#this has been my 2 cents ok bye
bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
just my two cents/unasked for advice: if a fandom is getting so stressful that it’s to the point where it’s no longer fun, all the usual pieces of advice apply - unfollowing people / blocking tags / focusing on what you do enjoy / creating the content you wish to see -
but also, it is so worth it to have someone outside the fandom, or who participates in the fandom in a completely different way, to talk about this stuff with and just enjoy the thing. having someone who doesn’t really participate in the fandom can be so helpful in breaking out of some of the negative spirals fandoms can get into, to offer new perspectives outside of the fandom echo chambers, and honestly just have fun.
an example: it was so much fun every Friday night to finish the new episode of Wandavision, and before coming back online, text with my brother about how much we were enjoying it and how much we love Wanda and Vision, and speculating about fan theories just for the fun of it. And this week, he rewatched Infinity War and Endgame - Endgame being, as you all know, the one MCU entry I actively dislike - but hearing him talk about the things he liked reminded me of various things I did like about it. I go for walks with my friend who’s much more a comics fan and we talk about the podcast she’s been listening to that explains theories. It can just be so refreshing to share this with people who aren’t active participants in the online fandom.
It’s just nice sometimes to be able to take a step back away from all the overthinking and accumulated critiques and just...have fun.
I’m not saying that you like...can’t find enjoyment or fun in the critiques itself. I do love meta and critique and finding people who share my grievances with various creative decisions. But I just observe that...there’s been a lot of stress lately and I wanted to share one thing that has been significantly improving my mood towards fandom. And like I said at the start, all other advice still applies. But if you’re really feeling down about the MCU, or find that the only thing you ever talk or think about is the grievances, I would highly recommend finding someone who unironically enjoys these movies/shows without participating in the fandom, and just letting yourself get lost in some uncomplicated enjoyment. If all you’re doing is talking about how upset you are about things - it might help to take a step back.
I also say that as someone who has several ill-advised salty fandom posts stashed in my drafts loll. I’m not say to entirely give up on the discourse (tm) but I think having a healthy balance between criticizing and having fun is a good way to keep enjoying fandom things and not get bogged down in the negativity.
this has been my 2 cents thank you for your time XD
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Things my friend has said/done that the demon brothers would totally say/do
Lesson 16+ spoilers
Note: She’s turning 14 in January and for some reason 13 year olds say the most weirdest shit. She’s also the one who reviewed the characters.
“If my brother breaks the sink one more time I’m going to lose it.”
“Why did I want to get older when I was a kid? This is not fun. Take me back.”
“I don’t know if there is a god, but he probably hates me.”
“What is this? Why is the computer not loading?”
“Just hang him up there and watch him spin like a disco ball.” (we were talking about a stuffed animal, not a human being)
*takes a sip of coffee for the first time* “This is disgusting.” *chugs it*
“I can take care of the child. I don’t want to, but I can. I have the ability to. But I won’t.”
“I’m fine. This is fine. Everything is ok. I AM FINE.” (She was not fine. She broke her ankle.)
“Watch this!” *falls off*
“I’m financially responsible. I have $2.”
“Tic-tacs are like candy medicine, except without the medicine.” “So candy?” “No.”
“Don’t be stupid. That’s my job.”
“If you’re going to keep whining, I’ll charge $5 for every minute.”
“I have 30 cents to my name and no shame. I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.”
*dabs awkwardly*
“GIVE THEM A HAPPY ENDING DAMNIT” (she watched banana fish)
*watches a fish for 3 hours*
*recites 1/6 of the bee movie script from memory*
“There are people there. I do not like people. I shall not go.”
*I’m watching fruit baskets for the first time* “This guy is the cat. This guy is the rat. He’s a dog.” “So which one is the love interest?” “This is an anime Nico, we all know that there’s more than one.”
“I did not go through 12 years of pain, agony, siblings, parents, people, JUST FOR THERE TO ONLY BE 2 SEASONS OF SNOW WHITE WITH RED HAIR” (she then sulked about it for a week)
“I’m not concerned about health. I’m never getting a girlfriend anyway, so I’m going to eat unhealthily and die fast.” (she’s a lesbian)
“Books are nice. Better than people.”
*cat sits on her* “I have never been happier in my life. This is the best time of my life. I will never be this happy again.”
“Okay, I may have picked up a cat, but could you blame me?” *sister starts lecturing her* “You obviously haven’t seen how cute the cat is.” *sister continues* “You have no feelings.”
“Why are people so dumb? Do they just turn off their brains when they reach school or something?”
*inhales* *aggressively slams head on table*
“Books make great weapons just in case.”
“Wow. That is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Do you have anything in your head? If I knock it, will it be hollow?”
“I don’t a doctor. I’m smart enough.” *attempts to relocate ankle*
“I look hot.”
*judgemental stare* “no…”
*dances to the mall’s music*
“If I’m not the main character, then something is wrong.”
“Can I use the cupcakke song for the cpr video?” “No.” “Why not?”
*sister starts scolding her for being dramatic* “Girl, I am the drama.”
“I don’t really feel like getting yelled at today. Bye.”
“Therapy is always an option, you know. If you ever want to deal with all that unresolved parent issues.”
“I look sexy.” “You’re too young to say that.” “You’re too old to judge.”
“I always have tissues.” *throws 5 packs at me and pulls out 4 more*
“I see.” *crunch* “Ok.” *crunch* “These are good.” *crunch*
*eats an entire lemon WITH THE SKIN while making full eye contact with me*
“Anything is edible if you put your mind to it.”
“No don’t cry have some… cheese?”
*tries to grab jar* *entire thing falls onto her head* “This works.”
“No I can’t I’m eating chicken.” “At 4 AM?” “Hey, I don’t judge you for your weird habits.”
*picks up a table with one hand* *grabs another with the other hand* “I am the strong.”
*sipping sauce through the pasta*
“If you don’t shut up I’ll choke you with a straw.” (sister’s ex boyfriend was being annoying while wearing a turtle costume*
“I just want to sleep forever. They can carry my body to events. Don’t wake me up.”
*slept through an earthquake when they visited Japan*
“The sun. My rival. Makes things so unnecessarily bright for what?”
“My alarm? Don’t have one. My siblings are loud enough in the morning, I don’t need the added noise.”
“I’m dead to the world.” “It’s 11 AM get up.” “You’re dead to me.”
“I’m NOT an emo.” (she totally was)
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Could I request . . . best friend!chan + boys' night out, some platonic banter and wholesome drunk escapades?
Okay ngl Javi I have never gotten drunk or anything so like.... I’m so sorry I don’t know how to write this smdkgshg but I wanted to write platonic banter and I started this like texting series in my last drabble game so.... I kinda continued it here but with a reader too?? I hope that’s okay I’m so sorry kjfskdjhguh
(Read the original text aus here: danceracha | 3racha | vocalracha | the boyz | both groups aka a nightmare)
Stray Kids drabble game: send me a Stray Kids member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Cafe Shenanigans 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pairing: none (all platonic), reader is gender neutral
Word count: 1.3k
Triggers: cursing
quick clarification:
better than tony: chan
chingban: changbin
gremlin: jisung
y/n/wow: y/n
better than tony: we have a new worker joining today please for the love of god do Not scare them off
better than tony has added y/n to the group chat!
y/n: chan why is this your nickname
chingban: and why did you talk about a new worker all serious n shit we literally know y/n
gremlin: probably better than we know chan tbh
y/n: what’s my favorite color
chingban: ...
gremlin: ...
y/n: that’s what I thought
better than tony: I'm regretting everything rn 
chingban: ???? nothing has happened ????????
better than tony: something is going to happen I know it is
better than tony: it’s only a matter of time
y/n: chan you still haven’t answered my question
y/n: why is this your nickname
better than tony: I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you
gremlin: I'm gonna do it
chingban: I'm torn between wanting to cease existence
chingban: and wanting to see chan melt into the ground out of embarrassment
better than tony: I swear to fucking god you assholes IF YOU DO IT
gremlin: [ sent 1 audio attachment wow.mp3 ]
y/n: oh my what’s this ??
better than tony: y/n go to work
y/n: I'm taking my break now <3
better than tony: I'm revoking best friend privileges
y/n: that’s fine I can make two whole other best friends right here 
gremlin: :D
chingban: :D
better than tony: I knew this was a mistake
y/n: I think my twenty minute break is long enough to listen to a three minute song! 
y/n: bye whores
better than tony: jisung say your prayers
gremlin: I'm willing to take one for the team
gremlin: it was only a matter of time before they found out anyway
chingban: you can’t argue with that
gremlin: are those choking noises from the back
better than tony: this was a mistake this was a mistake this was a fucking mistake
chingban: dw I'll go check on them
chingban: make sure y/n isn’t dead on their first day on the job
better than tony: I honestly hope they choke
chingban: update all is well
better than tony: damn
gremlin: that?? is??? your???? best????? friend??????
better than tony: not anymore
better than tony: anyone who knows about wow must be put to death
chingban: so our entire friend group should be put to death?????
better than tony: are you arguing with that
gremlin: you know what I can’t argue
gremlin: I'm surprised the fbi hasn’t shot us down yet
y/n has changed their name to wow!
better than tony: ok you know what fuck you
wow: what the fuck are you doing to get the fbi to shoot you down
gremlin: IT’S ALIVE
better than tony: unfortunately
wow: it ??????????????????????????????????
chingban: idk about them but I've never done anything that merits being shot down yb the fbi
gremlin: wow is an offense punishable by death
chingban: I agree it��s an offense but death ???????
better than tony: stop texting and go back to work I'm tired of you all
wow: I'm still on my break
better than tony: everyone except y/n stop texting and go back to work
chingban: the favoritism is real
better than tony: y/n is my best friend suck it up
gremlin: I thought you disowned them from that position ???
better than tony: unfortunately they’re still more tolerable than you two combined
wow: I'm still reeling over being called ‘it’
wow: bitch ass han jisung you think I'm Frankenstein’s monster or some shit? or the clown from that movie???
gremlin: do you want me to answer that question
wow: say your prayers
better than tony: I regret everything
wow: hey I didn’t know hyunjin/minho/Felix worked at the build a bear at this mall
chingban: literally where have you been
chingban: they’ve been there for at least six months
gremlin: why is only felix’s name capitalized
wow: 1. bitch do you think I come to the mall to go to build a bear?
wow: 2. autocorrect
wow: wow jisung your autocorrect is shit if it isn’t capitalizing Felix
gremlin: what do you come to the mall for
gremlin: also what of it
wow: to bother chan
wow: and mooch off the wifi because the connection at home is shit
wow: oh and work now ig
better than tony: nice to see your priorities
wow: <3
wow: actually jisung. don’t tell me you fucking actually go back and make Felix uncapitalized 
gremlin: caught
gremlin: and wait till they find out where seungmin/jeongin work at 
chingban: what the fuck why wouldn’t you just let autocorrect do its shit
better than tony: he’s jisung do you really need another reason
chingban: fair enough
gremlin: fair enough
wow: also I've known where the fuck seungmin/jeongin work I used to work at the tutoring center too dumbasses
better than tony: isn’t the pay better there? I still don’t know why you quit
wow: if you mean better by like fifty cents then yeah
gremlin: I-
chingban: I thought tutoring would pay a lot more than working at a shitty cafe???????????????????????????????
wow: yeah that’s what I thought too
wow: and then I found out how much chan was getting paid and I was like what the fuck I'd have so much fun working here even with slightly lower pay 
wow: so I quit
gremlin: respect
wow: wasn’t a hard decision
wow: the kids are horrible
better than tony: I thought you liked some of them
wow: “some” is the key word
chingban: ouch
wow: at least I get to fuck around here without getting in too much trouble
better than tony: isn’t sangyeon chill??
wow: Ella isn’t
gremlin: oh I've heard horror stories from seungin
wow: they’re all true
wow: honestly wish you’d burned down the tutoring center when you set fire to the refrigerator jisung
better than tony: HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT
chingban: more like who DOESN’T know about that
wow: seungmin sent me pics
better than tony: betrayed by my own children
wow: he’s more my child than yours and you know it
chingban: does that mean y/n and chan are our parents????
wow: no
better than tony: no
gremlin: oh my god I have more parents now !!!!!
wow: suddenly I feel Regret
better than tony: welcome to my world
gremlin: I'll set fire to the refrigerator again if you don’t say you’re my parents
better than tony: isn't this how you bribed Jacob into giving you hugs instead of giving me hugs
wow: Jacob?
chingban: other worker along with chanhee they’re on vacation for the week
wow: o
better than tony: also please don't set fire to the refrigerator
better than tony: or even try to
gremlin: have my conditions been met
wow: fucking gremlin bitch ass child
wow: fine I'm one of your parents
gremlin: 1/2
better than tony: fine
gremlin: 2/2 :D
wow: let the record say I only ever wanted seungmin and jeongin
wow: and Felix
gremlin: ouch
chingban: ouch
wow: you force me to be your parent you suffer the consequences
better than tony: Felix is MY SON
better than tony: I’LL FIGHT YOU
chingban: jisung did you predict this
gremlin: in reality no but for the clout yes
chingban: ...
gremlin: I am Agent of Chaos(TM)
chingban: that I can see
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sweetchup · 4 years
The Hard Path
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Type: Oc Story request
Word Count: 4K words
Warnings: Past abuse and PTSD
Author Note: I know I’ve been gone for a while. Not really any excuse except school has been beating me up. I hope @lelewright1234 likes her OC request.
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“Oh, Great Gods from above. The ones that protect us and our families every day…”
Leah kicks the man to her right and attempts to escape. Though it was proven to be futile as she was preceded to be thrown back into the harsh muddy ground.
“Please accept this child as a worthy sacrifice…”
“No, let me go! Stop!” She shouts as the men forcibly drag her up the wet stone staircase to the altar, “Please anyone! Help me!”
Leah’s pleas and cries fall on deaf ears. She couldn’t tell if it was the sound of the downpouring rain drowning her out or if the citizens chose to ignore her. Though, she soon believed it was the later as the citizens from her village began chanting in unison with the great priest.
“Wang-go, Monster of destruction and creation. Please accept this child as your sacrifice and new holder.”
The great priest holds up a ruby dagger he took from his pocket. As he showed it off to the crowd, they roared with excitement. Though as soon as he lifts up his palm they fall into a deadly silence. Taking one last look at Leah, he swings the dagger above his head before plunging it into—
Leah is startled awake and pants heavily. She realized she wasn’t there. She wasn’t back at her village.
“G-Gon.” The curly haired girl chokes out. Gon gives her a concerned look as he proceeds to sit down next to her. Leah tries to say something else in response but stops short of answering when a cold feeling hits her clammy forehead. Very startled, she looks up to see Killua on the other side of her pressing a cold water bottle to her forehead.
“What are you doing startling us like that, idiot?” Killua says jokingly. Though his face didn’t reflect that as he looked at her serious and slightly concerned.
“Startled you?” Leah slowly repeats mumbling. Using a napkin from the dinner they had a while ago, she attempts to wipe some of the cold clammy sweat from her forehead. Ever so slowly she seemed to be coming back to reality. She wasn’t back in her wicked village. No, she was on a blimp with Killua and Gon going to York New City. She wasn’t some sort of kid anymore, she was a hunter learning Nen.
“Yeah, you kind of started to fight in your sleep while mumbling something and all of a sudden a gigantic storm started to form.” Gon explains sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.” Leah apologies, though  it comes out almost robotically. Unconsciously, she traces her chest over where her heart was, the whole reason she got chosen for her “gift”. Killua and Gon look at each other concerned before Killua lets out a soft sigh. Leah feels Killua ruffle her puffy hair making her look at him.
“Don’t apologize idiot. It’s not your fault you have some ancient disaster god or whatever in you.”
“I know you are right Killua. But still—“
“If you’re thinking of saying something about how you should have been able to control your powers better, don’t. Remember Gon and I are Hunters. Leah, we aren’t going to go down that easily.”
“Yeah!” Gon shouts, finally back in an enthusiastic mood. “Plus you’re our friend Leah. I don’t think you would ever hurt us.”
Killua and Leah blink together before Leah breaks let’s out a small giggle and Killua lets out a sigh.
“W-what? What did I say?”
“I swear you’re an idiot sometimes.”
“Hey! No I’m not!”
“Yes you are! After you went and fought Hisoka, you might actually be counted as a mega idiot.”
“Killua. Gon.” Leah interrupts, grabbing the two’s attention. Giving them both  a warm smile, she ever so gently says. “Thank you. Thank you very much”
Both burst out into a bright red blush with Gon letting out a cheeky laugh and Killua mumbling something unheard under his breath.
The cute moment is disturbed however, as all of a sudden a crackling sound comes over the intercom and the pilot's voice is heard throughout the blimp.
“Thank you for joining Blimps-RS for this trip. In about 15 minutes we will be landing in York New City. Please remain seated and remember to fly safe with Blim—“
“Hey guys look at this!” Leah looks over to Gon’s loud call and her eyes widen. Her and Killua scramble over to the window. Looking down the three wowed at the great lights of the city. Leah had never ever seen a city so gorgeous before. She had only heard in books at how magical cities were but she had never imagined, nor dreamed such a sight as this one.
Ever so slightly Leah smiles to herself. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be that bad.
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“Ok so you remember what to do right?” Killua says for what felt like the 108th time in a row. Leah lets out an exaggerated sigh as she repeats what she had been saying for the last 20 minutes.
“I have to disappear for 2 hours around town while you guys help Kurapika with the phantom troupe. If I get into any trouble make sure to call Leorio. I also will make sure I don’t converse with any strange people because they will only have bad intentions for me.” Leah repeats, sassily imitating Killua’s voice at the end.
“Killua. I think Leah gets it. Let’s go.” Kurapika says, dragging Killua out of the restaurant.
“You better stay out of trouble, you hear me!” Killua shouts one more time before he disappears out of sight. Leah sticks her tongue out towards him in response before shaking her head. Here she was thinking this trip to get some video games would be fun but all she has been doing is being forced to hide from these “phantom troupe” people while the others go on a manhunt to try and kill them. She didn’t even have a moment to spare to check if there were any special books up for auction.
As she was grumbling to herself in misery about her bad luck, she feels a hand on her shoulder. Looking up she sees that Leorio hasn’t left with the others yet. Watching closely, she sees him reach into his pocket and take out some cash.
“Hey Leah. I know things haven’t been great for you, having to hide for most of the time on this trip. Why don’t you go buy something nice on this trip? Maybe a souvenir or something?”
Leah hesitantly grabs the money from him, “Are you sure? You don’t have to give this to me. I have a hunter license just like you and can use some of that money.”
“True but think of this cash as my thank you for being the only sane person on this trip.” Leorio says, slightly grumbling in self misery at the end.
“Okay then. But don’t think of asking for anything back later. I’m not giving you a single cent~” Leah teases out to the tall man. Leorio only shakes his head before leaving the restaurant to catch up with the others.
“Bye leorio. Stay safe!” Leah shouts out before quickly turning back to the cash in her hand. Counting it, she realizes she has more than enough to get a new needed book. Now just the question was where could she find one. Letting the thought sink in, she leaves the restaurant and begins to walk around the streets of York New.
She knew any new book would solve her thirst of knowledge, but it would be much more convenient if she found one about her powers. The books explaining her village gods and the chosen ones to hold them are few and far to find. Especially hers,.... Wang-go.
Wang-go, The god of destruction and Creation. Originally locked away by his brothers and sisters who feared him. He was locked up for centuries on end until eventually the chains that kept him trapped down began to slowly snap and break. Fearing for the worse, the people of her village offered the gods a vessel to lock him in. A woman with a type of heart defect, a husk empty heart. Now, per tradition, anyone who is born with a husk heart bears the burden of having Wang-go sealed away in them.
Herself was the most recent holder with the last being almost 6 generations ago. This makes the information Leah seeks few and far between. However,...
Sneakily smiling to herself. Leah searches through the auction menu. In no ways is she giving up. She will be able to master her powers and not just a little bit, no, she will figure out a way to perfect them.
“There you are..” Leah eyes a specific item on the auction menu. Zaviers’ ancient artifacts and wonders. On the menu, the store had just auctioned off a scroll yesterday that was only just 30 kilometers away from her village. So there is a high enough chance that the store had a book or artifact about her village gods.
Now all she need is to get there and search those shelves.
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“Damn it…” Leah sighs, slightly frustrated. An hour had gone by being in this store and there was still nothing about her gods. “All I need is one book about Wang-go, just one book.”
“Wang-go huh~?”
Leah freezes up as someone blows on the shell of her ear. The next thing Leah knows, she is half away across the room and feeling slightly nauseous. She thanked her stars for practicing her teleportation power recently.
“Oh~ how exciting. You never do fail to amaze me, don’t you, Lele?”
“Hisoka…” Leah mumbles angrily under her breath. This wasn’t good, she remembered Gon and Killua mentioning to her that they found out he’s part of the troupe. Plus after seeing him fighting in the arena against Gon, she doubts she can stand a chance against his Bungee gum. Shifting her feet slightly, she gets into a readied stance, ready to bolt out of there when she has a chance.
“Now, now, I’m not looking to fight you. I’m actually here to ask for your help.”
“Help? Not a chance. Give me one good reason I should help someone like you.”
Hisoka let’s out a chuckle as he pulls a clear bag out from behind his back. He twirled them around with his bungee gum as he waits for Leah’s response.
“Wait a minute…T-those are…”
“Wang-go scrolls? Why yes they are, Lele.”
“How in the world did you get your grubby han—“
“Now, now~ I’m on a tight schedule. How about we chit chat more about this…” Hisoka takes the bag back into his hand before waving it around. Making it disappear in a cloud of smoke like magic, “... later~.”
Leah pauses for a moment, taking in her options before sighing. “Fine. But, I swear to god if any of this plan has to do with hurting any of my friends I’m out, you hear me?”
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“Okay… so I know I agreed to help. But, why the heck is Illumi here as well?” Leah groans, scooching more into the corner of the backseat of the car. Hisoka lets out a small chuckle from the passenger seat but he chooses not to respond and continues to toy with his cards.
“Chrollo paid me some money for a Job and I need to pick up the rest in person.” Illumi says, his bug like eyes trained on the road ahead. Does this man just not blink?
Leah just decided the best option would be to ignore Illumi’s presence for now. Looking out the car window, she decides to somehow entertain herself by watching the little water droplets racing down the transparent surface. It was strange, the rain in New York. Mostly due to the fact that the city bordered a Desert.
Letting out a sigh, Leah thinks of the possible scenarios as to why Hisoka would need her. Well, she actually didn’t exactly need to guess why, she knew that he needed her for her powers. It was actually more for what. She just— Suddenly she feels her phone go off in her pocket.
Hesitantly, she sneaks a glance at the two men sitting in the front and sees them occupied in a conversation. Leah, determining it was safe enough, unlocks her phone. She bites her lip as she opens the missed messages from Killua.
From: Killua Hey where are you? The plan fell through.
From: Killua Get back here as soon as possible.
Leah blinks and knits her brows in confusion. What is Killua talking about? They planned to track the base to tail a specific member. How did that fall through?
Sent: Leah
What do you mean it fell through?
Leah’s blood ran cold as she read the next message.
From: Killua
The troope has already left York New. Kurapika also got a message from Hisoka saying that their partnership is over with.
Sent: Leah
Killua. Hisoka hasn’t left, I’m with him right now.
Before Leah could see what Killua could send back, a card splits the screen in half. Flinching she drops the phone on the car floor, watching it glitch and fizz out.
“Now. Now, Lele~. Let's pay attention to the situation at hand shall we.” Hisoka tells the young girl with a smile. Leah lets out a shaky breath and decides the best option would be to not test her luck for now. Fighting Hisoka right now would be a bad option especially with Illumi here as well to back him up if need be. Watching carefully, she observes as they drive through the maze-like outskirts of the city. After a couple of turns, they come to a stop in front of a train station.
Looking around confused, Leah mutters out “Why are we here?”
Illumi and Hisoka both ignore her again as they get out of the car. Hisoka comes around to the back doors to let her out.
“Hisoka! I’m serious. Tell me why we are here?”
Hisoka stares at Leah as she glares back at him. Somehow seeming to contemplate his answer, he finally says. “You're a gift.”
“Excuse me?” Leah stutters out as Hisoka grabs onto her wrist, pulling her out of the car. Hisoka begins to explain as he forces her to walk with them into the station.
“You’re a smart girl aren’t you? I’m sure you can understand this quite well. The boss has found out that I’ve had some connection with the chain user. So I’ve lost some… trust… with him per say.”
Illumi signals to Hisoka to go through a specific doorway, causing the three of you to enter an empty hallway with hardly any people. Even with the lack of people, Hisoka doesn’t relax his grip against Leah’s wrist as they continue to walk.
“I thought I was at a loss you see. I had lost the boss’ trust and lost a chance in getting so close to fighting him. But then I remember, your cute little face—“
“Don’t call me cute you narsistik clown.” Leah snaps back as the three of them return to a crowded area. Though after a quick look around, Leah realizes they are back outside yet this time on steel platforms with many trains coming to and from.
“Some just don’t know how to take a compliment.” Hisoka laughs unbothered by the girl’s offhand insult. He just continued on with his task of yanking Leah onto one of the train cars. “It’s just I remembered the Boss being so disappointed when he couldn’t find the chosen ones from the tribal areas of Aruni. Thankfully, I realized quickly that since I knew you are one of those chosen ones, the boss will surely find you interesting and in return, hopefully forgive me.”
Catching Leah off guard, Hisoka suddenly harshly pushes her into one of the private train cars before closing the door.
“Hey Hisoka!” Leah yells, stumbling up rather quickly from being thrown on the ground and tugs at the door handle. Though she curses under her breath as soon as she finds out it is locked shut, “Open this up righ—“
“A Child?”
A shiver goes up Leah’s spine as she hears a male’s voice from behind her. In a flash, maybe due to her instincts or maybe her training, she leaps to the other end of the cabin. With a hammering heartbeat, she observes the black haired male in the same room as her. The train car was not that large, so it gave her a rather good glimpse at him. Some being the cross-like tattoo on his forehead or the crystal blue earrings poking out from the tufts of his hair.
“Oh my. How interesting.” The man seemed to marvel at something and take a step closer. “What sort of power is going on with your hands?”
Quickly, Leah takes a short glance around and gasps as she sees her hands glowing and sparkling. She wanted to practically bang her head on the wall for making a stupid mistake as to activate her powers.
“Oh I see.” Leah takes a step back from the man as he continues to approach, “That’s not a Nen ability is it? I guess Hisoka wasn’t bluffing this time around.”
Ever so suddenly, the man pauses his approaching movements and instead takes a seat at one of the booth chairs. Gesturing to the seat across from him, he unnervingly smiles and says “Please, take a seat.”
Leah breath and heart stutters in unison. There was nothing friendly about that man's smile. It was like staring at the teeth of a poisonous viper, ready to sink its teeth in and go for the kill. Taking a gulp to hopefully moisten her dry throat, she knows she has to force herself to move. That man was not asking her to take a seat, it was an order. Cautiously she makes her way and sits down from across the man.
A thick silence enters the room as the man pours himself and Leah some tea. He takes a light sip of his tea but Leah doesn’t copy his movements. She can only stare at the hot dark black water in front of her. Even with her throat as dry as sand, she doesn’t attempt to drink it.
The man opens his mouth to speak but a loud whistle cuts him off. The main lights of the cabin suddenly shut off and the train begins to slow chug forward, now leaving the station. Leah turns to look frantic out the window.
“I need to go.” She breathes out, her heart beating faster the further they get away from the train station.
“My friends. They are still in York New City. I can’t—“
The man lets out a chuckle causing Leah to pause. Crap, what was she thinking. She can’t let her emotions get carried away. This isn’t some normal person she is conversing with, it’s the leader of the phantom troupe. A person with a class A bounty on his head.
The man takes another sip of his tea, finishing it off, before looking back at Leah. “I’m going to ask you some questions. Answer them if you can.”
Leah slowly nods her head. She knew she didn’t have a choice in the matter.
“First, What’s your name?”
“Leah.” Her voice cracks a little as she speaks causing an uncomfortable feeling in her throat. In order to sort the discomfort, she grabs her cup of tea and takes a sip. Surprisingly, the man waits patiently before asking another question.
“What’s your god?”
Hesitant, she decides to answer it simply and vaguely. “Wang-go”
“Ah, The God of destruction and creation. Though most considered him to be a Monster due to him being predicted to look as a ugly mix of boar, man and crane.”
“How do you know that?” Leah speaks out. Such information was only known by city elders and holders such as herself. The man ponders for a little, taking a quick glance at the desert scenery that has come to view now that they have left the city, before getting up and grabbing something. Coming back, he places the bag down and takes out a scroll.
“Though I can’t read your native language, I had a native translate bits and pieces of it to me a long time ago.” He seemed to skip over the obvious part of slaughter some to get the scrolls, but Leah decided to not press into that topic.
“Do you know what’s in these scrolls, Leah?” Leah shivers. The way her name rolled off his tongue like they were old time friends was extremely disturbing to her.
“I’d have to read them. I was never allowed to look through them.”
“I see. Then, who taught you your powers? I heard they had to be trained and practiced over many years to use on command.”
“Well, I do have a book that I got a while ago…” Leah pauses for a second. She was in a tough spot. If she revealed that she hasn’t mastered her powers, she could be considered useless and killed. Though, she could also be let go instead. Was it a good idea to take that risk though…
“I see, so you're not well versed in your abilities yet.” Leah freezes. This was going horribly for her right now. She in no way was stupid or trying to make it obvious in her hesitation, it was just this man always seemed to somehow be one step ahead of her.
Being extremely on guard, Leah watches as the man leans his hand over to her. He strangely extends his pinky out to her. She gives him a confused look as a sudden lightning strike flashes on both of them.
“How about we make a deal, Leah.”
“A deal…?”
“I will allow you to use all of the scrolls and books I have to help you gain your powers.” The man pauses for a second and a serious look comes onto his face, “However, in exchange you will become the troope’s temporarily new number 11 and I will personally be in charge of observing your progress.”
Knowing she has no choice, Leah reaches over to agree but stops short when he speaks up again.
“I want your honest commitment. Not to force this on you.”
“Why? Won’t you just kill me if I don’t agree?”
The man hums in agreement, “Usually I would but in this case it would be such a waste to kill you. As well as the fact that it would be an honest nuisance if you agreed and tried to escape every chance you got. So it would be beneficial if you agreed willingly.”
Leah thinks for a moment. She knew the right choice was to go back with Gon and Killua as well as the rest. It was so obvious, they were her friends. Yet,... why couldn’t she just do so.
“Leah! Stay here! Killua and I can take care of this.”
“Idiot. You have to be careful, you aren’t as strong as us yet.”
“Don’t worry Leah. I’ll make sure to retrieve those idiots, just stay here and read a book.”
“Trust me, Leah. I don’t want you to come. You aren’t fast enough yet to go against the troope. You’ll just end up being an easy target.”
Oh… she knew why. She was just tired of being left behind again and again. She wanted to prove she was just as strong as her friends. She wanted to join them on their adventures as well.
Gon…. Killua….Leorio. And Kurapika. I’m sorry but… I can't continue to be left behind anymore.
“I-I. I accept.” Leah says, hesitatingly connecting her pinky with his. She shivers at his strangly cold hands touching hers. Even more strangely, like out of a movie or book, thunder and lightning crashes throughout the sky in that moment
“Excellent. I realized I haven’t formally introduced myself. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer but you can just call me boss.”
Standing up from his seat, he gestures for Leah to get up as well which she does as well. Lightly, Chrollo places a hand on her shoulder and begins to lead her out of the private train car. “I say we go introduce you to the other members.”
“Of course…
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hollowxxclouds · 3 years
The Capture of Ryuk
Monday Morning:
A regular day for 15-year-old Ryuk in 1980, in Westville, he was serving at the bakery, Charlotte’s Home Sweets.
“Come on Ryuk! Business is coming low!” Mrs. Charlotte hollered from the front door of the bakery,
“Yes, Mrs. Charlotte!” Ryuk replies as he brushes off the sweat from his forehead. Legend says Mrs. Charlotte has been running the bakery since WW2, and she doesn’t even seem that old. Although her mood has never changed, you see Mrs. Charlotte’s husband was fighting WW2 but died in Hawaii when Mrs. And Mr. Charlotte were on vacation, she managed to escape, but Mr. Charlotte was right on the scene, and Mr. Charlotte died. But Mrs. Charlotte heard something strange in that scene, Mr. Charlotte’s last words were, “Aliens are here..” and aliens were of course make-believe in the WW2 occurred, so no one genuinely believed in aliens.
“Hi, Mr. Buck, what would you like to order?” Ryuk questions, as he has a coffee in one hand cinnamon rolls in another,
“Oh come on Ryuk! You know I love the regular!” Mr. Buck exclaimed as he pointed his smoking pipe to Ryuk. Mr. Buck’s smoking pipe was from his great grandfather.
“You know where this pipe came from?” Mr. Buck asked,
“N-no sir,” Ryuk stammered,
“A day in West Virginia, My great Grandad, was on his carriage with his two white horses, Philly and Emilly, he was having a normal day going to his work when he heeded something very glistening, he deemed it was a bird with a fragment of glass, but a tobacco pipe came falling’ from the sky, he called it the ‘holy pipe’”.
“Wow I didn’t know that, but could that glistening thing be aliens?” Ryuk questioned,
“No son, there is nothing such as aliens.” Mr. Buck frowned, gave him the money, and left the shop. Later that night, Ryuk came home and started arranging dinner, he seized out two eggs and started boiling them. Ryuk thought more profoundly about what could have been the glistening object in the sky, Ryuk smelt some burnt smells and black dust coating the kitchen, he instantly lowered the heat and poured the burnt egg on a plate, and threw himself on the sofa going into a deep sleep.
Tuesday 7:30 am:
“Knock! Knock! Ryuk! Are you there?!” The newspaper yelled. Ryuk heard some mumbling sounds, and then quickly got up and brushed his eye with his quite red fingers, and opened the door,
“Yes?” He squeaked tiredly,
“Newspaper!” The guy said, Ryuk took the newspaper from him, and locked the door with his lavish strength, he opened a window and then launched the newspaper outside.
8:45 am:
Ryuk locked his door and headed outside, to the bakery, to start his very hard-working job. Ryuk lost both his parents at the age of 5 months, he never really knew what happened to them.
“Oh good! Start by cleaning the dishes!” Mrs. Charlotte said in a somewhat polite way,
“Yes, Mam!” Ryuk answered with very little enthusiasm.
5:30 pm:
It was the end of the shift and Ryuk was heading home to go to bed.
“Hey look, it’s the kid who works at the bakery, what a poor idiot!” Easton giggled with his 2 other friends,
“Leave me alone,” Ryuk sighs and said in a very tired way,
“Oh is that so? Do you want some money, so you can have a bed?” Easton assured. Ryuk ignores them and starts heading home-
“Look, the orphan bakery nerd is running home!!!” Easton and his other mates laughed quite hard. That’s when Ryuk lost his mind took out his right arm and punched Easton in the right eye,
“Oww!! Fight that loser!” Easton said looking like he declared war, one of Easton’s friends tried to kick him but Ryuk grasped his leg and slammed him on the terrain. His other friend started to sneak behind him and strangled him. Ryuk was trying to get his muscular hands off his throat, and that’s when Easton spotted a rock and thrust it as hard as he could on Ryuk’s face, Ryuk went all black.
Wednesday 9:45 am:
“Honey, are you ok?!” A lady asked,
“Oh yeah, I am ok,” Ryuk guesses, as he sees dark blood on the ground and then touches his face,
“Honey, I think you should be at the hospital!” The lady said with fright,
“No, I am okay,” Ryuk smiles and runs to the bakery. As he was running one thing on his mind was, ‘are aliens real?’
“Oh my!! What happened?!?” Mrs. Charlotte asked, hoping for a long answer,
“I fell, there is nothing to worry about,” Ryuk said with a fake smile,
“Come to the kitchen!” Mrs. Charlotte demanded,
“I am serious, nothing happened!” Ryuk said with determination,
“Did those three hooligans beat you up again?” Mrs. Charlotte questions, as she gets the medkit out,
“Yeah,” Ryuk mumbles, Easton’s father was the richest in the town, he owned all the bakeries, Easton also went to school but Ryuk didn’t because he couldn’t afford it,
“I will tell you what, you can take some rest for this shift, and I will give you some money to go get some ice cream,” Mrs. Charlotte smiles, and puts the bandage beneath his left eye,
“Are you sure?” Ryuk asked, Mrs. Charlotte, nodded.
10:10 am:
Ryuk was at the library licking his ice cream and started playing alien games. There was a spaceship, and it would suck up many people from the beach. The game was indeed dull, to be truthful, but Ryuk was so interested that he never got bored, he played it on for hours and hours until it was lunch. Ryuk yawned and stretched his arms and legs and went to eat lunch. He loved eating lunch at McDonald’s, the cheapest restaurant in town but had the best tasting food.
Moments later:
“McDonald’s! What would you like to order Ryuk?” Mrs. Tucker asked, with a very pleasant smile as if she got a promotion,
“The Big Mac, thank you!” Ryuk said with the least excitement,
“That will be $3.15!” Mrs. Tucker said, Ryuk looked at his money and he had three dollars and twenty cents left, he gave 3 one-dollar bills, and 3 nickels. Mrs. Tucker’s regular consumer was Ryuk. Ryuk munched the big mac as if he was the hungriest person on Earth, he thought in his head are aliens even present? Would aliens take over the world? Is Mr. Buck’s smoking pipe from the aliens? And what does Mr. Charlotte’s last word supposed to even mean? All these thoughts were circling Ryuk’s head.
“Hey, Ryuk, are you ok?” Mrs. Tucker asserts,
“Yeah kind of,” Ryuk confirms,
“You look like you are in deep thought,” Mrs. Tucker said with concern, Ryuk takes a deep breath,
“I know you might think this is a stupid question but are aliens real?” Ryuk replies, with very limited expectation, for Mrs. Tucker to not say he’s stupid,
“My big brother was a Xenoarchaeologist, in Hawaii, while he was doing an experiment he passed away,” Mrs. Tucker cries,
“I am so sorry,” Ryuk stated,
“Before my brother’s death, he gave me this artifact which has a different language written on it and he said to return it to them,” Mrs. Tucker said with misery,
“It must mean that it’s from the aliens, right?” Ryuk asked,
“Yes, at least I think so,” Mrs. Tucker,
“I need to go, Mrs. Tucker, bye!” Ryuk conveys,
“Bye!” Mrs. Tucker responds with her half crying voice.
Thursday 9:00 am:
Ryuk was walking down the road until he saw multiple posters that say, ‘Your chance to go to Hawaii, state why you want to and can be the winner on August 5th in city hall at 2:45 pm’. This was Ryuk’s only chance to know what Mr. Charlotte’s last words meant.
Two months later:
It was Wednesday, 2:00 pm, Ryuk got in his best clothes, ate some bacon and eggs, and entered outside, but that’s when he ran into someone,
“Look who it is! The nerd of baking, I heard he is studying about aliens,” Easton giggles, and then the 3 of them start to laugh,
“I am studying about aliens, and they are just a different type of species,” Ryuk whispers putting his head,
“Oh is that right! This loser thinks aliens are real,” Easton blabbers,
“It is, you see I was playing this game in the library-” Ryuk said,
“I don’t CARE! Look, just stay out of my way, I am going to Hawaii and you are going to be a poor loser working in that bakery!” Easton yells,
“You have all that money and you can’t go to Hawaii?” Ryuk questions,
“Look, my dad thinks I have to earn money myself, and then spend it to go to Hawaii,” Easton said in a way that sounds like his dad is a villain. Ryuk nods and just heads to the city hall, but the city hall was very far away, about 30 mins, and Ryuk couldn’t walk 10 miles, he already wasted a good amount of time talking to Easton, he had to take the cab.
“Ryuk!! Are you going to the city hall?” A man said from a far distance approaches Ryuk with a taxi,
“MR. BUCK!! You saved my life, I was wondering how I would get to the city center, Thank you so much!” Ryuk answers with a large smile,
“No problem, always happy to help!” Mr. Buck replies. Ryuk opens the yellow smooth taxi door and gets in the cab, the seats were a printed design of circles and triangles.
2:40 pm:
Ryuk and Mr. Buck get out of the car and enter the City hall, there were rows of seats filled withs crowds of people, the soothing opera music made people dance around the massive building. Mr. Buck and Ryuk got the front row seats, everyone there looked like they wanted to go to Hawaii.
“Hello everyone! I am Atticus Wilson, which all of you probably know, and today we’re going to have participants give reasonable answers on why they want to go to Hawaii!” As Mr. Wilson states, the whole crowd cheers. Many participants go by until it was Easton’s turn,
“Easton!” Mr. Wilson yells,
“Coming Dad!” Easton replies,
“Okay,” Mr. Wilon responds, Easton sprints to the stairs and goes to the middle of the stage,
“I want to go to Hawaii because I want to enjoy life!” Easton assures.
“Next participant, Ryuk!” Mr. Wilson hollers,
“Oh LOOK it’s the loser!” Easton said as he runs down the stairs, Ryuk goes to the middle of the stage,
“I want to go to Hawaii, because of my love and interest in aliens, either mythical or true living species. I want to go and discover it by myself. I also want to know what Mr. Charlotte meant when saying his last words!” Ryuk said with a proud smile. The crowd starts clapping.
“Okay, that’s enough! The winner of-” Mr. Wilson doesn’t complete the sentence, but Easton runs to the stairs, knowing he would win,
“What the heck are you doing?!” Mr. Wilson said with a concerned face,
“Oh, I was just coming up here because I won!” Easton said proudly. The whole crowd seemed blank. Mr. Wilson quickly ignores,
“Sorry about that, the winner of this competition is Ryuk! Please come to the stage,” Mr. Wilson said with a smile. The crowd starts applauding,
“What?! THE LOSER BAKING NERD WON?!” Easton screams,
“Easton! YOU DO NOT call people that?!” Mr. Wilson yells back. Ryuk runs to the stage and goes to the middle.
“I loved your reason! Which is why I chose you as the winner!” Mr. Wilson said,
“But WHY?!” Easton hollers,
“Let me tell you why, when I was your age I also worked at the bakery, I did not have a rich dad,” Mr. Eastons said, the crowd gasps and so does Easton and Ryuk,
“So you were also a loser like Ryuk?!” Easton asked,
“No, and Ryuk is not a loser, I loved mythical creatures especially the Loch Ness Monster! And the mayor at my time had a contest to go to Scotland, I won and I went to Scotland to research the Loch Ness monster, and I saw this passion inside of Ryuk so that’s why I chose him!” Mr. WIlson confirms. Mr. Wilson gives the ticket to Ryuk,
“Thank you so much!” Ryuk said respectfully, Mr. Wilson smiles and nods.
4:00 pm:
“Well Ryuk, when is the flight?” Mrs. Charlotte asked,
“Its next week Monday,” Ryuk said with panic,
“I will tell you what you can have this whole week, off you’ve never been on an airplane, so get mentally prepared and do go pack your luggage,” Mrs. Charlotte smiles and pats Ryuk’s back,
“Thank you!” Ryuk said happily and walked away. As Ryuk was walking down the road he bumped into someone-
“Oh, I am so sorry!” Ryuk said with dismay
“Oh it's alright, wait you’re the winner from the City Hall today,” The girl who is 1 inch shorter than Ryuk and has freckles,
“Uhh yeah, who are you though?” Ryuk questions,
“I am Crystal! Nice to meet you!! You know there are two seats, so I was wondering if I could come?” Crystal said with cute dog eyes, her eyes were blue and her hair was golden,
“Wait, yeah um it does say two seats, so we just met, um,” Ryuk tries to deny but doesn’t know what’s the right choice,
“Oh yeah, I know we just met but come on!!!!! Please???” Crystal tries very hard to convince Ryuk,
“The flights on Monday, 6:45 am, sharp!” Ryuk with serious,
“Ok, I will come to pick you up with a cab, at 5:30 am,” Crystal said,
“Ok I will be ready by then, and my streets in Coronado drive 1142, my name is Ryuk,” Ryuk said with a happy smile,
“Bye! See you on Monday!” Crystal said with a superb amount of enthusiasm,
“Yup!” Ryuk replies.
Monday 5:20 am:
Ryuk got up from his bed, brushed his teeth, he was very sleepy, his eyelids were almost pouring like a liquid to his face, but that’s when he remembered what cartoons do when they are sleepy; he went to his kitchen, and opened one of the cabinets, he took out the toothpicks, and placed from his eyelid, to beneath his eye. His eye still had a scar when Easton threw the rock, but his pain was gone. Ryuk yawned, and poured some milk in his red transparent glass, he drank the milk as if it was his last meal, he took a banana and started munching on that too.
“Knock! Knock! Knock!” Ryuk ran to the door and opened it,
“Hi! The cab came a little earlier than planned,” Crystal said, with very little excitement,
“Oh ok! I am going to get the suitcase,” Ryuk said,
“Ok!” Crystal replies. Ryuk goes straight into a dark hallway and returns with a pleasant smile and a suitcase in his hand. Ryuk takes the red and ripped suitcase and places it in the trunk of the cab.
“All set!” Crystal announces,
“Yup!” Ryuk said as he was locking the door. He slides in the car, and closes the door,
“I am 13, and I am studying about alien stuff,” Crystal said,
“Oh, aliens are cool, but I am going to Hawaii, so I can solve a mystery,” Ryuk replies. Crystal nods and they both get comfortable to lay back.
6:00 am:
Crystal and Ryuk reach the airport, it was the biggest thing Ryuk had ever seen in his life,
“This is humongous, we’re gonna get lost in it,” Ryuk said with fright,
“Don’t worry silly, we won’t get lost, just look at the gate number,” Crystal remarks,
“27A,” Ryuk said with confusion,
“Oh ok! That means it must be this way,” Crystal points as she states. After following Crystal for a few moments, they ran into an elevator,
“We’re gonna need to use this,” Crystal said with excitement. They both go inside and Crystal presses a button, they go up, and they see a very large line, Crystal, walks straight into that line, and Ryuk follows her behind.
“Wait, why are we here?” Ryuk asked,
“Check-in line,” Crystal replies quickly. Crystal looked like she was very rich, all her cosmetics, made her look like her father worked for the president, even her suitcase,
“Ok!” Ryuk, blinks, and then Crystal was gone
“Crystal???!!” Ryuk yells, then a parade of people comes shoving him,
“Watch it, kid!!” A guy roars,
“Sorry,” Ryuk whimpers. And then he saw his luggage gone, he saw a man with a black cap, with his luggage running,
“HEY! Give it back!” Ryuk yells, with all his voice. He sprints, as swift as he can, and slams many people,
“Hey oww!” A woman shrieks,
“What a hooligan!” Another woman hollers. Ryuk saw a bike and hopped onto it. He chases the man for a few moments, until the man trips, and runs away,
“Finally!” Ryuk pants,
“You dummy, where were you?! I hate running you can get in trouble, in the airport realize?!” Crystal said, with terror,
“Sorry! Long story short, some guy stole my suitcase,” Ryuk said,
“I guess at least we’re not late,”
“Why don’t like you like running?” Ryuk asked,
“My mother died by running by running,” Crystal whispered,
“Ok, let’s do the check-in,” Crystal said with disbelief. Crystal approaches the women’s side, and Ryuk to the men’s side.
“Do you have any electronic devices son?” The officer asked with his shades on,
“No,” Ryuk confirms,
“Any jewelry? Liquid? Weapon? Sharp stuff? Or batteries,” The officer pulls, his shades down, and looks at Ryuk’s eye,
“No sir!” Ryuk said with confidence,
“Ok your good son, now I want you to stand like a tree, with your arms stretched,” Officer demands,
“Ok,” Ryuk replies. The officer gets an electronic gadget and touches Ryuk with it all over his body,
“You all good, son, now take your luggage and you can go,” The officer smiles, Ryuk goes straight and takes his luggage, and waits for Crystal.
“Ok so it’s 6:30, just 15 mins, before the flight, so we will go to gate 27A, and board there,” Crystal remarks. Ryuk nods as if he understood everything, which he didn’t.
A few moments later:
“Boarding flight, please come to the boarding station!” The lady on the speaker announced. The whole crowd, including Crystal and Ryuk, rushed and formed a line.
“Next person,” The Karen lady said impatiently,
“Hi! This is our ticket,” Crystal affirms, and hands the ticket to the lady,
“All set you can go!” The lady said Crystal and Ryuk enter a long hallway made out of the grey, rough carpet. Ryuk pulled his red suitcase with max strength because the suitcase was getting stuck on the carpet.
“Hi, this is Hawaiian Airlines Boeing 737, welcome in!” The kind flight attendant said, Crystal nodded and went inside the airplane.
“Who was that?” Ryuk whispers with a frown,
“The flight attendant, the person who cleans and makes the food of the airplane,” Crystal replies back.
“Seat 31C and 30B,” Ryuk announces,
“I will sit in 30B, and you can sit in 31C,” Crystal said. They walk until find 30,
“Ok you are right behind, and you get the window seat,” Crystal said as she lifted her suitcase, and put it on the top compartment, Ryuk did the same thing. Ryuk slides in his seat, and he sees an old woman coming in his direction.
“Hi, honey! Is this sit 31B?” The old lady asked,
“Y-yes, mam!” Ryuk stutters,
“Oh, goodie!” The old lady smiles. The lady gets slides in the middle seat. Then when Ryuk saw something glistening in the sky it might have been the sun, but it was moving.
“This is captain Bill, we will be taking off now, please put on your seat belts,” The radio announces. Ryuk puts his seatbelts on and prays that this will be very safe. The engine starts to rev, and then the airplane goes into its top-tier speed and Ryuk closes his eyes.
A few hours later:
The flight attendant had given his food, and Ryuk started to open it, it was beef tacos, he munched on it as quickly as possible so he fell asleep again, but he had swallowed it too, so he was probably not going to go to sleep again. Once Ryuk wakes up he cannot go back to sleep.
“Honey do you want a cookie, I baked it for my grandson,” The old lady said with kindness, and offers Ryuk a cookie,
“Thank you!” Ryuk said as he took one. He munched on the cookie, it was chocolate and strawberry, two of Ryuk’s favorite flavors. As Ryuk ate them, he thought that this lady must have had a very good experience baking cookies.
“This is awesome,” Ryuk said with astonishment,
“Well back in my day we used to have a lot of bakeries, and I used to work in one, my boss, taught me how to make the best cookies,” The old lady informs,
“Oh! That makes sense!” Ryuk confirms. Ryuk gets comfortable and closes his eyes.
“We have a slight problem, but there is nothing to worry about, stay cautious we might run into turbulence,” The captain remarked. Ryuk was afraid that they would crash or something, but it probably wasn’t going to happen. Ryuk got up from his seat and headed to the restroom. He opened the door and went in. There were no lights in it so he didn’t lock the door.
“We have a bigger problem, there is something in the sky that is visible, we are still trying to figure out what it is!” The captain yelled. Ryuk got out of the bathroom and sprinted to his seat. He puts on his seatbelt and starts to pray. Then he saw something very flashy, it came in quick, and it broke one of the wings of the plane, which exploded. He went black and then he heard the radio on the plane,
“MAYDAY! MAYDAY! BRACE FOR IMPACT!” The captain screamed, Ryuk looked out the window, he saw the plane going super fast into the water.
“Ryuk?!” Crystal screamed,
“Is this heaven?” Ryuk replied,
“NO! You are alive!” Crystal said with concern,
“It’s a miracle?” Ryuk said as he got up. He saw his hand bleeding wildly. Ryuk got up, and he looked at the island, it wasn’t big but it wasn’t small either,
“How are we supposed to get out of here?” Ryuk asked,
“I don’t know, maybe a boat or an airplane will come?” Crystal said with uncertainty.
“We have to survive here somehow, well first I am going to take some rest, I need to take all of this in,” Ryuk said while wiping his forehead. Crystal nods,
“I am going to check out the other side, to see if there are any other survivors,” Crystal declared. Ryuk lays down in the sand and closes his eyes.
A Few hours later:
Ryuk wakes up from the sound of the waves, he sees Crystal stargazing at the sky.
“Are there any survivors?” Ryuk questions,
“No, just us,” Crystal replies,
“What about food, will it last us days?” Ryuk asked with a positive attitude,
“Just 2 days,” Crystal replies,
“We’re kinda doomed,” Ryuk said tiredly. Ryuk goes to a large coconut tree and sees a big leaf on the ground, he takes the leaf and wraps it around his hand, and goes to bed.
Ryuk yawns and gets up. He sees Crystal circling the trees in deep thought,
“We need to build a shelter, so we can be protected from the weather, there is a high chance of a storm coming in,” Crystal announced to Ryuk,
“Yeah! You're right, but we also need the materials. We can make the shelter out of bamboo,” Ryuk said,
“Your right I am going to go check if there are any materials that are floating in the ocean,” Crystal informs,
“Oh ok! Then I will look at the materials on the island,” Ryuk declared back. Crystal dives into the ocean and goes at full speed. Ryuk sees a ton of big leaves on the ground, and he got a good idea. He took one of the leaves and put sand in it. He also broke the leaf and a sticky goop came out, he put it in the leaves and wrapped it, this was his idea of a pillow. So he made two of these, for a pillow. Ryuk found big rocks. This can be a good idea to write something on the ground or protect from the weather. As Ryuk was done with it, he waited until Crystal came back.
“I am back, I got some supplies!” Crystal said with excitement,
“Nice!” Ryuk replies,
“I found a hatchet, some wet blankets, lots of pretzels and peanut packs, and lastly, a big shield, well not exactly a big shield, its the door to the airplane,” Crystal said happily
“Well, the hatchet will be very useful!” Ryuk decides,
“We can cut down the coconut tree and use the wood from it,” Crystal suggests,
“Yeah, I was thinking that too,” Ryuk said. Ryuk takes the hatchet and gives all his force at the coconut tree, but it didn’t do a dent,
“The problem is it would take a million tries, by that time it will be dull,” Crystal remarks,
“Your right but we’re gonna have to keep trying until we have successfully done it,” Ryuk said with confidence and keeps swinging,
“I got an idea!!” Crystal face glows up,
“What is it” Ryuk questions,
“Is there any rope,” Crystal asked,
goes fast, doing a lot of damage to the tree
“Yeah!” Ryuk said. Ryuk gave the rope to her, and Crystal tied it between two other trees, she took the hatchet and pulled it with rope like a catapult. The hatchet flew onto the tree, making a lot of marks on the tree. Ryuk and Crystal tried it over and over until they were exhausted,
“This might take us forever, and I am really hungry,” Crystal said with tiredness,
“Me too, we need to find food, I saw a bus with berries earlier, let’s eat the berries,” Ryuk said as he pointed in a direction. Crystal follows Ryuk until they reach a big thorny berry bush.
“Wow, that’s a lot of blueberries!” Crystal jumps in excitement
“Those aren’t blueberries, they are huckleberries,” Ryuk consults. When Ryuk was 8, he used to live with his uncles, until they died from a tragic accident, before that accident he used to go on the boy scouts team. From there he learned all about berries, now he practically could identify any berry in the world.
“I see!” Crystal said as she pulled one from the bush. She tastes it and makes a sour face,
“They are very sour, I guess we have to stick to the food that remains,” Ryuk said hopelessly. Crystal pulls out a bag and sees all kinds of food there. He first started eating the pretzels, they were very salty, he saw the old lady’s cookies and started thinking whether he was the chosen one to live. He saw Crystal devouring the cookies one by one.
“I am full Ryuk!” Ryuk declared,
“Me too,” Crystal replies while rubbing her stomach. They get the hatchet and start cutting the tree again.
“BANG!” The tree falls after numerous amount of tries,
“Finally!!” Ryuk yells and brushes the perspiration off his forehead. Ryuk chops the tree into pieces and uses some of the pieces to make a bed and the other to construct the shelter. He takes the rope, bamboo, and coconut tree pieces and ties them together to make a whole shed.
“Great we made a shed, to protect us from rainy weathers,” Ryuk said proudly,
“Ok now we got a place to sleep tonight, we’re gonna need blankets because it’s gonna start getting cold,” Crystal exclaimed,
“No problem we got these large leaves, we can use this as a blanket,” Ryuk replies,
“Yeah, that’ll work!” Crystal gives a quick response and smiles. It was the evening, Ryuk and Crystal started circling the island.
“There’s a lot of rocks, we can form a word from using these rocks, like ‘HELP’” Ryuk articulates,
“That’s a fantastic idea,” Crystal said with joy. Both of them take huge rocks and form the letters h, e, l, and p.
“Let’s hope someone can see this!” Crystal exclaimed. Ryuk nods and heads on to the food basket,
“There are 6 meals, it will help us for today’s dinner and tomorrow’s lunch and dinner combined,” Crystal declared,
“Oh that means, after that, we need to make our food,” Ryuk said with dismay. Crystal nods and walks away.
“What do you think the time is?” Ryuk questions, Crystal stops midway,
“Probably 7 pm or 6:30 pm,” Crystal said with uncertainty,
“Well then let’s have supper!” Ryuk exclaimed,
“I am not that hungry, you can eat,” Crystal remarked,
“Okay I guess, Ryuk said. He opens the transparent box and sees two cold tacos, he eats them like he never ate in his life. Ryuk finishes quickly and goes to the shelter,
“You sure you don’t want to eat? The food will get col-” Ryuk doesn’t finish his sentence when Crystal interrupts,
“THE FOODS NOT GONNA GET COLD OKAY? Look I JUST CAN’T TAKE ANY OF THIS!!” Crystal screams as she walks away. Ryuk goes to his bunk, lays down, and goes to sleep.
“Ahhh What a beautiful day,” Ryuk says as he stretches his arm and gets up from his hard bed. Sleeping that night was horrible, the bed was so hard Ryuk had a backache in the middle of the night. Ryuk looked beside and saw Crystal’s bed with a huge leaf on it. Crystal probably used that as a blanket.
“Look I am sorry about last night I just couldn’t believe it! Can you please forgive me?” Crystal asked,
“Yeah, sure!” Ryuk said politely when he steps on something smooth but hard, Ryuk looks down and sees a turtle,
“Ahhhh!” Ryuk yells,
“Silly it’s just a turtle!” Crystal laughed,
“Can we keep him?” Ryuk asked,
“Am I your mom? Yeah, we can keep him,” Crystal said with thrill,
“Let’s name him Roca,” Ryuk declared,
“Sure I guess, as long as she’s fine with it,” Crystal says with a pleasant smile. Ryuk can have Crystal play with Roca the whole day.
Another day passed, like nothing, and Roca was gone from his sandpit. Ryuk yawns,
“Where’s Roca?” Ryuk asked with solicitude. Crystal wakes up in an instant,
“Maybe he went for a walk or a swim?” Crystal guessed,
“Probably,” Ryuk remarked. Ryuk stared at Roca’s pit for a minute and went to the side of the island, there wasn’t any way they could brush their teeth, so Ryuk and Crystal used the salty water to rub it against their teeth. You might be also wondering by now, how are they drinking water? They are using the salty one till now.
“We can’t stick with the salty water, it’s toxic and it’s not like the salt is going away from our body,” Crystal declared,
“Your right,” Ryuk responded while wondering what can be another solution,
“How many coconuts are there?” Crystal asked,
“From the tree, we cut down, um a solid 50,” Ryuk said,
“Well, that’s awesome! That’s more than enough for us to last about 25 days,” Crystal yelped,
“Well, I think we should start by cutting the coconuts!” Ryuk exclaimed. He took the dull hatchet and kept on slicing the coconut with his one hand until it broke.
“Crack!” The coconut cracked,
“Okay I got one cracked, I need to do another,” Ryuk remarked,
“You can just do this instead,” Crystal said, as she placed the hatchet straight and then started banging the coconut on the hatchet,
“Crack!” The coconut cracked,
“See this took way less time,” Crystal discloses. Both of them start munching on the copra and then drinking the coconut water.
“Good breakfast!” Ryuk exclaimed. Ryuk took the last of his remaining rope, a long stick, and sharp rock, and combined it to make a spear.
“Now this can be good to catch fish!” Ryuk said as if he invented something new. Happiness wasn’t a critical mood in this situation, it is hope, belief, and determination. Ryuk’s clothes were all ripped and his hand was still healing. They knew that they were hopeless, but most importantly they had belief in themselves and each other. Ryuk ran to the ocean with his spear in one hand, after several tries he caught a fish,
“I CAUGHT ONE!” Ryuk yelled in astonishment,
“Just one?” Crystal said,
“Well, they are really fast,” Ryuk remarked,
“I am going to make a fire so we can cook the fish,” Crystal said,
“Okay I will try to catch more fish then,” Ryuk replied. Crystal finds a lot of extra wood from the other day and finds flint rocks and a little bit of steel from her pocket, it must have been the metal necklace she had been carrying, she rubbed the flint and the little bit of steel together for a pretty long time until the fire came out she placed it on the wood,
“I made a fire!!!” Crystal said,
“Nice, I am trying to find more fish,” Ryuk announces. As Ryuk goes back to the ocean he sees Roca with two large fish in her mouth,
“Roca got us fish!” Ryuk exclaimed,
“Thanks, Roca, we’ll cook one for you too!” Crystal affirmed. Crystal took the two fish from Roca’s mouth, she took two sticks and put them inside the fish.
“Now we can roast it over the fire like they’re a marshmallow,” Crystal exclaimed with happiness as if she got what she wanted for her birthday. Ryuk got his large leaves as a plate. After a long time, the fish was done, Crystal gave one fish to Ryuk, one to Roca, and one for herself.
“Roca's, it's really hot, so be careful!” Crystal said as if she was Roca’s mom. Roca did not listen to a single word to what Crystal said and she started munching like she never ate before,
“It needs a lot of things,” Ryuk affirmed,
“Yeah it does, but we don’t have any of the ingredients,” Crystal said hopelessly,
“One of the most important things that we need is a taste to this fish, maybe we should put some berries there,” Ryuk conveyed,
“We can, but the berries have a horrible taste,” Crystal affirmed,
“We can try it right?” Ryuk responded,
“Fine, we can try it at dinner, but if anything goes wrong it’s all your fault,” Crystal acknowledges.
Eight hours later or 9 pm:
Crystal went to the berry bush and plucked out 10 berries, This is not the best idea Crystal thought inside her head. Crystal loved reading, in school people called book addicts, and that’s why she can go deep in pretty much anything you can think of. Crystal walks over to the fire and starts setting the fish up.
“Hey on the bright side we get to experiment with things!” Ryuk exclaimed,
“I am not giving the ‘tasted’ to fish Roca,” Crystal replied,
“Fine,” Ryuk remarked, Ryuk walked away and went to the other side island, so he can gather leaves to make a plate, he plucked leaves off the tree, then he turned around saw Crystal,
“H-ow?! Did you come here so fast?” Ryuk stuttered with confusion,
“I used to run in my school, you know, like cross country and track and field,” Crystal said nervously. Ryuk nodded and walked away, Ryuk knew something was up. That day when he won the prize several people came to Ryuk as if he was a king and he can grant any wish, be he still doesn’t know why he chose Crystal.
“Ryuk food is ready!” Crystal chanted,
“I am coming,” Ryuk sprinted to the fire.
PART 2: “Okay let’s see how the fish tastes,” Crystal remarked. Ryuk took a huge bite of the fish and closed his eyes,
“This IS awesome!!” Ryuk replied,
“Seriously,” Crystal said as she takes a bite of the fish. Crystal was super surprised that the fish was going to taste that good.
“See I told you,” Ryuk smirked. Ryuk looked at the sky and saw something shiny,
“Do you see that?” Ryuk asked,
“See what?” Crystal back,
“This weird shiny object, probably a shooting sta-” Ryuk didn’t finish the sentence,
“We need to go, immediately!” Crystal bellowed. Crystal and Ryuk went behind a boulder, the “shooting star” was gone. Ryuk got up,
“It’s probably just a shiny, nothing to worry abo-” Ryuk doesn’t finish, and a huge piece of metal lands on the fire. Crystal pulls Ryuk behind the boulder. Then suddenly Ryuk remembers, what he saw in that flight,
“It might be aliens,” Ryuk said in uncertainty,
“You silly! It’s no time to joke around, I study about it, but science has shown that it isn’t real!” Crystal said with an annoying accent.
“BRFFF!” A deafening sound hits Ryuk’s ear hits.
“RYUK! WAKE UP!!” Crystal screamed into Ryuk’s ear. Ryuk got up started walking and then fell on the sand flat on his face.
“I am okay!” Ryuk confirms as he does a thumbs up,
Ryuk yawned and woke up from his sand, which was very uncomfortable, probably the reason he had his backache. Ryuk brushes his with his sharp fingers and goes to the water. He takes a whole handful of water and throws it at his face.
“What the-” Ryuk exclaims, as he turns around. He saw a circular object with a bubble type on top,
“What is this?” Ryuk asks,
“I stayed up all night, you were sleeping this just floated from the beach,” Crystal said. She looked all fresh and kind of absurd.
“Could have been from the flight?” Ryuk questions,
“It isn’t when it hit the flight it was very much stable,” Crystal replies,
“Are we gonna try to on it?” Ryuk suggested,
“Just press this switch, and I think it turns on,” Crystal said with doubt,
“Okay, first we must be ready,” Ryuk said,
“We’re ready,” Crystal said in rush. Crystal pressed that big red button in heavy uncertainty, if the switch didn’t work she looked like would drown in a sea of grief. The bubble-type lid opened, and you could enter, both of them jumped in, and in a flash they teleported.
“Where are we?!” Ryuk panicked,
“Somewhere…” Crystal confirmed. They were surrounded by purple walls and two vents.
“Let’s go through the vents and see which one leads to what,” Ryuk remarked. Crystal nodded and pointed to the vent she wanted to go to,
“Let’s go through this one,” Crystal said as she pointed,
Both of them go through the vent for a long time, and then they heard some heavy whisperings, it was an unknown language for Ryuk. Ryuk deeply thought inside his head, it must have been aliens, as he was thinking “DHAM!”, Ryuk slammed on the ground with Crystal,
“AHHHH!” Ryuk screamed in fear,
“How did humans come here,” The unknown being object said, the voice sounded like a robot,
“We have stumbled upon your place, we are truly sorry, please mercy us,” Crystal said with a weak voice,
“Our leader will decide,” The being remarked. Then the alien said a secret code, where a really short person who looked two million years old pondered in,
“Cr-yst-al?!” The old man yelled,
“Dad!” Crystal remarked. Ryuk was dead confused,
“W-hat?” Ryuk stuttered. The old man led Crystal and Ryuk to a big room.
“You see this is my daughter, she actually a million-year-old, but she was born with three superpowers, one: she can time travel, this was a family gene we all could do it, and so was immortality which she also has, two: make herself look young, and lastly three: she can run really fast,” The old man said as he ran out of breath,
“Oh, so that explains everything!” Ryuk said with sweat dripping down his head.
“But there’s is a problem, a long time ago an emperor had two puzzle pieces that were very valuable, but he lost one of them, they were important because they make the alien city function, but one day a robber stole one of the pieces, which was never found again. And now we only have one more piece but we can’t seem to find it at all. People say that Xenoarchaelogist found it but he died afterward,” The old man spoke with all his energy,
“Wait you mean this?” Ryuk asks, as he looks in his pockets, and pulls out a black piece of plastic material and a purple light glowing on it,
“This? The light didn’t glow before,” Ryuk said,
“Oh my yes!!! This is the piece thank you so much, it glows, as you start getting closer and closer to the place,” The old man shined like a light bulb. The old man took the piece from Ryuk and he put it into a machine, which started getting brighter and brighter, and Ryuk woke up on the sand. All alone.
“Crystal?! Hello anyone?!” Ryuk panicked, as he saw a motorboat coming near him, he saw a group of men coming,
“Hola! Buenos dias, Como estas?” The man said in concern,
“I no comprehend Espanol,” Ryuk replied,
“Oh ok, where do you live,”
“I live in Westville, North America,” Ryuk said in a panic, thinking that they won’t understand,
“Okay, how long have been here? Have any family? Anyone else here?” The man asked,
“What’s the date? And no family and no one else is here” Ryuk asked as he thought about Crystal and where she disappeared,
“August 31st,” The man replied,
“21 days,” Ryuk said in disbelief.
“Okay, I need to take you to the nearest airport,” The man said, they both jumped on the boat and left the lonely island.
Two months later:
“Hi, Mrs. Charlotte long time no see,” Ryuk exclaimed,
“Oh my hello, how was your journey?” Mrs. Charlotte asked,
“Fantastic!” Ryuk replied,
“You know a girl named Crystal, she came to visit and see if you were there,” Mrs. Charlotte said as she was mopping the floor,
“Yes, do you know where she went,” Ryuk questioned in astonishment,
“Yes, she said something about meeting her on a specific island in Puerto Rico,” Mrs. Charlotte replied. Ryuk nodded and thought what will happen next is the question.
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poptod · 4 years
The One Time Debt was Good (Elliot Alderson x Reader)
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Request: Hi there could you do an Elliot x reader where the reader gets liked fucked up or something and Elliot helping her clean up the cuts and blood and stuff (ok thanks bye have a nice day 💓)
Took me a bit but I finally finished it. I made it gender neutral bc that shit fucks. also, there’s a small paragraph of graphic injury description. part 2
He’d warned you about this, you knew that, and you knew you should’ve listened. He hardly ever warns you against anything, hardly ever tries to stop you from hurting yourself, so when for once he told you not to do something, of course you had to ignore his advice. The one time he tries to care about you, and you have to ignore it.
To be fair, with or without his input it was a bad idea. Mosh pits aren’t exactly the safest place, not for someone like you at least, especially metal mosh pits. You hadn’t expected this in any future vision, though; your clothes are almost completely torn off of you, shreds just barely covering your bruised, blood-drenched skin. Thankfully most of it wasn’t your blood - a fight broke out and you were pushed straight into the middle of it, so a good amount of it probably belonged to the very people who beat you to a pulp.
Your first thought, practically crawling out of the concert, was I should probably go to the hospital. A perfectly rational thought and a good idea, but you then remembered you’re still in debt from the last time you were at the hospital, and that was three years ago. Fortunately for you and unfortunately for Elliot (you assume, you don’t think he likes you very much) his apartment was closest to you, so gathering your shreds of humanity and the fifty-two cents in your pocket, you made your way to him.
Several people stared at you, several didn’t, and by the time you were knocking at his door you felt a little faint. Leaning on the wall, you barely raise your knuckles to rap at the door and within a few seconds you can hear his footsteps. A sigh leaves you, relaxed and anxious all at once - he’s comforting, at least he is to you, but again, he doesn’t like you very much.
Slowly the door creaks open, though it takes him a moment before he looks to his left to find you breathing heavy against the wall, dry blood flaking off your skin and sticking to the wall. He doesn’t say anything, of course he doesn’t, but he opens the door a little, and you walk in with a tiny ‘thank you.’
“I’m really sorry about this,” you manage to get out, your throat dry and horribly sore from screaming. “I would’ve gone to the hospital, but… you know. Can’t really afford that.” Vaguely he nods, not meeting your eye as you ask to use the shower. With his permission granted you wash the blood off yourself, the dirt and grime, noticing the splotches of red, yellow, and blue that are the permanent reminders of the night. The bruises practically coat your ribs - when you press down on them it hurts so badly you wonder if you broke something.
When you get out you hesitate to redress yourself, considering your clothes are still grimy and bloodied, but before you can even make a decision on what to do the bathroom door opens just a crack. One hand carrying a stack of clothes sneaks in, placing the clothes on the counter before quickly retreating behind the closing door.
This is exactly why I’ve got the stupidest crush in the universe, you think, groaning internally at yourself. These little moments, rare and far between, moments where he does something purely human, keep you around him. Grabbing the clothes, you pause for a moment, taking in the scent and softness before dressing yourself. There isn’t any underwear, which you should’ve expected, and any sane person would probably just wear their own underwear, but instead you go commando. In the foggy mirror you examine yourself in the baggy sweatshirt and pants, wondering how to go about thanking him.
Surprisingly, you have even less time to think about it than you thought, since as soon as you open the door he’s standing there. For a while he just stares at you, and you stare back, confused as to what he’s trying to achieve. Finally he opens his mouth, hesitant to speak but he eventually does.
“You’ve… got a thing.. down your back,” he says, which is confusing in itself. With a furrowed brow you walk back into the bathroom, taking the sweatshirt off and trying to look at your back in the mirror. Sure enough, there’s a massive cut down your spine, and it’s still bleeding a bit - it’s astounding you haven’t noticed it yet, considering just the sight of it makes you sick.
“Oh dear god,” you say, feeling the acidic burn in the back of your throat grow worse.
“Here,” he mumbles, managing to maneuver you while barely touching you so your face is to the mirror. “I can stitch you.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you say quickly, your heart racing at the thought of stitches. You’ve gotten them before, but that was with an anesthetic, not straight out. In fear you whip around, hoping that’ll keep him and his needle away from your skin, but now you’re face to face with him and suddenly the needle seems friendlier. Your breath catches in time with his, the both of you frozen in the moment as you both try to decipher what’s happening. He stammers when he gains control of his body again, stepping back so his back is against the wall and he’s as far from you as possible.
“I have vodka,” he says, “if that’d make you feel better.”
“Yeah, that actually would,” you say with a sigh, relieved to be able to catch yourself as he leaves the bathroom. He returns a minute or so later, trying desperately not to stare at your naked torso. He unscrews the cap, and after you take a few gulps of the drink (which does nothing for your sore throat), he pours a little down into your cut. You wince, your grip on the sink tighter than your clenched teeth, a headache sprouting from the tension in your jaw.
“Ready?” He asks, looking at you over your shoulder through the mirror. You nod - you’re not going to get much more ready, so you might as well get it over with.
As the needle prods at your skin, poking into your flesh and sprouting little droplets of blood, you try not to think on the sensation. You try to think of anything, anything besides the cool metal pulling string through your back and tugging at your skin. Instead you focus on him, on his concentrated face; he’s biting at his cheek, his mouth opening to talk to himself in words you can’t hear.
It takes a shorter amount of time than you thought it did. The pain is now aching, spreading up your spine and into your head and down through your legs.
“I guess my skin must’ve snagged on someone’s spikes,” you groan hoarsely when he finishes up, tugging at your ripped skin as he tries to knot the string in place.
“I told you not to go,” he says, low and quiet, still not meeting your eye.
“Doesn’t matter now,” you say with a sigh, rubbing your side with your hand to massage the pain out, though it does very little. When you turn around he glances up at you, sparing just a second to watch you before leaving the bathroom.
Rubbing your face wearily you follow, your steps careful and slow as you try to put the sweatshirt back on. It proves a lot more difficult, what with the string preventing your skin from stretching, but you manage to get it on eventually. He’s in his kitchen filling a glass with water when you enter, and as usual he can’t stand to look at you.
“Thanks for patching me up, by the way,” you mumble, leaning against the counter with your hands gripping it tight, still trying to ignore the pain in your back and ache of your bruised legs and arms. He sets the glass down, and for a moment it looks as if he’s going to ignore you as usual, but he turns to you with pursed lips.
“Why do you do stuff that you know is going to hurt you?”
Your eyes widen at his straightforwardness, stuttering as you try to come up with a plausible answer. The only problem is you never even realized you do that, you never thought you were looking for pain, but when you look back at your past decisions it seems obvious. How long as he been putting up with your masochistic tendencies?
“I… I don’t know,” you answer honestly. “I never realized that I do that.”
Your thoughts go back to when you were little - in your teenage years you had a history of self harm, but you never thought of it as a hatred thing. It was just another way to feel pain, another way to feel real in a world where so much is faux. The memory of a razor cutting your skin to shreds just to watch your blood drip freely from your hips and arms makes you curl in on yourself, something that Elliot notices.
“I think I need to sit down,” you say, your voice cracking with the lightheaded feeling swirling around you. He lets you sit on the couch before he speaks again, sitting on the couch with you but as far from you as he can.
“Take my advice, next time,” he tells you, crossing his legs.
“And for now?”
He doesn’t answer. The TV buzzes in your background as exhaustion takes its’ toll on you, the fight, the walk, and the cleaning up tiring every bone in your body. It doesn’t take long at all until you’re lying down, your eyes closed as you can’t bear to keep them open. You’re still conscious, still listening to the dialogue of a show you’ve never watched before and the typing on Elliot’s laptop. It’s not long at all till the typing stops, and he sets his computer down on the ground as quietly as possible. With the shuffling of clothes and footsteps, you hear him come closer, and the cushion your legs are resting on dips down.
A thousand thoughts run through your head, a hundred theories and at least fifty conspiracies tackle what in the world Elliot could be doing, but none of them lead to a satisfying answer. Then he’s touching you, something he never does, not unless he absolutely has to - and it’s surprisingly affectionate. You’re barely able to keep your breath under control as he brushes your hair back, fingers just barely skimming across from your temple to behind your ear. Clothes rustle again, and you can feel his heat right up against your cheek. Every single one of your thoughts is now focused on one thing: stay absolutely still.
Somehow you manage to do it, somehow you’re still breathing even with closed eyes, though you have no idea if there’s a prominent blush on your cheeks. You’d guess yes but he still hasn’t moved; he sounds like he’s muttering something, but even right next to your ear, the heat of his speech brushing your skin, you can’t pick out what exactly he’s saying.
He’s so close, so unbearably close that you can’t decipher just when his lips touch you - he’s been hovering over your temple so long that the difference between his heat and touch is thin. Sometime in there you realize he’s kissing you, one long, sweet kiss on your temple, and suddenly the entirety of the evening is something you know you’ll never forget.
The cushion resumes its’ given position as he stands, and the rustling of his clothes combined with the absence of his heat tells you he’s gone. With a buzz and a click, the hum of the television goes out, and Elliot retreats to his bedroom.
You fall asleep soon after, your dreams more pleasant than ever with the new revelation.
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the-st0ryofagirl · 7 years
Bye Bye Virginity
You came and marched right towards me, your blue eyes stormy, looked right into mine. You were on a mission, and I was the only way you could accomplish it. 7 years. I’ve waited 7 years to feel your lips on mine, and you didn’t just let me feel them, you made them yours. Your hands, all over me. Up my shirt, down my back, tangled in my hair. I wanted to slow down, it was all so fast, you work fast though, and I guess I didn’t mind too much.
I hadn’t done this with anyone in so long, but boy is muscle memory a thing. One second I was struggling to keep on my toes to keep making out with you, the next second we’re on the bed, you’re pulling me on top. We had places to be, but GOD I wanted you. And well, I’m kind of a little hoe when it comes to sucking dick, I kind of love it. So that’s what I did! On my roommate’s bed, sorry B...it was so exciting, and liberating! I hadn’t touched a guy in over a year, I was a little rusty, but I definitely still hold onto my record time of getting someone off in under 3 minutes...exciting stuff! 
After a great night of drinking and dancing and excessive socializing, I was ready to go home and sleep. I was having trouble reading you all night though. You’re quiet, except when you’re not. And you speak your mind, insightfully and not excessively. I’m usually really fucking good at reading people, but you’re so damn hard to read, I had no idea what was on your mind the whole entire night. Were you into me? Were you having fun? You kept saying you were having a good time, you kept saying that you loved the vibes of the people here, but I’m so insecure and I need constant reassurance all the time, I’m sorry ok? 
Well I guess I got all the reassurance I needed from you when we got back though. On the bus we cuddled and you made me feel you through your pants, you were so hard for me. I guess I didn’t know what to expect from you when we got back to my apartment. I thought we’d just sleep. Maybe make-out a little, cuddle, and then fall asleep. NOPE. Well, we cuddled and made out yeah...but, I also lost my virginity. I know, crazy right? And it was to someone I never thought I’d lose my virginity to...A FREAKING C. He’s so damn hot, so experienced too, it kind of threw me off sometimes. 
Anyways yeah, one minute we were making out on my bed and the second he’s on top of me, clothes are just flying off each other with such a need, it’s extremely hot. He’s on top of me and we’re kissing and all of a sudden he’s going down on me, and I mean full on licking me EVERYWHERE DOWN THERE. His tongue is all around and inside me, at first it felt strange and I was sort of embarrassed and then I kind of started getting into it. But I feel like as soon as he had found my clit it was over far too soon. He came back up to kiss and next thing I knew he was at my entrance pushing in...which totally freaked me the fuck out. Not only was it my first time but uhm, boy where is your condom?! So I called him out and he wanted to do pull out, and I know my momma had taught me better than that, so I told him to find a condom or it wasn't happening. It was kind of sweet actually, he didn’t have any because he’d left them in the car, meaning he didn’t expect to have sex either otherwise he would have brought them down...right? Anyways, I told him to go look in my roommate’s box where she kept her condoms and he slid it on and then positioned himself on top of me again. I was ready, I’ve been ready, but that doesn’t mean I still wasn’t nervous. I told him to go slow as I gripped his biceps when I felt him enter me, he told me it was okay, over and over again. His words were like a breathless caress, eventually matching his strokes. 
At first I just lay there, reminding him to go slow and his body seemed to naturally speed up. The pressure of him inside me did hurt, but it didn’t hurt as much as I thought, and I could feel the pain being relieved the more and more he entered me. Eventually I was meeting his strokes halfway by bringing my hips up. He pulled out, moaning and both of us breathing heavy, he turned me onto my stomach and pulled my ass up. I made sure to arch my back and nothing turned me on more than him sliding into me and saying “oh my god, you’re so wet” and sliding his hands down my hair, my back, on my ass as he slid in and out of me. I easily met his strokes once again. All too soon, he shifts and puts his legs on the outside of mine and brings mine together so I’m laying completely under him, ass still in the air he’s breathing harder now. “I’m gonna come”, and me being an anxious to a T tell him to pull out just in case. He did, no questions asked thankfully. 
Now I know I’m new to this, but I wanted to go again, that wasn’t nearly enough time for me to actually really enjoy it, I was just getting there. He’s definitely broken me in that’s for sure, but I was too shy to ask to go again..and I also didn’t want to make him feel embarrassed because I didn’t know what his refraction period was for him. After that it was kind of a blur, we put our clothes back on, went pee, and then tried to go to sleep, we even cuddled! After a couple minutes though he announced, pretty frustrated, that he was going to leave. I was pretty bummed, and it kind of made me feel pretty stupid, I thought perhaps I did something wrong, after all when we were cuddling he told me my knee was on his nuts... But he genuinely seemed upset and he kept saying that this was a constant problem fro him, not being able to sleep anywhere but his own bed, he didn’t say sorry, but he kept trying to explain himself to me and I understood. In fact it was sort of stressing me out how stressed out he was. He angrily threw his clothes in his bag and I offered to smoke with him so he could de-stress. 
He agreed and while he packed his joint we had really deep conversations. It made me realize how beautiful and complicated his mind was. He was observant, and he was aware that other people treated him differently because of how he looked and he didn't like it. We talked about his past experience in college and how badly he fucked up, how much his family meant to him, how much he’d matured over the years. I loved hearing him talk. I’m not very good at talking, I’m much better at writing my feelings out on paper. It takes me a lot longer to articulate what I want to say and he just spoke so freely and it made sense. Every time I tried to throw my 2 cents into the conversation I felt like what I was saying was stupid, and did not at all convey what I really wanted to say to him at all. But he didn’t seem to mind.
We walked to his car and smoked and talked some more, the night dragging on as we took more and more hits of his joint. Eventually, the joint ran out and he put the car in drive. At the stop sign where I was supposed to get off we said our goodbyes and he thanked me for such a great and amazing night. He said he had a lot of fun and he was really glad he came down. I smiled and nodded and just looked at him, my hand wavering close to the door handle, unsure of what to do next. He then leaned in closer to me as he stared into my eyes and I met him, halfway. The hottest and sweetest goodbye kiss I’ve ever received, let me tell you. 
Leaving, he yelled after me that he’d text me tomorrow and he then drove away into the night as I walked back to my apartment. 
It’s been 4 days since I’ve seen him, he did end up texting me the following day, I felt super anxious to text him, but I’m super happy that he kept his word and he did text me in the morning. I sort of didn't expect him to, but he does surprise me often. I apologized for not being the most sexy being on earth and if I at all was weird at any time and he said “no no no it was amazing seriously ;)”. 
He makes me so nervous to talk to him, I haven’t stopped thinking about him and it makes me so mad because I’m probably the very last thing on his mind. He’s so damn out of my league, and it’s not just because he’s AC, an extremely hot sex god, but because I’m attracted to the way that he thinks. He’s so unpredictable, and he says such real things. He’s got such a beautiful mind and I find that so amazing. He doesn’t care about what other people think, he speaks for himself. Everyone here in SC has kind of the same way of acting, everyone is so predictable and the University has kind of formed us into one way of thinking instead of being individual thinkers.
It’s kind of funny because he said how much of a breath of fresh air you were able to get up here, but honestly, he was the breath of fresh air to me. 
I know better than to expect more from him. But I can’t help myself. He’s my first, and he is someone who I have had a little bit of history with, even if it was a long time ago, he knows who I am. I want to see him again, and we’ve made plans to do so in the future, which is exciting. But I just want someone to call mine, I have so much loving inside of me I’m so ready to just give it all to someone, to bear my heart and have it be accepted and even reciprocated. He’ll hurt me, I know that. But I don’t care. I’m so tired of caring. So damn tired. And I like him, I truly do. 
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mikeellee · 7 years
Snape 2017
N/A: It has been several years since I did a post about the character Severus Snape and the increasing number of people storming about "why you like this creep" is too damn high.
Now that I´m older and wiser(I hope so) I´ll try to do this again and hopefully with a better English.
I´ll try to convey his relationship with Lily and the Marauders.
LILY AND SEV Many people see their relationship as toxic, and by that I meant, Sev is a creep that was lusting after Lily after all these years.
First off,  Lily and Sev meet each other when they were kids. Do you honestly think that a 7-9 years old Sev would look at Lily and say "Oh, yeah"
Let´s dissect this scene, Severus Snape was a boy coming from an abusive family(regardless if the father beat him up or not, the conditions were abusive) and was poor as well.
Believing to be the only magical kid in the block, one day he spots Lily Evans performing magic, but, Lily was from a loving home and is not poor(Don´t think she was rich but comparing with the Snapes...she was)
A boy coming from an abusive background meeting someone that performs magic just like him will not be the Casanova.
The antis love to say that "Snape was stalking young Lily" but again, let´s pay attention to his background. Could it be that Snape was too shy to approach Lily with 100% confidence?
And one thing the antis love to forget is that Lily didn´t mind his presence, sure there´s the whole "you´re a witch " "well, that´s mean" which means: Lily would definitely not hang out with Snape if he was a mini Casanova.
(Guys, they were kids.)
And another thing: She comes from a loving family, you think the parents would notice her new friend and talk about it or even separate if believable he was a bad influence.
But one thing I notice is that we never heard of Lily having other friends, no, I don´t think the Marauders ever saw her as one of the "guys".
Mary Macdonald seems to enjoy hanging out with her, but there no canonical evidence that they were BFF. So, in the end, she only had one friend.
But why someone like Lily only had one friend? I have my theories about this, here goes my two cents:
1- I think Lily, as a young kid-teenager, was a bit headstrong and too oblivious to things who don´t concern her.
2- I think she used people to her advantage, maybe, I´ll concede that she does not want to hurt the others.
3- She never bother to change to fit in, everyone else should change to fit into her criteria.
Now, with all that said I want to say that Sev and Lily were toxic, not because Sev was stalking her(NEVER HAPPEN IN CANON) but because Lily was a bad friend.
I want to highlight that Lily was not obligate to love him romantically or to solve all his problems, I understand this perfectly.
But I don´t get the feeling that she ever wanted to help or understand his situation.
Of course, that a little Lily couldn´t do much about his situation at home(I found odd that no one intervenes, odd, but not impossible) and maybe Sev didn´t talk about it.
Ok, now let´s remember the "Worst memory" again. For the start why no one question why Snape has this memory?
Secondly, why people try to justify the SEXUAL Harassment that Sev suffer by saying "the Marauders were just kids"
You know, immobilize someone, attack someone without reason and threating to strip them...IS NEVER A GOOD SIGN, REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE.
This is something a frat boy would do, a white frat boy. Don´t believe me? well, google white frat boy and the shit they have done and drawn yourself the parallels.
And what bothered me in this scene the most is LILY. A guy is humiliating her suppose BFF and when he latches out (not a nice thing to do, but, he wasn´t in a nice situation) she says bye.
I mean, by all means, be angry that he called you M word, but don´t leave him to be humiliated like that. Call a teacher, realize him, do something.
And, YES, she was smiling at the horrible situation Potter create with Sev, she thought it was amused he did all that for her. Even if she wasn´t thinking that....SHE Smiles AT THIS. IS CANON.
What scares me is that maybe Potter did take his trouser down and expose Sev to the world. And no one helps him. NO ONE.
I´m no expert but by any human decency, but let him being humiliated like that is something a bad person would do.
I know people will say: she is just a kid, Potter was just a kid, they all grown up and is not like Sev is innocent.
He is. He was literally sitting away from everyone and reading the papers.
POTTER GROW UP? NO, HE LIED BETTER. Sirius himself confess that Potter tormented Snape behind her back(through, why bother, I don´t think she cares at this point....or maybe she just want to be seeing as this poor victim)
(That would be enough to make me hate his offspring)
I never feel like she was a good friend and now, I don´t think she was a good person, ironically, this makes her more human.
And I don´t get why she agrees to date Potter. Some speculated that it may be a love potion(maybe) or that she was interested in having a good life(then why joining the order?)
My point is she was not a good friend, and the saddest part is that Sev may think the world out of her. He was tormented at home, at school and have a really lousy friend.
(I repeat, friend, and no, Sev was not a friend zone guy since he never told her his feelings)
And to talk briefly about the relationship about Sev and the Mauraders.
I think the constant torment inflict on Sev make him thought that the only way to be someone, to be respect is to have power.
And is obvious Dumby will not give this to him, maybe Voldy will do that(I found curious, that Voldy did honor his request to spare Lily, Tom could very well crucio him and laugh...)
And when he notices he did something bad, Snape tries to do something....unlike many others character that never is sorry for their actions or has to face consequences(like the Marauders)
Yes, Sev is not Mr. Sunshine, but ask that, after suffering what he did(abuse after abuse) would you be Mr. Sunshine?
And, Harry turns out to be ok after the abuse inflicted by the Dursley does not mean anything, why? Because unlike Sev, Harry did have friends that love him.
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bruhnushka · 7 years
did you really not know (anthony ramos x reader)
request: anonymous: *slides u 10 bucks* heyo bud! Can i request a anthony ramos x reader where reader is an understudy in Hamilton and has a huge crush on ant & some of the other castmates have a running bet about when the reader will finally talk to him. And one day the lin and daveed are teasing the reader and ant's like "who ya talking about" and yeah, fluff (sorry if its confuzzling + thank you<3)
Summary : fluff betweeen you & anthony bc u 2 belong togehter and people teasing and jfakdsfj;adskjf
Warnings: hardcore fluff, embarssment, cussing, u getting EXPOSED, you kissing daveed, anthony being dumb 
a/n - lots of these r in my inbox im working my way though them and hello anon i will gladly take that ten dollar foudning father without a father out of your hands.
Oh, he was cute. You were an understudy for eliza schuyler-hamilton, and you had just glanced your first view of john laurens/phillip hamilton. your heart started to race and blood rushed up to your cheeks as you slowly counted back from ten, the seconds it would take for him to realize that you were staring. you weren't just ‘oomf, oops, sorry for just glancing at you i spaced out’, you were staring staring. and then he looked up, and blushed, and you feel straight into daveed. 
“woah there pony boy” he laughed, as he extended a hand to help you up. you shyly glanced at  your feet as you stumbled onto your bearings. 
“so-sorry” you muttered. daveed laughed again, a roaring, loud, laugh which made a hint of a smile ghost your lips. 
“there’s that beautiful smile i was looking for! hey, aren't you the new eliza understudy?” he asks you, grinning widely. you look up and nod, starting to feel more comfortable. 
“let me show you around!” he volunteers. you nod again, and he grabs your arm, and drags you around. 
“thats our national treasure, aka, oakierite onadowan.” daveed laughs. oak turns around and gives him a deadly ‘are you fucking serious’ look. 
“you literally could not have pronounced my name worse” he rolls his eyes, laughing. you couldn't help but chuckle, and daveed continued to show you around. during lunch, phillipa caught you making heart-eyes to anthony, who was across the room, laughing with daveed about something. 
“so, you caught the anthony-fever too?” she asks, nudging your elbow slightly. 
“whaaaat? i have absolutely no idea-” you look at phillipa, rolling her eyes, “ok yeah i may have a little bit of a crush on him.” she laughs, and slugs her arm over you. 
“its like destiny or something, every eliza understudy ever falls for him. unfortunately though, anthony’s a huge player and your heart couldn't have fallen in a bigger hole than it just did.” she teases. 
“hey- you never know, i just might grow out of it.” you shrug hopefully. 
“sure you will.”
it had been about three months since  you came officially on the cast. they were absolutely wonderful to you. but you avoided anthony like the plague. almost your second week of the third month, you stumbled upon a piece of paper left haphazardly on one of the couches. 
pippa: 6 months 11$
daveed: 4 months 10$
lin: 8 months 8.56$
oak: 10 months 9$
groffsauce: a lot of fucking time 20 cents
ariana: i believe in my girl, ill go with 5 months 15$
the list went on and on. you had no idea what this paper was about, but you stuffed it in your back pocket and grabbed your backpack from the side of the couch. you had left it there yesterday on accident. it felt heavier than usual. suspiciously, you looked through the bag to find about three of anthony’s shirts, you'd know since you'd memorized his work closet, stuffed inside your backpack. rolling your eyes, you looked for anthony. you knocked on his door when you spotted it. 
“come in!” he yelled, and you carefully opened the door. a shirtless, confused anthony came into view, making your breath catch and all planned words fall into a stutter.
“u-u-uh i-i ha-v-ee-ve- yo-u-ur sh-i-i-i-r-rt” you barely got out, and anthony’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“ohmygod! y/n what are you- ahhh” and he let out a string of incoherent words in spanish. 
“uh-oh god- sorry for barging in on you but those dumbasses put your shirts in my bag. 
“thats where they went! jesus christ I've been searching for them for like an hour and a half now. how'd you know it was mine?” he asked as he took them out of your hands. 
“you literally wear the same five shirts everyday of your life.” you laugh, as he slips one of the shirts back on.  “anthony i-” you start, thinking about asking him out, but then was interrupted by a phone call. 
“sorry got to take this, one second.” he says, and picks up the phone. 
“hey babe!” he grins, and your heart and smile drop. “nothing, im on my way right now love you too!” and with that he leaves, no good bye or anything. you were startled, and in shock you go back to your dressing room couch and sit down. 
“surprise! did you do it? did he ask you out?” your friends all jump out from behind the couch and yell.  “wait- somethings wrong. y/n?” phillipa stopped them and sat down beside you. you started to cry into her jacket and they realized what had happened. 
“that son of a bitch-” “he has a girlfriend, i cant-” you start but phillipa shushes you and you cry. the cast comforts you as they glare angrily in the general direction of anthony. 
anthony furrowed his brows as he saw you laughing with daveed about something. he didn't feel particularly jealous or anything, just there was something boiling at the pit of his stomach and he couldn't knock that feeling off. he needed to get a breath of air, so he walked outside. meanwhile, daveed was teasing you about anthony. 
“honey, it is so obvious. he's not even dating anyone anymore!” phillipa pointed out, waving her finger around. 
“can we not talk about him for once? all we do is talk about him. everyday.” you sighed, and picked up a fry from the bowl in front of you, munching on it with a pout. 
“aw, ok fine. what do you want to talk about? we have no shows today and everyones free.” jonathan asks. you look at him and furrow your brows. 
“lets go to chipotle.” you suggest, and everyone whoops. so there you guys were, everyone in their full costumes, walking to chipotle. anthony was outside, talking on the phone to someone. daveed saw him and leaned over to snake his arm around your was it. you looked up at him quizzically, and he whispered “just go with it” to you. he nodded his head towards anthony and suddenly you understood. you snuggled into his arms and crossed the street. people started to take photos of all of you guys and notifications on your phone started buzzing. you echoed instagram, looking at the photos people tagged you in. 
@ brownmagiic ((my instgram self promo)) [photo] my mans @ daveeddiggs   is cheating on me!!!! but i would too if i had the option to date someone like @ y/u/n 
@ hamleton [photo] CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME!!!!! 
you rolled your eyes and laughed, occasionally glancing towards where anthony slugged behind you. he glared at daveed and you couldn't help but laugh more. as you and saved ordered your food, anthony sulked in the corner booth of chipotle. 
“what is it?” phillipa says , and anthony rolls his eyes. 
“nothing.” he huffs, turning away from her. 
“is it y/n?” phillipa laughs. anthony shakes his head vigorously. 
“what? no! i could never like-” “oh shut up” she laughs, “we all know it. man up. ask her out.” 
“but shes-” “with daveed? no-” “then explain that” anthony points at daveed kissing you square on the lips. 
“wha-wh- w- what” she stuttered out, confused. anthony storms out, face red. 
phillipa graciously stomps over to the two of you. 
“what was that?” she growls. 
“we just kinda got into it and then leslie was like you two should kiss so we did and-”
“go apologize to anthony! he was about to ask you out! go! now!’ phillipa pushed you out the door to meet anthony, sitting on the curb. 
“anthony?” you asked him, eyes pleading him to answer.
“what happened?” you shyly asked, taking a set next to him. 
“nothing-nothing really. uh. just, theres this person i like. and they uh- they like someone else. and its really hard.” he says looking up at you. 
“i can assure you that person does not like who you think they like” you laughed.
“wel, then who do they like? because they've been avoiding me.” anthony says with a breath. 
“they havent been avoiding you. they've just been scared to confront you because if they do-” you stopped yourself. 
“what? what will happen if you do?” anthony turns his whole body towards you. 
“then id have to admit to myself that i really do like you. anthony, i really like you.” you let a sigh esca[e and he spends a few seconds just looking at you. suddenly you both are kissing and cheers are  heard from all around you, several cameras on. 
“fi-fucking-nally!” daveed yells.
you guys laugh as anthony holds you close. 
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roogerriffic · 7 years
Love to Hate - Chapter 24
9 months pass and in that time, my life is back on track. My business is back better than ever, I have even expanded, I have brought a shop that is a lot bigger and employed all of my previous employees plus several more, including a receptionist because I couldn’t keep up with emails, calls and booking appointments. Its midday and my phone rings. I check the caller id and it’s Seth. I answer “Hey babe”
Sounding stressed he says “I just got a letter”
I reply “What sort of letter?”
Still stressed “Basically Dayna had a kid not quite one month ago, and I am required to pay child support”
I say “I hope you plan on requesting a DNA test before you hand over any money”
He sighs “I will be, but I probably am the father, the timing is right”
I tell him “You never know with her. Go and see your lawyer as soon as possible”
He says “I already made an appointment. He managed to be able to fit me in last thing this afternoon”
I say “Good…” I get interrupted, Seth starts to break down and cry
He says while sobbing “I’m so sorry, why was I so stupid?”
I reply “Babe, how about we both take the rest of the day off work? I will meet you at your place and we can talk”
His voiced still cracked from crying “Ok, I love you so much”
I reply “I love you too babe, I will see you shortly”
He says “Ok, bye”
I say “Bye” I end the call
Half hour later I arrive at Seth’s place. I knock on the door. He opens the door and almost immediately hugs me tight and starts crying. I hug him back. After a few minutes he settles down and gently lets go of me.
He tells me “I’m so sorry, this isn’t fair to you”
I reply “I will be honest, it is very hard on me, but I have also accepted the fact that it is a possibility you are the father. Please don’t feel guilty because I have already forgiven you. You were there for me when I was going through everything, now it’s my turn to be there for you. Regardless of the results, I’m not going anywhere. I love you too much”
He gives me a weak smile “Thankyou, I needed to hear that. I love you”
I ask “How about we watch a movie and eat ice cream?”
He smiles again “You really think ice cream will solve everything?”
I smile “No, but it helps” I grab his hand and lead him inside to the living room.
He sits down on the couch, I go to the kitchen and get the ice cream and 2 spoons. I walk back into the living room, I hand him spoon then sit next to him. We both start eating the ice cream.
I ask him “What time is the appointment with your lawyer this afternoon?”
He replies “5” then he asks “Why are you being so good to me about this? I am possibly the father of your twin sister’s child, who I was with while I was still with you”
I tell him “Babe, just stop it. I have explained it already, you just need to believe it. I’m not going anywhere”
He asks “What if I am the father?”
I tell him “We will cross that bridge if and when we get to it, right now you concentrate on getting proof before you hand a single cent over”
He says “I didn’t want to be that type of guy?”
Confused I ask “What type of guy?”
He sighs “The type to have a child to a woman I never cared for”
I ask “Has that been on your mind as well?”
He nods his head “I’m no better than the rest of them”
I pull Seth in for a hug. “You are so much better. This is a complicated situation, if I thought that of you, I wouldn’t be here”
He says “I wanted to do things right, get married before I even thought about being a father”
I say “Does it matter? I know you will be a great dad regardless. You don’t have to be married to be a good dad, and besides, you might not be the father, so how about you stop stressing about that for now”
Seth mutters “Easier said than done”
I reply “Everything will be fine. Now how about we eat this ice cream before it melts and watch a movie before you have to leave?”
Seth just nods his head slightly
Before we know it, its 4:30, it’s time for Seth to leave for the appointment with his lawyer. For the past half hour he has been so anxious that he hasn’t been able to sit still. He takes a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down.
I say “Babe, it will be fine, there’s nothing to worry about” I kiss him firmly on his lips.
He says “I hope you’re right”
I smile “I am right, now go, I will be here when you get back” I give him another firm kiss on his lips then gently push him towards the door until he gets the hint and starts walking.
He says as he’s walking out the door “I love you babe, bye”
I reply “I love you too”
He shuts the door behind him. I am now left alone with my thoughts. I thought I had accepted the fact that this could happen, but now that it’s actually happening, I’m not so sure I am ok. I meant what I said to Seth when I told him I’m not going anywhere but I feel my anger build up, I go to the living room, grab a cushion off the couch, push my face into it hard and scream as loud as I can followed by tears. After I have finished crying, I dial Hannah’s number. It starts to ring. After a few rings she answers
“Hey Ash, what’s up”
I say “Hey, just wondering if Dayna has tried talking to you recently”
She replies “Yeah, but she doesn’t trust me anymore, she has her suspicions that it was me who spoke to the detectives”
I say “Oh ok, do you know anything of her whereabouts now?”
She asks “Where’s this all leading to?”
I reply “All I know is that she has had a baby 3 weeks ago and because she was pregnant at the time of her sentencing, she basically got a slap on the wrist. If you know anything, let me know”
She says “What are you planning?”
I quickly say “Nothing” then add “Can you arrange to meet up with her or not?”
She says “I probably could, but I’m not going to unless you tell me what’s going on”
I say “Nothing, don’t worry about it” then I plead “Please do this for me”
She sighs “Fine, where do you want to meet her at?”
I reply “Somewhere out of the public eye”
Hannah immediately snaps “I’m not doing this. I’m going to let you do something fucking stupid”
I ask “What do you think I’m going to do?”
She snaps again “Knowing you, you will kick her ass” she settles “I know what Dayna did to you and Seth. Dayna has told me that Seth is the father of her baby, hurting Dayna isn’t going to help matters, I think she does deserve it, don’t get me wrong, but it won’t make you feel any better”
I say “I will feel better”
She’s stern “That baby didn’t ask to be put in the middle of this, if you hurt Dayna, you hurt her baby. I’m not sure if she was telling the truth about Seth being the father, but if he is the father, would you want to do that to his child?”
I stay quiet. Hannah is right, but hearing all this from Hannah made the situation feel real. Once again I’m reminded that this is actually happening and not just a nightmare.  
Hannah says “Ash? Are you still there?”
I quietly say “I have to go” and hang up the phone.
I find myself trapped in my own head. I can’t tell Seth how I really feel about this after I managed to ease his fears about me leaving him because of all this. I don’t even know if I still want to be in L.A. I just want a fresh start, somewhere totally different. I feel guilty but I break my promise that I made to Seth. I lock his house up and leave.
I send him a text “Something come up had to go” I knew he wouldn’t reply as he would be still with his lawyer.
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alicescripts · 7 years
Part 2, Chapter 4: Chain
A strip mall off the turnpike in New Jersey. Looking for lunch. From where I stand by my truck, this could be anywhere.
We must have decided this, right, at some point? That we wanted it all to look the same? And I can understand that decision. We all like to feel somewhere familiar. Now we can have that feeling wherever we are. No matter the climate or geography, you come inside the chain and you are exactly where you were before, like there was a magic door to the city you feel most comfortable in. It’s a positive that can’t be denied.
But we have paid a price for this.
Sylvia laughed and pulled my arm. “I know,” she said. “You’re thinkin’ your big thoughts so you can have something profound to say on the radio later, but I am starvin’!” “Can’t a lady have thoughts in peace occasionally? I said. “A lady spends all her time on her ass thinkin’ and right now it’s lunchtime,” she said. “Ooh, burgers!”
In between a Chipotle and a Quiznos was a store front that twisted my guts. I tried to process what I was seeing. “Let’s eat there,” Sylvia said, already walking toward it.
The design of the place was as clean and interchangeable as any other restaurant in the strip mall. But there was the sign in the shape of a burger. The sign said, “PRAXIS”.
The inside was a simple counter and a couple tables with plastic chairs. The wall was papered in comic book covers, although I didn’t recognize any of the characters. “Tiptoe Woman”, one was called. Another called “The Incredible Man who Cries.” “I might get a chicken sandwich,” Sylvia said. “Is that weird, getting chicken at a burger place?”
I forgot how alone I was til I wasn’t anymore. Having Sylvia here has been nice. And maybe I feel guilty about that, because she’s still a teenager, and she should be living in a stable home, going to school and being a kid, not circling this country with me. But I’m not the one that murdered Sylvia’s mother and left her with the same obsession I have.
She came to me for a specific reason, but first I have routes I need to run, and she’s content to run them with me. Bay and Creek is unlikely to fire me, but I have been flat out ignoring delivery schedules and I think I need to actually drive a truck for work occasionally.
“What can I get you?” The guy behind the counter had thinning hair under a little paper cap. The cap said “PRAXIS”. “Uh, what’s good?” I said. “Burger’s OK.” I ordered a burger and Sylvia, after some vacillation, did the same. He wrote up the order on a slip and pushed it to the woman at the grill without looking at her. “Two burgers up in a moment!” she said. The man did not acknowledge this. “What’s your name?” said Sylvia. “Ramon,” he said. “And I’m Donna!” said the woman in the kitchen, as she slapped a fistful of ground meat on the flat top and smashed it with a spatula. “He won’t introduce me, he doesn’t talk to me.” “Why not?” I asked. “I’ll have burgers out to you in a moment,” Ramon said. “We’ve been running this business together for five years,” said Donna, “and he has never spoken to me.” “Is that true?” Sylvia asked Ramon. He scowled. “Our parents died,” Donna said. Ramon furiously cleaned the spotless counter with a rug. “They left us everything equally. Soon after their death, I sold their house, the house we grew up in. I didn’t have time to consult with him, and he hasn’t talked to me since. Order up!” Ramon carried them over. “Is it OK if I tell you something?” I asked. “Doubt I could stop you,” he said. “Someone hurt me, “ is aid, “betrayed me. And that has defined what my life has been for every second of every day after. And it has sucked. If I had any other choice I’d take it. if you have any other choice besides being defined by a feeling of betrayal, you should jump for it. jump for it like dry land to the drowned.” Ramon’s eyes softened. “You gotta forgive her some time, dude,” Sylvia said through a mouthful of burger. “This is really good, by the way.” [chewing noise]
He grunted, returning to the counter. The paper napkins all had the word “PRAXIS” on them. Sylvia took one and did a sketch of Ramon, holding a burger and giving a stone-faced thumbs up to the viewer. On our way out, she presented it to him. He said nothing as he accepted, but his lip twitched upwards. “Bye now!” said Donna from the kitchen. Ramon’s frown returned.
An hour later back on the road, I slapped the steering wheel, waking Sylvia up. “Christ, what?” she said. “Are we in danger?” “Ugh! I left my scarf at the burger place,” I said. [sighs] “Oh well. I guess that scarf belongs to them now.”
It’s hard to tell regions apart just by looking at the buildings now. A CVS is a CVS, a Starbucks is a Starbucks. I’m not here to moralize, I’m just telling you what it is to be a traveler now.
Every place is built like every place, and so the only thing that tells you that you’re moving is the nature that’s been allowed to stay.
As you head north, the trees shift from broad leafy canopies to the narrow spurs of conifers. And the mountains turn from big hills to great structures of rock, topped with vast slopes of untouched snow. Or , on another drive, the hills dot themselves away into nothing. And you realize you haven’t seen elevaton in hours, nor many trees, just a lot of grass and a lot of road. Or you leave behind a  wetter, greener climate, and you see the world around you fade from grass to kindling, to dirt and rocks and then, like a sign marking a border you didn’t know you were crossing, the first great cactus, harbinger of the waiting desert.
It’s up to nature to tell us we’re moving. Otherwise, each Kmart sign looks like each Kmart sign. Every Subway sandwich tastes the same.
A few days later, somewhere north of Madison, near Devil’s Lake. There was this big stretch of hotels with indoor water parks, for when the Wisconsin weather with the Wisconsin vacation. Near the hotel was a cluster of shopping centers, movie theaters, all the things you ned if your camping trip is forced indoors. We were scanning for somewhere to eat and Sylvia was of course the first one who saw it. “I guess they’re a chain,” she said. A burger-shaped sign. “PRAXIS”. “Mm, last one was good. Shall we?” Something in me was afraid, but something in me is always afraid, and I’ve gotten very good at quieting that part of me. So I led the way in.
“You forgot your scarf,” said Ramon. Donna waved at us from the kitchen. Sylvia and I froze, but Ramon was already bringing over my scarf, and Donna was indicating a table in the corner. “Wh- What are you doing here?” was the best I could manage. “Well, we hardly ever leave the business,” Donna said. “Lots to do,” Ramon said, folding up my scarf and putting it by me. “Same as last time?” “Uh, sure,” Sylvia said. “Weren’t you-“ She didn’t seem to know if this was a subject she wanted to look at too closely, but she went for it anyway. “Weren’t y’all in New Jersey last time we saw you?” Donna shrugged, splatting our patties on the grill. “We don’t get out much,” Ramon said, and then “Thanks,” said absently as Donna gave him the burgers. She stopped, hand still on one of the plates. “Did you just talk to me?” she said. “Well, like those two were saying,” he said not looking at her, “have to forgive sometime.” “Forgive?” Donna started laughing. “Oh ho ho honey, OK, I’m glad we’re talking now because we have some shit needs talking about.” We sat at the table not knowing what to do, caught between the mundanely awkward and the existentially impossible. “When they died, you just gave up!” Donna said. “You refused to talk through the choices we needed to make. So all that was left up to me. I was on my own, and I was scared, but scared isn’t any kind of excuse so I did what needed to be done. I settled the estate, I sold the house to pay the bills, because there were bills, you know. Medical bills, cemetery bills and all of the debt. And then once all of those choices were made, there you were to tell me I had done them wrong. And you just stopped talking to me, punishing me for the choices that you couldn’t make! And now, excuse me, now you fucking forgive me?!” Or something to that effect. “I didn’t do anything?” Ramon said. “Who was busy arranging the funeral?” “OH, the funeral!” said Donna. “Of course, forget all the bills and the estate, you planned an evening!”
Sylvia pulled my sleeve and we left them shouting at each other, burgers unserved and uneaten. Behind the shouting figure of Ramon, I could see Sylvia’s drawing tacked up on the wall next to the cash register.
Stopped at a Dunkin’ Donuts that had a drive-thru window. And visible to the costumers, there was a huge screen tracking the percentage the employees were hitting of their “productivity target”. It was at 67 per cent. This per cent is 67 per cent of what they’re supposed to be. We are 33 per cent disappointed.
It’s terrifying what we’ve allowed them to do to us, so we could get coffee a few seconds faster. It’s a trade we all made, but we were never given time to think through the ramifications.
On the highway between Houston and New Orleans, a stretch of bayou and of absolutely  nothing else. Pulled off for gas and decided to get lunch too.
We both saw it, between an empty storefront with a half-collapsed banner saying “we buy gold” and a nail salon with only one employee, who was on a smoke break outside, staring up with unfocused eyes at he sky.
We didn’t even comment on it, we just went in past the sign that sais “PRAXIS”. “Hey,” Ramon said. “Hi there honeys!” said Donna. “You two seem happier,” said Sylvia. “We worked things out,” Donna said. “Maybe we both had to forgive and both be forgiven,” said Ramon. “It’s nice that you’re back. You’ll be one of our last customers.” Donna put two patties on the flat top without waiting for our order. “Oh, you’re uh.. closing up this place?” I said. “Running the business that our parents ran,” said Donna. “It was holding us back, keeping us in the same place mentally. We need to live our own lives. Thanks for visiting us along your travels!” “This restaurant has been in a different city every time we visited, “I said, wanting to confront it directly if this was my last chance. Ramon shrugged. “These things happen,” he said. “Do they?” said Sylvia. “What is Praxis?” I said. Donna smiled at me. “Oh honey, if you don’t know that yet, don’t worry. You’ll find out when it’s time.” She assembled the burgers and rang the little bell, even if Ramon was right there, his hands already out. “Thanks again for your business!”
Sylvia’s sketch was still tacked to the wall, but it had faded, and the edges of the napkin had gone brittle.
At a Bay and Creek center near Buffalo, I asked about the delivery I did last year to a factory in Florida. “Praxis”, the name on the factory had said. “What is Praxis?” I asked. The shift supervisor, who had been looking over her papers (and the days at) tedium, went stiff. “Where did you hear that name?” she said. “You assigned me a route for them last year.” “We certainly did not. You need to tell me everything, but hold on.” She got up, reached for a phone. “Not me, I don’t want to hear a word of this. I’ll call someone in here, and you are going to tell them everything you know about Praxis.” She started dialing and I got up and walked away. She shouted at me to wait, but I was most certainly not going to do that.
What is Praxis, and why did the name upset my Bay and Creek supervisor so much?
Hm. Another mystery for another day. It’s time to help Sylvia with what she came to me for.
I leave the truck, switch to a rented car. Sylvia sleeps in the back. Whew, that girl can sleep! Me, I have trouble sleeping in the best of situations. And I haven’t been in the best of situations in… well, years now probably.
We drive for hours through New York until we reach the Hudson river. In Kingston, on the western shore, there is this huge area of chain restaurants and box stores and strip malls. It looks like they kept the rest of the area picturesque by jamming all of that into a couple of square miles, which is a pretty good plan.
I drive around, looking for something specific. And I find it, next to a half-vacant mall anchored by a Target and what used to be a JC Pennies. There is a line of fast food franchises, and there is only one empty storefront.
We get out, and I ran my hand over the glass where the outline of the word “PRAXIS” is still visible. The inside is empty, all the furniture and fixtures removed. “Guess they really did move on,” Sylvia said. “How was that possible?” I asked. “We of all people are not in the position to go round asking those questions,” she said. “We start thinking about that, we’re liable to go off the deep end. Good Lord!”
And so we get back in the car and cross the river. I head to the Taconic Parkway, passing a few Christmas tree farms and a number of horses wearing jackets. The Taconic is beautiful but narrow. Finally, we reach a gas station on the southern edge of Duchess County and I wake Sylvia up. When she has regained the world, she takes on a look of determined sorrow. “Yeah,” she said. “This is where my mother was murdered.” “What now?” I said. “Now… We’re going to figure out who really murdered her.”
[right speaker] Knock knock. [left speaker] Who’s there? [right] I think you know. [left] I do. [right] Can I come in? [left] I don’t think so. [right] Come on. [left] I need you to leave! [right] That was never an option. Knock knock. Knock knock. Knock knock. [sighs] OK well, OK.
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antleredoctopus · 7 years
My two cents on Breath of the Wild since I finished it a little over a week ago. (School kept me from really playing the game, so I had to wait until the semester was over.) It’s long and there’s spoilers.
First I’ll say I do really love the game. I ended up getting all the shrines and all the armor I could. Normally I go straight through the main story and don’t bother much with collecting things unless I really wanna savor the game, so that’s a good sign!
However, it doesn’t quite make to the top of my list on Zelda games for a few reasons:
1) The ending. Fighting against Ganon was just... really, really easy. Like, I get that it’s cool you CAN face off against Ganon after completing the first part of the game. I get that they were allowing the player to just go wherever they wanted like in the original Legend of Zelda game. But at the same time, in the original game, you get fucking MURDERED when you venture into a part of the game where you’re in way over your head! This game just sort of gives you the tools necessary to beat Ganon at the beginning of the game. Literally the most powerful weapons are in Hyrule Castle if you just sneak around. What the fuck??? What’s the point in even going to the four corners of the world if all the most powerful weapons are literally right there? I feel like they should have at least put the stronger items scattered throughout or something.
I feel like because of the option to fight against Ganon from the get-go, it makes it really anticlimactic for players who actually did get all the Divine Beasts. The Champions weren’t even really a part of the fight or anything. It was literally “ok here goes our lasers to cut Ganon’s health in half! and that’s it bye now” ???? I dunno, I feel like in Ocarina of Time it was built up so the Sages were a big part of the ending throughout. (Maybe because they actually had the ending in mind throughout production for the game!!!) But the finale for this game was just a huge let down. You don’t even need the Champions’ powers to beat Ganon (although they do make it even easier to beat him).
When it got to the horseback portion, I thought, “OH maybe this will be challenging?” HAHA NOPE
This is the biggest thing holding it back and it makes me so mad, ‘cause I can’t really think of a Zelda that didn’t have a satisfying conclusion??? This is the first one that really felt underwhelming and bleh. The most important part of a story is the ending!!! That’s the last thing you want to fumble! UGH
They honestly really could have made everything open-world except for Hyrule Castle. Maybe then they would have actually worked on coming up with a good conclusion and designed Ganon to be more challenging.
2)  The story overall. It had such potential, but then I feel like it fell flat in the ending. I was also bothered with Zelda’s journal? Like, I loved the whole idea of recovering the memories. I thought that was a great way to show the story behind Link and Zelda, the history of the land, and also to get you out exploring even more. But having Zelda’s journal, which basically describes all these memories and then some at the Castle? It defeats the purpose of finding the memories.
That being said, I thought the game did the story well for not following a linear path and it did a good job of getting me interested in the characters... but I really wanted more and it never delivered. Maybe it was because it didn’t get to properly build up and have a great ending?
I also wanted more from the Champions!!! They had like two cutscenes and that’s basically all we got of them. I thought the descendants (Sidon, Yunobo, etc) were gunna have a plotline of filling the shoes of the Champions. ‘Cause that would have been cool and we’d see more characterization and it’d actually give us incentive to beat the Divine Beasts?? Really thought that was a missed opportunity.
3) The cutscenes. I appreciate Nintendo tried out voice-acted cutscenes, but if they’re gunna do this next time, they should polish it more. Specifically with the timing on the voice acting. Some of it just sounded very awkward and would take me out of the moment at times.
Also GIVE LINK SOME FUCKING EMOTION!!! This is such a huge let-down, especially after how emotional Link was in Skyward Sword. All of the 3D Links have had some expression - linking us to the story and what was happening in the game. Zelda gets kidnapped? SS!Link was fucking pissed, which mirrors how you should feel as the audience ‘cause HEY WE’VE WORKED SO HARD TO REUNITE WITH HER. What does Link do in Breath of the Wild when all these characters are pouring their hearts out to him? He has this blank look the whole fucking time.
I know Link has carried a blank look a lot over the years, but he’s always showed at least some emotion at select times. Heck, Link in Ocarina of Time was more expressive than in BoTW! There was only one cutscene in this game where Link showed any emotion and that was when Zelda was crying to him.
4) How long it takes (and repetitive it is) to get inventory slots. I wish there were less Korok seeds needed to expand your inventory because it gets tiresome playing the “shit I found something - what do I drop??” game. This wouldn’t be as big an issue if finding Koroks wasn’t so repetitive. (Push the boulder into the hole! Pick up the rock! Put this cube here!)
5) I would have liked it if the dungeons for the Divine Beasts were bigger and varied more. Maybe I’m so trained from the last 3D Zeldas, but the big dungeons felt waaay too short and underwhelming. This is a big deal for me since the puzzles/dungeons are probably my favorite part of the Zelda series. Not only do I like a challenge, but I like how each temple in the series looks unique. This game didn’t do that. All of them are short, easy to figure out in one sitting (at least once you figure out you can change the map), and they all look the same. It was a bummer for me.
6) The enemies could have had more variety. Like, if there were different kinds of enemies depending on where you were. This was never much of a problem in previous games; they all changed up the enemies as you progressed into different areas. But this one? It was just like “hey! here’s another flavor of lizalfos/bokoblin/moblin!” It feels lazy and gets old after a while.
7) THE BOSSES WERE ALL THE FUCKING SAME!! and the only strategy really was “get their health meter down!!” I was so disappointed in them.
8) I liked the ambient music, but unlike other Zelda games... the tunes didn’t really stick out to me. This is a shame for a series that’s known for having really good music. Heck, the songs I really enjoyed in the game (the Rito Village and Hyrule Castle) were throwbacks to older games.
Also a lot of things (like Kass’ theme) were just stuck in these short loops, which gets old after a while.
Alright, I wanted to get my complaints out of the way since I haven’t seen much of this stuff pointed out at all. On to the pro’s!
1) HOLY SHIT THE ENVIRONMENTS ARE GORGEOUS??!?! This is one of the few games where the environments are just so nice that it makes me want to explore all of it. I think the last game to really do that was Journey, so kudos to the environment team here!! I love all the atmospheric perspective utilized.
2) I really liked the interactions with the NPCs. The conversations with the Gerudo were some of my favorite. (And how savage Link was to Bozai was hilarious!) It really kept me wanting to do these quests for them and interact with them. Also Kass. Honestly all the characters had really great designs.
3) I loved how, even with such a huge map, the game still had plenty of stuff to occupy it. I felt like this was something that Twilight Princess (and, to a lesser degree, Wind Waker) suffered from. This game really achieved that feeling of the overworld being vast, but not empty.
4) I really liked some of the puzzles done in this game. The powers from the Sheikah slate opened up for some interesting things that weren’t just “push this here, shoot this eyeball.” The idea of changing up the “maps” in the Divine Beasts was cool without being tedious like the Water Temple. It’s just a shame those dungeons weren’t bigger...
5) THE ANIMATION WAS A+++!!! Some good shit right there!!!! The horses especially were really nice and those are really difficult to animate.
6) Despite my qualms with the main story, I loved Link and Zelda’s relationship in this game. Discovering their nice build up where they open up and trust each other was really great. I’m also just glad Zelda was a big part in this game and not just shoved into the background (coughTwilightPrincesscough).
7) I liked how unique each of the Champions were. Just wish we could have learned more about them and maybe even interacted with them.
8) I love all the dumb shit you’re capable of. (I’M GUNNA SHIELD SURF ALL THE WAY DOWN THIS MOUNTAIN--oop, there I go using Mipha’s Grace ‘cause I was a dumbass!) It makes the game a lot of fun. The gameplay overall in the open world is very addicting.
9) I really liked the Guardians. They were absolutely terrifying. So were the Lynels!
10) I just overall loved the atmosphere in this game. The visuals and music really sell this vast, open world that’s been through some history that you get to explore. It’s great and mystical.
So overall I really enjoyed Breath of the Wild, but mainly it’s the story and the repetitiveness that keeps it down on my list of Zelda games. So rather than being a 9 or 10/10, it’s more like a 7~8 for me.
It’s really interesting how this game flunked on a lot of stuff that have been staples in the series (dungeons, bosses, story), but it aced the exploration part and introduced a lot of new stuff. I enjoyed a lot of the experience, but looking back... it lacked a lot of what I’ve come to love about the series. I appreciate how they tried to go back to the original Zelda’s formula, but I hope the next game can find a better middle ground between totally open world and linear story-telling.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
It has been a long time since I have updated, but luckily I have two chapters this time so enjoy!
Chapter 5
*2 weeks later*
Janelle was seriously feeling annoyed. Frieda had looked at her like 30 times snorting, in what Janelle figured was a poor attempt to contain her laughter.
“What is it!” Janelle finally burst at her.
They had both been sitting in the library for about an hour and a half. Luke wasn’t there tonight, because he had some football stuff to tend too.
“Oh just making some observations over here.” Frieda said, being obtuse.
Janelle just glared at her. Her and Frieda had developed a decent relationship over the past few weeks. She knew Frieda was bursting to say something….probably smart aleck in only the way Frieda could.
“Okay, okay, I just have to say last week you and Luke were flirting so much, I nearly puked. You were giggling and batting your eyelashes like a love stuck school girl. Now today, you have been very quiet, grumpy, if I may say so myself, and you have looked out at everyone entering through the door. I’m just putting two and two together and I say you and him need to go ahead and make it official… I can’t keep this googley eye mess going on.”
Janelle opened her mouth to give a retort, but instead she clamped her mouth down and blushed.
“Do I really bat my eyelashes like that?” she found herself asking as she made a failed attempt to hide her face behind her hand as she blushed.
“Girl you could dust off a counter with how fast those babies be going” Frieda said with a snort.
Janelle was slightly mortified. She prided herself on showing some discretion even if she did like someone.
“He’s a sweet guy, but …he’s a football player Frieda. I don’t know, those guys don’t seem to know how to act.” Janelle shared.
“Well, yeah he is a football player, but I have heard nothing but great things about him, and you know how people love to talk. Most of the girls think he is a challenge, because they rarely see him date anyone. Plus, he seems to only hang with those stereotypical football guys when it is team related. I see him with maybe one or two other guys and as far as I know they don’t get into much either,” Frieda shared.
Janelle gave it some thought. Frieda was right for the most part, she definitely didn’t hear Luke’s name in the latest right of gossip all the time.
Janelle gave a sigh, “I know, I just don’t want to set myself up for heartache. He is smart and obviously talented, heck they keep talking about him getting drafted after his junior year. “
“Yes, he is talented and all eyes are on him, but that has nothing to do with the way he pines after you. It’s so ridiculous. I swear if one of you don’t make the first move to ask the other on a date, I’ll do it myself,” Frieda threatened.
Janelle just laughed and went back to having a renewed interest in doing her work. Maybe Frieda was right, what would it hurt to take a chance.
Luke sat on his bed and just let the ache settle in. It was nearing the end of football season, but those hits in practice and on game day never got easier. Luke loved it though. There was no better feeling than being on the field and putting it on the line, just to get that win.
However, the games had him going through a pack of Epsom salt every 5 days. He could swear it was laced with some magic remedy for pain, because it was the main thing to relieve his ache, even after being iced, heated and all types of other stuff the little “healing” staff did.
Luke had to admit he was a little bummed he missed out on the study group tonight, but coach had ordered an extra practice as they got ready for a major opponent this weekend.
He looked over to his night stand and noticed his phone flashing, indicating a text message had come in.
Janelle: 9:15pm-So maybe you were missed just a tinsy bit tonight. J
Luke smiled to himself. He was glad Janelle was getting more comfortable texting him. He actually looked forward to it.
Luke: 9:15pm- Only a little? I believe I’m way more awesome than that. I am sure I was missed very much, but someone is trying to save face.
Janelle: 9:16pm- Well I see humility is thrown right out the window. I’ll have to remember to text you on non-practice days, when your testosterone is not at an all time high.
Luke: 9:16pm- I’m plenty humble, but when I know the truth I have to call it.
Janelle:-9:17pm-Well, anyhow, Frieda and I finished up everything for our parts of the project. We just need your part and set up a run through.
Luke 9:17pm- Ok cool. I definitely lucked up getting you guys. Thanks for being so understanding about practice.
Janelle: 9:18pm-Yeah, yeah, we know “pre-famous” people need to be accommodated for, so  no worries. J
Luke: 9:18pm- Seriously? “Pre-famous” What dictionary are you using again? I need to steer clear of it. LOL
Janelle: 9:18pm-Oh shut it! You know what I’m saying smart ass!
Luke started smirking at his phone. He loved getting a nab in at her.
“Hey , who you chatting up over there?, “ his roommate, Chad asked.
“Umm, just a friend. She is in one of my classes and we’ve been talking, “ he said, trying to leave it as ambiguous as possible.
“Would this happen to be the friend Kasim was going on about at the beginning of the semester?” Chad egged on.
Luke blushed slightly, giving away his answer.
“Oh, Luke, Luke, getting that juice.” Chad said laughing.
“Man, it isn’t anything like that. We’re just good friends.” Luke explained.
“Let me break it down for you bro, if you were just friends you would only bother with her in class. I’ve seen you take this girl to Jarrell’s party, damn near sprint across campus to escort her back to her dorm, and now you geeking it up over here texting her.” Well dang Chad had been paying attention.
“Bruh, you in a relationship, you just haven’t caught on yet.” Chad said, leaving no room for debate.
“Look, stop doing that man. We’re just cool. “ Luke said, dropping the conversation and looking down to see Janelle had sent some more texts.
Janelle 9:19pm- On another note, I have this dinner thing for one of my scholarship donors. I hear that it is mandatory in order for them to meet the people they have invested their money in…
Janelle 9:20pm- So I guess, I was wondering if you would be willing to go with me. I looked up the dates and it is not on your normal football practice day or a Saturday.
Janelle 9:21pm- Don’t feel pressured to go, I mean I just thought it would be nice to bring someone since they gave us the option.
Janelle 9:22pm-Plus I did ask my dad first, but he said the fishing was a little light, so he needed to get as many jobs as he could until the season picked up.
Luke bet Janelle was thinking he was trying to figure out a way to say no since it took him a couple of minutes to reply.
Luke 9:24pm- “Well, what day is it exactly and what time? I would love to go with you if I am able.
Janelle 9:24pm- “It is in 2 more weeks, on a Tuesday night. I think that is a bye week for y’all, so hopefully it works out.
Luke 9:24pm- So I just looked over my schedule and you would be right, it is a bye week, so count me in.
Janelle 9:25pm- Thank you so much!
Luke 9:25pm-Of course, anything I can do, just ask.
Janelle 9:25pm-Well I’ll let you get some rest. See you later! Good night!
Luke 9:25pm – Good night J!
“No one smiles that hard after talking to a friend,” Chad said adding his two cents while he kicked back on his own bed and watched the movie on t.v.
“Dude! Go to sleep!” Luke said trying to be annoyed, but being in far to good a mood.
“Alright man, be careful with this one. You will be wifed up before you make it to the pros.”
Luke just rolled his eyes and settled himself in for the night.
Today was a good day.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
What To Do With Suggestion Schemes
28.Four billion a year earlier, while the funding return was 4.Three per cent in comparison with the benchmark of 5.4 per cent. The Teranet-Nationwide Bank Nationwide composite house value index, released Wednesday, mentioned house costs had been up a mean of 3.4 per cent throughout Canada in October in contrast with a yr in the past. Are you facing Energy of sale or Foreclosure in Canada? What are the suggestions to improve industrial relations? Huge yellow containers are nailed to the wall, labelled boldly with the phrases "Suggestion Field" and the workforce are advised to fill these containers with suggestions. Vouchers Made Fundamental Through the use of These Wonderful Suggestions! People using this lose sense of time and feel that time has sped up, slowed down and even stopped utterly. Even the inner suburbs haven't got the area for a lot of more homes, and we see rather more condos below development. But if he loses the assist of Wall Street and the monetary markets, one factor is bound: he can just about kiss his presidency good-bye.
154 Entrance Avenue at the nook of Sherbourne and Front in the St. Lawrence neighbourhood in downtown Toronto. In accordance with Urbanation, which studies the Toronto condo market, there are 10,622 condo units in the Greater Toronto Space that had been offered for pre-sale earlier than 2017 and nonetheless await construction. And Realtors are nonetheless going sturdy there. By listing now, you might be positioning your self to accomplish your objectives sooner than later. The YMCA or a library or public college are platforms for this sort of classes. Alternatively, one could go to an everyday vendor, although they will often not hassle with outdated vehicles which are beneath a sure value. 鈥淭wenty percent of your property worth is already going to be liable to be masking these state and local pension shortfalls,鈥?Mitchell stated. Get the Intellectual Property and then turn the lights out. 鈥?Alternatively, when you'll get yourself a low-priced actual estate broker Brampton then you will not must manage any issues.
Lisa that shud give u something to do I'm 14 and going to be 15 in about 2 months and need to get a job. You may get a home inspection in a timely manner and make a educated choice based on wonderful data. The outlet might be brought about by the debilitating of 1 inventory incidentally. Hence, no one can steal your ideas. There's nothing I can say for certain simply what I have heard and felt typically. The MLS has made every little thing simpler, the tedious technique of purchasing and selling actual property have been simplified resulting in the continued expansion of the real property industry. A variety of investor teams is expected to be lively in the business property funding market, together with non-public capital, pension funds, institutions and actual property funding trusts (REITs). 鈥淲e plan to define an proprietor-occupied property as one where the borrower, or an instantaneous household member, occupies the premise,鈥?it said. On his appearance, Paul's ardour for urban design was so highly effective, he was the one questioning the other visitor, Councilor Adam Vaughan. If you purchase Toronto real estate in up and coming neighborhoods, however, you'll entice great renters and be capable to sell for profit as soon as the market turns round.
It urged the town of Toronto to take a measured strategy to help to avoid any unintended consequences for the housing market and property house owners. The company is continuing to grow and adapt its pricing and choices, considering incorporating additional technology corresponding to virtual actuality-enabled property tours. Try her Fb web page! Check out his Fb and Instagram for his present listings, as well as photos of enjoyable occasions from all through Montreal. Councillor Janet Davis thanked the speakers and the viewers for sticking it out. Vague concerning the technical features of how they鈥檇 handle the job? Trial consulting has change into a standard strategy used by the attorneys that helps to grasp the tutorial, social and psychological elements. Unfortunately, I now not dwell there. My Father鈥檚 manufacturing unit was old and out of date. You need to spend money on one thing that may keep incomes cash long after the mortgage has been paid off. Jacking up the center of the spare tire will launch it. Ontario Teachers' continues to show sturdy efficiency in pension providers, according to two impartial, annual research. Individuals pay extra for much less space. The CRA is aware of that most Canadians pay their fair share of taxes. Generally, the down payment is close to 25% and most new build have a set schedule with a set quantity.
How long have you been ready to do this? Last yet the most important thing is that they have studying and an enormous involvement on this field that will help you for every scenario. We do not need a Vacancy Tax in Ontario, like Vancouver鈥檚 Vacancy Tax. 鈥淏eing in the enterprise of Real Property, I've handled numerous Actual Estate Lawyers. It is like a class of say thirty students. At the side of TREB's redistricting mission, historic data may be subject to revision transferring forward. You may be somebody who's fascinated with it however undecided about the best way to engage in? Nevertheless, as we age, the levels of collagen and elastin inside the body begins to deplete and the pores and skin starts wanting saggy. However, the laws were irregularly enforced. So if you鈥檙e in your home for the long haul, you ought to be Ok, says Robinsky. Monitor your finances before you purchase your home!
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2WIbT0T
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owenandnoahtdi · 5 years
My opinions on: Kelly(Minor RR Spoilers)
Spoiler warning because better safe then sorry.
You all know my top 10 favorite contestants, and my top 10 least favorite contestants, but what about the other.... How many are there, 87?
Lets see, 87-20... Add the 2, Carry the 1.... 67? Well, seeing this whole character of the week thing done by the TD amino seems like a good idea, for each week I throw in my 2 cents about the character, and explain how they could be improved. Now, I'm not just going to say Owen is perfect and Courtneys a spawn of Satan. No contestant is perfect, and I will never act as if that's the case. I will aknowlege problems with them. So seeing how it's mothers day(oh wait, that was yesterday) Kelly's up first on the chopping block!
I love most of the teams of Ridonculous Race. The Reality TV Pros, Police Cadets, Sufers. Heck, even Leonard and Tammy got a smirk out of me in their time on the show(even though I hate them.but that's for another time). When I saw Kelly And Taylor, I knew where it would lead. Like... Princess Morbucks( yes I had to look it up) from the Powerfuff girls. Only this time she has a mom. I felt they were going to suffer from that fact. And i... Was sort of right. For those who havent seen it, their arc is that Taylor constantly puts down Kelly and blames her for everything until she snaps and tells Taylor her victories were bought. Ok... Good idea. A bit chliche, but nice. Also I call poppycock on them being mistaken for sisters.
Here's what confuses me: Why didnt they interact with the Father son team? It would been such a cool dynamic! But more on that later.
Lets start with Kelly's positives
1. Kelly had the balls to stand up to Taylor.
I didn't expect this, if I'm being completely honest. Or at least not in the way it happened. I thought Taylor constant belittleing of her teammate would be their downfall, causing Taylor to blame Kelly for their team being eliminated, which was when Kelly tells her off. Though the way it did happen was a little lackluster.
That's it. That's all the positives.
Now for the things they could've done better
1. Their arc ending felt rushed
For those who haven't seen it, in Dubai Taylor has a standown with Kelly because she's angry for what she said back at Hawaii. After awhile, Kelly learns that the chill zone is in a gold plated shopping mall, and tells Taylor that they could be shopping instead of arguing. Taylor apologizes, but they lose. That.... was a biit rushed, dontcha think? One quick apology and all is well? Here's how I would have done it.
Kelly and Taylor lose similar to how the Geniuses,went, by taking too long with a challenge and not even finishing. Then, as I said, Taylor blames Kelly for their elimination and she snaps as a result.
2. Their relationship with the Father and son team
I feel like it would've made a lot of sense for them to have a lot more interactions with the Father-Son team. Have Dwayne teach Kelly how to stand up to Taylor, Have Junior have talks with Taylor about thier parents. And its a shame, because we almost get that, but they get eliminated before anything can happen.
So I would say a neutral character for me. Not great, but not the worst thing ever.
And thats all for me. Bye
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lifeofnes · 6 years
Wk 5
Ok so from Sunday to Wednesday I did nothing but stay in bed. The weekend really kicked my butt.  I researched and listened to OPM and read manga and comics. I caught up on Shokugeki No Soma and the Immortal Hulk. Both I feel describe me well: a culinary enthusiast who is a thoughtfully aware rage monster. That’s a joke. I’m only up and mobile a 6-8 times a day to eat, bathroom, or say hi to inay and tatay. I don’t want to get them sick so my interactions are distanced and brief. I can still tell inay’s not at one hundred, but in your mid-eighties who really is? Every day I hear my mom buzzing around the house trying to literally do everything she can to make the living situation more comfortable for inay. They got her an at-home oxygen machine and a new cane. Mom is cooking almost every meal for five people. Cleaning and trying to find a suitable home and caregiver. Most of which is impeded by her brother and inay who do not want to spend the money they’re not even using. When she’s not here she’s at the apartment holding herself back from sticking her foot up the neighborhood managements ass to come fix our roof. It's been a month. We’re already bribing them to put us on the top of the list of repairs. I have no idea if its worth it, or if it will matter since we leave in a day. She’s also trying desperately to sell our car, but with only a weeks worth of time and wanting a full payment in cash in hand, I doubt this last day will be any different. It’s heartbreaking really. I knew we were coming into this to take care of inay, but I had no idea the amount of pressure she would put on herself doing so. Not to mention the lack of thankfulness and for some reason underlying anger, I have noticed coming from either of my grandparents and uncle Ver. We have a few moments with each other during those days and she tells me that of all the times she’s ever been back to the Philippines, this has been her loneliest experience. She starts crying and I hold her hand. She really wants to go home and see dad. And I get it. Imagine having to live with your parents who still treat you like a irresponsible teenager, when you’re 58, in front of your own child. The difference in tone and dynamic in how they talk and act towards my mom and how they talk and act with me are worlds different. I have no idea who’s mad at who, or for what reason, but every conversation is laced with this scent of resentment. It is a sad feeling to want to raise your voice, but know that it has no sound behind it. By Thursday I was healthy (enough,) fed up, and only had six days left. I escaped quarantine and went to the mall to have churros and by a sim card. With that pocket Wifi gone I needed to have some form of communication. A sim with 5 gigs cost 20 pesos. That’s less than fifty cents. That was wild. I got churros with an ube white chocolate dip. That was wild. My mom was letting me travel by myself. WIIIILD. We met up for lunch at this place called army navy burger and burrito. I had a burger for the first time in thirty Gregorian calendar days. Though not the best burger I had, it was welcoming. Mom and I talked about the plan for the next few days and told me that she found someone to replace her and convinced everyone in the house it was the smartest decision. What a trooper. I love her. The next few days mom and I spend hanging out with Kristel and Vicky, sleeping at their place, and being treated like proper guests. It’s nice to see my mom not having to everything for a change of pace. I work a few shifts at Conrado’s and hang out with two of Kristel's friends. Both of whom are lesbians and in a very “will they, won't they” rom-com situation. It’s entertaining. I’m hoping they don’t because they seem bad for each other, Kristel doesn't want it to happen because she knows one of them isn’t a lesbian, she just likes the attention lol. We go out to Korean BBQ! It was pretty good, and super cheap for unlimited everything! Like 6.50 usd. But I did spend 700+ on a plane ticket here so my small monetary victories don’t mean much. On Friday ate Vic brings us to Tagaytay to go sightseeing. We eat bulalo and is easily one of the best meals I’ve ever had in my life. They also did a beef shank karekare which changed all my life experiences with that dish. The view we had was over a cliff during midday. The whole experience was Michael Lawrence Tyler (Mystkal.) We hit a few other restaurants on the way back home for coffee and pastries. The first is at the newly opened Ridge Park. They have natural cut bench tables and secluded huts for bigger parties, lining a path mere feet from the edge of the mountain. We grab coffees there which are crap, but we’re there for the view anyway. Wish we could visited the island that’s inside a lake that’s inside an island that’s inside a lake that’s inside a island. We were really close to it. You’ll know what I’m talking about it you Bing it. View is breathtaking and I’m happy to be sharing the moment with my family. We head out to a cafe called Bag of Beans. This one is definitely ritzier, not at all indicated by its humdrum name. Like destination wedding reception levels of fancy. It’s terraced, meaning all of it’s rooms are on different levels of the mountain but all part of the same grounds. The main area has 3 dining rooms. One next to the cashier and glass shadowbox with their baked goods. Its adjacent to the kitchen which looks fully loaded and up to date based on my nosy looks though the circular glass of the door. There’s the upstairs dining area accessed only by spiral staircase, and an outdoor area with a view of Mt. Taal and its lake. One terrace down is a newly renovated ballroom, that is slightly overhanging the cliff-side. One terrace above is an auxiliary kitchen/ power/boiler room with rooftop garden access. There’s a ridiculous water fountain piece stocked with koi between levels 2-3. The grounds manager stocked every nook with flowers and every flavor plant. This joint is swanky. Kristel and I take a look around with hot cocoa in hand and I jokingly (not jokingly) tell her to make sure to have her future wedding reception here. We head home after sundown and hit a night market before the highway to eat jackfruit on the ride home. Saturday the Mayor side throw me and my mom a going away party. My cousin Onyok who owns a wild boar piggery comes through with the lechon. It’s sweeter and has a deeper savoriness than all of the other lechon I've had. I think it’s because he finishes raising them on just fruit in their final months. It’s also ate Agnes’ birthday but as usual she’s cooking something. I join her in making empanadas, fish lumpia. She says she wants to make a career of this somehow. I tell her that just because she’s 40 now doesn’t mean she shouldn’t go for it haha. My two eldest cousins Cesar and Emma got to see each other. They’re the ones who both got strokes within weeks of each other and are pretty much bedridden. Everytime they see each other Cesar is crying and Emma is getting mad at him for it. Kuya Onyok’s wife, Cori, wouldn’t stop taking pictures of every single thing. It was a good day for her. After eating twice, I ended up playing volleyball with Onyok’s grandkids (they’re my age so that how old Onyok is if you were wondering) and I had a hard time keeping up. It was my first physical exercise in over a month I think. All of my older cousins were asking how my time here was. If I had a relaxing time being back or if I had hard time adjusting. It was “all of those things and more.” I told them. Some of the physical space I was in, but mostly depended on the people I was getting to know. Some gave me hope and drove me to keep going. Others filled me with pity, a longing to help, but not knowing where to. But all of them gave me a perspective change. Life in the Philippines is hard. Weather you have money or don’t. There are going to be relational problems between families and lovers. Government here is twice as corrupt and convoluted as it is in the states. There are actual ongoing armed conflicts, real firefights, going all over the islands. Wages suck, good jobs are scarce, and opportunities to get ahead in life seem narrow. There are some beautiful places but the uneducated majority of the populace leaves pollution thick in the air, in the water, in the streets. Religion and tradition still hold a tight grip against modern, practical, and sound policies. Still, all of the people I’ve interacted with and observed seem generally happy-go-lucky. Like things are going all according to plan. Maybe I’ve only met a handful of people here in a small amount of time, but a spirit of endurance is prevalent here. I have to pack still and say bye to the cousins I can manage to get in touch with. So i’ll leave it at this, I love this place and I’m thankful for how it both made my world smaller and larger in perspective. Ingat ka! See you in Eat-aly.
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