#thinking abt writing for genshin too lmao
darlinqserenity · 10 months
i keep saying imma write and go back to my writing blog but like i never do lmao.
i promise its not on purpose i forget it exists sometimes tbh.
and also im graduating highschool this year and everything has been super hectic and soon ill be officially adulting.
ill go back to the writing blog eventually i just need time to sit down and actually write.
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seraphiism · 1 year
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𓆩 ღ 𓆪 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚
( i hope your dream won't just be left as a dream. )
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chara : alhaitham fandom : genshin impact quote cr : agust d a/n : i must be honest . i have no idea what i wrote (ノ `Д`) ノ. focuses on alhaitham's past, might be ooc
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prologue : ( the absence ) of dreams.
there is a place where knowledge survives in the depths of the world, its roots far and wide : agile, ubiquitous, resilient. how it fosters progressive growth and brilliant minds, sets the driving force for discovery and beyond.
there is a place where knowledge remains stagnant in the depths of the world, its roots damaged and decomposed : devitalized. dying. dead. how it fosters an insatiability and never ending greed, sets the expectations for discovery to come and go with such ease.
in this place, dreams are stolen away, only witnessed by youth. because there is always something to be learned in these visions, they'll say, because they'll stretch the truth, make something out of nothing ; they'll find a way to justify the theft of one's mind and soul and spirit intertwined in the manifestation of reverie, and you would have never known.
in this place, a scribe thrives, mind sharp and knowledgeable. in this place, a loneliness grows up and distances himself from the rest, finds that solitude has always been a friend first and foremost.
in this place, the foundation of wisdom and greater things-- home, alhaitham learns to dream again.
prologue , revisited : ( the absence ) of dreams , the absence of what could have been.
alhaitham remembers little of his childhood ; ask him of his origins and he will remember seldom through first-hand experience. they won't question it, not too much-- because oh, well-- it's hard to remember those things when you're so young, and they'll leave it at that because that's normal, isn't it? to be forgetful of a time where you knew so little, knew only how to rely on others and how to breathe and live and survive through the hand that feeds.
they'll leave it at that, but even if they didn't, he doesn't think he would mind. perhaps there is a distant sadness that survives in the crevices of the heart, never learning to fade in years past, and maybe that's just part of the human equation. he doesn't think about it much. no need to, after all.
yes, they'll leave it at that, blame the lack of memories in youth from age. they won't know that he lost his parents too early, lost something he never quite had, because can you really say you had something when it slipped out of your grasp so quickly and so soon? alhaitham finds some semblance of logic in that, but maybe that's selfish. of course he had his parents. he is sure that he loved them and he is sure that they loved him. maybe it is easier to cope somehow with these thoughts, even if there may be some cruelty in it.
perhaps he does miss his parents, after all, even if he understands that sometimes, it is hard to miss what you never had.
chapter one : the first dream.
it's an ordinary sunday and the room is white. look out the window and there's sunlight to be found, and what a beautiful sight it is, but what a frightening realization it is : it reaches and reaches, begging, but it never reaches the room, obstructed by the glass.
alhaitham doesn't know what it means. he doesn't know how he remembers that it's sunday, doesn't know why this place is familiar. it's cold. he doesn't think he's afraid, but this feeling that creeps up his spine deems an unrest, but he'll call it uncertainty, because there's always an explanation for everything, but even he cannot find the answers to what lies before him.
it is a vast space, endless, but he continues anyway. the path is tiresome, progress indistinguishable in the white. the sunlight stays, too. there is something to be found here. liminal space or not, he continues forth. the unrest brews. something in him trembles, but he walks, anyway.
endless. unforgiving. endless. unfamiliar. an undesired forever, the tiring of self, the burning in one's limbs, the extinction of energy, then --
a faint orange and yellow. alhaitham glances at the windows now, finds that the sunlight has found its way to the place where it belongs. he walks again. the orange and yellow hues grow with each step ; the cold slowly dissipates, and in his trek, it is almost like he is unearthing a life. he doesn't run, no, but part of him wants to, because there is something to be found here, but he doesn't. not yet.
the colors flood in. the white becomes something unforgotten, summons everything else in its absence. there is something that lies at the end -- he can see it -- it is something so terribly familiar but not known, so he runs and he runs and he runs until he becomes of close proximity, then he stops.
there is something to be found : a memory, a happiness, a sorrow.
it is almost a vision of some sort-- a strange sight, the image of himself. he doesn't move, frozen in place. he wonders what sort of expression he wields.
because before him, there is a happy family. a mother and father, one with the same shade of gray hair, another with the same shade of green eyes. it's a tranquil scene, and he cannot make out what is being said, but there are smiles on their faces as they look down at the child the mother holds.
he swallows hard. he does not know what to make of this. he takes a deep breath, shuts his eyes, almost smiles at the sound of distant laughter, and wonders if this is a dream. if it is, then this is not reality -- so he can find distance from this, somehow, and release himself from the fear and confusion of the unknown.
yes, perhaps this is a dream. maybe this is a memory of when his parents first brought him home.
his eyes feel heavy. he opens them anyway, witnesses the blooming of a newfound love and joy. he smiles a bittersweet smile and wonders if he will remember this when he wakes.
chapter one , aftermath : the first dream.
alhaitham wakes with a racing heart. he blinks, stares absentmindedly at the ceiling. he remembers bits and pieces of something; it lingers on the tip of his tongue, threatens to be forgotten. he should remember. he knows it was something very dear to him.
his heart slows eventually. he doesn't move. he has to remember, but the pillow under his head and the warmth of your body slowly lull him back to slumber, threaten to bring him under and free him of a lost memory on the verge of discovery.
"that's not sleeping."
he snaps from his train of thought at your mumbling. you don't think much of it at first; alhaitham is such a light sleeper that the smallest movement would wake him, but there is something different about his countenance that piques your curiosity.
"you okay?"
he looks at you, almost uncertain-- an expression you rarely see from your lover, but he nods before his gaze returns to the ceiling. he looks more perplexed than anything, deep in thought, and you almost want to press the issue, but you don't.
"i dreamt."
the knowing of dreams is no longer a shocking revelation nowadays, but even so, the restoration of them is a celebration. you do not remember yours too often, but when you do, you write them down, knowing that the recovery of such a vision should be cherished. you wonder if this is the first time he remembers his.
you wonder if it was peaceful. you wonder what it is that brings him uncertainty : the dream itself, or the ability to dream once again.
"was it a good one?" your voice is quiet. careful.
silence. the wind is a gentle breeze outside, barely heard. alhaitham inhales deeply, turns on his side to face you. it's almost instinct that your hands meet, palm against palm, and he smiles gently when he compares his hands to yours.
"it was." he laces his fingers with yours. "i dreamt of my parents."
even in the moonlit darkness, you feel the kindness in his gaze. you squeeze his hand, feel that lump in your throat when you remember his past hardships.
"i'm glad." your lips brush against his knuckles, grateful. "i hope you dream of them again."
chapter two : the second dream.
it's an ordinary sunday and the room is already filled with sunlight. alhaitham recognizes this, surrounded by rays of tenderness and warmth, and knows this to be yet another dream. he wonders if it will be different than before. he is reminded of that endless loop of dreams, understands them to be both wanted and unwanted, but he recalls the first dream, knows that to relive such a sight would be most welcome.
he walks. the path is vast once again, but there is hope in his stride. this time, there is a familiar shade of green and white that fills his vision. distant figures. he walks, anyway.
before him there are two people. one wields that same shade of gray, but this time, it is through age, and the other--
alhaitham suddenly feels an ache. the other is a young child. the other is him, an orphan, an outcast. he sits next to his grandmother, bright curiosity and intrigue in his eyes as she reads to him. a day like any other, he remembers, but special, nonetheless.
he smiles a bittersweet smile. dreams are not always beautiful, and even if this one hurts, it still is.
he swallows hard, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes. somewhere in the distance, he hears his grandmother's laughter when his younger self asks for yet another story.
one more, she'll say, he imagines, and she does.
he smiles a bittersweet smile. something aches so terribly.
he should wake soon.
chapter two , aftermath : the second dream.
alhaitham wakes with a racing heart. there is something wrong-- there must be with the way you look at him, eyes wide and filled with worry. your fingers linger on his wrist, frantic pulse known by your touch. he doesn't quite understand, slumber weakly holding onto consciousness, and it is only when he feels something trail down his face that he truly wakes.
rare is it that he sheds tears. in truth, he remembers the last time he cried, dressed in all black, vision blurred. a burial site. words of comfort unheard, muffled. forgotten.
how many apologies did he hear until they meant nothing?
"love--" you grab his wrist, gentle, slowly ease him back to the present. "are you--" you pause, take a deep breath, ease the tension from your shoulders. there are only so many times you can ask someone if they're okay, so you don't. another deep breath. "i'm here with you."
you have never seen alhaitham in such a state, never seen him cry. although he may not actively be distressed, the baffled countenance he fails to keep at bay says more than enough. with a soothing touch, you wipe the tears away, notice how quick they are to stop. alhaitham doesn't say much, tells you that he's alright, thanks you for your comfort.
you don't ask what he dreamt of, but there is something very lonely in the way he holds you that night.
he is afraid to fall asleep. he does not know if he desires yet another memory in slumber.
what a very selfish thought to have. he is sorry.
chapter three : the third dream.
it's a special sunday and the room is white, but already is it filled with warmth and daylight. he recognizes this place, knows it to be one of many celebrations. there is no journey, no endless trek. he is right where he needs to be. the scene is different this time. he is not a spectator ; instead, he is here, now, in this moment.
around him, there is endless chatter. he imagines he would enjoy the quiet more, but this time is different -- it almost brings relief to his heart, brings a lightness to it. around him are familiar companions-- a certain forest ranger, a known eremite-- ah, there's kaveh, crying and mumbling a thousand congratulations that aren't quite coherent.
and right before him, there is you ; your hands in his, both adorned with silver bands. you look beautiful, is his first thought, and he wonders if he said it out loud, given the way you smile so brightly at him.
this is a dream. it is a beautiful one, and it is one that he hopes will come true one day.
alhaitham smiles back, kisses you with all the love in the world.
he will wake up soon. he wishes he could hold onto this dream for a little bit longer, but that's okay, because when he wakes, you'll be at his side.
chapter three , aftermath : the third dream.
"i dreamt of you."
your normal routine goes this way : annoying alarm, the impending doom of the workday, and the useless means of avoidance by burying yourself deeper into the sheets until alhaitham drags you out of bed. sometimes he kisses your head in a silent greeting, sometimes he wishes you a good morning.
this, you think, is very much new, and probably the fastest way he's ever woken you up.
"oh." you stare at the ceiling before you roll over and look at him. "good morning to you, too."
worry is your first instinct-- given the nature of his previous dreams, you do not know what to expect. the visions the dreamscape blesses him with are both nostalgic and gut-wrenching, sorrow laced with catharsis.
"good morning." like clockwork, he raises his hand, lips curling faintly when you press yours against his.
"gonna share with the class?"
"the class should practice patience." he chuckles at your mildly annoyed expression, wonders how you will react to his thoughts. "i dreamt that we got married."
you freeze at those words, eyes wide, brows knit ever so slightly as you try to comprehend the words. he says it so casually, the topic of marriage. dream or not, the mere thought of a future together for the rest of your lives brings a sense of serenity, though your expression doesn't quite reflect it at the moment.
alhaitham finds it endearing.
"i would like to remember that dream for a long time."
you shake yourself out of stupor, ignore the way your face practically feels like it's the sun itself.
"tell me more about it."
"kaveh was crying."
"okay, and?"
he hums, thoughtful.
"you looked beautiful."
"oh? sounds like a good dream."
your response is nonchalant, though it is betrayed by the blithe smile that graces your lips at the thought of what that day would be like. alhaitham's gaze is filled with an incredible fondness as he looks at you, wonders when that day will come.
"yes, it was. i'd like to make it real."
oh. you wonder how he can manage to say such a thing so casually-- one would almost think he was discussing the weather. you blink, speechless. you almost want to ask if he's joking , though you know he's entirely serious when he says that, but still--
"okay." there is no hesitation in your words. "i'll marry you, alhaitham."
he almost seems surprised himself-- a spark of shock that quickly dies down into mild relief buried in amusement.
"that isn't my official proposal."
you lace your fingers together, press a kiss against his knuckles.
"i know." your words are barely above a whisper now, almost sacred, but he hears them loud and clear. "but whenever or however you do it, i'll say yes, you know."
of course he knows. always has. he squeezes your hand before pulling you closer, lips meeting in quiet euphoria and promise.
somewhere, there is a place where dreams are deemed part of one's soul once more, unraveling and uncovering the most vulnerable parts of the spirit. in this place, alhaitham dreams once more, memories revived and revisited.
in this place, alhaitham dreams of a happily ever after with you, and someday, you will relive that dream together, and it will be wonderful.
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trashcanfills · 2 years
I dont know why but I love hearing abt other ppl’s hypotheses on how they would interact with the genshin characters if they ever met. Its just so neat.
Like some players who just simp for the hot cast in general and just pass out from constant nosebleed and im laughing inside
Or some players who are gremlins and chaotic af. Cue the levelheaded character scrambling to understand or contain their player’s antics, while the free and easygoing or mischievous characters join in on the chaos
Or some players who are really sweet and thoughtful to the characters, making sure they have their fav food even if it doesnt help their gameplay and also apologising for making them die in the game shhdjdjdjss these are the ones who get the most worship I tell u
And then theres me whos extremely judgemental as fuck and has enjoyed talking abt characters and their quirks out loud but cannot hELP criticising them in some way or another because Im a perfectionist of sorts lmao im so sorry to most of the female cast Mihoyo did yall dirty with the outfits I just cant with the fanservice its just NOT PRACTICAL SHZJJEJSZJ
Yall players comment or reblog abt how YOU think you and the genshin cast would interact like when u isekai’d into genshin or just even interacting through the screen! Doesnt have to be sagau either but u can write abt it if u want to :3 i just wanna hear abt it from diff players hehe
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inkykeiji · 2 years
mmm morning wood (*♡∀♡)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
So like I just went through almost all your language posts and I was wondering what if like the creator sometimes just switches languages out of no where and everyone is just like:😃. Cuz like they don’t understand what they mean and it happens randomly too or when they’re irritated and they just start cussing in like 3 different languages at once
but i think ive written some stuff abt this before?
u know what tho.
ive got an even better idea. my “go-to” if you will.
Torture Alhaitham.
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Sun: Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT headcanons-ish?, Language shenanigans!
Stars: Alhaitham (suffer lol)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: None Known & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
he’s watching you. constantly.
he’s always writing about you.
he’s following you around Sumeru City.
he’s following you around Port Ormos.
he’s at your house-
Alhaitham learns you speak multiple languages before any other akademiya schloar, and he’s submitting a thesis about “the Greatest Lords languages from their home world”
before you can even say “I’ll think about it” in any language u know lol
people have definitely mistaken him as your favored acolyte (not that he does much to deny it)
and talk to him like he’s your secretary?? …oh, welp.
Alhaitham knows your schedule for the next month within a week of following you
mans is willing to do the MOST to get you to sit down and just start talking in a language at him
want food? his specialty dish ingredients are always at the ready at his house
want literature? he’s offering to literally break into the akademiya (or giving you a copy of his house key to have access to his personal library all the time)
(tho kaveh is practically hugging you to his chest as you walk around perusing as he talks ur ear off lmao)
Haitham (he sometimes insists you call him when it’s just you two) wants to singlehandedly be the first person who understands every word you say when u coo at dogs in another language
or cuss out a fictional character for being stupid
every time u get pissed he’s interrupting every other word you say to ask for definitions/clarifications of slang 😭
send help he’s made a red string theory board of all the languages you’ve used to try and just- make sense of all their rules and when you use them and how to tell the difference and oh no-
Alhaitham’s hanging pictures of you mid-sentence with ur mouth open or even worse when ur yelling.
…u know maybe its not for an akademiya project, maybe he’s just trying to humble you. 💀
thanks again for sending this ask in!! :D
language sagaus my beloved <3
tbh i have likeeeee 54 things in my drafts rn? so needless to say im slow, BUT IM SO HAPPY U GUYS GAVE ME THIS MUCH TO FAWN OVER, REQUESTS OR NO <333333333333
an iced coffee? for me?? :O
Safe Travels Ariasdream,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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dilucsfav · 1 year
have you ever made a fanfic of the reader being a dom to people who are least expected to be a sub, example is dottore since people think he's a dom or even zhongli?
NO IVE ACTUALLY NOT REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS?? well i have but never acted on such deed (no shame in the sinning game)
I had lots of fun with this! ive never written for some of these characters before so this was a challenge :) PLEASE TELL ME IF YALL WANT A FEMALE VERSION, THERE ARE SO MANY DOMMY MOMMY CHARACTERS I COULD WRITE ABT
also,,, should i do this with very sub/switch genshin men, except them being dom to the reader instead?? like for example kaeya, tighnari, xiao, childe, scara YES SCARA IS A FUCKING SWITCH DONT EVEN ARUGE WITH ME
idk y’all should let me know anyways here’s your guys’ meal of men tonight
dom reader x genshin men hcs & scenarios (ft. dottore, zhongli, cyno, alhaitham, diluc, dain, ayato)
warning(s): LOTS of nsfw,,, actually mainly that tbh LMFAO
at first, he'd only let you toy w/ him cuz he thought it was cute and he could easily tease you about it later
but shocker... you actually end up flustering him in the process. dummy fooled himself tbh
actually he was quite surprised that you were able to suade him with your words and body language
"Oh, doctor... don't keep me waiting...!" you'd moan and cry, grab his shirt collar and yank him to your lips, teasing his throat with your thumb and giving his body glances
made his little act crack SO fast
you'd easily get some neck kisses in while he's dazed, his flustered face staring ahead as his hands hesitate to wrap around your pretty hips
bro is high key into biting?? like definitely would allow you to squeeze a hickey or 2 in
oh, youre a big sweet talker?? good, use that to your advantage cuz you could REALLY tease this harbinger through facial expressions and super good fucking persuasive language
^^the tone of your voice... mhm that's what makes him crack
his throat between your fingers and a smirk on your lips as you kiss the tall, flustered man. literally he doesnt know what to do LMAO
every time you try to bring it up he'd instantly deny his reaction
^^"I was not flustered. I was just allowing you to have some fun."
dw doctor daddy, we all know ur a fucking dirty lier
call him a good boy, see what he does
yeah so- this man probably folds so easily over you
spoiling this big baby with kisses will result in his blushing mess of a face. trust me.
"My dear Zhongli, hush. Please let me do this for you."
^^barely takes any begging from your part. he'd allow you to spoil him any day
secretly just loves it but shh you dont know that <3
every kiss and peck and hhhhh will just make his blush grow
bonus points if you include inappropriate touching
"im the geo archon" this, "im rex lapis" that...... but how about we talk about his moans when you pull his fucking hair?
(or the crack in his voice when he's begging you to do the nasty w/ him)
^^ or his whimpers when you give him hickies?? he'd ABSOLUTELY be into marking, and you cant change my whore ass mind
stop cuz when you fluster him he instantly becomes so submissive its literally so funny
he would literally convince you with his fucking noises HES SO VOCAL JUST LIKE ITTO
(actually now that i think about it, the only geo character that wouldnt be vocal would be albedo? god hes so fucking hot i need to write for him soon
you being all cute n shit is enough for his breath to be taken away. hes so so in love w/ you hhhhhhhhhh
cyno is literally so fucking daddy he makes me-
your actions would fluster him. i dont think he'd ever admit it, or be super vocal about liking it, but he'll never try to stop you (cyno is such a manwhore i'd fuck him so fast yall dont even try me)
yall ever thought about cyno's STRONG love for riding? no? hahah,,,.............
well i fucking have.
^^he would just lay back and let you ride him omfg me next pls
^^...perhaps small thumb rubs into the side of your thigh to encourage you to keep going. only if youre lucky ofc gotta be grateful
"Ah, Cyno... gonna be a good boy for me and let me f-fuck you? Hm, mm?"
phew the reader is kinda hot idk, kinda want them to dominate me instead of cyno
(this is random, has nothing to do with the fucking hcs, but yall seen that tighnari x cyno nsfw drawing on twitter where kaveh spends the night w/ them and tighnari is riding cynos dick with kaveh trying to sleep next to them? and kaveh is like "i wanna go home..." no? just me? k.)
would probably get flustered if you two are making out and you use tongue. idk cynos a little silly. definitely weird ass would let you spit and lick all over him and he’d thank you, what a manwhore
who wouldve ever imagined a submissive haitham? not me for sure
he'd literally gasp when youre being dominant and teasing his pretty cock
chokes on his words. he'd probably let you choke him with a necklace, collar, or just something around his neck that you could pull
oh you thought i was joking? no.
"be a good boy, now, Haitham. only good boys get rewards. Do you think you deserve it?"
^^as you’re pulling the bidings against his neck
ok personally alhaitham isnt my type, but if ur taking submissive alhaitham...?... i may. MAY. SLIGHTLY jog for him
jokes on him, you'd get a such a rise and pleasure from his submissive ass
unfortunately... we have yet another victim of the big tiddy game. he'd totally want you to touch all over his man titties
^^not even just the boobs, he turns into an absolute slut when you praise his body
trace your fingers all over his abs and watch him get off so fast LMAO
when i die, i hope i dont get to the gates of heaven and get dragged down to hell cuz i like writing about silly little submissive men getting hard
hear me out hear me out. he’d praise you sm but in like a “please keep going im gonna cum” submissive type of way? you know what i mean?
ngh imagine his face getting all pathetic and weak god ngh im no slut for alhaitham but god
i rarely see any sub diluc fics i need to fix that soon BUT ANYWAYS
when hes being bossed around by you he'd become such a whore but in such a respectful way
HE'D ABSOLUTELY SAY "yes sir/ma'am" when youre the dom GOODDDKDKDD
he' take your wrists whilst he’s on his knees, staring up at you, waiting patiently for you to command him
im drooling as im writing these for diluc btw btw
he's not really used to such attitude but he wont question it in the moment CUZ HE LOVES THE ATTENTION
hear me out, HEAR ME OUT.
^^^ ….ive always headcanoned this, but diluc is definitely NOT a dirty talker (i strongly believe this fight me) or tbh i don’t think he’s that good of a talker during sex either way
^^^ but hear me out. imagine he’s like fucking you, but your fingers are holding the back of his ponytail to keep his face jerked forward, where your lips are just touching his ear lobe while you praise him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear?
“Mmm, oh s-so good for me! Keep it going, ahh, just like that. That’s my Diluc.”
drooling sweating crying sobbing and
i think he’d totally be down bad for some soft dom… like you praising him, commanding him and being rough with him, but at the same time so lovingly and gently?? yes pls hes totally down
y’all dain simps are some other type of down bad fr (that’s a good thing i promise)
absolutely another victim of loving riding. absolutely. HE’D BE A BOTTOM SO FAST IF THAT MEANT HE WAS ABOUT TO BE RODE FR
dain would whimper. im literally so right
this has nothing to do with him being submissive but why the hell would he sweat so fucking much during sex? idk i love dain but he looks so musty IM SORRY IT HAD TO BE SAID
not trying to dain slander im sorry im just nervous ive never written for him b4💔💔
call him a bad boy and naughty and tease him just a bit and he’ll fold
honestly i think teasing him just would make him so antsy, so on edge, so desperate and impatient, he would just get all whiney and flustered and such a manwhore
push him against the mattress, maybe even yank his hair a little and tell him he’s a piece of shit that needs to beg for attention and to be kissed by your gorgeous lips
stop if you gave him a blowjob and tease him until he can’t take it just imagine tears staining his cheeks while he’s begging you to give him a break
he’d curse from overstimulation, prolly screaming “shit” 80 million times and “fuck” every time you chuckle or smirk at his desperate ass
“Oh, you want me to stop? When you begged and pleaded me to touch you badly, Dain?”
^^ i can imagine you listened and stopped, but then he’d get sad and beg for it again LMAO
such a mess for you and wouldn’t try hiding it tbh
okay im actually so excited to write for him, ive never written for ayato but i’m not really into ayato im sorry guys (i like his sister though)
It kinda startled him a bit when your fingers grazed his chest and you pinned him against a wall—
would actually kinda fight it at first?? but he also wouldn’t after a while cuz he looks down on everybody and thinks he’s better than everybody else LMFAO live laugh love ayato
anyways,,, when you’ve got him between your fingertips, instantly you become royalty to him.
you are called either ma’am/sir, or you’re called my lady/prince/your majesty
^^or some shit like that idfk ayato’s fucking wild as hell
hear me out… ayato’s absolutely, 100%, definitely, into sucking your fingers
just imagine you’re going to town on his dick and you shove your fingers down his throat to make him stop crying so fucking loud
god and he’s totally into it pls— sucking on your fingers so good so that he’s quiet just for you🙏
“Hush up, Ayato. You don’t want Thoma to hear you when you’re this vulnerable to me, do you?”
bro would gag and cry and grip your body and and
he’d so rough, dirty, submissive, but just like diluc, in a respectful way
imagine brushing your thumb on his beauty marks and the little moles he has— his heart would skip a beat
dw, you and ayato wouldn’t have to worry abt bothering anybody cuz im fucking thoma in the next room
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Hi, just wondering if you could write nale/gn reader x childe from genshin impact, my entire day has been spent being sick and rotting in my bed thinking abt M A N T I D D I E S .
Never thought I would say that lmao
Basically the reader loves resting his face on childes chest and has zero shame about it (simp behavior much?)
Pls feed me crumbs 😔
I'm sorry to hear you're sick! I wish you a speedy recovery! Hopefully the Childe crumbs will make you feel better <3 I'm sorry it's a little short, but I really wanted to get this written as soon as I could to bring you some comfort!
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Cuddling with Childe with your head on his chest:
So first of all he's a wonderful cuddler. He's warm and he smells really nice and he's so comfy to lay on.
I think he would really enjoy lying with you whenever you two have the time to spare. The bed is great for snuggles, of course, but I think he would also love lying together on the couch. He holds you tight, almost possessively so. He wants you as close as possible because you belong to him and he wants the world to know it.
It's so nice to lay your head on his chest!! His chest is the perfect mixture of muscle and softness, providing a firm yet oh-so-comfortable pillow for your head.
Childe would also absolutely love it whenever you do this, and he might even initiate it himself, pulling you close and gently guiding your head to his chest. It feels so close, so intimate, and he's addicted to the feeling. He can feel you breathing as you lay together, and the sensation grounds him in a way that nothing else can ever quite manage. Plus, the weight of your head on his chest provides him a strange sense of comfort, like a weighted blanket. Honestly, the more of you is on him, the better, even if only your upper body is resting on his. He loves it. You also get bonus points if you trace little designs on his chest and shoulder.
It's also nice to sit or lie together with your lower body between his legs, upper body resting against his, and, of course, your head on his chest. He's cuddling around you, holding your hands, hugging you close, occasionally leaning down to kiss the top of your head. He would enjoy holding you like that whenever the two of you bathe together, just relaxing and enjoying the warm water and one another's presence.
Childe can never keep his hands to himself while you cuddle. He's always touching you. He traces patterns on your skin, mindlessly brushes his fingertips back and forth, runs his hands through your hair and plays with it. His touch is gentle, surprisingly soft. He also enjoys feeling you up, running his hands over every last inch of you that he can reach. He's run his hands over your body so many times you're certain he's got every curve and muscle memorized. You can expect little massages, too, especially after you've had a long day.
Back to the topic at hand, though, if he notices just how much you enjoy lying with your cheek pressed against his bare chest, he's gonna tease you about it. "Oh, am I your pillow now?" he asks, his voice filled with slightly too much innocence to be believable. He chuckles, and you can feel the vibration in his chest. If you praise it/him at all, you better believe he's not gonna forget it. He'll repeat your words back to you at times, lovingly teasing you for enjoying this so much as though he himself isn't enjoying it just as much.
Also if you stare at his chest throughout the day he'll smirk like mad and go out of his way to show off for you. He stands in certain positions to give you a better view. He'll stretch a lot around you, reaching his arms over his head so that his shirt lifts and shows off more of his stomach or stretching his arms behind him to make his chest look more prominent. He's addicted to the attention, especially if he can get you blushing. You're more than welcome to touch him all you want, too. He lives for it, and he has no shame even if you're in public.
A small bonus for you, dear friend:
Imagine Childe taking care of you while you're sick! He's such a good brother so you know he's gotta be the best caretaker. He'd make you soup and bring you anything and everything you need. Medicine from Bubu Pharmacy? Say less, he'll be back in five minutes. Craving a specific food? He'll go buy or make it for you, it doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night.
He tells a lot of jokes and stories, too. Anything to brighten your mood or make you feel even the tiniest bit less awful. He'll talk until his voice gets hoarse if it helps, then drink some tea and pick up where he left off.
He brings you the softest blankets and pillows and is more than happy to cuddle with you. He just laughs when you say he'll get sick; his immune system is surprisingly good, and he doesn't care. Even if he does get sick, it's worth it to comfort his beloved.
Just. Soft Childe.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open!  Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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beloved-brynn · 5 months
*pokes you*
Brynryn, hi hello, how are youuu?
Anyway, since you asked me abt who i ship my mutuals with, i wanna ask you something as well! >:D
What (two or more) characteristics do you personally like about yourself and your mutuals? You can either just say it, explain it, or anything really lol
About myself: I have a love-hate relationship with my grit. Mostly because I know I was born talentless in all aspects (no exaggeration), so every creative endeavor I have is 99% hardwork. And no, my parents don't have writing or drawing skills. I don't need to explain how my mom only knows how to draw "v" birds or how my dad isn't great at English. Absolute shame on them. (jk I love my family, I wish I could just pass my lifespan to hem HAHAHA). So when all hardwork fails, I feel like absolute shit. Second thing probably is my faith. I think I wouldn't be here if I didn't have some level of trust with the universe overall. The rest of me is garbage tho lmao. If I'm an otome game character, I'm 100% the beloved and beloathed trash husbando /srs.
About @leftdestiny-posts: I'm not sure I'd ever encounter an internet mutual like them ever again, and I think their appreciation for life and bluntness/straightforwardness is something to be admired. They're traits I don't have. Shiro and I are very very different people, and I'm not sure why there was a miracle that made us meet lol.
About @a-dose-of-phitre and @estellxli: longest friends I have. I really admire their creativity and skill, and if you want me to be honest, I know full well I'm left behind in those departments. If you know me irl, I'm not exactly the most affectionate person so I'd rather keep this part brief haha. Though, a small addition, I admire estella's communication skills and assertiveness a ton and I wish I had a bit more of Phitre's endearing charm and mannerisms (and height-). I'm super stiff lol.
About @navxry: Probably communication skills as well? When we met, they talked continuously. As much as I know I'm an extrovert and thrive off social energy, I think something in me is holding me back to being as vocal as they are. They also seem to have an abundance of energy. Ahh. Youth. /j
About @mixed-kester: i wish i am surviving engineering as much as she has i wanna quit can i quit also how does she pick colors sht is unfair i always have to open up google chrome to— //hjjjj
About @jessamine-rose: she already knows about my fashion sense or lack thereof, so let's talk about something else. I greatly enjoy her writing style because I know it's not something I'd pull off. Her sentence structures doesn't become verbose, they're incredibly succinct— enough to lead you along. Other than that, probably the way she bounces ideas spontaneously. I wish she sleeps right tho HAHAHA /silly
About @vennnnn-diagram: I probably pestered them too much about how normal people work honestly. I lack social skills so learning about stuff from them makes me feel a bit more knowledgeable without any visible judgement from them. So yeah, add that as one out of two. The second one? Their music skills. I hate learning instruments. I don't know why. I tried plenty. I suck plenty. Everyone in my family are great at playing except me. They're the Bruno Mars to my gambling addiction. WAIT WHY DOES SOUND LIKE THE WORST PICKUP LINE KN EXISTENCE HAHAHAHAHA
About @stardust-for-your-soul: i wish i can write fluff i wish i can write romantic things why can't i think of romantic genshin men headcanons why'd it always have to end in murder— oh and also, I love her prose. Chryseis can turn the mundane to something that oozes with beauty, and I think that romanticism is wonderful.
About @lucienbarkbark: i absolutely do not agree with your love for dazai /silly but I do admire estorea's unapologetic nature. Hell yeah bestie fricking read thag 300000+ chaptered story 😭😭😭 /gen. I find it a challenge to sit down and read nowadays huhu. Also, I like how warm she is to talk to, we haven't DMed much but it feels so hospitable (?) whenever she send fic links. Wish I was more like that. Also, thank you for the oda fics, soldier.
About @meimeimeirin: when mei put the kamisato siblings in a kin tier once (unless memory fails me), i remember silently agreeing so much. She has that "I got most my life together" vibe and I do wish I have that. She's also very open to talking about what she loves, she doesn't hide her affections and it's something I very much look up to if you've seen the things I've written so far lol. I love how vocal she is with appreciating what she has, including some new drinks she tasted, her parents' loving relationship, it's just sweet. The teashop aesthetic definitely suites her vibe. She just seems so... Elegant? Can't be me, I need to cause a mess /silly
About y o u: well first off if I get to have your hands for a day, you'd find weird ass drawings of blonde men on your drawing software. Second, I like your vibes a ton. It hits different. It fluctuates from absolutely chill to saying lowkey out of pocket things and I might be getting gaslit to thinking you're not at all the latter /j
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kae-karo · 9 months
2023 fic roundup
phew!!! i wrote for four different fandoms this year, which is utterly wild to me given that most years i am writing for one or maybe two...but no, this year we went wild - bnha, genshin, trigun, and blue lock
so without further ado, my faves from each month:
jan 2023: i've made mistakes (but you were not one) - chaeya, i really hit my chaeya stride by this point and frankly i ADORED writing this fic, which was my first t4t chaeya fic !!!!
feb 2023: everything i ask for (and so much more) - chiluc, based on a scenario that my mom said she 'always wanted to see happen at a wedding' which rly made me laugh and thus i had to write it !!!
mar 2023: don't rush - kaeluc (and dilucest?), i just really enjoyed stretching my skills on this one in the vibes and also just. the mechanics of everything?
apr 2023: oh gods, there's two of them - cynonaribedo, which was just SO much fun after that event to consider how they'd interact and what shenanigans they'd get up to. also the smut was a fun challenge lmao
may 2023: don't be too good to me - vashwood, my first canon-universe fic for these silly guys that let me really explore the angst and also some of the lightheartedness
jun 2023: in your dreams - kaisagi !!!!! my first bllk fic!!! these two idiots make me feral !!!! they're so angsty and silly and i love them so much, i had a blast trying my hand at them!!
jul 2023: dark blue - kaisae, my last-minute final fic for kaisae july and the one that i reread and think about regularly lmao. one of my rare 2nd person pov fics, i had so much fun with teasing out all the imagery and emotions
aug 2023: but i'm losing blood and you're warm - bachisagi, currently my only bcis fic but my god was it SO fun to write, i loved getting to play in the horror genre a little and mixing that with romance and just UGH definitely up there as a fave
sept 2023: consumption - kaisagi, like what can i say except (pun intended) this premise consumed me so bad that i wrote it out of order bc i was so hooked on one particular scene. this whole story rly had me in a chokehold in the best way
oct 2023: pink light - ryusae, this is rly my favorite ryusae fic i've written to date. something about the premise and the gentleness and the second chances of it all just really got to me, i loved writing this so much
nov 2023: KNOCK.ME.OUT - ryurin, oh my god this fic....i reread this fic like every couple days for WEEKS after i finished writing it. more than i've reread any other fic, and purely out of a desire to just. live inside the story again. i loved it so much. up there with pink light as a fave for sure
dec 2023: tie me down (fuck me up) - saesagi, which like i feel like i went on a whole Journey abt saesagi within my brain and this is what came out. i rly enjoyed trying my hand at a new dynamic and taking sae out of his place of control for once !!!!
other stats + honorable mentions below the cut!
452,082 words posted this year across 58 fics, 24 ships, and, as mentioned, four fandoms. ended up around 8.7k kudos + 81k hits
some honorable mention fics:
good directions - vashwood, and a fic concept i've been dying to write for ages, which just happened to work incredibly well with vashwood
kinda complicated - plantwood, which was really just an excuse to write so much porn for them lmao but i had a great time both with that and the complex dynamics between the three of them
a tentative ellipsis - kaisae, cause i can't say EVERY kaisae july fic, but this one also was such fun to think about and write, just like. the premise and the execution were so [shakes them in a pickle jar]
we both got stories (but they're not the same) - kaisae, this premise rly cracked me up i had SUCH fun writing it and getting a little silly with it lskdjfklsdjf especially with kaiser and all his denial
make me love like i want to - kaisae/ryusae, which honestly all manifested out of like. the one scene in the fic where sae writes not dead on his arm. and that ballooned into an entire almost 30k story about soulmates that ended up being unexpectedly cathartic
sometimes i wish she was you - tabieita, idk this one really got me??? i had a blast writing karasu's point of view and his manipulative little shit attitude lmao
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karamell-sweetz · 6 months
welcome to my blog!
time to remake my info post :D | last updated 16 september 2024
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my name is karamell! its a pleasure to meet ya :D
i go by she/her and am cis female :3 not too fussed abt pronouns tho!
at present i am 17, my birthday is the 16th of june. i’m australian + filipino, so sorry if i post something at an ungodly hour for your timezone lmao
this blog will be for my fandom reblogs, art and countless ramblings! i have a separate account dedicated to undertale multiverse content -> @karamellz-multiverse-l0g (i don’t post there a lot because undertale is on the backburner for now!) i’m currently aiming to get into an animation course for university, so all my art is working towards that :3
i am also self-appointed chairwoman of the rui kamishiro fanclub! not that that’s too important… but i like saying it lol
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i don’t tag my reblogs/queue usually so uhh good luck poring through that >< all of my original posts are tagged for convenience though, you can find my tags in the search bar :3
in relation to that i’m VERY multifandom so srry if you get bombarded with stuff that doesn’t relate to you haha! but hopefully you’ll like the stuff i rb too, i’m a firm believer in the power of brainrot spreading and most of my fandoms are from the same niche anyway!
i dont have a dni because realistically i cant rlly control who sees my stuff, but if you or the stuff you post make me uncomfortable i’ll just block you. no hard feelings <3
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project sekai - rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma, wxs, n25, okay actually its everyone i love proseka soo much
vocaloid - miku, una + deco*27, n-buna, kikuo, pinocchio-p, inabakumori, picco, harumakigohan, maiki-p
d4dj - unichørd, hapiara, lyrilily
bandori - pasupa, morfonica, hhw, ras
enstars - trickstar, alkakurei
love live - rina tennoji, shioriko mifune, hanamaru kunikida, ruby kurosawa, you watanabe, ayumu uehara
fragaria memories - romarriche
milgram - amane, yuno, mahiru
undertale (utmv) - xtale, ink, murder time trio
danganronpa - shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0
twisted wonderland - heartslabyul (deleted the game because UGH the grind)
denonbu - harajuku district
revue starlight - lalafin, karen, aruru (i love all of them tho)
cookie run kingdom - had a very minor fling with this one so you won’t see it a lot
genshin impact - also minor fling, have not played past liyue. solely here for the banger character designs
mcyt (idk if i’ll reblog anything from here but i know a little bit of the dsmp lore and am attempting to understand life series??)
other things you may see: lalaloopsy + other doll lines from that era, mlp, warrior cats, cute art i think is nice, lunime gacha games (i was very much a ‘gacha kid’ back in its prime), puyo puyo, writing stuff, THE COLOUR PINK, webcore, memes, cool crafts, yorushika, other teenage girl things idk
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karamell yells - ramblings and random stuff, may include headcanons and analysis
karamell doodles - my art! mostly fanart at the moment
karamell’s wips - works in progress (stuff i’ll never finish probably)
karamell’s pocket - posts i want to come back to
karamell gaming - random game screenshots
karamell rolls the gacha - my gacha pulls of varying luck
karamell’s mailbox - asks, submissions, tag games, all that fun stuff
karamell’s rq pile - drawing requests (which are always open btw, feel free to send some in if you’d like!)
karamell stop missing the blonde clown - thirsty? brainrot posts about tsukasa tenma because boy do i love him
karamell’s confections - various big projects (videos, edits, etc). all the cool stuff i make that isn’t normal art basically
karamell’s burning pile of ocs - see image below:
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(utmv submissions for this will be posted on my sideblog)
UPDATE: the number is now 350 instead of 244!
when in doubt. rui scribble - various random scribbles of rui kamishiro because i like drawing him
karamell asks a question - mostly polls and stuff i need help with
say hi to my sideblog guys - self rbs from my utmv sideblog @/karamellz-multiverse-l0g. just for a little bump! :)
karamell’s project precure au - project sekai x precure (updates never)
wxs revue au - project sekai x revue starlight (updates randomly)
karamell’s birthday treat cafe - food-themed fandom birthday drawings (on break for a bit)
kamikou seniors trio - tsukasa ena rui posts because i want them to hang out
the mizuruiena agenda continues - mizuki rui ena hanging out
rui dress agenda - rui in dresses what did you expect
rui fanclub sekai - read my blog description. just silly things about a hypothetical rui fanclub
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youtube - karamell-sweetz!
tiktok - karamell.sweetz
pinterest - mirai_spxrk
art fight - karamellxsweetz
bandori - 4636316 (karamellxshowtime!) (i might be out of friend space tho)
d4dj - ffzoJpPf (mirai.chørd)
project sekai - 168505012555628545 (karamellxshowtime)
enstars - 7709727947 (karamelloid)
starira - 1324761851 (revue.sweetz)
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that should be all. enjoy your stay on my silly little corner of the internet!! 🫶
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notetaeker · 2 years
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Nov 6,7 2022 - Sunday, Monday | tranquil’s challenge 23,24
my bamboo knitting needles arrived and this whole week I’ve just been knitting! I realize it doesn’t even matter what final product I’m working on I just really enjoy the act of knitting. Overwhelmed with work, decision paralysis, and just good old procrastination and anxiety? All good times for knitting mindlessly 🧶 alhamdulillah
🧸What do you do when you need comfort? How can you ask for comfort from others? How can you give comfort to yourself? When I need comfort I go to my moms room or call her if I'm not home. If I want to forget abt things I usually play genshin. If not then I rant to my friend thru text because seeing my thoughts in writing always gives me the perspective / clarity I need and even when it doesn't, my friend gives me that clarity, and even if she's too busy she at least makes dua for me. Also talking with my little brother is nice now that he's old enough to have real conversations with (lmao he's like sdlkfj 20) If there is no one, there's a few things to choose from: talking myself through the situation and comforting myself, reading qur'an, reading duas, typing out all my feelings and saving it as a draft to delete later etc.
💌What is the kindest thing you could do for yourself, right in this moment? At this very moment? Go to sleep. Overall? I think it would be to remind myself that progress isn’t linear and to go on more walks before it becomes winter and the cold becomes yet another obstacle to spending time outside 😭💔
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imraespace · 23 days
‼️ before reading this i just wanna let you know i yapped so hard during this and i never realized how long this was until i started rereading im so sorry. i hope everything i said makes sense </3 ‼️
ohymogsh thank you for suggesting sae w mala by 6ix9ine bc you just gave me the most brilliant idea ever omg
ALSO OMG U ALSO EDIT/EDITED OMG YAYAYAY i wanna learn how to do like yk those complex transitions w them cubes and all that bc they look so cool but im so scared ill mess them up and its gonna look so bummy 💔
I ANIMATE/TWEEN AS WELL but i use the term animate more bc the term tweening reminds me of gacha life tweening tutorial and my gacha phase was something thats for sure..!
im lowkey considering to like stop editing and start writing stories or create smaus because it takes so long to animate and i cant really do anything else except a simple zoom in/out ☹️
ive been trying to tween this one kaiser fanart and i never realized how bad kaisers hair was until i was erasing each layer of hair for 12 hours AND IM STILL SOMEHOW NOT DONE?? I STARTED THIS ABOUT A MONTH AGO TOO. i have beef w ness now cuz he couldve just gave this guy a bob cut and my life would have been so much easier >:(
i apologize that i never stop talking bc once i start talking about something im interested in i just somehow never stop BUT IM GLAD WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON OTHER THAN OUR LOVE OF BLUELOCK !!
- 🐙
LMAO ITS OKAY once i start yapping i cant stop as well
ABT THE COMPLEX TRANSITIONS I REALLY WANNA LEARN THOSE AS WELL i went looking at my old edits and realized i didnt even have a certain style it was all over the place LMAO i mostly edit during my genshin phase and i swear one day it was a cute yoimiya edit then next it was a depressing albedo edit that looks wayy different..
i say you should do what you want to rn like i had fun editing for while until i got bored then randomly i made a book on wattpad and it was fun to do so now im here writing for fun! ive gotten the feeling to edit a few times before but i realized how TIME CONSUMING IT IS LIKE WITH WHAT YOU SAID WITH KAISER IT TOOK ME A WHOLE MONTH TO MAKE A WHOLE EDIT WITH JUST TWEENING.
and DONT GET ME STARTED ON WHEN YOU FINISHED CROPPING THE INDIVIDUAL PARTS AND PLACE IT IN THE EDITING APP you realized you missed something out or theres a noticeable spot you forgot to hide(esp for the hair) it makes me wanna just delete everything
i think ness was feeling a bit goofy when he did kaiser haircut bc his rat tails in the back of his head is kinda funny.. i wouldve just made kaiser bald and do the edit just like that for funsies
ALSO SAMEE i cant stop talking if its something im interested in AND YIPEPE WE GOT TWO(hehehe three if you count our non stop blabbering) IN COMMON
whatever you choose to do with the editing or writing just have fun with it and you can always go back to the other one if you want!
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lingy910y · 10 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks @energievie, @mybrainismelted, @deedala & @mmmichyyy for the tags! 😁😌💖 these questions are long but fun
1. which character from any media would you like to have as a father? I KNOW i said i don't think ian and mick would be that good as parents but screw it, i want ian to be my dad 😌
2. if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? i still wouldn’t bc i would like them to be free instead of living with me. even if it’s effortless there’s still a lot of responsibility that comes with taking care of another thing but if there was an ethical way, i want a teacup dog
3. what is your chinese takeout order? i eat chinese food on a daily basis so there’s so much i like but fried ramen or yaki udon (ik it’s japanese but chinese restaurants have them) and wonton. or shrimp rice rolls, i have them every saturday bc they’re my fav food
4. what’s your favorite emoji? 💀 in terms of most used. it’s the superior way to laugh
5. would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? oooooh library
6. what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? my little pony 🦄 my little pony🦄 ahh ahh AHH AHH (i still like it)
7. what was your tumblr like when you first joined? bakudeku stuff and kinda cringey posts like "reblog if you don't want to have bad luck" and bad jokes
8. what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? the cutesy kind like oversized sweaters and leg warmers
9. if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? genshin, even tho i did so bad on its geoguesser parody LOL
10. what is your favorite piece of art? the question didn't specify the type of art, so i'll say this person's fanart is up there: https://x.com/Tarokunnnn/status/1235139944525504513?s=20
11. do you have a water bottle? yes, it's coral-colored and insulated from zojirushi
12. what fanfic trope is a fanfic fave? ...cheating? if it's one half of the ship cheating on the other person with someone else. the fics aren't my fav bc it's ooc (most of the time) but like i've said before i like angsty drama lmao
13. do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what’s the weirdest thing in it? yeah my backpack that's preppy with pink and tan colors. weirdest things are post-its i still keep from compliments my classmates gave me on my english projects during gallery walks where we have to write down "glows and grows" for others (it's not weird but i had to write smth shh)
14. if you had to ship mickey with another gallagher, who would it be? lip is the least weird option bc debbie, carl, and liam have a way too big age gap with him and they look up to him. that leaves fiona but she's also a girl 😭 and i know i just said cheating is fun to read and it could just be an au but lickey makes me mad AKDJASF (no hate to the shippers) i'm thinking way too hard abt this let's just go with frank
15. what is a fanfic trope you didn’t expect to like and then very much did? historical aus :0c i said i don't really like aus but maybe it's cause i already like history
16. do you think s11 mickey can still carry s11 ian? yeah he's still buff as fuck
17. who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? they did not go through with selling the house <3 but if they do i see carl and mickey fighting for it LOL
tagging @heymrspatel, @softmick, @krystallouwho, @michellemisfit, @jademickian, @iansw0rld & @juliakayyy
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ac-liveblogs · 3 months
ughhh lawrence clan in modern day is literally one of the few parts I don't like from mondstadt and I've been trying to fix it in my head for ages... (diferent anon but it rlly was just Awful Writing)
I do want Eula to grow beyond her circumstances and manage to reconcile her family w mond, but it just ISN'T REALISTIC for the lawrences to still be Like That! And like, are they even proper nobles! Bc the asshole uncle was living like a loser on a tent so I thought not, but if so why the flying fuck does jean give two shits abt pandering to assholes that no longer have any power over mondstadt!!!
(Besides holding a grudge so strongly from 1000 years ago seems OOC for mond ppl and it makes me bitter that they stuck with THAT but not w dvalin saving their country less time ago)
....not to mention that are you REALLY telling me that NO ONE in A THOUSAND YEARS managed to slay Ursa the Drake before Crepus? Really? I'm fairly sure that they didn't mention the present day drake by name bc they realised how ridiculous it was, but still...
Haha... I agree with you there, the Lawrence clan are just... come on, timescaling!
It's unfortunate, because if you try to reduce the timescale it starts messing with Mondstadt's foundational history. I wondered if the Lawrences could have established their own territory outside of Mondstadt, or migrated to Snezhnaya or something... honestly, they're just really awkward to think about because you want them to be antagonistic forces but - come on, after all this time?? Get over it! It'd be way easier to use Eroch!
And like, just, logistically, if the Lawrences are awful to the people of Mondstadt and have rejected them all this time, how are they keeping the bloodline alive! Who's marrying in and drinking the Kool-Aid? What's happening?!
Technically, Crepus didn't kill Ursa - he just drove it away with the Delusion, and then Dottore killed it, which I guess makes it being some super strong monster more plausible. But the power-scaling in Genshin is pretty buckwild when you try to think about it too long. Beidou kills Haishan, Signora turns into a blazing demoness of raging wildfire out of sheer Big Angry, Mondstadt can't kill one dragon?
Barbatos didn't try to help deal Ursa? Barbatos helped deal with Durin who was around for way less time, why didn't he do anything... about Ursa...
Maybe Ursa the Drake is one of the Sovereign Seven lmao.
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gracingtodd · 1 year
hello people of tumblr. it is i, gracingtodd and im here to grace you all with my presence/j
- you can call me nat !!
- she/they demigirl aroace
- uhh i probably have social anxiety
- most likely have ADD, can’t get a proper diagnosis bc it costs a shit ton of money and my parents think it’s “just a phase” lmao so my interests will definitely shift a LOT
- my current interests are: kpop, specifically: enhypen, stray kids, seventeen, ateez, and currently getting into itzy, nmixx and xdinary heroes
- bias list: ni-ki, sunghoon, lee know, hyunjin, i.n, jun, vernon, minghao, mingi, and seonghwa :D
- i am so mentally ill about the marauders era, GENSHIN OH MY GOD, the riordanverse, ESPECIALLY mcga, orv, and haikyuu update: im also really big into aftg now woo!!! double update: helluva boss is now stuck in my brain so that too!! TRIPLE UPDATE: batfam has been rotting my brain for a while but specifically a certain jason todd…
- i also really like reading and (if i had the motivation to) writing
- very much into greek and norse mythology along with some japanese myths
- uhhh probably some other stuff but i forgot
that’s about it, i would like to meet some new people to gush about my interests with so just msg me. im not scary, i swear. i am however extremely awkward so sorry abt that. (also i should probably change the picture in this post since i dont identify as lesbian any more but like LOOK AT THE SILLY LESBIAN CAT)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
it's almost 4am i can't get this out of my head holy shit.
reader whose original body is a literal eldritch forest deity and speaks in hymns (bonus points: after we isekai into said og body, we mix slang into it).
the acolytes have to break their fucking necks just to talk to you eye-to-eye, and the only thing they can make out of what you say is something equal to tablets bajillion years old already.
or that reader is constantly cussing and the acolytes just nod along not understanding whatever this 15ft tall eldritch horror is saying.
i LIVE AND BREATHE for when we look like eldritch horrors but are just people lmao
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only), Eldritch!Reader
Planet: Misc. Genshin AUs
Orbit: some headcanons, tiny scenario
Stars: a little bit of Zhongli, Xiao, Ganyu, Ningguang, Keqing, and the adepti
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Light Description of Body Modifications/Body Horror-esque, Light Description of Eldritch Horror Creature, Reader has a Non-Human Body,
& Trigger Warnings: Eldritch Monster, Light Body Horror, Non-Con Body Modifications (Wake up as a monster, described as positive).
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hey so here’s a song to listen I was listening to while writing this, chose the instrumental bc it was less distracting!
👉👈 hope u like :)
you just come into Teyvat from either Enkanomiya, the straight up Abyss/Dark Realm or even Celestia/Light Realmunder that glowing mushrooms tree in the Chasm, or like, ooo even by the upside down Barbatos statue 👀
and its great bc ur like- “omg Teyvat ooooo, ahhhh”
meanwhile the animals/magical creatures/beings nearby like shakin in their boots
literally no matter what land type their in, water, air, etc. they’re all bowing (despite the hooves, the paws, the flippers, the wings,) hell, even the bugs?? Might be bowing???
and you were slow to wake up wherever you were, so it took you a second to really process-
plus it just felt so weirdly, natural?
Not like walking on 2 legs no, but more like, how swimming feels but without the act of doing it?
you realize you’re… hovering.
wow, guess you can do that now,
your pretty much crowned with every flower from the regions of Teyvat, and a few from other Realms like Celestia, Abyss, and Enkanomiya, etc.
you have extra limbs, you feel them shift like you’ve had them all your life, even tho you do smack urself a few times with them lmao (new hand-eye coordination is hard)
and you realize u can see elemental traces/elements of beings, even plants, all the time now?
It isn’t until you look into a pretty still pond that you see what you look like,
you’ve got more eyes
I mean u thought you’d just be one of the twins, or ur own person if somebody asked u what youd look like isekaied to Genshin Impact, not what looks like the elemental god of the fucking continent
but you don’t look bad! actually you think you look kinda neat!
You’ve got like this coat of many draping vines and plantlife, glowing coral poking out near the top that’s around your throat, and- is that- tiny waterfalls?? Running down your nature cape too??
the many gemstones and ore of this planet form your legs, strong and taller than even regular human guys back on Earth, you’re like what? Eight? Nine feet? (about 245cm, or 2.5 meters)
You’re head… it’s like a dragons skull?? You’ve got these black horns flowing out from the top too that fade to a golden glow, like a crown nearly, theyre draped with what looks like strings of primogems??
oh and your extra eyes are symmetrical that’s good!
tho it does seem like you got this handy hood included into your cape of much nature to flop onto your head
where your heart should be, there’s two bursting stars circling one another, one of pink, purples and light blues, the other of gold and blue, oh hey, the wishing stars for standard and character banners!
and if you like mushrooms, at least one of every kind in Teyvat’s countries/regions is looking cool on ur cape, and if you like bugs, the cool ones like the rhino beetles from inazuma are being cute little buddies on ur stuff too
and like in the gif, every step you take overfills with life, except it stays and doesn’t wither like above, and it also does that glow bit that some places in Sumeru do/Enkanomiya
You CANNOT be missed no matter where you walk, and your sort of constantly feeling like you’ve drank 3 energy + 5 espresso shots of coffee
but in a way that makes you sort of full? like full on life… and like you could be even bigger, and taller, if you willed it
k but the adepti felt ur presence coming in hot from literal mountains away
Cloud Retainter, and Guizhong, had set up inventions long ago to sense the Original of Teyvat, just in case, because some signs of prophecy of your return had begun to show in their lands
Zhongli especially knew you were close to come after another major sign was met, the corruption after the Archon War, and the ravaging of the land by the fall of Khaenri’ah’s “metal beasts”
So when you finally walk your way into Jueyun Karst, the adepti are already waiting, Xiao, Ganyu, and Zhongli as well,
Luckily Ganyu, with Zhongli’s help or advice, convinced the adepti to share this meeting with the Qixing as well like Keqing, and the Tianquan herself
It was a momentous occasion after all, but you were just now feeling the need to maybe nap a little after nearly, what was it, 2 weeks worth of constant walking?
wow this new body had literal stamina for days
you arrived late into the night, around midnight, under a full moon, and they’re relieved all the signs are being met
honestly the only reason you headed to Liyue was bc you knew it was the closest (the map of Teyvat was both familiar in the way it had been in game, but also on a deeper level, like walking around your house in the dark)
and u rlly wanted to be able to talk to somebody, bc u had no idea?? wtf you were??
honestly you thought the adepti/Zhongli would be a good bet bc they’d maybe tell u what creature u ended up as,
u did suspect maybe you’d ended up as some kind of god, but like?? none of the other gods looked like this???
and u see them all! up ahead in Jueyun Karst! Oh no! You really, really, really, hope they don’t think you’re a walking talking evil tree dragon thing-
…maybe you should wave?
As you get closer,
Xiao’s back straigtens, Ganyu nervously looks at the ground, Keqing is trying to figure out where to look bc ur so tall, Ningguang has her hands respectfully folded in front of her and her facial muscles looks tensed for a fight almost, the adepti are shuffling nervously bc they’re not used to being the magically weaker/younger creatures in the area, and Zhongli-
Zhongli is no longer the mortal Zhongli.
Amber horns curl up from his head, long brunette hair with glowing gold tips flowing and loose, claws on display, as he stands in his finest and oldest lóng páo, black with gold detailing embroidered throughout, it details his deeds as Rex Lapis and Morax, the spears of his vanquishing gods across the front and back, he looks like a living painting
and although he looks as serene as if he’s about to sit down for some tea, the adepti can see the tremoring hands, the same he used to hide in his sleeves when he was genuinely intimidated by another god, usually the older ones he’d had to fight
but for the first time since the archon war, this was one he was going to welcome with open arms, and utmost respect, despite his position as archon forfeited
there’s a strange music in the air of the night as the animals and the bugs and creatures of the realm subtly make the beat, the god’s feet (of ore Rex Lapis hasn’t seen since he was a child, it was so rare to find) shake the earth of his land with each step, a deep quiet booming like a drum of war as they get closer
The God of All stops some distance away from them
…and the Huangdi of All, just waves. 💀👋
at Zhongli, the adepti, Xiao, the Tianquan, and the Qixing.
A long black limb with a rainbow shine like a crow’s wing raises, gives an ironically tiny wave of their clawed black hand,
and tilts their head, though a sort of greenery hood covering it
and speaks,
“ ˙˙˙ʎzɐɹɔ sı ʇıɥs sıɥʇ ¿ʍou ʇɥƃıɹ ɯɐ ı ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ ʍouʞ sʎnƃ noʎ op uɯɐp”
your voice is like singing, deep, high, like a choir trying to sing all at once to them
Xiao cringes a little in surprise, he was braced for your older speech just in case but it still caught him off guard, and unfortunatly, he gives a quick glance to Lord Rex Lapis,
he can’t understand any of that, and Ganyu and Keqing are in the same boat, but while the Yaksha’s only done passive studying in hopes of understanding you, the Lord of Geo had gone much further back in trying to make sure he could understand your words, should the day come, his library, even now living as a mortal, is extensive
the other adepti and Ningguang catch a few words, but it’s too,, simple really, to understand
the words have no context, they need more, but such is the ancients, they’re meanings simple and all-encompassing
Lord Rex Lapis bows deeply,
“We welcome you with open arms, our Huangdi. Please, feast your eyes upon the land with which I have wrought with mine own talons, for all is ever truly yours.”
the adepti announces for them all, voice giving away no nerves, Xiao can still understand him luckily, though he has greatly simplified himself for the sake of being understood by the ancient god of creation,
“ ˙˙˙ʞɔıʇs ɐ uo ʇsıɹɥɔ snsǝɾ ¡¿ılƃuoɥz noʎ uǝʌǝ ¿noʎ oʇ poƃ ɟo puıʞ ǝɯos ɯ,ı 'ǝʇnuıɯ uɯɐp ɐ ʇıɐʍ”
your voice is an energy through the air, and makes the trees nearby lean in to hear you better, the creeks and ponds of the area leave their beds a little to get closer, geo crystalflys emerge and begin to swirl around your natural body, perching on your horns, making it look even more like a crown
Xiao gulps.
Rex Lapis’ and Ningguang’s spines straighten further if they even can from the impeccable posture they were before, They share a quick glance…
…neither of them caught that one, only a few words, and Ganyu feels her shoulders drop as she gives up trying to hear you and understand as well,
you make a strange sound, a high humming, a deep confusion with some worry, the crystalflys buzz around you a little faster,
then point to yourself
...and make a peace sign. ✌️
it was going to be a long night.
idk if this made any sense, and I sincerely hope that you at least liked what I wrote a little bit, sorry about the over description 😭 I just felt like it was very important but then I realized I hadn’t even talked about the language yet… anyway here u go LMAO
I hope it was alright, and I seriously love your idea, even if I didn’t take it in the direction you wanted/as cool as you meant!! :/
Thanks for the badass idea, i fucking love eldritch shit <3
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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