#and she says that demons dont have a heart to stab through
ganondoodle · 7 months
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recent panel i liked for chapter 2s rough draft (page 22), one of the more chaotic sketches
(comic wip)
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vio-starzz · 4 months
Man I have so many au ideas like…
Actually wait uhm, I waste no time getting into this so.
Tw: Possible Body horror(?), Suicide, Death, Violence/Self harm/injury, drowning, Hallucinations, bugs
This gets very heavy, Like the first thing under the cut is just violent, and random (these are getting dumped in the order of how I think of em yall)
I can give the basic easy stuff tho!!! Before the cut where we go oh boy Z you hurt your blorbos don’t you.
> Rune (Green, Red, Blue, Vio, Shadow)
> Raven: Buncha adventures, dont know the names of most of em
> Willow: Botw, AoC, Totk
> Erebos: Dark Link for all -Rune & Willow
> Z: oc, no specific orgin
> Wilt (There but not rlly): Willows Dark Link
Fierce Deity + Hylia
(These designs MAY be subject to change)
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|| Anything past this part is just brain dumping lmao ||
> Vio (while in control of Rune’s body) stabs their eye all of a sudden. Rips the blade out and just watches the blood and shit fall… They never explained why. Even they were a little confused, they just felt… Compelled to do so: And because of it, Rune permanently holds that scar, when split only Vio has it! But when Vio ‘fronts’ per-say? The scar seems more. Prominent…Hence why they hide that eye, because it’s also color changed permanently to black and purple. Fun.
> Rune didn’t realize the eye color change for a while! And then they got called a demon in the town, and needless to say they don’t go into town unless split, and typically it’s only Green and Red that’ll go when they need supplies. Blue despises the town, and Vio just thinks they’d be called a devil for how they look and act…. Luckily the town isn’t in Hyrule fully, but jeez/neg
> Vio(hi again) Gets a little bit angry at themselves after failing to bring Shadow back on another ritual. They did a blood ritual. all the things they did right! So when it failed? They weren’t. Happy about it. They ended up stabbing themself through the chest. Not caring they go through the heart. Like. complete suicide. This was in a fit of rage, and they were not thinking clearly- Didn’t even notice what they’d done at first until it was too late- and was simply mostly. An accident. HOWEVER. Because of their own blood ritual for Shadow. They brought themself back. (It did end up working Vio… Just not on the right person. Whoops. that’s the 400+ ritual attempt failed for Shadow, and the first success for Vio)
> Willow is an anti-hero. Because they have done things very unforgivable, and in every way they are twisted out of who they once were before. Murder? Torture? They’ve done it. No matter the age, they have made foul actions, and they have had conflicted morals since. They simply know they don’t believe to be a hero alone, because that title takes away from what unforgivable feats they have committed. They are a traveler to their world, and to most— They built the story on how Link died years ago, and they didn’t save the world…. Just because they don’t want the credit of being someone held so highly and proudly looked up to: When they believe faer a monster.
> Erebos’ body has very quick regeneration for a reason. If you were to take away his magic, you’d be able to watch in sheer horror as his own body eats itself to stay fed and just seeps of hatred and malice.
> Z’s ribcage is seemingly visible through their chest. You can see the faint outlines of it… But in realistic terms. At times, it looks like their ribs are outside their body…?
> With the first ever hero, Hylia after watching the love of her life die, went back to demise’s corpse, stabbing him and casting a bigger seal than the master-sword would keep on him. She prevented him from coming out too early, and reincarnated miserably as all she could think about was him. She knew her love was forbidden and fated to never work out, but she still tried to think it’d be okay. She still tried to make fate change, and her love work.
> Fierce found Willow in the forest with the master sword when they were six (6) years old. It completely broke him seeing a child that young, and fragile, hold a blade that ruined another (the hero of time) So… He put it upon himself to protect the child. And for another six (6) years, He raised and treated Willow as his own. He taught them, protected them, and they stayed in the lost woods away from society, which seemed better considering Willow looked abused… When Willow was twelve (12) almost thirteen (13), guards from Hyrule found, and took them away. Fierce watched it happen, and wanted nothing more than to intervene… But he wasn’t able to. Because of that, (Hero of Wars) and (The hero of Twilight’s) souls accompanied them around instead. They were the teachers, and tried to help being a knight more bearable, by being a safe place where Willow could just be themself. Instead of a silent soon to be “hero.” As they were taught to be.
> When Willow died, Fierce gave up a lot of their dark magic, and Hylia agreed to give Willow an even amount of her light magic, which bound itself around their soul alongside other fallen souls… Meaning Willow is a perfectly balanced creature. Their soul, is the only soul, that is even.
> Willow and Vio both main using Dark magic if magic is needed. They both don’t use light magic even with access to it… Meaning Vio’s hero spirit is rather corrupt (makes sense, they won’t refer to themselves as the hero anyways aka they gave their hero spirit to shadow when resurrecting them out of desperation because the ritual needed a soul, and that was the best they could pull up) and clouded, while Willow’s is just. Gone, it’s a part of them that they lost with death- So Willow doesn’t have the heroes spirit anymore, BUT they still were the hero from before death. They just don’t associate themselves with that part, because they’ve learned to move on from the past, and some parts of them they had to let go to truly be able to heal.
> Willow and Fierce still hold a child/father relationship. They are a family, and although Willow had forgotten them for a bit, those memories did return.
> Raven has gotten close to death several times, and been dead for a few moments before…. There was more to his dream than they realize.
> Willow, Vio, and Raven all have some connections/are known by the souls of the damned as a friend or a descendant. (Essentially, the ones who faced death before)
> Willow when dead and sunken in the shrine to heal, wasn’t fully out of it. They weren’t moving sure, but those a-hundred (100) years? They were left alone in a blank area. On-top of water, that sometimes broke and forced them to drown time and time again…This ‘water’ area, had a lone tree….how familiar That is where they spent time drowning, and being met by their shadow. who would decide to bring them back up. Their ‘dark-counterpart’ much like Rune’s, isn’t Erebos like how the others have it. It was there, that they befriended and met their new found friend. Who they chose to call Wilt. Wilt just decided to go along with it, not like they had a name before.
> Willow after the calamity, very quickly left Zelda— It didn’t feel right to stay with her, which confused her—They found themselves wandering, killing, and boring themselves. However, ‘Wilt’ decided to appear and give them something to do. The two wandered across and through time, and also discovered Willow could use dark magic, which meant Wilt chose to help teach them how to use it… That is what happened between the Calamity’s end and catalyst’s beginning. What was seven (7) years to them was actually… Thousands millions of years to them.
> Vio is a very good artist, although they think they draw like dogshit…. Nobody agrees with this, except Vio. Because Vio is the only being who fuels their own self hatred!
> Willow has memories of the other incarnations after waking from the shrine. The only memory that’s blurred out to them from others views: Is Vio’s time with Shadow. It’s weird to know the hero of Time’s memories…. Time loops are disgustingly unfair Willow would know
> Z was made to serve under Demise, as nothing more than a weapon. For several years, they had no identification, and feelings. It wasn’t until Erebos(after leaving Demise, to be their own leader) beat them in a fight and such, that they became.. Something. They lack empathy still.
> Hylia is not the one pulling the strings at all. Her involvement with the world stopped after the first hero, her love- Died. The only other time she did something, was to help Fierce keep Willow alive. Other than that, she is rather lifeless in the face of Hyrule. Forever grieving what she never could’ve kept. (She does the bare minimum, and though it is no excuse, she just feels broken.)
> Although not all heroes are traveling across together… They will encounter others- Who will provide a safe world and break. Perhaps, even info needed…. So maybe Willow will meet Fenn The hero or Twilight and Arrow the hero of Wars again!
> Rune will not allow themselves to be called Link. They fully believe in their head, that Link died all those years ago… Before even the Four Sword split their head into shards, Link was dead.
> Gloom is Demise’s pure anger and blood. It sticks and it kills anything. Malice is his anger and hatred, it twists monsters minds, and burns others skin— Yet very rarely does it take another’s life.
> Willow has the upside-down triforce on their hand! Though, sometimes it glows randomly. Willow doesn’t talk about it, Rune especially Vio gets concerned when they notice.
> When it comes to totk, Willow didn’t get their arm changed like in the game. Instead, it is entirely pure dark magic ‘gifted’ from the souls of the damned. That change also altered Wilt, as in— Wilt’s arm became a pure being of light magic almost as if a mirror to Willow’s wounds.
> The fierce deity was removed from history and as Hylia’s Brother, simply because of their actions. They used their magic to give monsters just enough magic to make them go insane, and kill/eat one another. Which at first was okay, until they lost themselves after Hylia shut themselves away after seeing the first heroes death… And with little control, and a lot of hate. They did the same to a town who spoke badly of his sister- Causing being sealed away in a mask for a long while… They may have a bit of a rocky relationship with their own sister, but he does NOT accept others shit about her.
> After the hero of Time passed, Fierce was finally freed, and isolation changes someone. It took thousands, if not millions of years until they regained sanity and awareness. Though they are better in Willows time, it just won’t ever be the same.
> Rune only stays together as one instead of the colors when in smaller towns, some of the others need sleep or are a bit injured—heal quicker when as one—or when people (like their father/zelda) ask for Link (They’re unaware that Rune holds the sword again AND although their body became one after four swords? Their mind didn’t.) Staying just as one person is a lot more uncomfortable to them all, as their thoughts jumble together so easily it gets overwhelming…. And the awful amnesia blocks between them all.
> Erebos and Z have a platonic bonding, although it took Willow seven months to realize they weren’t romantically dating— It was all platonic. (Aka Willow does NOT get the cues of anything and they’re so confused on platonic romantic, any of it. Like: ‘slay ig but man people are hard to read’)
> The heros of Wars and Twilight both disappeared after Botw, leaving Willow alone. When it came to totk? They only had Wilt, who wasn’t that much when it came to emotions.
> Wilt is kinda like Fi. Not a sword in the slightest, but, personality wise if you will.
> Willow believed in Hylia so greatly and placed their faith in her, and then the calamity rolled around, they died. and in the shrine of resurrection? They still were like I have faith— And then when they spent a year (1/104 to come) permanently drowning in the shrine, Wilt deadass went “Even death cannot save you, so why will Hylia be any different?” and like- That broke them… Because they finally looked at the full picture: And Hylia was never really there. She assisted the bare minimum- She failed Zelda— She failed everyone. So what point did they have trusting her to help— If she’s the one who failed to prevent the inevitable.
> Raven struggles with awful hallucinations. Nightmares sometimes fuel them, like lightning when it’s not actually there. Though sometimes? Voices, or disturbing sounds. A faint familiar tune that’s eerily off putting, there, but nobody else hears it: Worstly? Bugs. Crawling on them. Getting everywhere, being everywhere- It makes them sick, and shiver, and just overall they get so incredibly uncomfortable it fucks with them badly. Bugs are one of Ravens worst fears, they can’t explain it. But it’s just not their shit. Like. Realistically spiders crawling all over them when they get a little too tired…. Yet it always is a hallucination. Never real.
> Blue struggles with faces. Kind of like Vio, looking in a mirror just feels wrong, they don’t recognize herself, but unlike Vio— It’s like Blue can’t see her face. It’s blurry, and faces of everyone sometimes just. Aren’t there…. They typically just have to go off voices, because sometimes it’s really bad and blurry.
> Green is colorblind. There are certain colors they can’t really see, and sometimes they mix colors up… Though it isn’t where they just see blacks grays and whites.
> Ravens body hated the summer and spring so fucking much, they got allergies. And if being disabled physically at times wasn’t bad enough? Congrats Raven!!! Now it’s like you can’t breathe ALONGSIDE the already shitty mobility problems,,,
> Vio has a god complex, yet that doesn’t mean they don’t also hate themselves. It’s an internal battle of I’m god, but also I hate myself so much who let me exist.
> Willow can speak every language. Like that one language from fucking millions of years ago? Oh yeah! It’s ()!!! Like you can’t escape their ability to understand every single word in every language, and watch in aspiration as they can also do the signs for all those languages….
> Willow and Vio (*handshake*) Dissecting things out of curiosity <3
Ight it’s taken me a while but I finally decided to bless myself of admitting who’s in the AU, just not traveling, but still Link’s that are there!?
> The hero of Sky (Fallen - He/Ae, Trans): Sksw
Pumpkin soup world, also kind of uncomfy but comfy world. Nobody really favors the goddess in the traveling group, and Willow seems very tense at times… It’s a lot better to not be on Skyloft, for some sad reason. Fallen feels bad about it, but they can see the reasons of uncomfortable, and they empathize and feel sorry for whatever the others went through. If only they could’ve done more, and stopped the curse…
> Hero of Time (Hearth - Any Pronouns, Tree): Oot/mm
Home world. Typically the most common one to test at, because with Malon also there, everything’s instantly better, and Hearth enjoys confusing them with the truthful ‘i am a tree’ statements…. Willow wants to be a tree too now…. and wants to apologize profusely for Fierce and explain it all, but they can’t….
> Hero of Twilight (Fenn - He/Him, Trans): TwiPri
Info world, and a happy little home to go to— INCLUDES WOLF SNUGGLES!!! STAN TWI WOLF FORM!!!
> Hero of Light? (Minshi - They/He, Nonbinary): ?
Rune looks up to them a lot, and their eyes world is more of for information, yet most times they fail to get the info they were supposed to, because everything about their world is just so soft and cozy, it’s hard to not just lay back and rest.
> Hero of Hyrule (Leaf - Fae/They/It, Agender): Zelda I&II?
Leaf is very happy to get the company, and it’s a relief to all around… Though Raven still hasn’t figured out why they look so highly up to them…. Though they don’t mind, Leaf is a silly fella/pos to go on adventures with anyways!
> Hero of Winds (Stormi - She/Her, Trans): WW, PH
She’s so confused, doesn’t really get a lot of the shit, but feels happy and free enough to act childish around the traveling group. It’s a safe space for all involved, and damnit Her grandmas soup only makes it better.
> Hero of Spirits (Soul - He/They, Unlabeled): ST
Free train ride world, and the amazing way to watch his Zelda posses things. Everyone finds this world fun, it is considered a ‘break’ world.
> Hero of Warriors/Wars (Arrow - He/It, Trans): Hw
Very fond and happy to see Willow (brother relationship), seeing as they are very close from being together for so long, which Arrow could never forget about. They’re just happy Willow’s alive, especially after the Calamity- Yet they still are not aware of the cataclysm. (Willow refuses to tell them. and tends to hide their arm when in his world) Its world is typically for learning info, yet they do tend to find fun inbetween that.
> First Hero (L - He/Him, cis): Hyrule Historia, manga part!
Just a spirit, they sometimes get seen by the others, yet it’s like they cannot hear, and just are forever lost to wander. They were Hylia’s only true love: But now they are gone.
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ghoulfr13nd · 4 months
imagine i take your ocs into my hand like your dolls and say "i just think they're neat! :3" fsdhj
you know, that makes sense for them to be chaotic! i remember when i was focusing more about lyrics and wasn't looking at the order of the songs and suddenly was hit with Moonlight Sonata i was shooketh! so id say it is effective with stopping listener in their tracks same way the moments where Mac's true feelings show! but so i see it depends on the character what type of the playlist would work best which is a very good mindset to have!
i'm so attached to these little guys you have no idea! i wonder what kind of being Linsey would end up as since you're reconsidering! in your story there are only demons and angels or are there other supernatural creatures?
thank you for indulging me and my questions! :D
i love this art! is Finn trans? i care him 🥺 he has fisherman clothes and honestly he makes it work! and linsay this poor traumatized kid </3 maybe stabbing people isn't the best coping mechanism in the long run ;v; (i really hope you find the rest drawings though! <3)
oh btw, would you be ok with me telling you songs that made me think about your ocs? just to clarify i don't mean it'd be my proposition to add to your playlist, just me saying which song i thought had the oc vibes to me :D
(hmmm about my ocs, man, i have so many, think typical shounen anime cast of main characters sdfjksdf maybe ill tell just about my main MAIN one to not take too much time fdhsj they're called Klepsydra and in short, they have some type of regenerative powers: when they get hurt (emotionally or physically) they take life-force of things around them and use it to heal. It's not conscious on their part and they hate it. They had to learn how to repress emotions to an extreme degree and wear a very thick skin so their emotions couldn't get hurt and put others in danger, they constantly wear a smile and to an outsider they are very happy-go-lucky. they want to isolate from people so they won't get attached, they don't want to risk getting hurt from them or hurting them when they'd be in worse mood, but they also hate being mean, they are very nice in fact, and like to help others, so whether they want it or not, they gather a "small" group of friends around themselves. but when things get Real/Sad/Negative/Dangerous they are the first one to run + they are amazing at dodging hits and avoiding injuries :D two songs i simultaneously associate with them is Dashboard by Modest Mouse and Lonely Hearts Club by Marina fdhasj thank you for asking!!! ;v;)
music anon 🎶
ok anon….. ok anon..!!! ITS HAPPENING…!!! ITS REALLY HAPPENING IM REPLYING FOR REAL FINALLY!! i come to you live from the notepad on my laptop. i broke out the laptop for this. thats right. i'm locking the fuck in, and i'm not moving until i'm DONE. ok? ok. let's do this.
i am thrilled that moonlight sonata was able to hit you that way! i had the idea in my head that it would work that way, but i wasn't sure if it would really come through to anyone else who might listen. i'm so pleased that it did. i clap my hands together!! i am full of glee and whimsy! it means so much to me that you like them fr T_T honestly it's been really hard trying to figure out exactly how i want my characters to interact and how i want their story to playout, and i've really been able to get a clearer idea just from talking with you. your questions have been really helpful with my world-building!! with Linsey…. hmm…. see, the thing is (and also to answer your question) i'm not sure whether i want there to be more than angels and demons! and i dont really see Linsey as either. she's certainly a creature, but i don't know that that's necessarily a paranormal thing jshfd
and THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME QUESTIONS ?????? ARE YOU KIDDINGGGGGG IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO TALK ABOUT!!! and yes!! finn is trans c: he loves his waders lol sure, maybe stabbing isn't the best coping mechanism, but, you know.
what kind of story is Klepsydra's? :0 they seem like a really interesting character!! also very heart-bound. we are just two guys making fucked up little guys who don't know how to express their emotions like normal people. i'm sure this says nothing about us. ALSO I LOVE THESE SONGSSSS very very good vibes i love them. just realized i need to add them to your playlist!! so im doing that now.
ok cool one down!! see ya in the next one >:3c
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vethbrenatto · 3 years
tlovm episodes 10-12: thoughts
A final episode thoughts post! Come to an end so fast :(
Post-Episode 10 Thoughts:
I honestly found the first half of this episode really slow? I understand it for exposition’s sake but the pacing was off in this for me
I’m back on my Anna Ripley is hot bullshit huh......
vax flame tongue dagger cool as shit
really enjoyed the twins content in this one, especially vex’s reaction to vax getting charmed
the cassandra reveal was done very faithfully to the game, i can’t say it shook me more than the original but it was good
REALLY glad they let keyleth have that line “and abandon the revolution we started?” because while i get why it couldn’t be a bigger Thing like it was in game, it’s so integral to keyleth that she was the one- the ONLY one originally who was thinking like that
like i said, the back half really picked up and i had been looking forward to the “heavy” scene- that’s one of my faves on the soundtrack and it didn’t disappoint! grog swimming through ACID while pike heals him? sick as fuck
the little “forgot my drawers” moment made me chuckle
Best Characterization: Vex, Keyleth
Post Episode-11 Thoughts:
sylas and pike one on one? INSANE
keyleth’s sunlight moment was AMAZING ICONIC UNPARALLELED. it worked for her PERFECTLY. her little plea to the sun tree i- UGH
“i broke the world for us” was a little underplayed ngl
ADORED the adaptation of spells; pike’s mass heal, scanlan’s “shh” (paralleling delilah’s “shh”) indicating his counterspell
also fuck delilah for silencing my man but worth it for scanlan’s d20 heart eyes
the vex & vax duel ending in their hug im soft
STUNNING ending how pike got poofed because of the activation of the ziggurat’s anti-magic field (i think?) but honestly how are they gonna heal kiki. i dont remember her going down in this fight and i certainly dont remember how she was healed (meaning that my memory is so bad im not sure this happened in canon or was a TLOVM only choice). excited to see how they’re “fixing” this in the next episode.
Best Characterization: keyleth keyleth keyleth keyleth keyleth-
Post-Episode 12 Thoughts:
god im so shook by the last 5 minutes im gonna find it hard to characterize the early part of the episode
not sure how i feel about percy’s mind journey? it was good but maybe just didn’t hit quite as hard as i wanted it to
darling take off the mask was perfect
ultimately, with the way it was solved, and i realize that this was a tribute to vaxleth, that vax pays attention to keyleth and that’s why he knew how to do natural healing- i just felt like keyleth’s heal was a bit anticlimactic? like if you’re going to make that the cliffhanger of episode 11, it just didn’t work for me. i actually enjoyed the moment fine, but i think it should’ve been placed at the end of episode 11 because it took all the drama off the cliffhanger
i did thoroughly enjoy vax comedically delivering “and i walk away”
for a minute before delilah died i was thinking they might keep her alive as a more continuous villain and my mind was racing about all the reasons i didn’t like that but then cass stabbed her and it was glorious dkfgjjldhgf
oh also can i just say cass’s VA was fucking killing it this episode?
additionally, i really liked in this episode and the last the shots where percy had one demonic eye and one regular as a sign of his struggle for control
VERY glad they kept the “gun in the acid” moment
yes i am mad that jarrett cut off scanlan’s song i thought it was gonna be a bonus track that wasn’t on the soundtrack dfklgldj (i had hope because kiki’s healing ditty also wasn’t on the soundtrack so i was like! they’re hiding songs from us!)
as a full perc’ahlia honestly im shipping vexleth harder than i ever have sjkdlfgkjld
it took me literally until like halfway through the convo with gilmore for me to be like hm. it’s the end of the briarwoods arc and they’re all gathered cool. cool cool. what could happe- OH MY GOD IT’S TIME IT’S HAPPENIGN (and then when sovereign uriel announced his proclamation i REALLY knew and it wasn’t a fake out- side note, SO sad we didn’t more uriel/khary, i adored him)
the ending was SUBLIME and just like i (and many others) predicted, season 2 will begin the chroma conclave arc. i am VERY satisfied with this and think that the chroma conclave can be done well in roughly 2 seasons. im also very intrigued when and where they’re going to throw kaylie in the plot
Some Final Bests and Faves:
Favorite Character of the Season: Well. It’s Pike. Of course, it’s Pike. Best Characterization of the Season (as opposed to favorite, who I thought rang truest and had the most nuance): Vex’ahlia Favorite Episode of The Final 3: Episode 11, that was just a fantastic battle ep Favorite Episode of the Season: I think I might have to go with Episode 4
Who got the rawest deal? I think I’d have to say, and maybe I’m clouded by biases, but I think that Scanlan and especially Grog got the rawest deal of the season. I’d more firmly say Scanlan, but I think in certain character beats he had his insecurities shine through the facade and he at least had Scanbo as a whole segment dedicated to him. Whereas Grog really got the shaft in screentime and meaningful moments. His highs come in his relationship with Pike, but a lot of the time, those moments are a lot more about her than him. I’d say his one big character beat is on the wagon with Vax in Episode 5(?). This feels to be expected as Scanlan and Grog are both highly comedic characters, and so when they’re not being directly played for laughs... they’re not really getting attention, and this is especially true for Grog. I am very happy that the Craven Edge arc is starting as a focus on him AND hopefully we’ll get Kevdak and Westruun next season.
The biggest struggles of the series: I think the biggest struggles of the series were probably humor and animation limitations. With humor, I think it really got there over time and by episodes 7-12, they’d found a good voice for their jokes. In terms of animation, the mixing of the CGI and the 2D animation always felt obvious and just didn’t look great. The 2D animation was fantastic, but when mixing came into play, often for things like enemies and monsters, it looked off. And I’m not really sure where they can go with that considering how insane D&D beasts are- animating them frame by frame 2D would be a nightmare, as many of the Titmouse crew have said! 
Where the series shined: It’s a beautiful adaptation. It feels so true to the campaign and the characters all at different points in the series felt like the ones I got to know over 115 episodes. The nuance snuck into so many character beats was phenomenal. And I think the ways in which they shifted and changed things were great too! I didn’t mind, honestly, any drops or combinations. It didn’t bother me a bit that Archie became the childhood friend and Keeper Yennen absorbed a lot of original Archie. There was no moment I was like “damn, they needed moment X, it doesn’t work without it.” On the limited episodes and 22 minute timeframe, I think they included every goddamn thing they needed to in the Briarwood arc. 
This series in insane, I don’t know what else to say. Fantastic work from everyone involved.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hello!1st I wanted to say i love your blog its *chefs kiss*,and 2nd could I request (i dont know if this is in someway triggering or not so i apologize) a MC who doesnt believe the brothers can love them 'cause they despise themself and they are so set on (?) with that mindset that the brothers cant convince them otherwise,but MC themself wants to feel loved they...just cant...and they just breakdown saying they arent special and when the brothers meet other humans they will realise that MC is nothing,that they are a horrible being and they will leave them for somebody better,does that make sense I dont wanna go too deep into it(totaaaaally not self projecting)I am so sorry if this is a sensitive topic,feel free to ignore this ask,this has been eating me out for weeks so I just wanted to seek some comfort.Once again your blog is great and dont overwork yourself, take care! :D 🤍
I've definitely been there and even now, I still have these fears. Growing out of these Insecurities and feelings are hard even if you work hard to be as confident as you can. One day it'll happen but until then you just gotta keep reminding yourself that you're worth the world
Also tip, please don't rely on others for self worth - people can be cruel or simply just unpredictable. Not all but until you see every colour of a person you don't know. If you depend on someone else to give you worth and make you feel good then that'll start a very unhealthy cycle for yourself
I hate this phase "love yourself before you love others" because you don't need to, you can find healthy and happy relationships whilst insecure. But I think what it really means is; get self worth before you love another. Make sure you don't do yourself damage by giving you Someone who does the bare minimum or will sometimes make you feel good but is usually a dick.
You can find love but that love can be wrong if you don't pay attention to the red flags. Don't let your insecurities drag you into unhealthy relationships.
Because you are stunning, worth it and loveable. You're Someone people can look up to or admire even if it's for something simple like your humour.
Also thank you, I'll be sure to not overwork myself, make sure you don't pressure yourself too hard about work or your hobbies. Hobbies are all about fun!
Warning: self loathing, depressive themes, angst
You could stand it.
Your eyes traveled along the gifts and trinkets that were in your room. Each one gifted to you by a powerful demon; a demon you live with.
You couldn't stand it.
You could get it; why would someone like that every like you? You weren't special and yet Everyone insisted that you were. You're not the key. Not anything Diavolo wants or expects. Definitely not what the brothers want.
You had to scoff. The brothers only like you because of Lilith, if you were related then they'd never see you as anything but some human. Lilith dragged you here, she made sure you came here and for what? To be always told you're going to be some big thing; someone to destroy hatred and help bring together three realms.
Do they not realize how much pressure that is??!!!! And the how are you even going to do that?! You're magic is unpredictable and useless - it perfectly reflects you.
You whimpered at your own thoughts. The word useless stinging at your heart; it was almost if a knife lodged itself into your chest. Constantly stabbing the word useless into it.
You were useless. They need to find someone who can actually live up to their expectations. Just a good for nothing human....why do they even like you?
You looked back at the gifts, your watery stare turning into a hateful glare.
The question was burning inside your head. You couldn't understand; what did he see in you? You're not special! You're not anything anyone wants you to be and you're just being forced on a pedestal you didn't make!
Why did he always look at you the way he does? Like you actually mean something. Why does he smile so softly when you enter the room?
Why would he be like that when you KNOW that as soon as he meets another human, he'll be running after them without hesitation. Everyone was so much more attractive than you and better than you - you couldn't get why he loved you. Why- no how?! You weren't good enough for him!
No matter how many times he says I love you or compliments you it leaves such a bitter disgusting taste in your mouth. You're so horrible you can't even let people be nice to you - it's all a lie anyway. No one could love you. Never. No one!
You were useless! Disgusting! You weren't even attractive! You weren't loveable! You're a horrible person who looks just as horrible as they are. How can they look at you like that?! How can they stand you?! You're nothing!
You don't get it!
Why?! Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why Why why why-!
A scream ripped itself out of your throat. Tears streaming down your face as you clutched your head. Your body curled into itself, shaking and trembling as you choked on your sobs. You coughed through it as you tried to breath but the tears kept coming. Drowning you as you desperately tried to breath under their weight.
The pain was unbelievable. You felt like your head was on fire. You could barely even make out the figure standing at your door. Whoever they were, they scooped you up from the floor and rubbed circles into your arms. You clutched to them for dear life as you cried.
Somewhere in your brain you could tell who it was and it only made you cry harder. Shame filling your lungs as you tried to escape their caring embrace.
"No-! Stop it! I'm nothing! I'm useless-! Let me go-!! Why- why won't you leave me alone?! I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! LET ME DIE-!"
were you dying? You felt like it. The ache was painful; your chest growing tighter and tighter. You pounded on their chest, demanding they let you be the useless thing that you are alone.
He forced back his tears
Just rubbing circles into your skin as he held you
To think you were this Insecure despite being the nicest person who knew
You were Better than him and don't let pride stop you - you were amazing
"not good enough for me? What made you believe that...? You're perfect for me, you complete me."
You denied his claims, sobbing as you listed your insecurities
"Your insecurities don't define you, you're so much more than that - I wouldn't of picked you to be my love if I didn't think you'd be adequate."
He wasn't sure if you were still listening but he pushed past his doubts
Adjusting you in his embrace
"I- I'm not sure if I'm comforting you....I'm not good at being the gentle hand, I want you to see how I see you - you're kind, charming and always keeping me in awe, you mean so much to me, I'll trade anything I could just to see you smile - I love you."
There can only be one self loathing idioit in this relationship
He refuses to let you feel like how he has
His forced confidence - you could easily see through it - anyone could
But you were the only one who then actually helped him feel better when you did see through it
He let a few tears stray, holding you close
"did someone say something to you? I don't forgive 'em for ever making ya this upset, I'm not letting you feel like this."
You shook your head, muttering that he should let you
"why should I? You're my favourite person and you've only made me happy - so let me make you happy! You're the only person who's ever treated me the way ya treat me and I won't let you hate yourself!"
He hugged you even tighter, squeezing you as he hid his face in your shoulder
"you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, okay? You always know how to make me feel better and it's my turn to make you feel better but you gotta listen to me! I lo-love you! The great Mammon loves you so badly that he just wants to kiss you every day! You're amazing and I won't forgive ya if you let yourself keep going on like this, let me support you.... please...I don't want you to go."
He couldn't get it
He's always been jealous of your personality and ability to make others feel good
His envy makes him despise himself - so seeing you be the same, he couldn't take it
He gave you one big squeeze
"d-don't be stupid! You're the best thing that's come into my life - even better than ruri-chan!"
You didn't believe him, he was obessed with that character
"but it's true-! If I could I'd get loads of merchandise of you too because you're my favourite person! You're just like the protagonists I read about."
His face was beat red but he was determined to make you feel better
"You're Henry, you are brave and kind, always trying your best even if that best isn't up to your own or others standards, you Inspire me! I've thought about of making a series about you...so others can feel just as happy as I do when I see you, you make me feel less insecure and like I actually mean something - why can I do to make you feel the same? You mean everything to me! I really like you....I like-like you-! I LOVE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY! Let me make you feel how you make me feel because then you'll see just how amazing you are!"
Did someone makes you feel like this or was it just your own thoughts?
If it isn't the latter he'll need to find out who's hurt you
But right now, he hugged you tighter and cradled your head
He couldn't stand to see and hear you so destressed
"did I do something to make you feel like this? I'm so sorry if I did, I don't always realize when I come off rude or hateful- I could never hate you."
You held him tight, telling him to stop
"but I need to fix it if I've hurt you and if it wasn't me then whoever did needs to keep quiet, you don't deserve these feelings."
You huffed, trying to not cry more
He gave your Shoulder a small squeeze
"you're more than enough for me, you're so good to me - sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough for you, you're always so patient with me and don't make me feel like I'm some unthinking beast, you don't think I'm lying when I be genuine and that makes me love you - I do love you - you make me feel good and I want to do the same for you, you're beyond good and I'll always be happy with the person you are and can become because I know you can do so much and always bring positivity even in the darkest times."
He's crying too
He hated of being seen as insecure
He only wanted confidence
Seeing you sob and beat on yourself like this only reminded him of his most private moments
He held you even closer, rocking you gently
"No, dear, I love you too much to let you feel like this, you're amazing to me and I think you're better than even myself, you're my number 1."
You shook your head, telling him he's lying
"I'm not, why would I lie? You're the sweetest person I know, you don't see me as some sex object - you make me feel real and happy - so so happy."
He kissed the top of your head, hiding his tear streaked face
"I want you to be happy....you deserve it, you've got only so long to live and I'm so scared that you're going to hate yourself even until you die, I don't want that! You're beautiful amazing and I could never ask for anyone better! Please- just let's work on our confidence together...okay? You're so wonderful, don't let yourself become so hateful."
He's absolutely broken
How didn't he realize you felt this bad about yourself??
He didn't even realize he was crying aswell, just holding you close as his mind screamed at him
"did something make you feel like this? It hurts to hear you say these things."
You shook your head before nodding, muttering you just won't talk anymore
"I didn't mean that, I always want you to be open with me and if not me, atleast one of my brother's."
He picked you up, placing you in a more comfortable position and held you close to his chest
"I love you, it took me awhile to realize that but I do, you make me feel full and happy - like I just ate a big buffet of warm cakes and dishes, I'm always warm when I'm with you, I don't believe you're not good enough - you're kind to me and never judge me for eating, you help me with working out but most importantly, you fixed my family and brought my twin back, I don't know how to make you see how much that means to me and I don't want you to feel bad about yourself when you're always the best person in the room - you're really great."
"just let me die"
Those words hurt him so bad
He was like that, he demanded to be left to Rot with his own self loathing when Lilith died
He pulled you close to his chest as he grabbed your shoulder
"You're not allowed to feel like this, you've done nothing to feel this much hatred towards yourself."
You told him he was wrong, crying harder
"when am I wrong? I- okay, I can be wrong but I'm not wrong about you, you're my favourite person which means I love you and I don't let my favourite people sit and cry."
He cuddled you, nuzzling his cheek against yours
"You saved me and I will never able to make it up to you, I've hurt you and I hate it- I hate that I'm a reason you get scared, don't ever let yourself rot away, when my brother's just leave me to sleep I always feel so much dread - that I'm being left to die in my bed and will never get to see their faces again - I'll never be able to see your face again....I wouldn't be able to take it.....seeing you everyday makes me want to leave my bed and always make sure you smile, let me make you smile again."
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Obey Me Mute s/o who seeks revenge
Ahahahahaha *chokes* welcome to my shit of RWBY inspired fanfics. I pretty much had successfully killed myself with my history textbook for my next week exams so I hope it was worth it. Anyways, on with the headcanon! (Inspired by Neopolitan from RWBY)
To summarize just what the hell happened to you, you had a simple life with your stepmother who you cherished dearly. She didn’t cared if you couldn’t speak like others. She finds your acts of kindness louder than words. But for some reason, all was shattered when some criminal demons from Devildom killed her. 
Using the nearest thing to you to defend yourself, you found a parasol leaning against the chair and aimed the tip at the chest to stab them.
Even if you had won against them, that feeling of enragement was still not satisfied. Seeing red, all your life was finding a way to kill all demons as you felt they only steal the ones you love far too early.
Unreasonable, yes, but you couldn’t care by that point. Learning how to summon yourself to Devildom, you would figure out a way to start a raid. First stop, the House of Lamentation.
(This is kinda like enemies to lovers-)
He was still awake when you sneaked into the house.
For some reason he felt the air became a little stiff.
Like, someone was in the house. 
And it wasn’t Mammon coming back from his casino run.
He checked the area, and...
Out pops you attacking him.
And it was just him and you dueling it out.
He finally managed to land a hit on you,
though he might find you quite impressed that you hit him multiple times with your parasol, and manage to dodge a lot of his attacks because you were just so fast and agile.
Way to hurt his pride, s/o.
But now that he manage to attack back.
He can’t help but wonder how the hell you, a mere human with incredible reflexes wtf-, came to Devildom.
You must really did your homework to learn teleportation spells, huh?
Well, he glared at you, and you glared back.
He doesn’t feel like killing you,
mainly because, well, pity-
So he just took you Diavolo somehow-
And now you live in a house,
full of demons-
Man oh man,
he had to hold you back from killing Mammon, who was surprisingly the first one to wake up.
he had many problems with you, even if you couldn’t speak.
you attacking random demons all the time, at every corner and inch of Devildom-
like wtf, s/o-
C H I L L-
And you acted so salty and sassy even when you were mute through your actions-
Like damn-
He gets how it’s like to lose a love one, like how he lost Lilith,
But I guessed he doesn’t really know how it feels like to lose the one thing that kept you together,
and when it’s gone.
He comforted you, even if he was still salty of your first meeting,
He would be there for you when you weep your stepmother’s death
when you screamed in silence.
eventually you loosened a bit,
you carried out subtle actions of care towards him,
like organizing his desk or cleaned his room.
he smiled when you left, stubbornly claiming you weren’t helping him through actions, sign language, however you communicated.
and warmed up to him, taking into consideration that some demons weren’t bad, but the thought of him maybe doing this only to kill you later still lingered in you,
But you let that slide, sort of-
If he tried to pull off some funny shit on you, you’ll be prepared to attack him once more,
But for now, you’ll let things the way it is.
Belphegor and Beelzebub
You attacked him while he was asleep
That was conveniently after Beel stepped in.
And while Beel served as a big threat, you served a lot worse almost.
Your agility and speed was able to dodge most of Beel’s attacks,
And you kept hitting him hard in the face with your parasol
Eventually, you got hit.
And Belphie was shook-
Now, just how tf did a human ended up here??
They brought you to Lucifer who you glared straight back.
It was burning with hatred and vengence, which confused Beel 
Have they did something to you?
It took a while to get used to you trying to constantly attack them and the other brothers which Belphie didn’t mind you trying to kill Lucifer- 
Beel convinced you that they wouldn’t hurt you or anyone close to you.
Well won’t hurt you is one thing,
But demons had already took the one thing you loved; your stepmother.
Beel could understand, to some extent.
Losing a person you held close to your heart would surely be soul-shattering,
but he still had some love ones surronding him.
And while Belphie could relate to you the most, thinking all humans are cruel and cause of Lilith’s death, much like how you think all demons are cruel and cause your stepmother’s death,
He can’t say he lost his entire life.
He still had Beel.
Having only one person who made you feel whole,
only to be taken away from you, they can’t really blame you for your actions.
They would have been doused in anger and tried defeating anything and everything in their way.
They were there for you when you cried
You couldn’t utter a word or sound, but your face was enough to scream a million words of how much you missed her.
And eventually you were there for them when they had nightmares of Lilith.
It was quite surprising to see the three of you getting along,
and while you still had a burning hatred for demons,
that flame and anger had slightly diminished.
Of course, if they tried to kill you, you wouldn’t hesitate to protect yourself and strike back.
But you were fine with the relationship you had with the twins.
And while Belphie thinks humans are cruel,
he was fine with you.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
@glassartpeasants I blame you for this.
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Heartless, demon, cruel, cold, murder...
Those were honestly the kindest words you ever heard of him... yet your heart spoke the exact opposite.
The man could even commit arson right on your front and you couldn't just be... mad at him. Your thoughts about Chisaki never changed despite the attrocities he said and did on all those past few months.
Yet something truly did angered you. How he couldn't give a fuck about you.
After the boss entered on a coma for unknown reasons, Chisaki wasn't the same. Heck, now he demanded to be called by the name of his quirk, Overhaul. Is that or being a pool of blood and mutilated limbs on the ground.
Yet... you felt hope. You really felt hope that this man could change. Be the young man that you met and fell for. Just... notice something.
Notice your pain like he used to... or even show a tad bit of... care. That's all you wanted. Kai would always know when you were sad, on his own way try to comfort you. But now? He didn't even cared...
One tear of yours brushed past the cracks of your cheeks as you winced at only touching it... sighing a bit, you grabbed your mask and put it on. Ready to start the day.
Walking past the halls you saw the man himself standing on his foot. Your face brighten up a bit as you walked towards him.
"Ka-" you stopped immediately when he gaved you a harsh glare "Sorry... Overhaul. Good morning Overhaul." You mumbled.
He only scoffed, walking away from you and simply lifting his hand.
"I dont have time for this. Get to your work and don't bother me."
Each sentence like this one was like a stab on your chest... why would he answer a good morning of yours like that?
"A-Actually.." you tried to muster as he stopped with an annoyed sigh "Can we.. please talk?"
He narrowed his golden eyes at you, looking as if he had been staring at something hideous and that just fucking spitted on his face.
"Make it quick." He grunted, one of his hands resting on his hips as the other remained on one of his pockets.
"I-Is kinda silly ..." you poked your fingers together "I-I mean, we've know each other for more than years already and-"
"Spit it out." He hissed and your smiled dropped.
"... is just that... I felt like I needed to say it." You lifted up your head and stared at him without fear "I.. like you.. more than anything."
"... fine." He simply said like he was expecting something else as your body started to tremble.
".. fine? Is that.." you gulped the thick air on your throat "Is that all you have to say at someone who is confessing feelings for you?"
"Tch." He rolled his eyes before giving his back to you, only giving a side glance "That wasn't a surprise for me. You're like one of those loyal dogs. No matter how much they are kicked they come back crawling towards their owners."
You widened your eyes as you felt the crack on your cheek deepen.
"What?" You let out a gasp of disbelief as he blinked.
"For your information." He narrowed his golden orb at you harder "I dont like to repeat myself. You're just a toy and a obedient scum that is meant to follow my orders. Is only a matter of a lackey, in that case you, and the master." He started to walk as you stood dumbfounded.
Your hands formed into fists as your jaw clenched, finally a feeling you never thought you could feel towards this man appeared. Anger.
Without thinking you grabbed a vase and threw hard enough to almost hit his head, missing by a few inches as he widened his eyes at it.
He looked at the broken vase on the floor in shock before looking towards you, breathing in and out as you felt your skin cracking even more.
"If all I am to you is a loyal pet..." you breathed out, taking your mask off and eventually showing the cracks on your skin to him and the curious precepts coming to see the scene. "THEN YOU CAN TAKE THIS!" you threw the mask towards him that kicked on the floor and almost landed on his feet.
"You have some nerve now.." he growled, taking off his glove as a threat.
"DONT COME TO THIS SHIT TOWARDS ME NOW CHISAKI!" you shouted with a finger pointing at him as he felt his shoulders tense.
Never on your life with him you ever called him by his once surname.
"I was really the only one on this fucking house to truly respect you! Not by fear as almost everyone on here, but because I really am so stupid to fall in love with a bastard, selfish and arrogant man like yourself!" You walked towards him to be standing chest to chest with him as finger was aimed at his face.
"Quiet down." He growled before finally noticing the many cracks and pieces of your skin falling on the ground as you shouted "(Y/n) what-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" You shouted so loudly that even Rappa winced at the anger of your voice... every precept seing the scene as you breathed in and out "If you want to kill me do it now... would be a favor for yourself wouldn't it?" You glared at him as he blinked, still in shock at your actions.
"Not a word?" You commented as you winced at the cracks going to your neck already "For these past few years I wanted to see you happy, succeed... I fucking loved you..." you whispered in pain, dropping your head a bit, taking out a gift Chisaki had given to you a few years ago, a black and white bracelet you never once took off every since now.
".. I was stupid." You lift up your head with a frown and let the bracelet fall into the floor as you gave your back to him and almost ran out of the house.
He was in state of shock before he narrowed his eyes at the subbordinates and commanded them to get back to work... just when all of them left he crouched down to pick both your mask and the bracelet.
"... she will be back. It was just a tantrum." He sighed, taking the two of your once possesions to hsi office "But.. what on hell was that thing on her face?"
Five months... five months flew by since you exited the Shie Hassaikai for good. Going into the doctors to just search for a damn cure... but it was impossible.
"I'm sorry my dear, there is nothing we can do if..." your doctor of years tries to speak through the pain as you stood in the chair, your arms with cracks as part of your cheek was gone.
"I understand." You said, hollow as you always had been after leaving that house. "Thank you for your time... I will see you on the other side then." You managed a smile to the old man as he could only drop his head in shame when you left his office.
People you brushed through the streets looked at you with pity... and you hated.
You evicted the Shie Hassaikai like the plague himself. And one time you could feel Chrono following you.. it was the last straw when he followed you at the appartment you were living on the subborns.
"Go away Kurono." You muttered, feeling him watching you get your keys and open the door, and before you could close the door you groaned at sieng the black boot on the door, preventing you to close it.
"Can we at least talk? I'm not him." He said while taking off his mask, a wince escaping his lips as soon as he saw you on the state you were "What the-"
"Shattered heart disease... dont have a cure." You mumbled, eyes stuck on the floor as a piece of your ear cracked and fell.
"Holy fuck..." the man sighed shakily "Listen, maybe if you come back to the Hassaikai Overhaul can-"
"No." You grabbed the handle and forced the door "It was because of him I am on this state. And I know you came here by his others, and let me say one thing" let me die in peace." You slammed the door shut as Chrono groaned.
"Both of you are just so thick skull it gets on my nerves!" He kicked the door as you rolled your eyes, locking and going to the bed.
The man glared at the door before sighing, looking at his cellphone ringing and leaving the place.
"Forget it man. (Y/n) doesn't wanna see you or the Shie Hassaikai even if we offered her tons of gold."
"... fine. You did what I order so there is nothing that we cant do."
"Be honest Kai.. you do have feelings for her, for a long time." He ignored the disgusted "tch" on the other end of the call "And honestly? If I were on your shoes I would be almost killing myself to fix things." He spoke with a frown.
".. what are you talking about Chrono?"
"Well.." he looked over his shoulder at your apartment door "Ever heard of the Shattered heart disease..?"
"... you're joking with me, right?"
You clenched the side of your waist with a grunt as your other shattered arm support yourself on one of the walls of the apartment.
"No... please..." you whimpered as you gasped at part of your leg shattering as you felt on the ground, more cracks forming in your whole body as you stared in horror at your hand.
"Dammit..." you hissed before hearing a knock on your door.
"Open (Y/n)." You furrowed your eyebrows and gritted your teeth... the guy wouldn't leave you alone even on the freacking hour of your death..?
"Leave..." you sobbed, tears started to shed and unit with the many cracks on the floor where you were standing as you heard Chisaki overhauling the door.
It hurted tu see him... you still had feelings for the man whose caused you this... you didn't know whether or not if you wanted him to see you or not.
"I swear even when-" he stopped midsentence as soon as he saw the scene in front of him.
You could only lift your gaze up with a pained yet broken hollow look as he almost stuttered your name.
"Get out.." your lips cracked, and at this rate you knew you couldn't even move anymore or else it's you meeting death right away.
For the first time on his life his body seemed to move on his own as he kneeled with one knee on the ground beside you as he stared with wide eyes and shaky hands at the pieces of you on the ground.
"For crying out loud.." he muttered in horror as he brushed a hand on his hair before discarding hsi remaining glove in hopes he could put you back.
For the first time he saw you trying to slap his hand away, and your hand broke out of your wrist, shattering in pieces on the ground.
"(Y/n)!" He shouted in a mix of anger and desperation as he saw your face, one that would torment him at nights for the rest of his life surely.
"Don't.. touc..." you breathed out your last word as he widened his amber eyes in horror at seing you cracking even more "me..."
After this last word you saw black and the last thing you heard was Chisaki shouting.
Your body broke. Shattered in pieces right in front of him.
You breathed in harshly. Your lungs burned at the sensation of feeling air again inside them as you coughed...
Blinking, your vision focused a bit to see you were on your bedroom, everything seemed on order and even a tad bit cleaner than it was usually.
Groaning, you standing on your elbows and saw the bandages on your arms as you untangled them to see your skin back to normal... not even a single crack.
"What..?" You breathed out, standing in sitting with a groan as you looked at your surroundings.
You had the strenght again to move your legs and gasped at seing that the leg you saw shattering was still intact, not even a single scar or little crack on it. Standing up you like a newborn, you took a hesitant step only to smile in astonishment that you havent heard the sound of skin or bones cracking.
Walking towards the bathroom, you giggled in surprise and utter relief at sieng your face back to normal before you flinched at hearing something breaking.
"FUCK!" a thundering voice echoed in your apartment that made you flinch. Aa voice you knew it way too well to just forget it. You poked a bit if your head out of the bathroom and tip toes carefully towards the living room to see Chisaki, jacket discarded as well as his mask, back arched on the kitchen counter as he talked with someone on the phone with a gloved hand clenching one side if his head.
"I put all the pieces together already and it has been almost a month." He growled as you stepped inside the living room...
Different from your bedroom, this one was a disaster, papers tossed aside at everywhere, your own phone shattered in pieces near a wall and the couch was with a pillow and a blanket...
Was he..?
"Yes her skin healed but she doesn't appear to be breathing..." you looked at the man, his forearms were filled with hives and you could see by the reflection from the kitchen counter the huge eyebags that were underneath his eyes...
He looked so broken and... terrible.
".. just wait and see huh?" His voice spoke in venom as the hand gripping on his head lunched the counter "WHERE DID YOU ENROLL YOUR PIECE OF GARBAGE ?! NEXT TIME I WILL FUCKING CALL A LAB RAT IF I WANT A DECENT HELP!" and with that he overhauled the cellphone before literally breaking part of your kicthen counter.
"Dammit..." he whispered, a hand on the counter as he fixed back while the other was covering his face...
"Uh..." you mumbled ".. Chisaki?" He flinched at the name and slowly took his hand out of his face.
Ever so slowly his face turned to see you, his eyes tired and red from sleep deprivation but still just as wide as if he had seen a ghost.
".. (Y/n).." he whispered your name before straighting up his back, god, not even his shirt was folded, part of his button up shirt was unbuttoned leaving part of his chest at shown to you.
You could die happily now.
You both stared at each other for a bit, still in shock as you decided to see for real if your arms were still there and without any mark.
"Uh.. can you.. tell me what happened and what are you-" before you could finish you gasped at him suddenly moving to be mere inches away from you.
"Please tell me this is not another fucking hallucination... " he breathed out as you stood there awkwardly.
"Well, I would like to not be.. I literraly died the last time I remember and-" you stopped breathing and talking just when in one blink of an eye Chisaki kneeled on the ground and cradled your hands in his own as he breathed out shakily "C-Chisaki-"
"My god..." he exhaled as he supported his forehead on your two interviewed hands "Thank God... I thought.. I thought I lost you for real..."
You blinked, frowning while looking away from him.
"Wasn't I just a loyal pet as yourself named it?" You mumbled as he let out one of the most painfull chuckles you ever heard of.
"If you were... was I really going to pass each day picking your pieces together... live on this house because I trusted none to take care of you... ever time I woke up and in very five minutes I checked for your breathing and only lord could describe the amount of relief I had when I saw the cracks on your skin dissapearing... I didn't notice earlier how much I needed you in my life... until I fucked up..." he dropped his head again while getting up.
"... so you.. never leaved after that?"
"Didn't take one single step out of this place... I was never one to pray but god..." he brushed his gloved hand on his messy and greasy hair "I lost count on how many times I begged for whoever is up there to bring you back..."
"... why? I thought.."
"The thing is..." he breathed shakily before locking gazes with you "You only give value to the things you loved after you lose them... I learned that from the hard way..."
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Dumbass got stabbed III
I really thought I had finished with this two shot but after a request from @/booksrlife300 on ao3 asking for the aftermath I really couldn't resist making it a three shot. And my writing demon certainly agreed because it really went wild during my plane ride.
Anyway here is part three (and i think the final part) to dumbass got stabbed.
Recap (since it's been over a year):
Percy gets stabbed by a monster after coming back from the movies with his friends and the first place he goes to is Jason's house. Jason nearly has a heart attack after Percy collapses on his door and then he pulls him inside and stitches him all up.
This fic starts with Percy waking up the next morning.
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Percy wakes up to searing pain. It spills across his skin like an upturned sowing box. He doesn't know where it's coming from because it feels like it's coming from everywhere. He can't even take stock of his body because he feels like one big pincushion. He supposes being stabbed makes him a pincushion.
He doesn't want to open his eyes. He can feel the light behind them. Too bright. Too loud. Too not how he feels.
He feels like deep darkness. Like the darkness just before a star explodes. The darkness before the sky erupts. The kind that blankets all of his senses except the one that pings danger. That's red and wailing at him. But then pain so untamed it turns his vision orange lances across his side and his eyes snap open with a low howl.
He can see white ceiling. He can see black dots. He hears scrambling, clothes rustling and something falling over. And then he can see blue eyes. And then he can see skies and oceans and glass bottles and concern like mothering hens staring down at him.
"Percy," His name is a growled gasp. Sleep still clinging to the strings of his friends voice box, scratching it's way down his throat.
"Hello, I'm in immense pain." Vaguely he notes that he sounds like an automated machine relaying it's faulty inner workings. That's half how he feels now that the burning-orange pain has lessened to a caution-yellow.
"Here," A golden hand, fingers wrapped in individual bandages, long and racing with green veins, holds out a square to him. It is small and unassuming. Nobody would guess it holds the food of gods. Then again nobody would guess those gods existed.
His mouth feels as though he's been eating his clothes for sustenance the last week. All heavy tongue, dry saliva glands, and teeth too smudgy to be healthy. He considers turning the square away for some toothpaste and a glass of water. But neither of those are going to magically cure the wound marking his side. So he opens his mouth, his jaw, and let's Jason drop the square onto his tongue. Warm fingers brush his lips as they pull back and he wants to chase the lightning-blue zing that they leave behind against his sarcastic mouth.
Instead he snaps himself shut and chews slowly. Only half interested in the cookies, then brownies, then soda— which he somehow knows is blue— disappears down his throat. He feels the magic working through his veins, skin stitching itself together. A headache he didn't know he had disappates.
With a long exhale he relaxes back against cotton cushions and finally takes a good look around the room. He has every detail of it already memorised, having spent many a day and night in this position bothering his friend endlessly. There's the singular shelf that houses old trinkets tattered and bruised from years of moving; the single arrow from Thalia's set— given in protection and as a reminder that she would always be there, for real this time; there's the gaudy new York taxi keyring he had given the blonde, now without the ring part, so of no real use; and the snow globe from Piper when she visited Paris. The soft yellow wall— lemon drizzle if you want to get specific— sits in perfect contrast to the charcoal grey of the rest of the room. It sort of embodies Jason's whole presence. The desk, well used and scattered with books and paper and Chinese takeout containers, sits in the corner opposite the bedroom, right near the window. He says if he can see the city he can breathe a little easier. He knows what he's working towards. Percy thinks it's so he can see the sky and know there's always a way to escape.
Him and Jason are good at that. Escaping. From bad situations, from big feelings, from each other. There's always something left unsaid between them. It drives their friends mad, but it's all they can do to stop from becoming hurricanes and devouring the entire universe.
"How are you feeling?" The blonde is sitting in his swivelly squeaky desk chair, leaning over him with all sense of care and concern. It makes him feel like duck egg blue.
"Much better thank you." He attempts a grin. He hopes it's not a grimace. "No matter how many times I get stabbed it doesn't seem to hrut any less."
Jason narrows his eyes, "I wonder why."
See that's what Percy likes. Everyone else is always giving him disapproving looks and worried scoldings when he says things like that but Jason? Jason indulges him, makes it feel not so suffocating to always be injured and bruised and relying on little squares of God-food to get him through the month.
"How do I look?" This time it's definitely a grin. He can feel the green of his eyes go emerald with amusement.
"Very pretty as always." The reply is solemn, but there's a twitch of pink lips and it's all he can do to not reach over and touch it.
"Want to tell me what happened?" A frown replaces the amusement and he wants to rewind the last few seconds again and again. "You were a little...out of it when you showed up."
"Yes I suppose getting attacked by a monster makes all the smart chemicals in my brain go a little foamy."
"You don't know what attacked you?"
And he is pinned to the bed, to the room, to the world. Because nobody can read the words behind his words the way Jason can. Can read the emotion behind his pauses and the expressions behind his masks. He is neon purple.
"It was dark." He resigns himself to the story. When he's done, laid all the boring details bare, he studies the floors.
The silence stretches around them, cocooning them into something too delicate to touch. It feels almost awkward, or it would if he knew anything about that when he was here. Instead it's just quiet.
"Can you stand? You need a shower."
"Oof Jase," He puts a hand to his chest, hurt painted like clown's make up falling across his face. "I can't look that bad."
There's a precious smirk, full of quick whips kicking up in his friend. "It's the way you smell actually."
He takes an exaggerated whiff and nearly gags. "I smell like I'm decaying." He shudders.
A laugh bursts from the blonde and Percy doesn't want to move in case the music ends. He feels candy floss pink in that moment.
"Right up you get. I'll sort out breakfast and then you can entertain me for the day."
"You don't have to take care of me." He rolls his eyes, sitting up with a hidden wince. His feet settle on the floor. He's grateful neither of them acknowledge that he came here in a haze. That Jason did take care of him. That when his mind was nothing but blinding pain this was the first place his legs took him.
"I'm not taking care of you. I'm using you for entertainment."
What his friend doesn't realise is that Percy can read all his hidden scripture just as well. How "entertain me" means I'm keeping an eye on you. How "mind helping me with this" means I can do it just fine by myself but I want company. How winks mean "it's a joke between us" but smirks mean "it's honesty but gently". It warms his heart to know he can do this. It's a sunshine yellow thing to know someone the way they know each other.
"You good?" Jason stops at the door when he still hasn't moved from the bed.
"Yes just preparing to haul my very large body into your very small shower." He feels the eye roll more than see it. It tugs a smile onto his face.
"I'll remind you that I'm an even larger body and I make it work."
"How on earth do you ever have shower—"
"Percy Jackson!" He is snapped into a laugh.
And then he's in the bathroom and his mouth is full of mint bubbles and although there are circles as deep purple as squished plums under his eyes they shine with contentness. He doesn't fear or worry. Not here. At home, in his mother's house, he's the protector from monsters only he can decimate. At camp he is the protector from monsters that are determined to destroy. But here. He is just Percy. And his protector is cooking pancakes in the kitchen. He is just Percy. And he is sage green as he steps into the steam of the shower.
He looks down, catching the fading wound on his abdomen. His brown skin let's droplets of water rest briefly before rippling and they go racing down to the tiled floor. He stands there for a good minute just staring blankly. But then he hears the sound of a kettle whistling and it jolts him into action as he scrubs the grime and gross of yet another something trying to kill him, off his body.
By the time he's done— sweats and a loose tee rummaged from Jason's closet draping over his too hot skin— the pancakes are neatly stacked on two plates and fresh steaming coffee sits to the right of their food. He feels honey brown.
"Looks delicious."
"I know the way to your heart." The blonde shrugs.
"It's more of a journey than most bargain for." He laughs quietly.
"Dont worry I've brought my hacksaw and my hiking boots I'm willing to run through Amazonian forests."
"Well that's relieving," He grins around his mug. "I was beginning to think I'd be stranded in my stone tower forever."
"All alone?"
He snorts, "No I've made friends with all manner of being. I can't be alone, you know that." He bites into his pancake, blueberry slipping off his fork with a thudding splash into the syrup.
"I do know." The blonde's voice is all buttery and melting. And the truth that comes with it knocks a new vein into Percy's heart.
They're quiet for a few minutes as they devour their breakfast. When there's mere sips of coffee left he settles back in his chair and regards his friend.
"What manner of entertainment am I providing today?"
"Whatever you want but I'm not leaving the house."
"Oh good I don't know if I can make it ten steps out your door without half crumbling to dust these days."
"You wouldn't."
"Mhmm," He hums distractedly, gaging the weather to decide if they're going to huddle up with movies and far too many blankets or throw playing cards at each other while drowning in lemonade. It's a movie sort of day, he decides.
"You wouldn't turn to dust." Jason is saying. "You're too much god and too much good to die like monsters." There is that silent reading again.
"Maybe I was." Percy shrugs, "Before you know..."
And he doesn't need to add anymore because the big space the catches onto that sentence no matter how much time separates those events from the now still means the same thing. Before Tartarus. Before he made a ventriloquist puppet out of a goddess. Before he became unhinged.
"You are not a monster for protecting yourself. Or others." Golden voice is firm. Solid.
"You may be the only one who knows and thinks that."
"Doesn't matter it's still true."
"Okay enough seriousness." He doesn't have the energy for their circling conversation. "Shall we binge Pirates of the Caribbean?" For a stormy grey second he thinks his friend is going to keep their talk going but then he sees the surrender behind the blue eyes and a part of him unwinds.
"We can." There's a raised eyebrow accompanying the agreement and he knows there's conditions attached. Like a damn insurance plan. "If your promise to let me walk you home this evening."
"My big bad wolf." He teases.
The blonde responds with a low growl that makes his whole body turn a violent azure blue. "Fine. We shall stare at Captain Jack Sparrow and then you can valiantly walk me to my front door and shake hands with my mother."
"Wonderful. Now let's get some blankets down."
Jason smiles as he stretches on his tiptoes to reach the fluffy ones. He feels the soft material under his palm but the there's a hand over his brown one and it's tugging the blanket down. He sticks his tongue out at his friend.
Percy is ocean blue.
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strawbunniiee · 3 years
A Girl and a Ghost Ch 5. Precious Rose
SOOOO this one is a bit lengthy!! there’s a bit of blood, a lil language, so fair warning! oh yeah and HEHEHE SPOILER ALERT THERE’S SOME TASTY PHANTOMEACH MWAHAHAHHAA
i had a LOT of fun writing the phantom and peach fluff hehehe ;)
dont worry!! this definitely won’t be the last chapter either, there’s still gonna be more of my cheesy fic sjfndkfd
hope you enjoy!! @salamifuposey @monsterbride99 just letting these lovely hooman beans know that this chapter exists!!
Jawaii had her arms raised, ready to slice King Boo to ribbons, but the king blasted her back into a wall.
Jawaii had the wind knocked out of her lungs as she slid to the floor.
Phantom rushed to Jawaii's side, picking up her petite body. His eyes became a deep, dark blood red as he shot a murderous glare at King Boo.
"She didn't even stand a chance." he smirked.
Phantom charged a blast of blue fire in his palm. "DIE!" he screamed, hurling it at the king with all of his might.
He had attempted to avoid it, but he wasn't fast enough. The ball engulfed him in flames as he screamed.
The king flung a fireball from his cracked crown, but due to his crown being damaged, it spiraled out of control, which hit Phantom in the process but also set the attic ablaze. He gasped and grabbed Peach's body.
Jawaii regained her breath and jumped off of Phantom.
She didn't listen, instead she ran to King Boo and aimed to tackle him. She phased right through him and onto the floor. This just made him guffaw.
Phantom began to inhale, gathering air in his body to let out the loudest, most powerful opera scream he had ever sung.
King Boo saw this as an opportunity to take Peach back from Phantom. The ghost Rabbid glanced over at Jawaii in panic, as if begging her to do something.
Jawaii leaped up while the king was distracted and stabbed him, taking great effort to make it as painful as possible for him. It cut open his skin, creating a massive gash on the side of his face, bleeding out a strange blood-like substance, perhaps ectoplasm.
The king let out a monstrous howl as he fell over onto the floor screaming, his hands over the gash.
Then, Phantom finally let out his scream, after inhaling so much air he felt like he was about to explode. It was a force so strong, so powerful that it blew a massive hole in the attic, blowing the bleeding king far away, all the way to the swamps in Spooky Trails.
Both of their ears rung from the noise.
Peach began to slowly wake up. Phantom picked up Jawaii and burst out of the hole in the manor, taking the three of them away.
Peach screamed when she fully woke up.
"Wh-where am I? Who are you? ...Oh. Mr. Tom?... what happened?" the princess sputtered out, deeply confused by what was happening. "All I remember is... King Boo taking me away, and then... nothing. And... who's the little girl?"
Phantom's face turned red and his eyes widened as he shyly looked away, blushing. "Ah, w-well... Princess, it's a rather complicated st-story, you see,—"
"Phantom, why don't you and I tell her what happened together? Maybe it'll be a lot easier that way!" Jawaii chimed in cheerfully.
Phantom smiled at Jawaii. "I suppose you're quite right!"
The two happily retold Peach everything that had happened, complete with how the two became friends, their adventure in Spooky Trails, leading all the way up to them rescuing her from King Boo.
"Oh my goodness, what a story! It sounds very scary but exciting at the same time! I'm glad that you're safe and sound, though!" beamed Peach.
Phantom blushed yet again. "Oh, why thank you dear Princess! I'm quite happy you went on unscathed as well."
"Hang on a sec, you know this lady Phantom? She seems very nice!" asked Jawaii.
"O-oh, yes yes! I do know her. We're, erm, friends." Phantom said quickly.
Jawaii squinted suspiciously at him. "You seem super awkward in front of her. Do you have a crush on her or somethin'?"
Phantom's face was a bright red tomato at this point. "N-no, that's preposterous, o-of course not! Why, no male and female can be t-together without people believing that they are lovers!"
Peach giggled a bit. Jawaii grinned mischievously.
"You know, Jawaii has a point. Do you have a crush on me..?" asked Peach.
"...N-no, it's just hot out here. I act a b-bit strangely when it's scorching hot like this!" It was actually quite cold that morning, contrary to Phantom's statement. "Oh, and would you look at th-that, we're here already!"
They had made it to the silent castle in the early hours of the morning. The sun had not even come up yet, still pitch black and silent. Phantom set Peach and Jawaii down gently.
"...Thank you so much for saving me from King Boo, Tom." Peach gave Phantom a gentle kiss on the cheek. His face violently blushed as he had a look of sheer surprise on his face, his jaw hanging open. Jawaii couldn't help but snicker at the look on Phantom's face.
"I... oh my! I wasn't e-expecting that, my princess." Phantom stammered.
Peach simply just smiled. "Would you like me to get you a room to stay in for the rest of the night? You two must be very exhausted after your dangerous adventure together!"
"That would be very much appreciated!"
"Oh... Jawaii? Should I tell your parents where you are...?" asked Peach, concerned.
Oh crud, I totally FORGOT about that. thought Jawaii.
"Uhhhhh... I'm sure they're fine! I'll just come back when the sun's up!"
"All right, then. I'll be right back in just a moment!" Peach walked off.
Phantom went silent.
"Hey uh... now that she isn't here... do you actually have a crush on her?" asked Jawaii.
Phantom looked around and whispered in Jawaii's ear. "To be completely honest, yes. I do. She's the most beautiful, kind woman I have ever met... and thanks to King Boo bringing back the memories of my past life, I know that I had spent my past life attempting to get her to notice me. But it had resulted in my demise."
"First of all, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, no shit Sherlock, for a theater nerd you're a TERRIBLE liar y'know." she teased lightheartedly. "Second of all, ouch... that really sucks. But hey! In this life you befriended her!"
Phantom sighed. "I wish so dearly that we could be together. I tried so hard in my past life, I sacrificed so much to get her to notice me... but that red capped demon had gotten in the way countless times. And worst of all... he and Peach are together."
Phantom began to softly sob, his hands over his face in despair. Jawaii slowly walked over and gave him a hug.
"Aw... I'm so sorry about that... But my mom says it's not good to bottle up emotions. Maybe you should tell her how you feel..?" she suggested.
Phantom just stared in silence for a few moments before he finally responded. "...Perhaps."
"Maybe I could help you with it!"
"...No, i-it's best for me to simply just... tell her. I've known her for quite a while now, but I've mostly been too nervous to do as much as speak to her."
Jawaii hugged him again, even tighter than the last time. "I'm here for you, best friend." she smiled.
Phantom hugged back. "...Thank you, Jawaii."
After a few minutes, Peach came back in to tell them that their room was ready.
"Sorry about the wait! We had a few issues... come on in, it's much comfier in here than it is out there. It's so cold out." she said.
"Oh! You're all right, Princess."
Peach escorted the two into the castle and into their room. Just like outside, the castle was very dark. It had little to no light other than the light of the stars and moon softly shining through the windows.
When they arrived, Peach opened the door. The room was very tidy and had very expensive looking furnishings, and two extremely fluffy beds with plentiful amounts of pillows and blankets. Jawaii gasped and immediately began to jump on the bed. Phantom and Peach laughed a bit at Jawaii's antics.
"Well, sweet dreams you two. You both deserve it after the adventure you've had tonight! And thank you both again for saving me... that was such a terrifying experience. No matter how many times I get kidnapped, it's always so scary."
She smiled and blew them both kisses. Phantom blushed.
"Ah... you're welcome, Peach. Bonne nuit."
Peach smiled and closed the door. She went back off to bed happily.
"What the shit did you say to her? Bun... bon-nue. What?" Jawaii asked, deeply confused.
Phantom quietly chuckled. "Bonne nuit. It's French for good night."
"The heck's a French?"
"Heh heh. Perhaps I shouldn't be laughing, for you're an alien child. You don't know everything about Earth and that's understandable!"
"No, it's okay. I like to make people laugh. 'Cuz it means I made them happy!" replied Jawaii.
Phantom smiled at Jawaii once more. "We should get some rest, my child. We've had a very long day. Bonne nuit, Jawaii." He laughed a bit at his own joke.
Jawaii smiled. "Nighty night, Phantom." She yawned and stretched and sprawled out on her bed, quickly falling asleep within a matter of minutes.
Phantom, however, lay awake in his bed, thinking about what Jawaii had told him to do. He tossed and turned, pondering his decision. His heart throbbed, wondering what would happen.
Then, he decided.
He was going to tell her tonight. He had figured that he may as well get it over with now.
He nervously got out of bed and quietly phased through the walls to get to Peach's bedroom, where she had still laid awake. She was slightly startled by Phantom seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"Oh! Tom? Is there... something you need?" she asked
"Well... there is something I must tell you. I've hidden it from you for so long... because I was afraid of being rejected, I suppose." he admitted.
"Oh... Well, what is it?"
"I know that you are already taken... b-but..." Phantom covered his blushing face with his hands, and forced himself to finally choke out the words.
"I l-love you."
He knew that this was the end. She was going to kick him out of her castle... or far worse.
But her response shocked him down to his very gramophone.
"Well... if I'm completely honest, I have feelings for you too. That peck on the cheek earlier... was something I've wanted to do for a long time." she smiled and looked away a bit.
Phantom stared dumbfounded at her. He couldn't believe it. "B-b-but, you— and M-Mario—" he stammered.
"Oh, that's just a rumor that goes around... everybody seems to think that! He's still a very close friend of mine, and I'm so glad he's saved me so many times."
"Erm... speaking of that... King Boo told me something about myself that not even I had known. I... I was a human once. I wanted so badly for you to notice me... each time you were kidnapped, I always attempted to save you... but my attempts were futile, for Mario always saved you before I ever could. But one day, King Boo trapped you in a painting... and for the first time, I had arrived in time to save you. Unfortunately, he had killed me and sealed my soul inside a gramophone. I had forgotten about this previous life... until he had told me. Then all of the memories rushed inside me. Saving you had felt... like I had finally fulfilled my goal." he explained.
"...Actually... now that I think of it, I do remember a handsome young man who had clothes not different than yours who had come to save me from him. I remember his beautiful deep voice... with that accent... it was your voice! Your voice was always so familiar to me...but I could never figure out where I heard it."
Phantom's face turned red from the complements. "P-princess, please stop flattering me..."
She giggled. "You haven't become any less handsome than you were as a human, you know."
Before Phantom could respond, she kissed him again. This time, on the lips.
The two kissed under the pale morning moonlight shimmering down into the room.
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songs that make me think of vampy and why
this is for drea and leyla ONLY thank u
daylight- taylor swift "i don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, i don't wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you" bc vampy loves her so much he only wants her 😔 midnight love- girl in red "I know I'm the last one you try to call but I always give in to give you it all" "your silver is my gold" bc miss chiropractor treated him terribly but he loved her with everything and would have gone back to her no matter what watch you sleep- girl in red this one is obvious: bc vampy watches bloodbag sleep :) also "the scar on your spine, you fell off a roof when you were nine" is all appreciating the tiny details about someone and that is definitely something vampy would do :( paper rings: taylor swift "i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this" line without a hook- ricky montgomery "oh baby i am a wreck when i'm without you" bc vampy loves bloodbag so much he just wants to be with her always 😔 dead girl in the pool- girl in red this one is kinda weird but i feel like bloodbag is gonna die at some point and then vampy will just be like "theres a dead girl in the pool (or wherever her corpse is laying slfjskldfjkldsj) i don't know what to do" and then he's gonna make this face
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bad habits- ed sheeran bc he was just slutting around before he met bloodbag demons- imagine dragons dont make fun of me for this I KNOW but fr it's vampy renegade- taylor swift "you wouldn't be the first renegade to need somebody" he needs bloodbag 😔 starting line- luke hemmings i can't really explain this one but it's like how you always talk about how his happiness is overshadowed by the fact that he's a monster or whatever million dollar bills - lorde "theres nothing i want but money and time" and vampy has literally all the money and time :) solar power- lorde this is harrys hot girl anthem idk happiness- taylor swift "there'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you" this is him reminiscing on miss chiropractor i wanna get better-bleachers "i didn't know i was lonely til i saw your face" "I didn't know i was broken til i wanted to change" come on 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 good 4 u - olivia rodrigo this is his fuck u song for miss chiropractor my tears ricochet- taylor swift "if i'm dead to you why are you at the wake" it's ironic innit 😌 what a feeling- one direction "what a feeling to be right here beside you now, holding you in my arms" please 😔 "everybody needs someone around" 😔😔😔 "but i can't hold you too close now" bc he has severe attachment and commitment issues :) all you had to do was stay- taylor swift "had me in the palm of your hand, then, why'd you have to go and lock me out when i let you in" omg miss chiropractor really hurt him 😔 king of my heart- taylor swift "and all at once you are the one i have been waiting for" bloodbag @ vampy 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 cruel summer- taylor swift "I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard" bc he knows getting close to bloodbag will ultimately only lead to pain for everyone involved "i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you" bc he can't tell bloodbag everything about him even tho he probably wants to :( thank u next- arianna grande this is weird BUT if miss chiropractor hadn't fucked him up so much he never would have met bloodbag tear in my heart- 21 pilots again don't make fun of me for this I HAVE AN EXPLANATION "you fell asleep in my car i drove the whole time but that's okay i'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine" if bloodbag fell asleep in his car he would definitely do this :( shape of you-ed sheeran "now my bedsheets smell like you" his room probably smells like honey and lavender all the time now and he's probably foaming at the mouth constantly cowboy in LA "let's skip the club, lets skip the crowd, i wanna take you on a date" bc they both hate clubs!!!!! "I'll hold your hand I'll hold the door bc that's how i was raised" he's a gentleman 😔😔😔😔 & burn- billie eilish "i'll sit and watch your car burn with the fire that you started in me, but you never came back to ask it out" idk for some reason this has vampy and miss chiropractor vibes take me to church- hozier religious trauma babes 🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼 speechless- dan+shay "i'm speechless, staring at you standing there in that dress" love 😔 yours- russel dickerson "i came to life when i first kissed you, the best me has his arms around you, you make me better than i was before, thank god i'm yours" SCREAMING AND CRYING AND SHAKING tolerate it- taylor swift "i know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it" MISS ******** DIDN"T APPRECIATE OR CELEBRATE HIS LOVE MIA- anarbor "thinking about my life and everything i did wrong along the way"😔 lay low- josh turner for when bloodbag and vampy go to a cabin in the woods for a week and just love each other 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 who can save me now- anarbor "you stabbed me in the back" this one is pretty literal LSKFJLKSJFLKDSJ "you could have at least been kind enough to let me turn around" ouch 😔 dopamine- anarbor "i'm hooked on your dopamine" vampy and bloodbag ugh lie to me- 5sos this give me vampy and ******** vibes "i wish we never met, cause you're too hard to forget" "while i'm cleaning up your mess i know he's taking
off your dress" bc she probably cheated on him while they were together 😔 and he would have stayed with her if she told him she loved him, even if he knew it was a lie 😔 cotton candy- yungblud it's just a happy song with good vibes like bloodbag and vampy currently have :) small talk- niall horan i don't even have to say anything here pillowtalk- zayn "so we'll piss off the neighbors" chappy 9 vibes dancing with our hands tied- taylor swift "i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us" vampy rn 😔 once in a lifetime- one direction vampy will live a million lifetimes but he will only ever have one bloodbag 😔 holy ground- taylor swift "tonight i'm gonna dance for all that we've been through but I don't wanna dance if i'm not dancing with you" they've come so far omg 😔 since we're alone- niall horan "you can show me your heart, if you put it all in my hands no i swear no i won't break it apart" crying if i could fly- one direction "for your eyes only i'll show you my heart" rollercoaster- bleachers again i can't explain it but it makes me think of him 😔 so long- niall horan "so if we knew all along why did it take so long" good question bestie current location- LANY "i need your current location to be my current location" they're idiots in love and want to be together all the time 😔 why dont we go there- one direction "hey i don't want you to be the one that got away i wanna get addicted to you you're rushing through my mind i wanna feel the high i wanna be addicted" well hes already addicted to her blood so might as well like you lots- LANY bc they both have issues and can't say love lmao too much to ask- niall horan vampy though wanting love was too much to ask of miss chiropractor 😔 walking in the wind- one direction this one just has his vibes man 😔 heartbeat- carrie underwood "dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat" bc vampy is obsessed with listening to bloodbag's heart (fan behavior if you ask me) idfc- blackbear this is vampy and ******** bc "tell me that you love me even if it's fake" city of angels- 24kgoldn "i sold my soul to the devil for designer" yes this made me laugh the woods- olivver the kid "waking up in the middle of the woods" "don't you wanna get out of here, out of the woods" flashback to when he was dead in the woods oop "you brought me down to the river, and you pushed me in, hoping that the white rapids would challenge my ability to swim" bc... she's a murderer omg this verse is talking about leaves and i'm freaking out it fits 100% this is crazy "You pick up two handfuls You tell me they're all dried up & dead You know that's nothing like us We'll live forever instead" just a little bit of your heart- ariana grande vampy bc he loves so deeply and completely that he will give all of himself to someone even if they won't do the same my strange addiction- billie eilish bc he is addicted to her blood :) cross your mind- niall horan this is vampy and ******** "love the way you hurt me and it doesn't even cross your mind" "leaving me in pieces (literally lmao) but i swear it's worth it every time" everywhere- niall horan that scene where vampy smelled some perfume or soap or something and it made him think of bloodbag 😔 everything makes him think of her now 😔 "swear it's hard to think it's hard to breathe when you're in the air" put a little love on me- niall horan "you're the only one i need" 😔 bend the rules- niall horan VAMPY AND ******** ALL THE WAY "i'm not saying that you're lying but you're leaving out the truth" heartbreak weather- niall horan "all of my life i've been sleepwalk living, running around the same bars i've been in, it can be so lonely in this city, but it feels different when you're with me" bloodbag and vampy 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 mr loverman- ricky montgomery "i miss my lover man" vampy is probably dramatic like this all the time now that they're official 😔 bad blood- taylor swift again, just for the irony 😌 vapor- 5sos "i want to breathe you in like a vapor i want to be the one you remember i want to feel
your love like the weather all over me" they're so in love like this 😔 catch fire- 5sos "all my life i've been waiting for moments to come" he's been waiting for bloodbag his entire life 😔 beside you-5sos "i wish i was beside you" they want to be together all the time 😔 black and white- niall horan "that first night i was standing at your door fumbling for your keys then i kissed you" ARE YOU KIDDING ME not in the same way- 5sos this is vampy and ******** just bc they were so toxic lkfjskldfjsdlkjf lonely heart-5sos "and i haven't slept in days" lmao ghost of you-5sos "my feet dont dance like they did with you" thinking about when vampy danced for bloodbag and what if they break up 👁️👁️ why wont you love me- 5sos vampy at ******** 😔 he just wanted to be loved 😔😔😔😔😔 fool's gold- one direction "i let you use me from the day that we first met" "i know your love's not real, but that's not the way it feels" STOP IM SAD last first kiss- one direction "let me be your last first kiss" i want them to be together forever 😔 truly madly deeply- one direction "foolishly completely falling and somehow you kicked all my walls in" bloodbag really snuck into his heart huh 😔 fireproof -one direction "nobody saves me baby the way you do" ugh 😔 long story short-taylor swift "clung to the nearest lips long story short it was the wrong guy" (or in vampy's case the wrong vampire) gold rush-taylor swift "and the coastal town we run around has never seen a love as pure as it" bloodbag and vampy are all i want 😔 no judgement- niall horan bc vampy would never judge bloodbag 😔 daddy issues- the neighborhood again im not even gonna say anything here new angel- niall horan "the touch of someone else to save me from myself" this is vampy 😔 god is a woman- ariana grande vampy after he brought bloodbag home the first time something like this- the chainsmokers "just something i can turn to, somebody i can kiss" ALL VAMPY WANTS IS LOVE sweater weather- the neighborhood idk this song makes me think of him all of me- john legend "all of me loves all of you all your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections" KSFLKSDJFKLDJSFLJSDKLFJDSKL i like me better- lauv "i like me better when i'm with you" she makes him a better person 😔 sex- eden "oh no, i think i'm catching feelings" vampy when bloodbag went on a date with someone else half a heart- one direction bc bloodbag completes him 😔 theyre so disgusting 😔 only angel- harry styles "turns out she's a devil in between the sheets" woman- harry styles vampy when she was on a date with someone else bc hes a jealous moron temporary fix- one direction this has chappy 1-2 vibes a.m.-one direction when they first started falling in love and he wanted to be with her more often 😔 something great- one direction "i want you here with me like how i pictured it so i don't have to keep imagining" through the dark- one direction just all of this song 😔 happily- one direction "you know i wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep i just want it to be you and i forever" 😔 electric love- borns "i can't let you go now that i got it" canyon moon- harry styles they're just happy like this rn 😔 sunflower vol. 6- harry styles "kiss in the kitchen like it's a dancefloor" "mouth full of toothpaste" when they brushed their teeth together 😔 adore you- harry styles obviously
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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Fight Me
✯ Hashibira Inosuke x Strong! Fem! Reader
✯ genre: crack!!!! kind of strangers-to-friends-to-lovers au? kinda ooc characters but it do be like dat
✯ summary: inosuke likes girls that can put him in his place
✯ wordcount: 2.0k +
note: this was a request by @ahegaoapril sorry if it took me so long to write it!! i had to rewatch some of kny to get the events right but i hope you enjoy!!
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- okay so
- you first met tanjirou when you were making your way to the drum house
- you saw that he was a fellow demon slayer so why not stick with each other yknow
- teamwork makes the dream work
- “hi i’m y/l/n y/n!! what’s your name??”
- “i’m kamado tanjirou!! how old are you??” you tell him your age and luckily you guys were close to each other’s ages
- omg!!
- new bffs
- but then you could sense the presence of a demon coming from the box tanjirou was carrying on his back
- and he’s like
- ruh roh
- o.o
- “aHHhsjd you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to!! feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready!!”
- and he’s just uwuing
- because wow you’re so nice
- he’s gonna l o v e being your friend
- on your way up the mountain you see a blonde simp trying to harass a girl into marrying him
- sigh
- simps
- you notice that he’s wearing the demon slayer uniform
- ‘do they accept just anyone in the demon slayers’
- you and tanjirou make your way over to them and try to pull the simp off of the poor girl
- “hEY gEt off hEr rIghT nOw”
- “please marry me i’m so weak please i need you to protect me you’re so beautifu-“
- you grab the weirdo and fling him away from the girl
- she thanks you and starts being the crap out of him and honestly you couldn’t find the kindness in yourself to stop her
- eh
- it ez what it ez
- he goes on crying about how he was weak and how he needed a wife until
- but before he could go on you shoved him onto the floor making him eat dirt (poor baby)
- time skip becuase zenitsu is too chaotic
- you guys made your way up the mountain
- whew
- you need to work out more
- y/n’s stamina said: no
- after you guys got to the drum house you saw two little kids crying and hugging each other but suddenly a kid fell out the window
- you turned to shield the kids’ eyes so that they wouldn’t be able to see
- you, tanjirou, and zenitsu made your way inside of the house, sensing berko is demons on your way in
- you sadly got seperated from zenitsu and tanjirou
- sigh
- what nOW
- and you suddenly see a fucking guy with a boar mask
- luckily it just breezes past you and goes on a rampage
- ...
- when you got out you saw a beaten up zenitsu shielding tanjirou’s box from the boar mans relentless kicks
- oh no
- you fly into action and kick the shit outta the boar man
- but tanjirou suddenly comes out and yells at you to stop and that demon slayers weren’t allowed to raise their blades against one another
- who said that you were gonna be fighting with swords
- “the hate u give little infants fucks everyone” -2pac
- y/n: *proceeds to beat the shit out of the boar dude and successfully knocks him out with one kick to the back of its head”
- ...
- pending....
- loading....
- after inosuke woke up he threatened to beat the shit out of you but you just ignored him and continued to help tanjirou and zenitsu bring the bodies back outside
- after burying everyone, you guys decided to make your way to the wisteria house to get some rest and heal up
- on the way there and during your stay there inosuke wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone
- “no”
- “wHY NOT”
- “cuz i’m stronger than you, you’ll just hurt yourself. we’re here to rest”
- cue inosuke screaming and lunging at you
- but nah you weren’t bout it
- you simply side stepped and turned to jump inosuke and pin him down
- “give it up pretty boy”
- *boomboom*
- huh
- what was this
- why did inosuke feel his heart beat a little faster
- what was this feeling
- eh
- he’s probably just hungry
- ...
- you, inosuke, and tanjirou are currently battling the spider dad
- both tanjirou and inosuke make a move to slash at spider daddy’s arms but they were too tough, you quickly ran towards them successfully slashing the demons right arm
- “and? life is hard, but you get through it”
- wise words by y/l/n y/n
- life do be hard doe
- anyways
- inosuke felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest,,,what did that mean?? is he tired or something?? but why did seeing you cut spider daddy’s arm make his heart go boom boom
- as the battle goes on, tanjirou was yEETED to the next dimension, leaving only you and inosuke to fight against daddy long legs
- hah as if you’d die without confessing to inosuke
- huh
- wait what
- hehe
- your thoughts are suddenly interrupted when spidaddy suddenly lunges at you but you were luckily able to get out of the way
- :(
- after some time inosuke was able to slice through arachne daddy’s arms but it suddenly ran away
- “oi inosuke lets go”
- boom boom
- there it was AGAIN
- maybe he needed to see a doctor
- you follow the demon only to see it shedding its skin and regaining its arm back
- what the fuck
- you glance at inosuke but he isn’t budging
- you’re suddenly filled with fear when you realize that inosuke was accepting the fact that he was going to be defeated
- you were about to yell at him until
- “no way am i going to lose. i’m hashibira inosuke of the demon slaying corps!”
- whew
- you let inosuke take the lead as you knew that he was filled with new determination to kill this demon and get you two to safety
- but when the demon got its hands on inosuke you were suddenly filled with an immeasurable amount of rage
- you lunged at the demon and stabbed your blades into both of its shoulders
- it let out a piercing scream as you dig your blades even further into its flesh
- but suddenly a flash and inosuke was on the floor with the demons arms
- you turned your head and saw the water pillar, tomioka giyuu
- “gIyUU-SAN thank god!! could you please finish him off? i need to fix inosuke up” and he just nods at you and gets crack-a-lackin
- he defeats spider daddy in a span of 2 seconds while you and inosuke are mesmerized by his skill and technique
- as he makes his way deeper in the woods he is stopped by inosuke calling out to him
- and at that point you were too tired and exhausted to listen to inosuke or to baby sit him
- so you knock him out and smile sheepishly at giyuu
- after giyuu left, all the exhaustion seeps into your bones causing you to pass out right on top of inosuke, making you unconsciously snuggle into his chest
- by the time you wake up you were already at shinobu’s butterfly estate. surprisingly you were the first one up from your friends
- you looked at the bed beside yours and saw that you were in between zenitsu and inosuke
- you slowly slipped out of bed and sat on inosuke’s
- dumbass still had his mask on
- you slowly examine his body to see how his wounds were healing and they were healing pretty well
- you moved your hands to touch his own, feeling how warm and rough they were from long hours of practicing his swordsmanship
- “ehem”
- you quickly drop inosuke’s hand and turn your head to see a short armed zenitsu smirking at you
- “hehe you like him don’t you”
- >:)
- “and if i do? what about it?”
- 0o0
- zenitsu didn’t think that you’d actually admit it
- “hey, there’s nothing wrong with liking him. it’s normal. you guys would be cute together”
- “i-i s-shUT UP,,, but thanks zenitsu,,, do you really think he’d like me back though?”
- “of course he does y/n, you’re strong beautiful, intelligent, and skilled! he’d be stupid to not like you”
- aWH
- zenitsu could be really cute sometimes
- but what you two didn’t know was that inosuke was awake the w h o l e time
- and he was BLUSHING so HARD under his mask omg
- ceo of tomatoes
- this was yours and zenitsu’s little secret
- after all of you had healed up you noticed that inosuke was a little clingier towards you
- whenever you guys ate he would give you a piece of HIS tempura and he never does that???
- and whenever you two are sparring he always has this look in his eye, like he was looking at something so precious to him
- eh maybe it was just the lighting
- he wouldn’t have feelings for you
- was what you thought until you overheard the three musketeers talking
- “kentaro,,, is it normal for my heart to go really fast when i see y/n?? she’s really strong and i really like that. i love fighting with her and i wanna be as strong as her. but whenever we fight i get chest pains and my tummy feels weird. am i sick?”
- and zenitsu and tanjirou are just like
- ‘r u an idiot lol’
- but this is inosuke
- “listen inosuke, i think you like y/n,, maybe even love her,,”
- wHA
- bruh you’re being punkd tell the cameras to come out right now
- this has to be a JOKE
- before you could stop yourself your body already made its way into the room they were in and slid the door open
- *bANG*
- and suddenly the three of them are jumping into the air
- but when they see that it’s you, zenitsu and tanjirou make their way out, leaving you and inosuke by yourselves
- “so i hear-“
- “i think i love you”
- what
- the
- fuck
- did he just say he loved you
- or did you have some sort of brain damage
- “i think you’re really pretty and you’re so strong that you don’t even seem to break a sweat when you kick my ass. i really like fighting with you but when i do,, looking at you makes me feel all weird and tingly”
- 0.0
- you suddenly lunge at inosuke and hug him and he hesitantly puts his arms around you
- “i think i love you too bakanosuke”
- cue tanjirou and zenitsu cheering
- “i still won’t go easy on you when we’re sparring though”
- “good, i don’t want you to”
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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kibybun · 4 years
Can I Get a undertale au where hawks is chara and hawks just hate when y/n (frisk) talk other people Hawks so he Manipulate into thinking everyone is against her finally boss sans (Dabi ) where she literally told that nobody against her After Murdering Dabi meet hawks “now we finally together nobody will help since murder everyone “ Or any plot be fine Hawks ( chara) Dabi ( sans ) Y/n (frisk ) Or you could change Around But please make hawks the main love Interest thanks so much
Yesss I love this idea so much! Thank you so much for requesting!
Yandere Hawks x reader
Undertale au!
Tw: Yandere, manipulation, murder
❤Everything goes down in a blur as the wind whips past you. You hasn't mean to fall, you tripped even though there was nothing there to trip on. You try and reach out to catch something but everything went black.
❤You open your eyes and a circle of light so far up. You try and sit up back is stopped due to the excruciating pain coursing through your head. You look around and find yourself in a patch of golden buttercups within a large cave.
❤That's when you were greeted by a echo like voice. It was masculine and had curiosity as it questioned who you were and how you came to be down here.
❤You don't answer, simply thinking it was the ringing in your head from the fall. Instead you slowly stand and make your way to a large purple door hidden away in the shadows with strange encryptions on it.
❤The voice follows you with a annoyed tone. You still ignore it and push through the door and spot a line buttercup sitting in a patch of sun.
❤You jump when the flower starts speaking and explaining what a soul is. The voice was grumbling about something but fell silent as your red soul floated out in front of you.
❤You could swear that you felt someone touching your soul.
❤The flower continues speaking and says something about friendliness pellets. White petals floated towards you and you were tempted to touch the but the voice strongly demanded you didn't.
❤You don't know what compelled you to listen but you did. As you dodge the flower grows angry yet tries to keep its composure and sends another wave of petals. You dodge again and the flower snaps.
❤Its face contorts and it let's out a demonic laugh as you shrink back and bump into something that isnt there.
❤You cover your face in a attempt to hide from the pain about to happen but a gentle femal voice speaks. She says soothing words to calm your racing heart but you refuse to look out of her due to fear and the voice who says not to.
❤It helped you before so why wouldn't it help you now?
❤The lady asks you questions but you dont answer. She goes to touch you but you feel something push you out of the way of her touch.
❤She understands you dont want to be touched and simply asks you to follow. You wait for the voice to give you instructions before you make any decision. You feel something grab your hand and lead you behind the lady, saying they'll take care of everything if you listened.
❤You continue on with your head down until she leads you to a beaten up dummy. She asks you to make polite conversation with it but your guiding voice said otherwise.
❤You use a stick to give it a firm wacking causing the fabric to rip and for stuffing to fall out. The lady pauses and awkwardly clears her throat before walking on. Before you follow you were showered with praise by the voice that, oddly, made your heart warm.
❤The lady leaves you and the voice tells you to persist on, so you do. Along the way the voice directs you the harm the monsters along the way. You listen and make it on your way barely harmed.
❤At one point you even felt feathers brush against your skin in a protective and delicate way. It was comforting and ominous at the same time but you brush it off, continuing to hold the invisible hand that guided you.
❤You finally make it to a small house. Inside was the lady who you still refuse to look at. She leads you to a room and tells you to rest. You crawl into bed and a pair of arms wrap around you tightly.
❤When you wake up you find a piece of pie laying on the ground in front of you. You cautiously eat it and venture out the room to find the lady reading. The voice tells you to head into the kitchen and grab a knife. You do as your told.
❤You then sneak past the lady and down a set of stairs and make it to another large door before the lady comes and begs you to go back. When you refuse your soul shows its self and the battle begins.
❤The voice helps you dodge and tells you to wait before you attack.
❤ Finally the lady crumbles and starts to cry. She explains how she only wants to take care of you, how she lost her family and how she wanted to start a new and take care of you. She opens her arms for you and the voice tells you to hug her. You do and you feel your grip around the knife tighter as you're told to stab her. You do as you're told.
❤Her body turns to dust and you walk out the door to see the flower. The flower says something about her death and disappeares with a evil laugh.
❤No matter, your invisible hand leads you out the door and through the chilling winter forrest. You barely noticed the branch cracking in half with blue ash falling around it.
❤You almost didn't notice the person standing in front of you. You try and lift your head to look at them but something shoved you head down, preventing that. Either way the person introduces themselves and holds out a hand.
❤You couldn't hear their name due to something whispering static in your ears and when you went to shake their hand your hand was pulled back down. You were also given a strict warning not to interact with the person in front of you.
❤You try to walk past but the person grabs your elbow and spins you so you're facing them. They then try and lift your chin so you would look at them but once again your head was being pushed down to prevent it. You could tell that the person in front of you was male.
❤The fight over your head stops as footsteps approached through the snow. The man quickly pulls you and hides you behind a oddly shaped lamp.
❤The new person arrives and you were forbidden from looking up it seemed. You listen and determine how the new person behaves due to the way he speaks. He sounds like a brat that can't stand not having his way, spoken with a raspy voice.
❤They leave and instantly you're dragged off before the man before could say anything to you.
❤You are thrown into more fights that you win, staining the snow with grey. You're also challenged with puzzles that your invisible guide helps with. It also makes sure you leave no survivors.
❤You obey.
❤It hurt watching the dogs whimper as you cut them with the dull kitchen knife but the voice was the only thing you trusted. It was right about the flower so it must be trying to help you all around. It was protecting you so you trusted it, more than yourself.
❤You reach the end of Snowdin leaving no obstacles in your wake, except the tall bratty fellow. They demanded you take them on, saying that you could change and how he'd forgive you. You fight him without hurting him as instructed by the voice. He does his final move and opens his arms to you just as the lady did. You again jump onto his arms but this time you're instructed to go for the head. With a fatal blow of betrayal and your knife his head falls to the ground.
❤You walk into the waterfall, not caring to watch the head turn to dust as well as his body.
❤You again get led by a invisible hand that showers you in praise and helps you eliminate everything in sight. You even meet a little kid along the way.
❤They blab on and on about a certain hero who's name was blurred from your hearing. You honestly thought the voice would instantly tell you to eliminate them but it said to wait. So you did.
❤Along the way you got attacked by someone with blue spears and the voice simply advised you to run. This causes you to fall down the waterfall.
❤You wake up in garbage with a sore body but your invisible companion doesn't care. You're pulled from the garage and thrown into more and more fights.
❤You see the man from before a few more times, seeing that he has multiple dark burn marks that are hard to see in the dark. At one point you wanted to go interact with him because he had a telescope but you were pulled away.
❤You find a little cove of cat like creatures that let out the saddest of cries as your knife ended them. You couldn't do anything to help them, that's what the voice wanted.
❤You meet back up with the kid from before and started getting chased by the same person with the spears. The kid slips and holds onto the side of the cliff, calling out for help. The voice tells you to make them fall. You walk over and bend down before plucking at their fingers, making them fall.
❤The hero instantly jumps down and saves them. The hand takes the time to drag you along and run.
❤Unfortunately the hero catches up and fights you. Due to their fall they were badly hurt, making the fight end a lot faster. But then the kid before confronts you, demanding you fight them. It was a lazy swipe of your blade that ended their life.
❤Everything went by quickly after that. You had managed to kill the lizard that was spying on you and complete the puzzles with ease. You even brought that cute couple's life to an end, atleast they were together.
❤You had made it to a restaurant and the guy was there too. He didn't hesitate to grab you and teleport you to a table with him. The restaurant was near empty yet the atmosphere was still lively.
❤The man's voice was muffled to you and it was hard to even pay attention to you as you were violently being yanked out of your chair. The man noticed this and yanked you back into his arms. You stood uncomfortable, feeling the rage of your invisible friend grow.
❤Your knife starts floating and darts at the man. Before he disappears he tells you to run. Sadly, it was impossible to ran as your hand was trapped in a bone crushing grip that dragged you along the way.
❤Dust coated your clothing as you entered a dark room with a spotlight. Someone with a robotic voice then started to monologue so you decided to simply attack to get the battle over with.
❤The battle fully begins and cameras float around and broadcast your fight to the very few people still alive. Your invisible friend grows irritated and seemingly possessed you. Your movements weren't your own and the thoughts in your head were playing out in a different voice.
❤The battle ended quickly and your body runs off but you didn't object or fight back. It was only trying to help you... right?
❤Your body charges though a monochrome area very similar to the ladies house from before. Your body only stops once to pick up a much sharper knife that gleamed before exiting the place. That's when you entered a large hall with stained glass decorating the walls with a line person standing in the middle, waiting.
❤There stood the man from before, but this time you could actually see his face. His face was decorated with burn marks yet he was still very attractive.
❤You started talking but it wasnt in your voice. It held malace towards the man for being in the way. The man held a calm expression before attacking. Blue flames and bones erupted from the ground, aiming to kill you.
❤Somehow your body dodges all attacks thrown at it and so does the man. It was almost like they've fought countless times before with different stories behind each time but this time was different. Someone didnt follow the rules, someone got involved when they shouldn't have.
❤This would be their last fight together.
❤The man started sweating as your body continued at the same incredibly fast pace. You didn't want the man to die but if your guide said so it must happen.
❤The final blow was dealt and the man felt to the ground clutching his bleeding chest. You felt as if in a different timeline or universe the two of you could've been great friends, lovers even, but this wasn't one of them.
❤You continue to be a passenger in your own body and it pushes on through another set of doors. Not before hearing the man say a final and heartfelt goodbye to the world he called home.
❤That's when the final battle of your journey starts. It was the king this time. You barely had time to look at his face before he was dust.
❤A final push through some doors and you're back in a dark room with the only light falling on a lone flower. You regain control over your body as the flower starts talking but it was interrupted by something invisible cutting it at the stem.
❤That's when you see him. Your guide with the cold eyes and blood red wings.
❤He happily turns to you and grabs you. You felt an unbearable amount of unease as he whispers how he'll take care of you, how no one will hurt you, how he'll always love you, how you could never leave him now.
💔Then everything went black.
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Bruh ik you never read TMI but I want u to try and write smth for Magnus and Alec bcs u said u liked them and even tho u dont know their characters I just want you to try lmao I feel like u could come up with some good shit. It can be anything and any length you could write abt them saving each other from a demon or literally 100 words of them making out steamily idrc. You can ask for how they look if you need to for description : ) I just love giving u dumbass promts. Do your best i love u bb<3
HAHA OKAY <3 (i’ll try my best but heads up to anyone in this fandom, i have no idea who these ppl r, i’m just continuing a scene i was given by this lovely girl ^).
alec stared at his feat, an uneasy feel building up in the pit of his stomach. he couldn’t help -the boy knew it was wrong... but the idea of his lover leaving him for the beautiful girl was evident and clear in his mind. 
camille had taken magnus into a seperate, private room, claiming she needed to speak to him about an urgent matter. magnus had glanced at alec, giving him a reassuring smile before nodding and following her.
they’ve been in there for a while now, almost nearing ten minutes -which was far longer than anyone needed. alec scowled, wringing his finger out, when a thought appeared in his mind.
it wouldn’t hurt anyone... would it? just a little eavesdropping -if only to hopefully calm down the raging twists that were knotting his stomach. and, it was only going to be for a little while, anyways.
alec shuffled his feet to the door, glancing to his left and right to make sure no one would catch him in the act. now, leaning up against the door, the pair’s conversation inside slowly became clearer. 
“c’mon, my love... don’t you miss it? the weeks that went by in the blink of an eye, spent wrapped around each other lazily against the hot blazing sun in the heat of summer. you can’t say that you don’t, i know you do.”
the knot in alec’s stomach increased when he didn’t hear a reply from magnus, fighting off the tears that were starting to rise. he wouldn’t cry, he wouldn’t he wouldn’t he wouldn’t. it didn’t matter if magnus was royally pissing him off, alec would stay strong and not make any assumptions.
but it was so very hard, especially when alec heard camille’s unmistakably loud step -probably towards his lover- and when the beautiful girl said sensually, “i know... i know, darling. you still love me, it’s quite obvious. it’s okay...”
camille trailed off, and alec felt as though his heart stopped beating. what was happening? what was she doing? “i love you too, magnus. it’s always been you.”
alec begged for magnus to tell her no, to refute and refuse, to do something to get the girl away! alec leaned harder against the door, his ear now flat against the wood. 
magnus said something, but his voice was too soft for alec to hear. alec blinked. he knew it. he fucking knew it. what did he have, when compared to the almighty camille?
the car ride back home was silent, despite magnus’s attempts at conversation with the younger. alec would only nod or shake his head, the only answer he offered. 
magnus parked the car, before turning to look at his lover. he was confused about why he was acting this way -but mostly concerned and wanting to only help alec. 
“babe, what happened? are you okay?” 
“yeah, magnus. i’m fine.”
but the male had already shut the door and was heading inside.
magnus and alec were both deeply suffering -unbeknownst to each other of course. alec had said very little to magnus, only quietly going to the bathroom to change into his night clothes. 
the older male felt confused and conflicted about what to do, if he didn’t even know what his lover was thinking. and alec- the boy had sat on the toilet for a good hour (lid closed not actually shitting just sitting) whilst his head was swarmed with insecure thoughts and feelings. 
like he wasn’t good enough for the supreme magnus bane. that he never was, and never will be. 
alec finally came out of the bathroom, wearing short shorts and a black sweater -something which would have delighted magnus if it wasn’t for what felt like a big fight that they were having.
magnus was truly just confused.
and what confused and hurt the male even more, was when instead of cuddling up in bed to him like always, alec moved to the very edge of the bed -as far away from magnus as he could get. 
“...alec? baby, what are you doing over there?”
silence echoed through the house -the sound too loud for magnus’s ears that he wanted no needed alec to say something. anything. 
but the silence continued. “alec, please, if you would just tell me-”
alec suddenly jolted up in bed, a scowl on his face. “i’m going to stay at the institute tonight.” he slowly got up and made his way to the door.
the younger needed some time to think, to sort out the thoughts that were stabbing into his heart. 
what the boy didn’t expect however, was just a step before the door strong arms wrapped around him and a familiar mop of hair nestled into his shoulder.
“p-please, alec. don’t leave... i don’t understand just please... stay.” tears sprung up into the younger’s eyes. he was too caught up in his own hurt and feelings he hadn’t once stopped to think about how he may have been affecting the older.
alec lightly pushed the older away, to which magnus’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to refuse before alec turned around and hugged the taller tight. 
“i’m sorry...” alec started, his voice slightly muffled by magnus’s clothes. “i... i was eavesdropping.” alec let out, scared of how magnus may react.
but, the older was only slightly confused at the sudden confession. “what are you talking about?” alec sighed, clutching magnus tighter to which the older hugged back equally tight.
“when you were talking with camille. i-i just couldn’t help it,i had all these thoughts swarm my head and i wanted to clear them out so i started to try and listen in on your conversation. w-why didn’t you refuse when she told you that you loved her and that she loved you too? ...was i-it true?”
you could hear the end of alec’s voice break, and magnus sweared his heart was pained even more at the sound. the older suddenly grabbed his lover’s face, so that their eyes were meeting each other.
alec gasped lightly at the clear love for him in the older’s eyes. but, magnus opened his mouth to speak anyways. “i love you, alec. no one else, only you. it’s always been just you. you probably didn’t hear me because i wasn’t saying anything -i was shaking my head, aggravated she would even suggest something. and, maybe i said it too quietly for you to hear but i finished her off by telling her what i just told you. that i only have eyes for you.”
silence, before “i-i’m sorry, jeez-” a chuckle rose out of magnus, as he pressed a small kiss up to his lovers soft lips. “mine.” he lightly growled, to which alec giggled to.
alec kissed back, mimicking magnus with his own little “mine.” alongside a funny growl. the two stared at each other, before bursting into laughter.
he was his, and he was his. and they were going to be perfectly okay.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Tumblr media
title:  Please Don’t Make Me Do This
kink square filled: Knife Play
dark square filled: Knife Play
Heaven & Hell square filled: Demon!Dean
ship: Demon!Dean x reader
rating: 14+
tags: major character death, forced knife play, 
summery (if applicable): its a surprise….
word count (if applicable):
created for @spnkinkbingo @spndarkbingo @heavenandhellbingo 
also this is for a request brought in by @hawaiianohana15 
A/N: please dont shoot me, but cas doesnt actually stay in heaven for what goes down in this story. im sorry for what im gonna put everyone through. i know for me ive put off writing about this particular thing cause it still gives me nightmares. 
tag: @sweetness47 @alexis-m-kruger​
this was possibly the hardest event of your entire life, the hardest day of your life. the day you witnessed the love of your life get murdered on the eve after your engagement. 
you hadnt the heart to send every single person you had invited a letter saying the wedding was cancelled, hell you didnt have the heart o do anything except sit in your old room and listen to all of Dean’s favorites on repeat. 
after about 4 hours Sam had gotten very very concerned, so he made you some coffee and made you up a plate of food and brought it into your room. the sight he saw when he walked inside was something that made him place the food and drink on your dresser and come engulf you in a huge hug. 
course Dean and Sam wanted to take down Metatron, but of course that didnt go as well as expected for it was then that Metatron stabbed Dean. long story short told to you personally through Sam’s sobs… 
Dean had gotten hold of the first blade again after being bruised and beaten badly in a mortal kombat fight type deal with Metatron.
Metatron stabbing Dean through the heart with an angel blade just as Sam came round the corner and Dean of course turned around. 
Sam helped Dean off the ground and tried to make it out of the warehouse but Dean coughed, said he was proud of them and then breathed his last.
Sam had called out for Cas in a loud scream of pain. about 5 minutes later Cas appeared and became terribly horrified at the sight before him. 
Cas: “what happened?”
Sam: “Metatron killed him, we have to get home.. back to the bunker, to YN she needs to know but no one else can… can you get us and the impala back in one shot or is it needed in 2 trips…”
Cas: “it can be done in 1 shot but how will you tell YN… wont she be crushed?”
that was when Cas realized that Sam was gonna tell you after they got back to the bunker… sam was gonna tell you what happened, tell you that Dean died like  hero… that he went down fighting and that his last thoughts werent of her but he knew he loved you.
Cas: “look Sam i know that YN and Dean were a thing but there is something i have to tell you… about their relationship… but she doesnt know, neither of them did… you can’t tell her…”
Sam now intrigued finds the strength to look away from his brothers corpse. Cas took a deep breath watching as Sam now sat looking at him.
Sam: “cant tell her what?”
Cas: “she and Dean fullfilled the prophecy that Heaven spoke over them, they conceived a child a week before the death of a winchester at the hands of Metatron.”
Sam: “YN’s pregnant?”
Cas: “yes, but there is nothing else that can be done here, lets take this show back to the bunker and see if there is anything that can be done about Dean… ill take us all straight to his room, then ill stay here while you go talk to YN before she finds out on her own about Dean…”
Cas teleports Dean and Sam plus himself back to Deans room in the bunker. you were in the library researching a way to get rid of Metatron that would actually be most effective. you didnt hear the boys talking in Deans room. however you only had this feeling like something wasn’t right. 
it stayed with you heavily as you sat there pouring through the books and every page seemed to make time go by alot slower than it actually was… it wasnt until you flipped the page again that you heard your name being called. this made your head snap up…
you went around the corner and Saw Sam walking towards you… 
Sam: “hey squirt!”
You looked around and didnt see Dean, didnt see your man. you turned your gaze back to Sam who walked closer to you…
YN: “where’s Dean?”
Sam: “YN he was hurt badly… there was an accident, it was a bad one… before i let you see him you need to know he might not come back from this one alive… or if alive he wont be himself… the first blade really did a number on him. but his last concious thoughts were of you… YN he wasnt breathing when Cas got to us… Cas is with him now trying to figure this out, but so far no luck…”
YN: “i have to see his body…”
Sam stepped immediately in front of you stopping your entry to the hallway.
YN: “get out of my way Sam… i have to see his body…”
Sam: “no cause if you go in there your not gonna be able to unsee that…”
YN: “there has to be something we can do…”
Sam: “we will find a way but for now lets leave him alone…”
you went back too the library and cracked a bottle of whiskey… Sam stood around the corner for a few minutes and watched you slowly crumble apart… 
Sam went back to talk to Cas…
Cas: “ive healed his major wounds and slowed the death process… how did she take it…”
Sam: “she has started to drink the whiskey… i dont think she will come back from this…”
Cas: “well lets go make sure she isnt gonna do something stupid…”
Sam & Cas take one more glance at Dean’s body before heading out to the library to find you on the phone just kinda out of their hearing patterns.. it was only but a while later that Crowley texted you that he was outside the bunker…
you went to the door and let him inside… you walked down the stairs with Crowley at your tail… both Sam and Cas stood taking defensive position…
Sam: “Squirt what is he doing here?”
You finished walking down the stairs before you answered…
YN: “he is here to help me save Dean… he says he can save him… ergo that is whats going to happen…”
Cas: “dont do this, we cant trust him…”
Crowley: “look ok i have a soft spot for YN and Dean they have become my new favorite couple… but when word got out downstairs about Metatron having killed Dean. i knew it would be only a matter of time before i got a call from YN, but i also knew i might or might not be able to help.. YN show me where the body is… then ill need a while alone with it… for the way this should go may or may not come with alot of side effects…”
you led Crowley to Dean’s room, opening the door this was your first glance at Deans body… this was the only time other than not but 6 years before when you had lost Dean… to your dismay this time looked much much worse.
YN: “crowley do what you have to… just make sure he comes back to me in one piece…”
Crowley: “ill do my best and let me be the first to say congratulatons!”
you left the room wondering what the hell he meant, but still made your way back to the library… you sat on the couch and waited, waited patiently…
Crowley stands beside Dean placing the first blade in Dean’s right hand and placing both on his chest. 
Crowley: “listen to me Dean Winchester, what you’re feeling right now, it’s not death. It’s life, a new kind of life. Open your eyes, Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. And by the way your going to be a father, now lets go take a howl at the moon.”
something stirred, you felt it, you felt the house shake, the entire bunker shook with a violent power… it wasnt but a few moments later that the power went out in the entire bunker… no sound could be heard but something inside you stirred, something felt new, arisen if you would… 
YN: “Sam, Cas are you guys okay?”
Sam and Cas are at your sides immediately! 
Cas: “i dont know but i cant leave my power isnt working…”
Sam: “YN you looked a little stunned a few moments ago… what did you feel?”
You didnt know how to answer that, it was a very strange feeling but being bonded with Dean made things easier. during hunts and stake outs… but now it felt like something went horribly wrong… crowley did however say that there may be side effects… 
YN: “i think whatever Crowley did worked but i dont feel normal Dean i feel a much darker force… if that is why the power went out then we need to lock this place down… now and we need to prepare for the worst… lock it down nothing gets in and nothing gets out…”
you, Sam and Cas all armed yourselves, going down the halls till the tri-fork in the hall… each of you took a hall… Cas came across nothing he stayed near the armory for a few minutes to make sure Dean wouldnt be able to easily access it if he came that way… Sam made it down his hall way to the garage, but obviously with the security locked down and the power outage the garage wouldnt be a good escape route… 
you went down the bedroom hallway, the emergency red lights going down the hallway made it to your room, checked it once and cleared it of being offended… then sam’s room along with Cas’ room…. 
the room at the end of the hall, the one room where you didnt think anything was wrong… the one room where the closer you got the more anger and pain you felt… before you could fully encrouch on the room, the door flung off its hinges… you ducked into the darkened bathroom… 
Demon!Dean: “Sammy, YN, Castiel! where is everyone to greet the brother who has come back from the dead? YN baby come give daddy a kiss…”
Dean now walking towards the bathroom slowly, now sniffs the air… he suddenly becomes ravenous for the being who holds the smell of pumpkin pie. the closer he got to the bathroom, the stronger the smell got. 
Demon!Dean: “come on out Baby.. i dont want to hurt you, but i will if i have to… come on out baby… dont you want to celebrate with me about our child… oh yes i know all about that… you can thank Crowley for that… now im gonna count to 3 if you dont show yourself by the time i get to 3, im gonna hurt you baby, i dont want to but i will…1…”
you didnt know what to do, so you stood there behind the door and didnt realize that you were starting to sweat badly your gun was slipping… before you could even react your gun fell to the ground…
Demon!Dean: “ah so you want to have a bit of bathroom fun hmm… well daddy brought a fun little tool… now lets play…”
with that Demon!Dean stalked into the bathroom forcefully pulling the door shut as he now stood there with you in the creepy red lighting, he stood there with his pocket knife. 
YN: “please dont do this, you dont want to hurt me i know you dont… for the sake of our child… please… i didnt know about my being pregnant D… im just finding out about this… look ok it tore me up to see your body like that, so i called Crowley… i knew when the power went out that you had come back… but i didnt expec…”
before you could say another word, his hand covered your mouth… he gently yet firmly ran the knife over your skin, he pressed down in certain tender spots, like your forearms, your thighs, your chest, as well as your cheeks. before stopping at your neck to lean in to sniff your aroma.. 
Demon!Dean: “you know babe, i never pictured myself as a father… i just realized i never told you what i did in Hell the first time i died… i tortured people, i tortured souls… these people didnt deserve it, but i didnt care, i liked it… now i think i’ll torture you similar to them…”
at that moment with lightning speed he ran the knife through all your clothes till you were standing in your Bra and panties. this made you shiver since it wasnt the man you fell in love with standing before you doing this to you. 
at that moment you felt the knife he was holding go into your skin on your thigh, you buckled at the pain, yet Demon!Dean just laughed with amusement. he ran his hands over your body, feeling you tense and un-tense beneath his touch. 
Demon!Dean: “i still have enough sense to know not to fuck a pregnant woman… but that doesnt mean i cant make you bleed…”
before he could finish cutting you in a few more places, the sound of your name came ringing through the halls. 
Sam: “cas do you see that?”
Cas looks straight ahead at the door on the floor…
Cas: “does that mean he is back?”
Sam: “yes but he doesnt have the strength normally to kick in these door which are reinforced with iron… he would have to…”
thats when it hit Sam like a sack of bricks… the shocked look on his face now said everything he connected the dots and soon realized that whereever Dean was you would be too…
Sam: “Dean or whatever you call yourself.. show yourself now…”
then he turned to Cas and in a low whisper adressed him.
Sam: “ok Cas go down the hall and hide around the corner as soon as he shows himself ill keep his gaze fixed on me, use your teleportation to get directly behind him… go…”
Cas ran to where Sam said but heard the same not so distant voice Sam soon did…
Demon!Dean: “ill be out in a second brother, im just taking a leak… then ill come out and talk…”
Demon!Dean finished making you bleed some more watching your body slide down the wall, weak from blood loss as he opened the bathroom door and exited…
Demon!Dean: “hey Sammy… come give your big brother a hug…”
Sam started to slowly back up seeing the blood covering Dean’s hands and clothes… 
Sam: “where’s YN?”
Demon!Dean: “i wouldnt know your the first one ive seen…”
Sam: “then whose blood are you covered in?”
Demon!Dean: “i found a family of rats and slaughtered them… why do you look so scared bro?”
Sam: “thats not rats blood is it?”
Demon!Dean could only bring off a dark smile… as he followed Sam down the hall and away from the bathroom… Cas took his opportunity to come out from around the corner and go towards the bathroom… where he found you… he took off his trench coat and laid it over you…
Cas: “what did he do to you?”
YN: “he called it knifeplay… i have no idea why he did this but he needs something… he needs a good angelic exorcism…”
Cas: “what do you have in mind?”
you explained to Cas that first you needed to get into some clean clothes of some kind and clean up some of this blood… Cas went to your room and grabbed one of your satin gowns… 
Cas came back seeing you limping… he helped steady you while you got dressed… then he took your arm with his hand… he smiled lightly and dove deep into steadying you before helping you into the direction that he watched Demon!Dean & Sam go in… 
he made sure you were alright before he took off to get into his position… slowly but steadily you made your way down the hall… to the sound of running footsteps and the sound of something breaking…
Demon!Dean: “Sam come on lets not play these games… why do you hide from your older brother…”
you steadied yourself and held the colt up high…
YN: “Demonic force that resides within Dean Winchester… i address the entity within thee… please dont make me do this…”
Demon!Dean turns to face you slowly after stopping in his tracks…
Demon!Dean: “YN baby i see you have managed to get up off the floor and clean yourself up… darling you really should be more careful with that, since when did i give you permission to touch that gun…”
YN: “you didnt i took it from your hiding place when i got up off the floor… you need to make sure that you pick better hiding spots…”
Demon!Dean: “and you need to make sure not to snoop…”
YN: “dont make me do this…”
you stayed tall and strong keeping the Colt trained on Dean…
Demon!Dean: “now now babe put the gun down… put it down or take your shot…”
you started to slowly put the gun down but then he charged towards you, Cas came out behind Dean and wrapped his arms around him from behind… 
you took your shot, you shot Dean while he was in the arms of Cas, you watched between Cas’ angelic grace and the bullet from the colt the demonic energy that was within Dean now blinked away… now within the eyes of the man before you, blinked between the demonic force within and the Dean you fell in love with.
Cas: “ready YN im gonna keep holding onto him while you enact the final part of your plan… anytime now…”
that was your cue, you tossed the colt in the air running towards the man who stole your heart a thousand times over… you kissed him, he didnt react right away it was about 5 minutes into the kiss that he started to kiss you back…
thats when Cas let go, it made you feel normal to be back in Dean’s embrace… once the kiss broke you took him over to the security station you had set up and showed him all of what happened… 
Dean: “i know that i wasn’t myself but i hurt you, i hurt the one person who means the world to me… i’m so sorry YN… you don’t deserve a guy like me… i’m a worthless piece of shit… to top it all off, we are expecting a baby… we are expecting i don’t know if i’m ready to be a father…”
YN: “i know your gonna do wonderful as a father, and i also know that when i saw you basically dead, it tore me apart, i dipped so far into the whiskey that i almost blacked out, if the power hadnt gone out, i wouldn’t be awake right now…”
Cas and Sam come back into the room making sure that it was safe first… then Sam took it upon himself to hand Dean his jacket, to which made you look with confusion but you didnt make anything of it.
Sam: “good luck buddy…”
you grab 3 glasses & the whiskey, while the charade continues… but wasnt expecting what happened next…
Dean: “dont touch your glass of whiskey yet…. YN there is something i wish to discuss with you first…”
You stared at Dean curiousity swimming in your mind… Dean took a small swig of his whiskey before he continued to speak…
Dean: “YN in all my years together never have i ever been so amazed by anyone. you’re strong, brave, talented, one of the best with a machete ive ever seen, i never would have seen myself being with someone who is as lovely and smart as you… YN i know we have just been through hell and back and both need a really good shower, but will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me and making me the luckiest man alive…”
YN: “yes yes yes…”
thats when Dean opened the ring box out of his jacket and slid the expensive but not expensive ring on your finger… the toasting lasted for 30 minutes before the cuts on your body cloted, and the blood on Dean crusted, but it was about time when you spoke again…
YN: “Dean no offense but you need a shower…”
Dean: “funny darling i could say the exact same thing about you….”
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hatsheep · 4 years
Who's stronger? (The obey me brothers or the demon slayers?) PART 1
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Short answer: demon slayers
From here, I will be comparing the demon slayers and the obey me brothers FROM WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN SO FAR. As we know, we know the basics of the brothers strengths and we know alot of the demon slayers strengths atleast. We know who's the strongest from each. This analysis is my OPINION, so please dont state it as fact. This will be between the 7 obey me brothers vs some people from the demon slayer universe. Diavolo and Barbatos wont be included because i dont know enough about them. Now I'll be honest,I think mulan is stronger than alot of the demons in the obey me universe lmao.
Though, I think who would have a disadvantage is shinobu. She uses poison, but it probably wont work against THESE demons. HOWEVER she still does her stabs and thrusts, but she may not fare too well.
Anyway, this will be a 7 part thing
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Lucifer, the eldest and strongest in terms of power. We dont know exactly too much, but hes said to be the strongest. Let's look at his appearance in demon form as I assume that's how he will fight. He has 2 big black wings and 2 incredibly large horns
Based on hoe the demon slayers are NOW- let's see how he would fare against each individual. I wont be saying all, but we're going from weapons and such now. He would probably be having troubles against gyomei. Gyomei is a brute, and had been through hell and back during the series. The strongest of all the demons slayers. Now I used gyomei, because he has pretty good long range attack. While he is blind,he uses and axe with a chain- so he would be able to swing it at lucifer. Not to mention, it dosent need to be the head-so anywhere is free reign
But what about a regular Nichirin blade?? Let's go with inosuke. Inosuke is a wild wild person. When a human from demon slayer jumps,its much higher. Not to mention they have breathing styles. But what about Lucifer's powers? I'm pretty sure Lucifer WILL use his powers. I'm going to be saying it vaguely as Lucifer dosent show them during this time of the game. Chances are, inosuke or another demon slayer WILL TAKE DAMAGE. He might get heavily injured, but with breath of the beast and how hes displayed during the fight with douma (chapter 161). He can also rearrange his limbs,which would be handy against. Lucifer.
I think lucifer would have the strength of an upper moon. So that would be incredibly hard to fight against. However, with the demon slayers I think it's pretty possible. Lucifer seems more like a weaker upper moon- but would still give alot of the slayers trouble.
If he was up against somebody with high endurance, maybe somebody like uzui- he will provably get very frustrated. This would work with mitsuri aswell, who literally has a whip that would whip lucifer. But I have a strong feeling he would heavily damage some of them.
My say: A weakness would be, from obey me-it could be any body part and it would be lethal. You've seen the demon slayers up against demons who regenerate. The obey me ones do not, so they have an advantage. A disadvantage the slayers would have is the fact that these demons are more or less the 7 rulers of hell along with diavolo. So I'm sure it will give them a headache, but then again they arent against a person with (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) with an extreme amount of brains and hearts.
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