#this is a no bashing zone
kitchen-box · 2 years
Choises - a study
Harry didn't exactly know when it happened.
It could be in the Chamber or in the graveyard. Or probably both. Yeah, definitely both...
The chalenge that Harry was dealing with this time was worse that the dragon, the basilisk and the dementors combined. Harry didn't think he was exaggerating. Not this time.
He knew he wasn't the most... moral individual out there.
From 'killing and eating the intestines of a rat when he was 6 because he couldn't open the, at that time new, locks, and he hasn't ate in at least 5 days, and he so conveniently found a rat near the playground on the last day of school and fucking Jenna Baker was braging that she got a mouse for her birthday and surely it must be okay that Harry got one as well, as long as aunt Tuney doesn't find out it must be alright. It must!' incident alone you get that he wasn't that great in the morals departament. But in his defence he did fell bad for the rat's death. But he was also hungry and desparate. And the combination of both won over his morals.
At least most of them. He wasn't going to murder a human being. No matter what they did.
Not even him. The reason of his questioning morality, the reason he lived and still lives with the Dursley's over the summer, the fucking murderer of his parents and the guy who killed Cedric, entered him in a deadly tournement and tried to murder and probably will succeed in murdering him in the probably near future and... his current crush.
Oh, and current Dark Lord who is fighting for the death of anyone who isn't a pureblood and at least 50 years his senior. Oh, did Harry forgot to mention that? Opsie!
Which againt brings Harry back to his current dillemma.
'How the fuck did I get here?'
He got a wet dream where Voldemort fucked his guts out. That's how he got here.
And it wasn't even a dream where hot 16 year old Voldemort was fucking his brain out. No - no - no! Harry's couln't be that easy. He got snake head - no nose - red eyes - paper skin fucking Voldemort. That Voldemort was worse.
He knew he was bent, that wasn't really a surprise for Harry, he had plenty of dreams about guys like Oliver and Cedric, but he also had dreams about Cho and even one about Parvati, so he knew he wasn't a real fag, just bent. So a dream about 16 year old Tom wouldn't have been a problem.
But it was a dream about Voldemort, so it was a problem.
He couldn't tell anyone about this. Not Ron, not Hermione and certainly not Sirius.
So 14, soon to be 15, year old Harry Potter chose to ignore his crush.
Like 11 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore every quality that may have had him sorted in anything other that Gryffindor.
Like 12 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore the hatred he had for Ginny for being so stupid to be manipulated by a motherfucking book. His anger at the stupidity of the adults for not realising, at least, what the monster from the Chamber was.
Like 13 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore that his godfather and his teacher nearly killed a man and harmed Harry and his bestfriends.
Like 14 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore his bestfriend's betrayal.
Like 15 year old Harry Potter will chose to ignore that Snape has been a victim all his life. His sudden urge, at Voldemort cowardly departure from Dumbledore, to run after the darkest wizard of the time and beg him to take Harry with him to tell him that Harry loves him .
Like 16 year old Harry Potter will chose to ignore that part of him still hates Ginny, the same part that only wants Ginny for Tom.
Like 17 year old Harry Potter will chose to ignore his bestfriend's second betrayel. His knees colapsing under him and bursting into tears at the sight of his soulmate's body, not for the deaths of his friends and of children like everyone else assumed. No, he wept at the sight of the love of his life, a man he loved as much as he hated, lifeless on the ground. Because of him...
Because of Harry Potter.
A Tragedy in the form of a Martyr Hero.
Harry Potter turned the Elder Wand, a Legend in form of a Wand, to himself and for the first and last time cast the Killing Curse succesfully.
A Saving in the form of a Punishment.
But that will be later.
Right now Harry is going to stay awake and try not to weep at the thought of loving a man he hated.
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aro-in-danyl · 3 months
Alastor as a "Gift from God" AU
Inspired by the TV Show Lucifer. I could not get this idea out of my head so into the tumblr void it goes.
Edit: PART 2 up now.
Sera could count on one hand the number of times the Almighty personally called for her. And every single one before was the precursor to some disaster or threat.
She was confused when she was beckoned past the throne room, away from the meeting rooms, and into the Almighty's workshop. There was no dust or cobwebs for God would not allow it, but it was known among the higher-ups that The Almighty had not had the motivation for creation in eons.
"The screams of the damned awoke me today," God's many hands reached out from their ineffable form to grasp jars and potions of dubious origins.
Sera stiffened. "I thought you could not see into Lucifer's domain."
She had not dared to think she could hide the First Extermination from The Almighty's gaze but she'd hoped she have more time.
"Never before today have souls perished a second time." God collected more vials and instruments that Sera could not for the life of her understand the purpose of.
"Such fear," and they sounded sad, "over the birth of one child."
The Anti-Christ, Lucifer's daughter was more than just a simple baby. Her parents had hidden her for decades, but the change in their attitude was noticeable even before her existence was made known to heaven. Lucifer again grew bolder and more fanatical with his ideas and Lilith-
If they'd only known sooner.
Silence passed as God worked. Sera kept her head bowed so she could not see what was being created. But they did not demand she stop the exterminations, and that was enough for her to finally raise her head and peak at The Almighty's first creation in centuries.
A soul. Or what would become one soon enough.
Her curiosity finally broke through. "You have not crafted a soul by hand since-" She cut herself off. No need to push her luck.
"This soul is a gift." They said. And they began to spin the soul threads together, "They will be an equal. Unchanging. Dynamic. Static. Chaotic." With every word a new thread merged with the steadily-brightening soul.
"A defender. An assailant...An Avenger."
With the final word of God, the soul was finished. But, barring the confusion of all those conflicting traits, Sera was caught up on the first sentence of this new soul's purpose.
"A gift to who?"
God did not answer. But that left her with another more pressing question.
"The creation of a new soul is a breath-taking experience to witness," she began carefully, "But why have you called me here?"
In answer, God reached behind themselves to a corner that Sera had not paid attention to and pulled out the tip of a spear. One from Adam's exorcists.
She tensed as God held it up to the fragile new soul. Angelic steel was crafted solely to bring death to the damned. To souls. Was this her punishment? To bear witness to the creation of life, of potential goodness, only to watch it be snuffed out before it even had a chance?
God pressed the spear to the soul, "Your Exorcists should take heed," the spear stabbed into the soul and Sera couldn't help but cry out in despair. But the soul did not whither or fade. She watched as the spear tip was catapulted away at lightning speed, burying itself in the wall across from them.
"And avoid his attention."
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aces-jacket · 2 months
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last doodle has blood ⬇️
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
alright, i'll do it.
I'll go off the deep end over the argument scene
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First and foremost: they're kinda both in the wrong, obviously. But also kinda both in the right?
Macaque, is in the right for being upset that Wukong didn't listen to him, that Wukong drove himself to this point, etc etc. He, even, is not the one to start this argument, and instead approached peacefully, and attempted to leave when he was getting irritated. It was Wukong that pushed him over the edge into blowing up at him.
He even leaves afterwards, which, actually, is technically the right course of action. In a healthy relationship (platonic or romantic) it'd be best to give both parties time to cool off, and then return and discuss the issues calmly to find a solution.
The main problem is; they don't do this. Macaque doesn't come back, and Wukong doesn't cool off.
On the other hand, Wukong is in the right for being mad, mad that Macaque isn't working to free him (cause, from his position, it sure seems like he isn't), and is instead 'wasting time'. Mad that Macaque would dare to say he was dragged into a mess when he isn't the one trapped under a mountain. (On some level, mad at himself, likely, for letting all this happen).
He, of course, doesn't have the choice to leave, so instead he's left.
The core issue here, as is usual with most relationships shown in media; is their lack of communication. Wukong didn't truly listen to Macaque, and Macaque was too upset to understand Wukong's side of the issue.
...And they let this fester.
Of course, this isn't the end of the falling apart between them. No, there's more to this, the show makes this adamantly clear with MK trying to get Macaque to tell him "what happened between them".
Things continued after this, this was just the barest tipping point.
So. Macaque (probably) didn't come back.
We don't know why. We don't know if it was his choice, based on hearing Wukong yell that he "never wants to see your face again", or if it wasn't his choice, if something else happened.
So Wukong is left alone.
It is shown, in Journey to the West, that Wukong is prone to anger.
Quite usually, this is his response to most situations that upset him (followed later by crying), anger and destruction is usually his first response.
Whether viewed under an "autistic Wukong" lense or a "traumatized Wukong" lense, this makes perfect sense.
It's even shown in the show, if you look at the early pieces of flashback art that show bits of the Journey, you can see that Wukong looks pissed in most of them, and that he slowly starts to look happier as the images go on, as, in the story, he worked on this issue, and got better, less angry, less prone to immediately resort to violence.
(Notably, as far as I remember, the tipping point for when he slowly starts becoming less violent literally is the Macaque Chapter. Interesting, huh?)
Wukong, likely, logically knows that there was nothing Macaque could do to free him. Emotionally, though?
He's going to be upset the next time he sees him. And when he's upset, he's prone to anger.
Macaque, on the other hand, is going to see Wukong, with the Journey to the West group, slowly becoming a better person, old parts of him returning, creating someone new. Wukong... changed for these people, he listens to them.
But not for him. Wukong didn't change for him, and he never listened to him.
So. They meet again. We're not sure how. We don't know if that whole thing of Macaque pretending to be Wukong and attacking the JTTW gang is still actually a thing in Monkie Kid. It's possible he might do it out of jealousy, but we're not sure if it happens.
Maybe Macaque came to Wukong for help. Maybe Wukong, still mad about being left behind, refused. (I consider this possible based on the the way the special shows Macaque when MK says that "Monkey King would try to save us if one of us was trapped" + his reaction to MK saying he'd never abandon his friend in s3ep10. It's possible he's regretting not trying harder to free Wukong, but...)
We don't know.
What we do know is, they fought, and Wukong, in the end, successfully killed Macaque.
A Key thing this show hasn't brought up though is... how.
Shadow Play, vaguely, implies that it might've been via his Kaiju Form.
Notably, we are now at the point where Wukong, who, once again notably, has the most memorable Kaiju Form within the story of Journey To The West, is the only one of the three monkeys in this show who hasn't used their Kaiju Form.
We've been told, quite a few times, actually, that Wukong is holding back.
He held back against Nezha. He held back in episode 9, in the fight against Macaque. Even when he was possessed he wasn't using his full power- we're outright told that Wukong was fighting her control the whole time- he couldn't do that while also going at full power.
We've never seen Wukong go all out in the show.
Why would the most powerful character, of all time, not use that power to defeat world-ending threats? Why would he choose to not pull out all the stops?
("You can't just ignore your power because you're afraid of it.")
Why else, would he not be using his full power, if it wasn't what killed his best friend?
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firehose118 · 4 months
let the world we dream about be the one we live in now
rated G | 2k | bucktommy
“Evan,” his father says. “Are you going to introduce us?”
“Uh, yes. Mom, Dad, this is Tommy- uh, Firefighter Tommy Kinard.” Buck couldn’t help but brag a little. “He’s a pilot with the air rescue team, and he’s, uh, he’s also my date for the wedding.”
His parents don’t look shocked anymore: they hardly could be, with Buck stuck to Tommy like glue all night while his friends loudly teased him about the forest fire lipstick smeared all over his face.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Tommy says, extending his hand to shake both of theirs.
Phillip shakes firmly, Margaret shakes like she’s never shaken a man’s hand before. She hasn’t taken her eyes off of Tommy.
“You too, you too. You know, Evan, it would’ve been nice to meet your, uh, date before the wedding,” Phillip says pointedly.
Buck doesn’t have a chance to respond before Tommy jumps in.
“Oh, that’s my fault,” Tommy says lightly, even though it in no way was. Buck had no intention at any point of doing this privately. “I was on standby last night and, as you can see,” he gestures to his turnouts, “I was called in. We just finally managed to contain a big fire out on Angeles Crest.”
It’s perfect. It’s unarguable. Buck’s heart squeezes at how easily Tommy deflects the blame away from Buck, how quickly he thought of it, how knee-jerk the reaction to protect Buck from his own parents was. Between Tommy’s words and Eddie’s hovering, Buck feels much safer than he thought he would.
“Well, I suppose between that and, and Howard going missing, there wasn’t much time to discuss, uh, dates,” Phillip concedes. “You know-“
“Evan, we aren’t upset with you,” Margaret interrupts. She’s finally looking at Buck again.
“Oh,” is all Buck can manage. He’s shocked, truly. He’d expected a full dressing-down for interrupting his sister’s wedding, for coming out without a formal declaration to his parents beforehand. Maybe for coming out at all, if he’s honest.
{read on ao3}
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eastofakkala · 8 months
Okay, fellow Jin Guangyao enjoyers, I come to you with a question:
Please explain your thought process in the tags.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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Doodled a bit of Solar from the Flipparoo au during a stream yesterday,, I almost forgot how much I love hims goofy ass 😔💕💕✨💕💕💞💕❤️💘💘💕💝
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robo-milky · 1 year
SSR Birthday Jacket! Cloche
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“Yes, yes, today is my day. …If you’d like to give an order, you’ll be put on the waiting list for tomorrow.”
[Voicelines Below//Groovy Unlocked]
Groovy: My standards for a birthday party will be raised next year, thank you. …I jest, it’s an honour to have one at all.
Summon Line: Thank you very much for coming today. Refreshments are over there and you may help yourself to cake at that table.
Home: Not a bell out of place.
Home Idle 1: Master Grim gifted me a can of tuna, not bad. …No, I’m not going to eat it straight out of the container.
Home Idle 2: I received a red mechanical pencil from Master Ace, and a blue notepad from Master Deuce. Even though they were given separately, it still feels like they came as a pair.
Home Idle 3: When Master Epel came to deliver my present, he was out of breath from running. He didn’t have to drop by Ramshackle so early in the morning… We were going to meet up at school anyways.
Home Idle Login: It’s alright, I don’t expect any special treatment today.
Home Idle Groovy: No, they’re not mixtapes! The cassettes I received from Master Yuliya and Master Ronsard are not going anywhere near the party speakers!
Home Tap 1: Whether my birthday is forgotten or not, it doesn’t make a difference.
Home Tap 2: Somehow Master Rook discerned that I was running out of eyeshadow and gave me a new palette. It’s the exact same brand and shade he uses too. …I don’t know if I have to heart to wear this.
Home Tap 3: Even when I’m off-duty for the day, there’s still a lineup of people asking me to run errands for them. How shameless can they get?
Home Tap 4: I used to hate the apron I’d wear, but now I feel a little weird without it…
Home Tap 5: There’s not a single mango in sight! I guess I’m a little happy I don’t have to worry about allergies…
Home Tap Groovy: I already got the good-luck gift, so don’t expect me to take the next pies with open arms.
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[Full Groovy Art]
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thecheshirerat · 3 days
y’all should i make a post with my genuine thoughts on the trajectory of taz or are none of us here for that
like this post if you wanna see it
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euclydya · 3 months
depression cancelled . new song today apparently
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jizzlords · 5 months
i made a twitter specifically of/for ozz. idk if it'll be to rt art I see (probably mainly nasties) and! maybe give myself courage to post art there fjsnfb 👉🏾👈🏾
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missathlete31 · 1 year
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💗Anyone But You coming to theaters December 15th!!! 💗
Now I need the trailer!
And these abs better be ALL OVER that big screen
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itsaship-literally · 2 years
I have had a couple Dm’s in the past few weeks or so on both this blog and my main asking about a Discord server that is Babes centric but totally chill with non-shippers and neutrals.
Yes, this blog has one. Just know that the Babes are really sappy suckers and we gush.
A lot.
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aryagar · 1 year
Me finding a still ongoing do fix: oh sweet must be a good read with all the hits it has
Me skipping to the last chapter just to check what I'm getting into:.... Oh it's one of those writers
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in-tua-deep · 2 years
had a fun and funky dream last night
OKAY SO picture this: sort of post-apocalyptic time frame. me: a 30s to 40s year old scientist man, who is helping a man named only "the professor" become a more competent scientist for his small group of people. the professor's science room is a classroom of an old high school, and i have been helping him pick up and gather more science equipment. i am poking through the drawers and admiring how much more we have gathered, and i note that the beaker for the first part of an experiment is not in the drawer. i turn around, and the professor is at the head of the classroom, and he has the beaker. there is what seems to be liquid light inside of it, and it is boiling. it shoots out of the beaker, and the professor angles it away from himself (ofc) and it sends this brilliant arc of molten sparking light across the room
I immediately turn around to grab a notebook (have to write it down for it to be science!) and get hit in the back of the neck by some of the liquid. i am trying to write down what the professor is saying. the professor's wife comes in and is like WHAT is happening. Unbenowngst to me, I have started to glow with a faint light blue light! Which the professor immediately starts freaking out and babbling about. I am telling him to slow down so I can write it down - and then he does! I thank him - except it's the world that slowed down??? Not him? and I still haven't noticed I'm glowing?? I go to lean against the counter as the professor and his wife run towards me, and as they almost reach me, I sort of... clip through the counter? I am VERY ALARMED by this? and the professor manages to grab me and yank me back out of the counter and i go stumbling backwards towards the center of the room and suddenly i'm not in the room anymore
I'm in a black and sort of teal-ish landscape of nothingness and i am shaking apart at the seams? I am still glowing but now I have noticed. It is agony as I shake myself apart, feel like I am being torn in two. The buzzing increases until finally I seem to - split? Suddenly in this place (which my mind labels The Burn Zone) there is me and... also me, but a silhouette of me, all black and no features and very frightening. The figure seems to look at me and then just... turns and sprints away, and suddenly I am on the floor in the classroom again and people are helping me sit up and asking me what the fuck happened
and then one of the people is like "Hey bro you got a new tattoo?" and i look down at my leg and there is a bulldog tattoo there I have never seen before. and suddenly I have a suspicion and pull up my lab coat sleeve and just as I thought - my incredibly cool science themed tattoo sleeve is no longer there? and has ben replaced by what seems to be???? someone else's tattoo sleeve? and i know that i shook myself in half and so the half of me that was gone HAD to be replaced by something, and that my arm and leg have been replaced by a stranger's arm and leg. and that the stranger is probably a criminal?
anyway the final part was after a little timeskip. i was driving a bus full of kids. i put both hands on the wheel and suddenly my not-me-hand yanks at the wheel, almost jerking us off the road before I get the bus under control. i remember just feeling so frustrated - just being like "well fuck fine i guess i'll just have to drive the bus one handed. and i can't even CALL the professor because i doubt my hand would cooperate to hecking put the phone number in right. asshole hand." and i just really vividly remember the light grey gravel of the road we were driving on, and then i took a wrong turn but i still pretty much knew where we were so it didn't really matter.
anyway then i woke up uwu
good morning y'all
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asha-mage · 1 year
🌶️ mdzs :D:
Oh boy. I'll start off strong then.
*clears throat*
Song Lan is a very uninteresting character. Which is not to say he's a bad character, just that he has exactly the necessary amount of personality and development to do what the plot requires of him (set in motion Xiao Xingchen's wandering, be the catalyst that kicks off Yi City's implosion, and dying) and not much else. Their is the potential for some interesting commentary post Yi city about his desire to restore Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing's souls vs Xue Yang's desire to do the same exact thing, and also his relationship to his own status as a Sentient Walking Corpse, but the narrative dosen't really linger with him long enough to do more then tease the possibility.
Other then that....I really don't grock what a lot of people like about Song Lan. It could be because I've mainly read the novel, where he only has three scenes total and less then five lines of dialog, but I really don't get what all the fuss is about. I especially don't understand how anyone can think that Song Lan x Xiao Xingchen is anywhere near as interesting as Xuexiao, but that is neither here nor there. (To each their own with shipping preferences).
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