a strong daughter who wouldn’t simply bend to the hand of tradition. Would I say that Lizzie would’ve most certainly rallied with those girls in Rhodes? YES. I’d rather die than portray any iteration of myself as complacent rather than progressive lmao. Elizabeth Beaufort flows in the vein of RDR2’s… I guess, progressive* writing? More** on that below, I guess???
*I don’t actually know how well it was received by everyone else, and honestly, I’m not even gonna try to speak on anyone else’s behalf but my own—I found that RDR2, despite some shortcomings, made itself a relatively hospitable environment for me as a white queer.
** Lizzie does struggle a lot with her internalized homophobia? Like… she had a lot of difficulty when she was younger coming to terms with the fact that she’s bisexual. This is less prevalent in her backstory considering it only ever surfaces post-canon. Yes, my SI and her FO came out to each other at random after being married to him for approximately 3 months. And it went fuckin’ great cos guess what!! Theyre both bi!! WLW/MLM solidarity!!! Don’t @ me.
Gillian Wright – Red Dead Redemption 2 SI
·         Gilley was brought up amongst a gang of outlaws, and her being born a woman changed nothing about the things she was taught by said gunslingers. She left the group she once called family because of the leadership turning sour. From that point forward she went it alone, shifting in and out of her identity as Gilley Wright and her masculine persona (a pseudonym-turned-identity) Giles Kingsley, to keep herself straddling notoriety and anonymity.
·         Gilley only started wearing her hair short because of an encounter in which her longer hair was used as a means to pull her back into harm’s way. She lopped it off shortly after out of the feeling that it was a necessity, but soon found that she preferred it that way.
·         Thaddeus, her large draft horse, once pulled carts. She took him during a robbery so that she’d have an adequate mount for her getaway. The connection was instant between them.
Taeko Atou – Tokyo Ghoul OC
Taeko went by another name before her time in the 20th ward. She had another face, another life. But that was a self she had to leave far, far behind. Before “Taeko”, she was a reckless twentysomething ghoul living off of her father’s money, basking in the upper echelons of society, indulging in Scrapper shows and seeing humanity as nothing but an unprepared buffet. The danger ranking on her CCG profile demonstrated as much.
One night, however, her cushy life changed drastically. She went out drinking after a Scrapper show with one of her friends and decided to go hunting with her. Things were as usual, they stayed in their territory, but ended up getting apprehended by a group of Doves. During the getaway, her and her friend were separated, and she had no way of knowing whether her friend was alive. Drunk, desperate, and rather terrified, she decided to abandon all else and ripped her mask off to taunt the officers. They deserved to see her face, covered in gore and as ghoulish as they came! Nothing mattered to her at that point and she wanted to give them a scare…!
That is, until the next morning, when she recovered from her hangover and realized what she’d done. One of those Doves got a picture of her. In a panic, she called her father to ask for some sort of mercy money to clear the issue up. He’s frustrated with her constantly getting into increasingly worse trouble and tells her this: he’s going to pay for her to completely change her identity and her face so that she can move elsewhere, completely out of the way of harm. After that, he’d be cutting her off, leaving her with only the savings that she had prior to the cut-off. No more handouts.
This is when she became Taeko Atou, a pseudonym based off of her Scrapper show guest alias, “Miss AT”, and moved to the 20th ward. She has to adjust to average life a la Schitt’s Creek or Arrested Development.
7. What kind of clothing style do they like? What would they never be caught dead wearing? What’s likely in their closet right now?
Bellamy Amplexus – Final Fantasy XV SI
·         Bells LOVES anything that’ll make them look cute and androgynous. They’re super partial to a femme prince aesthetic. Blouses and linens and vests and suspenders and a bunch of that cute shit. (Yes, this is my preferred fashion style and I wish I could look like that all the time.) They’re also into stuff like your average sundresses and such when it’s too hot for “princey” attire because hell yeah.
·         They’d hate to wear… hm… short party dresses? Cocktail dresses n shit. (No shade to those tho theyre cute. Just not Bellamy’s style.)
Junko Hisayo – Persona 5 SI
·         Junko’s super masc and butch in her presentation, binds her chest, does the simple graphic tee + jeans thing a lot. Think “Kanji Tatsumi but a lesbian”.
·         She lowkey doesn’t like wearing overly feminine clothes, like, she does not vibe with dresses.
Elizabeth Beaufort – Red Dead Redemption 2 SI
·         Lizzie is pretty standard when it comes to clothes: blouses and skirts, dresses, all just… really basic stuff. She likes simple and solid colours, maybe simple patterns. She’s also like… very cottagecore. Probably likes overalls if she ever wears ‘em?? I’m not a frickin’ historian and I’m not gonna google early 1900s clothes styles at this hour don’t @ me.
·         This is literally just because I’m basic as all fuck and I like a skirt/blouse or sundress style outfit. I don’t wear it often but that’s my jazz y’know?
Gillian Wright – Red Dead Redemption 2 SI
·         Gilley’s another one of my more boyish characters. She doesn’t deliberately go out of her way to look like a man unless she’s under the guise of her male persona Giles Kingsley. But let me tell you—she goes all out for those occasions, even electing to simulate stubble on her face with cosmetics. Think “cowboy drag king” and you’ll hit the mark.
·         Other than that, she just wears whatever’s convenient and comfortable.
 9. Their favorite foods? Colors? Activities? What do they enjoy in life? How do they express their joy for things they like?
As dumb as this sounds I completely burnt out after writing only 2 self insert likes/interests profiles, forgive me lol.
Bellamy Amplexus – Final Fantasy XV SI
·         Favourite Food: Bells is indecisive, but they will gladly eat anything Ignis puts in front of them. They’re thoroughly convinced he uses magic in his cooking. (They’re only half joking about that—it’s so good!) If they were made to decide a top three, it’d likely be Garden Curry, Broiled King on a Stick, and Moogle Mousse with Kupoberry Sauce. Honorable mention being Gyashi Chips (yes, they like what’s effectively Eosian kale chips).
·         Favourite Colours: ANYTHING PASTEL will win Bellamy over, along with any colour considered light and airy. White, silver, pale green, soft gold, baby blue, lavender, and also whatever the sky has going on at any given time of the day—they’re an aesthetic little shit.
·         Favourite Activities: Travelling, leisure shopping when funds allow it (if given the means, Bellamy will 100% engage in excessive retail therapy, no joke), swimming, loving their friends, talking about books and music, gardening, and (I know this sounds vain but bear with me) preening. Yes, they’d be a vlogger in another life. Don’t @ me
·         Bells loves to talk in excess about what they like, and on occasion, when words fail, they tend to express it through squealing, jumping, etc. If someone points out how passionate Bells is about these things, they’ll end up flustered and ask the person if they could continue. I guess you could say Bellamy stims? I’m not diagnosed with anything, so take this with a grain of salt, but I do have stimming habits.
Junko Hisayo – Persona 5 SI
·         Favourite Food: Junko’s pretty partial to miso soup. It’s one of her weaknesses. Total comfort food. (Bro I fuckin’ love miso soup.) As well as baked goods like cupcakes.
·         Favourite Colours: Red, black, silver, pink, blue, purple.
·         Favourite Activities: drawing (sketches, scribbles, doodles, colouring, etc., singing, baking/cooking, writing, and she learned to love gardening after getting close to Haru.
·         Junko tends to show her happiness through verbal and artistic expression, she’s also the type that tends to crack jokes (mostly shitty puns followed up by finger guns).
Again, thank you so much for asking, thank you so much for asking! QwQ Asks are still open, everyone.
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hdl separated at birth au hdl separated at birth au hdl separated at bir-
i can always count on you to ask abt the separated at birth au. ok this is long af so im gonna post most of it under a read more
basically: when della steals the rocket and disappears, the eggs disappear too. donald and scrooge still get into their huge fight and stop speaking to each other, but without the boys to ground him, donalds a wreck, assuming his sister and nephews are all dead. well, not quite
about 6 years after della disappears, donald gets mugged by some beagle boys who realize that hes scrooge mcducks nephew and decide to try and ransom him. they take him back to the junkyard where he meets a little duck kid. turns out the beagles found him as an egg and took him in (why? idk! because i need them to!) and hes lived with them ever since. donald can see that the kids in bad shape--all the beagles are older and bigger and even the ones that are nicer to him are still. pretty mean. the kid doesnt even have a name, they all just call him “duck”. donald feels bad for him and says if he helps him escape he’ll take him in, and the kid hesitates but agrees. the two escape, and if scrooge ever shows up to rescue donald, hes long gone by the time he arrives.
the boy needs a name, and he likes donalds suggestion, huey. to avoid any retaliation from the beagle boys, they decide to take the houseboat out of duckburg for a while, sailing it along the coast from town to town for about a year. huey is kinda nervous and tends to lash out, but he opens up to donald over time and once he does sorta latches on. when hes around seven, they settle in cape suzette for a while. donald formally adopts him, and theyre doing pretty well for themselves, even if huey is still anxious a bit and doesnt get along well with others. hes pretty grown-up for his age, as a result of being mistreated for so long and now being an only child with a pretty open adult (donald answers a lot of hueys question. he never goes into detail about what happened with scrooge and della but he does allude to it).
when huey is nearly 8, he and donald get into a scuffle with sky pirates (entirely by accident, but you know how it is). don karnage and his crew had just returned to cape suzette, and donald and huey are kinda dragged into an adventure dealing with them. as part of that, they meet the youngest member of the skypirate crew, dancin’ dewey, whos lived with the pirates as long as he can remember, and of course he and huey notice that they look exactly the same. dewey helps them avoid don karnage and crew as they plan to get to the houseboat and get out of cape suzette. along the way, they run into a few members of the crew, who encourage dewey to go with them--don karnage really doesnt like dewey, and definitely wont like him any more when he finds out dewey helped donald and huey escape. dewey loves a lot of members of the crew, who were like family to him, but he knows its best to leave, plus now hes got a mystery to solve, ie what the deal is with he and huey. so the three leave on the houseboat, and celebrate huey and deweys 8th birthday back in duckburg.
donald adopts dewey, too, and the three of them get along pretty well. dewey schemes more than huey ever did, and huey gets dragged in because theyre all “pretty dumb” and he wants to make them work. donald enrolls them both in the junior woodchucks to help them make friends, and while dewey quits bc its boring (donald doesnt mind, bc hes very social and makes a lotta friends at school anyway) huey loves it and comes out of his shell even more. he still prefers hanging out with adults (and dewey) to kids his age, but hes getting better at socializing.
2 years after meeting dewey, theyre 10, and the pilot happens. donald leaves them home alone during his job interview (theyre more self-sufficient in this au, and donalds better at listening to them when they say they can handle something), but when he gets hired he gets them a babysitter, since he’ll be gone for a few days. turns out, that doesnt matter, because they stowaway on glomgolds ship bc his job sounds cool. donald decides he has to hide them or risk getting fired, and he shoves them into a cabin only to find yet another, identical duck their age. surprise!
basically, this kid spent most of his life in the duckburg foster program, since he was found just on the street, but glomgold took him in as his nephew in hopes of recreating scrooges formula. “flinty jr”, as glomgold calls him, (or louie, which is what he went by until glomgold took him in a year ago) is... pretty salty, and doesnt really care that he looks the same as these two other kids. hes really jaded from growing up on his own and now living with glomgold, whos always dragging him places only to ignore him or yell at him when things go wrong. donald, being donald, tries to sell him on the whole adoption thing, but hes really not interested. in any case, most of the pilot plays out the same--instead of donald trying to protect scrooge and fam, hes trying to hide the kids and keep them out of trouble, but they all come together in the treasure room with scrooge, launchpad, and webby. glomgold reveals his nefarious scheme, they all make it out, great. the houseboats fine, donald and scrooge dont really make up (they actually fight a little bit more), and the boys (louie included, hes been won over) arent super interested in moving in with him, so they just. dont. the new family of four goes back to the houseboat and settles in.
thats the basics, really. donald and scrooge start to fix their relationship bc HDL stay in touch with webby and hang out all the time. this timeline pushes back the adventures/magicas schemes until the boys are 12, at which point they and donald actually have moved in with scrooge. i havent decided yet how they finally find out that theyre related to donald and scrooge, but i want it to happen around shadow war? idk. the other thing to note is that the triplets are all a bit different, personality-wise, as a result of growing up in different environments, and their relationship w donald is pretty different too, but beyond that it all sorta falls into place eventually??
if you want to hear any more, send me an ask! this is probably my most fleshed-out au so i have a lot of thoughts about it!
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bi-dazai · 5 years
2000 words on soukoku romance-coding in episode 26
i’ve talked a lot on here about how there’s a lot of romance-coding in the canon content featuring dazai and chuuya. here’s a rundown of my base theories here
i didnt add this in my original above post, but ill say now that diegetically chuuya and dazai are usually quite levelheaded and manipulative - both are the two youngest port mafia executives in history. even when dazai is annoyed with other characters (such as kunikida or atsushi) it is clear that he is play-acting. chuuya, meanwhile, is extremely level-headed and doesnt get upset at all - even when yosano and kenji appeared heavily armed. dazai is only slightly upset by shibusawa and dostoyevsky. the only person to genuinely get a rise out of both chuuya and dazai are each other. even so, their arguing has, from the beginning, been petty on the surface, yet upon reading into dialogue and animated/written/illustrated facial expressions show deep hurt at each others actions, particularly on their 4 year separation and dazai covering up his loyalty to chuuya by betraying his trust in episode 21.
i have two more points to add on concerning their non-diegetic relationship. firstly, that official merchandise and posters almost always depict chuuya and dazai either ogling each other (theres a trend of dazai ogling chuuya’s ass in particular) or doing something romantic together (for example there’s a poster where they are depicted hanging around together with no other characters near a christmas tree - christmas is considered a romantic holiday in japan. the same coding is given to many canon fictional couples in japan, and to another studio bones production pairing in bnha kiribaku, which has a similar level of gaycoding).
the second non-diegetic point you should understand about soukoku: it’s one of the most popular ships in japan, and japan’s anime industry tends to be a lot more open about showing same-sex relationships/gay-coding than the west is.
and for a note on my authorship - i admit that i do ship soukoku, and that this gives me a bias. i am also bisexual and am much more sensitive to noticing homoeroticism than many straight audiences. however, to counter this point id like to clarify that it takes a lot to make me believe a same-sex ship has even the slightest chance of being canon. also, id like to say that i am an author in my second year of a creative writing degree and my first year of a film studies minor. these degrees both involve analysing text within production and authorial context (a lot...). in my free time i read a lot of papers and articles on the production context and general views of lgbt representation in different countries’ media, in particular the usa, australia, and japan. i consume every piece of media i view with an intensely critical eye and i specialise in connected diegetic elements with non-diegetic elements in terms of production, authorial, and social context
*NOTE* im going to be doing things out of order here for no other reason than that i realised them in that order as i thought about the episode analytically
today i want to talk about something extremely specific that came up in episode 26, and it has to do with the use of symbolism and shot composition. it’s just a short, short sequence but to me it speaks volumes, both for their canon relationship and their coded romantic relationship.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
specifically this sequence. this is just one shot and to me it portrays soukoku’s dynamic as explicitly romantic in a mise-en-scene sense.
before we like to go in, id like to clarify that the dialogue doesnt matter - it’s mainly expository stuff.
the first sc is the first shot we see of dazai and chuuya ‘alone’ in this scene. it’s unclear where mori is exactly. even though mori is clearly orchestrating the two of them and this entire scene’s dialogue, he isn’t in this shot until the very end. this defines the soukoku relationship, as well as their first meeting being entirely incidental, as being something that was supposedly orchestrated by mori but on a deeper level something they created and grow themselves. it is their relationship from the beginning, not mori’s. even though we know that mori is orchestrating this, we are told that this story will be about chuuya and dazai, not mori’s plans. along with that, it’s also the first shot of open sky we get in this scene, and it’s with just chuuya and dazai looking at each other, silent. it’s open and refreshing and new, but there’s something there already - which i will discuss now.
so. let’s talk about the vapour trail. the vapour trail has no real relationship to the scene or story at all. it would be perfectly logical to just place clouds here, or even place the vapour trail somewhere else. but this vapour trail is very specifically placed to form an arrow to comes from dazai’s heart and reaches towards chuuya, passing over mori’s head narrowly. mori watches the trail, dazai and chuuya watch each other. mori knows the middle part - that they will be tied together to be a device of violence of his own making. but at the other ends dazai and chuuya are tied together in a way that goes above and below mori’s knowledge. this symbolises their future together, and indicates a subtextual level to their dynamic.
the choice i want to focus on here, however, is the choice to have this arrow reach from dazai’s heart. as a writer, if i was trying to symbolise the general strategic soukoku dynamic i would have this arrow go from dazai’s head (the brains) to chuuya (the recipient and conductor of dazai’s plans). in fact, i have a dynamic im writing right now that is similar to this, in which one is defense and one is agility. however, these two also end up in a same-sex romantic relationship together later on. in order to code and foreshadow this, as well as add romantic subtext, often when using symbology i adjust my symbols to fit a romantic context subtly. as an author myself, this shot is a clear hint of adjusted symbolism in order to code dazai’s feelings for chuuya.
and if i’m to read further, i would even say that the fact that the arrow flies over chuuya’s head suggests that dazai currently has romantic feelings for chuuya that chuuya does not yet return (but comes to, something that i have discussed in my linked post above).
secondly, tumblr user @cream-and-punishment made a fun joke post about dazai and chuuya “exchanging wedding vows” at their first meeting. firstly, it’s funny as fuck and when i first saw the post my reaction was just “haha it does sound like that!”. however, i keep looking at that post, keep returning to the script and that scene, and my reaction is now “wow. it does sound like that. like. exactly what soukoku wedding vows sound like. huh.”
for the lazy here’s the script (translated by the funimation subtitle team):
Dazai: You’re a cocky, overconfident child. You’re the kind of person I hate the most.
Chuuya: And I hate condescending pricks like you more than anything in this world.
and because im thorough, i ignored my english subs and listened the original japanese script as well (with my limited japanese to basically check for anything that could be translated differently or means something in japanese that is culturally untranslatable). what i found was that the english subs are right, and capture the original lines quite well.
dialogue can function as a tool for multiple results. in this two-line exchange, neither of the lines are meant as views into the character’s true interiors. instead, the purpose of this interchange is meant to be foreshadowing, specifically into the fact that this is how chuuya and dazai spend the rest of their relationship (up until the current point in the canon manga plot) expressing their opinion towards each other. it mirrors the kind of dialogue we see in episode 10 in which dazai and chuuya’s dialogue works as exposition for their past and their base dynamic, and here it is used to foreshadow what is considered backstory in the main plot (if that makes any sense?).
however, chuuya’s response to dazai is where im interested. im gonna pull my writer’s card here and say that if i was, again, just foreshadowing hatred and frustration as well as cooperation, i would cut chuuya’s line to something like this:
Chuuya: And I hate condescending pricks like you the most/just as much/etc.
“more than anything in this world”, of course, could just be incidental. but considering how a lot of soukoku’s dialogue is clearly double-entendre (read my original post linked above), it makes me consider a second option: that we are already putting that romantic double-entendre into their dynamic. if we refer to the future soukoku dynamic, in particular in episode 21, we are shown multiple times that chuuya genuinely cares for dazai’s well-being (secondary to rimbaud’s hat of course hahaha). chuuya would be genuinely upset if dazai died, and its implied (though still up to interpretation as opposed to the explicitness of chuuya’s shown feelings, however i would argue that dead apple is fairly explicit in dazai’s trust and feelings) the vice versa is also true.
going off that, often how both of them express concern for each other is by making ‘hateful’ comments towards each other. in episode 9, it’s clear there is uncomfortable tension in the room. there is 4 years of unspoken confusion lingering and chuuya is clearly, clearly upset. so dazai, in referencing an unchanging nature of what makes them them, calls back to one of his first mocking entries - how short chuuya is. it’s funny and it’s mocking, but the blows they trade are familiar and even when theyre brawling, despite being on opposite sides they take genuine pleasure in each others company. considering both of their personalities and histories as well as their trauma, both of them tend to struggle with interpersonal relationships and opening up. but chuuya and dazai canonically feel comfortable with each other, and know how to read each other well enough to both bounce off each other while also understanding what lies beneath.
so when chuuya says something like “i hate you more than anything in this world” we are pulled back to the present (in the plot), where chuuya says these things but moments later is concerned or worried for dazai’s wellbeing. chuuya in this line prioritises dazai as the foremost person in his life within minutes of meeting each other. diegetically (to the characters) we know this is them exchanging tense negotiation. non-diegetically (to what we know of the script and their future, as well as this entire exchange being mostly foreshadowing), we are clearly meant to interpret this to mean that chuuya will, eventually, hold dazai to be incredibly important to him, and vice versa. 
of course, we also have the fact that the phrase “more than anything in this world” is yet another soukoku romantic double-entendre. as i mentioned with things such as “the silent treatment” and mentioning drinking heavily when someone abruptly leaves you, it’s clear that these are used almost entirely as romantic tropes. i’ve discussed this before so i wont get too much into it, but just say that this scene adds yet another line to that long list of soukoku double-entendres.
considering at least the first 3 episodes will be related to exploring the soukoku backstory, ill be trying to post an analytic of soukoku for each episode of the 15 adaptation. furthermore, these posts won’t be explicitly about the potential of canon romantic chuuya/dazai, but will analyse soukoku scenes in a focus that i see fit for each episode. whether this is examining it like this post again, or examining it for foreshadowing or cinematographic details etc, will be decided once i watch each episode.
anyway lol! yet another rambling analytical of something nobody cares about haha
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swampgallows · 5 years
i know people are criticizing the medium article but im gonna say that the weird detectable undercurrent of sexual energy throughout stebebn univernse is 90% of the reason i absolutely could not get into it. i thought i was probably being too hypervigilant or sensitive or whatever but im kind of relieved that someone else said something about it. i mean, i know i AM more sensitive to it because im so staunchly ambivalent-to-repulsed by sexual media, but part of the reason for that is also because i have been so virulently exposed to a deluge of it as a preteen/teenager and throughout my life that i am trained to see where it is slipped in. 
ive borne witness countless times to the exact methodology rule34 creators use to ride the line between fetish and fan art or to infuse sinister messages into childrens media. having been groomed as a child, i am the end product of what happens when people are allowed to unleash these experiments. i see the threads where they groupthink together how to circumvent censors while also, for lack of a better word, dogwhistling their exact intentions in their ‘work’. shit like “she looks 10 but she’s actually 10,000 years old!” is just the tip of the iceberg.
i dont mind cartoons or media that look into exploring difficult or mature themes, especially if they revolve around consent or awkwardness with the subject or ‘not being ready’ or anything like that, and it’s okay (and imperative in fact) that kids be aware of that but 1. the emphasis on the inevitability and pleasure of ‘going through with it’ is terrifying and 2. why do they have to literally be prepubescent and 3. if youre gonna be super mature cool progressive cartoon then be upfront about it and call it what it is, or be more direct, instead of hiding it behind these subtle-but-not allusions that altogether just become more confusing than helpful. and i know this is hard to get past the censors, but im not just referring to sex stuff
i’m not even involved in estebans universario and i still remember the fucking shitload of discourse surrounding lapis??? and jasper, and how people couldnt decide whether or not the relationship was abusive, couldnt decide whether or not the decisions made were correct, who was manipulating who, and shit like that. and to me if your fans, especially adult fans, have zero concrete takeaway from you “tackling” those subjects, then how the fuck are children supposed to interpret it in a helpful way? 
i know irl shit isnt always so cut and dry, but that’s exactly why you see ten bajillion posts on here of people setting very basic standards of things like “IF THEY HIT YOU, LEAVE.” it’s a non-negotiable parameter. as an adult things can get complicated, and relationships always are, but when you have these clearly defined red flags it’s how you avoid situations that deliberately construct themselves in a way to break down your boundaries and control you. whether through sex or emotional manipulation or other avenues of abuse, that’s why you need these messages, especially targeted to children, to be loud and CLEAR
now like i said i never finished the show, i barely got into it and i was not entertained for the near two seasons i watched so im not inviting discussion of shit i havent watched or “well actually this and that happened in the episode so--” im saying that i saw the reception of it and it was completely bonkers ass shit. the response wasnt about whether or not the discussion was appropriate for a kids show; it was that nobody had a clear perception of what the resolution was even supposed to be
i dunno man the huge fucking inundation of porn every which fucking way is a HUGE deterrent for me getting into the art or animation industry. like it has actively repelled me from making art or honing my craft or whatever the fuck because the blatant expectation for me to make porn is so suffocating. if you offer commissions and dont make nsfw and you are an adult, people look at you like you’re crazy. people tell you you’re making a mistake, that it’s a ‘bad business model’ to not accept porn commissions, and that you aren’t a REAL artist if you havent drawn some porn on the side. and i sincerely feel like that isn’t an issue in any other creative field; that youre not a REAL actor if you havent been in at least a couple of porn films; that youre not a REAL musician if you havent scored porn; that you arent a REAL sculptor if you havent made at least one dildo, or some shit like that. i understand that illustration is the most expedited delivery of porn, but i dont want to be part of a community where everybody is glib about paying their bills with porn of kids cartoons and are okay with it and then go on to CREATE kids cartoons where they can give wink wink nudge nudges to their fellow porn artists.
i think this is the exact same fucking thing as ‘fandom’ having issues with ‘purity culture’; that they dont realize (or dont want to admit) that theyre bedfellows with “real” pedophiles and are providing them the shelter and the fuel they need to operate. sure a storyboard artist making some nsfw ‘on the side’ isn’t the same as chris savino or john lasseter or john k’s real tangible sexual misconduct, but it does provide the basis by which everybody who has been wink-wink nudge-nudging enforces the dissolution of boundaries and escalates these people to the top. if you form a coalition of people who all make childrens cartoons while winking (actually we are masturbating to this), you will attract the people who are winking (actually i am doing this). 
having been abused for years by people cut from this cloth im sensitive to this obviously and my thoughts are scattered but ultimately like i dont really think it’s a non-progressive thing to shame people for making porn of kids cartoons. the internet is no longer a secret clubhouse where the hustler mags are hidden in one of the loose bricks. it’s extremely fucking public and i feel like the LEAST these people can do is have a separate alias for this bullshit and to draw distinct lines in the sand for the kind of talent they hire. the problem is, too, that a lot of artists make their living by doing porn or are just drawn toward porn in general. but essentially the clincher is like... sure, go ahead and draw porn but... child porn? a dude makes porn of your teenage cartoon characters and you hire him????
“What kind of culture should industry figures encourage around the kids’ cartoons they work on? And where is the line drawn when artists with backgrounds like ZONE’s — an animator who has worked on Jones-Quartey’s own series — cross over into mainstream children’s entertainment? 
The public flirtation of children’s media with artists like these doesn’t just risk exposing kids to porn — it normalizes the entire idea of hypersexuality being present in children’s spaces, often in its most extreme forms. [...] It’s a systemic problem that will only grow if it’s left unaddressed.“
it’s a corporate level, systemic problem. i hate the culture and the community that’s allowing this to happen, and i hate that there are slowly becoming fewer and fewer bastions of endearing, safe, quality environments for children to thrive and develop without a thousand subliminal tendrils permeating cute characters and fun stories
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solidburnreturned · 6 years
by popular demand, here is my oc chatter regarding stuff like relationships n random character traits. its rly long oops but i divided it by character at least lmao,, these are all things that i think id also wanna use if i ever use these characters as humans (which i def will at some point honestly)
- i thinkkkk i want toad and pike to date. toad would come across pike in their lagoon one day while hes wandering around on another wonked exploration and pike is like hey lol :B with their pointy teeth and long ass hair and toad is like :0 he just sits and talks with pike for hours and comes by a few times a week to hang out with them. they fall in LOVE
- fred and lani are def gonna date too. two butches who use he/him pronouns fuck yeah? they have a powerful relationship. mega BDE. power couple. not a lot of pda but alone together theyre both very loving and tender, its a vulnerability thing for both of them. like lani is very cool and can be either stoic or borderline obnoxious while fred is punkish. fred is very head over heels for lani tho 
- mardi n berg.....complicated....i gotta figure out how they actually end up together. berg is a jogger and mardi is a piercer/tattoo artist so that doesnt....make them line up very much in that department. ill think about it more and figure something out. itll probably have something to do with berg’s nose stripes and eye rings
- also side note on mardi......i want his backstory to include a grey period set off by his brother being eaten when they were both young at the troll tree. like he becomes angry and depressed, sorta like branch, his tattoos that he gives himself the only color on his body, until he learns to let go and his colors come back (high key this was inspired by 21 savage, mardi’s voice claim, and the line in his new song A Lot “my brother lost his life and it turned me to a beast”). ill develop this idea further but i just wanted to get it written down
- bismuth.......unsure. they had a crush on pepper and kept trying to ask her out until she came out to them as a lesbian, then they were like :’) but theyre ride or die theyre not gonna be an ass to her because they cant date her. they just care a lot about her. its like icarly
- gazpacho and jupiter CUTE two small trans trolls in That Love. i need to develop them more but. theyre just cute 
- talia is still a little too new for me to develop her......but im thinkin about it...
- kinda same with ernie and olive. they kinda mostly just exist as cute babby characters right now? if anything olive is a trouble maker and ernie is a chatterbox
- clem and thursday also fuckin cute as hell......clem was a nervous wreck asking thursday out but theyve been together like ever since, which is more than a few years. they have a rly cute gentle lovey dovey relationship. thursday is usually hanging around up on her gf’s shoulder giving her kisses on the cheek
- bea and crystal.......adorabl relationship......crystal is another character thats kinda nervous but bea is so chill n confident is helps calm her down. theyre both trans and love the hell out of each other. rly slow n steady relationship, bea is very patient
- pj and marcus!!!! dumb mlm rep relationship. pj is so so gay for marcus he can barely comprehend it. its a dumb ego boost for marcus but hes also very in love with pj, he just expresses it in a weird cocky way idk marcus is a nerd. i need to make more content for them i think about these two way more than it seems
- dwight!! he has a boat. he lives on the boat.....ive thought about maybe pairing him with toad and pike. deciding on his voice claim has been the most difficult thing ever
- kass and current HELL yeah buff gf and tol gf......they spar with swords and wrestle for fun and hang out at the beach a lot. kass fuckin loves the gem on current’s back. i gotta make more content for them 
- celia......i wanna do more with celia. friends with berg probs theyre both sporty. shes just a sweet giant troll who loves mushrooms. i gotta pair her with someone whose palette goes nicely with her pastels 
- carrot and harriet are literally cricket and tilly from big city greens just older. yeehaw siblings. havent thought about relationship stuff with harriet yet.....i think she also needs ANOTHER redesign her colors are just too heavy still. maybe if i can make her colors compliment celia’s that could work as a pairing? hm hm.....carrot tho is dating ford’s oc rye theyre gentle country gays
- rainer. hm. i dont think theyre rly the dating type......theyre just chill with being them. they just wanna swim and be funny
- hammond and andromeda are probs two of my least developed characters.....hammond still needs a redesign. he might be cute to pair with walter, theyre around the same age. andromeda tho i have no idea. she might be a nice pairing with eve? if i ever feel like pairing her with someone...who knows. eve is very carefree and might find andromeda’s energy too intense
- radish i wanna make more content for!! i rly like her a lot....i think shes another troll who isnt interested in dating. shes very focused on being a chef instead. loves her friends a lot!
- mack and pepper 2gether 4ever obvs......they have a relationship that gets richer with age for sure
- im just gonna ramble about mack. i thinkkkkkkk i wanna make her half latina? columbian specifically. she doesnt quite read as white and i didnt make her with the intention of making her white. anyway i love mack a whole lot and should really develop her backstory more. its not rly as like...””tragic”” or whatever as pepper’s i know that but she def has layers. i wanna give her whole family more depth. she has a very complicated relationship with her own feelings and motivations that i need to think about more fully. my powerful femme tho i lov her
- mack’s parents, robin and champagne, i need to like....think about them more. they have kinda a comedic relationship thats sorta inspired by roger rabbit and jessica rabbit. robin is a very caring, gentle troll who’s very smart and cares a lot about his nursing responsibilities in the village. champagne is very relaxed and the “voice of reason” character of the family. she loves a good party and has her party planning down to a science. both are very successful power parents. kickass family
- i already talked about topaz and marney in a separate post but i still love them both so much. big wesbiabs
- pepper....pebber. im gonna talk about her the most obviously gfhjdkrs i wanna talk about her mental health i feel like i think about it a lot but i never write about it explicitly? this is gonna be long oops hgjfksd she has depression and ptsd stemming from the trauma of her crash...im thinking she also has adhd and thats just something shes always had. her depression rly got heavy during her recovery and right after like...she hated being bed/housebound and felt rly powerless to her situation and just let it eat at her until her personality had actually changed considerably. like extroverted wild child rebel to introverted, soft-spoken sulker. this got better with time but she still is pretty introverted, just turned her moodiness into chill energy. 
- she has bad depression habits like letting dishes, old food, laundry, or just stuff pile up in her room until it gets overwhelming and she spends like two days just manically cleaning; or staying in bed for way longer than she should and messing with her hygiene; or eating way more or way less than she should eat in a day. just stuff thats hard to completely break out of when youre recovering. her color is pretty consistently the dark red but if shes having a particularly rough day she might look a little paler, or like a muddy brick color at her worst. thats kinda rare tho
- her ptsd is the thing she hates the most. for a while it made her feel very weak and she’d beat herself up over being traumatized by the crash which was obviously not helpful to her mental state but she was really all over the place during her bodily recovery. its part of the reason why she started working out, she wanted to reclaim some sort of feeling of strength and power that she felt she’d lost completely. she still gets really frustrated with this feeling of loss but she gets a lot of support from loved ones which has helped her not self-blame so much. her ptsd manifests mostly as nightmares/insomnia, chronic headaches/stomachaches, intrusive thoughts and sometimes flashbacks. the nightmares are what rly get to her, she really doesnt get a lot of good sleep and it can get to the point where she just doesnt want to sleep sometimes and she’ll stay awake until she crashes hard
- her scars used to be a big trigger for her ptsd, which is why she has her bangs covering the one on her face and wears long pants (her knee braces are too bulky for pants and would force her to wear shorts which would force her to expose her scars). she just. really really hates them. this is something she struggles with for a majority of her life
- once she and mack start going steady with their dating and start consistently sleeping in the same bed, pepper starts to sleep better. she still has nightmares that wake her up at least weekly, but having mack there to comfort her (whether she wakes mack up accidentally or if mack is already awake) helps a TON with getting her back to sleep soundly. it also just helps her sleep in general to have that comforting, loving presence in her bed snuggled up to her ;w; mack is a big help in general with pepper’s mental health, pushing pepper to make better, healthier choices and get out in the village more and have fun. mack for sure does not “”cure”” pepper of anything but shes a very positive light in pepper’s life that helps her pull thru tough times!
- i love all my goofy trolls so much. its so fun to just chill and blab about them to relax between working on big projects ;o; ty if u cared enough to read this whole thing ur so rad
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tumblunni · 6 years
What do you guys think about the names Dustin and Darcy for my protagonists in Let's Go?
Cos i really wanted to play the co op mode thing by myself, just so i can pretend this role in the plot is filled by two siblings and have a bit of fun roleplaying that. But i dunno yet how the co-op works and whether you'd be able to customize the avatar of the second player or if its just the default trainer? Or can you only play co-op if you have two separate games? Im planning to buy the other version anyway once i get more money, so it could be fun to play my first version with sibling one and then the second playthru is sibling two's turn to shine!
Oh and the whole reason i wanted to do this is cos i wanna try out the customization features to make some ocs now that there's no competitive online stuff unless you pay a subscription fee (LOL NO THANKS). Like..i always felt like i HAD to make my character me in xy/sumo/usum, otherwise its like lying online? But of course i cant actually make me because theres no nonbinary option or even remotely ambiguous outfits for either gender. And you cant have wild hair colours while i dye my hair 24/7 irl lol. Its silly cos like 95% of the gym leaders and other characters ingame have anime hair colours yet the player has to be normal? So yeah i cpuldnt really enjoy making this innacurate defanged version of myself yet i didnt feel like i was allowed to just make up a new character either. Closest i could do was give myself white hair like my old trainersona when i was 12, lol. I mean i guess thats my 'real hair colour' underneath the dye right now, if you think about it that way?
okay where was i
Yeah! I think sibling trainers could be a good and unique way to handle a rival! Like having them be your sibling already establishes that rivalry. But it can be a soft and nice rivalry! I wanna go with that fun version rather than the full on angry exaggerated sibling rivalries you often see in kids media. Like i know that some people legit dont get on with their siblings and some people can even have a very gary esque full on rivalry thats sorta 'love to hate' or like..tsundere pretending you hate them. But personally i never had experience with that, i can never relate to those 'tfw u hate ur sibling and theyre always an asshole but lolll u love them anyway' posts. I only got to live with my little sister for a little while due to the catastrophe of abusive parenthood that was my childhood, and i lost contact with her forever when she was very young so i doubt she'd even remember me. *sigh* But like i don't think i only love her so much because i miss her! People say newborns and toddlers are the most bratty so like you'd think if i was gonna ever find her 'annoying' i would have done it back then. I was always just mega proud of her and whenever she'd be 'bratty' i'd be cheering her on and trying to protect her from mom. And when she'd try and pull pranks on me or practise play-fighting or whatever i was just like 'lol thats legit funny' and taking play-falls so she felt better about herself. Like we didnt have much power in that household so i felt like encouraging her pretending to be a wrestler would help her feel like she had some sort of control in some part of her life i guess? And just i wished i was allowed to roughhouse and run around and be all 'unladylike' and just enjoy BEING A KID when i was a kid, yknow? I always had legit fun being with her and legit enjoyed it and was legit proud and legit never annoyed. I just dont understand 'yeah she's annoying but i love her anyway'. I was only ever her rival as a play-rival to help encourage her to like.. Enjoy the things she enjoyed. Feel like someone else cared. I only ever acted like 'ha ha baby stuff yeah sure i hate hanging out with my sister" cos i thought i was SUPPOSED TO. I always felt so guilty doing it and so dissappointed cos id rather hang out with her than be a boring stereotypical teen tbh. I dunno, maybe this isnt typical for siblings and its just a sign of how badly we were raised? I was just real fuckin lonely and absolutely loved having a family member who loved me for the first time since my grandma died. Same reason i always used to act all 'i am too cool i totally am not soft for my lil sister' around my lil sister's dad. I really wanted him to love me too! I used to say swear words at him cos i thougjt he would thibk i was Cool And Adult?? I have soooo many cringe moments from that phase of my childhood. Man it hurts to think that i never actually did get to become that positive influence that protected my sister from my mum and let her know she was loved. Cos i was sent to live with my dad when she was like 5ish? And never saw her again and now im too scared to try and reach out to her again because 1: she probably doesnt even remember me, 2: theres a chance she believes my mum saying i was some horrible asshole who abandoned the family, 3: even bigger chance that contacting her could mean my mum finding me again and big fuckin risk of further abuse. Plus the awkwardness of introducing my trans self when she'd remember me as her sister and all. Sigh! All i can do is hope that her cool dad eventually got custody of her, and that he didnt turn out to be a secret bastard like when i met my own dad. He seemed good, but then again i was just a lil kid and my dad seemed good at first. Sighhhhhh...
Anyway the point is that whenever i write siblings i'd rather write 100% unapologetic super loving love cos its wish fullfillment for me. This is also why in/cest shipping is a massive beserk button for me, good wholesome family relationships are REAL FUCKIN IMPORTANT and how DARE you corrupt that shit! Some people would fuckin KILL to have that wholesome family!!
Anyway lol thats why i'd like a Wholesome Rivalry for these sibling ocs! Like they challenge each other to contests along the way just for fun, and they react all 'wow my sis is the BEST' when you beat them, so hard feelings at all. And you dont JUST do rival stuff but also sometimes just hang out and have fun cos you missed each other. And if anyone threatens your sibling then THAT is the only time you see the Serious Sibling Power! Rival moments: ha ha lol bet ya cant beat me ooo im a scary villain LOL I CANT KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE HAHA! Giovanni punches your brother: *stony cold death glare from hell as tricksy prank sis turns into an unstoppable vengeance engine* Oh, but also the only other time they'd be serious is in their final battle together! Like most of the 'rivalry' is just competing to make the adventure fun and to help each other get stronger. But if sis/bro ever actually legit said they really want to fight to find out who's the best, and its like..important to help their self confidence, then i think bro/sis would respect that and go all out. Taking a fall and letting them win would be the most disrespectful thing of all! Oh, but i do think there would be one kind of battle like that during the story? Like in one of the more low stakes faux-rival fights the sibling actually does try and let you win, and the challenge is to try and lose against all odds. High stakes super failure battle!!! Imagine the evil team in the background like 'wtf' as these two run the most aggressively slow race of all time! XD
Oh and i kinda thought about different personalities for the two of them based on who you pick? Like i did like that aspect about brendan/may in RSE compared to other 'unpicked option becomes rival' characters in later games that didnt even have one personality let alone two. It just sucks that the personalities they decided to give them were 'female rival is super self concious and thinks youre better than her because youre a boy' and 'male rival is super ego and thinks he's better than you because he's a boy'. Boooo!
So instead of that the personalities i was thinking for these two would be less sexist lol. Male sibling Dustin is basically Wally so far? I need to develop him a bit more to make him a bit distinct, i mean its not like every single shy dude is identical. I'm thinking maybe mix him with all the wasted potential in Brendan? Like in the game they slightly hint at him having the ONE non stereotypical trait of liking cute teddy bears, and that made me think about how much better his whole plot would have been if it actually criticized his sexism and said that he only behaves that way cos he's overcompensating for being bullied for being 'feminine', yknow? And then in the manga they actually DO write him as super feminine, and even as a contest star who loves fashion and dressing up his pokemon! But then GAHHH they present it as some sort of fuckin 'character flaw', like he's shown to be selfish and superficial because of it. And the backstory is that him and the female protagonist used to be 'normal' until a traumatic event. Brendan was a Natural Fighting Prodigy until he saved his female friend from a wild pokemon and was so traumatized that he never wanted to fight again, while she wanted to learn to fight so she'd never need to be protected again. But this is not only presented as Wrong Ways To Be Gender but also like.. Fighting their natural instinct which still comes through?? Like male protag hasnt fought in YEARS yet whenever he's forced to fight he's just magically better at it than female protag who's been practising all these years to become his equal. Ha ha silly girl you can never achieve that! All you get is this patronizing 'well if you just tryyyyy girly things im sure you'll like it' plot and then you get rescued by him in the end because OF COURSE you do. Sigh! I cant believe they made me hate that pairing even more than the games did! So yeah i dont really wanna write Dustin as a jerkass who's secretly got synpathetic motives of internalized homophobia/sexism, cos i feel thats a plot very specific to my perceptuons of Brendan and id basically just have to make Dustin a clone of him and he wouldnt be able to shine on his own merits. Instead i'm just thinking of writing him as a 100% sensitive soul, and he still faces predjudice for not being that bigoted idea of an 'ideal man' but really the fact he doesnt bow down to their demands proves that he's the bravest person here.
And then I'm thinking maybe the female sibling Darcy is the older one and is a bit "gary ish"? Like eitjer way you still have a friendly and loving siblingness, but she's a bit more of a sass who is tsundere about admitting she loves her bro. But i dont think she's the cold or grumpy sort of tsundere, more like a trickstery tomboy? Bombastic loki jock sis! She can only be a bit abrasive with her bro cos she wants to teach him to be tough even when she's not there to protect him. But sometimes she can mess it up and make him feel like he has to change his personality in order to be tough, rather than letting him know she supports him in being "unmasculine" and just wants to help him find the confidence to stand up to people who bully him for it. Like she feels like she is 'weaker' than him in the sense that she worries too much about what people will think if she expresses her real emotions, yknow? Like theyre both suffering from toxic masculinity! He's suffering from the standard form where men who are too 'soft' are beaten down into that mould. Ans she's suffering from the problem where 'masculine' girls feel like they have to be '100% masculine' in order to be allowed to be themselves at all. Like back when i was a kid and before i came out as trans i always used to try and pretend to like sports ans like..cliche macho shit where you Cant Admit You Care About Your Friends and also i wasnt allowed to like ANY feminine things at all. I had to either follow the stereotype of femininity entirely or follow the opposite stereotype, i wasnt allowed to just reject stereotypes and like what i actually like. So yeah me realizing i wasnt really a girl has led to me embracing more 'girly' things than back when i thought i was one! So i think Darcy would have a similar arc but like..the cis equivelant? Just finds people who arent such judgmental pricks and stops having to conform to either of those stereotypes in order to keep fake friends who dont really give a shit about her. She can have a plot about both forced feminine and masculine stereotypes being equally limiting, rather than that shitty 'being masculine is a prison uwu every woman will be happier embracing her love of makeup' shit. That dominant narrative just made me feel like i was somehow wrong about myself whenever i didnt like 100% Of Sports All The Time, i must be somehow girly if i liked even ONE girly thing yet i needed hundreds of proofs if i wanted to be masculine. And like i wasnt just allowed to be neither! I wasnt allowed to like parts of both! I wasnt allowed to BE GODDAMN TRANS!!! So yeah i dunno if i'd go whole hog and make this character a trans man or a nonbinary person tho? I think she's just actually a cis girl who happens to be sporty and brash and likes a lot of 'masculine' fashion and hobbies. And she's just been made to feel self concious about it, as if she cant possibly REALLY be that unless she likes Every Single Boy Thing and wins at Every Single Challenge. Does anyone else remember that shit too? The girls have to win Every sports game against the boys in order to be 'one of the boys' but if you lose even one of them it somehow proves that you're inferior. Even though the boys lost 50 billion games to you and that doesnt prove theyre inferior! Like man she has sooooo many 'gary rivals' in her school life, thats why she loves going on this adventure with a kind brother rival who actually respects her! So her resolution would just be her staying the same but being more confident about it and saying fuk u to those fake friends. Same as her brother's plot, just they both face different specifics to the way this sexism affects them, yknow?
Oh but yeah when i did finally learn about LGBT stuff and realize i was trans it was Big Amazing cos even in the rare stories about Its Okay To Be Yourself it still left me feeling weirdly empty when the girl decides that yes she does wanna be a girl in the end. So i get that these plots might come off as queerbaiting if i write them badly? I need to make sure to make it clear that these characters 100% want to be seen as this gender and its just other people being fuckfaces and trying to define what their gender has to mean. I think maybe i'll try and mitigate this potential misunderstanding by adding different sorts of lgbt content. And, well, also cos i just want lgbt content in all of my stories because i am lgbt, of course! I'm 100% sure that Darcy is gay, and i think also maybe possibly Dustin is trans? Like, his plot is about being mocked for being a 'feminine' boy, but its also even more personal for him because he's a trans boy and he feels like he needs to change his personality in order to pass/he isnt really real because his personality doesnt fit the stereotypical image of a man. Like if you'd looked at the two of them back when they were identical twins, you probably would have expected Darcy to end up being trans if you were the sort of person who believes those basic ass stereotypes about 'boys who play with barbies and girls who play with trucks'. Or i mean maybe its the other way around and Darcy is a trans girl who still has a 'masculine' personality according to stereotypes? Or even both of them are trans and both face being told that they arent real because they dont fit the perfect stereotype of a trans person according to cis perceptions? Or maybe i'm overcomplicating things with all of this and it'd just muddy the message i guess. I might just keep it to them both being cis but also both of them like girls. And i can always apply my trans and other LGBT headcanons to other characters along their adventure.
Anyway LOL im rambling too much!
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