#this has ignited a fire of hatred inside of me that i did not know i could feel for a block man
ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 4 months
Mcd rebirth
Aphmau: "I'm sure your village misses you"
Gene: "I'm sure one person does"
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kaikla · 2 years
dwindling fire in the winter.
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character: ...diluc x gn!reader (ft. dottore)
warnings: angst! hurt/comfort, arguments, coercion, few scenes of fighting, mention of character death
sypnosis: You've partnered up with a mysterious Mondstadt figure, diluc, in spying information about the Fatui. After 3 years in Snezhnaya, you ask him when he's going back.
word count: 3.8k
art credit: kuu_320 (ig)
Diluc. Despite the 3 years you’ve known him, he was still a mysterious figure. Sure, you know his name and that he came from Mondstadt, but that was it. He avoided talking about himself, and you respected him well enough to not pester him about it. All men have their secrets, his was not yours to find out. But you can’t really help the curiosity that arouses when he had this somber look to him the first time you asked about his past. Ever since then, there’s a tinge of melancholy around him whenever your gaze falls on his presence.
Like right now, he sits down on a wooden chair outside, staring at the campfire he, himself, had ignited using the gift given to him by the celestial gods, his pyro vision. Its glow slowly diminishes and Diluc averts his eyes to watch the white scenery of the snowy woods of Snezhnaya. Slowly, you creep behind him, a small box wrapped in ribbons hidden behind your back.
“Looks like I made the birthday boy wait too much for his present.” You giggle when Diluc gives you a look of annoyance in return. “Very amusing. I’m 21 now, mind you. Don’t call me a birthday boy.”
“Oh please, you act like a teenage boy going through a rebellious phase. Stubborn against any warnings for your safety, sneaks out during the night.” You gently elbow his side, but he simply sighs as you tease him. He takes notice of how your other hand was stiffly behind your back. It doesn’t take a few deductions to guess that this was the present you were talking about.
“You actually got me something?” He looks at you. Although confused, the look of fondness in his eyes tells you he’s touched. He hasn’t even seen what was inside! You show him the box and he takes it with both hands.
“You don’t need to thank me. Think of it as a souvenir to take home.” You say. Diluc tugs at the ribbons and opens up the box. He takes out what was inside. A wood carving of an owl surrounded in flames, it fits just right in his hand. Then he smiles, and your heart skips a beat.
“I… appreciate it.” He struggles to utter those words but nevertheless, he does it. He had the aura of someone who had experienced a long time with no love, or had been stripped away from it. So even when he looks away in embarrassment, hiding his smile in his hand, you know he’s sincere. He always has been.
You take a seat right next to him, the fire warming you up nicely. There’s a moment of silence as both of you stare at the flames dance with the blow of the wind. Seeing your fascination, Diluc raises his gloved hands, fire shooting out of his palms and making the flames expand for a few moments. He never liked using his powers, he said. But he always uses it when it’s convenient. That little show he just did seems to fulfill no purpose other than to just entertain you though. But still, it was a weirdly beautiful sight to see something so warm in a nation known for everlasting winter.
“It’s been 3 years since you’ve been here. Are you ever going to go back?” You ask. You’ve taken him in on the first day he got here. The man walked up straight into the Zapolyarny Palace, snooping into places he shouldn’t even be in. As an attendant for Your Majesty, the Tsaritsa and the Fatui Harbingers, you caught him while tending to your duties. Grabbed him by the collar, tossed him outside and interrogated him. It was clear that he had hatred for the Fatui and was in search for a truth, even when he refused to say a word.
“The Palace is too dangerous for you to investigate, stubborn gentleman. I’m a spy too, you see. But I work as an attendant. Leave the Palace to me or we’ll both be in trouble.” And that was the start of your 3 year old partnership.
“I’m not leaving until I find out what the Fatui is up to.” Diluc replies.
“Just tell me why exactly you’re so eager to investigate them and perhaps I’ll know exactly what to look for.” You’ve asked this multiple times already. The answer was always the same.
“No. It’s too dangerous even for you.” Diluc answers immediately, no hint of hesitation, not even a thought of considering it. You think that by now, he would trust you enough to tell more about himself, to let you work fully with him.
“I work as a spy too, you know. An informant, to be specific. I know way more than you do.” You retort, tone coming out a bit too sharply than intended, maybe even condescending. You stand up, towering over him to prove a point.
“Then tell me the info so I can go up to the Palace myself. You don’t need to be more involved than that if it’s as dangerous as you say.” Diluc stands up too, he’s not one to back down, not with his stubborn attitude. The owl carving you gave him falls to the snow but neither of you pay it any mind, much more concerned with the stare down that’s currently happening.
Frankly, Diluc was starting to get irritated. Why can’t you just understand the point he’s trying to make? It’s dangerous like you’ve said to him the first time you met. So why not just let him do it?
“I’m in the same position as you, I can handle myself.” You spat. You know Diluc never looked down on you. I mean, he trusted you enough to work with him. He’s a man who prefers doing things his own way. Even when the two of you lived together, he was uncomfortable being in debt to you, trying his best to make things equal and just doing things himself when he could. But you’re desperate and grasping at straws here. You accuse, “Are you underestimating me, then?”
And he snaps.
“It’s because I already lost someone else to them!” The campfire flares in response to his anger. But wrath never showed itself. As quickly as it came, his anger plummets into a hurt expression. His eyes never leave yours, hoping, praying that his slight reveal of himself was enough to convince you. His irises shake slightly, it was the most vulnerable state you’ve seen him. He looks fragile like this.  “I lost my father to them. I don’t want to lose you too.”
You might’ve mirrored his expression then. A single look of worry was enough to make Diluc believe that he persuaded you. Before you can even reply, he grabs his cloak and hurries past you. The sound of crunching snow against his boots slowly fades and you’re left standing, speechless.
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Your steps echo throughout the stone halls of the Zapolyarny Palace. A fast steady rhythm of one and two. You turn the corner, and then the next, the moonlight being your guide as it illuminates the path. The cold tonight was harsh, a snowstorm was occurring outside. Even from the inside, you can still feel the chill. Ice creeps into the gaps of stone bricks and the long halls had a breeze that carried the snow. It’s not at all unusual when the Palace belongs to a god who possesses the power of the cryo element. But for you, it seems more like a sign of something horrible coming.
Nights in Snezhnaya aren't always active. When you live in a nation where there is winter throughout, you’d be more concerned about staying inside and trying not to freeze from the cold. Especially in a storm like this? Going outside would be a death wish. Yet, here you were, outside of your home, only because Diluc was most likely inside the Palace. When you got in, the storm started. Now, you’re stuck inside, looking for any indication of where your red headed partner might’ve gone.
You march with urgency into the next corner, not even caring to slow down. You bump into someone. The man offers you a hand once he sees you on the floor. You graciously take it and you only realize now who you’re face-to-face with. Il Dottore, ranked 2nd of the Fatui Harbingers. Just the sight of him sends shivers down your spine. You’ve heard stories of this man, countless of them. A notable one was that a few years ago, he treated children like test subjects to experiment on archon residue, leftover power of dead gods. You never knew what he did exactly but sometimes, you passed by his lab in Haeresys and heard the screams of children. He was the subject of your investigations a while back.
He still holds your hand in his, looking you up and down like a prey who just walked right into his trap. His eyes were blocked by a mask but it was obvious in the way his lips twists into a sinister smile.
“What business does a lovely person like you have that keeps you occupied tonight?” He asks. Slowly, to not offend him, you take back my hand from his open palm. You gulp, thinking of any excuse you can make.
“I’m sorry for bumping into you, My Lord. I’ve been told that a harbinger needed some assistance tonight. I was looking for my supervisor to ask for more details.” You explain. you almost let out a sigh of relief when he nods in satisfaction. But it was too soon to be relieved.
“Great. I was the one who requested help. You’ll be more than enough. Come with me to my lab.” Shit, you’re screwed.
The Doctor walks on ahead to lead the way, he doesn’t stop when he hears the sound of your footsteps follow after him in obedience. A few flights of stairs down to the basement, both of you reach a double door entrance of Haeresys, the harbinger’s personal lab. You mentally prepare yourself for the worst as he turns the knob and swings both doors open.
You don’t know what you expected but you certainly didn’t expect a body floating and encased inside a big glass tube. Whether it was a corpse or a sleeping body didn’t matter. What disturbed you more was that the body looked exactly like the Lord Harbinger standing right next to me. A twin? An imposter? A trick of the light! Yes, that must be it.
You try not to show any fear. You’re here for work, this is useful info. You just need to tough this out, hope for the best and find Diluc some other time. You have to survive here. When the Doctor notices you staring at the tube, he turns in your direction.
“Oh, don’t mind him. That’s just me. A clone.” he says but it doesn’t really explain anything. You follow him inside the laboratory. There were glowing fluids everywhere, enclosed in tubes and stacked neatly on shelves. Your eyes wander to the blood splatters on the ground and lab bed. The Doctor instructs you to clean it, and you obey him, wiping up the red from the stone surface.
“Say, what do you think about the concept of using the power of deceased gods?” The Doctor asks. You can feel his stare boring into the back of my head. You didn’t need to look back nor see his eyes to know how intensely he was looking at you. But you answer him with confidence. You can’t afford to show any weakness, not here, not ever.
“If I’m allowed to voice my opinion, my Lord, I’d say that such a power can pose a risk to its users. It would be useless if the risk outweighs the benefits.” The Doctor lets out a pleased hum at your response.
“I like your bold answers. You could be a scholar with that attitude.” He walks towards me and you don’t dare look back. There’s an implication in his statement that you don’t quite like. You knew that the 2nd harbinger used to be a scholar himself before being shunned by the Academia because of his unethical research. So… was he mocking you right now? You can’t tell but you accept the compliment nonetheless.
“Do you trust that I won’t hurt you right now?” He asks. His shadow casts down on you, his figure towering over you. Your heart races when you feel the heat of his body so close. This was a moment of life or death.
“No.” You answer honestly. The Doctor laughs in amusement and backs off. You finally turn to face him, confused at what’s so funny? His laughter dies down and he takes off his mask. In the dim lighting of the laboratory, his red eyes glow, like a predator in the shadows.
“You’re smart. But I’m aware that you know more than you let on. I’m not stupid, I can tell that you’re an informant.” 
Of course he knew, you should’ve expected this. He’s 2nd of the harbingers and was once a scholar. Any kind of deception or mind game would be useless against him, no matter how skilled at manipulation you were. “What do you plan to do?”
“Have you ever been blessed by the gods?” The question caughts you off guard. You know for certain that he’s referring to visions. Visions are treasures gifted to those who were seen worthy by the gods of Celestia. The intention behind them is unclear but it was seen as a blessing because of its ability to give its bearers a way to control one of the 7 elements: anemo, geo, electro, dendro, hydro, pyro and cryo; and there was also the possibility of the bearers ascending to heaven to become a god after death. You shook your head no.
“How would you like a blessing? I have confidence that you’ll know how to use this without dying. The benefits must outweigh the risks, correct?” He takes out something from his coat. In his palm, there was a glowing orb that looked just like a vision. Your head lets out all sorts of warning signs as you look at the crystal pulsate. There was dark matter surrounding that thing, who knows what it was made of.
You recognize it now. It was a delusion. It glows in light blue and has the icon of a snowflake on the glass surface. It was a fake vision produced and given to Fatui members. Anyone who uses it seems to lose a bit of their sanity over time as a consequence for getting their power. Any wrong move while using it can drain all the life force in you.
“Just obey my word and I’ll tell you all I know. But of course, death is certain once you open your mouth to anyone else. I have my sources, I can find you wherever you go.” The Doctor takes your hand and places the delusion on it. He smiles when you stay silent.
“This is mine now, right?” You grasp it tightly. Frost starts to spread from where you stand and the Doctor watches.
“I’ll take it but I’ll have to pass on your deal.” Before the Doctor could react, ice spread in front of him, pushing him back into his desk. You take the moment to run outside, sealing the door with cryo. You dash up the stairs and don’t look back when you hear him break down the door.
Your legs demand for a break but you can’t, not when the Doctor follows closely behind you. You hear him get closer and you take a moment to look back, perhaps hit him again with an icicle to his face. But he catches your wrist before you could hurl another one his way, the delusion falls out of your hand and descends further back the stairs where you came from.
“You’re an unexpected one but I know how to make rebellious subjects submit.”
“Don’t touch me!” You try to wiggle out of his grasp but it was fruitless. Terror starts rising in your mind and you sincerely wish adrenalin can just magically give you super strength to punch this man in the face. But you’re weak against the harbinger, was there any point in fighting further?
“Get down!” A familiar voice yells in your rear. In the reflection of the Doctor’s eyes, you see fire approaching fast behind. You lower your head and duck. The Doctor, caught by surprise, is launched down the stairs by the blast. You flip your head and see him, you recognize that red hair tied into a ponytail anywhere.
Diluc stands a few steps above, holding a claymore in one of his hands. His eyes glow red with fury and a flash of familiarity strikes him when he sees the Doctor.
“We’ve met before.” The Doctor says.
“Il Dottore, you were in Mondstadt during the time of my father’s death.” Diluc tightens his grip on the big sword, preparing himself in a fighting stance. The Doctor laughs, it echoes in the staircase, to the empty halls outside.
“I can see you’ve become stronger. But you should be smart enough to know you can’t kill me. Didn’t your informant tell you that?” The Doctor sends me a look. As much as Diluc wanted to ask questions, a quick scan of the scene tells him all he needs to know. A look at you, the harbinger and the cryo delusion long forgotten paints a scene of what might’ve happened.
“You’re not killing anyone else with that thing.” Diluc draws back his claymore over his shoulders, flames forming behind him. An image of a phoenix emerges from within the flames and for a moment, you thought Diluc had grown wings of fire. The Doctor opens his arms wide, “Give me all you’ve got!”
Diluc swings the broadsword, a giant phoenix flies into the harbinger’s directions and it carries him all the way down the stairs. You hear a thud echo from below.
“Come, let’s get out of here!” Your partner lifts you up by the arms and drags you out. You look back, there was a trail of melted ice along the path where the phoenix had flown, water dripping from the ceiling like a light shower. It should be over for now.
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Diluc winces in pain. You mutter an apology as you lightly dab a cotton ball on the burns on his arms. The sun was starting to rise in the horizon, you were surprised no Fatui agents have ambushed your home by now after the events of last night. You were sure that Dottore probably ordered some subordinates to get your heads on a platter but surprisingly, all seem calm for the time being. But you know you can’t stay here anymore. This home was no longer a home.
“The delusion…” Diluc starts, unsure. There were too many things he wanted to ask but all of them seemed too heavy. He wants to take in this short moment of peace longer, this serene scene of you taking care of his wounds. “The Doctor didn’t hurt you, right?”
“Just a threat, here and there. I experienced a lot of it in my work.” It was the most you can say to not make him worry. He doesn’t press further. 
“You asked me when I was leaving yesterday.” Diluc says. Your hands freeze.
“I’m leaving tomorrow. I learned an awful lot about the Fatui enough to satisfy my curiosity by now. It’s not safe anymore, like you said.” The thought of him leaving tomorrow makes your heart drop to your stomach. Are you really ready to let him go? After those 3 years of partnership? There were still a lot of things you didn’t know about him, things you wanted to say to him.
“Don’t give me that look.” He interrupts, taking notice of the tears welling up in your eyes. Tenderly, he takes the bloodied cotton out of your hands and sets it down elsewhere, replacing it with his own hands instead. He looks down on it, embarrassed. He can’t look you in the eye, he just can’t.
“My father used a delusion trying to save me. I don’t want you ending up the same. And I know that you’ll say that you won’t end up like that but I just can’t risk it.” His hold on you tightens. “I can’t risk losing you the same way.” He shuts his eyes when he sees the scars on your hands.
And when he opens them again, he finally breaks down. Walls that have built up for years crumbling down for the first time. The sight was painful to see and all you could do was embrace him in your arms. The irony of his strong body shaking as he tries to muffle the sobs that leave him. Droplets of tears falling onto your shoulder.
“I thought I lost all love in my life when I lost him and my brother that day. But I felt it with you. As much as I tried to stop myself from caring, I couldn’t stop myself from loving you. I can’t lose anyone else.” He grips you, unyielding, as if afraid that if he lets go now, he’ll lose you forever.
“Diluc, listen to me.” You pull away. He finally looks up and you wipe away the tears staining his cheeks. You brush the strands of his hair along with it and you caress his face. He was beautiful. You savor the warmth of his body and relish in the sight of him, trying to imprint it in your memory. It’s unbelievable that this will be the last time you’ll see his face. It was now or never.
With worship and passion, you place your lips on his. Diluc doesn’t pull away, he pulls you closer instead, deepening the kiss like it’s his last. Possibly because it is. So he pours out all his devotion, all his adoration into this simple gesture. And it takes your breath away. No matter how stoic of a man he was, Diluc was passionate in everything he did. He had his heart in the right place. And now he offers his heart to you.
You pull away, breathless.
“I stayed with you because I wanted to! I could’ve left anytime I want and yet I choose to help you out. You may be leaving tomorrow but you can’t get rid of me easily.” He smiles at the implication.
“You won’t lose me forever, Diluc.” You slip the owl carving into his fingertips. “I’ll always be with you wherever you are. And when the time comes, I’ll see you in Mondstadt.”
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dododan · 6 months
Forgotten Perseverance - Chapter 2
After telling the story of Bravery, Sans tells how one day he went to the Ruins. As a kid he often went there. He loved the place because it was mysterious and beautiful, even if it had been abandoned years ago. But this trip was completely different from all of them.
Curious to know who Sans met in the Ruins? Will his father, W.D. Gaster discover where his son is sneaking off to?
Proloque Previous
Don't worry, Frisk. Even so, it has a lot to do with Katharina's story. Many monsters lost loved ones back then and ignited a hatred for humans, or at least a resurgence of it. In the end, it was humans who locked my race underground. Over the years I have to say that I did not feel hatred towards Kath. Rather a strong dislike and a desire to keep her at a distance. Children don't know what hatred is.   
 A feeling so strong that you want something bad to happen to that person.   
 A feeling so overwhelming that these thoughts refuse to leave your head.  
 A feeling so overwhelming that some people find it difficult to shake it off.  
 Children don't know what hate is as long as they are innocent. When they don't yet understand how the world works, they won't understand what hate is and the emptiness it brings with it. I didn't hate Katharina or other people despite what they did to us. Even if there are people who deserved to be hated somehow I never wanted to believe that there is only evil in people or monsters. Nevertheless, my brother is Papyrus, but back to my story.    
 After lunch with my brother, I decided to go to Ruin.   
"Sans, are you sneaking off to Ruin again?" Papyrus asked me as I stood in the doorway. 
Lying somehow didn't bother me, it didn't cause me great remorse. If I knew that someone would feel bad if he knew the truth, I didn't tell them or I bent it a bit. The case was different when I cheated on my brother or father. The former made me feel very guilty, while the latter knew me inside out. He knew when I was lying.... 
“To Grillbie," I replied. 
I could feel my lie creeping up my back. Papyrus couldn't know I was going to Ruin. I didn't want him to worry, and Grillby was a good excuse. He was three years older than me. The boy often helped his father in the bar. In the future he wanted to take over the bar and tried to impress his father.... I know something about that. I wouldn't call him a friend, but a good mate with the same problems with his father. 
I used to go over to talk to him, walk around the Underground. For a fire monster he liked winter and snow. Such a bit ironic, but what can I say. I always knew I could trust him, but when I was a kid I couldn't tell him everything. He didn't tell me everything either, sometimes we just liked to have the knowledge that the other one would just sit next to us in silence.  Now I have no secrets from him.   
 “You don't lie to me? Father forbade you to go there, after what happened last time," continued Papyrus. 
I sighed heavily.  Sure enough, I remembered. A fracture of the elbow bone with displacement. My father didn't let me forget it for a long time. I was grounded for two months. I only went to school anywhere else. My astronomy books were also confiscated. Father knew what punishment to give me so that I would not go to Ruin for a long time. Six months... That's how long I wasn't there. 
"Don't you have a skele-ton of homework?" I asked with a smile. 
“I hate your jokes!” stomped that Papyrus angrily. “I'm going to my room!” 
How to avoid Paps' annoying questions? Tell a joke. That always works. Even today.   
I took my blue fleece and went outside. Skeletons felt temperature changes differently. I could not walk in a winter jacket. Only after a few hours would my body felt cold. Only, I liked my fleece because I got it for Christmas from my father.    
On the way to the Door of Ruins, I met some monsters. They didn't pay much attention to me. Parents were picking up their kids from school. Others were returning or just going to work.  
I quietly made my way to the Door. Huge gates in the rock. I had to use a lot of force to open them. I left them slightly ajar so that I would have no problem opening them again. I found myself in the old part of the Underworld also known as the Old City.    
I found myself on an escarpment towering over the Ruins. A compelling view stretched out before me. Old houses overgrown with ivy. It was coming out of the windows, doors and every little crevice. Some houses were rendered roofless by huge trees. Streets that used to be printed, now had grass growing out from between the cubes. Tree roots overlooked the road, distorting it. A beautiful sight, breathtaking. You'll probably admit I'm right, eh?  
I walked quickly down the rocky steps. They were wide, surrounded by a railing. A little rusty, but still stable. I had no problems in the City either.   
This time I didn't go into the flats. It was in one of them that I broke my bone. There is nothing to tell I went up to the floor and the floor was scarred. Rather needless to say how it ended....    
The city visible from the escarpment seemed endless, but it didn't really compare to the Capital. It took me just over an hour to cross the city. The worst part of the whole journey appeared - corridors with traps.    
Some traps were simple and some were almost impossible to do. Unless one uses a little magic.    
I just tried to pass one such trap. It involved getting across a footbridge that was over a gusty river. But that wasn't the problem, it was the spikes that were sticking out.    
When someone stepped on the slab, the spikes would slide out. The switch was on the other side of the river. On top of that, the plates were extremely sensitive.    
I was not stupid. I hadn't wasted six months sitting at home, I was just learning magic. I put my hand out in front of me. I summoned my magic. A blue glow appeared around my hand. All I had to do was surround the switch with magic. The blue magic enveloped the switch and.... It worked! 
My training paid off. I stepped carefully onto the first plate.  I heard a click. The spikes did not slide out. I sighed with relief. Somehow I didn't see myself becoming a bonehead. What? Not enjoying it?   
I had taken a few steps forward when I heard someone shouting. This surprised me greatly, as it was coming from the corridor behind me and not from the Flower Chamber.    
I quickly ran to the previous chamber.    
"Sans! Help!" I heard Paps shouting.   
I looked around the chamber. The floor was mostly covered with red flowers. Papyrus must have climbed onto the flowers, activating the trapdoors beneath them. I ran to the edge. My brother was struggling to hold onto the edge of the slab. People would say they could feel the adrenaline rising in their veins. But I... I have no heart...  Although I felt something similar. A shudder went through my bones. A shiver of fear for Papyrus. I saw his tear-drenched companion. A veritable horror overwhelmed him. He was barely holding on to the edge with his little hands. I had to act. Without thinking much I grabbed his wrists. I started to pull him upwards. But he was too heavy... His hands slowly slipped from my grasp. I was frantically thinking what to do. And what a fool I was! Magic! I immediately focused my energy on Paps. I thought it would be difficult. And it was. A blue glow surrounded my brother. That was the easiest stage. Now we had to move on to something more challenging. I had to concentrate much more than at the switch. I pulled Paps up slowly, assisted by magic. I could feel all the strength draining out of me with every passing moment. I succeeded. I pulled him up.  
Papyrus lay weeping beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I glanced at him, falling to the ground in exhaustion. I had used too much magic that day. At several traps and rescuing Papyrus. I was breathing heavily, wondering how the young man had managed to get through the corridors without using magic. On the other hand, I had no reason to wonder. He always had a head for riddles. A little genius, as Dad used to say. I, on the other hand, preferred the shortcut - magic.    
"Why did you come here?" I asked Paps when my breathing had calmed down. I felt immensely exhausted. I wanted to sleep terribly.    
"I could ask you the same thing," replied Papyrus looking at me reproachfully. Tears were still streaming down his cheeks. I raised my hand, picking at his tears. I quickly grabbed his skull, pulling him towards me. I smiled, looking at my brother, cuddling into me.   
"You got me brother. " I rose to a sitting position, still hugging Paps. "We'd better go home now." Papyrus hearing these words, stood up ready to go. "But remember not a word to your father. " 
Paps nodded his head. He didn't want to worry Paps additionally either.    
Suddenly the young... How to say it... People would say he turned pale with fear.... But we have no skin... You could say that his eyes widened in surprise as well as fear. He looked as if he had seen something really frightening.    
"Paps, what did you..." I did not finish because I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I had a bad feeling about this. I slowly raised my head to see this someone.    
"What are you not to tell me?" said my father in a stern voice as I poked my head upwards. The only thing I could think of was that we were going to have a really bad time. "You'd better explain to me what YOU are doing HERE? "   
"Are we sightseeing?" I said uncertainly standing up.    
"Sans! Don't lie! I can see what's going on!" raised my father's voice at me.    
"But nothing happened to us!" I shouted at my father.    
"Weren't you taking Papyrus out just now! I saw you a few moments ago!" shouted my father. "Sans! What if he had fallen! And you with him! Did you even think about it when you took him with you!" 
"But I... " 
I was arguing with my father at the time. We were both very involved in our argument. We were shouting at each other. We were gesturing at each other. If either of us had noticed Papyrus walking away at the time....    
Maybe things would have looked different. A few minutes later we heard someone shouting.... A bang... And then Papyrus.    
My father and I looked at each other. We were full of terror. Paps was in the flower chamber with a man. 
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soobrat · 2 years
quick and unedited // hrj
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(a/n: it’s taking me forever to get to certain members and NCT has so many so I thought I’d give you guys a little something while you wait for other things)
"I can tell he doesn't satisfy you, just let me make you feel good." Renjun whispers into your ear before pressing his lips into your neck. Your hips stutter against his, walls clenching around his fingers. You're soaked by now, arousal dripping down his hand. Your fingers dig into his broad shoulder while you whimper quietly. Every moan and whine is right next to his ear and it's driving him crazy. He still can't believe he's inside you right now. The fact that you're writhing on his lap while your boyfriend is in the other room makes him weak.
Renjun can't put the overflowing hatred he has for that man into words. They butt heads as trainees, and now he's dating you and treating you like absolute shit. Even now, he's not even concerned about where you've gone. And now you're a moaning mess, bucking your hips into his hand.
Looking up at you, he can tell you're uneasy. You actually care about Hendery, a lot more than he does about you. The combination of your brows being tightly drawn together and your eyes snapping open at any sound was alerting him to that.
"He won't find out, I made sure."
Just in case Hendery decided to finally be a decent boyfriend for once, Renjun bribed Jaemin and Mark to keep him busy with their big mouths. So far, all he's hearing is Hendery laughing it up with them, not even uttering your name once. He was a piece of shit, so Renjun was alright with doing something so wrong. In fact, it made the bulge that was rubbing against your thigh more prominent. He grabs your face and makes you look at him.
"Just focus on me, okay?" He cooes, eyes lidded as he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth. He watches as your eyes flutter close. You press your forehead to his, letting your fears melt away as he curls his fingers into your bundles of nerves.  
"God, that feels so fucking good." You finally admit and it feels good to say it. You grind your hips against him more confidently, moans picking up in volume. Not too loud, you weren't an idiot. Just endlessly turned on. You loved Hendery, you really did, but something about this situation made you dizzy with lust. He grabs you at the hip with one hand to keep you still before he starts slamming his hand against your heat. You gasp, slapping your hand over your mouth. The sudden shift in speed and intensity almost made you fall over. He keeps you steady as his fingers rocket into you. He looks up at you, fire in his eyes as he watches you fall apart. Your walls clench around him like a vice, making it hard for him to move. He pushes through, fingers slipping in and out of you as lewd noises fill the room. If they weren't so loud in the living room, they'd hear how slick your walls were for him. How hard his fingers were pumping inside you.
"Mmph-!" You keep your hand clamped around your mouth but you can't hide all the fervent noises spilling out of you. He tightens his grip on your hips as he pumps even faster. Your eyes roll back as your body ignites with unrelenting pleasure. It's too much for your body to keep up with. His gaze is intense as he stares into your eyes. An impish smile graces Renjun's pretty face as you whimper and clench your thighs shut.
"Look at you, he clearly doesn't make you feel like this." He tilts his face up so that your noses touch. You shake your head, trying to reject the slander he keeps throwing at your boyfriend. It's the least you should do when you're letting the man he hates finger fuck you until your legs shake.
"You know I'm fucking right. He's so inadequate that you're worshipping my fingers like it's my cock filling you up." The words seep from his mouth like venom. He grinds his palm into your clit and it's the final nail in the coffin. You throw your arms around his neck and crash your lips into his. Your teeth click against each other as you greedily devour each other. Desperate tongues push into each other's mouths before rolling against each other. He lets out a shameless, salacious moan as you bite his lip. You draw it back before releasing it.
"You're right." You say as you break away from the kiss. You look down at him with swollen lips and hooded eyes. Overcome by lust to the point where you no longer cared if you were caught. He hurriedly fishes his cock from his pants. When freed it springs up and his angry red tip brushes against your heat. You eagerly sit on it, the both of you expressing your gratification with sinful noises. It slips deep into your slick walls, plummeting inside you in a way that Hendery's doesn't.
"You're so fucking big." You gasp out as he pulls your hips harder against him. He presses a light kiss to your lips.
"Is it bigger?"
You nod and bite your lip, a smirk growing on your face. He leans in to kiss you again, but sloppier than the last time. You roll your hips into him as sucks on your tongue. He grips your ass with enough force to leave a bruise. You jump and gasp when he slaps it. Your fingers slide up his neck and pull the hair at the nape of his neck. His stiff cock filled you up to the hilt, making you feel nice and full. You hum before you start bouncing on his cock.
"That's it." He encourages, smiling up at you. You smile back as your hips slap against his. You push him back onto the bed and lay flat against him. He starts guiding your hips up and down his cock. The thought of him using you like his personal fleshlight sent you reeling. He brought your hips all the way up, nearly pulling you off his cock before slamming you back down. It's a motion that has his cock barreling into you so that you feel it in your stomach. Your walls grip around him, almost sucking him in.
"Fuck-" He cries out as he spreads your ass open nice and wide. The stretch feels so good paired with the feeling of his fingers digging into you. His hips start bucking up to you at a neck-breaking pace and you arch your back into him. You plead and chant mindlessly as you grow dangerously close.
"Don't fucking stop." You beg, on the verge of tears. Your moans have turned into sobs as the achingly delicious pleasure rips through you. You yelp, body tensing as you reach your peak. "Yes, please-!" He doesn't stop his relentless pounding as you come undone. The pleasure has you seeing white, completely forgetting about the importance of volume control.
Renjun's hips become sloppy as his whiny and desperate moans fill the room. "You're mine. Your pussy is fucking mine." He bucks into you hard, right on the edge.
The door flies open as Mark yells frantically.
"We couldn't stop him-" He's pushed out of the way as Hendery storms into the room.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He roars, eyes wild as he watches his enemy's cock pumping inside of his girlfriend's sopping wet cunt. You're too distracted by your sensitive hole continuing to get wrecked by his nonstop thrusting. And Renjun... well he makes sure he gets a good look at Hendery's face as he groans loudly. His hips snap upwards as he pumps his cum deep into your cunt. The liquid starts seeping out as his cock continues to fuck into your full pussy. His head drops back as he wraps his arms around you.
"I win." He smirks.
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
Heavy Heights His Crown.
summary: Being newly married to the king is hard enough but upon hearing some servants talking about your husband's infidelity, you grow angry. Bucky deems it appropriate to show you what being a king really means and that you are in fact under his mercy.
content: 18+, this fic is kind of dark but he is also soft. No use of names (I use nicknames instead of y/n) , degration, talk of infidelity, dirty talk, fingering, punishment, Bucky is cold af.
paring: soft!dark King Bucky x queen female reader
a/n: I wanna make a part two 😭😭 send me some ideas for reader to make it up to Buck ❤️
Join my bucky tag list - masterlist
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Bucky notes the change of demeanor the moment he walks into the main chambers and sees how tense you are, seated in front of the vanity mirror and brushing at the ends of your hair. It screams ignorance, disrespect with lack of greeting and upright posture. Tension high in the air as he takes a seat on the bed behind you, look through the mirror to meet your eyes. He doesn't comment at first, just darkly staring at the muscles of his jaw twitch with irritation.
No one told him marriage would be this hard. At first, it was nothing but just a way to unite two kingdoms but after the last few months - Bucky did find himself falling for you but all marriages have their problems and one between two people just learning how to love each other, is difficult to say the least.
For hours now there has been a fire stirring inside of your stomach, ignited at gossip between the staff you have over heard. It's been burning for hours, feeding your body with an everlasting torment.
Taking a deep breath, you bring your eyes to his through the mirror, holding your ground with an equally threatening gaze. Trying to hold back the gut reaching feeling of disappointing not only your husband but the king.
The way he crosses his large arms across his chest makes you shiver. The robe he wears is beautiful, ruby velvet material with swirls of gold thread and a fur trim that reaches under his knees. Underneath is a white tunic, so pure and rich in color, the curly black hairs on his chest press against it with every time his chest explains. Stone eyes test you, waiting for the first word, greeting or anything.
"Not speaking to me, wife?"
The term makes you snort but it's anything but humor, it's sarcasm and hatred. "Only faithful husbands deserve the tongues of their wives."
"Is that right?" He tests, bitting the inside of his cheek as two large hands grasp the chair behind you. The sudden weight causes you to jump but you still don't give up, instead stare right into those cold, blue eyes. "I'm afraid I do not know what you're speaking of."
"Go away." He raises his eyebrows, standing from his spot on the bed. The weight of his body presses against the surface of the chair, towering over you.
"Why should I leave?" He questions, smuggly looking around the room, "These are the kings quarters, yes? I am the king."
"Go away," You try again, "Run along and fuck your chamber servant, I heard it's been a long morning for you two."
Bucky sucked on his bottom lip, pads of his finger grazing across your bare shoulders, teasingly slow. "I must say, that is news to me. Where did this come from?"
"Maybe you should make sure your guards won't open their mouths before you spend a morning with another."
"Mmm," the grumble comes from his chest, both equally with annoyance and frustration. "And that is it? You just assume, I don't get to explain?"
Just as you're about to talk Bucky cuts you short, "I can do what I want, I'm the king. I own ever soul in this place, including you. I can fuck whoever's hole I want to and you can't do a thing about it."
The words make your stomach swirl, using the armrests to lift yourself from the chair but two large hands press you back into the chair, grasping your shoulders tightly. It's not enough to hurt but makes your stomach drop.
"And the servent?" He smirks, "I can name her my mistress and you have no say. You're here for me, because I want you to be. You are destined to be by my side, under my mercy because I am the king. This is my kingdom and I own you."
Bucky's fingers curl around the base of the chair and pull the chair away with pure strength as your heart pounds inside your ears. Bucky drops to his knees in front of you, only inches away from your face, "Be a good little wife and keep your mouth shut, my business is my business."
As he extends his arm, you squeeze your eyes shut - not really knowing the reason because Bucky has never been violent towards you but the way he stares at you is... intimidating. Practically shivering in your seat as his knuckle gently stroke the structure of your jaw, "Beautiful girl, you understand?"
His touch is gentle - something it doesn't need to be. Bucky is strong, you felt the brutal over you for many, many nights since your marriage. Remembering the time he has snapped the bed frame in half with just his hand, the heavy oak cracking under the pressure.
He asks again, annoyed at the silence, "Are you going to be a good little wife?"
Shakily you nod, sucking on your bottom lip. With the words said, it would be best to be on your husband's good side. "Yes."
Bucky moves to his feet without a word and you feel yourself missing the warmth of his touch. With thinking Bucky is leaving, you stand but the boom of his voice stops you, "Sit down."
There's no way you would challenge the words, they're spoken with authority and irritation. "Look at me through the mirror."
Your husband brings the chair back even further until it's pressed against the bed, in-between his thighs. He presses the tip of his nose against your ear and down the muscles of your neck before pressing a kiss there before whispering, "Unbutton your shirt."
The long sleeved undershirt you had just put on, didn't even have time to put your corset on yet. It's a thin, white material, it doesn't leave much room for his imagination. Looking down at the buttons to start pulling at them as pert nipples harden at the words as a hand that squeezes your thigh, catches your attention, "Eyes on your king."
"Buck -,"
Under the gaze you pull at the buttons. The corded muscles of his forearms flex as his arm travels down the base of your throat, over your collarbones and into the collar of your gown, large hand coupling the supple flesh of your breast. Your breath hitches, as he tips his chin against the skin of your upper shoulder. "Feet on the chair."
"No." There is no room for an argument, "You will call me by my title until you learn to respect me. You are here under my whim."
"I'm sorry,"
"I don't forgive you. I have treated you with nothing but kindness and love. Fucked you every night to make you happy and satisfied and somehow still get accused. Even if I did do it, it is my right. To father as many children as I see fit. Now, put your feet on the fucking chair."
Maybe you had blown it out of proportion and feeling the consequences of your mistakes now. He was correct, he had done nothing wrong and your thoughts were nothing except insecurities of a jealous wife. He felt disrespected, under appreciated for all he does to ensure that smile stays etched across those lips.
To be fair, with the time he spends in between your legs and running the kingdom, there is no other time to be with another woman.
The words make you dizzy but not sparing another second under his disappointment, you bend at the knee and bring your legs onto the chair for the front of your thighs press against your chest but the thick arm prevents you from going all the way.
The hem of your gown falls mid thigh but Bucky's eyes through the mirror darken, jaw twitching as a cloud of arousal hits him, with that knowing exactly what he wants. He doesn't even have to say the words, instead is pleased at the way you finally give in. Fingers hooking around the dress and pulling it until it bunches at your hips, exposing your bare mound.
Bucky groans at the sight, despite the harsh words from earlier, his lips find the small patch of skin behind your ear. With the biggest doe eyes you can manage, you look at him through the mirror, hoping to soften him up. "I'm sorry, love," You say, feeling the way he hand curls around the soft flesh of your breast. "I shouldn't have accused you, especially when you're so good to me."
Bucky hums in agreement but has more self restraint than you thought. In one fluid motion he reaches forward to wrap his fingers around your wrist to bring your hand to the arm rest. "Hands stay here, you understand?"
Bucky is antagonizingly slow, almost as if he's trying to commit this very moment to memory. Pads of his fingers rubbing the soft skin of your thighs as he leaves you wanting more and more.
"You want to be touched?" The words are whispered against your ear softly but in the sexiest rasp you have ever heard.
“I do.”
Bucky clicks his tongue - like there's nothing that could be done about it, maybe if you haven't misbehaved it wouldn't be like this. But he surprises you when he does speak, "If you be my good girl and beg, I'll give you what you want."
His finger moving closer and closer to where you need him but just like that he stops.
Tears of frustration gather in the corners of your eyes, lip quivering as you push your head into the back of the chair. “No! No – please touch me!"
Bucky's cold eyes meet your state through the reflection of the mirror and you can visibly see the raising of his top lip in distaste, "Not good enough. I want an apology too."
To be at the mercy of a king is nothing you experienced before - he's foul, cocky and believes himself to be a god but at the same time, there is some truth to his words. You do owe him an apology. "I'm sorry, love. I'm sorry, I should have never accused you - I was wrong, so wrong. You treat me so well and give me the most beautiful things, I'm sorry, my king."
There's a small rumble inside his chest as he thinks but you decide to cloud his judgement anyways, "Please touch me, please, you have been gone and I missed it."
"You're making it hard to stay mad at you." He admits as a gentle palm smooths over the inside of your thigh but the other one makes you yelp, feeling the cool appendage spread across the surface of your clit.
His fingers hook inside you with no warning and your pussy squeezes around them as you press your thighs together at the sudden intrusion. Two fingers scissor against the velvety walls of your peak, coating his fingers with slick arousal that provides enough leverage to thrust them back into you until they hit so deep, you squeal.
The instant your lips part and the sound leaves your lips, Bucky's gaze goes from your pussy to your face again. The way he clenches his jaw and his other hand comes around the chair to wrap around your neck makes your heart pound. "Look at yourself."
Knowing better than you disobey, you do exactly that as he continues to speak, "Look at you, you have a lot to say about that poor woman but you're just as bad. Nothing but a little whore getting fucked in the mirror."
You squeeze around him, hips naturally fighting the trust of his fingers. He groans at the tightness, feeling his cock throb inside the confides of his pants, wet patches forming on the light colored fabric but he ignores it.
His fingers never stop, filling you as soon as they leave, over and over again until you feel a wave of heat makes your head dizzy. Almost Earth shattering as you try to catch your breath, begging for him, already forgetting the rules, "Bucky, please, please, I'm so -."
"Yeah? Almost there?"
"Uh, - yes, yes!" Like you're some kind of sex crazed whore, stomach flipping and you're so so close - and he suddenly pulls out.
"Wait, no, no I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you your name." You beg for his finger back, beg for the orgasms that still hangs onto the edge, clit throbbing for relief.
"I don't care about the name." Bucky pushes the chair away from his chest, leaving just enough room to stand, "I care about you accusing me because of gossip and disrespecting me as your king. You are my wife but you need to learn respect, until then you won't cum."
The look he gives is one of equally mixed anger and no doubt seriousness. "And until you can treat your husband right, you'll sleep in your own quarters. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a servant who is spreading gossip around that needs punishment."
Just like that, he's gone, leaving you with your chest trembling and thighs shaking in a heap on the chair.
Tags: @leyannrae  @Fajitasandfics @stolenxkissess  @xxlovingfandomsxx @crvecem @peterpstuff  @scarletglowss @kpopgirlbtssvt @aquahogcodes @thesneakylittleminx  @angelsandsorcery @Je55 @bellar-01 @sergeantjamesbbarnes @akaaaaashiiii  @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Ignorant | Steve Rogers
Wow I was really going through it with this one, huh? I think I listened to Bring Me To Life by Evanescence for the entire two hours it took to write this. I never write this fast-- I'm really going through it LOL! I hope you enjoy lovelies! It's the first Steve fic for Dinner at DIzzy's!
Appetizers (Tags): Angst
Entres (Pairing): Nomad!Steve Rogers x F!Reader (Third Person)
Sides (Prompts): 3: “Apparently I’m volatile, self-obsessed, and don’t play well with others.”
Notes: This has a ton of swearing, Requested by Anon
Word Count: 1.8k
Dinner at Dizzy’s Master List
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“Just because you’re the leader here doesn’t mean you have the right to be an asshole, Steve!” Y/n hisses at the man, fists balled at her side.
She’s not going to swing. She would never swing on him— at least she doesn’t think she would— but right now she’s so damn close. All day he’s been pushing her around, yelling at her for the slightest trip ups. Yelling at all of them. She understands that being fugitives isn’t easy but holy shit can the man chill out for five minutes? She fell asleep in the backseat of the car for five fucking minutes! Certainly that doesn’t warrant the hour tongue lashing she just got. It does, however, warrant her retaliation.
He takes a step towards her, face twisted in a snarl unlike anything she’s ever seen before. “Watch your language!”
She doesn’t back down— she’s not scared of him. “Don’t fucking yell at me then! Stop being a dick!”
She doesn’t feel bad for the insult or the way he flinches, his eyes darkening immensely. She had tried to politely ask him for space thirty minutes ago and he didn’t give her any. If he gets to blow off steam or whatever the fuck he’s doing than so will she.
“I’ll stop being a dick when you get some common sense!”
Steve’s raising his own voice now, getting right in her face, and she only pushes forward, her cheeks filling with heat and her stomach clenching painfully. The audacity of this man is incredible. His usual light eyes are a deep navy color now, almost black from his blown pupils. He looks crazy— she doesn’t doubt that she does as well. She would bet money that she looks insane.
“I fell asleep for five fucking minutes and Sam was right fucking next to me! What the fuck is your problem?” She’s doing it on purpose now— if he doesn’t want her to swear then that’s all she’s going to do.
Maybe it’s the triple F-bomb that has the sound of feet pounding against concrete echoing through their shoddy apartment. Maybe it’s just the yelling in general. Either way it’s a good thing that Natsaha and Sam come sprinting in from the other room of the two room complex because if they hadn’t then she’s sure her fist would be cracking against the jaw of Captain Douchebag right now.
“Woah, woah, woah— what the hell’s going on in here?” Sam is quick to get in the middle of them, pushing the super soldier to one end of the room while Nat yanks on y/n’s hoodie. “We could hear you idiots from the stairwell.”
Y/n struggles against Nat for a moment, vision tinted red at the edges. From across the room Steve glares at her, seething. She can practically feel the hatred pouring off of him. It stings at her chest, biting into her veins. He would have kept yelling at her if they hadn’t stopped him, she just knows it. She wishes he would so she could scream back— her stomach and muscles are still tight and she’s aching to lay into him some more. She barely even started and now she feels like she’s about to bubble over.
“Seriously—” Nat tugs again and y/n stops fighting, opting instead to glower at the blonde from across the room— “What’s gotten into you two? You’re supposed to be the responsible ones!”
Steve tears his arm from Sam’s hold but doesn’t clear the space between them. “Why don’t you ask y/n—” he tilts his head, sneering again— “What was it you said ten minutes ago? Oh yeah— apparently I’m volatile, self-obsessed, and don’t play well with others.”
Why that little fucking— “Don’t put fucking words in my mouth!”
She storms past Natasha, dodging her arm as it flies out— you’re not the only trained markswoman here Nat. Steve does the same, bowling past Sam easily to meet her in the middle of the room.
“Why not? It’s what you meant right?” He’s in her face again, breath hot on her face, and she only retaliates by fuming right back.
She feels like a dragon facing down her enemy— she’s ready to burn the entire building down if it means lowering him a peg or five.
“Actually it wasn’t but now it is you narcissistic dick.”
She can feel Natasha start to pull on her hoodie again but she’s not done— not now. Not when she’s just gotten started.
“You just can’t handle hearing the truth y/n— you can’t handle it when I tell you what you did was wrong. That you could have gotten us fucking killed with your ignorance—”
Her veins flood with fire, her lips curling into a painful scowl. In that moment everything turns slow, her heartbeat a dull thump, thump, thump in her ears, drowning out the rest of his sentence. The only thing that gives away that he’s still speaking is his mouth moving, his teeth bared and ready to be knocked out.
Oh so she’s ignorant now is she? Yeah well fuck you Rogers!
This time the only thing that stops her fist from slamming into Steve’s jaw is Sam catching it mid air, her knuckles slapping off his palm and bringing the sounds in the room rushing back to her at full force. She stumbles back with the impact but the soldier catches her, steadying her on her feet with a worried look in his soft brown eyes. It feels like she’s been underwater for days, her ears popping painfully as she gasps for breath.
“—s enough Steve!” When y/n blinks Nat is shoving her palm against the super soldier’s chest. “You need to back the hell off!”
She doesn’t realize until her eyelashes stick to her cheeks that they’re wet. That she’s crying. The sobs catch up to her when it registers, wracking through her with a force strong enough to have her whole body shaking. Sam is the first to notice, reaching out for her but she backs away, shaking her head. The room falls silent, three pairs of eyes now trained on her but she’s only looking at one pair of wide blue ones. Steve’s chest is heaving up and down, a cross between a feral and a confused look slathered across his features.
The look ignites the last of the dying spark inside her, her hand landing against her chest, wrapping around the dog tags hanging off her neck and yanking until she hears a snap. She waits for the chain to pool in her hands before she whips the metal across the room, hitting him square in the chest with a roar that’s more animal than human tearing from her throat— you wanted flames and now you’re going to get them.
“I’m ignorant? Me? Did you ever stop to ask yourself why the fuck I fell asleep today?” She slips her hands into her hair, tugging so hard on the roots that her scalp feels like it’s burning. “How about because last night you came back from scouting three hours late and looking like you got mauled by a fucking bear? And I asked you what happened and you wouldn't tell me a goddamn thing! You— Mister fucking super serum whatever the fuck! You just went to bed and I spent the rest of the night listening to you gasp for air! Not knowing if the shit was even working or if I was going to wake up to you gone! I—”
Her voice cracks and she curses, scraping her wrist across her face to wipe away some of the hot tears pooling down her cheeks. They feel like trails of lava melting her skin as they rush over her jaw and drip onto the floor. Steve’s face has morphed completely during the span of her rant, his mouth falling open, lips no longer busted open like they had been last night but still horrifying to look at right now. She knows he wants to say something— maybe he even wants to apologize— but there’s no fucking way she’s letting him. She’s not finished yet.
“I spent all night wondering if I was going to lose you! That I would wake up and have nothing! You’re my everything and I thought you were going to die and you wouldn’t tell me anything. So yeah, I guess I’m ignorant! Fuck you too.”
Her throat is raw by the time she’s done spitting the words at him, her head fuzzy from a lack of oxygen and her waning rage. It’s giving way too quickly to sadness— to the agonizing kind of heartbreak that has all her organs seemingly shutting down. Her face is sticky and itchy and she needs to get away from him right now.
She turns to meet the stunned faces of Sam and Nat, swallowing hard and wincing at the way her esophagus stings. She’s not going to have a voice at all tomorrow— or for the next week at this rate. Sam’s eyes look like they’re going to pop out of his head from how wide they are, his mouth open but— like Steve— no words are coming out. She flicks her eyes to Nat who, thankfully, springs into action, nodding her head to the door, the question clear in her eyes— want to get the fuck out of here? Y/n doesn’t answer, she just starts walking.
It’s in that moment that Steve snaps out of his stupor, racing to catch her at the door, warm hand curling gently around her wrist. She doesn’t even give herself a second to enjoy it— to fall into his touch and forget the agony in her chest— before she’s ripping her arm away from him, cradling it against her chest and backing away from him.
“Baby I—” His face is tight, his light brows creasing the middle of his forehead.
She can see it— the regret. It carves across his face, tugging his lips into a frown and making his eyes glass over. Her chest squeezes at the sight, her own eyes coating with a fresh sheen of tears. She wants to wrap her arms around him— to tell him that she forgives him and that she loves him and that she’s scared— but he did this not her and before she knows it she’s taking another step back, shoulder bumping into Nat’s as she shakes her head.
“I’m sleeping with Nat tonight. I’ll talk to you in the morning. Night, Steve.”
Steve’s face falls, the first of his tears pooling down his now angelic face, and as she hesitates. Maybe she should— she feels a tug on her hand, glancing down to where Natasha’s slender fingers wrap around her forearm. She doesn’t have the strength to fight her comrade as she pulls her past the door frame.
As the super soldier falls from her line of sight all she can hear is Sam’s exhausted voice—
“Let her go, man.”
—and she breaks.
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sainz-zayn · 3 years
Treacherous 01.
Treacherous (adj.)  guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
Warnings: vulgar foreign language/ foul language, sexual and suggestive themes, betrayal/ betrayal between Johnjae, Illegal drug dealing, mention of blood and wounds, use of gun, smoking, mention of death/ murder, minor character death. This is my first time writing a kind of detailed smut and it`s badly written I`m sorry. I don`t know much about law but I tried since this is kind of Vincenzo au a little far from it but kind of like that and I`m amateur when it come`s to writing again I`m sorry. All Italian/foreign words came from google translate.
► Part 2
Word Count: 10.1k 
Disclaimer: All characters and events in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
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"Envious causes jealousy and jealousy causes hatred, hatred turns Treacherous causing sins to one another,"  you said letting out a sarcastic chortle.
 "Revenge, you said you want your revenge and I`m more than happy and dreadful to help you" his eyes are flaming and burning fire the beast inside him threatening to come out as anger forms and creeps inside him.
"I`m still not satisfied" you retorted emphasizing each word that is coming out of your lips. 
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Takara Nakajima is one of the most corrupted Lawyers under Gongpyeong law firm has the dirtiest secret and dirt under their family`s name, the enemy of Ferrante`s. One of the cases you need to solve without any of your relatives knowing except for your one adopted cousin Johnny Jun Suh also distinguished as John Ivano Ferrante American/Korean, an Italian citizen.
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"Where are you at 10:00 PM when the victim is rape?" His lawyer asked pacing back in forth waiting for the employer to answer.
"Again I will ask you where are you at exactly 10:00 PM when the victim is rape?" the lawyer questioned the employer again you can see that the employer is fidgeting his fingers and his eyes wandering the room one of the signs that he can be guilty.
"I-I`m home that night I didn`t do anything I didn`t put drugs in her drinks," the employer asserted.
"Objection your honor, Under sexual violence prevention and victims protection act, article 36 any person who dismisses a victim from employment or takes any other measure unfavorable to a victim, in violation of Article 8, shall be punished by imprisonment with labor. In the sexual violence prevention and victims protection act, article 8 No employer shall dismiss any victim or take any other unfavorable measure against him or her on the ground that he or she is the victim of sexual violence and this is what exactly what the employer doing now" you glance at the employer who is accused of doing sexual assault and attempted rape still contradicting what he has done.
"And let me ask one question please allow me your honor" you face the judge waiting for his approval.
"Let`s hear it" the judge simply said and you bow at him.
"No one, not even the police or anyone talks about you putting drugs on her drink, or perhaps you really did?" you ask the employer with anticipation waiting for him to reveal the truth and justice will be served.
"I didn`t, I said I didn`t! byeongsin saekki" the employer said and you glare at him for swearing.
"Your honor this footage from the witness will prove that he's guilty of the accusation that he`s getting" you fight back and you give the flash drive to them and insert it.
"Your honor we decline to accept this evidence!" the lawyer of the defendant said.
"It`s still evidence from the witness you have no choice," you said crossing your arms.
"Quiet! let`s watch the evidence" the judge proclaims making you all stop.
They watch the video of the girl being hauled in a dark place and how the employer does something very unpleasant and the video finishes again and now you still have the victory.
"Employer 5890 will be punished with imprisonment with labor for not more than three years" the judge announces and finalize it with the victim's family crying for winning the case. You walk out of the court with the cold aura you have going back to your office again.
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"Congratulations Y/n or should I say, Chiara Allesandra Ferrante," the person said sarcastically you look at your mortal enemy worst of the worst Takara Nakajima daughter of Nakajima Hiroto owner of Nakajima Enterprises.
"Shut it Nakajima Takara" you rolled your eyes at her purposely bumping your shoulder to hers making her huff.
"Just accept it that you can`t win a single case without bribing the judge how pathetic of you Na.Ka.Ji.Ma" you emphasize her surname with a mocking tone making sure she heard it even though you`re not facing her.
"What did you just say? Apologize now!" Takara is a partner in the Gongpyeong law firm and one of the bossiest ones.
"Mi dispiace, patetico moccioso" you purposely said it since she`s Japanese and she won`t be able to understand that you say "I`m sorry you pathetic brat." you leave her with a teasing grin tainted in your lips.
"What did you just say!?" Takara said stomping her feet to the ground.
"Goodbye," you sing while walking away from her.
You open the door of your office startled by Johnny who is admiring your office, you promptly ran in his direction and hug him as tight as you could. Johnny Suh or John Ivano is not just someone who is adopted for you, you see him as an older brother and a best friend. He is one of the best lawyers in the country and also known worldwide, renowned, and acknowledge as John Ivano Ferrante. Raised by two Italian couples at the age of 3, his parents died in a car accident the cause is still not solved after years of striving for justice to be served. But there is one saying in the Ferrante clan; Never trust anybody because you can find faults and sin even in the most righteous person.
"Ivano!" you jumped to him making him carry you in his arms while you`re clinging to him like a koala.
"Johnny, just call me Johnny" he let out a breathy chortle removing you from his tight grasp shuffling your hair the height difference didn`t help at all.
"Don`t mess up my hair my hairstylist is not available right now, you know Ivano" you emphasize his name teasingly because he doesn`t like to be called Ivano in private unless you called him John.
"Then stop calling me Ivano I`m Johnny okay? want me to spell it out for you?" Johnny raised his eyebrows at you while crossing his arms.
"Fine, fine sorry" you grin at him and shove him off of your chair to sit in it comfortably.
"So? when did you come back? you should have told me you know" you rant at him opening your laptop to explicate to him the new plan that you two have been plotting for approximately 5 years.
"I just got here yesterday night, what`s with the change of plan?" Johnny asked, making his self comfortable on the couch in front of you.
" We can`t stick to the old plan it might affect the others if we continue it so I change it, here look" Johnny stood up from his seat to move to your table and check the new plan.
"Illegal drugs transaction to sexual attraction?" Johnny read it with a furrowed eyebrows analyzing all of the pictures.
"Yes, Nakajima has been selling and importing drugs tricking their clients to buy it by using sexual attraction it`s been going on since the 2000s there are 5 lawyers who fight for this case but Nakajima is always playing the game dirty" you explain to him solemnly, showing him different files and pictures.
"I did some research about them last week the drug dealing is still going on around, we`re still finding Tajimamori Yamamoto one of their oldest lawyer and the most trusted. In the year 1998 Tajimamori fight for the Nakajima case until in the year 2000, Tajimamori just suddenly disappear out of nowhere without any traces. He`s the ace card that we need to find" Johnny explains tapping his fingers on the table, eyebrows furrowed.
"We don`t have much time left, we need to finish this within 6 months we can`t afford to lose this time" you lean back to your chair pinching your nose bridge.
Once this case opens up and once you win the case the Nakajima will fall, Takara Nakajima, you better get ready.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold," you said while clasping your hands together.
"Va servito freddo, that`s the spirit Y/n" Johnny smirk and so did you, without Johnny, this thing will be absurdity and nothing.
"Since you win a new case today lunch is on me c`mon let`s go," Johnny said and you take your purse and clung your arms to his, flashing him a bright smile.
Johnny drives into a nearby restaurant pulling up his car to the parking area when your phone opens by itself with a vibrate. Sign that someone is calling you, you look at Johnny and he nods at you as a gesture to answer the phone. He still didn`t turn off the ignition so you stay in the car and answer the phone.
"Hello? who is this?" you stated through the phone pretending that you don`t know the person calling you.
"Hi, I`m the Information hacker that you`ve called last week I just landed in Korea, can you tell me where I can meet you? I`m in your office right now." the person answered you playing along with your silly joke.
"Oh yeah, I`m in a nearby restaurant I`ll send you the address please feel free to join us for lunch," you said politely to the phone and ended it, you send the address and you go in with Johnny.
"Is that the Information hacker?" Johnny asked with a little off tone in his voice.
"Yeah, I invited him for lunch" you answered him and he only nodded.
"Ms. Ferrante?" you and Johnny heard someone called your name and you stood up from your sit to greet the person.
"It was nice to meet you" you greet him and he gives you a smile showing his whites pearly.
"The pleasure is mine," the guy said back and you smile at him.
"My name is..." the guy was about to Introduced himself when Johnny hastily cut him off.
"Ten Adriano Rossi" Johnny said while wiping his lips with a napkin.
"How did you know him?" you look at Johnny curiously, gesturing Ten to seat with a jaunty grin.
"Don`t you recognize him? he`s ten!" Johnny said calmly.
"Ten lee!?" you exclaimed acting like you don`t know him and he smiled at you opening his arms for you to hug him.
"I`m still here you know?" Johnny cleared his throat and rolled his eyes at you and Ten.
"Okay, okay no more funny business and let`s proceed to the plan," Ten said.
Johnny explained all of the new plans to Ten including the outline of the goals, objectives, measurements, action steps, and responsibilities for each step and negotiation.
"Here`s the information that you need about Tajimamori Yamamoto, he`s seen last week at Osaka and Tokyo and he soon flies to Toronto, Canada." Ten spoke and he settled the brown envelope on the table making sure no one is listening or looking at your conversation.
"Also, yesterday I was hacking the system of Nakajima enterprises but when this confidential file suddenly showed up, I think it`s the record of the money they have been Illegally pocketing," Ten said, sipping the coffee from the cup. The serious look never fading from his face.
"We should keep all of this evidence in a private place where we can easily find it but no one can, once we puzzled this informations and evidence we can open up the case against them with solid evidence that can make them fall," Johnny responded.
Get ready Nakajima the person who will destroy you is already plotting your worst nightmare, Il karma è un boomerang, il mio amato nemico; "karma is a boomerang, my beloved enemy."
Johnny and Ten excuses themselves for a minute to talk about something more private leaving you alone to clear your mind, when renjun`s number pops up on your phone screen. You didn`t answer it at first maybe he was just gonna ask you to buy something on your way home, it`s the 5th time he`s been calling you and it`s like he doesn`t want to stop until you answer. So, you finally answer the phone.
"Y/n!? what the fuck!? I`ve been calling you!" Renjun said through the phone the stress and nervousness in his voice are obvious.
"Watch your language Renjun, what is this time?" you asked him with a stern voice.
"Y/n, you need to get home we have a problem it`s hard to explain just go home right now okay?" Renjun said and he quickly cut the call.
You texted Johnny that you will go home first and he replied "Drive safe" that`s enough for you, you quickly drive to your home it`s a minute drive from the restaurant to home but you could care less how fast you`re driving right now. You know Renjun more than anyone, by just the tone of his voice you already know that something is off. Getting out of the car, you open the door of your house with Renjun behind Doyoung while pacing back and forth biting the tip of his finger.
"What`s going on!?" you asked them, sitting on the couch with heavy breathing.
"Doyoung, Hyung accidentally hack our own system, and the tax evasion record of Tremblay corp is locked and can`t be open" Renjun explained while Doyoung is fully focusing on the computer his finger tapping it so fast.
"What!? Kim Doyoung!" you said his name a little louder making him face you.
"Eojjeorago!? If Haechan is not being an ass and if he didn`t annoy me earlier I wouldn't have accidentally hacked our system!" Doyoung said, asking you what do you want him to do about it a little louder than yours.
"Geuraeso mwo!? I was telling you about the codes but you keep shoving me off!" Haechan fight back and Renjun and you sit there pinching your nose bridge in unison.
"Yah! you two come here now!" you exclaimed a little higher and louder than usual, the two of them stand in front of you and you stood up from your sit grabbing your handbag. At first, you calmly smile at them before hitting them lightly with your bag making them ran away and you chase them.
"Kim Doyoung! Lee Haechan! get your ass in here!" you yelled at them and their playful laugh is only what you heard.
"Y/n, calm down!" Renjun yelled while the three of you, Doyoung, and Haechan is running around the living room.
"Wait, let me explain okay!? Mianhe" Doyoung stops running holding his hands to his chest breathing heavily with Haechan. While Renjun is just standing there his hands resting on his hips stifling his laughter.
"Fine! and you two Johnny and Ten!" you glare at them, Johnny gulps and so did Ten awkwardly scratching their neck.
"You said that you`re just gonna talk in private but why are you two here!?  you two went here first leaving me there!" you grab the pillow and throw it at them luckily they dodge it.
"Now explain" you sat back on the couch a sigh escaping your lips while rubbing your temple softly.
Doyoung explained everything about the system and how he can claim it back in just a few minutes and that`s enough to ease your worries. Of course, you trust Doyoung so much he`s like your sibling but losing all of the confidential files is different.
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"Yun-o, this is the information we gathered about Chiara Allesandra Ferrante she`s also known as Y/n," Yuta said and he leaves the office when another person enters the door.
"Stop investigating her, you will get nothing" Johnny glares at Yun-o who is peacefully sipping the wine.
"Why? is it because she`s your cousin or maybe something else?" Yun-o dropped the envelope on the table chuckling at his response at Johnny.
"Stop putting any malice about me being protective to her will you? Jaehyun il ragazzo innamorato" Johnny tease him by calling him il ragazzo innamorato;"The lover boy"
"Well, stai zitto Ivano" Jaehyun tease back making Johnny glared at him again. stai zitto Ivano; "Shut up Ivano"
Jaehyun or Yun-o owner of Neo tech enterprises, one of the most successful men in South Korea, a pile of girls ready to get in his pants and ready to risk everything just for him. Jaehyun has a visual like Goddess if you`re gonna describe perfection many will use him as an example. Looks, style, professionalism, maturity you can see it all in him.
"I`m warning you Jaehyun," Johnny said seriously taking another sip of wine from his glass.
"I won`t do anything I swear" Jaehyun patted his best friend's shoulder going back to his seat.
"How`s the branch in New york going?" Jaehyun brought up the conversation about their joint company.
"It`s doing good, nothing bad so far but we might get ready we don`t know what will happen. I guess you know what I`m talking about since you`re investigating Y/n" Johnny responded, leaning to his seat with eyes shut. A lot is going on in his mind these days, and half of it is you.
"Well, we are well prepared for that. Just tell me whenever you need my help and by the way, I met Mr. Tremblay last week he seems like he`s in a hurry so we don`t have much time to talk" Jaehyun said staring into a space in his room going deep in his thoughts.
"Yeah, and I heard that his son is hitting on Y/n, his son is an amateur piece of shit," Johnny said letting out a "tsk" gulping down the wine he's drinking making Jaehyun sneer at Johnny.
"Jealousy, dude" Jaehyun tantalized.
"Shut up!" Johnny groaned.
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"Ms. Ferrante you need to go with us!" The door of your office suddenly opens with a loud bang making you jolt in your sit and so did Kun.
"What!? this is absurd" Kun defended you holding your wrist preventing the officer from dragging you away.
"No, Kun it`s okay just call Johnny it`ll be fine," you said calmly before grabbing your bag, the police officer assisting you to follow them.
"I`ll come with you," Kun said keeping up with your pace of the walk.
Everyone outside the building is looking at you, sparing you one glance whispering to their partner's ears. Is gossiping a new trend now? it`s funny how people will talk about you and judge you easily when you just show them the part of you that you want them to see and they will act like they know the whole story of your life.
Arriving at the station the officer asked you to sit down so the interview will start.
"We`ll go straight to the point Ms. Ferrante, someone pointed out that you have been selling drugs and there`s one found in your car yesterday. We can finish this up if you cooperated with us" the police interrogated you, showing the evidence.
"I don`t sell drugs, I don`t do drugs, I never keep one," you said rolling your eyes.
"Then what is this then? a laundry powder?" the police ask sarcastically.
"Guarda, I`m not here so just you can tell and ask your not so lame jokes I said what I said, and can I possibly know who reported this bullshit?" you ask squinting your eyes at the officer, you`re not really like this but since you`re stress and for a woman who has a lot of works to do. This interview is a burden.
"Pick up, pick up, fucking pick up!" Kun grew impatient when Johnny is not answering his calls and messages after trying and trying Johnny finally answered the phone.
"Kun take it easy I`m with Jaehyun right now" and Johnny can feel that Kun has an irritated emotion written on his face right now.
"Yeah, you`re with Jaehyun right now while Y/n and I are in the police station right now uhuh," Kun said.
"Come here right now we need you" and then he ends the call waiting outside until the interview ends.
Hours have passed and the interrogating is still going on and Kun is still waiting for you. Johnny finally arrived, fixing the suit that he`s wearing he asked Kun where you are and he assists Johnny inside.
"John Ivano Ferrante, I`m Y/n`s lawyer," Johnny said full of professionalism.
They settled the problem after almost another 1 hour they finally let you leave. Out of curiosity and frustration wondering who decided to frame you. Of course, Takara is one of the options but maybe there is someone else.
"Can I ask who reported me?" letting out a hiss you ask the officer that arrested you.
"No" the officer simply responded to your question and Johnny holds your right arms. Johnny and you are ready to leave but you still want to know who it is so you turn around again.
"won`t you really gonna tell me?" you ask one more time and that`s enough for Johnny to drag you along with him.
"C`mon let`s go" Johnny drag you along with him but you keep removing his grip.
"One last question, please?" you look at Johnny with puppy eyes but it didn`t work so you stop it and stand straight walking out by yourself but before that, you punch his arms lightly enough for him to hold his arms before walking out.
"I hate you" and Johnny only smiles at himself like a fool before following you outside.
You walk outside and took a deep breath, you look for Kun only to see him leaning in Johnny`s car. You walk to him and he smiles at you.
"Thank you," you said at him.
"Kun, can you drive Y/n home for me? I gotta go somewhere," Johnny said giving Kun the key car. Sparing you a glance but you didn`t bother looking at him back, as if he`s not in front of you.
You go home with Kun the two of you use Johnny`s car and you`re worried about him you really do. The rain keeps pouring and it`s getting darker, more hours pass and you grew more worried the rain is getting heavy. You`re thinking how Johnny will get home in this weather, you lean your head against the windowpane the raindrops sliding outside of the pane when you see a glimpse of a familiar figure.
You ran downstairs as fast as you could grabbing a soft towel with you before opening the door. It`s Johnny, Johnny is soaked wet his hair sticking out in every direction possible, a cut in the lips, and bleeding knuckles. You look up at him with worried eyes and he smiled at you. You don`t know what to say but your next action makes him feel at ease, you hug him your chest touching his. The skin contact that makes him feel comfort.
"What happened?" you asked, you don`t know why you are tearing up when he`s the one in pain. He caressed your face softly and he still didn`t say anything. You invited him inside because it`s his home too. You hold his wrist guiding him in one of the rooms, you don`t know if it`s your room but you could care less until you put an ointment and bandage in his wounds. You make Johnny sit on the bed and handed him a towel while you go in the bathroom to get the things you needed.
You slowly applied the ointment on Johnny`s lips where the cut is while your hands are slightly shaking, not minding the tears that are brimming out of your eyes. You next hold his hands to yours softly and more tear brim in your eyes, you`re so weak when it comes to Johnny and you don`t know what to feel about it.
"I-I`ll do it," Johnny said removing his hands from yours before you grab it again.
"No! I`ll do it!" you said through your sobs, wiping your tears away.
"I can do..." you didn`t let Johnny what he was about to say because you know what it is.
"No! I`ll do it, you said you`re just gonna go somewhere but why do you have this cut and wounds in your body!? I hate it!" you said letting it out as your sobs get louder and Johnny only stayed silent. You covered his knuckles with a bandage softly while he let out a loud hiss.
"You`re strong but why do you let your body take all of this!? you know I hate it when something like this happens to you" you exclaimed tears are still falling from your eyes, you touch the cut on his lips again making him hiss.
The two of you stare at each other for a brief moment and Johnny brushes away the strands of hair that are covering your face when your emotion took over you. Your lips landed on his soft ones with your eyes closed he didn`t kiss back, you`re about to pull away when he holds your nape kissing you back. The two of you stay like that for a fleeting moment.
The two of you pulled away forehead resting on one another when the bedsheet cover suddenly moves revealing Ten with a teasing grin making you pull away from Johnny.
"Is it necessary to make out in my room?" Ten asked still wearing the annoying teasing grin on his face.
"S-shut up!" you said and you walk out of the room leaving Johnny and Ten alone.
"How is it?" Ten didn`t stop teasing Johnny so he grabs the pillow and throws it at ten softly before plopping down at the bed letting his body sink in it.
You open the door of your room and you straightly go to your bed burying your face at the pillow out of embarrassment, tossing around the bed messing it up.
"Did you just kiss your cousin? did you just kiss Johnny Suh? It`s okay, right? the two of us are not blood-related anyways so nothing to worry about yes? no?" burying your face on the pillow once again letting out a muffled scream.
The boys decided to have dinner all at once at home so they ordered food for all of you they start calling you, you just keep answering "Okay" so they decided to stop when your stomach makes a grumbling noise. You open the door of your room only to see Johnny`s fist in the air may be to knock? and you look down.
"A-about earlier" you`re about to apologize to Johnny when he cuts you off.
"It`s okay don`t flutter yourself," Johnny said with a smile and you go downstairs with him.
"Don`t Flutter? who said I`m fluttering myself!?" you scoffed and walk past him closing your eyes for a moment from embarrassment.
"Hey, wait up!" Johnny said grabbing your shoulders.
"Let me walk with you" he added.
The rest of you gathered in the dining room. Laughter, warmth, comfort, are filling up the whole room. Oh, gosh you know how much you miss this after almost a year of not being complete you on the times where you only have Renjun, Jaemin, and Haechan besides you.
"This pizza tastes delicious don`t you think so?" you nodded and giggled, your cheeks stuffed with pizza. All of you are laughing that you didn`t even realize who`s the person beside you, you stay silent for a moment before y`all turn your head once again to the person beside you.
"Mark Lee!" you exclaimed locking him with a tight hug.
"Dude, I can`t breath," Mark said tapping your back lightly and you back away.
"Sorry I got carried away" you beam at him and every one of them hugs him what a beautiful and pleasant event.  
"Announcement! we`re all having a party tomorrow so don`t miss out, I`ll tell y`all the location" Mark happily announced, and y`all cheered stuffing your mouth with food.
You excuse yourself to talk with Mark in private, the two of you sat in the living room looking around before proceeding to talk. Mark looks at you with confused eyes.
"So, what`s going on with Mr. Tremblay?" You asked Mark and now he finally understands.
"About that, he`s company is not doing well plus his son keeps asking me about you that I can`t even go on with a day without him asking me things about you since I sign a partnership with them," Mark answered with a sigh before pulling you into a hug and you rest your head to his arms.
"Is Takara invited to the party?" you ask him while you stare at the ceiling and he plays with your hair.
"Yes, she`s Invited" Mark simply responded.
"Can I ask you a favor for tomorrow?" you asked while looking back up at him.
"Sure, what is it?" you smiled at him for agreeing at first he didn`t buy the idea but there`s no way he can say no to you.
"Thank you, Mark!" you cheered.
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"Papà! you should`ve decline! out of all people why Takara!?" you barged in your father`s office throwing a tantrum as soon as you go face to face with him.
"Don`t raise voice at me Y/n! I`m still your father" your father defends which makes you more frustrated.
"Papà! you know that we can`t have any connection with them when it comes to running a company! this might ruin my plan why did you let them sign the contract!" you can`t help but raise your voice frustration is creeping inside you and you can`t help but let it out.
"Trust me Y/n this will help you sooner or later you will realize it," your father said. How can he be so calm when you`re out here in front of him letting your frustration out.
"Cazzo! this is ridiculous!" you fight back.
"Watch your language Y/n!" you had enough and you don`t think you can go on with this conversation.
"I`m done okay? I`m done!" you left your father`s office angrily closing the door walking fast not caring if anyone is looking.
Your father just makes a contract of partnership with Nakajima`s that makes you infuriated early in the morning. How can he sign an agreement with them?
"Did I just mention the plan to my father!? No, don`t worry Y/n he won`t get it" you talk to yourself taking a deep breath before entering your car, you called Johnny and tell him to meet you in your office in an hour.
"Why did you call me here?" Johnny asked while leaning in the doorway.
"Nice timing let`s go and help me find a dress to wear" you dragged him with you.
Johnny keeps whining about how you can ask for Wendy`s help but you keep shutting him from talking, you tried so many dresses and he keeps saying no which makes you pissed off. You choose a dress a long one and a short one for an option you bought it, it was color red you choose the long one with a deep sidecut that shows the skin of your legs.
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Arriving at the party it`s fabulous and it`s full of people around your age mid-20s and the ones in their 20s you spend the whole night drinking when this beautiful handsome man approaches you.
"Pleasure to meet you I`m Jung Jaehyun," He said offering his hands for you to shake it.
"Ciara Allessandra Ferrante but I`m more comfortable being called Y/n plus don`t act dumb I know you. I`m not a fool I know you hire someone to follow me and investigate me, I know by this time you know all of my plans but don`t worry I know you're trustworthy, and you`re friends with my friends." you took his hands to yours and you gladly shake it.
"Jaehyun? I`ve been looking for you" you heard a familiar voice and you`re completely sure it`s Johnny.
"Chill," Jaehyun said with a smile.
"Ciao Y/n I hope you will like my April fools surprise," she said slipping away the wine your holding.
Takara already left and the whole place gets full and crowded with businessmen, suddenly everyone becomes quiet when the news starts playing.
"Breaking news the well-known CEO and Founder of Phoenix corporation have been found dead at exactly 8:30 PM in his house there`s still no answer what is the cause of death" everyone gasp and you can feel a tear escaping your eyes.
"Papà, this is not real!" you said and you walk out of the party going to your dad but Johnny prevented you from doing so.
"Let go!" you said removing his grasp and he holds you tight to his embrace.
"Your father asked me a favor to not make you see him, he wants you to see him when he`s in the coffin" you didn`t hug him back but you keep crying.
"He`s still my father Johnny I want to see him!" you fight back pushing him through his chest but he won't budge. Of course, he`s stronger than you.
"Let`s go home tomorrow you`ll see him" Johnny whispered at you and you can see Jaehyun looking at you with pity in his eyes.
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"You!" you point at Jaehyun.
"Me?" he answered.
"Yes, you who else?" you talk.
"I want you to join us I know that`s your whole point of investigating me anyway," you said sternly and they all look at you.
"What?" you rolled your eyes at them.
"Tomorrow we have something to do, we`ll make our first move of the plan starting tomorrow I can`t tolerate this anymore after what Nakajimas do to my father.
You throw the glass of wine you`re holding in the wall staining it red, your hands holding tight the table with fire eyes in your eyes throwing daggers anger, guilt, and sorrow that`s all you can feel right now.
"It`s hard to enter that place unless you`re a guess they will let you in mostly couples. So, we need you and Jaehyun to pretend like the two of you are a couple" Jeno spoke you`re about to complain but Johnny already did.
"Couple!? them!?" he exclaimed.
"Yeah, anything wrong with that?" Jeno questioned.
"Nothing" he responded almost whining.
The whole planning already finishes and you`re in your room with Johnny laying in your bed comfortably tossing around.
"I don`t get it out of all people in this house why you and Jaehyun?" Johnny complains while you dry your hair.
"There`s nothing wrong with that plus I think Jaehyun kinda look handsome" you try to test the water and how he would react.
"Yeah, right whatever do whatever you want"  Johnny rolled his eyes and you giggled at his response.
"Jealous now are we?" you teased.
"Me Jealous? no way" he said facing the other side of the bed.
"How about we date? I mean it`s not like we`re blood-related we can easily cut ties and we can announce it for the world to know after we make the Nakajimas fall. Sounds good yeah? no?" you ask him seriously and he faces you.
"Really? like for real? but I`m 2 years older than you thought" he said caressing your face softly.
"It`s not like we have a big age gap, why don`t we try it?" you talked scooting closer to him.
"I don`t see why not?" he replied and you smiled at him.
"Does this mean we`re official?" Johnny asks you.
"Yes, baby," you said teasingly.
"Call me that again," he said back.
"No way" you replied and he hugs you, you spend the whole night with Johnny and the two of you surely have fun. It`s doing okay until Kun decided to barge in your room without even knocking.
"We found Tajimamori Yamamoto he`s currently in Tokyo right now, Johnny we need to fly to Tokyo this might be the last chance that we have to find him," Kun said showing the taken picture of Tajimamori leaving his car.
"We`ll fly tomorrow morning we need Jungwoo to come with us, get everything ready" Johnny responds as you stay quiet.
"Go and pack your things, Kun I`ll book you a flight" you talk and Johnny looks at you before standing up.
"I`ll help you pack your things" you added and he gave you a peck on the lips.
"How many days do you think you will stay there?" you ask him.
"For at least 5 days or 7," he answered.
"Take care make sure you come back without any scars I don`t want to lose you like my dad" you softly said, caressing his face to your hands.
You helped Johnny pack his things and you already book them a flight that will leave tomorrow morning. You slept in Johnny`s room and you make sure to embrace him because you can`t see him personally for at least 5 days or 7.
You wake up without Johnny by your side instead you wake up with Doyoung and Haechan bickering outside the room door, you tried to cover your ears with the pillow but you decided that it`ll be better if you stand up and stop them.
"Finally you wake up! go and take a bath we have a lot of things to do today" Ten said pushing you to your room as you watch the house gets chaotic every second.
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"Tax evasion, Illegal drug dealing, murder, sexual assault. We can sue them by using this plus we have Tajimamori as a witness" you explain, gripping the marker your holding too hard that it makes your palms white.
"I can`t hack the system of Nakajima the file that holds their tax evasion can`t be open I need to be somewhere close to them," Ten said along with Doyoung, all of you think of a way to hack their system.
"Tremblay, Tremblay corp! we can enter Mr. Tremblay's office easily since he`s in Canada I heard that he will be back this Saturday. Mark, you can help us right? you're the only one who is closest to him" you talk as you wait for Mark`s answer.
"Yes, that`ll be easy since his secretary knows me. After that, we can finally file the case and go on, but the only problem is that Jungwoo texted me that they`re having a hard time since they land in Japan. Tajimamori seems to notice that they`re following him" Mark let out a sigh and so did you.
"Can we stop this for a moment there`s nothing but a problem here since I arrived," Mark said which makes you slightly offended at his statement?
"What did you just say?" you asked him with a stern voice.
"Look, Im tired okay?" Mark groaned.
"Neither am I but did you ever hear me complain!?" you fight back.
"Everything is not about you! not everything revolves around you so please if you don`t mind I`ll excuse myself for a moment" Mark leaves the room frustrated, he doesn`t know what`s wrong with him but he knows it`s wrong to let out his anger and frustration at you when you feel just the same way as him. He`s not been himself this fast few days because of what happened to your late father who treats him like he is his own son.
"Y`all can rest if you want, you can leave too if you want to, just say it you all know that I`m not forcing y`all into this," you speak softly before leaving the room with a small smile but deep inside you`re hurt.
You took a deep breath after leaving the room you saw Mark in the living room, you tried avoiding his gaze scared that he`s still not in the mood to talk. He`s watching the TV and you stop in your track when you heard the news, you look at the TV and you can see Wendy`s house and they blurred the body, you know it`s Wendy just by the body you know it`s her out of all people why does the world decide to be cruel to you.
"No, no, not her please tell me it`s not her" you broke down in tears as Mark catches you in his arms, you fell to your knees as your sobs et louder while Mark tries to comfort you. Jaehyun watch what`s happening in front of him, he does feel bad for you. You ran upstairs and grab your keys going outside with others trying to prevent you from leaving.
"Y/n, stop!" Mark`s hold your wrist while you look at him with teary eyes.
"No, Mark I have to see my best friend please, please let go" you remove his grip and he stays quiet as he watches your small figure enter your car.
You arrived at the hospital where you see your best friend's cold and pale body.
"How can they be so heinous!? why do they have to kill you!?" you cry in front of your best friend`s lifeless body.
"Just let it out" you look at the person beside you and it`s Jaehyun, did he follow you? you wiped your tears away standing back up.
"Why did you follow me?" you asked.
"Because you`re not in the right condition right now and I know there`s a lot more going on in your minds" you look at him, his side profile is surely attractive and also comforting.
"Thank you Jaehyun I know I just met you personally last week but I mean it" you spoke softly and he smiled, facing you, he holds you by your shoulders crouching down a little making an eye to eye level.
"It`s okay, I know you for a year now because of the investigation thingy I hope that doesn`t make you uncomfortable that I brought that up," He said showing his attractive smile.
"Forget about the couple thingy that we have to pretend I already talk to Mark, just like what he said earlier we can easily enter Mr. Tremblay`s office so try to worry less okay?" Jaehyun tries to comfort you as much as he can. The two of you go around the town making you forget about everything, you wish you can be with Johnny at a time like this but you know he`s in Japan.
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Three days have passed and you grew closer with Jaehyun, you expect Johnny to arrive tonight because they finally persuade Tajimamori to be the witness.
It`s past midnight and still no sign of Johnny so you decided to wait a little more until you just decided to go to bed and welcome him tomorrow morning.
"Babe? baby wake up" you slightly open your eyes because you feel someone poking your cheeks, your eyes are still blurry so can`t see the person clearly.
"Johnny?" you whispered.
"Yeah, it`s me sorry for waking you up I just need to hear your voice" you smile at his sweetness before going back to sleep.
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"Go inside I`ll wait here," Mark said, looking left to the right to check if anyone sees you and Jaehyun entering.
"Doyoung, Ten? we`re in" you said connecting the device they gave you to the pc. They started doing what they have to do as you watch closely when you can feel the cold metal in your neck.
"Jaehyun, what are you doing?" freezing at your position.
"Nothing, it`s just so funny how you trust me so easily Y/n" He let out a chortle.
"What do you really want?" you question with your eyes close.
"I`m the one who should ask you that, you said you want revenge but your revenge is too boring why don`t we spice it up a bit hmm?" Jaehyun spoke while you stay still.
"What do you want me to do then? Kill Takara?" you don`t where you get that kind of braveness because these days you`ve been down.
"Exactly, how about we do that just the two of us?" Jaehyun removes the blade that threatening to cut your skin.
Doyoung and Ten finish what they`re doing and you leave the building along with Mark, everyone that there`s something very different from how you`re acting since you leave the building but they didn`t mention it.
"Make sure to keep your promise" you whispered at Jaehyun.
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"I love you" Johnny whispered at you.
"I love you too," you said back.
"I want the world to know that you`re mine, you want that too baby?" Johnny said kissing your neck, softly marking you.
"Johnny please," you said with temptation in your voice.
"Please what baby?" Johnny asked you with a seductive voice.
"I want you inside me, I want you to touch me and make me feel so good" you whine making him let out a breathy chuckle at your eagerness.
"Will do princess" he answered.
That night you and Johnny take your time with feeling each other as if there`s no tomorrow for it.
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After that night you have been very distant to Johnny and almost everyone in the house can perceive it. You want to distance yourself because you don`t want him to be hurt so it`ll be better this way, it`s better this way. You keep convincing your day every single day that almost every day you argue with him because that`s the only way you can push him away, you want him not to love you anymore.
Today you saw Johnny with a girl and you can`t help but get jealous but what can you do? he`s still your boyfriend. Of course, you will get jealous but why now when you`re pushing him away.
"I told you already she`s an old colleague! nothing more!" Johnny said with a pissed voice.
"Yeah right, an old colleague who loves touching you did you even see yourself earlier you just let her!" you fight back with a loud voice that the boys outside can hear the two of you arguing.
"What kind of boyfriend do that!?" you continued.
"Woah, then what kind of girlfriend accused his own boyfriend of cheating when it`s not even real!" Johnny retorted making you quiet because it`s true and you don`t have anything about that.
"See? I`m right you keep pushing me off! you can`t even look me in the eyes these days and it`s making me sick, thinking what I have done to make you act like this. It`s so fucking tiring!" he retorted as he slammed the door when he leaves your room.
Everyone keeps themselves busy as if they never heard the argument between you and Johnny. Yes, they`re shocked about the relationship between you and him but it`s not their business to interfere.
You cry yourself to sleep while Johnny gets drunk to sleep, tomorrow is the day where you`re gonna meet up with Jaehyun in the place where the two of you talked about.
"I don`t get it! she keeps pushing me away and it hurts! do you know what I`m fucking saying Jaehyun!?" He said drinking beer to beer nonstop as Jaehyun watch his friend get drunk not even stopping him but why?
"Just give her some time maybe she`s tired" Jaehyun responded.
"I always do that but why is it not enough!?" Johnny cried out.
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"Envious causes jealousy and jealousy causes hatred, hatred turns Treacherous causing sins to one another," you said letting out a sarcastic chortle. 
"Revenge, you said you want your revenge and I`m more than happy and dreadful to help you" his eyes are flaming and burning fire the beast inside him threatening to come out as anger forms and creeps inside him.
"I`m still not satisfied" you retorted emphasizing each word that is coming out of your lips. 
"You drag me into this, this heinous sin that you`ve started is burning inside me. Now, everything doesn`t satisfy me anymore" you yelled the tension getting thicker and thicker. 
"Even though you`re gonna kill me you will get nothing, justice is in my palms in this accursed world," Takara intruded your arguing with Jaehyun, writhing her tied body on the chair. 
"Kill me!" Takara said shooting you a bloodshot glare that only makes your enjoyment alive as you slowly walk towards her with a gun in your hand. 
"Takara, Takara, Takara, you see this? this Russian pistol is what I`m going to use to kill you so don`t try me. Now, what part of your body should I shoot first? back of the head, chest, or maybe your mouth it`ll be more enjoyable that way honey. Oh, another idea maybe I should just strangle you to death" you give her face a few taps on her cheeks the leer in your eyes never leaving hers while she hitches her breath scared that any minute you can pull the trigger on her. 
"You have no conscience, do you?" Takara spoke again with a smirk forming on her lips making you more annoyed and tempted to kill her. 
"Of course I don`t, because you know what? It`s a pity the law doesn`t allow me to be merciful that`s what Javert said in Les Miserables and that`s literally me right now you Figlio di puttana!" you cursed breathily giving her a devilish grin making her slap you with her one free hand holding your face you glare at her, anger building up inside you. 
"Merde! do that again and I`ll kill you!" you hold her side to side eyes widening but Takara only laughs at you and you slap her too before you turn your back at her. 
"fuzakeru na! kill me so you can live longer and live in sorrow, happiness doesn`t exist in the world we`re born but the pain does" she shout with anger in her voice and now she reaches your limit.
"I know, want me to end your pain? then I will, I`ll make sure you suffer and Roth in hell! I will let you know what it feels like to be ripped every single day just like what you did to my best friend when she`s the only one who can understand me in this accursed world! you won`t be here if isn`t for your family`s greed, jealousy, and hatred towards mine!" You shout back pointing the gun at her turning back around to face her.
"A fanabla! Takara" you pull the trigger and shoot her straight at her chest making you fell on your knees with tears brimming in your eyes.
"Why am I even crying?" you wiped your tears away as you slowly stood up and spit to your side. 
"You want it, you get it. Ciao Takara" you laugh smirk is drawn on your lips as you walk out of the abandoned place with Jaehyun while whistling like a psycho.
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"Nice shoot out there" you`re startled by Jaehyun`s voice you thought Johnny was the one using your bathroom but when you turned around you`re eye to eye with Jaehyun water droplets falling from his abs with a towel covering his torso down.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" you said eyes widening.
"Using your bathroom obviously" he answered coming closer to you.
"and who permitted you to use it!? get out!" you pushed him away but he put his shirt back on luckily his wearing his shorts under his towel only to come closer dangerously close that you can feel his hot breath panning to yours.
You back away until the back of your knees hit the bed making you fall with Jaehyun hovering above you, you know this is wrong and you need to stop Jaehyun.
"Stop!" you keep moving away from him but before you can push him the door suddenly burst open with Johnny looking at the two of you his eyes screaming anger, jealousy, hate, and sadness he feels betrayed. He drops the bouquet on the floor grabbing Jaehyun by his collar.
"I trusted you, you bastard!" Johnny was about to throw a punch on Jaehyun when you stop him.
"Baby no it`s not like that, it`s not what you think it is" you plead, holding his arms.
"So, this is the reason why you`ve been so distant to me lately huh?" Johnny glares at you, this is the first time you see him this fuming mad.
"What the fuck!? of course not!" you defended.
Within a second he throws a punch at Jaehyun which Jaehyun gives back at him you tried to stop them but they are much stronger compared to you.
"Johnny please stop" you shout at them making them stop from gripping each other.
Johnny fixes his clothes giving you a painful glance before leaving, why the fuck are you crying when Johnny is the one in pain right now. You quickly follow him not giving a fuck about Jaehyun.
"Johnny please wait, listen to me please, just please" you plead as you grab a hold of his wrist there`s also a tear escaping his eyes which breaks you more.
"Stop! stop okay? I don`t need any of your explanation" he said coldly before shutting the door of his room.
You stand there dumbfounded with your eyes brimming in tears you go back to your room Jaehyun is trying to apologize but it angers you more, irritating you more, hurting you more.
"Get the fuck out of my sight!" you exclaimed as you push him away.
"I don`t want your apology, your sorry won`t fix anything okay!? now live me the fuck alone!" you`re livid and you`re in your pain. Why are you always the one receiving the pain?
Jaehyun doesn`t say anything anymore leaving you alone, you cried your eyes out. You lost your father, you lost wendy, you lost Johnny. What else do they want to take away from you? sometimes you just wanna sleep and get deep in it so you will never wake up in this realm.
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"Johnny listen to me! what you saw there is nothing I swear please, just please at least talk to her. I`m sorry" Jaehyun rub his face using his palms out of stress and frustration while guilt is creeping up in his body.
"Quit with your bullshits! what do you want me to do? believe you after you deceive me by using Y/n? do you think I didn`t know that the two of you killing Takara? Well, fuck this because Y/n didn`t really kill her! It`s Kun" Johnny retorted. Well, Jaehyun is not shocked about Kun killing Takara since he`s an International agent. He glares at Jaehyun who`s speechless at his older friend's outburst.
"Okay, that shit is on me but don`t let it out on her for fuck sake Johnny the one you witness earlier is not what you think it is! I use her bathroom and decided to tease her not seduce her" A sigh escape Johnny`s lips throwing his head back out of mixed emotion.
"Get out I need some time alone" Johnny spoke without looking at his friend, he let his body fall on the mattress running his hands to his face.
You`ve been lying in your bed for a few hours now and so did Johnny making everyone worried and they didn`t even see a single glimpse of Jaehyun. You`re ashamed so ashamed to talk and face them, you`re the one who plans this revenge but you end up ruining it. Of course, you know it`s not you who kill Takara, you heard it from Johnny and there`s nothing more to deny it.
You really want to see him, you really want to feel him, you really want to apologize. Gathering your courage getting a little bit shameless you got up from your bed opening the door you flinch slightly when you see Johnny standing in front of you, his fist in the air maybe he's about to knock? there`s an awkward tension between the two of you. His eyes that full of love every day is now emotionless.
"D-do you want to come in?" you manage to let out but he didn`t say anything.
He cups your face landing his soft lips on yours pulling you back inside your room. He closes the door using his feet, you pull away from him avoiding his intense gaze. He softly touches your chin making you look at him before kissing you again this time it`s passionate and slow. You want him to stop, you really do but you can`t resist him. Within a moment you`re kissing him back too.
A soft moan escapes your lips as you and Johnny let your body fall on the mattress. Johnny hovering above you makes you feel small underneath him it awaken your inner desires. Johnny leaves traces of wet kisses on your neck making you yearn for his touch. He removes his shirt and so did you, throwing it somewhere in the room.
Tongues pressed together in a hot open-mouthed kiss as he kneaded your breast his other hands slowly making it`s way to your clothed core slowly removing it he rub your sensitive clit.
He stops for a moment before pulling away making you whine lightly at the sudden loss of contact. He removes his pants and boxer tossing it somewhere in the room again before positioning himself in between your legs, pushing in slowly his thrust is deep and slow making you moan in pleasure.
"I-I`m sorry" you let out breathily.
His thrust getting a little bit faster making you grip the sheets as he buried his face at the crook of your neck. You know this will be the last time you can feel him this close to you, the last time you can feel his love for you, the last time he will make you feel loved.
"D-don`t stop please" you stuttered out as tears fall from your eyes.
"Don`t cry you know it hurts me too" he kisses your tears away, his thrust getting sloppy as you can feel yourself about to reach your orgasm.
"Baby I`m gonna cum" you moaned gripping him tightly throwing your head back.
"Neither am I, cum for me," he said softly.
He goes to the bathroom to clean you up and getting a shirt in your closet which is his shirt.
"Is this the last time?" you asked him as he slid the shirt in your body before covering you with the blanket.
"Please, I`m sorry. I`ll do anything for you just please don`t leave me you know you`re the only one I have" you cried. You know you still have the others who treat you like their own sister but Johnny is different.
"Y/n our love it`s not just about holding on sometimes it`s about letting go too it`s treacherous if we love each other in this time it can lead to something else" He manages to speak despite of the lump forming in his throat. You sob in his shoulder clutching his shirt not wanting to let go.
"You need to rest, I want you to close your eyes until you heard the door close. Promise me to not open it" you nodded removing your grip on his shirt, you softly lay in your bed. Johnny kissed you on the forehead, you cry more when you can`t feel his warmth close to you anymore.
You heard the soft click of the door closing, you keep your promise you didn`t open your eyes. The memories you made with him flashes in your mind as you fall asleep.
Johnny stops midway before getting his luggage in his room "I love you" he whispered while looking at your room`s door. Proceeding to do his thing with tears brimming out of his eyes.
It`s currently 2:00 AM now and Jaehyun is accompanying Johnny to the airport.
"I`m sorry for what I`ve done I didn`t mean it as that" Jaehyun asks for forgiveness which Johnny gives back with a smile.
"It`s really not your fault and not Y/n`s fault I really have to do this" Johnny said but Jaehyun didn`t get it.
"Do you really have to leave?" Jaehyun asks once again Johnny nodded before leaving his friend alone the smile on his face quickly fades away as sadness took over it.
“I let go because I want you to hold on a little more longer I`ll promise to be back” Johnny said while tears slowly fall from his eyes, looking at the picture the two of you took together.
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‘It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves’ - William Shakespeare
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198 notes · View notes
nyx-aira · 4 years
Hi! I was thinking of a young Agatha Harkness x reader fic//one shot where after her fight with the coven, Agatha finds a cottage in the woods to wait out the aftermath, but it turns out reader lives there? I love your work btw!
End my suffering
Requested by @booklovinbi and @midnight-lestrange
Request #2: Hey, can you please do where y/n has kinda the same powers as Wanda, but her color is blue, and she has a fight with Agatha (for who she has feelings, because they were getting close/same for Agatha) During the fight y/n loses and maybe gets seriously injured and waits Agatha to kill her, but instead Agatha kneels and carry her back home, where she takes care of y/n. In the end Agatha kisses y/n and then Agatha is ready to leave but y/n takes her hand and pulls closer for the kiss. Could you write it?
Summary: Agatha is accused of breaking the rules of the coven. As things spiral out of control she injures you badly. What is she going to do now?
A/N: I mixed your requests, I hope that was alright. I didn't follow them exactly but I still hope you like them. Also thank you so much for 200 followers guys, you're amazing.
TW!: Angst, mention of violence, brief mention of blood, brief description of injuries (let me know if I need to add anything)
Tag list: @escapetodreamworld @midnight-lestrange @king-star @ynscrazylife @booklovinbi @mysticfalls01 @adorkwithaplan
The coven had been your home as long as you could remember, growing up there and learning magic as the town folk had cast you out after they killed your mother, falsely accused of witchcraft, it was quite ironic if you thought about it, sending the one away that was actually a witch. You owed the coven your life and you were endlessly grateful for that, loyal until death.
That's why you didn't question it when you were told to meet up by the waterfalls at midnight. Waiting with your sisters you heard her before you could even see her, pleading with the witches dragging her through the forest, fear clearly visible on her face, Agatha. She was brought onto the platform and bound to the stake, magic bonds restricting her movements. Struggling she looked around, scared, terrified. You hid your face under your hood, averting your gaze, you didn't like this but you had faith in the head witch, believing there must be a good reason for this.
And so the trial began.
"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch"
"Yes I am a witch."
She still struggled against her bonds, fear visible on her face but there was something in her voice, something that made your skin crawl and hands shake.
"Yet you have betrayed your coven."
You gasped at that, growing angry, how dare she betrayed your sisterhood. Revealing yourselves you caught her gaze, shock and hurt crossing her features as she recognised you but you only sent her an icy glare.
"I have not."
"You stole knowledge above your age and station, you practiced the darkest of magic."
"I know..I know nothing of these crimes."
She was becoming desperate, you could hear it in her voice, pleading with the head witch for her to believe her.
"I..I swear it."
"Enough deception!"
At these words Agathas demeanour changed, she stopped struggling against her bonds, straightening up to her full height, all the fear gone from her face, replaced with something you could only identify as pride.
"I did not break your rules. They simply bent to my power."
At this she smirked, watching with delight as the faces of your sisters fell in shock, bathing in the feeling of recognition and fear. You stared at her, unbelieving of what she just said. You knew Agatha, you knew her very well, she was power-hungry and malicious but you could have never fathomed that she'd ever do something like this. Seeing your shocked expression she straightened up a little bit more, the mischievous glint in her eyes glowing brighter.
With a nod of the head witch your sisters began chanting, slowly at first, growing louder every second.
Agathas confident smirk vanished at that, getting replaced by tremendous fear as she realised what was about to happen.
Her pleas were ignored as they continued the chant. Feeling the familiar rush of magic surge through your body you focused on the task at hand, ignoring the little voice in your head that told you to stop, not wanting Agatha to get hurt.
"No. I can’t control it! I..."
The chanting grew louder, drowning out the desperate cries of the chained witch.
"If only you would teach me! Help me! Please!"
Agatha tried to catch your eyes, you could feel her staring at you, her desperate cries making your heart clench in doubt, a single tear running down your face. Your feelings threatening to break your concentration you pushed them away, ignoring the pain it brought you.
"Mother, please."
You looked up at these words. Mother. You didn't know that. Hadn't been aware that Agatha was the daughter of the head witch. Dread started to settle in the pit of your stomach, you knew how this was gonna end and you found it hard enough already to even think about it. But Agatha was her daughter....
"Please! Mother!"
Ignoring the desperate cries of her daughter the head witch join in the chant. Horror manifested on Agathas face, screaming for help, pleading, but nobody listened to her. It dawned to her that this was the end, she was gonna die.
A guttural scream tore itself from her body as she was blasted with the spell. Screaming her lungs out, her cries so loud they must be heard from miles away, her body shaking under the force of the energy, knees buckling, only the chains holding her in place.
Tears streaming down your face as you continued to focus your energy on the screaming witch, the sounds of her agony making you sick, you never wanted this. But your loyalty was to the coven, no matter how hard it made your heart ache and break in two.
You realised something was wrong when you saw the frightened look on her mother's face.
Agatha grunted, her pained screams turning into something else, the blue energy turning purple, capturing you and your sisters, holding you in place. Agatha looked around, seemingly surprised at the new development, her face changing from agony into something more sinister, something more Agatha.
You felt her magic hit you as you screamed out in pain, falling to the ground, ending the chant in an instant. You robbed away on your knees, coughing and panting, your whole body felt like it was burning and you had trouble breathing, everything becoming a blurry mess.
You couldn't see what was happening but judging by the pained screams of your sisters and the dark magic in the air it wasn't good. You groaned, getting up to your knees, a scream getting stuck in your throat when you looked into the dead face of one of your sisters, her lifeless corpse laying in front of you. Scared you looked around to see all of them dead, turned into corpses, no more than rotten flesh and bones.
Your head whipped around when you heard another scream. Looking at the scene that played in front of you, you saw mother and daughter facing each other.
Agatha was getting burned by her own mother. The head witch flying high in the air, focusing all of her energy on Agatha, trying to kill her. But it wasn't working, the blue energy turned purple, the head witch grunting as she started to crumble, turning older until her corpse hit the floor, the lifeless body dropping down not far from you.
You watched as Agatha looked at her hands, seemingly surprised by the sheer power of her magic. Shrugging it of she grasped the end of her dress as she ascended the stairs of the podium, looking like the dark goddess she was.
You held your breath as she crouched down in front of her mother, taking the brooch from her neck and pocketing it. She got up to leave when she caught a glimpse of you, still moving, alive. Her face darkening she marched towards you, hands igniting with purple magic, eyes pitch black and full of hatred, she was angry.
Your eyes widened in horror as she stalked towards you, frantically trying to get up. Your head was pounding, everything was spinning and you just felt sick. You're whole body burning like it was on fire but at the same time shivers rocked your limbs, making it impossible to move, not taking your trobbing leg and hurting ribs into consideration. It was quite possible that you had broken a couple of bones when you were slammed against the tree. Your head was starting to ring as you tried to stay conscious, the pain intensifying, you felt like you were burning on the inside, your body aflame.
In an weak attempt to protect yourself you tried to bring up an energy field, a spike of agony shooting through you as you tried. It felt like you were being ripped apart, your magic attacking you, hurting you. A feral scream tore itself from your throat, tears blurring your vision even more, feeling something drip down your nose you realised it was blood. The torturous sensation continued to move through your body, stealing your breath, making you feel like your organs were torn apart.
Black spots started to appear on your vision and you dug your nails into your thighs, trying to stay awake, trying to distract yourself from the hell you were going through. It wasn't working, the pain becoming too much you let out another strangled gasp, forcing some air into your lungs, everything was on fire, your body burning from within.
You didn't realised you were crying, tears mixing with the blood on your face, you couldn't take it anymore.
You heard footsteps move in your direction. In your pained agony you somehow managed to open your eyes, recognising the familiar silhouette of Agatha and her purple magic.
You stared at her for a long time, laying bloodied and bruised on the ground, dying. You took all of your strength to say the next words, feeling like knives slit your throat as you did.
"Please...just end my suffering..please.."
You pleaded with the other witch, your voice nothing more than a whisper, bringing you immense pain just from speaking. You wanted it to end, you couldn't take it anymore. Waiting for Agatha to bring you mercy you didn't realise she was crying, crouching in front of your broken body, not knowing what to do.
She had hurt you, she had done this to you, it dawned to her. Horror prominent on her face, this was her doing. Agatha let out a wrenched sob, clutching her chest, this was her fault, she had hurt you, had cursed you.
And now you were so scared of her that you were pleading with her to kill you, seeing it as the only option.
In your fragile state you realised that she was moving towards you, expecting the final blow you shut your eyes, praying that your pain would end.
Instead you felt gentle fingers on your forehead, soothing your pain and caressing your face. You instinctively leaned into the touch, seeking the feeling of calmness and peace that emitted from Agatha. She carefully turned you around, pulling your head in her lap, laying her hands on your chest she began chanting a spell you weren't familiar with, purple glow surrounding both of you, a familiar feeling surging through your body. The pain became less prominent, the feeling of burning up inside turning more into a fever than actually hurting you. Your head cleared up as well, still fuzzy but you could form a coherent thought again without screaming in agony.
After what seemed like an eternity the purple glow faded, leaving you exhausted, tired and still in a lot of pain, groaning as you felt your definitely broken ribs.
Agatha laid a soothing hand on your cheek, whispering comforting words as she shifted her position, a jolt of pain moving through your body at that. She apologised immediately and in your hallucinating state you could have sworn she pressed a short kiss on your cheek.
Gently hoisting you up she picked you up bridal style, whining at the movement your head lolled to the side, burying it in her neck.
The last thing you remembered was Agatha tightening her hold on you and the rush of wind, then everything went black pulling you into blissful nothingness.
When you woke up everything hurt, your head was ringing, your chest was hurting and you were sore, everywhere. You groaned, trying to sit up but a gentle hand pressed you back down, the scent of lavender and magnolia hitting your nose. You abruptly open your eyes, staring at Agatha who sat perched on the edge of your bed, still holding your hand, a concerned look on her face. You looked up at her in panic and saw silent tears running down her cheeks, her lip quivering.
"I'm so sorry angel."
You wanted to answer her but your voice was raspy and it just hurt using it, in fact everything hurt, making you feel tired and exhausted.
Agatha passed you a glass of water, gently holding your head as you greedily gulped down the liquid, spilling a little bit on the covers. She placed the glass back on the nightstand and checked your head for your fever, sighing in relief as it had gone down significantly the last couple hours.
Starting to shift in bed you let out a horrified gasp as you saw your body. You were only wearing a long linen top and the sight that greeted you was horrifying. Your whole torso was covered in cuts and bruised, bandages wrapped around your chest and left leg, your skin a mix between blues and purples.
"I tried to heal as much damage as I could, love, you have to believe me but even my magic has its limits, I'm so so sorry."
You could hear the sadness in her voice, the guilt and the pain at seeing you like that. Agatha was devastated and she didn't try to hide it.
The next days passed in a similar manner. Agatha taking care of you, making you food, reminding you to drink and changing your bandages. You still didn't know where you were or how exactly you got there but as you could barely move from the bed you decided that answering these questions could wait.
You were still very weak, dizzy spells hitting you out of nowhere and your limbs still sore. You were tired all the time, spending most of the day either sleeping or somewhere between conscious and the alluring darkness that sometimes threatened to overcome you.
Agatha was at your side most of the time, not comfortable with leaving you alone since you had passed out on day three, giving her a major scare. She would often sit by your side, reading some kind of spell book or practicing some easy spells. Her presence had a calming effect on you, her magic pulsing through the air and sparks of it landing on your skin. It felt different than before, darker, more powerful but not with an ill intent behind it. It was more of an old friend, welcome you back, it was alive and dangerous and you found yourself more often than not captivated by the powerful witch next to you, weaving spells through the air, her dark magic singing to you.
Your magic had changed as well, what had been blue energy before was now orange with a hint of pink. You didn't understand it, neither did Agatha but something had happened, something had changed inside of you, inside both of you and it was showing.
It was another stormy afternoon, rain hitting the windows and wind howling outside. You were feeling better now, able to walk around the cabin which was located in a part of the forest you've never been before. You're broken bones had been healed completely, curtsey of Agatha who had been going through all the spell books available to find the right healing potion. The dizzy spells were gone as well but the darkness lurking in the corner of your mind, luring you to follow it was still there, still prominent and it was tempting. Your magic did not return to its original colour, it also changed in its appearance, more of glowing whisps than the crackling blue energy it was before. You also felt different, more aware, more awake and most importantly, you could feel Agatha. Her emotions and feelings, tickling the corners of your mind. She was a mess. Guilt and sadness still dominant, feeling responsible for you. There was also something else, something you couldn't decipher but it left you feeling lighthearted and giddy.
You were sitting by the window seat reading one of Agatha’s spell books, more complicated than any spell book the coven had ever allowed you to read, you found out that you liked Agatha’s method of learning way better. Trying out a new spell the coral mist weaved around your hands, turning into an energy ball and then back into the unassuming whisps that always followed you around. You couldn't stop it and Agatha didn’t know why either. You figured you didn't mind, it was as if your magic was protecting you, always following you around if the need to defend yourself should arise. Putting the book back on the shelf you looked around your little cabin, it had become your home in the last few weeks, deeply hidden in the forest, surrounded by so many protecting spells you had lost count. You liked it here, the quiet of the forest and the closeness to nature, it was peaceful.
Agatha was out collecting some herbs and flowers, you had offered to go with her but she was still fussing over you, always making sure you were okay, having her hands on your body in any way, shape or form. Holding your hand while you were sitting together and reading, sitting close to you when you were having lunch, her leg brushing up against yours, an arm around you if you were taking a small walk, almost as if she'd expect you to fade out of existence this very moment. You didn't mind if you were being honest, you liked the way she cared about you, like she genuinely cared for you. It made you feel all fluttery and giddy but you dismissed the feeling as just being happy you weren't alone.
Roaming around the cabin you searched for something to pass the time as you waited for Agatha to return. Settling for reading some poetry you walked back to the window seat, tucking your feet unter your body you started reading, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the windows as the rain started to get heavier.
You didn't hear the door open or Agatha stepping inside, too focused on your poems. That's why you let out a shrill shriek as you felt her cold hands on your neck. You whipped your head around to see her smiling down at you, a mischievous glint in her eyes. You both started laughing and had to take a moment to calm down again.
Wiping tears out of your eyes you looked at her, the rain had made her hair somewhat curly, a rosy tint to her cheeks from the cold outside, her hooded cape hiding most of her dress and corset. You found yourself lost in her baby blue eyes, the colour reminding you of the stormy sea and the rainy sky, you were mesmerised by her beauty. Shaking your head you came back to reality, Agatha looking at you with the same look she had on her face every time she looked at you. There was this feeling again, the feeling you couldn't decipher, not even with your newfound powers.
"What are we making for dinner today?"
Your voice seemed to snap her out of her thoughts and she took of her cape, placing the basket with flowers and herbs on the counter. She had also brought some vegetables from your little garden outside the cabin. You've always had a green thumb and magic didn't limit you to seasonal vegetables and berries which was useful if you were living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Walking over to the fireplace you looked at what you had to work with, Agatha stepping right behind you, her hand draped around your waist.
"See something you can work with hun?"
The nickname made you blush as you sorted through your ingredients, seemed like today's dinner was gonna be vegetable soup and some of the bread you had made a couple days ago.
While Agatha was magically cutting vegetables you were hearing the fireplace, lighting it with a flick of your hand, the coral mist protecting your hands from the orange flames. Preparing dinner together you and Agatha whirled around the kitchen, the other witch always touching you in some way, whether that was her just "passing by" or needing something from behind you, brushing your hand when she passed you something. Her actions made you smile, the fluttery feeling returning to your stomach and you couldn't brush it of as easy anymore.
As you waited for the soup to finish you cleaned up the kitchen and Agatha set the table, moving plates and glasses through the air, the familiar feeling of her magic present. You felt two arms wrap around you waist and you gasped in surprise as you felt her warm body pressed against your.
"Take a seat dear, I'll handle the rest."
Ignoring your protests she stirred you to the table, pulling out a chair for you and making you sit down. She squeezed your hand and gave you a short kiss on the head, rubbing your arm as she continued to clean the kitchen, making a show out of it to make you laugh.
You were wheezing from her dance number with the broom, Agatha dramatically giving a bow in your direction and shooting you a not so subtle wink.
She brought over the tray with the soup and bread, the tray floating besides her as she gracefully took a seat, placing down the food in front of you.
She was telling you about her walk in the woods, how she had seen a baby fox and the beautiful flowers she found near a cliff. You were mesmerised by her voice, wanting to listen to her for hours, just hearing her talk made you feel at peace. Made you feel at home.
As the sun set the two of you moved to the living room, cuddling close to each other as the cold of the night started to set in. You both had your magic to keep you warm but this didn't stop you from laying your head on Agatha’s shoulder, shuffling closer to her side as she began to read out of your poetry book you had spent the afternoon with.
You felt yourself getting tired as she continued to read, burying your face in the crook of her neck, her fingers absently stroking your hair as she recited old poems about love and passion.
Agatha smiled down on your sleeping form as she put the book away, careful not to wake you. She looked at your relaxed face, a little smile on your lips. You were beautiful. She had always thought you were but with her strict mother and the coven she had always pushed these feelings aside, having had more important matters at hand. But now, now there was no denying that she had fallen for you, had fallen for you a long time ago. The last couple of weeks had shown her that, she loved waking up to you bustling around the cabin, always finding new things to do. She realised that she never wanted to live without you ever again. The reason why you were here reminding her that her perfect little world could easily be crushed. The images of you laying on the forest floor still haunting her dreams sometimes, making her want to climb into your bed and hold you close, never ever letting you go. She had sworn herself that she would protect you, no matter what she had to sacrifice for it.
Gently getting up from the couch she picked you up, carrying you to your shared room, carefully placing you on your bed, tucking you under the covers she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
Getting up to go to her own bed she felt your hand grasp hers, looking at you she saw you half asleep looking up at her with a loving smile on your face.
"Stay please."
Your request caught her off guard but she quickly caught herself as she climbed under the covers, you body cuddling close to her the minute she did. Wrapping her arms around you she pulled you closer, savouring the feeling of your body so close to her. She felt you bury your head in her chest, mumbling something that sounded an awful lot like I love you, her heart starting to pound faster at these words. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ears she closed her eyes, feeling happy and content as you fell asleep in her arms.
"I love you too angel, I love you too."
You woke to the sun shining through the window, grumbling you flicked your hand to draw the curtains when you heard a slight chuckle from behind you. Agatha. You remembered last night, how you had asked her to stay and how good it had felt to fall asleep in her arms, giving you the feeling of safety and home. You turned around to see her proped up on her elbow, a beautiful smile visible on her face.
"Good morning sweetheart."
"Have you been watching me all this time?"
Her cheeks started to turn a scarlet hue at your question. She nervously looked down at her hands, playing with little whisps of her magic.
"I didn't had the heart to wake you, you were sleeping so peacefully dear."
Now it was your turn to blush, your cheeks turning the colour of your magic that always surrounded you. It wavered around your hands, like the fog that surrounded your cabin in the mornings.
You looked at Agatha, messy hair framing her face, piercing blue eyes staring at you as if you were the single most important thing in the world, purple magic swirling around her hands. She looked like a goddess.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a hand caressing your face, you looked up to see Agatha hovering over your body, holding your hand, your faces so close you could feel her hot breath. You gave a her a short nod and at that she closed the gap in between the two of you.
Your hands tangled in her hair, pulling her closer, her body flush on your. This kiss was everything you dreamed it would be and so much more. You felt like your nerves were on fire, the only thing you could feel was Agatha and her magic. It curled around you, making your skin tingle and cheeks flush, melting together with your own magic, intensifying the experience. You felt Agatha deepen the kiss and you let her, pouring all your emotions into it, never wanting it to end. You could feel every single emotion of the witch on top of you, happiness, adoration, joy, passion and love, so much love. You could feel her, feel her soul spark with joy as she finally had found you, finally had found the missing piece, her other half, her soulmate.
When you broke apart the room was basked in purple and coral light, your magic swirling around the room, connected with each other. You looked at Agatha who had a loving smile on her face. She pulled you up and you were basically pulled into her lap. Cradling your face you could see some tears in the corner of her eyes. Wiping them away she speaks, her voice not more than a whisper.
"Please tell me this is not a dream."
You shake your head and take her hands in yours, absently drawing small circles on them.
"No definitely not a dream."
At this Agatha smiles, crushing her lips on yours for another passionate kiss.
You knew the future wasn't gonna be easy but together you were unstoppable.
You had found your missing half, your soulmate.
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weirdochick56 · 3 years
The Bodyguard 2- Bucky Barnes AU
Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
Warnings: Explicit language, insults, snark, and sassy!Buckster sexy times (ok, so maybe only slightly sexy)
Disclaimers: I don’t own any MCU plots or Characters mentioned
Word Count: 5, 173 words
Summary: The Reader and Bucky’s hate for eachother is at an all time high; she can’t seem to rid herself of him and he, well he can’t seem to get her to cooperate with him. But as their frustrations grow, a late-night outing might just be what they both need to see other parts of eachother. 
A/n: This has been a long time in the making, but I finally felt inspired enough to continue the story. Hope you enjoy it!
~The Bodyguard 1~
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“You can stop following me now,” you grumble with thorny irritation, rolling your eyes at the tall persistent shadow staying hot on your tail. 
It was in vain to ask him to leave, you knew. Agent Brainless was ridiculously adamant about following you around the moment you stepped foot outside of the palace and he was -infuriatingly so- a stubborn man.
How he knew that you were leaving even when you had concocted what you considered a genius plan to evade those infuriatingly pretty grey irises was beyond you.
He sighs at your words, and you can see the annoyance bubbling to the surface of his cold professional exterior, though he tries his hardest to keep a straight face. 
“Your highness, I think we both know I won’t do that,” he responds simply. “Now if you would please stop being so stubborn and simply do as I ask and come with me to the car so that this is easier for us both...” 
You can tell his patience is wearing thin because, in the past few weeks of having him follow you everywhere you went, you had made it a point to figure out his exact breaking point. 
And as you continue making your escape to town like he isn’t even there, you know that so is yours. If there’s anything that can give you that deep burning satisfaction you sought with everything you did, it was pissing Agent Barnes off.
He had patiently asked you to retreat back the way you came so he could “safely” transport you in a castle-owned car, but you refused redundantly because your friend was already waiting for you, but maybe also because you loved the little twitch of his eye every time you refused to listen to his directions.
If you were being completely honest, he really should’ve been asking you to come back to the castle and not go to a club in town at all- as per your father’s orders. But you weren’t fond of said orders and you definitely didn’t want some dark and mysterious shadow following you around during a night of fun with friends. 
“No,” is all you say because in the few minutes you’ve spent talking to him you’ve noticed he’s the most infuriated when your responses are curt and nonchalant. 
You want to see him snap oh so bad...seeing those steely grays lose their cool? Gold. 
“Princess...” he growls in warning, daring you to cut that little thread of control he had left in him with your sharp tongue. 
You don’t look back at him even once enjoying the thrill that travels up your spine at his low-timbre words and the way his voice travels straight to your core, tugging at your short black dress lightly. 
You wanted to see what he would do should he be pushed over the edge. It was fun.
“I already told you, I’m not listening to you. My friend is already waiting for me. And I’m sorry if you have an issue with- Ahh!” Your words choke back into your throat and morph into a shocked yelp when big rough hands grip your hips, spinning you around and without much of a warning, lifting you with incredible ease.
Before you know it, you’re being carelessly thrown over a broad, strong shoulder.
You let out a small ‘oomph’ when the wind gets knocked out of you and all you see is a firm ass, the blood rushing to your head. 
“What the hell do your think you’re doing you absolute buffoon?!” You screech hysterically, wriggling aggressively against his hold on your thighs. 
He barely flinches, only wrapping his muscular arm tighter around your legs and adjusting you on his shoulder like it was a mere midnight stroll for him and you weighed no more than what a feather did. 
“I’m taking you to the car,” he informs as if it’s obvious, voice full with obnoxious satisfaction. 
“Get your filthy hands off me this instant you utter and complete idiot!” You growl, twisting harshly but he doesn’t let go so you start pounding on his firm back with your fists, fighting to free yourself of him. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!”
He just laughs at what seems to be your weak attempts to break away. He laughs.
You gasp at the absolute and complete audacity he has of laughing when he’s treating you, the single heir to the Androvian throne, like a sack of potatoes. 
“You ass!” You wriggle around some more, tugging at his hands to try to pry them off your legs but all he does is smack them away as if they were mere pesky flies. 
“I may be,” he chokes back a small snort but only barely. “But at least I’m the only ass trying to keep your reckless self in check, princess.”
Indignation, humiliation, and utter vexation all burn deep inside you like a thrumming fire ready to ravage everything in its way when it got the chance to escape your body as you slowly fall limp against him. 
Resignation comes hand in hand with the deep desire for revenge and you fist your hands in deep ache to somehow exercise it. 
He carries you all the way to the garage of cars in the back part of the castle, walks over to a black SUV out of all the expensive cars to choose from, opens it and all but throws you into the back leather seats like you’re not a fucking human, much less the princess of the land he’s currently stepping in. 
You land flat on your back in the smooth leather interior of the luxury SUV with a small thud and instantly sit up to glare at him heatedly. “Do you have any idea who I am? Be gentle, you brute!” 
Annoyingly enough, he simply ignores you and leans over your body. His heat floods through your bare skin and feels good for a second and you subtly inhale his musky scent as he tugs on the seatbelt, roughly pulling it over you. 
You forget about your hatred for him for a split second and that only makes you angrier when it comes back full force. 
You fucking idiot, Y/n. 
In a last and desperate attempt of defiance, you try to push his hands away to which he responds by firmly pressing you back by your shoulder into your seat and staring you dead in the eye with blazing grey eyes. 
The fire that swirls in them is...something. Not necessarily scary, but intimidating and...something else.
Something that makes your skin flush and your nerves throb to life. 
You stare right back, tilting your chin up to show him you weren’t backing down or scared of him and his brute force. He got too under your skin and you knew you got under his which only offered you only a limited amount of comfort. 
He clenches his jaw as he clicks the seatbelt into place, never looking away from your challenging gaze. As if to stick another dagger into your burning insides. As if to reassert his power here. 
Your labored breaths are all that can be heard for miles to come in the calm night air and he leans close for a second, your heaving chests gently brushing.
Not meaning for it to happen, you feel your nipples harden beneath the flimsy fabric of your black party dress and you wonder if you imagine his hands clenching around your shoulder -his fingers digging into your flesh with suppression- or the sly flick of his eyes from your eyes to your lips. 
You wonder if you imagine the look of heat that passes over his eyes when your breaths mix the second time seems to stop and an overwhelming emotion washes over you. 
But then it’s gone as soon as it came and hatred burns deep in your belly once more. So deep that it hurts and brings painful tears to your eyes, your nose burning so hard you can’t focus through your blurry vision.
You lean in closer, so close your nose is brushing just barely against his and pause for a second. A second of torture for him, a second of uncertainty, a second where his breath catches and his pupils dilate. 
Then you speak, voice trembling with overwhelming anger. 
“I have never,” you whisper, licking your lips. “Been treated with such disrespect.” You swallow hard, cheeks red with humiliation. 
You see a flash of guilt in his eyes but it’s quickly replaced by his usual look of cool professionalism- not even anger anymore. Not even that.
And he leans right back into you, a wave of heat passing over both of you. “Then learn to listen next time. It’s for your safety.” 
And just like that he’s drawing back, slamming the passenger door closed and climbing into the driver’s seat- leaving you cold and angry beyond reason.
A moment of tense silence passes before he releases a tiny sigh and breaks it by turning on the ignition. 
“Where are we going?”
I watch her laugh at something one of her friends says from a dark corner of the club and it’s hard not to stare for reasons other than my duty being just that...to look after her. 
The club was a luxurious one, with high ceilings, intricate designs and a VIP section where we were immediately escorted to.
Her Highness’s friends, a blonde guy and girl who had nodded at me in polite acknowledgment were already waiting for her there and I assumed that the few seconds when she had stopped her sulking and taken out her phone from her clutch were the seconds she was texting her friends to meet her there instead. 
I would never admit it, but I enjoyed watching her cave. It was like taming a wild horse, even if momentarily. 
Princess Y/n was a brat, plain and simple. Selfish, childish, and feisty as hell, I had never met anyone as completely and utterly vexing as her and to say these past few weeks had been hell would be an understatement. 
If I wasn’t so good at my job, I would’ve lost her already. She threw me for a loop any chance she got, cutting corners and doing everything she could to avoid my protection. 
As I stared at her with that pretty ass smile on her annoyingly beautiful face, it’s hard to imagine that that was the same person pushing every single one of my buttons just a few minutes before. 
She actually looked relaxed and...nice?
God, she infuriated me in ways I had no idea I could be infuriated, discovered buttons I didn’t know I had and pushed them to the point I had to throw her over my damn shoulder like a sack of flour.
I was a professional, for God’s sake. Had always been one with every single one of the cases I was assigned, so why was she the one to get under my skin?
...And why did I enjoy having her perfectly round ass so close to my face? Why did I keep thinking about the defiance in those stupidly big eyes over and over like I....craved it?
I wondered to myself as I watched her take down a shot by the bar. She glanced at me over her shoulder, still smiling, but it quickly melted away when our gazes clashed and my own mood soured instantly. 
I grimaced when she looked away as if I had burnt her with my eyes and quickly pulled my head out of the gutter. 
The fact that she was utterly gorgeous didn’t change how annoying she was. Not to mention I was here on a job. 
One I fully intended to complete, no matter how fucking difficult the client was.
The night moves on at a slow pace for me. The princess parties and I watch her like a hawk, making sure not to let her get too wild. 
So far I had pried off five guys who were trying their luck with her. From what I’d read on her file and the extensive research I’d done online, her face wasn’t really well known. 
She was always kept  secret and would be until she was crowned queen of Androvia- some weird old belief or something- so not many people knew what she looked like. 
Meaning, these guys probably didn’t know who they were trying to get all handsy with on the dance floor and would only assume was some rich daddy’s girl once my towering form appeared and nicely escorted them away. 
For the most part nicely, anyway. Some I had to get a little rougher with. 
I make sure to keep my eyes glued on her form, ignoring the way she moved her hips in that tiny black dress. It hugged her alluring curves like a glove and I swallowed hard as she grinded on her female friend, head thrown back and a free smile on her face. 
“She is...beautiful, isn’t she?” 
I calmly turn towards the voice as it hums out from beside me, turning to see the guy she came with. He takes a sip of his drink, smirking as his eyes remain on the way the princess waves her hands in the air to the beat of the song, sensually shaking her hips as if she was one with the sexy R&B song I had no idea the name of. 
I clear my throat, remaining stock still in my bodyguard pose. “Sir, I”m only here to protect her Highness. I really don’t-”
“Oh don’t even try to hide it. She’s easily the most beautiful woman in this whole club.”
He takes my silence as confirmation, it seems, because he proceeds to speak on as if I’ve agreed.
“But it’s not just her physical appearance is it? It’s something else. Something...inside,” he whispers. 
When I don’t respond, he continues bitterly. “I’m warning you; don’t fall for her. It’ll only bring you a world of pain, trust me.”
I catch the pain in his voice and stiffen. “I would never fall for one of my subjects, sir,” I assure him.
He laughs sourly. “Sure bud. You keep telling yourself that.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I insist, swallowing thickly as she laughs, beautiful smile wide and her laughter too melodious to be coming out of such a wretched little urchin. 
“Well,” he coughs suddenly, clapping me in the shoulder. “I think I need another drink. Want one?”
I eye his hand which he slowly pries off and shake my head with a slightly clenched jaw.
“I’m on the job, sir,” I remain calm and professional despite the fact that all I wanted to do was break that hand for putting stupid thoughts in my head. 
Because for a second there, as the bright club lights shun down on her, I could see what he talked about when he said there was something inside. In that smile, those eyes, that laugh...
But then she made eye contact with me and the feeling turned bitter so quick it’s a miracle I didn’t get whiplash. 
She was a brat. Nothing more.
Sometime late into the night, you had found myself fairly buzzed. Not enough to fall on your face, but enough that walking- well, stumbling over to Agent Asshole only seemed more and more attractive an action.
He glances at you with those eyes and you can’t help the anger the bubbles within you. “Do you plan on staring me down the entire night?”
“It’s my job,” is all he says. 
You scowl fiercely at him. “I hate you,” you seethe.
He raises a dark brow but otherwise keeps that stoic expression on his face. “Do you want to leave, your Highness?”
His neutral tone and complete lack of reaction only angers you more and you shake your head furiously. “No, I don’t want to leave. I want you to leave though.”
He presses his lips firmly together. “I’m sorry-“
“No, you’re not.”
“Huh?” He cocks his side slightly to the side and you lean closer to him, craning your neck to look him in the eye.
“I said; you’re not sorry. If you were sorry, you WOULD LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” You feel your drunken emotions deep in your chest and without much effort, your voice quickly escalates.
He sighs heavily. “Okay, your highness, I think it’s time I take you back to the castle. C’mon,” he waves a hand toward the door.
You laugh at him coldly, shaking your head. “Who do you think you are, ordering me around? Know your place asshole, you are below me- never forget,” you growl snarkily, leaning right into his face.
You feel his breathing quicken against your cheeks the longer you defiantly smirk up at him, his calm eyes darkening.
You realized you enjoyed pushing him to the edge, that you craved this look on his face...
He smirks mockingly down at you, staring you down. “You can come willingly, your highness, or I can throw you over my shoulder like last time.” He leans straight into your ear, whispering hotly. “I’m sure you would rather not go through the embarrassment.”
You swallow thickly, your heart hammering against your chest and you’re not sure it’s from anger anymore. With disgust, you jerk away from him, glaring holes into his head.
“Let’s go.”
“You can go, Agent Obnoxious,” you mumble drunkenly, waving a dismissive hand at him as you stumble into your warm room, practically ripping off your heels.
You throw them somewhere in the corner of the large room, sighing with relief when you feel your bare feet touching the soft carpeted floor. 
Your knees shake slightly and buckle and you end up tripping forward.
You land on the ground with a soft grunt and for some reason, laughter bubbles deep in your chest.
“Your Highness!”
A few seconds later, you feel strong warm hands wrapping around your body to heave you up. You place your hands on his strong arms for support and look up at Agent Barnes.
The laughter immediately dies on your lips when you see a beautiful concerned frown of engraved deep in his face. It looks so sincere and his arms are so strong...
Before you know what you’re doing, a small mumble is leaving your lips. “You...” you cut yourself off abruptly when his eyes meet yours.
His hands now rest lightly on your waist, and you’re so close you can smell him. His scent is deep and rich and manly, so unlike the scent of those rich assholes you were forced to mingle with on a daily basis.
And his hands, are strong and resilient. The callouses on them tells you that he’s worked his entire life. Those hands, the ones holding you right now, They’ve probably handled a gun, they’ve probably saved so many lives...
You bite your lip, thinking about the way those hands felt on the skin of your arm and how heavenly it would feel if it traveled all over.
Goosebumps rise on your skin as you crane up your neck to stare up at him.
He stares down at you, and even when your room is dark, the light of the moonlight that filters in from the huge window highlights the heavy tension in his gaze.
You’re both unmoving and you wonder if he enjoys touching you as much as you enjoy his touch.
He inhaled deeply, his eyes flickering to your lips and eyes and then back.
You want to ask him what he’s thinking. You want to tell him to just do it -to just kiss you because you wouldn’t dare push him away- not in this state, not when the alcohol and his scent and eyes were clogging every single sense and reason you had, but you’re afraid to break the spell of whatever this was. 
So instead, you wait on abated breath, feeling like you’re both on the verge of something utterly earth-shattering, for him to move.
Finally, he speaks a few seconds later and it’s a quiet murmur. “Let’s get you to bed, princess.”
You ignore the sharp sting of his rejection when you were so clearly begging him to kiss you and step away from his touch as if he’s burnt you.
You turn around so he can’t see the hurt in your eyes. “You can go now Agent Brainless,” you say coldly over your shoulder, but you know it’s a lot softer than the other time.
Another second passes. “Princess..” he whispers.
You ignore his barely audible whisper and angrily begin undressing, tugging at the straps of your dress.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing?” He growls lowly as you begin to pull your dress down to your waist.
With a sarcastic smile, your turn towards him, your top half completely naked aside from your black lacy bra.
His gaze immediately falls on your half-naked chest, but aside from the small flicker in his eyes and gulp he takes, he gives no other indication of shock.
You raise a brow. “Are you going to watch me undress now too, Agent Barnes?” You ask mockingly.
His eyes find yours again and they’re darker than you’ve ever seen them. They send shivers through your whole body and you almost give into the urge to look away, but the anger and frustration within you don’t allow your gaze to waver.
“I’m not leaving until you’re safely in bed,” he husks, clearly trying his best to remain professional and cold as his icy stare bores into your eyes- purposefully looking away from your naked form.
You tilt your head up at him innocently, slowly sauntering closer to him. “Oh? Well in that case, do you mind helping me with the zipper of my dress? It’s stuck.”
You turn your back on him and a smirk blossoms in your face as you hear his breathing strain, your ass slightly brushing against his crotch area. 
He blows out a shaky exhale and it blows against your naked back, all hot and angry. 
When he makes no move to help you, you look at him over your shoulder. “Well?” 
His grave expression doesn’t budge. “I can’t do that,” he says lowly. 
But even as he resentfully spits this, he doesn’t budge and his eyes are still tracing over your body, their electric desire leaving goosebumps over wherever they ran over.
You roll your eyes at him. “Then turn around, you idiot.” 
He growls, fisting his hands and clenching his jaw tightly but doesn’t try to fight you on it and turns his broad back to you.
You’re intoxicated, so it’s probably because you’re not thinking straight, but as you quickly slip on a silk night gown and stare at his back, you can’t help the deep heavy sadness that sinks into your chest. 
Why hadn’t he kissed you just now? You could’ve sworn he wanted to and you sure as hell did...it was there, the moment, the split second when you were willing to risk it all, to overlook any and all boundaries, cross all imposing lines- but you lost it. 
Pushing your hair to the side, you convince yourself it was for the best. 
“I’m done,” you say softly, climbing into bed. 
Agent Barnes nods at you stiffly, turning on his heels to leave as you get under the covers. Blaming this on your intoxication, you suddenly find yourself exclaiming. 
He pauses right before his foot moves outside the doorframe and turns toward you, eyebrows raised. “You need something, Your Highness?”
You stare at him seriously, pressing your head against your pillow. “Don’t...leave, please,” you whisper softly, curling into a ball at the tenderness of your voice.
“I don’t want to be alone,” you admit quietly. 
He freezes, staring at you as if he’d never seen you before and you avert your gaze, afraid maybe you let on too much. 
“Sorry,” you quickly apologize, but that only flusters you more. “I-I mean not sorry, you asshole. Just- whatever. I’m in bed now, you can go.” 
Feeling embarrassed, you quickly flip over and turn your back to him.  
Seconds later, you hear the door click close and then nothing. A heavy sigh escapes you and you try to suppress the feeling of disappointment that envelops your whole body. 
You didn’t know if it was the drinks or the cold distant dinners you’d been having with your family...but you had never felt more alone. All the clubbing and trying to escape your destiny by trying to pave a life of your own couldn’t fill in that emptiness you couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard you tried.  
You didn’t want to feel like that anymore. Not tonight. 
So even if it was your bodyguard who you hated with everything in you, you needed someone just to be there. Even if it was just to sit in silence with.  
Suddenly, you hear a gentle swish noise and gasp lightly, flipping over. Agent Barnes has thrown his jacket over the chair beside your bed and is loosening his tie and he stares at you. His beautiful gaze sucks you in as you blink up at him in surprise. 
He shrugs. “I can’t just....leave you here alone.” 
Your chest clenches painfully and warmth travels all over your body like warm gooey honey. The feeling of having someone there for you when you need them most is almost overwhelmingly strong. 
“Thank you,” you whisper so quietly, you’re shocked he even hears it. 
He tilts his head at you, frowning with that handsome face of his. “For what? It’s my job.” 
There he goes detaching himself. With a gentle shrug, you nod and curl into a ball under your covers, trying to covet sleep. 
You try this for a few minutes and you’re tired, but you can’t help thinking about Agent Barnes sitting in a hard chair all night. After a while of tossing and turning, you sit up. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” you breathe with irritation. 
“What? What happened?” he sits up instantly, and though you could tell he was on the verge of dozing off, his sharp senses are impressive as he reaches for the gun on his ankle frantically. 
You sigh, hating the way your cheeks grow hot and you look away timidly. “Just get into bed,” you say roughly. 
You bite your lip, looking at him in the eyes. “I said; get into bed with me. That chair is uncomfortable.” 
He laughs lightly. “Princess, I was trained by the world’s best assassins. I was taught to sleep on a cold concrete ground if need be.” He gives the chair a firm pat. “This chair is a luxury for a guy like me.”
You stare at him for a few seconds more, wondering more about his past before lightly shaking your head. 
“I don’t care. I still feel bad that I made you sleep here on a chair. Just get in already, will you?” You growl at his stubbornness. “The bed is huge, there’ll be enough space for the both of us, if that’s what you’re concerned about,” you add on, softly. 
After a few seconds of intense eye contact, he finally relents with a small sigh. “Fine.” 
Hesitantly, he cuffs his sleeves and perches himself on the edge of the bed- all stiff and tight. “Good?” He asks, glancing at you with raised brows.
You frown. “You’re kidding.”
“You’re not actually planning to sleep like that are you?” You snort. 
“I told you-”
“That you were trained by dangerous assassins, yeah yeah. But you’re still a human and a ridiculous one at that,” you scoff before suddenly smirking.  “You’re not afraid of lil old me, are you? I’m tiny- I couldn’t possibly hurt you...too much,” you offer him a faux innocent smile, batting your lashes. 
He stares at you, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “Oh trust me, I’ve met girls like you before. You definitely don’t bite.” 
You raise a brow amusedly. “Girls like me?”
His sexy smirk widens. “Yeah. You’re all bark but no bite,” he replies vaguely.
Feeling partially indignant and partially curious, you decide to probe him for answers. “Oh yeah?”
He can’t resist your subtle challenge and continue speaking. “You’re always in power, constantly being chased after because you’re beautiful and rich and you act like it’s what you want in a guy, but it isn’t, is it?”
Deeply intrigued by his generally accurate analysis, you can’t help but laugh. “Oh?”
“No.” He stares deeply into your eyes and the smile slips off your lips as he says his next words with the intensity of a thousand suns. “You bark out orders and you take on responsibilities like a boss, but what you really want is a man. Not a pushover boy that’ll listen to your every command and constantly try to please you, fall at your feet...But a man that’ll choke slam you on the bed, that’ll make you his, that’ll torture you with the deepest pits of hellish pleasure until he ruins every other man for you. You want to be controlled, brought over the edge so far you won’t ever be able to go there by yourself and then at the last moment get that taken away from you. You want to be used.” 
You openly gape at him but he ignores you and slightly scoots closer, still at a safe distance, but close enough where you can feel his body heat radiating off of him.
“Sleep, Princess,” he whispers. “I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
At first, you’re too shocked to react. Your heart is positively hammering against your ribcage and your cheeks are uncharacteristically red. You were flushed. How had he managed to...’you know what?’ You think. ‘No.’ 
You breathe in deeply. ‘ I’m not going to think about it anymore.’
Because doing so would mean letting him win. And also, never mind the fact that he’s in your bed right now...
Decidedly, you squeeze your eyes shut, begging sleep to come amidst all your stupid, surely drunken thoughts about your stupid bodyguard and kissing him, or simply straddling him right now...
Despite how much you disliked him, you felt safe and protected, like you could let your guard down. And yet...not enough. 
Soon, lulled by the steady beating of his heart and the warmth of his body, you curl into a ball and slowly let your heavy lids close, relaxing completely.
“Oh, and Agent Brainless?” you murmur, on the very verge of sleep. 
“Yes, princess?” He looks at you. 
You manage to send him one last cold smirk before answering.  
“Don’t misinterpret this, right now. I’m merely asking you to do your job.” 
And then darkness takes over.
Before fully giving into the softness of the darkness of slumber, though, you think you hear him laugh softly and say something like “wouldn’t dream of it, brat.” 
They’re honestly growing on me. Should I continue?
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A special thanks to:
@loveofmychips @juliesland​
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bleedingvengnce · 4 years
Guns and Roses | JJ Maybank Smut
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Summary: JJ’s girlfriend doesn’t enjoy him wielding a gun around, and is very vocal about it. JJ needs to show her that he knows how to handle it, and her.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Warning: Smut(a lot of it), unprotected sex, gun kink, absolute filth, 18+
A/N: Haven’t written smut in ages but I knew the world just needs a JJ Maybank who has a gun kink. Enjoy;) (Not Edited)
“Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off of our side of the island!” JJ howled, resentment and hated wrapping around his words.
You watched her boyfriend aim the gun towards the sky, firing off two piercing warning shots to bring terror to those around him. Shrieks and cries emanated from the dispersing crowd as you watched on with wides eyes. Your mouth hung open in shock at how psychotic JJ was acting within this moment, a crazed looking creasing on his features.
“Are you fucking crazy?” You screeched, your voice hitting new heights.
“You idiot, why would you do that?” Pope backed your words, shoving his friend roughly, narrowed eyes directed at the blonde boy.
“I’m saving his life, ok?” His tone was desperate, hands thrown in the air as he unsteadily waved the gun about.
“You’re going to jeopardize everything!” You were glowering at him, seething with irritation at the stupidity of your reckless boyfriend.
“Whatever,” He muttered.
His eyes narrowed at you, treading towards his injured friend that collapsed limply into the frothy foam.
“Oh god, John B!” The group rushed towards him, Pope and JJ hauling his lax figure from the grips of the salty sea.
Your eyes caught onto the sight of the gun shoved lazily in the waistband of JJ pants, your gaze shooting daggers at the inanimate object. You always held a hatred towards the weapon, witnessing too many lifeless bodies on the news, headlines scribed, “Twenty Kids Shot Dead During the School Day,” or “Unarmed Black Man Killed by an Officer with a Gun,” or something to that effect. You were a known activist for stricter gun laws, wanting to rid the world of the ruthless weapon that has taken so many innocent lives too soon. You loathed it even more that JJ was well aware of your beliefs and completely disregarded your feelings by continuing to wield the gun around.
The two of you dropped Kiara and Pope off, the two of them being busy with work early the next morning or their folks needed them home for the night. All that was left was the annoying JJ and his knocked out friend sprawled in the back seat. The three of you finally arrived at John B’s place, JJ shifting the raggedy and run down van into park, the engine sputtering off. Your boyfriend dragged John B from the van, lugging the boy’s weight over yours and JJ’s shoulders as you both heaved him towards the house. He was heavier than he looked. You kicked the door open, tossing his body lazily onto the couch in the living room, John B’s eyes remaining shut throughout the entire process, his chest rising and falling in steady breaths as a sign of life.
JJ sauntered into the kitchen, pulling the door to the fridge open, gazing into it at the few items placed inside which was beer, condiments, and more beer.
“You want anything?” You heard him call out to you as you checked John B over to make sure he was ok, nothing bleeding heavily or any bruises that looked as though they may lead to internal bleeding.
You didn’t respond to his question, still frustrated over his actions from tonight.
“Ok, fine,” He mumbled, pulling out a bottle of beer and twisting cap off, downing the golden liquid as though it was water.
“What’s your deal, Y/N? Seriously still pissed about the gun?” Your eyes rolled at his words, not even sparing him a glance as you sat at John B’s side, the unconscious boy being your only distraction within this moment.
“Hey, I’m talking to you.” His words were hard, vicious as he leaned against the kitchen table, burning holes in the back of your skull.
“Yeah I’m still pissed, dumbass,” You hissed, shooting him a disapproving scowl, venom twisting around your words.
“Seriously, Y/N? It’s not that big of a deal,” He huffed, shaking his head at you, as though you were some silly child he couldn’t understand.
Though, he was the child in this situation.
“Yes, it is. You could have killed someone tonight. You could have killed multiple people. It’s not a toy.” The level of your voice was steadily beginning to rise, lifting yourself into a standing position as you faced your idiotic boyfriend.
“I know it isn’t. I know what I’m doing,” He defended, stepping towards you, eyes in slits as he stared you down.
“No you don’t. You’re careless. You shouldn’t even have a gun.” You were yelling at him now, motioning your hands in exaggerated movements as you inched closer to the boy.
“Yes I do. Stop being a nagging bitch,” He spat out poisonously, infuriated with you and your words.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re literally a child.” You were beyond seething, but knew those were not the right words to say to a raging JJ in this moment.
The two of you were inches away from one another’s now, the tension hanging thick in the air as you both glowered at each other, fury igniting within your irises.
“What did you say to me?” His voice was low, rumbling deep from within his heaving chest.
Though, something shook you to the core. You watched as JJ’s piercing gaze flit between your eyes and your pursed lips. The dark glint clouding in his eyes was not solely anger, but something else entirely. He instantly reached his hand up, fingers harshly grabbing at your jaw. Your eyes instantly widened at the contact, his calloused grasp tilting your head to the side in a vice like grip.
“I said, what did you say to me?” He quirked a brow after reiterating the question, his jarring stare unrelenting as he tsked in disappointment.
“I-I said you’re a child.” You tried to maintain the spiteful tone you directed his way, but your voice unwilling wavered.
Your brain was scolding your resisting body, the way he was manhandling you causing a dripping warmth to pool between your legs, mouth running dry at the way he peered down at you with his eyes storming with arousal.
“A child, hm?” He hummed, irises smoldering behind the tendrils of his golden hair.
“I’m not a child baby, and I’m going to prove that to you.” He dove into the exposed crook of your neck, using his blunt ivories to bite down on your sensitive skin.
An unruly moan tumbled from your lips at the roughness of his kisses. Faster than you could blink, you backed you into the wall behind the two of you, your head cracking against the wall with a sickening thud. Your mind was numb due to the plethora of suckling being done on your neck. He nipped at the bare flesh of your collarbone, your jaw still locked in his clutches, the other entangling around your waist to pull you flush against his muscled figure. You felt your stomach flutter at him leaving ragged purple bruises along your throat, your hands desperately grabbing at his biceps for more stability as your legs wavered.
“JJ,” You breathed out, nails digging into his skin as his free hand groped your butt.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom,” His words weren’t a question, but an order, pulling you into John B’s room, your mind unable to fully comprehend you would be having sex on your good friend’s bed.
Though, this wouldn’t be the first time.
JJ slammed the door shut behind the two of you, turning back to focus his attention on your heated figure. He roughly pressed his lips against yours, teeth clashing in a messy makeout. Your fingers weaved their way through his thick blonde locks, tugging at them each time his tongue dipped easily between your parted lips. His hand traveled from the protruding bone of your hip up the length of your body, finding its resting place on your throat. The tips of his fingers were gentle at first, loosely gripping around your neck, before her squeezed harshly, constricting your airway briefly, before releasing his deadly grasp. A whimper escaped your throat after he let up, though, not releasing your dainty throat. Your knees trembled at the aggressive behavior he was portraying. You could feel your panties soaking from the arousal dripping from your pussy, craving his expert touch.
“Mm, baby, you like that?” He purred, pulling away from the kiss with bruised lips, left over saliva from your mouth glistening against his beautiful mouth you craved so much.
All you could do was nod, words leaving you within this passionate moment, only heaving breaths, struggling against the weight of his hand, were heard.
“Come on baby. Tell me what you like.” He urged for you to tell him your deepest desires, the fantasies buried deep within your mind that you would touch yourself to while he was away.
“I-I like when you’re rough with me.” Your voice trembled measly, looking at him with desperation as you squeezed your thighs together, desperate for any sort of friction.
“How rough, baby?” He was attempting to coax those unspoken desires from your lips, his other hand clutching at your waist, fingertips roughly pressing into your delicate skin and leaving sore marks.
“So rough with me. So rough that I can barely breathe. That marks are left on me for days. I want you to show me that you’re in charge of me. I want you to take control.” You spilled your darkest secrets to your boyfriend, never having gone much farther with your sexual experimentation than brief choking and light slaps against your ass.
“Very good, sweetheart.” He nodded in approval, a devious smirk toying at his lips as he grabbed at your shirt, instantly ripping it off of you to reveal your bare breasts, a bra being no where to be found.
He didn’t miss a beat, his pretty lips wrapping around your nipple, suckling the pebbled nub into his mouth. His teeth lightly nibbled on it, a free hand reaching at to pinch harshly at the other one, leaving it red and aching after the twists and pulls with his fingers.
“JJ, please, I need more.” You practically cried out, your pussy throbbing in desperation at the built up tension he was creating.
“Sh, baby, I’m getting there.” He shushed you, nipping at your sore nipples, before standing back up straight.
Both of his hands found your hips, lifting you in the air and carelessly tossing you on the bed behind the two of you. You squealed after you hit the bouncy mattress, looking up at the approaching boy, tossing his shirt to the floor, revealing his chiseled chest that you could admire for hours on end.
His lips found yours again as he settled his weight on top of you, putting most of it on one arm while the other grasped at your jaw again. The kiss was messy, disorganized, but delicious, enjoying the way your teeth clashed together, tongues sloppily lapping at each other as he ground his hips down onto yours, relieving some of the burning arousal. As soon as the fervent moment began, it stopped, JJ having pulled away to gaze down into your eyes, seriousness creasing along his features.
“My love, do you trust me?”
You cock an eyebrow in curiosity as the clouding lust dissipated from his eyes, wondering why he could be asking this question.
“Well, it depends.” You answered honestly, completely unsure as to what he would say next.
“Please baby. I need you to tell me you trust me.” He eyed her carefully, urging her to respond.
You don’t understand the persistence within the question he was asking, but, after a moment of consideration, you parted your lips to speak.
“Yes, I trust you.”
The serious expression set upon his face eased greatly, the glint reappearing within his eyes, this time fiercer and more prominent than before, a devious grin spreading on his lips. You watched as one of his hands disappeared behind his back, soon returning with the weapon that you so loathed. You felt your eyes widen, eyeing the gun carefully.
“JJ...” You trailed off, but all you could think about was how the question and this weapon could be connected, “What’re you doing with that?”
You pieced the clues together, before finally landing on a surprising conclusion, staring at the boy with his favored toy, hovering over you with a hunger look pooling in his irises.
“Oh,” You breathed, your body reacting to the new toy brought into the bedroom to use, for him to dominate you with.
You felt your skin buzz with excitement at just the thought, catching your bottom lip between your teeth. He was awaiting your words, not making a movement as he desperately stared down at you. But, like you stated previously, you trusted him. You lifted one of your hands, the tips of your fingers dancing along his arm as you turned your head down in an accepting nod, going against everything your brain was screaming for you to do, listening to your body’s needs instead.
He grinned down at you, thankful you accepted his unspoken proposal. You felt the cool plastic of the weapon grazing against your cheek, feeling your heart begin to patter at how close the barrel was coming towards your face. His free hand trailed down your abdomen, fingers lightly brushing along the waistband of your shorts. You exhaled a shuttered breath, never breaking eye contact with him as his hand ungracefully unbuttoned your shorts, you kicking them the rest of the way down your legs.
JJ ran a finger over your clothed clit, feeling the wetness seeping through the cotton fabric.
“Mm, baby. You’re soaking.” He hummed in approval, running the weapon down between your breasts and around your stomach.
You felt his fingers slip under the waist band of your bright pink underwear, hovering over your throbbing clit, chest heaving with anticipation of his deliciously long fingers. You needed him so bad, lifting your hips to meet his touch. He shook his head in disappointment at the action, knowing how much he loved to tease you. The hard plastic of the barrel dug into your hip bone, JJ using it to press your core back into mattress below.
“Ah, ah, ah.” Your boyfriend tsked with displeasure, a whine emitting from your throat at the feeling of the weapon making you compliant as it jabbed at your skin.
“Please touch me, JJ,” You whined, tongue swiping over your dried lips as you lay in expectation for his pleasurable touches.
“What ever you say, princess.” Without warning he dipped his fingers into your dripping slit, narrowly missing your clit.
A wanton groan tumbled past the escapes of your lips, eyes rolling into the back of your hair at his calloused finger tips dragging between your lips. He repeated the motion, this time flicking over the overly sensitive nub. Your hips jerked up at the sensation, knocking against the gun still pressed harshly into your abdomen.
“Oh yes!” You yelped as the tip of his fingers circled your clit, applying different types of pressure against the nerve endings.
The weapon he clutched onto went back to circling around your stomach, gentle touches as he rubbed mind numbing figure eights onto your clit, feeling yourself pushing closer to the edge with each motion of his finger. He knew just how to touch you, his lips easily caressing your inner thigh as he lay between your open legs. He practically disregarded the deadly weapon, pulling your panties aside to flicker his tongue across your core, the new sensation dragging you right near the edge of release. JJ’s lips effortlessly wrapped around the nub, sucking harshly while he used his free hand to plunge two fingers within your tight hole, curling the two fingers upwards. You felt him brush against the spot that makes your legs tremble, breathless moans coming from you at the pleasure he was creating from his luscious lips and long fingers.
Your fingers weaved into his golden blonde hair, watching him eagerly lap at your core, his gaze flickering up to your face.
“JJ, I’m-” Your words were halted by him humming against your clit, that being what caused you to hurl yourself directly over the edge, your orgasm consuming your mind.
Your eyes snapped shut as you arched your back into the air, your mind dropping into a world shattering orgasm. Your legs twitched as he let you rid it out, gently slipping his fingers out from inside of you, giving your clit one last lick before retracting from between your legs. A glistening liquid coated his lips as he grinned down at you, his bulge large and prominent between his legs.
“My turn, baby.” His pants were on the floor in second, his hands rushing to rip your panties off of your body.
He roughly gripped your hips, lifting them to meet his. He grasped at his now exposed cock, running his hand over it before slipping it over your still dripping pussy. You felt it bump against your overly sensitive clit before swiftly sinking the length inside of you.
“Oh fuck, Y/N,” JJ hissed, relishing in the feeling of your tight heat clenching around his dick as he bottomed out.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of him sully stretching you out, loving the way the veins of his length grazed against every deliciously sensitive part of your heat. He then pulled himself so just his tip was remaining, before slamming back into you. He found a perfect and rough rhythm, pounding into you over and over again, unrelenting. You felt the click of his gun returning, this time, digging into your temple, the barrel positioned in a dangerous spot. Just his finger twitching, and you could have a bullet in your skull. His other hand harshly grasped at your hips, bruising them with his grip. You felt adrenaline pulsing through you with your throbbing core. You were ashamed how much you loved the way the weapon was stuck again your head, his length wrecking your insides as he violently thrusted inside of you. You loved how he had complete and utter control of you and your body, holding your life in the palm of his hand as he turned you into a moaning and sweaty mess.
“Oh shit, baby, I’m close.” You gazed upon him, his face creased as his brows furrowed together, his thrusts becoming sloppy, the weapon that was previously against your skull now discarded on the table next to you.
You urged him on, meeting each snap of his hips until you felt his warmth filling you to the brim, his length pulsating within you. He let out a rumbling groan, squeezing your pelvis tightly, before collapsing on top of you in a sweaty heap.
“Holy shit, JJ,” You breathed out, unable to fully comprehend what had just occurred between the two of you.
“Holy shit is right.” He rolled off of you, gathering your petite body in his arms to comfort you, the both of you savoring your mind blowing orgasms you had.
“So, did you, did you enjoy it? With, you know?” He couldn’t fully formulate the words, but he didn’t have to, you understanding what he was referring to.
“In a way, yes. It was horrifying, scary, intense, and pleasurable all at the same time. I loved how dominant it made you, how fully in control you were.” You confessed, staring up into his beautiful blue irises.
“Maybe we can do it again.” He winked, a teasing tone threading his words, but knowing he was more than serious in wanting to partake in something like that again.
“Maybe let’s not point a loaded gun at my head again.” You stated bluntly, though, a little part of you couldn’t help the way your thighs tensed at him fucking you like that in the future.
“I hate to tell you this, but the safety was on the whole time.”
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anonwritesfics · 4 years
Living in my Daydreams
Fandom: Eldarya
Status: Complete
Number of Chapters: 1
Rating: Explicit
Summary: For good or for bad, Lance and Erika had come to a peace of sorts.
Lance is trying to be better, everybody knows. He plays nice with his superiors and just a little bit harder with his inferiors. He doesn’t let himself slip into the wrath and despair that inspired his every move in the past. Yet she cannot see it, she doesn’t want to see it.
Her hate feels like a cold slap to his face, like a sharp stab to his chest. It’s in the way she refuses to look at him in the eye, or the way she can barely hide the snarl in her mouth every time she’s forced to talk with him. The bitterness of her stare and the venom of her words are an aching, biting pain in him.
He doves deep into it, wrapping it around his shoulders like a blanket. He loves her for this.
Erika is so deep in her hatred, her memories so recent and raw for her to look at him with anything other disgust, it drives him mad just in the same breath it makes him feel alive. She’s still so restless, – so careless – even after all those years.
He is her boss now, so she must obey. He’s the Obsidian Chief, no matter if she likes it or not, no matter how much she pouts and sulks and begs Huang Hua to let her change her Guard. No matter how much of his brother she sees him now, if she compares the way he manages this Guard with the way Valkyon did.
He wonders if she compares them in other ways, too. He wonders if he compares his touch to it of her ex-lover, the man she swore her love and heart to.
Oh, how it hurts, to do this. How it hurts to kiss the skin of her neck and grip her hips as he drives himself inside of her once and once again, her nails trailing burning paths down his back and biting into his shoulder to muffle her cries of pleasure.
This is your fucking fault, he wants to tell her. If only she would fucking obey to him when he sends her in a mission, if only she wouldn’t snap and bark and snarl to him every time he gives her an order, then they won’t be in this situation. This is your fault and there’s nothing I would do to change it.
She has become very familiar with his bedroom, he’s a little ashamed to admit. In a place where every single thing he looks at reminds him of his brother, his room is like a safe haven of sorts, a place where he can sit and drink and try to muffle the screams in his head. It’s reliving, in a twisted, sick way, to have her screaming instead.
“Lance!” She moans in his shoulder, her hips thrusting up to meet his with a wet, sweaty slap. Those deep, crystal violet eyes of her look into his know – it’s only in moments of emotion that she lets herself look at him. When she rages at him and when she buries her nails in his hair alike, there are those eyes of her, staring deep into his soul. It makes him feel even more naked than he already is, to have her finally acknowledge him.
“You got something to tell me?” He manages to say, something between a pant and a growl, his hair falling down his face and his lips grazing her sweaty cheek. She makes the sweetest of sounds in his shoulder, pressing her lips together and refusing give him what he wants.
“Alright. If that’s how you want it to be.” He bites into her neck, ripping away a whine from her lips and a glare from her eyes. His hips stop their assault for the shortest of moments when he suddenly sits up, the space between their chests opening again. Still, the air in the room it’s too warm, too hot.
Erika frowns under him, utterly ignoring the way her moves her thighs to be on either side of his hips, opening her up wide and long for him. She does blush a little when she notices, for his satisfaction, and curls her toes into his sheets when he thrust inside her roughly.
“Oh, fuck.” She moans, letting her head roll back into his pillow and using it to steady her hands, even when her whole body moves with every one of his thrusts. He’s glad she’s not looking to see his shit-eating grin.
He loves to see her in this kind of moments, though. Her breasts bouncing, her thighs squeezing his waist, her mouth open in sweet little pans and moans. She looks more vulnerable than ever, so trusting, so free, it makes him want to wrap her up and never let her go again.
He saw her like this, too, an ugly voice says in his head. He grinds his teeth, shaking away the thought, even when it sends an arrow to his chest. He bends down and traps a pointy, dark nipple in his mouth, running is tongue in slow circles around it and sucking ever so slightly until Erika has no choice but to grip his hair.
With his hands in her knees to keep her wide open and the wet sound of their fucking filling the room, there’s nowhere he would rather be. Nowhere would he felt this warm; nowhere would he burn like this.
Suddenly, the grip in his hair pulls him up and away for her breast.
“Choke me.” She whimpers, her glassy violet eyes begging him in a way he has never seen before. There’s something hidden in the way her lip quivers and her trembling hand moves to grip his, moving it slowly up her body until it rest limply in her collarbone.
“You don’t know what you’re asking for.” He rasped, his voice rougher than he expected. There it is again, that flash of deep, deep sadness in her eyes before her fire ignites again.
“What would you know? You’ve held me by the neck before, remember?” She moves her hips ever so slightly, her cunt tightening around him. Lance has to close his eyes for a second before he does something he’ll regret, steeling himself for that smug smirk of hers when he looks at her again.
“You’ve done way worse things to me, don’t you?” Her voice is breathy, so tired, but her eyes held such a fierceness he cannot bright himself to care for her fatigue. She runs her heel up his back, his hips grounding against her slowly. She breaths away a moan. “You enjoyed hurting me before, so do it again now.”
It’s not impulsive, the way he grips her throat with his hand and pulls away from her only to thrust back in so hard she cries out. His fingers tighten around her neck, the skin paling slowly. The feel of her throat moving up and down as she nervously swallows it’s mesmerizing, a feeling he does remember from their past together.
Still, she moans with every thrust, rolls her eyes white and arches her back away from the bed, her nails sinking in his forearms so hard he’s sure she’ll drawn blood.
“Lan— Lance,” She stutters, her cunt getting wetter by the second. Tears of pleasure glisten in her eyes, her legs trembling in that already familiar tell of her imminent release.
She pulls her chin up, baring her neck for his hand to squeeze. She’s far too comfortable with this, he realizes. She moves and reacts to his actions so quickly, so readily.
He almost stops dead when he realizes; Valkyon did this to her. Now that the idea has creep its way into his mind, it won’t go away. Her sweaty skin, her messy hair, her quickening pulse under his hand; it was his brother’s before it ever was his. The thought makes his blood boil, even though he knows he doesn’t have any right to feel like this. He doesn’t get to choose how to feel like in this situation.
It’s maddening, the sudden power he has over her right now. Sliding in and out of her this fast and this hard, with her teary eyes focused on him and only him, his hand being a grip away from stealing her last breath, he nearly loses his mind. He wonders, once again, if she thinks about Valkyon during their furtive encounters; he wonders if she’s thinking about him right this moment, with his eyes staring down at her, his cock ramming it way inside her warm, wet walls.
He cannot help himself; he brings down his free hand to her core, his thumb finding her clit far too easily and rubbing slow, hard circles on it. Her legs tighten around his waist, and the thrusts harder into that spot inside her that makes her see stars. And then, just because he’s still an asshole deep down, he squeezes her throat just a little more.
Erika cries out, her eyes going white and her back curving away from the bed. She becomes impossibly thigh, making him curse under his breath, and he feels her release around his cock. The sound of his name coming past her flushed, bruised lips it’s all it takes to drive him over the edge, too, and soon he’s gripping the headboard over her head for dear life as he releases inside her.
They stay there for a few long, heated moments. Her legs slowly slide away from his waist and his hands move away from her body, his fingers leaving a warm trail over the skin they graze in their way.
They’re still breathing fast when Lance lets himself fall on his back beside her, an arm covering his eyes. The sun is still many hours away and now that there’s no sound of fucking to cloud his ears, he call he hear the sounds of the Guard in the night.
“You should leave before anyone notices you’re gone.” He forces himself to say, even though he still craves her touch and her warm.
“Hum.” She hums sleepily, already curling on her side and moving closer to him.
That makes him stop. They don’t do this; they don’t cuddle. She never stays the night, and neither does he. But he’s getting cold again, the sweat cooling in his skin, and he’s not even ashamed to admit how easily he gave up to temptation and moved closer to her, too.
His arm wraps around her waist, her leg coming up to hook itself over his hip. She opens her eyes slowly, as if she feared what she would see once she opens them. Lance doesn’t say anything, and neither does she. They only stare at each other, their breaths and heartbeats slowly calming down as the starlight bathes their naked bodies.
He knows they’ll have to talk about this at some point – oh, how bad are they at talking to each other – but right now, with her in his arms and the morning still so, so far away, they let themselves pretend.
She snuggles into his chest, her breathing calming to a slow and steady rhythm. He looks at her for a few minutes more, trying to swallow down as much of this moment he can get. By the time he finally falls sleep, the ghost of his past is already hovering over his shoulder.
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ashthewaterghoul · 3 years
“What if Ahsoka Went to Mustafar”
Chapter 7
Rex’s voice came over the comm link, “The Chancellor is here with a division of the Coruscant guard led by Fox”
“We’ll be right there.” Anakin replied. He looked at Padmé, confusion on her face made him feel guilty; he kissed her and said “I love you, never forget that.” Then he ran out of the room with Obi-Wan. Ahsoka and Yoda were in the hallway and joined them in running to the front of the station. When they got there, Rex was stationed with Organa’s men and they had already engaged the enemy.
“Well, you’ll need these!” Ahsoka said while tossing Anakin and Obi-Wan their weapons. All the force wielders, including Palpatine, had their lightsabers ignited, ready for battle.
“Come, Lord Vader.” Sidious demanded.
“No.” Anakin replied “You lied to me!”
He ran at Sidious and started to attack him.
“Your hatred is giving you strength, you aren’t even trying to supress it, see how powerful the dark side can be?”
Sidious knew what he was doing been as this made Anakin so angry that his eyes glowed red. From then, flashes of red and blue replaced the two men. The fight went on for some time, Palpatine’s acrobatics and Anakin’s lightning fast strikes caused both to start losing their stamina. As Yoda witnessed this, he quickly came up with an idea.
“Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, apart help me push them!”
The two nodded as they all called upon the force to separate the two. Yoda brought Anakin back over to them but the success was short lived as the clone battalion’s incredible combat training paid off and quickly started to overwhelm the opposition. The Jedi’s team were doing their best to keep the clones at bay but it was taking its toll on the Alderaan troops. Being in close proximity to Fox allowed Rex to tune in the frequencies only carried in clone helmets.
“This is Commander Fox to Commander Cody, we need your help, I repeat, we need your help.
“Cody?” Rex thought, but before he could relay the message, Yoda stated his new plan.
“Attack Sidious I will, join one by one you will to assist.” he said.
He used the force and jumped over to Sidious. The Sith was surprised to see the little green Jedi was alive, which briefly played to Yoda’s advantage. The momentary surprise allowed Yoda to slide past Sidious and take his gaze away from the station. Sidious called his second lightsaber down his sleeve to his hand and ignited it, the crimson blade illuminating his disfigured face under his hood. He was determined to finish their business. As his back was turned, Ahsoka ran to join in but Sidious used the force and held Ahsoka back, but she was soon released when Obi- Wan jumped in to attack also. Ahsoka ran to aid the Jedi masters. Even though it was 3 vs 1, Sidious was somehow still getting the upper hand.
“Any time… now… Anakin!” Obi-Wan said struggling and panting.
The flashes of the lightsabers clashing made it almost impossible for Anakin to see where he should jump in. He remembered what Qui-Gon said about staying on the light, he pulled himself into a brief meditation and used the force to see the action. He saw what to do but all the clones were in the way. He couldn’t get past them without killing them, which he didn’t want to do. He looked at Rex who seemed to know what he was thinking.
“You have my permission, if that’s what you were going to say.” He said, after what happened to Fives and Ahsoka, the Coruscant Guard had a lot less respect from Rex.
Anakin nodded at his friend, gripped his lightsaber tighter and practically ran through them, slicing each one of them like a Tusken Raider. It took some time to get through them but in the end he saw his friends becoming more and more fatigued by the very quick combat of the sith. He didn’t know how to do this while staying on the light, he couldn’t, it was impossible; he just dipped back into the dark then, Anakin could already feel it’s seductive nature intoxicating him, clouding his conscious.
“Don’t worry. I am with you, Anakin.” Qui-Gon said through the force. Anakin swore he felt his master’s large hand on his back like he did all those years ago. While he had the courage to do it, he leaped up and flipped over the lightsaber caused chaos. As he landed, he sliced Palpatine in vertically in half. Palpatine grunted before he could take his last breath, and fell to the ground. The three of them stared at Anakin with complete and utter shock. Ahsoka couldn’t look at the mutilated corpse so she turned and ran back to Rex’s aid. Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin’s gazes went from each other to the body, all were expressionless. The moment was over powered by the LAAT’s of the 212th legion arriving. Obi-Wan saw his old battalion and flashes of what happened on Utapau invaded his mind.
“Oh, not good.” He said as the orange clad clones descended from the gunships and immediately started to attack.
Rex saw his brother, Cody, for the first time in weeks and decided to try and talk some sense into him. He tried to act like his chip was still in to blend in with the rest.
“Cody!” he shouted,
“Rex!” he replied, happy to see his brother alive. “Or should I say Commander? I do believe that congratulations are in order!”
“Not anymore, demoted.”
“I’ll tell you another time but for now, what do we do now the Chancellor is, well, dead?” he motioned to the decapitated body. Cody hadn’t even noticed, he was shocked at the sight and left speechless. Before he could respond, Fox ran towards them and said “We carry out Order 66 and execute the people responsible for treason.”
The mention of the command made Rex wince. He saw Cody straighten up and look almost robotic, just like the droids they fought against, programmed to do whatever is needed of them.
“Yes sir!” Cody said and started to run off but stopped when he realised that Rex wasn’t following.
“Aren’t you coming?” He asked.
“What? Oh right yeah.” Rex started to follow Cody, but while he wasn’t looking, he ran to the Jedi generals.
“Order 66 has been activated again for yours and Ahsoka’s termination.” The Captain said.
“Lovely.” Obi-Wan said completely monotone.
“A laughing matter this is not, Obi-Wan.” Yoda scolded “Stop this how do we, Captain?”
“All the clones have an inhibitor chip implanted in their brains; Ahsoka was smart enough to remove mine, but the rest of my men weren’t as lucky.” He turned to Skywalker “Remember when Fives told us about them?”
“He was right?” Anakin responded.
Rex nodded.
“How do we remove these chips?” Obi-Wan asked.
“We need a scanner and a surgery droid or capsule, it’s a short procedure and then they can function normally right after.”
“Look for one of these capsules inside, I will.” Yoda said, he then quickly ran through the commotion and into the station.
The three men ran back to help the other troops, Rex wanted to fight alongside Cody again, but he couldn’t betray his General. He could feel Cody’s confusion as he ran past him to the man-made trench.
“Rex, what are you doing?!” Cody shouted over the comm. Rex quickly thought of an excuse for his behaviour, “Doing it from the inside.” He shouted back.
“Smart move!”
Rex hated that his brother’s unique personality had dissolved to become just like all the other clones. The laser bolts flew between the two sides for a long time until Yoda’s voice finally came through the comm.
“Found the resources for the surgeries I have. Many of the capsules are there.”
“Understood, Master” Obi-Wan replied.
“How do we get them in?” Ahsoka said while blocking rounds of blaster fire.
“Try to pull them over with the force while Rex stuns them. Then Anakin, put them inside and the droids will get to work.” The Jedi master replied.
They all nodded their heads in agreement.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka called to Rex as a trooper flew his way, Anakin dragged them one by one into the lobby onto a gurney which was quickly whisked away to a med-bay.
The clones started to see that there brothers were being forced behind enemy lines.
“They’re taking hostages!” Fox yelled out.
“We need to recue our brothers!” replied Cody.
They started to charge at the station.
“Rex! Get out of there!” Cody shouted.
“No can do, Cody.” He stunned his brother and dragged him in to Skywalker.
“There are too many of them!” Ahsoka said.
“Fall back!” Kenobi ordered.
Everyone went into the station and held the doors shut.
“How many are left out there?” Anakin asked.
“About half, sir.” Rex said.
“That’s too many.”
Bail Organa ran around the corner, “We have clones coming in the south entrance by some of the other med-bays.” he said.
“That’s where Padmé is!” Anakin said “Rex, how many are out of surgery?”
“We have around 20 left to go.” The Captain responded.
“Take them to the south entrance and get ready to evacuate the place if we need to.” he ordered.
“Yes sir.”
Yoda came round the corner.
“Skywalker.” Yoda called
“Master.” Anakin responded.
“Subdue the clones from here we can. Together we must work to do this. All their heads, hit against each other make them, but not too hard or kill them it will.”
Anakin nodded and they both held their hands out, reaching deep into the force. The clones all rose up in the air and all crumpled into a pile on the floor with a loud clang.
“To the med-bays, get them.” Yoda ordered. Everyone there obliged and carried a trooper onto a gurney. Rex ran back from the south entrance.
“All the troops are ready for the procedure.” He reported.
“And Padmé and the twins?” Anakin asked.
“I … I couldn’t see them sir.”
Fear once again rose in Anakin.
I’m sorry this chapter is so long, I couldn’t condense it or find a place to split it into 2. But I guess it makes up for how short the last chapter was😅. Also there is one chapter left of this and then its the epilogue! I hope you enjoyed it and please leave any feedback or suggestions for future fics. Please interact with my posts as much as you can! You can follow me on Instagram if you want @siriusly_a_jedi.
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chunhua-s · 4 years
Tendou in an enemies to lovers situation 🥺
wew chile, eye— this was longer than i originally planned and that’s due in part to me switching from writing on mobile and my bad word vomit tendencies said ✨start the cameras✨ i originally had a bit of trouble coming up with the solid plot itself while i was losing myself on concepts (nothing new :D just my regular clown shit y’know?) and my sweet goddess @bootylikepeachy was there to tickle my braincells with this “got paired together with your enemy for a class assignment” idea!! bb thank you for brainrotting with me on this, honestly 🥺💖 i dunno if i could have made a final decision if it weren’t for you and your sexy ass brain. i decided leave the ending a bit open?? one to prevent myself from going over 5k words (cause wow, i really hit the slow burn on this one) and two because i kinda like the ambiguity of their relationship after the reader comes to her turning point. since it’s an enemies to lovers type of scenario, i figured it would be better to let things kind of trickle off instead of having it all happen on the same day?? or so it doesn’t feel too rushed or force and i really hope i was successful in doing it justice. i hope you guys will have as much fun reading this as i did writing it!! let me know your thoughts, okay? and as always, thank you for reading!!
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genre: fluff, slowburn
au: enemies to lovers
warnings: uhhh slowburn? word vomit, ramblings..... that’s about it
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tendou is the fall from an ocean cliff. he’s the feeling of the wind sweeping past your body, of your breath disappearing from your lungs and vanishing on the whisps of a blue sky. he’s the dread that wraps around your heart like a vine, the heavy rock that drags you closer and closer to a dive you can’t remember taking. and you, with your heart racing against your ribs so hard that it scars itself with blue and purple bruises, you’re terrified. you’re terrified of heights, of blue waters that run to the deepest parts of the earth and what they don’t show to you. you’re afraid of the heat that comes from a blazing fire and the embers that fly from it on red hazes. it’s the fear of that unpredictability that keeps you away, the fear of being burned and left for dead that leaves you feeling as if you’re walking on egg shells around him.
to you, he’s a variable that you can’t ever be prepared for. a step added to a dance you’d already learned by heart, he messes up your rhythm and throws off your tempo until the melody becomes something you can’t recognize anymore. he leaves you guessing about what comes next — it’s like a game of roulette that he’d dragged you into by a thin chord, wrapped so tightly around your throat that it makes it hard for you to breathe. you hate the feeling of it, hate the way he so easily turned your world on its head and cast the familiarity of monochrome into a scenery of blinding colour. 
you’re pouting, a frown etched across your lips as you methodically stir over your pot, head cocked to the side and one hand resting akimbo on your hip. it’d been well over 30 minutes since you’d started boiling the ingredients over a low flame, and you were beginning to tire from stirring constantly; your arm ached and your shoulders were beginning to feel stiff as you tried rolling them to relieve some of the tension. frustration makes a loud groan slip from your lips as you throw your head back. normally, you’d consider yourself a patient person, yet that very same patience was beginning to run as thin as the liquid that should have been thickening by now. you couldn’t understand why it was taking so long, however. you’d done everything by the book! mixed each ingredient in the order that it’d said to, set the flame on the right level, measured everything correctly, so what was wrong?
you hear a snort come from somewhere behind you, but you don’t turn yourself to look at the red-headed male who sits comfortably atop the other side of your counter, well intent to ignoring him. you had neither the time nor the energy to entertain him right now, but your companion didn’t seem to understand that from the cold shoulder you’d been giving him ever since you two began working on your project together.
“you know you don’t have to keep stirring it, right?” tendou hums between bites of chocolate that slightly muffle his words. you don’t see the way his eyes close and his smile widens on delight for the sweet flavour that melts on his tongue. “you can leave it for about a minute before you have to check up on it again.”
you stubbornly roll your eyes, a huff coming from under your breath that disturbs the strand of hair dangling in front of your face. “that’s not what the book says.” your voice comes out evenly, though there’s nothing you do to cut the edge from your tone as you sigh immediately after. the frown on your lips only deepens with the next few seconds that pass you by.
“and that book was released in 2015.”
it’s invasive in its arrival, the question of why that spits on bitterness and undiluted anger. why were you so unlucky to have been paired up with the one person you couldn’t bear to be around? he was everything that dug under your skin, the symbol of chaos in a place where you’d rather solace and routine. he stands on the opposite end of the colour spectrum; where your life molds with deep purples and blues of a dark midnight, he’s the flaming oranges and reds of a burning sunset. your worlds meet on a collision, a burst of light that would consume entire dimensions and leave nothing but bones and ashes in its wake. 
there’s a pettiness in your hatred for him, a one-sided scorn that bears its fangs on dark poisons that trip like ink. it tells its tale of irrationality in your law of reason, and, you consider, perhaps that was why you hated tendou. perhaps it was the way his voice could so easily insight the burning taste of anger and annoyance on the back of your tongue, where it forms on a large ball that stops inside your throat and makes it hard to breathe without feeling as if you would implode. it’s something you can’t understand, but you despise the feeling it leaves you with when your eyes meet his.
hot, as if you’d been cast into the open arms of hell. 
“well,” you force behind gritted teeth, hearing the noise of them grinding in the back of your head. “i’m gonna stick to what the book says until it gets revised.” 
there’s absolutely no reason for you to be so insistent on something that’s clearly not working, you know that. you’re sure tendou is thinking the same, if the long, drawn out sigh he lets out is anything to go by. it isn’t difficult to imagine his expression, lips pursed together, brows furrowed as his narrowed eyes burn holes into your skin. you’re not sure what exactly is pushing you to be so stubborn, but you blindly let it control your thoughts; you run on impulse and immature decisions that have no place in your life. 
a silence blends with the sounds of your bubbling pot when he doesn’t respond, insighting an urge to glance around and see why he’d suddenly stopped talking that you force away from your mind. the quiet would give you some semblance of peace, you consider decisively: if he’s decided he would no longer disturb you with pointless musings, then what reason would you have to complain?
there’s a touch on your shoulder that causes your heart to latch inside your throat and rushes on uneven beats of a two-second fright that has you freezing on yourself. on instinct, your body turns to meet red eyes and a bemused grin as tendou’s fingers wrap around your wrist, catching the hand that held the mixing spatula you’d been using in your pot. “relax, will you?” he murmurs, a chuckle on his breath — the taste of his mint breath clouds your mind like a ghostly fragrance — as he pries the instrument from between your clenched fist. with narrowed eyes and your guard put up on a weak barrier, you watch closely as he gently sets the spatula against the counter before he finally releases your arm; it falls lifelessly to your side while the feeling of being burned slowly spreads across your skin. “just trust me on this.” 
there’s a hidden promise on his voice, a teasing grin that pulls at his lips and leaves your curiosity ignited on hesitance and uncertainty. you glance at your still bubbling pot, though your gaze isn’t allowed to linger for long as tendou shoves his face into your line of sight with a light chime of “ah-ah-ah.” it was as if he was scolding a child, the thought quickly comes and goes before you can dwell on it — there’s not much chance for you to think about it when tendou’s steering you to your island counter by your shoulders. “sit down for a sec, alright?”
a scowl forms on your lips as he shoves you down into a seat, and you open your mouth to protest when you’re suddenly pacified by the sweet taste on your tongue. slowly, you begin chewing, letting the confusion you feel be washed away by the quickly melting chocolate that fills you with a sense of appreciation. 
it’s reluctant, but you give the red haired boy a nod and a small smile, all which he returns with his familiar grin. “i set a timer for one minute,” he informs you, lifting his phone screen to show the seconds counting down from 50. his actions are carefree and relaxed, with his arm resting on the edge of the chair and one of his legs folded beneath him, red hair tousled and flopping over his forehead just like he wears it on campus. he’s attractive, you won’t deny, though you wouldn’t let yourself ever say it out loud. helplessly, you sigh, your shoulders dropping to release the tension from standing for so long and you lift a hand to sheepishly run over your neck as you avoid his gaze.
tendou’s smile widens as soon as you relent, a pleased hum leaves him as he further leans back into the chair. “so,” he begins on a cheerful tone, and your eyes curiously watch him as he opens conversation. “what’re your plans after you finish the course?”
a short moment passes you by where you glance away from him, eyes drifting to the pot on your worry. was it really okay to leave it alone? “uh,” you mutter out on your distracted tone before you center yourself. you take a deep breath and let it out on a soft puff that has your cheeks pushing out slightly before you give your answer. “i wanna open up a coffeeshop.” 
“oh?” when you meet tendou’s gaze, there’s a spark of interest in them, a sheen of gold that lights vermillion red on the afternoon sun. it causes you to become self-conscious suddenly, your hands tangle together in your lap as you avert your eyes almost as quickly as they’d met his. 
“yeah,” you affirm softly. “i’ve always thought that it’d be nice, you know? and i’d be able to relax in a place like that.” 
another hum comes from the man next to you, a low sound that dwells on pondering as he takes in your response. “you do seem like the kind of person who would work in a coffeeshop.” he muses, and his word leaves your mind on pause as the alarm goes off, the soft ringing of a song you don’t know disrupting your thoughts and prompting you to stand up. however, there’s a hand on your shoulder that hurriedly pushes you down before you’re at your full height. “no,no—” tendou urges you, “i’ll do it, you just sit there and rest.” 
you’re not given the chance to argue as he breezily saunters over to your stove, reaching for the spatula while humming that same song from his alarm. it’s not one you’ve heard before, and it’s another thing that leaves you curious as you watch him stir over the bubbling liquid. you notice the way he holds his hand at a weird angle that leaves his elbow jutting out, the way his tall frame has to hunch as if to see the contents better. doesn’t he wear glasses? you’re lost on the thought as you try and recall whether or not you’d seen him wear a pair before. when he turns back to you, his smile is wide and triumphant, a show of all teeth as he moves himself to the side and just barely tilts the pot with his free hand. “would’ja look at that?” he sings, a telling smugness to his tone as he looks at you. you have to lean over the island counter to see the white liquid has thickened considerably more than when you’d been stirring it. “told you to just let it sit for a while and it’d do it’s own thing!”
unable to help the smile that spreads across your lips, you huff and wave a hand across your face in dismissal, harmlessly rolling your eyes at him. “alright, no need to rub it in now,” you chide as he replaces the pot and skips over to your side, large steps that have him swinging his arms back and forth like an excited child. there’s no hiding the glee in his expression when he sits down again and immediately turns to face you, as if he was waiting for you to admit something. and maybe that’s what he was waiting for, but you’re still stubborn when it comes to him, so you only turn your eyes away from him and cross your arms with a false pout. “just set the timer again, will you?” you grumble, and you’re rewarded with laughter that rang as pure and innocent as the sound of trickling water. it leaves you stunned for a moment, echoes in your mind and finds a home inside your chest so that it plays back for you to hear. it’s a beautiful sound, you think; there’s a part of you that wants to hear more. it horrifies you. 
“what about you?” you shake your head as you lean your elbows on top of the counter top, eyes focused on your fingers wrapping around one another rather than to meet vermillion red. the cool feeling of the marble does very little to ease the warmth coursing beneath your skin. “what’re your plans after finishing the course?”
tendou’s laughter dies down like the wind comes to a pause, where the leaves stop rustling on an easy rest as he sighs long and full, his chest rising with the action as he leans backward ever so slightly. “i was thinking of making chocolate,” he tells, tilting his head and lending his gaze to the scenery outside your window. it gives you the courage to look back at him, at the sight of his figure bathed in sunlight where the gold bounces off his skin like a gem. with his expression set on pensive and his eyes bearing a wandering glint, he looks nearly ethereal inside your kitchen, a picture of immortality that you’ve never bothered to look at before now. he glows under a melting light, the picture of him robs you of air and leaves you gasping, desperate for your blood to start flowing the way it had before. 
it’s when his eyes find yours that you relearn how to breathe.
his gaze is half-lidded, touched by a visual of content that makes him look at peace, nearly drowsy as his hand supports the weight of his head. the smile on his lips is slight, the kind that quirks the corners of your lips and tells you a story of effortless charm. 
“is there any particular reason?” you hate that your voice comes out weak, that it breaks on it’s departure and tumbles out of your lips like white feathers flutter from the sky. the onslaught of emotion leaves you reeling, your center of gravity cast from your body and you struggle to find your footing over uneven ground, all while he watches you, red eyes picking you apart and leaving bear to him the parts of yourself you’ve never seen. a boyish smile settles over his lips as he turns his head to fully face you, leaning forward ever so slightly, but it’s enough so that you’re once again able to taste peppermint on his breath. it washes over your skin like an autumn wind, leaves a chill that reminds you of the first signs of snow on the throws of a mid-summer’s heat.
“not really,” he confesses with a shrug, carefree and unbothered while he leaves you as the perfect image of flustered. his voice is low, like a whisper. it’s hushed, and you’re able to hear something of a sigh on his words that leaves you to wonder about the way the sunlight reflects off of pools of red, how the golden hue makes them appear like the butterscotch candies you’d snack on between classes. “i just… like sweet things.”
you’re reminded of the taste of caramel when you think of tendou. it comes as a surprise when you take the first bite into a chocolate bar, an unexpected drop of golden sweetness that makes you pause for, if only, just a second to properly let its flavour spread across your tongue. he’s the warmth of sunset that embraces your body, the feeling of the waves that brush against your toes, the sand that fills with water and wraps around your feet. you’re left on the shoreline to watch in awe as flames of orange and red dance on the ocean’s surface, where the blazes and embers of a passion unimaginable to your midnight moon leave traces of ethereal gold in its wake. 
there’s a sudden thought that invades your mind, slow like molasses and just as bittersweet; you want to sink beneath those burning waters, to let them cover you from head to toe and consume all that you are. until your heart learns his melody and your body falls to his tune.
there’s a part of you that yearns after satori tendou, and the realization if it scares you. 
you’re the first to look away when the timer sounds once more, your face burns and you purse your lips together while your hands tangle together on your lap. beside you, tendou arises wordlessly to saunter over to the pot, humming once more to the tune that continues to play from his phone. it doesn’t sound like a typical alarm, and it leaves you intrigued by it’s upbeat melody.  “what song is that?” you curse the way your voice breaks, clearing your throat and hoping that he didn’t pick up on it. why were you suddenly becoming such a mess? 
tendou answers you a bit distractedly while he tilts the pot from side to side, his head cocked in contemplation and his expression pensive. “it’s called circus,” he glances at you from over his shoulder and uses his free hand to gesture you forward before reaching for the pair of yellow, sunflower-themed muffins you left to sit close-by. “bring the chocolate for me, would’ja?” you meet him just as he’s moving your pot to sit on your counter, the plate of chopped up chocolate bits in your hand while he moves to the side to let you dump them into the mixture. “i found it on this playlist from youtube and i kinda got obsessed with it.” 
you take in his words over the light-hearted melody that plays from his phone, enjoying the sound of it before it cuts off and sets to snooze since tendou hadn’t turned it off. it leaves you wanting to hear more, and you wish it would have played on for a little bit longer as you set the plate to the side. “can i look it up?” you ask; the thought that it was silly to ask for his permission rings in your head before you can stop it, and you feel your face heating up when he looks up from mixing the chocolate to you, his eyes alight with amusement and his smile teasing. 
“go ahead,” he chuckles, giving his attention back to the pot after casually waving a hand in the air. “mind bringing me the setting tray?”
it doesn’t take you too long to open up the youtube app, your fingers typing in the name of the song before you pause and glance over to your partner. “is it the one by showmore?”
soon, the familiar intro bleeds into your kitchen space, filling up the absence of conversation between you and tendou as he bobs his head along to its sound. you’re left to lean against the counter, your hands folded beneath you while he pours out your chocolate mixture into the little cube shapes in the tray. what you feel is a comfort, a type of quiet happiness that calms your breath on the sound of drums and the piano that blends with the singer’s voice. “it sounds nice,” you mutter quietly, unable to help the way your head nods in time to the melody. 
tendou shoots you an excited smile. “it does, right?? i’ve been listening to it nonstop ever since i found it.” his enthusiasm draws a laugh from you, a grin stretches across your face as you watch him sway side to side. it’s an adorable picture of him dancing and smiling so brightly, and when he looks up at you with excitement in his eyes, you feel your heart skip a beat. 
“wanna dance?”
the question catches you off guard, leaves you to stare wide-eyed at his back as he pops the tray into the freezer before turning back to face you. his grin widens and becomes almost teasing when he sees your stunned expression. “c’mere!” he urges you with an eagerness, his hand waving you over.
“tendou, i—” you avert your gaze, feeling your skin warm up once more as you murmur your answer. “i can’t dance…” 
he makes his way over to you in a sequence of movements you can’t hope to describe — it’s almost like a prance, where his steps are exaggerated and his shoulders lift up in a kind of rocking motion while he’s snapping his fingers to the beat. “that’s fine!” he grins at you just as he reaches out for your hand, pulls you to your feet and coaxes you from behind your island counter. “i can’t either!” 
for a moment, you’re caught between amused and hopelessly confused while the man before you lifts your arms like wet spaghetti, letting him swing them between your bodies as if you were a puppet, and he the puppeteer. he’s beaming at you so widely that it’s almost ridiculous, but he seems so vivid and joyous while he maneuvers your limbs, and it causes broad laughter to bubble up from your chest as your body doubles over. it’s a pure, weightless type of laughter that leaves you, like the chiming of bells on the summer wind. it echoes over the music, and when tendou joins in with you, there arises between you both a new kind of song, whose story is found at the evening time when the world holds her breath. it’s a harmony that’s carefree, like the fall from an ocean cliff, like the breath that vanishes from your lungs and cries on laughter beneath the blue sky. it’s the feeling of your fears melting, and when your body finally plunges between those fireset waves, you’re wondering why you were scared in the first place. 
“that’s it!!” the excitement in tendou’s voice is infectious, his smile as bright as the sun itself when your fingers intertwine with his and your body finally moves on its own. here begins a dance between you two where he pulls you in closer, and when you pull away, your hands remain intertwined. an irresistible force that you can’t help being drawn to, that spins you around his fingers and wraps you in his arms, all while eyes of the sweetest sunset promise you gold on your midnight sky. the feeling inside your chest is warm, sets through your body like a quiet buzz and it leaves you wanting more, so that the yearning you feel would only ever be satisfied by him.
your hand in his feels like a slow burning flame, and as the both of you are laughing with a song you create with each other, you realize that you’re no longer afraid of its heat.
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taglist: @aiiishiiiteru @bootylikepeachy @tsumue @waitforitillwritemywayout @mixxfi @shnnn
send an ask to be added or removed!! (also pls lemme know if i’m forgetting anyone? i think i got you all but just in case)
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littlefreya · 4 years
The Way to Hell - Part 11
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Synopsis: Post Mi6, Alternate Canon. August escapes Ethan Hunt with his face intact and is currently the most dangerous man alive. Unwilling to back down from his murderous agenda, he plots to continue where he stopped, unaware of the trained assassin who is sent to bring him down.
Chapters:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Completed.
Pairing: August Walker x OFC (Ingvild)
Word count: 6.2k
Warnings:  Explicit smut, violence, gore, cutting, angst, manhandling, choking, foul language, bondage, breath play, unprotected sex. 
A/N: Assuming my usual panic attack positions! Ok, so there are about 2 chapters left and I fear this story is about to conclude... 😰 This chapter put me through an emotional turmoill! Many thanks for my editor and muse @agniavateira, @yespolkadotkitty for the cover art and @dancingwendigo and @wondersofdreaming who’re helping me through my panic attacks and providing tips
Please comment, review and reblog.  💖
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it or parts of the source material and claiming it as your own*
Title: Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
Pearly tendrils of light shine through the creases of his lids, waking him from a dreamless sleep. A mixture of iron and dream-like mellowness tugs at his nose, like death and fresh roses. It’s so close he can nearly taste it on his parched tongue. Swallowing the scorching dryness in his throat, the fallen man attempts to move but a leaden warmth defies him, hugging softly onto his upper torso and embracing him in the foreign fog of solace. 
A delicate heartbeat murmurs against his, so frail it virtually feels as if it melted into his own ribs. 
As if she dissolved into him.
Cold sweat layers his forehead. Snapping frantically he shoves the girl off of him, curling against the headboard with a crazed neurotic look on his face as if he was touched by a blaze of blistering fire. 
“What the fuck do you want!?” August yells, his voice hoarse and cracked. His glare shoots through her across the small bedroom, his mind rapidly trying to grasp any recollection of the messy chamber. This location is strange to him; the walls feel like they’re closing in, withdrawing the air from his lungs in a place that seems like a warzone. The light-carpeted floor is soiled by a long path of the darkest red, the trail leading back to them.  
The porcelain valkyrie is pushed to the edge of the bed, seemingly like a rare mythological creature. Her long hair drapes her face like a dark veil, pierced by two shiny diamonds that glimpse through, imbued with naivety. Still drowsy, she tries to collect her own senses, rubbing her heavy forehead and releasing a soft groan.
“Relax, stop shouting.” she pleads with lids half shut. Her slender arms spread in the air, suggesting a peace treaty. 
August scowls, his airflow becoming short and quickened. He lets a hand rave over his chest with panic, finding it bare and sticky with dry blood and sweat. A clean bandage is wrapped around his left pectoral and crossed tightly around one shoulder. While the aching sting still bites into the wounded muscle, his energy has slightly renewed, as well as his sanity. 
Or so he believes. 
Making another hasty survey of the room, he finds his belt and armed holster scattered on the floor. He makes a dash for it, immediately aiming the gun in Ingvild’s direction, refusing to fall to whatever game this may be.  
She stares at him motionless, remaining seated with her knees folded and her feet nestled below her behind. “Feels nice doesn’t it?” she provokes, her lips breaking into a faint grin as if the muscles of her face are still learning the concept of smiling. “To wake up with your tits out.”
Looking back at her unamused, his hand waves the gun. A glower shadows his face, painting deep lines in his forehead. The attempt to greet her with an onslaught of insults results in nothing but a painful wheeze as his throat sears. 
“Don’t move,” Ingvild commands lightly and climbs off the bed, completely ignoring the click of the gun and August’s arm that follows her every movement. Her legs nearly float through as she moves gracefully, rushing to the bathroom nearby. She grabs a glass and fills it from the tap before quickly returning to sit on the bed, offering the tall glass to August.
Wary of her peace offering, he hesitates, scanning her for any signs of wickedness and finding none. Something else glints through her big irises instead. The deep lines that dot those beautiful greys seem so brittle, immersed in emotion he can’t define or recognize at all. 
It makes him feel attacked.
Snatching the glass violently, he swallows its content in one gulp, feeling a thirst he never sensed in his entire existence. He places the glass on the nightstand, slamming it so harshly it shatters.  
Ingvild peers at the light sparkling onto the broken shards and averts her eyes back to August’s profoundly ragged face. He glares with blazes of fury, evidently less than inclined to trust her despite her efforts to make amends, and the fact that she nursed him through a stormy night. 
It pricks her heart, more than it ever did when she tried to gain Liam’s affection.
“I could have killed you at least three times in your sleep,” she murmurs and then pauses, attempting to smirk again. “You should really lay off the snacks, I nearly fainted trying to get you to the bed.”
Unphased, he carefully gauges her appearance. Soft, pale light shines through the window, showering her skin with a mellow haze as she sits holding a hand over her forearm, squeezing it nervously. Her glance is filled with rain clouds, the cynicism and the hatred he grew so accustomed to is untraceable. 
A piece inside her shifted, deeming her fragile all of the sudden. In his heart of tar and stone, he knows she speaks the truth, yet the spirit of vengeance won’t let go. Bile rises in his throat, fingers twitching as the constant hunger to touch her prickles his skin. The woman is a natural prey to him, making his mouth salivate. It’s enough to see her defenceless to make him want to gnaw fresh cavities in her flesh. 
But something else boils in his veins. More than just a primal need.
“Why can’t you just let me be?” he asks sharply, teeth gritted and jaw strained tightly. A slight tremor runs through his bones, his body dominated by anger and despair. 
“You came here,” she answers, staring fearlessly between the barrel and his furious gaze. A small frown forms between her eyebrows, the grey clouds inside her lustrous eyes beginning to take wind. “You wanted to retaliate.”
Fragments of the other night begin to slice into the black matter of his brain: her tears, her lips moving slowly, whispering his own words of a vendetta in her angelic voice. 
Like a dream, nebulous and virginal, how beautiful she was surrendering her will to his. 
‘Fight it! She betrayed you.’
“Oh trust me, princess, I still very much want to see you die.” he retorts, the gun beginning to feel heavy in his hand. He reaches to hold his own wrist, giving a fierce glare. “You should have ended it, darling.”
“Yes, I should’ve killed you,” she agrees, her lower lip slightly quivering as she looks at him with desperation. Her chest begins to heave through the cleavage of her top, the same tarnished one she wore that night. It still smells like his sweat. His musk is so stubborn it lingers. 
“I should be a good girl, for Liam, for Icarus. But I have so many thoughts going through my head over and over again, splitting my mind in half. I don’t want to do this anymore, I don’t want to kill for them, I don’t want to kill you. It hurts.”
Shuffling in a swift movement, she crawls toward him, her muscles flexing inward. Her slick manoeuvres remind him of a majestic feline. August’s pupils dilate as the lines of her face sharpen in his sight and the warmth of her body returns to caress him like a pleasant autumn breeze.
Ingvild reaches her slender arm for his wrist fearlessly before he can even muster any protest. Ignoring the gun aimed at her throat, she forces his palm flat onto her chest and inhales sharply. Her heart thunders against his touch, making his own beat accelerate.  
“Right here,” she says, gazing deeply into his eyes as if trying to enchant him. “I have killed close to 470 people since I was 14. I don’t remember their faces, but I do know I never felt this before, not for any of them.”
The azure ocean in August’s eyes gushes with alarming gusts. The scarce physical contact ignited a spark inside him, driving him to withdraw his hand aggressively, putting down the flame before it begins to spread again. 
“What do you want? What do you think this is?” he asks furiously, boring a frenzied look into her eyes. He feels a certain heat rising in his chest. He reasons with himself that it’s just the gunshot wound festering, burning his lungs to cinders.
“I want you,” she answers, her gaze dropping to his lips, admiring the fine shape. A sharp cupid’s bow hidden beneath the coarse hair of his thick moustache. Her hands dream of stroking his sculptured jaw and feel the bristle of his untamed stubble. 
“I want to follow you on your mission.”    
‘She is lying. Don’t trust her, remember what happened the last time you’ve placed your faith in a woman?’
August’s nostrils flare, his mind scouring frantically, bargaining for a reason why she would be different. Twice he spared her, his murderous will weakened by her manipulative spells, clawed by whatever it was she had on him. The voice in his head warns him gravely, yet the fact that here he is, still alive by her merciful hand spikes his doubts, meddling with his thoughts the way only she could do. 
Ever since she stepped into his life he’s been spiralling into a cataclysm. Something that he always gripped with zeal was no longer in his control.  
Leaning closer, he narrows his eyes with spite. The muscle of his jaw contracts, clenching tightly. He grazes the cold barrel of the gun against the supple skin of her cheek. “Why should I trust you?” he spits out, tracing her face further with the hard, crude metal.  “You think that because I broke you in, I actually care about you?”
Ingvild studies his face, not showing any sign of fear as she nods to herself. “You need proof.”
The young woman looks around her, searching for something in the room thoughtfully. Her eyes rest on the nightstand beside August and she leans to it, brushing her entire figure against his broad body for a split second as she reaches for the broken glass. 
“What do you think you’re doing, princess?” he asks cautiously, his eyes following her every move.  He crooks his eyebrow as she sits in front of him with her legs bunched beneath her bottom. Displaying her left arm with her elbow resting on one knee and her palm facing upward, she presses the shard against her wrist. 
August frowns in a mixture of confusion and agitation, alarm bells ringing at the back of his head. Yet no rational thought makes it to his mind as he watches the glass tear through her skin. 
Silence befalls the room. Abruptly so quiet he can hear the buzz of the electric cords running through the walls. Even her breath pauses as her right hand drops the shard on the bed, her eyes remaining poised, darting onto his. Overcome with disbelief he wonders if she actually did it, scrutinizing her flesh which seems intact.  
Suddenly, a spout of blood emerges through her open wrist. 
Dark red liquor licks down her arm, sensually dripping onto her worn jeans and pooling onto the blanket. August’s heart stirs with shock, yet he attempts to force his emotions away. 
“What the hell do you think you are doing?!” 
Keeping her sight on his, Ingvild remains still, not flinching a muscle as the blood pumps out of her severed artery. The pain is excruciating yet the chants in her mind continue to tell her to hold her groans inside. 
‘Show no weakness, prove your strength.’
“You want loyalty.”
“Won’t mean a thing if you’re dead,” he answers coldly, waiting for her to stop the blood, to show any fear or regret. The thick liquid continues to flow down her arm, tarnishing her porcelain skin that begins to turn paler as the blood drains from her body. He gathers the torture must be unbearable yet she won’t even make a whimper.
‘What is she waiting for?’
“I’m not going to save you,” August warns. 
Ingvild shrugs lightly, trying not to move her arm too much. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll die one way or another, by your hand or Icarus’. At least this gives me a choice.”
The drops staining the bed sound like rain tapping against a window ledge, heavy and dull.
August’s brows knit together, his eyes running back and forth between her arm and her face, watching her lips turning light blue, triggering disturbing memories in his mind. “What on earth does that mean?” Heavy frown lines paint his forehead as he recalls her words before she shot him. 
“I have to kill you.” 
“You’re a slave?” he reckons, looking at the colour vanishing from her face as she nods. “How very disappointing, Ingvild.”
“A tool, controlled by men whom I’ve never seen to manipulate the world and sustain the old order, as you wrote in your manifesto.” she shuts her eyes for a mere second, trying to push back the throbbing twinge in her vein as her body screams with panic. 
“They stole my freedom…” she pauses, finding it suddenly hard to speak. “They stole me... what did they take from you?”
“It’s none of your business,” he snaps, aware of how her voice slows down along with her breath. He swears he can hear her heartbeat getting louder as if begging to be rescued. 
“But I am bleeding for you.” she provokes, offering a small weak chuckle. Feeling the euphoria creeping to her mind. “You should tell me your plans like villains do in the movies. I’m dying anyway.”
August snarls. Shaking his head, his eyes hold a rageful ocean, washed with concern. The image of her dying corpse lying beneath him flashes into his memory. A dead angel in the snow, lips frozen in time. He should have left her there in the frozen lake. But for a split second, she was Lacey and then she wasn’t. 
As she slowly dives into her own death, he still wonders why he couldn’t let her drown.
‘For fuck’s sake.’
Ingvild closes her eyes accepting the shadows that seduce her to join them, the pain dwindling as her body gives in. But she’s quickly pulled back by August who holds her hand, covering the bleeding slit with his tattered shirt and pressing into it. His voice comes as distant thunder, vibrating gently in her ears before words begin to make sense again.  
“Hold it up, like this,” he commands her, folding her arm and fisting her wrist tightly. “Where are the bandages?”
Ingvild tilts her chin, her sleepy eyes gesturing onto her bag on the floor where a pristine white pack of badges lies. 
“Keep the pressure on,” he orders her again. His voice is calm as if once again he follows protocols. Yet something stirred, hiding within the silent sea of his eyes which snap at her for a split second. 
They’re tainted by fear. 
Ingvild watches with hushed admiration as he hurries to grab the bandage and returns to her. A small wrinkle rests between his brow, focusing intently on wrapping her open wound. He makes such a beautiful, neat work dressing her injury, she almost feels sorry for making a mess out of his.    
“Have I proved myself?” she taunts, peeking at him through her lashes while he makes work of tying the dressing tightly at her wrist. His elegant hands wrap a piece of medical duct tape around the bandages, twirling the long thick bands ceremonially as if they were silk ribbons.
His stern gaze rests upon her face, noting every flake of her long lashes, watching the different colours shift like thick liquid as daylight breaks onto her glassy irises. Awe plays with the strings in his chest, mesmerized by the innocence in her that refuses to die even after he desecrated her. 
The craving in him seethes. Like a thirsty man in the desert who stumbles onto an oasis.    
‘You can’t let her go, can’t let her slip between your fingers.’
With her wrist still in his grasp, he allows himself to stroke a thumb over the white cotton of the bandage, brushing the suppleness of her skin.
“This is not the devotion I need from you, princess.”
Ingvild flinches like a scared animal, shivering at the foreign tenderness of his touch. No one ever touched her with kindness. Soft, feather-like caresses embark further up her milky skin, making her moan at the pleasant new sensation. Light and careful, his fingers ascend to her neck and press around her chin.  
“Angel,” August murmurs, low and sonorous. His bulky body looms closer, whilst the grip around her jaw becomes tense, drawing her closer until his lips are a mere inch away from hers. “Do you want to be devoted to me?”
“Yes,” she answers, voice still lingering either by blood loss or the passion that begins to cloud her mind.
Consoled by her answer, a small growl builds in the pit of August’s diaphragm, accompanied by a lustful grin that edges his chiselled face. 
“Then show me your devotion.”
“No…” she protests lightly, finally breaking into a true little smile that glints brightly in her eyes. The radiance almost makes him want to take it from her by force. “I’m not a toy.” 
August smirk widens at her response, exposing his sharp fangs that beam at the faint hint of rosy hues that circles her cheeks. 
“Did I stutter?” Authority paints his voice, his grip putting pressure on her nape and pressing her chin up with the pad of his thumb. The patience in him wears thin, greed weaving in his gut yet he vows to hold back as much as possible, unwilling to tear down her wings. 
She must submit freely.
Fallen by his power, she watches the darkness pour into his eyes, his lips pulling apart slightly, anticipating the moment when he can steal the air from her lungs and nibble into the plumpness of her lips. Whatever strength in her wanes, bending to his will. She meekly takes his lips into hers, suckling him above and below, feeling the rough graze of his moustache. 
It’s nothing like the violent kiss they shared in the pit, yet something in her quickly awakens: a hunger like no other, turning the kiss more demanding. Like fire spreading, their tongues quickly engulf each other, dancing feverishly. August’s growl vibrates all the way down her sternum, his hands roaming down to grope every patch of skin. 
A mewl of protest breaks from her as he leaves her lips, followed by a deep sigh as he begins to kiss down her throat. The scruff of his coarse facial hair makes her blood rush and her heart pumps with exhilaration, nearly halting from the bliss of his touch.
“I want everything.” August blurts out, tugging her shirt over her head and then biting her breasts over her bra. The canvas of her skin is tainted by deep-grey and purple shades. Flicking the clasp of her bra, he wonders briefly which were from their fight and which formed as he fucked her so aggressively. He feels nothing but pride in knowing he will make new ones right now. Brand her as he claims her his own. 
Sharp teeth sink into her tender breasts, coaxing yips of pain, marking her with wet little cavities while his fingers fiddle with her jeans, urgently huddling it down her legs along with her underwear. Impassioned, she shifts from her position, kicking away the last remnants of her clothes. The chill air tickles her wet flesh, making her exhale with ghastly need. More wolf than a man, August leans back, his torso layered with sweat that glistens of the dark fur of his torso. The fabric of his trousers is stretched painfully over the massive bulge and mindlessly she reaches out to feel him, kneading the outlines of his erection through his pants. 
‘Fuck, her touch...’ 
Fervent groans tremor through his sinew as she squeezes him harder. She frees him from his trousers, running a hand up and down his shaft, astounded by his vastness and the correlation of smooth velvet skin over rock-hard muscle. 
Still sore, the pounding heat of need rocks at the centre of her cunt, possessing her into swaying her perky breasts against his cock. Pearly beads of precum exude from the tip, coating the erected peaks of her nipples.
“Fuck!” August pants and swallows hard, as the battle over his self-control drains him. Patience has always been his virtue in bed, his power over women. Release in control by sodomy that inflicted true pleasure. 
But not with her. She strings different tunes, singing seductive hymns to the animal in him. 
He wants her. He needs her. He must have all of her.  
‘I deserve her.’
Drawing back against the headboard, his hands snap at her hip, lifting her with ease to stand on her knees right above his cock. Ingvild nibbles at her bottom lip, her eyes falling onto his hardened shaft which lies heavily against his abs. 
If not for all the injuries she caused him, the large man’s Adonis-like form would have looked like a renaissance statue cut out of marble. 
“Come here,” he commands, removing one hand from her to seize the base of his huge cock which towers with glory amidst the dark bundles of curls. “Take me in”
A stream of arousal rushes inside her, making her quiver as she lowers her soaked crease onto his erection ever so gingerly. Cries of overwhelm break from her lips. His girth splits her apart, whilst his wolf-like glares bore into hers with the triumph of conquest. 
Every push stretches her wider, forcing her body to succumb and accept him despite the painful effort. August is too big, his vastness tears whatever innocence is left to her, and he is not even fully within.
Shivering, she halts, hearing August’s snarl of protest when realizing she has her nails cleaving crescent-marks on his pumped shoulders.  
“All the way in, angel,” he commands, and then bucks his hips into her and snaps her down onto his pulsating shaft, giving no notice to the scream she lets out as he sears her. 
He drives himself in until her ass slams onto his thick thighs. She can feel his hot flinching cock buried within the dark pit of her gut while his sack strains against her clenched cavern. 
“Good girl.” August praises, pressing her against his chest as they both pant and groan in harmony. Calls of pleasure and cries of pain mingle into a sinful symphony.
But suddenly he stills, and his hand snaps at her neck. Thumb pressing at her artery, he makes a small thrust, causing her to whine as little sparks kindle in her cunt. 
“August, please.” she whimpers, trying to ride him to ease the aching despair that boils in her cunt. He fills her to the hilt yet gives no friction but the thundering throb of his thick veins. 
“Devotion.” he replies, his free arm fishing for the leather belt perched on the floor. With one determined wring of his wrist,he wraps it around her neck, giving her a nice little collar with a leash made of the thick strap. 
His finger brushes up and down the leather erotically, staring at the girl’s hazy grey orbs to see if he can find a drop of protest.   
Instead, she presses her hands on his furry torso and desperately begins to mount him with teetering gasps. The noose tightens with the sway of her body yet the tension and the grind within is far too agonizing to stay still; the need to have him sunken in her depth of her soul defies any will to breathe.
August gapes his mouth with awe, groaning loudly as he feels her drenched cunt gripping around. She’s impossibly tight, his fresh little flower, crying out so hopelessly as if it hurts, as if being fucked by his large cock is so pleasurably unbearable yet her life depends on it.
“Poor little tight cunt,” he taunts, urging her to fall faster back on his thighs while bucking his hips into her with deep slams. “you missed this?” he asks with a groan, tying the strap around his fist and pulling her closer to meet his hooded gaze, “You missed me fucking you, angel?”
Unable to make more than strangled sobs, she nods with glassy eyes, feeling the squeeze around her arteries while her cunt convulses and blazes with ecstasy. Flames bloom in the pit of her womb, every assault of his cock inside her pushes the heat further through her nerves. Desperate, she is reduced to nothing but her pursuit of forgotten euphoria. 
The fervent flames lick up her spine, darkness whispering in her mind. Yet she leans back, letting the noose devoid the oxygen to her heart and brain as her body falls lost into a delirium.
August feels her pussy tensing around his cock as the belt halts her airflow; through the heated waves of pleasure, an alarm blares. “Careful,” he rasps, reaching his fist to her throat to replace the belt and pulling her until her chest grinds into his own. “Don’t damage what’s mine!”
Her reply is a cracked wheeze, her body jolting as he fucks her into a punishing rhythm. Hot and burning, stoking inside her, balls thudding and battering her hole, the chant of their wet skin colliding in a violent dance accompanies the chaotic symphony of their moans. His angel latches onto him, wrapping tighter and tighter as her body accepts his offering of rage, sucking and milking him dry.
August pulls her face against his, fingers flexing around her jugular, lips grazing her own and then hovering to rob her of her feeble exhales. 
“You want to breathe?” he snarls.
Ingvild nods, feeling the storm of fire about to erupt inside her. Her canal gripping him so tightly she can feel every tendon and ridges of him grazing her walls. Tears well in her raincloud eyes, her heart shrinking as she feels him, all of him, consuming her with his existence.
“Then come for me, angel.” 
With his words, she arches back, letting the fire implode in her loins and sweep her into a rapture so intense her entire body shakes around him. All she can feel is August, filing her soul, seeping in deeper than her thoughts. 
Tears spring down her cheeks, emotions and pleasure whirl at her heart at once.
Hearing his name on her lips spikes the savage spirits within. Reduced to a beast, he takes hold of her hips, flipping her over and riding between her thighs. His hands pin her down by the neck and he ravages her through her climax. He can feel the flinch of his cock, swelling larger inside her narrow space. The innocence of her essence devours him. All the hate and pain diminishes and for a brief moment, he is allowed into heaven, feeling nothing but bliss in his chest. His shouts of pleasure echo into the room, his body jerking into her as the hot, white ribbons of his thick seed sprout into her womb.
Falling down to earth is always the hardest part.
Taking a hard swallow, he leans his sweaty forehead against hers, rolling it slowly and listening to the silent hisses from her mouth. Still basking in the afterglow of his orgasm, he pulls himself to his elbows fighting the spasm in his muscles and their will to collapse. His brow suddenly crumples at her sight: her eyes shine with a wide spectrum of emotions that glisten sadly down her temples. Shivering sobs escape from quivering lips, trying to find words that never make it to her tongue. 
August observes her carefully, removing his grip from her neck gingerly and reaching out a thumb to dry her tears. The crystals in her eyes were broken to dozens of many pieces that reflected the light back in various shades. A look of a lost child that carries an oddly familiar sensation, something that makes him cold and warm, as if Ingvild is inside his blood and he is inside hers. 
They had killed each other after all and then brought one another’s hearts to beat again. In his twisted mind, it made for a more profound intimacy than sex.
“Easy, babygirl.” he speaks unusually compassionate, dipping a finger in the wetness beneath her eyes and then slips it into his mouth, tasting the salt onto his tongue. “That was intense for you, wasn’t it?”
She nods silently, the emotional release tingling through her aortae, making her skin prickle with goosebumps. She never felt like this: whole, vulnerable, and belonging. She never felt anything at all, all her life. Her body tries to control the jitters in her muscles yet her body seems suddenly inexplicably cold.   
“Sh... it’s okay,” August whispers, capturing her lips into a chaste comforting kiss. “I’ve got you.” he murmurs and allows his lips to trail lower, pressing soft butterfly kisses over every patch of skin and bone, descending through the plains of her naked flesh, tasting the mixture of their sweat. His fingers find the large crescent scar in her lower abdomen, tracing the withering stitches in a sick memory of their first night together.
He feels no remorse. Had he changed his action, she wouldn’t have been his right now.  
Ingvild finally manages to release a sound, moaning with exhaustion as she eases into his care, her lungs and heart catching up when her body begins to float. With whatever strength left in him, August holds her the way a groom holds his bride, and carries her in his firm arms. 
The bath is filled hot near to the brim. Mountains of foam edge onto the water, looking like fluffy little clouds. This bathroom is not as nearly as luxurious as the one he had in Bergen. It’s painfully plain, like something out of an 80’s film, yet right now it looks like the most outrageous, spoiling delight. 
Sitting on the stone, his hand whirls the water, testing the heat before stepping in.   
“Come here,” he beckons, reaching toward Ingvild to join him as he sits down, releasing a deep sigh of relief as the hot water soothes the pain. The bath is hardly big enough for a man of his size, his knees buck up, peeking above the water. 
Ingvild takes his hand, stepping to sit at the spot between his thighs, making sure not to wet the bandages on her wrists. August’s arms guide her to melt back against his broad chest carefully, avoiding friction with the gunshot wound that begins to ache more and more as the last of the endorphins dwindle. He breaks into a small groan and lands his chin atop her head while glaring into the water with rising concern.  
“They will come for us.” Ingvild finally manages to find words, her voice still husky as her jugular strains. “Once they know you’re not dead, they’ll hunt us. We need to move, fast.”
August weighs her words. He muses over the sacrifice she made, and for whom? The man who stabbed her and nearly left her to float in a frozen lake? ‘She chose, you didn’t force her.’
 Indeed, it was her free will that brought her to him.  
“We should,” he answers, rinsing some water onto her torso and rubbing her forearms clean. “Just relax now, you won’t do me good all broken.”
“You care about me,” she teases, a small smile creeping on her lips.
“We will make for my safe house from here, and then we can take the train to Manchester,” he answers, ignoring her comment.
Ingvild catches some foam in her palm, squeezing the dissolving material between her fingers lightly and then blows it with the weak airflow that comes from her lungs. Little specks of bubbles fly into the bath. August watches them with her silently.    
“For the plutonium,” she utters.
Tilting his head slightly, he looks down to see if there is any disgust or fear shadowing her face, yet finds none. The girl continues forming little abstract shapes in the dwindling white hills, twirling her fingernails on the tiny bubbles. The edge of her spine peeks between the thick strands of her hair, while hues of purple, nearly black, hug her nape. The girl is forbearing, enduring as she was taught; he wonders if it’s to please him, or if it pleases her as well.
Cupping water in his hands, he begins to wash her skin, pouring onto the back of her neck and her shoulders. He brushes his fingers through the brown waves of her hair while she leans her head back and closes her eyes.
It’s as if years of tension peel off from her, uncovering truths she fought to hide. August was right, and so was Liam; no one ever loved her. But now in the arms of a monster, she suddenly senses what she imagines would be care and affection. His touch is no longer clinical and it feels as if vines are growing onto her limbs, twirling around her and pulling her to become one with him. 
In her mind, she can’t help but start picking into the not-so-distant past, recalling being his hostage and the conversations they had when they still hated one another. The anguish that resonates in his eyes didn’t speak of hatred individually toward the world, the specks of brown held a fair amount toward himself as well.
“What did Sloane do?” she asks curiously. “In Bergen, you mentioned she did something to you.” 
She feels August’s sudden halt, his long digits entangled in her hair, pulling slightly while his chest sinks inward. His inhale takes into a heavy suction and his nostrils flare. He didn’t think of Lacey since he woke in Ingvild’s arms. 
“She tricked me.” his eyes focus onto nothing and his fingers resume their course through Ingvild’s wet strands. He becomes slightly agitated, unlacing the small knots that formed at the edge with force. “She suspected me and never liked me- for a reason, of course. She knew someone was distributing secrets and weapons beneath her nose, so she sent a spy. In my case, it was my partner.”
“A woman,” Ingvild continues, the realization hitting her softly. “Lacey.”
Her name on Ingvild’s tongue sends a shiver creeping from the base of his spine. 
“Yes,” he answers dryly and clenches his jaw. “We were partners for months. She got close. She... was loyal, she understood me or so I thought, but then I found out, she wasn’t.”
Ingvild hears the shift in his tone again, in their reflection on the water she sees him staring forward with grim shades painting his eyes. The corners of his lips tugged down as he broods.
“It sounds like you loved her.”
August remains silent, giving no answer. It resonates in her right away - betrayal burnt hotter than the wound itself. In their carnal twist, August burned her, but it wasn’t her carnal devotion he sought for. 
“Where is she now?” 
“Dead.” he answers, releasing a deep sigh of silent rage, not even bothering to shy from the truth this time. Ingvild was bred into a world of monsters; she breathed them, she killed them and he was just another beast for her to slay. Yet she chose to stroke her hand on his snout regardless of what she knew.
“I killed her.” 
In his mind Lacey walks away, her blue heels tapping on the floor, echoing before she gives him one last glance. She turns away, her golden curls dulled by the lack of light as she vanishes into a mist of smoke and shadow. 
Ingvild feels a slight relief at the thought of Lacey being dead, for some reason she can’t explain to herself.  August returns his gaze to her again, removing his hands from her hair. His hand wraps around her jaw, pressing her head to look into his piercing glare. He looks for fear but finds none.
“Try to rest,” he commands and then wraps his arms around her possessively. “Long days are ahead.”  
“Will you read me your manifesto?”
August looks down on her face once more, wondering for a moment if this is another hallucination. A terrible thought crosses his mind and his heart flinches; what if in these moments he’s actually bleeding to his death in the pit, his mind playing tricks as he breathes his last breath?
But the softness and warmth of her body feels more vivid than ever. Stronger than the doubt that creeps into his mind. 
“There has never been peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace. As mankind is drawn to his self-destruction like a moth to the candle...” he chants, accompanied by Ingvild who also recites his words in her gentle voice. 
disclaimer: I don’t own Mission Impossible and August Walker
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
Freudian projection is characterized by some as a defence mechanism employed by those who are struggling to accept difficult emotions or truths. Rather than admit or addressing the feelings, the emotions are projected onto someone else. Perhaps that is why Osamu Miya was particularly willing to accept your unfaithfulness. After engaging with his friends and brother in the group chat, the Onigiri Miya owner’s lack of satisfaction in the answers compelled him to further research the matters discussed. There were threads on social media of what conspired earlier that day. Some accounts were evidently false while others held a candor that could not be falsified. The more information he consumed, the lower his heart sunk until it had reached the pit of his stomach, soon to be tormented by the acids inside.
Was it solely a coincidence that the description provided in most accounts on Bokuto’s mystery girlfriend fitted you perfectly? Of course, it was not. The MSBY Ace admitted to being in your company for the evening. Hell, the proof was slathered across social media. There was no shame.
But why label yourself as his girlfriend publicly? It was obvious that he would learn about it sooner or later. 
Some spectators had posted to elucidate that the mystery girlfriend arrived only to save the MSBY player from hoards of fangirls who were bordering on harassment. So, did you do it to save him? You were never one to abandon your friends, despite the situation.
“She loves you, idiot.” He mumbled the reminder to himself in a scold. It was stupid to believe that you would cheat on him with his friend. He knew you loved him.
Of course he knew it. You loved him, and only him.
Yet a little voice in his head questioned whether his recent neglect had forced you into the arms of another. But the Ace was the last person he expected you to turn to. Your relationship with Iwaizumi, or even Oikawa held far more potential to evolve into something romantic. Ache spread across his chest like a wildfire at the mere thought of you with someone else.
The tiny noise of the lock clicking to an open hauled his attention from the nightmares projecting inside of his head back to the living room apartment. Removing the cap from his head, he attempted to burn the insecurity embedded in his thoughts as he proceeded to greet you at the front door. A weak smile twitched at the ends of his mouth disguising the flood of emotions he was drowning in.
“Oh, hi there. I didn’t expect to see you waiting for me like a little kitten.” A titter expelled from your lips as you stepped into the apartment, with the food containers held snugly against your stomach. Intoxicated by the excitement of finally spending some quality time with your fiancé, you were unable to detect the hints of pain scattered across his visage. “Here, you can start eating. I’m just gonna change into something else.” The plastic bag containing layers of food was offered out to the black-haired male, who was losing to the battle of insecurity waged against his mind. 
“Okay.” As he accepted the bag, his fingers brushed against yours, drawing his attention subconsciously to your hands. He was not actively searching for confirmation of your unfaithfulness. He certain was not… because you loved him. 
But if you loved him, and only him… Why was the ring symbolizing your love no longer snug against your finger?
The threads woven neatly together to disguise his emotions slowly loosened until all that remained were shrivelled pieces, serving no purpose. But you were already making your way to the bedroom, unaware of the torment that your carelessness had bestowed upon him.
Did you want him to suffer? Was that it? Were you seeking attention? Was this all a revenge ploy after what occurred with Ichika? Did Atsumu tell you something?
Truthfully, he would prefer that than knowing you loved someone else. You could seek all the revenge in the world, as long as you remained with him. He would accept it willingly.
But first he had to know – did you still love him?
Once the food containers were placed onto the table, he immediately began walking towards the bedroom, his quest for answers outweighed his appetite.  
Inside of the bedroom you were sat at the vanity, attempting to unhook the necklace from around your neck, but upon seeing your fiancé’s reflection, the hook was released from your fingers. The slightest hint of tears could be traced at the bottom of his eyelids, and with his greyish irises, it resembled a storm seconds from brewing. 
“Samu?” Instinctively you rose from the chair, quickly removing the space between you two before taking his hands in yours. His eyes landed on your intertwined fingers praying he was incorrect in his observations earlier. But alas there was no ring. “What’s wrong?”
“Do you love me?” The inquiry was voiced dejectedly as he searched your face for an answer. Generally, you were an open book with your emotions. Whether it was love or hatred, each emotion would alter your features in a noticeable manner. Right now, concern prompted little wrinkles to form at the edges of your eyes. But with the question registering upon your ears, disbelief brought your eyebrows to narrow.
“Oh god. That’s what has your panties twisted? I thought it was serious. You know that I love you, gremlin. Sorry to break it to you, but you’re mine forever now.” Irritation gnawed at your heart – how could he question your love? Was he really in any position to do so?
“Where’s your ring, y/n?” The words were whispered softly, barely overpowering the sounds stemming from the television in the other room.
“My ring?” A quizzical expression contorted your features, instinctively your gaze travelled from your left hand to the purse located on the vanity. “Right, it’s in my purse. I took it off for the shoot, but I guess I forgot to put it back on. Give me a second, I’ll go get it.” To retrieve the handbag his hands first had to be released, but to Osamu the loss of physical contact resembled a physical blow. Weakly he caught your shirt, forcibly halting your movements.
“Did you tell everyone that you’re Bokuto’s girlfriend?” Relinquishing the control he was struggling to maintain allowed his insecurity direct access to his vocal cords. There was no stopping him now.
“What? Well… Yeah but …” 
“Why?” His voice sliced through yours, despite the fact it was quite clear that you were seconds from explaining yourself anyway. The unexpected interrogation was beginning to damage the limited patience you had. Drained from the activities of the day, it was only natural that you were not mentally capable to handle the additional stress. Not when it stemmed from misguided assumptions.
“Because he was being harassed by some crazies, so I had to save him!” There was much more you desired to add, harsher sentiments but to silence your rage, you bit the insides of your cheeks until they were raw.
Osamu paused evaluating your answer, your version of events aligned with the spectators. As he thought, you took it upon yourself once more to save a friend. So why was he still taunted by the voice in his head?
“Is it true?” He instantly regretted it, seeing how it sent any restraint you mustered to wither away.
“What the fuck, Samu. Are you kidding me right now? I’m not cheating on you!” Hurt laced with rage shimmered in your y/e/c irises. Instantly you swatted at the hand confining you to him. Hearing the sincerity laced in your declarations awoke him from his fever dream.
You wouldn’t lie to him. No. He was the one lying to you. He was the idiot.
“I can’t believe it. You’re the one who is always missing. You are the one who hasn’t barely looked at me for months. You are the one who ditches our plans. But you’re accusing me? I can’t…” Desperate to focus on anything but him, you ripped your gaze from him, subconsciously searching for an escape from the situation. “I… I’m gonna stay at Akari’s tonight. I can’t do this. There is only so much I can take.” The ache weaving into your bloodstream would not stop you from leaving. The weight of his words poisoned the usually welcoming atmosphere of the apartment. It no longer felt like home. But if you were being honest, it hadn’t felt like home in a while.
Osamu thrusted a palm against his face, panic surging from his heart into his muscles. They had all warned him, and somehow, he still managed to dig his own grave.
“No please… Y/n. I’m sorry,” The little cracks in his voice constrained your movements, bringing your hands to lower from the dresser containing your clothes. “I’m just stressed, and I said some stupid shit. I know you love me, and if there’s anyone who needs to explain it’s me,” He knew his words alone would equate to a band-aid on an open wound, and so he slowly proceeded in your direction, his fingers twitching before he rested them lightly on your hips, guiding your back to align with his chest. “Don’t go. Please.” His whispered pleads were followed by a gentle kiss that was applied to the area behind your ear. The gesture ignited a fire in your chest, one that began melting away the rage that was clouding you.
“Listen to me,” With an intake of breath for courage, you adjusted yourself to face him. “I’ll be anything you need me to be, but I will not be your punching bag. You don’t get to question me when it’s my heart on the line.” Your heavy eyelashes fluttered up at him as you squinted just a tad, challenging him to even try to dispute your words.
But he knew better by now.
“I know. I’m sorry. Please.” Slipping an arm around your waist, your frame was ushered to his as a small kiss was placed against your lips. “I don’t need you to be anything but my wife.” His response prompted your heart to complete a flip, and for once you hated yourself for loving him more than life itself.
But when his mouth returned to yours, urging you to forget the accusations that were made against your character – your loyalty, you did. At least for the night.
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Let’s do it again, shall we -  Freudian projection
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A/N: if this hurt just wait lol. 
Taglist: @idiot-juice-enthusiast @vicassa @iloveanime691 @bringmelily @newfriendjen @hikarichannn @anime-simp @tsukkismamagucci @laughingismorefun @astronomyturtle @shegrewupwithoutafather @hyskoa1998 @deephumandragonperson @pretty-setter-bois @raenebalgaire @sugawarabby @justanotherfangirl2 @keijisworld @90s-belladonna @momoinot @sempiternal-amour @cherryblosom111 @yqshirov @haikyuufairy @volleybloop @bloody-bella @sadkaashistan @seikamuzu @namyari @toaster-stick @shakiraisawesome @coconut-dreamz @roseestuosity @prcttylittlcthing @uzumakioden @nerdynstoned @kenmasgameboy @tiooo
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
Spidey Sense
Fandom: The Old Guard
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: So the original prompt for this was something along the lines of: "hey, what if Joe and Nicky keep pictures of each other in their wallets to remind them of why they're doing this whenever they have to be apart" and this was born from that. Enjoy!
Tags: @theocatkov, @cosmicbug379, @marydjarin @perropascal
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my works!
Please like and reblog! I love feedback!!!
Gazing down at the image of the love of his life, forever immortalized by his hand, never failed to bring a smile to Joe’s lips. His drawings would never be as magnificent, as breathtaking as looking at Nicky with his own two eyes, but whenever they were apart, he had to make do with images drawn by his hand. 
Slipping the small slip of paper back into his wallet, Joe flipped it shut and slid it into one of his many pockets. He hated going on missions without Nicky, but this particular job had required his expertise in infiltrating one building while Nicky’s skills as a sniper were required four blocks away. It was unfortunate, but not the first time it had happened, and it likely wouldn’t be the last. 
When Copley had informed them of the job, he’d made sure they knew that he’d been unable to get any estimates on the number of guards they’d have to deal with. It made Joe uneasy, but they’d gone through with it anyways. Some tech company was trying to use their software to hack into the Pentagon to steal the locations of missile silos located all over the US. The government was very concerned about this threat, and so Copley had called them in.
Joe was supposed to create a distraction at the main headquarters, drawing the company’s attention and thus, allowing Nicky to eliminate guards at the warehouse that housed the company's main servers, which would then allow Nile and Booker to get in and plant explosives. Boom! No more servers, no more threat.
Nicky had been worried about Joe causing a distraction when they didn’t know the amount of guards, but Joe had tried to soothe his beloved’s fears as best he could. 
“Habibi,” he’d said, hand resting on Nicky’s waist, holding him close. “I will be fine. And if anything were to go wrong, I know that you will not allow them to hold me for long.”
Nicky had leaned his forehead against Joe’s, one of his many, silent, I love you’s that he bestowed upon Joe throughout the day. “I would prefer it if nothing goes wrong.”
“As would I.”
Nicky had been right to worry, and Joe knew he would never hear the end of it. There had been twice as many guards as Copley’s estimate, and even with Joe’s healing, and centuries worth of experience, he’d quickly been overwhelmed. They’d knocked him out–although, perhaps they’d killed him, Joe wasn’t entirely sure–and when he woke, he was chained to a metal chair, bolted in the middle of an all white room.
His first thought had been something along the lines of how poor of a choice it was to put him in an all white room, as it undoubtedly would become quite the grotesque scene when Nicky arrived. Blood clashed so horribly on white walls, and Nicky could get quite ferocious whenever Joe was threatened. 
His second thought was on the fact that even while bound, he could tell that his wallet was no longer in his pocket. That, in of itself was of no consequence, practically everything in it was fake–it was hard to have valid ID’s and such when you were an immortal warrior born nine hundred years ago–but there was one precious item in that wallet. 
The drawing of Nicky was one of many, but that didn’t mean it was any less special. Joe had saved every single scrap of paper he’d ever drawn Nicky’s likeness on, and while some had aged beyond recognition, he hadn’t had the heart to let any of them go. He knew that Nicky similarly had many, many photographs and paintings of him. Nicky always professed that he wasn’t as artistically inclined as Joe, but every time Nicky sketched him, Joe could see the love and care that went into each piece of art, and he fell in love with Nicky all over again. 
He was jolted out of his musings by the door opening violently, slamming against the wall. He didn’t react outwardly, instead analyzing each of the men that walked into the room. Ten men entered, the last, an older man with grey in his hair, shut the door behind him, making a show of locking it. Joe wanted to scoff. These men didn’t intimidate him in the slightest, and they would have to try a lot harder if they wanted to get a reaction out of him.
“Who sent you?” 
Joe laughed. So this is how they were doing this. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The man scowled, the expression twisting his features into a mask of hatred. “I don’t like your attitude, kid.” 
Joe laughed even harder at that, his body shaking with mirth, although his eyes were cold as ice. “I’m not quite as young as I look,” he chuckled under his breath, watching as the other men shuffled awkwardly. They clearly feared the older man, and he could see in some of their eyes that they feared for him if he continued to antagonize their leader. 
There was a sharp crack, and Joe’s head snapped to the side, the backhand delivered with an impressive amount of force. It might’ve hurt, if Joe hadn’t lived as long as he had, and had experienced far worse. Still, he kept up appearances. The longer these men were unaware of his healing and his immortality, the better. 
“Who sent you?” 
Joe grins, the perfect picture of innocence. “Who says anyone sent me? Perhaps I decided to come all by myself?” He probably shouldn’t be antagonizing this man, but he’s having too much fun. 
The man snaps his fingers, and one of the other men rushes forward to hand him something. Joe recognizes it as his wallet, watching as the man flips through it, pulling out his driver’s license. “Joseph Jones? Is that even your name?” The man scoffs. “Why were you trying to break in?”
“Oh, I wasn’t trying to break in.” The man looks confused for all of two seconds before Joe opens his mouth again. “I’d already broken in. Your men found me after I got in.” Joe can’t help but brag a little, because, well, their security was shit, but also because he was trying to stall for time, so that Nile and Booker could get in and out without any issues. “You really shouldn’t have picked white walls you know, white stains so easily–”
He gets another backhand for his efforts, and the man in front of him actually growls. He goes back to pawing through Joe’s wallet, and Joe can feel his heart stop when the man pulls out Joe’s drawing of Nicky. 
The man looks at it, and it’s clear he doesn’t know what to think at first. He studies the drawing, and Joe can feel sparks of anger igniting in his chest, although he tries not to show it. The man suddenly laughs, and it’s a cruel, mocking laugh. He shoves the drawing at one of the other men before turning back to Joe, a cruel smirk on his face. 
“How cute,” he sneers. “Mr. Jones keeps a picture of his boyfriend in his wallet.” The man spits on the ground at Joe’s feet. “God, that’s disgusting.”
Anger clouds Joe’s vision, bubbling up in his chest like rising magma before bursting forth from his mouth before he can stop it.
“Boyfriend? Boyfriend? Nicolo is not my boyfriend,” he spits, fire burning in his eyes. “You are a narrow-minded, childish, little man. Nicolo means more to me than all the stars in the sky. He has been my light, my heart, for over nine hundred years, and he will continue to be my light and my heart for nine hundred more. I have fought a thousand battles by his side, I have gone to war to protect him just as he has for me. There will always be those who try to separate us, those who cannot possibly understand the depth of my love for that man, and yet,” he pauses, a dark smirk on his face as some of the men step back in fear. “Those who try always end up dead. No, Nicolo is not my boyfriend. He’s all and he’s more.”
Nicky was in the middle of dismantling his rifle when he felt it. It didn’t even take him a moment before he recognized the feeling. It was the feeling he always got whenever Joe would make grand declarations of love, which, admittedly, happened quite often. While Nicky was more reserved when it came to lyrical speeches, Joe had no such qualms, and would gladly shout to the heavens–and had done so, multiple times–about his love for Nicky. 
Just as he was reaching for his phone to call Copley–because clearly something had to be wrong if Joe was waxing poetic about Nicky when Nicky wasn’t even in the same building–the phone buzzed.
Nicky didn’t even have time to greet Copley before the man was launching into an explanation. “Nicky, I’m sorry, there were too many guards, Joe’s been captured. They’re holding him somewhere in the building, but I don’t have eyes inside.” 
“I’m on my way.” 
Sending a quick message to Nile and Booker, informing them of what happened, Nicky finished packing up his gear quickly, leaving his spot on the roof and descending the fire escape as fast–and safely, he’d be no good to Joe if he executed a swan dive off the fifth story–as possible.
Joe could feel his mouth filling with blood, so he leaned forward and spat some on the ground. Apparently the older man hadn’t been too pleased with being insulted, and he ordered his men to get answers out of Joe, while he watched. 
The beating, while not one of the worst he’d experienced, had not been pleasant. Thankfully, the men hadn’t seemed to realize Joe was slowly healing from their attacks, but sooner or later they would get suspicious. He hoped one of the others would get here before that happened, he really didn’t like dying alone.
He’d just been punched repeatedly in the stomach when the man doing said punching stopped. Joe was confused, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain about a reprieve. 
“What?” Barked the older man, pushing himself off the wall and stalking forward. “What is it?” The younger man shook his head, looking around. 
“Did anyone else–?” 
He cuts off when a loud bang sounds from outside the door. All of the men turn to look at the door, missing as a smile spreads across Joe’s bloody lips. Another bang sounds, louder than before, closer than before, and some of the men jump.
“What do you think it is?” One of them whispers, and before anyone can answer, something heavy slams into the bolted door from the outside. The whole door seems to shake in it’s frame, and it’s only made worse by the sudden scream of pain. 
There’s a sudden onslaught of noise, bangs, screams, gunshots, and crashes and–was that a cat screeching? The men all back away slowly from the door, hands on their weapons, but nothing could have prepared them for the way the door was blasted off its hinges, flying into the room and taking out two of the men. 
There’s a sudden burst of gunfire, taking out three more of the men before they can react. Watching their companions fall around them, the remaining four men all aim for the door, shooting wildly at a target they can’t even see. The older man, the leader, unlocks Joe’s cuffs only to pull him upright, pressing a knife against his neck, using Joe’s body as a human shield.
Joe rolls his eyes. If only this man knew how ineffective Joe would be at being a human shield. He watches with interest as the men stop firing, only for a knife to fly through the air and embed itself in one of the guard’s skulls. The others start firing again, but even though it's three against one, they’re no match for a furious Nicolo di Genova. Bursting into the room in a flurry of movement, Joe watches, fascinated–and more than a little turned on–as Nicky becomes a whirlwind, attacking violently with his longsword, cutting down the three men–with violent efficiency–who stand between him and Joe. 
The older man presses his blade tighter against Joe’s neck, but Nicky doesn’t even blink. Joe stomps on the man’s foot, and Nicky puts a bullet in his brain, quick as you please. The knife cuts Joe as he moves, but it’s certainly not life-threatening, so he’s unconcerned. 
Joe looked around the room, taking in the blood and guts and gore that decorate the white walls and floor and ceiling. “I told them that white was a bad choice, blood stands out far too much–” Nicky strides across the room, and kisses Joe hard, before he can get another word out. Joe grasps Nicky’s face with his blood covered hands, bringing him even closer, moaning as his beloved steals the breath from his lungs. 
Nicky pulls away, but only just, his forehead resting against Joe’s. “Yusuf, amore mio, are you badly hurt?” His eyes rove over Joe’s face, checking for any and all injuries.
“No, habibi,” Joe sighs. “The marks those men left are quickly fading. I am alright.” Nicky kisses Joe again, uncaring of the fact that Joe’s lips still taste of blood. 
They stand there for longer than they probably should, and when they finally part, Joe asks the question that had been pestering him since he first became aware of Nicky’s arrival. “How did you know so quickly, Nicolo? They’ve had me for less than an hour.”
The look on Nicky’s face is one of fond exasperation, one that Joe has been privy to many, many times. “You were being incurably romantic again, weren’t you?” 
Joe grins, his eyes shining as he looks at his love. “They dared insult you in my presence, hayati. Besides, you love it.”
Nicky sighs. “I do.”
Joe cups his face once more and kisses him, pouring nine hundred years of love and affection and desire into the kiss. He would defend his Nicolo to the ends of the earth, against anyone and anything that dared try to come between them. 
“I do not understand, Nile. Why do you keep referring to me as a cross between a human and an arachnid?”
“You have spidey sense Nicky, of course I’m going to call you Spiderman! Except instead of sensing danger, you sense whenever Joe’s delivering a love speech worthy of Shakespeare!”
“Hey! Do not compare me to that jumped-up English playwright–”
“Shut up, Joe!”
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