#this ain't a poem
off-brand-orpheus · 6 months
look I'm an aroace-spec and I'm dating an allo and like. Do any of you aroace-specs hit a wall with allo things? I'll be talking all flirty or doing the kiss and all of a sudden my brain and body just goes "yeah okay we hit our quota. time to ramble about space"
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drowzyscatterbrain · 5 months
Stargazing with sans.
The sky is clear, countless stars shining with all their might.
But as breathtaking as they might be, my eyes might ended up not looking upwards.
Afterall, why crank my neck to see the unreachable beyond, when there are two stars gleaming with wonder right next to me?
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aurevives · 1 year
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— Aure Vives, ‘Cluster amaryllis’
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jtownraindancer · 11 months
i used to dream simply of worlds beyond the stars of adventures ahead of stories which had yet to be read my dreams are much more complicated now i dream of clean rain i dream of unpoisoned skies i dream of a world where everyone can happily, peacefully live their lives i dream of quietly sitting in the sun of watching the stars come out one-by-one i dream of a world where i still have hope i dream of a life better than what i was sold
free write, 14 nov. 2023
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theo4eve · 2 months
This is unfair
Why can't they like what I spent so much time in. Why like that.
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oh yes, I can write pretty, flimsy things about love and hope and perseverance and all that. but then look at me, and where are those? words and words only. I could stop myself from doing things. the difference is I either don't want to or don't care. I have scars already. what's a few more? it won't change anything. if I really wanted to 'get better', I'd actually try to eat enough, for a start. and look at me. having one, maybe two meals a day. what's the good of writing things supposed to be encouraging when I don't believe them? I can talk about getting up and going on until I'm blue in the face and still I sit here, uncaring, watching everything fall apart more than it already was. which is fair. that's what I deserve. y'all should quit following me. honestly I don't see this going anywhere good. I think it a higher than 50% chance that I will die by suicide within the next year. but do I care about that, either? nah. and it's not for lack of faith in God, just in myself, I suppose. and my kitten is currently curled up all comfy on my lap, so it's not that I have nothing to live for. just that, as me, I don't want to live. nor do I know how to change myself. and I'm ever so tired. I know how I'd do it, it wouldn't be hard. I want a hug but no hug will fix this. I don't think anything can, really. if I told my dietitian I was feeling like this right now she'd probably be concerned. last time she knew I felt like this she made me promise to go and tell my parents. well. what they don't know won't hurt them, ain't so? nobody in real life actually needs to know, not now. it's possible someone will see scars and put two and two together, but still, harming isn't so bad. on its own it shouldn't be a problem, right? and nobody would suspect me of eating problems unless I mentioned it. not like some of the girlies who actually have actual problems. maybe I'm just making it all up. yeah it's all in my head and I'm imagining things. I just looked round the room extra hard at everything in case I'm hallucinating. if I was I feel like I'd know, though, somehow, idk. maybe I'll have a psychotic break one day like my sister did. but really it's all in my head. well I know how to fix things being in my head. simply break the head and the problems are all gone.
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aidsyouinthinking · 1 month
Burdened by self given duty
Buried by guilt felt through all
Burned by scorned emotions
Broken by world percived
Born by trauma found within
Brought by sliver strands I follow
Bought by time's machine line
Bribed by the things I deny myself
Blithering belligerent bassy backwater bolderdash
I speak nothing of my musings
Minds tape whirling winding repeting scratching
I am tired, alone, broken, angry, scared, ruthless, pathetic, trained, flimsy, simple, and so fucking smaaaarrrrt.... none of who I am makes sense, the lines people draw for identity, I can not abide.
This is allllll his fault... that fat ogre-ous agregious bundle of wires, I'd hate them more, every phase, if I didn't have to pick up the torch, to wear his skin, to say I am and all before, I seen him, them, in all.
You are not alone, you are not the worst of it, you are a fucking human, welcome to the club...
be thankful your gears do not hum a tune
rhymtic and simple as you journey to tomb
You will rue yourself and by extension all
You will feel know and make the past fall
If not, what was; is, and that doesn't forbode well
If what you are is, then instead of past you will dwell
And you... welll... you know... you... eugh... you... me...
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thedarkmysticsofvirus · 8 months
Finally lost my writer's block.
just a loving moment where I say screw this and get this over with cause I truly do wanna post this. /// the next hour had passed as the conversations were anything but quiet in class, it was to no surprise that a couple students were talking about the small occurrence that happened between Larry and Kenneth. At the back and the corner seat Kenneth just leaned back into his seat and paid little mind to it; sure, it seemed funny at first, didn't mind being the talk of the town but it was starting to get a bit tiresome. only a friend of his nudged him to get his attention, once Kenneth snapped out of it, he looked over, shooting a glare. "What." "You having fun in wonderland? Class is over." He stopped leaning back against the chair and got out, walking behind them rather quickly to meet up with the others, once he's arrived, one would look over to them with a frown, taking a puff from his cigar. "What took you so long?" "Kenny here was busy being in wonderland." with that response received a punch in the arm as they snickered and shoved him aside. School has finally reached to an end, some of the students went to their dorms; while others would hang outside Kenneth would remain near the halls and the lockers, the lights were dimmed and in a slight fade, it was better than for it to be bright all day. the peace and quiet was nice for once, yet Kenneth could hear faint sounds of clicking; maybe just a small clock hung from afar. something about it made him uncomfortable, but he shook off the feeling and hung his head low. it didn't stop the sound from getting closer, followed by soft footsteps. A glance over he would see Larry staring right back at him.
"Finally back from crying?" there wasn't an answer to it, only a light smile. Kenneth would mutter another word before he peered over to see him holding a metal pipe in hand,
The guy barely got a second in in to Dodge before Larry swung at his head, leaving the locker with a large dent, in the middle of the hall he stood back. "OH WHAT THE-" Kenneth couldn't get another word in as he shielded his side, getting bashed by the arm and kicked back.
Holding his arm in such pain before Larry could take another swing Kenneth tackled him right down, throwing the pipe to the side clenching him by the neck to choke him out.
The pressure of the ground almost sank the key deeper into Larry back, and a grunt of pain was let out.
Strangling him out Kenneth couldn't swore he won when Larry sucker punched him in the nose directly then kicked him off by the chest.
Befofe he could regain his own strength he was lifted by the shirt and thrown against the lockers.
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He slid back down the ground in a limp of pain, holding his bleeding nose to himself, as to it running down his head. heart pounding a little too quickly.. only thing he could hear was steps getting closer.
Kenneth looked up to see two golden eyes, glaring daggers right back down at him, twitching ever so slightly.
A smile was the last thing he saw before the weapon was brought down, knocking him out cold.
...It was just silent afterward; Larry seemed a bit glad... he shouldn't, but after all that he couldn't help it.
For a moment he felt a strange presence, as if someone was watching. He looked back but saw nothing there.
Although he did hear the faint steps of someone running off in a hurry, getting quieter and quieter.
...Welp.. this is gonna be a problem.
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creatediana · 9 months
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"Happy New Year" - a poem written 1/02/2024
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off-brand-orpheus · 6 months
I love hearing about other people's delusions. Like. It's relatable(?) It's some sort of distorted bonding moment(?)
"I had to fight the devil by standing in the middle of my room and thinking nothing but peaceful, loving thoughts"
MOOD my guy, one time a moth was on my wall and that was a sign from God that He was gonna just fucking kill me
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ruthlessrain · 1 year
Constellations glow glamorously
In the starlit sky
Each burning flame, a piece of art
That stands the test of time
Each picture has a deeper core
With heart and soul and feeling
Connection that's so valued
That the lone ones lose their meaning
But many were not made to be
A lion or a dipper
Pretending burns the energy
And your light will start to flicker
But nights that most are photographed
Are ones with stars that dance
Without a pattern or sense of order
Sends many in a trance
We're a lot like stars, this way
We tend to prioritize belonging
We overthink and force our way
Into cliques that hurt us
It's easy to forget that people
Shine as bright alone
And the more you shine, the more you'll find
Constellations of your own
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01may1994 · 2 years
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του Κωστή Μοσκώφ.
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May this sudden wave of serotonin actually be serotonin and stay with me.
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revenantghost · 1 year
Lmao, tfw I start getting so worked up in the tags that I start spacing it the same way I do poetry
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mercymaker · 8 months
no one:
me, absolutely unprompted, under my breath, to myself: and the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
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dynmghts · 8 months
i read "i once held your soldier heart / between my war teeth, shook it / like a dog with a bone until / it knew the fear of good love" and. i. if i said it was katsuki would u all believe me
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