#this is a very very character-building-y fic like most of my birthday fics are
milkytheholy1 · 1 month
TMNT Masterlist
Third base - Leo x Female Reader
Hey everyone, I currently have two requests left to do but I really want to get some stories that I personally came up with as well. I really want to try writing for different versions of the turts besides 2012 and Rise even if they are my fav versions. Sorry if the character interactions are a bit iffy in this one, I haven't seen much of the 2003 series I'm only up to season 2.
Drawn to you - Donnie x GN Reader
No, the tech-savvy turtle was drawn to you by your persistence, by the way you poured yourself into your work, how you understood the need to complete something no matter how long it took.
Turtle titan to the rescue! - Mikey x Female Reader
Okay so far warning, I haven’t really watched past season 3 of the 2003 series, I have been working my way through it though. So some characters might not sound or act like how they should from the show and I might end up getting some stuff wrong, so sorry in advance. This story will flip between 1st and 3rd person narrative.
All Turtles:
Turtle Power part 1
What if you included even more turtles in the hit tmnt movie, TMNT:Turtles Forever? This isn't an X Reader fic and takes places in the 2012 universe...well, for the start at least.
Dear diary - Leo x GN Reader
Leo practicing how to ask them out with many many scripts for acting in front of a mirror:") or maybe they find out about his diary! You can pick
A confident strut - Leo x GN Reader
Went with the first one since it's been some time since I wrote for my 2012 boy! This is going to be set before the whole sister reveal, but I wanna make it clear that I do not ship Karai and Leo together cause that shit is gross. Enjoy!
I heard you - Leo x Female Reader
The reader,who has a crush on Leo, waits by Leo's side for him to wake up in the farm house and she is so relieved when he wakes up after months
Not traditional - Leo x Male Reader
The reader is giving Leo a whole sexuality crisis so Leo asks April if it's weird for a guy to like another guy and April reassures him that it's perfectly normal, and later that week Leo accidentally slips that he likes (y/n) and in a flash the have this little moment of understanding that they both like each other and want to be more than friends.
Goodbye Leonardo part 1 - Leo x Female Reader
I know what you're thinking, two stories in one night? This is somewhat based on the season four episode: Broken Foot. Also sorry it's so long but I had to fill in some blanks to get to the build-up of the story and sorry for the rushed ending it's currently past midnight where I'm from and I'm very tired.
Goodbye Leonardo part 2 - Leo x Female Reader
Okay, okay, you'll get your stinking part 2. This is probably one of the most requested fics I've ever done, the original intention was to leave it as a standalone fic. But, because you all seem eager for more I eventually broke and decided to do it. This is set a few years after the original and doesn't follow the episode 'Broken Foot' like the original oneshot. In my opinion, it's also waaay more angsty and it might actually be sadder than the first one. So I hope the wait was worth it, enjoy!
Wrong about me - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie gets cheated on by April and (y/n) finds out and hurts April's feelings then comforts Donnie?
Hot - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie was talking about some science stuff the last 20 minutes, but reader can't fully pay attention to what he's saying because they're just thinking about his voice, his gestures and everything. They think "don't you realize how hot you are?", but Donnie stops talking and reader realizes they just said that out loud and now they want to die.
Happy birthday - Donnie x GN Reader
it’s the reader’s birthday and the turtles just find out and they have to quickly set up a surprise birthday for the reader.
Well done science boy - Donnie x GN Reader
Had this idea in my head for a few days so thought I'd post it, I wanted to make it a shorter story than what I normally do but I got too lost in it and it ended up being just as long, oops. Hope you enjoy!
Hello nurse - Donnie x Female Reader
Literally did this so I could pull off one reference, that's all. Enjoy!
Hots for you - Raph x Female Reader
Raph finds out that his girlfriend is bisexual?
Heard you from a mile away - Raph x GN Reader
not going to lie I had to search up what it meant, decided to do Raph since i've never written for him before in the 2012 version. So if this comes across as out of character, apologies. Anyway, enjoy!
2014/2016: Leo:
Red lips - Leo x Female Reader
“Don’t give me that face, it’s so cute I might not be able to hold back.”
Five years - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie creates a portal that transports them to 2021.
Five years alt ending - Donnie x Female Reader
It’s weird how many people have asked me for them to have kids, but I guess if that’s what you guys want to see then here is a short version 2, if you will, of five years. Be sure to read the original or it won’t really make much sense, this is just the ending. Enjoy!
Life is a dream part 1 - Donnie x GN Reader
You felt the small vibrations of your phone in your pocket, pulling it out you saw Donnie was once again calling you crap, "H-hey Donnie, I promise I'm on Allen Street. I'm like less than a minute away." you panted into the device. You could hear his sigh through the speaker, "Don't worry about it, I'm just wasting valuable pop tart time." he joked, your laughter was his reward.
Part 2 - Donnie x GN Reader
Speaking of the brothers, Mikey was sat playing some video games while leaning over to slurp his coke, you could hear panting and the sounds of something being destroyed coming from the dojo Raph. Finally taking lighter steps into the lair, you could smell a sweet fragrance waft through the air Leo.
Part 3 - Donnie x GN Reader
"Do you remember that video where the cat plays chopsticks with the chopsticks?" Mikey asked, pushing aside Donnie and getting closer to your face. You flinched at his close proximity, your mind still trying to adjust to your bright surroundings. "Can we focus here?" Leo argued, pulling Mikey away from you, he securely wrapped his arm around his younger brother in case he felt the need to jump at you again.
Final part - Donnie x GN Reader
"What?" he asked, "Can I ask you something?" You pondered why you were willing to tell Raph some of your deep, dark thoughts and not someone like Donatello "It's a free country," he quipped going back to his knitting. "Right," you said, glancing down to avoid making eye contact "It's just that...do you think- feel like something is off?"
Parading in style - Mikey x Male Reader
So I don’t know much about pride parades in NYC but I can only imagine they’re triple the ones from where I’m from, I’m also not going to give you a description of Mikey’s human form as that can be up to you. I’ve learned from experience that everyone has a different view of these characters and it’s unfair to the reader to force them to take my view of what he could look like, so yeah he looks like whatever you want him to. Hope you enjoy!
A cold night in new  - Raph x Female Reader
Reader's apartment building's heat went out during a really chilly spring day, so when raph comes over he's all like "why tf does she have the thermostat on 5 degrees", but then he finds her cuddled up with tons of blankets on the couch, watching tv. after turning down the volume, reader explains the situation with the heat while shivering and clutching the blankets. raph has a brilliant plan for this.
Begging - Raph x Female Reader
Bayverse Raph and his S.O get into a huge fight and he hurts her feelings and Raph found her on the rooftop crying and he asks for forgiveness
Seeing you - Raph x Female Reader
The reader feels invisible and lonely, so she confides in Raph and telling him how her current boyfriend is using and abusing her. Then later on Raph confesses his feelings for the reader but her abusive boyfriend catches the reader and raph together.
I promise - Raph x Female Reader
The reader has scars from her mother and she shows Raph while crying about them and Raph listens and comforts her.tumblr
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trektraveler · 2 years
My Hero
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Summary: Doctor Sam WInchester had fallen hard for the woman living just down the hall. She was easily the most adorable and the most accident-prone creature he had ever met! Yet for all the times he came to her rescue, he was too shy to make a move. Maybe he could work up his courage, if he got just one more chance...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Sam x Reader, Doctor!Sam Winchester x You
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Garth, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, fluff
One Shot
Word Count: 3700
Author’s Notes: I swear, every time I get sick all I want is a Winchester to come and take care of me. Is that really so much to ask?? I think not! This is my very first Sam x Reader fic! I have a few more ideas rattling around for the youngest Winchester brother, but this is decent practice. For now. Enjoy!
     Bang.  Bang.  Bang.
     “Coming, coming!”  Sam pulled t-shirt over his head as he trotted to the front door.  He’d been getting ready for bed when the insistent knocking started.
     The door swung open to a very nervous young man in a Wong’s delivery uniform.  Sam recognized him from the few times he ordered from them. 
     “Hey, its Garth, right?”
     “Yeah,” he shifted on his feet, his eyes round with worry, “You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
     Sam’s instantly shifted into his professional mode.  He was currently an attending at Lawrence General Hospital, having just moved back a year ago from L.A.  It had been an adjustment, but a welcome one.  Big city life didn’t suit Sam at all. 
     “I am.  What’s going on?’
     “I was dropping off an order down the hall to the lady in 302 and I heard this thud behind the door and now I can’t get her to answer.  I think something’s wrong.”
     Sam was already grabbing his medical bag, “Show me.”
     302.  He knew the woman who lived there.  More or less.  They kept running into each other.  He first discovered her fighting with the soap dispenser in the laundry room.  Then again when she locked herself out of the building during a thunderstorm.  And then last week when the elevator got stuck between floors.  He always seemed to be wandering by when she needed a rescue.  She was funny, smart, accident prone, and completely adorable. 
     Sam had been working up the courage to ask her out, but something always seemed to crop up.  An extra shift at the hospital or a birthday party for a colleague.  He knew it was an excuse.  For all of his professional success, Sam was, and always had been, extremely shy.
     “Y/N?”  He knocked loudly on the closed door, then tried the handle and found it locked. 
     “Alright, stand back,” he said to Garth.  In one powerful move, Sam kicked the door in, the heel of his foot landing in just the right spot to splinter the doorjamb. 
     “Damn,” Garth blew out an impressed breath, “You aren’t even wearing shoes.”
     You were laying in the foyer.  Curled on your side with your hair spread out like a halo.  A wallet sat a few inches away from outstretched fingers. 
     Sam was at your side in an instant, gingerly turning you over and searching for a pulse, “Y/N?  Can you hear me?”
     Garth hovered nearby, nerves in his voice, “Is she okay?”
     Sam ran a hand over your forehead, “She’s burning up.  Go see if you can find a washcloth and a glass of water.”
     His worry only grew when he carried you to the couch and you still didn’t come to.  He held your limp body up with one hand while he worked your hoodie off with the other, leaving you in a tank top and yoga pants.  He’d strip that off you too, if he had to.  Every inch of bare skin he touched felt like it was on fire! 
     “Why isn’t she waking up?”  Garth asked handing Sam a kitchen towel.
     “Dehydration.  With a fever this high, it can happen quick.”  Sam dipped the towel in the water filled coffee mug and bathed your face and neck.  Sure enough, his efforts were rewarded.
     You groaned, even that soft sound reverberated through your pounding head.  Everything hurt and all you wanted was to slip back into the blankness of sleep.   But it was so noisy!  Someone kept talking, like the parents in a Snoopy cartoon.  Unintelligible, insistent, and so annoying!
     Sam gently tapped your cheeks, “Y/N.  Come on, darlin.  Open your eyes for me.”
     With a bit of coaxing, you did as he asked.  Everything around you swirled and slowly came into focus.  Your head felt heavy and fell to the side, Sam was there and smiled down at you.  As a reflex, you smiled back before your fevered brain could catch up and tell you who you were looking at.
     “Hey… it’s my hero.”
     Sam chuckled in relief, “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
     “You’re here.  That’s so nice… why are you here?”
     “You passed out,” he replied, pressing the cool cloth to your brow.  “Do you remember what happened?”
     You tried to search your memory, but everything was so fuzzy!  “Um, I came home from work… I was sick.  Felt really bad.  Everything hurt.  Achy and cold.  Headache.  Then I ordered soup from the place down on Main Street.  I dunno…I feel a little out of it.”
     There was a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your bicep that was inflating.  Where did that come from?  Sam was doing that doctor thing where they listen to you talk while taking vitals at the same time.   
     How did doctors do that?  Did they teach that in med school?  It seemed especially confusing to you as your thoughts kept skipping away and going down rabbit holes.
     Cool fingers felt under your jaw, pressing against swollen lymph nodes.  He always had such a gentleness about him.  Such grace.  Surprising for a man of his size, but he seemed to take such care with you.  Like you were the most rare, delicate creature in the world.
     Last week when you found yourself stuck in the elevator, it was Sam who answered your call.  He muscled open the doors single handed and lifted you up though the opening without breaking a sweat.  You were more than a little awe struck by his display of strength and chivalry.  If you’d had half a brain, you’d have invited him for coffee as a thank you.  As it was, you were preoccupied with being late to work.  A sadly missed opportunity with your handsome neighbor.
     “You came home from work, was that last night?”
     “Um, yeah.  Yes.  As if Mondays aren’t sucky enough.”
     Sam’s eyebrows rose, “That was two days ago.”
     “Today’s Wednesday.”
     That information had you on the move.  You sat straight up and instantly went white.  The room titled and if it weren’t for Sam’s hands steadying your shoulders, you probably would have slid right off the couch.
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Not so fast,” Sam advised, forcing you to recline.
     “I gotta go call work… or… somebody.”
     “The only place you are going is to the E.R.”
     “No, I can’t go to the hospital.”
     “Y/N, listen to me.  You’re dehydrated to the point that you fainted.  Your fever is 103, that’s dangerous territory.” 
     Sam tried to be stern, but he just didn’t have it in him.  You looked so pitiful with your hair sticking to the sweat slick skin and the dark smudges under your eyes.  You were desperately sick and he wasn’t going to simply leave you without treatment.
     “I know a lot of people are scared of the doctor, but I promise I’ll be right there with you.”
     You swallowed, wincing at the feeling of knives in your throat.  “I’m not scared, I’m uninsured.  My job is new, benefits don’t kick in for thirty days.”
     Garth piped up, “You’re a doctor, can’t you just prescribe something and treat her here?”
     “It’s not that simple.  She needs to be admitted so they can get an I.V. going and get some fluids into her system.  And bring that fever under control.”
     He felt your head loll against him.  He looked down in alarm and found you’d lost consciousness again. 
     “Y/N?  Wake up, Y/N!” 
     This time no amount of effort would bring you around. 
     “Damn it,” Sam growled as he got to his feet.  He grabbed a notepad from your entry table and scribbled a list down.  “Do you know that walk-in clinic on 42nd street?”
     Garth followed him, “Yeah, I pass it on my way to work.”
     “Great.  My brother is on call there tonight, go in and ask for Dean.  Tell him it’s for me, he’ll help you.”  Sam tore off the list and thrust it into Garth’s hand, “Get everything and hurry!”
     Garth shoved the paper in his pocket, “What if they don’t believe me?  That clinic isn’t in the best part of town, junkies hassle them all the time.”
     “Dean will believe you but in case he doesn’t say Poughkeepsie.  It’s our go word, means drop everything.”
     “A secret code word, you guys must be brothers,” Garth muttered on his way out the door.
     You woke feeling warm.  Bundled up in something soft and secure.  Your eyes stayed closed as you enjoyed the luxurious feeling.  Most mornings you woke up stiff with your muscles complaining about the ancient futon you had yet to replace.  It was left over from college and the wood slats dug into your hips, but moving to a new town was expensive!  Anything like a proper mattress would have to wait until you had a few more paychecks under your belt.
     You stretched a bit, content to roll over and fall back into your dreams, but something tugged on your hand and pinched.  You frowned and tried again; it was like you were caught in a fishing net. 
     “What the hell…?”  You grumbled unhappily, determined to keep your eyes closed out of stubbornness.  You blindly felt around and found a tube and tape attached to your right hand.
     Your eyes popped open.  An I.V.?
     You weren’t in your bed.  You weren’t in your room!  Where the hell were you? 
     The dimensions matched your bedroom, but it wasn’t bare bones like yours.  This one was painted a lovely smoke grey.  Bookshelves lined one wall and a mahogany dresser matched it on the other.  The bed was the biggest you’d ever seen.  The headboard was massive and intricately carved.  The mattress was firm but yielding. 
     The bedside table housed bottles of medication, a stethoscope, a digital thermometer, and a glass of water.  You remembered being sick.  Sicker than you’d ever felt.  You remembered your boss sending you home then… nothing.  Just a blur. 
     You sat up slowly.  When the room didn’t spin, you decided to press your luck.  You pulled back the covers enough to dangle your feet over the edge.  Your toes found plush carpet.  You felt weak, but not dizzy.  And you were cold without the blankets.  Looking down you found bare legs.  You were wearing only your tank top and Wonder Woman underwear. 
     Fuck.  Where the hell are my clothes?!
     With a quick yank, you pulled the I.V. out and headed for the door. 
     “Yeah, Dean I know.  If I promise to wash and wax your car, will you get off my case?”
     “No way in hell you are waxing my Baby, do I need to remind you about Liza Raffaella in the eighth grade?”
     “Please don’t,” Sam groaned into the phone. 
     “It’s wax on, wax off.  Not wax on, go chat up a nerd girl for three hours while the wax bakes on in the sun!”
     Sam spun at the raspy voice behind him.  You were standing in the hall, your hand braced against the wall for balance.  You looked a little wobbly, but far better than you had in hours.
     “I gotta go,” he told his brother before ending the call.  “Y/N, hey.  How you feeling?”
     “Confused.  How did I get here and where are my clothes?”
     “Oh!”  Sam’s cheeks colored instantly as he grabbed a soft, woven throw from the back of an over-sized chair.  He draped it over your shoulders and ushered you to the sofa.
     “Sorry about that, your fever was sky high.  Needed to bring it down in a hurry.  Here, sit.”
     You sank down onto a couch that was just as comfortable as the bed you’d woken up in.  Sam disappeared into the kitchen then returned with a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.  He was rattling off something about Chinese takeout and your pants being in the laundry.  All the while he was fussing over you.  His long fingers found the pulse point on your wrist, and he produced a pen light from somewhere to check your pupils.
     After a few minutes, he realized you were staring at him, “Y/N?”
     “Sam, grateful that I am for your hospitality and bedside manner… I still don’t understand why I’m here.” 
     “Well, I figured it would be a better place for you to recover… with all the construction.”
     Now you were really confused, “Construction?”
     Sam rubbed the back of his neck and embarrassment turned his ears pink, “Yeah.  I ah… I kinda broke down your door.”
     “You weren’t answering!  I just had a really bad feeling, and I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
     His gaze traveled your face then locked on your eyes.  “I was worried about you.”
     You looked at him, really looked.  He was beautiful, as he always was, but there was an edge of exhaustion to his features.  His five o’clock shadow was darker than you’d ever seen it.  The fine lines around his eyes and lips were etched deeper and his hazel eyes were slightly red.  Even his enviable hair was disheveled. 
     “So, you committed destruction of property to save my life?”
     “I did.”  He gave a nod, his tone teasing, “You gonna turn me in?”
     A small smile played around your lips, “Nah.  I might need your services again.  I have a habit of getting into trouble.  Nice to know I’ve got my own personal hero on call.”
     “You call, I’ll come running.”
Two Years Later:
     “That was not our first date!”
     “We spent the entire weekend curled up in my bed, it counts.”
     “I was unconscious!”
     “Not the whole time,” Sam countered, threading his fingers through yours, “Sometimes you’d wake up.  Of course, you were delirious.  You did have some of the most creative fever dreams… what was that one about the Catholic church hiding the existence of extra-terrestrials by dressing them up like the clergy?”
     “They were hiding dinosaurs, not aliens.  Tiny dinosaurs under their creepy old lady robes.  And still, not a date.  I think you’ll find most dating experts would agree with me on this.”
    “Dating experts?”
     “Your brother.”
     Sam huffed out a laugh, “Don’t be fooled by the rumors, he’s not the Casanova everyone thinks he is.”
     “I dunno, guy gets a lot of dates.”
     “First dates.  Ask him about his batting average for second dates.”
     “Oh yeah?  Got him beat, do you?”
     “Hands down.”
     Sam curled a finger under your chin and brought his lips down to meet yours.  You hummed happily as an electric spark zinged all the way down to your toes.  It was crazy that even after two years he still managed to excite you with just a touch, or a look.  You never had to doubt his feelings for you, he wore them openly and proudly.  He never missed the opportunity to hold your hand in the grocery store or to wrap his arm around your shoulders at the movies.   A kiss to the temple, a hand at the small of your back.  Every touch was filled with the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day.  Every night was filled with the heat and passion of desire that could never be sated. 
     You leaned into Sam’s side as he guided the two of you down the winding path that cut through the willows.  “So, tell me Doctor Winchester, why haven’t I been to your family’s estate before?”
     “I wouldn’t call it an estate, it’s just a few acres.”
     “I don’t care if it’s a patch of dead grass… you have horses!  Horses, Sam!  I’ve wanted to go horseback riding since I was ten.”
     “We might be able to squeeze in a lesson for you before we head home.”
     “I’ll bet you’re a natural, you’re already an expert with a riding crop,” he whispered in your ear.
     “Sam!”  You admonished him, instantly turning red, “That was a one time!”
     “Best birthday ever.  And to answer your question; you haven’t been here before because I was waiting.”
     The path curved and opened up to a decent sized pond.  A dock jutted out onto the clear, still waters and ended in an elaborate gazebo.  Painted a picturesque white and topped with a copper finial, hundreds of tiny fairy lights hung from the rafters glittering with magic and romance. 
     “Oh wow,” you breathed, following Sam down the planks.  “This is like something out of a book.  God, it’s beautiful!”
     “My parents built this place from the ground up.  Mom had this vision in her head about a pond where she could come and watch ducks.  Teach her kids to swim and fish.  So, one summer, Dad started digging.  I don’t think he even had a plan, all the neighbors thought he was crazy!  But he was stubborn and determined.  And he loved my mom more than anything.”
     You walked out to the end of the platform and leaned out on the railing.  Dragonflies danced along the surface of the water as the sun began to set and the crickets started to sing.  “He did a great job.  Did he build the gazebo too?”
     “Anniversary present,” he confirmed, joining you by the railing.  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.  Dean loved the garage, hanging with Dad and tearing apart trucks with the radio blasting.  I couldn’t stand the noise, so I’d come out here.  Even in the winter.”
     Suddenly, a swan flew down and landed in the middle of the water.  Graceful and noble, it glided across the water sending the slightest of ripples out in its wake.  As it turned, you could see a single black feather against the white of its tail. 
     “Oh!  I’ve never seen a swan with one black feather.”
     “He’s always had it, never could figure out why.  He showed up when I was ten and just never left.  I call him Solomon.”
     “Is it just him?  I thought swans always paired up?”  
     “Well, that’s the thing, they do have mates for life, but he showed up alone.  And I know it sounds silly, but he was mopey.  He didn’t take a lot of interest in anything; he didn’t interact with the ducks or even pay any attention to me when I tried to feed him.  He was sad.  Some animals grieve and I think he was grieving for his lost mate.”
     “Poor guy,” you murmured, watching as Sam took a packet of birdseed from his pocket and tossed a bit out on the water. 
     “When I left for college, Solomon migrated and didn’t come back in the spring.  I thought I’d seen the last of him, but then I got a call from Mom this past summer.  He was back and he brought someone with him.”
     As if on cue, a second swan swooped down and landed beside Solomon.  Pure white and just as lovely.  They looked like a postcard, gliding on the sunlit water.
     “You’re kidding!  He found another mate?  I didn’t know swans would do that!”
     “Some do, special cases.  And Solomon’s no fool, he might have been content to be alone forever, but when that right one came along, he snapped her up.”
     “That’s amazing!”  You turned to Sam with a beaming grin, but stopped short when you realized he wasn’t standing there beside you.  He was kneeling. 
     He took both of your hands in his, tipping his face back to gaze up at you with such tenderness and devotion it made your breath catch.
     “I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look, but the words never came.  Everything I wrote seemed inadequate.  Even the word love falls short.  It’s not enough, it’s not big enough.  Being with you is a revelation, Y/N.  You call me your hero, but baby… it’s the other way around.  You rescued me.”
     Tears had already gathered in your eyes when he pulled out a blue velvet box.  A diamond solitaire sparkled inside like a star in the sky. 
     “I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words, but I swear to show you.  To treasure you, to make your happiness my mission.  To answer your call and to love you for all my days.”
     You dropped down to your knees and tackled him.  Your arms flung around his neck, nearly knocking him over in your enthusiasm.   He caught you with a laugh and kept the two of you from tumbling off into the water.  You kissed every square inch of the face you’d loved since he first rescued you.  And you laughed.  Joy bubbled up from your heart like effervescent Champagne.
     “You astonishing,” Kiss. “Brilliant,” kiss. “Romantic,” kiss, kiss. “Beautiful,” kiss, kiss, kiss.
     “Y/N… baby…”
     “Yes?” Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
     His hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back slightly so he could look into your eyes.  He traced the curve of your face, fondly tucking your hair behind your ear.  You were always moving, always racing towards everything in life.  It was something he loved about you, your exuberance.  Your passion!  You burned so bright, his light even on the darkest days. 
     “Will you marry me?”
     Your brow creased in confusion before you realized, he didn’t actually say the words a moment ago.  You been so excited that he never got the chance. 
     “Yes,” you nodded, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
     Sam slipped the ring onto your finger, “Will you look at that?  Perfect fit.”
     “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now.”  You shifted so that you were sitting in his lap, your hand cupped his jaw, “I should tell you up front that I tend to get into trouble, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to rescue me from time to time.”
     “Good thing rescuing you is my second favorite activity.”
     “Second favorite?”
     “Yeah,” he murmured against the curve of your neck, “Let me show you the front runner.”
     Before long, Sam had swept you away in a haze with his deft fingers and clever tongue.  The title of Hero that you bestowed on him became a running joke through the years and then a loving nickname.  But that didn’t make it any less true.  He’d always been a hero, and now he was yours. TAGLIST @deans-baby-momma @muchamusedaboutnothing @peterpangirl21 @ficbreaks @teresa-67 @sacriceria @verytoadpapersoul @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @savspersonalproperty @deanwanddamons @jenwinchester40 @perpetualabsurdity @starryeyeseunbyul @sexyvixen7 @katsbratsupernaturalwhore @agirlwithdemonblood @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @imthedoctorlove @roonyxx @smellingofpoetryy @deanwinchesterswitch @thinkinghardhardlythinking @pink-sparkly-witchly-witch @barewithme02 @deadlynightshadeindustries @jc-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @kinderousmaster @lyarr24 @aphorism-001 @onlinecemetery @allonsy-yesiwill @myeagletoadmaker @panicking-outside-the-disco @haylie-spnfam4evr @lauraashley93 @foxyjwls007 @bluedragonflylady @foxyjwls007
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butterfluffy · 2 years
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“my strange addiction”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· if killer ever has an addiction, it'd probably be you, the one he's highly addicted to, it's starting to get quite concerning..
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | yandere!killer × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — contains yandere themes, violence, death (of a minor character), and stalking. get out of this fic if you're uncomfortable with these. mistakes and swearing are present too.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “my strange addiction,” which is a writing special i made to celebrate this account reaching 500+ followers.
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by continuing, you consent into reading this oneshot fanfic which contains yandere themes, violence, death, and stalking. if uncomfortable with these, then don't read this fic. also, don't go blaming me, i gave you a warning.
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“Fuck.” Killer cursed, immediately hiding himself behind the wall of some building the instant your head snapped behind you, feeling his lingering stare.
He was almost caught, almost caught watching you, stalking you.
“That was close... Did they see me?” The blond man asks himself, taking a quick glance at you once again as you stood still, looking left and right for the mysterious shadow your eye caught just moments ago;
not knowing that it was no other than Killer, a friend of yours..
“Hey, did you notice anyone following us just a few moments ago?” You asked your companion who shrugged, not able to notice a certain blond peering behind a wall, a frown on his face under his mask.
Killer shouldn't be doing this, and he knows. But he couldn't help it. He wants you, he needs you, he craves you.
“Just ignore 'em, Y/n. Maybe you're just being delusional, anyway.. Let's just get lunch already, m'kay?” They chirped, clinging on your arm, only pissing Killer off even more...
“Clingy little shit..” He grumbles, clicking his tongue by the actions of the person with you—hating it, and them a real lot.
“I should be the one they're with... I should be the one they're going out with..!” Killer hissed, stuffing his clenched fist back on his pockets, going on to blend with the crowd as he continued to follow you...
Once again, he's watching you with great attention, his stare giving you an eerie sensation that you can't shake off, also unable to pinpoint who is watching you, your every move.
He loves it, this. He loves watching you, everything you do, and most importantly, you.
Killer adores you very much, to the point that he knows everything about you—your birthday? Favorite color? Habits? Pet peeves? Damn, even things about yourself that you don't know, he knows!
His room is filled with your pictures that he took, with, and those without consent he got from stalking you. To him, you're someone to worship as if you're God.
Killer is willing to do anything for you, and willing to do anything to make you his—even living up to his name; Killer.
“..If you just hadn't been so clingy with Y/n... This wouldn't happen.” Killer sighs, knife in hand as your companion from hours ago tried to wriggle away from the man who grimaced.
“Y/n's mine, and they will never be yours, aight?” Crouching, Killer then placed the cold metal against the throat of his new victim who screeched and cried—..before having their throat slit open, blood splattering everywhere as they took their last breath, bringing satisfaction to Killer.
“Now that's one less rival to deal with.. After I take 'em all down.... You should be mine, right, Y/n?”
Killer chuckles, eyes averting to you who is tied up on a chair, mouth taped shut, forced to watch your dearest friend kill your companion, causing you to shiver in fear as Killer approached you, smiling like a maniac, caressing your cheek with his bloodied hand, whispering, “I love you.”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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161 notes · View notes
My Hero
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Summary: Doctor Sam WInchester had fallen hard for the woman living just down the hall. She was easily the most adorable and the most accident-prone creature he had ever met! Yet for all the times he came to her rescue, he was too shy to make a move. Maybe he could work up his courage, if he got just one more chance...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Sam x Reader, Doctor!Sam Winchester x You
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Garth, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, fluff
One Shot
Word Count: 3700
Author’s Notes: I swear, every time I get sick all I want is a Winchester to come and take care of me. Is that really so much to ask?? I think not! This is my very first Sam x Reader fic! I have a few more ideas rattling around for the youngest Winchester brother, but this is decent practice. For now. Enjoy!
Bang.  Bang.  Bang.
     “Coming, coming!”  Sam pulled t-shirt over his head as he trotted to the front door.  He’d been getting ready for bed when the insistent knocking started.
     The door swung open to a very nervous young man in a Wong’s delivery uniform.  Sam recognized him from the few times he ordered from them. 
     “Hey, its Garth, right?”
     “Yeah,” he shifted on his feet, his eyes round with worry, “You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
     Sam’s instantly shifted into his professional mode.  He was currently an attending at Lawrence General Hospital, having just moved back a year ago from L.A.  It had been an adjustment, but a welcome one.  Big city life didn’t suit Sam at all. 
     “I am.  What’s going on?’
     “I was dropping off an order down the hall to the lady in 302 and I heard this thud behind the door and now I can’t get her to answer.  I think something’s wrong.”
     Sam was already grabbing his medical bag, “Show me.”
     302.  He knew the woman who lived there.  More or less.  They kept running into each other.  He first discovered her fighting with the soap dispenser in the laundry room.  Then again when she locked herself out of the building during a thunderstorm.  And then last week when the elevator got stuck between floors.  He always seemed to be wandering by when she needed a rescue.  She was funny, smart, accident prone, and completely adorable. 
     Sam had been working up the courage to ask her out, but something always seemed to crop up.  An extra shift at the hospital or a birthday party for a colleague.  He knew it was an excuse.  For all of his professional success, Sam was, and always had been, extremely shy.
     “Y/N?”  He knocked loudly on the closed door, then tried the handle and found it locked. 
     “Alright, stand back,” he said to Garth.  In one powerful move, Sam kicked the door in, the heel of his foot landing in just the right spot to splinter the doorjamb. 
     “Damn,” Garth blew out an impressed breath, “You aren’t even wearing shoes.”
     You were laying in the foyer.  Curled on your side with your hair spread out like a halo.  A wallet sat a few inches away from outstretched fingers. 
     Sam was at your side in an instant, gingerly turning you over and searching for a pulse, “Y/N?  Can you hear me?”
     Garth hovered nearby, nerves in his voice, “Is she okay?”
     Sam ran a hand over your forehead, “She’s burning up.  Go see if you can find a washcloth and a glass of water.”
     His worry only grew when he carried you to the couch and you still didn’t come to.  He held your limp body up with one hand while he worked your hoodie off with the other, leaving you in a tank top and yoga pants.  He’d strip that off you too, if he had to.  Every inch of bare skin he touched felt like it was on fire! 
     “Why isn’t she waking up?”  Garth asked handing Sam a kitchen towel.
     “Dehydration.  With a fever this high, it can happen quick.”  Sam dipped the towel in the water filled coffee mug and bathed your face and neck.  Sure enough, his efforts were rewarded.
     You groaned, even that soft sound reverberated through your pounding head.  Everything hurt and all you wanted was to slip back into the blankness of sleep.   But it was so noisy!  Someone kept talking, like the parents in a Snoopy cartoon.  Unintelligible, insistent, and so annoying!
     Sam gently tapped your cheeks, “Y/N.  Come on, darlin.  Open your eyes for me.”
     With a bit of coaxing, you did as he asked.  Everything around you swirled and slowly came into focus.  Your head felt heavy and fell to the side, Sam was there and smiled down at you.  As a reflex, you smiled back before your fevered brain could catch up and tell you who you were looking at.
     “Hey… it’s my hero.”
     Sam chuckled in relief, “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
     “You’re here.  That’s so nice… why are you here?”
     “You passed out,” he replied, pressing the cool cloth to your brow.  “Do you remember what happened?”
     You tried to search your memory, but everything was so fuzzy!  “Um, I came home from work… I was sick.  Felt really bad.  Everything hurt.  Achy and cold.  Headache.  Then I ordered soup from the place down on Main Street.  I dunno…I feel a little out of it.”
     There was a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your bicep that was inflating.  Where did that come from?  Sam was doing that doctor thing where they listen to you talk while taking vitals at the same time.��  
     How did doctors do that?  Did they teach that in med school?  It seemed especially confusing to you as your thoughts kept skipping away and going down rabbit holes.
     Cool fingers felt under your jaw, pressing against swollen lymph nodes.  He always had such a gentleness about him.  Such grace.  Surprising for a man of his size, but he seemed to take such care with you.  Like you were the most rare, delicate creature in the world.
     Last week when you found yourself stuck in the elevator, it was Sam who answered your call.  He muscled open the doors single handed and lifted you up though the opening without breaking a sweat.  You were more than a little awe struck by his display of strength and chivalry.  If you’d had half a brain, you’d have invited him for coffee as a thank you.  As it was, you were preoccupied with being late to work.  A sadly missed opportunity with your handsome neighbor.
     “You came home from work, was that last night?”
     “Um, yeah.  Yes.  As if Mondays aren’t sucky enough.”
     Sam’s eyebrows rose, “That was two days ago.”
     “Today’s Wednesday.”
     That information had you on the move.  You sat straight up and instantly went white.  The room titled and if it weren’t for Sam’s hands steadying your shoulders, you probably would have slid right off the couch.
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Not so fast,” Sam advised, forcing you to recline.
     “I gotta go call work… or… somebody.”
     “The only place you are going is to the E.R.”
     “No, I can’t go to the hospital.”
     “Y/N, listen to me.  You’re dehydrated to the point that you fainted.  Your fever is 103, that’s dangerous territory.” 
     Sam tried to be stern, but he just didn’t have it in him.  You looked so pitiful with your hair sticking to the sweat slick skin and the dark smudges under your eyes.  You were desperately sick and he wasn’t going to simply leave you without treatment.
     “I know a lot of people are scared of the doctor, but I promise I’ll be right there with you.”
     You swallowed, wincing at the feeling of knives in your throat.  “I’m not scared, I’m uninsured.  My job is new, benefits don’t kick in for thirty days.”
     Garth piped up, “You’re a doctor, can’t you just prescribe something and treat her here?”
     “It’s not that simple.  She needs to be admitted so they can get an I.V. going and get some fluids into her system.  And bring that fever under control.”
     He felt your head loll against him.  He looked down in alarm and found you’d lost consciousness again. 
     “Y/N?  Wake up, Y/N!” 
     This time no amount of effort would bring you around. 
     “Damn it,” Sam growled as he got to his feet.  He grabbed a notepad from your entry table and scribbled a list down.  “Do you know that walk-in clinic on 42nd street?”
     Garth followed him, “Yeah, I pass it on my way to work.”
     “Great.  My brother is on call there tonight, go in and ask for Dean.  Tell him it’s for me, he’ll help you.”  Sam tore off the list and thrust it into Garth’s hand, “Get everything and hurry!”
     Garth shoved the paper in his pocket, “What if they don’t believe me?  That clinic isn’t in the best part of town, junkies hassle them all the time.”
     “Dean will believe you but in case he doesn’t say Poughkeepsie.  It’s our go word, means drop everything.”
     “A secret code word, you guys must be brothers,” Garth muttered on his way out the door.
     You woke feeling warm.  Bundled up in something soft and secure.  Your eyes stayed closed as you enjoyed the luxurious feeling.  Most mornings you woke up stiff with your muscles complaining about the ancient futon you had yet to replace.  It was left over from college and the wood slats dug into your hips, but moving to a new town was expensive!  Anything like a proper mattress would have to wait until you had a few more paychecks under your belt.
     You stretched a bit, content to roll over and fall back into your dreams, but something tugged on your hand and pinched.  You frowned and tried again; it was like you were caught in a fishing net. 
     “What the hell…?”  You grumbled unhappily, determined to keep your eyes closed out of stubbornness.  You blindly felt around and found a tube and tape attached to your right hand.
     Your eyes popped open.  An I.V.?
     You weren’t in your bed.  You weren’t in your room!  Where the hell were you? 
     The dimensions matched your bedroom, but it wasn’t bare bones like yours.  This one was painted a lovely smoke grey.  Bookshelves lined one wall and a mahogany dresser matched it on the other.  The bed was the biggest you’d ever seen.  The headboard was massive and intricately carved.  The mattress was firm but yielding. 
     The bedside table housed bottles of medication, a stethoscope, a digital thermometer, and a glass of water.  You remembered being sick.  Sicker than you’d ever felt.  You remembered your boss sending you home then… nothing.  Just a blur. 
     You sat up slowly.  When the room didn’t spin, you decided to press your luck.  You pulled back the covers enough to dangle your feet over the edge.  Your toes found plush carpet.  You felt weak, but not dizzy.  And you were cold without the blankets.  Looking down you found bare legs.  You were wearing only your tank top and Wonder Woman underwear. 
     Fuck.  Where the hell are my clothes?!
     With a quick yank, you pulled the I.V. out and headed for the door. 
     “Yeah, Dean I know.  If I promise to wash and wax your car, will you get off my case?”
     “No way in hell you are waxing my Baby, do I need to remind you about Liza Raffaella in the eighth grade?”
     “Please don’t,” Sam groaned into the phone. 
     “It’s wax on, wax off.  Not wax on, go chat up a nerd girl for three hours while the wax bakes on in the sun!”
     Sam spun at the raspy voice behind him.  You were standing in the hall, your hand braced against the wall for balance.  You looked a little wobbly, but far better than you had in hours.
     “I gotta go,” he told his brother before ending the call.  “Y/N, hey.  How you feeling?”
     “Confused.  How did I get here and where are my clothes?”
     “Oh!”  Sam’s cheeks colored instantly as he grabbed a soft, woven throw from the back of an over-sized chair.  He draped it over your shoulders and ushered you to the sofa.
     “Sorry about that, your fever was sky high.  Needed to bring it down in a hurry.  Here, sit.”
     You sank down onto a couch that was just as comfortable as the bed you’d woken up in.  Sam disappeared into the kitchen then returned with a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.  He was rattling off something about Chinese takeout and your pants being in the laundry.  All the while he was fussing over you.  His long fingers found the pulse point on your wrist, and he produced a pen light from somewhere to check your pupils.
     After a few minutes, he realized you were staring at him, “Y/N?”
     “Sam, grateful that I am for your hospitality and bedside manner… I still don’t understand why I’m here.” 
     “Well, I figured it would be a better place for you to recover… with all the construction.”
     Now you were really confused, “Construction?”
     Sam rubbed the back of his neck and embarrassment turned his ears pink, “Yeah.  I ah… I kinda broke down your door.”
     “You weren’t answering!  I just had a really bad feeling, and I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
     His gaze traveled your face then locked on your eyes.  “I was worried about you.”
     You looked at him, really looked.  He was beautiful, as he always was, but there was an edge of exhaustion to his features.  His five o’clock shadow was darker than you’d ever seen it.  The fine lines around his eyes and lips were etched deeper and his hazel eyes were slightly red.  Even his enviable hair was disheveled. 
     “So, you committed destruction of property to save my life?”
     “I did.”  He gave a nod, his tone teasing, “You gonna turn me in?”
     A small smile played around your lips, “Nah.  I might need your services again.  I have a habit of getting into trouble.  Nice to know I’ve got my own personal hero on call.”
     “You call, I’ll come running.”
Two Years Later:
     “That was not our first date!”
     “We spent the entire weekend curled up in my bed, it counts.”
     “I was unconscious!”
     “Not the whole time,” Sam countered, threading his fingers through yours, “Sometimes you’d wake up.  Of course, you were delirious.  You did have some of the most creative fever dreams… what was that one about the Catholic church hiding the existence of extra-terrestrials by dressing them up like the clergy?”
     “They were hiding dinosaurs, not aliens.  Tiny dinosaurs under their creepy old lady robes.  And still, not a date.  I think you’ll find most dating experts would agree with me on this.”
    “Dating experts?”
     “Your brother.”
     Sam huffed out a laugh, “Don’t be fooled by the rumors, he’s not the Casanova everyone thinks he is.”
     “I dunno, guy gets a lot of dates.”
     “First dates.  Ask him about his batting average for second dates.”
     “Oh yeah?  Got him beat, do you?”
     “Hands down.”
     Sam curled a finger under your chin and brought his lips down to meet yours.  You hummed happily as an electric spark zinged all the way down to your toes.  It was crazy that even after two years he still managed to excite you with just a touch, or a look.  You never had to doubt his feelings for you, he wore them openly and proudly.  He never missed the opportunity to hold your hand in the grocery store or to wrap his arm around your shoulders at the movies.   A kiss to the temple, a hand at the small of your back.  Every touch was filled with the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day.  Every night was filled with the heat and passion of desire that could never be sated. 
     You leaned into Sam’s side as he guided the two of you down the winding path that cut through the willows.  “So, tell me Doctor Winchester, why haven’t I been to your family’s estate before?”
     “I wouldn’t call it an estate, it’s just a few acres.”
     “I don’t care if it’s a patch of dead grass… you have horses!  Horses, Sam!  I’ve wanted to go horseback riding since I was ten.”
     “We might be able to squeeze in a lesson for you before we head home.”
     “I’ll bet you’re a natural, you’re already an expert with a riding crop,” he whispered in your ear.
     “Sam!”  You admonished him, instantly turning red, “That was a one time!”
     “Best birthday ever.  And to answer your question; you haven’t been here before because I was waiting.”
     The path curved and opened up to a decent sized pond.  A dock jutted out onto the clear, still waters and ended in an elaborate gazebo.  Painted a picturesque white and topped with a copper finial, hundreds of tiny fairy lights hung from the rafters glittering with magic and romance. 
     “Oh wow,” you breathed, following Sam down the planks.  “This is like something out of a book.  God, it’s beautiful!”
     “My parents built this place from the ground up.  Mom had this vision in her head about a pond where she could come and watch ducks.  Teach her kids to swim and fish.  So, one summer, Dad started digging.  I don’t think he even had a plan, all the neighbors thought he was crazy!  But he was stubborn and determined.  And he loved my mom more than anything.”
     You walked out to the end of the platform and leaned out on the railing.  Dragonflies danced along the surface of the water as the sun began to set and the crickets started to sing.  “He did a great job.  Did he build the gazebo too?”
     “Anniversary present,” he confirmed, joining you by the railing.  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.  Dean loved the garage, hanging with Dad and tearing apart trucks with the radio blasting.  I couldn’t stand the noise, so I’d come out here.  Even in the winter.”
     Suddenly, a swan flew down and landed in the middle of the water.  Graceful and noble, it glided across the water sending the slightest of ripples out in its wake.  As it turned, you could see a single black feather against the white of its tail. 
     “Oh!  I’ve never seen a swan with one black feather.”
     “He’s always had it, never could figure out why.  He showed up when I was ten and just never left.  I call him Solomon.”
     “Is it just him?  I thought swans always paired up?”  
     “Well, that’s the thing, they do have mates for life, but he showed up alone.  And I know it sounds silly, but he was mopey.  He didn’t take a lot of interest in anything; he didn’t interact with the ducks or even pay any attention to me when I tried to feed him.  He was sad.  Some animals grieve and I think he was grieving for his lost mate.”
     “Poor guy,” you murmured, watching as Sam took a packet of birdseed from his pocket and tossed a bit out on the water. 
     “When I left for college, Solomon migrated and didn’t come back in the spring.  I thought I’d seen the last of him, but then I got a call from Mom this past summer.  He was back and he brought someone with him.”
     As if on cue, a second swan swooped down and landed beside Solomon.  Pure white and just as lovely.  They looked like a postcard, gliding on the sunlit water.
     “You’re kidding!  He found another mate?  I didn’t know swans would do that!”
     “Some do, special cases.  And Solomon’s no fool, he might have been content to be alone forever, but when that right one came along, he snapped her up.”
     “That’s amazing!”  You turned to Sam with a beaming grin, but stopped short when you realized he wasn’t standing there beside you.  He was kneeling. 
     He took both of your hands in his, tipping his face back to gaze up at you with such tenderness and devotion it made your breath catch.
     “I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look, but the words never came.  Everything I wrote seemed inadequate.  Even the word love falls short.  It’s not enough, it’s not big enough.  Being with you is a revelation, Y/N.  You call me your hero, but baby… it’s the other way around.  You rescued me.”
     Tears had already gathered in your eyes when he pulled out a blue velvet box.  A diamond solitaire sparkled inside like a star in the sky. 
     “I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words, but I swear to show you.  To treasure you, to make your happiness my mission.  To answer your call and to love you for all my days.”
     You dropped down to your knees and tackled him.  Your arms flung around his neck, nearly knocking him over in your enthusiasm.   He caught you with a laugh and kept the two of you from tumbling off into the water.  You kissed every square inch of the face you’d loved since he first rescued you.  And you laughed.  Joy bubbled up from your heart like effervescent Champagne.
     “You astonishing,” Kiss. “Brilliant,” kiss. “Romantic,” kiss, kiss. “Beautiful,” kiss, kiss, kiss.
     “Y/N… baby…”
     “Yes?” Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
     His hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back slightly so he could look into your eyes.  He traced the curve of your face, fondly tucking your hair behind your ear.  You were always moving, always racing towards everything in life.  It was something he loved about you, your exuberance.  Your passion!  You burned so bright, his light even on the darkest days. 
     “Will you marry me?”
     Your brow creased in confusion before you realized, he didn’t actually say the words a moment ago.  You been so excited that he never got the chance. 
     “Yes,” you nodded, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
     Sam slipped the ring onto your finger, “Will you look at that?  Perfect fit.”
     “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now.”  You shifted so that you were sitting in his lap, your hand cupped his jaw, “I should tell you up front that I tend to get into trouble, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to rescue me from time to time.”
     “Good thing rescuing you is my second favorite activity.”
     “Second favorite?”
     “Yeah,” he murmured against the curve of your neck, “Let me show you the front runner.”
     Before long, Sam had swept you away in a haze with his deft fingers and clever tongue.  The title of Hero that you bestowed on him became a running joke through the years and then a loving nickname.  But that didn’t make it any less true.  He’d always been a hero, and now he was yours. TAGLIST @deans-baby-momma @muchamusedaboutnothing @peterpangirl21 @ficbreaks @teresa-67 @sacriceria @verytoadpapersoul @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @savspersonalproperty @deanwanddamons @jenwinchester40 @perpetualabsurdity @starryeyeseunbyul @sexyvixen7 @katsbratsupernaturalwhore @agirlwithdemonblood @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @imthedoctorlove @roonyxx @smellingofpoetryy @deanwinchesterswitch @thinkinghardhardlythinking @pink-sparkly-witchly-witch @barewithme02 @deadlynightshadeindustries @jc-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @kinderousmaster @lyarr24 @aphorism-001 @onlinecemetery @allonsy-yesiwill @myeagletoadmaker @panicking-outside-the-disco @haylie-spnfam4evr @lauraashley93 @foxyjwls007 @bluedragonflylady @foxyjwls007
62 notes · View notes
kangaracha · 9 months
i tried to goad people into asking me the ao3 questions like five times this month so i'm just gonna treat myself and answer em
How many words have you written this year? 247, 190
How many works did you publish this year? four
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? nevermore! and not just for wordcount either, though maybe a little bit because i've spent so much time with it. i'm just extremely pleased with the world building i've done and the complexity and depth of the plot and how i've gotten so far into it and i don't feel like i've become wayward yet, which is what usually happens even before i reach this point. i'm so pleased. i'm so excited to reach 200k and see where i'm up to and what's ahead.
What work of yours has the most hits? linger, which is funny because just like the ghosts it was about it haunts me
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? to go beyond your borders, considering it's hard to get readers to come to something that's nearly completely original and it's just my silly little mental health fic, the audience that it gathered in the short time i was actually updating it regularly was really surprising and i love them
Favorite title you used oh lyre lyre for sure, i went to great lengths to ensure that title made a modicum of sense for that fic
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? hahahahaha stray kids all day. nevermore is skz cinematic universe so of course every chapter title is a lyric
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? so much gen fic, so little time. original fiction pairings.
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? HMMMMMMMMMMMM from my original fic, leo/nes. they're funny.
What work was the quickest to write? queenmaker is the quickest to write, takes like an hour per chapter if that. in terms of strictly ao3 fics, lyre lyre was the fever dream of a few days.
What work took you the longest to write? well i started nevermore on the 4th of march and as of the 29th it is disgustingly far from being finished at 140k so i just don't know if i can say anything else. nevermore doesn't actually take long to write though really, it's just that it's a 300k kind of project. relevant to word count though, the unpublished pirate fic is actually probably the thing that's taking the longest, and my original all that is good/holy.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? not counting every single novel i have sitting around, it's around 15, but a very casual 15 because i just go with the vibe to the extreme and with no intention to really finish any of them except like two of em
What’s your longest work of the year? hehe nevermore at 139, 583
What’s your shortest work of the year? apart from the cheeky 3 sentence fic the other day, overwinter at 1278
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? nevermore
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? oh. Angst.
Your favorite character to write this year? hehehehe lee minho
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Y/N for queenmaker
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? more gen fic please, tired of romance. if i had to pick one, angie/raihan from to go beyond your borders
Which work of yours have you reread the most? to go beyond your borders, although i am about to start a full edit of nevermore which is uh no mean feat.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 202
Which work has the most comments? nevermore by a mile
Did you do any collaborative works this year? you know what they all ditched me to collaborate on their own, and they didn't even post the fic. can you believe it.
Did you write any gifts this year? uhhhh yes, it isn't gifted on ao3 but lyre lyre was for rain and i believe overwinter was for zom mom? keeps? one of those two
Did you receive any gifts this year? yesssss i received neverwas from keeps for my birthday and it was really cool and if you read anything on this list honestly make it that one, it stands alone and it's really weird and vibey
What’s your most common category? Gen
What do you listen to while writing? liked songs or a specific fic playlist on spotify on repeat. usually kpop only these days but it depends what i'm working on.
Favorite work you wrote this year? nevermore
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? oh my god. out of 240k? yeah no worries i'll just pull it up. um. uhhhh. uhhhhhhh.
Biggest surprise while writing this year? oh that i finished nanowrimo and that if i didn't work such a physically demanding job it would have been easy. if i had all my time spare in that month i would have done 80-100k, when before this year i couldn't get past 25k a month. realising i had that capability just sitting there was crazy.
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badwithten · 2 years
good short stories for @papermatisse
ok homie needed help writing short fics so heres a list of some short fics i like and what makes them so good despite their length (this sounds insulting but its difficult to make a story effective and short, so if you're on this list you’ve done a good job at it!)
sweet tooth by @lino-nyangi
ok so what i said about ongoing metaphors, this is sorta in the same boat but its less of a metaphor and more of a theme/how to run along a story? like because it flows through y/ns birthdays and each scene is that and the progression of it, it keeps you engaged. its very clear what the story is about, what the end of the story will be and it makes it so satisfying to read!
a life we spent apart for the death we spent together by @lebrookestore
brooke is an amazing writer and usually does do longer fics machi so check her our fr but this drabble works so well with me bc its a familiar theme that the readers know. being so short, you don’t have the words to world build or create depth with your characters the way you normally would. so picking a concept people are familiar with (in this case soulmate au) it allows the reader to already be invested in your story without having to write a lot. if that makes sense? you can just add your story and your feelings, into an already existing universe and get the point across. very cool
return our lives by @hoshwife 
ok sorry to say this again but mads is an amazing writer! legit one of my favourite, if not my favourite, on this app. once again, she does longer fics as well that you should def check out machi. but this story in particular is amazing, reading this again omg, just as good as the first time. i’m not sure how to describe mads writing, as i said above picking a familiar theme allows readers to be invested in the story without a lot of world building/character development but i feel although this story is the opposite. writing about the war which isnt common on this site, very descriptive of the world in the story. mads has just done such a good job at writing something so good but still fitting it into a bit sized fic. this is probably the most “scene of a fic” one on this list i guess? just read you’ll see what i mean lmao anything from mads is so good so yess check it out
crimson by @neo-shitty​
horror! if you're able to put a twist or some gory effects in a story it can be really effective at leaving an effect on the reader. this story does this so well! captures you in at the beginning, and then the last part is just done so well, no spoilers but if you do read it omg. i really really love horror stories for this reason. the twist of the horror. it makes a story great and it can be either done in longer fics or shorter ones ( i have so many long horror suggestions machi hmu bro)
dark clouds by @doiefy​
sorta the same as horror, but some alternate universes work well in smaller bits. i’ve done something with siren/mermaids where it was just a smaller chunk out what could've been a longer au. allows you to write something in there without a full fic, means you don’t have to work out all the lore of a full universe but its still really fun to write! this fic has done a similar thing to mads where you get to build up a little bit of the universe its set in, just enough for your story to make sense then to focus on what the narrative of your story actaully is. if that makes sense?
my last season called ‘you’ by @zh-lele​
i know we already read this story for k-bookclub but it really fits well for the ongoing metaphor point i talked about a little bit. the story is told through sections of the flowers, each feeling is represented by the flowers and what they mean. it’s just a great way to get across the point and meaning of your story
this one doesn’t have a specific fic recommendations but song fics! im a bit bias on this one bc i enjoy writing song fics, but if an artist can fit the narrative of their song into a 3-4 minute song, its sorta the same thing trying to write your story into the same short frame. its really fun like analysing the song, what the meaning is and trying to turn it into a story with the same meaning and effectiveness
this is a lot shorter than i wanted but if anyone has any types on writing shorter fics let me or machi know 🙏
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a-gay-bloodmage · 5 years
—He Died on Mallie’s Sixteenth Birthday—
Pairing: None
Pairing Type: N/A
Words: 2,494
Warnings: Implied Homophobia, Transphobia, and a Whole Host of Bullshit, Gender Dysphoria and Euphoria, Implied Alcoholism, Pretty Fluffy Ending, I Swear There’s Cute Stuff in Here
Mal died that day. 
It was supposed to be a day of celebration and happiness, but Mallory Trevelyan only felt empty. He fidgeted with a wine glass in his hand, pressed against the wall in the corner of the ballroom. The band was playing loudly, something upbeat and jubilant, and guests danced accordingly. But Mallory was still, save his awkward wiggling as his body rejected the fancy suit he wore. A dark navy blue and purple, a sash across his waist, and black leather boots. His hair was in a simple low ponytail, tied with a black ribbon.
He felt like he was at a funeral.
He watched the women twirl in their gowns, smiles on their faces as their partners led them around the dance floor. They looked so beautiful, so graceful, so happy. One young woman, a blonde with hair that ran all the way down her back, spun in circles as her partner grinned, her pink dress seeming to float up, teasingly showing off all the mass of tulle and lace beneath that made it bloom out like a flower.
"Come on, Lord Mal," someone said, making him jump. He turned to see a young girl, perhaps his age, smiling up at him. She wore a light yellow dress embroidered with orange and red roses along the bottom. A beautiful piece of craftsmanship. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a large bun, decorated with a crown of yellow spring flowers. "Why aren’t you dancing?"
"I’m, I’m a little tired," he said, forcing himself to laugh off the question. "And this drab garb is just ugh!"
The young lady laughed, hiding her smile with her hand. "It looks wonderful on you, don’t be silly!" She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, looking out at the dance floor. "Such a handsome man as yourself, you can really pull anything off."
He smiled nervously. "That’s awfully nice of you to say," he said, awkward. He took a sip of his wine in an attempt to wet his dry throat.
"Come, please, Lord Mal," she said, her voice low as she offered her hand. "The night’s quite young. Just one dance?"
"Uh," he faltered, "I think there’s plenty others who’d love to dance with you."
The girl’s brows furrowed, a frown setting in on her red lips. "Enjoy your wine, my Lord," she said, curtsying before walking away, obviously insulted. He sighed as he watched her make her way out to the far patio, feeling guilty. He felt like such a typical man, turning down a girl just because he wasn't feeling very up to dancing. The tall, dark stone walls of the castle hall were starting to feel horribly oppressive, and he made his way to the door, trying to avoid notice. He nearly ran head-on into an elven servant, who timidly asked him if he’d like a refill on his wine. He thanked her and made his way out the hall with a full glass. To think he was merely sixteen and already drinking like an aged veteran, he surely brought shame onto his family. Not that he particularly cared, of course.
The cool night air was a welcome relief. Music was slightly muffled as it came through the heavy oak doors behind him. A more somber melody came on—or at least it sounded somber to him. Low notes and heavy drumming rang out as he leaned over the balcony, glass in hand. He heard idle chatter come from down the way, but he paid it no mind. He took a rather uncouth swig from his wine.
His mind wandered back to the girl in the yellow dress.
Mal. Everyone always called him Mal. He hated the name. Mother had always introduced him as such—Mal, her dearest son. He’d taken enough lessons in Orlesian to know it meant nothing but wrong. He drained the rest of his wine.
I hate that stupid name. He glared at the wine glass in his hand, and, in a fit of childish anger, threw it over the side of the balcony. He heard it shatter after a moment on the rocky mountainside below. Why can’t I throw out this stupid name like that? He gripped at the stone railing, his lip curled at the thoughts running through his head. I hate this name! I hate it! A cold mountain breeze ran across the balcony, making him shiver. The nearly full moon above lit his skin like a ghost against the dark blue and purple of his suit. The music from inside grated on his ears.
He was sixteen. He was supposed to be sneaking off with pretty girls and kissing them in dark corners of the castle, getting drunk with other teenage boys and catcalling the pretty guests and elven servants that walked by. He wasn’t supposed to be out here, alone on a balcony wishing he were that beautiful blonde woman inside, twirling about in her lovely pink dress. His face went as white as a sheet as he registered what he had just thought.
Mother would kill me if she knew what I was thinking! His breathing picked up, and he keeled over the railing like he was seasick. His mind kept going back to that woman. Her pink dress. The handsome man spinning her around, and around, and around. Why am I stuck in this awful suit while she gets to wear that? He gazed out at the mountains, their white tops hardly white anymore as winter faded away. His thoughts were becoming more and more girly as he grew older. Thoughts of dressing as the noblewomen did kept crossing his mind with disturbing frequency. He took a hand from the stone railing and undid his hair, letting it fall loose around his face. Slightly better. He looked back and forth down the darkened patio, making sure he could sneak away unnoticed.
He only bumped into three servants on his way to his room, apologizing profusely each time. As he neared the final turn to his chambers, he noticed that the door to mother’s room was ajar. A stupid thought crossed his mind, and, like a fool, he followed where it led.
Mother’s closet was massive—a whole separate room full of beautiful dresses. Frilly and lacy and flowing and just beautiful. It smelled like old perfume and dust. Like what he imagined the Maker’s side to smell like. Heaven. He ran back into her bedchamber and grabbed a candle from the nightstand, lighting it and walking back into the closet.
Just one, he told himself. Just touch it. Just think about it. Don’t do anything stupid. His eyes landed on one near the back, far past the invisible line that separated mother’s beloved dresses from the forgotten treasures. It was baby pink, with frills around the waist and beautiful white lace along the low neckline. Its skirt was full of white lace and tulle and silk, making it puff up like an Orlesian pastry. Oh, Maker, please, do something stupid!
Mallory sprinted back to his chambers, dress in hand. He locked his door and shut his curtains, leaving only the single candle to see by. Faint, slow music drifted up from the grand hall. He held the pink dress in his hands, almost drooling over its beauty.
Mother will kill me if she finds out. She’d kill her only heir without a second thought if she saw him with this. His breathing picked up. Only if she finds out. He braced himself, hands gripping the fabric tightly. “Only if she finds out...” He repeated to himself. He set it down gingerly on the bed and tore off the awful navy and purple suit. Clad in only his linens, he held up the dress and tried to figure out how to get himself into it. He was nearly six feet tall already, and not exactly slim.
First, the slip. Then, the mass of tulle fabric that went underneath. He sucked in his stomach as he pulled on the corset that was thankfully put away with the dress. It hurt, but he’d always heard women say that to be beautiful was to suffer. He managed to work his way into the dress after what felt like ages, and readjusted the muscle and slight fat on his chest to create a faux bosom. He grabbed his brush without looking in the mirror, making sure his hair wasn’t a knotted mess. He tossed the brush onto his bed and took a deep breath.
“You can do this, Mallory,” he told himself, eyes closed as he made his way to the three angled mirrors in the corner of his bedroom. “Just take a peek, see how foolish you look. Put this stupid fascination behind you.” He slowly opened his eyes and looked at his reflection, preparing for the worst.
A woman stood in the mirrors, looking back at him shyly. She seemed taken aback, anxious to meet him. He was a Trevelyan, after all. She reached her hand out as Mallory did, and when they touched, all he felt was cold glass.
I’m... her... He looked at the reflection with wide eyes. He wondered how he’d look with makeup on, his hair braided, all dolled up like a princess. She’s... she’s...
"Beautiful!" His voice was breathy and airy, like a young woman meeting a beautiful queen. "I’m, I’m so... pretty!" Tears spilled forth from his bright blue eyes, rolling down freckled cheeks. His hand dragged down the mirror as he fell to his knees. "No, no, this isn’t me," he said, voice shaking. "I’m not pretty," he spat at the reflection. Tears flowed faster. The sound of a happy waltz from the hall below hardly registered in his ears. "I’m just a stupid boy playing in his mother’s clothes." His other hand reached out to touch the mirror, the reflection reaching out to him in return. The soft orange glow of the candlelight made his tears shimmer. "I could never be pretty if I’m so ugly inside..." Mother’s words haunted him. She always spoke of his flaws, his inability to be a proper young man an ugliness that would soon taint him like a Blight’s plague. "Mallory isn’t pretty," he sighed, shaking his head.
She’s not Mallory. He shook away the thought. Of course she was. It was just him in a dress. The girl in the mirror wasn’t a girl at all. No. She doesn’t have to be Mallory. The mirror was now warm where his hand pressed against it.
"Not Mallory, huh?" He asked the reflection. The reflection seemed to contemplate the same question in return. "Not Mallory..." His face scrunched up as he thought. "Just... Mallie." He paused as the reflection seemed to speak instead of him. "Mallie." The name was so similar on his tongue, and yet so different.
Mallie was the name of a tempting young woman, who hid a smile behind a fan as she flirted with a ruggedly handsome man. Mallie was the name of a social butterfly, dancing and laughing as she fluttered about a hall that overflowed with wine and music, her pink dress and long blonde hair and bold makeup catching everyone’s eyes in the best way possible.
Mallie wasn’t Mal.
Mal was the name of young man struck by nothing but bad luck and anxiety, forced into suits he didn’t want to wear as a mother’s hand held his arm far too tight. Mal was the name of a man who hated nothing more than himself, despising how all he ever seemed to be was a failure of a nobleman.
Mallory liked Mallie. He liked her so much more than Mal. He looked over at his right hand, and remembered the wine glass that now sat shattered on the mountain rocks. Mal could be that wine glass—broken and useless, discarded. Except Mal was never beautiful, never held anything that brought anyone joy. Mallie was this pink dress, stolen from mother and made his own. The reflection smiled, and the pain in his jaw told him the smile was his own. He never smiled so wide. He stood, and looked in the reflection. Then he gave the dress an experimental twirl. It blossomed out, just like that woman’s. He spun again, imagining that it was a beautiful man that spun him, a grin beneath his beard as he gazed at the princess in his hands. The music from the hall floated up through the walls, and he found himself truly dancing for the first time in years. He nearly tripped over the massive amount of tulle several times, but he didn’t care. He’d practice and practice, and one day, he’d be more ladylike and graceful than any noblewoman ever born.
He collapsed on his bed as the music ebbed away, his chest rising and falling ever so rapidly, sweat rolling down the side of his face. The dress was tight and hot, constricting his breathing and making his back ache. He’d never been happier. He stared up at the ceiling, watching the flickering orange light of the candle make the shadows waltz along the woodwork.
Eventually, he decided it was time to take off the dress, and he did so with a heavy, yet full, heart. He carefully packed it away in the furthest corner of his closet, carefully stored where he could find it, but where nobody would accidentally stumble upon it. He kissed it and closed the lid of the once empty trunk.
As he walked back to bed, he noticed himself in the mirror. His reflection showed a muscular—though slightly chubby—man, with pudge on his stomach and a fairly pronounced rear end. He smiled almost shyly at the reflection, holding back a girlish giggle as he noticed the lines from the corset on his stomach and sides. Holding the candle carefully with one hand, he grabbed a pectoral with the other, moving it to see how big he could make his Mallie’s breasts. He chuckled to himself as he thought about using wool socks to stuff some undergarments with. His eyes wandered downward, and he sighed at the rather large thing between his legs. He rolled his eyes at the thought of it getting any bigger as he got older. A fluffy skirt could easily hide it, so he wasn’t all too worried about it. Perhaps he could learn to tuck it away, too, if Mallie ended up liking trousers in addition to skirts. He shook his head, blond hair swaying as he smiled to himself. He crawled into bed, leaving the mirrors behind, and blew out the candle.
In the dark, he was just Mallory, someone just now realizing what it meant to be himself. Even if being himself meant being herself sometimes. He smiled as a final conscious thought went through his head.
Mal’s gone, isn’t he? He died on Mallie’s sixteenth birthday.
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espinosaurusrexex · 2 years
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All my reader!characters are female and have she/her pronouns. However, I try to keep everything else as inclusive as possible. Meaning: they can be read as every ethnicity/race, body type, etc.
Before you request: Rules&Preferences
Looking for some fun shorter concepts?
☞ 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 (drabbles/headcacons)
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| ❁ 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠 | ❤︎ 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓 | ☁︎ 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 | ✦ 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 |
-> fics are sorted newest to oldest in each category
-> more detailed summaries can be found on the link of each fic
⌜last updated: May 2024⌟
✒︎ Challenges
1k Writing Bingo (masterlist) (completed)
In which you’ll find a collection of one-shots and drabbles that were requested during my Bingo Game.
✮ Steve Rogers
Watchful Eyes ☁︎ ✦ ❤︎
CEO!SteveRogers x Maid!Female!Reader AU
In which Steve is obsessed with his new maid.
Forever, of Course. ❤︎
In which Steve gets to fake marry Y/N.
Revision ❤︎ ✦
Professor!SteveRogers x Student!Female!Reader AU
In which Steve asks you to stay after class for a little bit of... essay revision.
All the Words I Can't Say ❤︎ ❁
College!SteveRogers x Female!Reader AU
In which Y/N catches Steve painting a portrait of her.
Flooded ☁︎ ❤︎ ❁
In which Steve discovers Y/N‘s biggest secret.
Heroes ❤︎
In which Y/N is Steve's safe haven.
Talk ☁︎ ❤︎ ✦
In which Steve and Y/N’s frustrations build up to an argument that could have been avoided if they would have just talked to each other.
Bullies ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Steve comforts Y/N after she gets a flashback from her former High School Years.
Headline Events ❤︎ ☁︎ ❁
CollegeJournalist!SteveRogers x Athlete!reader AU
In which Steve is just adorkably obsessed with Y/N; the most beautiful member of his college's swimming team.
If Given the Chance… // Give Me a Chance ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Steve and Bucky accidentally switch bodies.
✪ Bucky Barnes
Celeste ☁︎ ✦ ❤︎
FallenAngel!BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader AU
In which Bucky is banished for falling in love with you.
Remeber Me ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Y/N discovers Bucky, her lover from the 40s, is still alive.
Bad Boys Don't Buy Flowers ☁︎ ❤︎ ✦
CEO!BuckBarnes x Female!Florist!Reader AU
In which Bucky falls for the one woman who doesn't seem to reciprocate his feelings.
Refuge - a small town crime/love story ❤︎ ✦ ☁︎ ❁
BuckyBarnes/WinterSoldier x Detective!Female!Reader AU
In which Y/N provides shelter for Bucky while unawares being on the hunt for the same. 
Happy Little Accidents ☁︎ ❤︎
Veteran!BuckyBarnes x Female!ArtTeacher!Reader
In which Bucky joins your art workshop in the 21st century.
The Karens of the World ☁︎ ❤︎ ❁
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader MODERN AU
In which Y/N asks Bucky to pose as her boyfriend at her aunt's Independence Day party.
Hopelessly Devoted ❤︎
In which Bucky and Y/N reminisce about the first time they met.
Serious Questions ❤︎ ❁
In which Bucky agrees to go on a date to make his friends shut up.
Some Other Guy ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Bucky's curiosity leads to a heartbreaking miscommunication.
Rest and Recover ❤︎ ❁
Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader AU
In which Y/N is sick and Bucky visits to comfort her.
Like Bonnie and Clyde ✦ ❤︎
In which Bucky and Y/N are the hot criminal couple on the run.
Flowers and Things ❤︎ ❁
In which Bucky really wants to buy Y/N a birthday gift, because he has a crush on her.
New Slang
In which Y/N is the cliché Gen-Z Avenger that cannot shut up, and whose bold remarks lead Bucky to end up in very confusing situations.
Moonlit Fantasies ❤︎
In which Bucky and Y/N are pining for each other during a perfect bonfire night.
If Given the Chance… // Give Me a Chance ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Bucky and Steve accidentally switch bodies.
Dying Isn‘t So Scary with You // Dying Isn’t So Scary with You, Either ❤︎ ☁︎ ❁
In which Bucky and Y/N have a deep late night conversation that is put to the test.
Everything’s Better in Westview ☁︎ ❤︎ ✦ (completed)
In which Bucky and Y/N decide to go to Westview to live the perfect suburban life.
Save Me ☁︎ ❤︎ (completed)
College!BuckyBarnes x College!reader AU
In which Bucky is just a cocky shit that thinks nothing is worth his attention until Y/N comes along.
Worlds Collide ❤︎
Grumpy!BuckyBarnes x Sunshine!Female!Reader APOCALYPSE AU
In which Y/N and Bucky meet in a world far different from ours.
🕸️ Miguel O'Hara
Tough Luck ☁︎ ❤︎
MiguelO'Hara x Spiderwoman!Reader
In which Miguel and Y/N are idiots in love.
✡︎ Ari Levinson
Hold on to it ❤︎ ❁
In which Ari is just completely enchanted by Y/N.
♜ Sherlock Holmes
If Only You Would Know ☁︎ ❤︎
HenryCavill!Sherlock x reader
In which Enola finally brings Sherlock and Y/N to confess their feelings for one another.
The Most Beautiful Riddle ❤︎
HenryCavill!Sherlock x reader
In which Sherlock finally proposes to Y/N.
Words Cannot Express ❤︎ ❁
HenryCavill!Sherlock x reader
In which Sherlock and Y/N have a forever crush on each other.
⌖ Napoleon Solo
NapoleonSolo x Agent!reader
In which Napoleon does not want to work with Y/N, even though they are the 'perfect team'.
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Vlog Squad
Jeff Wittek
Hater ☁︎ ❤︎ ❁
In which Y/N tries to convince herself that she does not have any feelings for Jeff and miserably fails.
Protective ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Jeff is really protective over Y/N, because he has a crush on her.
Chinese ❤︎
In which Y/N and Jeff are struggling with the feelings they have for eachother.
Not Nice ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Jeff and y/n have a heart to heart conversation about their relationship.
Toddy Smith
Summer Lovin ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Todd and Y/N meet at a club in Spain and start a summer fling.
Practice ❤︎
In which Todd offers Y/N to practice kissing with him.
David Dobrik
Drunk ☁︎ ❤︎ ❁
In which David gets drunk and hurts himself.
Pushed Away ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Y/N and David need to discuss their hidden feelings for eachother.
Assistant ☁︎ ❤︎
In which Y/N accidentally insults David which makes him instantly like her and try to win her over with a little bit of talking.
Ilya Fedorovich
Lavender ☁︎ ❁
In which Ilya gets his heart broken by Y/N.
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theje0ngs · 3 years
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“Why him?”
“People always say you get butterflies or fireworks when you see someone you like, when you talk to them, when you hold their hand. It wasn’t like that with Jaehyun.”
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PAIRING/CHARACTERS ✎ jaehyun x fem!reader ft. brother!johnny
GENRE/CATEGORY ✎ just pure fluff and romance(?)
DETAILS ✎ part of the ‘no more roses’ collab hosted by @cosmiclatte28​​; flower option: daffodils (happiness & new beginning).
CONTENT WARNINGS ✎ profanity, mentions food
GELA SAYS ✎ HAPPY JAEHYUN DAY! in commemoration to jaehyun’s birthday and valentine’s, here’s a fic for you guys! this was such an interesting collab and i enjoyed writing this one! i added johnny as the brother because... well, johnny gives me big brother vibes lol and this has like a lot of dialogues because i was aiming for a interview/video type of thing.
SONG REC ✎ my brothers and i - didn’t see it coming
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“Hey guys, it’s Johnny.” Johnny greets, waving to the cameras positioned in every angle of the room.
Everybody inside the white-colored film production warehouse were wary of their actions and minimized their voices. Johnny, in their group, is known to be the one who loves photography and film. Everybody knows that he puts a lot of effort when it comes to those two things. To him, it is a privilege to be the one to arrange your wedding video. It was his plan actually— he was the one who suggested it and was willing to create an interview for you and Jaehyun.
Even though you and Johnny were siblings, there are some things he’s willing to learn about you and your relationship with his groupmate, Jaehyun. He was so sure that he isn’t the only one who’s dying to know. He’s sure most of your family and friends are too. Your relationship with Jaehyun, to sum it up, has always been so lowkey and private that even your brother took a few months before he figured that Jaehyun, and you were going out.
“This video isn’t my usual content, this is not JCC or whatever.” he chuckled, holding onto the little script he made, “This is actually a very special video; something I’m sure that I will only create once in a lifetime, so I made sure to put a lot of effort and used all my connections just to make this video. As you can see, we used high-tech cameras!”
“As you all know, my not-so-little-sister is getting married. I still can’t believe it because in my head, she’s still so young. She’s still the little girl I wished to my parents— even though I wanted a baby brother, the heavens gave me a little sister.” Johnny jokes, “Nevertheless, I’m very happy to be her big brother. Though I missed a lot of events in her life because I was building a career in Korea, while she was in Chicago, working hard to enter med school.”
Johnny flips the paper onto the next page, not wanting to be emotional so early. “To my sister, and to my soon-to-be, no, by the time this video is uploaded, my brother-in-law. This is one of my gifts to the both of you.”
You and Jaehyun, hand in hand, enter the warehouse after receiving the cue from the production team, they guide you to the middle of the set where a black couch was placed next to Johnny, who was sitting on a single chair. As soon as you sat down and got comfortable next to your fiancé, you smiled at the camera and to your brother.
“Gee, I can’t believe that my sibling and the person I treated as my brother for years are getting married!” Johnny gagged jokingly, you shot him a threatened look. “I’m just kidding. Please introduce yourself to our viewers.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Hi everyone, I’m Y/N Suh, I’m Johnny’s sister.”
“Hi! I’m Jaehyun of NCT, and fortunately, I will be Johnny’s brother-in-law.”
“We’re gonna be stuck with each other forever, dude.” Johnny comments, “Just imagine, you’re marrying my sister. It’s like you’re marrying me as well.”
“Johnny, seriously?”
Your brother chuckles, turning the script to another page. “Back to the main purpose of this video… Could you tell us how long you have been together?”
“We’ve been together for five years.” Jaehyun answered, a little bit shocked by the number.
“I know this question sounds silly, but for the sake of the viewers, how did you two meet?”
“We met after my college graduation,” You answered, “I remember moving to Korea for Med School. Mom, Dad and I thought that it would be better to practice medicine in the country because they planned to move back here once they retire.”
“Okay hold on,” Johnny interrupted, “I thought the reason why you entered Med School here is because our parents had sent you to spy on me!”
“Johnny, I arrived here when you were 26. Did you seriously think mom and dad would still ask me to spy on you when you were that old?”
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Johnny called the members of 127 for a ‘short meeting’ at their apartment. The eight men were seated in a circle in the living room, some were on the floor – busy playing and scrolling through their phones while the others took the couch and were talking with each other. Despite his jolly, playful and cheerful personality, Johnny can be intimidating sometimes. Especially when he’s serious. The older boy stood tall in the middle of the living room with his hand shoved in his pocket, his foot anxiously tapping on the floor as he stared at his wristwatch. Any minute now, his little sister will be arriving.
“As you all know, Y/N will be staying with me– us, for a week until she moves into her own apartment. I know we treat each other as brothers, so please… I beg of you all, do not hit on my sister.” Johnny said, putting a stress on each word.
Taeil’s laughter breaks the awkward silence surrounding the room, “I can’t speak for these people, but I won’t hit on Y/N.”
“Taeil promised, you should all promise me as well.” Johnny whined, stomping his foot like a toddler until the members nodded their heads. “Great, she’s in the lobby right now. I’m gonna fetch her. Meeting adjourned!”
When the elevator doors opened, Johnny saw you outside the building, paying the taxi driver. It has been years since he last saw you in person, the last time was in your first year of university. You remember your older brother sulked for a few days when you weren’t able to come home or watch his concert due to hectic schedules at the university. Since then, you only see each other through FaceTime and other social media platforms. Seeing him again after years made you reminisce about the little things you experienced with your brother growing up. Your childhood and teenage years spent with Johnny was fun; he was always that chill, annoying yet protective brother, the one who randomly stared at you just to annoy you, the one who read your middle school diaries, and the one who would never let you forget about the time you slipped on the stairs when you were in high school.
Johnny just couldn’t believe it; you were already finished with university and will be attending medical school. In his eyes, you were still that little girl who stole his lollipop.
“How’s mom and dad? How’s Chicago?” He asked, helping you put your luggages on the trolley.
“They’re fine, mom cried when she and dad dropped me off at the airport.” you answered, “Chicago’s the same. I’m also doing great— not that you asked.”
“Please, don’t you think I know that?” He teased, pushing the trolley to the elevator. “Welcome to Korea, little one. I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, dummy. And you’re acting like I haven’t stepped foot in this country, hello? I’ve been here a couple of times!”
Jaehyun and Haechan were the only ones left in the living room, Taeil, Doyoung and Yuta went out for a quick snack run. Taeyong was in his room, making yet another song with Mark, and Jungwoo was sleeping in their shared bedroom on the 10th floor. He isn’t usually the one who stays in the common area of the 5th floor dorm, but because he was watching a series with loud sound effects that would only disturb his roommate, he opted to stay in the living room with the youngest. He was preparing snacks when he heard the front door open, Johnny was back.
“Oh, Jaehyun, you’re still here.” Johnny greets, kicking his shoes off and pushed the trolley inside the room.
“Yeah, Haechan and I are planning to finish the final season of this series we’re watching.” Jaehyun said, smiling at you and offered his hand. “Hi.”
You smiled back, shaking his hand. “Hello, I’m Y/N. Johnny’s—”
“Bup bup bup bup bup!” Your brother removes Jaehyun’s hand from yours and faces you. “You’re tired, it’s past midnight. You need rest.”
“I was actually hoping to eat some ramen—”
Johnny opened the door of his bedroom, gently pushing you inside. He pointed two fingers to his eyes then to Jaehyun’s, “I’m watching you.” he said, closing the door.
The younger man chuckled, holding a bowl of popcorn, and sat next to Haechan. He was about to hit play, but Haechan grabbed the remote control from his hand with a sly smile on his face.
“You like Y/N, don’t you?”
“What are you on, Haechan?” Jaehyun laughed, “I’m not, I’m just being friendly to let her know she’s welcome here.”
Haechan shook his head, not satisfied with Jaehyun’s answer. “Please, I’ve known you for so long. Your smile and the little ‘hi’ basically tells me that you like her.”
Jaehyun shook his head, took the remote from the youngest’s hand and played the video. Jaehyun was a hundred percent sure he doesn’t like you, he made a promise to Johnny that he wouldn’t hit on you. Besides, this was the first time he’s seen you in person.
“You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?”
“Damn it, Haechan!”
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“I didn’t actually expect him to be the one you’re dating, Y/N. I was thinking it was Mark at first because they were the same age and were always so close whenever he had movie nights at the dorm or her apartment,” Johnny said, earning a laugh from Jaehyun. “And even though I don’t want to admit it, Y/N and Jaehyun hiding their relationship from me made me sulk for a week.”
“What do you mean ‘a week’? You didn’t bother talking to me for almost a month!”
“The viewers don’t need to know that Y/N!”
Jaehyun laughs next to you as he watches you and Johnny bicker. “Do you remember the time we won a daesang? You invited Y/N to join us for dinner, right?” Jaehyun chimes in, “You were confused that we came in together at the restaurant.”
“Yeah, because Y/N told me you and her coincidentally met at a coffee shop.”
“We went out for a movie that day.”
Johnny gasps dramatically, “IS THIS WHAT BETRAYAL FEELS LIKE?”
“We weren’t dating at the time yet, Jae!” You said, “We went out to see a movie as friends.”
“What? Your friends can’t be my friends?”
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It was one of those days where you randomly visit your brother and the members, random, surprise visits because most of your time is spent inside the lecture hall— learning about human anatomy and biochemistry. Five months have passed since you moved from Chicago to Seoul, it was a big change for you. From the environment to the people around you. The members have accepted and treated you like their own sister, often messaging you and asking how you were doing. Medical school is hard; harder than it was when you were a pre-med student. You were surviving off of take-out and instant foods. Doyoung and Taeyong were nice enough to serve you home cooked meal, reminding you of the time where your mom would visit you at the university and bring you your favorite meal.
It happens that one of those days, Jaehyun had asked you out for a movie. He happened to see you walking with a bunch of pizza boxes in the hallway and decided to shoot his shot. You were so confused at first - why did he ask you? Was it a date? A friendly date or a potential-lover type of date? And even though you tell your brother almost everything, you opted not to tell him this one. You were sure that Johnny would go crazy and be mad, but if things go south with Jaehyun, you wouldn’t worry about any possible situation about those two. You didn’t want to ruin the bond they created for years just because things didn’t go the way you expected.
Despite his and your busy schedule, always clashing against each other, you finally set a date. The day after they won a daesang. It was kind of a double celebration for Jaehyun, one, they won a great award. Two, he was finally going out on a date with you. He rented a whole cinema, good for two movies— one movie was the latest Spiderman, the other was his favorite movie.
“Jaehyun, what are we?” You asked, turning to look at him, who was busy munching on snacks. “You asked me out on a date, you take me here, in an empty cinema. Why… why are you doing this?”
Jaehyun stopped, he could feel himself break a cold sweat. “We… We are friends, aren't we?”
“Yeah, I guess.” You replied, returning your attention back to the screen. “Friends.”
After the movie, since you agreed to have dinner with the boys to commemorate their recent win, you and Jaehyun headed off to the restaurant. Johnny had his eyebrow raised when he saw you two enter the private room together, but you brushed it all off by saying that you saw each other at a coffee shop nearby and decided to come together. Satisfied, your brother nodded his head and offered you a seat next to him.
“How was it?” Haechan asked the older man, keeping his tone as low as possible.
He sighs, “I think I blew it off. She asked what we were, I got too scared to confess and told her we were friends.”
“Oh yeah you did blow it off,”
“Why are you guys whispering? Care to share?” Mark chimes in, curious as to why the two guys have their heads close to each other.
Haechan and Jaehyun shared a look, deciding whether to let Mark in on their little secret or not. The two got quiet as if they were conversing telepathically. “Oh, come on, are you gonna tell me or not?” Mark whined.
“Promise me you’ll keep this a secret? Only you, Haechan and I know about this.”
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“I don’t remember the two of you having a conversation with each other.” Johnny interrupts Jaehyun’s story, “It was always Y/N and Mark or Y/N and Haechan because they’re closer in age. I assumed it was Mark because you’re the same age, Y/N!”
“Yeah, those two actually helped us get closer.” You answered, “Haechan always teased Jaehyun about liking someone whenever I’m around. I thought you knew or at least got the hint from it.”
“I did notice that Haechan did that a lot, but I just assumed he did that to annoy Jaehyun.”
“He dropped a lot of hints, John. Even Mark. Like a lot.”
“Haechan knew that I asked Y/N out on a date, by the way.” Jaehyun said, “Haechan, if you’re watching this— thank you so much, bro.”
“Haechan, you… I can’t believe it. He and I were roommates at the time!”
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Weeks have passed since the date happened; you never saw Jaehyun again after that. Returning to your old lives, him preparing for a concert, and you studying. You planned to avoid Jaehyun for as long as you can, but your plans were interrupted when your mom asked you to bring some things to your brother.
“Hey, Y/N. What brings you to SM?” Mark asked, pressing the elevator button, and stood next to you.
“Ah, mom sent this care package and a few baby pictures of Johnny today. I’m dropping them off before I head out of town.”
The elevator door opens, Mark, being the gentleman he was, lets you ride first and pressed the button of the designated floor the two of you were going. The ride on the lift wasn’t awkward at all, Mark was telling you a funny story of how Johnny tripped during practice the other day and other things to keep you company. And as you reach the top floor, he asked you a question.
“Are you and Jaehyun a thing?”
Maybe your heart skipped a beat, you were taken aback. Were you two really a thing? Because aside from that movie ‘date’ and Jaehyun asking you out, you didn’t have any interactions anymore. You shook your head, stepping out of the elevator, “Why’d you ask?”
“I know you and him went out for a movie— Spiderman, right?” Your eyes widened, “Don’t worry, as much as I am close to Johnny, I won’t tell him anything that happened between you and Jaehyun. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“I don’t know what we are, Mark. I asked him what we were, and he replied we’re friends.” stated you, “I’m not really good at reading people, so I don’t know what’s going on inside his head.”
Mark nodded his head, satisfied with the answer he got from you. When he pushed the door of the practice room open, you were greeted by the members and your brother. He took the small box from your grasp, opening it and grabbed a few photographs. Johnny proudly showed the members the photographs from his childhood and yours, laughing and telling memories you shared in Chicago.
“Johnny, I have to go. I still have to pack my things for Busan.”
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Johnny said, standing up, “Do you want me to drive you there? How long are you going to stay there?”
“No need, my classmate already offered me a ride. We’re using his car.”
“‘His’? You’re going with your boyfriend?” Your brother teased, “Finally— someone keeping my sister late at night!”
You rolled your eyes, taking your bag from him. “The only thing that’s keeping me up at night are the books that cost much more than my monthly rent.”
“How long are you staying in Busan, Y/N?” asked Haechan, then looked at Jaehyun with a grin.
“Two weeks? Maybe even three.”
Jaehyun chokes on the water he was drinking, wetting his shirt, that long? You’ll be gone that long? ‘Why do I even bother, it’s not like I see her every day. It’s gonna be fine, she’s not dating that guy, and she’s coming back.’ Jaehyun reassured himself, “I’m gonna- I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” He said, rushing to the door.
You said goodbye to the members, walking faster towards the elevator to avoid Jaehyun - your number 1 agenda. But damn, time and the universe were playing with you. Despite your fast-paced walk, Jaehyun managed to follow you to the elevator, even barely getting inside as he entered when the door was almost a few inches close. You stare at him, waiting for some sort of explanation. Jaehyun, the person who’s confident around thousands, millions even, of fans got all shy and awkward around you. He couldn’t find the right words.
As the number on top of the door decreases, so does Jaehyun’s time to talk to you. His solution? Pressed the emergency button, causing the elevator to stop in the middle of the building.
“Jaehyun, what the—”
“Give me a few seconds to talk, please.” He blurted; you nodded your head. “First off, I’m sorry I said that we’re only friends a few weeks ago. The truth is I like you; I really like you and I’m just… I’m a coward and I’m scared that maybe you don’t feel the same with me. I like you since Johnny showed me a picture of you graduating. It was a happy crush at first, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you when you arrived in Korea months ago. I’m so dumb, I never should’ve said that we’re only friends, I should’ve confessed to you that night, but I was… actually I’m just scared of Johnny.”
You chuckled, “You like me? Like, you really like me?”
“I do. I really do.”
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“So, after the two of you got stuck in the elevator… you’ve been dating since then?”
You shook your head, “You know that episode on The Big Bang Theory where Leonard and Penny were trying again for their relationship, so they agreed to have some sort of beta test.” You explained, “That’s how we did it. We realized we don’t know each other personally so we did the relationship beta test as a way to get to know each other.”
“We started dating officially by the end… I think it was her finals during her first year in Med School.”
“Mhm, and remember when you visited me at my place while I was studying and you asked why I wouldn’t let you inside my room because it was a mess?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“It’s because Jaehyun was inside my room.”
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| Jaehyun: Have you eaten yet?
| Y/N: Not yet. Studying for finals tomorrow.
“Where are you going?” asked Taeyong, making all the heads of the present members who were watching a movie in the living room turn around.
“Uh, out? For a walk.”
“It’s 12 o’ clock.”
“Yeah, I uh— uh… had a big meal, gonna walk as an exercise.”
What a lame excuse, Jaehyun. He thought, but they bought it. He slipped on a pair of shoes and a mask, carefully closing the front door. Since you and Jaehyun agreed to do this relationship beta test, things have been going on so well and you were getting to know each other better. It’s been a few months since this started. As the day goes by, Jaehyun gets scared that you might get tired and eventually call it quits. He has been meaning to ask you the question you have been avoiding, but the thing is, he doesn’t know when to ask you. He did try once, when you were filled up with wine and fell asleep on the couch. He didn’t receive any answer from you then.
He knows your routine during exams, study for 18 hours, eat for one, sleep for five. And that cycle repeats for a week or two during exam season. As tiring as his job can be, Jaehyun has no idea how you can survive that kind of routine. To ensure that you were eating, Jaehyun brought a bunch of healthy take-outs. And since you don’t want to be bothered while studying, Jaehyun knew the passcode of your apartment (which you gave with your consent). He prepares the table for you, leaving a space for your notes and books on the dining table, a few inches away from the food.
“I smelled spicy soup,” you said, walking towards the dining table with a handful of papers in your hand.
Jaehyun turns off the stove, transfers the soup to a bowl and serves it to you. “Alright missy, papers down, spoon’s up.”
You giggle at his remark, placing the papers on the table and took a sip of the flavorful soup. While eating, Jaehyun offered to help you memorize some terminologies from your paper, helping you refresh your memory.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about our whole beta test thingy.” You say, completely ignoring Jaehyun’s question regarding anatomy. “Maybe we should um… stop it?”
“Huh? All of a sudden? D-did I do something wrong?”
You shook your head, putting away the spoon. “No, no, it’s not that it’s… I think it’s time for us to be real, you know? Let’s put a label on this relationship even though it’s a secret. Because starting today, you are my...” You smiled, taking his hand. “Boyfie.”
Stunned, Jaehyun was frozen. ‘Is this real? Am I dreaming?’ he thought, his mouth dropped slightly as you giggled out of happiness. “Am I—”
Jaehyun’s sentence was cut off when the doorbell rang. Confused, you let go of his hand and walked towards the door, peeking through the small peep hole only to see your brother standing outside. ‘Shit.’ You thought, rushing back to the kitchen where your now boyfriend was still frozen on the spot.
“You have to hide.”
“Johnny’s outside, you have to hide.” You panicked, taking his arm and forcing him to walk towards your bedroom. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was coming. Or if you don’t want to hide, we can uh… tell him the truth now?”
“I don’t think now’s the right time, we literally just started dating.” He said, sitting on your bed.
“Okay, stay here. Lock the door, and don’t make any noise, okay?”
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Hours have passed since you started filming and it felt like the interview wasn't coming to an end. It was nice reminiscing your memories with Jaehyun, because starting in a few weeks, you will spend forever with this man and build new memories together. Johnny flips his script down to the last page, smiling from ear to ear as he looks at the content written.
“I’ve been saving this question, because you know what they say, save the best for the last. Props, please bring the headphones here.”
The staff hands Johnny a pair of headphones, lending it for you to wear. “I want the two of you to hear each other’s answers on your wedding day. It’ll be special, trust me. I’m a romanticist.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, taking the headphones from him and listened to the music playing. You looked up to your brother and gave him a thumbs up, signifying that you couldn’t hear them talking anymore.
“Why her?” Johnny asked.
Jaehyun looks at you with a big smile on his face, squeezing your hand before looking back to your brother. “She had me at hello, Johnny.” He answered, “I know it wasn’t cool of me to break the bro code, especially rule number 1: sisters are off-limits. But when I saw her, I was stunned. I was mesmerized. And I know this would sound crazy, but… the moment I saw her? I knew she was the one. She’s like the iced coffee I drink on a hot summer day, or the hot chocolate I love during winter. She… she makes me feel special, wanted, loved— everything. I care about her; I care about her more than I care about myself. I love the little things about her, like when we’re having a little date night at her place or mine. I love seeing her eyes sparkle whenever she sees my collection of vinyl or wine or watching some old 70’s romantic movies. I love seeing her so happy whenever we see dogs across the street. And I love how strong she is. She’s my everything, bro, I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s my happiness.”
“You’re in love, Jae.” Johnny expressed, “Thank you for loving my sister. She deserves your love, and you deserve hers.”
The staff offers Jaehyun a pair of headphones, taking away yours. When Jaehyun gave Johnny the signal, he nodded his head and let out a deep, heavy sigh. He threw his head back, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Y/N…” Your brother started, “I, damn it, I can’t believe I’m crying. I just want to say how happy I am for you. Pre-med school, med school, and now you’re in residency and about to tie the knot.”
You take a handkerchief from your pockets, lending it to your brother. “We always knew that this day would come, Johnny. I’m always going to be the Suhs’ baby girl, even if I’m getting married. Until I grow old and get wrinkles and stuff.”
“I know…” He sniffed, “My question is, why him? Why Jaehyun?”
“People always say you get butterflies or fireworks when you see someone you like, when you talk to them, when you hold their hand. It wasn’t like that with Jaehyun.” You answered, “I feel comfort when I’m with him, whenever I hold his hand in a terrifying situation, I calm down. In messy situations, I look for him, and he would be there for me. That’s it, I knew what I was into, I knew he was the one. Although from the very beginning, it was messy— we didn’t know what we were, we didn’t know things about each other. It’s the little things that made me fall in love with him. It’s his actions, it’s his words of affirmation. The thought of marrying him puts me at peace. We may have hit bumps in our relationship but at the end of the day, we have each other.”
“Like mom and dad?”
You nodded, “Falling in love with him wasn’t exactly falling. It was like walking inside a house and knowing that you’re home. He’s my happiness.”
After the interview, you and Jaehyun walk out of the production warehouse hand in hand and head to the almost empty parking space. The sky was dark and cloudy, lightning might’ve appeared somewhere, and the rain started pouring. Falling in love with Jaehyun was like a dream, it feels surreal, it feels unbelievable. Suddenly, Jaehyun was holding your waist while the other was still in your hand. He was swaying your bodies to the imaginary music he had in his head.
Dancing in the pouring rain, Jaehyun was holding you tight. Giggling as you dance, not giving a damn about your wet clothes or the fact that the production team was watching the two of you in admiration. He smiled at you, planting a kiss on your cheek before saying: “Our new beginning starts now,”
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630 notes · View notes
darling-i-read-it · 3 years
May Queen
Pelle x reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: being indoctored into a cult, murder, suicide, basically the plot of midsommar
Author’s Note: This can be seen as a sequel to ‘Hug’ or it can be read on it’s own!
yeah i was a little excited that you guys wanted this one lol I don’t know if you can tell. I’ve seen this movie enough, it was about time I did something within the events of the film. I also referred to the script so some of the lines will be familiar! I hope you all enjoy!
Requested: by anon, omg your pelle fic wow; would you consider doing a sequel to it that either takes place during the events of the film or just before they arrive at Pelle's commune?
Requested: by anon, I would LOVEEE to see a sequel with pelle cause that was a pretty good fix and I think he deserves a bit more attention, I personally would like to see something happen during the events of the movie just because I think it would be interesting to see but that's just me
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“You think that Pelle asked you to go just because I’m going?” Dani asked, messing with her fingers. You were standing beside your bed, packing your suitcase slowly. Dani had already packed; she didn’t like to be unprepared.
“I don’t know...maybe he thought you would enjoy yourself more.”
“You’re acting like I’m the one who’s been dating him for these couple of months,” she told you. She was sitting on the bed, looking up at you. You nodded a bit, putting another pile of clothes inside.
“I know. I guess I’m just nervous. Meeting his whole group, going to where he grew up. I mean. I really like him. What if I fuck it up?” She shook her head and reached over to grab your arm. You looked her in the eyes.
“He really likes you. I can’t remember the last time Christian looked at me the way that Pelle looks at you.” Her eyes were honest. It made you feel bad. You should have gotten her to break up with Christian when you got the chance. But it was too late now; you were all going to Sweden.
“I suppose you’re right. Per usual.” She smiled weakly.
“Finish packing.”
Pelle almost wanted to tell you about the whole thing. When he was on the plane, it crossed his mind to let you in on the whole scheme of things. The May Queen, the festival, all of it.
But he bit his tongue. That was tradition.
You arrived in Sweden well and took the trek up to where the first stop was. It was beautiful. Truly, it was stunning.
Pelle held your hand the whole way until you arrived at the first spot. There were people around the grassy hills, scattered around. Pelle got out of the car.
“These are other people from America that my friends have brought!” he exclaimed. He gestured to the many people around. You looked around, gazing at the nice afternoon. He grabbed your arm and started to drag you along.
“Hey, don’t rip it off!” you joked and he eased up.
“Sorry, I’m quite excited!” You smiled sweetly at his happiness.
“Me too!” He approached some people and started to introduce them when a man behind you started to yell. You turned around quickly, surprised at the loud noise. Pelle turned around too and his smile only grew.
“If you’ll excuse me,” he said and then ran over to the approaching man. They embraced each other, hugging tightly.
“Everyone, this is my brother Ingemar. Ingemar this is Christian, Dani, Mark, Josh and my girlfriend, Y/N,” Pelle said. Ingemar followed where Pelle pointed, shaking hands with everyone. He paid special attention to you, his smile getting wider. You could tell that he and Pelle were related.
“Nice to meet you all. This is Simon and Connie from London,” he said, gesturing to the others behind him. “Simon and Connie this is Pelle and...all the names I just remembered two seconds ago,” Ingemar said laughing. Simon and Connie said hello. “Perfect timing by the way.”
Ingemar pulled out a bag of mushrooms from his pocket. Your eyes went wide.
“We just took these five minutes ago. Haven’t even started feeling the effects yet,” he explained.
“Oh shit!” Mark said, happily.
“Do you all want to take it now or should we get settled in?” Pelle asked.
“Fuck it, let’s take it now!” Mark said. You weren’t too sure about that. You trusted Pelle and everyone of course but in the new environment...it rubbed you the wrong way. Thankfully, Dani turned to speak to Christian about it.
“I think I want to get settled in first.” Christian was about to speak but you cut him off.
“Me too. You guys go and have fun, we’ll keep each other company,” you said. Pelle turned to you.
“Are you sure? I assure you it’s safe,” he said in a soft voice. You smiled kindly and put a gentle hand on his arm.
“I know! I just wanna get settled. Dani and I can handle ourselves, I promise.” He gave you a longer look, just to check that you were alright and then nodded. You turned back to Dani who grabbed your arm desperately.
“Thank you,” she whispered. You nodded.
“No thank you.”
It wasn’t until the next day, Dani’s birthday, that you were able to get on further. You and Dani played some card games that you had brought with you while you waited for the effects to wear off for everyone else.
Christian came over to sleep beside Dani, still high. Pelle came over to you and braided your hair and then unbraided your hair, making very long sentences that didn’t make sense to whisper in your ear.
But when you arrived at the commune it was bright and sunny. Pelle rushed around, hugging people and introducing you and the group to everyone. You were able to get some blankets to sit on the grass, while everyone got their things together.
There was a group of girls dancing around in circles, wearing all white.
“You should go join,” Pelle suggested, gesturing to you and Dani. She shook her head a bit.
“Oh no, I’m too scared,” Dani said sheepishly. You nodded in agreement.
“Maybe another time.” Christian stood up.
“Hey can I join…” he started turning to Pelle.
“You’re American. Just jam yourself in,” he said. Christian nodded and walked away. “I think I’ll join him,” Simon said and was quickly followed by the rest of the group except you, Pelle and Dani. There was a moment of silence as you watched them go.
“Hey, just real quick,” Pelle said, digging for something in his pocket. He took out two pieces of paper and handed them to you and Dani. You both opened them to reveal gorgeously drawn pictures of yourselves wearing flower crowns. “For you Dani, think of it as a birthday present. For you Y/N, I imagine it’s a thank you present.”
“Oh Pelle,” Dani said. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“Thank you for what?” you asked, brushing your finger over it. He smiled and shrugged.
“Just a thank you.”
“Well thank you for it,” you said. “I got Dani a new sweater. Christian forgot.” Pelle raised his eyebrow and you shared a look.
“I forgot to tell him...it’s my fault,” Dani explained. You shook your head.
“I tend to disagree,” you muttered. You folded the picture back up and put it in your pocket. You put your head on Pelle’s shoulders “But I think Christian is rude.”
“Perhaps you are too judgemental,” Pelle mused. “But I tend to agree with you regardless.” You and Dani laughed a bit. “We should probably go and catch up with them in case they get lost.”
You got settled in in one of the large buildings, plenty of beds against the walls. Pelle was on the bed to your right while Dani slept on the one to your left.
“All right, beauty rest! Tomorrow’s a big day!” Pelle announced. You had one of the books you had brought open on your lap but you looked up at him.
“What’s tomorrow?” you asked.
“First of the big cerinomines,” he said mysteriously.
“So you’re just going to be weird and cryptic?” Josh asked, laughing a bit. Pelle pauses and then took Josh's notebook, writing something inside. You made an attempt to look but it was not a word that you recognized.
“What’s that?” Christian questioned. Pelle shrugged and laid down in his bed. You faced him, on the bed beside him.
“What is it?” you whispered to him. He gave you a teasing smile.
“It’s hard to explain.”
“I will come over there and tickle it out of you,” you threatened. He chuckled and turned around so he wasn’t facing you. But he put his arm back behind him, reaching across the space between your two beds.
You grabbed it and rubbed his knuckles anxiously.
There was a very odd breakfast the next day but you tried not to judge. You wanted to really appreciate Pelle’s culture and understand it. He had admired you for your understanding and he knew you would make an effort.
That’s why he chose to love you.
You were the obvious choice.
After that you walked out to a cliffside where most of the people were already out and lined up. You were curious to find complete silence. Everyone was silent as it happened and you were able to do nothing but watch as these two elderly people stood up on top of the cliff.
When the first person, a woman, jumped, you grabbed Pelle, putting your hand in front of your mouth. He grabbed you and wrapped his arms around you but it didn’t change the look of serenity on his face.
Simon was standing next to Ingemar yelling as the man approached the cliffside.
You had your face in Pelle’s arms. You were shaking.
“It is the way of life,” he whispered to you. Simon was still screaming. Another elder was talking to him and you could feel Pelle want to move toward them but he stayed beside you. “It is our way of recycling them and their gifts.”
You pulled away from him and shook your head a bit. You met Dani’s eyes. She wasn’t showing much emotion other than shock. You didn’t blame her.
“They’re dead,” you whispered. He nodded and put his hands on your upper arms.
“And it is an honor to have died that way.” You weren’t sure how to feel. You wanted to be understanding, to try and understand him and his ways. You would want that from him. But he should have prepared you more for that.
You walked over to Dani and walked beside her on the way back to the houses.
“I’m leaving,” Dani said.
“I don’t blame you.” She was already packing a bag. You sat down on your bed, head in your hands. You took a deep breath and leaned back on the bed.
“Are you coming with me?” she asked. Her voice was shaking. She was clearly shaken up by all of this.
“No,” you muttered. “I’m not leaving Pelle yet.”
“Not even after that?” Her voice was quiet but it was urgent. You shook your head a bit.
“I just have to talk to him. He should have warned us more, of course but....it’s what he’s been raised to believe is normal. I don’t think I should think of it as a bad thing.”
“We just watched people die!” You stood up off the bed and put your hands on your upper arms, steading her.
“You can go home and I will not blame you. In the slightest. I just think I should stay longer,” you told her. She nodded solemnly. She took a deep breath in through her nostrils and nodded again.
Before bed that night Pelle approached you. You were standing outside of the bed house, leaning against it to try and clear your thoughts. You almost completely ignored him but in the end you locked eyes with him as he approached.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you adequate warning,” he said sympathetically. He grabbed your hand and held it. “I thought you would understand but I know now that it was wrong of me to assume.” You shook your head quickly.
“I understand it was just...a shock,” you muttered. He nodded and kissed your forehead softly.
“You are completely safe here. I want you to know that.” He looked you in the eyes when he said it. You believed him. You nodded back and gestured to the house.
“Let’s get some shut eye huh? And maybe warn me if we see another person...you know.” You made a slicing gesture across your neck. He laughed gently and nodded, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you inside.
Dani walked up to you, still distraught but less so. You were standing beside Pelle the next day as he kneeled in front of the ground picking some vegetables. You turned to her as she walked up, ready to handle whatever she was about to throw at you.
“Hey,” you said, taking the step away from Pelle and toward her.
“Hi. Did you see Simon left without Connie?” she asked. You raised an eyebrow and shook your head.
“Seriously? What a dick.” She clearly felt a little bit off put by it so you lowered your voice. “You think it’s weird?” Dani nodded a bit.
“I don’t know...it’s a little weird. They seemed so close.” You nodded. They did seem close.
“I don’t know...something to keep in mind I suppose.” She nodded quickly in agreement.
Dinner that night was simple pastries. You were pleased. The last food they had given you wasn’t your kind of taste. You sat between Pelle and Dani again.
“Have you seen Connie?” Dani asked you quietly. You shook your head.
“Excuse me but I know what happened,” a man sitting beside Mark said. “Her boyfriend called the landline from the train station. She begged us to drive her so we took her down to the station.” You nodded slowly, glancing at Pelle. He shrugged, seemingly in agreement.
“Why would Simon leave without her?” you asked quietly.
“I can see you doing that,” Dani muttered at Christian. You wanted to laugh so you turned to Pelle, sneaking a smile. He shrugged with a smile on his face also.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Christian asked.
“You wouldn’t do that,” Pelle said quietly, so only you could hear. You ate a bite of the pastry proudly.
“You’re damn right.”
One of the important books was stolen that night. They announced it at breakfast.
“Where is your friend Josh?” one of the elders asked, after breakfast. You, Christian, Dani and Pelle all stood in front of the two elders, caught like a deer in headlights.
“I know. We have no idea,” Christian said.
“He and your other friend disappear in the same day. You understand how that looks.”
“Yes obviously, but we swear to you we are not a part of this,” Christian said. Dani shuffled a bit.
“We did see Mark go off with one of the girls last night,” she said.
“Which girl?”
“Inga,” Pelle said.
“But Mark wouldn’t have done this. Josh, though, he came to bed with us, and when we woke up, he was gone. And if he did take that book, I just pray you understand we do not identify as friends of his, or collaborators, or anything. I certainly don't vouch for him and we'd be so embarrassed to be connected to this in any way,” Christian explained.
“I feel responsible,” Pelle said. The elders nodded a bit.
“Well you and Odd can go looking. Perhaps you can redeem them,” one of the elders said. You didn’t want Pelle to leave. You didn’t like it when you were separated here. You believed him when he said you were safe but...it was still a little odd. “You two will be going with the women for the day’s activity,” he said to you and Dani. “And Siv asks to see you in her house,” she said to Christian.
You glanced at Pelle as he left. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, almost saying ‘do well!’.
You and Dani got dressed in white shirts with flower crowns. It made you a tad bit nervous but at least you had her.
She gestured to the drink they were handing out. Cups had been given to both of you to drink it.
“Can I ask what’s in this?” Dani asked one of the girls.
“It’s...tea for the dancing competition.” You raised an eyebrow but took a glass anyway. Dani looked back at you and you shrugged.
“I’ll beat you,” you muttered.
“Try me.”
You both took drinks of the tea.
Your head became fuzzy the second it hit your throat. You hadn’t taken those drugs before hand and you almost didn’t want to do it now but it was already done. Your feet were moving along with the girls, tossing bodies left and right it felt like.
You lost sight of Dani very quickly.
You were running and jumping and laughing until the elder lady yelled to stop then you kept dancing.
Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing.
It seemed to go on forever. Your mind was hazed, your head hurt, your glances were so quick they gave you whiplash. You were smiling brightly when they announced they were down to the final eight. You finally saw Dani again, in the eight with you.
All of the fallen dancers had sat off on the side. You saw Christian, looking hilariously out of place. And Pelle.
Your heart swelled with love for Pelle. You could barely know anything else for a moment as you stared at him.
You couldn’t see it but in that moment, Dani believed she learned how much she hated Christian.
Then more dancing.
People were speaking and then it was just you and Dani, holding hands, dancing around in a circle, tired and out of breath. She stared at you and a smile went over her face as she held your hand.
And then she tripped. You stopped dancing and someone ran up to you, putting their hands on your shoulder.
“It’s over?” you asked.
“You are our May Queen!” they yelled. You were still hazzed. Each face looked the same. The people running up to you were strangers but you felt nothing but warmth for them. They placed a different flower crown atop your head.
Pelle ran up to you smiling brightly.
“Wow! May Queen, my love!” he said, giving you a strong kiss, both his hands resting on your cheeks. You were smiling brightly and then he was gone. You didn’t want him to go.
They carried you on a platform to a dinner table where you sat at the head, Dani beside you and Pelle on the other side as usual.
One of the elders stood at the end of the dinner.
“Now it is traditional for the May Queen to bless our crops and livestock. And after the luck you just inherited from that salt herring, we should all be doubly encouraged.” You looked around nervously.
“Can Pelle come with me?”
“No. The Queen must ride alone.”
You were starting to come to your own and realize how crazy this all was. How did you get here? How would you get out of here? You found yourself hoping you didn’t get out of here though. This felt like home. Some form of home. As you walked to the carriage you saw a glimpse of the pride on Pelle’s face.
It made you immensely happy.
They made you do a ritual in Swedish and you did your best with the limited knowledge of the language you knew. You went to Siv’s house, where she blessed you. You wondered where Dani was. You hoped she was alright. You should have let her become the May Queen. You should have let her win, just so you knew she was alright.
The women left you alone for only a moment where they ushered Pelle into the house with all of the beds where you were. He was still smiling that bright smile as he rushed up to you, hugging you tightly to him.
“You have no idea the amount of honor and pride you have brought to me. I am so very proud of you,” he said, cupping your cheeks. You tried not to get too flustered with your smile in return.
“So I get my picture up on that wall?” you questioned. He nodded pleasantly.
“Yes you will!” He kissed you passionately and you let him, allowing him to dip you a bit. “And you will be allowed to stay here, with the family.”
You didn’t even react. You didn’t feel the need to.
“With you?”
“Yes of course. You will be mine and I will be yours.”
You nodded happily.
“Where is Dani?” you asked.
“She is alright, she’s with the other women preparing. She is also going to stay.” You wanted to laugh of joy with that. “It is time for the final of the ceremonies,” he told you. “You will finally be able to give Christian what you think he deserves, if you wish it.”
He placed an even larger flower crown atop your head.
“And a dress as well, to fit a Queen.”
He gestured to the large flower dress in the room you hadn’t even noticed. He kissed you once more.
“It is time for the final ceremony. I’ll help you put on the dress. Are you ready?” he asked. He looked at you patiently. You nodded.
“Yes, I am.”
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thatredheadwriter · 3 years
Hi! I saw your requests are open and I was wondering if you would wanna write something with Peter Parker x reader where y/n is super nice and understanding to everyone around them and basically lets people walk all over them and they give 110% to everyone but doesn’t always get that back and at some point something pushes them over the edge so they goes to a party or something and gets super drunk and not acting like themselves and Peter finds them and they breaks down and cries “what about me?!” Very dramatic of them lol (I identify as her so I’m sorry if one crept in, I tried to make it gender fluid!)
Hey anon! Hope this lives up to your expectations, and sorry it took me so long.
This fic is not NSFW, however, my blog is only for those 18+ as a general rule. Do not re-publish or cross post without my explicit written permission (reposts with credit are ok). All characters are over the legal drinking age.
Warnings/mentions of:
family issues
job stress
(Y/N) = your name
(y/g/p/s) = your gender preference sibling term (i.e. brother, sister, sibling)
(y/p/n) = your pronoun
(Author's Note: This was fun to write, and I'm sorry it took me forever! I just really wanted to get it right. I did my best to keep it gender neutral, but just for future reference, you can request whatever pronouns you like for the reader! I'm personally she/her, so I enjoyed getting a little out of my comfort zone and trying to write a gender neutral reader.)
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"Yeah...of course...I'll be there," you waited for your mom to finish talking. She was throwing your sister's baby shower this weekend at some restaurant in midtown and she was insisting you stop by, even though you were working all night the night before. "I love you too, mom. Bye."
You couldn't exactly tell her you'd be running mission control for a small covert operation into a recently reactivated Hydra base. And that you'd be sitting in the same desk chair for nearly twenty hours from take-off to touch down. And that the whole time you would be worried about the lives of your closest friends in the world.
Sure, your family and friends knew you worked for Stark Industries, but they had no clue how you really earned your pay. Your cover was that you were an event manager, and it wasn't a total lie, you managed a lot of events.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Nat poked her head into your office. You smiled tiredly and the unusually bubbly redhead sank into one of your office chairs. "I am planning a she’s, gay’s, and they’s, night, not optional," she added before you could protest,"We're going to celebrate a successful mission, and my latest birthday."
"Nat, I really don't think I..."
"No buts. Please, for me?" she faux pouted, and you sighed, giving in.
"Great, we'll meet in the lobby at eight. Make sure to wear something sexy," she stood up from her seat and left so fast it left your head spinning.
The rest of your afternoon consisted of you running all over the tower. Upstairs to find Tony and ask a question about the new tech, downstairs to talk to Steve about the plans to enter the base (and to remind him he is REQUIRED to wear a parachute anytime he jumps out of or off of something greater than a three story building). Then you had to find Nat again, which given her burst of energy was difficult even with FRIDAY's help. By the time you were finished it was ten o'clock and your stomach was growling.
You met Peter in the elevator, and immediately remembered you had agreed to watch the most recent few episodes of the Mandalorian with him, and you groaned. All you wanted was to go upstairs to your apartment, eat a bowl of macaroni and cheese, and collapse into bed. Not to mention you had an 8:00 am meeting with some people from the DOJ that Tony had asked you to attend.
"Hey, you ready to start watching?" he asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Yeah, yeah. Do you care if we order takeout? I'm starving," you groaned as you pressed the button for Peter's floor.
"Oh, well, I already ate, but you should definitely order something. Are you okay? You seem kind of off."
"I'm fine, just tired," you leaned your head back on the cold metal and shut your eyes for a moment.
"Do you want to reschedule?" Peter shifted slightly trying to catch your eye.
"No, no. I'm fine. Let me just get some food in me and I'll be good."
You were not good. After downing some lukewarm noodles from the only Thai place still open and delivering in your area, you settled in next to Peter on the couch in his apartment. It wasn't fifteen minutes into the first episode that you were out.
Pete woke you gently, trying not to startle you. You woke up slowly and blinked the sleep out of your eyes. Peter's gray shirt had a small dark stain over his chest, and you realized that you'd been drooling.
"Oh my god, Peter. I'm so sorry."
"This," he looked down at the spot and laughed a bit, "It's fine, no big deal. You were also snoring."
You buried your face in your hands, wishing you could curl into a ball and disappear. Peter's hands found your wrists and gently pulled them down. You could see he was still smiling, though softly now.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. You just need some sleep."
"You're right," you said rubbing your face. You stood from the couch and stretched. Peter looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. "I'm sorry I fell asleep, let's try again later. If that's okay with you."
"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow night."
"No can do, I'll be power-napping. I'm running mission coms for Steve, Nat, Sam, Bucky, and Clint. They're going to scope out that re-opened Hydra base in Argentina."
"Ok, what about the night after that?"
"I've got a baby shower in the afternoon and then Nat's dragging me out to a mandatory ‘she’s, gay’s, and they’s’ night."
"Damn, and I thought I was busy."
You sighed in defeat, "We'll figure it out some other time, okay?"
"Okay. Just get some sleep," he said softly, and you nodded.
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The next morning, you woke up only thirty minutes before you were due downstairs at one of the biggest meetings of your life. You hurriedly fixed your hair and pulled on your best business suit and made a beeline for the elevator. Once inside you popped a stick of gum in your mouth and cursed not showering the night before. But you figured after the meeting you could slip back upstairs and really get ready for the day.
You practically slid into the conference room, out of breath and hoping you didn't look too insane. Tony looked at you, a little concerned, and introduced you to the five members of the U.S. Department of Justice. You had no clue as to why Stark insisted you join the meeting, as you were clearly out of your depth. He only referred to you twice during the meeting and one time you didn't even know the answer to his question.
"Thanks for coming," he'd addressed you after the visitors left, "I wanted your opinion of some of their surveillance proposals, since you run coms on a lot of our recon missions."
You thumbed through the documents you'd collected during the meeting, "Yeah, I'll look over everything."
"Great, we'll meet on Monday afternoon and go over what you think."
You really just wanted to stay in your apartment for the rest of the day, but you had at least two more things to do before you could get in bed for a power nap. A quick shower helped you feel more awake and you grabbed a bagel and your usual coffee before heading to your office. First you had to file a few reports, one of which was past due. After three hours of paperwork you had to go down to the coms center and get the space ready for your long haul shift and double check all the tech the team would be using.
You were just finishing making your checklist when your watch started buzzing like crazy. It was an S.O.S. signal coming from Ned. So since you were in the center, you activated the console and called him.
"(Y/N), are you there?" he asked, sounding really frantic. You could hear metal crashing in the background and something that sounded like screaming.
"Yeah, Ned, I'm here. What's going on?"
"Well, Peter and I were over at this comic shop on Staten Island to check out the newest issue of..."
"Ned, get to the point faster, please," you blew stray hairs out of your face.
"Right. Peter's fighting a lava monster."
"A lava monster?"
"Yeah, I guess. I'm not really sure. We're over on Staten Island. I'm trying to help out as much as I can, but I don't have my tech."
"Ok, I've got your location. I'm going to patch into Pete's coms and try to help him from here. Get to safety, Ned. I'm going to mute our connection so I can focus on Peter, but I'll still be on the line."
You tapped furiously on the console, fingers flying over it as you sent commands and searched information relevant to the area. Moments later, you had tapped into Peter's suit so you could hear and see what he sees.
"Peter, can you hear me?" you asked, trying to make your voice as clear and enunciated as possible.
The video feed on the screen in front of you shook a bit, as Pete wasn't expecting to hear your voice.
"(Y/N), is that you?" he yelled, and you scrambled to turn down the volume coming out of the speakers.
"Yeah, Ned called me. Lava monster?"
"I think so. I was able to clear out most of the citizens."
"Okay, let's do this then."
You stayed on coms with Pete until he finally subdued the 'lava monster.' Turns out it was just a jewel thief who got his hands on some high tech and decided to take a hint from the Scooby Doo villains. When you finally turned the console off, you headed upstairs to intercept Peter for a debriefing. You learned that if you didn't debrief right after a mission or incident, it really made paperwork a bitch.
Peter swung in on the landing pad to find you already waiting for him. You noticed he was limping a little bit, so you stopped him, knowing he'd never go to the infirmary of his own volition.
"Peter, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, but the grimace on his face and the way he was holding his side told you he really wasn't.
"Let me see," you demanded, and Pete dropped his hands from his side with a hiss to reveal a portion of his suit had been burned away, and underneath you could see red, charred flesh.
"Oh my god, Peter!" you gasped, covering your mouth with your hands. You weren't a squeamish person, you couldn't be with your job, but you felt bile rising in your throat. "I am taking you to the infirmary right now."
He started to protest, but you weren't having any of that.
"Don't make me get Stark involved," you warned, and he sighed. You led the way to the elevators, and told FRIDAY to bypass any other floors.
You sat with Peter as he got checked out and bandaged up. Luckily he did have the advantage of rapid healing, but the doctor who treated him warned him to take it easy for the next week. An hour later and you followed him back to the elevator. He was holding his suit and looking at it pitifully.
"Tony's definitely going to know. At least if you want your suit fixed. Hey, but at least you went to the infirmary and got checked out. That'll shorten the lecture by at least five minutes."
"Yeah, well, it'll still be a long lecture. Do you have time to grab something to eat?"
"I wish. I still have to finish prepping for the mission."
"Okay, well good luck."
"You too."
You and Peter took separate elevators, he went up to the residential floors and you were headed back down to the communications room. Finally you were able to work in peace and get everything done you needed to. You checked your watch, it was six. Perfect timing, you could go upstairs, get comfy, order some good takeout food, eat well, and then get into bed early. You were practically drooling at the thought of a good nights' rest. In the elevator you did a little happy dance, it was all coming together. But of course you celebrated too soon.
A blaring alarm came over the speaker in the elevator, and you felt it change directions. An automated voice began repeating evacuation instructions over the intercom and you felt like you could cry. Once the elevator opened on the ground floor, you started looking for someone who could give you some answers, like when you would be able to get home.
It wasn't until 9:00 that night that your were allowed back into the building. You'd killed time by taking a taxi to the nearest big box store and getting a card and a gift for your sister's baby shower, ticking that box for the weekend. You were going to have a couple of hotdogs, but the vendor was cash only and you were out. You'd given the last of it in a loan to Clint. So you went back to wait with the others who needed to get into the tower.
You caught the elevator up with Bucky and Sam. They were in a much better mood than you were, and were way too loud about it.
"Hey, maybe (Y/N) can help," you heard Sam say as they entered the elevator. You groaned internally thinking, "no, (Y/N) cannot help you." But instead you simply sighed and waited to see what they could possibly want from you.
"Ok, so we're trying to figure out how to get Nat for her birthday."
"Get Nat?" you asked, already wary as to what you were being dragged into.
"Yeah," Bucky started, leaning back on the elevator wall, "we're trying to think of a way to prank her."
"A prank for her birthday? Do you want her to kill you?"
"No, it's not really a prank," Sam corrected, "We just want to surprise her a little bit."
"So get her something nice."
"It's her birthday, she'll be expecting to get gifts. We want to do something, uh, what's that word Sam?
"Extra," Sam finished for him.
So instead of going to bed like you should have, and they should have thinking back on it, you ended up in the shared common area trying to help them figure out what she would like.
An hour and a half later they finally let you go. You dragged your lifeless body into the apartment and kicked the door shut behind you lazily.
In the kitchen, you made a couple of peanut butter sandwiches and poured yourself a large glass of milk. You ate quickly, given that you were starving, and went straight to the shower, not counting on waking up early enough to do it in the morning.
After the shower, you were ready to collapse into bed. You'd just pulled back the duvet when you heard a knock at your front door. With a sigh, you padded into the living room and opened it. You were shocked to see Vision of all people.
"(Y/N), I hate to disturb you this late, but I could use your assistance with a personal matter."
Vision looked uncharacteristically distressed, so you opened the door further and stepped aside to signal he should come in. He stepped inside with smile and a nod. You gestured with your hand that he should sit, and he took a seat on the couch. You sat in the armchair next to him.
"What's up, Vis?"
"It's Wanda. I said something earlier that upset her. She told me which words upset her, but I don't understand why they did. I was hoping that you, as her friend, could explain exactly what happened."
"I'll do my best, what did you say?"
Vision went on to repeat something that on the surface sounded innocuous enough, but its meaning could either be completely innocent or extremely derogatory. You had to explain to him what exactly Wanda heard in his words and why that would make her feel belittled and insecure. When he realized how he sounded, Vision immediately became remorseful.
"Thank you, (Y/N). I appreciate your help, and your friendship. I will let myself out."
He stood from the couch and walked back out your front door. You sighed and pulled yourself back off the chair and trudged to the bedroom where you finally collapsed into the warm embrace of your bed.
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Your alarm came far too early the next morning. After hauling your ass out of bed, you brushed your teeth and washed your face before slipping into a t-shirt and joggers. In your kitchen you poured a large glass of your favorite cold-brew coffee and fixed it to taste. You grabbed a banana and a granola bar and headed down to your new home for the next twenty-four hours.
Take-off occurred without a hitch, and comms were up and running smoothly. You had to stay alert in case of emergency, but as long as you could still hear and monitor things, you were able to entertain yourself however necessary. So you worked on reports.
The flight from NYC to the old Hydra base in Argentina was just over six hours via Quinjet, so you had plenty of time to finish your reports, and even had time to look over some of the DOJ proposals. But when they touched down outside a remote village at the base of the Andes, it was time to give your full attention to the mission.
You spent the next ten hours giving the team whatever they needed: blueprints, topographical maps, satellite imagery, etc. There were times when it was fairly quiet, but it was never long before someone needed something.
Thankfully the mission went off without a hitch. The team was headed home, and you were almost done. Just another six hours, the debriefing, and then you could get back upstairs and into your bed. Well, after you wrapped your sister's gift and signed the card.
It was seven in the morning when you finally saw another person. A whole 24+ hours alone was actually kind of nice, despite your exhaustion. The debriefing was fairly quick, the whole team was ready to crash so you went over all the necessary stuff and agreed to do the rest later.
You crawled back into bed right at 8:00 am, and hoped four hours of sleep would feel better than it sounded.
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Four hours of sleep did not feel better than it sounded. You scrambled around the apartment, running between trying to get ready in the bathroom and getting your sister's gift and card ready. You crawled in an Uber ten minutes past the time you were supposed to leave, and asked the driver to step on it. Unfortunately, you had the world's slowest driver.
You fumbled out the back of the car with the large gift in your hands and rushed inside, knowing your mom wouldn't be happy with your tardiness.
"I know, I know, I'm late. I'm sorry," you sat the gift on a table overflowing with them.
"It's fine dear," your mother said in a breathy voice that made it clear that she was not pleased with you. "Although if you keep prioritizing career over family, you may never have one of your own some day."
You rolled your eyes. It was going to be a long afternoon.
The whole party you saw your sister one time. You stopped by her table at the head of the room to say hello, and she introduced you to her friends, "Oh, yeah, this is (Y/N) my (y/g/p/s). (Y/P/N) works for Stark Industries."
You smiled and made some small talk, and then went back to the table you'd been sat at. After that, you tried to sneak out several times, but your mom always intercepted you. She would introduce you to someone new or ask for your help with some menial task.
Five o'clock rolled around and you, of course, got stuck helping to clean up. First you helped her get all the gifts into the rental SUV she'd pulled around back. Then you helped her collect all the decorations, as she was convinced she could reuse them. Finally you aided her in taking out the trash, because she didn't want to pay the venue staff to do it.
It wasn't until 6:30 that you finally left, and it was another hour before you made it back to the tower after traffic.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing up?" Peter asked you as you joined him in the elevator. He was sweaty and wearing training clothes. It was easy to deduce he was on his way up from one of the basement training floors.
"I had my sister's baby shower to go to, and now I'm headed up to change for Nat's thing tonight."
"But didn't you just run coms for that 24 hour mission?"
"Yep," you popped the 'p' as you leaned your head back against the cool metal wall of the elevator.
"You should really take a break."
"You don't think I don't know that?" you laughed sarcastically.
It may have been a bit harsh, but you really didn't need a lecture at the moment. Peter looked at you like he wanted to say something, but he didn't, and you spent the rest of the ride in silence.
Once back in your apartment, you turned on the coffee maker, and ran back to the bedroom to get changed. You pulled on what was your only really nice 'going out outfit'. It was definitely on the sexier side, but you didn't have the time or energy to get self conscious about it.
Back in the kitchen you poured a large cup of coffee and drank it black. Not your preference, but you didn't have time to fix it nicely, and the more concentrated, the faster the caffeine would hit your bloodstream. After rinsing your mug, you headed back downstairs to meet with the others.
The others were thirty minutes late, you pulled out your phone to text Wanda when the lobby door opened. Wanda and Vision walked in, his arm around her. They were eating ice cream.
"Hey, (Y/N). You look good, where are you headed?" Wanda asked, as Vision broke away to push the elevator button.
"Nat's thing. That's still going on isn't it?"
Her eyes widened, "Oh, no one told you? Nat was pretty exhausted after that mission, so we're pushing it to next weekend."
"Oh," you said simply. It felt like you were floating, detached from reality. "That's fine."
"Are you sure?" she asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah, yeah. You know, I think I'm going to go out anyways. I need it."
Without another word, you started for the front door.
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You weren't sure how long it had been and how many drinks you'd had, but you felt great. The music in the club was loud and it kept you from thinking. As you danced through the crowd, you found a stranger. He was tall, dark, and handsome, and best of all he was right there, willing to give you what you needed right then and there.
As you rubbed your ass back against his clothed crotch, your arm was grabbed, and you were pulled away from him. Looking at your abductor, you were shocked to see a concerned looking Peter.
"(Y/N), where the hell have you been?" he yelled over the thump of the bass once he'd gotten you over to the wall.
"I've been having fun," you slurred, rolling your eyes at him.
"You shut off your phone and no one's heard from you in hours! Mr. Stark had to remotely activate your phone and ping your location."
"You tracked my phone?" you asked, getting angry. Who the hell gave them the right, you wondered. "I'm just out here, by myself, getting fucking wasted!"
"Why, (Y/N)? This isn't you."
"Maybe it should be me," you countered, "Maybe if I cut loose every once in a while and did something for myself I wouldn't be so fucking miserable all the time."
"What are you talking about?"
"My life sucks, Pete. It really sucks ass. I never have any time for myself. I never sleep, I hardly ever get to eat a hot meal, and I'm constantly exhausted. I do everything for everyone, and I'm sick of it."
At some point during your rant, you'd started crying. Hot tears rolled down your face and you leaned heavily against the wall. Peter's face softened, and he reached out to touch you. As soon as his skin met yours, you pulled him into a tight embrace, and his arms locked around you. His fingers smoothed your hair as you sobbed into his chest.
"Come on, let's get you home."
He pulled you through the crowded club, half carrying you. You finally made it outside, where Peter held you close as he asked the valet to retrieve the car. They brought around the dark sedan and Peter helped you into the front passenger seat, even going as far to buckle your seatbelt for you.
Peter jogged around the front of the car and took his place in the passenger seat. You turned to face the window, embarrassed to let him see you this way, drunk and overemotional. His free hand reached over to rub your shoulder softly.
"I'm sorry," you breathed through sobs.
"For what?" he asked, genuinely confused. You turned to look at him.
"For going off on you like that, and running off and getting drunk, and making everyone worry."
"No, (Y/N). We're the ones who should be sorry. You've been working way too hard lately."
You didn't have the strength to argue, so you just let your head rest on the cool glass of the window.
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When you woke up the next morning, you couldn't remember how you'd gotten to bed, or when, but you were grateful you had. Your head was pounding and the light coming from the window wasn't helping. You rolled over with a groan so see a glass of water and some ibuprofen set out for you on the nightstand.
After downing the water and medicine, you checked your phone and had nearly had a heart attack. It was 2 pm already, and you'd missed several meetings, and a scheduled phone call. You jumped out of bed and began fumbling around for your clothes.
"(Y/N), your vitals indicate you may be in distress. May I call someone for you?" Friday's voice came from above you.
"No, Friday," you grumbled, "Actually, wait. Call Mr. Stark and let him know I'm on my way down. Tell him I overslept and missed our earlier meeting, but I'll be there ASAP."
"Mr. Stark has indicated you are on paid leave for the week. Would you still like me to send the message?"
Paid leave? You hadn't requested any time off.
"Also, Mr. Parker asked to be notified when you woke up. Should I notify him?"
"Sure," you agreed absentmindedly as you sat back down on the bed. As hard as you tried, you couldn't remember what happened after Peter picked you up at the club last night.
You stood up from the bed and made your way in to the bathroom. A hot shower helped relax your tense muscles and alleviate the headache. Afterwards, you felt much better. You dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, deciding to stay comfortable.
In your living room sat Peter, scrolling on his phone on your couch.
"Hey," he said, setting his phone down and turning to look at you over his shoulder. "How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good I guess. Do you know why Stark has me on paid leave?"
"Yeah, I talked to him last night after I got you into bed. He agreed that your workload's been way too high lately, and he's giving you the week off to rest. He's also going to let you hire an assistant, if you want."
"You did that for me?"
"Of course, (Y/N). I hate to see you so stressed out. You deserve better."
"Thank you, Peter."
"Don't thank me yet. I ordered a pizza, your favorite ice cream is in the freezer, and I'm still supposed to take it easy from the other day, so I was thinking a Star Wars marathon might be in order. If you're up for it."
You smiled so wide your cheeks hurt, "Definitely. Have I ever told you that you're the best?"
You leaned over and pulled him into a hug, and he reciprocated. As long as Peter's by your side, you could do anything. Including say no.
thatredheadwriter’s Masterlist
145 notes · View notes
maddiwrites · 3 years
The Hybrid (I)
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: The Pogues rekindle their friendship with their old childhood best friend and JJ’s first crush, Y/N. Old feelings resurface for JJ and Y/N, possibly leading to a summer neither one of them could ever forget. Due to past trauma, Y/N is reluctant to let anyone into her heart, but JJ never backs down from a challenge, even if he knows it will come back to haunt him in the end.
Note: Thank you for being patient with me as I slowly write this series. I had this idea a long time ago and I’m not finding motivation to write it but the inspiration comes and go. I smile with every comment that is left on my fics and I’m so grateful for this community. Thank you for letting me pursue my creative writing without judgement. Love you guys! (Also, yes. If you didn’t see my last note, I based YN’s family off of the Gilmore Girls characters. That’s who I picture as them.)
Word Count: 8k
 Masterlist   Prologue 
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You wake up to someone falling on your bed next to you with a dramatic sigh. Knowing exactly who it is, you choose to ignore her and try getting back to the dreamless sleep you were peacefully having before you woke up.
That is, until she sighs again. 
You flip onto your back and stare up at your ceiling fan that’s quickly spinning above you. “What, Rory?”
“How did it go with Andre and that boy?”
You look at her with one brow raised. “You woke me up to hear about Andre’s love life? That hardly sounds like you. You don’t care about high school drama or hookups.”
“You’re right,” Rory says. “But I thought I would ease you into what I actually need to tell you.”
You turn on right side and look at your sister confused. “What?”
She sighs. “The cafe’s basement flooded last night. Mom needs us there to help her clean up and take inventory on what’s salvageable.”
You turn back on you backside and close your eyes, exhaling a deep sigh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Unfortunately not,” Rory says and pats you twice on your covered thigh as she sits up. “Come on. I made you pre-cafe coffee. It’s sitting in the kitchen.”
You throw your sheets off of you and trudge to the bathroom to brush your teeth and clean your face. It’s about 8 a.m. At least you were able to get about six hours of sleep. 
Last night, it was hard to let your brain rest to fall asleep. You kept tossing and turning, thinking about the blonde Pogue who walked you home. You missed how easy it was to talk to someone who you felt truly knew you. Your banter rolled off your tongue easily and you never had to worry about offending him because you knew him like the back of your hand. You knew what he could take and what he couldn't. 
Talking to him brought back childhood memories you had hidden deep in your mind. How JJ would constantly poke you until you ripped into a smile on days that were grey. How you used to steal John B’s bandanas until he was chasing you around his house to get them back. How you would draw a mustache and a unibrow on Pope’s face when he fell asleep by the water. 
Those days felt like they were decades ago. So far away, you didn’t know if you’d be able to reach for them again. If it was even possible to get back. 
You thought about texting him. Thanks for walking me back. We should all get together soon! You had written out. But then you deleted the whole message, telling yourself it was because you didn’t know if he even had the same number. But deep down, you were just afraid of the rejection. 
Its been about three years since the four of you had been together in one place. You don’t know what they’ve been through or if they’ve changed. They for sure as hell don’t know what you’ve been through. You don’t know if they're dynamic has changed. Clearly you and JJ can still joke with each other but what about John B and Pope? You heard about John B’s father disappearing at sea, most people believing he’s dead, but John B holding onto hope that’s he’s alive. You always thought about calling him to reach out and offer your condolences. But for the same reason you didn’t text JJ, you never called. It didn’t feel like your place. They had Kie for that now. A little part of you felt jealous of her, like she had replaced you and any memory of you. She seemed nice, but she wasn’t you.
“Ready?” Rory pops her head in to your room as you slip on a cropped plain white zip up jacket over your cropped black tank. 
“As I’ll ever be,” You say and snag the car keys out of her hands. “Don’t even think about it. I’m driving.”
Rory rolls her eyes. “I want to get there safely.”
“And I want to get there quickly.”
“Fine. But we’re taking my car. It actually has doors.”
For your sixteenth birthday, your grandparents gifted both you and Rory your own individual cars and even let you pick them out. Rory chose a black 2020 Honda Civic for it’s safety features and reputation for longevity as if she was planning on handing it down to her future kids. And you picked out a white 2020 Jeep Wrangler with a hard top that pops off along with the doors for a very open and thrilling ride. Everyone but you called it a death trap, but you found it to be the perfect summer car. 
You park Rory’s boring Honda Civic in the back of the cafe in a lot used specifically for employees. The cafe is already booming with teens and families, waiting for their morning coffees and fresh pastries. Kids your age are running around behind the counter with sweat dripping down their brow bone to get everyone’s orders out in a timely manner. 
In the back of the store, your mom walks up the steps from the basement with two large trash bags and immediately notices the two of you. “Oh good. You’re here. Rory, help the girls behind the counter. The dishwasher’s broken and poor Hailey is hand washing everything. Y/N, come with me downstairs.”
“Why does Rory get the fun job?” You grumble and follow your mom back downstairs after she tosses the two trash bags. 
“Because she’s actually nice to the customers.”
“Treat others how you would like to be treated. Isn’t that what everyone always says?” You smirk. You never agreed with the phrase ‘the customer is always right.’ It’s complete bullshit and being the employee shouldn’t mean letting yourself getting verbally abused by a ‘Karen’ on the other side of the counter. 
The basement is used for the cafe’s storage, lined with wooden shelves Steve put together that hold to go cups, back up espresso machines, boxes of coffee and food and ingredients, etc. Now all the boxes are dark and sopping, creating puddles on the concrete floor. 
“Oh my god. Mom. How did this happen?”
“Jenky water pipe busted in the middle of the night,” Steve walks down the stairs and passes your mom a knowing look. It didn’t surprise you that he was here. He’s the jack of all trades. Owns his own automotive shop, builds a lot of his own furniture, actually cooks a decent meal, and has the same outlook on customer service as you do. He was probably your mom’s first call. “Talked to the plumber. They can’t get here until at least noon.”
“Noon? We’ll be underwater by noon. I might as well turn all my employees into a swim team,” Your mom says.
Steve shakes his head. “I was able to hold the leak until he gets here. You should be fine.”
Steve was the first person that actually helped your mother out when's she moved to the Cut. Six months pregnant, she pushed her car into his automotive shop after it broke down on the side of the road. Their banter was similar to the one you and JJ have. He helped save your mom money by building yours and Rory’s cribs, changing table, and dressers. And ever since, the two of them had been connected by the hip, although they both refuse to admit it. You think the pair are just trying to deny the love they clearly share for each other. And you think the main reason for that is because of the incident four years ago with your mom’s ex boyfriend. No thanks to you.
 “Look at you constantly building your resume,” You smirk at him. 
Steve scoffs. “It’s more than what you’re doing.”
You roll your eyes. Steve is the closest thing you have to a father. He practically helped raise you with your mom. He’s the one you turn to whenever a fight with your mom goes too far, which isn't too often but it happens. He usually lets you stay at his house for the night to let you cool off. But he’ll never sugar coat his advice when it comes time for him to give it. Even if you don’t ask for it. He knows growing up with Rory has been challenging. She was clearly your mom’s favorite, or at least that’s what you thought. She has a 4.0 GPA with a realistic dream to get into Brown University and study journalism. She played by every rule, never got into trouble, and spent most of her free nights getting ahead of her school work or staying late at the cafe with an open book from the library across the street. She was an absolute angel to everyone else, making you look like her evil twin. 
You glare at him before turning to your mom with crossed arms. “What do you want me to do, Mom?”
“Actually honey. Can you go to Heywards and grab more coffee filters and napkins. The water soaked right through the plastic wrapping on our last box.”
You nod, leaving your mom and Steve to clean up the basement themselves. Before heading out, you sneak behind the counter and make yourself a quick coffee to go.
“Where you going?” Rory asks as she reaches behind you to grab a banana for her customer at the register.
“Heywards to grab a couple things for Mom.”
“Oh. Make sure to grab toilet paper while you’re out. I think we’re almost out of it.”
“Got it.” 
Heywards is only a short drive from your mom’s cafe. It’s the closest convenient store that isn’t crazy pricey. It’s where your mom gets all her supplies whenever she runs out of things before shipment gets there. 
You use to always come here when you were younger with the boys, each of you, even Pope, stealing a small bag of chips or a candy bar here and there. Little did any of you know, Mr. Heyward caught your thieving hands every time but never said anything. 
The bell above the door chimes when you walk into the store. You know this place as well as you know the cafe, finding the toilet paper and coffee filter immediately. 
When Mr. Heyward looks up from the counter, his smile grows. He can pick you out of a crowd anywhere, but he hasn’t seen you in a long time. Last time he saw you, you had braces and overgrown bushy brows. Now you had bushed hair and shaved legs. 
“Hi. Mr. Heyward,” You grin shyly at him. You don’t know how he’s going to react to see you, unsure of what Pope might have told him about you. 
“Little Miss Y/L/N? Is that you?” Heyward smiles widely, pulling your own lips into a wider smile. “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy with school and my mom’s cafe...” Both of those things were a lie. You just avoid the Cut to avoid the Pogues. 
“How’s the fam?” 
“They’re good,” You say as Heyward hands you your bags. “Mom says hello by the way. I’m actually taking these to her store now.”
“Well, don’t be a stranger. We miss your smiling face around her. Anette, too.” Heyward says, mentioning his wife. 
“Tell her I said hi.”
“Of course, darling.” 
Heyward and Anette always had a special place in their heart for you and Rory. They’re not one for gossip, but they knew a little bit about what your mom’s been through and have heard plenty of stories about your grandparents. They always thought, despite your mom’s background, that you and your sister were raised impressively. Anette always hoped that one day Pope and Rory would get together. Everyone always wanted their child to be with Rory. 
As your about to leave the store, the bell chimes again with another customer. Only it’s not another customer. It’s Pope and John B. They don’t see you at first, and you wonder if maybe you can sneak out without them seeing you. But something about that felt wrong. Especially because Heyward would more than likely mention to them that you were here. 
Pope sees you first and stops in his tracks. “Y/N?” 
“Hey, guys. Long time no see,” You smile at both of them. You bite down on your lip awkwardly when you meet John B’s stare. You don’t know if you should mention anything about his dad’s disappearance. But what would you say? Sorry? What good would that do?
“How’ve you been?” Pope gives you a small side hug, then John B. 
You shrug. “You know, living the dream.”
“How’s life as a Hybrid?” John B smirks. 
You roll your eyes playfully and groan. “Oh god. Never call me that again.”
You may be considered a Hybrid by everyone else, but you would never put yourself into that category. You grew up a Pogue, the same way everyone else did around you. The only thing tying you to the Kooks are your grandparents. 
“Why?” John B smirks. “I wish I was a Hybrid.”
You smirk back. “Maybe you will be one day. I hear you have a Kook of your own for arm candy.”
You saw a faint hint of blush on John B’s cheek at the mention of his girlfriend but you don’t mention it. “Sarah, yeah. She’s not like the other Kooks.”
“I would hope not. Her brother’s a dick.”
“Yeah,” They laugh. 
“We miss you, you know.” John B says. Pope looks at you, trying to read your expression. John B’s not wrong. They do all miss you, especially Pope. He felt like you were the only one who really understood him. Of course his other friends are great, but you actually took the time to try and understand his passions. Like forensic science. 
“I miss you guys too. It’s been a while.”
“Well, hey. We’re actually all getting together tonight at my place. Nothing big. Just a bonfire and a couple beers. You should stop by,” John B says.
“Yeah,” Pope says, immediately getting hopeful that you’ll show up. 
Your smile falters. The invite makes your heart swell and your lungs contract. It’s an invite you’ve been wanting for three years. And now that you have it, you don’t know what to say. It’d be different if it was just the four of you like old times. But now there’s Kie and Sarah and although you have nothing against them, you’re afraid they won’t accept you. The thought of your boys picking them over you terrifies you. 
“Okay. Yeah, sure. I’ll try to swing by later.” 
Pope smiles wide and looks at his friend to see his reaction. John B grins and nods, almost impressed that you had agreed. But he saw the twitch in your lips when the question was asked. 
“Great. I guess we’ll see you later then.” 
You nod. “Okay. Bye guys.”
You suck in a deep breath when the fresh air outside of Heyward’s store brushes over you. Your heart thumps wildly with both excitement and nerves when you’re finally able to collect your thoughts. You don’t know what you’ll do tonight, but the possibilities can change your entire summer.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You spent the rest of the day mopping up the cafe’s basement and rearranging the shelves. You smelled of sweat and coffee grounds by the time you were done and dreamt of the shower you would be taking when you got home. 
Rory drove you home after the two of you closed up the cafe for the day. Neither of you said much. Rory was exhausted from running around behind the counter and you were too busy thinking about whether you’d go back to the place you used to call your second home.
You took a longer shower than usual, still pondering what your night would be like. Your head was telling you to stay home but your heart pulled you in the direction of the Cut. You yearned to hear about what the future held for Pope, and listen to John B retell stories of when you were kids, and be able to stare into JJ’s bright blue eyes without him noticing. 
You changed into a pair of jean shorts and a plain red cropped tank. Rory walks into your room as your brushing out your hair and looks at you as if you lost your mind.
“Are you out of your mind? You can’t wear that,” She says.
You brows scrunch together in confusion. “What are you talking about? I wear shit like this all the time.”
“Not to the Country Club, you don’t.” That’s when it hits you. Today’s been so hectic, you forgot what day it was. “It’s Sunday.”
Sunday dinner at the Country Club is now a weekly commitment forced upon you by your grandparents. Each week, your mom, sister, and you are forced to spend one dinner with your grandma and grandpa. This is basically your mom’s payment back for sending you and Rory to Kook Academy. Only they actually pay for the dinner. It’s usually the longest two hours of your entire week. It’s hard to listen to your grandfather rant about Real Estate and your grandma slyly critique your mother in almost every aspect of her life. 
“Shit. I completely forgot,” You say.
“Well, you better change. We’re leaving in about five minutes,” Rory says then plucks a gold necklace from your dresser. “Oh and can I wear this tonight?”
You sigh. “Sure.”
You change into a baby blue wrap around dress and pin your wet hair into a half up half down due. It’s gonna have to work for the limited time you have to get ready. After applying a thin layer of makeup to look the least bit presentable, you meet your mom and sister by the front door.
“Finally,” Your mom says when she sees you. 
“Sorry. I didn’t realize it was Sunday.”
“It’s okay, honey. I just don’t think I can handle another late remark from Mom today.” She looks you up and down and grins. “You look great.”
Despite the many fiery fights you and your mom can have, she is also your best friend. It’s kind of like a love hate relationship. Steve says it’s because you’re exactly like your mom - almost like a sixteen year old version of her. 
You really hope that isn’t true. You’re not ready to have a kid in two years. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Your grandparents are already sitting at a round table in the corner of the country club by the two tall windows that reach up to the ceiling with a view looking out into the golf course. The best seat in the house for the richest a holes on the island. 
“Lorelai,” Your grandmother grins, but you can instantly tell it’s sarcastic. “Did you have to walk here?”
You speak up before your mom could. “Sorry Grandma. It’s my fault we’re late.”
Your grandparents are hard on your mom but easier on you and Rory, especially Rory.
“Well, you’re here now,” Your grandpa says. He’s usually the mediator between your mom and grandma. Although he’s usually sucks at it. “Sit. Sit.”
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, JJ shuffles through his many coworkers with his apron in one hand and a piece of fried calamari from Miss Carol’s appetizer in the other. 
“JJ -” She scolds and slaps his hand away from going in for a second piece. 
“Good evening Miss Carol,” JJ smirks and makes his way to the area between the kitchen and dining room where most of the servers and bust boys hang out. Some of the boys slap him on the back or shove him by the shoulder, chuckling to themselves. “What’s going on boys? Busy crowd?”
“What are you doing here? You never work Sundays,” His friend, Mitch, says. 
Luke Maybank was behind on several bills - worse than it’s ever been. They already shut off their electricity and JJ wanted to make sure the water wouldn’t be next. 
But JJ shrugs nonchalantly. “Little extra dough can't hurt.”
“Well, you picked a good day,” Raymond walks up to the blonde, rolling his sleeves. “You got Kook Royalty and their Hybrid offsprings in your section.” 
“What?” JJ looks through the small square Plexiglas on the swinging door. He knows exactly where to look and immediately sees you sitting with King and Queen Kook, looking absolutely miserable, pushing around your food with your fork. 
“Damn, Maybank. Almost broke your neck - you turned so fast.”
“Shut up, Easterling. I was just seeing how crowded we were,” JJ lied. He really just wanted to see if you were here. And now that he sees you are, he’s a little nervous to do his own damn job.
Raymond Easterling chuckles. “Yeah, I know what you were looking at. But don’t get your hopes up. There’s a reason Kooks call that girl the Heart Sucker. Not even the high and powerful JJ Maybank could get a piece of that.”
The guys around JJ and Raymond chuckle and nod in agreement, hearing the stories of how you’d reject every single guy that’s ever asked you out. Sometimes you’d go on a few dates, trying to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but then things would quickly become too much, and you’d get overwhelmed. 
JJ didn’t like the way Raymond talked about you or how the others laughed at your expense. His hands clenched into fists, tempted to throw a punch in Ray’s cocky face.  The guy’s just being a jerk because he’s one of the guys that got rejected by you, he thought. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” JJ shakes his head and ties his apron around his waist to distract his hands.
“No?” Raymond challenges him. “You think I’m wrong? You think you could pull the infamous Hybrid over there?”
JJ glances back through the window. You’re looking at your grandma with a clearly forced grin. You’re twirling your hair between your fingers, a habit you picked up when you were little to do when you’re bored. JJ would find you doing that in school all the time. 
You’re gorgeous, he thought. It’s no wonder that almost every guy on this island has tried to make a pass on you, including JJ himself, but his remarks always come off as playful, afraid of actually telling you how he feels about you. His fantasies about you went further than just getting you between the sheets. He could picture getting married, having children, and growing old together. Years ago, the two of you would talk about your future. Neither one of you cared about money or fancy jobs. All you wanted was to be free - of this island, of each other’s families, of responsibilities placed on you from birth. You hold the same values as JJ, and he’s never met another person like you. 
But JJ has a hard exterior. No one other than his best friends know his true heart, and he wasn’t going to let someone like Raymond Easterling find out about his soft spot for you. He would never hear the end of it.
JJ looks at you one last time. You’re talking to Rory, your face in his direction. This time you’re smiling, probably discussing something other than your grandparent’s expectations of you. He’d kill to see that smile every single day.
What’s the worst that could happen? You reject him? Yeah, that might kill JJ inside, but maybe you’d still be his friend, or continue to be acquaintances like you are now. As long as he gets to see you, he’d be okay. There was always the future. But who knows? Maybe you’d say yes? He’ll never know unless he tries. Right?
JJ fakes the same cocky grin that Raymond wears. “I haven’t failed yet.”
The guys around him whistle and shake their heads with smiles. 
“All right, Maybank. Let’s make a bet. I’ll give you one hundred dollars to get Y/N Y/L/N in the sack by the fourth of July.”
JJ scoffs. “You like giving away free money?” He ignored his racing heart at the thought of being that intimate with you.
Raymond nods. “Okay. Let’s put your money where your mouth is. Get her to say ‘I love you’ by the end of the season and I’ll raise you an extra hundred and cover all your dishwasher shifts in September.”
JJ raises his brows with surprise. No one offers to take the dishwashing shift. Sometimes the boys are pulled back there when the kitchen is short staffed and it’s easily one of the worst jobs at the Club.
This bet was almost too good of an opportunity to pass up. “Deal.” JJ says.
The boys shake hands on it and the other guys whisper to each other about how intrigued they are to see this play out.
JJ wipes his sweaty palms against his apron and pushes the door open to approach your table, hoping he can hear you over his thudding heart. 
“Good evening folks. May I take those empty plates out of your way?”
You look up at the voice you know so well and a smile raises on your lips. JJ meets your eyes and he winks at you, splattering your heart in flutters. 
“Please.” Your grandmother pushes her plate away from her, stuffed with filet and red wine.
“JJ,” Your mom grins up at him. Growing up, your mom always had a soft spot for the blonde Pogue. She’s heard the stories about his father, mostly from Steve, who actually grew up with Luke Maybank, his cousin. As a child, he was sent to live with Luke Maybank and his single father. Lets just say, he’s not surprised by the way Luke turned out. “Look at you. You’re all grown up now. Last time I saw you, Y/N was still pushing your head in the sand for stealing her popsicle.”
“Yeah. I quickly learned no one should mess with Y/N and her food,” JJ says.
“Never stopped you though,” You smirk at him.
“Lorelai. Who is this?” Your grandma asks, disregarding the boy himself.
“Mom,” Lorelai gives her mom a warning look. “This is JJ Maybank. He went to school with Y/N and Rory.” Lorelai knew to play it safe with her wording. She didn’t know where you and JJ stood. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him and she knew better than to ask. 
“Nice to meet you,” JJ says politely. “I’d shake your hand but mine are kinda full.” He motions to the plates in his hand.
“That’s quite all right.” Your grandma’s smile is so forced, it makes you uncomfortable. 
“I won’t hold you up. Has your server been around with the dessert menu?” JJ looks at you. “We have chocolate cake tonight.”
Heat rushes up your neck. Not because of the cake itself but because JJ remembered your favorite dessert. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles. It was safe to save you were a choco-holic. The boys use to make it for you every year for your birthday. It usually came out burnt, none of them ever remembering how to properly make it. But it was all you needed to feel like a very special girl. 
“Your favorite,” Rory elbows you.
Your grandma cringes. “Sounds like diabetes on a plate.”
“Mom,” Lorelai scolds. 
“What?” She asks, not understanding the concept of a filter.
Now heat rushes to your cheeks for an entire different reason. “He did. We’re not doing dessert tonight. Thank you, though.”
JJ nods but feels disappointed by the way your face flinched at your grandmother’s comment. 
“My pleasure,” He says like he was taught to do and excuses himself to drop the plates off in the back before he can say anything else that would probably get him fired.
Your mom looks at your with raised brows. “He’s cute, honey.”
“Lorelai, please. He’s the busboy,” Your grandma says.
“He’s a good kid, Mom.”
“If you’ll excuse me,” You stand up. “I have to use the restroom.”
Rory gives you a knowing grin as you walk away from the table. When you walk into the hallway between the dining area and the front lobby, you immediately feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Sometimes just the presence of your grandparents and their pompous judgements can be suffocating. You do your best to bite your tongue around them, excusing yourself when you feel yourself getting heated. 
JJ catches a glimpse of your light blue dress out of the corner of his eye when he rounds the corner to collect the plates off a different table. He looks over his shoulder at Raymond, who’s staring at the blonde watching you, and winks.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ says, walking up to you.
You look up from your phone and immediately smile. “Hey. I was actually hoping I’d catch you out here.”
“Yeah,” You nervously tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry about my grandmother. She can be...”
JJ shakes his head. “Hey. It’s okay. I work for Kooks almost every single day. I’m use to it.”
You sigh. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“Don’t apologize for something you can’t control,” JJ says. “Besides, that’s probably the nicest she’s ever been to me.”
You hide your face in your hands. “Stop. You’re making it worse.”
JJ laughs and takes your wrists in his hands, slowly pulling them away from your face. Your eyes shoot up to his, immediately feeling a tingling feeling run through your skin, straight to your heart. 
“It’s okay. I promise,” He says softly. His voice is so sincere that you have no other option but to believe him. It almost makes your feel guiltier, wondering how much bullshit he’s been through with ungrateful Kooks that it’s so easy for him to forgive and forget.
“Okay,” Your voice is a whisper, taken off guard by how close he is to you and how he still hasn't let go of your hands. 
In that same moment, JJ realizes he’s still holding you and gently removes his hands. He coughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck, where sweat begins to bubble. Why is he so nervous?
“So um...” You say, suddenly feeling nervous too. “You going to John B’s tonight?”
JJ’s eyes shoot up in surprise. How did you know that? “Yeah. I’m heading over there after work.”
“I saw him and Pope at Heywards earlier today and they invited me over. I wasn’t sure if I should come or not.”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
Because it’s different now, you wanted to say. But you didn’t because you feel like the elephant in the room would only grow. And you didn’t want to admit you were nervous to meet Kie and Sarah outside of school. 
You shrug. “I don’t know.”
“You should definitely come. The boys miss you.”
You pretend like a little piece of your heart didn’t just break when JJ didn’t say ‘we.’ 
“What time do you get off of work?”
“Around 9ish.”
You nod. “I can pick you up if you’d like and we could go together?”
Your heart races after you suggest it. What if he says no? Why were you feeling this way? This is the same kid you use to make fun of for pouring milk into his bowl before his cereal. 
“Yeah. That’d be perfect.”
“Great!” Your phone pings with a text from Rory, telling you that your grandparents are wondering where you are. “Shit. I have to get back. I’ll see you at nine?”
“See you then,” JJ nods and turns back to the kitchen. When his eyes meet Raymond’s, he’s reminded of what he agreed to. Almost surprised how quickly he forgot about it. You were able to take his mind off of anything without even trying. He clears his throat to get rid of the giddy grin he was wearing after talking to you, wanting to look tough and casual in front of his coworker. “Easy.” He says to him. But that felt anything but easy. He could vomit with nerves.
“There’s still plenty of time for you to screw up, Maybank.”
JJ huffs. He’s not wrong. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
You drive up to the front of the country club and park in front of the main entrance. It’s 8:57. You’re early and will look eager. So you wait until 9:06 to text him that you’re here.
You changed into a pair of dark washed denim shorts, a yellow cropped tube top, a grey flannel, and navy converse. You changed your outfit about four times before deciding on your first one, not wanting to look too casual or too dressed up. 
For the last three years, you wondered when the four of you would get back together as a group. You wondered if it would ever happen. And now that two Kooks are involved, you feel more nervous than excited.
You jump when the passenger seat door opens, lost in the depth of your own head. JJ smiles, not seeing your reaction.”Cool ride,” he says and looks around the interior. 
“Thanks,” you say, pulling out into the road.
“I got you something,” JJ says.
You glance at him with furrowed brows. What could he have possibly gotten you since you saw him last? A book mark from the Country Club’s gift shop?
JJ reaches into his backpack and pulls out a plate with clear wrap around it. Your mouth drops when you see the chocolate cake on a plate in his hands, the smell immediately hitting your nose with pure delight.
“You saved me a piece?” You jump in your seat excitedly.
“Had to hide it good too or else Miss Carol would have had my ass handed to me,” JJ jokes and even pulls out two forks. He undoes the wrapping and cuts off a piece. He waits until you hit a stop sign and says, “Open up.”
You look at him and immediately open your mouth. He gently places the fork between your lips and you take the piece of cake off with your teeth. Like a baby.
Your eyes close with pure pleasure. “Oh my god. That’s amazing.”
“Miss Carol does know how to bake a mean cake,” JJ says and takes a bite of his own.
“Another one,” You say, glancing at the cake again. Like you said, choco-holic. “Please.” You say when JJ teases you by holding the fork away from you.
JJ laughs. “I like hearing you beg.”
You slap him in the arm with the back of your hand. “In your dreams, Maybank.”
“You got that right, Y/L/N.”
The two of you finish the cake with only a few bites each. Small but rich in chocolate that leaves you craving more. You were gonna have to meet this Miss Carol woman. 
After he puts the plate back in his bag, JJ reaches for the aux cord, but you quickly slap his hand away. “Hey. What do you think you’re doing?”
“You’re seriously gonna make me listen to this the entire way to John B’s?”
You scoff. “I’ll have you know Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands.”
“It’s also soccer moms’ favorite band,” JJ laughs at you.
You turn up the volume, blasting ‘All the Small Things’ and point to your ear. “Sorry. Can’t hear you!”
JJ rolls his eyes but laughs along with you, even bopping his head to the beat. You drive with the windows down, dancing and singing along to a bunch of throwback songs with JJ as if the two of you have been doing this forever. 
You pull up to John B’s and park behind his dad’s old van, better known as The Twinkie. When you turn down the music, JJ looks at you with a shake in his head. “Next time, I’m driving.”
“What was wrong with my driving?”
“We’re in the Outer Banks, Sparky, not NASCAR.”
You scoff and follow behind JJ who’s leading the way up John B’s driveway. As you get closer, you smell the smoky scent of a bonfire nearby and eventually hear John B’s laugh mixed in with a female’s. Your smile falters as nerves gather in the pit of your stomach. 
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks.
“Nothing,” You say, but JJ easily catches your lie and gives you a knowing look. “What if they don’t like me?”
“Who? Pope and John B? I’m pretty sure they like you more than me even after three years -”
“Not them, you idiot,” You shove him playfully by the shoulder as you two let yourselves inside. “Sarah and Kie.”
“Don’t you go to school with them?”
“Yeah, but we don’t talk,” You say quietly, not wanting them to hear you.
“What?” JJ shrugs. “Nothing. I just didn’t think you cared about what other people thought.”
“I don’t,” You say quickly. “But they're your best friends. It’s different.”
“You don’t need their approval. You technically were here first.”
“Yeah, but I’ve been replaced,” You try to say it as a joke and even throw a smirk in there. 
But JJ stops in his track and looks at you seriously. “No one can replace you. Not even if they tried.”
You open your mouth to respond, but you’re at a loss for words. It’s not a common occurrence that JJ gets all serious on you. Warmth covers you like a blanket and the longer he holds your stare, the weaker your knees become. 
“JJ! Is that you?” John B calls out from the backyard.
“Yeah,” JJ yells back. He opens the fridge in John B’s kitchen. “Want a beer?” He offers to you.
You shake your head. “No thanks.”
For the first time, you take in John B’s home. It looks the same as it did three years ago, only a lot messier. The pull out couch looks like its been used recently with blankets and sheets tossed about on it. Empty beer cans and cigarette butts are thrown messily on the coffee tables and the air smells faintly of old marijuana. 
JJ leads you out to the back where four people are gathered around a fire. Three out of the four immediately smile when the two of you approach them, but Kie’s eyes narrow and her head tilts with confusion.
Shit, you think. 
“You came!” Pope laughs and hops up from his beach chair and embraces you in a hug.
You laugh, not expecting the embrace, but welcoming it all the same. John B’s next, giving you a quick hug and shaking his head.
“I gotta say, I didn’t think you were going to come,” John B says.
“You can thank me for that later,” JJ says jokingly.
“Actually when I heard JJ was coming, I almost changed my mind and stayed home,” You joke and smirk JJ’s way.
“Just like old times,” Pope says, looking between you and the blonde. The banter felt like the yall never separated in the first place. 
“Hey, you know Sarah and Kie, right?” John B points to the girls. Sarah stands up to say hi, and eventually Kie follows her, not wanting to look rude, but stays off to the side, keeping her distance.
“Yeah,” You wave awkwardly. 
“Hey!” Sarah says sweetly. “I didn’t realize you guys use to all hang out.”
“Y/N grew up down the street,” JJ explains and sips at his beer. 
“You want a drink or something?” Pope asks you, not knowing JJ already did.
“No thank you,” You say again.
“You don’t drink?” Kie asks. It was the first thing she’s said to you.
“Not usually,” You say and hold her stare. You try to get a read on her, but she’s had to get a tell on. You can’t tell if she just doesn’t like you or just doesn’t know you. Either way, it makes you uneasy. 
“Here, I’ll go grab you a chair,” Pope says and walks to the side of the house to grab another beat up beach chair. 
As the night goes on, you feel the tension in your shoulders loosen and your body feel lighter. Most of the night was spent retelling childhood stories the four of you shared. Sarah would laugh at most of them, occasionally rolling her eyes at her boyfriend from the stupid shit he would do, although it sounds like he’s no different to you now. 
You talked about the time you and JJ stole a golf cart for a joy ride on Figure Eight, or when you and John B pranked Pope by putting a dead fish in his locker, or how you and John B learned how to play guitar from youtube tutorials. 
Midnight came around quickly and exhaustion was slowly taking over your body. It’s been a long day between the cafe flooding, dinner with your grandparents, and now this. 
JJ was the first to notice you slowly fading. 
“You okay?” He asks you quietly as everyone else is caught up in conversation. 
“Yeah,” You say, lazily grinning at him. 
“We can leave if you want,” He says.
“You’re not staying?” You ask. It sounded like everyone was planning to spend the night here. And as much as you wanted to, you just didn’t feel comfortable enough yet. 
JJ shrugs. “My dad’s out of town tonight. It’ll be nice to have the house to myself.” Before you can say anything, he stands and brushes his hands against his pants. “All right, losers. We’re out of here.”
“Aw, you’re leaving?” Sarah pouts.
“Yeah, I’m beat and Y/N’s my ride home,” JJ says.
You were glad he didn’t call you out for being tired. You didn’t want to look lame in front of everybody, especially Kie.
“Thanks for having me,” You say to everyone. It might have been John B’s house, but it was everyone’s night you intruded on.
John B stands up to hug you. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
You nod. “I won’t. I promise.”
Pope hugs you next. “Text me when you get back safe.”
“I will.”
“Bye!” Sarah waves and Kie exhales a ring of smoke from her blunt.
You wave at them before following JJ back to your car. 
“Nuh-uh-uh,” JJ says. You didn’t realize you both walked to the driver’s side.
“What? No.”
JJ nods and holds his hands out for your keys. “I’m not dying tonight.” 
“You’ve been drinking and smoking all night,” You say. You didn’t think JJ was drunk or even that high, but you were not going to let a teenager with an ounce of alcohol in his system get behind the wheel. “Next time. For now, hold on to the cupholder.”
JJ sighs dramatically and goes to the other side of the car and hops in the passenger seat. 
This time you keep the music quiet, listening to the hum of the radio instead of your phone. 
“Take a left,” JJ says.
“JJ, I know where you live. And it’s not left.”
“Don’t you trust me?” 
You snicker. “Not in the slightest.”
JJ rolls his eyes. “Just take the left.”
You hold your hands up in surrender and take the left turn. He directs you for a couple more miles until he has you park in front of a 24 hour diner. 
“What are we doing here?” You ask.
“I’m in the mood for a milkshake.”
“We just had cake!” You say.
“Come on, Sparky. Show me what that mouth can do,” JJ smirks. 
You go to hit him again but he takes off running to the front entrance and pulls the door open. You chase after him, almost running into his back at the front host stand where JJ safely smirks at you in triumph.
“Two please,” He says to the hostess. 
The old cranky woman leads you to a booth off to the side next to a window without a word. 
A couple minutes later, a waitress walks by and asks if you’re ready to order. 
“Yes. One chocolate milkshake and one black and white milkshake,” JJ orders for both of you, already knowing what flavor you’d want.
“And fries, please.” You say. The waitress nods, takes your menus, and walks off. JJ raises his brow at the extra order. “What?” You shrug. “Just showing you what my mouth can do.”
JJ scoffs. “What a tease.” 
You playfully kick his shin under the table.
“Did you have fun tonight?” JJ asks.
“Yeah,” You answer. “Felt like old times. The girls are nice too.”
You were about to only mention Sarah, but you didn’t want to cause any issues with Kie. Not yet at least. Maybe she just needed time to warm up to you.
“See? I told you they wouldn’t bite.”
A couple minutes later, the waitress comes back with your milkshakes and fries. 
“How’s John B doing? You know, with the whole Big John thing?” You ask delicately, unsure of how JJ would react to you pestering about John B’s business. “I didn’t want to ask and bring the mood down,” You explain yourself although you don’t need to.
JJ shrugs. “He’s in denial I think. Won’t sign a death certificate until he sees a body. He could be worse, though.”
“Yeah,” You say softly. You don’t know what you would do if you were in that situation. In a way you felt lucky that you never knew your dad at all. It would be harder to lose him, knowing who he was.
You take a fry and dip it into your milkshake before taking a bite. This makes JJ freeze and look at you like you have two heads. 
“What?” You say with your mouth full.
“I can’t believe you just did that.”
“Don’t knock it till you try it,” You say and give him a look to do it.
JJ reluctantly picks up the fry and dunks it into his milkshake. He looks at the fry questioningly before popping it into his mouth. Somehow the sweetness of the milkshake and the saltiness of the french fry complement each other beautifully and his widen in pleasant surprise. 
“Oh wow,” JJ says.
“Told you,” You smirk.
You spend the next hour catching up, trying to fit the last three years into an hour. JJ does most of the talking because you want to know more about what John B, Pope, and JJ have been up to. Your life was so boring and depressing, you didn’t want to bore JJ with the details.
You drive JJ home and talk for a few minutes more when you park. He seems to be procrastinating getting out of the car, but you don’t mind. You could talk to him all night, suddenly not feeling tired anymore.
“All right. I’ll let you get home before the sun rises,” He says and opens the door. He pauses when his feet hit the ground and he looks back at you. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“I have to work at the shop, why?”
“Well, there’s a storm coming in. John B and I might go out to surf the surge before it hits. You still surf?”
You scoff. “Do I still surf?”
JJ holds his hands up in surrender. “Just checking. You think you can handle the surge?”
“Let’s not forget who the better surfer is, JJ.”
“I didn’t. It’s still me.”
“You wish.”
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Now you have a point to prove. You have to show JJ that you’re still the better surfer. 
“I'll see you tomorrow,” You agree. 
“Great, it’s a date.” He winks and shuts the door before you can tell him otherwise. 
You giggle to yourself as JJ walks up the front yard and stay there until he you see he gets in safely. 
You pull out of the driveway, wishing he had asked you out on a real date. One that didn’t involve John B.
Tag list: @super-funky-bisexual​ @sunsetswithjj​ @moniamaybank​ @throwawayfish​ @poguestyle17​ @5am-cigarette​ @jjpouggues​ @fly-away-from-here​ @buckys2thicc​
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wild-ditto-appeared · 2 years
ooc: hey guys I'm making a comic based on my character ocs. tbh I was inspired by the Generic Y Protagonist Trainer comics (I forget who made them but I will edit this post as soon as I look it up and link you to their tumblr without tagging them) because I realized their concept for their character was similar to my Legends: Arceus AU for these characters and I just kinda felt validated, even if it's a bit redundant. I dunno if I really wanna make it go as long as they did--it'd be really cool if I did tho-- and I'm not very experienced in the art of comic-making, even if I'm decent enough at making art for being self-taught.
I usually prefer to write about more complicated things like this, but this is good practice for me, plus it's already helped me learn how to use ProCreate a bit better. I'll write a summary about it down here and you guys can let me know if you want me to post the comic. I'll be posting it on @sylviareviar, my main account, since this account is solely dedicated to Ditto.
EDIT: The artist for Generic Y Protagonist is: oceandiagonale
So, first and foremost, there are three protagonists, not just one. The way Legends: Arceus starts, it leaves it up to your imagination whether Arceus dragged a kid out of their modern lifestyle into Hisui or they created a kid based around the people of the world of the future and modeled them around them, so that they could bring about revolutionary ideas to the world of the past, which seems to be in trouble.
I decided to sort of combine those two. I have modern verses for these characters--one of whom I used to consider my self-insert until I managed to develop her a bit more and she began sort of building up a personality somewhat separate from mine--and they are a family. Anyone who may have been here when this account was a RP account for these characters might recognize them, though I doubt it since I don't talk about them much, mostly because most people don't really like self-inserts (which is fair of them, but also pretty disheartening for me :') )
The way the story's developing--and I'm making all this up on the spot based on the concept I had--it seems to be starting out with the oldest sibling, not my self-insert character, which I think is interesting.
Basically, all three of them were made at the same time to be copies of existing Trainers in present-day Sinnoh: Jack, Sylvia, and Lucy Reviar. They have been given a single mission: Seek out all Pokemon. I've decided that's what this comic will be called, too. Comic/fic, I mean.
In SOAP--oh god I never tried to make this an acronym until now and it's fucking soap-- In SOAP, the story begins with Jack, who was one of three shooting stars that shot out from the rift above Mt. Coronet. He is, unlike the protagonist in the games, severely injured and looks like he nearly drowned until he washed up ashore. Professor Laventon takes him in and gets him medical assistance with the help of his Pokemon.
When he awakes, he will have no memories, no nothing, but the clothes on his back and his Arc-Phone. And the Cyndaquil that claimed him because he was cold and she refused to leave. The concept is similar to Generic's spontaneous "existence" instead of his birthday, except that Jack doesn't really "know" anything so much as he knows things. I guess the best way to describe it would be mind versus heart. He knows things by instinct, but can't explain them. His mission is to seek out all Pokemon, but he doesn't know why or how, and he's thrown into the Galaxy Expedition Team when he is disoriented, confused, and barely remembers how to even use his vocal cords (though he will find them eventually).
I have a few ideas about his scattered sisters in the region, but all I can really say right now without giving away the whole story is that he knows he has two missing links--his sisters--and doesn't know where to find either of them. They all also have scattered memories of their "present" selves, the ones that grew up and lived in Sinnoh their whole lives, but I should stress they are copies of those original Trainers. They share their names, faces, bodies, etc. but they are not the same Trainers with the same experiences. Arceus (and in this case, I) are just not creative.
My headcanons aren't the same as the ones used in Generic's world, and my version takes much more inspiration from the anime than the game worlds, but I won't deny that there's a lot of inspiration happening here. I just hope it's different enough--or at least, as different as a story as specific as PL:A allows, especially if I want to focus on three different protagonists at the same time.
My art style might be inconsistent and I might not depict things as well as I'd like, so sometimes I might just write ficlets under the artwork to try and make it make more sense. If any of you guys are interested, please let me know. If not, I can just continue working on this by myself.
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seungmvnnie · 4 years
Ravenclaw!Renjun x Slytherin!Reader 
word count; 2.7k words (longest one yet, my bias really do be showing)
warnings; *very* suggestive kissing, female reader, bullet point au, unlike the other fics in this series, this one is pretty much entirely based on the build up to the relationship and has little about the characters together, enemies to lovers au. also i researched year 7 DADA content for this to make it realistic so never say i dont put effort into my writing ahahaha
Huang Renjun had been your enemy the second you had stepped foot into your first class at Hogwarts
It was only natural; you both came to school, bright eyed and ready, with the expectation and aspiration to be top of the class
you had read through and memorized all the books on the provided reading list before you had even boarded the train - everyone thought you were made to be a ravenclaw which is why it was a bit of a shock when you were sorted into Slytherin, but you supposed it was your ambition
you had planned to become the youngest minister of magic there had ever been since you were 4
which meant going to Hogwarts, achieving the highest grades and being top of your year, becoming prefect, head girl and going on to work in the ministry and work your way up
little did you know, Renjun also had big plans
to ruin your perfect record
the very first lesson you had with him; you hadn’t even noticed the quiet ravenclaw who sat behind you
that was until the Professor asked a question and he had stated the answer so confidently, you almost flinched
you had answered the first few, which was why his voice interrupting was so shocking
you hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to open your mouth
you knew the answer of course, you just weren’t as quick as he was
which is why the next time your Professor asked a question, you made sure to get there first
it continued like that the whole lesson, a vicious back and forth game of who could answer first
you enjoyed some healthy competition and all, but it was like he was purposely trying to annoy you
the final straw was when you turned around in your seat at the end of the class to glare at him and he had that stupid smug smile on his face that you learnt to despise over the next few years
ever since then, everything was a competition to you two
and everyone at Hogwarts knew it
house cup points
you name it, you’ve had an argument over it
neither of you even played quidditch but you would still argue with him about how Slytherin was better
you even once partook in a particularly heated game of wizard chess that ended with a flipped chess board and a few choice words being shouted at each other
there were many people that Renjun didn’t like but you were the only one that could make him flip a wizard chess board in rage (Although, if you asked him he would say you were the one who threw it)
wizard chess was banned after that
everyone hated you for it
this competition was helpful to an extent; you were top of the class in most classes, except the very, very few in which Renjun had beaten you
your days were spent in the library, cramming as much as you could, the desire to beat Renjun outweighing your need for sleep or basic human needs
needless to say he was the exact same but you both made sure to sit as far away from each other as humanely possible in the library
you could honestly say the best day of your life was when you realized that you had made prefect and he didn’t 
that got held over him for a good two years
then again, Renjun could also say that he beat you in your O.W.Ls, so it evened out 
when you started dating Han Jisung in 6th year, who was another Ravenclaw, you had him reporting back Renjun’s grades in the classes you weren’t in with him
you both competed for who had the least amount of detentions given - you had 2, which were both caused by the few times your competition had turned physical and you had shot a few jinxes at him, and Renjun had 5, two from his incident with you and the other 3, a result of his unfortunate friends 
which meant both of you had pretty much squeaky-clean records
you attributed your near perfect grades and having the best record in your year as the main reason why, the summer before seventh year, a neat little green pin with, ‘head girl,’ had arrived in the mail
of course, you were happy that your parents were proud of you, but you felt a vindictive joy knowing that you had something new to hold over Huang Renjun
That was until, you showed up on the first day to the first prefect meeting on the Hogwarts express and were met with the one and only Huang Renjun, the pin on his chest sat bright blue with ‘Head Boy,’ proudly etched into the metal
according to the pale look on his face, he hadn’t expected you to be Head Girl either
Professor Lee, the Headmaster, seemed to recognize his mistake almost immediately, considering he had two teenagers debating each other in his office before the school year had even started
“You can hardly expect me to work with him-”
“Of course, you can’t expect us to work together, I actually know what I’m doing-”
“Know what you’re doing? You weren’t even a prefect you poser-”
“You’re right I wasn’t, but I’m still smarter than you!”
the Headmaster had silenced you both with a wave of his hand, before you could retaliate with the fact that you’re beating him at potions, what does he mean, smarter than you?
“Okay. If you can’t work together, that’s fine. However, I expect one of you to make the mature, adult decision to step down from your position, not push the other one to resign.”
You looked at each other
there was no way either of you were going to do that
He stared at you both for a moment, before sitting down calmly at his desk
“I chose you both because of your maturity, exam results and impressive behavior these past 6 years. I would appreciate if you both put aside this feud and worked together for your student body.”
You stared at your hands, refusing to look at Renjun as shame gnawed at your chest
“Now, back to your dormitories.”
And so you were stuck with him
you thought that perhaps, Professor Lee’s words of wisdom would create a newfound maturity
but no, he was the exact same annoying little shit he was before
just this time, he had authority
As Head Boy and Head Girl, you were required to do prefect duty late at night together
which essentially meant you both had to walk around Hogwarts late at night on a Friday and Saturday and make sure no one was out of bed and wandering the castle when they shouldn’t be
you spent those nights in an awkward silence
you wished you could split up but you had to walk around together for, ‘safety reasons’
realistically you thought that schools were meant to be safe to walk around late at night by yourself but Hogwarts is just built different
as head boy and head girl you were given the most hectic two days of the week as well, which meant you had broken up more parties than you were comfortable to admit
you had even caught your boyfriend at a few parties, but you discreetly avoided giving him detentions
he couldn’t say anything though, he had let off Donghyuck and his girlfriend when you had found them making out
speaking of which
the amount of times you had caught a half-dressed couple attached to each other was just kind of gross
the amount of time you spent with Renjun was starting to defrost you both a little
not a lot though; just simple things like how you would ask him how he found the potions homework
sometimes it would spark an argument, but you could now have a conversation without some sort of spiteful remark
you kind of had to; otherwise you were just left in silence
your time spent together was usually uneventful
 until the weekend of valentine’s day
that Saturday was valentine’s day and the day of a hogsmeade trip
Jisung had asked you to go, but you had an important Herbology exam on Monday, not to mention you had to be alert for prefect duty so you couldn’t be running around Hogsmeade
he had seemed annoyed, but he had always known how much your future meant to you
it seemed Renjun had thought the same because the only people in the library, or it seemed the entire castle was the two of you
prefect duty that night was the least awkward it had ever been
he had even said something that had made you laugh
however the lack of awkward tension between the two of you counterbalanced with the awkwardness of having to check every single broom cupboard you happened across as, as you had expected, many people had been affected by valentine’s day
what you hadn’t expected though, was to spot your boyfriend leaving the Gryffindor common room, hair disheveled and his t-shirt on inside out
“Jisung? What are you doing out of bed at this time?”
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights 
“Sorry, the Gryffindors were throwing another party again. You know what they’re like,” he laughed awkwardly
your eyes flickered down to the red and purple bruises which littered his neck
“I didn’t put those there. You were cheating on me, weren’t you?” You asked so matter-of-factly, that Renjun was somewhat taken aback
you were using the voice you used to answer the teacher or argue with him
you didn’t seem emotional at all
Jisung looked like he wanted to pretend, but his face fell into a tired, yet annoyed look
“Can you blame me?”
You blinked at him
“Your whole life is dedicated to another person, (Y/N).” Jisung gestured to where Renjun stood
“No it’s not! Don’t be so ridiculous.” You had scoffed
“You didn’t go out with me today because you wanted to beat him in a test and be awake to spend time with him.”
“That’s not true!”
“You didn’t spend time with me on my birthday because you couldn’t miss a prefect meeting or Huang would hold it over you. You made me spy on him, and he tried to get me to spy on you too. Ever since dating you my life has just been this whirlwind of Huang. You do realize everyone in school thinks you’re in love with each other!”
He was shouting at this point
You looked at him, unable to argue with him this time, but the coldness in your eyes refused to budge.
“That doesn’t give you the excuse to cheat. I’m breaking up with you.”
He rolled his eyes
“Fine. At least now you can fuck Huang to your hearts content, considering the whole school is already betting on it.”
Before you even had time to react, Renjun had shot across the hallway, raising his fist and, with a sickening crunch, broke his nose
You grabbed his arm, pulling him back before he could do anymore damage
“Go to the hospital wing, Jisung.” You instructed
He glared at the two of you before swinging on his heel and leaving
you and Renjun didn’t look at each other for the rest of the night
or the next few weeks after that
Jisung had told everyone what had happened
he kind of had to, the bruising around his eyes gave away the events of the previous night
the whole school were watching you and Renjun intently, now that they knew how he had punched Jisung for you, thinking that this was finally it
you were finally going to get together
but you didn’t interact at all
not even to correct each other in class
the truth was, both of you were deliberating your feelings for each other
Jisung was right
you had told yourself that everything you did was for your career path, but why then did you have such a hyper fixation on Renjun?
you did well in life without your on-going rivalry with the Ravenclaw
was it just petty stubbornness? or was Jisung right in thinking that it was because of some other reason?
You found yourself staring at him in some of your classes
he was good looking, there was no denying that
but did you like him like that?
Renjun had been having the same internal battle 
why did he suddenly find it in himself to punch Jisung in the face?
that was incredibly unlike him
just the way he had spoken about you and to you had made him so angry
the year flew in, and soon it was June and you still hadn’t spoken to each other
It wasn’t until your very last day doing prefect duty that the silence was broken by you
“How’d you think you do on your exams?”
he looked at you, shocked. You hadn’t spoken to him in 5 months.
“Uh- good. I go stuck on familial curses on the Defense paper, but I think I did okay in the end.”
“Oh, I wrote that the spell needs to be tied to the bloodline as opposed to the surname.”
“I thought it was that you had to tie it to the surname, because it doesn’t count as a blood curse?”
“No, because if the caster doesn’t understand familial relationships it doesn’t work, any first year could understand that.”
He went quiet for a moment before mumbling,
“I’m going to cast a goddamn familial curse on you in a moment.”
“Why are we like this?” you asked, stopping your walk to pause for a moment in the middle of the hallway
He stopped too, but he refused to look at you
“You started it...” He grumbled, staring down at his feet.
You rolled your eyes
“Why did you punch Jisung?” You asked blatantly
His head shot up in surprise
“Why did you have Jisung spying on me?” He challenged back, taking a step forward
“Why did you have Jisung spying on me?” you repeated
you both fell silent, and only then you realized how close you had gotten
you didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment
“If you’re going to kiss me, kiss me. Don’t pussy out now.” you uttered, your words sharp and cutting
“Oh, shut up.” He replied, rolling his eyes
“Make me.” You challenged
Grabbing your waist, he pulled you to his body, colliding your lips with his violently
you let out a muffled sound of surprise, not expecting him to follow through, but upon feeling the smile which had grown on his face at your shock, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you
you couldn’t let him win, not after the past how many years of sexual tension
your lips competed in mess of sloppy kisses, his hands moving down from your waist to your hips, pushing you against the wall in the hallway as yours moved to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair, using the way he gasped at the feeling to deepen the kiss, sliding your tongue into his mouth
you let out a shameful groan at the feeling of his body pressing against yours and almost whined when he pulled away
your lack of contact didn’t last long, as he attached his mouth to your neck, biting down sinfully
you threw your head back against the cool stone wall which felt deliciously cold against the the heat of Renjun to allow easier access to him as he continued to suck marks into your skin until-
You practically threw Renjun off of you, ignoring how erotic the sight of his mussed hair and swollen lips were
in front of you stood the two hufflepuff prefects, Zhong Chenle and a girl who’s name you could never remember, staring at you
the girl seemed shocked, but Chenle simply had raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk on his face
you had forgotten him and Renjun were friends
“You do know I’m going to have to give you both detention for making out in the hallway. By your rules.” 
Renjun rolled his eyes
“New rule. We’re the exception.”
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise Of The Demon King ~ Chapter 3
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so…, Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
“It seems you 7 forgot that you don’t dictate what goes on here. You are but a guest to the Devildom and the Sins, my subjects. MAKE NO MISTAKE! I AM YOUR KING AND YOU LOT ARE NOTHING!”
Chapter 3 - Things Never Seem To Go Y/N's Way Huh? (1404 words)
“It seems you 7 forgot that you don’t dictate what goes on here. You are but a guest to the Devildom and the Sins, my subjects. MAKE NO MISTAKE! I AM YOUR KING AND YOU LOT ARE NOTHING!” The brothers jumped in front of me to try and shield me from the king while Asmo and Barbatos tried to pull me back to get me out of the room. Diavolo jumped in front of the king trying to stop his father.
“Father stop! Please! There isn’t a need for this! Y/N is harmless to the Devildom and the Lords! They are the only human that accepted us for what we are, they even BOWED down to YOU and not because of your status but because they accepted you as their king! Can you not see that this is a step in the right direction and that everything you’re doing undoes all that we’ve worked towards?”
“What YOU’VE worked towards. I am not interested in inter-realm relationships. It seems I have been too lax with you boy. I will deal with you once this human has been eradicated.”
The king snapped his fingers and purple chains started to wrap themselves around me. I felt my energy leave my body like the chains were siphoning it. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Diavolo kneeling before his father and pleading for my life as the others in the room followed suit then, black.
Sometime Later…
I woke up to the feeling of a cold hard floor. Snapping awake I felt a sharp pain in my right foot. Looking down I realized that my ankle had been chained to the wall. I was put into a cell that looked to be somewhere underneath the palace. Taking some deep breaths I curled up into a ball reaching out trying to feel for the connection in my pacts only to feel an immense sharp pain in my brain.
“These cells are enchanted to nullify magic, pacts included.”
The king spoke while entering and I steeled myself as I stood with as much strength as I could muster while glaring at him as fiercely as I could.
“You have made quite the commotion for a mere mortal haven’t you?” He started looking at me with a sharp look in his eyes, a sickeningly sweet smile on his face as he continued.
“To think a mere mortal of a human was able to sway the hearts of my 9 most powerful and coldhearted demons, my son included, although he always had a soft spot for the weak. You should count yourself lucky human, my son, as well as the Lords, all pleaded for your life. I have to say, I was quite disgusted by their behaviour.” He snarled at me with the most hateful expression I’ve ever seen in a demon. I tried my hardest not to quiver in front of him as I locked my gaze on him. All that time spent with Lucifer paid off as I schooled my expression into the hardest one I could muster in these circumstances.
“You’re quite lucky to have this many demons care about you. Seeing as how my son had just gotten me back, I have decided to humour him and hold a public trial deciding your fate tomorrow. If I am going to make an example of how demons should be treating humans, I might as well make it public so that all of Devildom can see that you mortals will never be able to hold such power over us, wouldn’t you say?”
He asked his question with such a disturbing smile showing off his fangs trying to get a rise out of me. On the inside I was having a full-blown panic attack, on the outside, however, I just continued to stare at him, not dignifying him with a response.
“Ah well, I didn’t really expect you to answer that. Although, before we go through with this trial, you will have to dissolve your pacts and if you won’t I will dissolve them by force.”
At this, I burst out laughing. Tears came to my eyes as I grabbed my stomach trying to stay upright while I addressed the king between laughing breaths.
“Hahaha! You think dissolving my pacts is the way to go?! News flash! The pacts are the only reason the brothers haven’t attacked you or tried to break me out! They are the only thing keeping them in line, take that away and they will have nothing to anchor them. Diavolo may have pacted with Lucifer but we both know they would side together to get me out and even if Dia were to try to stop him, he would fight it with his brothers. You’d have a war on your hands.” Smirking, I looked to the so-called “king” to gauge his reaction. Growling dangerously low he replied.
“You think me afraid of Pride and his so-called “family?”
“No, no I don’t, but it would be very hard to fight a one-sided war especially with The Morningstar leading the charge with “your” 9 most powerful demons backing him.”
I turned around and sat on the makeshift bed folding my hands behind my head, I finished speaking with a genuine smile across my face.
“The pacts will be staying and I will make sure the brothers don’t interfere with the trial. Whether you like it or not, my pacts are the one thing keeping them at bay. I’ll see you again tomorrow at the trial?”
He growled and with a scoff turned on his heel and left me alone in my cell. I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding, breaking down as the gravity of the situation set in. He was either going to kill me or banish me and not allow any of them to come to see or stay in contact with me. Tears started forming in my eyes as I let them fall silently not having the energy to scream. I don’t know how long I was in there for but by the time someone came to drop off my “dinner” which really only consisted of a piece of bread and some water which I guess is ideal for a prisoner, my tears had completely dried, a rock hard emotionless expression on my face had made itself at home. Ironically, instead of praying to God to help me, I found myself thinking of Diavolo and my fellow demons, wishing I could see even just one of them. I thought about the desserts Barb and I never crossed off of our to-bake list. Poison Cherry Tarts were next on the list. The pranks Dia and I have yet to pull off. We were supposed to do a lyric prank on the boys. The places I have yet to nap with Belphie. We were going to build a treehouse with Beel and sleep in there. I thought about Asmo and his make up line and how he wouldn’t be able to ask me to help him test them out anymore. Satan's birthday is coming up. I have a memory book I made for him starting from the first day I met him in the council room. A picture and story for every day since I’ve known him. The number of games Levi and I have yet to play. He recently got an escape room game based on the House of Lamentation! The schemes I wouldn’t get to pull off with Mammon. We never even caught a picture of Lucifer caught off guard! My thoughts then drifted off to Lucifer. The firstborn Avatar of the Cardinal Sin of Pride. The Morningstar. My Morningstar. I thought about the late nights we would no longer have. The brief brushing of our fingers. The caresses that we would no longer share. I remembered how he was when I first arrived. He was cold, distant, he wouldn't really give me the time of day. Now we spend late nights together. He anchors me and I like to think that I do the same for him. How will he handle it when I’m gone? Not wanting to stay in my head any longer, I drift off into a dreamless slumber awaiting the day that will ultimately decide not only my fate, but the fate of the demons I’ve grown to call, family.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
A/N: I’m back to writing after my little break; I just needed this week to get back to enjoying writing again and I definitely am so here we are! I have so  many requests and yet here I am writing out a Draco fic. This is inspired by a conversation I had with the always lovely @dreamer821​ who loves Cassandra Clare just as much as I do - our conversations are making my day and I think you’re amazing. But it got me to thinking and this is the end result. I hope you all like! And yes, requests are still being written!
Summary: Bookshops, book signings. 
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none - fluff.
Word count: 2.3k
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You unzip your jacket the moment you enter the warm shop. Draco copies your movement, unbuttoning his suit jacket underneath it too.
You shake your head at him fondly. Only he would dress so formally to an event such as this one.
The welcoming scent of old books and worn pages washes over you as you step further into the bookshop. Your stomach had been full of butterflies all day for you were finally meeting your favourite author after being a fan for so long. Draco had surprised you with tickets to the event for your birthday knowing how much you adored her books but how rare it was for her to travel to the UK.
Draco follows you to where chairs have been set up in expectation. He leans close to your ear, murmuring, “Where are we sitting then, love?”
“I don’t want to seem too eager by sitting right at the front, but I’d like to have a good view and be able to hear her.”
Draco smiles, “What about the third row?”
You nod, letting him lead you to two seats furthest from the aisle. You sit in the final seat; turning your body diagonally for a better view. Draco sits in the seat beside you, carefully placing your bag of books down on the floor in front of him. He had insisted that he be the one to carry them as you had piled six hardback books into the bag after long consideration over which books you would take to be signed. Eventually, you decided on the original hardbacks of the series that made you fall in love with the author in the first place. Nostalgia and sentimentality winning the battle of choice.
A hand on your knee makes you realise that your leg was bouncing with nerves and excitement.
“You okay?” Draco asks, eyes searching your face.
“Nervous. Excited.”
Draco chuckles, watching you fondly. From his happier moments at Hogwarts, he remembers you walking around with your nose permanently hidden away in a book. There was always one series that you would return to over and over again – rereading the first books then reading the new book when it was released. He never stopped noticing how much you adored this author, even after you fell in love with him. He didn’t need to understand your love for this particular muggle author; he just accepted it as part of you. So when he caught wind that she was visiting the UK on a book tour for her most recent work, he immediately bought tickets and surprised you on your birthday.
It was the hardest secret he has ever kept from you. It was the only secret he has ever kept from you.
“Are you happy with your choices of books?” He asks, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You nod, grinning, “Very happy. And I get doubled signed thanks to you coming with me.”  
“What better use of your partner is there?”
“Very true.”
“Have you thought of any questions you’d like to ask her?”
You bite your lip, “I have but I don’t know if I want to ask anything.”
“Why not?”
“What if I mess up and make a fool of myself in front of her?”
“Then I’ll have to make a bigger fool out of myself to take the attention away from you.”
You sigh, sliding further into your seat, “I can’t help but wonder how you’d do that.”
“I won’t need to,” Draco reassures, “You aren’t going to mess up.”
“You astonish me with your faith in me.”
“As you astonish me, dear.” He takes your hand in his, tangling your fingers together. “Now, let’s meet your idol.”
Quiet falls over the expectant crowd as the interviewer and your favourite author take a seat at the front of the room.
Your hand tightens on Draco’s as you take in the sight of finally seeing your idol in the flesh.
Draco leans towards you, whispering, “Can you see okay?”
You nod at him as the interviewer greets the crowd and the event begins.
The latest book in her series wrapped up the previous plots from past books before bringing in new issues for freshly introduced characters. Angels and demons were using Earth as a battleground and it was down to a group of misfit teenagers to stop it.
A cliché plot but when you first read the books as a misfit teenager at Hogwarts, you fell in love with the world-building and character development. You had also formed somewhat of a crush on the sarcastic blonde-haired character that as you sit next to him, reminds you of Draco.
He hadn’t read the books, and he didn’t intend to, but he was happy to sit through the interview for you. Anything for you.
You sit entirely enraptured by the author as she details her inspirations for the novel as well as her hopes for the series.
You couldn’t be certain you weren’t dreaming.
Soon enough, the interviewer opens up to questions from the floor. Hand after hand shoot up, all wanting an opportunity to ask a question, to talk to the author.
Draco nudges your side with his elbow. You turn to him, catching his eyes. You stare at each other for a moment before he mouths, ‘go on’. Your hand raises itself in the air.
“Yes, you in the corner next to the blonde-haired man.”
Your eyebrows fly into your hair; you point down at yourself checking the interviewer meant you.
“Yes, you. What would you like to ask?”
You clear your throat. Draco squeezes your hand in support, reminding you that he’s here. “Erm… well my question revolves around the lore that runs through the series. It’s so heavy with mythology and that’s essential to the plot, so I was wondering where you got your inspiration from?”
Your favourite author smiles at you; she smiles at you and you are certain you stop breathing. “That’s a really good question. There’s a lot of biblical references throughout the series given that it’s angels and demons, but I drew inspiration from everywhere. Greek mythology especially, I love the story of Hades and Persephone, so I wanted to include that in some format. But I also enjoy researching the lore and history surrounding witches and wizards such as witch hunts and knew I had to involve magical lore somewhere. The series really is an amalgamation of those interests. Thank you for your question! Thank you for coming!”
You settle further back into your seat as the interviewer takes more questions. You sit there in disbelief at the conversation you just had with your favourite author. Your heart pounds from the adrenaline. You could cry from happiness right now.
Draco’s arm wraps around the back of your chair; he leans in to whisper in to your ear, “You did good, love.”
“I did?” You mouth.
He nods, smiling at you before turning his attention back to the Q&A session. You let your mind wander slightly, taking it all in. Her books had been your lifeline through Hogwarts where you felt lonely and invisible; they had been your comfort through exam stress, and teenage stress. You knew you could return to her books and feel as if you were being welcomed home.
You didn’t know that Draco had noticed you.
It was the perfect relationship, really. You both adored books; Draco loved his non-fiction and latest journals in the advancement of potion making and medicine. You loved your fiction; transporting yourself to different worlds for hours at a time.
The library in your home was split down the middle; your books taking over one half, his taking over the other half. In the middle of the room was a couch where you would both spread out on a weekend and either read or catch up with work.
Draco’s hand on your shoulder brings your attention back to the room, “They’re moving onto the signing. Are you ready to meet your idol?”
Excitement bubbles in your gut, “Never more ready.”
You both the join the queue where you give your names to the worker waiting with sticky notes to put in your book. Draco says your name when asked; you look up at him questioningly, but he shrugs it off.
You’re practically bouncing in your spot in line as you amble closer and closer to your favourite author. You can see her head over the top of the line where she signs book after book, personalising each one.
The line gets shorter and shorter and it isn’t long before you’re standing in front of her, “You asked the first question,” she says, recognising you.
“I did,” You say, somewhat in shock, “I’m (Y/N).”
“Well (Y/N),” she starts, signing the first of your books and pulling the second towards you, “I loved that question, so thank you for asking it.”
“Thank you for writing these books; they meant the world to me through high school.”
“I’m glad they mean that much to you. Thank you for coming today!” She says, signing your last book with a flourish before handing the pile back to you.
You smile at her before turning away; watching Draco as he walks up to her with his pile.
“Another (Y/N)?” She chuckles.
“Not really, she’s my partner. I’m getting them signed in her name.”
She looks taken aback, “That’s lovely.”
Draco shrugs, “She would read these over and over again in high school. I never saw her without them. I couldn’t let her miss this at all.”
“That’s… really very sweet.”
Draco smiles, “Thank you.”
She takes her time signing his final book, saying to Draco that she’s writing a special message to you. She hands it back to him with a smile and a ‘thank you’. Draco nods his head before walking over to where you’re waiting for him with barely concealed tears in your eyes. She cannot help but think Draco looks exactly what she pictures the protagonist to look like.
“Love?” He asks, taking your pile of books from you and putting them carefully in the bag.
“Oh Draco,” You say, wrapping him up in a hug. Your face hidden in his chest; arms wrapped around his middle. “Thank you,” You utter, words muffled by his clothes.
Draco chuckles, placing the bag of now signed books on the floor, and running a hand through your hair, “You’re very welcome, love.”
You look up at him, tears still in your eyes, “You’re the best, I hope you know that.”
“I do, but it’s nice to hear it sometimes.”
You step back, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket. Draco picks up the bag of books in one hand and holds your hand with the other. You walk out of the shop, taking a moment to fasten coats and jackets against the chill of the evening air.
“You asked a wonderful question, love.” Draco compliments.
“Thank you, darling. I wonder if she knew we’re a witch and wizard.” You muse.
Draco hums, “I do wonder myself. Is there a lot of witches and wizards in the books?”
You shake your head, “Not really. Though there is one figure that reminds me of Dumbledore in his description.”
Draco chuckles, “It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he met her once upon a time.”
You laugh with him, “No, I suppose it’d make sense.”
You fall silent as you walk down the street; hands swinging between your bodies.
“What did she say to you?” You ask Draco after a moment, “You looked to be having a good conversation.”
“She mentioned that I was the second person with your name, so I said that I was your partner. She thought I was very sweet; I’ll have you know.”
You lean into his arm, “You are very sweet. The sweetest.”
“I’m about to be even more sweet. Shall we get some dinner while we’re out?”
You groan in happiness, “Yes, please. I don’t feel like cooking tonight.”
Draco barks a laugh as he leads you into a nearby restaurant. You’re seated in a small booth and are given menus before ordering your drinks.
“Thank you for taking me, Draco. It means the world.” You say as the waitress goes to grab your drinks.
Draco smiles at you softly, “Anything for you, you know that.”
“I love you.” You grin.
“I love you too. You want to look at her signatures don’t you?”
You squirm in your seat, “I really do. Is that nerdy? It’s nerdy, isn’t it?”
“It’s not nerdy at all. I know that she wrote a special message for you in one of them.”
Your mouth drops open, “What? Really? You’re joking? Don’t joke about this.”
“I wouldn’t joke about this. She really did write a message for you.” Draco states, handing you the bag.
You pile the books onto the table, moving the ones she signed for you to one side. Focusing on the books that she signed for Draco. You run a hand over her signature; still not truly believing you met your favourite author.
“I can’t believe we met her,” You whisper in awe.
“You best believe it, love.”
You smile at him before flipping open the last book in the pile. The first two had simple signatures addressed to you, but as you turn the pages to the title page, you see her message inscribed in ink:
“To (Y/N), Few find a love like you have with him. He’s a keeper.”
And underneath is her shining signature. She had seen it so clearly; his love for you, and your love for him. It radiates from the both of you.
You show Draco the message and he laughs at it in disbelief, taking the book from your hands to read the message.
Draco eventually hands the book back to you, “I have to say I’m rather inclined to agree.”
“I think I agree with you. You are a keeper.”
His eyes shine with love and adoration as he holds your hand across the table.
General (HP) taglist: @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @kalimagik​ @summer-writes​ @lupins-sweater​ @slytherinprincess03​ @mischiefsemimanaged​ @soleil-amaryllis​ @masterofthedarkness​ @bforbroadway​ @chaotic-fae-queen​ @peachesandpinks​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @siriusly-addicted-to-writing​ @firewhisky-kisses​ @deafgirltingz​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @harrypotter289​ @sprvpti​ @accio-rogers​ @potterverseimagine​ @figlia--della--luna​ @angelinathebook​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @cheapglitter​ @the--queen-of-hell​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​
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