#this fic started out as very self indulgent I’m so glad other people are enjoying it!
west-brooke · 1 year
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Chapter 5- Strings
More self indulgent New Hardware doodles? On my tumblr dash? More likely than you think.
Also, thank you everyone so much for 200 Kudos! I decided to sketch a bit of art as a celebration. I like doing this sort of thing for milestones! Im reading everyone’s amazing feedback and comments and I’m super grateful for all the positivity.
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snaillock · 11 months
i really like ur writings🤭 and i’m happy bc finally someone writes male reader stories
anyway!! i would like to request a sae x gamer/streamer m!reader fic, where the reader is a big gamer and also a twitch streamer, how did sae get along with that, how does sae take it when the reader doesn't pay attention to him because he's playing / chatting with his friends on discord🫣 sorry if i write something wrong english is not my first language😔 had a good day!!
sae itoshi x male!streamer!reader
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tysm anon! i’m glad you enjoy my stuff! i also hope you enjoy this and that it’s to your satisfaction
tags: male reader, established relationship, jealous and overthinking sae, surprise! sae also sucks ass at communicating, also lowkey self-indulgent since i secretly dream of being a streamer, doing a different format than what i typically do
sae knows he’s being hypocritical but he simply can’t help it.
he saw the way you would hole yourself up in your office, streaming for several hours straight almost every day. sometimes you wouldn’t even get out to take a break.
you could’ve given yourself a much more laidback schedule thanks to sae’s success and wealth. instead you chose not to rely on him financially and prioritized your self-independence and stability. the only thing you really accepted from him career-wise was the massive clout boost that came with being his boyfriend. not to mention, you just loved the career path you chose, even if it did make you stressed sometimes. so you were more than fine with committing a lot of effort into it despite his insistence.
he understands and relates to how busy your lifestyle can get, yet he can’t help but feel a little neglected when he rarely sees you outside your office during the day and knows you don’t have much time free time to spend with him.
and perhaps he did feel jealous whenever he overheard you and your other streamer friends voice calling and playing games, laughing and cracking jokes with each other.
ugh he hated the idea that he could get jealous at all. he knows he should be more rational about this. he’s supposed to be the rational one! but he can’t help it. you’re his boyfriend! you should be spending your time with him. laughing and making jokes with him.
it’s gotten so bad that he even felt annoyed by your viewers fawning over you. he knew feeling a threatened by them was crazy because who the hell doesn’t know you’re sae itoshi’s boyfriend. anyone would be crazy to try to come in between that. plus he has plenty of his own simps going insane over him. so he of all people should be more than aware of what it’s like to be with someone who’s famous and very out there in the world. he should especially expect this when he’s dating such a good looking guy.
sae has rarely felt insecure about himself either. until his mind started spiraling and he manages to convince himself that he isn’t interesting enough to be with you compared to your gamer friends. he definitely doesn’t say anything to you about it since he doesn’t want you think he’s weak because of it. instead he lets those overcooked insecurities build up even more and more in his head until he starts believing them.
one day he noticed your office door slightly cracked open so he peeked his head in to see you streaming. which you then noticed from the corner of your eye.
“sae!” you spun your chair around to face him. you quickly took off your headphones, forgetting to mute the microphone, and held your arms out with a big smile. “come here baby!”
he was surprised and flustered from your enthusiastic response. how could he not be when he’s been living with those negative ideas about the relationship for a while that he’s gotten so used to them. he reluctantly walked over to you to which you wrapped your arms around his neck, making him bend down to your eye level.
“i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy lately,” you said before cupping his face and planting kisses on his cheeks. “i promise i’ll make it up to you.” his face softened as he felt his worries wash away thanks to your words and kisses.
“alright,” he nodded. everything’s going to be alright. he watched your screen from the corner of his eye as the live chat started going crazy, with a slight smirk on his face.
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a.n: when i got this request, i was also working on a much bigger sae fic which should be coming out in a few days or so. it’s currently 2k+ words. so stay tuned and if anyone wants to be tagged when it’s posted, let me know!
i also don’t think i can post a fic without using read more. i always write so fucking much.
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mc-i-r · 9 months
The newest chapter of Disposable Heroes is so good! I feel like you have such a good grasp on the characters and I’m always a sucker for the caretaker of the group needing some TLC. Eddie needs to actually communicate with Steve and Steve needs his people back ☹️☹️ but also he really wouldn’t fight them if he thought they didn’t need him anymore so everything about the fic is just perfection.
And Mike!! I love how you wrote him and I’m just so excited to see how everything ends. He strikes me as the one who takes advantage of Steve the most blatantly, still holding a grudge for when Steve and Nancy broke up, but also expecting him to always be there. But Dustin can be just as bad, I’m just so excited to see how they all fix their relationships with Steve.
Also, how’s college going? I remember you saying that you were starting classes recently!
Ah, thank you so much!! When I tell you I did wayyyyy too much research on character profiles for this fic... believe me. Steve gets very little love on the show, so I wanted to give him what he deserves and show the flaws in the on-screen relationships between him and others.
The scene with Mike was very self-indulgent because I want someone to tell him to get his head out of his ass so bad!! Honestly, Eddie was me in that scene and if I could shake Mike around like a ragdoll until he understands that treating people like shit just because they have a past is unfair, then I would.
College is going great, thanks for asking!! It's a really big adjustment with being away from home and adding a ton of schoolwork into my schedule, but I'm managing well so far. Finding free time is really tough tho, which is why this latest chapter took so long to get out. I can't promise that further uploads will hold a similar schedule, but I'll try my best!! I've worked so hard on this fic and I can't give up now that the finish line is near, so please please bear with me!
Thank you so much for reading my fic, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Getting comments and asks really brightens my day and I'm really glad my work is getting such positive feedback. You and many others who like, reblog, and comment are the main reasons why I keep writing. You guys push me to be better each and every time I write, and I can't thank you enough. Seriously, I love you guys!!
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clovariia · 1 year
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here’s my 2022 art summary! thank you for all the support, everyone! happy new year! 🥳♥
i’ll self-indulgently ramble about my thoughts on the year under the cut!
so..........2022. i feel like i have more thoughts about the year than i usually do. i’m not even sure where to start with this because there’s just so many!!! a lot of personal things happened this year, but that included some really good ones. i think 2022 might’ve been the best year ever for me, which is super awesome!!!!!!
i started the year by FINALLY doing something about my mental health issues. i finally got things diagnosed, got counseling, and got meds. this was the best choice i’ve ever made. it totally transformed my life and made me an entirely new person...or maybe, it finally made me able to show the person who’s been buried under the layers of depression and anxiety all this time. if you’re considering doing something similar with your own life next year, DO IT!!! it’s so important to get the help you need!!!
in may, i impulsively decided to start sharing my art and writing online again. i guess it wasn’t THAT impulsive, because it’s something i’ve fantasized about doing for a very long time...but actually DOING IT felt impossible for so long. for more context, i had an art account on instagram back in middle school/early high school. it never went very far and even though i had some good experiences from it, it ended up making me feel insecure too. i wasn’t in a position where i could comfortably share my stuff yet. ever since i stopped posting on there, i’ve barely shared the stuff i make with anyone — even most of my friends had hardly seen any of my art or writing before. making these new art accounts on twitter and tumblr was a huge step for me.
one of the main issues i’ve been lectured for a lot in counseling is that i consistently and stubbornly refuse to let myself share my opinions, thoughts, and interests. i tend to hide everything i care about into a little box in my mind, like i’m trying to protect it from the outside world and any potential judgment. it’s probably due to a mixture of neurodivergency and anxiety. i still bury my thoughts a lot, but these art accounts were a MASSIVE step forward for me. i finally started sharing something i consider to be very vulnerable — my interest in cartoons — with other people again. i didn’t even talk to my friends about it before i made these accounts. i just silently lurked in fandoms, wishing i could reach out to these people who were like me, but i never let myself until this year.
the owl house episode king’s tide airing was a big turning point for me. it was shortly after i made my art accounts, and it really made something SHIFT in my mind. i got filled with so much creative inspiration and i managed to WRITE something again! “a rainy night” was my first toh fic and the first cartoon fic i actually let myself finish. sharing it was terrifying and thrilling, and it marked a new beginning for me. people ENJOYED what i was making for this interest i’ve been hiding for so long! people SUPPORTED my self-indulgence! it was so exciting and such a relief. for the people who have been around since the early stages of my account: thank you for the support. half my motivation to keep writing comes from how kind everyone has been about my work.
i got really fixated on hexsquad thanks to king’s tide (although that was brewing in my head even before they all interacted as a group of five in canon, tbh) and they gave me the most creative energy i’ve had in years. i went from having both writer’s block and art block to writing AND drawing on a basically daily basis, and that makes me SO HAPPY!!! having writer’s block since around 2019 was horrible, and i’m so relieved to finally be free of it again. it’s so nice to do stuff with my biggest passion again. i missed writing SO MUCH. it’s helped me process some personal issues a lot, and i’m really glad that i have that outlet for my feelings again.
besides my own personal projects, i helped mod four seasons: a huntlow zine! i also contributed art and a fic. i got involved in this project in may, shortly before i made my art accounts. i applied to be the beta reader mod SUPER impulsively and made my first connections in the toh fandom through it. later on, i eventually became an organizer mod and helped out with the social media too. i could say SO MUCH about the huntlow zine. i’ve wanted to be a part of zines for so many years, it’s always been a major goal, so i’m really proud of myself for finally doing that year! i’m so grateful that the other mods took a chance on my total nobody self and let me join the mod team. the huntlow zine was one of the main things that defined my 2022, and i hold it very close to my heart for being the thing that got me to start sharing my work again. i met so many incredibly kind and talented people through it, and even some members of the toh crew saw the zine when it came out!!! going from hiding all my interests for years to having the crew of the series i love so much support my work was SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! truly a highlight of the year!!!
besides the huntlow zine, i was also a part of the hexes and o’s zine! i contributed a fic and a doodle. it got completed before the huntlow zine did, so it was the first time i got to see my work in a zine. the day i got sent the finished zine pdf and got to see my writing in such beautiful fancy formatting, alongside everyone else’s pretty pieces, was another highlight of the year. it kind of made me think, “oh man...i finally made it” HAHA!!! i finally accomplished my goal of being in a zine!! it was such a wonderful experience and the entire mod team was so supportive and sweet. i’m so grateful that i got to be a part of it.
for other fandom-related projects from 2022, i got accepted to the toh grimoire zine! i’ve been working on my fic for it and i’m super excited to see how this project turns out! it’s such an honor!
as for stuff that didn’t require applications, i participated in the amphibia tribute zine! it’s not publicly released yet, but the wip version is beautiful! i’m excited to share my piece for it eventually! i also contributed art to the toh tarot card collab on twitter with a bunch of my mutuals, which was really fun too! thank you for the patience throughout the physical health issues i had this autumn! i also wrote a fic for the hexes and o’s secret santa event! it was so much fun to participate in a fandom secret santa for the first time! i definitely want to do more of them in the future!
some other misc things i want to mention from this year include:
i made four animatics and finally shared the ones i made in 2021 too! i hope to complete more in 2023!
i completed a fic with multiple chapters for the first time in SO MANY YEARS...thank you for the support on willow’s summer scrapbook! hopefully i can do more stuff like this in 2023!
i wrote a oneshot for each day of huntlow week!!! i’m so proud of myself for managing to do that!!!!! i’ve never completed an entire ship week before!
besides huntlow week, i also wrote a fic for gustholomule week, drew something for raeda week, and drew something for lumity’s anniversary...so you can count that as my contribution to lumity week, i guess. ship weeks are so much fun, hopefully i can participate in more of them next year!
i also want to share my current ao3 statistics from 2021, 2022, and overall.
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it’s really interesting to compare all of these. these numbers aren’t entirely accurate because there’s stuff i haven’t posted/never finished, but it’s a good enough indication of my progress with writing this year. i wrote over 100k words!!!!!!!!! THAT’S SO INSANE!!! I’M SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT!!! my past self would’ve never imagined this!!! i wonder what these numbers will look like by the end of 2023?
for 2023...my main hope is to just keep this momentum from 2022 going. i have some personal goals too (and some personal accomplishments i didn’t mention in this post) but my art/writing resolutions for 2023 are:
finish making my hexsquad solo animatics
start my big multichapter post-canon au toh fic after the show ends (i’ve already been working on planning that a bit)
write more multichapter fics in general
get better at replying to ao3 comments quickly...oops
write more stuff for my non-toh fandoms, especially amphibia!!!
get better at procreate (i still only use it for doodling...oh yeah, buying myself an ipad and procreate was another highlight of 2022!)
do at least one piece of colored digital art a month
write more consistently...develop better habits with that. i’m hoping to prioritize writing more than art in 2023, but we’ll see what happens.
maybe start doing more with this tumblr blog (posting meta analysis stuff, maybe?) and my new art instagram? i only made my art instagram as a backup to follow my mutuals in case twitter died (since that site has been such a mess recently) but i feel like i could find a use for it if i tried.
i’ve already rambled for long enough and i doubt anyone read this far, but if you did, thank you so much for all the support this year!!! it’s been such a huge year for me and i’m so proud of myself for the progress i’ve made in my personal life and with my hobbies!!! it wouldn’t have been possible without all the kindness people have shown me this year!
i guess the only proper way to end this post is to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! see you in 2023!!! 💕💕💕
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mothman-can-write · 5 months
i loved punk!au sm and i had like a couple questions, and you said your asks were open so (u don’t have to answer if you don’t wanna but i was just mostly interested in your writing processes and stuff)
1. was there anything that like gave you the inspo for the story/universe, like any movies/books/tv shows/songs/other fics etc. ? or did nat and maria just grab the story and run with it?
2. how have you developed ur writing style, just practice/natural ability or like idk ? (i’ve always struggled with finishing stuff when i manage to start it, and being happy with the stuff i write)
sorry about how badly these questions are worded lmao i’m v bad at like asking people stuff idk !
Hi, thanks for the ask! I'm still over the moon that people are enjoying this fic because it's so incredibly personal to me. And I'm always happy to talk about my process! But I am so far from professional I'm just winging it completely all the time haha
I was mostly just inspired by my own love for the punk culture and the desire to write something incredibly self indulgent, and the characters just ran away with it. I also like the idea of Natasha in leather pants and that may or may not have helped the process..... I also really like DollyLux's punk AU (which is wanda/nat for those who haven't read it) and it definitely subconciously informed the vibes, but it wasn't a primary inspiration for it. I also wanted to make blackhill feral, because we all know that's where my softspot lies
I only really started writing frequently as a hobby maybe... two years ago now? I think having friends that also write and doing sprints with them has been the most helpful, just having that supportive community and friendly advice! Reading a lot can also help and I've definitely stolen a lot of things from books I've loved. In terms of finishing stuff, I only used to write oneshots that were about 3k at most and i remember feeling really overwhelmed when I wrote my first multichap at 30k. Stick to small things! Write indivudal scenes if it helps. But there's no pressure to be writing whole stories or incredibly long fics at any stage if you don't want to. I do also think that it's worth it to finish projects even if you don't like the end result (as long as the process isn't becoming unbareable) because the practice of the motions is what makes it easier over time. A bad story can become a good story, but story that is never written can't. Okay this paragraph is getting really long so I'll try to make this my last point, but I also think that being unhappy with your work is a sign of potential because it means you can see the improvment that you want to make, you just need a little longer to figure out how to impliment it! Sometimes learning formal writing theories can help figure that out, but most of the time I generally just sort of.... fuck around until I like how something sounds and then try to run with it. I don't know how to explain that part rip
Okay, this has turned out so so long so hopefully some of that is actually helpful haha. I'm always happy to try and help more if I can, and my DMs are open too! Writing is such a fun hobby and IMO it's very easy to get into, and I am so glad that I just took the leap and started even though my earlier fics are physically painful to me now. Writing Punk was a whole process and it is SO much longer than everything else I've ever written but it taught me a lot! I'm really glad I wrote it and I'm really glad it spoke to others out there too :)
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stinkyme · 1 year
I’m so glad you responded!
What immediately came to my mind as I read your reply was the sexual urge you mentioned:
It’s so confusing…since I’m about 13 or 14, I pretty “often” watch porn, I’ve read the most unholy smut fics and so on, I like my sexuality, although I don’t have the best relationship with it. But I want to discover and learn about it more. Anyways, I’m often torn between feeling no lust at all, my libido being gone for months and yet, I’m pretty much constantly thinking about sex. Pretty casually tho, like elevator music in my brain, playing all the time.
And this is fine because it’s nice to think about to “experiment” and find out what I like (without doing that with others, I have trust issues and despite craving physical affection, being touched by others in that way scares me way too much), but at the same time I sometimes ask myself “am I thinking about that a little too much? Am I hypersexual or something?” Cause I don’t just do it when I feel actively horny or want to “get myself going” lol, but, like I said, so casually, something that’s always in my head.
Sure, libido can be more or less intense, but it’s kind of frustrating to really **want** to enjoy thinking about sex, masturbating, etc. but just not feeling anything. No lust, no arousal, just a body reaction.
This is a very complex topic, and I think in my case, this is a difficult mix of sexual trauma, religious shame and just not a good start with this topic (fr, when I was like 8 I googled “sex” because I wanted to know what the word means, stumbled upon porn and was absolutely terrified and disgusted.).
I have a therapist, but they’re not specialized in sexual therapy, so their support is limited in that regard. Still, I just often feel like “wtf is wrong with me and my body?” And I tend to forget what I’ve been through and that this could actually have had a big impact on my sexuality.
But in general, I feel bad about my “exit” from religion, like a really bad breakup. I just often don’t know whether I should finally leave or keep forcing myself to give it another chance. But how am I supposed to believe something that I simply don’t believe?
well I am not a sexual therapist either, nor a therapist in general so my advice may be limited but what I can say is that hypersexuality is more complicated than people think, it's compulsive sexual behavior - it gets in the way of your work, studies, health, relationships or life in general, it's an intense focus on sexual fantasies or urges that can't be controlled therefore often times they indulge in a lot of sexual encounters or self pleasuring or constantly think about sexual fantasies, porn maybe and it calls in a lot of side issues - like anxiety, possible depression, people with bipolar can often times experience hypersexuality, shame, guilt, remorse and it's often times unmanagable, symptoms feel draining and it's hard to resist urges
in your case scenario it's different, you are focused on it because you are curious, you don't have experience in a healthy sexual encounters, nor you allow yourself to indulge in such whether it's self pleasure or with someone else therefore your mind is focused on it because you are curious but at the same time you are not allowing yourself to explore with yourself which makes it harder to stop thinking about :)
changes in libido are natural, no one has steady libido - stress, life, work, diet, illness, hobbies or whatever can decrease your libido and sometimes it can also be increased due to stress, anxiety or in general when life becomes calmer, it's quite normal to experience changes in libido especially if you indulge in a lot of sexual content like fics or porn or whatever :)
my only advice is that you need to create a safe space for yourself to explore your own body and your own needs, to see what feels good and how your body reacts to certain things, by learning more about your body in a healthy manner the more you will be able to feel safe with yourself :) often times with shame and sexual trauma it's hard to start and it feels like "nothing" or "wrong" but it never starts easily, that's also an exercise and matter of repetition just like everything else :) yk when you are scared of something and slowly start working your way into it because you can't jump into it for whatever reason, it's quite similar to that :) your imagination is your friend, you are your friend and you can do it once you feel ready for it :) you can always set up an atmosphere, look up healthy ideas and advices from professionals and see what are they suggesting and saying about it
well, you can't force yourself to believe, I can't really tell you what to do since it's your choice and you know the best - if it makes you feel bad don't do it, you are not obligated to give a second or god knows what chance if it's simply not working for you, you are allowed to make a choice that might make others unhappy as long as you are happy and comfortable and frankly, it's none of their business :)
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jedifarmerr · 2 years
I am loving your Wasteland series! Frankie's already seen his resolve to not find her attractive crumble, and now hes desperately holding onto the walls he has left to not also become attached to her the way his heart is trying to.
I also love Piper, who is seeing her with them and seems to be a degree of frustrated at how much they're keeping from her. Not only did she wake up in a world vastly different then the one she was ripped away from, but now the only people shes really known here are keeping clearly very important things from her about who they are, what their intentions are, and what's going on.
Also like, 1. Bad feelings towards whenever Tom shows up that is guaranteed to be trouble the way they talk about it, and 2. Also very interested in Frankies dynamic with him and now that hes inevitably growing attached to you, and how that will affect whatever this harsher expectations relationship Tom has towards him.
(Last also, but Frankies immense desperation when you got attacked? Woof. Stubborn grumpy man really showing his true colours there and immediately trying to box them away the second your out of the danger zones? I am obsessed)
I am seriously screaming over this ask! Thank you thank you thank you so much for reading. It’s definitely a very self-indulgent fic for me, so to hear others enjoy it makes my day, seriously.
Okay, to start. I’m so glad you love Piper, she’s a very fun character to write and she’s definitely able to give it to them straight. She’s seeing the situation from the outside, whereas they are so deep in it and I think they realized once they tell her, the whole dynamic/relationship will change.
Frankie is definitely going through it and Tom will be a very big challenge for him. For me, I see Frankie as someone that cares so deeply for his friends and those close to him. We see him succumb to peer pressure in the movie, and I’ve definitely gone with that and tried to configure and figure out how that would look in this context.
Sorry, I typed a book but seriously anon hop in my DMs anytime. I could talk about this fic for days.
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theoreticslut · 2 years
「 new year’s kisses 」
luke alvez x reader
summary: new year’s eve got a whole lot more exciting when your co-worker asks to kiss you at the ball drop.
requested: no
word count: 2.7k
warnings: alcohol, mention of being drunk
a/n: I may have written this in one night when I realized I’d love to put out a new year’s fic for you guys. It may be just a little self-indulgent as I’ve never had a new year’s kiss myself, but it’s cute. Super fluffy and just kinda soft 🥰 I really hope you guys like it. Also, it would be so very appreciated if you’d reblog this if you enjoyed it! I’m trying my hardest to find more criminal minds writers &readers (especially for luke!), but I could use any help you lovelies can offer me ♥
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“Thank you again, have a good night!” You call as you exit the cab at the end of Rossi’s driveway, already a bit frazzled with being late.
It’s a well known fact that David Rossi enjoys hosting elegant get-togethers, from team dinners to weddings. Therefore it came as no surprise when he announced a week ago that he’d be hosting a new year’s eve party. 
You were excited, always excited to spend time with your teammates outside of work, but it also helps that Rossi serves some of the best food and alcohol you’ve ever experienced.
He had told everyone the party would be starting at 7, but you had got sidetracked with errands, only now arriving at quarter after 8. You can only hope he’s not too upset, and that there’s still some food left.
Walking into the house, you didn’t expect as many people as there were. You recognize a few as people from the office, and then Rossi’s daughter and her family. A lot of them though, you have no idea who they are. You didn’t realize Rossi was inviting every soul known to man. Not that it’s an issue, though. Maybe you’ll meet someone to finally take your mind off of your little crush - Luke Alvez.
You’ve been working at the BAU for years now, working under Hotch before Emily took over, and you’ve never once had an issue with liking a teammate as more than a friend. However, that all changed when Luke joined the team. 
You tried to hate him as Penelope did, but you were far more affected by his charm than her - not even making it a whole week before warming up to him. It drove you crazy how quickly, and deeply, you fell for him. 
It’s not necessarily against the code of conduct to be involved with a teammate, but it wasn’t exactly openly welcomed either. You knew that getting involved could jeopardize the team, hence why you’ve spent every day since he joined trying to squash your feelings for the curly-haired brunette with warm eyes.
“Y/n! You made it!” Penelope cheers as you make your way into the kitchen, quickly being pulled into a hug by the woman.
You exhale a deep breath, smiling as you hug her back, noticing everyone else gathered in the kitchen. Rossi and Hotch lean on the far side of the island; JJ, Tara, and Penelope on one end, Matt and Kristy on the other; leaving Spencer, Derek, and Savannah sitting on the side closest to you.
“I did, I’m so sorry I’m late. I lost track of time.” You apologize, joining everyone at the island.
“No worries, kid. I’m just glad you were able to join us.” Rossi smiles, offering you a glass of wine. With a quick thank you, you grab the glass from him and take a small sip.
“Well it’s been some time hasn’t it, kid? Still look good as ever though.” Derek greets, a wide smile on his face as he pulls you into a hug. 
“I thought we were over this ‘kid’ thing, Derek.” You sigh, rolling your eyes jokingly as he chuckles.
“Never. What else am I supposed to call the little sister I didn’t know I wanted?” He jokes, causing you to chuckle as you shake your head.
“You’re lucky I like you, Morgan. You’re the only one that I let get away with that.” You state, smirking as you turn towards Savannah, greeting her with a hug.
“It’s so great to see you, Savannah. It’s been way too long.”
“It has. You do look amazing though.” She smiles, hugging you herself.
Smiling and returning the compliment, you go around greeting everyone you don’t see on a daily basis - Kristy, Hotch, and Rossi’s daughter when she walks in for another drink.
Before long though, you’re chatting with the rest of the team, drinking and laughing.
“Y/n, let’s go dance and mingle. Lots of attractive single men here.” Penelope suggests, smirking as she grabs your hand before pulling you away from the kitchen where the team is chuckling at the both of you.
You can’t help but chuckle and shake your head at the woman, following her nonetheless as she drags you through the house to where a makeshift dance floor has been created.
“How many times have you mingled so far, Penny?” You question, chuckling as you know it’s probably been a few times already.
“Only twice. I’ve been trying to be good.” She smirks, causing you to laugh as she urges you to start dancing.
You smile, following her lead and start to sway your hips to the music, sipping your wine as you do.
“Ooh! This is a good one!” Penelope excitedly states, hitting your arm as the song changes.
“Alright. I can see that.” You chuckle, shaking your head as she starts singing. 
You can’t help but smile, still shaking your head at your best friend as someone bumps into you, causing you to spill a little of your drink on your dress. Thank god you decided to wear black.
“Oh god, I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re good.” You state, sipping some from the glass to clean off the rim.
“You su…re - y/n?”
At your name, you finally look up at the person who bumped into you, finding none other than Luke. You had been wondering where he was, but couldn’t bring yourself to ask or look. 
“Luke, Hi. I was wondering if you were here.” You smile, not being able to ignore the butterflies that well up in your stomach at the sight of him. 
A moment passes where he simply looks at you, a slight smile on his lips, and you can’t help but find yourself hyper aware of his presence - his cologne, the way he’s yet to let go of your arm from bumping into you, his steady breaths, and the small chuckle that leaves his lips as he seems to gain awareness again.
“I’m sorry, I just…wow. Y-you look…amazing.” He stammers, his signature nervous smile on his face as he not-so-subtly looks you over again.
Deciding you wanted to look nice yet still comfortable, you pulled on a simple long-sleeved, black bodycon dress you’ve had in your closet for some time now. It reached to just above the middle of your thigh, but the statement of the dress was definitely the back. 
After covering your shoulders, the material  drapes to just about the bottom of you spine to form a tastefully sexy open back. You absolutely adored how it looked on you, making you feel beautiful without being too little material. 
You paired it with some simple jewelry - earrings, necklace, and a bracelet - along with some thigh-high sock boots. It’s rather chilly in D.C. at this time of the year, especially after night falls, and you don't feel like freezing. You figured a long sleeve dress and thigh-high boots would do the trick - keeping you covered for your own warmth, yet still looking nice.
“Thank you. It’s not often I get to dress up.” 
He nods as you chuckle lightly, a faint warmth in your cheeks.
“I know. We spend more time at work than anywhere else, huh?”
“Definitely.” You smile.
“Well, you…you dress up well.” 
Nodding as a deeper flush fills your cheeks, you murmur a soft thank you as you drop your attention to the floor. Sure, Luke has looked at you before when you’ve worn certain outfits at work, but it’s never been this direct and…intimate.
“Y/n! I just bumped into a guy who is a CEO of this big advertising company.” Penelope exclaims, drawing both yours and Luke’s attention from each other.
“Sounds nice, Pen. Did you get his number?” 
“Not yet. I want you to meet him. Think you’ll find him rather attractive.” She winks, making Luke chuckle from beside you.
“What, Alvez?” She frowns.
“Nothing. Sorry.” 
“Whatever,” she mumbles, rolling her eyes before turning her attention back to you.
“Are you going to come meet him?”
“Thank you, Pen, but I think I’ll pass for now.”
“Really? But you haven’t been on a date in ages, and he’s, like, amazing all the way around.” She tries to sway you.
“Really, but you should definitely go talk to him more. If you get his number maybe you can set us up later.”
“If you just come meet him now, then you can get it yourself. Besides, you don’t have anyone to kiss at midnight…he could be the guy?” She suggests, cocking her brow at you as she smirks.
You can’t stop the fit of laughter that leaves you at her suggestion.
“Thank you for worrying about me having lonely lips this evening, but I’ll be fine. I swear.” You chuckle, hearing Luke chuckle lightly himself as he mindlessly places a hand on your waist.
“I’ll have my wine, and I think that’s good enough. Speaking of which, I’d love a refill.”
She groans, rolling her eyes at you.
“You’re terrible, you know that? Terrible.” 
“Well I guess I’ll keep him company myself.  God knows I need a New Year’s kiss just as much.” She huffs, shaking her head at you as she disappears into the crowd again.
You shake your head, chuckling at her yourself. You love her, but no matter where you go, she’s trying to set you up. It’s appreciated, and as much as you’d love to stop your crush on Luke, you’re not really sure you want to date anyone else either.
“Does she try to set you up often?” Luke chuckles, still looking in the direction she disappeared.
“You have no idea.” You sigh, eyes wide in exasperation as you shake your head.
He nods, still chuckling as he smiles at you, watching as you finish off your glass of wine.
“Is it true what she said? That you haven’t been on a date in awhile?”  
“Mhm. Don’t often have the time, and no one’s really caught my attention in a while.” You shrug, looking up at him to find him already watching you.
“Do you want to come with me to get a refill?” You question, hoping he says yes.
“Yeah. I could use another drink myself.” He smiles, gently placing a hand on your lower back as he leads you back towards the kitchen.
“Five minutes till the countdown!” Someone shouts through the house. 
After getting a drink with Luke, you spent some time talking with him before he got dragged away by a friend of his. Not that you minded because it gave you time to catch up with your friends - talking with Derek and Savannah about their little boy and how much he’s grown since you’ve last seen them, as well as hotch and what he’s been doing since he left the BAU.
“Should we head into the living room then to ring in the new year?” Rossi suggests, looking around at those of you still sitting around the island.
“Sounds good, Rossi.” Derek smiles, leading Savannah into the living room, the rest of you slowly following.
You smile at everyone huddling up, talking with friends and trying to find their significant others while time ticks down to the new year.
As much as you like the idea of kissing someone into the new year, you’ve never done so. Typically it’s because you’re single and not comfortable kissing a random stranger.
It’s not like it’s the worst thing life has to offer though. You may not have kissed anyone into a new year, but you’ve danced and drank one in with friends, and that’s just as fun.
“Two minutes!” You hear shouted out again. 
“Hey, there you are. Sorry I got dragged away earlier.” Luke chuckles, rubbing at the back of his neck as he stands with you.
“No need to apologize, luke. Seriously.” You smile, sipping at your drink.
He chuckles but nods, eyes lingering on you as you check your phone for the time.
“You excited for the new year?” 
You nod lightly as you look up at Luke. 
“Yeah. I’m hoping it’s a decent one. What about you?” 
“I’m about where you’re at.” He chuckles, smiling as you nod, a smile on your lips as well.
“You ever find someone to kiss for the ball drop, or are you sticking to your wine?”
“No, I, uh, I haven’t mingled much tonight. Wanted to catch up with everyone more.” You smile.
“Yeah? That doesn’t mean you can’t kiss someone though…”
“Oh no. No. Uh, kissing strangers isn’t really my thing.” You blush, noticing everyone starting to get louder as you get down to a minute before the new year.
“I’m not a stranger.”
“No, you’re not…but, uh, isn’t that a bit awkward? Kissing a friend?”
“Not if those friends like each other…” he murmurs, stepping closer to you as you hear someone shout ‘30 seconds.’
“Would you be my New Year's kiss, y/n?” Luke asks, leaning in so only you can hear him.
You glance over his face, noticing him look from your lips to your eyes as he wets his lips.
At your nod, a wide smile breaks out on his face. He takes the last swig of his drink as you hear everyone start counting down from 10. You barely register it though, too focused on Luke and the way he’s placing a hand on your waist, the other on the side of your face.
“I really like you, y/n.” He whispers, rubbing  his thumb over your cheek.
“I really like you, Luke.” You admit, butterflies swarming in your stomach.
“Yeah.” You whisper, smiling as he leans in just as everyone shouts out ‘one.’
Before you realize it, his lips are on yours as people cheer and call out ‘happy new year’ in the background. None of it matters though. Not when Luke is kissing you, pulling you closer to him as his lips warm you from the inside out.
Without trying to sound cliché, you definitely feel as if time stops and sparks fly. You’ve never felt so connected to one person solely with a kiss. It’s almost as if you’ve found home.
“Happy new year.” He murmurs as he pulls away, both of you needing air.
“Happy new year.” You smile, eyes still closed as you lean into him, your foreheads touching while you catch your breaths.
“Y/n! Happy Ne-ooh! So that’s why you didn’t want to meet Mr CEO.” You hear Penelope giggle, clearly drunk.
Chuckling and shaking your head, you finally pull back from Luke, however he keeps his arms wrapped around your waist even as you turn your back to him.
“Happy new year, Penelope.”
“Happy new year to you. So you decided against wine bringing you into the new year, huh?”
Luke chuckles at her teasing tone, his chest rumbling against your back. You roll your eyes, but smile nonetheless.
“I did.”
“Well I’m happy for you. It’s about time you got something.” She giggles, already starting to turn away.
“Penelope!” You gasp, flushing madly as you stare after her slack-jawed.
“I think I have to agree with her this time, y/n. It’s definitely about time you got something.” Luke chuckles, getting your attention as you whip your head to look at him, eyes wide as you struggle for words.
“I’ve liked you for quite awhile, now, you know? I think it’s about time I show you.”
“Oh, you’re going to kill me, Alvez.” You groan, drawing a chuckle from him as he smiles, pressing another kiss to your lips.
“So, what would you say about me taking you out on a date?” He muses, watching you with a smile.
“Are you asking me out on one?” 
“Who’s going to kill who?” He questions, smiling as you laugh, eyes shining in happiness.
“Would you, y/n y/l/n, like to go out on a date with me? This coming Saturday perhaps?” 
“Yes. I’d like that a lot, luke.” You giggle, smiling as he presses yet another kiss to your lips, pulling you into him again.
“I would to.” He murmurs, smiling at you after pulling away from the kiss.
Maybe this year will be a bit more than just decent after all.
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30secondstoanime · 3 years
The Birthday Present
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pairing: Pro!Hero Midoriya x Fem!Reader
genre/warnings: Reader Insert, Birthday Sex
Kinky Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Gets Out of His Comfort Zone, That's Not How You're Supposed to Use Your Quirk, Porn With Plot, praise kink?, very smutty, Rough Sex, role-playing, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Teasing, Light Bondage, Light Masochism, Light Choking, Doggy Style, Fluff and Smut, after sex cuddles
word count: 7,467
→ summary: Your birthday is around the corner. What better gift than your boyfriend, the #1 Hero Deku, finally giving you what you want the way you want it: rough and kinky. But first plot!
a/n: Sorry about the crap summary and title, I'm working on that lol. So this is my first fic for the bnha fandom and first attempt at writing very explicit sex scenes and venturing into kinks/BDSM, so please be kind, but also I’d love feedback! This was supposed to be a cute four-page oneshot but turned into a sixteen-page, 7k+ word behemoth, hence the self-indulgent tag ‘cause I couldn't stop writing. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor ;)
In a few days, you’ll be turning twenty-four. Your birthday has always been an odd day you think for someone with your quirk because age really was just a number. That’s not to say you weren’t planning to do something fun, at least if you could figure out what you’d like to do. Okay, so that was a lie. You knew exactly what or should you say who you wanted to do and that it involved getting your back blown out. As soon as the thought pops into your head, your epiglottis forgets its job, and you choke on the sip of UCC coffee, you had tried to swallow. You cough to clear your airway, gasping when air finally expands your lungs. You tap your pen nervously against your desk, eyes scanning the other pro heroes’ faces in your agency. It seems your sudden outburst hadn’t disrupted the comfortable silence of the natural lull of the workday. A beep from your hero pager pulls your attention away from people watching in the office. Coordinates flash in five consecutive seconds before the transmission ends. You stand grabbing your toolbelt and strapping it across your hips; you make your way to the front. As you near the exit, you hear your hero name being called. You turn and see Yaomomo briskly walking towards you.
“Hey Creati, you got the page too?”
“I did, sounds like they’ve made a bit of a mess of things.” You scoff good-naturedly.
“When do they ever not. Were they really like this during your time at U.A.?” She giggles and nods her head. You wonder if you’ll ever stop cleaning up after the nation’s top three heroes.
“Better get going then, we both know they share a singular brain cell, so there’s no telling how much time we have to fix things.”
“Atomic!” You laugh at Yaomomo’s weak attempt to scold you — the amusement in her black eyes softens the tone.
“Oh my.”
You blow out a low whistle. Ice and scorch marks are scattered across the street and surrounding buildings. Explosive ash is still gently falling from the sky, and black tendrils are haphazardly keeping electric poles, exposed building foundation, and an abundance of wrecked vehicles from collapsing.
“Creati, check the building foundations. Create new beams and weld them together if necessary. I’ll get started on the pole, we can’t have a live electric wire falling.” She nods, and you split off. The work is slow and arduous, but the orderly nature of reorganizing and coaxing atomic particles back into place helps the time pass quickly. You’ve just finished rearranging the anatomical structure of a car hanging from a, thankfully, undamaged light pole, so that it falls to the ground weightlessly. You touch the damaged side, pull it back together, and return the car to its original density. You give the car a quick tap with the toe of your foot to test the structural integrity, satisfied you step back taking in your handiwork. What had a few hours ago looked like a DEFCON 3 military mission gone awry is now back to looking like an ordinary Japanese street. Well, as normal as you and Yaomomo could reconstruct — you weren’t miracle workers, and Ground Zero’s explosive residue was hard to get rid of. Instead, the way it collected and hung in the atmosphere made it difficult for your quirk to erase without condensing the air. That was out of the question unless you wanted to suffocate Yaomomo. Which you didn’t, so the employees of these buildings would be dealing with the smell for at least a week. Sighing, you tuck your hands in your pockets and make your way over to Creati. Her welding mask obscures her face, but you know it’s in deep concentration. After she cuts the torch and pushes the protective gear up, she gives you a smile.
“All done?”
“Just about.”
“I’ll page H.Q. Might even lodge a formal complaint against those three bird brains while I’m at it.”
“(Y/N), you can’t be serious.” She shoots you an incredulous look.
“They make this huge ass mess and don’t even bother to wait for us to arrive before dipping. Total dick move.”
“Ah-huh.” You don’t like the teasing note in her voice.
“Oh, nothing.” You cross your arms defensively.
“Spit it out, Yaoyorozu.”
“You sure your foul attitude has nothing to do with not seeing Deku?” You roll your eyes.
“I’ll see him at home like I do every day. So no, I’m not upset about not seeing him.”
“If you say so.” She gives you a look, and you let out an exasperated puff of air.
“You cannot still be stuck on that!”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” She bats her eyes at you innocently while creating a duffle bag to transport the welding equipment.
“That God awful theory you and Ashido have about me having a hero kink for Izuku." You begin to walk side by side back to the agency. You hand her an energy bar from your utility belt.
“I mean, you do get very flushed whenever you see him on patrol. Like, if it were a hentai video, you’d definitely be drooling with your tongue lolling out of your mouth.”
“Ugh!” You shove her with your shoulder. “That is so gross.” Both of you laugh, and after a small lapse into silence, you give.
“Okay fine. I might get instahorny whenever I see Izuku in costume, but I can’t help it. He just looks so good, and it’s heightened because I know what he looks like out of costume, and then all I want to do is jump his bones, but of course, I don’t because propriety. So I’m left with all this pent up sexual frustration!”
“So, are you going to ever mention this to him? Your birthday is in a few days and if I may be so bold —”
“It’s never stopped you.” You mumble under your breath with a smile.
“I’d suggest you request it be your birthday present.”
“Pfft. Yaomomo, we’ve been together almost a year and a half, and while our sex life is fucking phenomenal, I’m talking multiple orgasms almost every time, amazing — it’s been very strictly vanilla. Not from any lack of trying on my end, but every time I’ve tried to spice things up, he gets as close as humanly possible to spontaneous combustion. Don’t even get me started on the one time I tried to get him to choke me while I —”
“(Y/N)! Stop, goodness, I do not need the play by play of your and Izuku’s sex life. I just,” she massages her temples, “wanted to make a suggestion. While I’m relieved you feel so secure in our friendship to be so open, please remember I went to high school with him. He’s like a little brother.”
“Oh, Yaomomo, there’s nothing little about him.” Her face pales, and you can’t stifle your cackle. It quickly becomes a full-blown laugh that rattles through your body.
“I went a little too far with that last comment, gomen. On a serious note, though, how would I even go about asking him? ‘Hey babe, it’s my birthday so I want you to fuck me until my knees are jello while in your hero costume because it gets me all hot and bothered oh and since I’m risking it all I’d love it if you tied me up and maybe choked me too.’”
You glance over your shoulder, a look of profound regret is plastered over Yaomomo’s face. You give her an impish grin.
“Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue does it.”
“Oh (Y/N).” Your friend shakes her head. When you finally turn the corner onto the street, your hero agency is housed, you catch sight of a mop of green hair. You pick up your pace, a mischievous grin on your face. Using your quirk, you redistribute your mass, so your footfall’s noise against the pavement is silenced. Izuku is talking with someone, his back turned to you. The goods were on display. When he’s in reach, you stretch out your arms, hands cupping his butt you feel him stiffen as you whisper against his ear.
“You’re under arrest for transporting illegal buns of steel.” You watch the blush creep up from his neck before capturing his entire face. He turns his neck, trying to get a good look at you.
“Wh-what!” You begrudgingly let go of his ass, and he turns his body to face you, his freckles standing out against the pink hue of his flustered expression.
“Sorry hun, I don’t make the rules.” You shrug your shoulders.
“I- I, (Y/N) that’s not even a legal penal code! A-and there’s no way I could transport enough steel on my person to warrant a body search.”
“Ooh Deku,” you loosen up the state of your atoms, allowing them to vibrate in mock arousal, “I love it when you talk legal code at me. Repeat it: penal.”
He flounders for a reply, mouth agape at a total loss for words. You giggle at his expression, a total deer in headlights. The person he’d been talking to finally makes themselves known.
“Atomic, you’re still teasing the living soul out of Deku per usual. Glad to know things haven’t changed ‘round here.” His shark tooth smile pulls an equally toothy smile from you.
“Eijiro! When did you get back? I’ve missed you.” You rush to the redhead, and he reciprocates your hug, holding you tight.
“Man, I’ve missed you too (Y/N). The States were cool, but there’s no manlier place than home sweet home.” You pull back and take him in. He looks the exact same if not a little bit more tanned.
“Damn straight.” Yaoyorozu arrives at the end of your reunion. Her excitement at seeing her old friend is nearly palatable. They catch up enthusiastically, and you saddle up next to your boyfriend, who’s finally gotten his blush under control.
“Hey, babe.” You give his cheek a chaste kiss, and he smiles.
“Hey, love,” Izuku gives your hand a squeeze, “How was your day?”
“It was pretty run of the mill except for the utter shitstorm Yaomomo and I had to clean up in Minato City.” You glance down and watch his feet shuffle from side to side.
“Huh, sounds pretty epic.”
“Not the first, second, or even the third word I’d use, but we’re all entitled to our opinions. And don’t you try acting coy with me, Izuku! That blonde ticking time grenade, the confused weather pattern, and your quirk were all over that place.” Izuku gulps.
“I expended a lot of energy cleaning up after you and your friends baka. As compensation, you’ve gotta cook me curry rice. Deal?”
He kisses your cheek in assent.
“Great!” You beam. “I’m gonna go change, be back in fifteen.” You disappear through the agency’s massive double doors. Yaomomo watches until you’re out of view before she walks over to Midoriya.
“So about (Y/N) ’s birthday . . .”
When you come out, you find a peculiar scene waiting for you. Yaoyorozu has crafted a fan for, you presume, Izuku, who is so red you could almost see the light refraction from his face’s heat and sweating by what looks like the gallon. Eijiro is by his side, trying to calm him down. You heighten the sensitivity of your cochlea to pick up the tail end of their conversation.
“It’ll be super manly, dude!”
“Bu-but I’ve never . . .” Your boyfriend seems tongue-tied.
“You’ve definitely got it in you,” Eijiro slaps Izuku on the back, “Plus Ultra!”
Izuku echoes Eijiro, but you can tell his heart isn’t in it.
You return to your average level of hearing and walk up to the trio.
“Everything good?” They all look at you with expressions that clearly scream, ‘No, everything is not good dumbass.’
“Riiight, foolish question. Izuku, babe, do you need me to help you?” He squeaks, and that stops you dead in your tracks. The last time he had squeaked in your presence was when he’d asked you out on your first date, and you think it was mostly because you had bluntly told him you had every intention of having sex with him if not after your first then for sure after your second date. He didn’t even squawk when you made good on your declaration, and you had been positive he was going to. Your assurance cost you a ¥2,000 bet with Ochako and Shoto. Whatever had transpired while you were changing had him spooked.
You crouch down and gently take his face between your hands. His cheeks are unnaturally warm. Closing your eyes, you reach out with your quirk to scan his vitals. What the actual fuck? Izuku’s pregenual anterior cingulate cortex is enormous. Your boyfriend is next level embarrassed. His heart rate is in the 200bpm range, which should have been impossible because it only ever got that high when he was exercising, and you were quite familiar with getting it there.
You’re honestly shocked his heart hasn’t started to palpitate with the sky-high levels of cortisol in his blood and high heart rate. Taking a deep breath, you begin to gently persuade the firing neurons near his PACC to chill, its size slowly decreases. You travel down to his hypothalamus and rearrange some of its chemical balance, so it stops producing corticotropin-releasing hormone, creating a negative feedback loop that would lead to his body to drop its cortisol production. You vasoconstrict a handful of the blood vessels in his face for good measure, hoping to cool it down. Your eyes flutter open, and the ruddiness is gone, and his cheeks feel cool against your palms. He gives you a weak smile and gosh that smile, these freckles, those lively emerald eyes. You lean your forehead against his, taking a moment to collect yourself. You kiss the tip of his nose before pulling yourself up, stretching once you’re fully upright.
“Well damn, I’m starving now. I know I said you had to cook for me, but I don’t think I’ll last. What do you say, Number 1. Hero, care to take me out to eat?”
Izuku gets to his feet, with a bit of help from Eijiro, who keeps a hand wrapped around his waist to keep him from stumbling.
“Yeah, of course, love. Just tell me where you want to eat.”
You grin in delight. Before making a decision, you turn to your two other companions. You’re not sure when Yaomomo had time to change, but she’s no longer in her hero costume.
“Would y’all like to join us? Izuku’s treat.” Your cinnamon roll’s protest is drowned out by their loud acceptance.
“I mean, if my bro is gonna treat us, then how could I say no?”
“How gracious Izuku, I’d love to share a meal with everyone.”
“Let’s get going then!” You grab Izuku’s hand and turn around, heading in the direction of the train stop. The walk will give you time to decide where you want to eat.
“Hold on one sec, almost got it.” You pace next to Izuku; the pressure on your bladder almost debilitating. At the click of your front door unlocking and seeing Izuku push it open, you rush through over the threshold. You kick the heels off your feet, your slippers abandoned at the entryway as you make a break for the bathroom. You can’t get your underwear off quick enough. The relief is almost pleasurable. You’d forgotten what it felt like to pee while exceedingly inebriated. Typically when you go out drinking, you elevate your liver’s production of alcohol dehydrogenase so you can avoid getting drunk, but tonight was your birthday celebration, and you wanted to get shitfaced, so you dialed it back. Now that you’re home and not interested in a hangover, you make the necessary adjustments to your liver. The night out had been a pleasant surprise. More people had shown up than you’d been led to believe would, most importantly, your younger siblings had stopped by — you hadn’t seen them since moving to Musutafu to pursue your hero career. You finish reminiscing over the night’s events. Quickly wiping, you flush the toilet and wash your hands. When you open the door, you find your slippers are there waiting. He was a total sweetheart.
You slide your sore feet in and sigh at the fluffiness. You make your way to your bedroom, surprised to find it empty. Where had Izuku gone? You take off your earrings, dropping them into your jewelry box. Making your way to the main bathroom connected to your room, you’ve just finished wiping away your makeup when you hear the door open. You walk to the bathroom door to peek and gasp as soon as you spot the figure closing the door behind them. Now you’d be the first to admit you are a horny bitch, but never have you felt your pussy throb with such a deep longing the way it was throbbing now. You stand still dumbfounded at seeing Izuku in his hero costume in your bedroom.
“Babe?” You try to suppress the quiver in your voice.
“Ma’am,” He tilts his head in greeting, “I got reports of a villain in the vicinity. I’m Deku, and I’m here to take care of you.”
Why the fuck did he just introduce himself? And a villain? You reach out with your quirk but don’t feel an unknown presence nearby. You start to walk towards him but stop at the foot of your bed. He meets you there, and you don’t know what to expect, but it definitely was not him pushing you onto your back. You fall with a muffled thud against the comforter. You stare up at him at a complete loss. You then become hyper-aware of what you’re wearing. The sparkling strappy mini dress leaves little to the imagination, and you’re positive that from his angle, Izuku can see your panties and the growing evidence of your arousal.
“Apologies, ma’am, but I’ll be using my quirk to restrain you as a precautionary measure.” Your mouth goes dry as you watch Blackwhip manifest wrapping around your wrists, pulling your arms above your head, and adhering to your shared bed’s headboard. You have to scoot yourself back a few inches to ease the tension in your shoulders. Holy shit. He just tied you up. This whole time he’s been standing at the end of the bed taking you in. You know your face is flushed, and you can feel your nipples brushing against the material of your dress now that you’re so turned on. Izuku’s hands come into view, and that somehow gets your mouth to work again.
“What are you going to do?” You arch an eyebrow and part your lips to let your tongue dart out and wet them. Fuck Yaomomo wasn’t off the mark with her comment.
“I’ll need to do a full-body search to ensure you’re not concealing anything illegal on your person.” You don’t have time to respond before his gloved hands caress down your pinned arms, across where your neck and shoulders meet. Leaving goosebumps in their wake. He cups your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. You groan as the sensation travels down, pooling between your legs. He moves down your sides, slowly over your exposed thighs sticking strictly to the outside of your legs until he reaches mid-calf. You feel his hands move, and suddenly their inching closer to your aching cunt. Using his right hand Izuku runs a finger teasingly up between your clothed slit and your hips give an involuntary buck. He removes his finger and tuts at you, that pisses you off.
“What the fuck Izu —” You stop yourself when you see another tendril of black materialize near your face.
“Don’t make me gag you. My name is Deku, and you will address me as Deku-sama.” There’s a finality in his tone that leaves no room for argument. You’re torn between being really fucking aroused and very vexed at this role reversal. You’d always been on top, literally and figuratively, and now here he was, your cinnamon roll, threatening to gag you and not even blushing about it. He takes your silence as understanding and begins to hike up the bottom of your dress. With your midriff exposed, he finally settles between your legs, his toned abdomen flush against you. He places an open-mouthed kiss just above your belly button, his tongue flicks out to taste your skin. Izuku’s lips continue to roam over every inch of your exposed abdomen, sucking and biting. He’s going to leave love marks all over your stomach, you’re sure. His hands travel up under your dress, coming to rest just below your breasts. You feel the flat of his tongue working its way towards his hands. When you can feel his breath tickling you already hard nipples, he pulls his face away. You squirm and pull against your restraint — you feel them tighten.
“What is it you want, villain?” Fuuuck. The word falls from his lips wrapped in sinful promise sending another steady pulse of need through your body. Your nervous system was on fire.
“I want you to touch me.” You try to taper down the pleading in your voice, but the mildly amused expression on Izuku’s face says you failed.
“Like this?” His hand runs down your neck, over your dress and through the valley of your cleavage, past your naval stopping at the band of your panties. It dawns on you that he was teasing you.
“Or like this?” You’re not sure when his gloves came off or how he managed it, but one second you’re covered by the flimsy dress material next, the straps keeping it up are torn, and the dress pulled down. You hiss at the shock of the sudden temperature change, but quickly warm up as calloused fingers massage your breasts. A greedy moan is the only answer you can manage as you arch your back into his touch. He leans closer, breath warm against your neck, and moves a hand down to grip your ass,
“Let’s see if these are illegal buns of steel.” Even with how incredibly husky his voice is, you almost laugh at his remark’s absolute absurdity. Still, having maybe foreseen your reaction Izuku wraps one of your nipples between his lips before you can utter a sound.
“Deku-sama.” You inhale sharply coming completely unwound as his tongue flicks and swirls. His mouth sucks and pulls playfully. When his teeth graze your nipple, you contemplate making your hands boneless to escape the restraints just so you could tangle your hands in his hair; even with the undercut, you knew you could make him moan. The idea is quickly dashed as Izuku releases your now overly sensitive bud with a resounding pop that sends the ache in your pussy into a frenzy. Good god , he hasn’t even gotten inside of you yet. He treats your other nipple with much the same attention. However, this time, he lets his teeth give it a gentle nibble, and the shock of the feeling causes your skin to prickle. You feel him grin at your reaction before giving your nipple a farewell lick. He captures your lips, shoving his hips down against your own, as his hands’ ghost over your neck. You hook a leg around his hip, pulling him closer, trying to create as much friction as possible as you roll your hips upward. He lets out a breathy chuckle, as his mouth moves to replace his hands. He kisses up your neck, his breath tickles your ear, and you stutter out a needy whimper.
“Someone’s eager.” You groan in frustration as he pulls back. His hands grab hold of what’s left of your dress, and you help him get you out of it. He runs a finger up your stomach, stopping just below your sternum. The tip of his index finger traces a lazy circle before leaving a trail of goosebumps back down to your hip. The pressure of his finger is replaced by his mouth, biting the flesh of your hip crease hungrily. He kisses his away across to your opposite hip, traces of his kisses wet against your skin. You feel his fingers toying with the lacy hem of your panties before he hooks them in the elastic, pulling them down. You lift your hips as they pass over the curve of your ass, and you wriggle in anticipation. Izuku braces his left forearm against your right thigh, pushing your legs wider. His index finger explores your wet folds, dipping briefly into your slit, before brushing against your swollen clitoris.
“Deku-sama, please .” You don’t care how desperate you sound, the ache in your pussy is becoming unbearable. The slow burn was killing you.
“Since you said, please.” He slips a thick finger inside of you, curling it just so it massages the soft and spongy spot that makes your toes curl and lewd obscenities fall from your parted lips.
“Aah, fuck. Fuck, yes, there, right there. More. Izuku give me more.” A second finger is roughly inserted. You cry out as a jolt of ecstasy consumes every inch of you. He begins to scissor his fingers back and forth, “It’s De-ku sa-ma,” each thrust emphasizing the syllables of his declaration. You rock your hips up, trying to get his fingers deeper because you are close. You can feel the dam getting ready to burst. When his thumb circles your clit, you feel yourself clench around his fingers. He inhales sharply. You bite back a moan as stars begin to dance across your vision. The rhythm of his fingers picks up, and the pressure on your clit begins to be too much.
“You’re about to cum.” It’s not a question, but you manage to pant a yes, and it becomes your undoing. Tongue replaces fingers before you can bemoan feeling empty, hands wrap under your thighs, keeping you exposed when they instinctively try to shut. His fingers dig into soft flesh, and the pain leaves you dizzy for more. He unhooks his left arm from your thigh, again using his forearm to keep your leg down. Two fingers spread you open, and his breath is warm, and you screw your eyes shut because fucking hell, you feel ready to erupt. You feel the warmth of his tongue as it slips inside you and starts to lick around. His nose brushes against your clit as he laps up your wetness. When he takes your clitoris in his mouth, you feel yourself at the edge of a precipice.
“Y-your fin-fingers. Deku-sama.” You frantically tug against your binds as you arch your hips rutting into his face. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You feel yourself drowning in pleasure when his fingers join back in the fray. You’re full, and his tongue is everywhere. Inside you along with his fingers, pressing in all the right places. There’s no room to be embarrassed by your body’s wet sounds as you thrust against his fingers or the sounds he’s eliciting from you — loud, throaty, and gluttonous. He laps up the juices wherever they end up, on your thighs, in your folds, the space between your pussy and ass. At your clit he teases with nibbles, quick flicks of his tongue, and long flat strokes. He was treating you like you were his favorite meal. Coming back for seconds, thirds, fourths. You lose track of time. The air crackles with electricity, Izuku, the electromagnet to your copper coils. It sparks against your skin. Were you doing that? You couldn’t tell, but it didn’t matter because something was building. You feel it in your core, your quirk causing your atoms to buzz in excitement. He lets you hook your legs around his back, locking your ankles. You make a strangled noise when a particularly aggressive thrust combined with the head-splitting euphoria of Izuku’s tongue on your clit brings your Earth stuttering on its axis.
“Oh fuck, oh kami. Shit, Deku-sama!”
You flicker in and out. One second howling Izuku’s name like a prayer to the Gods, hips rolling up to meet his mouth. The next, you find yourself weightless in a void no longer in a corporeal form. What the fuck? It lasts no longer than a second before you return to your body and the sound of him cooing against your aching cunt.
“That’s it, cum villain. Cum for me.” And cum, you do. Waves of fiery ecstasy set your body aflame. You clench your fists and use your legs to pull Izuku’s face further flush against you. When you think you can catch your breath, Izuku surprises you by coaxing you into another smaller orgasm. You don’t know how he did it, but you really can’t complain, you’re feeling blissful as fuck. The bed creaks as he shifts back onto his knees, unwrapping your legs from around him. Blachwip is deactivated, and your arms fall uselessly to your sides. You feel your legs quiver from exertion, and you watch your chest rise in fall sporadically as your breathing levels off. You prop yourself up on your elbow to give Izuku a once over. He’s got a bit of sweat on his forehead, you can see the outline of his erection against the front of his hero costume, and your cum glistens on his nose, mouth, and chin. Not sure how you manage it, with your body feeling so close to putty, but you scoot back, pulling yourself up into a seated position, and rock forward onto your knees so you’re facing him.
You move closer, so your knees brush against his. Now that you’re close enough, you can see how blown his pupils are. They almost wholly eclipse the dark shamrock of his irises. He had it bad for you. You could fix that. You grab his chin between your thumb and forefinger, tilting it down to your lips so you can lick it clean. When your tongue traces the outline of his mouth, a low moan rumbles in the back of his throat. You get his mouth open with a hard nip to his bottom lip. Tasting yourself in his mouth and on his tongue makes you squeeze your thighs together briefly before you let your free hand wander between your legs to stroke your clit and moistening labia. You give the tip of his nose a cutesy peck that almost brings a blush to his freckled face, but he remains in character, so you palm his cock with your damp hand grinning devilishly when he stutters an exhale.
“I want you, hero.”
Izuku’s chuckle is rich, and you can feel it reverberate against where your chests connect. You start to toy with the hair at the nape of his neck, the short buzz of his undercut tickles your fingertips. Sliding your hand up, you finally get to tangle your fist in his hair, your grip tightens, and you pull his head back, exposing his neck. Your tongue darts out to lick a stripe up to just below his earlobe, all the while your hand strokes him into fully hardening.
“I’m not fucking around, Deku.” Your voice is thick and your tone dark, dangerous. He grabs the wrist of the hand that’s between his legs and growls,
“Neither am I villain slut.” You swallow hard at his inflection on the word slut. You’d never been called a slut during sex, and under any other circumstance, you’re sure it wouldn’t have sent a thrill of arousal pulsing from your fingertips down to your toes. He brings the hand up above your head, reaching behind his head to grab your second hand. You give him a feral grin, and his eyes flash before he sends you to your back. You’re about to stretch out your legs when he commands you to flip over onto your hands and knees. You do as you’re told, biting your lip as warmth begins to once again pool between your legs. You wish you could help him out of his costume, but it sounds like your help wasn’t needed. His dick grazes against the back of your thighs. A finger follows the curve of your spine. You arch into the touch and moan when it dips at your hip to tap your clitoris.
“You’re so wet already. You villains really know nothing about bedroom decorum.” He skims a hand over your stomach, stopping to grope and tease your hardened nipples.
“Oh? Keeping a woman in suspense isn’t exactly proper in my book De-ku sa-ma.” You look over your shoulder with a smirk.
“You’re,” he thrust into you without warning, quickly turning the grin on your face into an open-mouthed ‘oh,’ “not,” he pulls out, so the tip of his head just barely touches your cunt, “a woman.” He pushes into you, swearing under his breath as you push your hips back to meet his momentum. A ragged breath escapes your lips as you adjust to him, filling you. Shit, the boy is thick. His nails dig into your hip as he continues to fuck you at a painfully slow pace. Fingers tweak your nipples, and you feel your whole body flush with pleasure. You clutch the bedsheets in two tight fists when he starts to quicken his thrusts. His chest is slick with sweat against your back, his tongue tracing circles into your shoulder. An aggressive stroke sends the head of his cock rubbing up against your G-spot, and you feel your walls squeeze around him.
“Shit, shit, fuck Deku. That’s it. Just keep putting pressure on that spot.” You feel your elbows buckle, and you expect to crash into the bed. Instead, black tendrils wrap around your arms to keep you upright. This is definitely not how Lariat intended Blackwhip’s tendrils to be used. The thought makes you giggle. It seems that this was not a sound Izuku wanted to hear coming from you. He bites down on the spot of your shoulder he’d been suckling, making his displeasure known. You feel him adjust himself behind you, perhaps too quickly, because he slips out of you, and you protest immediately with a loud whine.
“I’ll give you something to whine about.” He thrust back into you, your knees go weak, and your pussy’s stimulation begins to pull the taught rope of your impending orgasm closer to snapping. One of his hands grabs the hair at the base of your neck, tugging with just enough force to tease a guttural mewl from you.
“That’s more like it.” You’re so overstimulated, with the rhythm of his dick coming in and out of you. The attention he’s paying to your clit, you scarcely have the headspace to be shocked by the personality change. Izuku doesn’t release his hold on your hair; instead, he deactivates Blackwhip and uses the grip to guide you, so your back is flush against his chest. You can smell the muskiness of his sweat with him so close. It mingles in the air with the scent of your arousal. Sex, the whole room smelled heavily of your fucking. He brushes a thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down gently. You open your mouth, taking it in, holding it gently between your teeth, your lips acting as a cushion. You suck on Izuku’s thumb, letting your tongue swirl over the tip treating it how you would if you were instead sucking on the head of his cock. You hollow out your cheek and release his thumb with a satisfying pop. Your reward is the sound of Izuku’s heated gasp. The sound tightens the coil in your groin. You feel his right hand lightly trailing up your side. You expect him to stop to cup your breast, but a tingle runs up your spine when he skips it entirely. His thumb rests a few inches under your right ear, the fleshy part of his palm rests against your trachea, the remaining four fingers occupy the same spot under the opposite ear. You can’t hide your excitement as he begins to apply light pressure to your neck. It’s amplified when he whispers in your ear,
“Whose slut are you, villain?”
“I’m yours. All yours.” He squeezes a little tighter, and you squirm, gripping his left hip for stability.
“Yours, Deku-sama. I’m all yours.” You choke over the words while he loosens his grip satisfied with your correction. The brief bout of intoxicating lightheadedness dissipates quickly, but he keeps his hand around your neck.
You feel him, hard and slick, throbbing inside you, and you know he’s close. You prepare to ride out the coming crescendo that you’ll set off with your silver tongue.
“You’re getting close, aren’t you, hero? I can feel your cock pulsing.” He squeezes your neck tighter than he has before reminding you who was in charge. You dig your nails into his hip and bite your lip. Was he turning into a masochist, or were you?
“I want you to cum in me. Make me your bona fide villain bitch — think you’re up for it, big boy?” You were being so bold, goading him. It does the trick. He releases his hold on your neck, you’re a little sad, but are swiftly distracted by a sudden burst of heat and green energy crackling, the telltale sign of Full Cowl being activated. What the hell was he up to? Your answer comes moments later when his hands push your bent legs further apart, hooking his arms under your thighs to lift them up. You feel weightless, free, and so very wanton. Then like being dosed with ice-cold water, you come back to your senses; you’ve always been terrified of being picked up during sex. Your arms flail, searching for anything to grab hold of. They settle awkwardly at Izuku’s neck. Your breathing is a little erratic.
“You’re not scared of heights, are you?” Oh, he was being a total ass.
“Absolutely not.” You bite back.
Sensing your discomfort, he places you back down on your knees, his hand returning to your neck — where it belonged. Shit, it was you, you’re the masochist. You feel him throb inside you, the head of his penis gets a little bigger and his cock harder. His movements become more sporadic. You take his free hand and lead it to your clit, you’d be damned if he cums before you. His groans become music to your ears, loud and ravenous as you roll your hips to meet his thrusts. Soon that’s all you can feel, like tunnel vision nothing else matters, there are no other options, but his cock burying itself deeper and deeper inside you as his fingers dance around your clit. He flicks and pulls, rubs circles, and you savor every second of it. Everything cumulates into a blinding flash of white-hot light as if you’re staring directly at burning magnesium. You hear him crying out your name, and it mixes with your carnal pleas into a cacophonous soundtrack to your mutual climax. He finishes inside you, the thick viscous liquid of his orgasm, filling you with more warmth than you anticipated. As you ride out your orgasm, you don’t stop gyrating your hips until you feel Izuku become soft. You let out a shaky breath as you come to a stop to catch your breath. You’re thankful that he doesn’t seem eager to pull out quite yet while you bask in the quiet exhilaration of having orgasmed three times this night.
“I’m going to pull out now, okay?”
You nod your head slightly, words out of reach with your euphoria’s hum still clouding your mind. Cum trickles down between your thighs, the sensation almost ticklish, but far more erotic. With nothing connecting you to Izuku, your body gives in to its exhaustion, falling forward unceremoniously. He wraps an arm around your waist, setting you gently down on your stomach. Rolling onto your back, you shimmy up onto a pillow to support your head. You glance up at Izuku and sigh in content. Hair stuck to his head, abs contracting as he slows his breathing (his heart rate close to 180bpm), and his left-hand traces the scars on his right arm absently. Even in such a worn-out state, he looked otherworldly. You lock eyes, and you pat his side of the bed next to you.
“Cuddle with me.” At hearing those three words, he sheds his façade, his eyes soften, his jaw loosens, and he eagerly obliges your request. He rests his head on your chest, your fingers playing with his hair as he gently brushes your side. You stay like this for a few minutes until he starts out of your arms like someone’s lit a fire under his ass. He sits up, you follow suit intrigued by what’s got him so worked up. You watch him reach across towards his nightstand. He pulls out a notebook and a pencil. You have to suppress your snort as he begins scribbling furiously. You couldn’t even pretend to be surprised, catching bits and pieces of his muttering.
“. . . dominated . . . choking . . . loud . . . buns of steel. . .” You can’t stifle the laugh that escapes you. He glances up and gives you a sheepish grin, his face like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t.
“You fucked me into another dimension, jot that down in your sex notebook.” A blush erupts across his face.
“I-I what? Seriously?”
“Mhmm, as seriously as my orgasm.” Embarrassment flickers momentarily in his eyes, quickly replaced by intense curiosity. You dare say you see a little triumphant gleam too.
“What happened, tell me everything, love.” You recount what he’d been doing with his tongue and fingers. The feeling leading up to it and what it looked like in this other dimension.
“Sounds like you’ve unlocked another facet of your quirk.”
“Looks like it, but it’s not really useful.” He gives you an inquiring look; you roll your eyes. He could be so dense sometimes.
“I can’t exactly have you eating me out in public every time I want to astral project now, can I?” His blush returns full force.
“Maybe there’s another way.”
“Possibly, but I’m beat. My legs feel like jello, and I’m starting to feel sore.” You massage your neck, glancing at your exposed breasts and the marks that speckle them. Izuku looks at you with worry.
“You can’t fix it with your quirk?”
“I can, but where’s the fun in that? One of my favorite parts of sex is feeling it the next day. I’m definitely going to tomorrow and maybe the day after thanks to you.” You give him a wink and admire as he fumbles with his words.
“Oh! Well, I mean. Yeah. No problem. I think?” He was definitely back to being your cinnamon roll. You giggle quietly.
“Before I go clean up, I’ve gotta know. How did you do that.” You motion with your hand, hoping he picks up what you’re putting down. He does.
“Simple, lots of research.” You squint at him, touching the pulse at his neck. It was slightly elevated.
“Ah-huh, and what else?”
“No-nothing!” The pulse quickens a little more.
“Did you role play with someone?” The idea sounds absolutely preposterous, but when he pushes your hand away from his neck and gets up off the bed, you know you’ve struck a nerve.
“You’re using your quirk, that’s not fair.”
“All’s fair in love and war. So, who was it with? Shoto? Eiji? Or was it Katsuki ?” The light hue of pink that creeps up his neck is all the confirmation you need.
“Ah,” you bob your head sagely, “it makes sense, babe, he gives off a total masochist vibe. I’d have practiced with him too. What was it like? Would he be open to a threesome? Or would it be a foursome since he’s got that not, so secret thing going with Eiji? Could I even handle the three of you?” You wonder out loud.
“(Y/N)!” Izuku rushes into the bathroom, adamantly trying to end this conversation. You weren’t letting this go, oh no siree, so you get out of bed and walk to the bathroom where Izuku’s turned on the shower and is standing under its current.
“Nice try. You’re giving me the details.” He sighs defeatedly.
“Can it wait until we’re in the bath.” You cross your arms in a huff, pouting.
“I guess.” Izuku grabs you, pulling you into the shower with him. You wrap your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his chest. He gives the top of your head a kiss.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
Happy fucking birthday to me. You smile to yourself.
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Sharing is Caring (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader, Charles x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You and Arthur have been a pair for a few months, and he's fully aware that he claimed you when you were still getting to know everyone in camp. When he notices you and Charles talking together amicably, he gets an idea and can't let it go. He only hopes that you would be willing to go along with it. 
Author’s Notes: Been a while, huh? Just a random idea I had late one night, and it wouldn't leave my head. So in this fic, I’m thinking Arthur is incredibly proud of you, your beauty, your energy, your everything, and wants to show you off. He secretly gets off knowing that you chose to belong with him, and that he’s being such a great guy by letting you enjoy yourself with others. He could be a possessive and selfish man, but instead, being as giving as he is, gives to you what lesser men wouldn’t be able to handle: your freedom to indulge in some fantasies, and as a byproduct, some of his fantasies as well.
Tags: hotwifing, smut, dirty talk, rough sex, blow job, doggy style, paizuri, Charles x F!Reader, Arthur x F!Reader, unedited
AO3 Link is here, my friends.
Word Count: 3589
Arthur took a short break after carrying around bales of hay for the horses to fondly watch his lady walk around camp, getting her own chores done. When she caught his eyes, she smiled brightly at him, just for him, and his heart leapt with joy. She had only been here a few months, but within the first week, he had made his move, uncharacteristically bold with the new gang member while she was still learning about everyone. Something about her made him nearly feral with desire.
Luckily, she had felt the same way about him. 
Now he watched as she turned her glowing smile to Charles, and he saw him nod his head to her, a gentle smile on his face in response. He would have been just as good of a partner to her, Arthur thought. He would have treated her kindly, worshipped her body just as he did—
A mental image came unbidden of her lying on the edge of a soft bed, her legs spread wide open, and Charles standing at the foot of the bed, taking her with strong, steady thrusts. He quickly shook his head of the thought, but although he turned back to his work, the idea percolated in the back of his mind. 
You had noticed Arthur acting a bit strangely these past couple of days. As you went about your daily routine, it seemed like he wanted to say something every time he managed to run into you, but he could only give you a simple touch on your arm and a shy smile before heading back to work. It was as if he was hiding something, and after being with him for the past few months, you had learned to read him a bit better, but you weren't even close to figuring out why he was being so dodgy lately.
You finally had enough and went to ask Charles. 
"You notice something strange about Arthur lately?" 
He looked at you, raising an eyebrow before he replied. "Does he keep looking like he wants to ask you something and then runs away?" 
"Yes!" you answered, glad that someone else had noticed. "Is he hiding something from me? Should I be concerned?" The pitch of your voice rose with every word as worry creased your features. 
"Don't worry wildflower," he said soothingly, "I'll talk to him."
You nodded, glad that Arthur had such a good friend. "Thank you."
He nodded and wandered away to look for Arthur, while you suddenly realized that he had called you by a pet name, like it was the most natural thing in the world for him. 
It was towards the end of the day when you saw both Arthur and Charles coming up to you. Arthur looked a bit chagrined while Charles just walked beside him with a sympathetic glance every now and again. They both stopped in front of you, and Arthur took off his hat. 
You were a bit wary because of the serious look on Arthur’s face. 
"Darlin'," Arthur started, but quickly became silent, staring at the ground for a few seconds, then glancing up at the sky as if he was praying for strength.
"Yes, Arthur? You know I'll listen to whatever it is you have to say. You'll suffer no judgement from me."
He smiled at your reassurance. "Then, would you be willin' to, um, come to the hotel. With both of us?" 
You can't say you were expecting that. Glancing over at Charles, you put two and two together. They must have talked about this before, and only now did Arthur have the courage to ask you such a thing. To be honest, before you had paired up with Arthur, you had imagined having a night with Charles, the mental images bringing heat to your cheeks. Even now, your eyes were drawn to those broad, muscular shoulders and those thick arms that could lift you with no problem. 
"Sure," you finally answered, much to Arthur’s relief. 
Charles looked satisfied and nudged Arthur with his elbow. "See? Nothing to worry about," he said before nodding towards you. "I'll see you both tonight."
He walked away to leave you and Arthur alone. You looked up at your lover, both excited and confused. He had never shown any interest in sharing you before; in fact, you hadn’t even thought of the idea yourself until they had brought it up. The question must have shown on your face, for Arthur stepped closer to you and took your hand. Looking around to make sure no one was around to notice, he took you further into the forest away from camp so he could talk without being interrupted. 
"Ask your question, darlin'," he commanded gently. 
"Were you waiting to share me? Or was this a sudden whim of yours?" 
Arthur leaned back on his heels a bit, scratching his chin. After a few quiet moments of self-contemplation, he finally spoke, low and soft. "A bit of both. Saw how friendly you was with Charles, and I'd trust him to take good care of you."
He stepped closer to you and touched your hair gently. "I'd like to watch you take your pleasure from him."
A shiver of desire ran through you. Arthur's brilliant eyes stared at you with a lustful heat, and you could swear you could feel your heart about to beat out of your chest. 
"He knows I'm sharin' you because I want to show off how beautiful you are, but only to the right people."
“People? Plural?” you asked hesitantly.
“We’ll decide together, but you get the ultimate say. I’d never make ya feel uncomfortable, darlin’.”
Nodding, you felt better about his emphasis on your choice. “Alright, I’ll… I’ll try this.”
Arthur leaned in and kissed your forehead, then pulled back to press his forehead against yours. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
Night fell and you were starting to feel anxious, but in a good way. You had been suppressing your carnal thoughts ever since you started being with Arthur, but some nights, when Arthur was out on a job, you’d curl up in his cot, tent flaps tied shut, and you’d shove your hand down your drawers and indulge in some of your more outlandish fantasies. It wasn’t that you didn’t love Arthur, far from it. It was just… while Arthur could make love so very well, you were a little more adventurous and wanted to experience all kinds of things.
You dreamed of being claimed by two or three men together, taking all of them deep inside of you while you came around their cocks. You even had a scandalous fantasy of John and Abigail taking you aside and using you as their personal toy. Your most outrageous idea had been born out of a stray thought, of being on your knees before Charles, John, Javier, and Arthur, all four of them stroking their long, thick shafts as they spent themselves on your face and breasts, their hands petting your hair and holding your hands as they moaned your name in ecstasy.
You shook your head. You hadn’t thought of that idea in a while. It was nearly enough to bring some wetness between your legs, and you took a deep breath to calm your heart. Charles was waiting at the hotel for the two of you, and as you joined Arthur at the horses, you smiled and waved to him, trying not to show your eagerness for tonight.
“Ready?” he asked, holding his hand out for you to mount his horse.
“Sure am,” you said easily as you mounted up. You felt Arthur settle in behind you, one arm wrapped around your waist as the two of you started to head towards town.
“You let me know if you suddenly don’t feel like it no more,” he said gently as you got closer to the hotel.
You smiled. Arthur was so incredibly attentive and kind to you. But you wanted this. You definitely wanted this more than you were letting on. Leaning back against his strong, steady chest, you leaned over to kiss his stubbled chin. 
“I’m still feeling it, Arthur.” You reached behind you and lightly ran your fingers along the curve of his bulge. “In fact, I’m very much looking forward to both of you,” you purred.
A low chuckled reverberated through you, and the arm around your waist tightened just enough to tell you he wanted you right this second, his hand gripping you possessively.
“I had a bath brought up here,” Charles said as he let the two of you into the room. “Figure our lady would like a nice, relaxing wash before we have some fun.”
You smiled at him; he was just as thoughtful as Arthur, so warm and gentle when he wanted to be. As you stepped towards the bath, the two men glanced at each other before coming towards you.
“Let us undress you, sweetheart,” Arthur said, taking position behind you. 
You nodded and could only gasp as Charles came forward and kissed your cheek softly as his hands cupped your breasts.
“So beautiful,” Charles murmured before he began to unbutton your blouse slowly. The warmth of the fireplace licked at your revealed skin as he pulled the cloth from your shoulders, sliding down your arms to drop to the floor. At the same time, Arthur had his arms around your waist, undoing the buttons of your skirt, and as that fell, he was untying the ribbon of your drawers, letting them fall as well.
Charles took your hands and led you to step forward out of your pile of clothing. He looked you up and down, your chemise, your stockings, and your boots still on. To your surprise, Charles knelt before you and started to unlace your boots. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders for balance as he helped you remove them.
Arthur suddenly returned behind you, his warmth a welcome feeling to your back. He also knelt down and ran his hands down your legs as he removed your stockings one by one, tossing them aside.
Finally the only thing you had on was your chemise, and Charles turned you around to face Arthur.
“Look at him while I take this off,” Charles whispered in your ear.
You locked eyes with Arthur. He was looking at you with such a lustful curve to his lips, like you were the most gorgeous thing in the world. He was silent as Charles cupped your breasts again and squeezed you gently before moving his hands down to the hem of your chemise. You instinctively reached behind you and wrapped your arms around Charles’ neck, sticking out your chest slightly for Arthur to enjoy. You could see how his erection punched at his jeans, and he reached down to cup himself, almost as if he was willing himself to calm down so he could enjoy the whole show.
Charles slowly lifted up your chemise, giving Arthur a show of your body as he pulled it over your arms and head with your help. He flung it to ground and returned his hands to your body, caressing you up and down your curves.
“Let’s get you all clean, wildflower,” Charles said as he led you to the small barrel bathtub that had been brought into the room. Charles placed his hand into the steaming water to check the temperature.
“Perfect,” he said, and carefully let you step into the tub. You sighed happily as the hot water relaxed your body. You became more relaxed as Arthur and Charles took up positions beside you and cleaned your skin and rubbed your muscles until you were limp and pliant.
“I think she’s ready,” Arthur said, a gentle smile on his face. “Look at my girl, so relaxed.”
You looked at him and smiled back. As you were lifted out of the tub and dried off with a soft towel, you felt like a queen, being tended to with the utmost care. Then Charles carried you off to the bed and laid you down with your rear on the edge, your legs hanging off the side. Arthur sat next to you and caressed your hair.
“Now, I want you to look at me when I tell you, alright? Otherwise you can do whatever you want,” Arthur said.
“Yes sir,” you said automatically without thinking about why you said it.
Arthur let out a low moan. After a moment, he swallowed. “Didn’t know two simple words could get me so hard,” he said, chuckling softly. Resting himself on one arm, he unbuttoned his jeans and freed his aching manhood. He stroked himself slowly, his eyes on your nude body with unabashed hunger.
The sound of shuffling clothing brought your attention to Charles, and you caught your breath. He had divested himself of all of his clothes, his naked body completely revealed. He was so muscular, so well-built, and as your eyes locked onto the girthy shaft between his legs, you knew that he would make you sore the next day.
You couldn’t wait. You spread your legs almost immediately, beckoning him to come closer.
Stepping forward, he took his cock in his hands and rubbed the tip along your slit, spreading your slick around. He dipped in a little bit and then pulled out.
“You’re really tight, sweetness,” Charles said softly as he pressed a finger against your clit and began to stroke you. As you gasped and squirmed, he used his other hand and pressed two fingers inside of you, stretching you out as he continued to play with your clit.
Your hips lifted up towards his touch. “Just fuck me,” you said, panting as you were already reaching the edge.
Both Charles and Arthur laughed.
“Such a vulgar lady,” Arthur teased. “Guess we forgot to wash that dirty mouth.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, but then you gasped as you felt Charles press his cock inside of you. Inch by inch, he slowly pushed forward, and you writhed with pain-laced ecstasy, the burning stretch tempered by his steady strokes on your center that kept you from pulling away.
When he finally bottomed out after what seemed like forever, you felt incredibly full, as if his cock had completely taken over inside of you. You looked down to see where you were joined, and your eyes traveled up Charles’ abs, his chest, then to his face, where he was looking at you with a smug and sexy smirk.
“Look at me,” Arthur commanded suddenly.
You turned to him and saw his devious grin.
“Fuck her,” he said to Charles without looking at him. Arthur’s attention was only on you.
All your heard was an affirmative grunt before you were suddenly being claimed by a very large, very thick cock. You could feel Charles’ hands on your thighs as he gripped you, keeping your legs spread out so he could see himself moving in and out of your wet heat. You could feel the bed shake with every powerful thrust. You could feel your throat growing hoarse with every loud cry you made.
But all you saw were Arthur’s eyes, his pupils blown out with lust as he watched you get fucked so hard that you were breathless.
“Like getting fucked hard, princess?” he growled.
“Yes!” you screamed as Charles gripped your hips, angled himself a little differently and was thrusting into you again, hitting a sweet spot inside of you that made you grab the bedsheets and claw into the mattress.
“Say it.”
“I like getting fucked hard!”
“What a naughty lady,” Charles grunted. “Maybe you should do something about that mouth of hers.”
Arthur grinned and took off his boots before climbing onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard. As Charles pulled out of you, you had two seconds of reprieve before he flipped you over onto your hands and knees and slapped your ass.
“Go to him,” Charles ordered.
Crawling between Arthur’s legs, you let him lovingly grab a fistful of your hair and guide your lips to his cock. You licked it once, twice, before he growled menacingly.
You loved teasing him like this; that growl of his just did things to you that instantly made you even more wet. Taking the tip of him into your mouth, you started to suck on him casually, occasionally stopping to lick the entire length of cock, up and down, before taking him into your mouth again.
You saw Arthur nodding at Charles as he pulled you away from his wonderful cock. That was the only warning you got before Charles slammed into you from behind. You surged forward and let out a strangled cry of pleasure. Charles then grabbed your arms and pulled you towards him, arching your back as he fucked you in earnest, letting your ass bounce off of his hips, his pace increasing as he let your arms go, putting one thick arm around your chest so he could grab one of your breasts, while his other hand reached for your core and stroked you. 
“Look at him,” he whispered into your ear.
You locked eyes with Arthur and your heart nearly stopped. He was so blissed out, watching you with so much heat in his eyes that you swear you could catch fire. He was furiously stroking himself, his breaths coming out in labored puffs. 
“Make’er come,” he rasped. “I want to see her fall apart.”
Charles stroked you harder, faster, and his thrusts somehow felt deeper as he drove you over the edge. You screamed wordlessly to the heavens, your body going stiff for a blissful few seconds before spasming as the climax worked its way through you. Flying and falling, flying and falling, you felt like Charles’ fingers on your core would never let you go, and every time you thought he was done, he would drive into you again and draw out another shaky spasm from you until you went limp, collapsing in his arms.
He gently lay you down next to Arthur and straddled your body. He took your hand and wrapped it around his cock, then wrapped his big hand around yours. Together you stroked him until he let out a long, lustful moan as he spent himself onto your breasts. He had plenty of spend to coat your skin, and when he was done, he gingerly lifted himself off of you and collapsed at the foot of the bed, completely satisfied.
You were still catching your breath when Arthur sat up, got onto his knees, and grabbed at your hips to angle you towards him. Spreading your legs, he thrust into you smoothly; you were so wet and easy to enter.
“So damn gorgeous,” Arthur grunted as he fucked you. “So dirty with all that spend on ya. But yer my naughty lady, ain’t’cha?”
“Yes, yes Arthur!” you cried out as he pounded into you, his pace increasing with each of your cries of his name.
“You want my spend too, darlin’?”
“Yes, please, please Arthur, spend on me, make me your dirty girl, please!” you begged, no longer caring about how incredibly wanton you sounded. 
Arthur moaned at your words, barely pulling out in time before he came, thick ropes spilling from his as he left his mark all over your belly and thighs.
“You a happy lady now?” he asked after the two of you had caught your breaths, still staring at each other in awe.
“Yes, very much so,” you replied. You slowly sat up and looked over at Charles, who was comfortably lying on his side on one elbow, watching the two of you with a happy smile. “Did you have fun too?”
Charles nodded. “I did.” He looked at Arthur. “Thank you. Both of you. I really enjoyed this.”
He stood and started to get his clothes. You glanced at Arthur, but he only shrugged. “I told him he could sleep here tonight, but he said he’d rather let us have some time together.”
You turned back to Charles. “Thank you,” you said, suddenly shy despite all the things the three of you had just done.
He smiled as he pulled up his pants. Walking back towards you, he took your hand and kissed the top of it. “Anytime sweetness, as long as you two will have me.”
Once Charles had left, the two of you cleaned up with the now tepid water and cuddled together in the hotel room, sated and happy. As the two of you began to fall asleep, you suddenly needed to know something.
“You ever think about sharing me with anyone else?”
At his silence, you sat up to look at him in the moonlight. His eyes were closed, but his brows were furrowed, as if he were still thinking.
“You really want to know?”
“Yes, I do!”
He let out a sigh. “I realized I’m alright with whoever you want, as long as I get to claim you in the end and you say my name when you let go.”
“Why the sigh?”
“I thought… I thought I could only be comfortable with Charles, since I trust him.” He turned towards you. “But really… I just want you to be happy. So whoever you want, I’ll accept.”
Your heart swelled and you reached out to hug him tight. “I love you, Arthur.”
“I love you too, darlin’.” He held you close. “I’ll always treat you right.”
End Notes: Oh lord, I accidentally spawned a few other ideas in my head after writing this. We’ll see, maybe we’ll have some short smut ficlets if I feel like it!
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xxdragonwriterxx · 3 years
🔥Can I Hear it Again?🔥
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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for the support, you guys have been so  absolutely amazing and I love and appreciate all of you! Please take this self indulgent shorter fic! It has a slightly OOC Levi in it but I wanted to try something a little different this time with his character. I still tried to make him as realistic as possible, but a but more flustered than usual. Enjoy!
🐉Song Recommendation: “Kangaroo Court” By: Capital Cities 🐉
“I’m not leaving until you say yes.”
“No, (Y/N).”
“Yes, Levi.”
“You are a serious pain in my ass, you know that?”
“Yes, but I’m a serious pain in your ass that’s going to help you heal, whether you like it or not.”
“I don’t like it.”
“That’s too damn bad.”
Levi leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, glaring at the woman standing in front of him, her own arms crossed and a determined look on her face. Damn, he sometimes forgot how stubborn she could be until something like this happens, showing her fangs a little and talking to him in a way that most people wouldn’t dare.
He had actually gotten hurt on the last expedition. It was rare, but he wasn’t invincible. It also didn’t help that it was caused by a rookie brat, a nearly fatal mistake causing Levi to have to swoop in and save him at the last minute before he became titan bait. Although he had managed to get the cadet away from danger, the maneuver he had used had been sloppy in an attempt to get to the soldier as fast as possible, leading to him crashing into a tree before he could straighten himself out. He wasn’t horribly injured, but something was definitely knocked out of place.
He knew he probably needed some basic medical attention but he refused to go to the infirmary, insistent that the medical supplies be used for the people who actually needed them for severe injuries rather than on his minor aches and pains. His shoulder had been bothering him all day but he continued to sit it out, confident that his body would figure itself out and heal over time.
He hadn’t expected (Y/N) to get wind of his refusal for medical attention. Hell, he hadn’t expected her to find out that he was hurt, but who was he kidding, (Y/N) had been with him since they were children in the Underground. Of course she would notice his normally unnoticeable reactions to pain.
He would never admit it, but his heart warmed as he looked at her on the other side of his desk, demanding he let her take care of him because she cared and was one of the few people who recognized he wasn’t perfectly fine in the first place. He loved knowing that she had his back, always had, and never failed to know exactly what he needed, sometimes before he even knew himself.
He huffed at her when she started tapping her foot, impatiently waiting for him to inevitably cave. They both knew he wanted it, but he was being stubborn.
“You know, it’s too late to act all invincible and unaffected around me now, Levi. I’ve been with you ever since we were nothing but living skeletons, you don’t have to act all affronted because you need help with a minor injury.”
He scowled at her, his intense gaze meeting her fiery one, her stance telling him she wasn’t going to back down any time soon. He sighed and rubbed his temples pretending to be annoyed. “Fine, but you better do a good job, brat.”
(Y/N) immediately relaxed and smiled at him, returning back to her normal bubbly self. He rolled his eyes at her when she came up to him, but didn’t fight it when she grabbed his wrist and dragged him from his desk chair, heading for his private quarters.
“Strip,” (Y/N) demanded as soon as they entered the bedroom, slipping into his bathroom to hunt through the oils she knew he had stashed away.
“Wow, (Y/N). If you wanted to see the goods that badly, you could’ve just asked,” Levi teased, smirking when she came back into his bedroom with a scowl on her face.
“You know that’s not what I meant. Shirt. Off. Now.”
Levi quirked an eyebrow, silently challenging her. (Y/N) sighed in annoyance and placed her hands on her hips giving him a look that threatened violence if he didn’t cooperate. He chuckled as he eventually started to comply, reaching up to unbutton his shirt while (Y/N) moved around his bed to lay a towel down.
When the shirt was finally off, (Y/N) had Levi lay face down on the bed, his face cradled by a mass of pillows, before she straddled his lower back. Years ago, she would’ve been embarrassed out of her mind. But fate had had other plans and at this point they had been through so much together, tending to each other’s wounds both emotional and physical, they had both learned to deal with the interactions between them that occasionally toed over the line of friendship.
Grabbing the bottle of lavender oil she’d found, (Y/N) squirted a healthy amount into her palm and rubbed her hands together, humming at the pleasant smell of the oil. Levi sighed at the first touch of her hands on his back, settling further down into the mattress as she started kneading the knots in his muscles.
(Y/N) started gentle, using her fingertips to discover where the source of his pain was before she really began to massage him, clenching her hands into fists and using her knuckles to knead him. Levi occasionally let out quiet hisses and groans as she worked, but for the most part the room was silent, (Y/N) too focused on giving him relief to engage in their usual banter. Not that she believed he’d be able to understand what she would be saying anyway, judging by his closed eyes and relaxed expression.
When she had finally finished up with his back, she moved on to his injured arm, gently prodding the flesh to find where he was the most tender. Finding the displaced joint, (Y/N) flattened her palms and pressed, a loud crack filling the air as his shoulder was clicked back into place. Levi’s breath had caught when she had popped his joint but he was otherwise silent, his body relaxing when she began to massage the strained muscles.
“Doing alright, Levi?”
“Hmm,” Levi hummed noncommittally.
(Y/N) smiled to herself and dug a little deeper into the flesh of his shoulder before gliding her fingers over his rough skin, using her fingers to spread the pleasure up his arm. Gently but firmly working his muscles, (Y/N) made sure to focus on each section of his arm, soothing his aches and pains like magic. Glancing down at his face, (Y/N) was about to check on him again when the sight made her freeze.
He was blushing. And it wasn’t a subtle salmon pink either, it was dark and obvious. Although her heart hammered at the sight, her stomach fluttering with how cute he looked, (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder if this was making him uncomfortable. If he was blushing because she was touching him in a way he didn’t necessarily want to be touched but was too socially awkward to say something. She knew how he was, putting up a confident front as Captain when in reality he was one of the most sensitive people she knew. It was very likely that he wasn’t enjoying anything she was doing at all.
(Y/N) immediately started to doubt herself. She had initiated this in the hopes that it would make him feel more relaxed, not more anxious. She only wanted to make him feel good, but if he wasn’t enjoying it, she didn’t want him to think he couldn’t tell her about his discomfort. Despite the rapid flow of thoughts flying through her mind, (Y/N) managed to take a deep breath and organize her words, her mouth opening to tell him what she was thinking when a loud noise filled the air.
(Y/N) froze, feeling Levi stiffen beneath her, his eyes flying wide open as they both realized what had just happened. There was no mistaking the nature of the noise Levi had just made.
Levi had moaned. A loud, needy moan that filled the room.
The sound set her body on fire, her core clenching subconsciously as her mind immediately conjured up images of him on top of her, or her with his cock in her mouth, or her riding him enthusiastically, giving him the utmost pleasure as he rammed up to meet her.
Levi gave her no time to speak as he quickly rolled over and lifted her off of him, getting up to sit on the edge of the bed, facing away from her. (Y/N) was shocked when she saw him cover his blushing face with his hands, never having seen him show this much embarrassment before. He looked like he wanted to find the nearest knife and slit his own throat.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” Levi whispered so quietly she almost didn’t hear it, mumbling into his hands. It was so uncharacteristic of him to be acting this way, but (Y/N) found it endearing, adorable even.
“Levi, you don’t have to apologize,” (Y/N) said, trying to cool her own flaming cheeks. “It was supposed to feel good, I’m glad it was, um… working.”
Levi groaned at her words, shaking his head a little. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I was trying to s-suppress it, but y-your hands felt so g-good and I couldn’t stop it.”
“Hey, it’s alright, it was natural! I was giving you a back massage after you practically dislocated your shoulder and almost displaced your spine, it was bound to cause a reaction from you. You were hurt and now you feel better, it’s just your body reacting to being healed again, nothing to be ashamed of,” (Y/N) said. She was honestly surprised she had gotten through that sentence without stuttering but she was glad she was able to hold firm, knowing he needed that reassurance right now. No matter how hot she thought he sounded, it was clear he was mortified.
“It wasn’t from the massage,” Levi said.
“What just happened, that was because of you.”
“Wait, you mean you…?”
“Yeah,” Levi said with a huff. “I have for a while now, but I couldn’t find the right way to tell you so I just kept it to myself. I was hoping to tell you eventually, but I wanted to do it my way. So much for that I guess.”
(Y/N) was stunned. He…, liked her? Since when? Ever since she had known him she had never seen him gravitate towards wanting a partner, always appearing unfazed when even the most stunning women batted their lashes at him. He was still human, she knew he wasn’t immune to his hormones, but she had never expected to be on the receiving end of those desires.
Elated couldn’t even begin to describe what (Y/N) was feeling, her heart pounding with more than just the lust from their recent encounter. She had loved him for ages but had never engaged anything with the fear of possibly losing her best friend to something as stupid as feelings hanging over her head. But now that she knew the true nature of his emotions, (Y/N) wasn’t going to hold back.
“Hey ~Levi,” (Y/N) purred.
“Yes?” Levi asked, his brow quirked up at the sound of the husky lilt in (Y/N)’s voice.
“I’ve got to admit, that moan was pretty hot,” (Y/N) said, leaning up to graze her teeth along the shell of his ear, reveling in his responsive shudder. “Care to try making some more?”
Levi whirled around to look at her in shock, his silver eyes meeting her gaze until he could see the truth swirling within them. She really did love him back, something that made Levi’s stomach do a few funny flips. He couldn’t help the wicked smile that graced his features then, turning around to climb back to the center of the bed, suddenly immensely grateful for the towel she had placed over his mattress for the massage. Reaching for her, Levi leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, his eyes half lidded and filled with a lust that matched her own.
“Anything for you, baby,” Levi said huskily before (Y/N) crashed her mouth onto his, eager to make good on her silent promise to pull as many delicious moans from her normally composed Captain as possible.
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ginger-and-mint · 3 years
Hey, I'm wondering if you have any advice on writing kink stuff? Basically, it feels like I'm writing the same story repeatedly. Coming up with stuffing scenarios that both make sense, and aren't just retreads, is really hard. It probably doesn't help that a) I don't have much writing experience, b) my interests are really narrow, and c) I have no imagination, lol. How do you keep stuff fun and interesting? (Jsyk, I sent this to Tiny as well, I love both your blogs 😊)
Hey, anon! Thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoy my and Tiny’s content and I’m flattered to be asked for advice! ♡ I have a lot of thoughts about this, so I’ll do my best to boil them down into something useful.
Since you mentioned being pretty new to writing, I broke up my advice into a few different “stages,” starting with things that are easy to implement and moving to things that might feel more manageable as you get more comfortable with writing. Under a cut because Real Heckin Long.

Stage One — Don’t Sweat It
This might sound corny and unhelpful, but I genuinely think that especially when you’re first starting out, it’s best not to put pressure on yourself to write the world’s most original stories. Write to please your inner fiend and nobody else! If repeated versions of the same story continue to light your fire, there’s no shame in embracing that.
Doing this will honestly help you with originality in the long-term anyway, because you’re giving yourself the freedom to learn more about what specifics you really enjoy in kink writing. Later on, you can use that knowledge to put new twists on those specifics and invent new scenarios.
Stage Two — Stuffing Scenario Cheat Sheet
I completely agree that believable stuffing scenarios are really difficult to invent. What’s realistic is a matter of opinion of course, but for me, this is a quick breakdown of logical reasons for a character to overeat. If you’re getting tired of using the same justification in your fics, try picking something new from this list:
Accidental stuffing:
Character is distracted by something during the meal
Character eats so fast they don’t realize when they’re full
Character has been hungry for awhile and overdoes it when they finally get to eat
Reluctant intentional stuffing (motivated by external circumstances):
Character feels social pressure to keep eating **
The food will go to waste otherwise **
Eating contests / challenges **
The character is trying to bulk up
Enthusiastic intentional stuffing (because the character wants to):
Character just enjoys the feeling of being full
Character and/or their partner(s) have a stuffing kink
Character has temporary access to good food and is indulging while they can
Fantasy Shenanigans:
Side effects of being a magical creature (e.g. a werewolf eating too much for their human form to handle, a vampire needing to feed all at once, etc.)
Magic that causes a character to overeat (e.g. enchanted food, curses, potions, etc.)
Magic that requires a full stomach and/or extra energy to work (e.g. my di-mage spell mechanics, the antidote in this fic of Tiny’s, etc.)
[free space because fantasy lets you set the boundaries of what’s realistic, so your imagination is really the limit!]
** If you’re aiming for realism, I would be careful of these scenarios. In my opinion, they can be done believably, but often are not. Some things I would look out for:
Most foods can easily be stored for later, so if you want to use the “avoiding waste” trope, make sure that you’re either in a setting without access to refrigeration or that the food is something that genuinely wouldn’t keep until the next day (or at least would be way less tasty after a night in the fridge.)
Social pressure works best in scenarios with people that the to-be-stuffed character 1) doesn’t know very well and 2) wants to impress or keep face around (e.g. formal events, business dinners, first dates that involve food, meeting their partner’s family, etc.)
Loving friends, family, and partners don’t pressure or guilt people into overeating! Characters stuffing themselves because their loved ones are really insistent that they have to taste-test everything or act so disappointed because they went to all this work on some extravagant feast always ring at best false and at worst abusive to me. What kind of loving relationship is it if you don’t feel safe to say “no thanks, I’m full?” That’s not to say social pressure with loved ones can’t be done well, but it usually indicates some kind of character flaw (i.e. an inability to say no and/or a steamroller-y personality) that in my opinion, has to be acknowledged by the fic’s end if you want the tone to stay light and fluffy.
Again, this may just be my opinion, but eating contests only come across as realistic with certain character personalities and in certain contexts. Like yeah, I can believe that a himbo with YouTuber Energy would take on a hot wing eating challenge in front of all his bros, but not so much that an otherwise self-respecting character would drop everything to eat themselves sick because a friend randomly challenged them.
Stage Three — Change Up Other Elements When Using Similar Tropes

Especially if you have narrow interests, it’s probably inevitable you’ll write same basic story structure over and over. I know I sure do! However, I would say that changing other elements of the narrative can give your writing an entirely different feel, turning it into a whole new story that will not feel like a simple retread to a reader.
One thing you can change up is setting. A lot of times kink writers will just plonk characters in the comfort of their own homes, which is valid — but setting hugely influences the atmosphere of a story, so the same Kink Plot will read really differently if it happens, say, at a campground or on a boat. Providing a rich setting can even become a feature of the kink itself. For example, setting your story at a lavish buffet could introduce an element of indulgence that hits you and/or readers differently than a story that involves casual takeout in the living room, even if the rest of the story is similar. Try bold settings! They’re fun!
Another element to vary is context. For example, the basic trope of “stress eating” would play out really differently if a character is about to go on an important mission vs. if they’re recovering from an emotionally difficult day; a story about about a character intentionally stuffing themselves will have a completely different flavor if they’ve been going hungry for awhile vs. they’ve been overeating all week; and so on.

Finally, consider changing up the focus. An easy way to do this is to switch up whether you’re writing from the POV of the stuffed character or a caretaker. You can also focus on different details of the stuffing — for example, lingering on how delicious the food looks and tastes vs. how the character feels as their stomach fills vs. physical details like whether they’re getting bloated or grumbly.
Stage Four — Connect to Character or Plot
The most surefire way to make kink stories distinct is to give the story an additional purpose besides just being kinky. This doesn’t have to be some big, extravagant plot (although it certainly can be) — it can be a simple as writing a kink story the way you usually would, and just finding something within it that you can use to reveal an aspect of your character.
Start with an ordinary kink scenario and try to dive a little deeper. For example:
Say you want to write a story about stress eating. Okay — what is the character stressed about?
Maybe you come up with something relatively simple and generic, like school. Okay, what about this character makes them so likely to be stressed out by school? Are they a perfectionist? Are they facing a lot of pressure from their family? Do they have a goal that requires excellent grades? Have they struggled with this subject in the past?
Let’s say you decide to go with perfectionism. Now, what scenes can you use to show this struggle? And optionally, can you give the character some kind of resolution by the story’s end?
And there you go! Your fic now not only has kink, but also shows how your character reacts in a certain situation.
Character especially is a treasure trove of uniqueness, in my opinion, because well-developed characters react differently to the same scenario. Stories feel more original because even if a reader has read this exact same plot before, they will not have seen how this particular person handles it. So one of the best ways to make fics distinct is to spend time developing your characters!
If the goal is to simply write solid distinct kinky stories, trying to create detailed plot is more work with lower return than investing in your characters, if you ask me. You have to enjoy the process of creating plots itself for it to be worth it. If that’s something you’re interested in, I have a whole load more thoughts about that -- but since this is already incredibly long, I’ll save that for a separate ramble if anyone is specifically interested.
I hope something in this huge infodump is helpful to you! Some of it may sound intimidating if you’re just starting out with kink writing, but it’s absolutely all something that can be worked up to. Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions if stuff I’ve written doesn’t make sense. Good luck with your writing, anon, and thanks for giving me an excuse to just go off. ^^’ ♡
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littoraly-art · 3 years
an aching heart
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: Geralt/Jaskier
Tags: modern au, hurt/comfort, sick!Jaskier, insecure!Jaskier, established relationship, living together, panic attacks, chronic pain, nausea
A/N: this is just a very self-indulgent fic I've been working on, on and off, whenever I feel sick. I decided to leave it fairly ambiguous as to what Jaskier suffers from, just so that people can project if they want because hey, we all deserve to be a bit self indulgent, right?
Read it on AO3 or down below!
The sound of the shower was soothing, a constant stream of noise that mimicked the rainy days that the man loved so much. The steam, that clouded up from the shower, helped relax his muscles and ease his breathing which, up until that moment, had been panicked.
Logically, he knew he shouldn't be panicking–this was a regular enough occurrence, after all–but panic wasn't logical was it? It struck whenever it wanted, sometimes without clear reason unless one were to delve deeply into analyzing the moments leading up to it.
His breathing had been terribly constricted and he had been shaking something fierce, a whimper or two escaping him. The severe shaking had left his muscles feeling weak and achy but, again, the warm steam was helping relax him. He eventually found himself counting his breathing whilst lying on his stomach, cheek against the cool tile flooring of the bathroom.
That contrast of temperature, with the cool air rolling in from the vent on the floor, helped calm his mind with that sensation of distraction. The warm steam drifted over his damp skin like a comforting blanket while the cold air came in waves, offering some sort of relief from his nausea. 
He knew he should move, actually get the shower that he had planned on getting, but he couldn't pull himself from the position he was in. It offered just enough relief that he dreaded moving. At least for a little while.
By the time he heard the sound of the bedroom door opening and the creaking of floorboards under heavy footsteps, unfortunately, his stomach was rumbling uneasily again.
"Jask?" There came a knock on the door. A knock which made him flinch despite being well aware that there was someone there. "I'm headed ou–"
Geralt's voice cut off when Jaskier couldn't stop the whine that escaped him in response to his boyfriend calling his name. A wordless, instinctive, plea for help. He immediately regretted the sound (that hadn't been entirely voluntary in the first place) when Geralt spoke up again.
"Jask..? You alright in there?"
He tried to respond, which did not work in his favor as it only created another pathetic sound, a whimper that was followed by a sniffling sob. He didn't want to disrupt Geralt's day or for the man to see him like this but, damn it, he also really wanted someone to care. Deep down. Even though he was ashamed.
"Okay, I'm coming in," the other man announced as he gave another knock before opening the door.
He looked to the shower first, since that was what he had been able to hear, but his attention was quickly taken by the prone form of Jaskier, stretched across the tiles. He frowned deeply in concern, the corners of his lips dipping severely, and he immediately moved to kneel next to the younger man.
"You shouldn't have come in," Jaskier croaked unhappily, despite also somehow being glad that the man was there, and let out another soft whimper, really not able to help the sounds at this point. Oh, he felt so fucking pathetic. "I'm gross."
"Gross?" Geralt moved his hand forward to smooth it along the back of Jaskier's bare torso as he rubbed his thumb gently into his hips every time he passed. "Don't," a soft sigh punctuated his pause, "call yourself that."
His tone was so patient but tinged with annoyance, an annoyance that didn't interfere with the patience even though it seemed it should. Jaskier knew the annoyance wasn't really directed towards him, at least not fully. An annoyance that came with Jaskier's words about himself, not the situation they found themselves in.
"But it's true."
"Because.. Because it just is–" He whimpered heavily and then shivered tiredly as he felt Geralt shifting to help him up. A soft whine, mixed with a gasp, escaped him as he was pulled away from the cool floor.
He was moved into a sitting position, pulled against Geralt's chest with his head tilting to rest on his shoulder. Jaskier's eyes slipped closed as he sniffled, relaxing into the hold, and enjoying the way that Geralt began stroking his hair.
"You're calling yourself gross because.. what? You're sick?" His boyfriend murmured to him while continuing to stroke his hair, pulling his body more fully into his lap. All the while, his warm hands continued to move across Jaskier's body, stroking in slow, soothing swipes.
"Well.. it's just fucking gross, it just is," Jaskier whispered out, tears streaming down his cheeks as he shivered again. Aching pain shot through his hips and it caused another whimper as he pushed his face into Geralt's neck.
He heard the white haired man give a heavy sigh and the tips of his ears turned a bit red in his embarrassment.
"Well, I'll admit that it's.. unpleasant. But that doesn't make you gross, Jask. Why would it? It's not like you chose to get sick."
A soft kiss was pressed to his hairline and it caused more tears to well up as he let a shaking sob bubble up and then escape through trembling lips. His fingers curled into Geralt's shirt and he whimpered a couple more times as the man holding him started to hush him quietly.
"How about we get you into the shower, buttercup?" Geralt's voice was even softer than usual and he helped him sit up by himself so that he could pull away. "Sitting on the ground like that isn't good for your back."
Jaskier leaned limply against the cabinet that sat under the sink and watched with tired, reddened eyes as Geralt got undressed. He watched as his boyfriend paused to use his phone, his brows furrowing in the way they always did when he wrote out text messages.
"Weren't you going to go.. like.. help out at Vesemir's?" Jaskier spoke up after a moment, feeling guilt pool in his core since Geralt had planned to make a day of it, now that he thought about it.
The other man gave a simple hum and paused for a bit longer before setting aside his phone. He raised his brows and shifted around to take off his briefs, kicking them off of his foot once they fell down. 
"Yeah, but now I'm not."
"You shouldn't skip out on that just because–"
"Taking care of you is way more important," Geralt cut him off firmly and frowned for a moment as he moved over to crouch down next to Jaskier. "Now let's get you into the shower, okay?"
Jaskier eyed him with an unsure twist to his lips, guilt still rushing through him but, all the while, there was a part of him that desperately wanted to be cared for so, he nodded slowly.
He wanted to be cared for. He craved this tender, loving attention and not having to do it on his own. He wanted someone to lean on, someone he could trust but..
Damn it.
He felt so fucking awful. He felt like a burden. Like it was his fault he was sick, somehow, even though Geralt insisted that wasn't true. And logically, he knew that Geralt was right but that didn't stop the feelings from washing over him in overwhelming swells.
He felt so gross and ashamed and– and–
His thoughts were cut off as Geralt cupped his cheek, briefly, as he raised Jaskier's head and rubbed his thumb against his cheekbone. He gave Jaskier the softest, most heart-melting smile before shifting forward to slide his arm under the brunet's knees.
"Come here."
Geralt circled his other arm behind Jaskier's back and then lifted him off the ground as if he barely weighed more than a sack of flour. And he knew for certain that he weighed more than that. Obviously.
It was no small feat to carry Jaskier into the shower, given that they were nearly the same height, but Geralt managed to do without so much as a muttered word or awkward maneuver.
Once they got into the shower, Geralt carefully let Jaskier's legs down so that the younger man could tentatively find his footing. When it became clear that Jaskier wasn't going to be able to stay upright for long, Geralt kept a firm hold around his waist.
"S'cold," Jaskier muttered, despite it still being warm enough to create steam, and he reached out to turn the heat up.
"Well if you're gonna do that.." Geralt turned them about so that Jaskier was underneath the stream of water, since he didn't like taking those really hot showers that Jaskier liked. He guided his boyfriend's head forward, though, keeping it out of the flow of water and onto his shoulder.
Jaskier lost track of time like that, focusing on Geralt's pulse that thrummed underneath the press of his lips. The rumble of his voice when he hummed. His soft breaths.
Geralt's hands roamed his body in long soothing strokes, easing aches and promoting relaxation. At some point, a soft loofah joined in, sending the comforting scents of oranges and honey, swirling around him. The loofah scrubbed gently in small circles until he was lathered in bubbles so that Geralt could pull the shower head down and rinse him off.
"All.. done. Squeaky clean," Geralt murmured as he placed the shower head back into place and Jaskier laughed quietly, into the man's neck.
A kiss was pressed to his forehead and then, suddenly, he was being lifted. He made a noise of surprise but let Geralt pick him up, guiding his legs around his hips as his hands rubbed along his thighs. After, the shower was turned off and it left them in silence. Dripping wet and starting to grow cold.
It didn't take long for Geralt to step out of the shower, immediately hushing Jaskier as a few whimpers escaped him. The cold air, blowing from the vent on the floor, hit his skin like electric sparks and he shivered as Geralt looked for his towel.
Fortunately, the warm, fluffy towel soon met his back as Geralt continued on his way. He carried his boyfriend all the way out to their bedroom and settled him down onto the edge of their bed.
That effectively had him on his knees, in front of Jaskier as he started drying the younger man off. A small smile settled onto his lips and a soft sort of glimmer caught his eyes before he leaned in. As he dried off the other man, he began pressing feather light kisses all over Jaskier's exposed skin.
Three. Four. Five.
Six… Seven.
Another. And another. And another. And.. too many to count.
But then, to his dismay, the kisses abruptly stopped as Geralt moved the towel to dry Jaskier's hair. He dried it thoroughly, with lots of squeezing of the strands and rubbing it down. 
A whole minute passed before the towel was removed, leaving Jaskier's hair sticking up in ridiculous directions as the brunet pouted. Before he could say anything, though, Geralt leaned back in and pressed a firm kiss against that little pout.
"Lay down, I'll grab you some briefs and your heating pad," Geralt told him, gently squeezing Jaskier's thighs and finally drawing a smallish smile from the man on the bed.
Without a word, Jaskier moved to lay down on his back and rubbed his hand over his stomach as he sighed heavily. He listened to Geralt shuffling around in the closet and then his other hand rested against his chest, over his heart as he stared up at the ceiling.
What had he done to deserve such a thoughtful partner?
Geralt returned, helping guide the pair of briefs onto Jaskier while pressing kisses to the man's legs. He was making it very hard for Jaskier to feel embarrassed.  He was touching him freely and without hesitation, giving him the same affection he always would. He didn't care that Jaskier was gross.
He made him feel.. not so gross. 
Jaskier inhaled sharply as he felt the heating pad settle against his abdomen, not having expected the sudden touch to his area of pain. Geralt's hand lay heavily on top of it as he climbed into bed next to him and applied the weight needed to distribute the heat across his stomach.
It slowly began to warm up and Jaskier's eyes slipped closed, finding some relief through the heat.
"Try and take a nap.. I'll lay here with you in case you need anything," he heard Geralt say from next to him just as there was some shifting. A longer pillow was tucked under his knees and a soft gasp left his lips as the pain in his lower back eased some. "That's it, buttercup. Just relax and try to sleep."
"Thank you for taking care of me," he murmured and felt Geralt lean close to kiss his cheek. He finally felt less ashamed of taking the help and it warmed him more when he heard the smile in Geralt's voice.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Watch Me Bloom: A Few Hours Ago // Ashton Irwin
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Here we are at the final installment! This section was honestly the driving force behind me deciding to write this whole thing - the night of the album release I was so inspired I told a handful of people about both this section and the fic as a whole, without knowing if I would ever follow through on it. I ended up writing it just to see if I could, unsure if I would even end up posting it. I’m glad I did and I hope you are too!
Thank you to everyone who has read and/or given feedback on the first two chapters - it really does mean a lot. Thank you to @ashtonangst for the real time reaction messages that are as equally entertaining as they are helpful. And like basically all of my work, this entire 10k+ monster of self-indulgence wouldn’t have been possible without the guidance, cheerleading and wisdom of @cal-puddies
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash in fluffy, contemplative (and obviously smutty) situations. Weed smoking, oral sex performed on both a male and a female (perhaps simultaneously oop), unprotected sex within an established relationship
Word Count: 3534
Watch Me Bloom Masterlist
Masterlist // Taglist // Ko-Fi
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
You knew Ashton had been wanting to do something to commemorate the album release but you were still shocked to wake up to the sound of him hauling your suitcase out of the closet.
“Oh good, you’re up!” He giggles. “Think you can be ready to take off for a few days by the time I’m done with my interviews?”
You stare blankly at him for a moment or two and he offers another round of giggles before quickly explaining the arrangements he’d made for a desert retreat to thank everyone who helped him put his album together; he’s talking a mile a minute, describing the Airbnb he’d booked, the safety precautions he’d asked everyone to take, the plans he had for activities once everyone got there.
It’d be a lot to take in even if you hadn’t just woken up but you love when he’s excited like this, so animated and bright, you can practically feel the joy radiating from him. You promise to be ready after lunch and with a quick kiss, he’s rushing downstairs for a Zoom appointment.
The drive to Joshua Tree flies by, the two of you singing, chatting and generally thrilled to get out of town for the first time since lockdown started. Once you arrive at the rental, he practically yanks you out of the car to enthusiastically show you around the expansive property.
After briefly teasing him that of course he chose a getaway destination that offers a ‘hammock circle’ as an amenity, you wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze him tight. “It’s perfect, babe. I’m glad you’re gonna get a chance to unwind after all this, you deserve it.” You tilt up and he pecks your lips. “When do the others get here?” You ask, starting to pull him back towards the house.
Ash grins and pulls on your arm, bringing you back into him. “Friday.” For the second time today, you look at him in utter bafflement. He kisses your knuckles and earnestly explains, “I know I haven’t been very present for you and this whole thing couldn’t have been easy for you to deal with so I thought we could use a couple days together to kind of reset and reconnect.”
“Ash,” you pout, unsure of what to say. You’re overwhelmingly touched and all you can think to do is to throw your arms around his neck and hold him tight. He chuckles and wraps around you as well, the two of you swaying together for a moment.
The next couple hours are spent exploring the grounds, arranging for grocery delivery and unpacking your bags. After a quiet dinner, you follow him out to the patio to relax and enjoy the idyllic desert landscape. He pulls his long hair back into a bun as he settles in on a couch.
You get comfortable, sitting cross-legged next to him, while he unzips his backpack at the foot of the couch and retrieves a glass stash jar, a small grinder and a pack of rolling papers; he turns to you, raising his eyebrows and you nod enthusiastically.
He grabs the acoustic guitar sitting by the couch, flipping it over to lay in his lap as a makeshift table. You realize for a relaxing retreat, he hasn’t really sat still since you arrived and you decide to check in.
“So,” you start, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. “Couple days from now, people everywhere are gonna get to enjoy all your hard work. Hear everything you poured yourself into. How are you feeling?”
Ashton is focused on grinding the weed and his reply is brief and distracted. "I feel good, I feel ready. Probably the best I’ve felt about a release."
You’re unsatisfied with his easy answer so you press further. “Why’s that? Because there’s less pressure without the label? Or because it all belongs to just you?” You twirl your finger in the curls at the base of his neck, the ones he missed scooping into his bun.
He pauses, contemplating this time. “I mean, all of that feels great but I think I’m really just pleased with it because it was made with pure artistic intent… like, I’m not gonna gain anything from this. I didn’t have to make it but I needed to, you know?” He looks over at you expectantly to see if his point was made.
You nod and smile softly at him. Happy to be understood, he turns back to his task. You watch intently as he sprinkles the weed onto the paper, brow furrowing as he meticulously loads it with just the right amount. You always love watching him work and this was no different.
"I get what you're saying, babe… and I’m happy you’re feeling good about it,” you beam. “I’m so proud of you, Ash.”
He looks over and shoots you a toothy grin. You intended to continue, to keep him talking but you've become distracted by the way his long fingers look as he rolls the newly forming joint back and forth between them. When his tongue darts out to drag across the paper to seal it, you find yourself biting your lip, fascinated.
His voice interrupts your enraptured silence. “We can talk about something else if you want, you’ve been hearing about this non-stop for months now," he laughs, feeling around his pockets for a lighter.
“I like hearing your thoughts on things you’re passionate about,” you shrug, handing him the lighter off the coffee table. "Plus, it’s the reason why we’re here.”
Ash shakes his head as he turns the stick over the lighter's flame. “No, the album is the reason why everyone else is going to be here,” he insists. “The reason we’re here is different.” He lifts the lit joint to his mouth and takes a long drag.
“Right. Reconnecting. Resetting,” you parrot his earlier words breezily, watching the smoke pour from his mouth.
He scowls at your tone of voice. “I’m serious,” he says firmly, passing it to you. “This year has obviously been a lot but you really got the short end of the stick, having to deal with me.”
You look at him, puzzled. “I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about,” you comment, taking a couple hits. “Parts of the year have been good, parts have been shit but the silver lining to it all is that I’ve gotten to spend so much of it with you.”
He reaches over and rubs your thigh. “I invited you to live with me for the lockdown and then barricaded myself in a studio all day everyday. Going to bed by yourself every night, waking up alone, seeing me at meals only if Matt forced me to take a break that day. And you also had to put up with me during the CALM disaster and the tour getting cancelled… it’s been me, me, me. All the time,” he points out.
“Oh, you don’t think I’m used to that by now?” You joke, giggling at his mock-offended gasp. He lightly smacks your thigh in protest and snatches the joint back. “Seriously, babe. I didn’t put up with those things, I went through them with you. It’s hard for me to see you frustrated or upset about situations that can’t be changed. When you’re disappointed, I’m disappointed. So to see you be so excited about something? Your joy brings me joy. I wouldn’t trade that for all the late night cuddles in the world.”
“Baby,” he breathes quietly, pulling you in to rest at his side. You’re both quiet for a few moments, thinking about each other’s words, feeling each other’s presence. “I hope you know how sincerely I mean it when I say I would not have been able to do this without you. This album belongs to you too.”
“Oh yeah?” You look up at him with a twinkle in your eye. “So what’s my percentage, how much of a cut am I getting, Mr. Label Man?” You laugh at your joke, pulling from the joint he’s just handed back to you.
Ashton laughs heartily and scoffs, “Why do you think I started growing my own vegetables? We’re fuckin’ broke now, sweetheart.” He giggles as if it’s the funniest thing he’s ever said.
“Well, you’re broke and out of work, I am currently still employed,” you playfully boast, gesturing with the cigarette for emphasis.
“Ohhh, that’s how it’s gonna be now?” He jabs over and over at your side and you dramatically yelp. “Do I gotta start calling you ‘Daddy’ now?”
You offer him a devilish smile and carefully get on your knees to straddle him. “Do you prefer the term ‘sugar baby’ or ‘kept man’?” You tease, placing the joint in his mouth before he can reply.
He runs his hands over your ass while he puffs away; holding the hit in his mouth, he moves a hand up to guide your face towards his. He presses his lips against yours and you open your mouth, allowing the smoke to transfer from his mouth to yours. You grind in his lap a little and he groans as he watches you tilt your head back and slowly let the smoke trickle out of your mouth.
After a few more shotguns back and forth, Ash quickly sets what’s left in the ashtray on the coffee table and buries his hands in your hair, crashing his lips into yours. You moan as he kisses you with an almost unreal intensity; his tongue feels like it’s melting into yours, his lips have never tasted softer or sweeter. His hands have slipped under the back of your shirt and his fingers are either icy cold or burning hot - you’re undecided but it feels incredible - as they trace tantalizing designs on your skin.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been making out - it could’ve been 10 minutes, it could’ve been 40 - when he states in a gravelly voice, “We need to get you inside and naked for me.”
You reply with a pleased sigh and attach your lips to his jaw, just below his ear; your face bumping against the coolness of his earring both distracts and delights you. You don’t realize you’ve been rocking relentlessly against his growing hardness until he firmly grabs your hips and rasps your name as a stern warning.
He lifts you off his lap and stands up from the couch. You don’t know whether to laugh or moan at the spectacle: eyes glassy from both arousal and blazing, lips swollen from slotting with yours, skin littered with your bitemarks. His hair is pulled halfway out of the bun, his shirt is unbuttoned all the way and the silk pants he’s wearing aren’t even trying to hide the tent that’s formed in them.
He pulls you up from the couch and right back onto his lips; you stand there on the patio for several more minutes, slightly swaying as you devour each other. You can’t remember the last time you felt this hungry for him; smoking together usually gets you both hot but this is next level.
By the time you finally pull away and breathlessly declare, “God, I swear I could fuckin’ cum like this right here,” he's got you down to your bra and panties and you’ve got one hand in his hair and one down his pants.
He nips at your neck a bit longer before separating from you and turning you towards the house. “Bed,” he commands, starting to gather up his things. You continue to linger and he swats at your ass to get you moving.
You set the mood when you get to the bedroom: opening the windows to bring in the cool night air, dimming the lamps, lighting some candles. You know he brought incense but you’re not sure where he unpacked it. Ashton slinks up behind you while you’re digging through a drawer and wraps himself around you.
“Why. Aren’t. You. Naked. Yet.” He complains, leaving wet kisses across your neck. You shiver as his fingers trail down your back before unhooking your bra and pushing it down your arms. You giggle as he tugs your panties down your legs right where you stand.
You step out of the underwear and let the bra fall from your arms, turning to him completely bare. “Your turn,” you lilt, lightly backing him up towards the bed, incense quest long forgotten. You laugh at how quickly he whips off his shirt before he lets himself fall onto his back on the mattress. You crawl next to him and as soon as you’re near enough, his hands are instantly playing with your tits; you take his pants down, licking your lips as his hard cock springs up against his stomach with a satisfying smack.
You stroke it where it lays, using just your thumb and index finger, finding yourself hypnotized as you watch your hand move, hear his breath get heavier, watch the first drops of precum appear at the head. His hand has made its way between your spread knees and he lazily drags his fingers through your folds, occasionally tapping against your clit; he’s barely using any pressure but in this moment, it feels incredible and you rock against him.
After a few minutes of mindlessly playing with each other, he reaches for your arm and gently pulls, wanting you to come closer to him; you lean in and even with his eyes half-closed, you note the fondness swimming in them. He cups your face with his hands and murmurs, “Love you,” just before he presses your lips to his. The noise of your sloppy kisses sounds almost musical to your stoned mind.
Ash moves his hand back to your center as you lean to peck down his chest, relishing the feeling of his skin shivering underneath you as you move down his torso. Again, you leave his cock on his stomach, giving the shaft a few sloppy kisses before taking his balls in your mouth.
“Baby… here,” he breathily directs you, gesturing for you to lay on your side while he turns onto his. He lifts your outer leg and rests his head on your other one; he sets your leg back down on the bed, bent at the knee, effectively creating a triangle of space allowing him access to your pussy. He moves closer and licks a stripe through your wetness to test, the resulting moan from you letting him know he’s spot on with his positioning.
You scoot closer to his crotch, reaching for his cock that’s now facing you, giving it a few strokes before guiding it to your mouth. You’re now deep in your weed and lust fueled haze so it takes you a few moments to wrap your head around giving a blowjob at this angle. The work he’s doing between your legs isn’t doing your concentration any favors so you buy yourself some time and stick your tongue out, tapping his cock on it before kitten licking over the head; you suckle at the tip while your fingers tease his shaft and you moan when you taste precum.
Ashton’s tongue darts in and out of your folds and he thinks to himself he should tell you that you’ve never tasted better but decides not to because he doesn’t want you off his mouth for even a second. He teases the tip of his tongue at your entrance and the way you jerk against him leaves him groaning; the vibration against you feels like tiny electric sparks shooting through your pussy.
You grip his ass, using it for leverage as you start to bob your head up and down on his cock; you move cautiously at first, still trying to navigate the position, but as you continue taking him, you realize how much you’re enjoying the slow pace. You swirl your tongue around him as you move, your heightened state making you appreciate every detail: the weight of him, the details of the veins and ridges on his skin.
You pull off with a pop and rub the tip over your lips before doing the same down his shaft; when you come back up, your tongue’s attention focuses on fluttering around the underside of the head. You feel Ash pull away from you and hear a “Just like that, baby,” muffled against your thigh as you take him down again.
He collects himself and dives back in, promptly sucking your clit between his lips. You whimper around his cock a few times before you have to let him slip out. Your brain tells you that you should let him know you’re getting close but your senses are so overwhelmed, you can’t find the words.
Ash knows your body and even his foggy mind can read the signs that you’re nearly there. He wraps his arm around your hip, trying to steady your unruly movements as he slows his work on your clit, edging you slightly.
You whine his name and even your own ears are surprised by how needy it sounds. You try to resume sucking him but your pleasure center feels like it’s in overdrive and you can’t make yourself focus. You rock your hips against his mouth, breathlessly conceding, “Gotta cum, babe… oh god, Ash, please."
His fingers dig into your thigh as he holds on while you writhe against him; his tongue ramps up on your clit, skillfully fluttering back and forth with voracity. Your legs shake around his head and your breath comes out in labored gasps as you climax; your pre-existing high melts into your orgasmic high and you lose yourself in it, unable to believe how many waves of sensation you’re feeling.
He licks at you until your tremors stop and then he’s carefully untangling himself and turning around so he can lay facing you. Your eyes flutter open when you feel him stroking your hair and you giggle at how adorably sinful he looks: curls askew, goofy yet lusty smile curling at his lips, face damp and shiny from your release.
You give him a soft kiss and then in what feels like one swift motion, you push him onto his back, lay yourself on top of him and slip him inside you. You unhurriedly move yourself on him, chest pressed against his, alternately pecking at or mumbling sweet nothings into his skin.
Ashton pulls you into a deep kiss and hugs you tightly to him, arms wrapping around you. He runs his hands over any skin he can reach, taking advantage of your closeness to create a tactile heaven for himself. He wonders if your pussy has ever felt so tight or warm around him; as if you can read his mind, you clench and he groans loud and long, hands moving to your ass.
His large hands grip your cheeks and you rhythmically rock against him as he lazily fucks up into you. The two of you murmur and moan at each other, neither of you particularly trying to express anything other than the total pleasure you’re feeling. Finally, his noises take on a different, more urgent tone, his hips begin to stutter and he whines your name as he cums inside you.
You lay in silence for what feels like hours but in reality can’t be more than a minute. He kisses the top of your head and carefully moves you to the side of him; he reaches over to the bedside table for some tissues and you watch reverently as he cleans the both of you up.
“I fucking love you,” you dreamily state, unprompted.
He giggles blissfully at your outburst as he settles back on the bed, opting to lay perpendicular, resting his head on your stomach. “Well, I fucking love you,” he beams, closing his eyes as you finger brush his hair. “You know, this is exactly what I pictured when I planned this whole thing.”
“The trip or the album?” You joke, stifling a laugh. “You know you didn’t have to make a whole ass album if you wanted to take me to the desert for a nice stone and bone, you could’ve just asked.”
Ash snorts and sits up to blow a raspberry on your bare skin. “You know what I meant.”
“Yeahhhh, I guess,” you tease. There’s a long silence before you muse, “I feel incredibly lucky to be with you during all this.”
“The trip or the album?” He laughs hard at his quip, crawling up your body once he sees the amused pout on your face. “Aww, baby, I’m the lucky one. Thank you for being here with me. For everything this year, not just the stuff worth celebrating.”
You offer a satisfied hum as he kisses you sweetly. He pulls back and raises an eyebrow to ask, “Have I made up for all those nights you were sleepin’ on the couch yet?”
"God… my back hurts just thinking about it,” you exaggeratedly grumble. He pokes at you and you snuggle into him. "Maybe you should light up the rest of that joint and persuade me a little more."
Ashton looks at you, eyes gleaming with admiration and amusement. "Deal."
Taglist issues again so my apologies if you get notif’d more than once (or not at all)
@mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower​ @pxrxmoore @loveroflrh @ghostofmashton @sexgodashton @feliznavidaddycal  
@castaway-cashton @ashtonlftv @cashtonasfuck @megz1985 @ashdork-irwin @angelicfluffs @findingliam-o @youngbloodchild  @irwinsbetch @everyscarisahealingplace
@wiildflower-xxx @metalandboybands​  @realisticnotes​  @makeamovehemmings​ @golden166​ @burstintocolor​ 
@mfartzzz​ @babyoria​ @petunias-pet​ @youngblood199456​ @notinthesameguey​ @seanna313​  @zhangyixingxing1​ @stardust-galaxies​  @zackoid​
@lovelybonesetc​ @xsongxbirdx​ @justhereforcalum​
@laura66sos​ @calumrose​ @karajaynetoday​  @pilunb​ @jazzyangel242​ @babylon-corgis​  @heyheyhaleyd​ @calmsweetcreature​ 
@spicycal​ @talkfastromance4​  @holystxne​ 
@meetmedowntown​ @myloverboyash​
@irwindoll​ @cheekysos​ @carrielfisher​ @lukedorkyhemmings​ @creampiecashton​ @lovelywordsblog​
@trix-arent-for-kids​ @uh-huhh-honey​ @tobefalling​ @aladyofalbion​ @likehuhdude​
@curlycalums​  @cxddlyash​  @reddesert-healourblues​
@fedorable-killjoys​  @iamcalumswhore​   @i-like-5sos​   @Too-et-moi215
@photochic18  @kouska901 @Indermeow
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cosmic-affinities · 3 years
Intense and Passing Infatuation
Summary: Flirting with your crush who doesn't take it seriously? No harm in that right? Right?
 Well, Izuku does it anyway. Until the day he said he wouldn't anymore.
(A very self-indulgent bkdk fic that has a tiny bit of past krbk, totally not a thing in the fic. A plot device at most!)
Read it on AO3 Here.
Crush: (noun) an intense and usually passing infatuation.
That’s all it was.
Just a crush.
Izuku was sure of it.
Nevermind Uraraka who said her psychology professor had told them a crush can only last about four months, after that it’s considered being ‘in love’ he was sure love was much too strong of a word.
Nevermind the last year which Izuku spent flirting with his Kacchan, something no one else would dare call him, while also never getting the right response.
“Morning love!” Izuku planted a sweet kiss on Katsuki’s cheek, a normal sight for their friends given the fact that they had witnessed it every day for the last nine months.
“Hey Deku, sleep in again?” Katsuki barely reacted to the kiss now, Izuku loved and hated it. He felt it was progress, just not in quite the right way.
“You mean waking up at the same time I do every Tuesday? It stops being ‘sleeping in’ once I’ve done it for months. And what about you Kacchan? Did you wake up early again today?” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the shorter man’s sass, he should’ve known where that was going.
Their friends all sat around them and waited, they knew if they tried to interject before their morning exchange they would simply be ignored.
“Looking good Kacchan seems like that campus gym treats you well.”
“Not too shabby yourself, nerd.” Katsuki quickly supplied, letting his signature smirk fall into place.
Izuku’s heart fluttered and he smiled back. If only the blonde was serious.
Just a crush. That’s all it was.
Finally, their friends could join the conversation they had waited out the morning kiss and compliment, they would now be acknowledged.
They had aptly claimed a table for eight, a seat for each of them, and two empty ones to house their enormous bags that came with life on a college campus. Sero and Kaminari always sat together, being roommates had been great for both of them. Shinsou and Uraraka sat beside them, knowing they might very well be the only sane ones at the entire table. Lastly, Katsuki and Izuku sat next to each other, across the table from Kaminari and Sero.
Their conversation carried on as normal, eventually, Katsuki turned and noticed Izuku looking at him.
Katsuki simply jutted his chin out questioningly, knowing Izuku would understand his unsaid remark.
“Oh, nothing. Just waiting until you’ll see me as your love interest.” Katsuki really should know the drill by now.
Katsuki smirked once again making Izuku weak in the knees, boy was he glad he was sitting.
“Trust me Deku, you’ll know if you’re my love interest. For now, I’m alright.” Izuku knew the drill too, it was rejection every time. Even so, he couldn’t help but deflate ever so slightly.
“Can we not discuss love interests at the breakfast table? I am trying to eat here.”
“Oh you can tune us out Sero, you should be used to it by now.”
“Or, I have an even better idea! Since it’s been nearly a year you could just, ya know, give up.”
Sero’s statement earned him a few dramatic gasps.
“Mutiny!” Uraraka jumped in, unprompted.
“Ugh, they even got you, Kami? I thought Midoriya and Uraraka were the only ones invested in this.” Kaminari shrugged in response, he enjoyed the fun they had.
“Hey, you can’t blame him for trying. You gotta give him that at least.” Shinsou finally spoke up, he could appreciate Izuku’s patience and persistence even if he didn’t know why he used his energy on Katsuki.
“Yes! Exactly thank you Shinsou! I am just going to have to keep trying!”
“I’m not gonna stop you. Who knows I might even fall for ya one day.” Katsuki smirked along with his remark.
“I’ll be waiting.” Izuku winked at him, enjoying the ease of their interaction, even if it was all one-sided.
That’s all it was. Just a silly crush.
“What will it take for you to actually quit?” Sero, it seemed, wasn’t quite finished.
“I’ll quit when Kacchan finds himself falling in love with someone, until then you will all witness my persistence.”
“Deku aren’t you late for your TA spot in critical data analytics?” Katsuki cut in suddenly.
“Ah shit thanks, love! I’ll see you later!”
“No need to thank me sweetheart I only remind you every fucking Tuesday and Thursday.”
Katsuki called Izuku a handful of playful nicknames, the most dangerous of the bunch being ‘sweetheart’. Izuku didn’t know when it started and could only hope for it not to stop.
Katsuki didn’t seem to mind the playful flirting, Izuku would even go as far as to say that he enjoyed it and participated, but he also doesn’t take it seriously. He knew that Katsuki was just playing along.
It was a dangerous game that he couldn’t bring himself to stop playing, after all:
It was just a crush.
“Oh, you’re so sweet but I’m sorry I’m going to have to say no. I’m really not looking for something right now,” Izuku spoke to the taller boy in front of him. Izuku knew he was really sweet and, he can admit when he meets an attractive person but the red and white-haired man had one issue, he wasn’t Katsuki.
The taller man nodded and turned to walk away, leaving Izuku more relieved than he thought he would be.
“He was cute.”
“AH! Kacchan! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Izuku planted a swift peck on Katsuki’s cheek, they hadn’t seen each other all day.
“Whatever, you just get scared too fucking easily. Anyway who was the dude? You totally could’ve gone out with him.” Izuku sighed, he didn’t want to explain that he turned down the critical data analytics hottie, Todoroki, because he was already crushing on someone but what other reason was there.
“Oh, he’s a student in the class that I TA for, I’m sure there’s some kind of rule against that or something. Plus he’s been with, like, at least three people I know, he was probably just looking for a new piece.”
Katsuki shrugged in response, seemingly accepting Izuku’s reasoning. The pair walked towards their meeting spot where they were going to join the rest of their friends for pizza.
“So how’s that crush coming?” Katsuki smirked at Izuku, the only thing that kept his knees from swaying was the sheer disbelief at the question he was asked. He quickly pulled himself together to answer.
“Well, if you must know, he’s been trying to pimp me out. Just recently he tried to get me to go out with someone!”
Katsuki hummed in response, “It’s been around a year I’ve heard. Is that right?”
“I hate to say it but I can’t disagree, a year sounds about right. I’d like to say I’m making progress but he might not be so inclined to agree.”
“I’ve heard through the shitty grapevine gossip central that our school is that progress is different for everyone but he seems to be making some of his own, although I’ve heard he’s still not too sure himself.”
Izuku wanted to gawk at Katsuki’s nonchalance, he held it together though.
“Is that so? Huh, if that's true it might be time I tell him about you, love.”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sure he’s aware, probably just fucking confused as to why you keep going.”
Izuku stopped their walk, he knew they had just been teasing but he wanted to make sure the part he was serious about came through. Katsuki noticed a few steps later and stopped and made his way back, facing Izuku.
“I’m going to keep trying until you are taken.”
“And when that happens?”
“Then it’s my time to stop.”
Katsuki didn’t respond, he simply looked at Izuku. The fierceness of his gaze made warmth blossom on the back of Izuku’s neck.
“You can’t look at me like that. I’m just gonna kiss that expression right off your face.” Izuku whispered, he was trying to lighten the atmosphere.
“Why don't you.” Katsuki’s expression changed into a smirk, almost as if he knew the effect it had on Izuku. Instinctually, Izuku’s eyes flickered down to Katsuki’s pink lips, almost tempting him to follow through.
“You are one cruel man, Kacchan.” Izuku snapped himself out of his trance and stepped back before turning and continuing their journey to their friends.
It was just a crush, even if everyone knew about it.
The group enjoyed their night together, they all needed it after the month they had been having with school. The end of the night came much too quickly for everyone.
After whatever moment they had on their way to the restaurant, Izuku was ready to lie down. He paid his portion of the bill and planned on sneaking out, knowing he would see everyone in the morning, he had no such luck.
“Where are you sneaking off to sweetheart? You didn’t even say bye to the rest of the shit heads.”
“As if I won’t see everyone in less than twelve hours back on campus! I was just going to get home and grade papers for Tuesday.”
“You could’ve at least come and said bye to me, you’ve barely said a damn thing to me tonight.”
“Well then, bye love I’ll see you tomorrow. Get back safe and don’t forget to water your plants, I know you hate when they start to wilt.”
“Now that’s better, I’ll see you tomorrow, you damn nerd.”
Izuku finally made it out, he let out a long sigh. He was in much too deep with this man.
Honestly, it wasn’t just a crush.
Kirishima Eijiro.
Apparently, that was the name of the guy in Izuku’s seat on Thursday. He had woken up later, as usual, and made his way to the table everyone had breakfast. As he approached though, he noticed his seat was not empty. He was going to go straight to Katsuki for his morning kiss but even from far away, he could see the look on his face.
He brought with him Izuku’s time to stop.
Izuku quickly veered into the nearest bathroom to collect himself, he had no clue what to do. Once he felt better he made his way back towards the table.
“Hey Shinsou, I’m going to move your bag over so I can sit.” Izuku kept his voice low, he didn’t need any extra attention, Uraraka had already shot him a sympathetic look.
Once he was seated his friends greeted him.
“Morning guys.”
“Oh hey! We haven’t met, I’m Kirishima!”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Midoriya.” Izuku felt his phone vibrate, Uraraka had sent him a text. “On and off ex-boyfriend of baku's”
Izuku’s eyes widened and he stilled, he needed to think of something quick there was no way he could stay there. He luckily caught a glimpse of the time.
“Oh shit, I have to go. I don’t want to be late for uh, um... Fuck, critical data analytics, that's what it is. I’ll see you guys later!” Izuku grabbed his stuff and quickly left, that was the first time all semester that he had remembered on his own.
Now, there was no way Katsuki could know that it was anything more than just a crush.
Izuku held strong for two days, for two days he went to the table and saw the clear entrancement written all over Katsuki’s face whenever Kirishima spoke, he never once kissed Katsuki’s cheek in Kirishima’s presence and they were never far behind each other. There was no more sweetheart and love, just the bare pleasantries Izuku could muster.
After his two days he couldn’t handle it, he began going straight to his classes, catching up with his friends in their rooms. It was the first time he and Uraraka had time alone when everything truly went to shit.
“Look, they were best friends in high school and started dating halfway through, they were on and off for months when they went to different schools until they were finally done for good, a little while before you met him. Now that Kirishima is here, I really don’t know what’s going to happen.” Izuku took a calming breath before he responded.
“I always said if he found someone I would stop. I stopped and he doesn’t even care so everything’s fine. Why don't we review for your math exam? I made flashcards for you.”
Uraraka was suspicious, but she went along with him. The pair spent the rest of the night studying and Izuku continued to avoid their table.
He had to figure out how to get it back to just a crush.
Turns out that staying in your dorm gets quite boring. With the amount of extra work Izuku had offered to take on he had better win “TA of the Year” if it was a thing. Nearly two weeks had gone by with Izuku’s new schedule, he never did like change. He finally had his first misstep.
“OI Deku!”
Two weeks of carefully planned avoidance, out the window.
“Oh hey, I didn’t even see you two.” Of course, the first time he interacts with Katsuki after two weeks, Kirishima would be with him.
“Nice to see you again dude!” Of course, he just had to be super nice too.
“Yeah yeah. Listen Kirishima I gotta talk to Deku real quick, go ahead I’ll meet you guys later.”
Izuku’s eyes widened, he wasn’t ready to be with Katsuki alone!
Kirishima nodded and walked away, leaving Izuku and Katsuki standing in the middle of the hallway.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve barely seen you in the last two weeks.”
“Oh um, I’ve just been busy with teaching, Professor Aizawa has me leading classes now.” Izuku held back the urge to keep talking, if he started he probably wouldn’t stop until he said something that he didn’t mean to.
“Tch, that’s never stopped you before, hasn’t the guy been giving you a shit load of work all semester?”
“Well yeah, but he has me writing lesson plans and leading lectures now, even if he takes over most of the time. I’ve just been trying to keep up, doesn’t leave time for much else.” He can only make so much stuff up.
“But you always leave time fo- whatever. When is the guy gonna lay off?”
“Uh not sure, probably closer to finals so I’ll have time to study?” Izuku glanced at his watch and noticed he only had two minutes to make it to critical data analytics. “Ah shit, I’m running late I have to go.” Izuku quickly turned and continued making his way to his class, but he didn’t get too far before he heard the last thing Katsuki had to say.
“I’m supposed to be the one that says you’re running late.”
Izuku fought the urge to turn around, it would only give him hope he couldn’t afford.
Just a crush, just a crush, just a crush. It became a mantra.
Izuku was finally let out of his last class for the day, he really hated Thursdays, they were long and drawn out, and seeing Katsuki hadn’t helped like it normally would.
“Deku wait up!” Speak of the devil.
Izuku watched, frozen, as Katsuki made his way towards him. Completely and utterly alone.
“Kac- um Bak- what's up?” Izuku could barely stutter his way through a greeting, he seriously wasn’t prepared for this.
Katsuki met him with a strange look, before deciding to respond.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“No, I don’t think so? I have my bag…” Of course Izuku wasn’t, he had to keep himself from planting a swift kiss on Katsuki’s cheek every time he saw him, he had to.
“What the hell Deku?! You go MIA for two weeks, and when I finally see you again it’s like everything is different! What the fuck happened?”
“What do you mean? I told you I’ve just been busy.” He knew exactly what Katsuki was talking about, he just couldn’t bring himself to admit it.
“You know exactly what I mean! Two weeks ago you came and had breakfast with me every day. You called me love and Kacchan and every time you saw me you gave me a kiss! Now you will barely even fucking talk to me! So let me ask again, what the fuck happened?”
Izuku felt like he could barely breathe, what was he supposed to do? He wasn't ready for any of this.
He tried to calm himself with a deep breath, he couldn’t just stand there and act dumb no matter how much he wanted to.
“Look, I-”
“I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you’re trying to come up with. The truth Deku.”
“I always told you that, when the time came, I would stop all of that. Well, the time came and I wasn’t ready so I had to do what I had to do.”
“Now you just aren’t making sense. What the fuck do you mean stop? Who said you had to stop?”
“I did. I always said when you find yourself inevitably falling for someone else I would stop. Now you have Kirishima and I stopped.”
“Wha- What the fuck is that supposed to-”
“Kacchan! It doesn’t take a genius to see the way you look at him. It’s, it’s the same way I looked at you when I started to fall in love.”
That came out of his mouth.
That was never supposed to leave his brain.
Now there was no way he could get anyone to believe that it was only a crush.
Katsuki wasn’t faring much better. He seemed frozen, although Izuku couldn’t pinpoint why. Obviously hearing that someone is in love with you will do that but he couldn’t be sure if it was shock, disgust, or something entirely different in its own right.
He didn’t want to find out.
“Uh, I have to go, bye.”
“No! Deku wait!”
That’s all Izuku heard before he took off, he could handle a lot but flat-out rejection was not a part of that list.
Katsuki knew it was never ‘just a crush.’
Izuku simply shut himself away, he was luckily done for the week, having strategically chosen to have a long weekend while making his schedule. He emailed Aizawa the grades for the quiz he administered and decided that was enough. He didn’t want to try and explain himself to anyone or have anyone pity him.
Therefore, when he heard the knock on his dorm room door, he assumed his roommate simply forgot his key.
He was wrong.
He opened the door to see a more composed-looking Katsuki. He could only hope his eyes weren’t rimmed with red.
“What are you doing here?” Izuku’s voice was soft, he was just glad his arm didn’t instinctually slam the door, that would not have gone well.
“What am I doing here? You’re seriously going to ask what the fuck I’m doing here?” Izuku noted that Katsuki seemed more frantic than anything, maybe his composed demeanor was for show.
Izuku took in a breath and moved aside, gesturing for Katsuki to come in, this wasn’t something an unfortunate bystander needed to witness.
Once safely inside his room, the pair waited, they waited for someone to start talking, for some answers.
Katsuki finally snapped.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Right because everything else I have done was specifically to hide the fact.” Izuku hadn’t meant to sound so teasing but he had nothing else.
“You know what I mean!”
“Okay, I didn’t say anything because… well because I didn’t want anything to change! As much as the consistent rejection hurt at least it was lowball, we were still friends! We still hung out! I was still allowed to shamelessly flirt with you! I was actually planning on telling you but then everything with Kirishima, and well I just couldn’t bring myself to ruin tha-”
“What the fuck are you talking about? That's the second time you have thrown him into this, this is between us why are you bringing him up?”
“Come on, Uraraka told me you guys were a thing, and she told me that you guys broke it off because you went to different schools, now that's not an issue anymore! The way you look at him shows how much he means to you.”
“Deku, he was my best friend for years that I hadn’t seen for about two years. I was shocked to see him and I seriously forgot how good it was before we dated!” Katsuki steeled himself with a breath.
“Look Deku, since he’s been here Kirishima has been up my ass about what the fuck was going on with me. He hadn’t seen me for nearly two years and he knew something was up with me. That day we ran into you outside of your class, he told me something. He told me that he was going to ask me out and then didn’t. All because of the way I reacted when we ran into you. He said I was more myself for the minute he saw me with you than I had been for the previous two weeks. Now, what the fuck does that tell you Deku?”
Izuku stood in shock, he really didn’t know what to say. There was a short pause before Izuku began to speak again.
“I don’t kn-”
“Nope. I don’t want to hear any bull shit. It took me way too fucking long to realize all of this and that was after someone told me to my face that I need to figure out my shit with you. Right now I just need to know if… if I’m too late.”
Izuku’s knees came out from under him, he fell backward onto his bed, thankful that he didn’t crack open his skull.
He was having a hard time understanding. There was no way Katsuki meant what Izuku thought he meant. No, that would mean… well, too much for Izuku to think through.
“I’m sorry. I think I’m just having a hard time understanding what you’re telling me.”
Katsuki used all of his remaining restraint to not grab the man in front of him and shake him until everything fell into place.
“Deku, what I’m telling you is that I was fucking wrong. I thought that everything between us was purely friendly and it was just a fun thing we did. I’m telling you that every time I turn someone down the reason in my mind is you. I am telling you that, if you will still consider me after every single shitty thing that has happened, I want to be with you. I am telling you that what I feel for you isn’t just some stupid fucking crush. Even if it took shitty hair telling me that I look at you like you hung the stars for me to realize it.”
Izuku blinked a few tears from his eyes. There was no room for misunderstanding and both of them knew it. Izuku couldn’t even think of a proper response, he simply threw himself forward and wrapped himself tightly around Katsuki.
Katsuki let out a shaky breath and returned the hug, basking in the warmth he had been missing since Izuku had been away.
“You know what nerd? Now it’s my turn.” Katsuki swiftly leaned forward and placed a small kiss on Izuku’s cheek, mirroring the action Izuku had done plenty of times before.
As Katsuki pulled back Izuku faced him properly, letting his gaze slip down to Katsuki’s pink lips, silently asking for permission. Katsuki wasted no time, they had done enough of that already.
It was perfect, their lips fit together better than puzzle pieces. It was instant gratification, a satisfaction so great, they were keen to never stop. Alas, they did need to breathe.
Once they pulled apart Izuku looked Katsuki up and down, in a way that gave him the chills.
“It took over a year of shameless flirting, cute nicknames, and trying to fend off anyone who had eyes but damn are you so worth it.”
Katsuki flushed darkly, something he wasn’t accustomed to doing, and simply stared back.
“To answer your question, of course, I’d still consider you. As long as you’re my ‘love’ I’ll consider you.”
“I will be your ‘love’ as long as you are my ‘sweetheart’ how does that sound?”
“That sounds like the perfect thing for the two most stubborn people on this planet. Does that mean I get to finally say that you’re my boyfriend?”
“Well either you say it or I will, every shitty extra in this place is going to know where they stand, let me tell you it is nowhere near you.”
Izuku smiled, he could get used to this. In response he kissed his new boyfriend, letting out a pleased hum due to how familiar the feeling was starting to become already.
Izuku couldn’t believe he ever thought it was only a crush.
57 notes · View notes
alien-baby-boy · 3 years
disclaimer: this was written on 5/25/2021 then copy & pasted from my notes app on 6/7/2021. some of the author's notes will reference that this is my first fic using alternating pronouns, but i've practiced since then. i'm glad people wanted to see this purely self indulgent fluff. don't repost, obviously, but reblogging is okay :)
Shopping Trip
by alien-baby-boy
[tags] L/Light, fluff, clothes shopping, clothes sharing, bribery, he/they pronouns for L, because i said so, nonbinary L, cute, crossdressing, innuendos
"I will bribe you with sweets"
L hummed in thought, considering Light's offer.
"I'll also do that thing you like with my tongue, if you cooperate"
L grabbed his hand as they stood, "Let's go"
Light sighed when he saw L wearing a plain white shirt and jeans, "Don't you have anything else to wear? People are going to think you're homeless."
"I don't care if they do, but I suppose I could wear one of your hoodies if necessary," L started looking through Light's closet as they spoke, "Light has a lot of clothing"
Light picked out a navy blue hoodie from his closet. "Wear this one, I've outgrown it & it'll compliment your skin tone. Do you have any other jeans?"
L took off his shirt, uncaring that Light was looking at his prominent ribcage and tiny waist as he slipped the hoodie on. "Mhm, a black pair."
Light examined the jeans, they were fairly stylish in an emo way and a much skinnier cut than what L usually wore. "Put those on"
L stepped in his jeans, they were a much better fit than the blue ones, with a rip in each knee showing a peek of smooth pale skin. "Light is aware I'm not a doll for dressing up, yes?"
"L is aware they are horrible at choosing outfits, yes?" Light teased with a smile. "C'mon, we're going shopping."
"No." L scrambled to think of an excuse, "I have work."
Light waved his hand in the air as if pushing what L said away, "It's Sunday. Your work can wait."
Light thought of ways to sweeten the offer as L shook their head. Light thought L was very pretty, and they'd look even prettier if they put effort into their appearance. Or at least let Light put in the effort for L. "I will bribe you with sweets"
L hummed in thought, considering Light's offer. He didn't really mind shopping, but L wanted to push his limits before agreeing too quickly. L's detective training could come in handy for every day life, after all. Plus, he was a bit of a brat.
Light smirked as he thought of a promise that would guarantee his companion's acceptance of going shopping & being dressed up "I'll also do that thing you like with my tongue, if you cooperate"
L grabbed his hand as they stood, "Let's go"
Light held L's hand as they walked into a department store, "Knew you'd see it my way"
L hummed around the cherry lollipop in their mouth, discreetly scanning the building out of paranoia. Thankfully it was nearly empty with just a few workers and some customers L decided didn't look concerning.
Light was used to L's quirks by now and waited until he was done looking around before leading the way to shirts and jackets. "What size are you?" "Small? You really need to eat more than sweets."
L rolled his eyes, "One lecture at a time, Light. My eating habits are perfectly healthy and a fast metabolism is nothing to be worried over."
Light sighed, mentally shelving the conversation for another more private time. "Okay, Ryu. Size?"
"I'm not entirely sure. A small should be fine."
"What, you've never been clothes shopping before?" Light glanced at L, who had finished their lollipop and was absentmindedly biting their thumbnail, "Don't answer that."
Light handed L a soft gray v-neck sweater, "You should try this. It'll bring out your eyes."
"Okay. It's very soft. Is that all?" L carefully placed the sweater in their basket so it wouldn't become wrinkled.
Light laughed at L's question before gently squeezing his hand, "No, Ryu, that's only one thing. Let's get ten things for you to at least try on."
L paled, which Light didn't think was possible. L felt Light cup his face and stroke under his cheekbone as Light softly instructed "Hey, look at me? You'll be fine. It's just clothes, nothing you don't like, and you can take as many breaks as you want." He turned his head to kiss the inside of Light's wrist, just over the band of Light's watch.
"Thank you, Light, you're very reassuring. Ten isn't that big of a number, I just wasn't expecting it."
Light placed a gentle kiss on L's forehead. "Let's pick things out one at a time, instead of worrying about the total. Tell me if you like something, ok?"
After nearly ten minutes of looking around, L found something that looked like a very long sweatshirt in a nice pale blue color, "I like this."
Light glanced over at L and the item in their hands, unsure if L knew what it was or if they were even okay with crossdressing, "Ryu, that's a dress."
"So? I like this." L gave Light a stubborn look, crossing his arms over his chest as he replied.
"You'll look very pretty." Light kissed L's cheek.
L smiled up at Light as he placed it in their basket.
Light continued his search for stylish clothing for L. It wasn't that hard, considering L liked neutral colors with the occasional pastel. Eventually, he saw a pair of black thigh high socks and started thinking 'Oh, L would look amazing in these. Would he like them? They're pretty soft' Light called him over, "Hey, Ryu, what do you think of these?"
L glanced over Light's shoulder at the socks, "Black socks? I'll try them on, if you really want me to, but you know I don't like wearing socks."
"I know you don't like wearing normal socks, but these go up to your thigh, and I think you'll look really good" Light unashamedly checked L out, looking at their body up and down, "Really really good"
L rolled their eyes again, sometimes they forgot despite Light's intelligence and usual maturity, he was still a teenager at 19. "Calm down, Light. Maybe I won't even let you see me wear them."
Light gently squeezed L's hand before kissing it in apology, "Sorry, I got carried away. Did you find anything else you liked?"
L couldn't help but smile shyly at Light's affection and nodded "Mhm, Light will see them when I say he can. Did you get anything?"
"No, I don't like these sort of causal clothes"
"Really? I would have assumed otherwise, with your age & all the sweatshirts you own."
"Those are just for working out, Ryu. Not all of us wear jeans to exercise, you know" Light teased L.
They went to the dressing rooms for L to try on the outfits they picked. Including a few graphic tee shirts and alternative styles Light wouldn't have guessed L would like, a few new jeans, and merchandise for bands Light didn't recognize. Some things were eliminated if L didn't like the fit or the fabric, but there was just over a dozen things kept. Finally, L was trying on the last outfit.
Light forgot to breath for a few seconds when he saw his companion's outfit of an oversized sweater dress that was thankfully short enough to show off his lean legs and black thigh socks that contrasted beautifully with his pale skin. Light's mind went to the gutter as he imagined doing that thing with his tongue to L right now, without even taking off his dress. Light quickly regained control of himself as he breathed out "Wow. ...You look so beautiful. Please say you'll wear that again soon."
L gave Light a mischievous smile, enjoying the extra attention Light was giving him, all because of an admittedly comfortable dress. "Hm, I might. What sort of occasion would Light suggest it for?"
"Oh, you know, everyday wear or lounging around...maybe in bed?" Light looked at L hopefully.
L finally broke their expression to chuckle, kissing Light's cheek before going back into the dressing room, "That sounds perfect."
[end notes]
Ryu is just a nickname of Ryuzaki, pronounced Re you, since Light can't call L his name in public. i've never written alternating pronouns before, i tried to keep it fairly even & not switch midsentence, so the fic is easier to read. i hope i did it well. til next time :)
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