#this applies to literally anything that fits
fearmeeeee · 2 days
Do u think Brutus is a sebek coded song or am i just hearing voices and need pills
Ooooo Hmmm First of all thank you for this ask, I love getting asked abt him! So needlessly long answer under the cut
Short answer: no, I don't think this song fits Sebek that well </3 Long answer:
The song is from Brutus' perspective and the envy and feeling that he himself deserves to be ruler more than Caesar. However the main actual point of the song is how being born the "cursed sex" makes you perceived as inferior, regardless of your skills. There are lines that can be reinterpreted to match with Sebek but you could only really do that if you focus on his jealousy, specifically of Silver (since that's the only person you can really say Sebek is Jealous of), being more cherished by the people he respects, always following in his footsteps, never beating him etc. Sebek also does feel he has been born inferior and weaker by being half human, and being born "cursed" does fit. I can totally see how this song reminded you of him. However from a literal point, Brutus is probably the last person Sebek would want to be compared to. He is fiercely loyal to his king, would die for him, no questions asked. He doesn't consider himself worthy of such a position, or anyone else really, Malleus to him is the most perfect being to ever grace this world, nobody could ever rival him, and he himself would get rid of anyone who even considered it. Sebek in general also supports the status quo, even if it hurts him, because Malleus having a position of power and being acknowledged is more important to him, than himself getting sth more. The other meaning is still hard to apply, even with my (very sexy) trans hcs, since twst , and especially briar valley don't rlly have much of misogyny?? Most of the Heroes they based their school on are women, they are usually governed by queens, extremely strong mages are women, and for briar valley in particular, they don't seem to care about gender norms very much. Even if you only focus on the jealousy, the song is representative of targeted hatred towards a specific individual, mainly for their privileged status, which in Sebek's case just doesn't fit. The jealousy that Sebek feels towards Silver does fuel him, but he typically burns that fuel in trying to better himself on a daily basis, and between him and proper fae the main sentiment is one of awe and not envy If anything Leona might be a better candidate to an extent. (Excuse to shoehorn my take for most Sebek song: Love me, Love me, Love me)
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hallowtoon · 3 months
love me some delicious Doomed Lesbians [especially the robot flavor]
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corvidexoskeleton · 5 months
The idea that nonbinary people are all skinny white afab Girl Lite ™️ is bad on a lot of levels, but speaking as a skinny white afab nonbinary person, my personal beef with it is the implication that I'm in any way shape or form a quirky queer Girl Lite™️ that happens to be mildly gnc, as opposed to what I actually am, a masculine adult guy with very little connection to traditional femininity outside of fagging it up for the bit
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ren-from-mars · 12 days
Ava madon I love you forever
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nexus-nebulae · 2 months
so like. lately I've been feeling like there's some kind of Thing living in this house with me, like a spirit or creature or something, and i feel like it's been here a long time bc of how long things have been going missing in this house with no explanation. and i noticed when i got really badly sick i lost something and it made me like. sob uncontrollably bc it was important. and then i started Finding things in odd places. so i started thanking the mysterious entity. and now I'm finding More Stuff more often. and like i feel strange for believing in this entity bc I've always been told believing in pagan things is childish (??????) and feel awkward thanking it but also i Want To bc it's polite. anyway i wanna like. leave a little offering or something but don't know what would be appropriate bc i also dont know what entity this is
#first thought is like. house fairies#I've always thought it was something fae related i think?#but like i. don't really know a lot about real fairy folklore bc of all the Media I've consumed#i don't really know what's accurate and what isn't#like sometimes fairies are depicted as extremely powerful and like. human sized#sometimes they're just tiny little trickster guys#and also i don't know what folklore like. applies to me if that makes sense?????#im White™ and whatever culture my ancestors had was scrubbed away to force jesus in instead and i don't know how much my blood matters#I'm mostly german and welsh and was raised like. loosely catholic#and the word appropriation has been watered down so much by The Internet that i can never tell if I'm Doing That anymore#I'm just scared to do literally anything bc what if someone says i am#but also i feel very very drawn to certain myths and stories and entities and feel like letting that go would tear me apart in a way#like I'd just lose something and there'd be a hole that couldn't be filled by any other belief#I've TRIED to fit in other beliefs but they just don't click#i dunno. im scared of doing something wrong but it feels like home to me#anyway i want to leave an offering to this Entity in my house to thank it for returning some things#but dunno what i could use#do you think a fairy would appreciate lactose free vanilla coffee creamer. we dont have normal milk#i also wonder if candy would work. i have a ton of chocolate and caramel#though i also wonder if the Entity is stealing candy from the jars on my windowsill#i wouldn't mind that i don't mind sharing
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sakurarisen · 3 months
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Send εїз for an unimplemented HC!
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So this one's gonna be kind of long, apologies ahead of time- XD
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Despite her rough life, Sera has kind of always known there's more to her than even she can understand - And this is a feeling that only grows once she's finally able to settle down with Zack into a calmer, more peaceful life, and learns how to cope and face the things that've happened to her. The more she finds ways to cope and finally have the life she's craved and deserved, the more it feels like she's standing on a frozen lake; there's so much more under the surface, so much more to her, and yet she can't access any of it past the occasional tap on the ice and a temporary, slight bubbling up of the cold water underneath. So, so much more... Something, but she's never understood what, no matter how much she tries to find the answers to 'what makes Seraphina Fair tick?' - A question that comes up especially often in her FF7 canon, when she realizes the materia she picked up on her way to Gongaga is a summon materia for Shiva, eventually gaining the use of her aid and power, albeit at the cost of her own energy and needing serious bedrest after.
This question of what makes her 'tick' and what lies under that frozen over lake is now the same in every verse: Because Sera holds the power of one of many elemental phoenixes - In this case, the Snow Phoenix.
There's lore I wrote up a very, VERY long time ago (and need to rewrite and fine tune, now XD) for another OC of mine whose bloodline is descended from a phoenix - Essentially, the phoenix lived in in an era where gods walked the planet freely and many gained a following, with the phoenix especially enjoying a temple and a fair number of worshipers. But as humans do, war eventually broke out, and the phoenix himself was targeted for his feathers under the false claim they would give the power of rebirth and the inability to fall in battle, causing his temples to be overrun in the people's bid to get their hands on them.
The phoenix stood tall and protected his temple and the priests and priestesses within it, eventually taking human form to fight beside them, and at the end of the war, began a bloodline with his most trusted priestess that eventually, many hundreds, probably thousands of years later, to my other OC - Who, for multiple reasons, thought she was the last of the phoenixes despite being only a halfbreed.
Expanded lore I've been working on, however, adds more phoenixes; the original was a solely fire-based creature, while the others that existed among the world were of other elements - Ice, lighting, water... The original 'myth' had been passed down among the people of a pretty remote village, and the myth/legend had inevitably changed over time, like playing a game of telephone, until all mentions of other phoenixes and gods ceased to exist within it. Nobody knows there's others - But even so, Sera herself inherited the defensive, healing powers of the Snow Phoenix, while her older brother Thoma inherited some of the fire phoenix's power - Two phoenixes who were originally siblings, now echoed in Sera and her brother, linked closely together just the same as the originals.
However, despite Sera embodying the Snow Phoenix in just about every way - defensive and protective in nature, rose from her 'ashes' to keep moving forward (multiple times over her life, actually, this girl SHOULD have died several times over and managed to survive), an affinity for ice magic/abilities, ranged fighting, a healer, hiding in the form of a snow leopard/human/snow fox, etc., that's all for another post and not this one which is already longer than I intended it to be - she isn't strong enough to use it, at least not in full. The circumstances of her life/lives have made it so that while she HAS the power within her, she's too physically weak to access it, and using it in full would more than likely kill her - Though she can access incredibly tiny fractions of it when she desperately needs it, or with the aid of Zack and Thoma, her soulmate and the single blood relative/member of her birth family she has left she's super close to.
This lore also fits into just about everything I have running for her; reincarnation and rebirth is a thing across all my blogs (every verse and AU is another lifetime for the muse, with them all being connected in the end by being the same person reborn into a new life with the same soul, changed only by the timeframe and circumstances they're born into, otherwise the exact same person), and the snow phoenix follows her through all of them. In GI, it's an old power caught up in the rebirth cycle, in FF7 it was a familiar of Shiva she aided into gaining human form - Nothing like an ancient in any form, but a being connected to the goddess and the elements (who still needs materia even with her innate abilities), and so on.
This... This isn't implemented YET because I need to figure out how to rewrite the phoenix myth and organically insert it into Sera's stuff, but this is... This is just Sera. This is my girl, and it's taken me over a decade to FINALLY figure out this is what she's had lingering within her, even though I've known there's something there for a looooong time. I want to make SURE it makes sense and doesn't step on toes when I add it in, or buck anything in canon lores for any of the verses, and I really want it to work out - And since Sera is inherently fandomless/multifandom at her core, it should be easy enough to do that?
But also I've been rambling for FOREVER here so I'll cut this one here XD I'm just?? So excited to finally know what's going on with Sera in more detail, and I have SO MUCH MORE I'm working on on top of this! <3
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bottom-slut-unionizer · 10 months
Growing up on Tumblr I always thought puppy play was like the WORST kink to have (like that was how I thought people viewed it)
But like as an adult I don't get it. I met's pretty harmless. Like yeah, the argument that you don't want to see guys on leashes might seem like a pup play thing but that's more just exhibitionism. That's the kink they have for y'know being seen by people. That's the one people have issue with. But the dog parts? Yeah you can find it weird but like it's not harmful to you. But also with how people treat dogs like you can see why someone would want to go brainless for a few hours n get pet all over n be called a good boy
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wikagirl · 1 year
days since a dude I thought I could be friends with told me that me being asexual doesn't make any sense because I dress "too sexy" for that and shouldn't dress the way I do if I don't want "attention like that": 0
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I have a draft saved somewhere talking about my classpect headcanons for everyone, I really need to finish that sometime so people can see where I'm coming from when I say "fidds is a mage of rage". I have Ford down as a prince of light, stan as a thief of time, and bill as a lord of hope, but I think those are a liiittle bit more self explanatory
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kii2me2ii2 · 2 years
I love calling people cis adjacent. Trans card revoked without straight calling them a trender. Good work boys.
#cis-adj and trender mean different things#trenders are actually traditionally very NOT cis adjacent#gnc and cis adjacent are not antonyms/ tho they usually dont mesh super well together#cis adjacent mostly refers to someone who does not take any active steps towards transition#which is why i think its a helpful and sensical term??? if they are literally. not. taking steps to TRANSition. they are cis adjacent#listen. cis adjacent trans people are good. or/ better than cis people at least.#they can have a lot to say about what it feels like for them to be trans. but they should also have a lot to say about being cis adjacent#intersectionality means so much more than just Oppression/Oppression it is subtle experience/subtle experience#and the difference between being visibly trans and not even wanting\needing to take transition steps is Not Subtle#even tho they both theoretically could fit within all the same identities and intersectionalities down to being trans#a subtle difference is something like not wanting vs not needing to take those steps#idk im jus rambling nonsense at this point i didnt think id end up full hearted defending the term cis adjacent#basically. nobodies getting their trans card revoked that was obviously a joke.#cis adjacent is kinda like the term straight passing for bi people.#it can be used horribly and it can make you feel bad but imo? it has its use#sometimes people are straight passing and sometimes people are cis adjacent.#the biggest problem seems to be how broadly people apply these terms#a lot of bi people literally cannot pass as anything but queer and the way a lot of monos act like#bi people are just like a monolith of fem women and masc men is very fucking weird????? and that is objectively biphobic#i dunno what im talking about anymore
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
they weren’t lying. that catch sure can 22
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zemnarihah · 1 year
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
DC X DP: The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King.
Danny Fenton is new to his title.
It's been about two years since he defeated Pariah Dark and inherited his seat through the right of conquest. Now Danny knew, on some level, that Pariah was King of Ghosts, but in all honestly, he had been preoccupied with getting his town back from the zone and keeping his friends and family (and the rest of the town, he guessed) alive.
The victory had been just within the lines of a fair fight, only because a dew ghost argued that his shifting his dad's ecto-skeleton suit was a form of armor only after his power ran over it.
If Danny had fought in the ecto-skeleton suit without doing so then it would not have been considered a fair fight as it wasn't his own strength, and thus, he would not won the right of conquest.
But he did. And now Danny was crowned Ghost King. Which came with all sorts of responsibilities and proper conduct for someone of his new stature.
Many ghosts were willing to teach him the way- Princess Dora, Clockwork, Frostbite, Ghostwriter, and even the Observants- but Danny struggled to adjust. He had no idea being King meant he had to play diplomat to the literal multiverse- as the Ghost Zone or Infinite Realms touched every possible world at every possible time- and follow specific rules of being a Ghost.
A vampire could not entire a home without being invited in.
A fae could not take control over a human without knowing their name.
And a ghost could not make a chance to the living plane without meeting requirements, like an agreement on a contract.
That was why the Ghosts never passed Amity Park's limits and why Pariah Dark had chosen to take the town into his domain instead of expanding his attack. The Fentons have unknowingly created an open contract with anything that could get past their portal by opening it up and claiming themselves the protectors against ghosts kind.
If a ghost could defeat everyone in the Fenton household- as the ground of where the zone was open and the beings calling that location a home- then they would become the portal's rulers and be able to leave the city. Thankfully, that contact applied to Danny, and he had never lost, no matter who challenged him.
His ghost sense activated the contract, alerting him of a new challenger. After finding his family contract, Danny had thrown a fit in the Ghost King's Keep. Thankfully, he could close it with the help of Clockwork, who agreed to be his final challenger, and once he won, the portal was forever closed.
Danny then discovered he had to create his own Ghost Conditions as Phantom, The Protective Spirt of Amity Park, and Phantom, the Ghost King. He argued with the Infinite Releams council, something he installed to help him rule and to lowkey have them continue to govern themselves with his own laws, keeping them from killing each other- until his core began to deteriorate the more he neglected his Ghost Conditions.
Clockwork has to intervene, telling him in little words to write up his Ghost Conditions and have them ready in a month or experience his soul being ripped apart by nature.
Danny agreed to write up the Conditions as soon as he could....and then did what any sixteen-year-old teenager would do with a work assignment. He procrastinated until the night before it was due.
Panicked, he sat down in front of his laptop to write, telling his parents he had a big essay due and could not answer any calls until late.
At three am of the following day, Clockworked appeared for his Ghost Conditions which outlined his limitations and certain requirements for Danny to operate.
He worked hard on Phantom, The Protective Spirt of Amity Park, to allow him to live everyday human life and shift into a ghost to protect his town whenever he needs to. He ensured that he could not be used to cause human death by a weapon in a mortal war, and his condition for working on behalf of a human was to have a recommendation letter from both FrostBite and Clockwork out of both ghost-freewill.
He figured it would make it practically impossible to make him a weapon or make him do anything against his will. He didn't want to end up like Ember or Desiree, who relied on mortals to get power, but he also did not want to be so obsessive about protecting something he forwent everything like Sculker or Walker.
He spent so much time on it that he forgot to leave time to work on the Phantom, and Ghost King lists until his eyes were dropping closed and Clockwork was messaging him that he was on his way to both lists.
Danny panicked and wrote something down- hoping he would redo the assignment later on- just to have something to turn in. The lack of sleep and stress caused him to not think clearly.
When he woke seven hours later, he realized this wasn't just some English assignment he could ask his teacher to let him redo. This was set in stone conditions and said conditions had already been passed around the multiverse. Some of his work even appears in his timeline, in some ancient civilization, thanks to Clockwork flinging copies of his Ghost Conditions into time portals.
Thank the Ancient Cores that Danny had copied and pasted the parts of about not making him a weapon for mortal wars or mindlessly killer. He hoped that it wouldn't come to bite him in the ass.
It bit him in the ass a week later when an alien threat so big the Heros of the Justice League were so desperate for a counter-attack they allowed Batman to attempt to summon the Ghost King even at the Justice League Dark's warning.
Batman had known about the Ghost King's Summoning Conditions from his time with Ra's Al Ghul. It was, after all, Ra's civilization that had been the one to find Danny's list from Clockworks time portals.
Danny knew this because one of the conditions was letting him know of the human's intention before they could summon him. He honestly heard whatever Batman was thinking and whatever the man could hear.
"Bats, this is baty even for you!" A disembodied voice hissed. Danny was startled so hard on his bed, having been scrolling on his phone when the British man spoke.
"If we can convince the King that the lives of Earth are at risk, he will aid us in the battle. He can not kill humans, but the aliens are not human." Batman answered, and Danny felt his core drop. Oh no. a loophole.
"Or he could kill everything around in a fit of rage!" The other man yelled. "No one understands the Ghost King! His Conditions were so open-ended anything could happen!"
Hey, Danny thought they were pretty solid, actually.
"Doesn't matter. We are out of options." Batman replied, and between one moment and the next, Danny was floating above a summoning circle, still wearing his snowflake pajamas- complete with a large holding- his phone in the same lying on his stomach position.
Thankfully, he was in his ghost form.
"Phantom, Ghost King, I call upon you for aid. The lives of all human life are at risk of destruction." Batman said, his thoughts silent like the grave, and Danny had no idea what he was thinking.
Danm. Danny's wording of "Knowing a human's intention before summoning the King" meant that he could not hear the human's intention once the summon happened. Maybe his language was too open-ended.
"Ugh." He slowly sat up in a cross-leg position, eyeing the gathered heroes. It looked like all of the Justice League was present- all looking worse for wear. Whatever aliens were, the League wasn't kidding when they sent out an emergency shelter notice. "Um, that is...Well, you see, the funny thing is you have to pass some trials before I can help you. Batman Sir."
The Dark Knight showed no outward emotion as he nodded even as a few heroes seemed confused by Danny's nervousness. "I will undergo them."
Please disagree. Danny wanted to scream, flushing a bright green. He wrote those trails in two minutes. They are embarrassing!
Instead, he heard himself say as if speaking from his frozen ice core. "You must pass all my trails. The first shall begin right now and you must have opponents of those you cherish the most. They must be someone you love so much that the thought of them hurting will destroy you. They must take part now or drop dead if they refuse."
A glowing green snowflake appears under the feet of five individuals in the crowd. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan and Spoiler.are dragged to the front of the crowd, to stand next to Batman in the Ghost Kind's trails.
Batman froze and a man in a trench coat swore. "I warned you!"
"Wait!" Flash yelled, but it was too late. The Ghost King Trails had already begun. Danny wanted to scream, but he felt his body move one arm up, creating a sizeable frozen slate of ice to hover over the heroes.
A familiar song filled the air as smaller slates appeared before each hero. Words slowly carved across the large and small ice, much to the confusion of everyone present.
"Is...Is this Kahoot?" Red Robin dared to ask, watching the words finish being made, and the Kahoot music continued to count down.
Danny wants to hide his face in his hands, but he instead shouts, "The first to twenty is the victor and shall be the one I shall give my aid to! Now time is running out, humans, pick your answer for... Question one...According to the Ghost King, which Gotham hero has the best ass?"
Everyone turned to Orphan when she quickly pressed B. on her ice tablet. Since she was the only one who moved in time before the timer ran out, her answer was displayed before all eyes.
She chose correctly. B. for Red Robin.
Orphan shrugs at Red Robin's gape. "His Highness' eyes did a slow up and down when they spotted you. It wasn't hard to guess."
Danny thought making a Kahoot was fast, and no one would be able to guess the answers to questions about himself. He thought it was foolproof.
He was wrong.
"Question two: Which is the prettiest star in the Milky Way!" Danny shouts in a pompous tone that contradicts his embarrassed frown and glowing green blush.
The heroes of Gotham stare at him before they all press A for Sirius.
"How!?" He asks when all of them get the answer right. Right now, Orphan is winning, so she is the closest to his contact dealer.
"You're wearing the star on your nightcap," Red Hood deadpans.
"Q-Question three.....What is the Ghost King's favorite Holiday?"
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, Spoiler, and Orphan picked D. for Halloween but only Batman chooses correctly with B. for Valentine's Day.
He does not explain how he knows that, and Danny is starting to worry the greatest detective in the world is going to figure all his answers out, and he will end up serving them.
Sweating, he moves on to the next question as John Consistent watches on, wondering if he indeed was an Occult expert as he thought or not because none of what was happening was what he thought would happen.
They may stand a chance yet.
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konigsblog · 8 months
Bathing ghost after a long mission. Like not bathing with him but literally washing him because he's exhausted. He'd be so grateful 🥺
bathing simon after a long mission
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he's grateful as he leans back. the bathtub doesn't fit someone of his size, so he's crouched up to keep the warm water from overflowing the edge.
he feels your soft hands against his rough, scarred skin. simon is always fascinated by the smooth and soft texture of your hands in comparison to his calloused, rough hands. your palms heavenly against his milky skin.
you apply a non scented body wash onto his skin, lathering it until it became bubbly and foamy. you hum softly, the essence of the cinnamon and vanilla candle finding their way into your nostrils. he leans his head back and closes his eyes as you apply it onto his chest, slowly working your way around his ribs, making sure he shows no signs of discomfort.
“'s alright, si... you're with me.” you soothe simon with your words. your gentle tone making the sides of his mouth curl up into a tender smile – the smile you fell in love with.
the bubbles in the water, the soft smell of his natrual musk and the lights dimmed. it was soft and calming for the deeply traumatized man – your sweet boyfriend, a member of the SAS who broke his back working for his country. he works so hard for you, for those who care about him.
“thank you, dove...” he mutters out, barely above a whisper. you smile, giggling softly and rinsing the soap from his body. “'s no problems, anything for you.”
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sincerestlove · 3 months
Insecure - R.G.
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i hope you enjoy <3
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None
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“God, this outfit looks awful too!” Regina groaned loudly, haphazardly tossing her top across the room, landing somewhere on the floor along with the numerous others. She had been looking for an outfit for the better part of an hour now, for Karen’s graduation party. You sighed, a small smile tugging at the edges of your lips at the sight of your frustrated girlfriend.
You two had been together since sophomore year, now both scholarly graduates and attending the same school in the fall. The summer had just begun, and all of your friends were throwing their own respective graduation parties before you all went your separate ways.
You had just finished applying mascara at her vanity, turning to glance over your shoulder. “Gina.” You called out to her, but soon realized she didn’t even hear you over the grumbles and complaints that she was making under her breath. You stood up then, walking over to see her rifling through hangers inside the massive closet.
She jumped in surprise when you rested your hands on her tensed shoulders, her head whipping around, blonde hair almost smacking you in the face. “What is it, Y/N? I’m trying to find something to wear.” She spoke sharply, visibly stressed as the clock was ticking closer toward your departure time. You didn’t reply nor take her tone personally, instead gently tugging her toward the armchair seated in the corner of the closet. You physically pushed her down, motioning for her to sit, her bright blue eyes looking at you pointedly. “Really? We can’t have sex right now.” You sputtered a laugh, leaning down to press a kiss to the blonde’s forehead.
“Regina, I’m not trying to have sex right now. Just sit down and be quiet. I’m picking an outfit for you.” She raised a brow at your bold choice of words, but leaned back in the chair, letting out a breath. You booped her nose playfully, before turning to her mounds of clothing.
Taking a moment to take it all in, you moved to grab a pair of high waisted jeans, a tight fitting long sleeved pink top, and her signature docs. Holding up the outfit, you nodded in approval, handing Regina the clothes. She pursed her lips, but looked satisfied with your choices. You left the closet to allow her to change, moving back over to the vanity to make some last minute touch-ups to your light makeup and hair.
“Does this look okay?”
You spun around and felt butterflies in your stomach, taking in your girlfriend’s appearance. She looked gorgeous, top and jeans fitting her perfectly. You got up and walked over to Regina, who had a nervous furrow between her brow. You reached up, cupping her face and smoothing down the lines. “You look absolutely breathtaking, Gina. So beautiful.”
You saw a soft blush rise onto her cheeks, looking down bashfully. “I don’t know if I like it. My arms look huge.” You sighed, taking her hands and leading her to sit in front of the vanity. Carefully adjusting, you decided to sit on her lap, tucking a few strands of soft hair behind her ears.
She looked vulnerable, eyes filled with anxiety and self-doubt. The sight tugged at your heart. You cupped her face again, making sure not to ruin her makeup. “Gina, you look so pretty. You’re the prettiest girl in the world and you’ll be the prettiest girl at that party, as always.” You spoke sincerely, moving closer to press a soft kiss to her lips. Her hands came up to grip your hips, squeezing gently, but she didn’t say anything. “I’m serious. You are literally so pretty, it makes me want to scream.” She laughed at that one, bright teeth on display. You giggled along with her, kissing her again.
This time, she slightly deepened the kiss, teeth nipping and tugging at your bottom lip. A hand came up to tug on your hair, moving your head back. Regina took the opportunity to move her lips down to your exposed neck, sucking and biting at the sensitive skin, leaving bruises in her path. Your head lolled back, moving up to rest your forearms on the cold vanity behind you. Regina continued kissing your neck, hands moving to sneak up your shirt, long nails dragging up and down your sides.
“Regina.” You warned, biting your lips to stifle the sounds threatening to spill out. “We have to get going, or we’ll be late.” The blonde hummed, feeling her smile against your neck.
“Ugh, fine.”
She groaned annoyedly, a small pout on her perfectly painted lips. You laughed, kissing her pout away with small pecks. “Later, I promise. Anything you want, I’m yours.”
“Anything?” She grinned, head cocked to the side. She looked absolutely adorable.
“Yes, Gina. Anything.” She smiled triumphantly.
As if I could ever say no to her.
She paused for a minute, fixing my shirt. “Thank you, by the way.” She spoke, eyes looking up at me with softness.
“For complimenting you and talking about how beautiful and hot you are? I can do that all day, baby.” You smiled, kissing her soft lips one more time, before moving to get off her lap and holding out a hand for her. We both grabbed our respective purses and Regina grabbed her car keys on our way out the door.
Once outside and in front of her bright pink Jeep, Regina moved to open the door for me, gesturing dramatically with her arm. “Get in, cutie. We’ve got a party to get to.”
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thank you so much for reading!! :)
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
you do such a good job passing! any tips?
thank you, i appreciate that! i dont have a ton of tips since ive only been at it for a little over half a year, and im kinda flying by the seat of my pants cuz i dont have a lot of people i talk to day-to-day about presentation. pretty much everything ive figured out by myself and with youtube tutorials. regardless, heres a few i can think of:
don't be afraid to go to a makeup store and ask for advice. i brought a picture of myself i put through faceapp to give me makeup, and i showed it to the ladies at sephora, who were able to get me exactly what i was looking for. theres a world of difference between a face full of makeup, and a face full of makeup that's slightly the wrong shade, and it's good to get the opinions of experts.
try to look at the other women in your family and see how they style themselves, or do their makeup, or even how they speak or carry themselves. finding a look that works isn't somethin that you can fall into super easily, you have to go searching for it. try to model yours after the people who literally share your genes and therefore your features. (note, the opposite is equally usable for transmascs, look at your brothers, fathers, and uncles)
spend time in the mirror seeing what looks right. comb your hair in different directions, part it in a different place, put a clip in, dye it a different color, etc. put on makeup and then take it all off, then put on way too much and only take half of it off. learn the muscle memory of holding a liquid eyeliner pen in your non dominant hand and tracing it across the eyelid on the opposite side of your face without twitching your eye. nobody will see you, you're in your own bathroom. with the resources you have, treat the Bathroom Fit Check like you're customizing a character in a videogame.
look for your angles! i wish i could look good at every angle, but i don't, and vanishingly few people actually do. i spent a lot of time looking at myself in my front-facing phone camera from different directions and thinking "fuck im never going to pass, i really dont look great. is this even worth it?" and no matter how much doubt i had, in the long run the answer ended up being yes, it is worth it. that's kinda how hard things are: they suck until they don't anymore.
this one is really simple and may not apply to you, but fix your posture. seriously. when i started standing up straight for a few weeks i noticed an change in how i looked and carried myself (and my back doesnt hurt as much now)
come to terms with the fact that a lot of women look like men, and a lot of men look like women. the idea that all men look one way and all women look the other is an propagandstic invention of the state that should not be taken seriously. (note: this tip works only inwardly as a facet of self actualization. no matter what, you will always run into people who buy into the propaganda. to the best of your ability, pay them no mind.)
im sorry i cant give you anything more, but thats kind of a big question to answer, so i hope this helps!
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