#this is a part of the rough draft
myhusbandsasemni · 1 year
Writing snippet, bit of a long one today
Look at my space babies, featuring a confused Del, and a baby Travis who is in denial about his mother selling him.
Challenger 27: 3/29/23
“Hey, ah, do… do you think they’ll ever let me go?” Travis asked, sounding as though he was afraid to ask. “It’s been a few months, and I miss my mom.”
Asphodel looked at him, frowning. “How am I to know that? But…. I think that if I was removed from the facility, my creator would probably get me back, so that is like the case with your creator. They’re probably just borrowing you.”
Tension left Travis’s shoulders at her words. “Thank the Abyss. I was afraid I’d never get to see grass again.”
Asphodel filed away the words Abyss and grass to ask about later. “What made you worried about that.”
“Because…. Well, it almost seemed as though my mom sold me to them,” he said. “But they were probably just paying her to borrow me, like renting. I am pretty useful and my mom did need money. We’ve been having a hard time buying food.”
Money, buying. That sounded interesting. 
Asphodel quizzed him on each new word he said, filing away his explanations to keep and remember for herself. They talked for hours, and by the end, her throat hurt from talking. When the door opened, she was so dazed with all that she’d learned that she didn’t even glare at Dr. Lennon, who seemed quite pleased. 
Travis was taken down a different hall, looking very small as he glanced over his shoulder to where they were taking her. 
She was not dazed enough, however, to miss what Dr. Lennon said as they opened the door to her cell. 
“I told you. She just needed something to keep her occupied. There are some things that can only be taught to her by other children. I have to say, I am quite pleased with our purchase.”
Asphodel filed the word purchase away for the next time she would talk to Travis. It sounded like they would be meeting again, and she was quite pleased by that. 
Challenger 27: @my-cursed-prince
Let me know if you want to be on the taglist
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1: What was left behind. - Part 1 (page 1-5) -here- -> Part 2
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I'm in love with your drawing of Wally and Howdy fighting over the arm. I love how mad Poppy is. Her saying "is2g" gave me the idea that she starts cussing more the longer she has to deal with this bs. And I'm also imagining Frank leaning against Eddie's hat saying "oh Eddie we're really in it now"
10 out of 10 artwork. Good job. No notes.
it has been Well Received it seems! i'm very pleased, i was hoping i wouldn't be the only one who found it funny ahaha
and i couldn't resist:
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carnation-damnation · 4 months
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My contribution to the fankid sillies. Quirky kid who's mostly in the care of Shadow's chao, and is a little too interested with the concept of time traveling...
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chippedshake · 1 month
Maybe it's just me, but it always feels so weird when in a fanfic, someone stumbles onto Todd's poetry notebook and it's all... clean. And good. And makes sense. Like where is the page describing a potato chip because you felt poetic but didn't have any inspiration? The angry poetry with free verses because you couldn't see past your rage far enough to rhyme? The shitty poetry written at three AM when you wake up with what you think is an epiphany but turns out to be total crap in the morning? The cringy poems from three years ago at the beginning of the notebook? The pathetic attempts at calligraphy? The love poems from when you weren't in love but thought that you had to be so you made up a love interest in your life? The thinly veiled imitations of your favourite poets? The thousands of crossing-out and rephrasing and word choice and changing verse order and verse length and oops I used that word too many times and hey I could alliterate here like- Todd, dude, if you have such a clean poetry notebook, you're asking for someone to read it.
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pencap · 7 months
i am green green green down to my breath and blood and bones.
green with envy for all the beautiful things in the world that i cannot hold in my hands or press against my lips or swallow down whole.
green with sick all festering hurts i don't know how to heal and spreading poison i don't know the antidote for and hand-me-down aches i don't know the names of.
green with greed, the yawning void deep in my belly that wants and wants and wants and wants and wants from the day i was born screaming with want.
green with permission: yes please, come here, do as you please. i never did learn how to say no and mean it.
green like plants, like spring growth and summer leaves like basil and mint on kitchen counter tops like haworthia and pothos and monstera.
i am green green green down to my breath and blood and bones—
but maybe someday i will learn to hold the whole rainbow in my body.
- by sylvie (j.p.)
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gh-0-stcup · 10 months
Riley failed because the writers didn't understand the archetype they were trying to convey and their audience.
Riley's the all-American boy next door. His character model was so pervasive in other media because it's wholesome, simple, and nostalgic. Calling back to a nebulous time when people were nice, helpful, and virtuous. (Actually a rose tinted view of a nonexistent past - it calls back to the viewers childhood when everything felt that way.)
The most important thing with this character model is the feelings it evokes in the audience. The character must come across to the audience as
A moral paragon
The problem is that this type of character also has deep associations with heteronormativity, sexism, and racism. They have been used numerous times in media to help uphold and propogate these ideas.
But BTVS' very premise stands in direct opposition to the American values this character model tends to embody. It's more likely that this archetype will evoke the exact opposite feelings it's supposed to in fans of BTVS. They're more likely to have been victimized in their lives by the messaging imbeded into it.
It could have worked extremely well had the writers considered what would evoke the same feelings with their own audience.
Take one of Riley's early scenes - punching Parker for his comments about freshman girls and toilet seats. It's mentioned after that Riley does not take issue with his friends talking about women in "worse" ways. He reacted the way he did because he's got a crush on Buffy.
Imo, this is the moment the character failed. If you want to sell a character like Riley as a love interest to audience like BTVS', you must ensure the line between chivalry and chauvinism is never crossed. Once it is, that character's virtuousness will forever come across as a facade. A way to have control and possession over women under the guise of protecting their honour.
A minor adjustment to this one scene would help reframe Riley's motivations. He doesn't take kindly to men speaking that way about women, but it is odd for him to react violently.
In this version, he's someone who respects women in general but has more rash reaction than normal because his crush on Buffy is shaking him up. It also suggests he's not a man who's typically quick to violence.
Another important scene is when Riley finds Buffy outside at night and insists on walking her home. She puts up a fight, commenting on the sexism of assuming boys can take care of themselves but girls need to be walked home. Riley's response is that yes, this is absolutely what he believes.
Now, Riley is a trained soldier who knows there's very serious danger lurking around at night and does not know that Buffy is anything other than a tiny civilian. It's understandable that he would insist upon protecting her. The issue is entirely with how the dialogue is framed.
A better answer to Buffy's question would be "You shouldn't have to." Set him up as a man who understands many women can protect themselves, but believes his role is ensuring they never have to.
It shifts these gender roles from "woman weak, man strong" to Riley's sense of honour. Focuses on how he derives meaning from protecting civilians and those he cares about. Helps shed light on the mentality that led him to becoming a soldier and suggests that being a soldier is tied to his sense of identity and personal values.
It also more firmly shifts being a soldier from a day job to a duty for Riley. It gives him a connection with Buffy, who also believes it is her responsibility to use her strength to protect people.
Just two very simple shifts in dialogue and Riley's a much better character. Amazing how they got it so wrong without even understanding what mistakes they made.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
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recent panel i liked for chapter 2s rough draft (page 22), one of the more chaotic sketches
(comic wip)
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“Jesus – fuck!” Keith yanks down on the yoke with all his might, making their little pod rear back, missing the gigantic asteroid by mere inches. He watches with wide eyes as the asteroid continues rocketing by, acutely aware that he nearly smashed the pod in everyone in it.
There’s a tense, speechless silence in the pod for a moment, everyone aware of how close they were to becoming Actual Space Debris, before Romelle speaks up.
Because of course it was Romelle.
“Maybe focus on keeping us not dead and daydream about gay reunions later,” she says drily, and Keith bites back a scathing response, because he realises he has absolutely no leg to stand on, there.
“My bad,” he says instead. Romelle rolls her eyes fondly before decking him lightly on the shoulder.
Well, it would be lightly, were she not an Altean. But she is, and Keith has to tense every muscle in his body to keep from crying out in agony like a loser.
“Wait, no, not your bad,” Krolia says.
Romelle blinks at her. “Okay, I get he’s your son and all, but it very much was his bad.”
“No, I got a signal for a second!”
Keith whips around, staring at his mother with wide eyes. “You got signal? Seriously?”
“Yes! I think it was the magnetic flare from the asteroid! Get close to it again, I might be able to hold the signal long enough to broadcast!”
Keith does not waste a moment. He turns the pod around at lightning speed, pushing it as fast as it will go to catch up to the asteroid, carefully avoiding its surrounding debris, which is a lot harder than it looks, and causes a significant amount of turbulence. Which, of course, sets Kosmo off, howling at the windows and scratching at anything he can reach, on top of the deafening grinding sound of surrounding space rocks smashing into each other at high speeds, and the crackling of the comms they are desperately trying to make work.
“Anything?” Keith yells over the chaotic noise of Every Sound At Once.
“Yes! The signal is getting stronger! Once I can get it to connect, it should maintain itself, so keep close just a little longer!”
Keith grits his teeth, wrapping both hands around the yoke and ignoring the voice in his head – that sounds suspiciously like Lance – that makes a dirty joke about the position. He just focuses as hard as he can, trying to keep as close to the asteroid as he can without smashing the ship into it or getting smashed by all the debris travelling at several hundred miles an hour.
“Closer!” Krolia shouts.
Keith resists the urge to tell her that he’s closer to the asteroid right now than he’s ever been to any parental figure in his life, because that would be uncalled for and also rude and he is a Mature Adult, now.
He nudges them the slightest smidge closer, praying to the universe at large that the thrusters don’t give out, and finally Krolia shouts in success.
“I got it! I got Voltron! Pull back!”
With great relief, Keith does, putting as much distance between them and immediate mortal peril as he can. Once the asteroid is far enough away that Keith no longer feels his heart attempting to pound clean through his chest, he slumps over the controls, repeatedly reminding himself that this is, at the very least, better than the goddamn motherfucking bitch-ass space rift.
(Which is, honestly, a very low bar. Contracting E. coli from getting a swirly would be better than the space rift. But still. Small victories, et cetera, et cetera.)
“Um, hi?” comes a voice Keith hasn’t heard in two fucking years, and he almost cries in relief.
Well, not almost. There are tears streaming down his face. But he feels he’s pretty justified, so it’s whatever.
“Pidge!” he calls, ditching the pilot’s seat and fully running over to where Krolia sits, radio holoscreen up and working.
His old teammate gapes at him. “Keith?!”
Keith grins, soft and happy. “Hey, man. I missed you.”
She stares at him in silence, for several minutes. Keith lets her gather herself, even though the silence is getting real awkward real fast.
“Why do you look jacked as hell?” is what Pidge decides on, and God, it’s been so long since he’s heard a dumbass remark that’s definitely a poorly disguised roast, somehow. It feels like home.
“Because I am jacked as hell. I spent two years in Actual Hell –”
Romelle glares at him. “Quit talking shit about my actual place of residence –”
“Your place of residence imprisoned me for two fucking years I will talk all the shit I want –”
“I can beat you up, Kogane, try me –”
“I can handle a beating and still run my mouth, M’lyoy, so I will try you –”
“Children!” Krolia barks, and they both snap their mouths shut so hard there’s an audible click. “We have desperate, time-sensitive information. You have been bickering for three straight days. Can it, or so help me, I will turn this ship around.
“Goddamn, Kogane,” Pidge says after a moment, “someone just got told off. What, did you fuck off and find your mother or something?”
Keith blinks. “Yeah. How’d you know that?”
“How did I know that – I was joking, dude, fuck! Is that actually your mother?”
“I am,” Krolia says. “You must be Pidge. The short one who cusses often.”
Keith freezes. “Ma,” he hisses, “why would you tell her I said that?”
“Three straight days,” she deadpans, completely uncaring.
Pidge glares at him. “I’ll admit I missed you, you bitch, but please know that you are so, so fucking lucky you are not within bayard distance.”
“Noted,” Keith says weakly.
“I can smack him for you, if you like,” Romelle offers, not even attempting to hide a smirk.
“Thank you, strange Altean, whose existence baffles me beyond comprehension,” Pidge says.
Romelle attempts to do as promised, but Keith jerks out of the way at the last second, and then scrambles over to Krolia’s other side to avoid any further assault.
“Coward,” she and Pidge say at the same time.
Man, having little sisters is annoying. Almost as annoying as having an older brother. Keith wishes he was back to being an only child.
(Not really.)
“Can we please get back on task,” Keith says, which is hilarious coming from him, but whatever.
“Right,” Pidge says, face turning serious. “What the hell is going on?”
“First of all, where’s everyone else?”
“Doing other shit,” Pidge says, “I’m on monitoring duty. Coran and Hunk are reworking the control panel for the accelerators, Shiro’s meditating, Allura and Lotor are on their Oriande mission, and Lance is – actually, I have no idea what Lance is doing, but he’s on the castle somewhere. Probably.”
At the mention of Lotor, everyone’s face goes ashen, playful atmosphere completely dissipating.
“Fuck,” Keith says.
Pidge, ever the problem-solver, looks resigned. “It’s Lotor, isn’t it,” she says, and it’s not really a question.
“Yes,” Romelle agrees softly. “He’s a monster. He’s using my people as batteries, to drain our quintessence, to rule worse than his father ever did.”
“And we’ve just led him by the hand to the one place that will make him unstoppable,” Pidge summarizes, looking absolutely miserable.
“I don’t suppose you have a plan?”
“We don’t…not have a plan,” Keith says. “We’ll have the element of surprise, so long as we get back to the castle before he does, and that’s got to count for something. We’ll send you our coords, and we’ll try to meet as quickly as possible? It might be easier to plan with the whole team present.”
“Sounds good,” Pidge says, immediately pulling up a few dozen screens and schematics. Krolia quickly types something on her keypad, and Keith watches as it pings over to Pidge. “Oh, hey, we’re actually not that far away. Maybe a couple hours, if we gun it towards you? And Allura – God, I hope she’s okay – won’t be back until the end of the day, so that timing works out. I’ll tell Coran we need to get moving and fast.”
“Thank you, Pidge,” Krolia says.
“No problem, Ms. Keith’s Hot Mom.”
Keith sighs. Romelle giggles. Krolia looks amused.
“I forgot how annoying you are,” he mutters. He doesn’t need to look to know Pidge is sticking her tongue out at him, but looks anyway, just to prove himself right.
“Well, I look forward to reminding you, booger-brain.”
Keith opens his mouth with the full intention of calling her a roach-face, but then remembers that he is a Mature Adult, and decides he will instead graffitti it on her workspace as soon as he gets back, like a real man.
“Bye, Pidge,” he says, and reaches forward to swipe through the holoscreen.
“Hey, wait! Don’t hang up yet!”
Keith pauses, looking at her expectantly. “Yeah?”
The playful, teasing expression that came back for a moment when they were arguing has melted from her face, and she looks serious again. Nervous, even. “Um, something… happened, while you were gone,” she starts, and Keith immediately jumps to the worst possible conclusion.
“What happened to Lance? Is he okay? Is he hurt?” he asks in a panic.
“He is not dead and also not injured or maimed or anything,” Pidge says, which is very different to ‘why, of course not, Keith, Lance is safe and happy and healthy’.
“Spit it out, Pidge,” he orders in his Patented Black Paladin Voice.
“I can’t really explain it. I’m just gonna – I’m gonna send you a link, and you’re going to watch the whole thing and not tell Lance I sent it to you, okay?”
Keith swallows roughly. “Just tell me what happened, Pidge.”
“Okay, Keith?” she repeats, and Keith knows he’s not going to get anything else out of her.
“Okay. Fine. Send it to me.”
“It’s sent,” she says, just as a notification pops up on the receiver. “Um, you can hang up now. That’s all I had to say.”
Keith doesn’t even say goodbye. The only thing he can focus on is that receiver. In the background, he can vaguely hear Romelle and Krolia ending the call, but all his attention is on the little notification – a link, like Pidge said. He picks the receiver up carefully, and walks carefully over to his bunk in the back.
“I guess I’m driving!” Romelle says cheerily, trying to goad him into a playful argument (her… interesting piloting skills having been the subject of their bickering on numerous occasions) but Keith barely even hears her. He clicks on the link, space youtube quickly taking up the screen.
In hindsight, Keith wishes he’d waited to watch, waited for Krolia and Romelle to fall asleep, or even dug around for a pair of headphones, or something. Anything instead of playing what feels like a private message – even though this is clearly something that was broadcasted to the universe at large – to the pod at large.
Hindsight is 20/20.
Instead, he watches with wide, horrified eyes as he witnesses the direct result his leaving had on his best friend.
I'm sorry but I gotta go
That’s what he said to me, as he let me go, he left me alone
Keith recognises those words. He fucking – those are his words. The thing is – the thing is, that contrary to what he knows everyone else thinks, Keith didn’t leave for the Blades after a few days of private introspection.
He talked to Lance – to his right hand – about the issue for months. They made the decision together. Lance knew every feeling, every need running through Keith’s brain, and consequently, Keith knew every thoughtrunning through Lance’s.
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doobea · 6 months
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a lil peek inside my head from the last 48 hours
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dailybrandonrogers · 2 months
A Summary of Bryce Tankthrust's Timelines within the BRCU
The intention of this post is to review all major events involving/centred on Bryce Tankthrust across the BRCU timelines. Following the conclusion of BRYCE, a lot of considerable changes have been made to the overall nature of the pre-BRYCE Timeline theory that have immense and confusing implications. This will be a hopefully more concise attempt at deciphering the current state of the Timeline by only investigating one character, albiet a very significant and important one, and how her personal life as played out so far to our understandings.
As always, here's my BRCU Timeline reference!
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Before the list commences, there's a few things that need to be explored.
Bryce Tankthrust's Birthday
Utilising her the publication date of the first video she featured in, her fanon birthday has been declared January 12th. Her birth year however, isn't as a clear anymore. The previous widely accepted assumption was 1971. This was initially inferred in Blame the Hero where in Episode 3, Bobby Worst mentions he is 7 years old. Later, there is a jumpcut that informs 40 years have passed, implying he is now 47 years old in the year 2033. However, the 1971 assumption operates under the impression that Bobby is 47 in the 2018, not 2033, throwing another spanner into the works. Otherwise, he'd be born in 1986.
Approaching this from a newer angle, Bryce is at least 10 when she meets Bobby, and 20 when she begins working for CallCo Phones. Utilising this logic, she has to be 20 or older by Episode 3, in which we see a 1990 NYE party being celebrated
The Current Timeline
Late 1960s
Bryce Tankthrust is born.
Bobby Worst is born.
Late 1970s
Bryce Tankthrust begins learning the Double Diva Diversion.
Bryce Tankthrust meets Bobby Worst at school. She cuts out her heart for him, and after a seemingly random and unprecedented interruption by Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler, she grabs a dropped book about dictatorship and decides to run away with Bobby. Initially discarding the heart in a trash can, she retrieves it 20 minutes later.
Bobby Worst becomes an orphan after his father disowns him, and gets thrown into an orphanage.
Late 1980s
Bobby Worst is released from the orphanage at age 18.
Even Later 1980s
Bryce Tankthrust meets Donovan.
Bryce Tankthrust and Donovan begin seeing eachother.
Donovan dies after falling off a cliff.
Tammy Tankthrust is arrested and thrown in jail.
Bryce Tankthrust begins working at CallCo Phones
Bryce Tankthrust's heart (her own, that had been surgically reimplemented at age 10) fails. Gloria transplants an experimental mechanic heart into her; it is successful.
Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst Reunite.
Bryce Tankthrust commissions Gloria to make a robotic reconstruction of Donovan.
After he was fatally injured by X, Bryce Tankthrust gives her heart to Donovan, so that he can perform surgery and give her his murder victim's heart.
Bryce Tankthrust murders the CEO of CallCo and his wife, and assumes his position as CEO of the company, now revamping it into Thankthrust Tellies.
Bryce's heart (the one she got from the Accountant) fails, and she suffers cardiac arrest on New Years Eve.
Bryce Tankthrust moves offices.
Bobby Worst murders Delorio and the majority of Tankthrust Tellies' workforce and harvests their hearts to create a stockpile for Bryce. In the process, he undergoes a metamorphosis of sorts.
1990 - 1995
Bryce meets with the Angel Investment Firm, and declines their offer to take on 50% of her company.
Bryce Tankthrust rekindles with Gloria Goopty.
Bryce Tankthrust meets with the Angel Investment Firm again, and this time signs the contract with them.
Bryce Tankthrust moves offices again.
Tammy Tankthrust is released from prison. Bryce and her mother also rekindle.
1996 - 2016
Bryce Tankthrust kidnaps the son of previous Tankthrust Enterprises employee Donna Phitts, and preserves his youth to make countless clones with hearts readily available for harvesting and utilising.
Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election, and Bryce Tankthrust finishes her tenure as president of the United States of America.
Joe Biden is inaugurated into office, and Bryce Tankthrust undermines the course of the election by initiating a capitol riot on January 6th.
News gets out that Bryce Tankthrust staged the incarceration of Bobby Worst when footage of the two of them conspiring is hacked and released to the public. As a result, all the stocks for her company plummet, and she is rendered bankrupt.
Queen Elizabeth II, who still holds a vendetta against Bryce, kidnaps Bobby Worst knowing it'll cause her significant grief and heartache.
Bryce Tankthrust and Donovan team up with the Mingeworthies to save Donovan, and defeat Queen Elizabeth II.
A heart begins growing inside of Bryce.
Bryce Tankthrust revitalises her company endeavours and continues business as per usual.
Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst get married.
The Angel Investment Firm terminate Bryce's contract upon learning she is no longer heartless. This also entails killing her directly consequently.
Bryce Tankthrust, Tammy Tankthrust, and Gloria Goopty initiate their contingency plan, and murder all the Angel Investors in a scheme involving Bobby Worst and Donovan.
Current Day.
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tricksterlatte · 2 months
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Chase the Joker chapter 8 excerpt for WIP Wednesday, featuring an exhausted but healing 30-year-old Akechi
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depravitymoon · 8 months
Random Yandere thoughts on the Torture Dance Trio (Rough draft)
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Author's Note: Random yandere thoughts I'll eventually make into actual posts.
Warning: Mention of violence, mention of blackmail, and verbal ab*se.
Why I think Narancia cant be a Slow Burn Yandere:
Canon Narancia is willing to give his undying loyalty to people he’s only known for a few weeks. He is NOT a slow burn. He just needs a ‘trigger’. Meaning, he needs to be given a reason to be loyal and he’ll stick to you. Wasnt Naracia hanging out with street kids since age 10 and went to jail at 14? That could mean he was with ‘Bro’ and his crew for YEARS, so a slow burn wouldnt matter. I think what Narancia realized is that ‘Bro’ and his crew only cared about Narancia being useful for them. When it comes to Trish, Giorno, Fugo, and Bruno, they selflessly cared for Narancia without expecting something from him.
The good parts of Yandere Fugo:
OBVIOUSLY, he’s violent! However, there’s a bright side:
He actually leaves you to your devices if you simply behave. He is not a clingy yandere at all.
Doesnt have baby fever. In fact, YOU have to be the one begging for the baby.
You’re his sugar baby, of sorts!…..
…..well, you’re more of a secretary, BUT GOOD NEWS! You’re allowed to walk around of your own free will.
When everything’s going great he seems like his normal polite self, just talking about intellectual topics.
Also, he's constantly complimenting you saying you're wonderful, you're the best he's ever had, etc.
The obvious bad parts of Yandere Fugo:
Beatings, duh.
He controls your finances and knows where all your family members live. You bet your ass he’s using it against you. He doesn’t need to lock you away, because he makes sure you know you’re stuck with him forever. Where the fuck you gonna go?
Keep in mind your ability to walk around free is dependent on how well you do your assignments. He believes in you! He knows you’re capable of doing it! Which means when you don’t complete the tasks, YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! BITCH!
Just remember, it’s not just him you have to worry about. He has Passione with him. Even if he can’t use all of Passione to his advantage, he still has Narancia and Mista willing to help him.
Remember how he use to compliment you constantly? Well, now you're a whore, you're a bitch, you're unfaithful, etc because you're acting up. He loves you SO MUCH, why would you do this.
Laidback Yandere head canons
((It's a rough draft of a general yandere but it can be applied to Mista since I'm making him a laidback yandere.))
Laidback Yandere doesn't seem yandere at all. 
Laidback Yandere lets you have friends.
Laidback Yandere lets you see your family and acts like he's part of your family.
Laidback Yandere even lets you go clubbing!
What a supportive healthy relationship you two must be in! 
Laidback Yandere know all your loved one's addresses. Just in case you try to run.
Laidback Yandere has enough blackmail material on you to keep you complacent.
Laidback Yandere calmly punishes you without warning. He'll rationalize you deserve it because 'he's been so patient with you'.
Laidback Yandere calmly tells you how he disposed of the ones that were helping you leave him.
Laidback Yandere doesn't even chase you when you flee. He merely takes pictures of himself with your family and sends it to you with a text saying "I hope nothing being happens to them". 
Laidback Yandere has people watching you when he's not. 
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rainbowcarousels · 4 months
I think it'll still be a while before it's ready for public view but here is a quick look at what I'm working on:
Finally, seven or eight people later, Genesis stepped onto the mats. Angeal couldn’t hear what they said to one another, but if Genesis was freaking out as much as Angeal had been, he wasn’t showing it.  Then they were off and Angeal’s heart rose to his throat because while they’d seen a handful of people who were strong enough to wait out the fight, he didn’t think they’d seen anyone as fast and downright springy as Genesis tended to get when he fought. It was far too close combat, Genesis’s sword screeching as he peeled down the SOLDIER’s and sent sparks into the air but he was dodging instead of fighting head on. At one point, Genesis even used the SOLDIERs arm as a jumping off point to get away from the SOLDIERs blade. It was insane to watch, like he was on fast forward on that video player he had back home. Genesis may not have been weak, but he knew he was smaller in stature than a lot of the people here and he wouldn’t hold up with brute force alone. He was relying on speed and it seemed like it was going well as minutes ticked by. Then it happened without Angeal even really registering how: Genesis’s sword glowed red and fire spat upwards, despite the fact there were no materia on him that could allow that. It wasn't allowed for SOLDIER candidates, just for the SOLDIER operatives and he knew that. People ran backwards as the fire ripped across the mats, only stamped out by it being turned to ice by the SOLDIER who was now sat on the floor of the hall with a bewildered expression. Not in time though; the sprinklers activated and half the room began to file out while others stood around getting wet while trying to figure out what had just happened. Surely Genesis hadn’t brought materia in with him knowing it wasn’t allowed, he had to know better than that, that it would jeapordise everything –  Genesis had fire materia in his hand.  He was playing with it. Angeal was going to murder him on the spot. “That’s cheating!” proclaimed one of the other candidates. “You’re not allowed to bring materia in. That’s disqualification.” “I didn’t cheat,” Genesis said, walking over to him. Scratch that, he was going to have to save Genesis from getting murdered right here and now so Angeal went running to get between them as Genesis held the materia out to the squatting SOLDIER. “You lost this.” The SOLDIER stared at him before turning around his bracer to reveal – yes, there was an empty slot. “You took my materia? You unequipped my materia?” “There’s no rule against that,” Genesis said brightly, as if they were not standing in a scorched room and getting increasingly soaking wet because of his insane idea.  “And you were on your ass for a lot longer than a three count. That means I win, does it not?”
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tinyundercover · 2 months
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trying so hard not to post each chapter of pepper&felix the very second I finish it
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copper-skulls · 6 months
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listening to Czech Philharmonic's new year concert and drawing blorbos dancing. good two hours.
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