#theyre just pictures of my tv sorry
elle-p · 7 months
In the original theatrical version of Spring of Birth and Midsummer Knights Dream:
Yukari doesn't talk to Makoto outside his room.
Makoto doesn't go the the Velvet Room after awakening, nor does Yukari talk to him in the hospital. It skips to the 18th after he passes out.
The newspaper Mitsuru shows looks different.
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When fighting the boss on their first run of Tartarus, Makoto waits a bit before summoning Orpheus again(it's like a second I don't get it...).
Yukari, Junpei, and Makoto don't have to worry about the monorail not stopping. The scene ends with Junpei saying he could have handled it himself and Yukari looking at him. It then skips to the test and daily life for the 30th.
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Half the scene where SEES interrogate Natsuki is gone: she doesn't mention her friends hearing voices calling them into the Dark Hour, and Yukari doesn't get mad at Makoto not caring about Fuuka being missing.
There's a butterfly on Makoto's evoker after defeating the Emperor and Empress.
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Akihiko doesn't confront Shinjiro about his Persona after he runs away from the Hermit.
Akihiko doesn't ask Mitsuru about Shinjiro's surpressants after Ken feeds his fish.
The calendar after Akihiko walks past Shinjiro looks different.
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Shinjiro's memorial happens on the 15th instead of the 7th.
The flowers look different.
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Shinjiro's portrait is clearer.
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Makoto has a different expression.
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carcarrot · 2 months
ok letterboxd update: ive logged everything ive watched since the start of september 2023 however:
im missing januarys movies (will update)
most of the gaps in movie diary months are when ive watched a tv episode (mostly columbo, occasionally mst3k or rare days when ive just watched what was on tv)
i havent counted movies ive watched while commuting/at work yet
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icarusredwings · 25 days
Thinking about Wade's life and his mental health issues a lot, and I just thought about this. Not only being abused, but his entire brain being made out of cancer, and the fact that oxygen was physically taken from his brain over the course of 2+ days multiple times?
We see him coloring a lot and claim multiple times that he doesn't/ can't read (this is probably a bit, I guarantee he can read), but it had me thinking what if some days were more childish then others as part of his coping mechanisms?
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At first, Logans was really confused about why Althea puts up with it until he realizes that it's extremely good for him to just... be taken care of? Praised and given affection for the bare minimum? He thinks it's weird. This wasn't the same man he was fighting with yesterday.
Coming into the living room, he sees Wade sprawled out with crayons and markers all around him with multiple pictures already coloured, his notebook having pages ripped out of it as he kicks his feet and hums.
On the tv, there are cartoons playing. Once in a while, he'll look up at the tv and then go back to coloring. "What are you doing??"
"Hi wolvie. 'm colouring."
"He's behaving, so don't ruin it." Al says. There's pictures by her, and she is holding a box of cereal.
"O..kay??" Sitting down, he's almost too curious to just walk away, picking up puppins so she doesn't ruin his drawings, petting her confusedly.
Sometimes, Al will hold out some cereal in her hand. "Wade." And he will see him shimmy over and take the cereal. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, baby."
As hes scooting back to his color spot he stops and watches the tv for a bit longer then usual.
"...What.. the fuck." Logan says to her and she gives him a brow raise. "What?"
"What is he doing?"
"He's coloring. And I thought I was the blind one."
"No no I mean.. those aren't murder plans. That's puppins."
"Yes? And?"
"And.. what did you do to him?"
"Treated him like a human being. Give it a try once inawhile." She says, and he comes back with more pictures, climbing in between them with no regard for space as he leans into her.
"Oh thank you. What is it?"
"It's you."
"Oh? How sweet. Do I look good?"
"Im glad. How about you show our friend here your amazing pictures. And he better be nice!"
So wade turns and now is leaning on logan as he points to a different picture. One of Logan with Puppins on a leash with a sun in the corner and crappy grass, a hearts all over the place.
At first he wants to tell him to get off of him, but seeing the pictures and how excited his eyes were to show him, it hits him and he understands.
".. uhm.. thank you?" But he puts it back in his hand. "Oh- you want me to keep it?"
Wade nods and starts cleaning up his crayons.
Logan turns to whisper to Al "How long does this go on?"
"About 2 hours or so."
"God only knows, but it helps with his nightmares."
"Colouring helps with his nightmares??"
"Its more then that. Hey sweetheart? Why don't you bring your ponys out."
"Theyre horses."
"Oh im sorry, my mistake. I think logan here wants to play horses."
Logan gives her a look like excuse me? When did I sign up for that? "No.. uhm.. I think im good."
Wade gets this look of sad innocence but goes to get them anyway, beginning to play by himself, brushing them and making them talk to each other quietly. As if he speaks any louder, he would get hit.
Logan groans and is like "Gimme a fucking horse.."
From then on, Logan is quick to understand what's happening and is much nicer to him, starts giving him snacks, buying him actual coloring books, and has pinned his drawings to the fridge each time he's gifted one. His horses name is Buttercup, by the way.
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Swap AU:
Charlie and Vaggie both know That Vox is there on Lucifer's behalf, but once they see Vox freak out because of Alastor's Shadow (Alastor took over the Shadow and was gently petting Vox's rabbit ears (just how sleepy Vox likes it), before he spoke through the radio to Vox, saying I love you.) Causing the overlord to have a panic attack and blow the power in half of pride. So Vaggie actually gets pretty overprotective of Vox, seeing Alastor as Vox's Adam.
This panic attack is also what allows Husker and Vox to setup their contracted souls and they start building outside of the hotel. Little restaurants, and a gambling joint (where the biggest prize is TVs you don't have to rent, which Charlie thinks is pretty awesome. Not even Nobles have their own TVs, so this will definitely bring in the spotlight for the hotel!) One of the surviving contracted souls of Vox's is a goetia, who can go to earth, and Vox uses them have the hotel offer earthly goods.
At the overlord meeting...since the remaining Vees are contracted Overlords, they aren't invited. Only Alastor and Rosie can come for the Entertainment District and Cannibal town. Vox is on a high dose of (I think it's Xanax they give you for this? I know it's what they gave me to take during my flights because of the anxiety for flying so I'm guessing it may be the same idk) meds so he can get through the meeting unfortunately, Husker can only sit on one of his sides....Who takes the other seat beside Vox? Why Alastor of course.
Who catches Vox's hand with his own under the table, giving it a squeeze and rubbing his thumb over Vox's pulse point in his wrist while Carmilla talks.
While Husk brings up the Angel's head, and points out it could be the cause of the second extermination coming up, Vox is beginning to slowly freak out. He's glad when Carmilla and Zestial say the meeting is over, and he stands up about to jerk his hand away--when Alastor kisses it, murmuring "I'm sorry, my beloved. I'll see you soon." And Husk hisses, grabbing Vox and they hurry back to the hotel.
Vox leaves the lights on in his room that night, but it doesn't stop Alastor from visiting, and covering his precious picture box up with the softest blanket he can conjure....and he also spots the large Cyan scar on Vox's chest, and tears fill the deer demons eyes--he hadn't ment too, he thinks claws digging into his palms. Never you Vox....it'll never happen again. Once I have your soul under my hand no one will hurt you again...myself included. You'll be safe right beside me, where you belong.
oh my GOD vaggie and vox friendship theyre so precious to me <3 wait okay so does al like. send his shadow to the hotel since they cant really get rid of it anyway and they dont know yet that al can posess his shadow ? or what is really going on here im a little lost sorry. the image of al taking the opportunity to stay close to vox when hes in his most vulnerable state just kinda scratches something in my brain though... hes SUCHHH a freak about it all get a JOB stay away from him
OH !!! thats so cool. wait so before that did they just like. have nothing at all lmfao?? cause vox was hiding away or something? cause i dont know if i can image the hotel looking like the shabby rundown mess it was in the show considering the Gambling and Media overlords are here to help run it lmfao. also a GOETIA? my god,, by jove how did that happen
oh this is. oh thats so.... URhrgdhjkfd... the fact that alastors idea of love and posession is so warped that he can only think of owning voxs soula s a means to keep him safe... and he regrets it all so much but its not something that he can ever properly express because he knows vox wouldnt listen and would just try to run away again... im gonna be SICK nonny dont do this to me. i hate ithere
AND YOU DIDNT ANSWER MY QUESTION LAST TIME ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT THEY GET A HAPPY ENDING !!!!!! :sob: im so scared nonny i really am what are you doing with them....
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since charles gf is friends with the boys since theyre young, how about a little something about her helping pierres gf when the woman feeling overwhelmed with their fame? like i imagine it can get crazy with paparazzi, all the money and the access, the travelling,the girls throwing themselves over them...nothing like us 9-5'vers are used to.
"We can go through here, it's usually calmer", you nudged Pierre's girlfriend while she walked along side you into the paddock, looking around at everything, "I don't usually see this way on TV", she mumbled, "photographers always stay on the other entrance, more famous people and all", you explained, thinking about the cuts you needed to take, "Fabiana from AlphaTauri taught me these paths for every race I went to when I first started dating Charles", you smiled at the memory, remembering how young (and lost) you were.
"Was it different because you were their friend before?", she asked you, "I didn't notice it at first, to be honest. But as we got older, everyone started guessing and wondering who I was, mean comments thrown as to why I was either at every race, because I surely had to have a job and why was I always in the paddock, or the other way around, why I wasn't here supporting them", you mused, "and I started taking these 'less famous' paths to the paddock", you explained, "it's not that the other ones aren't safe, but these are easier", you smiled as you reached the back entrance of Alpine, "Here".
"Hi, Y/N? How are you?", Pierre's girlfriend said over the phone while you cooked dinner with Charles' help, "Hello, dear, I've been good, and you? Pierre told me you'd join the race this weekend!", you replied, sensing some nerves on her tone but wanting to check if it was just your odd impression, "are you alone? I actually wanted to talk to you for a bit, if that's okay", she forwarded, making you ask her for a second.
Pausing the call, you looked at Charles, "can you handle the rest of the recipe, please?", you wondered, "just put these in halfway and then straight to the oven, right?", he pointed, making you peck his cheek before saying, "exactly. Merci, amour! Call me if you need anything", before leaving for your bedroom, wanting the call to be more private. "I'm back, sorry, just had to check Charles was capable of making the rest of our dinner", you giggled, "is everything okay?", you asked, "it, it seems so silly, but I don't know what to do, and it is consuming my kind day by day, and I don't want Pierre to be worried about this, he already has a lot on his plate and-", you decided to interrupt her, "hey, deep breaths, okay? Nothing is silly if it is bothering you. You can tell me if you want", you invited her to continue, "there has been a lot of comments online. Apparently people found my social media, and some managed to get hold of my posts because there are pictures from my Instagram page on the Internet and I have a private account, and it has spiralled so much, it's insane. They're talking about me like they know me, saying things that they take for granted and that are not the truth, and I'm not used to it. I thought I could call you to vent it out I guess, I know we can't do much about it", she admitted sadly, "unfortunately, this is part of what they do. But it is not because it is a part of what they do that you should accept it. And it's okay if it bothers you, it's only logical after all", you tried, "I wish I could say it gets better but I can only say there are days. And it's quite shit because you'll have to learn who you can trust and sometimes you do it the hard way, but in the end you're the one who knows about you and Pierre, so you just focus on that", you advised, "and don't ever think it is silly to call or talk about this. Either to me, to Pierre or to Charles. Even if my boyfriend is a little oblivious sometimes, we all care about you and want you to be well.".
Charles and Pierre had agreed to have dinner the day they arrived at the track location, wanting to spend some relaxed time before the busy race weekend. You were about to sit down when Pierre and his girlfriend arrived, making you drop your bag before greeting her with a kiss and a hug, "how are you? Charles is just there hanging my coat, go and give him yours too if you'd like", you offered before moving to hug her boyfriend and your long time friend, "Thank you for what you did with her. And what you do. I couldn't have asked for a better support", Pierre said as soon as he faced you, "I know she has been having a bit of a bad time dealing with things, and I know I sometimes don't have the best advice because I don't live this all thing like you do, it's different for us, but I'm very happy that she has you, too", he said before hugging you.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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✨ episode 4 - running commentary✨
- I'm not ready for this no no no no no DEEP BREATH ok let's go
- I will just say actually that ep3 has turned it around for me, like 100% and it is SO MUCH BETTER on tv than on the bigger screen, the screenings were fun but a Mistake
- anyWAY
- LESI???
- ok literally a hitchhiker lmao @theeminentlyimpractical wins this round HAHAH JTS SHAX JAHAHA mood swing
- oh my god i want them to be friends in an AU fuCK SHE WORKED IT OUT AZIRAPHALE LMAO
- lmao aziraphale???? YOU SLY DOG????
- this has to be a fuck moment right aziraphale? az?? CMON SWEAR YOU DUMBASS BITCH
- honestly aziraphale if it turns out furfur is an ex we need to have cocktails bbygirl tell me EVERYTHING YOU DIRTY HOE
- lmao walking dead au when, they really did end up down there huh I mean foregone conclusion but this gives me LIFE
- idc about hell I need the BOYS I need the dinner of motherfucking 41
- all the Nazis lmao get shredded bitches
- furfur lol this is doomed to failure
- aziraphale stop trying to offer him a handy I'm sorry but you need to TONE IT DOWN you nearly got blown up NOW IS NOT THE TIME offer him a blowy LATER
- this is so much better than I could have ever predicted NEIL YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARd
- also lmao the dinner is after the show??? idk let's see
- fucking HOWLING at the Nazi trio hahaha Steve pemberton is *the* moment lmaooooo
- OOP NO DINNER DINNER NOW??? Also lmao 'friends' I bet that BURNED Michael's mouth to FUCK
- crowley's face I'm DYING aziraphale you're so SILLY
- fuck me im so whipped for 40s Crowley and his lil jazzy wazzy hands
- ahhh magic shop!!!!!✨✨✨
- I know we said that aziraphale has the patience of a saint but I take it back Crowley is still an angel I'm convinced of it
- aziraphale literally has no self preservation I love him
- "leave the miracles to us" snarky ass bitch
- AHHHH HE TRUSTS CROWLEY FUCK YES the way he grabs his MF HAND no I'm done now
- aziraphale you are a disaster
- oh my god someone drag him off stage pLEASE
- Cmon Crowley you can do it bbygirl💓💓💓💓
- no fuck off furfur they need to snog go away OH MY GOD THEY KNEW EACH OTHER, jealous AZIRAPHALE?????
- oh I'm living for the zombies I love them
- lmao that photo hahahaha
- "retire the act"
- wait no come back u need to kiss now no
- fucking cockblocked by a scene change fuCK
- yes beelzebub NO BEELZEBUB lol another mood swing
- annnnnd he's back home💓💓💓
- I KNEW AZIRAPHALE WAS BENTLEY'S FAVE get shitted on crowley
- "a night to REMEMBER" lmao it BETTER BE
Oh no it's the ball episode next I BETTER GET THAT KISS but also an explanation for "u go too fast for me Crowley" bc that did NOT explain it
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ame0nis · 2 months
intro post ! … ☆
★ basic info :
names : tommy or helga , or any variation of my username . just as long as i know youre referring to me . ♥︎
genderflir , demi + prosparomantic , lesbian , alicosexual . ty/tym/tyr/tyrs/tyrself + vae/vem/vaer/vaers/vaerself prns . im fine with they/them if push comes to shove .
minor , but my maturity fluctuates
i think i have autism , adhd , and bpd , so please keep that in mind when talking to me in case i ever come off as rude or anything !
dont be afraid to reach out !! i love making friends online .
i support palestine . if i dont participate in a strike , its because i didnt know there was one . please lmk if im missing anything !! :]
★ links :
★ dni list :
pro - israel
mdni blogs . IT GOES BOTH WAYS .
fatphobes ( i myself am fat so like . shoo . go away . )
anti - acab
despite this dni list , i still block quite a lot . sorry not sorry .
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interests under cut ! … ☆
( highlighted green & italicized = LOVE !! ♥︎ )
★ fandoms :
half life ( vrai , freeman’s mind , gman squad , //full regret included )
batman in general , but the arkham + telltale + lego games and tv shows mostly ( the batman [ 2004 ] specifically )
anything xbox 360 related
the rocky horror picture show
sonic adventure 1 & 2
bendy and the ink machine
phineas and ferb
dark deception
sally face
puppet combo games + night of the consumers
amnesia ( the horror game btw 😭 )
austin powers
we happy few
brütal legend
façade 2005
little shop of horrors
repo ! the genetic opera
baldis basics in education and learning
★ content creators :
commentary youtubers ( kurtis conner , danny gonzalez , chad chad , jarvis johnson , funkyfrogbait , etc. )
bad lip reading
deadwater gaming
matt rose
vinesauce & vargskelethor
video essays . just in general . ( ESPECIALLY if theyre feature - length ! )
last updated : august 23rd, 2024
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goodmorningdove · 1 year
Noticed you’ve got a snufkin pfp? Got any thoughts about moomin valley you wanna get out?
Snork is a mood oh my god hes so autistic and im like my man. Yes.
Little my is what i aspire to be tbh like i could never be her but honestly i wish i could. Biting you biting you biting you.
Snufkin i love this version of him. Hes so little. Like personality wise. He has his wisdom sure but like in the same way a kid with shitty parents does. Like you know a lot due to your circumstances but you are also young and have not seen much. Hes me and that is why he is my pfp. Man says "bye" by just leaving without warning and besties that is my toxic trait!!! Also I have the hot take that his need to not want to constrain something by loving it too much is actualllly about how he doesnt want to like. Force moomin to always wait for him. I think hes very afraid of trapping moomin rather than moomin trapping him. Whether this is about romantic or platonic feelings is irrelevant. I am this way about everyone.
I really want more snorkmaiden development all of her character arcs seem to be second to jer relationship with moomin. Which wpuld be fine if moomin wasnt the main character? Because she should basically then be the 2nd character with major plot stuff going on. Shes gotten more stuff as weve gone on (esp with snorks intro in s3) and i hope s4 really delves into her character because i like her character a lot!
Speaking of moomin and Snorkmaiden's relationship! It's very light on the themes like most of their early stuff is snorkmaiden wanting a stronk man and moomin being a soft boi which was okay thematically. Could be better but it wasnt the worst. But now its just "look at that relationship. Wow. Sure is a relationship!" Where. Where are the themes. Like you have an amazing set up theme with moomin living at the top of a tower and there was the one episode that shows snorkmaiden playing with a knight figurine or something and it would be awesome to have snorkmaiden be moomin's knight in shining armour you know role reversal on the manly knight saving the princess in the tower. But they havent really shown they were gonna go down that route since moomin came back from the island. And that would be fine, except. Well. Moomin does have a relationship with another character that has A Lot of themes! Including framing moomin as a princess-in-the-tower. Like im sorry but why are they giving snufkin and moomin so many romatic themes if theyre not even gonna follow through? Im not letting myself get my hopes up, we're being queerbaited my dudes that mountain ep was like. ???????? As someone who went to film school and LITERALLY STUDIES THEMES IN MOTION PICTURES LIKE FILM AND TV whaaat the fuck. Its queer baiting im sorry and it pisses me off so much. Theyre shorting snorkmaidens character to queerbait us with snufmin this isnt what anyone wanted me to say but its true and everyone needs to relunctantly accept it
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nialltlynch · 2 years
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whooooo okay uhhh here's what i have for these. (and TECHNICALLY that should be ashley one and ashley two since ive already posted three but wahhhhhhhtever)
my wip fridge: the post
niall mor greenmantle piper cheating au - sorry !!!! i don't really have a snippet but basic vibes are very much some reality tv show full of the most annoying people you can think of except they meet up at a magical black market. i also have it in my head that mor, niall, and greenmantle are all vaguely the sameish age but piper is a good decade younger. (she has a vibrant social circle outside of them.) theyre not a polycule because theyre rancid and niall and mor keep saying theyre catholic and piper wouldn't want to be associated with the rest of them outside of the fairy market !!!! uhhhhm basically niall is the physical embodiment of "boobs in my mouth boobs in my mouth boobs in my mouth youre NOTHING", mor is constantly suicide baiting him (often while theyre fucking), greenmantle wants so desperately to be liked but unfortunately hes from BALTIMORE, and piper is a wannabe influencer who could totally blow the cover of the whole magical black market thing if anyone took her seriously. (she's been shadowbanned for having a dildo shaped thing in the background of one many of her photos (absolutely a dildo but that's beside the point)).
jordan blue thing (may have posted some of this before idr)
Jordan had seen Blue Sargent naked before she'd even learned her name.  
They met in a figure drawing class which did wonders for Jordan's wandering late night imagination.  Little forays that paid off during the day when Jordan came to paint.  She had pictured the arch of Blue's back and the fullness of her thighs pressed together.  There were hours where Jordan spent trying to mentally capture light falling on Blue's breasts.  
Always with an academic mind, of course.  Definitely.  When she thought of running her hands along her skin it was purely for the way Blue would react.  What color were her cheeks when she's flushed?  Was her skin soft?  Giving?  And those lips.  What did they taste of?  Mint?  Cherries?
Jordan sighed as the class came to an end.  Before the piece had been a collection of lines and shadows, her gaze too close and critical, but now, with the bell ringing, she takes a step back.She looked at her drawing: eyes downcast, shoulder shrugged in coy invitation, the curve of the back slightly exaggerated.  She couldn't quite get the hair right.  Not spiky enough, her mind supplied unhelpfully.  Jordan compared the drawing to the subject: dark brown eyes that couldn't be properly captured in charcoal and -
She was looking straight at Jordan.
Blue had shrugged on the tatty old robe and tied it loosely.  Jordan smiled and put away her supplies.
"You're the best one in class," Blue said it loud enough for other students to hear.  She didn't even bother with side eye.  Just a full on defiant what are you going to do about it look.  When the students left she turned back to Jordan and gestured to one of the easels and leaned in conspiratorially.  "There's no way I'm that toned.  A shame?  Maybe.  But it's the truth."
Jordan felt a laugh bubble up in her throat.  She made a study of Blue, not bothering to hide the way she was clearly checking her out.  "Call it artistic liberties."
"When you draw me," Blue said as she came around behind Jordan to look at her work.  "You get it.  There are things about me worth the attention and sometimes it seems like you're the only one who notices."
They turned their attention to Jordan's unfinished drawing.  Jordan wondered if Blue could tell how Jordan lingered on the lips.  The neck.  The eyes.
"I'll finish you off someday," Jordan said.  When she looked at Blue she noticed how her robe had fallen just slightly off her shoulder.  A stupid thing to notice.  A little break of skin.  Jordan had an eyeful of naked Blue on display only moments ago.  She swalllowed.
"You busy tonight?" Blue asked, turning suddenly.  "We always do this thing Wednesday nights, you want in?  Just a couple drinks.  No pressure."
Jordan thought about her apartment and the unfinished paintings drying on the walls.  Most nights were spent lost among these things, half inside her own head and half arguing with Hennessy about nothing and everything.  She couldn't remember the last time she had let herself chill or hang or whatever people called it these days.
Blue scribbled her number on an extra piece of scrap paper - this one was splattered with oils and paints that stained Blue's fingers when she pulled away.
adam and mr gray
"It's rather late for questions, Mr. Parrish," Mr. Gray says.  
Without saying anything, Adam presses the collection of papers and clippings and evidence into Mr Gray's hands.  Presented without comment. 
Mr. Gray is an interesting specimen.  The very first thing Adam had noticed about the man was his insistence on consistency.  Unflappable in a way that Adam originally had attributed to a career languishing in professorship but Mr. Gray dismissed that immediately.  His hair was gray (prematurely Adam decided after tracing the line of his jaw with his eyes for the entire first class session), he had broad shoulders and a slight limp on his left side that he was usually very good at hiding unless he had been standing in one spot for more than five or so minutes.  Which he was careful never to do.  Adam had found himself fascinated from the first.  Mr. Gray was smart and easy going but there had been something else in there as well.
Adam watches him now flip through the various bits of evidence Adam had collected over the ten days of panic over Ronan.  The tiny scuff on the surface, perfectly concealed except to an eye that was looking. Mr. Gray keeps his face mostly clear of any indication of anything at all (Adam watches his jaw closely for he knows that's where Mr. Gray keeps most of his emotions) until he reaches the very end.  Adam swallows.  He hopes it's enough.
"What do you want?" Mr. Gray finally asks, looking up.
"Resources," Adam says. 
Mr. Gray fully opens the door and allows Adam inside.  Adam's never been inside his office, never had much use for it.  It's deceptively sparse except for a grand bookcase stocked tastefully with books exactly like one would expect.  It's the trinkets that line the top shelf that catch Adam's eye.  To any one else, student or colleague, they would seem to be the collection of a somewhat quirky professor.  GIfts, maybe.  Things bought on a whim with a story gladly told but closer inspection shows Adam waht they really are.
Expensive things taken from hits to serve as a reminder of what life might have been.  Used to be.  Life outside of the office?
ashley 2 (actually 1)
"Okay, on three, ready? One, two - I'm gay."
Declan does not abide the rules. He looks at her with the same inconcievable confusion he always wears, his salad all skewered and dressed on his tiny fork and halfway up to his gaping mouth.
"You were supposed to tell me you're gay, too! Twinsies!"
"I am not gay," Declan says lowly, looking furtively around them.
"The warehouse," Ashley prompts. "Mr. What Do You Know About Welsh Kings? If every man in the world were built like that then maybe I wouldn't have strayed the straight and narrow but come on. Are you really not out yet? Not even to yourself? Baby, listen, you're gay."
He gently sets his fork down and crumples the fabric napkin in his fists.
"Can you just break up with me like a normal person?" he takes her hand and clasps it around her water glass. "Get it out of your system. Throw it at me and be done with it."
Ashley does not abide the rules. She tugs her hand from his, splashing a bit of water on his hands, and drinks all the sparkling water in one go.
"This was a great idea," she says. "I do love lobster."
ashley 3 (actually 2)
When pressed, Ashley might say that the happiest high of her relationship with Declan Lynch had not been the extravagent peacocking in the form of expensive dinners and pretty trinkets for her wrists and nceck.  The happiest high is a specific slice of a moment, golden hour or burgeoning dawn she can't remember, with Declan's arm draped casually along her back, hand tucked in a possessive laziness at her waist.  Ashley, when pressed, can't recall much more detail than that.  Nothing about what they might have been wearing or why or even really where they were.  There had been a snapshot of a moment where she remembered being at his side and getting a glimpse of something more than had been previously promised.
The problem with this high is that is likely had never happened.   The details too fuzzy, the things coming to light too on point.  It could have been a fabrication of a story of a memory of an old ad seen once in passing along the winding highway leading toward a city.  Ashley's never followed any of the highways into the glitz and glamor for fear of where they might lead but she did exactly once and it led her here.
Ashley can't believe what she's seeing so she calls him.  He says her name neutrally when he answers.  Short and perfunctory like a bad stage read.
"You've canceled on my every night this week.  You know what?  No.  No, I don't want to hear anymore of your excuses."
Declan is silent on the other end.  Stewing, no doubt.  Jaw tight and the muscles along it clenching down until he can't speak or move.  It's a look she's seen on him before, one very common in the Declan facial expression lexicon, one she can hear without sight.  The line dies and so the image of Declan with it.  Ashley gathers herself for another night spent much the same as the others.  All around her are the boxes organized prettily stacked against the walls, waiting for something that won't ever come.  Ashley can relate to that.
In some ways, the city hasn't been anything like her expectations at all.  In others, she feels like she should've known so much better.  It would be a very simple thing to to resent the place and yet Ashley can't quite muster up the courage.
She had taken all of her savings to follow Declan out here, a choice that at the time had seemed lifted from one of those romantic movies he dutifully watched with her some nights.  Maybe it came from the same place in her mind as her happiest moments with him.  That same script of lies.  Ashley wishes she could go back and grab her younger self, dig her fingers into her pliable shoulders, and shake and shake and shake.  She could imagine it, going back and trying to talk sense into her.  She knows she would never listen.
Declan is barely worth it.  There's a certain thread of surprsie at how easily Ashley is able to find the conclusion and hold it as her own but the more she repeats it in her head - barely worth it Declan is barely worth it Declan is barely worth it Declan is Declan is Declan Declan Declan - the easier it is to come to terms with.
Ashley wakes up the next morning to a blurb of a text.  The preview reads everything she needs to know.  
Ashley - it has been a pleasure knowing you but I'm afraid it's over.  Kindly
She isn't sure if this is the world's most droll suicide note or if she should be expecting a severence package in three to five business days.  Her minds wander the dark places where this is in fact a suicide letter.  The notifications.  The funeral.  The explanations she would have to give to his family.  Oh, we broke up, actually.  I was going to propose.  It wasn't serious.  He was my everything.  Are you his mother?  I don't think we've ever met.
It takes Ashley until the end of the evening to finally read the message in its entirety.  In the time between seeing it and reading the whole thing she managed to unpack her entire apartment, find her way to a cheap take out place only a couple blocks away, and fight with the porter about losing her key.  She entertains scenarios about what the text could be. The truth is, as is often the case, a disappointment.
Ashley - it has been a pleasure knowing you but I'm afraid it's over.  Kindly remove me from your contacts and refrain from contacting me again.  Warm regards - Declan L.
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theodoraflowerday · 1 year
heartstopper s2e8 live episode reaction
well I mean I sobbed my eyes out with this last episode, let's see what awaits us
COLOURS OF YOU???????????????
that is SUCH a full circle moment to see nick coming out fr in public with colours of you playing
so they're gonna kiss in public tarcy style and imogen is gonna see them and be like "oh. OH" and it's gonna be a never ending cycle of baby queers, right? RIGHT?
sad about darcy
true gay/lesbian solidarity going on there
lmao nick and charlie are about to become the #1 couple at truham lol
I'm gonna get a tattoo that just says "I'm bi, actually"
nick and tao bestieism <3
no I'm dying I love nick and tao being besties this is the greatest development from this tv show
"don't be weird about it" "I'll try" oh okay
y'all would get along really well. a dead dad and a deadbeat dad. besties.
I'm obsessed with them always making decisions as a couple
always we we we what is this an ambulance jfc
and what are your intentions with my elle? JSKDJSKFJDKFJ
I love elle's parents so fucking much
I want a group of friends aaaaaaaa
oh my god the rugby lads
tao and elle are THE most fabulous couple sorry they're just glowing
I cannot BELIEVE they're actually doing sapphic imogen fancying sahar, my god
oh my fucking god nick and charlie are the greatest love story in the planet
oh oh fuck no Tara
oh my god darcy's mother is a fucking psychopath
"you've only ever seen half of my life" "and now I'm seeing the other half and I still love you" oh eternal sobs
SEVEN????? SEVEN!!!!!!!!! SEVEN
this song is the most darcy song in the planet and now we have a paris gang montage set to seven I'm in tears
I am not immune to folklore
oh my fucking god I need BOTH of them to win awards for this season
oh my god sarah
oh my god my heart is beating so fast holy fucking shit
my heart's beating so fast I really thought he was going to say it
oh wow
I know season 1 is the ultimate comfort watch but this season was the greatest season of television I have ever seen
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gardeningintrests · 3 years
food 1a)
All around the galactic province on the eastern side of the galaxy, there was a rumour going around
"have you heard? the infamous 'deathworlders' are going to arrive in a few cycles! "
"i heard they dont have any fur! they only have skin warping up their bare muscles!"
"i heard they use high grade weapons for their daily life!"
"the rumour has it that they will eat anything within its sight when hungry"
"i heard they have hair on their heads and no where else!"
of course, some of the rumours were stupid and exagerated. but in face, a crew of humans is indeed coming its way to the galactic eastern province to attend a universal meeting about their diets and if any food from the death world (also known as Terran) can be edible by any other species.
onced the news of the rumans sudden arrival at the international space station, half of the Kaaldan species were gathering outside of the space station to satisfy their curiousity of the looks of the Terrans (humans)
"ugh, what a nuisance" captain jack said while preparing to depart onto a unfailiar land and looking outside with a window thats tainted so that outsiders cant see inside.
"well we just gotta ignore it." "yeah we have no other choice do we?"
a few of the crew said and sighed. They want to qucikly get the goody goody greeting and information insertion and then finalize their existence so that they can go places without getting scorned or gazed at with curiosity and hostility.
but they have a klong way to go, so they need to start step by step.
"welp, lets get going. the longer we stay the more people are coming here"
"can we even call them people?"
"dont be rude, Francis. We are going to be with them for the rest of our lives."
"im so resigning"
The crew of humans finally with the help of their hooded uniforms and masks and sunglasses, non of their face was recorded or taken a picture of. It was tiring to run from bystanders who are trying their horrible best to look at them.
they reached the meeting place.
Upon entering eveyong stood and welcomed them. in the meeting room, there was a huge round table, inside is no other than floating computer windows, statistics, notes and a system checker(like settings but more advanced)
they sat at the north of the round table (that makes them the star of the meeting)
they started as soonn as the humans took off their helmets and masks that hid of their face. and eveyone present were either wowed, shocked, scared or a mix of the said emotions.
Captain Jack Introduced himself, and eveyone is shcoked at his face. There was a huge scar, from his chin up to his forehead. Everyone present knows scars arent a good thing to talk about in any setient species.
they started with food, the basics.
once they all filled the humans screen with information of what is dangerous poison and what is edible foods around the galaxy. they provided them with the chemicals inside of the foods so that they can understand why theyre so dangerous.
afterall, humans are very curious creatures. so providing them with information would be a good idea to satisfy them.
Every species in the current seatings were proud of themsevles because they found humans a bit cute (somewhat like their young)
the humans looked confused.
everyone soon tried to understand why, is it because the information is too complex for them to understand? perhaps a translation error? or perhaps they dont understand as they are not scientist?
then suddenly, one of the humans spoke : "uhmm, pardon my rudeness but is it alright for me to speak my mind?"
"of course human. "
"why is caffine not allowed?"
everyone stood in shock, and the remaining humans immediately pulled their friend down and whispered something to them. and the human seemed to relaized his mistake and apologized frantically.
the human shouted his apology so loud that some species had a hard time in reciving it.
the aliens were all curious but too scared to ask, until a kaaldan asked the thing everyone is thinking about .
"why do you think caffine is allowed? if im correct, caffine is a high poison. It is usually used for execution and maybe poisoning of the leaders."
eveyone noded or responded in some way that is fit to their way of agreeing.
"im terribly sorry about my comrade has said, and to answer your question just now captain Huieosyen. Because in our planet, humans sometimes need to keep themselves awake for a longer time and in order to do that, we drink a beverag called coffee....
after long hours of explaning cafine and other things that cannot be eaten however edible in some way.
all of them were shocked at the humans discovery of baking and a usage of fire. They wouldve expected them like half of them, using fire to engage in combat and defend or hunt, to find the humans not really fit into their expectations of violence.
'well its better this way, they are adorable beings and i rather them not join battles'
after a while, the humans started to talk about the dinning etiquette, courses, disserts and how they are served or how they are made. They also put up pictures and videos of the crew making the food themselves.
the aliens were... upheaveled. what? humans put bacteria on food to make it more delicious?? is this really a thing? humans like any other sentient species is that outside bacteria is not good for the body and they put it on food. the one thing they eat.
and then because of this the humans stayed another few hours explaning and giving out information for each food that basiclly exist.
"thank you so much for your cooperation, Humans. And we are terribly sorry for taking your time away."
"no no its alright, its for the safety of not only us humans but also the species out there."
and with that, the humans returned to the international space station and by the time they arrive, it was already 2 in the morning. what a long day.
a few months later, the whole article about human food is published onto the galactic net and everyone was caught off guard by the weirdness of the humans.
and soon, cook books and tv shows are suddenly on air, showing diffrent species of aliens what they can and cannot eat.
makes us wonder what would happen if they knew humans used fire for other things as well.
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koosc · 2 years
hi! could i request for 18 + 19 with soobin? she/her reader, fluff, they could already be together or not (up to you!) and i was think maybe it's y/n saying them to sb after he passed out on her while theyre chilling on a couch after a rough day of practice/training (sorry if this is too much details, all up to you!)
marble statue (c.soobin x reader)
warnings/tags: idol!soobin x female!reader, female!oc getting nervous but acting cool infront of soobin, mentions of oc having recurrent nightmares, friendstolovers!au
genre: fluff!
words: 949 words
a/n: hi anonie! I hope this is upto your expectations. I like the fact it was very detailed so I could work around it easier and make it upto your liking! the prompts are “you fell asleep against me. it felt a marble statue was leaning on me-” and “tell me what you dream of. I’ll listen.” and it’s from this list! this is a repost from my main account ^^
“there’s your favourite chips and I’m grabbing all the fluffy stuff I have and…” you list out the comfortable and cosy stuff in your humble abode to Soobin so you can convince him to crash at your place. He had sent you 5 detailed texts on how his day sucked and how he wished someone would take a hint that he was tired (he was hinting at you) and all that he wanted was to sleep.
You had shot him texts back immediately, telling him that you didn’t have a shift at work tonight and was looking forward to catching up with some shows. Soobin had called you and told you, like any other gentleman would, that he wanted to know if your place was comfortable enough for a good night’s rest. You both know he was kidding and that he would take up a night at your place any day than one at his noisy dorm.
“honey, I’m home!”
Soobin giggles at the old-fashioned and cheesy greeting while your stomach has a sudden flurry of butterflies from the pet name he jokingly called you. You throw a teddy bear at his face for a greeting, not trusting your voice at the moment. Soobin takes off his shoes and coat and looks around the place which he wished he called home.
“whatcha staring at, creepy?” you look at Soobin, curious on why he’s so quiet. He walks upto your couch and flops onto it, pulling your hand during the process. He hugs you tightly, “I missed you,” you smile and pat his head softly, “I missed you too, soobinie.”
Soobin’s showing you pictures of Odi while some random show runs as background noise. Soobin’s been gradually leaning into you, indicating his tiredness which in turn, you tell him repeatedly that it’s fine to sleep. That’s why he came over, after all.
“we haven’t met each other in so long, y/nie, now shut up and look at Odi.” You glance at your tv at the sudden volume increase, suddenly finding whatever random show you’re watching interesting. Okay, fine, who are you kidding? You just hope, at this close proximity, Soobin can’t hear your rapidly increasing heartbeat. Various scenarios play out in your head while you zone out on the tv’s noise. All in which you’re confessing to why your heart won’t slow down and that you hoped your sudden confession wasn’t gonna make him leave. What if he does leave? your head suddenly muses and you try to shake yourself at that thought, only for find that you…can’t.
You turn your head to find Soobin’s fluffy mop of hair on your shoulder, his phone dropped to your lap and hands holding onto your arm. You freeze involuntarily and think of possibilities of trying to move him to your room but you’re hit with the fact that you can’t possibly carry a 6 feet and big build Soobin to your room, despite your many claims to said man about your strength. You slowly relax, coming to terms with your situation, when you look at Soobin’s lithe hands wrapped tightly around your arm. You look at his face and push the hair out of his face gently, hoping he wouldn’t wake up when you leave a soft kiss on his forehead, not noticing the tiny smile gracing Soobin’s face.
Soobin wakes up to sunlight streaming through your cream colored curtains, eyes squinting at the brightness. You’ve woken up to, it seems, but still sleepy, seeing your arms trying to wrap around his big frame.
Soobin laughs softly, “what’re you doing, sleepyhead?”
“finally, you’re awake, get yourself off me, you giant” you say, trying to push him away playfully.
He catches your hands and yawns, “did we sleep late? it looks like it’s past morning outside,” he glances outside your window and you look at your hands caught between his pretty fingers. 
“you fell asleep against me. it felt a marble statue was leaning on me-” 
“oh, calling me marble statue, now are we? glad you’re finally taking notice of my good looks,”
“I always look at you,” you blurt out, causing Soobin to whip his head to look at you at your simple yet deep words.
You try to pull your hands away, only to have them held tighter, “look at me, y/n.”
damn, not y/nie, but y/n.
You look at him hesitantly, “what? is this about me pecking your forehead?” “I wasn’t gonna ask that but hey, thanks for that.”
a crescent-eyed Soobin looks at you, “I wanted to know if you slept well, I wasn’t able to make sure you did ‘cause I was too tired last night but I hope you didn’t get anything scary,” You look at Soobin softly, your eyes displaying affection and Soobin curses himself for never looking at your pretty eyes everyday and pushes stray hairs falling around your head, “nothing bad, Soobinie, you know since you were here and all,” you smile, eyes crinkling at the corners, finding his fussing and worrying over you endearing.
“you know what,” Soobin says, “tell me what you dream of. I’ll listen.” Soobin dropsyour hands gently on his lap and cups your face, “i’ll try my best to help you, just like how you help me everytime,” pulling your face closer to his and leaning his forehead on his. You wrap your arms around his waist and grip onto his shirt tightly, feeling Soobin giving you gentle back rubs and hearing him mumble something, “what’d you say?” “said I hope you know I love you, y/nie” You smile into his neck, “I hope you know I love you too, my marble statue.”
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sono-una-cosa · 2 years
This time Is with My au the Angel catalouge
Yes its cringe 💀
Y/n was in the middle of all Brothers and cousins of Gabriel even his two adoptive childrens johan and johanes
Y/n:wheres Gabriel?
Olio:lemme use My Powers...i see..hes in his room.
Y/n:oh...lemme go to him
You entered his room you saw him with coffe Watching some of pictures of his Brothers and his two sons.
Y/n:Hey Gabriel Mark and Cesar are here.
You come to talk a lil?
Gabriel:... I have work to do.
Johanes:YEA RIGHT!
Gabriel stand up watched his two sons and yell at them angrily saying.
johan:fine ILL do it
Johanes follows johan.
You decidet to leave him alone a lil bit.
Everyone was schocked Adam and jonah Just came.
Adam:w-what happened?
Johan: shit of father shit of father SHIT OF FATHER.
said johan angrily throwing a plate on the floor.
Johanes was angry to.
Sereno:guys what are you doing
Nicho:are you guys ok?
Olio:did Gabriel did something to you guys?
Secilia:we dont speak about this now let Gabriel alone please.
You continuerà talking till the tv blocked
It was intruder
Intruder:yo Gabriels angry as shit guys i was talking with him on the phone what happened?
Everyone:we dont talk about this now!
Intruder:oh Sorry ILL go bye.
Jonah:im hungry lets go buy pizza for everyone.
Adam: i come with you
Johan:me too
Johanes: ILL pass
Y/n: ILL come
(to lazy to do WHEN theyr go pick pizza and eat togheter)
Adam: i thing its time to go
Jonah: yup bye guys
Mark: ce ya
Cesar: oh come on already fine...
*Theyr go home*
*The cousins of Gabriel go back home*
Ephilio:so ill go sleep
Nicho:me too
Sereno:night night
Y/n:so johan you try talk with him again?
Johan:Come johanes
Johanes:ill wanted to Watch movie but ok
Gabriel came down alone
Johan:in mind:change mi mind ill igniore him.
Johan walks past Gabriel but Gabriel stops him.
Gabriel: where are you going.
Johan: sleep.
Johan goes up to sleep.*
Johanes:night dad
Gabriel: night...
Y/n: try to talk to Johan?
To be Continue
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year2000electronics · 3 years
welcome to my bloag!
Tumblr media
mothra or milo | 21 | any pronouns | white | adhd & autism (prof dx)
about me | interests | faq 
if those links don’t work for you, i’ve pasted all of that under a readmore (it is three pages’ worth of text though so it may be long, you’ve been warned)
about me
- mothra or milo
- nonbinary and i use any pronouns! he/she/they/it but i also use vil/vils/vilself
- 21
- white
- adhd and autism (prof. diagnosed)
- i’m a gay-coded villain unfortunately which means i am drawn to villains…i cannot help this
- i love to draw and i love sharing what i make with people!
- bi
- i love getting asks, but since i get so many of them i might not be able to answer yours! i’m very sorry!
- you might know me as the person who made that one hlvrai au
- i know it may look like my blog and life is entirely themed around the current hyperfixation but i switch every so often… prepare for a stream of bullshit if you follow me for one thing only
- i talk on this blog a lot! like… a LOT a lot. my talk tag is “moth flies” and my asks tag is “mothra answers” if you dont want to see that
♥ byf ♥
- basic byf criteria (racism, homo/transphobia, antisemitism, pedophilia, etc)
- i dont care if you like it just dont talk to me about homestuck. i will block if you do
- if you ship incest/pedophilia or support those who do, get lost
- truscum do not follow i am transing my gender and you don’t get to stop me or any of my trans siblings
- anti-self dx do not follow
- if you believe there are “good cops” or that the system isnt inherently corrupt do not follow
special interests
(things that are really super special to me and i go back to regularly, no matter what. feel free to tag me or talk to me about this stuff, night or day!!)
- theme parks (dont post about these often but when i suddenly have weirdly specific magic kingdom opinions now you know LOL)
- mario (especially the rpgs and ESPECIALLY super paper mario! its my favourite game of all time)
- pokemon
- my oc stories (especially the reckoning- yes i love them that much)
- i feel like hlvrai counts because it literally changed my life
- sonic but specifically dr eggman. 
smaller interests
(things i enjoy, but theyre not as important to me as the ones from above)
- splatoon
- gravity falls
- what we do in the shadows
- half life vr but the ai is self aware
- radio tv solutions
- skylanders
- no straight roads
- ace attorney
- ok ko
- undertale/deltarune
- kirby
- carmen sandiego
- wander over yonder
-  a series of unfortunate events
- invader zim
- punch-out!!
- sonic 
- cookie run
trolls (dreamworks)
i think putting a little disclaimer here is pretty much useless since actions speak louder than words but im critical of my interests. nothing is truly perfect and calling out harmful writing will help writers of the future to avoid it
frequently asked questions
]animal picture]
please stop doing this im not really a ‘look at this cute animal’ person
do you have any tips for starting an ask blog/making an au?
honestly? i do what i do because i love it and other people just kinda tagged along out of sheer luck
but in case you ARE curious.
ask blogs
did you make [x]? where are your ask blogs/fics?
i have five ask blog stories i made. y2kvr, hlvrv, the reckoning, origami postgame and beyond black mesa
i also have some fics on my ao3
can i make an ask blog based off of yours?
yeah! go ahead, i dont mind 
i have like, a few asks back in the day talkin about this but like. its funny askblog on tumblr. go nuts. let’s all have fun
just try not to like… totally copy my stuff
can i kin/draw/cosplay [x character]?
can you make [x]/can you make more [x]?
i am a human being not a creating machine. i dont usually do requests unless they interest me so take that as more of a suggestion instead of me saying ‘i accept all requests’; i’ve been trying to be more considerate to people wondering if my stuff will continue but im pretty notorious for not finishing a lot of stuff so LOL youre still welcome to ask tho :>
is there a way to support you monetarily?
commissions are open on my kofi if you like my stuff and wanna send some money my way!
calhoun is sexy
yeah <3
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marvelsimp · 4 years
THE NEW KID: Leaving
Ch. 1
The New Kid Masterlist
-This is going to be a series so I’m going to do my best so that you may read it in any order.  Also, I’m going to apologize in advance for my writing, any tips are appreciated. 
Pairing: Peter x Lesbian!reader (Platonic duh)
Genre: ANGST, fluff
Warnings: Homophobia (being kicked out), mentions of death, vague mention of suicide, general angst, swearing (I swear fuck is like the only one I know smh)
Description: Reader gets kicked out by her homophobic parents, Peter invites her to stay with him, and reader reflects on her and Peter’s relationship.  
-Takes place after far from home and Gamora, Vision, Loki, Heimdall, Nat, and Tony are still alive, Steve didn’t leave, and Mysterio didn’t reveal Peter as Spiderman. (aka my dream MCU)
Reader’s Powers: Healer, telepath, and empath.
Word Count: 2,350 
“You can stay the night but, in the morning, you have to leave” You could feel it all, the disgust, the anger, the sadness. Every bit of what they were feeling was being thrown at you.  You didn’t even get to tell them about your powers.  You thought that maybe they would understand that maybe they would love you enough… but they didn’t.  You were in shock; your parents were throwing you out because you like girls.  You made your way back to your room to pack the essentials and figure out where you would go. Peter. He had told you before that if this happed or if you ever needed to you could stay with him.
(Y/n): Does the offer still stand
Peter: you told them?
(Y/n): yeah… theyre kicking me out 
Peter: Im so sorry
     You and Peter first met through Instagram almost a year ago.  He posted some picture of him and Ned posing with a LEGO model of the Death Star. You decided you had nothing to lose so you messaged him.  That was that easiest friend you had ever made, and he was the only friend you had now.  
You got to know each other over the months, you would text and facetime, sometimes you would play Minecraft or Animal Crossing or whatever game you both had your hands on. You would talk for hours about Star Wars, video games, and even The Avengers.  It was amazing. Then you told him.
“I’m gay”
He looked shocked at first, which scared you a little, then his shocked expression morphed into a grin.
“Now, I have someone else I can talk about girls to.”
You laughed tears forming in your eyes. You felt a huge weight come off your chest.  He told you about MJ and how he planned to ask her out during the trip to Europe. You told him about your huge crush on Captain Marvel and it was perfect. You had someone who loved you for you and didn’t want anything more or less, someone you could tell everything to.
* * * * *
     “Oh my god,” you thought to yourself as you put it altogether.  You felt like you were going to faint or throw up or both.
Night monkey on tv had the same powers as spiderman, spiderman was from New York, and Peter was from New York…  The late nights, the weird bruises, and cuts, injures; him suddenly having to leave out of nowhere. Every bit of it made sense.  Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Your best friend is fucking Spider-Man.
At first you were shocked, then you were excited, then you were scared. You rushed to your phone to call him. You dialed his number and nothing... no answer. That’s when the panic started. 
(Y/n): Are you okay?
There was no answer for minutes then hours. You were really panicking now, he usually texted back within ten minutes, but it was now six hours later. 
(Y/n): I saw what happened are you ok
(Y/n): Pete youre scaring me please text me
You couldn’t sleep or eat or do anything, all you could think about was him.  Is he alive? Is he injured? Did he lose his phone? These thoughts swirled in your head; you couldn’t breathe.  Finally, fifteen hours later you heard a ding.
Peter: Im ok my phone died
(Y/n): Can you call me
Peter: Sorry Im getting on the plane to head home can I call you then?
(Y/n): yeah
Your panic calmed and you felt like you could breathe again but the fear and the anger were still there.  You were furious not that he didn’t tell you, you couldn’t care less about that there were still plenty of things that you hadn’t told him yet.  But you were furious at the universe, that your friend could die, that your friend could be taken away again.  That you could lose that person that helped keep you stable, help keep you grounded.  You couldn’t lose someone like that again, the last one almost killed you and losing Peter would destroy you.
Ten hours later he FaceTimed you.
“Hey, sorry about not answering.  My phone died and all this stuff happened and- “
“Are you Spider-Man?” 
“Wh-what?” He was shocked, another one of his friends figured it out. He couldn’t believe it.
“Are. You. Spider-Man.” You replied bluntly with your brows furrowed. You could barely keep the tears from flowing out.
He let out a sigh shaking his head, seeing no reason to lie so he nodded, “Yeah.”
“Are you okay?” you breathed out. 
He looked up back at the screen confused, “Y-yeah I’m okay. I have a few scratches but nothing bad.”
“You could’ve died,” you grunted as your breath began to pick up.
“I’m okay Y/n. It’s ok,” he looked at you confused but mostly concerned because you were usually level.  You tried your best to hide your negative emotions from others, so he only ever saw you smiling.
“NO! No, it’s not okay! You could’ve died. I could’ve lost you; I could’ve lost my best friend AGAIN. Two best friends in two years. I barely survived when she… I-I don’t even know what would happen if I lost you, too!” You were crying, you didn’t even notice, you didn’t even care.
He froze, not knowing what to say not knowing what to do.  He just looked at you. He didn’t know that you never talked about your friends, he assumed you had them. He just thought you would open up when you were ready, but he never predicted this.
“Y/n, I-I’m okay. I’m alive and I am safe. I promise you that- that I’m going to be okay.” He just stared at the screen again. “Do you… want to talk about her.”
“You would’ve liked her,” you smiled while the tears were still streaming down your face.  “Ava was the most stubborn person on the planet.  She was kind… and talented… she was so smart… she wanted to go and help animals that are going extinct. She was my everything... and then she… she was gone.” You sobbed uncontrollably, not even stopping to breathe.
You’d never cried for her before, when you had found out it destroyed you.  You were numb to everything, but you hid it with a smile always saying you were fine.  Then you met Peter, he saved you and he didn’t even know it.  He helped you feel ok again.  He helped you feel alive again instead of a walking corpse.
“Y/n, you need to breathe.” You heard through the phone that was now lying on the bed as you continued to sob. “Please, just breathe.”
All that he wanted to do was hold you and comfort you, he knew what it felt like to lose someone. He knew that pain and wanted to help you but all he could do was talk and listen so that’s what he did.
You collected yourself, it took a while, but you did it.  “I’m breathing,” you said letting out a slight chuckle.
“What do you need me to do?” he asked with worried eyes.
“Will you- could you just stay with me, till I fall asleep?”
“Of course.”
      You called him the next day asking about Spider-Man.  You asked how his powers worked, how long he had them, how his web shooters worked and how he made them, you even asked if the Start Internship was really just¬¬¬ him being Spider-Man. He answered every question you had and then some.
“Um, I have something to confess,” you said nervously, “I have…powers, too.” 
‘WHAT,” he screamed from excitement while jumping out of his chair.  “You have powers, too,” he said with wide eyes and a huge grin.
You went on to explain your powers of telepathy, healing, and empathy.  You told him as much as you knew about them and how you didn’t know their limits yet.  He just listened and grinned at every word you said.  
“Can I tell Mr. Stark about you powers?”
“I already talk about you enough to him.  Can I tell him about you powers? He might be able to make you something to help you.”
“You talk about me to Tony fucking Stark?!?!?”
“Yeah, you’re my best friend. Of course, I talk about you. So, can I tell him.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can tell IRON MAN about my powers.”
     Life went on from there, you continued to talk to him like normal.  Nothing had come up from him telling Stark about your powers or at least nothing yet.  You had grown closer and you would talk about when you had a bad day, and he would tell you about his friendly neighborhood adventures.  Then Christmas came and a few days later you deiced to come out to your parents…
* * * * * * 
      Next thing you knew you were on a plane headed to New York then you were in a taxi headed to Peter’s apartment.  You couldn’t stop thinking about how they felt: disgust, anger, and greatest of all sadness.  You felt this relief of finally being able to be your self but also the terrible pain of your parents abandoning you.  You somehow made it through the plane and the taxi without crying.
Then there he was standing outside of your taxi, smiling with sad eyes. He quickly got your suitcase out of the trunk while you got out of taxi and put on your backpack.  When the taxi drove away you both just stood there for a moment, neither of you knowing exactly what to say or do. There was a rush of emotions from both of you: happiness, excitement, and most of all sadness.  Peter was mourning with you.
He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your body in a tight, welcomed embrace.  It was then when tears streamed down your face. You sobbed into his shoulder and neck for what seemed like days.  Then he pulled away, “Let’s go inside.” 
When he opened the door there was Aunt May, the only interactions you had with her where quick hellos or stupid jokes you told her about Peter.  So, it was nice to actually meet her.  She gave you a soft hug as soon as you came in the door.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay here,” you said pulling out of the hug.  “I promise I will pull my weight and get a job as soon as I can.”
“Of course, sweetheart, all of Peter’s friends are welcome here and don’t worry about that right now we can talk about it in a few weeks. For now, you guys do what you want, and I got some work I gotta do so I will see guys in a few hours.” She gave your hand a squeeze, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.
You put your backpack on the couch, what was going to be your bed for a little while and sat down putting your face in your hands.  Peter put your suitcase up against the wall, then he sat down next to you putting his hand on your back.  
“I’m so sorry, y/n.”
You started to sob again. Peter just wrapped his arms around you pulling you into his chest.  You cried and cried and cried.  Eventually you fell asleep.
     The next few days were rough for you.  The first two were full of tears and crying but also full of laughing and smiling. The third day you were there was New Years Eve, Peter asked you if you wanted to go to see the ball drop, you declined.  You told him the large crowd would probably overwhelm your powers and that some alone time would be nice.  Peter understood so he went with MJ and Ned while Aunt May went to a party.  
It was nice to be alone.  You cried again but for most of the night you just laid there thinking of everything and thinking of nothing.  You were worn out and fell asleep before the clock struck twelve.
You woke up early the next day, which was a little weird, but it was nice.  When peter woke up, he deiced to show you around.  He didn’t show you the big touristy places, but he showed you where he would watch for thieves, where he got sandwiches, or donuts, or ice cream.  You just enjoyed the day doing nothing important at all.  
The day after that he invited MJ and Ned over.  You had never talked to them much less met them.  You were nervous and excited so Peter eased your fears and told you that, “They will love you.”  And they did, it went amazingly.  They were both huge nerds just like you and Peter.  Ned was loud and very vocal; his laugh could shake the world.  MJ on the other hand was quiet, only speaking up when she felt it was needed.  She was a lot like you, but she didn’t hide behind smiles like you did, she showed everything she felt even if it wasn’t very loudly. You got why Peter liked her, they fit like a glove.  
Most of the night was filled with laughter and smiling.  You played video games, board games, harassed Peter, and overall had a nice time.  A few times you could’ve sworn you felt a pinch of jealousy from MJ, which brought you some comfort and reassurance towards Peter.  It meant that he hadn’t outed you to MJ which you appreciated.  You felt comfortable and safe for once, you didn’t feel afraid to talk about whatever for once.  They left right before midnight, both with smiles on their faces as they did.
“We gotta go to bed,” Peter grinned. “I got some big plans for your birthday tomorrow.”
You had forgotten, tomorrow’s your birthday, you’re turning seventeen.  You nodded and smiled at him.  You were tempted to read his mind and find out what the surprise was but decided it might be better to just go along with it.  So, you changed into your PJ’s and fell asleep on Peter’s couch.
Next Chapter
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello :) 
It’s time for the next part :)
Thanks again to all who read it so far!
I woke up with the sun already out, making my eyes adjust to the light again. I checked the clock above doors. 9.45. Huh, nice, I tought, the nurse didnt lie when she said the pain meds would make me sleep better. I felt more rested today, but still pretty sore. I managed to get up and go to bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror -I looked like hell. I hoped Jessy would come today with my stuff, I needed some fixing up urgently. As I was leaving the bathroom, my phone beeped with new message. My heart jumped with excitement,only to see it was Jessy. „Hey hey, sleeping beauty, im sorry, you will have to manage without my awesomness today, but dont worry, i'm sending the next best person to keep you company! ;D Call you later ,kisses!“ I smiled as I layed back to bed. That sweet nurse from before entered my room smiling. „Good morning, hun, hope you slept well“. „I sure did, thanks.“ I replied, while she settled the food tray with breakfast on the stand. She helped me make myself comfortable in bed, and putted the tray in front of me, when a voice came from the door. „Doris! My favorite nurs!“ It was Dan, and Doris chuckled as Dan came over to the bed. „Oh my, hun, if I knew who your friend was, I would have brought you something stronger then this tea“ I laughed, while Dan made a gesture with his hands, stabing at his heart. „Awww, c'mon Doris, dont be so cruel, you know you like me!“ Doris just waved her head as she went for the door. „If this schmuck starts to bother you too much, you just yell hun.“  I smiled at her „Thanks Doris, I might just do that.“  Dan looked at me. „Is that a 'thank you' I get for coming here?“ he siad, being dramatic as Dans always is. I grinned „Ofcourse not! But its entertaining to see you all squirmy.“ „Tsk,tsk, sure, pick on poor Dan.“ He grabed a chair and sat next to the bed. „You look like shit, Maya.“  „Gee, thanks Dan, thats really what I wanted to hear.“ I said, even tho I knew he was right, I did look awful. „Hey, dont get mad at me, I just say it as it is! Luckily, Dan is here to the rescue..again.“ he said handing me my backpack. „ Jessy went through your stuff, and filled your pack with what she tought you might need the most. She said to text her later if theres anything else you need so she can bring it.“ „Thanks Dan.“ I said taking the backpack from him. „And I mean thanks, not just for this.“ Dan looked at me, and I could read a bit of worry on his face. He quickly tried to hide it „Hey, no need to thank me, I told you once before, if theres a damsel in distress, im here to help.“ „Damsel“ I snorted. „Doubt that a damsel would act so stupid as I did.“ I felt that awfull feeling of guilt taking over me again. „Look Maya, i'm really not the one to judge you here. Yes, what you did was Incredibly stupid, and lets be honest, you almost got yourself killed. When Lily called me and told me everything, I was so pissed at both of you, well you mostly, but also kinda excited that someone actualy took the matter into its own hands.“ I looked at him with awe, I didnt quite expect it. He continued „And frankly, I kinda expected something like this from you sooner or later, well at least the part of you coming to Duskwood. As I was running to my car, calling Thomas and filing him in on everything,I got really angry at you for not turning to me for help. You know I would help you no matter what, I told you that hundred of times before.“  „Yes Dan, I know you would.“ I said, even more of that guilt creeping in. „But you didnt! Then I tought, maybe afterall you didnt trust me enough as you said.“ „I did trust you, I do trust you Dan, you have to know that.“ Now even tears started forming in my eyes. „I know, Maya, its just how I felt at the time. And when I got to the mine, Thomas was already there, with this cop who was close by and responded to the call since I told Lily to inform that inspector guy. He said we should wait for backup, but stuborn as I am, I just rushed in, Thomas yelling after me, but I just kept running. Good thing they went after me, because God only knows what would happen if they didnt.“ I couldnt keep the tears anymore, and I just burst out crying. Dan got up from his chair, sat next to me on the bed, hugging me. „ As I said im not here to judge you, or make you fell more guilty. Heck, I might have done the same thing, or something worse. Things wer starting to get us really nowhere, and something happening was kinda of a kickoff for me. And im not mad at you any more Maya, just to get that out in the opet.“ „Thanks Dan, I really appriciate it.“ I barely managed through my tears. „Yeah,yeah, im awesom, I know.“ He grined at me, as i looked him with eyes full of tears. He huged me a bit tighter, and I rested my head on his shoulder. „You got me really freaking scared there in that mine, Maya. When I saw you like that..“ he paused.  „I cant say how much im sorry about all, Dan. I did more harm then good, and I betrayed all of you guys again.“ „Well, at the end, you did find Hannah, so im sure Thomas wont have that much of a grudge.“ He grined at me, handing me a tissue, wich made me relax a bit. „Yes I did. And how are our little love birds doing?“ i asked wiping the tears, as Dan moved back to the chair. „Oh, theyr fine. Thomas is not letting Hannah alone for one milisecond, wich is a bit too wooshy mooshy if you ask me.“ He mad a face of gaging. „Oh, c'mon mister tough guy, that picture Jessy sent me of you two from last night was quite mooswhy wooshy in my eyes.“ I said teasingly. „If you ever say that to anyone about me, and I mean ANYONE, i swear Maya...“ I didnt let him finish, I just grined „Dont worry, your mooshy wooshy secret is safe with me.“ „Good, good. So when are they letting you go from this shit hole?“ „Oh, come on, its not that terrible here: food is not bad, room is nice and quiet, and I have a killer wiev, what's the hurry?“ „I promised you some whiskey.“ he grined „And Jessy wont let me drink, but when you get out she wont be abel to say no.“ „ You really ARE scared of Jessy.“ I said laughing. „She might be small, but the woman is a dynamite when serious!“ I laughed so hard, the tea I just sipped when out through my nose. „Thanks Dan, I needed this.“ „Dan to the rescue.“ He smiled and winked. „Sooo...“ he starte, and I got a feeling I knew what he gonna ask me. „Did the 'hackerboy' contaced you by now?“ „His name is Jake, could you please not call him that anymore.“ I said a bit too stern maybe. „All right, all right, no need to get all serious on me now. Did 'Jake' contacted you?“  I hesitated for a brief moment before answering „No, nothing yet. And to be honest, might be better like that. I myself am not too eager for that talk .“ „Heh, I can understand that. If I was that much pissed at you back then, I dont want to imagine how much 'hac..' , sorry, Jake is pissed at you right now.“  „Well, I guess I will find out soon enough..if he still wants to talk to me at all.“  Dan putted on his serious face, but with a little grin on it „Hey, if he talks bad to you, let me know, i'll show him off!“ „Ohh, im sure you would enjoy that..maybe even to much.“ I said, him grinning even more. „But thanks, Dan, again, for everything.“ „Yeah,yeah, dont you get all wooshy mooshy on me now also.“ he said, getting up. „Well, I gotta go. You get better soon, and call if you need anything.“  „Thanks, Dan, sure will.“ I replied, and waved him goodby. Doris came shortly after Dan left, and got me off the IV, suggesting I take a shower. I grabbed the pack Jessy sent me, and went through it. I took out some underweare, clean shirt and sweatpants, grabbed the shampoons, tooth brush and paste and headed for the bathroom. The shower did feel nice, but it took me ages to finish it, since I was still quite sore. A big bruise at my ribs was still making me short breathed at the times, and all the other cuts and bruises didnt help with easing the pain either. I had a  cut on the back of my head, wich was the reason my head still throbed a lot. I brushed my teeth, looked myself in the mirror, and already could notice some color coming back to my cheeks. I got back to bed and took my phone, might aswell check those messages and emails, its not like I'm have anything smarter to do. Most emails wer not important, I answered a few I needed, and switched to messages. Most of missed calls and messages wer from the night of the incident, so not much replaying needed here. Cleo sent a message saying shes happy im ok, and she will come to visit soon. Thomas also sent a message, thanking me for everything, emphasising tho that I was reckles and how all could have ended differently, but still no grudges from his side. He was just too happy Hannah was back with him. Ofcourse, they all wished me to get well soon, and they cant wait for when I get out so we can all meet properly.I replied to both, thanking them for good wishess. Staring at my chats screen, I opened my conversation with Jake. He was offline, ofcourse. I stared at the blinking pointer on the text space, but I didnt know what to write. My head was blank, I couldnt think of anything. After few minutes I exited the chat, settling the phone aside, and turning the tv on. Maybe some movie or something will get me relaxed a bit. I switched through channels, till I found something acceptable to watch. I ajusted myself on the pillow, and before I knew, dozed off.
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