#this is a nerdfighter in joke
adainesfuriousgun · 1 year
Broke: Hank is hot now
Woke: Hank has always been hot
Bespoke: Who the eff is Hank?
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road2nf · 1 year
I have found communities in high school where I don’t feel like an outsider, who are filled with people who love me. Nerdfighteria has reminded me time and time again to love them back.
John and Hank have changed my life in so many ways.
They’re constantly opening my eyes to new experiences/issues/ways of thinking. I also learned about 90% of all my jokes from them.
Nerdfighteria is such a wonderful community and I am proud to be a part of it all.
My perception of the universe has shifted since I became a Nerdfighter. A fellow band student saw my fandom-covered shows a few weeks into my freshmen year of high school and said “You should check out the Vlogbrothers on YouTube.”
Before high school, I closed myself off from other people. I felt like I was lying about who I was. There seemed to be no hope for me to live the life I wanted to.
I took everyone around me for granted and didn’t realize how important my friends and family are in my life. Nerdfighteria reminded me to bring empathy back into my life, to see other people as human beings with beautiful complicated lives.
Hank and John told me to look at the universe as a complex and ambiguous place, but they reminded me to never be pessimistic about my future in my examination of the world.
And this community has always reminded me that I am worth something no matter how many mistakes I make. Thank you for helping me become a better person.
Sure, this is just one part of larger circumstances.
I have found communities in high school where I don’t feel like an outsider, who are filled with people who love me. Nerdfighteria has reminded me time and time again to love them back.
The Vlogbrothers have basically reduced the suckiness of my own personal world. They’ve helped me learn things I would not have otherwise known and John in particular has shown me that being an author is not an unattainable goal. Thank you, Vlogbrothers :)
-Brayden (the-plaid-princess.tumblr)
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
Top 5 guest d20 cast members (aka non intrepid heroes or DMs)
I'm not going to make the joke, but you do see what you set up for me by not including a question mark, right? <3
Aabria has been in the dome as a player as many times as she's been behind the gm screen, so if she counts, she's #1 for sure (I think she should, and I've been very vocal about why she's my favorite). But my top 5 if she doesn't:
1- Erika Ishii. I don't need to explain, right? Like, pick any aspect of what makes someone perfect to play ttrpgs with and he's got it in spades.
2- Izzy Roland. Truly one of the funniest people on the planet. Whoever decided to put her and Zac next to each other in Coffin Run was a genius. And I love how unafraid she is to take absolutely wild swings with character choices or mechanical asks in combat. She givesn't a fuck, and it's iconic.
3- Hank Green. I was a huge nerdfighter back in the day, so that was fun. But also I loved that he didn't try for a second to hide the Huge Dimension Twenty Fan Living The Dream energy or waste his chance to flirt with Brennan.
4- Carlos Luna. All of the characters of his I've seen (Cheese, Wetzel, I forget which Ken he was in the Barbie oneshot) are so funny but then casually drop things that are DEVASTATING. I think about Cheese and Ayda's conversation at the end of Pirates regularly. And he does such incredible work off camera as well. Everything he touches turns to gold.
5- Jasper William Cartwright. He's got an energy that is just so much fun. I didn't even know who he was before Burrow's End, but he's so damn funny. Idk how to explain it, but his energy is just so damn Good.
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mitskijamie · 1 month
Phil was/ is a Nerdfighter, its a pretty good bet hes been around tumblr and that in some form or other hes still here. He knows
Lollll he totally has Raised On Tumblr energy, this definitely tracks
I doubt he's on Tumblr in Anno Domini 2024 BUT. He said he's "read the fics," and I doubt he was entirely joking because you'd think that any millennial/gen z actor would dive into that stuff at least once out of curiosity, so it's possible he's read some of you guys' Royjamie fanfiction
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trainwreckarollin · 1 year
So once upon a time in a year that was 2007, Hank and John Green (yeah, those internet-famous dudes) started a vlogging channel called vlogbrothers. In 2007, I discovered the community and truly found a place that felt like I belonged in it.
That era of the internet was a wild, amazing time, and I miss it.
Now, in 2023, Hank Green has cancer. And for the sake of nostalgia (and not because I think Hank is gonna die, because I don’t, because he has great doctors and a really good prognosis), I’ve started to rewatch those videos from the beginning.
And MAN does it feel like coming home.
So I didn’t have a super-great childhood. I was what we used to call a “latchkey kid” and what we now call “a child of emotionally neglectful parents”. It was a little worse than that in some ways, and in some ways, a little better. But at the time, I was a kid who spent most of their free time alone.
But I had the internet! And in 2007, the internet was a wild west of a place. I’m talking geocities and websites that literally anyone could make, but a with bunch of search engine sites that were fresh babies, you could get your silly fake website to the stop of a results page and lead an unsuspecting child to some wild misinformation.
Or, in my case, youtube videos about nerds. Fighting nerds.
As I go through these videos, I remember some of the in-jokes that still exist in the lexicon of John-and-Hank videos, and get to relive the birth of those moments, like the tiny chicken, or fishing boat proceeds, and of course, the most iconic, birth of the name and hand-symbol of Nerdfighters.
(This is where I would put a gif of the nerdfighter symbol IF I HAD ONE)
(Can I imbed a gif that tumblr doesn’t have? Can I--?)
...Link in the doobleydoo, if you’re a fellow Nerdfighter who gets it, but click and you get the Nerdfighter motion, it’s fine. It’s fine. 
Part of therapy is finding who you used to be, without getting too stuck on who you used to be. The part of you that dies when trauma happens doesn’t come back, but it doesn’t mean they are completely gone. It just means you will never be whole in the same way that you were before. But you can become whole again, just differently. 
Watching these two dudes in their late 20′s (I am OLDER than they were when they started WHAT) do silly things to create joy and decrease worldsuck, is incredible. And it’s also what I wanted to do with my life in the Great Before. I can get some of that back, if I remember what I loved about it in the first place. 
I hope so, anyway. Wish me luck, Void. 
And Don’t Forget To Be Awesome. 
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vlogbrothershistory · 9 months
January 04 in Vlogbrothers History
2007: Brotherhood 2.0: Eating Toilet Paper
2008: Nerdfighting in 2008, Pakistan, and Hillary Clinton
2010: It Hurts In My Toof: The 2010 Rules
2011: Is bronchitis contagious? Is black a color?
2013: 53 Terrible Jokes!
2015: The Best Worst Thing
2019: Bid Daddy Likes Pork Rinds - P4A Recap 2018!
2022: After 15 Years on YouTube, THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING
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tmntallthewaydw · 2 years
yes I am using tumblr dashboard crabs to make nerdfighter jokes, fight me
we gotta pay to keep our platform free and I can so I shall
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educatedrebellion · 8 months
I got to see Hank Green perform his stand up routine - by his own description it was tangent-heavy and he needs it cut down to a tight hour in order to make it a comedy special, but I absolutely loved every second of it. It was funny and weird and charming and I wish I could watch it over and over again.
Firstly I just appreciated being in a room with so many other Nerdfighters from so many different backgrounds. I made friends with two girls who were fairly interesting and super sweet. The opener was great but I didn't catch his name at the beginning and can't find it online.
Hank talked a lot about "ass crack hair" which he lost during chemo and may or may not have grown back curly (he "has no way to check"), and he kept saying thank you when we clapped, and he said cum and piss and fuck and really let it be a 21+ show. He had a great joke about his chemo nurse telling him that "for the next few days anything that comes out of you can't go into anyone else" and he didn't know what she meant. "This fucking cup doesn't have cancer" and "all of these people got cancer when they were old like they were supposed to". Everything is temporary and we are all temporary and that is beautiful. We are maybe the only beings to look at the universe and say "you are a universe" and that is beautiful. There was a long bit about ants and he pulled off a little crowd work and he went on a long tangent about having recurring nightmares that he's being hunted by the Baltimore Orioles and hiding in an aisle of jingly pants in a Hot Topic. He ended the show by reading off a list of corrections of the facts he'd tweaked to make the show funnier ("I named the ant Trent but it's more likely to be a female ant in my analogy").
This came at a really good time for me because obviously I'm grappling a lot with death and mortality and change at the moment, and hearing another perspective on that really meant a lot and brought me a certain amount of peace actually. Aside from over an hour of laughs, I was tearing up at the end of the show. So thanks, Hank.
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ptomlins · 7 years
anonymousalchemist replied to your post: did I tell yall that travis mcelroy complimented...
i was not prepared. i was the opposite of prepared. i was running on four hours of sleep and had already had to explain to several non-podcon hotel guests in the lobby what the fuck i was dressed as and then here comes travis out of fucking nowhere like a figment of my imagination and then i had to explain to the other dude i was waiting with why i was freaking out
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afewthingstolivefor · 7 years
A Novel I Wrote In Order to Make A Textpost
- a novel by me
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road2nf · 1 year
Hank and John are pretty much to everyone I know, an inspiration.
Nerdfighteria has taught me that it’s okay to be yourself.
I found Nerdfighteria when I was very young (sophomore in high school, so five years ago) and quite lost. As I’ve grown, it’s always been there for me.
I’ve never been as active in Nerdfighteria as I would have liked, but it’s always been there.
It showed me that it’s okay to be crazy obsessed with something and it’s okay to fangirl and you don’t have to be cool. Honestly, I don’t know if I’d be the person I am today without it, and I quite like the person I am today.
-Andrea (afterwehittheground.tumblr)
Hank and John are pretty much to everyone I know, an inspiration.
In Ireland we call them “fir le spéaclaí glas”
Whether it’s John’s spectacular books or Hank acting the eejit with his jokes that are so bad they’re good the “fir le spéaclaí glas” never fail to bring a smile to my face.
-Irish Fanboy
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microminutes · 7 years
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The Great Solar Eclipse of 2017:
Profound Effects on Dog Behavior
Gracie my Italian Greyhound before, during, and after the eclipse.
Copyright 2017 Warhol. Twitter @WarholScience
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asknarashikari · 3 years
…Turns out Marvelous just had an eye infection
I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but if you’re not...
A few years ago I watched a vlogbrothers video (yes I am a Nerdfighter) where John Green had an eye infection (I think it was called orbital cellulitis, and it frankly looked as horrible as it sounds) and it was bad enough that he got hospitalized, so I can understand Marv wanting to hide that shit
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mintyspacecookie · 7 years
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Does anyone recognise all these old inside jokes/references (these are just a few of a ton but still).
Also, drawing-in-a-bumpy-car-for-the-win!
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yasminwithane · 7 years
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My friend made me some balloon giraffes and I forgot I took this photo with them. Just came across it and cackled.
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Oh whoops forgot to post an introductory post.
Hi!  I’m just a fellow Nerdfighter here to spread some positivity in hopes that it will help decrease world suck.  Is this the part where I resurrect the Dave Green third brother joke by calling myself Dave?  Does anyone still remember that gag...?
Haha but in all seriousness, I hope you enjoy!  I’ll flesh out this blog a bit more as I get the time but in the meanwhile feel free to suggest/recommend particular content or submit a post.  I’ve never worked on a blog with blog submissions so I may need a little bit of time to fully figure it out, but I’m sure it’s not too hard.
Have fun and DFTBA!
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