#this is all mama arc's fault
novankenn · 9 months
From Full House to Four of a Kind!
/===/ @ sirnoobsalot I mean May Zedong is a redhead. Neo could change her hair color on a fly. If you wanna go the Milf route Glynda is there, it's a good sequel since she'll be stopping this shenanigan (presumably) only for Pyrrha to hoist her over her shoulder and drag her back to her full house /== Master Post List ==/
The students of Beacon were giving Pyrrha a wide birth, with many red-heads and blonds donning hats or just dying their hair completely to hide from the "Red Queen" and her obsession with whatever she was doing with the girls she had already... absconded with.
Yang: I'm scared... like what if?
Blake: Pyrrha has already said you are off limits. You're my blond remember?
Yang: She's on the prowl again...
Blake: Well I doubt she'll... crud! Crap!! SHIT!
Yang: Blake?
Blake: The transfer students!!
Yang's eyes open wide, but it was too late. There wasn't enough time to warn any of them. It was like watching the circling of a shark as Pyrrha moved about the outskirts of the cafeteria, her emerald eyes watching, appraising, and then selecting.
Yang: Wish me luck.
Blake: Yang?
Yang jogged the short distance from where she and Blake and been standing to intercept Pyrrha as she prowled.
Yang: P-Money... what cha doing?
Pyrrha: I came to a revelation last night...
Yang: And that was... maybe you should stop collecting people?
Pyrrha: Heavens no! It was that four of a kind is better than a full house.
Yang: Four of a kind? You mean you're going to...
Pyrrha: Oh she's adorable...
Pyrrha points out a shy red-head wearing a beanie pulled down over one eye...
Pyrrha: How could I forget that Arslan was a blond! She's perfect! Excuse me.
Yang wanted to shout out a warning, but Pyrrha was upon her quarry in a heart beat.
May: (Cradled under Pyrrha's arm) EEP!
Arslan: (Thrown over Pyrrha's shoulder) NIKOS! WHAT THE HELL?
Pyrrha: You two are perfect! That's four of a kind for red-heads... but only three of a kind for blonds...
Arslan: Put me down!
May: Four of a kind?
Pyrrha: Hush! Jaune is very loving and will father so many beautiful children with you!
May/ Arslan: HUH???
Yang slowly made her way back over to Blake. As she and everyone else watched as Pyrrha started to walk off with two stunned young women...
Glynda: Ms Nikos! Enough of this! You are not only disrupting the peace of this school, and interfering with the composition of other teams... why are you looking at me like that?
Glynda took a step back, as Pyrrha adjusted Arslan and May, before taking a step forward, and strange unnerving smile on her face.
Pyrrha: You're... blond...
Glynda: Yes...
Pyrrha: Four of a kind!
Glynda: What? HEY! OUCH!
Pyrrha: Everyone comfy? Time to meet You baby daddy!
May/ Arslan: Baby Daddy?
Glynda: Help me! Call Ozpin! Call Ozpin!
Everyone just froze as Pyrrha walked out of the cafeteria. May Zedong under one arm, Arslan Altan over a shoulder, and dragging a panicking Glynda Goodwitch by the ankle behind her.
Glynda: (Desperately clinging to the door frame) Help me!?!? Please?
Pyrrha: Now, now professor... just think of all the blond bundles of joy you will give Mama Arc!
Glynda: Ahhhhhhh!!! Hhhhheeeeeellllllppppp!
Everyone shivered as the door frame leg go and the authoritarian professor vanished into the hallway.
Yang: Blake?
Blake: Yes Yang?
Yang: I am VERY happy to be your Blond.
Blake: Thank you Yang. That means a lot to me.
Off in a corner of the cafeteria silently sat a young woman. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the display of pure power and insanity. She titled her head to one side then the other. before standing up and making her way out of the cafeteria, hot on the heels of the one she was sure people were calling the "Red Queen".
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mononijikayu · 4 months
“i canʼt hold enough of you in my hands.” — gojo satoru.
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His little fingers peeked out from the blanket, and you couldn’t resist the urge to gently stroke them, feeling their soft warmth. You looked at your husband, who let out a little laugh as you showed him your son’s little chubby fingers. There was much to love about your little dawn. If life had ever begun, it would be when your son was born. And Satoru believed that as much as you did — that’s for sure.
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, family, comfort, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: l'amore dice ciao (slow take) by armando trovajoli
NOTE: i knew i said i wasn't going to write more, but i ended up writing this because i ended the other one so sadly that i realized i needed something that was genuinely happy. so i did that. i'll be writing more within the next eleven days. but we'll see, depending on my schedule!!! i love you!!! enjoy <3
u s and t h e m
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IT WAS QUITE AN EXPERIENCE, BRINGING HOME A BABY IN YOUR HUMBLE ABODE. You had never expected to be so overprotective over anything in your entire life, especially not on a simple car ride. But here you were, cradling your most precious treasure in your arms, heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and overwhelming love. Your newborn son, Satoshi, nestled against your chest, was the very embodiment of fragility and new beginnings.
The car ride from the hospital to your home felt like an eternity. Every bump in the road, every sudden stop or start, sent a jolt of worry through you. You tightened your hold on Satoshi, making sure his tiny head was well-supported, his small body swaddled snugly in a soft blanket. The world outside seemed too chaotic, too unpredictable for someone so small and innocent.
Beside you, your husband, Gojo Satoru sat with his bright blue eyes fixed lovingly on the little bundle in your arms. His usual carefree demeanor was replaced by a focused intensity, every bit the protective father. 
He kept glancing between you, sleeping Satoshi, the road ahead, and Ichiji who seemed more tense than usual. Satoru’s tension could be felt from that far, you suppose. But you can’t fault your husband at all. His hand occasionally reaches over to rest reassuringly on your knee, as though it was to calm him and you simultaneously. 
“Are you okay, darling?” he asked softly, his voice a gentle caress.
You nodded, but the anxiety still lingered. “I’m just… it’s so surreal. He’s so tiny, so perfect. I want to make sure everything is perfect for him.”
Satoru’s cerulean eyes softened, and he reached over to brush a strand of hair from your face. “You’re already doing an amazing job. He’s lucky to have you as his mama, darling.”
Satoshi stirred slightly, making a small cooing sound that melted your heart. You looked down at his tiny face, marveling at his delicate features. He looked exactly like Satoru, that’s what his mother said. And you could definitely see it. His small mouth quirked joyously the way his father does. His white–silver locks were as tender and soft as Satoru's own. His chubby cheeks were warm too. And you were so in love. So entirely absorbed by your love for your son. 
His little fingers peeked out from the blanket, and you couldn’t resist the urge to gently stroke them, feeling their soft warmth. You looked at your husband, who let out a little laugh as you showed him your son’s little chubby fingers. There was much to love about your little dawn. If life had ever begun, it would be when your son was born. And Satoru believed that as much as you did — that’s for sure. 
The car pulled into the driveway of your little home, and Satoru quickly got out to open the door for you. He extended his hand to help you out, his touch steadying you as you carefully stepped onto the pavement. You whisper a thankful retort to your husband, who grinned at you and turned to Ichiji, who nearly jumped when Satoru thanked him genuinely. 
Satoru led the way as you walked into your home, his six-eyes trying to check for any changes in the house. When you both got in, it seemed safe enough but then again, Satoru led you to the nursery. Every inch of the nursery was built by your husband. He was excited about trying to make it as bright as possible, as colorful as possible and he had meticulously prepared in the weeks leading up to Satoshi’s birth. 
The quaint little room was better than you could have imagined it. Satoru had not wanted to show you anything until the baby arrived. It was a surprise for both you and your little boy. It was just a perfect little haven of soft pastels and gentle light. You were impressed with how it all blended together, how he had managed to put everything into a theme. But you knew that’s just how much your husband loves your son. Looking at him, you wondered how much more you could love this man, how much more love your heart can take for him.
“Did you do everything from scratch?” You whispered to him, mindful of your little boy. 
He hummed in reply. “But it’s not just me. ‘miki and ‘gumi both helped, y’know? I couldn’t have done it without them!”
You smiled when you heard that. When you told the two that you were expecting, it was a whirlwind.  Tsumiki was jumping up in joy, Megumi seemed stunned that there was to be a baby. You didn't expect Megumi to have a loud reaction, he was always more quiet. But you knew that overtime, he was just as excited as his elder sister. He showed that through his little acts, like asking about the baby, asking if you both needed anything. He was tender like that.
You wouldn’t say that your pregnancy was a dream. It was hard. You were nauseated all the time, you were crying day and night, you couldn’t keep food down. But your two little ones did what they could to help you out. Megumi knew that you couldn’t eat much, but he would make sure there was already hot tea and some slices of fruit you can eat for you to enjoy in the mornings.
Tsumiki made sure that she helped you out with some small tasks Satoru allowed you to do, that she could embrace you when you feel like crying about some little things. They were both wonderful with you throughout the pregnancy, they’ve always been wonderful to you since you met them. 
At this moment, you wanted to see them both. And you were sure they’d like to see you and the little one. But you knew that they won’t arrive until tomorrow. You were thankful that your mother took Megumi and Tsumiki with her until you could come home from the hospital.
You gently laid little Satoshi in his crib, tucking the blanket around him. Satoru stood beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist carefully. He lets out a small sigh as both of you watch as your son settles into his new environment. The room seemed to glow with a serene tranquility, the weight of the world momentarily lifted.
“He’s perfect, isn’t he?” Satoru whispered, his voice filled with awe.
You leaned against him, feeling the steady beat of his heart. “He is. And he’s ours.”
“Hm, he’ll always be.” He agrees, his hand tracing across the small of your back. “The kids will love him, I’m pretty sure.”
“Tsumiki will just gobble him up.” You laughed softly.
“And Megumi’s gonna be a bit flustered, ‘m sure.”
“Hey, he’s just a little shy! He’s trying.”
Satoru kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering as if trying to imprint the moment in his memory. “Hm, he is.”
“Thank you.” 
“What for, darling?”
You smile at him. “For giving me this lovely little life.”
He laughs, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. “Darling, if anything, I should be the one saying that, hm?”
“I love you.” You whispered against him, letting your hand trail against his free hand. “Genuinely.”
“Love you too, very much.” He squeezes your hand back. “All four of you. We’re going to be okay, darling.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of happiness and the sheer weight of the responsibility ahead. “I know. ‘cause we have each other.”
He smiles. ”Nothing better than that.”
As you stood there, watching over your son, you felt a profound sense of completeness. The future held many uncertainties, but this moment was perfect. Surrounded by the love of your husband and the new life you had brought into the world, you knew that together, you could face anything.
Satoru’s hand found yours, squeezing gently. “Welcome home, my little dawn.” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “This is just the beginning.”
You nodded, resting your head against Satoru’s shoulder, feeling the warmth of his love envelop you. In that small, serene nursery, surrounded by the promise of new beginnings, you felt a deep and abiding peace. 
This was your peace.
This was your home.
And this was your future. 
You were truly content now.
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SOMEHOW, ADJUSTING WAS QUITE A WORD TO LEARN. Life as new parents to your little boy, Satoshi, was a whirlwind of joy, exhaustion, and moments that you knew would become cherished memories. And though it was hard most days, stressful even — you both would not trade it for anything else.
Gojo Satoru, ever the dedicated father, decided to take paternity leave, putting his duties aside to focus on his growing family.  He didn’t care about what the higher ups were going to say about it.  He just sent a phone call, turned off his phone and left them to deal with the situation until he could come back. He was not going to let any sense of his duty ruin his first glimpses as a father.
The decision brought a new level of warmth and connection to your home, a sanctuary away from the chaos of the world outside. It was more common now to see Gojo Satoru standing by the kitchen at two in the morning, trying to warm up frozen breast milk or being up and about by seven to make Megumi and Tsumiki’s bento boxes and see them off to school.
Satoru’s presence was a source of comfort and strength postpartum. He refused to let you raise a finger while he was in the house. You were still healing from the birth, he said. The best thing for you is to enjoy your relaxation and rest, while he does his part. It’s the smallest thing, he says to you as he gives you your breakfast that morning, there’s nothing to worry about. 
Most nights, when he lets you go to sleep as much as you can — you end up waking up to walk towards the bathroom to pee and you would see him, sitting in the living room. You would stand there, watching him as he finds himself cradling Satoshi, whispering sweet words of love and promises for the future. His cerulean eyes, usually so full of mischief, softened with a tenderness that melted your heart each time you saw him with your son.
You couldn’t help but enjoy seeing him so domesticated, to be at such a peace with himself, with his life. This was such a far cry from the Gojo Satoru you had known in your youths. And it was so beautiful, how genuinely graceful he had adapted to his new life. He was always there, with a gentle touch and a reassuring smile, ready to do what he had to for your comfort. 
“He’s just so small!” Tsumiki gushed, looking at the baby and then at you and Satoru. Her smile was from ear to ear. “Satoru-san, he looks exactly like you!”
Satoru laughed softly, a sound filled with pride and joy. “Hm, doesn’t he? He was born on my birthday too! My precious little ‘toshi.”
You chuckled, feeling the warmth of the moment. “Yes, he does. But look closer, Tsumiki. He’s got my nose and my stubborn streak already.”
Tsumiki leaned in, examining Satoshi’s tiny features with a thoughtful expression. “Oh, you’re right! I can see it now. He’s a perfect mix of both of you.” She looked up, her eyes sparkling. “He’s going to be so loved.”
Megumi, standing a bit shyly to the side,  as he looked at you and nodded. “Yeah, he is.” He stepped closer, peering at Satoshi with a mixture of curiosity and affection. “Welcome home….Satoshi.”
Megumi and Tsumiki were adjusting well to having a baby around the house. Satoru teased them both about being Satoshi’s elder siblings often, Tsumiki was gleeful and Megumi was always bashful. It was so lovely to watch. The house became more livelier than ever before.
You always noted that Tsumiki was a natural caregiver, always ready to lend  a hand with diaper changes or soothing Satoshi when he was fussy. You and Satoru often told her that she didn’t have to, but she insists that she wants to  spend time with him. She adored him, her nurturing nature shining through in every interaction.
Megumi, on the other hand, was more reserved. Shy about expressing his love for Satoshi with words, he found other ways to show his affection. He would sit quietly by Satoshi’s crib, reading aloud from his favorite books, or he’d be the first to arrive when Satoshi’s cries echoed through the house, ready to offer a pacifier or a comforting touch.
Satoru reached out, ruffling Megumi’s hair gently. “You’re going to be good to him, hm? Aren’t you, Megumi? I’m counting on you to help keep an eye on him when I’m not around, ‘kay?”
Megumi’s cheeks flushed slightly, but he nodded with determination. “I will.”
You felt a wave of gratitude and love for your makeshift family, the bonds between all of you growing stronger with each passing moment. “Of course we will.” you said softly, looking at each of them in turn. “We’re going to take care of each other, always.”
Tsumiki smiled warmly. “I’m so happy. It’s like our family keeps growing, and it’s just... perfect.”
Satoru pulled both Tsumiki and Megumi into a gentle hug, careful not to jostle Satoshi in your arms. “We’re a team, always remember!” he said, his voice filled with conviction. “No matter what, we stick together.”
“Of course!” Tsumiki cheered in reply.
Satoru looked at Megumi, pulling him closer. “What about you, ‘gumi? We’re all in this together!”
Megumi flustered, trying to shove your husband. “Ugh, stop—”
“Ehhhh! Just say it once, come on now!”
“I don’t wanna!”
“Megumi, come on! Satoru–san has a point!”
“I still don’t want to!”
As you watched this heartfelt moment, your heart swelled with emotion. The little ones have had quite a rough life, you knew that much. But to know that they have a home here, that they were happy here. The love and unity in your heart for your little home were palpable. Despite the challenges ahead, all the things you may never know — you knew that with your husband and the kids, you’ll always be fine.
Satoshi stirred slightly, his tiny hand reaching out as if sensing the warmth and love around him. You gently kissed his forehead, whispering softly, “See, Satoshi? You’re so loved by everyone, you know?”
Satoru glanced at you, his eyes shimmering with unabashed joy. “We’re going to give him the best life, darling. I promise you that.”
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of peace and contentment. “I know we will. Together.”
The gentle hum of life outside seemed to pause in reverence for the precious moment unfolding within your home. Satoshi nestled peacefully in your arms, his tiny fingers curling and uncurling as if grasping at the very fabric of love that surrounded him. The soft murmur of your family’s voices filled the air, a symphony of warmth that your little boy seems to be so in love with.
“Hey... can I hold him?” Megumi asked, his voice hesitant but hopeful.
You turned to Megumi, seeing the earnestness in his eyes. This was a big step for him, wanting to connect with his new brother in such a tangible way. You looked at Satoru, who was grinning. You smiled and nodded.
Satoru’s smile was warm and encouraging. “Of course, Megumi. Just be gentle, hm? He’s still too small, after all.”
With careful movements, You carefully handed Satoshi over to Megumi. The young boy’s face lit up with a rare, genuine smile as he cradled the little bundle in his arms. Satoshi, sensing the familiar presence, settled almost immediately, his tiny hand reaching up to grasp Megumi’s finger.
Satoru wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Look at them.” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “We’re really doing this.”
You leaned into Satoru, your heart swelling with love for your family. “Yes, we are, aren't we?" you replied softly. “And it’s perfect.”
Megumi looked up, his expression one of pure wonder. “He’s so small.” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “But he’s... perfect.”
“You’re doing great, Megumi,” you whispered, your heart swelling with pride.
Tsumiki joined you, her eyes shining with happiness. “He loves you, Megumi. You’re such a good big brother to him already."
“....am not his big brother.” he says shyly, scarlet blush across his face. 
“Nah, you are.” Satoru whispers at him, smiling as he pats Megumi’s hair. “You will always be his big brother, okay?”
You giggled. “And he’s happy about it too. He’s happy to be carried by his big brother Megumi.”
Megumi’s cheeks turned pink, but he didn’t look away from Satoshi. “I just….. want him to be happy.” he murmured, his voice barely audible.
Satoru wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “He’s happy because he’s surrounded by love.” he said softly, his eyes meeting yours. “And because he has the best siblings in the world caring for him.”
You smiled at him, so full of love.
“I love you, all of you, my love.”
Cerulean eyes looked at you, tenderly.
“I love you too, darling. So so much.”
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One afternoon, you found Satoru in the kitchen, attempting to bake cookies with Tsumiki. Flour dusted his hair and apron, and Tsumiki giggled as she helped mix the dough. The sight was a blend of chaotic mess and heartwarming sweetness.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” you teased, leaning against the doorway with Satoshi nestled in your arms. The smell of burnt sugar was already wafting through the air, a clear indicator that things might not be going as planned.
Satoru flashed you a mischievous grin, his blue eyes sparkling with playful defiance. “I’m a man of many talents, darling. Baking just happens to be one of them.” He tried to flick flour at you, but it mostly ended up on Tsumiki, who erupted into fits of laughter.
“Yeah, sure.” you said, laughing as you shook your head. “I think you might need to add ‘kitchen disaster’ to your list of talents.”
Just then, Megumi walked in, drawn by the noise and commotion. He took one look at the flour-covered Satoru and the batter-splattered Tsumiki and rolled his eyes. 
“You’re making a mess.” he said dryly, though there was a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “We could just buy cookies from the local bakery.”
“Come on, Megumi!” Satoru called out, waving a dough-covered hand. “Join the fun! We’re making memories here!”
“Satoru–san’s right, Megumi!” Tsumiki says, giggling as she plays with the batter. “Come on!”
Megumi looks at you and you laugh, nodding. “Go on. It’s not that bad. If anything, we can clean it up. It’s okay.”
Reluctantly, Megumi sighed and pursed his lips. He slowly grabbed an apron  from the hook and joined in, his serious demeanor softening as he started to help. Slowly, the kitchen started to be filled with laughter and playful teasing, a symphony of familial love.
When the cookies finally came out of the oven, they were slightly burnt and oddly shaped. Satoru picked one up, examining it critically before taking a big bite. “Mmm, just like I remember from years ago.” he said with a straight face, making everyone laugh. “Didn’t you use to make us bake after missions?”
“Yes, but it did not look like that.” You smiled at him. “We could make new ones, if you want?”
“Yeah, let’s make one that’s digestible.” Megumi says as he started using the cookie cutters on his batter.
“Hey! They are perfectly digestible.”
“I don’t know, my love.” You tout as you looked at him teasingly, “It doesn’t seem to be good right now.”
“Oh just you wait, I’ll make another batch!” He says, almost determined to prove you wrong. “‘miki! Get more flour and butter! I’ll get the eggs!”
“I’m on it, Satoru–san!”
“Satoru, be careful, don’t run!”
“But I gotta get it done soon!”
“This isn’t masterchef, don’t rush!”
In the end, your husband made a more pleasant looking batter — but it was because you were making sure to watch everything as you cradled your little son in your arms. Megumi didn't need anything else but praise when it came to his cookies. They looked so round and perfectly golden. Tsumiki’s own batch was also pretty, she added pink sprinkles in her batter which made it more bright. 
When all the dishes were taken care of, the cookies were left to cool. Megumi prepared both of you a cup of black coffee, while Tsumiki plated the rest. Satoru whistled as he settled everything away where it belonged. 
"These cookies are... interesting," Megumi remarked, taking a hesitant bite.
Tsumiki giggled, nudging him playfully. "They're not that bad, Megumi. It's the thought that counts, right?"
Satoru leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin on his face. "Exactly! Besides, the company is what makes them taste good." He ruffled Megumi's hair, earning a good-natured eye roll from the boy.
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "I have to agree with Satoru on this one. Being together makes everything better."
Satoshi, sitting in his high chair with a cookie of his own, babbled happily, bits of cookie smeared around his mouth. His bright eyes sparkled with joy as he looked around at his family.
"Satoru-san, can we make more cookies tomorrow?" Tsumiki asked, her eyes wide with excitement.
Satoru chuckled, wiping a smudge of flour from his cheek. "We'll see, Tsumiki. Maybe we'll try making something else. How about a cake?"
"Yeah!" Tsumiki cheered happily with infectious excitement.
Megumi looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking up. "Can we make a chocolate cake?"
"Chocolate cake it is," you agreed, laughing at the enthusiasm of your children. "But maybe we should let Satoru handle the mixing next time."
Satoru feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Hey, I think I did a pretty good job! Next time, I'll show you all my true baking skills."
"Sure, sure," you teased, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "We'll hold you to that, Mr. Talented."
The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and lighthearted banter. As the evening wore on, you found yourself marveling at the simple joy of being together. The challenges and uncertainties of life seemed distant, overshadowed by the love and warmth of your family.
Later that night, as you tucked Tsumiki and Megumi into bed, they both looked up at you with sleepy smiles.
"Goodnight to you, Gen-san!" Tsumiki whispered, her eyes already drooping.
"Goodnight, sweetie," you replied, brushing a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well."
Megumi gave you a small, shy look with a blush on his cheeks. "Thanks for the cookies..... And for everything."
Your heart swelled with love as you kissed his forehead too. "You're welcome, Megumi. Sweet dreams."
Back in your bedroom, you found Satoru already lying down, Satoshi nestled in his crib nearby. You slipped into bed beside him, feeling his arms wrap around you instantly.
"Thank you for today," you whispered, resting your head on his chest.
He kissed the top of your head, his voice a soft murmur in the darkness. "Thank you, too. For everything. I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world."
You smiled, closing your eyes as you listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "Me neither. Together, we'll make every day special."
One night, as you lay in bed with Satoru beside you and Satoshi nestled in his crib, you whispered, “Thank you for being here, Satoru. For all of us.”
He turned to you, his eyes filled with love and a hint of mischief. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else, darling. You and the children are my world.”
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “Even if your cookies are terrible?”
He laughed softly, pulling you closer. “Even then. But don’t worry, I’ll keep practicing. One day, I’ll get it right.”
With a playful roll of your eyes, you kissed him gently. “I’m sure you will. But until then, we’ll just enjoy the burnt ones together.”
Satoru chuckled, his fingers brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Sounds like a plan, my darling.”
In that moment, surrounded by the quiet hum of your sleeping children and the gentle cadence of your husband’s heartbeat, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, your family would face them together. And with Satoru’s unwavering love and determination, you were certain that your home would always be filled with laughter, warmth, and the sweetest memories.
You wanted more of Gojo Satoru.
You wanted everything of him.
You wanted more of him in this life.
You can't hold enough of him, you think.
You can't hold enough of him in your hands.
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The World Keeps Getting Hotter, Baby, but I’m Too Cool to Die
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Pre-series; The Line-Up; Whisperers Arc
Warnings: Domestic violence; Child abuse; Injuries; Blood; Allusions to alcoholism; Mentions of canonical character death
Summary: Three times Daryl didn’t fear death and the one time he did.
gif by @jaaryl
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Daryl had honestly never feared death. Sometimes, he felt it would even come as a reprieve from a life that had taken such a toll on every aspect of his very being. He had seldom wished for it, mostly as a child who didn’t understand the permanence. He wanted to follow his mama, who often took the beatings meant for him. 
Even in her near constant drunken stupors, she would reach for him from the bed, fresh blood and bruises still adorning her pale skin. C’mere, baby. It’s okay. When she died and Merle ran, Daryl faced their father’s wrath alone. 
“Worthless, bitch-ass mama’s boy.” The rough leather of the well worn belt was a follow up sting to the skin-tearing agony of the metal buckle. “Gon’ toughen ya up. Won’t have no pussy Dixon livin’ in my house.”
Daryl just laid there, watching the new flecks of crimson fall in sporadic splatterings on the dirty wooden floor. He circled the thought of his mother reaching for him, shushing and soothing in her slurred voice. It was almost enough to numb the angry wounds long after the onslaught was over. 
“I'll find ya, mama. We can run away together.”
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He wasn’t a stranger to motorcycles. Merle had taken him down the backroads, no destination in mind. The elder Dixon had been working on obtaining his license but was already a skilled rider. 
He’d show up at the most opportune moments, almost like he was listening for the old man to pass out drunk. Daryl was older then, early teens making things more confusing as he went through changes he didn’t understand. He’d never speak them aloud for fear of invoking his father’s rage or his brother’s ridicule. He kept quiet and waited excitedly for the times his brother would offer him peace on the open road. 
Merle hadn’t noticed the pine needles on the wet asphalt until it was too late. 
Daryl could only remember bits and pieces. His brother’s distorted face and muffled voice. Keep them eyes open, boy! The younger man found he didn’t care to oblige. Maybe if he closed his bright blues, he’d wake up in a different life. Loving parents, good grades, a house in the suburbs complete with a dog that was always happy to see him. 
He was actually disappointed when he woke up in the hospital, broken arm and severe concussion, his body throbbing. 
Merle was already gone again. An officer took him home where Will Dixon broke the cast within an hour and twisted the skin above the break. 
Daryl missed his brother. 
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It was his fault Glenn had died. Maybe Abraham should be on his conscience as well. If he’d never stormed off, half-cocked and hell bent, they would have all been there to make sure the group made it to Hilltop. The line up would have never happened because all the best fighters would have been together, functioning as a well oiled machine to plow the Saviors down. 
But Daryl had to be stubborn. He had to do things his way. And now Abraham and Glenn were dead, Maggie was a widow, and her baby would never know their father. 
He was losing blood. The wound was through and through, steadily freeing his lifeblood without medical intervention. As the van bounced and jarred over the rough gravel, the archer hissed and sluggishly pressed a hand over the weeping hole so close to his collarbone. Yet the blood on his hands wasn’t his. It was Glenn’s. 
His vision was graying at the edges, his skin colder without the blanket that had been left on the rough ground where his family mourned. They likely spit on the fabric, the only thing among them that had been somewhat his. Even if he lived, he could never go back and face their anger. 
His breaths came slower, more shallow. He was growing numb and exhaustion had him giving in to the urge to close his eyes. 
If there was a god, maybe he’d see fit to take Daryl and toss him into hell in exchange for Glenn being returned to Maggie. 
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He’d lost you. The cave had collapsed and you had been swallowed by the dust and debris. It had been suggested there were other ways out, that maybe you had escaped after all. Only to go back to Alexandria or Hilltop, to reunite with Kelly, Yumiko, and Luke while discovering Daryl had gone off on his own—again—and let rage drive him. 
He was stupid to think he could coerce Alpha into revealing anything that might benefit him or aid in your rescue. He’d been reckless and now he was paying for it. Blood was no longer spurting from the wound in his thigh, the veins having long ago slowed the gush when his heartrate began to decelerate. 
He was gonna die there, bleed out and never know if you were safe. For the first time, he found he didn’t want to go. You, arriving with Magna and her group, had charmed your way right past his defenses and straight into his heart. He had been a lovesick fool, grasping the unfamiliar feeling with both hands until his knuckles turned white. 
You were completely and utterly transparent in your reciprocation, doting over his injuries and ensuring he took care of himself. You were glued to his side, throwing yourself into the fray when anything could possibly pose a threat to him, much to his displeasure. You were sweet as honey, but stubborn as an ox. Fierce and loyal, downright lethal when someone you loved was threatened. 
And you loved him. Of all the people left in the world, you had chosen him. 
And he didn’t want to let go. He didn’t want to escape the pain. He didn’t care to see Merle again yet or run into his mama’s arms. He had longed to hear the innocence in Beth’s singing that he’d failed to protect, but found that it wasn’t as important as what he had there, in life. 
He actually had a life. He could settle down with you, even if he couldn’t promise you complete safety and peace. You were still young enough for children if you wanted them, and he’d never deny you that even if he felt he’d be a shit father. He wanted to go home to you at the end of the day and let you whisper away the stress he couldn’t leave outside the door. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, touch you, love you. 
He didn’t want to die not knowing if you were alive and that those things were possible. 
He wheezed, forced to blink hard to battle against his eyes’ will to close. He was cold. He no longer felt the pain of the wound. 
He wasn’t ready anymore. He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to risk leaving you. He didn’t want to die.
The archer gasped, summoning all the strength he had left to slide his eyes toward where the sun was now beaming into the cold garage. 
There you were, carrying the light behind you like a pair of wings. Like his vest, but bright and beautiful. He could make out your face as you lowered to hover above him. Your hand was warm against his cheek, it felt near scalding pressed to his chilled skin. 
“You’re alive.” He managed in a rough whisper. Even with your features vibrating, he could see that beautiful smile. “M’dyin’, Sunshine. Don’t wanna go.” Someone was working on his leg but he couldn’t be bothered to check or even ask. Your lips pressed against his blood streaked forehead. 
“You’re not going anywhere. Not today.”  Daryl sighed. He believed you. It was always so easy to do, but he could tell you weren’t placating. “You’re too cool for that.” 
He was going to live and he was going to love you right. 
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oleander-nin · 6 months
Hi Nin!! Can i request the platonic yan Draxum with a human reader? Ty!!!
Platonic Yandere Draxum Headcanons
A/N, not important: I hope it's okay I did headcanons👍. I think I'm finally off my hiatus, so hi guys. Also, do you like the new format? I didn't change much, but y'know. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. - Ollie
CW: kidnapping, infantilization, isolation, dark themes, yandere themes(I think that's all?)
Words: 470
Summary: Platonic Yandere Draxum Headcanons
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Pre-redemption arc:
Keeps telling himself he’s going to mutate you. He hates humanity, but here you are, someone he surprisingly tolerates. He wants to mutate you, to use you as a test subject, but he can’t make himself actually do it. He doesn’t know what’s holding him back, but he knows he doesn’t want anything to go wrong when it comes to you.
He’ll probably keep you in his lair until he’s decided what to do with you, not willing to let you go and have you possibly alert the human world to his plans. Especially since he usually ends up monologuing to you a lot.
Is protective with you and will treat you like a servant or a minor assistant. He likes to explain what he’s doing science/mystic wise, even if you don’t understand. While he’s not the most patient, he’ll not fault you for not knowing what he’s talking about. You’re just a human after all.
After his lab explodes and he has to go to the surface, he’s even more determined to not let you leave his sight. He doesn’t want you talking to the foot, or other mutants in case they hurt you, so he just keeps you near him. Especially since you’re now somewhere you’re more familiar with, and have a higher chance at succeeding at escaping him.
Post redemption arc:
Still protective of you, gets grumpy when you complain about being stuck in the apartment. He doesn’t want you to leave, especially since the foot and Big Mama know what you look like because of all his dealings. He’s paranoid that one of them may grab you to use you against him.
Still doesn’t let you return home, even with you now living on the surface with him. He thinks your old family and friends don’t matter, especially since you have him to hang out with. Now that he has his job as well, he has a proper way to provide food and such for you. He sees no reason for you to leave, even more so since he doubts you’d come back.
Treats you like a small child no matter your age. Yokai live for hundreds if not thousands of years, and Draxum is definitely aware of this. You know nothing compared to him, and your life experience is negligible. You’re young and fragile and need him to help you through life. He can teach you everything you could possibly want to know.
Thinks you’re weak because you’re human. In a sense, he’s right of course, but he takes it to the extreme. He’ll act like your glass or refuse to let you do things you want because he thinks you’ll end up hurt. Unless he needs you to help him with something, he or Huginn and Muninn do everything for you.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i
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howlingday · 2 months
What if Jaune’s sisters are very, and I mean very overprotective toward Jaune when they heard he used to have a crush on Weiss and how she treated him back in Beacon?
Jaune: Hey, Mom? Have you seen Weiss?
Mama Arc: No, I can't say I have.
Jaune: Hm... Is Dad around?
Mama Arc: He's taking a nap, dear, but he should be awake in about an hour.
Papa Arc: (Walks in) Phew! All finished chopping up that firewood for ya, honey~! Kinda weird asking me to do it this early in spring, but I could use the work! Oh, howdy, Jaune!
Jaune: Hey, Dad. So... HAS ANYONE SEEN WEISS?
Weiss: Feel free to stop me at any time.
The former heiress and current belle of Jaune Arc sat on her stump, looking over her nails to ensure they hadn't been scuffed or dirtied by the assault continuously made on her since her being brought into the deep woods by the Arc farm home. Thus far, only a bug had managed to slip past her defenses to bite her arm, an action that made her regret not taking repellent with her. However, she was hardly at fault as five of Jaune's seven sisters had been on the attack for the young woman since dragging her out here. Last night, Jaune had explained how they met with Weiss chiming in that Jaune had awkwardly failed on multiple occasions to woo her, earning a coo of adoration from Jaune's prepubescent youngest sister, a chiding swipe of a finger from his mother, and a uproarious laughter from his father. However, his five sisters, the ones now gathering strength to attack her for the umpteenth time, glared at Weiss as though she were in the wrong for turning him down. One sister took the first leap before being slammed into the dirt by a glyph. A second tried coming in low, like some feral beast, only to slam face-first into another glyph like a brick wall. The third and fourth, as twins are wont to do, attempted a pincer attack, only to be launched into one another again. That was four, which meant five was...
Weiss managed to leap away, leaving the sister to unintentionally slam herself into the fist of a giant, frozen cestus.
Weiss: I'm going back to the house. If you intend to stop attacking me like a bunch of... maniacs, then I'd be happy to walk with you.
The sisters did little to respond besides grown various sounds of discontent. The ice queen shrugged and turned away.
Weiss: I thought so.
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aloesarchives · 8 months
All That is Revealed(JJK One-shot)
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TW/Warnings: Some angst but Fluff ending, minor profanity, MANGA SPOILERS FOR HIDDEN INVENTORY ARC, Possible OOC Toji/Megumi/and Satoru/ Toji and Satoru still having beef after 12 years, Reader feeling stressed, Megumi indirectly cockblocks Toji
A sequel to this headcanon
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Toji x Fem!/Mama! Reader, Megumi x Mama! Reader(platonic)
AU: Toji Lives AU
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.8k words
Summary: You finally tell your son and his friends about Satoru and Toji’s shared “history”.
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It had only been a week since Megumi got cooked by his dad during their little practice sparring session, which ended with you breaking it up and reprimanding Toji for almost critically injuring his son. That is not what’s bothering Megumi, however. Well, okay, he left a little salty with a bruised pride from barely holding his own against his dad. But that’s beside the point.
What’s bothering him is what you said to him at the end of your conversations. After learning Toji was just playing with Megumi, not even using a fraction of his actual strength, Megumi asks you how truly powerful his dad is. Your only answer was, “Ask your teacher, Megumi.” You then left the school grounds without another word. What did you mean by that? Megumi had never seen his pompous teacher like this before. Satoru’s endless sweat bullets and fidgety hands looked out of character for him. He tried asking him the next day, but Satoru didn’t acknowledge the question and completely ignored it. However, Megumi noted Gojo’s increased stuttering and rapidly fluctuating curse energy. He didn’t have any luck with Geto-sensei either. Geto would give some sort of cryptic answer to Megumi’s question with a lopsided grin, but even reading between the lines was a pain for Megumi himself.
Though, Megumi couldn’t blame his teachers for avoiding his question. He is well aware that his family is not average, even by Jujutsu standards. His father, Toji, was seen as the black sheep of the entire Jujutsu society, a useless human with no trace of curse energy. But the whispers and hushed voices he heard were a different story. His notorious epithet of “Sorcerer killer” wasn’t something every sorcerer took lightly. From the reactions he’d seen about the talks of his dad, something wasn’t adding up. The disconcert and uneasiness radiated from his two special grade teachers at the mention of his father, not to mention many others having a sober expression when speaking about him. It was like an entire act missing from a volume, and Megumi needed to figure out why.
Since he couldn’t get it out of his teachers, he’ll go for the primary source itself, you. Yet, he was swamped with school and back-to-back missions every chance he had. So, he had no time to bring it up in the first place. It was gnawing at him for days, and he wasn’t the only one. Yuuji and Nobara were also curious about your vague statement and wanted answers. Seemingly more determined than Megumi himself. But it isn’t their fault since your vague answer sparked more questions than answers. Plus, on top of not knowing much about you either. 
You were an enigma to the two students. They have seen you around campus but will be out of sight the next, leaving no trace other than your curse residuals behind. Yuuji and Nobara met you briefly a couple of times after the exchange event, only for Megumi to drag them away to leave you to your own devices. It also didn’t help them that Megumi was pretty reserved about personal details, especially ones involving family. Their only leads on you came from the mouths of other sorcerers and the school staff members. Their teacher, known to be a mortal deity, speaks highly of you with a pinch of fondness, which is strange since he never says that of anyone in such a manner. Not even to their other teacher, Suguru Geto, his best friend.
After constantly pestering and begging Megumi to tell more about his ethereal and alluring mother, Megumi decides it is now an excellent time to converse with you. For him, it’s killing two birds with one stone. His friends will finally stop bugging him about you, and he’ll get his answers. It was Thursday; the first years were preparing for a night mission. Gojo had told Megumi that you were coming to discuss recent curse activities and sorcerers' reports for the mouth. The students didn’t have to leave until 3:00pm, so he had time to spare. After their routine classes and training, Megumi begins seeking you out along with Yuuji and Nobara. With plenty of time before dispatching their mission, they searched the whole campus for you. 
While walking through a corridor from one of the student lounges, the students hear voices from one of the nearby private rooms. Before Megumi could think, Divine Dog: Totality summoned itself and dragged Megumi to where the voices came from. Megumi didn’t know his shadows to summon themselves without his command. However, this has happened a few times, such as when you’re nearby, and they picked up your curse residuals. So, remembering that his shikigamis know your essence, he lets Totality pull him along with Yuuji and Nobara. He was proven right when your voice on the other side of the shogi door was from the other side. Totality wags its tail, pushing its master’s hand to open it before disappearing into the corridor’s shadows. Before he knocked, he could hear the different voices as well. There was Gojo-Sensei, Geto-Sensei, and— is that his dad’s voice too? 
‘What the hell? Why is Dad here of all places?’ Megumi thought with his brows furrowing. He knows about the rule that Toji must always be with you on Jujutsu High grounds. He only comes to the school when he wants to tag along or you ask him to. It’s mainly the latter. Megumi snapped out of his thoughts when Nobara and Yuuji shook his shoulders to knock. He takes a deep breath before lightly tapping his knuckles on the door. There was a brief silence before your voice called out to them.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Megumi, Mom. I also brought Yuuji and Nobara, too.”
  Upon hearing your son, you allowed them to come in. As the students came in, they spotted you in the room's layout. The light from the afternoon sun made the mahogany coffee table shine. Three black lounge sofas spaced to face each other, two on the opposite ends of the table while the other met the head. You sat on the head sofa with your legs crossed; Toji was on your left while Satoru and Suguru sat on the other two sofas. Satoru joins Suguru's side to make room for the kiddos to sit. You eye your son curiously, seeing his fidgeting fingers stick out his straight posture.
“What brings you three here? Something on your mind, Megumi?” You say tenderly, a soft affection for your son to feel comfortable.
“Yeah, Mom. . . It’s about–”
“Fushiguro-kun wants to know about your question from last week, (L/N)-Sensei!”
“Yeah, Fushiguro-sensei! Fushiguro has been moppy all week because of it. Would you so kindly answer his question, Fushiguro-Sensei?”
You paused from sipping your (favorite drink), looking at the trio with scrunched brows and a slight frown. Megumi reprimanded the two for speaking on his behalf before he returned to facing you, his fists unusually clenched in his lap.
“ Megumi, I’m sorry for giving you anxious thoughts and restless nights. I didn’t mean to do anything to hurt you; you know that, right? My son, what is it that you want to ask me? You said, reassuring your brooding son. You glanced at Toji, his face unchanging, but his eyes shared the same feeling. Your husband shrugged his shoulders at you, indicating he had no idea what was happening with Megumi. You direct your attention back to your son, hoping he will confide in you like always. Your son takes another deep breath to calm his nerves before speaking again.
“Last week, after Dad beat me, you said that he wasn’t even trying. So when I asked you how strong, you said ask Gojo-Sensei, and that was it. Unfortunately, Gojo-Sensei and Geto-Sensei didn’t answer me, so I wanted to ask you.”
You looked over at the two teachers who were once your students. Suguru shrugged with his hands out while Satoru whistled away with his hands behind his back, relaxing in his seat. You shook your head. You look back at your son with a soft smile.
“I see, so you had to come to the primary source. Well, don’t blame your teachers, Megumi. After all, this is a hard topic for them to discuss.”
The trio looked at each other, confused but curious in your answer. But Megumi was more confused since he had known the two teachers all his life.
“Mom, what are you implying?”
The air shifted, and tension settled in, though Nobara and Yuuji couldn’t feel it. Megumi knew what he was asking was going into a rough part of his parents' lives. Megumi may not be the brightest, but he’s far from dumb. He knows this is serious with what he knows about his father and how vague everyone has been. You were about to speak up if it weren’t for Satoru stepping in to give an answer to the young Fushiguro, albeit failing miserably as he was beating around the bush.
“Megumi-kun, how do I explain this. . . Toji-san, your father, he, erm, he actually–”
“Your father defeated Gojo-kun, Megumi.” You blatantly said, interrupting Satoru to save himself the embarrassment. 
There were various reactions to your answer. Though Satoru was wearing his blindfold, you could sense his eyes widened as he refrained from talking further. Suguru and Toji choked on their own air. Yuuji and Nobara had surprised looks, mouths slightly open. But out of everyone, Megumi had the most emotional reaction. His fists clenched even harder, and his face etched in absolute flabbergast. He was completely floored by your answer. What intensified this reaction was the profound aura you gave off. Your posture was not stiff but firm, showing no sign of slack throughout your body. You set your cup down while uncrossing your legs so the heels of your shoes are flat on the ground. Megumi knew you were telling the truth. He could feel his blood start to rush throughout his body like his chest had been squeezed and forced the air out of his lungs.
“M-mom. . . In what way? And how?”
Though your eyes were severe, your soft smile never left your lips.
“I will try to explain everything to you, but there are many details that I have to give you a shortened version. I’m also speaking on behalf of your father. At the time, I was a part-time sorcerer with a full-time job in the real world. I only knew your father did freelance work with another person. I knew your father hunted curses for a check but not hits on someone. I also became a teacher at Jujutsu Tech so we could get by because my full-time job was cutting hours. Your father’s work paid well but wasn’t consistent, so we had some financial troubles. This caused your father to disappear for months at a time, leaving me to raise you and your sister alone.”
Mentioning the last part, Toji shifted in his seat to be more comfortable. It was futile because it was his attempt to respond to being reminded of one of his biggest regrets in life. Toji knew he had every right to feel shameful for his past actions. Still, it doesn’t change the fact he still gets hurt by them after 12 years. You gently reached out to place your hand on your husband’s as it was on your shoulder. Sensing his discomfort, you tried to soothe his thoughts with the gesture. He deflates slightly as your soft action gives ease, leaning his head to lay on your other shoulder. Your eyes never left Megumi’s as you resumed comforting his dad.
“The day after your Father’s disappearance, I got a significant assignment where I had to oversee and act as one of two guardians for a mission. The same one your teachers were assigned at the request of Tengan, Jujutsu society’s barrier guardian. Initially, they wanted to just have Satoru-kun and Suguru-kun do it. However, the nature of the mission needed some, let’s say, more cautious individuals, and that’s where Maho and I, a fellow sorcerer, were brought in.”
“Okay, but (L/N)-dono, we were careful and diligent if you or Maho-san didn’t come with us! Suguru and I would’ve handled it just fine!”
You raised a single eyebrow at the blindfolded fool, giving him an intense side-eye.
“Given your track record of forgetting to dematerialize veils and scooping out the perimeter beforehand, I could beg to differ. Plus, with how you were back then, your lack of self-awareness would’ve got you, AND Suguru, into situations that would have been completely avoidable.”
Everyone snickered at your comment, causing Satoru’s cheeks to be dusted over with a rosy color. Suguru even laughed at his expense when he should be backing up his best friend. Satoru whined at Suguru, and the two started to bicker with each other. You paid no mind to it as you used to it over the years.
“So what was the mission, Mom?” Megumi inquire
“Every couple of years or so, Tengen needs to merge with their chosen vessel called the star plasma vessel. The merging allows Tengen to not evolve past their humanity, maintaining a humanoid form. At the time, their chosen vessel was a girl named Riko Amanai. The mission was for Satoru and Suguru to escort her to Tengen to complete the merging. However, I was mainly assigned because a high-paying bounty was placed on Riko, so I had to help.”
“Do you know who placed it, Mom?” Megumi said, a little agitated at the person who made your mission a living hell.
Satoru and Suguru stared intently at you, wondering what you would say next. You glanced at the two and then your husband before inhaling to give you some air from the already tense room.
“The person… that placed the bounty on her, Megumi, was… was your father.”
At the mention of Toji, Megumi's face went from rage to repulsion in a matter of seconds. He looked at his father with absolute detest as Toji had regret written all over himself. Yuuji and Nobara felt like they were watching a soap opera. This is the most they have seen Megumi this reactive. They saw him as someone who kept his emotions in check, never letting too much spill out. However, seeing this version of him was unexpected but made them sympathetic since his life is more intertwined in the Jujutsu world than theirs. 
“A cult member from a group that worshipped Tengen disagreed. He contacted Toji and Shui Kong, his freelance partner, to capture Riko. Dead or Alive. So Toji decided to place a bounty so others could wear us down. He didn’t, however, know I was on that mission. Nor was I even aware he was the one who placed the bounty.”
Each word you spoke carried a heaviness as you recalled the mission's events. You tried to include crucial details, having Satoru and Suguru talk occasionally. To know that it takes one mission to change everything was unbelievable. The first years, though shocked, were locked into the story. Many mixed emotions stirred within them as you retell the fable mission. Even though this happened long ago, speaking about this constantly reminded you of life’s unpredictability. It can be fulfilling, then cruel and unfair the next. As you continue, a heavy weight you haven’t felt in years creeps up as you nears the mission's climax. Getting to the fable fights that rocked the Jujutsu world forever. 
The more you speak, the heavier the invisible weight becomes. The feeling of suffocation closing in. At the moment, you didn’t know why you were feeling this. But later on, you come to realize it came from the burden of having to tell your son the atrocities his own father committed, not just against the Jujutsu world, but against you as well. For as long as you can remember, you knew Megumi wasn’t always getting along with his dad. He was a mama’s boy through and through, a brother who always looked out for his older sister. 
When it came to his dad, however, it was a mixed bag. Megumi does love his dad, but he doesn’t necessarily hate him. Even when Toji returned, he wasn’t forgiving of his presence like Tsumiki or open-minded like you. He was expecting his dad to vanish like before. Your heart aches to know your own son had that level of self-consciousness from a young age, meaning he and his sister were forced to grow up, all while you tried to raise them by yourself. It was clear that after 12 years, Megumi hadn’t entirely accepted his father.
Now came for you to reveal what his father had done to be so infamous. So you laid it out for them. Telling how Toji temporarily killed Gojo, fought and won against Suguru and Maho, and captured Riko. This happened when you only talked to Tengen for a few minutes, coming out of the chamber to see the chaos. Your eyes never left Megumi, watching to see how he was handling it. Oddly enough, he had an unreadable expression, but you know the rage that burned in his eyes. You can tell he was holding himself together. But if no people were around, he would have snapped at his father and lost all the patience he had accumulated over the years. 
This obviously didn’t go unnoticed by the other adults in the room. Satoru and Suguru briefly observed Megumi, empathetic at his mother’s revelations. Unsurprising to them to see Megumi like this. After all, they were a part of the majority of his life, essentially seeing the boy grow up. The two knew he never wore his heart on his sleeve. The flurries of mixed emotions brewed in him like a storm. But his restraint was stronger, letting his eyes speak for themselves. Emphasizing their awareness of how much Megumi loves and respects you, he does not dare lash out because he knows it wasn’t your fault.
Toji had difficulty sparing Megumi a glance, the shame never leaving his body. The years of fatherhood have softened his hard exterior, not always bearing the cocky smirk he wore his single years. Like father like son, Toji had a blank expression, but his eyes held warmth and softness unlike any other to the blessing in his life, his son. He doesn’t blame Megumi if he gives him a spiteful look. If not for his filter, Megumi would denounce and never acknowledge Toji as his father. No matter the reassurance from you or Tsumiki, it can’t convince you to think otherwise. And he was okay with that reality.
Satoru made a backhanded remark at Toji in between your storytelling, which made Toji glare harshly at him. Suguru chided Satoru for his comment, which prompted Toji to throw one back with a smirk etched on his lips to highlight his scar. Megumi didn’t care to put up with his teacher and dad’s squabble. He was focusing on the memories you recited. He’ll leave the worrying to his classmates, who became a little on edge to see if a full-blown argument would break out. You, however, will not let any of it, considering the weight of your burden is already frustrating as it is.
“Satoru, Toji, please! Now’s not the time, and I’m not in the mood to deal with you two, so behave yourselves! Drop the pompous attitude, Satoru and Toji; this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t hung on beef with a couple of teenagers. Also, stop manspreading and sit up properly! That’s why you both have back pain from your ugly posture! Tsks,” You firmly command, staring them down individually.
The two immediately dropped their act, listening to your demand like soldiers getting reprimanded by their commander. Your tone made it to Suguru and the students because they subconsciously sat up in their seats. You sigh to try and ease the pressure of your burden caused. Surprisingly, it did help only a little as you finished the story. Speaking of Satoru’s enlightenment and newly awakened power, the dissolving of the cult group, and the eventual aftermath.
“In the end, your teachers defeated Toji. And before you ask, Riko Amanai and Kuroi survived. I rescued her and got her back on Jujutsu High grounds. The two actually live on Jujutsu Tech grounds but don’t leave the barrier often due to their safety, unfortunately.”
“So what happened to Dad afterward?” Megumi finally spoke up after sitting on the sidelines so his classmates could answer the asking.
“Your father was imprisoned, waiting for his execution. However, I pulled some strings and made a deal with the higher-ups in exchange for your father’s life. Satoru-kun did me a huge favor and came in clutch when talking to the higher-ups. In the end, your father’s execution was halted on the conditions he and I would have to abide by. The rest was history.”
You haven’t thought much about it, but this story-telling was just a conversation between you and Megumi. You forgot Yuuji and Nobara were there listening in, too. This dawned on you when they kept looking back at each other and Megumi. As much as you wanted to continue your over-sharing experience, this was a good place to stop, considering your son might not be mentally ready for the others. ‘That’s for another time.’
Before anyone could speak up, particularly Megumi, the door to the room slid open, revealing Maho, Akari, Nanako, and Mimiko. Maho glances around the room curiously before coughing into her hand.
“I’m sorry to break up your little conversation, y’all. But the first years need to get going on their night mission. Akari is here to take you three to the location now. Also, Suguru, the girls want to check out a new pop-up dessert stand while on patrol in the Taito ward.” 
Suguru chuckles, standing up and straightening out his uniform. He bid you and Satoru bye while sending good luck the first years' way. Nanako started to whine that they’d be late queuing Suguru to get going. Once Suguru leaves, the first years begin to leave the room. You got up to stretch when you noticed Megumi stopping at the doorway. You start to regret telling Megumi all this because this may not allow him to focus on the mission. Putting his friends and the mission in danger. 
Just as you were about to call for him, he hastily walked over and gave you a tight hug. Startled at first, you eventually returned with the same intensity. Even though Megumi was 15 years old, a young, proper man, you can’t help but see your little baby boy who always called out Mama. You softly pat his head and kiss his forehead before your son pulls away. Megumi looks at you with a soft smile he has always given since he was a young boy.
“I’ll be safe, Mom. Don’t worry,  I’ll come back home in one piece.” Megumi reassured you.
“ Sweet, soft hum I know you will. Just promise me you, Yuuji, and Nobara will try to be careful.”
“Of course, Mom. We will.”
Toji grins at Megumi and nods when his son locks his eyes with him. You look over at the other two standing behind Megumi. They replied to you with a ‘Yes, Ma’am!’ in a saluting position. You laughed at their antics before shoeing them off to Akari for their mission. As their footsteps grew quiet, you relaxed your shoulders briefly before squaring them back up. You haven’t forgotten that Satoru was still in the room with you and Toji. He was still sitting, his signature grin gone and replaced with a firm line on his lips. You know he was peering up at you through his blindfold while Toji causally threw an arm around your shoulder. 
“(L/N)-dono, did you purposely leave out the conditions of your deal with the higher-ups to Megumi-kun?”
“. . .Yes. My son has every right to know about what happened. But simultaneously, this is a matter to be shared with him alone, not when his other classmates are present. The aftermath of the Star Plamsa incident created a domino effect that thrust Megumi into this world. When I tell him everything, I want it so he’s not forced to put his guard up. I wish for him to be comfortable with his vulnerability to this reality our family is in. To tell there’s the possibility he could lose his parents will weigh heavily on him, and he’s already been through so much for his age.”
You attentively gaze down at Satoru. It wasn’t unusual for him to look out for you, to show his caring, almost vulnerable side. He knows you don’t like hiding truths from people, especially your children. So, for you not to tell the other details means something else that’s made you hesitant. He was right, as you revealed the other issue.
“I also don’t want to jeopardize Megumi’s relationship with Toji. I won’t force him to feel what he already has. But I at least want him to understand that his father loves his family more than anything, even though what Toji did was inexcusable. I just don’t want to put Megumi under pressure in front of other people to be this calm, reserved Sorcerer. I want my son to be present and comfortable asking me anything when I tell him. You know how Megumi is, Satoru.”
He simply nods at your answer before he stands up at his full 190 cm height. He pulls on his goofy grin, pulling a complete 180 from how he was mere minutes ago.
“Of course, (Y/N)-dono. I understand, given what Megumi-kun is like when he’s on missions. Anyway, I gotta meet with Yaga-san, or I’ll get yelled at again. I’ll see you later, (Y/N)-dono!”
Satoru walks out of the room, leaving you and your husband alone. It was quiet, the sound of nature only resonating in the room. Then you suddenly felt Toji’s arms wrapped around you firmly, laying his forehead on your shoulder. Gently grasp Toji’s forearms and rub them soothingly.
“I know it’s hard for you to come forward to tell Megs this, Hon. I’m sorry I couldn’t say my part. I'm still terrible at saying my words. Thank you for speaking in my place, (Y/N).” Toji vocalizes, his tenderness revealing itself in the confines of the sit-in room.
“I appreciate it, Honey. You know I always have your back like you have mine. But please know Megumi does care for you, Toji. He has his own way of showing it, that’s all.” You assured him.
“Yeah, I know. He doesn’t like to do those whole words of affirmation things. I get the kid.”
“Hm, where have I seen that before? Like father like son, I guess.” You feigned your curiosity at your husband.
This evokes a burst of laughter out of Toji as he turns you around while still holding you close. Looking at you like an absolute fool too deep in love.
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you, (Y/N)? Come here, you.”
Toji dips his head, going for a kiss. Your eyes fluttered closed in response. You would have kept them closed if your phone hadn’t buzzed off in your pocket three times. You pulled away just as Toji was millimeters away from your lips. Toji groans as you check your phone to see who texted you.
“Who the hell is texting you right now–?” Toji asked in annoyance.
“It’s from Megumi, Dear. Give me a second.”
Toji grumbles, shoving his face in your neck to see what his son sent. You can feel your husband pouting, making you rub his head to calm him down. You read your son's texts that interrupted you and your husband’s intimate moment. 
‘We’re at the location, Mom’
‘It doesn’t look bad, but I’ll still be careful.’
‘I’ll text you when we’re done, Mom.’
‘I love you, Mama❤️’
You cooed at Megumi’s text, sending your replies to him. Toji notices the texts and smiles as well. Megumi, indeed, was a mama’s boy; there is no denying it. Your sweet smile still graces your lovely lips as you look at your husband.
“Toji, stop pouting. I’ll give you all the kisses you want when we get home. I know how you are, you fiend.”
“What do you mean, Hon? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You give Toji the stare that causes him to put his hands up in defense while scratching the back of his head. You roll your eyes as you escape your buff husband’s grasp, walking towards the door.
“If we get groceries and you cook dinner tonight, I’ll let you have your way with me, Dear~. Tsumiki said she was staying at a friend’s house because they were studying for an exam tomorrow. She won’t be home until Friday afternoon.” You said in your suggestive tone, sending a wink to your husband over your shoulder.
Toji holds a mischievous smirk as he quickly walks over to follow you closely as you leave the grounds of Jujutsu Tech.
“Of course, Doll. Anything for you~.”
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
The Fashionable Date
Jaune walked to a dorm room used by one of his upperclassmates. He knocked on the door with a hint of hesitation. He wasn’t worried about talking with her, but considering the nature of what they were about to talk about he couldn’t help, but be a little worried.
The quickly door opened, and he was face to face with one roughish smirk from one hell of a beautiful gal. The one, and only, Coco Adel.
Coco: Well, well, well, look at who we have here? Hello handsome, what can I do for you~?
Jaune: Hey, Coco, are you busy today?
Coco: I’m free as can be. Why do you ask?
Jaune: Well, after recent events I need to buy some new clothes. And, since I’m more, or less a fashion slob, I thought I should ask, Beacons fashionista for some advice. So what do you say, Coco; Want to see how well you can dress up a dragon?
Coco: Oh hell yeah I do! This is going to be so much fun! Now, how can I dress up a handsome blond like you? Oh so many choices, so many decisions… Well, regardless of whatever choices I make, I will have to factor in those horns of yours. Can’t wear anything like a teeshirt anymore; You would probably tear it up trying to put it on…
Coco: …
Coco: Wait… Horns…? When the hell did you get those?! They’re quite fetching~!
Jaune: Oh thanks… I got them yesterday after we did some tests to see how effective my fire breath can be.
Coco: And, how did those tests go?
Jaune: Well… considering how… devastating my flame can be… honestly I’m hesitant to use it on, Grimm.
Coco: So since you were testing your ability to breath fire, does that explain why you were walking around, Beacon with nothing but your breast plate, giving everyone such a tantalizing view of your body~? Because I must say, you really filled out~!
Jaune: O-Oh… T-Thank you… But, uhh… It’s, Weiss’s fault all my clothes go incinerated.
Coco: Oh, really?
Jaune: She helped test my ability to withstand fire, and extreme heats. So, she set me on fire…
Coco: She did?
Jaune: Yeah, she incinerated all the clothes I had on during the test. All that survived is my armour, but all the leather straps have burned up as well, so I might as well replace my armour while I’m at it. So… you know anywhere I can find some, Fire Dust fused clothing so that doesn’t happen again?
Coco: I do, but it’s gonna cost you.
Jaune: I’m one of the richest men in the world; So long as they’re functional, I’m good.
Coco: Oh yes, you mentioned you were a rich dragon when you showed off all those gems of yours. Tell me, Love, how rich are you? I want to know what our spending range is.
Jaune: Ehh… I’ve never looked to see how much money is in my account. But, I know my, Net Worth is an estimated 787.5 Billion.
Coco: 7-787.5 B-Billion?!
Jaune: You can make a lot mining raw metals, gems, and dust. Also, constructing infrastructure, military bases, machinery, aircraft, armour…
Coco: Y-You’re rich! You’re filthy stinking rich! You can but anything you want, and you dress like a country bumpkin?! WHY?!
Jaune: Comfort over style?
Coco: This is a crime against fashion! Come on, Arc! It’s time to get you some style!
Jaune: Whoa, HEY?!
Jaune was standing in the open doorway to a changing booth, giving, Coco a spin as he showed off the apparel she recommended to him.
Coco: Oh yeah… Mama likey~!
Jaune: It’s pretty nice, but it’s rather tight.
Coco: Just like, Mama likes~!
Coco raised her hand up, and brought it crashing down upon, Jaune’s tight butt.
Jaune: AHH! Hey?!
Coco: Gotta say you got one hell of a nice ass~!
Jaune: Only because these pants are so tight…
Coco: Why do you think I told you to wear it?
Jaune: To check out my ass?
Coco: And, loving it~!
Jaune: Haa… They’re nice… Everything looks great. But, my hair… Did they really have to cut my hair like this? I didn’t invite you out to get a hair cut.
Coco: What’s wrong with it? It’s a shaggy brush cut, simple, stylistic, and really fits you. Plus it really shows off your horns.
Jaune: It does show off my horns… Glad the sash I found matches them.
Coco: You know, I’m usually against sashes, but that white, with golden fringe really blends together nicely.
Jaune: And, you said I didn’t have any style.
Coco: And, I stand by those words! You were dressed like an absolute slob!
Jaune: But, now?
Coco: But, now after some proper guidance from yours truly you look ready to slay ‘em with your handsome looks, and winning smile~!
Jaune: I don’t think my looks will help me kill, Grimm, Coco.
Coco: I wasn’t talking about, Grimm.
Jaune: Then what are you talking about?
Coco: Haa… Still as dense as ever, Handsome.
Jaune: What?
Coco: So armour, any plans for that upgrade you mentioned?
Jaune: Something more form fitting, that covers more of my body. Something I can put on without worrying about my horns. Going to get some gauntlets, but they’ll probably be fingerless so I can retract my claws. I probably should get some measurements done for that soon…
Coco: Most likely, you’re not your lanky self you were when you first came here. Hence the tight pants.
Jaune: No, that’s so you can stare at my butt.
Coco: Still loving the view.
Jaune: You’re just jealous you don’t have a butt like mine.
Coco: Excuse me?! I have a great ass!
Jaune: No, pretty flat looking.
Coco: You wanna go bud!
Jaune: As in go into a arena for a fight, or go into a supply closet like you did with, Pyrrha?
Though most couldn’t see it, Jaune’s enhanced eyes could easily see the brief moment of shock that flashed in, Coco’s eyes. Just as easily as he saw the lighest of blushes that was spreading across her face.
Coco: What are you talking about?
Jaune: Don’t play coy with me, Coco it’s not going to work.
Coco: I’m not playing coy, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Jaune: Oh, so nothing happened between you, and Pyrrha in the supply closet outside the biology classroom then?
Coco: Wait?! How did you know he had sex there?
Jaune: You had sex? I thought you said nothing happened.’ Does that mean something did happen?
Coco’s face was flushed red as she looked around for an excuse to draw his attention away. But, finding none she finally relented, and told him the truth.
Coco: Okay… After you left, Pyrrha asked if I wanted in on your little harem thing, and I asked if I joined if that meant I could also sleep with her… So we went into that supply closet… and, had some fun. There, happy?
Jaune: I’m surprised you were so hesitant to tell me. I thought you would brag that you banged the, Invincible Girl.
Coco: I’m a kiss, and don’t tell kind of gal. Spoils the mood if you go about bragging about it.
Jaune: Plus it’s polite. Though, every faunas I’ve met knows we did it… Faunas stuff.
Coco: Yeah, I remember, Velvet glaring daggers at her. But, how did you know we did it? Did, Pyrrha brag about us having sex?
Jaune: No, Pyrrha likes her privacy more so than you do.
Coco: Hold on; if, Pyrrha never told you about us, then how did you find out about us?
Jaune: Oh, that? Quite simple really.
In a flash, Jaune reached out, and grabbed, Coco’s ass, pulling her close to him until their bodies were flush with one another. Coco yelped as he grabbed her ass, and was about to yell at him, to slap him, but his grip tightened upon her ass as she stifled a moan at his touch. But, before she could make another sound, Jaune’s head dipped lower until he growled softly in her ear, and simply said:
Jaune: I knew you two had sex, because I can still smell her on you.
A wildfire being propelled by a strong breeze was slower than the deep blush that quickly spread across, Coco’s face.
Coco Adel was the one whose teased others into a blushing mess. She could flirt one into a stubor. She new how to make anyone, man, or woman utterly flatfooted with her seductive teasing. But, she had never been put on the backfoot like, Jaune had done with that simple sentence.
Coco: Y-You could smell us?!
Jaune: Shhh… You don’t want others to hear us now do you?
Coco could only stifle a moan as, Jaune pulled her closer, giving her ass a tight squeeze in the process.
Coco: S-Sorry… B-But, you can really smell her on me? We did that a week ago?!
Jaune just smiled, showing off his fangs as he chuckled as, Coco’s composure was swiftly crumbling.
Jaune: Don’t worry, only I can smell it. No one else’s sense of smell is strong enough to pick up such subtle smells. But, I can easily pick up, Pyrrha’s sent from all the time we’ve spent together. And, there is only one person I know that smells like mocha, and gunpowder~!
Coco’s face was flush red as her voice fled her. He mouth hung agape as his voice echoed in her mind.
Coco: T-That’s what I smelt like to you; Mocha, and gunpowder?
Jaune: It’s quite the tantalizing smell. However, you’ve recently acquired an all the more intoxicating smell upon you.
Coco: Oh, that’s just some perfume I put on earlier…
Jaune: No, not that. That barely has any noticeable scent to it.
Coco: Then… was is it… what do you smell?
Jaune’s eyes look around behind her, before he pushed her inside the changing booth, he quickly shut, and locked the door behind him. As, Coco righted herself she felt, Jaune’s hand grab her, and turned her to face him as he pushed her against the wall. His hands holding her tenderly, one along her waist, while the other cupped her cheek, forcing her to stare directly at, Jaune’s predatory expression.
Before she could utter a word, Jaune used his finger to pull of her glasses, letting them gently fall to the floor with a dull thud. Her face was red, her breathing was heavy, and her eyes were lost in his. All she could do was stare on as, Jaune smiled at her, and spoke those few simple words she never wanted to hear.
Jaune: I smell desire, hunger, and lust… It’s such a tantalizing smell~!
Coco knew, Jaune; If she said the word, just one word, he would pull off of her apologizing all the while for what he did. Just because he had a throng of woman willing to throw themselves at him at the drop of a hat did not mean he would just bed any woman. He would treat them with respect, and he wanted to know if they truly wanted this. So if she said the word, just one word he would back away, no questions, no pleas, no begging. He would just leave her be, and that would be that.
Those were the thoughts running through her mind as she grabbed his golden locks and pulled him into a deep, searing kiss.
Coco had fun with someone in a changing room before. They we’re usually girls insecure about their sexuality, or curious what it would be like. So since she was up for a little tumble now, and then she helped them find the answers to these burning questions of theirs. However, when these little escapades happened, she was in control; she set the pace, she set the mood, she was the one in control. And yet, she was completely helpless under the onslaught, Jaune wrought upon her. And, she was loving every second of it.
Jaune grabbed, Coco by her waist, and pulled her in for a hungry kiss that dominated her lips causing her to moan in wanton lust as her fingers intertwined with his hair as she pulled him closer, deepening their kiss.
Jaune soon pried her mouth open with his tongue, shoving his tongue into her mouth, and her in turn. Their tongues swirled around one another as they duelled for control. Coco relished in the icy cold flavour that hung about his mouth, while, Jaune in turned savoured the sweet taste of coffee that hung about hers. The duo were falling into a drunken stupor as the drowned in the pleasure of one another’s mouths, but it was soon brought to an end as, Coco remember something very, very important about, Jaune’s tongue.
It was long, incredibly long at that.
In order to stake his claim, Jaune pushed his long tongue deeper into, Coco’s mouth, at first she gave a squeak in shock as she felt his tongue seemingly coil around hers, and push deeper into her mouth as a guttural moan escaped her lips between baited breaths of air. Sadly their fun was brought to a swift end when, Jaune’s tongue had pushed just a little too far, and, Coco started to gag from it.
Jaune quickly removed his tongue from the depths of her mouth as, Coco reeled back, and coughed almost roughly from having the invading organ within her.
Coco: “Cough, cough!” Holy hell… Did you literally shove your tongue down my throat?
Jaune: Haha… Sworry…
Jaune’s tongue was hanging several inches from the bottom of his mouth before slurping back inside. Coco could only wonder in shock how he hid such a massive appendage.
Jaune: Pyrrha likes it when I do that to her, I got so into the kiss I forgot I wasn’t with, Pyrrha. Or, you for that matter. I just fell into the moment of it all.
Coco: Well… If I didn’t start gagging on it I don’t think I would have minded really. But, you better be careful with that thing; you’ll break a girl if you’re not careful.
Jaune: Oh really now~?
Jaune licked his lips with a predatory gaze as he moved closer to, Coco.
Jaune: In that case, lets see how hard it is to break you then~!
His hands reached for her belt, and undid the buckles, the buttons, and lastly the zipper before kneeling down before her as he dragged her pants, and her underwear down in one swift motion until she was bare before him.
Coco’s heart was racing, her breathing heavy, and quick. She knew what was going to happen, and just like before she knew how to stop it, and as she looked down at those deep blue eyes staring back at her she said the words she had to say.
Coco: Please… Please break me…
Jaune chuckled as he got to work. Coco’s hand immediately cover her mouth to stifle the yell that threatened to escape her lips. A yell that swiftly gave way to deep, gasping moans of pleasure as he began to eat her out.
Coco could barely contain the guttural moans that escaped her body as she bucked against his face. She bit her lips to hold them back as her hands grabbed a hold of his horns to steady herself, and pull him deeper into her welcoming opening.
Coco: MmmMMM~! How… Ahh~! How are you…?! Mmm~! So…! Ahhh! Good at this~?!
Jaune laughed softly as he pulled away, licking his lips with his long tongue before smiling up at, Coco’s blushing face.
Jaune: Most people don’t know this, but Pyrrha wasn’t my first time.
Coco: S-She wasn’t?
Jaune: Nope~! Case in point…
Jaune drove his head back, and went to town on, Coco. Her hands quickly cover her mouth as, Jaune attacked every her lower lips, basking her in unending pleasure of the body.
Coco: Fuckfuckfuckfuckfucyk~! Who taught you how to eat out a girl like this, a lesbian? Only girls are this good at eating out other girls! MmmmH~! I should know, I’ve… Ahhh~! Done it myself~!
Jaune: Actually yes, a lesbian did teach me. Well, she wasn’t a lesbian by the time we were done.
Coco: You turned a lesbian straight with your tongue?!
Jaune: She was more of a bisexual than a lesbian, I just made it a fact. Now, if you’ll excuse me; my meals getting cold.
Coco really shouldn’t interrupt him anymore, every time she interrupted him only denied him that exquisite tongue of his from caressing her body. And, to emphasize that he picked up his speed, and ravenously ate her out.
A hand clamped over her mouth while the other held him by one of his horns keeping him in place. Behind a flush face she looked down at him to see his deep cerulean eyes giving her a dangerous, and mischievous glint to his eyes.
She would swiftly learn how dangerous that glint in his eyes is.
Both of her hands were on her mouth covering up the guttural moan that if she removed her hands would be a moaning scream for all to hear, and all to be envious off as she felt him insert his long tongue into her precious depths. There are things in life you never expect to experience; the mind numbing pleasure of a faunas with a long tongue have a meal with you was something profound to experience.
She could feel his tongue swirling around her depths, mapping her insides out with his tongue for minutes that felt like they lasted for millennia’s. At long last she felt a quack in her hips, and she would relish it’s arrival. And, when it did she awoke with her butt on the ground, staring at, Jaune’s cocky smile as he licked his lips.
Jaune: Well, looks like I broke you.
Coco panted heavily as her mind raced to find where it had fallen off. And, she knew precisely where; At her peak, as soon as she had her mind numbing orgasm she blacked out, and was left here in a dazed state, but thoroughly satisfied state of mind.
She told him to break her, and good gods, he broke her.
Coco: I said that tongue of yours would break a girl… But, gods… You can break a girl…
Jaune: I aim to please~!
Coco: That’s an understatement if I ever heard one… H-How long was I out?
Jaune: Not long, about a minute, or two.
Coco: And, while I was out, you didn’t decide to keep on having fun?
Jaune: You wouldn’t be around to enjoy it; where’s the fun if you’re not enjoying it too?
Coco: Well, in that case…
Coco slowly rose on shaky legs, shaking from the unbridled pleasure, Jaune just assaulted her with. As she stood up, she turned around, and pressed her body to the wall, shaking her tantalizing round butt towards him, inviting him in.
Coco: Shall we continue~?
Jaune laughed softly to himself as he stood up, and stood behind, Coco’s plump rear, caressing it softly with his hand.
Jaune: We shall, butnot here.
Coco: What?! Why?!
Coco nearly shouted, but this time she remembered where they were. She look over to, Jaune, and saw him giving her an amused smile.
Jaune: Because, as nice it was hearing you trying to stifle a moan like you did, but what I really want to hear… Is you screaming my name~!
Jaune grabbed, Coco by her neck, and pulled him flush against her hotly whispering into her ear those few words that brought her over the edge again in seconds.
Coco: T-T-Then what are we waiting for; come on, make me scream~!
And, that is what she did, scream his name until she could scream no more. And, she loved every agonizing, intoxicating second of it.
Juniper: You’ve got to tell her to reel it in; Jaune doesn’t like a girl who screams at him to give her his babies, he finds that extremely off putting.
Kali: I’ve been trying to tell, Blake. But, does she listen? Noooo… She all about him pinning her down, and knocking her up on the spot. Where is the fun in that? I blame her choice in literature, there’s nothing romantic in her books, it’s just kinky self indulgence for inexperienced lovers.
Juniper: That’s my daughter’s target audience after all. You have to go with the easy marks.
Kali: Yes, but their not, Jaune’s type. I sear, if I could I would chase after him myself.
Juniper: What’s stopping you?
Kali: I’m a happily married woman, but if I wasn’t, I would be pregnant with his first child right now~!
Juniper: Second actually.
Kali: He’s already a father?!
Juniper: He’s the donor actually, they say it wasn’t him, but I know it was him. It’s cute they think I don’t know, but I…
Juniper: Hmmm…?
Kali: Juni? Is something wrong?
Juniper: My grandmother senses are tingling…
Kali: Well my aren’t! Ahhh! That means it’s not, Blake getting any! Haa… Best get, Sienna to get his kids then. One of my kids is going to give me adorable grandchildren, I don’t care which, but I damn well will get them!
Juniper: I know in mixed faunas families the baby’s faunas traits are a roulette wheel of possibilities, but I really want blond cat eared grandchildren.
Kali: Me too! Oh they would be so adorable~!
Juniper: I know right~?
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meenawrites · 11 months
So.. I finished Alchemy of Souls
Guys, the amount of tears I just shed in front of my entire family in the last episode of part 2 is crazy.
They were just sitting there like, you good? It's fiction as I'm sobbing my eyes out.
I have many thoughts. So many. And I lowkey want to make a separate post for each of them.
But for now I do want to leave some of my impressions about the finale: (spoilers ahead obviously)
I thought it was pretty well done. I expected to be a bit more shocked about the whole Jin Buyeon is Jin Seol-ran plotline but it honestly made sense to me and I feel like it was actually foreshadowed pretty well for the most part, even in season 1.
Also they definitely got me good with the deaths of Park Jin, Maidservant Kim, and Jin Hogyeong (if that's how you spell her name). Like that's when I started crying tbh. (I could care less about Mama Jin tbh, she sucks, but that deserves its own post). And I'm glad that them actually being alive didn't feel like a cop out to me. They established early on that Jin Seol-ran knew what would happen and used that to their advantage so it was believable and didn't feel like a Deus Ex Machina move for them to be saved. Well, maybe one of them should have died (cough–Mama Jin–cough). But it's fine.
I do feel like the last two episodes were kind of rushed though. I don't know if they had budgeting constraints or if Netflix didn't give them more than ten episodes, but I think that they should have had at least 12. Two more episodes would have allowed for more expansion on the climax and allowed them to up the drama more, which I think would have done well for the series over all, and would have been a better payoff.
I think the time could have been used well to flesh out some of the side characters arcs more. I feel like Danggu and Jin Choyeon were kind of pushed off to the side this season, and especially in the latter half, but I would have liked to see more of them and their relationships not only with each other but with Jang Uk and Naksu/Jin Buyeon.
For all intents and purposes, Naksu/Jin Buyeon lived as Jin Choyeon's sister for three years, and we can see that despite everything that happened three years prior, Choyeon did treat her as her sister even knowing the soul was Naksu's and cared about her. I think that could've and should've been expanded upon, her choosing to care about Naksu/Jin Buyeon or how that came to be. Also, after Naksu regained her memory AND found out Jin Mu had been for sure controlling her at the end of Part 1, I would have loved to see the conversation between her and Choyeon about what she did, an apology and an explanation that she would never have done that if she were sane of mind. What I said about Choyeon applies to Naksu as well because she lived three years as Choyeon's sister, and we can tell she cares about her, so I would have loved to see more of her feelings towards her, especially upon remembering all that had transpired in part 1.
When it comes to Danggu, I mean, he's one of Uk's best friends, and he was left out of the loop a lot when it came to anything Naksu-related. I would have liked him to find out or for Uk to tell him at some point and see how he makes peace with that. Because Danggu and Mudeok were friends in part 1 and he supported her (erroneously) in her supposed romance with Seo Yul. But then she killed his fiance's father and tried to attack him. I can't imagine the sense of betrayal he felt, but also finding out that it wasn't her fault and how he could come to terms with that would have been great to see. I also think his whole experience/trauma from part 1 was kind of glossed over. Like his main thing this season was his broken heart after Choyeon didn't end up marrying him, and I think that was making his feelings a bit too one-dimensional there. They do talk about how he feels slightly uncomfortable/doesn't know what to do with Jang Uk at the beginning of the show, but once Seo Yul comes back, that's kind of forgotten about and the three of them just start hanging out again no problem. I would've like to see a bit more about him struggling with becoming Leader of Songrim as well and how he adapted to that amidst his heartbreak for both his love and his friend who he doesn't even know how to act around anymore, and even towards Naksu/Mudeok who kind of ruined his future and that of his best friend but also being intuitive enough (because he is and he has one of the best hearts we've seen in the show) to realize that there's more to the story than her just going on a murder spree.
I've seen some talk about people saying they didn't like the actress for season 2 as much as season 1 (forgive me, I forgot their names), but I think both brought something good to the table.
Season 1 actress for Mudeok was really good. Her facial expressions were spot on and her chemistry with Lee Jaewook and the other cast members was really good. I think she definitely had great stage presence and made the show popular in the first place. I just don't agree that season 2 actress was worse.
I think season 2 actress definitely put in the work and embodied who Naksu/Jin Buyeon was for the majority of the series. There were times where she made expressions that perfectly resembled/echoed Naksu/Mudeok's that really got me like yes they are the same person even if she doesn't remember. She may have been cuter than we were used to with out sharp-tongued and emotion-resistant Mudeok, but I think Naksu needed that. As Mudeok and before then she didn't have the luxury to be more emotional and girly, it's only now in this body that she does, and I'm glad she had the opportunity to express that side of herself that had never seen the light of day.
We did get a glimpse of that side of her at the end of part 1 where she's playing around with makeup and what might make her look pretty, and it really spoke to all that she had missed out on and had to give up in order to survive. So yeah despite all the angst, I'm glad Naksu/Jin Buyeon had that opportunity through season 2 actress who played it really well while keeping in line with the essence of Naksu/Mudeok.
This whole thing about Naksu being the shadow to Jang Uk's light and if light exists then it needs a shadow broke my heart you guys, it was so perfect. And the fact that they were each other's light and shadow at different points but were also wholly necessary to each other in that was beautiful. I want to talk more about this in a separate post, so I'll table this metaphor for now.
Shout out to Crown Prince Go Won, a great character this whole season in terms of both comedic relief and massive character growth. So good.
Uk's arc was fantastic too but again want to save that for a full post.
Those are my out of order first thoughts about part 2, but I have SO MUCH MORE to discuss, so I will come back for sure. I just needed to scream to the world for a bit (virtually of course).
Question though for all of you more knowledgeable in the k-drama world: is there going to be a season 3?
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
The Arc Family Part 11
Little Jaune: *Tired* I'm back.
Mama Arc: How was the school? Oh god, what happened to you?
In front of her was her son all muddy and very tired.
Little Jaune: I was pushed by my enemy.
Mama Arc: You were pushed by your enemy? You mean a bully?! Nicolas! Your son is being bullied at school!
Papa Arc: *From far away* What?! Give me a moment, I'll be there.
After a while Papa Arc joins the conversation.
Papa Arc: What is that about Jaune being bullied?
Mama Arc: Well, he came all muddy and tired. He told me that he was pushed by his enemy!
Papa Arc: That doesn't sound good at all. Can you tell me what happened to you son?
Little Jaune: Well...
Flash back
In the classroom in math class. Jaune was working on his exercises until a note falls on his table. He takes it and looks around to see who send it to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices that Weiss, the most strict girl in the class, turns away immediately.
Little Jaune: (Is this from Weiss? What for?)
He will open the note and say: "Dear Jaune. I'll be waiting behind the gym after school today. Make sure to come alone, ok. From Weiss"
Little Jaune: Eh? (What is this. This is scary!)
In Jaune's eyes, Weiss is a difficult girl. He always interrupts the boy's fun, threatening to tell the teacher, and always says that the boy/s are dumb. She isn't too bad from the perspectivo of an adult, but for a child like Jaune, he prefers to stay away from her.
Little Jaune: (I'm being called out, what do I do...?! Is this Bullying?!!)
While jaune was getting more and more worried, Weiss felt nervous and was blushing.
Later that day, Weiss is playing on her phone behind the gym while waiting for Jaune to arrive.
Little Jaune: Th-Thanks for waiting, Weiss.
Weiss smiles and turns to see Jaune's direction. But she finds a boy covered in notebooks and duct tape on his body and wearing a trash can for a helmet.
Little Weiss: What are you wearing?
Little Jaune: It's my armor.
Little Weiss: You look lame, just take it off.
Little Jaune: You won't hurt me if I take it off?
Little Weiss: Huh? Why would I hurt you? That's bullying.
Moments later, Jaune took off all his armor.
Little Jaune: Uh... Then, what do you want?
Little Weiss: *Looks away nervous* Do I have to spell it out for you? Really, you're such a child.
Little Jaune: A child?
Little Weiss: *Looks at him* You see, I haven't been getting much sleep recently.
Little Jaune: Huh?
Little Weiss: My skin is starting to get rough, and I can't concentrate on the lessons... *she begins to blush* And it's all your fault. So take responsibility.
Little Jaune: *Confuse* Eh? Responsibility? You mean like a penalty game? Why?
His reaction upsets Weiss and she pushes him into a puddle of mud.
Little Jaune: Ugh!
Little Weiss: Why don't you get it already?! *runs away* You're such a child and an airhead!
Little Jaune: Weiss is scaaaary.
Flash back ends
Little Jaune: And then I walked home and here we are.
Mama Arc: Jaune, I think you misunderstood, it seems that this girl-
Papa Arc: *Interrupts her* Wants to be your rival!
Mama Arc: What?
Little Jaune: *Excited* Really?!
Papa Arc: Yes, it happened to me many times in the past. Girls came to me with excuses like that to let my guard down, but I didn't let them. So you shouldn't do the same.
Mama Arc: Honey, you're both wrong. She did it because she likes Jaune.
Papa Arc: Of course she likes Jaune, who wouldn't want to have my son as their rival!
Little Jaune: Yeah!
Mama Arc: *Sigh* Like father Like Son.
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Now that the submissions are closed, were there any funny submissions that topped the previously stated funny submissions?
I might end up publishing the full response list to browse through at your leisure and so that someone else can seek out the hee hoo funny ha has rather than making myself go through all 1522 again, but I would like to highlight a few submissions that stuck with me:
character: Sam Winchester
from: supernatural
why?: oh COME ON. ur gonna make me defend sam fucking winchester as the most character of all time?? he literally has bangs. he died at 23. he died at 26. he died a lot of other times too but those are the most important ones. he's jesus and he's the antichrist and he gets placed on a visual crucifix too many times to count. he's an addict and he's a christian and god is making his life miserable on a personal level. he is wholeheartedly convinced that there are other people who "have it worse" than him (he was tortured by satan for centuries). again he HAS bangs. he's been possessed too many times to ever feel like his body is his own. he's in a constant cycle of being beaten down and KNOWING he shouldn't get back up, and not wanting to get back up, and getting back up anyway like a kicked puppy who thinks maybe this time they won't get kicked. never ever gives up but in a sad and pathetic way that makes u feel vaguely nauseous. he's psychic. he bought a ring for his girlfriend while they were still in college. he went to stanford. he's unclean in the biblical sense but he prays every night. he had a queer allegory arc spanning multiple seasons that people ignore so they can claim he's cishet. he totally fucked a 300-year-old witch while studying under her to become a witch himself. everyone he has ever loved is dead and he knows it's his fault. he spends the first few decades of his life angry -- SO angry -- at everything he's been put through, full of rage at the things he's suffered and the people who caused them. he is punished for this fury, taught to never be angry again, and after a while he just lies down and takes it. he is a serial killer and on the fbi's most wanted list. he uses "low sodium" as an insult. he's a vegetarian. he never drives his father's car. he has demon blood flowing through his veins and his best friend is a literal biblical angel. he's an abomination. he thinks that hope is kind of the whole point. he has BANGS. he killed his brother several times over, and he destroyed the world to bring his brother back to life a few times too. he spent time in a psych ward. he thinks he is terribly hard to love. his mother destroyed his life before he was even born and he still calls her "mama." he died at 23. he was kicked out of the house when he was 18, and then was kicked out of basically everywhere else for the rest of his life. his only family locked him in a panic room and left him to die. he forgave them for that because he doesn't know how to do anything but forgive. he's got bangs. anyway
what do you want?: u KNOW what i want. if my best friend sam doesn't win this bracket i'm crashing my car into the world's tallest and thickest tree
character: jesse pinkman
from: breaking bad
why?: Well.Well. i. so. hes THE character okay he was created in gods eyes only to be sculpted and changed by the wrath of satan (or the other way around). Its jesse pinkman. have you ever watched 5 seasons of a grown man with cancer abusing another grown man in order to support his family who hate him because of the way hes trying to support them (drugdealing)?No? well i need you to and then come back to me. jesses relationship with the aforementioned Grown man with cancer (walter white) is so multidimensional you could refer to jesse as walters affair, student, victim, partner in crime, son figure etc and it would be RIGHT because they are all encompassing and fucked up. and jesse loses everything and he cries and hes so emotional but he PREVAILS. he prevails and he precedes walter and all the toxically masculine men who hated him, who convinced him was less than who he was. and the dog motif!!!!! hes a loyal dog but his owner has been slowly feeding him poison, to break him down slowly, and its killing him so he BITES because it hurts and they all talk about the rabid dog he is, how badly the owner needs to put him down. and then his owner gives him away to much worse men, owners who wont feed him the poison slowly, but will beat and use him relentlessly. and then his old owner is going to die and he knows it and he needs to secured his reputation and put everything in place. he saves the dog and kills the dogs new owners. he BEGS for his dog to kill him, to kill him like he had done to the dog. but this dog is not like any of his owners, hw will never be. so he barks and says that he should do it himself and he RUNS. hes crying and whimpering but hes not getting beaten or poisoned anymore, hes a free dog and its up to him to make his own future without the influence of evil owners. THAT'S jesse Pinkman. hes the bride of heisenburg hes the dog motif and he loves and loves and protects animals and kids because he couldn't protect himself and he wins with tears in his eyes. um also hes trans so ^ hasnt watched this show in like 7 months i have mo idea what im talking about
what do you want?: one billion dollars
who: Victor frankenstein
from: Mary shelley frankenstein
why?: I don't remember anything about this book except for the incredible and relatable line of 'I raveged an oatcake' cos God man me too
what do you want?: An oatcake
who: sphagnum moss
from: real life
why: Love that bitch. They are light and hold moisture well. and they also form peat bogs when they die which is swag
what do you want?: To be turned into a zebra mussel and sleep in a Marimo moss ball and not have to worry about relationships or taxes
who: Guy Montag
from: Fahrenheit 451
why?: he kills his boss with fire which i think is pretty cool and something we can all aspire to. i also want him to be in an online popularity contest because i want ray bradburys head to explode from beyond the grave
what do you want?: prove life after death so i can destroy ray bradbury’s soul
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tmnt-reticent · 5 months
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SUNITA JUMPSCARE!!! (And also Jennika cameo, her hair is a little shorter because she’s around 14-15 here, so it’s about 4-5 years pre-Ret!!! Girl is currently in that awkward stage of hair growth where she’s going from super short hair to hair around her chin which is gonna take her a good while dbwjgdjwhd)
BUT THIS POST ISNT ABOUT JENNY ITS ABOUT SUNI!!! After losing the turtles and Splinter, his first successful experiments in years, Draxum tried to recreate the mutigen as best as he could. But as he kept failing over and over again, especially after a certain someone (Jenny) started screwing with his experiments, he got desperate and just threw a bunch of crap together to see what happened, and what happened was Suni. He knew he probably should’ve gotten rid of her as soon as he laid eyes on her, but it was his fault she exists in the first place, he has to take responsibility for his mistakes. And anyway, after Baxter’s niece found out about her and got attached, he knew he wouldn’t have the strength to get rid of Sunita. So he kept her alive, despite it being difficult to take care of her as she needed constant care in order to ensure she could sustain her form.
Suni is a bit no thoughts head empty HDKSBJDBDJD BUT SHES A SILLY LITTLE GAL!!! She likes pink, bows and when Jenny tries to shape her goo into different hairstyles whilst rambling about her life before she started working in the lab with her uncle, telling Suni that one day they’ll escape and she’ll show her all of it. Suni knows she can’t leave the lab but she believes her anyway. It’s nice to imagine that one day she could meet all of Jennika’s friends and do all the normal stuff she used to. It’s comforting, even if it can never happen.
(This was the incentive for the @tmnt-iteration-compeition btw!!! Also @awzominator Big Mama’s design has already been posted and I think Draxum’s has too but I’m thinking about redesigning him so he could’ve been taken down at some point)
Also PS there was actually a couple of ideas when it came to Sunita! A while back whilst I was still trying to decide what I was gonna do with her, someone asked over on insta if there were any other important characters like Irma that went to April’s school and I considered making Sunita another member of the journalism club who notices in Season 3 when April starts getting a bit paranoid and is sneaking around and stuff and always seems exhausted. She vows to find out what’s going on with her, but only because she’s worried though! If the scoop happens to be juicy though… She was kinda a smaller villain of sorts like she was nowhere near as much of a threat as Shredder or Draxum or Big Mama but she was still there. I scraped that though because I came up with an idea that would benefit Draxum’s character arc and I went with it 😈😈😈💥💥💥‼️
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exhaustedwriterartist · 6 months
OOH villain infodump.
(Not necessarily spoilers, but it definitely gives you a taste of what Spider Gothel and Draxum are going to be like in this au.)
@bowandbrush may I give you with some lore about these guys? (shakes this post like treats)
I've been reading some rottmnt aus where Baron Draxum is so wholesome, such a dad, and getting a redemption arc (if he isn't already a good guy). I really love those.
However... My Baron is the complete opposite of that. As of right now there is no way this guy will be redeemed. Like at all.
In this au Big Mama has Mother Gothel energy, and Baron gives me Jafar (with his greed and selfishness) with a hint of Frollo (not the creepiness part but his cruelty and his belief that he is free of guilt and that he is in the right in what he does.)
There are definitely differences between Spider Gothel and Draxum, as in their motives, demeanor, and how they interact with others, but both are manipulative, both LOVE to blackmail others, and- as I have learned with many gaslighters (this includes Mother Gothel too)- they know how to be "nice."
As in, they'll be cruel and then give momentary comfort and even a bit of praise (though it is usually back-handed compliments), before continuing the cycle of cruelty. Spider Gothel will say horrid things, and then play it off as a joke. She likes to praise her boys, and give them her love... and then send them off to the Battle Nexus or Baron. Baron will compliment a person [yokai] at an other's expense, and it can leave everyone in a room (excluding Baron) feeling very uncomfortable or hurt. Both Spider Gothel and Baron get really ticked when others blame them for something they obviously did, however they are quite good at convincing others that it was the accuser who is the one always at fault and are to blame.
I may or may not have gone down a rabbit hole in researching different villains almost a year ago for a different story of mine and have applied what I have learned to this one... Though I still am researching various things and write down different points from many stories.
So... gah! There so many things I want to say but I fear that they might be considered spoilers. I do want to at least start the beginning of the comic next week, but we'll see, we'll see.
Do y'all have any questions about these guys?
Also any nicknames for Baron Draxum?
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ironinkpen · 2 years
idk Leo’s attitude during the chase scene at the beginning of the movie makes total sense if you have siblings tbh
Leo’s unresolved character arc in the show is feeling like his family doesn’t trust him. part of this is his own fault bc he withholds information from them and acts like a goof even when he’s secretly taking things seriously (like in Many Unhappy Returns), but sometimes he DOES act serious and is still brushed off. In Bug Busters, he pulls Raph aside multiple times to try to talk w him about Big Mama, no joking around, but Raph dismisses his concerns bc.... idk? it’s Leo??
I say this with all the love for Raph in my heart, but if my big brother, who is 2 for 2 on Not Trusting Me When I’m Right, came up to me saying I’m not taking things seriously enough (the exact same thing he said the LAST time I was right) I would ABSOLUTELY risk starting an apocalypse to prove him wrong lol
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[Corrupted Anon]
Yes, Mommy Kink Simon, we all know, we need this.
He’s a mama’s boy and we know it. He needs this.
Tag-teaming!? You asked for this! The peggin’ came from your blog and you must suffer the consequences!
Idk, maybe I’ll expose which moot I am :) For now, it’s the pegging arc!!!
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(expose yourself rn I dare you /jk)
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
Oh. my. god, seriously, every time a chapter comes out my hands start shaking, I was shocked to wake up to see that the chapter had not been posted, only for it to be posted a couple of hours later, and for the record I woke up at 8 am and there is only like a couple of hours difference between US and where I live! Woman! Do you even sleep?
My mom gets furious if I go to bed at 12 pm and I'm a 22 year old grown woman!
Uhhhhhhhh~ it looks like the 'Galois discovers the truth' arc is already taking it's first steps, I want to see the faces of the Draxum squadron when they see the wanted posters, especially when they realize they used a picture of Donatello for 'Galois'!
The guy's reaction when Annie told him about his family, one of the things I'd like to see in the recovery arc is how the humans will adapt to the Yokai, I love Worldbuilding stories.
So while they won't sentence Donnie to death there's still a chance he'll be lynched? Yikes, I hope Bella and Leo's testimonies help with their public opinion, again, it's all Draxum's fault, the guy had the kid for a year and already has like four 🎯 in his head, Splinter was right to take the kids.
Oh, my mother bothers me too if she thinks I'm up too late. But she's usually asleep by then, and I try to get to bed before she gets up for her middle of the night smoke.
Just part of living with your parents as an adult, I guess. Today she drove me crazy going through every item in the kitchen and playing twenty questions with me about it to make room for Thanksgiving supplies. Is this yours? When did you buy it? Is it still good? What kind of cheese is it? When do you eat this? Are you sure I can throw it out? But are you actually going to eat it? (she does this when she goes through anything, it drives me nuts) I literally did a fridge purge less than a month ago too, all the old stuff was hers.
But our rent's been the same since 2013 and our landlords are actually cool people, so fuck if I'm moving out and paying more for a shittier place to live.
It's pretty unrealistic, the Hidden City as a whole places a lot of value on children (so many of them have trouble having bio-kids) and their life stages all scale upwards, so 15-16 is so very very young for them. So the idea that they'd condemn someone so young goes against much of the overarching culture there.
However, Hueso's seen bullshit before. He knows emotions run much higher than reason in times of strife, and he worries about the dehumanization of mutants and the effects that will have. If Yokai see mutants as scary 'Others' who just exist to destroy their way of life, then they'd have no qualms about killing people like Leo or even the kiddos like Fatimah and Jenny-because they're not really people to them. And they would be furious at one of those 'Others' who played a direct part in their hardship.
To be fair, some of it probably would have happened anyway. People like Big Mama (if she was an actual crime boss and not a cartoon version of what a kid thinks a crime boss is) and other rich weirdos would have taken one look at him and been like "sweet! You work for me now. Say no and I'll cripple your legs so you can't run away. :)" Draxum's reputation and being legally his son does protect him somewhat.
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Story Idea: Sailor Moon Season Mashup
I just had an idea I've got to share and hopefully inspire someone to write. An aged-up season mashup where the first season and the latter half of the second come together.
Basically, when the Nijizuishou Arc is happening Usa and the others are in their early to mid twenties. Usa and Mamo are pining for each other but don't want to act on their feelings because they don't want to endanger each other in the event their identities are found out so they make the best of their situation by getting together with their partner-in-youma-fighting/not-quite-ally-or-enemy because at least if they're discovered as being together they know they can protect themselves.
And then, the Reveal.
It's during the time of Mamo's conversion, Usa doesn't know if he's dead or alive and depressed that the man she's been pining for and wanting to be with is also the man she's unknowingly been with because she didn't know she could be with him, that a strange little girl with hair in a familiar style lands in Usa's lap while at the park for some fresh air. And to get away from her well meaning friends' smothering. Said little girl is stunned that she's landed in the lap of someone who looks so much like her Mama that she just starts crying and apologizing. It's all her fault after all. Usa gets her calmed down before taking her home, she's been SM for a while now and whatever instincts she's honed however long are telling her to not let the girl go off alone. That she's important and she needs protection and, depression over her lost love or not, she's gonna give it to her, damn it!
I think you see where I'm going with this. Instead of the 'breakup' that happened in the second half of the 90s R season it's that Mamo is Dendy when Chibi makes her appearance. Diamond wants Serenity, as always, and, what joy of joys, they've come to a past in which the King has married a different Queen (obviously he hasn't but the minds of the obsessed work in mysterious ways in order to fit reality into their narrative). And lo and behold, because Diamond knew the King was only in it for the power she could wield, the Senshi are fighting against the King, not with him because he wants the Ginzuishou for his 'new' Queen; Diamond's ecstatic. Because it means Serenity's his for the taking. No marital vows of fidelity. No spawn that man planted in her beautiful body to trap her into marrying him in the first place. She probably hasn't even been tasted yet, never known the pleasures of a woman fully grown. But he wouldn't mind being the one to teach her. No, no, he'd do so gleefully.
Thing is, despite the many precautions that SM and TK took whenever they were intimate, Time will always try to find a way to keep the future it wants to happen preserved, even if it doesn't happen the way it should. Usa is, unknowingly for now, pregnant when Mamo's kidnapped. The Key is acting as a shield, not that Chibi knows that yet, against the Law that says "Past and Future must not be in the same space for long." It's keeping Chibi's presence from affecting her Past self while being in said Past.
But now, the Senshi are being run ragged because they're being attacked on two fronts because a surprise second enemy faction came out of the woodwork, they're not gonna ally with people trying to hurt/kill a child, while they were still fighting against their first while also trying to make money at their jobs and keep a surprise child fed, clothed and safe from said second enemy faction. Usa's not gonna let her family be targeted, even if she has to claim of secretly being a teen mother who recently, finally, got her baby back; being an adult in this AU Usa can't help but act like the Mama she's claiming to be to Chibi. It's feels scarily easy, she tells the others, there just seems to be a connection she can't ignore, and she doesn't want to. Then there's how certain Shittenou are being weirdly protective of certain Senshi (you figure out how to justify not killing them off) when the Ayakashi Sisters try to nab them time and again, and said certain Senshi gets frantic returning the favor (you choose whether the sisters are saved like in the 90s anime or not and too whether any of the Travelers know about the Shittenou in their time or if they just don't exist as an AU timesplit) when the Ayakashi sisters try to kill them for interfering which they don't understand why! They're the enemy! ...Aren't they? Not to mention the hullabaloo caused by the miracle worker Dr. Chiba going missing so suddenly even though there are multiple people calling in saying they've seen him here and there but it's just Endou. And poor Chibi, unknowing she's Found Out and Realized, can't seem to stand letting Usa out of her sight if she can help it. (She really is Mama! She's alright and not sleeping, maybe dying, in a Crystal Tomb because she was a bad girl playing with something that wasn't hers.) Clings to SM whenever she saves her and only tends to let go when she mentions getting her to her Mama. Crying silently whenever she gets a glimpse of TK when she's near the battlefield and trembling like she's holding herself back from... something whenever she sees Endou on the street. (She wants her Papa to hold and comfort her, he claimed time and again that there's nothing in the world to keep him from loving her Mama and she wants to know why?! Why did he lie?!)
You can choose whether or not the BMC and the DK ally with one another and actually try to help keep Usa and Mamo apart or try to make them properly fight against each other, but ultimately (obviously) fail, or go the route of Ail and An in trying to kill the one in order to have the other, making excuses to keep the other sweet when they fail, and damn the feelings of the one who's obsession is killed because they have what they want. And/or Metallia and Wiseman team up in the background while the two fools who act as their respective puppet leader get destroyed alongside the Senshi they're fighting against while their own plans come to some form of fruition.
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