#this is a hot mess and may or may not be edited in the future
usuimisaki · 2 years
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun and Deconstruction
(Also, playing with fonts)
One of the things I have to wait awhile to decide, after obsessively consuming it, is whether or not a piece of media is good. By good, I don’t mean morally, but . . . well-constructed. Like, I love the Scholomance series, but I definitely see its fault as a piece of artifice. Some things are style (monologuing for exposition) and some are maybe just oversight (insufficient foreshadowing, not revisiting really cool characters). The Locked Tomb is well-constructed. Some if it is style (I was expounding on its whiplash juxtaposition of 19th century style Dark Romantic purple prose vs. it’s colloquial internet speak/internet memes to my husband last night) and some of it is intricate planning (the twists! The unreliable narration! The inherent fallibility of portraying reality with an objective perspective!). The Locked Tomb is a genre-bending series. I do like describing it as lesbian necromancers in space, but it is very much a mystery series, which requires keeping track of a lot of assumptions and misdirections.
Ok, getting back on topic, I knew that Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun (GSNK) was laugh-out-loud funny (to me), but I wasn’t sure if it was actually good. At the very least I could point out its deconstruction of manga. I’ve seen GSNK classified as shonen as well as shoujo, and I think it’s because of how it’s an anti-romance romance. It pokes fun at shoujo cliches in good fun. It points out archetypes of characters and contrived plot lines and reactions that have little to do with reality. It’s one of the biggest jokes in the manga: Nozaki (or another character) imagines how something will play out based on their experience with shoujo manga, and then those expectations are totally subverted. Nozaki later on explicitly tells characters (Wakamatsu, Kashima Rei) to not base their assumptions on unrealistic shoujo manga, even if he’s the one contributing to such assumptions by producing said shoujo manga. Reading the manga definitely made me self-conscious of fangirling over certain shoujo tropes, like wall-slamming, swimsuit reactions, and makeovers.
I definitely learned a lot about not just shoujo tropes, but about the technicalities of manga (Like tone. I didn’t know that mangakas and their assistants had to physically cut out plastic films?! I thought it was done by computer?!). Though I don’t enjoy them as much, the manga-focused chapters do have some great jokes, such as about page-turning cliff-hangers. Nozaki being consciously dumb (even if he unconsciously employs the trick well) about creating a page-turning reveal does create some pretty hilariously bad examples, but is also probably a way for the mangaka to make fun of actually stupid shit that she has seen.
The other major joke in GSNK is that the characters are dumb. No matter how smart they are in other ways, they are dumb, especially about romance. Something a lot of fans appreciate about GSNK is that there is never any relationship progression (which, if you think about it, is a shoujo trope in itself—how slow-burn can you be?). There are, like four couples in the manga who basically act like a real couple—but they aren’t real couples.
I mean, Wakamatsu and Seo basically go on dates all the time, and both characters have acknowledged that Seo singles out Wakamatsu, but Seo specifically told Kashima Rei that they just have a sempai-kohai relationship. But then it prompts the question: what distinguishes a platonic relationship from a romantic relationship? Waka and Seo hang out all the time, but Waka also hangs out with Nozaki a lot (almost everyone hangs out with Nozaki a lot, since being his manga assistant is one of the major plot contrivances of the manga). This creates potential for some crack pairings, but also interrogates the nature of romantic relationships.
The premise of the manga is that Sakura likes Nozaki (like, likes likes), but she just ends up being his mangaka assistant. She definitely gets closer to him as a result, but it’s not the type of relationship she really yearns for. In a way she gets what she wants because she goes over to his place all the time and basically goes on dates with him, but they’re not date-dates. They’re role-play or setting reference gathering outings. One of my favorite jokes is about how Nozaki starts realizing that he treats Sakura in a special way, like watching her to the point of distraction and wanting to hold her hand. He asks Kashima what the feeling is, and Kashima, being romance-dumb herself, speculates that it’s a maternal feeling. But that’s actually . . . not totally inaccurate? Nozaki feeds Sakura a lot, lends her his handkerchief, is very protective of her. It could be construed as maternal, but it’s also boyfriend/girlfriend-ish. In a real relationship there aren’t clear delineations between affection (intimacy), sexual attraction (passion), and caretaking (commitment).*
*Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, which I think is good, even if he’s now researching love stories. It’s not like they’re mutually exclusive theories. They’re another layer in the onion of the metaphor of love.
Gender and Queerness
I do think GSNK does a better job of deconstructing gender compared to most shoujo manga. I’ve written before about how gender-bending usually actually ends up reinforcing existing gender stereotypes, but I think there’s more awareness acceptance of LGBTIA issues. I have to admit I sometimes have trouble with slash. I’m very focused on straight ships. I don’t know if it’s because that’s my bias or just because straight ships are by far more likely to become canon, and I’m a sucker for textual support. (Probably bias. Even when I read The Locked Tomb, which is full of canonical lesbians, I focus on the one major male-female quasi-romantic relationship there is--I’m looking at you, Palamedes and Camilla)
So is there canonical gender deconstruction in GSNK? Well, I do think that Mikoshiba-Mayu is just as legitimate of a “couple” as any other (non-existent) couple in GSNK. Mikoshiba has to be at least bi, considering how much he fanboys over sexy female figurines, but he basically treats Mayu like a boyfriend, buying him souvenirs and whatnot. Mayu is so lazy that he could be interpreted as aroace, but anything he does put effort into must super-important to him. He likes his brother, Nozaki, sometimes going out of his way to support him. He likes judo, even if it makes it seem like he’s interested in guys at the mixer. And he does pay attention to Mikorin. They’re close enough that Mikoshiba invites Mayu to accompany him to the mixer so Mikoshiba will have someone to talk to. Maya might have agreed to go because his beloved brother asked him to, but in the meantime, does characteristic boyfriend things like saying that Mikorin is his, and spending all night texting him (even if they’re both pretending to be teenage girls). That’s the joke of the manga: non-couples doing things together that couples usually do.
The other gender-bending couple is, of course, fan favorite Kashihori. Kashima is, after all, a prince. She looks like a handsome guy and is constantly flirting with her fangirls. She cross-dresses pretty consistently. It makes sense that she is friends with Mikoshiba, because bishonen, TBH, present kind of feminine. They’re a she/they he/they pair and are canonically best friends—to the point that I’m surprised I haven’t seen more pairings of the two.
Hori mostly appears as a straight man (sexually and comedically), but after all, one of the recurring jokes with the couple is how Kashima thinks that Hori wants to cross-dress as a female. And as an actor he’s ok with all kinds of roles, even if he gets offended when Kashima sincerely tries to give him women’s clothing to wear.
Hori’s apparently professional obsession with Kashima as a beauty and thespian manifests itself with wanting to spend time with her (in club), having roles written for her (so that she will shine), and managing her appearance and well-being (he’s just fanboying). He treats her like a possessive boyfriend even though he’s not her boyfriend. He also secretly (to him) wants her legs in a carnal way.
Kashima, for her part, is romance dumb because she claims to just want Hori to obsess over her (the way he already does) and praise her openly . . . and that’s it. Even Kashima Yuu’s own sister tells her to be more ambitious in terms of what she wants from Hori-sempai. They finally progress to the point where she keeps asking him if he does this or that for her because he likes her until he just ends every statement towards her with “because I like you.”
And that’s brilliant in itself. What does it mean for someone to like someone else? Is their relationship romantic? Platonic? Some weird third thing? Canonically, probably some weird third thing. Hori might be sexually attracted to women in general, legs in particular, and Kashima’s legs specifically, but what he really wants . . . is for her to shine as an idol. (And for her to do her club duties seriously.) He likes her acting. He likes her face. He doesn’t care if she presents as male or female. He doesn’t care that her fans are girls (he gets perturbed when someone else, male or female, rivals Kashima, and doesn’t understand why Rei’s friend doesn’t see Yuu as a potential love/flirtation interest). 
So what’s their future? Are they ever going to become a hetero couple? Will Hori experiment with cross-dressing? Will Hori and Kashima form a polycule with a third woman? (I doubt that just because whoever joins them would feel like a third wheel. What could plausibly work? Some fangirl of Kashima that Hori finds attractive and that . . . supports her girlfriend’s boyfriend also doing stuff with her?) I mean, Kashima seems open to the idea, but she’s also a love idiot who as far as I know doesn’t display any actual interest in her fangirls. It’s like she’s just playing a role, like when she does improv with Hori or even Nozaki’s instruction.
Also, revisiting Sakura and Nozaki, some people have talked about Nozaki being aroace (like his brother!), but I think of him more as being on the spectrum. He could be demisexual or something, but I don’t see him as being aromantic. He’s obsessed with romance, even if he doesn’t actively want to experience it himself. Or rather, he does want to experience romance, all the time, but he does so through role-play (usually in the female role). He could be nonbinary. 
I’m not sure if any of these LGBTIA tones will ever become canon or if it will be queerbaiting--but that’s ok! Because GSNK is an equal-opportunity baiter. It baits the hetero ships. It baits the queer ships. It doesn’t just gender bend. It’s gender fluid. It’s neither romance nor platonic, male nor female, but some secret, third thing. 
It says: who the fuck cares? At the end of the day, isn’t enough to hang out with your crush, your crush’s boyfriend, your crush’s boyfriend’s girlfriend who looked like a boyfriend? Your crush’s boyfriend’s girlfriend’s boyfriend who is also your crush’s boyfriend? And all these other people who may or may not be boyfriends and girlfriends? They have fun!
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Various TADC characters x reader who doesnt remember anything about themselves
something something goose confirming that circus members remember some bits of their life + pomnis dialogue about feeling like nothing in the real world backing that up characters: kinger, caine, ragatha, gummigoo notes: reader is gn, au where gummigoo lives cws: edit
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he doesnt fully understand why it seems to stress you out so much, though is that really surprising? caine isnt exactly.. hmm...
as mean or invalidating as it may feel he might just try to get you to forget about trying to remember or to get you to stop stressing out about it... mostly out of his lack of understanding why its such a big deal to you, but also a tiny part of him because he doesnt want to see you abstract so soon... hes grown accustomed to your prescence!
you can make new memories with him... what other option is there?
its almost endearing the way he tries to comfort you by saying you can do so, but once more it feels so... dismissive..
he doesnt really mean to make you feel invalidated its just a lack of understanding, he does offer up an apology if you tell him outright that it makes you feel upset
though he is curious about why you dont remember ANYTHING! other circus members at least seem to remember glimpses and feelings but you have.. nothing... thats never really happened before and he vaguely wants to pick you apart to find out why
he can relate a bit, given that his mind is fuzzing- he feels so so sympathetic to your position when hes in a clear state of mind
offers to let you talk to him, whether about trying to remember or something to get your mind off of it
thanks to his erratic behavior, hes pretty good at getting your mind off of it for a little while
you both walk around the grounds to try to clear the air and get any tensions away
he checks in on you often due to him worrying that your major lack of memories or sense of identity pushes you to a headspace where you can abstract
not that he wouldnt check on you anyway, because he would
in an almost lighthearted way, you both make theories on who you were- some bland and mundane, others extravagant and insane
similar to kinger she listens to you if you ever need to vent about your frustrations and anxieties around your origins, or really just in general... she doesnt want to see you suffer and honestly she kind of tends to you so she can keep her mind off of her own problems
asks if you want comfort or possible solutions whenever you seek her out, she wants to make sure to help you in the best way possible because... well its a delicate situation! she tends to lean more towards comfort... there cant really be a solution, can there?
you both attempt to do mock interviews, asking random questions... if you cant get your memories back maybe the two of you can make inferences about the kind of person you were based on your answers?
its not perfect, but its... something
none of the circus members remember the entirety of their lives before entering the circus but shes worried about your total lack of memories, similar to caine
oh boy... someone with no memories prior to becoming aware in the digital circus, and someone who was given false memories prior to becoming self aware. you are both... a hot mess..
you both cling onto each other out of a sense of comfort and familiarity between the two of you
you knock sense into each other and keep each other afloat if one of you gets a little too sucked deep into it
similar "we can make new memories, together" but with a sense of genuine hope and wanting to carve out a future for the two of you rather than trying to pacify and dismiss you
you both sit down together and just... talk about anything
you ask him what life as a bandit was like, and he asks you what its like being in the circus
you build something together, and its nice
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tswaney17 · 1 year
It's a Match - Part 1
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Happy birthday to the incredible @impossiblescissorspeachpaper!! I hope you have the loveliest of birthdays baby. I'm so blessed to call you one of my close friends. You're such an incredible person. 💕 Enjoy your special day, my love.
This fic is inspired by a conversation between myself, @ultadverb, @offtorivendell, @impossiblescissorspeachpaper, and @duskwhisperer. Thank you all for allowing me to take this idea and run with it. Also, apologies because this is barely edited. I was a hot mess all over this fic and it shows. 😅
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Trigger warnings: language, NSFW
Word Count: 9,759
Read the full fic on AO3 here. Snippet under the cut.
Azriel was lounging on the couch in Cassian’s apartment regretting every decision that led him to this moment. Because just a few minutes ago, he accidentally let slip that he downloaded The Cauldron, a dating app, a month ago and his brother and Mor had not stopped pestering him about it since the words passed through his slightly buzzed lips.
“Come on, Az,” Mor whined, hanging over his shoulder and shooting him those puppy-dog eyes he had trouble resisting. “Open it up. Let’s see who you’re chatting with.”
That’s where the problem lay. Azriel wasn’t chatting with anyone because he never actually swiped right on anybody. It wasn’t that he didn’t find anyone particularly attractive—there were plenty of pretty girls on the app—it was just that he wanted something more than a physical relationship. He was thirty now; had a good career and his own place, made good money, and was freely able to spend it on anything without worrying about paying his bills. His life was in a good spot.
But he never really dated. Yes, he got women and fucked them well, Az wasn’t self-conscious enough to not know he was an attractive man, but those one-night stands just weren’t cutting it for him anymore. He wanted a genuine connection with someone; somebody he could build a relationship with.
Like what Rhys had found in his new girlfriend, Feyre. He’d met her once or twice, but it was obvious his brother was completely in love with the woman. Head over heels kind of in love. He was happy for him, truly. But sometimes, when he listened to his brother speak about the light of his life, he got this envious feeling inside; because he wanted that too.
He supposed that this dating app in general was probably not the best place to find that, but he was at a loss on where to find women that were looking for more than riding dick. Az sighed, running a brutally scarred hand through his dark hair, the strands flopping onto his forehead. “I’m not chatting with anyone,” he admitted, taking another swig of his beer.
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Some tags seem to not want to link, which could be related to your visibility settings. Sorry about that!
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iamnotthere-idonotdie · 7 months
dream of me
part two
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synopsis: reader and bruce continue dating, the project coming along great and you’re thinking about your future as a couple. another job opportunity may put your relationship in jeopardy.
content: bruce wayne x reader, no smut, no cursing, just sad lol
a/n: i finally got out of my rut and was able to get this all down quicker than i thought i would, i think i have a lot more ideas for parts to this too so this will probably turn into a short series, as always sorry for typos or any inconsistencies, i tried to keep up with continuity and stay true to bruce’s character as best as i could but there are probably some ooc things in here, anyways hope you enjoy
edit: link to part one
the red glow of the brake lights in front of you illuminate the inside of bruce’s car. it’s become a routine now for him to drive you home, either to yours or his—but usually his—after work. this project was tedious and required a lot of effort, but the success of it has made it well worth the dedication. bruce takes his right hand off the wheel and grabs yours. he holds your hand tightly as you enjoy the comfortable silence. he stops in front of your building.
“do you want to come up? i can make us dinner.” you say to him.
he smirks and raises an eyebrow.
“or we could order in.” you say with a chuckle.
you lead him up the stairs to your apartment and walk in. you realize now that you didn’t have time to pick it up this morning so take-out containers litter the dining room table and a few pairs of shoes are lying on the living room rug.
“sorry for the mess.” you say as you throw the trash away.
“don’t apologize, it’s hardly a mess.”
“well i guess it’s just hard not having a butler to always pick up after me.” you say with a smile.
“ouch.” bruce says with a laugh.
you put your shoes in your closet and bruce follows behind to your bedroom. he sits on the bed, looking out your large window.
“i’ve always loved this view.” he says.
“you’ve only been here twice.” you say, walking towards him. you stand beside him and put your arm around his shoulders. he wraps his arm around your waist.
“still,” he says as he pulls you into the bed with him. you laugh as you fall on top of him. you kiss him and he grabs you tighter. before you know it your clothes are hitting the floor.
this has become a part of your routine too. three months now of balancing this relationship with the work you’re doing together. it can get a bit complicated; being colleagues can at times make it difficult to leave those stressors at work. but bruce has been wonderful at not bringing those stressors home with him. you, on the other hand, have difficulty finding that so-called work life balance. but bruce helps.
you’re laying in his arms now, under the covers as bruce strokes your hair. these tender moments of gentle warmth and silence help keep you grounded. it helps remind you to stay present, to appreciate when things are finally quiet. you lay there together for what seems like forever, all the while wishing you could stay there even longer. forever just isn’t enough time.
saturday morning rolls in, with the yellow sun piercing in between the tall buildings and thorough your window. bruce isn’t there in bed with you, but then again he never is in the morning. you’re not sure why he wakes up so early, but you don’t pry.
you sit up in bed and hear the water running in your shower. you sit there, looking out the window at the golden morning skyline. maybe gotham does still have beautiful things.
you hear bruce exit the bathroom and walk towards the bed. he sits down next to you and you lean into him, his body still warm from the hot water.
“good morning.” you say quietly.
“yes it is.”
you just smile, not willing to ruin this moment with conversation.
a few minutes pass and bruce turns his head to look at you.
“i should be getting back soon. that event is this afternoon.”
you sigh, remembering the other day when bruce was telling you about this function. it’s to announce the new division at wayne enterprises, and to specifically address the project you’ve been working on.
bruce starts to get up and you try to hold onto him tighter, willing him to stay a bit longer.
he stops for a second and kisses you.
“i’ll come by and pick you up at 3.” he says.
“okay. i’ll see you then.”
he kisses you again and gets up to change back into his clothes from yesterday. you walk him out and he leaves, giving you one last kiss on your forehead. you spend the next few hours getting ready for this event. you’ll be there as part of the division and head of the outreach project, so you you want to look as presentable as possible. about an hour before bruce is scheduled to come pick you up, you realize something. not only will this be your debut in this new position, but it will also be yours and bruce’s debut as a couple.
you feel a knot in your stomach and start to breathe heavily. you can’t exactly place why this makes you so uncomfortable, but you’re having more and more trouble catching your breath as you think about it further. what if people think that you only got this job because you’re with bruce? what if they accuse you and him of being unfair or of favoritism? you shouldn’t care this much about what other people think. why do you care so much about what other people think?
it hits you. it’s not about what other people think. it’s about what bruce thinks. you’ve never actually discussed your relationship with him before. in fact, you’ve never even called it a relationship to him before. what if he’s not planning on going as a couple but as coworkers? you pace back and forth in your living room, running through all this in your head, thinking about how you’re going to ask him about this, if at all. a knock startles you out of your spiraling self-destructive thoughts and you answer. bruce is standing there in his suit and tie.
“ready?” he asks, holding his hand out for you to take.
“yes..” you say shakily, putting your hand in his.
bruce leads you downstairs and to his car, alfred sitting in the drivers seat.
“hello alfred.” you say as you slide into the backseat.
“good afternoon. may i say you look wonderful.”
“thank you.” you say with a smile.
bruce continues holding your hand throughout the drive. you hope he can’t notice how much your hands are shaking.
you arrive at the event and alfred stops the car at the front entrance of the hall.
“i’ll be here whenever you are ready to leave. and enjoys yourselves.”
someone from the outside opens the door for you and start to get out.
“thank you alfred.”
“it is my pleasure.”
you try to exit the car as gracefully as possible and bruce follows suit. camera flashes blind you as alfred drives away. a part of you wishes you had just stayed in that backseat.
the press are calling for bruce every which way, who seems to be faking enjoyment at the attention. he looks at you.
“are you okay?” he asks.
you just nod nervously as he takes your hand again. you look down at your interlocked fingers and back up at him, surprised. he looks at you and just smiles.
“you didn’t think we’d just be coworkers tonight, did you?” he says.
you smile back and squeeze his hand. the two of you walk up the carpeted steps and into the hall, a newfound wave of confidence overflowing through you, and you look at the cameras and smile.
the event is a supreme success. you and bruce wander through the crowds of people, taking photos and smiling until your cheeks hurt. bruce makes a rousing speech about the success of this division and how hard the team has been working. then he specifically mentions you. how this all wouldn’t have been possible had you not given your proposal. how your innovation and vision single-handedly shaped this project. how your passion for the people of gotham radiates in everything you do. how he feels lucky to call you a colleague… and a partner.
he locks eyes with you as he raises his glass and proposes a toast to the people of gotham. you feel the tears starting to collect in your eyes and will them to not fall. bruce comes down the stairs and you kiss him, disregarding the people and cameras around you.
after a while of more socializing, bruce wanders off to mingle with a reporter from metropolis and you try to find the drink table. you pick up a long stemmed champagne flute and as you take a sip, a man walks up to you with a smile.
“this is a very impressive event. and a very impressive project.” he says to you.
“thank you.”
“i’m jonathan locke. i run olive branch and company.”
“oh yes, in san francisco. you’ve done some great work in outreach there.”
“thank you. we’re hoping to continue expanding into other cities and possibly surrounding states as well. and we’re actually looking for someone just like you to run that venture for us.”
“oh… well i—“
“of course i don’t need an answer now. but here’s our proposal and our offer.” he hands you a laminated folder with his company logo on it.
“just take your time, think about it.”
“thank you for the offer, but gotham is where i belong. i can’t leave now that i’ve just started being able to make a change here.”
you start to hand the folder back, but he refuses to take it.
“please, just look through it. my card is in there. if you decide that your answer is still no, then so be it. but all i ask is that you just read the plan.”
you just look down at the folder, not yet wanting to open it.
“again, you’re doing amazing work here, which is exactly why we want you with us in california. i mean, can you blame us?” jonathan says with a smile.
“you’ve already set up this great project here. gotham is in good hands to finish it.” he glances in bruce’s direction
“and maybe this chapter in gotham can come to a close. you can start fresh in california… just think about it.” he smiles again and walks away.
you just stand there, staring at the folder. you know your answer; you want to, no you have to, stay in gotham. but… you start to put the folder away in your bag. bruce comes walking up to you.
“what’s that?” he asks.
“nothing, just a proposal someone wanted me to look at.”
“an offer at a company in san francisco.”
“i told him no.” you reassure him.
“right.” bruce says flatly.
after a few more minutes of shaking hands and faking smiles, you and bruce decide you’re tired of the mingling and leave. alfred is already waiting outside with the car running. bruce opens the door for you and you get in, but you can still sense some tension from him. the ride is silent back to his house as you think more about this offer. you haven’t looked through the folder yet, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted to open it.
when you get inside alfred says he’ll make you and bruce some dinner and bruce goes and sits at the dining room table. you sit next to him, hoping he speaks first.
“what was the offer?” bruce says after a minute of silence.
“i’m not sure on the details. but he said they’re wanting to expand the company… and they want me to be a part of it.”
bruce just sits there, staring at your bag on the table, the corner of the folder peaking out.
“olive branch?” he asks.
“yes, jonathan locke gave it to me.”
“he’s the founder.” bruce says, still looking at the folder.
“i’m not going to take it, bruce. gotham is my home. i can’t leave now. not when i’m just starting to make a difference.”
“but you’re thinking about it.”
“i’m not thinking about taking it…”
“just thinking about looking at it.”
“well i can’t say i’m not curious. you can’t blame me for at least wanting to take a look.”
“then look.” he pushes the bag toward you and gets up from the table.
he keeps walking away.
curiosity does get the better of you, as you stare at the folder too. you shouldn’t even want to look at it if you’re so sure you want to stay. but you take it out and open it.
the offer is amazing. they want to make you head of the entire outreach division. you’d be traveling all over the country, establishing new branches and implementing strategies for other partner companies. the pay is also great, though you don’t care much about that. full benefits, which you already have. it’s a great opportunity… but you couldn’t leave. you think. the more you read through this folder the more intrigued you get. you would love the travel, you’ve never even left gotham. but you could just book a vacation. the title is better than your current one. but you don’t care about titles. you’ll be doing great work and helping a lot of people. but you can help people here. every point has a counterpoint. every reason to go is another reason to stay. you don’t know. honestly… you don’t know.
alfred brings in dinner, but it looks like you’re dining alone as bruce hasn’t come back.
“will master bruce be returning?” alfred asks.
“i’m not sure, but it’s not likely.”
“i see… if i may,” alfred starts. “there is no harm in weighing your options.”
“thank you alfred. i’m just not sure what to do. i want to stay but… how often do opportunities like this happen?”
“not very often, i’m afraid. you just need to have an understanding of what you want. and more importantly, what you need.”
alfred goes back into the kitchen. you sit there, letting your dinner get cold as you ruminate on this choice. bruce finally returns and sits down next to you again.
“i’m sorry for acting childish.” he says. “i just want you to make the right decision, for you.”
“i know. it’s alright.”
“one positive from tonight though: i spoke with the head of the gotham public school district and she wants us to go to the elementary school on monday. to bring the computers and do some personal outreach with the students.”
“that’s a great idea.”
“i think so too.”
bruce gets up to get his plate from the kitchen and you finally start eating. alfred’s cooking is too good to waste.
bruce drives you home after dinner. you suppose neither of you are in the mood for you to stay over and you need to clear your head anyway. bruce stops at your apartment and walks you up. you unlock your door and step inside.
“well, i will see you monday then.” bruce says.
“yeah, i’ll see you then.” bruce gives you a light peck on the cheek and leaves.
you can’t help but feel a bit disappointed that he didn’t offer to see you tomorrow, but it’s probably a good idea that you spend the day alone, thinking. it doesn’t amount to much, though. by monday morning, you still don’t have a solid answer. of course you want to stay, but a small part of you is still intrigued by the opportunity. bruce picks you up and you head straight to the elementary school.
“a few other members of the team are bringing the computers. they should already be here.” bruce says as he turns into the lot.
“sounds good.”
the two of you head inside the school and meet up with your team to start organizing the items to give out. computers, books, and stem sets all for the students and their classrooms. as you go from room to room, handing out these resources, you can’t help but beam as you see how happy it makes the students, and the teachers as well. bruce seems to be having a great time too. you see him showing the kids how to properly work the new tech, you see him excitedly talk to them about all the great new projects they can do if they continue working in this field, how he smiles at them when he sees them get excited too. and you realize you want him. you don’t want him for one night. or for a weekend. you don’t want him as a coworker. or even as a boyfriend. you want him. all the time. forever. always.
your decision has been made. you’ll stay. the day continues, and you’re more than pleased with how it’s turned out. it couldn’t have gone any better. you and bruce leave in his car, but you notice he’s driving toward your apartment, not his house.
“do you want to come over?” you ask, thinking maybe he wants to spend time at your place instead of his.
“i was just taking you home.” he says.
“oh… well do you want to go get dinner? there’s a place that just opened up that—“
“i think maybe it’s best if we take some time. to think.”
you pause, confused.
“think about what?”
“i saw the proposal in your bag. you’re still thinking about it.”
you glance down at your bag and realize the folder is still in there.
“i just forgot to take it out. but i’ve made my decision, i’m staying.”
“maybe you should go.”
“…why would you say that?”
“it just seems like a good opportunity for you. maybe you should move on to greener pastures.”
“i like the grass here just fine. gotham is my home.”
“i just think maybe we made some mistakes here.”
“with us. it wasn’t a good idea to try to incorporate a relationship with work.”
your throat tightens and you feel anger, despair, confusion rise up.
“i think we were doing just fine, bruce. why are you saying all this?”
“…maybe it’s just for the best we move on.”
you can’t believe this. the man you had just decided you wanted forever with is now finished with you. you were going to tell him you wanted a future together… you were going to tell him you love him. and now it’s over.
bruce stops in front of your apartment building and you wait a second before getting out of the car.
“…goodbye bruce.” you say quietly. you can’t find the strength to look at him.
you get out of the car and up to your apartment. the only thing you can will yourself to do is get in bed and cry. you scream into your pillow until your chest is tight and your throat is sore. you can’t believe it hurts this much. it’s a deep ache, like every bone your body is in danger of snapping at any moment. your muscles are weak like you just fell into a bottomless sea, the waves crashing and knocking the wind out of you the second you get a chance to catch your breath again. you just sit there, for hours, trying to breathe. you lay your head down on your pillow, staring at the ceiling, your eyes leaking into your ears. sleep never finds you tonight as you continue to let the pain overcome you. when morning peaks through your curtains, you just stare ahead, wondering if you’ll ever find beauty through that window again.
you finally get up out of bed and find your bag on the floor by the kitchen where you dropped it. you take the folder out and flip through the papers, finding what it is you’re looking for.
you dial the number on jonathan locke’s card. after a conversation on the phone, the deal is made. you’ll be moving to california at the end of the week.
the next few days are spent packing. jonathan has personally arranged for movers to come take your boxes for you and bring them to a new home in california. a new home which jonathan has taken care of for you as well.
it’s saturday now, the day you leave. you take one last look out your window at the cityscape and feel a tinge in your chest. no, gotham isn’t beautiful. but it was home.
you take a taxi to the airport. each action you take, each bag you pick up and door you close, feels like slow motion. like your body is limited and you can’t quite move properly. you pick up your ticket. san francisco. one way. and head to your gate.
you’re standing in line, your bag in one hand and your ticket in the other. you’ll be the last one to get on, because you’re hoping that something will stop you from leaving. you wish you had a reason to stay. you wish this would turn into a romantic movie or the finale of a sitcom, where at the last second bruce comes running to the gate to stop you.
the line gets shorter.
you’d ask him what he’s doing here and that you’ve already made your decision, you’re leaving.
only a few people ahead.
he’d wrap his arms around you and tell you not to leave, and he’d kiss you.
one person ahead.
he’d say the one thing you’ve been wanting him to, that he needs you… and that he loves you…
you hand your boarding pass to the attendant and step through the gate.
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torasteals · 9 months
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The End Of Tora Steals Things: A GW2 Fan Comic/Novel
Hey! So with the end of Amulet Of Bolli having gone up on Dec. 23rd, 2023, it's time to talk bout something I've been putting off for awhile now.
You read the title, let's get into it: The End Of Tora Steals Things.
Amulet Of Bolli is the last story I will make for Tora Steals Things. That's it. There's no more. It's ending there as I move forward with Apocalypse Child (which launched on Dec. 21st at apocalypsechildcomic.com!).
So why is it ending?
Those of you who've watched my streams probably already knew this as I've been talking about it ending for awhile now. Hell, many of you may have figured out it was singing its swan song when I first announced Apocalypse Child, or changed the update schedule to once every two weeks, or changed it to a webnovel format... Many of you probably knew it was dying before I was willing to admit it myself.
Truthfully, I have roughly 16 or so stories left for Tora Steals Things, and I really wanted to make them all. TST means a lot to me: it taught me how to make comics and it brought me joy during some of the hardest moments of my life. I'm honestly so touched that so many people read and enjoyed it over the years. You guys made it worth it, you really did.
However, TST has long lived past its due date, and this last story proved that to me. Amulet Of Bolli Part Two took six months to write--six months where I had no time to edit past a first draft, could not build a decent buffer, and had no time to work on writing for Apoclaypse Child. Did it take less time than it would have as a comic? Yes, absolutely, but it still took far more time and energy than what it's currently worth. It exhausted me to my limit to make.
I don't know what else to say, really--I burned out on TST years ago but just kept pushing. I'm sad I couldn't complete it the way I wanted to, sure, but I can't tell you how relieved I am to finally allow myself to stop working on it.
For those last 16-ish stories, they're now available in written summaries as bonus material for the deluxe edition of the third and final e-book for Tora Steals Things. I hope that will satisfy those of you curious over where the story was gonna go, had I kept making it.
On that note, the last e-book collecting the last of the comics and prose for TST is out and available for purchase: Volume 3--Contract Complete which you can pick up here.
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What's next?
As my focus moves onto Apocalypse Child, the Patreon for Tora Steals Things has been made to re-focus on that as well. I'm still keeping all the previous rewards for TST available on that Patreon. In the future, time-willing, I may collect those rewards to sell in digital bundles alongside the e-books so that those of you interested in just the Tora Steals Things sketch pages, scripts, thumbnails, and so forth, can just buy it instead of signing up for the Patreon. I'm also considering doing a live Q&A stream for the ending of TST near the end of the month. Might not do it. Depends on interest, really.
If this is something that interests you, I'll be sure to update this space or my twitter (@GriffinSBNorth) if and when anything happens.
All that said, I wanna just like, thank those of you who read my work all this time. Tora Steals Things was always a bit out there as a fan project and it means the world to me that so many of you loved my hot mess of a plant thief and all his friends.
Really, truly, thank you.
And please, feel free to ask me questions if you have any.
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Omg what about some Aisho Dainenjiyama headcanons! I really liked your Thunder McQueen ones!!!
Random Aisho HCs ♡
Nsfw under the cut
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Thank you, I glad you liked my other HCs! I'm so happy to make another post for our boy Aisho, he definitely deserves more love <3
EDIT– Hey uh this is future me. This has been rotting in my drafts for months. I'm so sorry.
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• Juggling two jobs can be stressful for anyone. Aisho comes home most late afternoons absolutely exhausted, looking for your lap to use as a pillow to help destress
• He loves when you play with his hair
• CHEESEY ROMANTIC, this man will do anything to make you happy and it's always over the top.
• The absolute JOY this man would feel if you visited the baseball stadium while he was working, he'd be so happy for the rest of his shift after just catching a glimpse of you
• He's INCREDIBLY touchy, and loves to hold you. While he's not a fan of PDA, Aisho will link your pinkies together while you're in public.
• Loves to spoil you, he's surprisingly loaded.
• I've mentioned before in previous posts that rock humans have a surprising yandere-ish streak. Unlike his boss, Aisho will listen and try to do better if his obsessive nature makes you uncomfortable. He just loves you so much... he'll do anything to make you feel loved and safe!!
• Considering his past burns, it takes Aisho a lot longer to tell you about his true self. He'd probably take the moment to propose, too, confessing his abilities and confessing his absolute true love at the same time kind of go hand in hand for him
• Sleeps underneath the bed when he turns to stone
• Probably THE person to come to if you're ill. He knows all the tricks, and makes some banging chicken noodle soup (or veggie soup if you don't eat meat)
• Makes amazing hot chocolate in the colder months
• His favorite smell and flavor is chestnut. He loves chestnut coffee
• Doesn't like to have sex often because it exhausts him, and he's scared he'll fall asleep afterwards ;w;
• Bottom leaning, but when he tops he enjoys every second. May get a little rough, but apologies profusely right after.
• He doesn't bite, but he does suck. Hickies are a very real danger with him
• Very loud, he doesn't speak a lot, except for the jumbled mess of please for more if you count it, but he mostly is just a moaning, whining, whimpering mess. In bed, it's just Aisho, and that red hot delicious feeling. He forgets about his surroundings and he's gotten in trouble with a last landlord because of it
• His fav positions is having you in his lap <3 or him in yours. He loves the closeness of it. With your hands in his hair, legs wrapped around whoever, free access to kisses. Very romantic.
• If he hasn't lost his mind yet, Aisho loves to keep eye contact and hold your hands, too.
• Breeding kink
• Hates to try teasing you, LOVES to be teased.
• On that note, more then willing to beg if you're into it
• On second thought I think this man is a masochist
• Not always up for sex, but v eager to eat you out!
• Honestly, he's down for anything if it makes you happy. Aisho is always willing to try anything oncd
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marclef · 6 months
hello there.
today's post is a very special one. and, despite this being the Official Funny Heeheehaha Day, this post is only SEMI-jokey. but i have put it underneath a readmore anyways, as it is both pretty long and to save the eyes of anyone who couldn't care less. thank you.
and now, without further ado:
Why I Believe a Goddamn Hatsune Miku Mod for Sonic Mania Helped Inspire The Noise (that fucker from Pizza Tower).
so. let's begin.
the year is 2018. about a year after the release of Sonic Mania, Sega's love letter to classic Sonic fans, one very special mod for this game emerges from the depths.
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this is Sonic Mania & Hatsune Miku, a mod which does.... probably exactly what you're imagining. but it's a surprisingly deep and well-crafted mod, changing the games titular character into our beloved Vocaloid singer while also changing sprites around and generally turning the mod into an anime/meme-filled mess. but, that's not the main reason we're here.
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this is the mod's answer to Stardust Speedway, a classic Sonic zone from Sonic CD.
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most of Act 1 is fairly standard affair, some light references to other stuff hidden throughout the backgrounds, and a couple suspiciously Domino's Pizza-themed sprite edits here and there. but, come Act 2, the references sudden creep in more and more. ..... as well as, a suspiciously familiar face.
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those who know about Hatsune Miku and Domino's might be getting where this is about to go.
now, for standard Sonic Mania fare, the main boss of this zone's Act 2 is Metal Sonic, fittingly guarding the very zone he was battled in from Sonic CD. but of course, this is our beloved Hatsune Miku mod. we can't have that.
instead, we have Him.
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Domino's beloved (?) mascot of the 1980's, The Noid himself. now, probably seems like a random reference, unless you remember the Hatsune Miku collaboration that Domino's did years ago. but i'm not here to argue about Domino's mascots. i'm here, to spread the truth.
now, the music most associated with Metal Sonic, the boss replaced here, is Stardust Speedway Act 2's theme, specifically the Japanese Bad Future version, given here for reference.
we're getting back to Pizza Tower i swear.
but anyways, the very opening bits of this song, specifically the siren-like sounds. might sound a bit familiar to avid Pizza Tower fans now, doesn't it?
take a good listen to the opening of The Noise's battle theme, Pumpin' Hot Stuff.
hear those same sounds?
now, it might just be coincidence. perhaps i'm simply assuming that, given Peppino and Noise's rivalry, a simple little reference to Sonic was put in here to hammer that point in. there's no way this little Hatsune Miku-themes mod could've had any impact on that!
some of you may know, that in a 2019 interview with McPig, creator of Pizza Tower, the man himself dropped a crucial piece of info that ties my entire theory together:
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.... Hatsune Miku bootleg, you say? and, given that the mod for Sonic Mania came out in 2018, it certainly could've been an inspiration, given that Snick exists as well...
so perhaps, my little theory here is a bit-farfetched. maybe, i'm just overblowing things a bit just because that's the way my brain is. but i implore you, fellow Pizza fans, to hear me out here.
Thank Hatsune Miku today for giving us this disgusting little man here.
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(artwork courtesy of my friend @abbyroseflame24)
thank you.
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icravebooks · 2 years
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Yoonseon era
Summary: spending with yoongi was not on agenda but it seems like the more you try to run away from him, the more he runs towards you. Having a meal with yoongi is surprisingly more educating than you would expect it to be however when your answer seem to put some lives on line you are not sure if you should be scared or be nervous.
Warnings:none as of now would probably have more of it when the story proceeds, will probably have smut because why not, angst yes maybe, fluff oh Hella dozen of it, soft yoongi yes that's a Warning because I know most of us are gonna end up being delulu because of it, will contain death and a few more darker scenes in the near future, I swear I will try to keep the theme light for this one.
This specific chapter has mention of gore not much but brief, intended mention of death. That would be it and a glimpse of caring yoongi.
Word count: 3.4k
Side note: i kinda did some heavy editing and sorry for not uploading on the schedule date, i happen to mess up when given a deadline also I actually kinda rewrote the coming chapters so anything you are gonna see is heavily edited. The story was about 2k words but I felt it was lacking which lead to the whole two weeks haitus, i apologise for that also, expect to see two more chapters of this series by tonight and I am also going to update troubled paradise part three today, for anyone who is reading that please look up to it.
I probably will be uploading the other new series I was about start which is an ot7.
So yay! Happy reading
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 5
Life and death are said to be like two different sides of the same coin. But is that really an accurate description, if life and death were the same thing then shouldn't have death not scared people ? Perhaps it is rather accurate to say that life and death is a vicous circle you must enter death to be reborn as energy again in what form may not be a concern because being back to life might be the only ..
. "Why aren't you eating?" Yoongi's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, you looked up at him blinking your eyes trying to recollect what he was talking about, ofcourse he wasn't talking about your whole life and death theory, you had to make your brain register what he was saying or rather what his question was.
"do you not like the food?" He questioned raising a brow reminding your still a little hazy brain about what he intended to talk about, not wanting to give him another reason to have an opinion about you,  you shook your head keeping your lips pressed in a straight line, your mind contemplating if you should let out the real details to him or not, your eyes were fixed on the thing that was the very cause you went into that reviere of yours in the first place. Your eyes glaring dagger at the wooden chopsticks that was the reason of all your trouble.
But you didn't had much choice, one way or the other you had to let those words out so you closed your eyes drawing in a deep breathe, face feeling a little too hot because of the very much obvious stare.
"I don't know how to use chopsticks."
There you said it,
eyes not moving from the object at fault as You confessed, feeling a little ashamed even though you were not sure why, it shouldn't be an embarrassment to you, you never thought of it that way ever before but what was it about this handsome cat- no human stranger, damn him for being hot.
"do people not use them in your time ?" He asked after a long moment of silence, you were a little dumbfound because you mind was currently in the gutter admiring the man in front of you, yoongi's head was slightly tilted raw emotions expressing clear curiosity available in his eyes, his words drew you out once again making you chuckle heartily a warm sensation igniting in your sense something that made you want to squeeze him, god  how cute he sounded like a 5 years old trying to know all the mysterious this universe seemed to Carry.
"They do, well not everyone, the part I grew up in and have lived in doesn't uses chopsticks." You clarified making him mouth out an oh, he nodded his head before looking back at you. Your heart skipping a beat because how utterly foolish you were to feel weird things just at the very eyes contact, a whole zoo was released in your stomach when He grabbed your hand and held in positioning the chopsticks correctly in between your fingers and showing you how to use them.
It was simple gesture , a simple touch and yet it all seem to drive you on the verge, your mind paying way too much attention to the warmth his hands were  radiating or just how rough they were not soft like most would expect but rather the kind of hard working rough, you once watched a movie which had a particular scene where the heroine's father rejected the guy and when the girl asked why he said that when he shook hands with the hero his hands were soft, 'those are not the hands of a man who knows responsibilities'.
It had stricken you a little more than it should have although you knew that was a vintager classic movie but still look how you actually found that advice worthy.
you thanked him once he withdrew his hand, personally disliking it to some point but logically thankful because atleast your brain was functioning properly now, yoongi proceeded with his own food waving your thanks with a simple nod, finding it somehow embrassing and not wanting to get your face anymore warmer You tried to bring the food close to your mouth using the chopstick only for it to fall back down making you pout as you glare at the wasted food. Your competitive side rearing it's head had You again taking some more of it bring it close to your mouth for it to again fall down and make you whine in frustration.
Yoongi who was silently Watching you broke out into hysterical silent laughter, his shoulders shaking as he laughed at your expense making you glare at him while pouted ashamed. "It's not even funny." You stated looking at him with wide eyes , your own lips twitched seeing him laugh like that, there was something so pure about him laughing his heart out that even the slightest bit of embarrassment you had felt was gone.
If his closeness had stole your breathe away the moment he flashed you that gummy smile of his you were sure your heart toppled down some. A blush coated your cheeks as he calmed down and went back to eating leaving your mind buzzing with thoughts, you were sure now you were attracted to him not just simply attracted it was not a crush type of thing but there was something hypnotic about him. Something you couldn't seem to find an antidote too.
You tried your best to keep yourself from saying anything through out the whole time you guys were eating cause you clearly weren't ready to destroy the serene you felt in that silence that engulfed you both.
Finally when you were done and were about to leave yoongi stopped you and suggested taking a walk in his garden, you were quite surprised to learn that he takes care of the garden by himself and some how being there felt as if seeing parts of him, he didn't shared with the world. It made a sense of stupid pride rise something about knowing him somehow better, it was pure nuisance but it seem to matter to your soul and God you really thought that maybe it had to do with all the villan loving stories you read.
You were watching the small rose plants and some other flower that you found adorable, a smile graced your lips as you bend down to observe them from near. It was better to be mesmerized by the view than to pay attention to the man beside you, there was a knot in your stomach with how much nervous you were about this whole conversation, Yoongi cleared his throat drawing your attention towards him, you were hesitant not really sure what to expect, maybe you weren't the only one feeling that way because yoongi seemed a lot more unsure than you, your eyes had somehow courage to look at him meanwhile he looked anywhere but not towards you.
"You might be wondering why I am keeping you here." He voiced out making you press your lips together into a thin line while you clawed at your hand trying to control your nerves, your stomach dropping when the serious in his voice got registered in your brain, this was insane but you found even this behaviour of his hot. you stood straight giving him a nod in affirmation, not sure if you could trust yours mouth to form words when it felt so heavy to even move your lips. Yoongi had voiced one of your biggest questions and God did you want to know the answer?, hell yes but were you partially scared yup definitely.
"I want you.." he trailed off, your whole world stopped for a second, your heart restarted and had it been a comedy show of something you were sure there would have been the sound of a computer shutting off in the background. Finally when your brain restarted and you registered his words your eyes widen thinking you might have heard him wrong, do people back in time also said things like these to just anyone?,isn't it like weird that those words sound so foreign, you have never had sexual experience not that you didn't know what all happened, you knew far more well thanks to all the wattpad and books you read. But hearing someone who you have no idea how made your heart race made your stomach tie into knots, your thoughts were cut sort when he continued.
"I want you to teach me about your world." He declared making your mouth slightly fall agape both in disappointment and disbelief at the same time while you were sure your face was red. You wanted to slap yourself for feeling disappointed, damn this was getting out of hand but you didn't had time to think about that, he had made a request to you that was what required your attention at the moment, your stupid thoughts could wait.
"Sure." You answered as you cocked your head to the side and gave him a tight lip smile secretly you were praying for him to not see just how red you were, if he did see it and find you weird he didn't say it or show it, his face was relaxed not really happy but there was something about his feature. He looked almost blank as if he had no emotions within him but then again you clearly remember how his face lit up when you guys were eating or when you had made a complete fool of yourself with the chopsticks incident. You hoped you could find a crack in his hard exterior but he had expert it in years while you were too lousy to break through so quick.
This made you wonder, did he really was bad like you have heard from everyone within a day. You weren't quick to judge, you didn't liked being judgmental about anyone. You were a person who would rather try to defend someone from people's judgment and this had you thinking that maybe he wasn't how people thought he was. There was a lot more you had to hear about him,. Maybe it the effect of all the books you have read but you wanted to know him personally, you wanted to see what those eyes were hiding, you wanted to see that smile of his again. It was going to be a hard journey but you were going to get there.
The maids were not quite open for discussion about this very person but you knew you could get them to speak all you needed was to get a little close with them first.
"Then I will be leaving." He declared a little awkward and you realised you spaced out again giving him the impression that this all was awkward, well it was supposed to be awkward but all you felt was comfort. You just nodded your head in agreement really not knowing what to say at this moment and he turned around had taken few steps away from you when a particular thing came to your mind.
"Yoongi wait!" You exclaimed trying to rush towards him to catch up with him, your voice made him turn around right at same time when you managed to trip once again over the dress and would have landed face first if it wasn't for Yoongi's quick reflexes.
He was quick to grab you by your forearm steadying you and saving you from the fall as your eyes met his, you could hear your heart drumming at the very cliche moment that would have made you cringe had it not been this particular man saving your ass from farther embarrassment. You swear you heart was in your throat, you had to stop yourself from awing at how beautiful he was from up close.
"Are you always this clumsy?" He teased with an amused smile dancing on his lips making you frown as all those notorious thoughts turned into annoyance and a pinch of embarrassment along. You bit your inner cheek stop yourself from saying something that would not be nice enough, you were sure you could beat a tomato at being red in this moment, a little stubborn to admit his accusation was correct you huffed glaring at him.
"I am not clumsy it's the stupid dress." You blamed as you pulled away from him and took a step back stomping your feet like a little kid in annoyance, the fact that an amused smile kept playing on his lips at your distress wasn't helping in bringing your anger fit down.
"You are enjoying this aren't you?" You accused while jabbing a finger at his chest making him chuckle while you pouted crossing your arms, clearly too stupid of overcome with anger to realise just how many boundaries you were crossing by behaving the way you were behaving. However your mind was to messed up and you were a little too pissed by his teasing comments that you didn't think of any possible reasoning.
"do you even know how much of a pain this very clothing is?, gosh I had been tripping ever since the morning and not just that what was her name... .yeah Ms. Shin she wouldn't even let me walk a step without nagging about how my way of walking is not lady like how I shouldn't hunch up my dress, how it is inappropriate to walk like that ..this that .." you were ranting out complaining frustrated as you paced around infront of him.
Yoongi just stood there watching you make faces as you threw your hands in the air and continued talking, if he was smiling before he was grinning by now. You were interesting according to him, he had never felt this way before, he hasn't even smiled like this ever before. "Honestly.." you started coming to a stop infront of him and giving him an assessing look, he felt his heart skip a bit when he saw how you smiled mischievously once the wheels inside your head stop turning.
"Can you just do me a favor?" You requested him , your eyes turned shiny and you gave him your most innocent look, he raised an eyebrow moving back slightly while he eyed you with suspicion and gave you a hesitant nod of his head. "Could you just please tell the maids to not be so damn stubborn, i told them I didn't needed their help but they literally forced me to get nake-" you stopped as you realised that wasn't appropriate kind of information to share but how else were you supposed to tell him what happened the very  morning.
You hesitantly looked up to his face to see his cheeks were tainted a slight pink and his lips were pressed in a straight line as he looked at something behind you clearing avoiding meeting your eyes, you cleared your throat hopping it  would also some how clear the awkward tension that has been caused by the slip of your tongue.
"all i am trying to say is that the maids are way to uptight and won't let me be, and also I know how to do things for myself so it's quite weird for me when they insist on helping." You completed rubbing the back of your neck as you sighed bitting your lower lip, "they are doing their job, I pay them for doing the very same thing you aforementioned." Yoongi quipped and suddenly you weren't exactly interested in being nice to him, feeling a little more pissed by his cocky statement had it been not your life on line you would have probably tried choking him for this but that wasn't a suitable option so you settled for glaring at him instead, while you scoffed.
"I gather well what you mean but I certainly am not ready to 'act' like how lady are supposed to be like, so I would be really be grateful to you if you instruct them to not be so extremely obligated to count every breathe i take." You added trying to make it sound a little gentle but you were so close to snapping that you were sure your words were anything but gentle and it wasn't like you could be blamed, trying making someone stand in your show and then say you were wrong if someone still did say you were wrong they were clearly lying.
"What will I gain by doing so?" He suddenly blurted out making you blink, your opened your mouth to say something but lacked words so just closed it back. He smirked at your speechless state leaning down suddenly making you look at him with wide eyes while you tried to step up only to be pulled towards him by his hand that snaked towards your back. Okay, he needs to be careful of what he wants to bring in on himself because you as hell were minutes away from losing your mind and doing some inane things to him, you had to try thinking this wasn't helping, yoongi wasn't helping.
"You are a king aren't you supposed to be generous?" You tried to reason meanwhile you wiggled a little in his hold taking a little step back  trying to maintain distance between you both by placing your hands on his chest and pushing him away. God his smell drove you crazy and clearly you didn't wanted to be drunk on hormones that would probably end up making you lose some important card of yours.
He scoffed as his eyes traveled towards your lips making you gulp while you bit the inside of your cheek, he shouldn't be playing you like this, you weren't sure if you wanted to punch him or kiss him, this was so weird. "Don't you know by now what type of a king i am?" He shot back while his dark eyes searched your face, you were trying your best to keep your gaze on either his Chin or his nose definitely avoiding his eyes.
Your body was already heating up, not just that the heat radiating from him wasn't helping at all, "what do you want from me?" You voiced out finally gaining the courage to met his eyes only regretting when you found him already looking at you with such intensity that made your toes curled. You cursed inside your head, his face was enchanting the more you looked the more that scar made your hands itch.
You wanted to see how it would feel beneath your finger tips, many thoughts clouding your mind as you started to imagine various scenes that were high inappropriate. "I do not know right now but I will need a promise from you that you would grant it when i ask of you so." He conditioned making your mouth fall slightly agape as you gave it a thought, you didn't miss how his eyes fell to your lips or how his hold tighten around you slightly.
"Okay ..you have my words." You stated a little hesitant as you closed your eyes, your voice came out breathy as you were mentally trying to think about anything else other than how close you both were, realizing seconds later that this just seemed even more like you were expecting him to kiss you.
"Very well then." You heard his husky voice from somewhere very close, his minty breathe hitting your face and seconds later it was all gone. His warmth, his hold on you all too soon, you stopped yourself from whining at the loss of him as you opened your eyes to see him now at a decent amount of distance from you. He is a tease that's all you could conclude by his behaviour and that stupid smirk of his.
"See you at lunch time then." He stated giving you a slight nod of his head making you hum in response, you just stood there watching him leave, which he did but not before leaving a comment. "You look beautiful in a hanbok." He had said and left rather quickly not giving you much chance to even utter a thank you but you were glad he left cause your couldn't control the stupid smile that spread across your face.
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bitterfishiesstuff · 5 months
Imperial AU master list
one of these is out of order but I forget which it. (I'm also in the middle of editing, rewriting, and compiling the 18+ ver in one fic here: Charon's Forgotten )
I was reminded the Imperial AU is a fucking hot mess. So! Master list. The exact order everything takes place in. It may be easier to click and backtrack to this when you’re done with a chapter ^^;
Order’s and Programing: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32467327
Lost in the Current: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32302156
Nar Shadda mission: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/81595039#workskin
Ghosts and Regulations: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32321842
Why Can’t I Think of You, Without Thinking of Him: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32342086
Danse Macabre: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32362504
Lies I tell myself: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32404894
The Ferns Choking me: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32383561
18+ ver: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32383567
Stims, Worms, and Armor: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32406151
Pavolvian training 18+: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32752312/chapters/81259957
Lightning Strikes the Cat: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32426128
Late Night Debug: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/81326797
Trigger Finger 18+: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32752312/chapters/81836560#workskin
Brushes and Nexu’s: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32446171
Getting to Know You Better: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32540800
Self-improvement is Never Tolerated: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32508010
The Creeping Vine that holds Us: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32539417
18+ ver: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32539420
Killing my Past as I Drown my Future: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32551930
Brother’s Shadow: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32572477
I get off on You 18+: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32752312/chapters/84646600#workskin
Ties that bind: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/82239520#workskin
Corellian Whiskey and Cheap Motels: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32592514
Here’s where it gets weird. In the end I meet you till you get to *Epilogue 19 years after the formation of the Empire* at that point back track to here and read the works listed after In the End I Meet You.
In the End I Meet You: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32601601/chapters/80871301
At the Gala 18+: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32752312/chapters/81928537#workskin
Good Soldiers Subvert orders: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/84028015#workskin
Dibs: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/81370678#workskin
Far From Home: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/85005475#workskin
Chip removal part 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32777779/chapters/85802158#workskin
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
Multiverse News: Week 1
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Greetings, fellow travelers! It’s your favorite hot mess speaking! 🖖
In the new year, I wanted to make an effort to share more about my writing progress and give you guys better (and hopefully, weekly) updates on some of my WIPs that I’ve been working on during that time.
So, for the curious among you, it’s a great opportunity to get some insight, and for me, it’s awesome because I get to share some of my excitement about current projects with you guys. And you know the rules here, questions are not only allowed but welcomed. Let me know if you like this idea and if we should continue it. In the future, I could also add fic recs of what I read that week if that would be something you’re interested in. So, without further ado, let’s get started! 🖤
Fine print: Updates may contain small spoilers, which are announced in italics! 😜
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Series Updates:
DBM: Finished three chapters this week. Spoilers: First part takes place in the reader’s past with chosen moments throughout the first three seasons. The chapters are called: Lemons, Salt, Tequila. Cas and Jack also finally make appearances 😇
TBH: Finished up and ready to go up until 30. I still hate them. They keep sacrificing themselves and dying or do something insanely stupid. They won’t cooperate with me, but I’ve worked out quite a few kinks! 💪
PH: Finished until 18. Oooooooh, do I love writing this thing! Spoilers: Intense jealousy and anger management problems in parts 17 and 18. God, they’re idiots! Also, have I mentioned the smut in 13 and 14? 🔥 No? Well, there you go…
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Planned Miniseries:
Cast Away: So excited for this one! It’s a hate to love, with one part already being piningly in love, and everything happens on a deserted island because of a stupid witch spell (haha cast away… Get it now? 😂). Also, there might be some Peter Pan elements in this. Be surprised (and if you send me an ask about it, I might send you snippets of the first part) 😉
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You, Baby: This is actually a part two to a Jensen x Reader one-shot I did in June. I said back then that I want more of them, and I still do. This has been sitting in my drafts for months again. Edited so many times I can’t even count and still not finished. But I had one final idea on how to fix what I don’t like, so we’ll see. I’m quite happy with the direction it’s taking 🙃
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Upcoming One-Shots:
Mercilessly: Demon!Dean x Soulmate!Reader fic. Not gonna spoil too much about it because it’s posting soon for a challenge 😈
Everything I Wanted: The alternate ending to On The Beach aka the one I deleted because it was depressing, angsty and devastating. Anyways, who wants their hearts to be broken? (Also, I titled it after the Billie Eilish song because the lyrics and video always make me fucking bawl my eyes out 😭)
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Cobra Kai Quote Rp Meme
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inspired by @faeties​ - feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
Pain does not exist in this dojo.”
When negative feelings overwhelm you, look for the good within yourself.”
Back in my day if we want to tease someone, we do it to their face.”
Failure, it never tastes good.”
Everyone’s got a sob story. That doesn’t give you the right to be a bully.
Guess the garbage doesn’t fall far from the truck.”
Stop drinking the butter!”
Fish sticks are dope.
 Sometimes the scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most.”
A true Cobra feels no sympathy for its meals.”
No one wants to do business with a bully”
.Cobra Kai never dies. “
The best defense is more offense.Make sure all that defense doesn’t turn you into a cream puff.Karate is not a phase, it’s a way of life. You can leave it for awhile, but it never leaves you.”
To be Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct.”
The humans response to danger is fight or flight, but an eagle’s response is fight and flight.”
If your enemy insists on war, then you take away their ability to wage it.”
When do I get the cool karate pajamas? “
Defeat does not exist.If you have hate in your heart, then you have already lost.”
They show no mercy, we show them no mercy!”
Nice ascot.”
First train mind. Then train body.”
We are way past the time for white flags, Danny Boy.”
Dork to door service? “
Never thought I’d see the day.I was ready to let this go. 
And you just kept getting in my way.”
I only lose if I give up.”
Change that ring tone. Get some Guns N’ Roses or something.”
That's just black paint on a wall.”
Sometimes the scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most.”
A true Cobra feels no sympathy for its meals.”
No one wants to do business with a bully.”
Cobra Kai never dies. “
I don’t trust anyone. “
I am using Cobra Kai to get what I want.”
Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them.”
How are you gonna do that? “
They strike first, and you strike firster?”
You’re not a sensei, you’re a conman.”
You mess with a cobra, you get the fangs.It’s time to put the past behind us.”
Youth is not a liability. It is the greatest power.”
We are basically karate cousins.”
Never mind your past mistakes, don't let them determine your future.”
I may not always win, but I never quit a fight.”
Kicks get chicks.”
Change that ring tone. Get some Guns N’ Roses or something.”
The best defense is more offense.”
 Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy. -Dojo Wall”
Let’s go, Hot Wheels.”
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reelreviewing · 3 months
Madame Web (2024) - Review
Director: S.J. Clarkson | 1h 56mins | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Cassandra Webb, a New York paramedic, starts having visions of the future. While trying to save three teenage girls from a deadly threat, she must confront her past at the same time. 
Since the MCU brought Spider-Man into their multiverse Sony have struggled to keep a grasp on their rights to the character. Gone are the days of the Sam Raimi web-slinging films as Sony painfully tries to create a new spidey-world of their own. We’ve had two Venom films that were particularly underwhelming and Morbius was one of the biggest disasters of 2022, but, Madame Web may just take the mantle as the worst of the bunch – an incoherent and nauseating experience that seems to have been a production and marketing nightmare. 
The term for these Sony films can only be described as ‘mass-produced’. Instead of artistic achievements they feel like generic stories pumped out at the end of a production line with no flavour or personality. It’s an extremely low-bar to meet but somehow Madame Web can’t even get the basics right. There are small moments of terribly uneven ADR, barbaric editing and even a split second where Dakota Johnson seems to actively walk into the camera. These mishaps aside, the film still fits the mould of a flavourless production – not really knowing what kind of film it’s trying to be. 
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Cassandra Web is a paramedic working in New York who becomes clairvoyant after a near death experience. As she tries to adapt to the weird, incredibly jolting, visions she must also save the lives of three young girls who are being threatened by a man called Ezekiel Sims. In the first few minutes of the film, we understand that Ezekiel has a connection of his own to Cassandra and is the reason her mother died. A simple narrative in some respects, but one that is overly told and convoluted in execution. It’s amazing that, for a film that uses dialogue as a constant barrage of exposition, there is very little sense to make from it all – essentially understanding the core concept but never really giving us any reason to care. 
You as an audience member will probably care about as little as Dakota Johnson seems too in her performance. While she’s not the first star of a film to look actively uninterested on-screen (Daniel Craig in Spectre is a prime example), Johnson takes it to another level. In some scenes she can barely get through the cringe-heavy dialogue as Cassandra obtusely exposites to herself or someone else – even in the scenes with Adam Scott (who plays Ben Parker), there is an obvious fabrication to their banter. Nothing feels natural and Johnson, who in the right role is an excellent actress, seems to know it. 
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Joining Johnson is Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced and Celeste O’Connor. All actresses who have tremendous talent but are sadly wasted with fiercely underdeveloped characters. One is smart, one is awkward and one is a rebellious teenager. That, in a nutshell, is all the access we are granted to these three seemingly important characters. Very little is known as to when they eventually develop their spidey-powers but it’s safe to say we may never find out, as judging from the response of audiences Madame Web may never be revisited. As for the villain, who is played by Tahir Rahim, he seems to be taking it a little more seriously but still succumbs to horrendously manufactured writing. 
A last minute decision was made to market the film as a ‘suspense thriller’. Maybe in a bid to offer something new in the superhero genre, which last year proved tiresome with audiences, but that promise is rarely met. The film injects multiple moments where it should find tension – cars dangling off of bridges and a subway brawl are just two examples – but unfortunately the jittery editing takes any sense of thrill or suspense from every scene. Even the grand finale, in which the protagonists fight the villain atop a giant Pepsi sign, becomes a hot mess of underwhelming writing and uninspired visual effects – really rounding off an experience that you’ll be praying to end. 
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There seems to be so many things about Madame Web, both in the intrinsic detailing of the film making and the manufactured feeling of the script, that play a part in the disaster that is this film. Even in the niche group of people that seek out films that are ‘so bad they’re good’, this will be a complete disappointment – a film that objectively fails to achieve the most basic checkpoints for making a coherent final product. Based on everything we’ve seen and heard surrounding the film this seemed doomed to fail and I can imagine Sony will be doing everything to forget this disaster in the future. 
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aijamisespava · 1 year
Favorite Song From Each Country! Part 6/37: Ireland!
Aaaaand we're back with another addition to my little series! I'm posting a little earlier today since it seems like I'm actually making good time for once in my life! But that's good because who knows, maybe I can get a few future entries posted so I don't have to worry about them later! *I'd still have to hop on and update the link but that takes all but a minute of my time, I could do it while watching TV*
For New People: I've done a kinda sorta discography dive of Eurovision Songs from each of the participating 37 Countries in the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest and picked a favorite for each country in the years 2009 to the present. For some, I will be sharing my favorite song from the country and then my thoughts on the 2023 entry. For others, my favorite is the 2023 entry and I just talk about the one that got overthrown! Non-participating countries may or may not be tacked at the end, after which I will have a full list of favorites from each country. I just have to decide.
Let's roll! Next up is...Ireland!
Most Eurovision fans remember learning early on in their time in the fandom that Ireland was a total POWERHOUSE before the 21st Century, being the first country to win 7 times. I have no idea what happened to them afterward (I'm a newer Eurofan, so I'm still finding my footing...plus being from the US doesn't exactly help my case), but they've been on a rough patch, only having qualified for the Grand Final TWICE in the last 10 editions (2013 and 2018). Although, hot take here: Had the 2020 Contest not been cancelled, I think Ireland could have qualified for the Grand Final. I don't know where it would have finished, but that's all "what if?" at this point.
Favorite Entry: While I did hint at the intro for yesterday's post (Portugal) which one was my favorite, I did quite the opposite for today's posts. Like a couple other countries, my favorite for Ireland bounces around between mostly 2 entries. One of them being Brooke's sassy "That's Rich" from 2022, and the other being the one I will be talking about: Molly Sterling's "Playing With Numbers" from 2015. For one thing, I love breakup songs, despite never being in a romantic relationship. What I also love is when the breakup song isn't "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" but "I'm the one that messed up. I'm sorry." Which is exactly what "Playing With Numbers" is. A lot of people I've seen agree with me that this song was ROBBED of a Grand Final Spot (as was the aforementioned "That's Rich" at least imo). RANK: 12th in 2015 Semi-Final 2 (31st Overall)/PERSONAL RANK: 6th of 40 Countries) *NOTE: "That's Rich" ranked 15th in 2022 Semi-Final 2 (34th Overall) but ranked 4th of 40 Countries personally.*
Thoughts on 2023 Entry: I would like to start off with saying that both my mom and my sister have listened to the songs this year and both liked Wild Youth's "We Are One." However, while I liked listening to it, I just felt there was something...I don't know...missing from it all. Back to being nice about this entry (because that just felt mean in my eyes), it sounds like something in a young adult coming of age movie, which is not a bad thing at all. I don't have much else to say about this song, so I'll leave it at that. RANK: 12th in 2023 Semi-Final 1 (31st Overall)/PERSONAL RANK: 31st of 37 Countries
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theelf-online · 2 years
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I posted 8,105 times in 2022
That's 5,307 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (0%)
8,092 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 882 of my posts in 2022
#blockmen - 462 posts
#osha violation - 93 posts
#homestuck (/neg) - 11 posts
#actually blockwomen - 10 posts
#me - 8 posts
#original post - 7 posts
#ok to reblog - 5 posts
#minecraft - 5 posts
#minecraft texture pack - 4 posts
#for -c - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also its proven sex education helps prevent csa because it gives people the knowledge to recognize it and i think thats extremely important
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
0 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Hi! I’m @cosmic0artist and you wrote sweet tags on my miraculous ladybug redesign of Adrien that made me very happy so thank you haha! I never post here anymore but your lil comment means a lot :3
Aww this is so sweet! Absolutely made my day, thank you.
1 note - Posted July 20, 2022
Shitty Rice Pudding
I want to have a place to send people when they ask about how I make the shitty rice pudding. Literally the only reason, I am not a chef clearly. It tastes like horchata so that's a bonus too. If you leave out the cornstarch it's still very good but it's basically rice in hot milk so... cereal?
Old Rice from the fridge (a bowlful, the measurements are very unspecific), Milk, usually enough to cover most of the rice but not completely, if you have it Heavy Whipping Cream, some Honey depending on how sweet you want it, Vanilla Extract, a bit of Cinnamon, and a very small spoonful of Cornstarch.
Add the rice and honey and if there's cream the cream to it, if not, just a bit of the milk and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the honey if it's solid and also warm the rice up to de-clump it.
After that just declump, the back of a spoon works great. Mix it together, add cinnamon, vanilla extract, and the rest of the milk, toss it back in the microwave for like a minute (both the times might depend on your microwave, make sure you watch it so the milk doesn't like, bubble over and make a mess)
Add cornstarch, mix very well, you don't want clumps lol, then put it back in for 30 seconds (again, watch to make sure it doesn't bubble over)
After you take it out mix again and let it cool to an edible temperature, it'll probably be too hot when it first comes out, it'll solidify a bit as it cools.
7 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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Ya boi finally got a cane! Finally got around to going to the medical supply store and it was way easier than I was expecting. My anxiety was definitely making it seem worse than it was, it was literally just in and out. Other than being new to using it and uncoordinated, it made a huge difference on the way back home.
[Image ID in Alt Text]
10 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tired of the antisemitic caricatures in Minecraft?
It's well known the villagers, illagers, and witches in Minecraft are stuck with an incredibly antisemitic design that despite hope, will probably never be changed. I've looked for a resource pack that only changed those elements (keeping the base game look), and was non-optifine friendly, but found none, so I made my own.
So I introduce Antisemitism Begone!
(Version 1.19 but should work for all versions that include the redesigned villagers) It's far from a perfect solution, but it satisfies my main personal annoyances (I am Jewish myself), and I'm certainly open to any improvements that can be made.
Unfortunately, there's many things I wish I could change but am unsure how (such as re-naming the golems to constructs, or changing how the Ominous Banner looks), but my knowledge only goes so far, and I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these things. So for now it's only visual elements that are changed. If I figure out how to do these things in the future I will certainly update it.
(Edit as of 10/9/22) I have figured out how to change the name from Golems to Constructs. Currently supported languages are English (US/UK), Spanish (Spain/Mexico) and German.
Below the Read More are Images of changes (ID in alt text) and a list of changes made.
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4,402 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jmdbjk · 2 years
I have a feeling Memories there won't be much Jikook. Last year it was given there would be cause they were constantly glued together throughout 2020, but all of 2021 Jikook were a hot mess. They stopped car sharing, we saw a decrease in activity even in the latest content. Seasons Greetings, in concerts, not til the end of 2021 concerts did we get any kind of Jikooking. So I have a feeling this year memories will be the year we see Jikook the most distant then we ever have in official content.
Hey, Anon.
So I’ve heard about this cycle of doubt and insecurity and sho’nuff, here it is. 
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I don’t know what you were watching in 2021, Anon, but I it was not the same thing I saw. Either that or you just weren’t paying attention. 
That being said, it’s not a bad idea to tamp down one’s expectations. The key word being EXPECTATION. Why put that much pressure on yourself? 
And do we even know if we will get a Memories 2021? Has anyone heard if the content has been submitted for whatever it is they have to submit to?
So, Anon, just for you... ICYMI:
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Jimin's contribution to JK's 2021 birthday greetings on Twitter (one of two pics he posted):
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They were still car-sharing in 2021, getting into the elevator after exiting the same car at the airport on the way to New York:
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JK waiting 15-20 minutes after arriving in Seoul after New York with the obvious intention of riding together in the same car:
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Seasons Greetings, monitoring their work. That’s Jimin’s arm around Jungkook:
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I tried to screencap a much better and higher resolution image of that moment of the Seasons Greetings behind the scenes but they've copy-protected all the media content on Weverse...so sad.**
This Louis Vuitton shoot that happened 2nd half of 2021:
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There were not many 2021 concerts to see any of them perform much less witness any jikooking...
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PTD On Stage (online only)
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PTD LA (JK saying "so what, imma hug my Jiminie")
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More in the first half of 2021 since you only saw them being themselves at the end of 2021:
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This entire V Live on February 19 where Jungkook was facing Jimin the entire time and looking very content and happy:
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This V Live on March 7 when Jungkook shared this TMI:
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In case you need more here is a 35 minute fan-edited compilation.
So Anon, most of what you said is utter bullshit. But.
Ya know...that very last statement... 
“So I have a feeling this year memories will be the year we see Jikook the most distant then we ever have in official content.”
...official content...you added that ass-saver there. We know what all is happening in the real world that may or may not influence what they want to portray to the general public...so again...tamping down your expectations is not a bad thing at all. As far as actually them being/becoming distant? That ain’t happenin’. Trust them. 
**This is the debate I got into with myself about buying the SOWOOZOO content... should I buy the digital code where I can watch the highest quality on my 4K screen but not be able to screen cap or grab any of the video for gifs... or should I buy the DVD and perhaps lose some image quality but be able to do whatever I want with the footage? ... ... ... but it seems like they are going in the direction of online only content, however, some people just do not have the internet connection to watch high resolution video...I guess we’ll see what they do in the future.
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mod-ibuki · 2 years
May I request sayaka Celestia and Miu with a fem reader thats a singer and their on stage performing a song and they look really hot
Also have a amazing day/night
“You did great!”
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warnings: Miu’s behavior.
M-I: Hope you like it! Honestly wasn’t sure how to write Miu’s part as I didn’t have a clue but decided to roll with some ideas. Oh, and quick side note: I’m going to be using “Y/N” for my platonic fics, and “S/O” for my romantic fics.
Summary: Sayaka, Celestia, and Miu with a gn!performer!S/O and general headcanons
Pairings: Sayaka/reader, Celestia/reader, Miu/reader
No matter what genre you sing, she loves it! Especially onstage. Sayaka makes sure you’re not nervous or scared since it can mess with your performance, don’t worry, she’d know. So, she would encourage you, try her best to make you confident. “Don’t worry, S/O! Your singing is great, you’re going to do amazing, no doubt about it!!”
If she can’t go with you to your performances, it’d upset her, but she would watch from a TV, cheering you on. Also, if you’re okay with your relationship being made public, she most likely makes a whole album about you and how much she loves you. If you do the same back.. Well, expect Sayaka to be screaming into her pillow like a 6th grader after their crush talked to them.
You two have to and most definitely make songs together. How could you not? Most of them are couple songs or love songs, but if you want another genre, that’s fine with her. There are specific genres she doesn’t like singing about, but you can manage through it.
She flexes your relationship. She’s at your concerts, front seat, with some type of merch with your amazing face on it. Celestia will not hesitate to casually mention in a conversation that you two are partners. “Have you heard S/O’s latest song? It is quite pleasant to listen to, I’m glad they are my partner, not only for their lovely performances and voice, but how much they truly love me.”
When it comes to your fans who are too touchy or forceful/demanding, she will gracefully step in between you two, advise that you find another place to be with your guards, then lecture this rodent on personal space and that you do not need to fulfill their desperate fantasies at getting any type of notice from you. You try telling her to just let them do their thing, that there will be fans who are like that throughout your career, and you can’t do much about it. Celestia will keep up the “peaceful, totally will not attack anyone” persona around you, only to flip off people who aren’t respecting your boundaries. :)
Overall, she loves your songs and will try to give you inspiration for future songs you may make. If you make a song/s about her, she will express her gratitude by thanking you and secretly buying merch. She loves you lots :D
“Hah, you fuckin’ nerds wish you had an S/O like them!” Straight off the bat, she also tells people about your relationship. You try to tell her to calm down but ultimately fail because her own voice is too loud for her to even hear you. But, when you make it very clear that she doesn’t need to be so loud about it, Miu becomes a coward and backs down. “E-eek..! Alright, a-alright! Just quit staring at me like that..!”
People start flirting with you in public? Most likely gets smug about it. “The gorgeous girl genius never fails to catch a hot one!” Then proceeds to ramble on about the both of you, causing the person to quietly walk away, leaving you to listen to Miu’s rambles, unless you snap her out of it by hitting her head. “Miu! I’ve been calling your name for like, seven minutes!” “Gah!!”
She goes to your performances, and proudly states it to you. She sits at the front, and watches as you sing your heart out as people start cheering, and the next thing you know, she’s joined the crowd and is now loudly cheering, saying she loves you so much and that she wouldn’t give you up for anything.
[edited Miu’s part a little to make it fit her canon personality more.]
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