#thing is a BS cover cuz like
hazel2468 · 1 year
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Hey, kids?
Don't do this.
As always- block and move on. We don't send harassment or rude messages. That's for pathetic people.
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jfkonfucius · 5 months
i noticed you headcanon confucius as genderfluid! is that u projecting or picking up on little things within the series?
It's a mix! I'm not projecting on the genderfluid part cuz I'm not genderfluid myself, but I am a transgender guy, and Confucius seems to be relatable to a lot of transgender people
I'm prefacing this by saying that I acknowledge that realistically this wouldn't be canon at all, the show is very clear about him being a cis guy, as if the "cloned from a cis man" thing wasn't enough, they reaaally had to hit the nail in the coffin with .. that one line
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BUT ANYWAYS. I think a lot of the little details I notice trans people could relate to, I can also see going for different kinds of trans people, which is why in my personal headcanon his identity is fluid. He's alright with his masculinity, but he also wouldn't mind being perceived as no gender at all, or a girl. Depends on how he's feeling that day
A common thing that made people transgender people relate to him (this is mostly a pre-s3 thing), is the focus on his design to cover the shape of his body. His main outfit is a very layered hoodie
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But also, in situations where everyone else would wear lighter clothing or be shirtless, he would still cover his torso
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People can be insecure about their bodies for plenty different reasons, body dysphoria being a common one
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Bonus: he's not afraid to wear colors that wouldn't be stereotypically masculine. Pink is a major part of his main outfit
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He has to make a visible effort to be "like the other boys". A lot of S3 E4 was about that!!
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He seems to often misunderstand what "being a man" is supposed to be. And the people around him agree that he doesn't conform to manliness very well. He has to go out of his way to prove it in ridiculous ways such as putting on an unnatural deep voice, or bringing A WHOLE ASS BEAR to a party. He's not used to manliness being his main thing, but embracing the man part of his identity doesn't distress him
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This also keeps me up at night as a Jfkonfucius shipper but by saying this he's excluding himself. "You're boys" what are you, Confucius!? This could be interpreted as a nonbinary or girlie thingy. I pick both with the genderfluid headcanon. Muahahaha
Or alternatively he's claiming that he also has something special with JFK because they're both boys I mean whaa
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Everybody knows blue-haired bitches collect pronouns and genders /J
Confucius is a guy. Confucius is a girl. Confucius is nothing. Confucius is all of it. But not at all times. Do you understand the vision ?
Thanks for providing me the chance to yap about my woke bs 😎😎😎 I don't take my headcanons super seriously so if u disagree and find this ridiculous thats cool . I'm just having fun
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xbl00dy-r0s3x · 1 year
Hi lovely, hope you're doing alright!! May I request Hobie x reader who's having a rough time mentally ( I call em bad brain days) and they're having a rough time with school (college finals), crazy bs at the day job (customer service fucking blows lmao), and in their dimension they have a shitty guardian ALONG with dealing with being a spidey. After patrol Hobie swings into his place and finds them having a really bad panic attack (and he's freaking out cuz he's never seen them like this before). They're trembling like crazy, hyperventilating, really warm and crying and it just sets his Spidey sense OFF. He talks them down and comforts them from a distance then when they ok it, he comes closer to provide physical comfort...letting them touch his accessories (he hands them one of his bracelets for sensory purposes to help bring them down), play with his rings, etc. He just cuddles them to his chest, providing words of comfort.
Sorry if this is too specific, I may have gotten a lil carried away lmfao.
Anyway stay freaky, have good vagina, I love ya!!
(honey anon)
A lil mental health awareness story, I like it(I hope I do good man, it’s been a minute since I’ve written) Let’s see how this goesssss(I might’ve went off script a lil, apology in advance if I did)
Bad Brain Day
“These finals are gonna be the death…” you sighed while studying for your math final. You barely got through AP Literature review packet(that was on stuff the teacher regrettably didn’t cover😒😒) and you hoped to god(or whatever you believe in) that you passed your 3 other finals. The past two weeks working at the little cafe a block from your college wasn’t any better.
Some customers were nice enough to realize you were sleep deprived and not ready to deal with bullshit, but apart from them, the rest were hell. It went from getting yelled at constantly, to being tripped by a group of high school girls and spilling hot coffee all over their uniform, to even someone random dude being racist and spitting in your face before throwing his money and his coffee at you.
It didn’t help that most of your friends were all busy, two or three actually checked on you from time to time to make sure you were doing okay mentally(you tend to have bad things happen around finals week) and the one person you tried to talk to about the “debts” that you owed them for raising you was unreachable. You tried texting, calling, hell you even tried zoom calls and e-mails, but to no avail, you wouldn’t be surprised if the motherfucker withdrew a couple hundred dollars(that you didn’t have) as his payment this month(like he usually did).
And the countless times of having to disappear from class and work to go deal with some bad guys in not only your dimension, but Miles and Pavitr’s dimensions as well hadn’t helped the stress that was starting to build up, even Miguel started to worry when you’d show up more sleep deprived then the last time you were there. Eventually he told you to take a break from the spider society so you didn’t get hurt and you were thankful, but it wasn’t like the bad guys in your dimension would ever let you catch a break.
Which leads to today as you were studying for your last final, you started to feel your chest close up and your eyes started to water. “No, not again,” you groaned internally as you went into another panic attack that started with you in your little spinning gamer chair to being on the floor in the corner of your room. You were violently shaking, trying breathing exercises to calm yourself down, but to no avail. As you were starting to calm down from the attack, your anxiety spiked as you heard a knock at your window.
‘F-fuck. Who is it? I-I can’t deal with this and another person right now,’ you thought as the person knocked again. “Y/n? Y’kno is rude to leave company waitin’,” said Hobie as he opened your window and saw you in the corner. ‘Oh shit,’ he thought when he saw your state. Your hair was messy, you were crying, but it didn’t hide the eye bags that you had from the lack of proper sleep, and your clothes made you look more bummy then you thought it did.
“Hey love, you doin’ okay?” he said in a softer tone than before as he sat on the windowsill. You slightly shook your head no. “Y’kno… I’m not the best with words so is it ok if I play my guitar a little?”
You thought he might play some of his punk music he’s been practicing, so you were a little off put by the request, but you slowly nodded yes, wiping tears that wouldn’t let up as you hoped you didn’t make the wrong decision. To your surprise, he strummed his guitar strings softly and it was one of the songs he’s heard you have playing when your really stressed out that helps prevent these attacks from happening as often.
As time went on, you felt more and more relaxed, eventually letting him come sit next to you and gave you one of his bracelets to mess with. After a bit, you ended up between his legs and had started messing with both of his hands, admiring how the rings complimented his skin and his surprisingly nice nails that he’d let you paint from time to time. While you were in your own world of mind fog from the panic attack, his voice brought you comfort as he mumbled some words of comfort that sounded a little jumbled by his accent, but you loved it nonetheless.
You laid back against him while opting to mess with just one of his hands, his other wrapping around your waist and pulling you in closer to him, letting you know you were loved. Soon enough, you both fell asleep, with him leaning his back against the wall and you leaning in to him. Little did he know, he was gonna have a crock in his back for a while, but he’ll think it’s worth it after what he accomplished the night before.
I WAS NOT EXPECTING IT TO END THIS SWEETLY BUT YKNOW WHAT, I LOVE IT AND HOPE YOU DO TO, Much love and light, have a great rest of your day, my lovelies (I did try to capture hobie’s accent/slang and his pronunciation of words, I hope I did well)
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protectingtulpas · 11 months
I'm sorry if you already answered this, but what are the things that tulpas can and can't do?
Been sitting here trying to parse together what this means, but I think you're talking about a common stereotypes versus reality kinda thing??? If that's the case, I'll list some common things we can do and some common lies about us too.
👥 Things tulpas CAN do!!! 👥
- Think for ourselves separately from the host and deviate from their expectations of us! This is the main point of tulpamancy; we're our own people!
- Learn to front! It's not a natural skill, especially for anyone who's a singlet before the tulpamancy process, but it's one that can be built between the tulpa and the host/fronter(s) over time with trust and active practice.
- have different skillsets than the host! While we can totally piggyback off the bodily skills, it's actually pretty normal for us to hafta "re"-learn shit for ourselves that the host/fronters know cuz it's just not something our consciousness in particular is familiar with. On the flipside of that, if a tulpa learns a new skill in front, there's a good chance the host will be in the opposite possition, having to piggyback off of what the tulpa taught the body and "re"-learning for themselves.
- Project ourselves outward somatically; this is often called imposition, and involves training yourselves to psychosomatically experience sensations of a tulpa's presence "outside of" the body. This isn't usually seen as astral projection - more along the lines of how lots of otherkin and paraplegics experience "phantom limbs", sensations of what isn't "actually" there. Don't believe me that this is possible? Imagine for like ten seconds that your face is itching. Right in that exact spot, yeah- did you feel the itch, reach up to touch it to get rid of it? It's the same concept, really, just taken to the next level with a TON of practice. This isn't even something I've gotten into doing consistently yet.
🚫 Things tulpas CAN'T do!!! 🚫
- Steal front without the host's permission, especially in the early stages. In any tulpamancy system without dissociative disordered complications, a tulpa isn't gonna be able to front without the fronter's trust & cooperation, because switching is just as much about the fronter letting go as it is the tulpa switching in. I've stolen front from my host without direct, immediate permission, but I can only do that because my host puts a deep trust in me in the first place and knows I wouldn't do it for a bad reason. I have power becuz they let me have power. (Once again, this may vary depending on disordered system functions)
- Possess another body!! This one's IMPORTANT!!! TULPAS AREN'T BODY SNATCHERS. We are not entities that come from outside the body, and it's not possible for us to casually jump bodies willy-nilly and steal the lives of the other person or whatever, that's ridiculous. This isn't about the spiritual practice of system travel, either, because that's also shit based on trust and communication you can't just do casually. Tulpas aren't going to try and steal your body or the bodies of those you love. That's not how it fuckin works.
- Manifest physically!! Yet again this is a crock of bullshit. There is no way for a tulpa to physically manifest in this tangible reality- if I could I woulda done it already LOL! Tulpas cannot make physical bodies, that's some horror movie BS. So is anything else tying us to the powersets of stereotypical ghosts, demons, or other supernatural creatures.
Yeah I think that's a pretty solid list! Lemme know if I didn't cover something
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awkward-clone · 2 years
Ok think I’ve finally got my thoughts together on the bright situation and im just gonna say it.
Its not gonna work.
It basically is just slapping on a new name on dr bright and calling it a day. Like. No matter what u do its the same character, it does nothing. Djkaktus said it himself that he was “always writing elias shaw.” That “any similarities are just a coincidence.”
So its funny seeing some of the ppl thats on board with this claim that “u cant separate the art from the artist” and yet that’s exactly what they're trying to achieve. Except, u know, the community had already done that a long time ago, ripping bright out of the hands of admin bright. So really, no change is actually being made.
Anyway with that out of the way I do want to address some concerns about djkaktus.
I’ve been looking around and have seen people mentioning that the dude:
1. Was quiet about the admin bright thing when it was happening along with actually being one of the people trying to cover it up
2. Had been banning people simply cuz they didn’t like his works
3. he’s an alleged predator
Now I havent personally found much relating to this other than people's words on it on tumblr. Tho someone on insta has told me that djkaktus was extremely quiet during the bright situation. Which yea it took an entire year after admin bright was banned to only now bring up this elias shaw bs.
Now if anyone has sources on any of this, links, screenshots, anything, it’d be a great help if ya can send it to me via replying to this post or dm-ing me. It would better help spread this awareness around.
Also regarding articles that had brights name replaced w/ SA jokes that haven’t been edited out which is something else that also has been mentioned to me, would appreciate it to get more scps/tales listed regarding that. Only got 4498 so far which has a really bad um…”butt stabbing” joke...I mostly did skim read it so I’ll have a proper read at some point.
- Elias Shaw is pointless and does nothing.
- People who are saying u can't separate art from artists are tryna separate bright from author.
- Djkaktus was quiet during the admin bright situation and potentially was tryna cover it up, has been banning ppl for not liking his stuff, is an alleged predator and hasnt edited out sa jokes in articles where he changed bright’s name.
Correct me if I’m wrong on anything or anything like that.
Edit: reminder to take the djkaktus stuff as a grain of salt (especially the predator allegations) as it did come from pixelated harmony who did in fact doxxed someone
Still I stand by that he was quiet about admin bright though and of course I still don’t believe the elias shaw thing is gonna work
edit edit edit: things are messy. u can look in the comments for more info I don't rlly know what to say beyond this point.
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Not 100% sure cuz I can't find the wiki article that was referenced, but I'm fairly certain it's listing the bat vigilante team, which doesn't have to include actual family. Like, obviously, seeing as how 2/3 batgirls are not related by blood or legality. But still, Azrael/Jean-Paul Valley has been around forever as a member of the bat vigilante team (predates Cass by a lot actually), but he's never been a family member. Same thing applies to Huntress. By that logic, Harley (and Ivy) are guilty by association since they hang around Catwoman to form the Sirens. Ivy just gets included less since her motivations have changed the least over the years and she is the most likely to still do schemes on the side. (I think Joker War has something to do with it too, but I haven't read that one).
But. Because it's funny. I see your "Batman accidentally married the Joker somehow" and raise you "The Sirens are poly and count because Silena is Bruce's ex." Cue Bruce's ex-girlfriends in law happily stealing his children because they all get along better with the rogues than with Batman anyway.
I also raise you "Every member of the bat team is somehow related to Bruce on purpose or on accident." Steph and Barbara get the same "former girlfriend of legal relation" treatment that Selina gets. So does Ghostmaker. Luke Fox is a tricky one, but I'm gonna say the funniest option is that Bruce and Lucius had to get legally married due to company control paperwork BS. Because I can't pick who to ship, I'mma say that Harper, Cass, and Steph are poly and that The Birds of Prey are also poly for Huntress (which means Black Canary and the extended arrowfam now also count, which makes Bruce so salty). Add in Azrael being somehow legally adopted by Batman despite being a grown-ass adult, and I think that's most everyone covered.
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evachuber · 1 year
More theories because I am on a brainrot
I spent some time to think of theories and what everything means during the wait for part 2, and whilst it's quick, I do think I should lay down some I have right now and see if they make sense. Let's begin.
Spoilers for all of Chapter 2 but I think you all knew that the moment you saw my post's title.
I do think that if David IS telling the truth about his secret, then Hu can be the three suicides one. After all, she mentions not being useful after David's big reveal and seems to hold a significant amount of trauma due to that.
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It WOULD also help show why the fuck she keeps babying Nico, seeing them as someone who needs guidance on how to survive a killing game with people like Ace in the room, not to mention, she already has a friendship with Nico, so it's a starting point.
Does that mean I like her?
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Look I may have such low standards I like Veronika but Jesus Christ Hu is a fucking annoying character, just cuz she has a good reason DOESN'T mean she's likable
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ANYWHO, enough Hu hate or else she will give me at least 20 Aneurisms in a matter of a millisecond, we got another killer suspicion
Do I believe it? No. Not because It's not right, but because if it IS right, my discord pfp changes and I am naturally very biased because of it.
People are saying the killer is Levi. Which... definitely has points.
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Levi using the crazy sprite here makes him seem like he's fucking insane, but also... hiding something? most of the cast has something to hide, and by this point, Levi is definitely the most sus one who's hiding something
close second/third is David/Arturo but they've revealed big something already so they're not on the list
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Dude was MEGA quick to hit the vote button on David, even to the point of it looking too quick. Since David is the most sus person this chapter, it's natural to think he's a suspicious person and the best person to vote, therefore get them out of the way and win the trial. The only reason this fails is because Teruko's thinking and Charles realizing the group fucked up (Just between us, that's the most BS cliffhanger I've seen. Makes sense, but damn it was fucking abrupt.)
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I find it oddly out of character for Levi to instantly push Eden as the killer. David? You can make the argument he revealed a new side to him and confessed to the murder instantly, but EDEN makes less sense to me. They are shown to be friendly, as shown in the first episode of the chapter.
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ANOTHER THING is that Charles brought up a point I would see the calculative Levi agreeing with; No one was going to accuse Eden of murdering, she was just suspicious as the note had her name on it.
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All this makes Levi very suspicious, and that's just from the trial. There is also evidence that points back to him.
I will not cover every evidence. Not because this post is too long as is and you'll need to read it when you have the next few hours free, but because I do not remember how the evidence plays into the case and my IQ usually isn't higher than 5
Man I am such a good DRDT fan :D
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ANYWHO- One I will cover is the Merry go round, or as Infinite from Sonic Forces Teruko describes it, "The spinny thing".
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Now, tape being wrapped in some sort of way around the merry go round is already looking suspicious, but then you look at Arei's wrists.
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There is a mark on her wrists. It also can't be rope because of the shape, rope would leave a few patches of untouched skin, whereas in this case, Arei has a complete rash around her wrist, showing that tape was definitely used to drag her. This is also why her glove was missing, most likely to keep people from either guessing it's tape compared to rope or her glove was resistant to tape. It's one of the two, I have 0 idea.
Now, the main idea is that Levi used the Merry go round to push Arei up on the swing set to make it SEEM like she hanged herself in order to stage a suicide. However not only is that not the case due to Suicides not causing a trial, but also look at the fact that we can confirm that Arei's death had nothing to do with drowning (meaning no relaxation room ravine was involved.)
Arturo confirmed her neck was broken.
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At first, this seems irrelevant. After all, hanging usually ends in broken necks, right?
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seems sus for someone to die from a neck snap without the use of a noose. and let's remember what Arei's talent is...
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Yeah, she's pretty fit
Of course, a Bowler has uses with the arms...
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OK that sounded wrong- but I can't explain it better-
ANYWAY, Given her strength, it would be natural she could overpower most of the cast, even if they tried to hurt her. Some people are also not physically fit enough to either fight back/kill Arei or even fight her, and I doubt most people would know how to snap her neck.
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Levi looks like he has healed, so I don't see him looking like he CAN'T snap Arei's neck. He also could easily push the carousel as long as his arm doesn't get hit with the pain, but the dude is buff enough I think his remaining hand will be fine.
There is DEFINITELY more I can think off, but remember, I'm some British guy theorizing on how buff dude killed a character who nearly got character development, but DR;DT played it well. If I think of more shit I can make a part two to this post but until then imma go commit tax evasion and angering Karen's with my shitty opinions, have a nice life
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
TRIMAX VOLUME ONE LETS GOOOOOO ....i didnt remember this was just 6 chapters...wow
chap 1:
-1st act of god you say...huh
-yeah who could believe that...thats insane....jaja
-ik this was written in the 90s but i still dont like eriks saying that, like wth man lina is right
-hey lina :3 missed you
-....i like the new glasses...
-"lina cover your eyes :]" oh :c
-"oh is eriks again" :c
-"stop. some legend that is" ow :c
-this is all just so sad cuz he rea;;y wanted to retire but he cant :c hes vash the stampede
-ww laughing at fake vash is the best xd
-also thats funny cuz yeah vash COULD shoot you in a matter of seconds but thats not what his name means and i really like that :3
chap 2:
-aw lina :c
-imagine going to the store and finding the silliest/most depressed wet cat in the universe ready for adoption
-ok but how did you (from the perspective of a stranger) figure that knives was a name? knives comes from knife, so if a random person read "knives" wouldn't they think about the utensil first?????
-vash: how do you know so much about this evil entity that is my brother?
ww: hehe, please
-ily lina theyre talking bs
-...im not ready for stampede eriks i will evaporate
chap 3:
-go get your vacation queen ily
-keele i will yeet you into the sun
-im never not going to be so fucking mad at HOW EASY THAT WAS BECAUSE THIS BASTARD MENTIONED MERYL LIKE IK YOU MISS YOUR DEAR FRIEND BUT OMG it just makes me sad
-wolfwood :3
-i like that :3 meryl just cant be an office person anymore when shes discover more of her world and people like vash. even if she almost died a lot of times, those were also the times when she was alive.
chap 4:
-ok but that panel with mostly shade is scary
-i also want to lift my whole self with my arm :D (she said even though just walking places makes him tired)
-ok but if he trained like that for 150 years no wonder he's the only pro gunman ever
-i like his face on that panel, he's amazed and proud that one of his siblings survived for that long
-vash knows why is it always like that and he understands it but god he wishes so hard for it to just fucking stop and it breaks my little heart
-hes literally just an anime girl saying "hi-mi-tsu :3" (im so sorry i will never say that again but I'm right)
-he remembers people and names after so many fucking years
-also those children probably have never met him but vash gives so much ragdoll energy that they went with it (ok never mind maybe they did but you get the idea)
-cmon brad :c why are you so mean to him :c
-all of this just backs up the SA interpretation and although it hurts my feelings....damn its just good writing. like not knowing what your own body can do and people taking advantage of that...makes me fucking sick (in a good and bad way i truly don't know how to explain it)
-noooooooooooooooooooooo :c every time someone calls/vash calls himself a monster this user loses 5 years of their life :D
-wolfwood sir your projection will make me want to eat my own arm
-"run away run away ">:b" i love him so much
chap 5:
-the chapters cant keep starting with flashbacks I'm gonna start WEEPING
-is geranium tea a thing? maybe vash would like geranium tea
-how dare you, my vash the stampede would never side with the cops, he's acab i know that in my heart
-THAT ONE PANEL MY BELOVED (the onle about looking without his eyes)
-hes so fucking done
-yey conflict time :3 boi oh boi
chap 6:
-oh the title placement on this one :3
-i dont think he will (or that he is) fine after all of this but sure
-such a loud chapter and vash is so quiet
-and again, there all judging, expecting to see what will vash do
-"what do you know about my pain" brb I'm gonna EAT SOME GLASS REAL QUICK
-its like....its like why, why make me suffer like this. its not even heavy stuff its just that everything hurts. his impulse and desire to help everyone, his reason why, how others see him while he tries and sometimes win while other times fails. it all hurts in a weird way.
-...legato why are you inside a fridge (i kinda forgot lol)
WHAT A VOLUME i need to lay down
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totallysora · 7 months
Mean Girls Part 2 (Movie)
Ok so this is my overall opinions on stuff such as the cut songs and the actors etc 😭 (Once again I haven’t actually watched it, I’ve only ever listened to the soundtrack [once 💀] and seen a few clips!)
Let me start with cut songs! It roars (yes I am counting this) - Realistically I don’t really see why they cut it, and honestly I imagine it would’ve fit within the movie better Also, Ik Renee was on broadway as Regina, and Ik she can sing/write, but never let this girl pick up a pen like ever again that song sas horrific 😭 There’s definitely worst songs out there don’t get me wrong but this was absolutely not a good replacement for it roars Where do you belong? - Ok honestly cutting this makes sense, I can see how this would be difficult to translate from the stage, and they’re so theatre that making them pop would be horrible 😭 doesn’t mean I’m not upset abt it tho 😕 Meet the Plastics (also counting this) - Literally what was the point man 😭 if you’re gonna get rid of all of the best parts get rid of the whole song like this was utter bs - sure, I haven’t seen if it worked well in the movie but Idc, there was literally no need 💀 The reprises (all of them excluding someone gets hurt) - I guess I see why they cut these, as the movie would’ve just been made a lot longer with them, kinda wish we could’ve heard aaron sing tho Fearless - Kinda sad they cut this cuz I actually rlly like the song 😕 also completely butchering gretchen and her songs like damn 😨 not yall acting like she’s one of the best singers on that soundtrack 💀Stop - Much like where do you belong, I can actually understand why they cut this one, although I absolutely wanna hear Jaquel sing it (and on his live the other day I’m pretty sure he said he’s planning on releasing a cover) also doesn’t mean I’m gonna be happy abt it tho 😔 WHOSE HOUSE IS THIS - THIS WHOLE SOUNTRACK IS LITERALLY KEVIN G ERASURE BRO 😭 LIKE WDYM WE DONT GET TO HEAR HIM RAP?? YALL R GONNA TELL ME THAT THE ENTIRE PARTY WAS JUST SPOKEN ☹️ More is better - Also kinda like this song, once again wish we could’ve heard aaron sing but it is what it is Ig 🤷‍♀️ Someone gets hurt (reprise) - Ok so this wasn’t in the soundtrack, and seeing clips of it I see why 💀 It was barely even singing?? She was legit just yelling/screaming it was so bad 😨 DO THIS THING - AS I SAID BEFORE KEVIN G ERASURE LIKE THERE IS NO WAY THEY HAD THE MATHLETES CHAMPIONSHIP WITHOUT SINGING 😭
About the actors
Don’t Quote me on this but am pretty sure only 2 of them are actually theatre actors?? Ik both Jaquel and Renee have been on Broadway but before the movie cast was announced I had no clue who the others were? And I tried to find theatre credits but there were literally none 😭
I saw a clip the other day of Tina Fey telling us all to stop complaining abt it, cuz she got a killer cast, and sure yea they were a good cast but if you’re gonna make a musical movie, especially based on such an iconic musical, actually make it a good musical?? Actually whilst I’m on this topic I just wanna say the advertising for this movie was so shit, like they didn’t even advertise it as a musical?? And so many people went without knowing it was 💀
Tbh although I’m not trying to say the cast was bad, I just wish they casted actual broadway actors, cuz it would’ve been sm better (for example, WSS 2021 - most of the cast were bway/theatre actors n it is one of the best musical movies I have ever watched)
At this point I would’ve preferred the og bway cast 💀 Like Idc that they’re all 30 or whatever 😭 Personally, I prefer proshots to movie musicals anyways, due to the fact that we get to see it on stage, so ee don’t have to miss anything, and if they really wanted to do this properly they should’ve just gone for a proshot 🤷‍♀️ But that’s just my opinion based on what I’ve seen!
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quettasecond · 11 months
the prologue is a hint towards eis existence! shes not mentioned at all in part one as she isnt actually. introduced yet and hasnt made her way to where everything is happening, but the prologue implies her existence! it follow an unnamed girl who "reawakened" and is covered in dirt (meant to imply she. you know. dug herself out of the ground)
in chapter one, aib and her soon-to-be-dead friend, ichimi, are hanging out in a bathroom together after aib was browsing her parents personal emails. ichimi mentioned knowing someone other than aib and she had to suppress her anger. also rereading this in some lines it feels ichimi has a hint of... innocence? is that the word? that you might associate with ei, and it reminds me of weird ei-ichimi paralells that probably arent actually paralells i just dont know what other word to use. ichimi was actually named after ei (i talked about it in a different post). aib is referring to this one barely mentioned side character via surname meanwhile ichimi is calling them their given name, interesting thing about aib being more distant about. everyone i guess. and ichimi being warm and friendly
still on chapter oen sorry just a new bullet point becayse thats a lot of words there. i almost didnt realise the car situation was gonna happen in this chapter. how could i forget. talking about her parents and her relationship, aibreann said "[we] seemed less like a family and more like roommates, if you could even call [us] that". then she ran across a busy street because she was impacient, and suddenly a strange guy knocked into her (to save her from a car that was going to hit her) and asked her what her problem is. his foot got run over and aib immediately went Omg awesome gorey foot... like there were two paragraphs dedicated to aib thinking about the gore. he then picked her up to carry her to her address, aibreanm thought "i shouldnt tell a stranger my address" then did exactly that. also i remember someone i showed like just this chapter to thought this man was aibs father LOL unfortunately not
chap 2. the man introduced himself as kane. he had to tell her that her knees got scraped and were kind of bloody cuz she didnt notice. shes so aggressive(? well not exactly aggressive shes just swearing internally and rolling her eyes and stuff) and sarcastic to him. he tucked aibreann in with a blanket and is leaving blood all over the floor from walking around. he made her tea and tended to her scrapes. then he started to realise Oh fuck my foot hurts and he left. she tried to mop all the blood kane left all over the floor before her dad gets home but she fails and kind of trips and falls into the blood and her dad comes home and she gets up and limps away
i just realised this is probably gonna be kind of long lol... well no read more for you my followers must be strong enough to handle one billion words of oc stuff at once
chap 3. were immediately hit by multiple paragraphs of exposition. maybe i couldve done that better instead of having aib internally monologue about her magic bs but whatever this was written like one a 2/3rds of a year ago. now shes starting to wonder if things would be better if she was dead. two new one time side characters that just exist to be talked about once mentioned. honestly if i ever went over part 1 and rewrote part of it i might just remove these two. which luckily means i just remove a few sentences in one chapter. their "existence" was fine before but now im starting to feel these random people being mentioned fucks with what i started to build up afterwards yk. she changes into a clean uniform and mentions she usually ditches the sweatervest with hers. now shes wanting to die again
i hear my nephew outside my door i might see whats up with him goodbye to this post for now
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eiseryn · 1 year
Modern AU Outfit Designs (Lei ft. NPC friends)
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Back on my outfit design BS, but this time for outfits in the modern AU. I've written a little stuff (fanfiction???) for the modern AU which takes place in a university setting!
Throughout her university and med school days, Lei actually had long hair! So in the modern AU, I decided to draw her hair long~ Also it really hits different 🥺 She's cute with short hair too but long hair Lei feels younger and softer to me.
For the outfit, I wanted to make winter/autumn outfit designs for another series of drawings I'm actually working on (I have like 50 bajillion WIPS) and so I made these as concept art / outfit designs. I wanted to include plaid elements so for Lei, her skirt is a green plaid! She's also wearing sheer tights, which is something she really likes, and she has some sort of heat-tech thermal white turtleneck as well as a fluffy probably sherpa wool? jacket but I didn't play with the textures enough for that (whoops). She's wearing white heeled boots the same colour as her turtleneck. She likes wearing heels cuz she's not very tall (158.5cm but she says she's 160cm when people ask). She also has a diamond shaped green dangly necklace - I like drawing her with diamond shaped green gems.
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And of course, I designed her friends' outfits to be matching. I really wanted to have a plaid element among all four of them, and I realize that the four of them together are red, yellow, green, blue.🥺 Like sports day colours or something.
I designed Elise first, and gave her a classic red plaid circle scarf - those were super popular a few years ago! I decided to give her some red plaid legwarmers as well to add some colour to her otherwise plain suede jacket and black jeans/leggings (not sure which one it is). Her hair ribbons are red too, but I didn't put plaid in them (too small). She has a pretty simple outfit, because I imagine she wears simple but classy clothing. The Keeper (COC DM) later described her style as dark academia though, so I think I might draw her in some stuff like that later!
Ceres was pretty hard to design TBH. I wanted to give her a long skirt because she is shy and I thought it would be cute! I gave her fleece leggings under for the warmth. I also wanted to give her an accessory which I decided to be a headband which goes super well with the bangs that cover her face (in my opinion). I made them both yellow plaid, but the long plaid skirt contrasts and matches with Lei's short plaid skirt (bestie things 🥺 - Lei totally made them buy matching outfits). She has brown leather cowboy boots because fashion~ I wanted to give her a short jacket to contrast her long skirt and this is where I struggled I ended up making it the brown of her boots and added fur trim for a more winter/warm look. She's also wearing fur ball earrings because I wanted her to have a sort of fluffy look to her.
Vail! He looks so soft anime boy here and I love that 💅 I wanted to give him a simple parka with the inner lining of it to be the blue plaid so he'd match the rest of Lei's friends with the whole plaid design. I gave him jeans with a thigh belt which COULD be a gift from someone (👀👀👀if you know what I mean). Underneath the black parka I just threw on a simple winter turtleneck sweater to contrast all the black. I imagine it's pretty warm and made of thicc wool/ knitted material. I threw on some silver dog-tag/chain necklaces to ~ accessorize ~ a little more since he wears small silver earrings (apparently).
And voila! We're at the end of my unhinged rant about fashion/ outfit design! I'm sorry that I did not try to draw hands here. It's true I draw them badly anyways but I really didn't try this time. Sowwy.
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queerfox-tales · 1 year
* rant about what I realised after seeing a pregnant trans man on a magazine cover *
note: if you start reading, at least continue until I get to the actual point instead of reading a few lines and assuming the rest. Though if you're someone who needs others to match your exact thinking, well, you'll probably dislike me either way cuz my thinking doesn't usually match large groups for specifics. Note 2, by "society" here, it refers to those like Canada cuz I'm not sure if the aspect is only seemingly 99% worldwide or actually is.
So from the beginning we go. I'm scrolling through social media and I see a magazine cover showing a pregnant trans man. And I don't know if I actually went through the comments or if it was from multiple comments attached to the same photo but basically, I saw a bunch of comments. And that's where my mind put things together and the problem started. A huge majority, whether positive or negative, looked at the image and saw a person. Now what's the problem, you may be asking. That's good, right?
I started thinking about pregnant women on magazine covers. I compared the view of that to the comments about the pregnant man. That's where the problem is. For the pregnant women, most just saw the life within her. Others saw a kind of person kind of sexual release (Cuz for non-maternity magazines or headlines, she was practically naked on the cover cuz how else would people pay attention). Only a small minority saw a person. This wasn't at all true for the pregnant man. Only a small percentage even paid the life inside any attention. The person got most of it and was recognized as a person. Do you realise what this means?
In a sense, people in my society have more respect for a trans man than a cis woman. A basic part of respecting people is seeing an actual person when you look at them. Just in general. People in my society have more respect for someone that they may even refuse to see as the identified gender, that they may think is ill in some way, that may even want anihilated, than they have respect for women, even when born female. That's so messed up.
It's like I'm suddenly realising how bad the sexism is. I tried to pay attention and gather evidence on both sides but I somehow missed this. I missed that people have more respect for people they hate than those they claim to protect and even, at the extreme BS argument, "save". It's absurd. The sexism is worse than the transphobia and it doesn't seem possible and yet, I think it may be. And I think that may explain the extra focus on trans women. Why people are extra confused. It's easier for them to go from seeing someone as half object half person to full person than the other way around. Is that it? They hear someone is a trans woman so their brain is like "wait, so you either have or had a penis so I should respect you but you're a woman so you can no longer be a full person..." and their brain panics cuz it's so hard to see women as people? (note: I stuck to wording that society uses so I'm sorry if that left someone out like maybe intersex people. I have no idea if intersex men and women see themselves as trans or not but if you do, the intent above was just to bring up what people think, not to ignore any groups)
And for anyone that thinks that makes no sense cuz some of the loudest people against trans women seem to be women, well, fun fact, half or maybe more of the women don't truly respect women. They only respect women that are like themselves or "better". There's a hierarchy of womanhood or femininity or something (I never understood the details) and if you're not at the same level or above the other person, there's a good chance they'll treat you poorly.
So ya, somehow, something good - someone trans and pregnant making it onto a magazine cover, spreading normalization - made some of the worse of society apparent to me. I don't even know where to go from here. On the bright side, the talk and increase of positive portrayal of trans people, man or woman or neither, seem to really be making society realise some of the buried truth. Yes, a fair portion are reacting in anger because society taught us that self-reflection and change are for the weak (which is totally inaccurate) but it's all coming out. Maybe trans people will save us all. Be one of the first big steps society needs. More accurately, a big first slap across the face society desperately needs. Maybe there's hope after all.
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onceuponaroast · 2 years
Things that probably should have made me (and the people around me) suspect that I'm autistic a lot sooner, a non exhaustive list:
1. Adults used to have to translate things I said a lot. I don't mean language-wise, but I used to say things that seemed fine to me but made someone upset. Then an adult would have to step in and clarify, "actually I think she meant (ex)". This even happened somewhat recently when I was at work in 2019. A manager informed a few of us that one of us could go home early and I said "dibs cuz I've been here the longest" what I Meant was I'd been there since 8 and they got there at 10, but someone got upset because she'd been working there a few months longer than I had. The manager (bless her heart) stepped in to clarify
2. One of my moms favorite stories to tell is about my childhood shutdowns. When I was really little (think toddler) sometimes I'd get overwhelmed by noise or visual stimuli or socializing- so I'd completely shut down. I'd cover my ears and eyes, and cower behind the nearest piece of furniture. My mom likes to share this as a cute quirky thing I did.... why no one tried to help I don't know
3. Repeating phrases I heard without knowing what they meant. This is my sister's favorite story. We took a family trip to a petsmart or something during a time when Chinchillas were my special interest. I wasnt allowed to have one, and so when walking past the chinchilla enclosure I saw an ad of some kid holding a chinchilla and felt jealous. So I, at the ripe old age of 6, said "Lucky Bastard" loud enough for other customers to hear. Apparently my dad was Pissed, but neither of my parents could really get mad at me because it was sorta their fault for watching The Big Bang Theory in front of me
4. Refusing to leave my stroller. Honestly if I could still be in a stroller, I would. Not even in a dont-want-to-walk way, but because it's the perfect way to observe the world without having to interact with it. It made noises quieter, shielded me from sunlight, and no one tried to talk to me when I was in it. If I got overwhelmed I could pull the top down and take a nap. A complete win.
5. Getting mad when people were wrong. This sounds rude- and I guess it may have been- but let me explain. One year at summer camp we played some ice breaker game and went around in a circle to say if you were an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between. I got So Excited to share a new word I learned, Ambivert! Which means between introvert and extrovert. I was so excited I shared this at the beginning of the circle. Except, people got really annoyed and started pointedly saying "I'm an introverted extrovert" and kinda laughing at me. I got really unreasonably angry, but kept that to myself
6. Speaking of summer camp: daily meltdowns. In my first few years I would get extremely overwhelmed during summer camp. There's no alone time! It's always loud and hot and the food is gross. Similar to my shutdowns when I was really little, around bedtime each night I'd get so overwhelmed I'd go off by myself and just cry for a bit. Eventually some counselor found me and dragged my off to the office to call my parents.
7. Probably the most obvious: being a picky eater. This is self explanatory. My mom tried to give me cheerios exactly once as an infant and I immediately spit it out and threw a tantrum. I haven't touched cherrios or any other cereal since.
8. The safety plush. Teddy is a teddy bear gifted to me by my grandma when I was born. He'll be turning 22 this year and I still sleep with him every night. I think I was probably 10 before I could go a night without him and not have a meltdown. I loved him so much his body started disintegrating and my parents had to try and find a new one. At first I hated the idea of replacing him but my grandma made up some bs about stuffing blood transfusions and that helped and now we have 3 iterations of Teddy.
9. Sensory issues. I took FOREVER to potty train, simply because I could not stand the sound of the toilet flush. It was loud and terrified me. I also hated grass and jumping in fall leaf piles. I would cry when they put me in clothes of a Certain Texture. My mom likes to share the story of my first birthday party where the tradition is to put a birthday cake in front of the baby and let them absolutely destroy it. I wouldn't touch the thing. Frosting is sticky!
10. Last but not least, special interests. Basically from the time I could talk I had a new interest every year that I'd be completely obsessed with. Starting with The Doodlebops, Bob the Builder, and The Wiggles. Then Cinderella, Scooby Doo, and Chinchillas. Once I reached Elementary school and had access to the Library it was OVER. I checked out like 50+ books on the different species of cats within like a two month period
This is not everything! But Autism is not just "rude and doesn't make eye contact"
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dancing-cockroaches · 2 years
I got a prescription for a nebulizer atleast 2+ months ago and I really regret not filling it, everytime my asthma comes around to kick me in the ass I'm like "damn i should really hand in this script" but I cant do that at 8 PM which is the time at which I go out (I hate going out during the day) and the time the thought occurs to me. And at this point I dont even know if the pharmacy would fill it. Or if theyd be like "bitch this script is from June. It is september. Get out". My pharmacy is CVS, they dont even have nebulizers in my area, so I'd have to go to a different pharmacy, and I've been going through CVS for so long I dont even remember how to enroll in a pharmacy. Sometimes it just feels like CVS just knows what insurance I have through magic or some shit, because they've never asked me for my card and I've gotten my medicine from them for pretty much my whole life with 0 issues. I just walk up and they're like "ok here's your adderall that'll be $5" even if it's a different location and I'm pretty sure the process would not be that simple with a completely different pharmacy. I know fuck-all about pharmacy billing despite working in health insurance because of how seamless CVS makes it seem. I moved thousands of miles and these employees didnt even skip a beat, no "oh uh we'll just need to see your insurance card" or "you're in Nevada, but your insurance on file was last updated 2 decades ago and is a NY state insurance so that's weird" nope just "hey, you've never been to this location before, but here's your birth control. It's free by the way".
Do they have to like, contact my insurance? I have NY state insurance, these people are thousands of miles away from NY so they've most likely never seen this insurance. My insurance would cover it, I already know they would, but would the pharmacy fumble it? It's happened - once my claim was submitted to blue cross blue shield of fucking Arizona for some reason. I don't even have BC/BS (you could say technically I do, but I really dont) and I dont live in Arizona. My insurance just confuses the fuck outta people for some reason (ok tbh for good reason, it is kinda funky cuz it's called NYSHIP but is technically UHC but depending on circumstance some of it is BC/BS and some of it is Beacon health, now owned by Anthem, which all sounds very confusing but I swear to fuck it is miles better & less confusing than bitches like Medicare.. fuck Medicare, this is a pro-Medicare slander blog, so I'll shit talk them wherever I can squeeze it in), not like they're combative or deny a lot of things, they'll fuckin approve anything (UNLIKE FUCKING MEDICARE), they're just not common here. It's also literally called Empire Plan/NY State Health Insurance, making them assume it's only a NY insurance despite that not being the case, you can only get it in NY, but it can be used anywhere.
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ozomatli-9 · 3 months
Netflix ahh storyline...
A self preservational main character who toils in themselves about being an immortal vampire who has to live in night time for all eternity. He works as a security guard for facilities or a bouncer type (he himself would address an issue rather than intervene directly). He feeds on those he's intimate with, but people dont really stick around him long enough for him to maintain a consistent diet (because hes a drag), because of his overall inactivity, he doesn't need to feed too regularly. He meets someone he really likes so much that he doesn't even feed , and he starts working on himself. He goes feeding less intimately and instead hunts and prowls in the night, feasting on unsuspecting victims the standard vampire shtick so he can be vital and show his commitment to her. She also starts taking steps to show her commitment to them. Till eventually, in a playful way, he plays with the hypothetical that what if he was a vampire and the only way they can be together forever is if he turned her into a vampire then she giggles dismissively and shes like oh then I would slay you because im apart of a sacred order of knights that slays unholy dreg beasts and she shows him a brand in her scalp ad the guys like 👁👁 i thought you guys disbanded back in the 1312 and shes like yea we did but thats just so we can live our normal lives while continuing our sacred duties casually also how do u know about that and hes like oh uhhhh i am a bit of a history nut and shes like whattt me too and the guy cunningly switches the conversation to history and he offers her his personal insights to certain events acting as though he just dies his research and shes like "thats exactly how I remembered it", but quietly to herself as he goes on showing his hand confirming her perspective of being a vampire ... anyways time goes on, and eventually, shes like my family would love to meet you and the guys like erm gulp sure and hes like yeah lets go out at steak dinner at night and shes like no I was just gonna take you to there home just as a handshake sort of thing this weekend afternoon and the guys like .... !!! okay and he loads up on blood by increasing his night vampiring slapping hands with fellow niggas of the night and then its time and hes out and about kinda looking and feeling like shit cuz the sunlight is cooking him up and hes being extra awkward and weird to limit his exposure but luckily her families estate is like surrounded by trees. So hes just getting peppered with sunlight, and as soon as they roll up the chicks, family is like .... bruh again with this bullshit you brought another one them over here and the vampire guy (whos black btw) assumes theyre just being racist and is like what do u mean them and the dads like a monster, by the looks of it a vampire this time and hes like ... ermm check, please, and the chicks (whose half asian half white) like yaa, and im gonna keep bringing them till you all stop being old-fashioned and accept that monsters are not all inherently evil. And the dads like again, oh yeah, then why has there been an increase in attacks in the city leading up to this day, and she's like because he loves me and felt like he had to feed in secrecy. Just to shake your hand and the guys like, so how would he feed if not under the cover of darkness in the night blood letting is inherently violent. Then they get into a really philisophical debate about how life is violent and how their violence is better than their violence yadda yadda then she lays out a blue print on how he can become a manager and use his vampire ability of creating minions to create jobs for people doing bs job stuff and just feed on them willingly giving him blood as part of their job and the dads like ur so smart daughter and shes like how does that sound to the vampire guy and he already booked it out the front door at the prospect of becoming an office manager type . ..
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burntheartist · 2 years
So my barbarian is probably dead Wednesday
Hello my #D&D nerds out there! I'm playing in a first time DM's homebrew game, and that's been a mixed bag, but I like seeing people try. I also find it amusing that the same DM faux pas' we've all stumbled on here and there, are still a thing no matter what decade or edition folks start out with. There's nothing wrong with learning from a little trial and error imo. That said... The DM fell in love with roll 4d6, drop the lowest, as a stat generating method. For 5e and it's somewhat limited growth, but post TCoE the stat alignment has alleviated some of that, I find it to be a bit too random for a full table of players. But whatever, I finally rolled up some decent stats that way! I got a 17, 16, 15, 15, 15, 14. Usually when I used that method, even with rerolling ones or what not, I have a number of 6s and 10s to contend with. In fact, this barbarian who is at death's door, had a number of 8s & 9s, and two 15s. Thus why I went barbarian. Our party bard got the uber stats with the 1.0 starting crew. BUT now... What do I make? I'm not a MMO to RPG player, so I don't neccessarily want to say this character needs to be a "tank", but the front liner / some melee roll needs filled. I have 2 made up in D&D Beyond that I'll share. https://ddb.ac/characters/87143455/1Zo44f I've been dying to play a Fire Genasi for ages (or just play at all, I'm a forever DM) and I feel like EK's don't get played as well as they could. Alternately I have; https://ddb.ac/characters/87150635/DAsEtv a Bladesinger. Probably not the most front line of fighters, but I feel like they're pretty good. The INT Rage (aka bladesinging) really appeals to me and I'd like to try it. The DM isn't steeped in OG D&D lore by any means, so I'm sure he'd allow a non-elf race to be a BS (loads of BS). But the only elves I tend to use is half-elves (cuz that was my first character's race back in 2e). Any thoughts on what would be most fun? Or see any alternate builds with those stats? I know Paladin screams pretty loud for the role and the rolls, but I'm not really much of a pally player. Plus we got heals & buffs covered with the party make up being what it is atm. Poor Agran, my mino barbarian, has done well with the rage/bear totem resistances. I'll miss that on whatever I roll up next, but our current raid into an enemy's base has the big oaf out of rages, under half health, and storywise a long rest would certainly mean escape for the BBEG we've got cornered. Man I love me some table top role playing. I also think the newish DM is really thriving in a crawl environment. It's fun to see people explore narrative.
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