#this happens just after the other crossover thing I'm doing
dianagj-art · 11 months
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bonus of the height chart I bullshitted my way through
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aberooski · 8 months
Every day I get 🤏 this much closer to getting out of chapter 1 of Chazzerella.
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
so, you've been considering getting into hermitcraft.
that's great! welcome! we are an extremely enthusiastic fandom, i admit, but we are very happy to have you watching the hermits! however, with over a decade of existence and twenty-seven current hermits, it can feel very intimidating to get into hermitcraft. luckily, as of the time of this posting--january 31st, 2024--it's also the BEST time to get into hermitcraft, because a new season starts on february 3rd! (and if you're reading this later: don't worry. this is ALSO the best time to get into hermitcraft. don't worry about it i'll get into that.)
the shortest version of this advice is: start wherever you want, with whoever you want. it doesn't matter, you can catch up.
still, it can seem like a lot. so, from someone who's been around since mid season seven, here is a more detailed guide on how to start watching hermitcraft!
what is hermitcraft?
hermitcraft is a collection of people who all play on the same survival multiplayer minecraft server. that server is a mostly vanilla minecraft server; i don't really call hermitcraft "vanilla" anymore, as they rely on a number of largely cosmetic mods, but the things they do on hermitcraft should, broadly, all be possible in vanilla minecraft, and the server still "feels" vanilla, so. vanilla minecraft. they do this in "seasons", which are periods of time between a year and two years, after which they reset and start on a fresh server.
in comparison to something like qsmp or even the life series, hermitcraft leans heavily on the "building cool things and hanging out" side of the spectrum as opposed to the roleplay side. however, at least once a season the hermits like to do a big storyline; sometimes, it's more frequent. many of the storylines are more natural escalations of things like server prank wars or a failing server economy, though, as opposed to things that are clearly in-universe roleplaying. don't worry, though; you'll know a hermitcraft storyline when you see it. by everyone's bad acting. also, by rendog putting on a silly accent.
if your only impression of hermitcraft has been from the fandom, you... probably have a somewhat mistaken impression. my bad. in my defense, i am a horror writer at heart, and in the fandom's defense, a LOT of crossover has happened with the life series fandom, which leads to both sort of leaking into each other. in general, expect things to be on the lighthearted goofy shenanigans side with very few exceptions when you're actually watching hermitcraft, despite the way the fandom tends to be.
where is hermitcraft?
broadly, youtube! hermitcraft is an almost entirely video series, and if you want to watch a hermitcrafter, you will almost certainly need to watch them on youtube. there are only very rarely streamed hermitcraft events, and these are normally announced ahead of time.
what if i prefer twitch?
skip the rest of this and just watch joe hills. i promise i'm not saying that because i'm a joe hills guy; i'm saying it because he's the only hermit that consistently streams from hermitcraft. impulse, tango, cleo, pearl, xisuma, iskall, and hypno all also appear to stream fairly regularly, but it's not always from hermitcraft.
where should i start?
now, that's the real question, isn't it? my answer is simple: start Now. if you're reading this as i post it, that means start this saturday on everyone's episode one. if you're reading this long after i post it, though, just... go ahead and start with whoever you want to watch's latest episode! the nice thing about hermitcraft is that you can GENERALLY jump in wherever you want.
but what about old seasons?
you do not need to watch older seasons of hermitcraft. unless you want to, of course; the world is your oyster and they are very good! however, there's also a LOT of old hermitcraft, and if you want to join in with what hermitcraft is doing now, old seasons aren't necessary. very little carries over from season to season. while sometimes old "lore" or recurring bits can carry references over, and the relationships between hermits will often carry over to some extent (if often not in the same patterns), it is never to an extent that you need the old seasons for context. each season is a clean new slate, and where "lore" carries over, the relevant hermit will almost always explain it to you.
what about helsknight/evil x/hotguy/boatem/convex/some other thing i've been hearing about?
i promise, if they are relevant to this season, they will explain it to you in the relevant episode and/or it will be easy enough to pick up. do not worry about it. each season is a soft reset for a reason, and one of those reasons is to make it easier on new viewers! and if you're here because you WANTED one of those specific things... ask an older fan! they'll be able to direct you to the places they're from.
do i need to watch all the hermits?
absolutely not! in fact, i strongly recommend you don't. there are going to be... hold on let me count... twenty-seven hermits? (i am bad at counting don't quote me on this) in this season alone. keeping up with all those videos is too much for basically anyone! instead, pick a few hermits that you like best, and if you want to keep up with everyone else, go to the hermitcraft recap youtube channel and watch that! it is a vital hermitcraft resource where pixlriffs, zloyxp, and lyarrah all watch every single hermit so that we don't have to. honor their sacrifice and don't try to watch everyone.
but how do i pick someone?
few ways! there exist, if you google, plenty of "choosing your hermit pov" quizzes; if you head over to the hermitcraft subreddit, for example, i'll be SHOCKED if they don't have one, and if you go over to the recap channel, they had one of those for a while too. this is the starting place for many people.
another way is to watch the recap and choose whoever's project interests you most. for early episodes, this may be hard, but since hermits tend to go hard for their first episode, you'll normally at least be able to pick up a sense of pace and build style.
just watching whoever it is your friends are obsessed with is also a tried and true method of finding your first hermit; frequently, like with the recap, this is a good method for then figuring out whose style you like best, and switching to them, if you don't end up clicking with the same people your friends click with.
finally, you can just... click a random hermit's channel! try a few out! maybe you heard about decked out and want to watch tango; maybe there's a storyline you want to start watching because the dash has been rambling about it; maybe you just want to know who this grain character is. clicking around until you find the guy whose editing you click with is a totally valid strategy!
that sounds hard. just pick someone for me.
if you like well-edited shenanigans: grian or mumbo jumbo. (these are also good starter hermits in general, i've found; if you aren't sure where else to start, start with one of them.)
if you like long background noise-type videos: docm77
if you like minigames: tangotek.
if you like a chill video: xbcrafted or, if the texture pack gets you, vintagebeef.
if you like storylines: rendog or grian, again. (i was trying not to double-up, but if you're here from an rp-heavy server, grian remains a great entry point in that regards.)
if you like to see something new and bizarre: zedaph if you prefer highly-edited videos, joe hills if you prefer lightly edited videos.
if you want the best building on hermitcraft: pearlescentmoon or bdoubleo100, special mention to goodtimeswithscar.
if you want someone as new as you: i'll come back and edit in whoever the new hermits are once we know! but them.
if you just want one of my favorites: zombiecleo or iskall85.
thank you! what if i DO want to know what the fandom is always on about?
that, i'm afraid, i don't know how to help you with. you'll just have to watch hermitcraft from here--and maybe read some of the fanworks that have intrigued you--and find out for yourself!
good luck out there, and i hope this has helped someone!
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Platonic dynamics I want to see more in the (tiny) Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fandom:
Jack being like an older brother to Hiccup and sort of seeing an older version of Jamie in him and not scoffing at how nerdy he is ("holy crap you MADE this? Man show me how it works!!")
Rapunzel post-her-movie being all gung-ho and cheery, and Merida trying to get her to stop being so naïve, only for Rapunzel to calmly list all the ways she was betrayed and abused throughout her adventures (and you'd only have to go through the canon events of the movie and show to make this work, btw, girl's been through STUFF) and tells Merida she is upbeat and kind because she chooses to believe that most people are good, because so many people stuck with her through so much and so many people came back to her after betraying her. And Merida is like "well dang ok, wanna learn to shoot a bow"
Jack being calm, responsible, and protective of the others without becoming too angsty in the process- playing harmless little pranks to bring everyone's spirits up, that sort of thing
Merida being annoyed by Jack at first, but it's because she misses her brothers, not because she categorically dislikes the pranks. She tells Jack this and he asks her to join him doing pranks. She has much more fun after this.
Rapunzel is good at many things, but not so much inventing, as we see in TTS; her trying to assist Hiccup and him being good-natured about it but entirely accidentally outclassing her
Jack very deliberately keeping his past and loneliness to himself, and the others figuring out something's off because they never catch him sleeping, he's pensive when he's not interacting with them, he's got such wide and extensive experience, and he starts admitting bits and pieces like "I'm older than I look" etc etc
Jack never openly getting angry with the kids because they're kids and he's a Guardian, so instead when one of them is upset or trying to pick a fight with him, his staff will glow brighter or it'll get cloudier or windier or snowier- his magic responds, but Jack refuses to, making his calm all the more scary.
Jack being the first to realize Rapunzel has been through Stuff and sitting down with her when the other two are asleep "what happened to you?" entirely gently and patiently because HE'S A GOOD BIG BROTHER DANGIT I WANT THIS SIDE OF HIM TO SHOW MORE-
Hiccup worrying/getting upset/doing that I Have To Stand Alone thing and Rapunzel approaching him like "you're not the only one who grew up alone, you know. It's okay to rely on us, we won't let you down"
Hiccup doing the I Have To Stand Alone thing in general cause I don't see that a lot in crossovers or at least the arts
The others finding Jack in weird places because super-balance go brr
Jack being reluctant to touch any of the kids for any reason because he doesn't want to see the way they treat him change once they realize how cold and inhuman he really is
Merida recognizing Jack immediately as the only other obviously competent fighter by the way he moves (she was raised around all manner of warriors and guards, after all) and immediately setting about allying herself with him because Heaven knows they all need as much protection as they can get
Merida helping Hiccup to have a moment like he has in the HTTYD books where he realizes he's actually a really amazing swordfighter when he actually uses his dominant hand
Hiccup and Rapunzel asking Merida and Jack what siblings are like
Jack just treating them all like his little siblings
Jack and Merida gathering ingredients together and, depending on the region, Jack teaching Merida the safe local vegetation and herbs because he's been everywhere. Also, Jack teaching the others how to cook with local ingredients
Jack knowing a lot about herbal medicine and helping and teaching the others
After much internal deliberation, Jack choosing Hiccup to hold his staff while he takes care of two-handed tasks
Jack knowing how to style hair because of Mary, and he and Merida helping Rapunzel tame her hair
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 months
I know you made shorts for Sora, Riku, and Kairi, but do you have any other thoughts about Kingdom Hearts?
Ik this is kinda vauge and you get these kind of asks all the goddamn time, but I hyperfixated on those games for most of elementary and middle school and its always cool to see your favorite Youtuber talk about stuff you really like. Not to guilt trip you into answering this one or anything, just. . . I'm very tired and it would be very cool lol.
Again, saving my character design thoughts for some more shorts, but I adore Kingdom Hearts. Like, the first game really ISN'T much more than a cross-promotional branding exercise for Disney and Square, same as any of a dozen other similar crossover centric franchises; it's a Saturday morning cartoon show that wants to get you invested (or keep you invested) in a bunch of fancy IPs to buy toys of, but it's a really good one of those.
And it's a game that understands that the central thing that's going to hook people IN to that kind of thing is characters that are willing to believe in what they've got going on with one thousand percent sincerity. Which I think is the thing they nailed more than anything. Sora cares SO MUCH, and he wants to find his friend and his love interest (Kairi and Riku, respectively) SO BADLY, you can't help but root for the poor kid and want to believe in it.
Then, with the first game successfully managing to hook a solid fanbase, the creative team went "hey what if we had even MORE extremely earnest cool anime people getting deep in their feelings?" and now we're off to the races with Organizations and Oblivion Castles and fractions of 358 days.
And the thing that makes all the hyper-convoluted wheels-within-wheels plot machination nonsense WORK is that down, deep down, right at the core of what the franchise is always trying to say, is that love will save us. Yeah yeah hearts and darkness and unversed and nobodies and keyblades and blah blah blah (to be clear: I adore all that nonsense), but all of it is top-to-bottom in service of that singular central thematic clarion call.
Love will save us.
What holds Ventus together after Xehanort tears his heart apart? The love of Sora. What keeps Roxas the nobody from fading into Sora? The love of Xion and Axel, and Hayner, Pence and Olette. What brings Xion back? The love of Axel and Roxas. Hearts ring together and resonate and bind themselves to each other and there is no darkness so deep, no tragedy so absolute, no villain so foul that the cry of a loving heart cannot defeat it.
Roxas is a nobody doomed to darkness? Fuck you, Kingdom Hearts is love, no he isn't. Xion is a mere replica puppet, a failed experiment that nobody will remember? >>EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER<< get seasalt icecream'd on top of a clock tower at sunset, IDIOT.
Over and over again characters sink into despair and loneliness, they fear that their connections are fake or fading, they fear being forgotten or left behind (Riku in the first game, the breaking of Ventus, Aqua and Terra, Roxas thinking nobody would miss him, Aqua in the Realm of Darkness), and over and over again they are proven beautifully wrong. There is always a hand reaching out, there is always someone who will miss you. Love will save us.
And this absolutely gets hokey, of course it does, it's a saturday morning children's cartoon. It's a bit simplistic, maybe a bit naïve, but honestly in a world where you can't walk two steps without bleak-minded doomer cynicism forcing the assumption that nothing truly good is possible and that the worst will always happen, Kingdom Hearts is a story so absolutely drenched in hope, sincerely held, that it feels like a fucking balm.
Also, LITERALLY where the fuck else are you going to get Woody from Toy Story reading an edgy anime villain for absolute filth? Nowhere, that's where. ONLY Kingdom Hearts.
None of this is to suggest I don't have criticisms of the franchise or that it's faultless. I could talk for several hours unbroken about all my gripes and problems, chief among which is LET KAIRI DO THINGS OH MY FUCKING GOD the franchise is low key misogynistic towards its female characters sometimes but I am talking about the things I love here let me just be happy for a second.
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son1c · 2 months
hi, this is something i wrote for my sonic x dunmeshi crossover. in my mind i've been calling it SATBK 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO because i think it's funny. thanks and enjoy 💜
Sonic the Hedgehog was having a good day. In fact, it was a great day! The sun was shining and there were no ugly robots in sight. He was also hanging out with his best buddy, Tails the Fox. Tails was telling him about some new techno-thingamajig that he'd invented, and Sonic was bobbing his head along, listening but not really understanding as Tails rambled on and on about slicers or splicers or splinters.
"...But that's not even the best part!" Tails was saying now. "With just the press of a button, this device should be able to undo the damage caused by..."
Suddenly, Sonic's ear twitched. He was still listening to Tails' spiel, but now he was distracted.
Tails noticed Sonic's lack of attention and turned pink with embarrassment. "A-And that's pretty much it!" he said in a rush, hoping he hadn't lost Sonic to whatever white rabbit had caught his fascination this time.
Unfortunately for Tails, Sonic's quills were tense. "Something's up," he said cryptically as he scanned the horizon. But even with a hand placed across his brow and a strategic lean forward, he couldn't make out any rotten eggs in the distance; the only things he could see were grass, trees, and other people's houses.
Still, Sonic's eyes narrowed.
Tails stuffed his new invention into his backpack and hurried to Sonic's side. He thought about all of the things he could do to help--Maybe he could run inside and grab a pair of binoculars from his workshop?--but just when he opened his mouth to suggest something, Sonic snatched him up and held him over his head.
"Woah!" Tails said in surprise, his eyes huge.
"Check it out!" Sonic said, gesturing with his foot at the place where Tails had just been standing.
Tails looked, and saw a small... Well, he wasn't really sure what it was, exactly. It was round, so bright it was glowing, and growing larger every second. Not only that, but when Sonic took a step back, it seemed to move and chase after him, too!
With Sonic still holding onto him, Tails began to spin his namesakes so the two of them could lift off and escape the strange glowing circle. At first, that seemed to do the trick, but then the thing peeled itself off the ground and rose up into the air. Yikes!
"Hang on, Sonic!" Tails said as he flew up higher. But no matter how high he climbed, the mysterious circle followed them. "I think it's a portal!"
"That's no good," Sonic said, not sounding particularly worried. If anything, he sounded a little excited.
Then, the portal swallowed them up, leaving Tails' backyard empty. It spat them out in an unfamiliar place--at least, it was unfamiliar to Tails. The dirt path they landed on was well worn, the sky was painted a dazzling blue, and the forest to their left was lush with life. In front of them was a lake with water so clear and still it could be mistaken for a mirror. Tails took a closer look and couldn't help but think that if he wasn't a boy of science, he might say the place had an almost magical feel to it.
Sonic rubbed his nose. "Y'know," he said, "I'm not usually one for return trips. What gives?"
Tails reluctantly tore his gaze away from the water so he could look back at Sonic. "You recognize this place, Sonic?"
Sonic stopped rubbing his nose. "Yeah, there's no doubt about it." He put his hands on his hips and then took a slow, sweeping look around. "This is the same place from the storybook!"
If this was an anime, Tails probably would've turned monochrome as a glass breaking sound effect played in the background. Unfortunately, it's just a fanfiction, so that can't happen. But the sentiment remained the same: Tails was shocked.
Sonic shrugged. "I guess someone wrote a sequel," he said, like that was normal. Then, his expression turned sly as he side-eyed Tails. "Unless you think we're both dreaming this time?"
Before Tails could reply, someone walked out of the forest. They were riding a black horse and their face was covered by a dark hood, casting their face in shadow. However, not even their cloak could hide the shining armor they wore, as it twinkled brilliantly when they stepped out into the sunlight.
When the stranger spotted Sonic and Tails, they pulled on the horse's reins and stopped dead in their tracks.
This made Sonic quirk an eyebrow.
Tails asked, "Is that a friend of yours?"
The stranger removed their hood and revealed their face. Or, what could be seen of it through the helmet they wore. The intricately engraved metal was accented with red, which matched the stripes on his quills. Then, the dark hedgehog pushed up his visor so he could get a better look at Sonic and Tails.
In a quiet, disbelieving voice, the stranger asked, "My king?"
"You haven't changed a bit, huh?" Sonic chuckled. "Still dramatic as ever!" With a shake of his head, Sonic's mouth quirked up in a grin. "Hey, Lancelot. Long time no see."
Lancelot quickly got down from his horse so he could kneel to Sonic. Sonic, of course, just waved his hand dismissively. "Let's skip all that royal stuff, okay?" Sonic said, acutely aware of Tails' huge, disbelieving stare as it flicked between him and the knight. "There's someone I want you to meet."
Lancelot looked up and was dazzled by Sonic's grin. The blue hedgehog then motioned to Tails, his hands practically radiating sparkles as he showed off the small fox. "This is Tails. My little bro. Whatever world-ending problem brought me here this time, he'll be sure to help us fix it!"
While Lancelot processed this information, Tails barely stopped himself from spouting off a million questions. The first and most pressing of which was: Why does this guy look exactly like Shadow the Hedgehog?
Sonic offered his hand to Lancelot. Tails watched as Lancelot froze in place, but he didn't smack Sonic's hand away like Shadow would've. In fact, he seemed almost flustered at the friendly offer. He pulled his visor down to cover his expression before eventually accepting Sonic's hand and pulling himself up onto his feet. Maybe he thought it would've been rude to refuse? After all, he did refer to Sonic as his "king"...
Tails' head was spinning. He felt like he was going to burst with all his unanswered questions, so he finally voiced one. "Since when are you a king?"
Sonic grimaced. Tails pretended not to notice when Lancelot bristled at the question. Instead, he stubbornly kept his eyes locked on Sonic so the hedgehog couldn't run away from his question.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Sonic said, "Since I caught that cold a few months back? I dunno, dude. To be honest, I kinda thought..." 
None of it was real.
Sonic trailed off as his eyes drifted over to Lancelot. Then, he cleared his throat. "What's it matter, anyway? We're here now! There's gotta be a reason. Isn't that more important?"
Tails frowned. It was clear that Sonic was uncomfortable, if his anxious foot tapping was any indication. Tails knew his big bro hated the limelight, so it made sense that he'd hate being someone as important as the king. But that still didn't answer his question: how did this even happen?
Thinking back, Tails could indeed remember when Sonic had caught that cold. It was hard to forget, since he'd gone through approximately twenty boxes of tissues in the span of about a week. But... "Amy said you just made all that up."
Sonic rolled his eyes. "Does this look made up to you?"
Tails looked around at the very real-looking fantasy land they'd found themselves in, and he had to admit that it didn't.
"Great," Sonic said. "Now that that's outta the way..." He turned back toward Lancelot. "Any dragons in need of slaying? Or not-so-evil wizards who need a talking-to?"
Lancelot shook his head. "I'm afraid not, King Sonic. Your appearance is--"
"Just Sonic."
Lancelot stiffened. Sonic looked at him expectantly. Like he was waiting for the knight to challenge him, like Shadow would've back in their own world. Tails almost laughed at the absurdity of it all, but thought better of it.
"...You've earned my respect, my king. I cannot simply refuse you your title."
Sonic's eyes twinkled. "Oh, yeah? Then how 'bout I cut you a deal?"
Lancelot was wary, but he waited for Sonic to explain.
Sonic jerked his thumb at the forest. Tails realized he was pointing at the treetops--no, at what was beyond them. Barely visible, the top of a grand castle could be seen peeking out from the distance.
"Let's race. If you win, you can call me your king. But if I win, you drop it. Sound good?"
Under the visor, Lancelot's eyes hardened. "I won't lose."
"I'm countin' on it," Sonic replied easily, but there was an undercurrent of excitement running through his words. Then, he turned to Tails. "You take care of the horse, okay, pal? We'll meet you there!"
Before Tails could object, the two hedgehogs were off. In their wake, they left a cloud of dust, and Tails sighed a long-suffering-but-fond sigh. No matter where they were, Sonic would always be Sonic, he supposed.
Taking the reins of Lancelot's horse, Tails began to head toward the distant castle. However, when he was about halfway through the forest, he stopped. The fur on the back of his neck stood up. Looking around, he couldn't see much amongst the thick foliage--just a mass of homogenous green.
Tails forced himself to relax and keep walking. Maybe a little faster than before.
Eventually, Tails made it to the front steps of the castle. It was even bigger up close; the massive structure towered over him, its tall stone spires piercing the sky. Lavish tapestries fluttered from the windows and golden ornaments glinted in the light of the setting sun. It even had a moat!
Lancelot stood proudly in front of the grand doors, his smile visible even with the visor shadowing his face. Sonic rolled his eyes as he stood next to him, but he was smiling too.
"I would've won if that frog hadn't been there," Sonic said.
"Of course, King Sonic," Lancelot replied, emphasizing Sonic's title a little more than necessary.
"C'mon, dude," Sonic said, exasperated, "you saw it! It was in trouble. If I hadn't jumped in, something bad would've happened!"
Lancelot nodded. "Yes, my king," he said again. "Helping the frog was much more important than claiming victory."
Sonic groaned.
Tails cleared his throat.
Sonic perked up immediately. "Buddy! You made it."
Taking the steps two at a time, Sonic joined Tails at the foot of the stairs. Lancelot joined him shortly afterward and gratefully took his horse from him. "My sincerest thanks for guiding Dark Rider, young Tails," Lancelot said.
Tails offered Lancelot a small smile. Dark Rider, huh? That sounded familiar. "You're welcome," Tails said. Then, after Lancelot disappeared around the corner to return the horse to her stable, he shot Sonic a pointed look. "I still have questions," he said seriously.
"Yeah, I figured," Sonic replied.
"A lot of questions," Tails added.
"Just you wait," Sonic said mysteriously. "There's more where that came from."
Lancelot returned. "They won't be expecting me so soon," he told Sonic and Tails. "When I discovered you on the outskirts of the forest, I had only just left in search of the mad mages."
Sonic raised an eyebrow. "The mad mages?" he asked.
Lancelot's face darkened. "Yes," he confirmed. "There's much you don't yet know, King Sonic. Things have changed since you were here last... and not all for the better. But this is no place for conversation, let's head inside."
The three of them did so. Once the giant wooden doors closed behind them, Tails had to try his hardest to keep his eyes from popping out of his skull. There was just so much to look at: the mounted suits of armor, the stained glass windows, and even the wonderfully detailed carpet. The whole castle also had a unique smell, like that of a delicately scented candle. It really was like something straight out of a storybook!
Lancelot led Sonic and Tails through the halls of the castle. Occasionally, Tails could catch bits of whispers as the staff noticed who exactly it was that was wandering the halls. Their excited chatter made Tails feel excited too--excited to learn exactly what was going on here.
Finally, they arrived before a set of important-looking double doors. Lancelot went to push them open, but then stopped.
"What's up, Lance?" Sonic asked.
"There's no telling how the Round Table will react to your return," Lancelot said slowly. "We've remained together despite some... differing opinions."
Sonic tilted his head. "Trouble in paradise, huh?"
"It's far from that."
Tails bit his lip. "What's going on here, Sh... Lancelot? Really?"
Lancelot looked from Tails to Sonic.
Sonic snorted. "Anything you tell me, you tell him. He's with me no matter what."
Lancelot gave a small nod of acknowledgement. "Very well," he said. "In truth, your departure left us in a bad state. I had faith you would return, but the wounds of the false king were still fresh for many. Sir Gawain, among others, couldn't move on so easily. To say nothing of the wizard's sudden betrayal..."
Sonic held up his hands. "Woah, wait. You mean Merlina?"
Lancelot replied in a grave voice, "The very same."
Suddenly, the doors were pulled open. From inside the room, a purple cat poked out her head. "Ah! Sir Lancelot, I thought I heard your voice. Was there something...?" she started to ask, but her question was forgotten when she saw Sonic and Tails.
Sonic waved. "Hi, Percival."
Percival covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a gasp. Then, she snapped to face Lancelot. "Swear to me that the mad mages aren't behind this. I have no time for trickery now, Sir Lancelot!"
"I swear, what you see is true," Lancelot replied. "Our king has returned along with his brother, the fox."
Immediately, Percival dropped into a respectful kneel. Tails cringed in sympathy for Sonic, sensing that this would become a trend. But Sonic just ignored it, saying, "Yeah, yeah. Nice to see you too. You know, we were just talking about Gawain. Is he in there with you?"
Percival tensed, then stood. After not-so-subtly pulling the door shut, she said, a little tightly, "Yes. However, it might be best to return later. Sir Gawain has become somewhat... prickly... since your departure, my lord."
"So I've heard," Sonic said, sounding bored. "Look, I know he's a knucklehead. That's not news to me. But from the sound of it, things are a bit rocky here. I'd like to be able to count on everyone if things get tough."
"'Rocky'...?" Percival repeated. Her face softened somewhat as she made a realization. "Oh, well, yes. They have been. But now that you've returned, King Sonic, the political unrest will surely resolve."
Sonic tapped his foot. "I'm not talking about politics," he said, irritated, "I'm talking about Merlina. I thought we'd buried the hatchet last time, but I guess some people need a Round 2."
Percival glanced at Lancelot, whose expression remained hard. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her. "If only it were that simple," she sighed. Then, she explained what had happened in Camelot since Sonic's departure.
Sonic struggled to pay attention through it all. Mostly because it involved a bunch of complicated political stuff that he couldn't care less about. Basically, the void of power left by Sonic returning to his own world had fractured the kingdom. Cool. Personally, he thought these prim-and-proper types should've been able to figure that out on their own, but maybe he was being insensitive. 
...Had there always been this many flowers in the castle? The vases were a little gaudy for Sonic's taste, but the flowers were nice...
When Percival finally brought up Merlina's name, Sonic started listening again. Apparently, she had disappeared without a trace not too long ago. But recently there had been sightings of her alongside another magic user. They weren't pleasant reports, though; wherever they went, destruction was sure to follow. So, that explained the whole "mad mages" thing. Sonic's expression soured. Something about this whole thing didn't sit right with him.
Last time he was here, he'd been called by Merlina. So, how'd he and Tails get here this time?
By the time Percival finished speaking, Sonic was deep in thought. Tails, too, was pensive.
"I understand it's a lot to take in," Percival said sympathetically. "But we need not worry ourselves over it all at once. After all, you've returned! The tide of Camelot's misfortune will turn, I'm sure of it."
With that, the doors behind them opened. "I've heard enough," Gawain said as he appeared in the doorway. "So, you're back, are ya? Had enough of running away, huh?"
"Sir Gawain..." Lancelot warned, his hand moving to the sword sheathed at his hip.
Sonic stepped between the two of them, facing Gawain. "I missed you too, Gawain," Sonic said. When Gawain just growled, Sonic held up his hands placatingly. "Look," he continued, "I get it. You're mad. So, let's cut to the chase, alright? Meet me out front and we'll duke it out like old times. Cool?"
Gawain glowered at Sonic. "A deserter is hardly worth the effort," he spat.
"Even if I let you pick the terms?" Sonic asked.
Lancelot and Percival's eyes widened.
Gawain considered this. After a moment, he said, "Your defeat ends in banishment. And your victory..." Gawain leaned fully into Sonic's space, attempting to intimidate him with his cold stare and bared teeth. "...It shall not come to pass."
Sonic crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to back down. "Uh huh. Deal."
"M-My lord!"
"King Sonic!"
Sonic waved his hand. He didn't look away from Gawain. "I'm looking forward to a real challenge. It's more fun that way. So don't let me down, got it?"
The preparations for the duel were carried out quickly. That was good, because Sonic didn't want to wait--he was practically buzzing with anticipation. One of the castle staff had brought him his old gauntlet, but Caliburn was nowhere to be found. Sonic didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed to be given a non-talking replacement sword instead.
By the time the knights, Sonic, and Tails had gathered in the front courtyard, the news of the king's return had spread through the whole castle as well as the town. Spectators ringed the courtyard, whispering to themselves about who would win.
Sonic and Gawain stood opposite each other. The crowd hushed when Gawain shifted, his gaze intense. "I'm Sir Gawain of the Round Table," he stated. "My duty is to protect this kingdom and its people."
Sonic leaned on his sword, a small smile playing at his lips. "Yup, that sounds just like you. But where's the rest? C'mon, I'm waiting."
Gawain's nose twitched. It was obvious he wanted to curl his lip in disdain, but instead he settled for setting his mouth into a hard line. "You call yourself king, but you abandoned your own people. I refuse to bow to a deserter!"
Sonic sighed. He couldn't argue, because Gawain was right: he did leave. Instead, he said, "I don't want you to bow, Gawain. Don't you get it? Your kingdom's in trouble!"
"And what of you, knave?" Gawain hissed, and the crowd gasped. "Could you be an omen yourself?"
Shaking his head, Sonic replied, "I'm here to help."
"Enough!" Gawain snapped. He raised one of his swords, and with that, the duel officially began.
Gawain was faster than Sonic remembered--had he been training since he'd last seen him? The red knight crossed the courtyard in the blink of an eye, slashing at Sonic with what must've been months of pent-up frustration. Sonic raised his own sword to block Gawain's attack, and the subsequent clang of steel resounded throughout the whole courtyard.
Then, Sonic tried to knock Gawain's feet out from under him, but the knight blocked his kick with his other sword. Dang! That was annoying. Even so, Sonic couldn't help but grin. After all, he did say he'd wanted a challenge.
Flipping backwards, Sonic freed himself from the stalemate. From the relative safety of a few feet away, he taunted Gawain with a wink. The red knight grew angry and charged at Sonic again, not unlike a bull.
This time, Sonic dodged Gawain's attack with a simple side-step, but he quickly realized that Gawain wasn't as nimble as him; while Sonic could stop on a dime, Gawain, being taller and heavier, could not. If their fight was happening in the middle of an empty field, then that wouldn't be a problem, but there were people surrounding the arena!
In a flash, Sonic spun around on his heel, and with his super speed, he managed to catch the back of Gawain's metal collar before he could barrel into the crowd.
Gawain blinked in surprise, but quickly recovered. "You won't be so lucky a second time," he told Sonic.
Sonic let go of Gawain's collar and replied, "Prove it!"
They clashed for a while longer, a blur of blue and red across the cobblestone courtyard. Gawain managed to graze Sonic with the business end of his blade a few times, but so did Sonic. Maybe if Gawain didn't want to look like he was covered in paper cuts, he should've designed his armor more effectively! At least, that's what Sonic thought, anyway.
Finally, Sonic managed to knock one of Gawain's swords out of his hand with a well-timed kick. His second sword was soon to follow. Then, Sonic slammed into him, sending him to the ground. With one shoe, Sonic pinned Gawain to the ground, his sword held against the red knight's neck.
"I win," Sonic announced.
The crowd cheered while Lancelot and Percival let out a sigh of relief. Tails, on the other hand, just snorted. Leave it to his big bro to be a drama king!
Sonic sheathed his sword and stepped off of Gawain. Then, he extended a hand to him. "We're stronger together. Will you help us keep Camelot safe?"
Gawain glared up at Sonic. When Lancelot and Percival appeared at his sides, he glared at them too. But eventually, he let out a sharp breath. "Yes, but not for you." He accepted Sonic's hand and said with conviction, "For the kingdom."
Sonic grinned.
Afterward, there was a party. The threat of the mad mages had brought unease to the kingdom, but with Sonic's arrival, it seemed as though a beacon of hope had appeared in Camelot. So, the townsfolk decided to celebrate. As night fell, the castle and its surrounding town became aglow with lantern light. Upbeat music drifted through the streets while people danced. The warm smells of street food wafted from stalls, making Sonic's stomach growl.
"Man, I'm starving!" Sonic said to no one in particular.
In response, approximately twenty vendors suddenly appeared with their freshly baked bread, meats, and cheeses. Sonic blinked in surprise before graciously taking what he could carry, then enlisting Tails' help to grab the rest.
The three knights were there as well, although Gawain was keeping his distance. Sonic offered a spiced bread roll to Lancelot and a sticky pastry to Percival. They accepted with their heads bowed. Sonic also offered pieces of his mountain of goodies to the townsfolk he passed, which eventually left him with a much more manageable hill of treats that he happily stuffed into his mouth.
Tomorrow, he and the knights would need to make a plan for dealing with the mad mages. But for right now, Sonic was content to fill his belly and enjoy the party.
Tails bit into a meat-and-cheese-something-or-other and chewed it thoughtfully. It tasted good, and it was still hot, which made the flavors pop out and swim across his tongue. No food he'd ever eaten in a dream had tasted like this, so he had to accept that it was real. Even though it was hard to believe, he and Sonic had been transported to another world. A world of knights and mages.
Tails' expression soured. He thought about the invention in his backpack, the same one he'd been showing off to Sonic earlier back in their own world. It seemed so small in comparison to this bizarre place filled with magic and mystery.
Speaking of which...
Tails was wrenched out of his reverie when he heard someone scream.
Tails dropped the rest of the food he was holding. It all tumbled to the ground dramatically, and the narrator urges you to mourn the loss of such delicious food. Especially since things are about to get much, much worse.
A flight of winged, human-faced monsters had arrived. They swooped down to crash the party, their wicked talons swiping this way and that. People shouted and ran for cover, but not everyone was fast enough to avoid their grasp; a small child was plucked from the street by the arm and lifted into the sky by the harpy.
"Hold it!" Sonic shouted. Then, he took a running leap at the kidnapper, using a nearby food stall to bounce off of and gain height. In midair, he tackled the monster, which then released the young girl in its grasp.
She shrieked as she fell through the air, but luckily Lancelot was there to catch her, his armored skates sparking from use.
The streets were chaotic. Townsfolk continued to scream and run, ducking into buildings and slamming the doors shut behind them as harpies terrorized them. The knights fought valiantly, their swords slicing through flesh and feathers. Despite the large number of winged monsters, they fell quickly, and so it wasn't long before their ranks thinned to almost nothing.
But that wasn't the end of it.
After spin dashing into a group of harpies and knocking them over like bowling pins, Sonic froze. He realized the ground was shaking beneath his feet, and looked around wildly to find out why. It wasn't long before he spotted the source: a giant red dragon. Or, what appeared to be a red dragon. Upon closer inspection, it actually looked like it was part dragon, part bird, and part human. And it had just crashed through the town’s protective wall.
Percival gasped. "A chimera?"
Sonic shook the monster blood off his sword before rushing over to where the knights were gathered. "You guys keep these birdbrains busy," he said. "I'll handle the big guy."
"Sonic, wait!" Tails said, grabbing Sonic's wrist before he could run off.
"No time, buddy. Tall, Red, and Ugly over there is big trouble. I'm countin' on you to back me up!"
Tails pressed his lips into a thin line, but nodded. Then, he let Sonic go.
With his super speed, Sonic was able to dodge fleeing townsfolk, hop over toppled food carts, and run along the roofs of buildings. He stopped on a tiled roof not far from the chimera, cupped his hands around his mouth, and shouted. "Heeey! Over here!"
The chimera ignored him. It bulldozed its way through the town, crushing stalls and carts underfoot. Sonic chased after it, jumping across rooftops like he was in Assassin's Creed, careful to keep his soles from slipping on the inclined surfaces. Where are you going? he wondered as he watched the chimera squeeze through a narrow alleyway, smashing in windows with its huge scaly tail as it did so.
Sonic's eyes moved in front of the chimera. Up ahead was the courtyard and beyond that, the castle. That must be it!
But, wait, that was bad. Like, really bad! Because that was where the townsfolk were headed! The strong stone walls of the castle offered the best protection from monsters. That was, until a huge chimera came knocking at their door!
Sonic zoomed across the rooftops until he got close enough to the chimera to leap onto its back. He nearly slipped when he landed on the slick red scales, but stubbornly held on by grabbing a fistful of feathers. By now, the chimera had burst out into the open courtyard. Sonic didn't have a lot of time to redirect it before people got hurt.
Setting his jaw, Sonic crawled up to the chimera's head like a little blue bug. It only noticed him once he was face to face with it--or, maybe it was a her? She bared her teeth at Sonic and swiped at him with her big dragon claws, but Sonic was too agile for her to catch.
With his feet planted firmly on her shoulders, he leaned upside down in front of her face and blew a raspberry. His hand made the L-shape as he held it against his forehead, the moonlight glinting off his gauntlet.
In response, the chimera's eyes snapped to the gauntlet. She no longer attempted to swat Sonic like a pesky fly, but rather, she tried to snatch the gauntlet. Sonic flipped off her shoulders, landed on the ground in the courtyard, and then looked from his gauntlet to the chimera.
"You want this?" he asked.
Her yellow eyes seared against the darkness, never looking away from Sonic's hand.
The blue hedgehog grinned wildly. "Then come and take it!"
Sonic led the chimera away from the castle and into the nearby forest. He didn't stop running until he could no longer hear any sounds from the town, and then he kept running for a little while longer, just for good measure. He deliberately slowed his pace so the chimera wouldn't lose him in the tangled mess of foliage, where the darkness blended together with the roughage.
When he finally stopped, he skidded in the dirt. The chimera wasn't far behind, so he had to think fast: what was the best way to slay a dragon?
The chimera burst out from the bushes as Sonic unsheathed his sword. It lunged at him immediately, but was still too slow to catch him. Instead, Sonic ran underneath her scaly arm, only stopping once he was directly underneath her. Before she had time to react, he plunged the sword upward into her chest... or, he tried to.
The chimera's super tough scales broke the sword when it made contact. Sonic dropped it and hurried back out into the forest. So, that didn't work. Now what?
Suddenly, Sonic heard someone's voice. He looked around, worried someone from the town had wandered out here and was now in danger, but quickly realized it was actually the chimera. She had her hand raised in front of her as she spoke--no, chanted.
Uh oh.
Spikes shot up from the earth, and Sonic narrowly avoided being skewered. The forest floor was now a mess of jagged spikes, leaving very little room for Sonic to run. He had to navigate between the closely-packed spikes, which took precious time and attention, and it didn't help that the chimera was shooting fireballs at him now.
"Sorry, lady! Hedgehog's not on the menu tonight!" he quipped as he ducked under a particularly large fireball. "These quills weren't meant to be barbecued!"
Eventually, the fireballs stopped flying.
A drop of sweat slid down Sonic's face, but he didn't stop moving. He couldn't afford to. This monster was full of surprises, and one wrong move could land him six feet under.
Unfortunately, Sonic had gotten so fixated on her human half that he didn't notice when her dragon tail arced through the night until it was too late. It slammed into his side, knocking him off the top of the spike he'd been perched on. He soared through the air, stunned, until he landed in the palm of the chimera's huge draconic hand.
Sonic tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but without a running start, he couldn't overpower her. Black spots swam across his vision, but he just gritted his teeth. If it was the gauntlet she wanted, then he wasn't going to let her have it, no matter what. Using the last of his strength, Sonic removed his gauntlet and buried it deep inside his un-barbecue-able, super sharp quills.
Then, a sickening crunch echoed through the forest, and Sonic drooped in the chimera's grasp.
Without a word, she brought Sonic's body up to her face, searching for the gauntlet. When she realized it was no longer on his hand, she almost dropped him--but then she caught sight of the silvery prize between the hedgehog's quills. With her soft human hands, she reached for it... only to immediately recoil, because she'd been poked!
Scowling, the chimera tried again, only to be poked a second time. Ouch! She sniffed, a single cartoon tear dripping from her eye. Then, she tried to get the gauntlet with her dragon hands... but they were way too big. There was no way she'd be able to finagle that tiny gauntlet out of Sonic's quills when her claws were the same size as his head!
Pouting, the chimera resigned herself to just taking Sonic's entire body back to the Dungeon Master. She'd gotten what he’d wanted, anyway--surely, he could figure out the rest?
So, that was what she did. With Sonic's body held in her arms, she trampled through the forest, back to Thistle.
He was waiting for her along with the female wizard, Merlina, at the lake where Lancelot had originally encountered Sonic and Tails. The two mages were discussing something in hushed tones, but stopped once they heard the booming footsteps of Thistle's chimera approach. Then, they turned toward the forest to watch as the dragon with a human head emerged from the shadow of the trees.
Merlina’s heart dropped when she saw what the chimera was carrying.
Thistle had no reaction to Sonic's body. Once the chimera was close, he simply asked, "Well? Did you get it?"
The chimera knelt down so she could show Thistle the gauntlet trapped in Sonic's quills. When Thistle reached for it, the chimera pulled Sonic's body against her chest and said with difficulty, "Sh... arp..."
Thistle lowered his hand.
It was then that Merlina stepped forward. Her face revealed none of her true feelings, but when she placed her hand on Sonic's head, her fingers trembled slightly. "I sense a great power within this creature," she said cryptically. "Perhaps he could be of use to us?"
Thistle frowned. He looked closer at Sonic, but he didn't see whatever it was that Merlina saw.
"Some artifacts are protected by narrow passages," Merlina added. "In that case, a... smaller... creature would be valuable."
The chimera puffed up her cheeks indignantly. How rude!
Thistle considered this. Then, he looked down. His arms were overloaded with two large books. Carrying them both this far had been a hassle, but he couldn't leave either one behind. They both had to stay where he could see them. But, maybe...
"Dragon," Thistle said, causing the chimera to snap to attention. "Set it down here."
The chimera did as she was told. Now, Sonic's body laid flat in the grass at Thistle's feet.
After rummaging around in his pocket for a moment, Thistle pulled out a glass vial with a single drop of blood inside. While Merlina watched, he popped the lid off the vial before turning it upside down and letting the droplet stain Sonic's chest red. Lastly, he moved one of his books under his arm, then opened the other one and began to read.
Sonic's body glowed as the droplet of blood soaked into his fur and disappeared. Then, he gasped and sat up, clutching his chest. Life had returned to his body, but his head was spinning, and when he looked up and saw Merlina, his head hurt even more.
Thistle didn't let him finish. He transformed the book into a pulsing ball of light that squirmed and twitched as if it was alive. Before the strange orb could escape the mage's grasp, he shoved it into Sonic's open mouth.
Sonic, startled, swallowed it.
Merlina was glad Thistle couldn't see her expression as Sonic transformed before her eyes, his whole body burning with the fierceness of a small star. Feathers grew from his fur and his legs twisted into the body of a lion, all the while Merlina looked on in horror.
When the light finally faded, signaling the end of the transformation, the dragon chimera cocked her head curiously at the newly made lion chimera.
Sonic shivered in the grass, his long tail flicking back and forth.
Thistle gave him no time to acclimate to his new body. "Lion," he said. "Give me the gauntlet."
Sonic growled.
Thistle held out one of his hands expectantly. "Now, Lion," he repeated, more firmly this time. "The gauntlet."
Sonic looked up at Thistle. When their eyes met, Sonic's stiff, defensive posture evaporated. With his strange new eyes, the lion chimera could see something floating just above Thistle's hand. It was about the size of a blueberry and just as round, but glowing with the warmth of a freshly baked biscuit. It looked delicious.
Sonic reached into his quills and pulled out the gauntlet. Now, he offered it to Thistle without hesitation, his head bowed slightly. But his eyes remained locked on that strange magic blueberry.
Thistle nodded, pleased. "Good," he said. And then he took the gauntlet from Sonic.
When he did, Sonic was able to taste that strange blueberry. And it tasted better than anything he'd ever eaten in his entire life--including chili dogs! His wings fluttered in delight as his eyes filled with sparkles. Now, there was only one thing on his mind: how could he get more of those blueberries?
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railingsofsorrow · 4 months
death and all of its friends
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: you have an important witness admitted to Grey Sloan Hospital, but things get out of hand in the middle of your questioning. the unsub is on the loose and your team is still on their way. it's the worst that could happen, right? except that you end up stuck in an elevator with your ex. and that is worse. ( slight crossover between GA and CM ) 
pairing: s.reid x f!bau!reader; past!jackson avery x f!bau!reader 
w.c: 5.8K
warnings/content: heavy discussions about trauma regarding a mass shooting; PTSD; the word kill/murder is there a few times; kidnapping; break-ups; heartbreak; anxiety attack; hospitals; claustrophobia; mentions of surgery and blood and gunshot wound (not really graphic); minor character death (mentioned); there is so much drama in this you might call it unnecessary but I just had to unleash the devil in me; suggestive content (near the end); making out; long paragraphs in italics are flashbacks.
a/n: ok ok, like I promised (3000 years ago) here it is. enjoy it and please let me know if I forgot to tag anyone! 
cm masterlist
Five years ago you walked these same halls running from a mass shooter that entered Seattle Grace and caused havoc. Now, instead of Seattle Grace is Grey Sloan and apparently, not only the name of the hospital has changed. Amongst the Attendings, Residents and Interns there were all new faces, which only made sense since it's been five years and some of the people you knew had left and others died. 
Cristina Yang nicknamed the hospital Seattle Grace Mercy Death once and after all the stories you've been told by your ex-boyfriend's friends, it seemed fitting.  
You liked Cristina's dark humor. She was the funniest person you met in your time in Seattle. You were happy to hear she left to be a cardiothoracic surgeon in Switzerland, and she owned a hospital now, which was great.  
As you passed the cafeteria your head was flooded with memories of Lexi pulling you to have lunch with her after she finished a procedure, her excited rambles about every detail inside an OR — she wasn't Lexopedia for nothing — and the juicy gossip she provided you about the relationships inside this hospital (and her relationship with Mark Sloan). 
You might not have worked with these people but they felt like family once, the missing will always be there.  
Nostalgia had to be left aside for your job though, you had to find an important witness in a case involving the kidnapping of a six-year-old boy. He had been missing for three days, you were running against the clock at this point.  
“Miss Howard's room.” The nurse pointed you towards the room and you thanked her with a polite smile. “She's been sedated, so she may not be totally aware of her surroundings yet. She just got out of surgery.”  
“Alright, thank you.” 
Stab wound to the chest. An argument turned ugly in prison. You recalled Penelope telling you and the team that that was the reason she had been hospitalised. You observed the handcuffs locking her wrist against the bed before approaching.  
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you grabbed it to see a text from JJ.  
Is she awake? 
You pressed send and looked up at wiped-out blue eyes staring back at you with annoyance. You could hear what she was about to say already.  
“I answered all of y'all's questions already, can you people never leave me alone?” 
“Miss Howard, I'm with the FBI,” you started, introducing your name and then, proceeding to the hard part.  
The crease between her brows told you she was unaware of why you were there. “You people locked me up three years ago what is there to do now? Checking up if I'm killing any more disgusting men who deserved it?” 
“Martha, it's about your son, Ben Howard.” The way she immediately froze made your heart clench. Why did it have to be you to give her the news? JJ is way better at doing this, you have no idea of comforting people so you'd rather just not do it. “He's been kidnapped by your husband, Thomas Howard.”  
“Ex-husband.” She tried sitting up with difficulty while being handcuffed to the bed. You helped her. “What— No. Ben visited me with my sister three days ago, he's fine. He wouldn't dare touch my boy.” 
Ten minutes later into your questioning, your back pocket started to vibrate and you pulled it out to see who it was. 
Spencer calling. . .  
“Everything you said is very helpful, Miss Howard, we're going to try everything we can to find Ben.” 
“Please do.” Her voice cracked and you saw the mask of indifference crumble a little. “He's— he's all I got.” 
You nodded, then excused yourself to answer the call outside of the room.  
“Hey, I was just about to update you guys—” 
“He's in Grey Sloan.” Spencer blurted out the first second you answered. “Thomas Howard is in Grey Sloan. Where are you?”  
“What— What about the kid? Did you find him?” You quickly informed the two police officers outside the room to not let anyone else in. “You don't mean he's inside Grey Sloan, right?” 
Hotch's voice rang through the line and you knew you were on speaker. “He's going after Martha. We found Ben, he was unarmed but Thomas's endgame is Martha. And yes, he's inside the hospital at this moment. Do you know where Martha is?” 
“I just talked to her,” you turned your neck to glimpse at her room again subconsciously. “There are two officers outside her room, I already told them. But Hotch—” 
“He's armed, wait for backup.” 
“We profiled him as a psychopath, Hotch. He's impulsive and has no remorse or guilt, you know what he's capable of, especially if he let the boy go.” 
“Kid, don't be reckless yourself. We're almost there—” Rossi tried to intervene. 
“We're almost there.” You heard Spencer's voice and that made you hesitate for a second before hanging up. “Please don't—” 
Your heart was thumping hard and rapidly against your ribcage, you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. As soon as you felt numbness in your fingers you clenched your hand into fists and let go, this was the way your body warned you you were about to have an anxiety attack. Thankfully, you were able to notice it before it got to the point where you passed out.  
Your name was called from afar and you halted, bumping into a nurse and mumbling a shaky sorry. The owner of the voice touched your elbow and you flinched, hand immediately searching for your gun. 
“Hey, whoa, it's me, Amelia. I didn't mean to scare you but when I saw it was you I just— it's been five years and you're here!” You withdrew your hand from the holster on your hip, inhaling and exhaling slowly to force your heart to calm the fuck down, you are not in imminent danger. 
“Amy,” you smiled and accepted the hug she was eager to give you. “Hi. How are you?” 
“I'm great, yeah. And you? For how long are you staying?” 
“I'm not. I, uh, I'm here on a case, with the FBI.” You cleared your throat. “Actually, I need your help with something.” 
Fifteen minutes later you had already warned most of the staff and Attendings in two floors to keep an eye out for Thomas Howard. You tried slowing your fast pulse by practicing the guided breathing you learned in therapy all those years ago. You did everything your therapist said, every single step from questioning your thoughts to counting everything blue you found in your way.  
You couldn't stop memories from revisiting your brain. 
You were waiting to have lunch with him.
It was almost one in the afternoon, Jackson was late because of a surgery that was taking longer than expected due to complications.  
It was your day off. One of the rare days you'd appear in Seattle Grace Mercy West before 6 p.m. when your classes at Washington University were over. You were a part of the Psychology department at WU, and a professor for the Undergraduate Program of B.S., Psychology.  
It wasn't usual for you to have a day off but given the amount of days you've been accumulating over the year, it was only fair.  
So you visited your boyfriend in the hospital, patiently waiting for his belated surgery to end so you could have your lunch date. That was until Lexi Gray pulled you into the hospital's cafeteria and you ended up having lunch with her.  
You remember her terrified face when it happened. It had been a terrifying day, one that no one expected. It's funny how tragedies are never announced, isn't it? They just come barging in and you can't just ignore the door, tragedies do not need to knock.  
It was in that day, that you understood the gravity of that.  
Of course, it wasn't as nearly as bad for you as it was for those who worked at that place. They would have to come back every day and see the walls and that same floor which were smeared with their friends' blood.  
Jackson had lost two of his best friends. He spent two months having nightmares screaming their names during the night and getting mad at himself because you weren't able to sleep. That was the least of your concerns back then. You know something that would forever be etched into your brain was the barrel of a gun being pointed at you and the sound of the safety being taken off. You can't even recall the actual shot, only the pain that followed afterward and Jackson's horrified expression as he held your weak body on the floor.  
You thought you died. Jackson thought you died. Meredith, Lexi, Cristina and everyone else thought you died. In reality, you had just passed out from blood loss caused by a bullet wound to your chest area.  
That must have been terrifying to watch. You couldn't imagine being in his place, you probably would've been crying non-stop at the amount of blood, not saving his life, like he did to you.  
During the recovery process, you remember thinking about the absurdity of your dream of becoming an FBI Agent. If you weren't able to control your emotions on situations like that then what's even the point of anything? 
According to your therapist, what you suffered didn't determine the person you were, which, at first, you judged as complete bullshit. But you understood in later sessions what she meant by that.  
“Is it something you think you are not capable of doing?” 
You looked up from your hands, staring into the gray eyes of Isobel Houston. Jackson had made a compelling deal with you. He basically threw in your face that if he, who was threatened with a gun, was doing therapy, you, who had been shot and almost died in his arms, also had to talk about it.  
And here you were. 
“I'm not sure if I would know how.” You replied, brows twitching with your uncertainty. You were discussing about holding a gun and going out into the field, which was required in the training at the FBI Academy. You told her if you freaked out at the sight of blood then you shouldn't follow through with your decision to become an FBI Agent. 
“Well, that's what training is for, isn't it?” Isobel quirked a brow at you, earning a scoff. “You would learn certain abilities and improve the ones you already have in the academy. They wouldn't expect you to know everything.” 
“I'm not sure if I can.”  
Isobel nodded and wrote something down in the notepad you were planning to steal to see how she was making fun of you in there. 
“It is too soon still. But don't rule out your dream career quite yet. You are healing, it's a process that requires patience, both from you and from others around you. You don't have to think about that now. How about you take some time to yourself, focus on healing, getting better first?” 
A year later you would be forever thankful for those words. Because you didn't give up of your dream career, you made the decision to follow through with it and it worked.  
Partially, at least. 
“What do you mean you were accepted?” Jackson put his fork down as he chewed on his salad, tilting his head in confusion at you. “How can you be accepted somewhere if you didn't even apply to it?” The amusement in his tone instantly died as soon as he saw your serious face across from him. He connected the dots. “But you did apply... didn't you?” 
"Jack, I've always wanted this." 
He offers you a look of disbelief. 
"I know! But- You didn't even talk to me and-" 
"That's my decision." You cut him off.  
"Well, yes, but I'm your boyfriend. I think I deserved to know you were thinking about leaving for four months?" 
It caused a rift in your and Jackson's relationship. Back then, you didn't mind the fact that you were kind of doing things on your own, because your only goal was to leave and maybe, just maybe, forget what happened but the scar you had in your chest had to remind you of it. You never told him that, and you blamed him for not wanting you to leave for four months. Selfish; that was what you called him countless times after you broke up before you left. When, in reality, you had been the selfish one in the relationship.  
Truth be told, you wanted to forget that part of your life. Your completely foolish mistake and how wrong you were. Your healing had taken years and it still wasn't perfect, you weren't unflinching to the threat of an armed man. Right now, you wanted nothing more than to go back to Virginia and crawl into your blankets to feel some sort of safety.  
You had to bring safety to these people when you felt lost and cornered, how fun was that? You felt like such a failure. Years of experience and training going down the drain because of a stupid trauma.  
To add to that, you were currently stuck in an elevator. With a reckless man going after your witness. And your team was close to your location but not quite enough.  
Maybe they were already here since you had no reception and no way of knowing about their whereabouts.  
Maybe they already caught Thomas Howard and Hotch was thinking about his careful words as he fired you for your incompetency. 
“Why is it that when I find you you're always leaving?” 
Right. You got stuck in an elevator with your ex of all people. It was like everything you did not want to happen would materialize in front of you. 
“Jackson," you hissed, rubbing a hand across your face in pure frustration because of the useless phone in your hands. None of the messages were sent. Where were they? How was Martha? 
Hey, Spence. Where are you? 
I'm stuck in an elevator, fourth floor. I don't know what happened.  
You sent those fifteen minutes ago.
“It was just a comment,” Jackson said, shrugging in that infuriating way as if he knew he was right about something. You also knew Jackson Avery's way of deviating from his real problems was to seek anger. And usually, someone was the target. This time, it was you. "What are you doing here?" 
You looked down at your bulletproof vest and glanced up at him. Jackson's brows rose up to his hairline in understanding. God, he could be slow sometimes. 
"You're with the FBI." 
"I am the FBI." 
Jackson blinked, "right. Right. Uh, I- Sorry, I-" his apologetic wince made you relax your shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm just... This is too familiar." Yeah, you could relate to that. 
"Jackson," your eyes softened but you tried to reassure him as much as you were able to. "This is not the same thing. His reasoning is completely different. What happened then- It won't happen again."  
His bright green eyes study you with a newfound curiosity but you could see some of the tension leave his body.  
"You sound sure." 
"I am," you said. "My team is close by and they're good. Besides, all of the local cops probably asked for backup already. And SWAT is right outside." 
He took a long minute staring you down to nod quietly. The silence that came afterward was uncomfortable. There was so much to say and nothing and the same time. This wasn't the time, but it was inevitable to not think about your last words to each other. You didn't hold a grudge against Jackson, you had no reason to, but he had plenty to do it and you wouldn't blame him. 
Fuck, why was this elevator so hot? Why were the walls so close to one another? 
"I saw you on TV once."  
You swallowed hard, feeling your throat closing up. Your attention drifted towards Jackson's whitecoat.  
"I didn't know being in the FBI made you famous." His attempt at joking had you scoffing despite your current state of mind. "I would've made a career exchange if I knew." 
"You were already rich, why do you need to be famous?" You mumbled with your eyes shut as you tried to calm your erratic breathing down. "Actually, you were already famous and rich, so anything you just said is..." your voice failed. "… complete bullshit." 
He said your name twice and you were obligated to open your eyes. He was much closer and concern tugged his lips downwards.  
"Put a hand on your chest and tell me what you can see." You stared at his lips moving slowly as your vision blurred slightly. He said your name more urgently this time. "Put a hand on your chest and tell me what you see." 
"Your stethoscope," you said as you stared at it, clearing your throat. "F-flyers," you croaked out, glancing briefly above his shoulders to the flyers splattered around. You couldn't see what they were about, but you knew they were there as they had been since the first time you stepped inside this elevator years ago. 
"What can you feel?" 
Your fingers drummed against your ribcage. Your breathing slowing down but not quite there yet. "My heartbeat. Mhm... The-my cold necklace." It was always two things. You thought about one and as you searched for another, you would calm down through the process.  
You could feel the warmth of his hands on your arms, helping grounding you back to earth.  
"Good. Two things you can hear." He was way relieved after your voice stopped shaking.  
"Your voice," you uttered, feeling your fingers moving and the sweat dripping down your back. The anxiety diminished little by little. When you were about to say the next thing you could hear, what you could only describe as two loud shots right outside the elevator doors made the both of you flinch and stare at the metal doors with widened eyes.  
You immediately got into action, thankfully prioritizing being numb over any other emotion at that moment, which was what you should have done from the start.  
"What are you doing?" Jackson asked you confusedly as you tried prying the doors open. "We might not be entirely on the floor-" 
"Help me open this, Jackson and I'll figure it out from there." 
Just then, your phone came back to life. Reception. At the same time, the doors opened without any human force. You didn't have time to see the caller ID before your gun was drawn in front of you and Jackson, ready to fire.  
"Hey, hey, it's me!" The voice you've been craving to hear for half an hour called out your name in front of you. Honey-brown, you thought, locking eyes with Spencer, I can see honey-brown eyes too. "I just got your text, I was looking for you- Hey." He breathed out in your ear as you threw your arms around his neck. His arms squeezed you in comfort. "Are you okay?" 
I am now. 
Your head bobbed up and down as you leaned back to get some distance. PDA wasn't your forte, but you had been triggered just a few minutes ago, and you needed some comfort from the only person who would effectively provide it to you.  
“They got him. He was hidden in one of the on-call rooms on the third floor.” Spencer filled you in before you could ask. He was assessing you thoroughly, looking for any strand of hair out of place, something that would tell him you had gotten hurt.  
You placed a hand on his chest, patting it gently. “I'm okay,” you tried reassuring him, eyes traveling through the room until you found some of your coworkers talking with the local police.  
“You should drink water.” Jackson's voice startled you a bit and Spencer looked behind you curiously. “And sit down.” 
And that comment immediately canceled out Spencer's certainty that you were okay. 
“Oh, I'm fine.”  
“Anxiety attack.” Jackson mouthed to Spencer out of your eyesight. He moved away to talk to some doctors while Spencer stared at his back, trying to pinpoint where exactly did he knew him from and why he was acting as if he knew you.  
But then it clicked.  
Jackson Avery. Harper Avery's grandson. Owner of a share of the Grey Sloan Memorial. Plastics surgeon. 
Right, of course. And your ex-boyfriend. 
“Is Martha okay?”  
Spencer looked down at you, blinking. “Uh-huh. Yeah, she's safe.”  
You gave him a look, “what?” 
“What?” His voice failed, which was a bit embarrassing, really.  
“Just spit it out, Spence.” 
So, he did. 
“Were you stuck in an elevator with Jackson Avery?”  
You almost choked up on your own saliva, earning a grimace from your boyfriend. Your concerned and caring boyfriend wasn't making that question because of pure jealousy, he genuinely wanted to know if you were okay after being stuck in an elevator with your ex-boyfriend in the same place you got shot by Gary Clark.  
“I'm sorry I wasn't here,” Spencer said with a sigh. “I should have come with you. I'm so sorry I wasn't here.” 
“Spencer, I'm fine,” you insisted, taking his hand on yours. Fuck it. “Hey, nothing happened in there.”  
He knows that but that's not what he meant. Not in that sense. 
“I'm not jealous.” He felt the need to clarify. He wasn't immune to jealousy but that was neither the right place nor moment for it. He just wanted to know if the reason for your anxiety attack was just being in a confined space or if the other person you were stuck with had something to do with it. “But you— Did he say something to you? To trigger it?” 
It took you a moment to get what he was saying, but once you did, you sighed and pulled him aside away from prying eyes.  
“No. I— It was the images. Memories. And the whole thing of being inside an elevator for more than one minute. He didn't do anything. He actually... helped me calm down.” 
Spencer brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, “okay. Good. And do you feel better now?” 
A tender smile twitched the corner of your lips.  
“Yes, I do.”  
“Are you ready to go?” Hotch approached you and Spencer and you watched Emily, JJ, Derek and Rossi exit the hospital.  
“Yes.” But your eyes drifted to the side and you told both of them you'd meet them in the car. “I'll be right there. It won't take long.” 
Spencer kissed your temple on his way out.  
"Are you okay?" 
"Are you?"  
Both of you have been on opposite ends of the room for the past five minutes and none had the courage to break the deafening silence. It should have been you, though. You were the one to ask Jackson for a quick word.  
"Why wouldn't I be?" His brows furrowed as he stared at his hands. He seemed deep in thought. You wondered if he was thinking the same as you. It was a long time ago. It was a long time ago but it is somehow very fresh when he's standing in front of me.  
Because we never got closure. I didn't let that happen. 
"We never talked about it." You sat down in one of the bunk beds, knowing this wouldn't be as fast as both of you liked it to be. Years of a relationship couldn't be fixed in five minutes. You texted Spencer to let him know you'd meet all of them in the motel since the jet would only be available tomorrow anyway, and you didn't want anybody waiting for you.  
"We did."  
"Talking to our therapists is not the same as communicating to each other." You interjected. 
Jackson's gaze flashed with hurt and he looked away.  
“I couldn't stay," you said, biting your cheek because it was so hard to admit that out loud. 
He finally looked up, tilting his head to look at you. “You couldn't or you wouldn't?”  
You clenched your jaw, annoyance seeping through your demeanor. “I wouldn't. It was my dream, it had always been my dream to get into the FBI—into the BAU. I wouldn't give that up. And it's not fair for you to judge me when you know exactly how that feels. Yes, I could have stayed, but I didn't want to.” 
Jackson rolled his eyes, standing up to pace around the room. "Yeah, it was pretty clear you didn't want to stay." 
“Look, I'm not judging. And yes, I do understand. I just think—" He halted and looked at you, green eyes burning into yours. "God, did you have to pack your bags without even talking to me? You made a life-changing decision and you just up and left.” 
Your breath hitched, and something in your chest churned painfully. Guilt, probably. Five years and you hadn't uttered the words he deserved once. 
"I'm sorry." You swallowed with difficulty. "Jackson, I- What I did was unfair and I'm so incredibly sorry for hurting you. You deserved more than that." 
"I've forgiven you a long time ago," Jackson confessed, uncrossing his arms and angling his body towards you. "It's been five years. Those words have been bottled up in my throat since the moment you walked out... but I don't hate you."  
You winced, "but you did hate me." 
Amusement travels through his face. "For a bit, yes."  
"I'm sorry too."  
You gave him a sad smile. "You didn't leave me, Jackson." 
"No, but I said some pretty hurtful things to you. So, I'm sorry." 
"Mhm, okay." You nodded, shifting on your feet. “You're forgiven too, I guess.”
Jackson offered his hand for a handshake...? You glanced down at it, holding back a laugh because of how awkward he was being. You shook his hand, grinning with a shake of your head.  
Yeah, that could be closure.  
“I saw you on TV,” Jackson repeated what he said before but you weren't exactly alright to actually hear it. “Are you giving out autographs?” 
“I'm giving out this, does it work for you?” You flipped him off. A nurse passed by you and gave you an ugly look while Jackson just smirked.  
As soon as you walked through the doors of Grey Sloan Memorial, exiting the hospital, your eyes caught the back of a familiar lanky figure whose light brown curls waved wildly with the harsh wind of Seattle. 
When you got close enough, you heard an indignant edge to your boyfriend's tone. He was speaking on the phone. Your amusement grew when you realized was on the other line, pissing him off. 
“Yeah, you know what, Derek?” Spencer started but cut himself off upon seeing you arrive at his side. “You're back.” His annoyed tone switched to something softer.  
“What's he pissing you off about now?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Tell him I'll slap his bald shiny head if he doesn't stop.” 
Spencer snorted, covering his mouth. You could hear Derek's telling you to fuck off through the phone before Spencer hung up the call.  
You accepted the urge to pull him close to you by wrapping both of your arms around his middle and lowering your head to his chest. His immediate response was to bury his face in the croak of your neck, the cold tip of his nose grazing your skin made you squirm a little.  
“I thought I told you not to wait for me.”  
Spencer rubbed your back, leaning back slightly to look down at you. 
“I wasn't gonna let you drive back on your own.” 
You chuckled, “are you telling me I'm a terrible driver? 
He hummed, lips quirking up when he kissed the tip of your nose. “You're not as terrible as me.” 
“I'm not sure if that can be classified as a compliment, angel. But you're right, nobody is a worse driver than you.” 
A pinch in your hip made you whine. He started laughing as you gave him a playful shove before getting in the car. Driver's seat. You had to prove a point.  
“How are you?” Spencer asked after a long minute of being silent and you knew he'd be dying to ask that. 
“I'm okay.” You told him, giving his thigh a soft squeeze as you concentrated on leaving the parking lot.  
“How did it feel?”  
You stopped at a red light. The motel was about fifteen minutes from the hospital by car, and you wouldn't go back home today, the jet was only going to be available tomorrow.  
“Suffocating.” You laughed after you admitted it out loud. That was how you felt. “Yeah, that's about it. The moment I stepped inside Grey Sloan I felt cornered.” 
“That's understandable.” Spencer caressed the back of your hand before you had to pull it back to move the car gear. “You haven't been there for five years. You may have seen, smelled, felt, or touched something that triggered you to go back to that very moment. Even though triggers are usually harmless, they cause your body to react as if you're in danger.” He explained, causing your mouth to quirk upwards in amusement. “Which was why I wanted to be there with you.” 
“Hey, that wasn't your fault. And I'm not a little girl anymore, I can get a grip on myself, Spence. We were doing our jobs.” 
From the corner of your eye, you were able to see him lean back on the seat with a roll of his eyes. 
“Well, yes, I know but I wanted to be there with you. You know just... be there.”  
You parked in the motel's parking lot, turning the car off. You inhaled heavily before turning to Spencer, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips. Your boyfriend hummed in satisfaction, pulling you closer by the back of your neck. 
“What was that for?” He blinked bleary, voice slightly dazed after your surprise kiss. Your insides turned to mush and fondness overtook your body.  
“I love you,” you said, thumb running across his cheek lovingly. “like... a lot.” 
His eyes sparkled at your statement and he started smiling like an idiot. An idiot head over heels for you. 
“Like a lot?” 
“Like a lot.” 
A harsh tap on your window made your body jerk and you hit your knee against the steering wheel, a loud curse slipping past your tongue. 
Spencer lowered the car window with a glare.  
“Alright, lovebirds. We're going out to the bar across the street to have a little fun. Are you coming or what?” Derek dipped his head as his eyes narrowed at the two of you. “Was I interrupting something?” 
“How are you so annoying—” 
“There is no scientific explanation for that, angel.” You pat Spencer's shoulder, who huffed while getting out of the car. He was immediately wrapped in a side hug by Derek as you locked your car and followed them both down the street, where the rest of your team waited.  
Emily snorted, nudging JJ with her arm. “Told you he was going to cockblock them.” 
“Emily,” Hotch said sternly, but his mouth betrayed him with a little smile.  
“C'mon, pretty boy.” Derek dragged Spencer to the bar as you followed them inside. “Let's drink the night away to make you forget about seeing your girl's ex, who has the greenest eyes I've ever seen—” 
Your lips parted in astonishment.  
“Hey!” JJ warned him. “Stop that. C'mon, leave him alone you've teased him enough with this.” 
Spencer looked at you, lips pulling into a smile at the scowl you were sending Derek as he walked away with JJ and Emily beside him.
“It's alright,” Spencer mumbled, nudging you to a corner as your team scattered around to find a table for eight. “He's just playing around and I'm not threatened by light-colored eyes, anyway. They're overrated.”  
You huffed out a laugh, surprised at his nonchalant claim.  
"Good." You were so close that your breaths mixed, his eyes falling to your lips and rising to your eyes again. You pulled him flush against your body by the belt loops of his pants, earning a shaky exhale from his parted soft lips. "Cause... You know," you pressed a kiss against his jaw. "There's nothing you should be threatened about. I'm pretty certain of that." 
"You are?" Spencer realized how pathetic he sounded and how needy he was starting to look.  
"I am, angel," you reaffirmed in his ear, leaning forward to kiss him. Before it got too heated, you smirked against his lips, pushing him away gently as he groaned in protest. "Okay, we can pick this up later tonight, now let's celebrate a bit with them, yeah?" 
Spencer sighed, burying his face into your neck for a second and drawing it back to glance at the table their friends chose. It was in a corner of the room, across from where they were currently... talking.  
"Don't sound too excited." 
"Shut up," he grabbed one of your hands and pulled around his hip at the same time his arm lifted to wrap around your shoulders. "You know what I'm excited about-" he pretended to cough upon gaining a light slap on his back as a warning for him to shut up before any of your friends could hear the implication his words were carrying.  
As soon as you arrived at the table, Emily placed a shot before you, claiming you were late for the party. You smiled apologetically at the brunette, bringing the vodka shot to your lips and downing it in one go, gaze locked to your boyfriend's beside you. Oh, this was going to be a long night. 
taglist: @lvtilzs ; @inexplicableeee ; @fkapluto ; @nellxsies
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meanbossart · 6 months
Hi! I'm in love with your DU art and was wondering what Drow's initial reaction to Astarion being a vampire spawn or did he already know? (Also what's his view on vampires in general?)
Oh yeah he knew LOL
Like, I'm sorry, I don't care if your insight is in the negatives - the guy is surrounded by jars of coagulated blood, he's translucent under the sun, he has red eyes and bite marks on his neck, he has FANGS. I will first believe you found some work-around to the whole "sun-burning-me-to-cinders" issue before I DON'T assume that you're a vampire.
Because Astarion took almost a whole act to warm up to DU drow, I had the pleasure of getting the dialogue where he has to tell you about his status as a suckling undead unprompted. And yeah, DU drow's reaction was "Yeah I know". It gave me a good laugh, I'm so glad that was an option.
I think DU drow, after gathering that Astarion was some kind of vampire, just assumed it didn't need to be discussed unless he turned it into a problem. He's fucked-up in the head himself, after all, and the other guy over there is eating necklaces and boots to survive - if you need to take off to eat a boar every other night that's fine, It's none of his business.
But after it was all out in the open, and after they had sex for the first time, it was only then that Astarion tried to bite him. At that point DU drow was already a little carnally-smitten with the guy and had since re-familiarized himself with his own taste for pain. His current object of desire requesting to hurt him for his own benefit and to put himself in such a vulnerable place felt very... Nostalgic. Not only did he agree to it pronto, but it honed his interest in Astarion from that point on. Something about this agreement of theirs was very comforting, and he kept coming back for more, long before any feelings had actually developed.
This has nothing to do with his vampirism, though LOL there just so happens to be a lot of crossover between it and things that endear DU drow to Astarion. The literal bloodthirst, their shared feral nature, the risk implied in being intimate with him, the fact that Astarion looks and smells like a dead body-
This drives DU drow specially nutty. He loves how Astarion smells. This man will stick his face in his crevices and just take a deep long whiff. You're welcome for that mental image, by the way.
Otherwise, his opinion of vampires is very much based on Astarion's own perspective - which means he views them as a whole as untrustworthy creatures; weak, but simultaneously extremely dangerous. Vampire lords are tyrants drunk on power, always one misstep away from their downfall, and spawn are all cornered animals - fragile, but rabid. Astarion is, of course, the exception... Kind of.
196 notes · View notes
remedyturtles · 11 days
not a single person here who's worthy
@tmnt-write-fight gift fic for @duckythetoddscout for their first prompt:
Batman crossover- Dick Grayson (any age), or any other batkids really, meeting the turtles. Any iteration.
wordcount: 2844
this is the absolute peak of self indulgence, as i've been into batfam for over ten years, so this prompt sung to me. i really hope you like where i took this haha :) title from idle worship by paramore. warnings for kinda panic attack but otherwise nothing big.
If asked, Leo would claim that he'd borrowed one of Donnie's tablets so he could watch deep-dive video essays.
And he did. Sometimes. But mostly, he'd poked Donnie into info-dumping about the different tracking apps he'd developed so Leo could set it up and watch for anything... weird.
It was a totally normal reaction. Even though he'd had to listen to Donnie explain that blah blah blah mathematical model of a four dimensional continuum measuring relativistic effects -- whatever. What mattered was, Donnie had a map of New York corresponding to a graph of time-space-junk, and if it spiked, shit was happening. And it was so totally normal of Leo to sleep with that graph playing on the tablet next to his head. Just to make sure that nothing weird was going on. Right?
Yeah. Right. So totally normal. Which was why he told absolutely no one about his quiet little obsession, and why he more often than not laid awake staring at the screen instead of sleeping.
He'd grown used to the little anomalies, after sneaking out multiple times to check on blips. He'd yet to find any connection, whether it was latent mystic energies or some weird science thing due to gravity, he had no idea. Leo stopped having an irrational lurch of panic in his stomach at the small fluctuations on the screen. However it did not prepare him for the huge spike he saw at two thirty in the morning when he should've been sleeping after a long night of patrol. He'd almost convinced himself to fall asleep, too, when the screen suddenly lit in a red flare twenty times the size of any anomaly he'd seen so far, right in middle of Soho.
Leo's blood went cold. His brain ran through multiple possibilities, as his body moved, grabbing his swords and lighting up in an instant -- portalling directly to the coordinates.
The air was sparking when Leo emerged. Crackling pops of electricity fluttering to the ground. And despite what Leo's brain was anticipating, there was no pink fleshed aliens, there was no mechanical suits lit with red, there was only a groan from the rooftop, distinctly human and annoyed.
For a too-long moment, Leo's brain sprinted to catch up with his body, as he'd left his sense in the sewers. He was still wearing the hoodie he'd slept in and his swords were cooling down from his frantic portal. He was barely awake, despite the stop-start surge of panic, and it was damn lucky that there wasn't some alien waiting here for him, as he was woefully unprepared. And alone. What had he thought he was going to do?
"Well, shit." The person laying on the roof said. He was crackling with his own electricity, sparks fading slow, and appraising Leo with a watchful eye.
Which. Now that Leo was pivoting to the human beside him, was dressed quite… unique. A black body suit, with blue stripes arching finger to finger over his shoulders. And a mask on his face, hiding his eyes completely, with a head of dark hair. When Leo looked at him, he grinned. 
"Hi. Are you the welcoming committee?" The stranger asked. 
"I'm…" Leo shook his head, gathering his bearings, and extended his sword out to face the intruder. "Something like that. Who are you? Where did you come from?"
Bemusedly, the stranger raised his hands up, showing himself unarmed. "I'm not recognizable? Have I landed somewhere that doesn't have heroes?"
Heroes. Leo's hand shook for a moment, as his body struggled to keep the sword up. That was a concept Leo really didn't want to think about, especially not at two in the morning when he'd been scared half to death thinking for a split second that the Kraang had returned and he was a failure to everyone who ever had the misfortune of believing in him. 
"That's… we don't have anyone like you." Leo decided to answer, instead of claiming himself to be one. 
"Is everyone in this universe green?" The hero asked, cheerful about it. Even though Leo could tell he was still sizing him up, shifting into a better position. 
"Not many." Leo said, flat. "Mostly human. Like you are, I'm assuming."
"Human. Unless you ask my brother after I've subjected him to the fifth Disney movie in a row, at which point I'm apparently considered a monster. Any chance we could lower the sword now? I'm promise I'm one of the good guys. Here, let me introduce myself. I'm Nightwing." Heedless of the sword, Nightwing stuck out his hand to shake. 
Leo juggled conflicting desires, wanting to stay on guard versus wanting to play along and gain information, and compromised by lowering the sword but not taking the hand.
Nightwing didn't actually seem to expect him to, pulling away just to lean back on his palms and look at the skyline. "Woah, is this New York? It's been ages since I've been here, but you don't forget that view."
"Where are you from, then?" Leo prodded, keeping his sword at his side, ready. Tense. Feeling small and kind of stupid in the hoodie that was too big for him with the effortless sheen of the costume before him. 
"Gotham City."
"Never heard of it."
"Strike two for alternate dimension. That's fine. I won't be here long anyway." 
"No?" Leo wondered.
Nightwing seemed to be enjoying the view, unbothered by his armed welcoming party and no longer sparking with energy. "We were fighting a gentleman who installed a dimension hopper into his weaponry, so there's contingency plans in place. As soon as my family is done kicking his ass they'll swing by and pick me up. I give them… twenty minutes. Maybe half an hour, if Babybird and Little D get arguing without me to break it up."
Leo couldn't help but glance around at the scenery, trying to see what had enraptured the hero so much. All he could focus on was the construction cranes and the holes in the skyline where they'd lost infrastructure during the invasion. If Nightwing truly hadn't been to New York in a long time, maybe he didn't know the difference. Or maybe it was different in his universe altogether. 
"Your whole family are heroes?" Leo asked instead.
"Everyone of them." Nightwing's mouth twitched at the corner. "Even the ones who maybe should've waited a little longer before getting into the family business, but who am I to judge?"
Leo got the impression he'd been doing the gig a long time himself, just from the lazy grace that he carried in the suit. Reluctantly, he let the swords relax at his sides completely.
"Those are beautiful katannas." Nightwing complimented. 
"Thanks." Leo said reflexively. He held up the blades, marvelling for a moment how the ninpo markings disappeared and left no trace.
"You popped over here pretty quick. I wasn't expecting my appearance to make any waves. The last time this happened I ended up taking a nap on a beach for a couple hours. Welcoming committee, protector of the universe, whatever you wanna call it." 
Leo was already shaking his head. "That's not me. I just… I stole some of my brother's tech and I was just watching for any time-space bullshit and caught the wave you made. So I portalled over to make sure it wasn't something coming to take over the world, or whatever. It's stupid."
"Doesn't sound stupid." Nightwing smiled at him, and it kinda hurt for some reason. "Well, hey, you better stick around and make sure I don't take over the world in the probable-twenty-five minutes I spend in this universe. Have a seat, kid, pull up some roof." 
"I'm not a kid." Leo protested, but slowly lowered himself to sit, folding his swords over his knees and tugging at the edge of his big hoodie. 
"You're what, seventeen?" Nightwing guessed, right on the money without even trying. "Same age as my second youngest brother, though he's probably a bad example on what does and does not constitute a kid since he was briefly the world's youngest CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. The point is, I'm twenty-four, and I've been doing this hero biz for more than half my life, and I can give you some hot tips if you want."
"I'm not a hero." Leo immediately denied, tongue feeling big in his mouth and heart going too-fast. 
"You don't need a fancy suit to be a hero. You just need to show up when things need protecting." Nightwing gestured at him. "And look at that! Here you are."
"Not me." Leo's face burned and he didn't want this guy to get the wrong idea. "Maybe my brothers are heroes, but I'm the screw up. I'm just trying to… make up for my mistakes." 
"Ah." Nightwing's smile tinted a new colour. Shaded sad. "Listen, kid. What's your name?"
"I don't have a superhero name like yours." Leo said. 
"Hell, there's no secret identity to protect here. My real name is Dick. Well, Richard. But my friends call me Dick." 
Oh come on. Leo had to do it. He quirked a little smile and asked, "How do you get Dick from Richard?"
"You ask nicely!" Dick crowed, delighted. "Oh, thank you! No one ever sets me up for that one anymore."
Leo chuckled, shoulder loosening, and said, "It's Leonardo. Just Leo is fine though."
"Da Vinki?" Dick memed in a pretend gasp. 
He couldn't help but laugh again. "Yeah, that's me. All my brothers and I are named after renaissance artists. Or, alternatively, by our colour coding. So I'll answer just as fast to 'blue'."
"Hell yeah blue." Dick wiggled his blue finger stripes at him. "Got a red brother? Mine is a pain in the ass. I love him but if he 'borrows' my motorbike without asking one more time I'm gonna make origami out of his classic lit collection."
"Red brother, yeah. That's Raph. I'm probably more of a pain to him than he is to me. And he's not into books, that's Donnie. Books and tech." 
"Ah, tech is all Tim. The walking contradiction – genius level IQ who dropped out of high school. Picture a kid skateboarding in a suit to his board meetings. Though I'm not sure what colour we'd assign to him now, probably yellow since Jason's got a pretty firm hold on red." Dick tapped off his fingers, looking fond. 
Leo hummed and said, "Yeah, Don's purple, and my youngest isn't yellow but orange. Mikey's like that too – bright like the sun. Loves with everything he has. Joy and warmth and all that."
Dick burst out laughing so hard he had to hold his stomach, and dramatically wiped a tear away. "Oh, boy, yeah. No. The similarities very much end there. Our youngest is a baby assassin who we have to remind daily that he cannot maim people for minor inconveniences. But he's doing great, really. He's come so far from where he started. And despite the severe exterior, he really loves animals and art."
"Hey, there's something. Mike loves art. Actually, do you wanna see? I've got pictures on my phone." Leo tapped his foot at top speed, a little excited, because he never got to interact with normal people who didn't already know Mikey and get the opportunity to show off his talent like this. 
"Hell yeah I do." Dick shuffled closer, leaning in to see his phone and exclaiming over the bright pieces Leo had treasured in his camera roll. Then Dick showed off some remarkably lifelike pencil art pieces done by his youngest brother on his own phone, as well as the zoo of animals apparently he kept. Including a cow? 
"Are you the oldest?" Leo asked, when Dick made a comment about 'all his baby siblings'.
"I am. There's more of us, a couple sisters and another brother, but I'm the oldest of all of them." Dick didn't seem too concerned. "Let me guess, you're the second oldest?"
"Depends on what order my twin and I are deciding on for the day, but yeah. Raph's the oldest." Leo said with a shrug. 
"That makes sense." Dick said. 
Leo scowled and tried to elbow him. "What makes you say that?"
Dick dodged effortlessly and huffed. "You remind me of my second oldest brother. He feels like he has a lot to prove. And no idea that we don't need him to prove it, we'd just rather he was there."
Leo wrinkled his nose. "Dude. Come on. You don't have to put me on blast like that."
"Sorry." Dick laughed. "I'm a detective. And I'm really bad at turning it off, especially when I jump into a alternate dimension faced with a kid in a hoodie and a sword who's shaking way too hard to be doing okay."
Shit. That was a bad first impression. Leo groaned and covered his face with his hands. 
"Can I ask you one thing, though?" Dick wondered. 
"Might as well. Dig the knife in." Leo mumbled. 
"Why did you come alone? If your brothers are more like heroes than you, why is it just you in the middle of the night?"
"I wasn't thinking." Leo said, too quick, and it wasn't really the truth. He sighed. "I told you, I'm just trying to make up for my mistakes. They… they didn't need to be dragged into this if I could just fix it myself." 
"Hm. Well, get ready for the hot tip, because once I'm in big brother mode there's no stopping me. I told you that being a hero is showing up when people need protecting, but being a hero for a long time is not showing up alone. You shouldn't be wandering around New York by yourself to face an unknown threat, especially if you're not ready for it." Dick leaned in closer, rather serious. 
Leo shook his head, annoyed, turning away and tugging at the end of his sleeve. "Now you're really reminding me of Raph. Now all you need is a hot temper."
"Oh, believe me, I've got that too." Dick winked, but there was a severity that rang true. "But that's not necessary in this moment. If I'm your Raph and you said that you're more of a pain to him than he is to you, then yeah, you're my Jason. But listen. I don't care that Jason's made mistakes. Because that kid suffered more than anyone could believe, but he came back to us, and he is trying. And there's no amount of pain that he could cause me that would ever eclipse how much more I love him."
That was… seriously uncomfortably close to his own experiences. Just thinking about the idea of suffering sounded a lot like the snap of a portal closing him into hell. And coming back from it, and trying to be the hero he never could. 
"You don't have to prove anything to them." Dick said, quietly. "They'd just rather you were there. And if your tech brother is half as good as mine, he probably knew the moment the energy spiked and I bet they're wondering where you are."
It was that moment that Leo realized he'd left his phone in his bedroom, plugged in and charging, and if they had been trying to contact him he'd have no idea. He groaned and covered his face again. "Shit."
"Go home." Dick said. "My ride'll be here any minute." 
"Yeah. Yeah." Leo shook his head, like he was trying to shake out the cobwebs. There was no way Donnie hadn't realized what he was doing with the tablet now, he was going to have some explaining to do, especially at the part where he ran off to deal with a threat entirely alone without telling anyone where he was going. He gave Dick a sideways glance and said, "Your Jason loves you too, you know. He's stealing your motorbike so you'll have to talk to him. We always listen more when you're yelling because that's when we think you're telling the truth."
"Maybe I'll yell at him more how much I love him, then." Dick shrugged, amused. "Get it through his thick skull."
"Thanks for being patient." Leo said, and realized in that moment he probably really needed to verbalize that one to Raph. 
"Thanks for coming home." Dick replied, sadder. 
Behind them, the rooftop shimmered with a different portal.
"Ah, great timing. They're early, someone must've gotten antsy." Dick grinned, hopping up to his feet with an acrobatic stretch. "Hey, Leonardo?"
"Yeah?" Leo said, getting up too.
"It was great to meet another hero." Dick saluted, approaching his portal.
Leo's mouth was dry. He nodded back, and said with a small croak, "Yeah. You too."
He watched until Dick disappeared. Then before he could summon his own portal, he heard three voices gasp, "Leo!" before he was tackled to the ground. 
His hands were shaking again as he held onto them. He didn't really have to go home, when home came to him.
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
Dp x DC crossover
So we all know how batman has this file of contiginceys for how to take town all the other heros in the league right. And I remeber an episode I think of where the JL just found out about the folder and was upset about it. Ok now onto the prompt
So phantom just joined the JL after everyone found out about the folder and are pissed at batman. The thing is nobody tells danny why they are mad at the bat so danny ignores everyone's warning to stay away from batman and befriends him.
So after awhile of watching all the tension and distrust everyone has around batman danny finally asked why everyone disliked batman. And they told him how he cept plans to stop them and take them out, and how it was a whole invasion of privacy and trust.
So at the next JL meeting that they wernt discussing an immanete threat, danny infront of everyone walked up to batman holding a bright green file and held it out to him. "This is a file of contingency plans to take me down" phantom states flatly holding his gaze with the bat.
Batman takes the folder gently. Superman stands from his seat abruptly. "phantom what are you doing, he could use that to kill you why would you hand him ways to hurt you!!??!" Superman questions, the rest of the league agrees with him.
Phantom stares at them blankly. "Because unlike you I understand this is necessary" danny says coldly. "What do you mean necessary?" Wonder women inquired. "Think about it how often dose a league member get brainwashed, how many times has someone been possessed, do you really want to go up against one of our own without a solid plan" danny sighs.
"That dosnt mean he needs to have plans like that-" green arrow tried to say but was cut off "actully it does, witch is exactly why I'm handing him the information to take me down". "Phantom your one of the kindest in the league, one of the most reliable, you would never-" flash tried to say but phantom interrupted again "but I have".
The whole league was in silence including the bat staring at phantom in confusion. "I've been mind controlled and hurt a lot of people" phantom says "so that's in the past and we've all been mind controlled at one point or another" flash says.
"That's not all though" phantom states his voice lased with frustration. Everyone looked at phantom "what do you mean?" Aquaman asks. "First I'm going to say I've had these plans written down since I was 14, second the reson I have these plans to not only take me down but destroy me is because I've seen what happens when I turn" phantom hissed coldly.
"Explain" batman says, straight to the point "when I was just starting out the hero thing a sister happened that would have killed everyone I love, it did kill everyone I love. I was hurt and turned to my nemesis and had his destroy my humanity. I then whent on to kill him, kill anyone who stood in my way, till the only people left where in a small town who had anti-ghost tech. Thankfully that future was avoided because he came back in time and tried to insure he happened, but I stopped him and changed the timeline. That is why I'm ok with handing batman the means to destroy me. Because I've seen how much I'd hurt people" phantom says.
Everyone looked at him in pure shock "get over yourselves and move on" with that phantom disappeared leaving the JL In chaos.
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aziraphales-library · 11 days
Hey y'all, first off, thanks for the great work you're doing!
I'm looking for Aziracrow fics with like,, one of them as an FBI agent and the other as art consultant or something like that. I already checked if there's anything in a possible art heist tag, I also looked for crossovers with White Collar, which has a similar premise, and I didn't really find anything. Maybe there's nothing, but I thought maybe you'd have an idea :) Thank you!!
Hello! So, the best I can do is fics in which one of them works in law enforcement of some kind, and the other works in either a different department or completely different job, and they work together in some way. Hope this was the kind of thing you're after!...
Containing Seeds of Destruction by feathereddino (T)
Lower Tadfield is a rural, sleepy little village that is trying to be a town. The crimes that Police Constable A.J. Crowley usually responds to are mundane but never evil. His husband, police psychologist Dr. A.Z. Fell appreciates that their combined caseload reflects that banality. That all changes in 2008 with a call about an abandoned baby. Adam Young's surrender will spark a series of events that will impact their village, their careers, and their personal lives.
What Will Destroy You by EveningStarcatcher (E)
London, 1888 Police Inspector Aziraphale Fell forms an unlikely alliance with Reporter Anthony Crowley to investigate the Whitechapel Murders. Can they solve the mystery and stop the so called Ripper before he strikes again?
Tadfield's Finest by angelsnuffbox (E)
The sleepy town of Tadfield is thoroughly shaken by the arrival of DI Crowley. Where barely anything ever happened before, there is now a bustle of low grade criminal activity, and everyone knows where to point the blame. Gabriel thinks he's a bad omen for the town, many others are quick to agree. Meanwhile, Aziraphale from SOCO just thinks he's hot. Ridiculously so.
and salt the Earth behind you by sunrisesinthesuburbs (E)
Detective (well, Profiler actually, not that anyone seems to care) Aziraphale Fell should have dropped his one and only Criminal Informant the moment he realized he was already falling in love with the man. Alas, he's never had good ideas regarding his self-preservation: when Anthony Crowley calls, he always comes. He will always come. If this wasn't already very bad, his feelings are apparently reciprocated and, in the meantime, his unit has to catch the worst serial killer Washington D.C. has probably ever seen. Crowley has no intention of leaving Aziraphale to deal with this on his own; Aziraphale has no intention of letting Crowley do something stupid just for his sake. Ah, if only love could ever be something easy. “Sometimes I wish I’d met you in a park.” Crowley’s hands move lower, down, down until he reaches Aziraphale’s palms and intertwines their fingers. There isn’t a single chance this gesture can fall under the umbrella of ‘plausible deniability’. Though nothing about this sort of impromptu confession could. “A park, uh? Nice.” A squeeze. “I always imagine something like a library. Or a bookshop or, not sure, whatever place is full of books.”
For His Eyes Only by AFrenchFanWriter (M)
Anthony J. Crowley has been an MI6 spy for 10 years, completing successful mission after successful mission under the guidance of his quartermaster, Aziraphale Fell. But this life is starting to take its toll on him as he is getting older; and when, one day, his past comes back to haunt him, Crowley realizes that it might be time for him to hang up his gun and face all the things he has left unaddressed… (Yep, it is basically a James Bond/Q AU!)
On Espionage and Prophecy (or How to Accidentally, but Wholly, Fall in Love With a Soho Bookseller) by RockSaltAndRoll (E)
1941 is the London Blitz and the year that MI5 really comes into its own with the now infamous ‘double cross’ system. The service keep tabs on suspects, root out enemy agents and try to turn them into doubles. Anthony J Crowley is fucking great at this job. He can be sneaky, underhanded and damn ruthless but also charming and kind. It’s what makes him good at turning. Aziraphale is just a regular Soho bookseller who loves his shop and books and good food and wine when he’s approached by a woman claiming to be MI5, wanting to recruit him for espionage. The poor man is too trusting and gets the shock of his life when he’s approached by a charming but dangerous-looking man also claiming to be MI5. Crowley recruits Aziraphale to double cross a double crosser and Aziraphale takes to espionage like a duck to water. Danger, hijinks, and sex ensue.
- Mod D
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rottindecay · 5 months
hi~sorry to disturb you!I'm new to this fandom and in the hope of talking with someone else.🥺🥺🥺 i notice that you write requests for Eric Draven👉👈...could you please write something like a crossover head canon👉👈like David from lost boys being bestie with Eric (as i just read somewhere yesterday that Kiefer Sutherland was close to Brandon Lee and even the one who introduced Eliza Hutton to Lee. 👉👈)Or maybe just write a vampire Eric Draven AU please🥺🥺🥺🌹.
I haven’t seen THE LOST BOYS movie in like a million years and sadly, I don’t write for them. that might change though!
So this post is gunna be about Vampire!Eric Draven x Reader !
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (1): also soo sorry I made this super late, lots of stuff is happening in my life such as school and other things so I hope you don’t mind too much! I've also been grounded for some time now so if this layout looks a bit weird, I'm writing this on computer.
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (2): also im so sorry if this is ass i dont know much about vampires.. lol
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𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who writes poetry about you and for you. whether it’s about how much he loves you, or how beautiful you look under the moonlight. anything that comes to mind when he thinks about you, he is writing down on paper and giving it to you once he’s done or he's putting them in a pile full of other his poetry he has written for you but didn't gift.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who feels bad when you give yourself up to him for when he is in need of blood. He hates hurting you in any way and will always feels guilty when he does do it, even after you say how it’s completely okay and you’re fine with it.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when is done feeding on you, would patch any wounds up he might have left on you. he would hug and cuddle you and tell you how amazing and lovely you are as he kisses your patched up scars.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who would give you nicknames such as love, dove, my rose, angel…
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is overly clingy towards you, but it’s not like you mind at all.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who stalks you at night when you’re at walking around or doing anything outside of your guy's shared apartment. He doesn't tell he does this; he just wants to make sure nobody is going to hurt you.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who watches you sleep at night since he isn't tired from sleeping all day. He admires your beauty from the one lit candle he has in the room and is astonished by how or why you chose him out of any other good-looking guys.
𖤐 . . Speaking of sleep.. Vampire!Eric Draven who will see you randomly taking a nap on the couch or bed and would just sit there and just stare admire you. He could do this for hours and hours on end and wouldn't get even the slightest bit of boredom.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is like an actual crow. He would randomly give you things that reminded himself of you like roses, or just any cute looking trinkets he finds laying on the ground when he's out patrolling the night.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when gifting you roses, would cut the thorns off of it first before handing it to you because he's scared that if you prick yourself on one of those thorns and smell the blood running down from your wound, he doesn't know if he could handle himself with the smell of your sweet... delicious... tasty... blood...
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven when you do accidently get pricked by something, would walk up to you and try to contain himself. He would ask if you're alright, but you can see the hunger in his eyes when he looks down at your freshly cut wound. After noticing this, you would ask him if he wants some of your blood but he's hesitant (as always) but gives in once he knows your 100% fine with it.
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witchinatree · 2 months
i have posted a LOT about the issues i had with season 4 of TUA but i'm going to say everything i've been thinking right here right now. i cannot get this shit out of my head.
i think a lot of it ties back to the flaws i noticed in season 3, they tried to take on too much and abandoned the previous storylines that were waiting for them (viktor's traumatic relationship with leonard, five's trauma in general, lila's parents dying because of five, DAVE, etc etc) and we were all expecting them to tie it all together in season 4
instead they just.. added more..???? jennifer and abigail were thrown in late season 3 and were just suddenly supposed to be super important to us (they were not.) the subway that takes you to other timelines (objectively cool as fuck, why is this only introduced in the last season of The Timeline Show)
and i'm still really upset that reginald is an alien because it makes no fucking sense. i always assumed he created the mystery 43 babies (why else would he seek them out and already have a plan for them) but the alien route was.. ill-fitting. i think it would've worked better if he fell in love with abigail, who was an alien and created marigold, and then his hubris and curiosity was what unleashed it into the world and doomed the timeline. "sure this mystery chemical destroyed the planet my wife is from but i'm reginald hargreeves so that won't happen to me!" [happens to him] also i wish abigail was not just used as "see! abuser not so bad! abuser have wife! he love wife :]" because. what. and then her weird complaints about reginald in episode 6 that came out of nowhere confused me. they just should've written her entirely different if they were gonna have her at all
AAALSO i hated that they regressed all of the characters back to how they were in season 1 (or worse??). luther was living in the old umbrella academy building because apparently he will never leave it?? after everything?? diego's life was different but he was still doing this weird job shit (discount batman and mail carrier are the same thing) and he was miserable with his loving wife and kids (who ARE you.). allison's husband left her again (what the hell raymond) and she was still the neglectful single mother of claire?? after EVERYTHING I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THAT BUT GOD. klaus actually had something going for him, if only his recovery wasn't made into a joke, and then he relapsed and got kidnapped and was just very.. season 1 klaus.. but with no ghost ben anymore. five.. eugh. he was not season 1 five he was just NotFive. crazy how they had a magnus archives crossover and just brought in NotThem to take five am i right guys. ben's also different because it's not the same ben from season 1 but they just made him really fucking mean. like worse than season 3 because there wasn't that underlying "please i just want to be loved" thing. crypto bro ben was funny as fuck though. and VIKTOR just fucked off by himself after working so hard to be part of the family again. glad he got to transition and become canada's #1 manslut but jesus, just abandoned everything you did to be part of the family huh.
my vision for the ending of TUA would go something like this
ending of season 3, pretty much the same but they all have their powers and reginald's head getting sliced in half did not reveal him to be some alien freak. also at some point abigail would have been introduced. i don't feel like rewriting season 3 too okay i'm cutting corners.
luther finds sloane when he goes back to where the umbrella academy building used to be, but it's now a very lovely apartment that the two of them live in together. they host all of the family gatherings for sentimental and space reasons. i think luther would explore the stripper idea but decide not to follow it because of sloane. sloane would be fine with it but luther would still get worried.
diego and lila live in the same house somewhat nearby. lila's family (they do get to be alive but lila does have to overcome the trauma of losing them while simultaneously getting them back) are their neighbors, it was the compromise they came to because diego wanted their house to be their space but lila wanted her family close. they have three kids who are each loved and names get to be in the fucking show. (looking at you mystery twin. grace and coco (?) didn't really get much attention either). they have a big backyard that the kids all play in together when they're visiting
allison and ray are still together and they have claire (maybe another kid...) they also live somewhat nearby the rest of the umbrella family because i refuse to let them separate. i don't have much to say about them other than RAY DID NOT WALK OUT ON HER.
klaus and dave live in allison and ray's neighborhood. maybe they adopted a kid? maybe they didn't? i think their family would be really cute either way. klaus is still overcoming his addiction and dave supports him through it. it's not made into a joke and actually gives klaus a lot of depth and emotional moments. also just in general dave meeting the rest of the family would be really really sweet
five gets to retire. he lives with viktor in my mind. full circle on viktor being the person who always waited for him and offered him a place to stay after he got home in season 1. five would not actually be getting a retirement pay because he has never had a real job so he's just vik's roommate now. he could have a romance plotline with a woman working at the department store down the street named delores. she looks familiar.
ben lives alone and works at a tech company? honestly i don't know what i would do with him in the pre-plot but it would not be put him in jail?? me personally. i think he would probably move further away than everyone else but stay close enough so he could visit sloane sometimes. he still feels like an outsider but doesn't know how to tell the umbrellas he wants to be their brother now
and viktor lives with sissy harlan and five (previously mentioned). his transition gets to actually be explored (PLEASE.), harlan is in therapy, and sissy is a strong working woman!! again i don't really know what to do with him pre-plot. just know he's the happiest he's ever been!!!
and just in general, a lot of this happiness from all of them comes from their powers and that they can finally be one big happy family together (whether ben likes it or not). setting up the inherent tragedy that comes with perfection
episode 1 opens by showing everything i just explained, the tragedy of getting everything you want or whatever the title was. their powers are still integral to their lives. they're either tied to their careers (luther would probably be like a wrestler or something again, diego could try police work again because i want that to be explored) or other aspects of their existence (allison still finds herself doubting how much of her life is real, klaus' relapses are always caused by his trauma surrounding ghosts, five sometimes space jumps when he wants to be alone [also i think he could feel some sort of shame/guilt because he lives with viktor and can't really contribute much without the commission. not really his fault though because of his insanely fucked timeline], ben uses the squid to carry things or grab things that are far away, and viktor plays the violin to help him remind himself that he is in control of his power now, and he won't end the world again)
the main conflict starts when ben meets a new woman named jennifer and shakes her hand when introducing himself (starting the marigold/durango reaction that builds very slowly throughout the season.) it could be romantic but i think it's just devestating. they're slowly realizing they're losing everything they worked so hard for because of something they can't control
yadda yadda yadda figuring shit out while also having conflicts in their life from the earlier seasons and it culminates in the old umbrella academy building, viktor is the only person who can remove the durango and marigold from ben and jennifer and save the world. he finally gets to be the hero, be the one to stop the end of the world instead of cause it, but he needs to take the marigold from each of the siblings in order to balance the amount of durango jennifer had (no idk why he would let the other like 30 something marigold kids keep theirs i really don't know how to fix that. why would they do this to me)
each of the siblings have to give up part of their lives, part of their identities, and it's hard for them!!! they struggle a lot to agree to do it!!! and it's also harder for them because they don't know if viktor will survive doing this. but he's the only one who can? is his life more important than the existence of everything and everyone? ultimately, they all give up their marigold, and viktor takes all of it and the durango to save everyone. it cancels itself out and stops the cleanse reaction, and i think it would kill viktor (but it doesn't have to). we see that same clip of the 'perfect world' but they get to be in it. they were never the problem. lila and diego play in the park with their kids. allison ray and claire are walking together. klaus and dave are talking on a bench. luther and sloane are carrying a large basket of food. ben and five are helping them set up the picnic. harlan is sitting in the grass with sissy next to him. each of the adults have a small violin tattoo on their wrists. their lives will never be as perfect as they were before, but they can finally just rest and move on. because it was never their fault.
also reginald dies. fuck that guy
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allimocha · 8 months
AlliMocha Fancuries FYC Post!
Hi Hello, Pip Pip Cheerio! Fancuries is here once again! And boy do I have something to share this FYC post.
So, I haven’t worked on Bittersweet X Daydream in a hot minute if I'm gonna be honest. A lot of other obligations have been taking time away from my main fanseries sadly. BUT I do have one new thing to show you guys regarding it.
Hear me out.
A redesign.
I KNoW I know I said no more redesigns, but after having these characters for so long, it's only natural that I'd want to change how they look. Specifically, there is only one character that I've redesigned so far anyway…
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Lei Sandiego / Cure Spice
“𝘔𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘚𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘺, 𝘎𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘓𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘮𝘢! 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘦!”
Age: 16 (Second year/Sophomore)
Birthday: September 18th
Height: 5’6”
Ethnicity: Hispanic American
Cure color: Blue and Scarlet
Essence: Charismatic
Often referred to as “The school beauty”, Lei is admired by almost all of her peers. Her amazing charisma, along with her intimidatingly cool and beautiful looks immediately captures everyone’s attention. But despite this, she’s really just a big fashion geek. She prides herself in her impeccable style savvy-ness and studies the latest trends all the time. Lei is also a very confident person, sometimes to the point that it can be overbearing, but she’s never arrogant and always means well. She’s a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to look for someone who likes her beneath her looks. Although she’s fashion-centric she’s also very athletic, being the co-captain of the girls' volleyball team, and so devotes time to doing both hobbies.
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That's not all, however, because I also have a new series that I've been working on. A crossover series if you will. Based on one of my favorite Disney movies of all time:
Sugar Rush! Precure
A group of girls go to the arcade after school every day to hangout. They excel at most of the consoles there, notably the racing games. One day, Vanelope finds a weird token like she had never seen before, as it was engraved with intricate patterns and a shiny gold. When she attempts to use it in a racing game, it flashes in the machine and floats out as another trinket (henshin item). At that moment, a mysterious person is creating havoc outside the arcade, clearly looking for something. He spots the trinket in Vanelope’s hand, and we all know what happens from here.
Yep! Cures based on the sugar rush racers from Wreck-It Ralph! So far, I only have 2 of their designs, but I'm still completely in love with where this is going. Speaking of which, lets show those two off!
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Vanelope Von Schmitt / Cure Sweets
Age: 16
A very confident girl, Vanelope is definetly the ray of sunshine that brightens anyone’s day. She’s very friendly, but is also not afraid to tell it like she sees it. She also has a habit of being overly sarcastic or jokey, which can come off as annoying to others. Not really good at school and overly clumsy, so sometimes covers her negative emotions with jokes or sarcasm. Adores arcades and always states it’s her home away from home.
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Tabitha Mathews / Cure Taffy
Age: 16
Very rich and spoiled and it definetly shows. She can be cocky and overbearing at times, but she’s got a good heart. One of the more popular girls in their school, and accells in all her extracurriculars. Due to her father being principal, people have rumored that all her grades were boosted due to nepotism, but that’s not true. She works hard to get where she is, and while vain and sometimes a little rude, she isn’t afraid to help others in need. Goes to the arcade to get away at times.
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So that’s all I’ve been working on so far! I can’t really say I’ve done much with my fanseries over the years, but hopefully you all like what I do have!
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willowrites · 11 months
I have this idea going around my head for a few days, maybe a crossover outer banks x the summer i turned pretty?
Sooo, the reader is Jeremiah's and Conrad's sister and she has been having a crush on Steven for YEARS, and even tho Steven also had a crush on her but never did anything about it, ANYWAYS.
This happen the same summer that Belly has her debutante thing going on and Jeremiah and Steven had jobs at the club ok? So lets say.... The reader is going every day, Steven knows it, but he doesn't know why or where is she going after a while, at first he thinks she's going to see him.
But actually turns out that, JJ is a waiter there, and they have been hooking up since the first day she got to the vacation house (lets just say her family always got there like three or two weeks before Steven's family)
Maybe Steven sees them together during his break, idk?
I would always chose JJ so he can be the main focus of this but just for funsies i want a Steven regretting he didn't act on his feelings for her♡
PAIRINGS. jj x fem reader, steven x fem reader
SUMMARY. you and jj have been hooking up for a while and one day as you were spending time together someone caught you two and it wasn’t pretty.
WARNINGS. nothing really just light making out, angst, and heartbreak
AUTHORS NOTE. this was so fun to do sorry it took so long! hope you enjoy it I kind of switched up the prompt I hope you don't mind ♡ not fully edited
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you had just got out of watching belly’s debutant rehearsal. the debutant was in a few weeks. you didn’t know who was going to be your escort when the time came but you knew you wanted to pick who would go with you by yourself.
your mother, susannah kept pushing that either steven or her friend's son could be your escort but one annoyed you to the point where you wanted to drown in your own pool, and the other…well the other is not an option.
you’d had feelings for steven ever since you’d met him which was when you were little. you guys were childhood best friends because your moms were best friends.
every summer you’d vacation in cousins. every single summer.
you never got tired of it, but you did get tired however of waiting for steven.
you were sure he knew you had feelings for him but he never reciprocated the feelings back. so last summer you made a pledge to yourself. if after a week of vacation, you didn’t get any signal that your feelings were mutual, you’d get over him.
again and again, you waited but when you pushed it another week and got no sign, you knew you had to let him go.
you were hurting yourself more than he could hurt you.
so you busied yourself with other things. you went to the boardwalk with belly, you would get ice cream with some of your friends you knew from the country club your mother was involved with, and you even started going out by yourself.
you learned self-love and learned to be on your own which was a big thing for you.
so while on the usual road trip to cousins you were confident it was going to be a great summer. you weren’t coming in with the mindset that you’d be excited to see steven or be in his presence. you came in with the mindset that you’d be able to treat yourself and have fun.
as soon as you got there your mood skyrocketed. the best feeling was pulling into the driveway or the beach house and taking in the sweet and salty air.
“y/n honey can you help me bring in the groceries please?” your mom asked you. “you both too.” she looked at conrad and jere.
“yeah sure,” you responded getting out of the car and planting both of your feet on the driveway of the beach house. you immediately smiled at the symbolic situation.
my home away from home. you thought to yourself
you took the groceries inside helping susannah sort them out into the cabinets and the fridge and as soon as you were done you grabbed all your belongings and went to your room.
you opened the door with a big smile and placed your duffel bag on the bed and your staircase next to the closer.
you then ran and jumped onto your bed relaxing on the soft comforter. you were always sad you didn’t have the same bed back home.
“y/n! belly’s here!” your mom shouted from downstairs.
your face lit up as you jumped off the bed and sprinted downstairs.
you and belly were always the closest. not only because you were both girls but because you were practically sisters. both the same age, with only a 10-day difference between birthdays. you were bound to be inseparable.
“y/n/n!!” belly shouted as she ran towards you and engulfed you in a hug. “oh my gosh i missed you so much even though we were literally face timing last night.” she laughed.
“i missed you, ten hours is too long.” you pretended to act sad.
“beck.” laurel spoke.
“there’s my girlfriend.” your mom said opening her arms for a hug.
you smiled at laurel and hugged her next knowing who was behind her.
of course, seeing his face made you feel strange but it’s not as bad as all the years before.
“hi steven.” you greeted trying to act as normal as possible.
“hi y/n/n.” he smiled pulling you in for a hug.
he always smelled good.
y/n stop it.
you pulled away quickly trying to come up with something to talk about.
“steven…you should really start working out.” you frowned playfully. “you won’t find a girl in cousins when it feels like i’m hugging a noodle.”
“hey hey hey. i work out.” he rolled his eyes shoving you playfully. “yo wait where’s conrad and jere?”
“they’re-“ before you could finish your sentence conrad and jere jumped from behind him.
“yo what the fuck!?” steven jumped causing his mom to glare at him. “i-i mean fudge. my bad mom.”
“well, look who it is.” jere smiled. “hey bells.”
belly smiled and jumped into jere’s arms “jere!! i missed you so much.”
“oh yeah belly way to show who’s your favorite fisher brother.” conrad said.
i internally rolled my eyes. jealousy is a very interesting look on you conrad.
belly shied away at what conrad said. conrad ended up just messing up the hair on top of her head.
“guys guys guys. i don’t know about you guys but i think it’s time for a….”
“belly flop!!” the boys exclaimed.
you saw as all three of them worked together to carry belly out of the house and assumed to drop her into the pool.
you took this chance to go upstairs and change and get ready to go out into town or the boardwalk.
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“hey mom?” you said as you were walking downstairs.
“yeah baby?” your mom replied from the kitchen.
“can i go to the boardwalk for a little bit?” you sat on one of the stools meeting the counter. you analyzed how your mom was making a charcuterie board of different cheeses. you assumed it was for her and laurel.
“alone? you didn’t wanna stay for girl's movie night? we’re watching la la land.” she smiled trying to convince you.
“i’ll be back by then i promise. pleaseeee” you begged.
“okay fine, also nice outfit i wonder who made you buy half of those fashion staples.” she smiled. you were wearing low-waisted flared jeans that accentuated and flattered your curves and paired it with a square neck flowy white flower patterned shirt.
for jewelry choices, you chose a dainty silver necklace with a pearl as the accent and medium-length thin silver hoops. you then had on your regular silver rings none too chunky and for shoes you chose your Doc Marten sandals.
“thank you, mom. i love you.” you went to kiss your mother on the cheek goodbye.
you then made your way to the front grabbing hold of your white bag you would take to store your stuff.
you brought an extra sweater just in case the sea breeze was a little much, the digital camera that your mom bought you to save memories, your blanket, a towel, a book, and your self-care bag which contained lip gloss, gum, a mini hair brush, a tide pen, eyelash curler, and your wallet.
your outfit: (i love doing this it’s so fun)
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“hey y/n where you going?” you heard a familiar voice call.
it was steven.
“oh i’m just going to the boardwalk.” you waved and started walking off.
“and you’re gonna walk?” he raised his brow.
“yeah, why not.” you laughed nervously.
“you’re not walking, i’ll go with you.” he said grabbing his car keys from his pocket and unlocking the car. “get in.”
“no steven the whole point is to enjoy the walk and-” he interrupted you by putting his finger on your lips. “shhh…now now little y/n/n. you’re not walking end of story. get in let’s go! we’re wasting time.” he said.
it was going to be a long day.
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“let’s go eat.” steven said as he was licking the ice cream he bought. you were also devouring yours, which he bought as well.
“he says after literally inhaling his ice cream.” you narrated his statement.
“what?! a man has got to eat to feed his muscles.” he kissed his bicep.
“and what muscles are we talking about? the muscle memory you have to eat?” you rolled your eyes. “let’s go to that one place what is it called? it’s more on that side of the town though. i forgot what it’s called. it was recommended to me.”
something something nest you think.
“just search it up smart one.” he said swallowing the last bite of his ice cream.
“that’s what i was going to do” you hissed. you went on your phone and looked up restaurants in your area.
the pelican's nest! that’s what it was called!
“found it! let’s go.” you told him walking back toward the parking lot. you climbed in his car sitting in the passenger seat as he climbed into the driver's seat.
“send me the location,” he demanded.
“a please would be nice.” you shot back pressing airdrop to send him the location.
he scoffed. “oh no i’ve been driving you around all day and i bought you ice cream.”
“doesn’t mean you can be a bitch.” you were pretending to be preoccupied on your phone. “and not to mention you quite literally dragged me into your car.”
“oh whatever i did not drag you, i just threatened you.” he smiled.
“oh yeah that’s better!” you sarcastically threw back.
after that, the drive was quiet and not at all long. you just noticed once you got more to the other side of town it was different.
“right here. pull into the parking.” you pointed.
“right alright chill,” he said turning the wheel in that direction.
“well you were gonna miss it.” you snorted.
“no i wasn’t,” he said in a way you could tell he was.
he put the car in park and cut the ignition. then you both got out.
“i’m so hungry let’s go.” steven groaned.
“yeah, i bet. you only ate the whole boardwalk.” you joked. steven shoved you playfully as you both walked inside looking for a table.
once you found one you sat down and looked at the menu. your mouth was watering when you took sight of the wings. your stomach saw it too apparently because it growled.
“looks like i’m not the only one who’s hungry.” steven smiled down at his menu then only moved his eyes to look at you.
you hated how good he looked right now.
“shut up. that’s why you literally look like-”
“hi what can i get you two?” the server spoke.
you knew what exactly you were ordering but you wanted to look for a drink.
“hey can i get the smoked salmon and the shrimp appetizer and oh! also pair that with an unsweetened iced tea,” steven ordered.
“unsweetened iced tea? maniac” you spoke.
the server laughed. a quite attractive laugh, actually.
“perfect and you?” the server then asked you.
“hi, can i get a…” you looked up to look at the server but you were interrupted. not by anyone but by who you saw.
you didn’t know him but he was extremely attractive.
“a…” the server waited starting to smile.
“sorry uh…a- i mean the wings please and then an unsweetened iced tea but can you put two sugar packets inside. thank you…” you bit your lip nervously closing the menu.
“yeah of course, your food will be right out beautiful,” he said walking away.
oh my god.
beautiful? your heart was beating out of your chest.
you didn’t know but steven felt a pang in his chest.
“anyways…that was weird,” he said and then started up a conversation.
you conversed, made jokes and jabs at each other, laughed, and ate but somehow the server was still on your mind.
too bad it was just a one-and-done conversation.
so you thought…
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the next day
gosh, you were sweating.
you were currently at the country club sitting at one of the stools next to the bar area of the pool which wasn’t really a bar but whatever.
you were waiting for a server to give you a beloved icee. you needed it asap.
“yo! jj, you’re on im going on break!” the server who took your order shouted.
but…what about my icee.
“alright man have a fun break.” you heard back.
the voice sounded familiar. way familiar.
“remember, the ladies don’t dig the hair net. ditch it.” the guy told this so-called jj.
he laughed.
that laugh, it made your heart jump. you’ve heard that laugh before.
“icee for y/n?” the server, jj, called.
you paused before speaking now wanting to embarrass yourself. “yeah here.”
you made eye contact with him.
he was way more beautiful up close. his blonde hair flowed with the breeze that was coming in. the light smile he wore.
“you’re the girl from yesterday. the unsweetened iced tea hater,” he said sliding you the icee.
“y-yeah that’s um that’s me haha,” you said back nervously.
“i don’t like unsweetened iced tea either but don’t tell your boyfriend i said that.” he gives another smile.
i cannot let this man think i’m taken.
“my boyfriend…? oh you mean steven. yeah no. he’s not my boyfriend.” you looked down at the slowly melting icee.
“oh really? you guys seemed really close.” he shrugged tapping his fingers on the counter.
“yeah no we’re just really good family friends.” this was really getting awkward.
“so you’re single?” woah not awkward anymore.
“yeah, i am actually. it’s weird i’ve never seen you around here before. do you live in cousins?” you tried making conversation.
“no actually, i uh…” he cleared his throat. “i live sort of across the little marsh area. i just come here for work because i make a lot.”
“oh, that’s smart. well…will you be here all summer?” you tried asking with a flirtatious tone.
you’re sure he picks up on it because he grins pulling his eye contact on my face to the floor.
“will you?” he rose a brow.
“yeah, why not.” you shrugged.
“then yes i will.” as soon as he said those last words that was the beginning of something and you didn’t know what to expect.
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july — a month later
“shhh you gotta be quiet.” jj whispered as he was dragging you somewhere.
you tried to stifle your giggles as much as possible while also trying to keep up with him. you tightened your grip on his hand as you ran through the country club halls.
after you and jj had met officially, you were going to the country club every day just to see him.
at first, you guys would just be talking day by day. after the first week you guys started texting; very flirty but also getting to know each other on another level. on the third week he kissed you while you were walking and exploring the club.
on the third week, you guys hit the closet where the country club kept all the party supplies like tablecloths and such. what did you guys do?
kiss. lots of kissing.
and today you expected it to happen again.
jj looked around to check if anyone was around before opening the door and dragging you in.
he closed, locked it, and turned around.
“you’re so beautiful y/n.” he whispered pulling you close and connecting your lips. “can’t get enough of you.”
you kissed back wholeheartedly. you’d really been liking spending time with him. only by knowing him for a short period of time, he’s easily become one of your favorite people to talk to.
“you’re the beautiful one,” you whisper against his lips. his cheeks got redder when he pulled back for a second. he then smiled at you and pulled you in for a harsher kiss causing you to gasp.
you didn’t know how loud you were being until there was a jiggle of the door handle.
“who’s in there?” someone said but not just anyone. steven. it was steven’s voice.
you didn’t know what to do so you stayed silent.
“i’m not dumb i heard you. whoever’s in there come out right now before i call security,” he demanded. oh god. this is not good.
“we gotta go out.” jj said grabbing your hand.
he opened the door and walked you both out.
your head stayed down trying not to make eye contact.
“y/n?” steven said. you looked up and he was paler than usual. “what the fuck?” he looked at jj. you could see the anger that was building up inside him.
“it’s not what it looks like. we weren’t doing anything bad in there.” you quickly defended yourself.
“oh so i’m just supposed to believe that you weren’t fucking a worker.” he seethed. he ran a hand through his hair and paced back and forth.
“we weren’t doing anything i just told you!” your voice rose.
“we really weren’t.” jj spoke up.
“no no, you shut the fuck up.” he cursed at jj. “and you…you are coming with me. let’s go. i’m taking you home.”
“what?! no. i’m not going home with you and you’re not in charge of me.” you shouted standing closer to jj still holding his hand.
“oh yeah? i don’t think his boss would be delighted to hear about this altercation. come with me now.” he warned.
fuck, you didn’t want jj to lose his job.
you looked at jj who didn’t seem intimidated but more like defeat.
“fine.” you spoke to steven while still keeping eye contact with jj. “i’m going to go but i’ll text you.”
he nodded and you didn’t know whether or not to kiss him even though you really wanted to.
you and steven walked out of the building steven striding towards his car at a fast pace. you were annoyed with him. why was he being such a jerk?
you both climbed in the car and for a second you thought he was just going to be quiet the whole time but then he spoke.
“y/n, what the hell. like actually what the hell.” he turned toward you.
“what? am i not allowed to have a boyfriend?” jj wasn’t your boyfriend but he was close.
steven gulped. “so he’s your boyfriend.”
“no but still what gives you the right to order me around and completely embarrass me in front of someone i like.” you defended.
“oh so now you like him.” he emphasized. what was he talking about?
“what are you talking about why are you saying it like that.” you were annoyed.
“oh no nothing it’s not like we’ve liked each other for so long,” he said sarcastically.
“what are you saying right now? we? what do you mean we?” you were trying to understand.
“we as in us as in you and me. y/n i’ve been liking you for a long time now so i don’t understand what you’re doing,” he confessed as if you knew or could tell.
“you…no, you don’t.” you shook your head. you felt the familiar feeling of your throat closing up. you did not want to cry so you tried holding it in.
“yes i have and i still do and you’re over here completely disregarding it?” he questioned. as soon as he said that your emotions changed. you were angry.
you were angry at the fact that he was making you feel bad for how you felt. angry because he didn’t do anything about it sooner. angry because you felt all of the blame was being put on you.
“disregarding it?!” you raised your voice. “steven, i have tried my very fucking hardest not to be fucking heartbroken every time you disregarded me. i know you knew i had the biggest crush on you. for years i’ve admired you and looked up to you and my biggest fucking dream was for you to confess something for me. to reciprocate those feelings back but all i got were comments about girls from back home or…or something to do with ‘oh this girl is so fine’ and i got sick of it. i waited and waited for you to say something but nothing happened. i’m done waiting for you to fess up and i will not be blamed for moving on.” you were crying now. hot tears streaming down your cheeks.
steven was quiet. he knew he was wrong. he knew he took advantage of you and he knew you were right. he couldn’t blame you for moving on when he did nothing about his feelings toward you but make you feel less confident in yourself.
the car was silent. only sniffles and short breaths were being heard. until he broke the silence.
“i’m sorry.” his voice cracked. he regretted not making you his. he regretted not confessing his feelings and he regretted making you cry and he’ll live with that
after a few seconds, you spoke again.
“i hope so because with that i am ready to move on. i don’t want shit to be weird but i’m ready. i can’t keep pining after you. i really like him and i’m sorry if those words bother you but it’s true. i want you to find someone and for the longest time imagining that was one of the hardest things to do but now the thought doesn’t even bother me and i am so proud of that.” your tears were dry and a weight has been lifted off of your chest.
“i understand, i never wanted to hurt you.” he said. “i want you to be happy y/n and if that means pursuing him then i’m happy for you.”
you smiled. “thank you”
“you know i love you right and i want to see you happy?” he told you.
you nodded. “and you know i love you and wanna see you happy?”
“of course.” he grinned.
“crazy. heartbreak and healed all in what? ten minutes?” you laughed.
“sounds about right.” he sighed. “go back. he’s probably freaking out thinking i’m going to get him fired.”
you nodded opening the door. “i’ll see you at home.”
“see you.” he waves.
holy fuck.
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in1-nutshell · 22 days
Hi! can you do request of Tf Crossover and also them meeting each other?
Both TFA & TFE Silver Aid(s) and Fearless Buddy meeting each other
Add: Having their respective Megatrons going with their respective Buddies when the portal happens and also them meeting each other counterparts
Bonus: I Imagine something like this, you can add this or not… Bot/Con: so (Tfa) Silver… Gotta asked what with you and your Megatron, you two seem… Close? Tfa Silver Aid: well… Tfa Megatron: what's wrong With being with her Conjux? Bot/Con, Fearless, TFE Silver aid, & (tfe & mtmte) Megatrons: … WHAT/HUH?!? Fearless: … I …Have… An INTERDIMESIONAL MOM! Tfe & MTMTE Megatrons & TFE Silver: … Bot/Con: wait… Buddy (TFE silver aid) are you also with your Megatron? TFE Silver & Meg: …
Later after the TFA and TFE are going home… Bot: Megatron! We must find your wife! Meg: w- Fearless: YESSS!
I have seen this one around and every time I'm close to getting to write for it, POOF!
Not this time!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless and MTMTE Megatron meets TFA/TFE Silver Aid and their Megatron's
SFW, Romance, Platonic, Familial, Human reader, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
or alternative title...
3 Things that have definitely happened once TFA Silver Aid, Megatron and TFE Silver Aid and Megatron came on the Lost Light.
1. Webs
Once everything gets calmed down with the two Megatron’s and their respected bot companions, Fearless is at the new bots sides in a flash.
The Megatron’s have no idea why this little human is looking at them up and down… judging them?
Then they move to the spider bots.
Fearless: “Do you have webs?” TFE Silver Aid: “Why yes. Would you like to see?” Fearless: "I want to test both your webs durability.” TFA Silver Aid: “I like what you’re thinking kiddo.”
Fearless ends up giving the spider bots a tour around the ship.
The human and the techno organics have a lovely chat the entire tour, from random talks about their families to random things their respected Megatron’s have done.
At some point, Fearless shows the pair Spiderman stunts on their data pad.
TFE Megatron: “Where is Silver Aid?” MTMTE Megatron: “I assure you that she is safe on this ship.” TFA Megatron: “That still doesn’t answer our question Megatron.” All three of them stop in their tracks at the scene in front of them. Both Silver Aid’s were upside down on the ceiling catching Fearless who was jumping from servo to servo. MTMTE Megatron: “…” TFA Megatron: “What is going on…” TFE Megatron: “Not even Dot or the kids were like this…” TFE looks at MTMTE. TFE Megatron: “Do they do this often?” MTMTE Megatron: “You have no idea…”
2. Meg talk
It took a while to get the two new Megatron’s to calm down.
Especially with their spider companions walking around the ship with a human as their only guard.
It was MTMTE Megatron to get them to sit down and get a drink.
He understands their worry and the anxieties that bring when going into a new universe.
The three of them begin to talk after a few minutes of awkward silence.
TFA Megatron is surprised to hear that TFE and MTMTE Megatron both surrendered.
He does laugh a bit in their faces for giving up, but he does realize how much happier many of the bots around him are.
Without fear of war looming over their helms.
It was… peaceful.
A future he wished to share with Silver Aid.
TFA Megatron: “And what about the human. I can’t help but notice that I’ve only seen one of them around the ship. TFE Megatron: “He brings a good point. Where are their parents?” MTMTE Megatron: “I am.” TFA/TFE Megatron: "…” MTMTE Megatron: “Adopted.” TFA Megatron: “But…a human?” MTMTE Megatron with a slight glare: “Do you have a problem with them?” TFA Megatron: “No, not that. I’m just curious to the why?” MTMTE Megatron: “Well, they weren’t always like this. Before they were very polite, dare I say shy.” TFE Megatron looks over at Fearless showing both Silver Aid’s how many marshmallows they could fit in their mouth. TFE Megatron: “Then what happened?” MTMTE Megatron: “From what memory serves me right, I wasn’t a part of the crew originally, they spent a month on the ship and met Whirl.” CRASH! All three Megatron’s look over to see said bot chucking a glass cube at Cyclonus’s helm. Whirl: “And that’s for ignoring me this morning!” Cyclonus: “Whirl I was still asleep.” Whirl: “No excuses!” Cyclonus: “It was 3 in the morning.” Whirl: “Don’t care Horn head! Prepare to fight!” TFA/TFE Megatron both look at MTMTE Megatron. TFA/TFE Megatron: “Oh…”
3. Conjunx
You’d have to be a blind bot not to realize that the two Megatron’s were a bit… close with their companion.
Brainstorm was the one who brought up the organic part of the bots.
TFE Silver Aid didn’t have an exact answer for that.
She just knew that she onlined one day in a cave like this.
Cue the concern looks from some bots around the bar.
Fearless made sure to pat her servo.
TFA Silver Aid gave a short version of how she became a techno organic.
Excluding certain names for good measure.
Fearless clung onto her neck cables gently stroking her back.
Many bots winced hearing some of the details of the spider bites.
A random bot made a comment to TFA Megatron about picking up a stray.
TFA Megatron looked murderous but calmed down when his Silver Aid just shook her helm.
TFA Megatron: “Anyways, if I hadn’t gotten Silver Aid, I wouldn’t have the best medic in the Decepticon army.” Most of the medics turned to the spider bot. Ratchet: “You’re a medic?” TFA Silver Aid smiles: “Yes, and the ONLY one Megatron has.” Rodimus sits next to her and gives her a playful grin. Rodimus: “Well Doctor, I seem to be having some pain on my face, mind taking a look?” TFE Silver Aid giggles a bit at the young Prime’s antics. TFA Silver Aid also chuckled a bit and decided to play along. She gently holds the Prime’s faceplate and studies his face. TFA Silver Aid: “Hmm… don’t see anything wrong here Rodimus. I give you a clean bill of health.” Rodimus gives her a playful wink. TFA Silver Aid laughed a bit still holding the mechs face. TFA Megatron seething in his seat. TFA Megatron: “Rodimus, I suggest you stop flirting with my Conjunx if you don’t want a blast to your—” Everyone at the bar: “YOU’RE CONJUNX!” Fearless jumping enthusiastically. Fearless: “I’VE GOT SPIDERWOMEN AS MY MOM’S!”
Suddenly the TFA’s were bombarded with questions about their lives.
How had they met?
Who asked who out first?
Who could throw the other farthest?
That one was from Whirl.
But the TFE’s were also bombarded with questions.
Mainly all asking if they were Conjunxes.
This left TFE Silver Aid extremely confused and a flustered Megatron trying to answer the questions and denying any bonds.
Thank goodness MTMTE Megatron put a stop to the questions, even though he had a whole list to ask himself.
He feels a bit daft for not seeing the looks his counter parts were giving to their partners.
A familiar sound of the portals rung out in the bar.
Each respected Megatron’s gave a short goodbye before getting their partners.
TFE’s went in first.
TFE Megatron held onto Silver Aid’s servo tightly as they went through.
The TFA’s were next.
TFA Megatron had picked up Silver Aid bridal style and quickly marched into the portal without another word.
Fearless patting Megatron on the arm. Megatron looks at them confused. Fearless: “Don’t worry Meg’s, I’ll find you a wife.” Megatron: “What!” Fearless: “Theres gotta be a Silver Aid in this universe. Don’t worry, I’ll find her! Who’s with me!” Megatron: “Absolutely—” Whirl and serval other bots in the bar: “Yeah! Megatron sighs tiredly and turns to Swerve. Megatron: “A strong cube of engex please.” Swerve passing him a bottle. Swerve: “It’s on the house. Good luck with whatever Fearless has in store for you.”
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