#this is a fun ask because it's so random yet specific
tokillamockingbird427 · 9 months
If the ghosts were presented with chocolate fondue, what would they dip in it
Mental image of Rorke yelling "MY BALLS!" like an overexcited 14 year old boy will not leave me so I guess that's his answer. We'll just have him go last.
Hesh would probably stick his face or hand in it, because he's an idiot with the same mannerisms and number of brain cells as a dog. Second to last. Prefers milk chocolate to any other.
Marshmallows for Logan. As if they weren't sweet enough as is. He even just dips a whole chocolate bar in that bitch because why not. Dark chocolate fan tho, so I guess it makes sense.
Elias is civilized unlike his heathen sons and ex husband so he'd be content to sit there with some strawberries and other fruit like cubed cantaloupe. Any kind of chocolate. Merrick doesn't eat chocolate so he's just stealing the fruit when Elias isn't looking. (Elias knows anyways.)
Ajax and Keegan like putting pretzels in it. Sweet and savory.
Kick is putting chicken nuggets in that shit. Bastard. Taking the savory too far!
Neptune I also a fan of melon but they're not stealing it from Elias like a bastard. And they prefer white chocolate fondue.
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slytherinslut0 · 11 days
october 4th — virginity loss / corruption kink.
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PART ONE | kinktober masterlist. | 2024.
pairing: mattheo riddle x berkshires!sister
summary: mattheo’s conscience can only hold him back for so long.
warnings: 18+, hogwarts uni (putting this even tho it’s obvious), jealous mattheo, flirting, tension tension tension, “we can’t do this” type of vibe, “your brother is right over there” type of vibe. bestfriends lil sister trope. part one of two.
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Morality—what is it, really? How is it measured? Is it a linear scale? Could someone be morally sound yet sometimes make an exception when the situation called for it?
Perhaps it's subjective. Anything that falls outside of the law, that is.
Mattheo forced a breath from his lungs, the drink in his hand was tasteless, some watered-down excuse for a cocktail. But that didn't matter, not really—what mattered was the way you kept laughing, the way your hand lingered a second too long on that random bastard's sleeve. The sight made something concerning coil tight in his chest, but he stayed where he was, back against the wall, sucking down drinks like he'd been tasked to it.
God, this was stupid. Morality. Right and wrong. He knew the difference, of course he did. Just because he was a Riddle didn't make him a monster. Not yet, anyway. But that line, the one between you and him—the one drawn so clearly in the sand—was practically mocking him with its absolutes and daring him to cross it. Forbidden, off-limits, the one thing he shouldn't want.
His best friend's little sister. The good girl. A virgin, no less.
"Riddle—you coming?"
Mattheo's head jerked slightly, but his mind was miles away.
He waved a hand. "I'll catch up in a bit.”
Malfoy and Zabini nodded, slipping into the night, leaving him behind in the dim, crowded ballroom. Spring dance. Hours past dusk. He didn't even know why he was still there. Normally, he was long gone before the clock struck twelve, but tonight the room pulsed with bodies and the music hummed under his skin. His drink was half-forgotten in his hand, and his gaze was fixed on a group across the room.
Or, more specifically, on you.
You were standing, black dress to your mid-thighs, half-listening to boys from your year drone on about quidditch tryouts and the usual chatter that filled the space between your breaths. But your eyes—your eyes weren't on them. You were looking at him. A soft smirk tugging at the corners of your lips, like you knew something he didn't.
His heart kicked against his ribs. Where was that line again?
You winked, and he sipped his drink. He'd always said bad decisions made good stories—but even if this (unnameable thing between you) was a story worth telling, the people to hear it would be few.
The tension grew suffocating and he finally looked away. You took that as a win, but you weren't about to let the game end there—not after you noted the tense of his fingers around his cup. You excused yourself from the group, your body moving through the crowd like water, fluid and unhurried, weaving your way toward him.
You knew the line well, the one Mattheo pretended so hard to respect. Restraint wasn't his nature—it never had been, not in the decade you'd watched him take whatever he wanted without a second thought. He wasn't made for holding back, and it showed every now and then—every time his lips crashed against yours in some hidden corner, whispering confessions of how badly he wanted more, how he ached for what he couldn't have.
You loved pushing him to that point. You loved knowing how bad he wanted you. Your brother would lose his mind if he found out. But that didn't matter, not even a little. Not when Mattheo looked at you like that.
"Having fun?" He asked upon your approach, his voice a shade too flat.
"A little." You leaned against the wall beside him, close enough that he could feel the warmth of your skin, your presence seeping into the space between you. "What about you? You seem a bit...tense."
"Tense." The word came out bland, barely audible, and he took a slow sip of his drink, like he needed it just to find his voice. "Why would I be tense?"
You wet your lips, slow, deliberate, studying him with that sidelong glance that made his pulse skip. His jaw tightened, and his eyes—those beautiful, dangerous brown eyes—scanned the room with something too close to desperation.
"Good question." You tilted your head, gaze playful, curious, like you were dissecting him right there in the half-light. "Maybe it's because you've been watching me like a hawk. Like you're waiting for me to do something...wrong."
"Maybe I'm just looking out for you," he muttered, his gaze sliding to your brother across the room, lips locked with some brunette. Mattheo's eyes flickered back to you, just for a moment. "Your brother's a little...busy, after all."
You raised an eyebrow, the corner of your mouth curving into an amused, almost wicked smile. "Ah, so that's it. You're just being my big, overprotective babysitter."
"I don't need to babysit you," he grumbled, though his gaze betrayed him, darting over to the group of boys you'd been talking to. "Just keeping an eye on the company you keep."
It was almost amusing—the way Mattheo stood there, sizing up your guy friends like they were targets in a lineup, probably mentally noting who he'd hit first if any of them dared to step out of line. He was different tonight—and you could have brushed it off, could have let that flicker of vulnerability slide, but that wasn't how this game was played. Not with him. Not with you. There was no room for naivety here.
You turned to face him now, full-on, shoulder resting against the wall as you raised a hand, fingers brushing lightly up his arm.
"Keeping an eye," you repeated as you traced the hard line of his shoulder, then down, lower, over his chest. "Ever my hero, Mattheo Riddle."
When your fingers grazed his abdomen, his breath caught and he grabbed your wrist—hard—the suddenness of it making you gasp. Then, he turned to face you, and his gaze finally met yours—really met yours—for the first time since you'd crossed the room.
"Don't." His voice was low, strained, like he was fighting himself as much as you.
Your eyes widened in mock surprise, that innocent look you'd perfected like a sport. You wore it like a halo you knew you didn't deserve.
"Don't...what?" You damn-well knew what.
His grip tightened, just enough for you to feel the heat of it, pulling you closer, so close you could feel the tension radiating off him. He wet his lips, and you melted—remembering how it felt to kiss them.
"Don't play games with me." He said. "Not tonight."
The warning was clear, but instead of pulling away—heeding his words and letting that heat simmer down—you leaned closer, defying every unspoken rule. The thrill shot up your spine, into your brain, turning everything hazy, electric. You were drunk on it.
"Why not?" Your free hand traced up his other arm and his gaze followed the movement, lips parting ever so slightly. "...afraid you'll lose?"
Before you knew what was happening, he had you spun around—so fast you barely registered the movement before your back hit the cold stone wall. His drink found the table beside him, his focus entirely on you.
"Don't to this to me. Not here," he whispered. "Your brother is right over there."
You glanced toward Enzo, still too preoccupied with the brunette to notice a thing.
"He's a little distracted, don't you think?" Your fingers on your free hand resumed their path, this time up toward his collarbone. But his other hand found them, too. You looked down. Two large hands, wrapped tight around your wrists, like he could stop the fire running through your veins if he just held on hard enough. Your thighs shook. "Gods, you really are tense tonight, aren't you?"
Mattheo's eyes narrowed, two embers gleaming in the night— his lips twitching in a way that made your pulse stutter. There was need in him now, a raw, visceral energy that vibrated between you. Untethered.
He leaned in, closer, his breath brushing against your skin. "You're impossible."
"Impossible..." you echoed, the space between you shrinking with every second. There was no choice in it. It was magnetic, inevitable. He leaned closer, and you—against all reason—matched him, drawn by a force you couldn't name. "Impossible to...resist, Matty?"
Your lips were so close, you could almost taste the flavours lingering on his breath. The heat of him drew you in like gravity, pulling you into that dangerous space where everything blurred—boundaries, rules, reason. His eyes flickered down to your mouth, his tongue darting out to wet his lips in a way that felt instinctive—
And then, the world snapped back.
Cheering—loud, raucous—followed by the sharp crack of glass splintering against the floor. It cut through the moment, pulling you both back to reality. Mattheo's gaze jerked toward the sound, and in an instant he took a step back, his hands releasing your wrists like you'd burned him—like you were the danger here, a fire he'd gotten too close to.
"We can't," he whispered, and it sliced through you. It hit harder than the crash of glass, harder than the noise around you. "You don't want this. I promise you don't."
You stared at him. You knew what he meant, what he was trying to say, the warning etched in every tense line of his body. The two of you had been over this before. You knew Mattheo Riddle was not the man who would love you, not the man who would stay, who you'd call your forever. You weren't that naive. You weren't looking for forever—you just wanted a beginning. A first. A first that would teach you the edge of desire, with someone who knew what to do.
Someone experienced.
"I do," you whispered, barely holding steady under the weight of it all—the realization that you'd almost kissed him, right here, where anyone could've seen, where your brother wasn't far. "More than anything, I do."
His jaw clenched, that flicker in his eyes darkening. He ran a hand through his hair, curls falling messily back into place, his face twisted in thought, already calculating the fallout, already seeing the inevitable consequences.
"Your brother will kill me," he muttered. "He'll kill you."
"He’s not my dad, Mattheo. I’m an adult. He doesn't have to know." The words came out firm, too firm for how fast your heart was beating. You didn't dare move closer, but the tension between you was still electric, still alive. "No one except us."
For a heartbeat, his eyes locked onto yours, and you felt it—that gravity pulling you both back to the brink. It was visible—the weight of his indecision, the way he was measuring the risk, the pull of you against the walls he was trying to keep intact. It'd been months of this. You were relentless. His scowl deepened, but he didn't pull away. He let the silence stretch, your words simmering between you like a match lit, waiting to catch fire.
And then, a nod.
Barely there, just a sharp dip of his head, almost as if he didn't want to acknowledge it himself. You couldn't tell if it was for you, or some silent permission he was giving himself, a final surrender to the pull that neither of you could fight.
"Room of Requirement," he said, vibrating with the tension that still hummed in the air. "Ten minutes."
Your stomach leapt into your throat, every bone in your body suddenly weak. After a moment that felt as though it went on forever, you nodded, and he took another step back.
"Ten minutes." You repeated.
"Ten minutes." He confirmed, before turning and heading out of the ballroom.
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sunshineandspencer · 1 month
A/N: I’ve discovered that I, actually, despise angst. I hate reading it and I hate writing it, unless specifically asked for, my brain thinks only happy thoughts. On an unrelated note, I’m also a very emotional person and perhaps angst sets off my severe second-hand embarrassment and I’ve never finished an angst fic. So, from that unrelated note, have a finished fluffy fic :) 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader.
Summary: Aaron is incredibly attractive at the best of times, but put him in sports gear and it’s like flies to honey. Which is an excellent cultivator of jealousy for his jogging partner, until she overhears him talking to another woman.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: fluff, kind of established relationship (you’ll see)
I have redone the form for the taglist now that I’m apparently expanding from Criminal Minds
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Going for a morning run with her more-than-a-friend-but-not-quite-labelled man, was fun. Aaron taught her some proper techniques, and she got a kiss whenever they completed a lap.
There is an issue, unfortunately, and it’s one she’s desperately trying not to blow out of proportion.
Aaron is attractive, devastatingly so, and because he occasionally runs ahead to finish a lap and wait for her to arrive so that he can greet her with a kiss, people don’t always know that they’re out together. Added with him in those damn workout clothes - that she would burn if she weren’t mentally stable - it’s no surprise to her anymore to see women jogging up to him.
They’re almost always gone by the time she makes it over to Aaron, who kisses her and immediately moves on to their next lap. She tries hard not to let the clawing jealousy show.
Due to JAck, and both of them agreeing not to move too quickly so that they don’t confuse him, they’d just decided on not labelling anything yet. So she isn’t really anything official to him, and can’t do all the things her jealous mind screams at her to do.
Like today, for example, Aaron had pressed a kiss to her cheek and sped up to get to the end of their lap. 
The minute he’s not beside another woman, someone else runs up to him.
She hears the fading introduction of “hi, I’m Beth, I see you around here pretty often” and her stomach clenches.
Once again, her pretty, not-boyfriend is getting hit on by a woman who can actually keep his pace. She hates it, and hates the burning hole in her chest even more.
Deciding, this time, she would actually speed up and join the conversation. Which will ultimately be worth the burst lungs and exertion-flushed face. Until she turns the corner and sees them still talking, any semblance of confidence withers.
When she hears her name on his lips, however, she dives behind the nearest tree. Realising he just gestured to where she should be coming from, and hoping neither of them had seen her practically rush for cover to avoid being seen. Pressing her back to the bark of the tree and listening closely to the conversation.
“-out with my girlfriend, actually, we run together.”
If she weren’t hiding behind a tree, from a random woman and the man that just called her his girlfriend, she’d be doing a happy dance by now. Choosing to press her hands to her chest as the burning hole closed up, victoriously grinning as ‘Beth’ jogged on feeling pretty dejected.
Once sure that Beth was gone, she turned to place her hands on the tree, bracing herself to look around it to try and spot Aaron, that daft smile still on her face. But he wasn’t there, and that observation came with a pair of hands landing on her hips and making her jump and spin around. Meeting Aaron’s smug grin as he gently pinned her to the tree by her hips.
“Are you spying on me now?”
Refusing to meet his gaze, she started looking all around them - as if searching for someone, and that only made his stupid grin wider.
“Should be careful Hotchner, wouldn’t want that girlfriend you mentioned to catch you pinning a girl to a tree.”
“Oh?” Knowing she’d heard, he now has no plans to try and keep up the facade that he hasn’t wanted her, officially, for weeks now. “And do you think she’d be upset if I kissed the woman I pinned to a tree?”
Giving a dramatic gasp, she used it to breathe in fully to answer, realising that her lungs aren’t really cooperating with her right now. And he used that as his chance to lean down to kiss her, loving the sparky feeling he gets from her every time. Siling against her lips as she melted against him.
Pulling back with a soft nip to her lips that had her chasing after him. Before realising what she was doing and resting back against the tree, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting what he wanted.
“I think she’d definitely hate the thought of you doing that to anyone else.”
“Ah, so she gets jealous?”
As if she were caught out, her eyes darted away from his as she pouted - from a profiling perspective, she really does have cute tells when she’s been caught - tugging at the hem of his shirt.
“She pleads the fifth.”
Thankfully, as she knows he actually loves any jokes that relate to his time as a lawyer, he laughs, leaning down to kiss her again, hand trailing away from her hip to lace their fingers together. Pulling back with a soft hum and another soft peck.
Swiping his thumb across her knuckles as he waited for her to open her eyes again, loving the little flush speckled across her features that obscured her freckles.
“Will she forgive me if I take her to get ice cream?”
Tugging her away from the tree, he brushes the flakes of bark from her hair and clothes, spending a little too much time ‘brushing off’ whatever was on her ass, until she smacks his hand away with a laugh. Leading the two of them back towards the car, deliberating what kind of ice cream ‘his girlfriend’ would like the most.
But as they get in, he gives her another smile and laces their hands over the centre console.
“You do know I’m calling you my girlfriend, right?”
Shaking her head, she leant in to kiss him again, pulling away to pat his cheek lightly. 
“Didn’t need to be a profiler for that one, love.”
“Oh, so you’re a profiler now?”
“Best watch it, I’m coming for your job next.
Laughing, he lets go of her hand to start up the car, already knowing exactly which ice cream place they were going to - and exactly what she would order. Not that she’s predictable in the slightest, but she always orders the exact same thing.
“First my heart, now my job? At this rate you’ll have my house by the end of the week.”
“That’s the plan!”
He’s going to marry this goddamn woman.
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Want more?! Good!
taglist ( ˘ ³˘)♥ @peliides ║ @peachsodameg ║ @angelinajolie0213 ║ @jiggly-puff-12 ║ @khxna ║ @kennedy2156 ║ @trulycayla ║ @none-of-your-bullshit ║ @alexxavicry ║ @meg-black ║ @princess76179 ║ @chicken-fifi ║ @averyhotchner ║ @punkyghoulz ║ @anotherpassiongirl ║ @princessjax ║ @gghostwriter ║ @pear-1206 ║ @justyourusualash (if your tag is here and not working check out this reblog to see if any of it could hopefully help!!)
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
Hello I was wondering if I could request something? I have really curly hair that I’m just learning to love. But since I’m not just learning to love it. I tend to have days where my curly hair will be fully a mess.
My ask is how would the love and deep space boys even sylus react to find out the mc has curly hair, they wouldn’t know since she would flat iron it or something.
Thank you so much!
Lnds: Curly haired cutie
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Warning: No warnings, reader has curly/coily hair, fem!reader
Author's note: Thank you for making a request pookie! It's really hard to like our natural features and some days are worse than others to the point where we want to get rid of it once and for all—It's understandable, really. But I'm happy to hear (read) that you're learning to love your curls. It's is something really worth admiring. I don't personally know you but I genuinely hope you'd come to love yourself and your curly hair! I hope this little head canon of mine would brighten up your day! I'm sending you my full love and support from wherever I am <3
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Zayne discovered your thick hair by accident. Being the polite man that he is, he always shows up on time for your dates, ready to pick you up at your home without you having to wait for him. That particular morning, your alarm decided to sabotage your 3rd date with him. When he rang the doorbell, he was greeted by the sight of you fumbling over, towel around your chest, and your luscious curly hair still damp and dripping.
Your hair was certainly different, as he could see the evident curls even when it was wet. Yet, when you came out of your bedroom, your hair had been straightened, as if what he saw earlier was a mere hallucination. Zayne didn't press further about your hair; it would be rude to do so, but he won't deny that he was curious.
It drifted from his mind soon after, but when you and Zayne went on a trip to the hot springs, he entered the room holding two wine glasses and a bottle in his hand. When he opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of you in a bathrobe. Your hair is voluminous, shiny, and very, very different from what he's used to seeing.
"You have curly hair? I didn't know that," he said as he sat beside you. You were dousing your hand in curl cream while applying it per portion of your hair. Zayne thought you looked cute with your natural hair. But later, the view was gone when you put on a satin bonnet.
Beginning from that point on, Zayne certainly became weird. Rather than just buying a generic shampoo like he usually would, he buys the exact one that you use. Moreover, in the storage cabinet of the main bathroom, there were multiple hair products in there as well, the ones that you use. You didn't ask Zayne to buy you any of it, but it was a waste not to use, so you did. You didn't know it, but Zayne checks on the items every once in a while elated that you were using them.
Zayne would ask to blow-dry your hair. It all began on a random lazy day that coincided with your hair-wash day. Zayne was on the couch, and you were looking for a place to plug in the blow dryer. There happened to be one just under the sofa, and so Zayne offered a hand. From the looks of it, he was having fun because it looked like he was more keen on getting a feel of your hair than actually wanting to blow-dry it.
"Are you wearing your hair down?" he would ask while you fixed yourself in the vanity mirror he bought you. You had the hair straightener heated up, but you stared at your man through the mirror. He looked like he was anticipating a specific response, and so you flicked the straightening iron off. "Yes," you would reply.
For a grown man, Zayne was quite the adorable one when it came to your hair. You'd always gauge his reaction whenever you turn on the straightening iron, and you could see a very, very minute change in his expression, like a kid expressing their dissatisfaction while avoiding eye contact. When you inferred that he was happier when he could see your natural hair, you never really thought of holding that tool again. You'd puff out your hair and make it luster even more. Zayne looked happy and so did you.
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A photo slipped out of your wallet. Xavier picked it up and stared at it. It was a photo of you in a jumper; you were around seven by then, and your hair was very different from now. Your hair was deflated in Xavier's thoughts. You were still pretty, that's for sure, but a part of him was fixated on the image of you with thick, wavy hair. Even if you had that, he thought you'd be even more dazzling.
Whenever you change clothes in his presence, Xavier always stares. His eyes were like a cat's, not watching you, but rather how your hair moves and sways as you do: it's like your hair was a wand toy for kitties.
Whenever he could, Xavier would pass by you while your hair was in its natural state. Then, out of the blue, his hand would scoop it up from the bottom and tousle it twice before moving on. At first, you could only stare when he did this, but later on, you'd gotten used to it. Heck, you were even leaving your natural hair on display to allow Xavier to do it. It was cute, and it was ticklish for you. And maybe, for once in your life, you found your hair to be something worth seeing.
He falls asleep when you do your hair routine. There were lots of creams, lots of masks, and a lot of brushing involved. As much as Xavier wanted to wait for you, he couldn't resist his eyes getting heavier and heavier. When he comes to, he is face to face with your pink cap.
When he's bored and you're both close to each other, his hand will unknowingly drift toward your wavy hair. You won't feel it at first, but when you look over at him, you'll find his fingers playing with the ends of your hair very lightly. It slightly tickles, but it doesn't hurt, so you don't mind letting him do it.
Xavier is the type of boyfriend who would have an elastic around his arm or in his pocket. It would be the thin ones that would work well with less thick hair, but when he discovered your curls, he purchased some convenience store hair ties that looked like they could hold your hair. It comes in handy, too, when you decide to go natural, and then you have to eat.
Xavier would be there for you when you have a bad hair day. Usually, your friends would laugh it off, and you'd have to play along and just hide it one way or another. But Xavier was different—he never once made fun of you for it. He could see the frustration in your eyes. Xavier could see how you look at yourself in the mirror, and he would always recall when you'd grow frustrated at the chore of taking care of your hair. But at the same time, he's seen you trying different ways to care for it, to try and accept the hair you naturally have.
He's very patient with you, time and time again; even when you were on the brink of giving up on it. He never once failed to show his care for you, and seeing his consistency made you change yourself for the better. It was a slow and menial process because at first, you had to realize that you actually hated your hair before eventually learning to love it. Xavier has been with you every step of the way. It was a bit of a challenge, but looking back, you could say that you've really gotten far. There were times when you were still debating on getting your hair straightened for a very long time, but with your lover playfully nuzzling in it, the thought disappears immediately.
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Rafayel knows about your hair the first time he met you because he was looking for a salon that could get the haircut he wants. According to him, the original salon went bankrupt, and he was recommended there. You were about to get a hair treatment akin to a Brazilian treatment, but then you saw him staring. "Your hair looks pretty to me. Not that it matters," Rafayel said. You were supposed to ignore him, but his words were like a sharp knife against butter. It was all you needed to back out.
The next time he met you, your hair products had run out, and you were at the mall, donning a cute hairstyle while looking through the rack. "I knew you'd look cute with natural curly hair," Rafayel introduced himself to you, and the rest is history.
You don't know how bold a man can be until he asks to style your hair. You had thick, dark hair, and even for you, it was a workout to style, so you always opt for a lazy bun or a claw clip. Quite frankly, even if Rafayel had become your lover, you have no idea what he knows about your hair. You were pretty surprised with what he came up with. Was it pretty? Sure, it was. Would you wear it outside? Nope, absolutely not. He practically made your hair into artwork and took pictures of it. When asked what prompted it, he said that your hair is a great medium and that you have a very pretty face to match it. Something something about "creativity" and "one of a kind muse."
He likes to sniff your hair, but he's very picky about the smell of it. Your hair doesn't have an odor, but he's particular about the smell of the shampoo and conditioner you use. You had to switch between products to find what's compatible with the current condition of your hair. Though to you they all technically smell good, to Rafayel some of them smell bad. That man even has the audacity to tell you what scent you should buy in particular.
Rafayel has emergency hair products in his car: curl creams, hair gels, oils, and whatnot. Plus, he had a set of hair ties and accessories in it; when you discovered it first in his car, you nearly got into a fight because why the heck would he need hair products for curly hair? You thought that maybe he was cheating on you, but he pointed out that they're all unopened.
You never noticed until a friend of yours pointed it out, but according to them, you looked more vibrant in your natural hair, unlike before when you tried to forcibly iron it flat. Maybe that was the thing you needed to hear in order to look at yourself in the mirror and admire what you were given. And truthfully, no one else was responsible for it other than Rafayel, the man who always looks at you in the mirror with eyes full of adornment and love.
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Sylus discovered your natural hair through pure coincidence. While you were up and about walking around his headquarters, Sylus noticed a few locks of hair that seemed unnatural. It was a more glossy finish, curled up and shriveled, unlike the remaining mass of hair that was straight. You didn't realize it but you actually missed to straighten a few locks of hair.He didn't point it out because you had disappeared by then, and he had forgotten about it. The main method he discovered it was when you were both thrown overboard onto a secluded island for a few days. After it got wet, your hair came back to its natural state the longer it dried out.
Sylus doesn't really care in what way you would like your hair. He doesn't mind if you straighten it, curl it, or leave it in whatever original form it was. Every day, he plays a wheel of fortune in his mind, trying to predict what hairstyle you would choose. If he chooses the right answer, he'd reward himself in some way. You never know what's happening in his mind, so when he stares at you, he just brushes it off.
Sylus gets a headache when he sees all your hair stuff lined up on the table. He watches you do your hair, and he gets frustrated as well when you have to start over, so he offered to get you a hairstylist, to which you declined because you don't want other people touching you other than the hairdressers at a specific salon.
There are bobby pins in every bathroom in the headquarters, so he puts a dedicated container in each so you won't have a hard time looking for them. He also secretly has a pack of hair ties in his desk, which he spontaneously bought at a night market abroad.
If you're thinking about what hairstyle you should do to match your outfit, Sylus would nonchalantly offer you his suggestions, which were very helpful. But half the time, you had to struggle with finding out what that hairstyle is because it changes every other day. Rather than naming the style, he refers to the date that you wore it, which will make you have to dig through the memory jar.
Hair wash day is fun because Sylus gets to wash your hair. He does this voluntarily. He rolls back his sleeves and puts the product in his hand, lathering it and massaging your hair and scalp in layers. You once fell asleep while he was doing it and speaking because you felt really at ease. When you opened your eyes, he was in the process of rinsing.
Sylus is willing to pay for the expensive things for yourself. You forgot your mousse at home? Just buy one at a foreign supermarket. If you'd like, you can choose the most expensive one. He also once gifted you a one-of-a-kind hair dryer that claims to not damage the user's hair. It became your holy grail.
Sylus will always say that you look pretty no matter how you do your hair. You never really took him seriously until you found out that Mephisto secretly takes pictures of your hairstyle and has a catalogue for it. When you threatened to cook the bird, Sylus fessed up. Though it was just a light, fun confession, it made you think deeply about yourself. How could a man so willingly admire a woman's hair when the woman herself loathes it? Sylus could read the thoughts behind those eyes. He patted your hair and gave you a reassuring smirk. "Whatever your hair is and whatever you plan on doing with it—I don't mind. But you have to realize that you're beautiful regardless of what you choose, sweetie." That made something inside you well up.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. Maybe you'll wear your hair down tonight.
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Author footnotes: I'm very very nervous about this prompts because I don't have curly hair and I'm not sure if the things I said in the headcanons are accurate (They're pretty generic but still T-T) feel free to correct me if i got stuff wrong.
Layout by me, using Canva premium | Do not repost |
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miyukisu · 13 days
NSFW Alphabet | Karasu Tabito .ᐟ
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❤︎ | Get to know Karasu Tabito from A to Z~ ╰ feat. karasu tabito x afab! reader
minors do not interact
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[A] Aftercare You should know that he takes aftercare seriously and believes that it's (almost) as important as the sex itself. He's adamant about getting to it, but not before cuddling for a few minutes. But if he starts feeling icky with all the sweat and other things, he'll get up and force you to take a shower and to pee. Definitely will click his tongue at you if you ask to lie in bed for 5 more minutes. But it's okay because he can carry you to the bathroom anyway. He has a bit of fun with you in the shower, but will dry off before you so that he can go change the sheets.
[B] Body Part Karasu loves staring into your eyes since it's how he can tell someone's truly sincere. He believes in the saying, "the eyes are the window to the soul." Naturally, that means he likes being able to get lost in your eyes while fucking the life out of you. But he likes seeing you screw your eyes shut in pleasure just as much. On himself, he probably likes his arms the most. Not only is it useful for his football style, but those are the same arms that hug you, carry you, and hold on to you while he does unspeakable things to you. He'll be so cocky about it—flexing them for you at the most random moments. Also, he won't admit it, but he loves it when you bite his biceps.
[C] Cum He cums a lot and usually in long ropes which makes clean up a bit of a hassle. It's translucent—bordering on clear—and it's not that viscous. However, it's not the best tasting since he's not that strict with his diet. With that being said, he won't pressure you into swallowing it, but it would make his heart (dick) swell with pride if you soldier on and swallow his seed anyway. He likes cumming specifically on your hip bone for 2 reasons: one, it's the nearest part when he has to pull out, and two, he likes seeing it so near to your dripping cunt. So close yet so far, he would think. Has a slight breeding kink if you can't tell yet.
[D] Dirty Secret He doesn't like the idea of filming your private time; he's a bit of an old man at heart, so he doesn't trust technology like that. But sometimes he'll leave his phone by the nightstand to record audio instead. He gets off more on sound rather than visuals when he's alone. It's his primary jack-off material basically. He loves hearing all your moans and whimpers. Karasu especially loves the part when you abruptly let out a high-pitched and breathless moan. It makes him smirk a bit even while fisting his cock to you. If you're into phone sex, he'll record those calls sometimes—more jack-off material. Though he cringes at his own voice sometimes when he listens to it again.
[E] Experience He has enough experience that he's decent in bed, but not a lot. It just so happens that he had encounters like that and it felt right at the time. Karasu doesn't think much about them though, especially if those were simple flings. He differentiates sex for experience and sex for connection. He likes to ask what his partner likes and if he's doing okay—much of his good performance comes from that.
[F] Favorite Position A sucker for missionary. He likes it because he can see your face and the expressions that you make. It's even better since he can lean down into your neck and let your moans pour directly into his ear. It gets him going. Karasu also loves the feeling of caging you between his arms. Although, if missionary gets boring, he also likes going into the lotus position. He can still see your face—even better this way. But the beauty of this one is that he can hold you close to his body in a secure embrace. But also because you can perch your head in the crook of his neck and whisper sweet nothings to him.
[G] Goofy It depends on the context really. Most of the time he's serious—silent and attentive—only making a sound to whisper dirty things in your ear. That's usually the case when emotions build-up and eventually leads to sex. Although, if you get into it because he was teasing you or you were being a brat—the more likely it is that he'll be flashing that cocky smirk of his. He'd let out an occasional chuckle when he sees how cockdrunk you become. He's not that stiff; he'll laugh when he truly feels like it. But he'll show you sincerity for the majority of your "fun" times.
[H] Hair He doesn't really think much about his situation down there. He'll trim it every once in a while, but not totally. Karasu forgets about it a lot, though it doesn't bother him. He'll tend to it when he feels like it. If his partner requests that he trims it more often, he'll feel hassled by it but would try to comply. However, if he's asked to completely shave it—don't expect him to. He doesn't dig the bald look on himself. With that being said, he doesn't really care about his partner's hair down there. As long as it's clean and well-taken care of, he could care less if there's hair. But he doesn't dig the completely shaven look on his partner either.
[I] Intimacy He seems very cold and rigid the first few times that you do it—like he's doing it because you're supposed to do that in a relationship. It's not that he's not enjoying it, but more so because he isn't ready to be vulnerable just yet. His flings would be like this. But give him some time and his walls will come crashing down. Once he feels comfortable, he'll wear his heart on his sleeve for you. Emotional sex—that's it. That's the post. Kidding, but you'll really feel how much he loves and cares for you through his actions and his words. He can be such a sap.
[J] Jack Off He probably does so most days of the week. Multiple times in a day though? Rarely. It often happens in the mornings when he has to take care of the usual morning wood. Typically does it out of necessity and rubs a quick one before taking a shower. Although, there are nights when his mind wanders and boom—he's horny. He'll quickly pull his shirt off and take his time, unlike in the morning. He also loooves to edge himself. That's another reason he does it at night—more time, less disturbances. The only downside is that he needs jack off material now.
[K] Kinks We all know he has a raging voice kink. He loves hearing anything from you—moans, whimpers, praises (this one especially), affectionate insults, and of course, his name. But one kink that isn't so evident at first is his size kink. Karasu likes to think of himself as quite the large guy—muscular, hulking, intimidating. So to see a pretty little thing like you on the verge of being ruined by him does inexplicable things to his brain. He likes hovering over you to emphasize the difference in your size. He'll hold your smaller hand and cup your cheek with his larger hand. This kink of his mostly stems from his inclination towards "cute" girls.
[L] Location He's not a fan of public sex. Don't get him wrong though; he enjoys playing around in public—rubbing each other under the table, grinding his hard on against your ass while waiting in line, or whispering dirty things while at a party. But when it comes to the actual sex, he'd rather do it somewhere private. You can do the teasing anywhere, but best believe that he's hauling your ass back home the moment it gets serious. For one, he'd just hate it if someone were to see you in such a compromising position. And he'd hate having to deal with what comes after being caught. In most places it's downright illegal. He's not about to risk breaking the law for an orgasm—no matter how good it is. A pretty rational man through and through.
[M] Motivation He says he hates it, but I'd like to think he loves it when you whisper something dirty in his ear. Hell, you could simply moan and he'll know what's up. Anyway, it's pretty easy to rile him up. You could feel him up or let him feel you up. You could prance around your space while wearing little to no clothing. Or you could outright ask him for it and he'll give it to you. He's a no nonsense guy when it comes to initiating. But more often than not, he'll be the one making the first move anyway.
[N] No Not into extreme pain or degradation. He would hate to hurt you to the point it would leave a nasty scar or make you bleed. Light pain is alright—biting, marking, spanking, and the like. Always makes sure you're still okay with it as well. He doesn't mind using harsh nicknames or saying nasty shit to you every once in a while, but he wouldn't want to be degraded himself. He's TOO big into praise to even consider that. Plus, he takes your words (specifically) to his heart. Karasu doesn't think he can handle hearing harsh words directed towards him coming from you.
[O] Oral Prefers to give more than receive (but he won't refuse EVER if you do offer to give him oral). But he likes going down on you more so that he can hear your beautiful sounds. Even though he's the one going to town on you—best believe that he's getting off to your voice anyway. It's basically a win-win situation for him. And did I mention that he's an absolute monster at oral? He's so messy with it and so shameless. He'll really push his face into your heat relentlessly. Karasu knows your pussy like the back of his hand and knows all the spots to lick and suckle on. A foreplay god—is what I'm trying to say.
[P] Pace Depends mostly on his mood and how demanding you are. There are times he prefers to go slow but hard because of how amusing your sounds are to him. But most of the time, he can't really commit to that pace. He gets restless and you can tell because he speeds up all of a sudden. The cocky smirk gets replaced by a more serious and focused expression. The usual indicator that he's about to go to pound town is when he grips your waist tightly, almost bruising. Tell him to go rougher—and he will. Although, be prepared to not walk much the next day.
[Q] Quickie Of course, he prefers a proper session, but he doesn't mind engaging in quickies every now and then when really necessary. Besides, he's the one usually asking for one. He's quite easy to tempt, so even if there are time constraints, he'll make it happen. He can control himself better while in public—at least dragging you into the car if he really needs to release his pent up "frustrations". But when it's just the two of you? He'll bend you over and get the job done right away—returning to his normal everyday tasks like nothing happened. To him, it's like scratching an itch.
[R] Risk Not heavily into risk. He's fine with slightly risky situations (e.g. few people around, really hidden, etc). But he'll never put you in a highly risky situation. It would piss him off if anyone saw you in such a compromising state. The temporary thrill and excitement isn't worth it for his jealousy. Though he does like to play around with you to see your reaction—caressing your pussy under the table, texting you or whispering something dirty while with friends, or subtly squeezing your ass.
[S] Stamina Does it really matter when he's a beast at foreplay? Well, even after he coaxes a couple orgasms from you, he'll obviously still have energy for actual sex. Though he's not that consistent when it comes to stamina. There are days when he's tired or not really feeling it as much, so he might last for just one round. On those days, he'd rather have you in his arms while relaxing. However, on days when it's almost like he's on a rut—he'll go for as long as you need him to. When he's extra frustrated, it's like his dick won't go down at all. He's the type to shoot blanks after going at it for so long. He'll keep groaning in your ear about how, "he hasn't had enough."
[T] Toys Quite the traditional man, so it has never occurred to him to use toys. But he's not exactly against it either. Although, I feel like he'd be too shy to purchase these things himself. Maybe he'll try it online, but he would prefer it if you bought it. That way—he'll keep his "dignity" and you can go ahead and choose something that you know you will enjoy. Truth be told, he's mostly doing it because he wants you to feel better. More about your pleasure rather than his. Oh, but he'll have fun using a vibe on you.
[U] Unfair He loves giving, so I can't imagine him being unfair at all unless you ask him to. Honestly, he gets off seeing you writhe in pleasure. So depriving you of that is equivalent to him blue balling himself. He's not a masochist by any means, so he won't ever be unfair with you.
[V] Volume His pride forbids him from moaning or whimpering. As a "manly man" he's only permitted to low grunts or groans. But the unavoidable happens and he gets "lost in the sauce." He'll start moaning a bit more—whispering about how good you feel around him. There's a chance he might whimper slightly if he hasn't felt you for a long time. He's just so pent up that he doesn't give a shit about anything else. Other than that, he doesn't want to be so loud because he wouldn't want to drown our YOUR sounds. (I feel like he also cringes inwardly when he becomes hyperaware of his volume).
[W] Wild Card He realizes it later on by accident, but he loves fucking in front of a mirror. Karasu loves to see you unravel because of him, but to actually see himself do that to you? It changes things for him; it's so much better that way. It further heightens his size kink because now he can see clear as day how bigger he is compared to you—how he can engulf you so easily with his larger frame and his thick arms. He won't outright tell you, but you can kind of tell by how he always seems to drag you to the spot where both of you can be seen in the full length mirror of your room.
[X] X Ray He is hung. That's it. But seriously, he's bigger than average. He has good length—reaches all the necessary spots, but not enough to actually hurt you. The way he stretches you out is just right as well. He's extra sensitive at the tip and the underside of his dick; he feels as if he'd cum prematurely if you gave too much attention to those areas. It's a given, but he's a shower. He still grows a bit when hard, but not so much. But for some reason, he hates you seeing it flaccid.
[Y] Yearning His drive is a little above average, but it fluctuates a lot depending on his mood and errands. But it's important to note that he'll never force you into anything if your moods don't match. His drive might be high, but he's not some monster without any self-restraint. Most of the time he can be satiated with cuddles or any type of skin-to-skin with you. However, it's more unbearable for him if you're away from him. He'd rather not have sex but have you near than to not have sex because you're miles away from each other. If that makes sense.
[Z] Zzz Admits that he wants to snooze as soon as your done, but his protective instinct is way too hard to ignore. At the very least, he'll get the two of you clean first before hitting the hay. Also, he's a man of foresight. He probably already laid out a towel or any sort of barrier on the bed so that clean up isn't a hassle afterwards. That or he fucks you somewhere else around the house so you can sleep right away. Sometimes, his sleepiness vanishes completely when you offer another round in the shower before actually cleaning yourselves up. Like I said, he can never say no to you.
©kzyluvr do not repost/reupload/translate any of my works on other platforms
╰ author's note self indulgent as you can see
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
Aight, the Yuusona is done and posted, now my Pomefiore Oc!
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Hayeli Callem
17 years old, 2nd year
Pomefiore, based on the Evil Queen's mirror
Originally from a border of the Scalding Sands
Signature Spell : Kaleidoscope Divine
-allows Hayeli to reproduce any kind of magic (even other Signature Spells) for a maximum of 15 seconds
-the stronger the magic, the shorter the time
-for other Signature Spells, Hayeli must have already seen said SS used in full without interruption
-for other Signature Spells, the original user must be in Hayeli's field of view
-Example: Hayeli can use Riddle's Off With Your Heads for about 10 seconds while Riddle is around, before the collar gets dismissed entirely.
-so far Hayeli has only ever managed to use Kaleidoscope Divine on others' Signature Spells on 5 different occasions only (one of which being Riddle's Off With Your Heads)
-Hayeli usually only uses it to copy regular spells he hasn't yet mastered, or to confuse his opponents long enough for him to run away
-Hayeli thinks his Signature Spell is useless because it has too many strict requirements
Originality? Don’t know him.
If you ask him, Hayeli will say he was probably cursed as a child, because he is simply unable to do anything on his own without having seen someone else doing it first. He always needs to copy others to achieve anything, and became so good at it that he can replicate someone’s mannerisms or handwriting in a glance. If he is around someone long enough, he can even replicate their accent. (To Vil’s horror, he is able to replicate both Epel and Rook’s accent, and he can even do mashups!)
Unlike for his Signature Spell, he doesn't need others to be around while he copies things. Once he’s replicated the skill once, he can do it again whenever (but always the very way he’s copying. Should he learn to draw from one specific person, he won’t be able to draw in any other style.)
He hides it a lot but he is constantly angry that he can never be his own person. He isn’t even sure who he IS! As far as he knows he’s just a walking, talking mirror.
OFF/ON modes
In Hayeli’s words : “The OFF mode is just when my stupid gimmick finally lets off.” When nobody is around for him to copy, Hayeli reverts back to his “natural state” which tends to be quite pessimistic and cynical. He grumbles a lot and gets frustrated regularly but at least he gets to be “him” (whoever that is) for a night. When in OFF mode he tries to do as little as possible, usually just reading novels or meditating, because every other skill he has comes from copying others.
The ON mode depends on whoever he spends the most time with. Pomefiore has a rather unique effect on his behavior. Should he stay around Savanaclaw students for any prolonged time for whichever reason though, he will naturally shift his attitude to match the more rugged and sporty behavior of beastmen. Hayeli has little to no control over his copying and regularly gets upset about it.
These days, since Pomefiore is taking a huge place in his life, he will be obviously (and obnoxiously) acting like a cliché Pomefiore student even when spending a lot of time with others.
The copying comes gradually the more time he spends with someone and takes as much time fading once he stops frequenting that person.
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Random facts:
-Despite Vil's best efforts to improve Hayeli's skin, he is cursed with a heavy bout of acne and very red cheeks. Hayeli learned all his makeup skills by copying Vil and the contrast between his usual face and his makeup-ed one is so staggering people tend not to recognise him. He actually has a lot of fun with it.
-Hayeli gets regular headaches when there are too many people around him because his gimmick cannot decide on who to copy and makes ridiculous mashups.
-He has absolutely no shame cheating for tests by copying others. He was once caught by Trein.
-His pupils are naturally white and strangely shaped
-Vil has forbidden him from frequenting Azul and Sebek because he becomes the worst version of them with his copy gimmick
-He and Epel act like older/younger siblings
-His Signature Spell doesn't work on Ortho due to his robotic nature, and he has a hard time using it on Faes
-Hayeli is very eloquent and has a lot of vocabulary. Sometimes he speaks in rhymes without realizing
-He has a grand total of 16 moles on his body
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ghostofhyuck · 7 months
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NCT Dream's love languages, but oddly specific.
Mark Lee ; long messages and timely updates
Mark would be the type of significant other who will send you 'good morning' every day. He will not miss a day where he'll send you a message. He'll be the type that despite his busy schedule, he will find a minute to send you a message and update about his whereabouts. Mark is also the type who'll bombard you with long yet sweet message because he remembered that he has a sweet significant other who supports him no matter what.
Huang Renjun ; customized gifts
Why are we not surprised? Renjun's the type who loves customized gifts especially when he takes his time to make sure that you'll love it and it's special. Every detail, Renjun makes sure that you'll appreciate it and that it's unique! Whether it's a customized hoodie or a painting that he painted for you, Renjun will put all of his efforts to show you that he loves you. 
Lee Jeno ; hours of silent calls 
Listen, as an introvert, Jeno would probably appreciate hours of silent call. He doesn't if you two aren't talking while on call, the two of you might be doing other stuff like for Jeno, he's playing games while you are studying, as long as the call's not ending. Sometimes it'll take hours or even a day where your phone's heating up but Jeno's going to be, "no, don't hang up please, stay with me." 
Lee Donghyuck ; stolen kisses and bear hugs
Donghyuck's favorite thing in the world are smooches and hugs. He's very very very!!! clingy!!! that's why stolen kisses are a must. It'll be during random things, like when you're washing the dishes, he'll sneak onto you and steal a kiss on the cheeks or lips, depending on what he feels during that time. While bear hugs happen whenever one of you two needs to leave. Donghyuck loves bear hugs where he'll squeeze you until you're breatheless. 
Na Jaemin ; cooking and late-night snacks
Na Jaemin's love language is cooking you your favorite food!!! he wants you full and not hungry, he will not let his significant other be starved!!! he makes sure that you have eaten. Jaemin will send you a message asking if you have eaten and if he's around, he'll cook you food!! and if he's overseas, he'll send you delivery food or money so that you can buy food!!! Jaemin makes sure you have food inside your fridge too!!
Zhong Chenle ; proximity
Chenle would be the type who's very nonchalant with relationships. He doesn't need grand gestures or overexpensive dates. Sometimes all he needs is for you to be around. That's why proximity for him is the best. He just needs you near him, like for example, you two are in the living room, you're watching television while he's playing with Daegal. You two aren't talking but you're there and that's all he needs. 
Park Jisung ; late-night ramblings
You can't convinced me that Jisung will be that boyfriend who will keep you late night talking about the weirdest things. This kid is just full of imaginations, that's why sleep doesn't exist between the two of you. He'll keep you up with conspiracy theories or just questions about the future that will keep you two all night. But it's fun to have those silly conversations with him especially when Jisung's too immersed with the topics. 
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supernovafics · 8 months
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k words
summary: in which it was a drunkenly suggested idea that actually didn’t sound too bad, and it was somehow easy to turn your friendship into something a little different. the hardest part should be keeping it a secret, but instead, it’s making sure that things don’t change more than they already have
warnings: explicit language, friends with benefits, sexual tension, implied smut, a lil angst 
author’s note: first time writing for eddie (finally!) this is slightly based off the song “homegirl” by king princess. specifically the line “we’re friends at the party, i’ll give you my body at home.” more eddie stuff coming soon? eventually? maybe..?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
From the beginning, you both had the same understanding of what this was.
Two friends having fun every once in a while. Two friends doing things that two people who were just friends wouldn’t do with one another. Two friends that wanted something completely and utterly not serious because they both had just gotten out of shitty relationships and weren’t in the right headspace to commit to anything. 
You and Eddie agreed on it all. 
And you two also agreed that you could never tell your friends about what you were doing. 
You could only imagine the concerned and confused looks that would’ve been shared amongst them all if you and Eddie sat them down and told them about what had been happening for the past five months. Steve would think it was kinda weird and so random. Robin would say the same thing and also add that you two being each other’s rebounds would only mess things up within the friend group in the long run. Nancy would go on and on about how this was not the way that you two should’ve been coping with your respective break ups, etc, etc. 
Neither of you wanted to hear any of it, so with hushed whispers and the linking of pinkies in the middle of the night— moments after you two had drunkenly made out in the bathroom of The Hideout and were debating on whether or not you should move things to the back of Eddie’s van that was parked right outside— this quickly became the best kept secret. 
During group hangouts and other social situations, you and Eddie were just friends— nothing more, nothing less— but when you were alone, it was different. 
In a way it was fucked up, and on some level you both could recognize that. Falling into each other’s beds most nights was definitely not a good way to cope and deal with everything, just like Nancy would’ve told you both, but so far it was working perfectly fine. And how easy and okay it all was— how it somehow never felt weird or wrong to flip that switch and change your friendship into what it now was— only sometimes confused you. 
And just for a moment, as you and Eddie sat in his van outside of Steve’s house, you were hit with that confused feeling that also slightly surprised you. It was fleeting, as quick as it came it was washed away, and then it was forgotten. 
“Come on,” You mumbled against his lips before fully pulling away. “We need to go inside before they think we got into a tragic car crash while going to get this fucking ice.” 
“One more minute,” Was all Eddie said in response as his lips found your neck. 
You savored the feeling for a second before your hands came up to his chest to softly push him away. “Nope, no way. Do not give me a hickey right now, Munson.”
He only laughed and you simply rolled your eyes at the sound as you opened the door and stepped out of his van. You headed to the back and Eddie followed suit, opening the doors so that you two could grab the ice that you’d been tasked with getting forty minutes earlier. You picked up one and he grabbed the other two, and then you pushed the doors back shut with your free hand. 
“How you getting home tonight?” Eddie asked you. You knew what his question really meant— Are we going home together?
“Not sure yet. Might stay with Robin since it’s her birthday and she said she’s probably gonna just spend the night here. Or I’ll drive with Nance,” You answered, shoulders lifting in a small shrug. 
Neither of those things would end up happening, you knew that you’d probably be leaving here with Eddie in a few hours. But it was nice to tease him right then, push his buttons a bit. 
He only smiled at you, easily reading through the bullshit laced within your words, and was completely okay with playing along. “Okay, got it. I guess I don’t have to worry about bringing you home.” 
“Guess not.”
You two were already standing in front of Steve’s front door, but you simply held Eddie’s gaze for a few beats longer, the smallest smile playing on your lips, before you pushed the door open and the teasing conversation immediately became drowned out by the music. 
Steve waved you both over to the kitchen. “Finally, you’re back.” 
“There was some traffic,” Eddie told him and Steve surprisingly didn’t question the excuse— even though there being traffic in Hawkins was an insanely far-fetched statement to make. 
You handed the bag of ice in your hand over to Steve, which he put in the freezer and then he and Eddie poured the others in the coolers that sat on top of his kitchen island that had beers and sodas in them. 
You were about to walk away— see if you could find Robin, maybe wish her happy birthday for the third time tonight— but Steve slung an arm around you before you could. “I need you to be my beer pong partner.”
“Y’know, Steven, I don’t think it can really be considered as a partnership if I’m the one doing all of the work to make us win,” You said, but still let him drag you to the table littered with red solo cups anyway. 
Two rounds of beer pong later, both of which you and Steve— mainly you— won, you were slightly tipsy. Definitely nowhere near drunk enough to do the karaoke that was set up in the living room, like Robin, Vickie, and Nancy. Although you did enjoy their very theatrical and soulful performance of Somebody to Love by Queen. 
However, you were just the right amount of tipsy to smile when you spotted Eddie through the throngs of people, smoking weed on the couch and talking to Gareth. A part of you wanted to walk over and settle yourself in his lap, but thank God your thinking was still somewhat logical and you reminded yourself that you couldn’t do that. 
Instead, you settled for sitting on the arm of the couch and feet resting on the dark cushion, close enough to Eddie but not so much that it would raise a thousand alarm bells by your friends if they saw you two right then. He looked up at you for a brief second, giving you a small smile that practically melted your insides, and you were the one who had to pull your eyes away from his first. 
A silent conversation played out in a matter of seconds— he held the joint out toward you in offering, not even breaking the conversation with Gareth as he did so, and you grabbed it, taking a long drag before handing it back to him. 
You were only half-paying attention to what they were talking about, some new horror movie that you hadn’t gotten around to seeing yet. All you could really focus on was Eddie moving a bit and leaning against your legs. 
It wasn’t something that was entirely un-innocent— you could’ve easily pictured Robin or Steve or Nancy doing the same thing— but coming from Eddie it nearly drove you insane, and you had a feeling that he knew that. It was always the simplest of touches that made you essentially fold for him, when he’d place a hand on your knee whenever you were in the passenger seat of his van or when his hand would find the small of your back whenever you were at The Hideout and surrounded by way too many people. 
And it was especially easy to fold when you weren’t fully sober.  
You looked down at him and noticed the smirk on his face and you had to hold back your eye roll. If he was going to tease you, you were willing to do the same back. 
You abruptly got up from the couch. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” 
You didn’t wait for his response before you started walking away, but you hoped that he picked up on the request that was hidden beneath your words. 
The first floor bathroom was luckily empty and you flicked on the light as you closed the door behind you and faced the mirror above the sink. You were only looking at yourself for a brief second before the door opened and you turned around to face Eddie. 
The same fucking smirk was on his face as he pushed the door closed and locked it behind him and then immediately reached out for you. “C’mere.”
“Mm-mm.” You shook your head as you stepped back away from him. “I just wanted to talk.”
He let out a small laugh at that. “Okay, yeah, let’s talk.”
You leaned back against the sink and looked up at him. “So, what was that movie you and Gareth were talking about?”
He stepped closer to you, closing a bit of the small distance between you two. “A dumb horror movie.”
It was hard to ignore the feeling of his hands coming up to your waist, but you still did so anyway and you didn’t push him away. “Okay, so I shouldn’t go see it?”
Eddie only shook his head no in response. He started slowly rubbing your sides, his warm touch practically burning a hole in the dark high-waisted jeans you were wearing. 
“Do you have any recommendations?” You asked as your arms came up to loosely circle his neck. “I wanna watch something I haven’t seen before.” 
He didn’t answer your question that time around and instead leaned in to kiss you. But, you turned your head at the last second and he groaned into your neck, which only made you smile. 
“We can watch any movie you want right now if you let me take you home,” He mumbled, lips humming against your neck. 
“I have a feeling that we wouldn’t be watching the movie if that happened,” You said and held back your laughter at the second groan he let out. “And besides, we can’t leave yet. The cake hasn’t been cut and we haven’t even sung happy birthday. Don’t you remember how birthday parties work, Munson?”
“Your pretty face is making it really hard to remember anything, sweetheart,” He told you, pulling away and a hand came up to stroke your cheek. The cool feeling of the rings on his fingers brushing your skin was a nice contrast to the burn of your cheeks. 
Things had been changing recently, a shift that neither of you wanted to acknowledge just yet; maybe because it was hard to tell what exactly was changing. And so, things kept continuing as it was.
You shook your head a little and let out a small laugh. “Always such a charmer.”
That time when he leaned in to slot his lips against yours, you didn’t turn your head away. 
“Only for you,” He playfully whispered against your lips. 
He pulled back before either of you could even think about making the kiss deeper and he looked at you so sweetly. You suddenly wished that the light was off and it was dark right then so that you didn’t have to see his face. 
That confused feeling was back, and you finally understood what it meant. It hit you so abruptly and harshly, it almost felt like you were finally being shaken awake to what was so obvious. You liked him— more than just a friend, more than you ever let yourself think before. And you almost instantaneously came to the conclusion that this, the way you were feeling, was entirely one-sided.  
When this first started, it was because both of you were essentially embracing that old saying of “if you wanna get over someone, get under someone else,” and it worked for you. And it wasn’t just the sex, it was the half-awake pillow talk moments after and listening to music in his van as you two sat outside your house when he was dropping you off that meant the most to you, that helped you actually get over your ex and his shittiness. But, you didn’t think that it was the same way for Eddie. 
He loved his ex, anyone with two eyes could see that. And he still loved her, more so than he let on, and that felt like something only you could see. The longing look on his face whenever he talked about her to you, the nostalgic smile he’d get whenever he mentioned something good about how they used to be. It was obvious how he still felt. 
And just like that, the spell that you’d been cast under in this moment was broken. 
You let out the smallest sigh and detangled yourself from him, letting your arms fall to your sides. 
He looked at you, confused. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Maybe everything. “I’m gonna get some water.” 
You were pulling yourself out of his grasp and brushing past him toward the door, but Eddie’s hand found yours before you could twist the lock. 
Reluctantly, you met his eyes and his voice was soft as he spoke. “You can tell me anything, remember?” 
A few minutes ago that felt entirely true, now you weren’t so sure, but you still nodded anyway. “I know.” 
“So, what happened in the last thirty seconds?” 
A part of you wanted to say it. A part of you wanted to be honest with him. 
But, you couldn’t. 
Because you were convinced of what the outcome would be if you did— you could already imagine the sad and pitying look that would cross his face and essentially say it all. If you told the truth in this moment, it would fuck up your friendship and it would fuck up what you two had turned your friendship into. Therefore, you came to the quick decision that you could bury it all down for however long you needed to so that you didn’t mess anything up.
You bypassed Eddie’s question and instead closed the newfound space between you two, pushing yourself up on your toes and pressing your lips against his. The kiss was different this time around, it was no longer soft and teasing. It was deeper, more needy and desperate, and Eddie reciprocated in a matter of seconds. He turned you both around so that you were pressed up against the sink again and he immediately lifted you onto it, barely detaching from your lips in the process. 
If the circumstances were different, you would’ve fully let him do whatever he wanted to do to you in this bathroom. But, things wouldn’t go farther than this in here; not in Steve’s house, not with your friends just down the hall.
When you pulled away to catch your breath, your lips brushed against his ear as you spoke. “I want you to take me home tonight.”
The smile Eddie gave you made your heart constrict in your chest. It almost made you want to blurt out how you were feeling right then because maybe just maybe he actually did feel the same. 
But, of course, you didn’t say anything. You had another secret to keep and you would force yourself to be entirely okay with that.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
let me know ur thoughts<333
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obbystars · 21 days
Drop some random sebastian headcanon u have in mind fics related or not if u ever had one pls drop itudulfyldyostoakakak😇😇
CONTENT WARNING: cannibalism in post-experimentation section
Notes: Sebastian Solace x GN!Reader / General Relationship Headcanons + some general Sebastian headcanons / kid you not pulling this up i realized i did not have any headcanons for sebastian thought out so i spent a good while thinking LSJDJSNX / i hope you guys know this is written by someone who has not dated before (has no idea what they’re doing) / wishing this could’ve been longer
Credits: dividers by @cafekitsune
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To be honest, when it comes to entering a relationship with Sebastian, I can never see it happening when you meet during the events of the game. Like, obviously he only sees all of expendables as research collectors (and possibly food) and that’s pretty much it. He does not give two shits about us.
If you knew him before he got arrested, or even knew him while he was a prisoner under Urbanshade (specifically another prisoner), then yes I can see it happening. Of course, if you knew him beforehand and became an expendable for whatever reason after, then yes I can also see it. It’s because you knew who he was before he became what he is now, y’know?
He’s a teasing type of partner. Often making sarcastic comments whenever he sees the opportunity to, pushing some of your buttons just for the fun of it, all that stuff. He can tone it down if you ask though, or if he sees it’s actually bothering you.
Sebastian does like cuddling but he is almost never the one to initiate it. It’s not that he’s uncomfortable (well he kinda is sometimes), he’s also not sure if you’re comfortable with it unless you voice it to him. Will that change anything? Not really, you’ll still need to initiate most of the time.
It’s probably obvious now that I see a relationship with Sebastian will require quite a bit of communication, but there’s nothing wrong with that. As long as you can respect his boundaries whenever he voices it, there won’t be any problems. Be sure to voice yours too, he doesn’t want to overstep any of yours either.
He’s a listener. Ramble about the most random stuff to him and he’d unintentionally take in the information. Sometimes you just going on and on about stuff makes it easier to work on his homework even if what you’re rambling about is related to your own work. If random factoids aren’t exactly what he’s looking for, playing music also helps. You can take turns playing music. He rambles too but not all the time. Usually it’s something relating to his engineering class.
Sebastian can cook up something really good whenever he feels like it. It’s not super fancy but he can recreate some of his mom’s recipes. When it’s not that, it’s just a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something microwaved. It really depends on the mood he’s in. If you cook, try making something he hasn’t had, like a dish from your country. He’s always willing to try.
Quality time type of partner. You don’t really need to be doing anything, he’s happy just being in the same room as you.
You two are watching YouTube videos on his laptop in bed late at night until you both fall asleep. One of you sometimes wakes up to put the laptop away, while other times it was almost kicked off the bed. Thankfully it hasn’t happened yet.
Game date nights. Whether it’s PvP or Co-op, you’re both playing. Local or online, doesn’t matter. As long as it’s multiplayer. Sebastian does strikes me as a rogue-like, souls, shooter type of gamer though. He probably picked up Sims at some point and got way too into making houses rather than actually making Sims. Sometimes he playa horror but it scares the shit out of him most of the time.
He sometimes plays his guitar for you, even asking if you have any requests. If you ask nicely enough, he’d help you learn how to play if you don’t already. If you actually end up getting your own, he’d be so down to play with you.
Meeting with his family is pretty much a must (his mom wants to meet you). His big sister embarrasses him by telling you just how much he “gushes” about you. In reality, he talks about you to them whenever they ask and if you two are going out just so they know and to not call or text him or anything until then. Still, his family likes you and that’s all he wants.
Remember how I said Sebastian isn’t exactly uncomfortable with touch? Yeah, now he is. He has a bubble around him and he does not like it when someone gets too close whether it was intentional or not. His reaction to it can vary from shoving them away to a more violent reaction that may lead to a serious injury or even death.
Upon finding a corpse and being so terribly hungry, he had to try and force himself to eat it. The idea of eating another person made him want to spit it all out, to regurgitate all of it out. Flesh, bones, intestines, lungs, liver, heart… “Keep it in your stomach. You won’t find much food after this.” Eventually, he was able to stomach it. Eventually, it became natural.
If you’ve known him before all of this and he meets up with you while the lockdown is still happening, yeah he has questions cause what the hell. He wants to keep you safe, but if you stay around too long, Urbanshade might get suspicious that they lost an expendable’s signal. It’s already bad enough that they want him dead, and the scrambler can be a dead giveaway if their operatives suddenly can’t contact HQ. Just don’t die while you’re out there, please. It’d also be best if they don’t find out about your much deeper connection with him, so there’s another reason why it’d be difficult to stay in touch with each other in the facility.
He’d try to get in touch with Painter just to let him know about you. Lead the Good People away, shoot down a wall dweller that you haven’t noticed yet, all that stuff. He can’t do much about the bull shark, squiddles, and the anglers but he can try to do something about Pandemonium. Unlike the anglers, it’s not a cloud of smoke and is really just rotting flesh.
Physical touch with him in this case is still complicated. He’s very uncomfortable with it and it may take a while for him to warm up to your touch again. He’s not gonna hit you or anything, god no. If you were anyone else, one he doesn’t know, absolutely. He’ll try to express that. The topic itself is sensitive and he never likes bringing it up.
Assuming Mr. Lopee has taken an interest in you and allows you to keep coming back after every death, Sebastian is more willing to help you. Will he give you a discount though? No, especially not if there are other expendables with you. (he will slip in a battery or two though) It’s also a little less worry for him since death isn’t the end for you, but he wonders just how long it’ll take for Urbanshade to realize one of their prisoners is capable of coming back to life. You’re not supposed to have access to the Ferryman Tokens. The expendable protocol was specifically made so that Urbanshade didn’t have to use so much of them.
If you happen to come across something rare or something he usually sells at a high price, he’d appreciate it if you allowed him to take it off your hands and sell it to one of the other EXR-Ps. More intel from them means a higher chance of escaping (hopefully). You two will likely be stuck here for a while as long as no one else takes the crystal before then.
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yeah uh
that’s all i got 🧍
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atebyflowers · 9 months
Just some random abby HCS (⌒▽⌒)
Bc she would definitely fund your dream lifestyle.
She'd buy the two of you a city view apartment and let you decorate tf out of it, not complaining one bit about the designs or theme.
Whenever you wanted to go out and she couldn't come, She'd always give you her card. Telling you to splurge for both you and whatever friends your with at the time. Money is really nothing to her, especially when it comes to spending it on her girl..
You'd absolutely never have to worry about shit, she works for the both of you. All you have to do is be pretty and have fun ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
definitely a red wine girl, but she'd buy and drink pink whitney js for you.
You'd absolutely never drive her car, yet it would be filled with your shit. Nobody knows if you even have ur license cause she refuses to let you drive, yet the entire car is basically yours. I mean filled with interior you picked out, shit you forgot in there, etc.
She'd prolly make her dad sit in the back seat to avoid distrusting your reserved passenger space too 😭 dpwm !!
Also let's you rest your legs on the dash, blast ur music & drives extra carefully when you fall asleep before she reaches home
Drives to random places at night & in the rain js cause u like the car rides
Did I mention she's extremely rich. Like, CEO.. has her own employees and company's type of rich. So she absolutely has all the time in the world for you. And on the occasions where she doesn't, and needs to attend to big girl business, it's made up to you within the next 24hs TRUST 🤞🏽
Also a vacation girl... not only so she can see all the photos you'll post on insta after, but also bc she knows how much you find peace in traveling and exploring the world.
its her missionnnm to let you live to the fullest.
If you mention a specific view or event in another country, she's making plans for y'all to go within the next few months.
I feel like this would apply especially if you didn't have much wealth growing up, like she'd especially prioritize letting you experience everything you dreamed of when you were younger... like I imagine her taking you to Disney world or some shit like that js because you mentioned once that you always wanted to 😭
She's SOO gentle, like her tone of voice completely changes the moment you ask her a question or call her name. Even when she gets mad she's so soft with it so you don't feel like she hates you.
She'd scold you for being irresponsible or some shit, but in a way where it sounds like she's just genuinely concerned and correcting you.
She listens to drake. Idc.... like u cannot convince me this girl don't listen to finesse
Ok rant over someone pls write rich ceo Abby god I'm STRIVEDDD
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 5 months
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
I have always admired people who have their one thing. People who care deeply about one highly specific cause, people who have deep knowledge about their one niche interest, people who are really into one particular movie… 
I just think it’s neat! It’s really interesting to hear people talk about their one thing. There’s also so much comfort in the fact that people can find so much happiness and meaning and purpose in something seemingly random! 
Last but not least, it’s also often the people with their one thing who (pardon my language) get shit done. Someone who puts their whole heart into doing their one small thing passionately likely does much more good for the world than someone who tries to constantly give their attention to every single problem everywhere all the time simultaneously. The first one can keep their energy and love for the cause high, the latter probably just ends up burning themselves out. 
… and yet, with all this genuine admiration for people like that: I often judge myself for being a person like that. 
If you wonder what my one thing is, well, you’re looking at it! It’s writing about mental health and wellbeing in the lgbt+ community. I write this blog. I write books with main characters who are lgbt+ and mentally ill or neurodivergent. I do a lot of research on that topic to base my writing on ,and also just for fun. Even with the music or movies or books I enjoy, I seek out that topic or at least I’ll analyze it with that lens… So, according to my very own thoughts I stated above, I should feel like the coolest guy ever! 
But I don’t. I feel embarrassed when people ask about my interests or hobbies. I feel guilty for it not being something you can „turn into a career“. I feel like I’m boring for writing 3 books about the same topic. I feel like I’m stupid for not having multiple passions. I feel like I need to prove my masculinity by having more „male interests“... long story short, I’m being a big old bully to myself about it. 
You may be a „my one thing“ person as well or maybe you’re someone with many different interests, or maybe you are someone who has one thing but the thing changes every few weeks. No matter where you stand, we probably have this in common: we can be really mean towards ourselves over things we wouldn’t judge others for. This may be so common because it’s pretty easy to have a distorted perception of ourselves (after all, we notice every single little thing we think or do or say, while in others we see the bigger picture) or because so many grow up internalizing negative messages about ourselves(but not about others). 
We set impossibly high standards for ourselves that we would never impose on our loved ones - but we should also be our own loved one. After all, you’ll be the person you spend the most time with during your life. Much better for your closest companion to be a friend than a foe. 
So, in this spirit, I’ll try to lead by example: I have my one thing, and that’s super cool of me!! What’s cool about you? 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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anjelicawrites · 11 months
Fun to be had
Paring: Michael Gavey x reader
Synopsis: you’re studying alone on a Friday night, and decide to, finally, face the weird guy following you. Fun ensues.
Warnings: dry humping in public (in a library), almost getting caught, kissing, biting, scratching, Michael’s accidental stalkerish behaviour.
A/N: reader is AFAB but not described. Where needed, they/them pronouns used.
It’s Friday night and you should be out, getting drunk at the pub or dancing your arse off at the club, instead, you are at the library, different editions of the same poem opened in front of your face, not because you are cramming for a paper, but because you don’t feel like having to deal with people, irritated as you are with life now.
You have those days where you don’t feel like being sociable, instead, you have this need to live through the words of others, pouring over different editions of the same work, until you are satisfied with the results of your own translation. This specific Friday is one of those days, and you are elated that the library is empty, or almost.
You are not truly alone, hidden in this corner because, sitting at the other table of this little nook, there’s a guy.
You are almost positive his name is Michael, Michael something, mathematical genius and nerd at the end of the social hierarchy. The guy who has been following you, changing his sitting place every single time you did in the past few weeks.
You didn’t see it at the start, with the library always packed you started sitting wherever you could find a free spot and thought nothing when he did the same, you didn’t even noticed him!
You realized when you started studying late in the evening.
With the library half empty, this Michael guy could have picked any spot, every single time, instead he kept sitting at a table next to yours, always with a good vantage point. Yet, you kept telling yourself that maybe he just didn’t want to sit somewhere alone in a place which becomes creepy at night time, nothing to truly see here, but, but… If you have to be blunt about it, he doesn’t give you the idea of a chap who is afraid of being alone; if he is who you think he is, then having no friends it’s his norm.
You could have left it at that, forget about the whole thing, but you are curious, far more than what’s healthy for you, so you concocted a plan, quite stupid really, to gauge his reaction. You partner in crime, albeit without knowing it, had been you friend Ellie, who was studying for a chemistry exam, quite complicated and hard to pass. One night you two were studying and she was getting more and more frustrated, you decided to act.
“So.” You asked her. “What do you think about science?”
“Fuck science!” Right on cue she gives you the answer you need.
Staring in the direction of Michael you said loud and clear.
“Yeah, fuck science indeed” right the second he was looking at you.
It might have been a random coincidence, but he became bolder after your little experiment, his eyes not leaving yours whenever you stared up from the books and even changing tables, whenever a spot nearer yours was freed, and he was already sitting somewhere else, as if he wanted you to know what he was doing.
But what was that he was hoping to achieve by acting like a stalker?
You lift your head and there he is, seemingly engrossed in his own work, glasses low on his long nose and the irritation you’ve felt all day spikes up, red and warm in your belly and you know you shouldn’t do a single thing, but pack your stuff and go back to your dorm, you know you should, yet you stare at him again and he’s looking at you, unabashedly, with that pretentious smile on his face and you throw all your good intentions out of the window.
You stand up, the old chair scraping on the floor and march towards him. He looks startled and huffs in surprise when you straddle his legs and pop his thick glasses up his head.
“I think it’s time we greet one another properly, don’t you think? You’ve been following me around, after all!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
In his panic he tries to slide you off himself, but your ground yourself against his body, your hands grabbing the backrest of his chair, forgetting that you are wearing a skirt tonight.
“Care to tell me why you’re acting like a stalker?”
“I’m not a stalker!” He seems to have managed to grasp control back, the mask of surprise gone from his face. “Get off me!”
“I will, when you’ll tell me the truth!”
Michael had noticed you during a sunny afternoon in the library.
He was slaving over some physics homework, more boring than hard for him and he had let his eyes wander, just to distract himself for a moment.
You were sitting at his same table, facing him and a bit on his right side; you had a fortress of books around you and were furiously taking notes, that’s what had made him stop his gaze: how hard you were studying.
Michael knows many people come to the library as a mean to see and be seen by their peer, others truly try to work and can’t hold their focus for too long you, on the other end, didn’t look like the kind of person who would truly work their arse off so early in the semester, yet there you were, making use of the ridiculous amount of colorful post – it notes in your possession. He had snickered when noticing the animal themed stationery you were using and but hey! You shouldn't judge the book from his cover, right?
Almost absentmindedly, he had started looking for you, when at the library, just to see if he was right in his early observation, and you kept surprising him with the way you would single – mindedly concentrate on your work.
One afternoon, it was very late and most people were already gone, he had taken a peak at your notes, while you were looking for another book, curious to know what you were studying with such a passion and discovered it had to do with linguistics. He had no idea what your coursework talked about, but a quick look at your scrambled handwriting, revealed him a smart mind. This was his tipping point, when he had decided that he wanted to get to know you, if only he had the slightest idea how to!
He had never thought that, casually, sitting nearby you would have been stalkerish, it’s just that he doesn’t know how to start a conversation with you, he’s not that kind of guy! If you were in one of his courses, he would have found a way to get to know you better, but you don’t, and you pay your fellow students no mind, when you are at the library. What’s a guy to do but keep an eye on you, waiting for the right moment to act?
After the whole ‘Fuck science’ shenanigans, he had thought you must have caught wind of what he was doing and maybe you would have started something yourself, but you didn’t. Until tonight.
You realize how embarrassing your position is, when his hands fly on your hips to still your movements, and you register his hardening cock against your wet pussy (and when did that happen?)
“Are you done?” He asks, piercing eyes fixated on yours. “I’m Michael, since you wanted to greet me properly. What’s your name?”
You stare at him dumbly. What have you just done?
His hands curl on the meat of your hips and you yelp in surprise. You need to abort this mission, immediately, but now he’s the one who’s not letting you go.
“So?” He says mockingly. “You were in such a hurry to invade my space, and now you’re acting shy?”
He is well aware of how ridiculous the whole setup is, that he should let go, but you are staring at him with wide, surprised eyes, that he can’t help himself and see how far you’ll let him go.
“Talking big from the guy who’s been stalking me for weeks!”
You’re desperately trying to find your footing again; what the hell were you thinking?
“I wasn’t stalking you! You’re truly hard to know!”
You need to check your bearings for a second: when did you fall in a Beckett play?
“I just said that you are hard to know.”
“And you thought that… whatever that was, was an actual good idea? Aren’t you supposed to be the smart guy?”
“You are acting dumb yourself, love, straddling your supposed stalker like that!”
The whole situation is so surreal, that the two of you stare at one another, and start laughing, until you are both breathless, and your faces are incredibly close.
He is pretty, extremely so, long eyelashes and high cheekbones, a beautiful, kissable mouth when it’s not curled in his signature, mocking smile. His eyes are slightly unfocused, the brilliant blue losing against the expanding pupil. And he is so warm, his hands on your hips clench and unclench, following the fast rhythm of his breathing.
You hadn’t realize how handsome he is and now he is taking your breath away.
He licks his dry lips and you can’t help but follow the motion, imagining how his tongue would feel against your cunt. Without you even noticing, your hips start moving again against the rough material of his jeans, your lips hovering over his, his hands pushing your closer against his hard cock, you two moan, lips almost touching and he decides to take the matter in his own hands.
Grabbing your nape, he pulls your face towards his, tongue entering your parted mouth without asking for permission, seeking your clumsily, and you let him take the wheel.
He’s desperate in the way he is kissing you, no finesse or control, just his mouth slanted against yours, his tongue fucking your throat and his hands in your hair to keep you where he wants you. You’ve been kissed better, but never with such a passion and need. You can barely breath, your body crushed against his, and you don’t care.
You are both breathless when your lips part, a thin line of spit connecting the two of you.
“Please, tell me you have a condom.” You beg, your forehead finding home against his.
“I don’t. I’ve never -”
The embarrassment in his voice stops you.
Oh Christ on a bike, you think, oh fuck. This, you didn’t expect. Not that you’re an expert yourself, only having a past relationship to account for, but your ex hadn’t been a virgin, you were.
“I’m sorry.” You say, trying to dismount, to no avail, his hands are like manacles on your hips.
The way he says it, he’s not begging you, he’s telling you what to do and you feel it in your cunt, molten heath growing there, expanding in your tummy, turning your legs into jelly.
“I’m not going to have unprotected sex.”
Michael cocks his head to the side, his eyes dark with need.
Never, not even in his wildest dreams, he had imagined to find himself in this position. If he’s not going to have sex with you, and he will not without a condom, he’s not stupid, he still wants to quench the thirst he sees in your eyes and feels in his own loins.
“Me neither.” He pushes you downward against his painfully hard cock, the friction delicious and cruel.
You hide a moan against his neck, your lips landing where his pulse is, sucking the sweaty skin with desperation. You start canting your hips again against the rough material of his jeans, his hands helping you find the right angle against his erection, pain and pleasure take possession of your body, your lips desperate on his, your teeth biting his lower lip and he forces you even tighter against his crotch and it hurts, the pleasure burns your skin when he grinds your hips, your clit feeling the brunt of his punishment even through the layers your are wearing. Your hands grab his hair and his hide under your skirt, his long fingers grabbing your ass, squeezing hard, nails catching in worn fabric: he needs you, needs to become one with you.
He whimpers when you bite his shoulder through his sweater, one hand finds its way under your jumper and rakes down your back, you whimper, so close, so close.
Your orgasm shatters you, your teeth biting Michael’s shoulder harder and deeper as he keeps rutting against you; you want to tell him it’s too much but he’s making delicious sounds, half strangled moans of pleasure that inflame your body again, a smaller orgasm hitting you when he comes, his face hidden against your neck.
“Is anyone there?”
The haziness of pleasure is broken the second you hear footsteps heading in your direction, and panic follows.
Mrs Daniels, the librarian pokes her head in the small alcove at the far end of the library.
“Sorry to interrupt you.” She says. “Did you hear strange sounds just now?”
The two students stare owlishly at her: poor kids must be studying their arses off. They look like they’ve just ran a marathon, hair sticking at weird angles, and the boy’s cheeks are apple red. Youngsters these days!
“No. We were having a chat, a little break.” Says the one behind a huge row of books.
“Yeah, we were just chatting.” Adds the one she thinks is named Michael, with a smile she can’t truly decipher.
“Oh well, I must have been mistaken then, there’s only the two of you around at this point. Goodnight then.”
The second you two are positive the older woman is far away enough, you two start laughing, barely hiding your guffaws behind your hands.
“Well.” You manage to finally say. “That was close!”
You try not to feel embarrassed when your eyes land on Michael, whose stare is piercing behind his thick glasses.
“Yeah. And I still don’t know your name.”
Heath pools in your lower tummy at the way his voice is low and raspy, desire clear in the way he rakes his eyes down your body.
“You can always come by my dorm and find out.”
Christ, the way Michael’s lips curve, tells you he’s going to discover more than your name tonight.
Everythig taglist: @hightowhxre
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iheartgeto · 2 years
𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 | 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢
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𝙘𝙬 : mild fluff, explicit smut, stomach bulge, unprotected/rough sex, pussies, creampie, slight edging, grinding, blood, biting, suggestive/graphic language, slight exibitionism, mutual pining, plot w/ smut, “baby” nickname
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : sunato banda x f! reader ; banda finally meets someone with similar taste.
𝙬𝙘: 3.4k
𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 : nsfw ; unedited 
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The rough wad of a paper towel itched your skin as you crumbled and lightly threw your marked napkin in frustration.
“fuck this all” you muttered, gripping your hair—slight pain casting on you from the tightness of your pull.
The second to last circle you had drawn out on the napkin had finally been crossed out. You used this puny tissue to keep track of your days, in hopes you’d never run out of them. However, you had one circle left, and only a day left on your visa.
kicking the gravel along the wide path, you eyed the large blimp floating atop this place of confinement. A jack. The jack of hearts— Not a queen or king, but the “easiest” of the face cards. actually- don’t even kid yourself. you picked the dry skin off your fingers in a nervous fit as you walked through the gates of the penitentiary. you zipped up your jacket, covering the bikini top (complimentary from the beach, a place that served you basically no purpose other than surviving these games) that revealed more than your liking.
whatever, that place was long gone thanks to chishiya, kuina, and the rest of his crazy gang. gladly you had been on decent terms with them, even going so far as to help him gain parts for his weird invention. he required a specific part that seemed to be needed to spread heat? probably made some stupid crap to smoke or cook up a barbecue, whatever weird shit that freak was up to.
Making your way through the entrance, you came to a stop. The white luminescent lights buzzed through the empty hallway as your heart beat was getting faster and faster. Albeit your immense nervousness, you kept a rested expression. The game hadn’t even started yet but you were shaking. this was exciting.
“Put on a collar and go upstairs to the central guard room”.
two black collars rested in front of you. The glossy table stared up at you as you contemplated your decision in joining. Not like you had a choice, it was either this or the red beam of death from the sky. might as well try to live, regardless of how shitty this situation was. you wouldn’t let your misery consume you. or at least that’s how most people would approach life.
you simply strived to live. if you were gonna die, it would be through one these stupid fucking games—not from drowning in the depths of your own self loathing. even then, you still didn’t want these randoms to be the cause of your anticlimactic death. this world was quite beautiful anyways. the intensity, complexity, and structure of this newfound world was simply beautiful. this elysian paradise was addicting. because of this, you would let yourself have fun. just win this game for the small reward of life and some entertainment.
finally, a place for you to let loose and have some real fun.
Suddenly, the faint sound of footsteps grew closer and closer, knocking you out of your short-lived daze. the man stopped next to you, slowly observing the beautiful scenery of dirty bleak walls and prison cells. he smirked, and closed his eyes with a serene look. it was as if he was home. you observed his face with jealousy— you longingly wished for your nerves to wash away and feel this lost sense of serenity.
“do you think this will be fun?” you asked, a polite smile etching your face as you observed his features. his broad shoulders covering you even while trying to make small talk. “i really hope it will”.
“most definitely” he replied, eyes curling into mini crescents yet his overall face remained unphased.
“hm, i agree. but would you mind helping me with this? i’m not sure how to close this lock” you looked up at him. your doe eyes glistened in the white light as he stared you down.
“of course, come closer” he said. his voice was low and smooth, the kind you could listen to all day. his hot hands moved your hair away from your neck to allow the lock to clasp. however, his hands rested on your throat a little longer than expected. he slowly massaged the place where the lock had clasped and bent down to your ear, his hot breath skipping over your skin. he sees your hands trembling and grasps them to stop it as he caresses your palm.
“it feels nice to know someone else is excited to play this game, it seems to me that we are quite alike” he whispered lowly, as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear this reveal.
you knew damn well how to lock this simple little collar, but why miss your chance with a man who caught your attention.
“maybe we are, thanks and good luck then”, you smiled cheerfully, patting him on the back, walking past him into the main prison area. he stared at your back, grinning at his newfound infatuation.
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as you made your way into the main area, you glanced at the crowd around you. the majority was tense and filled with fear. you almost burst out laughing after seeing this blond haired man. chishiya seemed to be alive and well. good for him.
“long time no see, never’d expect to see you here chishiya”, you stood next to him.
“there's many places i’d rather be” he replied, not looking back and staring at the screen in front of him. there was no need to catch up as you both knew the situation. you both understood that the catching up could come after the game.
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“you may pass time anywhere you like until it is time to enter a prison cell”
There was an awkward silence going around, until people decided to start grouping up and leave.
“hey let’s tell each other” a timid man in overalls and a yellow shirt turned to you and chishiya. you nodded in agreement—sounded like a decent idea.
“If you want to survive you need to observe everyone closely, do you want to know what they were doing before the game began?”, chishiya remarked, the three of you turned in the direction of a couple in suits. chishiya went on to explain in graphic detail, causing the poor man to cringe.
“that guy’s confidence won’t let her get involved with anyone else”.
“I was thinking the exact same thing”, you said with amusement.
Watching from above, the three of you observed a pair that seemed to be making a deal. The man from earlier, and another one with a dark aura. Glancing at the screen you find out their names are banda and matsushita. The girl with a blue dress then asked the three of you to join her team. The three of you didn't mind, so you decided to join. Chishiya, overalls, and you exchanged signs and just tagged along with the group.  And that was the end of the first round.
“Hurry up and tell me, fucker!” a rough voice screamed, throwing a poor man in front of everyone. banda went to his rescue and whispered into his ear. sly bitch. you and chishiya glanced at each other, as you knew you saw the same thing.
The group of people then continued on with their antics of telling eachother their signs. From across the room you met his cold gaze. He was seated on the floor, staring blankly at you. You stared back, harnessing a smile in which he returned and waved. Chishiya observed the two of you, a little freaked out by your “kind” facade. And if chishiya was freaked out, then the poor guy next to him was petrified at the interaction in front of him.
The group migrated to the snack room, and from there the game went downhill. Everyone slowly began lying to each other, leaving only your group of three and the two pairs. However, your kind friend could not handle the intensity of the game. an explosion being heard a few cells away from yours.
“he was far too kind hearted for this game” chishiya sighed. You glanced at his bloodied body through the holes of the cell.
“he’s the kind of person i want to be”, you replied. heaving a long exhale of slight sadness at the sight of the poor boy.
“It’s not too late for that, but i think it's about time we start socializing, '' he replied with sarcastic enthusiasm.
“funny coming from you” you scoffed, but understood what he meant. Chishiya would stay in the snack cellar while you would go upstairs and watch. As you started up the stairs you passed by matsushita, paying him no mind as you knew what this meant. banda would be by himself. Being in such a rush you trip on yourself, bracing yourself to fall face forward til someone stops you.
Banda catches you, pulling you in tight for an unexpected hug. “thanks for catching me there”,  you smile, your warm hand meeting his, as he holds you in his embrace. “you even helped out that poor guy who was being bullied— i mean he’s gone now but what did you say to him anyways, some words of encouragement? you seem like such a nice person”.
“thanks, but i’m not fucking stupid” he replied with a silent smile. “drop the act y/n. judging from the way you’re approaching me— you know damn well what i said, c’mon you’re a smart girl right?”. he grabs your wrist, pulling you up as he then corners you against the wall, a dark area of the prison covered by a turn.
“I’m actually pretty dumb” you paused, banda laughed. lowly chuckling at your poor attempts to conceal your true self. “so tell me, why would you encourage him to lie?— you made such a mess of everyone and now we’re the only ones left” you stare up at him, his patronizing gaze looking down at you. you were so close his breath barely touched you. “you aren’t the jack, are you?”.
“who knows? why are you in this game anyways? you don’t really seem like the type”. this conversation was amusing him, you could see it in his expression that he was enjoying this to the fullest.
“what do i seem like then”, you asked. pure curiosity leaking out of your statement, placing a hand to your chin, mocking his question.
“a cute girl who’s letting on less than she really is”, banda relayed, a cold expression etching his face.
his response caught you off guard. “so what if i am? better to appear lower than others than have people at my neck trying to bring me down”, you replied with haste. god, you were so adorable when you were worried. this was getting him excited.
“well smart girl, what do you really think about this game? this place even?”. he kept questioning you, making you feel on edge. you couldn’t tell where this was going.
“I don’t care how you view this place banda, but for me i feel free. i can do whatever i want as long as i play these fun games— i mean sometimes they aren’t so much fun, it’s like a hassle i guess, but it’s a fair price —and they always lead me to interesting people like you”, you replied, slightly afraid of being judged.
banda watched you speak with ease. he was so intrigued with your tinge of confidence and slight intelligence. he also thought you were really damn cute for thinking you could fool him. not knowing how to lock a simple collar? c’mon you were better than that baby. he knew you wanted him, but he wanted you more.  he wanted to corrupt you. fuck your cute little brains up and make you his. mold you to match his lovely thoughts on the borderlands. you both already enjoyed the place and you were just too entertaining to not keep around.
“we really are similar”, he said with a crazed relief, caressing your cheek and staring at you in awe. “until now, i’ve never been in a land as beautiful as this one, nor met two people so worthy of my trust”.
“i suppose matsushita is just as agreeable as i am then?” you joke, pulling his hand off your cheek and lengthening the distance between you two. he was making you feel a type of way. you felt your body  getting warmer and your breath getting ragged.
“no, not him at all— he’s a very condescending individual, but i guess that’s the only redeeming quality of his. i met yaba a while ago, we are equals in which we agree this place is a true paradise and that we trust each other enough to deduce who the jack is”. he pauses, and continues to keep his focus on your face. “matsushita’s confidence kinda reminds me of you” he jokes.
“god, my “confidence”— or whatever the hell you’re even referring to doesn’t mean anything. don’t group me with people like matsushita, I didn’t even have to speak to him to tell he was a cocky bitch!”, you became defensive and bursted out.
“there’s the y/n i was looking for”, banda commented. you sensed some sarcasm and wished to settle whatever he was going off about. you hated that he felt the need to tease you—honestly maybe you enjoyed it, you just wanted to be on decent terms.
“i really don’t think i’m better than you—if that’s what your insinuating, but i do feel like we have similar tastes. and for that i trust you—want to be friends?”. for a moment you stared at each other as you awaited for his response. you wanted to be friends? how naive could you fucking be? banda wanted to erupt with laughter and slap you in the face as he ruined you.
“oh we’re gonna be more than friends” he whispered. your cheeks became redder as he kept getting closer, and you were letting him. “let’s make a deal, i’ll tell you your symbol if you help me”. his hard tent rutted against your leg as you felt him knee your soaking pussy. His leg began applying pressure to your needy clit.
“c- chishiya would tell me my symbol so why—
“then this is just an excuse to fuck your soaking little cunt. i like you”, he confessed, as if he was a schoolboy asking out a girl for the first time. his face was flushed red as he started sucking your neck, leaving a trail of purple kisses down to your chest. Banda unzipped your jacket, revealing the bikini from the beach. his rough hands slid your bikini under your boobs. you felt heated up as he sucked your tits. His head tilted as his mouth kept continuing to lick your buds, groaning as you grew sensitive to his touch.
“i- i like you too”, you whimpered, airy breaths leaving your mouth. “please..!” you mewled, as he continued to suck.
“please what? gotta use your words baby” he smirked as his thumb circled your airway. he sensually massaged it as his lips met yours, his teeth sinking into the flesh of your soft lips.
"A-Ah..!" you gasped, a small trail of blood leaked down the corner of your lip. his mind clouded with lust as he lapped up the red liquid. “you taste so fucking good” he groaned. “what do you want my sweet girl?”
“ i want- need you so bad- please!”, you continued to whimper his name, constantly reciting it as if it were a sacred prayer. “i want you to ruin me with your fat cock!” you quietly screamed. you couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him so bad. he suddenly began removing his pants, the fast sound of his buckle dropping to the floor echoed throughout the hallway. you glanced in awe, he was big. how the hell would he even fit? his meat slapped the lower area of his stomach as his tip leaked with pre cum. he pumped his veiny length, lathering it in his own liquid, and stuck his long fingers in your mouth.
“mmgph!” you almost choked at how deep he stuck them in. but it tasted too good. so sweet and musky.
you circled your tongue his fingers, lapping up whatever he gave you. this caused him to smirk as he released his fingers from your mouth, causing a pop sound to echo. he slowly sunk his cock inside of your soppy cunt, hands gripping your waist as his hard length went inside you. he bit his lips, and his eyes were laced with ecstasy as your right walls shaped around him. you were so fucking tight.
“god you were made for me—your all mine- shit” he groaned, intertwining your hands and kissing you hardly. you replied with sweet moans, and watched his pace get faster and his strokes get deeper. lewd pants filled the hallway as his heavy balls slapped your clit, pounding you against the wall. you were both so oblivious to your surroundings, clouded only with the thought of each other’s touch and the feeling of release. you felt every one of his veins as he took you raw. his large cock shaped your pussy, as a bulge could be seen. banda groaned at the sight, lightly pressing down on it as you both moaned in pleasure. tears dripped from the corner of your eyes as banda watched you in ecstasy. you were so fucking beautiful.
you arched your back as he finally hit that spot. “r-right there banda please- please don’t stop” you sighed. “you feel so good princess ugh fuck” he groaned out, continuing his rough pace. your tits bounced up and down as he rammed into you, fucking you with a pure high. he felt as if you were a drug, one that he could never get enough of.
“i- i’m so close, i’m gonna cum!” you exclaimed with a volume. banda smirked, letting go of your hand to rub the edge of your pussy. the two of you were covered in sweat and saliva. “come for me y/n”. then it hit you hard, like a tsunami. you threw your head back, biting your lips in attempt to contain your deep moan. you let out silent screams as he continued to harshly ram into you, chasing his own high. your tongue lolled out of your mouth and eyes hazed with pleasure as the only thing you could think about was banda.
his eyes stared at the messy sight before him as he suddenly choked out a deep groan. “fuck baby mmph- you took me so well”. your white pleasure gushed around his cock, leaking out of your cunt. a white ring of cum covered his length as he continued to ram into you. and then his orgasm hit, filling your cunt with thick cum as your pussy pulsed and your body spasmed. his legs shook at how hard he came, and he pressed his forehead against yours, the both of you basking in each other’s heat. your brains were fogged from the intensity the both of you had just endured.
“i- i really like you y/n, i want to be with you forever”, he whispered over the two of you catching yours breaths. you would’ve drifted off to sleep if banda hadn’t insisted the two of you go back to the main area. helping you get dressed, the two of you head back to the main hall. he kissed your forehead before watching you head back down to the snack cellar to talk to chishiya.
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“hahahahahahhaa” a crazed laugh escapes from matsushita’s lips. he thinks he finally won.
However, chishiya had emerged from his cell, and you followed suit. Strong arms wrapped around your body as a banda had come out of his cell as well. the four of you had deduced matsushita was the jack. Chishiya, banda, and yaba had explained their tactics to matsushita as they started to corner him into a cell.
“hold this for me baby?” he asked with a soft tone, holding out his scalpel. you grabbed it as he affectionately patted your head and grew closer to yaba. yaba took off his blazer, preparing for their violence and hopefully new information about the borderlands. “It’s unfortunate that i can’t kill you, but i can still have fun with you”.
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i need more banda content, it’s so dry out here. :,) | sorry if anything was incoherent its late rn LOL
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Baking With BF!Dean Winchester Headcanons
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✨ Dean Winchester x GN!Reader ✨
*sighs in 2014 was 10 years ago* Minors do NOT interact, this is not “rizz-ing!” Off you go!
A/N: I love writing these because they’re like half baked yet surprisingly endearing thoughts and it’s fun haha.
Icons by me!
All notes are appreciated! Hope you enjoy!
Content Warning: I have a bad sense of humor and make some sex jokes but nothing too explicit, at least I think so. Definitely still 18+
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
-3 favorite things to bake with him
1. Pie (obvs)
2. Brownies (sometimes with pot…)
3. Cookies (all kinds)
-okay, now that that's been established...
-one day you had jokingly suggested the bunker should do a cookie jar
-this was taken seriously; not only by Dean, Sam and Cas; but also by literally every regular passerby. Even Rowena's made a batch of red velvet cookies. (We threw those ones away, we couldn't trust that they weren't poisoned, made of blood, or both)
-but if it's just the usual crew (you, the brothers, and Cas) then you have a weekly rotation
-and Dean regularly suckers you into "helping" him, even though you both knows he’s capable of being a big boy (and I mean he is a big boy if you catch my drift) and doing it himself
-those candy apple green eyes work wonders
-one of his favorite, stupidly cheesy things to do is as follows:
-you’ll have a taste of the batter/dough/filling, as one does (it’s always good cause the two of you together are an unstoppable force in the kitchen) (alone is a different story- it’s usually Kraft Mac n Cheese cups)
-and while you’re trying it, making faces, he’ll look over and innocently ask if he can try it
-like “Can I get some, sweetheart?” (And yes he most certainly can get some.) (batter, I mean) (definitely batter) or “can I try some, doll?”
-and no matter how many times he’s tried it you’ll say yes
-so he’ll lean down, cupping your cheeks in his rough hands and kiss you as passionately as humanly possible
-like, these kisses could literally bake the cookies or whatever because of how hot they are
-and he’ll make sure he really gets to try it
-and then he’ll pull back with a smirk, cause he’s done it at least 30 times before and you still let him and still like melt into a puddle every single time. Without fail.
-you guys like to put on Disney soundtracks in the background when you bake. High school musical and Moana primarily, but he’s also taken with the soundtrack of Julie and the Phantoms. (He complained about the show being unrealistic supernaturally speaking and then was adamant that there should be a season two and cancelling it was a crime worthy of hell)
-also, rock, obviously. As a fan of Bon Jovi, you best believe you sell him on them and slow dance to Bed of Roses while things are in the oven. It’s only right.
-if you’re listening to heat of the moment and Sam the baby giraffe walks in he will get those sad eyes, making both of you scramble to make him something else, like some keto hidden veggie brownies or some shit, to make him feel better
-now, in specifics
-pie is for fun. You two usually make one to split for after dinner. Roughly once a month, but should be more often. Well, that’s not fair if you count creampies
-apple is his favorite, ofc. You use Mary’s recipe, and you’re the only person in the whole wide world that he trusts with modifying it in any way
-you also make them for him if he’s sick or if you guys have for some reason had a fight. The latter is rarer, but does still happen on occasion
-it’s okay though, because pie will always make things better
-cookies are almost exclusively for the jar. These are made on random frequencies, usually a lot at a time.
-he likes butterscotch a lot, and you find a way to mix your favorite flavors into either one monstrosity or one beauty of a cookie
-you guys have in fact made your own recipe. It’s awesome. Like, prized possession material.
-and then brownies
-they’re literally just pimped up store bought mix. Preferably Ghirardelli, for maximum bougie-ness
-and then sometimes you guys add some fun time grass
-you’ll do that when you just want to have a soft night. You’ll always way up to him laying on you and holding you like a koala though- may your back be prepared
-overall he just really enjoys spending time with you in any way that he can and baking is a great way to do that
-Dean Winchester is precious
-I rest my case
If you have any ideas for more headcanons, send a request! My box is always open!
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estcaligo · 3 months
Problematic post, dark content, if you don't like dark topics - skip this
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I have this absolutely masochistic desire to read a series of fics with each twst character, theme: rejection. + upd:some general headcanons
Reader conferences to them and they reject prefect's feelings. 100% angst, no comfort, some disturbing warnings too.
Specifically I want to see :
Hanahaki with Sebek. He wants to be with you but can't because duties. OR he doesn't even want to, he's 100% focused on duties and you're a nuance, go disappear, useless dirt. (I have 10000+ sad scenarios for Sebek...)
Humiliation, degradation, bodyshaming with Vil aka "Have you even seen yourself? What was going on in that ugly head of yours that you could even consider such possibility? No, don't touch me with those ugly fingers."
"You're not a match for me" with Leona.
"Very funny. But I AM a prince after all. What can you offer me? Are you an important ally? A monarch from any country? Maybe you're a valuable business partner? No? Didn't think so. Now move, you're blocking the sun."
"We belong to different worlds" with Malleus. Everything here screams doomed romance. Your life is so short - it's like a second for him. He's a prince, the heir to the throne, a powerful fae, the mighty dragon and one of the strongest mages in the world. And you? You're a grain of sand in his life. Useless, bleak, weak grain of sand.
Manipulation and gaslighting and even enslaving with Azul. Manipulating you into dating, making you fall for him and then sign a bunch of horrible contracts. The contents of those contracts? Trust me, you don't want to know....he makes you do horrible things. Disgusting things. Truly sorry for you.
Public humiliation and playing with your feelings - Ace.
"I was just messin' with ya. Did ya think we were a thing? Are you that naïve or actually stupid? Nah why r u crying rn. It's not my fault you're so fucking stupid lol"
Ghosting with Idia. It was clear from the start - it wasn't going to go well. You're too different… No, it's him who doesn't deserve you. You tried to make it work, but… Idia just can't communicate well. And you're kind of tired of it, too. At first, you did try to reach out, you asked him to talk about it… but he just kept ghosting you. Not a single word to explain why he doesn't want to see you anymore. It's unfair. It hurts.
Jack? Your presence makes him uncomfortable. You just irritate him. You're so unserious. everything is a joke to you.
"Even now you're joking, right?" he said when you tried to confess to him. "I will never think of you as my partner. You're not a match for a wolf. Not with that attitude. I bet you can't even imagine what a lifelong partner means." He didn't mean to be rude, just clear. But it hurts, because you truly love him. And yet, he will never even look at you that way. The best decision would be to never see him again.
Lilia is mischievous, everyone knows that. But you didn't think he would do this to you. Play with your feelings just like that. All that occasional teasing, random hair stroking, small kisses on the cheek… he made your heart flutter every time. But when you decided to confess?
"Fufu, young people are so hopeless these days. Sorry, little bat. I'm not interested."
Not interested. That’s what he said. After doing all this to you. Luring you in and then breaking your heart like it was nothing.
Spoiler: it leads to suicide and not Lilia's.
not rejection, just some headcanons
Floyd - Kinda dating but with much much physical abuse. Domestic violence. Rape too. You're bruised 24/7 in those relationship. Consent? Never heart of it. He's touching you where he wants, when he wants. Your opinion doesn't matter. Say a word and he'll break your ribs again. You're so annoying, jeez. You were supposed to be fun, why're you nagging all the time...Blood suits you now, dear.
Jade - Oh, he he was so charming at the beginning. And by charming I mean fucking mind games, but it was so captivating and you just couldn't resist his charm and by charm I mean manipulation. In the end - makes you his test subject. He kills you and grows mushrooms on your corpse. Scary but eco friendly!
Rook - It started with stalking. He followed you everywhere, he "occasionally" stumbled upon you in every corridor. You constantly felt someone's gaze wherever you went. Eventually, he confessed, but you made the mistake of rejecting him.
"Sorry, Rook, I think Cupid's arrow missed this time" you tried to joke. Too bad.
"He might miss sometimes, but I don't."
Yes, he shoots you because "if you don't want to become 'us,' there will be no 'you' at all."
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quabiitv · 7 months
"The Big Four"™ Headcanons!
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Pin oral stims when she's nervous (Chewing on her nails, sleeves, etc etc) + affectionately bites Coiny when nobody else's around (which surprises him)
Coiny and Pin are embarrassingly clingy towards eachother (always asking where the other is, thinking about what the other would think, mentioning them at any given moment)
Leafy has clipboard lists for EVERYTHING. Organizing an event, random memories, her iconic nice list™, her CHRISTMAS THEMED nice list..™, etc etc. She has a specific orange clipboard that's a list of things Firey likes and dislikes (Firey doesn't know yet)
Coiny has a tooth gap, and loves to use it to whistle (It annoys everybody)
Firey and Coiny both had a crush on eachother at one point, mostly in early BFDI, but neither of them knew how to handle it or that it was even a crush so they opted to act like they hate eachother instead. Both will deny this to the high heavens
Firey loves action/superhero comics, despite not being able to read very well. He sometimes asks one of the other three to read it to him, but rarely out of embarrassment
Leafy and Coiny had an experimental 'situationship' in late pre-split after Leafy argued with Firey. It was more of an emotional thing for both of them, both wanting somebody to receive those emotional needs and give them. It ended during the split on good terms, where they both decided it'd be healthier for them to part ways for now.
Coiny had an identity crisis starting in mid BFDIA up to now (this'll have it's own post, but I thought I'd mention it in passing)
The four of them have movie nights a lot, which results in a lot of chaos. Pin being the one to make the popcorn and get the snacks, Firey and Coiny fighting over which movie to choose, and Leafy finding their arguing more entertaining than any movie.
Firey instinctually warms himself up for anybody he's hugging, which results in Leafy being VERY clingy (not like he minds)
Leafy probably has one of those "Keep Calm And Be Kind" t-shirts
Coiny has a HUGE sweet tooth, mostly because of Pin and her pastries. Has been found hiding in the cabinet while eating sweets (He regrets nothing)
Coiny's the shortest out of the four of them, often falls victim to short jokes. Firey leans his elbow on his head a lot to annoy him
Pin pinches everybody's cheeks, sue me
Pin loves to run her hands through Coiny's hair or fidget with it in some way whenever they're having an intimate moment
Coiny has the worst sleep schedule known to man (goes to sleep at 2-3 AM and wakes up at 6 AM), usually stays up playing videogames or watching cartoons
He also found a hat (the beanie in my gijinka for him) during early BFDIA and kept it, and ended up getting super attached to it (he'll go rabid if he loses it)
Firey loves to wear dresses. Leafy dresses him up 24/7, no embarrassment nor shame is detected whatsoever. It's fun for the both of them
Leafy gets really emotional during ungodly hours, Firey's learning how to comfort people better through her. She always appreciates everything he does
Somewhat adding onto the last HC, Firey lacks empathy in contrast to Coiny, who has high empathy. He's learning how to comfort people better and put himself in their shoes, and be less emotionally distant
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