#theyre just fair folk
waterbearable · 1 year
oops! every one is down bad for wink and I wasn't really trying😂
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frogs-in3-hills · 7 months
so i have peeked at the kurama/hiei tag on ao3 just to see what’s up (good stuff!). i’m.. honestly not getting much chemistry in the actual show yet so i don’t really ship it, per se.
BUT. i am so glad we can all agree that despite having known each other for a few months and having a relatively amicable partnership all things considered, they do inexplicably have the vibe of two guys who have been off-and-on hatefucking for the last 2000 years.
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you don't have to like the strike but mocking it just seems really heartless???
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babblingeccentric · 1 year
Trying to make up a Kidd Pirates playlist and it obviously has to be Celtic punk but I'm having such a hard time picking the bands because while the pogues are the blueprint the originators my always and forevers they're just too miserable. Like you listen to anything shane macgowan has sung and you know he's going through it. I think flogging molly might be the best because it's more fun and frisky but all the interchangeable knockoff bands are just drinking song drinking song drinking song and they aren't angry enough so they're right out
WAIT how did I forget the dropkick murphys the quintessential celtic punk band orz they're perfect
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kobrakid · 1 year
My therapist told me I was very articulate and I laughed at her
I told Dylan what she said and hE DID A FUCKIN SPIT TAKE
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galaxy-lilies · 28 days
okay im going to put my thoughts under the cut cause OUGH this is going to be a long post LMAO
FIRST OFF can i just say how amazing and incredible the folk who organized the whole event are, they deserve absolute kudos
okay okay finally into the recap that was an amazing 3 and a half hours of my life
Pages 1-103:
When I first saw the heads up about how the zine was interconnected and skipping any part would potentially lead to some plot i was immediately intrigued then i was immediately hit with the other realization of "410 PAGES???? HELLO????"
"hold on let me make some edits-" "no let ME make some edits-"
the artstyle changing based on who was editing what, Joel just trying to support his wife, Scar purposely mishearing "cats" as "cash" absolute hilarity how i heart them all so
Grian rocking the cloak, Scar just absolutely confuzzled: THEYRE SOOOO *shakes them*
and the shenanigans between Ren, Scar, and BDubs oh my god AND THE ON GOING BIT ABOUT HOW "if anyone says hotguy it immediately turns into the logo" it never fails to make me laugh
the early days of the mutation, the proposal of the union, PEARL'S LITTLE >:3c as she pressed publish OUGH
and the trail of petals grian left behind as he considered hotguy's proposal just *splat* i literally ate up all the art and the fics and the silly silly edits in this zine THEY WORLD BUILDING IS AMAZING
speaking of world building: MUMBLR??? HELLOOOOOOO
now i need to know, what does old mumblr *checks notes* teal? green? look like
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(at this point it was around 8 PM but after a long day i was already reaching the point of eepyness and i thought "surely i can finish reading the hOTGuY zine in one sitting!" spoiler alert: i did not)
immediately when i saw the G Team comic i was reminded of the council of Grians LMAO Grian being the absolute chaotic one man band as he tries to collect all this evidence, the readers seeing Scar's means of transportation for the first time, and then *vine boom* SCULK
also ARIANA GRIANDE THE BELOVED HOW I HEART HER SOOOOOOOO i love all of the grians featured here, and the fact that permit office grian managed to make a silly appearance AND his permit shenanigans working in his favor- hE EVEN HAS THE "please hold." MUSIC- iconic i tell you, iconic
I absolutely exploded into a million pieces seeing tibby's art then exploded again because "i can't see the end of the horizon...CUBFAN135- IS THAT YOU??!!?"
seeing the sculk snail follow behind scar idly, the fact that grian's only lead is cub ordering pizza like of all leads. but to be fair it does fit both of them LMAO
i am eating the sculk texturing btw it's very very tasty uwu
it's the fact that both of them turned to each other to yell "ARSON" like of course theyre at the ready to light things on fire
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cub just over scar's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the match already out of grian's hand, the sculk snail also there to witness the chaos that is about to ensue *chefs kiss* poetic cinema
also i would buy this shirt
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oh my gods the emails, the emails were so fucking funny i- KJSDFHDSJK
BDubs immediately trying to screen Cub out and Cub just continuing his shenanigans unperturbed, grian at his wits end trying to contact scar but of course scar is busy and cub just assumes it's some impersonation account until further notice, TGC trying to contact them but once again Mr. Fan135 Does Not Give A Fuck and he lives to cause mild annoyances and chaos, what a guy LMAO
their littol email icons are so cute, when i saw pearl's i was like "WAH PUPPERRRR"
i havent seen many email-format type beat story telling before so this was an absolute joy to explore the story through pearl's detailed emails, grian's panicked typing (how was mans typing and sending so quickly with 365+ lazer eyed chickens chasing him like a mad man + a green gob- i mean goatman), and both bdubs' and cub's concern and nonchalance. not to mention bdubs just nodding along and going "well cub you have proven yourself...and uh- added a totally not a virus to scar's phone- BUT you have proven yourself...." absolute sillies, absolutely iconic
THE TWITTER BEEF HAD ME CACKLING OH MY GOD THE QUOTE RETWEETS i would pay good money to see that in real time oh my god
mumblr user hermitopia-explained you will always be famous
okay i'll admit it i was distracted by the scitties- BUT the social media handles and names being remade into hermit puns and the fact he's chilling on mending beach I CAN'T
AND OUR ETERNAL QUEEN JELLIE i literally let out a small squeal looking at her she is sO *gently holds her*
birthday gorl getting absolutely spoiled, as she deserves
scar finding a cloak just to do the sailor moon meme: iconic, showstopping, one of a kind, amazing, talented- i love these two idiots
and as a heads up i'm going to try and separate these into about 100 pages each! so expect the next reblog soon
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kaleidoscopiccc · 2 months
trying to make old cyclone things canon to new cyclone
astrid, trishna, corey, and hank are all a year above the choir and used to be in it at some point in their lives but graduated the year before the accident
trishna and hank used to date before they broke up and hank started to date astrid and all 3 are still on good terms to this day
corey, also being ukrainian basically took mischa under his wing when he first came to canada and basically helped shape his whole personality and thats why theyre so similar
the old intro songs (tragic fact, fall fair suite, waiting for the drop, etc) were all songs they performed at previous years at kiwanis and "inspired by traditional african folk music..." is just a lie they reuse every year to earn brownie points
the blackwoods are matriarchal and the cafe is passed down from mother to daughter, its the men who marry in and take their wives last names, thats why shes so fixated on her mom especially in her old monolouge
the blackwood cafe used to be called the fatman cafe but mrs blackwood changed it when she inherited it in honor of her mother
astrid was a hardcore communist for a while around the same time ocean started debate and catholic school so ocean started consistently having nightmares about karl marx jesus and speech and debate for like a year straight, they got even weirder when she discovered taylor swift
astrid is mischas second favorite graduated kid, after corey, because she looks earily like talia (and hates ocean as much as he does)
zolar refers to the greater gaaxy that yhe solar system cataris, where the evil cat queen lives, is in. basically 2018 sabm is like a sequel to current sabm
lalalove and talia are so similar bc astrid had a habit of humming the tune of lalalove a lot, so mischa, hanging around her a lot because of being adopted into the older kids friend group via corey, subconsciously picked it up
legoland penny was the shortest her hair had ever been because it got set on fire by the barbies and she just left it alone for 2 years to grow out to cyclone penny length
talia is not actually what shes called irl, thats her username, everyone irl just knows her as natalia. not old cyclone but i need to correct that stupid mistake somehow
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ahhnutbunnies · 2 years
Was thinking about why the fae would want to swap children or take humans to their realm and I've come to the conclusion that it's mostly about lying.
A human can tell you you're the most beautiful thing they've ever seen. Or make a less hurtful excuse for why they don't want to do something when theyre upset with you for something you can't control.
I imagine fae toddlers are just as insufferable as human toddlers with their questions and demands, but not being able to (harmlessly) lie and say things like "blue's clues went bed because she needs rest just like you" would be incredibly unpleasant.
I imagine the fae want good liars, and admire the human ability to lie. They want secretaries who can say their schedule's full, messengers who can deceive their enemies.
I think it would be really funny if one of the Fair Folk became fascinated with affirmations and decided the favor some mortal owed them was saying their morning affirmations for them because they can't.
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corvidinthewoods · 10 months
going to ramble a bit about hbomberguy, not the latest video directly more about some of the reaction to it. full disclosure i am a patron of his, have been for a few years, and became a fan of his channel years before that. i think maybe six years ago? give or take.
im maybe experiencing cognitive dissonance bc its nice that something ive enjoyed for a long time is gaining new audience, and of course new criticism. my initial reaction has been one of resistance that i need to check.
but after reading a bit more of the criticism im like. i kinda of agree? only kind of. i feel like the criticism is maybe not directed at me (or types of fans like me) but at folks for whom this is their first encounter with hbomberguy and are hailing him as a career-ruiner and gleefully enjoying the takedowns. dont get me wrong, takedowns are fun and they’ve always been core to his channel. his oldest stuff was debunking and clowning on right wing youtubers. but thats not all he is? and i dont like the idea of him as this Great Takedown Guy because personally the stuff i like best is his media criticism.
and thats not in the way some folks are like “oh yeah i enjoy hbomberguys media analysis but not his political stuff” i like both. but i think if folks are disregarding that side of his channel then theyre not like. idk how to word this im not the best writer. theyre missing out? or missing the point?
my personal favorite hbomberguy video is Halcyon Dreams. I also really enjoy Scanline (which is both him and shannon strucci), the CAD SLA, and the whole And Here’s Why series (especially speedrunning and pathologic). in much of hbomberguy’s other work, he will disagree with creators or producers in ways that aren’t career endings. and i don’t imagine he’s trying to become a person who does that all the time? i see behavior of his that indicates this to me, such as not naming who took his joke in the uber, explicitly saying “if you go harass Somerton you are worse than him”, and how most of And Here’s Why is neutral to positive, even tho the Garbage ones may get more views. the Sherlock has the highest
uhh where am i going with this. i always got points off for my transition sentences in essays
i guess im saying like. i don’t think it’s fair to just view the hbomberguy channel as waiting for the skeletons to come out of the closet. but i also dont think fans (especially y new fans) should put him up on this pedestal, particularly as Guy Who Destroys Careers. its not a good idea to idolize ppl in general, and its not great to live in a mindset of waiting for the next target for you to justify harassing.
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watatsumiis · 6 months
you know when you see pics of older people from when they were in their early adult-hood years and and turns out they were BANGIN’ hot. like they-definitely-had-a-line-of-lovers type of sexy. Pierro.
YOURE SO SO REAL FOR THIS LIKE GENUINELY. Like. Pierro is that brand of old man crunchy where like.. he aged like a fine wine most certainly, but its so easy to tell that he looked like a greek god in his youth - chiseled jawline, striking eyes, that easy confidence that comes from a life of having pretty privilege thrust upon you from pretty much the moment you came out--
Like.. i feel like he wouldve looked like the grunge aesthetic young adult they slap on the front of album covers where he looks sunken and tired but in a totally dashing way, with wind-tousled hair (honestly i never even thought of his original hair colour until now. i just imagine it white/grey because thats SO him. i could see it being brown, maybe blond?) and eye bags that look like they were dabbed on delicately with eyeshadow and a brush.
but even with all of that i do also just see him looking like he was just straight up carved from marble with his broad shoulders and the confident way he stands. Like he was drop dead gorgeous, the folks of khaenri'ah swooned over him, most everyone assumed he would go on to become a knight simply because of the whole 'dashing knight in armour' stereotype.
He's the sort of guy you see playing someones grandpa in a film and you're like "wait hes so hot though. now i wanna see what he looked like when he was younger" and then you get mad because HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO GORGEOUS THEIR ENTIRE LIVES HUH. HOW IS THAT FAIR.
I feel like his looks are not really something he openly acknowledges or even really realises - I guess this ties in to my oddly specific Pierro headcanons ((gives that old man a million mental illnesses and refuses to elaborate)) but i imagine he gets really really caught up in the minor details and just sort of passively sees himself as very just .. 'whatever', despite just how many people have always told him how handsome and beautiful he is.
Like, of course he'll thank them for the compliment but in his head he has like 90 rebuttals and genuinely convinces himself that theyre just saying it to be nice/polite/to get in his good graces/whatever. man has imposter syndrome out the wazoo .
I think he definitely aged very finely and gracefully, all things considered, but his obsessive fear of aging physically makes him feel like he hasnt. but to me . old man pierro is the most gorgeous . perfect.
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miiilowo · 1 year
that post i reblogged has got me thinking actually. about a lot of things but mainly how people treat older kids & teenagers emotions. i remember the second i hit puberty, none of my feelings were taken seriously, or even considered. every single time i was upset about something, it didn't matter if i had reasoning, it didn't matter if it had been bothering me for weeks or months or years, it was written off and blamed on hormonal shifts, and i was told that i should calm down-- Because apparently, if your emotions are heightened due to hormones, whether it be PMS or just Being A Teenager, thats means that they aren't "real feelings" which is completely unreasonable. I remember being scared to bring up anything because I feared it'd just be discarded as 'the teenager being dramatic again', and i was far more scared to tell them that i thought i wasn't being treated like-you know-a human being? That any issue I had would be regarded as unimportant, because even outside of my parents, the general narrative is that teenagers are stupid and overemotional and never know what theyre talking about. And while I'm currently 17 (and will not be in like 2 months) I feel like now that I'm closer to being an adult [whatever that means] im suddenly being taken far more seriously on issues that wouldve been considered laughable like, 3 years ago. and that isnt fair in the slightest. its actually just sort of fucked up. i know im not the only one that thinks this, its absolutely suffocating wanting to express yourself and not being able to because for some reason half the population cant grasp that youre sentient below the age of 18. i dont really have a call to action or something, i just hope that as people my age get older they dont forget what it was like to be ignored and pushed aside b/c all of our actual emotions and thoughts were regarded as being irrational due to our age. i feel like this is especially prevalent for AFAB folks due to periods (and in general due to women being perceived as overemotional and not capable of logic as a result, but thats a whole nother conversation)
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barbatusart · 8 months
putting this below a cut cus it's a whole lot of me yapping about Hypothesized Vampire History lol but some de rerum natura-related thoughts below!
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came upon these Wonderful thoughts in response to my last page chunk post, and right off the bat thank you So much for the thoughts folks i love thoughts on the nonsense im sculpting lol. with the matter of casting donnela as emin's (cazador's baby elf name that i picked out of a hat) mother, idk if its ever going to openly come up in de rerum natura, but personally i had it in mind that she explicitly did Not want to turn him into a vampire. im trying in this comic to avoid black&white characterizations and present people as multifaceted as possible, & in the spirit of that i figured that donnela Very much did not want to pass the curse of vampirism on to her son & deliberately kept him mortal, in fact planning on outliving him. maybe out of love, maybe out of not wanting to give up any sort of held power by even risking having her son as a spawn - maybe a fair mix of both, i dont know. vampires kind of present themselves as having a glamour of immortality & eternal youth & all that, but the tragedy of vampirism imho is being forced to step out of time & exist forever in a sort of stasis while the world and its people change around you. i think somewhere deep down, power-hungry ideals aside, i think at her core even though she was a monster in other ways, she couldnt bear to force her boy to suffer the same fate. maybe in her way it was her trying to break the cycle but not being clever enough to fully disengage from it, since she still was making spawn & still was treating them like dogshit. A for effort i guess? also with all that in mind, hopefully that sheds even more light on vellioth going out of his way to turn emin into a spawn & his motivations as one last final fuck-you towards her 😬
with regards to emin's eye color also, i just picked blue as the most opposite of red just to showcase in the very rough roughs that he was still mortal lol but thats subject to change to whatever color. are the szarrs a family of moon elves?? i guess theyre moon elves but they could be sun elves made really pasty by vampirism, who knows lol
also on the matter of "how did a vampire have a kid" - it's DND baby wizardry exists dont worry about it LOL
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larrythefloridaman · 19 days
remembering how cobalt said he'd befriended P. Rool in some capacity in gaiden 5 and im thinking about how funny that is in the wider context of their characters
Plum: -so thats the thing, right? The rules were stacked against me just 'cause the guy in charge of everything decided he didnt like me. At first I didnt even do anything but be... sorta abrasive? A jerk, kinda? I tried to follow the rules as best I could, maybe fudged things a little around the edges but no more than anybody else, I was supposed to be a HEEL and the rules were loose! Theyre still loose! They let other people get away with the same and worse! But I had no say in them, there was no way to get what i wanted or what id rightfully earned no matter how hard I worked, because 'the king of kerfuffle said so' was the law, it didnt need to be logical to be the rules, and when the boss says the rules are 'fuck that guy in particular,' theres nothing you can do to make 'em change their mind. Even if they keep letting ya play, its not because they ever plan to let ya win! They just wanna entertain themselves watching ya struggle. and worst part was, because the guy who makes the rules is the one who had a vendetta against me, everybody's perspective on me got all warped, because it was just a part of the rules that that was the way to treat me and the commentators and staff did nothing but spit on me, so most people just went along with it, some helped ENFORCE it, even normally decent folks acted like it was fine, and the madder I got about it, the worse people treated me, and the more justified they felt for doing it when I reacted bad!
Plum: eventually I just exploded, i mean i just saw RED, and i started treating EVERYBODY like a potential extension of the enemy, if I played nice it wasnt because I liked anybody, it was to try to pull one over on someone who I thought had decided it was their job to hurt me. Rationally I knew better, sure, the way I was behaving wasn't good or kind, but I wasn't really in any kinda headspace to think rationally about the situation. If it weren't for therapuppy managing to nip that episode in the bud, I coulda hurt somebody real bad! Hell, I almost hurt her! I DID hurt Jenny, thankfully not too bad, she was only out of commission for a few hours thanks to the MD... but theres also a selfish part of me I'm not too proud of that finds it kinda hard to feel any guilt about it, because I'd never have lost grip of my judgement and done any of that if I'd just been treated right by her dick boss t'begin with.
Cobalt, god of balance and by extension, you'd hope, fairness, apparently perceiving absolutely zero thematic parallels to anyone or anything in his life whatsoever: I see. That is very tragic. I'm sorry my brother added to the misfortunes you've suffered as a result of these tournaments.
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(this is going to be Long so prepare yourself XD)
Murderbot Diaries:
I have no idea if you've ever read the murderbot diaries books by martha wells (which, if you havent and have any sort of interest in science fiction PLEASE READ THEM THEYRE SO FUN) but the character of secunit is SO ghost coded its not even funny
for those unaware: secunit is short for security unit, which in the world of murderbot are partially artificial and partially human constructs created as cheap labor. secunits are considered property rather than people, despite being totally sentient. they are not, however, autonomous. secunits have a thing called a "governor module" that will essentially fry their brains if they do anything to go against the company/their client's orders. secunits can be repaired and reissued to new clients, so the whole thing is just super fucked up
anyway, back to the au. ghost, like murderbot, manages to disable his governor module somehow and is able to act completely autonomously. however, he's been so Fucked Up by you know... being a secunit, that he doesnt exactly know how to be autonomous or his own person, so he just. Doesnt. and he continues to protect clients as they come up, doing his best to hide the fact that hes able to act freely.
enter the 141 survey crew, who are his latest group of clients that hes been tasked with protecting. its a much smaller group than he's used to, only seven members compared to dozens and dozens, but that means he's the only secunit sent along which is for the better tbh. the members of the survey include laswell, price, gaz, soap, farah, alex, and roach.
for once in ghost's life, he's not treated as a looming threat or an inanimate object, but an actual person with thoughts and opinions of his own. and he Does Not Like This At All.
at least, not at first. but he finds his walls start getting eroded by these idiotic humans and their idiotic tendencies to make the worst possible choices. (especially a certain engineer with a taste for explosive materials, but thats neither here nor their)
of course, something has to go wrong, as it always does. there are two other survey teams on the planet - kortac and shadow company. and according to a message sent by one of them (not sure which yet lmao), something is hunting them.
and soon, the 141 is going to be hunted to
im trying not to directly copy the plot of all systems red (the first murderbot novella) so yeah!
this is going under the read more because its getting too long lmao
cw for mild mouth trauma and general blood/violence
SO this one is fun.
ghost is still part of the 141, alongside gaz and price. he's a werewolf (obviously XD) and somehow, a mark gets the drop on him while he's shifted into his full wolf form
he wakes up in a tiny iron cage in a dank basement, with a burning pain across his snout, jaw, and neck. his captors managed to muzzle and collar him with pure silver, keeping him as weak and docile as possible. hes still fucking dangerous as shit, but this way they can at least handle him.
his captors, a group of hunter/poachers, have a shitton of other supernaturals trapped in the basement with him. they come down to gloat, and with them is a strange man. he doesnt talk smack like the others. he moreso tries to blend into the shadows and disappear. but ghost cant tear his eyes away from the bright blue eyes lurking in the darkness. or the thick iron band locked around his throat.
the man is clearly inhuman, but he cant - or wont - speak. hes tasked with taking care of the "feral wolf" (ghost) for the duration of his stay. from the precise wording of the orders, ghost knows exactly what the man in.
fair folk. something powerful, too, given the iron bands around his wrists as well.
days of ghost plotting his escape pass, and ghost and the fae start to come to some sort of wordless alliance. they take care of each other as best they can from their relative cages, finding solace in each other that they cant find anywhere else.
something happens later down the line, maybe gaz and price are getting to close to the operations, but the poachers decide that its time to cut their losses and skip town. they order the fae to "take care of the wolf". ghost's heart drops, because he knows that a fae cant disobey an order given by the keeper of their true name.
but in the poachers' haste to get things wrapped up, they made a mistake. they left the order unclear and open ended.
and the fair folk always take notice of loopholes.
the fae unlocks ghost's cage and releases him from the silver. ghost, rather than just go up and slaughter the entire organization himself, decides to be extra and lets loose every single other creature trapped down there with him. they all go and massacre the ring, but ghost doesnt. because the fae collapsed on the floor of the basement, dropping his glamour in the process. and the sight is grisly.
he's skin and bones, barely any muscle or fat on him at all. the iron ring around his neck and the iron bands around his wrists hang loose, showing the thick rings of scar tissue on pale skin. but the worst is his mouth.
coarse, rough thread seals his mouth shut, the wounds red and angry and irritated. locking the fae's strongest weapon away, keeping him firmly under the whims of his captors. he may have had the freedom of movement that ghost lacked, but he was as much a prisoner here as the rest.
ghost somehow manages to get them all out safe, and he finally gets the fae's name. his true name. not the silly little nickname he gave him in his head while watching him clean the basement day in and day out (soap).
for the first time in months, simon and johnny speak to one another.
there you go, hope you enjoyed! @bl-nk-sp-ce
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zeravmeta · 11 months
i havent really watched mahoutsukai season 2 part because im a filthy manga elitist part because im just waiting for it to be fully animated AND part bc i already know what happens BUT i really do love seeing it around. the college arc isnt particularly my favorite but what I absolutely enjoy the most about it is that it showcases how fucked up both elias and chise are. like within the starting arcs and season 1 we already see them unhealthily codependent freaks but then in the college arc we get to see other mages and initially its like oh yeah mages and magical creatures of all kinds are their own special type of fucked up but then chise does like one thing and everyone around her suddenly backs away like what the fuck is wrong with you. and like she isnt even actively suicidal at this point anymore and slowly adjusting to leading a (relatively) normal life but now that she actively does want to live and very specifically "got the taste for blood" in defending her own life even if it means killing others shes now dangerous in a way she wasnt before because she was too bogged down by the Horrors and Problems but now she isnt gonna hold back. she nearly kills the mercenary in a training exercise and later in the mines when she catches a WHIFF of potential violence and her reaction to finding out it was a joke was to do the teehee. bleh. she'll casually tell her classmates that yeah the fair folk will fuck you up but theyre very easy to negotiate with just make sure you dont let them rip out your eyeballs with like the most casual smile and theyll all be like um no actually thats not normal. she'll be told by the head honcho of the academy one of the top world mages "hey you cant sacrifice your life to save that girl shes already far gone and our enemy you cant fight me or anyone" and then chise goes "ok i wont fight you" and transforms into a dragon about it and every single top mage is like what the fuck
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80bitesofsweets · 9 months
I'm genuinely so sorry for what happened with that person 😭 it's not cool to cross people's boundaries and it's very uncomfortable to deal with that.
But I did want to come here and say your OCS are very cool!! I love getting your artwork on my homepage it really makes my day.
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man at the end of the day, my mood was tilted. they were some kid and they just gotta learn not to bother people like that.
theyre young but that doesnt mean they can get a light pass just cause. i know some folks may think im too harsh on the situation. easy block and go.
i did block, but i felt a chance for them to understand the boundaries were fair and they did not understand that which i sadly have no patience for.
theyll figure it out one day. today isnt that day for them.
and thank you. i just didnt wanna spam my main account with cookie run stuff.
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